30 minute read
By Ashley Chakales and Maryann England
By Ashley Chakales and Maryann England
Social media has become an integral part of society, especially with the rise in usage following the COVID-19 pandemic. Studies have shown 86% of adults aged 18-29 use some form of social media.1 Notably, social media has had a major impact on medicine, specifically on the dissemination of medical knowledge and raising awareness of particular medical conditions. Individuals with large social media followings known as “influencers” have a large effect on what and how information is distributed to the public. Providers, especially within the field of dermatology, have utilized social media to provide educational information regarding various conditions. Many authors note that with the increasing preference of telemedicine, social media may be a new key asset in connecting physicians with other professionals and patients.2-3
In addition to medical professionals, other popular users such as
model Winnie Harlow and Gymshark influencer Whitney Simmons have utilized their social media platforms to share their personal journeys with the skin conditions of vitiligo and psoriasis, respectively. Harlow and Simmons’s large presence on social media has brought awareness to and helped normalize skin conditions. Both of these leading ladies promote body positivity and being comfortable in your own skin. This can have immensely positive effects on others who have skin conditions and help others feel more comfortable in their own skin. In an interview, Winnie stated, “The emotional aspects of living with vitiligo are very real but often overlooked. Many children who have the disorder face egregious teasing and bullying.” Harlow went on to mention she did not see anyone with her skin condition portrayed in the media, when in fact vitiligo affects 70 million people worldwide.4 Recently, Simmons posted on her Instagram page how she has stopped hiding her psoriasis plaques. The impact of this post can be seen in the comment section. Many other women with psoriasis, which affects over 125 million people globally, and other skin conditions have commented saying Simmons’s post has made them feel empowered and more confident in their own skin.5
Another excellent use of social media raising awareness of medical conditions is the organization Special Books by Special Kids (SBSK), active on many platforms like YouTube and Instagram. This account interviews disabled children and their families about their condition, asking how they feel about their condition and what they wish others knew about it. SBSK introduces the public to various disorders, but skin conditions they have covered include xeroderma pigmentosum, neurofibromatosis, ichthyosis, Goldenhar syndrome and much more. With over three million subscribers on YouTube, SBSK works to “normalize the diversity of the human condition.”6
Like all good things, the potential for distribution of inaccurate information is possible.
With the rise of individuals turning to social media for advice and information regarding skin conditions, it may be difficult for the general public to distinguish accurate versus inaccurate information. Dermatologists can help address this issue by increasing their presence on social media, being active leaders in medical conversations on social media and assisting in dispelling false information.7-8 Dr. Muneeb Shah, a dermatology resident, is an active leader in dermatology-related conversations on social media. He addresses misconceptions and promotes the prevention of many dermatological conditions. He states that his social media presence’s mission is to provide education and is not meant to represent medical advice.
Statements similar to this on influencers’ social media pages whether medical professionals or not can help remind the general public that social media posts are to provide information on topics in medicine and correct false information, not to diagnose or provide treatment options. References 1. Smith A, Anderson M. Social media use in 2018. Pew Research
Center: Internet, Science & Tech. https://www.pewresearch.org /internet/2018/03/01/social-media-use-in-2018/. Published April 7, 2021. Accessed June 19, 2022. 2. Barrutia L, Vega-Gutiérrez J, Santamarina-Albertos A. Benefits, drawbacks, and challenges of social media use in dermatology: A systematic review. Journal of Dermatological Treatment. 2022:120. doi:10.1080/09546634.2022.2069661 3. Lee K, Finnane A, Soyer HP. Recent trends in teledermatology and teledermoscopy. Dermatology Practical & Conceptual. 2018;8(3):214-223. doi:10.5826/dpc.0803a013 4. Nordlund JJ. Vitiligo: A review of some facts lesser known about depigmentation. Indian Journal of Dermatology. 2011;56(2):172. doi:10.4103/0019-5154.80413 5. Author Bronwen Keyes-Bevan, Author, Keyes-Bevan B. Winnie Harlow: Her emotional story with vitiligo. Health Insight. https://www.healthinsight.ca/advocacy/winnie-harlow-her-emotional-story-with-vitiligo/#:~:text=The%20emotional%20aspects %20of%20living,%2C%20embarrassment%2C%20shame%20and %20depression. Published February 20, 2020. Accessed June 19, 2022. 6. Get the facts about psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis. The National
