Lash Inc Issue 2

Page 1

CONTENT Welcome to this issue / Contributors 5


THREADING / 60 Celebrity Focus Amy Childs / 68-69







Lower Lashes (Step by Step) 8 - 11 Lash Pro Pages 12 - 13 Reader Gallery 16 - 19 Safety Cyanoacrylate 20 - 21 Patch Testing 22 Volume Lashing Article 25 Lash Curls Explained 26 London Beauty Show 28 - 31 Melanie Doyle - Strip Lash Step by Step 32 - 33 Irish Beauty Show/Dublin 36 – 37 Interview Christine Henderson 39 Eyelash Association 40 Eye Make Up Remover Review 41 My Salon 45 5 Star Lash Therapist Article 46 - 47 News 50 Lash Lift 53-54

Body Wraps article 57 Eyebrow Treatments 58 Lash Artist of the Year 61 Book Reviews 62

Social Media Raymond Aaron - Branding Niche Marketing Email Marketing Supplier Listing

64 65 66 70 71

The publisher has taken all reasonable measures to ensure the accuracy of the information in Lash Inc. The publisher and magazine owners cannot accept responsibility for errors or omissions from any information given in this issue or for any consequences arising thereof.

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Welcome to Issue 2

of Lash Inc The magazine for the ‘Lash’ industry. In this issue you will find step by step tutorials, articles, eyelash associations, trade shows plus much more. The magazine is split into three sections Lashes, Beauty and Business. Enjoy!

Louise Prunty

Ruth Morrison


Joy Watson Carr Features Editor

Feature Journalist

Melanie Doyle Strip Lash Feature

Raymond Aaron Business Article

Francesca Middleton Volume Lash Article

Front Cover

Yulia Iskusnykh - Lash Artist

Lash Inc. Is printed in the United Kingdom. Lash Inc. 7 Newton Place Lower Ground Glasgow G3 7PR

Contact Name: Louise Prunty Contact Email:

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Join us and the leading names in your industry as BeautyUK returns to the NEC Birmingham on Sunday 18th & Monday 19th May 2014. Show tickets worth ÂŁ20 each are available free of charge for trade visitors who register in advance.



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Lower Lash Extensions


Note from Lash Inc team.There are several different methods on how to carry out bottom lash extensions. Some methods are performed with eyes open and some with eyes closed with lashes taped up. Before attempting lower lash extensions please make sure you have been trained to carry out this treatment and your insurance provider accepts your method of application.

1. Remove any make up using Nouveau Lashes Oil Free Make Up Remover.

Lower Lash Extension Step by Step by Nouveau Lashes Tel: 0845 6443994

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2. Prep the lashes with Nouveau Lashes Protein Remover pads, ensuring all protein and contaminants are removed.

5. Position yourself to the side of the client, making sure you have adequate lighting and the correct working posture.

3. Comb through the lashes using your comb attachment on your LVL tool.

6. Separate the lash by isolating one natural lash. With the lash extension firmly gripped in your right hand, wipe over the natural lash leaving a fine coat of Pro 15 Adhesive.

4. You can use an Eye Gel Pad if you wish to protect the under eye.

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7. Attach the lash extension to natural lash leaving a 0.05mm gap from skin. Ensure any excess bonding is taken off using a LVL tool and a micro brush attachment.

Cup & Sealer 8. Continue applying lash by lash until 2/3rds of the natural lashes are extended, avoiding the inner lashes closest to nose.

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9. Apply LVL glaze using a LVL tool with a micro brush attachment, dip the micro brush into the lvl glaze and stroke onto natural lashes which do not have extensions applied. Allow the lvl glaze to dry thoroughly.

10. Comb through the lashes using the LVL tool with brush attachement or a soft disposable mascara wand.

11. To protect the lash extension bond use Nouveau Lashes Professional Sealant. Apply using a microbrush attachement to the LVL tool.

12. Final Look is achieved Lower Lash Extension Step by Step by Nouveau Lashes Tel: 0845 6443994


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Courtney Buhler

Q: How did you first get into lash extensions?

Q: What has been the biggest obstacle you have faced with owning a lash lounge?

A: Being cursed with short, fine natural lashes my quest for a fix always seemed hopeless. My two sisters have “giraffe” lashes as we call them – and I got the lash genetic short end of the stick (from my mom!). She texted me one day when I was only 18 about this new thing called ‘eyelash extensions’, and I was an instant lash addict.

A: Our market here in Edmonton is tough, like it is in a lot of cities around the world. There are an overabundance of poorly trained (read: untrained) lash technicians out there that are damaging natural lashes on a daily basis. People are getting scared of lashes in general, instead of realizing that maybe they need to go to a higher end lash provider to get great, non-damaging lashes. Unfortunately the lounges charging $65/full set, opposed to our $200/full set often set the pace for the service’s reputation.

Q: How long after you tried lash extensions did you decide to get into the industry as a technician yourself? A: Only a few months. I just remember being blown away by the confidence lashes gave me personally, and knew that I wanted to provide women with that same empowered, sexy feeling! What’s more empowering than feeling “wake up and go” ready everyday.

Q: How has your lash lounge developed over the years? A: When I started my business I was just out of my home part time. As the referrals grew, my business quickly became full time, and

Q: You are now branching into education and distribution. Why have you decided to take more on? then became overwhelming for just myself. I was forced to bring on my first employee, which went well! It all grew organically from there – at the busiest point I had 5 full time technicians in my home (our entire basement was the lash lounge). Needless to say, we needed a new space! Lash Affair opened up in South Edmonton with 8 lash beds, a gorgeous décor, and a customized space and experience for our clients!

A: Our industry is in trouble, and needs more top-tier products and most importantly education. It’s not enough for me to run a great, non-damaging lash lounge… I want to CHANGE the industry. I need to improve it, and bring the bar higher for lash artists around the world. I needed to think bigger picture.

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Q: What can we expect from SugarLash Education? A: I wanted to start a program that was slower paced, and more advanced so that students right out of the gate, understood advanced techniques, shaping, and texture. Instead of teaching students

very minimal technique, and then expecting them to adjust with time to become more skilled – why not offer a program where it’s all inclusive of advanced techniques and students become the best lash artist in their area right out of their course? In our classic course we teach: styling for eye shapes, and our signature method of bringing symmetry to unsymmetrical eyes. We teach texture, bridging gaps, mixing curl types, feathering, how to do lower lashes, how to do a fill, how to remove lashes, how to work with different viscosities of adhesives, and more. I want to ensure we are creating top tier stylists to bring up the reputation in the industry.

Q: What kind of lash supplies does SugarLash offer? A: Everything with SugarLash is cutting edge. From our lashes (0.05, 0.06, 0.07, 0.10, 0.12, and 0.15 diameter / B, C, D, L, L+ curls / and lengths 6mm-13mm) to our adhesives and primers, and our application accessories such as our lash clamp, magnification glasses, and lashcure misters to control cure our client’s lashes so they can get them wet right after their appointment. We will continue to evolve our products to what’s most current, innovative, and set the trend for the industry.

Q: What’s next for you? A: I’m not sure! I just try to keep moving all the time. I believe that if your business isn’t moving ahead, it’s moving backwards. I have some huge announcements to share business-wise by the end of 2013 as far as partners, educators, and more. For the meantime, I just focus on staying delved into the industry, lashing as much as I can, and doing research, research, and more research!

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Yulia Iskusnyth Marisol Eyelash

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Yulia Iskusnyth

Reader gallery

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Alison Kincaid

Yulia Iskusnyth

Megan Hopkins Yulia Iskusnyth

Michelle Grant Bouse

SD Eyelash

Stefani Liebowitz Altieri After - Before

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Stefani Liebowitz Altieri

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Realon Answers

Cyanoacrylates and the “F” Word On May 6, 2013, I was contacted by ABC’s Good Morning America to give a very quick response to a video that featured Celebrity Kristin Chenoweth on the David Letterman Show sporting a pair of sunglasses in order to hide an allergic reaction to her first set of eyelash extensions. They also had a segment featuring a stay-at-home mother who had gotten a classic botch job, which we usually see week to week when we agree to accept clients from other salons, whom simply

the industry by combating shoddy eyelash extension applications. She was looking for contrasting information on this catastrophe so that she could throw a piece together that wasn’t so one-sided. I thanked her, because it could have sent our industry up in flames. I continued to watch the video so that I could make a statement. Kristin Chenoweth apparently had a reaction to a “formaldehyde based adhesive.” Let’s clarify – A formaldehyde based adhesive is one that was used in the Red

Watch online at entertainment/2013/05/eyelash-extensionspose-health-risk/ What we use is a cyanoacrylate based adhesive, which CAN omit a barely undetectable amount of formaldehyde into the atmosphere if combined with certain ingredients, or if the adhesive is not properly purified. Personally I believe Sophy Merszei, Founder of Novalash and chemist and molecular biologist, was being straightforward when she explained that adhesives must be properly purified and bottled correctly in order to prevent formaldehyde from forming. Contrary to popular belief, I don’t think she was just trying to sell her adhesive.

Watch Novalash Response to Kristin Chenoweth Allergy

need a “fill.” She claimed that when she had to have them removed, her natural lashes came with them. Not surprising. At that point I honestly hadn’t even seen the video. I had been doing eyelash extensions all morning and finally had break to check my email. An ABC producer claimed she had found my website for an association that I founded in 2012; Association for DamageFree Eyelash Extensions (www.damage-free. com) in order to protect the reputation of

Cross trailers that were donated to hurricane Katrina victims, which ended up making them terribly sick. There is a big difference between that and what we use as eyelash technicians for applications. I think we all know that using formaldehyde “based” adhesive for eyelash extensions would be complete taboo; no adhesive we use on people’s eyes should contain formaldehyde as a base. Precisely what I meant when I responded with “adhesives should not contain formaldehyde.”

