Our aim at Fairfield is to offer a broad and balanced education appropriate to the needs of the children in our care. The School combines traditional and family values within an enlightened and ever-changing curriculum, taught in modern, up-to-date facilities. We strive for academic excellence within the classroom with individual care and focus, as well as offering a whole host of activities outside the classroom, such as Forest School, Sport, Music and Drama.
We aim to offer:
1. Excellent academic, sporting and musical opportunities
2. Effective, sensitive and well-coordinated pastoral care
3. Academic achievement with individual care and focus
4. The provision of an excellent holistic foundation on which to build future learning
These aims are evident in every policy and aspect of school life, both in and outside of the classroom for the benefit of both pupils and staff alike. At the end of their time at Fairfield, we hope that our pupils will have enjoyed a high quality, stimulating and varied education, which will enable them to gain offers to their first choice of senior school at 11+.
Fairfield aims to provide a friendly, caring environment where the children are nurtured and supported through praise as they learn. Learning is tailored to children’s learning styles and is relevant and challenging. Emphasis is placed on developing academic skills and knowledge through purposeful activities both in and outside of the classroom.
The curriculum is the planned activities that we organise in order to promote learning and personal growth and development. It includes not only the formal requirements of the curriculum, but also the range of extra-curricular activities that the School organises in order to enrich the children’s experience.
This also includes the “hidden curriculum”, or what the children learn from the way they are treated and expected to behave. We want the children to grow into positive, responsible people, who can work and cooperate with others while developing their knowledge, skills and understanding.
The curriculum is taught in a creative way that makes learning engaging for the children. Through our interaction with each child, we are able to monitor their overall development both socially and academically.
We provide a full-time supervised curriculum for pupils of compulsory school age which gives pupils experience in linguistic, mathematical, scientific, technological, human and social, physical, aesthetic and creative education. The subject matter of this will be planned so that it is appropriate to the ages and aptitudes of pupils, including those pupils with specific educational needs.
Excellent subject knowledge of specialist staff, within well-led departments, means that we are able to stretch our pupils. Included in the curriculum are generous time allocations to Sport, along with Art and Design Technology.
Music is a vital part of the school culture which is included in the curriculum. All children in the Upper Prep have the opportunity to have individual instrumental lessons with one of the School or peripatetic Music staff. Year 2 children follow a compulsory course in playing a string instrument, whilst children in Year 4 undertake a compulsory course in playing a brass instrument.
Fairfield is proud of its quality, purpose built Kindergarten unit which caters for the growing demand for places in our Pre-Prep department.
The exceptional facilities and excellent resources enable our fully qualified staff to deliver an outstanding education for the 21st century in a setting of which we are rightly proud.
We welcome boys and girls after their third birthday during term time, on a part-time basis (3-4 days per week) or full-time basis (5 days per week).
Children then enter Reception in the September after their fourth birthday.
Our popular Wrap Around Care programme consists of a Breakfast Club (07:45 to 08:30) and an After School Club (15:30 to 18:00), which actively supports parents by providing out of school childcare.
There is no minimum requirement for the number of sessions children can attend. We are usually able to accommodate pupils with as little as 48 hours notice.
Further details are available from the Wrap Around Care Manager, Mrs Willingham: r.willingham@lsf.org or on the school website.
There is a network of School buses that operate across a large part of the East Midlands that can be accessed by children from Year 3 upwards.
The routes are managed by our appointed transport partner, Passenger Travel Solutions. Please view our interactive map on the Foundation website for all contact details and information about stops and times.
Fairfield Prep School is an independent day school for boys and girls, aged 3-11 years. There are two departments, the Pre-Prep (Kindergarten, Reception, Year 1 and Year 2) and the Upper Prep (Years 3 to 6).
Children normally enter Kindergarten after their third birthday. For entry into Pre-Prep, children enter from the September after their fourth birthday, with entry into the Upper Prep after their seventh birthday.
We are pleased to welcome children at other ages subject to places being available.
We invite prospective parents and pupils to contact us to arrange a tour and a meeting with the Headmaster.
Dates and details for all of our open events, including those listed below, can be found on the School website.
New Parents’ Evening and a Welcome Afternoon for all new pupils are scheduled during the Summer term.
We welcome admissions at other times of the year upon request and will assess pupils for immediate entry, if places are available.
To arrange a visit, please contact the School Registrar, Ms Clift on 01509 283808 or by email to fairfield.admissions@lsf.org
The Registration form can be found on the Apply page of our website. It should be completed in full and submitted online.
Admission to Kindergarten is by application. On receipt of the Registration form, all children will be offered a ‘stay and play’ session in the Kindergarten unit, just ahead of their potential start date with us. Prospective children will have the opportunity to spend a session within the Kindergarten unit to enable the designated members of staff to gauge their level of skill development and readiness for Kindergarten.
During their pre-entry assessment, prospective children will be presented with a variety of activities to explore. We will be specifically looking for children who have the language skills appropriate to their age, suitable concentration levels, but more importantly are eager and ready to learn. Members of the Senior Management Team will consider the observations made by staff during the assessment/taster visit before deciding whether to offer a place.