Psoriasis Foundation: National Psoriasis Foundation. https://www.psoriasis.org/psoriasis-statistics/#:~:text=The %20Impacts%20of%20Psoriasis,there%20is%20no%20cure%2C% 20yet.&text=125%20million%20people%20worldwide%E2%80 %942,the%20World%20Psoriasis%20Day%20consortium. Accessed June 19, 2022. 7. Porter A. Normalizing the diversity of the human condition. SBSK. https://sbsk.org/. Published January 7, 2021. Accessed June 19, 2022. 8. Szeto MD, Mamo A, Afrin A, Militello M, Barber C. Social Media in dermatology and an overview of popular social media platforms.
Current Dermatology Reports. 2021;10(4):97-104. doi:10.1007 /s13671-021-00343-4 9. Limaye RJ, Sauer M, Ali J, et al. Building Trust while influencing online covid-19 content in the Social Media World. The Lancet
Digital Health. 2020;2(6). doi:10.1016/s2589-7500(20)30084-4
Ashley Chakales and Maryann England are medical students at the UT Health San Antonio Long School of Medicine.
Trauma-Informed Medical Workgroup:
Health Care’s Response to Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACES)
By Edward Dick, MD and Kristen Plastino, MD
For medical professionals, “trauma care” is associated with medical teams in a hospital emergency department working to save persons with critical, life-threatening injuries. However, there are other important life traumas that affect a person’s well-being. These traumas have been described as “Adverse Childhood Experiences” or “ACEs.” The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) describes trauma as “events or circumstances experienced by an individual as physically or emotionally harmful or life-threatening, which result in adverse effects on the individual’s functioning and well-being.” There is no single or exhaustive list of all ACEs but types of ACEs include, but are not limited to, emotional and physical abuse, neglect and other household stressors including divorce, Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) and other adversities (See “Types of ACEs” graphic).
While abuse, neglect and adversity have long been recognized as health stressors, structuring of these adverse events into the ACES framework is owed to the work of Dr. Vincent Felliti and his colleagues. Dr. Felliti noted that the “great majority” of the dropouts in their weight loss program “were successfully losing weight.”2 Setting out to answer the question why persons who lost weight often gained much of it back, Dr. Felliti, Dr. Robert Anda and colleagues published the seminal ACEs study that found a person’s experience of certain adverse exposures in childhood (divorced parents, emotional abuse, physical neglect, etc.) statistically predicted numerous poor health outcomes. Using a scale of 0 to 10 exposures, Felliti et al. noted that “persons who had experienced four or more categories of childhood exposure… had 4-to-12-fold increased health risks for alcoholism, drug abuse, depression, and suicide attempt…”3 Since the original ACE study publication, ACEs have been linked to numerous chronic diseases, often in a dose response relationship (See Graphic “ACEs Can Increase Risk for Disease, Early Death, and Poor Social Outcomes.” Also see “Resources” for a link to the original ACEs questionnaire).
Although a higher number of ACEs increases the risk of poor health outcomes, researchers sought to document the protective factors shared by the person and the community which seem to blunt or block the effect of adverse childhood experiences.4 Shifting the focus from therapy for ACEs to emphasizing resiliency support explains why a leading resource site on ACEs has rebranded to the Positive and Adverse Childhood Experiences (PACEs) to reflect the importance of protective factors that can blunt the impact of an ACE. Practicing trauma-informed care Responding appropriately to the reality of trauma in patients and the healthcare team requires a “Trauma Informed Care (TIC)” approach. SAMHSA states a trauma informed organization “…realizes the widespread impact of trauma and understands potential paths for recovery; recognizes the signs and symptoms of trauma in clients, families, staff, and others involved with the system; and responds by fully integrating knowledge about trauma into policies, procedures, and practices, and seeks to actively resist re-traumatization.”5 In Bexar County, the South Texas Trauma Informed Care Consortium (STTICC) addresses the many mitigating and supportive factors through 12 interdisciplinary workgroups including a medical workgroup. Goals for the medical workgroup include: 1. Promoting common understanding and vocabulary of traumainformed care; 2. Increasing awareness of ACEs and protective factors in clinical care and among the clinical care team; 3. Disseminating information on continuing education and training in trauma informed care (TIC); 4. Monitoring and sharing evolving best practices on screening for ACEs; 5. Collaborating with other workgroups and constituencies to improve referral sources and treatment options for trauma; 6. Advocating for adoption of best practices that mitigate trauma, prevent trauma, and increase resiliencySource: https://vetoviolence.cdc.gov/apps/aces-infographic/home at the individual and community level; and 7.

