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Charlotte Emerson Portfolio Pages Fashion Product Development Communication Level 6

F a s h i o n , L i f e s t l y e , C h r i s t i a n

F a i t h


12 PEOPLE published by Ouur is a new fashion and lifestyle magazine that provides everyday people with a unique perspective. A p u b l i c a t i o n b a s e d o n ‘ T h e R e a l F a s h i o n’ u n l i k e a n y o t h e r f a s h i o n m a g a z i n e . We d o t h i s by interviewing and talking to real people with real problems, we dive deep explaining life changes and personal challenges and the expression of faith through fashion. Images and films are demonstrated to inspire and show off individual style in an unusual and d i f f e r e n t w a y.

Strengths - Gap in the market for a Christian fashion magazine - Relatively inexpensive start-up cost if digital format - Wide audience (No age specification) An attitude ideal - Inspirational photography and timeless stories will turn the magazine into a keep safe. - Niche, nothing else like it in the market - Unique content to any ot her fashion magazines We a k n e s s e s - Niche, not well known - Could be perceived as only to a faithful/Christian audience - Competition exists in our niche from bloggers providing free content - Minimal start-up revenue may hinder elements of promotional campaign

Opportunities - Expanding to our own cafes with sales of the magazines in shop - Involvement in local events will increase market presences and brand awareness - If the magazine can manage the digital and social media space effectively its customer base will increase -The magazine will stick to the local favour the magazine can gain more popularity

Threats - Ve r y c o m p e t i t i v e e n v i r o n m e n t w h i c h contains several big brands - High failure rate for start-up magazines - Maintaining resources - Ability to generate upfront cash to fund launch party and marketing campaigns.

C o m p e t i t o r s

K i n f o l k


Strengths - Strong social media standing - Unique content for a wide audience - Range of creative people on each issue - Large following within a short amount of time - Publishes editions tailored to Russia, Korea, and China - Popular cook book alongside its lifestyle magazine - Paper quality and stock - Founding members passionate about Kinfolk and the minimalist lifestyle.

Opportunities - An app for another way of sharing or viewing content - Ev e nt s , a s t h e y p r o m o t e ‘s l ow l i v i n g’ they should show this with a live audience - Collaborations with other magazines or film content - Involvement in local events will increase market presence and brand awareness - Experimentation for new ideas within the magazine, showing new content, people involvement and projects

We a k n e s s e s - On the more expensive side for a lifestyle magazine - Vi e we d a c onspi r a c y to b e a c e r t ai n way to live a better life - A certain aesthetic throughout every issue - No app so only online and printed versions - Only 5 years old, so still in development

Threats - Competition of new and upcoming lifestyle magazines - Large team from all around the world could slow down the production time - Still a niche frame, more likely to be pushed back for more new and niche brands - The marketing tactics are being increasingly filtered or penalized by the search engines

H u m a n

B e i n g

Strengths - Large range in subjects such as Art, D e s i g n , E s s a y, F a s h i o n , F o o d , Hu m a n s a n d travel - Publication and design studio - Unique minima l opt imist ic lo ok - Dist r ibut ion to Unite d St ates and UK/ Europe - Creative team for the making of the publication

We a k n e s s e s - Lack of resources - Early stages, not a huge following - No social media platforms to promote or raise awareness - Ta r g e t m a r k e t t o w a r d s w o m e n s o l i m i t i n g their readership - No plans to develop new products - $15 per issue is an expensive magazine for not a lot of following

Opportunities -If the magazine took forward digital and social media space effectively its customer base will increase - Produce the magazine by season and have four a year instead of 2 - Competitions or events could help to create a buzz for the magazine

Threats - Competitors aiming at the same target market - Not well known enough and could fail in a rushed and competitive industry - Sales may not be meeting expectations - Tr a v e l c o s t s f o r t h e t r a v e l p a r t o f t h e magazine could prove too expensive and they could lose that part of the publication

12 PEOPLE Consumer Profile

The typical 12 People consumer is likely to be a woman with a relatively high income. She is between the ages of 20-35 with a part time/full time job in a business she loves. She enjoys, culture, fashion, lifestyle magazines and has and may have an interest in religion, ethics or world views. This woman spends her spare time shopping, reading, activities with family and friends and cooking. She is up to date on technology and is active on social media platforms such as facebook and instagram.

