changels news
| Bern 路 Switzerland | 2013/2014 | issue # 1 |
Innovationsdorf Bern What are changels doing? Finding good people for your team Are you ready for New Business? Meet the KaosPilots in Bern How to make decisions like a tribe
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| changels news | 2013/2014 | issue # 1 | add content |
Index 3
An Innovationsdorf in Bern
Workshop-Raum im Innovationsdorf
What are changels doing?
Die Coaching-Helpline und der Kennenlern-Espresso
Visuelle Protokolle für lebendigere Meetings
Manual für changels 1.0
Finding good people for your team
Are you ready for New Business?
Von der Raupe zum Schmetterling
What are the KaosPilots doing in Bern?
We are looking for 35 KaosPilots for Team SUI 3!
KaosPilots launches DesignAwards in 2014
Die KaosPilot Studenten lieben Knacknüsse
Support a KaosPilot!
KaosPilot Outpost in Cape Town
Learning to make decisions like a tribe
KaosPilots Team SUI 1 – the courageous pioneers
KaosPilots Team SUI 2 – Scandinavian drive meets Rainbow Nation
Meet the changels and KaosPilots staff
Would you like to co-create sustainable and regenerative organizations?
Support Angels – Helikoptereinsätze nach Katastrophen
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Urban Safaris in Berlin, Bern and Cape Town Designed by Lower East
Neue Perspektiven und Chancen im 2014
Impressum Changels News ist eine Zeitung von changels GmbH, die Ende 2013 zum ersten Mal erscheint. © changels GmbH 2013 Redaktion: Rolf Jucker, Ursula Maerz, Martina Straub, Matti Straub-Fischer (Leitung) & Cedric Zaugg Lektorat: Joanna de Nobriga, Matthias Knecht & Matti Straub-Fischer Fotos: Benjamin Reusser, Diana Gigova, Martina Straub, Claudia Rauber, Jørgen Smidstrup, Caroline Marti, Matti Straub-Fischer & Iwan Raschle Graphic design: Helle Marietta Pedersen & Jørgen Smidstrup, Lower East Aufl ge: 5’000 Exemplare Druck: Druckerei Schürch, Huttwil Verteiler: Kundinnen und Kunden, Partner, Freunde
| changels news | 2013/2014 | issue # 1 | add spices |
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Welcome! Dear friends, partners and readers, It is a pleasure to share our first changels-news with you. Why changels news now? Well, when we look around we see many people in companies, organizations and communities under high pressure to make the right decisions and steps, to be highly effective and efficient, justifying every move because there could be questions from somebody later that might have us look like fools, no matter what we did and what reflections we had. We also sense that a lot of organizations are under a spell of fear, being very cautious not to move too early and trying to avoid risks. People keep their jobs in grumpy organizational cultures, often afraid that they might loose a salary and more. What is happening in our world? I find many ways of doing and leading businesses today lack joy, inspiration and courage. There are very few colours and a tremendous amount of stress. Often a l ot of pressure to be present on all channels, a lot of communication, still many people feeling very lonely. From my grandmother I learnt that from a tight bum comes no happy fart. And I recently read a quote saying that children up to 3 years old generally laugh about 300 times a day. Statistically, men above 60 in our Western culture laugh about 3 times a day. And I am wondering: What the heck is happening between 3 and 60? We changels see clearly a need to create lives that make us humans happy again. How can we bring our private world and our working world together in new ways that allow for balance and healthy relationships? How can we create inspiring working, learning and public spaces? How can we co-create and design jobs that bring our talents and gifts forward? How can we design collaborations and meetings that are fun and win-win-win? And what is needed to come together as circles all over this planet where we meet each other on the same eye-level and develop new solutions that really work for all of us and that are in balance with our Earth and its delicate and genius household? We do not have the answers. We are curious, we have questions and we feel free to play with them. We are bringing our talents, our intuition, know how, and our wisdom as facilitators, as teachers, trainers, coaches, consultants, projectleaders, KaosPilots and changemakers into the game. We are based in Bern, and we work all over this planet if needed. We feel it is time to share some good news with you and the rest of the world. We enjoy working with companies, teams and communities as well as with individuals from all areas of life. And we co-create our own inspirations, too: Launching the KaosPilots Switzerland here in Bern in October 2012, now already with 2 teams of international students learning to become creative leaders, responsible entrepreneurs and changemakers. Or initiating our Innovationsdorf here in Bern, an innovation village to bring cross-sectorial know how together to create new solutions. Creating a network of sustainable schools and communities. Designing U rban Safaris in Berlin, Bern and Cape Town. And offering trainings to really create NEW BUSINESS that feels right for us humans and uplifting for this entire planet Earth. We do not know if all of this will work out. New projects are fragile and vulnerable and need usually more care than we as their gardeners might have thought in the beginning. And there are always risks. Then again… we believe that together we can come up with much better solutions than each of us individually would have. So what game do you want to play? Matthias (Matti) Straub-Fischer, Founder and Chief-changel
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| changels news | 2013/2014 | issue # 1 | add apples |
Innovations- dorf in Bern
By Matti Straub-Fischer
The big challenges we face today as humanity on our p lanet are mainly how to give food and water, clothes, shelter and tools to all. And preferably in ways that do no harm. We will need all of our creativity and all of our intelligences, our collective intuition and our community thinking to make this happen. We need inclusive solutions that bring wholeness to all aspects of our lives. The days of separation, fear and war are numbered. We need new communities, bringing creative thinking together across disciplines and professions. We need bridges between fields of competencies and we need to see things bigger than what we see today. An innovation village is a w ay of bringing together companies, teams and individual changemakers and entrepreneurs together who are curious and courageous to explore new forms of collaboration. People who want to learn and co-create with one another. A s pace where dialogue and prototyping are key to develop new solutions that really work for everybody’s benefits.
mising idea and are busy being successful with it. The qualities I h ave seen with young companies including my own ones, are that one tries to be effective and efficient to make it into financial success and finding the right answers. This is not really about innovation and development. Financial success and the ur ge to get answers are overrated in many businesses today. This due to the y oung entrepreneurs and their shareholders or investors who want a return on investment way too early and who are impatient with organic growth. This often leads to taking the f irst best solution that is squeezed like a l emon, then thrown away when it has done its service. Not exactly a meaningful way to deal with resources, people and energy.
I have studied innovation and creative processes of development of products, services and organizational development over the l ast 20 years in Switzerland and in Scandinavia, Eastern and Western Europe, Africa and on other continents with the K aosPilots, and later with my own consulting companies Langstrumpf Consulting and later changels.
Innovation, I have found, is rather like preparing the garden for new and surprising plants and projects to grow. Inno vation is what evolves when you have important questions that open up towards the greater good and growth. It happens naturally when you are aware of and connected to your surrounding communities (rather than seeing yourself as the o nly center in the w orld). Innovation is an a ttitude and a practice. And like in martial arts or any other skill – it is not just about acquiring the know how, it is mostly about the consistency and the willingness to try again and again, to experiment, to document and to reflect, think and talk outloud, and foremost to ask questions that bring us to new understandings.
In Switzerland there has been a belief that young start-upcompanies are innovative. What my studies have shown is that these young businesses usually run with one pro
For many years, I h ave dreamt of working together with partners who were as curious about learning new things about themselves and the world as I was. In the first years,
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I felt alone, surrounded by people who were busy with their own hamster wheels and careers. I f elt like the k id left alone in the sandpile and with the LEGO bricks, when everybody else wanted to go and play “adults”. I bumped against my own grumpiness and eventually I l earnt to let go of it. And slowly a community of people has grown and evolved. A group of people and teams who care for themselves and each other and who feel inspired to explore and to be unafraid of the unknown or the risks when pursuing essential questions for human growth and development. People who want to see what is around the corner before they know if it would give them money to do so. I have been an i mpatient man and entrepreneur myself. Often I wanted to see and harvest fruits, when a new projects only just blossomed. I invested in people, projects and new technology. I realized that there is no such thing as “failure”, there are only opportunities from which I can learn and gather the information to move on. And I learnt that success is a phenomenon that comes naturally when I do something long enough with a curious mind. In 2009, I h ad the dream of an innovation village, a p lace where different companies and teams could play, talk and work together. 8 m onths later, I took 9 m onths off in my life and left my company to explore what I c ould learn from other innovation centers and villages. I m et people in Europe and America who had similar dreams and who tried similar things. I learnt more about self-organizing and self-responsible communities and organizations and the leadership that is required to create circles where every
Workshop-Raum im Innovationsdorf Brauchen Sie einen schönen, angenehmen und inspirie renden Workshop-Raum für eine wichtige Retraiten- Sitzung mit dem Vorstand, ein Seminar mit Kunden oder einem Training für Ihre Mitarbeitenden und Kunden? Dann könnten Sie bei uns changels im Innovationsdorf gut liegen. Wir haben verschiedene Sitzungs- und grössere Workshopräume, die wir neben eigenen Anlässen auch gerne für andere Anlässe und Veranstaltungen zur Verfügung stellen. Als Moderatorinnen und Moderatoren von Trainings und Teamentwicklungs-Workshops wissen
wir, dass ein gutes A mbiente und Top-Material matchentscheidend für einen guten Anlass sind. Entsprechend haben wir unsere Räume eingerichtet: So richtig einladend zum Arbeiten mit v erschiedensten Flipcharts, Pinnwänden und Gruppen-Arbeitsmöglichkeiten, und selbstverständlich auch mit Tischtennis-Tisch, Kaffee-Bistro und feiner Verpflegung. Wir sind gerne Gastgeber und freuen uns auf Sie und Ihre Gruppe! Für Fragen und Buchungen: Anja Bolliger / +41 (0)31 371 69 79
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| changels news | 2013/2014 | issue # 1 | add broccoli |
u ith w in .ch e f v mo sdor o n io tt an ovat w n u yo o D w
voice is heard. And I was hungry for more and was looking to foster the d evelopment of an I nnovation Village here in Bern around the c ompanies and organizations I w as involved in: changels, our small coaching and consulting c ompany specializing on change processes and large group / community and organizational development and leadership. The KaosPilots Switzerland, a 3 y ear full-time education for creative leaders, responsible entrepreneurs and changemakers in co-operation with the Danish KaosPilots school in Aarhus where I studied 18 years ago as the first Swiss person. The Council Guide Training, a leadership training for selfdevelopment and learning to move like a tribe with ancient wisdom and maps of consciousness from the A mericas, which we started in Switzerland in collaboration with the KaosPilots. Helisupport, my helicopter company with the purpose to help and support during natural and man-made cata strophies. At the ti me, there were several other companies and organizations in our co-working office in Bern who joined our move into an o ld industrial building in the ne ighbourhood of Bern Lorraine: Drops, a non-for-profit-organization
Innovationsdorf Bern Das Innovationsdorf in Bern ist eine Initiative von changels. Ein Ort wo sich Organisationen, Firmen und UnternehmerInnen gemeinsam und praxis-bezogen an Fragen von Innovation, enkeltauglicher Entwicklung und sinnvollem, starkem W achstum arbeiten. Ein inspirie render Co-Working-Space in Bern mit internationaler Ausrichtung und gutem Sinn für Humor. Wylerringstrasse 36, CH-3014 Bern
Matti Straub-Fischer Matti Straub-Fischer loves adventures and inspiration. He is an Entrepreneur, Coach, KaosPilot and Helicopterpilot, Headmaster of the KaosPilots Switzerland, a 3-year full-time education for changemakers and
entrepreneurs, and Head of the changels, a small coaching and consulting company with its base in Bern, Switzerland.
