Los Medanos College CareerFocus 2023

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2023 CareerFocus Los Medanos College 2700 East Leland Road Pittsburg, CA 94565 ECRWSSEDDM POSTAL CUSTOMER NON PROFIT ORG. US POSTAGE PAID LONG BEACH, CA PERMIT #2280 Short-Term Training Brings LONG-TERM GAIN DRONE PILOTING Skills Take Careers to New Heights Online Learning Has Never Been Easier! LMC Nurtures Mind and Body

Questions about Los Medanos College programs and services described in this publication should be directed to the LMC Welcome Center at (925) 473-7439. Comments or questions about the publication itself can be directed to the LMC Marketing Department at (925) 473-7322.

Publisher Pamela Ralston, Ph.D. Interim President, Los Medanos College

Visit us at: www.losmedanos.edu

Contra Costa Community College District Governing Board

John E. Márquez, Ward 1

Judy E. Walters, Ward 2

Rebecca Barrett, Ward 3

Andi Li, Ward 4

Fernando Sandoval, Ward 5

Surpreet Kaur, Student Trustee

Interim Chancellor Mojdeh Mehdizadeh

Career Focus is published annually by Los Medanos College, 2700 East Leland Road, Pittsburg, CA 94565

All rights reserved. No part of the material printed may be reproduced or used in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording or by any information storage retrieval system without the permission of the publisher.

This magazine received $64,230 from the California Strong Workforce Program.

It is the policy of the Contra Costa Community College District and Los Medanos College to provide an educational and employment environment in which no person shall be unlawfully subject to discrimination on the basis of ethnic group identification, national origin, religion, age, sex, sexual orientation, gender, race, color, medical condition, ancestry, marital status or physical or mental disability or based on association with a person or group with one or more of these actual or perceived characteristics. This holds true for all students who are interested in participating in educational programs and/or extracurricular activities. Unlawful harassment, discrimination or denial of access to any employee/student with regard to ethnic group identification, national origin, religion, age, sex, race, color, ancestry, sexual orientation or physical or mental disability is strictly prohibited. The lack of English language skills will not be a barrier to admission and participation in the college's education programs. Inquiries regarding compliance and/or grievance procedures and requests for the elevation and addition of sports may be directed to Los Medanos College Vice President Tanisha Maxwell, who serves as Title IX officer and Section 504 ADA coordinator, at tmaxwell@losmedanos.edu, (925) 473-7321.

© 2023 Los Medanos College

Table of Contents

Welcome to Los Medanos College!

A message from Interim President Pamela Ralston

¡Bienvenidos a Los Medanos College!

Un mensaje de la Presidenta Interina Pamela Ralston

With Grants, Scholarships and Waivers, LMC

Tuition Costs Are Low or FREE

Financial aid expert Tammy Oranje shares the scoop on paying for college

LMC Nurtures Mind and Body

Committed to supporting your success

Student Success: Abigail Fenczik & Jana Samson

Two students selected for training with leading medical device companies


2 3 4 5 6 8 9 10 11 12

Drone Piloting Skills Take Careers to New Heights

LMC offers fun, free way to brighten your future

Online Learning Has Never Been Easier!

Discover online learning at LMC

Short-Term Training Brings Long-Term Gain

Boosting technical skills leads to better jobs and higher pay ESL Boosts Success on the Job and in the Classroom

Help for non-native English speakers to learn and improve their English fluency

LMC Offers Easy, No-Risk Options to Get An Edge in the Workforce

LMC provides several tuition-free, short-term, noncredit certificates

Career Focus A to Z

Jobs and salaries for LMC programs, degrees and certificates


It’s the easy way to share articles, access Los Medanos College resources,

2023 CareerFocus Medanos 2700East Road Pittsburg, 94565 ECRWSSEDDM POSTAL CUSTOMER LONG #2280 Short-Term Training Brings LONG-TERM GAIN DRONE PILOTING Skills Take Careers to New Heights Online Learning Has Never Been Easier! LMC Nurtures Mind and Body Short-Term Training Brings LONG-TERM GAIN DRONE PILOTING Skills Take Careers to New Heights Online Learning Has Easier! LMC Nurtures Mind and Body Read CareerFocus anytime on your mobile device, computer, or tablet at: losmedanos.mycareerfocus.org
new career.
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path to a
the go?
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Welcome to Los Medanos College!

I am thrilled to offer a college journey just for you. Whether you are in high school looking forward to transferring to a university, or someone seeking to add skills or change careers, we are ready to help you bring that vision to reality. LMC boasts top-notch faculty and experts to help tailor the college experience to your needs.

In this edition of Career Focus, we present some of the careers you can prepare for at LMC in a way that fits your learning style, budget, and schedule, along with resources that give you access to free health care, free groceries, financial aid, and more.

Join LMC and do College Your Way!

2 I CareerFocus I 2023 Los Medanos College I www.losmedanos.edu I (925) 439-2181


¡Bienvenidos a Los Medanos College!

Estoy encantada de ofrerceles oportunidades universitarias para lograr sus metas individuales. Si eres estudiante de preparatoria esperando transferirte a una universidad, o si eres alguien que busca mejorar tus abilidades profesionales, estamos aquí para ayudarte y hacer tu visión una realidad. Con instructores y expertos de excelente calibre, juntos diseñamos una experiencia adaptada para ti.

En esta edición de Career Focus, presentamos algunas carreras en las cuales preparamos a los estudiantes de manera que acomoda el modo de aprendizaje, el presupuesto, y horario de cada persona, con recursos que ofrecen acceso gratis a servicios de salud, alimentos, ayuda financiera y más.

¡Inscríbete a LMC y logra tus metas a tu manera!

(925) 439-2181 I www.losmedanos.edu I Los Medanos College 2023 I CareerFocus I 3

With Grants, Scholarships and Waivers, LMC Tuition Costs Are Low or FREE

Financial aid expert Tammy Oranje shares the scoop on paying for college

There’s money out there to help students pay for college. Lots of it, especially for students who are California residents.

That’s according to Tammy Oranje, director of Financial Aid at Los Medanos College. Her job, as she sees it, is to make college as affordable and stress free as possible. This means encouraging students to apply for financial aid, even if they think they are not eligible.

