Lowell Alumni Newsletter Spring 2006

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Principal Paul Cheng Leaving Lowell By Lisa Clay and Paul Lucey It was with regret that your LAA directors learned that Principal Paul Cheng will be leaving Lowell after a sixteen-year tenure. He is the school’s second-longest serving principal, surpassed only by 19th century Frank Morton, 1888-1918. Mr. Cheng was assigned to Lowell after serving as principal of Newcomer High School, a nationally recognized school for immigrants and refugees. Paul attended White Plains High School in New York and received his B.A and M.A. from the State University of New York at Binghamton. His principalship has been one of centennial celebrations: the Forensic Society in 1992; A Century of LOWELL High School, in 1994; the student paper The Lowell in 1998, and the sesquicentennial celebration of the school’s founding in 2006. During his tenure, major renovations transformed the campus: the completion of a new building containing additional classrooms and science labs, an expanded courtyard with a covered arcade (especially useful in this rainiest of years), classroom expansion on the second floor, extensive modernization to the art wing, and installation of a schoolwide wiring network to qualify for a state Digital High School grant. Mr. Cheng guided the school through the “rocks and shoals” of the contentious Nineties: the vagaries of the Lowell admissions policy, increased SFUSD class-time requirements, the endless debate about how best to schedule classes, and coping with massive teacher retirements. He presided over the school during a period of state and national recognition: a California Distinguished School for the fifth time; $158,000 award for student perfor-

Principal Paul Cheng mance on statewide STAR tests; U.S. Dept. of Education Blue Ribbon school, 1983, 1996, 2002. During his administration, the Advanced Placement program almost quadrupled – 778 exams in 1990; 2705 in 2005. It is ranked #1 in California and #3 out of 14,529 schools in the nation. A majority of the excellent teaching staff, including the AP teachers, were hired during Paul Cheng’s principalship. His tenure witnessed a modern Golden Age of Lowell Sports with numerous AAA championships in soccer, baseball, football, basketball and in the so-called minor sports (including dragon boat titles in statewide competition). The Lowell Sports Foundation was established during his administration (2001). Mr. Cheng’s principalship was twiceblessed by an active PTSA and Alumni continued on page 10


Lowell 150 Bash Set for June 3rd By Terence Abad ’76


he red and white bunting hasn’t gone up just yet, but invitations have been sent far and wide and hundreds of alumni, faculty, students, parents and other friends are making plans to attend the centerpiece event of Lowell’s Sesquicentennial celebration, the gala banquet at Moscone Center West on Saturday, June 3. In keeping with the banquet’s special theme – “A Tribute to Teachers” – all current and former Lowell faculty and staff have Moscone Center West is the site of the June 3 banquet been invited to attend as the spe- honoring Lowell’s teachers. cial guests of the Lowell Alumni formal program will feature a video tribute Association so the entire Lowell community to Lowell teachers of the past and present, can express its most sincere appreciation for along with music and entertainment by all that these dedicated professionals have current students and a few special presentadone to enhance the lives of generations of tions. Lowell students. Even after the formal program concludes, Already, scores of written tributes to the party will continue until midnight, with Lowell teachers have arrived from alumni music and plenty of time to visit with classof all ages, awaiting display as part of the mates and teachers. With over 130 current Tribute Wall that will grace the expansive and former faculty and staff already planthird floor lobby at Moscone Center West ning to attend (see the list on page 5, which where the pre-banquet cocktail party will be is current as of May 11, or visit www.lowellaheld. (There’s still time for you to submit lumni.org/tribute for the latest guest list), you your personal tribute to the Lowell teachers may have the chance to offer your personal who made a difference in your life – just thanks to a favorite Lowell teacher. Or you mail or e-mail us today.) Special areas will be may want to join us on June 3rd to raise a designated at the cocktail party for alumni toast to a departed teacher and share some from specific decades in order to facilitate favorite memories with classmates. Either socializing with Lowell contemporaries. And way, you’ll find yourself in good company the class of 1976 promises a strong showas we continue to celebrate Lowell’s 150th ing because they have decided to hold their birthday. 30-year reunion as part of this special eveBe sure to RSVP by May 30th so you ning, so expect a healthy dose of the “Spirit won’t miss out on what promises to be the of ’76.” largest gathering of Lowell alumni and facRumor has it that Jack Anderson (Lowell ulty in our 150-year history! ’50 and a member of the Lowell faculty from For more information, visit www.lowella1954 through the 1980s) has been tapped to lumni.org or contact us at (415) 759-7830 or serve as master of ceremonies. The evening’s lowellaa@lowellalumni.org.

Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer Pays Visit By Fiona Wozniak and Elisa Zhang (This article is a reprint from the Feb. 17th edition of The Lowell Ed.)


Supreme Court justice stopped to visit the school on Feb. 6 while in town for a national book tour. When he realized he would be in San Francisco for his new book, Active Liberty: Interpreting our Democratic Constitution, Class of ’55 Lowell alumnus Justice Stephen Breyer set up a visit to his alma mater. After a short classroom tour, he spoke at a Mod 6-7 assembly held in his honor in the Carol Channing Theater. More than 1000 students, teachers and alumni attended, as well as interim superintendent Gwen Chan. After a brief welcome by principal Paul Cheng and a recap of the justice’s career by Student Body Council president C. J. Mourning and Forensics Society president Jacky Kwong, Breyer took the stage. “It’s great to be here; it’s really nice to be home, and it is home,” Breyer said. He also expressed enthusiasm for the banner welcoming him to the campus. “My dad would be proud,” he said, referring to the fact that his dad was also a Lowell graduate. Breyer immediately gave a brief lesson in government, stressing the importance of working in local law. “Ninety-five percent of law in the U.S. is state and local

Justice Stephen Breyer acknowledges the “Welcome Home” banner. law. Five percent is Washington,” Breyer said. “So if you want to make a difference to people where you live, you’ll worry about the law in San Francisco . . . Not everyone has to run off to Washington. I admit I’m a bad example of what I’m preaching.” Breyer then described the efficient process with which he and his colleagues on

the Supreme Court deliberate on cases. The justices go around in a circle and “nobody speaks twice until everyone speaks once, “Breyer said. “The key to that conference is that we say what we really think; nobody’s there to make an argument. The key to a productive discussion is to always listen to what the other person’s saying, In eleven years I’ve never heard a voice raised in anger in that room..” The audience consisted of mainly upperclassmen, including the entire senior AP Government class and most of the AP U.S. History students. After his speech, Breyer held a question and answer session. Breyer stressed that one of the court’s main purposes is defining the line between security and civil liberties. He admitted and denounced past mistakes the court has made, citing the internment of Japanese citizens during World War II. “Excesses are possible,” he said, “We are there as a sort of balance.” Breyer’s presence awed many history teachers, “It was the social studies teacher’s equivalent of seeing a celebrity on the street, “ U.S. history teacher David Leong said. U.S. History teacher Alex Schwarz found the assembly to be entertaining as well, “I got so excited when he made a reference to a court case we studied last semester on Andrew Jackson and the Trail of Tears.” After the assembly, Breyer was presented

with gifts from Lowell’s Book-to-Book center. He reminisced about his days at Lowell. “My fondest memory is probably the spring half of my senior year. We didn’t have that much work, and the weather was beautiful. The teachers were being quite nice at that point, and my friends were there.” Breyer took the opportunity to remind students of the lasting relationships formed in high school. “You stay friends with the people at Lowell. That’s where you meet your friends, and you remember the teachers. Luckily what you learn, you remember.” Breyer later spoke at Herbst Theater as a part of City Arts and Lecture’s “Conversations with…” program. New Yorker staff writer and CNN legal analyst Jefferey Toobin served as interviewer to Breyer. “It has made my day,” Breyer said of his Lowell visit. “The students were enthusiastic. There was lots of learning in all medias. And they are good at sports. They weren’t in my day.” During the audience question-and-answer session, Breyer used Lowell to defend the public school system, which was held up in scrutiny by a member of the audience who asked if he had suggestions on improving the state of education in the country. “I was very impressed by the education going on (at Lowell),” Breyer said. “I saw a lot of learning in a short amount of time.”

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Lowell Alumni Association

Spring 2006

Reunion Calendar Classes of January & June 1950 and January 1951 – 56 Year Reunion

Classes of January & June 1956 – 50 Year Reunion

Saturday, May 20th, 2006 at the Lake Merced Country Club in SF (noon until 4pm)

Saturday, October 21st, 2006 at the Presidio Golf Club

Some of your Lowell classmates have decided that it’s too long to wait until our next official reunion, so let’s have one this year – our 56th! We’d also like to make it informal and relaxed – no fancy clothes, music or dancing, just a nice lunch and delicious beverages, and a chance to chat. We and all your old friends would love to see you there! Cheers! Current Committe: Don Green, Don Gold, Noel Hanford Straus, Don Cheu, Jack Rising, Rachelle Reyes, Warren Debenham, John Fletcher, Joe Rotenberg, Cookie Holtz Leiber, Bob Glasson, Bob Miller, Jerry Ambinder, Pat Horne LeRocker, Laura Lau Fong, Fred George, Alan Wendroff and Klaus Mortimer. Contact Don Green at (415) 751-4992 or dsga22@aol.com, Noel Hanford at (760) 3210056 or lhanford@ix.netcom.com, Warren Debenham at (510) 524-0440 or wdebenham@ mindspring.com or Joe Rotenberg at (415) 435-2317

Friday, October 6th, 2006 at the French Club (starting at 6pm) We will have cocktails and dinner – watch your mail for your invitation. Contact Kay Payne Breslauer at lowellfall51@aol.com Visit http://hometown.aol.com/axtellbois/FALL51.html

Please save the date. Contact Ray Perkins at (415) 479-2544 or barbaraperkins@yahoo.com

Lowell Ranked #26 Among All U.S. High Schools students based upon academic merit – from its rankings. But this year, the magazine recognized that this rule had “penalized some inner-city magnet schools that had high Challenge Index ratings.” This year’s rankings include a new element, dubbed the Equity and Excellence Index, reflecting the percentage of seniors who earn a passing grade (3 or higher on a scale of 1 to 5) on at least one Advanced Placement exam. Lowell is one of only five U.S. high schools ranked by Newsweek to break 90% on this measure. Lowell is one of only two Bay Area high schools to make Newsweek’s top 100 list this year (Palo Alto’s Gunn High came in at #78) and one of only three California high schools in the top 30 – with the other two California schools having a combined enrollment less than onefifth the size of Lowell’s. Congratulations to all of Lowell’s dedicated and talented students and teachers for this outstanding achievement! And congratulations also to San Francisco’s George Washington High for placing #302 on the Newsweek list.

LOWELL ALUMNI ASSOCIATION Paul A. Lucey Executive Director

Lisa Coughlin Clay ’74 President

Jim Rosenthal ’50 Vice President

Joseph Ehrman III ’41 Treasurer

Claudia Wolf Eshoo ’67 Secretary

Alan Wendroff ’50 Vice President, Planning & Development

Terence Abad ’76 Director, Alumni Relations & Development

BOARD OF DIRECTORS Jack Anderson ’50 Roberta Bleiweiss ’65 Leon Blum ’52 Mike Bower ’67 Cathryn Brash ’43 Dave Hagerman ’72

Join our class mailing list by sending a blank email to Lowell66-subscribe@yahoogroups. com. Thanks! Contact Carol Lincoln Anderson or Ed Tang at lowell_66@comcast.net Visit http://lowell_66.home.comcast.net

Date/Venue TBA A steering committee is being formed in order to plan our 40-year reunion in 2007. Please contact us if you are interested in being the chairperson or on a committee for this event. Contact Claudia Wolf Eshoo at (650) 991-2077

Saturday, June 3rd, 2006 at Moscone Center West (6pm to midnight)

Saturday evening, October 27th, 2007 – location TBA

Saturday, October 7th, 2006 at the Fairmont Hotel in SF (6pm to 11pm)

Class of 1976 – 30 Year Reunion

Class of June 1952 – 55 Year Reunion


Class of June 1966 – 40 Year Reunion

Class of June 1967 – 40 Year Reunion

Class of January 1952 – 55 Year Reunion

or the first time since Newsweek magazine began ranking America’s “best” high schools in 1998, Lowell has cracked the list, earning the 26th spot. The rankings, developed by Washington Post writer Jay Matthews, are based upon his Challenge Index, which is calculated by dividing the total number of Advanced Placement exams administered at a school by the number of graduating seniors. The intent of this yardstick is to recognize those high schools that encourage a broad cross-section of their student body to challenge themselves with the demanding curriculum of Advanced Placement and International Baccalaureate courses. The latest rankings, published in Newsweek’s May 8th issue, are based upon data from the 2004-2005 school year, when Lowell students sat for a total of 2,726 AP exams, thus earning a Challenge Index score of 4.462. (Nationally, only 43 schools boast a Challenge Index score above four.) Although Lowell’s Advanced Placement program has long been one of the nation’s finest and largest, Newsweek had previously barred Lowell – along with all other schools that admitted half of more of their

Invitations will be mailed in mid-2006. We are also working on an open house at the Hayes & Masonic campus, tentatively scheduled for the morning of October 21st, but more details will be announced soon. Visit http://lowell_1956.home.comcast.net

Patricia Pivnick Levin ’67 Christine Linnenbach ’89 Emily Moto Murase ’83 Anita Payton ’74 Georgene Poulakidas ’88 Geraldine Rosen-Park ’77

Helen Louie Wax ’66, Southern California Representative;

Wendy Drefke Shinbori ’68 Bruce Spiegelman ’68 Paul Tam ’82 Mike Ugawa ’76 Dawn Stephens Walker ’74 Rita Yee ’73 Paul Cheng, Principal


Yes, we’re proud to be holding our reunion in conjunction with the gala banquet celebrating Lowell’s Sesquicentennial, but we’ll also have a few special ’76 touches, including a private Class of ’76 Reunion cocktail party, reserved section of adjoining banquet tables and many of our former teachers on hand (Flossie Lewis, Marian Gonzalez, Joan-Marie Shelley, David Madfes, Paul Abad, Peter Dahl, Meinhard Schulz, Harper Puziss, Barclay Bates, Jim Gazaway, Mike Descilo, George Moore and others). Hope to see you on June 3rd for this very special Lowell reunion! Contact Rachel Jahnson at rjahnson@yahoo.com or Flora Burger Kupferman at florabk@ pacbell.net

Class of 1977 – 30 Year Reunion Date/Venue TBA We’re looking for volunteers who are interested in helping to plan our 30-year reunion in 2007. Contact Cecilia Trotman at (510) 632-2743 or ladycct@yahoo.com

Class of 1986 – 20 Year Reunion Saturday, October 14th, 2006 at the San Mateo Marriott (6pm to midnight) More fun than Romy and Michelle’s! Enjoy cocktails and hors d’oeuvres with friends. Then dinner and dancing to those beloved ‘80s tunes! Share old memories while making new ones! Contact Evelyn Achuck Yue at (650) 363-8740 or evelyn_yue@yahoo.com or Michelle Tom Kaneshiro at (510) 865-1228 or mbkaneshiro@earthlink.net Visit www.lowell86.com for more details

Class of 1996 – 10 Year Reunion Saturday, July 1st, 2006 at Fluid Ultra Lounge (6:30pm to 9pm) It’s hard to believe that 10 years have gone by, but it’s great to have our 10-year reunion to enjoy friendly faces, familiar places and perhaps a tear or two as we relive our years, “When We Come Around.” Watch for our evite and invitations which will be out shortly. If you can’t wait, check out our website for all the latest updates. “Let’s Get Together (again), Yeah, Yeah, Yeah!” for one more memorable night. Committee: Michelle Cheng, Cheryl David, Joyce Hogan, Merick Huang, Margaret Fong Lip, Patricia Low, Jamie O’Keefe, Tenny Park, Tiffany Tamura, Monica Tong, Nancy Tran and Jonathan Woo. Contact Tiffany Tamura at (415) 730-8815 or lhs.class96@gmail.com Visit http://lhs96.dyndns.org

Reunion Committees Your Lowell Alumni Association Will . . . 3 Mail you address labels for all your class members who have a current address 3 Mail or e-mail you 3 different lists of class members 1. Known grads 2. Lost grads 3. Deceased grads 3 Tip Sheet on how to keep track of your class and how to find lost grads Just ask! Phone 415/759-7830 or send a message through our website: www.LowellAlumni.org

Spring 2006

Lowell Alumni Association

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Hurricane Katrina: A Survivor’s Story by Erin Pierson Ribka ‘86

15 January 2006 New Orleans, Louisiana


t’s a strange thing to count time in weeks. I started the habit last June when I found out I was pregnant with twins. Then Katrina came and we started counting time in weeks since the storm. 20 weeks it’s been now. The last week in August I was in San Francisco for a last family visit before I got too far along in my pregnancy to travel. I was there for my niece’s 11th birthday. My mom and I went shopping for maternity

clothes, to a Giants game, and I had plans to see high school friends while in town. On my third night in SF, a local newscast showed a hurricane on a direct path to New Orleans, my home for the past 2-1/2 years. My husband back in New Orleans knew very little about the approaching storm – everyone had been predicting the hurricane to hit Florida. The next morning, Saturday August 27th, I changed my flight home. I knew I would never be able to return as scheduled on the 28th. I thought for a while about staying a few extra days in SF, but decided that Paul needed me to help evacuate our 2 dogs and 2 cats. I was 17 weeks pregnant and pretty much hysterical when I got home that Saturday night. We got up at 5 a.m. to finish packing the cars and drive 35 miles north to the other side of Lake Ponchartrain. We evacuated to the Tulane National Primate Research Center, where I am a clinical veterinarian. The Center is on fairly high ground and the buildings are constructed of concrete and cinderblock, very safe in a large storm, and there are backup generators, a separate well and septic system and generally everything we might need for a few days. I never could have imagined that we would live in an empty office next to mine for 6 weeks before going home. It turned out to be an excellent evacuation spot, and I would do it again if (when) it were necessary. The primate center sits on a large tract of heavily wooded land. The storm itself was amazing and terrifying. We watched as huge pine trees snapped and twisted, sometimes half a dozen at once. But the buildings suffered only minor and mostly cosmetic damage. No animals were lost or loose; we cut our way to the main road in just under two days and were able to get more food for the nearly 70 people who had sheltered at the TNPRC. It was two weeks before we knew we would have a house to go back to in New Orleans. I used my Tulane ID and my Dr. title to get past the National Guard blockades September 8th. Paul and I had bought a new house in the Uptown neighborhood of Carrollton in May – a bigger house, in anticipation of our growing family. The house is a renovated, 80 year old Victorian, raised about 3-1/2 feet off the ground. We had to ask the National Guard to drive us to our door in a 5-ton truck since there was still about three feet of water surrounding the house. We crawled through the truck’s windshield and out onto our porch. The front door was stuck, but the guardsman eventually got it open without it breaking. Seven inches of water was the insurance adjuster’s official measurement. But it

doesn’t matter: even a mere seven inches of water requires ripping out the walls to four feet, trashing the lower kitchen cabinets, rewiring the electric system, replacing all the ductwork for the air conditioning and heating and replacing all the appliances. Not to mention the rugs, furniture, books (I hadn’t unpacked all my books yet and they were still in boxes on the floor, soaking up flood water), and artwork that was ruined. And the roof was ruined. The original slate roof had several large holes and countless smaller ones, letting rain into our attic. We were lucky. We hadn’t yet sold the smaller house we moved out of in May. It’s only about 10 blocks from the new house, and not raised as much, but it didn’t flood at all. We lost a few shingles from the roof and the side fence was bent over, but the house was in perfect shape! So, once the authorities opened up our zip code to repopulation and we were sure we had electricity, gas and potable water, we moved back to our old house. One day shy of six weeks after our evacuation to the North Shore we were back in New Orleans. And yes, we brought cases of MREs with us, just in case, though we were fairly sick of eating them by that point. The first few weeks were pretty spooky. Only about half the neighbors on our block had returned. No restaurants were open and only a couple of grocery stores in the area. But every day or two something else would reopen – a gas station, a favorite burger joint, a daiquiri shop. Then the post office opened for mail pickup. In late November we had mail delivered to the house for the first time since the storm. Of course it’s only happened three or four other times since then, but it was a huge milestone. I won’t forget the first time we saw the garbage truck on our street. Who would think you could get so excited about a garbage truck? Here we are now, 20 weeks post-K (and 37 weeks pregnant) and I am thrilled that our neighborhood Walgreen’s finally reopened! Most of the restaurants in our area are open again and open more regular hours. If we don’t stray too far from Uptown, the Central Business District and the French Quarter, our only visible reminders are the piles of debris – furniture and sheetrock – left by neighbors just getting back to the city. The political debate rages daily here. How do we go about rebuilding a city that has been decimated by flood? And worse, a flood that was caused by human error? Somehow it’s harder to accept that people, not Mother Nature, are ultimately responsible for the tragedy here in New Orleans. Our population isn’t expected to reach 50% of pre-storm levels until the fall of 2008. And yet, the city council insists that every neighborhood needs to be rebuilt at once. It’s incredibly difficult for people to accept that their homes and neighborhoods can’t be rebuilt safely for years if ever. All anyone wants is to come home. Paul and I are lucky. We have a place to live, in a neighborhood that’s not unscathed but neither is it decimated. We are renovating our new house; doing our best to be optimistic and treat the situation as an unplanned opportunity to improve the house we hope to live in for many, many years to come. We both have jobs. We’re creating our dream kitchen! Renovating the bathroom! And preparing ourselves as best we can for the imminent arrival of twins (a boy and a girl). Progress is slow and dealing with insurance and mortgage companies is sometimes nothing short of infuriating, but we’ll get there. It will get done. And we hope in the meantime that people outside of the area don’t forget what happened here. Everyone lives somewhere that is prone to some sort of natural or man made disaster.

There’s no sense in punishing people for where they live. And the mistakes made before, during and after this tragedy should be learned from, not forgotten and never repeated. We will have Mardi Gras this year, if only because those of us fortunate enough to be living in this wonderful city once again really need a break. We need to feel like we’re still here and still okay – that life in New Orleans is still New Orleans living. We’ll gather along the parade routes with our friends, neighbors and children, eating corn dogs and moon pies and catching dozens of cheap plastic beads, stuffed animals, footballs and squirting toilet toys. And we’re ready for visitors. We need visitors to come here, spend money, enjoy our fabulous restaurants and yes, see the devastated parts of town so that no one forgets. And so that it doesn’t happen again.

Postscript 4 April 2006 Damon Patrick (7lbs, 8 oz) and Nora Katherine Ribka (5lb, 8 oz) arrived January 25, 2006. Both babies are healthy and growing like weeds. I am getting ready to return to work at the Primate Center in just two weeks. We have sold the house we are living in and so must be moved into the renovated house by the end of the month. There is progress being made – kitchen cabinets are

being installed this week and the painting upstairs is nearly complete. After three tornadoes in February (can you believe it?), the city continues to improve. We’ve been getting regular, daily mail delivery for about a month now. Mardi Gras was a success as well as a lot of fun and we’re all looking forward to Jazzfest now. City elections are April 22; keep your fingers crossed for us that the citizens choose wisely and we can all continue to recover. And please, say a prayer, make a wish, whatever means you prefer, that we will be spared this summer from a repeat performance. We could use a break.

Caught in the Headlines By Terence Abad ’76


ou know, those pesky Lowell alums aren’t found just in the newspapers but on the airwaves as well these days. While bouncing around the radio dial (well, no, I guess it’s not really a dial unless you think I’m driving a Packard or Desoto) the other day, I ran into a sound bite from Don Iglesias ’66, Superintendent of Schools for San Jose Unified, discussing the effect of recent immigrant rights demonstrations on student attendance in his schools… and then KQED-FM recently broadcast the City Arts and Lectures Series appearance from early February by U.S. Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer ’55 – some in the audience at Herbst Theater that night were wagering on how quickly Justice Breyer would mention Lowell, but it turned out that the evening’s moderator, The New Yorker’s Jeff Toobin, stole his thunder by introducing Breyer as being “from the U.S. Supreme Court (insert dramatic pause) and Lowell High School.” More from Herbst Theater: Kudos to best-selling author Daniel Handler ’88 (aka Lemony Snicket) for his recent benefit performance at Herbst to benefit 826 Valencia, a great SF non-profit that helps young people, aged 8 to 18, develop their writing skills… Handler quipped about how odd it is to have parents ask him if the vocabulary used in his books is too advanced for young readers when many of those same adults thought his latest book (subtitled “The Penultimate Peril”) was the last in the Lemony Snicket series…and let’s not forget that Sydney Goldstein Breyer ‘62 continues to head up the great City Arts and Lectures Series that brought Handler to the Herbst.

Footlight Follies: Lauren Yee ‘03 is an undergrad at Yale, but she’s still having an impact back home as her one act play “Joey Buttafuoco Eats a Pastrami Sandwich, or Louis Fleischman Learns to Walk” was included in the Berkeley Rep Teen Council’s One Acts Festival earlier this year…and since he’s either too modest or too busy to mention it himself, David Abad ’79 just finished a successful run as the lead in the StageMasters production of “George M!” in Alameda.

Is There a Doctor in the House? If you have to suffer a medical emergency, you could pick a worse place to do it than a Lowell sesquicentennial event. At the City Hall cocktail party in February, several alums stepped forward to assist when the need arose, including Dr. Enoch Choi ‘88… and thanks also to Dr. Choi for volunteering to head up a special emergency medical team at the June 3rd banquet! Legal Brief: California Lawyer magazine recognized 47 top attorneys this year with the Attorneys of the Year Award, including our own Jill Hersh ‘70 for winning a major ruling from the California Supreme Court extending the parental rights of nonadoptive lesbian parents, after having lost at both the trial and appellate level…and even though she didn’t go to Lowell, we have to tip our hat to Jill’s sister, Nancy Hersh, also on the list of top lawyers for her success in a major personal injury case against pharmaceutical giant Eli Lilly and Co. Their dad, the late LeRoy Hersh ‘38, himself a great lawyer, must be beaming from on high! That Other Anniversary: With the 1906 earthquake and fire commemoration behind us now, we can focus on the Lowell Sesquicentennial, but there was (of course) a Lowell angle to the April 18th festivities… with Warren Hellman ‘51 spotted at the early morning gathering at Lotta’s Fountain wearing vintage nightclothes as an homage to the way his ancestors likely ventured out into the streets that fateful morning of 100 years earlier. And let’s make Annemarie Conroy, the city’s director of emergency services, an honorary Lowellite for her rousing exhortation “Go out and have some fun. The bars open at 6 am!” No word on whether Hellman followed that advice, but I toddled over to Lefty O’Doul’s for an Irish coffee… only to find that they seem to have a surprising number of 6:30 a.m. regulars! No matter what time it is where you are, be sure to raise an appropriate toast to Lowell’s 150th birthday. For the latest news about Lowell alums, keep an eye on the Alumni Spotlight section of our website at www.lowellalumni.org.

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Lowell Alumni Association

Spring 2006

2005 Report to Donors Last year, Lowell alumni and other friends once again showed their continued appreciation for the principal mission of the Lowell Alumni Association: supporting and preserving the continued existence of Lowell High School as a city-wide academic high school of the highest order. And, for the first time since the state budget crisis began, nearly 2,500 generous donors made it possible for us to help address critical staffing needs while also fully funding an ambitious slate of priority projects in each of Lowell’s academic departments. 2005 was truly a banner year in the history of alumni support for this uniquely outstanding institution. Thanks to all who played a part in the great success of our 2005 Annual Fund Campaign!

Budget Crisis Response Due to the need to fill teacher and counselor positions prior to the start of the 2005-2006 school year, the LAA’s first priority was meeting our commitment to provide $100,000 to fund these important staffing needs. When combined with more than $300,000 in funding from our strong partners and close friends at the Lowell PTSA, these funds paid the salaries and ben-

efits for two counselors (fully one-quarter of Lowell’s counseling staff ), four classroom teachers and a half-time clerk. Without these additional professionals, it would be much harder for Lowell students to see a counselor because instead of the current student to counselor ratio of 330:1, they would face a 440:1 ratio. The primary benefit of having the four additional classroom teachers is being able to offer the same rich variety of courses as in the recent past, although there is still an unmet need to add a broader range of science offerings (biotechnology, earth science, etc.) and non-Advanced Placement social studies electives. Beyond the $100,000 in budget crisis funding, the LAA is also fortunate to have – for the third consecutive year – the strong support of the Richard and Rhoda Goldman Fund. In 2005, the Goldman Fund increased its support for Lowell’s Hebrew program to $25,000, enough to fully fund the program for the 2005-2006 year and enable more than 30 students to continue their studies. And thanks to a unique partnership between Lowell and the Jewish Studies program at San Francisco State University, these Lowell students are earning college as well as high

2005 Annual Fund Campaign Progress Report


Staffing Needs

$ 100,000

English – Poets in the Schools English – Readers Program

$ 10,000 $ 15,000

Library – Furniture

Status Fully Funded Fully Funded $25,000 funded!

$ 7,500

Fully Funded

$ 15,000

Fully Funded

Physical Education – climbing wall

$ 7,500

Fully Funded

Science – Biotechnology lab Science – Professional Development Science – SFSU Partnership

$ 30,000 $ 10,000 $ 10,000

Fully Funded Fully Funded Fully Funded

Social Studies – AP textbooks

$ 25,000

Fully Funded

Visual/Perf. Arts – Small theater

$ 15,000

Fully Funded

World Languages – Language lab

$ 25,000

Fully Funded

Math – Teaching Materials


$ 270,000

$ 280,000

school credits for these courses.

2005 Departmental Projects The heart of the 2005 Annual Fund Campaign was a set of projects selected by each of the academic departments as their most important needs. In total, the enumerated projects added up to $170,000 – an ambitious campaign goal on top of the $100,000 in budget crisis funding. But thanks to a very strong surge of donations in the final weeks of the year, we are proud to announce that every penny of every one of these projects has been fully funded. Already some of these projects have been completed. New tables and chairs grace the library; the math department has purchased exam preparation software and texts; and the World Languages lab boasts upgraded software and hardware that is being used every day. One of the most interesting projects was to fund several days of professional development activities for members of the science department just before the start of the 20052006 school year. Thanks to a $7,500 grant from the David Vickter Foundation and $5,000 of supplemental funding from the LAA, department members worked together to design common lab experiments, coordinate their curricula (especially important to students who take one teacher for Biology I but a different teacher for Biology II, for example) and find ways to make optimal use of existing equipment and supplies. As a result of this special program, the entire science department began the year with a burst of energy and enthusiasm that has carried through all year, with great benefit to thousands of Lowell students. Other projects are underway, including the purchase of new textbooks for Advanced Placement social studies classes; completion of the science department’s biotechnology lab; expansion of the physical education department’s climbing wall; and continuation of the Poets in the Schools program. Perhaps the greatest accomplishment of all is the funding in place to significantly expand the English department’s Readers Program, designed to bolster Lowell students’ writing skills. Under this program, retired teachers as well as college graduate students are paid a stipend to review and provide written comments on student writing. This assistance allows Lowell’s English teachers to assign more writing and gives students more detailed feedback, both of

which will lead to improved written communication skills. We had hoped to raise $15,000 to support this program for one year, but thanks to a $25,000 grant from the David Vickter Foundation and its codirector Frances Vickter Feinman ‘62, the Readers Program will have secure funding for nearly two years.

