1959 Yearbook

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DEDICATION WE DEDICATE the 1959 Blue and Gold to Brothe r Emilian of Mary in d ee p appreciation of his untiring service to the students of La Salle. Brother ' s tenure a t 20th and Olney began in 1946. He graduated with an M.A. degree in the classics from Catholic University, a n d his earlier career includ e d stays at West Catholic, Saint John's College High School, Washington, 0. C., and Central Catholic High in Pittsburgh. Here at La Salle w e best know Brother for his role in keeping the classi cal trad ition alive. Too often many of us keep early mo rn~ ing appointments with him in detention class which he so kindly conducts. For his cont inuous example to la Salle students we end by dedicating to him th is y earbook .




BROTHER F. JOSEPH, Vice - Principal . .. Athletic Director . . . Men of La Salle ... Football.


PRINCl PAL'S MESSAGE To be associated with the Class of 1959 and to share their su ccesses , while anticipating their future gains, has been a plea sant privilege for me. They have left us much by way of frien d shi p and unselfishness , of the will to win and of manly forbe arance . We like to think that time will add to the stature of these virtues and a ssu re our present seniors real happiness and succe ss in life. In saying farewell we would like to add the promise that those who follow will try to further the contributions made during your past four years. Example is something t hat posterity will not willingly let die. Devotion to Our Blessed Mother, seriousness of pur po se dur ing times of retreat and other spiritual functions, support of the many charitable drives, sportsmanship and fair pla y in athletic events , care to represent La Salle favo rably in the p ublic eye, and the many other ways in w hich devotion and loya lty were manifest, will be an in spiration to those who will follow in the years to come.


BROTHER D. ALBERT,Guidance . •. Ben ilde Club . •• Assemblies.

BROTHER FELIX JOHN •. • 4A Religion ••. Trigonometry .. . Solid Geometry . . • Algebra II • • • Math Club IV.

BROTHER G. THOMAS •.. 48 Religion . .. Accounting I, II • . • History II . . . Golf •

BROTHER E. STEPHEN .• • 4C Religion .. . Physics .. . Geom etry • • • Science Club.


BROTHER E. ANTHONY ••• Religion ... English IV .


BROTHER D. JEREMY • .. 4E Relig ion • • • Band Religion •• Spanish I ••• French I, II ••• lntram u ra l s.

BROTHERG. CLAUDE •.• 3A Religion •.. Geometry ... Chemistry ... Crew.


BROTHER ERASMUS FRANCIS . . • 38 Rel igion ... German I • .. Social Studies I ... Debat i ng .

BROTHER D. EDWARD . . . 3C Reli gion . .. Advanced Mathemat i cs . .. Algebra II ... Math Club Ill.

BROTHER E. W ILLIAM . . . 30 Rel ig ion ... German .


BROTHER E. ADRIAN . .. 3E Religi on . .. History ... Student Council.




. •

BROTHER G. WILLIAM .. . 2A Religion .. . Band Religion .. . Engli sh II . . . Choral . . . Band .

BROTHER D. LEWIS . . . 28 Relig i on . .. Biology ... Drama ti cs.


BROTHER F. BERNARDINE .•. 2C Reli gio n . . . Socia l Stud i es II ... Typi ng .. . Tcn nis.

BROTHER GREGORY OF MAR Y . .. 20 Rel ig io n . .. English II .


BROTHER E. JAMES ... 2E Religion .. . Geometry ... Algebra I ... Crew.

BROTHER G. NICHO LAS . . . 2F Reli gion . .. Bi ology . .. Phy sics . .. Mother's Club.

BROTHER GRATIAN . . . 1A Reli gion .. ... Basketball .

OF JESUS . English I


BROTHERE. JOSEPH •• . 1B Religion . . . Algebra I ... Alumni .

BROTHER EMILIAN ... lC Religion • . . Latin I, Ill, IV . . • Greek.

BROTHERD. HILARY. .. 10 Religion ... Latin I, II ... Wisterian.


BROTHER E. RAYMOND .. . lE Religion ... Typing ... Baseball.

BROTHERF. WILLIAM.. . 1 F Religion ... Social Studies . . . Art Appreciation . . . Art Club . . . Cross Country


Coach ..

• Track.

MR. JOSEPH MORAN . . . Spanish I, II, Ill . . . Student Counci l.

MR. JOHN HARBISON.•. Social Studies IV ... Economic Geography . . . Football (Line Coach) ... Track ... Freshmen Basketball.

MR. JOHN MOORE ... Ill, IV ... Dramatics.


MR. GERALD TREMBLAY ... English I, Ill ... Public Speaking I, II ... Blue and Gold.

MR. JOSEPH HENRY •.. Mechanical Drawing ... Social Studie s I.

MR. JOHN DiSANGRO . . . Business law ••. First Aid . .. Driver Training ... Freshman Football.


MR. CARLVON NELL... Science ... librarian.



MR. CHARLESO'BRIEN ... Physical Education ... Basketball.

MR. JOSEPH COLANTONIO ... Director of Music.

MR. JOHN FLANNERY... Football Coach.



MISS CELESTE WAGNER Secretary to the Principal. 10

MISS MAUREEN BYRNE ... reta ry to the Principal


MRS. BERTHARABENSTEI N, R.N. .•• School Nurse.




JOHN J. ASTA 1302 Wood Street , Bristol ST 8,9321 Saint Ann I B, 2A, 3E, 4C ... Scholastic Le tter I, 2 .. . Physics Club 4 . .. Intramural football I (champs), 2, 3 (champ , ), 4; softball 3 (c hamp s), 4: volleyb11 II 4; bowling 2, 3 (champs), 4 ... Bonneville ... is it stuck? ... I'm not gonn.s run it.

LAWRENCE H. BAIRD 2053 Susquehanna Road, Abington TU 6-7547 Our Lady Help of Chri stians 18, 2E, 38, 4A ... Intramural football I (champs), 3: basketball I .•. runs Ja ban co ... Zorro . .. Everybody got their firecrackers?

MICHAEL C. BECHER 6614 North American Street, 26 HA 4-7797 Saint Joseph IE, 20, 3A, 40 ... Wisterian 2, 3 (associate editor), 4 ... Art Club I, 2, 3, 4 . . . Dramatics Club I, 3, 4 ..• Librar y Aide 2 ..• Math Club 3, 4 ... Cheerleaders 4 .•. Spirit Committee ... Physics Club 4 . . . Intramural crosscountry I (champs), 2; track I; football 2 ... joiner ... cheerleader? ... Elvis.

HOW ARD G. BECKER 7634 Waters Road, C heltenham MA 5-0649 Saint Joseph IE, 2F, 30, 40 . . . Intramural football 2, 3, 4; cross-country I (champs); track I (champs), 2, 3; softball 2, 3, 4 .•• an " O" bus traveler ..• homework anyone 7 .•• not Michael.

ROBERT W. BEITZ 832 Glenview Street, 11 Pl 2-5881 Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary IC , 2E, 3E, 48 ... Intramural football 3 (champs), 4; bowling 3 (champs), 4; basketball 3, 4; volleyball 4 ... Always arguing with Hubbs ... Cue Stick •• . Down hill sprinter.

EDWARD J. BIRCH 7155 Cottage Street , 35 MA 4-4031 Saint Bernard I B, 20, JC, 40 .. . Benii de C lub I, 2, 3, 4 ... Spirit Committee .. . Intramural football 2, 3; basketball I, 2, 3; volleyba ll 4; bowling 2, 3; baseball 2, 3 ... silver-tongued orator ..• adventures in Bucks County ... Mc llamo' Edwardo.

EDWARD J . BIRCHLER 5621 North Uber Street, 41 LI 8-6957 Holy Child IA, 2E, 3A, 4C ... Football I, 2, 3, 4(L) . . . Benilde C lub 4 ..• Intramural basketball 2 (champs) , 3 (champs), 4; track 2, 3, 4 .. . porpoise ... leanest fullback in the league •.. the origina l lonesome end.

MICHAEL C. BONGIORNO 1640 South 11th Street, 48 HO 2-5071 Saint Nicho las of Tolentino ID. 2F, 38, 4A .. . Library Aides 2 ... Intramural football 3, 4; volleyball 4; bowling 2, 3, 4; softball 3, 4 ... Bongi ..• "See you al the corner'' .•. proud of South Philadelphia.


PAUL F. BOTHW ELL 2108 Ho race Avenue, Abington TU 7-3843 Our l ady Help of Ch ristiMs IE, 20, 38, 4C •.. Intramural footbc1II 2; cross-country I (ch amp s); baske tball 2, 3, 4 . . . histor y whiz ... ref .. . suburban ite .


RICHARD J . BREEN 2124 Wood land Road, Abington TU 7-7111 Our lady Help of Ch ristians IC, 2A. 3A, 48 ... Scholast ic letter I, 2 ... De bating I, 2 .. . Dramatics 2, 3, 4 . . . Math Club 3, 4 ... Benilde Club . Physics Club 2, 3, 4 . .. 2, 3, 4 . .. Wisterian I, 2 ... Intramural bowling 2, 3 . . . Flash . . . one of the slide-rule kids • , • Shepherd fan .

ROBERT J. BRINKER 504 Hansen Road, Valley Forge BR 9-7463 Our Mother of Divine Providence I A, 2F, 38, 48 . .. Ba nd I, 2 . . . Dra matics 3 .. . Intramural football 3, 4: softball 2, 3, 4 ..• close the window, Brinker ... Brinker did it ... everybody 's buddy.

ARNOLD A. BUBEN 3279 Miller Street , 34 NE 4-1382 Saini Ada lbert IC, 2C, 3A, 4A .• . Studen t Counc il 3, 4 ... Clas s President 3, 4 ... Executive Committee 4 .. . Services Com· mitt ee (cha irman) ... Prom Committee 4 . .. Footb a ll I, 2(L), 3(L), 4(L} . .. Track 3(L), 4(L} ... Intramural track I, 2 {champs); basketba ll I, 2, 3 (champs); softball 2 champs) , .3, 4 . . . Hi ya lousy .•. Wears big boy pads •. . Moose's bodyguard .

AMADIO D. BUCCINI 111 West Duval Stre et, 44 YI 4-31>48 Saini Madeleine Sophie I 8, 28, 38, 4E .•. Scholast ic Letter I .•. Art Club 2. 3, 4 . .. Intramural football I (champs}, 4 ; cross-country I; bas· ketba ll I ; track I, 2, 3 (champs), 4; softba ll 2 (champs) ... Sunset Orchid • .. II Buce ... One of the Black Hand boys.

JOHN E. BUTKOVICH 207 Yorhhire Road , Fairless Hills WI 6-92 10 Saint Frances Cabrini I A, 28, 3C, 4E .. . Scholastic Letter I . Be nilde Club 4 ... Wisterian 2, 3, 4 ... Art Club I. 2, 3, 4 . .. . Math C lub 2, 4 .. . Blue and Gold .•. Spirit Committee Football 3 . . . Crew 2, 3, 4(L) . . . Intramural footba ll I, 2, 4; basketba ll 2, 3, 4 ; trac k I, 2, 3; crou-country I, 2; soft. ball 2 (champs), 3, 4 ; volleyball 4 .. . shoe salesman .. merit ecr ... Hello there , Hawk . .. Fuller Brush Haircut.

JAMES J. BYRNES 208 Tulpehocken Avenue , Elkins Park TU 4-2660 Saint James ID, 2F, 38, 4C . .. Intramura l football 2, 3; basketball 2, 3; cross-country 2 , .. car crazy .•. Let's go to lcachies' •.. have rod, will drag.

ROBERT B. BYRNES 3186 Belgrade Street, 34 NE 4-1284 Our Lady Help of Christians IC, 28, 3C, 4E . , . Scholastic Letter I ... Math Club 3, 4 . , . Benilde Club I . .. Intramural football 3, 4 • .. Fortunatus . . . peg pants a nd des ert boots .. . "But, Brother ."


DENIS J. CALLAGHAN 60b4 Drexel Road, 31 GR 3-2382 Our Lady of Lourdes f B, 2E, 38, 40 ... Basketball 3 ... Intramural football I {champs). 2, 3, 4; basketball I, 2 (champs), 3; track 2, 3 (champs); softball 2, 3 . . . likes Penn Valley lawns Lower Merion socialite ... where are your sneaks 7

GERALD D. CANAVAN WA 4-7666 6537 North 2nd Street, 26 Saint Joseph IA. 20, 3C, 4C . .. Wist erian I, 2, 3, 4 . . . Intramural bas· ketball 4; cross-country 2 . • , rough Cousy on the court , • , Sturg is playground Kid . •. Does your sheet balance 7

ROBERT J. CH ESCO 444 West Harvey Street GE 8-6395 Saint Vincent de Paul ID, 2C, 3E, 48 .•• Intramura l basketball 2, 3; football 4 ..• "What brand of cleaning fluid do you carry?" ..• Fel ix the Cat . • . Tubercular Kid.

STEPHEN A. CLAYBACK 4224 Elbridg e Street, 35 MA 4-26 17 Saint Timothy I 8, 2C, )E, 4C ... Scholastic Letter I, 2 . .. Baseball I, 2, 3(L). 4(LJ . . . Intramural football I {champ s), 2 {champs), 3 (champs) , 4 (champs); cross-country 3 (champs); basketball I ... has a chauffeur ... pneumonia kid . .. Sangria.


ROBERT A. CANNON 2431 Geneva Avenue, Glenside TU 7-2713 Saint Luke ID, 2F, 30 , 48 . . . Cross-country I, 2, 3 .•. Golf 2 . .. Intramural football I, 2; basketball I {champs), 2, 3, 4; track I, 2, 3, 4; softball 2. 3, 4; cross-country I; bowling 2 (champs) , ), 4 . .. dragging Pontiac •.. Brother Bart ••• "Speak to me baby."

WILLIAM J. CASHIN 7033 C learview Street, 19 CH 7-6234 Holy Cross IE, 28, JC, 4A . .. Scholastic Letter I, 2 . .. Wisterian I, 2, 3 ..• Debating I, 2, 3, 4 . . . Physics Club 4 . . . C lass Secretary 3 .. . Blue and Gold . .. Intramural cross· country I (champs) ... Wi ld Bill .•. debater par excel. lence . .. BMOC ..• "This is Bill."


Pl 3-9127 Holy Innoce nts IC, 2C, 3A, 40 ... most activity minded .. . Communism , •. Hot Ford •• . I'm too busy .•. good to the last drop .

FRANCIS R. COLANTUONO 7318 Pittville Avenue, 26 HA 4-0490 Holy Angel IA, 28, 38, 40 ... Football I, 2 . Intramural football 2, 3; baskektball I, 2, 3, 4 . .. 19th and Cheltenham two axles a week ... Ivy League ... luggage .

MICHAEL J. CONN ELLY PMk Road, Box 33, Prospectville DI 3-1592 Saint Joseph ID, 2F, 30, 4A .. . Band I, 2, 3, 4 .•. two packs a day •.. BIG mike . .. Mark Antony. PATRICK J. CONNER Pl 5.3579 6827 Martins Mill Road Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary 18, 2C , JA, 4C .. . C lass Secretary 3 . .. Spirit Committee 4 .. . Football I, 2, 3 . . . Track I, 2, 3 . .. Intramur a l footb a ll 4 {champs); cross-country I ; bowling 2, 3, 4; basketball 2, 3 {champs) , 4; softball 2, 3, 4; track I, 2 (champ) ..• Spanish speeches, seno r . .. smiley .. . Big Pat. JOHN P. CORRA 2753 North 20t h Street BA 6-2632 Saint Columbia IE, 2A, JE, 4A ... Scho lastic Medal I, 3 ... Scholastic Math Club 4 . .. letter I , 2, 3 .. . Physics Club 4 ... Intramural football I , 2, Cross -Country Manager 2, 3 ... 3 (champs), 4; bas ketball 2, 3, 4; softball 3 (champs) , 4; cross-country I (champs), 2, 3; track I (champs), 2, 3, 4; volleyball 4 ... Impala ... What me worry? .. . Third Base. JOHN D. COYLE 5755 North Fairhi ll Str eet, 20 HA 4-6730 Saint Helena I 8, 2E, 3E. 48 . .. Crew I .. . Intramur a l footba ll I (champs) , 2, 3 (ch amp s): 4; softball 2, 3 (champs) ; b asketball I, 2 (champs). 3; track I, 2, 3, 4; volleyba ll 4; cross-country I, 2, 3 (champs) . .. Have you no respect for a Naz i un iform? . . . John Thatcher longcoy le . . . speaks Russian fluently .

PHILIP J. CONWAY 11 Fl 2-6088 Saint William I 0, 2C, 3A, 4E ... Blue and Gold . .. Spirit Committee . . . Intramural football I, 2 (champs), 3; cross-country I, 2; bowling 2, 3, 4 .. . "Has been" in Espanol Ill .•. Hot Plymouth •.. quiet and unassuming.

6320 Argyle Street,

STEPHEN W . COOK I04 Haws Lane , 18

AD 3-1733 Saint Geneviev e ID, 2A, JE, 4C .. . Student Council 3, 4 .. . Vice Preside nt 2 .. • President 3, 4 ... Honor Roll 3, 4 (chairman) • . • Scholastic Le it e r I . . . Prom Committe~ 3, 4 ... Foot ball 3(L), 4(L) . . , Baseball I, 2(l) , 3(L), 4(l) ... Intramur a l basketball I (champs) , 2, 3, 4; football I, 2; cross -country I , 2 ... nibbles . .. English Ford .• . Cooker.

JOHN W. COYLE HO 1-2473 805 Drexel Street , Riverside , N . J. Sai nt Peter IC, 28 , JC , 4E .•. Scholastic letter I ... Math Club 2 . . . Art Club I ... Spirit Committee 4 . .. Intramural foot King of Riverside •.. Bill Doyle ... Oh ba ll I, 2, 3, 4 ... no John , you 're all wrong . KEVIN P. COY LE 3305 North Howard Street, 40 GA 6-643 5 Saint Hugh IA. 2F, 30, 4E . . • Scho la stic Me dal 2 .. . Foot ball 2 ... Cross-Country 3 .. . Crew 2, 3, 4( l) ... Intramur a l football I, 2, 3, 4; cross-country I, 2 (champs); softb a ll I, 2, 3, 4 ; track I, 2, 3; bowling 2, 3, 4 ; basketball 3, 4 . , . foghorn ... Did you hear th is one 7 .. . K&A man •


PATRICK J. CRONIN 123 West Ruscomb Street, 20 DA 4-5869 Saint Ambrose . Activities Com I B, 2A, 3E, 40 ••. Scholastic Letter 2 mittze 4 ... Student Counc il I, 2, 4 . . . Wisterian 3, 4 . .• Dramatics 3, 4 ... Ch ee rle ader 3 ... o ..,nce Band 3, 4 ... Band 4 . . . Debating 2, 3 . .. Intramu ral football I (champs) •.. Pat the Cat . . . kinky . .. The Voice and the Actor .•• Harpo on the Tuba.

