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In recognition of his 33 years in the service of the Institute of the Brothers of the Christian Schools, we, the senior cla ss of 1956, LaSalle College High School, proudly dedicate this yearbook to BROTHER GODWIN JOHN, F.S.C. We thank you, Brother John, for your guidance, your encouragement, your kindness and your friendship . We wish you continued success, health and satisfaction in the service of our Lord.

l Compre nd e us te d ? Leese .

Theorem 267



BROTHER FELIX JOHN 4A Religion ••. Trigonometry Solid Geometry •.. General Mathe· mallcs

BROTHER GREGORY OF MARY 4D Religion ••• English IV

BROTHER F. JOSEPH Vice Principal . . • Athletic Director Men of La Sa lle

BROTHER G. THOMA S 4B Religion . . • Accounting I, II .•• General Mathematics ••• Golf •• , Senior and Junior Proi!ls

BROTHER D. JEREMY 4E Religion . . . Spanish I French I, II •.• Basketball

BROTHER DAVID ALBERT Guodance , • Archconfraternity Assemblies .• Benilde Club

BROTHER E. STEPHEN 4C Religion ••• Physics ••. Science Club

BROTHE R G. CORNELIUS 3A Rellgoon • • Chemistry


BROTHER D. EDWARD 3B Religion . . • Algebra II Football

BROTHER GRATIAN 3C Religion • • • Eng lish Ill Tennis

BROTHER F. JEROME 30 Rel igion • . • German I, II , Ill •.. Debating •.. Dramatics

BROTHER F. LEO 3E Rel igion • • • History Ill . • • Wi sterian

Get the cups and saucers, Gara.

BROTHER GERVALD JOHN 2A Religion . . . lotin II ... Bose· boll

BROTHER D. ALPHONSUS 2B Religion . . • Biology • Mothers' Club

BROTHER D. CASSIAN 2C Religion •.• English II •. . Wis· terion

BROTHER GODWIN JOHN 2D Religion • . . Geometry • Sponish I . . • Student Council

Biology Newsreel.

BROTHER F. lEWIS 2E Religion . • . Economics Buslnen low ••• lnlromurols • . IRC.

BROTHER EMiliAN OF MARY 1 C Religion . . . lot in I, Ill, IV

BROTHER D GABRIEL Bond Religion ••• Biology


BROTHER G. CLAUDE 2F Religion ••• Geometry ••• Crew

BROTHER G. WilliAM 1 A Religion ••• English •.• Band . . . Choral ••• Engll$h I

BROTHER E. JOSEPH 1 D Religion • • . Algebra I Alumni

BROTHER F. WilliAM 1 E Religion • . • History I • • • Art Club ••• Track •• . Cross Country

MR. JAMES GALLAGHER Mechanical Drawing • . • Football Coac h

MR . JOSEPH MORAN Spanish II, Ill ••• Blue and Gold

BROTHER D. MICHAEl 1 B Typing •.. Dally Bulletin


MR. FRANK GRIFFIN English I • • . History II, Ill First Aid . . • Blue and Gold

MR. JOHN MOORE Englbh Ill, IV ••. Dramatics

MR. RICHARD BEDESEM History I . • . Freshman Football

MR. CARL VON NEll German I • • . library Science • librarian

MR. JOHN GEARY History II . .. Bowling

In English please, Koebert.

MI. CHARLES O' BRIEN Physical Education . • • Basketball and Track Coach


MRS. GLADYS HOLZBAUI Secretory to the Principal





Heil, Clark Hodgson , John Gara, Vincent Pannepacker, Jones, Thomas McDevitt, Robort Federspiel, Francis Kudzin. • Third Row: Robert Elli s, James Binns, Alan lendvay, Vincent Anderson, Peter Devlin, James Farroll, Gerard Drach, Robert Walsh, Thomas Murphy. Second Row: Garreth Dascenzo, John Spellman, Robert O¡J rney, Joseph Scipione, , F'!'ncis Weide, Kenneth Leese, James Nicolo, Joseph Momorella. 8ollom Row: Michael Driscoll , Thomas Rzepnicki, Francis Helverson, John Monahan, Robert Mergliano, Sleven Pelnor, Joseph Capouoli, Frank



Top Row: John Egan, John Quinn, Joseph Hellenbrand, James lone, Richard Emenecker, frederick Fedele, Vincent Griffin, Robert Fullen, John Murray. Third Row: Cornelius Word, Joseph Daly, Anthony Deni, Richard Koebert, Robert Hone, Fred Schr11111, leonard Milaknis, lawrence McEvoy, James McAuliffe . Second Row: John O'Dea, John Wojciechowicx, William Connon, Robert Fritzche, Gerard Borunas, Charles Doherty, Edward McKeon, Joseph Stewart. Fronl Row' James Morrissey, Henry Shields, Anthony Dondreo, Eugene Dragondsky

Top Row: Thomas D'Annunz lo, Louis Marabella, Siemietkowski, Charles Palmer, Josoph Flynn, John White, John Schauder. Third Row: James Sedlock, Michael Kavanaugh, John Wober, James Rieck , lawrence • Coffey, Joseph Ambrogi, Petor Volk , Robert Gabage, Jos.,ph Spriule r. Second Row: Edward Dever, Donald Donaghy, John Kleber, James Campion, Hugh Ward, James McG ill, George Pu rce ll, John Famu laro. Bottom Row: Richard Ginieczki , louis Greco, Anthony Pescatore, Joseph Ciccima ro, ' Michael Stephens, Andrew Kau, James Kilbride, Paul

Top Row: John Neary, Carl Wolf, Kobert Franiak , Brian Monaghan, Jerry Hipp, Joseph Hamburger, Edward Corcoran, Micha ol Verrecchia, Joseph DeVenuto. Third Row : Thomc:s Connor, Al ex Macaiono, Joseph Piuo, John Dooner, John Mesunas, Marshall McCloskey , Hugh Bowen, Stephen Brady. ~~~~~~~l~ Second Row : Joseph Bergin, Anthony Kramer, Joseph Hailt, lawrence Grassi, Frank McCormick, Donald Spence, Sidney Kowalcxyk . Bottom Row: Gerard Gordon. Richard Mullin, William O'Toole,

Amejka, William Cunningham, Martin McDonnell, William Rothenbach, Bernard O'Dorisi9. Third llow : Francis Bartl, Edward Donahue, William Boland, John Burke, James Mclaughlin , Thomas Gillespie, Chris Costello, Francis Hetherington . Second Row: John Schonberger, James McNulty, Joseph Haney, John McClellan , Donald Birch, David Devlin , Robert Keane, Thomas Cassidy. Bottom Row: Joh'n Altroggo, Thomas Perno,. Vincent Higgins, Edward Rush, Sheridan, Gerard O'Rourke.

Midday Interlud e.

Bernord Monnix, Thomos Gionnini, John Mohon, Edwin


o路 Amico,

John Kelly, Emil Horosym.

Bromble, Eu!lene Lepine, louis Oi Morio, Kenneth Woodring, Motthew Ledwith. Third Row: Poul Mohoney, Edword Miller, Gerold Ricco, Jomes Simonelli, Joseph BoHoe, Peter Kerney, Richord Mooney, Wolter McDonold. Second Row : Williom Solvibile, Stonley Forsythe, leo Wiedmonn, louis Woke field, Williom Feeney, Alfred LeSieur, Nothoniel Cymbor. Bottom Row : Richord Meroney, Jomes Sirovo , Joseph Downey, Roymond Pontzell,

Joseph Swietlik, Gerold Porrotto, Joseph Pinchick. Third 1/ow : Albert Badcouskas, Robert Wilkin, The<'dore Baltra, Joseph Killoran, Raymond Christie, Kurt Kibele, Patrick Sher, George West. Second 1/ow Rober! Barnett, Joseph lodge, Walter Horn, John G"llog!ler, Robert o路 Ambrosio, Get~rge Doran, James McMonagle. Bollom 1/ow : Joseph leone, Stephen Quinn. Gory Schamenek,


Solvibile, Hugh Carney, Edward Pomfret. 8ollom Row : Joseph Murray, John Herrera, Joseph Vargo , Charles David Rothwell, Fronds Sexton, Robert Forrest, David Muir.

John Glaser, James Reckner, William Mitchell. Second Row : Gregory Collins, Peter Keenan , Robert Ryan, Jonn Ionine, Edward

Third Row : Edward luty, Joseph Hartnett, Joseph Paul, John Madden, Henry

Woyne Joseph Kullmon,Hannabach, Tnomas Boyle, Charles Doloway, Cornelius Harry Eustace, Ronald Mahoney, Thomas Risi. Cunn


0 Donnell, Jerome Hamilton, John Brogan, Thomas Oziadou, Rober t Schmidt, leo Rodgers. Third Row: Fronds Morris, Thomas lynch, Gerard Oowd, John Kellett, Boyd Mc路 llvaine, John Gallatig, Michael Breslin, Michael Zubyl<, William Rooney. Second Row路 Joseph Corrigan, Robert Primus, William Fahy, Thomas Henry, Mignatti, Alfred Meier, Ronold Gilletti, Joseph Gross. 8oftom Row路 Michael Sullivan, Robert Heenan, William Morgan, Raymond Walsh, Peter Faroco, Stanley Terlecky, Walter Sackville, Thomas Pyle, James Kelly.

Kennedy, Jerome Co5grov•, Martin Whalen. Third Row : Edward Devinney, lawrence Everling, Peter Noel, Joseph Ford, George ~;~~~~~;;}l'~~ffi;f,~j~~~~ Ward, Stephen Wallace, Reginald Wray, Norman leinheiser. I; Second Row: Alexander Buono, Max E;r;ch , Charles Scally, Francis Whi le, Josep!l 1 r,:;.;,.:;:,.,.•'l~.. ,."",' Crowley, Walter Pollish, Jo5eph Sharpe. Bottom Row: John Kennedy, Ronald Carpinella, William John Scocca, William loman, Edward Stehel.

Jerome Jenkins, Robert Waddington , Thoma\ Donohue, Third Row ' Thomas Yanesso, Henry Doehne, Timothy McManus, John lenen Antoniok, Poul Alto, Michael Fonte, Walter Weis. Second Row路 Nicholas Monington, William OoMorco, John Richa:dson, Miraglia, Albert Soleclci, James McGonnis, John Clayton. Front Row Frederick 8ohrer, John Simone, Taros Wochok, francis Moore,

Don't yo u believe me?

Rieck seems awed by it a ll.


Donald Slowicki, Fronds Hackler, Thomas Mortimer, John Butkovich, Edward Birchler, Robert Sh:~ller, McCrudden, Gerold Woltcmote. Third Row: Michool Paolini, Mark Golloghor, Fronds Colantuono, James McKenna, Francis Casino, John lncarvito, Leonard Stnelecki, Robert Mitek, Richard Mlehle. Second Row: Robert Brinker, Fronds DriHoll, Howcud Longe, Robert Faraco, Richard Cio:co, Cornelius McKelvey, John Rogalski, Wilfred Vaudreuil, Maurice Waters, Harrison Kornbou. Bollom Row: Gerald Canavan, Peter Lang, John Kelly, Joseph Magrisl, Louis Donoghue, John Mclane, Joseph

Potnck Connor, John Coyle, leo Wilson, Joseph Loughton, Mar-k Fuchs.


lawrence Baird. Second Row: Francis O'Neill, Frank Madden, Joseph Dougherly, Robert Edward Birch, James Helwig, Slephen Claybeck, Parrick Cronin, John John Rowland. Bottom Row: John Meenan, Norman Oesch, Thomas Murray, Samuel Monera, Karlton Kieffer, Roberl Summerell, Thomas Brady, Joseph Ridgway, Jack Asia, Charles Hubbs.

Third Row : Donold Srobililo, George Siegmann, Denis Callaghan, William logan, Amadio Bucdni, Roman Kyweluk, John Walsh, John Monaghan, John Pio,

Scholl, John Coyle. 8otlom Row : Roborl Beitz, Hugh O' Neil, Raymond Mergliono, Michael Manning ,

Alexander Ruden. Second Row: Francis Pagano, Thomas Gollo'lher, Francis Herron, Richard Breen, Robert Moron, Joseph Evoncich, George Honhouser, Thomas Elsasser, Abel

loghon, Raymond Kerolis. Third Row : Robert McConn , Joseph laky , William Madden, John Kane, Frederick Riegler, Francis McFadden , George Koen ig, Robert Slroniz, Herbert Swinburne,

Vincent Wolters, Gerold Henderson, Robert Byrnes, Daniel Sandman, Thoma$ Dougherty, John lgoe, Arnold Buben, Anthony Quinto, Stephen Col路

Andrew Schast. Second Row : Michael Connelly, Rob a rt Chesco, James Crowley, Francis Hop~<ins, James Smith, James Donnelly , Georg e Kugler, Peter Reilly , Joseph Minecci. Boltom Row : William Mayor, Joseph Zillig en, lawrence Schenkel, William Ebbecke, Joseph Volk , Francis Junod , Thomas Ronan, James Festa.

George Putr. Third Row: Daniel leinhcisor, Joseph Orlando, Francis Maloney, Joseph Robert Cannon, Michael Bongiorno, Stephen Cook, John Guinan, James Byrnes,

Paul Bothwell. Second Row· David C• ol p, Ronald Wiggins, Jonph Hall, Vincent Vossallusso, Richard Hoster, Robert Riccio, Thomas Quinlin, James Rossi, Patrick McGee. Bottom Row: Fronk Sulzbach, Michael Dealy , Edward Hearn, James Dooley, James Foa, James Pettit, Edward Muntr, laurence Leese, John Correa, Michael Becher.

Owen Maguire , Charles Eckert, Felia Mele, Howard Becker, J. Kevin

Third Row : Thomas MeTeor, Fred Shaughnessy, Stanley Gumula, Robert

Terry Monaghan , Robert Smith, John Meehan, R1chord lafferty.

Top Row: Ivan Juric, John O'Donnell, James Deasey, louis Oswald, William Cashin,


Highest Scholastic Average

Robert Rosemery

Most Activity Minded

Thomas Corrigan



Most Representative William Dick

Best Ath Jete Hugh Brolly

WALTER R. ABBOTT OA 4-1274 St. Francis of Auisi 1 A, 2B, 3B, 4C • . . Scholastic medal 2 .• • Scholastic letter 1, 2, 3 . . . Class vice president 1 . . . Band 1, 2, 3, 4 . • • Glee Club 2, 3 . . • Wisterian 4 .•• The Cab Callaway of the Gym Set . . • Liber Abbot • .• Knuckles O'Toole. 5102 Stenion Ave., 44

LAWRENCE J . BANDURA 392 I Alfred St., 40 St. ladislaus 1 C, 2C, 3C 4B .• . Stage Crew 2, 3, 4 . .• Science Club 4 •.•

Intramural cross country 2 (champs); football 4 ; bowling 4 . . . Backbone of the stage crew • •• A crazy fly boy from the C.A.P• . • • Bandy.

ROBERT W. BATCHEllOR TU 4-9712 2228 Whorton Rd., Glenside St. luke 1 D, 2D, 3A, 4A . • . Science Club 2, 3, 4 . •• La Sci entia 3, 4 louistont editor) . . . Bad man in station wagon • • . Favorite pastime- patrolling the Chesapeake In his cabin cruiser • •• lives in 307.



5656 Miriam Rd., 24


St. Martin of Tours 1 F, 2A, 3C, 4C .• . Intramural basketball 3 ,4 ; football 2,4; cross country 1, 2 ; track 2, 3 . .• Ed Butler's shadow ••• 3 mouse power Chevvy ••• Boston Bean.

MICHAEL P. BOLAND 5 I 7 Chelten Ave., 26

HA 4-7898 St. Helena 1 B, 2A , 3B, 4E . . • Class vice president 3 • . . Class president 4 . . . Student Council 4 .•• Football 2, 4(ll • . • Intramural basketball 3, 4 •• • What color is an Orangutan? ••• Mr. Touchdown ••• Rides around with O'Bie.

JOHN P. BRADLEY 3 I 04 St. Vincent St., 49

DE 3-0988

St. Matthew 1 A, 2C, 3C, 4B • . . Stage Crew 2, 3, 4 • • . Intramural cross country 1, 2 (champs), 3; track 1 (champs), 3, 4; basketball 1, 2, 3, 4 ; football 4 . . . loafing in the Mills • • . Call him Pat • • . Build that ••• House boy.

JOSEPH C. BRADY HA 9~645 Christ the King 1 C, 2F, 30, 4B . . • Student Council 1 • •• Bond 1, 2, 3, 4 •• , Dramatics 3, 4 . . .Wisterian 2, 3 •.• Stage Crew 4 . . • Intramural bowling 2, 3, 4; track 3 . . . Expert on the " Jersey Bounce" •• • The ace on the Bass . . • St. Basil enthusiast.

5 Middlesex Ave., Haddonfield, H . J.

HUGH J . BROLLY 3228 Longshore Ave., 49 DE 3-3666 St. Matthew 1 B, 2D, 3A, 4E ••. Class vice president 3, 4 Football 1, 41ll; basketball 1, 21ll, 31ll, 41ll; track 3, 41ll .•. Intramural football 2 • •• Likes to run but can't ••• Master-passer ••• 15 year old All-American boy.


WilliAM T. BROOKS 508 Bethlehem Pk., Fort Washington Ml 6- I 353 St. Anthony 1 D, 2E, 3A, 4E . . • Clan secretary 3, 4 Football 1, 2, 31ll, 4(l) . • . Intramural basketball 1, 2 (champs), 4; track 2 (cha mps) •.• Smile, Bill ••• Goes steady with a yellow Bu ick • • • Football player deluxe.


5242 Castor Ave., 24

JE 5-8323 St. Martin of Tours 1 A, 2C, 3C, 411 •.• Band 1, 2, 3, 4 . . . Intramural baskelball 1; football 2 . . • A gone Marine ••• "Gyrene" 1 SS3691 ••• Bruce.


987 Harrison St., 24

DE 6-6972 St. Martin of Tou rs 3D,. 4E . . • Intramural bowling 3, 4 • . . Junior Achievement Refugee from Pittsburgh . • • Bra in In Economics • • • Which one, Brother?

JOSEPH J . BURKE 631 I Menhon St., 49

JE 3-7225 St. Timothy 1 F, 211, 311, 4E • • • Scholastic letter 1 , 2 • • . Clan secretary 1 • • • Intramural football 2, 4 ; basketball 1 , 2, 3, 4 ; bowling 1 (champs), 3 (chomps! . . • Rival of Howdy Doody , •• High scorer of the 12-14 year old league when he was only 1 S years old ••• Dimples.

EDMUND P. BUTLER 107 E. Gowen Ave., 19

CH 7-6054 Holy Cross 1 F, 2A, 3C, 4C ••• Scholastic letter 1, 2 ••. Clan vice president 1 •• , Science Club 1, 2 •.. Intramural track 1; football 2 ; basketball 3 •.• Terror of Highway 101 .•• Crazy over d ramatics • . • One of Bert's boys.


67 I 6 Cornelius St., 38

WA 4-1535 St. Athanaslus 1 C, 2C, 3E, 4D ••• Science Club ••. Designs warships ••• Navy man ••. Bow ties ••• You don't know , do you?

DAVID P. CAMPBELL 104 Gillin Rd., Ambler

Mitchell 6-60 I 3 St. Joseph 1 D, 211, 3D, 411 ••• Dramatics 3, 4 • • • Glee Club 3, 4 • • • Cheerleadlng 41ll . . • Track 3, 4(ll . • . Intramural bowling 1; football 1, 2, 4 ; cross country 3, 4 •.• Stunt man for the cheer leaders ••• St. Basil man ••. Excels In English.

JOHN T. CAMPIIEU 505 "rmouth Rd., Glens ide Tumer 6~214 St. Luke 1 E, 2F, 3A, 4A . . . Scholastic letter 2 • Science Club 1, 2, 3, 4 • Art Club 1, 2, 3, 4 . • . Wisterlan 2, 3, 4 . . . Plump one •.• Brother Stephen's pol , •• loves lighting gas Jets.


Top Row:

Bottom Row: JOHN F. CASTEllA


6537 N. Second St., 26

WA 4-7666

St. Joseph, Cheltenham 1 D, 2C, 3E, 4B . . . Benilde Club 4 . . • Color guard 2 . . . Prom Committee 3, 4 . . Blue and Gold . . . IRC . . . Intramural bowling 1, 4; track 3; cross country 1 • . . Robs drugstores in disguise . . . Call him Jaime . . . Did your totals balance?

198 W. Sparks St., 20


205 Harrison Ave., Glenside

TU 4-4214

St. luke 1 F, 20, 30, 4B . . . Intramura l basketball 2, 4; track 1 , 2 , 3; football 2, 4 • . . lives on local corner . . The pessimist at all sports .•• Specs match his hair.

WA 4 -0843

St. Helena 1 A, 2B, 38, 4E . . . Intramural bowling 1, 2, 3 (champs) ; football 2, 4 !champs); track 1, 2 lchampsl, 3 . . . Blue and Gold . Inflated piua pie . . . Where' s my car? . . . Best dressed.


5345 Large St., 24

Jl' 5-2523

St. Martin of Tours 1 C, 2A, 3B, 4E . . Scholastic letter 1 . . . Band 2, 3, 4 Intramural football 4 lchampsl . . . Cot . . . One of the big three . .. Clarinetist deluxe,

KEVIN E. CAREY 2 I 53 Hamor St., 38

Ll 9-4508 St. Athanasius 1 E, 2C, 3C, 4A . . . Scholastic letter 2, 4 . . . Band 1, 2, 3, 4 . . . German Club 4 . . . IRC . . . Prom Committee 4 . • . Blue and Gold . . . Cr•w 2,31ll, 41ll . . . Intramural cross country 2; football 2, 4; bowling 3, 4 . . . Ten rounds with Helwig . . . Pickets the barbershop . • . Hunts with a beagle.

