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Chapter 4: Appendices

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4. Final Comments

4. Final Comments

Although there are many experiences that we would love to share about our own Reiki healing adventures, we feel that now is a good time for your own practice to teach you!

By working with the Reiki energies and by practising on a daily basis, you will be guided directly by the energies themselves and this is where all the excitement and joy starts to happen! You may also find that you receive some additional insights about things that are happening in your life. Perhaps you gain some understanding about a challenging situation you are facing at the moment?


You may also gain some additional clarity about a future direction that you are thinking about taking or maybe a very nice affirmation just suddenly ‘pops into your head’ during your self-healing practice which helps the energies to flow more smoothly. Whatever it is that seems to just ‘come’ to you whilst you are in this peaceful state, this is ofen the Reiki energies (and your own personal spirit guides) helping you to move forwards more easily in your life. And this is again where the beautiful aspects of divine guidance and faith will come into play. So with all this being said, we really do hope that you have a wonderful series of Reiki healing sessions in this next 21 days and that you gain many new insights about yourself and your life as you heal, purify and grow closer towards love & light!

2.6 Treating The Problem Area(s):

Afer completing the first 11 basic hand positions, you are now ready to treat a specific area (or areas) of your body which we ofen refer to as ‘the problem area’. This could be any number of different issues such as a sore knee, a broken heart, a series of negative thoughts, a liver problem, digestive issues, anger issues etc. - anything that you feel requires a little energy to help. Please be guided by your intuition as to how best to treat your own particular issue. For example, for treating the physical ailments, you may wish to simply position your hands over the painful area. For those treating negative thought patterns, you may wish to send the Reiki healing energies into the brain area.

For more general issues, perhaps you can send Reiki to the Heart Chakra and ask that the Reiki energies go to where they are most needed to heal ‘that particular issue’. Please always remember that the Reiki energies are highly intelligent and will flow to where they are most needed to help you heal your particular ailment. Hand positioning, whilst important, is not as important as a clear and wisely set intention so please be sure to set your healing intentions clearly before treating your problem area.

It is commonly taught that 10 - 20 minutes is typically a good timeframe to spend over a problem area in order to help distribute the Reiki energies to where they are most needed. However as always, please be guided by your own feelings as you open up to your practice.

And finally, if you have completed 11 basic hand positions at 3 minutes each, plus 15 minutes over a problem area or areas, this will come to 48 minutes of Reiki healing in total. Afer you have done your preparation and afer doing your invocations & setting of intentions, this will roughly equate to an hour of self healing in total per day. (Remember this is repeated daily for each of the consecutive 21 days and then as you wish thereafer).

This is YOUR time! Your time to relax, unwind, rejuvenate, nourish and perhaps reflect on the deeper meanings of life or in your life. We truly hope you enjoy this time to yourself and that it helps you to raise your energetic vibration closer to love, light & amazing-ness!

2.7 Finishing With Gratitude:

With your self healing now complete, you are ready to finish your self-healing meditation with gratitude. You may feel peaceful, relaxed or maybe you have even had a nice, well deserved doze during this time. Whatever the case may be, it is always good practice to bring our self-healing session to an end with an ‘attitude of gratitude’. To do this, you may wish to say something like:

There can be no greater way to show our respect and love for that which has been received than through the energies of gratitude. By completing your self-healing practices with gratitude, it will not only help you to finish with a feeling of humility and love, but it will also help to strengthen your connection to the Reiki energies for future practices.

“With love & gratitude, I thank all of the energies for their divinely guided help during this self-healing meditation. Please continue to shine down love and light for me as I continue to learn and grow on my healing & meditation pathway. Please help me to bring more love and light into my life so that I am better able to help others. May we all be happy and free from suffering. Thankyou, thankyou, thankyou.”

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