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With two teachers, six kindergarteners and eleven first/second grade students, the vision and work of The Bible Church of Little Rock and Pastor Bud and Carolyn Hart came to life as Walnut Valley Christian Academy. The dream of offering academic excellence while instructing children in biblical truth that would establish them for a lifetime of service had begun to unfold. Today, Little Rock Christian Academy is one of the largest single-campus, K-12 schools in the country serving over 1,450 students on a 53-acre campus. Every day over 240 faculty and staff work to fulfill the mission and serve families who desire a Christian, Independent, Collegiate education.
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THE MISSION To serve families, churches, and the community by providing a K-12th grade education characterized by excellence in the pursuit of truth from a Christ-centered worldview.
a letter from Ga ry B . A r nold
Maybe in the pantry or the garage. Or, perhaps on the backside of your mudroom door. Somewhere, the pencil lines you drew above the head of your child as a marker of height rise higher and higher. Beside each mark, you wrote a date beside their name. At four, five, eight, eleven, twelve and fourteen, the lines ascend like a ladder up the wall to the present day. Most days you walk past the timeline as if it is invisible. But, there are days - like the day your son leaves for camp or your daughter leaves for college - that you stop and marvel at how much they grew…and how quickly. How can your little girl, a mere 28 inches tall, now be 60 inches tall? What do you mean college is two years away? I remember when they were this high. That’s how we feel. Little Rock Christian Academy is growing up. The pencil marks of our imperceptible yet, at the same time, very visible growth remind us of who we were and who we are. We were Walnut Valley; we are Little Rock Christian. Same school; different school. Over forty years, we have matured. And, like your children, we are bigger. Like you, we are wiser. Think of Walnut Valley Christian Academy in 1977. Two teachers and a few kindergarten and first/second grade students. Recall our early days in Breckenridge Plaza with recess in the parking lot. Never forget the bold, visionary faith of Boyd Chitwood to move LRCA to expansive acreage on Highway 10. There was the parade of new buildings on 20 acres, 30 acres, 50+ acres. And, now, we stand in awe of the Lord’s clear hand in reducing the school’s $14,000,000+ debt to $700,000. We will never tire of pointing out what the Lord has faithfully done along our forty-year journey. Generations to come need to know: Little Rock Christian Academy is God’s school. The beauty of our UPWARD theme this year is that it lifts up our vision, spirit and expectations. We are stepping up to higher ground; we offer up higher praise and we commit to live up to a higher love.
Evidence of our upward march fill these pages. As we celebrate the fortieth anniversary of our school’s founding, look for pencil marks on the wall. Each mark will bear His initials. To God be the glory. Great things He has done.
Gary B. Arnold Head of School
"I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus." Philippians 3:14 ANNUAL REVIEW
40 Years of Blessings
“This is my favorite sidewalk,” Dr. Gary Arnold proclaims as he strolls along the path between the high school and Warrior Hall one breathtaking autumn morning. As with many locations around the LRCA campus, God’s handiwork is clearly in view. The school is beautifully nestled in the valley between Shinall Mountain and Pinnacle Mountain, which both stand well over 1,000 feet. The statuesque icons are reminders of the Creator’s artistry, power and might, and provide the perfect backdrop for LRCA’s
Walnut Valley Christian Academy opens at The Bible Church in Little Rock.
1978 Additional grades added every year.
Mr. Roger Yancey hired as Administrator.
Enrollment is 330. Fifth-Eighth grades move to Breckenridge Village Shopping Center. WVCA is accredited by ACSI.
The Biblical Worldview Curriculum is developed.
longstanding tradition of striving for higher ground, higher praise and higher love. It all began 40 years ago with two teachers, six kindergarteners and eleven first and second grade students. The combined vision and work of The Bible Church of Little Rock and Pastor Bud and Carolyn Hart came to life as Walnut Valley Christian Academy. The dream of offering academic excellence while instructing children in biblical truth to equip them for a lifetime of service had begun to unfold.
1994-95 The school becomes INDEPENDENT and is no longer a ministry of The Bible Church. Mr. Boyd Chitwood is hired as President.
The first graduating class! Enrollment is 575. The Highway 10 campus dream becomes closer to a reality with the acquisition of 20+ acres.
1997-98 9th-12th grades move to a modular building on Highway 10.
The first permanent building is constructed on Highway 10. Warrior Dome is built. LRCA joins AAA for interscholastic sports.
19992000 Warrior Field is built for football and soccer programs to flourish.
All students (K-12) are on one campus due to the new high school and gymnasium construction! The school name is changed to Little Rock Christian Academy.
Housed in the church (located in the Walnut Valley neighborhood of Little Rock at that time), the school added a grade level each year. By 1988, WVCA earned accreditation from the Association of Christian Schools International (ACSI). With limited classroom space and the vision of growing to a K-12 school, grades five through eight moved into rented space at the Breckenridge Village campus in 1989. Teaching adolescents in a shopping center surrounded by a sushi restaurant, theater and clothing boutiques was challenging as well as rewarding. On January 21, 1994, the school was incorporated, independent of The Bible Church and organized as a nonprofit organization under the direction of a Board of Trust. The resulting mission developed to serve families, churches and the community by providing K-12 education characterized by excellence in the pursuit of truth from a Christ-centered worldview. The school celebrated its 20th Anniversary in 1997 and its first graduating class of four! With over 575 students and a solid Biblical Worldview curriculum in place for high school, dedicated families and board members continued to move onward and upward with the purchase of 20 rural acres on Highway 10 in far west Little Rock.
2003-04 A multi-purpose building replaces the Warrior Dome.
The school purchases 20 adjacent acres for growing enrollment of 1,200 students.
2007 Dr. Gary Arnold is named Head of School.
A new 53,000 square foot high school opens on the west side of campus.
Upper school classes moved into modular buildings that fall, and students enjoyed their own basketball facility with construction of “The Dome.” In 2001, a new high school building and gym were completed, allowing for all students to learn together at the Highway 10 campus. The Board of Trust voted to change the name of the school to Little Rock Christian Academy. This began a decade of growth in student enrollment and campus facilities. Today, Little Rock Christian Academy is one of the largest singlecampus, K-12 schools in the country serving over 1,450 students on a 53-acre campus. Every day over 240 faculty and staff work to fulfill the mission and serve families who desire a Christian, independent, collegiate education. LRCA was awarded the 2012 National Blue Ribbon for educational excellence, while continuing to teach Jesus and His Holy Word in a non-denominational, Christian community. Gratefully remembering LRCA’s roots and holding firm to the foundation of The Word, we look to the next 40 years with awe and excitement for what the Lord has in store.
2011 Newly constructed baseball and softball fields welcome excited athletes and fans.
LRCA earns the U.S. Department of Education Blue Ribbon School award.
2013 Warrior Hall opens to expand fine arts and chapels. Middle school and junior high separate. The elementary activities building transforms into the Athletic Training Center.
Debt is reduced to $1,000,000. The innovative Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics initiative is launched.
147 Warriors…the largest graduating class in school history!
Excellent Traditions & Traditions of Excellence
A tradition is defined as the passing along of customs, beliefs, information or legends from generation to generation by word of mouth or by practice. Traditions produce a sense of belonging, a deeply rooted connection to a cause or community, and often result in a case of chillbumps and misty eyes. LRCA has many long-standing (and not-so-long standing) traditions that are enjoyed by a wide range of ages and people. There are only a handful described in this article, but the list thankfully goes on and on.
With the advent of the separate middle school building three years ago, a group of PTF volunteers created an event to encourage fellowship and relationships between middle school students, teachers and parents. After much prayer and brainstorming, the idea of GLOW was born. GLOW originally stood for God Lead Our Walk, but was changed in 2014 to God Light Our Way. GLOW has certainly lit a fire for fun within the school community. GLOW events always include a hamburger/hot dog supper with all the fixings, desserts and fall treats, a big screen to watch an away Warrior football game on WarriorVision, bonfires, photo booth, trash can football, spirit dress up contest, and a student art project for the auction. Each event features a community service project.
Most schools are not blessed to have their entire student body K-12 on the same campus. For many years, Warriorville has rallied together to create an electric atmosphere of fun and enthusiasm with the homecoming parade. Numerous school groups and individuals of all ages create floats and fanfare for the annual procession to the high school gymnasium for the homecoming pep rally. There are posters, decorations, costumes and candy thrown along the parade route that trails through campus.
“It was Jeff Weaver’s idea,” elementary principal Ann Chami says with a grin. Head varsity football coach Jeff Weaver was inspired by one of his earlier coaching experiences and wanted to start the Warrior Pal tradition at LRCA. He and Mrs. Chami worked through all of the logistics, and the tradition came to fruition. During the football season, two to three football players are assigned per elementary classroom on several Fridays during the season, the team Captains welcome students as they enter the school; then players spend 30 minutes in the classrooms. They have breakfast, read books with the students, sign planners, play games, and more. “Every time, the children circle around the players and pray for them,” Mrs. Chami warmly shares. Warrior Pals is a highlight for elementary students, teachers and players alike.
For 35 years, LRCA has welcomed grandparents with open arms and big hugs! The event has grown tremendously as the school population has grown. It happens rain or shine. Grandparents come to the campus in droves even in the driving rain as evidenced with 2016’s event. Severe weather didn’t stop nanas and poppies from filing into the high school gym with umbrellas and galoshes to watch their elementary Warriors perform. The event centers around the annual school theme. In early years, every class performed. Four years ago, it shifted to each grade performing. After prayer and the program, grandparents join their youngsters in their perspective classrooms where they meet teachers, observe student work, and fellowship with families, faculty and staff.
Former high school principal Joe Neff instituted Warrior Walk. It is a bittersweet and precious time for all who experience it. It is the final day the seniors are on the LRCA campus as a collective. They gather for a meal prepared by the teachers. This is a time of fellowship, reflection and inspiration. The seniors are celebrated and encouraged as they enter their next season of life. They then gather in the gym for a series of affirming presentations and prayer. Simultaneously, the remaining student body gathers along the sidewalks outside. As the seniors dismiss from the gym, they make their way in a line walking down to the high school through the tunnel of students. Cheering, tears of joy and sadness, and high fives abound as the seniors arrive at their destination where family and friends welcome them and pray over them.
The buzzer sounds signaling another varsity Warrior football team win. Cheers fill the stands as people gather their belongings and the players and coaches gather together on the field for the post-game huddle and prayer. Younger kids hurriedly spill onto the field to play their own mini gridiron games on the turf. Family and friends swarm for pics and “Atta boys.” But first, the team runs to the bench…many standing on it. Arm in arm with coaches at the lead, their deep, booming voices fill the air as they sing the school’s fight song. It’s definitely a Friday night highlight!
Cheer, cheer for LRCA Navy and green will go all the way Friday nights will be the best 'Cause Warriors will stand the test We love our school and our team Being a Warrior’s our biggest dream All the Warriors proudly say That we are the school of the Warrior way…Hey!
NATIONAL MERIT RECIPIENTS Officials of National Merit Scholarship Corporation (NMSC) recently announced the names of approximately 16,000 Semifinalists in the 62nd annual National Merit Scholarship Program. Little Rock Christian Academy is proud to announce that Will Chesshir and Sarah Ware qualified as semifinalists, and Sam Hudson qualified as commended. About 1.6 million juniors in more than 22,000 high schools entered the 2017 National Merit Scholarship Program by taking the 2015 Preliminary SAT/National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test (PSAT/NMSQT), which served as an initial screen of program entrants. The nationwide pool of Semifinalists, representing less than one percent of U.S. high school seniors, includes the highest-scoring entrants in each state. The number of Semifinalists in a state is proportional to the state’s percentage of the national total of graduating seniors. “Helping young adults fulfill their academic potential as they prepare for the college of their choice is one of our greatest joys,” says Dr. Gary Arnold, Head of School at LRCA. “We can’t wait to see what the Lord has planned for these students.” Chesshir and Ware join sixty other Little Rock Christian Academy alumni who have earned the Merit Scholar Semifinalist title.
COOPER LAIR - NATIONAL AP SCHOLAR Cooper Lair, class of 2016, received the prestigious honor of National AP Scholar. This is granted to students in the United States who earn an average score of four on all Advanced Placement exams taken and scores of four or higher on eight or more of the exams. Cooper was also a recipient of the 2016 Stephens Award. The Stephens Award recognizes outstanding achievements by selected high school teachers and students in the central Arkansas area. Cooper is currently a freshman at Duke University.
