Annual Review 2021

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L I T T L E R O C K C H R I S T I A N AC A D E M Y 2020 -2021




a letter from G A R Y B . A R NOL D


ur Annual Review is a retrospective on the grace of God that has been poured out on our school.

When we returned to campus in the late summer of 2020, we lay claim to the strong promise of Romans 8:37: “No, in all things, we are more than conquerors in Him who loved us.” When the world around us was turned upside down, we said, “No!” When others feared reopening school, we said “No!” When the world wondered if life was out of control, we said, “No!” “No, in all things, we are more than conquerors in Him who loved us.” (Romans 8:37) We didn’t always feel like conquerors, but the fact remains, we are. As you will witness in our Annual Review, we are not “more than conquerors” in ourselves. We are “more than conquerors IN HIM.” Little Rock Christian Academy is His school and always will be. He has done great things! That said, no matter what the years may bring, we echo the Psalmist who writes: I lift my eyes unto the hills - where does my help come from? My help comes from the Lord, Maker of heaven and earth.



In the following six verses, the Psalmist reminds us five times that the Lord WATCHES over us. That is the reason we are “more than conquerors.” That is the reason we came through the pandemic without missing a day of school. That is why we report the good news of a year full of grace and mercy! In all things, He watches over us. Read on to bear witness with me. Gary B. Arnold, Ed. D. President / Head of School

2021 Commencement guests, graduates, faculty, and staff hold up The Golden Triangle in unison.



a letter from J I M F I N K


he 2020-21 school year began with a mixture of excitement and caution as a new group of seniors entered their final year of school at Little Rock Christian Academy with a student option to do in-person learning here on campus or virtual instruction from home. Classroom sizes were restricted with social distancing protocols. In addition, many families with small children elected to keep their students home for part if not all of the school year. The results were a decrease in school enrollment for the first time in many years. This decrease may have even been more pronounced had families not stepped forward to assist families facing unusual personal or family financial hardship in this year of the pandemic. In these uncertain times, there were many of you, alumni, families and friends, who stepped forward to assist the school in procuring the needed supplies, furniture, fixtures, learning devices, and equipment, as well as to make facility modifications to meet the necessary protocols to keep school going each and every day of the school year. And with God’s provisions, protective hand, and guidance we did just that. In fact, with your support we have been able to improve the indoor and outdoor facilities of our campus benefiting Little Rock Christian Academy for years to come (photos, pages 12-13). The improvements made over the last 15 months include: • New fresh air handling and purification systems • New learning devices - creating a 1:1 student to device ratio (4th-12th grades) • Improved restroom atomization and sanitized water filling stations • New outdoor furnishings to accommodate increased outdoor activity • Construction of STEM lab in Elementary Gym • Conversion of auxiliary rooms in Elementary to classrooms • Renovation of cottage for Learner Services • Playground expansion at Elementary and Middle School • Middle School security enhancements • Junior High sidewalk, drainage, and play area improvement • Modular unit installation for Fine Arts workroom and fabrication 4


• • • • • • •

Remodeling and expansion of Choir room Completion of football field resurface, lighting, and scoreboard High School furnishings and flooring upgrade Remodeling of Warrior Gym for volleyball complex Softball and baseball field improvements New bus purchased to complete replacement of older fleet Bus tracking system installed

We know that trials may be put in our way to make us stronger and to draw us closer together. While 2020-21 was a challenging year for our community it has definitely made the LRCA community stronger. There is evidence of this in the fact we enter 2021-22 with record enrollment and strength in our financial position with our families’ commitment to the school. We thank you for your support and our Mighty God for protecting, leading and blessing Little Rock Christian Academy in this unprecedented time. May God’s Grace Abound, Jim Fink Chief Financial Officer

TUITION ASSISTANCE Tuition Assistance enables mission-minded students with a demonstrated financial need to attend Little Rock Christian Academy. Thank you for making it possible for these students and others to attend LRCA.

Over $1.6 Over $1.6

315 315

20% 20%

of students receive tuition assistance

MILLION awarded in 2021

Total Students

of students receive tuition assistance

MILLION awarded in 2021

Total Students


Operating funds and YOUR gifts create tuition assistance. Operating funds and YOUR gifts create tuition assistance.

2 2

Families apply for assistance via FACTS Grant and Aid Assessment. Families apply for assistance via FACTS Grant and Aid Assessment.

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Award determined via FACTS’ independent third party verification. Award determined via FACTS’ independent third party verification.

4 4

Families are notified of tuition assistance award. Families are notified of tuition assistance award.



a letter from JOH N MC MOR R A N “So we’re not giving up. How could we! Even though on the outside it often looks like things are falling apart on us, on the inside, where God is making new life, not a day goes by without his unfolding grace. These hard times are small potatoes compared to the coming good times, the lavish celebration prepared for us. There’s far more here than meets the eye. The things we see now are here today, gone tomorrow. But the things we can’t see now will last forever.” 2 Corinthians 4:16-18 MSG


ver the last few months, the Lord has helped me understand the importance of community. We truly need real fellowship with each other. Life can get so crazy and hectic on us so fast that we forget that God is right in the middle of all this… calling us to look to Him for balance, hope, and clarity. One incredible mystery of walking with God is the fact that the Lord has designed life to flourish within Christian community. This is what we have here. As different as we are, He has brought us together within the LRCA community to walk with one another and share life with each other. To lift up and support each other. To pray for and dream with each other. To honor and respect each other… especially within our differences. What a gift! We are not alone! This is a community. On behalf of your Board of Trust, thank you for trusting LRCA with your precious children. Thank you for the sacrifices you make to be here. Thank you for your investment in the future generation. Thank you for your generosity. Thank you for being a part of the Warrior family! We are in this together. A HUGE thank you to Gary, Ann, Jim, Johnny, Justin, Tyler, LeAnn and Lynn for your careful and thoughtful preparation to safely start school this year. Your trust in the Lord is evident and clear. Your wisdom, determination and hard work are appreciated. Thank you for loving our families like you do. Thank you teachers and learner services staff! What an amazing group of people! The Lord has called each of you here to use your talents and gifts as you pour out knowledge and grace over these students. The joy and creativity you bring each day is inspiring. You are still on the front lines with the Lord preparing the next generation. What a responsibility! Thank you for investing your lives, your hearts, and your careers in this special place, Warriorville.