The entrance procedure for all year groups from Reception to Year 6 takes the form of an entrance assessment appropriate to each child’s age. This assessment ascertains the potential of each child before they embark on their journey of learning at Fairfield. During their pre-entry assessment, prospective Kindergarten children will be presented with a variety of activities to explore. We will be specifically looking for children who have the language skills appropriate to their age, suitable concentration levels, but more importantly are eager and ready to learn.
The assessments for Reception children have been designed so that no special preparations are needed. We will make a professional judgement based on a child’s readiness for learning. This will involve assessing their dexterity as well as their social, visual, listening and sequencing skills.
Children entering Years 1 to 6 will be assessed on their potential for learning in English and Mathematics, along with some measures of general ability to ensure that they will be able to cope with the pace of the academic programme of study.
More importantly, we want every child to enjoy their time with us and benefit from the many opportunities available in and outside of the classroom.
When offering places in Years 1 to 6, the Headmaster will also take into account a report from the child’s present school.
The results for all children will be confirmed within 14-28 days of the assessment.
The assessment date for entry into Reception for September 2024 is:
Saturday 13 January 2024
Entry into Years 1 to 6 for September 2024
We welcome applications and will assess pupils at all times of the year. Applications can be taken for in-year entry if a place is available.
Fairfield Prep School guarantee Foundation Year 7 places for pupils in Year 5 by the end of the Summer term for children who have entered the School prior to Year 4. Children entering Fairfield in Years 4, 5 and 6 will sit senior entrance assessments in January. Year 5 parents are informed as to the senior school they have guaranteed places for, based on our internal tracking data. Having received this information, parents select which School they wish their child to join following the Year 7 Taster Days at Loughborough Grammar School, Loughborough High School and Loughborough Amherst School in the second half of the Summer term.
Fees are reviewed annually for the following year.
The registration fee of £50 should be sent with the Registration Form. Please make payment via bank transfer, and refer to the Registration Form for the bank transfer details. Payment may also be made via debit or credit card or cheque, payable to ‘Loughborough Schools Foundation’. The registration fee is non-refundable.
An acceptance deposit of £400 is payable on acceptance of a place and is returned when pupils leave in accordance with the Foundation’s Terms and Conditions.
Please note that fees are due on the first day of each term. Payment may be made by bank transfer, direct debit, debit card, credit card or the School operates a monthly payment plan. For overseas pupils, payment may be made by bank transfer or by credit card. For credit card payments, standard charges will apply.
Full details of the schemes are available from the Registrar at the School or the Finance Office at the Bursary, bursary.fees@lsf.org
Kindergarten (term time)
£4,330 per term (5 day placement)
£3,825 per term (4 day placement)
£3,465 per term (3 day placement)
Pre-Prep (Reception, Year 1 & 2)
£4,450 per term
Upper Prep (Year 3 to Year 6)
£4,560 per term
Kindergarten – £4.90 per day
Pre-Prep – £4.90 per day
Upper Prep – £5.10 per day
Breakfast Club
£6.20 per day (07:45 – 08:30)
After School Club
£16.00 per day (15:30 – 18:00)
£8.00 per day (17:00 – 18:00) Applies only to Upper Prep pupils attending after school clubs/activities
Music lessons
£27.50 per 30 minute lesson (10 x 30 minute lessons)
£13.57 per 20 minute lesson (Year 3 String Scheme)
£40 Instrument hire, per term for up to one year. Prices correct at time of going to print.
The following information is available on our website:
Admissions Policy
Anti-Bullying Policy
Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy
Curriculum Policy
Complaints Policy
Data Collection Notice
EAL Policy
EYFS Policy
First Aid and Medical Reporting Policy
Foundation Bursaries Policy
Health and Safety Policy
Healthy Eating Policy
Out of School Visits Policy
Missing Child Policy
Medicine Consent Form
Promoting Good Behaviour Policy
Relationships and Sex Education Policy
Special Educational Needs and Disability Policy
Student Serious Disciplinary Policy
SEN Information Report
Taking, Storing and Using Images of Pupils Policy
Team Selection Policy
Transgender Statement
A full list of all Loughborough Schools Foundation and Fairfield Prep School policies is available on request. The text of all policies, including those which are not published on the website, is available on request.
* Breakfast Club and After School Club provision is included in the termly fees for Fairfield Kindergarten. Free Early Years Entitlement (FEEE) may be used from the term after a child’s third birthday, up to and including their fifth birthday. This is subject to the current guidelines set out by the Local Authority.
Please refer to the website for the most recent information regarding:
Departmental Information
Governing Body and Staff
Independent Schools Inspectorate Report
Schools Academic Performance
School Bus Routes
Please address all admissions enquiries to the Registrar, Ms R Clift, on 01509 283808 or by email to fairfield.admissions@lsf.org
The Chair of the Governors, Mr Roger Harrison, may be contacted on 01509 283701 or by email to secretary.board@lsf.org or at the postal address: 3 Burton Walks, Loughborough, LE11 2DU