Source: https://www.cdc.gov/violenceprevention/aces/resources.html#anchor_1626996630 Promoting the pursuit of Trauma-Informed Certification for organizations and healthcare teams.
Members of the Bexar County medical community are invited to learn more at the STTICC website, https://stxtraumainformedcareconsortium.org/workgroup-sectors/. To participate in the quarterly, medical workgroup meetings, please email the workgroup manager at stticcmanager@gmail.com for additional information on meetings and participation. Resources
ACEs Questionnaire

General Resources
Center for Healthcare Strategies https://www.chcs.org/topics/trauma-informed-care/
PACEs https://www.pacesconnection.com
South Texas Trauma Informed Care Consortium (STTIC) https://stxtraumainformedcareconsortium.org/
ACEs Aware CME https://training.acesaware.org/ Texas Health Steps CME https://www.txhealthsteps.com/549-addressing-aces UHS Institute for Trauma Informed Care https://www.universityhealthsystem.com/ health-wellness/institute-for-trauma-informed-care
References 1. https://www.traumainformedcare.chcs. org/wp-content/uploads/ 2018/11/Infographic-TIC.pdf 2. Felitti V. J. (2002). The Relation Between Adverse Childhood Experiences and Adult Health: Turning Gold into Lead. The Permanente Journal, 6(1), 44–47. 3. Felitti, V. J., Anda, R. F., Nordenberg, D., Williamson, D. F., Spitz, A. M., Edwards, V., Koss, M. P., & Marks, J. S. (1998). Relationship of childhood abuse and household dysfunction to many of the leading causes of death in adults. The Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE) Study. American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 14(4), 245–258. 4. Howell, K. H., Miller-Graff, L. E., Martinez-Torteya, C., Napier, T.
R., & Carney, J. R. (2021). Charting a Course towards Resilience Following Adverse Childhood Experiences: Addressing Intergenerational
Trauma via Strengths-Based Intervention. Children, 8(10), 844. 5. Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration.
SAMHSA’s Concept of Trauma and Guidance for a Trauma-Informed Approach. HHS Publication No. (SMA) 14-4884.
Rockville, MD: Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, 2014, p9.
Edward Dick, MD is the Director of Clinical Complex Care Management at Methodist Healthcare Ministries of South Texas, Inc,, a faith-based, not-for-profit organization working to create access to care for low-income, uninsured families through services, strategic grant-making and community partnerships in 74 counties. Dr. Dick is a member of the Bexar County Medical Society.
Kristen Plastino, MD is the Vice Chair of Clinical Operations and Professor in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at UT Health San Antonio. Dr. Plastino founded UT Teen Health and as director, she opened the Teen Health Clinic housed at the Robert B. Green Campus and serves as the medical director. She also consulted on the opening of multiple local school-based health centers. She is a member of the Bexar County Medical Society.

2022 Summer Membership Mixer
On June 9, 2022, Bexar County Medical Society hosted the 2022 Summer Kickoff Mixer. The event was well attended by a group of medical residents, students, active members and past presidents. The Drew Brown Band performed and entertained the guests while they enjoyed a great BBQ buffet.
THANK YOU TO THE EVENT SPONSORS: Premier Sponsor: Cano Health • Presenting Sponsor: ALOFT Hotel Partner Sponsors: TMA Insurance Trust and Texas Capital Bank

5 L – R BCMS Past Presidents, Dr. Vijay Koli, Dr. Manny Quiñones, Dr. Gabriel Ortiz
L – R Dr. Manpreet Chhabra, MD; Dr. Duncan Friedman and Mrs. Carly Friedman
L – R Tom Duncan, Broadway Bank COF Member and BCMS President-elect, Dr. John Nava
L – R Dr. Raul Santoscoy, BCMS Board Member and Pedro Gutierrez, Texas Capital Bank (Event Sponsor)
L – R Mr. Edward Vargas, Cano Health Texas VP of Business Development –Event Presenting Sponsor

2022 BCMS Leadership Series
Aug 13/27, Sept 10/24 and Oct 8 8 am - Noon
TOPICS INCLUDE: Fundamentals of Leadership Design Thinking and Leadership Traits of High-Performing Leaders Economics of the Health Care Industry
Go to www.bcms.org to register or use the QR code at left

Burnout: A National Problem;
TMA Wellness Fund Can Help
By the Texas Medical Association
In a recent advisory calling attention to healthcare worker burnout, US Surgeon General Vivek Murthy, MD, highlighted the broad response the situation calls for: “We must ensure that every health worker has access to affordable, confidential and convenient mental health care.”
If finances are keeping you or someone you know from seeking treatment for depression, anxiety, substance use or other conditions, the Texas Medical Association’s PBF Wellness Fund is here to help overcome that barrier.
Through the fund, physicians with a valid Texas medical license can receive financial support for treatment of conditions that impair their ability to practice medicine safely. In addition, qualifying physicians can receive financial support to cover their family’s living expenses while undergoing treatment.
In the Surgeon General’s report, Addressing Health Worker Burnout, Dr. Murthy proposed a variety of approaches to aid the 35% to 54% of physicians and nurses, and 45% to 60% of medical students and residents, reporting symptoms of burnout. He called for individuals, healthcare organizations, academic institutions, government and more to help address the problem.
Related to mental health, the advisory calls for such actions as: • Eliminating punitive policies for seeking care for mental health and substance-use disorder; • Normalizing conversations about mental health challenges, including suicide, in healthcare learning environments to foster a culture of support and awareness; and • Ensuring access to mental health services for healthcare workers and their families, including the use of telemedicine.
Contact TMA if you or someone you know could benefit from the PBF Wellness Fund. Email Chris Johnson, PBF director, at chris.johnson@texmed.org or call her at (512) 370-1602 with questions. Or complete an application online. TMA strives to protect the anonymity of fund recipients.
Contributions from physicians and their spouses support the fund. If you want to help, you can contribute via secure, online donation or send a check to PBF Wellness Fund, Attn: TMA Finance Department, 401 W. 15th St., Austin, TX 78701-1680.
The PBF is a 501(c)(3) organization, so charitable contributions are tax-deductible to the full extent permitted by federal law.
Movable Skeletal Atlas
By Professor GJ Witkowski, MD
This is a movable skeletal atlas now pressed between two glass sheets (because of tears and fragility) made by Professor GJ Witkowski, MD in Paris, France from the 1880s. Dr. Seidenfeld’s father practiced law from 1945 –1980, using this book in litigating skeletal injury cases.