To our facilities and security team, thank you! The campus has never looked so good and felt so safe. We appreciate all the work you do for the Lord behind the scenes. God is so good to us! Even when, as the verse above mentions, we don’t feel it and life looks like it is falling apart. God’s unfolding grace lifts us up and draws us into fellowship with Him and each other. Look for ways you can bring hope and joy to someone today. The world around us desperately needs to see Jesus as we lift up one another with a genuine concern for those God has placed in our path. It is a great time to be a Warrior living life together with such great families and friends! Thank you. John McMorran Chairman, Board of Trust

LRCA’s Board of Trust dons their Warrior wear. L to R: Board Chair John McMorran, Jessica Brogdon, Dr. Cedric Pratt, Gene Whisenhunt, Julia Neblett, Dr. Peter Kim, Head of School Dr. Gary Arnold, Tabietha Dillard, Bill Scholl, Adam Head, Natalie Hankins, Ross Rucker, Jeff Hankins, Tommy Vaughan Not pictured: Susan Martin ANNUAL REVIEW


KINGDOM UNITY: 2 0 2 0 -2 0 21 B OA R D OF T RU S T R E A DI NG S


he 2020-2021 school year presented our Board with a very fertile opportunity to deepen our understanding of what Kingdom unity and diversity really mean in the body of Christ at our dear school. We call it the pursuit of racial shalom. In an effort to dig deep, our Board of Trust devoted themselves to a year of reading scripture, prayer, and studying eight significant books on racial reconciliation. One of these books in particular, “The Third Option”, stood out to us as an authentic guide for finding common ground and honoring one another in Christ. Our Board was also impacted by a compilation of black literature spanning 400 years that is part of our High School curriculum and has become essential material for our students’ understanding of our oneness in Christ.

-Dr. Gary B. Arnold, Head of School

America’s Original Sin: Racism, White Privilege, and the Bridge to a New America Jim Wallis examines the systemic, historical issues of race in our country, speaking candidly to Christians to work toward healing.

Oneness Embraced: Reconciliation, the Kingdom, and How We are Stronger Together Tony Evans illustrates the Truth in God’s Word as a kingdom-based approach to matters of social justice, the church, history, and culture.

Black Voices in American Literature: A Small Sample of Literature from 1773-2021 LRCA’s English Department compiled this sampling of African American literature spanning the works of 15 different authors.

The Third Option: Hope for a Racially Divided Nation Author Miles McPherson discusses the need for learning to see people how God sees them--one of God’s precious creations.

The Color of Compromise: The Truth About the American Church’s Complicity in Racism Author Jemar Tisby provides a timely narrative urging today’s Christians to act and work toward racial justice. His Truth is Marching On: John Lewis and the Power of Hope In Jon Meacham’s best-seller, he chronicles civil rights leader and U.S. Congressman John Lewis’ painful quest for justice spanning the 1950’s to the present.



Uncommon Ground: Living Faithfully in a World of Difference Bestselling author Timothy Keller and legal scholar John Inazu enlist artists, thinkers, and leaders to compile a guide for faithful living in a fragmented world. Why Are All the Black Kids Sitting Together in the Cafeteria?: And Other Conversations About Race Dr. Beverly Daniel Tatum’s classic, best-selling book examines the psychology of racism and how to have meaningful conversations about race.



2020-2021 SNAPSHOT


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“...we are more than conquerors through him who loved us.” - Romans 8:37 ANNUAL REVIEW



Outdoor A ctivity Spaces/Fur nishings

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JH Sidewalk/Drai nage/ Play Area Improv ements

EL STEM Lab Construction

Playgro und Enhanc ements


ground MS Play ts en nhancem

Choir Room Remodeling/Expa nsion

Air Purification Equipment

Filling r e t a W

ns Statio

Water Filter System

Device 1:1 Technology Grades Ratio 4th-12th ANNUAL REVIEW




very year, Warrior Blitz kicks off the Annual Fund in order to pay for enhancements NOT covered by tuition. Improvements touched every corner of campus, every student, faculty, and staff member. Not only were many of capital improvements accomplished with these funds, but a large number of third-party qualified families were blessed by dollars earmarked for tuition assistance during the 2020-21 school year. God’s provision and your dedication and commitment to Christian education have made amazing things possible in Warriorville. The Warrior Blitz 2020 goal was $150,000. The actual amount raised was $168,901! The theme of the week-long event was Families Helping Families meaning 100% of the money raised was used to advance the education of Warrior students. Also, a new focus on acts of kindness and service projects

was incorporated. Warriors of all ages rose to the challenge to serve others well and be more than conquerors. Warrior Blitz would not be possible without the tireless efforts of the Parent Teacher Fellowship and a host of volunteers. Because of corporate sponsors who generously partnered with us as well, the cost of ALL Blitz week activities were covered. Pediatrics Plus has been the Warrior Blitz presenting sponsor for all six years. Additionally, Thrivent Financial, and Northshore Golf Range contributed to the week of fun. 2020 Blitz Chairperson Megan Garrison, along with PTF President Stacey Knoernschild, and PTF President-elect Suzanne Waters led the team with zeal, creativity, and love for LRCA.

We’re jumping for joy over God’s great blessings at LRCA!



