Bind event proposal

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Table Of Contents Introduction ........................................................................................................... 1 Vision & Mission Statement ........................................................................................................................... 1 Market Demand ................................................................................................................................................... 1 What Is Needed ................................................................................................................................................... 2

Planning The BIND Fashion Festival ........................................................................ 3 Stakeholders & Benefits ................................................................................................................................... 3 Students .................................................................................................................................................................. 3 Universities & Colleges ..................................................................................................................................... 3 Manufacturers, Distributors & Retailers ................................................................................................. 3 Creative Talent (Designers, Photographers, Writers, Stylists etc.) .............................................. 4 Location, Duration & Date(s) ......................................................................................................................... 4 Key Outcomes & Deliverables ....................................................................................................................... 5 BIND SWOT Analysis ......................................................................................................................................... 5 GFW SWOT Analysis .......................................................................................................................................... 6 London Fashion Festival SWOT Analysis ................................................................................................. 6 Target Market ....................................................................................................................................................... 7 Marketing, Branding & Communications ................................................................................................. 8 Logo Design .......................................................................................................................................................... 8 A Website ............................................................................................................................................................... 9 Informative Literature, Collateral & Giveaways ............................................................................... 10 Social Media & Internet Based Awareness Campaign .................................................................... 10 Ticket Demand Generation ......................................................................................................................... 11 Sponsorship Generation ............................................................................................................................... 11 Countdown System ......................................................................................................................................... 12 Green Awareness ............................................................................................................................................. 12 Budgeting & Costing ....................................................................................................................................... 12 The Event ............................................................................................................................................................ 14 Facilities .............................................................................................................................................................. 14

Other Considerations ........................................................................................... 16 Bibliography ......................................................................................................... 17

Lauren Rodericks


Vision & Mission Statement The mission statement for the proposed BIND festival is

“A Creative Platform For Student And Industry To Connect”

BIND is a fashion festival where there is a chance for both student and industry to connect in an inclusive and interactive way. It provides Industry with access to a fresh talent pool. Students, in return, get to know more about what is involved in this multi-­‐faceted industry.

Market Demand The need for a single networking and learning event that will attract fashion industry related students to get a better idea of what the industry is all about and what it takes to make it in this industry in a fun and easy to participate in environment as well as fashion academia and fashion’s finest names including designers, writers, stylists, photographers, entrepreneurs, manufacturers, retailers and vendors from across the range of organisations involved in the creation and distribution of fashion related products and services, to provide knowledge, experience based information and mentoring. The event needs to • Address the needs of current (undergraduate), and potential (college) fashion students as well as recently graduated fashion students in keeping them current with fashion trends, developments and technologies whilst providing them with access to a network of potential employers and careers in the creative and commercial sectors. In order to attract these students and ensure that they make the best possible use of their time, the event needs to provide a fun festival-­‐like, yet professional and efficient environment. • Address the needs of universities and educational establishments in showcasing what they have on offer for students and also enabling them to provide a better service and education to their students. • Provide a platform for the creative sector (designers, stylists, photographers, journalists etc.) to promote their work and also attract new talent. • Provide the commercial sector (retailers, distribution outlets and manufacturers and all business associated with them) with a similar platform to showcase their offerings and also attract new talent. BIND Fashion Festival Event Proposal


Lauren Rodericks Fashion shows exist and they generally have been found to meet with some success in achieving these goals. However, the nature of most fashion shows is heavily biased towards designers and the commercial sector and focuses less on academia and students. There are some exceptions such as Graduate Fashion Week . However, such events do come across as fairly daunting for students to attend and the view is that it could be made less so by changing the look and feel to that of a festival. Also they are primarily focused on fashion students that are about to graduate and not the others.