who helps young adults and communities in Lebanon to develop skills trainings and support structures for their communities, Martin Bolliger who had developed a hybrid engine for cars (electric and fuel combination) and was looking for investors to make his enterprise fly and in order to earn money, he he lped build solar roof projects, Cedric Zaugg who ran a company called Vitamin Zukunft to identify future trends and developments for innovation, öff-öff productions with Alexa von Wehren, who took over the leadership of this amazing dance and performance company, Susanna Hug who is working with theater projects and as a clown, Valentin Schmidt who organizes start-up-weekends, euphoria, a young student organization reaching out with new projects, and several more. And finally we had a building where growth was easily possible: Ultimately a potential of 36’000m2 that are here in this former print-machine production site known as WIFAG. For now, we are growing slowly with our Innovationsdorf, so far we rent approximately 1’600m2 and offer a co-working space, meeting rooms and workshop and conference spaces. And we keep dreaming about a c afeteria, a bed&breakfast for our international and other guests who want to stay for a w hile, a sports facility, an event hall, a resource center with a f lea market, a w orkshop and art studio, an ur ban gardening and solar panel project, and… what else could we dream of? Yes, of course, I dream of having a helipad on the roof, and I h ave learnt something about patience…
And before I tell you more about the Innovationsdorf, what happens here and what we do, what we believe in and what we have found out, my questions to you are: • What do you dream of? • What would you love to connect to the I nnovationsdorf here in Bern? • What are your big questions that you are dreaming and passionate about? We are curious to meet you where you are. PS: Why Bern? Because I l ove it here, it is a s mall and cozy city with about 300’000 people, it has a l ot of good people and initiatives here – an d I h ave learnt that from Calvin & H obbes: There is treasure everywhere! Can you dream an innovation village where you live? I would love to see that dream grow all over our planet. My sense is that many smaller and larger places on our Mother Earth could be perfect for these kinds of inspi rational meeting, working and living spaces.
| changels news | 2013/2014 | issue # 1 | add flowers |
What are
changels doing?
By Matti Straub-Fischer
Changels are supporting companies, teams and indivi duals in change processes. We are a s mall core team of 8 changels and together with about 140 network partners in Switzerland and worldwide, we assist with facilitation, coaching, consulting, communication and project and business support for all kinds of change processes that our clients are in. We aim for change that will be supporting the next 7 generations in life-affirming ways. This can be from listening to a group of leaders and mirroring back to them what we have heard and see what is needed for them to move to a ne xt level of developing themselves as a m anagement team. It can also be preparing and facilitating a week long large group workshop with participants from all over the world. Or guiding a group of 5 executive leaders in finding a c ommon s trategy for their 5 organizations to work together in the f uture, using a W isdom Council with 140 employees, clients and partners to find meaningful strategic paths for a sustainable future together. We are challenging our clients, our partners and ourselves again and again to explore dreams and to live them fully. The strategic steps that come from these introspections are deeply rooted in our values and beliefs to scan our inner and outer world and to trust our intuitive knowing of what we need and want for our b est possible development. We start our own change projects that we believe in, for an inspiring and meaningful world – like the launch
of the KaosPilots Switzerland, a 3 year school for changemakers, creative leaders and responsible entrepreneurs, or our innovation village with a co-working space for curious entrepreneurs here in Bern. At changels we believe in part-time work, because we all have other parts of our lives we deeply care about – be that our families, our animals, our further training and learning or other passions we have. Since many people have come and asked whether there is a shorter and less-time consuming way to foster the Kaos Pilot in all of us (rather than taking part in the 3 y ear full time training), we have developed a further training we call NEW BUSINESS. With this training of 10 x 3 days over a bit more than a year, we believe we have created an inspiring and powerful way for entrepreneurs and start-ups to grow their businesses in a w hole way, following the e ntire circle of organic and essential development to co-create strong and sustainable NEW BUSINESSES. For this we bring together some of the best teachers, trainers and coaches – as well as the international group of KaosPilots here from Bern to help you create the most lively businesses you can possibly imagine! We are looking forward to taking action with you!
changels changels is a coaching and consulting alternative based in Bern, Switzerland. Founded in 1998 by Matti StraubFischer as his final exam and graduation project at th KaosPilots in Denmark the company ran first under th the name of cafe3. In 2002 the team changed the name to changels. We love to support and guide individuals and groups in change processes. Our core team consists of coaches, guides, facilitators and consultants who work in many languages to help our clients reach their goals and live their dreams.
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| changels news | 2013/2014 | issue # 1 | add grapes |
Die Coaching-Helpline und der Kennenlern-Espresso Fragen zu Karriereschritten, Teamentwicklung, dem nächsten Gespräch mit dem Chef? Wie setze ich meinen Lebenstraum um und welche Weiterbildung könnte zu mir passen? Oder wie finde ich den passenden Coach oder Moderator für meine Bedürfnisse? Solche und andere Fragen beantworten wir Ihnen gerne mit unserer changels-Coaching-Helpline oder bei einem kostenlosen Kennenlern-Espresso von 20 Minuten bei uns in Bern. Wir haben über die letzten 15 Jahre als Coaches und Berater die Erfahrung gemacht, dass eine Frage oder ein Problem meist sehr bald und leicht gelöst werden kann, meist in 10-20 Minuten. Wenn es kniffliger ist, benötigt man meist mindestens 1,5 bis 2 S tunden, um die Ausgangslage zu
verstehen, gemeinsam zu a nalysieren, strategische Pisten auszuloten und nächste Schritte zu identifizieren. Mit changels stehen wir Ihnen mit unserem Kernteam und unseren rund 140 Netzwerkpartnerinnen und - partnern mit Coaches, Beraterinnen und Fachkräften zur Verfügung, wenn Sie mehr Klarheit oder Inspiration brauchen. Wir changels sind trittsicher, achtsam, springlebendig. Wir verbinden Business mit Spielfreude, Innovationsgeist, Forschungsdrang, Spiritualität und pfiffiger Kreativität. Wir freuen uns, mit Ihnen über inspirierende Projekte, weit sichtige Veränderungen, mutige Führung & intuitive Direktheit zu diskutieren. Sie erreichen uns unter +41 31 371 69 79 oder per mail auf
Visuelle Protokolle für lebendigere Meetings Verbringen Sie viel Zeit in Sitzungen? Wie halten Sie Ideen, wichtige Erkenntnisse aus Gesprächen und Entschei dungen fest? Bei changels arbeiten wir seit Jahren mit visuellen Protokollen, insbesondere wenn die Ergebnisse aus Meetings für die weitere Zusammenarbeit essenziell sind. Entscheidungsprotokolle in schriftlicher Form können hilfreich sein, wenn alle Beteiligte ein eingespieltes Team sind und genau wissen, was mit gewissen Wörtern und Abläufen genau gemeint ist. Wenn es jedoch um Bilder von gewünschten Resultaten oder umfassenderen Roadmaps für die Projektplanung geht, lohnt es sich, diese auch als Skizzen oder Zeichnungen zu dokumentieren. Wir nennen dies visuelle Protokolle. Ein Bild sagt mehr als 1000 Worte. Ja, UND: Mit einem Bild finden wir auch viel schneller heraus, ob wir vom selben sprechen oder ob wir ein Missverständnis vorliegen haben.
Von Vorstandssitzungen bis hin zu mehrtägigen Workshops oder Konferenzwochen dokumentieren wir die Stimmungs kurve der Beteiligten, Geschichten von Good Practices und Bilder von gewünschten Resultaten und Zielfotos. Wir nutzen dazu lebendige und farbige Illustrationen, g rafische Symbole, interaktive Wandzeitungen und pointierte Fotos und Videobeiträge. So werden bearbeitete Themen attraktiv und journalistisch fokussiert aufgearbeitet und sind leicht an interne und externe Partner weiter zu kommunizieren. Haben Sie Lust auf farbigere Meetings und Workshops? Dann probieren Sie es mal aus. Visualisieren ist lernbar. Und für wichtige Treffen lohnt sich die Zusammenarbeit mit Profis auf alle Fälle, um komplexe Zusammenhänge leicht sichtbar und verständlich zu machen. Mit Trainings geben wir Ihnen unser Know-How auch gerne weiter.
Manual für changels 1.0 Was können Sie tun, wenn Sie selber eine Veränderung in einem Team oder einer Organisation initiieren wollen? Oft haben wir im Moment, an dem wir wahrnehmen, dass nun einen Veränderung ansteht, noch sehr wenige F akten und Zahlen zur Verfügung, um bereits einen soliden BusinessCase aufzustellen und stark zu argumentieren. Unser Hirn ist in solchen Situationen ziemlich hilflos, weil es gerne Knacknüsse unter dem Blickwinkel von bisher erfolg reichen Strategien betrachtet und überprüft. Doch Pionier situationen verlangen nach neuen Strategien. Was gestern funktioniert hat, ist vielleicht heute nicht mehr der beste Weg. Unsere Hirnwindungen stehen dann wie ungenutzte Hamsterrädchen still und sind gefrustet, weil sie sich nicht nützlich machen können. Was also tun?
der Brennstoff für unsere menschliche Veränderungs bewegungen. Mit dem Herz nehmen wir Qualitäten wie Mut und Aufrichtigkeit wahr, hier wissen wir instinktiv und intuitiv, was wir tun müssen oder welche Wege wir nun erkunden wollen.
Am besten Sie hören mal auf Ihren Bauch und Ihr Herz. Mit dem Bauch nehmen wir die aktuellen Gefühle wahr (vorausgesetzt wir haben uns nicht gerade voll gefressen und brauchen alle Energie zum Verdauen und Verarbeiten). Was bewegt uns, was freut uns, was macht uns Angst? Dieser Check hilft, uns klar zu werden, wie wir Emotionen für unsere nächsten Schritte nutzen können, denn sie sind
Für CHF 58.- (plus Porto) bei changels bestellbar, oder im Buchhandel für CHF 68.-.
Das Manual für changels 1.0 von Matti Straub-Fischer ist ein Buch für Veränderungsagenten, Führungspersonen und Unternehmerinnen. Matti bringt dabei die Erfahrungen aus über 15 Jahren Arbeit als Coach, Berater, KaosPilot, Projektleiter, Geschäftsleiter und Moderator eloquent auf den Punkt. Mit Checklisten, hilfreichen Fragen, belebenden Sprüchen und wirksamen Werkzeugen für die Moderation und den Führungsalltag in chaotischen Zeiten.