Both Sophy and I received some criticism in claiming that adhesives used for eyelash extensions shouldn’t necessarily contain formaldehyde. Of course that is to be expected over a controversial topic as this where there doesn’t seem to be a ton of information. This next view on the topic is taken from the PremierLash Learning Center Page , owned by Scott Hoonakker, whom is, in my opinion, a very knowledgeable individual and delivers unparalleled quality of customer service in the Eyelash Extensions Industry. The website states: “PremierLash uses the same type of ‘medicalgrade’ adhesive that is used by surgeons to perform sutureless closures. All Cyanoacrylate adhesive contain low levels of formaldehyde measured in ppm (parts per million) or levels that are considered negligible by USA Health Standards. Created as a by-product of the main ingredient. To further minimize exposure, steps are taken during the manufacturing process using the highest quality medical grade ingredients (ROHS or ISO Certified).” So, possibly containing formaldehyde, but in negligible amounts (so little it’s not much to

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“It’s not the possibility of a tiny amount of formaldehyde you should worry about. Formaldehyde is everywhere. It’s the cyanoacrylates themselves that are incredibly toxic.” He explained that while medical grade adhesives (pure enough and strong enough to be used for medical purposes) are approved to be used for sutures, we need to remember that they are NOTapproved for use inside of the body because they are entirely too toxic. In that case, should inhalation be considered as “inside” of the body? I was a little taken back by this at first. To be quite honest, I think felt my stomach turn a little when four years of applications with an average of 4-6 clients per day flashed before my eyes. He went on to explain that the field has seen what the effects of long-term exposure to cyanoacrylates are, and they’re “not good.” He expressed some concern because I was breathing it all day, whereas my clients were only breathing it once a month for an hour. I explained that everything was ok, because I wear a mask. Then he sort of shook his head and laughed, and continued to tell me I would actually need to wear a true “allergy” mask to really protect myself from the fumes of cyanoacrylates. These things actually resemble gas masks. “Not hot” is an understatement. I guess the surgeons’ masks we are wearing apparently don’t do much but reduce the risk of the common cold and hide bad breath. Below are a few straight-forward questions I asked the adhesive chemist so that I could possibly clarify some things for the industry. Hold on tight.

–BEGIN INTERVIEW– ME: What is the relationship between cyanoacrylates and formaldehyde, if any? (You were saying a byproduct of the cyanoacrylate polymer was an -aldehyde but not necessary formaldehyde?) CHEMIST:

Fresh, pure cyanoacrylates do not contain formaldehyde. However, formaldehyde

is used to synthesize ethyl cyanoacrylate (i.e., “Super Glue”). Also, polymerized cyanoacrylate can hydrolyze (i.e., react with water) to release formaldehyde.

ME: What exactly is formaldehyde? Is it as scary as it sounds? CHEMIST: Formaldehyde is a chemical that is produced on enormous scales. There are many, many uses. One is in the manufacturing of adhesives. But there are several other places that you will find it. Formaldehyde is a quite common “chemical feedstock.” The compound is generally considered to be toxic. Illnesses from exposure have been getting more press in recent years. ME: Is it safe to say that a fresh bottle of cyanoacrylate adhesive is free of formaldehyde? CHEMIST:

If it’s really pure, there should not be any formaldehyde in there. But I do not know how pure the commercial products are.

ME: Do you feel that because the adhesive does not touch the skin, do you feel that using cyanoacrylates for eyelash extensions is generally safe? CHEMIST: You can never prove that something is “safe,” although you can determine when a chemical is toxic. Plus one person’s “toxic” is another person’s “safe.” Just look at EPA exposure limits for any chemical. If it’s toxic, at what point is it “safe?” Or at what point does it become “toxic?” There are no clear answers here. In the eyelash case, you aren’t considering contact with skin. But also think about breathing in the cyanoacrylate when it is being applied. The customer is getting exposed to a little bit of the vapors. The technician is breathing the glue all the time. Generally speaking, cyanoacrylates are considered to be toxic. Personally, I try to avoid repeated exposure.

–END INTERVIEW– Unfortunately we are left with a couple of questions. –How do we properly protect ourselves and our clients from the vapors of cyanoacrylates now that we know that formaldehyde is not necessarily the main concern here? I asked him, and he said he does recommend an allergy mask as well making sure that the area is well ventilated so with a fan blowing and an open window somewhere. I guess this would include making our clients wear an allergy mask? I’m not sure if that would go over well.

—Is there anything else we can use, in terms of a safer adhesive that is relatively fast drying? His response was something along the lines of ‘nothing comes to mind.’ Although it is a little relieving that not every bottle of eyelash extension adhesive contains formaldehyde, this doesn’t seem to be the focus of what our concern SHOULD be according to the professor. I must say it’s a little shocking that with all of the formulations out there, there’s nothing less toxic than a cyanoacrylate? They were originally discovered for use of artillery during WWII; it seems odd that no adhesive developed since then can compare to the performance of cyanoacrylates. On the other hand, it’s not surprising; research must be funded. The US beauty industry continues to be the “Wild West” in terms of chemicals used near and on the body not needing to pass any sort of approval from the FDA—it seems that anything goes as long as it works and women are willing to pay for the service. Obviously that has its pros and cons. I hope as a united group of progressive lash stylists we will soon find the answer to a non-toxic eyelash adhesive. Although some may feel that we don’t necessarily “have to” at this point; we have something that works and it’s legal to use. I truly believe that we are all a little sickened with this entire topic, and we would definitely sleep better at night using a safer adhesive to use around our clients’ eyes and faces. Let’s just pray it doesn’t cost an arm and a leg to develop it. It must be considered that paying researchers to finally develop something that is reasonably simple to use may be entirely more expensive than what you would ever make back on the adhesive. I believe that we can at least have the mindset that something else out there exists for the application of eyelash extensions; we just need to be determined enough to find it and wealthy enough to develop it. As difficult as that may seem, nothing is impossible; it just takes some brain power and funding—let’s not settle for a toxic adhesive. Of course for now, we do what we have to do; depriving women of their luxury eyelash extensions is just not an option for most.

By Lisa Sbragia, BS Psy., M. Ed, LMT, CLT Note from the editor: If concerned about the type of adhesive you currently use please contact your manufacturer for further information. The safest type of cyanoacrylate adhesive according to our industry expert is low odour, low bloom cyanoacrylate adhesive. Preferably from a country with robust cosmetic legislation and a manufacturer with ISO 9000 certificate.

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To patch test or

not to patch test Patch testing information will vary from country to country and mainly driven by insurance providers and manufacturers.

You may been taught (especially in Europe) that there is no need to carry out a patch testing for your particular eyelash extension products as it is not a manufacturer’s requirement. This would be acceptable for most insurance providers, however always check with your insurer to make sure you know their policy on patch testing to understand what they expect from you. Patch testing of adhesive not being required is usually due to cyanoacrylate being of a low vapour type and not made using solvents. It is usually the vapours that cause the reaction in a client. This being said many therapists will still patch test to check for a reaction. If you feel you would like to offer a patch test to your new client’s, there is no reason why you should not do this for your own peace of mind. If it is a requirement of your insurance company or countries legislation to patch test then you should at all times.

How do I know my client has any allergies? Simply by asking some safety questions during the consultation, although reactions to mainstream eyelash extension adhesives are rare. A simple precautionary patch test, prior to application of semi-permanent eyelashes will give you and your client piece of mind. At the consultation stage always check with your client of what allergies they have an check if they are allergic to any adhesives they know of.

Why conduct a patch test prior to applying semi-permanent eyelashes? By conducting a patch test you are protecting both your client (safety wise) and yourself (from costly litigation and damage to reputation) if you have provided a patch test prior to eyelash extension treatment. The patch test is designed to ensure that your client is not allergic to eyelash extension adhesive or

vapours. Never patch test on the skin, eyelash extension adhesive is not meant to touch the skin and can cause skin damage. Always patch test by applying a few lash extensions to the clients lashes. Prepare client as normal and then apply three eyelash extensions at the outer corners of each eye and allow 48 hours to see if any reaction occurred. A reaction could be redness, itching, blisters, swelling / puffy eyes or a rash. If this occurs the lashes should be carefully removed if possible and they should get medical advice.

My client has been patch tested before but now has an allergy!

A client could very well have been fine getting eyelash extensions for years and suddenly developed an allergy. Unfortunately this happens sometimes and there is not a lot that can be done. If it was a mild reaction, once the symptoms have gone you could try patch test with a different adhesive (check with your insurance provider first). If this is not possible or you do not wish to do this your client will need to take a break from lashes and be retested in a few months. Having a break will not guarantee that the allergy will go away though. If you are in any doubt about patch testing then test and consult with your insurance provider at a convenient time who will be able to advise.

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The New

Lash Revolution

Individual Volume lashes Part II Francesca Middleton - Lead Trainer at the LASHacademy

How to Create the Perfect Fan Great volume work is about creating the ‘V’ and not the ‘Y’ in your fans. If you are creating ‘Y’s then your work will look spidery. If you are creating ‘V’s then your work will look FLUFFY! The key elements of creating a volumous V is to mentally split the extension into thirds. The first third is where the extensions are connected with the glue and the second and third thirds are where the ‘V’s create. See above picture for clarification..

Correct Fanning The more extensions in the fan mean there should be a wider gap between the left and the right extension. These are: • For 2-3D there should be a gap of approximately 1.5mm. • For 4D there should be a gap of approximately 1.5-2mm. • For 6D there should be a gap of approximately 2-5mm.

Incorrect Fanning An incorrect fan is any extension that have not separated after the 1/3 point! That also includes lashes that have a ‘V’ from the base of the extension, ie separated too much! See below!

How to Fan Fabulously! There are several ways to create the fan. There are no right or wrong methods, only what works for you! In my experience I’ve found that I use all methods, it’s just which technique works for me correctly on the day! Yes, it’s true! One day I’ll be fine doing a finger roll and then the next time I’ll find doing the ‘open & close’ method works faster and easier! I don’t know why this is, but there you go! There are 4 ways to create a fan ad these are: • Prepared on the lash strip - ‘Pop & Fan’ • Prepared in the adhesive - ‘Open & Close Fan’ • Prepared in the tweezer - ‘Pre-Fan & Peel’ • Prepared inbetween the finger and thumb - ‘Finger Roll Fan’

Prepared on a strip I bet you’re thinking why don’t I just get the lashes are already fanned, they’ll be better! You’re wrong! These are the worst type of extensions to buy because a) the lashes are too heavy and b) there’s too much glue that has already been used.

