6 minute read

2. Instructions For Receiving Your Attunement

3. Uses & Benefits Of Reiki:

Having now understood much of the theoretical foundations of this first level of Reiki, let us finish off here by discussing the different ways that you can use Reiki in your life and highlight some of the benefits that can be gained from an ongoing & regular practice.


3.1 Healing Ourselves And Others:

Most notably, Reiki provides us with a beautiful array of healing opportunities for both healing ourselves and others. The Reiki healing energies which are being accessed here work with ‘higher energetic frequencies’ and will always help to bring about the best possible healing result for the person who is receiving the Reiki energies. When giving Reiki to others, you will also be receiving the Reiki energies yourself as the energies flow through you and into the person you are treating. And as we’ve also mentioned previously, the act of giving a healing session for someone else will also help you to heal in the notion that you are accruing many beautiful karmic merits for more health and happiness in your life. Having said this, we would like to re-affirm here that as a Reiki practitioner, the self-healing & meditation practices are a very important part of the Reiki journey! Quite ofen, we see that many Reiki courses just focus on giving Reiki to others and ofen neglect the self-healing practices of Reiki. Both perspectives are very important as you can see from this brief summary:

i) healing others - to help share energy, love & light and to help you create the vibrational circumstances for a furthering of your own happiness; AND

ii) healing yourself - to help you find health, balance & love in your life as well as helping you become a stronger and more effective healing channel for others.

3.2 Send Reiki To Anything You Wish!

Another important aspect of any Reiki teaching is to reinforce the idea that you can send Reiki to anything you wish. As part of this course, we have already mentioned that everything in the universe vibrates with the same source of universal energy so with this idea, let us share with you here that everything (at some level) will be receptive to the flow of Reiki healing energy. Most commonly, it is taught that you can send Reiki to people, animals & nature. So for example, you can send Reiki to your pets, to other people’s pets and any and all animals that you come across. You can also share these beautiful Reiki energies with plants, trees, flowers, vegetables and anything else ‘natural’ that you can think of.

Expanding on this concept then and we would suggest here that you can also send Reiki to other things such as the Earth, global events, situations, food, problems that you are having in your life or anything else you feel is needing Reiki. You can also try sending Reiki to car batteries, appliances or other ‘inanimate’ objects as well if you feel that it would help!

Finally, please know that Reiki can never and will never cause harm.

You can always send Reiki to anyone or anything, regardless of their circumstances i.e. young children, people taking medication, people with disabilities etc. The Reiki energies are always being divinely guided and will always be administered in direct proportion to what the recipient is needing. These energies will always, always work for the highest possible good of the recipient.

3.3 Some Of The Benefits Of Practising Reiki:

One of the main benefits of Reiki is that it helps to accelerate the body’s own innate natural healing process by providing us with a beautiful array of nourishing life force energy. In other words, we are giving the body exactly what it needs so that it can then do it’s job more quickly and effectively. Wonderful!

Please know here that it is always the body’s job to heal itself. And in this way, you can never really say that ‘you’ have healed someone or something but rather that you have helped them to become healed of their particular ailments. There is indeed a very subtle but significant difference here. Another major advantage of healing with Reiki is that the energies always seem to go to healing the root cause of any particular issue or ailment and therefore, Reiki can be described as a truly natural and totally holistic approach that helps our overall health & wellbeing. Reiki is also a complementary method of healing which will always work for the recipient’s highest possible healing result (in line with their karmic circumstances). For those who are taking medication or working with other healing modalities, Reiki will also help to work alongside these practices and will work in conjunction with your own body to help it recover more quickly and effectively through a raising of life force energy. (If you or your recipient are taking medication then you may also be interested in receiving The Syon Cleanse which includes symbols that help to clear side-effects from medication). From a more spiritual perspective, another major benefit of Reiki is that it can really help us to move towards a very beautiful flowering of our own thoughts and consciousness as we move towards the understanding that we are indeed truly divine & infinite beings of love & light.

The higher vibrational healing energies of Reiki will always help to bring new understanding into your life; new perspectives, new feelings of peace, love & joy in what is ofen a beautiful manifestation of Reiki healing & purity from within. There are so many additional benefits to practising Reiki, so many ways that Reiki can help us move forwards more easily & happily in life. We truly hope that you will feel many of these benefits and much more as you open up to your Reiki practices.

Some of the Benefits of Reiki

Reiki helps to accelerate the body’s innate natural healing ability. Reiki complements all other forms of healing & personal growth. Reiki helps to calm the mind and can be a relief for anxiety and stress. Reiki can help to relieve pain. Reiki helps to strengthen our immune system. Reiki can free up blockages, emotions and fears rooted in the past. Reiki always directs itself to where it is needed most in the body. Reiki is effective with children, animals, plants and food. Reiki can also be used to heal places and situations. Reiki can be learned in a short space of time. Reiki can help us to achieve balance in our life. Reiki can help us to further understand our own truly divine potential. Reiki not only helps to cure illness, but it also the root cause(s). Reiki boosts the life force energy within our body. Reiki also helps to develop our physical and mental capacity. Reiki can be used in the final stages life to help the ‘transition’ process. Reiki can cure disease without medicine or medical instruments. Reiki can be learned without any level of formal education. Everyone can learn Reiki, regardless of age, religion or cultural background.

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