Matthew Foster, M.A. Dean of Academics, Upper School Social Studies Department Head
One place we see this upward call is in advanced courses. LRCA currently offers 14 AP Courses: Art History, Biology, Calculus AB/BC, Chemistry, Language, Literature, Music Theory, Physics, Psychology, Statistics, U.S. Government and Politics, U.S. History, and World History. From AP Computer Science, to AP foreign languages and AP Studio Art courses, we are actively looking to expand offerings across the disciplines. At the same time, LRCA is consistently working to improve AP exam scores. Our students succeed in their AP exams at a rate that is over twice the Arkansas average and well above the national average. Twenty-three Little Rock Christian students earned AP Scholar honors in 2016, more than double the number from 2014. These upward trends should continue in 2017. Students earn AP Scholar Honors over the course of their high school career by passing AP exams. Each year, we meet with students who can become eligible for these honors in order to counsel them about the benefits of AP Scholarship. Another place that we are actively striving to answer this higher calling is in the world of the PSAT. The PSAT is a national, standardized exam that is designed to prepare students for the SAT. It is also the only avenue by which students can qualify for the prestigious National Merit Scholarship. Only the nation’s top 16,000 high school juniors receive the status of National Merit Semifinalist each year. Since 1998, 60 Warriors have earned the distinct title of National Merit Semifinalist, and nearly all of those went on to qualify as a finalist. Since 2008, an additional eight students have qualified as National Merit Commended students. This year, two semifinalists and one commended student are among approximately 140 students across the state of Arkansas to receive this honor. This October, for the first time, LRCA eighth-graders participated in taking the PSAT. These students will have the chance to sit for the PSAT three times before their
qualifying junior year exam. This is important not simply because of the future opportunities this test provides, but because of the valuable experience it gives each and every student. Standardized testing is a fact of life that extends well beyond college admissions testing and is an intrinsic aspect of professional life. In addition to preparing students for the SAT and ACT, the additional year of testing will give students more comfort and experience with standardized testing in their collegiate years and beyond. Little Rock Christian students benefit from the PSAT in a number of additional ways. In the weeks leading up to the test, high school students participate in practice testing on targeted sections during APP period. Teachers use data from these practice sessions to inform and instruct students, specifically regarding their relative strengths and weaknesses in various skills. The results from the October test are used as a metric for qualification for advanced courses. The College Guidance office also uses these reports in counselling students toward college and career choices. In addition, independent work programs are currently being implemented to better prepare students for the next academic year. Innovative academic opportunities are flourishing. In the Senior Capstone class, sensational research projects are being carried out. From lab research on the nutritional value of eggs, to an architectural thesis, to nonfiction writing on the experience of mixed ethnicity children in America, seniors are digging deeper into topics of interest through independent study. Through Project Lead The Way and other national organizations, STEM offerings are introducing all students to coding, engineering, and more. Several faculty members traveled to Houston this summer to receive training in the Harkness Method from members of the distinguished Phillips Exeter Academy. The Harkness Method is a well-respected tool for discussion-based learning that has stood the test of time, and LRCA looks forward to enriching our Biblical Worldview and humanities classrooms with this method. God is clearly leading LRCA to higher academic ground. Our partnership with families is the conduit, and we give all glory to God for what He has done and continues to do.
Fine Arts
“The senior portfolio group grew tremendously over the year. They grew in their technical skills, but they also seized the opportunity to go deeper into an understanding of their purpose as Christian creators. Each student used their unique artistic voice to send a redemptive message of hope into the community.� - Kayla Huffstutter, Senior Portfolio Instructor
SENIOR PORTFOLIO TAKES LRCA VISUAL ARTS TO THE NEXT LEVEL Senior Portfolio Art, an advanced visual arts course, was introduced to the fine arts department this year. The course was designed for students who are seriously interested in the practical experience of art. Students enrolled in this course are expected to become independent thinkers. As they apply knowledge gained from advanced courses of the elements and principles of their work, they begin to demonstrate mastery of advanced level design skills and concepts. These seniors are often preparing for a collegiate art degree or a career in visual arts. The course begins with the development of a thematic concentration, a guiding idea that drives the content of all of their artwork for the year. While most advanced art courses aim to produce eight to ten final pieces throughout a year of study, portfolio students produce 20 outstanding works of art. Students develop a subject matter, independently designing each of their projects to communicate their concentration. Projects
take individual paths that reflect the unique interests, skills and personality of each student. With the expectation of rigorous production and content-driven work, students learn to be incredibly self-motivated and growth-minded in their artistic development. In addition to production, students focus on presentation. Frequent critiques, writing, and participation in art competitions are requirements of the course. These components culminate in Portfolio Night, a gallery opening in which the artists present and celebrate their works from the year. Planning for this special evening involves preparing selections for display, assembling an individual gallery, and delivering a gallery presentation. Senior Portfolio students graduate with knowledge of artistic production flow and professional presentation. Past participants of the class have shown exemplary artistic quality and drive and have set the bar for achievement in the LRCA Fine Arts Department.
Several Warrior Choir members were awarded All-Region honors this year. High School All-Region recipients were Bethany Courtney (1st chair), Cole Chandler (2nd chair), Grace Caroline Gardner, Grace Griffin, Rebecca Holland, Rose Johnson and Jinny Yoon. Bethany Courtney and Cole Chandler then received prestigious All-State honors. Junior High All-Region honors were awarded to Cheyenne Collins, Allie Mooney and Isabel Moore. In April, the Warrior Choir participated in the Dallas Music Festival receiving second place in their division along with the Gold Award and Spirit Award. For the first time in school history, third grade students performed their own unique musical, “First Action Heroes,” and fifth and sixth graders presented a spring choral performance, “Growing in Truth.”
Instrumental Arts achieved new heights in 2015-16, with record enrollment and success. This year the Warrior Band and Orchestra both had perfect seasons, receiving first division ratings from all judges at all competitions, and receiving the coveted ASBOA Sweepstakes for both the band and orchestra. Two students, Alice Li (Flute) and Jacquelynn Horsey (Viola) were selected out of applicants from 53 countries to play at Carnegie Hall in New York. The Warrior Instrumentalists made state history combining as a unified full orchestral group to perform Stravinsky’s Firebird and Bizet’s Carmen. They also received the opportunity to record in the Disney Studio, in Orlando, Florida, where they recorded the main theme from Star Wars Duel of the Fates. To finish the year, the students of the Instrumental Arts program received a total of $168,000 in music scholarships to attend various universities across the country. The growth of the program made the 2015-16 school year one that will forever mark God’s glory and honor on our Warrior musicians.
THEATRE The 2015-16 school year proved to be a year of growth for the Theatre Department. Warrior Hall was home to the hilarious classic comedy, Arsenic and Old Lace and the Broadway hit musical, Annie Get Your Gun. Both performances brought record crowds and casts with student actors ranging from grades 3-12. “Stagecoach,” a theatre production course, launched as part of the after-school Fine Arts Academy. Hollie Shepherd, LRCA Theatre faculty, chartered the Thespian Troupe, and students participated in their first State Thespian Festival. At Festival, Senior Luke Danforth received the Technical Theatre Thespian Scholarship and Senior Bethany Courtney was recognized as a State Honor Thespian Nominee. ANNUAL REVIEW
FOOTBALL Junior High Conference Champions Varsity 5A West Conference Champions and State Semifinalist Academic State Champion 5A Coach of the Year – Jeff Weaver
BASKETBALL Girls State Qualifier Boys State Qualifier CROSS COUNTRY Girls 5A West Conference Champions and State Champions Boys 5A West Conference Runner-Up
VOLLEYBALL Varsity 5A West Conference Runner-Up and State Quarterfinalist GOLF Girls 5A West Conference Champions and 3rd in State Boys 5A West Conference and State Runner-Up POM 5A State Dance Champions CHEER Overall Camp Champions TENNIS Girls 5A West Conference Champions and 4th in State Boys 5A West Conference Champions and 4th in State Boys Coach of the Year – Barry McCaskill WRESTLING 4th Place in State
SOCCER Boys 3rd Place in 5A West Conference and State Quarterfinalist Boys Academic State Champion Girls 5A West Conference Champions and State Semifinalist 5A Girls Coach of the Year – Beth Wendl BASEBALL 5A West Conference Champions and State Qualifier 5A Coach of the Year – Guy Brown TRACK Girls 4th Place in State Boys Academic State Champion SOFTBALL Academic State Champion
KATE MCDONALD RECOGNIZED AS AN ARKANSAS DEMOCRAT GAZETTE FEMALE ACADEMIC ALL STAR Kate McDonald graduated in the 2016 class with a 4.4 grade point average. She was yearbook editor her senior year and a National Merit Finalist. As co-founder of Blue Door Sponsorship nonprofit organization she created a sponsorship program, raising more than $100,000 to provide clothes and goods to help educate more than 300 children in Nairobi, Kenya. Kate and her doubles partner, Cameron Riser, reached the semifinals of the Class 5A girls tennis state tournament. She is currently attending Texas Christian University, majoring in Business and is a recipient of the TCU Provost Scholarship.
KENNEDY LEVERETT CLASS OF 2016 After learning at Little Rock Christian Academy for the past ten years, Kennedy Leverett travelled to Princeton, New Jersey on August 31 to begin her college education. Princeton University, chartered in 1746, is the fourth-oldest college in the United States. Undergraduate work at this renowned research institution includes classroom instruction in the arts and humanities, social sciences, natural sciences, and engineering, as well as independent work. While at LRCA, Kennedy enjoyed many activities, including competing with the tennis team for four years and travelling to Europe during J-Term, along with a commitment to her church and community. Her mother, Kim Leverett, recently expressed the following observation about Kennedy, "One of the most important desires that I have and prayer-asked is that we raise God-fearing, God-seeking, God-pleasing children. It is our upmost concern that we teach them to leave home and be godly people, knowing God and having a personal relationship for themselves.… Well, today, Kennedy shares her "blog" with me, apparently something she has been working on this summer. After reading, God has given me assurance that she is READY to spread her wings and leave the nest."
n word for “be still,” provides a which she has named Tacere, an Italia blog her from post nt rece a of ion A sect ceton freshman: glimpse into Kennedy’s life as a Prin So as I thought about how grateful I was for for something a little more special: my birthday. ost forem and first ful thank am I , week s …Thi the small things I've grown more thankful God for that have happened since I turned 17, and thank I s thing of both list a iled comp I year, er anoth for in college. in. I am thankful to God that I survived high d my cap was something words cannot expla tosse I when got I g feelin The g. uatin Grad 1. school and graduated with honors. remember thinking as I applied that I would ined myself going to an Ivy League school. I imag years on milli a in r neve I n. ceto Prin 2. near as great as his plans are. And speaking me that our plans for ourselves are nowhere never get in. I am thankful that God showed of Princeton... to look at every time I leave my dorm. Your for giving me something absolutely amazing you k Than ure. itect Arch ury Cent 18th 3. are truly breathtaking. ivy-covered buildings and rooftop gargoyles s and uncles, too. They so often send ly, but my grandparents and cousins and aunt fami e ediat imm my just not And ly. fami My 4. know I have people like that backing and g me they love me, and I am so thankful to me messages simply encouraging me and tellin I supporting me. " (Winnie the Pooh). Thankful not only that something that makes saying goodbye so hard have to am I lucky "How ds. frien My 5. here. that I have made so many equally amazing ones have such amazing friends from home, but ising it. exerc to ard forw ng thankful for that right and I'm looki 6. My Vote. I'm finally 18! I can vote! I'm love for her Savior. Her life is reflected by her Academy last May equipped with truth and stian Chri Rock Little from ated gradu edy Kenn . In this world you will have trouble. But take these things, so that in me you may have peace you told have “I , 16:33 John , verse ite favor heart! I have overcome the world”.
