1958 Yearbook

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WE DEDICATE W E DEDICATE the yearbook to Brothers Fidentius Joseph and Gildatus Thomas In their twenty-fifth year of devoted service to the Institute of the Brothers of the Christian Schools in recognition of over a decade of their religious lives

BROTHER FIDENTIUS JO SEPH Brother Joseph returned to his alma mater as a biology instructor in 1944. In fourteen years his contribution to the students at La Salle has been inestimable. Brother served as football and basketball moderator and w as a logical appointee as Athletic Director in 1951. Although his headquarters on the mezzanine are slightly cramped. Brother has often been a “ wonder w orker” in arranging schedules and outfitting and transporting teams. His marked success as a ticket seller has occasioned many goodnatured jokes. As Vice-Principal, Brother has heard every late excuse in the book and a few more, but he has been forced, rather reluctantly, to issue thousands of detention slips over the years. Brother currently moderates the Fathers’ Club, the Men of La Salle.


spent in offering spiritual and educational guidance to students of La Salle College High School.

BROTHER GILDATUS THOMAS Brother Thomas has been teaching at La Salle for the past twelve years, and has served the school to an immeasurable degree. In addition to his duties os homeroom teacher, Brother has taught accounting and related business subjects, while recently he has turned his pedagogical talents to teaching history. Brother also holds the distinction of being the first driver training instructor at the school. Brother Thomas is well known for his excellent job as moderator of the Junior and Senior Proms, making each one a long-remembered event in the life of the stu­ dent. Brother has also shown his ability as a golfer in having coached the Golf Team to high­ ly successful seasons in his three years as mentor.

vf BROTHER F. JOSEPH, Vice-Principal. . Athletic Director . . . Men of La Salle.

BROTHER E. FRANCIS, Principal Headed by Brother Francis, principal, assisted by Brother Joseph, viceprincipal, and Brother Albert, guidance director, our entire educational institution owes not only its reputation, but its very subsistence to the competence and leadership to the administration of LaSalle. Miss W ag ner and Miss Byrne, the secretaries to the principal, faith­ fully perform the duties so vital and important to an efficient office, w hile Miss Rabenstein, our devoted nurse, cheerfully administers to our aches and pains throughout the school year. To all the administration w e can only offer our thanks and admiration.


BROTHER DAVID ALBERT, Guidance Archconfraternity . . . Assemblies . Benilde Club.

MISS CELESTE W AGNER, secre­ tary to the principal.

MISS MAUREEN BYRNE, secre­ tary to the principal.


While Miss Wagner listens to a familiar excuse. Brother Francis registers a knowing smile. Miss Byrne, unsympathetic, continues her typing.

MR. CHARLES O'BRIEN . . . Physical Education . . . Bas足 ketball Coach.

MR. JO H N HARBISON . . . Social Studies IV . . . Eco足 nomic Geography . . . IRC . . . Junior Varsity Football . . . track . . . Freshman Bas足 ketball.

BROTHER FELIX JO H N . . . 4A Religion . . . Trigonom足 etry . . . Solid Geometry . . . Algebra II . . . Math Club IV.


BROTHER G. THOMAS . . . 4B Religion . . . Accounting I, II . . . History il . . . Golf . . . Junior and Senior Proms.

BROTHER E. STEPHEN . . 4C Religion . . . Physics . . Science Club.

BROTHER E. ANTHONY . . . 4D Religion . . . English IV.

BROTHER D. JEREM Y . . . 4E Religion . . . Spanish I . . . French I, II . . . Inti'a* murals.

MR. JOSEPH MORAN . . Spanish I, II, III . . . Wisterian.


PAUL C. AITA 24 Spinythorn Road, Levitfown W l 5-9279 Queen of Ihe Universe IB, 2F, 3C, 4E , . . Scholastic Letter I, 2, 3, 4 . . . Student Council (President 4— Vice President 3) . . . Class President 3, 4 . . . Vice President 2 . . . Math Club 4 . . . Physics Club 4 . . . Foot­ ball I, 2, 3 (L ), 4 (L) . . . Baseball 2, 3 (L ), 4 (L ) . . , Intramural basketball I, 2, 3; track I [Champs}; bowling 3 (Champs) . . . Buzz . . . general on and off the field . . . Mr. Biceps.

ALBERT W . B A C K A U SK A S 5215 East Roosevelt Boulevard, 24 PI 4-0524 Saint Martin of Tours IE, 2B, 3E, 4A . . . Student Council 4 . . . Class Vice President 4 . . . Football 3 (L), 4 (L ) . . . Track 3, 4 . . , Intramural basket­ ball 2 (Champs), 3 (Champs); bowling 3, 4; track I, 2 . . . back­ house . . . "H e y Beskaus" . . . twin red sweaters.

TH EO D O RE P. BALTRA 2847 Nautilus Road, 14 O R 3-6136 Saint Christopher IB, 2B, 3D, 4A . . . Scholastic Letter I . . . Benilde Club I . . . Intramural football I, 2, 3; cross-country I (Champs); track I (Cham ps); basketball 2 (Champs) . . . time and space . . . lanky . . . carries a razor.

ROBERT A. BARNETT 4153 North 8th Street. 40 S A 2-9198 Saint Henry IE, 2B, 3E, 4D . . . Intramural softball 3, 4 . , , writes stories « . . Intramural pitcher . . . big Bob.

FRED ERIC K J . B O H R ER 5112 Marvine Street. 41 D A 4-0008 Holy Child IC , 2F, 3D, 4A . . . Prom Committee 3, 4 . . . Wisterian 4 . . . Bowling 3 . . . Intramural football I, 2, 3; softball 3 (Champs); bowling 4 . . . green and white Buick . . . bowler deluxe . . . why. °

JO S E P H E. B O SC O E 5924 Devon Place, 38 TE 9-0539 Immaculate Conception ID, 2A, 3D, 4C . . . Benilde Club 3 . . . Stage Crew 3. 4 . . . Intramural football 2; cross-country 2, 3, 4 (Champs 3, 4 ); track 3 (Cham ps), 4 . . . Jebby . . . "H and me the paint brush . , . stage crew man.

T H O M A S J . BOYLE 843 North 25th Street. 30 PO 9-9575 Saint Francis Xavier IE, 2C, 3B, 4C . . . Student Council 2 . . . Class President 2 . . . Art Club I . . . Football I, 2, 3 (L ), 4 (L ) . . . Basketball I, 2, 3, 4 (L ) . . . Crew 3 (L) . . . Hoover . . . One-punch Tommy . . . the quiet man.

ED W IN C. BRAM BLE 409 W erner Avenue, Glenolden L U . 3-1847 Our Lady of Fatima IB. 2A. 3C, 4C . . . Scholastic Medal I . . - Scholastic Letter I, 2 . . . Glee Club . . . Benilde Club I, 2 . . . Wisterian 3, 4 . . . A rt Club I, 2 . . . IR C . . . "30 seconds, Bramble" . . . socialite . . . "Be quiet, Mr. Harbison, sir" . . . Connecticut on the weekends.


GERALD J. B R A N N IG A N 541 West Nedro Avenue, 20 W A 4*9039 Saint Helena IF, 2C, 3A, 4D , . . Track 1 , 2 . . . Intramural bowling I, 3, 4; basketball I, 2; football I, 2, 4; track I, 2, 4 . . . stamps . . . quiet . . . lifts weights.

M IC H A E L J . BRESLIN 6216 17th Street, 41

W A 4-4768 Saint Benedict IC, 2D, 3A. 4D . . . Intramural football I; basketball 2 . . . '53 Ford . . . Zubyk's shadow . . . eatza pizza.

JA M E S J . B R E H 820 East Locust Avenue, 38 TE 9-5265 Immaculate Conception 2A, 3B. 4A . . . Intramural football 4; cross-country 3; basketball 4; softball 3 . . . Gentleman Jim . . . Hoosier . . . six button benny . . . sideburns.

JO H N T. BRO G A N 4634 Fernhill Road, 44 G L 5-7913 Saint Francis of Assisi IB, 2D, 3B, 4B . . . Class President 2 . . . Vice President I, 3 . . . Benllde Club 4 . . . Prom Committee 3, 4 . . . Basketball I, 2, 3 (L), 4 (L) . . . Intramural football 2, 4; cross-country I, 2; track 2, 4 . . . crooked letter . . . pools? . . . Repp-Phile . . . one of the happy hollow boys.

A LEXAN D ER J . BU O N O 522 West Mount Pleasant Avenue, 19 Saint Madeline Sophie IB, 2E, 3E, 4A . . , Scholastic Letter I . . I. 2 (Champs), 3, 4; cross-country 3 . . at Greentree.

C H 7-8534 Intramural football curley . . . bowls

T H O M A S J . C A LLA N 437 East Mount Pleasant Avenue, 19 C H 7-0759 Holy Cross 2F, 3C, 4C . . . Scholastic Letter 2 . . . Benilde Club 4 . . . Prom Committee 3, 4 . . . Stage Crew 4 • . . IRC . . . CrossCountry 4 . , , Golf 3, 4 , . . Gold 3, 4 (L ) , , . Intramural foot­ ball 2, 3, 4 (Champs); cross-country 2, 3, 4 (Champs); basket­ ball 2, 3, 4; bowling 3 (Champs), 4; softball 3, 4; track 2, 3 (Champs) 4 . . . "Yeadon-Boy" , . , "Isn’t that right, Callan?" . . . "W an t a date?" . . . glass grinder.


RON ALD J . C A R PIN ELLA 411 Quigley Avenue, Willow Grove Willow Grove 3616-W Saint David IB, 2E, 3D, 4E . . . Band I, 2, 3, 4 . . . All-Catholic Band 2, 4 . . . Math Club 3, 4 . . . Physics Club 4 . . . Intramural football I, 2 (Champs), 3; track I (Champs), 2 (Champs); cross-country I (Champs) . . . closes the school every night . . . campy . . . wild pitcher.

R AYM O N D J . C H RISTIE 3212 Knorr Street, 49 M A 4-7467 Saint Matthew IC, 2B, 3E, 4A . . . Benilde Club I . . . Basketball I . . , Intra­ mural football I, 2, 3, 4; basketball 2 (Champs), 3 (Champs), 4; softball 3; cross-country I, 3 . . . star . . . pumper . . . proud owner of an age card.


JO H N W . CLAYTO N 1858 Clayton Road, Abington TU 7-4941 Our Lady H elp of Christians ID, 2F, 3C, 4C . . . Intramural football I, 2, 3, 4 (Champs); basketball I, 2, 3, 4; softball 3, 4 . . . Abington " Y " . . . "W illy s ."

W IL L IA M J . C L EM E N T S 2447 North Marshall Street, 33 PO 9-3083 Saint Edward IE, 2B, 3E. 4D . . . Football 1, 2, 3 (L ), 4 (L ) . . . Crew 3, 4 . . . Intramural basketball I, 2; track I, 2 . . . "D ancing" . . . Rube . . . Harry's peer . . . blackmails Kennedy.

C H A R L E S L. C O N W A Y 5847 North Mascher Street, 20 LI 9-1880 Saint Helena IC , 2D, 3B, 4B . . . Band I, 2, 3 (L ), 4 (L ) . . . Intramural football I, 2; basketball I, 2; softball 3, 4 . . . choir boy . . . branch captain.

JE R O M E R. C O S G R O V E 5034 Bowd Avenue, Drexel Hill SU 9-6384 Saint Dorothy IF, 2E, 3C, 4E . . . Scholastic Medal 1 , 2 . . . Physics Club . . . Benilde Club 4 . . . Basketball 2, 3 (L ), 4 (L ) . . . Track 2 . . . Intramural football I (Cham ps), 2 (Cham ps), 3, 4; bowling I. 2; cross-country I, 2 (Cham ps); track 2 (Cham ps), 3 (Champs), 3 (Cham ps), 4 . . . gunner • • • J-2 rocket . . . Cossie.

G R E G O R Y C . C O LLIN S 6940 Souder Street, 49 FI 2-3884 Our Lady of Ransom IB, 2C, 3A, 4D . . . Benilde Club 4 . . . Intramural bowling 2. 3; football 3; softball 3; basketball I, 2, 3; cross-country I . . . Jacob Reed's . . . Whispering Smith.

JO H N J. C O N V EY 4860 North 15th Street. 41 DA 9-5289 Holy Child IF, 2F, 3C, 4E . . . Scholastic Letter I, 2, 3, 4 . . . Math Club 3, 4 . . . Benilde Club 4 . . . Prom Committee . . . Intramural football I (Champs), 2, 4; bowling I, 3 (Champs), 4; basketball I (Champs), 2, 4; cross-country I; track I . . . Jack . . . Friday nights in gym . . . Palestra.

JO S E P H E. C R O W L E Y 222 Abbottsford Avenue, 44 DA 4-6864 Saint Francis of Assisi lA, 2E, 3C, 4E . . . Scholastic Letter I, 2 . . . German Medal 2, 3 . . . Physics Club I, 4 . . . Math Club 3, 4 . . . Cross­ country 3 . . . Crew 1 , 3 . . . Intramural football 2 (Champs), 4; cross-country 2 (Champs), 4; basketball 2, 3; bowling 3 (Champs); track 3 (Champs) . . . Sea Isle City . . . First of the Crowleys . . . meriteer.

C O R N EL IU S A. C U N N IN G H A M 7014 Anderson Street, 19 C H 7-6941 Holy Cross IC . 2C, 3E. 4D . . . Football 2, 3. 4 (L ) . . . Crew 2. 3 (L ), 4(L) . . . Intramural basketball 1, 2. 3 (Champs), 4; cross-country I . . . Watertower . . . bends car aerials . • * Connie . • • M.D.'s 50c . . . firecrackers.

T H O M AS L C U SA C K 4826 Knox Street, 44

G L 5-3331

Saint Francis of Assisi ID, 2F, 3D, 46 . . . Intramural football I, 2, 3; basketball 3, 4; track 3, 4; softball 3 (Champs), 4 . . . Tarzan . . . Bob Cousy . . ^ wears "lifts" . . . what a dresser! . . . rainbow.

JO S E P H S. C YM BO R 523 Philmont Avenue, Trevose EL 4857 Saint Christopher ID, 2A. 3D, 4C . . . Physics Club , . . Enjoys Spanish . . . Uncle John's nephew . . « Kennel Club . . . L.S.'s Marlin Perkins . . . where's my car?

R IC H ARD E. DAVIS 150 Mayland Street, 44 TE 9-6278 Saint Vincent I A, 2B, 3E. 4D . . . Football 2, 3 . . . Intramural softball 3 . . . model railroading . • . boxed Primus.

W IL L IA M F. D EM A RC O 805 Hanford Road, Fairless Hills W l 5-7192 Saint Francis Cabrini IB, 2F, 3B, 4C . . . Scholastic Letter I . . . Intramural football I, 3, 4 (Champs); basketball I, 2, 3, 4; bowling I, 3; softball 3; track I; cross-country I (Champs) . . . with Buzz . . . gear grinder.

ROBERT O. D 'A M B R O SIO 729 Cyprus Street, Yeadon M A 6-0351 Saint Louis IE, 2B, 3E, 4A . . . Basketball Manager 3. 4 (L ) . . . intramural football I, 2, 3. 4; basketball I, 2 (Champs), 3 (Champs), 4; track I, 3, 4; cross-country I . . . Chip . . . Ovid.

N A TH A N IEL P. D’A M IC O 6915 Germantown Avenue, 19 VI 8-1722 Holy Cross IF, 2A, 3D, 4C . . . Physics Club . . . Tennis I, 2, 3 . . . Intra­ mural football I, 4 (Champs); cross-country I; softball I, 3 • . . Packard . . , Nate.

EDWARD J . D EVINNEY 265 W est Godfrey Avenue, 20 H A 4-5789 Saint Helena IS, 2E, 3C, 4E . . . Scholastic Letter I . . . Debating I, 2, 3, 4 . . . Math Club 3, 4 . . . Physics Club 4 . . . Cross-country I, 2 (L ), 3 (L), 4 (L ) . . . Intramural cross-country . . . track I, 2 . . . bowling 3 (Champs) . . . 33rd and Dauphin . . • Reds. L O U IS R. Dl M A R IA 6047 Magnolia Avenue, 44 G E 8-3231 Holy Rosary 2A, 3C, 4A . . . Secretary 2 . . . Class President 4 . . . Football 2, 3 . . . Intramural football 4; track 2, 3 (Champs) 4; bowling 3 (Champs) . . . Boopsie . . . see what I mean . . . Hollywood . . . Hot Shoppee.

H EN R Y J . D O EH N E 6310 Rising Sun Avenue, II FI 2-0942 Saint William IB, 2F, 3B, 4C . . . Scholastic Letter I . . . Band I, 2, 3, 4; dance band 2, 3; all-Calholic band 3 . . . mad drummer . . . the original haircut.

JO S E P H J . D O N A H U E 6531 Montour Street, II PI 5-4981 Saint William IF, 2E, 3D, 4E . . . Math Club 4 . . . Physics Club 4 . . . Intra­ mural football I (Champs), 2 (Champs), 3, 4; bowling I, 2, 3, 4; cross-country I; basketball I (Champs), 2; track I, 2; softball 3 (Cham ps), 4 « . • Joe . . . no the other one . . . take your brother.

THOM AS J. D ONOHUE 215 Washington Lane, Jenkintown TU 4-5445 Immaculate Conception ID, 2F, 3D, 4C . . . Crew 2 . . , Intramural basketball I, 2, 3, 4; football I, 2, 3, 4 (Champs); cross-country 4 (Champs) • . . biggest white walls in the city . . . Jenkin's pal.

G E O R G E T. D O RAN 2113 74th Avenue, 38 H A 4-5129 St. Athanasius IE, 2B, 3D, 4A . . . Scholastic Letter I, 2 . . . Intramural foot­ ball I, 2, 3, 4; cross-country I, 2, 3 . . . Pork Chop's parties . • . ice skating . . . recreation center . . . is it George or Tom?

JO S E P H M. D O W N E Y 600 East Devereaux Avenue, II PI 5-1161 Saint W illia m ID, 2A, 3D, 4A . . . Scholastic Medal 3 . . . Scholastic Letter I, 2, 3, 4 . . . Wisterian 4 . . . Blue and Gold . . . Prom Com­ mittee 3, 4 • . . Intramural bowling 3, 4; basketball 3, 4; foot­ ball 1 , 2 . . . lives at Lawncrest • . . last of the real cool dressers . • . shoes or bedroom slippers?

-# r

G E O R G E A. DUDZEK 4026 North Reese Street, 40 SA 2-5884 Saint Henry 1C, 2B. 3D, 4A . . . Math Club 3, 4 . . , Physics Club 4 . . . Intramural football I, 2, 3, 4; basketball 2, 3, 4; softball 3 (Cham ps), 4 . . . dancing at St. Joseph's . . . gunner.

T H O M A S A. D ZIAD O SZ 5917 Loretto Avenue, 49 C U 8-0498 Saint Martin of Tours lA , 2D, 3A, 4D . . . Intramural football 3, 4; track 2, 3, 4; bowl­ ing 3, 4 . . . really spelled with a " J " . . . the original jokester . . . boisterous . . . butterball.