RONALD J. CHRZANOWSKI 3228 Cedar St., 34 2A, 3B, 4E . last name? . North game.

St. Adalbert Benilde Club 4 ••. How do you pronounce that Sam . . . Ex-Falcon . • • . lost a bundle on the


GL S-7405 Holy Child 1 C, 2A, 3B, 4E . . . Glee Club 4 .•. Benilde Club 4 . Intramural basketball 1 fchampsl 2, 3, 4; football 4 . . . Mitchell 's shadow • . . Tops in intramurals •.• Maitre d 'hote at Sunken Gardens.

IllS Windrim Ave., 41


RICHARD A. COLTON 403 Central Ave., North Hills TU 6-7051 Queen of Peace 1 E, 2B, 3A, 4E . . . Scholastic letter 2 . . . Intramural cross country 2 fchampsl • . . Wizard . . . Speedy Rich . • . Terror of 6 trolley.


826 f. StoRord St., 38

Immaculate Conception 1 8, 2C , 3A, 4A . . . Scholastic medal 1 . Scholastic letter 1 . . President 1 . . . Student Council 1 Track 2 . . . Pegged khakis . • . Whiz kid of Germantown . Ookie.



44 Smoketree Rd ., Levittown

WI 5-1817 Queen of the Universe 1 F, 28, 3C, 4C . . • Scholastic letter 1 . . Preside nt 1, 2, 4 ; vice president 3 .. . Bond 1 . . . Dramatics 4 . .. Student Council 1, 2, 3, 4 . . . Prom Committee 3 , 4 • . . Secretory of Student Council 2 . . . Vice president of Student Council 3 •• , Wisterian 3, 4 . .. Gl ee Club 4 • . • Cross country 2, Jill , 41ll .. Intramural basketball 1; track 1, 2, 3 •. Junior Achievement • •• Casua l ••• Gimp ..• Ask to see his snappy teeth so white.

J. RUSSELL CULLEN I Lodges Lone, Cynwyd St. 1 B, 20, 30, 48 . . . Science 1, 2, 3, 4; football 2, 4; t ra ck college . . . loves LSC food .

Wf 4-4896 Matthias Club 1 . Intramural basketball 1, 2; cron country 1, 3 . . . Pushing . . Ocean City in summer.

JOHN V. CURLEY Ill f. Durham St., 19

CH 7-5329

Holy Cross 18, 2E, 3E, 40 •• • Football 1, 2, 3 . . . Intramural basketball 2 ; track 3 . . , Has a real gone '41 . . . Intramural star .•• Wizard in mechanical drawing.

Tickle, tickle.

FRANCIS C. DEALY 3-4151 20 49th St., Seo hit City , N. J. St. Joseph 2A, 38, 4E . . . Science Club 3, 4 . . . Prom Committee 3, 4 • . . Wisterlon 3 , 4 .. . Stoge Crew 4 •.• lo Scientio 3 , 4 . . . Cross country 41ll . . . lntromurol bowling 2, 3, 4 ; ! ro ck 2, 3 , 4; footboll 2; cross country 2, 3 . . . Junior Achievement . . . Anchor mon on cross country loom •. . Stoys up oi l night thinking of questions to osk Brother Stephen. THOMAS V. DEAN

8557 Willi oms Ave., I 9 St. Roymond 1 D, 2D, 3E, 4 • . . lntromurol football 4; bowling 4 Committee 3 , 4 . . . louro 's fudge . . • Hi, there . • smiling before o mirror for this picture.

CH 8-2248

•. Prom Procticed


u 8-5441 little Flower 1 C, 2A, 3C, 4C . Scholostic letter 1 , 2, 3 , 4 • . Vice president 1 President 2 • • . Secretory 4 . . Glee Club 1, 2 , 3, 4 Wlsterion 3, 4 . . . Stu dent Council 2 Prom Committee 3, 4 . . . Footboll 1, 2, 3, 4{ll . • . lntromurol trock 1, 2, 3, 4 . . . Collegiote dress . • . Mount St. Joseph's fon . . . Lukie . . . Weors o belt in the bock. 1211 E. Cordezo St., 19

WILLIAM J. DIAMOND sr 2-0849 326 W . Jefferson St., 22 St. Michoel 1 E, 2C, 3C, 48 . . . Bond 1, 2, 3 , 4 Bowling 1, 2, 3, 41ll . . . lntromurol footboll 2 , 4 . . . Sparkles .• . Ploys hot sox .•• On o diet . . . One of the originol cosuols.

WILLIAM J. DICK Holiday Form, Uwchland, Po. GLenview 8·5292 1C, 2C, 3C, 4A • . • Scholastic letter 1 • • • Secretary 1 . . . VIce president 2 . . . President 3, 4 •.• President of Student Council, 4 . . . . Football 1, 2(LI, 3(LJ, 4(LJ • • . Track 1, 2, 3, 4(LI • • • Intramural basketball 1 (champs), 2, 4 ; bowling 2 •• . Navy man (USNRJ • . • Well you see, there was Navy reserve last night • • • Chief executive.

JOHN B. DIGAN 931 Woodland Ave., Sharon Hill FA 6·8506 Holy Spirit 1B, 2C, 3C, 4C .•• Bowling 3, 4(LJ ••. Intramural basketball 1, 2, 3, 4; football 2, 4; bowling 2 . . • Yo, Simpson . • • Crazy hots ••. Rocky.


7508 Lorello Ave., I I

PI 2·0188 Resurrection 1 A, 2E, 3A, 4B • . . Scholastic letter 2 ••• Secretary 1 • . . Crou country 2 ••. Intramural basketball 1, 2 (champs), 3 (champal, 4 • • . Mechanical drawing wizard • • . Steve's cousin • • • Asks intelligent questions.

DONALD J. Dl PIETRO I 527 Ma yland St., 38

Ll 9-2958 St. Athanasius 1 D, 2E, 3A, 4A •••. Scholastic medal 2 . Cross country 2, 3(LI, 4(LI • . . Track 2, 3, 4(LJ . . . Digs ditches during the summer . . . McFadden's shadow . . • Cross country encyclopedia.


JOHN P. DONNELLY 5643 Arbor St., 20

Ml 4-5081

St. Ambrose 11, 2D, 3D, 4C • • Band 1, 2, 3, 4 ••• Crew 1, 2, 4 ••• Drives a '49 Buick • • . I got the cor today • . . White bucks and pegs.

618 Redor St., 28

IV 3-3239 St. Mary's Assumption 18, 2D, 3E, 4D . • Intramural boaketball 1, 2, 3; football 2, 3; cross country 1, 2, 3 . . . Golf 1, 2, 3 ••• Cool clothes ••• '41 Ford with Caddy under the hood . • . Aw right, who took the (et? .•• The squirrel.


6 I 52 Argyle St., I I


St. William 1 C, 2F, 3A, 4B ••• Tennis 1, 21ll . .• Intramural football 3, 4 ; baaketboll 2, 3 lchampsl, 4 . . . likes Jan • . . Scranton's pal ••. Why don't you gel a crew cut, Frank.

cu 8-8938 St. Martin of Tours 1 D, 2E, 3D, 4B •.. Debotirtg 3 ..• Intramural bowling 1, 2, 3, 4; track 3, 4 ••• CAP . . • Party man . . • Always has his head in the clou ds . . . Navy man. I 505 Senner St., 49

DAVID T. ESPENSHADE TU 4·-3426 300 Brookdale Ave., Glenside St. luke 1 E, 2F, 3D, 40 • . . Intramural bowling 1, 2, 3; football 2, 4; basketball 3, 4 . . • Boy with ding dong bell . . • Always seen at St. John's dance . . . Mayor of Glenside.

J. RAYMOND FITZPATRICK 600 Twiclcenham Rd., Glenside TU 4-4485 St. luke 1 F, 2C, 3C, 4A . • • Scholastic letter 1, 2, 4 . • . Science Club 2, 3, 4 . . . Tennis 1, 2, 31ll, 41ll . . . Intramural football 2, 4; cross-country 1, 2, 3 (champs); basketball 1, 2, 3 .•• likes to ride in MG's • • . Imitates Gillespie . . . Member of white bucks club •.. Fitz.


u 9-0356

5503 Mascher St., 20

Incarnation 1 A, 2F, 3E, 4A . . Intramural cross-country 1 ; basketball 1 ; track 3 . . . loves his '53 Ford . . • Speedy . . . Trys to be a hot rodder . . . Hates spinach . • . Bosque.

EDWARD T. FORTE 624 I Ogontz Ave., 4 I

Ll 8-1784

St. Benedict I A, 2B, 3B, 4B ••• Wister ian 4 • . • Crew 2, 31ll, 41ll • • • Intramural cross-country 3; basketball 3, 4 • • . Summer oarsman ••• Elbow• . • . Reaps rides from Rice.

BERNARD A. FLANNERY 71 Manheim St., 44

TE 9-741 I St. Francis of Assisi 1 F, 2D, 3A, 4B •.• Art Club I, 2, 3 •.• Intramural cross-country 1 •.. Tex •.. Energy ••. laughs at Simpson.

JAMES M. FOLEY 3902 Nethertield Rd., 29

VI 4-4671 St. Bridget 1 A, 2A, 3B, 4E . • . Band 2, 3, 4 •.• Glee Club 1 .•• Blue and Gold ••• Bowling 3, 41ll . . . Intramural bowling 1, 2; football 4 . . . Summers at Ocean City ••. Hot man on the drums ..• Captures burglars.

RAYMOND F. FRANKSON MA 4-4483 6519 Torresdafe Ave., 35 St. leo 1 C, 2C, 3A, 4C • • • Class president 3; vice president 4 • • • Student Council 3, 4 •.. Football 1, 2(ll, 3(ll, 4(ll . . . Intramural bashtball 1 (champs), 2, 3 lchampsl, 4 • . . Rock n' roll music • . • All the way, Ray •.• Wears TM's.

PETER W. FREY 4205 Chippendale Ave., 36 DE 3-3798 St. Bernard 10, 20, 3E, 4B . . Class vice president 2 . . • Science Club 2 . • • Blue and Gold . • . Intramural track 3 . . • Reads ghost stories to keep his hair on edge ••• You try to pull a fast one, boy •.• You don't even give regular credit.

EDWARD J. 6651 Crowson St., I 9 LiHi e 1D, 2E, 3E, 4D . • . Intramural t.otball 2 lchampsl, 4 . . . Got a lloclcey team •• . Short stuff.



TE 9-8684 Flower basketball 1, 2 lchamps), 3, 4 ; weed? •• . Watches Saint Basil' s

I 220 W. York St., 33

8A 9-2251 Our l ady of Mercy 1 A, 211, 3B, 4C • • . l and 1, 2, 3, 4 • • . Dance band 3, 4 •.• Turtle . • . Goes a round with MoJo and Kilpatrick • • • Blows a mean clarinet.



1122 Devon St., I 8

Our Mother of Consolation 111, 2F, 3E, 4D • •. Football 1 , 2, 3 , 41ll • Track 1, 2, 3 , 4 •• • Intramural basketball 1 . •• Mainstay of Watertower • • • What colo r Is this, Tom? ••• Guapo.



H67 f01rest Ave., 38


St. Athanasius

11, 2F, 3A, 411 . • • Class vice president 2 • . • Crew 1 • • • hollloll manager 3, 41ll • • . Intramural bowling 1, 2 • • • Junior Achievement •.. Bicycle Bill ••• Mickey Mouse ••• No champion· .W, without Bill.

I 3 0 2 Chelten Ave., 26

HA 4-7874 Holy Angels lE, 2E, 3E, 4D ••• Intramural football 4 . • . You should have heard the cool record I heard on Rock and Roll last night Let's g el a cup of coffee ••. Hey, Brother.

CLIFF M. GILLESPIE 616 Twichnha m Rd., Glenside TU 7-3245 St. luke 1 B, 2E, 3A, 4E . . • Bond 1, 2, 3 . . . Prom CommiHee 3, 4 • • . Blue and Gold . • . IRC . . . Tennis 21ll, 31LI, 41 ll • . . Intramural basketba ll 1, 2 lchampsl, 3 lchampsl, 4; football 2 lchampsl, 4 !champs); track 1, 2 lchampsl, 3, 4; cross country 2, 3; bowling 1, 4 •. CYO . . . Gloss-eyed gunner ••. Member of white bucks club ••. Stone Harbor-Ocea n City commuter.



5925 Reach St., 20

PI 5-5903

St. William 1F, 2D, 3D, 411 • . . Intramural basketball 1 , 2, 3 • • Has o HOT '41 Ford that burns up the rood .•• Gum chewer .•• Ronks Sgro.

GL 5-6978 Incarnation 111, 2E, 3E, 4D . . . Basketball 1, 2 ••• Intramural basketball 3, 4 ••. Got a pool? .•• Goes around with Speedy •.• Moe. 51 10 N. Third St., 20


JAMES GOODYEAR 846 Cathedral Rd., 25 IV 2-5506 Immacu late Heorl of Ma ry 1F, 28, 3D, 4C • . . Religion medal 1 . . . Closs secretory 1 . . . Treasurer 2 .•• Prtsldent 3 . . . Stud ent Council 3 . . . Football 21U, 31LJ, 41l) . • . Int ramural basketball 1, 2, 3, 4; track 1, 2, 3; cross country 1, 2 • . . Prom committee 3, 4 life-guard at Marble Hall . . . The man ':ith the pla ster of paris leg . . . The red-haired freckle.

VINCENT J. GREELY 6211 Mascher St., 20

Ll 8-1759 St. Helena 1 F, 2D, 3A, 4A . Scho last ic medal 2 . . . Works ol the Penn Fruit os o cashier . . . Horace •. . Mortimer"s buddy . • . Model plane ent husiast.

PAUL X. GRAYCE 364 Dowson St., 28


St. Josopho t 1 D, 2C, 3C, 4A ••. Algebra Aword 1, 3; Chemistry Aword 3 .•• Scholastic letter 1, 2, 3, 4 ..• Science Club 2, 3, 4 .•• lo Sci entia 3, 4 !editor) . . . Glee Club 2, 3. 4 • . . Dramatics 2, 4 • . • Golf 4 . . . Intramura l bowling 1; football 4 Tennis 2, 31U . . . . . Dark glosses ••. Man with o new ford .. . Snow White.

5807 Chew St., 38

GE 8-3060 Immaculate Conception 18, 2E, 3E, 4D ••• Intramural track 3 !chomps) Con Guckovo n d rive? . . . Goes around w ith Dunphy and Todd . . . Perpetua lly dormont.


ALAN P. HAGERTY II 9 f. Mermaid La., I 8

CH 7-0119

Holy Cross lA, 2F, 3D, 4C . . . Intramural bowling 2 ; track 3 ; basketball 3 . . . likes basketball . . . little Hag .•. Man with the harsh voice.

THOMAS P. HAGGERTY HO 2-8619 26 I 8 S. Rosewood St., 45 lA, 28; 3C, 4C . . • Class treasurer 3 . . . Prom committee 3 , 4 . . . Basketball 4 1ll . . • Crew 2 , 31ll, 41ll . . . lntromurol basketball 1, 2 ; trock I ; uoss country I , lchampsl, 2 (champs), 3 lchompsl; bowling I ; football 2 , 4 . . . Dancing with goils . . . Composer of

PI 5-6330 Resurrection I C, 2E , 3A, 4B . . . Airplane uazy . . . Goes oround with Seibel and Scott . . . Blushes. I 823 E.


St., I I

CHARLES J. HALFPENNY 3 I I W. Rock/and St ., 20

Gl 5-5132


I B, 2D, 3E, 48 . . . Band I , 2 , 3 , 4 • . . Intramural track 3 . • • He y, Ph il, gat the Span•sh? . . . French horn . . . Only Junior at the senior prom . . . Mediocentovo.

Haggitch . • . Auf Deutsch, Bille.

Heading for the assembly.

A. CARl J. HElWIG TU 4-09JJ 628 Twlckenhom Rd., Glenside St. luke 1 C, 2C, JC, 4A • . • Scholastic letter 1, 2, 4 . • . Crew 2, Jill , 41ll . . . IRC ••• Intramural cross country 1, .2. J Ichomps); football 2, 4; basketball 2, J, 4 • • . CYO basketball • • . Moose . • . How do you get this thing out of second?

THOMAS A. HENNESSEY 2012 Simpson Ave., Ocean Clly, N.J. J508-W St. Augustine 10, 2B, JO, 4C . . • Benllde Club J, 4 Wiste rian 4 • . • Prom committee J, 4 . • • Crew 1, 2, JILl, 4 1ll . . • Intram ura l cross country 1, 2 Ichamps), J; football 2, 4; basketball 1, 2 • . Fn1stroted lifeguard ••• Got o letter for wo rk in ca feteria • • . White bucks forever.

WILLIAM P. HENRY 427 E. Alien s La., 19

CH 7-4 454 Holy Cross 1 D, 2C, JA, 4A • • . Schola stic letter 1, 2 . • . Vice president 4 ••• Stude nt council 4 . . . Football 3, 41LJ . . • Intramural bowling 1 ; track 1, 2, 3; cro u country 2; basketball 3 (chomps!, 4 ; football 2 .. • Weight lifte r .•• Womon k ille r •• . Striking resemblance between him and his brothe r.

SAMUEl M. J. HERB 4757 C. St., 20

DA 4 -J9J2 St. Ambrose 1 0 , 2C, 3C, 4A • . . Band 2 . • . Science Club 3 , 4 ••• Art Club 4 ••• IRC . • • Intramural bowling 2, 3 • . . Junior Achie vement • • • Cllvedon Model R. R. Club • • • Sam • . • Most likely to be d e railed ••• Greate r w inker.



DE 3-6659

3402 Ryan Ave., J6

St. Matthew 1 E, :IF, JE, 40 . • • Benilde Club 4 ••• Football 1, 2, JILl, 41ll •.. Ba~ketboll 1, 2, J, 41LI •.• Track 1, 2, Jill, 4 1l l . •. Intramural frock 1 lchompsl • . • Big Benny • • . Neve r la te • . • Ace • • • Smokey.

HA 4-6158 St. Athonosius 1 B, 20, 30, 4B • •• Baseball 41ll . • • Intramural football 1, 2, 4 ; basketball 1, 2, 3 , 4 ; bowling J •• . Ploys guitar • .• Is this a compou, Mr. Gallagher? •• • Buddy-buddy with Joe Sgro •• • Dos. 7206 Ume kiln Pk. , J8

JOSEPH W. HEYER 6221 N. Howard St., 20


St. Helena 1 E, :IF, JE, 4B . . . Basketball 2, JILl, 41 ll Baseball J ill, 41ll . . . Intramural football 2, 4 • . • Shots ot A and Chomplost . • • Parties at Dunphy's •.• Quiet man ••• Smiley.

49JJ N . 17th St., 41 1 B, 2E, 3E, 40 . . Basketball 1, 2, 3 , track 1, J lchompsl Hoppy •. . Pools J ,

Ml 4 -2258 Holy Child • Be nilde Club . . • Football Jill, 41U • • • 41Ll ••• Baseball JILl, 4(l) • • • Intramural ••. Really came through when It counted . • • 4.


u 8-0972 St. Helena 1 E, 2A, 3B, 4E . • • Glee Club 2, 3 . . . Dramatics 3 ••. Intramural bowling 2; track 3; cross country 3 . . • Canidy, Mitchell and Horan .•• Always at Lo Solie donees on Saturday nights • • • Yearns for his old neighborhood. I 12 W. Chew Ave., 20


u 8-7688 St. Raymond 1F, 2B, 3E, 4C . •• Art Plaque 3 •.• Band 1 •.. Art Club 2, 3, 4 • • • Prom Committee 3 • . • Rembrandt . • . Bucky's buddy • • • Never w ithout his blue cashmere sweater . . . Another Fred Astaire. I I 54 E. Slocum St., I 9

J . ANTHONY HUNT 5060 City Line Ave., 3 I

GR 7-8736 St. Barbaro 1 F, 2A, 3C, 4C • • • Benild e Club 1, 2, 3 , 4 • • . Science Club 2 •.• Track manager 1, 2 ••• Cross country 2 •.• Intramural bowling 1; basketball 3; football 2 • . . Milt the coffee man ••• Wonts to know what the Blue and Gold says about him • • • J.A.

AlBERT C. HURLBRINK 7238 N. 21st St., 38

WA 4-0982 St. Athonosius 1 B, 2D, 3D, 4C ••• Cheerleader 4 . . • Swimming 1 ••• Intramural bowling 3; track 3; football 4, cross country 1 ••• Famous cheer• leader • • . Still waiting for swimming !tom • • • Always needs o haircut ••• Seen with Wiest.

JOHN J. JAMES 2128 Em•rson St.. I 5

MA of·5140 Resurrection 1 F, 2E, 3A, 4A .• . Intramural bowling 1, 2; football 2 lchompsl, 4 ; basketball 1 , 2 lchampsl, 4 ; track 2 (champs), 4 •.• Blue and Gold ••• Drnel bound .•. You're going to get rapped in the mouth • •• Chemist ntroordlnary.

.. JOHN F. KEEGAN U6 Blythe Ave., Drexel Hill su 9-4018 St. Dorothy 1 E, 2B, 3D, 4A • . • VIce president 1 • . . Secretory 2, 3 • •• Benilde Club 2, 3, 4 ••• Football 1 . • • Crew 2, 3, 41Ll • • • Intramural bowling 1 lchampsl, 2, 3; cross country 1, 2 lchompsl , 3 ; basketball 1, 2, 3, 4; track 1 (champs), 2, 3 ••• Bonus Aires ••• Silent partner in the Rustic Gordens .•• One of the Newt Twins.

