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Legal Notices
Pursuant to Sections 15.2-1427, 15.2-2204, 15.2-2205 and 15.2-2285 of the Code of Virginia, 1950, as amended, the LEESBURG PLANNING COMMISSION will hold a public hearing on THURSDAY, JULY 20, 2023, at 7:00 p.m. in the Town Council Chambers, 25 West Market Street, Leesburg, Virginia 20176, to consider Rezoning application TLZM-2022-0005, Leegate Commercial.
The Subject Property consists of 8 parcels totaling approximately 101.75 acres (Loudoun County Property Identification Numbers (PIN) 189-10-3080, 189-10-6250, 148-15-1619, 189-19-2882, 19049-8251, 190-49-5275, 190-49-29-18, and 190-20-5775.) A proposed Proffer Amendment affects the phasing plan for residential and commercial uses as well the triggers for certain recreational amenities on these parcels. Portions of two parcels (the Site), ((PINs) 148-15-1619 and 189-10-6250) consisting of approximately 5.28 acres of vacant land bound by Battlefield Parkway, Trailview Boulevard and Fort View Boulevard) are subject to a proposed Zoning Concept Plan Amendment. The Site is zoned PRC, Planned Residential Community and also lies within the Gateway District (Overlay).
Rezoning Application TLZM-2022-0005 is a request by Lidl US, LLC to amend the Concept Plan and Proffers for the subject property to allow for an approximately 30,500 SF grocery store and a second retail/office building of up to 17,000 SF. The phasing plan for residential and commercial uses, and the delivery triggers for certain recreational amenities are also proposed for amendment.
The Site is located in what the Legacy Leesburg Town Plan (LLTP) describes as an “Area to Transform or Evolve” on the Area Based Land Use Initiatives Map (LLTP pg. 72). The property is further designated within LLTP as an “Innovation Center” on the Character Areas for Preservation and Change Map (LLTP pg. 76). There is no recommended density for residential use or a Floor Area Ratio (F.A.R.) for commercial uses associated with a PRC-Planned Residential Community within LLTP. The Site is further designated as “Regional Office” in the Eastern Gateway District Small Area Plan. The proposed commercial F.A.R. of the Site is 0.21.
The application includes several requested modifications to the Town of Leesburg Zoning Ordinance (TLZO) regulations. Modifications being requested by the Applicant include:
1. Maximum building sizes in the PRC (TLZO Sec. 9.3.16.A.2),
2. Setback requirements (TLZO Sec. 10.4.5.E.5),
3. Required number of loading spaces (TLZO Sec. 11.9),
4. Buffer and screening requirements (TLZO Sec. 12.8.2 and 12.8.3), and
5. Universal Gateway District Standards (TLZO Sec. 7.12.24).
Additional information and copies of this application are available at the Department of Planning and Zoning located on the second floor of the Leesburg Town Hall, 25 West Market Street, Leesburg, Virginia 20176 during normal business hours (Monday-Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.), or by contacting Richard Klusek, at 703-771-2758 or rklusek@leesburgva.gov.
At these hearings, all persons desiring to express their views concerning these matters will be heard. Persons requiring special accommodations at the meeting should contact the Clerk of the Commission at (703) 771-2434 three days in advance of the meeting. For TTY/TDD service, use the Virginia Relay Center by dialing 711.
7/6 & 7/13/23
Town Of Hamilton Public Hearing
The Hamilton Planning Commission will hold a public hearing in the Town Office at 53 E. Colonial Highway, Hamilton, Virginia on Wednesday, July 19, 2023, beginning at 7:00 p.m. for the purpose of receiving comment and considering a recommendation regarding SUP 2023-01, a special use permit application by T-Mobile to upgrade/install telecommunications antennas and equipment on and adjacent to the Town water tower at 41 S. Rogers Street, Hamilton, VA Tax Map Number /37/A/1////89B; PIN 418299026000. The proposal would replace existing antennas on top of the water tower with new, taller ones and would add additional equipment to the existing equipment pad next to the tower.
Documents regarding the special use permit application are available for review at the Town Office, 53 E. Colonial Highway, Hamilton, Virginia from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Monday-Friday, holidays excepted and on the Town website at hamiltonva.gov. All members of the public are invited to present their views on this matter at the public hearing either in person or remotely, by following the instructions on the Town website Meeting Calendar/Livestream Meetings. The Hamilton Planning Commission regular monthly meeting will begin after the public hearing.
If you require any type of reasonable accommodation because of a physical, sensory or mental disability to participate in this meeting, contact Sherri Jackson, Town Treasurer at 540-338-2811. Please provide three days’ notice.
Daniel Gorman, Chairperson Hamilton Planning Commission