11 minute read
Fees and Exemptions
To protect student rights against instructor error and opportunity and to explain mitigating circumstances, the due process of appeal will follow this order: 1. To the instructor; 2. If necessary, to the instructor and appropriate dean; 3. In unusual cases, to the instructor, appropriate dean and the
All courses are required to have a final examination or skill evaluation appropriate to the type of course.
Cancellation of Courses
The College reserves the right to cancel before or after the first day of instruction any planned or scheduled courses due to insufficient enrollment or inability to secure a qualified instructor.
Fees and Exemptions
Enrollment Fee for California Legal Residents
As established by state legislation, enrollment fees* are $46 (beginning Summer 2012) per unit for California residents. * The District reserves the right to adjust the enrollment fee, based on changes in state legislation.
Tuition for Non-California Residents
Nonresident tuition for non-California residents* is $300 per unit, in addition to the enrollment fee of $46 per unit. The nonresident fee for non-U.S. citizens is $300 per unit, in addition to the enrollment fee.**
* The District reserves the right to adjust the nonresident tuition fee consistent with applicable law.
Nonresident Tuition Exemption*
The VACA Act (Veterans Access, Choice and Accountability) was effective July 1, 2015. This act waives nonresident tuition for certain veterans and their dependents beginning Fall 2015 semester. Student veterans covered under Chapter 30 and 33 are eligible. For further information inquire at the Admissions & Records Office.
AB 13)
Nonresident Tuition Exemption (AB 540/AB 68)
A student is exempt from paying nonresident tuition if the student meets all of the following four requirements: 1. The student must have: • Attended a combination of California high school, adult school, and California Community College for the equivalent of three years or more,
or • Attained credits earned in California from a California high school equivalent to three or more years of full-time high school course work and attended a combination of elementary, middle and/or high schools in California for a total of three or more years, and 2. The student must have: • Graduated from a California high school or attained the equivalent prior to the start of the term (for example, passing the GED or California High School Proficiency exam),
or • Completed an associate degree from a California
Community College, or • Completed the minimum requirements at a California
Community College for transfer to the California State
University or the University of California, and
3. The student must register as an entering student at, or current enrollment at, an accredited institution of higher education in California, and 4. The student must file an affidavit with the college or university stating that if the student is a non-citizen without current or valid immigration status, the student has filed an application to legalize immigration status, or will file an application as soon as the student is eligible to do so.
AB 1313
Student Representation Fee (AB 1504)
Assembly Bill (AB) 1504, approved by the Governor on October 4, 2019, amended Section 76060.5 of the Education Code to require a community college to collect a student representation fee of $2 at the time of registration. One dollar ($1) of every two-dollar ($2) fee collected shall be expended to support the Student Senate of the California Community Colleges (SSCCC), the statewide community college student organization recognized by the Board of Governors (BOG) of the California Community Colleges. The legislation is effective January 1, 2020.
AB 1504 also amends prior language regarding a student’s choice to opt-out of the fee. Students must be provided an opportunity to opt out of the fee, without providing a reason at registration. This bill also eliminates the authorization of a student election to collect or terminate the additional fee. www.losmedanos.edu/ admissions/ActivityFeeRefundForm.pdf
Nonresident Tuition Exemption (AB 2000)
Effective January 1, 2015, students may be exempt from paying Nonresident Tuition under AB 540 if they attained credits earned in California from a California high school equivalent to three or more years of full-time high school coursework and a total of three or more years of attendance in California elementary schools, California secondary schools, or a combination of those schools. The student must also have received a diploma or equivalent in California.
AB2210 Exemption
Education Code section 68075.6 grants an immediate nonresident tuition fee exemption to eligible Special Immigrant VIA (SIV) holders and refugee students who settled in California upon entering the United States. This exemption is granted for one year from the date the student settled in California upon entering the United States. This exemption applies to the following: • Iraqi citizens or nationals (and their spouses and children) who were employed by or on behalf of the United States
Government in Iraq (Pub.L. No. 110-181, § 1244) • Afghan and Iraqi translators (and their spouses and children) who worked directly with the United States Armed Forces (Pub.L. No. 109-163, § 1059) • Afghanistan nationals who were employed by or on behalf of the U.S. government or in the International Security
Assistance Force (ISAF) in Afghanistan (Pub.L. No. 111-8, § 602) • Refugee students admitted to the United States under
Section 1157 of Title 8 of the United States Code
Nonresident Tuition Exemption (SB 150)
Concurrently enrolled students (high school students enrolled in college classes) who are classified as non-resident students for tuition purposes may be eligible for the SB150 waiver of non-resident tuition while still in high school. Students must be special admit part-time (enrolled in 11 units or less) students who currently reside in California and are attending high school in California. Students wishing to take advantage of this exemption should complete a residency reclassification form and attach a copy of high school transcripts showing current enrollment. Forms and attachments should be submitted to the Admissions & Records Office using the California Residency Reclassification Request form on InSite located in the LMC Student Forms tile.
DACA (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals)
Effective June 2014, students who have been given a C33 Visa (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals) may qualify for California residency with appropriate documentation. Please contact Admissions & Records for more information.
Student Union Fee Information
Based on a student vote in a campus election, a student union fee is required of all students (except CCPG waiver recipients, with CalWORKs, TANF, general assistance, and SSI). The fee is $1.00 per unit, to a maximum of $10.00 per academic year. The student union fee must be paid at the time of registration. The fee will contribute funding toward the construction and maintenance of a student center in upcoming years.
