Industry Placement
Charlotte Emerson BA Hons Fashion Industry Placement
F o r m y w o r k e x p e r i e n c e I a m w o r k i n g w i t h t w o s t y l i s t ’s in London. I have contractual obligations that prevent me from divulging names and information about the magazines as wel l as t hemes and det ai ls. Unt i l t he magazine is out to the public I can not discuss details on my blog or anywhere else.
Introduction Learning Agreement The job of a stylist My job Interview with Courtney Interview with Jess SWOT Case Study 1 Case Study 2 Presentation Plan Image List Biblography CV References Conclusion Evaluation
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Introduction For my industry placement unit I decided to work in London with two free lance s t y l i s t s i n t h e f a s h i o n i n d u s t r y. M y connections through family and friends got me the opportunity to spend three months working with Courtney Robinson and Jessica Stebbings. This report explains the job and experiences I was fortunate enough to have. The report includes My Learning Agreement is to inform and define the work process I would be having along with the techniques and job requirements I will be learning.
ART S UNIVERSIT Y B OURNEMOUTH L e ar ning Ag re ement Name : C harl otte E mers on C ou rs e : Fashion L e vel: 5 Un it: D esig n E nter pr is e and Innovat i on Un it C o d e: FS C 5 5 6 C re dit p oint s: 40 Stu dy hours: 400 hours Tutor( s ): Iain Archer Iain Archer - B olongaro Tre vor ( O pt i on 2 ) Karen Ry an ( O pt i on 1 Indust r i a l E xp er ienc e) & ( O pt i on 3 Inter nat iona l Student E xchange) Sy nop sis of study For t h is unit I have chos en to do a work exp er i ence pl acement i n L ond on w it h t wo st y list s. I want to l e ar n t he sk i l l and pro cess of a st y list i n t he c ur rent fast p ace of t he fashion indust r y. I have chos en to work w it h t wo st y list w ho sp e ci a lis e in t wo dif ferent are as. O ne i n C hi ld rens we ar and t he ot her i n Wome n’s we ar, t h is w i l l g ive me a w ider range of le ar n i ng te chn i ques and w i l l help me to e xp and my sk i l ls. I w i l l b e work i ng w it h t hes e women f rom st ar t to f i n ish on many j obs, t his w i l l include helpi ng to cre ate mo o d b o ards and i d e a generat i ons, c ast i ng mo dels and f ina l ising s che du les , prep ar i ng props and s ele c t i ng clot hi ng and st y ling on t he d ay of sho ot s . Work i ng w it h t wo bus y st y lists w i l l help me g ai n e x p er ience and sk i l l I ne e d to t a ke t his opt i on for ward i n f uture. For my f ina l hand in I w i l l w r ite a 2 , 0 0 0 word rep or t on t he res e arch I have g at he re d f rom t he exp er ience I have had on t his pl acement. A longs i d e t hat, a we ek ly bl o g as an up d ate d version of my s che du le and d et ai le d i n for mat i on of le ar n i ng exp er ienc es. E xpl anat ion – I have cont r ac tu a l obli gat i ons t hat pre vent me f rom d ivu lg i ng name s and infor mat ion ab out t he magaz i nes as wel l as t hemes and d et ai ls . Unt i l t he magazine is out to t he publi c I c an not d is c uss d et ai ls on my blog or any w here els e. Aims A 1 To f ur t her de vel op t he cre at ive, i ntel le c tu a l and prac t i c a l appli c at i ons of sp e ci a list study to t he appropr i ate le vel. A 2 To demonst r ate an underst and i ng of t he histor i c a l, c u ltura l, profess i ona l and conte x tu a l f r ame work s, w hich in for m your work. A 3 To i nt ro duc e you to t he c are er and f uture study p oss ibi lit i es rele vant to you r subj e c t interest t hroug h t he promot i on of s elf - e va lu at i on and re v i e w as an e ss e nt i a l p ar t of your p ers ona l and profess i ona l d e velopment.