2020-2021 C on t r ibu tor s GOLDEN TRIANGLE Anonymous Bank OZK Mr. Scott Beardsley and Mrs. Lynn Beardsley Mr. Ryan A. Bowman and Mrs. Cortney J. Bowman Mr. David A. Bubbus and Mrs. Jessica Bubbus Mr. Ronald M. Cameron and Mrs. Nina Cameron Mr. Phillip W. Cox and Mrs. Lois J. Cox Crain Charitable Family Foundation Mr. Todd Denton and Mrs. Amy Denton Frank D. Hickingbotham Foundation Trust Mr. Brent Gasaway and Mrs. Sharilyn S. Gasaway Mr. Kenny Gibbs and Mrs. Ann Marie Gibbs

Mr. Michael R. Rainwater and Mrs. Kathy M. Rainwater Mr. Ross C. Rucker and Mrs. Abbie D. Rucker Mrs. Ginny Shell Dr. Audra R. Thomas and Mr. Tony W. Thomas Dr. Regina E. Thurman and Mr. Reginald S. Thurman Ms. Susan C. Underwood Mr. Johnny Watson and Mrs. Marilyn Watson Mr. Gene H. Whisenhunt and Mrs. Kathy L. Whisenhunt The Wilkerson Family


1977 SOCIETY A Plus Alarm Anonymous Arkansas Community Foundation Dr. Gary B. Arnold and Mrs. Karen C. Arnold Dr. Devon Ballard and Mrs. Christie Ballard Mr. Stephen L. Bankson and Mrs. Cristin M. Bankson BBL Consulting, Inc. Mr. Marcus Beard and Mrs. Dennia Beard Bedding Mart Dr. Nathan Burroughs and Mrs. Amanda Burroughs Mr. John Carter and Mrs. Erin Carter Mr. Amer Chami and Mrs. Ann S. Chami

Mr. Jared Hankins and Mrs. Natalie Hankins

Allied Technology Group, LLC

Mr. Robert Childress and Mrs. Nancy Childress

The Hardie Family Fund of the Dallas Foundation


Dr. Dwight Chrisman and Mrs. Leigh Anne Chrisman

Heydel Family Foundation/ Shane

Arvest Bank

Christ First Fellowship Church

Mr. Daniel G. Coelho and Mrs. Teresa A. Coelho

Mr. Jay A. Crowson and Mrs. Kelly Crowson

Mr. Matthew R. Jones

and Wendy Heydel Lynn

Dr. Bryan Dunlap and Mrs. Kelley Dunlap

Mrs. Margaret M. Davis

The Kingdom Fund/ Christopher C.

Dr. Brian Eble and Dr. Amy Wiedower Eble

Dr. Stephen J. Davis and Mrs. Gretchen Davis

Mr. Rick Gunther and Mrs. Heather Gunther

Dee and Kim Brown Charitable Fund

Mr. Wallace L. Hattenhauer and

Mr. William T. Dillard, III and Mrs. Tabietha Dillard

and Jennifer D. Ligon Mr. Fred Lord and Mrs. Karen Lord Dr. Kenneth A. Martin and Mrs. Susan Martin

Mrs. Kristi D. Hattenhauer

Mr. Stephen Dillman and Mrs. Kristy Dillman

Matt and Suzanne McClendon Charity Trust

Mr. Timothy A. Hodnett and Mrs. Cindy Hodnett

Dr. Julie M. Dolven

Mr. Mark McCaslin and Mrs. Brandee McCaslin

Dr. Peter J. Kim and Dr. Elizabeth Kim

Mr. Rick Doss and Mrs. Paula Doss

Dr. John T. Moore and Dr. Laura S. Moore

Dr. David Rainwater (’03) and Mrs. Rachel Rainwater

Mr. Shannon Earls and Mrs. Shannon Earls

National Christian Foundation

Mr. Chris Smith and Mrs. Janet Smith

Mr. Sherman H. Eoff and Mrs. Cynthia T. Eoff

Mr. Michael R. Patterson and Mrs. May J. Patterson

Dr. Shannon R. Turner and Mr. Derek M. Turner

Mr. Jim Fink and Mrs. Lisa Fink

White Properties Limited Partnership

Dr. Jay A. Flaming and Mrs. Kelley R. Flaming

We strive to include every contributor who made a cash donation through annual giving in fiscal year 2020-2021 (July 1, 2020 - June 30, 2021). Please contact the Development Office at 501.868.9822 if we have inadvertently omitted or inaccurately reported your name. ANNUAL REVIEW


2020-2021 C on t r ibu tor s Dr. Kevin Flinn and Mrs. Jennifer Flinn

Mr. Rodney C. Staggs and Mrs. Katie A. Staggs

Mr. Mark Baer and Mrs. Debbie Baer

Mr. Grant E. Fortson and Mrs. Jaime S. Fortson

Dr. Charles J. Stearns and Mrs. Valerie Stearns

Mr. Drew Baker and Mrs. Tiffany Baker

Mr. Terral A. Gammill and Mrs. Cathy S. Gammill

Dr. Bernard D. Stokes and Mrs. Sarah Stokes

Dr. Chris Bakke and Mrs. Sandy Bakke

Dr. George Gray and Mrs. Ashley Gray

Mr. John Terry and Mrs. Michelle Terry

Mr. Mario Baldassaro and Mrs. Malinda Baldassaro

Mr. Richard S. Harp and Mrs. Brandy N. Harp

Mr. Gary Underwood and Mrs. Susan Underwood

Mrs. Joni E. Barker (’01)

Mr. Michael S. Hart and Mrs. Lisa Hart

Mr. Tommy C. Vaughan and Mrs. Martha Vaughan

Dr. Nichole Bauknight Boles and Mr. Eundra Boles

Dr. Jason B. Hawkins and Dr. Kristi M. Hawkins

Mr. Rick Ward and Mrs. Kelly Ward

Mrs. Dorcas C. Baumgardner

Mr. Adam Head (’99)

