VOLUME 12 • No. 4 SPRING 2012
Living Abundantly
A M I N I S T R Y P U B L I C AT I O N O F A B U N D A N T L I F E B I B L E C H U R C H , T H E B A H A M A S
GROWING Together
Gospel Challenge COOPERATIVES in The Bahamas
In Every Issue
Member in Focus Pg.16 Ministry Outlook Pg.24 Pastor’s InBOX Pg.26
GROWING TOGETHER To spiritually empower and refresh one another by Dr. F. Edward Allen
he Bible’s major injunction for the church is that the believer grows spiritually through fellowship with one another in order to refresh and empower him. This aspect of Christian maturity is mentioned in the Word of God, especially the epistles. We are all bonded to one another by our spiritual birth through the Holy Spirit. It would be good for a Scripture reference to be here. This work of bonding was at conversion. We are told that at conversion we were placed in the Body of Christ As well as here. After that the practical side is done with the incentives and leadership of the Spirit’s perpetual work in us. We read in scripture that we are members of one another. Consider what the bible says about togetherness, one another, fellowshipping and caring. We must realize that the believer is bonded to ‘one another’ just as we are bonded to Christ. Beautiful examples of this truth are seen in the scriptures: One practical application of this is seen in Paul’s meeting with Ananias (Acts 9:11-17). Paul’s encounter with Christ left him destitute of his former friends. He was alone. Ananias was reluctant to accept Paul, but the words of the Lord assured him that Paul was a changed man. That he was looking for acceptance and fellowship in the Christian community. He also found that it is impossible to have fellowship with the Lord and not have fellowship with other believers. Do you know of any refreshing Christians?
Living Abundantly Spring 2011 2012
How refreshing are they? In our churches these days very few of them can be found. And this applies to the home and the church. It is a pity that as believers in Christ we do not practice the art of encouragement and consolation as we should. We are so negative in our attitudes. We find fault with one another and slander them because we are not on the same frequency with them. Paul had some difficult friends in his day. They were critical; they forsook him; they added to his bonds; and cared nothing about the gospel of the grace of God and its power to change lives. However, he had a good number who cared for him. They refreshed him in the work he was doing and it refreshed others as they visited or worked with him. I am grateful to God for refreshing saints I have met along the Christian journey. They have been like the breeze of heaven to me in the work of the Lord. Without such people one cannot accomplish much. Their words of encouragement, acts of kindness, and sterling Christian attitude have been the means of pushing me on farther and farther in the work of the Lord. Paul had men who were refreshing. They were accommodating with regards to the people of God. Some of them were Stephanas, Fortunatus and Achaicus. They supplied the needs of the Corinthians. Paul said they refreshed my spirit and yours (1Corinthians 16:17, 18). Also because of the way the Corinthians accepted Titus and cared for him, the apostle reminds them of how their attitude refreshed Titus and himself. (2 Corinthians 7:13). In Philemon, Paul writes to him on behalf of his runaway slave, Onesimus. He writes how Onesimus refreshed him in his prison bonds, and he also mentions how Philemon refreshed him as well. It is so easy to fellowship in the Lord when you find Christians whose lives exude a tremendous aroma of refreshing and sweet odor. In so many quarters today this is lacking. There are so many complaints, so much negative thinking and deceptive attitudes
that the witness of the church is hindered and stifled. God give us Christians who have been under the shower of the Holy Spirit. They are kind, considerate and willing to help. A believer with a pugnacious attitude who is always murmuring and finding fault is a poor example of what a child of God should be. In 2 Timothy 1:16, speaking of Onensiphorus, Paul writes to Timothy and praises him and rejoices that he did not let the attitude of others affect his spirit. A refreshed Christian is a mature Christian. He is willing to follow his Lord, and generates joy in receiving and refreshing His people. How we need this type of believer in our churches…people who are genuine specimens of the grace of God in their lives! Regarding Onesimus, Paul indicated that
he refreshed him; and so did Onesimus’ master, Philemon. There is one basic matter that would correct this unpleasant situation among the people of God. It is to know Christ in His humility and resurrection, and growing up into Him in knowledge and grace. In other words, spiritual maturity will mellow the believer. It will make him more accommodating and pleasant. It will help him to discern the ways of God in his life and in the lives of other believers. The maturing work of the Holy Spirit will empower and enrich your life as it did in the revivals in the book of the Acts. Such people have a soft answer that turns away wrath. Are you one of those refreshing believers? Do you exude an aroma that is attractive and Christ exalting. Your positive life and testimony are a credit to your church and your witness for Christ.
Dr. F. Edward Allen Executive Editor Senior Pastor Emeritus
Living Abundantly
A M I N I S T R Y P U B L I C AT I O N O F A B U N D A N T L I F E B I B L E C H U R C H , T H E B A H A M A S
VOLUME 12 • No.1 • SPRING 2012
Daily Bible Reading Everything By Prayer
5 10 14
Gospel Challenge
Ministry Outlook
20 24
Health & Wellness
Bahamian Recipes
Pastors’ Inbox
Editor in Chief Cranston Knowles Associate Editors Meshelle Moss and J. Shannell Evans
Youth Speaks Member Focus
Errol and Melitza Rolle
Women’s Ministry
Literary Editor Prieta Burnside
Growing Together
Finance, 23 Business, Law
Cover Photo Rhodine Fox Photo Editor Patrice Evans Consultant to the Editor John Davis
Tips from the Doctor
Questions and Answers for Everyday living
Executive Editor Ed Allen
Graphic Design/Layout– Mieko Smith Photography Ruthmae Lightbourne, Renaldo Butler
Equipping The Saints
Pastoral Advisory Board
Cranston Knowles – Co Pastor Gil Maycock – Co Pastor Algernon Malcolm – Associate Pastor David Cartwright – Youth Pastor Anthony Rolle – Evangelism and Discipleship Pastor Freeman Seymour – Minister of Music O’Neil Russell – Minister
Pastoral Consultants Office Staff Ms. J. Shannell Evans (CFO) Pastor Cranston Knowles Pastor Gil Maycock Ms. Joyce Maycock (Office Clerk) Lisa Moss (Secretary) Mrs. Kimberley Minors (Office Manager) Minister O’Neil Russell
Dr. F. Edward Allen – Senior Pastor Emeritus James Knowles – Chairman of Finance Committee
Easter Song
Anthony Stubbs – Chairman Gregory Bullard David Cartwright John Davis William Maycock Ronald Stubbs Creswell Wallace
ADVERTISE WITH US For details call 242-393-8134 or email: • © 2012 Abundant Life Bible Church, All rights reserved. Living Abundantly
Everything By Prayer by J. Shannell Evans
few days ago on my way to an appointment, I took a turn on a corner that had a bad spot in the road. Even though I turned slowly and thought that I was being careful, as I made the turn, I felt a dump and heard a grating sound and I groaned, fearing that some damage had been done to my car. I continued through the corner to my appointment, which was not far away at this point, and held my breath as I got out of the car. I was afraid to look, fearing what I would see. As I looked, I saw that there had been some damage, probably not a serious thing, but I immediately thought how even the little thing was going to cost me more money. My fender on the driver’s side was pulled away a little. I tugged and probed around it for a few minutes, inspecting what was done to see what would be needed and to see if perhaps it was something I could push back into place myself. Finally I gave up and went to keep my appointment with a heavy heart. Somewhere during the course of my appointment, I decided that I was going to give fixing it myself another try. When my appointment ended, I went out to the car, put everything I had with me inside and then I stood up, looked at the car and prayed. I said, ‘Lord, you have to help me, show me what to do because I need this fixed.’ I looked at the fender again, examining the part pulled out with my hands and as I looked, things began to connect in my head as to what I needed to do and I went to work. As I worked, I con-
Living Abundantly Spring 2012
tinued to pray asking the Lord for direction and, piece by piece, I got the fender fitted back into place as neat as if it had never been pulled out. When it was done, I stood back and looked with a much lighter and very grateful heart and I thanked the Lord for His obvious loving concern for me in every area of my life. I reflected on the scripture, ‘Be anxious for nothing, but everything by prayer and supplication make your request known unto God’ (Philippians 4:6). I was reminded that when God says everything, He means everything and that it is us who withhold things from Him and therefore do not benefit from His help. How many of us actually take this verse as it is stated and put it into action? I was convicted on how many times I have failed to do it. James chapter 4 verse 2 says we do not receive from God because we do not ask. We are prone to think that only the big things, or rather the things that seem big to us, are the things that God is concerned about and will respond to. Yet scripture says two key words, ‘nothing’ and ‘everything’. In the first place, worry about nothing. How can we not worry? The answer is simple because in the second place, God has asked us to give Him everything so we do not need to worry about anything. In John chapter 16 verse 24, Jesus invites us to ask in His name so that we can receive and our joy can be full. Jesus knew the value of asking petitions of God; He Himself did so daily. His continual communion with His heavenly Father gave Him what He needed to carry out His mission here on earth, and in John 16, He invites us to do the same, so He said, that our joy might be full. That means so that we can have everything that we need according to the Will of God. You may ask how can we know if what we ask for is in God’s will. The answer to that is found in the chapter before in John 15 where Jesus says if we abide in Him and His Word abide in us, then we can ask what we will and it will be done unto us. With God’s Word hidden in our hearts, we will know truth and what is right and we will therefore desire and ask for what is right. It is said that it only takes about a week to develop a new habit. Take a week and in it fill your mind and heart with God’s Word, prayerfully approach every decision that you make and trust God to give you what you need in each circumstance. Practice as the Scripture says, being anxious for nothing, but instead, resting in the Lord and taking Him at His Word. His promises are yea and amen, which means they are sure to be fulfilled. Soon you will have developed a new habit of everything by prayer, then be willing to do as He leads.
