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LA SALLE HrGH SC:i lOOL LillRARY . .,, WYNDMOOR, P \ . ,-~i!S






a LaSalle Colleqe Hiqh School Philadelphia



TO BROTHER ELISEUS JOSEPH, F.S.C. A member of the Institute of the Brothers of the Christian Schools for twenty-eight years, the past eleven of which have been spent at LaSalle, Brother Joseph has become a familiar and much-admired figure on the campus. It is with a feeling of sincere respect and honor that we, the Senior class of 1957, LaSalle College High School, dedicate this yearbook to you, Brother, with best wishes for continued success in the cause of Christian education.

All freshmen are ANGELS.

La Salle

••• •••

its tradition

honored · and inspired




A dynamic force in all phases of education for almost three hundred years, the Institute of the Brothers of the Christian Schools traditionally maintains educational institutions of the highest calibre. La Salle, which bears the name of the Founder, occupies a specially pre-eminent niche among the Brothers' schools. Since 1863, the year of its foundation, the school has undergone a period of continued expansion and academic progress. Offering a well-balanced academic course designed to produce the well-rounded Christian man, LaSalle also provides facilities for one of the finest varsity and intramural athletic programs to be found anywhere. Explorer teams traditionally achieve outstanding prominence in football , basketball, baseball, track, and other sports. Nor are the cultural activities overlooked . The Dramatics and Debating clubs are consistently successful, and there are in operation several discussio11 and activity clubs described in the later pages of this book. We members of the Class of 1957 have the privilege to look back over four years of educational development in an atmospher9 which embodies such traditions. The sorrow of departure, however, is modified by the knowledge that in such an environment we have been most thoroughly prepared to trod successfully the avenues along the highway of life. In the following pages we have tried to give you a glimpse of what the past four years have meant to us. We have tried to show you how the selfless dedication of the Brothers and teachers has provided us with an inspiring memory we shall always cherish. While no book could possibly depict, nor any words convey, the real meaning that our four years at LaSalle have had for us, we hope that the following pages will, to an extent, accomplish a portion of that purpose.



Academic aspirants strive to deepen their • •

OWn VISIOn • • • In accordance with Catholic educational philosophy, religion plays a vital role in the stude nt's life. Symbol of this fact is the chapel, in which many students pause daily for a lunch-time visit. Thi s dependence on Divine Providence accounts largely for the traditional s uccess of LaSalle students in varied phases of life.


The freshmen choristers in a gay mood.



BROTHER f . JOSEPH Vice Principal • • • Athletic Director ••• Men of lo Salle

BROTHER D. ALBERT Guidance • • • Arch confroternity • • • Assemb lies Benilde Club

BROTHER FELIX JOHN 4A Religion ••• Trigonometry • • • Solid Geometry General Mathematics

Those who teach others • • • BROTHER G. THOMAS 41 Religion • • • Accounting I, II ••• History II ••• Golf ••• Senior and Junior Proms

BROTHER E. STEPHEN 4C Religion • • • Physics • Science Club

BROTHU GEORGE CORNELIUS 3A Religion • • • Chemistry

BROTHER E. ANTHONY 4D Religion . • • English IV, Public Speaking I • • • Contest Coordinator

BROTHER D. EDWARD 3B Religion ••• Algebra II ••• Football • • . Moth Club

BROTHER D. JEREMY 4E Religion ••• Spanish I french I, II ••• lntromurols


BROTHER GRATIAN 3C Religion • . • English Ill • Public Speaking I • • • Tennis ••• Freshman Basketball

BROTHER D. ALPHONSUS 2B Religion • • Biology • • Mothers' Club

BROTHER E. ADRIAN 3E Religion ••• Band Religion ••• History Ill ••• Basketball

BROTHER GERVALD JOHN 2A Religion . • • latin I, II ••• Baseball

BROTHER F. BERNARDIN£ 2D Religion •.• • History II •.• Typing I ••• lntramurals

BROTHER GODWIN JOHN 2£ Religion ••• Geometry •. • Spanhh II ••• Public Speaking ••• Student Council

BROTHER F. JEROME 3D Religion ••• German I, II, Ill ••• Debating ••• Dramatics

BROTHER GREGORY OF MARY 2C Religion • • • English II , Public Speaking

Mr. Di Sangro shows Faraco how to draw a straight line.

Touching humor in Brother Bernardine's world history class.


BROTHER G. CLAUDE 2 F Relig ion ••• Geometry ••• Algebra I • • • Crew . • • Dentention

BROTHER G . WILLIAM 1 A Religion ••• Band Religion • .• Public Speaking •. • Band • •• · Cho ral

unto justice . .. Ciccimaro must be interested in something better than P.O.O.

BROTHER D. GABRIEL 1B Religion ••• General Math . • • Biology • • • Cheerleaders

BROTHER EMILIAN OF MARY 1 C Religion • . • latin I • • Greek I • • • l atin IV • • • Detention

BROTHER E. JOSEPH 1 E Religion • • Algebra • Alumni

BROTHER F. WILliAM 1 F Religion •.• History I • Art • • • Art Club • • • Track ••. Cross Country


MR. RICHARD BEDESEM History I . . • Assistant Football Coach

MR. JOSEPH MORAN Spanish I, II, Ill •.• Wisterian

MR. JOHN MOORE English Ill, IV . • • Public Speaking • . . Dramatics

BROTHER D. MICHAEL 1 D Religion . . • Typing I, II • •. Daily Bulletin

shall shine . ..

MR. JOHN HARBISON Problems of Democra cy . I.R.C. . . • Freshman Football ••• Track . •• Auistant Football Coach

MR. JOHN Dl SANGRO Mechanical Drawing • • . Freshman Football


Ml. CARL VON NELL library Science •.. library Ml. RODERICK l08ElTS English I, German I

Ml. JAMES WARD History Ill • . • Fint Aid Driver Training • . . Blue and Gold

as stars ...

Could Conway be laughing at the Senor?


MR. CHARLES O'BRIEN Physical Education • • • Basketball Coach

The sophomores seem to be interested in what Brother Gabriel has to say.

for all eternitq.

MISS CELESTE WAGNER Assistant Secreta ry to the Prin路 cipal MR. JOSEPH COLANTONIO Director of Music

MRS. GLADYS HOLZBAUR Secretary to the Principal



Outs tan din~ Seniors



they're the top



JOHN C. AlTROGGE VI 4-2883 Holy Cross 111, 2A, 3E, 4E . . . Secretory 1 B . . . Intramu ral football 1, 2 • . . Brown Eyes . . • Baseball for Glenside • . . Member of the herd.

346 E. Meehan Ave., 19

JOSEPH l . AMBROGI TU 224 Roslyn Ave., Glenside St. luke 1 C, 2E, 3C, 4C . . . Scholaslict letter 1 • . . Cross country ••• Track 1, 2, 3, . • . Intramural bowling 1, 4, country 1 . . . Track 1, 2 lchampsl . . . Salesman for Antell . • . Cinder track man . . . let's go Grady!

7-0927 1, 2, 3 . Cross Charles


4035 Comly St., 24 St. laurenlius 1 D, 2D, 3E, 4B Basketball 1, 2, 31ll, 41ll . . . Class vice president 1, 4; president 2, 3 . • . Student council 2, 3, 4 • . • Intramural football (champs I 1, 4 •.. little Richie ••. Seen at all football games ••• Goes for smooth music.

VINCENT P. ANDERSON DE 3-3922 32 I 1 St. Vincent St., 49 St. Matthew 1 E, 2C, 3A, 4A •.. Scholastic medal 3 .•. Scholastic letter 1 , 2, 3 ••. Art Club 1, 2, 3, 4 . . • Blue and Gold ••• Wisterian 4 ••• Cross country 1, 3 ••• Track 1, 2, 3, 4 • . . Intramural football 1, 2 (champs!, 3 lchampsl, 4 • . • bowling 1, 2, 4 . • • Cross country 1 (champs!, 2, 3 . . . basketball 1 , 2, 3, 4; track 2 ••• Prom Committee 4 . • . Kingpin of #2 6 bus . • . Who are you asking to the prom, Vince? ••. Has to take care of Ellis.

FRANK J. BARTL I 500 Lindley Ave., 41

Gl 5-0744 Holy Child 1 E, 2A, 3E, 4E .•• Intramural basketball 2; track 1 ••• Never seen without Bauder •.• Mr. Before ••• Vegetarian ••• Brochah.


5843 N. 4th St., 20

WA 4-6191 St. Helena lA, 2D, 3B, 4A • . • Art Club 1, 2, 3, 4 • . • Bond 3, 4 . • • I.R.C•••• lnlramurals cross country 1, 2; track 1, 2 ••• Plays the sax with a Greek accent . • • Struck out in Religion . • • Ardent fan ot Saturday nile dances.


107 W. Ruscomb St., 20

GL 5-6884 St. Ambrose 1 A, 2A, 3E, 4E •.. Vice president 3; Treasurer 4 .•. Track 2, 3, 4 • . . Basketball 2, 31ll, 41ll .•• Intramural football 1, 2, 3, 4 ; track 1 , 2; cross country 2 lchompsl, 3, 4 .•• Seen with Bro~ah •.• Four roses and Baby Ruth •.• Proof it.


627 E. Cheltenham Ave., 20

, 5-0372 St. William 1 C, 2A, 3B, 4E ••• Bond 1, 2, 31ll, 41ll Math. Club 3 ••• llue and Gold . . • All-Catholic Band 3 . . Intramural football 2, 3, 4 ; basketball 4 ••• No you're not • . • I'm smaller than you •.• Movement for the revival of pegs.


LAWRENCE J. BEREZNCKY 106 £. Moin St., Maple Sllode, N. J. M£ 8-9272 Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception 11, 2D, 3C, 4E ••• I.R.C. 4 . .. Ge rman Club 3 . . • Intramural football 1, 2, 3 , 4 ; basketba!l 1 ; bowling 1, 2; track 1, 2 ; cross country 4 .• • Bartender .• • Gives Christmas presenh in January ••• Forward Comrades . •• l oves German.

WILLIAM H. BERG IN 3521 .Ainslie St., 29 St. 1 C, 2A, 3D, 4A . . . Track 1 • football 2, 4; basketball 3 , 4 ; mon ••• HamBergin ••• One

VI 4-1713 Bridget • • Cross country . Intramural cross country 2, 3 • . . East Falls of Dooner' s boys.

JAMES J. BINNS 7006 .Ardllegll St., J 9

CH 8-1235 Holy Cross Intramural basketball 1E, 2B, 3E, 4D . . . Vice president 2 1, 2, 3, 4 ; cross country 1 . Gentleman Jim . . • That don't cut no Ice with me . . . Spends his Fri. night's at the water lower dances.

DONALD G. BIRCH 7 I 55 Cottoge St., 35

M.A 4-4931 St. Bernard 1D, 2C, 3E, 4B . •• Scholastic medal 1 . • • Math Club 3 • •• lenllde Club 1, 2, 3, 4 . . . Intramural football 1, 2, 3; cross country 1, 2; basketball 1 (cha mps), 2, 3 , 4 . . . Man with a dllferent smile • . • Owns shares in Birch Beer . . . Sees stars In P.O. D.


'· Spanish Brains In Action


Boltom llow:




Ave., 26

HA 4 -7898

St. Helena 1 A, 2D, 3E, 48 ••• Typing award 3 .• . I. R.C. . . . Intramural bowling 1 lchompsl; football 2 , 3, 4 lchompsl; cross country 3 ; trade 3 ••• Basketball 3, 41L) . . . Come on, Billy, woke up •.• Occasionally s~~n at Sth and Godfrey.

PAUL F. CALLAGHAN 314 W . Somerville Ave., 20 HA 4-2382 Incarnation of Our Lord 1 E, 2E, 3C, 4C • . . Intramural basketball 1, 2 . . . Pop Worner football ••• Philo. Parks baseball • . . Mean on wheels .


Ml 4-1484 Incarnation of Our lord 1 B, 2A, 3D, 4A •.• Intramural football 1, 2, 3, 4 . . . Has everything but o togo . . . Lifegua rd at Sea hie City •.. Diets.

4928 N. Sth St., 20

WA 4-8031 St. Athonoslus 18, 2C, 3C, 4E • . . Scholastic letter 1, 2 Baseball manager 3, 41ll . •. Intramural cross country 1, 2 . . • Track 1, 2 ••• The Bee . . . Supporte r of Graham's . . • Head of Ellis cut parade . • . Got o smoke? 1834 lleverly llood, 48

STEPHEN V. BRADY 240 Durard lid., 19

GE 8 -4553 Holy Cross 1 C, 2E, 3D, 40 • . Intramural bowling 2, 3 . , • Crou country 3 (champs), 4 ••• tra ck 2 (champs!, 4 • •• Drives o hot canoe . • • Penn Stole, here I come . ~ Helps louie do algebra • . • Woodie.

WA 4-2614 Holy Angels 1 C, 2B, 3B, 4C . . . I.R.C . . • • Intramural bowling 1; basketball 4; track 2, 4 . . . CYO basketball . • • Mister Peepers • • • Physically Indifferent.

JOHN L. BUitKE I 5 I W. Godfrey A ve., 20 u 9 -6793 St. Helena 20, 3E, 4B •• . l.lt.C•.•• Cross country 3, 4(LJ ••• Track 3, 4(LI •• . Intramural football 2, 3, 4 (chomps) . . . basketball 2, 3, 4 • • • Crou country 2 ••• Trade 2 . . • Les . . . Plays at A & Chomp lost . . • " Let me play, fellas."

JOSEPH P. CAPOZZOLI 6060 Roosevelt Blvd., 49 , 3-9278 Saint Martin of Tours 1 E, 2B, 3A, 4D ••• Intramural football 2, 4 Basketball 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 ••. Crou country 1 , 4 , .• Drives "SS" Ford • • . Finally reached S ft . • . . Purveyer of Spanish.


6809 N. Brood St., 26

Top «ow:

Bottom l!ow:

THOMAS M. CASSIDY !SST W . Maple Ave., langhorn e SK T-3281 Our lady of Grace 1 A, 2E, 3E, 4A • . . Man, I need a Buick for gas . . • Excellent knowledge of removing transmissions • . . Boards in North Hills.

CHRIS N. COSTELLO Chapel Hill I 334 309 Stahl Drive, Huntingdon Valley, f'a. St. Cecilia 1 D, 2D, 3D, 4B . . . Intramural football 1, 2, 4 ••. Bowling 1 • . . Doublemlnt keeps his car together bpech an interest in Jacob Reed • • • " He rings a bell."


NE 4 - lSTS Nativity B. V. M. 1 A, 2C, 3C, 4E . . . Scholastic letter 1 • . . Math Club 3 I.R.C. . • . Band 1 , 2, 3, 4 . . • Weekend In Conshocken "CI"I" . • . Hot man with Clarinet. I

THOMAS P. CONNOR 1243 Steel lid., Havertown HI 6-3028 St. Dorothy 1 B, 2C, 3D, 4A . . . Scholastic medal latin 2 , Eng . 3, Rei. 3 ••. Scholastic letter 1 , 2, 3 . . . Intramural cross country 1 , 2, 3 (champs), 4 . . . Football 3, 4 . . . Basketball 4 . . • Bowling 2 , 4 ••• Softball 4 . . . Wes Santee of lntram:.~ral cross country . • . Guards homework with life • . . Ears.

EDWARD R. CORCORAN 201 E. Wishart St., 34 St. Hugh 1C, 2E, 30, 4E . .. Scholastic Medal 1 • Scholastic letter 1, 2, 3 . . Physics Club 4 . . . Math Club 3, 4 . • . Cross country 2 . • . Intramural cross countoy 1, 3 lchampsl, 4 • Bowling . . • Football 1 . • . Tropical flsh lover . . • Talks loo much . . • Cherishes his scholastic "l"'.


CH T -694 I Holy Cross 1 E, 2B, 3E, 4B • . . Art Club 3 . Buddy of Enos . . • Save the A's ••. Former Usher . . • Bill.

ROBERT E. CWIK 3410 H. 18th St., 40 8A S-4S6T Our lady of the Holy Souls 1 B, 2A, 3D, 4A ••. " Baby face" . . loved World History in Jr. Year . • . Blinks eyes for exercise .

JOSEPH M. DALY T60T Oak lan e ltd., Cheltenham, Pa. ME S-8S03 St. Joseph 1 A, 2A, 3B, 40 . . . Intramural bowling 1, 4 •.• Basketball 2 ••. Football 1, 2 . . . Cross country 2 ••• Track 1, 2, 4 . Wakes up during 8th period • • • Born in a brown suit . . . Pharmacist.


THOMAS J. D' ANNUNZ IO 1006 Washington Lone TU 4-0405 Immaculate Conception 1B, 2E, 3C, 4C ••• Secretory 2 •• . Dra matic Club 3, 4 • . . Science Club 4 • . • Chee rleading 4 . . • Tumbling 4 . . . I.R .C. . •• Wlsterlan 3, 4 • . . Math Club 4 • . Prom Com,rnittee 3 , 4 .•. Stage crew 3 •.• German Club 4 • • Baseball 2, 3, 41LI .•• Intramural football 1 , 2 , 3, 4 • •• . Basketball 4 . .. Favorl St. Basil's .•• Thespian from way back •. • b there such a thing, Brother?


1721 N. 57th St., 32 St. Gregory 1 D, 28, 3A, 4C ••• Crew 1 . . • Basketball football 2, 3 (champs) . . • Boolal Boola! . . Needs a motorcycle.

TR 7-4971

Intramural Likes sport cars


191 W. Sparks St., 20

Ll 9-3895 St. Helena 1 D, 2C, 3B, 4E . . • Scholastic letter 2 . . . I.R.C. • • . Intramural basketball 1 (champs) . • . Football 1, 4 . . • "As it said In the book last night" • • . Cool corduroy sport jacket • • • Supporter or Harby's jokes.

JOSEPH T. DE VENUTO 3438 Aiding St., 36 DE 8-1594 St. Matthew 1 C, 2C, 3D, 4A •• • Scholastic letter 2 •.• I.R.C • .•• Blue and Gold . . . Bowling 3 • • • Cheerleader 1 . . Intramural football 1, 2, lchampil, 3 , 4 . •. Bowling 1, 2, 4 • .• Basketball 1 ••• Track 1 • • • Jaguar Joe • . . Mayfair's favorite son • • • Speaks German w ith an Italian accent.

This is what aspirins did for George.


EDWARD C. DEVER 5549 Ardleigh St., 38

TE 9-4385

Immaculate Conception 1 E, 2E, 3C, 4E • • . President 2 . • • Vice president 3, 4 •. • Benilde Club 3, 4 . . • Math Club 3, 4 . . . I.R.C. . . . Blue and Gold . . . Wisterian 4 . . . German Club 3,4 . . . Track 1, 2 , 3 , 4 • . . Basketball 1, 2 .• • Football 1, 2, 3, 41ll . . . Intramural cross country 1 (champs) . . . basketball 3, 4 .•. " More pork sausages, Mom" . . Needs Brian and Butch to keep track of social engagements . . . "Punch you head."

4408 Teesdale St., 36

DE 3-3620 St. Bernard 1A, 2B, 3A, 4 C . . . Crew 3, 4(ll . . • Int ramural track 2 •• Football 3 (champs) . . . Volkswagon trouble . . . Pedro •• First man across t he line • . . Mad addict •


DAVID l. DEVLIN 404 Leedom St., Jenkintown TU 4-1913 1 D, 2A, 3E, 4E . . . Wisterian 2 .•. Intramural football 1 (champs)

. • • Bowling 2 (champs! . . . Track 2 . • . loves Bulcks Maybe this report, Brother? . . • Periodically hJJs family car.

PI 3-7769

St. Ambrose 1 E, 2B, 3B, 4B . . . Scholastic letter 2 . . • Track 1, 2, 3, 4 ••• Intramural cross country 1 (champs), 2, 3, 4 (champs) • . . Track 1 (champs), 2 . . . Basketball 1, 2, 3 (champs), 4 • . . Football 1, 2, 3, 4 (champs) ••. Duke . . • La Salle's Bobby Morrow ••• Speedster. FRANCIS D. DONAGHY 5329 N. I 5th St., 41

LU 6-8506

Holy Spirit 1 C, 2A, 3E, 4 B • . . Bowling 3 , 4 . • . Intramural football 1, 2 ••• Track 2 . . . Ba sketball 1, 2 . . . Cross country 2 •.• Bowling 1, 2 • • . Football pool assistant . . . Daily train hopper in Sharon Hill • . • Quite loquacious.


CHARLES J. DOHERTY 5321 Howland St., 24

915 Woodla nd Ave., Sharon Hill

GL 5-8604

Holy Child 1 C, 2D, 3C, 4C .• . Cross country 3, 4(LI . . . Track 3, 4 •• . Art Club 1, 2, 3, 4 . . . German Club 3, 4 • . . I.R.C. . . . Physics Club 4 •.. Benilde Club 4 . . . Intramural bowling 1, 2, 4 . . Football 1, 2 , 3, 4 •.• Basketball 1, 2, 3, 4 . . . Track 1, 2 •• Cross country 1, 2 . . . Don . . . Cross country stalwart . . Stunned after fourth period.

I 865 Tulpehocken St., 38

HA 4-5146

St. Athanasius 1D, 2B, 3E, 4E . . . Crew 2, 3, 4(LJ . Intramural basketball 1 (champs) 2, 3 •.. Bowling 2 •.. Tra ck 1, 2 . . • Football 2, 3 ••. Drives a hot '5 1 Dodge . . . Going to crew today, Ed? • • . loves to ice skate .