David Winkler, Tyler Rosenthal and Stephen Curry (class of 2011) have much in common. Their days at Little Rock Christian Academy were intertwined by creativity, leadership and friendship. All three entered Ouachita Baptist University in the fall of 2011, where they continued to develop their talents and impact their college for the better. Today, we find them in careers with the university they have grown to love. David holds a Bachelor of Arts degree with a major in accounting and serves OBU in the Development office as the Cornerstone and Tiger for Life Coordinator. With a goal of pursuing a seminary degree in Education Administration, David enjoys the daily camaraderie of education professionals, and giving back to a place that gave him so much. When he is not fundraising for Ouachita, he enjoys web design, graphic design, and videography, all creative outlets for David. He started a wedding videography business after his sophomore year in college with nothing but a camera and a promise to film a friend’s wedding. He admits that he may have been in over his head, but that venture developed into a passion for filmmaking. A Warrior from kindergarten, Stephen credits the caring faculty and staff for speaking identity into him and helping him discover his God-given abilities in spite of incredible timidity in his early years. His participation in high school clubs, ministry, worship and vocal arts lifted LRCA higher and carried over into his college life. Stephen says at Ouachita he learned to serve, to be a friend, to be diligent, and to be a “difference maker”. There he was a member of Concert Band, Marching Band, President
of Ouachita Singers, a recipient of the James Harrison Music Scholarship, the Ouachita Concert Choir student conductor, and a 2012 Tiger Tunes host. He earned a Bachelor of Music Education, and his vast array of OBU experiences serve him well now as an Admissions Counselor. Stephen enjoys introducing high school students in Arkansas and several other states to the benefits of a Ouachita education. Tyler is expanding OBU digitally through a new position, Digital Content Coordinator, in the Office of Communications. There he launches new social portals, takes on full website overhauls, and dives into new technologies. With a B.A. in Mass Communications and minors in Music and Graphic Design, Tyler is passionate about helping his new home, the town of Arkadelphia. He currently works with city board members on revitalization and artistic endeavors. Tyler also stays busy with a freelance photography business, Tyler Rosenthal Photography. In reflecting on his time at Little Rock Christian, Tyler says, “being a Warrior will always be a crucial part of my life. I created true friendships that I will never lose. Whether it's with students, teachers or administration, we do life together at LRCA. That is such a great example of the community of believers we are to do the rest of our life with. These relationships and the education I received at LRCA not only helped mold me and my faith during such formational years, but it laid the foundation for living with a Christian worldview and prepared me for so much of what was ahead." These three truly represent Warrior alumni who thrive in college and beyond.
Haley Olmsted passed away from a sudden illness on March 8, 2016, in Little Rock, Arkansas. Haley was born May 21, 1992, and raised in Little Rock. She is the daughter of Jon and Susan Olmsted and sister to Garrett Olmsted (Class of 2013). After graduating from Little Rock Christian Academy, Haley attended Ouachita Baptist University and Belmont University in Nashville. She was recently finishing her Elementary Education degree at UALR. Haley had a special spirit that all those who knew her enjoyed and admired. She was truly a blessing to all of her family and friends. “Haley was a young woman full of grace and now lives forever with her Lord. Her radiant face will always be emblematic of our school's spirit.” – Dr. Gary Arnold
a letter from C a r a Wa de
TRUST YOU’RE FINDING THAT LITTLE ROCK CHRISTIAN ACADEMY IS PROVIDING YOUR STUDENT/S WITH OPPORTUNITIES to strive for Higher Ground, Higher Praise and Higher Love in academics, arts, athletics, and
active service to the community. That’s our theme for our students this year. And, that biblical worldview, taught in all areas of learning at LRCA, is helping your children to thrive spiritually. I think of my own family’s journey with LRCA, which began at Walnut Valley Christian Academy with a sweet kindergarten teacher, Gail Williams, who taught all three of our sons. Now, our last child is a senior. I hope you will find, as we have, that LRCA is a special place where Christ can be found daily. I’m amazed to see how LRCA has been blessed over the years by its people, whether that’s in the form of man-hours or financial donations. I hope you feel the pride, as I do, in our school as you look through these pages to see the impact of generous families like yours. Please know that your Board of Trust remains steadfast in advancing and protecting the four institutional core values of Truth, Excellence, Love, and Partnership – all resting on the firm foundation of Jesus Christ. It’s a privilege to be a Warrior.
Cara Wade Chairman, Board of Trust
2015-2016 BOARD OF TRUST
Front row (left to right) Susan Martin, Tad Fiser, Cara Wade, Stuart Miller, Maryjane Pfeiffer, Bill Scholl. Back row (left to right) Julia Neblett, Tommy Vaughan, John McMorran, Mark Leverett, Gary Arnold, Ted Dickey, Jeff Hankins, Jessica Brogdon, Tabietha Dillard. Not pictured: Harry Li
The Board of Trust is the policy-making leadership of the school, holding the school's mission in trust. To that end, the Board creates and implements written policies for the organization, ensures financial strength, and supports and evaluates the head of school as the chief educational and executive officer. The Board of Trust consists of professionals throughout the community who represent nine different churches as well as multiple school constituencies.
LRCA RECOGNIZED WITH TOP HONORS AT FBLA NATIONAL LEADERSHIP CONFERENCE In June more than 9,300 of America’s best and brightest high school students traveled to Atlanta, Georgia, to connect with top future business leaders and showcase their talents as they competed for the opportunity to win cash awards. Ten LRCA students qualified to attend the conference by receiving first or second place in the state competition. The following LRCA students qualified for Nationals: Cooper Lair, Ragan Hall, Luke Weiner, Luke Hankins, Kendall Byrd, Robert Thompson, Ashlyn Underwood, Spencer Burton, Harley Kuhn and Kevin Knox. Kevin Knox, Harley Kuhn, Robert Thompson, Ashlyn Underwood and Spencer Burton pictured at FBLA National Leadership Conference.
FBLA MEDALLION HONORS Several graduates were awarded FBLA medallions of honor for exceptional achievement. FBLA utilizes an achievement point system based on years of participation, leadership positions, state and regional award recognition and attendance at leadership conferences. Gold medals were awarded to Ashlyn Underwood and Spencer Burton. Cooper Lair received a silver medal and Robert Thompson a bronze medal. Mrs. Susie Thompson was presented with an advisor service award. ANNUAL REVIEW
PTF 1990
ARTNERSHIP WITH THE CHURCH AND PARENTS HAS BEEN THE SCHOOL’S LIFEBLOOD. From its founding until today, Little Rock Christian Academy relies on the “golden triangle” of church, home and school.
Two groups in particular, Parent Teacher Fellowship and Warrior Club, have worked throughout the years to build LRCA into the blue-ribbon school that it is today. Through a structure of leadership, volunteerism, and fundraising, these well-run organizations have provided excellent programs for Warriors through the decades. PTF moms and dads are thoughtful, hard-working, giving, fundraising prayer-warriors. Their work over the years has improved the campus, encouraged and supported faculty, and introduced new programs. Some of the past presidents reflected on their tenures: Nancy Leonhardt treasures the relationships she built with LRCA faculty in the early 2000’s. Nancy partnered with teachers to develop the Sixth Grade Scavenger Hunt, a learning exercise around Little Rock’s River Market area which allowed students to explore and learn about our great city. For years PTF had encouraged parents to buy Kroger bucks in the carpool line; however, the transition to Kroger cards was a challenge. One of Marijane Pfeiffer’s goals as President was to increase LRCA families’ and friends’ use of the Kroger Card to its maximum extent, since it was “free money”. They raised over $50,000 in one year just through Kroger cards! Lynn Beardsley rallied the PTF toward a structure that works like a well-tuned clock. The PTF Board consists of eight strategic teams: four are building-based and support elementary,
PTF 2016 middle school, junior high and high school; and four teams are school-wide -- community, services, development, and fine arts. Alongside the executive team, each member works diligently to add organization and volunteerism to benefit LRCA education. Cynthia White boosted the excellent work done through that structure, leading PTF to partner with school leadership and the advancement office to create the first annual Warrior Blitz. Blitz replaced a previous fundraiser and required extreme organizational
WARRIOR CLUB BOARD 2016 skills in working to raise the bar through a fundraiser where 100% of the money goes directly to support our children's education. A strong team continues to serve LRCA this year under the direction of Cheryl Rowen. Cheryl is passionate about Christian education, having previously served on the board of a Christian school in another state. She and her husband, Thom, moved to Little Rock in 2013 with their three children, Becca, Ella and Carter. In addition to providing abundant volunteer support across campus, PTF manages a budget of over $150,000 in revenues. Through that, they fund faculty lunches, new family socials, parent symposiums, senior scholarship awards, fine arts programs and receptions, and social and educational events in each building. They also invested over $105,000 just this past year into Chromebooks and other educational equipment for students, as well as $6,000 towards Fine Arts enhancements. Clearly, PTF moves Little Rock Christian Academy upward! In the late 90’s, with a growing high school population and the anticipated move of all students to the present campus location, a booster club was formed to support Warrior athletic teams. That organization has thrived through the years as Warrior sports have expanded. Warrior Club works directly with the Athletic Director
to provide volunteers and raise money for outstanding programs. Steve Wade served as an early Warrior Club President, following Tommy Vaughan. Together, they focused on developing new fundraising sources which have now become standard revenue producers – Warrior Club memberships/ sponsorships, football program sales, the Warrior Store, and advertising sales. The plan was to build up three or four new fundraising sources which would produce $20,000 to $25,000 per year, to supplement the income from concession and ticket sales. Their plan certainly worked. Patti Rhodes, another past Warrior Club President, recalls her amazement in raising the money to fund the turf for Warrior Field. It appeared to be an impossible task, even for an optimist like Patti. But committed, passionate parents spread the word and worked with Athletic Director, Johnny Watson, to build excitement, cast vision, and score! Warrior Club has never retreated after triumph. Their accomplishments over the past ten years include the development of the remaining front acreage on campus to include exceptional baseball and softball fields. Every year, athletic facilities feature improvements such as the addition of electronic scoreboards and expanded restrooms, concessions, seating and more. Under the current leadership of President Scotty Caroom, Warrior Club continues to provide uniforms, equipment, transportation, awards and banquets for 34 junior high and high school athletic teams. Over the past ten years, the work of the Warrior Club has grown, but so has the participation level. With a dedicated Warrior Store open during school days, and the development of a premier Golf Tournament, the club’s annual revenues now top $200,000.
Photography by Michael Baxley
Higher Ground Here’s what I mean by higher ground… A higher sense of discipleship A higher sense of stewardship A higher sense of professionalism Hearts over numbers Character over a winning record Accountability to Kingdom excellence - Dr. Gary Arnold, Head of School
Lead me to the Rock that is higher than I. Psalm 61:2
HIGHER GROUND. HIGHER PRAISE. HIGHER LOVE. Entering our 40th year of Christian education in Little Rock, one might ask: Where do we go from here? The short answer is UP! After the 2015-2016 year of growing in "wisdom, stature and favor with God and man," we are moving onward and upward in 2016-2017 to higher ground, higher praise and higher love. A key target of our upward trek this year is higher ground - higher ground in spiritual maturity and the education we provide. Four key academic initiatives this year are math, Biblical Worldview, Spanish and digital research. CONCRETE
MATH IN FOCUS Even though we intentionally and persistently work to improve every year, this year we are specifically focusing on math - kindergarten through seventh grade. The breadth and width of our improvement in math will, at the same time, bless our impact in the other three facets of STEM science, technology and engineering. Bottom line: we are committing to lift our K-7 math program to higher ground. Based on a twelve month, rigorous review - including consultation with strong peer benchmarks - we have adopted a proven math curriculum entitled Math in Focus, otherwise known as "Singapore Math." Singapore Math is a teaching method based on the national mathematics curriculum used for kindergarten through sixth grade in Singapore. The approach is to teach students to learn and master fewer mathematical concepts at greater detail using a three step learning process. The three steps are: concrete, pictorial and abstract. In the concrete step students engage in hands-on learning experiences using concrete objects such as chips, dice or paper clips. This is followed by drawing pictorial representations of mathematical concepts. Students then solve mathematical problems in an abstract way by using numbers and symbols. The trend line is clear. Nationwide, Singapore Math is improving math understanding and math achievement in the strongest schools. “Watching the students as their minds move from concrete, to pictorial, to abstract is the greatest experience for a teacher,” says elementary Principal Mrs. Ann Chami. “They aren’t just figuring out the answer, they are figuring out how to get there. They are discovering how to use critical thinking skills which is so important for their future academic testing.” STEM is not a fad; it's a reality of the twenty-first century. Not only that, our God and Creator wrote the book. Therefore, we are eager to lift STEM to higher ground and to the glory of God.
In an effort to give lift to elementary Spanish, we are piloting an innovative, interactive platform for conversational Spanish at the primary level. Thanks to the vision of The Maclellan Foundation, our proposal to couple with a Spanish-speaking foreign school for the instruction of first grade Spanish was validated and funded. This year, our first-graders have tuned into a first grade classroom in Paraguay, South America, via Google Hangout. The school is a mission school called Asunción Christian Academy. Over time, Spanish-speaking teacher Miss Belen, will teach Little Rock Christian first graders some primary elements of conversational Spanish. We are connecting with ACA two times a week for 15 minutes sessions. Tuition dollars are not used for this particular program. The Maclellan Foundation is funding this two year pilot program.