Grants and Scholarships Even in the face of the continuing budget crisis, the Lowell Alumni Association has been proud to continue its grants program as well as its ever-expanding scholarship program. Under the grants program, teachers submit requests for specific programs or projects during one of three grant rounds each year. Last year, we provided more than $60,000 in grant funding for a broad range of projects, from $4,425 for a new wrestling mat and $5,500 for new ceramics lab equipment to $5,000 for new computers for the yearbook program. And our college scholarship program, with more than $1 million in endowed funds, continues to help dozens of deserving seniors each year, as was described more fully in the last issue of this newsletter. If you are interested in meeting some of these incredible students, you are invited to join us for our annual scholarship reception and awards ceremony on Thursday, May 25th, beginning at 5 p.m. in the main library at Lowell.

2006 Annual Fund Campaign This year’s goal is to once again support the budget crisis efforts while also funding important projects that will make a significant difference to the quality of education at Lowell. To that end, the principal focus of the 2006 Annual Fund Campaign will be a series of projects benefiting the science program. Thanks to the momentum generated by last year’s $100,000 donation by Dr. David Lieu ’73, there is a renewed spirit of innovation among Lowell’s science faculty that we hope to maintain by providing new equipment that will help Lowell students get the most from their science classes. Based upon the experience of the past several years, we know the Lowell alumni community is eager to support these projects that provide such tangible benefits to today’s students. Thank you in advance for your continued support!

2005 Major Donors VALEDICTORIANS ($10,000 OR MORE) Anonymous ’46 Anonymous ’47 Blume Foundation Donald Fisher ’46 Richard & Rhoda Goldman Fund F. Warren Hellman ’51 David Lieu ’73 David Vickter Foundation

SALUTATORIANS ($5,000 TO $9,999) Henry E Anderson ’36 Capital Group Co William Hair ’78 Edmund D Jung ’32 Patrick F Quan ’76

DEAN’S LIST ($2,500 TO $4,999) Claudio Chiuchiarelli ’75 Colleen Clark Silcox ’45 David Gabriel ’66 Jonathan Hoff ’73

HONOR ROLL ($1,000 TO $2,499) Terence Abad ’76 Albertson’s

Richard Alvarez ’53 David Baker ’56 Karl Bakhtiari ’71 Kenneth & Gail Garvin Berry ’52/’53 Benjamin Bratt ’82 Charles Breyer & Sydney Goldstein ’59/’62 Richard Cahill ’37 Terri Chin Class of ’79 Classes of June ’48 & ’49 Reunion Fred Cohen & Marilyn Klebanoff Edward Crossley (Faculty) Elyce Edelman Melmon ’55 Edison International Joseph Ehrman ’41 Irene Enstrom Kaus ’52 Fast Twitch Productions Karen Fireman Nagle ’62 William Floyd ’52 Robert Friend ’61 Amparo Rocio Haskell ’80 George Helmsdoerfer ’55 James Clark Johnson ’55 Roger Kuo ’89 Marc Leland ’55 Philip Y Leung ’76 Martin Lew ’74 Raymond K Louie ’86 Philis Ludlam Gold ’42

Microsoft Linda Nanbu ’73 William O’Keeffe ’56 William H. Owen ’49 Michael R Peevey ’55 Raytheon Claude & Louise Jankelson Rosenberg ’46/’51 Leonard & Monique SanFilippo Irving Sherman Gary Thompson ’65 Ly K Tran ’88 Wells Fargo Joseph Yeun ’83 CARDINAL SOCIETY ($500 TO $999) Allan Alcorn ’66 Vincent Anderson ’79 M/M Anonymous Bertil Bergstrom ’66 Robert Bloch ’42 Adam Borneleit ’86 Stephen Bradley ’55 C. Howard Brown ’48 Claudia Caesar Nettle ’54 Ronald Casassa ’44 Kent W.B. Chan ’87 Thomas & Amy Chew Chow ’85/’86 Howard Chung ’79

CIT Group William Coblentz ’40 Gerald Coleman ’42 Robert & Jacqueline Crowder ’42/’43 Brian J Cruz ’72 Stephen Dodson ’95 Roland & Lois Feller Sonya Freed Tick ’39 Melvin Gonzalez ’71 George Good ’40 Deborah Grubb Moskovitz ’87 Ronald & Sylvia Hartman Lenneal Henderson ’65 Diana Hoffman Kazubowski ’64 Bertram M. Horn ’41 Intuit Foundation James Jackson ’55 Thomas W Johnson ’49 Robert L Knox ’42 Anil Lal ’73 Daniel Chan Lee ’50 Douglas Lee ’88 Marie Lewis Matthews ’48 Natasha Litt ’91 Park Loughlin ’42 Paul Lucey (Faculty) Dixon Ly ’89 Teresa McKenny ’21 Robert & Barbara Murphy Mendle ’35/’36

Joseph A. Mitchell ’40 James Rolph Moore ’29 Carole Neal ’66 Linda Nelson ’63 Richard Niello ’40 Takiko Nonaka Shinoda ’40 Pamela Ott Mazur ’64 Parnassus Investments Pimco Foundation Adolph Rosekrans ’49 Deborah Schafer Ballati ’68 Lecia Smith Kaslofsky ’90 Michelle Soo Hoo Tai ’82 Mike Susoev ’76 Ray Van Der Horst ’74 Christopher Vasil ’67 Nancy West Curley ’54 Tim & Maria Wong White ’71 Everett Witzel ’36 Manfred E Wolff ’47

PATRONS ($250 TO $499) Gerald & Sara Langenthal Adams ’62 Adobe Systems Inc. Analog Devices Chihoko Ando ’72 Yvonne Anthony ’45

continued on page 11

Spring 2006

Lowell Alumni Association

Page 5

An Evening to Remember Saturday, February 28, 2006, proved to be uniquely memorable in San Francisco history. For some, it may be remembered as what seemed like the last rain-free day for months. But for the Lowell community, it marked the elegant and official kickoff to the Lowell Sesquicentennial celebration as alumni, students, faculty, parents and special friends gathered that evening in the City Hall rotunda. Greeted by columns of red and white balloons and members of the Shield and Scroll Society, the festive crowd of nearly 500 was serenaded by the Lowell String Quartet as they entered City Hall. Beneath the majestic dome (lit in Lowell red for the evening), guests enjoyed a lavish assortment of food and drink while mingling with friends old and new. Meanwhile, a special slideshow of historical Lowell images played throughout the evening on a large screen atop the grand staircase. Gwen Chan, San Francisco’s Interim Superintendent of Schools and a Lowell alumna (class of ’63), offered welcoming remarks, accompanied by Principal Paul Cheng, Student Body Council President CJ

Mourning and the LAA’s Lisa Clay and Paul Lucey. By design, the evening was short on speeches but long on socializing and good times. Musical highlights of the evening were provided by the 23-piece Lowell Jazz Band, which transformed the South Light Court into one of the city’s most swinging jazz clubs and prompted more than a few partygoers to dance, and the 54 members of the Lowell Advanced Choir, performing on the grand staircase to an enthusiastic and appreciative audience. Lowell alumni from the 1930s all the way to the class of 2005 were there, with representatives from every decade in between, and as the evening wound down, a lively group gathered around the grand piano for some impromptu singing before the crowd headed home with their memories and a special sesquicentennial keychain memento. Special thanks to all those who helped make this special evening such a great success: the Sesquicentennial Planning Committee; Othello Jefferson (Lowell ‘90) and his Advanced Choir; Michele Winter and the Jazz Band; the String Quartet; Shield &

Lowell Student Body Council President CJ Mourning ‘06 (far left), with Principal Paul Cheng, Interim Superintendent of Schools Gwen Chan ‘63 and LAA President Lisa Coughlin Clay ‘74 Scroll members and their faculty sponsors, Janet Tse (Lowell ’68) and James Spellicy; visual arts students Alex Wong, Anesta Iwan, Jonah Martin and Christina Limcaco, along with their teachers Maria Rode and Kirsten Janssen; and everyone who attended and

helped launch this beautiful start to Lowell’s Sesquicentennial celebration! More than 100 additional photos can be found at www.lowellalumni.org/cityhall. To order prints, please contact the Lowell Alumni Association.

Current and Former Lowell Faculty/Staff Planning to Attend the Gala Sesquicentennial Banquet (as of May 11; visit www.lowellalumni.org/tribute for complete current guest list, including alumni)

The Lowell String Quartet serenaded guests as they arrived

The Lowell Alumni Association Thanks the Generous Sponsors Who Helped Make the Lowell Sesquicentennial Cocktail Party Possible: GRAND SPONSORS Joseph Breall, Sophie Breall and Breall & Breall, LLP Vicki DeGoff Joan DeHovitz & Aaron Braun Donald Fisher Bill Hair Warren Hellman Robin Leland Dr. David Lieu Carlton W. Linnenbach Christine A. Linnenbach Peggy & Rick Nederlof Dr. Thomas Park Jim Plessas Dr. Sol & Betty Silverman

BENEFACTORS Michael Becker Kenneth & Gail Berry Linden & Carl Berry Louis Buchbinder Hon. Gerald Buchwald James & Inge Byrnes James Carmack Lee Cheng Don & Lisa Coughlin Clay Jay & Nancy Cutler Donald W. Davis Sandra Eggers Diane & Joseph Ehrman Dr. Allan Gold Dave Hagerman Jonathan Hoff Stephen & Adrienne Horn Rod & Anne Hughes Thomas & Marily Johnson Bonnie Jones Diana Kazubowski Robert L. Knox

Gary & Patricia Pivnick Levin Michael Maddan Harvey & Eve Masonek Marie Matthews Kurtis Mayer Peter Meeks & Linda Kazares Susan Murray Patrick Quan Adolph Rosekrans Catherine Rossi-Roos Namdar Saleh John Schwabacher Richard Shrieve & Yvonne Don Dr. Samuel & Ruby So Audrey Sterling Milton Vucinich Helen Louie Wax Merla Zellerbach

SPONSORS Terence Abad Allan Alcorn Jerry Ambinder Gwen Chan James Gazaway Robert Glasson Bonnie Goldman Joseph Handlon Stanley G. Hilton Bert Horn Sandra Dyer Joseph Dr. & Mrs. Jetson Lee Paul Lucey Alan C. Mendelson Dr. Emily Murase Christine Reynolds Jim Rosenthal Alexandra Vuksich Alan Wendroff

Jack Abad Paul & Pam Abad Michael Ambrose Jack Anderson Jacqueline Andersen Svein Arber Milton Axt, Jr. Kirsten Bahrs-Janssen Jutta Baruth Barclay Bates Wendy Beck Larry Bettencourt Sandra Bird John Bissett Cheryl Bragstad Judy Branzburg Cathryn Brash Doug Bullard Gus Buono James Carmack Scott Carson Joan Catelli Thomas Chambers Xiaolin Chang Paul Cheng Susan Ching May Choi Liz Chun Maureen Collins Tony Costa Elizabeth Crockett Rosemary Dacanay Gloria Daffner Peter Dahl Thais daRosa Jacqueline Delfino Michael Descilo Aldo Disgrazzi Terence Doherty J. Thomas Donohue John Donohue Thomas Drain Norman Durieux Joseph Ehrman Cecilia Elfenbein Claudia Eshoo Mary Farquhar Ernst Feibusch Gwendolyn Fuller Jeanne Gallo James Gazaway Holly Giles Rick Girling Phil Glander Charlotte Glashagel Marian Gonzalez

Steve Granucci Jeremy Gribler Linda Grondahl Linda Guitron Milo Gwosden Walter Halbasch David Hathwell Nancy Hayes Tsuneko Hellerstein Charles Hibbard Ray Hill Steve Hirabayashi Karl Hoffman George Hsu Cathy Innis Jerilyn Jank Sandra Jhung Karen Joyce Robert Kaiser Jean Kalil Jerilyn Keyak David Leong Florence Lewis Gayle Leyton Yu Li Fred Linder David Lipman David Low Paul Lucey John Lum Patricia MacDonald David Madfes John Mahoney Anthony Mana Victoria Maquinana Bryan Marten Robert McMains Katherine Melvin Steve Merlo Molly Michaelis Raymond Milton Cynthia Mitchell Jennifer Moffitt George Moore Douglas Morales Patricia Morehen Bruno Morelli Camille Morishige Joseph Mucelli Christopher Newhouse Anna Nicora Deanna Nielsen Naomi Okada Dorothy Ong Gale Ow Nahleen Pang

Rebecca Pearlman Maud Pearson-Green Wandaline Perelli James Pinfold Lynn Pinocci Janice Pivnick Julian Pollak Barbara Prato Michael Prutz Annie Puretz Harper Puziss Denis Rauchman Robert Ray Ellen Reller Lawrence Robinson David Roditti Elizabeth Rogers Julie Rogers Barbara Rothenberg Irving Rothstein Meinhard Schulz Alex Schwartz John Shankel Richard Shapiro Joan-Marie Shelley Sandra Shure Lee Silverstein Uri Skowronski Richard Soward James Spellicy Amanda Stupi Katharine Swan Dacotah Swett Kiyoko Takemoto Vladimir Talian Joe Tanzi Kay Tegland Patricia Tommaney Ken Tray Dennis Treadway Sara Trelaun Janet Tse Peter VanCourt Darcy Villere Darlene Vuicich Laurence Warshaw Mark Wenning Eugenia Winslow Michele Winter Ronald Wong Aline Younge David Yuan Elizabeth Zamboldi Marc Zavala

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Lowell Alumni Association

Spring 2006

Keeping In Touch… 1928


HAROLD L. LEVY compliments and reflects “I received and enjoyed the Autumn Edition of the Lowell for which I thank you. I am a survivor of the Class of 1928 (I don’t know if it is June or September.) I am ancient at age 95. It’s a long road from 1928 to 2005. I miss many of my classmates for whom “the bell tolled.” I have happy memories of the four years I spent in the old red brickyard on Hayes Street. Hail Red and White!”



DORIS LIEB BLUM claims “Still a loyal Lowellite at 94!”



HERBERT L LEVISON sighs “It is getting lonesome – Not many of us left!”



CLARK BENSON writes “At 90 years I’m still playing some golf. My wife Betty had a fall and gets around with a walker. HAROLD SHERMAN comments on the LAA paper “Issue was very interesting & brought back many good memories.”

GEORGE BLACKMORE states “I look forward to receiving the Lowell with hope of finding some news of my old classmates. Sorry there are no more reunions for our class and wonder how many of us are still alive. My wife passed away in ’03. I have since remarried and moved to Pacheco which is in the same area.



SUDREY PINKIERT COBBS informs “Off to Mazatlan in a week – Still enjoying life in Sun City.” MARJORIE MARBLESTONE GRANT announces “Carl & I are celebrating our 65th wedding anniversary on Valentine’s Day 2006!” EDWARD F. WILLI sends “After 85 year I’ve started slowing up my overseas trips!! California is looking better all the time.” MARIAN ARATA BEERMAN says she is “Enjoying So. Calif. Sunshine! Teaching & playing Bridge – a wonderful game. Would like to chat with some old timers!!! Give me a call.”



RAY LANG writes “I was in the class of Fall, 1936 . . . and was the Editor of The Lowell that semester. That stood me in good stead as an Aviation Cadet in the Army Air Corps, where I edited three class-books in six months. Became a B-24 pilot . . . 62 missions in the CBI, half of them over The Hump from India to China. Thank God I made it. Anita and I send Good Wishes to Norma Rude Moran ’36 and any and all other classmates! For the benefit of the younger set, CBI does NOT stand for Corns, Bunions, and Ileitis. It stands for China-BurmaIndia Theater of Operations, WWII.” SYLVIA ONESTI RICHARDSON, who loved being on Mr. Polland’s stage, then Stanford ‘40, Columbia ‘44, McGill Faculty of Medicine ‘48. Now retired (semi) pediatrician; widow of Dr. W. R. Richardson, mother of 2 sons & 6 grandchildren, still kicking up her heels and proud to be a Lowell Alum. She sends her warm greetings to other remnants of the class of ’36 and says “God bless you all.”



WARD HART reports that he is “Working one morning of the week at Samaritan House free clinic in Redwood City treating many Hispanic patients. Still feeling pretty good for my 85 years – play golf twice weekly poorly.” JEAN MACLANE KAHLER pleas “Please send some California rain to thirsty New Mexico. My garden would thank you. Otherwise, life is good here.”

ROBERT CREIGHTON recounts “MEMORY LANE DEPARTMENT FROM ONE OF THE ‘OLD BOYS’: I still recall rather fondly being cast in the leading male role opposite Carol Channing in a 1936 Dramatics class play. Little did I dream at the time that I was ‘co-starring’ with a future great Broadway star! Carol and I sat next to each in Dramatics class because of the ubiquitous Alphabetical seating: Channing & Creighton. I got an ‘A’ in Dramatics class; Carol got an ‘A+’. What a BIG difference a ‘+’ makes!” WILLIAM C BRUMFIELD says he is “Alive and well in Roseville. Hope to make 70th in ’07.” NAOMI WELFIELD KABAKOV encourages her friends to keep in touch by saying “A senior residence center has become a new life style for me. Since I read the Lowell Alumni news thoroughly I would enjoy reading about my friends from high school days. Just use ‘keeping in touch’ section.”



GERALDINE WHITE WICKLAND’s husband informs “Geri and I have been married ten years – residing in Bend, Oregon. A stroke in 2000 left Geri unable to write or carry on a conversation but she is healthy and active. Her daughter, Liane Kaiser resides in Redmond Oregon, 15 miles up highway 97.” GIENNETTE ALLEN NOREEN says “Just celebrated my 86th birthday. I give thanks for continued good health which enables me to travel and participate in volunteer activities. Best wishes to all my former classmates.”



EVELYN ZINKAND OWENS wonders “Hi! 66 years – if there is someone from Jefferson Grammar School also – 1936?” Sons In Retirement, Inc. (SIR) has elected ROBERT G. (BOB) CURLEY to serve as its President in 2006. Curley, Lowell Class of June 1940, is currently serving as Vice President and previously was a Regional Director and an Area Governor of SIR and “Big Sir” of SIR Branch 144, Modesto. Curley is married to Frances Hubbard Bonte Curley, also of the Class of June 1940. With 165 chapters in northern California and a membership of 23000, SIR is an organization for retired or semi-retired men and is dedicated to helping retired men to retire with dignity and respect and to enjoy themselves in the process. It currently consists of 165 Branches located in Northern and Central California, extending from Bakersfield to Redding. Approximately 23,000 retired men currently are members. CAROL McKENZIE REDUS remarks “Wonderful to see classmates at our 65th!”



EUGENIA NIKONENKO BAILEY says “Traveling and volunteering keeps me busy!” JEAN DOWNEY HARMAN reports she is “Still in good health. Lots of traveling. Life is good.” PHYLLIS BLOOM KARP sends “Last June celebrated 56th wedding anniversary (married to a Polyite), 3 boys, 4 grandchildren (2 boys, 2 girls). One of our sons, Kenneth Frank Karp ‘72, is also a Lowell graduate.”



LAWRENCE HAWKINSON recounts on Lowell’s 150th Anniversary cocktail party “The City Hall Reception was wonderful. Although I saw very few alums from my class of June ’42, I enjoyed talking with many younger folks who didn’t seem to mind swapping tales with an old timer. The ambience and food and music were first rate!” HERBERT WAECHTLER shares “I have been retired for fifteen years from internal medical practice in Napa. My wife, Elaine, & I live in a retirement center and enjoy the companionship here. Our 3 sons and their families are all doing well.” LESLIE A. MENDELSON writes “Looking forward to 65th reunion.” He also sent in a con-

tribution in memory of Jack Irvine ’43.

JESSE E. LANGRIDGE is now “Enjoying the four seasons in Grass Valley.”

in the same office in the Phelan Building in downtown San Francisco. I have two children: Eric Allan Bier ’78 and Beth Anne Bier Collett. Eric is an M.I.T. graduate, with a PhD in Computer Sciences from U.C. Berkeley, and is married with 2 small daughters. Beth has degrees in Accounting and Business Administration from U.C. Berkeley, as well as a Teaching Credential and has worked in the business field and has taught third grade. She is married, with two sons. I am practicing Dentistry 2 or 3 days a month in a colleague’s office, am taking a couple of classes at U.S.F.’s Fromm Institute (close by our old Lowell Campus) and attending to a variety of things at home too numerous to mention. (For those classmates who remember and were friendly with our Class Valedictorian, Richard Deering, I see Dick each week and know he would like to hear from you. Please call, or better still, write me and I’ll be pleased to give you details. I am in the S.F. phone book.)”

JULIA JORDAN LARSON says she is “Enjoying Elder hostel trips. Miss the ‘city’”.

Richard Deering news – see John Allan Bier above.


LAWRENCE WOLF reports “Still hanging on and enjoying it. Family is great and they have a certain amount of personal pride in my attendance at Lowell. Ditto for me. Any oldsters who would like to converse about the early “forties”, there’s e-mail <ljnjwolf@sbcglobal.net>.”

GLORIA NICHOLS HOPPE updates “Now living at the San Francisco Towers. I love meeting new friends and playing lots of bridge.” She has four children and ten grandchildren. ERNEST MAYNARD SMITH reveals he is “Slowing down but still ranching with my family in SW Montana.” WILLIAM “Bill” D. BLANKENSHIP informs “I’m happy that much planning is going into the significant 150th anniversary of Lowell. As we travel around the country, I’m always amazed when I unexpectedly run into another Lowell alum.” ROBERT G. SCHMIDT news – see class of 1944.


ISABEL BOWENS WILHELMY suggests “Think the next reunion should be a ‘just show up’ daytime event in SF in 2006! At a large restaurant? How about it, Alan Orr?” LOUIE SCHMIDT news – see class of 1944. NICHOLAS N. DANILOFF reports “Still living with my wife Pat in the foothills of Yosemite. Playing golf, tennis, painting watercolors, and traveling when we can.”



JEANNE CLARK WHETSTONE writes “Thanks to the alum paper – are there any alums in Denver Colorado area? Looking forward to the February 25, 2006 party.” ERNIE SCHMIDT reports “My Father graduated from Lowell just after the 1906 earthquake. He was in the class of 1907. Just following graduation he and a fellow Lowell graduate walked over to the Cooper Medical College (later Stanford Medical School) and were admitted as medical students – it took the Lowell Diploma and $10.00 to enroll. Not so easy today. Both my older brothers graduated from Lowell. Robert G. Schmidt graduated in 1942 and he now lives in genteel retirement in Sonoma. Louie Schmidt graduated in 1943 and still works part time as a dentist. As for me – Ernie Schmidt in the class of 1944 I am still in the Palo Alto area practicing law. Law and real estate keep me busy with no thoughts of any full time retirement.” JOYCE H. ORLANDO informs he “Also lost left knee battle. Surgery in January ’06. I am getting to like orthopedics.”



LLOYD HANFORD writes “Still working, but less intensively. Travel is occupying much of our leisure time as are tennis for both of us, golf for Lloyd and Bridge for Noel. Visited Hong Kong, Shanzhen, Hawaii, Spain, Italy, Croatia, Greece and Turkey in 2005 with the month of September in Cannes, France. Hope for more of the same in 2006.” NORMA BLAIR CONNOR shares “Retired from Lowell Drama/English dept. teacher Shirley McClung and I (from many years prior to Shirley’s tenure) have become golfing buddies and good friends.” NANCY WALLACE PAGE sends “I recently retired after practicing business & bankruptcy law for 26 years – I’m doing lots of volunteer work, traveling & doing things with my nine grandchildren.” ILSE E WOLFEN ROWE inquires “Looking forward to our 60th (!) reunion in 2006, especially to see my classmates from Grant Elementary School who were at Lowell with me. When will that be?”



MARTIN RYPINS greets “Hi Guys!”

HANS G. MAIER announces “All is well – Enjoying retirement!”

RONALD LEON shares “Six lovely grandchildren and three beautiful children plus a great deal of traveling have kept me young in spirit during my retirement. What are my classmates doing??”




BARBARA PRESTON BRADLEY informs “STILL HERE! I am spending some time with my art, some traveling, and a lot with my family. After teaching illustration for 47 years with the Academy of Art (now University), I still teach one drawing course – (can’t quite cut the cord.) My book, ‘Drawing People”, has been out for two years now. I’m gratified that it can take over for me one day.” PAULITA MARIE JOHNSON BACICH remarks “I am still busy as a director of the California Retired Teachers Assoc. (CRTA). It is good to see responses from alum who were in the same registry class with me for 4 years. Last June marked our 60th – Remarkable!” MARYLE HARRIGAN EADE hails “Enjoying life in Alameda and our 11 grandchildren close by!” ARA B. SAHAGIAN greets “Still hanging in and with the class of ’45. A Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Keep up the good work.” JOHN ALLAN BIER sends “I have retired from the full time practice of General Dentistry after fifty years (fifty and one-half years, to be precise)



GERALDYNE “GERRY” HARVEY ADDISON comments “Though our 2 sons, their wives and 2 grandsons live 1 to 2 hours away from us, it’s much better than being a continent apart.” TONY VAN VLIET reports “Currently serving on the State Board of Higher Education and also remain on the Board of Oregon Public Broadcasting having served last year as Chairman. Louise and I continue to enjoy our four children and seven grandchildren and feel blessed that almost all of them are in Oregon!” ROBERTA ‘BERTIE’ NUGENT news – see 1949



Hal Messinger compliments “Great alumni newspaper! Put me on the mailing list. I’m in good health and I enjoy being kept up to date with all of you.” DONNA PARRISH HONEY greets “Hi to all 49ers! Hope you all stay well and happy. It was so

Spring 2006

Lowell Alumni Association

good to hear from an old Lowell friend.”

Sartori. We had some good times together.”

JAMES CLEVELAND JONES announces “Bertie Nugent ’48 and I are enjoying being together here in Reno. Bertie took pity on me, when my vintage Chrysler broke down in the parking lot at our 55th reunion (St. Francis Yacht Club – S.F.). She then proceeded to chase me – Till I caught her. Looking forward to the 60th (2008) – God willing.”

JOAN HUTTL BISHOP recounts “I graduated from S.F. State in 1957, went to College of Notre Dame in Belmont years later for my masters in special education, switching from journalism and business to being a resource specialist with the learning disabled. I did my student teaching at Polytechnic, and then went on to teach journalism and business at Mission. Married Roy Bidwell ’51, and we moved to Santa Clara City where he taught in the Campbell High School District until he moved on to Chabot College, Hayward and its branch in Livermore. Roy and I were divorced in ’81. I retired from S.J.U.S.D. as a resource specialist in 1994. Then, I moved to Tulsa, OK to be a fulltime grandmother to my grandson (son of daughter Robyn, who is deaf ). Since then, I have traveled. Roy died in 1999 in Hawaii. He worked there the last several years as a marine biologist, had an Ed.D. from U.S.C. I married Jack Bishop ’52 in 2001, a friend from Lowell days when he was dating one of my close friends (now deceased). What’s the old saying? What goes round, comes round? After 45 years, we became reacquainted. We are living in a small town (Sweet Home, population about 8500), here in rainy Oregon.”



ROBERT KEEFE volunteers “Still sailing all over the world. High school sailing has become very popular in the Bay Area. What about organizing a Lowell Sailing Team? I’ll help.” Al Steinberg and wife Millie are enjoying retired life at Laguna Woods Village; often visit with son, David, Law Professor in San Diego and son, Dan, in Palo Alto. David is a graduate of Stanford Law School and Dan recently received his Masters in Marketing from USC. Al and Millie enjoy travel. Their last big trip – returned for the third time to French Polynesia and the Marquesas Islands for snorkeling and sightseeing. GARTH E. COOK greets “Having a great retirement in So. California. Best wishes to all 1950’ers.” JOSEPH ROTENBERG writes “Was in the pharmacy business in S.F. for 25 years, semi retired now. Still active in pharmacy programs with Fred Mayer ’50. I am happily married to Ona Tragerman ’52 for 47 years. Have 5 wonderful grandchildren. We travel a lot. Love Association News, keep up the great work.”



RICK BRADLEY states “Look forward to attending the reunions for the classes of 1950 and 1951 in 2006 and the class of 1952 in 2007. Adolph Rosekrans ’49 hosted reunion at his Runnymede Farm in Woodside for the classes of 1948 and 1949, was a beautiful luncheon gathering.” CAMERON E. WYLIE sends “Still playing golf in my retirement. Occasionally break 90. Cheers!” PHIL ANAYA says “Still retired in Arizona. Since I was born and raised in San Francisco, I don’t miss the fog at all. Try to play golf three times a week. Miss my ’41 Morgan that I kept at Pier 39 but time brings new thoughts and values.”



GAIL HURLEY RUXTON shares that she “Had lunch with Jane Zelinsky Bernstein ’52 in Scottsdale, AZ lat June.” Peter and Barbara green Kistler inform “In 2005 we took our first cruise – chose Alaska, which is a magnificent State. Also, we celebrated our first 50th wedding anniversary in December.” JACK BISHOP news – see class of 1953. BARRY GILBERT shares “I moved to San Rafael from Piedmont in 1997. We gave up our Oakland Real Estate brokerage of 35 years and are now involved with our property management. My older son, Barry Jr. lives in New York City and is in the Oriental rug business. My daughter, Dana manages the family Real Estate business. My youngest son, Brad, was a world-class tennis professional, coach, and is currently an ESPN commentator and lives in San Rafael with his wife, Kim and three children, Zach, age 17, Juli, age 13 and Zoe, age 8. I enjoy traveling, collecting American Antiques, movies, reading novels and biographies, working out at the gym, walking my 8 pound poodle, Samantha, the Raiders, A’s, Fox News Network, and listening to conservative talk radio shows. I am fortunate to spend time with Elaine, my wife, companion and business partner of 50 years, as well as my four grandchildren. I was thrilled to attend the Republican Convention in 2004 in New York City. I am looking forward to working on our 55th class reunion, which will take place in 2007.” ONA TRAGEMAN ROTENBERG news – see class of 1950.