By Pastor O’Neil Russell Screams of sorrow and grief pierce through the air as the coffin is lowered into its designated plot. Although the casket contains a lifeless shell, friends and family cannot extinguish thoughts about the location of the eternal resting place of their loved one. Only one of two locations awaits the arrival of that human soul; heaven or hell. Although the two appear unquestionably different at first glance, they also possess striking similarities. As was said, heaven and hell differ from each other in several ways. First, heaven is a bright, radiant paradise. The Bible illustrates the fact that heaven is beautiful and full of light. On the other hand, hell is totally dark, so much so that a person could not view his hand if it was positioned right in front of his eyes. Furthermore, heaven, also referred to as the City of Gold, is a place of joy and happiness. According to the Bible, there will be no sickness, sadness, or sorrow there. In contrast, hell is a place of eternal damnation and suffering; the inhabitants of hell will be relentlessly tortured. Although the Bible does not fully describe the details of hell, it records the reactions of persons who found themselves there. These graphic accounts give rise to the conclusion that the mere sight of hell, to say nothing of the experience is utterly horrendous (Luke 16:19-31).
hell (Rev 21:8). Hell must be absolutely horrifying. Furthermore, the entrance of a human soul into either heaven or hell is dependant upon one decision made here on earth (John 3:16). In order to enter the Kingdom of Heaven, you must believe on Jesus Christ and accept him as your personal Savior. On the other hand, to be an occupant of the lake of fire, one has to do absolutely nothing. Every human being was born in the muddy puddle of sin, and the blood of Jesus Christ is the only solvent that can cleanse the human soul. making it whiter than snow. How humbling it is to know that one decision determines where the human soul will spend eternity. Although the differences between heaven and hell are quite startling, the similarities can be chilling and sobering. What decision have you made about eternity? Given what is written in scripture, heaven should definitely be desired above hell. Be assured, nothing in life is more important than knowing the location of your final and eternal destination.
Despite these interesting differences, heaven and hell possess striking similarities as well. Firstly, both heaven and hell will contain its inhabitants forever. A period of one thousand years seems lengthy to the human mind. Therefore, to imagine eternity may even be incomprehensible. There will be no end for those who reside in heaven or hell, which can be a joyous or sorrowful thought depending on the condition of the soul. Also, both heaven and hell were created by the omnipotent God. If God created an earth that is so beautiful, imagine the wonders and the scenery of heaven. The pages of Revelation are enough to cause any human soul to long for a mansion in that city (Rev. 21:10-27). However, if God created such a charming heaven, imagine the atrocity of Living Abundantly
hat comes to your mind when you hear the phrase ‘Growing Together’? I invite you to take a moment and really consider the question. Often times we rush to answer questions and therefore formulate thoughts and opinions that are superficial and lacking in any depth. For many, the focus usually latches onto the word ‘growing’ and rests there, conjuring up images of things green and springing up. When you take the phrase as a whole however, the concept changes—or at least it should. In human terms, growth sometimes means pain. Sometimes it requires a tearing away. Tearing away from some of the things holding us back or down like bitterness, jealousy or a bad attitude and tearing off the things from our personality like ingratitude, greed or a selfish nature that are hindrances to personal growth. Without this initial step to change, which sparks our individual growth, we cannot begin the process or hope to achieve the goal of growing together. In John’s gospel, chapter 17, in Jesus’ prayer for His disciples and for those of us who would come to faith after He hath returned to the Father, He prayed that we would be one, even as He and the Father are One. It is our Lord’s desire then that we as believers would grow together until we achieve that oneness. As His followers, it should be our desire and our goal is well. As a church, our goal is continual growth in the Lord, to become a church bearing His image upon us and what we do for Him. For 2012, our theme is ‘Growing Together’ and we asked different persons to share their thoughts on what it means to be growing together. To follow are excerpts from those thoughts from a pastor’s perspective and from two members.
– Pastor David Cartwright
In agriculture it takes time to plough the field, to plant the seed, to
Living Abundantly Spring 2011 2012
nourish with fertilizer and wait for the crop to come to harvest, and then to harvest the crops. In the home, after a child is born, he grows through the various stages of life; from an infant to a preschooler, an adolescent, teenager, young adult and finally an adult, but we do not leave them alone in their infant stage to develop by themselves because they cannot feed, bathe, creep or walk by themselves, talk or learn to play with others without help, and the parent has to make the effort, and take the time and resources to nourish, develop and train this child during those various stages. Through these times, the family needs help from our Creator, God. He instituted the family in the Garden of Eden, established it, and has laid out the blue print in His word on how it is to function. The success of growing the family does not happen because of our genius as parents, but through prayer and dependence on the Lord for His strength and guidance. We need to submit to His Lordship, seek His guidance so that we can glorify Him. As with the family, so it is with the church. We need help from God as well. We are not to leave believers to develop on their own either; they need to be taught, to learn discipline and be encouraged to enjoy fellowship with one another. If this is not done, we will have an undisciplined, untrained and arrogant group of people who would not be able to live with anyone else, not even themselves. In the church, our effectiveness does not depend on our own abilities, our leadership, our membership, facility, wisdom, committees or our ministries, but it depends solely on the Lord as He builds His church (Matthew 16:18). He has called us from the foundation of the world, to be His (Eph. 1:4), and for the purpose of being holy and blameless. He chooses to work through human agencies, even though there is weakness and failures on our part. We strive to honor and glorify Him as He has called us to be His church. Ephesians 4:13-16 clearly state how we ought to grow in the church. The preceding verses say that Christ has given gifts and
gifted men to the church for the equipping of the church in order to bring them to maturity. 13 “Till we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ: 14That we henceforth be no more children, tossed to and fro, and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the sleight of men, and cunning craftiness, whereby they lie in wait to deceive; 15But speaking the truth in love, may grow up into him in all things, which is the head, even Christ: 16From whom the whole body fitly joined together and compacted by that which every joint supplieth, according to the effectual working in the measure of every part, maketh increase of the body unto the edifying of itself in love.” As we grow then, we ought to be humble in our attitude towards God and with each other. Philippians 2 1If there be therefore any consolation in Christ, if any comfort of love, if any fellowship of the Spirit, if any bowels and mercies, 2Fulfil ye my joy, that ye be likeminded, having the same love, being of one accord, of one mind. 3Let nothing be done through strife or vain glory; but in lowliness of mind let each esteem other better than themselves. 4Look not every man on his own things, but every man also on the things of others. 5Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus: Can you imagine what we as a church would be like, if this was our attitude with each other, not looking out for our own interest but the interest of others? That is the example and mindset of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. He did it so we could be redeemed and we ought to follow His lead. Growing takes time and effort but we ought to be determined and deliberate in doing so in our homes and in our churches, then it will overflow into our communities.
