1961 Blue and Gold Yearbook

Page 1




together with The Christian Brothers

proudly presents

as •·~ tUY sfu#1'


the 1961 Blue and Gold

BROTHER F. JOSEPH, Vice-Principal



The responsibility of tne direction of La Salle High School rests on the able shoulders of four men: Brothers E. Francis, F. Joseph, D. Albert, and D. Jeremy. Brother E. Francis has served devotedly and capably, demonstrating masterful administrative powers in the recent transition from old to new. Brother F. Joseph, viceprincipal, has rendered invaluable service in assisting the principal and assuming disciplinary duties. In addition to supervising assemblies ana leading the Benilde Club, Brother D. Albert has rendered valuable advice and guidance to every La Salle student. Experienced in moderating intramurals, Brother Jeremy assumed his new post as athletic director while moderating 4-E and teaching French and Spanish. The graduates and student body of La Salle could not ask for a more efficient and dedicated administration.

BROTHER D. JEREM Y, A thletic Director

Parents seem pleased with Brother f. Francis' introduction to new school.

TO DEDICATE THE 1961 BLUE 路 AND GOLD TO BROTHER EINGAN FRANCIS in his 1Oth year as principal of La Salle High School provides us with an opportunity to express our gratitude. Brother Francis's constant devotion to the welfare of La Salle students, coupled with his admirable administrative abilities, extraordinarily manifested recently in the transition to the new school, has earned him the respect and gratitude of everyone at La Salle. Brother received his Bachelor of Arts degree in mathematical education from La Salle College and attended Pennsylvania, Temple and Villanova Universities and received his Masters Degree. In 1940, Brother started teaching at La Salle and has been a mainstay ever since. Before assuming the post of Athletic Director in 1946, he had taught geometry, moderated the cheerleaders and bowling team, and headed the intramural program. Five years later, in 1951, Brother was appointed principal. The dedication of the 1961 Blue and Gold is but a small expression of the thanks we owe and the esteem in which we hold Brother Eingan Francis.

"Welcome to La Salle"


Brother Eingan Francis

Principal of La Salle

Brother proudly describes school to his parents.

BROTHER F. JOHN 4A Religion Trigonometry . • • . Algebra II ... Math Club IV,

Solid Geometry



48 Religion . . . Accounting I, II . . . History II . . . Golf.

4C Religion ... PhysiC1.




40 Religion . .. English IV.

3A Religion . . . Chemistry . . . Plane Geometry . . . Crew.

38 Religion . . . German I, II . .. Public Speaking I, II . . . Forensic Club.




3C Religion . . . Advanced Mathematics . .. Algebra II .•. Math Club Ill . . . Football.

30 Religion . . . German II, Ill . . . Bookstore.

3E . .. Social Studies Ill , . . Student Council.




2A Religion . . . English II . . . Music Appreciation ••• Band.

2B . . . Social Studies II . . . Driver Training . JV and Freshman Basketball . . . Fresh Football.

2C Religion . . . Biology . . . Plane Geometry .. • Mothers' Club.

BROTHER E. JAMES 2D Religion Plane Geometry . . . Algebra Swomminq

BROTHER GRATIAN OF JESUS lA Religoon . . . Soctal Studies IV . . Geography . .. Basketball.




2E Religion ... Biology ... Archconfraternity . . . lntramurals.

2F Religion .. . Spanish I, II . . . French I, II . .. Dramatics Club . .. Detention.



1 B Religion ... Algebra I .. • Alumni.

I C Religion . . . Greek • . . latin I, Ill, IV • • • Detention.

BROTHER D. HILARY 10 Religion . . . Latin I, II . . . Wisterian.

MR. W ILLIAM MAGEE. 1G . . . Social Studies I, II . . . Typing Football ( Batkfield Coach) . . . Baseball Coach.

BROTHER E. RAYMOND 1E Religion . . . Typing . . . Daily Bulletin Baseball.

BROTHER F. WILLIAM 1F Religion •.. Social Studies I . Art Appreci· ation . •. Art Club . . Track Moderator . • • Cross Country.




English Ill, IV . . . DramatiQ.




Mechanical Drawing . . . Business law . . . Scx:ial Studies I . . . Firs! Aid.

English II, Ill ... Blue and Gold.

latin I . . . English II • . . Track • . . Football (line coach).






English I.

library Science ..• Librarian.




Physical Education ... Baske tball .

Head Football Coach.

Music Director.










3645 Mervine Street, 40 BA 3-2117 Saint Stephen . Benilde Club I, 2 . . • lA, 2B, 3C, 4B lntramurals I, 2, Football I, 2, 3(L), 4(L) . . Huh? . . • Butch •• • Teen Maguine. 3, 4

324 South York Road, Hatboro OS 5-5410 Saint John Bosco I A, 2E, 3D, 4C • . . Benilde Club I, 2, 3 . . . Astronomy Club . . . Art Club .•. Dramatia 3, 4 . . . lntramurals I, 2, 3, 4 . . . Mortimer . . • Whitey . . . Grimby Denby.

7512 Alma Street, II PI 2-9441 Resurrection I B, 2F, 3D, 4E . . . Scholastic Letter I, 4 . • . Crew 2, 3, 4 (l) . . . Wisterian 4 (Circulation Editor) . . . Blue and Gold . . . Math Club 3, 4 . . . Ben ilde Club 3. 4 . . . lntramurals I, 2, 3, 4 . . . Chester . . . Stamp Licker . . . Geritol.



39 Broad Street, Hatboro , OS 5-7047 Saint John Bosco I A, 2C, 3A, 4A • • . Scholastic Medal I, 3 . . • Scholastic Letter I, 2, 3, 4 . Blue and Gold . . . Debating 2, 3, 4 . . IRC . . . Math Club 3, 4 . . . Wisterian I, 2 (Sports) 3, (Editorial Page), 4 (First Page) . . Crou·Country I . • . Track I . . . lntramurals I . . . Jazz Addict . . . Member of the HatbOt"o De legation . . . I go Pogo.




Chinquarin Road, Churchville EL 7-1817 Our Lady of Good Counsel IB, 2D, 3D, 4E . . . Art Club 2, 3 . • . Intra· murals I, 2, 3, 4 . . . What did you say, Barnes? . .. Good Neighbor PoO

1J ,

HARRY T. BAUERLE 509 Fox Road, Glenside TU 4-6225 Saint Luke I D, 2E, 3D, 4B . . . Baseball 3, 4( l) . . . Swim· ming 4 . . • lntramurals I, 2, 3, 4 . . . Freckles

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6614 North American Street, 26 HA 4-7797 Saint Joseph IE, 2C, 3B, 4B . . . Scholastic Letter 1 . . . M.th Club 3, 4 . . . Art Club 1, 2 . . . History Club 2 . . . Tumbling Club 1 . . . Cheerleader 1 • . . Basketball (Manager) 1, 2, 3(l) . . . Crew 1, 2(l), 3(l), 4(l) . . . Swimming 3, 4(l) . . . Intra· murals 1, 2, 3, 4 . . . Stair monitor . . . Greek scholar .. . Master of eight.

5854 Oakland Street, 49 JE5-5117 Saint Martin of Tours 18, 2A, 3C, 48 . . . Band 1, 2, 3, 4 . . . Benilde Club 2, 3 . . . lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 . . . Bob . . . Cars . . . Frankford.

7634 Waters R~d. Cheltenham CA 4.0649 Saint Joseph 1E, 20, 30, 4C . Benilde Club 2, 3 . . • lnlramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 . .. Spike •• . Cord coats . , . Mt. Beck.




1617 Gregg Street, 15 HO 4-4026

44 Wyneva Street, 44 OA 4-3081 Saint Francis of Assisi 1C, 20, 3E, 40 . . . Football 3 . . . lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 . . . Curly top . . . Seen with ROO •.• Rides in Durney's bus.

1939 Palethorp Street, 22 GA 3-7225 Saint Laurentine 1E, 2F, 30, 4E . . . Student Council 1, 2, 4 . . . Football 3(l), 4(l) . . . lntramurals I, 2, 3, 4 • . . Bart Maverick . • . "Hands" . • . "Quit pussy-footin', Bogdan."

Maternity of Blessed Virgin Mary

ID, 2A, 3A, Football 1, 2, • . . Track 1, Klngaroo •..

40 . . . Scholastic Letter 1 . . . 3(l). 4(l) . . . Basketball 3, 4(l) 2 . . . lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 Trappist . . . 22nd and Porter.




23 West Gowen Avenue, 19 CH 8-3442 Holy Cross 1C 2E, 3B, 4B . . . Benilde Club 3 . . . Baseball 1 : . . lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 . . . Switdled to Math . . .

BigJ:~-E~· ;~~e~~;~~hoe{)s';/

517 Chelten Avenue, 26 HA 4-7B98 Saint Helena 1 F, 2B, 3C, 48 . . . Benilde Club 1, 2, 3 . . . Football 1, 3 . . . lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 . • . College Caf . . . Khakis . . . Whore's Agin?




843 Ncxth 25th Street, 30 PO 9-9575 Saint Francis Xavier IF, 2B, 3B, 4C . . . Basketball 1, 2, 3, 4(l) . . . Crew 1, 2 . . . lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 . . Mr. Trig . . . Jimbo . . . AII.Spats Club • . • Old Reliable.


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2149 Stenion Avenue, 38 {) ll 9-3119 Saint Benedict

1D, 2A, 3A, 40 . . . Band 1, 2 . • • Dramatics 3, 4 . . . Benilde Club 3 . . . Golf 3(l), 4(l) . . . Tennis 2 . . . lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 . • • 5th Amendment . . . Walt's number . . • One of the Elite Three.



7965 Williams Avenue, 50 WA 7-1581 Saint Raymond 1B, 20, 3D, 4E . • . lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 . . .

Electroni~ . ~~:;~ngo: ~~~~~~ g.Oj



111 West Duval Street, ~ "f. ~ VI 4-3684 Saint Madeline Sophie 1C, 2F, 3E, 4E . . . Physics Club 1, 2 . . . Benilde Club 1, 2 . . . Dramatics 3, 4 . . . lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 . . . Whatchu mean, man . . . Butch ... Him and Flynn.



334 Chippendale Street, 36 DE 8-3663 Saint MaHhew IF, 2A, 3C, 4D . . . Football 1, 2, 3 . . . Track 2 . . . lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 . . . Fury . . . Tommie More game . . . Golla cigarette . . . K. B.


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7712 Beech Lane, 18 AD 3-0621 Seven Dolors 1E, 2D, 3E, 4E . . Benilde Club 2 . . . Intra· murals 1, 2, 3, 4 . • . Don . . . Pen clicker . . . Quiet.




208 Tuplehocken Avenue, 17 TU 4-2660 Saint James lA, 2F, 3E, 4D . . . Student Council 1, 3, 4 . • . Senile Club 2 . . . Baseball 2, 3( l). 4( l) • . • lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 . . . "Chico" . . • Where you smoking?




1267 Rosemont lane, Abington TU 7-8490 Our Lady Help of Christ•ans 1F, 2E, 3B, 4B . . Scholastic Medal 1 . Scholastic Leiter 1 . Benilde Club 2, 3 . Math Club 3, 4 . . Student Council 4 . Besketb111l I . . • Track 1, 3(l), 4 l Football 1, 2, 3(l), 4(l) ••. lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 . The Quiet Man . . . So Maybe I Don't Want to . . . Wild Bill.

3256 Cedar Street, 34 NE 4-8216 Saint Adalbert

'6452 North 15th Street WA 4-4628 Saint Benedict

1C, 2F, 3E, 4E . . . Scholastic Leiter 1 . . . Benilde- Club 2, 3 . . . Physics Club 1 . . . Dramatics 4 ... lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 . . . '53 Ford . . . Slosh . . . Chern Major.

1C, 2C, 3B, 4C . . . Scholastic leiter 1 . . . Astronomy Club 1 . . . Benilde Club 1, 2 . . . Dramatics 3, 4 . . . History Club 2 . . . Football . . . Track 1 . , . lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 Clothes . . . White Imperial . . . Feast at lee's.



:J. C.





735 Arden Road, Jenkintown TU 4-8276 Immaculate Conception 1B, 2C, 3E, 48 . . . Scholastic Leifer 1 . . . Band 1, 2, 3, 4 . . Dance Band 1, 2, 3, 4 . . . Math Club 3, 4 • Student Council 2 ••. Wisterian 3, 4 . . • Drum Major . . • Rhythm Aires . • . Jazz.

2308 South Lambert Street, 45 HO 5-S255 Saint Monica

1511 East Johnson Street, 38 Ll 9.0764 Saint Thereso lf, 2C, 3B, 4A . . . Scholastic Letter 1 . . . Benilde Club 2, 3 . . . lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 . , . Cara . . . Music . . . My Wild Irish Rose . . . Buck's friend.

1B, 2B, 3C, 4E . . . Blue and Gold . . . Benilde Club 2 ... lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 . •. Colucc Cargo . . . Flunked Driver Ed .• . . South Philly Flash.

{)2-P MICHAEl J. CORCORAN 201 East Wishart Street, 34 NE 4-6S29 Saint Hugh 1F, 20, 3E, 4C • . . Sand 1, 2, 3, 4 . . . Library Aide 4 • . . Slue and Gold . . . Math Club . . . lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 . . . All-American homework borrower . . . kicking Dale . . . hand wrestler.


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7433 Overhill Road, 26 ME 5-49S5 . / Saint Joseph 1 E, 2C, 3A, 4C . . . Scholastic letter 1, 3 . Student Council 4 . • . Football 1, 2, 3 . . . Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 . . . Where's the party . . . achin' back . . . Big Joe.

THOMAS M. CROW 2510 Aspen Street, 30 PO 5-3559 Saint Francis Xavier 1C, 2C, 3B, 4C . • • Scholauic letter 1, Student Council 3 Vice-President), 4 . . . Football 1, 2{l). 3(l), 4 {l) . . . Track 1, 2, 3(l), 4{l) . . • lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 • . . ''T·Bird" . . . Beau Maverick . . . sportsmanship plus.

DENNIS P. CROWLEY 222 Abbottsford Avenue, DA 4-6S64 Saint Francis of Assisi 10, 2B, 3C, 4B . . . Benilde Club Blue and Gold . . . lntramurals I, summer school valedictorian . . . give me a heart" ... college caf.



1, 2, 3 . . . 2, 3, 4 • • "But, Brother,



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255 Rozborough Avenue .;i 8" IR 2-1655 Saint John the Baptist 1E, 2B, 3C, 4B . . . Be nil de Club 2, 3 . . . Blue and Gold . . . Basketball 1, 2{l). 3{l), 4 (l) . . . Baseball 1 . . . lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 . . . St. John's All-Around . . . Hurdler . • "Cunnin' ".

JOSEPH J. CURRY 7211 Oak Avenue, 1S ME 5·2305 Saint Joseph 1F, 2E, AE, 4A . . . Benilde Club 1, 2, 3 . . . Ben ilde Club 2, 3.. . . Math Club 3, 4 . . • Physics Club 1, 2 . . . Cross Country 2, 3(l). 4(l) (Manager) . . . Track 1, 2, 3(L), 4(L) (Manager) . . . "Back to your lanes." . . . Radio Ham K31 CO.




920 Oak Ridge Road, Rosemont LA 5-5067 Saint John Baptist of Vienna 1F, 2E, 3E, 4A . Benilde Club 1, 2, 3 . . . Basketb~ll 2 . • Footbal1 2, 3( l), 4( l) . Track 1, 2 . . • lnrramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 . . . Ammendale • . . Green Tennis Sneakers , . . An Un· touchable.

2168 Galloway Road, Cornwells Heights ME 9-3628 Saint Charles Borromeo 1 B, 2D, 3E, 4D . . . Benilde Club 1 . . . Dramatics 3 . . Football 1, 2 . . . lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 . . . Pal of Rod . . . Michael . . . Cisco.

Warminster Road and Moreland Avenue, Hatboro OS 5..0178 Saint John Bosco 1B, 2F, 30, 4C . . . Scholastic Medal 1 . . . Scholastic Letter 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Math Club 3, 4 ••• Physics Club 1, 2 . . . Crew 2, 3, 4(l) . . . lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 . . . Member of Hatboro Delegation . . . Sailor . . . '48 Plymouth.




397 Elm Avenue, Churchville EL 7.a477 Our Lady of Good Counse. 2D, 3E, 4E . . . Meth Club 3, 4 . . . lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 . . This Man Dawson's doin' Trig • Chair-hopper with Colucci.

7713 Burholme Avenue, 11 Fl 2-0782 Saint Cecilia 1 E, 28, 3C, 4E . . . Benilde Club 2, 3 . . . Football 1, 2, 3(l), 4(l) . . . lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 . . Vinnie • . . Zookie . . . Cabin H.

1448 Creston Street, 49 PI 3-0276 Saint Martin of Tours lC, 2C, 38, 48 . . . Scholastic letter 1, 3 . . . Blue and Gold . . . Math Club 4 . . . Dramatics 3, 4 . . . lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 . . . eating . . . 1cholar • . . basketball.


JOSEPH S. DiGREGORIO 808 Moore Street, 48 HO 8-1287 Saint N icholas of Tolentine

lA, 2F, 3D, 4A . . . Scholutic letter 8enilde Club 2, 3 . . . History Club 2 Astronomy Club I . . . Math Club 3 . . . Bowlong 3, 4(l) . . . Baseball Manager 2 . . . Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 . . . Pizza Pie . . . Gregy . . . ~m~tu ~Mu ~ll~ar~


1439 Soul~ 15th Street ;t ~ DE 4-7895 Saint Rita 1F, 2A, 38, 48 . . . Ar Club 2, 3, 4 . • . Math Club 3, 4 . . . Science Club 2 • . . lntramurals Warum Nicht . . . Deejay . •• 1, 2, 3, 4 Electronics.



392 leroy Street, 28 IV 2-7492 Holy Family

lA, 28, 3C, 4E ••. Benilde Club 2 .•• Dramatics 3 ••. Golf 2, 3(l), 4 ( l ) . . . lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 . . . left at Ridgeand m<tn ••• Possanarri • •• Roxborough key.

CHARLES E. DUNLEAVY 1001 East Abington Avenue, 18 AD 3.0287 Seven Dolors 1A, 20, 3D, 4E . . . Dramatics 3 . . . Intra· murals 1, 2, 3, 4 . . . Activities Comm ittee 3 . . . Swimming 4 .•. Sandy ... Car crazy .. . Member F.T.A.



21 West Ashmend Place South, 44 VI 3-1948 Saint francis of Assisi 1D, 28, 3C, 4E . . . Student Council 1, 2 . . . Cheerleader I, 2, 3(l). 4( L) . . . Crew I, 2 . . . lntramurals I, 2, 3, 4 . . . Bucky . . . Soccer . . . Boy from Germantown.