THE MACLELLAN FOUNDATION AIDS IN NEW INITIATIVES The global generosity of the Maclellan Family Foundation is laserlike in its effectiveness to advance Christ’s Kingdom in innovative, sustainable ways. One of the strategic arms of the Maclellan Foundation focuses on educational initiatives, world-wide. Little Rock Christian Academy is honored to be selected as a 2016 grant recipient by Maclellan’s Christian Education Charitable Trust (CECT). The CECT proactively explores and promotes fresh, innovative approaches to education that are inspired by Scripture and go beyond the traditional approach to integrate technology and scalability with education. Our interactive, virtual classroom linked to Asunción Christian School in Paraguay, South America, allows our
“Money is the least important thing a foundation can bring to the table, even though that’s what brings everyone initially to the table. Capacity-building is an issue with us. If you think an organization is worth supporting, it’s worth doing things right instead of just working project by project. If you can help the organization as a whole, you’re a lot better off.” - Thomas H. McCallie III, Executive Vice President of Strategic Initiatives, The Maclellan Foundation
first grade students to learn Spanish in tandem with their Spanish-speaking peers in Paraguay. The Foundation also invested significant funds to train our Biblical Worldview faculty in the Harkness methodology, a student-centered approach to asking questions and interrogating the complexities of our faith, especially as it confronts the 21st century head-on. The Maclellan Foundation has shown that giving is about more than writing a big check. It’s about investing your heart, mind, and even your soul. We are ever grateful for the Maclellan’s belief in Little Rock Christian Academy and their push to sharpen our innovative edge in order that we may sustain our velocity onward and upward. ANNUAL REVIEW
Little Rock Christian Academy aims to hone our instructional approach in Biblical Worldview (BWV) in order to increase and deepen student engagement. Seven high school BWV teachers attended training in the Harkness method of instruction over the summer. Harkness is a teaching and learning method involving students seated in a large, oval shape to discuss ideas in an encouraging, openminded environment with occasional and minimal teacher intervention. The discussionbased teaching challenges students to make meaning of information together, talking, listening and ultimately thinking. Harkness creates a collaborative learning environment. Ideally everyone comes to class prepared to share, discuss, and discover. Interacting with other minds, listening carefully, speaking respectfully, using new knowledge, and enjoying the richness of human interaction
are a few of the benefits of the method. “The Harkness method creates a community to discover truth for yourself,” says Rebecca Howell, BWV department chair. “The students are annotating text before they come to class, which allows for a deeper initial reading and understanding of the text that lasts and prepares them to discuss their thoughts in class. They are building reading comprehension and developing critical reasoning skills.” Howell uses a top-down diagram of the discussion table to track who spoke to whom. It aids in the assessment of the discussion. The lines in the diagram represent movement from one speaker around the room to another. Little Rock Christian BWV teachers will, over time, increasingly deploy more and more Harkness methods to prepare students for university-level dialogue on the important questions of origin, meaning, ethics and destiny.
Established in 1936 by Edward Harkness, an innovative and visionary educational philanthropist, the Harkness method of education sought to bring the benefits of the House System to the classroom by providing an intimate environment for intellectual discourse. Harkness described its use as follows: "What I have in mind is a classroom where students could sit around a table with a teacher who would talk with them and instruct them by a sort of tutorial or conference method, where each student would feel encouraged to speak up. This would be a real revolution in methods." - Edward Harkness 26
We have committed to advance the LRCA campus through digital research. The junior high and senior high libraries are now Academic Research Centers (ARC). This is more than a name change or a cosmetic update. The driver is to create space for 21st century digital research and student collaboration. One-to-one blended learning now extends from grade seven through grade twelve. Thanks to Parent Teacher Fellowship (PTF) and the Annual Fund, all students in Upper School have been provided with a Chromebook laptop computer. Karen Stotts, Educational Technology Instructional Coach, recently spoke to a group of parents telling them, "Chromebooks changed the way we taught in the junior high last year. The unified platform gave teachers the confidence to introduce new methods in the classroom which allowed our students to learn in a more progressive and intuitive environment. I am thrilled that we are able to expand this program to the high school." What is a Chromebook? It is a laptop which utilizes the Chrome operating system. It is designed to be used primarily while connected to the internet (with restrictions), with most applications and data residing in "the cloud". The Chromebooks provide access to the internet, allows shared content, and enables engaged student discussion, collaboration, and formative assessments for differentiated instruction. "The introduction of Chromebooks will increase student engagement, enhance the depth of content, and energize student motivation while developing digital learning skills," says Phillip Bridges, Director of Digital Learning.
“Chromebooks have enabled students to consistently and uniformly utilize technology within the classroom environment. As a teacher, I can now distribute class materials to students in an organized manner without drowning them in a sea of paper by utilizing Schoology. The Chromebook itself performs as a ready research tool for vocabulary, author biographical information, and so much more. Students now have access to a library from their desk!” – Teresa Walker, High School English ANNUAL REVIEW
Annual Fund
CECT Grants
Annual Fund
Other Income
CECT Grants
Total Revenue
Tuition and Fees
Other Income
EXPENSE Compensation/Benefits Educational Program Campus Support General and Administrative
Educational Program
Campus Support
General and Administrative
Interest Expense
(includes depreciation expense)
Total Expense
Interest Expense
$105,300 $54,000
Math In Focus Curriculum
STEM Equipment & Curriculum
Financial Assistance
Financial Assistance Restricted Cash Gifts
STEM Equipment & Curriculum
Math In Focus Curriculum
Restricted Cash Gifts
Total Disbursements
L it t le R ock C h r isti a n Ac a dem y
Committed partners have given Little Rock Christian Academy millions of dollars, over and above tuition, during the school’s 40-year history. These gifts enable improvements to campus facilities and programs, and also provide for student financial aid and faculty professional development. Little Rock Christian thanks the following donors for their generous support through Annual Giving from July 1, 2015 through June 30, 2016.
Golden Triangle Anonymous Mr. Scott Beardsley and Mrs. Lynn Beardsley Mr. Ronald M. Cameron and Mrs. Nina Cameron Mr. Todd Denton and Mrs. Amy Denton Mr. Michael M. Hui and Mrs. Paige Hui Mr. Matthew R. Jones and Mrs. Patricia S. Jones Mr. Fred Lord and Mrs. Karen Lord Dr. Kenneth A. Martin and Mrs. Susan Martin Mr. John D. McMorran and Mrs. April McMorran National Christian Foundation Dr. Ray E. Peeples and Mrs. Amy H. Peeples Mr. Michael R. Rainwater and Mrs. Kathy M. Rainwater Mr. Bob Snider and Mrs. Martha T. Snider Staples, Inc. The Hardie Family Fund of the Dallas Foundation
Pursuit of Excellence
Mr. Jon S. Adams and Mrs. Tiffany L. Adams Arkansas Baptist Foundation Mr. Phillip W. Cox and Mrs. Lois J. Cox Mr. Edward Dickey and Mrs. Lila Dickey Dr. Jon David Fuller and Mrs. Kristi Fuller Dr. Peter J. Kim and Dr. Elizabeth Kim Mr. Dan L. Parker and Mrs. Glenda G. Parker Mr. Thomas S. Rowen and Mrs. Cheryl A. Rowen Mr. Bob M. Sexton and Mrs. Jennie Sexton Ms. Paula Strother The Good Earth Garden Center Mr. Derek M. Turner and Dr. Shannon R. Turner 1977 Society Mr. Lowell O. Adams and Mrs. Elizabeth Adams Mr. Thomas J. Andersson and Dr. Jeanine A. Andersson Anonymous Dr. Gary B. Arnold and Mrs. Karen C. Arnold Mr. Rick H. Ashley and Mrs. LuAnn Ashley Dr. J Greg G. Baden and Mrs. RoseAnn Baden Mr. Jonathan P. Bednar and Mrs. Rebecca W. Bednar Mr. Ronald L. Blackwell and Mrs. Wanda M. Blackwell Mr. Richard L. Bornemeier and Dr. Renee A. Bornemeier Ms. Kristi Broglen and Mr. James R. Broglen Mr. Delton Brown and Mrs. Kimberly Brown Mrs. Elizabeth Bunch Mr. Robert E. Burnside and Mrs. Ann Burnside