– Simeon Smith
When I think of the church’s theme for this year, 2012, “Growing Together”, a number of ideas encapsulate this thought. I see a church sharing one heartbeat, denouncing solitude and fostering togetherness and progress, with the ultimate goal being unity with each other and the body of Christ as a whole. Psalms: 133:1 says “Behold how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity.” In this day, that unity seems so elusive, but it can be achieved if we are each willing to try. As a church, growing together is about everyone being goal-aligned and sharing the same purpose and vision. Uniformity in how and what is done, would be a trademark of the church, and is crucial to the desired success. Each year, the pastor responsible for Vision casting presents the vision for the church for the year. At the end of last year, he presented the vision and direction of the church for the next twenty years. A large part of the plan is the development and networking of ministries to fulfill the church’s mission of becoming an evangelistic power house in this nation, and the physical expansion and renovation of our space to accommodate the growth. This year is a pivotal time for each of us to begin the process of individual growth, and like a plant that seeks life from the sun and therefore reaches up towards its warming light, so must we reach toward the Son, not pushing others out of our way in our effort to see Him, but helping each other to get there, so that we can all bask ‘together’ in the warmth of His love. We are a part of God’s army, and we are all connected to each other. There is strength in unity, and this can be reflected in our support for church initiatives, how we relate to each other, show love and concern for each other, and obedience to the guidance of the Pastoral staff. Growing together should involve progress. We should never become stagnant and complacent with our previous accomplishments. Progress and growth indicates that there is life. 1 Peter 2:18 tells us Living Abundantly
GROWING TOGETHER continued from page 7
to grow in grace and in the knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, suggesting that growth is expected and required of us. The apostle Paul in Philippians 3:13-14 urges us to forget what lies behind us, reach toward what is ahead, and press towards the goal for the prize. This indicates to me that if we are to grow together, we must be active and not lazy and certainly not wallowing in past hurts or mistakes but forgiving of ourselves and others and we will be free to stretch forward enough to reach our goal. It would not be fruitful to sit around and wait for someone else to give us spiritual handouts. We ought to be reaching for and pressing towards the goal. We must always be prepared to move forward to accomplish more for God, because yesterday’s successes are insufficient. The only way we can be prepared is to keep ourselves spiritually fit by reading and studying God’s Word. 1 Peter 2:2 encourages us to desire the sincere milk of the Word like newborn babies, so we can grow spiritually. Growing together means, caring for one another. 1 Corinthians 12:25-26 states it beautifully, “that there should be no division in the body, but that the members should have the same care for one another. And if one member suffers, all the members suffer with it; if one member is honored, all the members rejoice with it.” It is about every one looking out for each other’s best interest, and making sure that their needs are met. When an army moves, it moves together, and no one is left behind. One-ness of heart, synchronized advancement for all, and making sure that no one is left behind ensures that we grow together. Like a gardener that ensures that all plants in his care receive the correct amount of sunlight, water and nutrients for growth, we should be willing to ensure that all of the family of God is supplied with love and the other necessities that will assist them in growing. Galatians 6:10 tells us to do good to all men, and especially to those of the household of faith. One of the other necessities that I see for growing together, is the need to encourage and nourish each other spiritually. Many times, there are situations that discourage us from pressing on, but the little investment of an encouraging word and prayer from each other can be the catalyst for a weak or fallen member getting back on their feet again. Ecclesiastes 4: 9-10, 12 says, “Two are better than one, because they have a good reward for their labor. For if they fall, one will lift up his companion. But woe to him who is alone when he falls, for he has no one to help him up. Though one may be overpowered by another, two can withstand him. And a threefold cord is not quickly broken.” This reinforces to me our responsibility and the need for all of us to be there for each other, to assist if there is a need. We ought not to let any of our wounded soldiers die. It also speaks of us being willing and able to defend and protect one another. We ought not to “kick them when they are down”, gossip about them, avoid them, or even turn our backs on them. We ought to administer healing through spiritual counseling, discipleship, and mentorship. I also see the presence of constructive criticism within the church as an essential for growing together. The ability to give and receive it is crucial to growth and development, because it is like pruning.
Living Abundantly Spring 2012
The Bible admonishes us to speak the truth in love. Ephesians 4:15 … “But speaking the truth in love, we are to grow up in all aspects into Him, who is the head; ; even Christ.” Sometimes, this can be a real challenge, because many persons do not like being told of their deficiencies. Both persons need to exhibit a positive attitude to accomplish this. Being open to accept the correction and the display of love and genuine Christian concern when correcting, is critical in this process. If handled correctly, this can restore the dignity of the member, maintain and sustain harmony, and the growth process is not stifled. When we are doing things together, learning together, praying and worshipping together, being obedient, caring for one another, and being our brother’s keeper spiritually, we are preparing ourselves for God to do great things through us. As we think about growing together and move ahead in 2012, I feel these are some practical things that we can keep in focus as we do our part as Christians. When it comes to God’s part, we know there are no limits to His capabilities, because He can do exceedingly, abundantly beyond what we can ever ask or think.
………. – Schantel Jones
In life, we are all encouraged to grow; a child matures to adulthood, to advance on the job, and even as a church, to grow in numbers of souls saved. The same should be said of our spiritual growth. In 1 Peter 2:2 it says, “As newborn babes, desire the sincere milk of the word, that ye may grow thereby.” I learned this verse as a young Christian and found this to be true. As I study God’s Word, attend Sunday School, church services, serving as part of the Welfare Committee and surrounding myself with godly people, it has encouraged me and helped me grow spiritually. Being a part of Abundant Life Bible Church has encouraged me to get out of my shell and share myself with others. One of my favourite scriptures is Proverbs 3:5-6 which says, “Trust in the Lord with all thine heart, and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge Him and He shall direct thy path.” This verse shows me that I do not have to try to control everything in my life, but allow God lead me where He would have me go. As a church, if we are to grow together, each member needs to do his part. There should be an individual commitment and surrender to God first. There should also be love, respect and support for the pastors and other members. In addition, we should all use our talents, strengths or skills to see the church succeed in its endeavours, and while so doing, knowing that it will glorify God. Evidence of our growth would be our working together cheerfully and having fun together. This will in turn draw unbelievers closer and grow the kingdom of God. . Living Abundantly
s k a e p
s H T U O Y
What is my Glory?
Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven. Matthew 5:16
When asked this question, I began defining what “Glory” means to me. Glory for me is how I do things and how best I represent God in the things that I do. I have narrowed down the areas in my life that are most important to me: such as school, soccer, the things I do daily, and my Christian life. I was raised to put my all and take pride in everything I do because that’s what God expects from His children. I try to do my best in my school work, most especially because I receive glory from my peers, parents and family members. I take pride in myself because I know I am a child of God and this body of mine is God’s and should be treated as such. I also take pride in soccer, a hobby that I very much enjoy, because it’s illogical to do something if you’re not going to put your all in it. However, out of all of these I try to take the most pride in my Christian life, to be the best I can in everything I do thus giving honour to God. My Christian walk is very important to me, to be more like Christ; therefore I take pride in being a Christian. So again, if asked, “What is your glory?” I would simply reply by saying, my glory is to do all that I can do, helping others, giving of my time in Church in God’s service, interacting with friends, and living a life that glorifies God’s name. Keiano Moss
Living Abundantly Spring 2012
What is my glory? That’s a really good question. When I think about glory, my mind honestly goes to God first. “To God be the Glory, great things He has done”, a phrase I hear regularly, and He has really done a lot for me. Can anyone really ever truly have glory without God to begin with? I think not! I may only be sixteen, almost seventeen, but I have many things that have happened in my life through God that I can take pride in, and I can say that He’s the only reason for many of my accomplishments and successes and I thank Him for everything. God does not expect anyone to be perfect, but I always strive to be the best Christian that I can be, and to do everything I can for Him whenever I have the opportunity. I think back on this past summer, when I went on my first mission trip to the Dominican Republic with a group of members from our church. That was one of the greatest experiences I had ever had in my entire life. Being able to minister the gospel to people in another country, even in Spanish, was something I could have never even pictured myself doing. It has enabled me to become closer to God, close to my teammates, making new friends and coming back to Nassau with memories that could last forever. There were things like the beautiful scenery; the lives of children and adults who had come to experience redemption through Christ. I hope to participate in more mission trips to even further places to win souls for Christ. God has planned much for my future, I am sure of it, and even though I have a long way to go, I know that by God’s grace I can achieve it. Matthew Johnson What is my glory? Basically, I take pride in trying to do the best I can in everything I do. For example, my glory is helping others. I pride myself in helping others because I think it’s the right thing to do. If there is a time in my life when I desperately need something, I don’t want people ignoring me because I never decided to help them. You shouldn’t only help others so you can get something in return, but because it shows that you care about others and you aren’t afraid to show others that you care. Another reason I pride myself in helping others is because I don’t like seeing people needy. If there is a homeless person on the side of the street, my mother would give them money and tell them to use it wisely. That is the kind of person I want to be, a person who gives but isn’t afraid to tell them what to do with it or to not waste it. Due to the fact that God said to give and not look for anything in return is another reason why I think helping others should be your glory. When God says to give, it doesn’t mean that He wants you to give away everything you have. It just means He wants you to be considerate with others, don’t only think about yourself and what you want. If you think of others first, later on you truly will be blessed, with even more than you imagined you could ever get. It’s all a part of His plan. I always hear people saying “JOY” stands for Jesus, Others, Yourself. Those three letters help me to remember that I should always think about what Jesus would do, which is help others, and then think about myself afterwards. That is what my glory is—being considerate and helping others, because I want to represent Jesus. Living Abundantly
Equipping The Saints
generations and restored a covenant between the nation of Israel and the Lord. We saw how a young shepherd boy turned King was trapped by covetousness which resulted in adultery, deception and murder.