Don’t be lazy - make your own fans! As professional lashers we create our own fans from scratch.

Want Training? Francesca Middleton is an international lead trainer in the art of lash extensions. Contact the LASHacademy on 0203 371 3513 for more information for UK and International training programmes in Classic Foundation, Refresher, Master Advanced and Volume Courses.

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Eyelash Extensions

Which Curl To Choose? Every eyelash extensions set starts by choosing the style and the curl of the lashes. It is very important to ask the client about the look she would like to have, but also as a professional, to analyze the condition and the curl of natural eyelashes in order to give a suitable effect for client’s eyes. There are 7 most popular curl types that every eyelash extensions technician needs to know.

Ekaterina Ulyanoff Makeup Artist, Eyelash Extensions Technician, Brow shape and design technician. Montreal, Canada.

J - curl J-curl is considered the most natural type, since it’s meant to imitate the curl of an average eyelash. The lash extension starts straight and has a slight curl on the tip. This type of a curl would be more suitable for women that just want to add volume and length to their lashes. Such style doesn’t show the curl much from the front view. Caution: be careful with very straight and pointed down lashes, as the J curl can give the effect of heavy eyes.

B - curl B-curl is the gold middle between J curls and C curls. Straight extensions with a bit curlier flick on the tips. Just like J curl, B curl imitates the average looking natural eyelash, but as if it got a bit of a lash curler help. Also great for length and fullness. And again for down pointed lashes, choose wisely in order not to give droopy looking eyes.

L-curl is also called a “barbie” curl and is perfect for a maximum lift. This curl type is perfect for straight lashes and downward pointing lashes ( often for women of hispanic and asian origin), and for single eyelid and deepset eyes. This curl type helps extensions last more days since it has the longest base for bondage.

C curl - the most popular curl and a favourite of eyelash extension technicians. This particular curl is designed to visually lift the eyes and give them an open look without looking heavy and dramatic. C curl is suitable for every eye shape.

U- curl L lift- curl

L - curl

C - curl

L+ or L “lift” curl is the newest curl on the market that offers a dramatic lash lift. It looks like L curl with a much higher angle. To elongate close set eyes, L+curl will do the best job by creating a real “cat eye “ effect.

U curl - “half circle “ shape and is the curliest type of lash extensions. For the bravest divas that want Katty Perry looking lashes. Straight and pointing natural lashes won’t likely hold extensions for a long time due to the very short bonding part. U curl is also used for dramatically opening the eys. For mature eyes with heavy lids it’s better to use shorter length of U-curl extensions since longer ones will most likely pick the upper lid skin.

D - curl D curl - the glamorous curl type that can be achieved by curling natural lashes with a curler. Used for doll-looking effect that opens up the eyes. When applied on straight lashes, D curl will not stay as long, as the bondage base is short due to the strong curl. Therefore, analyze the natural eyelashes well before using D curl lash extensions. Caution: if a client has deep set or hooded eyes, this curl can cause discomfort and touch upper eyelid and tickle it, especially if the length is more than 12mm.

I hope this will help eyelash extension technicians to create variety of looks without staying faithful to the same curl for every single client.

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Karen Betts and Bridgette Softley directors of Nouveau Beauty Group. At the show offering Nouveau Contour - permanent cosmetics, LVL (the original Lash Lift perm), HD Brows and Nouveau Lashes.

Artdeco make up artists at work, see feature by Melanie Doyle in Beauty section of this issue.

Candy Lashes - Beautifully packaged like chocolates, these are loose individual glitter lashes.

Sleek Brows a treatment using an ink / adhesive based formula to paint tiny hair stokes onto the skin and through the brows.

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Using Luna Lashes, lashes tapered at both ends.

Amy Childs - as featured in this issues beauty section. At the show with her range of tanning products and strip lashes.

Nouveau Lash

Artdeco reading the feature a colleague had written for the 1st issue. My Beautiful Eyes demonstrating Mylash Semi permanent and express lash extensions and Mybrows eyebrow treatment.

Chella Brow and eye collection. A range of lash and brow products. Lash Full - Fillment eyelash treatment is a prostaglandin free eyelash treatment to help restore lashes.

Mybrows student kit, with new eyebrow tool for brow design and the new Orb a small capacity wax heater especially designed for eyebrow treatments. A lovely heater that fits into the palm of your hand. Products are distributed in the UK by Ellisons Internationally by Beauty Innovator

Tech solutions Nutraluxe eyelash and eyebrow enhancer. Helps lashes and brows reach their full potential. Physician formulated, ophthalmologist tested.

Sappsuma offering salon app design throughout the world. Fully customised apps to suit your business, display your lash gallery on your app, loyalty schemes, recommend a friend plus much more. www.

Worldpay offering a solution to take mobile payments through your mobile phone with their chip and pin device.

Salon software - Bookings, point of sale and integrated payment solution.

Lash Perfect offering Semi permanent eyelash extensions and express extensions. Also offering Brow Perfect eyebrow extensions.

Heather, director of Novalash offering semi permanent eyelash extensions.

Nova Lash Lash Inc was sold at the London show from the Lash Perfect stand. Customer, after sleekbrows treatment.

Cloud based salon booking software, manage your staff and appointments in a feature packed solution.

Girls from Worldpay about to look through their copy.

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Step by Step

False Eyelashes - Strip Eyelash

Melanie Doyle

Strip eyelashes are all about bringing attention to the eyes and opening up the eyes to create interest and bring beauty to the eyes. Strip lashes can be used for theatrical, fantasy, stylistic and glamour. Go for the flair and be as bold as the make-up will permit as in the right place with the right style, they can really add more emotion and glamour to the make-up look being created.

The difference ‘Strip Eyelashes’ can make to the models eyes: See the two pictures taken from the same shoot with the same make-up and notice the difference between the two pictures especially the difference to the eyes. The eyes in Picture 1 look sultrier with added depth to the eyes and allow the model to tell a story with her eyes. However in picture 2 the model looks more natural and the eyes are not the focal point of the picture where as in picture 1 you are immediately drawn to the eyes.

polish and should be kept short when working around the eyes.

Step 1: Remove the false lashes from the packaging by placing your thumb at the curve of the lashes. Slowly but firmly move your thumb towards you. This will gently separate the lash from the plastic without warping or damaging the lashes.

Step 2: To make sure the lashes fit correctly and comfortably to your eyes. Take one lash and hold it as close to the lash line as possible to check the length. If the lash is too long you may cut them with sterile stainless steel scissors from the outside of the lash is best to help retain the best shape. Repeat with the other lash.

Step by Step: Strip Lash - Artdeco Glam Vintage: Art. No. 65.07 & Artdeco Sparklers Lash glue ALWAYS wash your hands thoroughly with an anti-bacterial soap and spray with hygiene spray or use an anti-bacterial hand gel to ensure the hands and fingers are completely sterile when working around the eyes. Nails should be free from false nails and

will keep your lashes looking clean and not clumped with mascara.

Step 3: Curl top lashes with a Lash Curler before any lash treatment with mascara or false lash application.

Step 4: If you would like to get multiple uses of your strip lashes, apply a light coat of mascara prior to the application instead of afterwards. This

Step 5: Apply a very thin layer of the Sparklers lash glue along the base of the strip lash band with a sterile brush, allow the glue to set for 30 seconds, while gently bending the lash strip a bit as this will help the strip to adhere immediately.

Step 6: Lay the lash on your lash line, starting with the outer corner of your eyelid and moving inward to the inner corner of the eye. You can either use tweezers or your fingers to apply the strip lash but if you are using tweezers always make sure that you use the tweezers with the point of the slant pointing upwards to avoid hurting the eye.

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Step 7:

Removal of false eye lashes:

Apply Artdeco High Precision liquid liner in black or a similar eyeliner product ensuring that the product is dispensed onto either a disposable liner brush or you can use it direct onto the clients eye if it is her own eye liner pen, never cross contaminate products around the eyes always follow strict hygiene rules

Removal of strip eyelashes should always be done from the outside in. First of all use a q-tip with a small amount of eye-make-up remover oil and gently roll the q-tip down the lid and onto the strip lash in a light rolling action to help release the glue. Pinch the outside of the lash with your thumb and index finger and gently pull towards the nose. Clean the glue of the strip lash with a clean q-tip and eye-makeup remover and fix the lash back into its tray on to the half moon shape to help retain the shape of the lash.

Celebrity Make-up artist Melanie Doyle @ MelVicMakeup Twitter Photographer: StuArtful Photography: www. Tel: 07779151681

Step 8: If you do not wish to use the lashes again you may go ahead and apply mascara to both the natural and false eyelashes to help marry them together.