JUDITH BECHTEL writes “Doing Great!. I am so sorry to have heard about he passing of Jane

ROBERT KIRCHHOFF writes “Happily retired in Southwest Florida; enjoying the hurricanes/”him”accanes that comes our way; did a month in Europe (Germany & Austria) including a ten day cruise around Greek Islands from Venice Italy in May. Are there any alumnus here in SW Florida?” MARTIN SEGOL reports “Still working & enjoying it along with my three children and six grandchildren.” KATHERINE MACKINTOSH CUNEO updates that she is “Retired grandmother of 5 who keeps busy doing volunteer work for Marin Conservation League and Environmental Forum of Marin” NEIL BLUMENTHAL greets “Glad to see that most of my friends ‘have not’ made it into the memorial section. My wife, Elaine, tries to keep me healthy. Retired for 3 years; 2 grandchildren. Lots of time to work on my golf game. A BIG hello to Jim Bass ’53, Nick Misthos ’53, Don Bernstein ’53, Dick Blum ’53, Jerry Jacoby ’53, Clarence Grider ’55, Mike Leaskou ’53, & Jim Thomas ’53.” JEFFRY A WISNIA states “I’m still living in Winchester, Massachusetts, about 12 miles from where I gradated from MIT in ’57. Still have two children in college, ages 18 & 22 plus two other sons 38 and 41 with 5 grandkids by them. I retired from the engineering world 7 years ago and since then have been managing my wife Judith’s group practice of 70 plus rehab therapists and special education tutors – visit us at <http:// www.wkrp.org>” JUDITH BARBATA NORMAN warmly invites “I’m a docent at the fabulous new de Young Museum in Golden Gate Park. Drop by for a tour!”



CONSTANTINE ‘CON’ GLAFKIDES updates “Have owned & operated Homestead Real Estate Co for the past 36 years. Gross sales for the company has placed as one of the top 3 offices in the North Peninsula. I plan to scale down the time spent in the office & will spend more time with my growing family & lawn bowling.” LORELEI J. CLUFF CONOLL announces “My husband and I just celebrated our 50th wedding anniversary.” HELEN STONE LEVENSON reflects “Was great seeing old friends in 2004. The class of ’54 Reunion committee did the greatest job.”



LOUIS LEVIN suggests “After 36 years I am still in Modesto, Calif. and I am still selling Real Estate. If you are thinking of moving to the Valley gave me a call. We can have lunch or I can sell you some real property.” TRACY McDERMOTT recounts “Great 50th reunion. Hard to believe, it seems like only yesterday we were all running through the halls of the ‘OLD’ Lowell.”


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ALAN E BELKIN writes “It was great seeing some old friends on CD. Especially Roberta Spivock Cohn, Roger Herst ’55. Travel overseas every year, Enjoy our flat in London, and our new S. Lake Tahoe house.” LYNN VLAUTIN PRESCOTT says “looking forward to our 50th in Oct. Where have the years gone? Let us all party hearty & enjoy it.” ERIC I. MACKINTOSH shares “On December 7, 2005, our son Major Sean Mackintosh (USA) returned, safe and sound, from Iraq. This will truly be a wonderful Christmas for the Mackintosh family. See you at the 50th.” DAVID BAKER greets “I’m looking forward to our class reunion on October 21, 2006. It is hard to believe that it will be our 50th and that Lowell will be 150 years old. My wife Norma of almost forty years and I have three sons and four grandchildren. I’m still working full time with several businesses that I started here in the HighTech circuit industry, employing some forty-five thousand workers in the Silicon Valley and other west-coast manufacturing areas. By the way I still have all my hair, although there is now a lot of gray. You might remember that in our class of ’56 year book that I got the award for ‘Best Hair’!!! My mother and father, now deceased were also graduates of the old Lowell High School.” SONJA SWENSON TAYLOR sends “Looking forward to our 50th reunion!”

Spring of 2005 to prepare the boat for crossing the Pacific to the Marquesas and beyond. I flew from that part of the trip, meeting the boat in Hiva Oa and continuing through the Tuomotos, Society Islands, Cook Islands and Tonga. Then on to New Zealand, where we will travel by land, visiting N.Z. and Australia, until Fall ’06. Along the way Kit and I were married and I became an instant grandmother of 2. My own son, Dan, still single, is in a PhD program at Stanford. See our blog at <http://wind-river.blogspot.com> or write <susans@sonic.net>” JERRY BRAUNSTEIN writes “I have retired after practicing law in Sacramento for over thirty years. Son is teaching engineering at a University in Seoul, Korea. Daughter is an exhibit developer for the Smithsonian in Washington CD. We are looking forward to getting into our RV and seeing the United States in 2006 and also to a reunion in 2009.” SANDRA DER TYE announces “Last year, I retired from UCSF Medical Center. Now that I have leisure time, I have been traveling – Alaska, China twice in the last year and most recently Turkey.”



THOMAS E DURBIN says he is “Enjoying semi-retirement and travel” and wants to know “Are there any reunions planned?”

CAROLE MORRISON ROBINOW also says “Can’t believe it’s 50 years since we all graduated! Looking forward to the Reunion and catching up with everyone.”

David Babow emails “Can afford to retire but still enjoying the work I do too much to do so. I work for a small company that does research in Advanced Materials Science. I am presently engaged in the engineering and process systems design to produce leading-edge composite materials for both the F35 Joint Strike Fighter Program (U.S. Air Force) and the new DDX Stealth Destroyer (U.S. Navy). Also, getting new home in Albuquerque ready for the day I retire. Would love to hear from other Lowell Engineers. My email address is <d0811babow@hotmail. com>.”


MARTIN HARBAND reflects “The 45th class reunion was the best ever! Can’t wait for number fifty.”

JOAN SWIMMER GELLER exclaims “Looking forward to retirement in March and our reunion in October – it will be great to see everyone.” LORELLE COHN ELLIS inquires “Please make sure I’m on the mailing list for our 50th reunion. Thanks!”


ROBERTA LEVIN MICHELS writes “My son, Adam Michels teaches A.P. History & Economics at Lowell! I was saddened to hear of Anne Wallach’s death. She was instrumental in my passing the “Subject A” exam at CAL , and in my lifelong love of good writing and literature.” NANCY REBACK GOLDBERG updates “I am V. Pres. of the board of Jewish Family and Children’s Services. I actively do advocacy work on social service issues in Sacramento and D.C. Still on board of Marin Theatre Co. and a few other local board and a state political board. Busy also with my 5 year old grandson!” On Sat., Sept. 16, Marin Shakespeare Co. will have a Lowell High School Alumni night. There will be a cocktail party at 6:30 followed by a production of “The Comedy of Errors.” The party will be held in the meadow adjacent to the amphitheater in Forest Meadows on the Dominican University Campus in San Rafael. For more information, contact Joan Horowitz Lisetor at 415/332-7340 or <jlisetor@prodigy.net> or Nancy West Curley ’54 at 924-3133 or <sfntv@comcast.net> ROBERT C. KUCICH jokingly says “I sent in a letter for the Autumn Edition of 2005. My letter must have got lost in the mail. How could this happen? I’ve been retired from the post office for years.”



ALBERT G ARTOUX recounts “What a year 2005 was. Took a golf lesson from Dede Prongos ’70, then proceeded to beat Wayne Batmale and Jeff Thompson ’57 out of $2.00. Went duck and goose hunting in Alberta with brother Roger Artoux ’49 and Dick Anderson ’57; finally got to sign Larry Gerrman’s ’58 year book and had a long conversation with old friend Jim Caranica ’57. It doesn’t get any better.”



SUSAN JACKSON HANES shares “I retired in 2003 as librarian at Santa Rosa (Ca) High School and joined my partner Kit on a 3-year sailing adventure on our 37 ft. sailboat. We left S.F. Bay, sailed south around Baja and up and down the Sea of Cortez, arriving in Puerto Vallarta in the



Linda perper tiefenthal says “I have recently retired after 30 years in education. I taught 25 years in Sonoma Valley and then became an elementary school principal for 5 years. It was a very rewarding profession, but I am very happy to be retired. I am now working part-time as a concierge at The Lodge at Sonoma. I love it!! Anyone coming to Sonoma for vacation; be sure to contact me at the concierge desk at The Lodge and I will help you plan your stay!! I am also the proud grandmother of 4 gorgeous grandchildren aged 10-21. My children and grandchildren all live nearby, Petaluma, and Mill Valley. My oldest grandson is a junior at Chico State. Bill and I have been married almost 45 years. It will be 45 years this September!!” HENRY DEA & ANITA YUEN ’67 greet “Hello’s to Wes, Kenny, Vicki, Georgette, Edwina. Miss Wynn still. Mr. Jaffe, ready for #45?” WILLIAM C. HANSON replies “Thanks for the ‘Hi’ Wesley Tom!! After S.F.S.U., Vietnam, sixteen years as a realtor at Lake Tahoe and fourteen years teaching middle school in Oxford, CA, I’ve been traveling in my motor home since retirement four years ago. I’ve seen Nova Scotia, Key West, most of Alaska and Cabo San Lucas, Baja, Mexico. My Texas address is only a mail forwarding address so please use my email. I enjoyed seeing some of you at the luncheons and hope to attend more. If you see me along the road with a gas can in my hand, please stop!” CLAUDIA CONKLIN announces “I plan to retire this year after nearly 40 years in the health care field. Plan to continue traveling all over the world. Would love to hear from friends! <claudiaconklin11@aol.com> Son Jeff is now Captain with Sky West out of Chicago & hopes to be called back by United this summer. Son, Greg & his K9 partner, Caro, are still helping Concord stay safe. Husband Barry Siders still practicing law in Danville. Hope to hear from you all!” GENE & SUSAN SAXE ’63 KAUFMAN announce “Our son Ira will be getting married to Jennifer Anker in April 2006. Our Daughter Jonina is in Uganda with an AJWS (American

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Keeping In Touch… Jewish World Service) Group helping children with AIDs.”


BRENDA TOM JOW shares “Retiring in Jan. 2006 after 37 years with the SF Human Services Agency, the last several years in the IT division under Paul Rosenberg, Jan ’63. I am looking forward to more travel time with grandchildren and friends.”

CHERYL WILLIS says she is “Enjoying retirement and part-time teaching at Everett Middle School in the City.”

ELEANOR STELLING FLANDERMEYER invites, “Husband Bob and I have ‘retired’ to wine country. We are remodeling our house in Oakmont and spend lots of time with grandchildren. Visitors welcome! E-mail address: <eflandy@yahoo.com>”



JEFFREY KAUFMAN brags “We have 4 beautiful grandchildren ages one through four with number five on the way.” Linda Risi Carroll has written a memoir to be published by Doubleday Books on January 17, 2006. Brief description of the book as follows: LINDA CARROLL was given up for adoption at birth and raised by parents who had little sympathy for her tomboyish antics and dramatic imagination. When she finds herself pregnant at the age of eighteen, she is determined to keep her baby and have the perfect understanding with her that she lacked with her adoptive mother. But readers will know better, for that baby grows up to be Courtney Love. When Courtney has a daughter of her own, Linda finally decides to find her own biological mother, and end the estrangement of generations of first-born daughters. Set apart from the typical celebrity memoir, you can visit her website at <www.hermothersdaughter. net> for more reviews, book tour and other information. JULIE WEINSHEL TEPPER informs, “Several of us who still keep in touch were saddened to hear about the passing of Anne Wallach, one of our era’s outstanding English teachers. She was elegant, rigorous and kind, and her influence is with me still.” She also adds, “I’m a family therapist in Santa Monica. The “baby” in our family just started at Cal, and we have a one year old granddaughter in Massachusetts. I’d love to hear from old pals.” Bill Stewart comments “Have been out of touch for many a year — currently teaching as a professor of management for the University of Maryland University College-Europe from my home near Stuttgart, Germany since 1990. Retired since 1990, from more than 20 years of Air Force service as a pilot and work in international-military affairs.”



BONNIE KAPKIN PEARLMAN shares “Life is good! Sharing our time between Woodside and Palm Desert. Our 18 month old grandson, Adam, will welcome a sister in March. Our daughter, Loren, is vice principal of El Rodeo School in Beverly Hills. Dena teaches AP English at Hillsdale High School and our son, Zack, runs Pearl Abrasive and Keep Tone Tools in L.A. Happy 60th to all. Where did the year go?” Armand Anthony Lara emails “In October 2004 moved from Washington, D.C. to Albuquerque, NM. Telecommuting from Albuquerque with employer of past 8 years. Will begin working part time in April 2006 as I begin the 2nd to last chapter of life.” RUSSELL MORRIS announces “Daughter Jennifer PH.D. in Nutrition doing research at Stanford in prostate & breast cancer. Son, Chris, married in Jan 2005.” SUSAN TOBY EVANS posts “My new book, Ancient Mexico & Central America: Archaeology and Culture History, won the Society for American Archaeology’s 2005 book award. Also published this past year, Palaces of the Ancient New World, was co-edited with Joanne Pillsbury.” CAROLYN RELEI is now teaching cultural anthropology at Folsom Lake College, and continuing to publish stained glass design books with Dover Publishing. SUSAN SAXE KAUFMAN news – see class of 1961.


Ann Labe informs “I always love to hear about everyone and what you’ve been up to, so I thought I’d share a few words myself. I’m retired and living in beautiful Washington, learning about “River” life (we’re on the Columbia). Over the past several years, I’ve been very successful in real estate, traveled the world playing in bridge tournaments, and volunteered my time to different charitable organizations along with learning about boating, gardening and herbs. Last year I helped run a very large auction for the local Humane Society, plus I was instrumental in getting ‘We Love Our Pets” specialty license plates for the state of WA. Life has been good and I’d love to hear from you. Email me at <ann@labe. com>.” CATHERINE CORDINI sends “I want to thank the reunion committee for the great job they do. All the reunions have been great!” GAIL OKA MORIN shares “Our oldest son, Nicolas Morin ’93, who is a landscape architect in Seattle is ringing in the New Year 2006 with our first grandchild. Hooray!” BRUCE BLOCKLEY confesses “I’m living in Mill Valley. I recently came back to Lowell to watch my 16 year old son play tennis against my old school. I wasn’t sure who to root for!”



Marion Seaman sends “I’ve been living on Roatan, in the Bay Islands of Honduras for the past 23 years. I’m looking forward to seeing the rest of your website...great job!” GERARDO GILI is hoping someone can help him get in touch with classmate Jose Hernandez. Gerardo is living in Argentina and would be very pleased to hear from Jose or any other classmate who wants to e-mail him at <gerardogili@yahoo. com.ar>



JAMES & JEAN WOLF HENTZ announce that their dreams have come true – both ski instructors at Sugar Bowl in Soda Springs, California. Kristie Thollander reports “Hello everyone, I’m living in Yountville, Napa Valley. Doing my gardening business and enjoying life. Two daughters, ages 17 and 21 plus one dog and a cat. Travel when I can, eat well and refuse to face facts as much as possible. See you at the reunion.” STEVEN HAHN states, “Looking forward to the 40th Reunion. Celebrating 30 years at Crowley Maritime and now the Director of Tax.”



ANITA YUEN news – see class of 1961. Penny Naomi Nakatsu emails “I’m currently a Deputy General Counsel for the Redevelopment Agency of the City and County of San Francisco (or SFRA for short), which I joined in 2000. “ Jas Adams updates “Since January 2005 I have been Assistant Attorney-in-Charge of Natural Resources for the Oregon Attorney General, overseeing Oregon’s legal work on forestry, water, fish and wildlife matters.” VICTOR A MEROLIA inquires “Hello from the rainy Northwest. As I spend most of my life on airplanes and hotels, would like to hear from your e-mail <vmerolla1@aol.com>. To Sheldon Wong – a big Aloha – drop me a line.”



JACK R. MARGID sent in a donation in memory of Mrs. Wallach and reflects “Had the privilege of being in her classes for 5 of my 6 semesters at Lowell. She was one of my favorite teachers. Clearly Mrs. Wallach devoted herself to education and to her family, I know she will be sorely missed by her former students & fellow

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faculty members.” ANDRE HASSID sends “Still enjoy practicing law. The kids are doing great. Anna and I enjoy living in Moraga . . . and are having fun with our new puppy.” PAUL & MAUREEN KEYAK LARSON share “Our son graduated with a double major in Business Administration and Psychology. He got married one week later! Amazing how fast time goes.”



SANDY VALPUTIC OHLSON emails “After graduating from USF School of Nursing, I embarked on a career in nursing that has been varied both in nature of the work and geographically. Most recently I have been working as the California Workers’ Compensation Manager for Boston Scientific Corporation. I am married to my husband of 15 years, Neil, and have three stepchildren; Nicole, Trevor and Amy.” SORIN EREMIA updates “2005 was very busy between skiing, golfing, and boogie boarding with 8 year old son Dylan, writing several chapters for two new textbooks on cosmetic eyelid and face lift surgery to be published in early 2006, and conducting research, teaching, and speaking at conferences.” KAREN LEVI-SHANDLER sends, “I am a Speech Pathologist, living in Chevy Chase, Maryland. I am married and I have two children, who are adopted from Latin America. I still talk about Lowell!”



DORIS STEINER ROGOFF writes “Our family has lived nearly four years in the Chicago – North Shore suburbs; daughter Rebecca is a senior in high school, husband Rick is an attorney with J. P. Morgan & Chase. Rebecca hopes to pursue a career in medicine, fulfilling her final senior project working at Lutheran General Hospital in Park Ridge, IL. in the neonatology unit and in April 2006, as a member of the senior concert choir, will join her fellow choristers, performing in concert at Carnegie Hall, N.Y.” David Shapiro had 3 noteworthy events – Seeing wolves and a grizzly in Yellowstone, seeing Lester Hardy, after at least a generation, in St. Helena (should not be compared to seeing the wolves and bear), and preparing Louisiana food for about 200 for a Katrina Relief fund raiser. LISA HANKS BAXTER writes “I think of my days at Lowell from time to time & send my love to my friends from those days – look me up if you are passing through Davis, California.” NANCY LIM-YEE cheers “Greetings to everyone! Hope things are going well. Two kids out of college and working. One more to go and maybe I can retire.” JOHN MICHAEL WHISMAN shares “My daughter, Katie, is a senior at Sonoma State University majoring in Criminal Justice Admin; my son John is a sophomore at SFSU majoring in Economics. I have been married for 27 years to Theresa (a St John’s of SF graduate). Still practicing law in San Francisco and living in Burlingame.” MARY CLOUD van ENCKEVORT sends, “I’m always happy to receive my alumni newsletter and ‘sort of ’ stay in touch vicariously. I’m living in Salem, Oregon and have been working within corrections as a counselor for a co-occurring disorder program for the past few years (previously I was working with high-risk adolescents). My three daughters are all grown and have professions of their own: Jessica (29) – RN; Jillian (26) – Architectural Engineer; and Laura (23) – accountant/soon-to-be law student. I miss the City and the wonderful friends I made at Lowell. Please feel free to contact me <solocat@wvi.com> – would love to hear from you!”



JOHN MORALES writes “Thought it was time to hear from the starving artist community. It’s hard to believe but some of us didn’t become

doctors or lawyers or heads of state. I have been performing in Bay Area theaters for quite a while now. Even wrote some plays for the stage. I’ve tackled military dictatorships with ‘A Streetcar Named Junta’; examined psychiatry with ‘Don’t Look At Me In That Tone Of Voice’; and am currently working on a dieting industry trilogy: ‘Bring Me The Thighs Of Jenny Craig,’ ‘The Good, the Bad & the Pudgy,” and “Cellulite: The Musical.’” Gisele Ferras Sorensen comments “Hi All, Living in San Carlos, California and loving life...wonderful husband, good health and great job at Cisco. We ski at Alpine Meadows most weekends during the winter...look for us in the locker room at 8 am Saturday mornings.” DEBRA “DEBBIE” ANN WONG CHONG is the Co-Founder and CEO of Lenos Software (1999), an enterprise event marketing solution which includes strategic meeting management. This was after 20+ years of practicing financial institutions and insurance regulatory law as a partner at Luce Forward, Graham & James, Bronson, LeBoeuf law firms. She has encountered Lowellites – as clients and colleagues in both endeavors. Debbie welcomes hearing from her classmates at <debbie@lenos.com> or at 415 281 8828 x22. Kate Campbell Brouillet has been married for 21 years and has lived in Novato, CA for the last 11 years. They have a son, Alexander, who is 18. She has been working in the advertising and design field for over 20 years and currently manages her own firm, Ranch7 Creative. She would like to say hello to all the former members of the ‘Baroquers’ and the ‘Science Fiction, Fantasy, Witchcraft and Weird Things Club!’” MELVIN GONZALEZ jokes “Dave Hagerman on the Board of Directors, hard to imagine. I am still practicing Cardiology in Southern California. My eldest son Daniel finished Accounting at USC, so you can see my tuition dollars were spent well on the football team. My best to old classmates.” KARL E. BAKHTIARI exclaims “I can’t believe next year (2006) will be 25 years since my days at Lowell. My oldest son, Eric, is an All-American football player at the University of San Diego playing for head coach, Jim Harbaugh – lots of fun!” KARIN FREID BAIRD writes “Hi! Sure wish we had a Lowell in Novato! Wow! Nine languages and a language lab soon! I’m still teaching French 1-5 AP at Novato High (11 years) plus 2 classes of Spanish I. 115 teenagers a day is quite the daily load. Add on my husband Brian, 6th grade son Connor, 2 dogs, a bird, fish tank, and gecko. Let’s all have a reunion on the beach in Mexico. E-mail me to say “hi”! <karinbaird@comcast.net>.



DOROTHY CHUN informs “My husband, Joe Polchinski, and I just celebrated our 25th anniversary in San Francisco. Our older son is a sophomore at UC Berkeley, and our younger son is a junior in high school in Santa Barbara. Franchesca Callejo informs “I am still working as a sole practitioner, emphasis on probate, conservatorship/guardianship, trusts etc. I moved my office to the Mills Tower this time last year. Am also keeping up with my violin, and play in a chamber orchestra in Albany and a small quartet. My son is a junior at UC Santa Cruz, my daughter a sophomore at Berkeley High. My son plays hockey and is a Latin American Studies major (speaking Spanish and hoping to teach) and my daughter plays the violin and is an active equestrian (rides three times a week in Fairfax). My husband is a court administrator in the Alameda County courts in Oakland and we keep very busy. Hope to hear from some classmates and attend our 35th reunion next year, good grief!” Miriam zambrano greets “Hello everyone, still living in the bay area, Fremont. Went back to graduate school and got my degree in biochemistry. I am currently working as a Diagnostic Radiologic Technologist in Oakland and am working on an art degree due to the never ending love of learning. I have traveled and raised a

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fabulous college student. Hi to all 72/73.” CYNTHIA ‘CINNY’ ANDERSON sends “After graduating from SF State with a degree in Botany – I spent all of my working years in Marine Transportation. I’m now out of the rat race, and spending a good deal of my time volunteering at the SF Botanical Garden. Life is sweet. Hope to see old friends at some of this year’s gatherings.” KENNETH FRANK KARP news – see class of 1941.



HANS & CHRISTINE EWALD HANSSON, both class of ’73, have been married for 27 years. Their 19 year old son is a sophomore at St. Joseph’s University in Philadelphia. They also have a 16 year old studying as a junior at Saint Ignatius.

30 year reunion! Thanks to the reunion committee for all their hard work.” EDWARD T. HEE writes “Hope everyone had a great time at the 30th, sorry I couldn’t make it. Maybe the 35th . . . Painted my house and am now waiting for winter to set in. My son looks like he’s headed for the A honor roll at our local high school. Is Lowell doing anything for the earthquake centennial in April?” BETTY YEE reports “I am happy and proud to be back in San Francisco, continuing my public service career as the Acting Member for the First District on the State Board of Equalization. The First District is comprised of 21 northern and central California, so I am literally on the road all the time representing the 8.5 million constituents in her district. I look forward to reconnecting with fellow Lowell alumni during this year of Lowell’s Sesquicentennial celebrations!”

CARL WILDENRADT informs that he is still working at his family hardware store with sister Nancy Wildenradt ’74 and brother Duane Wildenradt ’72.”

CAROL DAVIS BEIL sends in e-mail, “Married for 20 years; two grown boys. I’m a writer and coown a game company with my husband.”

James Arcangel Calacal states “Surpassed my 25th year in Federal service first with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and now an Infrastructure Recovery Specialist with FEMA. Media-wise, the disaster agency got a bad rap but my 3 1/2 months spent on the Gulf Coast of Mississippi helping local mayors recover from Hurricane Katrina was a labor of love. I worked directly with all the public works departments and delivered more than $250 million in repair grants to Biloxi, Gulfport, Pass Christian and Waveland by the time I left.”


GLENN NG reflects “I remember passing by the construction of the ‘new’ Lowell on Eucalyptus while looking for a elementary school to attend. My parents told me I wouldn’t be able to attend the school for ten years. I made a promise to myself that I’d attend the new school when the time came. I graduated during the 10th anniversary of the “new” Lowell.”



NICHOLAS ROXBOROUGH announces “My youngest daughter Kennedy is 16 months old, eats constantly and is making being a dad again so much fun. Lauren is in Boarding School in upstate N.Y. and loves it. My oldest, Rachelle is also in N.Y. at a Hedge Fund. And, thanks to all of you for helping me raise over $525,000 for United Cerebral Palsy. It was an all-time record!” Cheryl Ann Low Lundstrom informs “Although I work in the IT business, I still play my flute in the Diablo Valley Philharmonic (community orchestra). I would love to hear from 1973 -1974 orchestra members or any of my 1974 classmates. Please send me an email at <cflutist@megapathdsl.net>. Happy Holidays and a Happy New Year to everyone.” David Fellows emails “Greetings to the Class of ‘74! Cheryl and I proudly report that our daughter Lauren was a Bat Mitzvah in September, 2005. Looking forward to attending at least one of the 150th parties in 2006 – hope to see you there!” ELAINE LEE KAWASAKI recounts “Celebrated our 25th wedding anniversary with a trip to Japan. I am still in the CPA profession with the same firm since graduation from college. It seemed not too long ago that I started working…and now I am hiring staff born after my college graduation! Oldest son is a freshman at Princeton. Youngest son is a sophomore in high school…taking A.P. Calculus. (I was a senior at Lowell when I took that class!)” SCOTT WOOD updates “Busy year here in Minnesota. My son Paul got engaged; my daughter Kelli is a senior and ski team captain at Eagan High School; I got engaged in May in Colorado; and my employer, Northwest Airlines, fled for bankruptcy! (25% pay cuts for one and all!) Other than that, nothing much new here! Still having good memories of 30 year reunion last fall!”



LESLIE KEYAK sends “Love the reunion. Finally got married in Nov. Have an auto leasing business for 23 years and a real estate investment Co. for 8 years. Owe it all to Lowell.” KEITH W HOWELL remarks “We had a great


ELAINE CHAN-SCHERER sends “I had a benign brain tumor removed last November and was grateful for the support of ’76 classmates Leah Akers, Carolyn Chan, Richard Chen, Tina Smelser, Debbie Sue, John Trasvina and Maryann Wong. Our old US History teacher, Bob Jow, is now Head Counselor and was great at helping my 10th grade Lowellite daughter.”



NANET JANET “NANCY” ZUBIRI informs “I’m following in Ms. Schafer’s footsteps, teaching high school journalism in Los Angeles. I just finished the second edition of my book ‘Travel Guide to Basque America.’ I am living in Venice Beach and loving it – with my husband, an L.A. Times reporter, my four-year-old son and nineyear-old daughter. Get in touch: <nancyzubiri@ yahoo.com>” Diana Mittelberger recounts “I was able to help in my own small way with the Katrina disaster this year fostering a dog from New Orleans. I got her in September with the wish to find her family. She is a wonderful dog and became one of my family members immediately. By the end of November I was asked to adopt her for life which I did. Last week, I was contacted and found her true owner. The story is bittersweet as I had come to love this dog. However, I sent her back to her owner, the week before Christmas. The owner had searched for her for almost 4 months. Merry Christmas...” FLORENCE CHEN WOHLGEMUTH writes, “Anyone from the Classes of 1975 to1976 – I was a J.V. Song Girl in 1976. I remember going to the Senior Prom of Washington High’s class of 1975. Our Junior Prom’s theme song was Precious and Few by Climax. The music then is still so current now. I invite anyone who remembers to contact me. Just do it. Get down and BOOGIE!!!!!! That’s the way a hah, a hah, I like it!!!!!! Yours respectfully, Florence Chen Wohlgemuth AKA N*CHIK <www.nchik.com>“



ROY ABENDROTH states that “Running into past Lowell classmates continues to be a joy. Looking forward to our 30th reunion in 2008.” ERIC ALLAN BIER news – see class of 1945. LAURIE-ANN BARBOUR shares “Living in a co-housing community in Cotati with my daughter, Mureil Joy, adopted from Vietnam in 2002.” PAUL BONITZ reports, “I work at the San Francisco Public Utilities Commission Water Supply and Treatment Division with fellow 1978 alumni Jonathan Chow.” MARGUERITE GOODMAN MANQUEROS says, “I am still teaching math, and living with my husband, Mario, and our two boys, Cameron 15, and Mitchell 11, in Walnut Creek.”



DANA TOM relates “For my mid-life crisis, I ran for the Palo Alto School Board and won a seat. Campaigning was an experience like no other and I enjoyed it more than I ever expected. With 9 and 11 year old sons, I want to do every-

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thing I can to support and defend our public schools. I credit Lowell with inspiring my love of learning and my appreciation of education.”

Mario, Val, Steve, Charlie, Esther, Brigette and the other on the reunion committee for all their efforts to ensure we had a 20-year celebration. I am looking forward to seeing folks again at

Do we have your current e-mail address? Don’t miss out on the latest news about sesquicentennial events and other alumni activities. You can update your contact information online at www.lowellalumni.org or e-mail us at lowellaa@lowellalumni.org Carol Ozawa exclaims “What?! The first of my eight children has just started high school!” GINA CROSS updates “I’m still teaching overseas for our children in military families. After 10 years in Seoul, Korea, I finally moved. I am now in Northern Italy on an Air Force Base in Aviano. I missed my 25th reunion because of the move, but I plan on showing up for the 30th in 2009! See you there and keep in touch <gacross @yahoo.com>.”



Joanna Tong says “Took time off working and lived in Italy for four months. Thanks to Ms. Shelly and the AP French classes I took, I was able to learn Italian in a month. Grazie per tutto! Love traveling abroad and have been fortunate to meet and make friends with incredible people. I would love to hear from ’80 classmates. My email is <joanna_12@hotmail.com>.

1981 STANLEY NG is still working at Cal Trans as the District Major Damage Coordinator. DARWIN POPENOE says “Our children, Subira and Anthony, have now spent the majority of their lives in Venezuela. This past summer visited Zanzibar on our tri-annual Tanzania trip.” EMANUEL BERSTON updates “My wife Gail and I are bravely raising 3 active boys, Jacob (5), Robert (3), and Zachary (2). Living in Marin and enjoying a busy pediatrics practice. Still see Class of ’81 friends Mark Seiler, Peter Davids, and Eric Krebs. My wife’s license plate sums it up . . . ‘OY4BOYS’ (Yes, I am the 4th boy).” JULIA LAVROUSHIN greets “Wishing all health & happiness in 2006!”