The process of dissecting the lives of these individuals of couse led to significant debate and discussion. The class also saw a steady increase of participants during the couse of the study. This steady increase under lies the fact that there is a desire for spiritual matters from our young people. This desire must be deliberately targeted and encouraged to grow. This Equipping the Saints class was based on the 40-minute Precepts Study ‘How to Make Choices You Won’t Regret’. The class was especially designed for teens and young adults. The basis of the study was helping participants to avoid the pitfalls of ungodly choices, and what to do if a disastrous choice has been made.
n January, 2011, the Equipping the Saints programme was introduced at Abundant Life. The programme is an expansion of the regular Bible Study time held on Wednesday evenings. There are four classes held simultaneously over a ten week period, lead primarily by the pastors and other qualified individuals of the church, with Brother Patrick Rutherford from Teleios as an occasional guest speaker. The purpose of this programme is to do just as the name says to equip the saints in the Word of God and Christian living. Included in this segment, are two accounts of how these classes have been going; one from a student and the other from a class instructor. ………John Davis, Class Instructor It is not often that you are given an opportunity to interact with young people in a manner that is meant to encourage their Christian walk and provide them with the guidance necessary for assisting them in crucial decision making processes, from a Biblical point of view. The Equipping of the Saints third cycle module provided this opportunity, even though the initial intent was not for a varsity class but for a mix of ages and gender. However the Lord saw fit to separate the teenagers for a time of deliberate and purposeful study of the Word of God. The Participants were encouraged to approach the Word of God with no presuppositions or haste, but to allow the Word to speak for itself and to understand the relevance of the Bible in our present society. Through our ten week study, we saw that decisions made by the various characters did not come with isolated consequences but rather an outward ripple effect often unintentionally impacting the lives of persons who had no active involvement in the decision. We experienced the Godly decision making of a boy king that transcended
Living Abundantly Spring 2011 2012
I, John Davis was the principle facilitator in the class, and was assisted by Mrs. Kimberley Minors and Mrs. Audrey Davis. The class size averaged about ten to twelve young people each night. Each class started with an ice-breaker, designed not just for fun, but to get the class participants in gear for that evening’s topics. Topics included David’s sin with Bathsheba, and the consequences of that sin, and Adam and Eve’s choice to sin in the Garden of Eden. The format of the study included reading bible passages, marking key words and phrases in the text, and discussing the content of the passage. We got a valuable opportunity to hear what the young people have to say about choices they make every day, big and small. …………Rhodine Fox, Inductive Bible Study Class Student Have you ever been in a place in your Christian walk where you were puzzled at whether or not you would ever find an effective & spiritually rewarding way to study God’s word? Have you ever been perplexed by the preachers who know the word of God so intimately? If you answered ‘yes’, then my friend you are definitely not alone. The good news is that there exists a method available to anyone who is desirous of knowing the truth of God’s word. In 2 Timothy 2:15, the Bible exhorts us to ‘study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth”. But first, let me introduce you to what I feel and have experienced as being the most effective and soul stirring method, called the INDUCTIVE BIBLE STUDY method. Studying the Bible inductively means you will personally explore the scriptures outside of what scholars and teachers have inferred upon you. That sounds like a mouthful, so let me break it down a bit. First of all, ‘inductive’ means to ‘provoke or stimulate or bring about’. And just for connection purposes, ‘study’ means to ‘examine or consider or look at carefully’. Put them together and what we now have
is a gateway to studying God’s word personally. This is where 2 Timothy 2:15 comes into play. Studying inductively means that our Bible becomes the primary source of information about the Bible. Other sources like commentaries and sermons are good, but your first source should be the Bible itself. One important aspect to studying inductively is your willingness to slow down and really look at what the scripture is saying. For example, notice the key words (observation) in that portion of scripture underlined earlier, ‘shew thyself approved’. What do they really mean? •‘Shew’ means to place beside or near; to set at hand; to present; to provide; to place a person or thing at one’s disposal. As a metaphor, it means to bring into one’s fellowship or intimacy. •‘Thyself’ means you or yourself or thine own self. •‘Approved’ means acceptable and pleasing Let those three words sink in for a moment. Take a deep breath of God’s word here. Picture in your mind for a moment, having sweet fellowship or that intimacy you so desire with God through his word, just you and Him. The words from a song comes to mind, ‘bless be the ties that bind’, a tie to God that no man can sever. When we stand before God, would you like to hear the words ‘well done thy good & faithful servant?’ Wouldn’t you like to know that you have been ‘acceptable and pleasing’ to God in your walk with him? I know I would. From a slightly different perspective, let us imagine for a moment that our very being is a camera with unlimited memory. In terms of photography, our eyes are SLR’s (single lens receivers) and just picture it, we have two SLR’s. Two by which we can receive twice the amount of God’s word into our memory banks, which in this case would be our heart, and mind, and soul. Every time you delve into God’s word, you are hiding his word in your heart that you might not sin against him (Psalm 119:11); you are planting un-erasable blessings to retrieve at a moment’s notice; you have in your heart a greater power to enable you to overcome the enemy in this world in the form of the Spirit of God & His word, for in 1 John 4:4 it says “greater is he that is in you than he that is in the world”. Can you say with me, ‘AWESOME!’
From personal experience, Inductive Bible Study has given me an avenue by which I can have sweet and wonderful fellowship with God through his word. I’ve learned how through observation to discover what scripture says by identifying the context, observing the obvious, using the 5 W’s (who, what, when, where, why) and an H (how). Then by interpretation, I’ve been able to discover what scripture means by following the 7 basic rules of interpretation (context rules, seek the full counsel of the Word of God, scripture will never contradict scripture, do not base doctrine on obscure passages, interpret literally, seek the author’s intended meaning in the passage, check your conclusions with reliable commentaries, and do not bring presuppositions to the scriptures). And lastly, by observing & interpreting, I have been able to ascertain how to apply God’s word to my life. Apply what is right and reproof what is wrong, make correction to what is not lining up to God’s word in your life, and make instructions for righteousness (how to keep it right). Right now it may seem like a lot to digest, but once you start studying inductively for yourself, you will feel like you’re been in the Sahara desert for weeks without water and all of a sudden you come across a body of water. You will start drinking like there is no tomorrow. Isaiah 40:31 says “but they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.” I want this to be me. How about you my friend?
The maturing work of the Holy Spirit will empower and enrich your life as it did in the revivals in the book of the Acts. Living Abundantly
Mr. and Mrs. Rolle 14
Living Abundantly Spring 2012
Meet Brother Errol and Sister Melitza Rolle “I Come to the Garden Alone”, “What a Friend we Have in Jesus” and ‘The Haven of Rest” are just a few of the hymns of faith that flow smoothly and melodiously over the vocal chords of the musical icon, Errol Rolle, Senior.