JAMES M. CROWLEY Avenue, 44 DA 4-6864 Saint Francis of Assisi ID, 2F, 30, 4A . . . Science Club I • .. Football (manager) I, 2, 3(L), 4(L) ... Intramural football I, 2, 3; basketball I {champs), 2, 3, 4; cross-country I; softball 3, 4; track 2 •• . sleepy Jim • • . runs the sewing machine . . . his picture . 222 Abbottsford

DAVID W . CUNDEY 54 1 Shoemaker Street, Elkins Park ME 5-0379 Saint James 2E, 3E, 4E . . . Scholastic Modal 2 . .. Scholastic Lett er 2, 3 • . . Footba ll 2 ... Advanced Confusion ... Spanish whiz •• • never studies.

• ......

MICHAEL J. DEALY 2336 North Hancock Street, 33 NE 4-71 19 Saint Boniface IE, 2A, 3A, 4E . • . Scholastic Letter I ... Wisterian 3, 4 .. . Dramatics 3, 4 ... Spirit Committee 4 ... Cross Country I, 2 ... Track I . . . Intramural football I, 2, 3, 4; crosscountry I, 3; track 2, 3, 4 ... Mr. Punctuality ... his history notebooks . •. hard worker.

JAMES D. DEASY 3307 West Penn Street, 29 VI 4-7713 Sa int Bridge t IE, 2E, 38, 4A . .. Cross-Country I ... Stc'lge Crew 3, 4 . . . Intramural cross-country 2 (champs), 3; football I, 2, 3: bowling 3; baskkotball I, 2; track I (champs) ... three packs a day •.. four transmissions ... cougher .•. builds the sets .

DAVID E. DELP 3230 Memphis Street, 34 NE 4-3381 Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary IE, 2F, 30 , 40 . . . Concert Band I, 2, 3, 4 ... Physics Club 3, 4 ... Junior Achievement .. . Intramura l bowling 3, 4; football 3, 4 . . . beaten by a bike .•. Dave •.. super salesman.

RICHARD J. DIAMOND ME 5-1148 1707 Chelsea Road, 26 Ho ly Angels IC , 28, 3C , 4C . •. Track I, 2, 3, 4 .. . Intramu ral football I, 2, 3, 4; basketball 2, 3, 4; softbal l 2 (champs), 3, 4; crosscounlry 2, 4; volleyba ll 4 . . . speedy . .. missed t he turn . . , Ivy •.. But I gotta get to Norristown.

LO\JIS F. DONAGHUE 5122 North Broad Stre et. 41 DA 9-3268 Holy Child I A, 20, 38, 4E . •. Band I, 2 ... Wisterian 3, 4 . . . Blue and Gold ... Debating 3 . . . Library Aides I, 2 . . . Spirit Committee .. . Intramural football I, 2, 3, 4; volleyball 4; softball I, 2: bowling 4 . •. one of the beach boys . . . S. & ·s... . Hey l lend me your license ... Jim .


JAMES A. DONNELLY 1970 Medary Avenue, 41 HA 4-2633 Saini Bene dict ID, 2F, 30 , 4A . .. Benilde Club 4 . Intramural basketball I: football 2, 3 ..• Scouting ... automobile work , •• smiling Jim ... seen with Wargo.

JAMES S. DOOLEY VI 4-5464 138 West Sedgwick Street, 19 Holy Cross IE, 2F, 30 , 4C ... Benilde Club 3, 4 ... Hang down your head ... King of the Hitchhikers .. , wants a shotgun .

JOSEPH P. DOUGHERTY IV 2- 1049 259 Kipka Street, 27 Saint Josaphat I B, 28, 30, 48 . .. Scholastic Letter I .. . Bcnildc Club 3 ... Library Aide I ... Physics Club I. 4 .. . Intramural football 3, 4: softball 3; cross-country 2 ..• seen with Sam .•• Little Joe.

THOMAS M. DOUGHERTY 3406 Mer idian Street, 36 MA 4-180 I Saint Matthew Blue and Gold .. . Spirit Committee IC, 28, 30, 48 ... .•. Ari Club I, 2, 4 . .. Crew I, 2, 3(L), 4{L) ... Intramural football I, 2, 3, 4: bowling 3; cross-country I: softball 3, 4; volleyball 4; basketball I, 2, 3, 4 ... long Tom Where's my lunch7 ... Doc erty not Dough erly, Sir.

FRANCIS J. DRISCOLL 4406 Eden Street, 14 OR 3-3436 Saint Katherin e of Sienna I A. 2F, 38 , 4C .. . Benilde Club 2, 3 .. . Debating I, 2, 3 .. . Ari Club I, 2, 3, 4 ... Band I, 2 ... Activities Committee 4 . .. Football 3 . . . Crew I, 2, 3, 4(L) . . . Cheerleader 4 ... Intramural football I, 2, 4 {champs); basketball I, 2, 3, 4; cross-country I, 4; bowling 2, 3, 4: softball 2, 3, 4 ..• bubbling personality ..• spelling on signs ..• "I can do three push-ups."

W ILLIAM J. EBBECKE 520 I North 15th Street, 41 DA 4-0168 Holy Child ID, 28, 3C, 4E ... Scholastic Letter I, 2.. • . Benilde Club 4 . •• Blue and Gold ... Math Club 2 . . . Spirit Committee 4 .. . Intramural foolball I, 2. 3, 4: cross-country I, 2, 3, 4; volleyball 4; basketball I {champs), 2, 3, 4: track I, 2, 3, 4: softball I, 2 (champs), 3, 4 . .. won a bracelet once .. . Abecka .•. lives by Excelsior.

CHARLES T. ECKERT 8037 Woolston Avenue, 50 LI 8-1277 Saint Raymond IE, 28, 30, 48 . • . Benilde Club 2, 3 • . . Math Club 2 ... Football I ... Track I . . Intramural football 2; crosscountry I (champs): track I (champs) .• . Chuck ••• his hair . •• Buccini's pal.

ROBERT V. EHNOW 1120 Bethlehem Pike, Flourlown AD 3-0637 Saint Genevieve Intramural football 2 (champs), 3 IB, 2C, 3E, 48 ..• (champs); track I: cross-country 3 (champs); basketball 4 . •• ''What a Whale " .. . "Docs it really hurl , Fe lix?" .. . "I can say it the loudest."


THOMAS C. ELSASSER 224 Ba la Avenue, Oreland TU 7-0369 Holy Martyrs IC , 2 A, 3E, 4C . . . Scholastic letter I, 4 .. . Band I, 2, 3, 4 ... All Catholic Band 2 •. . Debating I . . . Dramatics 3, 4 . . . Wistorian 4 ... Blu~ and Gold ... Cross-Country 2, 3 ... Track I, 2. 3 ... Crew 4 . . . Intramural football 2, 3 (c hamps) , 4 (ch a mps); cross-country 4; volleyball 4: basketball 3; bowling 2, 3 (champs), 4; softball 3 (champs) ... elk ..• one of the collegiates . . . Yul Brynner with a five o'clock shadow • . . pipeman . .• ducky. J OSEPH W . EVANCICH 145 Fitzwater Street, 47 MA 7-4606 Saint Stanislaus IC, 2 B, 3C, 4C ... Scholastic Medal I, 2 . . . Scholastic Letter I, 2, 3 . . . Benilde Club 3 . .• Intramural football I, 2, 3; basketball I, 2, 3, 4 . . . Yuny . . . What's this a joke or something ... lives al Convention Hall.

JAMES R. FOX 8236 C eda rbrook Street, 50 CH 7-2453 Saint Raymond IE, 2A, 38, 40 . •. Cross-Country I, 2, 3(L), 4(L) ... Track I, 2, 3, 4(L) ... lnlramural football I (champs), 2: cross· country I (champs); track I (champs) . .. good fee t . • • Fox, F-0 -X .. . gr~ot talker. MARK E. FUCHS 3106 J. Berkeley Drive, 29 VI 8-0615 Saint Bridget I B, 2E, 38, 48 . .. Intramural football 3, 4; bowling 3; bas· k.etball 3; softball 3, 4 .•. plays for the opponents .•. Friday night basketball .. . Ycs Sir!


ROBERT J. FARACO ME 5-0925 Saint Joseph I A, 2C , 3A, 4C . President 2 . . Basketball 3, 4 Golf 3, 4(L) ... lnlramural football I, 2 (champs) , 3, 4 (champs); basketball I, 2; track 2 (champs); softball 2, 4 ... great in the minors, but never made the big leagu e s .•. Faraco , get out ... JV Bob.

740 I Barclay Road

JAMES P. FESTA 3648 Calumet Street , 29 YI 4-0623 Saint Bridget ID, 20, 30, 4A . . . Benilde Club 3, 4 Intramural foot the ba ll I, 2, 3, 4: softball 2, 3, 4 .. . Harvey's pal ... rods •.. Jeff. MARK J. GALLAGHER Wissinoming and Grant Avenue, 14 OR 3-2149 Saint Katherine of Sienna IA. 2A, 3E, 40 ... Scholastic Letter I ... Student Council 4 . .. Vice President 4 . . . Benilde Club 3, 4 .. . Prom Committee 4 . .. Football 2, l(L), 4(L) . .. Track 2 . . . Tennis 2 . . . Intramural footba ll I, 2; basketball I, 2, 3, 4; track I, 2, 3, 4; cross-country I, 2, 3, 4 (champs): softball I, 2, 3 (champs), 4 ; bowling I, 2, 3 (champs). 4 .. . Tiger . . . Could you expla in this trig . .. never wastes paper • Marco, the maste rful. THOMAS H. GALLAGHER 4016 Crescent Avenue, Lafayette Hill TA 8-9655 Saint Philip IC , 20, 38, 40 . .• Student Council 2, 3 ... President 2, 3 . .• Ma th Club 2 ... Spirit Committee 2, 3, 4 ... Dance Committee 2, 3 ... Physics Club 4 . .. Blue and Gold . . . Football I, 2, 3 . . . Track 2, 3, 4(l) . .. Crew I •. . Ora· matics 3 . . . Intramural footba ll 4 ; cross-country I, 4 (cha mps); bowling 2 (champs) , 3, 4: basketba ll 2, 3, 4; softball 2, 3, 4: volleyball 4 (champs); track 2, 3 (champs) . .. ROL . .. Ocean City Boy ... party boy .• . swims with his shoes on.

• EDWARD W. GARGIULO <;)uarlers F-16, U. S. Nava l Hospital, 45 HO 5-4000 Saint Richard 40 .. . Physics Club 4 ( vice presiden t ) Track 4 . .. Intramura l footba ll 4; cross-country 4 (champs) ; volleyball 4 (champs); basketball 4 ; softball 4 ... Southern import .. . Navy junior ..• afraid of that report card. JOHN J . GU INAN 2178 Joshua Roa d, Lafayet te Hill TA 8·1711 Saint Philip ID, 2C . 3E, 4E . . . Scholastic Meda l 2 ... Scholastic Leiter I, 3, 4 . .. Vice President 4 . .. Student Counc il 4 .. . Math Club 2, 3, 4 (president) .. . Physics Club I, 3, 4 .. . Explorer 3, 4 (editor) ... Dramatics 3 ... Track I, 2, 3, 4(L) . . . Intramura l cross country I, 2. 3 (champs), 4 ; football 2 (champs). 3 (champs). 4; bowling 2, 3 (champs), 4; soccer 3 (champs); basketball 2; chess 3 (champs), 4; track I, 2 (champs); volleyball 4 ; baseball 2, 3 (champs), 4 . . . Ass't Prof. of Physics . .. Radjoman ... Intramural Inter · polation. JOSEPH E. HARKINS 4800 Greene Street, 44 DA 9-8472 Saint Francis of Assisi IA, 2E, 3E, 48 .. . Intramural football I, 2, 3 (champs), 4; basketba ll I, 2 (champs) , 3, 4; volleyball 4; tr ack 3; soft. ball 2, 3 (champs). 4 .•. l<1undry boy ... Rabbit ... runs for a living. NORMAN P. HARVEY 7152 Cri tt enden Street, 19 CH 7-7155 Ho ly Cross ID, 20 , 30 , 4A ... Class Secretary I ... Track I, 2, 3, 4 . . . Intramural footba ll I, 2, 3, 4 ; basketball I (champs), 2, 3, 4; softball 2; track I, 2; bowling 2 (champs) ; crossMutt and Festa . .. Water Tower . .. country I, 2, 4 ... chorus boy.

STANLEY A. GUMULA 7911 Whitewood Road, Elkins Park 17 CA 4-2347 Saint James IE, 2A, 3C, 4C . .. Scholastic Medal 3 ... Sc holastic Lette r I, 3 ... Benilde Club 4 • , . Intramural football I, 2, 3, 4 (champs); cross-country I (champs). 2, 3, 4; bas ketb a ll I, 2, 3; bowling 3, 4 ; volleyball 4; track I (ch a mps), 2, 3; softball 2, 3 •.. hot Chrysler .• . Stan the Man .. . Ah! gee, Mr. Moran. JOSEPH W. HALL 7028 North Broad Street, 26 WA 4-5683 Holy Ange ls IE, 2E, 38, 4A ... Band I , 2, 3, 4 ... Intramur a l foot ball 3; . .. cymbal playe r ... sidewalk rider . • . frequent visitor at 800 Broad.

FRANCIS D. HECKLER 3044 Gaul Street, 34 GA 3-6530 Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary I A, 28, 3C, 4A .. . Scholastic Letter I . . . Student Coun cil 4 .. . Dramatics Club 3 ... Footb a ll I, 2, 3 ( L), 4 ( L) •.. Track 2, 3, 4(L) ... Intramu ral cross-country I; bas ketball I, 2, 3, 4; softball 2 (champs), 3, 4 . .. Moose ... "Duke of Richmond" ..• Want me to break your face, boy? JAMES A. HELWIG 628 Twickenham Roa d, Glen side TU 4-5416 Saint Luke I B, 28, 3C, 4C ... Scholastic Letter I, 2, 3, 4 ... Ma lh Club 2, 4 .• . Physics Club 2, 4 . , . Intramural frack I • .. FBCG ••• philately ... model car maker . .. Elvis and he .


GERALD L. HENDERSON 711 Paxson Avenue, Wyncote Immaculate Concept ion IC, 2A, 3A, 4C •.. Tennis 2, 4 ... Intramural I, 2, 3. 4; football I, 2. 3, 4; cross-coun try 2. 3; ••. SOY • .. Hend ers on, straighten your tie . .•

TU 4·4996 basketball track I, 2 Oswa ld's.

FRANCIS J. HERRON 7235 Forrest Avenue , 38 WA 7-0323 Saint Athanasius IC, 20 , 3A, 4A . .. Band I, 2, 3, 4 . . . Band lieutenant 4 ... All-Catholic Band 4 ... Wisterians 4 ... Blue and Gold . •• Wisterian I, 2, 3, 4 . . . Benilde Club I, 2 ... Dramatics 3, 4 ... St,.ge C rew 3, 4 ... Intramural football I; softball 2, 4 ... Is that t he way it goes? . . . . really? .. . plays coo l horn.

JAMES E. HIGGINS 5854 Chew Avenue, 38 YI 3-9343 Immaculate Conception IC, 20 , 38, 4C . . . Band I, 2, 3, 4 . . . All-Catholic Band 3 . . . Wisterian 2, 3, 4 ... Debat ing 3 .. . Six button bonny ... How's your mother\ cooking ... sax player .

W. RICHARD HOSTER 6019 North American Street, 20 LI 9-0496 Saint Hele na IE, 28, 3C, 4E , , . Scholastic Letter I ... Intramural foot. ball I, 2, 3, 4; cross-country I, 3, 4; basketba ll 2; bowling 2, 3; softball 2 (champs), 3 .. . Bert . . . squeaky . . . What's the sense of it? ... Undo Will.


CHARLES B. HUBBS 5914 Alma Street, 49 JE 5.7992 Saint Martin of Tours I B, 2C, 3E, 4E ... Scholastic Letter I ... Student Council 4 .. . Class President 4 .. . Intramural football I (ch amp s), 2, 3 (champs), 4; bowling 2 (champs), 3 (champs), 4; bowl. ing medal 3; cross-country 3 (champs). 4 ..• Granny •.. sense of humor . . . doesn't like physics.

JOHN F. IGOE 7248 Forrest Avenue , 38 LI 9-5758 Saint Athanasius IC, 28, 30, 4E , . . Schol<1stic Letter I ... Math Club . . . Junior Achievement 3, 4 ... Football I, 2, 3 . . . Trad I, 2 •. , Secretary I ... Vice President 2 ... Intramur al football 4; basketball I, 2, 3, 4; softball 2 (champs) , 3, 4 ; bowling 2, 3, 4; tr ack 4 , . , Agile John .. . Skip .. . impeached .

JOHN C . INCARVITO 1202 East Chelten Avenue , 38 LI 8-1302 Immaculate Conception I A, 28, 3C, 4C •. . Scholastic letter I, 2 .. . Dramatics Club 3, 4 ... Intramural football I; basketball I, 2; soft · ball 2 (champs), 3, 4; bowling 2, 3, 4 ... Little Caesar • , • Argh ..• vicious Judge ... "incomplete."


FRANCIS J. JUNOD 1247 Mildred Avenue, Roselyn TU 4-5288 Saint John of the Cross ID, 2C , 3A. 4E ... Schola stic Letter I . . . Benilde Club 4 intr~mura l foclbd ll I, 2; cross-count ry 2; bowling 4; ... tr ack 3, 4 . . . lives on the other side of the tracks ... Curly • .. King of t he gods .


JOH N B. KACZUR 342 Wni te Horse Pike, C leme nton LA 4-43b5R Our La dy of Mount Carmel I B, 2F, 30, 4E ... Physics Club 3, 4 ... Math C lub 3, 4 ... Art Club I, 2, 3, 4 . . . Crew 2 .. . Intramural football I {chdmps), 2. 3, 4; bowling 3, 4 ; track 4 ; softball 3, 4; soc· ccr 3, 4 .. . La Salle's Norman Rockwe ll .• . Jersey boy ... Hoster, Oesch, Kaczur, The Triumvirate . JOHN J. KANE. JR. b 15 Twickenham Road, Glenside

TU 4-541b Saint Luke IC, 2A, 3A, 4C . .. Student Council 4 . Vice Preside nt I, 3, 4 ••. Treasur er 2 . .. Activities Committ ee 4 (ch airman} ... Scholastic Letter I ... Cross -Country I, 2 ( L), 3 . . . Track I, 2, 3, 4(L) .. . Che e rleader 4 (captain} ... Dramatics Club 3, 4 . .. Blue and Go ld . . . Prom Commit tee 3, 4 ... Intramural c ross-count ry I; footba ll I, 2, 3, 4 (champs}; basketball I, 2, 3 (ch4mps), 4; softball I, 2, 3, 4 ... C. Y. 0 .... collegi4 te .. . both ends against the middle ... clam digger.

THOMAS A. KELLY, JR. Pl 5-90b7 544 East Van Kirk Str eet Saint W illiam ID, 2E, 3E, 48 ... Intramural foo tbal l I, 2, 3 {champs), 4; basketball I {champs), 2 (champs}, 3, 4; track I, 2, 3; soft. ba ll 3 (champs); volleyball 4 ... beer salesman supreme • .. cans for the poor? . • . but Brother, they moved my car.

J . KEVIN KENNEDY 120 Twining Road, Orcland TU 4-4271 Holy Marty rs IE, 20 , 30 , 40 ... Bcnilde Club 3, 4 ... Cheerleade r . .. Spirit Committee 4 ... Intramural football I, 2, 3: basketba ll 2, 3, 4 ; softball 3, 4; track 2, 3 ; cross-country I (champs), 2 ... Kev . . . Ho ld that pot ... can't change a flat? •. . beachcomber .