JOSEPH V. KELLY 6532 Chew St., I 9

GE 8-2805 Utile Flower 1 A, 2F, 3E, 4D ••• Secretary-treasurer 1, 2, 3, 4 •.• Football 1 , 2 . • . Intramural basketball 2, 3, 4 ; bowling 2; football 2, 4 ; track 2, 3 •.• Baseb.all's gift to the Kansas City A's ••• Star In lntramurals .•• Wears his homeland's colors.

FRANCIS A. KILPATRICK 1421 W . Wyoming Ave., 40 GL 5-5706 Holy Child 1 A, 28, 38, 4D •• . Ph lilies' fan ••• The quiet man ••• Hangs at Dave's • . • Lollipop kid.


Bottom Row:


1 C, 2B, 3E, 4B . . . First loeutenont of bond 4

Bond 1 , 2, 3, 4 •.. Debating 1 .•. Intramural cross country 2, 3 . . . '47 Dodge . . . Pride of the tuba section . . • Nice boots . . . I don't think that's right, Brother.

MICHAEL T. LAWLOR DA 4-7446 5 132 N. Sydenhom St., 4 1 Holy Child 1 C, 2C, 3C, 4A . , • Scholastic letter 1 • . • Blue and Gold . • • German Club 4 . , , Glee Club 3 . • . Intramural basketball 1 (chomps!, 2, 3 , 4 ; football 4 ; cross country 1 , 2, 3 lchompsl; track 1, 2 .•• Dusty Lawl or •.• Hey, Jerry, where are my troops?

RICHARD J . LABOWSKIE Coshohocken 6-0406 201 E. 5th Ave., Conshohocken St. Matthew 2A, 3B, 4D .•. Latin Award 3 .. . Spanish Award 3 . •• Scholastic letter 3 . •• Bond 2 , 3, 4(Ll . . . Track 2, 3, 4 • . . Intramural cron country 3; track 3 . . . Mountain climbing In Colorado . . . Watch those bulls . . . Wash rag kid ••• Ho ngs around with Jules .

JOHN F. LEDW ITH CH 7-7286 7 31 8 Germantown A ve., 19 Holy Cross 1 C, 2B, 3A, 4E .. , Tennis 3, 41ll . . . IRC Intramural football 4 (champs!; bowling 1, 2; basketball 4 . • Holds all-time dish breaking record ••• Barney Oldfield II . . . MG . • • Gillespie's peer at tenni s.

TE 9-0869

944 E. Haines St., 38

Immaculate Conception



5537 N. Filth St ., 20

9 -3455

Incarnation 1 B, 2F, 3E, 40 . . • Bond 1, 2, 3, 4 . . . Prom committee 3, 4 ••. Intramural cron country 2, 3 ; track 2, 3 . •• FBI man • . . Seen ot La Salle doncu • •• Kids lou Von Parys about his Mr. B collars.


WA 4-7975 St. Benedict 1 D, 2D, 3A, 4C . . , Prom Committee 3, 4 . • • Tells his beard to look at the razor a nd that's it , , Branda . . . Ambition in life was to be Marilyn Monr~e·s hairdresser. 1632 Church lo., 4 I

JOHN M. LAVELLE 1510 Yerhs St., 19



9 -4680

Little Flower 1 F, 2A, 3B, 4E . . . Scholastic letter 2 . • . Vice- pre sident 2 . •. Football 1, 2, Jill, 41ll .. . Crew 2 • . . Intramural cross country 1, 2; track 1, 2 . . • Gets kidded by O'Bie about his cente rs ••• Jollin' Jock • .. Tons of fun.

4639 Umbria St ., 2 7

St. ladislaus 1 C, 2C, 3C, 4A . • . Schola stic medal 1 . . . Intramural cross country 2; footba ll basketball 3, 4 . . . Sports at Hillside do w e hove for ho mework? . . . Normie's

.• Scholastic letter 1, 2 4; bowling 4; tra ck 3; playground • • • What best friend.

ROBERT W. LYONS 304 Toledo Ave., Westmont, N. J. Collingswood 5·2272 Holy Saviour 1 D, 2A, 3C, 4C . . . Scholastic letter 1, 2, 3 . . . Debating 1, 2 . . • Dramatics 2, 3, 4 . • • Wlsterion 1, 2, 3, 4 ••• FootbaiJ manager 1 •.• Science Club 4 . . . Intramural bowling 1, 2, 3, 4; track 1 .•• Oscar winner of '65 .•• Amiable Bob . •• Scoop.


5335 Tabor Rd., 20



St. Ambrose Intramural basketball 1, 2 (chomps), 3, 4 1E, 2E, 3A, 4B • . ..• Newt .•. Block denim trousers • .• Prize English student • • . Headed for Drexel.


450 Vernon Rei., 19

little Flower 1B, 2D, 3D, 4B •.• Secretary-treasurer 4 Intramura l basketball 2, 4 ••. Boulder John ••. Smuggles Serutan to people under 35 • • • Conservative.


2432 751h Ave., 38

HA 4-3796

St. Athanaslus 1 D, 2E, 3A, 4A . Intramural football 2 (champs), 4 • • • Hot wheels ••• Can he do 108? ••• Downie.


3469 Midvale Ave., 29

TE 9-2382 Saini Bridget 1 E, 2A, 3B, 4E • . . Band corporal 1; sergeant 2; lieutenant 3; captain and president 4 . • . Band 1, 2, 3, 4 ••• Student Council 2, 4 . . • Crew 2, 31ll, 41ll • •. Intramural football 4; basketball 2, 4 . . • Sleeps with his crew letter ••• Bashful ••• Fan of St. Mary's • . . Tony. DONALD B. McCOY 5263 Roosevelt Blvd., 24 JE 5-8554 St. Martin of Tours 1 F, 2E, 3E, 4D ••. Glee Club 1, 2, 3, 4 • Wisterian 4 • . . Blue ond Gold . . . Cross country 2 . • . Intramural bowling 1, 2; basketball 3 , 4; cross country 1, 3; track 1, 3 .•• Works oil hours In Wildwood In summer • . . Rock and Roll kingdom • . • Great businessman with his taxi service.

THOMAS F. McGINN Franklyn Garden Apts. SA Chew St. and Washington Lane, 38 VI 4·6980 Little Flower 1 D, 2F, 3D, 4B •• • Benilde Club 2 •.. Basketball manager 2, 31Ll, 41ll • • • Intramural basketball 1, 2, 3, 4; football 2, 4; cross country 1, 2; track 2, 3; ••• Tremendous ••. Did you learn those pipes? ••• Rock Rlcche:ua's pal.

LEO A. J. McKEEVER 1675 E. Cheltenham Ave., 24 OE 6·7640 St. Martin of Tours 1 E, 28, 3E, 4D . . • Glee Club 1, 2, 3, 4 Intramural track . Wants to be coiled (ee • • • Fanatic Democratic 3 !champs! • •• Writes his father's speeches.

IC's classical background is enriched by Brother Emilian. J OSEPH J. MALIZIA


3208 Collman Ave., 49

St. Matthew 1 F, 21, 3A, 4E •.• Scholastic medal 3 .•• llen ilde Club 1 • •• Track 2, 3 , , . Intramural crou country 1, 2, 3; basketball 1 , 2 ; bowling 1; football 2 ; track 1 , 2 •• , Dan ci ng , , • Rhythm and blues music . • . The Davy Crockett of 8th period physiu • • • Slide rule Joe.

IRA A. MAJO 3461 Tilden St., 29

GE 8-6689

St. Bridget 1F, 28, 38, 4C . Bond 1 . . . Science Club 2 •• . Art Club 1, 2, 3 . . . Intramural bowling 1 (chomps!, 2 . • . Ground Observtr Corps . . Biological whiz • , • Our notion' s secu rity depends on him.

443 E. Haines St., 44

TE 9-4683

Holy Rosary 18, 2F, 3E, 40 • . . Vice president 3, 4 Student Council 4 . • . Football 2 , Jill, 4 1ll . . • Baseball 21Ll, Jill, 41ll • Intramural ba sketba ll 3, 4 . . . Saw Viva Zapata 11 times ••• Golden toe . . . Wo nt o chance?

DONALD A. MECKLING HA 7241 Pittsville Ave., 26 Holy Angels 1 A, 2E, 3E, 4D . • . Glee Club 1 , , • Dromatiu 2, 3, Intramural ba sketball 1, 2, 3, 4; football 1, 2, 3, 4 , John's dances ..• Depends on his hot '49 Pontiac .•• Good

4-2968 4 • . • . . St. dreuer.

Senior stroll.

DONALD J. MIGNOGNA MA 4-7618 3144 Cottman Ave., 49 St. Matthew 11, 2F, 3D, 4D • • • Baseball 31ll, 41ll • Intramural basketball 1, 2, 3, 4; football 1 • • • May break down and wash the car •• • loves chemistry ••. Pitcher extraordinary.

JULI AN V. MIRAGLIA 528 Fayette St., Consl!ol!oclcen co 6-2715 Ss. Cosmos and Domion 1 A, 2B, 3C, 4E ••• Athletic director 4 • . . Cheerleader 4 • • • Blue and Gold 4 • . . Golf 3, 41ll • • . Intramural bowling 2, 3 lchompsl, 4 ; football 2, 4 (c homps); basketball 1, 2, 3, 4 (chomps); track 2, 3, 4 ; cross country 2 lchompsl, 3 ••• Tops on the totem polo • • • Little Caesar • . • Jules. JOHN A. MITCHELL

JOHN W. MILBURN 3014 Mogeo St., 49

DE 8-4539

St. Timothy lA, 2A, 3B, 4E ••. Track 2 •• • Boaeboll 31Ll, 41Ll •• Intramural basketball 1, 2, 3, 4; bowling 3 (chomps); football 2, 4 (chomps) ••• Dukes • •• Hongs around with Dimples . . . What o Iough!

JOHN J. MONAGHAN •212 Griscom St., 24

JE 5-4726

St. Joachim 1C, 20, 3E, 4D • • Band 1, 2, 3, 4 Basketball 1 • • • Intramural basketball 2, 3; football 2, 3; t rack 2, 3 . . • First lieutenant of bond ••• Hot lips .•• Stops at Vice Principal's office lltfwe coming to Religion .•• Seen with Wock.

JAMES J . MORRISSEY, JR. U22 Wo/1/nglon Sf., 49 DE 2-C445 St. Matthew 1C, 2E, 3A, 4A ••• Intramural basketball 1 (chomps)., 2 lchampsl, 4; bowling 1, 2; football 2 (chomps); cross country 1 ••• Drives a hot Iuick ••• Lot's have Harry James .•. Frequents Koch's.

532 I N. Comac St., 4 I

Ml 4-1809 Holy Child 1 C, 2A, 3B, 4E • • . Scholastic Iotter 1 • • . Glee Club 2, 3, 4 ••• Benilde Club 4 ••• Bluo and Gold ••• Intramural basketball 1 lchompsl, 2, 4 ; football 2, 4; cross country 1 . . . Tears up Control's Hill at 8 :44 P.M. . . • Lawlor, Cassidy, and Mitchell • . . tsauo profunda.

JOHN W. MORTIMER, JR. Ll 8-1675 5746 N. Foirl!ill Sf., 20 St. Holona 1 D, 2F, 3D, 4A . . . Intramural track 2, 3; bcuketboll 3 ••• Goes through stop signs . •• Just coli him Snord .•• Rock a nd Roll.

BRIAN H. MOSS OR 3-8199 St. Christopher 1D, 20, 3D, 4C , , President 2 • , • Student Council 2 • • • Basketball 31Ll, 4 1Ll ••• Goes to college cafeteria dolly . . . "Tho Moose" • . . Romor's b est friend . County IJne Rd., 16


CHARLES G. MUIR East Lo. ond Jorden Rd., 18 WH 8-0982 Seven Dolors 1 E, 2B, 3B, 4C . . . library aide 1 ••. Prom Committee 3, 4 •. Art Club 4 • . likes horses . • • Part time stable boy • . What an artist!

RAYMOND MULLEN 119 Hil/dole Rd.

MA 5-2058 St. Joseph, Cheltenham 1 A, 2A, 3B, 4E . Scholastic letter 1 . . Swimming 1 • . • Baseball 3 . . . Intramural basketball 1, 2 . . . track 1, 2 . . . football 2 . . . life guard at Spring lake . . . Bad luck playing football •.• Are we going to have a swimming team this year, Brother?

CHARLES A. MURRAY 3245 Wellington St., 49

DE 3-9655 St. Matthew IB, 2E, 3E, 4D . • • Class president 3, 4 • . . Football 2, 3, 41ll ••. Basketball 2, 3 . • . Talk it up for president, O'Bie . Ace's best buddy . • • Who said that? ••• Jolly Cholly.

CHARLES J. O'BRIEN 9807 Woodfern Rd., IS

OR 3-5214 Malernit'( B.V.M. 1A, 2E, 3E, 4B . . • Typing award • • • Vice president 4 • . • Student Council 4 ••• Blue and Gold . . . Basketball 1, 2, Jill, 41ll •.• Track 3 . . . Intramural football 2 !champs), 4; cross country 1 !champs), 3; track 2, 3 !champs) . • • leader of the "Mouseketeers" •.• Alwa ys does his Economics . • . O'Bie.

EDWARD J. O'MARA 8220 Providen t Rd., 19

CH 7-6375 St. Raymond 1 A, 2A, 3C, 4C . . . Baseball 2, Jill, 41ll •.• Intramural basketball 1, 3, 4; football 2, 4 • • . Scarlet O'Mara . . . Billy Walsh's shadow .•• Guess who got jug?

JAMES J. OSBORNE 7022 Louise Rd., 38

HA 4-3630 St. Athanasius 1B, 2E, 3D, 4C . • • President 2; Vice president 3 . • . Student Council 3 . • • Benilde Club 3 . . . Football 1, 2, 3, 4(l) • • . Intramural track 1, 2, 4; basketball 1, 3; cross country 1, 2 . . • Gold Studie . • • Ouie . • . Fifth man in the opponents' backfield.

DAVID E. PACEWICZ 5729 Van Dyke St., 24

JE 5-1444 St. Bartholomew 1 A, 2A, 3B, 4E . . • Scholastic letter 1, 2 Benilde Club 3, 4 • • • Intramural basketball 1, 2, 3, 4; track 1, 2, 3, 4; cross country 1, 2, 3 . • . Seen at N. E. Boys Club . . • Close the economics book . • • Spetur's old buddy.

PHILIP J. PATELMO 43 Rittenhouse St., 44

GE 8...3560 St. Vincent de Paul 1B, 2D, 3£, 4D ••• Band 2, 3, 4 . . . Prom Committee 3, 4 Yellow rose of Nutley • . . Goes around with Halfpenny a nd l ahr .•. First class gl'ape smasher.

PETER E. PERRY 7179 N. Ubor St., 38

HA 4-0461 St. Athonosius 1A, 2,E, 3E, 4B •• . Typing award 3 . . . Bond 1, 2, 3, 4 . . . Blue ond Gold • Intramural cross country 2, 3 lchompsl . . . CPA? . . • O 'Bie's buddy in economics • . • One of the groaners.

HENRY M. PHELAN 109 W. ChomplosJ Ave., 20

Ll 9-2398 St. Helena 1 A, 2C, 3C, 4B . . . Foot boll 2 . . Intramural basketball 3, 4; cross country 2; track 2, 3, 4; bowling 3 . . . Suga r lip's greatest friend . . . Seems to like Costello's car . . • Hair stylist.

FRANCIS J. POLTORAK 4229 Hiclcs St., 40

Gl 5-6777 St. lodislaus 1 C, 2F, 3D, 4D Intramural bowling 1, 2, 3; footb all 4 . • . Hunting and fish ing ..• I finally posed my driver's test.

RIC HARD J. POMFRET 30 I 8 Midvale Ave., 29

GE 8-0167

St. Bridget 1 C, 2B, 3D, 4A . . . Crew 3, 41ll • . . Cross country 41ll • . . Intramural track 1, 2; football 2, 4; cross country 2, 3; bow ling 1, 2, 3 . . . Keegan's buddy .•• Hoy, Jack, let's go up to Madrey's •• . Teachers confuse him w ith Pompla s.

NORMAN V. POMPLAS 7261 Rupert St., 49

DE 3-0358 Our l ody of Ransom 1 C, 2C, 3C, 4C • . . Stag e crew 3 . . • Prom Committee 4 . . • Int ramural basketball 1 lchompsl, 2, 3, 4; football 2, 4 . . . likes South Jersey shore •.. The w holesale kid . . . The court jester.

FRANCIS' M. PO NTI 729 E. Rillenhouse St., 44 VI 8-4370 Imma cula te Conception 1 C, 2C, 3C, 4A • . . Scholastic letter 1, 2 • • . Class president 2 • Debating 1 . . . Dramatics 2, 3, 4 . . . Student Council 2 • . . Intramura l foot boll 3, 4; basket boll 2 (chomps); track 1, 2 •.• Give me a dolla h . . • Papa Jules • . Escaped from Devil's Island.

RICHARD J. PRENDERGAST 6306 Battersby St., 49

JE 5-1973 St. Timothy 1 D, 2B, JA, 4B . . . Baseba ll 4 •.. Intramural bowling 1, 2; cross country 1, 2 lchampsl; basketball 1, 2, 3 (chomps) 4 .•. You know what they say about small things •.• Going to fight Castella after school . . . Room for one more?

GERARD l . QUINN 1438 N . 2nd St.. 22

NE 4-6708 St. Michael 1 D, 2D, 3D, 4D . Intra mura l football 1, 2, 4; basketball 1, 2, 3, 4 . . . Water skiing . . . Drives a hot hearse • . • Usher a t Strand movies in Wildwood.



I 405 Rosalie St., 49

St. Martin of Tours 1 E, 2F, 3E, 4D •.. Vice president 1 .•. Intramural basketball 1, 2 lchampsl 3, 4; football 1, 2 (champs) 3, 4; track 1, 2 (champs) 3 . • . Flash . . . Drives an Olds ••• Charter member of Bandstand.


5935 Opal St., 41

St. Benedict 1 E, 2F, 3E, 4D . • Intramural basketball 1, 2, 3, 4; bowling 1 ; cross country 1 . •. Gets 1OO's in mechanical drawing . . . Wear a hat to the game this week, fellas . . • Great sign painter.

FRANCIS A. REED 3948 N. Seventh St., 40

SA 2-9062 St. Veronica 1 F, 2D, 3D, 4B . . . Wlsterion 2, 3 . . Benildo Club 1, 2 . . • Art Club 2, 3 , 4 . . • Tennis 2, 3, 4 . . . Intramural bowling 1 (champs); football 2; cross country 1, 2, 3; track 1 . . . Police Athletic league . • • Poncho • Tioga Mohawks . • . Comes to school in a 'SS Chevy. •

JAMES J. REYNOLDS 5221 N. 15th St., 41

Ml 4-4136 Holy Child 1 F, 2A, 3B, 4D . . • Class president 3 . • . Wisterian 3, 4 • . • Benilde Club 3, 4 . . • Student Council 3 . . • Swimming 1 • . • Crew 4(U . •. Intramural football 2, 3, 4 • . . Holy Child A.C. . . . longport Beach Patrol • • • Will have to run to catch his casket . . . 7th member of Pedicine Sextet.

EDMUND N. RICCHEZZA 209 Hill Rd., Havertown, Po. HI 6 -955 5 St. Dorothey 1 E, 2E, 3D, 4B • . . Science Club 1 , 4 . • • Debating Club 3 ••• Fishing . . • Rock • . . Blows up chemistry lab w ith Keegan in lt.

EDWARD C. RICE TE 9 -9262 Immaculate Conception 1D, 2F, 30, 4C •. • Science Club 2 . . . Blue and Gold •.• Prom committee 3, 4 . . . Glee Club 1 .•• Intramu ral bowling 1, 2, 3, 4 ; track 1, 3 . • . Buddy of Petie Frey • . • Spanish Ill wizard • . . Where's Butch?

638 locust Ave., 44

GEORGE E. RICE WA 4-7078 St. Benedict 1 F, 2B, 3B, 4B . . . Art 2 , 4 . • . Intramural bowl ing 1 (champsl; track 1; cross country 1 .. • Chrome engine •.. He and lou love to rib Castella ••• Challenges everybody to drags ••. Wildwood In summer.

6014 Ogontz Ave., 4 I

JAMES T. RICEMAN 5328 Greene St., 44

TE 9-4522

St. Vincent de Paul 1 D, 2B, 38, 4E . .. Scholastic letter 1, 2 . . . Cross country 3, 41ll . .• Track 4 • Intramural basketball 3, 4 . . . Boxer • . . Ocean City man • • . Eltceplionally vociferous.




3937 N. I Oth St., 40

St. Stephen 1E, 2A, 3B, 4E • . . Banball 2, 3, 4 1LI Wi1terian 3 . . • Intramural ba1ketball 1, 2, 3; bowling 1, 2, 3 (champs), 4; football 2, 4 . • . I got a big cigar far after the champions hip game .•• Known by all as Wuff-Wuff ••. Short step.

2777 $, Smedley St., 45

HO 8-1 198

St. Richerd 1 D, 2D, 3D, 4D ••. Treasurer 2 •.. Football 3, 4 •.• Tho's right • •. South Philadelphia terra • .• Masterpieces in mechanical drawing .


NORMAN W. RICKERT 6107 N. lawrence St., 20

HA 4-5922

St. Helena 1F, 2B, 3B, 4C ••. Vice pres dent 3 ••• Blue and Gold ••. Intramural football 2, 3, 4; basketball 4; bowling 1, 2 ; track 1 • . • Honey eyes . . . Rides around in rally converts . . . Got a smoke?