or decades, this man of God has used his God-given gift to serve and glorify God. Anyone and everyone who has ever heard him sing, has been blessed by his message in song. But before we hear about the ministry of Errol Rolle, Senior, let us get to know Errol Rolle, the man. A proud descendant of The Forest Exuma, Errol was born and raised in Nassau. He was formally educated at the Eastern Senior School. As he grew older, he also acquired the skill of carpentry and became a Carpenter by trade. Through his trade, as a young man in 1951, brother Errol worked on The Contract, travelling to Florida, Minnesota and New York. Back home in The Bahamas, he found employment with The Ministry of Housing as a Construction worker, working at various sites and agencies, including the Princess Margaret Hospital. Obviously a man with many gifts and talents, brother Errol also enjoys cooking. Those who have tasted of his pot can testify that he can put a Johnny cake together, among other dishes, like no one else. His love for cooking and ministry, led him to be a part of Teen Scenes Camp where he has served for over thirty-five years as a cook and continues to serve this Brethren youth ministry. Somehow brother Errol incorporates serving God in everything he does by using all of his gifts and talents as a ministry at every given opportunity. It is certainly a testimony of his love for the Lord. Brother Errol however, had another love in his life. As a young boy, while most boys his age were interested in trucks, cars and shooting marbles, Errol had his eye on a lovely young girl who lived on the same street as he did, Lyon Road. This must have been divine destiny for they also attended Eastern Senior School together. Heaven must have heard his cry as years later, at the tender age of twenty-two and twenty-three, respectively, Errol married the love of his life, Melitza Wint, on June 8th, 1955 at East Street Gospel Chapel. This union was blessed with ten children, five boys and five girls. After over fiftyfive years of marriage, their theme and testimony is embedded in the faithfulness of God, whose mercies are new every morning (Lamentations 3:21-23). Having both received the Lord Jesus Christ as Lord and personal Saviour, Errol and Melitza raised their family in the fear and admonition of the Lord. This was training and instruction they both received from their parents who left rich legacies, which are of far greater importance and value than any material thing they could have left their children. Melitza’s parents were strict disciplinarians, from English and Jamaican roots. They believed that manners maketh the man and ensured that in conjunction with biblical values, their daughter was taught courtesy, etiquette and respect—values which seem to be Living Abundantly
MEMB E R IN FOCUS lost among today’s generation. It was her desire to train a generation, which led Melitza into the profession of Education. She began her teaching career with the Ministry of Education in 1949, at the age of seventeen. She taught at Eastern Junior School for several years and then joined the Private Sector, still in the field of Education, as a Teacher at St. Margaret’s Anglican School in 1954. During her teaching career, sister Rolle touched scores of young lives. One of her greatest joys was seeing a pupil she taught, later return as a successful adult to say thank you. Truly teachers can never be paid or compensated for their role in the lives of young people. She retired from teaching between 1969 and 1970 and undertook an even greater calling—that of full time motherhood. Additionally, true to her nature and calling, she continued to impact lives of youth by engaging in babysitting from her home, which was affectionately called Grammy Rolle Academy! Many youth, even some at Abundant Life can testify of walking through the doors of this institution and then moving on to even greater things. Presently, sister Melitza serves on the Executive Board of the 30th Company of Boys Brigade, under the leadership of Captain Charles Smith. In addition, she is a past Mother of the Year Honoree (2002-2003) of Abundant Life Bible Church. She enjoys reading, completing crossword puzzles, embroidery and catering to her family. Psalm 128:3 declares, “Thy wife shall be as a fruitful vine by the sides of thine house: thy children like olive plants round about thy table”. Brother Errol believes in the importance of families being together. He says, “I love my family and it is important for a family to stay together because the family that prays together, stays together….” To date, he and sister Melitza are the proud parents of nine saved, successful children (pre-deceased by their youngest son, Anthony), fifteen grand children (pre-deceased by two granddaughters), fifteen great grand children and the olive plants keep blooming! In the early days, brother Errol and his wife Melitza worshipped at the Gospel Hall and later at Grace Gospel Chapel (now known as Grace Community Church) and were among those in the trenches when the work of Abundant Life Bible Church was founded. They faithfully attended services bringing their children with them, not simply sending them to church and Sunday school. Proverbs 22:6 says, ‘Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.’ This has certainly proven true for Errol and Melitza. They are blessed to see their children now also active in the service of the Lord as church bus drivers, ushers, musician, singing in the choirs, working in the media ministry and a part of the evangelism and outreach team for
Psalm 128:3 declares, “Thy wife shall be as a fruitful vine by the sides of thine house: thy children like olive plants round about thy table”.
Living Abundantly Spring 2011 2012
Errol and Melitza Rolle those still at Abundant Life. There are three children who are no longer at Abundant Life but are also very much involved in the work of the Lord. Daughter, Katie, introduced the Awana programme at her place of worship and serves as Director as well as Sunday school teacher. She worked in Awana and in Sunday school at Abundant Life first before moving to worship with her husband. Daughter, Nadia, is Sunday School Director/Superintendent and Coordinator of the After School program offering tutoring and youth programs to the community and church. In addition, she functions in the graphics and publications/media department, among several other areas in her church. Son, Cardy (Errol Rolle Jr.), now living with his family in Florida, serves in the media department of his church. Before leaving The Bahamas, Cardy was head of media at Abundant Life, Praise and Worship leader, bus driver, soloist, song leader, carpenter, among so many other things. Those left at Abundant Life are: Sharraine, Brian, Scott, Michael, Jasmin and Marie. Marie’s ministry is not in Abundant Life but to the children at The Nazarene Children’s Home where she volunteers every Sunday afternoon, helps to raise funds, distributes clothing and reads to the children. Brother Errol and sister Melitza can testify that their children were raised, saved and nurtured at Abundant Life. As was mentioned earlier, brother Errol embraces every opportunity to use his gifts for ministry. He has been a faithful servant in the house of God for many, many years. He has held several positions including Elder, Song leader, Communion Celebrant and Soloist. He began singing at the age of seventeen years at The Gospel Hall. According to brother Rolle, he has a passion and love
for singing because he loves to encourage the body of Christ in song. It is his God-given talent and he wants others to come to know Christ, even through the message in song. His passion for singing has taken him across the length and breadth of The Bahamas and to the United States of America. He has sung before congregations in Miami, Illinois, Connecticut and Wisconsin. Further, he has produced his own compact disk album entitled, Hymns of Faith, which can be heard on the local gospel radio stations such as Joy FM and Inspiration 107.9FM. In addition, brother Rolle reaches the community through his own radio program “Hymns of Faith” which airs the first Thursday in every month on Inspiration 107.9FM. On January 29, 2012, he was among twelve persons honoured by the Assemblies of Brethren in The Bahamas as Brethren Heroes. Collectively these twelve individuals have given over six hundred years of outstanding Christian service to God, each having given over fifty years of individual service. It is commonly said that behind every great man, there is a great woman, but the family of Errol and Melitza Rolle would like to change that statement and declare that this man and this woman are great because they stand together. This tag team duo has been faithfully serving the Lord for decades. Their love for God and family is paramount to their success. They are not perfect but are striving to be more like Christ daily. Their marriage of 56 years is an example of the grace of God and their children rise up and called them both blessed. Abundant Life Bible Church congratulates brother Errol on his recent honour and salute both he and sister Melitza as our Members in Focus. Well done thou good and faithful servants. Until the Lord returns, continue to be steadfast and immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord , for your labour is not in vain in the Lord.