1983 ALISON BLOOMFIELD informs “Back in SF from over a year living in Switzerland. Now I’m working at Itunes for Apple Computer, my first job combining music and business; very exciting. Missed the reunion, so if anyone feels like saying hello, or getting together, call or email me: <kontakt@alisonbloomfield.com>, (415)420-4195. Found out Dom Coloyan ’80 had been in Zurich the whole time I was there, and I never knew.” Hayley Green Smith updates “I’m currently living in Redwood City and working at Intuit as an IT project manager. I would love to hear from classmates at <hfgs@pacbell.net>.” KRISTIN CLOTHIER sends “Living in Fairfield; partner in a veterinary practice. Sorry I missed the reunion.” ANGELA WOODWARD exclaims “I did it! Finally! I moved to Portland. Well, actually Vancouver, WA. But that’s close enough. Happy New Year and Well Wishes to ALL.” ROBERT CORNELL declares “Still trying to gather start-up funds for my new business venture, ‘Iowa surf and mountaineering.’ Write for details of a unique investment opportunity!”

1984 eric weiss just moved back to the Bay Area (Menlo Park)...joined another high tech venture...Aicent. Email him at <eweiss@mba1992. hbs.edu>. JENNIFER POULAKIDAS reflects “It was very cool to see lots of classmates at our 20th reunion in Sept 2004. Many thanks to Ruth, Nancy,

some of the Lowell High School sesquicentennial events.” BEN ALEXANDER LEE informs “Karen and I are still living in Hong Kong with the kids, Alex (10) and Stephanie (7). I’m in my sixth year of expatriate assignment with Altera as Vice President, Asia Pacific.” COURTNEY MARES JEFFERS sends “I am working in the Human Resources field. Just got married in 2005. My sister Marny Mares Dyer ’86 is having my 2nd nephew in 2006!” PATRICK FOO greets “Wishing the best for all students & alumni of Lowell. Merry Christmas!”

1985 CALVIN W LEE e-mails “Hey fellow 85ers! I missed the Reunion, so here’s a quick low down of what I’ve been up to the past 20 years…well, alright, at least the past 8 years. Got married in 97’ to fellow alumnus, Tina Yu ‘86 and we now have 3 kids, ages 6 (Jacqueline), 2 (Justin), and newbie (Jessica). Although family life has kept me busy, I still find time to sneak in some b-ball. Still living in SF and working downtown doing audit work. Would love to hear what you’ve been up to…email me at <calster1@yahoo.com>” Vincent King sends “I had a terrific time at the 20-year reunion. It’s hard to believe that it’s been that long. It was great to see everyone.”

1986 JOE MAI says “Now living in the French Alpes (Grenoble), with a nearly shaved head, an orange kitchen, and a really, really cool jacket. I would love to hear from anyone who has the inclination. Email me at <joe.mai@jemeurope.com> If you don’t have the inclination, but at least have an idea of how to cheaply and safely send a Mission Street burrito to France, that would be ok, too. A bientot.” TINA YU news – see class of 1985. John Chin emails “Still living in SF and just a few years ago moved into Pine Lake Park – 3 blocks from our Alma Mater. Bryan Wong of ‘86 is around the corner too. Happily married to Carole Lam ’86 for 11 years with our two boys – Spencer and Darren. Looking forward to reliving memories at our 20-year reunion!” Roger Lim emails “I recently completed my first full-length feature film, which I wrote, produced, directed, and acted. AmerAsian is intended for the worldwide film festival circuit in 200607. It’s a multi-cultural college drama involving the relationship between an American-born Asian athlete and an All-American co-ed forced to face hidden identity, manipulation, jealousy, revenge, and deceit. Extensive info can be found on my brand new website <www.amerasianfilms.com> Looking forward to our 20th year reunion!” ERIN PIERSON RIBKA emails “Paul and I are back in New Orleans after a 6-week Hurricane Katrina evacuation when we lived in the empty office next to mine at the Tulane National Primate Research Center, where I am a clinical veterinarian. It’s been an incredible experience – it’s unreal to actually live through a disaster of such magnificent proportions. Especially as I am 7 months pregnant with twins – our first children.” Then in March, Erin updates “I delivered twins January 25, 2006! Damon Patrick Ribka weighed 7 lb 8 oz, and Nora Katherine was 5 lb, 8 oz. We are all doing well and trying to adjust to sleeplessness. We’ve just enjoyed our first Mardi Gras as a family here in New Orleans.”

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Lowell Alumni Association

Keeping In Touch… 1987 PATRICK MAGEE emails “Lauri Wooley ’91, and I have been living happily in Berkeley for two years. We were recently engaged and are planning a Sept. ’07 wedding.”

1988 THERESA DESUYO informs “Graduated with a B.A. in Political Science from UCLA. Worked in San Francisco for 2 years before moving to Spain in 1999. Upon arrival to Spain worked at a French internet start-up company in marketing online, then Arthur Anderson and now an MBA Candidate June 2006 at ESADE Business School, Barcelona, Spain where I manage International Programs for the Business School. Married to Pere Tura Pou and expecting first child in July 2006.” JEFF LEE updates “After high school, went down south for college, partied . . . . er, graduated from Cal Poly SLO, and have been working in the Silicon Valley ever since. Passed on a showbiz opportunity (some small indie project … Beverly Hills 902something . . . can’t remember) for a glamorous career as an Industrial Engineer and Technical Writer. Married for four years, and believe it or not, am STILL DJing (clubs and private events). If you reunion planners need a DJ, I might know of one . . . email me at <xuebanerzi@ yahoo.com>.” Glen Galang informs “I just wanted to say hi to all my Lowell friends. Looking forward to the reunion...still a few years away but I’m sure it will be here before we know it. News from me...I finished my first Iron Men Triathlon in Switzerland! Find out about it at <http://ggalang. pledgepage.org>.” CAROLINE KIM KRESS announces “Married Eric Kress ’89 in June 2005. It’s a small world?”

1989 HELEN CHU updates “My husband Jeff and I have relocated to San Luis Obispo where I work at Cal Poly State University. We are expecting our first child in January. Look us up if you’re in town: <Helen.chu@gamil.com> Congratulations to all the new parents from the class of ’89: Jennifer Ng Lin, Terra Safer, Linda Chu Brunnschweiler!” ERIC S. KRESS news – see class of 1988. Brad Jobin reports “Well lets see...... Guess I will start with the biggest news first. Got married on September 17, 2005 and with my new wife Nikki came an adorable 8 year old stepdaughter, Noelle. Am working at Hartmann Studios, an event production company, as a project manager working on such projects as the yahoo year end party, the AT&T Pro Am in Pebble Beach, Oracle Open World and the Black and White Ball to name a few. Going on my ninth year of coaching shotput and discus at Lowell and show no signs of stopping, actually keeps me centered if you can believe that. Drop me a line at <weightlifter6@ hotmail.com>.” Talia Ehrlich Dashow emails “Let’s see... I got married in 2002, to a wonderful man named Michael Dashow. We bought a house in Oakland this year. I’m doing volunteer mediations, and wrote a workbook on conflict management and communication skills. I’m working for Closet World, helping people design their dream closets. Not glamorous, but fun.” Jessica Hancock Fodor reports “Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist in San Diego, California. Married to Chris Fodor. Daughter Serena born in June 2005.” Kim Borah Schulist updates “Hello fellow Lowellites! Let’s see – all has been going great. I live in Marin County with my husband Mike Schulist (Redwood High School, Class of 1987) and our one year old son (born November 2004). I am a part-time attorney for school districts in special education matters and the rest of the time, I’m a mom (and wife!). We are very active together – hiking, swimming, tandem biking, (sometimes even tennis but I have not devoted

Spring 2006

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translator. Four years of Chinese paid off! I assisted the 1990 Institute who sponsored a children’s art program from Beijing, China. We had a fun trip going to Southern California.”

Do we have your current e-mail address? Don’t miss out on the latest news about sesquicentennial events and other alumni activities. You can update your Retired Faculty contact information online at www.lowellalumni.org ALAN FIBISH sends “Congratulations on another excellent newsletter. Director Lucey or e-mail us at lowellaa@lowellalumni.org looks younger in these pictures than in the year much time to tennis since my UC Davis tennis days). My husband is a middle school Science teacher. We also have two retriever mix dogs (Jazz and Kayla) from rescue groups as I’m active in rescuing dogs from high-kill shelters. So, if you want to adopt a dog...let me know. I’d love to hear from others – especially locals. I work in SF. My email is <kbschulist@yahoo.com>. Please feel free to email. Hope to see everyone at the next reunion, whenever it will be.” CATHERINE MIGUEL COTE writes “Ben and I have been blessed with three wonderful boys, Nicholas, Nathan, and Noah who are 5, 2, and 8 months. Life is so busy but so very sweet! Hugs and kisses for Joy, Anne, Deb, Jen, Angie, Gi, Val, and Ron and also for their beautiful families. God bless you all ad Happy Holidays!”

1990 NATALIE NICOLE TERCERO emails “After getting my Masters in Education from GWU and returning to the Bay Area, I decided to give teaching a try. I have been teaching elementary school for the last 5 years in East Palo Alto and am deciding what my next steps are. I recently bought a house in Fremont but miss being closer to San Francisco. I have a 9 year old daughter.” MAE TAI O’MALLEY sends “Currently inhouse for Symantec Corporation. We have two crazy boys Max (3) and Tai, and are expecting our 3rd boy in February. Hope everyone is well.”

1991 LAURI WOOLEY news – see class of 1987. Donny Wong acknowledges “Still in the Boston area, working as a market research analyst for the pharma industry. Proud uncle of Matthew (4) and Brandon (2), the sons of brother Jimmy Wong ’85 and sister-in-law Sharon (Low) Wong ’86.” Amy Koo recaps “Lots of changes: I got laid off in Feb ’05, started a home based business in Mar ’05 (http://amykoo.usana.com\), started singing as an alto with an a cappella group called Note-orious in Apr ’05, got engaged in May ’05, started a new job as Production Control Manager at Nektar Therapeutics in Jun ’05, completed a triathlon with Team in Training in Sep ’05, ran 3 legs of “The Relay” in Oct ’05. Is your head spinning yet? Mine too! Keep in touch!”

1993 Nicolas Morin news – see class of 1964.

1994 KAORU AONO PANG informs “Had a fairy tale wedding last August and am loving life!”

1995 Rita Lee greets “Hi 95ers! Still living in the City and will be starting a new job in the New Year. Best wishes to all!”

1996 CHARLES LEVINSON is a journalist in Baghdad – free lancer writes for Chronicle & Christian Science Monitor.

1997 Elisa Yao informs she is “currently taking a year off from medical school to study Traditional Chinese Medicine in San Francisco!” LAUREN CHOI-DEA says “Completed my M.S. from SFSU and now a high school counselor at Galileo Academy of Science & Technology. Following in someone’s footsteps. . .”

1999 LAWRENCE LAU shares “I hope everyone is doing well. I am now a Realtor with Coldwell Banker. Please contact me for a complimentary comparative market analysis of your home or for assistance in selling/buying a home. (650) 515-5323.”

2003 Rose L Jiang hails “Hello everyone. I’m currently in my third year at San Francisco State University, right in the backyard of Lowell, so that means I can come back anytime to visit. It’s been a very interesting year, currently working on major, Child and Adolescent Development and studying a minor in Asian American Studies. I recently had the chance to do some work as a

he retired. Lowellites of the 1800’s, 1900’s and the classes of the new millennium can be proud of their school. Hello to all.” Douglas Keachie retired from SFUSD in August of 2004. After he chose to take a year’s leave of absence, in addition to his sabbatical, he wound up doing his last four years at four different sites, and sorely missed being at Lowell. Now he is living in happy semi-retirement on his ranch/vineyard, doing everything from occasional software assignments, to aerial photography, and some work with his new toy, a 25 hp Kubota tractor with a backhoe. He volunteers at the Nevada County Imaginarium, the local science museum. His wife Dianka still teaches art at Yuba City High School, and his daughter Krista has just entered U.C. Davis Medical School.

Paul Cheng Leaving Lowell continued from page 1 Association that are actively involved in school matters, including membership on the School Site Council. Since 2003, the annual fund-raising campaigns of both organizations focused on the school district’s budget crisis with the purpose of restoring teacher positions. The true measure of Mr. Cheng’s legacy, however, is more intangible. He has provided strong and thoughtful leadership for sixteen years, remaining unflappable in the face of the day-to-day challenges and occasional crises that beset a Lowell principal. His commitment to Lowell students and their achievements in all areas – academic, athletic, arts, and extracurricular – is unmatched. As Principal, he created a strong sense of Lowell community by including the alumni and parents in all aspects of school activities. On behalf of the Lowell Alumni Association, “Thank You” Principal Cheng for your decade and a half of service to the students of Lowell High School. You will be truly missed by all of us who remain at Lowell. May you enjoy every success in your new assignment as principal of Thurgood Marshall High School.

TYCHO ROSENFELD reports “Still in NY soaking up the 20˚ weather and savoring the few hours I can get off of work once in a while – give me a ring if you come to town and we can get a drink:646-352-1519. Cheers All!” RICHARD PON updates “Still working as a CPA in San Francisco. Also received the Certified Financial Planner (CFP) designation. <richpon@ hotmail.com>”

1992 Kim Shea Sichlinger reveals “I’m currently living in San Carlos and working full time at Stanford Hospital as a Labor and Delivery nurse. I completed my Masters of Science in Nursing in 2001. I’ve been married for 8 years, have a 2 1/2 year old son and am expecting a daughter in early March. Would like to hear from fellow Lowellites and all my track and field buddies.”

Lowell students celebrate after winning the Festival Sweepstakes Award at the 2006 Ohlone College Theater Festival. Congratulations to all the students and their teacher, Teresa Bookwalter!

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2005 Major Donors Linda Arcellano Shaw ’73 Grant M. Bakewell ’41 Bank of America Bruce Batten ’74 Charlene Bedient Bosl ’65 Dean Bell ’81 Dan & Jeanne Debs Benatar ’50/’49 Donn Bernstein ’53 John Allan Bier ’45 Denis Binder ’64 Olive Bliss Borgsteadt ’47 E. Morse Blue ’29 Leon Blum ’52 Max Bodden ’54 Alexandra Bordokoff ’70 Joceline Boucher ’76 Sophie Breall ’80 Richard D Bridgman ’46 James E Brodie ’66 Danielle Carol Broude ’00 Andrea Brown Gourdine ’62 Mary Ann Brown Tonkin ’46 Catherine Cereske ’73 John W. Chan ’86 William C Chan ’67 James Chandler ’52 Grace Chang ’80 Christine Chase Reynolds ’64 Yaoqi Chen Lee Cheng ’89 Eudora Chin Ting ’90 May Choi ’68 Martin Chong ’67 Virstan Choy ’66 A. David Cobo ’58 Rosemarie Coleman ’41 Steven William Comber ’68 A. Crawford Cooley ’44 Lisa Coughlin Clay ’74 Marian Crampton Vantress ’52 Carol Crawford Falstrup ’78 John Crittenden ’74 Anthony Cuevas ’45 Yvonne Cyr Koshland ’39 Peter A Dahl ’53 Loys Daskarolis Rodatos (Faculty) Donald W. Davis ’39 Jeffrey Davis ’62 Keith Davis ’61 Henry Dea & Anita Yuen ’61/’67 Dennis C Dow ’68 Sandra Dyer Joseph ’67 Jeanne Emmons Cohn ’52 David Epstein ’76 Jerome Falk ’57 Barbara Falk Gronowski ’48 Fannie Mae Foundation David Fink ’78 Kelly Fong Lee ’78 Eleanor L. Fox Krogfoss ’42 J. Arthur Freed ’47 Harold Freemon ’41 Ronald Fuerstner ’53 Chris Galvin ’88 Jeffrey & Jessica Gaynor ’66/’67 Robert P. Glasson ’50 Allan P Gold ’63 Bonnie Goldman ’59

Daniel Goldstine ’58 Lynn Gomberg McCarl ’65 Robert Gooyer ’66 Bruce Green ’75 Harry Greenberg ’53 David Guggenhime ’62 Richard Guggenhime ’57 Benjamin Gulli ’78 Francisco Gutierrez ’87 Judy Haight Erickson ’56 Leon Hallacher ’66 Lawrence K Handelman ’60 Joseph H Handlon ’37 Kevin Harrington ’56 Health Care Partners Irene Hilton ’76 Robert B. Hoffman ’49 Joanne Hom ’82 Joan Honek Keith ’53 Joan Hoover ’77 Arthur Nichols Hoppe ’72 Stephen & Adrienne Cohn Horn ’58 Sandra Huey Jeong ’75 David Hultgren ’79 Anna Iversen Getchell ’97 James Cleveland Jones ’49 Kenneth E Keller ’68 Jeffrey Keyak ’67 Leslie Keyak ’75 Harry Kious ’66 Peter & Barbara Green Kistler ’52 June D. Klauser Waters ’49 Julie Klein Gibson ’55 Barton H Knowles ’35 Stephan & Arlene Epp Krieger ’55 Lawrence Lahl ’78 David A Lee ’74 Jetson Lee ’77 Ken Y Lee ’96 Robert Lee ’72 Russell & Sherlyn Hu Leong ’68 Terrence Leong ’67 Linda Leong Wang ’61 Guy Leung ’80 William Levin ’61 Hansen Lieu & Wendy Lo ’87/’90 John Lilienthal ’46 James P. Livingston ’42 Richard Lopez ’66 Jeffrey Louie ’81 Lawrence Louie ’77 Linda Lovelace Strough ’55 Paul G. Lucey ’75 Jason Macario ’79 Eric Mackintosh ’56 Donald Magnin ’44 Douglas Mahon ’63 Natalie Manfredi ’88 Richard Mann ’50 Martin Field Foundation Philip Mathias ’24 Alan C. Mendelson ’66 Adair Miller Tench ’62 Selinda Molloy Neal ’81 Makio Murayama ’33 Nha-Ai Nguyen-Duc ’89 A. James Nikas ’74 Roberta Nugent Cotter ’48

Edith Ostapik ’93 Bruce Osterman ’59 James Chinsoo Park ’82 Susan Patton Murray ’69 William L. Penn ’59 PG & E Corp Miriam Dale Pichey ’68 Rafael Piscitelli Kastl ’44 Patricia Pivnick Levin ’67 Gisele Pohan ’73 Richard G Pon ’91 William Pope ’54 Darwin Popenoe ’81 Jennifer Poulakidas ’84 Rozell Preddy Overmire ’62 Providian Financial Ralphs Grocery Ramon Romero ’89 James D. Rosenthal ’50 Catherine Rossi-Roos ’68 Nancy Satoda ’81 Rudi E. Scheidt ’41 Elizabeth Scheidtmann Bourne ’48 Harold Mark Schulz ’64 Philip & Julie Schwartz Audrey Shapiro Sterling ’49 John H. Shinkai ’39 John R Shuman ’48 William Singleton ’85 Nancy Sitton ’69 Peter & Terri Skov ’81 Bernard So Shek ’90 Robert L Sockolov ’47 Eddie Soliven ’76 Chisoo Song Lyons ’82 Gower Suen ’83 Ronald Szeto ’81 Brian Takemoto ’89 Paul Tam ’82 Lisa Tartikoff Rosenthal ’69 Joanna L Tong ’80 Stanley Toy ’67 Steven Toy ’78 Lillian Trac ’92 John Trasvina ’76 Linda Lien Trinh ’99 David Clark Tseng ’77 Michael Ugawa ’76 Ted Uyemoto ’60 Robert Wagner ’67 Edward Wallace ’65 Janet Weisenburger Giannini ’70 Wells Fargo Home Mortgage Alan Wendroff ’50 John Michael Whisman ’70 Richard Whitesides ’41 Joseph N. Wineroth ’70 Michele Winter (Faculty) Bryan M Wong ’72 Darren Hing Wong ’84 Nelson Bradley Wong ’85 Pamela Wong Kline ’65 Denise Wong Peck ’75 Brian Wong & Cindy Gok ’69 David C Woo ’74 Gordon Woo Angela Woodward ’83 Lisa Stephanie Yee Brown ’80

Average Unrestricted Gifts 2002 – $82

2003 – $120

2004 – $127

2005 – $140







Tanya Yip ’76 Jeffrey Yu ’02

BENEFACTORS ($100 TO $249) Yumiko Abe-Jones ’87 Stephen H. Abel ’56 Lewis Abra ’00 Dolores Acosta Maufras ’80 Joseph Afong ’72 Stephen B. Aizenberg ’62 Leone Albert Pollard ’48 Francesco J Alberti ’48 Patricia Aleck ’55 Joanne Alioto Casaudoumecq ’53 George H. Amberg ’37 American International Phil Anaya ’51 Diana Chan Ancheta ’99 Cynthia Anderson ’72 Clay S. Andrews ’38 Robert & Cheryl Markuse Arenson ’63/’64 Louise Armstrong Van Vleck ’38 Jane Arnot Brunson ’38 David Arrick ’71 Bevi Ann Ashizawa Tanaka ’72 Judy Auerbach ’74 William Auslen ’46 Debra Babcock ’72 Carole Babow Florian ’64 Larry Baer ’75 Edgardo Bago ’82 D. Michael Bailey ’67 Wendy Bailey Crisafulli ’77 Sonia Baltodano Stovall ’80 Louis Bantle ’46 Louis Barberini ’74 Edward Barthold ’44 Sonja Basich Juricic ’86 John Baskett ’74 James A. Bass ’53 Mario Basso ’38 David Bates Louis Batmale ’30 Norman & Barbara Nielson Beal ’49/’53 Robert Beale ’49 Lawrence Beard ’65 George Beavin ’56 Judith Bechtel ’53 Arthur Becker ’29 Dirk Beijen ’64 John Bell ’47 Katherine Leigh Bell ’86 Jeanne Bennett Robertson ’33 Clark Benson ’33 Andrew Berberich ’76 Eugene Lewis Berg ’82 Paul Bergerot ’46 Clayton Berling ’47 Andrew Bernhard ’64 Oliver Berven ’39 Byron Richard Blackwell ’56 Jane Blair Vilas ’42 Roberta Bleiweiss ’65 Kenneth Bley ’56 Richard Block ’44 Bruce Blockley ’64 Jonathan & Susan Hirsh Bloom ’62/’64 Dana Bloom Shapiro ’61 Joseph Blum ’64 Neil Blumenthal ’53 Catherine Boeckmann ’86 David Bohegian ’72 Russell Bohne ’65 Sharon Bolles ’76 Shea L. Bond ’91 Diane Bonfigli Lobo ’63 Michael Bower ’67 Frederick W Bradley ’51 Edward J. Bragg ’41 Mary Ann Brakebill Bersi ’64 Frank C Brandes Jr ’52 Cathryn Brash (Faculty) Joseph Breen ’78 Scott Brenneke ’66 Ruth Brenner Lipman ’38 Nancy Brewer Brewer Eills ’53 Auguste Broucaret ’52 George Brown ’38 Paul R Bruch ’41 Martin Brunk & Mary Overcash Frank E. Brush ’38

Alan Buchwald ’68 Morris Budak ’66 Natalie K Buford-Young Hobert W. Burns ’43 Merla Burstein Zellerbach ’48 Robert Bush ’36 Jeffrey Byrnes ’93 Charles Calhan ’38 John N Callander ’41 Theresa Cannon Stynes ’77 Suzanne Cantou Keeler ’58 Hugo A Carissimo ’48 Barbara Carlson Showler ’44 Karen Carlson White ’65 Kenneth Jeffrey Carter ’69 Gilbert Casarez ’49 Richard Cellarius ’54 Arthur Zander Cerf ’36 Milton Cerf ’46 Theodore & Diana Chan ’83 Angela Chan-Chin ’72 Christina Aimee Chang ’91 Peggy Chang ’82 Julia Chang Bloch ’60 Adrianne Chang Kwong ’61 Ronald & Nanette Figel Chapman ’52/’53 Charles Schwab Lorna Chee ’74 Warren Chee ’74 Donald H Cheu ’50 Richard Chew ’69 Roberta L Chew ’67 Sandra Chiang Yee ’76 Tom Childers ’76 Robert K Childs ’56 Peter Chin ’86 William Chisum ’54 Elaine Choromanski Wilkes ’65 Alan F. Chow ’73 Connie S. Choy Hall ’85 Calvin W Chu ’71 Helen Chu ’89 Wei Mun Chu ’84 Betty Chuck ’73 Cecilia See Yan Chui ’87 Dorothy Chun ’72 Albert G Clark ’56 Judith S Clarke ’66 Harvey Clewans ’61 Melvin E. Cohn ’33 Lorelle Cohn Ellis ’56 Maureen P Coll Welch ’87 Leonard Collins ’46 Thomas (Greg) Collins (Faculty) Richard A Colsky ’58 Leslie Colvin Solomon ’72 Catherine Anne Conway Diepenbrock ’87 Gary Cooper ’68 Stephen Cornell ’66 Scott Corvin ’71 Catherine Crisera Kelley ’90 Joseph Crowley ’42 George & Nancy Cuan ’88 Milton Dare ’60 Irene Davidson Thomas ’68 Vicki De Goff ’62 Michael Joseph Dean ’02 Marjorie Deckman Moore ’41 James Delehanty ’38 Jenny Demonteverde Raffield ’88 Helen Dencker Osborne ’44 Nathan D Dias ’97 Sandra Dickey Harner ’57 Robert Digrazia ’58 Han Dong ’88 Stacie Dong ’90 Susan Lynn Donner ’80 Henry Dosdorian ’52 Sunny Du Puis ’60 James Duarte ’76 Miriam Ducoff Smolen ’76 George Duesdieker ’73 Ellen Duncan Long ’50 Charles Dvorak ’64 Nathan Dwiri ’57 Harvey & Carol Bolotin Edelman ’49/’55 Douglas M Egan ’51 Elaine Eggen Zahigian ’65 James A Ellis ’58 Sorin Eremia ’69 Rosemarie Estolas De Weese ’64 Charles Everett ’65

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Lowell Alumni Association

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Spring 2006

Lowell Alumni Association

A Sesquicentennial Story Roots in Reality; Branches in Myth By Paul Lucey


arly in my teaching career at Lowell, I became fascinated with the history of California’s first public high school. I spent countless preparation periods buried in the archives going through 19th Century registers, permanent records, and yearbooks that were the written memory of the school dating back to its founding in 1856. Some of my happiest moments were sorting through the memorabilia and artifacts to occasionally discover some little-known bit of history that added to the school’s rich heritage. Gradually I became known as the unofficial historian to whom people turned for historical information. It was in this role that the follow-

ing events prompted this story. The Lowell community was all a-buzz over the excitement of its 150th birthday. A series of celebrations were planned, highlighted by an all-class reunion gala at a downtown hotel. I was alone in the archives late one afternoon when I dozed off, as is the wont of octogenarians. When I awoke, I stayed still, puzzled by a strange murmuring that seemingly came from everywhere in the room. I kept quiet, mystified by what sounded like many people talking and laughing. The words were indistinguishable group-talk that permeated the room like the voices one hears at the intermission of a play. I sat up in my chair to find their source and was immediately in archival silence. Absolute quiet. The concrete walls of the room defied any penetration of noise from the outside. The voices remained a mystery. I left the archives, shook by the experience and happy to believe that the voices had been the tail end of a dream. Some days later I was walking down the hall when I was hailed by my good friend, Floyd, the night custodian. “Hi, Mr. Lucey, I’m glad I ran into you. I need your help. Some kids are getting into the theater at night and I’m afraid of a fire back-stage. It’s really weird. When I’m working in the art wing, I hear music and voices like in a vaudeville show, I hear a lot of laughing and applause. But, and here’s the weird part, I open the door and there’s no one there. It’s completely quiet and the only

light is the single bulb hanging over the stage. It’s always the same – Spooky! What do you think?” “That’s crazy – music and voices in an empty theater, Does this happen a lot?” “A couple times a month.” “Always the same?” “No, sometimes it’s quieter, sometimes it’s real loud, but always the same – no one there.” “Well, let’s keep this to ourselves for now. If the media, even The Lowell, hear rumors of ghosts in the Lowell theater, our peaceful days are over. Here’s my phone number. I live in the Lakeside, call me the next time you hear something and we’ll check it out together.” Ten days later I received an evening call from the school and hurried over. Floyd met me at the foyer door and

we went to our listening post. Sure enough, it sounded like a boisterous theater crowd. We went to the main door, inserted the key and opened it very quietly. To no avail, we were met by the silence of 1,000 vacant seats and an empty stage. A huge backdrop displaying the school’s founding year, 1856, reminded audiences of the sesquicentennial year. A search of the theater and its likely hiding places revealed nothing, leaving us stymied by the surreal nature of the theater activities. We left the hall, shaking our heads at the strange events. Several days later I was at an evening meeting in the Meyer Library with the Alumni Board when Floyd poked his head in the door and signaled he wanted to see me. I excused myself and joined him in the hall. “They’re at it again. Mr. Lucey, –music, talking, applause – the whole Edith Pence ’07; Reading Club sponsor 1919; Lowell Principal 1950–1955.

1,000 vacant seats and an empty stage.

thing.” Oh boy! OK. I’ll go over there as soon as we break up. Will I see you there?” “No, I’ve finished my work over there. It’s too spooky for me anyhow.” “Ok, keep it under your hat. We don’t want a media circus around here.” After the meeting I used my master key to get into the art wing and took up the same listening post we used the previous time. Sure enough, I could hear music, youthful voices, and much laughter. An audience was enjoying a show that sounded like vaudeville. I inserted my key in the theater door and opened it noiselessly ... to an eerie silence. Once again, the actors and audience had vanished. I turned on the house lights and made a thorough search to no avail. There was no performance or spectators in that theater. Floyd was right, it was spooky. On an impulse, I decided to go into the archives, which were located off the main entrance to the theater. I let myself in, and was greeted by the benign stare of namesake James Russell Lowell whose statue had been salvaged from the Old Lowell. Everything seemed normal – the cabinets full of yearbooks, permanent records, and memorabilia. Dozens of gleaming trophies and awards were mute evidence of past triumphs. On the walls were panoramic photos of classes dating back to the 19th Century. Everything was in order until I noticed a poster on the corkboard that wasn’t there the last time I was in the room. It was a playbill, yellowed with age – VARIETIES – three breathtaking performances packed with Lowell’s best in drama, dancing, music, skits, laughs and surprises the stage ablaze with whirl-

Trophy case

ing color and dancing chorines. COLOSSAL! The ten prettiest girls in Lowell!! Nowhere can you see them all together – except at our Fall Varieties. The playbill looked very old, very much like one of Sam Polland’s Varieties from the Thirties. What was that playbill doing on the corkboard and, who put it there? I shook my head, mystified, as I noticed something else down in the lower, right-hand corner of the poster. It looked like a recent signature in black ink that stood out from the fading print – Edith Pence – in delicate Spencerian handwriting. Edith Pence!! I knew her! She was my favorite Lowellite!

