1959 Blue & Gold Yearbook

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DEDICATION WE DEDICATE the 1959 Blue and Gold to Brother Emilian of Mary in deep appreciation of his untiring service to the students of La Salle. Brother's tenure at 20th and Olney began in 1946. He graduated with an M.A. degree in the classics from Catholic University, and his earlier career included stays at West Catholic, Saint John's College High School, Washington, D. C., and Central Catholic High in Pittsburgh. Here at La Salle we best know Brother for his role in keeping the classical tradition alive. Too often many of us keep early morning appointments with him in detention class which he so kindly conducts. For his continuous example to La Salle students we end by dedicating to him this yearbook.






BROTHER F. JOSEPH, Vice-Principal ... Athletic Director . . . Men of La Salle ... Football.


PRI N Cl PAL'S MESSAGE To be associated with the Class of 1959 and to share their successes, while anticipating their future gains , has been a pleasant privilege for me. They have left us m1•ch by way of friendship and unselfishness, of the will to win and of manly forbearance. We like to think that time will add to the stature of these virtues and assure our present seniors real happiness and success in life. In saying farewell we would like to add the promise that those who follow will try to further the contributions made during your past four years. Example is something that posterity will not willingly let die. Devotion to Our Blessed Mother, seriousness of purpose during times of retreat and other spiritual functions, support of the many charitable drives, ~portsmanship and fair play in athletic events, care to represent La 'salle fa vorably in the public eye, and the many other ways in which devotion and loyalty were manifest, will be an inspiration to those who will follow in the years to come.

" BROTHER D. ALBERT, Guidance ... Ben· ilde Club ... Assemblies.

BROTHER FELIX JOHN . . . 4A Religion .. . Trigonometry . . . Solid Geometry . . . Algebra II • . . Math Club IV.

BROTHER G. THOMAS . . . 4B Religion ... Accounting I, II .. . History II ... Golf .

BROTHER E. STEPHEN . . . 4C Re ligion ... Physics ... Ge ometry ... Science Club.


IIOTHER E. ANTHONY .. . 4D Religion ••• Engljsh IV.

BROTHER D. JEREMY ... 4E Religion . . . Band Religion . Spanish I . . . French I, II . •• lntramurals.

BROTHER G. CLAUDE ... 3A Religion ... Geometry ... Ch emistry ... Crew.


BROTHER ERASMUS FRANCIS . . . 3B Reli gion . . . Germa n I ... Social Studies I ... Debati ng.

BROTHER D. EDWARD . . . 3C Religion . . . Advanced Math emati cs ... Algebra II ... Math Club Ill.

BROTHER E. WILLIAM . . . 3D Religion . . . German .


BROTHER E. ADRIAN . . 3E Religion . . . History .. . Stud ent Council.





BROTHER G. WILLIAM . . . 2A Religi on . . . Band Rel igi on ... Engli sh II ... Choral ... Band .

BROTHER D. LEWIS . . . 2B Religion ... Biology . .. Dramatics.


BROTHER GREGORY OF MARY 2D Religion . . . Engli sh II.


BROTHER E. JAMES . . . 2E Religion . . . Geometry . . . Algebra I .. . Crew.

BROTHER F. BERNARDINE . . . 2C Religion . . . Social Studies II ••. Typing ... Tenni s.

BROTHER G. NICHOLAS . . . 2F Religion ... Biology . .. Physics ... Mother's Club.

BROTHER GRATIAN OF JESUS . . . 1A Religion . English I . .. Basketball.

BROTHER E. JOSEPH ... 1 B Religion ... Algebra I ... Alumni.

BROTHER EMILIAN . . . 1C Religion . . . Latin I, Ill, IV . . . Greek.

BROTHER D. HILARY ... 1 D Religion . . . Latin I, II , .. Wisterian.


BROTHER E. RAYMOND . . . 1E Religion ... Typing ... Baseball. 14

BROTHER F. WILLIAM ... 1F Religion ... Social Studies ... Art Appreciation ~ .. Art Club .. . Cross Country Coach . . . Track.

MR. JOSEPH MORAN ... Spanish I, II, Ill ... Student Council.

MR . JOHN HARBISON ... Social Studies IV ... Economic Geography . . . Football (Line Coach) •.. Track ... Freshme n Basketball.

MR. GERALD TREMBLAY . . . English I, Ill . .. Public Speaking I, II , •• Blue and Gold.

MR . JOHN MOORE .. • English Ill, IV ... Dramatics.

MR. JOHN DiSANGRO ... Business Law ... First Aid ... Driver Training ... Freshman Football.


MR. JOSEPH HENRY ... Mechanical Drawing . . . Social Stud ies I.

MR . CARL VON NELL ... Library Science ... Librarian.

MR . CHARLES O' BRIEN •. . Physica l Education ... Basketball.

MR . JOSEPH COLANTONIO ..• Director of Music.

MR. JOHN FLANNERY . . . Head Football Coach .


MISS CELESTE WAGNER Secretary to the Principal. 16

MISS MAUREEN BYRNE ... Secretary to the Principal

MRS. BERTHA RABENSTEIN, R.N. ... School Nurse.


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JOHN J. ASTA 1302 Wood Street, Bristol ST 8-9321 Saint Ann I B, 2A, JE, 4C . . . Scholastic Letter I, 2 , , . Physics Club 4 . • . Intramural football I (champs), 2, 3 (champs), 4; softball 3 (champs). 4; volleyball 4; bowling 2, 3 (champs), 4 .•. Bonneville •.. is it stuck? . . . I'm not gonna run it.

LAWRENCE H. BAIRD 2053 Susquehann11 Road, Abington TU 6-7547 Our Lady Help of Christians IB, 2E, 3B, 4A ••. Intramural football I (champs), 3; basketbllll I . . . runs J11b11nco .•. Zorro .. , Everybody got their firecr11ckers 1

MICHAEL C. BECHER 6614 North American Street, 26 HA 4-7797 Saint Joseph IE, 2D, 3A, 4D . . . Wisterian 2, 3 (associate editor), 4 •.. Art Club I, 2, 3, 4 . . . Dramatics Club I, 3, 4 . , . Library Aide 2 ... Math Club 3, 4 .•. Cheerl&~~ders 4 ... Spirit Committee •.. Physics Club 4 . . . Intramural crosscountry I (champs), 2; track I; football 2 . . . joiner . . . checrlo11der? . . . Elvis.

HOWARD G. BECKER 7634 Wafers Road, Cheltenham MA 5-0649 Saint Joseph IE, 2F, 3D, 4D . . . Intramural football 2, 3, 4; cross-country I (champs); track I (champs), 2, 3; softball 2, 3, 4 . , , an "0" bus traveler • , , homework anyone 1 ... not Michael.

ROBERT W. BEITZ 832 Glenview Street, II PI 2-5881 Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary IC, 2E, 3E, 4B . , • Intramural football 3 (champs), 4; bowling 3 (champs), 4; basketball 3, 4; volleyball 4 . . . Always arguing with Hubbs .•• Cuo Stick .•. Down hill sprinter.

EDWARD J. BIRCH 7155 Cottage Street, 35 MA 4-4031 Saint Btrnard IB, 2D, 3C, 4D ..• Benilde Club I, 2. 3, 4 ••. Spirit Committee •.. Intramural football 2, 3; basketball I, 2, 3; volleyball 4; bowling 2, 3; baseball 2, 3 , •. silver-tongued orator , , . adventures in Buck$ County . . . Me llamo Edwardo.

EDWA RD J. BI RCHLER 5621 North Uber Street, 41 Ll 8-6957 Holy Child ' lA, 2E, 3A. 4C ... Football I, 2, 3, 4(L) ... Benilde C lub 4 . . • Intramural basketball 2 (champs), 3 (champs), 4; track 2, 3, 4 ... porpoise .•. leanest fullback in the league . . . the original lonesome end.

MICHAEL C. BONGIORNO 1640 South lllh' Street, 48 HO 2-5071 , ~ !Saint Nicholas of Tolentine ID, 2F, 3B, 4A ..• Library Aidos 2 ••. Intramural football 3, 4; volleyball 4; bowling 2, 3, 4; softball 3, 4 .•• Bongi •.. "See you af the corner" ..• proud of South Philadelphia.


PAUL F. BOTHWEll TU 7-3843 2108 Horace Avenue, Abington Our lady Help of Christians IE, 2D, 3B, 4C . . . lntramurah football 2: cross-country I (champs l; basketball 2, 3, 4 .... hi,story whi1 ..• ref .•• suburbanite.

RICHARD J. BREEN 2124 Woodland Road, Abington TU 7-7111 Our lady Help of Christians IC, 2A, 3A. 4B ... Scholastic letter I, 2 ... Debating I, 2 ... Dramatics 2. 3, 4 ... Math Club 3. 4 •.. Benilde Club 2. 3, 4 . . . Wisterian I. 2 . . . . Physics Club 2, 3, 4 . . . Intramural bowling 2. 3 . . . Flash .•• one of the slide-rule kids ••. Shepherd fan. ROBERT J. BRINKER 504 Hansen Road, Valley Forge BR 9-7463 Our Mother of Divine Providence lA, 2F, 3B, 4B ..• Band I, 2 .•• Dramatics 3 ..• Intra· mural football 3. 4; softball 2, 3, 4 . . . close the window, Brinker ... Brinker did it ... everybody's buddy. ARNOLD A. BUBEN NE 4-1382 3279 Miller Street, 34 Saint Adalbert IC, 2C, 3A, 4A . . . Student Council 3, 4 •.. Class Presi· dent 3, 4 . . . Executive Committee 4 .•. Services Com· mitlee (chairman) . . . Prom Committee 4 .•. Football I, 2(l), 3(l), 4(l) ... Track 3(l), 4(l) ... Intramural track I, 2 (champs); basketball I, 2. 3 (champs): softball 2 champs), 3, 4 . . . Hi ya lousy . . . Wears big boy pads •.. Moose's bodyguard. AMADIO D. BUCCINI Ill West Duval Street, 44 VI 4-3648 Saint Madeleine Sophie IB. 2B, 3B, 4E ... Scholastic letter I ..• Art Club 2, 3, 4 ... Intramural football I (champs), 4; cross-country I: bas· kotball I: track I, 2. 3 (champs), 4: softball 2 (champs) •.. Sunset Orchid .. . II Buce ... One of the Black Hand boys. JOHN E. BUTKOVICH 207 Yorkshire Road, Fairless Hills WI 6-9210 Saint Frances Cabrini IA, 2B, 3C, 4E ... Scholastic Letter I ... Benildo Club 4 . . . Wisterian 2, 3, 4 ... Art Club I, 2, 3, 4 •.. . Math Club 2, 4 . . . Blue and Gold . . . Spirit Committee .. • Football 3 •.. Crew 2, 3, 4(l) ... Intramural football I, 2, 4: basketball 2, 3, 4 : track I, 2, 3; cross-country I, 2; soft. ball 2 (champs), 3, 4; volleyball 4 . . . shoe salesman • .• meriteer .•. Hello there, Hawk ..• Fuller Brush Haircut. JAMES J. BYRNES 208 Tulpehoc:ken Avenue, Elkins Park TU 4-2660 Saint James 10, 2F, 3B, 4C ... Intramural football 2, 3: basketball 2, 3: cross-country 2 . • . car crazy • • . let's go to L..c:hies' ••• have rod, will drag. ROBERT B. BYRNES 3186 Belgrade Street, 34 NE 4-1284 Our lady Help of Christians IC, 2B, 3C, 4E ... Scholastic: letter I •.• Math Club 3, 4 .•• Benildc Club I ... Intramural football 3, 4 ... Forlu· natus •.. peg pants and desert boots ..• "But, Brother."


DENIS J. CALLAGHAN 6064 Drexel Road, 31 GR 3·2382 Our Lady of Lourdes I B, 2E. 3B, 4D . • . Basketball 3 . . • Intramural football I Ichamps). 2. 3. 4; basketball I, 2 (cha mps), 3; track 2, 3 (champs); softball 2, 3 . . , li kes Penn Valley lawns Lower Merion socialite • .. where are your sneaks 7

GERALD D. CANAVAN 6537 North 2nd Street, 2b WA 4·7b6b Saint Joseph I A, 2D, 3C, 4C . . . Wisteria n I, 2, 3, 4 . .. Intramural basketball 4; cross-country 2 . . . ro ugh Cousy on the court .•. Sturgis playground Kid .•. Does your sheet balance 7

ROBERT J. CHESCO 444 West Harvey Street GE 8-1>395 Saint Vincent de Paul I D, 2C, 3E, 4B • . . Intramural basketball 2, 3; football 4 •.• "What brand of cleaning fluid do you carry?" •.• Felix the Cat .•• Tubercular Kid.

STEPHEN A. CLA YBACK 4224 Elbridge Street, 35 MA 4-21> 17 Saint Timothy I B, 2C, 3E, 4C •.. Scholastic Letter I. 2 . . . Baseball I, 2, 3(L), 4(L) . . . Intramural football I (champs), 2 (champs), 3 (champs), 4 (champs); cross-coun try 3 (champs); basketball I .•• has a chauffeur •.• pneumonia kid .•. Sangria.


ROBERT A. CANNON 2431 Geneva Avenue, Glenside TU 7-2713 Saint Luke I D, 2F, 3D, 4B . . . Cross-country I, 2, 3 . . . Golf 2 .•. Intramural football I, 2; basketball I (champs). 2, 3, 4; track I, 2, 3, 4; softball 2, 3, 4; cross·country I; bowling 2 (champs), 3, 4 . . . dragging Pontiac . . . Brother Bart .•• "Speak to me baby."

WILLIAM J. CASHIN 7033 Clearview Street, 19 CH 7-6134 Holy Cross IE, 2 B, 3C, 4A . . . Scholastic Letter I, 2 . • . Wisterian I, 2, 3 . . . Debating I, 2, 3, 4 . . . Physics Club 4 .• , Class Secretary 3 . . . Blue and Gold . . . Intramural cross· country I (champs) . . . Wild Bill . • . debater par excellence •.. BMOC . . . "This is Bill."


PI 3-9127 Holy Innocents I C, 2C, 3A, 4D most activity minded .. Communism . . . Hot Ford . . . I'm too busy . . . good to the last drop.

FRANCIS R. COLANTUONO 7318 Piltville Avenue, 2b HA Holy Angel lA, 2B, 3B, 40 . . . Football I, 2 . Intramural foolb1H 2, 3; baskektball I, 2, 3, 4 . . . 19th and Cheltenham two axles a week ..• Ivy League , .. luggage.



MICHAEL J. CONNELLY Box 33, Prospoctville 01 3-1592 Saint Joseph 30, 4A . . . Band I, 2, 3, 4 . . . two pads a day 111ike ... Mark Antony. PATRICK J. CONNER PI 5-3578 Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary ll, 2C, lA, 4C . . . Class Secretary 3 ••. Spirit Commit4, •• Football I, 2, 3 , .. Trad I, 2, 3 . . . Intramural 4 (champs): cross-country I: bowling 2, 3, 4; bas2, l (champs), 4; softba ll 2, 3, 4 ; track I, 2 (champ) •• Spenish speeches, senor ••• smiley ..• Big Pat. JOHN P. CORRA 20th Street BA 6-2632 Saint Columbia 3E, 4A . . . Scholastic Meda l I, l . . . Scholastic 2, 3 •.. Physics Club 4 . . . Math Club 4 . . • Manager 2, 3 . . . Intramural football I, 2, 4; basketball 2, 3, 4; softball 3 (champs), 4; I (champs) , 2, 3; trad I (champs), 2, 3, 4; 4 .,. lmpo1lo ••. What me worry? ... Third Base. JOHN D. COYLE North Fairhill Street, 20 HA 4-8730 Saint Helena 2E. lE, 4B ... Crew I ... Intramural football I (champs), (chomps): 4; softball 2, 3 (champs); basketball I, 2 I:'!~IMIIIpt ), 3; track I, 2, 3, 4; volleyball 4; cross-country (champs ) . . . Have you no respect for a Nazi uni• •• John Thatcher longcoyle . . . speaks Russian

PHILIP J. CONWAY 6320 Argyle Street, II Fl 2-6088 Saint William I D, 2C, 3A, 4E . . . Blue and Gold Spirit Committoo . .. Intramural football I, 2 (champs), 3; cross-country I, 2; bowling 2, 3, 4 . . . "Has been" in Espanol Ill .• , Hot Plymouth . . . quiet and unassuming. STEPHEN W. COOK 104 Haws Lane, 18

AD 3-1733 Saint Genevieve I D, 2A, 3E, 4C ... Student Council 3, 4 ... Vice President 2 .. . President 3, 4 . . . Honor Roll 3, 4 (chairman) . Scholutic Letter I . . . Prom Committee 3, 4 . . . Football l(L), 4(L) . . . Bas.,ball I, 2(L), l(l), 4(l) ••. lntramuro~l basketball I (champs). 2, 3, 4; football I. 2: cross-country I, 2 ... nibbles ... English Ford ••. Cooker. JOHN W. COYLE 805 Drexel Street, Riverside, N. J. HO 1-2473 Saint Peter IC, 2B, lC, 4E ..• Scholastic letter I . . . Math Club 2 ... Art Club I ... Spirit Committee 4 ... Intramural football I, 2, 3, 4 . . . King of Riverside •.• Bill Doyle ••. Oh no John, you're all wrong. KEVIN P. COYLE 3305 North Howard Street, 40 GA 6·6435 Saint Hugh I A, 2F, 30, 4E ••• Scholastic Medal 2 . . . Football 2 . . . Crou-Counlry 3 ••. Crew 2, 3, 4 ( l) . . . Intramural football I. 2, 3, 4; cross-country I, 2 {champs); softball I, 2, 3, 4; trad I, 2, 3; bowling 2, 3, 4; basketball 3, 4 . . . foghorn ... Did you hear this one? ••. K&A man.


PATRICK J. CRONIN 123 West Ruscomb Street, 20 DA 4-5869 Saint Ambrose I B, 2A, 3E, 4D . . . Scholastic Letter 2 . Activities Committee 4 . . . Student Council I, 2, 4 . . . Wisterian 3, 4 . . . Dramatics 3, 4 . . .Cheerleader 3 . . . Dance Band 3, 4 •.• Band 4 . . . Debating 2, 3 . . . Intramural foot ba ll I (champs) . . . Pat the Cat . . . kinky •.. The Voice and the Actor •. • Harpo on the Tuba .

JAMES M. CROWLEY 222 Abbottsford Avenue, 44 DA 4-6864 Saint Francis of Assisi ID, 2F. 3D, 4A . . . Science Club I . . . Football (manager) I, 2, 3(L) , 4(L) •.. Intramural football I, 2, 3; basketball I (champs), 2, 3, 4; cross-country I; soft ball 3, 4; track 2 .•• sleepy Jim . . . runs the sewing machine ..• his picture.