What Is Needed The idea is for this event to be more than just useful in terms of knowledge and experience, but also fun and inviting -­‐ so what better forum than that of a modern festival in a suitable location complete with learning, exhibition, networking and socialising tents, of course supported by hospitality and entertainment for all. It is therefore a learning experience that can be enjoyed in a festival environment creating a fun and current atmosphere to acquire both skill and knowledge whilst networking. Such an event does not just depend on who attends but also on careful and meticulous planning and execution with close attention to detail. This proposal will describe such a plan for a festival called BIND. Some attention will be paid to the costing and budgeting side of such a plan and there will be some focus on the actual detail behind the marketing, branding, actual activities, location and provisions for such an event. Throughout the document explanation will be provided regarding rationale behind choices and plans so as to build a picture of the benefits and outcomes being sought so that a “picture of success” is clearly understood. The plan is to select an appropriate location and date(s) for the festival and then build a plan around it. Sponsorship will be sought not only from the fashion industry but also from the universities and colleges that are responsible for educating and training our fashion hopefuls of tomorrow. A modern and social marketing approach will be used to attract attendees and the plan will also include aspects of risk mitigation, insurance and safety.


BIND Fashion Festival Event Proposal

Lauren Rodericks

Planning The BIND Fashion Festival

Stakeholders & Benefits There are essentially four groups of stakeholders: Students There are students that are not yet in university, there are undergraduates and postgraduates, and then there are those who have completed their studies and are looking for work. Students in general, benefit most from such an event.

Students that are not yet in university, get to meet with members of universities and get a better understanding of their offered courses in a fun environment. They also get to see what the end result of such study might look like also in a fun environment. This would be an ideal place to have many of their questions answered with regard to undergraduate study and future careers. Undergraduate and postgraduate students get a chance to not only benefit from information about the industry, what jobs are out there and what they can do after graduating so that they can plan ahead, but it also gives many of them a chance to showcase what they can do and have done. For students that have already completed their studies this is simply a good opportunity to look at potential employment and keep up with the industry trends. Universities & Colleges They get a chance to exhibit what they do, what they have done successfully in the past, what they offer students, information on their courses and also they get an idea of numbers of students that might be interested in addition to valuable feedback. As always, they also use this as an opportunity to meet other universities.

Manufacturers, Distributors & Retailers They also get a chance to exhibit what they do, what they have done and what they want to do. Add to this potential increase of revenue and number of clients and the chance to network with others in their industry, and this event becomes an attractive prospect for them too. In most cases, sponsorship of this event would come out of their marketing budgets.

BIND Fashion Festival Event Proposal


Lauren Rodericks Creative Talent (Designers, Photographers, Writers, Stylists etc.) While students are clearly the largest group of stakeholders to benefit from such a festival, the second most interested group should be this group. Creative types constantly need to see what’s out there in terms of upcoming talent and often benefit from sharing their experience and knowledge. Such a festival provides a showcase of their talents, helps with their personal marketing and provides a good platform for feedback.

Location, Duration & Date(s) After much consideration, the location selected is Victoria Park Grove Road Bow London E3 5TB Victoria Park has a festival feel to it and a history too (they hold LoveBox Festival there as well as Underage Festival), is capable of taking a large enough number of attendees and is supported by good infrastructure and connections in one of the fashion capitals of the world, London.


BIND Fashion Festival Event Proposal

Lauren Rodericks It was felt that one day would be more than enough to achieve what was needed and the date chosen is the 29th of August because it is right before term time starts and at the end of the summer holiday season.

Key Outcomes & Deliverables A key outcome would be to have an attendance from every sector of the industry, including creative, manufacturing, distribution and retail. A key deliverable would be a completed survey/feedback form by 70% of the attendees.

BIND SWOT Analysis

It is useful to carry out a SWOT analysis of one or two fashion shows for comparison purposes.

BIND Fashion Festival Event Proposal


Lauren Rodericks

GFW SWOT Analysis

London Fashion Festival SWOT Analysis


BIND Fashion Festival Event Proposal

Lauren Rodericks

Target Market Some customer (target attendee) profiles include:

BIND Fashion Festival Event Proposal


Lauren Rodericks

Marketing, Branding & Communications For this event something modern and trendy is needed. So the key elements of the marketing plan will include: Logo Design

A"logo"for"BIND"has"been"designed" which"is"easily"iden7fiable,"is"eye: catching"but"most"of"all"will"not"be" confused"with"other"logos"and" brands"e.g."yellow"is"associated"with" Selfridges"&"Co.,"and"red"is" associated"with"Coca"Cola."