Dr. George T. Burson and Mrs. Lucinda M. Burson Mr. Stephen A. Carlisle and Mrs. Holly Carlisle Mr. Amer Chami and Mrs. Ann S. Chami Mr. Robert Childress and Mrs. Nancy Childress Mr. Robert G. Clancy and Mrs. Debbie Clancy Ms. Margaret Clark Mr. William E. Clark and Mrs. Christy S. Clark Clevenger Recreation, LLC Mr. John Crabtree and Dr. September W. Crabtree Mr. Larry P. Crain and Mrs. Janett Crain Dr. Jimmy A. Day and Mrs. Sharon J. Day Dr. Van H. De Bruyn and Mrs. Dana De Bruyn Mr. William T. Dillard and Mrs. Tabietha Dillard Mr. Sherman H. Eoff and Mrs. Cynthia T. Eoff Mr. Jim L. Favre and Mrs. Linda F. Favre Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund Mr. Grant E. Fortson and Mrs. Jaime S. Fortson Mr. Terral A. Gammill and Mrs. Cathy S. Gammill Mr. Jim H. Garner Mr. Brent Gasaway and Mrs. Sharilyn S. Gasaway Mr. David A. Gatewood and Mrs. Deborah A. Gatewood Mr. Kenneth Gibbs and Mrs. Ann M. Gibbs Mr. Jared Hankins and Mrs. Natalie Hankins Mr. Thornton Hardie and Mrs. Susie Hardie Mr. Michael S. Hart and Mrs. Lisa Hart Mr. Herren C. Hickingbotham and Mrs. Susan Hickingbotham Ms. Khiela J. Holmes Mr. Donald Houff and Mrs. Linda G. Houff Mr. John A. Ivester and Mrs. Angelica Ivester Mr. Mark W. Jansen and Mrs. Heidi Jansen Mr. Bryan S. Jeffrey and Mrs. Caroline Jeffrey Mr. Glen Johnson and Mrs. Kirstin Johnson Mrs. Linda R. Johnson and Mr. Charles E. Johnson Dr. James A. Karrh and Mrs. Alison Karrh Mr. Robert W. Keltner and Mrs. Amy C. Keltner Mr. Russell Kennedy and Mrs. Karen Kennedy Mrs. Carla Kenyon and Mr. Evan R. Kenyon Mr. Craig Lair and Mrs. Wendy Lair Mr. Michael F. Lax and Mrs. Billie M. Lax Mr. Mark D. Leverett and Mrs. Kim Leverett Mr. Patrick Longworth and Mrs. Elizabeth Longworth Mr. Matt McClendon and Mrs. Suzanne McClendon Mr. Michael S. McLaughlin and Dr. Shannon G. McLaughlin Dr. Joel W. McMasters and Mrs. Robyn A. McMasters Mr. James D. McMellon and Mrs. Brenda H. McMellon Mr. Brent Medders and Mrs. Laura Medders Dr. George K. Mitchell and Mrs. Martha W. Mitchell Mr. Edward O. Moody Mr. Robert S. Page and Mrs. Donna L. Page
Mr. Robert Parker and Mrs. Tammy Parker Mr. Keith L. Pfeiffer and Mrs. Marijane Pfeiffer Mr. Jaymes Ply and Mrs. Stacey Ply Mr. Scott Proctor Rainland LLC Raymond James Charitable Endowment Fund Rockshow Comedy, Inc. Dr. Christopher C. Ross and Mrs. Sarah Ross Mr. Ross C. Rucker and Mrs. Abbie D. Rucker Mr. William C. Scholl and Mrs. Linda L. Scholl Showcase of Bands Mr. Chris Smith and Mrs. Janet Smith Mr. James M. Smith and Mrs. Kimberly A. Smith Dr. Michael Spann and Mrs. Kristy Spann Mr. Jerry M. Spears and Mrs. Donna S. Spears Dr. Charles J. Stearns and Mrs. Valerie Stearns Dr. Robert L. Stuckey and Mrs. Ashley E. Stuckey Mr. Samuel R. Tedder and Mrs. Carolyn Tedder Mr. Johnny Tollett and Mrs. Amber Tollett Mr. Tommy C. Vaughan and Mrs. Martha Vaughan Mr. Guy A. Wade and Mrs. Cara M. Wade Mr. Johnny Watson and Mrs. Marilyn Watson Mr. Craig H. Westbrook and Mrs. Andrea Westbrook Mr. Gene H. Whisenhunt and Mrs. Kathy L. Whisenhunt Mr. John Ray White and Mrs. Michelle White Ms. Ruth A. Williams Dr. Ernie S. Woodard and Dr. Tacy M. Woodard Mr. Shelby V. Woods and Mrs. Dianne P. Woods The Warrior Way Dr. James R. Adametz and Mrs. Zada V. Adametz Mr. Chad Aduddell and Mrs. Angie Aduddell Ms. Jan Aduddell Mr. Randy Alberius and Mrs. Lisa Alberius Ms. Susan Alford Dr. Gary E. Allen and Mrs. Amy K. Allen Mr. John Allen and Mrs. Allison Allen Mr. Mohsen Amani and Mrs. Debbie Amani Mr. Kenneth P. Amburgy Reverend Mel Amrine and Mrs. Doris Amrine Mr. James L. Anderson Ms. Mary Andrews Anonymous Dr. Scott R. Archer and Mrs. Kathie Archer Arkansas Restoration, Inc. Mrs. Nancy K. Armstrong and Mr. Tom E. Armstrong Ms. Patricia E. Arnold Mr. Phillip Ashworth and Mrs. Marieca Ashworth Ms. Karen B. Atchley Mr. James S. Aunspaugh and Dr. Jennifer P. Aunspaugh
Mr. Anthony Aycock and Mrs. Kyla Aycock B&B Oil Company, Inc. Mr. Wes Baden and Mrs. Amy Baden Mr. Mark Baer and Mrs. Debra D. Baer Dr. Tom B. Bailey and Mrs. Becky Bailey Mr. Drew Baker and Mrs. Tiffany Baker Mrs. Janyth Baker Mr. Joel S. Baker and Mrs. Heather Baker Dr. Chris Bakke and Mrs. Sandy Bakke Mr. James G. Banks and Mrs. Christy L. Banks Mr. Howard Bankson and Sharon Bankson Mr. Stephen L. Bankson and Mrs. Cristin Bankson Mrs. Jean Barber Mr. Christopher Bariola and Mrs. Pamela Bariola Mr. Tery L. Baskin and Mrs. Mary C. Baskin Mr. Michael Baxley and Mrs. Andrea Baxley Mr. Marcus Beard and Mrs. Dennia Beard Mr. Joshua Bearden and Mrs. Amanda K. Bearden Mrs. Kelli Beavers and Mr. Darren Beavers Mr. Scott E. Bennett and Mrs. Heather C. Bennett Mr. James Berman and Mrs. Linda L. Berman Mr. Dan Berry and Mrs. Cindy S. Berry Mrs. Elizabeth Berry Miss Sarah E. Berry Mr. Russell Berryhill and Mrs. Rachel Berryhill Mr. David W. Berryman and Mrs. Sara Berryman Dr. Thomas H. Best and Mrs. Faith A. Best Mr. John Bice and Mrs. Michelle Sanders Mr. Mike Biggs and Mrs. Laurie Biggs Mr. Richard Billingsley and Mrs. Susan K. Billingsley Mr. Bill Black and Mrs. Dipti Black Mr. Christopher Black and Mrs. Kristy Black Mr. Joshua Bland Dr. Michael L. Blanscet and Mrs. Jennifer P. Blanscet Mr. James Blaydes and Mrs. Susan K. Blaydes Dr. William W. Blevins and Mrs. Lisa Blevins Mr. Gordon M. Blocker and Mrs. Shawna L. Blocker Mr. Eundra Boles and Dr. Nichole Bauknight-Boles Mr. John L. Boles and Mrs. Amy F. Boles Mr. R. G. Bone and Mrs. Sandy Bone Mr. Steven Booth and Mrs. Jennifer Booth Mr. Gaylon Boshears and Mrs. Carolyn Boshears Mr. David Bost and Mrs. Becky Bost Mr. Dennis Bost and Mrs. Delta Bost Mr. Charles C. Bostwick and Mrs. Marci Bostwick Mrs. Jerri Bowen Mr. Shannon Bowerman and Mrs. Jill Bowerman Ms. Sue Bowersock Mr. Roger Bowman and Mrs. Debbie Bowman Mr. Ryan A. Bowman and Mrs. Cortney J. Bowman Mrs. Janet Y. Boyd and Mr. Charles P. Boyd Mr. Tom Bozzay and Mrs. Melissa J. Bozzay Ms. Jennifer Bradley Mr. Barry Brandt and Mrs. Heidi Brandt Mr. Jim Bransford Mr. Jeff L. Brantly and Mrs. DeAwna J. Brantly Mrs. Jackie L. Brewton and Mr. John S. BrewtonMr. Mr. Todd Brogdon and Mrs. Jessica Brogdon Mr. Grant W. Brower and Mrs. Kris Brower Mr. Paul Brown and Mrs. Lacy Brown Mr. Terry Brown and Mrs. Gina Zakovec-Brown Ms. Tricia Brown Mr. Undre R. Brunson and Mrs. Tewanna S. Brunson Mr. Russ Bryan and Mrs. Kendra Bryan Mr. Marcus Bryant and Mrs. Randi Bryant Mr. William M. Buchanan and Mrs. Melanie Buchanan Mr. William Buckner Mr. Lance E. Burchett and Mrs. Sherry Burchett Mrs. Patty Burge Mr. Edmond T. Burkett and Mrs. Charla Burkett Mr. George Burks and Mrs. Jonie Burks Ms. Alice Burleson Mr. Danny W. Burnett and Mrs. Nicole Burnett
Mr. Jeff L. Burton and Mrs. April T. Burton Mrs. Caroline Butler Mr. Mark Butler and Mrs. Jamie Butler Mr. Chuck Buttry and Mrs. Noelle Buttry Mrs. Virginia Ann Buttry Mrs. Debbie Byrd Dr. Thomas D. Cain and Mrs. Diana B. Cain Mr. Randy Calley and Mrs. Betty Calley Mrs. Karen Campbell Mr. Steve Carleson and Mrs. Kim Carleson Mrs. Louise Carlisle Mr. Jon Carnahan and Mrs. Kelly Carnahan Mr. Matthew Carpenter and Mrs. Julie Carpenter Rev. William Carpenter and Dr. April Chatham-Carpenter Mr. James A. Carroll and Mrs. Linley D. Carroll Mr. Danny L. Carson and Mrs. Betty Carson Mr. David Carson and Mrs. Rene' Carson Mr. Jason L. Carson and Mrs. Ashley E. Carson Mr. Kris Carson and Mrs. Staci Carson Mr. Charles A. Carter and Mrs. Carrie Carter Ms. Judy G. Caruthers Mr. Zach Casto and Mrs. Renee Casto Mr. Jason Cathey and Mrs. Brindy Cathey Mr. Kenneth P. Chae and Mrs. Grace Chae Dr. Charles Chamblee and Mrs. Alisa Chamblee Dr. Joshua Chance and Mrs. Christina Chance Dr. Jeffrey Chandler and Dr. Kay H. Chandler Mrs. Katie Chandler and Mrs. Katie Chandler Mr. James W. Chesshir and Mrs. Lara Chesshir Mr. Freddy D. Chrisman and Mrs. Leigh Anne Chrisman Mr. Robert Christian and Mrs. Karen Christian Mr. Jon Clark and Mrs. Sheila Clark Mr. Michael A. Clements and Mrs. Julie A. Clements Mr. Harrison Clerget and Mrs. Mary Clerget Mr. Steven Cohan and Mrs. Carol Cohan Mr. Joseph D. Colacino and Mrs. Joanne Colacino Mr. Jan Collins and Mrs. Gaye Collins Mr. Jeremy Collins and Mrs. Jan Collins Mr. Ronald R. Collins and Mrs. Diane R. Collins Dr. Ronald T. Collins and Dr. Margaret Collins Mr. Craig Comish and Mrs. Nancy Comish Mr. Todd Coney and Mrs. Tina Coney Mr. Michael A. Connell and Mrs. Kristin D. Connell Mr. Jeff S. Cook and Mrs. Caroline Cook Reverend Robert M. Cook and Mrs. Kimberly Cook Mr. Dennis Cooper and Mrs. Krischarna Cooper Mr. Gary Cooper and Mrs. Monica Cooper Mr. Jason Cooper and Mrs. JoEllyn Cooper Mrs. Mary K. Cooper Dr. Angelo Coppola and Mrs. Katherine Coppola Mr. Barry M. Corkern and Mrs. Janice M. Corkern Mr. Boyd Corley and Mrs. Lynn Corley Mr. Harry Cotros and Mrs. Joelle Cotros Mr. James Courtney and Mrs. Sherri Courtney Mr. Tommy Covington and Mrs. Stacey Covington Ms. Dorothy L. Cox Ms. Leigh A. Craig Ms. Linda Craig Mr. Greg Crain and Mrs. Alissa J. Crain Mr. Daniel R. Crane and Mrs. Judy G. Crane Mr. Shawn Cranford and Mrs. Tiffany Cranford Miss Aaren Crews Mr. James M. Crisp and Mrs. Mary Crisp Mrs. Amy Criswell Mr. Bill Criswell and Mrs. Kelli Criswell Mr. Phillip Crow and Mrs. Nancy Crow Mr. Michael B. Crum and Mrs. Kristi D. Crum Mr. Mike Crum and Mrs. Ann Crum Mr. Tory W. Cruse and Mrs. Shannon McKittrick-Cruse Mr. Rick Cruzen and Mrs. Heather Cruzen