RAYMOND E. KEROLLIS HO 5-78b0 2420 South 21st Street, 45 Sa inf Monica IC, 2 A, 3A, 4 •.. Vice President 2 . Trea surer 3 . • . Band I, 2, 3, 4 ... Drum Major 3, 4 .. . Band Lieute nant 3, 4 . .. All-Ca tholic Band I, 2, 3, 4 ... Prom Committ ee 3 . .. Intramura l basketball 2, 3 (ch a mps), 4 ; track 3; foo tball 3, 4 ; softball I, 4 . .. big man in white .. . Happy Birth· day Ray ... Toscanini. KARLTON A. KIEFER 42b East Wadsworth Avenue , 19 Holy Cross IB, 2C, 3A, 48 .. . Physics C lub 4 . , . Tumbling 3 ..• lntramur.;,I track 2, 4 ... Brother Bret . . . Kentucky Kolonel . .. shoelaces. GEORGE J. KOENIG DE 2-b322 422 1 Levick Stree t, 35 Saint Timothy IC, 28, JC , 4E . .. Scholastic Letter I . . . Spirit Committee . . , Intra mural football 3, 4; track I, 2, 3, 4 .. • ca r models Sunglasses . . . acorn-throwing, Medal 2. HARRISON C. KORNBAU 503 Kingston Road, Ore land TU 7-3021 Holy Martyrs IA, 2A, 3E, 4E . . . Debati ng 3 ... Art Club 2. 3, 4 . •• Wi sterian 3 .. . Benilde C lub 4 . .. Tennis I ... Do you have th e Chemistry exam? . . . fixes tires . • . Zorro . .. O h! Harry you're so fac etiou s.


GEORG E C. KUGLER 6124 North 4th Street , 20 WA 4-8651 Saint Helena ID, 2F, 3C , 4E . . . Physics Club I, 2, 3, 4 . . Math Club 4 .. . Intramura l bowling 2, 4 . . . THE slide rule . .. up to how many significant figures? .. . neglecting air resista nce ? . . , imaginar y line d rawn through a suitcoat . ROMAN KYWELUK 4824 North Camac Street , 41 GL 7-1743 Christ the King I B, 2A, 3E, 4A ... Scholastic Letter I, 2 Physics Club 2, 3, 4 . .. Math Club 2, 3, 4 . .. Intramural track I, 2, 4; cross-country I, 2; bowling 3 (champs); soccer 3; volleyball 4; chess 3 .. . meriteer .. . soccer player ... electronics brain. HOWARD L. LANGE 546 Marwood Road , 20 DA 4-2768 Saini Ambrose IA, 2F, 3D, 48 •.. Football 2, 3(L) , 4(L) . Intramural football I; basketball 3, 4 ; softball 2. 3, 4; track 3, 4; bowling 3 . .. ''I t's not as big as yours, We inmann! " ... Buzzy . .. Spring 'em. LAW RENCE G. LEESE 923 East Slocum Street, 50 HA 4-5661 Little Flower IE, 2E. 3A, 4A .. . Wisleri a n 3 .. . Basketball Manage r 2 ... Intramural footbal l I, 2, 3, 4; basketball I, 2 (champs), 3 (champs); softball 3, 4; cross-country I (champs), 2, 3, 4; bowling 3, 4; track I (champs), 2 . .. smooth and silent ... "Is Economic Geography hard? " , .. "Springtime" . . . pizza pusher .. . "Lover Boy."


RICHA RD W. LAFFERTY 228 Sulis Stree t, 20 DA 9-9376 Incarnation IE, 2C, 3A, 40 ... Benild e Club I, 2, 3, 4 . . . Wisleria n 3, 4 . . . Spirit Committee ... Stage Crew 4 .. . Secret a ry 2, 4 ... Freshman Football . .. Crew 3, 4(L) ... Intr a mural football 2 (champs) , 4 ; basketball I; bowling 2, 4; softball 2; track I (champs) .. . thumb tac k kid . , • Big Rich Laff • • . last man in the cafeteria. PETER F. LANG 226 East Ashda le Stre et, 20 GL 5-4654 Saini Ambrose I A, 2A, 3 E, 4A ... Treasurer 3 . . . Scholastic Letter I, 2 . . . Science C lub I, 2, 3 . . . Dramatics Club 3 ... Band 4 .. . Crew Manager ( L) ... Intramura l bowling 2, 3 (champs) ... Madison Avenue man . . . improved tuba playing .. . butler pa r excellence. DANIEL J. LEINHEISER Street , 34 NE 4-7023 Our Lady Help of Christ i,ins ID, 28, JC, 4C ... Scholastic Leite r I, 2 ... l~tra mural basket ball I (champs) , 2, 3, 4; trac k 2; football I, 2 ; softb a ll 3, 4 . .. Boone .. . Moose's punching bag . .. Wan ta fight, Heckler. 3153 Cedar

WILLIAM H. LOGAN 11058 Knights Road, 14 OR 3-9540 Ou r Lady of Ca lvary I B, 2C , JA, 4C . •. Dramatic s Club 3, 4 . Wisleri an 3 ... Blue and Gold .. . Int ramural football I (ch a mps), 2 (champs). 3, 4 {champs); basketball I; track 2 (champs) ; volleyball 4 ; c ross-country I; soccer 3 . .. dimp les . •• Thespian from way back .. . sunny disposition . . . Gen era l.

JOSEPH F. LOUGHRAN 505 Mount Airy Avenue, 19 CH 7-5887 Holy Cross I B. 2 E, 3A, 40 ... Deba ting I ... Physics Club 4 ... Crew I, 2. 3, 4(L) . . . Intramural football I (champs), 2, 3, 4; volleyba ll 4 (champs) . .. Ocean City fan . .. '58 trans· mission for Physics Project .. . What a blast!

ROBERT F. McCANN 3188 Miller Street, 34 GA 6-9194 Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary IC, 28, 3C, 4C ... Scholastic I, 2, 3 ... C lass Vice-President 3 .. . Math Club 3 ... Physics Club 4 . .. Crew I ... Track 2, 3 .. . Cross.Country 3(L), 4(l) .. . Intramural football I, 2, 3, 4 ; basketball I, 2, 3, 4 ; cross-country 2; track 2; softball 2 {champs), 3, 4 ... Mc Cann, the PTC informa· tion man • . . Richmond boy . . . "You look awake th is

JAMES M. McCULLOUGH 1110 Chandler Street, 11 Pl 2-6954 Saint Cecelia ID, 2C , 38, 40 . .. Dramatics 3, 4 ... Band 3, 4 ... Union League Citizenship Award • .. Intramural football 2 (champs) •. . Jimbo •. . Bruce's unders tudy •.. Kiddie City .

FRANCIS X. McFADDEN 413 East Gorgas Street CH 7-5 125 Holy Cross IC, 28, 30, 4E ... Scholastic Medal 3 . .. Ma th Club 3 .. . Band I, 2, 3, 4 ... All-Catholic Band 2, 3, 4 .. . Wisterian 2, 3, 4 .•. Intramural footbal l I, 3, 4; basketb a ll 3, 4; softball 2 {champs), 3, 4; cross-country I . . . Effie • . . Francis Xavier .•. trombo nist.


CHARLES T. Mcl l HINNEY 942 West Mople Drive, Southampton EL 7-2836 Our Lady of Good Counsel I B, 20, 3B, 4A . .. Dramatics 3, 4 • . . Track . . . Intra · mural football I (champs}, 2, 3; cross-country I, 2, 3; basketbal l I, 2, 3; bowling I, 2 {champs}, 3, 4; track I, 2, 3, 4 . . . up to the Arrow .. . Chuck ... plays piano by car . CORNELIUS P. McKELVEY 540 Duncannon Avenue Gl 7·0837 Incarnation of Our lord I A. 20 , 3A, 4E .. . Band I, 2, 3, 4 .. . All-Catho lic Band 2, 3, 4 . .. Debating I, 2, 3, 4 ... Wisterian 2, 3, 4 .•• Library Aides I, 2, 3, 4 (President 2, 3, 4) ... Basketball manager 3, 4(L) . . . Spirit Committee 4 ... Intra mural foot· ball 2, 3, 4 ; basketball 2, 3 {champs), 4 . .. volleyball 4 ... softba ll I, 2 ... stuffed the ballot box ... book shelf kid . . . forgot all his history.

JAMES L. McKENNA 1237 Red Ramb ler Road , Rydal TU 4-7198 Immaculate Conception I A, 20, 3A, 4C ... Wisterian 3, 4 . .. Debating 3 ..• Blue and Gold ..• Crew 2, 3(L}, 4(L} ... Art Club 2, 3 ... Intramural bowling 2 (champs): cross-country I, 2, 3 . .• roller derby fan .•. Renoir ..• What does this convey? .. • who's beat?!

JOHN L. McLANE 1729 Rockland Street, 41 GL 5.7934 Holy Child IA. 2A, 3E, 40 ... Scholastic l etter ... outside dramat ist ... backyard basketball •.. grocery boy.



JOSEPH P. McNICHOL 7431 Boyer Stre et, 19 CH 7-778b Holy Cross ID, 2E, 3E, 48 ... Stude nt Council 4 ... Vice President I, 4 •.. Secretary 3 ... Footb all I, 2, 3 ( L), 4( L) ... Basketball I .. . Track I ... Wi sterian 3, 4 . . Intramural basketball I (champ s), 2 (champ s), 3; track I, 2 , 3; cross-country I, 2, 3 (champs); softball 2, 3 ..• Red Bird ... Spanish export ••. ghost writer . . . imitations. THOMAS F. McTEAR 1848 Old Orchard Road, Abington TU 7-4255 Our Lady Help of Christians IE, 20, 3A, 4A . .. Class Secretary 4 ... Football I, 2, 3, 4(l) . , . Track I .. . Intramura l basketball I, 3, 4; track I (ch a mps); bowling 3, 4; cross-country I ( champs J; soft. bal l 4 .. . Lonesome end ... "Tinney's" ••. everybody's Monday. FRANK P. MADDEN 5708 North Marsha ll Street , 20 WA 7-1474 Saint Helena 18, 20, 38, 40 .. . Scholastic Medal 3 . .. Physics Club 4 •.. Spirit Committee . . . Blue and Gold .. . Wisterian 4 ... Stage Crew 3, 4 , . , Crew I, 2, 3, 4( L) . . • Intramural football I (champs) , 2, 3, 4 ; basketball 2, 3, 4; bowling 2 (champs), 3, 4; cross-country I, 2; track 2, 3, 4; softball 3, 4; volleyball 4 (champs) . .. moaner mobile rolls again . • . Ralphie Babe , .. Doesn't like to eat . .. words for Weinmann.

WILLIAM F. MADDEN YI 3-3539 22 West Ashmead Place South, 44 Saint Francis of Assisi IC, 2E, 3E, 40 . .. Typing Medal , . . Junior Achievement I, 2 (treasurer) ... Science .Club I . . . Tennis I, 2, 3(L), 4 . .. Intramural football 3 (champs) • . . Black Market tran slations . .. Mort . . . Pancho ... his tennis letter. HARRY M. MAGRISI 23b I East Somerset Street , 34

RE 9-4042 Saint Anne IA, 2F, 30, 4A ... Football Manager 3 . . . Cheerleader I, 2 .• , Intramura l foot ball I. 2, 3, 4; volleyball 4; basketbal l 3, 4; softball I, 2, 3, 4 ... hates parties ... alumnus of West Catholic . .. deluxe dresser .

JOHN M. 1335 Price Street, 38 Immaculate ID, 2C, 3 B, 4A ... Student 4(L) .• . Intramural football I (champs). 2, 3, 4; soccer softball 2, 3, 4; cross-country loves to eat.

MAGUIRE LI 8-3115 Conception Council I ... Track 2, 3 ( L). I, 2 (champs), 3 ; basketball 3 (champs). 4; volleyball 4; I . .. Smiley . • . bones ..•

FRANK J. MAHONEY 5109 North 11th Street , 4 1 DA 4-5498 Holy Child ID, 2C, 3A, 48 ... Student Council 4 .• . Prom Committee •.. Dance Committee . . . Band I, 2, 3 ( Lieutenant I, 4 ( Captain I .. . Dance Band 2, 3, 4 . .. All-Catholic Band I, 2, 3, 4 • . • Intramural football I, 2; track I, 2; softball 2 . . . move over, Benny ... Mr. Goodman ... The Blue Flames. SAMUEL V. MANERA 4855 Umbria Stree t, 27 IV 2-1813 Ho ly Family I B, 20 , 38, 40 . .. Benilde Club 3, 4 .•. Physics Club 4 ... Che arlea d er I, 2, 4 ... Intramura l bowling 2 (champ s); footbal l 2. 3, 4: track 3 (champs) ... questions , questions, quest ions •.. mount<iin climber .. . bowle r d eluxe.


JO SEPH S. MAXWELL 4 I 2 Sylvania Avenue, Glenside TU 4-9675 Saint Luke I A, 28, 3C, 4A ... Student Co uncil I, 2 (Se cretary) , 3 ( Vice President) , 4 (President) • . . Scholastic Leite r I, 2 . .. Dra ma tics Club 3 ... Football I, 2 (L). )(L), 4(Lj . . . Track I, 2, 3(L) , 4(L) . • . Basket ball I, 2 . . . Intra mural basketball 3, 4; cross-country I; track I: softball I, 2 (champs) , 3, 4 .. . Scotty ... who's he? .. . May I have your autograph? . .. Executive.

WILLIAM A. MAYOR 840 East Ch e lton Avenue, 38 GE 8-87 I 6 Immacula te Conception ID, 2A. JC , 4A .. . Scholastic Le tter 3 .. . Ma th Club 3 . . . Track I, 2 . .. Cross -Country 2, 3 . . . Intramu ral footba ll I; cross-country I, 4 ; track I, 3 ... wa lking the dog .•• Gover nor ..• brain .

FELIX V. MELE 7019 Ste nton Avenue, 38 LI 9-5229 Sa int Athanas ius IE, 2C , JE, 48 ... Scholdstic Letter I . . . Band . .. lntrdmural foo t ball I, 2 (champs) , 3 (ch a mps) , 4; cross-country I (champs) ... you' re a real buddy, Eckert . . . I was on t he football te am for throe weeks ... Black Ha nd.

RAYMOND J . MERGLIANO 230 I North 2nd Street GA 3-1125 Saint Boniface IC, 2A, JE, 48 ... Scholast ic Leit er I ... J ungle Man .. . The Pit . .. Mc rg . • . ha ppy .

RICHARD A. MIEHLE 7546 Beverly Road , 38 HA 4-0384 Saint At!,an asius I A, 2A, 3E, 48 . .. Scholastic Lett er I, 2 .. . Math Club 3, 4 . .. Foot ba ll I, 2 ... Tennis I, 2{L), 3, 4{L) . . . Intramural football I, 3 {champs), 4: cross-country I, 3 (ch a mps), 4; bowling 2, 3 {chdmps) , 4: track I, 2, 3, 4; softb a ll 2, 3 ( champ s). 4; volleyball 4 . .. Has stocks in Gimb e ls ... while carnatio ns ... anchors aweigh.

JO SEPH J . MINECCI 607 W1Jgner Road, Lafaye tte Hill TA 8-9546 Saint Philip ID, 28, 3C . 4C ... Math Club 3, 4 ... Physics Club 4 ... lntr<>mural foot ba ll 2, 3, 4 : bowling 3, 4; volleyba ll 4; soft ball 2 (champ s) , 3, 4; che ss 3, 4 ... ornit hologis t . .. plays chess with Gu inan . . . O ne of the slide rule kids.

J. ROBERT MITE!( 3134 North Patton Street , 32 . BA 5-3437 Co rpus Chr isti I A, 2 D, 38, 40 . .. Scholastic Letter I ... Benilde Club 4 .. . Dra matics 3 ... C heerleade r 3, 4 .. . Spirit Comm ittee 4 .. . Prom Committ ee 3 ... lnlramur<>Ifootball 3 . .• mile couple number six .. . La Salle's Dick Contino ..• wide smile .

ROBERT J. MORAN 3002 Mickle Stree t, Camden 5 EM 5-3458 Sa int J ose ph IC, 28, 30 , 4A ... Math Club .. . Basketbal l I, 2, 3(L). 4(L) . . . Track J • •• Int ram ura l foo tb all 2, 3. 4: volle yba ll 4; softb a ll 3, 4 ; ba sket ball I: cross-country . .. wake up, Mora n ... drib bles while aslee p .. . not swimming poo ls • .. ha tes basket ball.


THOMAS J. MORTIMER WA 7-4386 1438 W,n t 70th Avenue, 26 Holy Ange ls IA, 28, 30, 4E .. . Scholast ic Med al 3 ... Scholastic Leiter I .. . Int ramura l football I; volloyball 4 ; track 2; softb a ll 2 (cham ps), 3, 4 ... 146 mistakes . .. has stocks in Wrigl ey\ Gum .. . pleasosp e akalittles lowermortimer. GEORGE P. MOS ER 9002 Crefe ld Street , 18 CH 7-9070 Our Mot her of Con solation ID, 28, 3C, 4E .. . Scholast ic Medal I ... Scholastic Letter I . . . Football t, 2, J(LI , 4(L) . . . Goll l(L), 2, 3, 4(L) . . Intramural ba sketba ll 2, 3, 4 ; track 2, 3, 4 ; softba ll 3, 4 . . . GEO -RGE MOSER .•. Shut up, W illy .. . MVP Go lf.

ROBERT J . NIESSEN TU 4-6427 236 Forrest Avenue, Elkins Park Saint Jam es IC, 2A, 30, 4A . .. Benilde C lub I, 2, 3, 4 . . . De bating I •• . Bowling 4 ... bugs on white bucks ... ., little tr oat for study ... SI. Marlin's dances .

JOHN L. O ' DONNELL 4950 North Broad Street , 41 GL 5-4040 Holy Child IE, 2E, 3E, 40 ... Benilde Clu b 4 Basketb all I, 2, 3, 4 (L) ... Trad I •. . Cro n -Cou ntry I . , . Intramura l footba ll I, 2, 3 (ch a mps). 4; basketba ll I; !rad I (champs), 2, 3 (champs ), 4 ; cross-country I (champ s), 2, 3 (champ s), 4 (champs); volleyba ll 4 Ic hamps); softba ll 3 (champs) , 4 .. • O 'Die .. . g raying al tho temples . .. Twinkle Toes.


EDWARD W. MUNTZ 7705 Gate Road, 18 CH 7-9644 Seven Dolors IE, 2E, 38. 4A ... Intramural football 2, ); track I, 3 (champs); bowling 2, 3, 4 ; softball 2, ) , 4 ; cross-country I (champs ) ... Flyin Wheels Hot Rod Club .. • Ed . , • backing out of the gar<1ge.

THOMAS A. MURRAY 509 East Durham Street , 19 CH 7-4122 Holy Cross I 8, 2A, 3C , 48 ... Blue and Go ld Deba ting I .. , Dra mat ics 2, ) , 4 . .. Tennis I, 3, 4 .. . Intram ural bowling 2, 3, 4; volleyball 4 ; football I, 4 . .. Rip Van Winkle • .• ma ke that a Hallmark • .. sen ior writoups .