The"BIND"logo"is"essen7ally"light"grey"in"colour"and"makes"use"of"the" Dilana"Experimentype"font"which"is"a"serif"font"on"a"transparent" background.""" "


BIND Fashion Festival Event Proposal

Lauren Rodericks A Website

The$designed$website$includes$the$logo$(name$of$the$fes5val)$and$on$every$page$will$be$the$ name$and$date$of$the$fes5val,$the$mission$statement$and$a$newsle<er$signup$link.$

The$home$page$links$to$eight$other$pages$one$of$which$is$a$forum$page$for$public$discussion.$ These$eight$links$eventually$link$to$about$29$other$pages$and$essen5ally$allow$the$viewer$to$$ $$ Find$out$more$about$the$fes5val$and$what$its$about$ Find$out$about$5cket$prices$and$5cket$booking$ Find$out$about$the$lineup$and$the$schedule$ Find$out$about$the$different$areas$within$the$fes5val$and$what$happens$in$these$areas$including$ the$main$catwalk$stages,$music$$and$entertainment$etc.$ View$a$gallery$(aDer$the$fes5val$happens)$ Get$informa5on$on$the$loca5on$including$a$map$and$travel$informa5on$ View$FAQ’s$(frequently$asked$ques5ons)$ Look$at$job$opportuni5es$and$volunteering$opportuni5es/work$experience$ View$“Lost$&$Found”$informa5on$$$ View$informa5on$on$hospitality,$food$and$drinks$ View$informa5on$on$fes5val$green$considera5ons$&$disability$access$ View$contact$info$and$connec5ng/social$media$links$ Access$the$forum$


BIND Fashion Festival Event Proposal


Lauren Rodericks Informative Literature, Collateral & Giveaways Informative literature includes • A poster which is consistent with the branding of the event including the tickets and invitations; • A map of Victoria Park which is branded with the BIND logo and illustrates all the festival areas and facilities on the map; • A mini image-­‐based publication that includes selected photos from the website. On entry, attendees will be given • A branded wristband that has the logo, “fashion festival” and the date on it so as to instantly identify attendees • A white unisex branded t-­‐shirt of either small, medium or large size • A canvas tote bag that is also branded with the logo and consistent with the other collateral and will have the map, poster, publication, and t-­‐shirt inside it Social Media & Internet Based Awareness Campaign Blogging Blogs are an effective way to engage the public in discussion and secure their interest in this event. Bloggers will be invited from academia as well as industry with at least three key bloggers representing a university viewpoint, a creative viewpoint from the industry and a commercial viewpoint from manufacturers, retailers and distributors.

Tweeting We will ensure a continuous flow of tweets leading up to, during and just after the event. The tweets will come from attendees during the event as well as participants and industry/creative professionals leading up to, during and just after the event, and will be encouraged to be open, honest, current and informative. Pinterest Pinterest will be used in conjunction with Blogging and Tweeting to provide a steady stream of interesting photos and images to potential (leading up to the event) and actual attendees (during and just after the event). 10

BIND Fashion Festival Event Proposal

Lauren Rodericks Social Media Social Media sites like Facebook will be used to generate conversations and discussion points and also collect feedback on how the event went with constructive feedback being sought. They will also provide a real social environment to discuss the event and related matters. Ticket Demand Generation The main source of demand generation will come from the following activities: • Agencies will be briefed in advance and lists of contact details will be sourced for universities, colleges, industry creative people as well as vendors, manufacturers, distributors and retailers in the industry. • These agencies will also provide a fulfillment service in sending out and chasing response for emails being sent out • Universities and colleges will be informed via the email and follow up email campaign well in advance so that they are aware of the event. They will be provided with ready publishable information to inform their student base via posters, their website and in lectures too. Students will be invited to register for the event and pay online for the tickets. • Industry and creative sponsors and attendees will be contacted in a similar way by email again with a number of follow-­‐up emails to ensure that it does not disappear from their agenda. • In addition to the email campaigns, we will seek to get sponsorship for demand generation from local radio stations. Sponsorship Generation Sponsorship generation will be carried out in a similar way to ticket demand generation in that potential sponsors from universities and the industry will be contacted by a similar campaign. The business case will be presented in a short and easy to digest format with links to the website that will provide more information. Sponsors will be invited to become Silver, Gold or Platinum sponsors. Silver sponsors will be given the right to a certain amount of branding and small booth space. Gold sponsors will be given the right to even more branding, larger booth space and will receive a mention in keynote presentations. Platinum sponsors will be given everything that Gold sponsors get but with the largest booth space and will be invited to be potential bloggers and tweeters as well as keynote presentation slots.