“Maybe they think the process is too complicated, or they make too much money,” Oranje said. “But students have great opportunities for financial aid that are easy to obtain – only if they apply.”

Financial Aid at LMC

Types of financial aid:

Tuition waivers


Federal work-study Scholarships


Students eligible to complete FAFSA grant applications are:

U.S. citizens

Permanent residents

Eligible non-citizens

T-Visa holders

Apply at https://studentaid.gov/h/ apply-for-aid/fafsa

Students eligible to complete CADAA grant applications:

Are undocumented

Have a valid or expired DACA

Are a U-Visa holder

Have Temporary Protected Status (TPS)

Meet the non-resident exemption requirement under AB 540

Apply at https://dream.csac.ca.gov/ landing

The priority deadline to be considered for some state grants and campus-based aid is March 2. However, students can apply for financial aid at any point in the academic year by filling out the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) or the California Dream Act Application (CADAA). By filling out one of these applications, Oranje says students are automatically considered for any grants they would be eligible for, including California’s tuition waivers. Grants are money that students do not need to pay back, unlike a loan, and can be used for tuition, fees, books, supplies, and other educational expenses.

Students who complete a financial aid application can automatically be considered for the following types of aid:

CALIFORNIA COLLEGE PROMISE GRANT: An income-based fee waiver that reduces eligible students cost of tuition to $1 per credit course. Tuition at LMC for in-state students without financial aid would be $46 per credit unit, or upwards of $500 per semester. The typical CPG recipient who takes 12 units, will owe from $15 to $20 per semester.

FREE TUITION PROGRAM: First-time, fulltime students may qualify regardless of income. The program is for up to two years of full-time study for eligible students.

PELL GRANT: Pays up to $7,395 per year for eligible students.

LMC students receive millions of dollars in financial aid.


Over $10.8 million in direct aid to students

Over 4,900 students received a tuition waiver

Over $5.1 million in emergency direct aid to students

For more information, visit https://direc.to/jfdB or call (925) 473-7525

CAL GRANT: Pays up to $1,648 per year for eligible students.

STUDENT SUCCESS COMPLETION GRANT (SSCG): Eligible Cal Grant recipients automatically qualify for the SSCG if enrolled in 12 or more units. Students enrolled in 12-14.9 units qualify for $2,596 per year and students enrolled in 15 or more units qualify for up to $8,000 per year.

WORK-STUDY GRANTS: Federal and state work-study grants pay up to $5,000 a year and allows eligible students to work parttime while attending college.

The LMC Foundation offers scholarships for continuing and transferring students.

“Through the foundation, LMC offers more than 40 scholarships that pay from $500 to $12,000 per year,” Oranje said. “For these, there is a separate application that can be completed online. The application window for foundation scholarships opens annually from November to February.”

The LMC Foundation also provides emergency financial support to students through the Helping Our Students To Succeed (HOSTS) fund. HOSTS provides financial assistance for students facing unexpected challenges and needing help with basic needs including childcare, food, rent, and transportation.

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Nurtures Mind and Body

Student life can be challenging, especially when it comes to balancing academics with other life demands. But at Los Medanos College, students get some great perks.

“We want students to know we support their success,” said Megela Ohare, Basic Needs Program coordinator. “This means making sure they feel healthy and strong enough to meet the challenges of student life in and out of the classroom.”

The LMC Marketplace, for instance, is open to all students and provides free supplemental groceries, including meat, cheese, eggs, fruit, snacks, canned goods and even infant formula.

Anais Orellana, a third-year nursing student, said she discovered The Marketplace last year when her budget fell short as grocery prices started to inch up along with other expenses.

“I’m an international student from Chile, and as a full-time student I don’t have time to work,” she said. “My parents do their best to support me from Chile, but it’s not always enough. It’s really good knowing I can come here. It’s such a great benefit.”

Located near the front entrance of the Pittsburg campus between the Child Study Center and the LMC Lake, The Marketplace also provides clothing, hygiene items and other necessities.

Teresea Archaga, director of Student Life, said The Marketplace sees several hundred unique visitors per month.

“We do not limit the number of visits that students or employees can make during a week or month,” Archaga said.

“We don’t limit the number of items that they can pick up. On average, it’s two to three bags of groceries per person.”

LMC students also have access TimelyCare.com, a virtual telehealth tool that offers 24/7 virtual care for mental health, medical services, basic needs and wellness resources, and peer support groups coordinated by experts. This service is free to all LMC students. No insurance required. No copays. No fees. All students need to do is go to www.timelycare.com/lmc and enter their school email to get started.

“We hear from students that a lack of affordable health care can derail their path to graduation,” Vice President of Student Services Tanisha Maxwell said. “Our goal is to make that path as smooth as possible, so our students achieve their goals prepared for the next step in their career or higher education.”

Other resources at LMC include zero-cost textbooks, technology loan programs, childcare services for students and faculty, and financial aid and scholarships.

To learn about more resources, visit https://direc.to/jfg3 (925) 439-2181 I www.losmedanos.edu I Los Medanos College 2023 I CareerFocus I 5

Two Students Selected

for training with leading medical device companies

Two students from Los Medanos College have been selected for the first-ever Pathways in Health Technology program.

Abigail Fenczik, and Jana Samson are among 26 students from 10 Bay Area community colleges in the immersive eight-week experience created by the nonprofit Diversity by Doing (DxD) HealthTech. LMC is the only college with more than one student selected for the program. The inaugural program brings together the Stanford Byers Center for Biodesign, Fogarty Innovation, and five area medical device companies to mentor students for careers in the industry.

“At Los Medanos College, we pride ourselves in providing career pathways that lead to high-skill, high-wage and high-demand careers,” said Natalie Hannum, Los Medanos College vice president of instruction. “The Pathways in Health Technology program gives our students exposure to the medical device industry, helping them establish expectations for when they join the workforce. It also connects them with potential mentors who could guide them to opportunities for great paying positions.”

Students who complete the program receive a $1,000 grant, funded by the Advanced Medical Technology Association (AdvaMed) in collaboration with MedTech Color.

“I have been learning a lot by talking to people working in the field, including CEOs of many startup-type of companies,” said Fenczik, who is interested in a bioengineering career. She said she hopes the

experience will help her as she prepares to transfer to a University of California campus or to Oregon State University.