JOHN M EDINGER {) West louden Strl!i!t J. 0

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Gl 5-5891 Saint Henry 10, 2F, 30, 4C • . Astronomy Club I . . . Benilde Club 3 . . . Dramatic Club 3, 4 . . . Math Club 3, 4 . . . Hi story Club 2 . . . X-Country 1, 2 . . . Track I . . . lntramurals I, 2, 3, 4, . . . Hot rod Chevy . . "It's not my fault" . . . "Who did their algebra"



3221 New Kirk Strei!t, 29 . BA 5-4498 Corpus Christi IF, 2E, 3E, 48 . . . ln tramurals I, 2, 3, 4 . . . Ricky . . . Viking . . . little Max.


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4822 A Street .). 0 DA 4-3675 Saini Ambrose IC, 20, 30, 40 . . . Football I, 2, 3(l) , 4(l) . . . Crew I, 2, 3(l). 4(l) . . . lntramurals I, 2, 3, 4 . . . "Oh Pancho!" . . . Skimmer . . . "lucky I have a sense of humor."

JOSEPH J. FABRIZIO 1320 East Price Street, 44

u a·09IO lmmacula'e Conception 1C, 2C, 3A, 48 . . . Scholastic letter 1 . . . Benilde Club 2, 3 . . . Dramatic Club 3, 4 . . . Football 1, 2 . . . Trzck I, 2 . . . lntramurals I, 2, 3, 4 . . . Clothes . . . Cards . . . Hot '57 Chevy Convertible.



307 Cal'$00 Street, 28{ ) ~q IV 3-3025 ( Saint Josaphat 1F, 2C, 3A, 48 . . . Math Club 3, 4 .. . Dramatics 3, 4 .. . Basketball Manager 1, 2, 3(l), 4(l) .. lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 . . . Study Club . . . Statistician .. . Good actor.



945 Church Street, North Wales ox 9-3103 h Saint Rose of Lima c./ 18, 2E, 3C, 4D . . . Student Council 3 . . Benilde Club 1 . . . Crew 3, 4 ( L) . •• Swimming 4 ( L) . . . lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 . . . Country Club . . . Crew bus . . . " ham."


600 Twickenham Road, Glens•de TU 4-4435 / Saint Luke



1A, 2E, 3A, 4A . . Benilde Club 2, 3 • . Dramatics Club 1 . . . Woody . . . Sailing • . Tennis.




4339 Malta Street cu 9-8613

1513 Asbury Avenue, Ocean City EX 9-2503 1A, 2F, 3D, 4D . . . Scholastic Medal 3 • . . Scholastic Letter 2, 3 . . . Astronomy Club 1 • . • Benilde Club 2, 3, 4 . . . Dramatics 3 . . . Math Club 3, 4 . . . Student Council 1, 3, 4 (President ) . . . Physics Club 1, 2 . . . Flynncini Unlimited . . . "Drop a Dime" . . . Tri-colored Mayflower.

3902 Netherfield Road, 29 VI 4-4671 Saint Bridget 1C, 2D, 3E, 4E . . . Art Club I, 2, 3, 4 • . . Wisterian 1 .. Swimming 4 . . . '57 Chevy •.• East Falls . . . Model railroading .



Holy Innocents

. . Wisterian 2, 3, 4 . "I won't admit it" . .


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ROBERT S. FRANCO 237 Highland Avenue, Drexel Hill . Fl 2-5199 Saint lawrence 1E, 2F, 3E, 4E . . . Math Club 3, 4 . . • Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 . . . Bob . . . Basketball Generalissimo.

JOSEPH FYLYPOWYCZ 2116 Mount Vernon Street, "a() / . / Saint Nicholas #, j 1 B, 2C, 3A, 4C . . . Scholutic le11er C( . . . Student Council 1, 2, (Secretary ) Football 1, 2 . . . lntramurals 1, 2 . . . Spell it, please . . . Bet you a quarter Joe doesn't make it . • . '!Just call me Joe."




160 Moir Avenue, West Conshohocken TA B-4592 Saint Gertrude 1C, 2A, 3C, 4D . . . Art Club 2, 3, 4 . • . Band 1, 2, 3 ... lntramurals 1, 2 . . . Hot '49 Plymouth "Faculty Meet" . . . Arlie Shaw.




9639 Wissinoming Street, 14 OR 3-2149 {) Saint Katherine 3E, 4A . . . Benilde Club 3, 4 . . . Football 3, Track 3, 4(l) . . . Swimming 4 ••• Cron Country 4(L) . . . lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 . . • Gas Station ... Dances ... Asleep in P.O.D.


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7135 louise Road, 38 WA 4-7276 Saint Athanasius 1B, 2C, 3A, 4A • . . Wisterian 4 • . . Blue and Gold . . . Dramatics 3, 4 . . . Math Club 4 . • . Crew 2, 3, 4( l) . . . lntramurals 2, 3, 4 . . • Monday morning quarterback . . . "Get out and push" . . . J.V. 3.

JOSEPH C. GAMBONE 217 Roslyn Avenue I TU 6-7065 Saint Luke

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1C, 2A, 3A, 4A . . . Band 1, 2 . . . Benilde Club 1, 2, 3 . . . Math Club 3 . . . Art Club 2 . . . Physics Club 1 . . . Astronomy Club 1 .. History Club 2 . . . lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 . . Chevy . . . "Flying cloud" . . . Ex-Germantown.

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MICHAEL J . GINIECZKI 2127 Solly Avenue, 15 PI 2·1933 Resurrection of Our lord



1C, 2A, 3B, 4C . . . Blue and Gold . . . Benilde Club 1, 3 . . . HiSiory Club 2 . . . Student Council 1 . . . Football 1, 2, 3(L), 4(L) . . . 116seball 3(L), 4(L) . . . lntremurals 1, 2, 3, 4 •.. Gino ... Skimmer ... Klelbesl sandwich.


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1427 Brenner Street, 24 cu 8-4122 {./ Saint Martin of Tours 1D, 2B, 38, 40 . . . Benllde Club 2, 3 . . • Dramatics 3, 4 . . . Football 1, 2{L). 3{L), 4(L ) . . . Track 1, 2(l), 3(l) . . . lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 . . . Fidel . . . Air Explorers . . . Scatback.

PATRICK W. GIVEY 660 Monroe Avenue, Ardsley h / ? TU 7-1153 {./ ~ Queen of Peace 10, 2E, 3A, 4A . . . Crew 2, 3, 4{L) . . . Math Club 4 ..• Blue and Gold . . . Art Club 1, 2, 3, 4 . . . Tumbling Club 1 . . Service Commilli' c lntta'1'1urals 1, 2, 3, 4 • . . A&P Fishman . .. Jivey ... Saddle Shoes.




4651 Horrocks Street, JE 5-2248 Saint Joachim 1E, 2B, 3C, 48 . . . Benilde Club 2, 3 • . . lnrr.,. murals 1, 2, 3, 4 . . Moose . Waxie . . • fast talker ... Me and Vinn1e.




3343 North 2nd Street, 40 <. RE 9-6403 (:1 J Saint Hugh 1A, 20, 3E, 4E . . . Band 1, 2, 3, 4 . • • Dance Band 3, 4 . . . lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Gozdan's doin' Trig . . . Bob . . . Trumpet Player.




5045 Sydenham Street, 41 V GL 5-2962 Holy Child

1F, 2A, 3C, 4B . . . Benilde Club 2, 3 . . . Track 1 . . . lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 . . . Shakey .. Wheee! . . . College Caf Crowd.


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142 South Keswick Avenue TU 6-8099 Saint Luke



lE, 2B, 3B, 40 . . . Baseball 2(L) 3(L), 4(L) .•• Cross-Country 1, 2, 3, 4(L) . .. Basketball 1, 2 ... lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 . . . CYO . . . Pepsodent Smile . . . All-Star.

HARRY B. HAEBERLE 1477 Rockwell Road, Abington TU 4-4852 Our Lady Help of Christians . Benilde Club 3, 4 18, 2B, 38, 40 Summer trips. . . . lntnomural Captain 2 Haeberle d id it.



6336 Norwood Street, 3tr' .J 8" u 9-5639 I, Saint Benedict (1 t;t 1B, 2E, 3A, 4A . . . Benilde Club 2, 3 . . . Golf 3(L), 4(L) . . . lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 . . . Card Shark . . . Ben Hogan . . . Rabbit.


o7o CHARLES L. HAUB 1500 Edgewood Avenue, Roslyn Ol9-4061 Saint John of the Cross 1F, 2A, 3C, 4E . . . Scholastic letter 1 . . . llnilde Club 2, 3 . . . lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 , • . Prayer Monitor . . . Kid from Roslyn . . . a.udt Staub.

HENRY J. HOFFMAN 139 Sylvania Street, 44 OA 9-7241 Saint Francis of Assisi

10, 20, 30, 4E •.. lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 . . •

Mink ... Bruno's buddy . . . scouting.


o71 HARRY J. HEINZL 2514 West Franklin .Street, 33 Saint Edward tne Confessor 1A, 2A, 3A, 4A • . . ~nilde Club I, 2, 3, 4 . . . Student Council 3, 4 . . . Football 1, 2(l), 3(l), 4 ( L) . . . lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 •.. Mungy . . . Shut up, Ott ..• YoJ ain't too off . . . The Wall.


7308 North 20th Street,~ f1 8' Ll 9-2496 Saint Atl-anasius 1C, 2B, 3B, 4C . . . lnmmurals 1, 2, 3, 4 . Hail . . . Brother in law . . . Bermnarrdooo.

THOMAS J . HIPP 7813 Unden Road, 18 AD 3-1618 Seven Dolors 1A, 2E, 30, 4C • . . Benilde Club 2 . • . Crew 3, 4 ••. 1ntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 . • . Smiley ••• Station Wagon . • . ~aver.

CARMEN J. IANDOLO 21 Radburn Road, Huntington Valley OR 3-0440 Saint Cecilia 1 E, 20, 3E, 4C . . . Benilde Club 2, 3 . . . Math Club 4 ..• Bowling 3, 4(l) . . . Intramural• 1, 2, 3, 4 . • . I'll take the ham, Fred • • The Rock ... Clenched fists.

"7 J,.., - - - - ---1


FRANCIS E. JANKOWSKI 6017 North Reac:h Street, 11 Pl-9096 Saint William . Bowling 1, 2(l) lA, 2D, 3E, 4D murals I, 2, 3, 4 . . . Strike Thrower • . . Quiet.



615 Twickenham Road./ C / ( h:; t I! TU 4-5416 Saint Luke IF, 2E, 3A, 4B . . . Cross Country I . • . lntramura ls 1, 2, 3, 4 • . . Track 3, 4( l ) '54 Mere with floor shift . . • patriotic . . . UP . . . UP ... UP ... AND.

GEORGE W. KERN 322B Midvale Avenue, 29 VI 8-4934 Saint Bridget IC, 2A, 3C, 4D . . . Photography Club 3, 4 . •. lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 . . . Como? . . . 3C AII..Ster Hynes' Friend.




241 Fair Oak Avenue, Horsham OS 5-4906 Saint Joseph 1D, 2F, 3E, 4A . . . Scholastic letter 1 . . . Astronomy Club 1 . . . Math Club 3 . . . Tumbling Club 1 . . . lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 . . . Rolling wheels . . . Frenchy . . . HI·Ho Tonto.

5223 North Marshall Street, 20 Gl7-1701 Incarnation of Our Lord 1B, 2A, 3B, 48 . . . Band 1, 2, 3, 4 . Dance Band 4 . . . Wind Ensemble 3, 4 . . Bowling 2, 3 . . . lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 . • . Carda with Alfie .. . Strike ... Big Ed.

2020 Vista Street, 15 PI .>4045

,_______ () 7 7



1B, 2F, 3D, 4A . . . Astronomy Club 1 . • .

Benilde Club 1. 2, 3 . . . Math Club 3 • • . lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 . . Taught Hands Bodgan . • . King Kong Kostin . . . Keeper of the («. ridors.

JOHN J. KRYSTKIEWICZ 1053 Kings Avenue, Cornwells Heights ME 9-1681 Saint Charles Borromeo 1C, 20, 30, 4C • . . Benilde Club 1, 2, 3, 4 , .. lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 . • . Swimming 4 .•• JCryst$&{"# . . . sketcher . . . Walker's friend.

STEPHEN F. KRZEM IN SKI 4324 North Franklin Street 'j' () Gl 5-7362 ' Saint Henry 1C, 2C, 3A, 48 . . . Scholastic le11er 3 . . lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 • . . middle of KKK . . honor roll . . . unassuming.

TRUVOR V. KUZMOWYCH 4933 16th Street, 41 Gl 7-3639 Christ the King 10, 2C, 3A, 4A . . . Scholastic letter 1 • , Astronomy Club 1 . . . Benilde Club 2, 3 lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 . . . Brother Claude . • Kosmo .. • seen with ladden.


c~rlisle Street, 41 Gl5-6890 Holy Child


o? )

1F, 2C, 3B, 4C • • . Benilde Club 1, 2, 3 . Art Club 1 . . . lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 • Truvor fan . . . "I rrean" . . . Deutachmann.

JOSEPH A. LAlli 838 Benson Street, 49 PI 2-4683 Saint Cecilia


0 / 0 ~

IE, 2F, 30, 4C . . . Benilde Club 2, 3, 4 .• Blue and Gold . . . Dramatics 4 • . . History Club 2 . . . Math Club 3, 4 • . . Wisterian 4 Intra murals 1, 2, 3, 4 . . . 2 flats at 2 A.M . . . . No white shirts ... Lollipop.


JOSEPH G. lARKIN 1161 Herbert Street, 24 JE 5-4687 Saint Martin of Tours lA, 2E, 30; 4C . . . Photography Club 3, 4 . . . Wisterian 2 . . . "Without an s" . • 1st period debating . . . "Joltin' Joe."

GEORGE H. LAUT 644 East Carver Street, 20

PI 5-3837 Saint WiHiam I 0, 2C, 3A, 4A . . . Scholastic letter 1 . . . Basketball I, 2, 3(L), 4(L) . . . lntramurals

I, 2, 3, 4 . . . Mutt . . . Lawncrest wreck . . . Southpaw sharpshooter.




726 Buttenwood Street, Norristown B~ 5-7545 Saint Fumcis of Assisi 10, 2C, 30, 4A . . . Benilde Club 3 . . . Blue and Gold . . . lnrramurals I, 2, 3, 4 . . . "Tres Bien, Gerry" . . . Chess champ . . . Democrat.

WilliAM P. LAWlOR 511 East Gorgas lane, 19 Fl 2-6638 Saint Theress


TO, 2C, 3A, 4A . . . Scholastic letter 1 . . . Basketball I, 3 . . Swimming 4 . . . Intra· mura ls I, 2, 3, 4 . . . Jeff . . . Chestnut Hi ll boy . . . Guillaime.

RAYMOND J . LEARY 219 Keni lworth Avenue, 20 ll 9-7337 Saint Helena l A, 2F, 3D, 4E . . . Band I, 2 . . . History Club 2 ... Cross Country 2, 3, 4(L) . . . Track I, 2, 3, 4(l) . . . lntramurals I, 2, 3, 4 . . . Two dabs of ~lleteem . . . Sleep . . . Money on the mind.


JOSEPH P. LESNIAK 6 08 Wendover Street ;J. IV 3-7215 Saint Josaphat


IC, 2A, 38, 4D . . . Scholastic Meda l 2 . • Scholastic letter I . . . Benilde Club 2, 3 History Club 2 . . . lntramurals I, 2, 3, 4 Jaz man . . . "Lewandowski" . . . La Salle enthusiast.


DAVID S. LEWANDOWSKI Meadow Lane, 14 OR 3-9628 Our Lady of Calvary lA, 2F, 30, 40 • . . Scholastk Medal 3 . . . Scholastic Letter 1, 2, 3, 4 . . . Benilde Club 2, 3, 4 . • . History Club 2 • • : IRC • • . Math Club 3, 4 . . . Physics Club 1 • • • Tum· bling Club 1 . . . Wisterian 4 . . . Blue and Gold • • Cheerleaders 1 • • . Crew 1, 2 lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 . . . Intramural ref "No, it's not mine'' . . . Friday the 13th.

?!7%.)- - - -




Hemlock Lane, Wyncote TU 6-3265 Immaculate Conception

73 28 Re vere Street, 15 DE 3-2175 Saint MaHhew

4614 Fernhill Road, 44 GL 5-7672 Saint Francis of Assisi

18, 2E, 3 A, 4D . . . Benllde Club I, 2, 3 . . . Bowling I, 2( L), 3(L), 4(L) lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 . . . Hunting . . . Came ra bug . . . Hey, Schmittyl

1E, 2F, 3E, 4E . . . Librari an 1, 2, 3, 4 . . . Dramatics 3, 4 . . . lntramura ls 1, 2, 3, 4 . . . " Charge" . . . Dances . . . " The Epi511e for today."

1E, 2B, 3C, 4E . . . Scholastic Medal 2 . . • Senilde Club 2, 3 . . . Blue and Gold .. Student Council 2, 3, 4 (Honor Roll Committee) . . . Wisterian 4 . . . Basketball 1, 2(L), 3(L), 4(L) . . Track 1 . . . lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 . . . Easy Ed . . . Ducks in Central Park . . • Happy Hollow boy . . . Ct~nnane's mentor.

CARL P. McCARTY 6515 North 2nd Street, 26 Ll B-62B6 Saint Joseph I F, 2B, 3B, 4C . . . lntramurals I, 2, 3, 4 . . . CYO Basketball . . . Oiga? .. . Lynch para Veep.




1919 Forrestal Street, 45 f HO 2·4B21 Saint Richard I 0, 28, 3C, 48 . . . Benilde Club I, 2, 3 Blue and Gold .. . Football I, 2, 3( l). 4( L) Track 3 {L). 4(l) . . . lntramurals I , 2, 3, 4 English Ford Golf Cart . . . Brei Maverick Hopalong.


1? 0 . . . ... • . . . .

CJ ~ 0

7025 Ditman Street, 35 / DE B·l260 Saint Leo 1 B, 20, 3E, 4E . . . lntramurals I, 2, 3, 4 2nd period Trig student . . . Sportsminded Cool, calm and collected.