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Emaliomada show London Fashion Week Head Key Artist Amanda Bell Since leaving London to return to my native North East a few years ago, I’ve made sure to keep in touch with some of the fabulous people I worked with there. I worked very closely with Central Saint Martin’s College for over 8 years – designing and creating makeup for their graduate MA and BA shows, at the V&A Fashion in Motion show and at catwalk shows for London Fashion Week. So I was thrilled to be contacted by Asad Rehman, Head Designer at Emaliomada, after a recommendation from Central Saint Martin’s. He told me he was looking for a makeup artist to collaborate with the brand for their debut catwalk show and wondered if I was interested in the job. The show was scheduled at an amazing venue in Mayfair on Saturday 15th Feb – only 10 days time! So, immediately after I’d said yes to Asad, I got into action! I had been working with

models on the catwalk was completed. The makeup look evolved from a brilliant brief from Asad, channelling the look of a “sweaty girl in a nightclub!” so lots of gloss on the skin and lived-in feel to the eye makeup. I went for an unexpected smoky red pigment for the eyes rather than tones of black or brown and kept lips nude with a smudge of crème lipstick applied with the finger. I’d chosen a makeup artist team of key artists from Artdeco @ADCreativ team, London Makeup School and I brought fellow North Easterners Carro of Wynyard photographers and makeup artist Jo Leversuch to complete the team. The day was amazing and everyone did such a fantastic job – I was so pleased with everyone’s work. I briefed the team by demonstrating the look then coached them through the application to make sure the look was

one of my key skills and to be taking part in the show was an incredible dream of mine. Once we had spoken about the initial details I set to preening my kit bag ready and getting together other key creative’s from the Artdeco team who was equally looking forward to taking part as I was, Amanda kept in touch with me with an amazing brief of a ‘sweaty girl in a nightclub look’ which looked amazing on the models! On arriving in London at the venue we was all astounded as it really was one of the most amazing venues, an old church that still had the stained glass windows and high beamed ceiling with quirky features like no other venue that I had ever been to before. Amanda arrived and we all looked on as she demonstrated the key look with the remarkable pigmented eye shadows and the glossiest gloss, to us all that was the same look

the creative team from Artdeco on a few events such as the National TV Awards and the hugely supported Gavin Blythe Ball – raising money for MacMillan, and I knew they’d be the perfect makeup sponsor for the Emaliomada show. After a really productive styling day, collaborating with Asad and head hair stylist Will from Electric salons, the look for the

consistent throughout and the finished result on the catwalk was outstanding! Melanie Doyle Artdeco Creative Team member & @MelVicMakeup Freelance makeup artist Once I found out from Artdeco UK Director Colin Laphan that we was to be sponsoring the Emaliomada London Fashion Week Show, I was massively thrilled, as fashion makeup is

essential for each model, all of us set to making over the models with Amanda on hand to facilitate where required. Once all the models was ready we literally had minutes to spare to gloss their legs, highlight shoulders and fix any last minute touch ups before they strutted their stuff on the catwalk for the amazing crowd that had attended this prestigious Emaliomada Fashion Show event.

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Contact Artdeco Make-up - 0151 421 1234 Photography Carro of Wynyard - 07775914711 07775704920 Local MUA - Melanie Doyle @MelVicMakeup

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SHOW / Dublin

ilash performing a classic set of eyelash extensions and retailing their mink type lashes and adhesive. /

The Irish beauty show in Dublin was a very busy and enjoyable show. Very friendly exhibitors and a great day out to see new companies and products.

An Irish based permanent make up and lash technician institute. Offering individual and 6D Russian volume lash training also offering training in permanent make up especially for the eyebrows and using a new innovative technique.

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Contact details for advanced lash classes in Ireland:

Ruth trying Hollywood eye magic. A temporary fix for dark circles, puffiness and fine lines. A real visible difference

Lash Art University in Ireland (Organiser - Elite Hair & Beauty Academy) Tel: 0868593699 Miss Diva Tel: 087-0991991 Up to my eyes Tel: 01 287 2781 iLash Training - European Institute of Permanent Make up and Lash Technicians

Editor Louise with Aoife and Loretta. Both ladies were very busy on their stand promoting their volume lash and master classes and the European Institute of Master Lash Artists and

A very busy stand at the Irish show. Dreamweave is a mascara our team tried last month, it is a smudge free, no clumping mascara with a great brush. Our feature writer Ruth now uses it daily on her bottom lashes.

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Interview with

Lashologist Uk Christine Henderson

What is Lashologist UK ? Lashologist UK is a self regulated, not for profit organisation, which was set up to promote Health and Safety among eyelash practitioners.

Why did you decide to set up this organisation? I set up this company because eyelash extensions/treatments is still a new procedure in the UK and many technicians only have a few hours of practical study on their training day which is simply not enough. Eyelash technicians need to practice as much as possible to perfect their technique as this is such an intricate procedure. My initial training over 8 years ago was very basic and I left the training not knowing what to do next. For the first 6 months all my applications were free because I wanted to be confident about what I was doing. There wasn’t much knowledge about eyelash extensions back then and I decided to research the products which were being used. I cannot stress the importance of understanding this procedure and I wanted to share the knowledge and educate other stylists and technicians of the importance of good application, serving the public, health, safety and continuous training.

training. Many technicians are not certified and continue to carry out procedures. There are a lot of Eyelash Technicians/stylist who are passionate about their work and spend hours producing outstanding work. The downside is the Eyelash Technicians/stylists who take half an hour to produce very bad sets of lashes which are clumpy, thick, not safe and cheap. Bad lashes carried out by inexperienced eyelash stylist can create a bad light on the industry.

What are the aims of Lashologist UK? The aims of Lashologist UK is to provide training, information, resources and bootcamps to promote knowledge.

How many members do you have? We currently have over 200 members since our launch at Professional Beauty Excel last February.

What are your benefits of membership Benefits for membership are as follows:

1. Website Advertising 2. Lashologist UK Badge/Window Decal In your opinion what are the negative things about 3. Discount on PR services 4. Discount on Business services the lash industry in the 5. Custom accounting package UK? 6. 20% Discount off eyelash In my opinion the negative things extension products in the lash industry is a lack of 7. Discount off Lashologist UK

Courses and boot camps 8. Competitive Public Liability Insurance ÂŁ6,000,000 cover 9. Discount on website design 10. Discount Nat West Mentor Programme 11. Discount off PTLLS Teaching Training Course 12. Discount off Credit Card machine 13. Discount off Alexander

Uniforms and Workwear 14. Discount from Zipcar Car Club

How can people contact you? Tel: 0870 881 9538 Email:

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Eyelash Association


I wanted to share with you an exciting new amount of consumers experiencing damaging development for the eyelash extension industry. and unpleasant applications, NEESA was born!” A Non-Profit association called NEESA (National NEESA is a Non-Profit 501 (c) 3 Organization. Eyelash Education and Safety Association). The Eyelash Extension industry has grown Amber Arrington founder had this to say in popularity and demand but is regulated “The National Eyelash Education and Safety differently between states, provinces and the like. Association is dedicated to empowering and Through NEESA, the highest standards for the protecting the eyelash extension industry by industry are established and maintained. encouraging a supportive eyelash community through progressive education, industry best What makes NEESA unique is that, although it was started by just two lash artists with a passion practices and up-most integrity. In response to the growing demand for eyelash for the industry, it has been and continues to extension services worldwide and the growing be created by MANY amazing lash artists from

all over the world. NEESA is lash artists in collaboration for the betterment of the industry, working in tandem with the Board of Directors who governs it’s direction. NEESA is neutral and un-biased to any particular product, supplier or training program.

NEESA offers: 1. NEESA membership with many benefits 2. CEP (Certified Eyelash Professional) exam and credential 3. Annual conference for members 4. Trainers in training program 5. Networking Support 6. Research and continuing education More info.

Founders of NEESA are: Amber Arrington President Tierney Freeman Vice-President NEESA is excited to present the FIRST Eyelash Extension Competition in North America, LASH WARS! 1st Annual Eyelash Extension Competition LASH WARS JUNE 21-23 2014 LAS VEGAS, NV Brought to you in partnership with NEESA, Eye Society and The International Beauty Show (IBS show)! Lash Wars will host competitors in 3 main categories: 1. Classic 2. Volume 3. Fantasy More info. on the competition and how to participate at

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REMOVER REVIEW It is important that an oil free eye make up remover is used as part of an eye treatment. Using an oil based formulation will create a barrier on the lashes and not allow correct bonding of adhesive. This month we tried dozens of oil free eye make up removers. Our panel choose the following as their favourite four.

Unique oil-free formula providing gentle yet effective removal of eye makeup, whilst conditioning and moisturising the lashes. Fresh, lighweight and leaves no residue. 118ml (£9.04) www.forevershop. info or from your local Forever representative.

An oil free thick cleansing gel designed to remove eye whilst conditioning the lashes and skin. Great value 500ml for £6.95

A gentle eye make up remover with herbal extracts, suitable for sensitive skin. Available from www. and Blink distributors. (100ml)

Non greasy. Removes even intensive eye make up quickly and gently. Formulated for professional eye treatments. £3.25 (100ml) Available from www.

Next issue we will be trying out many under eye patches and sharing our favourites.

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The market-leading brand in semi-permanent eyelash extensions in the UK and internationally

0208 500 9028 |

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my salon

Eyelash Extensions

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In Kent The world of eyelash extensions is a far cry for me from my last career. I served for Kent police for 10 years as a dog handler, spending my time cold, muddy, wet and rolling around the ground with offenders. I knew I wanted a career change and beauty was my passion so I went for it. I trained whilst working full time in the police and then ran my beauty business on the side for 6 months until I built my client base and then resigned from the police in October 2012. It wasn’t until April 2013 that I really discovered my passion for lashes and knew that out of all the treatments I did I wanted to push the eyelash extensions.

(Why do you love lashes so much? do you get a buzz after completing a beautiful set? Is it stress relief?) I love the intricate work involved with the application of eyelash extensions as well as finding it very therapeutic. I enjoy the challenge of difficult natural lashes as well as being able to

create so many different looks on every client. But best of all I love my clients reaction when they look in the mirror and see their beautiful new lashes, for me that feeling is priceless. I live , sleep and breathe lashes 24/7 and I’m

constantly reading and studying photos to improve my work and be the best I can. I completed my volume training last year and I’m pushing this new technique, which I’m loving and so are my clients. In addition to this I’m hoping to go to New York in April to train with Nadia Afanaseva so that I can improve my techniques even more. I’m currently working from my home salon because I love the flexibility it gives me, as well as it being a relaxing and pleasant environment for my clients.

(Do you have any photos of your home salon?) (When your a trainer will you still work from home or expand into premises?) This Year I hope to become a trainer so I am doing my PTLLS next month and then will work towards becoming accredited - this was something I wanted to do in the future, however due to so many people having seen my work

and asking me to train them I felt it was now time. I would then like to expand my business into a premises where I can accommodate my students and give them the best training environment possible.