The program includes an introduction to career opportunities within health technology, engineering showcases from participating medtech companies, and one-on-one mentorship opportunities. The program culminates with a hands-on project where students work in small groups on a clinical project with a health tech company and present their ideas.

Of the 26 students in the inaugural cohort, 85 percent are women and 42 percent are from groups that have been historically underrepresented in science and technology. DxD has built a suite of programs to increase diversity in the industry, beginning with early programs like summer seminars, mentoring programs for people in their early and mid-career, and free lectures that promote equity and inclusion in hiring, supply chain, and corporate culture.

“I'm excited to continue learning about the field of health technology and working with other community college students in my project team,” Samson said. “I'm a biology major and it's been cool learning first-hand about how my area of study is involved in health tech.”

According to Ingrid Ellerbe, executive director of DxD HealthTech, the hope is that students bring more diverse perspectives that make medtech more equitable, accessible, and trusted.

LMC Career Services offers numerous work-based learning opportunities across all disciplines, including internships like this one.

Abigail Fenczik Jana Samson
At Los Medanos College, we pride ourselves in providing career pathways that lead to high-skill, high-wage and high-demand careers.
Visit https://direc.to/ji2K to learn more. 6 I CareerFocus I 2023 Los Medanos College I www.losmedanos.edu I (925) 439-2181
Natalie Hannum, Los Medanos College vice president of instruction

DRONE Piloting Skills Take Careers to New Heights

LMC Offers Fun, Free Way to Brighten Your Future

For drone program students at Los Medanos College, the sky is the limit for how the skill will bring their dream jobs into reality.

“It’s the wave of the future,” said Joseph Dusek, a graphic communications and design major, who plans to start his own business as a drone pilot for hire for a multitude of purposes. “There are so many job opportunities opening up with this sort of technology.”

The drone program at Los Medanos College is a non-credit, tuition free course that prepares students to pass the FAA Part 107 Remote Pilot licensure exam.

“We encourage students from all backgrounds, skill levels, and motivation to sign up,” said Jeffrey Miller, drone program lead. “We provide the equipment and guide students on best practices to become licensed pilots. Students also take home skills like video capture and editing that could help them build a portfolio and gain employment.”

The program introduces students to job opportunities available to licensed remote pilots. Students practice with drones equipped with advanced technology like GPS, 4K cameras, and autopilot features, which are standard in most industries that are adopting the use of drones.

“The commercial remote pilot industry is growing, and licensed remote pilots are in high demand,” he said. The Association of Unmanned Vehicle Systems International estimates demand for unmanned aircraft will create more 100,000 new jobs by the year 2025.

Drone pilots start at about $20 an hour.

Miller added that drones already are in use in a diverse array of industries including:

Agriculture and mining

• Construction and engineering for mapping and surveying inspections

Commercial delivery of medical supplies, food and packages and

Public safety, such as law enforcement, search and rescue, and emergency services for disaster response

Kasey Gunderson a fire technology major, in the course, said he believes drones will become a prevalent tool across multiple industries, including his own.

“It’s where the world is moving,” he said. “I plan to work for Cal Fire (California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection). I could see using drones for surveying woods for wildfires instead of using fuel for helicopters.”

Brianna Luna, a communication studies major, envisions the newfound skill enhancing her career as a real estate agent.

“I want to photograph the houses I’m selling,” she said. “And with social media, it’s more important to show things in a way that stands out, that’s more eye catching with images and video from a more exciting prospective.”

Visit https://direc.to/ji2G to enroll. For more information, contact Jeffrey Miller at jemiller@losmedanos.edu. (925) 439-2181 I www.losmedanos.edu I Los Medanos College 2023 I CareerFocus I 7

LEARNING ONLINE Has Never Been Easier!

Los Medanos College prides itself in offering top-notch classes online and in person. Currently about 50 percent of class sections are available to take online, giving students added flexibility in planning their academic schedules.

While offering greater flexibility, online learning can come with challenges. To ensure the best experience, LMC students can access numerous online services including tutoring through the Center for Academic Support and NetTutor, peerto-peer technology support, online guides and tutorials for the various apps, and assistance with Zoom and Office 365.

LMC’s Equity Technology Loan Program provides hotspots, webcams, Zoomenabled Chromebooks and calculators to ensure students are geared up for success in the classroom and online. To learn more about this program, visit losmedanos.edu/studenttech

LMC is also part of the CVC Exchange, a statewide program that lets students take online courses at community colleges across California without having to complete multiple college applications. This statewide online course exchange streamlines transcript and financial aid processes for students.

“The CVC Exchange is a game changer,” said Andrea Hanstein, communications and strategic partnerships director for the California Virtual Campus. “It allows students to complete their program on time with courses that meet their busy schedules. The California Community College system has thousands of high-quality online courses, and the exchange makes them available to students regardless of their physical location.”

The initiative is funded by a grant from the California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office.

To learn more about online learning at LMC visit https://direc.to/jfen. 8 I CareerFocus I 2023 Los Medanos College I www.losmedanos.edu I (925) 439-2181

Short-Term Training Brings

Boosting technical skills leads to better jobs and higher pay

When it comes to finding a fast track to better jobs and higher pay, Los Medanos College has paved the way through its Career and Technical Education programs.

From automotive technology to travel marketing, and from accounting to welding, LMC students gain skills and experience in the latest technology and exposure to emerging trends in their field.

Students in the process technology program – also known as PTEC – gain hands-on experience with advanced manufacturing equipment designed to model what they would use in a petrochemical plant, utility plant or food processing plant.

LMC is home to the only PTEC program in California and one of only a handful in the country.

William Cruz, a chemical engineer and professor of industrial technology in the PTEC program, said employers actively recruit LMC students because they are the most well prepared to fill jobs essential to their industries.

“PTEC people are essential workers,” he said. “We are the people who ensure the electricity stays on; we run water treatment facilities, make wine, beer, food, beauty care and pharmaceutical products, computers and so on. Our PTEC students get skills that can be used anywhere in the country and are in high demand.”

Cruz said students who complete the two-year program at LMC often rise quickly from entry-level to well-paying leadership positions in their industries, earning more than $100,000 per year in less than 5 years with zero college debt.