DAVID W. CUNDEY 541 Shoemaker Street, Elkins Park ME 5-0379 Saini James 2E, 3E, 4E . . . Scholastic Medal 2 . . . Scholastic Letter 2, 3 • . . Football 2 • . . Advonced Confusion . . • Spanish whiz ••• never studies.

MICHAEL J. DEALY 2336 North Hancock Street, 33 NE 4-7119 Saint Boniface IE, 2A. 3A, 4E . . . Scholastic Letter I . . . Wisterian 3, 4 ..• Dramatics 3, 4 . .. Spirit Committee 4 . . . Cross Country I, 2 •.. Track I . . . Intramural football I, 2, 3, 4; crosscountry I, 3; track 2, 3, 4 •.. Mr. Punctuality •.. his history notebooks . . . hard worker.

JAMES D. DEASY 3307 West Penn Street, 29 VI 4-7713 Saint Bridget IE, 2E, 3B, 4A • . . Cross-Country I . . . Stage Crew 3, 4 •.• Intramura l cross-country 2 (champs), 3; football I, 2, 3; bowling 3; baskketball I, 2: track I (champs) ... three packs a day •.. four transmissions . . . cougher •.• builds the sets.

DAVID E. DELP 3230 Memphis Street, 34 NE 4-3381 Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary IE, 2F, 30, 40 . . . Concert Band I, 2, 3, 4 . . . Physics Club 3, 4 . . . Junior Achievement • . . Intramura l bowling 3, 4; football 3, 4 • . • beaten by a bike . . . Dove • . . super salesman.

RICHARD J. DIAMOND 1707 Chelsea Road , 26 ME 5-1148 Holy Angels , IC, 2B, 3C, 4C . . . Track I, 2, 3, 4 . . . Intramural football I. 2, 3, 4; basketball 2, 3, 4; softba ll 2 (chomps), 3. 4; crosscountry 2, 4; vo lleyball 4 . . . speedy . . • missed t he turn .•. Ivy . . . But I gotla gel to Norristown .

LO!J IS F. DONAGHUE 5122 North Broad Street, 41 DA 9-3268 Holy Child l"A, tO, 3B, 4E . . . Band I , 2 . . . Wislerian 3, 4 . . . Blue • atrd Gold .•• Debating 3 . . . Library Aides I, 2 . . . Spirit Committee . . . Intramura l football I, 2, 3, 4; vo ll eyball 4; softball I, 2; bowling 4 . . . one of the beach boys . , . S. & ·s.... Heyl lend me your lic11nsc . . . Jim.


JAMES A. DONNELLY 1970 Medary Avenue, 41 HA 4-2633 Saint Benedict I D. 2F, 3D, 4A . . . Benilde Club 4 .... : • Intramural basketball I; football 2, 3 . . . Seouijng 1 • • automobile work •.• smiling Jim .•• seen with Wargo.

JAMES S. DOOLEY 138 West Sedgwick Street, 19 VI 4-5464 Holy Cross IE, 2F, 3D, 4C ... Benilde Club 3, 4 ... Hang down your head •.. King of the Hitchhikers ... wants a shotgun.

JOSEPH P. DOUGHERTY IV 2-1049 259 Kipka Street, 27 Saint Josa ph at I B, 2B, 3D, 4B . . . Scholastic letter I Benildo Club 3 . . . library Aide I . . . Physics Club I, 4 . . . Intramural football 3, 4: softball 3; cron·eountry 2 ... seen with Sam .•. Little Joe.

THOMAS M. DOUGHERTY MA 4-180 I 3406 Meridian Street, 36 Saint Matthew IC, 2B, 3D, 4B . . . Blue e~nd Gold . . . Spirit Committee .. , Art Club I, 2, 4 ... Crew I, 2, 3(l), 4(L) ... Intra· mural football I, 2, 3, 4: bowling 3; cross-country I; softball 3, 4: volleyball 4: basketball I, 2, 3, 4 . . . long Tom . Where's my lunch 7 ..• Doe erty not Dough erty, Sir.

FRANCIS J. DRISCOLL 4406 Eden Street, 14 OR 3-3436 Saint Katherine of Sienna lA, 2F, 3B, 4C ... Benilde Club 2, 3 , •• Debating I, 2, 3 . , . Art Club I, 2, 3, 4 •.. Band I. 2 .•. Activities Committee 4 ... Football 3 ... Crew I, 2, 3, 4{l) . , . Cheerleader 4 ..• Intramural football I, 2, 4 (champs): basketball I, 2, 3, 4; cross-country I, 4; bowling 2, 3, 4: softball 2, 3, 4 .. , bubbling personality . . . spelling on signs , , • "I ean do three push-ups."

WILLIAM J. EBBECKE 520 I North ISlh Street, 41 DA 4-0168 Holy Child ID, 2 B, 3C, 4E ... Scholastic Letter I, 2. .. , Bonildo Club 4 , •. Blue and Gold ... Math Club 2 ... Spirit Committeo 4 . . . Intramural football I, 2, 3, 4; cross-country I, 2, 3, 4; volleyball 4; basketball I (champs), 2, 3, 4; track I, 2, 3, 4: softball I, 2 (champs), 3, 4 . . . won a bracelet on eo .•• Abeeka ... lives by Excelsior. CHARLES T. ECKERT 8037 Woolston Avenue, 50 ll 8-1277 Saint Raymond IE, 2B, 3D, 4B .•. Benilde Club 2, 3 •.• Math Club 2 , • , Football I . . . Track I . . Intramural football 2; cross· country I (champs); track I {champs) .•. Chuck . , • his hair • . , Bueeini's pal. ROBERT V. EHNOW AD 3-0637 1120 Bethlehem Pike, Flourtown Saint Genevieve IB, 2C, 3E, 4B . • • Intramural football 2 (champs), 3 (champs); track t; cross-country 3 (champs); basketball 4 , , • "What a Whale" . . . "Docs it really hurt, Felix?" • , • "I ean say it t he loudest."


THOMAS C. ELSASSER 224 Bala Avenue, Oreland TU 7-0369 Holy Martyrs IC, 2A, 3E, 4C . . . Scholastic: letter I, 4 . . . Band I, 2, 3, 4 •.. All Catholic: Band 2 . . . Debating I . .. Dramatics 3, 4 .•• Wisterian 4 ..• Blu:~ and Gold •.• Cross-Country 2, 3 . . . Track I, 2, 3 ..• Crew 4 • . . Int ramural football 2. 3 (champs). 4 (champs); cross-co untry 4 ; volleyball 4 ; bas~etball 3; bowling 2, 3 (champs), 4 ; softball 3 (c hamps ) . . . el~ . • . one of the collegi ates . . . Yul Brynnor with a five o'clock shadow •.. pipom an .. . ducky. JOSE PH W. EVANCICH 145 Finwa t er Street, 47 MA 7-4606 Saint Stanislaus IC, 2B, JC. 4C . . . Scholasti c Meda l I, 2 • . . Scholastic Leifer I, 2. 3 ••. Benilde Club 3 . . • Intramu ral footba ll I, 2, 3; basketball I, 2, 3, 4 . . . Yuny . . . What's this a jo~e or something .•• live s at Convention Hall.

JA MES R. FOX 8236 Cedarbroo~ Street, 50 CH 7-2453 Saint Raymo nd IE. 2A, lB. 40 .•. Cross-Country I, 2, l (l), 4(l) , •. Track I, 2, 3, 4(l) . . . Intramural footba ll I (champs ). 2 ; crosscountry I (champs): track I (champs) . . . good fee l • • • Fox, F-0-X . . . great tal~er.

MARK E. FUCHS 3106 J. Bcr~eley Drive, 29 VI 8-0615 Saint Bridget 18, 2E, 3B. 4B .•• Intramura l footba ll 3, 4 ; bowl ing 3; bas~etball 3; softball 3, 4 . . . plays for the opponents . • . Friday night basketball . . . Yes Sir!


ROBERT J . FARACO 7401 Barcl ay Road

ME 5-0925 Saint Joseph I A, 2C, 3A, 4C . President 2 . . Basketball 3, 4 . . . Golf ), 4(l) . . . Intramural football I, 2 (champs) , 3, 4 (champs) ; bas~etball I, 2; track 2 (champs); softball 2, 4 . . . great in the minors, but never made the big leagues •.• Faraco, get out . • • JV Bob. JAMES P. FESTA 3648 Calumet Street, 29 VI 4-06Zl Saint Bridget I D, 2D, 3D, 4A . . . Benildo Club 3, 4 . . . Intramural fool· ball I, 2, 3, 4; softball 2, 3, 4 . . . Ha rvey's pal . . . the rods . . . Jeff. MARK J. GALLAGHER Wissinoming and Grant Avenue, 14 OR 3-2149 Saint Katherine of Sienna I A, 2A, 3E, 40 . .. Scholastic letter I . .. Student Council 4 .• . Vice President 4 . . . Beni lde Club 3, 4 •• . Prom Committ ee 4 . . • Football 2, 3(L) , 4(l) .• . Trac~ 2 . . . Tennis 2 . .• Intramural football I, 2; basketball I, 2, 3, 4; track I, 2, 3, 4; cross-country I, 2, 3, 4 (champs); softball I, 2, 3 ( champs), 4; bowling I, 2, 3 (champs) , 4 • •. Tiger . .• Could you explain this trig . .. never wastes paper . • . M,ueo, the masterful. THOMAS H. GALLAGHER 40 I 6 Crescent Avenue, lafayette Hill TA 8-9655 Saint Philip IC, 20, 3B. 4D . .. Student Council 2, 3 . .. President 2,] . .. Math C lub 2 ..• Spirit Committee 2. 3, 4 . . . Dance Committee 2. 3 . . . Physics Club 4 . . . Blue and Gold .. • Footba ll I, 2, 3 ..• Track 2, 3, 4(l) .•. Crew I •. . Ora· matics 3 . . . Intramural football 4 ; cross-country I, 4 (champs) ; bowling 2 (champs), ) , 4; bas~etball 2, 3, 4; softball 2, ) , 4; volleyball 4 (champs) ; track 2, 3 (champs) . .. ROL •.. Ocean C ity Boy • .. pa rty boy .•. swims with his shoes on.

EDWARD W. GARGIULO HO 5-4000 f -Ib, U. S. Nevel Hospital, 45 Saint Richard , •• Physics Club 4 (vice president) . . . Trac:k 4 . . . football 4; cross-country 4 (champs); volleyball 4 ; basketball 4; softball 4 ... Southern import . . . junior •.• afraid of that report card. JOHN J. GUINAN 2178 Joshua Road, Lafayette Hill TA 8-1711 Saint Philip ID, 2C, 3 E, 4E ... Scholastic Medal 2 ... Schol,utic Letter I, 3, 4 . . . Vice President 4 . . . Student Council 4 . . . Math Club 2, 3. 4 (president) ... Physics Club I, 3, 4 .. . &plorer 3, 4 (editor) ..• Dramatics 3 . . . Track I, 2. 3, 4(L ) ••. Intramural cross country I, 2, 3 (champs). 4; foot11.11 2 (champs). 3 (champs), 4; bowling 2, 3 (champs), 4; IOCt tr 3 (champs) : basketball 2; chess 3 (champs), 4; track I, 2 (champs); volleyball 4; baseball 2, 3 (champs), 4 . . . Au't Prof. of Physics .•• Radjomen •.. Intramural Interpolation. JOSEPH E. HARKINS DA 9-8472 &reene Street, 44 Saint Francis of Assisi 2E. lE, 48 ... Intramural football I, 2, 3 (champs), 4; I, 2 (champs), 3, 4; volleyball 4; track 3; soft(champs), 4 ••• laundry boy •.. Rabbit ... runs

STANLEY A. GUMULA 7911 Whitewood Road, Elkins Park 17 CA 4-2347 Saint James IE, 2A, 3C, 4C . • . Scholastic Medal 3 ... Scholastic Letter I, 3 . . . Benilde Club 4 .•. Intramural football I, 2, 3, 4 (champs); cross-country I (champs), 2. 3, 4; basketball I, 2, 3; bowling 3, 4; volleyball 4; track I (champs). 2, 3; softball 2, 3 • . . hot Chrysler .•• Stan the Man ••. Ahl gee, Mr. Moran. JOSEPH W. HALL 7028 North Broad Street, 26 WA 4 5683 Holy Angels IE, 2E, 38, 4A .•• Band I, 2, 3. 4 ... Intramural football 3; . . . cymbal player . • . sidewalk rider . . . frequent visitor at 800 Broad.

FRANCIS D. HECKLER 3044 Gaul Street, 34 GA 3-6530 Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary I A, 28, 3C, 4A . . . Scholastic Letter I . . . Student Council 4 . . . Dramatics Club 3 . . . Football I, 2. 3 ( l), 4 ( l) ••• Track 2, 3, 4( L) . . . Intramural cross-country I; basketball I. 2. 3, 4; softball 2 (champs). 3. 4 . . . Moose . . . "Du ke of Richmond" ... Want me to break your face, boy 7


7152 Critte nden Street, 19

CH 7-7155 Holy Cross ID, 20, 3D, 4A ... Class Secretary I . . . Track I, 2. 3, 4 , •• Intra mural football I, 2, 3, 4; basketball I (champs), I, 3, 4: softball 2; track I. 2; bowling 2 (champs): erossCOIIIIfry I, 2, 4 . . . Mutt and Festa . . . Water Tower •.• cllorus boy.

• JAMES A. HELWIG 628 Twiekenham Road , Glenside TU 4-5416 Saint Luke I 8, 28, 3C, 4C •.• Schololstie Letter I, 2, 3, 4 •.. Math Club 2, 4 ••. Physics Club 2, 4 . . . Intramural track I • •• FBCG ••• philately . . • model ear maker . . . Elvis and he.



GERALD L. HENDERSON 711 Paxson Avenue, Wyncote TU 4-4996 Immaculate Conception I C, 2A, 3A, 4C ••. Tennis 2, 4 . . . Intramural basketball I, 2, 3, 4; football I, 2, 3, 4; cross-country 2, 3; track I, 2 . , . SOY . . . Henderson, straighten your tie . . . Oswald's.

FRANCIS J. HERRON 7235 Forrest Avenue, 38 WA 7-0323 Saint Athanasius IC, 2D, 3A, 4A . . . Band I, 2, 3, 4 . . . Band Lieutenant 4 . . . All-Catholic Band 4 . . . Wisterians 4 . . . Blue and Gold . . • Wisterian I, 2, 3, 4 . . • Benilde Club I, 2 . . • Dramatics 3, 4 ..• Stage Crew 3, 4 . . . Intramural football I; softball 2, 4 . . . Is that the way it goes? . . . . really? •.. plays cool horn.

JAMES E. HIGGINS 5854 Chew Avenue, 38 VI 3-9343 Immaculate Conception I C, 2 D. 3 B, 4C . . . Band I, 2. 3, 4 . . . All-Catholic Band 3 . . . Wisterian 2, 3, 4 . . . Debating 3 . . . Six button benny . . . How's your mother's cooking . . . sax player.

W. RICHARD HOSTER 6019 North American Street, 20 Ll 9-0496 Saint Helena I E. 2B, 3C, 4E . . . Scholastic Letter I ..• Intramural foolball I, 2, 3, 4; cross-country I, 3, 4; basketball 2; bowlin<J 2, 3: softball 2 {champs), 3 ... Bort ... squeaky ••. What's the sense of it? . . . Uncle Will.

CHARLES B. HUBBS 5914 Alma Street, 49 JE 5-7992 Saint Martin of Tours I 8, 2C, 3 E, 4E . . . Scholastic Letter I . . . Student Council 4 . . . Class President 4 . . . Intramural football I (champs), 2, 3 (champs), 4; bowling 2 (champs), 3 {champs), 4; bowling medal 3; cross-country 3 {champs), 4 . . • Granny ••. sense of humor . . . doesn't like physics.

JOHN F. IGOE 7248 Forrest Avenue, 38 Ll 9-5758 Saint Athanasius IC, 28, 3D, 4E . . . Scholastic Letter I ..• Math Club . . . Junior Achievement 3, 4 . . . Football I, 2, 3 . . . Track I, 2 . • . Secretary I • . . Vice President 2 . . . Intramural foot ball 4; basketball I, 2, 3, 4; softball 2 {champs), 3, 4: bowling 2, 3, 4; track 4 . . . Agile John . . . Skip . . . impeached.

JOHN C. INCARVITO 1202 East Chelten Avenue, 38 , ll 8-1302 Immaculate Conception I A, 28, 3C, 4C • . . Scholastic Letter I, 2 . . . Dramatics Club 3, 4 . . • Intramural football I: basketball I, 2; softball 2 {champs), 3, 4: bowling 2, 3, 4 . . . Little Caesar , •• Argh ..• vicious Judge . . . "incomplete."

FRANCIS J. JUNOD 1247• Mildred Avenue, Roselyn TU 4-5288 Saint John of the Cross I D: ~A. 4E •.. Scholastic Letter I . . Benilde Club 4 . . . intramural football I, 2; cross-country 2; bowling 4; tr .. d 3, 4 . . . lives on the other,. side of the tracks ••. Curly . . . King of the gods.


JOHN B. KACZUR 342 Wnite Horse Pike, Clementon

LA 4-436SR Our lady of Mount Carmel I B, 2F, 3D, 4E . . . Physics Club 3, 4 . . . Math Club l. 4 .• • Art Club I, 2, 3, 4 ... Crow.l2 .. : Intramural football I {champs), 2, 3. 4: bowling 3, 4~-track 4; softball 3, 4: soccer 3, 4 . . . La Salle's Norman Rockwell . • . Jersey boy ... Hosler, Oesch. Kac1ur, The Triumvirate. JOHN J. KANE, JR. I> IS Twidenham Road. Glenside

TU 4·S416 Saint luke IC, 2A, 3A, 4C . . . Student Council 4 . . . Vice President I, 3, 4 . , . Treasurer 2 , •• Activities Committee 4 (chairman) . . . Scholastic letter I •.. Cross-Country I, 2(l), 3 . . . Track I, 2, 3, 4(L) . . . Cheerleader 4 (captain) .•. Dramatics Club 3, 4 . . . Bluo and Gold ••. Prom Commitlee ), 4 . . . Intramural cross-country I: football I, 2, 3. 4 (champs); basketball I, 2. 3 (champs). 4; softball I. 2, 3, 4 . . . C. Y. 0 . . . . collegiate . • . both ends against the middle . . . clam digger. THOMAS A. KELLY, JR. S44 East Van Kirk Street PI 5·9067 Saini William I D, 2 E, 3E, 4B . . . Intramural football I, 2, 3 (champs) , 4; basketball I (champs). 2 {champs), 3, 4; track I, 2, 3; softball 3 (champs): volleyball 4 . . . beer salesman supreme ••. cans for the poor? ... but Brother, they moved my car.