EDWARD W. SCH MID 607 Schiller Ave., Merion MO 4-8242 St. Margaret 2A, 3A, 4E ••• Wisterlan 4 ••• Tennis 3, 41LI . • • Intramural football 2, 4; basketball 4 ••• Social life In Glodwyn ••. Model rollroodlng . • • One of the hoods in from Chicago.

5873 Mordra// St., 20

Ll 8-5658 St. Helena 1 E, 2C, 3C, 4A .•• Scholastic medal 1, 2, 3 . • . Scholastic letter 1, 2, 3 • • . Intramural bowling 1 . . Softball In afternoon ••• Jumps up and down to get his heart mov ing • • • Cuts lawn for exercise.

FRANK J. SC IULLI 6130 N. Fo/rh/11 St., 20

HA 4 ..7012 St. Helena 1 E, 28, .3A, 4E •.• Intramural football 2; basketball 4; bowling 4; cross country 2 lchompsl; track 2 • . . Glee Club 1 . • . Blue and Gold . . • IRC • • , Prom Comm ittee 4 , • • Progressive Jou fan ••. Rides to school with the inflated piuo pie .•• Goldilocks.

JOHN F. SCHM IDT -4806 Knorr St., 35


St. leo 1 E, 2B, 3B, 4C . • English award 1 ••. Scholastic letter 1, 2, 3 ••• Secretory 3 •.• Football manager 2, JILl, 4 1LJ .•• Bowling manager 1 ••• Intramural bowling 1, 2, 3, 4 • . • Patti Page fan • • . Where do you hurt today? • • • Friend of Muir and Welsh.


OE 3 -8337 St. Timothy 1 D, 2A, 3C, 4C . . Intramural bowling 2, 3, 4 ; football 2, 4; track 3, 4 , •• Summer residenc- Connie Mack Stadium ••• Goes around with Hagosky • • • Freckles •

6205 Erdrlck St., 35

JOHN F. SEIBEL I 737 Sleigh St., I I


PI 2-0589

Resurrection 1C, 2C, 3C, 4A Intramural bowling 3, 4 ; basketball 3, 4; football 4; track 3, 4; softball 4 . . . Wants a phone . . . Saturday night dance fan ••. Going to get a haircut for a Christmas present.


I I I 2 Friendship St., I I

Fl 2-1464 Resurrection

1 C, 2C, 3C, 4A ••. Scholastic letter 2 • , . Intramural basketball

1, 2, 3, 4 ; football 4; softball 4 . . . The Mayfair menace Mechanical drawing fanatic •• • Goes around with Seibel.

I 27 W . Chellenham Ave., 26

MA S-2418 St. Joseph, Cheltenham 1 F, 2E, 3D, 4C • . . Intramura l bowling 1 , 2, 3, 4; track 1, 2, 3 ; cross country 1, 2 (champs) . . • Prom Committee 3, 4 . . . IRC • • • Blue and Gold . • . likes Germantown YMCA dances and cars ••• Cuts up d iamonds for a hobby . • . Castella 's best friend .

JAMES J . SHERIDAN 4 I 6 Ryers Ave., Cheltenham Chell. 2679-W Presentation B.V.M. 1 A, 2C, 3C, 4A , , , Scholastic letter 1, 2 .•. Intramural bowling 4 • • . George . . . Blonde bombsh ell , . . Cheltenham Boys' Club.



3052 Magee Ave., 49

St. Timothy 1 C, 2f, 3A, 4C , • • Secretary 3 • • • Intramural basketball 2, 3 (chomps); football 2 . . . Tab ••. Desert island dandy •.• Mashed potatoes for lunch today, Ed .

2161 Homer St., 38



St. Athonoslus 1 A, 2E, 3E, 40 • . Closs secretory 2 • . • Intramural basketball 1, 2 (champs), 3, 4 ; football 2 (champs), 3, 4 . . . Geisel's onociate in crime ••• Gets his friends to wax his cor.

.. JOHN S. SIMPSON 2512 57th St., 42


BE 2-8192

St. Barnabas 1 D, 2D, 3A, 4C • Basketball 2, 31ll, 41ll . • . Intramural track 1, 2; football 2, 3, 4 . • . Girls . • . Friend of Captain Nemo . • . Going to wear pegged pants forever.

WA 2-8179 St. Raymond 1 A, 2A, 3C, 4C . . . Scholastic medal 1, 2 . . . Scholastic letter 1, 2, 3, 4 ••• Vice president 2 •• . Baseball 4 ••• Intramural football 2, 4; basketball 3, 4 • • • Joe Spicener . . • Walking Encyclopedia . • • Checks trig answers with Ledwith. 7734 Michener Ave., I 9

JAMES M. STANTON 3145 N. Patton St., 32


Corpus Christi 1 C, 2F, 3A, 4A .•. Scholastic letter 2 . . . lntromurol 2, 3 lchampsl, 4 ; football 1, 2; cross country 1, t rack 1 . . . Modern jazz . . • Scranton ••. Into class every day at 8:44.

CHARlES J. STOKES 5244 N. Comoc St., 41

GL 5-1461

Holy Child 1D, 2B, 3E, 4D • . . Glee Club 1, 2 , 3, 4 . Dramatics 2, 3, 4 •.. 8"nilde Club 2, 4 •.• Debating 2 . • . Intramural track 1, 2; football 2; cross country 1, 2 (chomps) . . • Changes courses annually . . . Good imitator of teachers . .. Didn't do his Christmas project.

7315 N. 18th St., 26

WA 4-4256

Holy Child 1 E, 2A, 3B, 4A . . . Benilde Club 4 • .. Intramural cross country 2; track 2 • . • Second ·member of Greek Club . . . One of the Sullivan twins • • . Composes latin verses,

JAMES T. SUlliVAN 1720 Washington lo., 38 WA 7-1049 St. Athanasius 1 F, 2A, 3B, 4E • . . Scholastic letter 1 Treasurer 1 • • . Benilde Club 1, 2, 3, 4 ••• Art Club 4 . . . Intramural bowling 1 lcha mpsl, 2, 3 (champs), 4 ; track 1 • . . Greek student . . • Sea hie City man ••• Carries a bomb in his brief case.


5230 Arbor St., 20

GE 5-0778

St. Ambrose Band 1 • . . Bowling 3 . . . Intramural 1 F, 2C, 3A, 4B • • bowling 1 (champs), 2 lthampsl; basketball 1, 2, 3 • • Always at St. Joe's on Sunday night ••. Wildwood boardwalk •• • Scissors.

HARRY T. TODD I I 28 E. Rittenllo11se St., 38 GE 8-8723 lmmoc11late Conception 1B, 2D, 3E, 4D • • • Track 2, 4 . • • l ntram11ral football 2, 4 • . . frock 1, 3 ; basketba ll 1, 2, 3, 4 . • . J 11st call me Happy Harry . . • Anothe r partner In tho Rustle Gardens ••. G~o~ckovan's g11mba.


406 Grange St., 20


St. Helena 1D, 2A, 3B, 4E •• Scholastic medal 1, 2, 3 • • • Scholastic letter 1, 2, 3 • . • Intramural bowling 1 • . • Model railroading • • . Goes to school with Rosemary • . . Nash Rambler Kid • . . Terrible Torpy.

429 W . Tabor Rd., 20

WA 4-6805 Incarnation 1 C, 2C, 3C, 4C .•• P<om committee 3, 4 • . . lntram11ral bowling 1 , 3, 4 ; footb!'ll 2 , 4 ; softball 4 • . . Da ncing on North Jersey shore •• • Still wa iting for lost year's prom plct11res • • . Wears pegged d~o~ngarees.


4205 N. 6th St., 40


St. Henry 1C, 2C, 3C, 4A . . . lntrom~o~ral bowling 1 ••. St. Henry's Catholic Men's Club ••• Bookworm .•. Friend of Ponti •.. Shrill voiced boy.

JOHN E. TUOHY TU 7·2803 459 Plymouth Rd., Glenside St. L~o~ke 1A, 2A, 3B, 4A ••• Scholastic letter 1, 2 • . • IRC . • . Band 1, 2, 3 ••• Blue and Gold . Intramural bowling 3, 4 ; track 1, 2; cross country 1, 2 • . • Big man at Fro sty Top • . • Bus service from Glenside.

6425 Norwood St., 38 St. Benedict 1 0 , 2F, 3A, 4A • Spanish 1 award • • • Schola stic lette r 2 •. . Intramural bowling 2 .•• Cross country 1 .•• Rhythm and blues music . . . Throws o wicked speed shift ••• l angua ge expert . • • S11mmers in Wildwood. ANDREW J. VARGA

Ll 9-4553 Little Flower 1 A, 2C, 3C, 4A . • Geometry award Scholastic letter 1, 2, 3 •.• Class oftlcer--presid ent 1 • • . Bond 1, 2, 3, 4 • • . Student Council 1 . . . Bowling 2, 3, 41Ll ••• Intramural bowling 1, 2 lchamps l; track 1, 2, 3; cross count ry 2 , 3 ••• Model plants • .• Has o 300 horsepower motorscooter •.• Tommy Dorsey •• , Seen at Saturday night dances. 1603 Cordero St., 19


WILLIAM H. VINCENT 918 E. Phil-Elena St., 19 VI 4-2045 little Flower 1 E, 2A, 3A, 4E . • • Closs president 1 Student Council 1 . . . Wisterion 4 . . . Manager of cross country 2, 3, 4 • . . Manager of track 1, 2, 3 • • . Bowling 1, 3 . • • Intramural bowling 1, 2 ; track 2, 3; basketball 1, 2; cross country 1 • • • Main l ine invader . • • Block and whites • . • Advocate of conservative styles.

PETER E. WALHEIM 120 Penorth Rd., Bolo-Cynwyd WE 4-9674 St. Matthias lE, 2C, 3A, 4E . . • Spanish 2 award . Scholastic letter 1, 2 • . . Cross country 2, 3, 41ll ••• Track 2, 3, 41ll . • . Intramural cross country 2; football 2 . . Swimming . . . Twice under 1 3 minutes in cross country . . • Spanish wizard ••. Main line man ••• Bus boy for a hobby.

JAMES l. WALKER 343 Sent Rood, Wyncote TUrner 7-3986 Immaculate Conception, J enkintown .. 1 D, 2C, 3C, 4A . . • Scholastic letter 2, 3 . Intramural football 2, 4 ; basketball 4 .•• Junior Achievement . . . Sports • •• Cars •• • Goes around with Herb and Fitzpatrick.

WIUIAM J. WALSH 7326 N. 20th St., 38

Ll 9-2845

St. Athanosius 1C, 2A, 3C, 4C . • • Intramural basketball (champs), 2, 3, 4; footba ll 4 ; cross country 1 •• • Monk . • • I'm persecuted • • • Dares to come to school with McFadden.

THOMAS J. WARD 3109 Toslcer St., 45

DE 4-4782

St. Aloysius 1 D, 2E, 3E, 48 • • Scholastic medal 2, 3 . • • Scholastic letter 2, 3 • . . Class president 1, 2, 4 . • . Student Council 1, 2, 4 •• . Intramural football 2 !champs), 4; basketball 1, 2 (chomps), 3, 4 • • . Saturdays ot Gorden State . • • I wish thero was intramural bullfighting • • • Adam J . Word.

WilliAM T. WARD 247 W. Sparks St., 20

St. Helena 1 E, 2D, 3A, 4A • . • Vice president 1 ••• Blue and Gold ••• Intramural basketball 1, 2, 3 (champs), 4; football 2, 4; track 1, 2, 3 ••• The Whole ••• Big Jim's brother ••• What, so early?

JAMES P. WATERS I 513 louden St., 41

Ml 4-5494 Holy Child 1D, 2F, 3E, 48 .•• Bowling 2, 31ll, 4(l) Intramural bowling 1; cross country 1, 3; track 1, 2, 3 ••• Soapy •.• Dies at every game •. . Bowling enthusiast.

FREDERICK W. WECK 237 lalceside Drive, levittown

WI 6-2587

St. Michael the Archangel 1C, 2D, 3D, 4B . •. Band 1, 2, 3, 4 . . . Art Club 1, 2, 3, 4 Intramural track 3 . . . l evittown trumpctor • • • Th e Scarf • . . Drives a hot Plymouth.


CHARLES E. WELSH 1978 W. Sparks St., 41

JOHN P. WHITECAR, JR. tl 8-4607

St. Benedict 1E, 2B, 3B, 4A . .. Prom CoMmittee 3, 4 •.• Tennis 1, 21LI, JILl, 41LI ••• Football manager 21Ll • • • Intramural basketball 3, 4 •• Powder blue ' SS Ford • . . Brother Jeremy's French class • • Still leaching his father how to drive.

JOHN D. WHALEN 443 E. Montano St., 19

GE 8-4379

Little Flower 1 A, 2C, 3C, 4A . . . Bowling 3, 4 •.• Track manager 2, 3 ••• Cross country manager 2, 3 .•. Intramural bowling 1, 2 (champs!; basketball 1, 2, 3, 4 ; cross country 1, 2, 3 (champs); trac.k 1, 2, 3; football 2 , 4 .•. Otto • •• The Strathmere flash ••. loves physics.

Ml 4-1521 Holy Child 1 C, 2C, 3C, 4A • • • Scholastic letter 2, 4 . • . Art Club 2 . • • Prom Committee 3, 4 ••. Intramural bowling 3, 4; basketball 3, 4; cross country 3 !champs); track 3; football 4 . • . Trappler's twin ••• Keep those quarters coming . . . Member of white bucks club.

1414 lindley An., 41

JOHN J. WIEST 461 Roberts Ave., Glenside TU 4-6788 St. luke 1 D, 2E, 3D, 48 . • . Dramatics 2, 3, 4 . . • Prom Committee 4 . . . Glee Club 3 ••• Cheerleading 4 ••. Track 3 • . . Intramural football 1, 2 lchampsl, 4; basketball 2 (champs), 4; track 2 !chomps), 4 . . . Ploys 911ilar . • • Cape and Sword's backbone • .• Saleh ••• Aldo Ray.

JOHN C. WILSON 6642 lebanon Ave., 31


GR 3-4194

St. Callistus lA, 2A, 3B, 4E •.. Class treasurer 3 .•• Crow 2 ••• Intramural track 1; football 3; bowling 1, 2, 3 (champs), 4; basketball 3, 4 ••• lea11 Br11mmel of the E bus ••• Skldlo . . . Seen with Milburn.

JOSEPH J . WINTERBURG 1422 Sommerville Ave., 41 Ml 4·0099 Holy Child 10, 2F, 3E, 4D . . • Vice president 1 Intramural track 3 lchampsl; cross country 1, 2, 3; football 2, 4 ; basketball 2, :i, 4 ••• Never shaves •.• Arab •.. Ocean City boy .•. Wintergreen.

5107 N. lith St., 41

Ml 4-3684 Holy Child lF, 2A, 3C, 4C ••. Scholastic medal 1 . . . Scholastic letter 1, 2, 3, 4 • • • Science Club 1, 2, 3 • . . Dramatics Club 3, 4 Intramural cross country 1, 2, 3 !champs); track 1, 2, 3 ••• The questioner • • • Woody • . . Splinters.

ROBERT C. WRZESNIEWSKI 1515 W. Wingohocking St., 40 Gl 5·8620 St. ladislaus 1 A, 2A, 38, 4E .•• ScholastJc letter 1, 2 • . . Tropical flsh ••• Defles any stranger to pronounce his name . • • Goes around with Torpy ••• Blond ie.



SCIENCE ClUB The Science Club, under the moderation of Brother Stephen, maintained its monthly publication, La Scientia, the purpose of which is to inform the faculty and student body of the current events in the world of science. Among its other endeavors were the spring science fair, film s, discussions, projects, and visits to science institutions. The officers of the club for 1955-1956 were Paul Grayce, president, and Joseph Flynn, vice-president.

A science member eyes his future in a new invention.

Freshman Mike Manning is not accustomed to the photographer's flash.

Brother Stephen explains the operations of the slide rule.

John Campbell and Bob Batchellor make final adju stments with their project before the unveiling.




John Bradley and Bruce Titherington, the bulb snatchers.


Chuck Stokes expounds his theory of accounting to Bob Lyons and Harry Woodcock.

Frank Ponti, Chuck Stokes, and Jack Wiest don't realize that it's way past Campbell 's bedtime .

The school's dramatics department, under the capable direction of Mr. John Moore, has once again exemplified its unu sual talents in diverse productions. Its theatrical abilities were quite evident at the start of the season with an adaptation of the Broadway hit, "My Three Angels." Later the members appeared in several plays as guests of St. Basil's Academy. The moderator, Brother Fredwin J erome, ,sums up the y ear's activities in the following words: "A fine year by a group of fine actors."

Jim O' Rourke and larry Bandura touch up a stage set.


The Art Club, under the capable direction of Brothe r F. William, not only engages in artistic endeavors, but contributes toward greater school spirit through the painting of posters a nd s igns supporting s chool activities, especially athletic events. Among the year's undertakings, the halloween window painting contest and the annual a rt exhibit in the gym are the ones to w hich our art club gives the most attention .


Art major Dick Hughes at work with pastel chalk. Progress in one of the finer arts.


The Blue and Gold staff at the United Nations during its visit to the Columbia University scholastic press conference.

With the introduction of color pictures, the Blue and Gold staff and moderators have provided another "first" in LaSalle's annual resume of the school year. Furthermore, the extraordinary accompli shments of our teams and clubs have required that this edition be larger than any previous one . . We trust, therefore, that the record reproduced here will be a faithful one of the school of champions in its year of years.

Louella Sgro in a puzzled moment.


PROMS With Bala Country Club the plush setting, more than 120 seniors and their dates danced to the smooth sounds of Johnny Austin, and rocked to the rhythm of Mike Pedicine. Brother G. Thomas, ever the master of innovation, arranged for both bands to provide continuous entertainment during the prom. The memorable evening was topped off by entertainment at local night spots and by group parties.

Anybody here seen Bala?

Goodyear wants one too.


Pre-prom parlance.

Shimmering Shadows.



La Salle leads; others follow.

The La Salle College High School Band.

The dance band is awarded the Benny Goodman plaque. Drum Majors Tony McCloskey and Sid Kowalczyk. Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No, it's Jules Miraglia.


One, two, three . . . let's go.

Hurlbrink, torero magnifico.

Name the award and the La Salle band has it; name the event and the La Salle band has been invited to participate. Beginning in the fall months, the eighty- piece marching band performed notably during the thrill-packed football season, providing many a pleasant moment between halves with its amusing format ion s and close order drill exhibitions. In the annual Catholic league competition, this group easily outclassed all opposition . Next, in the March contest sponsored by the Junior Chamber of Commerce, the 17-piece dance band, competing against ten other groups from the Delaware Valley, was accorded top honors. Then the Spring Music Festival, produced in conjunction with the Glee Club, gave ample proof of the versatility of our musicians. Of course, the guiding hand for all these accomplishments is Mr. Joseph Colantonio who, aided by his competent staff, has molded a music department which has no peer in secondary schools.



With only four years of tradition behind it, the Student Council of La Salle is a challenge to others which have been in existence for a much longer period. The fun assemblies, pep rallies, and the institution of traditional dances are only a few of the benefits enjoyed by the students as a result of this organization. Brother Godwin John, moderator of the amateur politicians, has been a guide for student activities this year and shows enthusiasm for the organization and Its members.

Hug h Brolly, secretary of the Student Council, acts not in this capacity but as a me mber of the football team at the giant pep rally held to honor tho city champions.


The senior class presidents Thomas Corrigan, 4C; Charles Murray, 40; Wlllliam Dick, 4A; Thomas Ward, 4B; and Michael Boland, 4E, with moderator Brother Godwin John.


Junior class presidents: Vincent Tague, 30; Richard Amejka, 3E; Robert Walsh, 3A; Richard Hepp, 3C; Robert Fritzsche, 38.

Sophomore class presidents: Thomas Boyle, 2C; William Laman, 2E; Raymond Pentzell, 2A; John Brogan, 20; Thomas Martin, 28; Michael Fonte, 2F.


Freshman class preside nts : Robert Smith, 1 E; Patrick Cronin, 1 B; Daniel Sandman, 1C; Joseph Maxwe ll, 1A; John Maguire, 1 D.

Brother Godwin John discu sses the April Showers donee with vice president Bob Fritzsche and president Bill Dick.



La Salle's forensic group, with Brother Jerome the moderator, participated in numerous debating events. A freshman-sophomore schedule was inaugurated with debates weekly. In the senior league La Salle was ably represented by David Serchak who won flrst place trophy for extemporaneous speaking. In addition, Ray Pentzell won the original oratory contest sponsored by the Germantown Optimist Club.

Dave Serchak's extemporaneous speaking trophy receives admiring glances from Ray Pentzell, Bro. Jerome. and Joe McAuliffe.

Club p resid e nt Jim Reyn o lds and modera tor tsrotne r u av1d Albert pre pare for th e Apri l meeting . Th e Benilde Club , organized for boys who are interested in a religious vocation, was engaged in many activities during the school year. Under the capable moderation of Brother David Albert, th e club he ld a successful stamp drive before the Christmas holid ays . Speakers from various re ligiou s orde rs a ddressed the club on numerous occasion s. Highlighting the year was a trip to th e Christian Brothers ' Scholasticate in Elkins Park.


MOTHERS' CLUB The Mothers' Club, with its weekly Saturday night dances and other social and religious activities, has again contributed heavily both in time and money to the furthering of Christian education. This year's group, headed by Mrs. Gerald Griffin, and moderated by Brother Alphonsus, has added greatly to the prestige of LaSalle with its freshman tea, Communion Breakfa st, fashion shows, Christmas party, day of recollection and June luncheon. As usual, the highlight of the season, LaSalle Night, successfully culminated the year's activity.

The head table at the November Communion Breakfast.