Varieties…Lowell’s best in drama, dancing, music, skits Miss Pence had hired me as a teacher in the early Fifties. I remember her in the Principal’s office, sizing me up thoughtfully over her pince-nez during the interview. Mr. George Bass, longtime Economics teacher, was retiring. The upshot was that I, because of my Econ major, walked out of her office, Lowell’s newest teacher. Fifty years later in the school’s archives, I am reintroduced to Miss Pence under these strange circumstances. I knew more about Edith Pence. In my archivist role, I was familiar with the old yearbooks. Edith Pence was Class of ’07, Cal ’11, Phi Beta Kappa, and had been editor of The Lowell during the 1906 Earthquake. She can also be seen in a photo of one of the school’s earliest basketball teams. But something else in her career sent me to the yearbook cabinet. I opened the books from the WWI decade looking for something that had stuck in my memory. Finally...success. A picture in the June 1919 issue of a lovely young woman in the Drama Club section with the caption, “Miss Pence, faculty advisor, has worked patiently with the society throughout the semester, and surely deserves a word of appreciation and thanks for her efforts.” So ... a clue ... Edith had an early interest in the theater. And here, nearly a century later, I find her signature on a playbill from the Thirties, decades after she left Lowell for a career that led to

the principalships of Girls’ High School and Lowell. How could that be? While Principal of Lowell, she had no time for an avocation; she was busy running the school. Yet, her signature certainly was on the playbill. Mystified, I decided to go back to basics. Playbills are displayed to be seen. OK, but how could a poster in a school archive, closed to public view, be seen by anyone? I shook my head, bewildered. No playgoers would see it. Unless... and this brought a rash of goosebumps ... unless it was meant for departed schoolmates who, in spirit, were at rest here. This mega-leap to the surreal was my first concession that events might be going on that were beyond the ken of a mere mortal like me. A sixth sense confirmed that some special energy was roiling the still air of the archives. I had never had such weird feelings in hundreds of hours in the room. After all, this was my turf, my refuge. So, what was happening? I wasn’t frightened, apprehensive perhaps, but not scared. A fresh rash of goose flesh reaffirmed the subliminal activity. My senses were of little help, the underlying commotion was apparently under their radar, so to speak. I looked around the room for some clue to this surreal situation. My eyes rested on a banner displaying the founding year 1856. I stared at it for several seconds, then with a flash of

intuition I made the connection, and had the key to the mystery. Floyd and I had stumbled onto an ethereal celebration of the 150th birthday of the school. The sesquicentennial spirit must have seeped into the archives, causing our departed alums to exclaim, “What part are we having in the celebrations? After all, we built the reputation of the school.” The chorus of agreement must have rattled JRL on his pedestal. Someone, perhaps Edith Pence herself, had an idea, “Why don’t we have our own reunion? No need for a downtown hotel or a banquet. The perfect venue is right here at school, in the theater.” Edith, in her turn, offered to provide the entertainment by reviving school plays going back 100 years. The playgoers would be the thousands of schoolmates at rest in the archives. That would explain the voices I heard in this very room and the sound of festivities that confounded Floyd and me. So ... Edith Pence had returned to the Sesquicentennial celebration, in spirit, and was stage-managing the theater festivities in the same efficient manner that she had run the school fifty years earlier. In my mind’s eye it all became clear. The plays were the centerpieces of the biggest reunion the Lowell community had ever seen! Schoolmates from Boys’ High School on Powell Street were reliving the excitement of the first cable cars rolling down Clay Street, and telling of the Silver Barons building their mansions on Nob Hill across from the school. Edith and her ‘06 classmates at the Sutter Street school described that April morning when the earth shook and the firestorm destroyed three-quarters of the city. Classmates described the next three years when Girls High students shared half-day sessions while their school, destroyed in the fire, was being rebuilt. The Lowell teachers were invited. Staid, bearded gentlemen from Boys high School learned that the school was now called Lowell and that young ladies shared the classrooms with boys. They had feared that the dreaded “lollygagging” would invade the halls and take young minds off their studies. They were probably right, but despite the distractions, the names of many of those students became famous in San Francisco. The faculty from the Hayes Street Lowell was welcomed by principals Leroy Stephens and Edith herself; Charlie Walsh, George Lorbeer, Ruth Adams, Ben Neff, Bill Feiling, Hudson Monroe, Gladys Lorigan, Henry Karpenstein. Eugenie LaCoste, Gladys Metcalf, Aurelia Osuna, Elsie Schou, Harry Krytzer, George Bass, Earl Minkwitz, Olin McCord, Reg Krieger, Elfrieda Kellogg, Frances Dealtry, Barbara

150-Year Commemorative History of Lowell Order form on back page

Page 13

1898 Cadets

Mensing, Norval Fast, Jim Livingstone, Frank Driscoll, Ivan Barker, Barney Wolf, Elmer Harris, Maude Volandri, and a legion of colleagues who graced the classrooms of Lowell High School. The Honored Guests of the reunion were students who had volunteered to serve their country in World War I and World War II and never returned home. For them, this was a homecoming, adding a heart-warming poignancy to the festivities. Departed friends from the New Lowell would be there: Carl Koenig. Graham Knox, Bob Lombardi, Bob Bahnsen, J.A. Perino, Jim Kearney, Peter Zasso, Ruth Howard, Betty Goldsmith, Joyce Lyon, Alice Scanlon, Gloria Dati, Peter Gamble, Nancy Newman, Mack

Louis Leithold, Clay Calender, Ralph Vandever, Roland Quan, Jacqueline Sherman, Elisabeth Cooper, Warren Mohr, Jess Shenson, Paul Matzger, et al, to mention a very few of the thousands who enhanced the reputation of the school. The entertainment would be stage revivals play-acted by drama students of the past. The original casts had the fun of reviving their roles. Edith’s choice of plays spanned 100 years of Drama Club productions: The Tempest. She Stoops to Conquer, Rivals, Clarence, Kempy, The Marriage of Nanette, Dear Ruth, 30 years of Varieties, Brigadoon, Guys and Dolls, Destry Rides Again, Damn Yankee, Harvey, Arsenic and Old Lace, Anything Goes, and scores of other

Imagination is a wondrous thing Yoshida, Margaret Chase, Tom Harrison, Bob Leudke, Randy Goldsborough, John Welch, Urban Becker, Vicki Chin, Dolores Hudson, Don Richardson. Hy Bik, George Haliburton. Jim Knapton, Ray Kohtz, Ione Mathisen, Jim Nickerson, June Shafer, Bob Sturtevant, Walter Tresize, Bob Anino, Leah Boehm, Anne Wallach, Bob Hyink, Celia Cain, Johnny Land, and many others who left us too soon. Numerous famous alumni added to the colorful scene: Albert Michelson, Josiah Royce. Abraham Reuf, Aurelia Henry Reinhardt, Walter Haas. Cyril Magnin, silent-screen stars Blanche Bates and Holbrook Blinn, Stephen Mather, Eugene DeSabla. Monroe Deutsch, Rube Goldberg, Alexander Calder, Mike Voyne, Daniel Koshland, Thomas Selfridge, Irving Stone, Governor “Pat” and Bernice Brown, William Hewlett, John Rosekrans, Jess and Ben Shenson, Howie Dallmar, Dian Fossey, Steve Silver, Art Hoppe, Art Rosenbaum, Al Hayman, Judge Molinari, John Blume, Bill Bixby, Irving Breyer, Herb Leland, J. Max Moore, Bert Horn, John Bowes, Ken McLennan, Earl Lawrence,

favorites. Sam Polland was there to advise her since he was the director of many of the original productions. Music teachers like Julia Neppert, Reg Kreiger, Madison Devlin, and Jack Pereira, were in the pit with former student musicians. Their songs from decades of spring musicals added to the celebration. Ah! ... Imagination is a wondrous thing, transforming a darkened theater into a venue ablaze with lights and color and echoing the sound of music – crisscrossed by gossamer trails of kindred “spirits” sharing the joys of the birthday celebration. My happy reverie notwithstanding, I realized I was an interloper whose presence was probably putting a damper on the ethereal celebration. I said a silent “Goodnight” to our namesake and to my friend, Edith, reminding her that I wanted a reunion Memory Book for the archives. As I walked to my car on Eucalyptus Drive, I looked at the quiet Lakeside homes, their residents unaware that at that very moment Lowell’s Carol Channing Theater was probably the liveliest spot in town.

Page 14

Lowell Alumni Association

2005 Major Donors  William Evers ’45 Andrea Fain Selig ’62 Kathleen Fairbrother Guthrie ’66 Frank Faraguna ’67 Eric Fastiff ’86 Raymond Fay ’59 Allen & Francine Rose Feder ’43/’51 Shamiran Ruth Feinglass ’86 David Fellows ’74 Anthony Ferrer ’75 Edwin Fineman ’77 Patricia Fitzgerald Worthington ’51 William J. Flexsenhar ’41 David Flinn ’56 Peter Flood ’54 Isaac Fluss ’52 Louis & Yvonne Lamothe Folden ’49/’53 Claire Dement Fong ’95 Paul Fong ’52 Valerie Fong Chiang ’84 Frederick Ocampo Francisco ’04 Bernard Frankel ’51 Susan Frankenstein Dean ’73 Susan Freiwald ’82 Allen Friedman ’72 Mary Lou Frizzell Cockcroft ’54 Charles E Fuller ’52 James & Carol Fuller ’71 Richard Fuller ’62 Glenn Galang ’88 Gap Inc Foundation Antonio P. Garcia ’92 David Gardner ’55 Kenneth D. Gardner ’47 David Gartshore ’63 Jennifer Htet Gaw ’94 James Gazaway (Faculty) Eric Gee ’89 Harley Gee ’69 Serena M. Gee Zhao ’95 Genentech Celia Gerona Manahan ’87 Barry Gevertz ’70 Richard Gibson Barry Gilbert ’52 Lynn Gilman Pamplin ’55 Cindy Gilman Redburn ’64 Yahoo Global Impact Harry Gluckman ’48 Donald Gold ’50 Clarence Goldfinger ’41 Goldman Sachs Robert E Gomperts ’45 Marian Gonzalez (Faculty) Robert Gordon ’68 Stephen Gospe ’52 Daniel H Goto ’98 Frederick Graebe ’50 Donald F. Grannis ’41 Frank R Grannis ’42 Vicki Green ’57 Hayley Green Smith ’83 Robert Greenberg ’62 Zelma Greenberg Bauer ’49 Carolyn Greenberg Friedman ’58 Gary Greenhood ’65 Joi Grieg ’66

Guidant Foundation Teresa Guilfoil Siebert ’39 Isac Gutfreund ’65 Jaime Gutierrez ’82 Robert Haber ’42 Francis Haggerty ’77 Steven Hahn ’66 Harry Hambly ’49 Yutaka Christopher Hanaoka ’90 Lloyd & Noel Straus Hanford ’46/’50 Timothy Hanford ’73 Lisa Hanks Baxter ’70 Frank Hanrahan ’43 Hans & Christine Ewald Hansson ’73 Courtenay Hardy ’75 Ann Harper Horn ’50 John W Harris ’61 Michael Harris ’69 Frances Harrison McCann ’40 Ward Hart ’37 George Hartwig & Patricia Louis Nakano ’67 Elizabeth Hassard Silver ’62 Marjorie Hauck Sproul ’42 Karla Haun Robertson ’73 Joel Hausman ’75 Robert Hayman ’70 Victor Hebert ’54 Edward T. Hee ’75 Louis Heilbron ’24 Lorraine Heiman Marchi-Fastie ’41 Carol Heinecke Johnson ’51 Joy Hemp ’64 Clyde W. Henry ’46 George E Henry ’55 Robert Henry ’57 James & Jean Hentz ’66 John Hentz ’59 Roger Herst ’55 Hewlett-Packard Co. Carol B Hicks ’55 Arthur Brian Hill ’50 Steven J. Hill ’82 Arthur Martin Hinkle ’60 Janice Ho Fong ’67 Patricia Hoberg Skillman ’51 James Holmberg ’66 Larry E Holmes ’64 Catharine E. Holt ’90 Barbara Holt Heckly ’37 Chester A. Hom ’89 Diana L. Hong ’78 Lisa Michele Hong ’97 Stanley Hong ’94 Sue Honig Weinstein ’58 Kristina Hooper Woolsey ’65 James Horio ’65 Jennie Horn ’63 Duncan Lent Howard ’59 Ping Shun Huang ’90 Rod & Anne Hughes ’49 Hyperion Solutions Corp. Dimitri Ilyin ’47 Alexander Ip ’00 Robert C Irwin ’72 Kay Ishii ’81 George Ivelich ’55 Masako Koga Iwawaki Murakami ’51

continued from page 11

Alvin Ja ’66 Lori Jacobs Horne ’62 Adrienne Jacobs Miller ’67 Diane Jacobs Moore & George Moore ’54/ Faculty Dennis Jaffe ’61 Kent Granville Jakobsen ’58 Robert James ’44 Bonnie St James ’68 Mark & Angela Jee ’73 Jules Jelinek ’80 Joanne Jepson ’48 Thomas S. Jew ’66 Gwen Jew Chan ’63 Gary Joe ’63 Stephanie Joe ’83 Linda Joe Lee ’65 Georgia Johns Esteves ’67 Linnea Johnson ’85 William Johnston ’65 Betty Jones ’48 Kristina Jones ’81 Michael Josephson ’64 Joanne Jung ’72 Elinore Kahn Green ’50 Nancy Kahn Stanton ’65 Ann Kalechman Blumenfeld ’52 Raymond Kaliski ’62 Bonnie Kapkin Pearlman ’63 Charles Kaplan ’63 Jeffrey Karp ’67 Rachel Karp ’72 Ann Kasper ’77 Roger Kaufman ’62 Michael C Kavanaugh ’58 Jeffrey Kawaguchi ’75 Robert Keefe ’50 Robert Keeney ’67 James C Keesling ’29 Jocelyn Kei Schauer ’83 Nola Keller Theobald ’35 Lawrence Kenney ’64 Janice Kerner Goodhue ’30 Jesse Daniel Kershner ’01 Carrie E Kim ’82 Joseph Jung Hak Kim ’91 Susanna Kim Bracke ’83 Caroline Kim Kress ’88 Vincent King ’85 William Kiyasu ’40 Peter Alfred Kloess ’99 Arlene Knacke Dellari ’57 Albert & Marian Ko ’88 Sandra Kobayashi ’76 Keith Kojimoto ’68 Susan Kollman Levinson ’61 Amy K W Koo ’91 Vera Kreekis James ’42 Gregory R Krimer ’00 Albert Krogstad ’46 Mark Krueger ’73 Anita Kruer Honnert ’44 Sam A. Kuhn ’54 Sheldon Kully ’45 George Chong Kwa Kum ’74 Leslie Ann Kurkjian ’03 Edgar Kwan ’97 Serena Kwan Young ’88

Annual Fund Unrestricted Gifts 2001 – $161,000

2002 – $228,000 2003 – $386,000

2004 – $366,000

2005 – $359,000










Spring 2006

Peter & Shirley Kwok ’70 Clement S. Kwong ’57 Andrew Lam ’84 Marian Lam ’88 Steven Lam ’75 Jesse Langridge ’42 Aiko Lanier Cuneo ’68 Anna Y Nhu Lao ’95 Paul & Maureen Keyak Larson ’68 Ana Lau ’88 Koon Lau ’74 Leslie Lau ’98 Shirley Lau ’88 Charles Laurie ’29 Samuel H Lauter ’81 Donald G. Laws ’57 Kate Ellis Lazarus ’01 Nicole Jean Lazarus ’03 Timothy Leach ’61 Ben Alexander Lee ’84 Edna Fay Lee ’80 Helen Lee ’82 Judy Lee ’74 Michael Art Lee ’76 Pamela G. Lee ’70 Ronald Lee ’75 Steven Chi Keung Lee ’93 Helen Lee Chan ’40 Elaine Lee Kawasaki ’74 Dorena Lee Johnson ’68 Paula Lee Mahoney ’69 Mary Ann Lee Sing ’57 Maria Lee Sohnlein ’76 Sharon Lee Tom ’64 Janet Lee Tse ’68 Judy Lee Yang ’89 Brooks G. Leffler ’50 Amy Ke Jing Lei ’99 Naomi Lempert Lopez ’93 Ronald Leon ’47 Steven Leonard ’66 Gerald Levin ’52 Roberta Levin Michels ’57 Harold Levy ’28 Jesse Levy ’49 Leland Levy ’52 Margo Levy Vignola ’66 Irene L. Lew ’72 Joelle Lewis Benioff ’57 Kevin Guo Hui Li ’97 Yin Ping Li ’82 Linda Hui Jun Liang ’93 Susan Lidgate Mace Jane Liebman Goichman ’62 Tom Lieu ’90 Samantha Lim Competente ’86 Nancy Lim Joe ’71 Douglas W Linder ’49 Vincent Ling ’80 Cheri J. Liu Wong ’83 Marie LoBianco Annuzzi ’43 Lawrence Wing Loo ’82 Melody Lou ’84 Baldwin & Sue Sun Louie ’65 Charleen Louie ’96 Davis Louie ’77 Edward Y Louie ’88 Gary S. Louie ’75 Charlene Low ’67 Larry Low ’72 Ronald B Low ’56 Serene C. Low ’54 Anson Lowe ’72 Spencer Lowe ’77 Steve Lowenthal ’75 Odette Luce Simpson ’55 Charlotte Marie Ludemann ’47 Nancy Lui ’80 Carlos Luna ’51 Lambert Ma ’83 Adam Maass ’89 Deborah Mack ’86 Edward Mackay ’52 Katherine Mackintosh Cuneo ’53 Douglas MacMullen ’37 Michael Maddan ’68 Marlene Magid Fullmer ’51 Madeline Mahoney Ekegren ’48 Hans G Maier ’44 Nancy Malcolm ’75 Fady Malik ’82 Raymond Malispina ’52 Lawrence Mana ’33

James L. Mancini ’58 Phyllis Maness Maeder ’55 Charles Manning ’40 Hubert Marcus ’48 Lois Mariani Mongan ’30 John Marks ’59 Richard Marracq ’46 George L Martinez ’50 Michael D Mason ’65 Nikolai & Douce Massenkoff Jean Y Masuoka ’72 Anthony Mathios ’57 Lori Matsukuma ’94 Sarah Skelton Mauricio ’97 Francis Mayer ’34 Benjamin Ransom McBride ’42 Edward McClarty ’41 Kenneth McCoy ’67 Tracy McDermott ’55 Patsy McGuire ’92 Noel McKenna Newell ’45 Kenneth McLennan ’43 Michael J McQuaid ’72 Mark & Kathryn Meagher ’74 Peter Meeks ’64 Jack Meier (Faculty) Les Mendelson ’42 Ralph Mendelson ’48 Victor A Merolla ’67 Diane Merzenich Donald R Meyer ’60 Ivan Meyerson ’62 Philip C Mezey ’77 Arthur Middleton ’41 Frederick Mielke ’38 Regina Mifuel Dalisay ’81 Yohsuke Miki ’88 John C Miller ’63 Lawrence Miller ’59 Meriel Miller Brewer ’49 Charlotte Minear ’59 Harry P Misthos ’50 James Mittelberger ’74 Bernard & Ann Golden Mizel ’53/’55 Lorraine Mock ’76 Donald Modlin ’41 Carol Modlin Swillinger ’48 Kenny Mok ’87 John L. Molinari ’53 Laura Moore Kearny ’51 Patricia Moreno ’82 Yuji Morita ’42 Lindsay Morrison ’00 Lewis H. Mottley ’52 Nancy Mouber Henares ’62 Robert Muller ’72 Richard Munter ’54 Jennifer Murphy Sinclair ’87 Pati Murray Boyd ’57 Roberto Mustacchi ’72 Steve Y. Muto ’56 Maxwell Myers ’40 Keith Naftaly ’80 Norris Nahman ’46 Kim Nakahara ’88 Daniel Nakamura ’84 Robert Nakamura ’87 Leiko Nakazawa Dahlgren ’74 National Semiconductor William & Joan Frisbee Neff ’47 Sylvia Nelson ’56 Jay Neumann ’53 Bonnie Yueh-Wah Ng ’91 Joseph K Ng ’96 Robinson Robert Ng ’73 Cindy Ng Dove ’85 John H. Ngai ’74 Alice Nguyen ’82 Deanna Nielsen (Faculty) Patricia Nilsson Damsgaard ’66 Teri Nishikawa ’71 Marilyn Noda Swartz ’63 Earl Norgard ’55 Henry Obana ’71 Arlene O’Brien Doyle ’65 Jerry O’Leary ’45 Judy Ann Oman Wesch ’67 Sylvia Onesti Richardson ’36 Agnes Yohko Ono Leong ’72 Marie Ouano ’90 Marshall Ow ’61 Gary W Ow & Eileen Chan ’75/’79 Shirley Paintner Perkins ’62

Spring 2006

Lowell Alumni Association

Page 15

2005 Income – $683,000 Restricted Gifts $209,000 Unrestricted Gifts $359,000 Investment Income $115,000

*Many restricted gifts are directed to endowmentn funds that are only partially available for current use.

Robert Park ’96 Harold & Gertrud Parker Richard J Parker ’71 Reva Paslin Segall ’58 Dennis D. Patton ’48 Louis E Pelfini ’54 Daria Pennington ’88 Jerry Perstein ’47 Julie Petersen Croker ’57 Art Peterson (Faculty) Thomas Peterson ’73 Richard Pezner ’67 Pfizer Foundation E.F. Bud Phillips ’54 Mary Louise Phillips Schleicher ’62 Elaine Picetti Healy ’53 Anna M Pignataro ’99 Kurt F. Piper ’72 Roger David Pool ’61 Irene Poon Andersen ’59 Janet Popesco Archibald ’76 Vicki Porter Wittrock ’66 Jeff & Bonnie MacClennan Portnoy ’65 David Potter ’32 Dean M Poulakidas ’86 Linda Powell McMillan ’69 Barbara Preston Bradley ’45 Stanley Pun ’85 Allyn Frances Quan ’85 Wendy Lee Quan ’70 Barbara Quinn Palmer ’59 Lawrence Rabinowitz ’50 Carole A Randolph Karp ’53 Leon Reich ’65 Daniel S. Reid ’90 Victoria Aniko Reierstad ’96 Mary Reilly Keller ’79 George E Reinhardt ’64 Richard W. Rhodes ’49 Carol Richardson Paxton ’64 James Douglas Ripley ’63 John H. Risbrough ’50 Richard Risbrough ’58 John Rising ’50 Florence Riza Baggetta ’43 Daniel Roberts ’60

John Roberts ’60 Richard Roberts ’45 Seth Rockman ’89 Doris Rohlfs Stewart ’38 Francine Rose Feder ’51 Miriam Rosen Blake ’81 Dennis Ross Faculty Joseph & Ona Trageman Rotenberg ’50/’52 Robert Rowell ’48 Nicholas Roxborough ’74 Mark Ruben ’73 Melvin L Rubin ’49 Yelena Rubinshteyn ’96 Paul Russell ’48 Alice Ryan Abbott ’51 Vera Safronoff Ginotti ’73 Ara Sahagian ’45 Fumio Alfred Saito ’47 Ruth Sallein Astle Samas ’65 Steve Sandy ’65 Jack Saroyan ’53 Fred Sauer ’40 Benjamin N. Sawtelle ’40 Ron Schafer ’57 Willis Schaupp ’44 Nancy Scheeline Herzog ’57 Barbara Schieck ’36 Jessica Rachel Schmidt ’00 Michael Schnapp ’75 Niels Schultz ’33 Logan Scroggy ’47 Victor Seeto ’61 Amy Segal Blase ’80 Gloria Seghieri Hollingsworth ’46 Richard Seifert ’52 Teresa Serata ’73 Bertrand Jay Shapiro ’54 Jeffrey Shapiro ’74 Don Sharman ’43 George Sheldon ’52 Marilyn Sherman Ellis ’65 Rebecca Shore ’92 Gregory Short ’72 Sol & Betty Walden Silverman ’43/’42 Michael Anthony Tan Sim ’93

Matching Funds Received

Guidant Foundation Hewlett-Packard Employee Giving Program Hyperion Solutions Corporation Intel Foundation Intel Political Action Committee Intuit Foundation JP Morgan Chase Foundation Microsoft Giving Center National Semiconductor Oracle Parnassus Investments Pfizer Foundation PG & E Corporation Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw Matching Gifts Program Pimco Foundation Providian Financial Ralphs Grocery Raytheon Sun Microsystems Foundation

Adobe Systems Inc AIM Foundation Albertson’s Alexander & Baldwin Foundation American International Analog Devices Bank of America Beckman Coulter Inc BP Employee Matching Fund Capital Group Co Inc Charles Schwab Foundation CIT Group Inc Edison International Fannie Mae Matching Gifts Program Friend Family Foundation Gap Inc Genentech Goldman Sachs Greater Bay Bancorp Foundation

Warren Simmons ’45 Perry & Susan Simon ’73 Susan Simpson ’76 Olga Siska Gratton ’35 Andrew Jacob Slater ’04 Jack R Sloan ’38 Leon & Virginia Green Sloss ’44/’47 Dale Smathers ’41 Wesley D. Smith ’38 Lillian Smith Remer ’65 Allan Sommer ’54 Jeanne K. Sommer ’56 Peter Sommer ’46 Kenji Spencer ’75 Wynetta Spencer Kollman ’70 Hali Spiegel Burley ’80 Nick & Benita Ruero St Amant ’59 Chester Stanaro ’47 Diana Staring ’71 Susan Stelling Corbett ’71 William G H Stephens ’68 Suzanne Stephens Weeks ’38 William Stevenson ’49 Jo Ann Stewart ’53 Robert Stewart ’45 William Stimson ’53 John Stock ’35 Daniel E. Stone ’46 Helen Stone Levenson ’54 Thomas E. Straus ’71 Richard Sun ’04 Janet Surkin ’69 Cyrian Tabuena ’75 Ko Takemoto (Faculty) Annie Takeuchi ’80 Joe Guan Jou Tam ’93 Sally Tam Screven ’82 Roland Tang ’89 Shannon K. Temple ’82 Vallery Tennenbaum Feldman ’67 Victor N Teshin ’71 Lynn Thomson Armenio ’63 Jeanne Tobin Bush ’59 Susan Toby Evans ’63 Roland Tolosa ’75 Andrew Tolson ’88 Greg & Rosalind Tolson ’61 Jon Tolson ’57 Dana Tom ’79 Gerald Tom ’78 Stanley F. Tom ’75 Brenda T Tom Jow ’61 Ella Tom Miyamoto ’59 Joan Tomaich Buchanan ’70 Bryan Tong ’83 Vivian Torlakson Goodwin ’33 Donald N Tornberg ’56 Ariane Trelaun ’80 Thomas Trowbridge ’46 Matthew W Tsang ’97 Patrick Tse ’87 Benjamin Tsui ’84 Daniel Tsui ’87 Philip Tutt ’64 Karen Tyree Crommie ’55 Lynne Ulm ’48 Mark Ungar ’83 Neill Urano ’56 Derek Van Orden ’00 Tony Van Vliet ’48 Ralph Vander Naillen ’47 Kathleen Velykis & Kenneth Lewis Celeste Verrill Austria Marks ’69

George Vlahos ’55 Tony C T P Vo ’92 David Volansky ’82 Kathryn Wahlgren Dodds ’54 Jenny Wai ’74 Melissa Walker Kubiak ’59 Betty Wan ’76 Edward Wan ’74 Samuel Wang ’84 Chic Watt ’45 James L Way ’44 Julian Weidler ’30 Frances Weiler Varnhagen ’48 Josephine Wein McCarthy ’30 Daniel Weinstein Naomi Weinstein Marjorie Weiss Blodgett ’41 Marvin Weissberger ’65 Naomi Welfield Kabakov ’37 Jim H. Weller ’42 Alison Wentker Hanna ’89 Shelly Wentker Taylor ’80 William Werner ’55 Aiko Sofia Weverka ’05 Charles White ’40 Kenneth White ’47 Geraldine White Wickland ’38 James & Marilyn Feisel Whittaker ’44 Greg Wilbur ’52 Carl Wildenradt ’73 Nancy Wildenradt Eisen ’74 Gayle Willard Higaki ’69 Patricia Willard Leicher ’66 Cheryl Willis Willis-Roe ’64 Gary Wilsey ’53

Robert Wilson ’38 Oliver Winston ’60 Lawrence Wolf ’45 Claudia Wolf Eshoo ’67 Werner Wolfen ’47 H. Ward Wolff ’66 Agnes Lo Wong ’86 Albert Wong ’68 Annie P. Wong ’85 Ben Wong ’81 Denise G Wong ’85

Lorna Youler Altshuler ’50 Christopher Young ’78 Glenn S. & Katherine Lim Young ’85 Jenine Young ’84 Yolanda Young ’67 Julie Yuen Lo ’90 Irving Zaretsky ’59 Jack Zee ’86 Lucy S Zee Lee ’81 Larry Zemansky ’63

Union Bank of California Foundation Valero California Varian Medical Systems WellPoint Foundation Wells Fargo Community Support Campaign Wells Fargo Home Mortgage WorldReach Inc (Cisco) Yahoo Global Impact

Roland & Lois Feller Richard Gibson Richard & Rhoda Goldman Fund Ronald & Sylvia Hartman Health Care Partners David D Hsu James & Chris Iams Ruth Keys Susan Lidgate Mace Mark & Peggy Longley Al & Kerstin Magary Victoria Maquinana Kenneth Field-Martin Field Foundation Nikolai & Douce Massenkoff Diane Merzenich Harold & Gertrud Parker Judith Reynolds Staples Leonard & Monique SanFilippo Thelma Schiller Philip & Julie Schwartz

Irving Sherman Virginia L. Sikes Kathleen Velykis & Kenneth Lewis David Vickter Foundation Daniel Weinstein Naomi Weinstein Linda Werner Julie Williamson Michele Winter Gordon Woo Woodard Family Foundation Gene Hon Yee Lai Ming Yip Gertrude Zimmerman

Friends of Lowell M/M Anonymous David Bates Blume Foundation Martin Brunk & Mary Overcash Natalie K Buford-Young Celia Canjura Yaoqi Chen Terri Chin Fred Cohen & Marilyn Klebanoff Fast Twitch Productions

Douglas Wong ’64 Geary Wong ’94 Ho-Man Wong ’87 Jeannie H Wong ’87 Jimmy & Sharon Low Wong ’90/’86 Manda K. Wong ’98 Sandra M J Wong ’67 Selene Wong ’88 Sheldon Wong ’67 Sidney R. Wong ’64 Steven Wong ’84 Thomas S. Wong ’73 Timothy Wong ’86 Wellington Wong ’71 Belinda Wong Lum ’67 Cynthia Wong Tanaka ’70 Harry Wong & Joanne Ja ’72 Carlene Wong-Lee ’80 Henry K. Woo ’80 Tony Woo ’84 Lydia Woo Chyr ’62 Nora Woo Gee ’75 Woodard Family Foundation WorldReach Inc Trustee for Cisco Laurence K. Wormser ’54 James Wrighting ’65 Shuji Yamada ’81 Alan Yan ’90 Helen Yan ’80 Herman Yan ’85 Stephen Yang ’50 Elisa Chia Yao ’97 Gene Hon Yee Randall Yee ’68 Rita Yee ’73 Robert Thomas Yee ’99 Sandy Yee ’94 Lai Ming Yip Penelope Yip ’85