BIND Fashion Festival Event Proposal


Lauren Rodericks Standard contracts for each level of sponsorship will be downloadable and once they are signed an initial deposit will be collected with the remaining sponsorship fee to be paid no less than 60 days before the event. Countdown System It is imperative to stay in the mind’s eye of all potential attendees and sponsors. The marketing agency will also be briefed with implementing a countdown system to the event whereby emails and communications will be initiated at set intervals to remind people to register and buy tickets or sponsorship. Green Awareness We will maintain a strong sense of social responsibility by ensuring that we work towards reducing the environmental impact of the festival by putting in a number of initiatives including • Recycling encouragement and facilities • Use of recyclable material wherever possible • Waste strategy to manage different types of waste at the festival • Salvage operations for used materials that may be reused.

Budgeting & Costing In order to arrive at a meaningful budget one would have to consider the following costs: • Tradesmen & Setup • Staffing • Site Rental • Insurance • Legal • Structures & Buildings • Furniture Rental • Catering & Hospitality • Marketing & Fulfilment • Entertainment & Music o Equipment o Entertainers • Audio-­‐visual Equipment • Water, Toilets & Drainage • Signage & Lighting • Security • Health & Safety • IT Costs • Printing, Publishing & Collateral Costs 12

BIND Fashion Festival Event Proposal

Lauren Rodericks • • • • •

Accommodation Communications, Internet, Telephony Management & Operations Speakers Petty Expenses

Income would be derived from: • Ticket Sales & Entry Fees • Donations • Sponsorship • Advertising • Collections • Merchandise Sales • Catering & Bar Sales

BIND Fashion Festival Event Proposal


Lauren Rodericks

The Event Essentially the event will be a combination of • a fashion show complete with designers, models and a catwalk; • a festival complete with hospitality, food and drink, music and entertainment and with an after-­‐party feel to it (so that students connect easily with other attendees); • an exposition (with exhibitors from universities and industry) with giveaways and exhibits; • and a symposium complete with keynote speeches and lectures as well as a library of information and material. Facilities Catwalk Stages The main event at the festival will be the catwalk stages where models will be displaying current designs from the featured and upcoming designers. It is envisaged that there will be four main catwalk stages to cover: • Menswear • Womenswear • Childrenswear • Students Clearly models will be needed for each category and will be interviewed and selected well in advance by designers. The number of models per category will depend on the number of designers and the number of designs being displayed. Essentially each designer will plan their “fashion show” which, in addition to models will also include film, photography and music. The number of designers will depend on the success of the sponsorship generation campaign and will be a key deliverable. The designers will also organize dress rehearsals while the organisers will provide facilities for changing rooms. Concessions & Exhibitors Areas These will be comprised mainly of • Universities • Designers & Other Creative Exhibitors • Manufacturers, Distributors & Retailers Depending on the level of sponsorship (silver, gold or platinum), they will have concession/exhibition booths of different size.s Organisers will provide booth setup staff, electricity and lighting supplies as well as booth furniture. All branding will be down to the exhibitors.


BIND Fashion Festival Event Proposal

Lauren Rodericks Lecture Arena/Theatre The lecture arena/theatre will allow seating for 200-­‐300 people at a time and will be equipped with appropriate speaking podium, stage and audio-­‐ visual equipment and operators. The purpose of the arena will be for keynote speeches and lectures from universities, creative professionals and vendors. Online booking for the lectures will be facilitated. Content for the lectures will be collected well in advance. Interactive Activities Area This area will include production and design activities where attendees will be invited to participate and learn from professionals and will include activities like • Fashion illustration • Fashion filming • Photography • Knitting • Upcycling • Tie-­‐dyeing • Computer-­‐aided design Social Media & Technology Tents The social media tent will provide exhibits and knowledge on the latest social media trends and technology. The technology tent will focus on the latest gadgets, software and services to facilitate design and production. This will be part “gadget show” and part “tomorrow’s world” in their look and feel and will attract potential production individuals.