Santa Claus spreads Christmas

MEN OF LA SAllE For over ten years there has existed at La Salle an organization known as the Men of La Salle. Usually called by its more common name, the Fathers' Club, it is composed of the fathers of the students who attend or did attend La Salle. The purpose of this organization is to advance financial aid to those students who otherwise couldn 't attend La Salle. Also its members share in outstanding social functions during the year. The group is under the moderation of Brother F. Joseph, and this year's president was Mr Henry De Luca.

sends Jim Richard

Sports editor Frank McCormick, Brother Cassian, and editor Bob Lyons prepare for the February issue. 88

Th e rudiments of journalism.

WI STERIAN The foremost duty of a scholastic newspaper is to inform the students of the happenings on the campus and those outside activities which pertain to the school or to particular students. This the Wisterian has done with all the literary a nd investigating talent at its disposal. Pro-

viding. amusement in one form or another, the Wis is anticipated b y all on its distribution date. The Wis staff atte nde d press conferences at Villanova University a nd at Columbia University, New York, and partici pated in the exch ange of publications w ith neighboring high schools.


DiPietro and Pannepacker in the Catholic championships.

.. This year the harriers of La Salle showed the incentive that was prevalent in the School of Champions and established themselves as one of the better teams of the league. Led by seniors Pete Walheim, Don DiPietro, Rich Pomfret, and junior Vince Pannepacker, Brother William's proteges compiled a very credible record and exhibited spirit and performance that is indicative of La Salle.

Autumn Woods.






CROSS COUNTRY Top Row: Dick Neimczyk (Mgr.l, Bro. F. William, Jerom e Heavey, Fronk Dealy, Vince Ponnepacker, Joe Hamburger, John Murray, Dick Pomfret, Pete Walheim , Neil Ward, Michael

Dealy. Second Row: John Burke, Jim Riceman, Don Di Pietro, Don Donaghy, Joe Ambrogi, Anthony Kromer, Ed Devinney, Mort Whalen. Front Row: J im Deasy, Jim Byrnes, Jim Fox, Joe Evancich, Jim Pettit, Bob Cannon, Jim Kane.

City champions! Who would have thought it possible? After long years of what was often agonizing expectation and bitter disappointment, the indomitable forces of head coach Jim Gallagher, line coach Tex Flannery, and freshman coach Dick Bedesem brought the glory days back to LaSalle. Beginning with the grueling workouts of football camp in a broiling August, continuing through a more pleasant autumn with its jubilant string of victories, and culminating in that fabulous win at frigid Franklin Field, the coaches and team combined football know-how, personal enthusiasm, and a good amount of prayer to gain not only a most e lu sive Catholic league championship but also an undreamed-of city champion ship, and both for th e first time! In addition to the honors brought to LaSalle and its superb coaching staff, special commendation wa s received by ends Charlie Murray and Tom Heron, tackles Jim Osborne and Jim Goodyear, guard Bill Brooks, and halfback Bill Dick, all of whom were selected to All Catholic teams. A game by game capsule summary of a never to b e forgotten season: Lasalle 38 St. Matthew 13 Opening against St. Matt's in a pre-season tilt the Little Explorers, unveiling an almost new starting lineup, completely outclassed their opposition . Coach Gallagher's proteges, led by halfbacks Bill Dick and Ray Frankson, cashed in on several long runs and pass interceptions by Mike Boland and Chuck Murray. LaSalle 19 West Catholic 7 In their first league encounter the gridmen of LaSalle High buried the Burrs with a 19 to 7 victory. The crowd saw West draw first blood, as they crossed the goal on a slick pass play. The unbea).able combination of Hugh Brolly to Chuck Murray accounted for the first LaSalle score. An interception by Murray and a 60 yard run by Bill Dick clinched the game. LaSalle 12 St. James 0 St. James could do little against the Olneyites' masterful defense, while the Explorers continually moved into the Bulldogs' secondary. The underdog Explorers, sparked by Bill Dick's long runs, climaxed two touchdown drives. The Bulldogs made several strong bids, but were unable to penetrate the stout defense thrown up by line coach lex Flannery's stalwarts. LaSalle 6 Bishop Neumann 0 Little LaSalle, outweighed but not outplayed, climbed into the driver's seat in the Catholic League race with a hard fought victory over a previously unbeaten Neumann team. LaSalle's six points were the

St. Thomas More 0 LaSalle 22 LaSalle was not to b e denied th e first unde fe ated season in its history. Two scoring plunges by Tom Hopkins, whose brilliant running was the high point in the LaSalle conquest, a touchdown by Bill Dick, and a safety engineered by Mike Fonte assured victory. LaSalle 33 Germantown 0 Extending the shutout string to seven games, LaSalle took advantage of every opportunity, scoring twenty-seven points before the first period ended. Touchdowns by Bill Dick, Lou Greco, Ray Frankson, and two by the omnipresent Tom Hopkins crushed the neighborhood rivals. LaSalle 6 North Catholic 0 An improved North Catholic team had its eyes on a win, but the Explorers' line presented a barricade which the Falcons with all their clawing could not dent. The winning score was tallied on a double reverse brilliantly executed by Brolly, Frankson, and Dick, climaxing a 50-yard run to the North 10. LaSalle 26 Northeast 0 The battle of the immovable object and the unstoppable force was the billing given to this game. Coach Gallagher's charges were not to be denied and proved themselves to be not only the immovable object but also the absolutely unstoppable force as they steamrollered over the Archives. The Little Explorers spread their four TDs among all four backs, and were especially sparked by the superb all-around play of quarterback Hugh Brolly, and the brilliant defensive work of Tom Hopkins, Jack Lavelle and Bill Brooks.

result of Chuck Murray's second period interception of a Pirate pass, scooting twenty-seven yards into the end zone unmolested. LaSalle 31 St. Joseph 0 Easily maintaining their unbeaten streak, LaSalle crushed St. Joseph's, in the battle of the prep schools. After rolling it up 25 to 0 on touchdowns by Frankson and Dick, coach Gallagher sent in his reserves. Greco further safeguarded our victory by scoring on a pass from Paul Aita. ' LaSalle 13 Roman Catholic 0 The LaSalle victory over Roman and a scoreless tie by St. James and Bishop Neumann assured LaSalle of its first Catholic Leagu e Championship. After a scoreless first half, the Little Explorers combined two TDs by Dick and a d efense which kept Roman outsid e the LaSalle 20-yard line to bring a long hoped for Catholic League crown to 20th and Olney.


Top row: Hugh Ward, John Sharp, Brian Monaghan, William Clements, Harry Eustace, John Osborne, John Madden, Thomas Boyle, Robert Franlak, James Marks. Third row: William Gibbons, John Flannery, Richard Bedesem, Joseph Malizia, Carmen Rodla, William Henry, Thomas Garoppo, Richard Deluca, Hugh Sheridan, Louis Greco, Clark Hodgson, James Goodyear, John Schmidt, James Gallagher. Second row: Jim Crowley, Hugh Brolly, John lavelle, William Dick, Michael Boland, William Brooks, Thomas Heron, Raymond Frankson, Thomas Hopkins, Charles Murray, James Osborne, Brother D. Edward, Fiul row: Vincent Higgins, Albert Solecki, John Herrera, Thomas Yannessa, Edward Dever, Paul Aita, Michael Fonte, Vincent Tague.


6 down and 20 to go.

Pony Express . . . John Herrera and Paul A ita .

Pay Dirt ... Ray Frankson.


Shake that Pirate . . . Bill Dick.

Coach of the year, Jim Gallaghe r, and Hugh Brolly, the most valuable player in the city championship game.

Lou Greco goes exploring . 101

Falcon trio in for a letdown . . . Ray Frankson.

Jerry Woltemate . . . A hard running freshman back. Bob Smith moves for good yardage against North Catholic.

The Blue and Gold basketball team, after finishing the Catholic League schedule with a first place record of 12 wins and only one loss, entered the championsh ip game against North Catholic, a t Penn's Palestra . This hotly contested struggle, the memory of which will not soon be effaced, prevented the hoopste rs fro m adding yet another trophy to this year's record-setting collection. To b e sure, this trick of fate was a d isappointment for Coach O'Brien and his players, but they had every reason to be proud of another season filled with excitement and satisfaction for Explorer fans. Outstanding among the achievements of our senior players was the winning of the league scoring title by Joe Heyer, whose fabulous total of 49 points against St. Thomas More set a new league record . Joe's unanimous selection to the All Catholic team of every newspaper was fitting re cognition of his unerring sharpshooting talent. Hugh Brolly, the battling difference in so many encounters, second in team scoring, and unexcelled in control of the backboards, added to the team awards by being selected to the first squad in the Inquirer and to the second team in the other dailies. Our hustling backcourt men, John Simpson and O'Bie O'Brien, both of whom contributed to the Explorer victory cause with scintillating playmaking and nifty floor work, were awarded for their efforts with honorable mention in the All Catholic selections. Our Junior Varsity matched the varsity victory for victory and took top place in its division with a record of 12 wins and one loss in league competition. The freshmen, coached by Brothet Jeremy, gave a good account of themselves also, and gained the experience necessary for a winning combination.


BASKETBALL SCORES LSH Opp. Lincoln High . . . . . . . . . 55 64 Germantown High . . . . 63 45 Central High . . . . . . . . 58 57 Northeast High . . . . . . . 45 51 Frankford High . . . . . . 84 44 Northeast Catholic . . . 55 53 Roman Catholic . . . . . 64 57 St. Joseph . . . . . . . . . . 75 58 Father Judge ........ 62 37 West Catholic ... .. .. 62 50 Archbis hop Prende rgast 67 47 s~ Joseph .. .... .... 71 50 Bishop Neumann . . . . 59 56 Northeast Catholic . . . 54 66 St. James .. ........ . 67 49 Roman Catholic . . . . . . 59 39 St. Thomas More .... 90 62 Father Judge ........ 77 49 PLAYOFFS 39 St. James . .......... 59 Northeast Catholic . . . 47 48 Northeast Public . . . . . 64 42

Mr. O"Brien, Brion Moss, Hugh Brolly, Tom Heron, Dick Amejka, George Bauder, Tom McGinn, Bro. 0. Jeremy. Charley Murray, Joe Heyer, O'Bie O"Brien, John Simplon, Tom Hopkins, Tom Haggerty.



Pete Walheim leads the way in the 880 competition in the triangular meet with Archbishop Prendedgast and North Catholic.

Under the coaching of O'Bie O'Brien and the moderation of Brother Frederick William , our track team is again a strong contender for the state class B Catholic championship, which has been won for the past few years. The returning veterans are expected to lead the team to substantial victories. Seniors Tom Heron, Pete

Walheim, Bill Dick, and Ray Frankson will receive considerable help from Don Di Pietro, Hugh Brolly and Mike Boland. Juniors Bob Walsh, Vince Pannepacker, and Ed Kilfeather will provide additional depth in a quest for league and state honors.

Back row: Mike Boland, Bro. F. William, Vince Pannepacker, Frank Kudzin, Jack

Murray, Bob Walsh, Tom Heron, les Burke, Pete Walheim, Jim Riceman, John Brogan, Mart Whalen, Ray Frankson, Ed Devinney, Joe Madden, Mr. O'Brien. Front row: Joe Ambrogi, George Purcell, Don DiPietro, Bill Dick, Ed Dever, Charles Doherty.

Front Row: Joe Steward, Pete Noel, Bob Fritzsch e, Coach Frank Mcfadden, John Digan, Larry Harasym, Tom Pyle. Back Row: Frank Sulzbach, Jim Digan, Mr. Geary, Joe De Venuto, Dan Sandman, John Richardson .



"Not bad, Labu ... 47 for nin e holes!"

GOlF LaSalle' s divot diggers for 1956 are Jules Miraglia, Dick Labowskie, Jim Farrell, George Moser, and John Tuohy.


Paul Grayce, Bob Lyons, Ray Fitzpatrick, Charlie Welsh, Clif Gillespie, and Ed Schmid ore the

Explorer racqueteers who are defending the Catholic League championship which LaSall e has retained for five consecutive years.


Senior veterans Ray Fitzpatrick and Clif Gillespie have been potent factors in LaSalle's domination of the tennis courts.



Downriver in lane 3.

" Practice rain or shine"- that's what the crew bulletin says. And our Schuylkill athletes don't seem to mind because come miserable drizzle or exhiliratirg suns hine, they can be found enjoying their favorite pastime. This year's crew provides coach Charles McColgan and moderator Brother G. Claude with a great depth of experi-


enced hands from whom to select the eights, the quads, and the doubles to represent the Blue and Gold . Judging from the results of the first few races, in which our oarsmen have scored convincing victories, our trophy case will be further embellished by the time the rowing season has been completed.

The varsity eight, winners of the Flick trophy .

The "G. Augustin" receives the traditional christening with Schuylkill punch.

The late coach of the city championship baseball team, Harry Woltemate, is pictu.red accepting a trophy from Mr. de Luca, president of the Men of LaSalle.

. . . Whattaya mean? Varied emotions during a tense game ...

. . . One base, Johnny!


Top row: Bro. G. John, Steve Cook, Jim Kilbride, John Gallagher, Ken Leese,

George Ward, Tom D'Annunzio, Wayne Kullman, Frank Sher, Paul Aita, Gerry Woltemate, Steve Clayback, Mr. Joseph Frye r. Botrom row: Mike Stevens, John Herrera, Tom Hopkin s, Chuck Murray, Joe Heyer, Joe Malizia, Eddie O'Mara, Rich Prenderga st, Don Mignogna, Jim Richard, John Milburn, O' Bie O 'Brien, Ray Mullen.

. 32 -

what'll he do?

. . . Whew!


BASEBALL Although greatly saddened by the loss of their veteran coach, the late Harry Woltemate, the 1956 baseballers have their sights on nothing less than a repeat performance of last year's city crown. The championship fever began la st spring caught the entire school in its grip and hasn't let go. Moderator Brother Gervald and Coach Joe Fryer expect no change in temperature. With top-notch pitching, a lusty batting attack, and unusually competent fielding, the LaSalle nine is in good shape to repel all threats to its city diamond supremacy.


BASEBAll Although greatly saddened by the loss of th eir ve teran coa ch, the late Harry Woltemate, the 1956 base balle rs have the ir sights on nothi ng less than a re peat performance of last year's city crown. The championship fever began last spring caught the entire school in its grip and hasn't let go. Modera tor Brother Gervald and Coach Joe Fryer expect no change in temperature. With top-notch pitching, a lusty batting attack, and unusually competent fielding , the LaSalle nine is in good s hap.e to repe l all threats to its city d iamond supremacy.





INTRAMURALS Under the able and guiding hand of Brother Lewis, this year's intramural schedule maintained its perennial success. Cross country and football highlighted the autumn class clashes. 1 E, 2E, and JD took cross country laurels while 1 B, 2E, JA, and 4E walked off with the football banners. Basketball season came with the inter-class hoop contest; towering 4E dominated the senior division while 3B, 28, and 1 D led the underclass loops. Track, bowling and softball took the limelight in the spring sports.








Clayback Monaghan

THE 1956 BLUE AND GOLD STAFF CO- EDITORS James Canavan Frank Sciulli

J ohn Castella Thoma s Dean Pe te r Frey J ohn James

STAFF Norman Rickert Joseph Sgro John Tuohy William Ward

AC KNOWLEDGEMENTS The staff and moderators wish to thank: photographer par exce lle nce Mike Maicher, honorary alumnus of LaSalle, whose unsurpassed artistry with the camera may be enjoyed throughout this book; Dan Solari of the Cooke Publishing Company, for his experienced co-operation; the LaSalle fa culty for its constant, e ncouraging help; Bro. E. Francis, principal, and Mrs . Gladys Holzbaur, secretary, for their unfailing and understanding aid; Wisterian photographe r Jack McClellan, who helped us In our every need; Mr. Joseph Durenzi a nd Mr. Carl Wolf, of Carl Wolf Studios, for their splendid portraiture; photographer Osca r Gue nthoer, whose unusually fine telephoto lens pictures enliven our foo tball section; our particularly ge nerous patrons and the ever faithful student body, both of whom responde d a s never before.

HONORED PATRONS Mr. and Mrs . Anthony Bandura Mr. and Mrs. William Batchellor Binder Brothers Dr. and Mrs. F. B. Boland Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Bowen John Boyle Mr. John Brolly Mr. and Mrs. Frank M. Buecher Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Burke Robe rt Byrne Paul F. Callaghan Capozzoli Family Mr. and Mrs. Dominic Ciccimaro Class of 1-C Mrs. M. H. Clayton Complime nts of Allegheny Iron Metal Co. Compliments of a Friend Complim ents of a Friend Mr. Michael Connelly Patrick Conway Raymond Cowart, D.D.S. John Crossen Mrs. Blanche Cwik The Dealys Deni s R. Deasy Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Di Pietro Mr. and Mrs. Harry Doe hne Mr. and Mrs. Charles Dohe rty Mr. and Mrs. Edward Donahue Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Dondrea Mr. and Mrs. John P. Donne lly Mr. and Mrs. Gera rd Dowd Mr. and Mrs. Jose ph Downey Doylestown Drug Company Andrew Dragnosky Mr. John J. Driscoll Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas J . Dunphy Mrs. Lawrence Everling Dr. F. C. Exte rowic:r Dr. and Mrs. J. Vincent Farrell Councilman Charles M. Finley Mr. and Mrs. J . Raymond Fitzpatrick Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Foley Stanley Forsythe Mr. and Mrs. B. Flannery Mr. and Mrs. L. J . Ford Mr. and Mrs. Ray Frankson John Fredricks Mr. and Mrs. William J. Frey Mr. and Mrs. Frank A. Frume nto John Gallatig John Gara Mrs. Margaret Garry Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Gillespie

Mr. and Mrs. Otto J. Glaser Compliments of Lawrence Grassi Dr. and Mrs. Martin Guckavan Amil Gumula Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Halfpenny Mr. and Mrs. George J. Hanhauser Mrs. Agnes Hamilton Dr. and Mrs. Emil L. Harasym Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Hennessey Mr. Evelio Herrera Mr. and Mrs. Frank Herron Mr. and Mrs. John Holt Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hubbs Mr. and Mrs. Albert Hurlbrink Mr. and Mrs. Meredith R. Jones Mr. Joseph J. J unod Reverend J . Kelly Mr. and Mrs. Gerald P. Kennedy The Kilbrid e Family Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Killoran Mr. and Mrs. John Kleber Mr. and Mrs. Harrison D. Kornbau Mr. a nd Mrs. Chester Kudzin Mrs. Pe ter J. La bowskie Dr. J. J. Ledden Lama n-Loesche Supply Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Ledwith Mr. and Mrs. William J. Lyons Mr. a nd Mrs. Patrick Malley Mr. a nd Mrs. Gerald Mahoney Mr. and Mrs. G. Marabella Re ginald S. Martyn Mr. a nd Mrs. Nicholas J. Masington Mr. and Mrs. Robert McCann Mr. a nd Mrs. James E. McClellan Mr. and Mrs. L. Ma rshall McCloskey Mr. and Mrs. James 1 McCloskey John J. McDevitt Mr. Law re nce J. McEvoy J . L. McKenna Mr. and Mrs. Le o A. McKeever Mr. and Mrs. A. J. McCrudden Mrs. Patrick McGee Mr. and Mrs. James J. McGinnis Dr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Mclear Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Meckling Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Meir Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Meroney Mr. and Mrs. Cha rles Milburn Mr. and Mrs. James J. Morrissey Mr. and Mrs. James D. Morrissey Mr. and Mrs. J ohn M. Muir Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Mullin Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. McMullin 139

Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Murray Mr. and Mrs. John Neary Nolen and Swinburne Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence A. O' Dea Mr. and Mrs. F. A. O'Donnell Mr. and Mrs. John O'Donnell Juliu s O 'Dorisio, Ph.D. Mr. and Mrs. E. J . O 'Mara Mr. Henry I. O' Neill Mr. Peter Poranzino Joseph A. Pescatore, M.D. Philadelphia Blue Print Co. Mr. and Mrs. Salvator Pizzo Mr. and Mrs. George Putz Mr. and Mrs. Jam es W . Quinn, 2nd Mr. and Mrs. Fronk V. Radomski Mr. and Mrs. William Rafferty Mr. and Mrs. F. Re ed Mr. and Mrs. Edward A. Rice Mr. and Mrs. Jam es.. Richards Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Rooney Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Scally Mr. and Mrs. Frank Scott Dr. John J . Se dlock Mr. and Mrs. B. Sheridan Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Shields Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Siemietkowski Mr. and Mrs. Clement M. Smith

Miss Julio Somers Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Spetzer The Steward Family Mr. and Mrs. Charles Stokes Mrs. Ruth Sullivan Supplee-Wills-Jones Milk Co. Mr. Thomas V. Tarpy Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Terlecky Town & Country Roofing & Siding Co. Trans Am e r Transportation Dr. P. M. Vossalluzzo Michael Verrecchia Mr. and Mrs. David M. Walker Mr. and Mrs. John M. Walsh Mr. and Mrs. H. J . Ward Mr. and Mrs. Clifford P. Ward Mr. and Mrs James P. Waters Mr. and Mrs. Charles Welsh Philip D. Week Mr. and Mrs. Francis J . Weide The Wiest Family Charl es H. Wilson Mr. and Mrs. C. Wrzesniewski Mr. and Mrs. John Wojciechowicz R. Wray and Family Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Yezzi Mr. and Mrs. John Young

IIONOilED BUSINESS PATRONS Alva Chevrolet Torresdale and Cottman Aves. Arnholds Armored Cor Service, Inc. 3611 North 16th Street, Philadelphia

Hethe rington, Inc. 1300 Elmwood Ave nue, Sharon Hill, Pa . John F. lgoe, Contractor 198 Ashdale Street Lutz Printing Service 5012 Old York Road Ossar Pharmacy 5825 Rising Sun Avenue Philo . Financial Ba seball League c/o James Muntz Federa l Reserve Bonk, Philadelphia, Pa .

