kvpd information Message from the Director,
Listen on Saturdays @ 10:30 a.m.!! Keeping Kankakee County Up-to-Date with Park District news on WKAN 1320
Tune in Saturdays from 10:30 – 11:00 a.m. to WKAN 1320 to keep up with The District Dish and the Kankakee Valley Park District. This half hour show is devoted to keeping guests informed on all things KVPD. We are not professional radio people, but we are determined to let you know about upcoming events, and news on programs and trips. We may stumble along the way but that is half the fun of this journey that we call life. Join Sam Jordan and myself Loren Petrakis-Mueller in a relaxed morning atmosphere that speaks of the fun adventures and all the stuff that is out there, for you to do. Who knows, you may even find out there is too much to do in-and-around the Kankakee area.
Get Your Picture I.D. at the New RecCenter. . .
Whether you need a Dog Park pass or a Splash Valley Pass you now get them at the new RecCenter located at 150 N. Indiana Ave., Kankakee, IL 60901. The number there is 815.929.1885 and they will get you set up. Once Splash Valley opens you may also get your Splash passes there, just as they have always done it. If you have your Season Pass from last year, you can simply renew it at any office, no need for us to print a new card.
Equal Employment Opportunity The Kankakee Valley Park District prohibits discrimination on the basis of age, sex, ethnicity, religion, and/or individuals with disabilities.
2015 Fall
Is fall our favorite time of year? Perhaps it is. This is time when mother nature shows us all the glory in her palette. As we take in the beauty that our river valley has to offer take time to think about our community and all it has to offer. Charity starts at home, and here at the KVPD we participate in a variety of charitable events and encourage everyone to join us in these efforts, large and small. Winter is a great time to help not only with charity to people, community, animals but to mother nature. Plant a tree, plant some bulbs for bloom next spring, give back to the earth as she is what sustains us. You can even help out at any of our parks, just drop by our administrative office and ask. This fall will soon be winter, and we have a lot planned to make the best of the season with our new Haunted Village and Halloween Happenings. As expected, we will push forward once again with the Bird Park Holiday Lights Spectacular in hopes that this year will be bigger and better than ever.
Roy Collins Executive Director Kankakee Valley Park District
Severe Weather Policy
Programs and Splash Valley Aquatic Park may be cancelled due to severe weather. Decisions about canceling an event will be made at least one hour before the scheduled start time. If an activity is interrupted by severe weather, a supervisor will stay with the participants until the weather has passed, or the participants have been picked up by a parent/guardian. Each facility and event has a weather line that can be reached by calling (815) 939-1311, and please follow the automated attendant instructions.
Instructor Positions/Program Ideas
The Kankakee Valley Park District is expanding our educational and recreational programs. If you have a particular skill, have an idea for a new program or are qualified to teach various recreational or educational classes, please call (815) 929-1885 ext. 301.
Publicity Photos
The Kankakee Valley Park District takes pictures at its parks, programs and special events for publicity purposes. Please be aware while visiting parks or attending Park District programs, pictures of you and your family may be taken and used for publicity purposes without notification or compensation.