Winnifred ‘Winnie’ Myrtle Knowles was born on 22nd April, 1937 in Nassau, Winnifred ‘Winnie’ Myrtle Knowles was born on 22nd April, 1937 in Nassau, Bahamas to the late Mrs. Maude Deal Thompson Sawyer and the late Sumner Thompson. She was married to the late Henry Elmore Knowles for twenty five years before he went on to be with the Lord at the age of 45. She is survived by her only sibling, Clifford Thompson, her children, Deborah (Charles) Burrows, Jennifer ‘Donnie’ (Ricardo) Treco, Jeffrey (Lisa) Knowles and Christopher Knowles, ten grandchildren, Ria Treco, Rhondi Treco, Ronquil (Chris) Mootoo, Ramanda (Geoff) Lee, Patrice Robinson, Raquel (Kino) Lockhart, Charles II (Krystal) Burrows, Nathan Burrows, Jedison (Pamela) Knowles, Jamison Knowles, Ten great-grandchildren: Sade Smith, Savannah Smith, Eve Burrows, Charles Burrows III, Ricardo Smith, Thea Cochinamogulos, Cadence Mootoo, Carter Mootoo, Parker Knowles, Reagan Knowles, Sister-in-laws: Alice Cartwright, Miriam “Minna’ Culmer and brother-in-law, Paul Knowles; and many nieces, nephews and other relatives.

Many friends including: Mary and Paul Maxwell, Kim and Dexter Bodie, Sambrianna and Sonny Walkine, Mr. and Mrs. Cedric (Maxine) Moss, Majorie Treco, Myrtis Cartwright, Frank and Janet Dean, Helen Turnquest, Dulcie Self, Sharmain Porter, Michelle Cartwright, Janette Cartwright, Shirley Papageorge, Rosemarie Rogers, Rayshanno Spence, Mrs. Melanie Griffin, Vernell Rolle, Laurie Lightfoot, Lenora Taylor, Jane (Dewitt) Sands, and the Evangelistic Temple Greeters and Host Ministry Team, Pastor Gary (Myrtle) Curry, Pastor Vaughn (Wendy) Cash, Pastor Dave (Donna) Cash, Pastor Bradick (Briquell) Cleare, Pastor Keno (Kikiya) Smith, and all the members of Evangelistic Temple.
During Winnie’s formative years, she attended the Eastern Junior School and Bahamas Academy. On completion of her schooling, she worked as a switchboard operator at numerous hotels in Nassau such as Montague Beach Hotel and Queen Victoria Hotel. After working for many years in the hospitality industry, she was employed as an office receptionist at Business Systems and then from 1989-1993 she worked as a Kindergarten teacher at Temple Christian School.

She attended Grace Community Church for a

anyone that she and Reverend Gary Curry went to the same school as children. Winnie served as a member of the church’s telephone ministry for a number of years where she enjoyed talking with people. After her hip injury in 2018, she had a challenge walking and prefered to watch the live stream service at home. Her Bible was special to her and she often spent time highlighting scriptures which were significant to her; additionally, she kept important phone numbers written inside it, so she would never forget them.

Winnie appreciated the outdoors. Before her injury, she would meet her friends such as Grace Shamar, Joiceland Knowles, David Rolle, Maude Deleveaux, Helen Gardiner, Lisa Turnquest, Charles Bethel, Esther Dorsette, Eleanor Forbes, Maria Jenoure and Roslyn Dames, just to name a few, at the park in Colony Village where they would reminisce about the past and discuss the latest news. We understand even the animals at the park gravitated to Winnie and would get excited upon her arrival. During her visits she took a delight in feeding the pigeons and dogs. When she was able to drive, it was her daily routine to visit Yamacraw beach where she would often be seen swimming and chatting with friends such as Shiela Bannister and Dori Bowleg and strangers alike. Mom, along with her two friends picked up the trash daily and tried their best to keep the beach clean and beautiful. She had a unique laugh and personality which made her likable and memorable to everyone. It was evident to us that Winnie was interested in people because she had a special gift for remembering people’s names and loved engaging in conversation. We often teased her because she made it her business to get to know everyone in the neighbourhood. When she would sit outside, we often saw persons waving or honking their horns to greet “the Queen of Colony Village”. Her favorite adventure was traveling throughout the United States, Canada and the Caribbean. On her last cruise in 2018 to see the Panama Canal, she told us that it would be her last cruise, and it was so. Her greatest love and passion, without a doubt, was her family.