Mr. Jason H. Waters and Mrs. Jenny J. Waters

Mr. Michael Baxley and Mrs. Andy Baxley

Mr. Darren Wheeler and Mrs. Paulette Wheeler

Mr. Joshua Bearden and Mrs. Amanda K. Bearden

Dr. Paul E. Williams and Mrs. Cheryl E. Williams

Ms. Heather Bennett

Dr. Ernie Woodard and Dr. Tacy Sundell Woodard

Ms. Holly A. Bennett

Mr. Shelby V. Woods

Mrs. Mary Bennett

and Mrs. Courtney (McLellan) Head (’00) Mr. Herren C. Hickingbotham and Mrs. Susan Hickingbotham Dr. Michael G. Kendrick and Dr. Anna M. Kendrick Mr. Michael F. Lax and Mrs. Billie M. Lax Lewis Architects Engineers Mr. Patrick Longworth and Mrs. Elizabeth Longworth Dr. Dawn Martin and Mr. H.C. Martin Mr. Matt McClendon and Mrs. Suzanne McClendon Mr. Mark A. Miller and Mrs. Meredith A. Miller Mr. Briant C. Noland and Mrs. Ellis B. Noland Dr. Brian Norton and Mrs. Cara Norton Ms. Jacqueline Peregrin (’02) Dr. Cedric S. Pratt and Mrs. Adama I. Pratt Mr. John M. Rainwater (’01) and Mrs. Sarah Rainwater Mr. John A. Rees and Mrs. Debbie Rees Mr. Jason Roach and Mrs. Elizabeth Roach Dr. Christopher C. Ross and Mrs. Sarah Ross Mr. John Russell and Mrs. Carolyn Russell Dr. Scott W. Rypkema and Mrs. Amy K. Rypkema Mr. Brian Shudrowitz and Mrs. Laura A. Shudrowitz Dr. Justin A. Smith and Mrs. Amanda Smith



Mr. Dan Berry and Mrs. Cindy S. Berry

THE WARRIOR WAY Mr. James A. Abston and Mrs. Suzanna C. Abston Dr. James R. Adametz and Mrs. Zada V. Adametz Mr. Chad Aduddell and Mrs. Angie Aduddell Ms. Susan Alford Mr. James R. Alguire and Mrs. Deanna S. Alguire Mr. Joseph Allen and Mrs. Ann Allen Mr. Jeffrey Anderson Mr. Jim L. Anderson Ms. Mary Andrews Anonymous Mr. Carey C. Antoon and Mrs. Erin B. Antoon Ms. Karen B. Atchley Mr. Henry Atkins and Mrs. Shannon Atkins Mr. Victor M. Atwood and Mrs. Susan Atwood Ms. Madison Babb Dr. J. G. Baden and Mrs. RoseAnn Baden

Dr. Thomas H. Best and Mrs. Faith A. Best Dr. Claudia J. Beverly Mr. Mike Biggs and Mrs. Laurie Biggs Ms. Marlyn Blackwell Mr. Morgan R. Blair and Mrs. Jessica L. Blair Mr. James Blaydes and Mrs. Susan K. Blaydes Mrs. Gina Blocker Mr. Gordon M. Blocker and Mrs. Shawna L. Blocker Mr. Lenard Blocker and Mrs. Shrepre Blocker Mr. John L. Boles and Mrs. Amy F. Boles Mr. Jordan E. Bone Dr. Sarah C. Bone Mr. R. G. Bone and Mrs. Sandy Bone Mr. Boyd Boshears and Mrs. Camie Boshears Mr. Dennis Bost and Mrs. Delta Bost Mr. Walker Bowden (’05) and Mrs. Lindsey (Bass) Bowden (’05)

2020-2021 C on t r ibu tor s Mr. Shannon Bowerman and Mrs. Jill Bowerman Mr. Barry Brandt and Mrs. Heidi Brandt

Mr. James M. Castleberry and Mrs. Meredith A. Castleberry

Mr. Brian Curry and Mrs. Holly Curry Mr. Chris Davis and Mrs. Allison Davis

Mr. Jeff L. Brantly and Mrs. DeAwna J. Brantly

Mr. Zach Casto and Mrs. Renee Casto

Mr. Jefferson Davis and Mrs. Debbie N. Davis

Dr. Kevin Breniman and Mrs. Jillaine Breniman

Mr. William E. Chandler and Mrs. Emma J. Chandler

Mr. Lawrence A. Davis and Mrs. Rosaland Davis

Mrs. Jackie L. Brewton

Chappell Landscape and Design

Mrs. Sarah (Berry) Davis (’06)

Mr. David Bridges and Mrs. Connie D. Bridges

Dr. Paul B. Chism and Mrs. Maggie G. Chism

Mr. Stephen Davis and Mrs. Leigh Ann Davis

Mr. Phillip B. Bridges

Mr. Robert Christian and Mrs. Karen Christian

Ms. Christina Day (’14)