Please ask your practice manager to use the Physicians Purchasing Directory as a reference when services or products are needed.
Sol Schwartz & Associates P.C. (HHH Gold Sponsor) Sol Schwartz & Associates is the premier accounting firm for San Antonio-area medical practices and specializes in helping physicians and their management teams maximize their financial effectiveness. Jim Rice, CPA 210-384-8000, ext. 112 jprice@ssacpa.com www.ssacpa.com “Dedicated to working with physicians and physician groups.”
Express Information Systems (HHH Gold Sponsor) With over 29 years’ experience, we understand that real-time visibility into your financial data is critical. Our browser-based healthcare accounting solutions provide accurate, multi-dimensional reporting that helps you accommodate further growth and drive your practice forward. Rana Camargo Senior Account Manager 210-771-7903 ranac@expressinfo.com www.expressinfo.com “Leaders in Healthcare Software & Consulting”
Kreager Mitchell (HHH Gold Sponsor) At Kreager Mitchell, our healthcare practice works with physicians to offer the best representation possible in providing industry specific solutions. From business transactions to physician contracts, our team can help you in making the right decision for your practice. Michael L. Kreager 210-283-6227 mkreager@kreagermitchell.com Bruce M. Mitchell 210-283-6228 bmitchell@kreagermitchell.com www.kreagermitchell.com “Client-centered legal counsel with integrity and inspired solutions” ASSETT WEALTH MANAGEMENT
Bertuzzi-Torres Wealth Management Group (HHH Gold Sponsor) We specialize in simplifying your personal and professional life. We are dedicated wealth managers who offer diverse financial solutions for discerning healthcare professionals, including asset protection, lending and estate planning. Mike Bertuzzi First Vice President Senior Financial Advisor 210-278-3828 Michael_bertuzzi@ml.com Ruth Torres Financial Advisor 210-278-3828 Ruth.torres@ml.com http://fa.ml.com/bertuzzi-torres
Broadway Bank (HHH Gold Sponsor) Healthcare banking experts with a private banking team committed to supporting the medical community. Shawn P. Hughes, JD Senior Vice President, Private Banking 210-283-5759 shughes@broadway.bank www.broadwaybank.com “We’re here for good.”
The Bank of San Antonio (HHH Gold Sponsor) We specialize in insurance and banking products for physician groups and individual physicians. Our local insurance professionals are some of the few agents in the state who specialize in medical malpractice and all lines of insurance for the medical community. Brandi Vitier 210-807-5581 brandi.vitier@thebankofsa.com www.thebankofsa.com
Synergy Federal Credit Union (HH Silver Sponsor) Looking for low loan rates for mortgages and vehicles? We've got them for you. We provide a full suite of digital and traditional financial products, designed to help Physicians get the banking services they need.
Synergy FCU Member Services 210-750-8333 info@synergyfcu.org www.synergyfcu.org “Once a member, always a member. Join today!”
Livingston Med Lab (HHHH 10K Platinum Sponsor) High Complexity Clia/Cola accredited Laboratory providing White Glove Customer Service. We offer a Full Diagnostic Test Menu in the fields of Hematology, Chemistry, Endocrinology, Toxicology, Infectious Disease, & Genetics. Robert Castaneda (CEO) 210-316-1792 Email: Robert@livingstonmedlab.com Sean Villasana (Chief Scientific Officer, CSO) 210-237-8557 Sean@livingstonmedlab.com Joey Martinez (Director of Operations) 210-204-7072 Joey@livingstonmedlab.com Dwight Chapman (Account Manager) 210-591-2649 Dwight@livingstonmedlab.com www.livingstonmedlab.com/home “Trusted Innovative, Accurate, and STAT Medical Diagnostics”
Bexar Credentials Verification, Inc. (HHHH 10K Platinum Sponsor) Bexar Credentials Verification Inc. provides primary source verification of credentials data that meets The Joint Commission (TJC) and the National Committee for Quality Assurance (NCQA) standards for health care entities. Betty Fernandez Director of Operations 210-582-6355 Betty.Fernandez@bexarcv.com www.BexarCV.com “Proudly serving the medical community since 1998” FINANCIAL ADVISORS
Oakwell Private Wealth Management (HHHH 10K Platinum Sponsor) Oakwell Private Wealth Management is an independent financial advisory firm with a proven track record of providing tailored financial planning and wealth management services to those within the medical community. Brian T. Boswell, CFP®, QKA Senior Private Wealth Advisor 512-649-8113 SERVICE@OAKWELLPWM.COM www.oakwellpwm.com “More Than Just Your Advisor, We're Your Wealth Management Partner”
Elizabeth Olney with Edward Jones (HH Silver Sponsor) We learn your individual needs so we can develop a strategy to help you achieve your financial goals. Join the nearly 7 million investors who know. Contact me to develop an investment strategy that makes sense for you. Elizabeth Olney, Financial Advisor 210-858-5880 Elizabeth.olney@edwardjones.com www.edwardjones.com/elizabeth-olney "Making Sense of Investing"
Bertuzzi-Torres Wealth Management Group ( Gold Sponsor) We specialize in simplifying your personal and professional life. We are dedicated wealth managers who offer diverse financial solutions for discerning healthcare professionals, including asset protection, lending & estate planning. Mike Bertuzzi First Vice President Senior Financial Advisor 210-278-3828 Michael_bertuzzi@ml.com Ruth Torres Financial Advisor 210-278-3828 Ruth.torres@ml.com http://fa.ml.com/bertuzzi-torres

