We had a social after school where we played volleyball and soccer to get a break from all of the stress of our classes. These are some of our officers and members that attended.
Welcome back to The Talon of T-O! I hope the first few months of the school year have been going well! I am still trying to figure out to balance college applications, Key Club, Band, and class work, so it's been a chaotic two months. The officers are very excited for things to get settled, so we can plan more service projects and socials to do as a club! In the meantime, try to make some time to sign up for the volunteer events we have been sending information out about and follow our instagram @lrhs.keyclub and join our remind @lrhskc22 to always be up to date with what's going on in our club (: Remember to try your best to manage your time, stay hydrated, get plenty of sleep, continue to nurish your body as well as enjoy each moment of this school year; it'll be over befo With that being said, enjoy this mon of The Talon of T-O!
Yours in Service and Friendship,
*When? Thursday, November 3; shifts from 5:30pm 7:30pm and 7:30pm 9:15pm
*Where? Aristide Mansfield (570 N Walnut Creek Dr.)
*What? Greet guests, assist restaurants, and bus tables
**Wear comfortable black clothing
*When? November 7th, 8th, and 9th after school until 4:00pm
*Where? Mrs. San Miguel's room (A 337)
*What? Help make banners and decor for our school's Veteran's Day Breakfast
*When? November 11 & 12 (different shifts in the sign up)
*Where? Tangle Ridge Golf Course
*What? Need volunteers to help score the golf tournament
*When? November 11 & 12
*Where? Nov 11: Lifetime Fitness / Nov 12: Mansfield Methodist Medical Center
*What? Help with packet pickup on Nov 11 (different shifts from 10:30am to 7pm, help with packet pickup the day of the race, help with runner registration
*When? All bags due November 12
*Where? Turn in San Miguel's room (A 337)
*What? Donate instant mashed potatoes bag to provide families in need of Thanksgiving meals (2 bags=1 hour)
*When? Different days depending on sign up
*Where? 6115 Camp Bowie Fort Worth, TX 76116
*What? Different jobs available including: water stop helpers, line marshalls, packet pick up, course monitors, event set up and clean up
28 by noon g m (A 337)
*What? Donate a toy valued at $5 or more (worth 1 hour), toys less than that count as stocking stuffers (5 stocking stuffers=1 hour), bikes, big wheels, and scooters are worth 5 hours
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Several of our members ran stations at our Mansfield's founder's day fesitval
We are all too familiar of the idea that the sum is greater than its parts, as it has been embedded into our minds since as long as we can remember. Afterall, teamwork makes the dreamwork and two minds are greater than one. Yet, at times, we all must ask the question: What effect do I have? Afterall, we ’ re just high schoolers, still kids, what could we truly do?
We as individuals have the capabilities to influence those around us, and it’s up to us to use it for the better. Joining Key Club last year and volunteering made me realize that you can impact those around you greatly, to an extent that I didn’t believe an individual could achieve before. Key Club is so much more than service hours, it’s about helping clean your community, supporting food banks to provide for the malnourished, fostering creativity in kids, and so much more beyond that The individual is capable of changing the community for the better, and bit by bit can influence those around them
The effect of passionate individuals can be felt in those around them, as they can truly spark change and inspire others to follow their footsteps. Taking initiative and helping those in need can spark change and lead others to do the same Eventually, a group may form springing from an individual, and the impact of the collective can be significant. An example of this would be none other than our precious Key Club. Members often attract others towards the club by volunteering which then strengthens the club. Together as a unit, the club is capable of significant changes and providing a greater outreach throughout the community than the individual could, but the main goal still stemmed from one individual stepping up. It may not seem like one may much have much impact, but affecting those around them can leave a lasting impact.
So truly, what effect do I have? The answer can be seen in two ways. In all honesty, if one reflects on the literal bounds of an individual, a person can only do so much. The second way of seeing it though, is that an individual can spark change, impact those around them, lead a collective, & leave a greater impact on the world than previously imagined The true power of an individual is not what we individually do, but what we can do to those around us.