Mr. Todd Brogdon and Mrs. Jessica Brogdon

Mr. Lance Clark and Mrs. Lena Clark

Dr. Van H. De Bruyn and Mrs. Dana De Bruyn

Mr. Grant Brower

Mr. Michael A. Clements and Mrs. Julie A. Clements

Mr. Jason Di Leo and Mrs. Amie Di Leo

Ms. Kris Brower

Mrs. Sharon Clements

Mr. Edward A. Dickey and Mrs. Lila Dickey

Mr. Delton Brown and Mrs. Kimberly Brown

Mr. Bruce Clinton and Mrs. Susanne Clinton

Digital Vision

Mr. Allen Bryant and Mrs. Brandi Bryant

Mr. Randy Cloud and Mrs. Rosemary Cloud

Mrs. Macy J. Ditchfield

Mr. Wayne Bryant

Mr. Steven Cohan and Mrs. Carol Cohan

Mr. John DiVito and Mrs. Catherine A. DiVito

Mr. William M. Buchanan and

Dr. Eric Cohu and Mrs. Carolyn Cohu

Dr. David P. Douglass and Mrs. Joanna E. Douglass

Mr. Michael A. Connell and Mrs. Kristin D. Connell

Mrs. Kellie W. Duke

Mrs. Aaren Burnett

Mrs. Melanie B. Buchanan

Rev. Robert M. Cook and Mrs. Kimberly Cook

Dr. Mark W. Dunavan and Mrs. Kim L. Dunavan

Mr. Lannie Byrd and Mrs. Jennifer Byrd

Ms. JoEllyn Cooper

Mr. Dave Dziadek and Mrs. Lisa Dziadek

Ms. Pat Callahan

Dr. Angelo Coppola and Mrs. Katherine Coppola

Ms. Nancy Dziadek

Ms. Krystal J. Canada

Mr. James Courtney and Mrs. Sherri Courtney

Mr. Tyler Eatherton and Mrs. Jenny G. Eatherton

Mr. Chad Capps and Mrs. Sommer Capps

Mr. Blane R. Covert

Mr. Mark Edds and Mrs. Shannon Edds

Dr. Scott Carle and Mrs. Denise Carle

Dr. September W. Crabtree and Mr. John Crabtree

Dr. David Edrington and Mrs. Lacey Edrington

Mr. Chad Carlson and Mrs. Amy Carlson

Mr. Greg Crain and Mrs. Alissa J. Crain

Mr. Frazier Edwards and Mrs. Deborah Edwards

Mr. George D. Carmichael and

Mr. James M. Crisp and Mrs. Mary Crisp

Mr. Jimmy Edwards and Mrs. Laura Edwards

Mr. Bill Criswell and Mrs. Kelli Criswell

Mr. Randall Eller

Mr. Jon Carnahan and Mrs. Kelly Carnahan

Mrs. Susan P. Carmichael

Mr. Caleb Critz

Mrs. Merrill B. Ellis

Mrs. Kathleen Caron

Mr. Jacob J. Critz (’02)

Mr. Jim Elsasser and Mrs. Pauline Elsasser

Mr. John D. Carrico and Mrs. Stacy Carrico

Mr. Rodgers Critz and Mrs. Debbie Critz

Mr. Stephen T. Eoff and Mrs. Whitney K. Eoff

Mr. David Carson and Mrs. Rene’ Carson

Ms. Jane Cromhout

Mr. Danny L. Erlandson

Mr. David Carson and Mrs. Staci Carson

Mr. Lewis E. Crow and Mrs. Laura Crow

Mr. Tim C. Ezell and Mrs. Sydney S. Ezell

Mr. Rick Cruzen and Mrs. Heather Cruzen

Mr. Jackson Farrow and Mrs. Rebecca M. Farrow



Financial Report Fiscal Year 2020-2021 10%





TUITION & FEES $13,662,552








2020-2021 C on t r ibu tor s Mr. Chad Fellers and Mrs. Ronni D. Fellers

Dr. Robert J. Griffin and Mrs. Amy Griffin

Mr. Derek Horton and Mrs. Leigh Ann Horton

Mr. Shelby S. Feurtado (’09)

Mr. Benjamin Griffith and Mrs. Meghan Griffith

Mrs. Tara Horton

Mr. Greg Fielder and Mrs. Melony Fielder

Mr. Matt Gross and Mrs. Jennifer Gross

Mr. Bruce House and Mrs. Amandah House

Mrs. Laurie Fikes

Dr. Carey Guidry and Dr. Beth Guidry

Mr. Kevin H. Huchingson

Mr. Clarence Finley and Mrs. Leticia Finley

Mr. Mark S. Guinee and Mrs. Brenda S. Guinee

Mr. Keith Fix and Mrs. Rhea Fix

Ms. Julie Hagood

Lt. Col. James Hudson and Mrs. Elizabeth M. Hudson

Dr. Darren Flamik and Mrs. Stacey L. Flamik

Mr. Ricky Halbert and Mrs. Shea Halbert

Mrs. Kayla Huffstutter

Mr. Tyler Fletcher and Mrs. Karsen (Baer) Fletcher (’14)

Mrs. Carolyn L. Hall

Mr. John Hunt and Mrs. Kathy Hunt

Dr. Claire (Chesshir) Foster (’09)