Das Buch wird im 2014 auch in englischer Sprache v erfügbar sein. > Shop
| changels news | 2013/2014 | issue # 1 | add chili |
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Finding good
for your team
By Matti Straub-Fischer
We changels see organizations like magnets. We attract people and all other life forms depending on what is strong in us. So what are the m ain attractors in your team? Is it your creative working spaces or your powerful financial flow, or the innovation lab or the inspiring team culture? It helps to know what is in the middle of your magnetic field as a c ompany. It helps if you know what the v alues and messages are, so you can easily communicate with your people and your environment. Values that resonate with your core and common ground have a very powerful effect on your surroundings because others can feel that they are true. Values that are only communicated because they sound good, will quickly be detected by people around you as flat and not trustworthy, simply because the resonance is weak or not even tangible. So once you know what your magnetic force is all about: How do you find good people for your teams? Magnets work when you get close with them to other elements that will respond either magnetically or not. This means that you need to go and move around in your neighbourhood, and keep talking about your magnetic field, and the values and attitudes that are important to you and your team. Every now and then, a person will respond very strongly to your story. And that is when you make an invitation to get to know each other better. It helps to create common working experiences for more than half a d ay. Usually in the first 3-4 hours we humans show each other our beautiful sunny sides. And that is a good thing, but it does not show the part of our personality that is below the w aterline of the i ceberg. So we need more time together to get a g ood sense of how we can best work together. Have some practical challenges ready that are typical of your business. No reason to do several interviews, simply allow the person to join and work with you, and there will be plenty of time to talk about concrete
challenges and ways to move forward. If you still have resonance, it may be a good time to come to an agreement to work together. It is helpful these days to really make use of the “trial” period of 1-3 months, again to get to know each other better without having to go into a v ery deep contractual agreement. If this phase still works well, you may go over into a more long-term working co-operation. Make sure you keep the relationship alive, that you challenge each other in the best possible ways so that all persons involved can contribute with their gifts, talents and strengths, their dreams and observations or recommendations. We believe that people are self-responsible for their own well-being, their balance, their energy-level, their happiness, their motivation and their success. What is needed for this to happen is that we as partners and colleagues at work take the time and attention to give feedback, to c o-create a meaningful working environment where people can use their diverse skills and gifts and where they get different mirrors of how their behaviours have an impact on themselves and on others around them. And the questions are: Are these behaviours and patterns healthy and supporting my development and growth? If yes, keep doing them. If not, challenge them and search for different and better ways of moving for our own best interests. It is in such an environment that we humans can grow and blossom because we feel that others deeply respect us. Respect means literally “to look deeply into things”. So when we create a c orporate culture where this kind of respect is possible and where there is appreciation and direct feedback with an understanding that humans are here to grow and unfold their talents, we have a g ood chance that the continued regular conversations with each other will be the fertile ground for strong teams who want to adjust the sails again and again to the new winds of change.
There is no such thing as “right” or “wrong” in human relationships and working with colleagues and partners. However, there are ways and practices that feel sincere and honest, bridgebuilding and life-supportive. We can see clearly that rather than meeting once every year for a longer talk, a few shorter conversations are much more helpful for most people to know and feel that you see them and that they are on track or to see what is needed to get back on track from your view. As gardeners in our companies and teams it is up to us which plants we water. And those are usually the ones that grow beautifully. We changels enjoy being partners with teams and companies when it comes to bringing their corporate cultures to flower – w hether this is with lively and inspiring group assessments for executive positions where the values and attitudes of the new leader need to fit an ambitious e thical profile, or whether it is helping to co-create a strong culture of co-operation in an organization with clear strategic aims, or whether it is support and facilitation for difficult confron tations and talks with each other when the relationship is in muddy waters or has come to a close of its cycle. And we jump in when human power is needed for a maternity leave or another period of change that demands a different approach. We are ready when you are. Together with our communication partners from Lower East, we also design campaigns and internal communi cation flow for changing situations and new strategies or to help crystallize the essential values and attitudes of your organization and work for future use.
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Are you ready for
New Business? By Matti Straub-Fischer
A one year further training for people who want to grow their project ideas into sustainable and inspiring businesses. We at changels are strong in coaching entrepreneurs and their teams to sustainable and regenerative success. We have been running several leadership trainings and strategic development processes for companies and entrepreneurs in start-up and further development to reach new horizons. We started the KaosPilots school for responsible entrepreneurs, creative leaders and changemakers here in Switzerland. For a while we have felt a strong desire to start up an intense one year program based on the b est of the changels competencies and experiences as well as our learnings from the KaosPilot training. We have been asked many times, whether we could offer a one year further training for entrepreneurs focusing on people who already have a b usiness or are about to start up. So here it is: the changels NEW BUSINESS, a m astery program for passionate entrepreneurs with existing and new projects and business dreams. The format: 9 x 3 days intensive training and coaching over 1 year with short online reporting and coachings in between training modules.
The requirement: Sign up for an i ntroduction module of 3 days The start: April, May or June 2014 (Introduction modules) September 2014 (NEW BUSINESS modules) The place: In and around Bern The language: English The trainers: Matti Straub-Fischer (Chief-changel, coach & helicopter pilot, head of the training) Helen Eriksen, Aarhus, Denmark (Coach, speaker and expert on leadership and nutrition) Rolf Jucker (Expert on sustainable development & t eamleader at the KaosPilots) Jørgen Smidstrup, Berlin & C openhagen (Communication designer & entrepreneur) WhiteEagle, Abiquiu, New Mexico, USA (Teacher and Keeper of the Delicate Lodge Teachings) And more inspiring international trainers The coaches: We run this program in co-operation with the KaosPilots Switzerland in Bern. In addition to coachings from your trainers and the other participants, you will also get inspiring time and sparring with the KaosPilots to boost your project and business ideas. The costs: CHF 15’000.- tuition fee for the 9 x 3 days CHF 1’800.- for the i ntroduction module (3 training days including a 360-degree online leadership feedback survey)
What do we mean by NEW BUSINESS? From the many years of learning to grow as an organization ourselves, and from supporting other companies and organizations in their starting up, navigating thru turbulences and moving onto a next level so many times, we have gathered our learnings and we have combined our know how with the ancient wisdom of sustainable and regenerative growth as tribes and communities from Middle and Northern America with the D elicate Lodge Teachings. This combination of bringing old understanding and new methods together, has created a powerful training for people who truly want their business dreams to be NEW BUSINESS. We have designed the tr aining in a w ay that it will follow the 8 directions and build on each other as we develop the business to become WOW! and whole in any way that we can see will be important. Most businesses today only use 2 of these 8 directions: We want to go from the East straight to the North. Or in other words, we want to jump from innovation and idea creation directly to Action and to harvesting the fruits. This is like putting a seed into the Earth and then immediately expecting the little seed to produce huge fruits that we can gather and sell for an amazing price right away. And we keep repeating this pattern again and again. We often get frustrated, so we add a full bag of fertilizer to help our success take shape.
| changels news | 2013/2014 | issue # 1 | add creativity |
Well, it does not take a m aster gardener to see that our ways of growing gardens is silly and not meaningful, other than that it keeps us busy and that it does give us some income. Happiness and success however, are not to be achieved in these ways. The old ways give us a pathway of growing our business dreams and structures in a w ay that is solid, fulfilling and vitalizing for many generations to come. And it is clear that a business not only needs to be sustainable and in balance with our Planet Earth, but it also needs to generate NEW LIFE, and add and co-create more diversity. Here are some of the r elevant questions we will explore together in this training: Module 1: East – Inspiring Business Creation What wants to emerge in you and in your business? How can you use creative powers and manifest your dreams? How can you be the free adventurer and entrepreneur you wish to be? Module 2: SouthEast – Appreciating the Here & Now How can you be in your center – in the eye of the typhoon, when the world around you is whirling and moving fast? How to deal with worries, fears and doubts? How to see the bigger picture and focus at the same time?
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Module 3: South – Power & Danger What new territories do you want to explore? Where do you see opportunities and how can you make use of them? What is needed to move past your inner and outer obstacles?
Module 7: North – Clarity & Action What strategy do you need for clear and powerful actions? How can you make decisions for yourself and with your teams? How can you make things simple and crystalclear?
Module 4: SouthWest – Purpose & Direction Where do you come from and what is your dream? What have you learnt from your journey so far and how can you use these lessons for further growth? How can you move with your dreams – visualize them and inspire others with them?
Module 8: NorthEast – Integrity & Vitality How can you create MAGIC? What is needed to shift to the next level? How do you move lightly with integrity, more liveliness, and enthusiasm?
Module 5: West – Maintenance & Balance What in you and in your business needs strengthening? What structures do you need? How can you find an inspiring balance in your life and in your business? How can you create flow for yourself, your team and your partners and clients? Module 6: NorthWest – Interrelatedness & Timing What are the b igger cycles you see for your life and your business? How can you connect to them and make better use of them? What other networks and people do you need or want to connect to?
Module 9: Celebration & Moving in the fullness of your potential Here you gather your learnings to move with a light backpack as you journey onwards. The celebration includes a presentation of your business idea in a public exhibition (if you choose so). Are you ready? We are. Further information and sign up: +41 31 371 69 79 changels office
Von der Raupe zum Schmetterling Wir changels begleiten Firmen, Teams und Einzelpersonen in Veränderungsprozessen. Interessant ist dabei, dass wir in den letzten 15 Jahren erlebt haben, dass viele Menschen den Mut haben, ihre Berufsträume zu verwirklichen. Wovon haben wir schon immer geträumt? Und warum habe ich es nicht früher gemacht? Was war denn da eigentlich im Weg? Wir wissen heute, dass die meisten berufstätigen Personen in der Zeit zwischen 16 und 65 rund fünf Mal das Arbeitsund Berufsfeld wechseln. Wir wissen ebenfalls, dass viele Menschen erst mit rund 40 Jahren wissen, was sie “wirklich” tun wollen, respektive wo und wie sie mit ihrem Engagement und ihren Talenten ihren persönlichen Fussabdruck in dieser Welt hinterlassen wollen. Die Frage taucht in unseren Coaching- und Laufbahngesprächen mit unsern Kunden immer wieder auf: Was ist für mich wirklich sinnvoll? Was ist stimmig und passt für mich? Was fordert mich optimal heraus und bringt meine Stärken und Talente wirklich hervor? Wie kann ich zu einem grösseren Ganzen beitragen? Und welches Umfeld brauche ich, um meine Träume zu leben?
Mit diesen Fragen arbeiten wir gemeinsam an S zenarien für gute Übergänge und Neustarts in neue Lebenswelten. Uns ist es ein Anliegen, dass unsere Kunden Perspektiven haben, die sie wirklich freuen und innere Kräfte mobili sieren, um die nötigen Veränderungen aus manchmal eingekrusteten Tagesabläufen heraus zu schaffen. Die Türe zum Traumjob öffnet sich nicht einfach mit einem Simsalabim. Es gibt sie, diese Situationen, aber sie sind eher selten. Meist beginnt der Prozess mit einem Anpirschen oder einer “Raupenphase”. Wir fressen fast unersättlich viel Informationen über neue Möglichkeiten, wie eine Rüebliraupe sich über frisches Rüeblikraut hermacht. Irgendwann sind wir so genährt, dass wir fast platzen. Jetzt brauchen wir Verdauung. Am einfachsten geht das mit einer Cocoon-Phase. Wir b rauchen alle Kräfte für unser Innen leben, möglichst mit wenig Störungen und Ansprüchen von aussen. Oft ist der Winterschlaf dafür perfekt, wenn wir uns einige Wochen oder Monate Zeit lassen können, um unsern Träumen nachzugehen ohne konkreten Druck.
Transformationen selber sehen. Und neue Lebens- und Arbeitsformen brauchen oft einige Jahre, um richtig stark zu werden. Auf diesen neuen Trampolinen lässt es sich gut springen und Spass haben – für uns alleine und gemeinsam mit andern Menschen! Wir sammeln spannende Geschichten von Menschen, die ihre Träume leben. Denn diese Geschichten machen auch uns und andern immer wieder Mut, die kniffligen Herausforderungen anzugehen und neue Lösungen zu entwickeln, die für uns Sinn geben. Haben Sie eine s olche Geschichte erlebt? Dann melden Sie sich doch bei uns: Buchtipp: Unser Netzwerkpartner Mathias Morgenthaler hat als Journalist viele spannende Menschen interviewt und dabei Portraits geschaffen, die Freude aufkommen lassen. Beruf & Berufung, 2013.