~ ANTHONY L. DONDREA 104 Lyle Ave., 27 WE 4-0284 1 E, 2C, 3B, 4D . . . Intramural footba ll 1 •.. Cross country 1 •.. Butch • • • " I lost 30 pounds during the summer" . . • Dondrea and McAuliffe-"Me and My Shadow" •.• "This Is sight, Brother."

JOHN T. DOONER BA S-1813 3 I 35 N. No trona St , 32 Corpus Christi 1 B, 2A, 3D, 4A ..• Cross country 1 ••• Intramural cross country 1, 2 (champs I, 3 (champs), 4 . . Track 1, 2, 3, 4 • • . Bergin's buddy • . , Haberdasher's dream . . . Summer mayor of Wildwood.

GERARD F. DRACH 414 Ryers Ave., Cheltenham CH 31 8 I 1 A, 2A, 3A, 4D ..• Track 1, 2 . . . Intramural football 2, 4 ••. Track 1, 2 . . Cross country 1, 2 !champs) . . Bowling 1, 4 • . . Drums up business for Cheltenham Fire Co. . . . Mayor of Cheltenham ••• Volunteer fireman.

EUGENE A. DRAGANOSKY 4462 N. Grotz St., 40 GL S-5272 St. Francis of Assisl 1 A, 2A, 3B, 4A . Scholastic Medal 2, 3 Scholastic letter 2, 3 . . . Science Club 3, 4 . . . J.R.C . . • . "Elvis" of Belfield Ave. . . . the Qui et Man •.• Wants a molorcycle

MICHAEl DRISCOll 7216 Emlen St, 19

CH 7-1506 St. Madeline Sophies 1 D, 28, 3A, 4D . . The Gen . . . Couldn't get In the house . • . "BIImey" . . . Erin Go Brach.

ROBERT H. DURNEY I 53 W. Seymour St., 44

GE 8-6322 St. Francis of Assisl 1 B, 2C, 3A, 4A . . • Christian Doctrine Medal 2 • • . Scholastic letter 1, 2, 3, 4 . . . Mathematics Club IOfllcerl 3, 4 . • . Benilde Club 3, 4 . . . Glee Club 1, 2, 3, 4 .•• Physics Club 4 •.. Dramatics Club 3, 4 . . • German Club 3, 4 . . • Intramural football 1, 2 . . . Bowling 1, 2, 4 . Softball 4 . . . "Bullet Bob" "Three Me., on a Horse" •.• Is he really a betting man?

JOHN J. EGAN B I 04 Ardtelgh St., 18

1A, 2A, 3B, 4D • basketball 1, 2 . Black boot Kid .

CH 7-5652 Our Mother of Consolation • Band 1, 2, 3, 4 . . . I.R.C. • Intramural . Football 1, 2 • . • The "Perfectionist" Shaves three times a day.


3245 St. VIncent St., 49

MA 4-1101 St. Matthew 1 C, 2C, 3A, 4A •.. Scholastic letter 2, 3 . . • Prom Committee 4 ••. Blue and Gold . . . I.R.C. • . . Football 2 . . . Intramural softball 4 . • . Football 4 .•• Basketball 3, 4 • . . "Skeevo" ••• General Brown . . • Seen at St. Tim's.

RICHARD H. EMENECKER 618 N. 35111 St., Camden, N.J. EM 5-3821 St. Joseph 1 C, 2B, 3B, 4C . • . Bond 1, 2, 3, 4 • I.R.C . . • • Shorty ••• lushwell •.• Known for his bus parties . . . Wears o mean "1 5."



u 8-9081 Little Flower 1 D, 2D, JC, 4E ..• Scholastic medical Biology 2 . . . Science Club 1, 2, 4 • . . Math Club 3, 4 . . . German Club 3 . . . Crew 2, 3, 4 . . . Intramural cross country 1, 2, 4 . Track 1, 2, 3, 4 . . • Bowling 2 • . • "Where is louie?" . • • Loves those PTA meetings . . . Don't jump. 912 Slocum St., 19


u 9-2292 St. Helena · 2B, JA, 4D .. , I.R.C. Golf JILl, 4 •.• Intramural football 2, 3, 4 . . . Bask etball 2, 3, 4 . . . Cross country 2 •.• "JV" . . . Poor man's Ben Hogan .•• Has a hot Chevrolet . . . Works In pro-shop in spare time. 6347 N. 6th St. , 26


2854 Sellers St., 37

PI 3-2376 St. John Cantius 2C, JB, 4E • . . Class officer vice president 3 . . • Intramural fool· ball 2 lchampsl, 3, 4 . . . Basketball 2, 3 !champs), 4 . . . Crou country 2, 3 . • . Benilde Club 4 . . . Blue and Gold • • IRC . . . Made TV debut . . . Shades Fedele . . . The Gypsy . • . Hot "51" Ford. ROBERT W. FEDERSPIEL

u 8-0306 St. Joseph 1 E, 2C, JA, 4C . . . Class officer vice president 4 , •• Football 1, 3, 41LI . , . Crew JILl, 41LI , •• Intramural footabll 2 !champs) . . . Basketball 2, 3, 4 . . . Track 1, 2 • • . Cross country 1, 2 . . . Benilde Club . . Art Club . . Softball 4 . . . One of the beach combers ••• "Jacky's cadets" •.• Don't throw it away, I need it." 6620 N. 4th St., 26

JOSEPH F. FLYNN 1230 Allengrove St., 24

JE S-4438 St. Joachim 1 D, 2D, JC, 4E . . • Dramallu 1, 2, 3, 4 • . . Science Club 2, 3 . . . Physics Club 4 !Pres.) . • Wisterian 3, 4 • . • Glee Club 2, 3, 4 . • . German Club 3 Intramural track 1; Crou country 1 • . . Tumbling (Veep) 4 • . . lnlramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ••. IRC •.• Math Cl\lb 3, 4 .•• The Foreign Intrigue Correspondent of l. S• . . . Joe and his robot •• Human slide rule. ROBERT J. FRANIAK

1709 lansing St., :16

DE 2-7836 St. Bernard 2E, 3D, 48 . . . Football 2, 3, 41LI .•• Intramural basketball 2 lchampsl, 3, 4 ••. Track, cross country 3 (champs) . , • IRC • . . Math Club 3 ••. German Club 3 • . Sunday nights at St. Joe's . . . Export from Richmond • , • "The quicker you're out the longer you're out" • . Three times daily . . lives at Dan's Steak House. ROBERT P. FRITZSCHE 103 E. Mount Airy Ave., 19 CH 1·4808 Holy Cross 1 A, 2A, JB, 4C . • . Bowling 2, Jill, 41ll . . . Class President 1, 2, 3, 4 . . • Vice-President of Student Council 3 . . • President of Student Council 4 . . . Intramural 'football 1, 2, 3 .•• Basketball 1, 2, 3 lchampsl, 4 . . . Bowling 1 lchampsl, 2 lcP,ampsl ••• Track 1, 2 •.. Popularity Plus . . . Often seen in Rydal . . . Likes Hot Rods .•. Hongs out at the "Sweet Shop" . . . Bowling every day. FRANK A. FRUMENTO 38 Penn St. Woodbury, N. J Tl 5·1 194 St. Patrick's lA, 2C, 3A, 4E . . . Bond 2, 3, 4 • . IRC • . . Prom Committee 4 ••. Intramural football 4 ••. "Pancho" . . • Commuter from Jersey .•• Fan of Mickey Maute.




ME 5-2090 Holy Angels IRC . . . Intramural basketball 1, 2, 3 1C, 2C, 3B, 4C (champs), 4 . . . Track 4 . . • Football 1 . . . Big ambition to be an Ind ian chief . . • likes music of any kind . . • CYO basketball, 1821 Chelsea Rd. , 26

ROBERT G. GABAGE 132 Abboltsford Ave., 44 Ml 4-7564 St. Michael of the Saints 1 E, 2D, 3C, 40 . . • Intramural cross country 1 . . . Track 2, 3 •.. Basketball 1, 2, 3, 4 . . . One of Googoo's boys . . • Happy Hollow . . . Has shares in billette.

JOHN P. GARA 606 Arbor Rd., Cheltenham, Po. PI 5-3874 Presentation B.V.M. 1 E, 2B, 3A, 4B .•. Scholastic Medal 2 . : . Scholastic letter 2 . . . Art Club 2 . . . Wisterian 4 •.• Crew 3, 41ll . . . Intramural track 2 . • . Bowling 4 . . • Sells pen points • • • One of the clowns . . • My furlunggener Dodge.

THOMAS R. GILLESPIE VI 4-5395 St. Francis of Assisl 1 C, 2D, 3E, 4B . . . Football 2 . . . Intramural cross country 4 (champs! . . . Football 1, 2, 3, 4 (champs! . • . Basketball I, 2, 3, 4 . . . Track 1, 2, 3 . . . Walks to school for exercise . . • Assistant prayer moderator of 4B • . . Couldn't do that one trig problem.

5109 Marion St., 44


PI 2-1933 Resurrection of Our lord 1 0, 2E, 3C, 4B . . . Benilde Club 1, 2, 3, 4 Physics Club 4 . . . Prom Committee 3, 4 . . . Art Club 4 . . . Blue and Gold • . . Football 1, 2 . . • Crew 3, 4 . . . Intramura l cross country . . . Football 2 (champs), 3, 4 (champs) ..• Basketball 2 (champs), 3 !champs!, 4 . . . Track l , 2 (champs) . . . Seen with Diamond Jim ..• One of the Bradley's •.• Yogi's friend.


5345 N. Camac St., 41

DA 4·8587 Holy Child 1 E, 2B, 3D, 4A . . . Cheerleader 2, 3, 41ll . . . Wister ian 1 . . • Dramatics 4. • . . lntramurals 1, 2, 3 . . . "Mr. Tumbler" of the cheerleading set . .. "Flash" . . . Mr. Hollywood.


5637 N. 19th St., 4 I

HA 4-1 194 Holy Child l A. 2E , 3D. 4D . . . Band 1 , 2, 31ll, 41ll All-Catholic Band 3, 4 . . . Bowling 2, 3 . . • Golf 3, 41ll , .• Intramural bowling 1 (champs) . . . Basketball 1, 2 . . • Football 1, 2, 3 , . , Softball 4 . .. Man, you should hear our combo . . . Finally got his driver's license . •. Hot temper on the g reen.

LOUIS J. GRECO 2421 S. Rosewood St., 45 HO 5-5249 St. Monica I C, 2C, 3C, 4E ••. Class President 1, 2 . Vice President 3 , , • Student Council 1, 4 . . . Benilde Club 4 . , . IRC . , , Football 2, Jill , 41ll . . • Track 1 , 2 . . . Intramural basketball 2 , . . Football l . . . Plans to attend Hokey-Poke U. . • . The bigger they are, the bigger they are! .•. What's the M.A. of a yoyo!


VINCENT A. GRIFFIN ,., 5-1324 Presentatio n B.V.M. 1 B, 2A, 3B, 40 • . Intramural football 1, 2, 3, 4 . Basketball 1, 2, 3 (chomps), 4 ..• Track 1, 2 •.. Cross country 1, 2 (chomps), 3 , . . Vanity track 1, 2 • . . Cross country 4 . . . Crew 3, 4lll .. , " Griff" . . • "Hello, Moriol " •.• Has double on campus.

419 Knorr 51., J J


ME 5-·4311 St. Joseph 1 C, 2C, 30, 4A •.• Bond 1, 2, 3, 4 . . . Ploys Tuba in Cuba •. Just coli me "Oompo" .•. " Wont o Bondman?"

7630 Levis Rd., Chellenhom

JOSEPH C. HAMBURGER TU 4-3755 5 I 7 Twiclcenham Rd., Glenside St. luke 1 D, 2C, 30, 4A •.• Scholoatlc letter 3 . . . Dromollu 3 , 4 ••• IRC . . . Cross country 2, 3 . . • Tennis 1, 2 •.• Intramural footboll 1 (chomps), 2, 3, 4 ..• Cross country 1, 2 .•• Track 1 .•• "Cieno" white bucks . . . The Burger Hom . • • Is he really a hoodlum


6266 Montague St., 35

DE 3-7145

St. Timothy 1A, 20, 3E, 4B . . . Clan officer, vice president 2 .•• Basketball 1 •.• Intramural football 1, 2, 3, 4 (chomps) . • . Cross country 4 lchompsl . . • Basketball 2, 3, 4 •.• Track 1, 2, 3 ••• Charlie Brown ..• " Rock" ot St. Tim's Donee ••. Schroeder.

Shields explaining his perpetual motion machine.

Bottom Row:

Top Row:




5805 Sloclclon Rd., 38

8 -1102

Immaculate Conception 18, 2A, 3A, 4C .•. Intramural football 2, 3 . . . Basketball 2, 3, 4 . . . Track 1, 2 . . . "Hootch" . . • "Do n't you believe in Davy Crockett?" .•• Fugitive from Upstate.

St. Williom 1 D, 2E, 3E, 4A • . . JV football 2, 3 . . . Intramural football 1 (chomps) •• . Where' s my T-Squore? . . Ringer in Pop Warner Conference . . • "Don't coli me Elvis" . • • Coaches footba ll ot lowncrest AC.


PI 5-3621

8 I 9 Unruh Ave., II

Presentation B.V.M. 1 C, 2B, 38, 4C . . . Moth Club 3, 4 • . . IRC • . . Track 2 . . • Football 3 . . . Crew 4 . • . Intramural football 1 , 2, 4 . . • 8osketobll 3 !chomps) . . . One of the Engineers •.• Go ing to the Snow plow? .•. White and stutter it.

VINCENT J. HIGGINS Ml 4-8622 St. Francis of Assisi Baseball 1 ••. 1 C, 2D, 3E, 4B . .. Football 1, 2, 3(LI, 41LI Intramural basketball 2, 3, 4 . . . Football pools in Mechanical Drawing . . . Happy Hollow playg round . .• "Where's my lunch, Higgins? " . . . Runs branch of Slenderella Solon.

4536 Greene Sf., 44


FRANCIS J. HELVERSO N 5341 N. 13th St., 41

1'1 5-4883

633 Rosalie St., 20

DA 4-8204

Holy Child 1 E, 28, 3A, 4E . . . Bond 1, 2, 3, 4 . Wisterions 4 . . . IRC . . . Glee Club 4 . . . Intramural footbo.ll 1, 2, 4 .•. Cross country 1 . . . Track 1, 2 ..• Scotty •.. Avid Phillies fan . . . Holy Child AC . . . Cool Olds . . . Blow your trumpet . . . Ass'! coach of 1 3 year olds.

AD 3-1618 Seven Dolors 1B, 2D, 3D, 4A . • . Science Club 4 . . • IRC . . . Intramural basketball 1, 2, 3, 4 . . • Football 1, 2, 3 •.. Bowling 1, 2, 4 •.• Crou country 1, 3 (champs) . . • Track 1, 4 . • . Take o minus , Hipp . . . "CYO Jerry. "

78 I 3 linden Rd., I 8

ROBERT E. HONE 5823 Stockton Rd., 38

RICHARD L. HEPP 5246 N. Arbor St., 20

Gl 7-2132 St. Ambrose 1 D, 2E, 3C, 4D . . . Student council 3 . . . Closs president 3 . •. Intramural basketball 2 (chomps), 3, 4 •.. Track 2 (chomps! .•• Football 2, 3, 4 . . . Crazy jitterbug ••. Mainsta y o t St. Joe's . • . Intramural star . . . Georgie Woods •.. Gets killer shook.

Ll 8-06 II Immaculate Conception 18, 2A, 38, 4D • • . Physiu Club 1, 4 • . Dramatics 3 . . . Moth Club 3, 4 • . . Wisterian 4 . •. P•om Committee 4 •• • Intramural football 4 . • . Cross country 1, Crew 2, 3, 41LI . . 2 (champs), 3, 4 . . Track 1, 2 , 3 (chomps), 4 , . , Sharpest S<uller ever honed • Spanish Ill whiz . • . Last of the big time spenders.

I, Bottom aow :

Top aow: C. CLARK HODGSON JR. 814 E. Phii-EIIeno St., I 9

VI 4-4121

Little Flower 1 A, 2C, 3A, 48 Footboll 1, 2, 3lll, 41LI coptoln ••• Crew 1, 21LI, 3lll, 4(LI • Scholostic letter 2 . . . Closs president 4 . • . Vice president 3 . . • Secretary 1 . •• Student Council 4 . • • Visterlan 4 •.• Dramatics 3, 4 . . . IRC . . . Prom Committee 3, 4 . . • Slue ond Gold •• . lntromural cross county 1 •.• 8aslcetball 1 1 2, 3, 4 . .• Bowling 4 • .• Sweetheort of Eng lish • One of the vnhcoly three •.. "More pork sausages, Mom ." LOUIS J. INCOGNITO

5009 Morvin• St., 41

Gl 5-2542 Holy Child 18, 20, 3D, 4A ••. Match Club 3, 4 . . . Intramural football 1, 2, 3 .•• Sosketball 1, 2 . . . Laughing lou . •. He wonts to osk a question •• • Who hit me?

MICH AEL KAVANAUGH TU 4-3940 959 Washington lane, Rydal lmmacul a :e Conception 1 E, 2D, 3C, 4E . . . Science Club 1 . • . Math Club 3, 4 ••• Dramatics 3 , 4 . •. Int ra mural bowling 1 . . . This car has every· thing • . • Doe s not know when his vacation ~ds . . . Hot Rods .

Ga 7-0436 St. Rose of Lima 1C, 2D, 3E, 48 ••. Football 2 .•• Crew 2, 3 . . . Benilde Club 1, 2, 3 , 4 . • . IRC . . • Intramural basketboll 1, 2 . . . Footb all 2 ••• Cross coun try 1 .•• " How about II coach, how about II?" . . . Hopes to ottend Georgetown's School of Foreign Service . . • Boat House Row.


JOSEPH A. JANKOWSKI I 522 E. Palmer St., 25



5780 Hunter St., 31

GA 6-3943

St. Laurentlus 1 A, 2E, 3D, 48 • • • IRC . . • Moth Club 4 . • . German Club 3 •.• Baseball 3 . . • Intramural basketball 2 lchampsl, 3, 4 ••• Cross country 2 .•• Track 2 •.• I can't stand it any longer . • • I was stymied as it were, ever so slightly . . . Frequents Starlight Ballroom. ANDREW J. KASS 768 Argyle ad., North Hills, Po. TU 4-7817 St. Luke, Glenside 1 D, 2D, 3C, 41 ••• Math Club 3, 4 • .. Germon Club 3 .• • Prom Committee • . • Slue and Gold . . . Scholastic Ieier 2 • • . Intramural bowling 2, 4 . • . Football 1 (champsl, 2 • • . • Always broke . . • Has second home In Langhorne • • • Crazy skate . • • Con't woit till the Joke freezes.

H.A 4-751 I St. Atha nasius 1 B, 2E, 3C, 4C • . • Footba ll 1, 2, 4111 . . . Baseball 3 . . . Intra· mural basketball 1, 2 lchompsl, 3, 4 . . . trock 1, 2 . • . German Club 3 . . . Kill er . . . O ut of the cage for graduation ••• Louie's buddy. 7220 llmelclln Pike, 38

EDWARD J. KILFEATHER 6965 Cedar Parle Ave., 38 WA 4-101 I St. Athanasius 1 A, 2C, 3E, 4B •.. Ba sketball 2, 3, 4(LI . Track 3111, 41LI •.• IRC .• . Intramura l ba sketball 1 .•• football 2 lchampsl, 3, 4 (champs I . . • Track 1, 2 ••• Cross country 2, 3 . . • Only guy that brings a machine gun to basketball practice • . . Wears the original dancing letter • . • Azucar.


JOHN J . KLEBER AD 3 - 1948 St. Genevieve 1 B, 20, 3C, 4C . . . Band 2, 3, 4 . . • Physics Club 4 .• . Math Club 3, 4 . •. Intramural bowling 1 ; tra ck 2 . . . The Butche r . Owns Kleber's Bus Service • . . Has seco nd home at Gomps.

631 Bethlehem Pih, 18

SIDNEY J. KOWALCZYK 3029 Magee Ave., 49 MA 4 -2016 St. Timothy 1 A, 2E, 30, 4 C . . . Band 1, 2, 3, 4 . . . IRC 4 . • . Intramural track 1, 2, 3; basketball 2 ; football 1, 2 . . • Sid ney Kaye Squeeze box ca t ..• Needs a key cha in . . . Channel 1 2 Kid.

ANTHONY J . KRAMER 4036 N. Marshall St., 40 SA 9-8732 St. Henry 1 E, 2E, 3D, 48 . . . Scholastic meda l 1, 2 , 3 . . . Scholastic letter 1 , 2 , 3 .. . Science Club 3, 4 .•• Dramatics 3, 4 . . . Math Club 3, 4 . . . IRC ..• Crou country 3 . . . Intramural crou country 1; track 1 (champs!, 2 (champs!; football 2, 3, 4 (champs); basket ball 3 . • . Complains of cosmic . rays interfering with hi s brain waves •.. Ha rry the Bartender ••. Coke a nd seven-up.

FRANCIS P. KUDZIN 2626 E. Madison St., 34 St. Adalbert 10, 2A, 3A, 4A . . . Scholastic letter 2 . . . Track 4 •. . Intramural football 1 lchampsl, 2 , 3 (champs) , 4 ; basketball 1 , 2, 3, 4 ; track 1 , 2 •.• Baron of Richmond . . . Oh, that Benny ••• Wil d man on the Gridiron.

Casual conversation during lunch time leisure.

JAMES J. LAND 3506 Worden Or., 29


St. Bridget 1 A, 2A, 3E, 4E . . . Vice president 1 .. Football 1, 2 •.. Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 . . . Bought his way on All-Intramural team . . . Red bear •.. Wa rden Land.