J. KEVIN KENNEDY 120 Twining Road, Oreland TU 4-4271 Holy Martyrs IE, 2 D, 3D, 4D ... Benilde Club 3, 4 •.• Cheerleader .•. Spirit Committee 4 . . . Intramural football I, 2, 3: basket. ball 2, 3, 4; softball 3, 4; track 2. 3; cross-country I (champs), 2 ... Kev . . . Hold that pot ..• can't change a flat? ... beachcomber. RAYMOND E. KEROLLIS 2420 South 21st Street, 45 HO 5-7860 Saint Monica IC, 2A, )A, 4 .•. Vice President 2 Treasurer 3 . . • Band I, 2, 3, 4 . . . Drum Major 3, 4 . . . Band Lieutenant 3, 4 .•. All-Catholic Band I, 2, 3, 4 • , . Prom Committee 3 . . . Intramural basketball 2, 3 {champs\, 4; track 3: foot. ball 3, 4; softball I, 4 ... big man in white .•. Happy Birth· day Ray ... Toscanini. KARLTON A. KIEFER 426 East Wadsworth Avenue, 19 Holy Cross IB, 2C, 3A, 4B . . • Physics Club 4 . . . Tumbling 3 .•• Intramural track 2, 4 ..• Brother Bret .•. Kentucky Kolonel •.. shoelaces. GEORGE J. KOENIG 4221 Levick Street, 35 DE 2-6322 Saint Timothy IC, 2 B, 3C, 4E ... Scholastic letter I ... Spirit Committee ... Intramural football 3, 4; track I, 2, 3, 4 •.• car models Sunglasses •.. acorn-throwing, Medal 2. HARRISON C. KORNBAU 503 Kingston Road, Oreland TU 7-3021 Holy Martyrs lA, 2A, 3E, 4E •.• Debating 3 .•• Art Club 2, 3, 4 . . . W isterian 3 • , • Benilde Club 4 . . . Tennis I .•. Do you have the Chemistry eum? .. , fixes tires . . . Zorro . • . Ohl Harry you're so facetious.


GEORGE C. KUGLER b 124 North 4th Street, 20 WA 4-8b51 s.,int H elen.s I D, 2F, 3C, 4E . . . Physics Cl ub I, 2, 3, 4 . M.,th Club 4 . . . lntramur"l bowling 2, 4 . . . THE slid e rul e . . . up to how m"ny significant ligures 1 . . . negl ec:ting a ir resistance 7 . . . imaginary line. drawn throug h a suit coat, ROMAN KYWELUK 4824 North Camac Street, 41 Gl 7-1743 Christ the King I B. 2A, 3E, 4A . . . Scholastic Letter I, 2 Physics Club 2, 3, 4 •.• Math C lub 2, 3, 4 . . . ln tramurol track I, 2, 4; cross-country I, 2; bowling 3 (cha mps); soccer 3 ; volleyball 4; chen 3 . • . meriteer . . . soccer pl ayer . . . c lcc:tron ics brain. HOWARD L. LANGE 54b Marwood Road, 20 OA 4-2768 Saint Ambrose lA, 2F, 3D, 4B • . . Football 2, 3( L), 4(L) . Intra mura l foot boll I; basketball 3, 4; softbal l 2. 3, 4; track 3, 4 ; bowling 3 . . "It's not as big as yours. Wei nma nn!" . . . Buny ..• Spring 'em. LAW RENCE G . LEESE 923 East Slocum Street, 50 HA 4-Sbbl Little Flower IE, 2E, 3A, 4A .. . W isterian 3 . . . Basketball Manager 2 .•. Intramural footba ll I, 2. 3, 4: basketball I, 2 (chomps). 3 (chomps); soft boll 3, 4; c ro ss-country I ( chomps) , 2, 3, 4 ; bowling 3, 4; track I (chomps). 2 . . . smooth and silent . .. "h Economic Geography hard?" . . . " Sp ri ngtime" ••• piua pusher . . . "Lover Boy."


RICHARD W. LAFFERTY DA 9-93 76 228 Sulis Street, 20 Incarnation IE, 2C, 3A. 4D . . . Benilde C lub I, 2, 3, 4 . . . Wislerian 3, 4 . .. Spirit Committee . . . Stage Crew 4 . . . Secretary 2, 4 .•. Freshman Football., . Crew 3, 4(L) •.. lntramurtl football 2 (champs). 4 ; basketball I ; bowling 2, 4 ; softball 2; Ired I (champs) . . . thumb tack l id .. . Big Rich Laff ..• lost m"n in the c.,feteria. PETER F. LANG 22b East Ashda le Street, 20 Gl 5-4654 Saint Ambrose lA , 2A, 3E, 4A . . • Treasure r 3 . . . Schola stic letter I, 2 .•• Science C lub I, 2, 3 . . . Dram.,tics Club 3 . . . Bancl 4 . • • Crew M"nager (L) . . . Intramura l bowling 2, J (chomps) . • . Madison Avenue man . . . improved tube p loying . . . butler p~~r excollonce . DANIE L J. LEINHE ISER 3153 Cedar Street, 34 NE 4-7023 Our lady Help of Christians I D. 28. 3C, 4C . . . Scholastic Letter I, 2 . . . l~tramural basketball I ( champs) , 2, 3, 4 ; track 2; football I , 2 ; softball 3, 4 .. . Boone • •. Moose's pun ching bag . . . Wanta fight, Heck ler. WILLIAM H. LOGAN 11058 Knights Road, 14 O R 3-9540 Our Lody of c.,lvary I B, 2C, 3A, 4C . . . Dromotics Club 3, 4 . Wislerian ] . • . Blue .,nd Gold . . . Intramural football I (chomps), 2 (c h.,mps) , 3, 4 (champs) ; basketball I ; track 2 (cham ps): voll eyball 4 ; cross-country I ; soccer 3 . . . dimples .• , The spian from w"y back . . . sunny disposition . . . GenereL

JOSEPH F. LOUGHRAN Airy Avenue, 19 CH 7-5887 Holy Cross 2E, 3A, 4D . . . Deb~ting I . . . Physics Club 4 . . . I, 2, 3, 4(L) •. . lntr~mur~l footboll I (chomps), 2, 3, 4; 4 (champs) . . . Ocean City fan .. . '58 transfor Physics Project ..• What a blast! ROBERT F. McCANN 3188 Miller Street, 34 GA 6-9194 N~tivity of the Blessed Virg in Mary IC. 2B, 3C, 4C .. • Schol~sti c I, 2, 3 ... C lass Vice·President l ... Math Club 3 .•• Physics Cl ub 4 . .• Crew I . . . Track 2, 3 .. . Cross-Country 3(L) , 4(L) . . . Intramural footba ll I, 2, 3, 4; basketball I, 2, 3, 4; cross·country 2; track 2: softball 2 (champs) . 3, 4 .•• McCa nn, the PTC information man ••. Richmond boy . . . " You look awake this

JAMES M. McCULLOUGH Street, II PI 2-6954 Saint Cecelia I D, 2C, 3B, 4D •.. Dramatics 3, 4 ... Band 3, 4 ... Union Leagu e Cititonship Award •. . Intramural football 2 (champs) . .. J imbo •.. Bruce's understudy ... Ki ddie City. I l l0

C h~nd l or

FRANCIS X. McFADDEN 413 East Gorgas Street CH 7-5125 Holy Cross IC, 2B, 3D, 4E . . Scholastic Medal 3 . . . Math Club 3 ... Band I, 2, 3, 4 ... All-Catholic Bend 2, 3, 4 .•. Wisterian 2, 3, 4 • . . Intramural football I, 3, 4; basketball 3, 4; softball 2 (champs) . 3, 4; cross-country I . •• Effie • •• Francis Xavier ••. trombonist.


CHARLES T. MciLHINNEY Drive, Southampton EL 7-2836 Our L~dy of Good Counsel 38, 4A •.. Dr~metics 3, 4 . • . Track . .. lntra1 (ch~mps) , 2, 3; cross-country I, 2, 3; basI, 2, 3; bowling I, 2 (ch~mps) , 3. 4: track I, 2, 3, 4 IP to the Arrow .•. Chuck ·. • . plays piano by ear.



CO RN ELIUS P. McKELVEY &40 Duncannon Avenue GL 7·0837 Incarnation of Our Lord lA, 20, 3A, 4E •.. B~nd I, 2, 3, 4 • . . All -Catholic Band 2, ] , 4 ... Debating I, 2, 3, 4 .•. Wisterian 2, 3, 4 . . . Ubrery Aidos I, 2, 3, 4 (President 2, 3, 4) . . . Baskotboll ~~~enater 3, 4( L) ... Spirit Committee 4 .. . lntro~mural foot2, 3, 4; basketball 2, 3 (ch~mps). 4 . • . volleyball 4 ••• softball I, 2 ... stuffed tho b~llot box . . . book shell iW .. . forgot all his history.

JAMES L. McKENNA 1237 Re d R~mbler Road , Rydal TU 4-7198 Immaculate Conception lA. 2D, 3A, 4C ... Wisterien 3, 4 ... Debating 3 ..• Blue and Gold .. . Crew 2, 3(L), 4(L) .. . Art Club 2, 3 . . . Intramural bowling 2 (champs) ; cross-country I, 2, 3 . . • roller derby fan ••• Renoir ... What does this convey? • .. who' s bea t?!

JOHN L. McLAN E 1729 Roc kl and Street, 41 GL 5-7934 Holy Child I A, 2A. 3E. 4D ••• Scholastic Letter I ... outside dramatid ••. backyard basketball . • , grocery boy.


JOSEPH P. McNICHOL CH 7-7786 7431 Boyer Street, 19 Holy Cross ID, 2E, 3E, 4B .. . Student Council 4 ••. Vice President I, 4 , •• Secretary 3 ... Foot baR I, 2, 3 ( L), 4 ( L) •.. Basketball I ..• Trac:\ I ... Wisterian 3, 4 . • Intramural basketball I (champs), 2 (<:hamps), 3; track I, 2, 3; cross-country I, 2, 3 (champs); softball 2, 3 .•. Red Bird .•. Spanish expert •.. ghostwriter •.• imitations. THOMAS F. McTEAR Road, Abington TU 7-4255 Our Lady Help of Christians IE, 2D, 3A, 4A . .• ClaS5 Se<:retary 4 ••. Football I, 2, 3, 4(L) . . . Track I . . . Intramural basketball I, 3, 4; track I (champs) ; bowling 3, 4; cross-country I (champs); softball 4 . •. Lonesome end . •. "Tinney's" •.. everybody's Monday. 1848 Old


FRANK P. MADDEN 5708 North Marshall Street, 20 WA 7-1474 Saint Helena I B, 2D, 3B, 4D . . . Schola1tic Medal 3 ... Physics Club 4 •.. Spirit Committee . . . Blue and Gold . . . Wisterian 4 ... Stage Crew 3, 4 ... Crew I, 2, 3, 4(L) ... Intramural football I (champs) , 2, 3, 4; basketball 2, 3, 4; bowling 2 (champs) , 3, 4 ; cross-country I, 2; track 2, 3, 4; softball 3, 4; volleyball 4 (champs) . . . moaner mobile rolls again . . . Ralphie Babe ..• Doesn't like to eat ... words for Weinmann.

WILLIAM F. MADDEN 22 West Ashmead Place South, 44 VI 3-3539 Saint Francis of Assisi IC, 2E, 3E, 4D - .. Typing Medal . . . Junior Achievement I, 2 (treasurer) . . . Science Club I . . . Tennis I, 2, 3 ( L). 4 . . . Intramural football 3 (champs) . . • Black Market translations . . . Mort . . . Pancho .•• his tennis letter. HARRY M. MAGRISI 2361 East Somerset Street, 34 RE 9-'1042 Saint Anne lA, 2F, 3D, 4A . . . Football Manager 3 . . . Cheerleader I, 2 .. . Intramural football I, 2, 3, 4; volleyball 4; basketball 3, 4 ; softball I, 2, 3, 4 . •. hates parties ... alumnus of West Catholic . , . deluxe dresser. JOHN M. MAGUIRE 1335 Price Street, 38 Ll 8-3115 Immaculate Conception ID, 2C, 38, 4A - .. Student Council I . . . Track 2, 3(L), 4(L) .•. Intramural football I, 2 (champs), 3; basketball I (champs), 2, 3, 4; soccer 3 {champs), 4 ; volleyball 4; softball 2, 3, 4; cross-country I . . . Smiley ••• bones .•. loves to eat. FRANK J. MAHONEY 5109 North lith Street, 4 DA 4-5498 Holy Child I D, 2C, 3A, 4B ... Student Council 4 . . . Prom Committee . . . Dance Committee ••• Band I, 2, 3 (Lieutenant), 4 (Captain) •.. Dance Band 2, 3, 4 . . . All-Catholic Band I, 2, 3, 4 .•. Intramural footba ll I, 2; track I, 2; softball 2 ... move over, Benny ... Mr. Goodman ... The Blue Flames. SAMUEL V. MANERA IV 2-1813 4855 Umbria Street, 27 •· Holy Family I B. 20, ~. 4D . . . Benilde Club 3, 4 . , . Physics Club 4 ... Chearleader I, 2, 4 •.• Intramural bowling 2 (champs); football 2, 3, 4; track 3 (champs) .. • questions, questions, questions . . . mountain climber .•. bowler deluxe.


JOSEPH S. MAXWELL 412 Sylvania Aven ue, Glenside TU 4-9675 Saint Lu~e lA, 2B, lC, 4A . . . Student Cou._:il ,I,· 2 (Secretary), l (Vice President) , 4 (President) . . ~ Scholastic Letter I, 2 . . . Dramatics Club 3 . . . Footbal 'l, 2(L). 3(L), 4(LI .•. Track I, 2, l(l). 4(L) . . . Basketball I, 2 . • . Intramural basketball l, 4; cross-country I; track I; softball I, 2 (champs), 3, 4 . • . Scotty . . . w,o's he? . . • May I have your autograph 7 • . . Executive.

WILLIAM A. MAYOR 840 East Cholten Avenue , 38 GE 8-8716 Immaculate Conception I D. 2A, 3C, 4A ... Scholastic letter l ... Ma lh Club J ... Track I, 2 •.. Cross-Country 2, 3 . . . lntramurc1l football I; cross-country I, 4; track I, 3 . . . walking the dog , •. Governor , . . brain.

FELIX V. MELE 7019 Stenion Avenue, 38 Ll 9-5229 Saint Athan4Sius I E, 2C, 3E, 48 . . . Scholastic Lotter I .. , Dand . . . Intra mural football I, 2 (champs), 3 (champs). 4; cross-country I (champs) . . . you're a real buddy. Eckert . . . I wcH on the football team for three weeks .•. Black Hand .

RAYMOND J. ME~GLIANO 230 I North 2nd Street GA 3-1125 Saint Boniface I C, 2A, 3E, 4B .•. Scholastic letter I . . . Jungle Man . . . The Pit . . . Merg . . . happy.

RICHARD A. MIEHLE 7546 B,verly Road , 38 HA 4-0384 Saint Athanosius I A. 2A, lE, 48 . . . Scholastic letter I, 2 . . . Math Club l, 4 ..• Football I, 2 . . . Tennis . 2(L), 3, 4(L) . . . Intra· mural football I, 3 (champs), 4 ; cross-country I, 3 (champs), 4; bowling 2. 3 (champs). 4; track I, 2, 3, 4; softball 2, 3 (champs) , 4; volleyball 4 . . . Has stocks in Gimbels ••• white carnations . . . anchors aweigh.

JOSEPH J. MINECCI 607 Wagner Road, Lafayette Hill TA 8-9546 Saint Philip I D. 2B, 3C, 4C . . . Math Club l. 4 . . . Physics Club 4 . . . Intramural football 2, 3. 4; bowling 3, 4; volleyball 4; soft ball 2 (champs), ), 4; chess l. 4 ..• ornithologist . . . plays chess with Guinan . . . One of the slide rule kids.

J. ROBERT MITEK BA 5-3437 3134 North Patton Street, 32 Corpus Christi lA, 2D. 38. 4D . . . Scholastic letter I . . . Benilde Club 4 • . . Dramatics 3 . . . Cheerleader 3, 4 . . . Spirit Committee 4 •.. Prom Committee 3 . . . Intramural football 3 ••• couple number six . . . La Salle's Did Contino . . • mile wide smile.

ROBERT J. MORAN 3002 Mickle Street, Camden 5 EM 5-3458 Saint Joseph IC, 2 8, 30, 4A . . . Math Club . . . Basketball I, 2, 3(l). 4(L) .. . Trac k I ..• Intramural footba ll 2, 3, 4; volleyball 4; softball l, 4; basketball I ; cross-country . . • weke up, Mora n . • . dri bb les while a sleep . . • not swimming pools , • • hetes basket ba ll.


THO MAS J. MORTIMER 1438 West 70t h Avenue, 26 WA 7-4386 Holy Angels I A, 2B, 3D, 4E ... Scholastic Medal 3 . .. Scholastic: Letter I . . . Intramural football I: volleyball 4: track 2: softball 2 (champs), 3, 4 .. 146 mista kes ... has stocks in Wrigley's pleasespoakalittleslowermort imer. Gum • GEO RGE P. MOSER 9002 Crefeld Street, 18 CH 7-9070 Our Mother of Consolation I D 2B. 3C, 4E ... Scholastic Meda l I ... Scholadic Letter I . . . Football I. 2, 3(L), 4 (L) ••• Golf I(L), 2, 3, 4(L) • Intramural basketball 2, 3, 4; track 2, 3, 4: softball 3, 4 . .. G EO-RGE MO SE R ... Shut up, Willy ... MVP Golf.

RO BERT J. NIESSEN 236 Forrest Avenue, Elkins Park TU 4-6427 Saint James IC , 2A, 3D, 4A • • . Benilde Club I, 2, 3, 4 •.. Debating I . . . Bowling 4 .•• bugs on white bucks . .. a little treat for study .•. St. Martin's dances.

JOHN L. O ' DONNELL GL 5-4040 4950 North Broad Street, 41 Holy Child IE, 2E, 3E. 4D . . . Benilde Club 4 Baske tball I, 2, 3, 4( L) . . . Track I . . Cross-Country I . .. Intramural foot. ball I, 2, 3 (champs), 4: basketball 1: track I (champs), 2, 3 (champs), 4: cross-coun try I (cha mps) , 2, 3 (champs). 4 (champs): volleyball 4 {champs): softball 3 (champs) , 4 •. • O 'Die • • • graying at the temples . . . Twinkle Toes.


EDWARD W. MUNTZ 7705 Gate Road, 18 CH 7-9644 Seven Dolors IE, 2E, 3B, 4A . . . Intramural football 2, 3: track I, 3 {champs): bowling 2, 3, 4; softball 2, 3, 4; cross-country I (champs) . . . Flyin Wheels Hot Rod Club . . . Ed .•• backing out of the garage.

THOMAS A. MURRAY 509 East Durham Street, 19 CH Holy Cross IB, 2A, 3C, 4B . . . Blue and Gold Debating I Dramatics 2, 3, 4 •.. Tennis I, 3, 4 ... Intramural 2, 3, 4; volleyball 4: football I, 4 . . . Rip Van Winkle • , make that a Hallmark . . . senior writeups.