2005 Expenditures – $575,000 Newsletter/ Office $50,000 Scholarships $50,000

Budget Crisis $125,000

Annual Fund Campaign Projects $180,000

Retired Faculty Paul & Pam Abad Cathryn Brash Thomas Greg Collins Edward Crossley

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Loys Daskarolis Rodatos Ernie Feibusch James Gazaway Nancy Hayes Steve Hirabayashi Andy Korba Edgar Lehmann Florence Lewis Paul Lucey Jack Meier George Moore Marian Gonzalez Donald Murray Deanna Nielsen Art Peterson Barbara Prato Denis Rauchman Stefanie Rosemond Dennis Ross John Shankel Leroy Strong Ko Takemoto Janelle & Paul Zahtilla

Class Gifts Class of 1935-36 Class of June 1948 & 1949 Class of 1954 Class of 1973 Class of 1975 Class of 1979 Class of 1980 Class of 1985 Class of 1993 LAA So Calif Chapter

Donations in Memory of Bob Anino (Faculty) Ivan Barker (Faculty) Leah Boehm (Faculty) John Blume ’28 Clayton Calender ’41 Vicki Chin (Faculty) Frances Dealtry (Faculty) Alexandria Maritsas Douglas ’86 David Fineman ’73 Lenore Fineman Benjamin Gold ’17 Eleanore Goldfinger Jack Irvine ’43 Reginald Krieger (Faculty) Audrey Cannon Kuperstein ’36 John Land (Faculty) Janis Levy Gold ’36 Pauline Quirk Lidgate ’34 James Livingstone (Faculty) Annette Stein Mierbach ’31 Milt Morrison ’36 Robert Murase ’56 Carolyn Myszak (Faculty) Jack Pereira (Faculty) Lorraine Tiscornia Preovolos ’39 Roland Quan ’69 Dick Ramsey ’54 Ceci Salomon ’54 Francis Scarpulla ’33 Jane Sartori Seeborg ’53 Jackie Gordon Sherman ’36 Mike Sowell ’81 Herschel Tolson Ann Wallach (Faculty)

Donations in Honor of Adler-Baron wedding K.C. Barrett (Faculty) Joan Catelli (Faculty) Bruce Cohen (Faculty) Newt Harband Ray Ju ’73 Otilio Maurezzutt ’77 Wolff-Yee wedding

Pro Bono Services Yvonne Ng ’82 Alan Dahl ’87 Kenny K Wu ’91

1921 Teresa McKenny

1924 Louis Heilbron Philip Mathias Lawrence Prager

1928 Harry Goodfriend Harold Levy

1929 Arthur Becker E. Morse Blue Frances Hodes Hagan Natalie Hulbert Lefevre Herbert Johnson Basil P Kantzer James C Keesling

Lowell Alumni Association

Charles Laurie Doris Lieb Blum James Rolph Moore

1930 Louis Batmale Janice Kerner Goodhue Herbert L Levison Lois Mariani Mongan Kathleen Slattery Hiatt Clementine Violich Nelson Julian Weidler Josephine Wein McCarthy

1931 Gale R Blosser Richard L Frank Dave Tatsuno Andrew Homer Trice

1932 Julian Hirsch Edmund D Jung Arthur Outsen David Potter

1933 Jeanne Bennett Robertson Clark Benson George Blackmore Melvin E. Cohn Donald Dassonville Valeska Dougherty Rantz Bruce Farnow Frances Hart Paganini Al Maggio Lawrence Mana Makio Murayama Bernice Nicoll Petty Vernor Petrie Dorothy Praetzel Maggio Niels Schultz Harold Sherman Vivian Torlakson Goodwin Madeline Werner Sturm

1934 Colomba Boccone Lancelotti Francis B Carothers Leon Fisher Virginia-Jane Harris Ruth Janke Johnson-Ambrose Marjorie Marblestone Grant Francis Mayer Motoko Murayama Nakazawa Esther Pollock Norton Lois Swart Reichley

1935 Marian Arata Beerman Russell Kanter Nola Keller Theobald Barton H Knowles Abner Kuperstein Robert Mendle Elena Romanov Merrick Suzanne Sheehan Sites Olga Siska Gratton John Stock

1936 Henry E Anderson Janet Bont O’Neill Robert Bush Robert Campbell Audrey Cannon Kuperstein Arthur Cerf Annette Coogan Kirkland Eleanor Fennon Cassidy Marvin G. Giometti Walter L Goldenrath Patricia Johnston Hermann Phyllis Kahn Fisher Adele Meyer Stone Barbara Murphy Mendle Sylvia Onesti Richardson David Rosenthal Jane S Sanctuary Wendell Barbara Schieck Everett Witzel

1937 George H. Amberg Charles Auerbach Ellinor Bax Smith Richard Cahill Ralph Carruthers Barbara Cerf Eber Robert Creighton Margery Culp Bentley William R. Davis Denise Deuprey Turrell Melvin Dvorson Inez R. Erickson Thornton Phoebe Gallas Rosenthal Catherine Guerena Welcome Joseph H Handlon

Ward Hart Barbara Holt Heckly Louise Jameson Questad Benjamin S Jones Elizabeth Kreling Radius Gail Lane Roy Joseph S. Lopez Lorraine Lunt Godfrey Jean Maclane Kahler Douglas MacMullen Arthur Scharlach Ralph H. Schwarz Robert Skinner Naomi Welfield Kabakov Edward Willi

1938 Martin Agueret Glennette Allen Noreen Clay S. Andrews Louise Armstrong Van Vleck Jane Arnot Brunson Carolyn Barnes Sweet Mario Basso Robert Boeddiker Ruth Brenner Lipman George Brown Frank E. Brush Charles Calhan Harry Christiansen William Cunha James Delehanty Catherine Guthrie Macomber Elinor Hall Smith Miriam Hoffman Wain William J. Kretzmer Barbara Laddon Langendorf Dorothea McHenry Walker Frederick Mielke Kathleen Mooney Keegan Mary Elizabeth O’Brien Aulmann Mabel Pracy Miller Doris Rohlfs Stewart Jean Ross Chernick Jack R Sloan Wesley D. Smith Suzanne Stephens Weeks Marion Sullivan Fitchett Dorothy Thurmond Shannon Janna Van Der Wal Lingenfelter Wayne Guerena Welcome Geraldine White Wickland Robert Wilson

1939 Oliver Berven John F. Cooney Yvonne Cyr Koshland Donald W. Davis Sonya Freed Tick Teresa Guilfoil Siebert Yulie Kiyasu Nose Edna Lucy Smith Jean O’Connell Briare Arthur Okuno Rita Rilovich Christiansen John H. Shinkai

1940 Frances Bittner Schmadeke Marie Bowman Fry William Coblentz Howard Council Robert Curley Doris Lee Dietterle Charles Elkind Gloria Essmann Gillogley Carl Fry Katinka Gallin Mendel Marianne Goldman George Good Frances Harrison McCann Frances Hubbard Curley Kathleen Kellar Pond Katherine Kemble Gonzalves William Kiyasu Alfred T Lee Helen Lee Chan Alice M. Lee Wong Charles Manning Carol McKenzie Redus Gwendolyn Miller Kerner Joseph A. Mitchell Maxwell Myers Richard Niello Takiko Nonaka Shinoda Gladys Oliver Ashe Curtis Hooper O’Sullivan Ruth Padway Kaller Fred Sauer Benjamin N. Sawtelle Robert Sprague Eve Voigt Hollenberg Robert Wanderer Charles White Evelyn Zinkand Owens

Spring 2006

1941 Marilyn Adams Kauffman J. Jerrold Applegarth Grant M. Bakewell Phyllis Bloom Karp Edward J. Bragg John Brainard Paul R Bruch John N Callander Morton R Cohn Colvin Rosemarie Coleman Marjorie Deckman Moore Jean Downey Harman Joseph Ehrman William J. Flexsenhar Herbert Fowler Harold Freemon Lawrence Fried Clarence Goldfinger John Goldsmith Galen Donald F. Grannis Forrest J Halstead Lorraine Heiman Marchi William Hendrickson Marjorie Hilp Rhodes Bertram M. Horn Dorothy Jones Mowat Edna Deedee Kabushco Walser Anne Kilcourse Stevenson Mary Koche Levinson Wyona Lindner Oakes Lorraine Mangan Duddy Edward McClarty Arthur Middleton Donald Modlin Ted Myers Eugenia Nikonenko Bailey John G. Preovolos Carl Raaka Josephine Reimers Witt June Robanser Gardiner Betty Rosenblatt Blumlein Margaret Schaeffer Glaeser David Scharff Rudi E. Scheidt George Simmons Dale Smathers Barbara Walter Pearson Frederick F. Warnke Marjorie Weiss Blodgett Richard Whitesides John Zeile

1942 Hatsuro Aizawa Jane Blair Vilas William D Blankenship Robert Bloch Marion Brill Gibbs Gerald Coleman Robert Crowder Joseph Crowley Eleanor L. Fox Krogfoss Frank R Grannis Ella Gross Driscoll Robert Haber Jeanette Hamill Raaka Marjorie Hauck Sproul Donald Heyneman Florence Houston Vergari Dorothy Jones Vasquez Julia Jordan Larson Jacqueline Kenfield Crowder Robert L Knox Vera Kreekis James Raymond Landy Jesse Langridge James P. Livingston Park Loughlin Juanda Loysen Halper Philis Ludlam Gold Irwin Marcus Glenna Martin Benjamin Ransom McBride Les Mendelson Charles Miller Sally Milligan Yuji Morita Gloria N Nichols Hoppe Joan Ransohoff Berry Elizabeth Reiss Williams Jean Reese Rilovich Boeddiker Harvey Rogers William L. Sales Robert G Schmidt Kenneth Shelley Patrick Simmons E. Maynard Smith Herbert Waechtler Betty Walden Silverman Marjorie Weigel Hyman Jim H. Weller Rita Wieland

1943 Jack Alberts Walter C. Ball

Isabel Bowens Wilhelmy Pola Braiverman Burk Hobert W. Burns Nicholas Daniloff Frances M Davey Woodard Donald K Davis H. Martin Ems Allen S. Feder Amy Jean Gallagher Hoffman Henry L Gimmel Frank Hanrahan George L. Henderson George Hidzick Helga Huffman Marcos Joan Levy Zentner Marie LoBianco Annuzzi Warren Mangels Alan Margolis Kenneth McLennan Frederick Murray Robert Olson Alan Orr Walter Reichle Florence Riza Baggetta George Ross Charles Runyan Clemente San Felipe William Schwabacher Don Sharman Sol Silverman Russell Sweeney Marie Wagner Krenz

1944 Earle Balin Edward Barthold Audrey Barthold Peterson Richard Block Hugh Burrell Barbara Carlson Showler Ronald Casassa A. Crawford Cooley Helen Dencker Osborne Marilyn Feisel Whittaker Wayne Gray Donald Honnert Robert James Orlando Joyce Anita Kruer Honnert Herman M. Likerman Gordon T Lisser James B. Mackie Donald Magnin Hans G Maier David Mayer Rafael Piscitelli Kastl Jerome Politzer Joyce Pringle Cass Clara Richert Diane Roth Ehrman Meyer Sassoon Willis Schaupp Ernest Schmidt Leon Sloss Hans Vetter James L Way James Whittaker Nadyne Zalk Altfield

1945 Yvonne Anthony John Allan Bier Colleen Clark Silcox Anthony Cuevas Betty Davis Mazotti Barbara Del Monte Nowicki Sharon Demick Brandt John Epstein William Evers John Fracchia Robert E Gomperts Lee Hand Maryle Harrigan Eade Marian Howe Looney Reed Hunt Paulita Johnson Bacich Ronald P. Klein Joe Kohlbecher Sheldon Kully Sol Langsam Aline Littman Napp Ellen Magnin Newman Merilyn Magnus Rummelsburg Barbara March Smith Noel McKenna Newell Samele Moncharsh Samuel Jerry O’Leary Barbara Preston Bradley Mary Quigley Richard Roberts Fred Roth Ara Sahagian Robert Selby Warren Simmons Robert Stewart William Stewart Edward F Toner

Spring 2006

Donald Wacks Chic Watt Lawrence Wolf Mildred Young Thomas

1946 Lou Aronian William Auslen Louis Bantle Alvan H Beall + Russ Benioff Paul Bergerot Norma Blair Connor Richard D Bridgman Mary Ann Brown Tonkin Milton Cerf Rosalie Coblentz Lefkowitz Leonard Collins Florence De Martini Zolezzi Donald Fisher Frances Freeman Fisher Peter Ganyard Lloyd Hanford Doug Hansen Joan Harvey Granger Clyde W. Henry Constance Herman Brooding Joan Marie Isaacs Swendsen Mary Kellogg Husak Albert Krogstad Virginia Lee Cole John Lilienthal Richard Marracq Eleanor McCullough Arnberg Norris Nahman Roean Norwitt Iscoff Olga Petroff Jones Joyce Rodegerdts Bouquet Joan Roeder Titus Claude Rosenberg Daniel Schiavone Claire Schwartz Schoenfeld Gloria Seghieri Hollingsworth Peter Sommer Daniel E. Stone Warren Sugarman Robert Swingley Thomas Trowbridge Nancy Beth Wallace Page Ilse E Wolfen Rowe Marshall Zemon

1947 Manuel W Abreu Marvin Anmuth Dorothy D. Badal John Bell Clayton Berling Olive Bliss Borgsteadt James R Daniels Dorothe Finn Selby J. Arthur Freed Joan Frisbie Neff Ruth Gallaher Leijon Kenneth D. Gardner Virginia Green Sloss Dimitri Ilyin Jaclyn Jacobs Rusch Geraldine Kaufman Regensburger William Knorp Barbara Lane Schneider Ronald Leon Marilyn Levy Glaser Charlotte Ludemann Joe Lyon Frank Martell Yasuko Morita Ikeda Roy Murdock William Neff Thomas H Ostwald Jerry Perstein Martin Rypins Fumio Alfred Saito Logan Scroggy Sylvia Shore Hoffmayer Greta Smith Gregory Janet Smith McGarry Norita Sobel Robbins Robert L Sockolov Chester Stanaro Joanne Susskind Tick Taketsugu Takei Ralph Vander Naillen Marilyn Wardlaw Rich Kenneth White Allen Williams Werner Wolfen Manfred E Wolff Yoneo Yoshimura

1948 Leone Albert Pollard Francesco J Alberti C. Howard Brown Merla Burstein Zellerbach Hugo A Carissimo Mary Louise Davey Metcho

Lowell Alumni Association

Helen Dietrich Ondry Howard Dudune Nadine Ehrenberg Monetta Bonnie Emmons Stewart Naomi Ets Hokin Lauter Barbara Falk Gronowski Charles Foge Dorothy Gercke Praeger Harry Gluckman Barbara Goodwin Foge Valerie Greenley Dinsmore Louise Hanford Gerry Harvey Addison Patricia Heskins Gumbiner Mary Ann Hirsch Klapper Joanne Jepson Betty Jones Herbert Kessler Howard Law Alan Lazarus Marie Lewis Matthews Philip Liberty Margret Lloyds Smallie Madeline Mahoney Ekegren Hubert Marcus Ralph Mendelson Carol Modlin Swillinger William H. Morgan Roberta Nugent Cotter Dennis D. Patton Jean Rose Drago Robert Rowell Paul Russell Elizabeth Scheidtmann Bourne Sim Seiki Joanne Selene Napp John R Shuman Donald Stibich Barbara Tadlock Mangels Lynne Ulm Tony Van Vliet Frances Weiler Varnhagen

1949 Forrest Anderson Roger P Artoux Louise Barsotti Norman Beal Robert Beale Nancy Bjork Hughes Lonie Blackman Ward Gilbert Casarez Jeanne Caturegli Jeanne Debs Benatar R. L. Scotte Doggett Merv Durlester Harvey Edelman L. Frederick Fenster Sally Flinn Chapman Louis Folden Rita Frank Neer Maureen Franken Tranchina Barbara L Freeman Webber Herbert E Graywood Zelma Greenberg Bauer Harry Hambly Laurence R Hanna Margot Blum Helmuth Schevill Robert B. Hoffman Rod Hughes Thomas W Johnson James Cleveland Jones Kenneth A R Kennedy June D. Klauser Waters Jesse Levy Douglas W Linder Diane Lynch Merrill James A Maneggie Meriel Miller Brewer William H. Owen Helen Ray Richard W. Rhodes Adolph Rosekrans Sheldon Rosenthal Melvin L Rubin Anne Schiessel Hughes Lucretia Scott Audrey Shapiro Sterling Stanford Speizer William Stevenson Jeanne E Susnow Sassoon

1950 Hillel Abel Ruth Allen Dan Benatar Barton Brown Fred Chan Donald H Cheu Garth Cook Maxine Debovsky Dudune Bock L. Dong Ellen Duncan Long Thomas Flowerday Corinne Fournier Beall Fred George Robert P. Glasson

Donald Gold Frederick Graebe Donald S. Green Edward William Greninger Jack Hanson Ann Harper Horn Arthur Brian Hill Lilian Hoch Kimble Elinore Kahn Green Martin Kaufman Robert Keefe Robert Kurtz Daniel Chan Lee Brooks G. Leffler Raymond Mah Richard Mann George L Martinez Harry P Misthos Howard Morrow Carl Muto Alwyen Nelson Ruth Nusbaum Poole Lawrence Rabinowitz Kathryn Rice Blum John H. Risbrough John Rising James D. Rosenthal Zell Ross Dove Joseph Rotenberg Joan-Marie Shelley Clara Snow Throckmorton Elsie Solomon Mickola Martin Spellman Noel Straus Hanford Paul Svetcoff Donald Trauner Betty Trevor Davis Alan Wendroff Stephen Yang Lorna Youler Altshuler

1951 Phil Anaya Fumiye Ando Quong Harrison L. Anixter Frank Baker Frederick W Bradley Douglas M Egan Patricia Fitzgerald Worthington Bernard Frankel Sigmund Freeman Beverley Greenberg Lieberman Carol Heinecke Johnson F. Warren Hellman Patricia Hoberg Skillman Masako Iwawaki Murakami Louise Jankelson Rosenberg Gerda Kalisch Korner Betty Kindberg Byrne Ray Kistler William Lindstrom Carlos Luna Marlene Magid Fullmer Mary Louise McGowan Gage Laura Moore Kearny Gerald O’Connor Donald Paradis Alma Porta Brennan Lilyan Rader Abramowitz Francine Rose Feder Alice Ryan Abbott Michael F Schwabacher David W Sherman Cameron Wylie

1952 Nancy Arndt Finken Joanne Axelrod Gordon Kenneth Berry Leon Blum Frank C Brandes Jr Auguste Broucaret Donald W. Carlson James Chandler Ronald Chapman Marian Crampton Vantress Barbara Debs Kamler Henry Dosdorian Diana Dravillas Paradis Jeanne Emmons Cohn Irene Enstrom Kaus Thomas W. Flattery William Floyd Isaac Fluss Paul Fong Charles E Fuller Barry Gilbert Joan Goldammer Kjemtrup Stanley Goodrich Stephen Gospe Barbara Green Kistler Gail Hurley Ruxton Ann Kalechman Blumenfeld Peter Kistler Laura Lagomarsino Odegard Steve Layton Gerald Levin

Page 17

Leland Levy Edward Mackay Jacqueline Malfanti Lindstrom Raymond Malispina Colleen McElroy Verzi Les Morse Lewis H. Mottley Leonard Schmitt Horton P. Scioneaux Richard Seifert George Sheldon Ona Tragerman Rotenberg Greg Wilbur

1953 Joanne Alioto Casaudoumecq Richard Alvarez Judith Barbata Norman James A. Bass Judith Bechtel Donn Bernstein Lois Birnbaum Anderson Neil Blumenthal Al Breslauer Nancy Brewer Eills Charlene Bruggeman-Wong Jerry Carver Robert Celso Constance Covington Dallmann Peter Dahl H. Robert Dulik Nanette Figel Chapman Ronald Fuerstner Gail Garvin Berry Harry Greenberg Joan Honek Keith Robert Kirchhoff Yvonne Kramer Creighton Thomas Kull Yvonne Lamothe Folden Henry Lurie Katherine Mackintosh Cuneo Edith Malamud Stephen McBride Place Bernard Mizel John L. Molinari Allan Morrison Barbara Murphy Turner Barbara Neilson Beal Jay Neumann Richard Orear Elaine Picetti Healy Carole Randolph Karp John F Sampson Jack Saroyan Martin Segol Ellie Shemanski Manthos Jo Ann Stewart William Stimson Anita Sung Gee Gary Wilsey Jeffry A Wisnia

1954 Kenneth Archibald Carol Berger Hurwitz Max Bodden George L. Brewster Claudia Caesar Nettle Richard Cellarius William Chisum Lorelei Cluff Carroll Malcolm Cole Peter Flood Janet Frank Katz Mary Lou Frizzell Cockcroft Con Glafkides Arleigh Greenblat Kay Diane Harper Nelson Cecile Hartman Salomon Victor Hebert Diane Jacobs Moore Sam A. Kuhn Serene C. Low Joan Matzger Shain Adriane Modlin Morrison Richard Munter Louis E Pelfini E.F. Bud Phillips Howard Platt William Pope Bruce Purrington F. Arnold Sandrock Jacqueline Secail Himes Bertrand Jay Shapiro Richard C. Sisich Allan Sommer Aline Spivock Usim Helen Stone Levenson Theodore Terstegge Sumiko Wada Akashi Kathryn Wahlgren Dodds Christine Warren Murray Nancy West Curley Johnnie Wood Laurence K. Wormser

1955 Patricia Aleck Claude Bart Hughes Janet Belton Warden Peggy Berry Sutherlin Joan Blumenfeld Werner John Blyoder Carol Ann Bolotin Edelman Stephen Bradley Richard A Cheu Stephen Cohen Ruby Cohen Hertz Cheri Dill Taylor Elyce Edelman Melmon Louise Edler Taylor Arlene Epp Krieger Edward Evans David Gardner Lynn Gilman Pamplin Ann Golden Mizel Stuart Gould George Helmsdoerfer George E Henry Roger Herst Carol B Hicks George Ivelich James Jackson James Johnson Joan Kaufmann Gross Julie Klein Gibson Stephan Krieger Joseph A. Lasky Rosie Lee Soohoo Marc Leland Louis Levin Robert Loshuertos Linda Lovelace Strough Odette Luce Simpson Phyllis Maness Maeder Tracy McDermott Earl Norgard Michael R Peevey Roland Peracca + Ronald S Petersen Stuart Pollak Roger Ryman Diane Shaffman Brusco Paula Skene Carter B. Smith Karen Tyree Crommie George Vlahos William Werner

1956 Stephen H. Abel David Baker Sue Barnard Machado Barbara Bates Bonadeo L. Wayne Batmale George Beavin Alan Belkin Byron Blackwell Kenneth Bley Paul Bonaccorsi Joan B Burton Trauner Thomas Caylor Robert K Childs Albert G Clark Lorelle Cohn Ellis Joanne Davies Barnes Gwen Davis Toso Diana De Mun Blankenship Joan C. Duizend Stern Vicki Ekstrom Thomson David Flinn Emanuel Goldman Arden Greenblat Judy Haight Erickson Josephine C. Hanson Goff Kevin Harrington Gail Jacobs Nebenzahl Lee Labe Pollak Ronald B Low Eric Mackintosh C. Toby Melmon Flax Robert F Miailovich Carole Morrison Robinow Steve Y. Muto James T Nanjo Sylvia Nelson William O’Keeffe Joyce Richards Ferroggiaro Jeanne K. Sommer Sonja Thea Swenson Taylor Joan Swimmer Geller Jeffrey & Vicki Thomson Donald N Tornberg Neill Urano

1957 Victor Brochard Stephen Cohen Sandra Dickey Harner Joseph Dorsie

continued on page 18

Page 18

Nathan Dwiri Jerome Falk Charles Fetterman Vicki Green Richard Guggenhime Joan Hartman Rineberg Sandra Hartmann Stribolt Robert Henry Kenneth E Jenkins Dianne Johnson Schilling Arlene Knacke Dellari Robert Kucich Michael Kuhn Clement S. Kwong Donald G. Laws Mary Ann Lee Sing Roberta Levin Michels Joelle Lewis Benioff Anthony Mathios Anne Merritt Zucchi Beverly Middleton Wyllie Sharon Milenbach Silverman Jeanine Mirjolet Wais-Sullivan Pati Murray Boyd Julie Petersen Croker Lourdes Ravara Hurst Nancy Reback Goldberg Ralph H Saski Ron Schafer Nancy Scheeline Herzog Harvey Schwartz Steven Sibbett Tony St Amant Juli Staiger Postol Craig F Swanson Jon Tolson Terry Trosper Schaeffer Hulton Wood Mark Yokoro

1958 Felicity Beard Goldsby Carole Boehme Spalding Gerald M Bordin Lynne Cahen Dittmore Suzanne Cantou Keeler A. Balfour Chinn A. David Cobo Adrienne Cohn Horn Richard A Colsky Robert Curley Robert Digrazia James A Ellis Michael Flaherty Larry Gerrman Daniel Goldstine Carolyn Greenberg Friedman Howard Gregg Newby Sue Honig Weinstein Lois Helen Horenstein Gilbert Stephen Horn Kent Granville Jakobsen Michael C Kavanaugh Patrick Kelleher James L. Mancini Mimi Marx Mindel Robert Massagli Florence Muto Izumi Reva Paslin Segall Diane Petersen Sibley Susan Port Recht Peter Preovolos Richard Risbrough Cherie Singer Williams James Watson

1959 Susan Bates Woods Donald Belkin Jerry Braunstein Charles R Breyer Sandra Der Tye Raymond Fay Bonnie Goldman Dave Harrison John Hentz Duncan Howard Carolyn Hurt Harrington Sandra Jacobson Oberstein Irene Levin Dietz Daniel Marble John Marks Lawrence Miller Charlotte Minear Michael Newman Paul O’Lague Bruce Osterman William L. Penn Irene Poon Andersen Barbara Quinn Palmer Fred Robinson Benita Ruero St Amant Gary B Silberstein Nick St Amant Jeanne Tobin Bush Ella Tom Miyamoto Ray Tyson

Lowell Alumni Association

Melissa Walker Kubiak Irving Zaretsky

1960 Richard Bergamaschi Theodore Bresler Julia Chang Bloch Gary Dale John Danenhower Milton Dare Sunny Du Puis Thomas E Durbin Lawrence K Handelman Martin Harband Arthur Martin Hinkle Ellen Irey Albro Tony Ivelich Ron Melmon Gayle Melmon Blum Donald R Meyer Gary Morris Steven B Raffin Pamela Rand Barzakov Daniel Roberts John Roberts Leslie Robinson Carroll Modahl Ted Uyemoto Oliver Winston Linda Zief Gelzayd

1961 Linda Agnone Benatar Dana Bloom Shapiro Joan Catelli Peter Cavalli Adrianne Chang Kwong Harvey Clewans Keith Davis Henry Dea Rita Dederian Cavalli Albert Engel Robert Friend Robert Grossman William Hanson John W Harris Dennis Jaffe Sharon Jamart Baum Raymond Jubitz Gene Kaufman Myrna Kelso Klassen Kenneth W Kendall Susan Kollman Levinson Timothy Leach Lawrence H Leong Linda Leong Wang William Levin Harumi Nakao Kishida Marshall Ow Roger Passera Roger Pool Kathleen Saito Yuille Susan M Scurich Victor Seeto Eleanor Stelling Flandermeyer Richard Terry Greg Tolson Wesley Tom Brenda T Tom Jow

1962 Gerald Adams Stephen B. Aizenberg Linda Bloch Farris Jonathan Bloom Andrea Brown Gourdine Jeffrey Davis Vicki De Goff Andrea Fain Selig Helyse Field Hollander Karen Fireman Nagle Richard Fuller Sharon Gillette Espar Sydney Goldstein Robert Greenberg David Guggenhime Elizabeth Hassard Silver Thomas Hepler Lori Jacobs Horne Renee Jacobson Schlesinger John Jester Linda Johnson Chapman Raymond Kaliski Roger Kaufman Jeffery Kaufman Sara Langenthal Adams Katherine Lathrop Littman Jane Liebman Goichman Michael Lum Elvira Merolla Bergamaschi Ivan Meyerson Adair Miller Tench Patricia Morehen Nancy Mouber Henares Shirley Paintner Perkins John Petrovsky Mary Louise Phillips Schleicher Rozell Preddy Overmire

Candace Quan Chinn Owen Raven Sue Rubino Catalano Steve Sachs Robert D Smith Frances Vickter Feinman Lydia Woo Chyr Penny Young Wood

1963 Robert Arenson Carmen Azzopardi Gage Diane Bonfigli Lobo Michael J. Brodie David Gartshore Allan P Gold Richard Hassman Marcella Holzman Jennie Horn Gwen Jew Chan Gary Joe Marguerite Johnson Blumenthal Bonnie Kapkin Pearlman Charles Kaplan Niels Larsen Douglas Mahon Mary Maurer Otto Susan Melmon Mnookin John C Miller Helen Morgan Bohl Russell Morris Arthur Muto Linda Nelson Marilyn Noda Swartz James Ripley Philip D. Saxe Susan Saxe Kaufman Dewey Seeto Bernice Smith Melanie Sperling Lynn Thomson Armenio Susan Toby Evans Larry Zemansky

1964 Carole Babow Florian Barbara Behn Moller Dirk Beijen Andrew Bernhard Denis Binder Bruce Blockley Joseph Blum Mary Ann Brakebill Bersi Christine Chase Reynolds Daniel Chekene Catherine Cordini Charles Dvorak Anna Einhorn Mathias Rosemarie Estolas De Weese Corey Flintoff Cindy Gilman Redburn Andrea Glassman Joy Hemp Susan Hirsh Bloom Diana Hoffman Kazubowski Larry E Holmes Michael Josephson Denise Kaufman Lawrence Kenney Paula Klipfel Lavine Ann Labe Sharon Lee Tom Cheryl Markuse Arenson Peter Meeks Sally Mierbach Reingold Donne Mills Davis Adrienne Morales Reeves Gail Oka Morin Pamela Ott Mazur George E Reinhardt Carol Richardson Paxton Janet Robinson Robbins Susan Saxe Kaufman Harold Schulz Janice Sonoda Fujikawa Sharon L. Stelzriede Nichols Nancy Takiguchi Balberan Philip Tutt Gary A. Weinstein Cheryl Willis-Roe Douglas Wong Sidney R. Wong Lynn Zalkind Baron