L e ar n i ng O utcomes LO1 D e vel op exist ing sk i l ls and acqui re ne w comp etences e v i d ence d t hroug h a comprehensive b o dy of work t hat w i l l enable you to assume s i g n i f i c ant re sp ons ibi l it y w it hin organis at ions . LO2 D e monst r ate t he abi l it y to apply und erly i ng concepts and pr i nciples i n rel at i on to your sp e c i a l ist pr ac t i ce. LO3 D e monst r ate t he qu a l it ies and t rans ferable sk i l ls ne cess ar y for employ ment re qu i r i ng t he exercis e of p ers ona l resp ons ibi lit y and d e cis i on - ma k i ng . Ass e ssment R e quirement s For ass essment I w i l l pro duc e a b o dy of work to b e i d ent i f i e d t hroug h and i n t he ne got i ate d L e ar ning Ag re ement w hi ch w i l l i nclud e a 2 , 0 0 0 word rep or t and we ek ly bl og . This may t a ke t he for m of an on li ne j our na l ( ut i lis i ng appropr i ate for mats and demonst r at ing a r ange of sk i l ls w hi ch shou ld i nclud e d e velopment a l work and pr ac t ic a l proj e c t outc omes one of w hi ch shou ld b e a profess i ona l C V ). ( Tutor ass ess e d) 100% O ut li ne Sy l l abus An i ndi c at ive guide to t he content covere d by t his un it: Int ro duc t i on to w r it i ng L e ar n i ng Ag re ement s. C re at ive desig n met ho dol o g ies. E xte nd e d res e arch and ana lysis. En hance d com munic at ion and promot i ona l st rateg i es . C ontemp orar y cre at ive marke t i ng . Tre nds and fore c ast ing . PR and adver t ising . Visu a l merchandising Et h i cs and c or p or ate s o ci a l resp ons ibi lit y. Q u ant it at ive and qu a l it at ive res e arch. S e c tor ana lysis and empl oy ment opp or tun it i es . C V and work exp er ienc e prep arat i on . Prog re ss f i l es: ref l e c t ive pr ac t ic e and e v i d ence of c are er pl an n i ng . Blog E xplor i ng on l ine mo des of pres ent at i on R e fe re nc e Mater i a l Ke y te xt s c over mater i a l t hat is cent ra l to t his un it; you are exp e c te d to consu lt most of t hes e t hroug hout your stud i es and refer to t hem for your res e arch and assi g n ment s. R e com mende d texts prov i d e a more i n - d ept h ana ly s is of p ar t i c u l ar asp e c ts of t he unit content or g ive ad d it i ona l i n for mat i on ab out t he cr it i c a l and c u ltu ra l c ontext of your studies; you are exp e c te d to consu lt a s ele c t i on b as e d on you r indiv idu a l res e arch inte rests . T he re ad i ng lists are not exhaust ive and it is you r resp onsibi l it y to work w it h your tutors and subj e c t librar i an to i d ent i f y mate r i a l t hat is us ef u l and appropr i ate for your res e arch.
The job of a stylist ‘A s t y l i s t i s a c r e a t i v e p o s i t i o n w h o u s u a l l y c o l l a b o r a t e s w i t h t h e c l i e n t s , p h o t o g r a p h e r, a r t d i r e c t o r, makeup artist to come up with the visual concept of t h e p r o j e c t . I t ’s t h e i r j o b t o m a k e t h e p e o p l e a n d a l s o the clothing and accessories look their very best in t h e s h o t .’ - Alexandra Suzanne Greenawalt
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B o t h t h e s t y l i s t ’s I w o r k e d w i t h a r e f r e e lance which means they work with who ever they want on whatever project they l i k e . H o w e v e r s o m e s t y l i s t ’s w o r k w i t h a company or organisation by itself, so they might only work for one magazine or one photographer etc. Free lance can mean the stylist might not have as much work or much more work than the work of a stylist w o r k i n g i n a c o m p a n y. It a l s o m e a n s t h a t the calender and schedule of free lance s t y l i s t ’s c a n c h a n g e f r o m d a y t o d a y. For Styling for photo-shoots the stylist chooses all the clothing, accessories and general ‘lo ok’ of the mo del by creating mood boards for the team to get a clear view of the overall project. The magazine or organisation will give the stylist the theme and details such as Autumn Winter / Spring Summer and brands they are interested in using. However for editorial styling, stylists pull far more outfits than needed for shoots as it is so important to have alternatives in-case anything changes on the day of shooting. The stylist will c o n s u l t l o o k - b o o k s , c o n t a c t P R ’s a n d showrooms to get the latest trends to inspiration and clothing choices for the shoot.