JAM ES A. LANE 1007 Prospect Ave., Melrose Park MA 5-3616 St. James 1 B, 2A, 3B, 40 . . . Vice president 4 . . . Student Council 4 . . • IRC •.. Blue and Gold . . . Prom Committee 3, 4 . . . Basketball 1, 2 .•. Intramural footba ll 2, 3, 4; basketball 3 (champs); Cross country 1 . . • Strictly ivy . . . Ivy League letter •.• Boola Boola.

HA 4-0999 Little Flower 1 E, 2C, 3A, 4B . . . Scholastic medal 3 Scholastic letter 1, 2, 3, 4 . . . President 1, Secretary 4 ..• Student Council 1 • • • Math Club 3, 4 . . . Football 2 41LI . .. Basketball 1, 2, 3 .. . Baseball 3, 4(LI . . • Intramural football 3 (champs); bowling 1 • • . Grave digger • . . All-Schoolyard . • . Wanna bet . . . "She loves me, she loves me not. "

923 E. Slocum St., SO

JOSEPH A. LENDVAY 6930 N. 19th St., 38

HA 4-3788 St. Athanasius 1 E, 2B, 3A, 48 •.. Intramural football 2, 4; track 2 . . . Cashier at Penn Fruit •.. Likes trig but doesn 't understand It . . . Member of the "Brunch Club."



HI 5-8909

St. Nicholas of Tolentine 1 E, 2E, 3D, 4E • • . Treasurers 1, Vice President 2 , Secretary 3 • . • Benilda Club 3, 4 . . . German Club 3 • . . IRC 4 . . . Intramura l basketball 1, 2, 3, 4; cross country 1 (champs); track 1 !cha mps) . . . I hate Elvis . . . He ain't nothin' but a hound dog • • . Want's statehood for "South Philly."

JOHN P. MALLEY Sheaf ll.cl., 11..0. I, Whitemarsh Ml 6-6234 St. Joseph, Ambler 1 D, 2B, 3D, 4A . . . Art Club 2 . . . IRC 4 ••• Farm boy with motorcycle boots . . . One of 6 musketeers . . . "Where is your suit co~t John?"

80 I E. Horffer St., I 9

TE 9-0759 Little Flower Math Club 3 , 4 . . . German Club 3 . . . 1 D, 2D, 3C, 4C . Football 2 . . . Intramural football 1 (champs) , 3, 4; basketball 1 (champs), 2, 3, 4; cross country 4; bowling 4; softball 4 Gets fitted at the Vernon boys' shop . . . Bro. Leo Fan Club • .• Hey Louie!

JOSEPH J. MARk 184 W. Chomplost Ave., 20 Ll 8-2446 St. Helena 1 A, 2E, 3D, 4B . . . Scholastic letter 1 , 2 . . . Science Club 4 .• . Math Club 4 ••. Football 4 (champs) ••• Sixth lunch with White and Ambrogi .•. Spence did it •• . Master driving at mid-year.


1840 Arthur St., IS

Resurrection lE, 2C, 3B, 4D . . . Scho lastic letter 1 , ~. 3 • .. latin medal 3 •.• Band 1 . . . Debating 1, 2, 3, 4 •.• Wisterion 3, 4 •.. Dramatics 3, 4 • . • Blue and Gold .. . Intramural football 4; track 1 (champs); cross country 1 (champsl ; basketball 4 . . . Reds .•• " My tum to translate?" • . . "Does Dondreo' s cor really run?"

JOHN W. McCLELLAN CH 7-6979 232 E. Meacle St., 18 Our Mother of Consolation 1 D, 2D, 3E, 4B . . • Art Club 1, 2, 3, 4 . .• Wisterion 1, 2, 3 , 4 . . . Intramura l football 2; basketball 1 (champs), 2 , 3, 4 ; track 1 , 2, 3 , 4 • . Subsists on home-made apple sauce • . . Bug w ith a camera •.. Mr. End Zone. MARSHALL A. McCLOSKEY GE 8-6984 St. There se of Child Jesus 1 A, 2E, 3D, 4E • . . Crew 2 , 3 , 4(ll . . . Cross country 4(ll . . . German 2 medal . . . Algebra 2 medal . . . Scholastic letter 1, 2 . . . Math Club 3, 4 . . . Science Club 4 . . . Intramural football 1, 2, 3 • • Cross country 1, 2 , 3 ~ham psi . • . Track 1, 2 Dodo . • . If he isn' t running , he's rowing • . . The only Irish piua pusher. 71 S Vernon Rei., 19

FRANCIS E. McCORMICK GE 8-2218 Immaculate Conception 1 A, 2E , 3C, 4B . . . Crew 3 , 4(ll . . . Wisteri on 1, 2, 3, 4 . . • Science Club 2, 3, 4 . . . Benilde Club 2 , 3, 4 . .. Prom Committee 3 . . . Math Club 3, 4 ••. German Club 3 . . . IRC . . . Intramural bow ling 1 (champs) , 2 ••• Football 2, 3 . • . Basketball 1, 2 (champs! . . • Cross country 4 (champs! . • . Track 1 , 2 ••• Drives a ca rbon monoxide-spilling Studebaker . . • Has 3rd period study every clay.

507 E. Chelten A ve.

THOMAS F. McDEVITT CH 7-6314 Holy Cross 1B, 2A, 3A, 4C .. . Prom Committee 3, 4 Intramural football 1 , 2, 3 (champs I ..• Basketball 1, 2, 3, 4 . . . Track 1 2, 4 Bowling 1 ..• Talks too much .• . MI . Airy contribution . • . Pals around with Hootch. 70 17 Mower St., 19

MARTIN J. McDONNEll 6916 N. 19th St., 26

WA 7-3360 St. Athanasius 1 C, 2B, 3E, 4E . . . Intramural basketball 1, 2, 3 . . • Football 1, 2 • •• Track 1, 2 .• . Toll , silent type . . . . Sports enthusiast first class .. Basketball fan.

LAWRENCE J. McEVOY 34 tlonberris llcl., 8ola-Cynwycl, Po. WE 4-9741 St. Matthias 1 E, 2C, 38, 4A . .. Wisterion •. . Blue and Gold ••• Spanish II award . . . Intramural football 1, 2 (champs!, 3, 4 •.• Basketball 4 • . Bowling 4 . • . Mac . . • Pride of Spanish Ill . •• Knows mo re Espano l than El Senor. JAMES J. McGill 32 7 W . Spencer St. 20

Ll 8-7190 St. Helena 1 D, 2 D, 3C, 4C . • . German Club 3, 4 • .• IRC ••• Prom Comm ittee 3, 4 . . . Intramural football 1, 2, 3, 4 . . . Bowling 1, 2 • . . Cross country 4 . . . Basketball 4 . • • Track 1, 2 , 3, 4 ••• " Hey, Deni " . •• Trumpet lips . . . Owns a still.


EDWARD G. McKEON TE 9-4030 Immaculate Conception 1 A, 2A, 3B, 4 C • . . Physics Club 4 • . . Benilde Club 4 . . . IRC ••• Prom Committee 4 . . . Intramural football 1, 4 ••• Cross country 4 . . . How 's Parris Island, sarg&? . • . Anybody see Monahan? •.. Wo rks at the Penn Fruit.

I I 56 E. Price Sl., 38

JAMES J. MclAUGHLIN 6935 Cedar Park Ave., 38 Ll 8-5171 St. Athanasius 1 B, 2A, 3 E, 48 . . . Prom Committee 3, 4 Blue and Gold . . . Baseball ma na ger 3, 41ll •.• Intramural football 2, 3 ••. Basketball 1, 2, 3, 4 . . . Track 1, 2, 3, 4 . . . Cross country 1, 2 (champs) . . • b ow ling 1, 2 (champs), 4 . . . Accounting Award 3 ••• Skippe r . . . Most quiet man in 4B religion . . . Likes to read spo rt sto ries.

RIAN It M. McMULLIN 26 E. Leverin g Mill Rei., 8ala-Cynwycl, Pa. WE 4-9927 St. Matthias 1 C, 2D, 3E, 4A . . . Crew 2, 3, 4(ll . . . Intramural football 1, 2, 4 .. . Baske tball 1 , 2, 3, 4 . . . Track 1, 4 . . . Reds .•• Peanut butter sandwiches for lunch .. , Obie's helper.

JAMES J. McNULTY I 823 Pastorius St., 38

Ll 9-4977 St. Athanasius 1 C, 2D, 3E, 4 B •.. Crew 3, 4(LJ •. Intramural football 1, 2, 3, 4 (champs), bow ling 2; basketball 1, 2, 3, 4; track 1, 2 • Mum bles . .. Physics over . . . McNulty bulletin board of 4B.


cu 8-3307 Holy Innocents 1 D, 2C, 3B, 4 A Intramural football 1 (champs I, 2 (champsl, 3 , 4 . • . Cro ss cou ntry 2, 3 . . Blue and Gold 4 . . . Wisterian 4 .• . IRC . • . Benilde Club 4 ••. The Mole ••. "Call me Mel, like all the o the r b oys" . . . Works as cashier at Penn Fruit. 4241 M St., 24

IIOBERT A. MERGLIANO 2301 N. 2nd St., 33

GA 3-1125 St. Boniface 1 C, 2C, 3A, 4A . . . Scholastic letter 1, 2, 3, 4 . . . Band 1 ... Blue and Gold . . . IRC ••• Tennis • . • "Kensington" . • • One of Nick's boys •.. Quiet person.

JOHN W. MESUNAS 42 I Knorr Sl.

Fl 2-8065 Presentation II.V.M. 1 E, 2E, 3D, 4D French medal 2 ••. Crew 2, 3(ll, 4(ll ••. " Going to fix th e spot light tonight?" , •. Taking Physics in College . . . lead ing Lithuanian revolt.

LEONARD J. Ml.lAKN IS 1312 Greeby St., II


8-0228 Resurrection of Our lord 1 D, 2C, 3B, 4 C • . . Intramural football 1, 2, 3; basketball 2, 3; cross count ry 1, 2 , 3 • • . "Lenny" • • . Goes with Wojo . • Great boxing fan.


JOSEPH J. MOMORELLA Willow Grove 6-0811-J 221 N. Easton Rd., Willow Grove St. David 1 B, 2A, 3A, 4D . . . Scholastic Medal Spanish 2 . . . Band 1, 2, 3, 4 . . . Intramural football 1 , 3 (champs!, 4 • . . Track 2 . . . Basketball 2, 3 . . . Softball 4 • . . Curly cat of Willow Grove . . . Wears trumpet tie clip on lapel religiously .•. Band stand-by.


7009 Boyer Sf., I 9

Holy Cross 1 A, 2E, 3D, 4C . • Class ofllcer Sec. 2, 3, Treas. 4 . . . Benilde Club 4 . . . IRC . . . Art Club 2 . . . Prom committee 3, 4 . . . Math Club 3, 4 . . . Blue and Gold . . . Football 1, 2, 3, 4 . . . Track 1, 2, 3, 4 . . . Intramural basketball 1, 2 (champs!, 3, 4 • . . Track 1, 2, 4 . . . Favorite pastime-"Fogging up windows" . . . One of the 4 beachcombers . . . "More pork sausages, Mom."

JOHN MONAHAN 33 W. Ashmead So. Place, 44 VI 4-8791 St. Francis of Assisi 1 B, 2C, 3A, 4A . • . Hot Ford . . . little man with a long slide rule.

JAMES D. MORRISSEY DE 3-3831 9119 Frankford Ave., 14 St. Dominic 1 C, 211, 3A, 4D ••. Football 1 . . . Intramural basketball 3 .•• Football 2, 3, 4 . . . Basketball 3 (champs) . . . Has no financial worries . . . Thoroughly thrilled with Spanish Ill . . . One of the Engineers.

RICHARD J. MULLIN 1838 E. Posforious St., 38 WA 4-3767 St. Athanasius 1 C, 2E, 3D, 4C . . . Class officer . . . Band 2, 4 .•. Corporal Band 1 •.. Sergeant Band 2; 2nd Lieut. Band 3; Capt. of Bond 4 .•• Band 1, 2, 3, 4 . . . All District Band 2, 3, 4 . • . All Stale Band 2, 3, 4 . . . Art Club 1, 2 . . . Bowling 2, 4 . . . Intramural foolball 1, 2, 3, 4 . . . Basketball 2 .•. Track 1, 2, 4 •.. Softball 4 . . • "Frenchy" . . . All Stale .•. "Give me some tope, Rich!"


DE 3-4698

3333 Lansing St., 36

St. Dominic 1 E, 2B, 3A, 4D •.. Class officer Vice Pres. 1, 2, 3 . . . Football 2 . . . Cross country 1 . . • Track 2 . • . Intramural cross country (champs) . . . Football 1, 2, 3 (champs) . . . Basketball 3 . . Toby .•. Appreciates Spanish culture . • . Seen with Spellman.

_..., 38

JOHN J. MURRAY 8227 Ardleigh St., 18 OH 7-6596 Our Mother of Consolation 1 D, 2B, 3B, 4D . . . Class president 1, 2, 4 . Student Council 1, 2, 4 . . . Basketball 1, 2, 3, 4 . . . Cross country 1, 3 . • . lntramurals football 1 (champs), 2, 3, 4 . . . JV Jack • . . Bound to make varsity ••. "Why don't you pick me up and smoke me some timet!

JOHN J. NEARY 58 Northwestern Ave., I 9

CH 7-1997

Mother of Consolation 1B, 2A, 3D, 4A . . . Band 1, 2, 3, 4 .•. "Love Me Tender" .•. Friend of Frances . . . A casual Elvis.

JAMES D. NICOLO Fl 2-6438 St. Cecelia 1A, 2A, 3A, 4E . . . IRC •.. Intramural football 1 , 2, 3 (champs), 4 . •. Basketball 1, 2 , 4 ••• How long have you been here, boy? . . . Star of Fox- Roc •.• Kudzin's favorite enemy.

808 Sleigh St., 11


5227 N. 5th St., 20

Ml 4-9648

l!'carnalion of Our lord 1B, 2B, 3B, 4C ••. Intramu ral bowling 1 . . . Football 1, 2 , 3, 4 ••• Basketball 1 , 2, 3 (champs l, 4 . . . Digger . •. Ardent dance goer . . . Swam a ll summer.

BERNARD J . O'DORISIO 1601 Wolf St., 45

FU 9-0235 St. Monica 1 A, 2D, 3E, 4B . . . Band 1, 2 , 3, 4 . .. Intramural basketball 1 , 4 . . . Football 1, 4 • • • Don't need the mike • . . One man band ... "Bernie."

GERARD J. O' ROURKE 184 W. linton St., 20

HA 4-7238 St. Helena 1C, 2C, 3E, 4B . . . Scholastic medal 3 . . . IRC . . . Intramural football 2 (champsl, 3, 4 lchampsl ••• Cross country 1, 2, 3 , 4 (cham psi . . . Basketball 1, 2, 3, 4 ••. Buddy of Mr. Moran • • • Smile's ..• lovu Trig.

Rush leads the rush hom e.




JAMES C. O'ROURKE 434 Centro/ Ave., North Hills Queen of Peace 1E, 2B, 3E, 4A • . . Dramatics Club 2, 3, 4 . . lntramurals 1, 2 . . . Cross country 1 . . . . 0. K., Jack •.• Beadless.



Art Club 2, 3 Hates curly hair

HO 7-3037 St. Monica 1 C, 2E, 3E, 4E . . Scholastic medal .2 •.• Benilde Club 4 ••• Bowling 4 , .• Intramural basketball 2 (champs! . . . Football 2, 4 . Track 2 (champs) . . • Loves to dance . . . Bowling king of 4E •.. Always agrees with Bro. Thomas.

1430 Wolf St., 45


cu 8-3502 St. Martin of Tours 1 D, 2E, 3D, 4C . . IRC . . . Intramural football (champs), 2, 3, 4 .•. Basketball 2, 3, 4 . . . "I'm supposed to draw this?" •.. Wild Bill ..• Party boy. 5244 Saul St., 24

STEVEN P. PETNER Cltelfenltom 2685 St. Cecilia 1 E, 2B, 3A, 4D . . . Intramu ral cross country (champs) ••• Football 1, 2, 4 . . . Track 3 •.. Elvis • . . Drives at hot desk •• • Pretends he has muscles.

537 Berltley A ve., II

CHARLES A. PALMER 7228 Forrest Ave., 38

WA 4 -8307

St. Athanasius 1 A, 2E, 3C, 4B . . • Scholastic letter 3 . Intramural bowling 1 (champs! . . . Football 2, 3 . . . Basketball 3, 4 . . • Charlie All aboard •.• Mr. Basketball of "57.';

VINCENT J. PAN NEPACKER, JR. TU 4 -9764 170 Roberts Ave., Glenside St. Luke 1B, 2A, 3A, 4C . • . IRC . • . Crou country 21LI, 3ILI, 41ll . • . Track 2, 3, 41LI . . . Basketball 3 . . • Intramural football 1, 2 . . . Basketball 1, 2 . , , Cross country 2 (champs! . . • Track 2 Commiuion on Prom flowers . • • Runs Ocean City boardwalk at 6 A. M. . . . Cross country ace.

JOSEPH A. PIZZO 3000 Vista Sf., I 5

DE 8-5388 St. Matthew 1 A, 2E, 3D, 4D . • Class officer .•. Vice Pres. Band 4 ••. Band 1, 2, 3, 4 .•• Art Club 2 . . . IRC ••. Intramural bowling 1 (champs) .. . Football 1, 2, 3, 4 •. . Irish Joe .. . Mr. Blue Note . • • S o'clock shadow.

GEORGE V. PURCELL 2030 Tulpehoclten Sl., 38 WA 4-9292 St. Athanasius 1A, 2D, 3C, 4C • • . Science Club 4 . . . Football 2, 3, 4 .•• Track 1, 2, 3, 4 • , . Intramural track 2, 3, 4 • • Basketball 2, 3, 4 .•. " Yo, George" •.• Drive a hot Ford ••. Can always be found at the physics meetings.

Top Row:

Bottom Row: JOHN W. QUINN

4247 N. 6th St., 40


DA 4-7522

St. Henry 1 C, 2B, 3B, 4D •.. Class Officer Sec. 2 . . . I.R.C .. •. Intramural basketball 1, 2, 3 (champs) , 4 .. • Track 1, 2 . . . football 1, 2, 3, 4 .. . Likes opera companies . . . Ambassador to Little flower . • . Pays for Fidele' s gas.

PI 2-0960

1862 Glendale Ave., II Resurrection

1 E, 2E , 3D, 48 . . . Scholaotic letter 1, 2 . . . Art Club 2, 3, 4 . . . Intramural basketball 1, 2, 3, 4 ; football 4 •.• Notre Dame bound . . . Call him Babe . . . " Did you see Cheyenne' lost night?"



5759 N. 7th St., 20

HA 4-2462 St. Helena lE, 2E, 3C, 4E . . . Benilde Club 4 . . . I.R.C . . .. German Club 3 .• Intramural football 2, 4 . . . Basketball 3, 4 . . . Paperbo y . • • Has an umbrella always .•• Ramblin' Riek.

3860 Terrace St., 28

IV 3-0744 St. Josaphat 2C, 3A, 4D . . . Benilde Club 2, 3 . • . Math Club 3 • . . Intramural bowling 2; football 4 . . . Works at his dad' s . . . King Farouk of 4D . . . Insurance man .

EDWARD J . SCHALLER 401 W. Fern St., 20


4105 N. 9th St., 40

SA S-0779 St. Henry 1 D, 2B, 3E, 4E . . Intramural football (champs), 2, 3 . • . Basketball 1 (champsl, 2, 3, 4 . .. Ben ilde Club 4 •.• I.R.C.••. Drives Trucks ..• future produce man ... Big game hunter.

HA 4-1267 St. Helena 1 C, 2E, 3D, 48 . . . Scholastic letter 2, 3 . Science Club 2, 3, 4 . . . Dramalics 4 . . . Art Club 1 , 2, 3, 4 •.. Glee Club 1 , 2 .•. Wisterian 1 . . . lo Scientia 2, 3, 4 . . . I.R.C • . . . Math Club 3, 4 . . . Mister Erwin . . . Science Wiz ..• Makes like Mull with Kramer.


EDWARD P. RUSH 6511 N. Sth St., 26

ll 8-0153

St. Helena 2C, 3E, 4B . • . I.R.C. . Intramural footboll 2, 3, 4; basketball 2, 3, 4 . • . One Cup Ed . . . Lifeguard at Cheltenham ••. Woof, Woof.

4435 N. 7th St., 40

DA 4 -2312 St. Henry Intramural football 1, 2, 3, 4; basketboll 1B, 2D 1 3C, 4C . . 1 , 2, 3, 4 . . . Glee Club 1 •.• German Club 3, 4 • .. Bowling 1, 2 . . . Mr. Trowb ridge . . . Take a minus •.. Do your algebra.


FR ED 1<. SCHM ITT 8347 Codwoloder Ave., Elkins Parle Mf 5-I 983 St. James 1 B, 2D, 3B, 4D . . . Band 1, 2, 3 . Intramural basketball 1 , 2, 3 lchompsl, 4 ; football 1, 2, 3 , 4; track 1, 2, 4 ; cross country 4 , .• Froggy •.• Washes call free .