I’m passionate about protecting our lash industry from the bad press it seems to have as a result of bad work - another reason why I want to offer training. I think we have a responsibility to offer the best training possible so that we can continue to produce amazing lash techs and make this industry recognised for the skill of our technicians. Frankie Widdows

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Okay, so we’ve asked all the right questions. We have been realistic with our expectations. What comes next? Serve you say? STOP! Before you start the service, repeat back to your client what the two of you just communicated. Make sure your client agrees to the service, lash type, length, diameter, curl, and expectations. If she looks confused, go back and ask more questions. Lastly, before you start the service (sorry, but I need to shout this), TELL YOUR CLIENT THE COST OF THE SERVICE BEFORE YOU START! There is nothing more disappointing then to do everything right, your client loves her lashes and then you give your client sticker shock. You do not want to lose a client over something that silly.

Take a few moment to observe this star. If you noticed, there are five steps to becoming a 5 Star Lash Artist. Just like the points of a star connect, every step should flow and connect with the next step. Let’s look at these steps more closely. 

Connect Connect is the very first point on our star, and the very first contact you have with your clients. What comes to mind when you think of the word connect. Maybe you think of coming together. Or the physical touch of connecting. Maybe it reminds you of meeting someone and having an “instant connection.” This step means all of those things. We need to develop a relationship with every client on their first visit if we expect them to return to us. We also need to cultivate our relationships with our existing clients to ensure they stay with us. So what can we do in order to connect with our clients? Let’s begin with the first impression. Just like any other relationship, the first impression counts.

Make eye contact. The first thing you should notice about your client is her eye color. Shake hands, or place your hand on her shoulder. This starts to build trust. Finally walk beside your client to your lash room. Another, and important way we connect with people is through our five senses. Keep these in mind before and during your client visit. See: Is your room visually appealing and put together? Are your products laid out, organized and clean? Hear: Is your voice and language soothing? Do you have relaxing music in the background? Touch: Did you remember to shake hands? Maybe begin your service with a scalp or temple massage. Smell: Please keep your perfume to a minimum. Light some candles and have your room smell soft and clean. Taste: Keep a jar of mints in your room in a covered container. You could offer one to each client before they lay down, or before they leave. Or offer them tea, coffee or flavored water to go at the end of your service. Treat them like a king or queen. Now you’ve given the something to tell their friends about.

Communicate Ask, ask, and ask. Ask your clients what they want, and really listen to them. Be consistent and ensure every client fills out a consultation form. Review her answers carefully, explaining to your client why you ask those particular questions. Explain the procedure in detail before you begin so that she knows what she can expect. Many clients come in with pictures. Some of them want dramatic, long, lush lashes. Be honest with them. Tell them what you can and can’t do. Do not give them unreal expectations. It’s better to aim low with your clients. When you can achieve more than they expect you will come out looking like a lash goddess to them. This is also the time when you should be analyzing the natural lashes for density, texture, and length.

© Emmceedee Education, LLC


As you may notice, this is actually the mid-point of our client visit. This is also where a lot of stylists begin. Now that you’ve learned the importance of connecting and communicating, doesn’t it seem silly to start the service without them? Let’s do lashes! This is the best part. Be confident and enjoy your clients. Just don’t forget to be a 5 Star Lash Artist while you’re doing it. Be professional. Do not talk about yourself, your clients might ask, but they really don’t care. They want the focus to be on them. Lash Artists may have the reputation of being therapists, but keep a few things in mind. The best thing to talk to your client about, is her. More specifically, her lashes. If she insists on telling you about the affair the mailman is having with her neighbor, listen, but do not give advice. Please do not tell her to divorce her husband, or disown her sister. Do not advise her to change jobs, or invest in the stock market. Stop and think of the consequences? Do you really want to be responsible for a negative result? Giving the wrong advice could result in a lost client. If you suspect a client is crying out for help, do let him or her know where it can be found. Listed below are organizations and telephone numbers you can refer with confidence and integrity. Do not hesitate to make the information available to your client if you feel help is needed. National Domestic Violence Hotline 800-799-SAFE (7233) The National Alcohol and Substance Abuse Hotline 800-784-6776 United States National Suicide and Crisis Hotline 800-273-TALK (8255) Before transitioning to the next step, make sure to check for client satisfaction. If you’ve done everything as we’ve discussed 99% of your clients will be exceedingly happy. But no matter how perfect you are, we always have that 1%. What do we do with her? Go back and connect, communicate and repeat what you’ve discussed. Ask more questions. Try to get her to be as specific as possible with her concerns. Sometimes a client needs help pinpointing the problem. DO NOT take it personally. This could be a great learning curve, or an “aha” moment. Be patient

47 :::::::::::::::::::::::: professional. Treat yourself as such. If you are giving your client’s 5 star service every time there is no reason your confidence shouldn’t be soaring at this point. These steps will get easier and easier. I am going to repeat the two most important steps in this section. Again, these need to be done every time, even if it feels awkward at first. Walking felt awkward to us at first too. Let your clients know they are expected to pre-book. All of your clients should be pre-booking their lash re-touches. Sincerely suggest the products needed for proper at home care to every client, every visit.

and try to fix the concern. Your client will appreciate your willingness to correct it...

S  uggest A lot of clients wait to suggest products and additional services until after they’ve taken the “covers” off and they’ve finished the service. They do this almost as an afterthought. This is not the most effective time to suggest nor does this method make your client feel special. When your client is lying on your bed you are in complete control. Don’t believe me? When your clients are in your room they don’t even pee without asking your permission. Point proven? You are a master magician with the ultimate power as long as that client is on your bed. Your client is prepared for your suggestions, because as an outstanding 5 Star Lash Artist you’ve been incorporating suggestions since your connect phase. Tell her how much time to wait in between visits. Let her know that there is an expectation of pre-booking for all your clients. You are so busy now there’s no way she’ll be able to call the week of and expect to get an appointment. Remind her of the makeup removers, sealants and mascaras you’ve used, when you used them and how much you used. Ask her with sincerity if she’s like to take home the products you discussed. If she says no, remember not to take it personally. This would also be the time to suggest additional services such as a brow tint or wax. There will be one part of the 5 Star lash Artist that may be more difficult for you. For a lot, it comes at this part. Remember that YOU are the


Finally, help your client up. Walk her to the front. Fill a basket with her chosen products and let your receptionist know when you’ll be booking your clients next appointment. Let your client know that he or she can call you anytime. Make yourself available to them. And don’t forget to complete the circle… aka star, and finish where you began. Connect one more time. With a hug, a handshake, a pat on the back. Whatever you and your client are comfortable with. Lastly, don’t forget to thank them for being such a valuable guest. Repeat these 5 steps with every guest, every time. Remember consistency is key. Article adapted from Salon Solutions: Combing for change.

Christa McDearmon


Continuing Education at it’s Finest

New Jersey's First Skin Lash & Laser Training Studio that Has a More Comprehensive Education Program that allows students to come back to practice & perfect their craft as well as have the opportunity to earn an Apprenticeship Program to help build their Business & Prosper while building their clientele.


COURSES Lash Extensions Basic - Advanced - Russian Volume Semi Permanent Makeup LashCoat - LashBrow - Lash Lift Customized Airbrush Spray Tanning Skype Training by the Hour Available

COURSES COMING SOON Advanced Skincare Derma-planing Microdermabrasion Chemical Exfoliation Laser Micro-needling


Stefani Altieri, Licensed Skincare Specialist in Medical Esthetics & Master Lash Educator & Trainer has dedicated herself in Research & Continuing Education to strive for excellence so that she can Provide you with the very best! 732-618-2096 2224 US Hwy 9, Howell, NJ USA

High End Lash Supplies At an Affordable Price Wide Variety To Meet All Needs Only Tried and Trusted Products That We Believe In & Love Full Support At All

The First of It’s Kind Much Needed In the Industry A whole new Lash Line At An Affordable Price Coming Very Soon

Stella lash Adele Sutton Range BIS Lash Vivienne Lash Out From .05 - .15 in All Curls B, C, D, L, L+ 2224 US HWY 9 HOWELL, NJ 07731 USA


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on pg ntest - Look out for details Lash Inc Photographic Co raphic hs to win Lash Inc - Photog 61. Enter your photograp Lash Artist of the Year.

// Dreamweave Mascara are set to launch a new eyelash product in Summer. We managed to get a sneak peak and if it is as good as their mascara it will be fantastic and a great retail product for lash salons.

// Volume lashes also know as Russian volume, 6D lashes, XD lashes and various brand names are now been launched all over the UK. Over the last few beauty trade shows in the UK many main stream training providers and manufacturers are now offering training in this technique, it is set to be the most popular lash treatment. Training offered by Lash by Francesca, Loretta Lash Academy, Flirties, Lash Perfect, Eyelash Emporium plus many more.

Karin Douglas of Energise Therapies and Training has beaten twelve other national finalists to win Face The World’s Practitioner of the Year Award 2013/14 “I’m delighted to win this title!“ Karin says. “I’m not generally one for competitions, but was inspired by Louise Prunty’s book, and thought .. go for it!

So glad I did!“ It’s a great start to the new year for Karin, who has also just opened her new VTCT approved therapies and training centre in Cambuslang , near Glasgow As well as VTCT regulated complementary therapy qualifications, Energise offers Face The World and NSL body wrap professional training.

Bid Odours Farewell with Xpel Comfort Gel Xpel Comfort Gel is an exciting new product from Lash Perfect that can reduce the unpleasant effects of odour from your eyelash adhesive. When the adhesive is in a liquid state, small airborne particles which are invisible to the naked eye can create some discomfort to both you and your client. The unique gel formula simply absorbs the small airborne particles, providing a more comfortable treatment and environment to work in. Simply place the opened pot directly next to your jade stone and notice how the odours

are immediately neutralised. For optimum benefit, you can sit the obsidian stone (a smaller alternative to a jade stone) directly onto the gel and work as normal from there. The gel is most effective when clients show signs of sensitisation around the eyes and has a standard shelf life of 6 months or up to a year if kept out of sunlight. For more information contact: W: P: 020 8500 9028 E:

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Professional eyelash extension Products

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Enhance your natural lashes with Curves lash lifting COMFORTABLE – STUNNING – NATURAL



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Lash lifting has become the latest craze in lash enhancement and whilst it is hugely popular and a very lucrative treatment in the salon some therapists and clients might not be entirely sure what exactly a lash lift is and how it works...