M A X W . EIR IC H 3221 North Newkirk Street, 29 BA 5-4498 Corpus Christ! IB, 2E, 3C, 4C . . . Scholastic Letter I . . . Wisterian 4 . . , Dramatics 4 . . . Stage Crew 4 . . . Math Club 3 . . . Prom Committee . . . Intramural football I, 2, 3, 4 (Champs 2, 4); cross-country I, 4 (Champs I, 4 ); basketball 2, 3, 4 (Champs 2); softball 3; bowling 4; track I, 4 (Champs I) . . . Earache . . . on the diet . . . basketball at Watertower.


C H A R LES T. ESPENSH AD E 300 BrookdaU Avenue, Glenside TU 4*3426 Saint Luke lA, 2C, 3A, 4D . . . Intramural I, 2, 3; basketball I, 4; softball 4 . • • chuckles • . . Butch • • . German spy . • . shade.

H A R R Y F. EUSTACE 237 East Park Avenue, Ambler M l 6-4469 Saint Joseph IF, 2C. 3A, 4B . . . Class Secretary 3 . . . Art Club I . . . Foot­ ball I, 2. 3 (L ). 4 (L ) . . . Intramural basketball I; track I . . . V FW Post . . . All-Northeast . , . wake up, Harry . . • Harry Piel.

L A W R EN C E A. EVERLIN G 5340 Oakland Street, 24 J E 3-5401 Saint Martin of Tours ID, 2E, 3E, 4A . . . Scholastic Letter I , . . Class President I . . . Student Council I . • . Stage Crew 3, 4 . • . Tennis I . . • intra­ mural football I, 2 (Champs), 3, 4; basketball I, 2, 3 (Champs), 3; softball 3 • . . summertime in the mountains . . . jazz fiend.

W IL L IA M E. FAHY, JR . 4071 Higbee Street, 24 C U 8-2708 Saint Timothy IE, 2D, 3B, 46 . . . Cross-country I . . . Track 3 . . . Intramural cross-country I, 2; football I, 2, 4; bowling 3; track I, 2; softball 3, 4 . . . W ee W illie . . • Earl.

W IL L IA M S. FEENY 6718 Quincy Street, 19 VI 4-0706 Saint Madeline Sophie ID, 2A, 3D, 4C . . . Scholastic Letter I . . . Intramural cross­ country 2, 3 (Champs), 4 (Champs); football I; basketball I, 2, 3, 4; track 3; softball 3 (Champs), 4 . . . 8:44 kid . . . tiger.

R IC H A R D D. FELLENZ 7708 Rockwell Avenue, II FI 2-3834 Saint Cecilia IF, 2C, 3B, 46 . • . Football I . . . Intramural cross-country I; football 2, 3 (Champs), 4; basketball I (Champs), 2, 3, 4; track I, 2 . . . nosebreaker . . . Hartnett’s Pontiac . . . All-intramurals.

ROBERT W . FENN 26 Woodhill Drive, Willow Grove Willow Grove 4940-W Saint David I A, 2B. 3C, 4E . . . Scholastic Medal 2 . . . Scholastic Letter I, 2, 3 . . . Math Club 3, 4. . . Debating 2 . . . Library aide I . . . Intramural cross-country I, 2, 3, 4; football I, 2, 3, 4; bowl­ ing I, 2, 3 (Champs), 4; basketball 3, 4; track I, 2, 3, 4; softball 3 . • . sweets . . . Huck . . • jump shot.

JO H N J . FITZPATRICK 403 East Sanger Street, 20 FI 2-1454 Saint W illia m 1C, 2F, 3D, 4C . . . B.nild. Club 4 . , . Intramural football 2, 3; cross-country 3, 4 (Champs); basketball I, 4 . . . Chet . . . allergic to Spanish . , . slacks.


J O H N J . FLO O D 182 W e st Durham Street, 19 C H 7-0632 Holy Cross IB, 2B, 3C, 4D . . . Scholastic Letter I . . . Intramural basketball I. 2 (Cham ps), 3, 4; football I, 2, 3, 4; track I (Champs), 2, 3; loves to argue • • . grows for mattresses.

JO S E P H J . FO RD 723 Nedro Avenue, 20

W A 7-3446

Saint Helena lA , 2E, 3C, 4C . . . Scholastic Letter I . Intramural football I. 2, 3, 4 (Cham ps); bowling I; basketba I, 2, 3, 4; track I, 2 (Cham ps), 3 (Champs) 4 . . . falls asleep in Physics . . . Notre Dame . . . if you come in after him, you're late.

JO H N A. G A LLA G H E R 7941 Bayard Street, 50 LI 8-2364 Saint Raymond IE, 2B, 3D. 4A . . . Scholastic Letter 2 . . . Football 2, 3 (L ), 4 (L ) . . . Baseball 2, 3 (L ), 4 (L ) . . . J.V . Basketball I, 2, 3 . . . Intramural football I; bowling I; (Cham ps), 3, 4; track I, 3, 4 . . . Chimper . . . pride of W est Oak Lane . • . likes bananas.

J O H N C . G A L L A T IG 5830 North Hope Street, 20 W A 4-4757 Saint Helena ID, 2D, 3B, 4B . . . Intramural football 3 (Champs), 4; basket­ ball 2, 3, 4; softball 3, 4; cross-country 3 . . . Smiley . . • paper route • . . $80 richer.

ROBERT R. FORREST 5503 Macher Street, 20 LI 9-0356 Incarnation IC , 2C, 3E, 4D . . . Intramural basketball 1 , 4 . . . Twiggie . . . two Fords . . . inky jacket.

BERNARD P. G A LL A G H E R 8309 Ardleigh Street, 18 C H 7-4835 Our Mother of Consolation IE, 2E, 3C, 4E . , . Scholastic Letter I . . . Christian Doctrine Medal 2 . . . Cross-country I . . . Intramural football 2 (Champs) 3; cross-country I, 2 (Champs); basketball I, 4; track I, 2 . . . Ford and he . . . Barnyard . . . Watertower.

T H O M A S J . G IA N N IN I 5841 Howard Street, 20 LI 9-0673 Saint Helena IC. 2A. 3D, 4A . . . Scholastic Letter 2 . . . Accounting Award 3 . ■ . Wlsterian 3, 4 . . . Glee Club 2 . . . Blue and Gold . . . Prom Committee 3, 4 . . . Intramural bowling I . . . Junior Achievement . . . C.P.A. . . . Swimming . . . Hustle Inn . . . holds world's prom-going record.

RON ALD C. GILETTl 5847 North 13th Street, 41 LI 9-5941 Holy Child lA, 2D, 3B, 4B . , . Blue and Gold . . . Wisterian 3, 4 . , , Prom Committee 3, 4 . . . Science Club I . . . Art Club . . . Spanish II Award . . . Intramural cross-country 4; bowling I, 3, 4; track 4 . . . always has the latest news . . . hello, is Jimmy there? . . . don't put that in Wisper . . . Adeste Fideles.

I JO H N E. G LA SER 1506 West Lindley Avenue, 41 G L 5-0105 Holy Child IB, 2C, 3B, 4B . . . Scholastic Letter I . . . Intramural basketball I, 2, 3, 4; football I, 2, 3 (Champs), 4; cross-country I (Champs), 2; track 3; softball 3 . . . dairy maid . • . Friday nights at the gym.

JO S E P H P. G R O SS 1832 Wakeling Street, 24 J E 5-4540 Saint Bartholomew ID, 2D, 3B, 4B . . . Intramural cross-country 3; football 3 (Champs), 4; basketball 3, 4; softball 3, 4 . . . Herbie • . . Mr. Moore's buddy.

EM IL L. H A R A SYM 724 West Chelten Avenue, 26 W A 4-1230 Immaculate Conception IF, 2A, 3C, 4E . . « Scholastic Letter I, 2, 3 . . . Latin Medal 2 . . . Bowling 2, 3 . . . Band I, 2, 3, 4 . . . Intramural track I; bowling I, 4 . . . hangs with Wochok . . . Larry . . • world's worst bowler.

N O R M A N C. H ARE LI 9-5639 6336 Worwood Street, 38 Saint Benedict IE, 2F, 3D, 4C . . . Benilde Club 3, 4 . . . Intramural football I, 4; softball 3 . . . giggles . • • last man . . gunner.

JER O M E F. H A M ILT O N 3310 Powelton Avenue, 4 EV 6-2485 Saint Agatha IC, 2D, 3B, 4B . . . Intramural cross-country I; football I, 2, 3 (Champs), 4; basketball I; track I, 2 . . . long way to school • . . have a smoke • • . hookey or sick?

JO SEPH J . H A N N A B A C H 6025 North 3rd Street, 20 H A 4-0511 Saint Helena ID, 2C, 3E, 4D . . . Crew I, 2, 4 , . , Intramural cross-country 2; track 2 . . . piano plaiyng weightlifter . . . curly . . • loudest Plymouth six . . . 2 drawings behind.

JO SEPH D. HARTNETT 6516 North 8th Street, 26 W A 7-2988 Saint Helena ID, 2C, 3B, 4B . . . Benilde Club 4 . . . Intramural football I, 2, 3 (Champs), 4; cross-country 2; basketball I, 2, 3, 4; track I, 2, 3, 4; softball 3, 4 . . . slip it in drive . . . lunch at the Hot Shoppe.

JE R O M E F. H EAVEY 2543 Emerald Street, 25 Visitation IC , 2F, 3C, 4E . . . Debating I, 2, 3, 4 . . . Math Cross-country 2, 3, 4 , . . Track 2, 3 . . . Intramural track I, 2; bowling 3 (Champs) 4; basketball 2 . . alarm clock.

RE 9-0396 Club 3 . . . football I; . needs an

T H O M A S J . H EN R Y 427 East Allens Lane, 19 CH Holy Cross lA , 2D, 3A, 4D . . . Benilde Club 4 . . . WIsterian 4 . dent Council I . . . Class President I . . . Crew 3. 4( L ) tramural football I, 2, 3, 4; bowling I, 2, 3; basketball I, softball 3 . . . freckles . . . Tomcat . . . Ocean City.

7-4454 , . Stu­ . . . In­ 2, 3, 4;

JO H N P. H ERRERA 6025 Ross Street. 44

VI 8-5032 Holy Rosary IB, 2C, 3E, 4D . . . Student Council 4 . . . Vice President 4 . . . Secretary 3 . . . Football I, 2, 3(L), 4( L) . . . Baseball I (L), 2 (L ), 3( L) , 4( L) . . . Mechanical Drawing Award 3 . . . Intra­ mural cross-country (Champs); track I (Champs) . . . rock and roll . . . one of the three musketeers: Rube, Chimp, • • • Cuban Flash.

JO S E P H F. H IC K EY 622 Levick Street. I I

FI 2-7698 Saint W illia m IB, 2F, 3C, 4E . . . Scholastic Letter I, 2, 3 . . . German Award 3 . . . Math Club 3. 4 . . . Benilde I, 2, 3, 4 . . . Physics Club 2, 4 • . . Tennis 2, 3 . . . Intramural football I, 2; cross-country I (Cham ps), 2, 3; bowling I; basketball 2; track 2 . . . book worm.

W A LT ER J . H O R N 5000 S. Durham Street, 19 C H 7-6571 Holy Cross lA , 2B, 3D, 4A , . . Track I, 2, 3, 4 . . . Tumbling 4 , . , Intra­ mural football I, 2, 3, 4; basketball 3, 4; softball 3 (Champs), 4; track I; bowling I, 2, 3, 4. . . . noisy . . . Ocean City*. . . the red beetle.

DAVID W . JE N K IN S Limekiln Pike, Wyncote TU 7-0428 Saint Raymond IF, 2F, 3B, 4C . . . Crew 2 . . . Intramural cross-country I; track I, 2; bowling I . . . chirps In a locker . . . hey Dave, lend me your trig. 8351

PETER J . KEEN AN 304 Gilham Street, I)

PI 5-7637 Saint W illia m IE, 2C, 3A, 4D . . . Physics Club 4 . . . Intramural football I. 2, 3, 4; cross-country I, 2, 4; bowling I (Champs), 2; basket­ ball I, 2, 3, 4 . . . I'm scared . . . Dever's boat yard.

JA M E S J. KELLY 7225 Devon Street, 19 C H 7-6115 Holy Cross ID, 2D, 3A, 4D . . . Benilde Club 4 . . . Intramural football I, 2, 3, 4; softball 3, 4 . . . bottle boy executive.

JO H N J . KELLY 3449 Midvale Avenue, 29 VI 8-1176 Saint Bridget IF, 2A, 3C, 4A . . . Physics Club . . . Crew I, 2, 3 (L ), 4 (L) . , . Tumbling 3, 4 . . . Intramural football I (Champs), 2; basketball I (Cham ps), 2; softball 3 . . . La Salle's Huck Finn . . . Butchle . . . Navy . . . his blood pressure.


JO H N J . KENNEDY 828 North Fairway Road, North Hills TU 4-7742 Holy Martyrs lA. 2E. 3D. 4B . . . Math Club 3, 4 , . . Physics Club 4 . . . Football I . . . Intramural football 2 (Champs), 3, 4; track 2, 3 (Champs), 4; cross-country I, 3 (Champs) . . . of course • . . Sir John.

PETER J . KERNEY DA 4-6174 4524 North Reese Street, 40 Saint Henry Wisterian 4 • . . IB. 2A, 3C, 4E . . . Scholastic Letter I, 2 . . Physics Club 4 Benilde Club I, 2, 3, 4 . . . Math Club 3, 4 . . . Stage Crew 4 . . . IRC . . . Tennis I, 2. 3(L) . . . Intramural football I, 2, 3, 4; basketball 1, 2, 3, 4; cross-country I (Champs); 2, 3 Champs); bowling I, 2; track I (Champs), 2, 3, 4; softball 3 (Champs) . . . "Swell . . anything for the boys . • . glamor­ ous senior portrait.

JO S E P H F. KILLO RA N 6556 North 16th Street, 26 Saint Benedict IF, 2B, 3E, 4D . . . Intramurals 3, 4 . . . Pinchick's buddy . . . silent Joe.

JA M E S M. KOLB II I W est Wyoming Avenue, 40 DA 4-9176 Saint Ambrose ID, 2E, 3E, 4B , . . Prom Committee 3, 4 . . . Ward's drawing buddy . . . got a ride to the prom?

W A Y N E J . KU LLM A N 1942 North Mascher Street, 22 RE 9-7499 Saint Boniface IE, 2C, 3B, 4B . . . Class President 3, 4; Vice President 2; Secre­ tary I . . . Prom Committee 3, 4 . . . Baseball I, 2, 4( L ) . . . Basketball I, 2, 3 (L), 4 (L ) . . . Intramural track I; football I, 2, 3 (Champs), 4; Peanuts . . . sells hot dogs . . . Union Man . . . "Iggy."

W IL L IA M P. LAM AN Iroquois Trail, Medford Lakes, N. J . O L 4-2340 Saint Mary IE, 2E, 3C, 4E . . . Scholastic Letter I, 2 . . . Student Council . . . Class President I, 2 . . . Class Vice-President 3 • . . Treas­ urer 4 . . . Math Club 3, 4 . . . Physics Club . . . Tennis I, 2. 3, 4 (L) . . . Cross-country 3 . . . Intramural football 2 (Champs), 3, 4; cross-country 1; track 2 (Champs), 3 (Champs), 4; basket­ ball 4; softball 3, 4 . . . jumps for joy . . . W ild Man W ill.

M A H H E W J . LEDW ITH 7318 Germantown Avenue, 19 C H 7-7286 Holy Cross ID, 2A, 3A, 4D . . . Crew 2, 3, 4( Lj . . . Spirit Committee . . . Intramural football I, 2, 3, 4; basketball 2, 3, 4 . . . lifeguard at Sea Isle City . . . M G . . . wears sweater all year round . • . who's that rug.

JO S E P H E. LEONE 917 W olf Street. 48

DE 4-4977 Epiphany of Our Lord lA, 2B, 3C, 4E . . . Scholastic Letter 2 . . . Math Club 3 • * . Intramural football I, 2, 3. 4; softball 3, 4; basketball 3, 4; bowling 2, 3 (Champs); track I, 2 . . . POD fan . . • the lion.


E U G E N E M. LE PIN E 7237 Limekiln Pike, 38

H A 4-2663

Saint Athanasius IB, 2A. 3C, 4E . . . Scholastic Medal 2 . < • Christian Doctrine M edal 2 . . . Scholastic Letter I, 2, 3, 4 . . . Prench Award 3 . . . Vice President 2 . . . Intramural football 1, 2, 3, 4; basketball 2 . . • Pood Pair . . . Kenny's boy.

JO S E P H D. L O D G E Oaklyn Place and Meadowbrook Road, Gwynedd O X 9-9522 Saint Rose of Lima lA , 2B, 3E, 4B , . . Blue and Gold . . . Wisterian 3, 4 . . . Science Club I . . . Prom Committee 3, 4 . . . Art Club I . . wears shoulder pads to class . . . contributed to "m y dear's" pillow.

THO M AS J. LYNCH 3221 Primrose Road, 14 O R 3-3773 Saint Catherine of Siena lA , 2D, 3A, 4D . . . Band I, 2, 3, 4 . . . Dance Band I, 2, 3, 4 . . . A rt Club I . . . Science Club I . . . Intramural football I; bowling I, 2 . . . golden tone . . . coming from the band . . . swooner.

D A N IEL J . M AD D EN 5708 Marshall Street, 20 W A 7-1474 Saint Helena I A, 2A, 3D, 4C , , . Vice President I , . . Wisterian 3 . . . Foot­ ball I, 2, 3. 4 (L ) . . . Baseball 3, 4( L ) . . . Basketball I, 3 . . . Track 3 . . . Intramural cross-country I; basketball 2, 4; track I, 2, 3, 4; softball 3 (Champs) . • . Moaner . . . insurance man . . • "g ee whiz" Moose.

JE R O M E F. LOM BARD 2926 Stenton Avenue, 38 W A 4-2255 Saint Benedict IP, 2E, 3E, 48 . . . Prom Committee , . . Spirit Committee . . . Football I, 2 . . . Intramural basketball I (Champs), 2, 3 (Champs), 4; football 3, 4; bowling 3; cross-country I; track I, 2 (Champs) . . . Lumpy . . . Bayshores . • . party giver . . • roll out the barrel.

ED W ARD F. LUTY 5012 Old York Road, 41 DA 9-4848 Holy Child ID, 2C, 3B, 4B . . . Scholastic Medal Typing II . . . Intramural football 3 (Champs), 4; basketball 3, 4; track 2, 3, 4; cross­ country 3, 4 . . . Library aide . . . Ostrich . . . he who gets slapped . . . cleats.

JO H N E. MADDEN 923 Jackson Street, 48 H O 2-9059 Epiphany of Our Lord IB, 2C, 3B, 4A . . . Scholastic Letter I . . . Football I, 2 . . . Intramural football 3 (Champs), 4; cross-country I, 2, 3; bas­ ketball I, 2, 3, 4; baseball 3, 4 . . , ballet slippers . . . terrific turk . . . shore.