NORMAN C . OESCH 180 Spencer Street, 20 WA 4-1241 Saint He lena 18, 2F, 30 , 40 ... lntra mur<1Ifootball I (c hamps). 2, 3, 4; b.sskclball I, 2, 3, 4; tra ck 2, 3, 4 ; cross-country 2 (ch.smps)", 3, 4 (champs) ; bowling 2. 3, 4 ; softball 2, 3 ; volleyball 4 (champs) ... runner •.. Penn Fruit forever ... A and Champlost.

HU G H C. O 'NEILL TU 4-6385 607 Wan ama ker Road, Jenkin town Immaculate Conception IC, 20, 38, 40 .. . Intramura l football I, 2, ), 4; baske tball I, 2; softball I, 2, ), 4; volleyball 4 (champs) • •. CYO . .. smooth dr iller ... Avid P.O .D. fan .

JOSEPH A. ORLANDO 1009 Morris Stree t, 48 HO 7-6157 Saint Nicho las of Tolentino ID, 28, 3C , 4C . .. Scholastic letter I . . . Math Club 3, 4 ... Blue and Gold ..• Intramural foo tball I, 2, 3; bowling 2, 3, 4 ; softball 2 (cha mps), 3, 4; cross-country I, 2; track I, 2, 3, 4 ... There's always We inm<1nn, Joe .. , W yat t Earp has nothing on me .. . pa rachutes. LOUIS E. OSWALD 6740 North Broad Street, 26 LI 9-0805 Holy Angels IE, 28, 3D, 48 •.• C lass Secretary I, 3 .. . Benilde Club 3, 4 . •. Wisterian 4 .•. Blue and Gold ... Spirit Com· mitte e . .. Math Club 2 . . . Track I, 3, 4 ... Footba ll I . . . Intramural cross-country I {champs); basketba ll I, 2, 4; trac k I (champs): football 4 ; volleyball 4; softba ll 2, 4 . . . Onie Babe .. . Ch amp ion Cheerleader .. . gel that lunch out of here , Oswald .•. Got a smoke? MICHAEL J. PAOLINI 1290 Arthur Street Fl 2-8914 Resurrection I A, 2A, 3A, 4D . Scholastic Medal I . . . Scholastic Letter I, 2 ... Math C lub 3, 4 ... Physics Club 4 . Tennis 2 .. . Intramural football I . . hoag ie Mike what happened to your nose, Mike 7 . . . agreeable Chantilly Domini. EUGENE J. PARK 226 Mount Pleasant Avenue , 19 CH 7-4803 Ho ly Cross ID, 2E, 3C, 4A . .. Scholastic letter 2 . . . Clas s Secre tary 2, 4 ... Benilde Club 4 ... Prom Committe e 3 ... Footba ll I . . . Basketba ll I, 2(L), 3(L), 4(L) ... Intramura l football 4; soft ball I, 2, 3, 4; track I, 2, 4; cross-country I; volleyball 4; basketball I (champs) •.. Gene .. . stiff neck • . . ODIN .

ARTHUR W . PAGAN HA 4-1072 7200 Sommers Road , 38 Saini Athanasius I B, 2E, 3E, 48 . .. Intramural football (champs). 2 ; ba s· ketball I . .. big man at tho Renel . , . Twirp ... Big Bouncer.

FRANCIS J. PAGANO I 020 E. Hain es Street YI 4-0872 Immacu lat e Conc e ption IC, 2F, 3D, 48 ... Intramural football I, 2, 3; basket ball I, 2; cross-country I . .. walks lo school . . . 8:44 boy ••. makes like Andy Griffith .

JOHN M. PIO 8813 Revere Street, 15 OR 3-70 14 Mate rnity of Blessed Virgin Mary I B, 2A. 3E, 4C ... Schola stic letter I. 2 . . . Art Club I, 2, 3, 4 ... Bznilde Club 4 ... Intramural football I (champs), 2; cross-country 2; bdsketb<1II 4; bowling 3 {champs) , 4; track I; softba ll 3 (champs) , 4 ... Hey Sandman , got the translation .• . Lend me your P.O.D. Book ..• takes the boys to Broad and Olney in a hot Buick .. . grape masher.

GEORGE J . PUTZ, JR. 106 Holme Avenue, Elkins Park ES 9-3773 Saint James ID, 2F, JD, 48 .. . Band I, 2, 3, 4 ( I st Lieutenant 4) • .. AII-C<1tholic Band 2, 3, 4 . . . Dance Band 3, 4 . .. Dramatics 3, 4 ... Squeaky . . . Kandy Kane •. . Big Bopp er.


THOMA S J . QU INLAN 7)4 Eas t Dorse t Stree t, 19 G E 8-45 18 Little Flower IE, 2A, JE, 4C .. . Scholastic Lett er I, 2 . .. Drama tics 2, 3, 4 ..• Band I .. . Tr.. ck 2, 3, 4 . .. Intr amura l cross· country 2, 3 {champs ), 4; footbal l 3 (c hamps }; softball 3 (cramp s ); t rack 2; socc e r 3 (ch ~mps) ... cyt1nido kid .. . actor's actor ... wan t a scre? n test?

ANTHONY S. QU INTO 15b9 Beverly Road, 38 HA 4 -72b3 Saint Atha nasius IC , 2A, 3E, 4A . . . Scholas tic Letter I, 3 .. . Intramural basketball I , 2. 3, 4; footba ll I , 2, 3 {champ s ) ; softba ll 3 I champs}; track I, 3 : bowling 3 .. . Sugar and spice and every thing nice ... Pasca l ... "I'll dock ya."

PETER E. REILLY LI 8-7489 7207 Nort h 20th Stree t, 38 Saint At hanas ius ID, 20 , 38 , 4C . .. Blue a nd Go ld . . . Spirit Comm ittee 4 . .. Intram ural foot ba ll I, 2, 3. 4 (champs) ; basketbal l 2, 3, 4; bowling 2 (champs) , 3, 4; softball 2, 3, 4 ; cross-country I, 2 .. . d efinite ly .. . The Dutchman . . . Ocean Ci ty ... "Got the wheel s tonigh t" .. . co lleg iate?

ROBERT J . RICC IO 120b Stra tford Aven ue, 2b Holy Ang els IE, 2F, 38, 4A .. . Is it Richio or Rickio? anything unde r his na me . .. couldn 't do it.

CA 4-1738 Doesn' t want

JOS EPH M. RIDGWAY G L 5-0b32 5b25 Roschill Stree t, Sain i Amb rose I B. 2C . 3E, 48 . . . Spirit Comm ittee 4 Intra mural foot ball I {champs) , 2 (champs) , 3 champs ), 4; cross-country I, 3; volleyba ll 4 : soft ba ll 2, 3. 4 . .. King of tho Hop . .. Pompado ur . . . Napoleon ... Wo lley Sega p.

J OHN T. ROGALSKI Pl 3-43b I 1308 Ar rott Stree t, 24 Saini Joac him IA , 2A, 3A. 4E . . . Scholastic Lett er I .. . Wist erian 3, 4 . . . Blue an d Go ld .. . Spirit Comm ittee 4 .. . Intra mural footbal l I, 2, 3, 4; cross-cou ntry 3; volleyball 4; basket ba: i 3 (c ha mps ). 4 ; track 3, 4: softball 2. 3, 4 . . . Tadz . .. "W hat makes you?" .. . All Intramural.

THOMAS H. RON AN 803 Ch are tt e Road, 11 HO 4-2307 Matern ity of the Blessed Virgin Mary 10, 2C , 3E. 4E ... Track 2, 3(L ), 4 {L) . . . Intra mura l foo tball I, 2 {champ s) , 3 {cha mps}. 4 ; cross -count ry 3 (champs) , 4 ; bowling 2, 3 {cham ps) , 4: socc e r 3 (ch a mps) ; volleyba ll 4; b,ukc tba ll 2, 3, 4: soft ba ll 2, 3, 4: track I, 2 {cham ps) . . . Rona n in the Gloam in' . . . The blue bomb . .. All lnlr amurdl.

• 36

JAM ES C . ROSSI WI b-8417 40 Oaktrce Drive, Le vitlo wn Saint Micha el the Arc ha ng el IE, 2 A, 3 E, 4A . .. Scholastic Meda l I ... Scholas tic Letter I, 2, 3 . . . Physics Club 4 .. . Ma th C lub 4 .. . Wi ste rian 4 . . . Intram ura l footb all 2, 3 (champs ), 4; volleyb a ll 4: socce r 3 (c hamp s). sofl ball 3 . .. e xtra cred it . . . J . C . . , . "The dog sle d' s ou tside ."

DANIEL J . SANDMAN 1911 North Masher Slreet, 22 RE 9-6995 Saint Boniface IC, 2A, 3A, 48 . .. Scholastic Medal 3 . .. Schola stic lette r I, 2, 3 .. . Student Coun c il I . . . Class Presid e nt I . .. Secretary 2 . .. Bowling I, 2( L), 3(L) , 4(L) ... Intramur al footba ll I, 2. 3, 4; ba sketba ll I, 2, 3 (c ha mps), 4; !rack 2 ... lop Ion ... it's a seve n-t en shot ... Sandy .

ABEL J. SCHA LL 320 Silver Avenue , Willow Grov e Saint David IC . 2E, 3E, 48 . . . Band I, 2, 3, 4 .. . Crew mural volleyball 4 . . . ABE .•• suspenders Murray.

O L 9-1055 . .. Intra · . . Arth ur

ROBERT W. SCHALLER 40 1 West Fern Stree t, 20 HA 4- 1267 Sa int Helena I A. 28, 3C, 4 E . .. Scholast ic Letter I, 2 ... Dra matic s 3, 4 ... Intra mural soft ba ll 2 (champ s), 3, 4; basketb all 2, 3, 4 ; cross-cou nlry 2, 3, 4 ; bowling 2, 3, 4 . .. butt erscolc h sundae ... How many points do you have ? . . . You're a drag on the class!

ANDREW J . SCH AST CL 5-4156 4551 North 5t h Street Saini He nry I 0 , 20 , 3A, 4E ... Band I, 2, 3. 4 . .. Intramu ra l football 2, 3 . .. Andy .. • talks a lot .. . hot (;hevy .

LAWRENCE E. SCHENKEL 211 We s! Mount Pleasan t Avenue, 19 CH 7-2956 Holy Cros s I 0 , 2 F. 30 , 4A . . , Intramural cross-counlry I, 2 (champs), 3; bowling 3, 4; soflball 2, 3, 4 ; lrnck 2. 3, 4 .• . Mount Airy b oy • . . beep -beep ... big bro ther.

FREDERICK J. SHAUGHNESSY MA 4-3485 4435 Vista Street , 36 Saint Bernar d IE, 2C, 3A, 40 ... Sec re tary 4 . . . Footbal l I. 2, 3 ( L). 4 (L) . .. Track I . .. Intramural basketba ll I, 2, 3 (champs) , 4 ; cross-cou nt ry 4 (champs); track 2, 3, 4 . .. I can't breathe . .. The Toe . •. my book fell out the window .•. why, couldn't it have been you? . . . Fre ddi e.

GEORGE W . SIEGMANN 6420 North Smedley Street , 26 WA 4-8129 Saint Benedict I B, 20, 3C, 48 . .. Intramura l football (champs), 2, 3, 4; bas ketball 3, 4 ; track I; softball 2, 3, 4 .•• paper boy ..• ink spiller . . . Sta bilito' s PAL.

DONALD J. SLOWICKI 7421 Brous Avenue , 15 DE 3-8849 Saini Ma tt hew IA, 28, 3C, 4E . • . Scholastic Letter 2 . .. Wi ster ian 4 ... Bc nilde C lub 4 . .. Base ba ll 2 . . . Intramural football I, 2. 3, 4; basketball I, 2. 3. 4; soft ba ll 3; tr ack 3 ... Gu nner . . . NE AC . • . A&P alumn us . .. sar din e key?

• 37

JAMES H. SMITH 1927 Plymouth Street, 38 HA 4-1095 Saint Athanasius ID, 2A, 3E, 4 E . .. Baseball 2 . . . Intramural football I, 2, 3 (cham ps), 4 ; basketball I (champ s), 2, 3, 4; bowling 2, 3 (c hamps), 4 ..• The Yipe .. . Lee's Hoagie House . .. toothac he. ROBERT M. SMITH 615 Oxford Road, Bala-Cynwyd MO 4-6305 Saint Matthia s IE, 2F, 30, 40 .. . Student Council I, 2, 3, 4 ... Ari Club 2, 3, 4 . .. Football I, 2(L), 3(L), 4(L) . . . Baske tball 3 .. . Crew I, 2(L), 3(L). 4(L) . . • Intramural cro ss-country I (champ s), 2; basketball I, 2 ... Rod . . . Kelly for brick· work . . . sings liko Como .

LEONARD I. STRZELECKI 2664 Living ston Street, 25 GA 3-6965 Saint La urentius I A, 28, JC , 4E . .. Scholas tic Lette r I . . • Math Club 3, 4 . . . Intram ural softball 2 (ch a mps); t rac k 2, 3, 4 .. • Stre z • • • just plain Leonard . .. spell that please. ·

PHILIP A. SULLIVAN 1821 C anterbury Road, Ab ington TU 4-5898 Ou r Lady He lp of Ch ristians I 0, 2C , 3 B, 40 ... Benilde C lub 4 . .. Football I ... Basketba ll I, 2, 3, 4(L) . . . Track I, 2, 4( L) ... Intramura l football 2 (c hamps), 3, 4 ; track I, 3 (champs): cross-country I, 2, 3 ; softb a ll I, 4; volleyba ll 4 (champs) .. . Aren 't I hand some? . . , ·hatch et man ... " but she your cous in Phill"


DONALD J. STABILITO 6140 Chew Avenue , 38 VI 3-7253 Our Lady of the Rosary I B, 20 , 3C, 4E ... Scholastic Letter I, 2 Intramural football I, 2, 3, 4 ; softball 2, 3: track 3 . . . Stab . . . "what was the history test 7" . . . Are you sure that's the way you say it?"

ROBERT F. STRANIX 7925 Pickering Stroot, 50 HA 4-6791 Saint Raymond IC, 2A, JA, 4E . .. Scholastic Leiter I ... Secretary 4 . .. Benilde Club 2, 3, 4 ... Footba ll I, 2, 3, 4(L) ... Basketball I ... Intramural basketball I, 2, 3 (champs), 4 : track I, 2, 3, 4; softb a ll 2, 3, 4; cross-country I .. . Ka put . . . it won't fit ... size 8 helmet . .. nice and loud.

FRANCIS C. SULZBACH LI 8-3922 226 Co lonial Street , 26 Saint Helena IE, 28, JC, 4C •• . Scholast ic Leiter 2, 3 .• . Goll Tea m I, 2, 3 ( L) , . . Bowling I ... lnlramutal cross-country I, 4; bowling 3 . . . for e .. . can you see over that hill? .• . I was forc ed • . • grumpy.

ROBERT M. SUMMERELL Libe rty Be ll Trailer Village, Trevose ME 9-1939 Saint Christopher I B, 2A, 3E, 4C . .. Scholast ic Medal 2 .. . Scholastic Le tt e r I, 2 ... Art Club 2, 3 . .. Physics Club 4 . . . Boulevard cops .. . Bob . • • I never did this badly in a test before .

HERBERT H. SWINBURNE 512 Enfield Road, O reland TU 6-3812 Holy Martyrs IC , 2F. 30, 40 .•• Football I. 2, 3, 4{L) ... C rew I, 2. 3{L), 4{L) ... Intramural basketball I, 2, 3, 4; cross-country I, 2 {champs); track 2 ... tri-colored car ... Herbie ... A certain aura .

WI LFRED J . VAUDREUIL 1540 Roselyn Street, 41 LI 8-2183 Sa int Be nodict I A, 20 , 3C, 4E .. . Scholastic Lett er I, 2 . .. Math Club 2, 3, 4 ... Physics Club 4 .•. Che e rleader 4 .. . Sp;,;+ Committe e 4 ... Football 3 . .. Intramural football I, 2. 4; volleyball 4; basketball I, 2, 3, 4; bowling 3, 4 ; track 2, 3; softball 2, 3, 4 . . . Frenchy .. . wild gym shorts . .. Vaudeville. VINCENT W. WALTERS WA 4-7368 Saint Helena IC, 20, 3C , 48 ... Scholastic Leiter I, 2, 3, 4 . .. Wistcrian I, 2, 3 (Associate Editor), 4 {Editor-in-Chief) . . . Math Club 2, 3 . , . Blue and Go ld , .. Spirit Committee . , . Intramural Prom Comm ittee , .. Crew I, 2, 3, 4( L) ... footbal l I, 2, 3, 4; cross-country I, 2; basketball I, 2, 3, 4; bowling 2 (cha mps) , 3 . .. 14th Street ... foll out of tho boat . •. mimic . . . it's too smart ... Oh! the risqueity of it all.

708 64th Avenue

JOSEPH P. WARGO WA 4-1>965 1939 Sparks Street, 41 Saint Benedict I A, 2F, JD , 4A .. . Be nilde Club 4 .•. Intramural football I, 2, 4 ; basketball I, 2, 3, 4 ... Porky .. . eh, man •.. likes Fats Domino .

JOSEPH A. YOLK 1969 73rd Avenue, 38 LI 9-4090 Saint Athanasius ID, 2C, 3A, 40 .. . Tr.,ck I, 2, 3, 4{L) . .. Che erlea de r I Football Manager 2, 3{L) , 4 {L) ... Intramural football 2 {champs), 3 (champs), 4; basketball 2, 3 (ch amps}, 4; cross-countr y I, 2, 3, 4 {champs); bowling 3, 4; softba ll 3, 4; trdck 2 (champs); volleyba ll 4 {champs) ; soccer 3 . . . expert counselor . .. "May I have a drink, Uncle Joe?" • , . stai r monitor. JOHN E. WALSH 111 YI 4-4476 3917 Vaux Stree t Saini Bridge t I B. 20, JC , 40 . . , Schol<1stic Medal I, 2, 3 ... Scholastic Letter I, 2, 3, 4 . , . Vice President I . .. Secretary 2 • . . W istorian 3, 4 ( News Editor) .. . Math Club 3 (President) . .. Blue and Gold . , . Spirit Comm ittee .. . Dramatics 3 . .. Cr e w 3, 4 .. . Intramural cross-country I, 2, 3; frack I, 2 ... with a little bit of luck . .. I don 't like your t<1 ctics ... N-0! .. . high 99 low 98 . . . swimming. MAURICE J. WATERS 5235 Knox Street , 44 GE 8-2912 Saint Francis of Assisi IA, 20, JB, 4A., . Band 2, 3 ... Mr. Bandsldnd . . . green corduroy sport coa l . . . penny pitcher ... Rees y. RAYMOND L. WE INMANN WI 7-0182 2310 Boyd Road , Hunt ingdon Va lley Sa int Cecilia ID, 2 F, 3 D, 48 ... Benilde Club 3 (Vice President). 4 . .. Student Council 4 (Vice President) ... Footbal l I, 2, 3 (L), 4 { L) . , . Basketba ll I ... Track I, 3, 4 ••• Intram ural bas· ketbal l I (champs) , 2, 3, 4; track 2; cross-coun try I; softball I, 2. 3. 4 ... the man with the curve ... "who wrote on my board hands car?" . . . "I can catch the m in practice" ... , .. Prussian.


