Free Reiki course - Level 1 (incl. free attunement & certificate)

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Level 1 - Hands On Healing Practices

3. Uses & Benefits Of Reiki: Having now understood much of the theoretical foundations of this rst level of Reiki, let us nish o here by discussing the di erent ways that you can use Reiki in your life and highlight some of the bene ts that can be gained from an ongoing & regular practice.

3.1 Healing Ourselves And Others: Most notably, Reiki provides us with a beautiful array of healing opportunities for both healing ourselves and others. The Reiki healing energies which are being accessed here work with ‘higher energetic frequencies’ and will always help to bring about the best possible healing result for the person who is receiving the Reiki energies When giving Reiki to others, you will also be receiving the Reiki energies yourself as the energies ow through you and into the person you are treating. And as we’ve also mentioned previously, the act of giving a healing session for someone else will also help you to heal in the notion that you are accruing many beautiful karmic merits for more health and happiness in your life Having said this, we would like to re-a rm here that as a Reiki practitioner, the self-healing & meditation practices are a very important part of the Reiki journey! Quite o en, we see that many Reiki courses just focus on giving Reiki to others and o en neglect the self-healing practices of Reiki. Both perspectives are very important as you can see from this brief summary: i)

healing others - to help share energy, love & light and to help you create the vibrational circumstances for a furthering of your own happiness; AND


healing yourself - to help you nd health, balance & love in your life as well as helping you become a stronger and more e ective healing channel for others.

3.2 Send Reiki To Anything You Wish! Another important aspect of any Reiki teaching is to reinforce the idea that you can send Reiki to anything you wish. As part of this course, we have already mentioned that everything in the universe vibrates with the same source of universal energy so with this idea, let us share with you here that everything (at some level) will be receptive to the ow of Reiki healing energy. Most commonly, it is taught that you can send Reiki to people, animals & nature. So for example, you can send Reiki to your pets, to other people’s pets and any and all animals that you come across. You can also share these beautiful Reiki energies with plants, trees, owers, vegetables and anything else ‘natural’ that you can think of.



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