JO H N T. M A H O N 425 Howell Street. 20

PI 5-6979 Saint William IB, 2A, 3A, 4E . . . Scholastic Medal 3 . . . Scholastic Letter I, 2, 3, 4 . . . Wisterian I, 2, 3, 4 (Sports Editor) . . . Blue and Gold . . . Benilde Club 2, 3 . . . Math Club 3 {Officer), 4 . . . Tennis 2, 3, 4 . . . Intramural cross-country I (Champs), 2; bowling I, 2, 3; football I, 2; track I (Champs). 2 . . . first nighter « . . sports statistics . . • seen at all La Salle's games . . . last of the caroleers.

f-X RON ALD P. M A H O N E Y 155 Washington Lane, Jenkintown TU 6-7957 Immaculate Conception 1^1 2C| 3B, 4A . . . Scholastic Medal 2 . . . Intramural cross­ country I, 2; track I . • . books . . . electrician . • , ham operator . . . KH 3 CTD.

BERNARD P. M A N N IX 858 East Woodlawn Street, 38 TE 9-1117 Immaculate Conception ID, 2A, 3C, 4C . . . Benilde Club 4 . . . Art Club I, 2; 3, 4 , . . Football I, 2 . . . Intramural football 4 (Champs); cross­ country I; basketball I, 2, 3, 4; track I, 2, 4 (Champs) . . . Pat, the obtuse . . . sunshine boy . . . got a pencil.

N IC H O L A S J . M A SIN G TO N 332 East Glenside Avenue, Glenside TU 4-7361 Saint Luke 1C, 2F, 3C. 4E . . . Scholastic Letter I, 2 . . Wisterian 2, 3 . . . Debating I. 2, 3, 4 . . . Band I, 2, 3, 4 . . Math Club 3, 4 . . . Band Lieutenant 3; Captain 4 . . . All-Catholic Band 2, 3, 4 . . . Wisterians 3, 4 . . . Intramural football I, 2, 4; bas­ ketball I; bowling 4 . . , what a night . . . cut that hair, comprendo? W ALTER J. M c Do n a l d 1275 Ringold Street, 46 H O 2-5821 Saint Anthony de Padua IB, 2A, 3D, 4C . . . Student Council 3, 4 . . . Prom Committee 3, 4 . . . Football I, 2 3 (L), 4( L) . . . Crew I . . . Intramural basketball I, 2, 3, 4; cross-country I; track I, 2, 3 (Champs), 4; softball 3 (Champs), 4 . . . interceptor . . . I forgot.

JA M ES V. M ARKS 5017 North Sixth Street. 20 DA 9-5211 incarnation IE. 2F, 3C, 4E . . . Scholastic Medal I . . . Scholastic Letter I, 2, 3, 4 . . . Class Vice President I . . . Secretary 4 , . . Foot­ ball Manager I, 2, 3, 4(L) . . . Intramural basketball 2; football 4 . . . 1/3 of Greek class . . . Rocky.

T H O M A S C. M ARTIN 1919 Laveer Street, 41 W A 4-4836 Saint Benedict IE, 2B, 3C, 4A . . . Student Council 2 . . . Intramural football I, 2. 3; basketball I, 2 (Champs), 3; bowling 4; track I, 2 . • • Blondie . . . money bags . . . hoagie.

JAM ES J . 510 East Durham Street, I? Holy IE, 2F, 3B, 4D . . . Football (Champs), 4; basketball 2, 3, • . . squash . . . green Fords.

M c G IN N IS C H 7-5225 Cross I, 2 . . . Intramural football 3 4; bowling 3, 4; track 2, 3, 4

JA M E S B. M clLV A IN E 3300 Midvale Avenue, 29 8-0198 Saint Bridget IC , 2D, 3A, 4B . . , Class Vice President 4 . . . Benilde Club 4 . . , Prom Committee 3, 4 , . . Crew I, 2 (L ), 3 (L ), 4 (L ) , . . Intramural football I. 2. 3. 4; basketball I, 2. 3, 4; cross-country I, 2 . . . Boyd . . • single sculls . • . angel in white . • . loves practice.

T IM O T H Y F. M cM a n u s 809 Dunbury Road, Fairless Hills W l 5-5374 Saint Francis Cabrini IC , 2F, 3B, 40 . . . Intramural football 2, 3, 4 (Champs); bas* ketball 2 . . « bowling terror . . . fast man on the letters.

JA M E S M. M c M O N A G L E 2915 Glenview Street, 40 DE 8-4806 Saint Matthew IF, 2B, 3D, 4 0 . . . Scholastic Letter I . . . Math Olub 3, 4 . . . Benilde Olub 3, 4 . . . Prom Oommittee 3, 4 . . Basketball I, 2, 3( L) , 4 (L ) . . . Track 3, 4 . . . Intramural football I (Ohamps), 2, 3, 4 (Ohamps); cross-country I, 2, 3, 4; track I, 2; softball 3 (Champs) . . . Hairs . . . Neil . . . outhustled.

ALFRED H. M EIER 1124 Rittenhouse Street, 38 G E 8-3519 Immaculate Conception IE, 2D, 3E, 4D . . . Football I, 2 . . . Intramural basketball I, 2, 4 . . . Alfie . . . blue pegs . . . do I need a slip, brother?

JO S E P H A. M IG N ATTI 109 Boncouer Road, Cheltenham M E 5-2630 Saint Joseph lA, 2D, 3A, 4A , . , Bowling 4 . . . Intramural football I, 2, 3, 4; basketball 2, 3, 4; bowling 2, 3 . . . M IG . . . still visits Faraco.

ED W ARD M. M ILLER 402 Lakeview Drive, Ridley Park LE 2-8604 Saint Madeline I A, 2A, 3B, 4E . . . Scholastic Medal I, 2, 3 . . . Scholastic Letter I, 2, 3 . . . Math Olub 3, 4 . . . Physics Olub I, 4 . . . Benilde Olub 4 . . . Tennis 3(L), 4( L) . . . Intramural football I, 2, 3 (Champs), 4; basketball I, 2, ^ 4; cross-country 2; bowling 2 . . . Heinz . . • Wildwood.

H EN R Y B. M ILLER 819 East Ohelten Avenue, 38 TE 8-1215 Immaculate Conception IB, 20, 3B, 4B . . . Benilde Olub I, 2, 3 . . . Baseball 2, 3, 4 . . . Intramural cross-country . . . Harry . . • Byron . . . his base­ ball letter.

V IN C EN T P. M IR A G L IA 529 Fayette Street, Oonshohocken TA 8-2715 Saints Cosmos and Damian IB, 2F, 3D, 4 0 . . . Benilde Olub I, 2, 3, 4 . . . Crew Manager 2, 3( L) , 4( L) . . . Intramural football 4 (Ohamps); cross-country 3 (Ohamps), 4 (Ohamps) . . . Triumph . . . puddle jumper . . . main liner.

W IL L IA M S. M IT C H ELL 5321 North Oamac Street, 41 DA 9-1809 Holy Child IF, 20, 3A, 4D . . . Band I, 2, 3, 4 . . . Intramural basketball 2, 3, 4; football I, 2. 3; track I . . . bowler . . . Mitch . . . in­ telligent looking.


R IC H A R D T. M O O N EY 3265 Woodlawn Avenue, Glenside TU 7-7746 Saint Luke 2A, 3D, 4C . . . Math Club . . . Benilde Club 4 . . . Intramural football 2, 3; cross-country 3 (Champs), 4 (Champs); basketball 3, 4; track 3, 4 . . • chemistry class . . . amigo Espanol.

FR A N C IS 338 East Eleanor Street, 20 Saint IC. 2P, 3B, 4E . . . Band I, • . • cigarettes . • . haircut . .

G . M O O RE G L 5-4375 Ambrose 2, 3, 4 . . . Intramural football 2 . limericks • • • blue shadows.

FR A N C IS H. M O RRIS 430 Markle Street, 28 IV 3-0308 Saint John the Baptist IC , 2D, 3B, 4B . . . Band I, 2, 3, 4 . . . "Home for the Holidays" • . . tonsils • . . please, don't flunk me.

DAVID I. M UIR Jarden Road, East Lane, 18 AD 3-0982 Seven Dolors IE, 2C, 3A, 4A . . , Crew 3.. . . Dramatics I, 2, 3. 4 . . . Intra­ mural football I, 3. 4; cross-country 3; bowling 3, 4; track I . . . . how's the house . • . can't handle it . . . new Ford . . . actor.

R IC H A R D S. N IEM C ZYK 9624 Hayden Street. 15 O R 3-8620 Maternity of B.V.M. IF. 2E, 3E, 4E . . . Math Club 4 . . . Track Manager I, 2, 3 . . . Cross-country Manager 2 . . . Model Railroads . . . Manischevitz . . . if you can't see him coming, you can hear him.

PETER M. NO EL 7345 Schelbourne Street, 11 PI 2-3665 Saint Cecilia lA. 2E, 3E, 4A . . . Bowling 2, 3, 4 . . . Intramural football I, 2, 3, 4; basketball I, 2, 3, 4; softball 3, 4; cross-country 2, 3; track 2 . . . Christmas boy . . . should make peace with Giletti.

JO H N E. O SBO RN E 7022 Louis Road, 38 Saint Athanasius IC, 2D, 3A, 4D . . . Class President 3, 3, 4 . . . Benilde Club 4 (Secretary) . . . . . Wisterian 4 . . . Football I, 2, 3(L), 3(L), 4( L) . . . Intramural cross-country bowling 3, 4; track 3, 4 . . . Ozzie . . . picture taken . . . J.O .

H A 4-3630 4 . . . Student Council . Prom Committee 3, 4 4( L) . . . Crew I, 2(L), I; basketball I, 2, 3, 4; big toe . . . I want my

G U Y A. OSTERTAG 3682 Calumet Street, 29 VI 4-7075 Saint Bridget lA, 2B, 3D, 4A . . . Library Aide I . . . Cross-country 4 . . . Intramural football 2, 3; basketball 3; cross-country 3 (Champs); track 2, 3; bowling 3; softball 3 (Champs) • . . Oscar . . . string bean.


JO S E P H J . P A U L 1202 Old York Road, Abmgfon TU (.5449 Our Lady Help of Chrisfians ID, 2C. 3C, 4B , . . G olf I, 2( L) , 3( L) , 4 . , . Intramural football I . • . owns pro shop . . . caddy deluxe.

W A L T E R C. PELLISH 3261 Dover Street, 29 BA 5-4830 Corpus Christ! IE, 2E, 3D, 4C . . . Scholastic Letter 1 , 2 . . . Class Secretary 4 . . . Math Club 3 . . . Dramatics 3, 4 , . . Stage Crew 3, 4 . . . Wisterian 4 . . . Physics Club . . . Prom Committee 4 . . . Football I . . . Intramural football 2 (Champs), 3, 4 (Champs); bowling I (Cham ps), 3; basketball I, 2, 3, 4; softball 3 (Champs), 4; cross-country I, 2 (Champs), 3 (Cham ps); track I, 2 (Champs), 3, 4 . . . Lefty . . . Sonny . . . black beetle.


L. P R O K O

432 Alcott Street, 20

FI 2-6512

Saint William IC , 2F, 3D, 4B . . . A rt Club 3, 4 . . . Intramural football 2; cross-country I . . . pssst, come here a minute . . . gambler . . • has to be different.

T H O M A S F. PYLE 6218 Oakley Street,


PI 5-3555

Saint W illi am IB, 2D, 3B, 4D . . . Class Secretary 3 . . . Wisterian 3, 4 . . . Physics Club 4 . . . Bowling 2 . . . Tennis I, 2, 3 . . . Golf 4 . . . Intramural basketball I, 2, 3, 4; football I, 2, 3, 4; cross­ country 1 (Champs), 2, 4; track I (Cham ps); bowling I, 3; softball 3 . . . Kennan's friend . . . Tommy.

RAYM OND J . PENTZELL 929 Lansing Street, II PI 5-1166 Saint Cecilia IC. 2A, 3C, 4E . . . Scholastic Letter I, 2 . . . Class President 2 . . . Art Club I, 2, 3 . . . Debating I, 2, 3, 4 . . . Blue and Gold . . . Math Club 3, 4. . . . Physics Club 4 . . . Dramatics 4 . . . Intramural football I; cross-country 2, 3; track I, 2 . . . smallest senior . . . Fats Domino . . . Wis cartoons.

ROBERT P. PRIM US 5013 Keyser Street, 44 VI 8-0882 Saint Michael of the Saints I A. 2D, 3B, 4D . . . Track I. 3, 4 . . . Cross-country 4 . . . Intra­ mural football 2. 3 (Champs), 4; cross-country I, 2, 3; track 1, 2; softball 3. 4; bowling 3, 4 . . . Primo . . . mechanical drawing.

STEPHEN A. Q U IN N 525 Marwood Road, 20 G L 7-0569 Saint Ambrose lA , 2B, 3E, 4B . . . Scholastic Medal 3 . . . Intramural football I, 3; cross-country; basketball I, 4; bowling I, 3 . . . walking ulcers . . . want my homework.

JA M E S R. RECKNER 5935 North Oral Street. 41 W A 4-1398 Saint Benedict lA , 2C, 3A, 4E . . . Science Club I, 2 . . . Art Club I, 3, 4 . . . Library Aide I . . . Intramural cross-country I, 2; track I • . . Maurice's . . . sign painter.

W IL L IA M C. REGLI AD 3-1426 7630 Cheltenham Avenue, 18 Seven Dolors Intramural footIF, 2E, 3E, 4A , . . Bowling 4 . . . Tennis I ball I (Champs), 2 (Champs), 3, 4; basketball I (Champs), 2, 3 (Champs), 4; bowling 1, 3, 4; softball 3, 4; cross-country I, 2, 3; track 2 (Champs), 3, 4 . . . very quiet . . . mole.

GERALD M. R IC C A 232 North Camac Street, 7 LO 7-5529 Saint John the Evangelist IC , 2A, 3A, 4D . . . Basketball Manager I . . . Intramural foot­ ball I, 2, 3, 4; cross-country I, 4; basketball I, 2, 3, 4 . . . hand­ some? . . . lynched.

LEO C. RODGERS 2717 North Hemberger Street, 32 BA 9-9458 Saint Columba IE, 2D, 3B, 4E . . . Scholastic Medal 2 . . . Intramural football 3 (Champs); cross-country 3; basketball 3, 4; bowling I (Champs); track 2 . . . Junior Achievement . . • Liberty Bell Cadets . . . Leo the Lion.

W IL L IA M F. R O O N EY 859 East Stafford Street, 38 VI 8-3893 Immaculate Conception ID, 2D, 3A, 4D . . . Benilde Club 4 . . . Intramural football I, 2, 3, 4; basketball I, 2, 3, 4; track 1 , 2 . . . does Rod have a fivegeared bomb? . . . W alt Disney . . . Bernie’s friend . . . Watertower basketball.

JO H N F. R IC H A R D SO N 1161 County Line Road, Huntingdon Valley EL 7-6081 Our Lady of Good Counsel IF, 2F, 3B. 4C . . . Band I. 2. 3, 4 . . . All-Catholic Band 3, 4 . . . Drum Major 3, 4 . . . Bowling 2, 3 (L ), 4 (L ) • . . Intramural basketball I . . . bumptious . . . in step.

T H O M A S J . RISI 6703 Lansdowne Avenue, 31 G R 3-3911 Saint Callistus ID, 2C. 3B, 4B . . . Intramural basketball 3, 4 . . . Duke . . . hot Ford . . . Spanish fiend . . . seen with Hannabach.

DAVID E. R O T H W ELL 6951 Cedar Park Avenue, 38 H A 4-7185 Saint Athanasius IF, 2C, 3B, 4B . . . Track 2, 4 . . . Intramural cross-country I, 2, 3, 4; football I (Champs), 2, 3 (Champs), 4; basketball I, 2, 3; track I, 3 . . • great hunter . . . give me your trig. Lump.

ROBERT E. RYAN 8104 Saint Martins Lane, 18 C H 7-6917 Our Mother of Consolation lA, 2C, 3A, 4D . . . Benilde Club 4 . . . Junior Achievement . . . Basketball I . . . Crew 2 . . . Golf 3 . . . Intramural cross­ country 2; football I, 2, 3, 4; basketball 3, 4; track 2 , . . Rod . . . Cricket Club . . . Watertower . . . continental can.

C H A R L ES R. SC A LLY .400 Meadow Lane, Oreland TU 7-7155 Holy Martyrs IB. 2E. 3D, 4A . . . Scholastic Letter I . . . Band I, 2. 3. 4 . , , All-Catholic 2, 3, 4 . . . Physics Club 4 . , . Math Club 3, 4 . . . Debating I . . . pious . . . smiles . . . dilly dally.

G A RY J. SCH AM EN EK 1647 North Hills Avenue, Willow Grove W G 1366 Saint John of the Cross lA , 2B, 3D, 4B . . . Science Club I, 2 . . . Math Club 3 . . • Library Aide I . . . Intramural football I; bowling I, 3; basket­ ball 3; track 1 , 2 . . . uses green ink . . . only snakes and ducks hiss . . . after hours study club.

ROBERT C. SC H M ID T 1743 Solly Street. 15 PI 5-8495 Resurrection of Our Lord IF, 2D, 3A, 4D . . . Glee Club I . . . Physics Club 4 . . . Intra­ mural football I (Champs), 2, 3, 4; bowling I, 3; track I . . . Collins' Amigo . . . Bob.

JO H N T. SCH M ITT 5233 Oakland Street. 24 C U 8-1574 Saint Martin of Tours IE, 2B, 3E, 4A . . . Student Council 3 . . . Secretary 4 . . . Stage Crew 3, 4 . . . Intramural football I, 3, 4; basketball I, 2 (Champs), 3 (Champs) . . . with two t's . . . What's in your locker today? . . . long English words.

JO H N J. S C O C C A 718 Ripley Place. I I

Pl 2-4495 Saint Cecilia ID, 2E. 3C, 4E . . . Scholastic Medal I, 2, 3 . . . Scholastic Letter I, 2, 3 . . . Wisterian 4 , , . Math Club 3 (Treasurer), 4 . . . Phy sics Club 4 . . • Intramural track I ; football 4 . . . Socrates . . . univac . . . always right.

r^ft, ■

FR A N C IS J . SEXTON 5620 Miriam Road, 24 J E 5-7909 Saint Martin of Tours IC , 2C, 3A, 4A . . , Band I, 2, 3, 4 , . , Dance Band 2, 3, 4 . . . Intramural football I, 2. 3; basketball I, 2, 3, 4 . . . Frank . . . basketball at A street . . . Martin's . . . toe dancer.

JO S E P H R. SH A RPE Prospectville, Pennsylvania M l 6-3946 Saint Joseph's Hallowel IE, 2E, 3E, 4A . , , Football 2, 3, 4 (L ) . . . Dramatics 3 , . , Intramural basketball I, 2; cross-country I, 2; track I, 2 . . . blue beetle • . • Ocean City . . . suit of armor . . . stands in the corner.