CORNELIUS F. McFADDEN 119 West Highland Avenue, 1B/ ,...-11 CH 7-7521 UV Our Mother of Consolation IE, 2E, 3A, 4A . . . Scholastic Medal 2 Scholastic letter 1 . . . Wisterian 3 . . . Math Club 3 . . . Football I, 2 . . Crew 3 lnlramurals 1, 2, 3 . . . Kim . . . Corny Sa iling.


pd I

413 East Gorgas lane, 19 CH 7·5125 Holy Cross I A, 2A, 3A, 40 . . . Math Club 3, 4 . . . Crew 3( l ), 4 ( L) (Manager) •. . Got cut shaving . . . Tenor Man .. . Strokes the Launch.


JO ,.,V J


3150 Almond Street ?> NE 4·16B2 Nativity of Blessed Virgin Mary 1F, 2F, 3E, 40 . . . Scholastic Letter 1 . . . Dramatics 3, 4 . . . Math Club 3, 4 • . . Physics Club 2 . . . IRC . . . Blue and Gold • . . Intramurals I, 2, 3, 4 . . . Stage Manager . . . Activities at S.B.A.... Wesley.



1864 Woodland Road, Abington TU 7-0789

5708 Chew Street, 38 VI 3-9098

JOSEPH P. McLAUGHLIN 48 West Aliens lane 1 CH 7-3766


Our Lady Help of Christians

Immaculate Conception

Holy Cross

lA, 2E, 38, 4A . . . Band 3, 4 . . . All Cath~lic Band 3, 4 . . . Dance Band 3, 4 . . . Track 2 . . . lntramura ls 1, 2, 3, 4 . . . Fog Horn . . . Music teacher ... Brass man.

lB, 2B, 3C, 40 . . . Benilde Club 2, 3 . . . Foot· bal l 1 . . . Basketball 1, 2 . . . lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 . . . "The Beard" . . . Chronic latecomer .

1F, 2C, 3A, 48 . . . Blue and Gold . . • Wis· tef'ian 1, 2, 3, 4 . lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 . . . Bogle-ized . . . La Salle's Faulkner . . . Kennedyite.


last of the



/0 t,

7609 Gilbert Street, 50 ll 9-4792 Saint Raymond IF, 2A, 3A, 4B . . . Dramatics 3 . . • Track I, 2, 3(l), 4(l) . . . lntramurals I, 2, 3, 4 . . . Farmer . . . La Salle's Don Bragg . . . Hunter.

NICHOLAS J. MAIO 3046 North 23rd Street, 32 BA 3-6033 Saint Mary of the Eternal


I C, 2C, 3A, 4C . . . Scholastic letter lntramurals I, 2, 3, 4 . . . Card Shark . . . Jazz . . . 8-ball in side pocket.




1923 Hartel Avenue If / PI 2·0120 Resurrection IF, 2C, 3E, 4A . . . Scholastic Medal 1, 2, 3 . . . Scholastic letter I, 2, 3, 4 . . . Band 1, 2 Wisterian 2, 3, 4 (Second Page Editor) . . . History Club 2 . . . Math Club 3, 4 . . . Forensic Team I, 2, 3, 4 . . . Art Club 2 . , . . . legion of Dramatics 3 . . Benilde Club ·Mary . . . lntramurals I, 2, 3, 4 . . . Alfie . . . Who's got my book? . . . Only 2 questions a class.



Pine Road, Fox Chase ~ ~ OR 2·6888 /) Saint Cecilia lA, 2A, 3C, 4E . . . Benilde Club 3 . . . Track 1 . . . Bowling 2, 3( l ), 4( L) . . lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 . . . Sw imming pa rt ies . . . Heavy V. W.... Chris.



102 Kirkwood Road, Gibbsboro, N.J. ST 3·3228 Saint Stanislaus I 8, 2C, 3B, 4B . . . Scholastic letter I, 2, 3, 4 Benilde Club 3 . . . Dramatics 3, 4 Math Club 3, 4 . . . lntramurals I, 2, 3, 4 . . . Gung·Ho . . . South Philly Extradite . • . Min ar czech.

JOHN L. MOORE 213 Spring Garden Street, 3-9" LO 7-7354 Saint Francis Xavier 1D, 2E, 38, 4A . . . Benilde Club 2, 4 . . . Crew 1, 2(l). ·3(L). 4(L) . . . lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 . ·.. Sophomore l . . . Tho Green bomb . . . Lifeguard?



312 Harrison Ave nue, Glenside f / TU 7-3243 Saint Lvlce IE, 2F, 3E, 4E . . . Blue and Gold . . . Football i .. Track 1 . . . Golf 3, 4( L) . . . lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 • • . Golf w ith Brothe r Adrian . . . McGinley's chauffeur . . . The Green Hornet.

JOSEPH R. MURPHY j / 7 Alden Park ManO<', 44 GE 8·86n Saint Bridget




IE, 2E, 3D, 4A . . Benilde Club 1, 2, 3 . . . Crew 2 ( Manager ) . . . Tennis 1, 4 . . . Swim· ming 4 . . . lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 . . . le Pauvre Joseph . . . Tha t's the secret of your great success .. . French Scholar.



5144 North Carlisle Street, 4 1 0 GL 5-2768 /"' Holy Child lA, 2A, 3D, 4A . . . Benilde Club 3 • . . Intra· murals 1 2, 3, 4 . . Honor Rol . . • Greene's Boswell . • . Walked to school.



421 Copley Road, Upper Darby MA 3·7519 Saint Cyril


5050 Wade Street, 44 VI 4-1545 Saint Francis of Assisi

1E, 2A, 3E, 4E • . • Scholastic Letter 1 . . . lntremurals 1, 2, 3, 4 . • . Nothing but right answers ... works slavishly . . . Reds.

lA, 2D, 3E, 4C . . . Dramatics 4 . . . Crew 1, 2, 3 . . . lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ..• ROD . . . Bishop . .. Flip for Shotg un.

404 Pennsylvania Avenue, Oreland TU 7-5252 Holy Martyrs 10, 2F, 3E, 4A . . . Band 1, 2, 3, 4 . . . Dance Band 1, 4 . . . Wind Ensemble 3, 4 . . . Choir 2, 3, 4 . . . Astronomy Club 1 . . . History Club 2, 3 . . . Benilde Club 3, 4 . . . Math Club 4 ... Joe 0 . . . Man, what tone!! •.. High E Flat.




8502 Andleigh Street, 18 CH 8-2265

4338 Malta Street, 24 cu 9-7607 Holy Innocents 1E, 2F, 3E, 4E . . . History Club 2 . . . Photog· raphy Club 4 . . • lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 Setting the Pace . . . Pa-Chay . . . Shouter.

64 Horsham Road, Hatboro 05 5-1751 Saint John Bosco 1F, 2A, JE, 4E . . . Scholastic letter 4 . . • Band 1, 2, 3, 4 . . . Math Club 3, 4 . . • lntr• murals 1, 2, 3, 4 . • . Member of the Hatboro Delegation . . . Cut three times . . . Mr. pinDOOOSH.




2427 East Some~t Street, 34 GA 6-7858 Mother of Divine Grace 1C, 2C, 3A, 4C . . . Benilde Club 2, 3 . . . Dramatics 3, 4 • . . Rambler Fan . . . Dr. Einstein . .. Broadway Plays.

9210 Alton Street, 15 OR 3-8025 Maternity Blessed VIrgin Mary 1B, 2D, 3C, 4C . . . Benilde Club 2 . . . Math Club 4 . . . Dramatics 3, 4 . • . Art Club 4 ••• Cross·Country 1 . . . Percy 1 . . . Greek scholar . .. Bead 24 . . . The Gypsie.

3346 North Hancock Street, 40 GA 5.0335 Saint Hugh IF, 2F, 3C, 4E . . . Art Club 1, 4 . . . Band 1, 2, 3 . . . Blue and Gold Dramatics 4 . . . Hlttory Club 2, 3 . . . lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 . .. Peter Williams . . . Conservative •.. Prodigal Son of B.!.G.

Our Mother of Consolation

1F, 28, 3E, 4C • . Art Club 1, 2 . . • Wisterian 2 . • • Track Manager 1 . lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 . . . Fidel Castro Fan Club . . . The Jockey •.. Esquire .. G. Ott Press.

~ ~-----




4925 Polaski Avenue, 44 OA 4-3677 Saint Michael of the Saints 1C. 2F, 3C, 4C . . . Math Club 3, 4 . • . Intra· mural& I, 2, 3, 4 . • . "Pflip" . . . Happy Hollow ••• never misses gym.

6645 Germantown Avenue, 19 Saint Madeline Suphic IF, 2A, 30, 4A . . . Student Council 2, 4 . . . Football 1, 2(l), 3(l), 4(L) ..• Basketball 1, 2, 4 . . . Track I, 2, 3(L), 4(L) . . . lntramurals I, 2, 3, 4 . . . most popular . • . West Virginia Flash

1756 Juniata Street, 40 GL 5-5830 Saint Ladis/aus IF, 2F, 3C, 4C . . . Band 1, '2, 3, 4 , , • Wind Ensemble 3, 4 . . . Dance Band 1, 2, 3, 4 . • . Astronomy Club 1 . . . History Club 2 • . • • • lntramurals I, 2, 3, 4 • , • Big Choir 2 Hank • "And take your chair with you," •. , Poto.

... "Furd."



2924 limekiln Pike, North Hills/ I . TU-6-6170 L/ Queen of Peace 1E, 2F, 3E, 4E , . . Blue and Gold . . . Trade 1 . . . Football 1, 2, 3(l) ... lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 . . . Hidden talent . . . Gentleman Jim . . . Old friend of Mr. Reimer.




l.f fj L£)

2128 South 15th Street FU 9-6992 Saint Monica 1F, 2A, 30, 40 . . . Scholastic letter Club 2 . . . Astronomy Club 1 . . . . . . Dramatics 3, 4 . . . Math Club 3 murals 1, 2, 3, 4 . . . V.W. Fan . . . the Moon ... Big Mike.

EUGENE F. QUIRK 11624 Banes Street j OR 3-5341

1 . . . Art Band 1, 2 . . . IntraAmbition-



~ Cj (

Saint Christopher

1B, 2E, 30, 4C . . . Band 1 . . . Wisterian 1 . . . Benilde Club 1 . . . fntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 . . . Corky . . . Debater . . . Eugl!ne. '



6313 North 7th Street, 26 ll 9-2052 Saint Helena 1B, 2E, 38, 4B . . . Basketball 3, 4( l) . . . lntramurals 1 2, 3, 4 . . . Defense against lynch . . . What tie, Brother? . . . All-Spats Club.

t~l JOSEPH F. REITANO 4120 North Reese Street BA 3-5824

Jf 0

Saint Henry

1A, 2C, 3E, 4A . . . Scholastic letter 1 . . . latin Had Great Debates with Mr. Moore Scholar ... Versteht Alles.



I 1.1/ }

327 Summit Avenue, Jenkintown TU 4-7521 Immaculate Conception 1 F, 2A, 3C, 40 . . . Physics Club 1 . . Band 1, 2, 3 . . . Tennis 1, 4 . . . fntramurafs 1, 2, 3, 4 •.. middle rider . . . Jose's friend . . . C.C.




7101 Chew Avenue, 19 CH 7-5018 Holy Cross lC, 2D, 3E, 4D . . . Benilde Club 1, 2, 3 Blue and Gold . . . Wistefian 2 . . . Crew 2, 3, 4(L) . . . lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 . . . Jay Rabb . . . V.W. . . . Honest Joe.

88 Woodland Drive, Warminster OS 5-0453 Nativity of Our Lord 1A, 2F, 3C, 4A . . . Astronomy Club 1 • . • Choir 3, 4 . . . Debating 3, 4 .•. History Club 2 . • • Math Club 3, 4 . • . Wisterian 2, 3, 4 . . • Cross Country 1, 2 ..• Crew 2, 3 . . . lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ••. Infallible in German Ill and Bocce . . • Hatboro Delegation ..• Warminster.




607 66th Avenue, 26 HA 4-6971 Saint Joseph 1A, 2C, 3D, 4A . Scholastic Letter 1 Astronomy Club 1 . . . Art Club 2, 3 History Club 2 . . . Tennis 1, 2, 3 . . . Intramural& 1 2, 3, 4 . . . Last POD . . . Pancho ..• 1 Como, Jose. /

4516 Mitchell Street, 2B IV 3·1429

5233 Oakland Street cu 8-1574 Saint Martin of Tours 1C, 2C, 38, 4C • . . 8enilde Club 1, 2, 3, 4 . . . History Club 2 . . . Math Club 3 Student Council 2, 3 . . . Track 1, 2 . . . Intra· murals 1, 2, 3, 4 . . . Where were you? brain ... with two t's.


6703 lansdowr.e Avenue, 31 GR 3-3911 Saint Ca//istus 10, 28, 3C, 48 . . . Wisterian (Circulation) 4 ••. lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 . . . Tony Thomas in 11ft field . .. Alfie's pipe . . . Walter Winchell.


Holy Family

1D, 2F, 3C, 4C . . . Scholastic Letter 1 . . . Dramatics 3 . . . lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 . . . Is dis da oversuzded machine? . . . Curls . . . H&H.





3414 Almond Street, 34 GA 3·5414 Saint Adalbert IC, 2A, 3E, 4E .•. Astronomy Club . . . Physia Club 2 . . . Math Club 3 . . lntramurals I, 2, 3, 4 . . . Tropical fish . . . cars • • . likes lucre.


lo I

2304 South Gilinger Road, lafayette Hill JA 9-0994 Saint Philip lA, 2E, 3A, 4B . . • Band I, 2, 3, 4 . . . Choir 3, 4 •. . Math Club 3, 4 • . . lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 . . . Sideburns . . . Where's your horn? . . . Great man on the desks.


ANGELO G. SGRO 2705 South 16th Street, 45 DE 4-3038 Saint Richard 1C, 2E, 3B, 4A . . . Band 1, 2, 3, 4 . . • Dance Band 3, 4 . . . lntramurals I, 2, 3, 4 •. . Conservative . . . Jazz Enthusiast.


i/ y

814 North Judson Street, 30 / ~ ' PO 5-4657 Saint Francis Xavier lA, 2B, 3B, 4E . . • Cross-Country 1, 2, 3, 4(l) . . . lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 . . . Slow Dodge . . . Races a Mack Truck • . . Expert on lincoln Drive.

WILLIAM SHARPE 2022 East Dauphin St~eet, 25 GA 6-7959 Saint Boniface 1 D, 2F, 3C, 4D . . . Scholastic Medal 1, 2, 3, 4 . . . Scholastic letter I, 2, 3, 4 ..• History Club 2 . . . Math Club 3, 4 . . . Bowling 3, 4(L) ..• lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 . . . Kensington-Kingpin . . . The Bus . . . Steam-roller of Knowled~v

KENNETH J. SLOVITSKY 441 Rupka Street, 28 / IV 2~154 Saint Josaphat IB, 2D, 3D, 4D . . . Benilde Club 3 . . . Intra· murals I, 2, 3, 4 ... Casey . .. Doyle's Bodyguard ... Roxborough Terror.



326 Hillside Avenue, Jenkintown TU 4-2316 Immaculate Conception 1C, 2E, 3A, 4A ..• Benilde Club 3 . .. Dramatics lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 . . . Who's going luJ) to Jenkintown? . . . Who's that number 14? I : . li»le " E".

283 Marlton Avenue, Camden EM 5-6865 Saint Joseph lF, 2C, 38, 4D . . . Band 1, 2, 3, 4 Dance Band 1, 2, 3, 4 . . . lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 . • . "Spags" . . . Camden Boy Spagnolia.



7925 Pickering Street, 50 HA 4-6791

6525 Walker Street, 35 DE 2-9884 Saint John Cant/us 1C, 2C, 3A, 4B . . . Scholastic letter 1 . . . Band 1, 2 . . . Dance Band 1, 2 . . . History Club 2 . . . Footbal l 3 . . . Cross Country 2 . . . Tennis 2 . . . lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 . , . Me and Buck . . . Honest John . . . lawrence Welk.

a ...

Saint Raymond

1A, 2B, 38, 48 . . . Footbal l 1, 2, 3(l), 4(l) • • . Benilde Club 1, 2, 3 . . . lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 . . . Converted QB . . . Skipper of the Bo.t ... Cabin H.


THOMAS J. SPICER 124 Robbins Avenue, Rockledge j/ Fl 2·2967 Saint Cecilia 1F. 2D, 3D, 4E . . • Band 1, 2, 3, 4 . . . Dance Band 3, 4 . . . All Catholic Band 3, 4 . . . Benilde Club 1, 2, 3 . . . Dramatics 3, 4 • . • Math Club 3 . . . lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 • . • "T.S." . . . "Where's Spicer's party?" ••. Krupian Talent.

h u~vo 1 8026 Hammond Road cA tll t.n OS 4-7275 I Saint James 1 E, 2F, 3C, 4D • . . Scholastic letter 1 . . . . , . History Club 2 . . . Math Club 3, 4 . . • lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 . . . "Silky" . . . 100 times, please ... Machunk. JAMES J. SULLIVAN

JAMES W . SUTTON <(; ). ~ ~ Delray Roed Sr, 1 ft> OR 3-1733 Saint Christopher JE, 20, 30, 4C . . Crew 2 . 1, 2, 3, 4 . Swimming 4 ... 8:46 Boy . . Wi ll ie.

. /nrramura/s Keystone Cop

1-- -



4872 Roosevelt Boulevard cu 8-4575 Saint Martin of Tours 1 E, 2E, 3D, 4C . • . Dramatics 3, 4 . . . Foot· ball 1 . . . Track 1 . . . Benilde Club 2, 3 . Blue and Gold . . . lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 Seen with S.T. . . . Rip . . . Turk.


CESAR A. TERRIENTES JR. 1335 Chinquarin Road Churchville El 7-1817 Our Lady of the Good Council 4D . . . Art Club 4 . . . South Ameri can Import . . Stamps and Coins . . . Renoir.




218 East Gorgas Lene, 19 GE 8·6525 Holy Cross 1D, 2F, 3C, 40 . . . Scholastic letter 1 . . . Mlth Club 3, 4 . . . History Club 2 . . . Cross Country 2 . . . Track 3 ( l ), 4( l) . . . lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 . . . Flash . . . Meriteer . • . With . .atest of ease.

3266 North New Kirk Street, 2') BA 5.0210 Corpus Christi IE, 20, 3C, 4E . . . Band 1, 2, 3, 4 . . . Intra· murals 1, 2, 3, 4 . . . Polo's pal . • . Baritone sax ... Mike.

2800 Hellerman Street, 49 MA 4· 1020 Saint Timothy 1 0, 2F, 3C, 40 . . . Scholastic Letter 2, 3 . • . History Club 2 . . lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 • • • Mayfair marvel . . . German expert . . . Cheu.