Uns freut es sehr, wenn wir gemeinsam neue Modelle mitgestalten können, die massgeschneidert passen, und wenn unsere Kundinnen und Kunden ihre Schmetterlings-
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What are the
KaosPilots doing in Bern?
By Matti Straub-Fischer
The KaosPilots were launched in Aarhus, the second largest city in Denmark, in 1991 with a first team of 35 s tudents. A team around Uffe Elbæk, who was founder and headmaster for the education for 15 years, helped a new education take flight that was inspiring and courageous in its time. Bringing real world projects into the class room and having the students develop concrete projects and solutions for their clients brought not only a new sense of reality into the student’s life, but it also offered them direct contact to leaders, entrepreneurs, and decision makers who enjoyed the conversations with the y oung adults, their fresh perspectives and colourful suggestions for their business challenges. And often the contacts served also in the long term; when the students were in their final year of studies, they could easily get back in touch with their former clients and partners to propose new projects and business ideas and thus create a trampoline for their future life. The Danish school has, since its start, inspired many other schools in Scandinavia and in other countries with its action-oriented pedagogy, using learning by doing and learning by reflection as its main pillars, seeing the human being as a student who needs to be challenged and fostered on all levels – physically with body training, emotionally with relationships and conflicts, brain-mind with business nuts to crack and spiritually with creating meaning and looking at the larger picture of life. UNESCO was impressed with the new approach, looking at people through glasses of possi bilities involving their hearts, hands and heads. Several times this education has tried to grow roots in other places. When the e ducation was challenged in a political right-wing slide in Denmark a few years ago, soon four other places offered their home to this grass-roots education born out of the c ultural network of the F rontrunners in Aarhus: Malmö, Oslo, Stockholm and Rotterdam. Each city tried a s lightly different approach to make the e ducation grow under its wings, and after a few years, all four places were forced to close their doors again. In some the financial challenges could not be met, in others power struggles between local organizations of universities did not allow the schools to grow and move as needed, and in a fourth place the quality of the education was not up to the expectations of the Motherschool in Aarhus.
Already in 1995 there had been a group of engaged people who attempted to start the KaosPilots in Switzerland, back then it did not work out, for financial and other reasons. And I felt more comfortable starting with a further education for young leaders and project managers called Intercultural Navigator that we offered in Switzerland in co-operation with partners like Intermundo, Migros Kulturprozent, the Swiss Redcross and the Federal ministery of Culture. Over 10 years, we trained over a hundred young people to fuel their toolbox with creative and structured methods and instruments for leadership in intercultural contexts. Then came the wish to bring this training to the next level, allowing for more depth for the students, a full-immersion into new/old ways of leadership and entrepreneurship that put the human and our life and living together here on this planet into the c enter (rather than money, shareholder value and success). Then in the fall of 2010 something magical happened: While one of our changels-partners Ursula Maerz and I w ent for a walk of inspiration, we came up with the idea to start the KaosPilots here in Switzerland, a f ew thousand kilometers away in Arizona, Tina Buechler, another member of our team who was there to work on her PhD for a year, had the same dream and called me to tell me, that she had an important idea she wanted to share with me and us… and so the idea was born again. And this time, we all intended to follow it through. The entire changels team then pushed the idea, and after a first talk with Christer Windeløv-Lidzélius, principal of the KaosPilots in Aarhus, it looked as if the p roject could be successful, learning from all the previous steps, trainings, schools and developments made in over 20 years.
So how come we have in 2012 started a KaosPilots school here in Bern?
Why Bern? Because it has a similar configuration to Aarhus in Denmark, it is a city with about 150’000 inhabitants, and about an equal number of people living in its suburbs. It offers both a v ariety of cultural and social initiatives from all the various corners of society as well as a node of conversations due to Bern being the capital; many NGOs have chosen the city at the Aare as their headquarters. What could be learned from Aarhus and the Danish school was that a school of this kind needs to be located in a small enough surrounding so it has a c hance to grow with its surroundings and will not drown in the flood of other offers and companies.
When I g raduated from my studies at the K aosPilots in Aarhus as the f irst Swiss KaosPilot, the q uestion was in the air: Why not start a KaosPilots school in Switzerland? I was tempted, but back then I resisted. I knew that in order to start a school one needs a large network of partners and friends for such a r eal-world school to be nourished with new project opportunities, good trainers and practical teachers, internship possibilities for the students and so on.
Bern is home to several university faculties and educations. However, it has lacked creative entrepreneurial trainings and an innovation village, where the co-operation between different partners can flourish on a ne w level. Many innovators and social entprepreneurs in Bern seem to feel rather lonely with their initiatives and are looking for new playmates and partners. Here the KaosPilots came in at the perfect time.
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Bern offers various cultures and subcultures, however the bridges between the d ifferent groups have not always been well maintained and need new inspiration. Kaos Pilots learn in their studies how to build bridges between different stakeholders and groups, creating a new dancefloor for entrepreneurial initiatives that helps already existing projects to blossom even more. We are therefore looking forward to meeting in Bern, again and again. We offer various ways for conversations and networking: KaosX – i s a regular storytelling and networking event in Bern and other cities taking place every two months. And our KaosPilots Stammtisch is an initiative to be at local cafés in Bern and inviting a guest for an informal and public conversation for 2 hours every 2 weeks. Would you like to join us?
KaosPilots Switzerland KaosPilots Switzerland offers a 3-year full-time
t raining
program for its students to become creative leaders, responsible entrepreneurs and changemakers. The curri culum is based on the same action-oriented-education which our Mothership, the KaosPilots in Aarhus, Denmark, is offering as a Bachelor program, supported by the Danish Ministry of Education and in co-operation with the University of Aarhus. Every class (which we call team) is guided by 1-2 teamleaders (class teacher). Here in Bern, we are in the start-up phase. Currently we have 25 students from T eam SUI1 and 2 and 9 staff members. We are supported by 70 Ambassadors, partners and friends.
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We are looking for
35 KaosPilots
for Team SUI 3!
We at the KaosPilots are looking for new talents every year. Courageous men and women from all over the world, who are hungry to learn about themselves and about each other and the world. Are you 21 years of age and older, and do you have what it takes? Are you ready for probably one of the m ost inspiring educational adventures that is available at this time? You can apply via our application form, that you find on until March 20th, 2014, 12.00
If you would like to have more information on the K aos Pilots, here are opportunities to meet with us and talk to us: 7. January 2014 13.00-16.00 Open Doors at KaosPilots Switzerland, Bern You can experience a training session from 13.00-16.00. Please let us know if you can come with a short e-mail to 16.30-18.00 KaosPilots Info-Event in Bern 19.00-20.30 Public teaching session with Helen Eriksen on “How Leadership hangs together with the body & our nutrition“. Costs for this session CHF 20.16. January 2014 18.00-19.30 KaosPilots Info-Event in Bern 11. February 2014 13.00-16.00 Open Doors at KaosPilots Switzerland, Bern You can experience a training session from 13.00-16.00. Please let us know if you can come with a short e-mail to 16.30-18.00 KaosPilots Info-Event in Bern
18. February 2014 18.00-21.00 KaosPilots Info Event in Zürich 26.-28. February 2014 Council Guide Training Introduction on Schweibenalp/ Brienz with Team SUI 1 as your teachers and guides. Special info will follow. See 12. March 2014 9.00-16.00 School Council at KaosPilots Switzerland in Bern 18.00-21.00 KaosX in Bern – S TREETWISE – i nspiring storytelling and networking. Costs: CHF 20.- or dice! 20. March 2014 Last chance for your Application! 30. April and 1. May, 2014 Assessment Workshop in Bern for future KaosPilots in Bern
We KaosPilots have a dream... of a global school where creative leaders, responsible entrepreneurs and changemakers meet and learn, practice and play, have fun and work together in teams whilst networking. We dream of a school where the students can work with real world challenges. A p lace where partners, clients, visitors and friends join us regularly to look at questions and challenges together. And we dream of a school that is a living organism with selfresponsible human beings who cherish new ideas and work to strengthen life in all forms.
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KaosPilots launches DesignAwards in 2014 A KaosPilot project we are currently preparing is a Design Award. We will start in 2014 with 3 categories: 1. What are inspiring working spaces? 2. What are inspiring learning spaces? 3. What are inspiring public spaces? We will go public with our project in early spring and the first nominations will be visible in early summer. We believe that there are a number of good examples in each of these categories already alive and bubbling – and it would be
great to show these as sources of inspiration to the larger public. We KaosPilots want to enhance this sharing with our Awards. If you are interested in partnering up with us around these 3 topics, please contact Cedric Zaugg, partnerships and fundraising at the KaosPilots in Bern. +41 31 371 69 75
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Die KaosPilot Studenten lieben Knacknüsse Die KaosPilots-Studenten lieben Herausforderungen. Hierfür suchen wir inspirierende Projektpartner, die unseren angehenden KaosPilots konkrete Nüsse zum Knacken geben. Unsere Stärken sind kreative Lösungen und Konzepte, inspirierende Kommunikation und Proto typenentwicklung, die unseren Partnern helfen, die nächste Stufe zu erreichen. Die Projektdauer kann zwischen einigen Tagen und drei Monaten variieren. Drei Voraussetzungen gibt es für die jeweiligen Projekte: Erstens muss das Resultat für unsere Kunden einen konkreten Nutzen bringen. Zweitens müssen die Studenten, die das Projekt bearbeiten, einen Nutzen haben und etwas lernen. Und drittens muss das Resultat für die nächsten sieben Generationen sinnvoll sein. Einige Möglichkeiten, wie wir Sie unterstützen können, sind zum Beispiel: Brainstorming 2 Stunden / 2 KaosPilots – ab CHF 500 Projekt-Grobkonzept 1 Tag / 2-3 KaosPilots – ab CHF 2‘500
Inspirations-Referate Dauer und Kosten je nach Auftrag und Fragestellung Daneben coachen wir Sie auch bei der Entwicklung einer Start-Up-Kultur im eigenen Betrieb mithilfe von Referaten, Praxistrainings, Businessplanentwicklungs-Workshops oder New Business Development Trainings. Ein Auszug aus unseren KaosPilot-Projekten: Bio Laden Wie verdoppeln wir unsere Stammkundschaft? Alpines Museum Wie bringen wir alle SAC-Mitglieder dazu, unser Museum zu besuchen? Dachverband für Jugendaustausch Intermundo Wie sieht ein Kompetenzmodell für Jugendliche aus? changels GmbH Wie sieht das Betriebskonzept für unser geplantes Innovations dorf aus?
Projektdesign 2 Tage / 15 KaosPilots – ab CHF 8‘000
Agrar Versicherungs-Unternehmung gruuna GmbH Wie können wir unser Versicherungsmodell auf Klein bauern in Entwicklungsländern ausbauen?
