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The La Porte ISD Department of Teaching and Learning believes that a high-quality education that prepares students for college and careers is the foundation of a strong community. We are committed to providing educational experiences for all students that are well-designed and foster their unique interests and talents. Our graduates represent the high expectations and commitments we hold and are fine examples of our success.
Guiding Principles
About EFFECTIVE INSTRUCTION, we believe that:
• Instruction will not occur without a positive relationship between the student and the learning community
• Instruction will be a standards and data-driven, incorporating ongoing formative and summative assessments for each unit of study
• Instruction will be student-centered and rigorous
• Instruction must have well-planned and effective teaching strategies and routines that are rooted in clear objectives
• Instruction relies on differentiation, and is driven by student need
About STUDENT LEARNING we believe that:
• All students will be held to high standards, and expectations
• Students will be cultivated to be literate, self-reflective, and life-long learners
• Students will be motivated and determined to persevere in the face of adversity
• Students will be productive and ethical citizens who make a positive impact on society
LPISD Faculty Portal
Access to frequently used Instructional Apps and productivity resources
TEKS Resource System District curriculum documents for all core subjects with resources for planning and assessing units of study.
Clever Launchpad for electronic resources used in the classrooms including learning software and eTextbooks.
Lead4Ward Free resources to support data analysis and TEKS understandings to support careful instructional decisions.
Lead4Ward Playlist
Detailed descriptions of specific instructional strategies that foster intentional planning to deliver instruction that is aligned to TEKS, promotes engagement, and teaches for access, rigor, and transfer.
Resources to support student success on STAAR and EOC exams
Instructional Coaching In La Porte Isd
An instructional coach is an experienced, successful educator who embodies the role of learner and engages in a professional learning community with fellow instructional coaches. Their work focuses on facilitating improved educator practice in the classroom with the primary indicator of success being learner academic achievement.
On a campus, the role for an instructional coach may include that of data coach, resource provider, mentor, curriculum specialist, instructional specialist, classroom supporter, learning facilitator, school leader, catalyst for change, and learner Rooted in actualizing the LPISD Learning Framework, through the lens of the Big Four classroom management, content, instruction, formative assessment instructional coaches utilize the coaching cycle to work in partnership with educators as equal partners towards a common goal.
• Demonstrate strong interpersonal skills and the ability to establish trusting relationships built on confidentiality and respect.
• Model and encourage collaborative and reflective practice.
• Embed professional learning that supports department, campus, and district goals to support positive transformation.
• Promote risk-taking in a non-threatening atmosphere that allows educators to explore opportunities related to the learning environment beyond their comfort zone.
• Focus on results by using the analysis of data to inform practice.
• Promote the implementation of learning and reciprocal accountability.
• Support the development of professional learning networks across the District.
• Model the practices in the LPISD Leadership Framework.
Executive Director of Teaching & Learning
Julie Abram, M.Ed 281-604-7060, abramj@lpisd.org
STEM Facilitator
Shannon Fanning Fannings@lpisd.org
STEM Lead Teacher
Michael Newman newmanm@lpisd.org
Instructional Leadership
Coordinator of Advanced Academics & CTE
Marissa Lopez Lopezm@lpisd.org
Bilingual/EB Facilitator
Belle Huffman AzuaraA@lpisd.org
ELAR Elementary Meredith Halbardier halbardierm@lpisd.org
Haley Stone stoneh@lpisd.org
ELAR Secondary Pam Swain swainp@lpisd.org
Marissa Keim keimm@lpisd.org
Math Elementary Becky Jobe jobeb@lpisd.org
Lynne Moore moorej@lpisd.org
Kristin Wheeler Wheelerk@lpisd.org
Math Secondary Faith Miller millerd@lpisd.org
Kelli Mules Mulesk@lpisd.org
Science Elem/JH Ana Fontenot fontenota@lpisd.org
Science HS Brenna Gilbertson gilbertsonb@lpisd.org
Social Studies Carrie Brunn brunnc@lpisd.org