918 Griffith Street, 11 Fl 2-6638 Saint Cecilia II, 20, 30, 4C . . . Benilde Club 2 . . . Base· Mil 2, 3, 4 ( L) . . . In tram urals 1, 2, 3, 4 . . . Yogi Berra . . . Nails . . . Soon with T.S.

235 West Olney Avenue, 20 ll 9-7042 Saint Helena 1C, 20, 3E, 4E . Benilde Club 2 . . . Intra· murals 1, 2, 3, 4 . . . Schwarzwald Inn Fritz ... Pfht.

THOMAS J. TURNER 318 Ashboorne Road, 17 ME 5.0957 Saint James 10, 2B, 38, 4E . . lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 . . Tomtom . . Yankee fan . . . Fights the Prep.




418 Hoover Avenue, Ambler Ml 6-5481 Saint Anthony 10, 2E, 30, 4E • • . Wisterian 4 • . • Intramurals I, 2, 3, 4 ..• CYO • , . Jumpin' Joe . .. Science fiction .

1969 73rd Avenue, 38 ll 9·4090 Saint Athanasius 1F, 28, 38, 4A . . . Benilde Club 3 . . . Cross Country 1, 2 ( l ). 3( l ), 4( l ) . . . Track 1, 2( l ). 3 ( l ), 4 ( l ) . . . lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 • . • Pete and Clutch . . . Spunky ... Still water.





1 160 Sanger Street, 24 PI 3-5009 Saint Martin of Tours I 0, 20, 30, 4A . . Dramatics 3 Service Commillee 4 . lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 . . . Tex . . . Dangerous Dodge , .. Weeguard.

116 lindley Avenue, 41 DA 4-6489 Holy Child 2E, 3C, 4C . . . Bowling 2, 3(l), 4 (l) . . . Track 2 . . . lntramurals 2, 3, 4 . . , Whitey . . . Senor Moran's beSl student , , . "Get those books off my car."

..----.1.:-~_.)_ _ __

---..----- - - _ /


1939 Sparks Street, 41 WA 4·6965 Saint Benedict 18, 28, 38, 48 . . . Senilde Club 2 . . . IntrAmurals 1, 2, 3, 4 . . . Clutch . Summers at West ..• Sparks Street Special.


WHITE~-· p.. pt


127 Sharon Avenue;Sharon Hill Sharon Hill 0590-J Holy Spirit 1C, 2C, 38, 48 . . . Scholastic Medal 1, 3 • , , Dramatics 3, 4 . . . Math Club 3, 4 . . , History Club 2 . . . lntramura ls 1, 2, 3, 4 . . . Color blind . . . hemorrhoids in his exhaU$1 pipe , , , Witherspoon .

CHARLES WILLS 8403 Hull Drive, 18 AD 3-1147 Seven Dolors 18, 2F, 3C, 4C . . . Scholastic letter 1 . . . Dramatic 3, 4 . . . Art Club 2, 3, 4 . . . Intra路 murals 1, 2, 3, 4 . . . Meriteer . . . tha'a sayin' something ... c;hill.

STANLEY A. ZISK 1404 South 2nd Street, 47 DE 4-7448 Saint Stanislaus 18, 2A, 3A, 4D . . . Benilde Club 2 lntramurals 1 ,2, 3, 4 . . . last mon . . . dancer deluxe ... Stosh.


Junior English classes seem to be caught between the deep blue sea and the devil.

Last Row: T. Pagan, A. He lea, J. Montague, G. Murr, G. Wills, B. Bonner,

J. Park


Third Row: D. Maiden, l. Kelly, J. Mel hlnney, J. Walheim, G. Kierstead, C. Devlin, G. D'Ambrosio,

J .•Thomas Second Row: T. Krystkiewicz, J. Alta, J. Giblin, J. Kennedy, G. Casper, R. Bell, J. Wilson, M. Clark Front Row: J. Ryan, A. Meitner, E. Rosenquist, J. Wetzel, A. Kopecki, R. DiTullio, C. Mattia, J, Me· Donnell

Last Row: L. Wyszynski, M. O'Brien, J. Braun, F. Green, V. Flynn, J. Haughney, H. Stoebenau, R. Griffith, P. Bryne, J. Cattle, D. Givey Third Row: P. Kane, J. McVeigh, J. Gilligan, G. Clark, H. Harp, J. Littlefield, P. McGill, G. Ebbecke, F. Gausz, F. Warvolis, R. Lesniewski Second Row: J. Donahue, J. Gavaghan, W. Zodelko, J. Connor, A. Taggart, E. Castella, P. Yuzuk, K. O'Neill, M. Boyle ' Front Row: P. Rouse, S. Stryker, J. Devlin, J. Gallagher, T. Manning, W. london

Last Row: J. Ryan, J. Rohach, E. Brennan, C. Hopkins, W. Kaminski, J. Osborne, A. Sommer, Schwoeri, P. Beaty Third Row: J. Gallagher, J. Colantonio, J. Sullivan, W. O'Malley, G. lsajiw, J. Sommer, R. Tomei, T. Wilkin, B. Cehelyk Second Row: R. McGinley, J. McDonald, J. Bryne, J. Ormond, R. Stabilito, J. Holahann, J. Fanelli, V. Stango, C. Reichiwein Front Row: J. Brennan, R. leone, J. Breckenridge, J. Schaeffer, J. McCafferty, J. Taglianetti, G. McDevitt, l. Fondi

Last Row: V. Eschbach, M. J. Friel Third Row: T. Mullaney, S. Second Row: V. Voss, D. Bierman 路 Front Row: T. Bradshaw, T. Loftus

Carr, E. Campbell, W. Schenkel, W. Bukata, J. McGowan, J. Putz, J. Metthews, Keerney, J. Weidner, N. Breen, P. Miehle, W. Edwards, T. Adelman, W. Nerke Boyle, E. Lipski, E. Smith, E. Feeny, J. Motley, E. Jordan, D. Fanelle, V.

R. McCann, J. McCauley, D. Oonagy, T. Gibbons, T. Goscinak, R. Foley,

Last Row: J. Burt, D. Harron, R. Bozzell, F. Ostertag, F. Guzek, G. T. Rakowski, D. Cook Third Row: J. Mala, W. Dav1s, F. Pinto, P. Thomas, L. Doyle, F. Link, W. Maguire, C. Schmid, K. Moss, D. Parmer Second Row: R. Bunting, R. Shouldis, R. Jakaitis, l. Elliott, T. Hendrick, D. Adelsberger, F. Coli, J. Mullen, E. Delaney Front Row: E. Laska, W. Boscoe, H. Benz, J. Tomkiewicz, J. Kraemer, N. Welsh, M. Giorgione, R.


latin and geometry form the basis of a classical education at La Salle.

Last Row: E. Sirkowski, J. Turk, W. Molinari, A. Enoch, E. M. Rossanese Third Row: J. Casey, F. Daniel, T. Urbanski, E. Miller, A. Reneski, J. Lane, F. lang, J. O'Neill, M.

Beaty Second Row: W. Ratchford, C. McNamara, J. Fisher, D. Heyberger, J. Ratkovich, F. DeSantis, E. Houseman, M. Vergaro Front Row: F. Vogt, R. Blanch, J. D'arcy, E. Flood, A. leStorti, J. Brennan, A. Schwartz, D. Smith


last Row: J. Michel, J. Clark, J. Robinson, B. Kolodziej, L. Beccaria, W. Mitchell, J. Galbally, G. Smith Third Row: J. Peszko, R. Palmer, J. Smith, G. Verdon, J. Nickels, K. Williams, W. Foster, E. Vacca Second Row: l. Walsh, W. DeVasher, C. Matthews, F. DuVal, B. Graynor, J. Muller, C. Hartman, T. Welsh Front Row: W. Magarity, M. Cinquino, E. Swiacki, A. Engart, W. Norrett, T. McGoldrick, F. Wargocki, A. Urzi


Last Row: M. McGee, S. Lorek, J. Antczak, J Halas, F. Pirmann, D. Whelan, R. Taylor, F. Snow Third Row: M. Belcak, M. lenkowski, E. DaDura, D. Callahan, J. Wudarski, J. Dugan, E. McCloskey, J. Pazy Mino Second Row: T. Gallagher, B. Bartchelder, J. Burke, A. McGlynn, C. Armstrong, W. Devinney, T. long front Row: J. Daiutolo, V. Giunta, D. Moore, T. Christian, J. Ertel, D. lynch, R. Moser, P. Mychaluk

Last Row: J. Coli, F. Powels B. Gargiulo, J. McNulty, F. Sciolla, R. Schlink, R. Gallagher, J. Mcllhlnney


Third Row: L. Galzerano, M. Longstreth, J. Diehl, D. Triolo, P. Pie, J. Kenny, G. Lynch, T. Conner

Second Row: D. DiPiero, D. McCutcheon, J. Hammond, C. Hynek, E. Drach, W. Cronin, J. Suarez, A. Volpe Front Row: R. O'Brien, C. Collins, R. Frisario, R. Mergliano, S. Orlowski, M. Donahue, J. McKelvey, J. Noel


lunchtime and dismissal seem to be the most popular time of day for Freshmen.

Last Row: N. Piazzola, W. Mestalski, A. E. Bardy, J. Shwope Third Row: C. Wiedmann, M. Heaney, B. Kurek, G. Bonner, J. Comerford, J. O'Malley, R. Theis, W. Van Bushirk, G. Kinsch Second Row: ,J. Needham. F. Tragemann, J. Gont~of, M. McEvoy, R. Mandeville, E. Duffy, R. Tiedken, R. Gallagher, D. Enoch Front Row: R. Giels, F. Carroll, R. Jones, D.


Last Row: M. McNally, A. Ansert, D. Hawkesworth, G. Scioll a, G. Kyle, A. Meehan, G. Woodring, F. lec:h Third Row: L. Pawlowski, J. Kilduff, E. Gansz, T. Callahan, P. King, J. Boggi, R. Dufrasne, J. Carolus Second Row: J. Murray, J. Krause, J. Sommer, J. McCloskey, P. Burger, S. Sutton, M. DeMasi, G. Gallagher, E. Norrett Front Row: T. Mitchell, R. Walton, S. Hodgson, D. Manion, B. Pillion, P. Regan, J. Flad, A. Clark


Last Row: J. Golding, J. longshore, A. D'Angelo, R. Torreti, J. Mcfadden, J. McKee, J. Joyce, D. Yarosheski, C. Stevens Third Row: R. Feldman, T. Doyle, R. Carney, G. Marabella, D. Maguire, J. Wilson, P. Kuc, R. lawrence Second Row: l. Callan, E. Hilinski, F. Purcell, R. Mignatti, C. Schreader, J. Murphy, A. Pisoni, J. Noonan, W. Varchacoski front Row: P. McVeigh, W. Smith, W. Clark, J. Gaffney, f. Brad, J. Paulits, J. Sullivan, J. Deluca, J. Kolb


Last Row: J. Collstra, P. Conlow, J. Tomaselli, K. Karasklewicz, S. Garry Third Row: J. Dugan, W. Callie, J. Feeney, J. Markowski, D. Urbani, P. Nicoletti, J. Kenney, l. Radomile, P. Boyer Second Row: J. Whiteside, W. Stepek, J. Boland, J. Dempsey, T. Spielhoffer, T. Smith, V. Staniec, M. McElwee Front Row: P. Licata, R. Foster, R. Hemberger, T.

Last Row: A. Waltrich, P. Rothenheber, M. Dumsha, J. Kredatus, M. Piston, J. McMahon, J. Downey, J. Hatch Third Row: D. Gehring, G. Nemec, E. Mochkaitis, F. Staino, M. O'Malley, D. Johnson Second . Row: J. Holley, K. Manley, T. Tregemann, G. Gambone, N. lees, A. Pettinato, C. Mester, T. Hebling Front Row: J. Colantonio, J. Takach, W. Klank, H. Bay, T. McCloskey, R. Burns, M. Woods, D. Canty


Last Row: B. Daniel, D. Breen, J. Filinuk, M. Nolan, D. Blake,. D. Evans, C. Cummings, A. Murray, D. Quinlan Third Row: F. Phillips, W. Jenkins, J. Thompson, C. Gemmi, T. Lambinus, G. Scutti, J. Sharkey, R. Strong Second Row: J. Cunningham, F. Dougherty, J. McGill, T. Williams, E. Wyszynski, M. Heebner, R. Kobza, W. Cassidy, J. Maxwell Front Row路 J. Tillman, J. Burlnick, R. DeGroot, F. Sauerwald, J. O'Toole, T. Krimm, F. Trainer, J. Lawlor


Last Row: W. Parker, J. Blake, R. Cerui, J. Bannister, F. Heller, J. Mulligan, W. Dougherty, R. Burrell Third Row: W. Coogan, N. Bonanni, R. Sherno, J. Nickels, J. Kromdyk, G. McKnight, J. Keelan, J. Toczyd&lowski Second Row: J. Cunningham, M. Prxybycien, K. Carney, W. Michie, R. Yacobellis, J. Gordon, W. Kohlhepp, W. Weber Front Row: T. Gallagher, J. Burkle, 0. laRue, J. Piazu, M. Lewis, J. McAtee, R. Trout


New school and new suitcoats add to the attraction of open house.

STUDENT COUNCIL The responsibility of school government was capably undertaken this year by the Student Council under the expert moderation of Brother E. Adrian. This year the Student Council showed remarkable dexterity in adjusting to our new surroundings. Evidence of first class ability was manifested in their expert treatment of pep rallies and the successful school dances and proms held throughout the year. This competent group is composed of class representatives from each of the homerooms under the leadership of the officers elected by the student body. The officers of this year were John Flynn, president; Joseph Cattie, vice-president; and John Michel, secretary.





The b iggest and perhaps best known organization in the school is the band. Their colorful half time shows, rousing pep rallies, and holiday assemblies entertain throughout the school year. Participating in many activities outside of the school, like the St. Patrick's Day parade, the band culminates the musical year with the Spring Music Festival. The band was once again under the able direction of Mr. Reinhardt and moderation of Brother G. William. With various sections such as the wind ensemble and dance band, the band offers a world of cultural entertainment for the students of La Salle. sp~ng


WI STERIAN Under the invaluable guidance of moderator Brother David H1lary, the Wisterian appeared 10 times during the 1960-61 school year. La Salle's always eagerly awaited school paper thus continued its tradition of supplying the student body with late news, pertinent profiles, and stimulating editorial opinion. The editorial staff this year was composed of louis Balizet, first page; Alfred Mauriello, editorial page; David Givey, sports page; and Mark Clark, fourth page. The talent and experience embodied in these four were repeatedly made evident with each issue of the paper. Patrick Givey's droll cartoons added a welcome dose of humor to many issues; the masterful photography of Mr. Mike Maicher was all but indispensable to each number. liaison with the publications of other schools was efficiently handled by Circulation Editor Edward Anderson. Through the devoted efforts of moderator, editorial staff, associates and contributors, the Wisterian fulfilled most successfully its goal of making the student body more aware of what is going on in and around La Salle.

PHOTOGRAPHY CLUB A new and surprisingly popular organization, the Photography Club, has taken root in the extracurricular activities of La Salle and is promised a long future. With no moderation and using their own initiative some twenty members under the leadership of Joe larkm have pooled their combined knowledge for mutual improvement in this art and have received little or no acclaim. New facilities have graciously been provided by the faculty, and the much needed dark room was incessantly in use. Besides the innovations, new techniques in the use of the camera were widely discussed but always with an air of wit and pleasure.

CAPE AND SWORD Major difficulties in procuring such essential materials as curtains, backdrops, front hangers and lack of lighting facilities has compelled the Dramatics Club to cancel this year's semor play "Arsenic and Old lace." However, the Thespians did partake in Saint Basil's Academy production of "Tish" and in La Salle College's one act play contest in which they produced "The Valiant." As in the past, the club was under the direction of Mr. John Moore, and a new moderator Brother F. Azarias.

MATH CLUB The Mathematics Club, now in its fifth year at La Salle, is a charter member of Mu Alpha Theta, a national mathematics society. The purpose of this organization is to give the students an opportunity for presenting and discussing mathematical topics of interest; thereby, they can develop mathematical skills beyond those which can be obtained in the ordinary high school curriculum. In order to develop an atmosphere within the sphere of learning of each member the club is divided into a junior division ably moderated by Brother D. Edward and a senior division under Brother Felix John.

ART CLUB One of the bright spots around the new La Salle is the spacious art room. In its commodious quarters the Art Club remains one of the most active groups around school. Samples of its work can be found from the signs and decorations at pep rallies to Halloween paintings on store windows in Germantown. Under the skillful guidance of Brother William the Art Club has been able to produce numerous masterpieces which are displayed in the annual art exhibit held in the spring. The Art Club offers a chance to all La Salle students, both underclassmen and seniors, to display their artistic abilities or pick up some helpful hints to improve their own technique.

FORENSICS La Salle's Forensic Club, moderated by Brother Erasmus Francis, enables its members to develop more fully their ability to speak confidently and effectively. The many awards and trophtes which the club copped throughout the season testify that this goal was accomplished The club embraces the fields of debating, extemporaneous speaking oratorical declamation, and original oratory. Outstanding this year were seniors Alfred Mauriello who won first place in Reading Central Catholic's Extemporaneous Tournament, and Louis Balizet, the highest-ranking area debater at the St. Joseph College Debate Tournament; and sophomore Christopher Hartman, winner of first place in oratorical declamation in both La Salle College and Philadelphia Catholic Forensic League Final Tournaments. The continual interest and guidance demonstrated by its moderator and the developed ability of its members enabled the Forensic Club to enjoy one of its most successful seasons.


BLUE AND GOLD The 1961 Blue and Gold is the result of many months of preparation and planning which began last summer. The staff, working in close association with photographer Mike Maicher, has produced an annual worthy of the praise of the new La Salle. New features in this year's book include a sixteen page blue and gold duotone Introduction and conclusion, the swimmmg section, and more widespread coverage for all activities. This year's staff consisted of Dave Lewandowski and Pat Givey as co-editors with Phil Gallagher and Lou Balizet as managing editors and Joe Lalli and Joe Lynch as associated editors. This staff has tried to capture in pictures all the facets of our new campus and the achievements of all our students. In performing this task, they have constructed a yearbook which should bring to the mind of every student fond memories of our first year at the new La Salle.


The Benilde Club, an organization whose purposes are to further Catholic Action and to serve as a guidepost in an effort to aid each student to follow his true vocation, was founded at La Salle in 1948. Since then it has enjoyed enormous popularity; its success has been exemplified by the great number of form er students who are now serving God in the priesthood o r religious life. Brother David Albert, who has moderated the club since its inception, is largely responsible for its many accomplishments.