Similarly, in LMC’s automotive technology program recently invested $500,000 in new cutting-edge technology. LMC students  practice diagnostics and repairs on the latest car and truck models, including electric and autonomous vehicles. Successful program graduates are prepared to take the national ASE certification exams and are qualified for employment as automotive technicians in dealerships, privately owned garages and repair shops diagnosing and repairing automobiles.

LMC offers College Skills Certificates and individual classes that students can complete within a single semester. Some of these classes can count toward an associate degree. These include:

Assistant Teacher certificate (for childcare and K-12 education)

Emergency Medical Technician certificate (EMT)

Smog Technician certificate (and seven other automotive technology specialty certificates)

Business classes in MS-Office, Small Business Management, Accounting

To learn about all 18 career and technical education programs at LMC, visit https://direc.to/jfd9

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ESL Boosts Success on the Job and

in the Classroom

Los Medanos College has long excelled at helping nonnative English speakers who want or need to learn and improve their English fluency.

“At LMC, we are here to serve and support any and all immigrant, refugee, and international students whose first language is not English,” said Paula Gunder, English as a Second Language (ESL) professor and department chair. “Our goal is to help students learn, practice, apply, and ultimately acquire both general and academic English to improve their communication skills and abilities for personal, social, civic, educational, or career purposes.”

Gunder said the over-arching program goal is to empower students by enhancing their bilingual and multilingual capabilities – both necessities and assets in a diverse and global job market.

“We encourage students to build on their successes,” Gunder said. “Upon entering our program at the stage of English language learning, our dedicated ESL counselor Eva Padilla helps them understand and navigate the college-going processes.”

That process includes guiding students through general and/ or academic ESL courses, and the transition into their chosen academic and career pathway, she said.

To accomplish this and recognize students’ achievements, LMC ESL offers certificate-based packages of ESL courses that support students at four stages of English language development. Each package includes instructionally integrated courses that students can take for credit or non-credit (tuition free).

For more information visit https://direc.to/jfdH

Los Medanos College se ha destacado durante mucho tiempo en ayudar a los hablantes no nativos de inglés que quieren o necesitan aprender y mejorar su fluidez en inglés.

“En LMC, estamos aquí para servir y apoyar a todos y cada uno de los estudiantes inmigrantes, refugiados e internacionales cuyo primer idioma no es el inglés”, dijo Paula Gunder, profesora de inglés como segundo idioma (ESL) y directora del departamento. “Nuestro objetivo es ayudar a los estudiantes a aprender, practicar, aplicar y, en última instancia, adquirir inglés general y académico para mejorar sus habilidades de comunicación y sus habilidades para fines personales, sociales, cívicos, educativos o profesionales.”

Gunder dijo que el objetivo general del programa es empoderar a los estudiantes a mejorar sus capacidades bilingües y multilingües, necesidades en un mercado laboral diverso y global.

“Apoyamos a los estudiantes a aprovechar sus éxitos”, dijo Gunder. “Desde que entran a nuestro programa en la etapa de aprendizaje del idioma, nuestra dedicada consejera de ESL, Eva Padilla, los ayuda a comprender y navegar los procesos de ingreso a la universidad.”

Ese proceso incluye guiar a los estudiantes a través de cursos de ESL generales y/o académicos, y la transición hacia el camino académico y profesional elegido, dijo Gunder.

Para lograr esto y reconocer los logros de los estudiantes, LMC ESL ofrece paquetes de cursos de ESL basados en certificados que apoyan a los estudiantes en cuatro etapas del desarrollo del idioma inglés. Cada paquete incluye cursos de instrucción integrados que los estudiantes pueden tomar con o sin crédito (matrícula gratuita).

Para más información visite https://direc.to/jfdH
10 I CareerFocus I 2023 Los Medanos College I www.losmedanos.edu I (925) 439-2181

LMC Offers Easy, No-Risk Options to Get An Edge in the Workforce

Not every jobseeker needs a college degree. Some just need new skills to kickstart a great career.

That’s where Los Medanos College excels, providing a variety of tuition-free, short-term, noncredit certificates.

“These programs prepare you to enter rapidly growing fields in the Bay Area,” Interim Dean of Career and Technical Education Dennis Franco said. “With no tuition and no grades, there’s no risk and no pressure.”

Noncredit programs are designed so students can complete them within one semester, about four months. Although these are tuitionfree programs, some fees apply.


Construction jobs can range from $21 to $28 per hour, depending on experience and training, such as completing a Construction PreApprenticeship Program. Students who go through this program get hands-on experience and earn the national Multi-Craft Core Curriculum (MC3) certificate. LMC’s experienced instructors show students the technical tricks and communication keys to give them an edge. This helps students stand out, whether pursuing a union apprenticeship or a non-union contractor job. LMC students who complete this program are prepared and ready for immediate employment in this booming field.


Over the past two years, jobs in this field have surged in demand, especially with increased online commerce moving products in greater volume into warehouses for delivery. LMC students who take this three-course program will be ready to jump into jobs in a booming local industry, including Amazon facilities in Oakley. The certificate in Forklift, Logistics, Operations & Warehouse (FLOW) prepares students for jobs as a driver, material handler, picker and more, which can lead to more advanced warehouse and supply chain management roles. Students who complete this program graduate with a forklift license and OSHA-10 safety certification.

To get started or to learn more, contact Melina Rodriguez, program coordinator at LMC's Workforce & Economic Development (925) 473-7417, mrodriguez@losmedanos.edu Visit https://direc.to/ji2G to enroll.
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Career Focus A to Z Los Medanos College


additional knowledge and skills to help you move up 2-3 semesters Associate of Arts/Science Degree The coursework leads to an academic credential to enter professional employment 4 semesters Associate in Arts/Science Degree for Transfer The coursework is guaranteed for transfer to select 4-year universities 4 semesters Art

Certificate of Achievement in Graphic Communications

Certificate of Achievement in Three-Dimensional Design

Certificate of Achievement in Photography

Associate of Arts in Fine Arts

Associate of Arts in Graphic Communications

Associate in Arts for Transfer in Studio Arts

Associate in Arts for Transfer in Art History


Certificate of Achievement in Accounting

Associate of Science in Accounting

Accounting positions in many types of organizations including accounting/CPA firms, small businesses, large corporations, banks, hospitals, schools systems and government agencies preparing financial statements, balance sheets and tax returns. Transfer to four-year institution for a bachelor’s degree in accounting.

