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Things To Know
• Please register at least one week prior to the first class. Class cancellation decisions are generally made five (5) days prior to class start date. If class enrollments are below the minimum requirements, a class may be cancelled.
• Registrations cannot be approved by an instructor or the team coach.
• The Department has the right to cancel classes.
• Before you purchase supplies, call 970.962.2383 to verify that your class is occurring.
• The City of Loveland does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, creed, religion, sex, sexual orientation, age or disability in the provision of services. For disabled persons needing reasonable accommodation to attend or participate in a service or program/activity, call 970.962.2462 or TDD #962.2620.
• SAC holders have priority registration for day trips denoted by this symbol (t). See the Active Generation pages for specific priority registration dates.
Use This Enrollment Checklist
• Complete the registration form below
• Double check class fees and total
• Include a 2nd and 3rd choice where possible
• Make checks payable to City of Loveland or include credit card number and expiration date
• Include email address for receipt confirmation
• When you sign up for a class, we depend on your enrollment for a successful class. Please plan your schedule carefully to avoid cancellations and/or refunds.
• If you must cancel your class, please call 970.962.2383 (seniors call 970.962.2783) at least five (5) business days before the class begins. You may choose to transfer to another class or to receive a refund. See Refunds below.
• You are notified if a class is cancelled due to low enrollments, and are given options at that time.
Unless otherwise noted, the following refund policy applies:
• Refund requests must be submitted in writing or through WebTrac. Refund request forms are available at the Chilson Recreation Center front desk.
• After registration and up to five (5) days prior to the class start date (seven (7) days for ticket or trip-based programs), a $5 processing fee will be assessed.
• Four (4) days prior to the class start date and through the start of class, 50% of the class fee is refundable.
• No refunds are given after the first week of class.
• Full refunds are for departmentally cancelled classes ONLY.
• No refunds for Senior Activity Cards (SACs).
• No cash refunds. Allow two (2) weeks for processing. Other Charges: There is a $20 charge for returned checks.
Note: Small Fries Preschool and Day Camp have additional cancellation policies. See your parent handbook for details.
Loveland Parks & Recreation Registration Form
Address: City/Zip: Household ID #: Home/Cell: Work:
Please fill out this registration form for use with all registration options. The information in shaded areas is required during the enrollment process.
Head of Household/Primary Guardian Full Name Email Address: For City of Loveland internal use only. Your contact information is not shared.
Do you need a special accommodation to safely and enjoyably participate in these programs?
___ Yes ___ No. If yes, please state your special requirements: ________________________________. Total Paid: $
Pay By: ___ Cash (Do not send cash in the mail)
___ Check (Made out to: City of Loveland)
Waiver for Participation: By signing below, I hereby release and absolve the Parks & Recreation Department, the City of Loveland, and all of its employees or agents of same from any claims of damages arising from injury received by the participation involved in this activity, whether due to negligent acts or omissions of said parties, other participants, or otherwise.
Credit/Debit Card: ___ Visa ___ MC ___ Discover ___ AMEX Card #: ____________________________ Expiration:_____________
Signature required showing I agree to the Waiver Statement above and agree to pay the charges listed here as stated