During the year the Library Aides under the direction of Mr. Carl von Nell have proved themselves invaluable to the student body of La Salle. Coming to the new school with the time consuming task of getting the books on the shelves, the aides readied the library for student use. The aides work with the librarian to help speed the cataloging and handling of books. Their vear is dotted with bi-weekly meetings in which all the p路roblems dealing with the smooth running of the library are discussed. At the first of these meetings, seniors Anthony Lucidi and Michael Corcoran were elected president and vice-president, respectively.

LEGION OF MARY Under the zealous efforts of Brother Azarias, a praesidium of the legion of Mary, the only official Catholic Action organization in Philadelphia, has been established at La Salle. The obiect of the legion of Mary is the sanctification of its members by prayer and active cooperation in the Church's work. During the course of one year, in addition to holding weekly praesidia, the Legion has fostered the foundation of a group of catechists at La Salle and has aided the Apostleship of the Sea in the distribution of Catholic literature to seamen stationed in the docks of Philadelphia. The numerous accomplishments of the legion in the short span during which it has existed at La Salle prognosticates future success.

ALUMNI The Alumni of la Salle College High School has successfully conducted many activities during the past year. This year's events included the alumni breakfast and the presentation of the Joseph Ball Memorial Trophy. The alumni has been under the expert guidance of Brother E. Joseph and President Mr. John Flannery and Vice-Presidents Mr. James McFarland and Mr. John Whelan.



MOTHERS' CLUB One of the most popular organizations on the new La Salle campus is the Mothers' Club moderated by Brother G. James. The activities, social and religious, were initiated with a Yuletide trip to New York. An innovation to this list of activities, a Saint Valentine's dance proved to be a highlight of the season. Religious affairs shared a part of the season with the annual retreat in March. With the coming of April, the mothers displayed their finesse for fashion, but June brought the apex of the social season with La Salle Night. Another successful year can be credited to all the mothers.




·- • • - ......

MEN OF LA SALLE The Men of La Salle, concluding its fourteenth year, has made great social and financial contributions to the school this past year. Besides conducting its Father and Son Banquet at the Four Chefs Restaurant and the Freshman Fathers' Night, the fathers' club initiated this year the Athletic Banquet for varsity lettermen and the Saint Valentine's Day Mixer. The dub has also contributed the new furniture to the school library. This year the leadership was under the capable direction of Mr. Frank Cavanaugh and Brother F. Joseph.

Where'dja park yah hoss, Tex?

PROMS In the past the senior prom has proven to be something which few seniors have forgotten. This year's prom, held on De<:ember 27, 1960, was no exception. The many months of preparation by the Student Council proved to be highly successful. The delightful evening was set in the exquisite Christmas setting of Whitemarsh Valley Country Club as more than 120 seniors and their lovely dates danced to the continuous music of Clarence Fuhrman and his orchestra. Adding to the Christmas mood of the prom were the parties, festivities and snow which gave the evening its finishing touches and did not end until all participants were filled with memories which would last for quite some time.

CROSS COUNTRY The La Salle harriers saw one of their most successful seasons. Led by Pete Volk, holder of five La Salle records, the La Salle runners were well represented in all seven Catholic league meets and finished in fourth place. Pete was assisted by teammates, Mike Gumrot, Jack Devlin, Steve Cook, Jack McDonald, and Jack Kennedy. The cross-country team also placed fourth in the Catholic Veterans' Meet and the Public School Invitation, and ended a season that reflected the able direction of their moderator and coach, Brother Frederick William. The acumen of the team reflected the hard work and effort that led to a not fruitless season.



For the fourth time in the last six years, La Salle has represented the Catholic League in the City Football Championship Game. For the third time La Salle has been successful. John (Tex) Flannery, capably assisted by Messrs . William Magee and Robert Vincent, agam molded "La Salle's Gentlemen" into a football dynasty. Injuries plagued the "Little Explorers" as All-Catholic nominees, Harry Heinzl and Jack McDonald, sat-out part of the season. The latter, however, still rece ived second-team All-Catholic honors. The season commenced optimistically with victories over Bishop Newmann, Cardinal Doug herty, and spirited St. Thomas More , which placed the La Salle eleven in f rst place to stay. A tie with powerful West Catholic and succe ssive victories over the remaining teams displayed La Salle's gridiron effrontery and posed a warning to all publ ic-league teams. In the twenty-fourth annual city football classic, La Salle expunged Frankford's Hopes with a convincing 24-0 score, reminiscent of the defeat handed to this same time in our first city-title game, 26-0. Vince Dennery and Tommy Crow each scored two touchdowns in the second and third quarters to clinch La Salle's third city-title. Vince Dennery, by his pertinacity on defense and all-around ability on offense was awarded the game's Most Valuable Player citation. Brothers D. Edward, G. James, and the managers spent long, tedious hours in the development of the team. This year's football team again exempl ified La Salle's spirit and sportsmanship- the ing redients for a championship.

F 0

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Freshman Bill Doi)gherly, future record breaker

SWIMMING The newest addition to the sports program at the new La Salle is our swimming team. Complete with their own pool, the team, coached by Mr. Michael DeAngelis and moderated by Brother E. James, proved they were no easy pushovers in their first year of competition after a lapse of six years. led by swimmer!> Chris Fisher and Pat Gavaghan, La Salle's mermen finished third in the Catholic League, losing only four out of twelve meets, and fifth in the National Catholic Championships. In the Catholic league Individual Championships, Chris Fisher placed first in the 50-yard freestyle, Pat Gavaghan finished second in both the 200-yard free style and 200-yard individual medley, and our 200-yard freestyle relay team also placed second. Other outstanding swimmers and their specialties were John Becher, freestyles; Bill Dougherty, 200yard free style; Terry Manning, backstroke; John Fisher, breaststroke; Frank DuVal, butterf ly, and Vic Meitner and Joe Crotty, diving.




BOWLING Coach Frank McFadden's keglers proved themselves an outstanding team and a definite threat for the Catholic League title this year. Holding first place, however, proved to be too much as they dropped to sixth place. Captain Walt Liss led Joe DiGregorio, Carmen landolo, Chris Maxwell, Bill Sharpe, and Ken White to a fine log. The promising JV bowlers were led by Joseph Smith and Ed Delaney with Bob O'Brien, Johnnie Gotkoff, John Noel, Charlie Collins, John Krouse and Fred Wessels filling out the roster. Although the team's final record was 14-23, good experience for the future was gained.

BASKETBALL If this year's coterie of "Tallest Explorers" are a harbinger of La Salle's future success, Mr. Obie O'Brien's future at the Palestra is guaranteed. Two returning veterans, co-captains Joe Cunnane and Joe Lynch, led a relatively inexperienced squad to a fine over-all record of 13 wins and only 7 losses. Riding a crest of 5 straight public league wins, the netmen commenced the Catholic league season on a pinnacle of optimism, and a slight note of pessimism. Roman Catholic, however, was not to be denied and the cagers reeled to their first loss of the season. A combination of bad weather and bad breaks found the Explorers with a dismal 3 and 5 log which was soon to be improved. Hustle was the password as La Salle defeated league-leader Saint Thomas More in overtime. For his tremendous play against the Bears, Joe Cunnane received the much coveted Markward Award. This upset gave the cagers the needed impetus, and Saint James, Roman Catholic and Saint Joseph's fell by the wayside. With the Palestra in sight, La Salle lost two crucial games to Judge and Dougherty, both by the margin of one point. The loss to the latter knocked La Salle right out of the playoffs, but a rebounding 57-56 win over North Catholic ended the season on a happy note. With the scoring of Jim Boyle, Joe lvnch, and Joe Cunnane, and the rebounding of George Laut and Jerry Marano, La Salle's final standing was third. Mr. Charles O'Brien exhibited remarkable skill and determination in our drive for the Palestra. With the addition of Mr. Hugh Brolly as JV and frosh coach, La Salle can now boast of being one of the best coached schools in the area. Our junior varsity had an equally impressive 9-6 record with Frank Gaidjunas, Ed Sirkowski, and Frank Gutekunst as our best scoring punch. The frosh "whistleballers" also displayed much promise. This combination of talent, hustle, and "never say die" attitude helped to keep La Salle in contention until the final game.


CREW The La Salle crew finished another fine season under the skilled coaching of Mr. George Hines and the helpful moderation of Brother G. Claude. Although the crew didn't gain enough points in its opening races to acquire the Flick Trophy, it went on to score heavily in the late season regattas and to make a proud showing for La Salle. Th1s years varsity eight was comprised of Bob Griffith, John Moore, Tom Emhof, Jay Robb, Joe Osborne, Frank Guzek, Reds Sirkowski, Jim Detwiler and faithful coxswain, John Becher. Other senior oarsmen this past year were Mark Davis, Chris Fisher, Pat Givey, and coxswain "Buck" Durney.


Mike makes mighty leap.

TRACK The 1961 La Salle cindermen, moderated by Brother F. William and coached this year by Mr. Robert Vincent, undertook the difficult task of defending their Catholic League Championship and their State Championship for Class B. Led by returning seniors AI Tervalon, Art Mackin, Pete Volk, Tom Crow, Mike Kane, Fred Poellnitz, Bill Cheney, and Ray Leary, the Explorers romped to victory in their first meet against St. James and Bishop Neuman, but placed second in their next two meets. The team bounced back, however, and placed many qualifiers in the Catholic League Championships. Many victories in the field events and relay races plus the outstanding performances of many underclassmen in the track events added much to the strength of the team.

Portrait of cencentrat~.

Just like Arnold Palmer


Brother Thomas's country club set, the golf team, again has left their mark on the Catholic league. With initial wins over St. Joseph and Cardinal Dougherty, the Duffers proved their determination to be one of the top teams in the league. led by junior Phil Byrne, seniors Chuck Brogley, Ron Hare, Mike Doyle and Dave Morin carried the incubus of La Salle's hopes. With the mastery of Brother Tomas the tee-men promised La Salle an unforgettable season.

( J ~ IJ

TENNIS La Salle's tennis team, moderated and coached by Mr. Edward Kelly, exhibited great potential this year. Singles artists Clark Hopkins, J1m Connor, Dave Givey, and Jack Breckenridge and doubles teams of Jon Walheim and Bud DeSantis and Pete Kane and Tom Loftus compi led a very commendable record. The JV proved its talent and should make a fine contribution to f uture squads. Since the entire varsity team will be returning to action next year, La Sa le is insured of another fine season.

BASEBALL Seven experienced seniors started for Mr. Magee's super nine. Steve Tragemann, Mike Gumrot, Mike Ginieczki, John Byrnes and Joe Crotty returned, and Ed Stranix and Lou Danas joined the team this season. Underclassmen predominated the mound, however, with Steve Kearney, Gerry Wills and Tom Welsh taking most of the pitching assignments. The Explorers, moderated by Brother Raymond, began their season with an auspicious record against non-league competition. Another fine year was produced for La Salle by a hard playing nine.

Pre-game tenseness.


\ OUR INITIATION . . . Brother Michael's famous dances . . . 1E over 1A in intramural football, 7-6 ... The Mauch Chunk Flash ... "You Can't Take It With You" ... La Salle 19, Roxborough 0.... Tumbling and astronomy with Brother Gabriel ... unearthly frog calls on the track at lunch lime . . . an olive drab suit riding in a VW ... Rock 'n Roll during typing. WISE FOOLS . . . Easter Bunny projects . . . "Ten Little Indians" . . . Brother Nicholas's poetic devices in exams . . . Catholic League baseball championship ... Brother Thomas's patience with 2B ... class on the grass . .. Who put the paper in the microscope? ... O'Bie and the Wis share silver anniversaries ... La Salle vs. PTC ... YA don't know!


TOPSY: PART THREE . . . Catholic League track championship . . . "George. Washington Slept Here" . . . breakfast in college caf . . . Student-Faculty basketball game . . . ABBs vs non-ABBs ... Faculty 21, 3C 20 in softball . . . Catholic League Crew Championship . . . Who stole the typing book? . . . Notre Dame Socials ... Bonner 6, La Salle 0. FINALE ... The world of Brother Anthony ... deer crossing ... SNOW ... La Salle 24, Frankford 0 ... Arsenic and no curtain ... that long, long hill ... Brother Gregory of Mary's reward . . . 4B 136, 4C 56 . . . bathing trunks in every locker .. . 1 2 book reports and 2 plays ... Brother Nazienzen's raffles . . . graduation parties . . . the sheepskin . . . moderator and dictator . . . vale for yesterday, ave for tomorrow


Albert Tervalon

William Cheney

In scholastic and extracurricular achievement, no one in the class of 1961 has accomplished more than Louis Balizet. Scholastically ~i the top of his class, Lou found time to channel his typical Gallic vigor into the Wisterian, the Forensics Club, and the Blue and Gold. From his covering of the first freshman football game through his assistant sports editorship in his sophomore year, lou proved that he could handle the editorial page management in his junior year and the first page direction as a senior. In three years his debating prowess has grown and enabled him to place third in this Catholic league's finals; to the yearbook he brought experience and judgment which earned him the managing editor post. A veritable beehive, Ballzet does relax occasionally with a book and a faint background of jazz. But more likely, Lou could be seen scurrying to an activity or hurrying home to work-all of which made Lou our finest scholar. Probably more than any other senior, Albert Tervalon embodied the ideal com· bination of scholar and ath lete. Al's academic success is attested to by every student, and · especially by those of who have had not infrequent recourse to his talents over a difficult mathematics or physics problem. He has been a member of the cross country team for four years, but it was in track that Al's star shined most brightly; a hurdler of recogn ized promise, he has been the scion of the Catholic league leapers for the past two years. AI is the type of person who can express hope of both winning an Olympic Gold Medal and becoming a theoretical physicist, without the slightest trace of braggadocio but with the calm assurance of one whose widespread abilities are matched by firm conviction and unshakeable personal strength. William Cheney, a stalwart of La Salle's championship football and track teams, has had the good fortune of being able to complement athletic achievement with scho astic success. Bill turned in an outstanding performance as offensive guard on the 1960 championship football team and finished second in the Catholic league in the shot put. On the academic side of the ledger, Bill has a s'holastic medal and • scholastic letter to his credit. An unobtrusive, quiet man, "Big Bill," as he is termed by his fellow students, never found occasion to vaunt his accomplishmantl; this admirable quality of his made him one of the most popular and well-liked 1961 graduates.

Louis Balizet

LASS OF 1961

John Flynn

W illiam Sharpe

If a selection were to be made among the 1961 graduates of the senior best known, both to his peers and the underclassmen, Jack Flynn would be the obvious choice. Jack's widespread recognition can be attributed to many factors, chief among which are his compatible personality and genuine concern for the success of La Salle's student body. That he was elected the first Student Council president for the new school is ample testimony to these traits of his; they served him well in his term of office. Jack inaugurated the use of the Wisterian to present his and the Council's views and comments on matters of interest to La Salle students. A fine student him路 self, ranking in the top ten of his class, Jack combined winning personality, deep interest in La Salle, and noteworthy academic achievement to produce a graduate of which his school is understandably proud. William Sharpe enjoys a distinction shared by none of his fellow graduates; in four years at La Salle, he has not missed the honor roll once. This exceptional record it a good index of Bill's scholastic excellence; he typifies the steady, continually effective student that La Salle is proud to produce. Bill's talents are by no means fully co~ltained in schoolbooks, however; if there were an award given at La Salle fOf the highest scorer in intramural basketball over a four year period, he would win it hands down. in the future, Bill is sure to apply his unusual acumen to all his endeavors. One of the most colorful athletes to appear on the scene at La Salle in many a year was Thomas Crow. His exploits on the football gridiron have thrilled thousands of spectators at the weekly autumnal contests; area coaches and sportswriters testified to Tom's prowess when they named him on the All-City football team after th& 1960 season. It was not only in fooball hat Tom excelled, however; a star 100, 220 and broadjump man ever since he was a freshman, it has been not at all unusual for him to take two firsts per meet. Tom was Student Council vice-president in hit junior year and class president as a senior, demonstrating the esteem in which he has been held by his fellow students. in his four years at La Salle, unassuming Tom Crow has been a most generous contributor to his school's athletic supremacy whil& earning the respect and admiration of his fellow students.

Thomas Crow


through . . . . . . .

THE 1961 BLUE AND GOLD EDITORS Patrick Givey David Lewandowski

MANAGING EDITORS Louis Balizet Philip Gallagher

ASSOCIATE EDITORS Joseph Lalli Joseph Lynch

STAFF Ed Anderson, Dennis Crow ley, Tom Devlin, Mike Ginieczki, Jack McDonald, Joe Mclaughlin, AI Mauriello, Bill Peters.

CONTRIBUTORS Mike Colucci, Mike Corcoran, Joe Cunnane, Carl DiJoseph, Jerry Laverty, Tony lucidi, Tom McGinley, Dave Morin, J im Pressler, Joe Robb, Bob Schmit1, To m Sutula .

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS T HE STAFF AND MOD ERATOR GRATEFULLY THANK: Mike Maicher, our photographer, whose craftsmanship and faithfulness are unexcelled; The La Salle Faculty, for its courteous help and cheerful assistance; Brother E. Froncis, principal , for h is t ireless cooperation ;

John Urian of Taylor Publishing Company fo r his helpful suggestions; Mr. Joseph Durenzi and Louise Crisci of Carl Wolf Studios for the superb photography a nd expert management of the senior portraits; Misses Celeste Wagner and Marianne Keenan , secretaries, for their excellent clerical services; Our patrons a nd the student body, whose cooperation remains unsurpassed.