JOHIII J . SCH ONBERGER, JR. 364 longsllor!, Ave., II PI 5-7213 Presentation B.V. M. 1 A, 2E, 3E, 4E • • • Bond 1, 2, 3, 4 . . • Dramatics 4 •• , I.R.C. . Blue and Gold • • . Prom Committee 4 ••. All Catholic Band 3, 4 • •• Track 2 .•• Intramural footba ll 2, 3 ; track 2 lchampsl . . . Super Salesman • Fred Astaire .• • " How do you spell Progressive Education? "

JAMES T. SEDlOCK 6504 Torresdale Ave., 35 MA 4-7688 St. leo 1 D, 2C, 3C, 4E . . . Scholastic medal 1, 3 . . . French award 3 • . . Scholastic letter 1, 2, 3 . . . Class secretary 3, 4 ••. Wisterlan 4 . . . Math Club 3, 4 . .. I.R.C. . . . Intramural football 2 (champs), 3, 4 ; basketball 2, 3, 4; track 2 •• . "Make like Josh, Jim" • .. • !'Reds" . . . Drives from Ocean City to l.S.H. football games.

DAVID A. SERCHAK 222 E. Willow Grove Ave., 18 CH 7- 7710 Our Mother of Consolation 1 E, 2C, 3B, 4D . , • Scholastic letter 3 • . . Secretary 1 • . • Debating 1 , 2, 3, 4 •.. Wisterian 2, 3, 4 . .. Editor 4 • •• Benilde Club 2, 3 . . . Math Club 3 . • . Intramural cross country 1 . •• Favorite of th e Forensic league . . . Golden throat tone .• • One crew cut that stands up .

The Baron surveys the Boys.

JOHN P. SHARP 1244 8oclcius Ave., Abington , Po. TU 6-3840 Our lady Help of Christians 1 C, 2C, 3C, 4E . . . I.R.C . . . . Benllde 4 • . Dramatics 3, 4 . • . Football 2, 3, 4(l) . . . Intramural track 1, 2, 3; football 1 . • . "Got the Trig, Tom?" . • . Footboller . . • Loves vanilla milk shakes.

HUGH SHERIDAN 8641 Provident Rd., 50

CH 8-1690

St. Raymond 2A, 3E, 4A . • . Football 2, 3, 41U . Intramural basketball 2, 3, 4 . . . Cue Ball . . . "Schon, lend me your General Moth" ••. Go tell her.

JOHN A. SPELLMAN 6941 Wisler St., 38

HA 4-5511

St. Athanaslus 1E, 21, 3A, 4D . . • Intramu ral cross country (champs); football 1, 2, 3; bowling 2; track 1, 2 . . . Perpetually dormont .•• Wonts to bring back the benny.

DONALD J. SPENCE 4942 Germantown Ave., 44 GE 8-7657 St. Francis of A~sisi 1 E, 2E, 3D, 41 . . . Scholastic Leifer 1, 2 ••• GermCIIft Club 3 •.. Intramural football 1, 2, 4 (champs); cross country 1, 4 (champs) •.• Spence did it! . . . Wears Suspenders ••• "lovella."

HENRY P. SHIELDS 2084 E. Allegheny Ave., 34 NE 4-9581 Nativity 1B, 2B, 3B, 4D . . . Secretary 3, 4 . . . Intramural cross country 1; track 1, 2 . . . The Feuhrer . . . Harry the Hat .•. Cigarelles and coffee for breakfast .

JOHN S. SIENIETKOWSKI 3039 E. Thompson St., 34 GA 3-7357 St. Adalbert 1 A, 2E, 3C, 4E ••. Benilde Club 4 • . Math Club 3 ••. Intramural footba ll 1, 2 , 3; track 2 (champs(, 3 ••. Siemo •.. Notre Dame Fan . . • Kid from Kensington ••. "Ow, my fender!"

JOSEPH J. SPRISSLER TE 9-2453 I 000 E. Haines St., 38 Immaculate Conception 1 C, 2D, 3C, 4D .•• Wlsterian 1, 2, 3 . • Intramural football 1, 2, 3 •.. He'd rather fish than eat .•. Tons of fun •.. Throws wild parties.

,MICHAEL W. STEPHENS 250 Lawnlon Rd., WHiaw Grove 4 , Po. WG 2439T St. David 1B, 2D, 3C, 4C • . . Glee Club 1 . . . library old 1, 2, 3 • , • Science Club 4 ..• Wlsterion 3, 4 . . . Blue and Gold ••. German Club 3 • . . Intramural football 2, 3, 4; cross country 1, 2 • • • Baseball Mgr. 1, 21ll, 3, 41U , .. Tumbling 4 .• , Prom Commlllee 3, 4 .•. Jan , •• Hunting • , , loves to dance •.• Drives a black Volskie.

JOSEPH D. STEWARD Ml 4-7618 SO 17 N. Smedley St., 41 Holy Child 1 A, 2A, 3B, 4D . . . Glee Club 1 . . . Intramural bowling 1, 2 lchampsl; football 1, 2, 3, 4; basketball 1, 2, 3 (champs) . • • Dale .•. Skitch ••. Frituche's body guard . . . Helps Grassi pray while in driver training car.

VINCENT J. TAGUE 2450 Rosemore Ave., Glenside, Pa.

TU 4-0147 St. luke, Glenside, Pa. 1 E, 2A, 3D, 4A . . . President 2 . . . Vice President 4 .. . Student Council 3, 4 .•. Football 1, 2, 3, 41ll •.. Beetle . . . "Aw, come on you guys" . . . What's under the hood of that car?

MICHAEl J . VERRECCHIA 1223 Dickinson St., 4 7 HO 7-9378 Annunciation B.V.M. 1 B, 2C, 3D, 4A . . . Scholastic medal 1, 2 Scholastic letter 1, 2, 3 . . . Class President 1 •.. Vice President 3 . . . Wisterian 4 . . . Baseball manager 1, 2lll . . . Intramural football 1, 2 (champs), 3, 4; bowling 1 , 4 . . . Fats Domino of 6th period lunch ..• " But Coach , I can't swim" . .. Good student.

ROBERT P. WALSH 738 Turner Ave., Drexel Hill CL 9-4944 St. Andrew 1 D, 2C, 3A, 4A . . . Class President 2, 3, 4 . . . Student Council 2, 3, 4 . . . Scholastic letter 2, 3 . . . I.R.C. 4 . . . Wisterian 4 .•. Basketball 1, 2, 3, 41U . . . Track 1, 2, 31ll, 41ll . . . Intramural football 1, 2 , 3 (champs), 4; track 1, 2 . . . Parks on wrong side of 20th Street . . . Easily shook! . . . Fordomatic Bob.

HUGH J. WARD 3934 Netherlield, 28

VI 4-67SS St. Bridget 1 D, 2D, 3C, 4C . . . Intramural football 1; bowling 1, 2 . • . Football Manager 2, 3, 41ll . . . German Club 3 ... Golf 1 , 3, 41ll .•. Man with the cool D-500 . . . Hot man with the T-square .•• Henry Ave. dragster.

NEIL H. WARD ll I W. Lippincott St., 33

GA 3-8642 St. Hugh 1 E, 2A, 3B, 4C . . . Glee Club 1 •.• Dramatics 3 ..• I.R.C. . . . Cross country 1, 2 . • . Track 1, 2 . . . Intramural cross country 1 (champs), 2 lchampsl; t rack 1 (champs), 2 (champs); bowling 1 ... longs to found an antarctic expeditionary force .•. "Hi, Wardle."

JOHN G. WEBER 440 E. Lovden St.

OA 4-1418 St. Ambrose 1 B, 2D, 3C, 4D . . . Secretary 1, 2 . . . Intramural basketball 1 , 2, 3, 4; football 3, 4; track 4; cross country 4 • . . Always with Hend .•• "Webby" ••. All backyard.

FRANK J. WELDE 737 Claridge St., l J

PI S-8679

Presentation 1 B, 2A, 3A, 4C •. . Intramural bowling 1, 2 (champs); cross country 2 (champs), 3; football 2, 3 . . . "I'll take you on the 'Dig,' Frank" . . . Rock and Roll Fien d . . . " Just call me Frank."


JOHN J. WHITE 56 J 7 N. 4th St., 20

Ll 8-4918

St. Helena 11, 2E, 3C, 4E ••• Intramural football 1, 4; basketball 4 . . . lllackie .•• Active interests in German •. , Plays the role.

JOHN J. WOJCIECHOWICZ J 402 lloso/le St., 49 PI 3-4244 St. Martin of Tours 1 E, 2C, 311, 4A • • • Secretary 2, 3 ••• Intramural football 1 (cha mps), 2, 3, 4 ; basketball 1 (champs), 2, 3 (champs); cross country 1; track . . . Does a crazy Irish Jig .•• Wojo • • . Likes St. Tim's dance.

CARL WOLF 4940 Pulaski Ave.

Ml 4-0774

St. Francis of Auisl 1 D, 2D, 3D, 4A . . Intramural football 1, 2, 3, 4 ; basketball 1 (cha mps), 2, 3, 4 . . . I.R.C. • . • Boy, can he take pictures( • , , He ca lls it a Pontiac.

JOSEPH A. ZECCARDI 5146 Greene St., 44

St. Francis of Auisi 1 A, 2A, 311, 4D . . . I.R .C. . . . Dramatics 4 . . ••• Physics Club 4 , • , Zeke . • . Coli zapatos to school.

VI 4-4753

llenllde Club 4 , • Drives sister

Walking in a winter wonderland.



JA Top low: W. looney, J . Mlgnotti, T. Dziodon, Mdlvoine, T. Henry, M. Le dwith, J. Young, G. Middle Row: l . Volz, J . le(kner, T. lyn(h, D. J . Mahon, 11. lyon, M. llreslin. llotlom low: M. Sullivan, P. Keenan , G. Collins, shode, J . Simonetti.

J. Osborne, H. Eusfo(e, C. Dolowoy, E. Greves, II. Brannigan. Muir, G. Ri((O, W. Mit(hell, J . Kellett, I . $(hmidt, F. Sexton, II. Walsh, J. Kelly, H. Corney, C. Expen-

3A 49

38 Top Row: H. Miller, J. Glaser, D. Jenkins, R. Mahoney, J. Ham ilton, T. Boyle, J. Gross , J . Brogan, T. Risi, E. Luty, J. Hartnett, W. Kullman. Middle Row: W. Fahy, W. De Marco, J. Gallatig, C. Conway, R. Waddington, J . Madden, M. Iubyk, J. Paul, H. Doehne, R. Fellenz, L. Rodgers, J. McGinnis. Bottom Row: J. Brett, J. Simone, E. Miller, T. Wochok , F. Moore, D. Rothwell, T. Pyle, R. Primus, T. McManus, E. Solvibile, R. Gi letti, F. Mo rris, J. Richardson.

3B 50

3C Top llow: J. Convey, P. Mahoney, J. leone, J. Heavey, J. Ford, J . Cosgrove, l. Di Maria, E. Lepine, R. Fenn, J. Flood, T. Callan, M. Eirich. Middle llow: S. Wallace, N. Masinglon, J. Marks, K. Woodring , E. Devinney, W. Weis, A. Le SieYr, J. Clayton, l. Wakefleld, l. Weidmann. 8otlom llow : J. Kelly, W. Laman, J. Scocca, T. Martin, R. Pentzell, A. Solecki, J. Hickey, E. Harasym, E. Stehel.






Top Row: D. Madden, J. Fitzpaltick, J. Donahue, G. Osterag, T. Baltra, W. Pellish, P. Sher, J. McMonagle, G. Ward, P. Kerney, R. Mooney, T. Donohue, G. Dudzek. Middle Row: J. Cymbor, T. Yennessa, R. Carpinella, C. Scally, J. Gallagher, G. Schamerielc, J. Siravo, F. Bohrer, Wm. Solvible, W. Feeny, W. McDonald, K. Kibele. Bottom llow: T. Giannini, J. Kennedy, W. Horn, V. Miraglia, N. Hare, Wm. Strobel, N. D'Amico, T. Cus•ck, J. Downey, G. Doran, J. Boscoe.


Top •ow: F. White, J . Hannabach, . C. Cunn ingham, J. Pinchick, G. Parrato, W. Clements, G. West, I . Niemczyk, P. Noel, J . Swiellik, R. Barnell, R. Wray,,J . Killoran. Middle Row: J. Kalb, M. Whalen, J . lombard, A. Backauskas, N. leinheiser, W. legli, I . D' Ambrosio, E. Davis, J. Sharpe, l . Everling, B. Titheringlon, J. ·Ward. 8ollom Row: J . lodge, S. Qu inn, P. Faraco, J. Herrera, A. Me ier, II. Forest, A. Buono, J. Shoman, J. Schmitt, I . Wilkin, R. Christie.




2A Top l!ow: M. Gallagher, S. Gumula, J . Pio, R. Kyweluk, T. Quinlan, G. Henderson, D. Sandman, A. Quinto, S. Cook , R. Strani•, R. Kerollis, F. Riegler, J. Rossi. Middle Row: lt. Miehle, E. Hearn, J. Mclane, P. lang, J . Rogalski, J . Kane, J. Sm ith, T. Elsasser, J . Fo•, P. Cronin , M. Paolini. 8ollom Row : H. Kornbau, R. Mergliana, M. 'Dealy, W. Mayor, J. Cona, lt. Niessen, lt. Summerell, J. Asia, T. Murray, R. Breen.


2B Top •ow: l . Oswald, D. Slowickl, F. Heckler, J. lgo, T. Dougherty, J. Butkovich, T. Murtlmer, lt. Sc'h aller, W. Williams, G. Mose r, R. Byrnes, W. Cashin. Middle Row: D. leinheiser, R. McCau or, J . Maxwell, R. Hoster, J. Doughe1ty, J. Helwig, l. Stozeleckl, G. Koenig, J . Evancich, J . Coyle, C. Echert. 8ottom Row: W. Effecke, R. Diamond, F. Mcfadden, A. Bucclne, f . Sulzback, J. lncarvlto, J. Orlando, J. Miaecci, R. Mioran.

2B 56

2C Top llow: P. Sullivan, R. lafferty, P. Conway, F. Mahoney, M. DeGuida, J . Mag uire, F. Shaughneuy, S. Claybaclc , A. Buben, P. Conner. Middle llow: W. logan, J. Guinan, T. Ronan, F. Mele, G. Woltemate, R. Faraco, lt. Ehnow , T. Caffey, R. Chesco. Bollom Row: J . Vollc , F. Junod, K. Kieffer, J. Zill igen, J. Ridgway, J . McCullough, C. Hubbs.






Top ~ow: G. Canavan, J. Higgins, H. O' Neill, S. Monera, J. Fe sta , C. McKelvey, J . Meenan, M. Becher, P. Reilly. Middle ltow: F. Herron, T. Gallagher, l . Donoghue, E. Birch, W. Vaudreuil, R. Mltek, D. Stabilito, J. Kennedy, M. Waters, A. Schost. Bottom ~ow: J. McKenna, V. Walters, F. Madden, J. Wal sh, P. Bothwell, N. Harvey, C. Mcilhenny, G. Siegman, G. Honhauser, T. MeTeor, V. Vauolluuo.

2E Top llow: J . Coyle, E. Pork, E. Radomski, T. Kelly, A. Pagan, T. Monaghan, M. Fuchs, J . Deasy, J. O' Donnell, E. Birchler. Middle llow: J. McNichol , W. Madden, F. O' Neill , D. Callaghan, T. Loughran, E. Munlr, L. 8oird, A. Scholl, l. Wilson. 8ollom llow: l. Leese, J . Kelly, R. Be itz, J . Hall, D:.vid Cundey, lt. Ciocca, J . Harkins, J . Rowla nd.

2E 59


Top Row: II. Riccio, H. lang, G. Kugler, F. Driscoll, J. Monaghan, R. Weinmann, II . Smith, G. Putr, H. Swinburne, F. Colantuono, J. Byrnes, R. Brinker. Middle Row: H. Becker, K. Coyle, J. Crowley, R. Cannon, M. Bongiorno, M. Manning , F. Pagano, F. Casino, R. Wiggins, M. Connelly, J . Kacrur. Botrom Row: N. Oesch, J. Dooley, M. Magrisi, II . Wise , J. Wargo, l. Schenkel, J. Donnelly, D. Delp, A. Ruden.

2F 60

Freshmen .....

- --



lA Top Row : G. Muir, G. Lordi, J. Rider, R. Gontrom, J. Coli, J. Bazzell, R. l eary, T. Sm ith, J. McCloskey, R. Tragemann, J. Connor, J. Kestler. Middle Row: R. Petner, J. McConnell, 0 . Roman, R. Connor, J. Newell, G. Roma, N. Hopkins, T. Murphy, W. leinheiser, D. Hone, D. Fanelfe. Bottom Row, G. Mauacano, W. Morton, C. Makowski, C. Saile, l. Schmalback, T. McGarry, J . Hennessy, D. Bn~ce, C. Price.

111 Top Row : B. Nannen, J. Quinland, T. Jarecki, R. Tancredi, K. Quigley, F. Kraus, W. Bonnak, F. Weth, W. Van Buren, J. Plakis, M. Stanczak, J. Behan. Middle Row: J. Singer, J . Moran, J. McDonald, F. Yannessa, E. McElligott , F. Kiss, R. E. Feeny, M. Miles, D. Wall, T. Reynolds, G. Hu rlbrink. Bollom Row : R. Donahue, M. Wargo, J . Foster, C. labrou i, W. Schoeniger, R. Harkins, W. Murray, W. Dennit, J . Smyth.

JB 63


Top Row; F. Ga ll o, D. Metrick, A. Simgleton, R. Lenart, H. Hoof, J. Dunleovey, E. Quinn, R. Gizlnski, G. Roletter, l . Elias, P. Buscio, J. Kowalczyk. Middle Row; A. Tonzello, J . Stelocio, J . Acca rdi, P. Donohue, D. Wolheim, D. Giorgione, J. Seeber, H.

Guorimi, G. Kelly, W. Wallace. Bottom llcw ; A. Damiami, C. O' Donnell , J . O'Garra, J. Horan, T. Gannon, J . l ehman, J. McKeever, J. Cusack, F. McCafferty,


lD Top Row : R. Price, J. Quindlen, R. Bochinskl, R. Bellacchi, M. DeSantis, J. Burt, M. Malone, T. Kilroy, J. Smoluk, R. Schummer, M. Bell, P. Clark. Middle Row: K. Kavanaugh, A. Marabella, G. Nicolaus, A. D'Arcy, P. Smith, J . Smith, E. Weidner, J. McCarty, H. Colihan, J. Flynn, T. Carroll. Bottom Row: B. Sierg!ej, J. Spetzer, J . O' Brien, H. Keller, W. Bon sa ll, T. Hindson, D. Cronin, G. Kozub, J . Shea.


Top ltow: J. Wickersham, R. Kuu, A. Tabaczynskl, H. McGee, J. Kautz, H. Applelon, J. Pensabene, K. Shaw, C. Mooney, W. Hull, F. Gary, l. Chase. Middle ltow: J. Paul, P. Ringland, W. Dowd, W. Smith, R. Vahle, D. McDermott, V. Kling, J. Williams, W. Granville, T. Ryan, R. Quinn. 8ottom ltow: J. Rohrer, R. Luty, W. Mathews, S. File, J . Walther, D. Gallagher, T. N:.walinski, T. Britt, W. Shanks.

IE 66


Top llow: J. Adams, J. Flyn, T. Conway, T. McNichol, E. Wrolewski , J. Tiller, T. Kou, J. Huhn, J. Leith, W. Gorberino, J. D'Angelo, T. Engord. Middle llow: J. Sullivan, E. McGonigle, E. Kelly, R. Gollotig, J . lomb, G. Bennett, R. Groviu, W. Mongovln, G. Connelly, C. Cangelos, G. Dick. Joflom llow: lt. Ponoti, C. Blyskal, R. Drach, J. QJinn, P. Vitale, N. Colosi, R. Kilfeother, P. Seibel, P. Moore.

IF 67


Joe "Clarence" Zeccardi gives some fathe rly advice.

Ed Schaller in a dramatic moment.

The Cape and Sword, under the capable direction of Mr. John Moore, and with the help of our stage crew and the girls from Saint Basil' s Academy, commenced a very successful season in November when they presented the hit Broadway comedy, "Three Men On A Horse." Throughout the year they presented five oneact plays for the enjoyment of the student body during assembly programs. Among these s hows were, "The Ghost Of Jerry Bundler," " The Girl," and "Submerged." In January, they assisted Saint Basil 's Academy in their production of "Cheaper By The Dozen," and again in April they were called upon to take part in the operetta, "High Button Shoes." The members of the Dramatics Club wish to express the ir sincere appreciation to their moderator, Brother F. Jerom e, for his guidance and encouragement during the year.


Hamburger- a bookie in action.







.- .




Muir gets his face lifted.

Is " Bullet" Bob crooked?

Schonberger and partner give McAuliffe the boot.


art CIUD As in previous years at La Salle, the Art Club, under the guidance of Brother F. William, has proved to be an activity which is popular with both the seniors and the underclassmen as well. Besides the club's annual participation in the Hallowe'en window painting contest, it has proved invaluable in the preparation of gaily colored signs which were used in conjunction with the many giant pep rallies sponsored by the Student Council. We are not able to congratulate the Art Club enough on the fine work that they have done throughout the year.

"More green on the grass, Ray."

Youthful Rembrandts hard at work.

the best band ...


II) 'I

in the land

All at attention as inspection begins


Music in its perfection

For the third consecutive year, our Marching Band has captured the C.Y.O. outstanding band trophy. This year the difference between our Men of Music and the second place band was greater than ever. These results show the ability of Mr. Joseph Colantonio and Brother G. William to mold the finest music department in the Delaware Valley. Also, for the second time, the Wisterians have won the Junior Chamber of Commerce "Bands of Tomorrow" contest. This honor has never been duplicated by any other dance band in the Delaware Valley area. The band made numerous guest appearances throughout the entire school year, each time

giving the public the finest in marching, concert, and dance music. The highlight of the season for the marching band was the honor of being selected to play for Vice-President Nixon at the International Airport. The concert band, with a well-planned program, delighted its audiences with superb musicianship at the Spring Music Festival in March. Mr. Colantonio was again honored by the fact that a great number of our musicians were selected for the All-District and the All-Catholic Bands. The Seniors in this activity have profited greatly from the excellent music program offered here at LaSalle.