Tax Preparer: $21.89-$35.69

Payroll and Time Keeping Clerk: $26.33-$29.93

Accountant or Auditor: $37.05-$47.26

Administration of Justice

Certificate of Achievement in Administration of Justice

Certificate of Achievement in Basic Law Enforcement Intensive

Certificate of Achievement in Criminal Investigations

Certificate of Achievement in Criminal Law

Associate in Science for Transfer in Administration of Justice

Employment in a variety of local, state, and federal law enforcement, corrections, and security fields as a police officer, deputy sheriff, county detention officer, state trooper, intensive probation/parole surveillance officer, correctional officer and loss prevention specialist. Law enforcement agencies require additional training and certificates. Transfer to a four-year institution for a bachelor’s degree in criminal justice.

Probation Officer and Correctional Treatment Specialist: $47.05-$56.93

Police and Sheriff’s Patrol Officer: $48.24-$60.24

Detectives and Criminal Investigators: $47.39-$51.61


Associate in Arts in Anthropology for Transfer

Anthropologists research, evaluate, and establish public policy concerning the origins of humans; their physical, social, linguistic, and cultural development and behavior; as well as the cultures, organizations, and institutions they have created. (A paleoanthropologist studies prehistoric humans; a social anthropologist studies living societies.) Many aspiring anthropologists work as assistants doing ground-level research and writing surveys before they have advanced degrees. LMC anthropology courses are the foundation for four-year institution studies in anthropology.

Anthropologist and Archaeologists: $26.18-$33.48

Anthropology and Archaeology Teacher, College: $26.18-$33.48

Work in entry-level graphic communication or these courses can be the foundation for four-year institution studies in graphic communications. Graphic design is the applied art of arranging image and text to communicate a message. It may be applied in any media, such as print, digital media, motion pictures, animation, product decoration, packaging and signs.


Fine Artist, including Painters, Sculptors, and Illustrators: $22.65-$31.60

Prepress Technicians: $20.90-$26.89

Desktop Publisher: $27.23-$23.49

Graphic Designer: $27.23-$37.58

Web Developer: $37.38-$48.58

Commercial and Industrial Designer: $36.46-$47.75

Special Effects Artist and Animator: $43.89-$56.98

Automotive Technology

College Skills Certificate in Smog Technician Specialist

College Skills Certificate in Air Conditioning Specialist

College Skills Certificate in Transmission Specialist

College Skills Certificate in Powertrain Specialist

College Skills Certificate in Advanced Performance Engine Builder

College Skills Certificate in Chassis Specialist

College Skills Certificate in Automotive Diesel Specialist

College Skills Certificate in Automotive Certificate of General Maintenance

Certificate of Achievement in Automotive Technology

Associate of Science in Automotive Technology

Employment as automotive service technicians in dealerships, privately owned garages and repair shops diagnosing and repairing automobiles; self-employment. Graduates should be prepared to take the ASE exam.

Automotive Service Technicians and Mechanics $22.51-$29.18

12 I CareerFocus I 2023 Los Medanos College I www.losmedanos.edu I (925) 439-2181

Degrees & Certificates Gives you Typical length College Skills Certificate
The skills you need to get an entry-level job or for additional specialization semester
Certificate of Achievement Expanded certificate with
Job titles and compensation are obtained from O*NET Online, a resource sponsored by the U.S. Department of Labor, and reflect workforce data from within California.

Biological Science

Associate in Science in Biological Science for Transfer

Train to be a lab technician in the market of biotechnology. Assist biological and medical scientists in laboratories. Set up, operate, and maintain laboratory instruments and equipment, monitor experiments, make observations, and calculations, and calculate and record results. May analyze organic substances, such as blood, food and drugs. These courses can be the foundation for four-year institution studies in various biology fields.

Radiologic Technologists and Technicians: $$45.76-58.76

Diagnostic Medial Sonographer: $55.10-$62.23

Magnetic Resonance Imaging Technician: $55.90-$61.76


College Skills Certificate in Business Information Professional Level I College Skills Certificate in Business Information Professional Level II

Certificate of Achievement in Small Business Operations

Associate of Science in Small Business Operations

Associate in Science for Transfer in Business Administration

Employment in small and large businesses, and government agencies in administrative support positions requiring knowledge of software applications, office management, organizational principles, basic financial management and electronic presentations. Administrative office jobs in medical and other healthcare-related offices requiring knowledge of medical terminology, medical coding, billing and insurance. Employment as a medical language specialist to interpret and transcribe dictation by physicians and other health care professionals. Starting a small business by learning entrepreneurial skills. A career in retail management. Transfer to a four-year institution for a degree in Business, Business Management, Finance, or Marketing.

Bookkeeping, Accounting, and Auditing Clerk: $22.37-$27.49

Supervisor of Office and Administrative Support Worker: $18.46-$27.24

Executive Secretary and Executive Administrative Assistant: $29.52-$38.38


Associate in Science in Chemistry for Transfer

Prepares students desiring advanced degrees in chemistry. The Los Medanos College chemistry courses meet the lower division transfer requirements for chemistry. The curriculum includes the first-year and second-year requirements to prepare students to transfer and study at a California State University.

Veterinary Technologists and Technicians: $21.27-$23.46

Chemical Technician: $21.58-$28.01

Respiratory Therapist: $45.43-$56.98

Child Development

College Skills Certificate in Assistant Teacher Permit Coursework College Skills Certificate in Associate Teacher Permit Coursework College Skills Certificate in Administration and Leadership of Early Childhood Education Programs College Skills Certificate in Infant and Toddler Care and Education College Skills Certificate in Curriculum in Early Childhood Education College Skills Certificate in Special Needs Early Care and Education College Skills Certificate in Trauma Informed Practitioner

Certificate of Achievement in Early Childhood Education

Associate in Science for Transfer in Early Childhood Education

Employment working with children from infancy through middle school environment in settings such as day care centers, nursery schools and Head Start programs. With an AS degree, you qualify for positions such as assistant teacher, group supervisor, head teacher or director. Transfer to a four-year institution for a degree in education or in early childhood development.