What is lash lifting? Many have heard the term lash lifting compare it to a lash perm, and yes it is a similar treatment as it helps to form the natural lashes but it also “lifts” the lashes, curving them gently upwards which gives the appearance of bigger eyes with longer and fuller lashes. Unlike the lash perm which was popular years ago and was then seen to be a bit “dated” the new Flirties Curves lash lifting system does not use rollers but silicon shields to gently curve the lashes. If you ask therapists who offer perming what they remember most about perming, they will most likely comment that the rollers were small and fiddly and it was difficult to perm the lashes without creating a dreaded kink in the natural lash which meant that lash perming was not very popular lately. In a nutshell Lash lifting uses the same technology but the different application technique makes it a lot easier and a lot more effective for therapists as well as being more comfortable for clients.

How does it work? The thought of wanting to change the straightness of a hair dates back to 1872 when heat was used to create the desired form. Perms have been popular for a long time but it has only been in recent years that we have started perming lashes instead of hair. Nowadays we use a lotion that helps to break some of the cross links within and between the protein chains of the lash structure which

softens the inner structure of the lash and allows us to then curve the lash over a silicon shield. We then use a fixing lotion to ensure that the form or new shape we have created will remain. This step means that the lash structure will “close” and set in a permanent shape, ie a straight lash which was curved over a lash shield will remain in that shape which

causes the appearance of a stronger curve to the natural lash making the lashes look longer. The last step is to apply a nourishing lotion for a healthy lash that is well looked after. Flirties Curves offers three different sizes of shields to cater for the different lengths and shapes of your clients natural lashes and will result in a tighter or slower curve. The smaller

::::::::::::::::::::::: 54 the lash shield the stronger the upward curve of the lashes will be. The longer the natural lash is the bigger shield you would choose for a effective result. Just like curving naturally straight lashes you can also use the Flirties Curves system to lengthen the curl of a natural lash. Sometimes you might have clients with a very tight natural curl (ie African or Jamaican lashes can be curled very strong). By applying a larger shield you can achieve a slower curl which will result in longer looking lashes.

Is it for everyone? Lash lifting is a fantastic treatment! It is affordable for clients, comfortable and easy without any maintenance. Clients who don’t like to wear lash extensions can enjoy the feeling of their natural lashes but with the appearance of longer, fuller lashes.

The actual effect and look depends however on the clients natural lashes. As with all lash enhancements the products we are using will enhance your clients lashes and give a different appearance, however an enhancement is just that and not magic (even though we try)! Some clients have short and sparse lashes and are hoping to walk out with a stunning set of super long and thick lashes after the treatment. We recommend that you discuss the possible options and the effect you will be able to create to advise your client as best as you can with a suggestion of this treatment or others you think might be beneficial to your client. It is best to honest with your client and offer different options during the consultation so your client knows exactly how the treatment works, what to expect and how it is going to look. This way

you will avoid disappointment and gain happy and loyal clients who will recommend you to their friends and family. You might find it hard (and it is difficult) if a client is determined to get a treatment even though you know it will not suit her and the result she is hoping for cannot be achieved with this treatment and it is even worse if the client gets up and walks away as this is something none of us want to experience, however offering treatments that you know are going to give a bad result is even worse and could damage your reputation severely as bad news and negative comments always travel faster and stick longer so be honest with your clients and offer other options if you feel this treatment might not be suitable for different reasons.

Can i still use other lash products/ enhancements?

What is a colour boost?

Yes even though there is no need for other products as the lashes look stunning and full, you can still recommend the use other retail items such as mascara or Flirties black sealing mascara which will add more volume and length and lasts 3-4 days.

During the process of lifting your clients lashes you can add another step within the process to add colour to your clients lashes. Due to the fact that the lash structure is softened and pores are open the colour you are adding is more effective and this simple and quick extra treat you will be offering your clients has a dramatic effect, especially for clients with fair lashes as it will help to create an even fuller and longer look with depth and colour right to the fine tips of the lashes.

Alternatively you can of course offer your client to apply semi permanent mascara for a longer lasting effect (up to 3 weeks) and due to the unique two component system of Flirties mascara you can decide how dramatic the look should be (ie a thinner mascara for a more natural look or a thicker mascara for a more dramatic look) and you can also add pearlescent powders and glitter to the bonding agent for a glam look that your client will adore!

Flirties Unit 2/3 Tarlair Business Park / Tarlair Way, Macduff, AB44 1RU / Tel. 0845 022 2233

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Body Wraps

Are Back!

Inch loss wraps have become extremely popular again recently, but did you know they’re just one of many types of wrap available in salons and spas? Here’s an overview of some of the different kinds of body wraps currently on the market:

Inch Loss/Contouring Wraps: these are generally compression wraps, using bandage or film to wrap over a balm, solution or cream applied to the body. The wrapping technique used is usually quite firm and wrap is applied round the contours of the limbs and torso. Some inch loss wrap systems use compression garments rather than bandage or film. In addition, some of this type of wrap use heated blankets to induce fluid loss, while others, such as NSL Body Wrap, work well without a heat source. These wraps can be a great kick-start to a weight loss regime or healthier lifestyle. Marine Wraps e.g. (seaweed/ algae):

these wraps are said to be detoxifying and firming – some are said to help promote inch loss.

A mineral-rich marine derivative solution is applied to the body, which is then wrapped – some systems use bandages, while others use the “cocoon” wrap method; a non-compression wrap which does what the name says – wraps the client in a warm cocoon of film sheets, foil blankets and warm towels or blankets to maintain heat, while the marine ingredients work to cleanse and nourish the skin.

Mud/ Clay Wraps: these are generally applied in the same way as marine wraps. Again, the mud or clay solution is rich in minerals and these are said to act upon the skin to improve texture and tone. Additional health benefits claimed include relief from aches and pains – Dead Sea mud is perhaps the best known. Some mud wraps require a wet room or shower to remove, while others, such as Elixea Moor Gel mask, are designed to be used in spas and salons without these facilities and can be easily removed with hot towels. Some other wrap types available include aromatherapy (these can be targeted to specific issues or areas and often use a heated pad or compress); paraffin wax wraps (often used to alleviate pain as well as to refine and improve skin texture), moisturising wraps and herbal wraps which use combinations of botanicals for therapeutic purposes. Overall, wraps are said to boost circulation, relax areas of tension, speed the body’s natural detoxification process, improve skin condition, and, in some cases, promote inch loss. Aside from these reputed benefits … They just feel great! 

Wrap - Sara Nunney

Sophie - Before, After 1 wrap, After 2 Wraps

Before wrap

After 1 NSL wrap

After 2 NSL wraps

Credit to Sophie Irons - Therapist

Kelli Preston - Trainer By Karin Tischhauser

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ENVY We all use items and products on a daily basis to complement and enhance our appearance, a little swoosh of lip gloss maybe? A little sparkle in the earrings? Some perfectly preened eyebrows? Eyebrows are big business, and they can really transform someone’s appearance, so it’s important to get them right. Gone are the days when the only choice you had was to pull out your eyebrow pencil; with so many products and treatments to choose from, there is something to suit everyone. What treatments and products we choose will depend on the look you would like to achieve, from full on Cara Delevingne inspired eyebrows, to the more subtle and natural look. Let’s have a look at some of the choices available… The original way to enhance the shape and colour of the eyebrows was the eyebrow pencil, there are now many other make-up options. There are brush on mascara type products that add colour and can help keep brows in place, and mineral powders that can be applied to enhance the colour and shape of your eyebrow; and for those that struggle with application, many brands have stencils that make application very simple.

Tahira Wells, CEO and Director of ILAH Brows tells Lash Inc. magazine… “Make up for the brows is really important. It adds definition to the brows, warms, and in some cases even looks like an eyelift. It’s definitely the cheapest anti-ageing method anyone has ever invented”

ILAH Brows lets therapists offer different options to their clients. Tahira Wells mentions “It’s important to offer different looks to customers, not everyone wants a high definition brow. A consultation is performed to determine what kind of brow the customer wants. There are 9 stencils to fit into the 9 face shapes, once we determine what shape suits the customer, we then need to decide what colour and what depth of colour the customer wants.” By Ruth Morrison

Although the eyebrow pencil still has its place in many make up kits and bags, it is definitely not the only make up option anymore. Make up is not a very permanent option, so for someone wanting to add colour to their eyebrows on a more permanent basis, we can offer eyebrow tinting. Eyebrow tinting has been around for a very long time. It is a fast and effective procedure, and with a lasting ability of up to 6 weeks is a very popular treatment, and will be a staple treatment in salons for years to come.

