1962 Blue and Gold Yearbook

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The Senior


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LJ. L U L.l.lJ.O







presents this






Brother Frederick William, F.S.C.

Who could be more exemplary of La Salle than Brother Frederick William? For this thirteen years of serv1ce rendered to our alma mater we now dedicate the 1962 yearbook to him. Upon being graduated from Saint John's College High School, Brother entered the religious life. He received his A.B. in liberal arts from De La Salle College. The beautiful sculpture and paintings created by Brother William have been exhibited on several occasions, and his wooden Stations of the Cross are part of his work toward a degree of Master of Fine Arts. Besides his duties as art and history instructor, art club moderator, and home room teacher of "Famous IF," Brother William has contributed greatly to the athletic program. Having served briefly as intramural director, he became cross-country coach, and later took on the added duties of track moderator and coach. For an intangible spirit engendered in underclassmen and carried on throughout a student's life at La Salle, we are sincerely grateful.




BROTHER F. JOSEPH Vice-Principal

BROTHER G. EDWARD Athletic Director, Chemistry, Algebra II




BROTHER F. JOHN . Trigonometrv . Solid Geometry . . . Math Club IV

4 \ Religion

BROTHER E. A~THONY 4D Religion . . . English IV

BROT HER G. THOMAS 4B Religion . . . Account ing J, ll . . . H istory ll ... Golf

BROTHER G. NAZI ANZEN 4C Religion ... Physics

BROTHER CRATIAN OF JESUS 4E Religion ... So<:ial Swdies IV . . . l.R.C.... Swdent Council

MR. GERALD A. TREMBLAY 3.-\ ... English II, III ... Wisterian ... Book Discussion Croup ... Tennis


3B Religion ... Chaplain .•. German Club

BROTHER D. EDW\RD l!C Religion ... Advanced Mathematic~ .. . Algebra II ... Math Club III ..• Football

BRO"J HER F. \ Z.\R I.\S 3D Rdigion . Spanish I, JJ III Dramatics . . Legion of ~far~

llROTHER I' C.REGORY 2B Rdigion . Latin II hench I .•• 1\askctball

BROTHER G. ALPHONSUS 3E Religion . . . History lU . . . Jntramurals .•. Detention

BROTHER D. MARTIN 2A Religion ... Algebra I ... German I ... Crew

BROTHER G. JAMES 2C Religion ... Biology ... Physics . .. Moth· ers" Club

20 Religion . . . Plane Geometry . . .



2E Religion . . . Biology . .


confralernity ... Jntramurals

BROTHER G. ROBERT IA Religion ... Latin I ... French I . . . Band

BROTHER E. JOSEPH 2F Religion ... Plane Geometry ... French 11 ... Alumni

BROTHER E. WII.LI,\1\f 2G Religion ... German I , II, III •• • llook\lore

BROTHER D. LUKE IB Religion ... Public Speaking ... English

BROTHER EMILI \N OF M \RY I C Religion . . . Greek . Latin I, IU, IV ... Detention

BROTH ER 0. 0 \\'11) 10 Religion . . t.nglish 1 .. Typing ... Foren~ic Club

BROT HER E. R \ Y!IIOND IE Religion . . . Typing . . . Daily Bullelin ... Ba~ball

BROTHER F. WILLIAM IF Religion ... Social Studies 1 ... t\1'1 ,\ppreciation ... Art Club .. . Track . . . Cross Country

BROTHER G. W ILLIAM IG Religion ... English I ... Music Appreciation ... Band

~IR. DAVID DIEHL I H Algebra I ... Football (line coach)

BROTHER Chemistry



MR. JOHN J. MOORE English III, IV .. . Dramatics

MR. JOSEPH V. HENRY Mechanical Drawing ... Business Law . . • First .-\id . . . Drher Training

1\IR. EDWARD J. KEL LY English II . . . Larin 1 . . . Blue and Gold

MR. BER:-:ARD V. :\lcCABE H islory 11, II I

MR. CHARLES J. FLYNN Hisrory I . . . Frosh fooLball

1\IR. R IC HARD J. BOND English I . . . His1ory I

1\IR. C.\RL C. \ ' 0:-.1 ~':ELL Library Science ... Librarian

MR. CH AR LES J. O 'BRIEN Physical Education . . . Baskelball

MR. WALTER F. F.\RRELL Physical Education

MR. JOH:-1 F. FL\NNERY Head Football Coach



:\IRS. EVELY:-/ B. MULL£:-/ Secretary


RN Infirmary


THOMAS G. ADELMAN !1245 Pine Road , Huntingdon \'aile~ WI 7-0995 Saint Christopher I.\,2B.3D:ID . Schola~tic Letter 3 . Wi~terian 2,3 . Hbtory Club 2 . . 1\rt Club 2 . Stage :\fanager Intramurals 2,4 . . . Dolphin . . . Bradshau 's buddy

DENIS J . ADELSBE RGER 342 Crescent Avenue. Glenside Tt: 7-4314 Saint Luke JC.2C.3E,4E Debating 1.3.4 ... Intra· murals I ... john ... Most Activ~ in gym ... Nud.f that smokc.

S. J OSEPH AlTA 24 Spinythom Road, Levittown Wl 5·9279 Queen of the Universe 1A,2B,!JA,40 . . . Scholastic Medal !J .•• Scholastic Letter 1,3 . . . History Club 2 . .. Math Club S,4 . . . Dramatics 4 . . . Football 1,2 . . . Crew 2 . . . lntramurals 1,2,3,4 . . . Student Council 4 . . . Class Officer 1,2,4 . . . Genial joe . . . Meriteer ... Saverio.

ROBERT J . BELL 5800 Brush Road, !IS LI 8-4200 lmmawlatc Conception I B,2f .!!A.-10 ... Golf 2 (L) ... lnt ramurals 1,2,3 ,4 . . . Likes lntramurals . . . Tries to dunk it . .. Catacomb specialist.

HAR RY F. BENZ 5629 Rosehill Street, 20 DA 4·7692

... Ablemrm.

PETER J. BE\TY 6721 Crittenden Street, 19 VI 3·1656 Saint Thatu of thr Child }tsus 1E.2B.3C,4C . Scholastic :\ledal I Scholastic Letter 2.3 • . . Math Club !1,4 ..• German Club ·I • . Swimming 3 • Crew 1,2.5.4 (L) . . . lntramurals I ,2,3,4 .. Wiler~

arc vour

PriM Pc/1'.


Clyder Ma.1ter! . . .

Saint Ambrose 1C,2A,SE,4E . . . Band 1,2,3,4 . . . Math Club !J,4 . . . Swimming 3 .. , Smil~ . . . Likes P.T.C. Mercedes.

VICTOR J. BIERMAN 1117 Wakeling Stree t, 24 cu 8-7775 Saint Martin of T ours IA.2C,!D,4A ... Football 2 ... l ntramura1s 1.2 . . Quiet Jlic . . . G reen Pontiac . . . Doc.

BERN ARD J. BONNER 104 Johns Road, Chel tenham ME 5·2014 Saint joseph IF,2B,3A,4B . . . ln mmurals 1,2,3,4 . . . Monsignor ... Big Ba m ... Little Brothet.

DAVID H. BOYLE 570 East Cowen Avenue, 19 CH 7-0243 Holy Cross IC,2A,3D,4E . . . lntramu ra ls 1,2,3,4 Living artd sleeping . .. Dave . . . Burt.

MICHAEL J. BOYLE 1513 Alcott Street, 49 cu 9·5163 Saint Martin of T ours I D,2D,3B,4B . .. Bcnilde Club 1,2,3,-1 . . . Intram urals 1,2,3,4 . . . Likes his pictures Me cut? . .. N.E. Boy.

WILLIAM F. BOSCOE 5924 Devon Place, 38 VI 3-0539

Tmmaculate Conception 1E,2A,3E,4D . . . Cross Country 1,3 (L),4 • l ntramurals 1,2 • . Two spoonfuls ,\fr. Moore's budd) ... B ig Bill.

RICHAR D A BOZZELL 1824 Beverly Road. 38 HA 4-1430 Sair1t A thanasi us IB,2A,3E,4D . . . Imramurals 1,2,3,4 Ron . . Crutch . . . How do you spell .•. 1

JOH:-1 I CARLSON i8~2 Bayard Street, 50 Ll 9-6956 Saint Raymond IA,2E.3A,4E . . . Bcnildc Club 3 . . . Base· ball M:magcr 3 . • . History Club 2 . \fath Club 3, Intramurals 1,2,3,4 . ]nt:k . . . Sticky Fi11ger.< •• . 0/i~'s b~tdrly.

EDWARD ~f . CASTELLA 9319 Trcatv Road, 14 OR 3-0822 . 'iainl Kath~ri111' of Siena I D,2F.3B,48 . . Benilde I ,2 .. Jntramurals I .2,3,4 • .. German II . . . Billy Becker . . . <harp rlro.1rr.

MICHAEL T. CA RR 4562 North 16th Street, 40 GL 5·0879 Holy Child IF ,28,30,-IE . . . Art Club I, Crew 1.2.3 ( L)_. 4 (L) ... Fnst lmpnla Six ... Boathotzse Row . . . partygoa.

GEOR GE C. CASPER 6968 Weatham StTeet, 19 VI 4-6082 Saint Maddine Sophie IE,2F,3A,4D ... Cross Countf) 1,2,3 (L),4 (L) . .. lntramurals 1,2,3,4 . . . Frimdly Chost ... C'mon, Buddy ... jasptr.

JOSEPH P. CATTlE 772 Glen Road, Jenkintown TU 4-7857 Immaculate Conu ption IC,2B,3B,4B . .. Basketball 1,2 ... Football 1,2,3 (L),4 (L) . . Student Council 1,2 (Secretary), 3 (Vice- President), 4 f iE;'X'rack I ... Intramurals I ,2,3,4 . . . Great party lhrowu . . . Tony Marl.

BOHDAN CEHELYK 1217 Medary Avenue, 41 LI 8-2287 Christ The King IB.2B,3C.4D .. . Scholastic Medal 1, Scholastic Letter 3 . . . Book Discus~ion Club 4, :\.fath Club 3,4 . . . Rorkhln11 J>rofn~or ]ones .. . Briefcase.

GEOFFREY A. CLARK 932 Pennsylvania Avenue, Southampton EL 7-3378 Our Lady of Good Counsel IA,2E,3B,4B . . . Art Club 1,2,3.4 . • Dra· matics 4 .. . W isterian 4 ... Student Coun· cil I . . . Imram urals 1,2,3,4 • . . South · hampton ... Elvis . .. Big Tom's friend.

:\lARK F. CLARK H5 Roberts A'enue. Glenside rL 4-0850 ~aitJt Luke I C.2B.3A,4D . . . Debating 1.2 .. . Benilde Club I, Dramatics 1.2 . . Blue and Gold . . . Art Cl ub 2,3.4 . . . Wisterian 1,2,3. (Ed itor), 4 (Editor) ... H istory Club 2 ... Math Club 3,4 . . . Football I . . . General . . Constroative ... Don juan.

JOSEPH A. COLANTONIO 6908 Lawnton Street, 28 IV 3·2905 Immaculate H eart of Mary IF.2D,3C,4C ... lntramurals 1,2 ... T -Bird ... Most active. FRANCIS J . COLL 1123 E. Price Street, 38 GE 8·6825 Immaculate Conception, Gumantown IE,2A.3E,4B . . lntramurals I ,2,3,4 Outdoor Party . . . Magnificent Seven .. Acme Boy.

JA:\fES L. CON"'JOR 135 Robens Avenue. Glenside TU 4-4774 Saint Luke I B.2E,!lB,4A . . Benilde Club 2,!!,4 . . . Wisterian 1.2,!!.1 . History Club 2 .. . Blue and Gold I Math Club 3,4 .. . Dramatics 4 Book Discussion Group I . ... Tennis I ,2 (L).3 (L).-t (L) . . lntramurals 1.2,3,4 ... Sanrlmt111 .•. tnmis l'lllhr11iast.

DENNIS M. COOK 104 Haws Lane, 18 AD 3-1733 St. Genevieve lF,2E.3E,4B . . . Scholastic Medal 3 . . . Wisterian 4 . . . Student Council 1 •.• An Club 1,2,3,4 . . . Benilde Club 1,2,3,4 . . . Cross-country 1,2,3 (L).4 (L) : . . Track I ,2,3,4 (L) . .. lntramurals 1,2,3,4 . . . European traveler . . . Full page spread . . . Mr. 1\!oore's tests.

GEORGE J . D 'AMBROSIO 1900 Hoffnagle Street, 15 FI 2-8469 Resurrection of Our Lord IE,2F,SA,4A . . . Football 1,2 (L),3 (L),4 (L) . . Intramurals . . . Track 1,2,3 (L),4 (L) 1,2,3,4 . . . White Arm . . . The Cheering Section ... Ratza Freut.

W ILLIAM G. DAVIS 2444 76th Avenue LI 9-7694 Saint Athanasius I A,2A,3E,4A ... Debating I ,2,3.4 ... Intra· murals I ,2,3,4 . . . Perfect Enunciation the Great Debater . .. Cesturu. EDWARD P. DELANEY 2432 Xonh 80th Avenue, 50 LI 8-0739 Saint Raymond ID,2E,3E,4B ... Bo~l ing I ,2,3.4 ... Science Club I, Cheerleader 4 . . • ]V letter . . . last cut ... Annapolis hopeful.

JAMES F. DETIVlLER 209 Orlemann Avenue, Oreland TU 6-9792 Holy Martyrs IC,2C,3E,4E . . . Debati ng Club 2 . . . His· tory Club 2 ... Student Council ·~ ... Football 1,2,3 (L),4 (L) . . . Crew I ,2,3 (L),4 (L) . . . Intramurals 1,2,3,4 . . . Book reports ... Tax collector Grubber.

JOHN J. DEVLIN 1348 Rosalie Avenue, Cornwel l-, llcighh ME9-5116 Saint Charles Borrorneo IA,2F,3B,40 . . . Student Council 2 . . . Track 1,2 . . . Cross Country 2 (L),3 (L) . lnuamurals I ,2,3,4 ... Woo lit" ... Rmee.

RICHARD A. DITULLIO 169 Lyceum Avenue, Roxborough IV 3·6291 Saint Lucy IA,2E,3A,4E . . . Basketball Manager !1,4 (L) .. Baseball ~fanager 3 .. Benilde Club 3 . . . History Club 2 . Ollie Carlson's .thadow ... Saint John's.