‘Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.’ This has certainly proven true for Errol and Melitza. Living Abundantly
hroughout the Old and New Testaments, we have learned about the great value God places on the lives of women. This is the case not simply because women were created in God’s image. Scripture also illustrates how God saw the usefulness of using women in ministry to meet the needs of people. In 1 Kings 17:7-24 we learn of the Widow at Zarepath, a poor woman, who gave out of her poverty so that the prophet Elijah could have food and shelter. In the Book of Esther, God used a humble orphan girl to minister to the needs of the King of Susa and her nation. Paul in his letters to the churches often spoke well of women such as: Phobe, Trypena, Tryposa and Persis who laboured earnestly with him. We know that they must have been faithful to their calling because Paul regarded them as being helpful to his work in the Ministry. Like Paul, we are so thankful to the Lord for each woman He has given to us at Abundant Life Bible Church. We are confident that God is desirous of using the women of the church to perform great exploits for His Kingdom. Our History We are also thankful to the Lord for the rich legacy He has given to us through the life and obedience of his servant, Sis. Velma Allen, wife of Senior Pastor Emeritus, Dr. F. Edward Allen. In
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1984, the Ladies’ Fellowship of Abundant Life was established and led by Sis. Allen. It was during these years that she sought to teach and instruct groups of young girls and adult women through scripture reading and prayer. After labouring faithfully for 26 years in this work, her mantle was passed on to another generation of leaders who sat for years under her tutelage. In May 2011, Sis. Helen Joan Maycock, wife of co-Pastor, Gil Maycock, was officially appointed by co-Pastors Cranston Knowles and Gil Maycock to succeed Sis. Allen. Her leadership team consists of her assistant, Sis. Kimberley S. Evans, and nine members of the Executive Committee. “Leading the Women’s Ministry,” says Sis. Joey, “is a very sobering thought for me, especially since I am by nature a very shy person, who is used to working from behind the scene. But I have learned that when God calls us to a task we are to obey and not question. Ladies, you are very important to us and we do solicit your full support. Together we can accomplish great things for Christ.” With this period of succession also came the renaming of the Ladies’ Fellowship to the Women’s Ministry. This change further provided for the integration of a new and dynamic structure to support the mission and vision of the Ministry. Our purpose is to connect the diverse female population within Abundant Life. To assist in this process, each member of the Executive Committee has undertaken specific roles to assist us in identifying the needs of our women. Having acquired such information, we will then be in a better position to meet the needs of the women in the ministry. Our Mission, Vision and Objectives Our mission is to promote Christ-like maturity in women, to provide opportunities for relationship building amongst our diverse group of women, and to reflect our belief in the authority of God’s Word through our worship and Christian service. The ministry’s vision, in its widest definition, is for Jesus Christ to have pre-eminence in our lives and to build a vibrant body of ‘ministers’ with a servant’s heart (1 Peter 4:10). Servant-hood is what the Lord is calling us to. The principal foci are to encourage the women of Abundant Life Bible Church to pursue spiritual growth and Christ-like maturity, and to assist them in discovering and utilizing their unique spiritual gifts. We believe this will
M INIS T RY O U T LO O K enhance our personal lives, and by extension the overall effectiveness of the church. Romans 1:12 says it well, “… that you and I may be mutually encouraged by each other’s faith”. Our Ministry The Women’s Ministry is “all-embracing” and is committed to encouraging women across-the-board to become actively involved in the work of the ministry. Are you a stay-at-home mom? There is a place for you. Are you a student in college or a young adult? There is a place for you. Are you a professional or a retiree? There is a place for you too. Are you convalescing at home or a new convert? There is certainly a place for you. There is a place for every female to use her spiritual gift to edify God’s people and glorify His Name (1 Corinthians 12:7-11; Romans 12:6-8). We do anticipate that our women will take advantage of the opportunities to participate in biblical counselling, prayer groups, bible teaching and discipleship. Moreover, women will be invited to join us in social outreach initiatives as we embark on special projects within the community, special visitations to our sick and shut-in loved ones and neighbours, missions and evangelism projects. We are also excited about our mentorship programme, and of course our personal care ministry which is especially created to assist us in keeping active contact with our women. We want to share in those special moments of your life, celebrate God’s wonderful blessings, and even stand with you during those difficult experiences in your life. As you can see there is certainly a lot to do in the Ministry. For those women who have stepped up to the plate and volunteered your time and gifts, we thank you wholeheartedly; for others contemplating whether to serve, we encourage you to join us. We are committed to seeing our women build healthy, lasting relationships with each other whilst becoming firmly grounded in God’s Word. However, our efforts will prove more difficult if you are not willing to become involved, dear sister. The question remains, Can God depend on you to do your part? If you are willing, God will use you! Our Calendar of Events The Women’s Ministry Calendar for 2012 is filled with exciting opportunities for service, fellowship and growth. Therefore,
no woman should feel excluded from the work or fellowship. If you haven’t already done so, we encourage you to secure a copy of the church’s calendar so that you can be informed of the great opportunities for service to our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. To whet your appetite, here is a taste of what you can expect: Ladies Post Valentine Grill Out (March 3), Women’s Day (March 18), Ladies Cultural Day (April 28) and Harbour Cruise (May 11). Additionally, we encourage you to become involved in the Ladies Fellowship meetings and weekly Monday night prayer meeting. Our small group meetings will certainly bring an exciting time of fellowship for all ages; keep your ears open for more information on the meeting dates and venue. As you can see our objective for 2012 is to become connected with ‘every’ female in the church, regardless of the age, nationality or profession, as we strive together to connect with our Master. We want to grow in our relationships and would love for you to be there. If you are not there, then we would not be complete because a member of our body is missing. We are determined that none will be left behind, and that includes you, dear sister. We are all different because God created us in this way (Psalm 139). Nonetheless, let’s be willing to allow our commonalities to override the differences. There is much work to be done. Our earnest desire is that with God’s leading, we will move steadfastly toward the purpose He has prepared for us. These are exciting times that we are living in, and we must prepare ourselves for the fruit of what God is doing. Our Future We recognize however that this can only be accomplished in unity with God’s Spirit. We further realize that this Ministry is an expansive and a comprehensive work. It is important for each woman to know that the Ministry does not consist of merely the leadership team; the Ministry represents each woman in Abundant Life. When we each take ownership of this work and extend our hands, as did the people in Nehemiah’s day, we will have success. We are certain you would agree that building takes time and energy. It is tedious, cumbersome and sometimes painful. The trials will come to test our faith. Notwithstanding this fact, we must be willing to yield our lives to the Lord in submission and like the prophet Isaiah
be willing to say, “Here I am Lord, send me!” The apostle Paul in Ephesians 6:10-19 reminds us that we must ensure that we are properly equipped to face the journey ahead. The prophet Jeremiah in chapter 29 and verse 12 was able to say to us with assurance that when we call upon the Lord, He will listen and answer. We believe that Scripture is true and when we obey God’s Word by listening to His Spirit, and lifting up His Holy Name, He will begin transforming lives for His glory. For it is from Him and through Him and to Him that we will have success. To Him be all the glory! Our Exhortation Finally, ladies, it is important for us to take our rightful place as God intended – to be a helpmeet to our spouse, a nurturer to our children, a keeper of our home and a mentor to those younger (in age and maturity) than we are. Of course, we cannot forget our single sisters; what a great and invaluable opportunity it is for you to commit fully and exclusively to the service of our Lord. Paul reminds us in 1 Corinthians 7 that this is a good thing. Ladies, let us all take this opportunity to serve the Lord with all of our heart, mind, soul and strength. We have asked the Lord to give us this mountain – and He has! Ladies, are you willing to come with us on this climb? It is our prayer that you will join us. Come on; let us GROW TOGETHER in our relationships, in God’s grace and in the knowledge and work of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. We thank you for your faithfulness in the past and look forward to your support now and in the future. Living Abundantly
‘During our annual Social Awareness lecture series at Abundant Life Bible Church last summer, a team from the National Insurance Board’s National Perscription Drug Plan came on one of the nights and shared the details of the plan with the church. The details of the plan were comprehensive and informative and as it is the aim of this magazine to educate and equip our readers, we have invited the Plan’s manager, Mrs. Tami Francis to provide the information for print to share with you.’
hrough legislation in 2009, The National Prescription Drug Plan (NPDP) opened its doors to the public on September 20, 2010 to 6,500 beneficiaries for its first phase. The National Prescription Drug Plan is an initiative by the Government of The Bahamas, in conjunction with the National Insurance Board (NIB), to improve access to prescription drugs and medical supplies for chronic diseases to enhance the health and quality of life of Bahamians. Ministry of Health data indicates that about one in three Bahamians, or at least one person in every household, suffers from one or more chronic diseases. Chronic diseases are
Living Abundantly Spring 2012
“Reducing Costs, Increasing Access, Improving Health”
the major causes of illness, hospitalization, surgery and early deaths in The Bahamas. This Plan provides support for persons suffering from chronic diseases, improves public awareness and promotes prevention of chronic diseases. The Plan consists of two major programs – the Prescription Drug Program and the Healthy People Program. The Prescription Drug Program supports treatment of existing chronic conditions by enhancing access to prescription drugs in public and private pharmacies, reducing patient burden of paying for prescription drugs, and improving patient compliance in condition management. Prevention of chronic diseases is equally as important as treatment and cure,
and so, the Healthy People Program has been designed to complement the Drug Program. The Healthy People Program make available grants to local organizations for well-designed community projects that aid in fostering healthy lifestyles and wellness throughout The Bahamas. The Healthy People Program was launched on January 31, 2011 with its signature program, “The Get Well Bahamas Challenge”. Thus far two phases of the Get Well Bahamas Health & Fitness Challenge have been completed with eighty individuals benefitting from this magnificent program. In each phase, 40 individuals were afforded the opportunity to 12 weeks of professional
HEALTH & WELLNESS wellness coaching and personal fitness training. This program was responsible for weight loss as high as 68 pounds and for more than 12 persons being taken off of diabetic, hypertensive and high cholesterol medication. There were many personal success stories born out the Get Well Bahamas Program. The third phase of this program began on January 30, 2012. In efforts to spread the message nationwide, NIB launched its own television show “Journey 2 Wellness”. This program airs weekly (once phase has commenced) on both ZNS and Cable 12 and captures the essence of the Get Well Bahamas Program. Who is eligible for The Plan? In its first phase, coverage was extended to NIB Pensioners, NIB Invalids, Bahamian citizens over age 65 and children under 18 years or under 25 years (if full-time students) who have been diagnosed with one or more of the eleven conditions presently covered by the Plan. In less than a year’s time, Phase 1A came on stream on May 9, 2011, extending the existing coverage. The newly added beneficiaries included civil servants, indigents, women receiving care associated with pregnancy, NIB Disablement pensioners assessed at 100%, persons receiving NIB Retirement Grant and NIB Survivors pensioners age 60 and over. To date, the number of beneficiaries has more than doubled to 17,100 persons.