A new treatment that is that is being introduced to the world of eyebrows, is the eyebrow extension treatment. The client will already have attended an appointment to remove stray hairs and tidy the brows, when returning for the extension treatment, therapists apply single eyebrow extensions to the eyebrow area. BBD Eyebrow Extensions say “eyebrow extensions is a new treatment to act as an add on to other eyebrow treatments therapists and salons already offer. BBD uses medically approved glue to attach the extensions to the client’s hairs

59 :::::::::::::::::::::::: and even the less fortunate ones who suffer with allergies when using conventional make-up. Although a little dark when the treatment is first carried out, this will soften by up to 30% during the healing process, which will be between 5 and 10 days depending on the individual’s unique recovery rate and how closely the ‘postprocedure’ care instructions are adhered to. To greatly reduce any discomfort, we numb the procedure location with very effective topical anaesthetics before the treatment begins. The final results are truly remarkable and will last between 1 and 3 years and sometimes even longer. Again this depends entirely on the individual’s after-care and the body’s own unique rate of cell regeneration. The results will appear very natural and your features will look more defined, making you look completely refreshed. Your friends will never know what the difference is unless you choose to tell them. The benefits these treatments have to offer is a major breakthrough in semi-permanent make-up. When applied correctly they can give the impression of a mini facelift making one appear 10 Years Younger without surgery. This is not just a treatment for female clients, male clients also benefit from this treatment.” Andrew also points out the importance of finding a reputable trainer should therapists want to offer this treatment, “everyone can say good thing about themselves, even if it’s not true. I let my students talk about my training on my behalf, I pick a student each month, and let them do the talking. “ Looking at the before and after photos it’s plain to see how this treatment can transform facial features! With so many different ways of enhancing client’s eyebrows, we are spoiled with choice! Now all you have to do is choose what one to use that will cause Eyebrow Envy?

and skin, making this a great treatment for those that might have sparse and over plucked areas and scars. It’s also an amazing treatment to be able to offer clients that might have lost hair due to illness or medication and medical treatments, where there was really no alternative option other than make up before. This treatment works best when used alongside a tinting treatment, especially if the client has sparse areas as we can use the tint to darken the skin.” Clients that would like a more permanent treatment can consider semi-permanent eyebrows, lasting between 1 and 3 years. This treatment, when carried out well, has some truly amazing results. Andrew Stassi of Smudge Free has been placed as one of the premier technicians and trainers in the semi-permanent cosmetics industry. He is

also a Habia consultant; he shares a little of his expert knowledge with Lash Inc. magazine: “Semi-Permanent Cosmetics, also known as Permanent Make-up, Derma Graphics or Cosmetic Tattooing, is a procedure whereby minute particles of natural and synthetic iron oxide colour pigments are implanted, a little more than 1mm below the skin’s surface, using a hand-piece which holds a sterile needle or needle grouping. Career women and men, athletes, people with busy and hectic lifestyles that don’t have the time to apply their make-up in the mornings - let alone freshen-up several times throughout the day, will benefit from having their features enhanced with semi-permanent cosmetics; not forgetting people with unsteady hands or those with poor eyesight

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ART OF THREADING Threading hair is an ancient form of hair removal which was mainly practiced in Eastern countries, e.g. Egypt and India, where it was known as ‘Bande Abru’ (Bande meaning band, and Abru meaning eyebrow). A twisted cotton thread is pulled along unwanted hair, which traps the hair in a mini lasso and removes it from the follicle. Threading eyebrows is becoming the hair removal method of choice for many over waxing, especially for those who suffer from rosacea or thin and sensitive skin. Threading has little or no contact with the skin, whereas waxing tugs at the skin as the hair is removed from the follicle, which causes irritation and erythema. Tweezing the hair only removes one hair at a time, whereas when threading, a whole line of hair can be removed at once, making it quicker, causing less pain and giving a more defined finish to an eyebrow shape. Some short hairs can be left on the eyebrows after waxing, but can be removed when using the threading technique. Individual hairs can be targeted to give that perfect, defined look clients are now expecting to achieve – ONE HAIR CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE!! Threading is an excellent treatment for any facial hair and causes less damage than waxing


or shaving. It leaves a smooth finish with much less erythema and sometimes no redness at all. Any redness usually subsides much quicker than with other facial hair removal treatments. For therapists, it is a cost effective treatment, as all you need is thread! Threading thread is now available to buy from many beauty suppliers and has an antiseptic coating to prevent any crossinfection or bacteria entering the skin

gel after every treatment. Generic eye treatments contra-indications apply.

How long will threading last? Threading, as like waxing, can last from 3-4 weeks depending on client’s individual hair growth cycle. Some clients find that it lasts longer.

Effects of threading Many different effects can be created depending on the client’s expectations, and eyebrows will become more defined. Unlike other hair removal techniques, threading allows for hair to be taken away from above the eyebrow, again giving a more defined and structured shape to the brow.

High definition eyebrows Threading has become one of the most important methods of hair removal and precision is required, to achieve a high definition eyebrow treatment, alongside tinting, waxing, tweezing, trimming, and the use of semi-permanent brow pencils/pens/powders. By combining all of these skills, you can offer your clients the most perfect eyebrow shape without the need for micropigmentation treatments.

Preparation Always check for contra-indications, cleanse the area to be threaded and apply soothing lotion/

Supporting and stretching the skin It is very important to ensure the skin is stretched and supported at all times, clients are required to assist the therapist during a threading treatment. Unsupported skin can result in bruising, cutting, pain, and general damage to the area. If the

technique is not carried out properly, the hair can be broken, rather than being completely removed from the follicle.

Consultation and treatment planning Appropriate consultation techniques and good communication with your client will ensure her that she is in safe hands. Taking into consideration clients from different cultural and religious backgrounds, age, disabilities and gender; good questioning and listening skills are very important to ensure your client receives the best treatment suitable for them.

Aftercare and homecare advice For 12-24 hours after treatment: • Do not touch/rub the area • Do not exfoliate • No make-up/ perfumed products • No heat treatments • Recommended frequency of treatment – every 3-4 weeks (depending on clients hair growth cycle)

Threading Techniques! Which is best??? There are three types of techniques used in the art of threading – mouth threading, neck tie, and hand loop. Each individual therapist will find they’re preferred way of carrying out a threading treatment. Although mouth threading is the traditional way of carrying out this treatment, I have found this method over time can cause serious neck, back and sciatic problems for the therapist. By constantly tilting your head up and down, constant pressure is applied to the muscles in the neck area. This is also the case when using the neck tie technique. Another downfall, through personal experience, is the unhygienic fact that the therapist has the thread in their mouth. This can also over time cause damage to the teeth with the constant pulling technique. In my experience, the hand loop is the best way of carrying out this treatment, it gives a more precise finish, causes no physical problems and also allows the therapist to interact with the client. When learning to thread, allow yourself lots of time to practice each technique and find the one most suitable for yourself. Hair removal by threading is an art, it takes time, skill and patience to perfect! Remember the 3 P’s! PRACTICE PERFECT PRECISION!!!! Kim Gibb KM School of Beauty

Lash Artist of the Year

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Lash Contest Inc Magazin 2014 Photographic Eyelash Extension Contest. To enter please choose the category you wish to enter. You can enter multiple categories.

1: Classic eyelash extensions, semi permanent (Lash on Lash) 2: Volume lash extensions 3: Lash Art - Any technique and types of lashes can be used to achieve a themed look. The theme for this contest is 2014 fashion trends. All entrants should take photos of their client before and after. Angles to be covered - Front (looking straight ahead), from the side, looking up and looking down. Own photos can be submitted for Classic and Volume categories however for Lash Art category we recommend professional photography. Entry fee is 15 Euro, this can be converted and invoiced in your own currency. ___________________________________________________ The winner in each category will receive a certificate, a winners logo for use on stationary / website and a double page feature in Lash Inc magazine.

To enter send your photos to Closing date 29th July 2014

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Book Reviews

Launching in April How to apply eyelash extensions is an excellent resource for students and training provider. This A4 textbook format is perfect for training courses covering Lash on lash extensions, it is a generic book and not brand specific.

Author is Christa McDearmon. Christa is a licenced Cosmetologist, Barber, Master Esthetician and Instructor. She began her career 18 years ago in Las Vegas. She has since had many incredible opportunities presented to her. Including becoming an industry educator, educational director and author. All achieved while consistently working behind the chair. Available from Amazon, good book retailers and

Lash Masters Real life stories and insights from Lash Masters around the globe. A real treat to read for anyone interested in the lash industry and how to become successful in it. Available from Amazon, good book retailers and

Coming Soon... Eyelash and eye diseases and disorders. This book will be available on Amazon May 2014. It will focus on eyelash and eye conditions that therapists should be aware of. Learning Bite: Blepharitis is inflammation (redness and swelling) along the edge of your eyelids. It is most often caused by an infection or a skin condition. Two distinct Eyelash mites called Demodex have been confirmed as a cause of certain types of blepharitis: Demodex folliculorum can cause anterior blepharitis associated with disorders of eyelashes, and Demodex. brevis species of mite can cause posterior blepharitis with meibomian gland dysfunction and keratoconjunctivitis. Tea tree oil treatments with 50% tea tree oil have been found to be effective in eradicating mites and reducing ocular surface inflammation.

Demodex along the eyelash.

A must read to further your knowledge! _______________________________________________________ Chrysalis House Publishing is the company that publishes Lash Inc and books in the beauty industry. We are especially interested in anything to do with eye treatments. If you have a training manual, book, magazine in you and wanting to get published please visit www.

Photo of Demodex taken through a microscope at 400x magnification.

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3 WAYS TO GET more FACEBOOK FANS By Anna Davidson Thawe

How do I get more Facebook Fans? Has to be the number one question I get routinely asked. As business owners we get driven by numbers and as long as we remember we need to be targeting the Right fans then it really is a numbers game! Why are facebook fans important? The more likes, comments, shares and engagement you have on your page, the more you get your fans talking about you then this will just multiply. Facebook can be the vehicle to creating your tribe shouting good things about you.

more chance of getting seen and shared within facebook. Facebook really is a viral marketing machine. The more likes you have the more likes you will get. If you see a page with thousands of like’s your impression is an expert brand and you are more likely to follow the masses. How do you get more facebook fans then? I would like to share with you three simple strategies that will super charge your facebook business pages right now so you can start getting more likes straight away.

Also within facebook itself the more your page becomes a growing community, the

#1 Engage your fans Increase your engagement on your page and you will see your fans increase too. It’s vital you get people talking about you, so get them engaged excited about you and your business. Ask questions, interact, ask them to share and for their opinions. Increasing your engagement, increases your chances of appearing in their news feeds so concentrate on increasing your likes, comments and shares get people energised!

#2 Add a Facebook Like box Have you connected your website to your facebook page? If not put a facebook like box

plugin on your site and see the traffic increase from your warm market the tribe that already know you. It is really easy to set up and will build on your relationship with your current customers as is another way you can communicate with them.