JOSEPH A. DONAHUE 1240 Ritner Street, 48 DE 4·5648 Epiphany of Our Lord IF.2B.~B.4B . . . Band 2 . . . Benilde M . . . Art Club 4 . . . Blue and Gold . . . Track I.2J (L),4 (L) (Manager) . . . Intra· murals 1.2J.4 . . . South Philly .. . Model Trains ... Remus. LEIGH D. DOYLE 7817 Provident Street, 50 HA 4·3363 Saint Raymond IE,2A.~E.4A . . . Color Guard 2,3,4 . . . Dramatics 4 . . . Int ramurals 1,2.~.4 . . . Sprites are quick ... Spirits Committee .•.


GERARD M . EBBECK.E 5201 North 15th Street, 41 DA 4-0168 Holy Child I B,2F,!I8,4D . . . Benilde Club 4 . . . Intramurals 1,2,3,4 . . . Albuquerque . . . Murr'.1 pal ... R~cords. WILLIAM K . EDWARDS 650 Boyer Road, Cheltenham ES 9·2783 Presentation B.V.M. IF,2C,30,4A . . . Scholastic Letter 1 . . Baseball 3,4 (L) . . . In tram urals 1,2,3,4 Big Bill ... Cheltenham . .. Squeelc.

LOUIS J. ELLIOT 3559 Vaux Street, 29 VI 3-5441 Saint Bridget IE,2A,SE,4C ... Band 2 ... Color Guard 2 . . . lntramurals 1,2,!1,4 . . . Wake up! . . . Get a coat! VICTOR J . ESCHBACH 710 Los Angeles Avenue, 11 ES 9-2036 Sair1t Cecilia 10,2EJD,4E . . . Benilde Club 4 . . . Blue and Gold ... Cross Country I ... Football 2 ... Crew 1,2 ... Gas-Eating Packard ..• Smiley .•. Collects early.

DONALD D. FANELLE 52SS Clayton Avenue, Pennsauken, N.J. NO 2·9Ml Saint Peter IB,2C,SD,4A . . . Football 1,2 (L),3 (L),4 (L) Intramurals 1,2,3,4 . . . Dondi . . . Red Chevy ... Last Naval Survivo1 ... Dink. JOSEPH A. FANELLI 7639 Brookfield Road , Chellenham ME 5·1206 Saint joseph IA,2B,3C.4C ... Scholastic Medal 2, Scholas· tic Letter 2,3 ... Math Club !1,4 . . . Intra· murals 1,2,3,4 ... ]o~ F1mgi . . . "Dunlting'' ... Math Whiz.

EDWIN J. FEENY !l!lO E. Gowan Avenue, 19 CH 7·2761 Holy Cross 1C,2E,3D,4D . . . Track 2,3,4 (L) . Intra· murals 1.2.3,4 . . . Muscle Man . . . Big Brother . . . Library Study Period.

VINCENT J. FLYNN 261 E. Penn Street. 44 GI 5·0242 Saint Vincent De Paul I E,2D.3B.4D . . . lntramurals 1,2,!1,4 . Twiste1· .. . J11ell, aft ... Chew~ Cheft~n .

RICHARD M. FOLEY 195 Elbow Lane, Mount Laurel, N.J. BE 5·0699 Our Lady of Good Cou11sel I A,2E,3D,4C . . . Wisterian 4 . . . Math Club 4 . . . Book Discussion Group 4 . . . German Club 4 . . . Blue and Gold . . . Crew I . . . Basketball 1,2,3 (Manager) . . . IntramuraJs 1,2,3,4 ... Farm Boy . . ."To be polite or not" ... Skip. LOUIS A. FONDI 402 W. Manheim Street, 44 GE 8-407!1 Saint Michael of the Saints I D,2A,SC,4C . . . Band 1,2 (L) . . . Intra· murals 1,2,3,4 , .. H appy Hollow ... Honest Loll ... Marlboro Man.

JOHN 1 FRIEL 311 Elwood Street, II GL 5-0266 ~aint Fraucis of A.<sisi I B.2C.3D,4E .•. \\'i~telian 2.:1,! .•. Camera Club . . . Crew 2~'U ( I) . . . I ntramurals . . . Frit>l·.lfobile ..• f>t'tr Thomas'J lluddv . • . Frirf tlid it.

J,UfES 1 GALLAG H ER 2043 Walnut Lane. 3~ WA 4-1542

JOSEPH C. GALLAGHER 2551 South 17th Street, 45 HO 8-0203

\aint AthallaSI!H

Saint Monica IB,2A,3C,4A . . . Crew 3,4 (L) . . . Bcnilde 2 ... Track I ... M issed a party. once ... .~een with Golf.

I F.2C.3B,4E . Baseball I-~ (1.).4 (L) . . History 2 . . ln trarnurah . I.R.C. 2 .. \louse •.. The Babe.

FREDERICK N. GAUSZ 3171 Frankford Avenue, 34 1E 5-6920 Saint joan of Arc IC,2C,3B,4A . . . Intramurals 1,2,3,4 . . . 12 o'clock shadow . . . seen with Schenkel.

JOSEPH P. GAVAGHAN 2·137 Boyd Road, Huntingdon Valley Saint Cecilia \\'1 7-2529 IE,2D,3B,4E . . . Swimming 1.2,5 (L),4 (L) •.. Intramurals 1.2,3,4 ... Goes to Sationals Pnt ... Cot your trig1

THOMAS J. GIBBONS Trevose Road, 16 HO 4-8673 Saint Christop her ID,2D,30,4A ... Wisterian I ... X-Country I ... Legion of Mary 3 ... Color Guard 3 ... Baseball Man ager . . . In tram urals . . . Commish . . . Do I beat my car1 ... Jrd for Creek m edal.

JAMES F. GIBLIN 3516 SoUlh 19th, 45 DE 4-0430

Sa int Monica I B,2F,3A,4D . . . Intramurals . .. Likes intramurals ... 2:40 boy.

. M onw

.JOH .:-.1 F. GILLIGAN 2890 Cushing Road. Camden. N J wo 4-1858 Saint joan of Arc IF,2F.3B,4D . . . Intramurals 1,2,3,4 ]n.w:yite . . Hot Ford ... I go to La Sallr.

DAVID W. GIVEY 660 ~fonroe Avenue, Ardsley Tt; 7-1153 Queen of Peace ID.2B.3B.4B . . . Scholastic Medal I . . . Scholastic Letter 1,4 . . . Blue and Gold Benilde Club 1,2,4 . . . Art Clu.b 2,M . . . History Club 2 . . . Dramatics 4 . . . Math Club 3,4 . . . Book Discussion Club 4 . . . Wisterian 1,2,3 (Editor), 4 (Editor) ... Tennis 2,3 (L),4 (L) . . . lntramurals 1,2,3,4 . . . Mantis ... Giveyisms ... Wizard of Jltrbal Concepts . . . Professional joiner.

TERERENCE J. GOSCINIAK 46!10 Penn Street, 24 cu 8-9487 Saint john Cantius I B,2C,3D,4A . . . Scholastic Medal 3 . . . lntramurals 1,2,5,4 ... German Scholar ... Terry ... Goshinski. ROBERT L. GRIFFITH 33 Weiss Avenue, Flourtown AD 3·3161 Saint Gentvieve IA,2F,3B,4E . . . Art Club 2,3,4 . . . Blue and Gold . . . German Club 4 . . . Student Council 3.-1 . . . Football 1,2,3 (L), 4 (L) .. Crew 1,2,3 (L),4 (L) . . . Intramurals 1,2,3,4 ... Grif ... Ahem! ... Studies Three Hours a Xight. FRANCIS R. GUZEK 6628 North 20th Street, 38 LI 8-5926 Saint Benedict IC,2C,3E,4A . . . History Club 2 . . . Math Club 3 ... Crew 1,2 (L),3 (L),4 (L) ... Intramurals 1,2,3,4 . . . Friel did it! . . . Coox ... Smarter than Schenkel.


596y2 Vankirk Street, 20

PI 5-5505 Saint William I E,2C,3E,4E . . . Scholastic Letter 5 . . • History Club 2 . . . Basketball 1,2,3.4 (L) . . . lntramurals 1,2,3,4 . . . Good Art . . . Blondy ... jerry's Pal.

HARRY J. HARP 1708 Madeira Street, J enkintown TV 4-3805 Immaculate Conceptio11 I B.2F,3B,4A _ _ _ Forensics 1,2,3,4 . Wisterian 3 . . . Dramatics 3,4 . . . Legion of Mary 3.4 . . . IRC . . . Crew I ,2,3,4 (L) ... Crest ... The Harp Party Giver.

ALFRED S. HALAS 803 West Wingohocking Street, 40 GI 5-6607 Sai11t Ladislaus ID,2C,3A,4E ... Football 1,2 ... Crew 1 ... Intramurals 1,2,3,4 . . . Twttt . . . Hooray For Us ... Speesh.

DA:'\IEL J. HARRON 6025 Loretto Avenue, 49 JE 5-3362 Saint Martin nf Tnurs IA.2E.3E,4B . . . Benilde Club I . . . Intra murals 1,2,3,4 ... Danny Boy .. At's Frie11d ... Soda jerk JOSEPH F. HAUGHNEY 323 Zane Avenue, 11 ES 9-3936 Saint Cecilia IF,2A,3B,4A . . . Choir 1,2 . . . Band 1,2,3,4 . . . Gennan Club 4 . . . IRC . . . History Club 2 . . . Intramurals 1,2.3,4 . . . Eingestein _ .. The Question Man . . . Brother Anthony's Pal (1)

THOMAS K . HENDRICK 128 West Mount Pleasant Avenue, 19 CH 7-4297 Holy Cross 1E,2A,3E,4A . . . Legion of Mary 4 . . . Football 3,4 (L) . . . Crew 3,4 (L) . . . lntramurals 1,2,3,4 ... Hands ... Russ ... Alka-Seltur

CLARK J IIOPKINS Lpper State Ro,td. \fomgomerpille \ \ 2·0661 Saint Stanislaus I D.2D,3c,tc • • • Football 2.3.4 (L) Swimming 3 (L), I (l.) . . • r cnni~ I (L). 2 (L) 3 {L) • .• Intramural~ 1.2.3,4 . . . Mashed PotaloeJ .•. Hopp>· •. (;rcl'l/ \puch . Thunderbird.

GEORGE ISAJIW 4117 N. Franklin Street, 40 BA 6·3710 Christ the King IA,2B,3C,4C . . . Scholastic Medal 2 . . . Band 1,2,3,4 . . . lntramurals 1,2 . . . Byzo.ntine Rite ... Semi-Finalists ... Music, music, music.

RONALD J. J AKAITIS 3346 Almond Street. 34 GA 5·5553 Saint George IB,2A,3E,4D . . . fntramurals 2,3 . . . Subways are for sluping ... 20 Foot jumper ... Got a smoke.

EUGENE T. JORDAN 2243 Fairhill Avenue, Glenside TU 6-5427 Saint Luke 1F,2B,3D,4C ... Match Club 3.4 ... Cross· ('.ountry 1,2 . . . Crew I .• . lntramurals 1,2,3,4 . . . H ot Chroy . . . Floorbox Gene . .. 2nd period sickn ess.

WALTER J. KAMINSKI 475 Conarroe Street, 28 IV 2-6015 Saint ]osaphat IC,2E.3C,4C ... Benilde Club 1,2,3 ... \1ath Club 3,4 . . . History Club 2 ... Track 1,2,3 .. . lntramurals 1,2,3,4 . . . Well, actually . . . Mullaney's shadow . . . Don't mess with me!

PETER F.. KANE 615 Twickenham Road, Glenside

ru 4-5416

'iaint Luke IE.2E.3B,4B . .. Track 1,2 . • . Cross Count!") 2,3.-l ... Tennis 3,4 . . . Intramurals 1.2.3,4 •. • Cand)·kane • • • C.Y.O . .•• l .ast of tilt' Kanes.

STEPHEN E. KEAR:-<EY 1808 Griffith Street, II PI 5-3278 Resurrection of Our Lord ID,2D.3D,4,\ .. Student Council 1,4 • •. Basketball 1,2.3 (L). 4 (L) . . . Baseball I (L) . 2 (L), 3 (L), 4 (L) ... Intramurals 1,2,3.4 . . . Freshman Letter . . . Me and Wills . . • l.a Salle's Robin Roberts

J- CHRISTMAN KENr-.'EDY 120 Twining Road , Oreland TU 4-4271 Holy Martyrs 1F,2E,3A,4C ... Benilde Club 1.2 _ . Cross Country 1,2,3 (L),4 (L) . . . Track 1,2,!1,4 (L) ... Inuamurals 1,2,3,4 .. _ Chris ... C.Y.O. That's What I Say!




30 Highland Avenue. Bala Cynwyd MO 4-4093

'iaint Matthias 1B.2D.3A,4C . . . Legion of ~fary !U . .. Intramurals 1,2.3,4 . . . Bad Station Wagon . .. Brother A:arin.s'• l .unch.

GEOFFREY J . KIERSTEAD 1214 Church Road, Oreland AD 3-1501 Holy Martyrs 1E,2F,3A,4C . . . Cross Country 1,2,3,4 (L) .. _ Track I ... Swimming 3,4 (L) . . . Base· ball 2 _ . - Crew 3 . . . Jntramurals 1,2,!1,4 ... Jeff __ . Kane's Pal ..• Touch Football.

ALA "J E. KOPECK I 1011 Edann Road. Oreland TU 6-9855 Holy Martyrs l0,2C,3A.4A .. ~lath Club 4 . . . Crew 1.2.3 . Cox11•••m1 Dr/uu . Seen with Link

JOSEPH S. KRAEMER 1347 Disston Street, 11 FI 2-6644 Resurrection of Our Lord 1A,2C,3E,4E . . . Scholastic Medal !I . . . Scholastic Letter 3,4 ... Wisterian 2,3,4 (Edi· tor) . . . Math Club 3 . . . Blue and Cold . . . Student Council 3 . . . Intramurals 1,2,3,4 ... Elmer . .. Mala's Pal ..• jackpot Winner

EDWARD M. LASKA 7!166 Rural Lane, 19 CH 7-1!1!16 Holy Cross IC,2A,!IE,4C . . . Band 1,2,3,4 . . . Physics Club 1 ... German Club 4 ... Intramurals 1,2,!1,4 . . . Quiet Ed . . . Band Boy

ROBERT A. LEONE 5321 Claridge Street, 24 cu 8-2960 Saint Ambrose 1A.2C,3C,4B . . . History Club 2 . . . Foot· hall 1,2,3,4 (L) . .. Basketball 1 .•• Tracl.. 1 ... lntramurals 1,2,3,4 ... Cu= ..• •\ll'atba/1 5qrwd ..• The Name is Robert!