Aspect Wealth Management (HHH Gold Sponsor) We believe wealth is more than money, which is why we improve and simplify the lives of our clients, granting them greater satisfaction, confidence and freedom to achieve more in life. Michael Clark, President 210-268-1520 mclark@aspectwealth.com www.aspectwealth.com “Get what you deserve … maximize your Social Security benefit!”

First Citizens Bank (HHH Gold Sponsor) We’re a family bank — led for three generations by the same family-but first and foremost a relationship bank. We get to know you. We want to understand you and help you with your banking. Stephanie Dick Commercial Banker 210-744-4396 stephanie.dick@firstcitizens.com https://commercial.firstcitizens.co m/tx/austin/stephanie-dick “People Bank with People” “Your Practice, Our Promise”
Amegy Bank of Texas (HH Silver Sponsor) We believe that any great relationship starts with five core values: Attention, Accountability, Appreciation, Adaptability and Attainability. We work hard and together with our clients to accomplish great things. Jeanne Bennett EVP | Private Banking Manager 210-343-4556 Jeanne.bennett@amegybank.com Karen Leckie Senior Vice President | Private Banking 210-343-4558 karen.leckie@amegybank.com Robert Lindley Senior Vice President | Private Banking 210-343-4526 robert.lindley@amegybank.com Denise C. Smith Vice President | Private Banking 210-343-4502 Denise.C.Smith@amegybank.com www.amegybank.com “Community banking partnership” UT Health San Antonio MD Anderson Cancer Center, (HHH Gold Sponsor) UT Health San Antonio MD Anderson Cancer Center, is the only NCI-designated Cancer Center in South Texas. Our physicians and scientists are dedicated to finding better ways to prevent, diagnose and treat cancer through lifechanging discoveries that lead to more treatment options. Laura Kouba, Manager, Physician Relations 210-265-7662 NorrisKouba@uthscsa.edu Lauren Smith, Manager, Marketing & Communications 210-450-0026 SmithL9@uthscsa.edu Cancer.uthscsa.edu Appointments: 210-450-1000 UT Health San Antonio MD Anderson Cancer Center 7979 Wurzbach Road San Antonio, TX 78229
Express Information Systems (HHH Gold Sponsor) With over 29 years’ experience, we understand that real-time visibility into your financial data is critical. Our browser-based healthcare accounting solutions provide accurate, multi-dimensional reporting that helps you accommodate further growth and drive your practice forward. Rana Camargo Senior Account Manager 210-771-7903 ranac@expressinfo.com www.expressinfo.com “Leaders in Healthcare Software & Consulting”
TMA Insurance Trust (HHHH 10K Platinum Sponsor) TMA Insurance Trust is a full-service insurance agency offering a full line of products – some with exclusive member discounts and staffed by professional advisors with years of experience. Call today for a complimentary insurance review. It will be our privilege to serve you. Wendell England Director of Member Benefits 512-370-1776 wendell.england@tmait.org 800-880-8181 www.tmait.org “We offer BCMS members a free insurance portfolio review.”
Guardian (★★★ Gold Sponsor) Live Confidently. Every financial dream deserves a well-crafted plan. Ned Hodge 210-332-3757 ned@nedhodge.com www.nedhodge.com | www.Opesone.com “Take care of today then plan for tomorrow”
Humana (HHH Gold Sponsor) Humana is a leading health and well-being company focused on making it easy for people to achieve their best health with clinical excellence through coordinated care. Jon Buss: 512-338-6167 Jbuss1@humana.com Shamayne Kotfas: 512-338-6103 skotfas@humana.com www.humana.com
Texas Medical Liability Trust (HHHH 10K Platinum Sponsor) With more than 20,000 health care professionals in its care, Texas Medical Liability Trust (TMLT) provides malpractice insurance and related products to physicians. Our purpose is to make a positive impact on the quality of health care for patients by educating, protecting, and defending physicians. Patty Spann 512-425-5932 patty-spann@tmlt.org www.tmlt.org Recommended partner of the Bexar County Medical Society The Bank of San Antonio Insurance Group, Inc. (HHH Gold Sponsor) We specialize in insurance and banking products for physician groups and individual physicians. Our local insurance professionals are some of the few agents in the state who specialize in medical malpractice and all lines of insurance for the medical community. Katy Brooks, CIC 210-807-5593 katy.brooks@bosainsurance.com www.thebankofsa.com “Serving the medical community.”
MedPro Group (HH Silver Sponsor) Rated A++ by A.M. Best, MedPro Group has been offering customized insurance, claims and risk solutions to the healthcare community since 1899. Visit MedPro to learn more. Kirsten Baze 512-658-0262 Kirsten.Baze@medpro.com www.medpro.com
ProAssurance (HH Silver Sponsor) ProAssurance professional liability insurance defends healthcare providers facing malpractice claims and provides fair treatment for our insureds. ProAssurance Group’s rating is AM Best A (Excellent). Mike Rosenthal Senior Vice President, Business Development 800-282-6242 MikeRosenthal@ProAssurance.com www.ProAssurance.com