Market & Shops Area As the name suggests this is where vendors can sell to attendees fashion related items and services. Festival discounts will apply and all commerce related activities and equipment will be down to the vendors. In addition to products, fashion supplies will also be available. Archives & Library Area This will be a typical library area where fashion specific publications (both electronic and paper based) will be available for attendees to peruse, purchase and print. The content for the library will come from universities as well as the commercial sector and will include content that cannot easily be found elsewhere.

Music Tent The music tent area will be where the main entertainment will be hosted and will consist of contemporary and upcoming artists performing a variety of music and entertainment. The organisers will source the BIND Fashion Festival Event Proposal


Lauren Rodericks entertainers. This is what will probably provide the “festival feel” and there will be more than one bandstand. All audiovisual, amplification and lighting will be setup by the organisers. Bands will be responsible for their music equipment although staff will be on hand to assist with setup. Professional engineers will be available to operate the audio-­‐visual equipment. Food Court The food court will provide hospitality food and drinks. There will be a bar area with ecofriendly glasses and a variety of food vendors with eco friendly crockery and cutlery (plastic and paper). While cooking facilities, electricity and seating will be provided, food and drink vendors will be responsible for the setup and operation of their booths and the bar.

Other Considerations

Close attention will also be paid to provision of • Staffing & Security • Tradesmen • Access Control & Welcome • Accommodation, Access Routes, Transportation • Health & Safety • Legal & Insurance • Costing & Budgeting • Project Planning & Control • Administration, Management & Governance


BIND Fashion Festival Event Proposal

Lauren Rodericks


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Lauren Rodericks Glenn Bowdin, 2010. Events Management. 3 Edition. Routledge. Tim Jackson, 2009. Mastering Fashion Marketing (Palgrave Master Series). Edition. Palgrave Macmillan. 7 steps to planning a successful fashion show. | The CollectiveThe Collective. 2014. 7 steps to planning a successful fashion show. | The CollectiveThe Collective. [ONLINE] Available at:­‐­‐steps-­‐to-­‐planning-­‐a-­‐successful-­‐fashion-­‐show/. [Accessed 27 November 2014]. . 2014. . [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 27 November 2014]. Glastonbury Festival | The Official Glastonbury Festival Website. 2014. Glastonbury Festival | The Official Glastonbury Festival Website. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 27 November 2014]. Coachella | The Coachella Valley Music and Arts Annual Festival – Event and visitor information, passes, photo gallery, FAQ, rules, and directions.. 2014. Coachella | The Coachella Valley Music and Arts Annual Festival – Event and visitor information, passes, photo gallery, FAQ, rules, and directions.. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 27 November 2014]. Bestival 2014 : Home. 2014. Bestival 2014 : Home. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 27 November 2014]. Hevy Fest 2015 : Line-­‐up. 2014. Hevy Fest 2015 : Line-­‐up. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 27 November 2014]. Lollapalooza 2015 | July 31 – August 2, 2015 : Grant Park : Chicago, IL . 2014. Lollapalooza 2015 | July 31 – August 2, 2015 : Grant Park : Chicago, IL . [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 27 November 2014]. Reading Festival 2015 | 28 -­‐ 30 AUGUST 2015 : RICHFIELD AVENUE. 2014. Reading Festival 2015 | 28 -­‐ 30 AUGUST 2015 : RICHFIELD AVENUE. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 27 November 2014]. Latitude Festival. 2014. Latitude Festival. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 27 November 2014]. Creamfields 2014 -­‐ The Official Website of CreamfieldsCreamfields 2014. 2014. Creamfields 2014 -­‐ The Official Website of CreamfieldsCreamfields 2014. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 27 November 2014]. 18

BIND Fashion Festival Event Proposal

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BIND Fashion Festival Event Proposal

Lauren Rodericks

BIND Fashion Festival Event Proposal


Lauren Rodericks


BIND Fashion Festival Event Proposal

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