ROBERT J. LESNIEWSKI 18!14 West Rockland Street, 41 GL 5·52!12 Holy Child IE,2F,!IB,4A . . . Scholastic Medal 2 . . Camera Club !I . . . Intramurals I ,2,3,4 Wa1110's Friend . . . Camp Counselor

ED\\>ARD LIPSKI 2511 South Wanamaker Street, 43 SA 9-8540 Saint ;\tary of Czestochowa IB,2C,3D,4A . Math Club 3,4 ... Hi~tory Club 2 . . . lntramurals 1,2,!1,4 . . . Pedrlln· . WIBC Shoes.

FRED J. LINK 4402 North 7th Street, 40 GL 5·4!172 Saint Henry 1D,2C,!IE,4D . . . Wisterian 3,4 . . . Histol') Club 2 . . . Math Club 4 . . . Intramurals 1,2,3,4 . . . "The Missing . . ." . . . Nroer Shouts ... Mutt

JAMES L. LITTLEFIELD 6900 Lawnton Street, 28 IV 2·6589 Immaculate H eart of Mary IB,2F,.3B,4D ... Wisterian 2,3,4 ... His10ry Club 2 . . . Blue and Gold . . . Art Club 2.!1.4 . . . Dramatics 4 . . . Camera Club 3,4 ... German Club 4 ... :\1ath Club 3,4 .. . Debating 1,2,3,4 ... lntramurals 1.2,3,4 .. . Small Pasture ... Lonnie.

THOMAS M. LOFTt;S 601 Rhawn Street, ll FI 2·0909 Sc.int Cecilia 1F,2E,3D.4E ... Class Officer I ... \\'isterian 3,4 . . . Benilde Club 2,3 . . . Art Club 1.2 . . . Legion of ~1ary 4 . . . Tennis 2,3,4 (L) . . . Football I . . . lntramurals 1,2,3,4 . . . Kind uncle . . . Likes blind dates . . . Fox Chaser

R . LO!\'UON 1081 Easton Road , Roslyn TU 4·5068 Our Lady Help of Christians IE,2D,3B,4B . . . Benilde Club 1.2.3 . . . Legion of Mary 3 . . . Wisterian 2 . . . Library Club I . . . Cheerleading 2,3 . . . Football 1 (Manager) ... One·third of Creel! Class ... Bridges. WlLLIA~I

H. JA:\fES McCAFFERTY 1633 S. 6th Street, Camden, N.J. Sacred Heart I C,2E,3C,4E . . . Debating 1,2,3,4 . . . Wis· tcrian I . . . lntramurals 1,2,3,4 . . . Wake up, jim ... Barney ... Best decorated car.

ROBERT J. McCANN 5640 McMahon SLreet, 44 VI 4-2852 /mTTIQculate Conception IA.2A,3D,4E . . . Baseball 1,2,5,4 (L) . . . Inlramurals 1,2~,4 ... Reads poetry beauli路 fully . . . Party goer . . . Tag's along.

JOSEPH P . McCAULEY 837 Ivy Road, Broad Axe MI 6-6917 Saint Joseph ID,2E,3D,4D ... Tennis 3,4 . . . lntramurals 1,2,3,4 . . . Morning Mayor, ]r. . . . High trousers . .. Broad Axe.

JOHN R . McCLOSKEY 1424 Comwells Avenue, Comwells HeighLS ME 9路2554 Saint Charles Borromeo IC,2A,3A,4D . . . Scholastic :'.fedal 2 Student Council 3 . . . Football I .2.M (l.) . . . Intramurals 1,2,3,4 . . . Life Savt:r .. jack ... Seen in the Trophy Case. GERALD V. McDEVITT 18 Bryn Mawr Avenue, Bala-Cynwyd MO 4-5458 Saint Matthias IB,2E,3C.4E ... Benilde Club 3,4 . . . German Club 4 . . . History Club 2 . . . Intramural's 1,2,3,4 . . . Bishop . . . Made th e ].V.... Mainliner

JOHN F. McDONALD 353 East Church Road, Elkins Pall.. ME 5·1623 'iaint ]am~s IF.2D.3C,4C . . . :'\·Country 2,3 (1.),4 (L) . . . Track 2.3.4 (L) . • . lntramurah I . • Road Rtmnn . •• Bnmudas . •• ,\fac.


M. McGI"'LEY 1416 E. Cheltenham A"enue, 2·1 PI 3·1078 Saint Martin of Tours IB,2B.3C.4D Wistcrian 1,2,3.'1 Answers qurstiom .. l.otin IV . . . Takes the bw.

JOSEPH P. McDONNELL 2001 Ridley Avenue, 38 WA 7-0882 Saint Benedict I E,2A,3A,4A . . . lntramurals I ,2,3.4 . . . Mo~ ... Soda jerk ... R~ds.

JOHN J . McGOWAN 1023 Kipling Road, Jenkintown TU 7-4461 Immaculate Conception I F,2E,3D.4A . . . Wisterian 2,3 . . . Legion of Mary 3,4 . . . Art Club 3,4 . . . Football Manager 1,2,3 (L),4 (L) ... In tramurals 1,2.3,4 ... Big john . .. All-Catholic Manager ... Biology Whiz.

PAUL M. McGILL 7116 Charles Street, 35 DE 3·8757 'iaint Bernard ID,2B,3B.4B,3E,2F ... Religion Medal 3 ... Blue and Gold . . . History Club ... Foot· ball I .2.3 (L),4 (L) ... Track I ... Crew 2 ... Intramurals 1,2.3,4 ... A~riJJI shot ... Gilly Reddest face in school.

JOHN B. MciLHINNEY 942 West Maple Drive, Southhampton EL 7-2836 Our Lady of Good Counsel IE,2D.3A,4E . . . Cross Country I Track I ... lntramurals 2,4 ... Real Estate . .. Takes Italian ... Nicaraqua·bound.


KEVIN McVEIGH 6832 Corsten Street, 19 VI 3·4398 Saint Therese IC,2B.3B,4B . . . Scholastic Medal 1,3 . . . Latin Medal 1,2,3 . . . Scholastic Letter 1,2,3,4 . . . Wisterian 3.4 (Editor) . . . De· bating I ,3,4 ... Football I ... Basketball!. .. Track I . . . Intram urals . . . K~s Komer• .•• orze of eight ... Willy Fan ... Thanlts E·milian.

MICHAEL W. MAGUIRE 714 Vernon Road, 19 Vl4·6256 Saint Theresa of the Child jesus 2E.3E,4B . . . Benilde 2.3 . . . X·Country 3,4 (L) . . . Track 3,4 . . . In tram urals . " Mig" . . . ex·cardinal . . . lmpala.

TERE;o.ICE J. MANNING 57 Crestmont A\·enue, 14 ~E 7·8081 Saint Charles Borromeo ID,2D,3B,4E . . . Student Council !1,4 (Presi· dent) . . . Art Club !1,1 . . . Band 3 . . . Swimming 3 . . . Intrarnurals 1,2,!1,4 . . . Maynard . . . Poet Laureate . . . Occasional visitor.

GERALD A. MARA:'I/0 613 Thornhill Drive, Lafayette Hill AD 3·2381 Saint Philip IC,2C,3E,4E . . . Scholastic Letter 1.3,4 . . . Student Council 1,2.3,4 . . . Basketball 1,2.· 3 (L),4 (L) . . . Track 1,2 (L),3 (L),4 (L) . . . Intramurals . . . Tall, skinny kid . . . jerry and Frank ... Those idolizing frosh.

DA:-.:IEL J. MAIDEN .i24 Roxborough Avenue 28 IV 3·6366 Saint john the Baptist IA.2D.3A.4D . . Student Council 3,4 ••• Football 1,2 (L),3 (L) . . . Baseball 3 Track I . . Oh, Danny boy ..• S.n ham· burger . . Maiden japarl.

J ;\lATA 1!\30 Ea~t \'an Kirk Street, 49 PI 3·i21 i ~nint .\fartir1 of Tours lC,2C.3E,lE . . Scholastic Medal 2 Wisterian 4 . . . Blue and Cold .•. Book Dio;cus,~ion Club 4 . . Dramatic~ .•. History Club I . . lntrarnurals 1.2.:\,.J . . . ll'hat's tilt• 111/lln, .\Iatn ... Radical ... Protruwnnl Cynic ... Willy. JA\fES

HERBERT C. MATTHEWS 1242 Southampton Road, 16 OR 3-0592 Saint Christopher IA.2E.3D,4D . . . Band 1,2,5,4, . . . Intra· murals 1,2 . . . Herb6ceous . . . Studied at Ocean City . . . German Scholar

CARL A. MATTIA 6730 Lebanon Avenue, 51 GR 3·0759 Saint Callistus IB,2F,3A,4B . . . Football 1,2,3 (L),4 (L) . . . Track 1,2 . . . Benilde Club 1,2 . . . Intra· murals 1,2,3,4 ... Mattie Matte/ ... Basket· ball coach . . . What11 A. VICTOR MEITNER 7361 Ridge Avenue, 28 IV 2-7094 Imma~ulatl:

Hearl of Mary

IF.2D.M.4B . . . Student Council 1.2 . . . Cross-country 4 (L), Track 1,2,4 . . . Swim· ming 3 (L),4 (L) . . . In tram urals 1.2,3,4 . . . Vic ... Diver . .. Vogui.vh KEVIN P. MOSS County Line Road and Simms Street, 16 HO 4-2412 Saint Christopher I F,2C,3E,4D . . . Bowling 1 (L) . . . Intramurals 1,2,3,4 . . . Mott . . . "A rolling stone" . . . Kev

PAUL E. ?.fiEHLE 7546 Beverly Road, 38 HA 4-0384 Saint Athanasius IC.2C.3D,4E . . . Math Club 3 . . . Tennis I (L),2 (L) ... Golf 3 (L),4 (L) ... lntramurals 1.2,3,4 ... Par ... '55 Chev ... "I hurt my toe"

THOMAS J. MULLANEY 6823 Crittenden Street, 19 VI 3路17!18 Saint Therese of the Child jesus IC,2E,!ID,4B . . . Benilde Club !I . . . Ger路 man Club 4 . . . Basketball !I . . . Track 1,2,!1 (L),4 (L) . . . Intramurals 1,2.M . . Zeus ... Math man ... Dribbler Deluxe

JAMES P. MOTLEY 5145 N. 16th Street, 41 DA 9路3381 Holy Child IA.2B,!ID,4C ... Band 1,2,3,4 ... Math Club t ... Gennan Club 4 ... lntramurals 1,2,3,4 . . . Many colored . . . Book burner . . . Bircher JOSEPH P. MULLE~ 119 Hilldale Road, Cheltenham CA 4-2058 Saint joseph IE.2E,!IE,4B . . . Student Council 1,4 Football 3 ... Baseball 2,3 (L),4 (L) ... T en路 nis I . . . Intramurals 1,2,!1,4 . . . Roubal/ addict ... Big smile ... joe GEORGE A. MURR 921 S. lOth Street, 47 Saint Paul ID,2F,3A,4D ... Cheerleader !I ... Benilde Club 4 . . . Math Club 4 . . . lntramurals !1,4 ... Sweater boy . . . Mumwr ... jerry's friend

WILLIAM J. NARKE 1539 Dickinson Street, 46 FU 9-0366 Saint Rita IB,2E,!ID,4E . . , Tntramurals 1.2,3,4 . . . TV addict ... Naracke.

~UCHAEL T. O'BRIEN 345 East Gale Street, 20 GL5路8136 Saint Ambrose IF,2B,3B,4D ... Scholastic I , Art Club I . . . Basketball 1,2,3 (L),4 (L), . . . Football I .. . Intramurals 1,2 ... Itchy .. . 'Gunner' . . . Mickey 路

WILLIAM J. O'MALLEY 8!14 Dorset Street, 19 VI 4-3791 Saint Therese of the Child jesus lA,2B,!lC,4C . . . Scholastic Lelter 2 History Club 3,4 ... ~fath Club 3,4 . . . Science Club I ... Student Council I . . . Basketball Manager 1.2,3 (L),4 (L) . . . Cross Country 1,2,3,4 . .. Track I . . . Bo . . . Thin Clad . . . Meriteer KEVIN M. O'NEILL 401 Woodbrook Lane, Rydal TU 6-4402" Our Lady Help of Christians IE,2D,3B,4B ... Swimming 4 ... Intramurals 1,2,3,4 ... Crest ... Hot Chevy.

JOHN J. ORMOND 23!12 Stanw()()ll. Street, 15 DE 2-4358 Resurrection of Our Lord l0,2D,3C,4C . . . Football 1,2,3 (L),4 (L) . . . Ba.9..etbaU 1,2 . . . lntramurals 1,2,!1,4 . . . English Scholar . . . 50-50 ticket . . . Punt returns

FRANZ J. OSTERTAG 3682 Calumet Street, 29 VI 4-7075 Saint Bridget I F,2A,3E,4A . . . Track I ,2 . . . In tram urals 1,2,3,4 ... Warriors Fan ... Big Franz . .. Homework lender.

JOSEPH M. OSBORNE 7022 Louise Road , 38 H A 4-3630 Saint Athan/J$iu.s IB.2D,3C,4C . . . Football 1,2,3 (L),4 (L) . . . Crew 1,2 (L).3 (L),4 (L) . . . Basketball 2 .. . lntramurals 1,.2,3,4 . . . Call me Oz . . . Lifeguard ... Lumpy.

THOMAS J. PAGAN i200 Sommers Road, 38 HA 4路1072 Saint Athanasitls I E.2F,3A.4D . . . Benilde Club I . . . Intra路 murals 1,2.3,4 . . . See me after class, Pagan ... " We love you" . .. I'm 110t really.

DAVID W. PARMER 7024 Cottage Street, 35 MA 4-5065 Saint Leo 1B,.2A,SE,4E ... Color Guard . . . Dramatics . . . Intramurals 1,2,3.-t .. Zeke . . . Mr. Paaamar ... Reader.