RONALD E. WIGG INS 2136 65th Avenue, 38 HA 4-6413 Saint Benedict IE, 2F, 38, 4D .. . Intramu ral football I, 2, 3; basketba ll I. 2, 3; track I; cross -country I; softbal l 2 .. . nature kid , .• mechanic . . . Ron.

WI LLIAM J. WI LLIAMS 84 12 Widener Road, 18 CH 7-7433 Our La dy of Seven Dolors ID, 28 , JC , 48 .. . Sc holastic Letter I. 2 .. . Math Club 2 .. . Benilde Club 4 ... Bluo and Go ld . • . Sp irit Committee .. . Intramura l foo tball I, 2, 3; cro ss,country I ; b,skel· ball I {champs ), 2, 4 ; soft ball 2 {champs) . 4; track 4 ... W illiams squar ed . .. intramu ral crutch race • . . put your shoes on Wil lie •.. hawk.

C. LEO W ILSON 6642 Le ba non Aven ue, 31 GR 3-4194 Soiiint Ca llislus I B, 2E, 3A. 4C ... Intram ural football I, 2, 3, 4; bowling I, 3; volleybal l 4 . . . C leo ... combs his moustache ... pro-Olney.

RANDOLPH E. WISE 6606 Nort h 7th Stree t WA 4,9 138 Saini J oseph IC. 2F, JD, 48 . . . Be nilde C lub 4 .. . Math C lub 2 . .. Deba ti ng I ... Cr ew I, 2 ( L), 3, 4 ( L) .. . Intramura l footba ll I, 3, 4; c ross-country 2 {cha mps) , 3, 4; track 3, 4 Wabbi t . . . 75 miles to a gallon ... afrai d of Physics.

GERARD J . WOLTEMATE 65 1 East God frey Avenue Saint W illia m IA, 28 , 3C, 40 ... Footbal l I, 2, J{L). 4{L) 2 . .. The We ight . . . Pound ... Flourlown ...

Pl 5-890 I Basketball splinlerf ul.

JOSEPH H. ZILLIG EN CH 7-1643 30 I East Wadsworth Avenue , 19 Holy Cr oss ID, 2C, 3A. 48 .. . Wist erian 3, 4 (Sports Editor) .. . Stude nt Counc il 4 . .. Intr amura l footba ll I, 2 (champs) . 3, 4; cross-co untry I; bowling 2, 3, 4; basketball I, 2; softi:>c1I I 4 ... M&H ... Mr. Ed itor ... My appe ndicit is a nd I.









Top Ro w : R. Lea ry, T. Kil, oy, J. Connor , T. Koss, R. Kuss, l. Chase, J. Thir d Ro w : M. 5tan ci a k, R. Tragemann, N. Hopkins, E. McGonigle, R. Connor , O. Roman, F. Kiss, K.

Shaw . Second Row : G. Rolell cr, J. Stelacio, C. Makowski, W. Dennis, P. Ringland, J. Walther, J. Hennessy, W. Ma the ws . Fron l Ro w : H. Gua rini , C. Sai le, W. Smith, J. Shea, P. Moore, D. Fanelle, J. Kowalczyk, W. leinheiser .


Top Row: R. Guerin, Muir.

C. Mooney,

U. Tobactynski , R. Gizinski, A. D'Arcy, A. Mar a be lla, J. Kest ler,

Thi rd Row: R. Price, J. lamb , J. Sullivan, H. Colih a n , 0 . Cro nin, R. Panati, T. Murp h y, 0 . Walheim. Seco n d Row: G. Hurlbr ink, F. McCoffer ty, W. Granville, J. O'B rie n, M. Miles, T. McGor ry, C. O'Donnell,

Nawalinski , 0. Giorg ione, R. Petner , J. Cusack, A. Tonzello, J. O'Garo , G. Mazzacano,

u.J ~



::::J u... u.J

::c t-

otz ~

0 0




Top Row: R. Schmitt, J . f ab ri,i o , J . Fylypowyo, R. Pelligrini, T. Crow, T. Ku2m owy ch, F. Laverty, J. Cro tt y. Third Row: T. Oev lir,, N. Maio, G. Laut, J . Mclaughlin , P. Mlyn ar nyk, J. Cogan, P. Gallagh er , J. Ladden. Seco nd Row : J. Reitano , C. Gemhcimer, J. Spagnola, l. Boli2et, J. Slrtelecki, R. Simmer s, J. Fere t, S.



Top Row: T. Emhof, F. Trout t , R. Mille r, S. Tiu 9cmn n11, C. lan d ol o, J . Wo911c r, J. Wnlkcr, K. Born e;. Third Row: D. Pc rrnnow s ki, J. Robb , R. Gozdo n, M. Bru no, K. Slo vit sky, J. McDo nou g h , H. Hoffn,on , M. Corc oran.

Second Row : L. Dano s, M. Foley, G. Schn eid e r, C. Bodo , D. Bu,ns , R. O ' Donn e ll, l . ro ~qu ar e llo , Kryst k ie w iu. fr onl Row : D. W iego nd , J. Sutton , E. Dowso n , F. Jan kow s ki, C. Dunle a vy, T. Spicer, M. The is .

Top Row : J . Osbo rne, L. Simme rs, H. Stoeb enau, Bouo ll.


0. Par me r, J. Burt, R. Mor9an tha ler, J . Friel, R.

Third Row: T. Goscinia k, G. Ebbe cke, B. Cehelyk, L. Kelly, J. Redican , D. Fanelle, W. Nar ke, J. Thomas. Second Row : C. Devlin, E. Cam pb ell, J. Littlefield , J. Wilson, H. Ha rp , J. Giblin , R. Rosenblum, E. Lipski. Fr o n t Row : R. Se ll, W. Zodciko, G. McDev ill, R. Jakoi tis , J . Wetzel, R. McGinley, J . Conn er, C. Mattia, J . Gallagher •


I ~--

~ ·

Top Row: J. Sommor, J. Mo rono, W.



Third Row: T. Rakowski , F. Gausz, N. Welsh, R. Smilh, H. Ben,, 0. Boyle, J. Molo, J. Callie. Second Row: 0. Adelsberger , J. McVcigh, E. Feeny , M. Cla rk, V. Stongo, T. Mullaney , J. McCloskoy,

V. Voss, E. Lasko, R. Shouldis .

J. McCaffcrty , 0 . Don a ghy, J . Holohan , J. Breckenridge , R.

Top Row: N. Pe rry, J. G illigan , S. Wro y, 8 . Bonner, F. Oste rtag, M. O 'Brie n , F. Rcgncry, M. Corr. Third Row : T. Kry stkicw icz, J . McGow o n, F. G re e n, W. Edwo rd s, C. Wieners , E. Smit h, J. Kennedy, Houghney . J or don , A. Mei tner, J . McDonold,

K. Moss,


J. Ryon, P.



STUDENT COUNCIL The 1958-59 session of the La Salle Student Coun cil convened with three fine officers , two equ ipp e d moderato rs and a number of innovations for the purpos e of imp roving the council 's effectiveness . Jo sep h Max well presided as president, while Howard Grarin i and Jo seph Fylypowycz filled the po sition s of vice - president and secretary respecti vely. Brother E. Adrian, last y ear ' s moderator, was capably ass isted by Mr. Jos ep h Mo ran in taking care of the advisory tasks . Alrea dy accomplished in their agenda is the new sys tem of electing officers where only a junior can fill the vice-president's position , and a sophomore , the secre tary's posit ion. The elections will now be held in May. The committee sy stem was comp let ely changed with the establ ishm en t of the Activitie s Com mittee, the Dance Committee, the Hono r Roll Committee, and the Handbook Committee.


BAND Despite an e xcellent showing, which re sulted in the copping of two first p lac e and two second place trophies , the 1958-59 La Salle High School Band was denied its fifth conse cutive Catholic League Band title by a highly precisioned Monsigno r Bonner. The high caliber of musical entertainment for which La Sa lle ha s alway s been reno w n was a gain displayed in th e form of novel and cle ve r half-time exh ibi tions throughout the f o o t b a 11 season. Aside from mid -g am e di spl ays , the band p a rticipated in the Annu a l Dance Ba nd Contest sponsored b y the Junio r Chamber of Commerce, the Spring Mu sic Festivcil, and various othe r functions.






TEN LITTLE INDIANS As their senior play the Dramatics Club felt no small trepidation at attempting Agatha Christie's weighty Ten Little Indians, but the happy result of that bold attempt was a production that possessed profess ion a l polish and entertainment value. Credit for this success belongs to the fine actors and actresses, who rose to the occasion , an d to the stage crew unseen but indispensable. Spe cial recognition must go to Mr. Moore, our producer and di recto r, a nd to Brother Lewis, our moderator. Besi des Ten Little Indians, the Cape and Sw ord has to its credit five assembly ploys and role.s in Fath er of the Bride and Oh Susanna! a t St. Basil Academy an d in Brigadoon at Cecilian Academy .







WISTERIAN Producing a publication worthy of la Salle High School is the goal of the Wisterian staff; this year, without a doubt, that goal was achieved. During its twenty-fifth consecutive year of publication the student journal provided la Salle with pertinent news, informative features, timely editorial s, facetious sketches, and sprinklings of humor. The Silver Anniversary and All-Sports Issues, were new presentations deserving of Wis boastings. The designing and casting of the Wisterian seal, was another notable accomplishment of the season. The introduction of Newscope and the enlargement of As We See It set the pace for the revitalization of many traditional features. Without the pictorial excellence of Mike Maicher and cooperation and affability of Mr. Arnold Cohen, the Wis certainly couldn't hove attained the success which it now enjoys. Under the capable and invaluable guidance of Brother David Hilary, Editorin-Chief Vincent Wolters, news editor John Walsh, and sports editor Joe Zilligen along with on altruistic staff of talented underclassmen, produced a high school publication which was excelled by none .

MATHEMATICSCLUB Four years has seen the Mathematics Club achieve its organizational purpose of "giving opportunity for the presentation and discussion of mathematical subjects of interest." To this end, members speak before the club on such topics as "Non-Euclidian Geometries," "The Theory of the Universe and the Fourth Dimension," "MatPlematical Proofs of the Existence of God," and "The Expanding Universe," while guest speakers explain "Plotting of Higher Degree Equations" and other interesting subjects. While the members are united in their common interest in matmematics, their opinions on the subject vary, and the weekly meetings are usually punctuated with lively discussion. La Salle's Math Club boasts of membership in the National High School Mathematics Club, Mu Alpha Theta, an honorary society with headquarters at the University of California. Like the parent organization, both the Senior Division, moderated by Brother Felix John, and the Junior Division, under Brother 0. Edward, endeavor to develop in the student a deeper interest in the science of mathematics, both within and outside the classroom.

PHYSICS CLUB The Physics Club, formerly known as the Sc!ence Club, was formed to stimulate interest in physics and related subjects, and to prepare students for college entrance and scholarship exams. Divided into two units: one for seniors and the other for underclassmen, the divisions hold bi-weekly meetings with occasional combined meetings. Each member is expected to give a talk during the year and to make a project for the annual physics exhibit at the end of the school year. The club is under the capable direction of Brother Stephen, its moderator and founder. A bi-monthly publication the "Explorer" contains articles which are arranged and printed by the club members.





LIBRARY CLUB Once again under the able direction of Mr. Carl von Nell, the library Aides Club has proved itself invaluable to la Salle students. At the first meeting in the fall, Cornelius McKelvey, 4E, was re-elected to the office of president and Joseph Stelacio, 3A, was appointed secretary. Throughout the school year the aides work along with the librarian in the cataloging, classification, and processing of books. During the meetings which are held periodically an aide gives a report on a book whic h he has just completed in order to inform the other library aides and through them the student body on popular material in the library. 86

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To actively engage in forensic competion with schools of the Catholic Forensic League of Greater Philadelphia and to amplify and develop the abilities of the members in the various speaking arts is the work of the Debating Club. Under the direction of a new moderator, Brother Erasmus Francis, the club members participate in a program of weekly debates in both the freshman-sophomore and the junior - senior leagues. These weekly debates serve as a preparation for the team's partici pation in important tournaments sponsored by area schools and colleges. In addition to debate, interest in other speaking arts is encouraged. Extempore speaking is invaluable in building ability to analyze and express oneself without time - consuming prepara tion , an imp ortant advantage given by the Debating Club.


ART CLUB The Art Club has, under the direction of Brother F. William, again proved popular among underclassmen as well as seniors. La Salle's artists have as in the past garnered a few prizes in the various contests they enter, including the Halloween window painting contest, won this year by John Koczur poster contest, the Gimbels Scholastic Art Awards and our own Spring Music Festival poster contest. Our youthful Renoirs and Rembrandts express themselves in various media, such as oil paints, water colors, pastels, charcoals and modeling clay for three dimensional work . A little something extra for those aspiring cartoonist or any other field of professional drawing is the an nual visit of Mr. John Liney who demonstrates his style with origina l drawings of his world famous "Henry ."




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BENI LDE CLUB The Benilde Club was founded at La Salle in 1948 and has emphasized the interest of the young layman in direct Catholic Action, whi le encouraging members to follow the vocation which will be the most rewarding in the hereafter . Group prayers for guidance in the proper choice of a vocation and visits to the outstanding Catholic centers in the area are just a few of the highlights of the club, which this year was headed by Robert Stranix, 4A . Brother David Albert, who has served as moderator of the club since its beginning, has a 路long list of former members who are now serving God in the priesthood or re ligiou s life.

HISTORY CLUB Despite the many activities already at la Salle during the past year, a new one, the History Club, has been founded by Brother Bernardine, its moderator and director. The club will broaden the student's background in history through talks given by various guest speakers on famous historical spots throughout the world. Excursions to nearby historical sites were included in the club's activities. This new club has laid the cornerstone for future development of historical interest at La Salle.




BLUE AND GOLD The distribution of the Blue and Gold for 1959 culminated months of time and energy consumed in its planning and preparation. The annuai, virtually a treasure-house of pictures, captures La Salle's beautiful campus and reflects the school's and students' achievement in every areQ of high school life. The staff, working in close association with photographer, Mike Maicher, has come up with a very interesting over-all design. Along with a larger introduction and increased coverage for many sports and activities, several new addition's highlight _this year's work. Among these are the handsome dividers, the Principal's message to the graduating class, and the long-discussed inside cover with the religious theme. Seniors will especially welcome having a per路 sonalized yearbook with their name embossed on the back cover.




ALUMNI The Alumni of La Salle College High School has, as in the past, contributed a variety of programs to make this year a memorable one for the past sons of La Salle. This year's highlights include the Alumni Breakfast, the Alumni Homecoming Basketball Game, the presentation to Arnie Buben of the Joseph G. Ball Memorial Trophy, the chanci ng-off of two series tickets for the Phillies games, and the 25th Anniversary Dinne r for "Obie" O'Brien. These affairs cou ld not have been accom plished except through the fine work of J ames Gallagher, the president, and his officers . 93


MOTHERS'CLUB The Mothers' Club with its many functions a nd activities is one of the leading organizations a t La Salle. Guided by Brother Nicholas as mode rator and Mrs. Earl Connor, president; Mrs. Dan iel Madden, vice president, and Mrs. Jame s Crow ley, secretary, the Mothers' Club sponsors a host of events. Some of these events include the "alwa ys popular" Satu rday night dances; the crownin g achievement of the social year comes in May on La Salle Nite which offers abundant entertainment in the form of card games, bingo, door prizes and dancing. On the spiritual side we have a day of recollection held at the Dominican Retrea t House in Elkins Park and the yearly sojourn to Ammendale , th e Brothers' Novitiate, where they observe the life of a novice . Among the other ev ents of interest on e finds the Freshman Mothers' Tea, the Annual Fa shion Show and numerous card parties.




LA SALLE The Men of La Salle, the or ganization for La Salle fathe rs, ha s concluded an e ventful y ear, filled with varied programs a nd memorable calendar ev e nts. Moderator , Brother F. Jo seph and Mr. Randolph Wise, pr esi dent, with the other officers a re responsible for the success o f the Freshmen Fathers' Nig ht, the Father and Son Banquet , the mid-year fete in honor of o ur third Catholic League Cha mpionship team , the Barn Dan ce, and the Activities Night. The club continued to give finan cial aid to needy student s. A sad note was struck th is year with the death of Mr. Jo seph I. McNicholl , a La Sa lle graduate and one of the or ig inal charte r member s of t he organization who contr ibu ted much th rough its ear ly yea rs. 97


The long awaited highlight of the social season, the Senior Prom of the Class of 1959, finally arrived on January 16. The many months of preparation by the Student Council proved to be highly successful, especiall y their choice of the charming favors presented to the youn g ladies. The de lightful evening wa s set in the exquisite setting of Whitemarsh Valley Country Club as more than 120 seniors and their lively dates danced to the continuous music of Al Raymo nd and his orchestra.



CROSS-COUNTRY Under the expert coaching of Brother William , our cross-country team turned in one of the most impressive records in the history of the school. A school record was established as seven runners smashed th e magic thirteen minute mark on the Catholic League Course at Thirtythir d and Dauphin Streets in Fairmount Park. Contributing to the mark were: seniors Jim Fox and Bob McCann, juniors Henry Keller, Joe McDonald, Tom Quinlan and Pete Clark, and soph Pete Volk. Amassing a 6-4 record in the regular season, La Salle placed fourth in the Catholic League CrossCountry Championships, a fine display of competitive spirit.