Mr. Samuel D. Cummings and Mrs. Dianne Cummings Ms. Kristina Cunningham Mr. Brian Curry and Mrs. Holly Curry Dr. John A. Daniel and Mrs. Amy Daniel Ms. Kay Daniels Ms. Kayla Daniels Mr. Mark E. Daril and Mrs. Virginia Daril Mr. Brady P. Davis and Mrs. Danielle C. Davis Mr. Chris Davis and Mrs. Allison Davis Mr. Jefferson Davis and Mrs. Debbie N. Davis Mr. Kenneth B. Davis and Mrs. Keli Davis Mr. Lawrence A. Davis and Mrs. Rosaland Davis Mr. Mark Davis and Mrs. Tammie S. Davis Mr. Oscar E. Davis and Mrs. Laura Davis Mr. Toney L. Davis and Mrs. H. D. Davis Mr. Kevin DeChick and Mrs. Joanie DeChick Mr. Craig DeLorme Dennia Beard State Farm Insurance Mr. James Dennis and Mrs. Susan Dennis Mrs. Barbara Devries Mr. Ronald W. Devries and Mrs. Annette Devries Mr. Joel DeWitt and Mrs. Stacia DeWitt Mr. Bart Dickinson and Dr. Leslie Dickinson Mr. Jason DiLeo and Mrs. Amie DiLeo Mr. John DiVito and Mrs. Catherine A. DiVito Ms. LaKisha Dixon Mr. Jon Dodson and Mrs. Robyn Dodson Mrs. Susie Dodson Ms. Jennifer Doss Mr. John Dreher and Mrs. Kelley Dreher Mr. James M. Duckett and Mrs. Cherry L. Duckett Duke Custom Cabinets Mr. Alan Duncan and Mrs. Margie Duncan Dr. Bryan Dunlap and Mrs. Kelley Dunlap Mr. Jim Dunlap and Mrs. Sharon Dunlap Mr. Matt Dunn and Mrs. Brandie Dunn Mr. Michael R. Dunn and Mrs. Kim Dunn Mrs. Lisa Dykstra E & L Oil Company, LLC Mr. Mark Edds and Mrs. Shannon Edds Mr. Scott Edge and Mrs. Amber Edge Mr. Mark Edwards Dr. Raymond Edwards and Mrs. Keli Edwards Mrs. Rachel W. Ekenseair and Mr. John Ekenseair Mr. Doug Elkins and Mrs. Patricia Elkins Mr. Everett Ellis and Mrs. Ginny Ellis Ms. Rhonda Ellis Mr. Spencer Elmen Dr. Peter D. Emanuel and Mrs. Carla R. Emanuel eMobileCampus, LLC Mr. Steve Englert and Mrs. Christine Englert Mrs. Ashley Engstrom Dr. Robert Eoff and Mrs. Marci Eoff Mr. Stephen T. Eoff and Mrs. Whitney K. Eoff Mr. Daniel L. Erlandson Dr. Jude Espinoza Mr. Mark Evans and Mrs. Joy Evans Mr. Charles Ezell and Mrs. Diana Ezell Mr. Tim C. Ezell and Mrs. Sydney S. Ezell Mr. Chad Fellers and Mrs. Ronnie Fellers Mr. Ricky B. Ferguson and Mrs. Deanna S. Ferguson Mr. Greg Fielder and Mrs. Melony Fielder Mr. James Fink and Mrs. Lisa Fink Mr. Ricky Finkbeiner and Mrs. Charlotte Finkbeiner First Christian Church of Conway Mr. Kris Fischer and Mrs. Lisa Fischer Dr. Richard T. Fiser and Mrs. Laura D. Fiser Mr. Bill Fisher and Mrs. Kathryn Fisher Mr. Tommy Fisher and Mrs. April Fisher Mr. Tommy Fisher Mr. Bill P. Fitzer and Mrs. Stacy Fitzer Ms. Anise Flowers-Burglass Mrs. Jarin P. Fontenoy
Mr. Matthew Foster and Mrs. Claire C. Foster Ms. Jana K. Fowler Mr. John Fowler and Mrs. Jana K. Fowler Mr. Thomas Fox and Mrs. Kimberly Fox Mr. Tony L. Fox and Mrs. Courtney L. Fox Mr. Anthony B. Franklin and Mrs. Patrice L. Franklin Ms. Karen Frantz Mr. Matthew R. Frederick and Mrs. Susan H. Frederick Mr. Kevin A. Freier and Mrs. Gayle E. Freier Mr. Tony Frizzell and Mrs. Cindy Frizzell Mr. Michael D. Fugett and Mrs. Melissa K. Fugett Miss Kimberly C. Fullerton Mr. Charles E. Funderburk and Mrs. Holly Funderburk Mr. Jonathan B. Funk and Mrs. Paula R. Funk Mr. Allen A. Furrey and Mrs. Darleen A. Furrey Mrs. Stephanie Gannaway Mr. Trey Gardner and Mrs. Sheri Gardner Mr. Charles L. Garland and Mrs. Janet P. Garland Mr. Michael Garner and Mrs. Emily Garner Mr. Justin E. Garrison and Mrs. Megan Garrison Mr. Justin E. Garrison and Mrs. Nancy P. Garrison Mr. Joe Gentry and Mrs. Pam Gentry Mr. Brian Gibson and Mrs. Sierra Gibson Mrs. Sierra Gibson and Mr. Brian Gibson Mr. Dennis Gilliam and Mrs. Melissa Gilliam Mrs. Katherine Gipson Tyler Gipson Mr. William D. Gipson and Mrs. Pamela D. Gipson Mr. Joel P. Gladden and Mrs. Kathy T. Gladden Mr. Nicholas G. Gladden and Mrs. Patricia G. Gladden Mr. George Gleason and Mrs. Linda Gleason Mr. Robert D. Gleason and Mrs. Susan Gleason Mr. Chad Glenn and Dr. Kelley J. Glenn Mr. Michael Goad and Mrs. Anna Goad Mr. Scott Goodrich and Mrs. Terri Goodrich Dr. Anthony K. Gordon and Dr. Gayle S. Gordon Mr. Michael S. Gordon and Mrs. Angela D. Gordon Mrs. Norma Gordon Mr. Thomas F. Gorzalski and Mrs. Anita M. Gorzalski Mr. Larry C. Graham and Mrs. Lori K. Graham Ms. Pam Gray Mr. Thomas D. Green and Mrs. Ashley Green Mr. Brian D. Greenway and Mrs. Laura A. Greenway Mr. Doug Greenwood and Mrs. Kelli Greenwood Mr. Allan R. Greer and Mrs. Nancy C. Greer Mr. Keith Greer Mr. Todd A. Greer and Mrs. Charlotte L. Greer Mr. Rick Greeson and Mrs. Sandra Greeson Mr. James Griffin and Mrs. Karen Griffin Mr. Murray A. Griffin and Mrs. Amanda Griffin Mr. Paul Griffin and Mrs. Natalie Griffin Dr. Robert J. Griffin and Mrs. Amy Griffin Mr. Benjamin Griffith and Mrs. Meghan Griffith Mr. Danny P. Griffith and Mrs. LeeAnn Griffith Mr. Scott Griffith and Mrs. Melody Griffith Mr. Dustin Grimmett Mr. Mark Guenther and Mrs. Trisha Guenther Mrs. Jackie Guffin Mr. Mark S. Guinee and Mrs. Brenda S. Guinee Mr. Rick Gunther and Mrs. Heather Gunther Mr. John Hagewood and Mrs. Glenda Hagewood Haley's Hardware Mrs. Carolyn L. Hall Mr. Michael Hall and Mrs. Kristi Hall Mr. Richard A. Hall Mr. Shawn Hall and Mrs. Angela Hall Mr. Marty Hamaker and Mrs. Christie Hamaker Ms. Kristina Hambrice Ms. Sarah L. Hambrice Dr. Gregory T. Hammons and Mrs. Denise Hammons Mr. Curtis T. Hampton Ms. Melissa Hampton
Mr. Jeffrey K. Hankins and Dr. Carrie L. Hankins Ms. Kim Harden Mr. William Harden and Mrs. Jeannie Harden Mr. John Hardwick and Mrs. Becky Hardwick Mr. Paul Harkins and Mrs. Kelsi Harkins Mr. Drew Harper and Mrs. Michelle Sample-Harper Ms. Lorri Harper Mr. Danny Harris and Mrs. Tammy Harris Mr. Noel Harthcock and Mrs. Anna Harthcock Ms. Sheila Harthcock Mr. Matthew Hartness Dr. Patrick M. Hatfield and Mrs. Deanna L. Hatfield Mr. Rodney Hawkins and Mrs. Tamara Hawkins Dr. David A. Hays and Mrs. Cynthia L. Hays Mr. Keith Hazlewood and Mrs. Dawn Hazlewood Dr. Daniel Heard and Mrs. Martha Heard Mrs. Joan Hearnsberger Mr. James R. Henderson and Mrs. Leah T. Henderson Mr. Scott Hendren and Mrs. June M. Hendren Mr. James Henrich and Mrs. Jill Henrich Mr. Bruce D. Henry and Mrs. Laura Henry Dr. David A. Henry Ms. Lisa M. Henry Mr. Chris Herndon Mr. Daniel L. Herrington and Mrs. Stacie Herrington Mr. Simon R. Hewitt Mr. Schawnee Hightower and Mrs. Stacey Hightower Mrs. Julie Hill Ms. Stephanie Hill Mr. William T. Hill and Mrs. Debbie Hill Mr. William Hoag and Mrs. Susan Hoag Mr. Matthew Hodges and Mrs. Autumn D. Hodges Mr. Mark Hoffpauir and Mrs. Melanie Hoffpauir Ms. Kathleen Hogan Mr. Jody Holland and Mrs. Christine Holland Mr. Michael L. Holland and Mrs. Laura Holland Mr. James D. Hollensworth and Mrs. Kristin K. Hollensworth Mr. Brian K. Hooper and Mrs. Bawana G. Hooper Mr. Scott Hopper and Mrs. Angie Hopper Mr. Steve L. Horton and Mrs. Traci Horton Mr. Bruce House and Mrs. Amandah House Mr. Kevin Howard and Mrs. Regina Howard Miss Rebecca A. Howell Mr. Kevin H. Huchingson and Mrs. Dianna K. Huchingson Gwen Hudgens Lt. Col. James Hudson and Mrs. Elizabeth M. Hudson Dr. Stephen A. Hudson and Mrs. Mary D. Hudson Mr. Brandon Huffman and Mrs. Brittany Huffman Mrs. Kayla Huffstutter Dr. Brian Hughes and Dr. Julia Hughes Ms. Francis C. Hunnicutt Ms. Melvennia Hunter Mr. Stephen J. Hunter-Rinderle and Mrs. Mary A. Hunter-Rinderle Mr. Bruce P. Hurlbut and Dr. Kimberly D. Hurlbut Ms. Renee D. Hutson Mr. Chris D. Hynes and Mrs. Julie Hynes Mr. Jerry Ignatius Col. Robert Ingold and Mrs. Patty Ingold Dr. Keri D. Ingraham Mr. Boyd Irby and Mrs. Michelle Irby Mrs. Sharon Irvin and Mr. Fred Irvin Mr. Vernon Irvin and Mrs. Sarah J. Irvin Mr. Russell A. Jackson and Mrs. Mandy Jackson Mr. Jerry W. James and Mrs. Jennifer H. James Mr. Randy James and Mrs. Lydia James Mr. Brandon C. Jeffus and Dr. Susanne K. Jeffus Mr. Michael Jenkins and Mrs. Adena Jenkins