RA~K '\. PINTO 1616 South lOth Street, 48 OF 6·0876 St Nichoh1s of Tolentine IF..2C.3E,4A Scholastic Medal 1,2 lli~ton Club 2 . . Math Club 4 . . . Student Council 4 . . Bowling 4 (I.) Intramurah I ,2.!1,4 . . . ~outh Ph illy 'rl~t• Kid . • . Convinrt"d . Bus stop romance.



106 Holme Avenue, Elkins Park ES 9-3773 St. ]ames 10,2D,3D,4B ..• Wisterian 1,2 . . . Photog· raphy Club 2 . . . Benilde Club 1,2,3 .. . f ootball 1.2,3 (L),4 (L) . . . Track 1.2,3,4 (L) . . . Intramurals 1,2,3,4 . . . Look, Mom, no cavities . . . All-Catholic . . . Yes, I would pt"rchance have something to say.

fO<;F.PH M. REDICAN 1547 North llills Avenue, Willow Grove OL 9-8196 St. john of the Cross I B.2F,3A,4D . . . Benilde Club 1,2 ... Crew 1,!1,4 (L) ... Intramurals 1,2,3,4 ... "Stacey" .\-fe 1md Wilson ... salt of the earth.

CARL T. REICHWEIN 7945 Pickering Street, 50 l.l 9-1940 St. Raymond IA,2E,3C,4C . . . Scholastic Medal 2 . . . Hand I ,2,3,4 (capt.) ... German Club 4 .. . All-Catholic band 2,4 ... Math Club 3,4 .. . Science Club I . . . "Barber of Seville" .. da Fuhrer ... Rich-wine.

THEODORE RAKOWSKI 5350 Eadom Street, 37 P14-0857 St. Bartholomew IC,2C,3E,4A . . . Quiet Man . . . Conseroa· tivl" ... most activity-mitldtd.

\ ERIC ROSENQUIST R.D. No. !1, Old Easton Road, Doylestown f18·3662 Our Lady of Mt. Carmel IC.2A,!IA,4 D ... Debati ng 1,2,5.4 ... Intra· murals 1,2 ... Francophile ... Traveler ... stsquipedalian.

PAUL J. ROUSE 70!12 Torresdale Avenue, !15 ~fA 4·6362 St. Leo IA.2B,!IC,4B . . . Library 1.2 . . . Rouur . .. Dr. ······- ... The bowtie.

JOHN J . RYAN 2504 West Lehigh Avenue, 32 BA 9·2567 St. Columba I F,2D,3C,4C . . . Cross·country 3 . . . T rack 2,!1 . . . Intramurals 1,2,3:4 . . . Which car today1 ... trips to Wildwood ... red Supersport. WILLLA.M J. SCHENKEL 3618 East Thompson Street, 34 GA 3-2449 St. George IC,2C,3D,4E . . . Track 1 . . . Bowling 1 . . . Football 2 . . . lntramurals 1,2,3,4 dyes his hair ..• smarter than Guuk . . . brings own cheerleaders.

JOH;-.1 B. RYAN 126 East Aliens Lane, 19 CHi-1176 Hoi)' Cros.~ I E,2A.3A,4D . . . Benilde Club 1.2 . . . Dramatics 4 . . . Student Council 3 • • • Trac).; I • •. Crew 2,!1,4 (L) . . . Intramural\ 1.2,3,4 .•. "].B." .. . u·hat a voiu!

CARL W. SCHMiD 1819 West Sulis Street DA 4·!1209 Holy Child IA,2C.~E,4C . . . His Tory Club 2 Science Club I . . . Intramurals I,2 Smitty ... Socialist ... Flower Lover. LAWRENCE W. SCHWOERI 11 BelAire Avenue, Haddonfield, N.J. HA 9-i53I Christ the King IC,2B,3C,4C . . . Scholastic Medal 1,3 Scholastic Lener 2.3 ... Math Club !1,4 ... Student Council 4 . . . Track 1,2,!1 (L),4 (L) . . . lnuamurals I,2,3,4 . . . From the Mosquito State ... Fast -1-10 ... Long jump.

JOH:\ M. SHAEFFER i936 Ferndale Street, II PI 2-6!120 ID,2E,!IC,4C . . . Benilde Club !1,4 . . . .\1ath Club 3,4 . . . German Club 4 . . . frack 1 . . . Cross Count!) I,2,3,4 . . . lntramurals 1,2,3,4 ... Heard in the Best of Ci>cles . . . Stitcher . . . "I am too u


ROBERT F. SHOULDIS 121 Andrea Road, Cheltenham ME 5·0429 Saint joseph IC,2C,3E,4A Intramurals 1,2,3,4 . . .Vice catch, Bab .. Harry Esmond Fan.

\\'. ELLIS SMITH Fort Washington and Meetinghouse Roads, Ambler ~fl 6-I978 Saint Anthony IF,2B,30,4E . . . Art Club 2 . . . Track I . . . Tennis !I . . lntramurals I,2,!1,4 . Carr owes me a pipe ... Appendicitis. \LBERT X. SOMMAR 411 Pleasant Avenue, I9 VI 8-1581 Holy Cross JA,2B,!IC,4C . . . Scholastic Lener I . . . Band I,2,3,4 . . . Math Club !1,4 •.. Wisterian 2 ... lntramurals I,2,3,4 ... Tension ... Meriteer ... FX.

JOHN P. SOMMAR 304 Penn Oak Road, Flourtown AD 3-4255 Saint Genevieve IC,2E.3C,4C . . . History Club 2 . . . Math Club 3,4 . . . Gemtan Club 4 . . . Intra· murals 1,2,3,4 . . . Dunk it, john . . . Tex. RICHARD W. SORENSEN 4616 Leiper Street, 24 JE 3·2556 Saint Joachim Stage Crew 3 . , . Band 2 . . . Student Council 2 . . . Crew I . . . Uncle . . . Max ... In the Kitty, Richard.

VICTOR P. STANGO I Erdenheim Road, I 8 CH 7-3226 Saint Genevieve IC,2B,3C,4C . . . Math Club 3 . . . Student Council 3 . . . Dramatics Club 4 . . . Golf 3 (L),4 (L) ... Intramurals 1,2,3,4 ... Ocean City Yacht Races . . . Does it really runt ... Vic. HENRY P. STOEBENAU, JR. 18 Detweiler Lane, Ambler Ml 6-1359 Saint joseph IB.2F,3B,4E . . . Art Club 2,3,4 . . . Math Club 3 . . . Spirit Commiuee 3,4 . .. Blue and Gold ... IRC ... Football I ,2,3 (L),4 (L) . . . Track 2,3 (L),4 (L) . . . In tram urals I ,2,3,4 . . . Sturby . . . junior Prom Party ... The Toe.

STEPHEN B. STRYKER 8614 Montgomery Avenue, 18 VE 6·5121 Om· Mother of Consel/ation 3B.4E . . . Wisterian 4 . . . Intramurals 3,4 ... A latecomer ... Canadia11 Import. JAMES D. SULLIVAN 5202 North 6th Street, 20 GL 5·0614 Incarnation I F,2B,!lC,4C . . . Scholastic Medal 1 . . . Scholastic Letter 1 . . . Band 1.2,3,4 . . . Dance Band 1,2,!!,4 . . . All-Catholic Band 1,2,3,4 . . . Drum Major 4 . . . Intramurals 1,2,4 . . . jim . . . High Stepper . . . Dick Conti11o.




T.\(,(, \ RT

11'3i '\mth 810ad StH'I.:I ·10 B \ 8 -:1131

'i11iut 'iupl~t.'ll IE.,:?D ,38,4B • •. Bcnilde Club I Cn.>''' Intracountr) 2 ..• Swimming 3,4 (L l mural~ 1.2,3,1 .•. Tony . . . The Tiger • ••


I>ETE R B. THO ~fAS 8225 Ardleigh Street, I~ CH 7-1357 IF.2C.3E,4F. . . . Track 1,2.3,4 (L) • . Crosscountry 2,3 • . . lntramurals 1.2,3,4 . . .

Did you soy party! . . • tmothrr accidmt, Peter ... tra with 1'anlt!.

JOHN A. TAGLIANETTI 641 East Chelten Avenue, 44 GE 8-3591 Immaculate Conception (Gtn.) ID,2E,3C,4B . . . Wisterian 1,2 . . . Benilde Club 1,2,4 . . . Football I . .. lntramurals 1,2,3,4 . .. Tag . .. Nephew . . . mailman.

JOHN R. THOMAS 6640 Sprague Street, 19 VI 5-1162

Saint Therese of th e Child j esus I B,2D,3A,4B . . . Wisterian 4 . . . Benilde Club 1 . . . Histo ry Club 2 .. . Football I . . . lntramurals 1,2,3,4 . .. the name's the same . . . Olympic jumper . . . Spanish scholar.

RALPH P. TOMEI 4926 Grant Avenue, 14 NE 7·7634 Saint Kath erine of Siena 2E,!IC,4D .. . Football !1,4 (L) .. . In tram urals 2,5,4 .. . Chief A ccident Prone . . . smart dresser.

JOSEPH M. TOMKIEWICZ 4212 Greeby Street, 55 DE 2-4559 Saint Timothy IA,2C,5E,4A . . . lntramyrals 1,2 . . . Health reasons . . . Guzek's Cousin . . . Seen with Kraemer.

VICTOR J. VOSS !10 Sandy R idge Road, New Brit.Un FlS-4425 Our Lady of Mount Carmel IC.2E,5D,4B ... Color G uard 2 ... Crew 2 . . l ntramurals 1,2,5,4 . . . Vickie . • . H istory Wiz . .. Bookish.

JON P. WALHEI ~f 120 Penanh Road, Bala Cynwyd MO ·1·9674 ~aint Matthias IA.2D,5A,4B . . Scholastic Medal 2 . . . Scholastic Letter 2,3 . .. Spanish Club 4 ... C.C.D. . . Cross Country 1,2 . . . Swimming S (L),4 {L) . . . Ten nis 1,2 (L).3 (L),4 (L) .. . It's ]·O·N! .. . Look me over . .. What's I he matter?"

FRA~CIS J. WARVOLIS :l-135 Salmon Stteet, 34 GA 5-2618 ~aint

Geo rge

I E,2 F,3 B,4 E . . . Camera Club 3 ... intramurals 1,2,3,4 . . . Stamps ... Football .. .

Cars ... Warvo ... Pancho ... Glub! .. . Glub! JOSEPH M. \\'EIDNER 7324 Sommers Road , 38 HA 4-8999

'iaint A thanasius ID ,2B,3D ,.JC . . .


1,2,3,4 . . .

Eats Alone ... "R eds".



576 Faim·ay Terrace. 28 IV 2-4178

'IIORM-\:S \ WELSH 7155 Andrews Avenue. 311 HA 4·0454 ~aint

Holy Family I F,2 B,3A,4 D . . . Scholaslic Letter 1 • . .


IC,2C,3E,4E . . . Scholastic Medal 2 . . Scholastic Lcuet 1.2.3,-1 . . . Band 1,2 . . Track 1,2,3.-1 Cross Counu·y 2,3,·1 . .

Ho-Ho . .

Honor noll 'ihirt


MaLhematics Club 4 . . . Benilde Club 4 . . . Swimming 3 (L), Manager 4 (L) . . . lntramurals I ,2,3,4 . . . American L egiou

Baseball ... C.Y.O. Basketball . . . H ot Dog . . . English Major . . . ls th ere a P.O.D. Test?

THOMAS W. WILKIN 4254 North Franklin Street, 40 BA 9-3420

Saint H enry lE,2D,3C,4C . . . Baseball 2,3,4 . . . Intramurals 1,2,3,4 . . . C.Y.O. . . . "The Big Mit" . . . ''l'll look it up, Brother" . . .

Garland Fan.

GERALD J. WILLS 8403 Hull Drive, 18 AD ~-1 147 Seven Dolors I D,2F,SA,4A . . . Baseball 1,2,!! (L),4 (L) l ntranmrals 1,2,3,4 . . . Freshman flash On the mound ... " Afov".

JAMES M . WILSON 2050 Sansom Street, S LO 7-2206 Saint Patrick IB,2F,3A,4 D . . . 'Bcni lde Club 1.2 . . . Gcnnan Club 2 . . . Baseba ll 4 . . . Intra· murals I ,2.3,4 . . . Ctnter City . . . Pros· cenium ... One of tile terribll' three.


5413 Torresdale Avenue, 24 JE ~-7754 Saint Bartholomew IE,2E,3B,4D . . . Wisterian 2 . . . Int ra· murals 1.2.~.4 . . . Wiuy .. Rakowski's buddy ... Speaks softly.-

PAUL R. YUZUK 2153 Glendale Avenue, Abmgton Our Lady H elp of Christians 1D,2F,3B,4A . . . Benilde Club 1,2,3 . . . Legion of Mary 3,4 ... Intramurals 1,2,4 .. . Dowr1 on the Dncks . . . Yruuki . . . Moose· bury BttSh.

\\ \l fF.R J. lODEIKO '\22·1 Stanwood '\venue. 36 ))1::. 8-1830

Saint Dnmirric I 11.21• ,:111.1 \ 1/nl f)ml!{l . . .

. Imramurah 1.~.3.1 l••k•· . .. 1-lmrrdiOrlV


Front, left to right: Class President William Foster, David Moore, William Magarity, Karl Williams, Joseph Nickels. Rear, left to right: John Halas, Gregory Verdon, Bruce Graynor, Martin Longstreth, George Smith, Reuben Nyvelt, Paul Mychaluk.

\t•mdmg. left to nght: James Diehl. Daniel Callahan Michael Donahue. Dodd Pfeffer, Domenic Di Piero. \1tting, . lrft to right: William Devinney, I homa~ Christian, Alexander E nga lt, Carl Hynek, \ 'mcent Giunta, C'hristoph('r "f:u rhews.


Staruling, left to right: William Cronin, Michael Lenkowski, John Wudarski, Richard Taylor, Paul Reill y, Frederick Pirmann, Michael Bclcak, Edmund McCloskey, Julio Paz y Mino.

Bottom , left to right: Class President John Michael, James Cake, Francis Krimm, Thomas Long, James Crouy, Daniel Lynch, Joseph Enel, Alfred Urzi, Joseph Daiutolo. Top, left to right : Charles Armstrong, Thomas McGoldrick, Joseph Peszko.