HONORED PATRONS Mr. and Mrs. Carl L. Adelman Mr. and Mrs. Paul Adels berger Mr. and Mrs. William E. Aherne Mrs. John M. Anderson Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Balizet Mrs. George Barth Mr. Paul Bay Mr. and Mrs. Robert J . Bell Mr. and Mrs. Henry Benz Mr. and Mrs. Paul Biggans Mr. and Mrs. Jos路e ph Blanch Mr. and Mrs. Louis R. Bodo Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Bogdan Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F. Boscoe Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Boyle Jr. Mr. and Mrs. M. Boyle Mr. John Boyle Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Bozzell Mr. and Mrs. Joseph C. Braun Mr. and Mrs. Neil G. Breen Dr. and Mrs. J . E. Brennan Mr. Joseph Brennan Dr. and Mrs. Joseph Burke Mr. and Mrs. John F. Burt Mr. and Mrs. Philip J. Byrne Mr. and Mrs. Robert Campbell Mr. and Mrs. John L. Carlson Mr. and Mrs. James F. Casey Compliments of 1 A Compliments of a Friend Mr. and Mrs. John J. Crow Mr. Edward Joseph Da Dura Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Francis J . Davis Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Delanay Mr. and Mrs. Henry W . Deluca Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Devinney Bernard V. DiGiacomo , Esq. DiJoseph Family William F. Doran Sr. Max Eirich Alex W. Engart Miss Rose Fanning Mr. and Mrs. Arthur C. Faust Mr. and Mrs. Christian A. Fisher Jr. Mr. and Mrs. J . Raymond Fitzpatrick Mr. Edward Flanagan Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Foley Mr. and Mrs. William Foster Jr. H. J . Friel Mr. and Mrs. John Gallagher Dr. and Mrs. Robert J. Gallagher Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Gallo Vincent D. Galzerano Mr. and Mrs. John J. Garry Jr. Mr. and Mrs. John Gilligan Dr. and Mrs. C. Ginieczki Victor S. Gittens and Family Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Gosciniak Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Graynor Mr. and Mrs. Harry L. Haeberle Mr. and Mrs. Stanley J. Halas Mr. and Mrs. Norman Hare

Mr. and Mrs. Harry J. Harp Mrs. Katherine Heaney Mr. and Mrs . He ller Mr. and Mrs. Norbert J. Hipp Mr. Edward S. Hogan Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M. Holahan Mr. and Mrs. Fra nk J ankowski Mr. and Mrs. Edward E. Kelly Mr. and Mrs. Richard Kendrick Mr. and Mrs. Jose p h S. Kraemer Jr. Mr. and Mrs . J ose ph Kredatus Mr. and Mrs. John C. Larkin Sr. Mrs. I. Laverty Dr. and Mrs. John M. Lawlor Mr. and Mrs. J ose ph Leary Michael F. Lenkowski Mr. and Mrs. Stan ley Lewandow ski Mr. and Mrs. Paul W. Licata The Link Family Mr. and Mrs. E. Lipski Dr. a nd Mrs. Thomas M. Loftus Mrs. Joseph McCallaugh Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F. McDonald Thomas J . McGee Law rence J . McEvoy Mr. a nd Mrs. Patrick McGoldrick Rosemary Mackin Mr. and Mrs. Mahlon H. Manderville Dr. and Mrs. V. R. Manning Dan Maguire Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Mastalski Mrs. Maria R. Mata Mr. and Mrs. Alfred H. Mauriello Mr. and Mrs. William Maxwell Mr. and Mrs. Salvatore Mergliano Mr. and Mrs. Edwin G. Michie Mr. and Mrs. Aug ust H. Miehle Theophile J . Mignatti Mr. and Mrs. Russell L. Moore Dr. a nd Mrs. William J. Mulinari George M. Nemec Mr. and Mrs. George R. Noel Mr. and Mrs. J ames A. Nolen Jr. Mr. a nd Mrs. Charles Nutley Mr. and Mrs. T. O'Keefe Mrs. C. Joseph O'Malley Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Orkwiszewski Mr. and Mrs. Stan ley C. Orlowski Mr. and Mrs. William I. Parker Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley J . Perzanowski Mr. J o hn Peszko Mr. and Mrs. W illiam J. Peters Philip Plano Powals Family Dr. and Mrs. Michael P. Primiano Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Rakowski Mr. and Mrs. Donald G. Ratcliffe Mr. a nd Mrs. Paul A. Reilly Mr. J ose ph Reynolds Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Rider Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Riesch Dr. and Mrs. James J. Robinson Jr.

HONORED PATRONS Dr. and Mrs. Paul V. Rouse Mr. and Mrs. C. Schlink Mr. and Mrs Schneider Mr. and Mrs. John Seaner Mr. and Mrs. Wilham Sharpe Mr. and Mrs. John E. Shwope Mr. and Mrs. Clement M. Smith Mr. and Mrs Thomas W. Spicer Mr. and Mrs. Francis H. Sp ielhoffer Mr. and Mrs. Anthony J . Stanis Mr. J. B. B. Stryker Jr. Dr. John Taglianetti and Family Mr. and Mrs . Michael J. Thies Mrs. Albert H. Them Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph To mkiewicz Dr. and Mrs. E. R. Torreti Francis A. Trainei Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Turk

Mr. Edward F. Urbanski Mr. and Mrs. Rosario Urzi Mr. and Mrs. Pat Vitale Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Volk Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Wagner Joseph R. Wargo Dr. and Mrs. Frank Wargocki Mr. and Mrs. John E. Walsh Jr. Mr. and Mrs . Robert E. Walton Mr. and Mrs. James A. Welsh The Whiteside Family Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wieners Mr. Joseph Williams Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Williams Karl A. Williams Francis C. Woodring and Family Mrs. Mary Yacobell is

SOCIAL PATRONS Mr. and Mrs. Roger Agin Anthony Aita Mr. and Mrs Arthur J . Ansert Mr. and Mrs Harry T. Bauerle , J r. The Bealles Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Blake Dr. and Mrs. Francis B. Boland Mrs. C. Bonanni Judge and Mrs. Eugene G . Bonniwell Mr. and Mrs H. 0. Boyer Dr. and Mrs. R. L. Breckenridge John M. Breen, Realtor Neil and David Breen Joseph J. Brennan Mr. and Mrs. Carl Brayer Mr. and Mrs. Sam Vel Bunting Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Burger Miss Loretta M. Burger Mr. and Mrs. Frank X. Bevens Mr. Ronald Burrell Mr. and Mrs. Edqar Button Mr. and Mrs. Frank W. Butterworth II B. E. F. L. Buttonwood Mr. and Mrs. Th omas J. Callahan Mrs. T. D. Callaghan Hugh Joseph Carney Mr. and Mrs. Edward Perry Carr Mrs. A. C. Cassidy Dr. and Mrs. William J . Cassidy Mrs. Henry F. Cattie Mrs. William J. Cattie Sr. Central-Penn National Bank Mr. Ralph Cerasi Mario A. Cinquino Clyde B. Chaugh Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Coffey Mr. and Mrs. James Comerford Compliments of a friend Mrs. Margaret T Cook Mrs. Marian Coyle

Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence F. Cunningham Rita Daintolo Mr. and Mrs. Albert J. Danas The D'Arcy Family Mr. and Mrs. John A. Dempsey Henry T. Detwiler Mr. Charles F. Devlin Jr. Thomas E. Devlin Frank De Marco Margaret Mary Dinan Catherine E. DiTullio Mr. and Mrs. Joseph H. Donahue Mrs. Frances M. Dougherty W. E. Dougherty Doyle Family Rev. Vincent J . Dolye Mr. and Mrs. Charles Durney Dr. and Mrs. R. T. Dugrasne Mrs. Edward Duffy Miss S. P. Dunleavy Mr. T. E. DuVal Mr. and Mrs. William J. Ebbecke Sr. Bill Ebbecke Jr. '59 Mr. Fred J. Ertel The Eschbach Family Mr. Frank Gaidjunas Mrs. Ruth Gaidjunas Patricia Gallagher Dr. James Galbally Mr. and Mrs. John P. Gambone Dr. and Mrs. Edward A. Garguilo Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Gillespie Gillespie Funeral Home Mr. and Mrs. William A. Givey Mr. and Mrs. John Gordon John Gordon '64-Donald Gordon '6 1 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Gorman Mr. Walter C. Gozdan Mr. and Mrs. Harry Griffith Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Gumrot

SOCIAL PATRONS Mr. and Mrs. Frank Guzek Mrs. J. Ferguson Mr. and Mrs. Edward Flood Mrs. David Flood A fri e nd Mr. and Mrs. J . Austin Hatch Mrs. Charles L. Haub Mr. and Mrs. Norman 0. Hawkesworth Rev. John M. Healy U. F. Hearhe, Real Estate Mr. and Mrs. John L. Hebling Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Heyberger Mr. and Mrs. Edward Hilinski Mr. and Mrs. Clark Hodgson Henry A. Hoffman and Family Dr. John A. Hogan Hugh and Kay's Hair Stylist Walt Jenkins Dan Kane Mr. and Mrs. John J. Kelly Mr. and Mrs . D. Kolodziej Mr. Ernest Kopecki Mrs. E. Kopka Mr. and Mrs. Victor Kozub Paul Kolodchak Kromdyk Family John J. Krystkiewicz Mr. and Mrs. Michael Lalli Edward J. Laska Mr. and Mrs. Joseph S. Laut Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lech Mrs. Frank Lech Leis and Leis, Real Estate Mr. John Lesniewski Mrs. Lottie Lesniewski Paul Wm. Licata Mr. and Mrs. Walter C. Liss Little Shappo Miss Antoinette Tong Mr. Joseph Longshore Mr. and Mrs. S. Lorek Mrs. Thomas J. Lynch Sr. Thomas J. Lynch Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. McAtee Alma McCafferty Mr. and Mrs. Edmund J. McCloskey Mr. and Mrs. John McCloskey Kathryn M. McCoy Mr. and Mrs. Cornelius F. McFadden Katharine McFadden Manus J. McGettigan Mr. and Mrs. William L. McGlaughlin Albert J . McGlynn John Joseph McGowan John Patrick McGowan Mr. and Mrs. Thomas McKinney John B. McNally, M.D. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. McNulty Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. McNamara Gearge McNamara Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F. McVeigh Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mackenzie

Daniel J. Madde n Mike Maicher, Photographer Rev. Vito J . Martusevich, D.O. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert C. Ma thews Mr. and Mrs . Carmen J. Mattia Mr. and Mrs . J oseph W. Maxwell Mr. and Mrs. Willia m A. May Mr. Charles H. Mester Mr. and Mrs. John Michel James R. Morrison The Mose r Family Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Mullaney Christine G. Muller Mr. Jo hn Murphy Owen L. Murray Mr. and Mrs. Owen L. Murray Mr. and Mrs. William Marrett Mr. and Mrs. Herman Nyvelt Herb O'Hara Service Station Mr. and Mrs. Joseph O'Neill Miss Eleanor S. Orme Mr. and Mrs. William L. O'Shea The Pag an Family Mr. and Mrs. Samual Paolella Mr. and Mrs . Leonard Parlowski Ph ilad e lphia Rudder Club Mr. a nd Mrs. P. E. Piazza Fred Picarelli Edna M. Picone Mr. and Mrs. John J. Pie' Mr. and Mrs. Fred L. Pirmann Mr. and Mrs. Henry Potoczny Mr. and Mrs. Wilson J. Prathey Ranell Costumes Dr. a nd Mrs. William B. Ratchfo rd Mr. John J . Regan William S. Reilly Joseph Reitano Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Reneski James Riccia rdi A. A. Robinson Rutkowski Family Mr. a nd Mrs. John E. Ryan Mr. and Mrs. Martin Rydzi k Mr. and Mrs. William Sauerwald Mr. and Mrs. louis Schaal Dr. and Mrs. Charles J. Sch reader Mr. and Mrs. Cerl J. Schwab Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sciolla, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Sharkey Mr. and Mrs. John Sharkey Mrs. Clara Slovitsky and Family Mr. and Mrs. John J. Smith Mrs. Joseph Smith Somerville Club John Sore nson '40 In Memory of William Sorenson '42 In Memory of Max J. Sorenson '44 Capt. Robe rt J. Sorenson '46 Thomas J . Sorenson '48 Richard Sorenson '62 Mr. a nd Mrs. Thomas Spagnola

James J. Spillane Victor 0. Stango M. D. Mrs. Cora F. Stearns Stella H. Stranix Mr. and Mrs. Adam J. Strong Mr. and Mrs. James C. Su llivan Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Sullivan Sunken Gardens Inc. Edmund F. Swiacki Dr. and Mrs. R. Szczurowski Mr. Fred Thies Mr. and Mrs. John 0. Thomas Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Tu rner Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Tomei Mrs. C. L. Tibbals Congressman Herman Toll Triangle Home Sales Inc. Mr. and Mrs. G. V. Purcell Mr. and Mrs. G. Ralph Tiedeke n Fred Tragemann

Jim Tollman Jr. Mr. and Mrs. John Toezydlowski Mr. and Mrs. Edward The riault Mrs. August Tusi Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. Tragemann Mr. and Mrs. Albert Villo Mr. and Mrs. John G. Voran Wadsworth Ave. Business Association Mr. and Mrs. J. Waugh Mr. and Mrs . Adolph A. Weigand Mr. and Mrs. John T. Welsh The Whelan Family Mrs. Margaret Whelan Mr. and Mrs. Charles Weidmann Charles J. Wil ls Paul Wisham, Cedarbrook C.C. Pro Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Woohead Mr. and Mrs. John Wudarski Dr. and Mrs. W. P. Wysz

HONORED BUSINESS PATRONS Abington Luncheonette 1878 Horace Avenue

Corcoran's Grocery 201 East Wishart Street

Mr. James J. Ahern, Co. Elkins Park, Pa.

Dale's Norwood Diner 620 Chester Pike

Mr. John J. Antczak 6270 Gillespie St.

Silvio D'Ambrosio, General Contractor 1900 Hoffenagle Street

Compliments of John W. Armstrong and Co. Real Estate

D'Angelo Brothers, Inc. 68 East Bringhurst Street

M. Bantivoglio's Sons, Inc. 261-263 Division Street, Camden

Frank V. Daniel, Builder 345 Cedar Road, Elkins Park, Pa.

Bardy's Food Market 2643 Frankford Avenue

D'Auria Manufacturing Company Beulan Road, New Britain, Pa.

Howard N. Becheo, Florist 4644 N. 5th Street

Raymond DeMasi 5143 Wakefield Street

Beneficial Saving Fund 1 200 Chestnut Street

D and K Industries, Inc. Box #25, Hatboro, Pa.

Brynes Chevrolet Company 140 Old York Road

Duban's Auto Sales 6800 Frankford Avenue

Chadmoore Formal Wear 1605 Moore Street

Tom Dunphy, Realty 5491 Oakland Street

Circle Service Air Conditioning Co. 3311 North 13th Street

Eisenberg and O'Hara, Inc. 1307 Market Street

Comprehensive Designers, Inc 1518 Walnut Street

Enoch Brothers, Paints 3012 Frankford Avenue

A. P. and J. A. Connor Public Ledger Building

Rocco Fanelle's Sons 217 Line Street

Ford Kendig Co. 1428 Callowhill Street

McGill Associates, Wines and Liquors 7816 Roanoke Street

Gallagher's Mobil Service Station Knights and Fairdale Roads

John J. Mcllhinney, Real Estate 3010 Mt. Carmel Avenue, North Hills, Pa.

Glenside Beverage Co. 442 North Easton Road

McKnight Steel and Tube Co 4435 North American Street

Harris J. Koberle, Distribution Mgr. Marchant Calculators

McSherry .Real Estate 7501 Castor Avenue at Shelmire

Hemberger Bros., Fuel Oil Co. 7th and Ruscomb Streets

John F. Maguire, Realtor 5111 Frankford Avenue

HIMC Credit Corporation 6148 limekiln Pike

Marchione Electric 1081 Easton Road, Roslyn

Hi Sport Lanes Hermit and Pechin Streets

Mayfair House Lincoln Drive at Johnson

Jolly Tots Day Nursery 615 Belmont Ave., Southhampton

John Meehan and Son Krewstown Road

Kearney Construction Company 7996 Rockwell Avenue

A. V. Meitner, Real Estate 5546 Ridge Avenue

Mr. and Mrs. John H. Keelan 941 Woodcrest Road, Abington

Mitchell and Ness 131 2 Arch Street

John F. Kenney and Co. 3240 Fox Street

Modern Mailers Inc. 3304 Arch Street

Edward Kohlhepp, Electrical Contractor 6th and Cumberland Streets

Mount Vernon Hotel 124 E. Lotus Road, Wildwood Crest, N. J.

Kramer Air Conditioning Associates, Inc. 1314 West Glenwood Avenue

John J. Noonan 115 East Chelten Avenue

Lavelle Aircraft Corporation Newtown, Penna.

Northern Auto Parts 8125 Frankford Ave., 2023 Orthodox Street

Robert Lawrence Sr., James Bookhamer 1617 Foulkrod Street

O'Reilly and White Inc. Narbeth, Penna.

A. Lucidi Iron Works 2829 East Monmouth Street

D. G. Quinlan and Company National Bank Building, Ambler

C. J. Luding Transportation Co.

6350 Germantown Avenue

Rittenhouse Lumber and Millwork Company Erdenheim, Penna.

Lumber Service Company Filbert Street and 38th

F. J. Robb, Tax Service 1417 West Allegheny Avenue

Mary Lewis Camera Shop 5809 Germantown Avenue

M. Robertson and Son, Florist 625 Bethlehem Pike

Linton's 1310 Wallace Street

J. J. Flynn and Son, Funeral Directors 2504 West Lehigh Avenue

Edward McGee Funeral Home, Class of '46 300 West Cheltenham Avenue

Schwarzwald Inn 194 West Olney Avenue

Gus Schwartz, Music 2930 Guilford Street

James Sutton Sr. 829 Delroy Street

Wm. A. H. Shaeffer's Sons, Electrical Contractors

Susan Pharmacy 8014 York Road, Elkins Park

Burton C. Simon Savings and Loan Assn. 2009 West Passyunk Avenue

Louis Tomasell i 3252 Ryan Avenue

W. F. Smith, Inc. 531 0 State Road

Transamerican Freight Lines 5001 Umbria Street

Spatola, Anderson, Inc. Delaware Av~nu~ at Mifflin Street

V irnelson Bakeries Hutchinson and Thompson Streets

Ben and Helen Stasik 2626 Almond Street

Frederick G. Vogt, Plumbing and Heating 2009 Hartel Street

Joseph B. Sullivan Electrical Contractor

Warner, Jennings, Mander, and Longstreth 121 South Broad Street

Zitner's, Pace and Barra, W holesale Candy 2957 North 22nd Street

SOCIAL BUSINESS PATRONS Ashford and Thomas, Inc. Realtors 9821 Bust leton Avenue

Casa Conti Restaurant, Inc. Glenside, Pa.

Atlas Basket Company

James A. Cassidy, Realtor, Insurance 42 East Butler Avenue, Ambler, Pa.