•Be diagnosed with one or more of the 11 chronic diseases by a licensed physician. •Bring NIB card and valid government-issued ID when registering and collecting ACE Rx Card. NOTES: General Note: Where a person is unable to register or collect a card in person due to incapacity, a written authorization is required for an appointed person to act on behalf the incapacitated individual.
In the next Phase or Phases, the Plan will be expanded to cover all other persons in the rest of the population with the listed chronic diseases. These will include employed and self-employed persons. These benefits will be financed by a new deduction from earnings of workers and reimbursement from insurers through coordination of benefits for members with insurance plans and a small copayment. Chronic Diseases Covered Chronic diseases currently covered under the Plan include asthma, arthritis, breast cancer, diabetes, glaucoma, high cholesterol, hypertension, ischaemic heart disease, major depression, prostate cancer and psychosis. The list of conditions are reviewed and amended over time. The National Prescription Drug Plan is ready to expand yet again with addition of new conditions in March 2012. Four new chronic diseases will be added to the list of covered conditions. These include epilepsy, benign prostate hypertrophy, sickle cell anemia and thyroid disease. In addition to adding new diseases, two current disease categories will be expanding. Ischaemic Heart Disease will be expanded to include all Ischaemic Disease, including patients who have suffered an ischaemic stroke and patients with peripheral artery disease. The existing conditions, Psychosis and Major Depression, will be combined into one category of “Psychiatric Illness”. How to register for the Plan? To benefit from the Plan, individuals will have to be registered as members. In order to register for the National Prescription Drug Plan a person must: •Have a valid National Insurance number. •Be included among the covered groups. •Complete a registration form (DP-1 Form).
Children/Students: i.A parent or guardian must sign the registration form for children under the age of 18. ii.Students age 18 – 24 years must verify full-time education status every six months to remain eligible for the Plan. Pregnant Women: In order to apply for the National Prescription Drug Plan in this group, one must: i.Be receiving ante-natal care, care connected with childbirth, postnatal care or any other medical care associated with pregnancy. ii.Complete a Drug Plan Registration Form (DP-1) which must be accompanied by the Ante-natal/Post-natal Certificate (DP-6). iii.Have your physician complete an Ante-natal/Post-natal Certificate (DP-6). iv.IMPORTANT NOTE: Coverage is extended for only six months beyond the delivery date, after which benefits will cease.
continued on page 22 Living Abundantly
continued from page 21 Indigents: In order to apply for the National Prescription Drug Plan as an Indigent, one must: i.Have an income of $210 or less per week ($10,920 or less per annum). ii.Complete a Drug Plan Registration Form (DP-1) which must be accompanied by the Indigent Certification Form (DP-7). iii.Have the Social Services Department complete an Indigent Certification Form (DP-7) on their behalf. Benefits of the Plan The National Prescription Drug Plan will provide over 160 drugs and medical supplies for individuals suffering from one or more of the 11 covered chronic diseases. The drug and supplies were recommended by a panel of medical specialists whose selection process was based on drug effectiveness, safety, cost and approval for use in key developed countries. The drug list will be reviewed periodically and amended over time. Members of The Plan will enjoy a wide range of benefits including: •Greater availability of prescription drugs. •Greater access to prescription drugs. •Greater choice of providers in both the public and private pharmacy systems. •Savings in time and money in accessing prescribed medications. •Ability to obtain full prescription supply not limited by cost. •Better management of disease by patients. •Special attention for members in remote Family Islands including the option to obtain up to a three (3) month supply of drugs. Participating Pharmacies All pharmacies in the public and private sector are eligible to become providers of benefits in the Drug Plan. However, to be issued with a contract as a participating provider, the pharmacy will be required to: •Have a valid business license and number; •Be compliant with the provisions of the
Living Abundantly Spring 2011 2012
Pharmacy Act, 2009; •Be up to date with payments to the NIB; •Accept and sign a provider contract with NIB. Currently, there are 42 private pharmacies locations (having grown from 32 since inception) and all public hospitals and clinics operating as participating pharmacies in the Plan – in essence, there are more than 100 distribution points throughout the Bahamas where Bahamians can receive free prescription medication. Healthy People Program The Drug Plan makes significant investment in health promotion and illness prevention activities. Several of the covered chronic diseases result primarily from lifestyle and behavioural patterns. Changing potentially damaging lifestyles and behaviour requires significant investment in health education and illness prevention activities. Goals: oTo develop a “ culture of wellness” in the population oTo increase healthy life expectancy of population oTo reduce health disparities among population groups oTo complement treatment activities in the Drug Plan and other Ministry of Health Programs. Objectives: oTo provide support and grant funds on a project basis to public, private(non-governmental) and community groups for defined activities in health promotion, health education and illness prevention initiatives. oTo develop database and information sharing network for agencies, communities and individuals for enhancing awareness, knowledge and practices of healthy living and management of illness. Scope of The Program: oScreening of cancer, diabetes, hypertension, glaucoma and other diseases
oSelf -management (education) toolkits oHealth education materials oSchool health activities oObesity Control oTraining oResearch (including pre-project and postproject) and publications Checklist for Assessment of Project Proposals oIs the project relevant? oAre all supporting documents available and prepared according to instructions? oIs the project design-plan appropriate for the problems/issues being addressed? oIs the funding request reasonable for the project’s activities? oAre there other sources of funding for the project? oIs the project team appropriate? oDoes the organization have a track record that suggest a high level of performance in the implementing the project? oIs the organization legally unencumbered to conduct business in The Bahamas? oIs the organization compliant with NIB payments? oAre the key team members fit and proper persons to conduct business? Contact Information For further information, please contact the Drug Plan Office at (242) 356-2032, NIB Headquarters at (242) 502-1500 or your nearest NIB Local Office. Also, visit our website at or www.
r Ou . d o s re ing T oing a w tG tw gh s “Gro h” No i l Da me i Fait the her In ! ! get ether Tog ROVAN HUMES I
Just finish puttin’ on ya face. I een wan be late!! Living Abundantly
Tips from your doctor
Prostate Cancer is the most common cancer in the Bahamian male and one case is diagnosed in The Bahamas every week. It is the most common cancer related to male death and accounts for 1 in 3 male deaths. Also, it is more aggressive and fatal in black males compared to white males of the same age. When first diagnosed, 80% of men have cancer that has already metastases outside the prostate. The life expectancy of men in The Bahamas is increasing so it is expected that more men will be at greater risk.
Evidence has shown that a diet high in fats is a factor, typically which is every meal and every day. Bahamian men are not aware of the seriousness of prostate cancer and the importance of annual rectal examinations, that is the DRE (digital rectal exam) or a blood test called the PSA (Prostate Specific Antigen) for early detection. Less than 5% of men between 40 – 70 years old get the recommended annual prostate checks.
Symptoms: 1. Need to urinate often, especially at nights 2. Need to get to the bathroom quickly 3. Difficulty getting started to urinate 4. Straining or taking a long time to finish 5. A weak flow
Living Abundantly Spring 2012
6. Feeling the bladder has not emptied 7. Pain when passing urine 8. Pain when ejaculating 9. Pain in the Testicles The key is detection at the early stage, even without symptoms or when the cancer has not spread
Let’s do our part to care for our body, mind and heart. Remember health is wealth. Let’s protect our wealth. by Dr. Indira Jones
Clinical Team Leader Department of Public Health
Bahamian Recipes
Fever Grass Tea Ingredients 4 green leaves fever grass plant (washed) 6 cups drinking water Honey or sugar for sweetner (as desired)
4lbs. fresh cut-up turkey 2 jumbo carrots 1 large onion 2 lbs fresh pumpkin 1 stick celery 2 fresh garlic cloves 1 medium sweet potato tsp. olive oil wash and season turkey with lime and sea salt, add olive oil wash and slice all vegetables add onion, celery and garlic cloves and place in a medium pot at low heat. Bring to a boil and add 4 cups of water. Boil until meat is tender then add carrots, sweet potato. Boil for 10 minutes, then add pumpkin and tomato sauce. Boil for a futher 10 minutes under medium heat. Serve hot with whole wheat dinner rolls if desired.
Directions Place leaves in water in a saucepan or pot and bring to a boil over medium heat. Cover and continue to boil for ten minutes. Tea produces a beautiful aroma and may be served hot or as a cold beverage. Serves 6 *Bahamian ancestors claimed that fever grass tea reduces fever but is also a very refreshing beverage. Strong Bark Tea Submitted by Willamae Johnson
SERVES 5 PERSONS. Submitted by Prieta Burnside
Do you have a famous, homemade recipe you’d like to share with us? If so email us at and submit your receipe along with a photo! Happy Cooking.................. Living Abundantly
The Pastors’ InBOX
Questions & Answers for everyday living.... Pastor David -
What is the five (5) fold ministry?