Standing, ll'ft to nght: Charles RatcliHe, Michael Leese, J oseph Smith, .R ichard Beatty, Barron Batchelder, ChriMian Ludwig. Sitting, ll'ft to right: 1 hom as li.clly, J ames Galbally, Louis Esposito, Daniel Whalen, J ames Walton, John Antczak.


Standing, left to right: Class President Michael VergaTe, Ralph Palmer, Edward O'.IDura, Eric Vacca, Stanle} Lorek, James Dugan, Alben McGlynn, Joseph Burke. 'iittmg, left to right: Michael McGee, Francis Snow. Thomas O'Keefe.

\tondmg. 11'/1 10 1ight. Class President Thomas Ronald Ginieczki, Francis Wargocki, joseph Vanne~sa. Pierre Pie, j oseph Hammond. \itting, 11'/1 to right: Da\id Smith, Augustin Schwanz, J ohn Fi~her, John D'Arcy. Mark Beaty. \\'el~h.


Standing, left to right: Maurino Rossanese, j oseph Turk, James Lane, Frederick Wessels, joseph Kelley, J an Mulle r, C o rdon DiGiacomo. Sitting/- left to right;

Frederick Vogt, Daniel H eyberger, Francis DeSantis, Joseph Suarez. j oseph Ratkovich.

\1/mdmg. lrft to right: William Ratchford , '>tcphen Burns, Edward Houseman, William Mo路 linari. James Coli, J ames Robinson , Francis '>ciolla, ,\(fred Enoch. Sitting. lt'/1 to right: Louis Galzerano, Frank Gaidjunas, Francis Daniel, Robert Gallagher

'itanding, left lo nght: Class President Jo!~t:ph O'Neill, J•aul Wagner. John Schmalbach, Peter Rider, Joseph :\1cllhinney, Robert Nelson. Sit/mg. left If> right: William DcVasher, Edward Flood, Frederick Ost<'J tag. Daniel McCutcheon, Anthon) Volpe.

Standing, left to right: Joseph Curran, Edmund Swiacki. Robert Blanch, Roherr O'Rril'n, Stanley Orlowski, Edward Drach, Myroslaw Lukawsky, David DeLuca, Richard Mergliano, J ohn Noel, M) roslaw R yndyk. Charles Collins.

Sta11ding, ll'ft 111 right: Lawrence Butkovich. Thomas Conner, Francis Moran, George Reynolds Timothy l rban)ki. Sitting. left to right: C.eorge L)nCh, Domcnic Triolo, James Case)·. Edward Sirkowski, Lawrence Cantono.


Standing, left to right: Class President Anthony Le路 Storti, Thomas Mitchell, Donald Bothwell, David Fisher, Dennis Boyle, John Kaufmann. Sitting on Ledge, left to righ t: William Norret, J oseph Brennan, Mario Cinquino. Sitting on Bench, left to right: David Rohrer, Rudolph Lucente, Michael Blash.

Standing, left to right: Bernard Kolodziej, Ed路 ward Miller, Robert S c h e II , Christopher Hartman, C h ar I e s '\-Val ters, James Moore,

John Manning, Stephen Clark, Rich路 ard Davis. Sitting, left to right: William Me路 Gill. Robert Budano, Joseph D'Angelo, J ohn Markiewicz.

Standing, left to right: William Sullivan, J ohn Garry, forrest Lang, Thomas Noon, Lawrence Walsh. Sitting, left to right: Francis DuVal, Peter Pratley, John Bums, Charles McNa mara, Louis Beccaria.


Standing, left to right路 Class Presiden t Nicholas Pianola, j ohn Blake, William Doran , Anthony Stonis. Sitting, left to right: Philip Rothenheber, Michael Heebner, Daniel Keating, j ohn Snod路 grass, Thomas Tragemann, Edward Mockaitis, Joseph McGill.


Standing, left to right: J ohn Pa ulits, Henry Lynch, j osep h McAtee, J o hn B urtnick, T h omas Gallagher, W i 11 i am Kohlhepp. John Krause, Joseph Tillman. Sitting. right to left: Thomas Me路 Closke}. Michael Lew路 is, Francis Carroll.

Standing, lett to right: Richard Gallagher, John Ferguson, Michael Ryan, Francis Purcell, Frank Staino. Sitting, left to right: Richard Theis, Edward Hilinski, Gregory Bonner, Francis Cassidy.

\landing, lt·ft to right : Clas' President John Boland, John Lawlor, Gerald C.allagher, William Ca•sitl\. John 1\ennc:), \\'aiLe• 'ilc:pek, James Comerford, John Fcc:n) . .\i/111.,., It'/ I to riglrl: John Contko£, Joseph Thump'>On, John Whiteside. \fichael 0'\1alle) .


Sranding, left to right: Joseph Filinuk, J oseph Krc<laws. Rich ard Tiedeken. Silting, left to right: Edward Bardy. Robert Yacobellis, Eugene Wy•zynski, Daniel Enoch, Joseph Mulligan.

Standing, lt'fl to right: Paul Licata, John O'Toole, Philip Co}lc, \\"illiam Cauic, Raymond J one,. Stephen llodg,on. Sitting, lt'ft to right: J ames Sornmar. Jame' Carr. William Weber, Russell Foster, David Coffey.

Left to right: Class President William Dougherty, Frederick Phillips, Daniel Evans. Brian Daniel, David Urbani, Ri chard Kendrick, Gilbert M c K n i g h t. Thomas Spielhoffer, Gilbert Scutti, David Quinlan, Joseph Longshore, James O'Malley, Denis Hawkes路 worth.

Standing, I eft to rig h t : Michael Heaney, F r a n cis Dougherty. Robert Lawrence, Charles Gemmi, George Kyle, Peter McVeigh, Nicholas Bo路 nanni. Sitting, left to right : John Needham, Joseph Mullen, Paul Pillion, Robert Mandeville.

'itar1ding, left to right: John ~!c:\fabon. 'Valier Parker, Daniel :'\laguire, Leonardo Radomile, Sitting, left to right : A. James Meehan, Denni~ Blake, !\.irk Kara\kiewicz, Bernard ~fcFadden.


l.r{t to right: Class President J erome Hatch, David Yaro~heski, John Tomaselli, ~fark McElwee, Charles

' fester. Francis Lech, Richard Torreti, Do" ne\. Paul Con low, Gregory Sciolla.

j ames

Front, lf/1 to ril{llt : F.dmund Davis. Paul Burger.

Donald LaRue, \\'arrt'n Klenk, Charle~ Schraeder. 'fich.tel Flacl, l~rar. lrft to right : Thomas Kozub. Richard BurM, ~hchacl \\'oods, Peter Regan, fame, Colantonio.


l.t:ft to right: Arthur Ansert, John Murphy. John Keelan , Kevin Carney. J ohn Kilduff, John Nickels, Edward Duffy. Dennis Manion, Ronald Burrell, Ronald Sherno, Stephen Gary.

\tnnding, /~fl to 1ight: Class President William \an Ru~l..irk. David Johnron. Anthon> Pettinato. \l ichacl \fc:'\all~. George Gambone. Sitting, /('fl tc1 nght. :'\icholas Lees. John Gordon. ~fichacl Dc\fa $i \\'alter Jcnkms.

L~ft to right: Richard Carney, Michael Noleu, Thomas Hebling, Da\id Breen, John Bannister, Leonard Pawlowski, Joseph Fahy, Roben Strong. John :-loonan.


Front, left to right Stephen Sutton, Joseph Takach, Paul King R~ar. left to right: James Ma,well Robert \\'alton, Helmuth Bav. Denis 路 Canty. john DeLuca, Walter Smith.

Standing, left to right: Cia~~ President Charles Cumming,, John McKee, .John Mcfadden, James JO)CC. Paul Nicoleui. John Shwope. Robert Feldman. Sitting. left to right: Jay Dugan, Thomas Doyle, Thomas Lambinus.


Left to righ t: Robert Dufrasne, Anthony Pisoni , Francis Brad. Thomas Krimm. Richard Hemberger. J ohn Sullivan , Roswell Geils, Robert T rout, William Clark.

'itanding. lrft to right: Peter Boyle, Ronald Kobza, William Coogan. James Cunningh;un, Michael PrzybYcien. Thomas Williams, James McCloskey. Wayne \fichie. Sitting, left to right: Lawrence Callan, Robert ~f ignatti .

\tamliug, f~ft to right: Class President Joseph Colistra (missiug). Frederick Tragemann, Bernard Kurek , Joseph Kromdyk, Edward Norrctt, Martin McEvoy. Sitting, left to right: John Dempsey, J ohn Boggi, Donald Gehring, George 路Nemec.

L eft to right: Carl Stevens, William Mastalski. Gregory Woodling. Edgar Cansz, Cregorv Kimch, Joseph Golding. Paul Champlin, Ralph Cera~i . Frederick Heller, John Sharkey

On ledge, left to right: Francis Trainer, Victor Staniec, John Casey, Joseph Piazza , Peter Burton. On grnss. left to right: Philip Rothsching, John Ga拢fney, Francis SauenYald, Andrew Clark, J ames Cunningham.


Standing, left to right: Class President joseph Sheehan, Albert H eaton, Francis Laska, Robert Groves, Stephen Me· ~ichol, Leonard Szweda, J oseph Draham. Sitting: Gerald Cape, Edward Moore, J o h n C r a i g. Bernard Boland.

lA -

Standing, left to right: Robert H oneyman, Michael Komelasky. Edward Rekas, Lawrence Dalton, James Mallun, D.tviu Duff}. Georg.: Ft!lit:t:. Sitti11g, l~fl to right: John Devinney, Edward Belcak. frederick Ackerman.

\ttmrlhrl{, lrft In right: h.enneth Klenk, George Poll.:, Thoma~ Witkowski. William <ichncider, William \f<Cl-a<-kcn. \fichacl l';ctllo.n, Joseph Gian,:1111<', Juhn \lcGoldrick Ocnni\ Carl, \\ illiam "' m·' \ittirrg. lt•ft to rz_e;ht: Frederick Patrick, \firh;u•l \\"an:chow~ki . Ed w a r d Kostnew~ki, Rohcrt \'alimont.


'itanding, I e f I I o nght: Cia'' Prc•i· dent ~r i c h a <' I 0' horne. Ami! Gumula. Kenneth Galla~ther. Patrick T a y I or. To s c ph Goldbeck, Alan Bianchini. Sit· ling, left to right. Vincent Madden. Joseph W a 11 a c e , Thoma' O'Donnell. Richard Dur,o. Wil· liam Denker Jo h n Hawley.

Standitrg, left to right: William Lo£tus, Thomas Courtney. James Sharp. Joseph Casey. Edward Plocha. Sitting, left to ri!{ht: Jo hn McG roarty. An· thony Martin , Daniel Downing. Bernard Krimm, J ohn Schroth, Thomas Regan.

Standirrg. /rft to right: Fred lannarelli, '1 homa' Wril!ht. Rohcrt \forti~n. William Hotl, John Dah, Michael 1\rady. \itling, lrft to right: Gerald Caru-o. Rkhanl llrigidi. James Loftu,, \fark Valenti, Gerald .\uhrc\ 'itanlev Fota .

l.rft to ,.;_r,:ht · na~s Pre~ident \rich;wl \fcGinnis.~. James \lurra1 . \\'a Itel Ramicl.., Ronald Coda rio. S11·phcn Smith, Vincent 0 nonnell, fheo(lore Silber, J honw' \fahcr, Joseph Lehman, Glenn l laig. I toward I Ianiei. James Kugler.

!.eft to righ t: John D'Aiessandro, Stephen Swin burne, Ala n O ttinger, Mic hael McCann , J ohn Buzas, J ohn Pron. Ronald Radl. George Hu u lin,. Robert Wilsbach, Frank Becker.

Stnndi11g , left to right· Franci~ Dennis, W i I I i a m Go p e. Challes Dobson. Har· II' Mitchell, Henry Schmidt. Brian Kilc u II en , ~f i c h a c I Fricdbcrgcr. 'iitting, 11'{1 to rir.ht : Owen Rrccn, John Fole\, fo:<t·ph Jordan , Will iam Hetherington.


\t1111ding. l~ft to right. Class President Carl Whit路 lock, AICred Dacanay, John Cavalieri, Ronald Fa.-.ano, Gregor~ Giuliano, Ronald Karolsld. Ernest l'icdlcr. Sitting. ltft to right ~ John l.u\iano, Gerald Higgin,, Joseph McGlade.

Sta11 ding, l~ft to 1ight: Gerald Diamond, T errance \ VIng, J ames Magnaua, J vl m Gdlldgho:t, Paul \ Valsack, j oseph Costa, j oseph Passanante. Sitting, left to right: Francis Bianchini, Gerard Downe}. Thomas Mcintyre, Kenne th McCau ley, j oseph Buckley.

Standing, I eft to right: Cha rles Shel路 ton. Joseph Singer , Owen M o n t a g u e, Michael Ricch ett i , R obert Switalski , J ohn Cassidy, Ro路 man Kwa s n yc k y, Joseph Queenan. Sit路 ting, left to righ t: John Schulte, John Houseman, Laurence Buckley.


~rtting on ll'dge, left to right: Class President Stephen Sulli\'an. Francis Slanina, William Wiggins, Jo,eph jackson, j ohn Collins. On steps, left to right: Robert \ fauhews. James Crumbie, Charles ~fcH ugh, James Degnan. Sta11ding, left to right: Michael 'ihire. Thomas Harron. Joseph Ganin.

Ru"d Sl-tnt路n, Gan Christopher, Du"ingn, John rarrcll Da,路id Bodo. \\'aHtt' Humnwl, Ja) Clinton, Laurence Gorski. \fotrc llu' 1<'. I hnm;h :\forron, Dennis Byrne. l.<'ft to ught :



.\tanding, top, left to right: Vincent Plano, Frederick fli i"Ckorn. Joseph Lain. Charles O'Connor, R ichard Rcanc) . Bot/om. left to right: Alben Kroll, James McAndrew. Edward T roise, Terence Taggart. Sit路 ting, lrft to right: George Cain, Joseph Magazino. William ZiiHgcn.

\tanding. left to righ t: Class President Thomas Donnelly, Victor D'Orazio. Robcl'l llamburger, .J. l'aul 1\caty. Joseph Koch. William Huuon. Gregory Schulze, William Sundermam1, John Rich· .ard~. Sit1i11g, lrft to right: Walter Ramspacher, Jo-.eph Soknlcl.., John Koch.