Charles A. Bott Inc. 4817 North Broad Street Carnell & Bradburn Inc. Distributors of General Tires 1910 Arch Stre et, Philadelphia , Pa . Castella's Restaurant 6161 North Second Street Charles Cleaners 146 Nedro Avenue

J. Thomas Scott, Inc., Marine & Industrial Supplies 784 South Front Street, Philadelphia, Pa.

Compliments of a Friend Ford & Kendig Co. 1428-30- 32 Callowhill Street, Philadelphia, Pa. George E. Gardner, Gardiver Motors 6301 Frankford Avenue Phila . Gasket Mfg . Co., Inc. F and Atlantic Streets Lahr' s Olney Health Food Centre 5537 North 5th Stre et

Adolph Soeffing & Co., Inc. Hardware 828 Arch Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Vol Beauty Salon 429 West Tabor Road Wawa Dairy Farms Wawa, Penna . West Wholesale Drug Co. 631 North Broad Street

Helwig Brothers, Inc.

Carl Wolf Studio 2013 Walnut Street

70 Limekiln Pike, Glenside, Penna.


SOCIAL PATRONS Mr. and Mrs. Walter Abbott Catherine Ahern Mary and Anita Ambrogi Mr. and Mrs. John A. Ambrogi J. Antoniak Mrs. Beatrice A. Ash Mrs. Augustine Asia Mr. and Mrs. William Baltra and Family John 0. Barn ett Frank Bartl Mr. and Mrs. William Barunas Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Becker Mr. Charles A. lleit:t Miss Carol Bentley Mrs. Marie Black Mr. Robert J. Bogle Mrs. Robert J. Bogle Dr. and Mrs. Francis Boland Mr. and Mrs. l. Bonavitacola St. Boniface Holy Name Society Mr. and Mrs. Charles Boyle Mr. and Mrs. Joseph G. Brady Mr. and Mrs. Neil G. Breen Mr. John Brogan Mrs . Adela Buben Mr. Donato lluccini John Burke Mr. and Mrs. J . Joseph Burke Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Butler George and Edmund Butler Mr. and Mrs. George A. Butler Bart - Byrnes Compliments of the Cafeteria Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Cairo Mr. S. J. Callahan Rev. Patrick A. Callis, Ph .D. John T. Campbell, 3rd Mr .. and Mrs. James J. Campion Mr. and Mrs . James Canavan Mr. A. C. Cannon Robert Cannon Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Carey Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Cassidy Miss Bernadette Castella Mr. and Mrs. Frank Casino Mrs. Mary Charzanowska Mr. louis Colantuono Mr . and Mrs. Charles M. Colgan VI. l. Colton, Sr. Connors Family Compliments of a Friend Compliments of a Friend Compliments of a Friend Compliments of a Friend Compliments of a Friend Compliments of a Friend Compliments of a Friend Mr. and Mrs. John Convey Mrs. Margaret Cook Stephen Cook Mr. and Mrs. Joseph R. Corrigan Mr. c:nd Mrs. Joseph I . Corrigan

Cosgrove Family John D. Coyle Albert Csink Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Cusack Miss Rose M. Cullen Mr. and Mrs. Fran:C Cunningham Miss Isabella C. Dalgliesh Mr. and Mrs. Ovid D'Ambrosio Dr. and Mrs. Alfred S. Damiani Mr. and Mrs. John Daylor Richard Deluca '56 Mr. and Mrs. Henry W. 031uco Alfred l. Deluco Mr. and Mrs. H. Deni Mr. and Mrs . Joseph DeVenuto Mr. and Mrs. Harry Devlin Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Devlin Miss~s lusan and Mary Devlin Tom and Dove Devlin '57 Mr. an<l Mrs. Joseph J. Diamond Mr. and Mrs . John A. Diamond The Digan Family Dr. and Mrs. Adrian H. Donoghue Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Donohue Miss Margaret Dooley Miss Anne Dooley Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Doran Mr. James Dougherty Mr. and Mrs . John H. Durney Mr. Richard J. Ehnow Mr. and Mrs. H. Emenecker and Sons Dr. l ewis Epste in Michael M. Etzl, M.D. Mr. and Mrs . H. Fedele Mrs. Mary Federspiel Edwin J. Feeny Mr. and Mrs. John J. Flood Mr. and Mrs . Joseph F. Flynn Mr. and Mrs. Frank A. Fonte Joseph Forchetti Mrs . Edwin Forrest Edward Forte George E. Fox From a Pal Mary M. Fuchs Mr. and Mrs . S. Goboge Mr. and Mrs. George I . Galbreath Robert F. Gallagh er Mrs. Anne T. Gallagher Mr. and Mrs. Francis T. Gallagher Mrs. Margaret V. Geisel Dr. and Mrs. Ottavio Gelmi Mr. and Mrs. Edward Gibbons Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gillespie Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Gordon Mr. Francis A. Gould Carmen Greco Miss Margaret Greely Mr. Thomas Greely Mr. c:nd Mrs. Gerald J . Griflin Charles Halfpenny Joseph Hannoboch


Mr. and Mrs. W. Charles Hamburger Mrs. Helen Hare Norman Paul Harvey The Helverson Family Mr. and Mrs. AUSIUSt Helwig William C. A. Henry, hq. Samuel M. J . Herb M r. and Mrs. Samuel F. Herb Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Heyer Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Hickey James E. Higgins Mr. and Mrs. C. Fred Hinchcluff Mr. and Mrs. Norbert J. Hipp Mr. and Mrs . C. Clark Hodgson Mr. and Mrs . Hoffman Frank Hopkins Mr. and Mrs. Wolter J. Horn Anno C. Horning John and Richard Hughes Mr. and Mrs. John Hughes Joseph Incognito Mr. and Mrs. John C. lncarvito Mr. and Mrs . Wolter James Dr. and Mrs. II. Wheeler Jenkins Mr. and Mrs. Arthur E. Jonu Mr. and Mrs. T. G. Jordon Mr. and Mrs . Edward Kania Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Kass Mr. and Mrs . w. A. Kavanaugh, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Colman J. t<eane John Kelly John J. Kelly Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Kelly Mrs. Thomas F. Kemey Mr. Thomas F. Kerney Mary Kiebele Mr. and Mrs. Michael King Alma Marie Koch Rev. Joseph Koenig Anton Kra.mer Joseph E. Kueny '26 Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Kugler Betty Anne Kuhn Richard J. labowskie Mr. Edward Lakey John M. Lawlor, M.D. Mr. William ~. Lawlor Mr. and Mrs. l.ebley Mr. William logan, Sr. Mrs. Helen M. Loughran Mr. and Mrs. William lynn Mr. J . Mocaione Martin T. Macklin Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J . Madden Mr. Frank J. Madonna Mr. John F. Maguire Miss Janis Mahoney Ira Mojo, Sr. Theresa Mojo Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Mallon, Jr. Valentine I. Manning, Jr., M.D. Michael R. Manning

Mr. llemord Mannix, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Fronk Martin Elizabeth Mark Carl Mount Mrs. Edwin Norris Mayor Mr. and Mrs . J . M. McAuliffe Francis P. McColl Mr. and Mrs. Thomoo McCiemon Mr. and Mrs . John M. McCormick Mr. and Mrs . Thomas McCreary Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. McCrudden Mr. and Mrs. John McDevitt Mr. and Mrs . Dennis Mcfadden Mr. and Mrs. P. J . Mcfarland Mr. James II McGinn, Jr. Miss Helen T. McGinn Itt. ltev. Msgr. C. II. McGinley Mr. and Mrs . T. McGuire Thomas McKenny Mr. and Mrs . Edward McKeon Mr. and Mrs . 8 . Mcloughlin Mr. Charles J . Mcilvaine Helen McNulty Don Meckling "56 Salvatore Merglyiono The Mesunos Family Mr. and Mrs. August H. Mi.,hle Mr. and Mrs . T. J . Mlgholli Mario Mignogna George W. Miller Mrs. Eleanor Mlneccl Dr. and Mrs . Paul II. Miraglia Dr. and Mrs. Paul II. Miraglia Mr. and Mrs. John A. Mitchell Bob Milek Mr. and Mrs. John Mono~on Mrs. John T. Mooney Mr. and Mrs. John J. Moron Magistrate John C. Morlock Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Mortimer, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. James H. Muntz Murry-Go-Round Thomas Murray T. J. Murray Mr. and Mra. Colvin K. Nosh Mr. and Mn. Nicolo Obie O'Brien Miss Margaret C. O'Donnell Mn. Norman Oesch

Mr. and Mrs. John J. O' Rourke Anthony Orlando Mr. onct Mrs. James J. Osborne Mr. and Mrs. Van A. Oswald Mr. and Mrs . Edward Pocewiu Mrs. Jane H. Pogen Mr. and Mrs . l . J . Palmer Mrs. Fronk J . Parrotta Mr. and Mrs. Wolter Pellioh Mr. and Mrs. Raymond C. Pentzell Thomoo Perno Mr. and Mrs. Peter E. Perry Joseph Personeni Misses Stella and Jenny Petner Mr. and Mrs. Jam es J. Pettit Philadelphia Rudder Club Mr. and Mrs. Jonph Pinchkk Florence Prenderga st James M. Purcell 1.\r. and Mrs. G. V. Pu rcell Thomas J . Qu inlan, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Harry A. Reckner Mrs. Peter E. Reilly Dr. and Mrs. Earl F. Riceman Mr. o:1d Mrs. John R. Rkhordson Mr. and Mrs . Norman W. Rickert Mr. and Mrs. Joseph ltidgway Rita Ma rie Risl Mrs. Rodgers Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Ronan Elizabeth Rothenboch Mr. and Mrs. W. ltothenboch Mr. and Mrs. Wil liam Rush Mr. and Mrs . William Ruth Mr. and Mrs. Solva:ore Ponti and Family John Schomener Mr. and Mrs. John A. Schouder Hermon E. Schmidt Mr. and Mrs. John F. Schmidt Mr. and Mrs. J . T. Schmitt Peter Schnall Mr. and Mrs. F. Sciulli Mr. and Mrs. lawrence J. Scully Mr. and Mrs . William J . Seiberlich Elizabeth and laura Seiberlich Mr. and Mrs . Peter Seibel Dr. and Mrs. John T. Sharp Joseph II. Sharpe, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Frank A. Sher


Roy Slater James Smith Mrs. Julia Solecki Mr. and Mrs. John A. Spellman, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Jose ph J . Sprissler Dr. and Mrs. J. J . Stanton, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. J. Stanton Albert Steinberg & Company Miss Susan Stephany Mr. and Mrs. Joseph l . Stone Mr. and Mrs . David Sullivan Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Sull ivan Fronk C. Sulzbock, Jr. Mr. Edward Swietllk Mrs. Edward Swietlik Mr. a nd Mrs. Joseph l . Tagu e Mr. and Mrs. Karl Theis Mr. and Mrs. Edwa rd Theriault Mr. and Mrs . Harry T. Todd, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. William J . Torpey Mr. and Mrs. VIctor Trappler Friend Vince Mr. and Mn. William H. Vincent Mr. a nd Mrs . John J. Walsh Mrs . William Walsh Mrs. Will iam Woloh Mr. and, Mrs. Vincent Wollen Mr. and Mrs. Corneliuo Ward John H. Weary Anno Weber ludwig Weinmann Mr. and Mrs. Wolter F. Weis Dr. George A. Weloenberger Mr. and Mrs. Henry F. Whalen Miss Pauline Wiedmann John K. Williams John Williamso n l eo W ilson Mr. Joseph Wilson Mr. and Mrs . JoJeph Winterburg Mr. and Mrs. Fronk Wochok Mrs. H. 0 . Woodcock Mr. and Mrs. Francis C. Woodring Mr . and Mrs. F. P. Yonesso Mr. and Mrs. John Ionine Mrs. A. I eccordi Albert J . Illligen Mr. and Mrs. John Zmijewski

DIS TIN GIII SHED BUSINESS PAT R0NS Alta's Groceries 210 Penn St., Bristol Howard N. Becker, Flo rist 4644 N. 5th St. William J . Cairn' s Paper Co. 1021-25 W. Dauphin St. Alex Cassini, Custom Tailor Clean ing and Pressing 3161 Magee Ave. Chomp' s Cafe 16th and McKeon Sts. Consolidated Cornice and Roofing Works 1645 Henvis St. Corcoran's Grocery 201 E. Wishart St. Ed's Amoco Service Station 5400 Ridge Avenue Ervin's General Store Brownsville Rood and Haxel Avenue Trevose f innesey Body Co. 811 N. Taney Street Germantown Paint and Hardware Co. 4942 Germantown Avenue John J. Giletti Plumb ing and Heating

Ideal florists

Orlando Sew ing Machine 1133 Pierce St.

Dan iel J. Kelly, landscape Contractor 201 S. Broadway, Camden Walter King Painting and Decoration loui s Konowal 5200 Ridge Ave. Herman E. landau 247 South 9th St. The lumber and Millwork Company of Phil adelphia McColgan's Musical Bar 730 E. Clearfied St. C. Mcilvaine Mu ndy Funeral Home 2805 W. Allegheny Ave. Morris Wire Works 546 N . 5th St. Marp le and Clemens, Realtors 81 7 E. Chellel\ Ave. Martin elli's Mobilgas Station Penn and Wi•ter

Penny's Flowers Wharton and Keswick Ave. Glenside, Pa. P & H Gu lf Station frankford Ave. and VIsta St. Piening's Beer Distributor 1250 E. Price St. Quinn's Cafe 20th and Lehigh Ave. Rohoch Realty Co., Inc. 932 N. Franklin St. A. Rxepnicki 3864 Terrace St. Fred Schmitt, Painting Contractor 8347 Cadwaloder Ave. Elkins Park l ouis A. Sgro 247 S. 9th St. Shoemaker & Busch Inc. 511 Arch St. Temple Hardware

Mayfa ir Diner and Dining Room 7343-73 Frankford Ave. Philo. 36

Hartne tt' s Atlantic Service Station 5th and Somerville Avenue

James B. Morris, Distributor 5765 Wister St. Philadelphia 3 8

Hoffman's Flower Shop 3046 Kensington Avenue

John P. Norris, Carpenter and Builder 914 Township line, Elkins Park


F. J. Turtle Funeral Home 441 S Manayunk Ave. Weber's Bakery 3148 Willits Road Wissahickon Asbestos Co. Ambler, Penna.

BUSINESS PATRONS Roy and Anne Abrams Abington Florist 1221 Old York Rood, Abington Ace Auto Shop 666 N. 7th St.

Jo hn l. Bo ll Auto Repairing 6306 N. Beechwood Street Ba ird Sto rmw indows 205 3 Su sq uehanna Rood

Booth Flowers 4200 Cottman Ave. Thomas J . Brody, Roofing 3233 Memphis St. Bradley's Clothes Ogonb and Chellen Aves.

Adams laundromat 1261 E. Chelten Ave .

Ba rr's l iqu or Store 9 Pavillion Ave. Riverside, New Jersey

Raymond E. Adams, Realtor 3536 Collman Ave.

Barry Typewriter Co. 6204 Germantown Ave.

John Brolly

Adolph's Women 's Shop 5620 N 5th St.

John W. Becher Au:o Financing 6 158 l imekiln Pike

Henry U. Brown, Pharmacist N. E. Corner 5th and Chomplost Ave.

AI and Jean's Tocony Bar 4731 Levick St. Altrogge Brothers, Furniture and Television 240 E. Girard Ave. The Aldine Bottling Company 3510 Collman Ave. Or, Alexander Bell, D.D.S. 2101 66th Ave. Allegheny Window Cleaning Co. 541 W. Nedro Ave. Alliance Electric Co. 3401 N. Second St. Alliance Ribbon and Carbon Co. 33 N. Narberth Ave., Narbe rth

Francis Beck, Tailor 2435 E. Somerset St. Robert Be itz 14S7 Lardner St. Belze r's Bakery 57 34 N. Fifth St.

Mr. and Mrs. P. Brinker

3245 Frankford Ave.

Mary Brown, Dresses 5110 Old York Rood The Brown Studios, Photography 2135 E. Chelten Ave. Bruce's Formal Wear 1124 Walnut St.

Ben's Delicatesse n 21 21 Chelten Ave.

James E. Bruckshow Old lancaster Rd. and Montg. Ave. Cynwyd, Po.

William Bergin, Sr. 3521 Ainslie St.

John Burke 987 Harri son St.

John P. Brennan Hancock St. and lehigh Ave.

J. Burkhardt 4027 Creston St.

Benz and Cogno 7102 Germantown Ave.

Butler and Ferrigno litho. Co. 5223 Belfield Ave.

Bergman Knitting Mills 22nd and lehigh Ave.

Mr. and Mrs. John Calhoun

Mr. and Mrs. Paul V. Anderson Robert C. Andrews, Johns-Ma nville Soles Corp., 1617 Pennsylvania Bu ilding Bristol AI Anlco 6400 Chelwynde Ave. Arcadia Theatre 1 Sth and Chestnut leroy M. Asher Germantown Ave. and Wa shington lo. Audio-Electro Co. 7703 Ogontz Ave.

Bill's Gulf Service Wlssohickon and Manheim Sts. Joseph P. Blum 4509 N. 5th St. Bodre Cleaners 3341 " D" Street Mary Brody Boehmer 4 Pelham Rood Ha irdre sser

Jomeo M. Campbell Funeral Home 500 E. Benner St. Campbell Printing 505 Plymouth Rd. Glenside Campbell Printing 505 Plymouth Rd. James Canavan, Insurance Hutchison and Rivinus Co.

Augustine Asia 1302 Wood 51. Bristol

Frederick J . Bohrer Realtor 3114-16 N. Front St.

Tht Capitol Savings and loon Au' n. 3114-16 N. Front St.

Autos to Hire for Driving Test Belmont and Monument Aves.

Boone's Sandwich Shop 6533 Rising Sun Avenue

Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Carroll laundry Busineu


Mrs. Frank Cassidy 1115 Wlndrlm Ave.

Mrs. Peter Carra 2753 N. 20th St.

William J . Devinney & Son 265 W. Godfrey Ave.

William J. Cassidy, M.D. 514 Vernon Rd.

John M. Costello 727 Sansom St.

Do Voe 's Diner

Cates and Shepard 401 N. Broad St.

Danherst Corporation Fairless Hills, Pa.

Central Market Haddonfield, N. J.

Joseph W. Cragin, Inc. Automobiles 6309-13 Torresdale Ave.

Centrella Poultry 22nd and Pt. Breeze Ave. Mario P. Cervone 2823 W. Allegheny Ave. Chally Garage 1 978 W. Sparks St.

Dilella Cleaners 4639 Umbria St.

Harry Culbert Broad and Chelten Max David 7236 Frankford Ave.

Chelten Music Center 1202 E. Chelten Ave.

Jack Dalgliesh Business Broker 236 N. 7th St. Camden, N. J.

Chink's Steaks 6030 Torresdale Ave.

T. J . Daly Pharmacy 2263 N. Howard St.

Morris H. Clayton Schulmerlch Carillions Sellersville, Pa.

Dance Cleaners and Tailors 400 W. Roselyn St.

Click Auto Stores s. W. Corner 66th Ave. and Uber St. A. A. Coates Oil and Heating 5817 N. 2nd St. Colori2e Hobbies 5638 N. Fifth St.

Doole 's Atlantic Service Station N. W. Corner 5t h and Godfrey Ave. K. Averil Dolowoy 5441 Germa ntown Ave. Joh n F. Dooley 4 728 Oxford Ave. J ohn X. Douglau, Pha rmacist Greene a nd Horter Sts. Joseph M. Downey, Real Estate 5611 Chew St.

Edmund D'Ambrosio 1520 S. Broad St.

Di Giu lio's Men's and Boys' Wear 5904 Torresdo le Ave. Phil DiGiulio's Shoes Anchor and loretto I. Di Gregorio and Sons 194 4 Chelten Ave.

George Daub 2008 E. Chelten Ave.

Di l oren2o's Pharmacy 301 Washington St. Bristo l

Tony D'Angelo & Son, Blacksmiths 4917-19 Wayne Ave .

Circle Drugs Ogonl% Ave.

Danny's Barber Shop 7826 Frankford Ave.

Du rki n World Travel s SO W. Chelten Ave.

Davis Paint and Hobby Shop 6224 Germantown Ave.

Ed's l uncheonette

Compl iments of 2B Complim ents of a Friend Complimonts of a Friend Compl iments of a Friend Compliments of a Friend

David's Men's Store Wil low Grove Ed Dawson's Gulf Station Chew, Wister and Olney Aves.

Conestoga Press 520 Knorr

Michael Dealy

Consolo Bakery 156 Hermitage St.

Dean' s Gulf Service Greono and Rittenhouse Sts.

Continental Can Co. 12 South 12th St. Cooney Bros. Inc. 5th and Dauphin Sts. Cooperman's Pharmacy 7060 Germantown Ave. Corona Plumbing and Heating 1 23 E. Durham St.

Edelma nn's Men' s Shop S6os N. Broad st. Edgert's l uncheonette 1348 Chelten Ave. and Broad Mr. Max Eirich, Ca rpenter 322 1 N. Newkirk St. Wm. Emenecker, Wood Working 6 18 N. 35th St. Camden, N. J.

Edward E. Delp New spape r Routes 3230 Memphis St.

Emil's l awndale Restaurant 6 3 59 Rising Sun Ave.

V. De luccia and Son 1230 S. 13th St.

Enterpjrise Mill Soap Worka 2 229 N. 12th St.

Deven Beer Distributo rs 6602 Frankford Ave.

Ernest's Quality Meats 7342 Frankford Ave.


Eros Hosiery Co. 486 Robbins Ave.