NORMAN C. OESCH 180 Spencer Street, 20 WA 4-1241 Saint Helena I B, 2F, 3D, 4D . . . Intramural football I {champs), 2, 3, 4: basketball I, 2, 3, 4: track 2, 3, 4; cross-country 2 {champs)', 3, 4 (champs): bowling 2, 3, 4; softball 2, 3; volleyball 4 (champs) . . . runner ••• Penn Fruit forever ..• A and Champlost.

HUGH C. O'NEILL 607 Wanamaker Road, Jenkintown Immaculate Conception IC, 2D, 3B, 4D ... Intramural football I, 2, 3, 4; I, 2; softball I, 2, ) , 4; volleyball 4 {champs) • .• smooth driller . . . Avid P.O.D. fan.

JOSEPH A. ORLANDO HO 7-bl57 Street, 48 Saint Nicholas of To lentino 4C •.. Scholastic Letter I ... Math Club 3, 4 Gold . , . Intramural football I, 2, 3; bowling 2 (champs ), 3, 4; cross-country I, 2; track • There's always Weinmann, Joe , , , Wyatt on me .•. parachutes. LOUIS E. OSWALD Broad Street, 2b Ll 9-0805 Holy Angels JD, 48 . .. Class Secretary I, 3 .. , Benilde Club •• Willerian 4 ..• Blue ancl Gold . . . Spirit Com•• • Math Club 2 •.. Track I, 3, 4 .. , Football I ......m,ural cross-country I (champs); bas~etball I, 2, 4; I (champs) ; football 4; volleyball 4; softball 2, 4 ... lebe ... Champion Cheerleader . . . get that lunch Oswald ••. Got a smo~e 7 MICHAEL J. PAOLINI Fl 2-8914 Resurrection Scholastic Medal I . , . Scholastic ••• Math Club 3, 4 . . . Physics Club 4 . • Intramural football I . . • hoagie Mike nose, Mi~e 7 • , . agreeable


EUGENE J. PARK Pleasant Avenue, 19 CH 7-4803 Holy Cross 3C, 4A ... Scholastic letter 2 ... Class Secretary • , Benilcle Club 4 ... Prom Committee 3 ... Foot• •• Basketball 1, 2(L). l(L), 4(L) . . . Intramural 4; softball I, 2, 3, 4; track I, 2, 4; cross-country I; 4; basketball I (champs) ... Gone •.. stiff neck

ARTHUR W. PAGAN HA 4-1072 7200 Sommers Road, 38 Saint Athanasius (champs), 2; basI B, 2 E, 3E, 4B . . . Intramural football ketball I . . . big man at the Renel ••• Twirp . . • Big Bouncer.

FRANCIS J. PAGANO 1020 E. Haines Street VI 4-0872 Immaculate Conception IC, 2F, 30, 4B .. , Intramural football I, 2, 3; basketball I, 2; cross-country I •• • walks to school ••. 8:44 boy •. • makes like Andy Griffith •

JOHN M. PIO 8813 Revere Street, IS OR 3-7014 Maternity of Blessed Vir9in Mary IB, 2A, 3E, 4C ... Scholastic Letter I, 2 ... Art Club I, 2, 3, 4 ..• Bani Ide Club 4 ... Intramural football I (champs), 2; cross-country 2: basketball 4· bowling 3 (champs), 4; track I; softball 3 (champs), 4 . . . Hey Sandman, got the translation ... Lend me your P.O.D. Book ... ta~es the boys to Broad ancl Olney in a hot Buick .•. grape masher.

GEORGE J. PUTZ, JR. IOb Holme Avenue, Elkins Park ES 9-3773 Saint James ID, 2 F, 3D, 4B . • Band I, 2, 3, 4 (1st Lieutenant 4) All-Catholic Band 2, 3, 4 . . . Dance Bane! 3, 4 . . . Dramatics 3, 4 ... Squeo~ky , , . Kancly Kane . , • Big Bopper.


THOMAS J. QUINLAN 734 East Dorset Street, 19 GE 8-4518 Little Flower IE, 2A, 3 E, 4C . . , Schol.utic Letter I, 2 . , . Dramatics 2, 3, 4 . . . Band I , .• Track 2, 3, 4 . . . Intramural crosscountry 2, 3 (champs), 4; football 3 (champs): softball 3 (c~amps); track 2; soccer 3 (champs) . . . cyanide kid , , . actor's actor . . . want a scresn test7

ANTHONY S. QUINTO 15b9 Beverly Road, 38 HA 4-7263 Saint Alhanasius IC, 2A, 3E, 4A . . . Scholastic Letter I, 3 . . . Intramural basketball I, 2, 3, 4; football I, 2, 3 (champs); softball 3 (champs); track I, 3; bowling 3 , .. Sugar and spice and everything nice . . . Pascal ..• "I'll deck ya."

PETER E. REILLY Ll 8-7489 7207 North 20th Street, 38 Saint Athanasius I D, 2D, 3B, 4C . , . Blue and Gold . . . Spirit Committee 4 , , , Intramural football I, 2, 3, 4 (champs); basketball 2, 3, 4; bowling 2 (champs), 3, 4; softb411 2, 3, 4; cross-country I, 2 ... definitely ... The Dutchman .•. Ocean City ... "Got the wheels tonight" ... collegiate?

ROBERT J. RICCIO 120b Stratford Avenue, 2b CA 4-1738 Holy Angels IE, 2F, 3B, 4A ... Is it Richie or Rickio? . . . Doesn't want anything under his name ... couldn't do it.

JOSEPH M. RIDGWAY GL S·Ob32 5625 Roschill Street, Saint Ambrose I B, 2C, 3E, 48 . . . Spirit Committee 4 •.. Intramural football I (champs), 2 (ch6mps), 3 ch.,mps), 4; cross-country I, ) ; volleyball 4; softball 2, ), 4 . . . King of the Hop . . . Pompadour ... Napoleon ..• Wollcy Segap.

JOHN T. ROGALSKI PI 3-43b I 1308 Arrott Street, 24 Saint Joachim I A, 2A, 3A, 4E . . . Scholastic Lotter I . . . Wislerian 3, 4 . . . Blue and Gold . . . Spirit Committee 4 . . . Intramural football I, 2, 3, 4; cross-country 3; volleyball 4; b4skctbail 3 (champs). 4; track 3, 4; softball 2, 3, 4 ... Tadz ... "What makes you?" .. • All Intramural.

THOMAS H. RONAN 803 Charette Road, II HO 4-2307 Maternity of the Blessed Virgin Mary ID, 2C, 3E, 4E ... Track 2, 3(L). 4(L) ... Intramural foolball I, 2 (champs). 3 (champs), 4; cross-country 3 (champs), 4; bowling 2, ) (champs), 4; soccer ) (champs); volleyball 4; basketball 2, 3, 4; soflball 2, 3, 4; track I, 2 (champs) . . . Ronan in the Gloomin' . . . The blue bomb . . . All Intramural.

JAMES C. ROSSI 40 Ooktree Drive, Levittown WI b-8417 • ~aint Michael the Archangel IE, 2A, 3E, 4A . , . Scholostic Medal I ... Scholastic Letter I, 2, 3 .. : Phys\cs Club 4 ... Math Club 4 ... Wisterian 4 . . . Intramural football 2, 3 (champs), 4; volleyball 4; soccer 3 (champs), softball 3 . . . extra credit . . . J. C . . , . "The dogsled's outside."


DANIEL J. SANDMAN 1911 North Masher Street, 22 RE 9·6995 Saint Boniface IC, 2A, 3A, 4B ... Scholastic Mecl.!l 5 : • . Scholastic Letter I, 2, 3 . . . Student Council I . ·'. Clan President I . . . Secretary 2 •.• Bowling I, 2(L), 3(L). 4(L) . . . Intramural football I, 2, 3, 4; basketball I, 2, 3 (champs), 4; Irock 2 ... top len ..• it's a seven-len shot ... Sandy.

ABEL J. SCHALL 320 Silver Avenue, Willow Grove Saint David IC, 2E, 3E, 4B ..• Band I, 2, 3, 4 •.. Crew mural volleyball 4 . • . ABE . . . suspenders Murray.

OL 9-1855 . . . Intra· . . Arthur

ROBERT W. SCHALLER 40 I West Fern Street, 20 HA 4-1267 Saint Helena I A, 2B, 3C, 4E . . . Scholastic Letter I, 2 , , . DrCimatics 3, 4 . . . Intramural softball 2 (champs), 3, 4; basketball 2, 3, 4; cross-country 2, 3, 4; bowling 2, 3, 4 ... butterscotch sundae . . . How many points do you have 7 . . . You're a drag on the class!

ANDREW J. SCHAST CL 5-4156 4551 North 5th Street Saint Henry I D, 2D, 3A, 4E . . . Band I, 2, 3, 4 . . . Intramural football 2, 3 . . . Andy ..• talks a lot . . . hoi Chevy.

LAWRENCE E. SCHENKEL 211 West Mount Pleasant Avenue, 19 CH 7-2956 Holy Cross 10, 2F, 3D, 4A •.. Intramural cross-country I, 2 (chomps), 3; bowling 3, 4; softball 2, 3, 4; track 2. 3, 4 . . . Mount Airy boy •.. beep-beep . . . big brother.

FRED ERI CK J. SHAUGHNESSY MA 4-3485 4435 Vistll Street, 36 Saint Bernard I e. 2C, 3A, 4D •.. Secretary 4 . . Football I' 2, 3 ILl' 4(L) ... Track I ... Intramural basketball I, 2, 3 (champs), 4; cross-country 4 (champs); track 2, 3, 4 ... I can't breathe . . . The Toe . . . my book fell out the window •.. why, couldn't it have been you? •.. Freddie.

GEORGE W. SIEGMANN 6420 North Smedley Street, 26 WA 4-8129 Saint Benedict I 8, 2D, 3C, 4B . . . Intramural football I (champs), 2, 3, 4; basketball 3, 4; track I; softball 2, 3, 4 . , . paper boy . , . ink spiller •.• Stabilito's PAL.

DONALD J. SLOWICKI 7421 Brous Avenue, 15 DE 3-8849 Saint Matthew I A, 2B, 3C, 4E . . . Scholastic Letter 2 .• , Wislerian 4 .. , Benilde Club 4 . . . Baseball 2 . . . Intramural football I, 2, 3, 4; basketball I, 2, 3, 4; softball 3; track 3 ••. Gunner . •. NE AC . •. A&P alumn us .. , sardine key?


JAMES H. SMITH 1927 Plymouth Street. 38 HA 4·1095 S11int Ath11nesius ID, 2A, 3E, 4E . . . Bascb11ll 2 . . . In tramura l football I, 2, 3 (ch11mps), 4; basketball I (champs), 2, 3, 4; bowling 2, 3 (ch11mps) , 4 . . . The Vipe . . . Lee's Hoagie House . . . tooth11che. ROBERT M. SMITH 615 Oxford Road , Bala·Cynwyd MO 4-6305 Saint Matthias IE, 2 F, 3D, 4D • •• Student Council I, 2, 3, 4 •.. Art Club 2, 3, 4 o o o Football I, 2(L), 3(L), 4(L) . . . Basketball 3 • •. Crew I, 2(L)o 3 ( L) , 4(L) . . . Intramural cross-country I {champs) , 2: basketb.tll I, 2 ... Rock •.. Kelly for brick· wo rk o • o sings li ke Como.

LEONARD I. STRZELECKI 261>4 Livingston Street, 25 GA 3-6965 Saint Laurentius lA, 2B, 3C, 4E . , • Scholastic Letter I . . . Math Club 3, 4 .• . lntramur11l softball 2 (chemps); track 2, 3, 4 •.. Strez . . . just plain Leonard • • . spell that please.

PHILIP A. SULLIVAN 1821 Canterbury Road, Abington TU 4-5898 Our Lady Help of Christians I 0, 2C, 3B, 4D .. • Benildo Club 4 ... Football I ... Bas· ketball I, 2, 3, 4(L) .. . Track I, 2, 4{L) .•. Intramural footbCIII 2 {champs). 3, 4; track I, 3 {champs); cross-country I, 2, 3; softball I, 4; volleyball 4 {champs) . . . Aren't I handsome 7 • • • hatchet man ... "but she your cousin Phil!"


DONALD J. STABILITO 6140 Chew Avenue, 38 VI 3-7253 Our Lady of the Rosary I B, 2D, 3C, 4E . .. Scholastic Letter I, 2 Intramural football I, 2, 3, 4; softball 2, 3; track 3 ... Stab •.. "whet was the history lest 7" . . . Are you sure that's the way you say it7"

ROBERT F. STRANIX 7925 Pickering Street, SO HA Saint Raymond IC, 2A, 3A, 4E .•. Scholastic Letter I .•• Secretary 4 o Benilde Club 2. 3, 4 . . . Football I, 2, 3, 4 ( L) ..• ball I •.. Intramural basketball I, 2, 3 (champs), 4; I, 2, 3, 4; softball 2, 3, 4; cross-country I ... K•put , • o won't fit ••. size 8 he lmet ..• nice and loud.

FRANCIS C. SULZBACH 226 Colonial Street, 26 Ll 8·3922 Saint Helena IE, 2B, 3C, 4C •.. Scholastic Letter 2, 3 . Golf Team I, 2, 3{L) . . . Bowling I ... Intramural cross-country I, 4; bowling 3 .•. fore . . . can you see over that hill7 ..• I was forced .•. grumpy.

ROBERT M. SUMMERELL Liberty Boll Trailer Village, Trevose Saint Christopher I B. 2A, 3E, 4C ... Scholastic Medal 2 ..• Scholastic I, 2 . . . Art Club 2, 3. . . Physics Club 4 . . . Bou•l•v•• cops ..• Bob ... I never did this badly in a test

HERB ERT H. SWINBURNE Road, Oreland TU 6-38 12 Holy Martyrs . Crew I, 2, 30, 40 ..• Football I, 2, 3, 4(L ) L) .• . Intramural bos~etball I, 2. 3, 4; cross-country ) ; track 2 ... tri-colored car ... Herbie ... WILFRED J. VAUDREUIL Roselyn Street, 41 Ll 8-2183 Saint Benedict 20, 3C, 4E .. , Scholastic Letter I, 2 •.. Math Club 4 ... Physics Club 4 . . . Cheerleader 4 . . . Spirit C.Blftittee 4 •.. Football 3 •.. Intramural football I, 2, 4; 4; basketball I, 2, 3, 4: bowling 3, 4; track 2, 3; 2, 3, 4 ••. Frenchy ... wild 9ym shorts ... Vaude-

VINCENT W. WALTI:RS WA 4-7368 Saint Helena 3C, 48 . .. Scholastic Letter I, 2, 3. 4 ... Wistcrian (hlociate Editor), 4 (Editor-in-Chief) . . . Math 3 ••. Blue an d Gold . .• Spirit Committee . . . . •• Crew I, 2, 3, 4(L) . . • Intramural I, 2, 3. 4; cross-country I, 2: bas~elball I, 2, 3, 4; 2 (champs), 3 ..• 14th Street . . . fell out of tho • mimic . • . it's too smert ... Oh! the risqueity of JOSEPH P. WARGO WA 4-6965 Sparks Street, 41 Saint Benedict 2F, 30, 4A •. . Benilde Club 4 ... Intramura l football 4: b.sketball I, 2, 3, 4 ... Por~y •.. eh, man ... likes Domino.

JOSEPH A. YOLK 1969 73rd Avenue, 38 Ll 9-4090 Saint Athanasius ID, 2C, )A, 4D ... Track I, 2, 3, 4(L) • -.Cheerleader I Football Mana9er 2, 3(L), 4(L) . . . Intramural football 2 (champs), 3 (champs), 4; basketball 2, 3 (champs}, 4; cross-country I, 2, ), 4 (champs); bowling 3, 4; softball 3, 4; track 2 (champs); volleyball 4 (champs); soccer 3 • . . expert counselor ... "May I have a drink, Uncle Joe?" •.. stair monitor. JOHN E. WALSH Ill VI 4-4476 3917 Vaux Street Saint Brid9et IB, 2D, 3C, 4D . •• Scholastic Medal I, 2, 3 .•. Scholastic Letter I, 2, 3, 4 ••. Vice President I •.. Secretary 2 .•• Wisterian 3, 4 (News Editor) ••• Math Club 3 (President) .•. Blue and Gold .•. Spirit Committee . . . Dramatics 3 . . . Crew 3, 4 ••• lntramur"l cross-country I, 2, 3; track I, 2 ••. with o l:ttlo bit of luek ... I don't lik., your tactics •.• N-0! .• hi9h 99 low 98 .. _ swimming. MAURICE J. WATERS 523S Knox Street, 44 GE 8-2912 Saint Francis of Assisi lA, 20, 38, 4A •.. Band 2, 3 ... Mr. Bandstand ... green corduroy sport cod! .•. penny pitcher , •. Reesy. RAYMOND L. WEINMANN WI 7 0182 2310 Boyd Road , Huntingdon Valley Saint Cecilia ID, 2F, 3D, 4B ... Benilde Club 3 (Vice President), 4 ..• Student Council 4 (Vice President) ••. Football I, 2, 3 ( L). 4(L) ... Bas~etball I ... Track I, 3, 4 .•. Intramural bas~otball I (champs). 2, 3, 4; track 2; cross-country I; softball I. 2, 3, 4 •.. the man with the curve .•. "who wrote on my car?" ... "I can catch them in practice" ••• board hands • •• Prussian.

RONALD E. WIGGINS 2136 65th Avenue, 38 HA 4·6413 Saint Benedict IE, 2 F, 3B, 4D . . . Intramural football I, 2, 3: buketball I, 2, 3: track I: cross-country I: softball 2 , , , nature kid .•. mechanic . . . Ron.

WILLIAM J. WILLIAMS 8412 Widener Road, 18 CH 7-7433 Our Lady of Seven Dolors I D, 2B, 3C, 4B . . . Scholastic Lotter I, 2 . . . Math Club 2 . . . Benilde Club 4 . . . Blue and Gold . . . Spirit Committee . . . Intramural football I, 2, 3: cross-country I: b,skotball I (champs), 2, 4: softball 2 (champs), 4: track 4 .• , Williams squared . . • intramural crutch race . . . put your shoes on Willie •.. hawk.

C. LEO WILSON GR 3-4194 6642 Lebanon Avenue, 31 Saint Callistus I B, 2E. 3A, 4C ... Intramural football I, 2, 3, 4: bowling I, 3; volleyball 4 . .. Cleo ... combs his moustache ... pro-Olney.

RANDOLPH E. WISE bMb North 7th Street WA 4-9138 Saint Joseph IC, 2F, 3D, 4B . . . Benilde Club 4 . . . Math Club 2 •• , Debating I , . , Crew I, 2(L), 3, 4(L) . . . lntramur"l foolball I, 3, 4; cross-country 2 (champs), 3, 4: tra<.k 3, 4 Wabbit ... 75 miles to a gallon ... afraid of Physics.