B r a n d a n a l y s i s T h e 7 P ’s Product - The final product will a 60-80 A4 page publication based on Fashion, faith, lifestyle and everyday life. The product will fill a gap in the market for anyone interested in Fashion Christianity and lifestyle. 12 PEOPLE will open the minds of people who struggle to understand a common factor between fashion and faith. Price - As a bi-annaual magazine, the price per issue is (£). However a subscription to the magazine and a private part of the website would cost (£) This would cover the making of the magazine and a small part would go to a c h a r i t y o f o n e o f 1 2 P E O P L E ’s c h o i c e . Placement - The magazine would be sold at independant magazine shops and at cafes for reading while the customer has a coffee. The publication sits in the market as a coffee table type o f r e a d . O n e t h a t y o u c a n’ t p u t d o w n

easy or let go of. This is why placing it in coffee shops would encourage people to have a look and want to buy it after a few pages in.

that means something to the model. The comfortable location will relax the model and will help them feel in control.

Promotion - With the magazine there are social media sites such as Instagram and FaceBook to help promote the publications content and any new information. The brand 12 PEOPLE will also have a twitter account and the website will have links to all the social media sites available t o t h e c u s t o m e r.

Process - As previously said I am using a different photographer for each shoot I do. With a different team each shoot I will have a range of photos with a little something different each one. The editing of the photos and film will be done by the photographer and myself to match the vibes with the article.

P e o p l e - T h e a u d i e n c e i s n’ t a a g e r a n g e . It is an attitude. An attitude towards life, fashion, health and Christian faith all wrapped up in one. The 12 PEOPLE in the magazine are of all d i f f e r e n t t y p e s o f a g e s , g e n d e r, s o c i a l situations for example, married single, divorced etc. Each shoot will be in a different environment an location

Physical environment - Also as previously stated I will promoting the magazine in cafes, so It would be on shelves as a selling point and also as a read while in the cafe without purchasing the product. A method that would bring in customers to the cafe and promote the publication.

Aims and objectives This publication was created to inform and inspire a new audience. An audience who are interested in faith, fashion and lifestyle, through the eyes of someone else. Our objective is to find something different and learn something new from each issue of the magazine. Only talking to real people gives us a individual view for our customers to relate to. Published by Ouur publishers which is based in C openhagen. It will be released bi-annually at first and with time and income the magazine will move to a seasonal 4 times a year publication. O n c e y o u b u y i t o n c e y o u w o n’ t b e able to miss an issue ever again. A pick up and never put down type of magazine.

Location ideas

Each of the models for 12 people is shot in a d i f f e r e n t l o c a t i o n w i t h a d i f f e r e n t p h t o g r a p h e r. T h i s gives a unique perspective to each shoot. Also the model will have a connection to each place so they feel comfortable and have a good vibe.

Communication Strategies 12 People is a mature influential publication that shows the connection between lifestyle, fashion and Christian faith through 12 individuals. The magazine is very current and has a unique factor of personal experience. Instagram and other forms of social media play a huge part in the promotional side of representing the brand. Each person will be interviewed about their personal life changes and how they view fashion and the affects on their Christian perspective. This interview will be completely in the models o w n w o r d s t o g e t a r e a l l y o r i g i n a l o v e r v i e w. The magazine has a website to purchase or subscribe to. With this there are cafes that have the publication in for a free read or purchase. This helps to promote and another source of buying. 1 2 P e o p l e m a g a z i n e ’s p u b l i c a t i o n h a s inspirational lifestyle images influenced by the photoshoots from each person. With this the magazine has a few relatable adverts that inspire and motive the target market.

M y m o c k u p’s f o r t h i s p u b l i c a tion are very important as it can show you what works and w h a t d o e s n’ t . I f e e l t h e g e n e r al aesthetic is bold yet minimal which is what I wanted to achieve. The colour palette for this section is grey white and pink, this not only matches the theme but the location for the photos also relates. The white and grey writting s o f t e n s t h e p a g e s a n d d o e s n’ t make it look too overwhelming for the amount of writting there is. Although the interview was a l l D e b b i e’ s ow n w o r d s , t h e r e are specific quotes she said that have been enlarged. This is to grab the attention of the audience and hold it, while they read on.

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