Alamo Capital Advisors LLC (★★★★ 10K Platinum Sponsor) Focused on sourcing, capitalizing, and executing investment and development opportunities for our investment partners and providing thoughtful solutions to our advisory clients. Current projects include new developments, acquisitions & sales, lease representation and financial restructuring (equity, debt, and partnership updates). Jon Wiegand, Principal 210-241-2036 jw@alamocapitaladvisors.com www.alamocapitaladvisors.com
Commercial & Medical Credit Services (HH Silver Sponsor) A bonded and fully insured San Antonio-based collection agency. Henry Miranda 210-340-9515 hcmiranda@sbcglobal.net www.cmcs-sa.com “Make us the solution for your account receivables.”
First Citizens Bank (★★★ Gold Sponsor) We’re a family bank — led for three generations by the same family-but first and foremost a relationship bank. We get to know you. We want to understand you and help you with your banking. Stephanie Dick Commercial Banker 210-744-4396 stephanie.dick@firstcitizens.com https://commercial.firstcitizens.co m/tx/austin/stephanie-dick “People Bank with People” “Your Practice, Our Promise”
Henry Schein Medical (HH Silver Sponsor) From alcohol pads and bandages to EKGs and ultrasounds, we are the largest worldwide distributor of medical supplies, equipment, vaccines and pharmaceuticals serving office-based practitioners in 20 countries. Recognized as one of the world’s most ethical companies by Ethisphere. Tom Rosol 210-413-8079 tom.rosol@henryschein.com www.henryschein.com “BCMS members receive GPO discounts of 15 to 50 percent.”
San Antonio Army Medical Recruiting office (★★Silver Sponsor) Mission: Recruit highly qualified and motivated healthcare professionals for service in the Army Reserves or Active Duty Army, in support of Soldiers and their families. 1LT Thomas Alexandria 210-328-9022 Alexandria.n.thomas12.mil@army. mil https://recruiting.army.mil/mrb/ “Service to Country, Army Medicine, Experientia et Progressus”
iGenomeDx ( Gold Sponsor) Most trusted molecular testing laboratory in San Antonio providing FAST, ACCURATE and COMPREHENSIVE precision diagnostics for Genetics and Infectious Diseases. Dr. Niti Vanee Co-founder & CEO 210-257-6973 nvanee@iGenomeDx.com Dr. Pramod Mishra Co-founder, COO & CSO 210-381-3829 pmishra@iGenomeDx.com www.iGenomeDx.com “My DNA My Medicine, Pharmacogenomics”
The Health Cell (HH Silver Sponsor) “Our Focus is People” Our mission is to support the people who propel the healthcare and bioscience industry in San Antonio. Industry, academia, military, nonprofit, R&D, healthcare delivery, professional services and more! Kevin Barber, President 210-308-7907 (Direct) kbarber@bdo.com Valerie Rogler, Program Coordinator 210-904-5404 Valerie@thehealthcell.org www.thehealthcell.org “Where San Antonio’s Healthcare Leaders Meet”
San Antonio Medical Group Management Association (SAMGMA) (HH Silver Sponsor) SAMGMA is a professional nonprofit association with a mission to provide educational programs and networking opportunities to medical practice managers and support charitable fundraising. Alan Winkler, President info4@samgma.org www.samgma.org