GERARD J. WOLTEMATE 651 East Godfrey Avenue PI 5·890 I Saint William lA. 2B, 3C, 4D ... Football I, 2, 3(L), 4(L) ... Basketball 2 ... The Weight ... Pound ... Flourtown . . . splinterful.

JOSEPH H. ZILLIGEN 301 East Wadsworth Avenue, 19 CH 7-1643 Holy Cross I D, 2C, 3A, 48 . . . Wisterian 3, 4 (Sports Editor) . . . Student Council 4 . . . Intramural football I, 2 (chomps), 3. 4· cross-country I: bowling 2, 3, 4: basketball I. 2: softoall 4 ... M&H ... Mr. Editor ... My appendicitis and I,









. .. . - ,.



Top Row: R. Leary, T. Kilroy, J. Connor, T. Koss, R. Kuss, L. Chase, J. Third Row: M. Stanuak, R. Tragemann, N. Hopkins, E. McGonigle, Shaw, Second Row: G. Rolellcr, J. Stelacio, C. Makowski, W. Dennis, P. Ringland, J. Walther, J. Hennessy, W. Mathews. Front Row : H. Guarini, C. Salle, W. Smith, J. Shea, P. Moore, D. Fanelle, J . Kowalczyk, W. leinheioer.


Top Row: R. Guerin, C. Mooney, U. Tabauynski , R. Gitin ski, A. D'Arcy, A. Marabella , J. Kestler, Muir. Third Row : R. Price, J. lamb, J . Sull ivan, H. Colihan, D. Cronin, R. Panati , T. Murphy, D. Walhcim. Second Row : G. Hu rlbrink, F. McCafferty, W. Granv ille, J . O' Bri en, M. Miles , T. McGorry, C. O'Donnell,

Nawalinski, D. Giorgione, R. Pelner, J. Cu sack, A. Tanzello, J. O'Ga ra , G. Mauacano,



Top Row: T. Ernhof, F. Trouh, R. Miller, S. Trogurnnnn, C. londolo, J. Wagner, J. Wnlkcr, K. Boones. Third Row 0. Pcnonowski, J. Robb, R. Gozdan, M. Bruno, K. Slovitsky, J, McDonough, H. Hoffrnor1,

M. Foley, G. Schncidcr, C Bodo, 0. Burns, R. 0 Donnell, l.



Top llow: J. Osborne, L. Simmers, H. Sloebenau, D. Parmer, J. llurl, R. Morganlhaler, J. Friel, R. ,. . . . . Bonell. Third llow: T. Gosdniak, G. Ebbecke, B. Cehelyk, L. Kelly, J. Rtdlcan, D. Fantlle, W. Narke, J. Thomas. Se<ond Row: C. Devlin, E. Campbell, J. llllleAeld , J. Wilson, H. Harp, J. Giblin, R. Ro$enblum, E. Lipski. Bell, W. Zodeiko, G. McDevitt, R. Jakaills, J. Wetzel, R. McGinley, J. Conner, C. Mallia, ,..__ _


Top Row: J. Sommor, J. Morano, W. Guzek. Third Row: T. Rakowski, F. Gausz, N. Welsh, R. Smith, H. Benz, D. Boyle, J. Mala, J. Callie. Second Row: D. Adelsberger, J. McVeigh, E. Feeny, M. Clark, V. Stango, T. Mullaney, J. McCloskey, P. Miehle. J. McCa fferty, D. Donaghy, J. Holahan, J. Breckenridge, II .

Top Row: N. Perry, J. Gilligan, S. Wray, 8 . Bonner, F 0Jitrlog, M. O' Brien, F. Regnery, M. Carr. Third Row : T. Krystkiewicz, J. McGowan, f. Green, W. Edwards, C. Wieners, E. Smith, J . Kennedy, J.

Haughney. Second Row; J , Bathmeier, J. Gallagher, E. Jordan, A. Mtilncr, J. McDo nald, K. Moss, J. Ryan, P. Thomas. Fronl Row: T. Loftus, J. Byrne, J. Sullivan, J. Colantonio, T. Bradshaw, J. Donahue,


STUDENT COUNCIL The 1958-59 session of the La Salle Student Council convened with three fine officers, two equipped moderators and a number of innovations fo r the purpose of improving the council's effectiveness. Joseph Maxwell presided as president, while Howard Grarini and Joseph Fylypowycz filled the positions of vice-president and secretary respectively. Brother E. Adrian, last year's moderator, was capably assisted by Mr. Joseph Moran in taking care of the advisory tasks. Already accomplished in their agenda is the new system of electing officers where only a junior can fill the vice-president's position, and a sophomore, the secretary's position. The elections will now be held in May. The committee system was completely changed with the establishment of the Activities Committee, the Dance Committee, the Honor Roll Committee, and the Handbook Committee.


BAND Despite an excellent showing, which resulted in the copping of two first place and two second place trophies, the 1958-59 La Salle High School Band was denied its fifth consecutive Catholic League Band title by a highly precisioned Monsignor Bonner. The high caliber of musical entertainment for which La Salle has always been renown was again displayed in the form of novel and clever half-time exhibitions throughout the f o o t b a II season. Aside from mid-game displays, the band participated in the Annual Dance Band Contest sponsored by the Junior Chamber of Commerce, the Spring Music Festival, and various other functions.



- ---....


TEN LITTLE INDIANS As their senior play the Dramatics Club felt no small trepidation at attempting Agatha Christie's weighty Ten Little Indians, but the happy result of that bold attempt was a production that possessed professional polish and entertainment value. Credit for this success belongs to the fine actors and actresses, who rose to the occasion, and to the stage crew unseen but indispensable. Special recognition must go to Mr. Moore, our producer and director, and to Brother Lewis, our moderator. Besides Ten Little Indians, the Cape and Sword has to its credit five assembly plays and roles in father of the Bride and Oh Susanna/ at St. Basil Academy and in Brigadoon at Cecilian Academy.



ISTERIAN a publication worthy of High School is the goal of the staff; this year, without a that goal was achieved. its twenty-fifth consecutive ~tu:blhcation the student journal La Salle with pertinent news, features, timely editorials, sketches, and sprinklings of Silver Anniversary and All-Sports were new presentations deservboastings. The designing and of the Wisterian seal, was an• accomplishment of the The Introduction of Newscope enlargement of As We See It pace for the revitalization of features . pictorial excellence of and cooperation and of Mr. Arnold Cohen, the Wis couldn't have attained the sueit now enjoys. the capable and invaluable of Brother David Hilary, EditorVincent Walters, news editor and sports editor Joe with an altruistic staff of assmen, produced a publication which was exIt)' none.

MATHEM ATICS CLUB Four years has seen the Mathematics Club achieve its organizational purpose of "giving opportunity for the presentation and discussion of mathematical subjects of interest." To this end, members speak before the club on such topics as "Non-Euclidian Geometries," " The Theory of the Universe and the Fourth Dimension," " MatPiematical Proofs of the Existence of God," and "The Expanding Universe," while guest speakers explain "Plotting of Higher Degree Equations" and other interesting subjects. While the members are united in their common interest in matmematics, their opinions on the sub ject vary, and the weekly meetings are usually punctuated with lively discussion. La Salle's Math Club boasts of membership in the National High School Mathematics Club, Mu Alpha The ta, an honorary society with headquarters at the University of California. Like the parent organization, both the Senior Division, moderated by Brother Felix John, and the Junior Division, under Brother D. Edward, endeavor to develop in the student a deeper interest in the science of mathematics, both within and outside the classroom .

HYSICS CLUB Club, formerly known a s the Science Club, stimulate interest in physics and related to prepare students for college entrance Mlllrshllp exams. units : one for seniors and the other Jdetlltftell1, the divisions hold bi-weekly meet•:asilon;al combined meetings. Each member to give a talk during the year and to make the annual physics exhibit at the end of

year. Is under the capable direction of Brother moderator and founder. A bi- monthly the "Explorer" contains articles which are __. printed by the club members.






Ll BRARY CLUB Once again under the able direction of Mr. Carl von Nell, the Library Aides Club has proved itself invaluable to La Salle students. At the first meeting in the fall , Cornelius McKelvey, 4E, was re-elected to the office of president and Joseph Stelacio, 3A, was appointed secretary. Throughout the school year the aides work along with the librarian in the cataloging, classification, and processing of books. During the meetings which are held periodically an aide gives a report on a book which he has just completed in order to inform the other library aides and through them the student body on popular material in the library.


To actively engage in forensic competion with schools of the Catholic Forensic league of Greater Philadelphia and to amplify and develop the abilities of the members in the various speaking arts is the work of the Debating Club. Under the direction of a new moderator, Brother Erasmus Francis, the club members participate in a program of weekly debates in both the freshman-sophomore and the junior-senior leagues. These weekly debates serve as a preparation for the team's participation in important tournaments sponsored by area schools and colleges . In addition to debate, interest in other speaking arts is encouraged. Extempore speaking is invaluable in building ability to analyu and express oneself without time-consuming preparation, an important advantage given by the Debating Club.



CLUB The Art Club has, under the direction of Brother F. William, again proved popular among underclassmen as well as seniors. La Salle's artists have as in the past garnered a few prizes in the various contests they enter, including the Halloween window painting contest, won this year by John Kaczur poster contest, the Gimbels Scholastic Art Awards and our own Spring Music Festival poster contest. Our youthful Renoirs and Rembrandts express themselves in various media, such as oil paints, water colors, pastels, charcoals and modeling clay for three dimensional work. A little something extra for those aspiring cartoonist or any other field of professional drawing is the annual visit of Mr. John Liney who demonstrates his style with original drawings of his world famous "Henry."






'路 .

BEN ILDE CLUB The Benilde Club was founded at La Salle in 1948 and has emphasized the interest of the young layman in direct Catholic Action, while encouraging members to follow the vocation which will be the most rewarding in the hereafter. Group prayers for guidance in the proper choice of a vocation and visits to the outstanding Catholic centers in the area are just a few of the highlights of the club, which this year was headed by Robert Stranix, 4A. Brother David Albert, who has served as moderator of the club since its beginning, has a 路Jong list of former members who are now serving God in the priesthood or religious life.

HISTORY CLUB Despite the many activities already at La Salle during the past year, a new one, the History Club, has been founded by Brother Bernardine, its moderator and director. The club will broaden the student's background in history through talks given by various guest speakers on famous historical spots throughout the world. Excursions to nearby historical sites were included in the club's activities. This new club has laid the cornerstone for future development of historical intere5t at La Salle.


BLUE AND GOLD distribution of the Blue and Gold for 1959 culminated months and energy consumed in its planning and preparation. annual, virtually a treasure-house of pictures, captures La beautiful campus and reflects the school's and students' . ,• .,ner1t in every areo of high school life. staff, working in close association with photographer, Mike has come- up with a very interesting over-all design. Along a larger introduction and increased coverage for many sports activities, several new addition"s highlight this year's work. these are the handsome dividers, the Principal's message uating class, and the long-discussed inside cover with Nlllalcus theme. Seniors will especially welcome having a peryearbook with their name embossed on the back cover.


ALUMNI The Alumni of La Salle College High School has, as in the past, contributed a variety of programs to make this year a memorable one for the past sons of La Salle. This year's highlights include the Alumni Breakfast, the Alumni Homecoming Basketball Game, the presentation to Arnie Buben of the Joseph G. Ball Memorial Trophy, the chancing-off of two series tickets for the Phillies games, and the 25th Anniversary Dinner for "Obie" O'Brien. These affairs could not have been accomplished except through the fine work of James Gallagher, the president, and his officers.


MOTH ERS' CLUB The Mothers' Club with its many functions and activities is one of the leading organi:l:ations at La Salle. Guided by Brother Nicholas as moderator and Mrs. Earl Connor, president; Mrs. Daniel Madden, vice president, and Mrs. James Crowley, secretary, the Mothers' Club sponsors a host of events. Some of these events include the "always popular" Saturday night dances; the crowning achievement of the social year comes in May on La Salle Nite which offers abundant entertainment in the form of card games, bingo, door prizes and dancing. On the spiritual side we have a day of recollection held at the Dominican Retreat House in Elkins Park and the yearly sojourn to Ammendale, the Brothers' Novitiate, where they obs erve the life of a novice. Among the other events of interest one finds the Freshman Mothers' Tea, the Annual Fashion Show and numerous card parties .



MEN OF LA SALLE The Men of La Salle, the organization for La Salle fathers, has concluded an eventful year, filled with varied programs and memorable calendar events. Moderator, Brother F. Joseph and Mr. Randolph Wise, president, with the other officers are responsible for the success of the Freshmen Fathers' Night, the Father and Son Banquet, the mid-year fete in honor of our third Catholic league Championship team, the Barn Dance, and the Activities Night. The club continued to give financial aid to needy students. A sad note was struck this year with the death of Mr. Joseph I. McNichol!, a La Salle graduate and one of the original charter members of the organization who contributed much through its early years.



The long awaited highlight of the social season, the Senior Prom of the Class of 1959, finally arrived on January 16. The many months of preparation by the Student Council proved to be highly successful, especially their choice of the charming favors presented to the young ladies. The delightful evening was set in the exquisite setting of Whitemarsh Valley Country Club a s more than 120 seniors and their lively dates danced to the continuous music of AI Raymond and his orchestra.


CROSS-CO UNTRY Under the expert coaching of Brother William, our cross-country team turned in one of the most impressive records in the history of the school. A school record was established as seven runners smashed the magic thirteen minute mark on the Catholic League Course at Thirtythird and Dauphin Streets in Fairmount Park. Contributing to the mark were: seniors Jim Fox and Bob McCann, juniors Henry Keller, Joe McDonald, Tom Quinlan and Pete Clark, and soph Pete Volk. Amassing a 6-4 record in the regular season, La Salle placed fourth in the Catholic League CrossCountry Championships, a fine display of competitive spirit.



La Salle's fan s will never forget the Explorers' fight for supremacy and their development into the Catholic League's most consistently potent team. This season differed from the previous three, as the La Salle gridders proved they could become a winner the hard way. After injuries and a tough, yet sound defeat put the varsity on the brink of collapse, the defending champs jelled to become Catholic League Champions for the second straight year, and for the third time in four years. Their atte mpt to keep its City Title was thwarted, however, by the gigantic Railsplitters from Lincoln . La Salle 14 Bonner 0 The hard running of Woltemate plus Weinmann's safety were more than enough to offset glaring Explorer mi stakes and waylay the Friars of Monsignor Bonner. La Salle 24 Father Judge 6 Woltemate's e lectrifying 75-yard scamper in addition to a touchdown each by Shaughnessy, Maxwell and McNichol gave La Salle the victory. Injuries suffered claimed " Reds" for the season and crippled four other La Salle regulars. Saint James 14 La Salle 0 The injury riddled Explorers could not match the spirited Jimmies and their two second-half touchdowns. La Salle was shut out for the first time since 1953, and a major roadblock was put in the way of a successful title defense. La Salle 38 • Saint Thomas More 6 Guarini, now adjusted to his new role of quarterback, scored one touchdown, and passed for three others, to put La Salle back on the road to recovery. La Salle 16 Bishop Neumann 6 Against the then league leading Pirates, the underdog Explorers came through. A second period Guarini-Koss aerial and the two-point conversion by Mclear was enough for victory, but a fumble recovery by Stran1x set up Maxwell's insurance touchdown . La Salle 6 West Catholic 0 A pesky group of Burrs threw a scare into the highriding Explorers. The first three quarters of the soggy game were nothing more than a constant exchange of punts. But in the fourth quarter, limping Maxwell entered the game and sparked the winning rally a s Woltemate scored. La Salle 42 North Catholic 12 After a two-season wait, revenge was ours for a title-depriving defeat at the hands of the Falcons. Maxwell and Koss scored two touchdowns apiece to lead the assault on the once-mighty Falcons. La Salle 40 Cardinal Dougherty 14 An evenly balanced offensive show proved the downfall of the boys from Dougherty. Three Guarini aerials and three ground tallies outclassed the Cardinals. La Salle 34 Roman Catholic 0 After a scoreless first half, the champs-to-be exploded for five scores in the second half. Maxwell scored three touchdowns; Guarini and Appleton also countered for La Salle. La Salle 20 Lincoln 28 In on e of th e closest inter-league title tilts in a long time, a big Lincoln eleven destroyed La Salle's hopes of a second consecutive city crown. Even though the season was over, honors to a successful football team showered in. Maxwell, Buben and Weinman were unanimous All-Catholic selections by the three local newspapers. Heckler was selected along with the other three on the Daily News first team, while second team berths were awarded to Woltemate, Smith and Guarini. Not to be outdone by his star players, Mr. John Flannery was selected as the Daily News' "Coach of the Year."



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BOWLING The 1958-59 edition of the bowling team was in the race for the two playoff berths until the very end of the season. Although not the highest scoring team in recent years, the varsity keglers gave the other contenders stiff competition on many occasions. The varsity consisted of one senior, Dan Sandman, and four juniors, Captain Bob Conner, Neil Hopkins, Joe Tabaczynski, and George Roletter. The jayvees built up a team which will be a winning combination in years to come. Members of the junior varsity included Ken White, Ed Delaney, Larry Schenkel, Ed Kohlkepp, Walt Liss, Kevin Moss, Frank Jankowski, Chris Maxwell, and Jack Barthmaier.


Although this basketball season was not the kind La Salle has been used to in the past, it was a season which many schools with a mediocre background would have been proud to admit as theirs. " O'Bie" O'Brien's netmen compiled an overall 11-11 record and a 6-9 league record. There is no denying that this season had more dull points than anyone wanted, and often, nothing went right for the erratic Explorers. However, despite this hot-and-cold play, our varsity, playing the role of the spoiler, was as feared as any big power in the Catholic League. Left without any returning starters from last season, the game but inexperienced team, staffed mostly by juniors, handed losses to league champ, West Catholic, and runner-up, Father Judge. Some of the members of the team were not forgotten in the annual round of awards from various sports circles. Gene Park received the Markwood Club Award for his exceptional play against Bishop Neumann, in addition to winning the MVP award in a student poll conducted by the Wisterian. Along with Tom Murphy and Frank Gallo, Gene also received honorable mention on the AllCatholic teams. The JV's helped to brighten the future by virtue of their fabulous 19-1 record. The only blot on the otherwise perfect slate was a one-point overtime defeat at the hands of Saint Thomas. The freshman team made just as good an impression, leaving a 14-1 record behind them. The last two observations point to bright horizons in LaSalle basketball.



This year it was La Salle's junior varsity basketball team who upheld the tradition of court dominance which has become synonomous with Explorer cagers. Their impressive record of nineteen wins against one overtime loss very ably testifies to this fact. Under the coaching of "Little Obie," the Blue and Gold court representatives developed from a good squad into an unstoppable unit which overpowered all opposition and wound up with the best JV log in the city.