Businessplan-Design Drei Wochen / 3-5 KaosPilots – ab CHF 18‘000
Neugierig? Rufen Sie uns an. Wir freuen uns auf Ihren nruf. A
KaosPilots-Days 1 Tag / 3-20 KaosPilots – ab CHF 5000
Support a KaosPilot! By Cedric Zaugg, Head of Partnerships and Fundraising, KaosPilots
Kaos-Support ist die neue Crowdfunding-Plattform der KaosPilots Switzerland. Mit dieser Seite wollen wir interes sierten Menschen einen Einblick geben über Projekte, an denen wir arbeiten, wer unsere Studenten sind und natürlich auch, wofür wir finanzielle Unterstützung benötigen. Was ist Crowdfunding? Der ursprüngliche Gedanke war, eine neue Finanzierungsform für kreative Projekte und Ideen mit überschaubarem Finanzbedarf zu schaffen. Crowdfunding steht für eine Menge (“crowd“) von Investoren unterstützen ein Projekt mit unterschiedlich grossen Beiträgen meist via Internet. Im Gegensatz zu traditionellen Spenden gibt es bei Crowdfundingprojekten immer eine Gegenleistung für den Investor respektive Projektunterstützer. Dies kann von einer Einladung zum Kaffee über ein Produkt das mit dem Projekt entwickelt wird bis hin zur Erfolgsbeteiligung für ein Start Up (fast) alles sein. Warum ein eigenes Crowdfunding für die KaosPiloten? Wir haben immer wieder spannende Projekte, von uns und unseren Studenten, die wir gerne umsetzen möchten. Oft brauchen diese Projekte kleinere und grössere Beiträge oder Ressourcen, um lanciert zu werden. Zudem wollen wir auch unseren Unterstützern einen Einblick in unsere Arbeit geben. Drei erste Projekte Das erste ist die Finanzierung einer neuen Kaffeemaschine für unsere Cafeteria im Innovationsdorf in Bern. Das zweite Projekt ist eine Zusammenarbeit zwischen den KaosPiloten und DESIGNGUT, der Schweizer Messe für nachhaltiges Design. Es ermöglicht jungen Designern Trainings und Coachings bei den KaosPiloten zu besuchen umso ihre Fähigkeiten als Unternehmer zu stärken. Das dritte ist der “Student Support Fund”. Damit wollen wir sicherstellen, dass das Studium bei den KaosPiloten für
möglichst viele möglich ist und nicht an d en finanziellen Möglichkeiten scheitert. Das KaosPiloten-Studium kostet insgesamt knapp 100‘000 Franken. Die Studierenden übernehmen mit dem Schulgeld von jährlich 16‘000 Franken die Hälfte dieser Kosten. Einige der Studierenden brauchen für diesen Teil Darlehen. Jährlich wollen wir als KaosPiloten-Schule zwei Studierende aus dem Weltsüden das Studium an un serer Schule ermöglichen. Mit Nkuli Mlangeni und Robyn Fisher haben wir zwei jungen südafrikanischen Frauen das Studium als KaosPilotin ermöglicht. Die Kosten für ein Stipendium umfassen 1500.- pro Monat Lebensunterhalt, sowie 48‘000.- fürs Schulgeld. Wir freuen uns über jede finanzielle Unterstützung und jede andere Unterstützung, von der Sie denken, dass Sie uns helfen könnte. Seien es schöne und gut brauchbare Möbel, eine Projektidee oder spannende Verbindungen zu einer Stiftung oder Unternehmung, die den Traum der Kaos Piloten unterstützen möchte. Geben Sie uns Bescheid! Wir freuen uns auf Sie!
Kaos-Support Kaos-Support ist eine Initiative und Online-Plattform der KaosPiloten Schweiz mit dem Ziel, spannenden Projekten unserer Schule und unserer Studierenden bei der Finan zierung und der Entwicklung helfen zu können. Dank Crowd-Funding-Spenden können Projekte realisiert sowie Darlehen und Stipendien für unseren Studierenden aus Südafrika, Skandinavien und der Schweiz ermöglicht werden.
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in Cape Town
By Matti Straub-Fischer
This coming March, 11 KaosPilot students from Team SUI 1 will travel from Bern to Cape Town to bring all their skills, their know how and talents to work for 3 m onths with local client organizations in the W estern Cape. Together with 36 KaosPilot students from Team 19 from the Danish KaosPilots school, they will experience one of their most intense learning and working time together in a f oreign context that is full of colours and change. Why do we throw our students into cold South African water?
Previous KaosPilots outposts were in San Francisco (starting in 1996 with Team 3), Durban, Bejing, Vancouver, Shanghai, Havanna, Bogota, and now since 2013 in Cape Town. Usually the school would set up these new external classrooms for 2 years and then move on to a new place where something interesting was happening. Originally these outposts were 12 months long, then due to visa regu lations and other restrictions, we reduced the durations to 3-4 months.
The KaosPilots have always tried to bring their students in to new surroundings where they can apply their tools learned in the p revious months and years of working together. The concept of a temporary external classroom has been growing as a dream from the founder of the Danish school, Uffe Elbæk. Bringing learners to a place that feels new to everybody, wakes up all of our senses. It is an adventure to travel as a group of projectleaders to a place where you do not really know how people tick there. Still, it is our ambition as a s chool, that our students can bring their experience as projectleaders and process consultants, facilitators and guides and be helpful to local client organizations for 9-12 weeks of project work in a truly different culture.
For the first time, in 2014, there will be two teams of Kaos Pilots meeting and going on an o utpost together: Team SUI 1 from Bern and Team 19 from Aarhus. After a visit to the first outpost in Cape Town in May 2013, we decided together that we want to stay for 5-7 years in Cape Town, in order to create a more sustainable base for our schools, our students and the p artnerships and projects we will establish in this time. Why Cape Town? The city at the S outhern tip of Africa ffers an amazing melting pot of cultures, colours, interests, o businesses, languages, faces, foods and challenges. Still an attractive city for migrants to join, Cape Town is growing
in all directions. The legacy of apartheid can still be felt, but also the new drive and hope to make this Rainbow-Nation rise in new and beautiful ways. Cape Town will be World Capital of Design in 2014, and will bring an a stounding range of initiatives of traditional and modern design and social change questions into the Cape region. Cape Town is home to several thousand Swiss and Scandinavian citizens, most to enjoy the b eauty of this region, and some also to build bridges between different groups and cultures to create new realities. You can follow the K aosPilots in Cape Town through our websites or you can join us for an Urban Safari on May 8/9, 2014 to discover some of the se crets of this city, g oing backstage and meeting with inspiring people, organizations and projects in the Western Cape. And we will share our impressions from this first outpost for the K aosPilots Switzerland back here in Bern in June and July 2014. Curious?
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Learning to make
By Matti Straub-Fischer
decisions tribe
In most of our organizations and teams we make decisions with an understanding that if a majority is for something, it is p robably good. The thing is: For the 4 9% of the people who did not vote for this option, this does not feel like it is a good decision and therefore these people inside themselves do not support any of the follow-up steps to put a plan into action, because they did not feel respected and listened to in the first place. We have been playing this game of majority and minorities for a good while now. And we feel it is time to change the g ame for good. Can you imagine what a world would look like, when we will only move when we have 100% YES from all members of our team, company or community? Can you imagine what it would feel like to know that we all really WANTED a c ertain project plan to take place – and we would each do every thing in our power to make things move forward as we had agreed upon? In our society we have often learned that waiting for a 1 00% YES from all people involved is a w aste of time or that it will
only be possible if we wait until a solution is a soft compromise without meaning and teeth. Well, this may have been true in the past here, but we have good news: There is a new or actually a very ancient wisdom of how this can be learnt differently. It is called the Way of the Council. Councils come from Central and Northern America and have been passed on from generation to generation to bring wholeness, peace and beauty to the tr ibes and communities who came together for W isdom and Decisionmaking Councils. In a Council, every voice matters, because we know that it is essential to understand and listen to diversity. This way, when resistance shows up, we are curious about what we can still learn, how to see things from a ne w perspective and make the proposed solution even better by inte grating what we learn from a p erson or a group who is not yet in agreement with an idea. At the K aosPilots here in Switzerland, the Council Guide training with its 2-yearcourse is an i ntegrated part of our curri culum and training. Learning these old ways of how to lead ourselves with respect and
like a
self-authority and how to make decisions like a tribe is essential to be a changemaker in today’s world. At changels we offer the W ays of the Council for our clients and partners, too. A Wisdom Council is focused on a p owerful and important question and it is one of the most inspiring ways of coming together as a group of people, including stakeholders and interested clients. Whether it is for a group of 45 leaders of a middle sized c ompany or for 140 participants of a large group confe rence with multiple languages, the Council promotes a se nse of the b igger picture for everyone, bringing forth important clarity, essential observations and powerful recommendations for all involved. For more information on the Council Guide Training at Schweibenalp in the B ernese Mountains with White-Eagle from New Mexico, starting every October together with the K aosPilots Switzerland, or if you want your own Council, contact Matti Straub-Fischer.
| changels news | 2013/2014 | issue # 1 | add tribal mind |
Council Guide Training (CGT) The CGT is an intensive 2-year personal leadership t raining with 9 ceremonies. In Switzerland this training is an integrated part of the KaosPilots education. It is also open for people from outside of the KaosPilots-program. As a participant you are given ancient tools, powerful maps of consciousness for growth and healing of individuals and groups – as well as for leading and co-creating. “The most important thing you can do to change the course of history on our planet is to heal yourself of limiting and diminishing thoughts about yourself. Create a vibrant and healthy relationship with yourself. It will change everything in your world, and mine.” WhiteEagle
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Team SUI 1 – the courageous pioneers By Matti Straub-Fischer
From originally close to 45 interested candidates, 30 were invited as Test-Pilots to the 2 -days assessment in May and August 2012. After having seen these young people between 21 and 56 years work together over the two days in KaosPilot-style on real-world assignments, reflecting the depth of their passion and their willingness to learn; after being thrown into different roles and jobs, we as a school said yes to 23 students. We asked them to sleep over their decision. In the e nd 15 students dared to start the adventure with us for this first-time ever 3-year-education as creative leaders, responsible entrepreneurs and changemakers in Bern. And even though we would have loved to have more people in the team, it was clear to all of us from the beginning, that the K aosPilots is not for everybody, therefore this group was perfect. The courage to start being a s tudent in a s chool that did not yet exist in Bern, that did not yet have clarity where their classrooms were going to be and whose financing and fundraising had not been 100% secured – that is not only remarkable, this is courageous, powerful and inspiring. Team SUI 1 had the appetite for this training adventure to become entrepreneurs, the w illingness to discover and explore together as a t eam in new ways, and to align to their dreams and facing into fears and open questions of a s tart-up-school. For this we simply have one word: RESPECT! Team SUI 1 started with 12 students from Switzerland, 1 from Germany, 1 from Norway and 1 from Sweden, about 1/3 women and 2/3 men, the youngest 21, the oldest 43. Their life-experience very diverse, their backpacks colourfully filled with corporate and grassroot skills and know how. But what makes them unique is their ability to dream and to pursue their dreams despite all obstacles. As a headmaster I a m proud to see these KaosPilots a lmost
every day. I se e them grow and question into life. I c an see them design projects, discuss ideas, practice Aikido, and doing their morning exercises every m orning from 08:45 to 9:15 with yoga, the five Tibetians, or singing. And as they stretch their physical bodies to get awake and to be present, I c an see that they are stretching their own beliefs and attitudes. They are learning to be comfor table in the intimacy of co-operation and teamwork. I can see them appreciate their own learning and each other, give each other feedback and push and support one another when that is needed. Team SUI 1 for me is an a mazing and colourful bunch of KaosPilots. They for me are proof that if you want to be a good leader, you need to first and foremost look into yourself, to discover the gifts, talents and dreams that we have inside of ourselves. These students have gone through the obstacles individually and together. They have grown compassion for themselves and for each other and they have been KaosPilots from the very first day at this school. Margaret Mead said: “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the w orld; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.” Team SUI 1, as you are moving out into the world now, first as process consultants and leaders with your client groups, this coming spring to Cape Town for your group exam, and then to start your own companies and organizations, you are one of those groups that are changing the world. You are my heroes and the world will be delighted to have you as their new inspiring leaders and entrepreneurs. You will co-create magic!