Mr. Marty Hamaker and Mrs. Christie Hamaker

Dr. Keri D. Ingraham

Mr. Kevin Hambrice

Mr. Boyd Irby and Mrs. Michelle Irby

and Mr. Matthew Foster Mr. Kevin A. Freier and Mrs. Gayle E. Freier

and Mrs. Rosemary Rothkamm-Hambrice

and Mrs. Dianna K. Huchingson

Mr. Fred Irvin and Mrs. Sharon Irvin

Mr. Dennis Frisbee and Mrs. Carla Frisbee

Ms. Kristina Hambrice

Mr. Vernon Irvin and Mrs. Sarah J. Irvin

Dr. Jon David Fuller and Mrs. Kristi Fuller

Ms. Sarah L. Hambrice

Mr. John A. Ivester and Mrs. Angelica Ivester

Ms. Kim C. Fullerton

Dr. Carrie L. Hankins and Mr. Jeffrey K. Hankins

Mr. Jacob James and Mrs. Courtney James

Mr. Allen A. Furrey and Mrs. Darleen A. Furrey

Ms. Glenda Hanson

Mr. Mark W. Jansen and Mrs. Heidi Jansen

Mrs. Sara Gardner

Mr. Drew Harper and Mrs. Michelle Sample-Harper

Jeff Jones Insurance & Investments LLC

Mr. Trey Gardner and Mrs. Sheri Gardner

Mr. Danny Harris and Mrs. Tammy Harris

Mr. Bryan S. Jeffrey and Mrs. Carol Jeffrey

Mr. Gary Garrison and Mrs. Megan Garrison

Mr. Noel Harthcock and Mrs. Anna Harthcock

Dr. Susanne K. Jeffus and Mr. Brandon C. Jeffus

Mr. Dennis Gilliam and Mrs. Melissa Gilliam

Mr. Bill Head and Mrs. Donna Head

Dr. Bruce Johnson and Mrs. Lisa H. Johnson

Mr. Thomas Gist and Mrs. Laura Gist

Mr. Edwin H. Helm and Mrs. Susan Helm

Mr. Clark Johnson

Dr. Cheryl B. Gittens

Mr. Scott Hendren and Mrs. June M. Hendren

Mr. Nicholas G. Gladden and Mrs. Patricia G. Gladden

Mr. James Henrich and Mrs. Jill Henrich

Mr. Mark Glover and Mrs. Brooke Glover

Ms. Lisa Henry

Mr. Harry Golden and Mrs. Deborah Golden

Mr. Daniel L. Herrington and Mrs. Stacie Herrington

Dr. Jamie B. Johnson and Dr. Katie L. Johnson

Mr. Harry Golden and Mrs. Rachel Golden

Mrs. Elizabeth Highfill

Mr. Rodney Johnson and Mrs. Kimberly Johnson

Mr. Larry C. Graham and Mrs. Lori K. Graham

Ms. Stacey Hightower

Mr. Spencer Johnson and Mrs. Tracy Johnson

Ms. Yvonne Greene

Mr. Richard Hilgeman and Mrs. Reagan Hilgeman

Mr. Eric P. Johnston and Mrs. Susan R. Johnston

Mr. Doug Greenwood and Mrs. Kelli Greenwood

Mr. Barry A. Hill and Mrs. Rhonda K. Hill

Mr. Jack R. Jones and Mrs. Linda K. Jones

Mr. Robert C. Greer and Mrs. Shanon L. Greer

Mr. William Hoag and Mrs. Susan Hoag

Mr. Jayce Jones and Mrs. Sarah Jones

Mr. Powell Griffin and Mrs. Patricia Griffin

Ms. Kathleen Hogan

Dr. Kevin G. Jones and Mrs. Cynthia R. Jones

and Mrs. Rebekah (Caraway) Johnson (’04) Mr. Glen D. Johnson and Mrs. Kirstin (Swindler) Johnson (’02)



2020-2021 C on t r ibu tor s Mr. Adam Jordan and Mrs. Jenni Jordan

Mr. Kiley London and Mrs. Tammy London

Mr. Terrell W. Meacham and Mrs. Tara Meacham

Dr. James A. Karrh and Mrs. Alison Karrh

Ms. Lauren London

Mr. Clay Metcalf

Rev. Gregory S. Kelley and Mrs. Lori L. Kelley

Mr. Mike Long and Mrs. Kelly Long

Mr. Kevin O. Kelley and Mrs. Tracy E. Kelley

Rev. Michael N. Loudermilk

Mr. Joe Kelnhofer and Mrs. Diane Kelnhofer

and Mrs. Victoria E. Loudermilk

and Mrs. Rachael (Gatewood) Metcalf (’04) Mr. Ryan Meyer and Mrs. Cindle Meyer Mrs. Sara (Simpson) Miller (’09)

Mr. Keegan J. Kemp

Dr. Michael H. Lumpkin and Mrs. Michele Lumpkin

Mr. Stuart Miller and Mrs. Mitzi Miller

Mr. Keith W. Kerfoot and Mrs. Lynn E. Kerfoot

Mr. Ronald Madding and Mrs. June Madding

Ms. Rita J. Mills

Mrs. Mary H. Kim

Mr. Steven C. Maddox and Mrs. Shannon L. Maddox

Mr. Carl Minden and Mrs. Angela Minden

Mr. Jack Kimbrell and Mrs. Glenda Kimbrell

Mr. Daniel Madison and Mrs. Stephanie Madison

Mr. Matthew Mitchell and Mrs. Karen Mitchell

Mr. Art Kinnaman and Mrs. Kim Kinnaman

Mr. Eric Mangham and Mrs. Ashley Mangham

Mr. Jeffrey T. Molleston and Mrs. Jennifer L. Molleston

Mr. Jacob Kinney and Mrs. Kristen Kinney

Mr. Sam Mangham

Mr. Michael Monk and Mrs. Donna Monk

Mr. Andrew Kinzler and Mrs. Nicole Kinzler

Mr. Michael E. Marter and Mrs. Mickie Marter

Mr. George B. Morledge and Mrs. Amy P. Morledge

Mr. Wendell N. Kinzler (’99) and Mrs. Stacy Kinzler

Mr. Brian Martin and Mrs. Angela Martin

Mr. Mike Morledge and Mrs. Terry Morledge

Mr. John Kirtley and Mrs. Melanie Kirtley

Mr. Woodrow Martin and Mrs. Cara Martin

Mr. John L. Mormile and Mrs. Cynthia M. Mormile

Dr. Brandon J. Kitchens and Dr. Caroline M. Kitchens

Mr. Stephen C. Massanelli and Mrs. Paula Massanelli

Mr. John M. Morton and Mrs. Denise Morton

Mr. Donald G. Knoernschild

Mr. Shea R. Mathews and Mrs. Sarah M. Mathews

Mr. Mitch Moyer and Mrs. Darlene Moyer

Mr. William C. Mayo and Mrs. Maci C. Mayo

Ms. Jamie Murphy

Mr. Barry J. McCaskill and

Mr. Blake Murphy and Mrs. Lisa Murphy

and Mrs. Brenda Knoernschild Mr. Shane Knoernschild and Mrs. Stacey Knoernschild Dr. Logan H. Kuhn (’11) and Mrs. Rebekah (Raine) Kuhn (’11) Lakeland Marketing Dr. Wesley G. Lane and Dr. Natalie B. Lane