Alamo Capital Advisors LLC (★★★★ 10K Platinum Sponsor) Focused on sourcing, capitalizing, and executing investment and development opportunities for our investment partners and providing thoughtful solutions to our advisory clients. Current projects include new developments, acquisitions & sales, lease representation and financial restructuring (equity, debt, and partnership updates). Jon Wiegand, Principal 210-241-2036 jw@alamocapitaladvisors.com www.alamocapitaladvisors.com
CARR Realty (HH Silver Sponsor) CARR is a leading provider of commercial real estate for tenants and buyers. Our team of healthcare real estate experts assist with start-ups, renewals, relocations, additional offices, purchases and practice transitions. Brad Wilson – Agent 210-573-6146 Brad.Wilson@carr.us www.carr.us “Maximize Your Profitability Through Real Estate” cvidrine@favoritestaffing.com “Favorite Healthcare Staffing offers preferred pricing for BCMS members.”
San Antonio Army Medical Recruiting office (HH Silver Sponsor) Mission: Recruit highly qualified and motivated healthcare professionals for service in the Army Reserves or Active Duty Army, in support of Soldiers and their families. 1LT Thomas Alexandria 210-328-9022 Alexandria.n.thomas12.mil@army.mil https://recruiting.army.mil/mrb/ “Service to Country, Army Medicine, Experientia et Progressus”
Oakwell Private Wealth Management (HHHH 10K Platinum Sponsor) Oakwell Private Wealth Management is an independent financial advisory firm with a proven track record of providing tailored financial planning and wealth management services to those within the medical community. Brian T. Boswell, CFP®, QKA Senior Private Wealth Advisor 512-649-8113 SERVICE@OAKWELLPWM.COM www.oakwellpwm.com “More Than Just Your Advisor, We're Your Wealth Management Partner”
Favorite Healthcare Staffing (HHHH 10K Platinum Sponsor) Serving the Texas healthcare community since 1981, Favorite Healthcare Staffing is proud to be the exclusive provider of staffing services for the BCMS. In addition to traditional staffing solutions, Favorite offers a comprehensive range of staffing services to help members improve cost control, increase efficiency and protect their revenue cycle. Cindy M. Vidrine Director of Operations- Texas 210-918-8737