FR A N C IS P. SH ER 529 Garfield Road, North Hills TU 7-3431 Queen of Peace IE, 2B. 3D, 4C . . . Scholastic Letter I . . . Dramatics 3, 4 , , . Math Club . . . Physics Club . . . Baseball 2, 3(L), 4 (L ) , . . Intramural football 4 (Champs); cross-country 3 (Champs), 4 (Cha mps); basketball I, 2 (Champs), 3, 4 . . . Moose . . . Pat . . . wunnerful, wunnerful . . . grandpa.


JO H N J . SIM O N E 1884 Osborne Avenue, Willow Grove Willow Grove 1258 Saint David lA, 2F, 38, 4E . . . Debating Club I, 2, 3, 4 . . . Math Club • . • Intramural cross-country 2, 3 • . • greenhouse . . • *'ahh."



JA M E S A. S IM O N E H I 1834 Lindley Avenue, 41 D A 4-6992 Holy Child IF, 2A, 3A. 4E . . . Band I, 2, 3. 4 . . . All-Catholic Band 2, 3, 4 . . . All-District Band 2, 3, 4 . . . Art Club I . . . M ath Club 3, 4 • . . Physics Club . . . Intramural football 4; cross-country 4; track 1 • . . brief case.

JO H N A. S IM O N E H I 1834 Lindley Avenue, 41 D A 4-6992 Holy Child 4D . . . Band 4 . . . Dance Band 4 . Intramural football 4; basketball 4 . . • import from Roman . unidentical twin . . . cloak room captain.

JA M E S J . SIRA VO 8105 Farnsworth Street, 15 DE 3-7426 Saint Jerome IB, 2A, 3D, 4C . . . Benilde Club I, 2, 3, 4 . . . Blue and Gold . . . Tennis 3, 4 . . . Intramural football 2, 3, 4 (Cham ps); cross­ country 3 (Champs), 4 (Champs); track 3, 4 . . • Elvis . . . blushes . • . dimps . • . loudmouth?

ALBERT J . SO LEC KI 146 W est Clarkson Avenue, 20 LI 8-5191 Incarnation of Our Lord IB. 2F, 3C, 4C . . . Benilde Club 4 . . . Math Club 3 . . . Foot­ ball I, 2, 3, 4(L) . . . Basketball I, 2, 3, 4 (L ) . . . Intramural cross-country I (Champs), 2; track I (Champs), 3 (Champs) . . . Al . . . a bee, a bye, a bow, and a bop . . . a quarterback with a curl on top . . . Seglicki.


EDW ARD R. SO LVIBILE 2414 75th Avenue, 38 H A 4-6797 Saint Athanasius IC, 2C, 3B, 4B . . . Wisterian 4 . . . Blue and Gold . . . I.R.C. . . . Prom Committee . . . Intramural football I, 2, 3 (Champs), 4; cross-country 2, 3, 4; bowling I, 3, 4; basketball I, 2, 3. 4; track I . . . F.D.R. of accounting class . . . wine expert . . . Joe Heyer Fan Club . . . I seen him done it . . . Leilani.

W IL L IA M R. SO LVIBILE 2414 75th Avenue, 38 H A 4-6797 Saint Athanasius IF, 2A, 3D, 4C . , , Prom Committee . , , Intramural football I (Champs), 2, 3, 4 (Champs); basketball I (Champs), 2, 3, 4; track I; softball 3 (Champs) . . . night swimming in the moun­ tains . . . hot Chevy . . . Adlai • • . opposes Spanish • . . passes on the right.

EDW ARD J . STEHEL 404 66th Avenue, 26

LI 9-7368 Saint Helena ID, 2E, 3C, 4E . . . Scholastic Letter I, 2 . . , Typing Medal I . . . Tennis 2, 3 (L), 4 (L) . , , Band I, 2, 3, 4; Danceband 2, 3, 4; Wisterians 2, 3 . . . Pudgy . . . Butch . . . Rosekin . . . Vic . . . rides red bicycles.


W IL L IA M A. STRO BEL II PI 2-7479 Presentation B.V.M, ID. 2E. 3D. 4C . . . Scholastic Letter I . . . Benilde Club 4 . . . W isterian 3, 4 . . Blue and Gold . . . I.R.C. . . . Junior Achieve­ ment . . . Crew I, 2 (L ) . . . Intramural football 2 (Champs), 3, 4 (C ham p s); basketball 2, 3; cross-country 3 (Cham ps); bowling 3, 4; track 3. 4; softball 4 , . . "Tiger" . . . Sleeps in his Varsity Letter . . . W ears a Raccoon coat to the games . . . Reds.

815 Knorr Street,

M IC H A E L E. S U L L IV A N 221 W e st Gorges Lane, 19 G E 8-2450 Saint Madeline Sophie ID, 2D, 3A, 4A . . . Intramural football I, 2, 3, 4; basketball I, 2, 3; track I, 2; cross-country 2 . . . the best port is Longport . . . Baseball . . . S. S. A. for the Philadelphia Inquirer . . . Smash.

L O U IS J . W A K E F IE L D IV 3-1699 250 Rector Street, 28 Saint John the Baptist . . Intramural footI A, 2A, 3C, 4C , . . Scholastic Letter 1,2 Safety Patrol . . . ball I : bowling I . . . Roxborough riot . . Meriteer No background at all . . . Edwin's friend. STEPH EN J . W A L L A C E 251 Mountain Street, 48 H O 2-6271 Saint Casimir ID, 2E, 3C, 4E . . . Scholastic Letter I, 2, 3 . . . Math Club 3, 4 . . . Physics Club 4 . . . Intramural track I, 2 (Champs), 3 (Cham ps), 4; football 3, 4; softball 3, 4 . . . Sooca's friend • . . Arthur Murray.

JO S E P H P. SW IETLIK 3212 Salmon Street, 34 G A 3-4652 Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary IE, 2B, 3E, 4D . . . Physics Club 4 . . . Intramural football 2, 3. 4; basketball I, 2 (Champs), 3 (Champs), 4; track I, 2 . . . Sleepy Jo e . . . basketball manager at Rec. . . . hot rocks . . . Where's Cusack.

ROBERT T. W A D D IN G T O N 525 East Benner Street, I I PI 5-7542 Saint William IB. 2F. 3B. 4A . . . Benilde Club I. 2. 3. 4 ... . Art Club I. 2. 4 . . . Math Club 3, 4 . . . Bowling I . . . Tennis I . . . Intramural football I; track I (Cha mps); bowling 3 . . . crazylegs . . . Bob . . . Chez Lou . . . Egor . . . Did you forget your stamps, Charlie Brown? RAYM O N D J . W A L S H 7326 North 20th Street. 38 LI 9-2845 Saint Athanasius IF, 2D, 3A, 4D . . . Benilde Club 4 . . . Crew l(L ), 3(L), 4 (L ) . . . Intramural football I (Champs); basketball I (Champs) . . . Doran's pal . . . slide rule kid . . . get off your knees.

G EO RG E J. W ARD 472 Sylvania Avenue, Glenside TU 6-7813 Saint Luke IF, 2E, 3D, 4E . . . Student Council I, 4 . .. President I . . . Vice President 2, 4 . . . Dramatics 3, 4. . . Physics Club 4 . . . Math Club 4 . . . Wisterian 4 . . . Benilde Club 2, 3. 4 . . . Spirit Committee 4 (President) , . . I.R.C. . . . Baseball I, 2 (L ), 3 (L), 4 (L j . . . Basketball I, 2, 3 . . . Intramural football I (Champs), 2 (Champs), 3, 4; cross-country I. 2, 3 (Champs); track I, 2 (Champs). 3, 4 . . . plus happy . . . Gee . • . jewelry salesman . . • Cave man.

JA M E S R. W A R D 4543 North Lee Street, 20 G L 5-51 10 Saint Ambrose IB, 2B, 3E. 4B . . . Band 2, 3, 4 . . . Glee Club I, 2 . . . Intra­ mural football 3. 4; cross-country 3, 4; track 3 . . . Jim Dandy . . . BMOC. W ALTER F. W E IS 1625 Upland Avenue, Jenkintown TU 6-4151 Immaculate Conception IE, 2F, 3C, 4C , , . Benitde Club 4 , , . Intramural football I, 2, 4 (Champs); basketball I, 4; track I, 2, 3 (Champs). 4; softball 3 . . . cheetah . . . monk . . , carries Clayton's books . . . eagle scout.

FR A N C IS W . W H IT E 5617 North 4th Street, 20 LI 8-4918 Saint Helena IE, 2E, 3E, 4B . . . Intramural football I, 2, 4; bowling I (Champs); track I . • . muscle boy . . . swapping cars . . . bouncing biceps.

LEO A. W IE D M A N N Ferry Road, Danboro FI 8-6408 Our Lady of Mount Carmel ID. 2A, 3C, 4A , . , Wisterian 1 , 2 . . . Track 1 , 2 . . . Intramural track I, 2. 3, 4; cross-country I, 2, 3; football I . . . Physics Club 4 • . . solid gold Plymouth.

G EO RG E P. W EST 6312 North Fifth Street, 26 W A 4-1671 Saint Helena IC, 2B, 3E, 4A . . . Wisterian I . . . Debating I, 2 . . . Art Club I, 2, 3, 4 . . « Intramural cross-country I, 2, 3: track I, 2, 3, 4 . . . Mutt and Jeff. M A R T IN F. W H A L E N 443 East Montana Street, 19 G E 8-4379 Little Flower IC , 2E, 3E, 4B . . . Band I, 2, 3 . . . Prom Committee 3, 4 . . . Cross-country !. 2, 3(L), 4 (L ) . , . Track I. 2. 3, 4 (L) , . . Intra­ mural football 1, 2 (Champs), 3, 4; cross-country I, 2 (Cham ps); basketball I, 2; track I, 2 (Champs); softball 3, 4 . . . Ravenhill . . . other angel in white . . . guard captain at Strathmere . • • car wrecker.

ROBERT J . W IL K IN 4254 North Franklin Street, 40 BA 9-3420 Saint Henry IF, 2B, 3E, 4A , . . Class Vice President I . . . Baseball 3 (L ), 4 (L) . . . Bowling 3 (L ), 4(L) . . . Art Club I. 2 . . . Intramural football I (Champs), 2, 3, 4; basketball I (Champs), 2 (Champs), 3 (Champs); cross-country I, 2, 3; track I, 2, 3 . . . St. Joe's Sunday nites . . . cashier at Food Fair . . . Bobby boy . . . plays it bad. TARAS M. W O C H O K 821 North Franklin Street, 23 W A 2-6947 Immaculate Conception IB, 2F. 3B, 4E . . . Scholastic Letter I . . . Band I, 2, 3, 4 . . . Basketball Manager 2, 3 (L ), 4 (L ) . . . Intramural football I, 3 (Champs), 4; track 3, 4; basketball I, 2, 3, 4; bowling 4; softball 3, 4; cross-country 4 . . . sun lamp kid . . . anybody going up to the baxaar.

KENNETH J. W O O D R IN G 7009 Cedar Parlt Avenue, 38 W A 4-7487 Saint Athanasius lA. 2A. 3C, 4E . . . Scholastic Letter I, 2. 3, 4 . . . Blue and Gold . . . Math Club 3 (President), 4 . . . Physics Club 4 , . . intramural football 2; basketball 2; cross-country 2, 3 . . . Woody . . . but brother, that's a contradiction . . . Mariist. R EG IN A LD P. W R a Y East Bringhurst Street. 44 G E 8-5991 Saint Vincent de Paul IC , 2E. 3E, 4B . . . Class President I . . . Cross Country I, 3 . . . Reggie . . . swimming in the reservoir . . . first class caddy. II

T H O M A S D. Y A N N ESSA 2927 Midvale Avenue, 29 VI 4-7636 Saint Bridget IF. 2F, 3D, 4C . . . Scholastic Letter I . . . Treasurer I . . . Secretary 2 . . . Student Council 3, 4 . . . Class President 3, 4 . . . Benilde Club I. 2. 3, 4 . . . Wisterian 4 . . . Football 2. 3( L) , 4( L) . . . Crew I, 2, 3, 4( L) . . . Intramural cross-country I; basketball I, 2, 3, 4; softball 3 (Champs); tumbling 2, 3, 4 . . , Norwood boy . . . East Falls . . . let’s hear them . . . Tammy. JA M E S J. Y O U N G 565 East Sanger Street, 20 FI 2-1528 Saint William IE, 2F. 3A, 4E . . . Scholastic Letter I. 2 . . . Wisterian I, 2, 3, 4 (Editor) . . . Math Club 3 . . . Blue and Gold . . . Intra­ mural cross-country 2; bowling I (Champs); basketball 2; track I. 2 . . . PTC’s arch-enemy . . . hello, Jeem , . . movie fiend , . . carols at Christmas . . . National Review . . . first nighter.

M IC H A E L T. ZUBYK 262 W est Linton Street, 20 Saint Helena IC, 2D, 3B, 4B . . . Intramural football I, 2. 4 A and C . . . friends with Breslin.

HA 4-4535 . . hangs at

OUTSTANDING SCHOLASTIC ACHIEVEMENT— JOHN SCOCCA It is a great honor to graduate from La Salle High with the highest scholastic average, in a class noted for scholarship. John Scocca has accomplished this feat, while amassing four scholastic class medals, four scholastic letters, and an extensive list of awards and medals in religion, mathematics, science, and language. Always cheerful, generous, and unobtrusive to everyone at La Salle, John has found time to participate in intramurals, serve as president of the Math Club, and root just a little bit louder at La Salle games.

OUTSTANDING REPRESENTATION— ALBERT SOLECKI The most representative student of any graduating class is always a senior who embodies all the good qualities of the students in that school. He is usually personable, easy-going, yet a consistent student, and popular with his classmates and teachers. Al Solecki is an excellent choice. Packing a tremen­ dous amount of energy and drive into a small frame, at times serious but more often laughing, the boy with “ the curl on the top” can list many class offices and honor cards in four years. Quarterbacking football and basketball teams, versatile Al has also been a valuable asset to the school’s sports.

OUTSTANDING EXTRA-CURRICULA ACHIEVEMENT— JAM ES YOUNG La Salle's senior class of 1958 has certainly been fortunate that the choice for the most activity-minded senior, James Young, has also the most active mind of the class. His original ideas have included the PTC campaign, the splendid editorials in the WISTERIAN, and most of the page plans for the BLUE AND GOLD. Through Jim ’s leadership the school newspaper has been guided to more deadlines than ever in the history of La Salle. The editorship of the yearbook also belongs to him. For this work and his interest in all La Salle’s activities, academic and sport, Jim has deservedly merited the honor.

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O OUTSTANDING ATHLETIC ACHIEVEMENT— JOHN JERRERA In a graduating class in which championships, All-Catholics, and record-setters are the order, it would seem a staggering task to single out one outstanding athlete, but the choice is comparatively easy with John Jerrera in the field. The first La Salle athlete to play on city championship football and base­ ball teams, unassuming, modest, friendly, Johnny started in left field on the 1955 baseball champs, was reserve halfback on the 1956 football champs, and in leading the Explorers to their second football title, was voted “ Most Valuable Player” by the student body and received every post-season award in Phila­ delphia.



BROTHER G. CLAUDE . . . 3A Religion . . . Geometry . . . Chemistry . . . Crew.


BROTHER F. JERO M E . . . 3B Religion . . . English III . . . German I . . . Dramatics . . . Debating.

BROTHER EDWARD . . . 3C Religion . . . Advanced Mathematics . . . Algebra II . . . Math Club III . . . Football.

MR. JOHN MOORE . . . Eng­ lish III, IV . . . Dramatics.

MR. JOSEPH HENRY Mechanical Drawing Freshman Football.

BROTHER E. WILLIAM . . . 3D Religion . . . German I, II, III.

BROTHER E. ADRIAN . . . 3E Religion . . . Band Reli­ gion . . . History III . . . Stu­ dent Council.





BROTHER G. W ILLIAM . . . 2A Religion . . . English II . . . Public Speaking . . . Band Religion . . . Choral . . . Band.

MR. JO H N DiSANGRO . . . Business Law . . . Social Studies II . . . First Aid . . . Driver Training . . . Fresh­ man Football.

MR. CARL VON NELL . . . Library Science . . . Librarian. 44

BROTHER GERVALD JO HN . . . 2B Religion . . . Latin I, II . . . Baseball.

BROTHER F.BERNARDINE. . . 2C Religion . . Social Studies II . . . Typing . . . Tennis.

BROTHER GREGORY OF MARY . . . 2D Religion . . . English II . . . Public Speak­ ing.

BROTHER E. JAM ES . . . 2E Religion . . . Geometry . . . Intramurals.

BROTHER G. NICHOLAS 2F Religion . . . Biology Mother's Club.









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BROTHER G R A T I A N OF JESU S . . . 1A Religion . . . English I . . . Basketball.

BROTHER E. JOSEPH . . . IB Religion . . . Algebra I . . . Alumni.

BROTHER EMILIAN . . . 1C Religion . . . Latin I, III, IV . . . Greek.


BROTHER D. GABRIEL . . . ID Religion . . . Biology . . . Algebra I . . . Cheerleaders . . . Tumbling.

BROTHER D. MICHAEL . . . IE . . . Typing . . . Daily Bulletin.

BROTHER E. WILLIAM . . . IF Religion . . . Social Studies . . . Art Appreciation . . . Art Club . . . Cross Country Coach . . . Track.

MR. JA M ES REIMER Social Studies I.


MR. GERALD TREMBLAY . . . Social Studies III . . . English I . . . Public Speaking . . . Blue and Gold.

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SENIOR CLASS PRESIDENTS (lower left to upper right): Taras Wochok, Band II; Paul Aita, 4E; Wayne Kullman, 4B; John Osborne, 4D; Louis Di Maria, 4A; Thomas Yannessa, 4C.


Introduced as a mediator be­ tween the student body and the faculty, the Student Council con­ tinued its work of sponsoring assemblies, pep rallies, and seasonal dances. The student governing body is composed of the presidents of the twentytwo homerooms and two repre­ sentatives from the band. The


officers of fhe council, elected by the student body, this year were Paul Aita, president; Jo ­ seph Maxwell, vice-president; and Barry Dunleavy, secretary. Important changes were made in the constitution with the ad­ vancement of the election of council officers from October to

JUNIOR CLASS PRESIDENTS (upper left to lower right): Robert Smith, 3D; Arnold Buben, 3A; Joseph Maxwell, 3C; Stephen Cook, 3E; Thomas Gallagher, 3B.