My Job... As I was working with two different stylists I had many different jobs for each of them. For the first month I was working along side Courtney alone as Jess w a s n’ t w o r k i n g a s m u c h in England but on jobs in America and Europe. For Courtney the course of the month was in preparation for a shoot for Baby London magazine, the front cover and ten page editorial. In preparation for the shoot I researched the brief, created mood boards, pick up packages and sign for parcels. The shoot went live at the end of March and looked amazing. In addition to the shoot preparation I also Answered emails on C o u r t n e y ’s b e h a l f a n d arranged parts of her schedule.
I worked with Jess for two months as Courtney had some personal issues to take care o f . Wo r k i n g w i t h J e s s w a s a l o t more full on and so different as we had a least one shoot a week or sometimes two. The j o b w a s f a s t e r, m o r e s t r e s s f u l and challenging but altogether rewarding and a huge learning curve. For Jess I assisted her in every element of styling. I helped create more moods and inspiration sheets, Organised the clothing for each shoot, did pick ups from PR companies and returns as well as helping out of shoots and giving my personal opinion. As well as that I also organised her office and any little jobs on hand I could do. Both Courtney and Jess understood that this experience was for me to learn as much as I could and get a full understanding of the fashion styling i n d u s t r y. T h e r e f o r e a s w e l l as learning the job they taught me about placement and colour matching, about lines and layout on shoots and the importance of a clear uncreased garment.
Each day was different working with both stylists as there was always something else to do or get or talk about. The overall work load was large and both stylists gave me work to do over night or the weekend to get ahead which was good as I felt I was learning in my home environment as well as a work environment.
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Interview with Courtney Robinson
Fashion, and a love for dressing people and helping them to define their character through clothing. I loved to dress up as a child, cut and tuck clothes etc I think styling was s o m e t h i n g I ’d a l w a y s w a n t e d to do but never realized it could be a career until much later on. 2. How would you describe your journey and personal styling experience?
Image 4 L ondon bas ed f reelance Fashion Stylist, Wardrob e and C ostume Designer. I enjoy working with my clients b oth as an indep endent Stylist, and als o f rom the inception of the creative pro cess, working through to f inal pro duction and installation. I work with commercial, editorial and p ers onal clients across styling, wardrob e, costuming, and ar t direction, adding unique touches through b esp oke access ories, costume and props.
1. What made you love the fashion industry so much that you became a stylist? I have a love for the technical detail in
I enjoy collaborating the most with super talented people, and the full realisation of a concept (from idea to end product in published print). These collaborations have my styling career experience so personal and exciting. My best experience, there a r e a f e w, b u t I p r o b a b l y find the costuming jobs to be my favourites and the best experiences from brief to shoot day - you get to be creative on another level t h a t y o u w o u l d n’ t o r d i n a r i l y find in the usual styling jobs. 3. Out of all the experiences on many different jobs, what you would you say is your favourite part of being a stylist is? Tr a n s f o r m a t i o n , b e i n g a b l e to really create a character t h r o u g h s t y l e . Wa t c h i n g t h e transformation from blank
canvas to the final shot is my favourite part of my job. 4. Can you describe the process of working with a team such as photographers, models, hair/makeup artists? A lot of work goes into producing a fashion photography or video shoot. The team can be 2 or 3 people, or 20-30 people. The most important part of building your team is ensuring that everyone is clear on the brief and share the same passion for he end goal. I also feel strongly that everyone on set is an equal, assistants are just as important as photographers and directors, the shoot never works as well otherwise. 5. On a normal day of styling for a shoot, what do you have with you in your kit? Ever ything! Absolute essentials are pins, clips, scissors and tape, but I have a huge kit of parts including seeing kit, Stanley knife, various tapes and sticky things, various stain removal remedies, nude u n d e r w e a r, d e o d o r a n t , l i n t r o l l e r, f i s h i n g w i r e , measuring tape, pegs... So many things, you never k n ow w h at y ou’re g oi n g t o need to problem solve on the go.