Why a KaosPilot? Anna Fritsche: Discovering my talents and putting them to a w hole new level – the l evel of pure awesomeness – is what I‘m here for. And it works out pretty well so far. Marc Schütz: I am KaosPilot because I want to develop my talents and skills to make a change in this world. Isabell Hedling: A KaosPilot is changing the world by opening up for new perspectives which views doors when you think you are stuck. Mario Grossenbacher: I see the th ree years KaosPilots education as a gift to myself. A period of time to change my life and belief system. Time to figure out what I am really interested in. Time to learn how to earn money with what I love to do. Time to become a role model
and inspiration for others. Time to become the c hange I want to see. Jonas Morgenthaler: I want to be an entrepreneur like a rock star! Claudia Rauber: I needed some place to be flying. And some ground. Freedom to choose what I r eally want to create, limits I se t by myself. Sam Nüesch: A fulfilled life is a life of passion. Work is a big part of life and to work passionately is a source of deep satisfaction. The challenge to bring interests, talents, values and passions together with business, income and career is no small thing! For me this challenge is the challenge of life – to do what I want and to get what I need. The KaosPilots is the place to improve the skills to live as such a free mind.
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Meet Team SUI 1
Claudia Rauber, Switzerland
Sacha Winckler, Switzerland
Giuliano ‘Giu’ Mordasini, Switzerland
Jan Louis Grossenbacher, Switzerland
Marc Schütz, Switzerland
Roman Stähli, Switzerland
Jonas Morgenthaler, Switzerland
Mario Grossenbacher, Switzerland
Sam Nüesch, Switzerland
Isabell Hedling, Sweden
Anna Fritsche, Germany
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Team SUI 2 – Scandinavian drive meets Rainbow Nation By Matti Straub-Fischer
Our Team SUI 2 started on September 30th, 2013 with 15 beautiful young people from different parts of this planet: 4 KaosPilot students come from Denmark and 4 f rom Sweden, 1 f rom Zurich (originally from Poland), 3 f rom Switzerland, 1 from Brazil and 2 from South Africa. Already after the f irst weeks it was clear that this team brought a new energy to our school. Their passion and young drive, their playfulness and their willingness to work thru the nights if needs be, added to Team SUI 1, our staff and our entire community here in the Innovationsdorf in Bern. Their willingness to engage Bern into new conversations became evident in their first projects: Can you give us a smile? And with the new team in our building the energy shifted, too. Suddenly, we were doubling in size as an organization. Our check-in’s on Monday morning brought a different sense of internationality, and after waiting for 6 weeks until our 2 S outh African students could enter Switzerland, we are happy to now also have a b eautiful African energy in our circle. Seeing how these KaosPilots look at questions and working styles with each other, is a joy. Global learning takes on a new shape. And even though, this Team SUI 2 does not have to go thru all the start-up obstacles anymore, there are still many new challenges: How to settle into a c ity like Bern as a foreigner? How to make friends outside of the s chool? How to find out where to find a g ood new apartment or scholarships and loans for their studies? What kind of jobs are available and what are uplifting places, spaces and people here in town?
vidual passions, questions and their skills, by co-creating projects, by learning and engaging others into their endea vours. Finding their own clients already for their first exams within the first 2,5 months was no small thing. Learning to dance with different project groups, how to say good bye to a f ellow student who wanted to change to a ne w job, and how to integrate our 2 South African students after 6 weeks into the program were important learning grounds. What are KaosPilots before they start their studies? For Team SUI 2 the answers look like this: journalist, radio- and filmmaker, curator, horsetrainer, paintball-coach, IT-crack, architect, manager in hotels and ware-houses, start-up entrepreneur, working with kids, chef, and advertisement, to only mention a few. Their backpacks will serve them as a skill set. And what will bring them forward is their curiosity, and their abilities to move in life with a healthy appetite and an open heart. A w illingness to try again and again, also when things feel tough. And we know that KaosPilots will learn from all situations – the beautiful moments and the tough ones. What do we learn when a client does not want to work with us anymore? Where did we sense this coming? How did we co-create this situation? What can we learn from this? We want to guide our students into real-life situations, again and again. And we want them to see choice and possibilities, where others may see only one possible way and “we have to”. I am looking forward to see this Team SUI 2 unfold, learn and grow. As KaosPilots, you will blossom into bridge builders, peacemakers and storytellers. Wishing you happy landings.
Team SUI 2 is shaping our school in a similar way as the first team has done and continues to do: By bringing their indi-
Why a KaosPilot? Nynne Nørgaard Jensen: I want to do something better for more with less, by creating visions that are so good that people can’t help wanting to be part of them. In that process dreaming big, fun, richness, meaning and happiness are my stars of navigation. Things only seems impossible until they are done. At the moment happiness is, to me, to get and to be what I want and success is to want what I have got and to want to be what I am. If richness is defined as ‘access to’ and ownership is defined as ‘exclusive’ access to, then what would you really like to own? My answers these days would probably be a home, a toothbrush, a chocolate river and a beautiful horse. Ana Metz Castan: My dream is to
give more to the w orld than I’m taking and I b elieve that this will only be reached when it feels good to stand out of my comfort zone, take risks and be ready to work with people from the m ost different backgrounds to get awesome projects done – this, together with the multicultural environment and the possibility to learn and develop new tools is exactly what attracted me to be a KaosPilot. Marc Segmüller: At the school I want to develop skills to implement and test ideas I think are worth trying. I don‘t want to stop dreaming, but I want to start doing. Robyn Fisher: What I love about the KaosPilots education is that it gives you the t ools needed to generate ideas you never knew
you had, and the o pportunity, confidence and freedom to explore them, play with them, and often surprise yourself with the r esults. I l ove how we get to not only explore ideas, but also learn more about ourselves, and grow the “inner pilot.“ It‘s a very holistic approach to education. I am grateful for the opportunity. Sidsel Stausholm Andersen: My dream is to look back at my life, knowing I tried as hard as I could and that I had enough courage to do exactly what I wanted. We only have this one life, and instead of settling on doing something that is “okay” or “just fine”, I w ant to aim for doing “crazy”, “impossible” and “extraordinary” things.
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Meet Team SUI 2
Viktoria Litzén, Sweden
Cecilia Fendin, Sweden
Viktor Lysell Smalänning, Sweden
Nkuli, Nonkululeko Mlangeni, South Africa
Marc Segmüller, Switzerland
Natalia Nowicka Gartmann, Poland/Switzerland
Thomas Kioer Roloff, Denmark
Nynne Nørgaard Jensen, Denmark
Julian Kraft, Switzerland
Sidsel Stausholm Andersen, Denmark
Ana Metz Castan, Brazil
Kristoffer Maximilian Rasmussen, Denmark
Robyn Fisher, South Africa
Fredrik Petterson, Sweden
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Meet the changels and KaosPilots
Sibylle Stamm Team Leader Team SUI 2 I joined the KaosPilots Switzerland in September 2013 as team leader for team SUI2. I have previously worked as a project leader, coach, and facilitator in change processes in the Middle East and in North Africa for nine years. This was a period of my life devoted to locating the energy for peaceful change in war-torn communities. What I have learnt from living in this dynamic and unstable region is simple: If we want to be part of meaningful action we need to locate, first and foremost, our own energy for change within ourselves so that we can act from a position of personal c larity and awareness. This is the basis from which shared visions for community based action can emerge. I feel privileged to accompany this team of KaosPilots in their own unique journey, personal growth and social change.
Markus Schmidt-Faxe Team Leader Team SUI 1 The KaosPilots are a s chool that educates not only brains, but whole beings. This is very challenging for most. We expect the students to go through a tr ansformation process. On many levels, the students that have entered the school are not the s ame when they leave. First hand they have experienced the c hallenges, dark hours and victories of real change. Equipped with this knowing they are ready to help individuals, groups and organisations to do the s ame or create their own dream business. I love to work in a c hallenging environment like the KaosPilots, because it also demands of me to keep on changing and transforming. So far this has been a he ll of a r ide and wouldn‘t have want to be without it.
Rolf Jucker Team Leader Team SUI 2 & n achhaltige Organisations-Entwicklung Based on my experience in academia and the s chool system, my dream job in creasingly crystallised into a p lace where you work with real-world problems on real-world solutions with changemakers that really want to shift our non-sustain able paradigm. When I s tarted at Kaos Pilots Switzerland and changels I h ad a notion that I m ight have found this dream job, but the a ctual experience of working with the students and staff was a positive shock: change is indeed p ossible if you are determined enough to do it and don‘t invest all your energy into finding excuses why it cannot be done!
Martina Straub Geschäftsleitung changels & Head of Communications and Finances KaosPilots Switzerland Die Welt verändern – i m Grossen, aber vor allem im Kleinen und Alltäglichen, ist meine Motivation bei changels und Kaos Pilots zu sein. Ob als G eschäftsführerin von changels, als Moderatorin und Prozess begleiterin oder als V erwaltungsrätin – überall gibt es Spielwiesen und Schalthebel, um etwas zu bewirken. Was ich gerne tue: Muster hinterfragen, Krusten aufbrechen, Fragen umdrehen und das auf eine leichtfüssige und achtsame Art und Weise. Glücklich machen mich Projekte, Initia tiven oder Lösungen dann, wenn sie aus allen Perspektiven aufgehen und Freude machen – Nachhaltig im wahrhaftigen Sinn.
Matthias (Matti) Straub-Fischer Coach, Helipilot & Headmaster KaosPilots Switzerland My dream is that we humans can pursue our dreams as individuals and as communities. I d ream of us coming together in circles where every voice matters. That is in our families, in our companies, in our communities, in our nations and on a g lobal level. This needs a d ifferent approach to leadership. And it will inspire our co-operations in colourful and powerful ways.
Anja Livia Bolliger Events and Shop What I love about my job here at the changels, KaosPilots and Innovationsdorf? The dynamic, lively and constantly developping working enviroment. The idea of moving things together. The potpourri of so many individuals, each and everyone living up to their dreams and beliefs, standing up for them and throwing them over board. What I bring in and create has an i mpact and I am challanged in taking self-responsability every day. People challange me on my perspectives and opinions. It is a great opportunitiy to rethink, stabilise and grow.
Cedric Zaugg Partnerships and Fundraising Ein weiser Mann – namens Albert Einstein, – sagte einmal: “Probleme kann man niemals mit derselben Denkweise lösen, durch die sie entstanden sind.“ Unsere Gesellschaft braucht neue Lösungen, um die bestehenden und kommenden Herausforderungen nachhaltig lösen zu können. Ich bin überzeugt, dass die Studenten der KaosPilots ein Teil dieser Lösung sind. Deshalb helfe ich mit, unseren Studenten die bestmögliche Ausbildung zu bieten. Damit sie in Zukunft ihr Potenzial optimal für sich selbst, für ihre Umgebung und für die Gesellschaft einsetzen können.