Teacher’s Assistant: $28.17-$37.42

Preschool Teacher (except Special Education): $17.54-21.21

Elementary School Teacher (except Special Education): $17.54-21.21

Communication Studies

Associate in Arts in Communication Studies for Transfer

This program is designed to prepare students to transfer and study at a California State University. Students will complete lower division courses in public speaking, argumentation, intercultural and interpersonal communications, and have their choice of preparing for a more traditional degree in communication studies or preparation for a degree in communications with an emphasis in journalism.

News Analysts, Reporters, and Journalists: $21.13-$27.34

Editor: $29.36-$37.42

Public Relations Specialists: $52.06-$63.47

Training and Development Specialists: $57.83-$75.26

Advertising and Promotions Manager: $58.58-$72.72

Technical Writer: $36.46-$49.54

Computer Science/Computer Networking

College Skills Certificate in Foundation

College Skills Certificate in Game Design

College Skills Certificate in Web Design

Certificate of Achievement in Computer Applications Support Specialist (Basic)

Certificate of Achievement in Computer Applications Support Specialist (Advanced)

Certificate of Achievement in Information Technology (Basic)

Certificate of Achievement in Information Technology (Advanced)

Associate of Science in Computer Applications Support Specialist

Associate of Science in Information Technology

Associate in Science for Transfer in Computer Science

Employment as an applications specialist, microcomputer service technician, help desk specialist, computer operator, computer security specialist, network specialist, database specialist with organizations such as telephone companies, television stations, schools and colleges, Internet providers and professional offices.

Computer User Support Specialist: $27.27-$35.63

Computer Systems Analyst: $47.29-$61.24

Network and Computer Systems Administrator: $44.63-$58.67

Construction Pre-Apprenticeship (Noncredit)

Certificate of Completion in Construction Pre-Apprenticeship Non-Credit

In Contra Costa County, residential and commercial construction projects are expected to grow, thus requiring a labor force skilled in construction trades such as carpentry, electrical, HVAC, plumbing, and more. Upon successful completion of this pre-apprenticeship program, students will earn the Multi-Craft Core Curriculum (MC3) certificate from the North America's Building Trades Unions and will be ready to take the test to enter a union apprenticeship.

Construction Laborers: $21.94-$27.10

Helpers-Carpenters: $22.48-$28.26

Helpers-Installation, Maintenance, and Repair Workers: $17.76-$22.03


Associate of Arts in Acting Associate in Arts in Theatre Arts for Transfer

Play a part in stage, television, radio, video, or motion picture productions for entertainment, information or instruction. Interpret serious or comic role by speech, gesture, and body movement to entertain or inform audience. May dance and sing. May play parts in television commercials. Work in various areas of performing arts and transfer to a four-year degree program in theater.

Actor: $20.68-$27.87

Art, Drama, and Music Teacher (Postsecondary): $28.17-$37.42

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Drone Operations (Noncredit)

Certificate of Completion in Drone Remote Pilot Non-Credit

Introduces you to the fascinating field of aeronautics, including: regulations, airspace, the effects of weather on flight performance, aircraft loading, emergency procedures, crew and resource management, airport operations, aeronautical decision-making, and maintenance and preflight procedures. This certificate program will prepare you to pass the Federal Aviation Administration’s, Part 107 Remote Pilot License examination and introduce you to the countless job opportunities available to licensed remote pilots.

Electro-Mechanical and Mechatronics Technologists and Technicians: $18.02-$28.72

Camera Operators, Television, Video, and Film: $26.08-$27.72

Production Workers: $17.43-$21.06

Electrical/Instrumentation Technology

Certificate of Achievement in Electrical Technology

Certificate of Achievement in Instrumentation Technology

Certificate of Achievement in Transit Electrical Technology

Associate of Science in Electrical Technology

Associate of Science in Instrumentation Technology

Employment installing and maintaining electrical/electronic systems and instrumentation in industrial facilities. In-house maintenance departments at manufacturing facilities also offer job opportunities.

Electrical and Electronic Engineering Technologists and Technicians: $28.59-$35.68

Electrical and Electronic Installer and Repairers: $26.34-$42.95

Electrician: $28.71-$43.61

Emergency Medical Services

College Skills Certificate in Emergency Medical Services College Skills Certificate in Emergency Medical Services Recertification

Can lead to employment in private emergency medical or ambulance services, fire departments, and hospitals, where life-saving skills are required.

Ambulance Driver: $17.03-$17.46

Emergency Medical Technician: $17.19-$20.60

Medical and Clinical Laboratory Technician: $26.64-$36.96


Associate of Science in Engineering

Prepares students for positions as civil, electrical, or mechanical engineering technicians, or for transfer to a four-year degree program in various engineering fields. Engineering technicians solve technical problems. Some work in quality control. They look over products, do tests, and collect data. In manufacturing they may help in design, development, or production. Most engineering technicians specialize in certain areas: civil engineering technicians and electrical and electronics engineering technicians.

Electro-Mechanical and Mechatronics Technologists and Technician: $18.02-$28.72

Electronics Engineer (except computers): $49.39-$62.16

Electrical and Electronics Engineering Technologists and Technicians: $28.59-$35.68


Associate in Arts for Transfer in English

Certificate of Achievement in Creative Writing

Certificate of Achievement in Hip-Hop Studies

Courses may include self-improvement, non-vocational, and nonacademic subjects. Teaching may or may not take place in a traditional educational institution. These courses can be the foundation for four-year university studies in English, and/or a career as a writer.

English Language and Literature Teacher (Postsecondary): $28.17-$37.42

English as a Second Language (Non-Credit 1-2 semesters)

Certificate of Competency Basic Vocabulary and Reading Development

Certificate of Competency Foundational Grammar for General Communication

Certificate of Competency Essential Pronunciation and Conversation

Certificate of Competency Fundamental Writing Skills

Certificate of Competency Intermediate English for College and Career Success

Certificate of Competency Advanced English for Academic and Professional Advancement Skills

College Skills

Certificate Basic Vocabulary and Reading Development College Skills Certificate Foundational Grammar for General Communication College Skills Certificate Essential Pronunciation and Conversation College Skills Certificate Fundamental Writing Skills College Skills Certificate Intermediate English for College and Career Success College Skills Certificate Advanced English for Academic and Professional Advancement Skills

Prepares students to advance in their chosen career pathway or transfer to a four-year university, seek and interview for jobs where English and/or bilingual abilities are essential or helpful, engage in civic activities and leadership roles, and participate in community and social opportunities.