Indication of LaSalle's excellence in the field of music

A trophy of practical value

Dance band of tomorrow



Mr. Paravano explains the arts of printin~ to moderator and Wisterian staff.

pressed for time


The impetus behind the publication of the school newspaper, the Wisterian, is of a twofold nature- to provide a means of artistic literary expression to interested students and to give the students a periodical account of day-to-day events. The paper, which is published twelve times during the school year, is moderated by Mr. Joseph Moran and administered by the editorial board composed mainly of seniors. The key to the success enjoyed by the Wisterian is the representation it receives from the various classes and different segments of school activities. It is this representation which gives the paper its breadth of outlook. Worthy of mention as features in the newspaper are: the Exposing Explorer, the monthly gossip column; editorials directed to the pertinent topics of the day; the lively cartoon s of Ray Pentzell; the up-to-the-minute photographic coverage of Jack McCle llan, and the various reviews on movies, television, books, and records.

Editor-in-Chief . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . David Serchak '57 News Editor . ................... Jack McClellan '57 Sports Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Frank McCormick ' 57 Photograph er . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Jack McClellan '57 Art . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ray Pentzell '57 Faculty Advisor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mr. Joseph Moran

"Don't you think we should have a bigger crew picture, Ray?"

The Ex-Ex is reviewed by the censor board.

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Junior Wisterian members watch the first issue coming off the press.

Paris was never like this!

Men of LaSalle This year' s Father' s Club, under the moderation of Brother F. Joseph, moves into its eleventh year of promoting better parent-teacher-student relationship and providing student aid when needed. Besides these worthwhile activities in which it voluntarily engages, members of the club also enjoy themselves at various social functions sponsored throughout the year. Our sincere congratulations to the Men of La Salle for the fine work that they have done in the past, and which we hope they will continue to do in the future. This year's president is Mr. James Quinn.


Officers of the Fathers' Club: James Quinn, President; Jack Diamond, Vice President; louis Colantuono, Vice President; Charles Espenshade, Secretary.

d e b

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Dave Serchak elaborating on the Roosevelt myth.

Brother Jerome briefs star debaters on upcoming events.

The purpose of the Debating Club is twofold - to actively engage in forensic competitio n w ith schools of the Catholic Forensic League of Greater Philadelphia and to amplify and develop the abi lities of the memb ers in the various speaking arts. The club members participate in a program o f weekly debates on both the eleme ntary and advanced levels. It is these deba tes which prepare the members for the important tournaments sponsored by the teams of the league. In a ddition to debate, interest in other speaking arts is encouraged. Extempore speaking, or speaking without preparation, is invalua b le in building one's ability to analyze and express oneself without timecons uming preparation.


Senior class presidents: Robert Walsh, 4A; C. Clark Hodgson, 48; Robert Fritzsche, 4C; John Murray, 40; louis Greco, 4E.

student council Junior class president: John Osborne, 3A; Wayne Kullman, 38; Paul Aita , 3C; Thomas Yannessa, 30; John Schmitt, 3E.


Brother Godwin John explains a point to the officers.

This is the fifth consecutive year that the Student Coun~l has been in operation at La Salle. Under the watchful and guiding eye of its present moderator, Brother Godwin John, the Council has been very successful. Some of its varied accomplishments during

the year were: To improve our pep rallies and encourage more participation at the sports events held by the school, to open a bank account for its funds to be safeguarded, to take a more active part in arranging assemblies, and to organize and sponsor the traditional dances held at Thanksgiving and Easter.


Mr. President and his Congress.

A Friday night rally sponsored by the Student Council.

A "Famous First" for the council this year was to stage the flrst night pep rally since the school's opening. After spending much time speaking to members of the evaluation committee while they were here, the members of the Council presented a student council meeting on the stage of the auditorium for enjoyment of the evaluators, faculty and students.


Sophomore class presidents : Patrick Cronin, 2A; Joseph Maxwell, 28; Robert Faraco, 2C; Thomas Gallagher, 20; Terrence Monaghan, 2E; Robert Smith, 2F.

Freshman class presidents : Neil Hopkins, 1A; William Bornak, 1 B; Barry Dunleavy, 1C; Peter Clark, 1 D; Joseph Pensabene, 1 E; James Leith, lF.

As the eveni ng begins



Schonberger lecturing on mambo lessons.

Who turned off th e ligh ts.

On February 22nd more than 110 seniors flocked to the Whitemarsh Valley Country Club to participate in the gala event which highlights the senior social season year after year. As he has done in the past, Brother G. Thomas has once again provided the seniors and their dates with superb entertainment for the enchanted evening by treating them to the dream music of Buddy Williams and his orchestra . After a month of feverish preparation, the long awaited evening finally arrived and never ended until it provided the seniors with many sweet memories which will linger with them for quite some time to come. The clear, moonlit night was concluded by visits to the famous night spots of the city and vicinity and by attendance at group parties which were enjoyed by all who attended.

"Do we have to pay for these?"


Callaghan in a jovial mood.

"Oh! Let me do it, Butch ."

What is Melinson up to?


b I u

e and

I! '57 0


d Staff members senior proofs.



Typical afternoon yearbook office.




The Blue and Gold, moderated this year for the first time by Mr. James Ward, is the result of a desire of the yearbook staff to construct the best possible pictorial survey of the school year, including not only academic, but also athletic achievements, both varsity and intramural, and the extra-curricular activities. For the many photographs appearing in the 1957 Blue and Gold, plus the many more which we unfortunately couldn't use, we are indebted to Mr. Mike Maicher and to Mr. Dan Solari for their invaluable suggestions, the results of which appear throughout this book. The staff can consider their work a success if, in the years to come, you can pick up your Blue and Gold and relive, to a certain extent, your experiences here at LaSalle.

Mr. Solari, Cooke Publishing Co. representative, advises Mr. Ward on arrangement of '57 Blue and Gold.

Hard working members of the yearbook staff ????




r. c.

Jim Mclaughlin inquires about the homogenir.ation process during the club's visit to the Sealtest plant.

Capably supervised by Mr. John Harbison, Senior P.O .D. teache r, the International Relations Club is a senior activity given over to the discussion of national and international topics of all kinds. The general purpose of the I.R.C. is to further the interested student's knowledge of world events. As a supplementary source of knowledge to the required P.O.D. course, it serves the valuable purpose of imparting to the students a broader and deeper understanding of political, national, and world affairs.


I.R.C. members held spellbound by Neil Ward's politics.

Which is smarte r, Flynn or th e rob ot?

phqsics club The La Salle Physics Club, under the g uidance of Brother E. Stephen, was known as the Science Club until this year. The purpose of the club is to stimulate interest among the student body in physics and related sciences, and to present for the benefit of senior members such material as may appear on college entrance or scholarship examinations, but is not covered by the usual classroom curricula. Meetings are of two types: official meetings are held twice each month and are open to all members. Demonstrations and lectures by the moder"tor and the members highlight these gatherings at the end of which both seniors and underclassmen are given an opportunity to work on projects illustrating some scientific principle under the guidance of Brother Stephen. Brother Stephen shows Manning's spark gap oscillator to the officers.


benilde club The Benilde Club is a Catholic Action group, having as its primary function the increase of good religious vocations throughout the world. It~ members pledge themselves to offer their prayers and go.od works for this intention . Holy Mass and Communion, spiritual reading, visits to the Chapel, private acts of self-denial, and the life, comcomprise the spiritual side of the club's activities. Meetings are devoted to discussions of the various kinds of religious life in the Church, viewing fllms on seminary and mission activity, planning stamp drives and week-end retreats, and listening to guest speakers representing the Secular Priesthood, Religious Orders, and Catholic Action organizations, such as the Serra International and thP D'Andreis Society. The present officers are: Vincent Higgins 48, President; George Ward 30, Vice-President, and Richard Breen 2A, SecretaryTreasurer.

Benilde Club oMcers planning a weekly me eting with Brother Da vid Albert .

Religiou s topics are discussed at Benilde meetings.

Brother Francis beams at his present from Santa Claus.

Mothers ' Club Mrs. Gerald Griffin and Mrs. Albe rt Cairns preside at the Freshman Tea.

Under the presidency of Mrs. Benjamin Pecuski, the Mothers' Club continued their work again this year of sponsoring the worthwhile Saturday Night Dances, and of bringing about a firmer parent - teacher relationship. Among other club activities are their Communion Breakfasts, Christmas Party, and the annual Fashion Show, which is followed by the traditionally famous La Salle Night. This year's officers are: Mrs. Benjamin Peculski, Pre sident; Mrs. Walter Horn, Vice-President; and Mrs. Albert Hurlbrink, Treasurer.

Brother Damian of LaSalle College gives club members a preview of college math. The Mathematics club is one of the newer clubs among LaSalle's many and varied extracurricular activities. It is now in its second year of operation, having been organized by the Junior math students during the 1955-56 school 'year with the help of Brother D. Edward. This year membership in the club has been extended to include the Senior and Sophomore classes as well. Our Senior division moderator is Brother Felix John; Brother D. Edward is

math club

moderator of the Junior division, while Brother G. Claude has charge of the Sophomore division. Bi-weekly meetings of the three divisions are held separately, except when guest speakers are invited. Thanks to this new worthwhile organization, each member can further his knowledge of mathematics in a branch with which he is familiar. Junior department heads

Senior officers planning club trip with moderator, Brother Felix John.


Brother Edward, mathematics club founder, demonstrates a practical application of mathematics. Librarian and Staff: Mike Becker, Georg e Roletter, Joseph Rohrer, Edward Luty, Cornelius McKelvey, Mike Bongiorno, Mr. Von Nell, Louis Donaghue. •

librarq aides


Football The 1956 version of the La Salle Football Team started off the season with the firm intention of defending the Catholic League Title won the previous year. Under the reins of Coach John "Tex" Flannery in his initial year as head mentor, the Little Explorers gave it everything they had and came within a game of achieving their purpose. Although he had only one returning starter fro m last year's City Champs, Mr. Flannery developed, out of a squad composed large ly of underclassmen, a top league contender with great qualities of speed, spirit, and scoring power. The Explorers gave some indication of their potential backfield power in the opening game against Wer-t Catholic, when they buried the Burrs under a 32-6 avalanche. On the first play of the sea::on, Hugh " Cu-ball" Sheridan took off on an 80-yard touchdown sprin t, and there was no stopping路 La Salle after that. In what was surely one of the most spectacular comebacks ever seen in the Catholic League, the Explorers overcame Roman Catholic and a 14. point deficit with three touchdowns in the final seven minutes of play. The return of Junior quarterback Paul Aita in tfte last quarter marked the turning point of the contest as his pin-point passing to Lou Greco sparked the team and accounted for all three TO's. A three-year, seventee n-game winning streak came to a sad end when St. James capitalized on two costly Blue and Gold fumbles in the last session to deadlock the Explorers 19-19. Two of LSH's scores once again resulted from the Aita-Greco passing combination while the third was made by Sheridan. A rough, heavy Bishop Neumann squad handed the Olneyites their first loss of the season, 20-6. Taking advantage of some opening

minute breaks, the Pirates commanded, right from the start, a comfortable lead which the Explorers could never overcome. LaSalle's lone score came late in ffle second quarter, Sheridan latched on to an Aita aerial on the 25 and was off for a TO. LaSalle got back into the win column with a 26-0 romp over Father Judge before a spirited " Dad's Day" crowd of 3,000. The league's newest e ntries were no match for the magnificent running of Johnny Herrera, Hugh Sheridan, and Scotty Maxwell, and the aerial teamwork of Aita and Greco. In a wide open, fast moving, offensive contest, LaSalle outlasted a spirited Monsignor Bonner squad 26-20 and thus stayed in contention for the Catholic League Title. Backs Johnny Herrera and Eddie Dever were the big guns in the Explorer attack as they blasted the Friar line for numerous long gains as w e ll as two TO's each. In w hat turned out to be the game deciding the Catholic League championship, the Blue and Gold defending champs were knocked out of the running by a powerful, d etermined North Catholic squad. The line cracking drives, spirited by Rankin, Lavin and company, resulted in North's capturing the coveted title. The traditional Thanksgiving Day tussle with Germantown High saw the Explorers roll to a 33-12 triumph. Touchdowns by Dever and Sheridan highlighted the victory, the latter having the distinction of having scored the first and the last of the season's touchdowns. While the valiant Explorer team missed gaining the much -desired title by a single game, pride could be had in the fact that a squad given little chance to show in p re-season ratings exhibited such fighting spirit in every game.

l $f Row: J. Crowley !Mgr.l, A. Solecki , A. Backauskas, F. Colantuono, P. Aita, G. Woltemate, H. Sheridan, J . Herrera, H. Gallagher, J. Volk (Mgr.l. 2nd Row: H. Eustace, K. Leese, R. Federspiel, 8. Monaghan, C. Hodgson, E. Dever, V. Tague, J . Kilbride, L. Greco, Brother Edward (Moderator). 3rd Row: J. Flannery (Coach), J. Sharp, J. Osborne, T. MeTeor, J. Maxwell, W. Clements, T. Monaghan, R. Weinmann, R. Smith, T. Yannessa, R. Davis, V. Higgins. 4th Row: J . Marks (Mgr.l, J . Jgoe, F. Heckler, L. Di Maria, J. Sharpe, G. Parrotto, T. Boyle, D. Madden, A. Buben, W. McDonald, C. Cunningham, H. Ward IMgr.l.

10 1

Hodgson shows Dever the way


Clements blazes the way Kilbride couldn't sit still


Dever stymied

Gallagher breaks up the pass w hile Osborne smiles approval 104

Football hitching post

Solecki pitches out to Herrera



Aita's pass hits the mark

Touchdown! Boyle on a flying tackle


Greco to paydirt



Sheridan carries for the first down

Where there's a will, there's a way


A junior Explorer on his way

Monaghan scores against North

Shaughnessy scores for the Junior Varsity

Il l

Basketball Richard Amejka

William Boland

Having lost almost all of the previous year's first-string players, the 1957 basketball squad faced dim prospects at the beginning of the season. But at the season's end the record showed an outstandingly impressive record for an aggregation considered relatively inexperienced. Once again we missed the Catholic League Title by a single game, and once again it was the Falcons of North Catholic who emerged victorious. But the spirit and determination of the team throughout the season exemplified the best Blue and Gold traditions. Probably the season's most cherished victory was in the initial Catholic league meeting with North Catholic. The Explorers emerged victorious after a hard-fought battle that was nip-and-tuck all the way. An unexpected loss to St. Joseph's Prep jolted, but did not deter, the Explorer basketeers from gaining revenge over the Prep in the second meeting and finish ing the season with an impressive 10-3 record, sufficient to put the team in the Shaughnessy Play-offs, participation in which has become a LaSalle tradition. Outstanding performer was All-Catholic Rich Amejka, whose towering height and agile eye contributed greatly to making LaSalle a leading season-long contender for the play-offs. Helping in this regard was hustling George Bauder, whose under-the-basket playing was a major factor in our success. Laurels also go to Ed Kilfeather, Jack Murray, Bob Walsh, Jerry Cosgrove, Wayne Kullman, and Bill Boland, all of whom gave their all in every contest. Matching the Varsity's spirited play was the Junior Varsity, which compiled a s ingularly impressive record . A special hats off goes to the freshman quintet which, under the capable coaching of Brother Gratian, emerged victorious in all but a single contest, a hopeful sign of future success. John Brogan

_/ 112

Robert Walsh

Wayne Kullman

Edward Kilfeather

George Bauder

BASKETBALL LEAGUE SCORES 58 . . . . . . . .... North Catholic . ............ 51 54 . ........... Roman Catholic ............ 43 55 ............ St. Joseph Prep ............ 67 73 ............ Fathe r Judge .............. 57 44 ... . . . ...... West Catholic ............. 54 59 ............ M. Bonne r . ... . ...... . .... 53 77 . ........... St. Joseph ................ 39 62 . . .......... Bishop Ne umann ........... 57 47 ............ North Catholic .. . .......... 55 58 ........... . St. James ...... . .......... 42 55 . ........... Roman Catholic ....... . .... 43 65 ............ St. Thomas More ........... 50 51 . . .......... Fathe r Judge .............. 45 PLAYOFFS 48 ..... . . . ... . Bishop Ne umann .......... 40 32 ............ North Catholic ............. 37

Jerry Cosgrove

John Murray James McMopagle


Up, up, and away ... Ed Kilfeather


Ouch, mind your manners

Junior Paul Arizin

Look out below . . . Jerry Cosgrove


Determination equals basket



All Catholic standout in action

Quick, get a ladder . . . Bob Walsh

Suspended in air . . . George Bauder


Dribbling par excellence

I 18

Beautiful form ... Jack Murray

Outran them all ... Bill Boland

Basket, here I come

Unequalled poise .•. Richie Amejka


Future varsity standout ... J im McMonagle

Changing the score ... AI Solecki

One of the reasons for a good freshman season



__ -__


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- ..


- -...:::- -....


Two arches, two shells


Kniqhts of the Schuq/ki/1 From windy March to sunny June, La Salle's "knights of the Schuylkill" are on the job. This year's e d ition of the sweep swingers promises to have one of the most successfu l seasons in recent years. With the capability of freshman mentor George Hines, the expert guidance .of Brother G. Claude, and the e x pe rience of the oarsmen themselves as contributing factors, La Salle should have its fair share of honors.

- -----

-- .

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- -:---





Single Scull Boyd Mcilvaine Double Sculls Bow- Butch Kelly Stroke-Frank McCormick Quadruple Sculls Bow- Rian McMullin 2- Bob Hone 3- Tom Yannessa Stroke- Marshall McCloskey

Varsity Eight Bow- Pete Devlin 2- Tom Boyle 3- John Gara 4-C. Cunningham 5- Bob Smith 6-John Osbourne 7- Ciark Hodgson Stroke-John Mesunas Cox- Ray Walsh

Happy faces , tired muscles


Start of a long afternoon

The coach cracks a joke and only Smith thinks its funny.


Defenders of the Flick trophy

Even rain doesn't stop practice


Top row: J e rry Parotto, Don Slowecki, Bill Cunningham, John Schauder, George Ward, Wayne Kullman, Frank Gallo . Middle row: Bro. Gervald John, Jim

Mclaughli n, Dick Trage man, John Gallagher, Pat Sher, Steve Clayback, Bob Wilkin, Coach John Hrici nak. First row: He nry Mille r, Tom D'Annunzio, Joe McCarty, Steve Cook, J im Smith, Paul Aita, Jerry Woltemate, John Herrera, Jim Campion.

Under the new coaching guidance of Mr. John Hricinak, the 1957 baseball team displayed all the spirit and determination of a real title-contender. Although graduation claime d seven of last year's team, the initial cry of "play ball" saw Mr. Hricinak and moderator Brother Gervald John fielding a team which promised to give all comers stiff competition. Returning for action on the diamond this year ~ere Seniors Thomas D'Annunzio, John Sch rader, and Bill Cunningham, Juniors Paul Aita, George Ward, Pat Sher, John Herrera, hopeful Sopho mores Steve Cook, Steve Clayback, and a promising yo ung Fres hman in Frank Gallo.


diamond cutters Umpire's decision.



Words of w路IS d om.

Just missed .

Tom exhibits his style.


High hopes in the high jump.


tried and true trackmen This combination equals victory.


State Champion, Bob Walsh, leads the way.


Starting the sea son under the leadership of their new coach, Mr. John Harbison, t he track and field team was confident in expecting a successful season. Alth o ugh the re were about twenty experienced members of last year's team ret urning, the re were but two lettermen. However, the high spirit and strong determination of the 'eam indicated real competition to all opponents. In addition, th e g reat wealth of underclassmen indicates that there are good years a h ead for th e Blue and Gold in the realm of track and field.


Putting out on the eighteenth.

Larry hopes he'll get a Jetter, too.

A chip shot in the rough.

fore at tee 133

LaSalle in the lead Pannepacker and Devinney leading the team to victory

Although this year's Cross Country team, under the supervision of Brother F. William, did not prove itself a winner in Catholic League Competition, it showed all the will and determination that is characteristc of La Salle. Led by seniors Vince Pannepacker, Marshall McCloskey and Don Donaghy, and helped along by junior members Mart Whalen and Ed Devinney, the team should prove a strong threat in next year's competition.

Fron t Row: Manager Mike Becher, Don Walheim, Charles O' Donnell, Bob Harkins, John Singer, George McDonald, Francis McCafferty, John Lehman, Manager John Corra. Second Row: Joe Harkins, John Kane, John Elsasser, Bill Mayer, Ed Devinney, Jim Fox, Bob Cannon. Last Row: J erry Heavy, Marshall McCloskey, Marty Whalen, Vince Pannepacker, Reg Wray, Joe Crowley, Brother F. William.

McCloskey smiles while working

Fox passing on the right

Hurry up, Donaghy, you're last


Aiming for the sky.


Left to right: Bill

Southpaw smash.

p le Nat Lama~, TomHe~d~rson,

Everling, John Mahon, erry

. Rich Miehle, Ed Stehel, Larry D' Am•co, Pete Kerney.

down their alleq The varsity bowling team, coached by Mr. Frank Mcfadden, made an impressive showing this year, compiling five wins against four losses. Th e flve wins were registered over St. James, St. Joseph's Prep, West Catholic, Roman Catholic, and St. Thoma s More. The victory over Roman was the high point of the season, a s it d eprived the Cahillites of the Catholic League title. The prospects for next year are very good, as the team loses only two seniors, Captain Bob Fritzsche and Jim Digan . Returning starters include Bob Wilkin, John Richardson, and Dan Scndman . Freshman standouts include Joe Tabaczynski, Bob Connor, and Ed McElligott. Fritzsche and Digan show the same form that upset Roman .