A: I will give a definition on this that I found –
“The five-fold ministry is a catch-phrase used in certain Charismatic circles to indicate a belief that something was missing in the leadership, meaning the ministry, of the church until recently. This concern is based on the following scripture that appears to many to refer to five distinct leadership roles: “And He himself gave some to be apostles, some prophets, some evangelists, and some pastors and teachers, for the equipping of the saints for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ, till we all come to the unity of the faith and knowledge of the Son of God.” Ephesians 4:11-13 NKJV 26
Living Abundantly Spring 2011 2012
Both the Roman Catholic and most Protestant groups have always had the three roles of evangelist, pastor, and teacher as part of their systems. But it was typical for them to consider that the roles of apostle and prophet ceased in the first century. The usual reasoning was that these roles were necessary for the establishment of the Church, but once it was established, they were no longer needed. There have been a number of movements in the past one hundred plus years that have insisted that this assumption is incorrect. They say to function fully as the Body of Christ, the Church at large needs active, contemporary prophets and apostles, restoring the “five-fold” nature of leadership in the church.
In recent decades, this notion has become very prominent in some Charismatic circles. There are a number of individuals who identify themselves as an apostle or a prophet and / or are recognized by others in their own circle as fulfilling that role – even though “outsiders” may find the claims spurious and, in some cases laughable”. I agree with the above definition that the New Testament Apostles and prophets were foundational to the church as stated in Ephesians
PA S TO R ’S INB OX 2:20 “and are built upon the foundation of apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ Himself being the chief corner stone” and also they held a unique position in the New Jerusalem in the eternal state - “And the wall of the city had twelve foundations, and in them the
names of the twelve apostles of the Lamb”. (Reference)
Pastor O’Neil,
Why are there no women holding positions as Pastor in Abundant Life Bible Church?
A: The Bible makes it clear that women are not to hold pastoral positions. In 1 Timothy 2:12 the Bible states “but I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence.” In the context of this passage, Paul is speaking to Timothy who is a pastor at the church at Ephesus and is commanding him not to allow women to teach or preach to men in the church. 1 Timothy 3:2 states, “A bishop then must be blameless, the husband of one wife….” Clearly, this verse like all the others setting out the standard for leadership asserts that the bishop, which is another word for “pastor” in the New Testament, must be a man. This does not mean that women should never have opportunities to teach, since both men and women can be saved and thus become members of the body of Christ, which is the church. However, they cannot teach in the presence of nor have authority over men. A woman cannot be a pastor because that
would give her the authority over men and that is unbiblical and in opposition to God’s design for the church. The biblical pattern also suggests that it is not appropriate for women to hold the position of pastor. There are no records of women being recorded as pastors of churches in the New Testament. Additionally, the epistles give many instructions to the churches of the New Testament and not once are instructions given to women pastors. Consequently, it can be concluded that such a concept was foreign to New Testament believers. Therefore, the clear command of Scripture, the biblical pattern, and the absence of women being mentioned as pastors all point to the fact that God is not in support of women being pastors of churches. Abundant Life Bible Church is a church that upholds the Word of God as the final, absolute authority for belief and practice. Therefore, everything this Church does is based upon what the Bible says. Consequently, there are no women holding positions as pastors at Abundant Life Bible Church. Living Abundantly
Living Abundantly Spring 2011 2012
International Year of The Co-operatives
Co-operatives Build A Better World
he year 2012 has been recognized as the International Year of The Cooperatives and in celebration of its 38th anniversary a slew of events is schedules throughout The islands of The Bahamas..
Focus on Grand Bahama Conduct information sessions for residents and the youth Provide donation to local school
Bahamian Co-operative Month Fun/Walk Credit Union Open Houses Co-operative Lecture Series Co-operative Awards Luncheon
International Co-operative Day - Financial Literacy Month o Credit Union Presentations on budgeting o Free budgeting tools available to members and community o Estate planning Lecture
Focus on Cat Island Host Co-operative information events on the island for residents and youth Co-operatives to sponsor local event
Focus on Abaco Host Co-operative information events on the island for residents and youth information. Co-operative to sponsor local event
Co-operative Community Service Month - Co-operatives adopt Primary Schools to promote Co‐operatives and Financial Literacy - Adopting a Roundabout International Credit Union Day International Credit Union Day Ceremony & Cocktail Party
Diabetes Awareness Month Diabetes Education sessions Co‐operative Leadership Conference
Co-operative Jingle Winners awarded and National Advertisement produced with wining jingle.
In the past 33 years, Co-operative bodies such as credit unions have for years contributed to the sustainability and improvement of the quality of life for many Bahamians. What: Co-operatives are people who pool limited resources for the purpose of meeting economic, social or cultural needs. Who: Co-operatives are owned and controlled by its members. Members also are entitled to profit sharing. Living Abundantly
The Easter Song Reflection By: Valencia P. Bain
he Easter Song’, co-directed by Antoine Wallace, Minister of Music at Calvary Bible Church and our very own Co-pastor Cranston Knowles, ran during Holy Week 2012 at Grace Community Church Park. A total of nine churches including Abundant Life Bible Church, were involved in the production and it was described in such glowing terms as: ‘ a smashing success;’ ‘a powerfully moving yet vibrant production;’ ‘a captivating musical dramatization of Jesus’ death, burial, and resurrection;’ and ‘a masterpiece comparable to any Broadway Production!’ The fact that it was not only ‘a masterpiece’ but one of God our Master’s pieces was evident to any and everyone that cared to see. The fact that God Himself had His hand in it was obvious for a number of reasons. It was simply mind boggling to think that: a massive stage with large vivid props and expensive high-tech equipment; bleaches to accommodate approximately fifteen hundred people; bright elaborate costumes; and an entire orchestra could come to fruition with seemingly meager financial resources. A number of persons were astonished that admission was free and questioned how the production would be funded. Still others solemnly and rightly concluded in amazement that the production was not about raising money, but rather about saving souls! That spoke volumes to them as many confessed that they were of the view that the main objective of most churches today is to make money.
Living Abundantly Spring 2011 2012
Further, it was also evident that God was behind the orchestration of The Easter Song as an ‘amateur’ cast of actors; choreographed dancers (approximately one hundred persons); a set crew; a melodious hundred and sixty member choir; and a twenty five member orchestra ministered smoothly, effortlessly, and flawlessly through the medium of dramatization, dance, music, and song. This all came about at a time when many seem to have forgotten about the significance of Easter and believe that the season is merely about regattas, beach picnics, and CARIFTA... Yet amazingly, people of all ages from all walks of life came out night after night to appreciate the refreshingly new depiction of redemption’s story. I understand that even young children were captivated from the beginning until the end. Some of them were moved to the point where they gravitated towards the individual that played the role of Jesus (Mr. Charles Sealy), and scolded those individuals that were ‘mean’ to Jesus after the production. Also, the fact that bad weather abated even though inclement weather was forecasted could not be overlooked. Most importantly, it was obvious that ‘The Easter Song’ was God’s masterpiece as numerous persons responded during the Altar Call. The production effectively and successfully presented the timeless message that God our Father allowed His one and only Son Jesus Christ to be our Sacrificial Lamb so that we might have eternal life. All praise, glory and honour be to Him for great things He has done!
Photos by Pastor Cranston Knowles
Scenes From Easter Song Living Abundantly
UPCOMING SUMMER EVENTS June 25, 2012 to July 14, 2012
Abundant Life Bible Church Summer Camp: Music Camp ages 9 - 18 Computer Camp ages 5 - 12 Little Explorers ages 2 - 5 Abundant Life Bible Church July 1, 2012 to July 20, 2012 Teen Scenes Camp ages 7 - 19 Bannerman Town, Eleuthera July 15, 2012 to July 21, 2012 Camp Comelemafixya ages 10 - 18 Bahamas Youth Camp July 22, 2012 - July 28, 2012 Bill Rice Ranch Junior & Youth Camp ages 8 - 19 Murfreesboro, Tennessee
Come worship with us...
Sunday 9:45 am - Sunday School Classes 11 am - Morning Worship 6 pm - Lord’s Supper 7 pm - Evening worship Tuesday 6:30 pm - AWANA Wednesday 7:30 pm - Equipping the Saints classes Friday 7:30pmYouthMinistryJourney24/7 Saturday, 1 pm - Boy’s Brigade LivingAbundantlyairedonZNSTV13 (channel 11 on cabel) the fourth Sunday of each month.