Mrs. Haley (Whisenhunt) McCaskill (’08)

Mr. Lamar Murry and Mrs. LeAnn Murry

Mr. Jason McDonald and Mrs. Kathy McDonald

Mr. Roy H. Neblett and Mrs. Julia H. Neblett

Mr. Phillip L. McElhanon

Mrs. Christina Nipper and Mr. Luke Nipper

and Mrs. JoBeth R. McElhanon

Mr. Jimmy Nelson and Mrs. Stacy Nelson

Mr. Shane Lank and Mrs. Cara Lank

Mr. Scott McElmurry and Mrs. Angela McElmurry

Ms. Deborah H. Norman

Mr. Kristopher R. Lavender and Mrs. Kristin Lavender

Mr. Jeffrey McFarland and Mrs. Kristi McFarland

Ms. Carey Norwood

Mr. Robert Q. Lea and Mrs. Brittany Lea

Mr. Patrick McIntire and Mrs. Tasia McIntire

Mr. Peter Nwokoro and Mrs. Kelsey Nwokoro

Ms. Carol A. Leggett

Mrs. Lori McKay

Mr. Garrett Olmsted (’13)

Dr. Harry W. Li and Mrs. Melanie M. Li

Mr. Brett M. McLeod and Mrs. Cindy McLeod

Mr. Jonathan G. Olmsted and Mrs. Susan K. Olmsted

Mr. Kevin Liles and Mrs. Charlotte Liles

Dr. Ashley McMillan and Mr. Jaycob McMillan

Dr. Ikemefuna Onyekwelu and Mrs. Crystal Onyekwelu

Mr. Adam Linz and Mrs. Lauren (Brown) Linz (’12)

Mr. Owen McNulty and Mrs. Shannon McNulty

Mr. Cesar Ortega and Mrs. Elisabeth Danforth Ortega

Mr. Randall Lively

Ms. Katie McSweeney

Mr. Joshua M. Osborne and Mrs. Mandy D. Osborne



2020-2021 C on t r ibu tor s Mr. Bill Otis and Mrs. Angela Otis

Mr. William Richardson and Mrs. Amy Jo Richardson

Mr. Mack E. Sinclair and Mrs. L. Y. Sinclair

Mr. Dan L. Parker and Mrs. Glenda G. Parker

Mr. Ben Ridings and Mrs. Allison Ridings

Ms. Ainsley L. Skokos

Mr. Robert Parker and Mrs. Tammy Parker

Mr. Roy Ridings and Mrs. Keena Ridings

Mr. Chris Skrivanos and Mrs. Suzanne Skrivanos

Mr. Ben G. Parkinson and Mrs. Aimee A. Parkinson

Mr. Kenneth V. Robbins and Mrs. Cathey L. Robbins

Mr. James M. Smith and Mrs. Kimberly A. Smith

Mr. William Parkinson and Mrs. Jessica Parkinson

Ms. Deborah W. Roberts

Ms. Jamie S. Smith

Mr. Wesly Peeler and Mrs. Jessica Peeler

Mr. Mark Robinson and Mrs. Laurie A. Robinson

Ms. Jane Ray Smith

Dr. Earl Peeples and Mrs. Carolyn Peeples

Mr. Sylas Robinson and Mrs. Courtney Robinson

Dr. Steven W. Smith and Dr. Ashley Smith

Mr. Don Pember and Mrs. Nancy Pember

Mr. Benjamin Robles and Mrs. Ixchel A. Robles

Mr. Todd Smith and Mrs. Deven Smith

Mr. Jay Pendleton and Mrs. Susan Pendleton

Dr. Michael Rose and Dr. Jessica Rose

Mr. Jay Southerland and Mrs. Stephanie Southerland

Mr. Jeremy M. Perrone and Mrs. Elizabeth B. Perrone

Ms. Shelley Rosenthal

Ms. Leslie Spears

Mr. Joseph Perrone and Mrs. Emily Perrone

Mr. Lucas Z. Rowan and Mrs. Lacey L. Rowan

Dr. Mark A. St. Pierre and Mrs. Nancy B. St. Pierre

Mr. Ernest J. Peters and Mrs. Donna M. Peters

Dr. Jerry D. Sadler and Mrs. Laurie G. Sadler

Mr. Ray Stewart and Mrs. Lisa P. Stewart

Mr. Gerald Pettit and Mrs. Cheryl Pettit

Mr. Tony Saegert and Mrs. Chelsea Saegert

Mr. Mitchell Strack and Mrs. Kelly Strack

Mr. Josh Pettus and Mrs. Audra Pettus

Dr. Marsha Salman and Mr. Patrick Salman

Mr. Micah E. Sukany and Mrs. Lauren K. Sukany

Mr. Michael Piercy and Mrs. Debra Piercy

Mr. Alan Sanden and Mrs. Jill Sanden

Ms. Molly K. Sullivan (’01)