#3 Create a LIKE Ad it’s easy! Creating a LIKE Ad is the easiest ad to set up, you can’t go wrong and is the fastest way for you to increase your facebook fans super fast!

You can target friends of friends which is a double wammy as is the cheapest way and also guarantees the quality too. It is the cheapest ad to try and will increase the reach and impact your page has on facebook. So what you waiting for create a LIKE Ad in your niche. For further information so you can kick ass in 2014 with facebook check out my oline programs and FREE Webinars at


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Raymond Aaron Double Your Income Doing What You Love Raymond Aaron is a ‘Branding for Dummies’ author and co-author of two Chicken Soup For The Soul books, he is probably most famous as the Double Your Income guy and he has written he best selling book Double Your Income Doing What You Love. I met Raymond when I attended his Millionaire Bootcamp in London earlier this year, a very straight talking, no nonsense kind of guy. He doesn’t make you feel fuzzy and loved or high and motivated. He does however gives you great tools to improve your wealth and happiness. The following is an article by Raymond will be useful if you find it difficult to achieve your goals, following Raymond’s way you will surely achieve them and feel good about it.

The Best Goal-Achievement Strategy This article highlights the wrong way to write a goal and then teaches a brilliant new way. I call the bad way to write a goal The Dreaded Binary Technique. It looks like this: “I will be the top salesman in the company this month.” What’s wrong with this goal? I’m sure it is exactly how you would write such a goal. Indeed, it is the way 100% of all goal-writers write their goals. What’s wrong is that it is binary – you achieve it or you don’t achieve it. If you achieve it, you feel good. If you don’t achieve it, you feel bad. Why would you want to set up a system that gives you some reasonable probability of failure and feeling bad? The reason is that you don’t know any other technique. Let me tell you my proven and patented technique. It’s called The MTO™

Technique. Instead of writing a goal in The Dreaded Binary Technique, you break every goal into three levels: • Minimum • Target • Outrageous Minimum is defined as “what you can be counted on to achieve based on your past performance”. Not on your hopes. But on the reality of your actual past achievements. Target is the “stretch”, that which is slightly beyond what you know you can accomplish. Outrageous has an unusual definition: “what you know you cannot achieve”. Now, let’s go back to the example. Let’s say you typically sell 7 widgets a month and the top salesman usually needs to sell 13 widgets in that month. The binary goal of desiring to be top salesman will probably end you in failure this month. Here’s the new method of writing the goal: I will achieve the following sales success this month: MINIMUM sale of 7 widgets TARGET sale of 9 widgets OUTRAGEOUS

top salesman of the month You will most likely achieve your Minimum, since that is what you typically do. Maybe you attain 7 sales by the 22nd day of the month. You then look at your goal and realize that you’ve only got 2 sales to go to hit your Target. That will inspire you to go for it. If you achieve your Target then you are even happier; nevertheless even if you hit only 7 or 8, you have still achieved your goal (at least to the Minimum) and you feel great. If you actually achieve Target, you are elated. And, the increased self-esteem you generate each month will soon propel you up into the Outrageous category. If you wish to learn about setting and achieving goals powerfully, simply claim your copy of Raymonds bestseller Double Your Income Doing What You Love absolutely free by instant download at:

MARKETING Louise Prunty Thinking Big in a Small Niche Eyelash extensions is a niche business in the grand scheme of products or treatments on the market. Just because you are in a niche market doesn’t mean you can’t make a lot of money. In fact, six or seven figure a year businesses have been built around niches everything from repairing very specific PC problems to teaching your parrot to talk! Now stay with me; having a niche within a niche section of the market can actually help you be more profitable. An example would be a salon that specialised in a type of lash extension such as volume lashes; they get known for offering that type of treatment, rather than being seen as a general all rounder, they are a specialist. Or a company that specialises in selling different type of eyelash extension tweezers, they will become the go to place for the technician seeking specialist tweezers. So how can you take your market, no matter how small, and still build an extremely profitable business?

=> The Essential: Building a List The first and most important step is to build a list. Without a strong list, nothing else matters and nothing else works. If you do not have a list in place already, get started today. Make it your home page’s primary and main goal: to get your visitors on an email list. You want to aim for a large list and for 10% - 15%

of your list to purchase from you regularly. Email the people on your list regularly and build a relationship with them. Demonstrate that you know what you’re talking about by giving them great advice, consistently. Give them useful content and don’t try to be too pushy with too many sales emails.

=> The Product Funnel Successful marketers know that the money is made on the back end, not the front end. If you’re in a niche market, however, sometimes it can be very difficult to come up with back end products. If you’re having trouble coming up with a second product, instead try coming up with different ways of presenting the same information as your first product. For example, if you are a training school, you could do a group or individual lash master class. Charge for it of course, but you could also record the class and turn it into a DVD or paid for video download. If your initial product is just a digital product video or eBook, consider also creating a physical DVD, or paper or hard back book. Their perceived value is far higher. If you can work a high ticket item in there, such as a big DVD box set or a workshop, you have an even better chance of making a lot of money even in a very small niche.

=> Partnering with Others In a small niche, most of the high profile industry people will know one another. If there are big players in your industry that you don’t know yet, make an effort to connect with them. Facebook groups and Linkedin are great places to start. If they’ve already heard of you, often all it takes is a phone call, email or Facebook message. Partnering with other people in your industry for various projects, is an extremely powerful way to take advantage of the smallness of your niche. Work on projects together. Teach a workshop together. Create a DVD series where every guru in the space participates. There are so many possibilities. I have made a business from niche markets and partnerships and will continue to do this for the rest of my career. The actual techniques may not be all that different, but it’s how you apply them. Start by building a highly responsive list, then develop a product line with a wide range of price points. Finally, find others in your industry that you can partner with to increase your earnings even more. If you don’t know where to start in finding people to potentially partner with, you might consider using the Lash Inc Magazine group to seek out joint venture partners. Or why not visit the forum now to discuss ideas from this article.

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Celebrity Focus Amy Childs 1) How did your business empire begin? I left TOWIE and went into Big Brother there was a huge interest in what I was wearing people always wanted to know where my clothes were from. I was asked to be the face of a few brands and then I just thought why don’t I start my own collection. I am a qualified beautician and have always dreamed of having my own salon and people thought my salon in TOWIE was real so it was a no brainer to open one.

2) Please tell us about your Eyelash line. My eyelash range consists of eight different styles suitable for all occasions day time, night time there are natural and heavier ones my favourite on is heartbreaker.

3) How to you manage to successfully run so many parts of your business without getting overwhelmed? I am involved in the prep work for all my collection, I am always going into my salon and boutiques I am very hands on with businesses and the staff I work in the shop every Saturday. It keeps me busy, on top of everything else I am doing but I really enjoy it it’s amazing I am really lucky to have such successful businesses.

better than ever. I guess I love the freedom of being able to make decisions and I actually love working its hard work but the best kind of hard work if that makes sense.

5) What is the best piece of business advice someone has given you? don’t rush into making decisions go with your gut feeling.

6) What is your advice to women who run a salon? running a salon is not easy there are so many salons out there and you have to make yours different. For example I do monthly deals and salon parties and using quirky names for treatments people remember them.

6) What is your advice to business people in general on how to be successful? work hard keep focused and always be on the ball for the next best thing.

7) What’s next for Amy?

4) What is your favourite part of bring an entrepreneur?

I have just finished The Jump on Channel 4 it was months of intense training, I am bringing out a new perfume and tan and I am really starting to push my training academy. That’s how I learnt to be a beautician and I think girls will love the training it’s a really good course.

I am still very shocked when I see people in my dresses, my brand is so strong it’s doing

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Three Things Visitors Need to Know before Giving You Their Email The email address is The Holy Grail of Internet Marketing. Once you have someone’s contact details, they are many, many more times more likely to buy a product or service from you than a one-time visitor. Unfortunately, visitors today are much more reluctant to hand out their address. People simply get far too many emails in this day and age, and most people are reluctant to sign up to another email list. So how do you get someone to trust you enough to give you their email? They need to know these three essential things.

==> What Do I Have to Gain? This is the most important question of all: “What do I have to gain?” If someone would gain a discount voucher, a free treatment or save 50% on supplies by being on your email list, no matter how many emails they’re getting today, they’re probably going to sign up for your list if they want or need what you are offering. On the other hand, if you’re not clear about

what they will receive or your offer is off the mark, it doesn’t matter how good your marketing is: they are highly unlikely to sign up. The trick to using this principle effectively is crafting a great offer. Make sure they know that the moment they sign up, they’ll get something valuable that will make their life that little bit better. The higher you can get the perceived value of this offer, the better.

==> Who Are You and Why Should I Listen? With so many people claiming to be experts on so many different subjects, it’s hard for people looking at businesses on the web to know who to trust. Why should they believe that you know what you’re talking about? What sets you apart from other people; and why should they sign up for your list rather than someone else’s? To overcome this obstacle, share your experiences, qualifications, personality and most importantly results. Showcase your work. What have you done in the past that would

impress your potential customers? Ask clients for testimonials and proudly display them on your website.

==> What Will You Do with My Email? Once you have their email, what will you do with it? Will you add it to a bunch of spam lists and sell it to other marketers? Will you email them every day with sales offers? Or will you give them high-value content, once or twice a week? When it comes down to it, users just want to know that they’re going to have a positive experience as a result of being on your list. You don’t need to give them a detailed business plan about what you’re going to use their email for however, just one or two lines telling users they won’t be spammed and that they’ll only be emailed content once a week actually increases conversion significantly. These are the three things users need to know before they’ll feel comfortable giving you their email address. Address all three issues and watch your opt-ins and profits soar.


Aesthetic Image is the professional’s source for innovative and luxury lash products. We offer the highest quality lashes, adhesives, and cutting edge lash tools. Our exclusive Pro Lash System provides lash artists with a faster and more efficient way to lash. We ship worldwide. Shop 24/7 online at /

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United Kingdom

Flirties BeautyTrix Tel. 0845 022 2233

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Tel: 0844 8016820

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