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BAND The La Salle men of music continued their domination of the Catholic League in marching to their fourth con­ secutive band title. They gained permanent possession of the first Catholic League Band trophy, a fitting tribute for many hours of drilling and practicing. Unhampered by unseasonal snow, the entire band presented its annual Spring Music Festival in early March. Featuring a varied and most entertaining program, the mgscians under the expert baton of Mr. Joseph Colatonio, band director, flawlessly played selections ranging from light classical to popular. Director, Mr. Colantonio, moder­ ator, Brother G. William, and the bandsmen themselves have again made La Salle and good music synonymous. DRUM MAJORS KEROLLIS AND RICHARDSON W IELD CATHOLIC LEAGUE TROPHIES. 65

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CAPE A N D SW O RD Enjoying its most successful season in recent years, the La Salle Cape and Sword presented the popular Broadway success, “ You Can't Take It With You,” With girls from St. Basil’s Academy filling the female roles, the production, under the expert di­ rection of Mr. John Moore, provided many enjoyable moments for the enthusiastic audiences. Several award-winning one-act plays were presented to the student body during the year giving many of the established and the younger thespians a golden oppor­ tunity to trod the boards. Members of the group participated in productions of “ Oklahoma" and “ Plain and Fancy” at two nearby girls' academies in the spring. Brother F. Jerome’s always invaluable assistance in addition to an exceptional effort from the Stage Crew made this year's offerings memorable to actor and audience. 69


as we see it

W isterian Heads C am p aign A gainst PTC Discrim ination


explorer standout

For twenty-three years a monthly chron­ icle of school activities, this year the Wisterian emerged as a bi-monthly publi­ cation of student action and opinion. In production excelling any similar publication in the city and in quality achieving an alltime high, the editors and staff introduced many new ideas into the Wis. The student body exhibited enthusiastic support when over eighty boys responded to a call for staff members, although this number has been pruned to about twenty boys, who are responsible for most of the W is coverage. The PTC campaign, the Wisterian “ Most Valuable Player" awards, and the History of La Salle were three of the most notable undertakings of the year. Features like Glance, Explorer Standout, and This and That brightened many issues. A Student Speaks offered opinions on many and varied topics. Something entirely different in high school press editorials was offered in As W e See it. Roy Pentzell's current cartoons and Mike Maicher's superb photography gave the Wis 0 sparkling appearance. Editors Jam es Young and John Mahon, directing an able staff along Mr. Joseph M oran’s invaluable advice, made the Wisterian one of the outstanding secondary school publi­ cations in the United States.


PHYSICS CLUB The Physics Club w as formed originally as an all-senior organiza­ tion, although it now welcomes any undeclassman who is willing to abide by its rules. Its purpose is to acquaint the members with the more advanced aspects of the studies of physics as well as further clarification of the lessons taught in cla ss to prepare them for college entrance tests and advanced tests in physics, this is accomplished by discussion among the members, lec­ tures by the moderator. Brother Stephen, and guest speakers, and the preparation of projects by the members. 74



The Mathematics Club, now in its third year of operation at La Salle, is an active chapter of Mu Alpha Theta, a national mathematics society with headquarters at the University of California. Though the former constitution of the club has been replaced by that of the larger organization, the aims and methods of the group remain intact. The student members share infor­ mation on such varied topics as “ Higher Degree Equations", “ Mathematics and Music” , “ Q uad­ ratic Curves” , and “ Probabilities in Poker” , while students and faculty members from neigh­ boring colleges are invited to address the club on more advanced subjects. Both the Senior Division, moderated by Brother Felix John, and the Junior Division, moderated by Brother D. Edward, have as their aim the development of a deeper interest in mathematics outside the classroom and beyond the sphere of the ordinary high school course.



LIBRARY AIDES Under the moderation of Mr. Carl von Nell, the Library Aides of La Salle are organized to acquaint the members with the operation of a library. The. aides work on a basis similar to the librarian. Through book cataloging, classification and work­ ing with the reference material, the aides are able to help the students with their research projects. The library aide is a mediator between the libra­ rian and the student body. At the meetings held twice a month each aide gives a report on one of the most popular volumes in the library. This pro­ motes an interest in good books among the aides so they may recommend them to the students.


BLUE AND GOLD The 1958 Blue and Gold carried on the traditions of yearbooks of the past, presenting a permanent pictorial record of all segments of life at La Salle. All activities, scholastic, social, athletic, musical cultural, have individual sec­ tions in which scenes of their every­ day affairs are depicted. Innovations featured cartoon section dividers by Ray Pentzell, rearrangement of the faculty pages so that the members of each department will appear before the class pictures of the department, and a simple, but beautiful, inside cover with a religious theme. These ideas of the staff and moderator, Mr. Gerald Trem­ blay, have made for a yeabook worthy of La Salle's highest standards.


FORENSIC CLUB Once again La Salle was well represented in the Catholic Forensic League. The Explorer debaters par­ ticipated in the Temple Speaking Tournament and the Optimists' Club Public Speaking Contest in addition to the weekly debates in the Catholic League. The club was composed of seniors; Nicholas Masington, John Simone, Jerome Heavey, and Edward Devinney, juniors: William Cashin, Harrison Kornbau, and James McKenna, sophomores: Peter Clark, Rudolph Price, Thomas Hindson, and freshmen: Edward Burns and Albert Mauriello. Climaxing a successful season the team attended the Catholic Forensic Finals in Reading.

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La Salle is well represented by its Art Club, capably guided by Brother F. William. In the annual Germantown Halloween window painting contest, as well as in numerous art contests throughout the year, members of the club have contributed much to the re­ nown of La Salle. Notable among these contests are the Scholastic Art contest, held at Gimbels, the Navy poster con­ test, and our own Music Festival poster contest. In conjunction with the Spirit Committee, the Art Club has given school spirit many a boost with its colorful signs and placards used at our games and pep rallies. As in past years the artistic en­ deavors of the members are culminated by the annual art exhibit, held in the spring. 79

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ASTRONOMY CLUB The Astronomy Club, a new and interest­ ing activity was introduced to the list of extra-curricular pastimes this year. Com­ posed almost entirely of freshmen, the club activities were designed to keep students abreast with the current advances in the scientific field, with particular emphasis on the heavens. Members presented projects and reports to the group on such topics as telescopes, space-travel, and satellites.

BENILDE CLUB The Benilde Club, an organization for students interested in religious information is enjoying tre­ mendous success in its ninth year of existence. This year a senior-junior division and a sophomorefreshman division had to be formed. The officers for the senior-junior division are president, Thomas Yannessa, vice-president, Ray Weinmann, and sec­ retary, John Osborne. Their counterparts in the sophomore-freshnian group are president, Barry Dunleavy, and vice-presidents, Harry HeinzI and Basil Reinhardt. The division was necessary b e ­ cause of the unprecedented number of boys which have showed an interest in the club. At present there are approximately one hundred and fifty active members. This great success is due mainly to the efforts of Brother David Albert, who has moderated the club since its inception.



I. R. C. For the second straight year the Inter­ national Relations Club has been under the expert guidance of Mr. John Harbison, sen­ ior social studies teacher. With the exclusive senior enrollment of the club, an interested student may find a haven for mature dis­ cussion of world events with his fellow men of La Salle. Development of student interest in na­ tional and international events is the pri­ mary motive of the I.R.C. The members of this activity, which is in conjunction with the Problems of Democracy course, further their classroom knowledge by delving in more detail, by the use of films and discus­ sion periods, into political and national problems of the complex society in which they dwell.


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ALUM N I Membership in the La Salle High Alumni AssociatTon becomes an inevitable honor to all students. Under the guiding hand of Brother Eliseus Joseph, the Alumni holds meetings at various times throughout the year, and an annual communion breakfast followed by the Home­ coming Day football game. The Alumni present the Joseph G. Ball Memorial Trophy to the top lineman of the Explorer eleven which was copped at its first presen­ tation by Tommy Yannessa.



MOTHERS’ CLUB Under the able presidency of Mrs. Jam es J. Osborne, the Mothers' Club with its many religious and social functions and activities, is one of the leading organizations at La Salle. Moderated by Brother G. Nicholas, the Mothers again sponsored the weekly Saturday night dances for the main pur­ pose of furthering a sound Christian education. The Fresh­ man Tea, the Christmas Party, the Day of Recollection, the Communion Breakfast, and the numerous card parties are among the many notable events held throughout the year. But as a lw a y s , the c ro w n in g achievement of the year is the memorable La Salle Night, a gala combination of card party and dance. 85















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For over ten years there has existed at La Salle an organization known as the “ Men of La Salle.” The main pur­ pose of the Father's Club is to promote a better understanding among the boys, the parents, and the faculty and also to advance financial aid to those stu­ dents who otherwise wouldn't attend La Salle. Fun and entertainment for the men was furnished by the Freshman Father’s Night, the Barn Dance, the Father and Son Banquet, and Champs Night, given in honor of the Championship Football Team. Besides these worthwhile activi­ ties in which it voluntarily engages, members of the club also enjoy them­ selves at various social functions spon­ sored throughout the year. This year's club is under the direction of Brother F. Joseph and President Mr. James Quinn.




PROMS After many months of preparation and impatient waiting, the zenith of the sen­ ior social season was finally reached. On the most appropriate date of the year. Saint Valentine's night, seniors and their lovely dates danced to the continuous music of George Summers at beautiful Philmont Country Club. As he has done consistently in the past. Brother G. Thomas once again arranged a most enchanting evening for the de­ parting seniors. Trips to local night spots and large parties which were enjoyed by all, gave the unforgettable evening the finishing touch, and didn’t end until all participants were filled with mem­ ories which w ill last for quite some time to come.



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Bock Bow; Joe M ignotti, Bill Regli, Bob W ilkin , Don Sandm an. M iddle Row: Wolt Rellish, Coach Fronk McFodden, Pete Noel, front Row: Frank Richardson, Bob Conner.

B O W L IN G The varsity bowling team, coached by Mr. Frank McFadden, ended the 1958 season with a log of 15 wins and 15 losses, the second best in the history of the school. The keglers were in the thick of the race for the Catholic League title until the last two weeks of the race when they were upset by Saint Joseph's. Dan Sandman set a school record for the total pins with his 374 against North Catholic topping the previous record of 361 set by Bill Regli this season. Graduating seniors are Joe Mignatti, Pete Noel, W alt Pellish, John Richardson, Bill Regli, and captain Bob Wilkin. The team has high hopes for next year with the return of starters Bob Conner and Dan Sandman.


SENIOR FIVE (left to right): Jim McMonagle, John Brogan, Jerry Cosgrove, W a y n e Kullman and Al Solecki.

BASKETBALL For the first time in thirteen years, Obie O’Brien failed to lead his LaSalle basketball squad to the Palestra for the Catholic League playoffs. Nevertheless, the 13-8 overall record wns a tribute to Obie in developing an inexperienced squad into a well-rounded, hard-fight­ ing team. The consistent scoring of Jerry Cos­ grove and John Brogan, the overpower­ ing rebounding of Jim McMonagle, and the excellent play-making and defen­ sive work of Al Solecki and W ayne Kullman combined with the reserve power of talented substitutes to enable the Ex­ plorers to open the Catholic League sea­ son with victories over their five Northern Division opponents. The rampage continued as the LaSalle five started its Southern Division tour with a 52-50 triumph over a favored, unbeaten West Catholic squad on the Burrs’ home court. Bishop Neumann High, eventual league champions, ended the Blue and Gold streak with a 63-54 upset. Saint James, Saint Thomas, and Monsignor Bonner took advantage of this first downfall and handed the Explorers con­ secutive defeats. They rebounded with an overtime win over Cardinal Dougherty High and fol­ lowed this with three more in a row, in­ cluding another decision over division­ leading Father Judge High School. They failed to beat North Catholic for a sec­ ond time in the regular season finale, but their 10-5 log earned them second place in the Northern Division. How­ ever, a league rule, adopted just this year says the second and third place teams in the Northern Division must have a preliminary play-off on a neutral court to determine the final Palestra berth. This pitted La Salle against North Catholic for the third time this year. With two minutes remaining in the final period of this game, the score was tied at 44; North stalled until the final seconds, when Eddie Rotz started for the basket, took a shot, but missed; but a foul was called. Rotz was given two free throws, while LaSalle was given two seconds. The Explorers could do nothing after Rotz converted both shots. Thus for the third year in a row, LaSalle ended its season with a heart­ stopping game with North Catholic. 113


J.V. BASKETBALL The junior varsity, under the able direction of Coach Charles “ O bie” O ’Brien, Jr., showed great promise and w o n their first seven games, before lo sin g in overtime to Father Judge. Their record was a respectful 11-8. The team consisted of Bob Smith, Bob Moran, P h il Sullivan, “ O die” O ’Donnell, Bill G arb e rin a, Stan Stanczak, Ed Kelly, H a rv e y Appleton, and Ray Kuss.

Diligent practice and top-notch coaching once again enabled the La Salle High Crew to become Philadelphia City Champions, holder of the Flick Trophy, and contenders for national schoalboy honors. Mr. George Hines began his second season as head coach, welcoming many talented newcomers, as well as several ex­ perienced lettermen. Aided by Brother Claude, Mr. Hines developed smooth-working combinations for all his shells. Herb Swinburne, Tom Dougherty, Matt Ledwith, and Boyd Mclivaine joined veterans Tom Boyle, Bob Smith, Connie Cun­ ningham, and John Osborne in the varsity eight-oared shell, which attempted to remove Saint Joseph Prep from its Catholic League throne. John Lehman replaced Ray Walsh as coxswain. Walsh moved over to the Varsity Four, directing Vince Walters, Dave Muir, Joe Crowley, and Bob Leary. Butch Kelly and Randy Wise rowed doubles.


TRACK As the starter's gun signalled the beginning of the 1958 track season, an inexperienced squad with only a few returning lettermen were the only hopes for o good season. However, all fears were dis­ pelled after the Explorers romped to victory in their first meet. Through the efforts of Mr. Harbison and Brother F. William they had been molded into a formidable foe for any opposition they might face. The nucleus of the team was formed by E. Devinney, J. McMonogle, R. Primus, J. Brogan, A. Buben, F. Heckler, T. Ronan, J. Maxwell, J. Guinan, T. Elsasser, J. Volk, J. McDonald, H. O’Neil, E. Kelly, and E. Maguire.

GOLF Touring the links from early April until late M ay, the La­ Salle Golf Team had its eye on the Catholic League trophy now held by Father Judge High School. A fourteen game schedule featured their first season at Sandy Run Country Club in Oreland. M an y returning lettermen strengthened the squad. Veterens Jo e Paul, John Simone, Rod Ryan, George Moser, and Jim McGinnis joined newcomers Bob Faraco, Tom Callan, Hugh M cGee, Frank Sulzbach, and W a lt V an Buren as the charges of Brother G. Thomas for 1958. 136

Copping second place in the expanding Catholic League, the La Salle tennis team exhibited marked improvement over last year in rolling to victories over defending champion Monsignor Bonner, West Catholic, and Cardinal Dougherty. First-year coach Brother F. Bernardine moulded the netmen into a smooth-working sextet. Return­ ing lettermen Pete Kerney and Ed Stehel held down the singles chores aided by underclassmen Rich Miehle and Dave Bruce. Bill Madden and Neil Hopkins teamed up for doubles.

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/ BASEBALL For the second year in a row, Coach John Hricinak has developed his LaSalle High nine into top contenders for the coveted Catholic Baseball League crown. Re­ turning with a wealth of hitting and field experience, the Explorers' big problem appeared to be a supposed lack of pitching material. However Steve Clayback, Bob Wilkin, and Wayne Kullman filled this gap with some very impressive early-season wins. Some open­ ing-game errors were ironed out by Mr. Hricinak and Moderator Brother Gervald John. Long practice ses­ sions brought the batting power to full strength. All eyes were then set on Connie Mack Stadium and the chance to represent the recently-expanded League in the City Title tilt.

IN T R A M U R A L S Introducing new and varied sports, Brother D. Jeremy guided the intramural athletic program to its most successful season. The Fall slate was highlighted by the introduction of soccer to the roster. The experiment proved popular, and great rivalries developed, as the Junior Department captured the first title. 4C, 3E, 2F, and ID took first honors in the one-day cross-country meets. 4C and 3E repeated their championships during the football season, with 2D and IE joining them in the winners' circle. 3E continued its domination of the Junior Department with a bowling title. 4E, 2C, and IF also earned banners at the alleys. 4E made it two in a row, gaining the crown in the senior basketball loop. 3A finally stopped 3E for the third-year title. 2D and ID came through with cage championships. Softball, Track, and Tennis were included in the Spring phase of the program.





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Farewell^Alma Mater v lf i:

The 1958 Blue and Gold Staff EDITOR ...................................................................... Jim Young ASSISTANT ED IT O R S......................... John Mahon, Jo e Downey ASSO C IA TES.............................Edward Solvibile, Ronald Giletti ART .........................................................................Ray Pentzell CONTRIBUTORS: Ed Devinney, Tom Giannini, Joe Lodge, W alt Pellish, John Scocca, Jim Siravo, Bill Strobel, and George Ward. FACULTY ADVISER..................................... Mr. Gerald Tremblay

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ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The staff and the moderator extend thanks: Mr. Joseph Moran, whose guidance and assistance proved invaluable; Mike Maicher, for photographic excellence exhibited in all the pictures in this book; Dan Solari, without his expert help this book would be less successful; Mr. Joseph Durenzi and Mr. Carl Wolf, for their cooperation and portraiture; Brother E. Francis, principal; Misses Celeste Wagner and Maureen Byrne, for their aid and work in our behalf; the LaSalle faculty, whose cooperation and encouragement were unfailing; Our patrons, whose generosity exeeded all previous bounds.


HONORED PATRONS Mr. J . Accardi Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Bogle Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F. Boscoe Mr. John Boyle Mr. and Mrs. Neil G. Breen Mrs. George Brennan Mr. and Mrs. John F. Burt Mr. and Mrs. W illiam J. Clements, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Michael Connelly Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Conway The Cusack Family Mr. and Mrs. Ovid D’Ambrosio Dr. and Mrs. A. S. Damiani Mrs. A. D’Arcy Mr. Denis R. Deasy Mr. and Mrs. Donald D. DelManzo Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Devinney Dr. and Mrs. Adrian H. Donaghue Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Dziadosz Mr. Max Eirich Mrs. Harry Eustace Mrs. Lawrence Everling The Fellenz Family Mr. and Mrs. J. Raymond Fitzpatrick Mrs. Jam es J. Flynn Mr. and Mrs. Leo J. Ford Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Foley A Friend Mr. J. Fylypowycz Mr. John J. Gallatig Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Gallo Mr. and Mrs. Giorgione Mr. Victor S. Gittens, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Otto J. Glaser Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Gontram Mr. and Mrs. W alter Gozdan Mr. and Mrs. Amil Gumula Mr. and Mrs. Harry L. Haeberle Mrs. A. Hamilton Mr. Joseph Hannabach Dr. and Mrs. Emil L. Harasym Mr. and Mrs. Norman J. Hare Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Hartnett Mr. and Mrs. August Helwig Mr. and Mrs. W alter J . Horn Mr, and Mrs. Charles Hubbs Mr. and Mrs. John Incarvito Francis Jankowski Mrs. Austin E. Jones W . A. Kavanaugh Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M. King Mr. and Mrs. John A. Kelly Mr. John J. Kelly Mr. and Mrs. Harrison D. Kornbau Mr. and Mrs. Frank J . Ledwith Mr. and Mrs. Joseph D. Lodge

The McCann Family Mr. and Mrs. J. McConnell Mrs. Cornelius McGillicuddy Right Reverend Msgr. Charles B. McGinley Mr. Charles J. Mclivaine Mr. and Mrs. Neal McKelvey Mr. and Mrs. John McShain Dr. and Mrs. Thomas F. McTear Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Mahon Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Mahoney Dr. and Mrs. C. H. Makowski Mr. and Mrs. Frank Martin Mr. Frank Martin Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas J. Masington Mr. William Maxwell Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Meier The Metrick Family Mr. and Mrs. Augus|>H. Miehle Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Ailignatti L. R. Moore Mr. and Mrs. Nick Noel Nolen and Swinburne The O'Neill Family The Pagan Family Mr. and Mrs. Galdino Primus Mr. George J. Putz, Sr. and Family Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Pyle Mr. Thomas J. Quinlan, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. A. Quinn Mr. and Mrs. James W . Quinn, II Mr. and Mrs. John Fj Richardson and Dorothy Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F. Robb Mr. and Mrs. George J. Roletter Mr. and Mrs. P. F. Scally' Mr. Kenneth Shaw Mr. Richard Simmers Mr. and Mrs. John C. Singer Mr. and Mrs. Dominic A. Solvibile Mrs. Ruth L. Sullivan Mr. and Mrs. Edward Swietlik Mr. Wilfred Vaudreuil Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Vitale Mr. and Mrs. Joseph G. Walker Mr. and Mrs. James J. W allace Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Wallace Mr. and Mrs. John E. Walsh, Jr. Mr. R. J. Walther Mr. Joseph P. Wargo Mr. and Mrs. Walter F. Weis Mr. Harry J. Weiss Mr. and Mrs. John J. White Mr. Leo A. Wiedmann and Family Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wochok Mr. and Mrs. Reginald W ray Dr. and Mrs. Edward A. Wroblewski Mr. and Mrs. John J. Young




Almo Radio 913 Arch St.

