'Body cocoon' is a hand knitted, wearable soft sculpture, knitted as a response to the Covid 19 lock down. It's knitted in a range of flesh coloured wool, as a form of self portrait. I've subverted normal expectations of knitting, as perfect and finished, by deliberately leaving the marks of the making process. The multiple hanging threads add a different set of meanings, with notions of vulnerability and unravelling. It's sloppy craft. Knitting has associations with comfort and the body; a cocoon is a place maybe of safety and hiddenness, and of transformation. Here is a photo a day of the reverse of the knitting and it's progress over the 38 days it took to complete it.
'Body cocoon' is part of a series of interactive Living sculptures, which are wearable soft sculptures. During an exhibition, I would normally invite visitors to try them on. At the moment, however, that's not possible, so this sculpture is my own personal cocoon.
Photos by the artist and Dave Baker; worn by the artist