CREW The La Salle representative on the Schuylkill River, despite an unfortuitous beginning, proved thA old maxim that practice makes perfect with their excellent performances in the late season regattas. The varsity eight, Bob Leary, Bob Smith, Tom Dougherty, Herb Swinburne, John Moore, Joe Loughran, Frank Wesh, Frank Madden, and coxswain John Becher, gained many impressive victories throughout the season. The Explorer squad, composed of Barry Dunleavy, Tom Reynolds, Bill Hull, and Randy Wise and the double, John Lehman and George Kelly, however, were the continual bright spots for Coach George Hines and moderator Brother G. Claude.





TRACK The 1959 La Salle harriers, moderated by Brother Frederick William a n d coached by Mr. John Harbison, showed a great improvement over last year's team. Led by outstanding juniors such as Kelly, Stanczak, Elias, Koss, and Keller, the team has shown great potential with impressive victories over Cardinal Dougherty, Saint Joseph's, and Monsignor Bonner. The senior bulwark of the team comprised of Norm Harvey, Joe Maxwell, John Guinan, Tom Gallagher, Tom Ronan, Tom Quinlan, Arnie Buben, Jim Fox, Jack McGuire, Fran Heckler, and Joe Volk. 139








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Touring the links for La Salle this year was a "hard driving" squad carrying the reputation of the "team to beat". The little Explorers, whose home course was Sandy Run Country Club, bettered I a s t year's record of only two losses in a highly successful season. Brother G. Thomas' 1959 duffers were strengthened by four veterans. Returnees Bob Faraco, Frank Sulzbak, George Moser, and Hugh McGee were accompanied by newcomers P h i I Byrnes, Bob Chesco, and Dick Diamond in La Salle's quest for the Catholic League championship.





s 144


La Salle netmen, moderated by Brother Bernardine, headed by seniors Rich Miehle and Bill Madden, with strong and e xperienced juniors, Dave Bruce and Neil Hopkins, and freshm e n starters, Clark Hopkins, Paul Miehle, a n d J o n Walheim, equalled last year' s effort. last year the team took second place in the league and pos ed as a formidable threat in all t h e i r matches. A s uccessful freshman tourney saw Clark Hopkins defeat Paul Miehle for the trophy.



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Coach John Hricinak and Moderator Brother E. Raymond faced the job of rebuilding La Salle's varsity nine this year. The main problem was limited practice space. However, practice with the La Salle College varsity on their field benefitted both teams. After the exhibition games the inexperienced team began to mature. Since Steve Clayback, Steve Cook, John Corra, and Joe Evancich were the only seniors on the 1959 team, it shows great promise for next year. Harvey Appleton, Howie Guarini, and Dick Tragemann head a long list of underclassmen on the team.






THE 1959 BLUE AND GOLD STAFF EDITORS John Walsh Vince Walters

ASSOCIATE EDITORS . . . . . . . . Mark Gallagher, Frank Madden

ART WORK .................................. Jim McKenna

CONTRIBUTORS: John Butkovich, Jerry Canavan, Bill Cashin, Pete Clark, Pat Connor, Phil Conway, Lou Donaghue, Tom Dougherty, Frank Driscoll, Bill Ebbecke, Frank He rron, John Kane, Ray Kerollis, Pete Lang, Bill Logan , Neil McKelvey, Tom Murray, Joe O' Brien, Joe Orlando, Pete Reilly, John Rogalski, Don Slowicki, and Willie Williams.

FACULTY ADVISER .... . .... . . . ........ Mr. Gerald Tremblay

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The staff and the moderator extend thanks to: Mike Maicher, an untiring worker in the field of art; Dan Solari, our expert helper and guide; Mr. Joseph Durenzi and Mr. Carl Wolf, for the excellent senior portraits and their unfailing cooperation; Brother E. Francis, whose encouragement and talents a ssist us always; Miss Celeste Wagner, for her patience and work in our behalf; The La Salle Faculty, our most consistent backer; Our Patrons, for the most successful drive in the history of La Salle.

HONORED PATRONS James Accardi and Family Mrs. lillian M. Anderson Mrs. Catherine Barthmaier Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Becker and Pamily Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Beitz Mr. and Mrs. Paul Biggans Mr. and Mrs . Robert J. Bogle Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F. Boscoc John Boyle Joseph M. Boyle Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Bozzell Mr. and Mrs. Neil G. Breen Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Buben Mr. and Mrs. John Burt Mr. and Mrs. Bart Byrnes Mr. and Mrs. Philip Byrne The Carroll Family Mr. and Mrs. William J . Cashin Mr. Joseph P. Catti e Mr. and Mrs . Howard W. Chase Mr. and Mrs. L. J . Cogan Mrs. L. Colantuono Compliments of Sophomore " E" Mr. and Mrs. John F. Connelly Mr. and Mrs . Michael Connelly Mrs . Delia Connolly Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Conway Mr. and Mrs . Peter Corra Mr. and Mrs. John D. Coyle Mr. and Mrs . John P. Coyle Pat Cronin Mr. and Mrs . Joseph E. Crowley Dr. and Mrs. A. S. Damiani Mr. and Mrs. Franci s J. Davis Denni s R. Deasy Mr. and Mrs . Edward E. De lp Mr. and Mrs. Charl es F. Devlin Mr. and Mrs . John J . Driscoll Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Dougherty Mrs . C. F. Duvall Mr. and Mrs . William J . Ebbecke The Edinger Family Mr. and Mrs. A. Harry Feldman Mr. and Mrs . Frank Feret Mrs . Mary Festa Mr. and Mrs. J. Raymond Fitzpatrick Mrs. James Flynn Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Foley Mary Fuchs Thomas H. Gallagher Mr. and Mrs . Joseph Gallo Mr. Victor Gittens and Family

Dr. Michael 0 . Grassie Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Graviss Greater Glenside Youth Club Mr. and Mrs. Amil S. Gumula Harry L. Haeberle The Helwig Family Mr. and Mrs. James Higgins Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Hoster Mrs . Charles Hubbs Mr. and Mrs. Albert C. Hurlbrink John F. lgoe Mr. and Mrs. John lncarvito Mr. and Mrs. Frank Jankowski Mr. and Mrs . John Kaczur Mr. and Mrs. Harrison D. Karnbau Mr. and Mrs . Bohdan Kyweluk Mrs. Ire n e S. Laverty Dr. and Mrs. John M. Lawlor John P. l earning, Jr. The Leese Family Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Lewandowski Mr. and Mrs. Fred link Mrs. Joseph F. Loughran Dr. and Mrs. C. H. Makowski Dr. and Mrs . Vale ntin e R. Manning, Jr. Bob Matthews Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Maxwell Alfred Victor Meitner, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Salvatore Mergliano Mr. and Mrs . August H. Miehle Mr. and Mrs. Moore Mr. and Mrs. John J . Moran and Family Thomas Mortimer Mr. and Mrs. Robert McCann Mr. and Mrs. John L. McCloskey Rev. Monsignor Gerald V. McDevitt Mr. and Mrs. John F. McDevitt Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F. McDonald Mr. and Mrs . Neal McKelvey John Mclane, Sr. Joseph P. Mclaughlin Dr. and Mrs. Thoma s F. Mclear Nolen and Swinburne Very Revere nd John l . Nugent Margaret C. O' Donnell, R.N. Mrs. Norman Oesch Mrs. C. Jo seph O' Malley Mr. and Mrs. John F. O'Neill Mr. and Mrs. Jam es J. Osborne Mr. and Mrs. William Peters Dr. and Mrs. Michael P. Primiano Mr. and Mrs. James W . Quinn, 2nd


Anna M. Rascento Mr. and Mrs. Peter Re illy Joseph F. Robb Mr. and Mrs . Joseph J. Robe rts Mr. and Mrs. Geo rge J . Rol etter Mr. and Mrs. Thoma s H. Rona n Mr. and Mrs. John G. Sandma n Mr. and Mrs. John P. Sharkey Mr. and Mrs. Fred Sha ughn essy Kenneth Shaw Mr. and Mrs . R. C. Sim mers Mr. and Mrs. John C. Singer

Mr. and Mrs . Joseph Slowicki Mr. and Mrs. Edward U. Sontheimer Mr. and Mrs . Ulrich Sontheimer Dante Stabilito and Family Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Vitale Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Volk Mr. and Mrs. John E. Walsh, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. R. J . Walther Mr. Jo seph P. Wargo Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Wilson Dr. and Mrs. Edw ard A. Wroblewski The Zilligens

HO NORED BUSINESS PATRONS Atlas Casket Co., Inc. Philadelphia 34, Penna

Finnaren & Hal ey, Inc. 60th and Thompson Streets

Robert A. Barr- Ford Deale r 7700 Frankford Avenue

Fischer Homes1 Inc. 502 West Godfrey Avenue

Barton & Kramer Air Co ndition ing 1341 West Glenwood Aven ue

FoodTown Super Market 304-06 We st Chelten Avenue

Belmac Tavern 2419 Germantown Aven ue

Freeman Insurance Agency 7217 Marshall Road, Upper Darby

Howard N. Becker- Florist 4644 North 5th Street

Gilbert & Kierstead, Inc. Electrical Construction Engineers 1633 Race Street

The Carborundum Co. Bristol, Penna .

John Gil etti- Piumbing and Heating 710 West Chew Street

Carlton Mills Co ., Inc. 241 West Wyoming Aven ue

Harold Graff- Paperhanging 5135 Walke r Stre et

Chadmoore Formal Wea r 1605 Moore Street

Happ & Sons- Realtors Doylestown, Penna.

Connor Real Estate 713 West Avenue Jenkintown

HIMC Credit Corporation 6158 limekiln Pike

Albert (sink- Build er & Carpenter Washington Lane

Holy Cross Church Mount Airy

D. & K. Industries, Inc. 176 West Wellens Avenue

Impression Papers of America 401 North Broad Street

Dale's Norwood Diner 620 Chester Pike

K. & S. Cafe 6080 Ridge Avenue

Mr. Silvio D'Ambrosio- Ge n eral Contractor 1900 Hoffnagle Street

liberty Federal Savings & Loan Association 202 North Broad Street


A. Lucidi Iron Works 2829 Ea st Monmouth Street

Irvin H. Niessen- Building Contractor 236 Forrest Avenue

M. & C. Products Company 6918 State Road

North Hills Country Club North Hills, Penna.

Daniel J . Madden- Insurance Agency 837 Public Ledger Building

O'Donnell's Bar & Restaurant 4950 North Broad Street

Frank Madonna's Formal Wear 813 South 1Oth Street

Oliver Roman & Co .- Masonry Contractors Chestnut Hill

Marchione Electric Roslyn, Penna .

O'Reilly & White, Inc. Narberth, Penna.

Mary Lewis Camera Shop 5913 Germantown Avenue

The Henry S. Rau Co., Inc. 2018 Sansom Street

John J . Mcllhinney- Realtor 5723 North 5th Street

Roxboro Cinder Co., Inc. Castor and Aramingo Avenues

Edward J . McGee, Jr., Funeral Director 300 West Cheltenham Ave nue

Schwarzwald Inn Olney Avenue

C. Mcilvaine Mundy Funeral Hom e 2805 West Allegheny Avenue

Seasonguard Corporation 11 01 Eo st Stafford Street

Carl Metz, Builder Jenkintown, Penna

Sheehan & Bailer Caterers 4533 Worst Street

The Murphy-Go-Round 137 West Chelten Avenue

Francis Siergiej- Grocer 2619 Edgemont Street

John J . Nesbitt, Inc. State Road and Rhawn Street

E. J. Spangler Co. 1237 North Howard Street


SOCIAL PATRONS Mr. and Mrs. P. J . Adelsberger The Agin Family S. Joseph Alta II Terry and larry Baird Mr. and Mrs . Bernard Balizet Mr. and Mrs. Harry T. Bauerle Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Bell H. Bellman & Company Victor J . Bierman, M.D. Mrs. Maurice Black Mrs. D. Ellen Blees Dr. and Mrs. Francis B. Boland Mr. and Mrs. Robert J . Bothwell John J . Boyle

Mr. Robert Boyle Thomas J. Bradshaw, Sr. Dr. and Mrs. R. l . Breckenridge Richard and Neil Breen The Brennan Family Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Brinker and Children Ma rgaret M. Bryan Mr. Daniel L Callahan Ensign David G. Campbell Mr. and Mrs . James Canavan Mr. and Mrs. Alvin C. Connon Mrs. Catherine Cantwell John l. Carlson


Rev. Jo•eph J . Carroll Dr. and Mrs. Paul Casey Mr. and Mrs. George Cosper Ce saro and Galler Fuel 0 11 Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cheleden Mr. and Mrs. V. A. Cheney Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Cl a yback Joseph A. Colontonio Mr. and Mrs Earl P. Conner Mrs. Margaret T. Cook Mr. and Mrs. Vincent D. Coono han George W. Cou pe and Sons Mr. a nd Mrs . William J . Cover, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. John J . Crow

Mr. and Mrs . Cundey Mr. and Mrs. John Czarnecki Alfred J. D'Angelo Captain J. J. Delaney Mr. and Mrs . Joseph J. Diamond Mrs. Catherine DiTullio Dr. and Mrs. A . H. Donaghue Mr. and Mrs . Joseph H. Donaghue Dominic Earaminas Virginia Ebbecke Charles Eckert francis C. Ersterowice, M.D. Mr. Anthony Eksterowricz Mr. and Mrs. John M. Elias Mr. and Mrs. Victor J . Eschbach Mr. and Mrs. Walter A. Faris Richard Feeny Anne M. Ferry Mr. and Mrs . Richard Fida Mr. and Mrs . Christian Fisher Mr. and Mrs. John V. flynn H. J . Friel John J . Friel A Friend and A Pal Mrs. Olga Fueyk Mr. and Mrs. James P. Gallagher Mr. and Mrs. John Gallagher Mr. John Gallatig Mrs. John Gallatig Fred Ganone Thomas Gibbons Mr. and Mrs. John Gilligan Mr. and Mrs. Giorgione Mr. and Mrs. R. Gizinski Ann and Betty Godschall Mr. and Mrs. Harry J . Godschall Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Gon tram Mr. and Mrs . John Gordon Joseph Gosciniak Mr. and Mrs. W. Gozdan Mr. and Mrs. Harry Griffith Howard Guarini Honorable and Mrs. Charles L. Guerin Mr. and Mrs. John Guinan John F. Guinan Mrs. Kathryn T. Haaf Mr. and Mrs. Norman Hare Mr. and Mrs. Harry J. Harp Norman P. Harve y Mr. and Mrs . Francis Heckler Mr. and Mrs . John Hei nz! and Family Mr. and Mrs. Joseph W. Henderson Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Hennessy Thomas Hindson Mr. and Mrs. Norbert J. Hipp Henry A. Hoffman Mr. and Mrs. Edward Hogan M. M. Holtzman, D.D.S . Mr. R. Clark Hopkins Mrs. R. C. Hopkins Mr. and Mrs. James P. Horan, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. w. A. Huhn Mr. John P. Hynes Mr. and Mrs . Martin C. Hynes Mary Jowette Joseph J . Junod Sofia Kautz W. A. Kavanaugh, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Kearney Mr. and Mrs. George Kelly

A. C. Kenrich Mr. and Mrs. Kilroy Mr. and Mrs. Klumpp Mr. and Mrs. George A. Koenig Mr. and Mrs. Edward T. Koss Mr. and Mrs. George Kozub Sigmund Krzem inski Mn. Anna Kugler, Sr. Mr. ond Mrs. William J. Lafferty Mr. and Mrs. Howard F. Lange Howa rd and Arlene Lange Mr. and Mrs. John C. A. Larkin, Sr. Mr. and Mrs . John A. Leinheiser Mi ss Ma rie leinheiser Mr. Jay B. Lilllefleld Dr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Loftus Mr. William H. Logan Alma T. McCafferty James F. McCort Mrs. Ann McDonovan Mr. and Mrs . Cornelius F. McFadden Mr. and Mrs. Frank X. Mcfadden Mr. and Mrs . Paul McGill Mr. and Mrs . William L. McGlaughlin Mr. and Mrs. Thomas McGarry M r. and Mrs. William J . McKeown Miss Catherine McNamara Mr. and Mrs. J . P. McNichol Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F. McVeigh Rosemary G. Mackin John S. Maguire Reverend Father Vito Martusievich Mr. Vincent Massi Ma ria R. Mala Wi ll iam R. May Mrs. Edwin N. Mayor Mr. and Mrs. Joseph W. Maxwell Metrick Family Mr. and Mrs. D. P. Miles Mr. H. Miles Mrs. Lure na D. Miles Mrs. Minecci Mrs. Mary Mingone Bob Mitek John J . Moran, Class of '32 Mr. and Mrs. S. Moser Mr. and Mrs. J . P. Motley James H. Muckley Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Mullaney Mrs. W. A. J. Mullen Owen l . Murray Mr. and Mrs . C. K. Nash Mr. and Mrs. Valentine Nawalinskl M r. and Mrs. George Nico laus Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Niessen J . T. O'Brien Mr. and Mrs . Potrick O'Gara Ed O' Hanlan Mr. and Mrs. John F. O' Neill Mrs . Jose ph O' Neill Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J . Orkwiszewski Mr. and Mrs. William O'Shea Mrs. Van A. Oswald Mr. and Mrs. George Ott George 011, Jr. The Pagan Family Rev. Francis Palecki lucian F. Pazul ski J oseph Pensabene Robe rt V. Pickard


Mr. George J. Pub, Sr. George J . Putz, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. John F. Quigley Thomas J. Quinlan, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Amedeo Quinto Joseph Reitano, Jr. James Ricciardi Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Rider Harold Ringland Mr. Anthony Ri si Mr. and Mrs. Harry Rodgers Anthony B. Roman, D.D.S. Dr. and Mrs. Paul V. Rouse J. J . Ryas and Son Sylvi De Sabato Pat Sarro , Hardware Mr. and Mrs. Schaller George W. Scheel, Sr. Guston A. Schwoeri Mr. and Mrs. Carl J . Schwab Mr. and Mrs. John Seeber Dr. and Mrs. John T. Sharp Mr. and Mrs. William Sharpe Mr. James Shaughnessy Mr. Frank Shay Stephen B. Shea Charles T. Skradzio Mr. a nd Mrs. Stanley Slovitsky Clement M. Smith George Smith J . S. Smith Mr. and Mrs. James Smith Mr. and Mrs . leo J . Sommar Max H. Sorensen Max J. Sorensen, Class of ' 49 John M. Sorenson Mr. Anthony Spechiale Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Spetzer Mrs. Victor Stango Mrs. Clarence A. Stearns Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Sternfeld Edward Maiden R. l. Stott Mr. and Mrs. Robert Stranix Charles and Joseph Sullivan, ' 56 and '60 Mr. and Mrs. Davi d F. Sullivan Presco Supply Co. Mr. and Mrs . Stefan Tabaczynski Dr. and Mrs. J. Taglianelli Mr. and Mrs. Michael J . Theis Mr. and Mrs. John 0 . Thomas Three E Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Tomkiewicz Mr. and Mrs . E. Tomkinson Mr. and Mrs. G. Tonzello Mr. and Mrs. G. Tonzello Wilfred Vaudreuil, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. S. Wallace Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Walters Katheryn R. Waters Mr. and Mrs. ludwig Weinmann Mr. and Mrs. Francis J. Wesh Mrs. Ruth C. Whitema n Mrs. Agnes M. Wigins Mr. John K. Williams Mrs . Mary Wilson Mr. and Mrs. Henry Wyszynski Mr. and Mrs. W. Wyszynski Mr. and Mrs. Francis P. Yannessa Fred Zarroli

DISTINGUISHED BUSINESS PATRONS Anthony Ailo 21 0 Penn Street Bristol, Penna.