Mr. John Pike and Mrs. Melanie Pike

Dr. Brittany Sanders and Mr. Chad Sanders

Mr. Jeremy Swearingen and Mrs. Katie Swearingen

Mr. Ryan W. Postlewait and Mrs. April M. Postlewait

Mr. Bryan Sanders and Mrs. Sarah H. Sanders

Mr. Michael Swedenburg and Mrs. Terri Swedenburg

Mr. Kelton Price and Mrs. Christy Price

Mr. Daniel Sawran and Mrs. Lori R. Sawran

Mr. Bryce Swindler and Mrs. Sheri Swindler

Pro Service Builders

Mr. Richard T. Scanlan and Mrs. Beth P. Scanlan

Mr. Lawrence A. Talley and Mrs. LaNita A. Talley

Mr. Aaron D. Probst and Mrs. Olga L. Probst

Mr. Keith Schaedig and Mrs. Karen Schaedig

Mr. David Tarpley and Mrs. Heather J. Tarpley

Mr. James E. Pruitt and Mrs. Julie C. Pruitt

Mr. Paul W. Schaller and Mrs. Janice M. Schaller

Tate Family Foundation

Mr. Ryne Pruitt and Mrs. Alyssa W. Pruitt

Mr. David R. Schirack and Mrs. Sarah B. Schirack

Mr. Robert Taylor and Mrs. Janie Taylor

Mr. William Pugh and Mrs. Paula Pugh

Mr. Eric J. Schmidt and Mrs. Martha Schmidt

Mr. James M. Teague and Mrs. Deborah O. Teague

Mrs. Gina Rafferty

Mr. William C. Scholl and Mrs. Linda L. Scholl

Mr. Brent L. Thompson and Mrs. Allison L. Thompson

Mr. Brandon Ragsdale and Mrs. Andrea Ragsdale

Mr. Scott Schrader and Mrs. Kim D. Schrader

Mr. Reed Thompson and Mrs. Susie Q. Thompson

Mrs. Avanell I. Rail

Mr. Gary Schue and Mrs. Deb Schue

Mr. Tracy Tisdale and Mrs. Terre Tisdale

Ms. Martha L. Ramick

Mr. John T. Scott and Mrs. Kimberly A. Scott

Mr. Gil B. Tomlinson and Mrs. Heather Tomlinson

Dr. Catherine P. Rayburn

Secure Financial Solutions, LLC

Mr. David Torres

Mrs. Janet C. Rector

Mr. Sam A. Sellers and Mrs. Holly L. Sellers

Dr. Jimmy Tucker and Mrs. Jenny Tucker

Dr. Rayburn F. Rego and Mrs. Angela R. Rego

Mr. Michael Shepherd and Mrs. Hollie Shepherd

Mrs. Melissa Tucker



2020-2021 C on t r ibu tor s Dr. Margo Turner and Mr. Doug Turner

Mr. William E. Wellons and Mrs. Carolyn Wellons

Mr. Doug Young and Mrs. Lakisha Young

Mr. Jason Van Goor and Mrs. Felicia Van Goor

Mr. David M. Wengel and Mrs. Sarah H. Wengel

Mr. Stephen M. Youngblood

Mr. Ron Vaught and Mrs. Laura Vaught

Mr. Jay K. White and Mrs. Laura M. White

Mr. Guy A. Wade and Mrs. Cara M. Wade

Dr. Justin S. White and Mrs. Cynthia A. White

Mr. Curtis R. Yung and Mrs. Edythe L. Yung

Mr. Stephen Wade and Mrs. Ginger L. Wade

Ms. Laura M. Wilkie

Mrs. Suzanne Yung

Mr. David Wahlfeld and Mrs. Sharen S. Wahlfeld

Mr. Bill W. Williams and Mrs. Jane A. Williams

Ms. Kathryn Zachary

Mr. James R. Walden and Mrs. Patty Walden

Mr. John D. Williams and Mrs. Gail Williams

Mr. Chris S. Zink and Mrs. Anna K. Zink

Mr. Glenn Walker and Mrs. Teresa Walker

Mr. Hardy Winburn

Mr. David M. Walt and Mrs. Lindsey B. Walt

Mr. Brett Wingfield and Mrs. Stacy Wingfield


Mr. Steve Ware and Mrs. Mary Ellen Ware

Dr. Richard Wirges and Dr. Marla Wirges

David’s Burgers/ David A. and Jessica Bubbus

Dr. Jeremy Warford and Mrs. Erin Warford

Mr. David W. Wood and Mrs. Allison N. Wood

Executive Services, Inc.

Mr. Lance Waters and Mrs. Suzanne Waters

Mr. Dee B. Wood and Mrs. Shea Wood

The Good Earth Garden Center/ Gregory J.

Mr. John W. Watson and Mrs. Mandy Watson

Mr. Fred A. Wood and Mrs. Sarah Wood

Mr. Joshua Weaver and Mrs. Sarah A. Weaver

Mr. Jim Wood and Mrs. Ann D. Wood

Hickingbotham Investments, Inc.

Mr. Mark J. Webb (’06)

Mr. Glen Woodruff and Mrs. Tamra Woodruff

Robert Allen Electric LLC

Mr. Mike Webb and Mrs. Jann Webb

Mr. Wes Woods and Mrs. Preeti Woods

Subway/ John W. and Mandy Watson

Mr. Lowell Weiss and Mrs. Carolyn Weiss

Mr. Gary Yarbrough and Mrs. Carnell Yarbrough

Ms. Chelsya N. Welihindha

Dr. Kevin G. Yarbrough and Mrs. Jacquelyn Yarbrough

and Mrs. Leah C. Youngblood

and Julie B. Curtis

NON-DISCRIMINATORY ADMISSIONS POLICY: LRCA is committed to providing equal educational opportunities for students without regard to race, color, national or ethnic origin. It does not unlawfully discriminate in the administration of educational policies, admissions policies, scholarship and loan programs, and athletic or other School administered programs As a private religious institution, however, LRCA reserves the right to deny admission to any applicant whose academic preparation, character or personal conduct is determined to be inconsistent with the purposes and objectives of the School.

We strive to include every contributor who made a cash donation through annual giving in fiscal year 2020-2021 (July 1, 2020 - June 30, 2021). Please contact the Development Office at 501.868.9822 if we have inadvertently omitted or inaccurately reported your name. 22


LRCA’s Golden Triangle represents the vital relationship between home, church, and school.





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