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Interview with Jessica Stebbings
Image 6 With 10 years exp erience in the Fashion Industr y ranging f rom Magazine, Adver tising and Pers onal Styling I can fulf il all your fashion needs. From styling professionals shor t of time, thos e in need of a complete style ref resh or one-of f e vent styling.
1. What is the best and worst thing about being a stylist? The best thing about being a stylist is the v a r i e t y. It i s n e v e r t h e same job two days in a r o w, o n e d a y s t y l i n g a n editorial for a magazine and the next working with Olympic athletes for a TV commercial. Tr a v e l i n g , m a k i n g props and coming up with ideas for shoots also adds to this never boring, and at times, crazy job!
2. What platforms do you use to keep up with trends and upcoming news? To k e e p u p w i t h c u r r e n t trends and new designers one of the best tools is definitely Instagram. Follow designers and you have instant up to date information at the touch of a button. What celebrities wore what, new campaign photography and behind the scenes images you d o n’ t a l w a y s s e e a r e s o m e of the best ways to utilize i n s t a g r a m . S e c o n d l y, I w o u l d s a y Vo g u e . c o m is great for researching designers collections. They have a current and back catalogue of all designers catwalk looks from various seasons. As is often the case in fashion, when the rest of the world is wearing Spring/ Summer collections the fash pack are already shooting Autumn/Winter editorials. 3. Finding inspiration is amazing. What do you look at to find inspiration and why? In the words of Paul Smith “ In s p i r at i o n i s Ev e r y w h e r e” It is….you just have to look around you! Anything and everything can inspire you, I love to go to galleries, to new places, speak to new people, watch old films. Even a walk to the bus stop can provide endless amounts of inspiration. The best advice I could say is to put down your
phone and go for a walk. Look up at buildings, look at the plants, the trees, the ground, you will be surprised in how much you can be inspired by the simplest of things. 4. Can you explain the process of a styling job from start to finish? The process of styling a job totally depends on what the job entails. An editorial can start with putting a mood-board together full of images to illustrate a particular concept. This will then progress into sourcing the clothes to fit this concept, which will usually be done through Pr agencies. Each designer has its own in-house Pr team or a Pr company to look after this side of the job. I will contact these Pr teams and send my moodboard over to explain what type of clothes I am looking f o r. T h e y w i l l t h e n s e n d me look-books so I can make some product selects to send to them. They will then deliver garments that I have requested and we will use these on the shoot. Once finished with we give the garment samples back to the Pr agencies and they will get a credit in the magazine once published. An advertising job on the other hand could just entail turning up on the day of the shoot and styling the outfits the client has brought with them on the
day of the shoot. This would just involve putting outfits together and steaming etc. 5. Do you travel a lot for shoots? Do you enjoy it? I get to travel a lot for my job, and it is definitely one of the plus points. Its not all glamorous and fun but getting paid to travel the world does make the often hard work trips a lot more bearable. I have been to some amazing places including Miami, C a p e To w n , I b i z a , A u s t r i a , Switzerland, Barcelona and Madrid to name a few!
