Safety net Lou Baker A participatory art installation over 17 days at Fringe Arts Bath 26.5.17 – 11.6.17 Day 1
‘Homer’s epic odyssey is about the journey home for migrant humanity and battle dazed survivors of warfare.’
‘Early Years and Foundation Stage provocation.’
‘It keeps you and your stuff safe’
‘In Mummy’s bedroom.’
‘I think I or some one else could make a fort out of them.’
‘The suffocating comfort of a home we take for granted. The numbing fear of displacement – an open exposed shelter.’
‘Lovely, safe play space!!’
‘Peace is not the absence of war; it’s the absence of all forms of violence – physical, emotional, exclusion, racism etc … corruption, bribery. While these exist there will be no peace.’
‘With the world in the state of chaos and seemingly lack of caring – being kind, and caring for your community however small.’
‘My safety net is my absolutely amazing cat.’
‘I am Mabel. I did lots of knots *******’
‘Safety is a place you find when you run out of jam.’
Safety net Thank you to everyone who took part
Day 17