Avenue Real Estate 1653 Mt. Ephraim Avenue, Camden Battin and Lunger Pharmacy 703 Bethlehem Pike Baxter Rug and Carpet Cleaning 2913 North Second Street Margaret E. Bittle 4146 Pechin Street Boss's Barber Shop 6641 Lebanon Street Frank Bittner's Esso Service 8705 Germantown Avenue Bredenbecks Pastries 7364 Frankford Avenue Bucks County Fuel Oil Co. Warrington, Penna. Bud's Auto Repair Church Road, Elkins Park, Pa. Campbell's Moving and Storage 2115 West Tioga Street

Century Door Co. 34 Glenside Avenue, Wyncote, Pa. Cesaro and Gatter Fuel Oil 6021 Rising Sun Avenue Charles H. Chew and Sons 2125 Christian Street Raymond F. Chmielewski, Realtor 5234 Torresdale Avenue Chmiel's Tavern 2617 East Westmoreland Street The Chuckwayon Elkins Park, Penna. Clearfield Federal Savings and Loan 7149-51 Frankford Avenue Cushman P.B.X. and Receptionist School 1420 Walnut Street James H. Cute and Sons Jamestown and Cresson Streets John Deluca 2429 Brown Street

Thomas DIGiacomo 1635 South Bancroft Street

Kimmel Pharmacy 72nd and Andrews Avenue

Dilorenzo's Pharmacy Corwood and Washington Sts., Bristol

Walter J. Kropp, Pharmacist 2613 East Allegheny Avenue

Doak's Atlantic Station 5th Street and Godfrey Avenue

George R. Kulp 7400 Frankford Avenue

Elvira's Flower Shop FU 9-8331

larry's lunch Service 2969 North Taylor Street

Faulkner Oldsmobile 1546 Cottman Street

La Rue's Variety Shop l 223 Cottman Avenue

Fitzpatrick Funeral Home 425 lyceum Avenue

lena's Flower Shop 248 South Street

Fleming Motors Inc. 601 E. Hector St., Conshohocken, Pa.

Henry S. lippincott, Inc. 8513 Germantown Avenue

Russel J. Foster Metropolitan Insurance Consultant

Madonna's Tuxedos 813 South lOth Street

Frankford Dairies and Co. 5817 Walker Street

Ray McGowen Ford Agency lancaster Av. and Church Rd., Admore

A. C. Frattone 51 S. York Road, Hatboro, Pa.

The Murray-Go-Round 132 West Chelten Avenue

Gaffney's Cold Cuts 382 Edmonds Ave., Drexel Hill, Pa.

Lefty Nolan's Tavern 6363 Old York Road

Gene's Restaurant Roosevelt Boulevard

Pat's Barber Shop 1456 Bethlehen Pike, Flourtown, Pa.

loren Graves, Electrical Contractor 7207 Forrest Avenue

Jerry Pellegrini Jr. Registered Plumbing & Heating Contractor

Antanietto Geienta 2401 West Elkhart Street Heim's Market 4625 Princeton Avenue Frank Hills 617 Cedar Avenue Howard Lumber and Millwork 1725 North Howard Street Frank Jacquinto 6108 Germantown Avenue Joseph and Mary Beauty Salon 5425 North Fifth Street Kelly Associates, Inc. Public Relations Kenrich Club 3019 F. Street

Pine's Hairstyling 902 Godfrey Ave.-5081 Whitaker Ave. Joseph Przybycien l 06 Grape Street Mr. David J. Regan 8712 Frankford Avenue Jacob F. Reuti, Undertakers 8413 Germantown Avenue Robertson's Flower Shop George Robertson & Sons Inc., Florists 8501 Germantown Avenue Rock's Cold Cuts 128 Huntingdon Pike, Rockledge, Pa. Mr. and Mrs. leslie E. Schmalbach 8311 Crittenden St.

Leo J. Sammar, Realtor 6000 Germantown Avenue

Town Pharmacy, Inc. York & Davisville Rds., Willow Grove

Spangler Pharmacy 6102 Germantown Avenue

Volpe's Market 350 West Queen Lane

Anthony P. Stefanowicz, Realtor 4349 Main Street

John Wackerman Roofing and Spouting

R. L. Scott Co. Robbins and Rockledge Avenues

A. Wagner and Son, Cement Contractors Trevose, Penna.

Street Lanes Street Road, Feasterville, Pa.

Weaver's Poultry Lancaster County Farmer's Market

Louis Swift Plunket Funera l Home 6600 Ogontz Avenue

William's Barber Shop 1918 East Washington Lane

M. A. Taylor Sales Co. 233 North 13th Street

' William's Beauty Salon 911 East Cayuga Street

Theresa's Card and Gift Shop 2609 East Allegheny Avenue

Henry J. Wyszynski, Real Estate 5413 Torresdale Avenue

Dr. and Mrs. John J. Tillger 416 West Duncannon Avenue

Fred Zarrolim, Tailor Limekiln Pike and Washington Lane

H. Toub and Sons 532 South Street

Mr. Stanley A. Zisk 1404 South 2nd Street

BUSINESS BOOSTERS A to Z Storm Window Co. 7 400 Frankford Avenue

Becl4's Gulf Service Bethlehem and Butler Pikes, Ambler

Abie's Luncheonette 1237 North 16th Street

Robert Barry Salons, Inc. 106 Old York Road, Jenkintown

AI and Lu's Market Holme and Ashton Streets

Martin Beitchner

Alexander's Barber Shop 2620 Rhawn Street Alpimo's Restaurant 5033 Torresdale Avenue Ambler Market Co. Bethlehem Pike, Ambler Alfred Bai, Grocer 3446 Edgemont Street Barton Pharmacy A and Wyom ing Avenue

Ben's Barber Shop 1Oth and Somerville Avenue Bernat's Sincia i r Station 7007 Limekiln Pike Best's Barber Shop 6717 Ogontz Avenue Bill's Newsstand 72nd and Ogontz Blair Printing Company Willow Grove, Penna. Mr. E. Blasko 595 East Carver Street

Bea's Delicatessen 2606 Deacon Street

Bofinger Bros., Plumbing and Heating 4509 Salmon Street

Bean's Atlantic Station Lincoln Drive and Mount Pleasant

Mr. and Mrs. Boral King's Avenue, Cornwallis Hts.

Borden Realty Company 702 Market Street, Camden

Rita Coyne Dress Shop 8483 Germantown Avenue

Cecelia Boris 305 Caison Street

Crane's Hardware Bethlehem Pike, Ambler

Brach's Card Shop 1743 West Hunting Park Avenue

Crispo Chestnut Hill Stone Quarry 800 Ivy Hill Road

Mrs. Joseph Brad 1938 West Bristol Pike

Joseph Daivtolo 2808 North 24th Street

Joseph N. Brad 4937 North Broad Street

Danas BaHery Exchange

Breadencake Bakery

Danco Supply Plumbing and Heating

Brunnor and Sweeten Inc. 7307 Oxford Avenue

The D'Arcy Observatory 3307 Oadmont Street

Mr. and Mrs. Charles "Red" Burns 2850 North 6th Street

Mr. and Mrs. Jefferson Davis 208 Monroe Street

Mrs. Vincent J. Burns 4166 Ridge Avenue

Del Val Ink and Color Inc. Pennsauken, N.J.

David. Capece, Cement Contractor 689 Summit Avenue

Mr. and Mrs. John A. Dempsey

Jack Cardlan 3227 North Marston Street William Carvolth Box #174, Hatfield, Pa. Casa Conti Restaurant Glenside, Pa. Joseph Caterena Tailor 1218 Cottman Avenue Catherine's Soda Fountain 898 Anchor Street Frank M. Cipriano, Painter 646 West cambria Street Compliments of Class 1C Compliments of Class 2C

Raymond DeMasi 5143 Wadefield Street Diamond Supermarket 8036 Old York Road, Elkins Park Di Lacqua Beauty Salon 1529 Courtland Street Di Pastori, Cleaners Germantown Avenue and Logan Street Di Tullio Beauty Salon 469 L:yceum Dobbins Rug Cleaning Co. 8219 Germantown Avenue Tom Donofry 7901 Queen Street W. J. Dougherty 11 06 Cloven nook Rd., Cornwells Heights

Compliments of a friend of 4D Compliments of a friend

Walter A. Dwyer Inc. q71 0 Prospect Avenue

Sam Colisto, Auto Repair 8217 Stenion Avenue

Ed's Food Market 4155 Robbins Avenue

Connor Real Estate 947 Old York Road, Jenkintown

Edco Formen and Boys 4437 Frankford Avenue

Coppola, Arcara Real Estate 12 East Glenside Avenue

George H. Eisenhardt Mobil Gas Station 7728 Ridge Avenue

Elkins Park Barber Shop O ld York Road

Charles lngelsby, Realtor Bywood, Upper Darby

Roy F. Elliott, Flowers 409 West Tabor Road

lzzy's Food Market Battersby and Hellerman Streets

Mrs. Mary Eochard 6248 Charles Avenue

Jos. H. Jeitner Screw Machine Products Co. 3944 Richmond Street

Faherty's Shoes 663 2nd Street Pike, Southampton

Joe's Barber Shop 4636 N. Mascher Street

Fisher's Restaurant West Chester Pike and Sproul Rd.

Joe's Coinamatic Laundry 433 West Chew Avenue

Flanagan's Bar 1 North 13th Street

Joe's Esso Station Warrington, Penna.

Carl Fleichman 8035 Bustleton Avenue

John's Market, Fine Meats and Groceries 1827 West Cayuga Street

A Friend

G. A. Kaeppler and Son, Cemetery Memorials 2540 West Cheltenham Avenue

Gable Hardware, Inc. 6837-39 Germantown Avenue

Kalinoski's Bar Shur's Lane and Pechin Street

Mrs. Catherine P. Gallagher Gem Associates 703 South Hutchir:son Street

Mary Kelly's Candy Store 1835 West Cayuga Street

The Gentlemen of 4E

Kent's Dry Cleaners 183 Bustleton Avenue

Germantown Wallpaper Company 4200 Germantown Avenue

Koehler and Sons Lincoln and Taunus, Hatboro

Peter G. Germs, Funeral Home 5th and Cheltenham Avenue

W. F. Kromdyk

Phillip Giunta

Laky's Restaurant Stenton Avenue and Durham Street

Gonzales Buck Hotel

Lantern Electric Co., Contractors 2908 North 7th Street

Goodfriend and Kent, Inc. 5100 Germantown Avenue

Donald La Rue 1223 Cottman Avenue

Gordon Lane 7837 Williams Avenue

Lindenwald Tailorsr Cleaners 232 Lindenwald Avenue

Gravina's Pizzeria 2122 East Haines Street Gregory Beer Distributors 1415 Bethlehem Pike

Leone's Delicatessen 8308 .Bustleton Avenue M. Levinson, Phg. 5200 North 15th Street

Hamilton Bar Supply

Linn Cleaners 21 00 South 15th Street

Mr. Charles Haub 1500 Englewood Avenue

Long Acres Pou Itry Lancaster County Farmer's Market

Ben R. Hilborn and Company 706 Oak Lane Avenue

Mr. and Mrs. John Lyszkiewicz 208 Moore Street

Richard C. McElhinney, Watchmaker 7163 Germantown Avenue

The Murphy Funera l Home 3830 North Broad Street

Donald McGill, Furniture and Decorating 8029 Ridge Avenue

Peter F. Murphy Co. 3439 Hutchenson Street

Stephen A. McGlone, Funeral Home 3835 North Broad Street

Murrey's Candy Store 266 West Godfrey Avenue

Albert J. McGlynn 4033 Comly Street

Maurice N. Tate, The Apothecary Shop 7134 Germantown Avenue

John McSederry Service Station Yord Road and Church Road

Nicholas Hairstyling 6915 Germantown Avenue

Mrs. Florence McKinney 60 Morningside Road, Ocean City James McStay, Plumbing and Heating 5837 North Camac Street Maiden's Sport Shop 6115 Ridge Avenue The Mardi Gras Restaurant 8354 Bustleton Avenue Mary's Beauty Salon Battersby and McKinley Streets C. H. Masland, Joseph Nickels

1112 Chestnut Street Miss Rosanne and Patricia Maxwell 7102 Woolston Road Mr. Charles Mester 824 Benson Street Leo Minnichbach, Meats Distributor 91 1 Loney Street Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Mlynarczyk 102 Kirkwood Road, N.J. Monty's Esso Station 21st and Bainbridge Streets Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Marano lafayette Hill Max Moses 2252 Friendship Street Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Motley 5145 North 16th Street

North Phila. Realty Co. 7201 Brous Aven ue Notter Beer Distributors 6408 Rising Sun Avenue Mr. James T. O'Brien 1520 Chew Street Olds Falls Tavern 4156 Ridge Avenue Mr. and Mrs. Ra lph Palmer 1915 Cleveland Avenue Mrs. W. Parmer 5024 Cott&ge Street Mr. and Mrs. Louis Pasquale 5012 North Smedley Street Patterson's Gulf Service Germantown Avenue and Bethlehem Pike Peak's Confectionery Battersby and Hellerman Streets Penny's Flowers Glenside, Pa. Perlstein's Discount Furniture 4334 Germantown Avenue Phil's Market Higbee and Charles Streets Podell's Pharmacy Stenion and 66th Avenues The Prathery Family 271 0 West Silver Street

Mount Airy Diner 8243 Stenton Avenue

Quigley's Athlantic Service Station Pechin and Rector Streets

Henry F. Muller 1660 Bonnie Brae Drive

Raser's Flower Shop 5006 Germantown Avenue

Ratican's Pharmacy 1205 Bustleton Avenue

Third Federal Savings and loan Ass'n. 4625 Frankford Avenue

Ray's Atlantic Service Newportville Road

Thomas's Pharmacy 6601 Greene Street

Rialto Tailoring Company

6708 Sprague Street Robert's Barber Shop

6202 Shelborne St. Sam's Food Market 600 South 2nd Street

Tom and Al's Barber Shop 8901 Ridge Avenue Tony's Barber Shop 2611 Jenkingtown Road Vandergrift's Beauty Salon

7327 Tabor Road Helen and Joseph Samsel 30 Catherine Street C. Schrack and Company 7152 Germantown Avenue

Anthony Scutti

2760 Mowen路 Street Alfred J. Scarpello

4939 Germantown Avenue The Selas Corporation of America limekiln Prke, Dresher Shay's

Walker's Floral Shop 1816-18 West Cheltenham Avenue Wall and Ochs 5344 Greene Street Waller Motors, Inc. York and Harte Roads Walter Wyszynski-Restauranteur

4653 East Stiles Street Washington Lanes 6200 Stenton Avenue

2603 East Allegheny Avenue Frank Shreenan Tavern 3200 West Allegheny Avenue Singer Brothers Fairless Hills Shopping Center Sketchley's Pastry Shop 7962 Verree Road Smith Twin Tubular Boiler Corp. State Road and Cottman Avenue

Weldon Pharmacy Easton Road and Geneva Avenue Weyter's Market 301 Godfrey Avenue Mrs. Frank E. VVnitelam 5908 North leithgow Street Wick, Vollmer, Stanton 4420 Germantown Avenue

Michael S. Sobczak 5422 Charles Street

Wilkin's Esso Service Center Stenton Avenue and Ellet Street

Stenton Beer Distributors 8119 Stenton Avenue

4300 Fleming Street

Stenton Food Market 7827 Stenton Avenue

Mr. Charles Zerbe, Esq. 483 York Road

Robert J. Stone 401 0 "0" Street

Chester J. Ziernicki 4173 Germantown Avenue

The Summit

8100 Ridge Avenue

Samuel L. Zitkin, D.D.S. 418 Kingston Road

John E. Teas, Sunoco Service Station Stenton and Mr Airy Avenues

Benjamin Zolkiewicz, Roofer 4546 North Smedley Street路

Ted's Market 4406 Germantown Avenue

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Zubia 821 South Third Street

Edward Yoka

BOOSTERS Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Abra mczyk Mr. and Mrs. Charles Abt Or. W. Ador Jr. Mr. and Mrs. R. Alexander Al's Cleaning and Tailoring Larry Amadio Amato's Delicatessen Mr. and Mrs. J . Ambrose Mr. John R. Antczak Mr. and Mrs. Charles Armstrong T. B. Armstrong Mr. Peter Arnone Bertha J. Atkinson Mr. Peter Arnone Harry Aub AI Axelrod Mr. and Mrs. George Babilan Or. Joseph A. Baglivo Philip A. Bailey John Ballerina Bannister Fam ily Mrs. E. Brady The Baron Mr. and Mrs. Barrett Mary Bauer Richard J. Breen Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Beaty Mr. and Mrs. John Beccaria Mrs. John W. Becher Chris Belzer Ben's Barber Shop Bishop Cletus J . Benjamin Louis Bergen Edward F. Bernhardt Patrick Bianco Robert Biggans Mrs . John T. Bllder Mrs. Catherine Blash Mr. and Mrs. Blaszczyk Bob, Paul, Don, and John Leonard C. Bodo Peter, Paul, John Boginsky Mr. Michael P. Boland Bond Bread Company Boek Family A. T. Boren Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Bothwell Bowen's Pharmacy Mr. and Mrs. N. Bozzi Mr. Joseph A. Brad Jack Bradley Mrs. James Bradley Miss Marga ret F. Brady Miss Rosemary A. Brady C. Breslow Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bresnan Mr. and Mrs. Bart Brigidi John H. Brown Mrs. La wrence A. Brown Mr. Edward A. Brogen The Brogleys Franny Brooke Mrs. Georgette Broskey Mr. and Mrs. J. Bryers James Brynes Mrs. D. Buccini

Mary Brynes

Leon Cohen Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Colantonio

Mr. and Mrs. B. Buczynski Bob Sudano '63 Ronald Bunting Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Bunting Mrs. Elizabeth Burke Joseph Burke, '63 Mrs. Francis Burtnick Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Burtnick Miss Carol Ann Burton William H. Vtn Buskirk Mrs. Frank Butch Mr. and Mrs. John Butkovich Mrs. Charles Butler Mrs. Charles Y. Butterworth Mr. and Mrs. Charles Burns Joh J. Cain T Callahan Mrs. T. Calla ha n Lois and Larry Callan John P. Callan Joseph V. Campbell Mrs. Jean Capozzi Mr. and Mrs. Michael Carey Mr. and Mrs . Alexis Carlin Mr. and Mrs. Philli p Carolcante James B. Carolus Mr. and Mrs. Emil T. Carr Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Carr Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Carr Sr. Francis X. Ca rroll Sr. Mr. Caruso Miss Penny Case Casali's Grocery George Casper Mrs. Helen Cassidy Joseph Cassidy Mr. and Mrs. JO$eph Callie Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Callie Jr. Ma ry Cavanaugh John Cawler Frank Cerasi Miss Cathleen Champlin Paul Cha mplin Mr. and Mrs. Walter Champlin Mary Charlton Anne Cheney Mr. and Mrs. S. Chepelevitch Mrs. He len L. Cherry Frank Chiriaco Louise Christian Joseph Christian Nicholas Christian Nicholas Christian Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Chromey John Ciosla Eleanor A. Clark Mr. and Mrs. Harold Clark Mr. and Mrs. Jo~n P. Clark Jr. Mrs. Martin Clark Class 4B Class of 1C Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Clayton Flair Cleaners David Coffey