Coach Mcfadden points the way to the Coke machine. Top Row, left to right: Coach Mcfadden, John Seeber, Joe Tabaczynski, Larry Harasym, Joe Steward, Ed McElligott, Bob Conner, Mike McCaffe rty. Bottom Row: Dan Sandman, Pete Noel, Bob Wilkin, Jim Digan, Bob Fritzsche, Fred

Boehr, John Richardson, Jim Accardi.


Indicative of the success of this year's intramural program . Beginning in the fall and continuing throughout the entire school year, the Intramural program, under the apt direction of Brother Jeremy, gives those members of the student body not e ngage d in varsity sports an opportunity to exhibit their skill. Newest innovation is the year's all-around title, just inaugurated this year. Competition among the home rooms for this d istinction runs very high and stimulates better performance in all sports. This year also saw the enlargement of the Intramural program by Brother Jeremy to cove r all sports. Much credit is due the student referees, w ho a id faculty members in the judging of all contests. 138

in tram urals This ye ar's champions are as follows : Football: 4B - 3B - 2C - 1 F. Cross Country: 4B - 30 - 2F - 1 F. Bowling: 40 - 3C- 20 - 1C. Basketball: 4B - 3E - 2E - 1E.

Proud boys receiving coveted awards.

Looks aren't everything.

Please catch it, fellows.


Basketball mambo .

Oh, that vicious McMonagle!

That new look in basketball uniforms.

What a chest??

Referees are never on the spot.

Loose ball.

Que Sera, sera.

Picture shy.

Set for a shot.

Elated after victory.


••• and go fOrth o serve I


The 1957 Blue and Cold Staff

CO-EDITORS Robert Mergliano James Mclaughlin

STAFF John Becker John Schonberger James Lane Robert Ellis Robert Durney Joseph McAuliffe Vincent Anderson

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The staff and moderator wish to thank: Mr. Joseph Moran, by whose valuable and experienced assistance many obstacles were easily overcome; veteran photographer Mike Maicher, whose picture-taking talents once again provided us with many original and outstanding photogra phs; Dan Solari of the Cooke Publishing Company, for his usual a ssistance and e ncouragement; the LaSalle faculty for its support and co-operation; Bro. E. Francis, principal, and secretaries Mrs. Gladys Holzbaur and Miss Ce leste Wagner, for their patience, understanding, and help; Wisterian photographe r Jack McClellan, who was always available to lend a helping hand; Mr. Joseph Durenzi and Mr. Carl Wolf, of Carl Wolf Studios, for their superior portraiture; our many faithful and generous patrons and the loyal and spirited student body, both of whom displayed their traditional response in making this book possible.


HONORED PATRONS James Accardi Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Becker Mr. John W. Behan Dr. and Mrs . Francis Boland Mrs. Joseph Bowen John Boyle Neil G. Breen Binder Bros. Dr. H. Broan Larry Buckely Mr. and Mrs. James J . Campion The Capozzoli Family Mr. and Mrs . Dominic Ciccimaro Rev. Patrick A. Collis, Ph .D. Compliments of a Friend Compliments of Jose Compliments of a Friend Compliments of a Friend Mrs. Delia Connolly Mrs. F. J . Cunningham Mrs. Robert Cwik Edmund D'Ambrosio Mrs . A. D'Arcy Dr. and Mrs. Alfre d S. Damiani Denis R. Deasy Mr. and Mrs. Donald Del Manzo Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Deni Mr. and Mrs. Jose ph J. DeVenuto Mr. and Mrs. Jos. J. DeVenuto Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Devlin Mr. R. Dilworth Mr. and Mrs. Charles Doherty Mr. and Mrs. Edward Donahue Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Dondrea Mr. and Mrs . A. Draganosky Mr. and Mrs. B. Egan Mr. and Mrs. H. Emenecker and Sons Mrs . Lawrence Everling Dr. and Mrs. J . V. Farrell Mrs. James J . Flynn Mr. and Mrs. Jose ph F. Flynn Mr. and Mrs. J . Franniak Mr. and Mrs. L. J . Ford Mr. and Mrs. Frank A. Frum ento G. E. Funmiel Thomas A. Gallagher John P. Gara Donato F. Giorgione

Mr. and Mrs. Otto J . Glaser Jose ph A. Gontra m Harold Graff Complime nts of the Law rence Grassi Family Mr. and Mrs. Amil Gumula Mr. a nd Mrs. W. C. Ha mburger Mr. A. Hamilton Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J . Haney and Family Mr. and Mrs. G. J. Hanha user Dr. and Mrs. Emil L. Harasym Mr. and Mrs. Norman Hare Mr. and Mrs. August Helwig Mr. and Mrs. Norbert J . Hip p Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Hodgso n A. C. Hurlbrin k Mr. John F. lgoe Mr. and Mrs. Andrew S. Kass Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Ka va na ugh John B. Kelly Rev. Joseph D. Kelly The Kilb ride Family Mr. and Mrs. E. Kilfe ather, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Tho mas P. Kilroy and Sons John Kleber Alma-Mari e-Koch Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Ko rn ba u Anton Kramer Mr. Ch ester Kudzin Dr. and Mrs. James A. Lane Mr. and Mrs. Fran k J . Ledwith Peter M. Ly nch '93 Julius O' Dorisio, Ph.D. O' Ne ill Fam ily Mr. and Mrs. J o hn J . O' Ro urke Mr. a nd Mrs. Jos. M. McAuliffe Mr. and Mrs. J . E. McClella n Mr. and Mrs. Robe rt McCa nn M. H. McCloskey Mr. and Mrs. N. J . McCon nell Mr. and Mrs. L. M. McCloskey Mr. and Mrs. L. J . McEvoy Rev. He nry T. NcFa ll John Mcllhinne y Mr. Charles J . Mcilva ine Mr. and Mrs. James McKenna Dr. and Mrs. Thomas F. MeTeor Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Ma honey

Dr. and Mrs. C. H. Makowski Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Malley Valentine R. Manning, Jr., M.D. Mr. and Mrs. G. Marrabella Mr. and Mrs. Frank Martin Mr. and Mrs. N. J. Masington Mr. and Mrs. Stan G. Melinson Mr. and Mrs . August H. Miehle Mr. and Mrs . L. Milaknis Dr. and Mrs. Paul R. Miraglia Mr. and Mrs. Mooney Mr. and Mrs. J . D. Morrissey Mr. and Mrs. Richard Mullin Mr. and Mrs. J . Neary & Family Rev. Francil Palecki Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Palmer Mr. Stephen Petner Mrs. A. Perno Mr. and Mrs. Salvatore Pizzo Mr. and Mrs. G . V. Purcell Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Quinn, II Mr. and Mrs . Amedeo Quinto "The Ripper" Mr. and Mrs. George J. Roletter Mr. and Mrs. William Ruth Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Schast Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Schilling Dr. and Mrs. John J . Sedlock Francis Siergiej Mr. and Mrs. John C. Singer John Stanczak Henry B. Sternfeld Mr. and Mrs. Edw. Swietlik Mr. and Mrs. Joseph L. Tague W. H. Van,Bwren Mr. Michael Verrecchia Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Vitale Mr. and Mrs. John E. Walsh, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Cornelius Ward Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Ward Mr. Joseph P. Wargo Mr. Earl Warren Mr. and Mrs . Ben Weiner Harry I. Weiss Leo A.Wiedmann Mr. and Mrs. Francis Weide Mr. and Mrs. J. Wojciechowicz Reginald Wray and Family Dr. and Mrs. E. A. Wroblewski Mr. and Mrs. John Young

HONORED BUSINESS PATRONS E. F. Armstrong 8004 Traymore Ave.

Himco Investm e nt Co. 6 158 Limekiln Pike

R. P. Price, Real Estate 2662 E. Allegheny Ave.

Allegheny Union & Metal Com pany

HY - Plane Mfg. Company 1822 Cadwallader Street

Frank V. Radinski & Sons Inc .

Charles A. Bott Inc. 4817 N. Broad St.

John B. Ke lly, Inc. 1720 Cherry St. Philo. 3 , Pa.

John Schonberger Jeweler 126 So . 8th St.

Smith, Kline, & French lab. Christian Bruntrager 7725 Castor Ave .

Alva Chevrolet Torresdale & Cottman Av e.

Danherst Corporation Fairless Hills Pa.

D'Angelo Bros., Inc. 68 E. Bringhurst St., Philo . 44

Frazer Bowling Centre Lincoln Hiway, Frazer, Pa .

Knecht Mu sical Instrument Co . 24 S. 18th St.

C. P. Speitel Company, Inc.

La man- loesch e Supply Co. Inc. lippincott Boat Works

Bonded local Truckmen 3620-24 N. lawrence St.

l uty Printing Service 5012 York Rd.

Albert Steinberg & Co. 2520 N. Broad St.

O'Donnell's Bar and Restaurant 4948 N. Broad St.

Suple e - Wills-Jones Milk Co.

Frank J . O' Malley

Town & Country Roofing & Sid ing Co . 1351 E. High St.

Fred Hill & Son Co. 1Oth & Cherry Sts.

George's Grill 417 Township Line Rd.

Happ & Sons Rea ltors' 114 N. Ma in St. Doylestown, Pa.

High School Stud ent Coun cil

Oliver Roman Masonry Contractor 1402 E. Mermaid lane

Victor Dye Works, In c. Tulip & Westmoreland Sts .

McCafferty Ford Co. langhorne, Pa.

White Horse Tavern

Men of 3E

O' Reilly & White, Inc. Haverford & Narberth Ave. Narberth, Pa.

Nolen & Swineburne 725 Chestnut St. Philo, Pa .

Carl Wolf Studio 2013 Wa lnut St.


Franklin's Sunoco Service Belfield Ave. At Penn St.

P & H Gulf Station Frankford & Vista St.

Al 's Meat Market 912 So. 9th Street

Dr. Robt. F. Gallagher D.D.S. 27 E. Gravers lane

Penny's Flowers Whorton & Keswick Ave. Glenside, Po.

Charlie's Cleaners 146 Nedro Ave.

Gordner Motors 6301 Frankford Ave. Philo . 35, Po .

Corcoran 's Grocery 20 1 E. Wi shart St.

Joe Hartnett's Atlantic Service Station 5th & Somerville Ave.

J . Cullinan, Florist 1603 Point Bree ze Ave.

Helen's Dress Shoppe 6072 Ridge Ave.

Deluco Hots 12th & Possyu nk Ave.

John X. Douglass, Pharmacist Greene & Hortter Sts .

Flannery's Tavern 7178 N. 19th St. Flecher's Furniture Rugs-Bedding 2205-07 N. Front Street Fronk & Walt's Tavern 5818 Castor Ave.

Peter Schantz 1444 N. 2nd St.

The lumber and Millwork Company of Philadelphia

School lone Apts. 5450 Wissahickon Ave.

Sho emaker & Busch, Inc. 511 Arch St. Mahoney Beauty Shop for Shoes Penna. R.R. Suburban Station

Ervin 's General Store 1722 Brown svill e Rd. Trevose, Po .

Finnesey Body Co. 811 N. Toney St.

Fred Schmitt Pointing Contractors 8347 Cadwallader Ave. Elkins Park, Po.

Charles Kullman Barber Supply Company

Devon Beer Distributors 6602 Frankford Ave.

Joseph A. Ferko String Bond l eade r & macist 500 W. Glenwood Ave.

Quinn 's Cafe 20th St. & lehigh Ave.

Morcis Wire Work~ 546 N. 5th Streeth Phar-

Mayfair Diner & Dining Room 7373 Frankford Avenue Morris Auto Ports

South Germantown Point & Glass Co. 4942 Germantown Ave. Stanborlyn Kennels 523 Philmont Ave. Trevose, Po.

Tran somericon Freight lines 5001 Umbria St.

The Murray-Go- Round 137 W . Chelten Ave. Weber's Bakery 3148 Willits Road New Paradise Cafe 16th & McKean Sts. Wilkins Esso Service Stenton Ave. & Ellet St. John P. Norris Carpenter and Builder 914 Township Line Elkins Pork, Po.

R. M. Wilson & Son lan sdale, Po.

SOCIAL PATRONS Mr. Anthony Paul Alto Joseph Ambrogi Mr. and Mrs. Paul V. Anderson Mrs. Beortice A. Ash Mr. Augustine Asia Mr. and Mrs. Albert C Backauskos Albert W. Bockouskos Mr. and Mrs. Wm . Boltra and Family Frank Bartl Mr. and Mrs . William Borunos Mike Becher Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Beih Msgr. Cletus J, Benjamin Mr. Gerold Bennett A. Berezneyckey Mr. and Mrs. William Bergin Mrs . Marie Black John T. Bobech Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Bornok Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Bozz'll Mr. Henry Brewer Mr. and Mrs. Thermon Britt Margaret A. Bryon Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Buben D. F. Buccini Mr. and Mrs . Salvatore Buono John Burke Mr. and Mrs. Burke Mr. and Mrs. John Butkovich Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Butler, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Bart Byrnes John Byrne Paul Callaghan Mr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Callaghan Mr. and Mrs. Alvin C. Connon Mr. and Mrs. Francis J. Cannon Mr. and Mrs. William J . Cashin Mr. and Mrs. William F Casiu a Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J . Cassidy laurence J. Chose Dr. and Mrs. Emil Josef Chervenko Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Cloybock Mr. and Mrs. Morris H. Clayton Mr. louis Colantuono Compliments of a Friend Compliments of 0 Friend Compliments of a Friend Compliments of a Frlt,nd Compliments of a Friend Complimenh of a Friend Compliments of a Friend Mr. and Mrs . John F. Connelly Mr. and Mrs . Earl P. Conner Mr. and Mrs. John J. Convey Patrick Conway Mrs . Margaret T. Cook Mr. Stephen W. Cook Mr. "'nd Mrs. G. Cosgrove Mr. and Mrs. John D. Coyle Mr. and Mrs. Joseph E. Crowley Jim and Joe Crowley Mr. and Mrs Paul E Cundey Mr. and Mrs . Rolph De Stefano

Rinaldo De Vincenti s Senator J . and Mary A. Di Silvestro Mrs, M. Daly Mr. and Mrs. John A. Daylor Mr. one! Mrs. Edwa rd E. Delp Susan A. Derlin Alma and Helen Dever Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Devinney Mr. and Mrs. Jo seph J . Diamond George Dick Andrew Dick , J r. Mr. and Mrs. John Digan Dr. and Mrs. A. H. Donaghue Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Donohue Mr. and Mrs . Thomas A. Donohu e Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Donohue Mr. and Mrs . Thoma s F. Dooner Mr. Wm . R. Doran Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Dowd Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M. Downey Drach Family Mr. and Mrs. John H. Durney Mr. and Mrs. John Elias Mrs. Mary Federspiel Edwin J. Feeny Edwin J. Feeny Fronk Fellenz and Family Joe Fineberg Mr. and Mrs. David B. Fitzgerald Mr. and Mrs. John Flood Mr. and Mrs. E. Forrest Mr. and Mrs. Harry J. Foster Helen R. Foli A Friend of larry's E. T. Fullen John F. Gallagher Mr. and Mrs. Jam es A. Gannon, Sr. Mrs. Joseph Garbarin o Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gennett Rev. James W. Gibbons, D.O. , ll.D. Mrs. Mort Giletti Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gizinski Mr. and Mrs. William J . Gordon Mr. and Mrs . E. W. Graviss Carmen Greco lena Greco Edith Greenberg Mr. and Mrs. Gerald J . Griffin Mrs. Kathryn Hoof Mr. and Mrs. Joseph R. Haitz Joseph R. Hailz Joseph Honnoboch The Heckler Family Harold W. Heil Helverson Family Mr. and Mrs . Evelio Herrera Mr. and Mrs. Fronk Herron Mr. and Mrs . James Higgins Holy Cross Church James Horan Mr. R. Clark Hopkins Mr. and Mrs. Walter J. Hom Mrs. Anno Horning

Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Ho sler Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hubbs Immaculate Conception Holy Name Society Mr. and Mrs. John C. lncarvito Mrs . Joseph Incogn ito Robert Jacovite Dr. and Mrs . B. W. J enkins Anton Kauh Sofia Kautz Mr. and Mrs. Colman Keane George Kelly, Sr. John Kelly Mr. John Kelly Mr. Thomas F. Kerney Kibele Family William P. Koller louis Konowall Dr. Bertram Koeger Mr. and Mrs . Albert P. Kriven Joseph Kueny Mr. Fred Kuss Mrs . lillian Ku ss Mr. Robert lagovilz The lang Family Mr. and Mrs. LeSieur and Son Mr. Edward V. leary The Leese Family Mr. and Mrs. lobley Mrs. Helen M. Loughran Mr. and Mrs. John M. McCormick Mr. and Mrs. John McDevitt Mrs. Elizabeth Macfarland Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Mcfarland Mr. and Mrs. Timothy F. McGee Mr. and Mrs. Joseph B. McGill James J. McGinnis, Esq. Msgr. Charles B. McGuinley Mr. and Mrs. Edward McKeon Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Mclaughlin Mr. and Mrs . Thomas E. McMullin Miss Catherine McNamara Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. McNichol Mrs. Helen K. McNulty Mr. J. Macaione Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J . Madden Mr. and Mrs. Ed Mogrisi Mr. and Mrs. Jose ph J. Mohon Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mahoney Miss Janis Mahoney Elizabeth Mark Mr. and Mrs. William Maxwell John Meenan Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Meier Miss Anna M. Meier Robert A. Mergliano Mr. and Mrs. John A. Meyer Mr. and Mrs. T. J . Mignatti Bob Mitek Mr. and Mrs. Jamos Momorella Mr. and Mrs. John C. Monahan Mr. and Mrs. John J. Moran Mr. and Mrs. Cyril Morand The Motimer Family

SOCIAL PATRONS- Continued Frank Morton Mrs . S. M. Moss Mr. and Mrs. John M. Muir Edward W. Muntz Mr. and Mrs. James H. Muntz Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Murray Mrs. William Murray Mr. and Mrs. C. K. Nash The Nicolaus Family Mr. and Mrs . Nick Noel Mrs. No rman Oesch D. W. O' Dea Miss Madeline F. O'Malley Anthony Orlando Mrs. Helen G. Oswald William J. O' Toole The Pagan Family Mrs . Jose ph Park Frank J. Parrotta Joseph Pascuzzi Mr. and Mrs. Walter Pellish Mr. and Mrs. Raymond C. Pen tzell Ph iladelphia Rudder Club Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Pinchick Joe Pinchick Albe rt DiPh isordru Mr. Jos. V. Plakis Mr. and Mrs. Galdino Primus Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Pyle Mr. and Mrs . John F. Quigley Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Quinl a n Thoma s J . Quinlan , Jr. James B. Quinlan Mr. and Mrs. E. l . Quinn Mr. and Mrs. A. Qu inn Mr. and Mrs. John Quinn Mrs. Cecilia Yannessa Rei ll y Mr. and Mrs. James J . Rey nolds

Mrs. Peter Reilly Mr. and Mrs . Pasquale Riccio Mr. and Mrs. John Richardson Mr. and Mrs. Fred W. Rider Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Rider Mr. and Mrs. J . Ridgway The Riegler Family Mr. Anthony Risi and Family Mr. and Mrs. James J. Roche Mr. and Mrs. Rodg erl Mr. and Mrs . John Rogalski Mr. a nd Mrs. W. Pothenbach J ohn Rowland laurel Ruden John G. Sandman and Fam ily Mr. and Mrs. Walter J . Schalle r John Schamenek Mr. and Mrs. John A. Schaude r Mrs. Herman Schmidt Mr. John T. Schmitt, Jr. Mrs. Martha Scapi Mr. and Mrs. lawrence J . Scully Mr. and Mrs. John J . Seeber Mr. and M rs. Andrew Serchak Joseph R. Sharpe, Sr. Dr. and Mrs. John T. Sharp J . laurence Shea Mr. and Mrs . B. Sh eridan Henry P. Sheild s John Sienietkowski Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Slemietkowski

Mr. a nd Mrs. John Spellman, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Sprlssler Dr. a nd Mrs. C. F. Sullivan, Jr. Mr. Fra nk C. Sulzbach Summe rall Family Michael Stephens Mr. J. B. Steward and Family Mr. a nd Mrs. Joseph l. Stone Mrs. Wm. Strobel Mrs. Elodia Tancredi Mrs. H. J Tiedeken Mr. and Mrs. E. Tankinson Wilfred J. Vaudreuil Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Waddington Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Walsh Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Walters Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Walther Mr. a nd Mn. John Weber l udwig Weinmann Walter F. Weis Mr. and Mrs. lawrence J . Wentz Mr. and Mrs. Francis J. Wesh Mr. and Mrs John White Mrs. Agnes Wiggins J ohn K. Williams Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Wilson Celeo Wilson Mr. and Mrs. Randolph E. Wise Frank and Stephanie Wochok Mr. a nd Mrs. William H. Wolf The Wolfinger Family

Singer and Solvibile

Mr. and Mrs. Francis C. Woodring

Anna G. Smith

Kenneth J. Woodring

Mr. and Mrs. Willia m J . Smith

Mr. and Mrs. Francis P. Yannessa

Mr. and Mrs. James F. Smyth

Mr. A. Zaccardi

Compli ments of Mr. ond M rs. Solvibile

Mrs. A. Zeccardi

Mr. and Mrs. Antho ny Span

A. J. Zllligen

BUSINESS PATRONS ·•Aunt" Mr. and Mrs. Theodo re Gof 2656 E. Thompson St. Bodnar Bar 5262 Roosevelt Blvd. Mrs. Rosemary Barr Quality liquor Store Becker's Department Store 5819 Germantown Ave. Ed Becker Appliances 4617-19 N. 5th St. Howard Becker-Flowers 4644 N, 5th St. Ben's Grocery Store 5361 Howland St. Bill's Esso Servicenler Chew and Phil-Elleno Sis. Bill's Gulf Service Station Wissahickon Ave . and Manheim St. Dominick Biondo 1401 Church St. Mr. J. Blum Barber Shop 4509 N. 5th St. Frederick J. Bohrer, Realtor 3114 N Front St. Bonnie's Pontsmaker 1640 S. 11th St.