Fleming Motors Inc. 601 East Hector Street Conshohocken, Penna.

l eon Blosh Atlas Casket Company

Fox Chase Builders Supply, Inc. 7979 Rockwell Avenue

N. Bontivoglio's Sons, Inc. 259-263 Division Street Camden, New J e rse y

Fronk and Walt's Tavern 5B18 Castor Ave nue

Stanley M. Bednorelc Real Estate and Insurance Broker 2607 East Allegheny Avenue Mr. Joseph Brennan Botany Shop, John Wanamaker Philadelphia, Penna. Corcoran's Grocery 201 East Wishart Street Mr. Bruno De Gregorio 1 73 Faunce Street

Friel 's Cafe Opal and lehigh Avonue

Power House Cafe 190 1 West Somerset John E. Rafferty, Jr., Inc. 273 Montgomery Avenue Bola-Cynwyd, Penna. Rocco Fonelle' s Sons Scrap D•al•rs 217 line Street Camden 3, New Jer..y Royal Arms Pharmacy 428 5 Frankford Avenue

Gruber's Bakery 7612 Ogontz Avenue

Sattler Brothers, Clothing 5 4 21 North 5th Street

John F. Hagerty, Funeral Director 2324 North Broad Street

Steve's Gulf Station Oxford Avenue and Von Kirk Street

Paul G. Hagerty, Fune ral Direc tor 2321 West lehigh Avenue

Tony's Tavern 1 004 Collman Avenue

Samuel Kravitz and Co ., Inc . Ferrous and Non-Ferrou s Me tals

Theodo re C. Ulmer Inc. Industrial Supplies


Devlin 's Cafe Southeast Corner 24th and Somerset Sts. Kropp's Pharmacy 2613 East Allegheny Avenue Dilorenzo Phomrocy laky's Re staurant Corner Washington and Wood Streets Stenion Avenue and Durham Street Bristol, Penna.

Virnelson's Bakery Inc. Hutchinson ond Thompson Streets Joseph G. Walk er Motor Freight 34th and Huntingto n Struts

Vincent Doyle, FloriS! 2500 We&l Oo~ dol e Stroot

McGinley Realty Cheltenham Avenue and Oakland Street

Pou l Wisham, Golf Pro Cedorbrook Country Club

D. E. Dully and Son s

Morotel Products, Inc. Conshohocken, Penna.

Zitner's Confectionery 2957 North 22nd Street


Cameo Beer Distributors 621 0 Belfield Avenue

Raymond E. Adams Realtor-Appraiser 3536 Collman Street lot Frankford Ave.l Belfield Markel Belfleld Near Windrim Avenue Al 's Barber Shop "0" and Hunting Pork Avenue Best 's Barber Shop

Compliments of Bredenb•cks 7364 Frankfo rd Avenue Robert D. Breth, Management Consultan t 7445 Andrews Avenue

6717 Ogontz Avenue

George Brouse, Inc. Plumbing 1341 West Glenwood Avenue

Dominick E. Biondo 1 40 1 Church Street

Jose ph F. Burk e, M.D. 2727 North Front Street

John H. Booles, Jr. 3806 North Brood Street

Fronk J. Butch and Co. 5629 Tulip Street

Bolinger Brothers 4509 Salmon Street

Campbell limousine Service 36 We st Ashmead Place North

M. Bordmon 4901 Umbria Street

The Campus Store lo Salle College

Herb Aurill 7256 Castor Avenue

Cecelia Boris 305 Corsow Street

Fronk J. Banger Bosoro and Evans 4452 Main Street

Bradshaw's Service Station 268 8 limekiln Pike North Hills, Penna.

Alvin C. Connon, Insurance 243 1 Geneva Avenue Glenside, Penna.

Alex Tailor Shop 3161 Magee Avenue Alexander Allan 's Sons, Inc. 1 5 West Highland Avenue Amber Beverage Company 3311 Frankford Avenu e William Amend 255 West Gomblo Street

Heating Contractors


Cap 's Auto Shop Northea st Corner 18th and Stenion Ave.

Casa Conti Restaurant Glenside, Penna.

John F. Dettrey Pharmacy 809 East Willow Grove Avenue

Fox Foundry and Supply Co. 2627 East York Street

Casa Conti Restaurant Glenside, Penna.

Thomas F. Devlin 1448 Creston Street

William J. Franklin 2817 Kensington Avenue

Cates and Shepard 401 North Broad Street

Soak at Doaks Mays land ing, New Jersey

Cheltenham evergreen Nurseries Cheltenham, Penna.

Dobbins Rug Cleaning Co. 8219 Germantown Avenue

Mr. H. B. Clark

Dolly's Cards and Gifts 2714 North Front Street

Class One F

Doctor Richard J. Dooley, Chiropodist 3449 Collman Street

Clearfield Federal Savings and loan Assn. 71 5 1 Frankford Av enuo Dot's Bakery

Fred's Grocery Store Southeast Corner 67th and leba non Ave. Omer M. Fulton, Investments Western Saving Fund Building G and I Television Repair 1502 Morris Street William Garber 1449 East Vernon Road George's luncheonette 4633 Princeton Avenue

4178 Germantown Avenue Armand J. Coco, Roal Estalo & Insurance George's Restaurant 6027 Rising Sun Avonuo Du Bois Oil Company, Inc . 4268 Frankford Avenue Colmar, Penna. Chris Cokes Germantown Wallpaper Company Salesm:.n Oofln-Calhoun Nutchy lahm's Furniture and 4200 Germantown Avenue Electrical Appliances Joseph J. Coli Plumbing and Heating Northeast Corner Chatom and Clearfield Peter H. Gers, Funeral Director 11 23 East Price Street 500 West Cheltenham Avenue Edga r -Fernald Compliments of a Friend Churchville, Penna. Gillespie Beer Distributor 4948 Keyser Street Compliments of One E Eddie's Tavern 6700 Marlin 's Mill Road Givnish Funeral Home Jody Connolly 5th Street at lindley Avenue 3428 Old York Road Ed's Market 7964 Veree Road Gordon Brothers Consolo's Bakery 4344-6 Germantown Avenue Smick and Hermitag<' Streeh Max Eirich, Carpenter 3221 North Newkirk Street Harris Gramm, Inc. Mr. Stephen Cook 1 76 East Tulpehocken Street Carl J. Emhof Ronac Corporation 4822 "A" Street Greenspan's Vulcanstor 717 5 Ogonl1: Avenue Ernest's Meal Market H. D. Craig, Inc. Contractors 7342 Frankford Avenue Harbor Inn Box #1 31 Walnut and Doc~ Street Cornwalli s Height s, Penna. Estelle and Elva Maglione 2061 East Ontario Street Haussmann's Pharmacy Stanl ey M, Craven Southeast Corner 6th St. and Girard Ave. 3 1 8 loedom Street Estelle' s Fashions Jenkintown, Penna. Manoa, Penna. John A. Healey- Undertaker Mr and Mrs. William J. Cronin Cross Brothers 3600 North Front Street Dave's Grocery 301 Zerelda Street Di Silvestro's Pharmacy 15th and Dickinson Din Pontiac Company 618 Markley Street

Mrs. William l. Evans Reading Terminal Market Finnesey Body Co. 81 1 North Tanry Street Fisher Brothers Gulf 919 East Willow Grove Avenue Fischer's Pastry Shop 801 3 Castor Avenue

Norristown, Penna.

Filzpatrkk Funeral Home 425 lyceum Avenue

Bob Dean's Gulf Station Green and Rittenhouse Streets

Carl Fleishman 8035 Bustleton

Decor Associates 6841 Germantown Avenue

Flourtown Clea ner 1501 Bethlehem Pike

2302 South 12th Street Helen and Eddie's Bar 1931 West Hunting Park Avenue Helm 's Markel 4625 Princeton Avenue Higgin's Bakery 208 Bola Avenue Bola-Cynwyd, Penna. The Hill Top Inn Easton and Edgehill Roads Glenside, Penna. Hilton Drug Co. 8518 Germantown Avenue


Kulp's-Fiorist 5435 Germantown Avenue and 7400 Fra nkford Avenue

Howitz Bakery 400 Kingsey Street

Joseph long 4419 Princeton Avenue

Mr. and Mrs . W. F. Hunt and Family

leoming Rambler 7349 Oxford Avenue

Anthony J . Jagielski, Jr. 2633 East Allegheny Avenue

Jefferson Motors 2420 West Main Street Jeffersonville Jonph H. Jeilner Screw Machine Products Company 3944 Richmond Street

Fronk J. Ledwith and Son s 7224 Germantown Avenue leo's Men Shop 7230 Ogontz Avenue

Fronk Morino Newportville Rood levittown, Penna. Mr. Fronk Morino 21 0 Penn Street Bristol, Penna. Martin 's Pharmacy 919 East Cayuga Street

Bill leinhouser's Gulf Station Mart y's Express Wissohickon Avenu e and Manhe im Street 1 2 36 Adams Avenue leo's Delicatessen 5925 Ridge Avenue

Doctor Bernard H. Moss, D.D.S. 2335 West lehigh Avenue

leo's Garage 846 East Chelten Avenue

Mayfair Beverages 6501 Frankford Avenue

leonard's Delicatessen 8000 Horrocks Street

George Metrick Barr's, Chestnut Street

Jordon's Delicatessen 2202 Mount Carmel Avenue Glenside, Penna.

Levinson's Pharmacy 15th Street and Duncannon Avenue

Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Minorctyk

William Kelley, Flowers 2807 Wes t Allegheny Avenue

l inton 's lunch 1 31 0 Wallace Street

Kelly Associates Land Title Building

louis Giosso- lou 's Cafe 658 East Godfrey Avenue

Kelly and McGinley Beer Distributors S44 East Von Kirk Street

MacFarland's Barber Shop 7 I 49 Germantown Avenue

Joe' s Barber Shop 3300 Wellington Street Joe 's luncheonette 58th and Wood land Avenue

John P. Montague , Plumbong and Heating 315 West Mentor Street Montgomery Publishing Company Fort Washington, Penna. James R. Morrison 611 3 Ridge Avenue

Hugh Kelty, Furniture and Appliance s 3215 West lehigh Avenue Kindt, Kaye and Wentz Public ledger Building

M. J. McBride and Co. 2716 East Lehigh Avenue

leonard Mower, Insurance Pennsylvania and Apel Avenu e Oreland , Penna.

Charles A. McCann- Realtor 5723 North 5th Street

Mrs. Esther R. Mulligan 233 Forrest Avenue, Elkins Pork, Penna.

Kilty's Beauty Shoppe 5204 Frankford Avenue

James J. McConn and Co. 5549 North 5th Street

The Murp hy Funeral Home 3839 North Brood Street

Koehler and Sons lincoln and Tounus Hatboro, Penna.

J . F. McCrossen Co. -Auto Glou, Mirrors Ed Nealis 5823 North Brood Street 2221 Sigel Street

Edward Kohlhepp 6th and Cumberland Streets Kornse Meat Market Bingham Street and Godfrey Avenu e Mrs. Emil Krouse 1 99 West Sparks Street Krieger's I 548 Bristol Pike Cornwells Heights, Penna. William Kuhr 210 Pennsylvania Avenue Oreland, Penna. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kuss 8251 Ferndale Street Maurice Kyshin- Reol Estate 2 81 4 Cottman Street lambert's Sporting Goods 6819 Torresdole Avenue

Richard C. McElhinney Watchmaker 7 I 63 Germantown Avenue

Northea stern T.V. Service Company 2401 East Somerset Stree t

Stephen A. McGlone- Funeral Director 3835 North Brood Street

Fronds J . Nowak , Attorney 2622 Ea st Allegheny Avenue

McGuckin Real Estate 5267 Roosevelt Boulevard

Ogontz Home and Auto Supply 7306 Ogontz Avenue

McKeony's Station ers 5602 Germantown Avenue

Old Milt Inn York and Horsham Rood, Hatboro , Penna.

Mcloughlin 's Cut Role 7106 Torres dole Avenue

Olney Beer and Beverage Distributors, Incorporated 132 West Tabor Rood

Wally Mock, Tailor 8024 York Rood

Anthony l. Pagano 1 427 Unity Street

E. A. Magu ire, Mechanical Contractor 1335 East Price Street Manchester Shirt Co. 41 5 Market Street Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Morano


Francis M. Pagano, Insurance 1020 East Haines Street Papa's Pharmacy 12th and Ritner Streeh

Paperman's Food Market 910 East Willow Grove Avenue

louis Rossi 40 Oaktree Drive, levittown, Penna.

S. J. Patterson's Gulf Station Mark l. Rothman, Phg. Germantown Avenue and Bethlehem Pike York Road and Ruscomb Street Paul's Barber Shop 229 Hermitage Street Jerry Pellegrini Registered Plumbing and Heating 2427 East Somerset Street Penny's Flowers Glenside, Penna.

Sunlit Diner Red lion Road and Bustleton Avenue James E. Tague lumber Co. 4010 Germantown Avenue

Sam's Delicatesse n and Groceries 5251 Germantown Avenue

Jim 's Tailor Shop 1 831 South 23rd Street

Schmal's Delicatessen 4535 North 5th Street

Temple Pastry Shop 1451 Vernon Road

Emil Schue:>eman Cornwells 9507 Hulmeville Road Cornwells Heights, Penna.

Theresa's Card and Gift Shop 2609 East Allegheny Avenue

Gus Schwartz, Music

Thomas ' Pharmacy G reene and Hartter Streets

Daniel Petrillo, Tailors 533 East Carver Street

Schwartz"s Pretzel 8akery 4355 North Frankford Avon:.ro

N. Tilli & Sons- Who lesale Confectioners 17th and Federal Streets

Mr. James 0. Pickard

Sebastian Sgro 2705 South 16th Street

N. Tilli & Sons 1 701 Federal Street

Pino's Hairstyling 902 Godfrey Avenue and 5081 Whitaker Avenue

W. F. Secules and Son, Au:o llepairs 6735 leeds Street

Harry 0. Tobeo, Real Estate 6900 Castor Avenue

Joseph Sernicola, Jeweler 1407 Dickinson S!reel

Tomaszewski Funerol Home 2728 East Allegheny Avenue

Wm. A. J. Schaeff<>r's Sons Electrical Contractors 100 West Tabor Road

F. J. Turtle Funeral Home 4415 Manayunk Avenue

frank Pinto 's Cafe 1712 South 1Oth Street E. Pisturia 4841 Germantown Avenue Bob Polidor, Service Station Rhawn Street and Roosevelt Boulevard James Pollock Insurance Company Oxford Avenue

Reverend Joseph D. Shallow 1500 Marion Road H. Silverwood Company 1 31 5 Buttonwood Street

Uptown String Band 51 6 North lehigh Avenue Van! & Son, Inc.- Furriers 5535 Germantown Avenue

Singer Brothers Fairless Hills, Penna.

Venetian Salon Cheltenham Avenue and Oa!< lane Road Melrose Park, Penna .

Sister Mary Robert Villanova, Penna.

Vince 's Shoe Service 3301 Friendship Street

Marion Rakowski

lz Skolnick 6729 Souder Street

Virnelson's Bakery Hutchinson and Thompson Streets

Ranell Costumers 926 Chestnut Street

Skowronski Real Estate and Insurance 2652 East Allegheny Avenue

Rapp's Food Market 1 1 70 Sanger Street

Adolf M. Slaveski 10253 Bustleton Avenue

Walker's 701 Greenwood Avenue Jenkintown, Penna.

Raser's Flower Shop 5006 Germantown Avenue

Slattery's Cafe Point Breeze and Mifflin Street

Wm. S. Reilly, Guild Optician 725 West Avenue, Jenkintown, Penna.

J. E. Snyder, Incorporated 1 847 North 6th Street

Mrs. Alice Renner The Hotchpotch Shop 8426 Germantown Avenur>

Sparalan Products Company 8018 Castor Avenue

R. P. Price, Real Estate 2663 East Allegheny Avenue Mrs . George J. Put>:

Mr. and Mrs. W. Replolz

F. Spencer Byram 352 Roumforl Road

Rhawnhurst laundromat 8010 Castor Avenue

Sperry-Rand Corporation Univac Printer Systems Division

Rialto Tailoring Company 6708 Sprague Street

Staffieri Furniture 4322 Germantown Avenue

Richman's Sea Food Market 7206 Ogontz Avenue

Stahl's Record and Camera Shop Fairless Hills, Penna.

Waller Motors, Incorporated York and Hart Roads Jenkintown, Penna. Waltnor Bar North "H" Street Weldon Pharmacy Geneva and Easton Roads Or. Coorge A. Wci$enbcrger

1 9 Cheltenham Avenue Cheltenham , Penna. A. Weyter 301 West Godfrey Avenue Wexler's Pharmacy 6828 Torresdole Avenue Wilkhaven Farm Bedminster, Penna.

