Idea booklet 22 57

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The Idea and Style


Stayin’ alive They won’t stay dead. There. We said it. And you probably know it by now, too. Hazardous household waste won’t stay dead. For us mortals, what happens in the afterlife is unknown... but what about batteries, light-bulbs and mobile phones? If they are not recycled after their passing, the toxins inside them have the potential to haunt our atmosphere like a malevolent spirit.


The Idea and Style


stop the SPOOKing


The Idea and Style





Tone of Voice






timeline of releases



Tone of voice WHO?


The City of Sydney target market has been defined as, those between 20-40 years of age, residing in the council area. The tone of voice for this crusade has been designed to resonate with many, in this diverse range of people.

The key message of this campaign is crafted around the sinister truth that batteries, light bulbs and mobile phones won’t stay dead. It has been made with the intention of encouraging the target market to ‘Stop the Spooking’, and recycle their hazardous waste to benefit the greater good. The tone of voice permeates into both the written language as well as the visual components of the outcomes. Drawing inspiration from classic horror films, a strong sense of parodical homage, ensures that despite elements of B-Grade gore, the tongue of the tone is pressed firmly to its cheek. Between gasps and giggles, humour meets horror to evoke a sense of social responsibility in respondents.

The Idea and Style



HOW? Analogy:


The campaign draws the parallel between the afterlife of hazardous household waste to the afterlife of humanity. The innate visual conventions of classic horror films have been referenced to draw attention to the similarity of these concepts. For example, many horror film posters are illustrated with three colours - black, blue and red. Similar shades have been applied to the posters advertising the message of the campaign.

Throughout the campaign, Hazardous Household waste adopts human qualities. Well, not exactly human qualities (insert spooky music) ... but the personality of an evil spirit. For example, the 30 second radio broadcast outcome is told in the ‘voice’ of the ghost of the waste itself, eg ‘I am the mercury which landed in your wastepaper basket, seeping into your soil.’



To support the analogy of hazardous household waste spooking the atmosphere like a spirit, metaphors likening dead batteries, mobile phones and light globes to the sinister, have been applied to the radio broadcast copy, eg ‘The ghost of toxic mercury will seep into landfill and haunt the food-chain.’

Since the concept of this campaign is an analogy, of course, similes have been sprinkled throughout, to drive home the key message. For example, the copy applied to the radio broadcast states that, ‘Cadmium ascends into the atmosphere and eats at the ozone layer like an evil ghost.’

The Idea and Style




Subtle alliteration slinks into the subtleties of this shenanigan, so it stands-out. Not as much that last sentence (thank goodness!), but the Strap-line reads as:

What’s a ghost story without histrionics? Have you ever exaggerated the punch line just a little when you’ve told one, holding a torch beneath your face? Yep. Thought so! Why? For impact, for drama and to create suspense, you’d say, wouldn’t you, oh, great story-teller? Yes, you would. The facts in this campaign are truthful, but imagination has been tapped into, in order to

Iambic Pentameter:


The E-Takers believe that a campaign without rhyme is a crusade without reason. That’s why the call of action, consistent across all outcomes, has been formed to catch the attention of the audience, hook, ‘rhyme’ and sinker! It reads as, ‘They won’t stay dead, don’t throw them away, recycle them instead!’

To simplify the message in the second phase of posters, glass has been used to symbolise the toxins inside blown light-bulbs. The poisons inside a battery is signified through slime (think: The Blob), and the venom present in a mobile phone is imagined as misty smoke.


Typography Knockout is a clean, modern sans serif. It has a powerful personality, and speaks articulately in a genderless, but clear, voice. Needless to say, it is a perfect fit for headlines in this campaign, where speaking in such a way is the goal. For its neutral readability and realist qualities, the 1938 sans serif font, Bell Gothic has been utilised for body copy.

The Idea and Style


Headline! Sub heading Nescidus quat. Itas dia voluptum reptur, ommolora iscim quosseque excerundis magnis imo molorrore re quidest, quibusae non nesediam quamet que volendebit ini accus dolupti istem. Haritem haribus necaessuntem reicil ilit evel idus dolla volecus volupitatiur sum vel ilicientiis re lab ius simaxim uscipit quatur, omnihite ea seque in nis perum asped et voiuntibusa doles nobitatatem consedi quis as aut ut volupti comnis sam, faccull endignatiuvolore

Knockout HTF48 All Caps Knockout HTF48 All Caps Gotham Rounded Book


Colour Tones of blue and red with a hint of grey have been chosen as the colours to illustrate the campaign concept across all outcomes. These hues are adaptable and are found ubiquitously in horror film paraphernalia.

The Idea and Style


Pantone Black

Pantone 1807 C


C 24


M 92


Y 78

K 100

K 15

Pantone 2757 C

Pantone 195 C

C 100

C 36

M 93

M 87

Y 31

Y 61

K 31

K 34

Pantone 2757 C C 100 M 93 Y 31


Timeline of releases The core marketing outcomes that the E-Takers propose, will be delivered over 1 month, and the success measured over a period of 3 months. The success of this campaign will be measured by discovering how closely our goal matches up against the reality. It will be rolled-out between September 2014 - December 2014.

Our goal is to be four times more successful than the current statistic measured between November 2013 - February 2014. The E-Takers are aiming for no less than 16 000 light bulbs (160kg), 4000 mobile phones (130kg), and 160, 000 batteries (3,024kg) to be dropped off by the public, at the designated areas.



First phase of posters

Video 1 released

Promontional bins erected

Facebook page live

Radio advertisement hits the air and is played twice daily for the month of September

The Idea and Style

Video 3 released


7/9/2014 •

2nd phase of posters released in key areas

response to videos measured in ‘views’, ‘shares’ and ‘reach’, and recorded



Video 2 released

Promotional bins dismantled and replaced with branded bins

Response to videos measured in ‘views’, ‘shares’ and ‘reach’, and recorded

1/9/2014 18

First phase of posters released in bus shelters

Video 1 released

Facebook page live

Tickets connected to dropoff-bins

Radio advertisement hits the air and is played twice daily for the month of September

2/9/2014 •

The Idea and Style

Video 2 released



Weight and number of drop offs at the bins is recorded

Response to videos measured in ‘views’, ‘shares’ and ‘reach’, and recorded

Phase one of posters dismantled

Open air movie screening event held



Weight and number of drop offs at the bins is recorded

Weight and number of drop offs at the bins is recorded

Response to videos measured in ‘views’, ‘shares’ and ‘reach’, and recorded

Response to videos measured in ‘views’, ‘shares’ and ‘reach’, and recorded

Radio advertisement ceases to play

Phase two of posters dismantled


The Idea and Style

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