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Community Fair Explores Lucketts History
The Virginia Piedmont Heritage Area and the Lucketts Ruritan Club are teaming up for a special history fair on Sunday, July 16.
Enjoy a family-oriented afternoon of children’s activities, artifacts, living history, and other activities to highlight events that took place in the community from early Native American communities, to the American Revolution, to the Civil War, and through the 20th century.
On today’s Rt. 15, Lucketts sits within one of the oldest roads in Virginia.
Known in the 18th century as the Carolina Road, the north-south thoroughfare spanned from Pennsylvania through South Carolina and was first used by Native Americans as they traveled for trade and hunting between the mountains and the Potomac River. In the mid-1700s, the road was used by thousands of German and Quaker settlers finding new lives in Loudoun County. During the American Revolution, the community that would become Lucketts grew in importance as the movement of vital supplies, troops and prisoners of war would travel the roads in between fighting in the northern and southern campaigns. As the Civil War approached in 1861, Lucketts was made on more than one occasion into a battlefield for skirmishing troops crossing the border between Maryland and Virginia.
The program runs from 2 to 5 p.m. at the Lucketts Community Center, at 42361 Lucketts Road north of Leesburg.
Admission is free, with a suggested donation of $10.
Learn more at piedmontheritage.org. n
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