George Robertson and Sons, Incorporated Stenion Beer Distributors 8501 Germantown Avenue 8119 Stenion Avenue

Windrim Pharmacy Windrim and lindley Streets

Robinson's Butcher Shop 6201 limekiln Pike

George Wormeck 8107 Albion Street

Joseph A. Sulat Medical Arts Building


BOOSTERS A Friend A Friend Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Abramczyk Nancy Jane Aguilar Anthony Ailo Albert Moe Alberts A. E. M. Allen At's Barber Shop At 's Food Market Mr. and Mrs. John Ambrogi Mrs . George Amey Dr. and Mrs . Anthony F. Amorsi Mr. and Mn. A. Appleton Ardsley Hardware Asto Brothers Mrs . Mary Auh B&G Market Mlues Boeke Mary Bolkowsko John W . Bollerlno Clore Bannister Miss Margaret E. Barbour Mrs . Borthml er Mr. and Mrs. Gullio Bottoglin l Mr. Joseph Battaglini John a nd Rose Botti Beach Gift and Stationery Jennie l. Becher M rs. John Becher John W. Becher John Becher, 2C Fronk Beck Ed Becker Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Bell Mrs. He len Bensinger Bern ie and Elaine Mr. and Mrs. Howard Berry Mr. and Mrs . George Berry Joseph J . Be ruf Mr. Joseph Besse Mrs. John T. Bilder Dr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Blanch Fred l. Blocklenger Joseph P. Blunt Mrs. Veronica Boglnsky Mrs. Bernard Bonner Mr. Bernard Bonner Miss Borgel William Boscoe Mr. Bothwell Mr. and Mrs. P. Bowe rs Miss Elaine Bowers Mr. John Boyce Mr. francis lloyce Mr. and Mrs. J . lloyd Mr. and Mrs. H. 0 . Boyer Mrs. Ann Boyle Peter lloyle Mr. and Mrs . Broun Breilinger Jewelers Mr. and Mrs, f . J . Bresli n Mr. and Mrs . II . F. llrlgld i Mrs. Alice Brooke Ade le Brook s R. llrown Amodio D. 8ucclni Bucky, ' 61

Mrs. Elsie Bukoto Mr. a nd Mrs. Thomas Bunting Mrs. Samuel Bunting Mr. and Mrs. Fronk Burns Mr. and Mrs. Charles Burns Donald Burns Mr. and Mrs. John Butkovich Donald F. Byrne Mr. Fronk Colfopielro Mi ss Anne E. Callahan Mr. and Mrs. Vernon l. Ca ndy Peggy Anne Connon D. A. Cordone Mr. louis Coriso Mr. and Mrs . Gerold Co rkery Mr. and Mrs. Connie Co rtin Mr. and Mrs . Fronk Carmody Pe ter A. Corney Mr. and Mrs. Edward Berry Ca rr Mr. and Mrs. John S. Corter Mrs. Mary M. Corter Mrs. A. C. Cassidy Miss Kay Cassidy Agnes Cavanaugh Memory of Archie T. Cavanaugh L.S.C. ' 35 Emil Chilyl Charlie's Delicatessen Thoma s A. Charlton Mrs. Helen D. Cherry Mr. Fronk Chiem ielski Mr. and Mrs. Joh n Christ, Jr. Mr. J . Christi Mr. and Mrs. Pau l Christ ian Stanley Cieless Wo lter Ci eless John Ciritello G. Clark Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Cla yton Mr. and Mrs. Thoma s l. Clements Clifton's News lester Cohen, D.D .S Joseph A. Colontonio John J . Coleman Mary Coleman Cathe rine Colt Dr. and Mrs. John T. Cologne Dr. and Mrs. Nicholas A. Colo si Compliments of o Friend Compliments of o Friend Compliments of o Friend Compliments of Sophomore " B" Mra:. James Connell

Anno Cornia Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Costello Marie Costello Rose and Charlie Cottone John W. Coyle Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Coyle William J . Cross Mr. and Mrs. Maurice F. Crotty Cullen Shoe Service Thomas F. Cunnane Thomas P. Cunningham Harry Curson Francis J . Cush


Dr. and Mrs. E. E Crornecki Jacob Ctornecki Mr. and Mrs . Joseph Daly Mr. and Mrs. Jefferson Davis Mr. and Mrs. Dominick DeFalco Mrs. J. J . Deloney David E. Delp Kurt Dengler William Dennis Margaret DeSipin H. T. Detwiler Mrs . John Devlin Miss Janie M. Diamond Joseph Dl l orso Mr. and Mrs. DiMauro Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Drach Joseph H. Dunton Mr. and Mrs. Charles Durney A. J. Dushkowich J oseph Duvall Duvo's Sandwich Shop Mrs. Frank Doherty John F. Dolan K. A. Dolowoy Andrew Domino and Family Mr. and Mrs. Francis A. Donaghy Dove Donaghy Don Donaghy Albert Donato Oon's Garage Mrs. Dougherty Mr. and Mrs . Daniel Doyle Mr. James J. Doyle Michael Doyle Martha Dwyer Mr. and Mrs. Charles Eckert Thomas Edwards Mrs. Max Eirich laurence F. Elias Mr. and Mrs. Caspar Elsasser Elvira's Flower Shop Mrs, A. Emhof Barba ro Emhof Ha rrie tte Emhof Thoma s Emhof Mr. an d Mrs. Erb Margaret Mary Eschbach Jessie Evoncich Joseph Evoncich, Sr. Joseph Evonclch, Jr. Mr. Gilbert A. Fohy Rita DeFalco An thony Fonnello George Faris Thomas A. Faris Michael Fee Mr. Joseph Ferraro Andrew ferroco Mrs. Anita Field Michell Filler Hermon H. Finger Mrs. Harriet Fitzpatrick Mr. Harry f. fitzpatrick J. Raymond filzpotrick, Jr., '56 John Fitzpoltick Vincent J. Filrpotrick, '61

Mr. ond Mrs. Charles Hofmann Edward Flanagan Miss Alma M. Hogan Mr. ond Mrs. Richard A Flonogon Miss Helen R. Hoga n G. Morgroff ond T. Fluehr Dr. E. J. Holland James Flynn Regina Holler Mr. ond Mrs. John Flynn Mr. ond Mrs . Joseph Flynn Mr. Otto G. Honzl Mr. ond Mrs. Charles Ho ran Joseph Flynn Mr. ond Mrs . John Hudek James J. Fonosh George J. Hughes Helen Fornoro Mrs . Chester Hutkowski Edward J. Fossett, Jr. Martin C. Hynes, Jr. Mr ond Mrs. FoshH Mr. ond Mrs . Frederick T. lnocker Helen R. Foti John C. lncorvito, Jr. James Fox Anna Janowska Tony Fronk ond Sons Mr. and Mrs . Richard Jaspon John J. Friel Joe T. and Mino DeM. A froend Johnny ond Pat Mr. ond Mrs. leonard A. Fuchs John's Ba rber Shop Thomas Gannon Mrs. Eugene Jordan Mr. leonard Galante Joseph Horski Gallagher Condios Sister Catherine Jose Anne M. Gallagher Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Joyce Mr. ond Mrs. Eugene Gallagher Miss lucy Juliano Mr. and Mrs. John Gallagher Francis Junod Mr. and Mrs. John F. Gallagher Mrs. Joseph Junod Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gorbes Mr. and Mrs . Joseph Kaiser Catherine Govoghon Mr. Raymond Kalinoski Mr. and Mrs . Joseph P. Govoghon Mrs. John J. Kane S. Gellman Mr. and Mrs. Wolter Kaminski Mr and Mrs. Charles J. Gensheimer Mr. ond Mrs . Poul Korsch Mr. George Benson Solon A. S. Kaufman, M. D. lewis D. Gerber!, D D S Frank Kautz A. J. Gioccio John Kautz Richard Gibbons Mary Kautz Mrs . J F Giblin Gloria Kozoroski Julie Gillespie Harvey Keck Agnes Gillian John J . and Florence V. Keenan Mr. and Mrs. Francis Gilligan Ed Kelly Mr. ond Mrs. William A. Givey Mr. and Mrs. J. J . Kelly Glen Food Mort Thomas A. Kelly Mr. ond Mrs. Eugene Gniewek J. Kevin Kennedy Mr. ond Mrs. R. A. Godsoll Mrs. Mary R. Kennedy Samuel J. Goldberg Helene E. Kenworthy Mr. ond Mrs. Joseph H. Goldkomp James M. Keough Donald Gordon Mr. and Mrs . Kestner John Gordon Tom Kilroy Francis A. Gould The King Family Stanley Gozdon Francis X. Kiss, '60 Wolter J . Gozdon Mr. and Mrs . J. Theodore Kiss Mr. Joseph Grohom Mr. Charles W. Greenberg, '51 George J. Koenig Mr. and Mrs. Joseph G. Greenberg, '43 Kohen Pharmacy Gerry Griffin, '54 Mr. and Mrs. Edward Kohlhepp Vincent Griffin, '57 Edward and Wi lliam Kohlhepp Ernest S. Kopecki Miss Helen Grinrod Mr. and Mrs. William Kosempel Mr. and Mrs. Edward Grubb Mr. Joseph Kraemer Mr. ond Mrs. J. Gruszka Joseph S. Kraemer, Jr, Mr W. Grusrko Krupa Stationery Patricia A. Gudemon leonard J. Kryston Mr. and Mrs Francis J. Guerin Richard Kryston Mr. ond Mrs Michael Gumrot Miss Dorothy Kugler Henry Guz Mr. Raymond J. Kuss Owen Haines Mrs. lillian Ku ss Joseph A. Hammond Mr. William F. lafferty, Jr. W. Charles Hanburger Irene A. Lolley Mrs. Mary A. Harp Mr. Michael Lalli Charles Hazelwood Mrs. Michael Lolli Mrs. Mary Heenan Mr. and Mrs . Vincent E. lolly Mr. ond Mrs. C. E. Hendrick Miss Susan Abby lang Mr. Jim Hessenthaler Mr. and Mrs. J. lonshe C C. Hilinski


E. J. Laska lawndale Market Mr. and Mrs . Joseph lout Anne lout leoti Lautenbach Miss Agnes J. Leahy Mrs. Joseph P. Leahy Miss Margaret T. Leahy Hel e n M. lee Mrs. Rose leo Mr . John A. Leichner Mr. ond Mrs. Peter Lesniak Ann and Ted Leszczynski Mr. and Mrs . R. Le wandowski Miss Betty link Dr. Richard lockheod logon Barber Shop Loughery 's Grocery Store Joseph F. Loughran louie's Barber Shop lou's Candy Store John E. Lovatt AI luzzatto Maurice lynch ond Family Miss Winnie lyons Mr. ond Mrs . John lyszkiewicz Reverend Charl es McAleer Boyd Mcilvaine Mr. Charles McCarty Mr. and Mrs. Jose ph McCauley Miss Koy McCoy Miss Agnes J . McCrossen Mr. ond Mrs. Dav:d P. McDermott Mr. and Mrs . Thomas J . McDermott William P. McDermott Mrs. M. A. McDevitt A. A. McDonald Mr. and Mrs. Wolter McDona ld Walter J. McDonald, Jr. Francis X. Mcfadden Mr. ond Mrs . Timothy F. McGee Mr. ond Mrs. Daniel McGonigle Mr. and Mrs. E. McGonigle Mr. W. James McGonigle Mr. and Mrs. Joseph McGonigle Mr. Thomas McGowan Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. McGowan Mr. and Mrs. McGrath Mrs. Jennie McGrath McGunn Mr . and Mrs. Wolter Mcintosh Cornelius McKelv ey Mory MeTeor M. & M. Cold Cuts Mae's Gift Shop Mrs. Ella Magee Mr. and Mrs . Magrisi Edward A. Maguire, Jr. , '53 Mr. and Mrs. Fronk Mahoney Harold E. Maiden and family Mrs . Mary R. Maiden Mrs. John V. Mailey Henry Malinowski John A. Malone Margaret and Billy louis Mark Mary Anne Corset Shop Mary 's Dress Shop Walter Mathews, '60 Mr. and Mrs. Carmen J . Mattia

Peg and Rose Maxwe ll Mrs. Joseph Mozzacono Felix Mele Joe Melody Mr. and Mrs. Salvatore Mergliano Paul E. Miehl Mike' s Barber Shop Dr. C. Joseph Mill e r Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth M. Miller Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Meyer Marg Meyers John P. Montague, Sr. Alexander Moore John Moran Bob Moron Robert J . Moran Morris Auto Parts James John Motley, Ill Mr. and Mrs. Mlynarczyk Mount Airy Diner Mr. and Mrs. Rex Mulle r Thomas F. Murphey, J r. Catherine J. Murphy Mr. John Murphy Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Mu rphy Mr. and Mrs. William E. Murphy Tom A. Murray Doctor and Mrs. Wolter Musial Mrs. Amelia Myers lawerence Myers Mr. and Mrs . Albe rt Nann e rs Mr. and Mrs. William J . Norke Mrs. William Norvel Miss Wanda Nowalinski Mr. and Mrs. Edwin A. Neale Chief and Mrs. A. J. Neiheisel Memory of John J . Nolan Mrs. Mary Nutley Robert Nutle y John O ' Brien Alice M. O ' Connor Mrs. Timothy J . O ' Conne ll Miss Mary O 'Garo Mi ss Beo O ' Gara Olson 's De licate ssen Mr. Francis P. O ' Neill Mr. and Mrs. He nry I. O ' Ne ill Mrs. Hugh O ' Neill Mrs. Jose ph O ' Neill Pat O ' Neill Pat O ' Neill Mr. and Mrs. Anthony O rlando Helen Ormond Mr. and Mrs. Stanle y Orxeck John and Kathleen O ' Shea Mr. and Mrs. F. J . O s te rtag Mr. and Mrs. C. Pace Mr. and Mrs . J. Panas Phonis Food Market Frank Pappa s Mr. and Mrs. Augu stine Passanant e Mrs . Pasquarello Mrs. Anno Pedono Peggy and Mary Ann Mrs. Helen Pellegini Penny' s Mrs. Carmen A. Pe rna Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Perrong Mrs. Cathe rine Perry Herman Peszko

Ros lyn Pharmacy Mr. and Mrs . J . Phillips Wendy Phillips Fred D. Po e llnit:r; Odessa B. Poellnitz Vincent 0 . Poellnitz M. J . Polek Tom and Pop Mr. and Mrs. Henry Potoczny Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Pottolow Elvis Presley Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Pruitt Queen Bee Beer Distributor Mrs. Hugh F. Quinn Anthony S. Quinto Claire Quinto Mr. and Mrs. John J . Quirk Mr. and Mrs . Sam Rofkin Mary Rakowski Mrs. Mau reen Rankin Mr. Je rry Ropp Charles F. Redican Mr. Frank J. Reichwein Fronk P. Reichwein Nelson M. Reider Catherine V. Reilly Peter Reilly White Hou se Re staurant Victor Richer Richmond Pharmacy Mrs. C. Y. Riley Ring Drug Mr. and Mrs. Ha rry Robb ins Sister Mary Robe rt Mr. and Mrs. J . Robins Mr. and Mrs. Robins on Dr. and Mr s. James J. Robin son, J r. Ge orge J. Roleller, J r. Mrs. C. Roming Mr. and Mrs. John F. Roge rs Mr. and Mrs . John Rosn e y Ch ris and Roxy Russian Frie nd Mr. and Mrs. S. Rutkow ski A I Rutz Mrs. John J . Ryan lorraine Rya n Mr. and Mrs. Th omas J. Ryan " Voke" Ryan R. Sabitini I. Sach s Sam' s Barber Shop Santaniello's Men 's Shop Mr. and Mrs. Fronk Sa ra ma Sattler Brothers Mr. and Mrs . Jos e ph Sca rdino Mr. and Mrs . Andrew Scha st Ca rol Anne Sch e nke l Mr. and Mrs . E. C. Schenkel Mr. and Mrs. Franci s Schlucke b ier Mr. and Mrs . William Schluckebier Mr. Franci s Schluth Mr. and Mrs. l . E. Schmalbach Mrs. H. M. Schmidt John Schm itt, ' 58 A. Groh Schneider Frank Schuck Gene Schultz Carl J . Schwab, J r. Ruth Schwalbe


Mr. and Mrs. Gus Schwartz Howard Schweikarl Mr. and Mrs. Francis J. Schwoeri Mr. and Mfl. Lawrence W. Schwoerl Helen Scleicher John Seeber, 3B Ch arles Seiberlich L. F. Shaeffer Mr . and Mrs. J. Glenn Shaffer Mr. and Mrs. R. Shanks Kenneth Shaw, Jr. Mr. J . Laurence Shea Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Sheehy Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Sheridan Mrs . Kathryne Sherwood The Steller Shop Mr. and Mrs. John P. Shorkey Mrs. Sadie Siegmann Al b ert H. J . Single ton Catherine R. M. Singleton Miss Ann M. Sinnott Mrs. William Siratz Mr. Charles Sisco Mr. and Mrs. Leo Skorecki Aleonder Skyiokon Mr. and Mrs. George Slowik John J . Smith, Jr . Robert Smith Saul Solomo n AI Sommor Mr. and Mrs. Albert V. Sommor Mr. and Mrs. John C. Sommar Miss Mary A. Sommar Miss Margaret Spohr Miss Pauline Spahr Mr. and Mrs . Thomas Spicer Mr. J. Spino, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Dante Stobllito Raymond and Donald Stobilito Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Stainer John and Stella Stanczak William A. Steer Freda Stefanski The Stockmais Henry P. Stoebenou Kreib ick Meat Store Tydell Drug Star" Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Staniz, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. William Stranix, Jr. Mrs. Gertrude Strzelecki Dr. Harry A. Sturm, D.D.S. James Sullivan Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Sullivan Mrs. Fronk C. Sulzbach, Jr. Thomas Summerell David Swenson Mrs. Peter Tomulis Th ere sa 's Beauty Solon Mrs. H. B. Thomas Th omas T.V. and Appliance Mrs. Earle C. Thompson Mr. and Mrs. Lee Thompson G eorge Thoms M r. a nd Mrs. Herbert J. Ti.,dikin Dr. a nd Mrs. John J. Tillger Co thrine Tipton Dr. Jo sep h J. Toland Mr. and Mrs. S. Tomczak Ton y's Fruit and Produce Store

Dick Tragmann , 3A Fred Tragmonn Mr. Fredrick R. Trogmonn Tom Tragmonn Mrs. William Travis Mrs. Trill Trout• George Trignoio Meat Market Mr. and Mrs. Fronk Trybolo Valley Press Vol's Towne Tave rn Aurore Voudreull Wilfred J. Voudreuil Wilfred Voudreuil , Sr. The Velte n Fam ily Pot Vitale Fronk J . Wakefield louis J. Wakefield Joseph Waldner The Walker Family

Norman Walker Mr. and Mrs. John l . Wall Mr. and Mrs. James J. Wallace Walt and JoAnn Vince Walters, Jr. Mr. and Mrs . William Wolters Mr. and Mrs. Fronk Woryolis Mr. and Mrs. John J. Wo•kiew iu Mr. and Mrs. Edward J . Weidner Mr. and Mrs. A. Weigand Mr. and Mro. Jock Wel>h Mr. and Mro . George Wemec Sol Wexler Mr. and Mrs . William Sheeler Mrs . Anno Wh ite Donald and Ma rie White Mrs. Jo>ephin e White Kathleen Ellen White Mrs. Mario White Richard White

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wieners Mrs. Joseph Wieners Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Wiggins Manual Wigoff Mr. and Mrs . Robert J . Wilkin Mrs . Dorothy Williams G. Price Wilson Mr. and Mrs. Randolph E. Wise Mr. and Mrs. loon Willock Mr. and Mrs . Vincent Wolfinger Wolk Bros. Variety Store A. W. Woltemoto Mrs. George Woodberry Anno M. Woodward Wyndmoor Food Market Mr. and Mrs. R. Young Mr. Frank Zabowski Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Zokrocki Mr. and Mrs. Walter Zodeiko Bill Zuckerman


Pub lished by T. COOKE PUBLISHING . INC.

21 South 21st Stroot Ph iladelphia 3, Pa.


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