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4. Final Comments

To help aid the flow of energy in your palms, afer you have felt these subtle vibrations in your palms, please now rub your hands & palms together for around 10 - 20 seconds so that the energy flow can be further stimulated. The warmth and friction here will definitely help when you are starting out with your practice!

Some Reiki Masters will teach this slightly differently however as we understand it, rubbing your hands together can be a very good technique as you start out with doing your self healing sessions as it will help to promote energy flow.


You can also rub your hands together throughout your healing sessions (in between each of the hand positions), as a way of further promoting the flow of energy. You may wish to do this for the first few healing sessions to help you with the feelings aspects of your practice.

Again, there are many different ways that you can invoke the Reiki energies however this technique is a very simple one that will help you to activate the energies very effectively during your first 21 days of self healing.

Afer this time, you may feel like you don't need to literally hold your hands up as you invoke the Reiki energies and you may not need to constantly rub your hands and palms together. These basic teachings have been provided here as a way for you to get a feeling for how to work with the energies. Once you feel more comfortable - you can then decide what works best for you.

As always, you will be guided by your own intuition!

2.5 The Basic Self Healing Hand Positions:

As you rub your hands together, you are now ready to give yourself a hands on, self healing session with Reiki. On the next page, please find below a basic set of hand positions for self healing.

For each hand position, we would suggest that you spend around 3 minutes or so to allow the Reiki energies to be received in that particular area of the body. If you wish to, you can spend a little more or a little less time with each hand position as you feel guided. (Please note that in position 9 for the kidneys, two positions are given - one for if you are sitting up and an alternative for if you are lying down).

Please know also that for each hand position, the Reiki energies may take around 15-30 seconds or so until you can really start to feel them being drawn into your energy field. So please be a little patient with your practices here in the beginning.

During the first 21 days of self-healing practice, we ofen find that it is easier for people to simply spend 3 minutes per hand position whilst focusing their mind on being open and willing to receive.

This will help to ensure that you give yourself a good and well balanced Reiki session to all of the important parts of your body and will help to facilitate healing from within you in the easiest and most effective way possible.

The key point here is to simply open up and receive the Reiki energies with love & gratitude. Rather than thinking that you have to ‘do something’ during your session, you will find it more effective to just let go, open up and surrender to the Reiki healing energies. And of course:

Just by ‘intending’ for Reiki to flow through you - so it will be.

As you are starting out, it can ofen be easier to keep your awareness focused on your hands & palms. Just knowing that the Reiki energies are flowing beautifully and with much love into your body. Perhaps you wish to also try to feel or ‘intuitively listen’ to what your hands are trying to tell you as you go about each of your hand positions. But above all:

Open up and receive Reiki with love & gratitude!

If you are someone who would like to use affirmations or visualisations during your self healing sessions then please do so. If you feel that this is something that will help your mind to stay focused on opening up, surrendering and receiving with love & gratitude, then by all means, please try it out and see how you go.

Perhaps you wish to visualise that white light is flowing from your hands & palms into the area that your are treating - “the Reiki light is flowing into this area and filling this area with lots of love and healing light”. This can also be a wonderful way of thinking & visualising as you give yourself Reiki.

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