Mailing Service, Inc. 4017 Ludlow St.

Ambrose and Augusterfer Corp. Mechanical Contractors

Carl Metz, Builder 766 York Road, Jenkintown, Pa.

Arch Sewing Machine Co. 534 Arch St.

Murray-Go-Round 137 W . Chelten Ave.

“ Bars-Leaks” 204 King Ave., Harrisburg, Pa. Belmac Tavern 2419 Germantown Ave. Jim Bradley's Country Tavern Cottman and Bustleton Aves. Chadmore Formal W ear 1605 Moore St. D & K Industries, Inc. 176 W. Wellens Ave. O'Angelo Bros. Contractors, Inc. 68 E. Bringhurst St. McCafferty Ford Langhorne, Pa. Harry L. Frieman Insurance Agency 7217 Marshall Rd., Upper Darby P. A. T. Fusco, Masonry Contractors 44 Greystone Rd., Ambler, Pa. F. Herrera Barber Shops 3421 Conrad St. — 4168 Ridge Ave. Jules Gendaszek, Limousines 3015 Edgemont St. HIMC Investment Co. 6158 Limekiln Pike

Northern Auto Parts 2023 Orthodox St. Norwood Diner 620 Chester Pike, Norwood, Pa. O'Donnell's Bar and Restaurant 4948-50 N. Broad St. O'Reilly and White, Inc. Haverford and Narberth Aves. Thomas Pileggi Estate, Excavating Contractor 212 W . Mt. Carmel Ave., Glenside, Pa. Presco Supply Co. Philadelphia, Pa. Oliver Roman Masonry Contractors 1402 E. Mermaid Lane, Wyndmoor, Pa. Joseph C. Saile, Auto Repairs 2729-39 W. Cabot St. Schwarzwald Inn 194 W . OIney Ave. Francis Siergiej 2619 Edgemont St. Albert Steinberg and Company 2520 N. Broad St.

Hull Erecting Co., Inc. Huntingdon and Sepviva Sts.

Town and Country Roofing and Siding Co. 1351 E. High St.

1C& S Cafe 6080 Ridge Ave.

Paul Vagnoni, Carpenter-Contractor 1100 E. Hortter St.

Laman-Loesche Supply Co. 700 S. 2nd St.

Victor Dye Works, Inc. Tulip and Westmoreland Sts.

Luty Printing Service 5012 Old York Road

George A. Ward — Diamonds and Jew elry 725 Sansom St.

Daniel J. Madden — Insurance Public Ledger Bldg.

Harold Webster— Farmers' Market 18th and Ridge Ave.


SO C IA L Raym ond E. Adam s A g in Fam ily M r. and Mrs. S. J. A ita M rs. Augustine A s ia B ackauskas Fam ily M r. an d Mrs. Bernard L. Balizet M r. and Mrs. W illia m Baltra M r. and Mrs. Barnett M r. and Mrs. H arry T. Bauerle, Jr. Beadle Fam ily Mrs. Jennie L. Becher M ike Becher M r. and Mrs. Charles A . Beitz Paul B iggans Mrs. Paul Biggans Mrs. M arie Black D. Ellen Blees M r. an d Mrs. Edw ard Bornak Dr. and Mrs. F. Boland M r. and Mrs. Robert J. Bothwell Joe Boyle's C afe Jam es Brannigan M r. and Mrs. F. J. Breslin M r. an d Mrs. E. J. Brett Mr. H. Brewer Sherm an P. Britt Mrs. John Brogan C atherine Brongo M argaret A . Bryan M r. and Mrs. A . Buben Joseph Bucci Bush Motor Com pony M r. ond Mrs. John Butkovich Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Butler M r. an d Mrs. Charles Y . Butterworth M r. an d Mrs. B. Byrnes M r. and Mrs. A lv in C. Cannon C a p ri Restaurant Rev. Joseph J. Carroll M r. Henry Cattle J. M . C eglelkow ski Mr. and Mrs. How ard Chase M r. and Mrs. V o ln ey Cheney M rs. J. Chesco C icalese Fam ily M r. an d Mrs. John P. C la rk , Jr. John Cogan M r. Louis Colantuono M r. an d Mrs. D aniel Colucci M r. an d Mrs. John Convey M rs. M. T. Cook M r. and Mrs. Vincent D. Coonahan Mr. an d Mrs. Peter Corra John W . Coyle M r. and Mrs. John Coyle M r. ond Mrs. John P. C oyle Pat Cronin Dennis P. Crow ley P. E. Cundy M r. ond Mrs. Frank J. Cunninghom


Mr. and Mrs. Stanley J. Cym bor Mr. and Mrs. Jam es Higgins Mr. ond Mrs. Herbert J. Hipp John CzarneckI M iss M ary F. Hilferty Mr. and Mrs. John D aylor Mr. and Mrs. Edw ard J. Hogan Mr. and Mrs. Edw ard E. Delp John Hogan Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Diomond Mr. and Mrs. Frank DeMarco and Family R. C la rk Hopkins Mr. and Mrs. Jom es P. Horan Mr. and Mrs. David McDermott Mr. and Mrs. W illio m R. Hester Thomas F. Devlin Mr. and Mrs. W. A . Huhn Domenick DiFalco Mr. John P. Hynes Peter DiFalco Elinor L. Hynes Mr. ond Mrs. J. Donahue D avid Jenkins Mr. and Mrs. Joseph H. Donahue Dr. and Mrs. B. W . Jenkins Mr. and Mrs. J. V . Donohue Kaczur Family Mr. ond Mrs. Thomas J. Donohue Mrs. Sophia Koutz Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Donohue, Jr. John Kelly Mr. and Mrs. Wm. R. Doran Rev. Joseph D. K elly Reverend Vincent J. Doyle Mr. and Mrs. John J. Kennedy Mr. and Mrs. George Dudzek Peter J. Kerney Miss S. P. Dunleavy Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Kerney W illia m J. Eckles Mr. ond Mrs. Thomas Kilroy and Fam ily The Ehnow Fam ily Louis Konowal Francis C. Eksterowicz, M.D. Mr. W alter Kropp Mr. and Mrs. John M. Elias Mr. ond Mrs. S. Krzeminski Ellie 'n A l *n Susie Roymond J. Kuss Larry Everling Anthony and A n n a Labrozzi Mr. and Mrs. W illia m E. Fahy Chipper Labrozzi Edw in J. Feeny Mr. ond Mrs. W illia m F. Lafferty Francis and Jock Feret Mr. W illiam F. Lafferty, *55 Mr. ond Mrs. John J. Flood Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lamb Mr. and Mrs. John V . Flynn Mr. and Mrs. John Larkin, Sr. Joseph and Regina Flynn Mrs. Irene S. Laverty Mrs. Edwin Forrest Mrs. J. M. Lawlor Mr. and Mrs. Harry J. Foster Mrs. Helen M. Leary John J. Friel Mr. ond Mrs. John Leinheiser Helen Friedman Mr. and Mrs. C. Leith A Friend Mr. and Mrs. Stonley W. Lewandowski A Friend Mr. Reuben Lobley A Friend W illia m H. Logan Helen R. Foti Joseph Lutz Mr. and Mrs. J. F. G allag h e r M aurice Lynch and Fam ily How ard G uarin i Miss Agnes McCann Thomas A. G allogh er Mr. and Mrs. Jam es A . Gannon, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Edw ard McElligott Mr. and Mrs. Timothy McGee Rocco G eorgia Rt. Rev. Msgr. Chorles B. M cGinley Rev. Jam es W. Gibbons, DD., LL.D. Mrs. M ary Giletti Mr. and Mrs. Jam es J. M cGinnis Mr. ond Mrs. Thomas McGorry M r. ond Mrs. Cliff M. G ille sp ie Mrs. R. Glover Miss Catherine McNamara Mr. and Mrs. J. P. McNichol Mr. and Mrs. R. G izinski Miss Jonis Mahoney Misses Anne and Betty G odshall Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mahoney Mr. and Mrs. Harry G odshall Mr. W illia m R. M ay Mr. Charles Grant Miss M ary Adele P. Mayor Mr. and Mrs. Graviss John Andrew Meyer John G u in a n , Jr. Mrs. Eleanor T. Minecci Mr. and Mrs. M ichael Gumrot Mr. and Mrs. John A. Mitchell Mrs, Kathryn Hahf Dr. an d Mrs. Paul R. M irag lia Mrs. J. V . Harris Mr. ond Mrs. Froncis Heckler and Family Bob Mitek Mr. and Mrs. John HeinzI C. A . Moore John and Bob Moran M r. and Mrs. Frank Herron


Mr. and Mr$. John J. Moran

James Pickord

Magistrate John Morlock

Mr. Robert V . Pickard

Morris Fam ily

Dr. and Mrs. Michael Primiano

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Mortimer

The Reckner Fam ily

Mrs. John M. Muir

Mr. and Mrs. Peter Reilly

John M. Muir Mr. and Mrs. James H. Muntz Mr. and M is. Thomos Murphy Mr. and Mrs. Owen L. Murray Mr. and Mrs. Albert Manners Mr. and Mrs. C. K. Nash Nicolaus Family Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Niessen Mrs. Norman Oesch Mr. and Mrs. Patrick O 'G ara Mr. and Mrs. John F. O 'N eill Mrs. Joseph O 'N eill Joseph J. Orkwiszewski Mr. and Mrs. Jam es J. Osborne Mrs. V on A. Oswald Mr. and Mrs. W illia m O'Shea Mr. and Mrs. Fred J. Ostertag, Jr. Frank Pagano Mr. ond Mrs. Vincent G. Panati Rev. Francis Palecki Mrs. Joseph Park Mrs. Helen Pelligrini Ann Pellish Mr. and Mrs. W alter Pellish Joseph Pensabene Mr, and Mrs, R. C. Pentzell Mr. and Mrs. Stanley J. Perzanowski Philadelphia Financial Baseball League Miss M arie Phillips

Mrs. Sarah Reilly Joseph Reitano Joseph Reitano Mr. ond Mrs. P. Riccio Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Rider Mr. and Mrs. Ridgway Anthony Risi Mr. Anthony Risi, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Rodgers Mr. and Mrs. John Rogalski Mr. and Mrs. Rothwell David Rothwell W. Miles Ryan John Schamenek Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Schmalback Mr. Heiman Schmidt John Schmitt Mr. Robert T. Schmitt Scocca Fam ily Mr. and Mrs. John J. Seeber Joseph R. Sharpe, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. W illia m Sharpe Mr. Frank Shay Mr. and Mrs. Frank A . Sher Mr. Joseph Simonetti Mrs. Joseph Simonetti Mr. C. M. Smith Mr. ond Mrs. Joseph P. Spetzer Catherine R. M. Singleton

Leo Siw ek Mr. a n d Mrs. Stanley Slovitsky Smith Fomily Jomes F. Smyth, Jr. Mr. a n d Mrs. John S. Smith Mr. a n d Mrs. Thomas Spognola Mr. a n d Mrs. T. W . Spicer Mr. a n d Mrs. Joseph L. Stone R. L. Stott Mr. a n d Mrs. D avid Sullivan and Fam ily Mr. a n d Mrs. Stefan Tabaczynski Student Council of La Salle Mrs. Samuel Tancredi Mr. a n d Mrs. A . L. Tervalon, Sr. Mr. a n d Mrs. Edw ard Tonkinson Mr. a n d Mrs. Richard Tragem ann Mrs. Walter V an Buren Mr. a n d Mrs. Joseph Volk Mr. a n d Mrs. W illia m W addington Mr. ond Mrs. Stephen W alloce Mr. an d Mrs. John L. W a ll Jam es J. Walls Mr. an d Mrs. W illia m W alsh Mr. an d Mrs. Vincent W aiters Mr. an d Mrs. Frank Wesh Mr. and Mrs. Henry F. W halen Mr. Ruth C. W hitem an Mrs. Agnes W iggins Mr. and Mrs. Robert W ilkin W illia m W illiam s Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. W ilson Mr. an d Mrs. Frances C. W oodring Kenneth J. Woodring Alb ert J. Zilligen

S O C IA L BU SIN ESS P A T R O N S A lta's Grocery 2 1 0 Penn St,, Bristol, Pa.

Carmet Realty Com pany 766 York Road, Jenkintown, Pa.

Finnesey Body Com pany 8 1 1 N. Toney St.

Fenton A lgard and Co. 1 2 5 Rockland St.

Chmiel's Tavern 2 6 1 7 E. Westmoreland St.

Hellerman and Sackett Sts.

A lpino 's Restauront 5 0 3 3 Torresdale Ave.

Joseph Condello and Sons Chestnut Hill

Atlas Casket Compony

Cooney Brothers, Inc. S. W. Corner Fifth & Dauphin Sts.

How ard M. Beckef, Florist 4644 N. Fifth St.

Corcoron's Grocery A and W ishart Sts.

Stanley M. Bednarek Real Estate and Insurance Broker 2 6 0 7 E. Allegheny Ave.

Vincent DeLuccia and Son V iolin Making and Repairing 12 3 0 S. Thirteenth St.

Haussmonn's Pharmacy 6th St. ond G irard Ave.

Vince Blaszczyk Cofe Franklinville, N. J.

Joseph M. Downey, Reol Estate 5 6 1 1 Chew SI.

W illia m C. A . Henry, Esq. 1 9 0 1 PSFS Building

Buck Hotel

Downs Brothers 338 N. Randolph St.

H ill Cycle Shop 8 1 3 5 Germantown Ave.

Dr. Robert F. G allag h e n , D.D.S.

Bustleton Pike, Feosterville, Pa.


P. J. Giannini, Inc. 2 2 E. Lancaster, Ardm ore, Pa. John F. Hagerty, Funeral Director 2 3 2 4 North Broad St. Paul G. Hagerty, Funeral Director 2 3 2 1 West Lehigh Ave.

Pete's Tonsorial Pailor

John F. Igoe Plu m b in g , H eating and Contractor 1 9 8 W . A sh d ale St.

P h ilad e lp h ia , Pa. Jerry Pellegrini Registered Plumbing and Heating 2 4 2 7 E. Somerset St.

M r. Anton Kautz 1 0 0 4 Cottman A ve.

Ph ilodelp hia Rudder Club Ph ilad e lp h ia, Pa.

M r. Thom as F. Kerney M e chan ical Engineer 4 5 2 4 N . R e ts . SI.

Pino's H a ir Stylist 5 0 8 1 W h ilake r Ave.

M a rcit W ire W orks 5 4 6 N . 6 lh SI. M cCloskey and Jen n in gs H ardw are York Rd. & Fa lrh ill St., W illo w Grove, Pa.

R. P. Price, Real Estate 2 6 6 2 E. A lleg h en y Ave.

Rich's W yom ing Lunch 2 5 5 3 N. Fairh ill Si.

Joseph P. M cLoughlin W estern Savin gs Fund Building

Anthony B. Roman, D.D.S. 2 6 5 7 E. A lle g h en y A ve.

Joe M cMonus, Used Cars A ra m in g o an d G ira rd A ve.

Dr. Gilbert Rubin 6 3 2 5 *'A" Rising Sun Ave.

Peg O 'D onnell 5 0 1 5 N . Sydenham St.

Singer Brothers Stores Brislol-Fairless H ills Sw iclerski School of Music 8 5 9 E. A llegheny Ave. Thom as T.V, 5 8 0 9 Rising Sun Ave. Trons-Am ericon Freight Lines 5 5 0 1 Umbria St. Taylor's M ilk Com pany

Q uinn's Deep Right Field Cafe 20th St. and Lehigh Ave.

K e lly and M cG in le y, Distributors 5 4 4 E. V a n K irk Si.

Scott Personnel Service 2 4 0 M ill SI., Brislol, Pa.

Virnelson's Bakery, Inc. Hutchinson and Thompson Sts. W aco Scaffolding Co. 6 6 1 2 Limekiln Pike W alter the Tailor 3 3 5 5 Norih 5lh S i. W ilk in 's Esso Service Stenton Ave. and Ellet St,

M. E. Osieck, Funeral Director 1 6 2 6 Berks Si.

Russo Brothers, Excavation and Grading 1 3 3 9 W oodbine Ave. W indrim Pharmacy Penn V a lle y , Narberth, Pa. W indrim and Lindley Aves.

Poul's Cleaners 2 3 7 0 E. N orris Si.

George W . Scheetz, Inc. 8 2 0 0 Germ antown Ave.

W illia m J. W olf, Upholsterer 8 3 7 E. Chellen A ve.

B U SIN ESS PA TR O N S Achuff's Flowers 4 4 7 Fern Street

Frank Beck, Cleaners and Dyers 2 4 3 5 Somerset St.

Cecelia Boris 3 0 5 Carson St.

A d a m s One*Hour Cleaners 7 9 6 0 Veree Rood

Best's Barber Shop 6 7 1 7 Ogontz Ave.

John Boyle 84 3 N. 2 5 lh SI.

M r. an d M rs. W illia m E. Aherne

Big B ill's Sandw ich Shop

Bradley's Groom Shop Ogontz and Chelten Ave.

1 5 2 5 Wordsworth Ave. A . W . Arnold 5 9 0 1 2 1 s i ^1.

B ill's G u lf Station W issahickon Ave. & Manheim St.

Robert D. Breth Organization

Dominick Biondo

Therman P. Britt, Esq. 1 1 4 0 Wheatsheaf Lane

1 7 2 8 Cherry SI.

A rty Brothers R aym ond H. Aucott, Real Estate 4 9 4 6 Germ antow n Ave. B acch ia's M arket De K a lb Pike, East Norristow n, Pa. Fronk J. B ain g er Louis A . B eary, Lathing and Plastering 1 6 2 7 E. Eyre St.