She enjoyed when she got visits, and or a phone call. She was interested in their lives and genuinely cared about each of them. She was quick to shed a tear if anyone got sick or was going through some difficulty. We made sure to save the bad news for the next morning, otherwise she would be up all night. She looked forward to birthdays and Christmas because she would get to see most of her family, although we thought it was because of the many gifts she received. The family fun name for her was ‘Queen Myrtle’ which she loved.
During her last couple days, she was blessed to see many friends and family. On Monday evening, December 19th, 2022, she died peacefully at home surrounded by some of her immediate family. She will always hold a warm place in the hearts of those who knew her.

Officiating: Rev. Dr. Vaughn Cash Senior Pastor, Evangelistic Temple
Assisted by: Rev. Dr. Gary Curry
Rev. Dave Cash Rev. Bradick Cleare
Moderated by: Rev. Keno Smith
Musical Prelude Procession of the Family
Opening Scripture and Prayer Pastor Bradick Cleare Praise and worship Minister Dexter Kerkulah
Opening Hymn Glad Reunion Day
First Scripture Reading – Romans 14:7-9 Ricardo Smith (Great-Grandchild)
As I knew Her / Tribute Paul Knowles (Brother-In-Law) Hymn It is Finished

Second Scripture Reading - Isaiah 25:8 Eve Burrows (Great-Grandchild) Tributes Mrs. Kim Bodie (Friend) Mrs. Sambrianna Walkine (Neighbour) Musical Selection Lenora Taylor Sermon Rev. Dr. Vaughn Cash Prayer for the Family Rev. Dr. Gary Curry Benediction Rev. Dr. Vaughn Cash
Recessional Hymn Its Alright Now

“Grams-a-Grams”…thank you for all the love and laughter that you shared with us over the years. I’m gonna miss you dancing and smiling and that confused look on your face when we making jokes…your love for the beach will always be one of my fondest memories…I pray the Lord blesses you with your mansion on the beach for being such a faithful servant! Love ya lots Grams!!

Grammy Winnie, I will miss you so much. You were such a special person to me and I am grateful for all the love and guidance you gave me. Your kindness, wisdom, and sense of humor brought joy to my life and I will always cherish the memories we shared.

Love you always Sade
My Freddy...I miss you more than you will ever know. I miss saying crazy things to make you laugh, singing your favorite songs, and just talking and hanging out. I miss rubbing your soft skin and your silky white hair. I just miss you being here. But I am glad that you are in a place where you can feel great all the time and take a dip everyday like you used to but only in the streams of heaven instead. I love you sooo much.
Love you forever...Raquel

Dearest Mom/Grammie, When we think of you we remember you laughing all the time. We can still hear your laughter, it remains with us all and we will all cherish the moments we shared with you.

We love you. Love, Jeff, Lisa, Jedison, Jaimeson, Pam, Parker & Reagan
I can never forget the first time I met my beautiful mother in law, Winnie Knowles. Her smile and laughter was like a ray of sunshine. She was the epitome of beauty. My last words to her were “Thank You for giving me the wonderful gift of your daughter, Jennifer”, and she smiled.

Your son-in-love, Ricardo Treco
Grammy, each tear I shed for you holds immeasurable love. Save me a space on that beach up there. Love you.