Broil's Men's Stores 5542 Chestnut St.

Alex Cossi:rzi- Tailor 3161 Magee Ave .

The Bright Spot 7169 Germantown Ave.

Castor Delicatessen 8125 Stenion Ave.

Therman P, Brill, Esq. 310 Collman St.

Callie Bros. Steel and Industrial Storage Co. Gout and lellerly Sts.

Henry U. Brown- Drugs 5th St. and Champlost Ave.

Frank T. McCauley

Mary Brown Dresses 5110 Old York Rd.

Cervone Real Estate 2823 W. Allegheny Ave.

Bruce's Formal Wear 1124 Walnut St.

Chet-Wayne Market 519 King St.

Margaret M. Bryan 2801 N. lee St. Bryer's Funeral Home 2743 W. Allegheny Ave. Buck's Bakery 6652 Frankford Ave. Burholme Recreation Center 7226 Rising Sun Ave . Burton Really Co. 7035 Frankford Ave. Butler and Ferrigno l ithographic 5223 Belfield Ave. Coniel 's Beverage Co. 153 Brown St.

Harry W. Churn 1810 Ridge Ave. Ciel's Beauty Shop 7110 Germantown Ave . Clare's Steaks and Hog ies 517 W. Olney Ave. A. A. Coates 5817 N. 2nd St. lone Collins, Drugs 5054 Wayne Ave. A Friend Compliments of o Friend Compliments of o Friend

A Booster

Campbell limousine Service 36 W. Ashmead Place North

Compliments of Ernie Pisloria

Booth Flower Shop 4200 Collman Ave.

The Campus Store La Salle College

Compliments of Roxboro Cinder Co, Castor and Aramingo Aves.

Botany Cleaners York Rd. and Fairhill St.

Alvin C. Connon In surance 2431 Geneva Ave., Glenside

Mr. A. Consa lly 2550 N. Franklin St.

Bowen's Tavern 4928 N. 5th St.

Hugh Cannon 21 st and Hunting Park Ave .

Consolo Bakery 156 Hermitage St.

Bradley's Clo thing Ogontz and Chellen Aves.

The Capitol Savings and l oon Association 3114-16 N. Front St.

Continental Can Co., Inc. 12 S. 12th St.

James J . Brady 3417 Collman St.

Capri Restaurant 15 E. Chellen Ave.

Cooney Bros, Inc. 5th and Dauphin Sts.

Thomas J. Brady- Roofing 3233 Memphis St.

Paul R. Casey, M.D. Cheltenham Ave . and Lorge St.

Coppola-Arcaro Real Estate Co. 1 2 E. Glenside Ave ., Glenside

BUSINESS PATRONS- Continued Corona Plumbing and Heating 123 E. Durham St.

Dr. Robert J. Dufrasne, Dentist 6320 Germantown Ave.

General Design, Inc . 20 S. 15th St.

Peter Corra 2753 N. 20th St.

Edco-Distindive Apparel for Young Men Frankford- Philadelphia Norristown

Geore's Meat Market 21 09-11 W. Indiana Ave.

Mr. and Mrs. E. Nelson Costello 309 Stahl Drive

Goo. J. Edelmann 5605 N. Broad St.

Peter H. Gers 500 W. Cheltenham Ave.

Joseph W. Cragin, Inc. Automobiles 6309-13 Torresdale Ave.

Ed 's Famous Molteds 16th and Ritner Sis.

Gillespie Beer Distributor 4948 Keyser St.

Tony D'Angelo and Son, Blacksmiths 4917-1 9 Wayne Ave.

Mr. Max Eirich

Gillespie Funeral Home N.E. Cor. Greene and logan Sts.

Davis Paint and Hobby Shop 6224 Germantown Ave.

C. H. Elsasser- Roofing, Heating, Sheet Metal 4312 Gratz St.

Dawson's Gulf Service Chew, Wister and Olney Aves.

Emil's lawndale Restaurant 6349 Rising Sun Ave.

Dean 's Gulf Service Station Greene and Rittenhouse Sis.

Enterprise Mill Soap Works 2229 N. 12th St.

Popula r-•• oebonairs''- Music R.D. 1, Phoenixville

Richard Feeny 671 8 Quincy St.

Delmer Cleaners "Without a Peer, Since We Started"

Ferrante Chocolate Co. lindenwold, N. J.

Mr. and Mrs. Frank DeMarco 805 Hanford Rd.

Mrs. Mary Festa

F. A. Depice- Fuels Jenkintown, Pa. John C. Dessalet, Jr.- Excavating Contr. 836 Bristol Rd., Oakford Devon Beer Distributors 6602 Frankford Ave.

Finney Beverage Co. 6332 ki:ing Sun Ave. Flourbowl 934 Bethlehem Pike Fox Foundry and Supply Co. 2627 E. York St.

John Digan, Jr.

Frank Brothers- Plumbing S. W. Cor. 13th and Courtland Sis.

Dillon Agency 811 W. lehigh Ave.

Wm. J. Franklin 2817 Kensington Ave.

Di lorenzo Pharmacy Bristol, Pa.

Fratkin Beer Distributors 5747-51 Vine St.

Jose ph D. Spineii- Fruit and Produce 133 Dock St.

Fredman's Atlantic Station Wister and Belfield Sis.

J. l. Gillies Co., Inc. - Seafoods and Poultry 8511 Germantown Ave Gleu Food Mart 347 Rastm Rd . Mi ss Ann Grady Frank W. and John E. Greer>-Real Estate and Insurance 6329 Frankford Ave. I. D. Gregorio 1944 Chelten Ave. Jere F. Gof'lredo 1405 locust St Isaac Goldberg 4201 N. Franklin St. Stanley Grzywinski "Starry's Ice" 109 Kenilworth St. Howard Guarini 1 27 E. Durham St. Gump's Sweet Shoppe 8136 Ardleigh St. Gwnor Television Service lafayette Hill Gus's Auto Service 7154 Ogontz Ave.

Dolly Beauty Shop 1546 Church St.

Dr. John l. Frye

Gustave W. Spies- Oculist 410 York Rd.

Joseph M. Downey- Real Estate 5611 Chew St.

Ken Gallagher's 3511 Cottman Ave.

Hannabach's Cafe leithgow and Nedra Aves .

Downs Brothers- Hauling 338 N. Randolph St.

Garvey's Groceries 1 8th and Plymouth Sk.

George J. Harkins 4800 Greene St.

BUSINESS PATRONS-Continued Harris Gramm, Inc. 176 E. Tulpehocken St.

Italian Villa Cocktail lounge 2824 Cottman Ave.

lawndale Market 6432 Rising Sun Ave.

John J. Harrison- Autos to Hire for Test Belmont and Monument Aves.

J and P Brothers 293 5 N. 24th St.

LeGore Flower Co. 72 N. York Rd.

Ha ussman's Pharmacy 6th St. and Girard Ave.

Jock 's Barber Shop 148 W. Wyoming Ave .

Stephen J. Lendray- Custom Upholsterers 2845 N. 22nd St.

Guy Hayden Pontiac 7227 Bustleton Ave.

Jacobson 's Pharmacy 2137 E. Chelten Ave.

Louis Lendray Hairdressing Salon 1211 Chestnut St.

Guy Hayden Pontiac, Inc. 7227 Bustleton Ave.

Jim' s Market 1751 Easton Rd.

leo's Garage 846 E. Chelten Ave.

William C. A. Henry, Esq. PSFS Building, 1 2 S. 12t h St.

Joe and Bill's Service Station Wi ster and Devon Sts.

Morris Levinson, Ph.G. -Pharmacist 5200 N. 15th St.

Or. H. C. Hessdoreer 7032 Ogontz Ave.

John ' s Food Market 2365 E. Somerset St.

Lodato's Pharmacy 825 Pond St., Bristol

Herbert's Pharmacy 3rd St. and Champlost Ave.

Wm . T. Jones and Sons, Inc. 6330 N. Brood St.

Lorretto Hardware Store 1271 E. Alcott St.

Herbert's Shoes 3213 N. Front St.

J. J. Kelly Contracting Co. 8 3 11 Stenion Ave .

27 Maplewood Ave.

Herdon's Men's Shop 7311 Ogontz Ave.

Kelly and McGinley- Beer Distributors 5 44 E. Vankirk St.

Louis and Heggie Hairdressing Solon 1211 Chestnut St.

Hesson's Florist Benson Apartments

The Kelly Family

Louis and Heggie Rairdressing Salo'l 1211 Chestnut St.

P. J. Higgins-Landscape and Ga rd ene r

William P. Kelley- Florist 2807 W. Allegheny Ave.

607 Hellerman St.

Hilda's Card and Gift Shop 6229 Wa lker St. Edward Hilinski 4155 Rob bins Ave. Hill's Cleaning and Tailoring 630 E. Rosa lie St. Hirst's Ice Cream Store 1538 Ruscomb St. Or. M. J. Hollingshead 431 E. Seagewick Robert 0. Holman 19 06 Chestnut St.

John J. Kennedy 828 N. Fairway Rd. Kibele Fam ily 5869 N. 7th St. Kohler Window Co. 6319 Rising Sun Ave. Kohut Pharmacy 281 Keswick Ave. Gene Konopka's Food Market Summit and Montgomery Aves. Kornse' Market Bingham St. and Godfrey Ave .

Joseph F. Loughran, Inc., Realtor

Mabel's Sweet Shop 6447 Wyncote Ave. MacFarland's Barber Shop 7149 Germantown Ave. Mac Lean' s Jenkintown, Po. Daniel J . Madden- General Insurance Public L.e dger Bldg. Edw. A. Maguire, Plumber 1335 E. Price St. Charles Maiers 5622 lansdowne Ave. Manco' s Market 4307-09 Germantown Ave.

M rs. R. Clark Hophins

George Kozub 149 Brown St.

Wm. H. Horn and Bro. 451 N . Third St.

Walter J. Kropp 2613 E. Allegheny Ave .

Martin Marano 1236 Adams Ave.

Thomas lnnaurato and Son 26 01 S. Alder St.

Kutner Buick, Inc. Castor Ave. and Friendship St.

2569 E. Clearfield St.

Mar-vin Shop

BUSINESS PATRONS- Continued Mary's Luncheonette 3904 Terrace St. Mary's Poultry Market 232 N. 56th St. Mary's Steaks and Hogies 6601 Chew St. Bob Matthews, Meals 1025 W. Ruscomb St. Mayfair Drug Store 7350 Frankford Ave. James Mauola and Son, Meats and

Mrs. John Moron Morrie's Cycles 6314 Rising Sun Ave. leonard B. Mower, Auto Insurance 21 3 Orlemann Ave., Oreland, Pa. Joseph A. Moylan 5203 N. Broad St. Mt. Airy Diner 8243 Stenion Ave. Mt. Airy laundry "Bring Your Sucks to lvar Trucks"


909 W. Moyamensing Ave. Thomas McCreight, Beer Distributors 714 locust Ave. John J. McDonald, limousines to Hire 2513 Federal St. Katherine McElroy 2538 Emerald St. Mary T. McElroy, Funeral Director Greene and logan Sts. John J. McGettigan, Electrical Contractor 151 0 Bethlehem Pike Joe McMann's Used Cars Aramingo and Girard Aves. Mr. and Mrs. J. McMonagle 2915 Glenvieco St. Salvatore Mergliono, Pharmacist 2301 N. 2nd St. Merkin 's Pharmacy 2nd and Spencer Sts. Michael's Palace Barber Shop SSOO Westford Rd. Milano's Cheese Steak Pizza Style 1703 S. 11th St.

Muldowney's Esso Service Belfleld and Wister Sts. Munz's Sox Shop 6334 Fanshawe St. Joseph Wm . Nickels, Funeral Director 916 E. Chelten Ave. Nick's Shoe Service 4128 Elbridge St. George J. Nicolaus Public ledger Bldg. Oak lane Beverage Co. 800 Oak lane O'Byrne's Seashore Moving 1978 Medary Ave. Mr. Hugh O 'Donnell 2120 E. lehigh Ave. Ogontz Diner 5625 Ogontz Ave. Olney Laundry 1301 Unity St. Olney Times 5703 N. 5 th St.

Fronk Pagan- Insurance 1020 E. Haines St. Pallidinos Market 5024 17th St. Palumbo's Pizzeria 6047 Wister St. Paoni's Food Market 3000 N. 21st St. Paper - Wood Specialties 7979 Rockweld Ave. Patterson's Gulf Service Station Germantown Ave. and Bethlehem Pike Wally Paul, Pro Old York Road C. C. Paul's Gulf Station Ogontz and Nedro Aves. F. Perazzo Electric Plating 604 N. Randolph St. Dan Petrillo, Tailors 533 Carver St. Pettie, Wholesale Florist Willow Grove 9, Pa. Picardo Furniture 2923-25 N. 22nd St. B. I. Plotkin and Son 5631 N. Sth St. Public library Sth and Tabor Sis. Nicola Pugliese 1551 McKean St. Ouarter Miters of Pennsylvania Springfleld Township, Pa. N. l . Rachmell SBSO lorretto Ave.

Olney Times Miller Realty Co. Orthodox and Thompson Sis. lob Mltek 3134 N. Patton The Mitzie Shoppe 6049 N. Sth St.

Benjamin B. Ominsky 2040 Germantown Ave. John Orlando's Sewing Machine Service 534 Arch St. Mr. and Mrs. James Osborne

H. Ratcliffe, Automobi les 4800 N. Marrin• St. Joseph l . Rau, Real Estate and Insurance 3031 Devereault Ave. Ray's Barber Shop 12th and louden Sts.

BUSINESS PATRONS- Continued Roy Seavey's Auto Repair Shop 2506-08 W. Harold St

Savitz Pharmacy 7121 Boyer St.

J. J. Stokes, D.C. 7803 Frankford Ave.

Reichls Meats 7366 Frankford Ave.

Alfred J. Scarpello Apothecary 4939 Germantown Ave.

Mrs . Ruth Sullivan

Ring Drug s 5806 Rising Sun Ave.

Abel Schall 320 Silver Ave.

Ringold 's, Jewelers 4316 Germantown Ave.

Schonberger Kas sel, Realtors 5824 Rising Sun Ave.

Robert's Delicatessen 4$31 Frankford Ave .

Schramm's Gift Shop 2104 E. Chelten Ave.

Robert's Pharmacy 5001 C St.

Schulmerich Carillons, Inc. Sellersville, Po.

Robinson 's Butcher Shop 6201 limekiln Pike

Paul A. Schwartz 4355 Frankford Ave.

Rocco locone Cleaner 2816 Cottman Avo.

louis A. Sgro 247 S. 9th St.

Rohoch Realty Co. 932 N. Franklin St.

Shaughnessy Padding Co . 2217 W. Atlantic St.

Rolyn Pharmacy BOOO Ogontz Ave.

George W. Sheetz, Inc. 8200 Germantown Ave.

Roman Pharmacy 8016 Frankford Ave.

V. P. Shugrue

Thomas TV and Appliances 5811 Risin g Sun Avo.

Simmon's Printing Co. 232 N. 15th St.

Tomaszewski Funeral Home 2728 E. Allegheny Ave.

Singer Brother's Men's Shop Fairless Hill s Shopping Center

Turco Paint and Varnish Co. 2146 E. Norris St.

C. T. Skradzio Commercial Refrigeration 2658 livingston St.

Tyl er Glass Shop 5647 Chew St.

Smyth - Shipping Room Supplies 140 Spring Garden St.

Vahle 's Pet Shops , America's Oldest 523 W. Olney Ave.- 319 Market St.

Sonny's Sandw ich Shop 211 York Rd. , Jenkintown

Wilfred Vaudreol, Jr. Wm. Keller Construction Co.

Ronan Motors, Inc. 5th and Allegheny Ave. Mr. and Mrs. louis Rossi 40 Oaktree Dr. , levittown Po. Mark l. Rothman , Drugs York Rd. and Ruscomb St. William Rush , Insurance 6511 N. 5th St. Ryan's Beer Distributors 865 E. Cholten Ave.

Speed Equipment Co. 779 Bristol Pike, Andalusia, Po.

Chester Solwoch 228 Plymouth Ave. G. Samet, Drugs 3166 Kensington Ave.

Stanwood Pharmacy 8035 Bustleton Ave.

E. P. Swank, Pharmacist Greene and Carpenter lane Frank J . Swienckowski 41-43 N. 23rd St. Tague lumber 4010 Germantown Ave. Tancredi Apothecary 1600 Spruce St. John E. Teas Sunoco Service Station Stenion and MI. Airy Aves. Temple Pastry Shop 1451 Vernon Rd. Temple Realty Co. 71 SO Ogontz Ave. Theresa's Card and Gift Sho: 2609 E. Allegheny Ave.

Vince 's Barber Shop 4713 Oxford Ave . Vince 's Shoe Service 3301 Friendship St.

State Finance Co . 817 E. Chelten Ave.

Virn elson's Bakery, Inc.

Don Sands Shoe Store 146 W. Stole St., Doylestown

Mr. Edward Steinman 7964 Verree Rd .

Vitoles Restaurant Bustleton and St. Vincent

Pol Sora 's Hardware Umbria and Ripka Sis.

Steller Shop 202 Central Ave.

Volpe's Market 350 W. Queen lane

BUSINESS PATRONS- Continued Volz's Bar 3469 N. 3rd St.

Willow Grove Appliance 58 N. York Rd.

Alsey Camera Shop 6323 Stenion Ave.

Walter the Tailor 3355 N. Sth St.

Willow Grove Flower Shop Willow Grove, Pa.

Altrogge Brothers, Appliances 240 E. Gira rd Ave.

Walther Printing House, Inc. 3rd and Girard Ave.

Wilsam Jewelers Riverside and Palmyra, N. J.

AI Ambrose Chew and Chelten

Windrim Pharmacy Windrim and lindley Aves.

Ambrose-Augusterfer Corp. 247 E. Ashmead St.

Ward and Ward, Inc. 6539 Roosevelt Blvd. Watch Hospital 1356 Fillmore St. Waters Insurance Agency 2070 Church lane John Weber, Brickpointing 440 E. louden St. Harold F. Webster Ridge Ave. Farmers Market Walter F. Weis, Jr. 1625 Upland Ave., Noble Dr. George A. Weisenbeager 19 Cheltenham Ave. Weiss Gulf Service Station Stenion Ave. and Haines St.

Wissahickon Spring Water 3506 Warden Dr. A. W. Woltemate 345 E. MI. Airy Ave. Abe's Barber Shop 7801 Michener St. Mr. and Mrs. S. Joseph Aila 24 Spinythorn Rd., levittown, Pa.

Mr. and Mrs. A. Amejka 4035 Comly St. Vincent Anderson Angelu s Shop 1 8 E. MI . Airy Ave.

Andy's Bicycle Store 4702 Melrose St.

The Aldine Bottling Co. 3510 Collman Ave.

Anthony Jotautas 1631 S. 2nd St.

A II-i n-One

Atlas Casket and Co., Inc. 3407 Cedar St.

2336 S. Broad St.


Elmer J. Brett

Mrs. James Coli

Ad-A-Lite Electric Co.

Mrs . Allee Brooke

Anno 8, Coli

Mr. and Mrs. M.

A Boosslerly

Mrs. Anne M. Collins

Donny Affototo

Bradley's Cord and Gift Shop

The Collins Family

A Friend

Mr. and Mrs . G. V, Brody

Greg Collins

A Friend

Mr. and Mrs . Joseph Brown

Mr. C. J . Collins, Jr.

A Friend

Thomas A. Brown

Dr. and Mrs. John T. Cologne


Mr. and Mrs . P. Allomori

Brown Family

Dr. and Mrs . Nicholas Colosi

Emma Allrogg e

M r. John Brnich

Compliments of o Friend

Dr. B. P. Bufonio

Compliments of o Friend

Ma rry Anne

Mr. and Mrs. Marsha l Buggieri

Compliments of o Friend

Mrs. Pauline Aroskewitz

Paul Bunyan

Compliments of o Friend

Helen C. Arlelh

Mrs . Chos. Y. Butterworth

Gerold Connelly

Arnolds Food Market

Arlene and Buy

Mo. T. J . Conway

Arty Brothers

Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Buzby

Mr. and Mrs. John Connor

Benjamin Asia

Mr. and Mrs . Donald F. Byrne

Margaret Cooper

Miss Tomas ino Asia

N.rs. Michael J . Cobry

Anno Cornia

F'lix Autieri

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Cofogno

Alfred Corry

Don Boir

Mr. Cohill

Jnne 8. Cootello



John M. J. Costello


Ame jko



Mr. and Mrs. Barnett

Mr. and Mrs . Rolph Caliendo

Mr. and Mrs. F. Bartosiewiz

Mr. Robert Callaghan

Mr. William l . Coyle

Gerard W. Baruno•

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Callan

Mrs. William l , Coyle

Botany Cleaners

Joan D. Callan

Mr. and Mrs . John Coyle

Emma C. Becher

John G. Callan, Jr.