Ms. Herta Jesse Mr. Mark Jesse Ms. April Johnson Mr. Bobby R. Johnson and Mrs. Ellen R. Johnson Ms. Darlene G. Johnson Ms. Kristie Johnson Mrs. Mary Johnson Mr. Roger D. Johnson and Mrs. Tracy L. Johnson Mr. Wallace Johnson and Mrs. Kim Johnson Mr. Anthony Johnston and Mrs. Araceli Johnston Mr. Billy Johnston and Mrs. Georgia Johnston Mr. David Johnston and Mrs. Mona S. Johnston Mr. Eric P. Johnston and Mrs. Susan R. Johnston Mr. C. Kent Jolliff and Mrs. Michele Jolliff Jonathan Funk Photography, LLC Dr. Kevin G. Jones and Mrs. Cynthia R. Jones Dr. Kevin G. Jones Mrs. Sandy Jones Ms. Sherry L. Jones Mr. Stephen C. Jones and Mrs. Tammy L. Jones Mrs. Teddi Jones Mr. Robert W. Joyce and Mrs. Willena M. Joyce JRV, Inc. Mr. Dane Justice and Mrs. Lorri Justice Dr. Dean Kahler and Mrs. Michelle Kahler Mr. Luke Kasten and Mrs. Kara Kasten The Reverend Gregory S. Kelley and Mrs. Lori L. Kelley Mr. Kevin O. Kelley and Mrs. Tracy E. Kelley Mr. Theodore Kelley and Mrs. Carolyn Kelley Mrs. Patricia K. Kelly Ms. Joyce Kennedy Mr. Rankin Kennedy and Mrs. Dorothy Kennedy Mr. Evan R. Kenyon and Mrs. Carla Kenyon Mr. Keith W. Kerfoot and Mrs. Lynn E. Kerfoot Mrs. Jerry B. Keyes Miss Charlene Kim Mr. Charles Y. Kim and Mrs. Mary H. Kim Kinco Constructors, LLC Mr. Art Kinnaman and Mrs. Kim Kinnaman Mr. Patrick J. Kircher and Mrs. Kellie A. Kircher Mr. John Kirtley and Mrs. Melanie Kirtley Mr. Donald G. Knoernschild and Mrs. Brenda Knoernschild Mr. John Knoernschild and Mrs. Stacey Knoernschild Mr. James Knox and Mrs. Jeanne T. Knox Mr. Joshua Knox and Mrs. Emily Knox Mrs. Linda Kucharski Mr. Michael Kuhn and Mrs. Chele Kuhn Mr. Todd Kuhn and Mrs. Pam Kuhn Mr. James A. Kurfess and Mrs. Barbara B. Kurfess Mr. Leland Kurfess and Mrs. Catherine E. Kurfess Mr. Mark Lacey and Mrs. Stephine Lacey Mr. Daniel Lackey and Mrs. Kim Lackey Mr. David Lackey and Mrs. Velma Lackey Mr. Bo Lacy and Mrs. Sabrina Lacy Mr. Aaron M. Laenger and Mrs. Misty A. Laenger Mr. Floyd E. Lancaster and Mrs. Lisa Lancaster Mr. Douglas Lane and Mrs. Vicki Lane Mr. James E. Langford and Mrs. Jamie L. Langford Mr. Bennie Langley and Mrs. Ginger Langley Mr. L. K. Langum and Mrs. Terri Langum Mr. Shane Lank and Mrs. Cara Lank Mr. Thane J. Lawhon and Mrs. Mandy G. Lawhon Mr. Robert Lea and Mrs. Brittany Lea Mr. Jason Lee and Mrs. Amy Lee Mrs. Laurie A. Lee and Mr. Robert Lee Mr. Kenneth F. Leitch and Mrs. Christina C. Leitch Mr. Brent Lemley and Mrs. Cindy Lemley Mr. Darrell A. Leonhardt and Mrs. Nancy C. Leonhardt Mr. Shane Lester and Mrs. Mindy Lester A. P. Lett
Mrs. Mary Lewis Mr. Harry W. Li and Mrs. Melanie M. Li Mr. Tom Liddil and Mrs. Peggy Liddil Ms. Jean E. Liesmann Mr. Keith Liesmann and Mrs. Monique Liesmann Mr. Christopher C. Ligon and Mrs. Jennifer D. Ligon Mr. Kevin Liles and Mrs. Charlotte Liles Ms. Charlotte K. Linch Mr. Courtney Little and Mrs. Erika Little Little Rock Plastic Surgery, PA Mr. Michael Loggins and Mrs. Natalie Loggins Mr. Mike Long and Mrs. Kelly Long Dr. Frank J. LoRusso and Mrs. Desiree B. LoRusso Mrs. Hui-Fang Lu Mr. Harry J. Lubansky and Mrs. Marian E. Lubansky Mr. Walter Lucy and Mrs. Rebecca Lucy Dr. Michael H. Lumpkin and Mrs. Michele Lumpkin Mr. Tim A. Lundy and Mrs. Lea G. Lundy Mr. Bill G. Lynch and Mrs. Barbara S. Lynch Mr. James L. Lynch and Mrs. Mary E. Lynch Mr. William Maack and Mrs. Kathryn Maack Mr. Robert J. Maddison and Mrs. Teresa L. Maddison Dr. Sharp F. Malak and Dr. Valeria Malak Mr. Doug J. Malmstrom and Mrs. Brooke Malmstrom Mr. Mark Mandelko Ms. Jeanine Marter Mr. Michael E. Marter and Mrs. Mickie Marter Mr. David Martin and Mrs. Jill Martin Mr. H.C. Martin and Dr. Dawn Martin Dr. Ronald J. Martin and Dr. Terri L. Martin Ms. Vida C. Martin Mr. Ed Matthews and Mrs. Pat Matthews Mr. Chris S. Mayes and Mrs. Lori S. Mayes Mr. William C. Mayo and Mrs. Maci C. Mayo Ms. Karen Maywalt Mr. Kelly McBreen and Mrs. Shelia McBreen Mr. Jerry McCartney and Mrs. Naoma McCartney Mr. Patrick McCarty and Mrs. Belinda K. McCarty Mr. Barry J. McCaskill and Mrs. Haley E. McCaskill Mr. Mark McCaslin and Mrs. Brandee McCaslin Ms. Chantel McCollum Mr. Marion D. McCollum and Mrs. Tammy D. McCollum Mr. Chad L. McCormick and Mrs. Dianne McCormick Mr. Dick McCown and Mrs. Sharon McCown Mr. John D. McCuin and Mrs. Debra A. McCuin Mr. Jason McDonald and Mrs. Kathy McDonald Mrs. Sabrina J. McDonald and Mr. Paul R. McDonald Mr. Eric McDuffie Mr. Scott McElmurry and Mrs. Angela McElmurry Mr. Jeffrey McFarland and Mrs. Kristi McFarland Mr. Patrick McIntire and Mrs. Tasia McIntire Mr. Monte McKewen and Mrs. Anne Marie McKewen Mr. Barry McKuin and Mrs. Phyllis McKuin Mr. Brett M. McLeod and Mrs. Cynthia McLeod Mr. Roger McMennamy Mr. Larry J. McMurry Mr. Matt McNeely and Mrs. Deann McNeely Mr. Matthew McSweeney and Mrs. Katie McSweeney Mrs. Jennifer K. Medford Mr. Paul Melton and Mrs. Terra Melton Mr. Alex Mena Mr. Clay Metcalf and Mrs. Rachael Metcalf Dr. Elliot S. Middleton and Mrs. Susan Middleton Ms. Claudia L. Milam Mr. Brad D. Miles and Mrs. Leslie M. Miles Millennium Utility Consultants, Inc. Mrs. Ottilia Miller Mr. Stuart Miller and Mrs. Mitzi Miller Mr. Earl Milligan and Mrs. Susan Milligan Ms. Dianna Mills Ms. Rita J. Mills
Mr. Bruce B. Milstein and Mrs. Jennifer J. Milstein Mr. Carl Minden and Mrs. Angela Minden Mr. Adam Mitchell and Mrs. Kristie Mitchell Mr. Matthew Mitchell and Mrs. Karen Mitchell Mr. Jeffrey T. Molleston and Mrs. Jennifer L. Molleston Mrs. Sherry Monk Dr. Corey O. Montgomery and Dr. Brooke E. Montgomery Mr. Robert H. Montgomery and Dr. Lori Montgomery Mrs. Angela N. Moody Ms. Jennifer Mooney Mr. Ken Moore and Mrs. Linda Moore Dr. Samuel Moore and Mrs. Stephanie Moore Mr. Sid M. Moore and Mrs. Beth Moore Mr. Juan Morales and Ms. Tracy Morales More Than Software, Inc. Mr. Michael T. Morgan and Mrs. Angela Morgan Mr. Larry Morrison and Mrs. Diana Morrison Mr. Richard Morrison and Mrs. Lisa Morrison Mr. Scott Morrison and Mrs. Monica Morrison Mr. John M. Morton and Mrs. Denise Morton Mrs. Sandy Morton Mr. Maurice L. Moss Mr. Carl Murch and Mrs. Susan Murch Ms. Jamie Murphy Rev. Samuel Murrell and Mrs. Susan C. Murrell Mr. Lamar Murry and Mrs. LeAnn Murry Mr. Roy H. Neblett and Mrs. Julia H. Neblett Mr. Joe Neff and Mrs. Dana Neff Ms. Gigi Nelson Mr. Jimmy Nelson and Mrs. Stacy Nelson Mr. Richard A. Nervig and Mrs. Constance R. Nervig Dr. Bobby New and Mrs. Judy New Mr. Daniel A. Newton and Mrs. Margaret A. Newton Ms. Susan Nichols Mrs. Christina Nipper and Mr. Luke Nipper Ms. Deborah H. Norman Mr. Stephen Northington and Mrs. Debbie Northington Mr. Britton L. Nowell and Dr. Rebecca A. Nowell Ms. Jo Alla Nutt Mrs. Kelsey Nwokoro Mr. Jerry D. Oden and Mrs. Lisa K. Oden Mr. William C. O'Donnell and Mrs. Marie O'Donnell Mr. John Olaimey and Mrs. Timothy Olaimey Mr. Jonathan G. Olmsted and Mrs. Susan K. Olmsted OneLight Film, LLC OOH La La Salon Osaka Japanese Cuisine Mr. Joshua M. Osborne and Mrs. Mandy D. Osborne Mr. Bill Otis and Mrs. Angela Otis Mr. Roger D. Overton and Mrs. Monique Overton Mr. Eliecer Palacios and Mrs. Susan Palacios Mr. Tim Parker and Mrs. Carey Parker Mr. Ben G. Parkinson and Mrs. Aimee A. Parkinson Mr. Bill Parkinson and Mrs. Ann M. Parkinson Mr. William Parkinson and Mrs. Jessica Parkinson Mr. Eric L. Parnell and Mrs. Andrea R. Parnell Ms. Dee Patterson Mr. Anthony Pavan and Mrs. Jordan Pavan Mr. Stanley G. Payne and Mrs. Catherine Payne Mr. Rodney Peel and Mrs. Andrea Peel Mr. Wesly Peeler and Mrs. Jessica Peeler Mr. David J. Pember and Dr. Brooke B. Pember Ms. Devonia H. Pendelton Mr. George W. Penick and Mrs. Mitzi R. Penick Ms. Lucy Penney Dr. Jaymie Pennington and Mrs. April Pennington Mr. Rance Perkins and Mrs. Martha A. Perkins Dr. Richard A. Perkins and Dr. Lalita H. Perkins Mr. Jeremy M. Perrone and Mrs. Elizabeth B. Perrone
Mr. Joseph Perrone and Mrs. Emily Perrone Mr. Aaron M. Perry and Mrs. Anita K. Perry Mr. Gerald Pettit and Mrs. Cheryl Pettit Mr. Don Phelps and Mrs. Stephanie Phelps Mr. David Phillips and Mrs. Lisa Phillips Mr. Mark Phillips and Mrs. Bonnie Phillips Physical Therapy Advantage, LLC Mr. J. Slocum Pickell Mr. Michael Piercy and Mrs. Debi Piercy Mr. John Pike and Mrs. Melanie Pike Mr. Greg Pillow and Mrs. Sherri Pillow Mr. Larry Pillow Mr. John T. Planchon and Mrs. Luanne Planchon Mrs. Luanne Planchon and Mr. John T. Planchon Mr. Thomas C. Pledger and Mrs. Jennifer E. Pledger Ms. Susan E. Polk Mr. Preston K. Polson and Mrs. Ann K. Polson Dr. David N. Pope and Mrs. Paula R. Pope Mr. Larry J. Powell and Mrs. Megan M. Powell Dr. Cedric S. Pratt and Mrs. Adama I. Pratt Mrs. Elizabeth Pratt Mr. Kelton Price and Mrs. Christy Price Mr. Richard J. Priest and Mrs. Shlisa K. Priest Pro Service Builders Mr. Aaron D. Probst and Mrs. Olga L. Probst Ms. Rene Proctor Mrs. Alyssa W. Pruitt Mr. Bobby Pruitt and Mrs. Kim Pruitt Mr. Greg S. Purtle and Mrs. Denise Purtle Ms. Ann D. Purvis Mr. Michael E. Raine and Mrs. Ruby E. Raine Mr. Keith Rains and Mrs. Carla Rains Dr. David M. Rainwater and Mrs. Rachel Rainwater Mr. Jay Ramsey and Mrs. Terra Ramsey Dr. Meena Rao Mr. Jay Reber Mrs. Autumn Reddin Mr. Matthew Reddin and Mrs. Kelly M. Reddin Mr. Steve Reddin and Mrs. Connie Reddin Rees Construction LLC Dr. Michael Regauld Mr. J.T. Reynolds and Mrs. Betty A. Reynolds Dr. Robert L. Rice and Mrs. Marion Rice Ms. Mary E. Richards Mr. Charles Rickard and Mrs. Michelle Rickard Mr. William V. Rickard and Mrs. June M. Goddard-Rickard Mr. Paul Riser and Mrs. Allyson Riser Mr. David Risius and Mrs. Christy Risius Dr. Carey Roach and Mrs. Penny P. Roach Mr. Matthew J. Roach and Mrs. Elizabeth Roach Mrs. Robyn Robb Mrs. Bobbi Roberts Mr. C. B. Robertson and Mrs. Alice W. Robertson Mr. Anthony J. Robeson and Mrs. Carla M. Robeson Mrs. Judith Y. Robinson Mr. Roberto Rodriguez-Moran and Ms. Adriana Fernandez-Molins Ms. Destinee Rogers Mr. James Rogers and Mrs. Alice Rogers Mr. John V. Ronza and Mrs. Paula C. Ronza Ms. Shelley Rosenthal Mrs. Pamela Ross Mr. Lucas Z. Rowan and Mrs. Lacey L. Rowan Ms. Nancy Rowan Mr. Chris Rudkin and Mrs. Hillary Rudkin Ms. Beth Ruple Mr. Colby Ruple and Mrs. Joy Ruple Mr. Richard Rypkema and Mrs. Elaine Rypkema Dr. Scott W. Rypkema and Mrs. Amy K. Rypkema Dr. Edward H. Saer and Mrs. Wendy Saer Mr. Patrick Salman and Dr. Marsha Salman