Student Activity Fee
The Student Activity Fee in the amount of $5.00 per semester (Fall and Spring only) allows the Los Medanos College Associated Students (student government) to provide scholarships, leadership opportunities, cultural programs and other co-curricular programs for the college. It also funds programs such as the textbook on reserve program that allows students to check out course textbooks for use in the library. Students may request a refund of the fee by submitting the Student Activity Fee Refund Request Form before the refund deadline. That form is available online at: www.losmedanos.edu/ admissions/ActivityFeeRefundForm.pdf
Parking Fees
Parking permits are required during the following hours: 7:00 a.m.-11:00 p.m. (Monday-Thursday), and 7:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. on Friday. Visit our parking and transportation page for all information about parking and parking fees. www.losmedanos.edu/parking
Returned Check Fee
Only cash or cashier checks will be honored for clearing checks returned for insufficient funds. The returned check fee is $15.00. Records are held until the fee is cleared. Students who fail to clear debt for enrollment fees will be placed on hold.
Instructional Materials Fee
Instructional materials fees for certain selected courses may be paid at the time of registration, the first week of class or the materials may be purchased on your own. Authority for the charge is granted under Contra Costa Community College District Board Policy 5024. These instructional and other materials include but are not limited to: textbooks, tools, equipment and clothing if: a. The instructional and other materials required for the course have a continuing value to the student outside of the classroom setting, or
b. The instructional and other materials are used in the production of an “end product” that has continuing value to the student outside the classroom setting.
At the beginning of each term, the instructor will inform you of the material specification. Students may choose to purchase the material on their own or may choose to pay the instructional materials fee.
Instructional materials fee refunds are provided to students who withdraw from school or drop the course by the required drop date. This refund is contingent upon the return of all usable materials. The instructor will verify that all materials have been returned and suitable for resale and reuse. Refund checks will be processed after the first two weeks of instruction and mailed to the student.
Financial Holds
A hold may be placed on a student’s record whenever that student has failed to pay any debt owed to the college or has failed to return a library book or other college property or equipment. Students who owe enrollment fees or other debts will be not be permitted to register for classes and will not receive a diploma until their debts have been paid. The hold will be removed once the student has cleared the obligation with the college.
If your debt remains unpaid, Los Medanos College may garnish your California state tax return through the state-mandated Chancellor's Office Tax Offset Program (COTOP). In this instance, a 33 1/3% administrative fee will be added to your delinquent balance. This balance will be forwarded for collection to the State Franchise Tax Board (FTB). In the event you are owed a state tax refund, win a California Lottery prize, or have unclaimed property to be distributed to you by the State of California Controller's Office for the upcoming tax year, California State Government Code sections 12419.2, 12419.7, 12419.10, and 12419.11 authorize the Office of the State Controller and the FTB to collect money owed to individuals and redirect these funds to pay the individual's debt owed to the agencies/colleges.
Student Payroll
Paychecks for all student employees are distributed at the payroll window in Business Services on the tenth of each month and the following four business days. If the tenth of the month should fall on a Saturday or Sunday, the paychecks will be distributed the Friday before. After 2 business days, paychecks will be mailed to the address of record. All student employees with a bank account are eligible for direct deposit. Direct deposit stubs are no longer printed but pay advices are now available for viewing online through InSite.
Veterans Benefits
Los Medanos College is approved for the training of veterans, dependents of deceased veterans, and children of disabled veterans under applicable federal and state laws administered by the Veterans Administration and the State Department of Veterans Affairs. Eligibility for benefits under any of these programs is determined by the appropriate federal or state agency. The College will make necessary certifications of enrollment and progress for such eligible students and will provide any desirable or necessary planning of programs of study. Certification of attendance depends upon the student’s being registered in the College, enrolled in courses, and requesting such certification. Priority registration appointments are available by request to active military personnel and to honorably discharged veterans.
Only courses which meet requirements for the major and degree objective indicated on the student veteran’s educational plan will be certified for payment of benefits. If the educational objective has changed, the student must request a new evaluation. Los Medanos College is approved to certify for an associate degree or a certificate of achievement, as listed in the catalog, or for transfer majors approved for UCs and CSUs colleges only. Students may earn multiple degrees or certificates. Veterans are cautioned that some courses are less than a semester in length and benefits are paid according to chapter and load.
Student veterans must report any change in academic program to the Admissions & Records Office immediately. Failure to report changes, such as withdrawal from courses or from the college, will be interpreted as a violation of the Educational Benefits Act.
A GPA of 2.0 is required to meet graduation requirements. A
veteran whose GPA falls below the required minimum average will be placed on academic alert. If the veteran does not improve their GPA to the required minimum by the end of this period, their veterans benefits will be terminated. Additionally, repeated withdrawals from courses may also result in unsatisfactory progress. Unsatisfactory progress resulting in a status of progress alert will also result in the termination of benefits.
Six elective semester units will be granted toward the associate degree for honorably discharged veterans, provided that elective credit applies toward the student’s educational objective. The credit will be granted upon verification of completion of a basic or recruit training program with the U.S. Armed Forces.
Additional information may be obtained from the Admissions & Records Office by calling (925) 473-7500, or from the Veterans Administration Regional office, San Francisco, (800) 827-1000.