Ethnic Studies

Associate in Arts for in Ethnic Studies

These courses can be the foundation for four-year university studies Ethnic Studies. Informs students about social and cultural forces in American society. Students can use this knowledge to enact social justice, encourage social responsibility, and create social change in any area of work that they enter.

Control and extinguish municipal fires, protect life and property, and conduct rescue efforts. Control and suppress fires in forests or vacant public land.

Fire Fighter: $36.61-$72.15

Fire Academy

College Skills Certificate in Basic Fire Academy

Certificate of Achievement in Fire Academy

Control and extinguish municipal fires, protect life and property, and conduct rescue efforts. Control and suppress fires in forests or vacant public land.

Fire Fighter: $40.33-$46.75

Fire Technology

College Skills Certificate in Fire Prevention College Skills Certificate in Fire Protection

Certificate of Achievement in Fire Technology

Associate of Science in Fire Technology

Fire science technology is an applied science in the control and prevention of fire, the handling of hazardous materials, investigation, rescue operations, security, and safety.

Forest and Conservation Technician: $19.04-$22.04

Fire Inspector or Investigator: $47.64-$76.57

Forklift, Logistics, Operations & Warehouse (Noncredit)

Certificate of Completion Noncredit in Forklift, Logistics, Operations & Warehouse (FLOW)

The 3-course FLOW program will qualify students to join this exciting, active field. As they say, “Safety First!” The first class covers general safety, health risks, and the basics of hazardous materials. Upon successfully completing this OSHA 10 course, students will receive a course completion card for general industry, a big edge in getting hired.

Industrial Truck and Tractor Operators: $21.15-$22.53

Laborers and Freight, Stock, and Material Movers, Hand: $17.65-$20.70

Stockers and Order Fillers: $17.02-$18.43

Shipping, Receiving, and Inventory Clerks: $17.68-$21.34

14 I CareerFocus I 2023 Los Medanos College I www.losmedanos.edu I (925) 439-2181


Associate in Arts in History for Transfer

Prepares students for jobs in research, and analysis in such places as government and other institutions. Work with newspapers, photographers, interviews, films and manuscripts.

Historian: $24.83-$42.91

History Teacher (Postsecondary): $28.17-$37.42


Associate of Arts in Journalism

Associate in Arts in Journalism for Transfer

Careers in journalism include writers and editors, technical writers and editors, reporters and correspondents, advertising and public relations, and publications designer. Work in an entry-level position in media or transfer to a four-year degree program in journalism.

News Analyst, Reporters, and Journalist: $21.13-$27.34

Editor: $29.36-$37.42

Technical Writer: $36.46-$49.54

Kinesiology-Physical Education

Associate in Arts in Kinesiology for Transfer

This degree prepares students to transfer to a four-year institution to pursue a bachelor’s degree in kinesiology or physical education. This major will introduce students to many areas of study including health and fitness, physical education, therapeutic/sport medicine, and coaching sport instruction. Curriculum in this degree will also provide coursework necessary to prepare students for national certifications in the health/fitness industry such as personal training, group fitness instructor, and lifestyle/weight management consultant.

Officiate at competitive athletic or sporting events. Detect infractions of rules and decide penalties according to established regulations. Include all sporting officials, referees, and competitive judges and coaching/teaching for high school and college sports.

Exercise Trainer and Group Fitness Instructor: $22.66-$30.72

Athletic Trainer: $22.66-$30.72

Physical Therapist: $48.32-$57.72

Liberal Arts

Associate of Arts in Liberal Arts: Arts and Humanities

Associate of Arts in Liberal Arts: Behavioral Science and Social Science

Associate of Arts in Liberal Arts: Math and Science

These courses can be the foundation for four-year institution studies in various programs.

Education Administrator (Postsecondary): $46.12-$60.13

Management and Supervision

Certificate of Achievement in Management and Supervision

Associate of Science in Management and Supervision

The program is designed to train students for entry into supervisory, team-leader and management positions. Transfer to a four-year institution for a degree in business administration.

First-Line Supervisor of Retail Sales Workers: $21.14-$23.12

General and Operations Manager: $44.27-$61.36


Associate in Science in Mathematics for Transfer

Entry-level positions in government agencies such as the census office. Compile and compute data according to statistical formulas for use in statistical studies. May perform actuarial computations and compile charts and graphs for use by actuaries. These courses can be the foundation for four-year institution studies in mathematics.

Mathematical Science Teacher (Postsecondary): $28.17-$37.42


Associate of Arts in Music

Associate in Arts for Transfer in Music

Become a professional musician, conductor, concert artist, studio musician, arranger, composer, accompanist, music teacher, private instructor, or church related music such as minister of music, organist, or choir director. These courses can be the foundation for four-year institution studies in music. Commercial music careers include instrument sales, instrument repair, pop singer, orchestration, arranger, music publisher, music activities producer, recording engineer, music therapist, music librarian, music critic, music software technician, and radio music director.

Musician and Singer: $29.13-$49.42

Music Director and Composer: $17.91-$30.04


Certificate of Achievement in Vocational Nursing

Associate of Science in Registered Nursing

Registered Nurse (RN): employment as a registered nurse in hospitals, longterm care facilities, clinics, physicians’ officers or other health care agencies. RNs evaluate, plan, implement and document nursing care for an assigned patient population. LVN to RN degree program is offered for those who wish to upgrade to an RN. Transfer to a four-year institution for a BSN to expand your career opportunities in nursing education or administration. Licensing required.

Licensed Vocational Nurse (LVN): employment as a vocational nurse in hospitals, rehabilitation/long term/home health facilities, clinics, nursing homes, and physicians’ offices. A VN administers nursing care under the supervision of a registered nurse by participating in the delivery and evaluation of patient care, and ensuring the health, comfort, and safety of patients. Licensure required.

Registered Nurse: $58.00-$75.89

Licensed Vocational Nurse: $29.76-$35.42

Acute Care Nurse: $58.00-$75.89

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Associate in Arts in Philosophy for Transfer

Develop critical-thinking skills, argument skills, communication skills, information management, design and planning skills, research and investigation skills, management and administration skills. These courses can be the foundation for advanced studies at four-year institutions.