Mr. Alan Sanden and Mrs. Jill Sanden Mr. David W. Sanders and Mrs. Sally J. Sanders Mr. Mike Sangalli and Mrs. Rhonda Sangalli Mr. Eric L. Sansom and Mrs. Karen R. Sansom Mr. Dan Sawran and Mrs. Barb Sawran Mr. Keith Schaedig and Mrs. Karen Schaedig Mr. Charles D. Schaef and Mrs. Gina L. Schaef Mr. Paul W. Schaller and Mrs. Janice M. Schaller Mr. Eric J. Schmidt and Mrs. Marthalyn Schmidt Mr. Robert N. Schmitt and Mrs. Trisha Schmitt Mr. Kim S. Schrader and Mrs. Kim D. Schrader Mr. Brent Scott and Mrs. Angela Scott Mr. Shaun M. Scott Mr. Irving D. Seager and Mrs. Betty L. Seager Mr. Mike Sedder and Mrs. Tessa Sedder Mr. Jared Selby and Mrs. Samantha Selby Mrs. Barbara J. Shepherd Mr. Matt Shepherd Mr. Michael Shepherd and Mrs. Hollie Shepherd Mr. Ken W. Shew and Mrs. Tasha T. Shew Dr. Kris Shewmake and Mrs. Denise Shewmake Mr. Mark Shoemaker and Mrs. Amanda Shoemaker Mr. Daniel J. Shoptaw and Mrs. Karen D. Shoptaw Mr. David J. Shoptaw and Mrs. Pamela J. Shoptaw Dr. Heath R. Showalter and Mrs. Laura W. Showalter Mr. Brian Shudrowitz and Mrs. Laura Shudrowitz Mr. Adam Siems and Mrs. Bethany Siems Mr. Richard Siems and Mrs. Sheila Siems Silicon Valley Community Foundation Mr. Alan Simmons and Mrs. Amie Simmons Mr. Jerry Simmons and Mrs. Sandy Simmons Mr. Richard B. Simpson and Mrs. Terri Simpson Ms. Irene Sims Mr. Jack Sims Ms. Betty T. Sinnette Mr. Stephen Sipes and Mrs. Gayle Sipes Mr. Anthony D. Smith and Mrs. Molly Smith Mrs. Brenda Smith Mrs. Cindy Smith Mr. Darrell Smith and Mrs. Diana I. Smith Dr. Jason A. Smith and Mrs. Amy C. Smith Mr. John Smith and Mrs. Geneva Smith Mr. Kevin Smith and Mrs. Brittany Smith Mr. Pat Smith Mr. Scott Smith and Mrs. Hollie A. Smith Mr. Shane Smith and Mrs. Cynthia K. Smith Ms. Shannon Smith Ms. Suzette R. Smith Mr. Jay A. Smithson and Mrs. Merri J. Smithson Southwest Power Pool, Inc. Mr. Shannon K. Spangler and Mrs. Stacy S. Spangler Ms. Deborah Spann Mrs. Janie Spann Mrs. Jennifer L. Spann Mr. Kevin L. Spann Mr. Ronnie Spears and Mrs. Leslie Spears Dr. Mark A. St Pierre and Mrs. Nancy B. St Pierre Mrs. Anita Stafford Mr. Rodney C. Staggs and Mrs. Katie A. Staggs Mrs. Ashley Stalyons Mr. Loyd Stanley and Mrs. Kaye Stanley Ms. Agnieszka Stasko Mrs. Mara Stauffacher Dr. Robert Steele and Mrs. Renee Steele Mr. Barry Steger and Mrs. Jeannie Steger Mr. Michael Stelmach and Mrs. Peggy Stelmach Mr. William Stevens and Mrs. Juliet L. Stevens Mr. Carlos Stewart and Mrs. Melody Stewart Ms. Tommie Stockley Dr. Doug Stokes and Mrs. Sally Stokes Mr. Donald Stordahl and Mrs. Norma Stordahl Mr. Jeff Stotts and Mrs. Karen Stotts Mr. Robert D. Strauss and Mrs. Cheryl L. Strauss Mr. Jeffrey L. Strickland and Mrs. Teru L. Strickland Mr. Robert Stuckey and Mrs. Bettye Stuckey Mr. Jeremy Swearingen and Mrs. Katie Swearingen
Mr. Michael Swedenburg and Mrs. Terri Swedenburg Mr. Shane Sweetin and Mrs. Kim Sweetin Mr. Bryce Swindler and Mrs. Sheri Swindler Dr. Gregg L. Tarini and Mrs. Brandy H. Tarini Mr. David Tarpley and Mrs. Heather J. Tarpley Mr. Lewis F. Taylor and Mrs. Melody R. Taylor Mr. Steve K. Taylor and Mrs. Monica J. Taylor Mr. James M. Teague and Mrs. Deborah O. Teague Mr. Joseph Teague Dr. Leslie Teague Mr. Roger Templeton and Mrs. Ellen Templeton Mr. John Terry and Mrs. Michelle Terry Mr. Billy H. Thomas and Mrs. Gloria Thomas Mr. Jeffrey H. Thomas and Mrs. June Thomas Ms. Karen Thomas Mrs. Kelly S. Thomas Mr. George E. Thompson and Mrs. Patricia P. Thompson Mr. George H. Thompson and Mrs. Kathryn B. Thompson Mr. Reed Thompson and Mrs. Susie Q. Thompson Mr. Scott Thompson and Dr. Stephanie Thompson Thrivent Financial Mr. Randy Tidwell and Mrs. Sharon Tidwell Ms. Janet A. Tiner Mrs. Wilsie G. Tiner Tinley Park Kitchen and Bath Shoppe, Inc. Mr. Tracy Tisdale and Mrs. Terre Tisdale Mr. Bennie Tomlinson and Mrs. Heather Tomlinson Mr. Jim R. Toney and Mrs. Paula A. Toney Mr. Sam Treadway and Mrs. Laura W. Treadway Mr. Austin Trembley and Mrs. Kristen L. Trembley Ms. Andrea Trieschmann Ms. Ann G. Trieschmann Mr. John P. Truett and Mrs. Michelle Truett Mr. Carroll L. Tucker and Mrs. June L. Tucker Dr. Jimmy Tucker and Mrs. Jenny Tucker Mrs. Elizabeth Tuck-Rowan Ms. Jennifer J. Tull Dr. Joseph Turbeville and Mrs. Norma Turbeville Mr. Brian K. Turner and Mrs. Lisa A. Turner Mr. Gary Underwood Ms. Lillian Underwood Mrs. Ryan Underwood and Mrs. Andrea L. Underwood Van Brimer Family Foundation Mr. Hugh W. Van Brimer and Mrs. Kim M. Van Brimer Mr. Jay Van Dover and Mrs. Tracy Van Dover Mr. R.H. Vance and Mrs. Carolyn Vance Mrs. Shirley Vance Mr. Thomas P. Vance and Mrs. Nikki M. Vance Mr. Michael P. Vanderford and Mrs. Stephenie Vanderford Mr. Chris Vandergriff and Mrs. Christy Vandergriff Mr. Curtis Vandergriff Mr. Fred F. Vanhook and Mrs. Linda B. Vanhook Verizon Foundation Mr. Wilson Vickers and Mrs. Gail Vickers Mr. Gregg Vines and Mrs. Tammy Vines Mr. David Volsen Mrs. Elizabeth A. Waddell Mr. George H. Waddell and Mrs. Shannan O. Waddell Mr. Steven C. Wade and Mrs. Virginia L. Wade Mr. William C. Wadsworth and Mrs. Ashley C. Wadsworth Mr. Darin D. Wagner and Mrs. Connie J. Wagner Mr. David Wahlfeld and Mrs. Sharen S. Wahlfeld Mr. James R. Walden and Mrs. Patty Walden Mr. Robert L. Walker and Mrs. Tracie Walker Mr. William T. Walker and Mrs. Lisa R. Walker Mr. Jimmy D. Wallace and Mrs. Patricia A. Wallace Mr. Douglas B. Ward and Mrs. Rebecca L. Ward Mr. Eugene P. Ward and Mrs. Carolyn A. Ward Mr. Jim Ward and Mrs. Karen Ward Ms. Linda Ward Dr. Gerald T. Ware and Mrs. Melinda L. Ware
Mr. Steven Warren and Mrs. Marci Warren Mr. Herman Waters Mr. Timothy Waters and Mrs. Suzanne Waters Mr. Brian I. Watkins and Mrs. Stacy A. Watkins Mr. John W. Watson and Mrs. Mandy Watson Mr. Jeff Weaver and Mrs. Stacy L. Weaver Mr. Joshua F. Weaver and Mrs. Sarah A. Weaver Mr. Ronald Weaver Mr. Chris A. Webb and Mrs. Janet Webb Mr. Dee E. Webb and Mrs. Susan B. Webb Mrs. Pamela Webster Dr. Robert Webster and Mrs. Mary Katherine Webster Mr. Evan O. Weiner and Mrs. Kathleen L. Weiner Dr. Michael F. Weiner and Mrs. Kim A. Weiner Mr. Lawrence Welborn and Mrs. Jennifer Welborn Dr. Charles L. Welch and Mrs. Mandy Welch Ms. Chelsya N. Welihindha Mr. William E. Wellons and Mrs. Carolyn Wellons Ms. Elizabeth Wendl Mr. Douglas A. Wengel and Mrs. Pat Wengel Mr. Darren Wheeler and Mrs. Paulette Wheeler Mrs. Christopher R. White and Mrs. Whitney L. White Mr. Jay K. White and Mrs. Laura M. White Ms. Judy M. White Dr. Justin S. White and Mrs. Cynthia A. White Mr. Marc W. White and Mrs. Holley White Mr. Marty White and Mrs. Rita White Rev. Robert White and Mrs. Sara White Mr. Sidney White and Mrs. Clarene White Mr. Mark B. Whitesell and Mrs. Kimberly A. Whitesell Mr. Jeff Whitlock and Mrs. Candice Whitlock Ms. Alisa D. Whitmore Mr. Howard J. Wiechern and Mrs. Suzanne Wiechern Mrs. Richard A. Wiggins and Mrs. Bronwyn Wiggins Ms. Elaine G. Wilbanks Mr. Dale Wilcox and Mrs. Gail Wilcox Mr. Kevin Wilcox Ms. Laura M. Wilkie Mrs. Natalie Wilks Mr. Bill W. Williams and Mrs. Jane A. Williams Mr. Mr. Danny J. Williams and Mrs. Nancy S. Williams Dr. Jason Williams and Mrs. Amy Williams Dr. Paul E. Williams and Mrs. Cheryl E. Williams Mr. Rick Williams and Mrs. Rennie Williams Mr. Stan Williams and Mrs. Stella Williams Mr. Larry T. Wilson Mr. Mark T. Wilson and Mrs. Rebel Wilson Mr. Brett Wingfield and Mrs. Stacy Wingfield Ms. Cindy Wingfield Mr. John Winkelman and Mrs. Karen Winkelman Mr. Marvin Winston and Mrs. Karen Winston Mr. Marvin W. Winston and Mrs. Margaret A. Winston Dr. Richard Wirges and Dr. Marla Wirges Mr. David W. Wood and Mrs. Allison N. Wood Mr. Dee Wood and Mrs. Shea Wood Mr. Fred A. Wood and Mrs. Sarah Wood Mr. Jim Wood and Mrs. Ann Wood Mr. Glen Woodruff and Mrs. Tamra Woodruff Mr. Wes Woods and Mrs. Preeti Woods Mr. Ryan L. Workman and Mrs. Charity Workman Mr. Chris Wren and Mrs. Christina Wren Mr. Larry F. Wright Dr. Michael L. Wright and Mrs. Sharlee B. Wright Mr. Kirk S. Wygal and Mrs. Christy Wygal Ms. Martha E. Yager Mr. Roger Yancey and Mrs. Ruth A. Yancey Mr. James T. Yarbrough and Mrs. Patsy C. Yarbrough Dr. Kevin G. Yarbrough and Mrs. Darla D. Yarbrough Ms. Ya-Chuan Yi and I-Shin Wen Mr. Stephen Youngblood and Mrs. Leah Youngblood Mr. John N. Zahnen and Mrs. Sally K. Zahnen
We strive to include every contributor who made a cash donation through annual giving in fiscal year 2015-2016 (July 1, 2015 - June 30, 2016). Please contact the Development office at 501.868.9822 if we have inadvertently omitted or inaccurately reported your name.
Save the Date
40th Anniversary Celebration Thursday evening, March 9, 2017 Featuring Bob Goff, Acclaimed Speaker and New York Times Best Selling Author of Love Does
Come Back for
Christmas in Warrior Hall
DECEMBER 6: Instrumental Christmas Concert 6th - 12th Grades • 7:00 p.m.
DECEMBER 13: Junior High and High School Choir Concert • 7:00 p.m.
DECEMBER 8: 2nd Grade Christmas Program • 6:30 p.m.
DECEMBER 15: 5th and 6th Grade Christmas Choir Concert • 7:00 p.m.
All performances will be held in Warrior Hall. Admission is free.