La Salle's fans will never forget the Explorers ' fight for supremacy and their development into the Ca tholic League's most cons istently potent team. This sea son differed from the previous three, as the la Salle gridders proved they could become a winner the hard way. After injuries and a tough, yet sound defeat put the varsity on the brink of collapse, the defending champ s jelled to become Catholic League Champions for the second straight year, and for the third time in four years. Their attempt to keep its City Title was thwart ed, however, by the gigantic Railsplitters from Lincoln. la Salle 14 Bonne r O The hard running of Woltemate plus Weinman n's safety were more than enough to offset glaring Explorer mistakes and waylay the Friars of Monsignor Bonner. La Salle 24 Father Judge 6 Woltemate's electrifying 75-yard scamper in addition to a touchdown each by Shaughnessy, Maxwell and McNichol gave la Salle the victory. Injuries suffered claimed "Reds" for the season and crippled four other La Solle regulars . Saint James 14 Lo Solle O The injury riddled Explorers could not match the spirited Jimmies and their two second-half touchdowns. La Solle was shut out for the first time since 1953, and a major roadblock was put in the way of a successful title defe nse . la Solle 38 • Saint Thomas More 6 Guarini, now adjusted to his new role of quarterb ack, scor ed one touchdown, and passed for three others, to put La Salle back on the road to recovery . La Salle 16 Bishop Neumann 6 Against the then leagu e leading Pirates, the underdog Explorers came through. A second period Guarini-Koss aerial and the two - point conversion by Mclear was enough for victory, but a fumb le recovery by Stra nix set up Maxwell's insurance touchdown . la Salle 6 West Catholic O A pesky group of Burrs threw a scare into the high riding Explorers. The first three quarters of the soggy game were nothing more than a constant exchange of punts . But in the fourth quarter, limping Maxwe ll entered the game and sparked the winning rally as Woltemate scored. La Salle 42 North Catholic 12 After a two-season wait, revenge was ours fo r a title-depriving defeat at the hands of the Falcons. Ma xwell and Koss scored two touchdowns apiece to lead the assault on the once - mighty Falcons. La Salle 40 Cardina l Dougherty 14 An even ly balanced offensive show proved the downfall of the boys from Dougherty. Three Guarini aerials and three ground tallies outclassed the Cardinals. La Salle 34 Roman Catholic O After a scoreless first half, the champs-to-be exploded for five scores in the second half. Maxwell scored three touchdowns; Guarini and Appleton also countered fo r La Solle. La Solle 20 Lincoln 28 In one of the closest inter-league title tilts in a long tim e, a big Lincoln eleven destroyed La Salle's hopes of a second consecutive city crown. Even though the season was over, honors to a successful football team showered in. Maxwell, Buben and Weinman were unanimous All-Catholic selections by the three local newspapers. Heck ler was selected along with the other three on the Doily News first tea m, while second team berths were awa rded to Woltemate , Smith and Guarini. Not to be outdone by his star players, Mr. John Flannery wa s selected as the Daily News' "Coach of the Year." 107








BOWLING The 1958-59 edition of the bowling team was in the race for the two playoff berths until the very end of the season. Although not the highest scoring team in recent years, the varsity keglers gave the other contenders stiff competition on many occasions. The varsity consisted of one senior, Dan Sandman, and four juniors, Captain Bob Conner, Neil Hopkins, Joe Tabaczynski, and George Roletter. The jayvees built up a team which will be a winning combination in years to come. Members of the junior varsity included Ken White, Ed Delaney, Larry Schenkel, Ed Kohlkepp, Walt Liss, Kevin Moss, Frank Jankowski, Chris Maxwell, and Jack Barthmaier.


Although this basketb all season was not the kind la Salle has been used to in the p ast , it was a season which ma ny schools with a mediocre back ground would have been pro ud to admit as theirs. "O 'Bie ' ' O'Brien's netmen compiled a n overall 11-11 record and a 6-9 league record. There is no denying that this season had more dull p oints than anyone wanted, and o ften, nothing went right for th e erratic Explorers. However , de spite this hot-and-cold pla y, our varsity, playing the role of the spoiler, was as feared as any big power in the Cat holic League . Left without any re turning starters from last sea son, the game but inexperienced team , staffed mostly by jun iors, handed losses to league cham p, West Catholic, and runner-u p , Father Judge. Some of the members of th e team were n ot forgotten in th e annual round of awards from various sports circles. Gene Pa rk received the Markwood Club Award for his exceptional play against Bishop Neumann, in addition to winning the MVP award in a student poll conducted by the Wisterian . Alon g with Tom Murphy and Frank Gallo, Gene also received hon orable mention on the AllCatholic teams. The JV's helped to brighten the future by virtue of their fa b ulous 19-1 record . The only bl ot on the otherwise perfect slate was a one-point overtime de feat at the hands of Saint Thomas. The freshman team made just as good an impression , leaving a 14- 1 record be h ind them . The last two observat ions point to bright horizons in LaSalle basketball .



This year it was La Salle's junior varsity basketball team who upheld the tradition of court dominance which has become synonomous with Explorer ca gers. Their impressive record of nin etee n wins against one overtime loss ver y ably testifies to this fact. Under the coaching of "Little Obie," the Blue and Gold court rep re senta tives developed from a g ood squad int o an unstoppable unit w hich overpow ered all oppo s ition and wound up wi th the best JV log in the city .






The La Salle representative on the Schuylkill River, despite an unfortuitous beginning, proved thP. old maxim that practice makes perfect wi th their excellent performances in the late season regattas . The varsity eight, Bob Leary, Bob Smith, Tom Dougherty, Herb Swinburne, Jo hn Moore, Joe Loughran, Frank Wesh, Frank Madden, and coxswain John Becher, gained many impressive victories throughout the season. The Explorer squad, composed . of Barry Dunleavy, Tom Reyno lds, Bill Hull, and Randy Wise and the double, John Lehman and George Kelly, however, were the continual bright spots 'for Coach George Hines and mode rator Brother G. Claude.









TRACK The 1959 La Salle harriers, mode rated by Brother Frederick Willia m a n d coached by Mr. John Harbi son, sho wed a grea t improvement over last yea r' s team. Led by outstanding junio rs such as Kelly, Stanczak, Elias, Koss, an d Keller, the team has shown g rea t po tential with imp ressive v ictories o ver Cardina l Dougherty, Saint Joseph 's, a nd Mons igno r Bonner. The sen ior bul wa rk of the team comprised of Norm Ha rvey, Joe Maxwe ll, Joh n Guinan , Tom Galla gher, Tom Ronan, Tom Qu in la n, Arn ie Buben, Jim Fox, Jack McGu ire , Fran Heckle r, a nd Jo e Volk. 139











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Touring the links for La Salle this year was a "hard driving" squad carrying the reputation of the "team to beat". The Little Explorers, whose home course was Sandy Run Country Club, bettered I a s t year's record of only two losse s in a highly successful season. Brother G. Thomas' 1959 duffers were strengthened by four veterans. Returnees Bob Faraco , Frank Sulzbak, George Mose r, and Hugh McGee were accompanied by newcomer s P h i I Byrnes , Bob Chesco, and Dick Diamond in La Salle ' s qu es t for the Catholic League champion ship. PUTTING IS AN ART.





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La Salle netmen, moderated by Brother Bernardine, headed by seniors Rich Miehle and Bill Madden, with strong and experienced junio rs, Dave Bruce and Neil Hopkins, and freshmen starters, Clark Hopkins, Paul Miehle, a n d J o n Walheim, effort'. equalled last year's Last year the team took second place in the league and posed as a formidable threat in all t h e i r matches . A successful freshman tourney saw Clark Hopkins defeat Paul Miehle for the trophy ..





Coach John Hricinak and Moderator Brother E. Raymond faced the job of rebuilding La Salle's varsity nine this yea r. The main problem was limited practice space. However, prac tice with the La Salle College varsity on their field benefitted both teams. After the exhibition games the inexperienced team began to mature. Since Steve Clayback , Steve Cook, John Corra, and Joe Evancich were the only seniors on the 1959 team, it shows great promise for next year. Harvey Appleton, Howie Guarini, and Dick Trageman n head a long list of underclassmen on the team.














THE 1959 BLUEAND GOLD STAFF EDITORS John Walsh Vince Walters

ASSOCIATE EDITORS . . . . . . . . Mar k Gallagher,

ART WORK ..........................

Frank Madden

. . . .. . . . Jim McKenna

CONTRIBUTORS: John Butkovich, J erry Ca navan, Bill Cashin, Pete Clark, Pat Connor, Phil Conway, Lou Donaghue, Tom Dougherty, Frank Driscoll, Bill Ebbecke, Frank Herron, John Kane, Ray Kerollis, Pete Lang, Bill Logan , Neil McKelvey, Tom Murray, Joe O'Brien, Joe Orlando, Pete Reilly, John Rogalski, Don Slowicki, and Willie Williams.

FACULTYADVISER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mr. Gerald Tremblay

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The staff and the moderator extend thanks to: Mike Maicher, an untiring worker in the field of art; Dan Solari, our exper t helper and guide; Mr. Joseph Durenzi and Mr. Carl Wolf, for the excellent senior portraits and thei r unfailing cooperation; Brother E. Francis, whose encouragement and talents assist us always; Miss Celeste Wagner, for her patience and work in our behalf; The La Salle Faculty, our most consistent backer; Our Patrons, for the most successful drive in the history of La Salle.

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Slowicki Mr. and Mrs . Edward U. Sontheimer Mr. and Mrs. Ulrich Sontheimer Dante Stabilito and Family Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Vitale Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Volk Mr. and Mrs. John E. Walsh, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Walther Mr. Joseph P. Wargo Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Wilson Dr. and Mrs. Edward A. Wroblewski The Zilligens

Anna M. Rascento Mr. and Mrs. Peter Reilly Joseph F. Robb Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Roberts Mr. and Mrs. George J. Roletter Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Ronan Mr. and Mrs. John G. Sandman Mr. and Mrs. John P. Sharkey Mr. and Mrs. Fred Shaughnessy Kenneth Shaw Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Simmers Mr. and Mrs. John C. Singer

HONORED BUSINESS PATRONS Atlas Casket Co. , Inc. Philadelphia 34, Penna

Finnaren & Haley , Inc. 60th and Thompson Streets

Robert A. Barr - Ford Deale r 7700 Frankford Avenue

Fischer I-tomes, Inc. 502 West Godfrey Avenue

Barton & Kramer Air Conditioning 1341 West Glenwood Avenue

FoodTown Super Market 304-06 West Chelten Avenue

Belmac Tavern 2419 Germantown

Freeman Insurance Agency 7217 Marshall Road, Upper Darby


Gilbert & Kierstead, Inc . Electrical Construction Engineers 1633 Race Street

Howard N. Becker - Florist 4644 North 5th Street The Carborundum Bristol, Penna .

Co. John Giletti - Plumbing and Heating 710 West Chew Street

Carlton Mills Co., Inc. 241 West Wyoming Avenue

Ha rold Groff- Paperhanging 5135 Walker Street

Chadmoore Formal Wear 1605 Moore Street

Happ & Sons - Realtors Doylestown, Penna.

Connor Real Estate 713 West Avenue Jenkintown

HIMC Credit Corporation 6158 Limekiln Pike

Albert Csink - -Builder & Carpenter Washington Lane

Holy Cross Church Mount Airy

D. & K. Industries, Inc. 176 West Wellens Avenue

Impression Papers of America 401 North Broad Street

Dale's Norwood Diner 620 Chester Pike

K. & S. Cafe 6080 Ridge Avenue

Mr. Silvio D'Ambrosio - General 1900 Hoffnagle Street

Liberty Federal Savings & Loan Association 202 North Broad Street



A. Lucidi Iron Works 2829 East Monmouth

Irvin H. Niessen - Building Contractor 236 Forrest Avenue


M. & C. Products Company 6918 State Road

North Hills Country Club North Hills, Penna.

Daniel J. Madden - Insurance 837 Public Ledger Building


O'Donnell's Bar & Restaurant 4950 North Broad Street

Frank Madonna's Formal Wear 813 South 10th Street

Oliver Roman & Co.-Masonry Chestnut Hill

Marchione Electric Roslyn, Penna.

O'Reilly & White, Inc. Narberth, Penna.

Mary Lewis Camera Shop 5913 Germantown Avenue

The Henry S. Rau Co., Inc. 2018 Sansom Street

John J. Mcllhinney - Realtor 5723 North 5th Street

Roxboro Cinder Co., Inc. Castor and Aramingo Avenues

Edward J. McGee, Jr., Funeral Director 300 West Cheltenham Avenue

Schwarzwald Inn Olney Avenue

C. Mcllvaine Mundy Funeral Home 2805 West Allegheny Avenue

Seasonguard Corporation 路- Jalousies 1101 East Stafford Street

Carl Metz, Builder Jenkintown, Penna

Sheehan & Bailer Caterers 4533 Worst Street

The Murphy-Go-Round 137 West Chelten Avenue

Francis Siergiej - Grocer 2619 Edgemont Street

John J. Nesbitt, Inc. State Road and Rhawn Street

E. J. Spangler Co. 1237 North Howard Street


SOCIAL PATRONS Mr . and Mrs. P. J. Adelsberger The Agin Family S. Joseph Aita If Terry and Larry Baird Mr. and Mrs . Bernard Balizet Mr. and Mrs . Harry T. Bauerle Mr. and Mrs . Robert J . Bell H. Bettman & Company Victor J. Bierman, M.D. Mrs. Maurice Black Mrs. D. Ellen Blees Dr. and Mrs . Francis B. Boland Mr. and Mrs. Robert J . Bothwell John J . Boyle

Mr. Robert Boyle Thomas J. Bradshaw, Sr. Dr. and Mrs. R. l . Breckenridge Richard and Neil Breen The Brennan Family Mr . and Mrs. Robert A. Brinker and Children Margaret M. Bryan Mr. Daniel l. Callahan Ensign David G. Campbell Mr. and Mrs. James Canavan Mr. and Mrs. Alvin C. Cannon Mrs. Catherine Cantwell John l. Carl son


Rev . Joseph J. Carroll Dr. and Mrs. Paul Casey Mr . and Mrs. George Casper Cesa ro and Gotter Fuel Oil Mr . and Mrs. Charles Cheleden Mr . and Mrs. V. A. Cheney Mr. and Mrs . Stephen Clayback Joseph A. Colantonio Mr. and Mrs. Earl P. Conner Mrs. Margaret T. Cook Mr. and Mrs . Vincent D. Coonahan George W. Coupe and Sons Mr. and Mrs. William J. Cover, J r. Mr. and Mrs. John J. Crow

Mr. and Mrs. Cundey Mr. and Mrs. John Czarnecki Alfred J . D'Angelo Captain J. J. Delancy Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Diamond Mrs. Catherine DiTullio Dr. and Mrs. A. H. Donaghue Mr. and Mrs. Joseph H. Donaghue Dominic Earaminas Virginia Ebbec ke Charles Eckert Francis C. Ersterowice, M.D. Mr. Anthony Ekste rowr icz Mr. and Mrs . John M. Elias Mr. and Mrs. Victor J. Eschbach Mr. and Mrs . Walter A. Faris Richard Feeny Anne M. Ferry Mr. and Mrs . Richard Fida Mr. and Mrs. Christian Fisher Mr. and Mrs. John V. Flynn H. J. Friel John J. Friel A Friend and A Pal Mrs. Olga Fueyk Mr. and Mrs. James P. Gallagher Mr. and Mrs. J ohn Gallagh er Mr. Jo hn Gallatig Mrs. John Gallatig Fred Garzone Thomas Gibbons Mr. and Mrs. John Gilligan Mr. and Mrs. G:orgione Mr. and Mrs. R. Gizinski Ann and Betty Godschall Mr. and Mrs. Harry J . Godscha ll Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Gontram Mr. and Mrs . John Gordon Joseph Gos ciniak Mr . and Mrs . W. Gozdan Mr. and Mrs . Harry Griflllh Howard Guarini Honorab le and Mrs. Charles L. Guerin Mr. and Mrs. John Guinan John F. Gu inan Mrs. Kath ryn T. Haaf Mr. and Mrs . Norman Ha re Mr. and Mrs. Harry J. Harp Norman P. Ha rvey Mr. and Mrs. Francis Heckl er Mr. and Mrs. John Heinzl and Family Mr. and Mrs. Joseph W. Henderson Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Hennessy Thomas Hindson Mr. and Mrs. Norbe rt J. Hipp Hen ry A. Hoffman Mr. and Mrs. Edward Hogan M. M. Hoitzman, D.D.S. Mr. R. Clark Hopkins Mrs. R. C. Hopkins Mr. and Mrs. Ja mes P. Horan, Jr . Mr. and Mrs . W. A. Huhn Mr. J ohn P. Hynes Mr . and Mrs. Martin C. Hynes Mary Jowette Joseph J . Junod Sofia Kautz W. A. Kavanaugh , Jr . Mr. and Mrs. Edward Kearn ey Mr. and Mrs. George Kelly

A. C. Kenrich Mr . and Mrs. Kilroy Mr. and Mrs . Klumpp Mr. and Mrs . Geo rge A. Koenig Mr. and Mrs. Edward T. Koss Mr. and Mrs. George Kozub Sigmund Krzeminski Mrs, Anna Kugler, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. William J. Lafferty Mr. and Mrs. Howard F. Lange Howard a nd Arlene Lange Mr. and Mrs. Joh n C. A. Larkin , Sr. Mr. and Mrs. John A. Leinheiser Miss Marie Leinheiser Mr. Ja y B. Littlefield Dr. and Mrs. "Thomas M. Loftu• Mr. William H. Logan Alma T. McCaflerty James F. McCort Mrs. Ann McDonovan Mr . and Mrs. Cornel ius F. Mcfadden Mr. and Mrs. Frank X. Mcfadden Mr. and Mrs. Paul McGill Mr. and Mrs. William L. McGlaughlin Mr. and Mrs . Thomas McGorry Mr. and Mrs. William J. McKeown Miss Catherine McNamara Mr. and Mrs. J. P. McNichol Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F. McVeigh Rosema ry G. Mackin Jo hn S. Maguire Reve ren d Father Vito Martus ievich Mr. Vincent Massi Marla R. Mata Wiiiiam R. May Mrs. Edwin N. Mayor Mr. and Mrs. Joseph W. Maxwell Met rick Family Mr. a nd Mrs. D. P. Miies Mr. H. Miles Mrs. Lurena D. Miles Mrs. Minecci Mrs. Mary Mingone Bob Mitek John J. Moran, Class of '32 Mr. and Mrs. S. Moser Mr. and Mrs . J. P. Mot ley James H. Muckley Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Mullaney Mrs. W. A. J. Mullen Owen L. Murray Mr. and Mrs. c. K. Nash Mr. and Mrs . Valentine Nawalinski Mr. and Mrs. George Nicolaus Mr. and Mrs. Hug h Nies sen J. T. O'Brien Mr. and Mrs. Patrick O'Gara Ed O' Hanlan Mr. and Mrs. J ohn F. O'Neill Mrs. J oseph o·Neill Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J . O rkwiszewsk i Mr. and Mrs. William O'Shea Mrs. Van A. Oswald Mr. and Mrs. Geo rge Ott George Ott, Jr. The Pagan Family Rev. Francis Palecki Lucian F. Pazuls ki Joseph Pensabene Robert V. Pickard


Mr. George J . Putz , Sr. George J. Putz, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. John F. Qu igley Thomas J. Quinlan, J r. Mr. and Mrs. Amedeo Quinto Joseph Reit ano , Jr. James Ricciardi Mr. and Mrs . Joseph Rider Haro ld Ringland Mr. Anthony Risi Mr. and Mrs. Harry Rodgers Anthony B. Roman, D.D.S. Dr. and Mrs . Pau l V. Rouse J. J . Ryas and Son Sylvi De Sabato Pat Sarro, Hardware Mr. and Mrs. Schaller Geo rge W. Scheel, Sr. Gustan A. Schwoeri Mr. and Mrs. Car l J. Schwab Mr. and Mrs . John Seebe r Dr. and Mrs . John T. Sharp Mr. and Mrs. William Sharpe Mr. James Shaughnessy Mr. Frank Shay Stephen B. Shea Charles T. Skradzio Mr. and Mrs . Stanley Slovitsky Clement M. Smith Geo rge Smith J. S. Smith Mr. and Mrs. James Smith Mr. and Mrs. Leo J. Sommar Max H. Sorensen Max J. Sorensen , Class of ' 49 John M. Sorenso n Mr. Anthony Spechiale Mr . and Mrs. Jo seph P. Spetze r Mrs. Victor Stango Mrs. Clarence A. Stearns Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Sternfeld Edward Maiden R. L. Sto tt Mr. and Mrs. Robert Stranix Charles and Joseph Sullivan, 'S6 and '60 Mr. and Mrs . David F. Sullivan Presco Supply Co. Mr . and Mrs. Stefan Tabaczynski Dr. and Mrs. J. Taglianetti Mr. and Mrs. Michael J . Theh Mr. and Mrs. John 0. Thomas Three E M r. and Mrs. Joseph Tomkiewicz Mr. and Mrs. E. Tomklnson Mr. and Mrs. G. Tonzello Mr. and Mrs . G. Tonzello Wi lfr ed Vaudreui l, Sr. Mr. and Mrs . S. Wallace Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Walters Katheryn R. Waters Mr. and Mrs. Ludwig Weinmann Mr. and Mrs. Francis J. Wesh Mrs. Ruth C. Whiteman Mrs. Agnes M. Wigins Mr. John K. Williams Mrs. Mary Wilson Mr. and Mrs. Henry Wyszynski Mr. and Mrs. W. Wyszynski Mr. and Mrs. Francis P. Yannessa Fred Zarro li

DISTINGUISHED BUSINESS PATRONS Anthony Aita 21 0 Penn Street Bristol, Penna.