Philosophy and Religion Teacher (Postsecondary): $28.17-$37.42


Associate in Science in Physics for Transfer

This degree prepares students to transfer to a four-year institution to pursue a bachelor’s degree in physics. This major will introduce students to many areas of study including engineering, physics, chemistry, astronomy, geology, and certain specialized majors such as architecture.

Physics Teacher (Postsecondary): $28.17-$37.42

Physicist: $48.24-$48.24

Political Science

Associate in Science for Transfer in Law Public Policy and Society

Associate in Arts for Transfer in Political Science

Become a political campaign advisor or lobbyist, or pursue community outreach, community development, and pre-law. These courses at LMC can be the foundation for advanced studies at four-year institutions.

Political Scientist: $28.17-$37.42

Political Science Teacher (Postsecondary): $28.17-$37.42

Process Technology

College Skills Certificate in Bridge to Advanced Manufacturing

Certificate of Achievement in Process Technology

Associate of Science in Process Technology

Process technicians are skilled plant operators who safely run refineries and chemical plants. Examples of work includes the processing of samples, monitoring equipment, and solving problems that arise in processing plants.

Chemical Equipment Operator and Tender: $21.89-$27.65

Chemical Plant and System Operator: $43.91-$47.51

Petroleum Pump System Operator, Refinery Operator, and Gauger: $47.58-$47.61


Associate in Arts in Psychology for Transfer

Monitor patient physical and emotional well-being and report to medical staff. May participate in rehabilitation and treatment programs. Assist professionals from a wide variety of fields such as psychology, rehabilitation, or social work to provide client services, as well as support for families. May assist clients in identifying available benefits and social and community services, and help clients obtain them. May assist social workers with developing, organizing, and conducting programs to prevent and resolve problems relevant to substance abuse, human relationships, rehabilitation, or adult daycare. These courses can be the foundation for four-year institution studies in psychology.

Counseling Psychologist: $36.72-$62.49

School Psychologist: $29.75-$48.18

Clinical Psychologist: $36.72-$62.49

Recording Arts

College Skills Certificate in Recording Arts Level 1 College Skills Certificate in Recording Arts Level 2

Certificate of Achievement in Recording Arts

Associate of Arts in Recording Arts

Become an audio engineer, producer, other recording arts professional. LMC prepares you for entry-level position in the recording arts industry.

Broadcast Technicians: $16.61-$17.08

Audio/Video Technician: $22.46-$28.59

Sound Engineer Technician: $28.21-$33.66


Associate in Arts in Sociology for Transfer

Can work in a variety of fields to assist programs, groups, and organizations – such as government agencies – in urban development and planning. These courses can be the foundation for four-year institution studies in sociology.

Social Science Researcher Assistant: $26.74-$30.50

Sociology Teacher (Postsecondary): $28.17-$37.42

Sociologist: $45.49-$54.95

Travel Marketing

College Skills Certificate in Travel Marketing

College Skills Certificate in Home-Based Travel Specialist Certificate College Skills Certificate in Cruise Specialist

Certificate of Achievement in Travel Marketing

Associate of Science in Travel Marketing

Employment with travel agencies, online travel agencies, home-based travel agencies, airlines, tour companies, and cruise lines; assist clients with planning and making leisure and corporate travel reservations.

Travel Agent: $21.66-$22.59

Travel Guide: $17.02-$20.26

Market Research Analyst and Marketing Specialist: $35.26-$45.56


College Skills Certificate in Welding Pre-Apprenticeship

Certificate of Achievement in Welding Technology

Associate of Science in Welding Technology

Employment as a certified welder using oxy-acetylene welding, shielded-metal arc welding, TIG, MIG, flux-cored arc welding, and metal cutting in industries such as petrochemicals, railroads, construction, transportation, plant maintenance, bridge fabrication, ornamental iron, machining, aerospace, boiler-making, ship repairs, fabricated metal products, and transportation equipment manufacturers.

Welding, Soldering, and Brazing Machine Setters Operators and Tenders: $18.11-$22.76

Welder, Cutter, Solderer, and Brazer: $22.59-$28.18

Reinforcing Iron and Rebar Worker: $17.94-$30.04

World Languages

Certificate of Achievement in American Sign Language

Certificate of Achievement in Spanish

Associate of Arts in American Sign Language

Associate in Arts for Transfer in Spanish

Prepares students to facilitate: communication communication between hearing and hearing-impaired persons through interpretation into a signed language; or transliteration of a language into a visual and/or phonemic code by an oral interpreter, a signed language interpreter, or cued speech interpreter.

Interpreter and Translator: $28.35-$39.51

Foreign Language and Literature Teacher (Postsecondary): $28.17-$37.42

16 I CareerFocus I 2023 Los Medanos College I www.losmedanos.edu I (925) 439-2181

Free Tuition, No Income Requirement!




(regardless of income eligibility)

• Apply for Student Financial Aid –FAFSA/CA Dream Act (regardless of income eligibility)

• Complete the FT3 pledge application

pledge complete 12 or more

Student Financial Aid –Dream Act income eligibility) FT3 pledge


For more information and FT3 pledge application, visit: www.losmedanos.edu/ft3

• Complete the FT3 pledge application

• Enroll in and complete 12 or more units with a 2.00+ GPA and FT3 visit: www.losmedanos.edu/ft3

complete 12 or more 2.00+ GPA

• Enroll in and complete 12 or more units with a 2.00+ GPA

Programs of Study

Administration of Justice Anthropology Art
Technology Biology
Chemistry Child Development Communication Studies
Science Construction Pre-Apprenticeship Counseling Drama
Operations Electrical/Instrumentation Technology Emergency Medical Services Engineering English English as a Second Language Ethnic Studies
Technology Forklift, Logistics, Operations & Warehouse Graphic Communications History Humanities Journalism Kinesiology Liberal Arts Management & Supervision Mathematics Music Nursing Philosophy Physics
Technology Psychology
Justice Studies Sociology
Transfer Studies
Marketing Welding Technology
Pittsburg Campus 2700 East Leland Road Pittsburg, CA 94565 (925) 439-2181 Brentwood Center 1351 Pioneer Square Brentwood, CA 94513 (925) 513-1625 Discover Your Future It’s never too late to enroll at LMC.

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