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W O T Strengths -
Always something new Creating contacts continuously Building portfolio continuously Creativity Pay Per Client Customer Need
We a k n e s s e s -
Long hours Client demand Unexp e c te d de ad lines No set salar y if free lance
Opportunities -
New contacts/clients New trends and set styles Different fields of work
Threats -
Competition Economy Client Demand
C a s e S t u d y - Plastic Editorial The first editorial that I got to be part of was for Fault Magazine. The team included Jess - Stylist, D a n ny - P h o t o g r a p h e r, photographers assistant, make up artist, hair stylist, model and myself. In preparation for the shoot mood boards were put together by Jess and myself to organise the shoot, the makeup, t h e h a i r, t h e s e t a n d clothing. Once the mood boards were finalised and the team was aware of the plans, myself and Jess got in contact with PR agencies and Press to get look books of upcoming collections. Then we chose the clothing and either picked it up or got it delivered. On the day of the shoot the team came together to discuss outfit choices with hair and makeup ideas and the set was being made. Throughout the day little things were reorganised and plans changed round a little but the shoot was even better than planned and the magazine loved the final images.
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Case Study - Graphic Shape and Line
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Another editorial shoot I worked on was on location at the Olympic Park in North London. The team was like the first one and we shot outside working from a van for some scenes so everyone worked together really well. For this job I helped create the mood boards and found styling i d e a s f o r j e s s . We t h e n planned the outfits and briefed the team on the g e n e r a l p l a n o f t h e d a y. The over all day was filled with changes as the location shots depended on the sun and shadows played a big part in the layout of the shot. On this shoot I prepared and changed the model, steamed and help decide on small but important detailing of styling options. As the shoot came together you could really see the impact of the mood-boards and the inspiration flowed through each image. The whole team was really happy with how the shoot turned out, the next step was to return all the clothing and accessories used to the PR companies.
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Presentation Plan 12 minute Presentation on my work experience 2016.
Subj e c t Point s D u r at ion Introduction
- What I have done - What I wanted to learn/do - Why I have chosen this option
1 minute
- The job of a stylist - My job
2 minutes
The stylists I worked with
-Overview of Courtney -Overview of Jessica
2 minutes
-The strengths -The weaknesses -The opportunities -The threats
1 minute
The process
- Case study 1 - What I did - Case study 2 - What I did
2 minutes
What I have learned and experiences
- My conclusion - What I have learnt - What I have gained - My change in opinion
2 minutes
Show Video
1.20 seconds
1 minute
Image List Image 1 - C harlotte Eme rs on photog raphy ‘Rail’ (2016) Image 2 - C harlotte Eme rs on Photog raphy ‘Placement’ (2016) Image 3 - C harlotte Eme rs on Photog raphy ‘The job’s’ (2016) Image 4 - C ou r t ne y R obins on (2015) [ONLINE ] Av ai l able f rom : HT TP S:/ / u k .l i n ke din . c om/in /c ou r t ne yerobins on Image 5 - C ou r t ne y R obins on (2015) [ONLINE ] Av ai l able f rom : http:/ / w w w. c ou r t ne y robins on . c o. u k/ Image 6 - Je ssic a Stebbings ( 2 012) [ONLINE ] Avai l able f rom : http:/ / w w w. c it i ze n f u n k. ne t /2 0 1 2 /0 8 /j e ssic a -stebbings/ Image 7 - Je ssic a Stebbings ( 2 015) [ONLINE ] av ai l able f rom : http:/ / w w w. j e ssstebbings . c o. u k/ Image 8 - C harlotte Eme rs on Photog raphy ‘Press day ’ (2016) Image 9 - S c re e n shot s - Je ssic a Stebbings (2016) Image 10 - S c re e n shot - Je ssic a Stebbings (2016) Image 11 - S c re e n shot - Je ssic a Stebbings (2016) Image 12 - S c re e n shot - Je ssic a Stebbings (2016)
Bibliography http :/ / a l e x andrast y list . c om/def ine-st y lists-w hat-do-t he y -re a l ly -do/ http :/ / s e arch ing forst y le. c om/2011/ 04/ fashion-101-w hat-do es-a -st y list-do / http :/ / w w w. c our t ne y robins on .co.u k/ ab out/ http :/ / w w w. j e ssstebbings . c o. u k/ st y le consu lt ant http s : / / u k. pinte re st . c om/lott ie emers on/ public at ions/ http :/ / w w w. c it iz e n f u n k. ne t /2 012/ 08/ j essic a -stebbings/
P E R S O NA L S TAT E M E N T Fashion is different for me, instead o f s e e i n g t r e n d s i n a s h o p w i n d o w,
magazine layout, red carpet labels or even sharp contemporary collections, I see street style and identity shown through
unique one off pieces. I see fashion b e i n g o r i g i n a l a n d a l t e r e d t o s o m e o n e ’s s p e c i f i c p e r s o n a l i t y. S e e i n g t h i n g s f r o m
F a s h i o n C o m m u n i c a t i o n S t u d e n t
makes a great idea, exceptional. I believe
unconventional way can change a plan, 07715518833
this alternative angle is something that that being different, seeing things in an change an opinion and even change a mind. T h a t ’s w h a t t h e F a s h i o n i n d u s t r y i s a b o u t , a n d t h a t ’s w h a t I w a n t t o b r i n g t o t h e t a b l e .