Mr. Charles Crescenz

Mr. and Mrs . Thomas Courtney

Mrs. J. W. Becher

Mr. and Mrs. James J . Canavan

Pot Cronin, Jr.

John W. Becher

Gallagher's Candies

Pot Cronin, Sr.

frank M. Beck

Capitol and Embassy

William J . Cronin

Howard Beck er, Jr.

Peggy Ann Connon

John G. Cullan, Sr.

John T. Becker

John 8. Carr

Thcmos P. Cunningham

Mr. and Mrs. Samuel A. Bell

Mrs. Peter Carro

Robert Cwik

Bell's Meat Market

F. Carroll

Mr. and Mrs. Anthony D'Aiessondro

Mrs. Elizabeth Belzer

Mr. and Mrs. Geo Carroll

John D' Alfonso

Mr. and Mrs . Albert Belzer

Joseph P. Callie Jr.

Phil D'Aifonso

Ben's Del

Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Celio

Thomas J . D' Annunzio

Bergen' s Pharmacy

Joseph Cervone

Mr. Ernest D' Ippolito

Morris Bernstein

N. Centrella

Mr. and Mrs . Rocko De Angelo Eugene De Christopher

Mr. and Mrs. H. Berry

Fronk J. and Lorraine Cesario

Joseph J . Beruf

Mr. Willi am H. Chopin

Mr. and Mrs . Peter De Marco

The Bless Mar Shop Henry G. Bille, J r.

Mr. and Mrs. Howard W. Chose

Lindo DeStefano

M. Chozen

Miss Barbaro DeVenuto

Mr. and Mrs. J . G. Binns

Mrs. J . Chesco

Fronk De Veto

Mary Brody Boehmer

John Chmiel

Dei ' Ponti Family

fred Bohrer

Mr. and Mrs. Christian

leo Di Giacomo

Mr. and Mrs. Frederick J . Bohrer, Jr.

The Cicadas

Miss Isabella Dolgliesh

A. N. Booster

Stanley Cielesz

Joseph Daly

Briedesburg Bottling Co.

Wolter Cielesz

Stephen Daly

Peter Boyle

Dance Cleaners

Kenneth Brodely

Kay Cipxeonio Mr. and Mrs. John P. Clark Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Brody

Mr. and Mrs. T. J . Clements

Davis Family

Mr. Charle1 Bramble

Mr. and Mrs . Wm . J . Clements

Mr. Fronk H. Deck

James Brannigan

Sattler Brothers Clothing Store

Pot Ellen Deacon

Dr. J. Brennan

Miss Edith T. Codville

Billy Deal

Mr. F. J . Breslin

Frank Colantuono

Barbaro Ann Delp

Mrs. ltulh S. Breslin

Joseph Coleman

David E. Delp

Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Bristow a nd Family

Catherine C. Coli

Weller Demblec

Gory Dascenzo

BOOSTERS- Continued Miss Helen Dempsey

Mr. Samuel Fiegenberg

Good luck "57"

N. Dempsey

Miss Rita Fife

Goodfriend and Kent Phmcy.

lawrence Destrolo

Frank R. Fighera

Mr. Francis Gould

Patricio Ann Destrolo

Dr. Irving B. Fink

Mr. William F. J. Gordon

Mrs. Devine

James Firlur

Mr. Charles Grant

Tom and Dove Devlin

Stephen File

leo Graziami

Mr. and Mrs. Harry F. Devlin

John Fitzpatrick

louis Greco

Miss Janice Diamond

Maryann Fitzpatrick

Phil Greenberg

Nancy Jean Digon

Do. John Flanagan

Miss Mary Greene

Mrs. Fronk Doherty

Flourtown Hardware

Koelle Greenwood Co.

Mr. and Mrs. Francis A. Donaghy

AI Axelrod Flowers

Wm. J. Grego ry, Jr.

David and Francis Donaghy

James J. Flynn

Frederic J . Griffin

J im Donahue

John J. Flynn

Miu Helen Grindrod

Mae Donahue

Mrs . Helen Flynn

Mrs. Martha Grindrod

Miss Pat Dooley

Mrs. Helen Fornara

Paul J. Gross

Jane Dooner

Mr. John Fortis

Howard Guarini

John T. Dooner

Jamet H. Fosler

Jchn Guarini

Rosemary Dooner

James Fox

Francis J. Guerin

Thomas Dooner, Jr.



Eugene Droganosky

Fran's Beauty Shop

Jim Gunning

W. Glenn Dreibelbis

Frank 's Del

Mr. Henry Guz

Cdr. George K. Dress

Frank's Tavern

Harry Gut

Mo. John J. Driscoll

Victor Frey

Mr. Hugh F. Hagan

Mrs. Carl Duab

Mrs, Betty Frituche

Hugh Hagen

Miss Carol Dudzek

Rex Furniture

Ernest Hahn Charles R. Hoig, Ill


Mr. and Mrs. George Dudtek

Mrs. Mary Gallagher

Duke, John, Dionne, Joan

Mr. and Mrs. James A. Gannon, Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Hammond, Jr.

J. Barry Dunleavy

Mrs. John Gara

Jas. P. Honey

Florence Dunn

William Garber

Thomas C. Haney

Nicholas J . Dunphy

Cdr. and Mrs. Fred B. Gavy

Heward Hansell

Anr. Marie Durney

Miss "Tippy" Gara

Mr. and Mrs. Hahn Harbison

Bob Durney

Misseu Noeland Marilyn Gary

Mrs. Eileen Hart

Margaret A. Durney

F. Branan Fary

Mr. and Mrs . William Hortman

Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Dziadrsz

Mr. and Mrs. Michael Gaynor

William Hartman, Sr.

Mrs. Agnes M. Ebbecke

Morton A. Goeffen

Miss Nancy Haruey

Mrs. William J. Ebbecke

S. Gellman

Mrs. Agnes G. Haughey

Mr. William J. Ebbecke, Sr.

P. J. Giannini Inc.

Mr. and Mrs . Francis Heenan

John J. Egan

Mr. and Mrs. William H. Gibson

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph -Heenan

Mr. and Mrs. Paul Egner

Mrs. Annat Gredemann

Mrs. Mary Heenan

Mr. and Mrs. Eisenbough

Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Gimbel

William J. Heglnbothom

Mr. and Mrs. George Ellis

Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Ginieczki

HAnderson Family

Mr. and Mrs.

c. w.

louis Glossa lou's Cafe

Mrs. Hendrl

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Engord


Mrs. Rose Gizinslo

The Henigons Mr. and Mrs. Edward l. Hennessy

Jessica Evancico

Jerome Gitinski

Jcseph Evancico

Mr. and Mrs. louis Glachmon

Mrs. Elizabeth Hepp

Mrs. Jannett Evans

Jos. I. Glass

Margaret M. Herman Herman 's Unity Frankford Store

Evergreen Cleaners and Dyers

Eugene A. Gniewek

lorry Everling

Miss Betty Godshall

Nellie Hetherington

Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Fanelle

Goldberg's Department Store

Mr. and Mrs . Joseph Hickey

Mr. l ouis Fantini, Ill

Mr. and Mrs. Herman W. Goldner

Wm. Hildebrand , Sr.

Miss Allee Fonnell

Mrs. Elizabeth Godshall

Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Hilinski

Mr. Francis Farley

Mr. Harry J. Godshall

C. Clark Hodgson, Jr.


Miss Ann Godshall

Barbaro Hoffman

Jerry Fasano

Jack Goldstein

Mrs. Ann J. Hone

lev. Joseph Fedorek

Mrs. John Gollatig

James J. Hone

Joseph I . ferroro

Mr. Karl Gontkof

Robert E. Hone

BOOSTERS- Continued Miss Agness M. Horan

Anthony G. E. Kloczok

Horowitz Bros.

Jcseph P. Klock

Winnie lyons

Charles Hub bs, Jr.

Dr. George Robt . Knost

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Lubas Mrs. Margaret McAllister

lynch Family

Miss Jane Hubbs

Regina Kocerski

Mr. and Mrs. John Hudek

Su san Gay Kodne r

Jose ph McAndrew

Mrs. M. Huegle

Mr. and Mrs. John Kolla

Stein and McAndrews


Mr. E. Komin sky

Dr. and Mrs. James D. McBride

Mr. and Mrs. G. Hughes

Mrs. Jennie Konopka

Agnes McCann

Mr. A. W. Huhn

Mr. and Mrs. Ellwood Kopp

Charles McCarthy

Pot Iacobucci

Koss Family

Margaret McCarty

Joy lppolbto

Mrs. Ma ry Kozub

Franci s P. McCauley

Compliments of Jute

Mi ss Doris Krouse

Frc:nk MacFarland

Miss lucy Juliano

Mr. and Mrs. E. Kriesh

Mr. and Mrs. John MacWilliam s

Francis J. Junod

lindsey Kroehling

Jack McCiellan- 4B

Mr. Joseph J . Junod

Mr. Chester Kudzin

Eleanor McCiernan

Joseph J. Junod

Mrs. Anno Kugler, Sr.

Mrs. P. McCloskey

Anthony Jagielski

Mi ss Dorothy Kugler

Robert E. McCloskey

John Jorechi

Mr. and Mrs . Geo rge Kugler

James McColgan

Thomas Jankowski

A. F. labroni

Mr. and Mrs . John McCollum

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Janson

Miss Dolores lafferty

Frank McCulla

Mr. and Mrs. Henry Jenkanis

Mr. William F. lafferty, J r.

Mr. and Mrs . John McDermott

McClosky and Jenny

Mr . and Mrs. William F. lafferty Sr.

Mr. and Mrs. David P. McDermott

Anthoney J. Johann

Rose l agowska

Mr. and Mrs. Walter McDonald

Mr. and Mrs. William lokawski

Mary McDonald

l a ky 's Re staurant

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph R. McDonald

Vincent T. Jordan Jo~eph


John Kane

Mr. and Mrs. Fred F. lamb

Mr . and Mrs. John McDownell

Edward Katz

Fred J. lomb

Joseph John McQuinn James McFadden

Mary Kautz:

James lomb

John Kautz:

Mr. and Mrs. Maurice J. land

Francis McFadden

Franz Kautz

Mr. and Mrs. Alfred J. Lande

Mary McFadden

Mr. W. A. Kovanongh

Mr. and Mrs . Howard lange, Sr.

Mr. and Mrs. Frank McFadden

Mr. and Mrs . S. Kowolzyk

Ed ward J . lon she

The Misses McGarity

Mr. and Mrs . S. Kozmor

Anthony lopreste

Eugene McGonigle

Miss Joanne Kazmor

Thomas lawn

Patricia McGonigle

Dr. Irwin H. Kean

Miss Hel en M. l eo

The McGonigle Family

Robert C. Keane

J c;hn A. Leichner

Thomas McGarry

Mr. and Mrs. J. Kenna

Mr. Clarence Leith

Mr. Thomas McGorry

Mr. and Mrs. John Keenan

Dan leiwheiser

Thomas McGorry

Miss Regina C. Keenan

Mr. John A. le inhei ser

Mrs. Thomas McGarry

Mr. and Mrs. Dennis E. Keenan

Marie leinhe iser

Margaret McGovern

Misses loretto and Rose Keena n

Mrs. Marie leinheiser

Mr. and Mrs. T. Berna rd

Nelson Keene

Mr. and Mrs. James leonard

Mr. and Mrs. Clarence McGowan


Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Kehoe

Mr. Eugene Lepine

Mrs . McGrath

Cecilia Kennedy

Mr. leon Lepine

Mrs . M. McGuigan

Mr. and Mrs. John Kennedy

Mrs. l e on Lepine

Jo hn C. McKeever

Sophie Kennedy

James libel

Mr. William J. McKeown

Mrs. H. Kenwortht

Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Linsky

Mrs. Wm. J . McKeown

Mr. and Mrs . John Kerak

Mrs. M. liuiwski

Miss Maryann Mclaughlin

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Kerrane

l oefllen"s

Mr. and Mrs. John McMenamin Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. McManus

Peter J. Kerney

Miss Johanna Loftus

Mr. and Mrs. Kestler

Legan Barber Shop

Rosanna S. McManus

Mary A. Kille

lou is loiero

J . Toplan McNally

Mr. and Mrs. John C. Killion

lombard Family

Miss Beatrice McSorley

James and Jos . Kirlin

Mr. and Mrs . Joseph D. lodge

Mabex Chemical Co rp.

Francis X. Kiss

Mr. and Mrs. G. Lordi

Mrs. He len Modell

Mr. and Mrs . J . Theo. Kiss

Mr. John lynch

Danny, Nancy, and Mary Madden

BOOSTERS- Continued Frank P. D. Madden


Mo. and Mrs. Edward Peek

Mary Magee

Mr. Wolter Moron

Juck Pennypacker

Mrs. Edw. A. Maguire

John C. Morlock

Anthony Pensabene

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Maguire

David A. Morris

Blase Pensobene

J. J. Maguire

Harry Morris

Frank Pensabene

John Mahon

George J. Mortimer D.D.S.

Sam Pensabonc

Mary Catherine Mahon

Eclward Muluey

Johnny Pettola


David Muir

Perkel's Pharmacy

Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Mazone

Mr. John Murphy

Thomas Perno

Michael Malinali

Joseph J. Mu rphy

Mr. and Mrs. Henry A. Perotti

H. Malinowski

Mrs. Margaret Murphy

Mr. and Mrs. louis Persicketti

Barbara and Joe Mallamici

Mr. Thomas Murphy

Mr. William Perrong

Mr. and Mrs. James B. Mailman

Rev. Ignatius l . Murray

Mrs. A. Peters



Stanley F. Mankas

Mr. Joseph Murray

Misses Stella and Jenny Petner

Der Grosse Man IRipperl

Tom Murray

Mr. and Mrs. Michael Peloso

Angelo Marabella

Murray Hill laundry

Jcseph Picardo

Anna Marie Marabella

Henry and Jean Mu sial

Frank H. Plkard Bar

Billy Marabella

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Nalbone

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Pickersgill

Mario Mariani

Mr. and Mrs. Albert Nonners

Mrs. B. Pierce

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Marks, J r.

Barry Robert Nonners

Howard C. Pilott

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Marks, Ill

Mr. and Mrs . James Noplacic

Mrs . Julia Pio

Mr. and Mrs. A. Marotto

Mr. and Mrs. Wm . Norvel

Chester Piotrowski

Mary Martin

Valentine Nawalinski

Rocky Piperata

Mary 's Candy Store

Nealis's and Kerollis's

Platoon "C" Engine 21

Kathleen M. Mason

Ed Nea lis and Val's Store

lolly Pleis

Corl J. Mastrovito

Mrs. Joan Neary

Mr. and Mrs. A.

Walter J. Mathews

Mr. and Mrs . I. H. Niessen

Elvis Presley

Matts Shoe Repair

Fronk Nocito

Mr. and Mrs

W. Molly

Mr. and Mrs. H. Norenberg

Reverend Christopher L Purcell


Vincent p,.ectileo

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Maxwell

Mrs. Agnes J. Nulty

Mr. and Mrs. John Quinn, Sr.

Rose and Peg Maxwell

Mr. and Mrs. lawrence A. O 'Dea

Thomas Radomski

William R. May

Robert B. O'Donnell

Carroll J. Rafa

Mrs. Edwin N. Mayor

Mr. Hugh O' Donnell

llalph 's Shoe Store

Robert A. Mergliano

Miss Bea O' Gara

The Rams O.l.S.

Richard Mersliono

Mary O'Gora

Betty Roscento

Terry Merrigan

Patrick O'Garo

Mr. and M". I. Rascento

Mr. and Mrs. Fronk Merz

Mrs. Patrick O'Goro

Roser's Flower Shop

The Mesunos Family

Joseph A. 0 . lorso

Mr. Harry A7 Reckner

Mike's Barber Shop

Mrs. Joseph O'Neill

Mr. and Mrs. Honk Reese

Mike's Groceries

Miss Eileen X. O ' Rourke

Mr. and Mrs. William Reqli

Dorothy Milaknis

Rev. John J. O' Rourke

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Brooks Ricca, Sr.

Dickerson P. Miles

Miss Virginia M. O 'Rou rke

Mr and Mrs. Harry l. Ricca. Sr.

Mr. and Mrs. H. Miller

Miss Marge Och

Mr. and Mrs. Harry l. Ricca, Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. John H. Miller

Mr. G. Oest

Mr. Jerry Ricca

Mr. and Mrs . Edw. C. Mintzer

Miss F. Oest

Carol Richards

Mr. and Mrs. George Mittelberger

Oreland Harware

Richmond Pharmacy

Roy Mittes

Mr. and Mrs. F. Ostertag, Jr.

Christine and Andrew Rider

Mrs. Nellie Moffett

Mo. and Mrs. Joseph Panos

Mr. Joseph Rieck

Dr. Joseph T. Monaco

Vincent J. Pannepacker

Mrs . Joseph Rieck

Dr. and Mrs. H. E. Mongevan

Anthony Paronzino

James F. Rieck

Mr. and Mrs. Wm . Mongevan

Mr. and Mrs. J. Partritk

Mrs . John Riley

Rose Montagna


Mrs . Frances Rimshaw



Anthony Montagna

William Paul


Anne M. Mooney

Mr. and Mrs. W. Powluczyk

J. A. Robinson

Moore Family

Terry Peaceman

Mr. and Mrs. John Roach

John Moran

Dr. and Mrs. A. R. Peale

James J. Robinson


BOOSTERS- Continued The Rock of Ages Club

Ben Small

P. J. Rohn-Pharmacy

Mr. Eugene Smairo

Miss I. Tonzello

Miss Mary Ann Ronan

Paul M. Smigel

Mrs. A. Tonxello

Compliments of Toni

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Ronan

Eugene W. Smith

Mr. G. Tonxello

Willy Rooney

George T. Smith

James C. Towson

Rosemary and lix-o

Mrs. George Smith


Sidney Z. Rosenberg

Mrs. J. S. Smith

Mr. R. Trogemann



Mr. Rotzell

James J . Smith

R. Trogemann

Edward Rush

Mr. John S. Smith

Mr. Stephen Tragemann

The Ruth Family

Mrs. Mary Smith

George C. Trignami

Pete A. Salvati

Owen Smith

E. M. Thomas Tugbrat

Sam's Barber Shop

"at Smith

Mr. and Mrs. Usher

Mr. and Mrs . Charles Samtmonn

1iis Smith

Frank J. Valenti

Mr. and Mrs. Martin Samtmonn

William Smith

Dathy and Kim Wall

Can Sanoman

Dr. A. Sikalceek

Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Wall

Santaniello's Family

,rs. Julia B. Solecki

Mrs. S. Wallace

Sargent Stationery

Mr. and Mrs. Soloman

Mi• s Catherine J. Walsh

Mr. ond.Mrs. Paul R. Sundermann

Jclia Somers

Mr. and Mrs. Milton E. Walsh

Mrs. leo Scarlan

Sophie's Hosiery

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wakefield

John A. Schauder

Mr. and Mrs. Souders

Wally's Mobilgas Station

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph l. Scheiter

Carmela R. Speller

Mr. and Mrs. William Walters

larry Schenkel

Mr. Joseph P. Spelzer

Vincent Walters, Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. E. Schenkel

Miss Elizabeth A. Spillan

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Waltrick

Mr. Ernest Schevermonn

Miss Margaret M. Spillon

H. J. Word, Jr. The Warehouse Boys

C. l . Schimpf

Mr. James Spinelli

Mr. and Mrs. Max Schmidt

Mr. and Mrs. Dante Stabilito

Mr. and Mrs. AI Waskiewicz

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Schmitt

Mr. and Mrs. George Stabilito

Mr. and Mrs. Woniewski and Family

Mrs. H. M. Schmidt

Stella Stanczak

Mrs. Mary Weidner

Harry H. Schoettle

John A. Stolon

Weiland Florists Frank Weide, Jr.

Mrs. A. H. Schiueilcarl

Mr. and Mrs. John Stelacio

Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph Scocca

Stenion Beer Distributors

Anna E. Weldon

Mr. John J. Seeber, J r.

Steve's Atlantic Service

Willa rd Z. Wells

Peter Seibel, Jr.


Herbert J. Welte

Mr. and Mrs. Peter Seibel

William Stein

Kathleen Ellen White

Dr. Arthur F. Seifer

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Stinson

Miss Pauline Wiedmann

Mr. and Mrs. Edward Seneca

Aimee Stone


Senior Smoking Club

Sara Stolsenburgh

Mr. and Mrs. A. Wilk John Williams

George Wiley

Angelo Serale

Mr . and Mrs. Robert Stranix

Mrs. S. Siegmann

Clarie Striner

Wm. T. Wheeler

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Simnetti

Maryann Studduth

John T. Whelan Mr. and Mrs. Francis White

Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Slmmler

Charles Sullivan "56"

Miss Mary Simone

Mr. and Mrs. David Sullivan

Mr. and Mrs. Edward White

Rev. Joseph 0. Shallow

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Sullivan

The Wolfinger Children

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Shanks

Joseph Sullivan

Anna M. Woodward

Mr. and Mrs. Frank V. Sharp

Mr. and Mrs . Paul A. Sullivan

Albert Woosnam

Mr. and Mrs. Shaughnessy

M. Sussman

Mc:rina Zeccardi

Berman and Sheridan

Mr. and Mrs. W. Swayser

Hugh Sheridan

Rubin Tarnoff

Anne Siemietkowski

Miss Anna Teef-y

Jules Skodxinski

Mrs . Rosalie Thomas

Mr. Edward Smakulski


Mr. Joe Smakulski

Mr. and Mrs. S. Tomczak


Dione Zillingen Mrs. Zorn Mr . and Mrs. Michaelzubyk leuis Zulli Raymond and Carol Ann Zywalewski


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