1 4 0 1 Church Si.

Bruce's Formal W ear Bob and Pat's Esso Service Center York Rd. an d Rubicam A ve., W illo w Grove 1 1 2 4 Walnut St, Joseph Bodner, Bodnar's Bar Bridge St. and Roosevelt Blvd.

M argaret M. Bryan

Frederick J. Bohrer, Realtor 3 1 1 4 N. From Si.

Jam es M. Cam pbell Funeral Home 5 0 0 E. Benner St.



2 8 0 1 N. Lee SI.

Compbetl Limousine Service 36 Ashmeod Place North

4th and Berks St.

Fighting Fish Hatchery 3 14 4 Richmond St.

The Cam pus Store La Salle College

Doilas Market 7 1 3 1 N. 20th SI.

Finney Beverage Co. 6 3 3 2 Rising Sun Ave.

A lv in C. Cannon, Insurance 2 4 3 1 Geneva A ve., Glenside

Davis Fam ily 15 0 M ayland St.

The C a p ita l Savings A Loan Assn. 3 1 1 6 N. Front St.

Edwin E. Czanneck

Fischer's Pastry Shop 8 0 13 Castor Ave.

Davis Paint and Hobby Shop 6 2 2 4 Germantown Ave.

Edward Flonagan

Mr. and Mrs. George Carrol Cates and Shepard 4 0 1 N. Broad $1.

Christian A. Fisher Du Bois O il Co., Colm or, Pa.

Dawson’s G u lf Station Chew, Wiston and OIney Ave.

John F. Fluehr and Sens 3301

Alex Cazzizzi Tailors

Bob Dean’s G ulf Station Greene and Rittenhouse Sts.

Cham pion Auto Service 4 3 0 1 C la rissa St.

Di Leila 4 6 4 7 Umbria St.

Mrs. Moe Char 2 6 3 9 Norm andy Dr.

Di Lorenzo Pharmacy 30 1 W ashington St., Bristol, Pa.

Charle's Cleaners 14 6 Nedro St.

Doehne's Dress Shop 6 3 1 0 Rising Sun Ave.

Chet*s Barber Shop 2 8 6 7 H uim ville Road

Dornoch Kennels — Scotties 7 8 1 5 Linden Rd., Wyndmoor, Pa.

Chippy's Barber Shop 7 9 6 9 Castor Avo.

Dot's Bakery 4 1 7 8 Germantown Ave.

C lark'H op kins Equipment Corp. M ontgom eryville, Pa.

Joseph M. Downey, Real Estate 5 6 1 1 Chew St.

Class 3B

W illia m C. Dudek, M.D. 4 2 2 5 M anayunk Ave.

Cottman Ave.

Flourtown Cleaners 15 0 1 Bethlehem Pike Forrest Service Station 5 5 0 3 Mascher St. Fox Foundry and Supply Co. 2 6 2 7 East York St. Tony Frank and Sons 4 5 2 9 N . 5th St. W illia m J. Franklin 2 8 1 7 Kensington Ave. M urray Friedlonder, Jew eler 12 6 S. 8th St.

John J. Coleman 5044*46 W ayne Ave.

Duva's Sandwich Shop Germantown Ave. and Coulter St.

Connie's Gulf Station Edge H ill and Jenkintown Rds. Jenkintow n, Pa.

Diw a's Sandwich Shop 5 3 5 6 Germantown Ave.

Console Bakery 1 5 6 Hermitage St.

W illia m L. Eckles 7 3 4 8 Biadford St.

Joseph D. Conti Cosa*Conti Restaurant, Glenside, Pa.

Eddie's Barber Shop 15 4 8 E. Berks St.

Continental Beauty Salon 1 3 3 York Rd.

Edmund's Pharmacy Levick and Cardiff Sts.

Robert M. Copeland, Realtor

Ed's Market

Feasterville, Pa.

79 6 4 Verree Rd.

Cop p ola-A rcara Real Estate Co. 1 2 E. Glenside A ve., Glenside, Pa.

Mr. Arthur Faust

Costella Brothers 2 2 n d an d Spring Garden Sts.

Feeney's Nursery

Larry's Cafe 2 5 6 7 E. Ontario St. La S alle College High School Cafeteria 20th St. and OIney Ave. La Salle College Cafeteria Leonard Hall Law ndale Shoe Store 64 33 Rising Sun A ve. Lenny's Barber Shop 19 4 0 Cottman St. Leonard Delicatessen 8000 Horrochs St. Morris Levenson, Ph.D. 5 20 0 N. 15th St. Linn Cleaners 2 10 0 S. 15th St.

2 10

Butler and Ferrigno Lithographic Co., Inc.

Bickley Rd.

5 2 2 3 Belfleld Ave. Compliments of a Friend

Feasterville, Pa.


Furey and Donohue 1 3 3 3 W . Lindley A ve.

Heim 's Market 4 6 2 5 Princeton Ave.

Lewis Klein, Pharmacist 2 4 0 5 E. Somerset St.

G & M O ptical lab orato ries 4 5 5 4 W ayn e A ve.

Helen's Shop 6 0 7 2 Ridge Ave.

Klingel-W ilson-Schm id, Realtors 8 2 2 W. Lehigh Ave.

Dr. H. C. Hessdorfer 7 0 3 2 Ogontz Ave.

Koehler and Sons Lincoln and Tauner, Hatboro

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Hickey 6 2 2 Levick St.

Edward Kohihepp S. E. 6th and Cumberlond St.

Mrs. Wm. Highes

Kornse Meat Market Bingham St. and Godfrey Ave.

G a lla g h e r, Inc. 1 5 1 5 5. Fifteenth St. Jam es A . G annon, Jr. John J. G a rve y 1 8 4 7 Seventy-second A ve. Mr. D a vid G arrison , Plum bing 1 1 0 Earl Lane G en eral D esign, Inc. 2 0 S. Fifteenth St. Germ antow n W a llp a p e r Com pany 4 2 0 0 Germ antow n A ve. Peter H. Gers, Funeral Director 5 0 0 W . Cheltenham A v e. G ille sp ie Funeral Home N . E. Cor. Greene a n d Logan Sts.

Italian V illa Cocktail Lounge 2 8 2 4 Cottman Ave. J. and B. Luncheonette 67th and Lansdowne Ave. Anthony J. Ja g ie lsk i, Jr. 2 6 3 3 E. A lle g h en y Ave. S. J. Jarechi 2 6 2 7 E. Lehigh Ave. Joe and Jean's Grocery

G iroud Flower Shop Jenkintow n, Pa. G iv n ish Funeral Home Fifth St. at Lindley A v e. J. F. GofFredo 1 4 0 5 Locust St.

Joe and Larry's Snack Shop 8006 Horrochs St. Joe's Bar 5 7 7 Jamestown St.

Mr. George Kozub 1 5 7 Brown St. Emil Wm. Krause 19 9 W. Sparks St. John J. Krystkiewicz Class '41 Kushin Realty Co. 2 8 1 4 Cottman St. Lahr's OIney Health Food Center 5 5 3 7 N. 6th St. Joseph Larkin Philadelphia, Pa. John C. Larkin, College Guidance 1 1 6 1 Herbert St.

Joe’s Bar and G rille 6 1 3 2 Melon St.

Logan Paint and Hardware Co. 4 9 2 7 N. Broad St.

Goodfriend and Kent, Inc., R exall Pharm acy 5 1 0 0 Germ antow n A v e.

Joe's Barber Shop 3 3 0 0 W ellington St.

M r. an d Mrs. Eugene A . G niew ek 2 7 1 1 - 1 3 E. A lle g h en y Ave.

John’s Food Market Cedar and Somerset St.

Stanley G rzyw in ski, Starry's Ice 10 9 Kenilw orth St.

K alin o ski’s Bar Shurs Lane and Pechin Sts.

Frank M. Gutow icz, Realtor 2 6 0 4 E. A lle g h en y A ve.

Matthew W. Kalkbrenner S. W . Cor. 16th and W ingohocking Sts. Mr. and Mrs. John Lyszkiewicz

Ham ilton Supply 1 0 2 Arde St.

John J. Kennedy, Architect North H ills, Glenside, Pa.

M and H Sporting Goods Co. 1 3 1 W. Chelten Ave.

H app an d Sons, Realtors Doylestow n, Pa.

Stanhorlyn Kennels, Springers 5 2 3 Philmont A ve., Trevose, Pa.

McCortney’s Bar Corner Front and Courtland Sts.

George J. H arkin s, C le a n in g 4 8 0 0 Breene St.

Kent Cleaners Feasterville, Pa.

C a rl V . McCarty 6 5 1 5 N. 2nd Street

John A . H e a le y, Funeral Director 2 3 0 2 5. 1 2 th St.

Kindy, Kaye and W enti Public Ledger Building

John McDonald— Limousines for Hire 2 5 1 3 Federal Street

Louis’ Fine Furniture 3 0 2 0 Germantown Ave.


A. LucidI Iron Works 2 7 1 1 Bridge St. E. Lyons Embroidery 6 3 1 2 Ogontz Ave.

Mc$hone's Caf«

Oak Lane Beverage Co.

3 3 0 0 Brighton St.

8th and O ak Lane

M ark L. Rottmann York Rd. and Ruscomb St.

Mobet’s Sweet Shop 6 4 4 7 Wyncote Ave.

O ld M ill Inn Hatboro, Pa.

Roxy Lumber Co. 3 2 6 DuPont St., Roxborough, Pa.

M acForland's Beauty Salon 7 1 4 9 Germantown Ave.

OIney Beer and Beverage 1 3 2 W . Tabor Rd.

Royol Arms Pharmacy, Inc. 4 2 8 5 Frankford Ave.

Edw a:d A . M aguire, Plumbing 4 Heating OIney Times 2 7 0 3 N. Fifth St. 1 3 3 5 Price St.

Chester Salwach 2 2 8 Plymouth A ve., O reland, Pa.

M ahoney's Amoco O ld 2n d St. above Grange St.

L. W. O sw ald Pharmacy Jenkintown, Pa.

Sam 's Delicatessen and Groceries 5 2 5 1 Germantown Ave.

M arcie's Cream Freeze

Picacdo's Furniture 2 9 2 3 -2 5 N 2 2n d St

Sattler Brothers Clothes 5 4 2 1 N. Sth St.

Joshua Rd. and Germantown Ave. M arpie and Clemens M artin's Pharmacy 9 1 9 E. Cayuga SI. M ickey's Candy Store 1 566 E. Berks St. M ike's Grocery 9 5 2 E. Woodlawn St.

Sovitz Pharmacy 7 1 2 1 Boyer St.

Pat's Barber Shop 6600 N. Uber St. Patterson's Gulf Station Germantown Ave. and Bethlehem Pike Podell's Pharmacy Stenton and 66th Ave.

M ike's T.V. Repair 2 4 4 3 E. Somerset St.

2 9 2 3 N. 22nd St.

Bob Mitek 3 1 3 4 N . Patton St.

D. Pintorio 4841 Germantown Ave.

H. R. Morgon Drugs 2 5 3 7 E. Clearfield St.

John P. Primiono, M.D. 2 1 2 8 S. 14th St.

Morrison's Drug Store 6 1 1 3 Ridge Ave.

Miss Jerildene Pluck

Morrison's Sporting Goods 6 1 1 5 Ridge Ave. Morton O il 6 0 20 Alm a Street Fred Mueller, Plastering 5 3 Horsham Rd., Hatboro, Pa. Mrs. C . H. Munchin Mrs. M ary Heenan & Bernadette Murphy

Frank B. Quinby 2 5 Maplewood Ave. Mr. and Mrs. Rapp 1 1 7 0 Sanger St. Reichel's Market 736 6 Frankford Ave. Rhawnhurst Laundromat 8 0 10 Castor Ave. Barber Shop 2 5 1 6 E. Somerset St.

Schmol's Delicatessen N. Sth St.


Bob Scholtz Atlantic Service Rising Sun and Godfrey Ave. Schumerich Carillon s, Inc. Sellersville, Pa. Joseph N. Sedor’s Pharmocy 4 6 5 4 Umbria St. Shaughnessy Padding 2 2 1 7 W. Atlantic St. Shopa's Luncheonette Fifth ond Brown Sts. Sarah Skorbek Skowronski Real Estate and Insurance 2 6 5 2 E. Allegheny Ave. Alexander Skylakon 2 6 2 0 Rhown St. Selena Slivovitz, Paris Modes 1 6 3 E. Sixty-third St., New York City Joseph Slowik Flower Shop 2 3 1 9 Foirmount Ave. Mrs. C. M. Smith

The Nicetones Nicholas, H air Styling 6 9 1 5 Germantown Ave. Joseph W illiam Nickels, Funeral Director 9 1 6 E. Chelten Ave. Nick's Shoe Service 4 1 2 8 Elbridge St. George Nicolaus, Insurance Public Ledger Building North City Press 4 3 5 W . Chew St. North Phila. Federal Savings 1 0 1 9 - 2 1 W. Lehigh Ave. Francis J. Nowak, Attorney 2 6 2 2 E. Allegheny Ave.

Ring's Drugs 5806 Rising Sun Ave.

John Smith 1 5 1 8 Chew St.

Rittenhouse Lumber & M illw otk Com pany Harry L. Smith, Landscaper yy. Rittenhouse St. 3 2 6 Hillsdale Ave.


Roberts' Mobil Station Jerry Snyder, Orchestras York Road and Rockway, Abington, Pa. 2102 Unruh Ave. Robert's Pharmacy 5001 C Street

M r. and Mrs. John A . Spellmon 6 9 4 7 W ilier St.

Rohach Realty Co., Inc. 1 3 2 1 W . Lindley Ave.

Dr. Gustav Spies, Eye Specialist West Ave. and York Road, Jenkintown

Romon Phormacy 8 0 16 Frankford Ave.

Stanwood Pharmacy 8 0 3 1 Bustleton Ave.

Ronan Motors, Inc. 5th St. and Allegheny Ave.

Stenton Beer Distributors 8 1 1 9 Stenton Ave.


Mr. H. B. Sternfeld 5 3 6 Shoem aker Rd., Elkins Park

Tony's Meat Market 6 5 5 0 Torresdale Ave.

M . W eiss and Sons

Jock Stretch's Restaurant Bridge and Oarrah Sts.

Tomaszewski Funeral Home 2 7 2 8 E. A llegheny Ave.

W eyfer’i Market 3 0 1 W . Godfrey Ave.

Suhlite Diner, Inc. Red Lion Rd. an d Bustleton A ve.

W illia m J. Torpey Doylestown, Pa.

W hite House Restauront 1 7 5 W . Wingohocklng St.

Tacconnell's Pizxeria 2 6 0 4 E. Somerset St.

Triangle Reolty Co. Benner and Devereaux Sts.

W hitem arsh V a lle y T.V. Service Flourtown, Pa.

Jam es E. Tague an d Co. 4 0 1 0 Germ antow n Ave.

Trio Cold Cuts 809 E. Chelten Ave.

W illia m W ible Ice and Coal 1 848 Tulip SI.

Sam uel J. Tancredi 16 th and Spruce Sts.

Vince's Shoe Service 3 3 0 1 Friendship St.

Robert P. W illiam s 2 1 9 E. Ph il-Ellen a St.

G . Parkhouse and Sons A b ington, Pa.

W alker C a d illa c Com pany, Inc. Jenkintow n, Pa.

W illo w Grove A ppliance and Records 5 8 N. York Rd., W illow Grove

Tem ple Past>y Shop 1 4 5 1 Vernon Rd.

W allach 's Food Market Lafayette H ill, Pa.

W illo w Grove Esso Servicenter York and Easton Rds., W illow Grove

Theresa's Card and G ift Shop 2 6 0 9 E. A lle g h en y Ave.

W alle r Motors, Inc. York and Harte Rds., Jenkintow n, Pr.

W illo w Grove Flower Shop 2 0 1 D avisville Rd., W illow Grove

Clayton H. Thomas 3 3 0 1 Ryan Ave.

W a lly's M obilgas Station Frankford and Rowland Aves.

A . W . Woltemate 3 4 5 E. Mt. A iry Ave.

Thom as' Pharm acy G reene and Hortter Sts.

W ard and W ard, Inc. 6 5 3 9 Roosevelt Blvd.

T h rifty-W a y G a s and O il Co. 8 1 3 5 Roosevelt Blvd.

Webb M anufacturing Com pany Fourth and Cam bria Sts.

John T illie an d Co. 1 7th and Federal Sts.

Mr. Adolph W eigand 1 1 6 0 Sanger St.

Tony's Cold Cuts Robbins A ve. and C ardiff St.

W eis Service Station Stenton Ave. and Haines St.

M r. an d Mrs. Stanley A bram czyk Mrs. M. A b ram uik Ace Cut Rate Stores Isabel Achuff D o lly Adam s Frank A d ler D ann y Affatato M ae Alberts M r. an d Mrs. J. Y. Albertson P h ilip M. Aedorasi Steve Ambrose A nthonys' Tavern Mr. an d Mrs. A . W . Appleton Ju liu s A ra b ia M ichael A rnold Mr. an d Mrs. John C. A rsenault Mr. and Mrs. A ndrew Audet Felix Autieri A nthony J. Autori B. an d G. Food M arket Mr. an d Mrs. Rusel Bacchi B a rb a ra Bajkow ska Buck's Bakery Rosem ary Barr Joseph L. Battaglini Mr. a n d Mrs. Russell Bauer M r. John W . Becher Mrs. J. W. Becher M r. a n d Mrs. John Behan

Mrs. Louise Beltramo Richord Belfatti Henry Bender Mrs. Adele Bernath Mr. and Mrs. How ard Berry Joseph J. Beruf Mr. Joseph Besse Robert Biggans Dr. BMIe Leon Blash Mr. and Mrs. Blaszczyk Mr. and Mrs. Fred L. Blocklenger, Jr. Joseph P. Blum Mr. and Mrs. E. Blyskal Leonard Bodo Mr. Louis Bodo Mrs. M adelon Bodo Frederick J. Bohrer, Jr. Joanne Bongiorno Mrs. W illia m Boral Joseph Bova Mrs. Bower M iss Elain e Bowers Peter Boyle Bradley's Gift Shop Helen Brandenburg Mr. and Mrs. Broufman Breitinger Jewelers Mr. and Mrs. Edmond L. Brett

6 1 6 1 Ridge A v e.