Mr. E. J. Collin Miss Peg Collin Mr. and Mrs. W . C. Collins David S. Collinson Or. John T Cologne Compliments of 1E Compliments of 1A Compliments of a Friend Mr. W. R. Cmp;eg Mrs. Eleanor Conne lly Ma rgare t A. Connelly Mrs. Earl Conner Pat Conner '59 Anne Conover Miss Carole Cook Mr. and Mrs. S. Corbett Mr. and Mrs. F. Costello Country Crafters Mrs. Catherine Covey Mr. and Mrs. T. P. Co yne L. J. Craif Inc. Charles Crescueza Antho ny Cri sfulla William J. Cross Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Cullen Thomas F Cunnane Mr. and Mrs. A. Cunningham James M. Cunn ingham Robert Cunningham Mr. and Mrs. H. Curlett Jr. Mr. and Mn. J. Curran Mr. Burton Cu tter Mr. and Mn. P. C. Daily Mr a nd Mrs. Ernest Dance r Dario a nd Carmen's Mr. a nd Mrs. R. Darowskl Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Frank L. Davey Davis Pharmacy Jerry Delio Buono Mrs. Jennie De Luca Phil De Luca To ny De luca William De Munzio A. C. Oemurjian Denny's Beverages Mr. a nd Mn. A. Oeguit is Mr. and Mrs. Joh n De Pa ul Mr. J . De rbysh ire J r. Mr. and Mrs. B. Derowski Mr. and Mrs. A. De Santis William De Vasher Jr. Mr. and Mrs. John Devlin Mrs. Jo h n Devlin Jr. Bella Oi Bello Mr. and Mrs. Dickerson Mr. and Mrs. Frank Diehl Peter De hlco Rita Oi Falco B. Di Glorido Mr. Albert Di Moo Mr. and Mrs. John Oi Pietro Mr. John J Oi Sario John B. Do Sarro Mary M. Dixon

Robert Buccini

Mr. and Mrs. F. Domanico R. T. Domanico DDS Dave Donaghy Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Donaghy Francis D. Donaghy '57 Mr. ThomM Donaghy Ed Don~huc '66- John Donahue '70 Mike Donahue '63 Mrs . Mary Donne ll y Francis M. Dougherty The Downey' Family Mr. David Doyle Mrs. Dorothy Doyle Mr. a nd Mn. Frank R. Doyle leigh Doyle James Drech James J. Drach Mr. J erry Drach Jo hn E. Drach Ann Du Va l Fran k Du Va l Henry Dydak Ed and Helen Frank Eisenhart Mr. end Mrs. F. J . Eisenhart louis Elliott Augusta Emhof Barbara A. Emhof Carl J . Emhof Harrie lle r A. Emhof Thomas G. Em hof Mr. and Mrs. N. Esposito Jr. Etta and Pegg y Mr. and Mrs. Harry W. Evans Mr. and Mrs. W. Evanup M iss Ferell Mr. 11nd Mrs. l . Feldman Helene Ferguson Mary Ferguson Andrew Ferraro Raymond Fie ld s Mr. and Mrs. H. T. Filin uk Mr. and Mrs. H Filinuk Mr. Raymond Filowich Mr. and Mrs. Max Fime Sam Fine Mrs . Charles Fisher Mr. and Mrs. J. Fisher and Deni se Sheilaf Mery Fisher Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Fitzpatrick Ray Fit zpatrick '56 Vincent Fi tzpa trick Mr. Thomas J . Fitzsimmo ns Michae l James Flanigan Jo hn J. Flaniga n Mrs. Ed w ard Flood Sr. Mr. and Mrs. John Flood Thomas Flood Flynn Fami ly Michael J. Foley James J . Fonash Mr. and Mrs. Henry Fo rnara A friend Mr. and Mrs. V. Frisario Charles F. Fulco rth Mr. and Mrs. Danie l Ga llagher Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Gallagher Eugene Gallagher

Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Gallagher Mr. and Mrs. James M. Gallagher Mr. and Mrs. John F. Gallagher Mr. and Mrs. John J. Gallagher Sunda Gallagher Mrs. M. E. Gallant Gallo's Steak Shop Miss F. M. Galvin Mr. Walter Ganczarz Mr. and Mrs. George Garbes Mr. and Mrs. John Garbes Frank Gardner Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Gordon A. G. Gary Mrs. Fred Gausz J. P. Gavaghan Mrs. John Gavin Roswell Giels Jr. Mrs. Elizabeth Gemmi Joe George Margaret Gerle Vedo Gerome Mr. louis Gibson Marie Ginder Mr. and Mrs. M. Ginieczki Patrick and David Givey John F. Givnish Ellen Glathorn Mr. Joseph M. Golding Mr. and Mrs. l. Goldstein Mrs. C. Goodman Moose Gordon '61 Mr. and Mrs. W. Gosewisch Robert Gozdan Mrs. Walter Gozdan Madeleine C. Graham Charles L. Grant Joe Greenberg E. Gregson Mr. and Mrs. G. Griffin Margaret Griffen Mrs. Wilson Griffin Joseph P. Grimes Mr. and Mrs. F. Gronberg Par and Kathy Gudemann Mr. James J. Gunn Ann Haeberle Reverend J. J. Hafner Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Haines Mr. Stanley Hainer Mr. and Mrs. J. Hammond Jr. Mrs. Charles B. Hanes Mrs. Mae Hannigan Ardsley Hardware Mr. Joseph Heck Mrs. August Helwig Mr. and Mrs. E. l. Hennessy Mr. and Mrs. J. Heusen James E. Higgins Jr. '59 Mr. and Mrs. Holloway Mr. and Mrs. Otto G. Honzl Mr .and Mrs. J. A. Houseman Jr. Mr. and Mrs. F. Houser Mr. David Humes, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. C. Hynek, Jr. Mrs. Nancy lacorelli Carmen J. landolo, Jr. '61 Mr. and Mrs. J. Jaggers

Mrs. Jennie Jagielski Mr. and Mrs. H. Jarius Wanda Jayl Eleanor Jenkins Johnny's Barber Shop Kathleen and Cathy Johnson Mr. and Mrs. J. Jones Mr. and Mrs. M. Joy Mr. and Mrs. W. Kaminski Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Kane Michael J Kane Mr. and lvlrs. Paul Kane A. S. Kaufman, MD Mrs. George Kean Richard Keating Sr. James Kelian Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Kelley Joseph T. Kelly Richard Kendrick Mrs. Hannah Kelly Mrs. John J. Kennedy Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Kenney Mr. John Kenney Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Kenny Mrs. Kidd Mrs. James Killian Mr. Ed Killor Joe Killoran Jr. Mrs. Marie King Mrs. Rose Kirkwood Mrs. Theodore Kirmse Wayne Kirwin Mr. Chester Kivoka Mrs. Nellis Klock Mrs. Rita .Kobla Morris Kohen Edward Kohlhepp Jr. William Kohlhepp Anna E. Kolb Mr. and Mrs. Frank Komykoskie Mr. and Mrs. Frank Koozmin Raymond Krain, MD Mr. and Mrs. Anton Kramer John E. Krause Joseph Krause Mr. and Mrs. John Kretzinge Caroline M. Krimm Kthy and Jim Krimm Harry Kuchier William Kuka Mildred Kurek William F. Lafferty Sr. Abby Lang David Lang Forrest Lang Peter Lang Mr. Joseph Lanza Bernard A. larkin Mrs. Mary Larkins Dr. and Mrs. N. La Rocca larry's Pizzeria George laut Gerry laut Nancy laut Mr. and Mrs. F. Lautenbach Mr. and Mrs. J. J. La Velie Mr. and Mrs. J. E. La Velie Dolores M. La Velie

Brian Patrick Lawlor Mich ael Lawlor Pat Lawlor Mrs. R. J . l awrence Mrs. E. Le ddy J im lepara Mr. and Mrs. l eon Lepine Mr. and Mrs. Pe ter Lesniak Mrs. lester Anthony F. Le Sto rti Mr. Victor l evand Mrs. William l ew is Miss Jan Licata Mrs. R. D. Limmer Mr. and Mrs. Thomas linton Miss Jean Lipski Mr. P. loboda Thomas F. Lonergan Mr. George longshore Edward F. Longstreth loretta and Ron Dr. N. J. l uby Mr. and Mrs. J ohn lucas Mr. Rudolp h Lucente Mrs. Rose ludwig Mr. and Mrs. John Lydon Mrs. Frances lynch Mr. and Mrs. George lynch Henry lynch Marriane P. l ynch, Esq . Mr. and Mrs. Patrick lynch Thomas J. lynch Jr. Frank lyons Mr. Thomas lyons Reverend Charles McAteer Mr. and Mrs. Philip McCabe Mr. and Mrs. John McCafferty William J. McCafferty Mr. and Mrs. Robert McCann Virginia 'and Arleen McCann Mr. and Mrs . William McCarty Mr. and Mrs. Carl McCarty Mrs. Daniel McCloskey Miss Anna McDonald Miss Dorothy McDonald Mr. James McDonald Mr. and Mrs. Wa lter McDonald Ann McDono ugh Mrs. lucy McCloskey Helen McElroy Mr. and Mrs. John McElroy Mr. and Mrs . Alfred McElwee Julia V. McEvoy Francis and Mary Mcfadden Mr. and Mrs. Frank McFadden James P. McFadden, '61 Kathy McFadden The Misses Sarah and Mary McGarney John McFeady Michael J. McGee, '63 Mr. Thomas McGinley Mrs. Alice McGinniss Mr. and Mrs. Michael McGonagle E. McGonagle G.Nee McGowan Mr. and Mrs. Thomas McGowan Mr. and Mrs. F. Mcintyre Sr. Reverend Francis J. McKee

Catherine McKelvey M. S. Mclaughlin Mr. and Mrs. John J . McMahon Mr. John B. McNslly Mr. and Mrs. Joseph MacGuire George E. MacKenzie Family William Magarlty Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Magarity Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Maglione Miss Estelle Maglione Mrs. John F. Maguire Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Maguire Markuze Pharmacy Mrs. Margaret Makres Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Malafrina Mr. Joseph L Mancini Mr. and Mrs. lawrence Mancini Mr. Dennis Manion Mrs. Elizabeth Manion Joseph Mariniello Mrs. M. Mark Mr. and Mrs. Francis Markey Mr. Patrick Markey Mr. and Mrs. E. Markiewicz George Markoe Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Mastalski lydia Masington Mrs. Ivy B. Mason Mr. and Mrs. Philip H. Martin Christopher J. Matthews Herbert Matthews Jr. Rose Matyas A. P. Mauceli Joseph Scott Maxwell Lt. Michael Maxwell, USAF James Mayo Mr. and Mrs. Mecklenborg Paul Meehan Miss Anna Mae Mellor Mrs. Sophie Mendys Mickey's Barber Shop Mr. Paul E. Miehle Theophile J. Migmatti Mrs. Wallace Miller John S. Milne Mr. and Mrs. John Mitchell Modern Pharmacy Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Meoller Frank Moffatt James Momorella Hugh I. Monaghan Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Moore Gerald Moore Mr. and Mrs. Jamet J. Moore Mrs. S. lloyd Moore Jr. Mr. Joseph J. Morrell Mrs. Morris Mr. and Mrs. Ben Morrissey Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Morro! Mrs. Joseph P. Mullen Mr. and Mrs. R. Mullen Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Mulligen Mr. and Mrs. George Murr Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Murray James J. Murray John C. Murray John F. Murray John J. Murray

Mrs. J ohn J. Murray Miss Helen Murphy Mrs. John Murphy Thomas F. X. Murphy Wesley Muschek Miss Doris R. Meyers Mrs. Muklich Mr. John Naga Mr. James Nagle Mr. and.Mrs . William Narke Miss Mary E. Neds Mr. and Mrs. Vincent A. Needham Mr. and Mrs. A. Ne lson Mrs. Clara Ne lson Mr. John Nelson Robert Nelson The Newleys Mary C. Nugent Mr. Edwaro O'Boyle Mr. Allee M. O'Co nnor Thomas O'Keefe Mr. and Mrs. Edward Okulewicz Mr. and Mrs. l. O'leary Mr. and Mrs. O leykowski Mrs. Edmund F. Olsen Mr. and Mra. Michael O 'Malley Stanley Orlowski Mr. and Mrs. Frencis O'Rourke Mr. John Orsi Mr. Ostertag Ml$. Ostertag Franz O stertag Frederick Osto>r tao Jean, Teddy, and Eddie Ostrowski Mr. O'Toole Mr. John O'Toole Arthur W. Pagan John J . Pagan Mr. and Mrs. Ches ter Panlsh Mr. and Mrs B. Paprzyski Irene Paulin Jack and Jim Paulits John W. Paulits Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Peacock Morton B. Pepper Miss Peggy Perfetti Mr. Edward Petti Mrs. lucy Petti Miss Rose Petti Frank A. Phelan Mrs. Frances Ph ilipia Mr. and Mrs W Piatek Mrs. Marie Piatkowski William Plenderlieth Mr. and Mrs. Victor Pridakas Francis Prucell G. V. Prucell, Jr. James Purcell James Putz Thomas F. Pyle Jr. Queenlane l aundry Mrs , D. G. Quinlan Miss I. Quinlan D. G. Quinlan Jr. J . J Rafferty J . A. Ratkov ich Mr. and Mrs. D. Rau Joseph L Rau

Mr. and Mrs. High Slowik

Chuck Thomas

Mrs. Anna G . Smith

Mrs. J. B. Thomas

El izabeth Smith Mrs. Jack B. Smith

Mrs. H. B. Thomas

Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Reddy Frank J. Reichwein

Mr. H. L. Smith

Frank P. Reichwein Alex Rene$ki

Jarry J . Smith H. Walter Smith Mrs. Walter F. Smith

Miss louise Thompson Mrs. N. Tierney

Mrs. F. X. Ray Margaret Rita Ray Mary Ann Ray

Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Renz

Mr. P. B. Thomas

Grace Tiller Thomas Toczydlowski

D. S. Rheinhart

Mr. Carl Smyrski

Harry Totten

Mr. and Mrs. Richter

Mortimer J. L. Snurd, Esq.

Mrs. F. Trautz

Jay Robb '61

Mr. and Mrs. Chester Srkolowski

The Travis's

Dr. and Mrs. leon R. Robinson Mrs. Carol Romano

Somervile Club

Mrs. l. W. Trout Thomas Tucker '45

Mario Romano Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Romano Mr. and Mrs. Ernest J . Rosato Tony Rose Mr. and Mrs. Maurino Rossanese Philip Rothenheber Kay Rothsch ing Philip Rothsching Mr. and Mrs. leslie Rud loff Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Russo Mr. and Mrs. Pau l Rusykowski Mr. John A. Ryan Eugene Sa le

Albert F. Sommar Mr. and Mrs. A. V. Sommar

Mrs. Virginia Tumbard

Mr. and Mrs. John Sommar Devin and Michael Sommar

The Turner Family Mr. Thomas J. Turner

Miss Mary A. Sommar

Mr. and Mrs. Varani Mr. and Mrs. Frank Varcchacoski, Sr.

John R. Spagnola Pauline and Margaret Spahr

Joseph L. Verton and Family

N. and K. Spellman Dr. Jay Speigelman

Mr. lawrence Ventresca

Thomas Speilhoffer

Mr. and Mrs. F. Vishio Mr. and Mrs. Gera ld Voran

Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur! J . Vergae

Mrs. Genevieve Sproul Mr. J ames Sproul Mr. and Mrs. Chester Srkolowski Mr . and Mrs. Dante Stabilito

Mr. John J. Voran Thomas P. Vosley Mr. and Mrs. A. Wroblesky

Frank W. Salemno

Raymond Stabilito, '62

Jean Sambren Ed Sankowski

Johnny Staccato Mrs. Bern ie Staudamyer

lawrence Walsh '63

Mr. and Mrs. Alex Sansoni

Anne B. Ste inhauser

John E. Walsh Ill '59

Mr. and Mrs. M. Sawinski Rita Ann Schaefer

Mr. James Stella

Mrs. R. V. Walsh Mr. and Mrs. V. W. Walters

Mr. and Mrs. Barbara Schaeffer

Mr. and Mrs. John Stoebenau Mr. and Mrs. Henry P. Stoebenau, Sr.

Mr. and Mrs. E. Schell Mr. and Mrs. Francis Schluckebier Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Schluckebier Miss Elizabeth Schmitz Mr. and Mrs. Charles Schoeu ler Mrs. Louis Schofield Charles J. Schreader, Jr. Mrs. Ruth Schwalbe Fustav A. Schwoeri Lawrence Schwoeri '62

Wal ter Stepkowski

Robert Stranix, J r.

Frank J . Wakefield Mrs. E. J. Walsh

Mr. and Mrs. John Waskinwicz Mrs. Mila Warx Rankn Wargocki '63

Mr. and Mrs. W. Stridick Miss Claire Me . Strong

Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Warvolis

L. Stro nski Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Suarez

Mr. Henry Weber

C. F. Sull ivan Edward P. Sulliva.l

L. F. Wehn Donald A. Weigand

Mr. and Mrs. J. Sullivan

Miss Mary Jane Weigand

Mrs . Mary Sull ivan Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Sullivan

Joseph Wawrow Mr. Rita Weber

Mr. and Mrs. Sutter

John A. Welsh '55 Mrs. Marian Wessels Mr. Samuel Wesse ller

Florence E. Shaeffer

'Mr. ana Mrs. Charles 'Sutter

Mrs. Charles West

Francis J. Seidle

C. Leo Sutton Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Sutu la

Mr. and Mrs. E. Whalon

Mr. and Mrs. Francis J. Schwoeri Mr. and Mrs. lawrence W. Schwoeri

James Schleri Rev. Joseph D. Shallow Joseph Shapino, Ph. D. Mrs. D. Sheenan Mrs. P. Sheridan Charles E. Shorday Mr. and Mrs. Charles Shornson

Geroge P. Westenberger

Peter Swiacki Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Swierz

Mrs. He len Whi tehead

Sophia Sze cpaniak

Mr. and Mrs. leon Whitlock

Carl Szecygiel

Mr. and Mrs. N. Witkovshy

Walter Sgizipanski Mr. and Mrs. Michael


Mrs. Rose Wh itehead

Joe Wetze l Mr. Benjamin Wojowicz Sr.

Mr. and Mrs. W illiam Shuster

Joseph C. Takach

Mr. George Wolfinger

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Simmons

Taylor Family

Mr. and Mrs. Edward Sirkowski

Tebior Tehei

Mr. J oseph Wood Mr. Kenneth J. Woodring

Sarah Skarbek


Mr. and Mrs. Paris Zerbe

leo Skurecki

Mr. and Mrs. A. l. Tervalon

Mrs. C. Zisk

Adam Slarvek

Mrs. John Tharan

Miss Cathrine Mary Zisk

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Slewoski

Michael Theis

Demund Zisk

Mr. George K. Slowik

Richard Theis

TAYLOR PUBLISHING COMPANY '"llw 'Noltd'• .... '(-~· ,... ,.,...-...-

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