Service Forum 32 Maplewood Ave.

Mr. and Mrs. V. J. Errlchettl

Fox Foundry & Supply Co. 2627 E. York St.

Fronk W. & John E. Green Real Estate and Insurance 6329 Frankford Ave. Lt. John Greene, USMC

Mr. and Mrs. Harry Eustace Evergreen Cleaners and Dyers 6047 N. 5th St. Fall Oldsmobile, Inc. 8416 Germantown Ave.

Frank's Barber Shop 101 W. Queen Lane

Lena Greco Fred Griffin

Fronk's Fruit Mollet 916 Wolf St.

Grookett Bros. Fox Chaae

Frantz Equipment Co. Family Pharmacy Rosa lie and Summerdale Fasa no's Market 4 907 Wayne Ave.

Uncle Freddie's Steak Shop 5669 Chew Ave.

Margaret M. Feeny 671 8 Quincy St. Fellenz Family 7708 Rockwell Ave. Mr. and Mrs. James

Fred's Atlantic Service Station Roosevelt Blvd. and Carlisle St.


Field's Sporting Goods 515 Wood St. Bristol Rnney Beverage Co. 6332 Rising Sun Ave. M. Fisher and Son, Hardware 7430-32 Frankford Ave. Mr. David Fitzgerald 1914 Preston Ave. Flnono Bros., Cleaners 4 1 S. Bellevue Ave. Long home Flannery's Tavern 7178 N. 19th St.

Ken Gallagher's Photo Headquarters 3511 Cottman St. Mr. Thomas A. Gallagher 4016 Crescent Ave. Gar's Tavern Belfield and Rockland St. Gene's Richfield Service Station Front and Rising Sun Ave. Wallace T. Gillin 101 W. Chaw St. Gillespie Beer Distributor 4948 Keyser St. J. L. Gillies Co., Seafood & Poultry Chestnut Hill Mrs. Gimbel 7435 Barclay Rd. E. Russell Gleeson, Real Estate N. W. Cor. 2nd St. and Nedro Ave.

Fleet Reserve Auoclatlon Branch #1 1505 Benner St.

Jere F. Goffredo 1405 Locust St.

John F. Fluehr & Sons 3301 Cottman Ave.

Godfrey Ave. , Sweet Shop 266 Godfrey Ave.

4 Chers Catering Co. Frankford Ave. and Hellerm an

Good and Plenty Candy 2140 Germantown Ave.

4 Son's Ca fe 691 8 State Rd.

Mr. I. Gola 5110 N. Third St.

Robert F. Foerster & Brother Pha rmacists 6122 Greene St.

Mrs. Helen Gola 5110 N. 3rd St.

Edwin Forrest Service Sta tion 5503 Mascher St.

Joseph Gramlich and Son Easton Rd. Neshominy, Pa.


Guinan Television Service Conshohocken David-Harold Decorators 5663 Chew Ave. Jack's Delicatessen 1529 Wadsworth Ave. John's Food Market 2365 E. Somerset St. Hamilton Savings and Loan Asso. 6782 Germantown Ave. Hanson's Euo Service Erie Ave. and "L" St. George J . Harkins 4800 Greene St. Harold 's Men' s Shop 5557 N. 5th St. Harry's Auto Service 2nd St. and Rosemar Eileen Hart 3340 N. Howard St. K. R. Houghney, Realtor 5658 Chew Ave. Heffernan Family 1250 Country Club Rd. Glodwyn Helen's Candies and lee Cream 6057 Ogontz Ave. Daniel Henkes, Pharmacy Windrlm and Lindley Herdon Men's Store 7310 Ogontz Ave. Otto Herkert 1 500 N. Myrtle Wood Dr. Harry C. Hessdorffer 7032 Ogontz Ave. Hltkey's Food Market 801 N. Bristol St.

P. J. Higgins 607 Hellerman St. Holy Family Dance 240 Hermitage Compliments Hommel Bakery 5642 N. 5th St. - 7408 N. Front St.

John J. Kennedy, Gen. Contractor 120 Twining Rd. Oreland, Po. Keo Cleaners 401 W. Godfrey Ave.

Lehigh Valley Association for the Blind Allentown, Pa. Leo's Garage 846 E. Chelten Ave.

Keystone Screw Corp. Willow Grove, Pa.

Lodato's Pha rmacy 825 Pond St. Bristol, Pa.

Kurt Kibele 5U9 N. 7th St.

Logan Barber Shop Broad St. and Wlndrlm Ave.

Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Kilbride and Family 5219 E. Roosevelt Blvd.

Lou's Food Mart Sta te and Burmont

King's Lunch Service Caterers 2938 Richmond St.

louis Lendvay, Hairdressing 12 11 Chestnut St. CRm. 7011

F. Emmett Hunt Richmond and Cumberland Sis. Philadelphia 2S, Pa.

Klingel Wilson S<hlmd (Real Estate) 822 W. Lehigh Ave.

C. A. lilly !Candies and Soda) 4 533 Howell St.

H & B Restaurant 2084 E. Allegheny Ave.

H. J. Koch, a..r Distributor 508 W. Cumberland St.

Limekiln Pharmacy Limekiln Pike and Glenside Ave. Glensid e, Po.

Jacobson's Pharmacy 2137 E. Chelten Ave.

Kohler Window 6319 Rising Sun Ave.

Jim's Market Willow Grove, Po.

Tony Kramer 4036 N. Marshall St.

Jimmy's Auto Repairs 214 Leedom St. Jenkintown, Po.

Albert A. Knecht, Inc. 24 S. 18th St.

Wm. H. Horn & Brothers 451 N. 3rd St. Huberman's Inc. 29 S. 11th St. Hughes' 6th and Dauphin Sts.

Joe' s Barber Shop Rowland and Wellington Sts. Joe's Tailor Shop S39 Van Kirk St. Jomac Inc. 6128 Woodstock St. Johnny's Euo Service Station N. W. Comer Levick St. & Harbison Ave. Wm. T. Jones & Sons, Inc. 6330 N. Broad St.

Louis & Heggie, Hairdressing 1 2 11 Chestnut St. IRm. 7011 Joseph F. Loughran Inc. 27 Maplewood Ave. (Real Esta te) louis Luggage & Repair Shop 71 53 Germa ntown Ave.

S. S. Kresge Compa ny 7161 Ogontz Ave. 11861


Lindsey & Krochling Co. 6305 Rising Sun Ave.

Manseau & Kirlin, Insurance 2653 Morris St.

Charles Kullman Barber Supply 1 942 N. Mascher St.

The Lynch Family

Mr. and Mrs. M. Kunyczkco 2926 Poplan St. Kutner Buick Inc. Castor Ave. and Friendship St.

lycoming Pharma cy 1350 E. l ycoming St. ~

Henry Malinowski 2 809 W. Allegheny Ave.

la路Mode Barbers 6831 Torresdale Ave.

Mac Intosh Florists 352 S. Main St. Philipsburg, N. J.

Dr. and Mrs. P. Madden 6616 N. American St.

Art Mac Master of Foley Dog Shows, Inc.

Lane Collin, Drugs 5054 Wayne Ave.

J immy Mac Master The Hammonton News

laver Brothers Gift Shop 5540 N. 5th St.

Marge' s Sitting Service 1051 Dorion St.

Wm. Kelly IFlowersl 2807 W. Allegheny Ave.

lee Tire & Rubber Co. of N. Y., Inc. 22nd and Race Sts.

The Madden Family 932 Jackson St.

Kelly's Bar 11 Township Line Rd.

Leech Bros. Auto Ports Stenion Ave. bel. Haines St.

Daniel J. Madden, Gen. Insu rance Public ledger Building

Kafrluen Apothecary S. E. Corner Ogontz and Olney Ave. Mathew W. Kalkbrenner 4456 N. 16th St. John Kennedy, Architect 828 N. Fairway Rd. North Hills, Po.


leo Magauu, Custom Ta ilor 4820 large St.

Salvatore Mergllano 2301 N. 2nd St.

Nock & Moser 2125 N. 63rd St.

Edw. A. Maguire, Plumber 1335 E. Price St.

Mrs. M. Mignogna

Ernest North 121 E. Cliveden St.

Monca's 4307-09 Germantown Ave. J. F. Marlin, Welding Supplies 1327 Clearfield St. Bob Matthews, Meats 1025 W. Ruscomb St. lilll<1n M. McCall

Millcraft Shade Shop 350 Montgomery Ave. George Miller, Roofing Contractor 1 856 Stanwood St.

North Philadelphia Federal 1019 W. lehigh Ave. Northwood Bakery 5401 Akron St.

John S. Milne 2014 E. Chelten Ave.

Nulty Funeral Homes

Bob Mtik 3134 N. Patton

Oaklane Beverage Co. 800 Oak Lane Rd.

Moran's Sporting Goods 71 57 Germantown Ave.

O ' Byrne Moving Dally Trips Phila.-Seashore 1978 Medary Ave.

632 W. Cumberland St. Mary T. McElroy, Funeral Director S. W. Corner Greene and logan Sts. Dr. and Mrs. J. McEvilly G. W. Mclaughlin Pharmacist 5201 Akron St. John J. Mcllhinney, Realtor 5723 Fifth St. Mr. John McDonald Limousines for Hire 2513 Federal St. McCloskey & Jennings Plumbing & Heating Contractors Old York Rd. and Falrhlll St. Willow Grove, Pa. Charles J. Mdlvaine 3711 Midvale Ave. Manco's 4307-09 Germantown Ave. Ted Mann Norman Margolis, M.D. 7127 Torresdale Ave. Marty and Jack Barber Shop 301 Duncannon Ave. William R. May, funeral Director Glenside, Pa. Mayfair Drug Store 7350 Frankford Ave. Mayfair Radio Service 3528 Cottman St. Medary Pharmacy 1 900 Medary Ave . Meehan Brothers Welsh and Pine Rds .

Morris Levinson, Ph.G. Pharmacist 5200 N. 15th St.

O'Donnell 's Bar-Restaurant 4950 N. Broad St.

Morris Schiff Co., Furniture 227 Poplar St.

Ogontz Diner Ogontz and Olney Aves .

Joseph F. Morsello Photographic Planners 7310 Germantown Ave.

Oil Chemical Atomic Workers Union C.I.O. Local 12-398 45 S. 15th St.

Roy Morton Atlantic Service Station Rising Sun and Godfrey Aves.

L. W. Oswald Pharmacy 401 Old York Road Jenkintown, Pa.

Morton' s Luncheonette 512 W. Lycoming St. Gary Mosger Red Lion Road Leonard B. Mower, Auto Insurance 213 Orlemonn Ave. Oreland, Pa.

Frank Pagano, Insurance 1020 E. Haines St. Palumbo's Pizzeria 6047 Wister St. Jose ph Paperdik 1412 E. Bristol

MI. Carmel Laundromat 2256 MI. Carmel Ave. Glenside, Pa.

Frank J. Parrotta 2336 S. Broad St.

MI. Airy laundry 38 W. Maplewood Ave.

Pat's Grocery Store 501 8 Germantown Ave.

Mt. Airy Diner 8243 Stenion Ave.

Wally Paul Old York Road Country Club

Munder and Miller, Auto Service 5931 N. Sth St.

Paul 's Service Station Ogontz and Nedro Aves.

Murray Hill laundry 1727 S. 22nd St. Mason & Cullen, Inc. 6522 Vine St. Joseph W. Nickels Funeral Di rector 916 Chelten Ave.


Rose Pericoski 6650 Musgere St. F. Perona, Electro-Plating 604 N. Randolph St. Peter Lumber Co. 6263 Oxford Ave.

Pettie Wholesale Florist 1884 Osbourne Ave. Willow Grove, Pa. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Phillips 3422 W. Queen lane Pilgrim Pharmacy 6441 Rising Sun Ave.

Mr. James J. Roche 404 E. Sharpnadc St.

Dr. Bernard J. Simmons Simmons Bldg., 13th and Arch Sh.

Mark L Rothman York Rd. and Ruscomb St.

Singer Bros. Fairless Hills, Pa.

Royal Construction Co. 332 llandrillo Rd.

Sloan's Grocery 102 Tyson Ave. Glenside, Pa.

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph ltybldci Pierson's Front and Roslyn Sis. Nick Pifanl 's Grocery Store 424 Haines St. Pilgrim lanes Bowling Drexel Hill, Pa. 8. I. Plotkin & Son 5631 N. 5th St. Podell' s Pharmacy Stanton and 66th Aves. Point Grill Tavern 5910 Kemble Ave. ' D. J. Pontarelli, M.D. 5662 Miriam Rd. Ponti Tailoring Service 5903 N. 1Sth St. Mary' s Poultry Markel 232 N. 56th St. James V. Powers, Plumbing 5651 Chew St. Racier, McNally & Co. 4101 Walnut St. Raser's Flower Shop 5011 Germantown Ave. Harold Ratcliffe Automobiles 4800 N. Mervine St.

Eddie Sachs 1100 E. Price St. S & S Seer Distributors 1920 W. Passyunk Ave. G. Samet Drugs Kensington and Allegheny Aves. Sattler Bros. Clothing 5421 N. 5th St.

Smith Contracting Co. 448 W. Wyoming Ave. Snyder's luncheonette 201 W. Duncannon Ave. Sonya's Apparel Shop 420 W. Olney Ave. Sophie's Hosiery 261 0 Orthodox St. Society Six

Savitz Pharmacy 7121 Boyer St. S<alfaro's Famous Shoe Repair 121 N. York Rd. Willow Grove, Pa. George W. Sheetz, Inc. 8200 Germantown Ave. Scheuermann's Bakery 5905 N. Fifth St. Schmal's delicatessen 4S35 N. Sth St.

Gustav M. Spies, Optician 410 York Rd. Jenkintown, Pa. Stointon's Dept. Store Ocean City, N. J. Edward F. Stem 6025 Lorge St., Philo. Stipa's Floral Supply 33 Limekiln Pike Glenside, Pa.

John F. Schmidt Printing

Buddy Stone, Mfg. Jeweler Room 205 714 Sansom St.

Scott & Schmitt, Dl slllbutors 21st and Kemble Ave.

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Swonlck 327 Zero!~ St.

Schneider's Bakery 2133 E. Chelten Ave.

Anne J. Summerell


Sweet Shop 24 E. MI. Airy Ave.

James Scvlly, Real Estate 6722 N. Brood St.

Sylvan Morain, D.D.S. 7 135 Germantown Ave.

Ray W. Seavey 2506-08 Harold St.

Tague lumber Company 4010 Germantown Ave.

John Seibel 1737 Sleigh Ave.

John Tashe, Grocery and Delicatessen 1512 Wolf St.

Shaughnessy Paper Padding 2217 W. Atlantic St.

John E. Teas Stenion and Mt. Airy Avea.

Ritz Cleaners & Dyers 7228 Ogontz Ave.

Shirl's Delicatessen Roslyn, Po.

Temple Beverage Co. 7453 Limekiln Pike

Robert's Pharmacy 5001 "C" St.

John V. Shonberger, J eweler 126 E. Eigthh St.

Temple Pastry Shop 145 1 Vernon Rd.

Joseph Rathsmlll, Cleaners 5614 Chew St. Ratti Bros. Garage 66th and Stenion Aves. Reliable Designing Co. 8046 Frankford Ave. Reliable Flower Shop 1621 Point Breeze Ave.


Thoma• T.V. a nd Applia nce• 5 8 11 Rising Sun Ave.

Van Parys Studio 6338 Germantown Ave.

Harold Webster, Farmer's Market 12th and Ridge Ave.

Thompkins Corner S. E. Comer Keswick and Glenside Aves.

Aurore Vaudreuil 1 540 Roselyn

Leo A. Wiedmann, Plumbing and Heating 2811 Diamond St.

Thrift Way Gas 8200 Roosevelt Blvd.

Vidor Dye Works Inc. Tulip and Westmoreland Sis.

Walter F. Weis 1625 Upland Ave.

T. H. R. Motors 6027-29 Germantown Ave.

VIctor's Barber Shop 7125 Germantown Ave.

N. n111 & Sona 1701 Federal St.

VIllage Market 301 Ryers Ave., Cheltenham

Tony's Dellcatenen 1631 S. 2nd St.

Vitale's Restaurant St. Vincent and Bustleton

Town a nd Country Roofing and Siding Co. 1351 E. High St.

Vogel-Rill, Inc., Extremlnators 2212 Chestnut St.

Towne Appliance Center 6840 Wyncote Ave.

John Volk 199 W. Rosemar St.

Triangle Realty Co. 4000 Benner St,

Robert M. Waddington, Inc. 7102 Frankford Ave.

Trilby String Band 1911 Morris St.

Maurice W. Waite 7134 Germantown Ave.

Turco Paint and Vamlsh Co. 2146 1!. Norris St.

Walt's Grocery 2901 Unruh

Tyler Glass Shop 5647 Chew St.

Walter the Tailor 3355 N. 5th St.

C. Tyson, Cleaners 7618 Castor Ave.

Geo. A. Ward, Jewelry 472 Sylvania Ave., Glenside

Tyson Drugs Cor. Tyson and Battersby St.

Weiss Gulf Service Station Stanton Ave. and Haines St. M. Weiss & Sons 6161 Ridge Ave. Weldon Pharmacy Easton Rd. and Geneva Ave., Glenside A. Wayler Meal Market 301 W. Godfrey Ave. White Horse Tavern 4860 Lancaster Ave. Williamson's Atlantic Service Ogont:r, Gratz, Che1ten L. W. Wilkins, Farm Products Wimmer's Bakery 6101 N. Lawrence St. Wlslawn Auto Parts 425 E. Chelten Ave.

Ward & Ward 6539 Roosevelt Blvd.

Wlssahickon Spring Water 3506 Warden Dr. A. W. Woltemale, Florist 345 E. Mt. Airy Ave.

Union Supply Company FaIrless Hills, Po.

Mr. and Mrs. James P. Waters

E. C. Vahle Co., Pel Supplies 523 W. Olney Ave.

Waters' Insurance Agency 2070 Church Lane

X-Pert Paint and Body Shop 6138 Limekiln Pike

M. Avallone 1440 Wolf St

John Weber, Brick and Stone Pointing 440 E. Louden St.

Mr. Alfred Zaccardi 149 Hansberry St.


BOOSTERS Mr. and Mrs. Norman Abendroth Academy Hdwe. A.O.C. lumber Co. Mrs. Albrecht Edmund F. Allen Al's Beauty Shop Dr. and Mrs. J. Anastasi John J . Anderson Frank Anglollllo Mrs. Esther R. Anderson Mr. and Mrs. John Armstrong Steve Arty Mrs. Tomasina Asta Mr. and Mrs. Andrew J . Audet Mrs. Mary Ault Felix Autierl Clarance Babblt Mr. and Mrs. Albert C. Backauskas Mr. Frank Bainger Mr. A. Baird Mr. and Mrs. J. BaJdt Joseph P. Ball Pete Balvati M. Battiste Dr. W. L. Battersby Emma Becher Anna Becker Howard Becker, Jr. Joann and Alma Becker Mike and Ann Becker E. Beggs Richard Belfattl H. Bell Mrs. Elizabeth Belzer Mr. and Mrs. Albert Bel:ter Mr. and Mrs. Richard Belzer Mr. and Mrs. George M. Bennett H. J. Bender Evelyn Bernardini Mr. and Mrs. S. Bernardo Delmar Bernath Mr. and Mn. Howard Berry The Bess Mar Shop Mr. and Mn. J . Betley Mrs. John T. Bilder Henry G. Bille Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F. Binns M. G. Bittel Mrs. John F. Blanch Norman B. Blind Frank Blumenthal Albert Bodoff Mr. and Mrs . Fred J. Bohrer, Jr. Michael Bongiorno, Sr. Mary Bonilla William H. Bordo r Pauline M. Bothwell Robert J . Bothwell Estelle Bower Elaine Bowe rs Mr. and Mrs. Michael Boyce Albert J. Boylan Mrs. K. Boyle

Pete r Boyle Bradley's Card Shop Mrs. John Bradley John Bradley G. Vincent Brady Mrs. George Braeunig James Brannigan Mrs. Wm. J. Brecht Richard Breen Fred Breittmyer Mrs. T. J. Brenen Dr. and Mrs. Joaeph Brennan Mrs. P. J. Brennan Mr. and Mrs. F. J . Breslin Mr. H. Brewer Mrs. Allee Brooks Brown's Pharmacy Mlu Eli:tabeth M. Brown Mrs. John Browne Mr. John Browne Min Mayme Brown John J. Bryers Bruce Buecker Frank B. Buecker Mr. and Mrs. John Butkowlch Mr. and Mrs. Donald F. Byrne Mr. James Byrnes Mr. John L Byrnes Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Cahill Robert J. Callaghan Joan Callan John Callan, Jr. John Callan, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Callan John T. Campbell, lrd Mr. and Mrs. Santo Campellone Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cannon Mr. and Mrs. Samuel J. Cape Anna J. Carlson George V. Carlson The Carpinella's Mr. and Mrs. John C路a rr louis c .a ruso Joseph Cassidy Mary Cassidy Mr. and Mrs. Edward Castella Mr. and Mrs. Fred D. Castella Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Castella Mr. and Mrs. James Catalina Mr. John Catzin Mr. and Mrs . Joseph Cavalier Mrs. A. Cavanaugh Rev. Joseph A. Cavanaugh Central Pharmacy J. & S. Cermanski Joseph A. Charles Ella Chesco Cheskis Photo Center Garret Christ Mr. and Mrs. Paul Christian Stanley Clelen: Walter Cieles:t Mr. and Mrs. Edward Clelinskl