Enthustic and motivated to any job. Helpful and confident, very organised, neat and well planned person.
Wo r k P l a c e m e n t M a r c h 2 0 1 6 - M a y 2 0 1 6 Wo r k i n g w i t h t w o f r e e l a n c e s t y l i s t s i n London. Jess Stebbings and Courtney Robinson. •
Wo r k e d w i t h a t e a m o n s h o o t d a y s
O r g a n i s e d P R p i c k u p’s a n d r e t u r n s
Styling on set
Arts University
Mood board and prep work
Assistant to Jess and Courtney
Bournemouth BA (Hons) Fashion Present - 2017 Itchen College BTEC Level 3 Subsidiary Diploma: Art & Design (Distinction) AS Photography - A / A Level C AS Graphic Design - B AS Textile Design - D / A Level C The Kings School English Language - C
Wa i t r e s s f o r S o u t h a m p t o n F o o t b a l l C l u b September 2014 - Present •
within 3 months. •
Drama -B +5 other GCSE’s
Development of people management skills
Scheduling and Managing rotas
Stock management
Model and Acting role for commercial advertising through Fresh Agents March 2013-Present Ongoing •
Knowledge of photo-shoot work flow
Understanding of a models needs during a photo-shoot
Mathematics - C Art & Design - B
Promoted to lead a team of 7 people
Wa i t r e s s f o r Tu r t l e B a y R e s t a u r a n t April 2014-September 2014 •
Communication skills, email and telephone
Customer facing
App endices - References JESSICA STEBBINGS - Lottie has been one of, if not the best a s s i s t a n t I h a v e h a d t h r o u g h o u t my s t y l i n g c a r e e r. S h e i s a pleasure to work with, hard working, motivated and generally an all round lovely person. She never complains about anything she is asked to do, she is dedicated and is able to take on anything in her stride. I do not know how the last few weeks of work would have been possible without her assistance! Her tasks have involved, sourcing designers clothes that match the moodboard concepts I have presented to her and even maki n g h e r o w n s t y l i n g m o o d - b o a r d s o f AW 1 6 Tr e n d s . S h e h a s helped me style on set, steaming, organizing and visiting Pr agencies to pick up and drop off samples.
COURTNEY ROBINSION - Lottie was a fantastic assistant and partner to have on board for her work experience placement. Lottie was punctual, energetic and fantastic with detail, with no task set too much. Lottie helped me to prepare a shoot for Baby London Magazine, where she participated in concepting, developing mood-boards, sourcing clothing and organizing work schedules. Lottie was also brilliant in helping me with collecting garments and props from suppliers, and suggesting ideas to add to the set. Having Lottie on board was like having a beam of fabulous e n e r g y w i t h u s , h e l p i n g o u t w i t h n o t a s k t o o m u c h . I ’d h i g h l y recommend Lottie for any future work opportunities that suited her talents and would hire her in a heartbeat!