Fleming Motor s Inc. 601 East Hector Street Conshohocken, Penna .

Leon Blash Atlas Casket Company

Fox Chase Builders Supply, Inc. 7979 Rockwell Avenue

N. Bantivoglio 's Sons, Inc. 259-263 Division Street Camden, New Jersey

Frank and Walt's Tavern 5818 Castor Avenue

John E. Rafferty , Jr., Inc. 273 Montgomery Avenue Balo-Cynwyd, Penna. Rocco Fanelle's Sons- Scrap Dealers 21 7 line Street Camden 3, New Jersey

Friel' s Cafe Opal and Lehig h Avenue

Stanley M. Bednarek Real Estate and Insurance Broker 2607 East Allegheny Avenue

Royal Arms Pharmacy 4285 Frankford Avenue

Gruber's Bakery 7612 Ogonlz Avenue

Mr. Joseph Brenn an Botany Shop , John Wanamaker Philadelph ia, Penna. Corcoran's Grocery 201 East Wishart Street

Mr. Bruno De Gregor io 路- -Brlckwo rk 1 7 3 Faunce Street Devlin's Cafe Southeast Corner 24th and Somerset

Powe r House Cafe 1901 West Somerset

Sattler Brothers, Clothing 5421 North 5th Street

John F. Hagerty , Fune ral Director 2324 North Broad Street

Steve 's Gulf Station Oxford Av en ue and Von Kirk Street

Pau l G. Hagerty , Funeral Director 2321 West Lehigh Avenue

Tony's Tavern 1004 Cottman

Samuel Kravitz and Co., Inc. Ferrous and Non-Ferrous Metals

Theodo re C. Ulmer Inc. Industrial Supplies

Sis. Kropp's Pharmacy 2613 East Allegheny

Virnelson's Bakery Inc. Hutchinson and Thompson Streets


Dilorenzo Pha11T1acy Corner Washington and Wood Streets Bristol, Penna.

laky's Restaurant Stenlon Avenue and Durham Street

Vincent Doyle, Floris! 2500 West Oa~dale Street

McGinley Realty Cheltenham Avenue and Oakland

D. E. Duffy and Sons

Moratel Products, Inc. Conshohocken , Penna.


Joseph G. Walker Moto r Freight 34th and Huntington Streets Street

Poul Wisham, Golf Pro Cedarbrook Country Club Zitner's Confectionery 2957 North 22nd Street

BUSINESS PATRONS A Friend of Three A Raymond E. Adoms 路- Reoltor-Appraiser 3536 Cottman Street (at Frankford Ave.I

Cameo Beer Distributors 6210 Belfleld Avenue Belfield Market Belfleld Near

Al's Barber Shop "O" and Hunt in g Pork Avenue

Windrim Avenue

Compliments of Bre d en becks 7364 Frankford Avenue Robert D. Breth , Management 7445 Andrews Avenue

Best's Barber Shop 6717 Ogontz Avenue

George Brouse, lnc .- Plumbing 1341 West Glenwood Avenue

Dominick E. Biondo 1 40 l Church Street

Joseph F. Burke, M.D. 2727 North Front Street

John H. Boa les, J r. 3806 North Broad Street

Frank J. Butch and Co. 5629 Tulip Stree t

Bofinger Brothers 4509 Salmon Street

Campbell limousine Service 36 West Ashmead Place North

M. Bordman 4901 Umbr io Street

The Campus Store la Salle College

Herb Auritt 7256 Castor Avenue

Cecelia Boris 305 Corsaw Street

Fronk J. Banger Basara and Evans - Hea ting Contracto rs 4452 Main Street

Bradshaw 's Service Station 2688 limekiln Pike North Hills, Penna.

Alvin C. Connon, Insu rance 2431 Geneva Avenue Glens ide, Penna .

Alex Tai lor Shop 3161 Magee Avenue Alexander Allan ' s Sons, Inc. 1 5 West Highland Avenue Amber Beverage Company 3311 Frankford Avenue William Amend 255 West Gambia




Cap's Auto Shop Northeast Corner l 8th and Stenlon Ave.

Casa Conti Resta urant Gle nside, Penna.

John F. Oetlr e y Pharmacy 809 East Willow Grove Avenue

Fox Foundry and Supply Co . 2627 East York Street

Casa Conti Restaurant Gle nsid e, Penna.

Thomas F. Devlin 1448 Creston Stre et

W illiam J . Frank lin 2817 Kensington Ave nue

Cate s and Shepard 401 North Broad Street

Soak at Ooa ks Mays Landing, New Jersey

Cheltenham eve rgreen Chel tenham , Penna .


Class One F

G and I Television 1 502 Morr is Street

Doctor Richard J. Dooley, Chiropod ist 3449 Cottman Street

Clearfield Fed eral Savings and Loan Assn. 715 1 Franldord Avenue Armand J. Coco, Real Estate & Insurance 6027 Rising Sun Avenue Chris Cokos Salesm:,n - Dofln-Calhoun Jos ep!I J. Coll - Plumbing and Heating 1123 East Price Street Compliment s of a Friend Complim ents of One E Jody Connolly 3428 O ld York Road Consolo's Bakery Smick and Hermitage

Dot's Bakery 4178 Ge rmantown


Will iam Garber 1449 East Vernon Road George 's Luncheonette 4633 Princ~on Avenue


Ou Bois Oi l Company, Colmar , Penna.

George ' s Restau rant 4268 Frankford Avenue


Nutchy Lahm's Furnitu re and Electrical Appliances Northeast Corner Chatom and Edgar - Fernald Churchv ille, Penna .

Germantown Wallpa p er Company 4200 Germantown Avenue Clearfield

Peter H. Gers, Funeral Director 500 West Cheltenham Avenu e Gillespie Beer Distributor 4948 Keys er Street

Edd ie's Tavern 6700 Martin's Mill Road Ed's Mar ket 7964 Veree Road

Str eets


Omer M. Fulton , Investments Wes tern Saving Fund Build ing

Dobbins Rug Cleaning Co. 8219 Germantown Avenue Dolly 's Cards and Gifts 27 14 North Front Street

Mr. H. B. Clark

Mr. Stephen

Fred 's Grocery Store Southeast Corner 67th and Lebanon

Givnish Funeral Home 5th Street at Lindley Avenue Gordon Brothe rs 4344 -6 Germantown

Max Eirich , Ca rpenter 3221 North Newkirk Street


Harr is Gramm,



176 East Tulp ehocken Street Carl J. Emhof 4822 "A " Street

Ronac Corpo ration Vulcansto r H. D. Craig , lnc.-Contractors Box # 131 Cornwa llis Heights, Penna .

Stanley M . Craven 3 1 8 Leedom Street Jenkintown , Penna.

Greenspan 's 7175 Ogontz Avenue

Ernest's Meat Market 7342 Frankford Avenue Estelle and Elva Maglione 2061 East Ontario Street Estelle ' s Fash ions Manoa , Penna.

Mr. and Mrs. Will iam J. Cronin Cross Brothers 3600 North Front Street Dave ' s Grocery 30 1 Zerelda Street

Ditz Pontiac Compa ny 61 8 Ma rkley Street

Mrs. William L. Evans Reading Terminal Market Finnesey Body Co. 811 North Tanry Street

Fischer ' s Pastry Shop 8013 Castor Avenue

Norr istown , Pennca.

Fihpatrick Funeral Home 425 Lyceum Avenue

Bob Dean ' s Gulf Stat ion Gree n and Rittenhouse Streets

Carl Fleishman 8035 Bustleton

Decor A55ociates 6841 Ge rmantown

Flou rlown Cleaner 1501 Bethlehem Pike


Haussmann's Pharmacy Southeast Corner 6th St. and Gira rd Ave . John A. Healey - Undertak er 2302 South 12th Street

Fisher Broth ers Gulf 919 East Willow Grove Avenue

Di Silvestro's Pharmacy 1 Sth and Dickinson

Harbor Inn Walnut and Dock Street

Helen and Edd ie' s Bar 1931 West Hunt ing Pa rk Avenue He im 's Market 4625 Princet on Avenue Higgin ' s Bake ry 208 Ba la Avenue Bala-Cynwyd, Penna. The Hill Top Inn Easton and Edgeh ill Roads Glenside , Penna. Hilton Drug Co. 8518 Germantown



KuIp's - Florist 5435 Germantown Avenue and 7400 Frankford Avenue

Howitz Bakery 400 Kingsey Street

Joseph Lang 4419 Princeton Avenue

Frank Marino Newportville Road Levittown,

Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Hunt and


Anthony J. Jag ielsk i, Jr , 2633 East Allegheny Avenue

Martin 's Pharmacy 919 East Cayuga Street

l ee 's Men Shop 7230 Ogontz Avenue

Joseph H. Jeitner Screw Machine Products Company 3944 Richmond Street Joe' s Barber Shop 3300 Wellington Street



Mr. Frank Marino 210 Penn Street Bristol , Penna.

Frank J. Ledwith and Sons 7224 Germantown Avenue

Jefferson Motors 2420 West Main Street Jeffersonville

Joe ' s luncheonette 58th and Woodland

Leaming Rambler 7349 Oxford Avenue

Bill leinhauser's Gulf Station Wissahickon Avenue and Manheim


Marty's Express l 236 Adams Avenue

Leo's Delicatessen 5925 Ridge Avenue

Doctor Bernard H. Moss , D.D.S. 2335 West Lehigh Avenue

Leo's Ga rage 846 East Chelten Avenue

Mayfair Beverages 6501 Frankford Avenue

Leonard ' s Delicatessen 8000 Horrocks Street

George Metrick Barr ' s, Chestnut

Jordan 's Delicatessen 2202 Mount Carmel Avenue Glenside, Penna.

Levinson 's Pharmacy 15th Street a nd Duncannon

William Kelley, Flowers 2807 West Allegheny Avenue

Linton's lunch 1310 Wallace

Kelly Associates land Title Building

Louis Giosso - lou's Cafe 658 East Godfrey Avenue

Kelly and McGinley Beer Distributors 544 East Van Kirk Street

MacFarland's Barber Shop 7149 Germantown Avenue


Mr. and Mrs. Matthew


Avenue John P. Montague , Plumbing and Heating 315 West Mentor Street

Street Montgomery Publishing Company Fort Washington, Penna . James R. Morrison 611 3 Ridge Avenue

M. J . McBride and Co. 2716 East Lehigh Avenue

Leonard Mower , Insu rance Pennsylvania and Apel Avenue Oreland, Penna.

Charles A . McCann-Realtor 5 723 North Sth Street

Mrs. Esther R. Mulligan 233 Forrest Avenue , Elkins Park , Penna.

Kitty's Beauty Shoppe 5204 Frankford Avenue

James J. McCann and Co . 5549 North 5th Street

The Murphy Funeral Home 3839 North Broad Street

Koehler and Sons Lincoln and Taunus Hatboro, Penna.

J. F. McCrossen Co .- Auto Glass, Mirrors 5 8 23 North Broad Street

Ed Nealis 2 221 Sigel Street

Richard C. McElhinney - Watchmake r 7163 Germantown Avenue

Northeastern T.V. Service Company 2401 East Somerset Street

Stephen A. McGlone Funeral Director 3835 North Broad Stre e t

Francis J. Nowak , Attorney 2622 East Allegheny Avenue

McGuckin Real Estate 5267 Roosevelt Boulevard

Ogontz Home and Auto Supply 7306 Ogonb Avenue

McKeany's Stationers 5602 Germantown Avenue

Old Mill Inn York and Horsham Road, Hatboro , Penna .

McLaughlin's Cut Rate 7106 Torresdale Avenue

Olney Beer and Beverage Distributors , Incorporated 132 West Tabor Road

Hugh 321 S l<indt, Public

Kelly, Furniture and Appliances West Lehigh Avenue Kaye and Wentz ledger Building

Edward Kohlhepp 6th and Cumberland


Kornse Meat Market Bingham Street and Godfrey Mrs. Emil Krause 199 West Sparks Street Krieger's

1 548 Bristol Pike Cornwells Heights, William Kuhr 21 0 Pennsylvania Oreland, Penna .

Penna .



Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kuss 8251 Ferndale Street Maurice Kyshin- Real Estate 2 81 4 Cottman Street Lambert's Sporting Goods 6819 Torresdale Avenue

Wally Mack, Tailor 8024 York Road E. A . Maguire, Mechanical 1335 East Price Street Manchester Shirt Co. 41 5 Market Street Mr. and Mrs . Jerry Marano



Anthony l. Pagano 1427 Un ity Street Francis M. Pagano , Insurance 1 020 East Haines Stre et Papa's Pharmacy l 2th and Ritner Streets

Louis Rossi 40 Oaktree

Popermon 's Food Market 910 East Willow Grove Avenue S. J. Patterson' s Gulf Station Germantown Avenue and Bethlehem

Drive , Levittown,


Mork L. Rothman , Phg . Pike York Rood and Ruscomb Street

Paul's Barber Shop 229 Hermitage Street Jerry Pellegr ini Registered Plumb ing and He ating 2427 East Somerset Street Penny' s Flowers Glenside , Penna .

Sunlit Dine r Red Lion Road and



Jame s E. Tague Lumber Co. 4010 Germantown Avenu e

Sam's Delicat e ss en and Groceries 5251 Germantown Avenue

J im ' s Tailor Shop 1 831 South 23rd Street

Schmal 's Delicatessen 4535 North 5th Street

Temple Pastry Shop 14 5 1 Vernon Rood

Emil Schueneman Cornwells 9507 Hulmeville Rood Cornwells He ights, Penna.

Theresa's Card and Gift Shop 2609 East Allegheny Avenue

Gus Schwartz , Music

Thomas ' Pha rmacy Gre e ne and Hortter Streets

Don iel Petrillo , Tailors 533 East Carver Street

Schwartz ' s Pretze l Bake ry 4355 North Frankford Ave nue

N . Tilli & Sons - Wholesal e Con fectioners 1 7th and Fede ra l Streets

Mr. James 0 . Pickard

Sebast ion Sgro 2705 South 16th Stcec t

N. Tilli & Sons 1701 Federa l Street

Pino 's Hairstyling 902 Godfrey Avenue and 5081 Whitaker Ave nue

W. F. Secules and Son , Au:o Repair s 6735 Leeds Street

Horry D. Tobea, Real Estate 6900 Castor Avenue

Joseph Sernicolo , Jeweler 1 407 Dickinson Street

Tomaszewsk i Funeral Hom e 2728 East Allegheny Av enue

Wm . A. J. Scha e ffer ' s Sons Electrical Contractors 100 West Tabor Road

F. J. Turtle Funeral Home 4415 Monayunk Avenue

Frank Pinto ' s Cole 1 71 2 South 10th Street E. Pisturio 4841 Germantown

Avenu e

Bob Pol idor , Service Station Rhawn Stree t and Roosevelt Jomes Polloc!< Insurance O xford Avenue

Reve rend Joseph 0 . Shallow 1500 Morion Road Bouleva rd H. Silverwood Company 131 5 Buttonwood Street


Uptown String Band 516 North Lehigh Avenue Vant & Son, lnc. -F urrie rs 5535 Germantown Avenue

Singer Brothers Fair less Hills, Penna .

Venetian So lon Cheltenham Avenue and Oak Lan e Road Mel rose Park , Penna.

Sister Ma ry Robert Villanova, Penna.

Vince's Shoe Serv ice 3301 Friendship Street

lz Skolnick 6729 Souder Street

Virnelson ' s Bakery Hutch inson and Thompson

Ranell Costumers 926 Chestnut Street

Skowronski Real Estate and Insurance 2652 East Allegheny Avenue

Ropp 's Food Market 1 170 Sanger Street

Adolf M. Slavesk i 10253 Bustleton Avenue

Walker 's 701 Greenwood Avenue Jenk intown, Penna .

Roser's Flower Shop 5006 Germantown Avenue

Slall er y 's Cole Point Breeze and Mifflin Stre e t

Wm. S. Reilly , Gu ild Opt ician 725 West Avenue, Jen kintown,

J . E. Snyder , Incorporated 1847 North 6th Street

R. P. Pric e, Real Estate 2663 East Allegheny Avenue Mrs. George Morion

J. Putz


Pe nna .

Mrs. Alice Renne r The Hotchpotch Shop 8426 Germantown Avenue

Sporaton Products Company 8018 Casto r Av e nue


Waller Motors , Incorpo rated York and Hart Roads Jenk intown, Penna . Walt nor Bar North " H" Street Weldon Pharmacy Geneva and Easton Roads

Mr. and Mrs. W. Rep lolz

F. Spencer Byrom 352 Roumfort Rood

Dr. George A. We isenberger 19 Cheltenham Avenue Cheltenham, Penna.

Rhownhu rst Laundromat 8010 Ca stor Ave nue

Sperry-Rand Corporation Univac Printer Systems Division

A. Weyle r 301 West Godfrey

Rialto Tailoring Company 6708 Sprague Street

Staffieri Furn iture 4322 Ge rmantown

Wexler's Pha rmacy 6828 Torresdale Avenue

Richmon's Seo Food Market 7206 Ogontz Avenue

Stahl ' s Record and Came ra Shop Fairless Hills , Penna .

Wilkhaven Form Bedminster , Penna.

