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Angela Bertone

Angela Bertone by Chrisha Rouse



Angela Bertone is a woman with a passion and on a mission.

“I want you to have your dreams come true. I want your belief to be transformed so that you can have what you desire.”

Angela is a motivational speaker and a Spiritual Life Coach with a twist – she combines faith and spirituality with science. Some that have experienced her work refer to her as a

“Spiritual Cardiologist,”

and she says that she loves the term. It seems fitting because when she works with people, that’s where she is – in the heart, the spiritual heart that you can’t see. In her words,

“I work where the heart and the brain connect."

When did she first find this interest?

Angela recalls that even as a child, she seemed to sense that there was something wrong with the way that we view our emotions and remembers thinking that there had to be a reason for every emotion. She began her quest for answers at age 19. Her earliest studies included the Bible and Gray’s Anatomy (a must-have textbook for anyone interested in medicine or how the human body works).

The information that she obtained through the study of both scripture and science revealed a correlation between emotions and the physical body, including disease and deformities. If it manifests in the body, it had an emotional correlation. However, she hadn’t figured out quite how to use this information to help people.

In 1995, after having three bad experiences with the same mortgage company, she opened her own business, Peace of Mind Mortgage. She consulted with clients to teach them how not to be indebted for life. She was simultaneously a residential mortgage lender, mortgage broker, licensed insurance agent, and a stockbroker.

During this time, Angela starting holding free retreats. Initially designed for women who had suffered the loss of a child, the response was so positive that they began to include weekend retreats and other other issues and traumas. They were free of charge, with no requests for donations – not even a basket or an envelope in which to leave one. Regardless, after the events, attendees would feel compelled to donate to show their gratitude and help alleviate some of the costs – sometimes even leaving them on the counter.

Still, she knew that she was being called for something bigger.

In 2010, laws were changed that made it harder for the smaller mortgage companies to survive, and she ended up closing her business. She and her husband became insurance adjusters. Being a “storm-chaser,” she could maintain the same income while working only 4-5 months out of the year, allowing her the remaining months to follow her heart and do what she loves.

In 2011, Angela became a published author with her first book and now has eight books to her credit. One of her children’s books was made into a television movie and shown on stations across the country. She is also an ordained minister, has had three television shows, and was a regular guest on two radio shows. She was paying her dues but still felt that she couldn’t seem to make much headway in finding a way to turn her real passion – helping people become healed within their hearts.

Then, in 2014, a family situation caused Angela to realize that traveling the country as an insurance adjuster was no longer an option. She was needed at home. So she leaned on her faith. She reached out to God and asked,

“ How do I do what you’ve called me to do? And how do I make money at it?”

It was then that she heard God speak to her and He gave her the title of “Spiritual Life Coach.”

The following year, at an event she was attending, Angela’s name was drawn to participate in an “emotional release” session with Dr. David Stewart. During the intense session, Angela had an unexpected breakthrough that changed her emotional belief system and an epiphany that would change her life.

Decades of studying had taught her the science of how the limbic brain was connected to emotional beliefs and that those connections needed to be rewired to change those beliefs.

But now she knew how to change the limbic brain ON PURPOSE.

Using this knowledge, Angela can rewire the emotional calculations of a person’s life experiences and reframe how they feel about themselves.

When asked to explain what is it that she does in her sessions, Angela replied,

“I change the belief in their brain, in their emotion and heart from lies about themselves to the truth.”

When working with a client, she uses their heart and memories to access the neurons that hold the inaccurate belief that is hindering them. Then she introduces new positive information while those neuron connections are open. By putting the “good” stuff in while the connections are open, the beliefs are changed - emotionally, not just logically.

Though her methods may seem unorthodox to some, the results and her clients’ reactions are hard to ignore. Mental shifts aren’t the only things that have transpired following her sessions; she has also witnessed multiple physical healings, which is why her journey is far from over.

In the future, Angela’s goal is to start a retreat center where she can offer 30-45 day long “Recovery Retreats” to help people reframe how they feel about themselves. She’d like to have counselors and medical staff on-hand at these retreats, as well, with the ability to include brain scans and mapping to be able to prove the before and after effects scientifically.

One service she provides is a workshop that you can do at home called “The Truth About Believing,” that many of her clients have found extremely beneficial.

If you find her work as intriguing as I do, Angela offers a variety of services that you can access on her website.

In addition Angela offers:

Spiritual Life Coaching

Gut Health and Nutritional Coaching

Brain Core

You can find information on all things Angela, including her services, books, podcasts and more at http://AngelaBertone.com

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