1965 Lawrence Baum Lawrence Beard Charlene Bedient Bosl Christine Bernstein Rodriguez Linda Berry Stewart Roberta Bleiweiss Russell Bohne Charles Bruce James Cancilla Karen Carlson White Elaine Choromanski Wilkes Helen Chung Kishi

Spring 2006

Elaine Eggen Zahigian Charles Everett Kelly Fong Carol A. Gallagher Lynn Gomberg McCarl Gary Greenhood Isac Gutfreund Lenneal Henderson Linda Hom Jung Kristina Hooper Woolsey James Horio Linda Joe Lee William Johnston Nancy Kahn Stanton Gregg Kerlin Elaine Kirchhoff Karen Larsen + Baldwin Louie Bonnie MacLennan Portnoy James Marron Michael D Mason Marie Mew Lloyd David Milanesi John B Nenarella Arlene O’Brien Doyle Jeff Portnoy Leon Reich Ruth Sallein Astle Samas Steve Sandy Marilyn Sherman Ellis Lillian Smith Remer Sue Sun Louie Bob Susnow Gary Thompson Edward Wallace Marvin Weissberger Norman Westhoff Pamela Wong Kline James Wrighting

1966 Allan Alcorn Bertil Bergstrom Scott Brenneke James E Brodie Morris Budak Judith Carter Barkdoll Ruby Chan Virstan Choy Catherine Cicerone Fawcett Judith S Clarke Marilyn Clayton Schaumburg Stephen Cornell Conrad Cummings Kathleen Fairbrother Guthrie David Gabriel Jeffrey Gaynor Karen Gibson Robert Gooyer Richard Greenspan Joi Grieg Steven Hahn Leon Hallacher James Hentz Wally Hillstrom James Holmberg Terri Hong Yee Alvin Ja Ray Jakobovits Thomas S. Jew Harry Kious Ronald Kleist Al Kovalick Carla Lazzareschi Cynthia A. Lee Steven Leonard Margo Levy Vignola Robert Lockhart Richard Lopez Richard Maddock William McQuaid Alan C. Mendelson Carole Neal Nancy Nelson Butler Patricia Nilsson Damsgaard James Nunnally Toshio Okano Linda Ozores Athan Pasadis Vicki Porter Wittrock Louise Rain Gross Gayle Rantz Rosenberg Walter C. Scott Susan Shapiro Shwartz Douglas Ronald Smith Edward Tang Elizabeth Thompson Mastrantonio Joyce Tipton Cox Patricia Willard Leicher Ada Willford Wright Rosalind Winters Tolson Beverly Witcosky Benson Jean Wolf Hentz H. Ward Wolff

1967 James Adams

Terri Alexander Menchini Susan Augustine Kelton D. Michael Bailey Michael Becker David Benjamin Michael Bower Lynn Browning Oderman William C Chan Roberta L Chew Martin Chong Joyce Cook Sandra Dyer Joseph Barbara Elkus Betty Eng Chiu Janet Engelbrecht Frank Faraguna Madelyn Fried English Warren Hanson George Hartwig Nakano Janice Ho Fong Caroline Hutton Peters Adrienne Jacobs Miller Georgia Johns Esteves Patricia Ju Nishimoto Jeffrey Karp Robert Keeney Jeffrey Keyak Jessica Kuzmanich Gaynor Lawrence La Bonte Raymond W Lee Elaine Leones Bertolina Terrence Leong Patricia Lerner Mullen Patricia Louis Nakano Charlene Low Edwin Marquis Kenneth McCoy Victor A Merolla Penny Nakatsu Terry Nathan Michael Neumann Allen Ng Nancy Nichols Higham Janice Ogi Judy Oman Wesch Richard Pezner Patricia Pivnick Levin Mark Rosen Peter Siegel Ralph Sinick + Victoria Steinberg Fuchs Rhoda Tang Vallery Tennenbaum Feldman Stanley Toy Christopher Vasil Robert Wagner Phillip Wenger Linda J White Burille Claudia L Wolf Eshoo Sandra M J Wong Sheldon Wong Belinda Wong Lum Yolanda Young Anita Yuen Lee Dea

1968 Karen Andersen Alan Buchwald May Choi Steven Comber Gary Cooper Irene Davidson Thomas Dennis C Dow Robert Elbert Jannie Fan Wong Patricia A. Gallagher Michael Gevertz Robert Gordon Mary Goughnour Doll Anne Hammarstedt Cook Andre Hassid Fred Hinners Sherlyn Hu Leong Pamela Iscoff Schneider Bonnie James St James Kenneth E Keller Maureen Keyak Larson Carol Knaus Scolini Keith Kojimoto Aiko Lanier Cuneo Catherine Larrea Paul Larson Winston Lee York Lee Dorena M Lee Johnson Janet Lee Tse Georginie Lee Wong Russell Leong Michael Maddan Jack Margid Marilee Misrack Fenn Linda Owyoung Lowe Miriam Pichey Dmitry Ponomareff Catherine Rossi-Roos Robert Sakai Deborah Schafer Ballati

Spring 2006 Bruce Spiegelman William G H Stephens Dennis Tajiri Boris Vilner George Westermark Albert Wong Annie M Wong Suzanna Wong Hansen Randall Yee Robert Yrazabal

1969 Joan Abrahamson Loretta Antolini Bracco Kenneth Carter David Cherney Richard Chew Richard Chong Sorin Eremia Shelborne Fung Harley Gee Homer Gee Cindy Gok Michael Harris Steven Jacobson Esther Koch Anna Korenhouzer Solomon Paula Lee Mahoney Barbi Lucas Briscoe Terry Mack Magnin Gary Mason Deborah Miller Diana Murphy Terre O’Rourke Thomas Jean Pao Ng Susan Patton Murray Kathleen Plyer Moritz Linda Powell McMillan Nancy Sitton Janet Surkin Lisa Tartikoff Rosenthal Celeste Verrill Austria Marks Christine Weinstein Gayle Willard Higaki Jackson D. Wong Brian Wong Yvonne L. Yee Lee Marilyn Zimmerman

1970 Lorraine Backman Martha Barrios Mead Alexandra Bordokoff Joy Chang Lena Diethelm Barry Gevertz Sidney M. Gospe Lisa Hanks Baxter Virginia Hayes Robert Hayman Itzhak Kalinski Peter Kwok Pamela G. Lee Diane Lee Warren Leong Gary Leung Nancy Lim-Yee Wendy Lee Quan Julia Quinn Judith Rossi Melinda Seid David Shapiro Ronald Sockolov Jr Wynetta Spencer Kollman Doris Steiner Rogoff Joan Tomaich Buchanan Janet Weisenburger Giannini John Whisman Joseph N. Wineroth Sharlene Wong + Cynthia Wong Tanaka Rose Woo Lock Shirley Yee Kwok Carol A Yuke David Zisser

1971 David Arrick Richard Averbuch Karl Bakhtiari David Brown Calvin W Chu + Philip Cooper Scott Corvin Lynn Dehnert Miller Karin Freid Baird James Fuller Melvin Gonzalez Deborah Hansen Ching Philip Hara Paul Heller Nancy Lim Joe Jeannette Logo Parker Terry O. Matsunaga Teri Nishikawa Henry Obana Gail Outsen Bentley Richard J Parker

Lowell Alumni Association Pamela Pavlovsky Mayer George Shlyapin Diana Staring Susan Stelling Corbett Thomas E. Straus Janet Straus Victor N Teshin Susan Vigano Tim White Wellington Wong Maria Wong White

1972 Joseph Afong Cynthia Anderson Chihoko Ando + Bevi Ashizawa Tanaka Debra Babcock David Bohegian Angela Chan-Chin Dorothy Chun Leslie Colvin Solomon Brian P Connolly Brian J Cruz Lawrence Fan Thomas Foo Allen Friedman Arthur Hoppe Allan Horn Robert C Irwin Joanne Ja Joanne Jung Rachel Karp Debra Kaufman Carol Klemmer Fuller Michael J Lazarus Robert Lee Irene L. Lew Larry Low Anson Lowe Jean Y Masuoka Patrick A McKay Michael J McQuaid Kathryn Montgomery Meagher Robert Muller Roberto Mustacchi David Nakagaki Patricia B Ng Chan Agnes Ono Leong Kurt F. Piper Gregory Short Marilyn Singer Mark A Steiner Carol Umland Bryan M Wong Alice Wong Wai Harry Wong Helen W Yee

1973 Linda Arcellano Shaw Michael Asahina James Baer David Bon Virginia Cacal Lawrence J. Cannon Catherine Cereske Jeanette Chittum Langdell Alan F. Chow Betty Chuck + George Duesdieker Christine Ewald Hansson Susan Frankenstein Dean Mark Gamble Steven Gee Timothy Hanford Hans Hansson Karla Haun Robertson Jonathan Hoff Trudy Hom Gee Mark Jee Susan Kaplan Simon Mark Krueger Anil Lal Deborah J Levy David Lieu Marcella Low-Chinn Marcus Lowe Marc Machbitz Anthony Mazzaferro Adrienne Muscat Swedlove Linda Nanbu Robinson Ng Thomas Peterson Gisele Pohan + Maryanne Razzo Paul Roggero Mark Ruben Vera Safronoff Ginotti Anne Schagen Teresa Serata Perry Simon Jocelyn Tom Carl Wildenradt Thomas S. Wong Rita Yee Dale Yee Maggie Yue Yee-Chu +

1974 Joseph C. Armenta Judy Auerbach Michael Bagatelos Louis Barberini John Baskett Bruce Batten Lorna Chee Warren Chee Tamara Cognetta Lisa Coughlin Clay Graham Crawford John Crittenden Katie Edelstein Haas Natasha Egoroff Hyndman David Fellows Jeff Fong Nancy Fong Otto Fung Maggie Glickfeld-Sedar Cathleen Hardeman David Hung George Kum Matthew Lando Koon Lau David A Lee Judy Lee Elaine Lee Kawasaki Yvonne Lee Young Martin Lew David Loftus Peter Macphail Milena Marsico Mark Meagher Roxanne Michaelian James Mittelberger Leiko Nakazawa Dahlgren + John H. Ngai A. James Nikas Nicholas Roxborough Barbara L. Schulz Jeffrey Shapiro Deborah Suslow Ray Van Der Horst Patricia Vivado Jenny Wai Sandra Wait Edward Wan Nancy Wildenradt Eisen Nancy Wong David C Woo Scott Wood Mariko Yanagihara

1975 Wendee Alt Karp Philbert Aranas Larry Baer Diana Bateh Allen Claudio Chiuchiarelli Bill Davidovich Philonie Ducusin Tung Anthony Ferrer Adam Fink Duane Fong Laury M. Frieber Bruce Green Daniel Grossman Ronald Grove Courtenay Hardy Robert Hauser Joel Hausman Edward T. Hee Craig Hoffman Keith Howell Sandra Huey Jeong Jeffrey Kawaguchi Leslie Keyak Steven Lam Gloria Lau Ronald Lee Judi Leff Dale Lieu Janet Liu Gary S. Louie + Steve Lowenthal Chico Lucas Paul G. Lucey Nancy Malcolm Nancy McBride Domiziano Carlton Hugh Oler Gary W Ow Yvonne Quan-Wong Michael Schnapp Joshua Scodel Lucy Shawhan Asai Maria B Shi Liu Pamela Sloper Jeffrey Sosnick Kenji Spencer Deborah Stein Hoffman Cyrian Tabuena Lisa Thoshinsky Vande Voorde Roland Tolosa Stanley F. Tom Theresa Tong Demetrius Wilson Lisa Wong

Page 19 Denise Wong Peck Kathleen Wong Woo Nora Woo Gee Cynthia S Zamboukos

1976 Terence Abad Augustine Bau Andrew Berberich + Sharon Bolles Joceline Boucher Paul K Chan Richard D Y Chen John Chiang Sandra Chiang Yee Tom Childers Kim Clark Katherine Cooper Berliner James Duarte Miriam Ducoff Smolen + Karla Ekholm Shari Eng Phillips David Epstein Beverly Epstein Elvis Ganda Helen Goldsmith Peter Herzstein Irene Hilton Wilbur Hong + Jeffrey Horn Sandra Kobayashi Michael Lee Maria Lee Sohnlein Philip Y Leung Laura Lopez Ganda Jeffery Louie Thomas D Matthews Monica Mills Lorraine Mock Janet Popesco Archibald Patrick F Quan + James Sakamoto Susan Simpson Eddie Soliven Mike Susoev Hector Tam Judy Thalheimer Justin Ting John Trasvina Michael Ugawa Betty Wan Eugene C. Wasak Tanya Yip

1977 Wendy Bailey Crisafulli Ellen Berk Gravitt Theresa Cannon Stynes Florence Chen Wohlgemuth Edwin Fineman Anthony Grumbach Francis Haggerty Lucille Hesse Joan Hoover Ann Kasper Susan Ketterer Emilio Lansang Jetson Lee Lawrence Louie Davis Louie Spencer Lowe Otilio Maurezzutt Philip C Mezey Kitty Ng Michael Oliver Daniel Philips Angela Poon Jee Martha Shumway Peter L Stein Bradley J. Tamler David Tseng Karen Van Der Horst Tomczak Nancy Zubiri

1978 Roy Abendroth Laurie-Ann Barbour Joseph Breen Sid Burger Carol Crawford Falstrup David Fink Kelly Fong Lee Marguerite Goodman Manqueros Benjamin Gulli William Hair Diana L. Hong + Lawrence Lahl Benjamin Leung Mark W Lieu Sandra Loey Jadine Louie Cheryl Moore Chris Paszty Gerald Tom Steven Toy Christopher Young Nancy Yue

1979 Vincent Anderson + Eileen Chan Ow Howard Chung Gina Cross Eva Heran Lemley David Hultgren George Ishikata Mabel Lee Abellera Cynthia Lee Lieu Damon K. Lieu Jason Macario Carol Ozawa Perry Pong Michele Rajninger Hassid Mary Reilly Keller Dana Tom Paul Tsien +

1980 Merlyn Abad Corwin Dolores Acosta Maufras Cheryl Anderson Sonia Baltodano Stovall Naomi Baum Lisa Bowen Solomons Sophie Breall Paul Callahan Grace Chang Dominador Coloyan Susan Donner Elaine Fong Louise Fong-Wang Elizabeth P Fung Diane Gresham Fern Amparo Haskell + Rudy Hassid Jules Jelinek Marlene Keyak Smith Lisa Kobayashi McPhaul Todd Kushner Edna Lee Brant T Lee Guy Leung Vincent Ling Edward Louie Nancy Lui Keith Naftaly Julita Reyes-Canu Rebecca Robbins McLane Amy Segal Blase Karen Shibata Nixon Nicholas Shihadeh Hali Spiegel Burley Alan Sun + Annie Takeuchi Joanna L Tong Ariane Trelaun Karla Veal Shelly Wentker Taylor Carlene Wong-Lee Henry K. Woo Helen Yan Angela M Yee Lisa Yee Brown

1981 Dean Bell Emanuel Berston Valerie Brock Jacobs Frederick Buskey Jane Chan Barbara Chan Reinosa Maya Ching Ando Susan Chiu Rico Duazo Theodore Holman Kay Ishii Kristina Jones Susannah Kennedy Miya Kim Samuel H Lauter Julia Lavroushin Jeffrey Louie Joseph Machbitz Uday Mathur Regina Mifuel Dalisay Selinda C Molloy Neal Stanley Ng Hiromi Onodera Yamasaki Cathy Poon Yee Darwin Popenoe Daniel Rich Miriam Rosen Blake Nancy Satoda + Peter Skov Ronald Szeto Rex Tam Judith Tick Ben Wong Frances Woo Haney Shuji Yamada Linda Yee Robert K. Yu Lucy S Zee Lee

continued on page 22

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Lowell Alumni Association

Spring 2006

In Memoriam 1926 JEROME B. FALK, a fourth-generation San Franciscan passed away peacefully at his home in Los Altos at the age of 95. He was a successful businessman as vice-president of the largest house ware distributing company west of the Mississippi. He had a keen interest in public affairs, an avid reader, an intrepid traveler, and a loving husband, father, and grandfather. Mr. Falk was preceded in death by his wife Mimi Bernbaum Falk, and his brother Ralph who died at the age of 92. He is survived by his son, Jerome Falk, Jr. and an extended family of grandchildren and great-grandchildren. This writer’s condolences to son, Jerry Falk ’57, whom he remembers fondly as a student fifty years ago (PAL).

1928 FRANCIS J. VIOLICH, a UCB alumnus with graduate work at Harvard and MIT, died last August . He was 94. Francis was a Professor of City Planning and Landscape Architecture and one of the founders of the University’s Dept. of Environmental Design. His fascination with urban planning led to foundation grants for study in Latin America and in Dalmatia, the land his father had immigrated from in 1889. Francis was a founding member of Telesis which had a major influence on urban planning decisions during the years after WWII. He ended up on the Cal campus and enjoyed a long career in the university’s Dept. of City and Regional Planning. Dr. Violich wrote three seminal works on urban planning, one of which is found in the Lowell author display case in the library. The professor was predeceased by his wife, Mariantonia . He is survived by three sons, two daughters and their extended families.

1930 JOSEPH A. REICHEL, JR., a UCB graduate and WWII Great Generation veteran, died peacefully last December. He was an avid soccer fan and player, and played soccer well into his 70s. Joseph is survived by his wife, Anita, daughter Lindsey, and an extended family of nieces and nephews. RICHARD LIEBES, B.A./PH.D. UCB, passed away in Tiburon at the age of 91. He was a man of varied interests: Professor of Economics at Willamette U., union representative, arbitrator, research director, Bay District Joint Council of the SEIU (Service Employees International Union), and an avid outdoorsman leading hikes on Mt. Tamalpais into his 80’s. He is survived by his wife, Brunhilde, two sons and their families.

1931 MOREL J. KALISKY, B.A. USF, passed away last October at the age of 91. Mr. John Blyoder ’55, of Las Vegas, is Mr. Kalisky’s nephew. GEORGE THOMAS OBERLANDER, B.S./ M.S. UCB, PhD. Biological Sciences, Stanford, died peacefully last September. He was a high school teacher, a chemist and metallurgist for U.S. Steel, and a professor at SFSU for 27 years. He was the loving husband of Jeane for 53 years and of an extended family of in-laws. ALFRED DAVID GEIGER, B.A. USF, a WWII Great Generation U.S. Army veteran, died peacefully last December at his home in San Mateo. He enjoyed a banking career with Bank of America that spanned more than forty years. He served in many fraternal organizations including the American Legion, the Lions Club, the Elks club, the Kiwanis Club and SIRS. Mr. Geiger is survived by two sons and their extended families.

1933 LILLIAN RUDEMANN RUBENS, died last September at her home in Monterey. She and her husband, Herman, owned and operated Atlas Merchandise, a pawn shop in Monterey. Lillian was well-known and respected for her integrity and for helping others. She is survived by her son, David, and an extended family of nieces, nephews, and grandchildren. GEORGE GRANT TYLER, B.A. Stanford, J.D. Boalt Hall, WWII veteran, passed away peacefully last May. He enjoyed a long and distinguished

career in the legal profession: Ass’t D.A. for Siskiyou County, elected to the Bench in Siskiyou County, and Circuit Judge for the Calif. Judicial Council. His avocation was for the theater and he acted and sang in many musical groups. He was predeceased by his wife of 63 years, Audrey, a son and daughter and their children. Clara Reichert ’44 wrote that her brother, RICHARD RICHERT, passed away in May, 2005. “I believe he was a member of Lowell’s 1933 class. He was an attorney and leaves his wife and two children in Kentfield , Marin County.” The LAA office has learned that JEANNE BENNETT ROBERTSON passed away at her home in Honolulu.

1934 PATRICIA ANN NORTON PORTA, passed away last May surrounded by her devoted and loving family. She resided in the Sunset District for over 50 years where she was actively involved in community matters. Patricia enjoyed a long clerical career with the SFSUD. Her husband predeceased her. She is survived by a son and a daughter and an extended family of grandchildren and nieces and nephews. DAVID HERSH SCHNEIDER was violinist for the San Francisco Symphony for 50 years. He served on the faculty of the San Francisco Conservatory of Music and San Francisco State. As a teenager at Lowell, he played in a string quartet with violinist Isaac Stern; at U.C. he was a member of the University Symphony. His book, San Francisco Symphony - Music, Maestros and Musicians was published in 1983. He died at his home in Santa Rosa last October. Doug Couch, longtime realtor and builder on the mid-Peninsula, passed away in January. An Air Force veteran, Doug established several companies and built over 100 homes and other buildings over his 40-year career. He was active with both the Palo Alto Kiwanis Club and the American Red Cross. Survivors include his wife Roberta, two children and two grandchildren.

1935 The LAA office was notified that H. COBURN SANCTUARY SHARP of Fresno passed away Oct. 2004, three months before her 90th birthday. JOSEPH LLOYD MACKY of Danville passed away last January. He spent 40 years as a sheet metal contractor and owned his own business in Berkeley. Mr. Macky is survived by his wife, Virginia, daughter Connie, and three grandchildren.

1936 WALTER EDGAR EISENBERG, a UCB graduate and World War II Great Generation Navy veteran, died peacefully at his home in Chico. After the War, he joined the family business, Byron’s Shoes, and enjoyed a business career in San Mateo where he raised his family. Walter was predeceased by , Zelda, his wife for 59 years. He is survived by three children and an extended family of grandchildren, nephews and nieces. JACK EDWARD THOMPSON, a UCB graduate and WWII Great Generation Naval Officer, died peacefully last September in San Jose. He retired after 30 years as an administrative law judge with the Public Utilities Commission in San Francisco. Mr. Thompson is survived by his wife of 63 years, Geraldine, a son and a daughter and their families. MILTON WILLIAM MORRISON, a UCB graduate and WWII Great Generation in the Army Corps of Engineers, passed away last May. He enjoyed nearly 40 years with the Otis Elevator Company, negotiating the glass outdoor elevator of the Fairmont Hotel Milton was an avid sailor and outdoorsman, winning the Saint Francis Yacht Club Award, Yachtsman of the Year, in 1969. He is survived by his wife, Dorothea, two sons and six grandchildren. WILLIAM “BILL” HAROLD DILLON, A.A. College of San Mateo and a WWII Great Generation U.S. Air Force veteran, passed away peacefully in San Mateo surrounded by his four children. He enjoyed a long career with the

Fireman’s Fund Insurance Company, retiring after 42 years as a vice president. During that period he was regarded as a leader in the insurance/commercial property/underwriting aspects in the industry. Mr. Dillon. He is survived by an extended family of children and grandchildren. MARVIN W. FAIRBANKS, a decorated WWII Great Generation veteran (51 daylight bombing missions over France and Germany), passed away last January. After the War, he worked for 27 years for Langendorf Bakeries. Lt.Col Fairbanks is survived by his wife of 62 years, Ressa, and two nephews.

1937 Daughter Kaaren Babb notified the LAA office that her mother, OREALLIA ORSLAND SALONEN, passed away a year ago of natural causes. “ She lived her entire adult life (after marriage) in Walnut Creek, and we laughed that she had the same phone number for almost 60 years. My mother was a prolific writer, a student of the world, and an accomplished poet. She often talked of her times as Lowell with great fondness, and of course, would laugh when telling us that she lost the lead in the school play to a girl named Carol Channing. At the time, she was devastated, which is understandable, but later on, of course, laughed about it. She did go on to do many years of little theater work, and was also an accomplished pianist.” (Ms. Orsland was Vice-President of her class. Ed) DORIS HONOR LANCTOT, B.A. UCB, died peacefully in San Francisco last October. She enjoyed a long career as supervising librarian for the Bechtel Corporation. Doris was an avid traveler, gourmet cook, mystery novel fan, and volunteer at the Asian Art Museum. ROY MINKLER, a UCB graduate, M.A. Stanford, and Great Generation/Korean War Naval Officer, passed away last August. He enjoyed a distinguished career in the SFUSD: teacher, elementary school principal, District administrator, and Director of Reading. Roy is survived by Frances, his loving wife of 59 years and their five children and their families. When a student at Lowell, he was president of his class and played opposite Carol Channing in the play, “The Poor Nut”. Many teachers and administrators remember Roy as an amiable and respected colleague going about his SFUSD business. ELVIRA (ELLIE) HUENERGARDT NISHKIAN, CCSF, a lifelong San Franciscan, died last July at the age of 86. She was active in a wide variety of activities: the ski scene at Lake Tahoe and Yosemite; a lifetime golfing enthusiast, and served on numerous community charitable Boards. On her 80th birthday, she took a mule ride to Yosemite’s High Sierra camps. Mrs. Nishkian is survived by two sons and a daughter (Bonnie ’60, Barry ’63, Levon ’67)and numerous grandchildren and great-grandchildren.

1938 Devoted sister Marion Parmelee Carlson ’41 notified the LAA that her brother, CHARLES D. PARMELEE, SR., died last Sept. in his home in Marin County. He enjoyed a very successful 58-year career as a commercial and residential developer. In I952 he developed Loch Lomond community and marina. An avid yachtsman, he was most happy when at the helm (St. Francis Yacht Club). At Lowell he was one of Benny Neff ’s basketball players and was also president of the Scroll Honor Society. Charles is survived by his three loving children and their families. Edith Baranoff notified the LAA office that ALBERT BARANOFF had died at his home in Santa Barbara. William Dorey, WWII veteran and tennis enthusiast, died in March with his family at his side. Preceded in death by his wife Dorothy, Bill is survived by two children and his sister.

1939 Joseph Friedman, a founding member of Temple Judea (along with his late wife Dorothy) and the temple’s last president before its 1969 merger with Temple Beth Israel, passed away last month. An Army veteran who served in Italy from 1943 to 1945, he spent his professional

career with the Internal Revenue Service. Mr. Friedman wrote articles about Gold Rush era Masonic history and co-authored an historical novel with daughter Carol. He leaves behind three children and two grandchildren.

1941 ALFRED JOHN JACOBS, a USF graduate and WWII Great Generation Navy veteran, died last January at his home in Greenbrae. He enjoyed a 38-year career with the Standard Oil Company and rose to head the Stock Transfer Department. He is survived by Carol, his wife of 57 years, and two sons and their loving families.

1943 Bill Bennett ’43 notified the LAA office that RUDOLPH (RUDY) CLEMENTE of Grass Valley died last December. He will be interred at the new National Cemetery in the State of Washington. Mr. Clemente is survived by his wife, Phylllis. DR. EDWARD PAUL WHITE, M.D. UCSF, passed away last December at his home in Napa. He was a highly-respected heart specialist Dr. Paul was a lifetime supporter of the Queen of the Valley Hospital and served as its chief of staff. He helped found the Napa County Heart Association and was its second president. Dr. White is survived by his wife, Mimi, three sons, and eight grandchildren. DUNCAN ALVIN BURDICK , UCB and a Great Generation WWII Navy veteran, died last May. He was always active in community matters: officer, coach, and manager in the Little League, volunteer fireman, Laguna Salada School board, Vallemar PTA (V.P.), S.F. Young Democrats, and an ardent environmentalist. Beloved husband of Gloria Burdick; loving father of Steve, Doug, Phil, Ketty, Ray and Vicky. Grandfather of an extended family of grandchildren, nieces and nephews. He filled our lives with laughter and joy. Donald K. Davis died suddenly December 31, 2005. An alumnus of USF, Donald was known as a marvelous host who enjoyed traveling, playing bridge, the theater and ballet.

1944 MERVIN S. HORN passed away last January. He was a dispensing optician with Jenkel Davidson for 30 years. Mervin fought a long, grueling battle with cancer, never complaining,. He was a gentle, thoughtful, kind, generous and appreciative person … a sweetheart … and always brave in the face of the adversities that unfairly befell him. Countless friends, especially in Burlingame, mourn his passing. HILDA LIBBY FEINBERG PHILLIPS, a UCB graduate, enjoyed a 52-year marriage to her husband, Hubert. She was a bookkeeper for many years. Hilda is survived by a son and a daughter and their families.

1945 NADINE CHANDLER BARTHOLOMEW passed away last November. She enjoyed a 37-year career at the Bank of America where she was a director and member of the B/A Retiree Network. Nadine is mourned by her siblings and their extended families. The LAA has been notified that GEOFFREY QUIN of Goodyears Bar, CA died last summer. George Rolph Stevenson passed away peacefully at his Mill Valley home in January. A member of the first graduating class at Town School for Boys, he received his undergraduate degree from UC Berkeley and an MBA from Stanford. A Marine Corps vet from WWII, George maintained a life-long dedication to the Marines. He is survived by his wife of 55 years, Barbara, along with two children and one grandchild.

1946 JOHN BOWES, B.A. Stanford, M.A. Business Administration, Harvard, died last October of a heart attack. He was a successful entrepreneur and avid art collector who partnered with John

Spring 2006

Rosekrans to build the Kransco Company into one of the largest privately owned toy companies in the country (frisbees, hula hoops, etc.). Mr. Bowes is survived by his wife of 49 years, Frances, three daughters and their extended families. JOAN DONLON, a Dominican U. of San Rafael graduate and a third-generation San Franciscan, died last December of lung cancer. She was a teacher in the San Mateo-Foster City School system for many years. Joan’s love of music and art was evidenced by her volunteering as a docent for the Fine Arts Museum., the Performing Arts Center and City Guides. She was also an accomplished singer with several Catholic organizations. Robert Levison, a prominent insurance businessman and leader in the Bay Area’s Jewish community, died of cancer at his Atherton home in February. Following in the steps of his father and grandfather, Robert spent nearly 50 years in the insurance industry, beginning with Levison Brothers in 1949 and eventually retiring from Transamerica in 1997. “Robert Levison’s focus, his steady commitment and his good business judgment made the entire Jewish Community Federation and its partner agencies, from Mount Zion Health Systems to the Stanford Hillel, stronger,” said Phyllis Cook, associate executive director of the San Francisco Jewish Community Federation. Mr. Levison is survived by several Lowell alumni: wife Anne Lehmann Levison ’46 and sisters Ruth Levison Halperin ’44 and Barbara Levison Napolitano ’46.

1948 JOHN ROBERT SHUMAN, a Dartmouth College graduate, Naval Officer, and investment advisor, (Shuman, Agnew and Co., founded by his father) died unexpectedly last November. He was a trusted advisor (Shuman and Schneider), counselor. and friend of many prominent San Franciscans. John is survived by his wife, Josephine, three children and their extended families.

Lowell Alumni Association

District board for three years and then on the Pacifica City Council for a dozen years, including two terms as Mayor of Pacifica. Owner of Farber’s Pharmacy for 30 years before joining Walgreen’s as a pharmacist, Stanley was active in various fraternal organizations and was a proud alumnus of both Lowell and the University of Arizona.

