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Planning puzzle

Planning puzzle

BY RENSS GREENE rgreene@loudounnow.com

Loudoun supervisors will soon begin their work on rewriting the county’s zoning ordinance to match its new comprehensive plan, but their work on that ordinance and other planning projects will reach into the next board’s term.

The county Planning Commission handed up a draft new zoning ordinance with advice to launch a series of other changes to the ordinance and comprehensive plan as separate projects. And the county Department of Planning Zoning already has major projects directed by this board, whose term ends in December, scheduled through at least spring 2025.

The Planning Commission’s recommendations in priority included writing rules for data center environmental standards; repurposing commercial properties into residential; community-scale solar projects; floodplain updates; allowable uses on mountainsides; regulations on farm brew- eries, wineries and equine facilities; a plan for the area around Evergreen Mills Road; and an option for developers to offer land in lieu of building price-controlled homes.

Meanwhile on top of the zoning ordinance rewrite, county planners have plans in the docket for new rules on cluster zoning and protecting agricultural soils, data center location and design standards, and

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