George Robertson and Sons, Incorporated 8501 Germon town Avenue

Ste nton Beer Distr ibutors 8119 Stanton Avenue

Wind rim Pharmacy Windrim and Lindley Street s

Robinson 's Butche r Shop 6201 Limekil n Pike

Joseph A. Sulot Med ical Arts Building

Georg e Wormeck 81 07 Alb ion Street




BOOSTERS A Friend A Friend Mr. and Mrs. Sta nley Abramuyk Nancy J ane Agui lar Anthony Aita Albert Mae Alberts A. E. M. Allen Al"s Barber Shop Al's Food Market Mr. and Mrs. John Ambrogi Mrs . George Amey Dr. a n d Mrs. Anthony F. Amorsi Mr. and Mrs. A. Ap pl eton Ards ley Hardware Asta Brothers Mrs . Mary Au lt B&G Market Misses Backe Mary Bajkow ska John W. Balle rlno Clare Bann ister Miss Margaret E. Barbour Mrs . Ba rthmier Mr. and Mrs. Gu ilio Battagl ini Mr . J oseph Battagl ini John a11d Rose Balli Beach Gift and Sta tionery Jennie l . Beche r Mrs. John Beche r John W. Becher John Becher, 2C Frank Beck Ed Becker Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Bell Mrs. Helen Bensinger Bernie and Elaine Mr. and Mrs. Howard Berry Mr. and Mrs . George Berry Joseph J. Beru f Mr. Joseph Besse M rs. John T. Bilder Dr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Blanch Fred l. Blocklenge r Joseph P. Blunz Mrs. Veronica Bog lnsky Mrs. Bernard Bonner Mr. Bernard Bonner Miss Borge l William Boscoe Mr. Bothwell Mr. and Mrs . P. Bowers Miss Ela ine Bowers Mr. John Boyce Mr. Francis Boyce Mr. and Mrs. J. Boyd Mr. and Mrs. H. 0 . Boyer Mrs. Ann Boyle Peter Boy le Mr. and Mrs. Braun Breitlnger Jewelers Mr . and Mrs. F. J. Bres lin Mr. and Mrs. 8. F. Brig idi Mrs. Alice Brooke Ade le Brooks R. Brown Amad ia D. Buccin i Bucky, '61

Mrs. Elsie Bukata Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Bunt ing Mrs. Samue l Bunting Mr. and Mrs . Fran k Burns Mr. and Mrs. Char les Burns Donald Burns Mr . and Mrs. J ohn Butkovich Donald F. Byrne Mr. Frank Ca lfap ietro Miss Ann e E. Callahan Mr. and Mrs. Ve rnon l. Candy Peggy Anne Cannon D. A. Ca rdone Mr. Louis Car iso Mr. and Mrs . Gerald Corkery Mr. and Mrs. Connie Carlin Mr. and Mrs. Frank Carmody Peter A. Carney Mr . and Mrs. Edward Berry Carr Mr. and Mrs. John S. Carte r Mrs. Mary M. Carter Mrs . A. C. Cass idy Miss Kay Cassidy Ag n es Cavanaugh Memory of Arch ie T. Ca vanaugh l .S.C. '3 5 Emil Chilyl Cha rl ie's Del icatessen Thomas A. Charlt o n Mrs. Helen D. Cherry Mr. Fra nk Chiemlelski Mr. and Mrs. John Chr ist, J r. Mr. J. Christi Mr. and Mrs. Paul Chr istian Stanley Cieless Walter Cieless John Clritello G. Clark Mr. and Mrs . R. W. Clayton Mr. and Mrs . Thomas l . Clements Clift o n 's News lester Cohen , D.D.S Jo seph A. Colantonio John J. Coleman Mary Coleman Cather ine Coll Dr. and Mrs. John T. Cologne Dr. and Mrs . Nicholas A. Colos i Complime n ts of a Friend Compliments of a Friend Compliments of a Friend Comp liments of Sophomore " 8'" Mrs. J ames Connell Ann a Corn ia Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Costello Ma rie Costello Rose and Char lie Cottone John W . Coy le Mr. a nd Mrs . Wm. Coyle Wiiiiam J. Cross Mr. and Mrs. Maurice F. Crotty Cullen Shoe Serv ice Thomas F. Cunnane Thomas P. Cunningham Harry Curson Fran cis J. Cush


Dr. and Mrs. E. E. Cza rnecki Jacob Czarn ecki Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Daly Mr . and Mrs. Jefferson Davis Mr. and Mrs . Domin ick Defalco Mrs . J. J. Delaney David E. Delp Kurt Deng ler William Dennis Margaret DeSip ln H. T. Detwiler Mrs. John Devl in Miss Janie M. Diamond Joseph Dilarso Mr. and Mrs . DiMau ro Mr. and Mrs . Jerry Drach Joseph H. Dunton Mr . and Mrs. Charl es Durney A. J. Dush kowich Jose p h Duvall Duva's Sandw ich Shop Mrs. Frank Dohe rty John F. Dolan K. A. Dolaway Andrew Domino and Fami ly Mr. and Mrs . Franc is A. Donaghy Dave Donaghy Don Donaghy Albe rt Donato Don 's Garage Mrs. Doughe rty Mr. and Mrs . Dan iel Doyle Mr. James J. Doy le Michael Doyle Martha Dwyer Mr. and Mrs. Charles Eckert Thomas Edwa rds Mrs . Max Eirich Laurence F. Elias Mr . and Mrs. Caspar Elsasser Elvira's Flower Shop Mrs . A. Emhof Barbara Emhof Harriette Emhof Thomas Emhof Mr . and Mrs. Erb Ma rga ret Mary Eschbach Jessie Evancich Joseph Evancich , Sr. Joseph Evancich, J r. Mr . Gilbert A. Fahy Rita Def a lco Anthony Fannello Geo rge Far is Thomas A. Far is Michae l Fee Mr. Joseph Ferrara And rew Ferroco Mrs. An ita Field M icha il Filler Herman H. Finger Mrs. Harriet Fitzpat rick Mr. Harry F. Fitzpatrick J. Raymond Fitzpatrick, Jr. , '56 John Fitzpatrick Vincent J. Fitzpatrick, '61

Edward Flanag an Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Flanagan G. Margraff and T. Fluehr Jam es Flynn Mr. and Mrs. John Flynn Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Flynn Joseph Flynn James J. Fonash Helen Fornaro Edward J. Fossett , Jr . Mr. and Mrs. Foster He len R. Foti James Fo,c Tony Frank and Sons John J , Friel A Friend Mr. and Mrs. Leona rd A. Fuchs Thom as Gannon Mr. Leo nard Galant e Gallagh er Candies Anne M. Gallagher Mr. and Mrs . Eugene Gallagher Mr. and Mrs. John Gallagher Mr. and Mrs. John F. Gallagh er Mr. and Mrs. Cha rles Garbes Catherine Gavaghan Mr . and Mrs. Joseph P. Gavaghan S. Gellman Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Gensheimer Mr. Geo rge Benson Salon l ewis D. Gerbert , D.D.S. A. J. Giaccio Richard Gibbons Mrs. J . F. Giblin Julie Gillespie Agn es G illian Mr . and Mrs . Fra nci s Gilligan Mr . and Mrs. William A. Givey G len Food Mart Mr. and Mrs . Eugene Gniewek Mr . and Mrs . R. A. Godsall Samuel J . Go ldb e rg Mr. and Mrs. Joseph H. Goldkamp Donald Gordon John Gordon Fran cis A. Gould Stanley Goxdan Walter J . Gozdan Mr. Jo seph Graham Mr. Charles W. Gr eenberg, '51 Mr . and Mrs . Jos e ph G . Gr ee nb e rg, '43 Gerr y Griffin, '54 Vincent Gr iffin, ' 57 Miss Helen Grinrod Mr. and Mrs. Edward Grubb Mr. and Mrs. J. Grusz ka Mr. W. Gruszka Patri cia A. Gudeman Mr . and Mrs. Francis J . Gue rin Mr. and Mrs. Michael Gumrot He nry Guz Owen Haines Joseph A . Hammond W. Charles Hanbur ger Mrs . Ma ry A. Harp Charle s Hazelwood Mrs . Mary Heenan Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Hendrick Mr . Jim Hessen th aler C. C. Hilinski

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hofmann Mis s Alma M. Hogan Miss Hole n R. Hoga n Dr. E. J . Holland Re gina Holle r Mr. Otto G . Ha nzl Mr. and Mrs. Charl e s Horan Mr. and Mrs. John Hud ek Georg e J . Hughes Mrs . Chester Hut kowski Martin C. Hynes , Jr . Mr . and Mrs. Frede rick T. lnacker John C. lncarv ito , Jr . Anna Janowska Mr. and Mrs. Richard Ja span Joe T. and Mina DeM. Johnny and Pat John's Barber Shop Mrs . Eugene Jordan Joseph Horski Sister Catherine Jo se Mr . and Mrs. Thoma s J. Joyce Miss Lucy Juliano Francis Ju no d Mrs . Joseph Junod Mr . and Mrs . Joseph Kaiser Mr. Raymond Kalinoski Mrs . John J. Kane Mr. and Mrs. Wo lter Kominsk i Mr . and Mrs . Paul Ka rsch A. S. Kau fman, M.D. Frank Kaut z John Kautz Mar y Kout z Gloria Kazo roski Harvey Keck John J . and Florence V . Keenan Ed Kelly Mr . and Mrs . J . J . Kelly Thoma s A. Kelly J . Kevin Kennedy Mrs. Mary R. Ken nedy Helene E. Kenworthy James M. Keough Mr. and Mrs. Kestn er Tom Kilroy The King Family Francis X. Kiss, ' 60 Mr. and Mrs . J. Theodore Kiss Georg e J. Koenig Koh en Pharmacy Mr. a nd Mrs. Edwa rd Kohlhepp Edward a n d William Kohlhepp Ernest S. Kopecki Mr . and Mrs. William Kosempel Mr . Jo sep h Kraemer Joseph S. Kraemer , Jr . Krupa Sta tion ery Leonard J . Kryston Richard Kryst on Mi ss Dorothy Kugl er Mr. Ray mon d J. Kuss Mrs . Lillian Kuss Mr. William F. Lafferty , Jr. Irene A . Lalley Mr. Michael Lalli Mrs. Michael Lalli Mr . and Mrs . Vincent E. Lally Miss Susan Abby Lang Mr. and Mrs. J . la nshe


E. J . Laska Lawndale Market Mr. and Mrs . Joseph Laut Anne Laut Le oti Lautenbach Miss Agnes J. Leah y Mrs . Jo sep h P. Leahy Miss Margaret T. Leahy Hele n M. Lee Mr s. Rose Leo Mr. John A. Leichner Mr. and Mrs. Peter Lesniak An n and Ted Les zczynski Mr. and Mrs. R. Lew andowski Miss Be tty link Dr. Richard lockhead Logan Barber Shop Loughery 's Grocer y Sto re Joseph F. Lough ran Louie's Barbe r Shop Lou's Candy Store John E. lovall Al luuallo Maurice ly nch and Family Miss Winnie Lyons Mr. an d Mrs . John lyszkiewicz Reve re nd Char le s McAleer Boyd Mcilva ine Mr. Charles McCarty Mr. and Mrs. Joseph McCaul ey Miss Kay McCo y Miss Agnes J . McCrossen Mr. and Mrs. Dav ;d P. McDermoll Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J . McDermott William P. McDe rmott Mrs. M. A. McDev itt A. A. McDonald Mr. and Mrs. Walter McDonald Walt e r J . McDonald , Jr. Franci s X. McFadd e n Mr. and Mrs. Timothy F. McGee Mr. and Mrs. Daniel McGonigle Mr. and Mrs. E. McGon ig le Mr . W. James McGonigle Mr. an d Mrs. Jo seph McGon ig le Mr . Thomas McGowan Mr. and Mrs . Thomas F. McGowan Mr . and Mrs . McGrath Mrs. Jennie McGra th McGunn Mr. ond Mrs. Walt er Mcin tosh Cornelius McKelvey Mary Mclear M. & M. Cold Cut s Mae 's Gift Shop Mrs. Ella Magee Mr. and Mrs . Mogrisi Edw ard A . Maguire , Jr. , '53 Mr. and Mrs . Fron k Mahoney Ha rold E. Ma iden and Family Mrs. Mary R. Maid en Mr s. John V. Ma iley Henry Malinowski John A. Molone Ma rgare t and Billy Louis Ma rk Mary Anne Corset Sh op Ma ry's Dress Shop Wolte r Mathews , '60 Mr. and Mrs. Carmen J. Matt ia

Peg and Rose Maxwell Mrs. Joseph Mazzacano Felix Mele Jo e Melody Mr . and Mrs. Salvatore Mergliano Paul E. Miehl Mike's Barber Shop Dr. C. Joseph Miller Mr. and Mrs . Kenneth M. Miller Mr . and Mrs. J. A. Meyer Marg Meyers John P. Montague, Sr. Alexander Moore John Moran Bob Moran Robert J. Moran Morris Auto Parts James John Motley, Ill Mr. and Mrs. Mlynarczyk Mount A iry Diner Mr. and Mrs. Rex Muller Thomas F. Murphey, Jr. Cathe rine J . Murphy Mr. John Murphy Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Murphy Mr. and Mrs. William E. Murphy Tom A . Murray Doctor and Mrs. Walter Musial Mrs . Amelia Myers Lawerence Myers Mr. and Mrs. Albert Nanners Mr. and Mrs. William J. Narke Mrs. William Narvel Miss Wanda Nowalinski Mr. and Mrs . Edwin A. Neale Chief and Mrs. A. J. Neiheisel Memory of John J. Nolan Mrs. Mory Nutley Rober t Nutley John O'Brien Alice M. O'Connor Mrs. Timothy J . o路connell Miss Mary O 'Gara Miss Bea O'Gara Olson's Delica tessen Mr. Francis P. O 'Neill Mr. and Mrs . Henry I. O'Neill Mrs. Hugh O'Neill Mrs . Joseph O'Neill Pat O 'Neill Pat O'Neill Mr. and Mrs . Anthony Orlando Helen Ormond Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Orzeck John and Kathleen O ' Shea Mr . an d Mrs. F. J . Ostertag Mr. and Mrs. C. Pace Mr. and Mrs. J. Panos Phonis Food Market Fronk Poppas Mr. and Mrs. Augustine Passanante Mrs . Pasquarello Mrs. Anna Pedano Peggy and Mary Ann Mrs . Helen Pellegini Penny 's Mrs. Carmen A. Perna Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Perrong Mrs . Catherine Perry Herm an Pestka

Roslyn Pharmacy Mr . and Mrs. J. Phillips Wendy Phillips Fred D. Poellnitz Odessa 8. Poellnitz Vincent 0. Poellnitz M. J. Polek Tom and Pop Mr. and Mrs . Henry Potoczny Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Pottolow Elvis Presley Mr. and Mrs . Charles H. Pruitt Queen Bee Beer Distributor Mrs. Hugh F. Quinn Anthony S. Quinto Claire Quinto Mr. and Mrs. John J. Quirk Mr. and Mrs. Som Rafkin Mary Rakowski Mrs. Maureen Rankin Mr. Jerry Rapp Charles F. Redican Mr. Fronk J . Reichwein Fronk P. Reichwein Nelson M. Reider Catherine V. Reilly Peter Reilly White House Restau rant Victor Richer Richmond Pharmacy Mrs. C. Y. Riley Ring Drug Mr. a nd Mrs . Harry Robbins Sister Mary Robert Mr. and Mrs. J. Robins Mr. and Mrs. Robi ns on Dr. and Mrs. Jomes J. Robinson, Jr. George J. Roletter, Jr. Mrs. C. Roming Mr. and Mrs. John F. Rogers Mr. and Mrs. John Rosney Chris and Roxy Russian Friend Mr. and Mrs. S. Rutkowski Al Rutz Mrs. John J . Ryan Lorraine Ryan Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Ryan "Vake " Ryan R. Sabitini I. Sachs Sam' s Barber Shop Sanlaniello's Men 's Shop Mr . and Mrs. Frank Sarama Sattler Brothers Mr. and Mrs . Jose ph Scardino Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Schast Carol Anne Schenkel Mr . and Mrs . E. C. Schenkel Mr . and Mrs. Francis Schluckebier Mr. and Mrs. William Schluckebier Mr. Francis Schluth Mr. and Mrs . L. E. Schmalbach Mrs. H, M. Schmidt John Schmitt, '58 A. G roh Schneider Frank Schuck Gene Schultz Carl J . Schwab, Jr . Ruth Schwalbe


Mr . and Mrs. Gus Schwartz Howard


Mr. and

Mrs. Francis J. Schwoeri

Mr. and

Mrs . Lawrence

W. Schwoeri

Helen Scleicher John Seeber, 38 Charles Seiberlich L. F. Shaeffer Mr. and Mrs. J. Glenn Shaffer Mr . and Mrs. R. Shanks Kenneth Shaw, Jr. Mr. J. Laurence Shea Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A . Sheehy Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Sheridan Mrs. Kathryne Sherwood The Steller Shop Mr. and Mrs. John P. Sharkey Mrs. Sadie Siegmann A lbe rt H. J . Singleton Catherine R. M. Singleton Miss Ann M. Sinnott Mrs. William Siratz Mr. Charles Sisca Mr. and Mrs. Leo Skorecki Aleander Skylakon Mr. and Mrs. George Slowik John J. Smith, Jr. Robert Smith Saul Solomon Al Sommar Mr. and Mrs. Albert V. Sommar Mr. and Mrs . John C. Sommar Miss Mary A . Sommar Miss Margaret Spohr Miss Pauline Spahr Mr. and Mrs. Thoma s Spicer Mr. J. Spino, Sr. Mr. and Mrs . Danie Stabilito Raymond and Donald Stabilito Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Stainer John and Stella Stanczak William A. Steer Freda Stefanski The Stockmals Henry P. Stoebenau Kreib ick Meal Store Tydell Drug Store Mr . and Mrs. W. J. Staniz, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. William Stranix, Jr. Mrs . Gertrude Strzelecki Dr. Harry A. Sturm, D.D.S. James Sullivan Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Sullivan Mrs. Frank C. Sulzbach, Jr. Thomas Summerell David Swenson Mrs . Peter Tamulis Theresa's Beauty Salon Mrs . H. 8. Thom as Thomas T.V. and App liance Mrs. Earle C. Thompson Mr . and Mrs. lee Thompson Geo rge Thoms Mr. and Mrs. Herbert J . Tied ikin Dr. and Mrs. John J . Tillger Cathrine Tipton Dr. Joseph J. Toland Mr. and Mrs. S. Tomczak Tony's Fruit and Produce Store

Dick Tragmann,


Fred Tragmonn Mr. Fred rick R. Trogmann Tom Tragmann Mrs . Wiiiiam Trav is Mrs. Tritz Traut z George Trignaio Meal Mark et Mr. and Mrs. Fronk Trybal a Valley Press Vo l' s Towne Tavern Aurore Vaudreuil Wilfred J . Vaudreuil Wilfre d Vaudreuil , Sr. The Velten Family Pal Vitale Frank J . Wakefield Louis J. Wakefield Joseph Wa ldner The Walker Fam ily

Norman Walker Mr. and Mrs. Joh n L. Wall Mr . and Mrs. James J. Wallace Walt a nd JoAnn Vince Walters, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. William Walters Mr. and Mrs . Fronk Waryolis Mr. and Mrs . John J, Waskiewicz Mr. and Mrs . Edwar d J. We idner Mr. and Mrs . A. We igand Mr. and Mrs. Jack We lsh Mr. and Mrs. George Wemec Sol Wexle r Mr. and Mrs. William Sheeler Mrs. Anna White Dona ld and Morie White Mrs, Josephine White Kathleen Ellen White Mrs . Marie While Richard White

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wienl!rs Mrs. Joseph Wiener s Mr. and Mrs. Jose ph Wiggins Manual Wigoff Mr. and Mrs. Robert J . Wilkin Mrs. Dorothy Williams G. Price Wilson Mr. and Mrs. Randolph E. Wise Mr. and Mrs. Leon Willoc k Mr. and Mrs . Vincent Wolfinger Wolk Bros. Variety Store A. W. Wo ltemate Mrs. George Woodberry Anna M. Woodward Wyndmoor Food Market Mr. and Mrs. R. Young Mr. Frank Zabawski Mr. and Mrs . Jos eph Zakrocki Mr. and Mrs. Walter Zodeiko Bill Zuckerman


21 South 21st Street Philadelphia 3, Pa .



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