Mr. and Mra. David Cifelli Mr. and Mn. Roland J. Clark Clasa 4E Kathl een and Steve Clayback Mrs. Mary Clayback Mr. Stephen Cloyback Mr. and Mrs. William J. Clements Ensign Dolores Anne Clements Mr. ond Mrs. Thomas J. Clements Marguerite H. Cllggett Mrs. Helen CUshman Herman Cohen Mr. C. Colgan Miss Anno Coli Mr. a nd Mra. Jamtl Collins Dr. and Mra. John T. Cologne Mr. ond Mn. W. l. Colton, Jr. Compliments of a Friend Compliments of o Friend Compliments of a Friend Compliments of o Friend Compliments of a Friend Compliments of Charlie Hen Compliments of Mike Meall Compliments of Mn. Pomerantz Compllmenll of Mr. & Mra. Norman Segal Marie T. Concannon John F. Connelly John F. Connelly Mr. a nd Mrs. Ear! P. Conner Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Conway Margaret Cooper Casual Corrigan Mr. and Mrs. E. N. Costello Jack Costello Jane B. Costello Cottman Hdwe. Cottman Tailor Mr. and Mra. Thomas Courtney Mr. and Mr~. Wm. Coyle Mr. and Mrs. Robert Crone Miss Helen Crenny Mr. and Mrs. Charles Crescenz Patrick Cronin Patrick Cronin The Crowley Children Mr. and Mrs. Joseph E. Crowley Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Crowley Mrs. Joseph J. Cruice Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Cugasl Mrs. Catherine A. Cunningham Thomas B. Cunningham Mr. and Mrs. Albert Curtis Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Cymbor John D' Alfonso Rose D' Alfonso Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Daly Joseph Daly Kathryn Daly Mrs. M. Daly Mrs. Aida J . D'Ambrosio Mr. and Mrs. Frank l. Davey The Deely Family

Theodore Delmar David Earl Delp Florence K. Delp Henry W. Deluca, Jr., ' 52 Mrs. U. Delucca Mr. and Mrs. Frank DeMarco Mr. and Mrs. Peter DeMarco lawrence Destralo Patricia Ann Destralo Miss Barbara DeVenuto Min Alma Dever Mrs. Helen Dever Mr. and Mrs. Deve ry Mr. and Mrs. W. Dick William J. Dick Mr. and Mrs. VIctor DIFerdlnand Stephen DIGiulio Miss Millie Dilorio Mrs. Park B. Dilk s Genny Antolntette Dl Marla Samuel Dlmcoff leonard Dolkiowlcx Mr. and Mrs. S. Dolkiewlcz Donald Donaghy Mr. and Mrs. Francis Donaghy James Donahue Joseph Donahue Moe Donahue Donation Mr. and Mrs. Charles Donnelly Mr. and Mrs. Edward G. Donnelly Mr. and Mrs. J. Donnelly Jane Dooner John T. Dooner Rosemary Dooner Thomas Dooner, ' 52 Mr. and Mrs . Thomas F. Dooner Edward E. Dooney Joe Dorn laundry Dollies Cleaners Anna Dower Mr. and Mrs. l . Downey Mrs. Frank Doyle Francis Doyle Robert Michael Doyle Mr. and Mrs. Gerard Drach Andrew Drlelak Robert J. Dufrasne, D.D.S. Mrs. John E. Durlchek Ann Marte Dumey Margaret A. Durney Robert J . Durney Mrs. Agnes M. Ebbecke Mr. William J. Ebbecke, Sr. Mrs. William J . Ebbecke, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Egner Richard Eirich Alphonse l . Ellerkamp Mr. and Mrs. George Elli s Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Ellis Mr. and Mrs. Caspar Elsasser Mr. and Mrs. Charles Elsasser Mrs. M. Englehom l. Ermold Mr. Charles M. Espenshade Mrs. Charles M. Espenshade

Mr. Joseph Evanclch Jessica Evonclch Mrs . JeaneHe Evans Eve's Apparel Shop lawrence Everling Mr. and Mrs. Ewen Mr. and Mrs. Michael Fabrizio Mr. and Mrs. Ross C. Fohy Mr. and Mrs. William Fahy Mr. and Mrs. Francis Farley Mrs. Estelle Fellenz Robert W. Fenn, Jr. and Family The Fentons Fern Rock Delicatessen Andrew Ferraro James Festa Mrs. Mary Festa David Field Marty Fine Mr. and Mrs. Edward Finegan Howard Fink Ida D. Fink Dr. Irving B. Fink Mr. James Flnlan Fiore's Pineria and Restaurant Clara M. Fischer William H. Fisher louis l. Fishman Anna M. Fitzpatrick Mrs. B. Fitzpatrick Phillip E. Fitzpatrick Raymond Fitzpatrick Vincent J. Fitzpatrick Patrick Flood Edwin Forrest John Fortis Mrs . Madeline Fortis The Fosters Marie Fox Mr. and Mrs. J. Franiak Mr. l . Freemer C. Friel Friends of LaSalle Mrs. Betty Fritzsche Marie and John Gallager Mrs. Ann Gallagher Miss Ann Gallagher Mr. C. J . Gallagher Mrs. D. Gallagher Mrs. Mary A. Gallagher Mr. and Mrs. J. Gallagher Nora Gallagher Robert N. Gallagher Candies Dominic Galletta Terry Gangemi Mrs. J . Garo John Goro Patricia Gara Ed Farrick Martin Gouker Goy Cleaners Miss Mary Gaynor Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Gaynor Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Gaynor Gazer's Tailor Morton Geffen


Gaffer's Market Mrs. M. Geisel Edward Gibbons Mrs . Mary Gilettl Mr. and Mrs. Francis Gilligan Gilway Cleaners Mrs. M. Glnleczkl Rolph Giordano Frank Giorno Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Glackin Samuel Glatstein, D.D.S. Mrs. Hugh F. Glick Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Ginnis Godfrey Cleaners Tom Golo Wando Gola Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Goldkomp Bert Goldstein Goodfriend & Kent Inc. Mr. Fred C. Goodyear Mrs. Margaret R. Goodyear William F. J. Gordon Gerold A. Gordon Miss Mary R. Gordon Lena Gramolo Mr. and Mrs . Groskl Dr. and Mrs. A. Grayce Paul Groyce Dr. John F. Green Mr. William C. Griffey Miss Catherine Griffin Rosemary T. Griffin Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Griscom John Guinan, Jr. Gussman's Tailor Shop David M. Haber, D.D.S. Hugh F. Hogan Francis P. Haggerty Mr. and Mrs. John J. Haggerty Mrs. Margaret Haggerty Mr. John Hogosky Mrs. John Hagosky The Hahn Shoppe The Holtz Family Joe Holtz Miss Helen Halbach Mr. J. Halferty Mr. and Mrs. J . C. Hall Mr. James Haney Mrs. Thomas Hannon Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Hardimon Mary Ellen and Cecelia Harris Mrs. James Hart Mr. William Hartley Mr. and Mrs. William Hartman, Jr. Mr. Willia m J. Hartman Mlu Nancy Harvey Mr. and Mrs. James Haviland Katharine Haviland Mary Heplln Harold W. Hell Mary Ellen Hellenbrand Heller Mr. and Mrs . Helinski Mr. Augu st Helwig Mrs. J . Hendrl

Dale and Ellen Hendrixson Frederick P. Henkels Rev. Francis J. Hennegan Mr. Edward L. Hennessy John Hennessey Mrs. Elizabeth Hepp Herbert' s Pharmacy Herbert's Quality Footwear Elizabeth Hewett Miss Betty Heyer Joseph Heyer Mr. Joseph Heyer Mrs. Joseph Heyer Mrs. James Higgins Mrs. Hildebrand Miss Mary Hilferty C. Clark Hodgson, Jr. Hogan's Cedar Park Inn Mr. and Mrs. Arthur F. Holgate Daniel Hone Mr. and Mrs. James Hone Frank Hopkins, Jr. Mrs. Frank Hopkins Mr. Frank L. Hopkins Mr. Gerald J . Hopkins Miss Agnes M. Horan Thomas J. Horan Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Haran Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Hoover Mrs. Walter J. Hom, Sr. Stanley Horowitz Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Hosler Miss Jane Hubbs Mr. and Mrs. John Hudek Mr. and Mrs. James Hughes Mr. William Hughes Anne B. Hunt Robert E. Hunt Isabella and Sammy Jack's Market Margaret James Theresa James Jameson Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Janson Jay's Luncheon ette Mrs. Jaymers Joe's Barber Shop Johnny's Steak Shop Henry W. Johnson Charles Jones J. P. Dry Cleaners Mr. Peter Juliano Mr. Juric John Kaczur Harry D. Kaffes Harry Kot:r Kary's Delicatessen Walte r S. Kearns Mrs. John F. Keegan John lcklebic Keegan James Kelian Miss Elizabeth Kelly Mary and John Kelly (deceased) Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Kelly Cecelia Kennedy J. Kevin Kennedy

Memory of John V. & Michael T. Kennedy Sophie Kennedy The Kennedy Family Mr. Raymond Kerollls Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Kerrone Keswick Jewelers Joseph H. Kloke Mr. and Mrs. William Koebert Kohens Pharmacy Miss Carolyn Kolb Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Kolb Mr. and Mrs. John Kolla Mr. and Mrs. Ellwood Kopp Mr. and Mrs . John Kowalkowski Mr. and Mrs. Wolter F. Kraemer Kralman's Pharmacy Krous-Owens Real Estate Emma Krause Frank Kravitz Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Kreuser Mr. Joseph F. Kreuser Eddy and Gary Krisch Mrs. Anna Kugler, Sr. Dorothy A. Kugler Mr. and Mrs. Millon Kuhn Bill Lafferty, Jr., ' 55 Mr. and Mrs. Wm. F. Lafferty Maurke J . Land Dr. and Mrs. James Lane Arlene and Howard Lange Mr. and Mrs. Howard F. Longe, Sr. Edward J . Lanshe Mary Jo Larkin Mrs. Vincent G. Lawlor Mrs. Mary Lee Matthew J. Ledwith Mrs. Charles Leiber Mr. John A. Leichner Mr. John A. Leinhelser Miss Marie leinhelser Mrs. Marie Le lnheiser len' s Barber Shop Mrs. Dorothy Leonard Mr. and Mrs. James Leonard Mr. and Mrs. Leon Lepine Alfred G. le Sieur, Jr. Alfred G. Le Sieur, Sr. Dianne N. le Sieur Little Flower Third lunch Liberty Clowns N. Y. A. John J. llney, Jr. Muriel Elise Llney Mr. and Mrs. John Link Mr. and Mrs . Robert Litto Jack Livingstone !Atlantic Station) Mr. Carl Locher Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Lodge logan Barber Shop Ellen lombard Jack Lombard Jerry l ombard Mr. and Mrs. Lombard Rosemary G. Lombard Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Lubas Dr. N. J. Luby Helena Loughlin


Lou and J im Mr. John Lowe Mr. and Mrs. E. J. lut:r MacFarland 's Barber Shop Mrs. Charles McAleer Mr. and Mrs. Daniel W. McAleer Or. James 0 . McBride Mr. a nd Mrs. Vincent A. McCall Mr. a nd Mrs. Arthur F. McCarthy Grace McColgan James McColgan Claire A. McCoog Mr. Joseph F. McCormick Donald B. "Saleh" McCoy Rev. George H. McCullough Mrs. Ma rgaret C. McCullough Janice McDona ld Mr. Wa lter McDonald, Sr. Mrs. Catherine McEIIroy J . P. McEvilly, M.D. Frank X. McFadden Jam es McFadden Mary McFadden The Misses McGarity The Misses McGaughran Mr. a nd Mrs. Joseph B. McGill J erome A. McGinley Mr. a nd Mrs. J . McGinley and Family The " 8" Mcllhinneys Mr. F. l. Mcintyre Mr. a nd Mrs. J. Edward McGowa n Mrs. William J. McKeown Mr. Willia m J. McKeown Winfield S. McKeown Mrs. Rosa nna S. McMa nus Bill McMenamin Mr. J ohn MeMenamln J . F. McMena min Mr. a nd Mrs. J . McMonagle John G. McWilliams Dr. N. M. Macneill Macri' a Mr. a nd Mrs . Macnamee Daniel Madden Mrs . Catherine Madden Vincent W. Madden, Jr. Mr. a nd Mrs. ~Allison Maggiolo Mr. and Mrs. Ed Magrlsi Mrs. J . F. Maguire JoAnn a nd Pat Moguire Miss Mary Catherine Mahon Mr. a nd Mrs. J oseph Mahon Anna V. Mahoney Rev. J a mes H. Mahoney Joseph J . Ma honey Cha rles A. Majers Esthe r Malizia Mr. a nd Mrs. Nicholas Malizia, Jr. Mr. l ouis A. Mullnl, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Malone Mr. a nd Mrs. V. Mancino Mr. a nd Mrs. Dominic Mandia Mr.and Mrs. Anthony Monera Eileen Manyak Mary Manyak Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Marcis

Mr. and Mrs. John Marco Mario Mariani James Maries Meta Marx Carl J. Mastrovlto Matt's Shoe Repair Edward Matthews William J. Mattea Richard Mauermann Mrs. E. Maxwell Rose and Peg Maxwell Mr. and Mrs. Scott Maxwell James Mazzola Mrs. John J. Meehan Mr. Stanley G. Mellnson S. Mergliano Steven Evans Merkin Mr. and Mrs. Frank Men Mr. and Mrs . Michel Paul E. Miehle Mr. and Mrs. Irvin H. Mlenen Mr. C. Miko Carl C. Miller, Jr. Edward Mltros Mr. and Mrs. Richard B. Mitchell Min Maureen Mitchell The Mob Mrs. Nellie Moffett Mr. and Mrs. James Momorella Jack Monaghan Mr. Cyril Morano Mr. Harry Morris Harry Morris, Jr. Mrs. Helen Morris Edward and Marion Morrison Mr. and Mrs. John Morrison Mr. A. F. Morthont Mr. George Moskal Mrs. S. M. Moss R. Moyer's Shoe Repair Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Mullen Mr. and Mrs. Paul Mullin, Sr. Mrs. C. H. Munchen Eddie Muntz Mr. Harry L. Munz Mr. John Murphy Patrick Murphy Mr. and Mrs. William E. Murphy Rev. Camillus Murray, O.F.M. lgnatious L. Murray, Jr. Ignatius L. Murray Mrs. I. L. Murray Joseph W. Murray Thomas Murray Mrs. Grella Nally Mr. Daniel F. Naughton The New Brite Spot Josephine Niewodowskl Mrs. Mary Noel Mr. and Mrs. Walter Newby Nick the Barber Nicola Pugliese Nomar Co. Oaklane Barber Shop Mr. James W. O 'Brien Mr. and Mrs. O'Neil l

John F. O 'Neill Joseph O' Neill Mr. Sam O' Dorislo Mrs. George F. Ohbger Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Oldfield Michael O'Reilly Miss Eileen O'Rourke Miss Virginia M. O'Rourke Mrs. J . Ortino Mrs. Helen O sbom Mr. and Mrs. Frederick J . Ostertag, Jr. Mr. William J. O'Toole Ralph Pacewlcz Page's Luncheon Mr. and Mrs. E. Papp Dr. Pancic Vinc,e nt J. Pannepacker, Jr. Pascuzzi Family Joseph Pascuzzi Pat the Barber Mr. and Mrs. James Patterson Mr. and Mrs. Joseph W. Patterson Joseph Paul Or. and Mrs. A. R. Peale Mortimer Peevy Mrs. William Pettit Mr. and Mrs. Harry Pfetzlng Mr. and Mrs. Shirley Phillips Pat Pilla Joseph Pinchick John P. Plunkett Mr. and Mrs. S. Poklnlewskl Polly Mr. a nd Mrs . Frank Ponti Vincent Prestillo Mrs. P. Pursh Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Pyle S. F. C. and Mrs. Edgar Quap Michael F. Quinlan Mr. and Mrs. A. Quinn Mr. and Mrs. John Quinn, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. John Quinn, Sr. Mrs. Mary Quinn Stephen Quinn Anthony S. Qu into Mary Quinto Thomas E. Radomski Ralph's Meat Market Mr. B. H. Ranken Joseph Rathsmill Mr. and Mrs. Reagen James R. Reckner John J. Reckner Mr. and Mrs. William Regll Reiche's Market E. Reukauf Joseph Rex Frank Rena Rialto Tailoring Co. Mr. and Mrs . Harry L. Ricca, Sr. James Riceman Mr. Elwood Richards Dorothy Jane Richardson Mr. Clarence Rickert Miss Katherine T. Rickert Norman Rickert, Jr.


Mr. and Mrs. Norman W. Rickert Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Rider James Rieck Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Rieck Mra. Frederick Riegler Mrs. Frances Rimshaw Mrs. Frances Rimshaw Anthony Risi Mr. and Mrs. John Rogalski John T. Rogalski Maryann E. Ronan James J. Rosanulla Joseph C. Rosemery Mr. and Mrs. Cyrua Rote Joseph A. Rowan R. J. Rowland Joseph V. Rubino Joseph Ru sso Mr. Ryan Catherine T. Ryan Mr. John M. Ryan Kitty Ryan Michael J . Ryan Mrs. W. Miles Ryan Edward Rzepnickl Jerry Salerno Mr. and Mrs. Charles Santmann Mr. and Mrs. Martin Santmann Mra. Helen Sanderson Mr. and Mrs. John G. Sandman Lena Santon Mr. and Mrs. William Schaffer Mr. Quinton Schaffer Mrs. Anna Scharff Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Schast John A. Schauder, Jr. Robert W. Schenlng Allee A. Schimpf Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Schluckebier Mrs. Eleanor Schluth Mr. and Mrs. Edward W. Sc,h mid Edward W. Schmid, '56 Anton Schmidt Marie Schmidt Mrs. Mabel S. Schmidt Max Schmidt J . F. Schmidt Family Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Schmitt Ruth and Margaret Schmitt C. J . Schreader Nick Schwechtje Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Schweikart, Jr. Eleanore A. Schwenke Scocca Family Andy Sekellc Senior Scouts Troop 530 Mr. Andrew J . Serchak Mr. and Mrs . Francis Sexton Mr. and Mrs. Frank V. Sharp Joseph Sharpe Sharpless Stationery Service Mr. and Mrs. Fred Shaughnessy Mr. James E. Shaughnessy Mr. and Mrs. Bernard J . Sheridan Edward J. Sheridan James J . Sheridan

Mrs. Mary Sheridan Rose Sheridan Edward J. Shields, Jr. Henry Shields Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Slmmler Miss Mary Simone Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Simonetti Mr. Charles Sisto Mr. Sam Sisco Mr. J. Scolnldc Michael Slavek Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Stowlclcl Mr. and Mrs. J. Clement Smith Mr. Edward C. Smith Eugene W. Smith Joan Margaret A. Smith John J . Smith, Jr. Elizabeth M. Smith Mr. William Smith, Jr. Harry Sobels The Misses Spellman Jim Spinelll Bel Mar Sportswear James Spraker Dr. Morton G. Squires Dante J . Stablllto and Family Edith Stablllto Estelle Stablllto lucy Stablllto George R. Stabillto Vera Stablllto Mr. and Mrs. Frank Stanislawski Mary F. Stanton Carol and Tony Stevens Nate Stewart Mr. and Mrs. Robert Stranls Mrs. W. Strobel Gustav John Stoebenau Joseph E. Strogas Strouse Texaco Service Mr. A. J. Strong Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Sullivan Jam" T. Sullivan, Jr.

Robert Summerall Christine Summers Eleanor and Bill Sundermann Mr. and Mrs. Paul R. Sundermann Arline Sykes Adam Szlrur Mr. and Mrs. Joseph S. Szymanski Mary A. Tague Ted's Prime Meats Mr. and Mrs. John A. THfy, Sr. John Testa Cleaners Mr. James Thomas Mr. and Mrs. Tiedkin Miss Marion J . Tierney Anne and John T. Tobin, Jr. Miss Marjorie Ann Todd John J. Todd Tom and Joe's Gulf Service Station John Toner Mr. and Mrs. E. Tonkinson Edwin Townsend Donald Trappler Claire Trappler Mr. and Mrs. VIctor Trappler Ted Travia Daniel P. Trost Mrs. John Tucker, Sr. Tunitsky' s Drug Store Tyson Cleaners W. Harvey Van Aker Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Varga Marie and Rose Varga Wilfred J . Vaudrend, Sr. Mrs. Charles Verrillo Vince's Shoe Service Bill Vincent, ' 56 Mrs. Mary G. Vincent The Vogue Shop Mr. and Mrs. J. Volle Carl C. Von Nell Mr. and Mrs. William A. Waddington Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Wakefield


Mrs. E. Wale Mr. Ste phen Wallace Mrs. Stephen Wallace Walter Wally's Mobilgas Station VIncent Wa lters, Jr. Mr. a nd Mrs. William Wa lters Mr. James Ward Joseph J. Ward Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Ward Mr. a nd Mrs. Wl11iam Ward Mrs. Kathryn S. Warr Mrs. H. Watt-H. C. Watt J oseph Waugh Dorothy M. West Mr. and Mrs. Francis P. White Mr. a nd Mrs. John J. White Dr. and Mrs. John P. Whitecar Agnes M. Wiggins Mr. and Mrs. J. Wiggins Robert J. Wilkin, Sr. Zelma Williams Mr. J . A. Williamson Willow Grove Appliance Shop Wm. J . Wolf Mr. R. Winter J. A. Wogan Harry Woodcock A. R. Woods Mrs. Mary Wynne Sa m Yohannan Yonnle's Delicatessen Mrs. William Young Mrs. Fred Younglohn Dorothy Zanlne Mr. Joseph Zapplle Mr. a nd Mrs. Joseph Zavodny Mrs. A lfred Zeccardi Zendler's Ice Cream James Zllllgen Mr. and Mrs. Micha el Zub yk Mrs. E. Zulli


Produced by WILLIAM T. COOKE PUBLISHING, INC. 21 S. 21st St., Phita., Pa.





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