/l('flr. /t-ft In llj!.hl : John DiLanzo, Robert Uaut•th-, Gregor) 1\litgaril\, l horn a~ \feCi II, Dank I Col· lin~. Gcmgt· Kl"/l'lllinsld, John Kell). Jatuc' lin·

felder. !iilliiiJ!, ;, front. /rfl to right: Chd•:tnplu•t

Callaglu:r. l\l.111in \\alsh, William Collins.


'ilmuliug, left to right: Peter Bradshaw, Roben Cunningham, Baron Cinnetti. j o hn Burns, Francis Bo,le, jo~ph Pagano, J ames Wise, Gregory Moun· tain. \itting, left to right: Daniel Fl)nn, James 'ihaughnc~S\, James Curry, Thoma~ McBride.

\tandrn~~:. lt'{t to right : Cla~s President joseph Donoghue, ll <·nn Oesm:ich , ,\ !bert Buffardi. fhoma~ Braun William Rafter. Arthur Fanning, \lichacl Quinlan. I a w r c n c e H i II • Robert 'ichlcicher. \litha<'l Jcff<:r\ \itting. 11'{1 to •ight: H<:nn \lullc1. \\'illiam 1\.ennedv.

l .t•{l to •igllt:

Conrad Crims, Robert Logan, Leo lrangipanc. Joseph :\larkmann. J ames Calpin, john Kutllcr. Michael McCarthy, Vincent Kraft. H alT} \'amin e. F.duarda~ Sklaclaitis. Stephen Stom1s. Greg· UT') Pirmann.


\lnmliug. lrft '" >ighf: \l ich;l<'l Conner. Raymond z,w,tl<:w,l..i. Rithard Jl ;uhawa~ . Jo,eph Han. C.eJald J),J,I..ilcwiu. John DcJdcdan. James Curry, Jnhn Pettinl' \tiling. lt·{t to right: ,.\ndrew Scott, \lichacl !\'mmile. J>ctcr \I <Cruddcn.

\illi11g, l~fl to right: Cia~ President john Hard· iman. Barn Thomp50n. Francis Bogle. Richard I 11'\C, C.lcnn Fricl>e. \Iichael Shoudi~. Stnurliug. lt'fl to 1igh/ ncnni' O'Lean. James \\'ill~. \\'il· liam \lc.,ham· 'itephen \feredith . \\ a I 1 t• r /;ut'rn~kr

.\illi11g, left to right: Terrence Crowley, Dennis Callan, William DeCola. j ames Bednar. Standing. l~ft to right: Denni~ Coli. Bar!") Stanton. Robert Green, j mcph Schmieg. j oh n Friel. 'itephen Rau~her. Roben Donaghue


Fwut. /rft lo rir.ht . Loui; /.ic1a Robert Banctt. W illiam Barnett, Jo•cph Campbell. Ke\ in 1\.ccgan, (>aul \fcHugh , Robert Janulcwicz. Gerard C.dcr. /l('llT, 11'/1 to right Kenneth Kn•zczun. Roman PctqS?yn. Robert Falconio. William 1\.fcShanc, Francis laq uinta.


"Just wait until next year. There's going to be a lot of changes around here .."

Senior Brain Trust


.ittle Three

The Big Four

Student Council Under the capable leadership of Brother Gratian the Student Council again performed its varied duties admirably. Although hampered by the temporary loss o[ its president, Terrence Manning, the interim work was ably done by vicepresident Larry Walsh. This year marked a new era in the effectivity of the student representative body as it worked closer with the administration than ever before. Rallies, dances and the like were once more present. The council engineered one of the greatest displays of spirit during our successful football season. The vacant presidency was filled at mid-year by Joseph Cattie, and the constitution was amended as regards to the annual council elections making it possible for only juniors to run for the various offices.

"I am glad to see that so many of you have volunteered to act as missionaries to pagan Sweden."

Benilde Club Moderator and President Confer

The Benilde Club was founded in 1948 for the purpose of furthering the direct participation of the laymen in Catholic Action. Throughout the year numerous inspirational talks were given by members of religious orders. Father Amandus, LaSalle chaplain, addressed the club regularly in an effort to better acquaint the student wit h the choice of a vocation. The increasing popularity of the Benilde Club seems to indicate the interest of students in following God's call to the vocation He has chosen. Dennis Cook was elected president of the club and presided over the bi-weekly meetings.



c L

u B

"" 'e the officer-;"

Do n't look a t the camera

The German dub was initiated thi' vear under the guidance of Father Amandus. The purpose of the dub was to more fully develop the student~ knowledge of German and Germanv. t 'nde1 Carl R eichwein\ leadership the dub pre~ent· ed a number of films and spon~ored a di'plav of German r;ori al cu•toms at La Salle College. Thir; demonstration was the high· light o£ the year for the dub.


Ac; in previous year... th e \rt Club has been one of the mmt popular a nd active clubs in the ,rhool. Pa in ting the ~igm for the pep rall ies, football, and basketba ll gam es is probably the br,t known of the rluh\ accomplishments. Under the guiding hand of Brother F . William, the amateur painters aho publici7e m anv of the other ani,路ities and daJl(CS :lt school .

" Boy what you can do with onl

Tt m ay not h e good. bu t it sure is big.


Bob deGroot, 2F, won first place in the annual Germantown Optimist Halloween window paint路 ing contest. The budding artists of the club try their skill in various medium~. such as pastels, oils, water colors, and charcoal. The membership of the club is one of Lhe largest in the school. Its members are drawn mostly from upperclassmen with a sprinkling of first year students.

)f those paint by number sets."

Dave Givey, found 路 er o[ the Giveyistic School of Modern Art instructs some of the less enlightened stu路 dents.

First place winner.

The Marching

Band The LaSalle Rockettes

The heavy-winded brass section. R eal artists.


Givin' off with a real swingin' sound.

The Wisterians

Command performance.

The band, under the capable direction of :\1r. Donald Reinhardt, has culminated a successful season by winning two trophies and presenting a well-received Spring Musicale. Lively maneuvering across drill fields and intricate marching music have merited a first place for our bandsmen in the Catholic Bandmaster's Marching Band Competition. As a result of the production of d iversified music th rough long hours of practice, our Dance Band placed second in the annual Dance Band Con test. Acknowledgements of such salient musicians are given to Mr. Joseph Huttlin, :\fr. Joseph Muscimecci and band moderators, Brother G. William and Brother G. Robert.

The W ISTERIANS compete in Catholic League Dance Band Contest. Result: second only to Judge.

Conccn tration.

Practice, Practice, ar

Stop that infernal drumming. Dr. Reinhardt.

more . . . . .

Youthful Meditation

Legion of Mary


The Legion of Mary, LaSalle's Catholic Action Club, has had an increased membership this year, reflecting the spirit of LaSalle's boys. Aside from collecting books and magazines for the veterans, the Legionnaires under the gu:dance of their moderator, Brother Azarias, visit the Philadelphia port and help the port chaplain notify the sailors of the Sunday and weekday Masses. Besides performing a daily cor路 poral or spiritual work of mercy, the members recite the Legion prayers and rosary at each weekly meeting. Brother Azarias leads his Legionnaires in prayer

p H 0

T 0 G R A p H


c L u B

Now, does anyone know what this is?

LaSalle's Photography Club is a living testimony to the effect of determination. For many years, interested students tried to establish a permanent organization; however, all efforts failed. The acceptance of the moderatorship by Mr. Edward Kelly probably marks the attainment of this desired goal. The Photography Club provides an opportunity for imerested amateurs to use equipment that would usually be beyond their grasp.

T here must be another ingredient!

"Jim, I told you that you forgot "Track is more important than crew."

This year's Blue and Gold is the largest yet. Consequently, work has, at times, run slightly behind schedule. However, all will agree that the finished product is worth the time spent awaiting it. The pictures in this annual represent the most encompassing panorama of life at La Salle ever presented. This work runs the gamut of faculty, seniors, underclassmen, activities, and sports, awarding space on the basis of importance, interest, and achievement. The true character of this school and its students is reflected on these pages.

"Do you think she'd pose again?'.



.. '

"Such a pretty design.''

to put the ribbon in."

Blue and Gold

"Work! Work! Work! All we ever do is work."

Disaster Strikes Histeria Friday the 13th Sends Editors, Moderator Byserk



Shiny Stone Shrine, [lassie [ut [urtains Enhance New School

Next Weekend Set For "Dobie's" Debut

W~lerian Publi'Shed during the •chool )ear by the students of La Salle 860:i Oheltenham Aveoue, J>hlladelphla 18, J>ennsylvanta.


lll.:h School,

Front Page Editor . • . . . . . . . . . . • . . • . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . DAY£ GI\'F.Y Editorial Pate Editor ..•........•.....•.......................•..... )lARK CLARK Sports Editor ..•.......................... • .•.•.•................. KEYI:S )fl'\"EIGB Ntws Editor ...........................•..••.........•.............. JOE KRAE~Il:R Associate Editors ....................................... RIC'H t'OLEY, Jill )lATA Stall ............ Tom Adelman. Mike Belcak, Joe Brennan. Bill Cusld)', Steve Clark, Jim Connor. John Fl8her, Ed Flood, John Friel. Harry Harp, Fred Link, Lon nie LlttleOeld. Tony l.e!';tOrll. Tom Loftus, F.d ~fcCio•key, ltay McGinleY, Pete ~loYelg h. )>terre Pie, lllll Ratchford, John ThomM, Joe Tomklewk~. ~lik e Yergare. Circulation Editors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . • Joe Rurt, !Heve Stryker Photo1raphy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mike Matcher Moderator . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . .


Gerald Tremblay

From the Chaplain's Desk


as we ..


see it


explorer standout


I.A SAlLE J)ERATFRS: Slar~di11g, l~ft to right: J. Burke, A. McGlynn, M. j effers, E. McCloskey, H. Oestreich, \foderator, Brother D. David. Sitting, left to right: J. Casey, W. Sullivan, E. Rosenquist, C. Bartman, K. McVeigh, J. McCafferty, V. O'Donnell.

Performing in post- season tournaments, the LaSalle Forensics Society fulfilled the promise shown in early路 season competi路 tion. Advancing through the city semifinals, the team just missed qualifying for the National Tournament in Miami. In speech, Chris Hart路 man took first place in the Philadelphia finals in orig路 inal oratory. Seniors Kevin McVeigh, Eric Rosenquist, Jim McCafferty, and junior Hartman formed the nucleus of this year's varsity under new moderator Brother D. David.



1\{cVeigh, Hartman, and McCafferty plan strategy.


H artman and Casey criticize as Pierre expounds.

Digging up the facts.

Math Club The ;\fath Club of I.a Salle is a member of the national ;\fu ,\lpha Theta. The prime purpo~e of the club is to instill in the members a basic understanding and appreciation of mathematics. This is accomplished through gue~l

speakers and field trips.


members study curves and all forms of geometric configurations, as well as the higher forms of mathematics. Requirements for membership are such that only the top math students are eligible. eligible.

It all adds up to zero.

Albert Sommar discusses the intricacies of mathematics.

The Lineup.

"What do you intend to do WI'th tha t?" This is no laughing matter.

A motley crew.

Way out. "She'd better recognize your voice, Dobie!"

Cape and Sword La Salle's Dramatics Club with the help of the girls from Cecilian Academy presented "The Many Loves of Dobie Gillis" on February ninlh. The comedy, written by 1\fax Schulman, was given with a minimum of scenery buL succeeded nevertheless in presenting a very fine perform路 ance. Un[ortunately, tfie scheduled performance the following night was cancelled because of snow. The Cape and Sword also participated in La Salle College's one-act-play contest. "Goldfeathers," a serious drama was skillfully depicted. Mr. John l\foore directed the productions and Brother Azarias acted as moderator. "A one, a two, a three ..."


R A R y A I D E


Library aides, Hammond, Lucenti, and McFadden hold main desk in library.

Checking books in and out and return路 ing them to shelves, processing and numbering new books, receiving periodicals, and recording all transactions of the library are some of the functions of the Library Aides. Joe Hammond, Fred Wessels, Rudy Lu路 cente and John Me Fadden comprise the staff. Under Mr. Carl Von Nell's direction, they keep our library in order for our use.

Librarian Von Nell; Aide Lucente.


u M N I

Officers and honored guests at the annual Alumni Communion Breakfast.

Success stories are exchanged by former classmates.

The Alumni As-sociation of La Salle has had a very active year. Making me of our new swimming pool and gvm they had numerous get-to-

gethers through the year. The moderator, Brother E. Joseph was pleased with the turnout for the annual Alumni Communion Breakfast, held in our school. 1\fr. John Flannery was president of the Alumni this year and has done a very fine job, as we all know be can.

John "Tex" Flannery amuses Tack Lombard, past president, Mr. Randolph Wise, Commissioner of Welfare and Father Breen, alumnus and celebrant of the Mass.

Prominen t figures at ~len of LaSalle Banquet converse before main meal.

Men of LaSalle An organitation to promote better relations among teachers and fathers the '\len o( La Salle has had a very noteworthy year. .\~ in the past the club has supplied financial aid to needy ~tuden ts, .ts well as donating the Sacred Heart Statue in the court behind the school. Highlight of the year the Father and Son Banquet, held at the Four CheÂŁ's Re~taurant \\aS a new record for La Salle. Thi~ Banquet pro\ ided teachers, studen ts, and fathers with an opportunity 1o become acquainted informally.

Smiling facia 1 expressions show delectability o[ food.

Fathers and sons stare at camera before supping.

"Sure, sure, the food's just fine. "

Guest speaker, Pete Carlesimo, gesticulates as he leaves the diners in stitches.


Freshman mothers are served their first La Salle tea.

The Mother's Club has completed the year in an aura of success. Using the proceeds from last year's Christmas Pany, the Club purchased the imported, hand-carved statue of Saint Joseph, which resides on the first floor. The Club, under the direction of Brother G . .James, achieved many social successes. in the form of the Tintsel Ball, the Saint Patrick's Day Party, and the Card Party.

"Oh Danny Boy."


Fur fantasy models provide mothers with dream.

card party.

The Freshman Mothers tea.

Mrs. William Ratchford, President, Mrs. Joseph Colantonio, Treasurer, Mrs. Edward Flood, Corresp. Secretary, Mrs. John Die, Recording Secretary and Mrs. John Ryan, Vice-President.

All-Catholic treatment.


J.D. T wist.

