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Academic Support Services
Transfer & Career Services provides a robust calendar of events that include the opportunity for students to connect with career and industry professionals as a way to explore options and make connections for internship and job opportunities. Programs include speakers, career panels, networking events and company visits.
Transfer Services
Transfer & Career Services provides information and programming that assists students in transferring to a four-year college. Outreach programs, university tours, workshops, fairs, weekly newsletters and social media, and the Transfer Academy (a learning community supporting students toward transfer-ready status) develop awareness of the opportunities and resources available to achieve student success and transfer.
Transfer & Career Services schedules regular visits by representatives from colleges and universities. Students can drop in for questions or schedule individual advising appointments with these representatives. Transfer & Career Services also coordinates tours of various transfer universities each semester.
Transfer & Career Services has extensive information regarding UC, CSU, out-of-state and private institutions, historically black colleges and universities (HBCUs), as well as provides workshops on topics such as completing UC, CSU, and private university admissions applications, financial aid resources, and next steps after receiving transfer admission. Additionally, LMC coordinates many programs designed to facilitate the transfer process. Some examples are Transfer Admission Guarantees (TAGs), Cross Enrollment programs, “On-the-Spot” Admissions, and the Transfer Academy.
The Transfer Academy provides a dynamic academic experience with strong supports in and outside of the classroom, like academic counseling, academic support, workshops, leadership development, and campus tours. Benefits of the academy include blocked General Education (GE) classes with other Transfer Academy students, academic support, and transfer counseling.
Learning Support Outcomes in Transfer & Career Services
As a result of the student's experience with this service, the following outcomes will be achieved: 1. Students who participate in a Transfer Basics class presentation will increase their knowledge of transfer options and resources available to them. 2. Increase the number of Black/African American students participating in transfer activities (workshops, class presentations, and university tours) by 15% by Fall 2022 3. Students who attend an industry tour will be able to identify resources available to employees and/or internships at the company they visit 4. Increase Cooperative Work Experience Education student enrollment to 279 students annually by Fall 2022
Vocational Rehabilitation
The California Department of Rehabilitation (DOR) provides financial assistance in some cases to students who require vocational training. Aid covers fees and books. Applicants should see a Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor well in advance of the school term to work out necessary arrangements. Contact the Department of Rehabilitation, 3656 Delta Fair Blvd., Antioch; (925) 754-7700
Academic Support Services
Athletic Program
www.losmedanos.edu/athletics (925) 473-7605 Los Medanos College has a proud tradition of winning teams and successful athletes, who have followed their dreams of college graduation, transfer to four-year colleges and career success.
The Athletic Program supports seven intercollegiate teams competing among colleges throughout Northern California. Men’s and women’s basketball, football, women’s soccer and women’s volleyball participate in conference play in the Fall. Baseball and softball teams compete in the spring. Successful teams compete in regional and state play-offs. To be eligible for intercollegiate sports, a student must be enrolled in 12 units for the first season and must complete 24 units and a 2.0 GPA before the second season of participation. Interested students should contact the appropriate coach or the Athletic Director at (925) 473-7605 or rvillegas@losmedanos.edu.
Center for Academic Support
Core Building, CO-300 www.losmedanos.edu/cas (925) 473-7590 The Center for Academic Support provides quality online and in-person academic support to all LMC students as they pursue their particular educational goals in a comfortable intimidationfree environment.
Reading and Writing Consultants Our Reading and Writing Consultants offer individualized support with reading and writing assignments for all disciplines. Consultants provide assistance during any phase of the reading and writing process such as reading comprehension, assignment clarification, prewriting, thesis development, organization and more.
Tutoring Services The mission of LMC's peer tutoring services is to assist students in becoming critical thinkers as well as independent, selfreflective, lifelong learners. Our outstanding tutors provide general tutoring and subject specific tutoring available in various labs on campus, including the Center for Academic Support, the Math Lab, the Music Lab, and at the Brentwood Center.
Cooperative Work Experience Education (CWEE)
www.losmedanos.edu/cwee (925) 473-7428 Cooperative Work Experience Education, or CWEE, is an academic program designed to accelerate the career growth of students by combining classroom learning with work experience, i.e. internships, employment or volunteer work. An agreement is established between the college, the employer and the student to develop work-based learning objectives and to use various mechanisms to evaluate learning outcomes. In addition to undertaking new learning objectives at work, students complete career development assignments according to their individual needs. Students may earn up to 4 units per semester of transferable college credit.
Drop-In Computer Lab
Core Building, CO-200, Pittsburg Campus www.losmedanos.edu/computerscience/ (925) 473-7788 The Drop-In Computer Lab provides computers and networking resources for students, faculty and staff. Students have the opportunity to sharpen their computer skills, apply theory and complete assignments in most disciplines. The lab is staffed by technicians, student assistants, instructors and tutors. Lab equipment is constantly updated to reflect the ongoing changes in today’s technology. For up-to-date information on hours, see the Drop-In Computer Lab webpage: www.losmedanos.edu/computerscience.
Library Building, 1st floor www.losmedanos.edu/library General Information: (925) 473-7570 Reference Desk: (925) 473-7575 The Library strives to impact the success of all LMC students by teaching information literacy skills and offering the guidance and encouragement to support students in their quest towards their academic goals. The library provides the entire LMC community with access to a place and information resources designed to support academic inquiry.
The library accomplishes its mission by providing materials, services and instruction to all students and faculty on campus, online and at the Brentwood Center. Current students, faculty and staff may borrow materials from the library or through interlibrary loan with the other District libraries and use the electronic databases and eBooks both on and off campus. Members of the community may also use materials in the library. The library currently holds over 25,000 print titles and has an additional 200,000+ eBook titles. The library subscribes to print periodicals and over 50 electronic databases, which allow for 24/7 access to thousands of full-text journals, magazine, newspapers and streaming videos. Additionally, the library holds over 1,600 DVDs and CDs along with the equipment needed to utilize these items.
Two reserve textbook collections are available for limited checkout and on-site use during normal operating hours. The largest reserve collection is housed at the Circulation Desk in the main Pittsburg Campus library, and there are additional reserve textbooks located at the Brentwood Center. This reserve system is designed to meet the needs of students who cannot otherwise afford to purchase required books for general education. The textbooks in the collection come from titles requested by faculty, students and the library staff who make note of textbooks students frequently inquire about.
LMC Librarians assist patrons with their research needs in various ways, including research consultation appointments and dropin research help at both the reference desk and the Brentwood Center, email reference, IM chat, video conferencing and phone reference. The library provides custom library instruction workshops at the request of faculty members. Highlights of the Library building include:
• Over 50 computer stations for student and public use • Children’s book collection and reading area • ESL and Spanish language collections • 5 group study rooms • Seating for 200 • Wireless access for enrolled students • Full-color and black & white printers • 1 document scanner • 2 copy machines