Diana Gigova Head of Secretariat I see a K aosPilot as a r eal entrepreneur, who is not afraid to stand up for what he/ she believes and who is not afraid to try out new things. Things that make sense for him/her, but also brings positive change in his/her environment. This can even be at the KaosPilots school – the m ost unusual and positive school environment and the least formal learning process I h ave seen. And that‘s what grabbed me. Aside of the positive team spirit. For me, learning practical things in a non-formal way makes the studying process the most interesting and inspiring adventure ever.
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Ursula Maerz Coach, Supervisorin und Trainerin Gerne habe ich die Füsse auf der Erde, den Kopf im Himmel und das Herz bei den Menschen. Mein Antreiber: Die Gewissheit, dass transparente Kommunika tion Verständnis, Empathie und Erkenntnis ermöglicht. Mein Talent: Mit Heiterkeit den Ernst der Lage erkennen. Empower ment, damit die Herz-Bedürfnisse und V isionen umsetzbar werden. Meine Herausforderung: Nachhaltend heilen und alles was lebt zur natürlichen Grösse entfalten lassen. Mein Traumjob: Als Persönlichkeits trainerin, Lehrerin, Coach und Supervisorin Einzelne und Gruppen stärken, damit sie das Leben nach ihrem inneren Rhythmus tanzen mögen.
Helen Eriksen Coach, Speaker and Head of “Inner Pilot“ KaosPilots Switzerland What companies, societies and humans often dream of is personal AND financial growth, what they would love to see unfold and manifest is self-innovation AND cultural innovation, because that is often where well-being and more meaning is to be found. This scenario is exactly what changels do and what the K aosPilots are trained to co-create with their cooperation partners. That is why I w ork with them, simply because, here I h ave to quote a great man; we need to be the change, we want to see in this world. Changels and KaosPilots dream, innovate, envision new ways and perspectives AND take action sustainably, with edge and a relieving twist to it for the greater.
Franziska Meyer Head of Accreditation and Sustainability I have been working in the pedagogical field for many years, and I have always been dreaming about schools that would enable their students to learn for life. Here at the KaosPilots, the s tudents bring themselves to their limits, where learning takes place in the m agic field of the newness and the using of our tools and skills. Learning about sustainable and 7-generational thinking is essential and brings a new enthusiasm.
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Would you like to co-create
and regenerative organizations?
By Rolf Jucker, Team Leader at the KaosPilots and sustainable organizational development at changels
Talking about sustainable development or sustainability is common currency today. And it is very easy to step into the minefield of what is the right term. There is hardly a single corporation that dares to not publish a sustainability report, we have it enshrined as one of four overarching aims in the Swiss Constitution, and it is brandished about in connection with almost any topic in almost any context. One the o ne hand, this is, of course, good news since it shows that concern about the future of human life on this planet is something that has gained wide-spread recognition. On the other hand, though, the concept itself seems so vague and open that it can be filled with almost any meaning you might fancy. And this, I’m afraid to say, has very little to do with the s cientific understanding of the term which is quite straightforward and unambiguous. In Herman Daly’s words: “the Earth ecosystem is finite, nongrowing, materially closed, and while open to the flow of solar energy, that flow is also non-growing and finite”. This simply means that we live on a materially finite planet which is enabling all life, including human life. Understanding this total dependence on the life support system is crucial, as Bateson has pointed out: “The unit of survival – either in ethics or in evolution – is not the organism or the species but the largest system or ‘power’ within which the creature lives. If the c reature destroys its environment, it destroys itself.” In other words, any talk about sustainability which doesn’t respect these boundaries and (inter-) dependencies is caught up in fundamental illusions about the basics of life. In addition, most talk about sustainability is in a sense too limited, because it attempts to expand our current visions about ‘progress’, ‘freedom’ and ‘development’ into the future. Yet what we really need are new ways to bring our wildest dreams about a good life into being while respecting the basic facts of life outlined above. This is an innovative dance of co-creation because it enables us to re-create and enjoy fully the way we interact with each other, nature and other species. It allows us to breathe new life into the old-new wisdom of values that nurture life rather than limit and destroy it. It re-launches the debate about justice in an entirely new light if you seek sustainable solutions which do not just avoid environmental damage and human exploitation, but attempt to regenerate and celebrate the beauty of nature and enable self-determined human communities with a seventh generation timeframe. So how does this hang together with all of us in our own companies and teams? The learnings bring this abstract discussion right back home: Regenerative sustainable solutions cannot be delegated to the U N, governments, or big industry. They only happen by taking full responsibility for the fact that we are co-creating our lives: they succeed whenever we are ready for face-to-face, hands-on learning as a community which means business, exploiting to the fullest our respective spheres of influence. This small-scale change cannot
be anything else but communal, co-created change in a specific, real place, i.e. our space. With my experience and know how in a systemic approach to sustainability I w ould like to co-design, support and co-create such learning journeys together with individuals, schools, small and big businesses and communities which yearn to realise their dreams about a g ood life. The last 30 years of experience in sustainable development have shown that the following three principles help achieve this: 1. Here and now, not tomorrow: one-planet living cannot be delegated to the next generation. A viable future is built here and now. 2. Act, don’t talk: awareness raising and abstract knowledge about the e nvironment and the s tate of the w orld don’t lead to sustainable action. We need to move into living the change. 3. Together, not alone: Learning and developing towards sustainable communities does not happen with individuals alone. We need communities of practice, exchanging and learning from others, building the future in full acceptance that we are dependent on each other and nature to do so. There are various opportunities you may want to play and co-create with us: • Do what you love and send us a postcard when you are happy. • Buy a book about “Cradle to Cradle” and rest in peace. • If you like come and have a talk with us at changels about these questions and what you need. • Book Rolf for an i nspiration speech about cool sustainable solutions for your organization or team to spark the conversations. • Involve us as facilitators and inspirators for your organi zational development. • Sign up for a next Urban Safari in Bern on “Inspiring and sustainable organizations, projects and people”. • Join the project Sustainable School Communities with the KaosPilots Switzerland and other schools in Switzerland and elsewhere. • Sign up for the changels-Mastery-Program NEW B USINESS to develop your business idea and dream in inspiring and regenerative ways. We recommend the 3 d ays Intro- Module either in April, May or June 2014. In the pipeline Sustainable School Communities Are you keen on sustainability and regeneration? Do you care for the kids of your kids, down to the 7th generation? Are you a p rivate or public school and believe that your (school) community could be an e xciting playground for figuring out what sustainability in practice could look like? changels, in co-operation with the KaosPilots Switzerland, is starting up a new 3-year pilot project to bring together
interested schools. We want to explore concrete change towards sustainability. The schools commit to try this path for 3 y ears and they will be supported by KaosPilots and changels on their learning journeys. The challenge of this project is to go the extra mile and really explore how far the b oundaries of curricula, time tables, earning arrangements and integration into the surrounding real world can be pushed. We start from the d ream of a human scale education which enables the learners to engage meaningfully in the w orld in order to seek winwin-win solutions which bring sustainbility, justice and regeneration into being. During the process all participants will develop into competent change agents and multipliers of sustainability solutions in other contexts (family, work, citizens, sports club, peer group). And we will share our learnings in an online-manual for good practices. Are you up for testing the boundaries of what can be done? Do you know interested schools? So far, the S chule am Wald in Zürich as a private primary school and the K aosPilots Switzerland will be part of this adventure. We are looking for 2-3 more schools, possibly public schools from Secondary level I and II. For more information contact Rolf Jucker Franziska Meyer
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Support Angels
Helikoptereinsätze nach Katastrophen
Für Matti Straub-Fischer war bereits im Alter von 5 Jahren klar: Er will einmal Helikopterpilot werden. Diesen Traum hat er im 2006 umgesetzt und hat die Ausbildung zum Helikopter-Berufspilot beim Berner Helikopterunternehmen Moutainflyers erfolgreich absolviert. Und dann kam die Frage: Was wäre für ihn sinnvolles Helikopterfliegen? Für Matti war bald klar, dass er mit seinen Heliflügen Freude bereiten, und gleichzeitig auch sinnvolle Einsätze fliegen will. Zu diesem Zweck hat er nach den Erdbeben von Haiti realisiert, dass mit kleinen Helikoptern sehr viel pointierter, kosten- und umweltfreundlicher unterstützt werden kann als wie bisher mit grossen Transportmaschinen, die bis zu 4000 Liter Kerosin pro Stunde verbrennen. In Gesprächen mit Fachleuten klärte sich schnell, dass solche Einsätze mit kleinen und kostengünstigen Helikoptern bisher noch nicht oft geflogen worden sind. Eigentlich erstaunlich. Denn fast immer ist der Faktor Zeit entscheidend: Wie schnell kann ein Helikopter im Einsatzgebiet sein? Die meisten grossen Helikopter fliegen selber ins Einsatzgebiet, was oft 5-10 Tage dauern kann und oft durch Zollprozeduren noch verzögert wird und in der Regel dazu führt, dass die Piloten und Crews bereits erholungsbedürf tig sind, wenn sie im Katastrophengebiet ankommen. Matti’s Idee war bald klar: Wie wäre es, wenn man einen kleinen Robinson 44, den meistverkauften Helikopter weltweit mit Kolbenmotor, so auseinandermontieren könnte, dass er leicht und schnell in eine Passagiermaschine verpackt werden kann. So wären Einsätze schneller, flexibler, umweltfreundlicher und auch um rund ein 10faches kostengünstiger zu machen.
Drei- bis vierwöchige Einsätze brauchen ein Team von 2 Piloten, einer davon Pilotmechaniker, sowie 2-3 Supporter und einen entsprechenden Heli. In Ruedi Boser, Chef und Chefmechaniker der Firma Rotortec fand Matti einen Partner, der das Projekt von technischer und personeller Seite mit seinem Team von Anfang an un terstützte und dazu beitrug, dass der Heli nun in rund 6 S tunden flugbereit gemacht werden kann. Dank der guten Zusammenarbeit mit Christoph Graf, Geschäftsführer der Mountainflyers, und Ruedi Boser gelang es Matti innert Kürze, einen passenden Helikopter in Norditalien zu finden, diesen zu kaufen und in die Schweiz zu importieren. Dazu gründete Matti eine eigene Helifirma, die Helisupport GmbH, welche das Projekt “Support Angels“ konkret lanciert.
Vorbereitungen braucht. Matti sagt klar: “Es braucht sehr viel Zusammenarbeit, damit ein solcher Einsatz gut ablaufen kann. Material muss getestet, Kommunikationsformen und Abläufe überdacht und angepasst, und Teamwork aufgebaut werden. Auch finanziell braucht das Projekt noch einigen Support, um längerfristig 3-4 Einsätze pro Jahr durchstehen zu können. Ich weiss, dass wir ein solches Projekt nur gemeinsam mit guten Partnern umsetzen können. Und ich freue mich wie ein kleiner Junge, wenn es endlich losgehen kann. Helifliegen ist eine meiner Passionen und sinnvolle Flüge zu fliegen, andern einen Freude machen zu können, das liegt mir am Herzen. Ich schaue, dass ich einmal pro Woche einen Tag Helifliegen kann. Ich fliege bewusst in homöopathischen Dosen.“
Mit dem Start der KaosPiloten-Schule musste Matti ent scheiden, welches der beiden Projekte er nun prioritär weiterbringen will. Es war klar, dass die KaosPiloten hier Vorrang haben. Der Heli HB-ZSA ist ein Robinson 44 Clipper II mit vier Plätzen und aufblasbaren Floats, um auch im Wasser bsp. bei Überschwemmungen gut landen und Menschen oder Hilfsgüter leicht ein- und ausladen zu können. Seit 2011 ist “Serafina Helibelle RedCloud“, wie Matti seinen Heli getauft hat, Teil der Helikopterflotte von Mountainflyers und wird von den 150 Piloten, die bei Mountainflyers Helis chartern analog zu einem MobilityCar-Sharing, regelmässig für Ausbildungs- und Rundflüge genutzt. Pro Flugstunde verbraucht ein R44 60 Liter Flugbenzin.