Whitemarsh Valley Country Club, decorated for a Christmas theme, was the setting of this year's Senior Prom on December 27. AI R aymond's band provided suitable music for the highlight of La Salle's social season. Seniors and their dates danced until twelve then finished the evening at local night spots and various parties. The Student Council again was responsible for the successful eve路 ning. Everyone who attended the Senior Prom was entitled to a reduced-price ticket for the Junior Prom. The April 27 affair at La Salle College's beautiful ballroom provided a memorable culmina路 tion for a high school career.

"Did you bring your shovel, Ed?"

Senior prom caps Christmas festivities


You make a lovely doorman, Carl. What a ball!


Tennis anyone? Ring around the rosie.

Come on Ellis. Let's hear again.

Watch your step, Oz.

How am J doing, coach?

Come on now ... just a little smile.


A new training method??

Ready to hit the sack.

It's the other foot! Calm under pain.


Opp. La Salle

16 8

12 16 26

North Catholic Bishop Neumann St. Thomas More St. James Father J udge


8 0

8 0 0

16 22 8 50 7

La Salle



Msgr. Bonner Cardinal Dougherty West Catholic Roman Catholic Neshaminy

0 6 18 0



Msgr. Bonner

. ... ..




Do you-u-u mind?

Never say die.

H aul it in, Carl.

Are you using that greasy kid stuff again?

Shame on you!

The R eserves see action. Old Ironsides!

High spirit.

Somebody give Jim a ha nd. Fra nk on the run.

La Salle "Rockette".

"Are you mad J im"?

First and ten, again.

Nickel rocket from the word go!

"Norm" Magarity scampers away from his opponents.


Fancy footwork by Frank.

"The Toe" can run too.

Shake him, Greg!

Top Hight pass defense.

Explorers bite the dust.

Defensively the best in the league.

Touchdown bound.

Daniel's back for pass.


Hard hitting backfield.

Quick, take the picture!

Fullback charge.

What have I done!

Where are my blockers??

"Reds" McGill rips for a sizable gain.

Giving their a ll.

Follow the leader.

H ey, now. This isn't football. Kennedy out in form.

... and stay off the neighbors' lawns.

Cross Country Under the expert direction of Brother F. William, the cross-country contingent capped off a successful year by taking second place in the Catholic League Championships. Four-year veterans Chris Kennedy, Denny Cook, John McDonald; Bill Boscoe, and Bill Maguire were the instruments of many a triumph. Bill O'Malley, John Schaeffer, Pete Kane, Jack Breckenridge, George Casper, Vic Meitner, and Jeff Kierstead gave the squad valuahle depth and experience. Outstanding were the efforts of underclassmen Jim Swiacki and Tom Donnelly, our top runner.

Best dressed managers.

National Catholic Third-Place winners.

Right through the window.

Take thy mark!

Season's Record La Salle

Opponent 57 . . .......... Cardinal Dougherty .................... 38 57 ............ St. Joseph's Prep ....................... 38 56 ............ Father Judge ......................... 39 30 ............ Monsignor Bonner ..................... 65 63 ............ West Catholic ......................... 32 57 ............ Bishop Neuman ....................... 38 65 ............ Cardinal Dougherty .................... 30 48 ............ St. Joseph's Prep ...................... .47 53 ............ Father Judge .............. . .......... .42 31 ............ Monsignor Bonner .............. . ..... . 64 57 ............ West Catholic ......................... 29 48 ............ Bishop Neuman ........ : .............. 38

Crotty contemplates.

\ flying fisher. McCloskey and Company cheer on their cohorts.

Don't go to sleep.

Attack with savage fury. Weismuller heads to another victory.

Pleased to meetcha, coach.

The big three.

The freestylers four.

A Meitner degree of difficulty. It came from beneath the sea.

. . . A - A - A - And, they're off!

And in this tank of the Aquarium ...

This is

John GontkoÂŁ starts the pushofT.

Frank Pinto's and "Daredevil" Ed DeLaney's faces show the strain or bowling.

All Catholic" W alt Bukata wnn the through and it all adds up to a ...

Bowling The varsity bowling team, coached by Mr. Frank Me Fadden, ended the 1962 season in fifth place. The varsity was led by 路walt Bukata, Frank Pinto, Ed Delaney, Bob O'Brien, John Noel, and John Gontkof The JV's had a lot of fun this year and Coach McFadden is looking路 forward to another fine showing next year.

too heavy, I'm getting another one.

The JV's end the season with a smile.



Are you keeping the faith??

La Salle teams never need an alibi; when the Little Explorers saw their Palestra bid frustrated in the last weekend of the season, accent was placed on the spirit of a comeback year, and defeats were recalled for future benefit. Not many teams would have been able to rebound after resounding defeats in the first two games, b'..lt in the traditional spirit of Obie O'Brien:coacheci teams of the past, La Salle stormed back to a five-game winning skein. Marano was magnificent in pacing the victory over North; next, the Cahillites fell like true Romans. The most rewarding triumph of the year came at the Prep when Frank Gutekunst overshadowed the superstars of Saint Joseph's.

Defending champion Saint Thomas More also fe lt the death blow of the blond bomber's eleventh-hour heroics. George Smith found stardom in singlehandedly slaughtering Saint James with the h ighest Explorer point total of the year. Three defeats in the n ext four games made the Palestra look dim but th.e Explorer was not dead yec. Rome fell again, followed by Tex Enoc-h's "Sub-of-the-Year" oerformance against Dougherty. Two defeats on th e last weekend proved fatal. The team's poise and coolness under fire were maintained by senior veterans Jerry l\Iarano, Frank Gutekunst, Mickey O'Brien, and Steve Kearney. All-Catholic managing was proffered by Bill O'Malley.

Grab it, Jerry!

Say, this is easy

Smith in for layup.

'Smilin" Smitty for two.

Quiet! Managers O'Malley and Smallbach at work.

Marano off tackle!

Now George, mustn't hurt Matty Goukas!

Sky, Obie! Sky!

Galloping Gutell

J.Y. Squad




Markman, j . Doran, J. Turk, j . Mulligan, j . 0 Malley, K. Williams, j . Meehan, j . Lawlor, J. Queenan, G. Fricke.

Crusader outnumbered.

Ouch! I t's hot.

Crew With only three returnees from last year's varsity eight, the La Salle crew got off to a slow start in the running for the Manny Flick trophy, but with experienced rowers from last year's second eight and four, hopes are high for a good showing in the post-season regattas. Coached by Mr. Ge01路ge Hines and assisted by new moderator Brother Martin, this year's senior octet was composed of: Tom Hendrick, Joe Redican, Dan Whelan, Jim Detwner, Frank Guzek, Bob Griffith, Rino Rossanese, and stroke Harry Harp. Danny Lynch moved up from the second eight to call the beat as this year's coxswain. Other seniors competing on the Schuylkill this year were John Friel, Pete Beaty, and Mike Carr, who carried the Blue and Gold colors in the second eight and varsity four. An undergraduate boat well worth mention is the doubles pairing of Larry Walsh and Mike McGee. This Explorer duo went undefeated throughout the season to provide a consistent scoring punch in every race.


Look alive you galley slaves.

Carry the shell and don't look at the camera.

Whalen, that is an oar!

The devastating duo.


The Beaner.

I t takes five to make a four.

The LaSalle varsity baseb all squad.

Tension mounts.

Alias the bullet.

Baseball New was the word for the baseball phenoms of LaSalle this year. Direction of the squad fell into the capable hands of Mr. Ned Kearney, and at latest count, he had established a winning record. The import of this feat can't be fully appreciated without an inspection of our 1962 fence-busters. New faces filled five positions as a renovated infield sought valuable experience in the opening contests. Although the encouraging improvement in the underclass ranks was invaluable for the winning record, the bulk of praise should rest on the shoulders of the senior contingent. Fouryear veterans Steve Kearney, Bob McCann, and Tom Wilkin teamed together in the field and at bat to produce a formula of victory. Along with McCann, seniors Joe Mullen and Jim Gallagher gave LaSalle the fastest outfield trio in the league. Joe Burt, Larry Wyszynski, Jerry Wills, and Bill Schenkel added that steadying ingredient of upperclass experience.

Holding them close.

Out at first.


Mullen homerun-bound.

1962 LaSalle Track Team.

Because this year's track team didn't expect to capture many first places during the season, many pessimists counted them out as championship contenders. In their first half-dozen meets, Brother F. William's crew chalked up seven victories while dropping but one decision. Promising underclassmen have consistently produced points in pole vault and hurdles competition, but the measure of victory accrued only through the diversified talents of senior cindermen. With Jerry Marano, Hank Stobenau, George Casper, and Denny Cook scoring in two or more events per meet, other seniors Schwoeri, Kennedy, McDonald, Feeney, Fanelle, D'Ambrosio, and Mullaney kept the Explorers ahead.


1 J

"Coming Down."

Streamlined hurdlers.

"Nice view up here!"

Preliminary jog.

George orbits another.

Crotty and Diehl go over. -


I t's what's up front that counts.

The hand-off.

Mobilized muscles.

Crotty in the lead.

Anticipation of Hank's distance jump causes Norm. Welsh to gnash his teeth. Ohl My aching feet.


• One down, seven to go.

Cough! Cough!


Trapped again.

Oozing it in.

The country club set sat up in wonder, and galleries stared in awe as Explorers took to the links once again. Leading the swinging brigade was four-year clubman Phil Byrne. As a freshman, Phil was clearly among the top golÂŁers in the area. After four years of success, he combines the experience of a Hogan with the vigor and power of a Palmer. Supervised by the Mr. Wizard of golf at LaSalle-Brother G. Thomas, the team ha~ rolled to a string of victories after losing their opener. Seniors Vic S~ango and Paul Michie kept sub-par golf in vogue with drives and putts of professional quality. Ralph Tomei, John Taglianetti, and Vic Meitner were the valuable upperclassmen without which any team is doomed. Semi-pro captain.

A little body english helps.

Boy happy when boy win.

No time to talk.

Does it hurt Jim?

Walhcim's audience ignores him!!

A graceful backhand return.

The Davis Cup hopefuls of La Salle, the tennis team, pulled a real switch this year. Instead o( acquiring a new squad through graduation losses, they had everyone returning; paradoxically their new member was the coach, Mr. Gerald Tremblay. Mr. Tremblay, an Explorer netman of a decade ago, hopes to improve. upon the team's winning record :>ÂŁ 3-2 early in the season. La Salle smashers in the singles competition are Jim Conner, Jack Breckenridge, Pete Rider, Jon Walheim, and Joe McCauley. Doubles strength was added by Dave Givey, Tom Loftus, and Bud DeSantis.


Breckenridge bares down .


Somebody, hit ill!

I'm ready, ~fr.



Follow the leader.





Pretentious Pirouette.

Guttered again .

Curry concentrates; McGill meditates.

Plane Geometry's easier.

No embarrassing stains.

Dissecting the ten pin.

Now try putting it in your alley.

Maybe I'll get the other nine.

Tap off tension.

Hike, 2, 3, 4.

"" ~~ur

mcll scsrct

I got him eating out of my hand.

I'm taking my ball home.

Up, up, and away.

The ball's quicker than the hand.

I got it.

Animal instinct.

A flying tackle by Den O'Leary.

Bob Budano gallops gallantly toward the goal.

Get on the ball, Bill.

D rinks on the house.

That way to the out house.

Fun for all and all for fun .

Outstanding Seniors

J oseph Cattie

Joseph Aita

Robert Griffith Joe Aita was a graduate's graduate. Underlying his effusive Latin temperament was a zest for learning which placed him scholastically at the top of his class. His every endeavor-from an intramural football game to a role in the senior play to a brain-teaser in advanced math-was worthy of a beaming "veni, vidi, vici". The name Joseph means 'he shall add'; how well named was the president of the Senior Math Club! To laud as the epitome of personality is sometimes to damn with fai nt praise; in the case of J oe Aita is was merely to praise. As outgoing president of the Student Council, Joe Cattie culminates four years of executive trusteeship. From a freshman class representative, Joe assumed the highest underclass positions in his next two years, as secretary and vice-president of the Student Council. A dutiful guardian of executive responsibility during his latest tenure of office, Joe also served as the intrepid defender of LaSalle quarterbacks for four years, meriting selection on the All路Catholic team. Regardless of the endeavor, anything Joe attempted had that sweet smell of success. When Bob Griffith set out to do something, it was as good as done. This all too rare quality was the unmistakable trademark of his high school career. Whether tackling a tough physics problem or an onrushing fu llback, Bob executed his assignment with an almost frightening determination. President and prime mover of the Art Club, titan of the varsity eight, diligent editor of this yearbook-Bob Griffith's diversified talents resemble the coat o拢 the biblical Joseph.

Class of 1962

Gerald Marano The word for Jerry Marano is up. Up in basketball, J erry made the art o£ rebounding a thing of beauty. Up in track, he soared to victory in both the high jump and the high hurdles. Up in studies, Jerry acquired an average of 100 in freshman history with a vigor which went unabated through four scholastic years. Up in the opinion of his classmates, he served three years on the Student Council. Jerry was up in everything except one -self-esteem. That is the very thing which made him outstanding. With Kevin McVeigh, one often wonders how so much could be found in one corner. A combination of talented writer, competent speaker, and indefatigable worker made Kevin a tremendous asset to La Salle. Using this wide range of powers, he contributed his efforts to the newspaper, the debating team, the Student Council, the Blue and Gold, the Benilde Club, and the intramural program. Also, Kev managed •tO attain honor roll status twenty-seven times over the four year period. Throughout this year he was the class's most versatile and effective representative. In the future Kcv's talents will certainly fill in all the area in one of the brightest corners in the class of 1962. Jon Walheim made a big splash at La Salle, but he would be the last to admit it. Swimming was his forte, and many an ardent aquanaut saw only Jon's heels as another record went by the board. Aces and passing shots were within his ken, too. Yet more than the nets or the pool, his searching mind earned Jon recognition as an outstanding scholar. He would be the last person in the world to predict his presence on this page-surprise, Jon!



