Louisiana Women in Business Issue 03

Page 8

The Little Exercise That Could - The Benefits of Kegels By Chrisha Rouse

You should do your Kegel exercises. Really. Every day. You’ve heard of them. If you’re like most women, you’ve probably even done them once or twice. However, because we can’t actually see the muscles that Kegels target and strengthen, we tend to forget about them. In reality, having a strong and healthy pelvic floor is way more important than having that firm booty! To fully comprehend the significance of these exercises, you need to know a little about your body. There’s a muscle group, known as the pubococcygeus (PC) muscles, that forms your pelvic floor. These muscles form a sling-like support system to hold your organs, including your uterus, bladder, vagina, rectum, and small bowel, in place. Kegel exercises focus on and “work out” those PC muscles, helping you have a healthy pelvic floor. Not only does a strong pelvic floor have amazing benefits (like easier childbirth and enhancing orgasms!), but these muscles also help prevent a myriad of common problems in the future. Did you know that approximately one in three women is affected by a pelvic floor disorder in their lifetime? And the likelihood increases to nearly 50% for women who give birth. This means that there’s a good chance that you or someone you know has or will be affected. And while there are different types of pelvic floor disorders, there are two that are more common: SUI (stress urinary incontinence) and POP (pelvic organ prolapse). Many women are more familiar with SUI, when the bladder leaks urine. It’s so common that we’ve almost embraced it as normal, making jokes about having to cross our legs when we laugh, cough, sneeze, etc. However, for those that deal with it daily, it’s no laughing matter and can be quite embarrassing. Pelvic organ prolapse can be much more frightening. This happens when the muscles in the pelvic area weaken to the point of not being able to support the organs that rest on them. In worse cases, these organs can fall out of your body. Yep. You heard that right your vagina could FALL OUT. Unfortunately, since it’s not discussed openly or often, many women don’t realize that they could’ve taken steps to prevent it and have no idea that it exists until they begin experiencing symptoms.




ENTER KEGELS. Remember, you can’t SEE the muscle group that you’re targeting with Kegels, so you need to FEEL to ensure that you’re engaging the correct muscles. There are 2 ways that are effective and easy. First, if you can stop yourself mid-stream while peeing, those are the muscles that you’re working on. Making it a habit to stop yourself two to three times each time you urinate is a great first step! What if you can’t stop yourself mid-stream? That’s all the more reason for you to start doing your Kegels every single day! You can also find them by inserting a finger into your vagina and squeezing. The muscles you feel tighten up are your PC muscles! Okay… I found them. Now what? Start by lying on your back, feet on the floor, knees bent. Tighten the PC muscles and hold for 3 seconds. Release for 3 seconds. Repeat. Be sure that you’re focusing on the PC muscles and not tightening your belly or booty. These muscles can fatigue quite quickly, so start off slowly. Do it 3 - 4 times the first time, then slowly work your way up. Your first goal is to do them 3 times a day, with 10 repetitions each while lying down. Then, as the muscles get stronger, you’ll repeat this process while sitting, then standing. You can do them anywhere! Like any exercise program, consistency is key. On average, with daily practice, most women can begin feeling the difference in about a month. Once you’ve mastered them enough that you can do them while walking, you may want to look into weighted balls designed to take it to the next level. So, here’s to better orgasms and being able to laugh without peeing yourself... Both great ways to enjoy a better life!

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