Wen das Projekt interessiert, erfährt mehr bei Matti Straub. Und wenn man/frau mitfliegen will? “Meine Passagiere schwärmen jeweils schon bald. Ich empfehle Flüge ab 25 Minuten, weil in den ersten 15 Minuten im Heli sind die meisten Leute einfach sprachlos. Danach geniesst man die Adlerperspektive nochmals ganz anders. Ich habe Platz für 3 erwachsene Passagiere. Kleinkinder bis 2jährig können auf dem Schoss eines Erwachsenen mitfliegen und Kinder bis 12 können, wenn sie Platz haben, auch zu zweit auf einen Sitz.“
Nun, wo die KaosPiloten langsam flügge werden, sieht Matti den Silberstreifen am Horizont wieder für sein Helihilfs-Projekt. Er sich bewusst, dass es noch einiges an
Support Angels sind ebenfalls Teil des Innovationsdorfes Bern. Matti Straub-Fischer ist erreichbar via +41 79 345 28 28 oder
| changels news | 2013/2014 | issue # 1 | add adventure |
Urban Safaris in Berlin, Bern and Cape Town By Matti Straub-Fischer
Do you remember this feeling when w alking through a new city? Every corner feels fresh and the curious side in us always wants to explore even more. We started Urban Safaris in Berlin when our communication partners from Lower East, Jørgen Smidstrup and Helle Marietta Pedersen invited me for a f ew days into their new hometown Berlin in June 2012. We were in the middle of planning the Kaos Pilots launch and I w as looking forward to some days offline, without the usual buzz of priorities and to-do-lists. Jørgen and Helle welcomed me to their home and working space in one of the cosy corners of Kreuzberg. And after a w elcome coffee, J ørgen simply said: Let’s go! The next 2 days we were on the saddles of our bicycles and Jørgen guided me through amazing and inspiring corners, found the best cafés, showed me some inspiring shops, art galleries, new public spaces and gardens – I w as blown away. Looking at new and old places with curious eyes made my thoughts run and grow into all sorts of directions. Suddenly, I was seeing solutions for questions I was juggling with back home in Bern, while biking in this majestic and impressive city up North. I was full of ideas, inspiration and good meetings, moments in cafés that felt very nurturing and grounding, and the c onversations we had on bicycles and walking along the canals, were helping me to see many things much clearer than I thought was possible before. And for those who know me a b it, this does not come as a s urprise: When I a m inspired
by something, I a m immediately thinking “Could this be fun and giving for others?“ So we invited a f irst group to join us on our Urban Safari. Jørgen, Helle and myself always go and explore new places, projects and meet with different people for every Safari. Since November 2012, we have been able to guide 3 groups thru Berlin, and every tour was a unique journey. And every tour is crowned with a Camillo’s Paladar. A pop-uprestaurant offering dinner with a c ustomdesigned menu and the suitable beverages. And we do this as long as we are having fun ourselves. The next Urban Safaris take place here: Bern: Friday, April 11, 2014, from 9-18h Cape Town, South Africa: Thursday/Friday, May 8/9, 2014 Berlin: Monday/Tuesday, May 26/27, 2014 (together with the KaosPilots team SUI 2) We also design Urban Safaris for small teams of companies with concrete topics meeting your interests (ie. design, architecture, sustainability, art, entrepreneurship, ...) Get more information here:
Designed by Lower East This newspaper is designed by Lower East – a graphic design and communication company based in Berlin, run by the Danish designers Helle Marietta Pedersen and Jørgen Smidstrup. Lower East have for the l ast three years have been working very close together with changels and KaosPilots Switzerland. The designers has a long history with the Kaos Pilot school in Denmark, they designed the very first visual identity for the school back in 1991 and redesigned it in 2006. Based on that, they created the visual identity and campaign for the KaosPilots Switzerland in 2011. Lower East operates mostly in the fields of art, culture, architecture, organizations and education – designing visual identities, websites, posters, campaigns, books, magazines, art catalogues, graphics for exhibition spaces etc.
Lower East recently established Lower East Lab in Berlin. A c reative space and design studio, where co-working, meetings, workshops, conferences, food events, talks and much more take place. The lab, 198m2 in an old renovated factory, will be the classroom for the coming Urban Safaris in Berlin. For requests and more information about the lab, feel free to contact Lower East. Lower East are also the chefs and creators of Camillos Paladar – a pop-up-restaurant – popping up in Copenhagen, Berlin and in the changels and KaosPilots environment in Bern when there is a desire for it.
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| changels news | 2013/2014 | issue # 1 | add spices |
Perspektiven 2014 und Chancen in
Wir changels haben im Oktober 2012 nach gut fünf Jahren am Falkenplatz 11 in der Berner Länggasse neue Arbeitsräume gefunden. Mit dem Start der KaosPiloten-Schule brauchten wir fürs Team SUI 1 m ehr Platz für praktische Ausbildung, Meetings und Präsentation von entwickelten Projekten. Dafür suchten wir nach einer älteren Fabrik liegenschaft und wurden auf dem ehemaligen WIFAG- Areal der Firma MALI fündig. Angrenzend ans farbige Lorrainequartier fanden wir hier zuerst im 3. Stock geeignet grosse und ausbaufähige Räume mit sensationeller Alpensicht direkt auf Eiger, Mönch und Jungfrau.
• Multiple Anforderungen – o der wie wird Frau nicht z wischen allem zerrieben? • Ohne Musse küsst die Muse nicht mehr • Emotionalität im Beruf – stark oder unprofessionell? • Neuer Job, Anfrage für ein Amt – Frauen vergleichen und reflektieren stark – ist das angebracht? • Frau sein & F rau bleiben in der turbulenten Zeit des globalen Paradigmenwechsels? • Ehrenamt & Sonderjobs Hier gibt’s die nächsten Daten der plApéro-Runden:
Wir changels haben in diesen vergangenen Jahren mehrere spannende Projekte lancieren können. Und es freut uns, dass wir Ihnen hier einige dieser spannenden Angebote vorstellen dürfen:
Hungrig nach mehr KnowHow und Weisheit? Hier können wir gleich 4 spannende Angebote vorlegen:
Haben Sie Lust auf einen Arbeitsplatz im Innovationsdorf Bern? Umgeben von andern interessierten und kreativen Partnern, kleinen Firmen, Organisationen aus allen Bereichen und KaosPiloten, können Sie hier alles haben: Vom Arbeitsplatz für einen halben Tag, wenn Sie in Bern sind, bis hin zum Büro für mehrere Personen mit Mitnutzung von Sitzungszimmern und Workshopraum, bieten wir Ihnen eine inspirierende Arbeitslandschaft zentral in Bern. Am besten Sie rufen an und kommen vorbei, um sich unsere Räume anzuschauen. Lust auf spannende Unternehmer-Geschichten und Vernetzung mit interessanten Partnern? Dann könnten die nächsten KaosX eine gute Gelegenheit sein, sich bei uns einzuladen. KaosX bietet 3 S tunden lebendiges Storytelling und Networking im KaosPilotenStil. Der nächste Abend findet am 12. März von 18.0021.00 in Bern statt. Diesmal mit dem Fokus auf “streetwise”, einen von unsern 8 Werten der KaosPiloten-Schule hier in der Schweiz. Vernetzung unter Frauen zum Thema Business & L eben? Melden Sie sich einfach für den nächsten changels- plApéro in Bern oder Zürich an. plApéro ist eine Plattform zum Austauschen diverser Themen der (Berufs)welt – Themen gibt es ja genug:
Am 29. September 2014 startet das Team SUI 3 der Kaos Pilots Switzerland. Die 3jährige Vollzeitausbildung als creative Führungsperson, verantwortungsvoller UnternehmerIn und zum Changemaker ist wohl eines der spannendsten Ausbildungsabenteuer, die es zur Zeit gibt. Anmelden bis am 20. März 2014. Info-Abende gibt es von Dezember bis März in Bern, Basel und Zürich. Wer sich unternehmerisch neue Perspektiven eröffnen will, aber sich aus diversen Gründen nicht für die 3jährige Vollzeitausbildung als K aosPilot engagieren kann, hat verschiedene Optionen: Neu bieten wir im Frühling 2014 den berufsbegleitenden changels-Mastery-Lehrgang NEW BUSINESS an. 10 x 3 Tage intensive und inspirierende Praxis-Ausbildung für Entrepreneurs und Menschen, die mit ihren Business-Ideen gerade auf die Startpiste rollen. Die Essenz von dem was wir in den letzten 20 Jahren über Projekt- und nachhaltige, enkeltaugliche Unternehmensentwicklung gelernt haben, vermitteln wir hier in Bern in enger Zusammenarbeit mit den KaosPilots Switzerland. Das Council Guide Training ist eine 2jährige Ausbildung mit 9 x 5 T agen Training, 8 x d avon auf der Schweibenalp über dem Brienzersee. Mit diesem inspirierenden T raining lernen Sie, sich selber zu leiten und Entscheidungen zu treffen wie ein Indianerstamm. Die Ausbildung ist inte grierter Bestandteil der KaosPiloten-Ausbildung hier in der
Schweiz und steht auch weiteren Teilnehmenden offen. WhiteEagle und eine Gruppe von internationalen Guides vermitteln diese alten und überlieferten Instrumente und methodischen Werkzeuge, wie Rat der Weisen oder W isdom Council. Das CGT startet jeweils im Oktober. Wer vorher schon Luft schnuppern möchte, kann dies vom 26.-28. Februar 2014 auf der Schweibenalp tun. Wer Interesse hat, ein Wisdom Council mitzuerleben, kann gerne an unseren KaosPilots School Councils teilnehmen. Wir treffen uns rund alle 3 Monate regelmässig als ganze KaosPilots Community mit Studierenden, Mitarbeitenden, Lehrkräften, Kunden und Partnern für einen Tag Reflexion der letzten Monate und schauen dann gemeinsam: Was brauchen wir nun, um optimal weiterzuwachsen? Die nächsten School Councils finden im 2014: • Am 20. Dezember 2014 von 9 bis ca. 16 Uhr • Am 12. März 2014 von 9 bis ca. 16 Uhr • Am 16. Juli 2014 von 9 bis ca. 16 Uhr • Am 19. Dezember 2014 von 9 bis 16 Uhr statt. Die KaosPilots-Ausbildung, der Lehrgang NEW BUSINESS und das Council Guide Training finden in englischer S prache statt. Dies aufgrund der internationalen Zusammensetzung von Teilnehmenden und Lehrpersonen. Inspiration gefragt? Wir bieten regelmässig Urban Safaris in Bern, Berlin und Cape Town an. Urban Safaris sind ein Angebot von changels und Lower East aus Kopenhagen und Berlin und finden seit 2012 statt. 1-2 Tage eintauchen in eine spannende Stadt und inspirierende Projekte, Menschen und Läden kennenlernen. • Bern: Freitag, 11. April 2014 • Berlin: 26.-27. Mai 2014 • Cape Town: 8.-9. Juni 2014 (Cape Town wird im Jahr 2014 World Design Capital sein).
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