1952 BOB NAUHEIM, a longtime Santa Rosa resident, died last September of cancer. He was a renowned fly fisherman frequently fishing the Florida Keys and Mexico. Bob founded Fishing International, a pioneering adventure travel agency specializing in sports fishing. His favorite river was the Russian River, fishing for steelhead and salmon. He is survived by four children and their extended families. We have received word that Jane Zelinsky Bernstein passed away in March in Arizona.

1953 William Stimson, Phi Beta Kappa at UC Berkeley ’57, died of lung cancer just before his 71st birthday. Mr. Stimson worked at Wells Fargo, Trust Division, for 38 years, eventually becoming vice president and senior trust officer. Grateful to UCSF Medical Center for successful lung surgery in 1996, he helped raise $6 million for the UCSF Thoracic Advisory Board. He also was a trustee and generous donor to the Fine Arts Museums that include the de Young and the Legion of Honor. Barbara Boucke, deputy director of the museums said “He was one of the nicest men you’ve ever met in your life. He was really, really loved by the staff ”. Dede Wilsey, president of the Fine Arts Museums, who knew Mr. Stimson since the mid-1960’s, said “he was a gentleman, and a gentle man. “Mr. Stimson never married again after his wife’s death. He is survived by his two daughters.


COLIN CAMPBELL LIVINGSTON, a UCB graduate and Army veteran, died last June. He was a Piedmont resident for 38 years. Mr. Livingston enjoyed a long career in the commercial real estate business associated with Crocker National Bank. Upon his retirement, he developed an active consulting practice in construction finance, specializing in litigation support. Mr. Livingston is survived by his wife Beverly and an extended family of in-laws.

ROBERT FRANKLIN RUBIA, a SJSU graduate and U.S. Army veteran, passed away last August. He co-founded the Filipino-American Student Association at San Jose City College. Robert married Caroline Mariano and raised six children. His large extended family of uncles, aunts, cousins, nephews , nieces and friends will miss him.


JOAN FINNERAN AANONSEN, cherished wife of longtime Lowell teacher, Hugh Aanonsen, passed away peacefully last January at the California Pacific Medical Center. Joan was an accomplished artist and teacher.

ARTHUR R. HILLEBRANDT, an SFSU graduate and founder of an accounting practice, died at his home lat August. He was married to his wife, Jeanine, for 51 years and father of their three children. His sense of humor, storytelling, and deep love of those around him touched all who came in contact with him. ROBERT LOUIS CONLAN, a Naval Academy graduate, passed away last June. He served four years in the Navy and then more than 30 years with the TRW company. Mr. Conlan is survived by his wife of 49 years, Helen, three children and an extended family of grandchildren and friends. Alan David Matzger, surgeon and former medical director of the Haight Ashbury Clinic and Bayview Hunters Point Methadone Clinic, passed away peacefully in early February. In retirement, Alan devoted many years of service to the SF Opera as a curtain page and also worked as a ticket seller for the SF Giants. Survivors include his beloved daughter Cynthia Matzger and sister Jane Kauffman.

1950 Patricia Ruth Stevenson Ezgar, a former print/runway model and fashion designer, passed away in January at her home in Los Gatos with her husband and four children gathered around her in her final hours. Her striking beauty and contagious smile were surpassed completely by her love and devotion to her family. She leaves behind countless memories of love and laughter and will be deeply missed.

1951 Stanley Farber, active in city politics in Pacifica for many years, passed away in January, 2005. He served on the Laguna Salada School


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Bert Horn


owell High lost one of its staunchest supporters with the death of Bert Horn ’40 at his home in Hillsborough on Feb. 17. He had notified his fellow LAA directors a few months earlier that his illness would prevent his attendance at the monthly meetings, a routine he had faithfully followed for more than 20 years. Board directors have lost a cherished friend and an invaluable colleague. Bert was a third generation San Franciscan with fond memories of growing up in the City, attending Aptos Junior High and Lowell. He was a founder of the modern Alumni Association where his loyalty to Lowell and business acumen were major factors in that organization’s successful growth. For nearly a quarter of a century, the directors were blessed by his wise counsel and good judgment. Bert’s contributions as a LAA director were near-indispensable, especially in financial/investment matters and in his role as Membership Committee chairman. Many of today’s directors are on the Board because of his efforts in recruiting new members. He was a good athlete as football coach Mike Voyne discovered in the early Forties when his hard-charging guard was selected to the AAA All-City 1st team. More surprising , because he was a member of the Winless Wonders of 1940 (Never spoiled their record with a victory). For the next 50 years he organized nostalgic luncheons to celebrate the feat). In 2005, his athletic ability was recognized when he was inducted into the Lowell Sports Foundation Hall of Fame. Surrounded by his family and friends, he enjoyed a great evening. Bert was an active member in the Sports Foundation, attending numerous meetings that established the goals and guidelines for that organization. Subsequently, he helped establish the Sports Wall of Fame in the Neff gymnasium honoring the school’s great athletes. He was a loyal Old Blue holding season tickets to all home games in Berkeley. This writer enjoyed driving to the games with him in his experimental Honda electric car. He enjoyed the novelty of it and the attention it attracted. A few years ago he transferred his Cal fraternity Kappa Nu scholarship fund to Lowell. He attended numerous Lowell-related functions: Sports Foundation and Lowell football team banquets, Winless Wonders Xmas luncheons, annual Cal Incentive Awards banquets, Class of ’40 reunion luncheons and , of course, the dedication of the Mike Voyne Memorial Stadium which he sponsored in honor of his former coach The Crystal Springs golf course kept him in shape. He sponsored a Henry Horn & Sons golf tournament, inviting his numerous golfing and business buddies. Bert walked that hilly course, carrying his bag, until he approached eighty years old - an amazing physical feat! He was associated with Lowell High School activities since his student days in the late Thirties. For more than sixty years he was a positive influence in the Lowell community, insuring him a distinguished place in the pantheon of loyal alumni. A Celebration of His Life at his home in Hillsborough was a moving event. His children, Terry, Steve, and Susan reminisced about the joys of growing up with Bert as their father. His wife of 57 years, Gloria, and his numerous friends enjoyed their memories of this devoted husband, loving father, and cherished friend. He was the proud grandfather of two grandchildren. Memorial donations may be sent to the Lowell Sports Foundation, or to a charity of your choice. — PAL

1956 DONALD P. SAISI, passed away last July at the age of 67. He is mourned by his wife of 47 years, Alice, and by his children Ken and Cynthia and their extended families. ROBERT MURASE, a UCB graduate in landscape and sculpture, passed away last July at the age of 66. He was a revered architect along the North Coast (Astoria, Portland, Seattle and Vancouver), all these communities bear the stamp of Mr. Murase’s vision of cityscapes, especially riverfronts, retaining their original beauty and charm despite modernization and revitalization. His influence was felt afar in Japan, Los Angeles, and Berkeley. In 1982 he started his own Portland-based Murase and Associates employing 24 employees. Mr. Murase is survived by his wife, Judy , two sons, a daughter and their extended families.

1957 Peter J. Wilhite, longtime Belvedere resident and avid sailor, died at home December 31, 2005, after suffering from a rare illness. Following service in the Coast Guard and Reserve during the Vietnam War, during which he attained the rank of Lieutenant Commander, he spent his entire career in the maritime industry. His numerous sailing accomplishments include helping his father Jim prepare for and win a 3,500-mile race from Los Angeles to Tahiti in 1961 and, at the age of 14, crewing the delivery voyage of the yacht Baruna from New York to San Francisco (a 6,500-mile voyage). Peter is survived by his wife Margo, two daughters and two grandchildren.

Winless Wonders, circa 1995.

1960 LORI BISCHOFF CAPPELLETTI passed away last Sept. at her home in Mountain View. She was the retired executive assistant for the Man. View /Los Altos School District. Lori enjoyed varied interests: cooking, entertaining, golf , music and choir singing. She is survived by her husband of 41 years, John ‘59, their three children and their extended families.

1961 Deborah Telesmanic relays the sad news that her husband William Telesmanic died of leukemia in 2004. Prior to his death, and while undergoing chemotherapy, he completed three marathons for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society’s “Team in Training” program. In William’s memory, there is an annual 3K and continued 10K run in Santa Rosa. page 23

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Lowell Alumni Association

2005 Donors – 1982 Edgardo Bago Eugene Berg Benjamin Bratt Leslie Buckley Lindsay Peggy Chang Danelle Dybeck Block Lillian Fong Susan Freiwald Steven Ganz Jaime Gutierrez Steven J. Hill Joanne Hom Alexander Kami + Kathryn Kathman Adnan Khan Carrie E Kim Helen Lee Mei Lee Yin P Li Steven P Li Lawrence Loo Fady Malik Patricia Moreno Alice Nguyen James Park Stephen Popper Pauline Sam Chisoo Song Lyons Michelle Soo Hoo Tai Paul Tam Sally Tam Screven Trudy Tang Shannon K. Temple David Volansky Laurie Wong Huey Mary Yuen Kwan

1983 Evelyn Babasa Gaynor Alison Bloomfield Theodore Chan Joseph Chiosso Kristin Clothier Elise Fong Wing Hayley Green Smith + Caroline Hum Stephanie Joe Jocelyn Kei Schauer Susanna Kim Bracke Sarina Kwong Quon Jeffrey V Lee Susan Lee Cheri J. Liu Wong Diana Loo Chan Lambert Ma + Stephen Ma Shawn Melikian Katherine Miller Carbone Thomas Mitchell Emily Murase Rebecca Russell Notowitz Gower Suen Gary Takemoto Betty Tang Lau + Bryan Tong Mark Ungar Angela Woodward Joseph Yeun

1984 Norman Caba Wei Mun Chu Rogelio Dawkins Meera Desai Arthur L Dirk + Valerie Fong Chiang + Patrick Foo David Ho Raymond Ho Sarah L Hudson Leah Karliner Andrew Lam Ben Lee Melody Lou + Gary Ma Courtney Mares Jeffers Daniel Nakamura Jennifer Poulakidas Robert Reinosa Benjamin Tsui Samuel Wang Eric Weiss Hannah Wolf Darren Wong Steven Wong Wendy Wong Tony Woo Jenine Young +

1985 Thomas Chow Connie S. Choy Hall

continued from page 19

Paul Coleman Joan Cornell Fazio Florence Chi Fong Irene Ishihara-Rivas Linnea Johnson Vincent King Eugene Lee Gloria Lee Yan Katherine Lim-Young Katherine Long Katherine Loo Eva Moy + Cindy Ng Dove Stanley Pun Allyn Quan Rebecca Rischin William Singleton + Candy Tam Nelson Wong Denise G Wong Annie P. Wong Delia Wu Loving Julie T Yamakawa Ito Herman Yan Liane Yasumoto Betsy Yee Penelope Yip Glenn S. Young

1986 Sonja Basich Juricic Katherine Bell Catherine Boeckmann Adam Borneleit + John W. Chan + Amy Chew Chow Peter Chin Eric Fastiff Shamiran Feinglass Michele Giles Vincent Harris Julie Higashi Jeanette Hom Wong Andrew Lee Howard S. K. Lee Samantha Lim Competente Raymond K Louie Sharon Low Wong Deborah Mack Vivi R. Mosher McCabe + Dean M Poulakidas + Tamar Sarkissian Kilijian Judy Sing Wang + Agnes Wong Timothy Wong Hawkin Woo Jack Zee Rose Zimmerman

1987 Yumiko Abe-Jones Kent W.B. Chan Eleanor Chan Cecilia Chui Bryan Clair Maureen P Coll Welch Catherine Conway Diepenbrock Celia Gerona Manahan Deborah Grubb Moskovitz Francisco Gutierrez Elizabeth Huey-Torney Levine Dee Hung Lau Andrea Huong Le Hansen Lieu Kenny Mok Jennifer Murphy Sinclair Robert Nakamura Lenelle Suliguin Celia K. Tang Patrick Tse + Daniel Tsui Ho-Man Wong Jeannie H Wong Jean Wong Deanna Wong

1988 Katherine Aquino-Chow Noelle Bac Flood George Cuan Jenny Demonteverde Raffield Han Dong Jenny Dubner Coleman Glenn Galang Chris Galvin Bonny Garcia-Morla Sara Hsiang Kaluzynski Caroline Kim Kress Albert Ko Serena Kwan Young Marian Lam Ko Ana Lau Shirley Lau

Spring 2006

Douglas Lee Laurance L Lee Amanda Lewis Edward Y Louie Nancy Lum Cuan Natalie Manfredi + Yohsuke Miki Kim Nakahara Daria Pennington Alisa Pura Andrew Tolson Ly K Tran Selene Wong Kimberly Wong Brenda Wong

1989 Lee Cheng Atwood Cheung Helen Chu Kerry Doyle Eric Gee Lara Goldstone Jonathan E Heuser Chester A. Hom Roger Kuo Judy Lee Yang Dixon Ly + Adam Maass Catherine Miguel Cote Nha-Ai Nguyen-Duc Kenneth Quon Seth Rockman Ramon Romero + Brian Takemoto Tree Tam Roland Tang Ellen Tang Jacqueline Tom Chang Alison Wentker Hanna Edmund Wong Terrelea Wong Dorothy Yee-Mar +

1990 Eudora Chin Ting Catherine Crisera Kelley Stacie Dong + Yutaka Hanaoka Catharine E. Holt Ping Huang Angela Jaramillo Livermore Tom Lieu Wendy Y Lo Calvin Low Marie Ouano Dolores Policicchio Calderon Daniel S. Reid + Rebecca Richards Michael Siu + Lecia Smith Kaslofsky Bernard So Shek Mae Tai O’Malley Alice M Turner Alicia Walker Jimmy Wong Marlene Wong Alan Yan Julie Yuen Lo

1991 Shea L. Bond Alan V. Braynin Shirley Chan Stanley Chan Christina Chang Chia Hao Charlie Chang Michael Chee Joseph Jung Hak Kim Amy K W Koo Cindy F. Kwong Leong Bonnie Lee Woo Natasha Litt Kevin Liu Lia Manfredi Wu Laura Manies + Bonnie Ng Mimi Nguyen Luc Richard G Pon Hai Tang Evan Van Dommelen-Gonzalez Stephen Vong Donny Wong

1992 Aris Dionisio Antonio P. Garcia Xinh Xinh Huynh + Patsy McGuire Samantha Nguyen Mar Tammy Oliver + Rebecca Shore Lillian Trac

Tony Vo Christina Y Wang Vivian Woo Jose Zelidon-Zepeda

1993 Erik Bjorn Jeffrey Byrnes Maria P N Ha Steven Lee Naomi Lempert Lopez Linda Liang Ryan K. Louie Racy L Ming Copley Edith Ostapik Julia Pinzavetsky Kozlov Natalya Pobirsky Zatkin Michael Sim Rupert Tagnipes Joe Tam Nathan Thornburgh Sharyl Wong

1994 Zachary Berman Monika Carlson Jacqueline Durieux Jennifer Gaw Stanley Hong Christine Hosoda Laiying Kuan Marilyn Luong Lori Matsukuma Matthew Tevenan + Prentice Welch Geary Wong Sandy Yee

1995 Angela Cheung Stephen Dodson + Claire Dement Fong Serena M. Gee Zhao Andrew Green Jeffrey Kwan Anna Lao Rita P Lee Kimberly Louie Eric Low Arthur Murakami + Janet Ng Vivian Pan Linh Van Susan Yung

1996 Jenny Chan James J Chien Andrey Chow Katrina Dodson Tracy Finlayson William E. Gow Cindy Le Ken Y Lee Charleen Louie Jonathan Louie Joseph K Ng Robert Park Victoria Reierstad Yelena Rubinshteyn Rennie Soohoo Vivian W Tse Kamau Washington + Jaclyn Wong Chou

1997 Maureen Barrios Bongato Annette Bonanno Ronald Bongato Julia Bratz Katherine Chan Lauren Choi-Dea Nathan D Dias Lisa Hong Anna Iversen Getchell Monica Jiang Wong Edgar Kwan Ivy Lau Jonathan W. Leong Kevin Li + Sarah Mauricio Emily J. Price Deborah W Sng Matthew W Tsang Linda Tsang + Elisa Yao Rosanna Yee Heather Zemansky

1998 Amy Gishifu Daniel H Goto Lauren E. Kahn

Leslie Lau Angela Louie Lenette Lin Lu Wilson Mok Paul Park Moses D Salmeron Marvin Tang Manda K. Wong Anjennette Wong April Yee Michael Yee

1999 Diana Chan Ancheta Michael Chan Yelizaveta Klebaner Peter Kloess Amy Lei Rebecca Ng Anna M Pignataro Alexandra Sugarman Linda Lien Trinh Linda Trinh Amy Tun Robert Yee Joseph Zheng

2000 Lewis Abra Danielle Broude Nora Donovan Devine Alexander Ip Gregory R Krimer Sareen Leong Jonathan S Liu Lindsay Morrison Rex Santos Jessica Schmidt Benjamin Satosh Seab Paulo Serna-Bustamante Elizabeth K Topliff Derek Van Orden Alvin Yee

2001 Jesse Kershner Jane Kwon Kate Lazarus Aleksandr Litvak Janine Mogannam Yuliya Patsay Long Truong

2002 Wayland Chew Victoria Chiu Michael Dean Alisa Farenzena Benjamin Kantor Claire Koenig Justina Louie Richard Robles Xi Wang Melinda T Yee Jeffrey Yu

2003 Patrick I. Emelife Leslie Kurkjian Lydia Lau Nicole Lazarus Amanda Magadia Nicholas Mitracos Yonathan Randolph Stephanie Wong

2004 Erin Calhoun Emil Deandreis Frederick Francisco Rena Kuliyeva Monika Lewis Andrew Slater Richard Sun Linda B Truong

2005 Daphne Chan James Chen Heather Gregory Nicole Kim Nicole Lee Jackie Lin Karin Magary Soe Maw Anton Peterlin Aiko Weverka Morgan Wong

Spring 2006

Lowell Alumni Association


1963 KAREN MITCHELL INGERSOLL, a UC Davis graduate, passed away last October in Orinda surrounded by her family and friends. She taught high school Spanish for many years. Karen is survived by her husband of 37 years, Bob, and their daughters and families.

1964 CHARLES J. “CHUCK” HANSEN, JR., USA veteran, 101st Airborne Screaming Eagles Medic, Vietnam. He was senior production manager, Machetti Construction, So. San Francisco. Survived by his wife, Sandy, two children and an extended family of grandchildren, nieces and nephews.


Richard Snell, an accomplished motion picture make-up artist, died suddenly in the Bahamas in February, while on location for the filming of Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man’s Chest. Snell’s work included makeup and special effects makeup work on such films as Star Trek 6: The Undiscovered Country (for which he earned an Oscar nomination), Dodgeball: A True Underdog Story, Artificial Intelligence: AI, How the Grinch Stole Christmas and Species II. Known as a master of prosthetic and special effects makeup who was always willing to share his knowledge and experience, insiders say he was especially loved by actor Johnny Depp. Mr. Snell is survived by his wife and infant twin daughters. WARNER K. WONG of San Francisco passed away last November. A memorial service was held last December when friends shared their thoughts on how Warner touched their lives.

KAREN MICHELLE BAUGH HOGG died peacefully last August. She was active in a wide variety of activities: photographer, political campaigns, fund-raising (Notre Dame des Victories School), career in banking (Security Pacific Bank and B. of A.), and caregiver for her mother. Wife of Gregory Hogg and mother of two children.


The Los Angeles District Attorney wrote, “It is with immense sorrow that I inform you (D.A. colleagues) of the tragic and untimely passing of our colleague and friend, RICHARD HEALEY, who was 56 years old. Richard was killed in a traffic collision one block from home over the Thanksgiving weekend. He was on his way to the hardware store when, while turning left onto a major street, his vehicle was broadsided by an SUV which may have run a red light. Richard graduated from UC Berkeley and UCLA Law School in 1972. He immediately joined the Los Angeles District Attorney’s Office to begin three remarkable decades of public service in Southern California. Richard is survived by his daughter, Mary Ellen, and innumerable friends.

ALEXANDRIA MANITSAS DOUGLAS, passed away last November suddenly and unexpectedly while recovering from the birth of her third child. She is survived by her husband, Jeff, and three daughters. LAA Board members remember Alexandria as a colleague working for the betterment of Lowell. Her brother, Steve, is a graduate of the Class of 1984.

1969 MAUREEN DOLORES POHLEY, a UCSF graduate, passed away last February. She was employed as a radiation therapist for 32 years. Survivors include Maureen’s brother, Lowell alumnus George Pohley ’72.

1973 LUKE MARCEL LANGLOIS, a U.S. Army veteran, died last September. He was employed by the First American Title Company for 17 years and in the Assessors Records Office in S.F. City Hall. Luke is survived by his wife Diane, three daughters, and their families.

CHARMAYNNE JONES died last September in San Francisco. She will be sorely missed by her friends, family, and her fiancée.



nown to many of us as Alex, our classmate and friend passed away unexpectedly while recovering from the birth of her third child on November 13, 2005. She will be remembered for so many things but what stands out in so many of our minds was her beautiful and infectious smile, exuberant class spirit and leadership, meticulous attention to detail in everything that she did, confidante & compassionate friend, devotion to family, and zest for life. Her greatest joy and source of pride was her family. She is survived by her loving husband Jeff; three adorable daughters, Christine, Nicole and Alexandria; her devoted parents, Dr. & Mrs. Manitsas; and brother Steve. Her family would like to create something that will help Alex’s daughters know the person whom we all loved and cherished. We invite you to contribute anything that celebrates or commemorates her spirit. It could be a thought, note, letter, photo or an anecdote expressing how she may have touched your life. These items will be collected into a keepsake book and memento box and given to the girls when they are older. Please send your items or ideas to: Diane Mousalimas, 1030 Independence Drive, Tracy, CA 95376. E-mail address: 5mooses@comcast.net. We miss you deeply, Alex. With love and fondest memories from your Lowell ’86 classmates.

Campus News Briefs Two Lowell students recently competed in prestigious national finals, with senior Erica Edwards finishing in the top ten in the English Speaking Union’s National Shakespeare Competition in New York while junior Tommy York competed in the Congress event at the annual Tournament of Champions forensics event in Lexington, Kentucky.

Applications Strong for Class of 2010 Lowell received a total of 2,174 applications for the 670 seats available as part of the class of 2010. Although this represents a slight drop (2.2%) from the year before, Lowell continues to be listed by nearly half of the students requesting a 9th grade slot in the city’s public schools.

DUANE ERIC WONG, B.A. SJSU, of San Jose died unexpectedly last July. He enjoyed a brief career in marketing for firms like Siliconix, LSI and Netcell. His avocation as a volunteer fireman led him to pursue a career as a fire fighter so he entered training and graduated at the top of his class at the Saratoga Fire Department ‘s Academy and was ready to start serving the community. Duane is survived by a loving circle of family and friends

Young Playwrights Honored


Architecture Students Make Strong Showing

The LAA office has learned that former GPE teacher, Mrs. CELIA STRAUSS CAIN passed away last December. She taught at Lowell from 1948-1960.

ANNUAL CONTRIBUTION LOWELL ALUMNI ASSOCIATION PO Box 320009 • San Francisco, CA 94132 www.lowellalumni.org/donate

$35_________$50_________$100________$250________$500________or more Name______________________________________________ Class_____________ (Include maiden name, if applicable)

Lowell students wrote three of the five plays selected for performance during the 1st annual SF Young Playwrights Festival to be held May 26th to 28th at City College’s Diego Rivera Theater. Selected from nearly 50 entries were works by Lowell junior Hallie Scheflin and seniors Sacha Mount, Jane Reynolds and Chloe Jenkins-Sleczkowski (Reynolds and Jenkins-Sleczkowski co-wrote one of the plays). Scheflin’s play will be directed by Lowell alumna Anne Marie Bookwalter ‘00. More information about the festival, including the performance schedule, can be found at www.sfyoungplaywrights.org.

Lowell junior Belinda Li took first place in the model category of the Architectural Foundation of San Francisco’s 37th annual Architectural Design Competition, held recently at the new deYoung Museum. Li won $200 as well as a $1,950 scholarship for the California College of the Arts’ summer pre-college program. Seniors Max Gara and Nick Miley made it a clean sweep for Lowell in the model category, taking second and third, respectively, while sophomore Anesta Iwan finished third in the design category. Congratulations to teacher Julian Pollak for his continued dedication to Lowell’s architecture program.

More Honors for Lowell Student Artists


Alexandria Manitsas Douglas A Special Message from Her Lowell ’86 Classmates

Debate and Drama Students Make National Finals


We hope you enjoy reading this Newsletter. It is one of the services provided Lowell alums by their Alumni Association. One of the small pleasures in publishing this paper is compiling the names of our annual contributors. They are tangible evidence to our volunteers that their efforts are appreciated. Many thanks! If it was inconvenient earlier to respond to our annual appeal, do so now and give us the same satisfaction when we list your name in next Spring’s issue. Checks payable to and sent to: or donate now by credit card at:

Page 23

(Jan. or June)

Five Lowell students have been recognized with the highest award in the regional competition in the Scholastic Art & Writing Awards of 2006: Helen Chau, photography portfolio; Belinda Li, design – plans/models; Dana Miller, digital imagery; Michelle Wilens, digital imagery; and Brian Yen, computer art. Best of luck to these outstanding artists for continued success at the national level!

Athletes Earn All-City Honors Lowell athletes and teams continue to dominate the Academic Athletic Association with more championships and honors, including the latest batch of All-City honorees. There were plenty of honors for Lowell’s two city champion varsity basketball squads. In girls varsity basketball, senior Jazmin Holmes was named AAA Player of the Year with teammate Angelina Clay, a junior, on the All-City first team. Boys varsity basketball landed sophomore Travis Hom on the fist team All-City, with junior Arthur Jones and seniors Ryan Chan and Daryl Cook named to the second team. And while the varsity football team got knocked out in the playoffs, man on the team received All-City recognition, including Denver Wade as Offensive Lineman of the Year and Phil Stern as Raymon Bass Scholar Athlete. In addition to Wade and Stern, four other Lowell seniors made first team All-City: Kent Dea, George Luu, Cole Mitguard and Hanson Yu. Named to the second team were sophomore Kevin Hansen, junior Anurat Rojanapairat and seniors Nick Andrus and Matt Day.

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MOVING ?????? Mail from the Lowell Alumni Association is not forwarded if you move. Please keep your address current with the Lowell Alumni Association. Either visit our website at www.LowellAlumni.org and put in your new address, or phone or write as soon as you know you are moving. 415-759-7830 • PO Box 320009 San Francisco CA 94132-0009

Page 24

Lowell Alumni Association

President’s Message By Lisa Coughlin Clay


s always, I am pleased to acknowledge several noteworthy Lowell achievements among the many that bring continued recognition to our alma mater. Congratulations to the Lowell girls and boys basketball teams, both of whom won the AAA City championships this spring. This feat is unprecedented in Lowell basketball history. The boys are champions for the second time in three years, after having last won in 1951, while the girls’ previous championship was in 2002. The Lowell community continues to celebrate our sesquicentennial, most recently at a cocktail reception at City Hall in February. The party was a very successful event, attended by several hundred alums, all of whom enjoyed a festive evening. The contributions of Lowell’s students, faculty and administration are the most

important reason why Lowell remains great. The next event in our sesquicentennial celebration is a gala dinner on June 3, 2006, to acknowledge and honor Lowell teachers, past and present. I invite you to attend and pay tribute to the many teachers who have made such an impact on our lives. Finally, all of us in the Lowell community have benefited tremendously from the wise leadership of principal Paul Cheng for the past sixteen years. His commitment to Lowell’s continued excellence has been unmatched. This fall, Paul will be leaving to become the principal of Thurgood Marshall High School. Paul has created a very inclusive administration, which has allowed the Alumni Association, as well as the PTSA, to play an important role at the school. An accompanying article pays tribute to Mr. Cheng. We will miss him and wish him all the best in his new assignment.

An Illustrated History of Lowell High School 1856–2006

Spring 2006

Sesquicentennial Celebration Calendar Gala Sesquicentennial Banquet “A Tribute to Teachers” Saturday, June 3, 2006 Moscone Center West 6pm to midnight No-host cocktails at 6pm, with designated areas for alumni from each decade to gather while viewing the Tribute Wall of written tributes to great Lowell teachers Dinner and program begins at 7:30pm, featuring a video tribute to great Lowell teachers of the past and present, special presentations and entertainment provided by current students

“Day on Campus”


n celebration of Lowell’s sesquicentennial, the Lowell Alumni Association is proud to announce the publication of the definitive history of the West’s oldest public high school, spanning Lowell’s colorful 150-year history. This keepsake hardcover book, to be published in Fall, 2006, will offer: •  A complete narrative history of Lowell, from its 1856 founding as Union Grammar School to today •  More than 300 pages, including nearly 150 photos (many in color)

Saturday, October 7, 2006 Lowell High School 10am to 6pm A full day of performances, demonstrations and open house events held throughout the campus, including a varsity football game (Lowell vs. Marshall) and other surprises

•  Complete histories of many Lowell activities, including music, drama, forensics, JROTC, etc. •  Detailed accounts of the history of various Lowell sports, from football to swimming

An accompanying CD-ROM will provide several special features, including: •  Complete graduation lists of every class from December, 1859, through June, 2006 •  A listing of every Lowell faculty member •  Special lists (student body presidents, editors of The Lowell, etc.) •  Selected images from the Lowell Alumni Association archives This commemorative history will be sold later this year for $50, but in recognition of your generous support for Lowell, we are offering you the opportunity to purchase this special compendium of Lowell’s rich history for the pre-publication price of $40, including tax, shipping and handling. Just complete and return the order form below by June 30 to take advantage of this very special offer. If you have any questions or require additional information, please contact us at (415) 759-7830 or lowellaa@lowellalumni.org.

Attention Parents Help us ensure that your son or daughter receives this newsletter in a timely manner. If your child has a new permanent address, please let us know so that we can update our records. Contact us at (415) 759-7830 or, via e-mail, at lowellaa@lowellalumni.org. Thank you!

Lowell Alumni Association PO BOX 320009 • San Francisco, CA 94132 415/759-7830 E-Mail: LowellAA@LowellAlumni.org Visit our website: www.lowellalumni.org for information about reunions, special events at Lowell and alumni news

Spring 2006 — Lowell Alumni Newsletter

YES! I would like to order ________ copies of An Illustrated History of Lowell High School 1856–2006. Enclosed is my check (made payable to Lowell Alumni Association) in the amount of $___________. Name ______________________________________________Class ________ Last Name at Lowell (if different) _____________________________________ Address _________________________________________________________ City ________________________________ State _________ Zip __________ E-mail __________________________ Phone __________________________ Mail to Lowell Alumni Associaiton PO Box 320009 San Francisco, CA 94132

LOWELL ALUMNI ASSOCIATION PO BOX 320009 San Francisco, California 94132

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