Conclusion For three months I have worked with Courtney Robinson and Jessica Stebbings fashion Stylists in London. I have been part of campaigns and shoots for new collections for big time brands as well as editorials for fashion magazines. I found the experience very enlightening and interesting as I was unaware of a lot of the small jobs involved in being a stylist. I loved the rush of it all, especially being in London, the constant flow of work was a massive challenge to me but I felt empowered and lucky to have such a large responsibility towards the job. I loved the organisation skills needed for this job as you have to be very well organised to keep on track especially when you have two or three jobs in one week and you have to pre for one while doing returns on the other and ordering more clothes from the PR company all at the same time. I found the work load to be a challenge especially on my legs, arms and back.. The amount of bags I sometimes had to carry was almost impossible, or the weight of a suitcase up and down tube station stairs was difficult. However when completing the hard part I got a huge sense of reward which is another amazing thing about this job, you see results, in magazines, in advertisements and in your portfolio. I learnt an incredible amount of things from the little d e t a i l s l i k e h o w t o u s e a s t e a m e r, t o t h e s l i g h t l y l a r g e r things such as emailing and calling PR agencies to the big stuff like styling on set, kit bag necessities, trend reports and team management. The trend reports Jess asked me to do at the beginning of April was a massive to ol to help me in the future for any w o r k . P l a t f o r m s l i k e S t y l e . c o m a n d L o n d o n F a s h i o n We e k . com are amazing to help find the most up-to-date trends and styles. I could also see some of the trends coming through in the jobs myself and Jess were doing. This experience has been a one off incredible o p p o r t u n i t y t h a t I a m s o g r a t e f u l f o r. I h a v e m a d e s o many contacts and friends along the way and have been offered more jobs with both Jess and Courtney this summer and in the further future.
Evaluation Before I came on this work experience placement I had a small idea of what it would be like; picking out clothes for a model and organising rails, how wrong I was. This last three months has changed my view on styling completely and has opened my eyes to the whole fashion i n d u s t r y t o o . S t y l i s t ’s w o r k i n c r e d i b l y h a r d e v e r y d a y in and out of a work situation to make sure their work is the best. I have learnt about all the different types of styling; fashion/editorial, advertising, video, still, celebrity styling, event styling, kids and set styling. My experience as a whole changed the way I view styling c o m p l e t e l y. B e i n g u p t o d a t e w i t h t r e n d s , h a v i n g p e r s o n a l style and an ability to see a final shot and image before t h e c a m e r a i s r e a d y. I a l s o d i d n’ t r e a l i s e j u s t h o w m u c h work the do towards a shoot or job. If there is no producer or art director then the stylist takes the lead a n d d i r e c t s t h e p h o t o g r a p h e r, m a k e u p a r t i s t , h a i r s t y l i s t and model on a shoot. They also plan everything before and organise the team with mood boards and details. Overall I had the best time working with Jess and Courtney and I would be honoured to work with them again. I learnt so much everyday I worked with each of them and no day was the same. I have seen so much and been part of something bigger than me which has b o o s t e d m y c o n f i d e n c e e n o r m o u s l y. G o i n g t o P R ’s t o d r o p off and pick up samples also helped with dealing with people face to face which I was scared to at first but that c h a n g e d a l o n g t h e w a y. Courtney and Jess were both so helpful with the way they taught me, telling me tricks and examples of using the kit on s et. At anytime I was confus ed the y b oth help ed m e o u t s o m u c h I c o u l d n’ t h a v e a s k e d f o r m o r e i n c r e d i b l e people to work with. The three months of doing this has really made me thing about the future and what I want to do. Jess has asked me to work for her for a year after university and I am so excited to take that step. I also got in touch with a PR company called Purple PR in central London that I visited a couple of times while working for Jess. I am also interested in the PR side of the fashion industry and think it would amazing to get some experience in both sides of the scale. I am working with Jess until the 20th of this month and then I will go to work with her on s o m e b i g j o b s d u r i n g t h e s u m m e r. I a m s o e x c i t e d t o s e e what else I can learn and do with this incredible job of styling.