George P. Wormeck 8 1 0 7 Albion SI. Chester ZiernickI 4 1 7 3 Germantown Ave. M r. Stanley Zisk 1 4 0 4 S. 2nd St. M r. and Mrs. Htlario Zubia



John A . Brnich The Brogley's Mrs. Alice Brooke Raymond Brown Gertrude M. Bruckner Bucciero Pharmacy M r. D. Buccini D onald F. Byrne Mrs. James Byrnes M r. and Mrs. Daniel C ahill M r. and Mrs. Joseph Cahill M r. and Mrs. Thomas J. C a llan Barb ara C alrihew Bod Cannon M r. and Mrs. Frank D. Cannon Cantor's Pharmacy M r. and Mrs. Frank Carmody C a rp in e lla 's Paul R. Casey, M.D. Castor Delicatessen Joseph P. Cattle, Jr. Memory of A . J. Cavanaugh Mr>. M. C avanaugh Choo-Choo Inn M r. and Mrs. Paul Christian H arry Churn Farmers Market Stanley Cielesz W a lte r Cielesz C la ss 1A


Mr. and Mrs. C. W . Elsasser Mr. ond Mrs. Stephen Clayback Mr. ond Mrs. S. P. Clement Augusta Emhof Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Clements C arl J. Emhof A gnes Coll Harriette A . Emhof Anno Coll Mrs. M ary Engelhorn Catherine Coll Mr. and Mrs. Frank Engard C h a rl.s J. C ollins, Jr. Ervin’s General Store Mr. and Mrs. James Collins Mr. and Mrs. Victor J. Eschboch Dr. and Mrs. Nicholas Colosi Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Espenshade Mr. and Mrs. Earl P. Conner Esquire Drugs The Connells Jessica Evoniech Charles L. Conw ay Joseph Evoniech, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Cooper Mrs. Jeanette Evans Mrs. Marie Costello Thomas R. Evans, Sr. Miss Anne M. Coyle Fronkel Fabrics Mrs. W illiam Coyle Mrs. Nicholas Farizio M r. W illia m Coyle Mr. and Mrs. Fairm an Helen A . Crenny Rose Falkowski Mr. and Mrs. W illia m J. Cronin Mr. and Mrs Andrew Fanelle Tom Cronley Mr. and Mrs Herman Fantini Mr. and Mrs. John Crow Dr. and Mrs. J. V . Farrell Cullen Shoe Service Mr. and Mrs Frank Feret Mr. ond Mrs. Joseph Curry Helen A. Ferguson Mr. and Mrs. Anthony D’Allesandro, 5*’* James Ferguson Miss 1. C. Dalgliesh Fern Rock Delicatessen A n n o Danas Mr. Joseph R. Ferraro Toss Danos Dr. Irving B. Fink Dance Toilers and Cleaners John J. Fitzpatrick Mr. and Mrs. John D’Angelo Mr. and Mrs. Richard Flanagon D avids Mens Store Frank Flynn M r. and Mrs. Jefferson Davis Mr. and Mrs. Frank Fonte Mr. and Mrs. John R. Deady Margaret A. 'orrest Frank H. Deck Mr. John Fortis Dovid E. Delp A lla n Fox, Jr M r. and Mrs. Peter De Marco James Fox Miss Helen Dempsey Fox's Grocery John Desantis Elmer B. Frank, D.D.S. Lawrence Destralo Frank’s Tavern Patti Ann Destrolo Fred and Mary Sam Destralo Ted Frederick Steve Destralo Larry M. Freeman Mrs. Nolle Devine Cello Friedman M iss Janice Diamond A Friend M r. and Mrs. Andrew Dick A Friend A n d y R. Dick A Friend Rita Di Falco Compliments of a Friend Mrs. Jenny Di M aria Best Wishes < f a Friend John Di Marzio A Friend Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Dmuchowski A Friend Mrs. Donahue A Friend Dr. Leo F. Donahue A Friend Thomas Donnelly Compliments of a Friend Tom Donohue, Jr. A Friend A nno C. Dooley John L. Frye, D.D.S. Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Downey The Fryer Fam ily Francis J. Doyle, Jr. Frieda H. Furth M r. and Mrs. Frank Doyle John J. G allag h e r M r. James J. Doyle Robert G allag h er M r. and Mrs. Jerry Drack Grace Marie G a lvin Mrs. Michael Driscoll Thomas Gannon M r. and Mrs. Charles Durney W illiam Garber Joseph Dziewit Francis P. Gatley Mrs. Agnes Ebbecke Mrs. V in e tlo G avin Mr. W illiam J. Ebbecke, Sr. Morton A . Geffer Mrs. W illiam J. Ebbecke, Sr. S. F. G elluia Mrs. W illiam J. Eckles Gene's Cold Cuts Janice and John Edinger Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Gensheim er Mr. and Mrs. John Edinger, Jr. George's Meat Market M r. and Mrs. Joseph Edinger Lillian G ia n n in i Mr. ond Mrs. Paul Egner Mrs. Harry Gibat Mr. and Mrs. Eirich Mr. and Mrs. R. G illespie M ary J. Eksterowicz Miss Agnes G illig a n Lawrence F. Elias Miss S a lly G illig a n


Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Gim bel Mr. and Mrs. M. G inieczki M r.ond Mrs. W m . A . G iv e y Mrs. Rose Gizinski Mrs. Hermon Goldner Francis A. Gould Thomas Gorman Mrs. Margaret G ra f Isobel Groham Joseph Gramlich and Sen A l Green John T. Greene M iss Mary Greene G erry Griffin, *54 Vincent Griffin, '5 7 Miss Helen Grinrod Thomas A. Groody Joseph Gross Paul Gross Mrs. Nellie Gruszka Mrs. Nancy Gruss Judge and Mrs. Charles L. Guerin Mr. and Mrs. Francis J. Guerin Mr. and Mrs. John G uin an Tony Gutkowsky Mr. and Mrs. Henry Guz W illia m A. Hall R. J. Hamburger Charles G. Happ Jam es Hardware Helen Harrison M ory Hart Rose Hartman Mr. and Mrs. W m . F. Hartman Mrs. Agnes M. Haughey Mrs. Charles Haub Francis X. Healy Mr. and Mrs. Francis Helverson M r. and Mrs. C. C. H elinski M arie Hemberger Mr. and Mrs. Joseph W . Henderson W illia m J. Henderson Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Hennessy Mrs. Marie Herbst Mr. and Mrs. W illia m Hickey K athy Higgins Joan and Bill Hoctor Henry A. Hoffman Miss Alma M. Hogan M iss Helen R. Hogan Mr. and Mrs. John Holt Reverend Joseph Honorowski Mrs. May Horner Mr. and Mrs. Jam es J. Hone M r. and Mrs. Jam es J. Hone, Jr. Robert Hone Mr. Leo Howitz M r. and Mrs. John Hudek George J. Hughes B ill Hull Rocco lacone & Son Ike’s Bar and Restaurant J a y Ipolito Lunch Irv and Sig Jack the Barber Jim m y’s Auto Repairs A nn (Cookie) Janow ska Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Janson John Jarecki John, Don, Paul, and Bob Johnny's Barber Shop Francis J. Jones Joseph Jorski

Mr. an d Mrs. Jesse DiJoseph Joseph and Laura Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Joyce Francis Junod Mrs. Joseph J. Junod Mr. Joseph J. Junod Joseph J. Junod Kafrissen Apothecary Mrs. John J. Kane Mr. an d Mrs. Joseph Kane Sidney Kanefsky Mr. an d Mrs. John Kestler M ary A . K ille Mr. Anton H. Kinsch Anton H. Kinsch, Jr. G regory J. J. Kinsch M arx L. Kinsch Mr. an d Mrs. J. Theo. Kiss Mrs. W m . Knoll Jean Kocenski Mr. an d Mrs. J. Frank Koenig Mr. George A . Koenig Koenig Children Mrs. Edw. Kohihepp Edw ard J. Kohihepp W illia m Kohihepp Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Kolb Mr. and M is. John K olia Mr. an d Mrs. C h as. Kom elasky The Koss Fam ily Ray Kostin Stephen and W illia m Kozub Lilyon Kram er Leo Kraus Mr. an d Mrs. Ed. Krisch Krupa Stationery Mr. an d Mrs. Edw ard Krystkiew ick Mr. and Mrs. E. Kucharew icz Mr. an d Mrs. Gottlieb Kugler Mrs. Catherine K ullm an C h arles T. Kullm an Miss D ebby Kullm an George K. K ulp— Florist M . Kuzmowych Mr. an d Mrs. A lfred Lande Mr. an d Mrs. Lang Forrest Long D avid Lang M iss A b b y Long Mr. an d Mrs. How ard Lange H ow ard an d Arlene Lange Leo M . K elly W illia m P. Kelley Mr., an d Mrs. E. W . K elly Mr. a n d Mrs. J. Kenna C ecelia Kennedy Frances Kennedy Miss M a y Kennedy Sophie Kennedy Mrs. H. Kenworthy Mr. an d Mrs. R. Kerollis Paul an d Henrietta Karsch Dr. M elvin 1. Kotzman Frank Kautz John Kautz M ory Kautz Mr. a n d Mrs. Dennis E. Keenan Mr. a n d Mrs. John Keenan M iss Loretta Keenan M iss Regina Keenan Miss Rose Keenan Mr. ond Mrs. Joseph St. C la ir Lout Dr. J. M cLawlor

Lowndale Markets Helen M. Lee Mr. John A . Leischner M arie Leinheiser Morie Leimbach Lee’s Barber Shop Mr. and Mrs. Jam es Leonard Eugene M. Lepine Mr. and Mrs. Leon Lepine Mr. P. Lesniak Ann an d Ted Leszczynski Mr. and Mrs. R. Lew andow ski Mr. and Mrs. Lewis M ichael Linsalata Theodore Lizenbaum Loeffler’s Jonannah Loftus Mrs. Helen M adell Logan Barber Shop Jerry Lombard Rosemary G . Lombard Mr. and Mrs. John J. Lombard Mr. and Mrs. G. Land! Mr. an d Mrs. Thomas Lubas M argie Lucidi Mr. an d Mrs. McBreen Edw ard J. McBride Dr. and Mrs. Jam es D. McBride Florence McCaffrey Fronk M cCulla Mr. Charles McCarty Mrs. M argaret McCarty Mr. and Mrs. Jam es E. M cClellan Miss Catherine McConnell Kathryn M. McCoy Charles McCrosson Anna McDonald Mr. an d Mrs. Joseph F. McDonold Mr. and Mrs. W alter J. McDonald Francis X. McFadden Mr. an d Mrs. F. X. McFadden James P. McFadden M ary M artha McFadden Jim M cGinnis Mr. and Mrs. E. M cGonigle Mr. and Mrs. T. Bernard McGowon Mrs. Jennie M cGrath Miss Agnes M cGuagran McGuckin Joseph John M cGwinn Mr. an d Mrs. W alter McIntosh J. J. McIntyre Mr. W illia m J. McKeown Mrs. W illia m J. McKeown Mr. Frank X. McLaughlin Thomas McManus A llison MacKenzie Rosemary G. Mackin Mr. an d Mrs. Daniel J. Madden Frank and Daniel Madden Nancy and M ary M adden Mr. and Mrs. S. M agee Mrs. Edw ard A . M aguire Edward A . M aguire, Jr., *53 JoAnn and John John J. M aguire Frank M ahoney, Jr. H. M ollnowski Rose M a liz ia Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Malone Joseph L. MancinI George M angigian Rose M aio


M . E. Manischewitz Angelo M arabella Mr. and Mrs. Stanley F. M ankas Bernard M annix, Sr. U. S. Marine Corps Mrs. Frank M arayo M a ;y and Mike Mr. and Mrs. Joseph H. Marks Mr. and Mrs. Joseph R. Marks C arl J. Mastrouito— Real Estate Poul Macturzo Mathews Fomity Alfred M ouriello, Sr. Mrs. Beatrice M auriello Mr. and Mrs. Joseph W. M axw ell Rose and Peg M axwell Don Meckling, *56 Anna M. Meier Vincent Mele Mrs. Sarah M. Michael Paul E. Miehie Nancy Ann M iller Mr. and Mrs. Harry M iller Mr. 1. F. M ininger Julian M iraclia Vincent M irag lia Reverend Henry E. Missig Mr. and Mrs. Richard B. Mitchell Joseph N. M obilio Mrs. J. Mollo J. Monaghan John Monahan Anthony Montagna Rose Montagna Mr. and Mrs. John T. Mooney Mrs. Mary Mooney Moore Family John Moore Morris Auto Parts Co. Mrs. J. M ulholland Ed Muntz Munz Sox Shop Mr. and Mrs. W m . E. Murphy Mr. V . P. M urray M r. and Mrs. Joseph Murphy M r. and Mrs. Fred Mutz Miss Doris Myers Dr. and Mrs. S. W . Myers Dr. and Mrs. Jam es Naplacic Mr. W illiam N arvell W anda N aw alinski M r. and Mrs. V alentine N aw alinski Edwin A . Neale Edmund Nealis Nicola Nelli The Nemecs Alfred E. Neumann Samuel Nichols Peter E. Nicoletti Joseph Nicolo M r. and Mrs. H. Norenberg James T. Nuify Mrs. Mary Nutley M ary O'Byrne Cecelia O'Donnell Bea O'Gara M ary O ’Gara M r. and Mrs. Bernard J. O 'N eill M r. James O ’N eill M r. and Mrs. Anthony Orlando J. Orlondo M r. and Mrs. Charles Ortil M r. and Mrs. Stanley Orzeck

John O ’Shea Fiank P. Ostrow Mr. Chorles Pace Joseph Panas Paoni’s Food Mkt. Michael Pappero Dr. Luther Parnell Mr. and Mrs. L. Pasquarella Mrs. Eleanor Paul Joseph Paul Lee Anne Paul W illiam J. Paul W illiam J. Paul, Jr. Pauline and Eddie’s Snack Bar and Platters M ary Pawluczyk Anthony Pellegrini Mrs. Hannah M. Pelletreau Mr. John Penneypacker Herman Peszka Mr. W illia m J. Peters Mrs. W illia m J. Peters Mr. Carl J. De Petti Pettie W holesale Florist Mr. and Mrs. J. Phillips Phil’s Market Mr. and Mrs. Joseph PInzka Mrs. Ju lie Pio Joseph V . Plakis Mr. L. Pleis Mr. Fred Poellnitz Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Pottolow Lois Primiano Chester Protowski N. J. Puerto— Realtor Mr. ond Mrs. John R. Q uigley Thomas W . Quinn Mr. W alter E. Quinn A . V . Rafferty Dr. Paul Rahter Jerry Rapp Raser’s Flowers E. D unleavy Rattigan Mr. and Mrs. J. Raymond Annette Reaph Mr. and Mrs. W illiam Regll James Reilly Cecilia Yannessa Reilly W illiam Reinas Thomas Joseph Reynolds Mr. and Mrs. James J. Reynolds Mr. and Mrs. Harry L. Ricca, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Harry L. Ricca, Jr. Jerry Ricca Mr. and Mrs. C. Brooks Ricca, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Ricciardelli Mr. and Mrs. Domenic Ricciardelli Richmond Pharmacy Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Rickords Mrs. A nna Rixon A loria and Florence Rizzo Mr. and Mrs. John Roche Mr. and Mrs. Harry Robbins Dr. and Mrs. James J. Robinson, Jr. Mr. Harry E. Rodgers Mrs. Harry Rodgers Mr. and Mrs. John F. Rodgers Rogn's Pharmacy Jack P. Rowan Mr. ond Mrs. $. Rutkowski Mr. John Ryan Mr. and Mrs. Martin Rydzik

Peter Salvati Sama Barber and Beauty Shop Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Samtmann C la ra E. Sandm an Daniel J. Sandm an Mr. and Mrs. John G. Sandman Frank Saroma Sattler Bros. Clothing Mr. and Andrew Schast Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Schmitt George Schneider W illia m F. Schoeniger Mr. and Mrs. Harry H. Schoettle Harvey W. Schofield M atilda, M arian , Elizabeth Schoppet Mr. and Mrs. Peter Schultz Mr. and Mrs. Schwab W alter Secules Jack Seeber Samuel Segal Mr. and Mrs. Peter Seibel Joseph T. Sekula Funerol Home Senderling and Damm— Hardware Mr. Edward Seneca Mr. and Mrs. Francis Sexton John P. Sharkey M argaret Sharkey Mr. Jam es Shaughnessy Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Shea Stephen Shea Mr. and Mrs. Jam es Shubert W illia m R. Shupe Mr. and Mrs. George Siegmann Mrs. Sadie Siegmann Mrs. A . F. Simone Mr. Joseph Simonetti John Simpson Alberta T. Sipe Mr. Jam es Siravo Mr. and Mrs. A . Howard Siw eikart, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Skurecki M arie A. Slovick Mr. and Mrs. Edward Smakulski Mr. Gene Smarra Eugene Smith Joseph A. Smith, M.D. Owen Smith Mr. and Mrs. Michael Sobolewski Mrs. Ju lia SoleckI Mr. and Mrs. Harry Spaeth Mrs. Edmond J. Speitel The Misses N. and K. Spellman Carm elo La Spivea John O praneli Mr. and Mrs. Dante Stabilito Raymond Stabilito Freda Stefanski Steller Shop Mr. 1. R. Stevens Miss M ania Stockmac Stockmal’s Mr. and Mrs. Robert Stranix Mr. and Mrs. Jam es Stricklond M adeline and Bill Strobel M ary Strupczewska Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Sullivan Florence Sulzbach Sunny and George Mr. and Mrs. Jam es Swank Mr. and Mrs. W . Swayzer Joe Swedera Mr. and Mrs. Andrzei Swierz|


Dr. Reynold Szczurowski Raphael S. Tancredi Stanley Tasey Lenny and Joe Tasker Nicholas R. Tatar Miss Anna Teefy Anthony R. Terrizzi Terry’s Gift Shop Mrs. Marie Theis Mr. Michael Theis Mrs. Rosalie Thomas Mr. and Mrs. Thomer Mr. and Mrs. Herbert J. Tiedikin Mr. and Mrs. S. Tomczak Frank Torzan Freddy Tragem ann Mr. Frederick Tragem ann Stephen Tragem ann Thomas Tragem ann Mrs. W illiam Travis Mrs. Anna Trautz Lou Travis Sewing Center M ary R. Tucker Tydeil Drug Store Ukrainian Am erican String Band Mr. and Mrs. R. Usher M ary Valerio M . Vandegrift Mr. Raymond V aso li V irg in ia ’s Beauty Salon Miss M aryann V o lk Robert W addington Jacob W agner Mr. and Mrs. Frank W akefield Matthew W alter Mr, and Mrs. W illia m W alters Vince Walters, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. H arry Wamboed Mr. and Mrs. Thom as F. W ard W eiland’s Florist Dr. George A . W eisenberger Weiss Tailoring Com pany Mr. and Mrs. Frank Weber Weidon Pharmacy A . Weyter John T. W helan Kathleen Ellen W hite Mrs. Josephine W hite Mrs. Marie K. W hite Mrs. Anna W hite Mr. and Mrs. Leon W hitlock James V . W holey W ilburger’s Ski Shop Mr. and Mrs. C. W iley Lt. and Mrs. Kenneth W ilkes Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. W ills C. Leo W ilson Mr. and Mrs. Randoiph E. W ise Wolk Brothers Store Mrs. Harry O . Woodcock M arie Workman Mr. and Mrs. C has. D. Yannessa Mr. and Mrs. F. P. Yannessa Joseph and M ory Yannessa Mr. and Mrs. A . Young Jos. Zakrocki Ben and Anne Zeloin Miss Diane Z iiiig a n Miss Catherine Zisk A . Zitner— Confestionery Mr. and Mrs. M ichael Zubyk Michael T. Zubyk

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