2022 Mercedes S580

By Stephen Schutz, MD

I’ve written previously that the introduction of a new Mercedes Sclass sedan isn’t as big a deal as it used to be because SUVs have intruded so much into the luxury sedan market. In fact, you could argue that the launch of the new Range Rover earlier this year was more important than the introduction of the latest S-class.
Nevertheless, a new S-class is still a big deal, and I was definitely paying attention when Mercedes launched the most recent version of their flagship sedan last year.
The seventh generation S-class, known internally as the W223 model, doesn’t look radically different from its predecessor, but it’s way ahead technically.
For starters, the 12.8-inch OLED touchscreen display above the center console along with a second 12.3-inch customizable screen in front of the driver are very advanced. Using the navigation system on the smaller display gives you a 3-D image of the S-class moving across the land, and it works in concert with the heads-up display that places directions onto the reality that you actually see. It’s better than other satnav systems and is impressive to experience in person.
The bottom part of the central display shows climate controls all the time, which I appreciate, along with a few physical buttons beneath that for changing driving modes, turning up the volume and activating the hazards. In addition, there are four USB-C ports in the center console for front-seat occupants to use, if they’re so inclined.
Design-wise, Mercedes played it conservative with the latest S. Given the many upgrades and enhancements, I honestly would have expected more groundbreaking styling. Presumably the brass at Mercedes AG decided to put all of their advanced styling chips on the all-electric EQS rather than the “dinosaur” internal combustion engine (ICE) S-class, which is a shame.
By the way, the S580's powertrain is as clean and modern as ICE gets. It’s a 4.0-liter twin-turbocharged V8 producing 496HP and 516ft-lb of torque, augmented by a 48-volt mild hybrid system that adds 21HP to the mix, mostly when you’re accelerating from a stop. The V8 is plenty powerful by itself, but with the mild hybrid boost, the S580 feels like it has an even bigger engine.
The nine-speed automatic transmission does its thing with near imperceptibility, and optional rear-axle steering—a $1,300 option— means that the S580 is easy to navigate through parking lots and other tight confines.
A word about the rear-axle steering: I live in an in-town condominium with a parking structure and this-is-your-spot parking. Maneuvering any vehicle into my spot is generally difficult, but impressively, with the S580 it was easy, because the rear-axle steering made this decidedly large sedan move like a Honda Civic. Pro tip: do not order an S-class without checking the rear-axle steering box.
The rear-axle steering also makes changing lanes on the interstate smoother by the way. In those situations, the rear wheels turn the same way as the fronts, enabling calmer direction changes.
Actually, driving the S-class under any circumstances is a calming experience. Whether running errands in town, eating up miles on the interstate, or hustling down a B-road, the Mercedes flagship sedan excels. The aforementioned engine and transmission get much of the credit, but a top-shelf suspension system and advanced software contribute significantly. Every time I drove the S580 I thought, “this must be the best sedan ever built.” And it mostly is. Certainly, Bentley and Rolls Royce make the absolute best sedans in the world, but those vehicles are three to four times more expensive than the S-class, and no way are they three to four times better.
I’ve noted previously how much better Mercedes interiors are than they used to be, and that’s doubly true for the S-class. Everything you touch feels comfortable and reassuring, and everything you see looks expensive. Plus, there’s the sleekly modern tech described above that’s integrated with the cushiness in a very pleasing way.
For the record, my test car carried a sobering MSRP of just under $140,000, and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) rates the S580 at 16 mpg city and 25 mpg highway, not Sierra Club-friendly numbers.
As always, call Phil Hornbeak at BCMS to get your best sale or lease price on a new Mercedes or any other car, truck or SUV.
The new Mercedes S-class is a wonderful top-shelf ICE sedan that’s as good as it gets, as long as you’re not in the market for a car that costs a half million dollars. And even then, it’s competitive. If you don’t have to have an SUV, then this is the sedan for you. Just make sure you get the rear-axle steering.
Note for readers: A trauma surgeon friend and I have launched an automotive podcast that may interest you. It’s called, “Cars on Call,” and it features discussions about a myriad of automotive subjects from two physicians’ perspective. It’s available on Apple, Spotify and other platforms, and I hope you give it a listen.
As always, call Phil Hornbeak, the Auto Program Manager at BCMS (210-301-4367), for your best deal on any new car or truck brand. Phil can also connect you to preferred financing and lease rates.
Stephen Schutz, MD, is a board-certified gastroenterologist who lived in San Antonio in the 1990s when he was stationed here in the US Air Force. He has been writing auto reviews for San Antonio Medicine since 1995.

11911 IH 10 West San Antonio, TX 78230 Coby Allen 210-696-2232
Kahlig Auto Group
Bluebonnet Chrysler Dodge Ram 547 S. Seguin Ave. New Braunfels, TX 78130 Matthew C. Fraser 830-606-3463
Land Rover San Antonio 13660 IH 10 West San Antonio, TX Cameron Tang 210-561-4900

Kahlig Auto Group
North Park Mazda 9333 San Pedro San Antonio, TX 78216 John Kahlig 210-253-3300
Kahlig Auto Group
North Park Subaru 9807 San Pedro San Antonio, TX 78216 Raymond Rangel 210-308-0200
Audi Dominion 21105 West IH 10 San Antonio, TX 78257 Rick Cavender 210-681-3399
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Kahlig Auto Group
North Park Lexus 611 Lockhill Selma San Antonio, TX Tripp Bridges 210-308-8900
Mercedes Benz of Boerne 31445 IH 10 West Boerne, TX James Godkin 830-981-6000
Kahlig Auto Group
North Park Subaru at Dominion 21415 IH 10 West San Antonio, TX 78257 Phil Larson 877-356-0476
Northside Chevrolet 9400 San Pedro Ave. San Antonio, TX 78216 Charles Williams 210-912-5087 Chuck Nash Chevrolet Buick GMC 3209 North Interstate 35 San Marcos, TX William Boyd 210-859-2719
Northside Honda 9100 San Pedro Ave. San Antonio, TX 78216 Paul Hopkins 210-988-9644
Kahlig Auto Group
North Park Lexus at Dominion 25131 IH 10 W Dominion San Antonio, TX James Cole 210-816-6000
14610 IH 10 West San Marcos, TX 78249 Mark Hennigan 832-428-9507
Kahlig Auto Group
North Park Lincoln 9207 San Pedro San Antonio, TX Sandy Small 210-341-8841
Mercedes Benz of San Antonio 9600 San Pedro San Antonio, TX Al Cavazos Jr. 210-366-9600
Cavender Toyota 5730 NW Loop 410 San Antonio, TX Gary Holdgraf 210-862-9769
9455 IH 10 West San Antonio, TX 78230 Douglas Cox 210-764-6945
Kahlig Auto Group
North Park Toyota 10703 Southwest Loop 410 San Antonio, TX 78211 Justin Boone 210-635-5000