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o thr end y age on h us s t i y w a Link e. You m e @sk p your it th webs inion via ase state Best p le o P d rse. e. ue ebsit your cou ed in the w r ou sh and publi ight which name will be L The g Oc on opini r issue of his comin alue t v a SEPTEMBER 2010 regul e released is how we will b 010. This 2 tober pinion. o your
SAVANTS We take a look at the latest issues going around the campus
Blue Days at Comlab
Let me tell you where I am today. I’m pounding keys in front of an obsolete computer monitor, amidst a sea of blue on the interior’s wall, in a building painted with baby pink. They call this place Computer Lab, where obsolete computer sets adorn its space and students murmur on the internet connection’s very, very slow connectivity. CONTINUED ON PAGE 2
Intramurals Sunshine
Under One Sky STORY ON PAGE 3
BONUSREAD 5 THE RISE OF THE ILLUMINATI Junard Duterte explains the secret code 7 THE RISE OF THE ILLUMINATI Junard Duterte explains the secret code 9 THE RISE OF THE ILLUMINATI Junard Duterte explains the secret code 10THE RISE OF THE ILLUMINATI Junard Duterte explains the secret code
We will let you explore the wonders of our school through the mementos the USePians took...in great detail.
13 THE RISE OF THE ILLUMINATI Junard Duterte explains the secret code 16THE RISE OF THE ILLUMINATI Junard Duterte explains the secret code 23 THE RISE OF THE ILLUMINATI Junard Duterte explains the secret code 37 THE RISE OF THE ILLUMINATI Junard Duterte explains the secret code ABOUT THE COVER Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed sed nibh turpis. Vivamus posuere aliquam mi, ut pellentesque est faucibus at. Duis eu risus nec massa luctus vehicula at ac lorem. Donec eget risus vitae odio aliquet eleifend. Mauris tempus nibh in mi euismod iaculis id vitae felis. Fusce eros diam, fringilla a condimentum ac, porttitor sit amet dolor. Donec consequat pharetra erat, ac ornare massa consectetur at. Nunc mi nibh, pharetra sit amet mollis in, eleifend sit amet turpis. Maecenas quam arcu, cursus quis pellentesque quis, posuere ac diam. Duis tempor, felis ut euismod accumsan, quam erat volutpat turpis, non ultricies leo nisl vitae diam. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Cras eu nulla vel erat semper molestie. Duis vestibu-
Fatal Naiveté: Code Blue
Let me tell you where I am today. I’m pounding keys in front of an obsolete computer monitor, amidst a sea of blue on the interior’s wall, in a building painted with baby pink. They call this place Computer Lab, where obsolete computer sets adorn its space and students murmur on the internet connection’s very, very slow connectivity. Across an aisle, students are chatting and shouting. Some are smiling, some are not. It’s barely three o’clock, three hours to go before the sun would kiss the western skies. I would like to tell you what I am doing as I hit the keyboard, but I a m t o o tired for that. I t ’ s M i d terms today—the campus is so silent and the students are studying bloody just to hit the tip of the iceberg. But the idea of facing this flickering screen with a very, very –dare I say it—slow connectivity adds to it. I call this the day the Blue Day. Aside from the fact that my best friend snobbed me today, I think it has always been the mindset whenever I set foot in this Blue Room. Network Timeout will be the most annoying phrase one would probably encounter here
which will result to 48 years of signals a new start, the students slow connectivity. No network look forward to the day where connection will kill student’s connectivity strikes fast as a patience in a wink of an eye and lightning. long before anyone could access These are postscripts to a web page, the time ticks and madness and craziness. I’m still your time allotment shortens. here today and by the absence And because every student pays of a choice, I’ll still be here unfor the internet fees, every single til my semester’s allotment expenny is also wasted. pires. It’s the only choice we’ve That is what it takes in got and while this prevails, we’re a university aiming to be a pre- reminded of a simple truth: pamier state university in the ASE- tience is a virtue. But someAN Region. In an institution so times, the truth hurts. J I would proud of its students who sur- like to believe that this will soon vived the elimination of the un- pass and I look forward to the fit, this dilemma could be the day of writing a positive story last nail to seal the coffin of that next issue and for the blue day to illusion. I mean vision. Content- turn red, and for the lead of this ment could be the name of the story to read this way: game but majority of us aren’t Let me tell you where I satisfied. How could you be so am today. I’m pounding keys naïve? in front of a very cool computer Thirty minutes ago, to the monitor, amidst a sea of blue on students’ surprise, new sets of the interior’s wall, in a buildcomputer arrived. Whoa, brand ing painted with baby pink. new, with flat screens but bulky They call this place Computer CPUs. This could be synony- Lab, where high-tech computmous in pressing F5 on the key- ers adorn its space and students board: refreshing. are jubilating on the internet But is it? I would like to connection’s very, very fast and believe otherwise. It could be a thirst-quenching connectivity. welcome development, but it’s You and I hope this won’t just a microcosm representing fall to deaf ears. The Light the same old crux. While this Student Publication of USeP Tagum The Official