Love always, Ronquil

Dear Grammie,
You are with your Lord now. I see you dancing, singing and praising your God. I miss you already and I love you more.
Love, Ria

Grams, thank you for your care and concern, your sacrifices, your love, and everything that you have done for us. I will be forever grateful and thankful for the attention you paid to every detail and your ability to always make me feel like my life and my stories were the most interesting thing in the world. You may have passed on, but your memories and your infectious laugh will always live on within us!
-Puppy Alicia “Puppy” RobinsonGrammie, You were one of the best women in my life. I am so happy that I was able to be surrounded by your love and light. There will never be another like you and I love you immensely. There is only solace knowing you are at peace and with your Father. Until we meet again. Love you Grammie.

To my Mother,
Mommy you did the very best that you could have done with the limited resources that you had. You instilled in me the importance of keeping myself pure for my husband. You encouraged me to find a job on Saturdays and during the summer so that I can get all my school supplies. You were so proud of me when I took the common entrance exam and passed for GHS. You taught me never to be late for any function. You insisted that whenever I left home I should be nice and clean because if something happen to me there would not be any surprises. You loved my friends and often would ask me how they were doing. You allowed me and my siblings to play in the road until the street lights came on. My childhood days were filled with exciting things to do.
After I got married you went on Summer vacations with my family to Exuma and Long Island where you loved swimming and playing ball with the children. One Christmas you went along with my family to Canada. It was so cold but you enjoyed rolling in the snow with all of us, and we had a wonderful time. You were a social butterfly who enjoyed the outdoors and people. I guess I got it from you.
There is so much more that I can say about you mommy but most importantly I want to say I love you dearly and will miss you a lot. Take your rest mom until we meet again.
Love your daughter, Jennifer “Donnie” Treco
To my sister Debbie and my brother-in-law Charlie, Words cannot express my gratitude to both of you for caring for mom and meeting all her needs. Thank you Charlie for your gentle and compassionate spirit towards mom. You treated her like she was your mom. I pray God would bless you and Debbie in all that you put your hand to do. Nothing was ever too hard or costly to make mom’s life comfortable.

Debbie, my love, you did all in your power, even while being sick with cancer, to ensure that all of mommy’s needs were met. She called your name all day long, and when you got to her, she very seldom remembered what she called you for. I often joked with you saying, “moms going to be right here while you and I are gone”. The things you thought to buy mom to make sure nothing hurt her are unbelievable. We had many jokes about things mom would request and the things she wanted. You would start off with, “Donnie you won’t believe what mom did last night or this morning”. Debbie before you went to sleep You would say, “I bathed her, fed her, and made sure she would not need me for anything during the night”. Charlie, the many times you got up through the night to make sure she was okay I can never say Thank You enough. During the last week before she passed you sent me videos of her behavior for which I say thanks.
We always called mom Queen Winnie because mom expected us to jump right away to do what she asked for. Bless her heart.
Again Debbie and Charlie I thank you and love you lots. You both have put all of your plans on hold for mom. After your retirement, you were supposed to move to Long Island, but you decided that would not be the right thing to do at the time. Mom was always given top priority. Now that mom has gone on to her Eternal rest I want you and Charlie to take time out to be alone and start planning to relocate to your retirement home in Long Island.
Love you both dearly and again I would like to say thank you. Your love, compassion and commitment to mom has never gone unnoticed by me.

Love your sister Donnie

The family of the late Winnifred Knowles offer our heartfelt thanks to the many friends, neighbours and well-wishers who visited our home, attended the service, and who provided emotional and practical support to us.

A special thanks to the Evangelistic Temple’s Pastors, Ushers, Greeters, Music Minister, the band members, videographers, and sound technicians. To those who helped in any way your contribution made our loss more bearable. As it would be impossible to thank everyone individually, please accept this acknowledgement as an expression of our deepest gratitude.
Funeral Services Entrusted To: Vaughn O. Jones Memorial Center
Booklet Created by Kino Lockhart