Jon Walheim

The 1962 Blue and Gold Editors Victor Eschb ach Paul McGill

Associate Editors

Assistant Editors

Robert Griffith Henry Stoebenau

Mark Clark David Givey

Moderator Mr. Edward Kelly

Staff Joseph Kraemer, Robert O'Brien, Kevin McVeigh, Fred erick Wessells

Contributors Thomas Adelman, James Connor, George D'Ambrosio, James Detwiler, J oseph Donahue, Richard Foley, Joseph Hammond, James Littlefield, James Mata

Acknowledgement The Staff and Moderator Express Appreciation To: Mike Maicher, for the quality and majority of photographs; Mr. Joseph Durenzi and Louise Crisci of Carl Wolf Studios, for the excellen t senior por traits; Paul McGill, Class of '62, for the outstanding aerial sho t, and pictures of the Forensics Club, German Club, golf, Legion of Mary, Library Aides, and Photography Club; Mr. Gerald Tremblay, for his advice and guidance; The Student Council, for their generous services during the yearbook drive; Brother E. Francis, our principal, for his cooperation and consistent aid; Miss Celeste Waganer, secretary, for her innumerable bookkeeping and clerical services; The La Salle Faculty, for their untiring help; The student body, for their beneficial aid; Our patrons, for their unfailing support and generosity.

Honored Patrons Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Adelsberger Mr. and Mrs. Arthur J. Ansert Mr. Paul Bay Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Bell Mr. and Mrs. Harry Benz Dr. Victor Bierman Hugh Boyle Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Boyle Margaret Boyle Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Bozzell Mr. and Mrs. Joseph C. Braun Mr. and Mrs. Neil G. Breen Mr. and Mrs. Brennan Dr. and Mrs. Joseph E. Brennan .J. Francis Burke D.D.S. Dr. and Mrs. Joseph Burke Mr. and Mrs. E. Donald Burns Mr. and Mrs. John F. Burt Dr. Philip Byrne Carlson Family Mr. and Mrs. James F. Casey Paul R. Casey M.D. Dr. and Mrs. William J. Cassidy R alph Castella Mr. and Mrs. Andres J. Clark Jr. Compliments of a friend Mrs. Margaret T. Cook Mr. Edward J. DaDura Sr. Mrs. Francis J. Davis Mr. and Mrs. Henry W. DeLuca Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Devinney Joseph A. Donoghue Mr. and Mrs. William F. Doran Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M. Downey Dr. Daniel F. Downing Mr. and Mrs. David Doyle Sabina P. Dunleavy The William .J. Ebbecke Family Mr. and Mrs. Frank .J. Eisenhart Alex Engart Mr. and Mrs. Victor .J. Eschbach Dr. and Mrs. Michael M. Etzl Dr. and Mrs. John M. Falker Mr. and Mrs. Salvatore J. Fanelli John Ferguson Christian A. Fisher Jr. Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Foley Mr. and Mrs. William Foster Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Go. Frangipane Mr. and Mrs. John Gilligan Dr. and Mrs. C. Ginieczki Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Gosciniak Mr. and Mrs. William A. Givey Mr. and Mrs. A. Graynor Mr. Amil Gumula Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gutekunst Mr. and Mrs. Stanley J. H alas Mr. and Mrs. ·Harry J. H arp The Heaney Family Mr. and Mrs. Heller Mr. and Mrs. Edward Hilinski and Family Mr. and Mrs. C. Clark Hodgson Mr. and Mrs. Eugene T. Jordan Richard Kendrick Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Kilcullen

Mr. and Mrs. JosephS. Kraemer Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Kredatus Mr. Michael F. Lesniewski Mr. and Mrs. Paul Wm. Licata Mr. and Mrs. E. Lipski Dr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Loftus Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Lorek Margaret C. McCafferty Mr. and Mrs. A. ]. McCrudden Mr. and Mrs. McCullough Rt. Rev. Msgr. Gerald V. McDevitt Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F. McDonald Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence J. \lcEvoy Thomas McGee, O.S.F.S. Dr. and Mrs. Thomas F. McGinniss Albert J. McGlynn f\lr. and Mrs. Patrick McGoldrick Mr. John McShain Mr. and Mrs. .Joseph F. McVeigh Daniel Maguire Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Mandeville Mr. Edmund A. Markowski Mr. and Mrs. Joseph MasLalski Mrs. Maria R. Mata Mr. and Mrs. Herbert C. Matthews Mr. and Mrs. Carmen .J. Mattia Mr. and Mrs. Joseph W. Maxwell Paul Meehan Mr. and Mrs. August H . Michie Mr. and Mrs. Theo. J. Mignatti Dr. and Mrs. William Molinari Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Mullen Mr. and Mrs. William Narke Mr. and Mrs. George M. Nemer Mr. and Mrs. G. R. Noel Mr. and Mrs. Thomas O'Keefe Mrs. C. Joseph O'Malley Mr. and Mrs. Stanley C. Orlowski Mr. and Mrs. James T. Osborne Mr. and Mrs. Walter T. Packer Sr George W. Polk and Family Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Rakowski Richard Ralston Dr. and Mrs. William P. Ratchford Mr. and Mrs. Donald G. Ratcliffe Mr. and Mrs. Paul Reilly Mr. Joseph J. Reynolds ~nd Fat;tily Mr. and Mrs. Michael R•cchettt Dr. and Mrs. Tames J. Robinson Dr. and :\frs. Paul V. Rouse Mr. and Mrs. John E. Ryan William J. Schenkel Mrs. Helen Schleicher Mr. and Mrs. Henry J. Schmidt Dr. and Mrs. Charles T. Sdueader Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Schouldi.~ Mr. and Mrs. John C. Singer Mary Sorenson Mr. and Mrs. Francis Spielhoffer and Family Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Storms and Son H erbert H . Swinburne Dr. John Tae-lianetti Dr. and Mrs. Ralph Tomei Mr. and Mrs. Joseph TomkiewiC7 Dr. and Mrs. Egidio F. Torreti

Honored Patrons Mr. and l\lrs. Joseph Turk Mr. Victor J. Voss ~1r. and :\[r~. John E. Walsh Jr. :Mr. and l\fn. i\1ichael Warechowski Dr. and Mrs. Frank E. Wargocki

Mr. and Mrs. James A. Welsh Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wieners Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Williams Charles J. Wills Mr. and Mrs. Walter J . Zodeiko

Honored Business Patrons Abington Luncheonette 1878 Horace Avenue

Rocco Fanell and Sons 217 Line Street, Camden

Alfred Angelo Inc. Twelfth and Glenwood Avenue

First Federal Saving Bristol and Levittown, Penna.

Mr. John J. Antczak fi270 Gillespie Street

Flourtown Lanes Flourtown, Penna.

Apex Carpet \Vorkroom 1617 ::'\lorth Street

Russel J. Foster, Insurance Consultant 33 Wooddale Road

N. Bantivoglio's Sons Inc.

Frankford Dairies

261-3 Division Street, Camden

58 17 Walker Street

\Valter A. Bell, Realtor 路1 11 Germantown Pike

Vincent D. Galzerano 7158 Torresdale Avenue

Brcitenback, Whitmoyer, and Sheehan, Co.

Glanz Behm and Herring, Inc.

21 BaJa Avenue

809 Arch Street

Frank A. Burke, Fuels Royersford, Penna.

Glenside Beverage 442 North Easton Road

Cannon Brothers, Opticians 250 S. Eleventh Street

Gravina's Pizzeria 2212 Haines Street

Caesar & Gatter Fuel Oil 6021 Rising Sun Avenue

7612 Ogontz Avenue

A.P. & J.A. Connor Public Ledger Building

Hebling Tool and Die Co. Willdw Grove, Penna.

Cottage Green Inn Ashten Road

Mr. Robert Held, contractor North 路wales; Penna.

Frank V. Daniel, Builder 315 Cedar Road, Elkins Park

Hemberger Brothers Fuel Oil Seventh and Ruscomb Streets

Deane Carbide Products Trevose, Penna.

510 Walnut Street

R. DeMase, Candy Manufacturer 5143 Wakefield Street

Enoch Brother's Paints 3012 Frankford Avenue

Gruber's Bakery

Harry R. Hirshorn, Insurance Industrial Valley Bank and Trust Co. Jean's Luncheonette Rowland and Ryan Streets

Honored Business Patrons

Johnny's Delicatessen 3945 Aspen Street

Mifflin Machine W orks, Inc. 2424 East Sergeant Street

Jolly Tots Day Nursery 615 Belmont Aven ue, Sou thhampton

Miller, Mason, and Dickenson, Inc. Barclay Building, Bala Cnywyd, Pa.

Kearney Construction Co. 7996 Rockwell Avenue

North American Brass and Copper Co. 1580 North 52nd Street

John B. Kelly Inc. 1720 Cherry Street

H erd O'Hara Sinclair Station Ogontz Avenue and Nedro Street

Kessler Chemical Corp. State Road and Cottman Street

O'Reilly and White, I nc. Narbeth, Penna.

Edward Kohlhepp, Electrical Contractor Sixth and Cumberland Streets

Frederick A. P atrick 860 North Easton Road, Honham

LaRue's Variety Shop 1223 Cottman Avenue

Peerless Steel Equipment Co. H asbrook and Unruh Street~

Lavelle Aircraft Corp. Newton, Bucks County

Philadelphia Stationers 4250 Whitaker Avenue

Liberty Federal Savings and Loan 202 North Broad Street Linton's Food路 Management 1310 Wallace Street Logan's Service Station Greene and H arvey Streets John F. Maguire, R ealtor 511 1 Frank ford Avenue Mr. Edward J. McBride Cottman and Wissinoming Streets Edward McGee Funeral Home 300 West Cheltenham Avenue McGill Associates, Wines and L iquors 78 16 Roanoke Street John J. Mcllhinney, R eal Estate Huntingdon Valley, Penna. McKnight Steel and Tube Co. 4435 North American Street James G. McSherry 7501 Castor Avenue

J. J . R yan and Son, Funeral Directors 2504 West Lehigh Avenue Gus Sch wartz-Music 2930 Guilford Street Scaltest Ice Cream Sealtest Foods William A. J . Schaeffer and Sons, Con tractors 100 West Tabor Road Selas Corporation of America Dresher, Penna. Francis P. J. Slanina, Pharmacist 2653 Orthodox Street W . F. Smith, Inc. Sheet Metal 7310 State Road Rosario Urzi 1177 South Ninth Street Viking Sprinkler Co. 263 Keswick Avenue Fred erick G. Vogt, P lumbing and Heating 2009 H artel Street

John F. Meehan 1005 Welsh Road

W arn er, fennings, Mandel, and Longstreth New York Stock Exchange 121 South Broad Street

Alfred V. Meitner, Real Estate 5546 Ridge Avenue

T . Woodros 261 7 Lefevre Street

Social Patrons \Jr. and ~Irs. Carl L. Adelman Bertha J. Atkimon \fr. and Mrs. Samuel Bannister l\fr. Robert Barrett Mrs. George Barth Mr. and Mrs. Harry T. Bauerle Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Blake \fr. and :\frs. Joseph Blanch \fichael Blash Mr. and -;\lrs. Louis R. Bodo Mr. and ~Irs. Frank .J. Bogle Mrs. Angelino Bonanni \fr. and 1\frs. Robert .J. Bothwell Robert C. Boyle Dr. and Mrs. Robert L. Breckenridge Mr. J oseph J. Brennan Mr. and Mrs. Joseph r\. Burger :\riss Regina Burger l\fr. and 1\Jrs Edward Burton Mr. and -;\ frs. .Jmeph Calpin Joseph P. Campbell Mr. and Mrs. Edward P. Carr Louis and Olga Caruso ~h. and Mrs. G. Caspe1 Mr. and Mrs. William .J. Cattie Jr. Mr. and Mn vVilli"m T \.;Jttie Sr. Mr. Frank Cerasi Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Cerasi Edward Chromey Mr. and Mrs. John P. Clark Jr. Mr. and :\Irs. Salvatore Codario Josep!t J. Coli \fiss Peg Collins Mr. and Mrs . .Joseph A. Colanton io Mr. and Mrs . .James J. Comerford Compliments of a Friend Compliments of Sammy G. Mr. and Mrs. Francis Conlow JaneS. Conner '\l.D. Mrs. Florence E. L. Cooper :\fr. and Mrs. Thomas F Courtney ~Jarian Coyle James C. Crumlish .Jr. James H. Cute and Sons Dr . .J. G. Oacanay Alfred J. D'Angelo Mr. and Mrs. Anthony D'Angelo Jr. D'Arcy Family Mr. and :\Irs. Leo 1\f. Daly l).ngelo V. DeColl James Delaney ~fr. and :\frs. Raymond DeMo._i Mr. and :\Irs. John \. Dempsey Mr. and Mrs. H. T. Detwiler

Mr. and Mn•. Louis Oi Lanzo Ti Tullio Family Dr. and Mrs. Adrian H. Donaghue Mr. and Mrs . .Joseph H. Donahue Edward G. Donnelly Mrs. Francis l\-1. Dougherty Mrs. Edward Duffy Dr. and Mrs. R . J. Oufrasne Mr. and 'Mrs. .Jay .J. Dugan Mr. and 1\Irs. Fred J. Ertel Mr. and l\Irs. Samuel J. Ewing .Jr. Gilbert A. Fahy Miss and Mrs. Fannings John P. Fisher Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Fitzpatrick Dr. and Mrs. DanielL. Flad Mr. and Mrs. Emidio Flocco Mr. C. M. Foley John B. Foley .Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Fondi J. and F. Fried berger Hubert .J. Friel John J. Friel Mr. Harry Gaffney Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gaidjunas Mr. and Mrs. James P. Gallagher Mr. and Mrs. Paul F. Gallagher Dr. Robert Gallagher Thomas J. Gallagher Mr. and Mrs . .John Gambone Mr. and Mrs. E . .J. Gansz John J. Garry Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Garvin Mr. and Mrs. Cliff M. Gillespie Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Girard Mr. and Mrs. R emo Giuliano Mr. and Mrs. John Goddon Mr. and !\Irs. William Gordon Mr. and Mrs. Harry Griffith Guzek Family Haig Family Mr. and Mrs. N. C. Hamburger Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Hammond Mrs. Jacqueline Hathaway Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Haughney Mr. and Mrs. Norman Hewksworth Kathryn M. Healy Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Heyberger Mr. and Mrs. J . Higgins Judge and Mrs. Robert H oneyman Mr. and M'rs. Frank J ankawski \fr. and Mrs. Walter J enkins Margaret M. J ones Joseph T. Kelly

Social Patrons ~Iargaret

M. Kelly .\gnes Kilduff Michael Kilduff Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. King Mr. and Mrs. Joseph L. Koch Mr. and Mrs. Victor Kozub Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kroll Kromdyk Family Mr. Sigmund Krzeminski Mr. and Mrs. George H. Kugler Mr. and Mrs. Albert Kurt7 Gordon Lane Lang Family Edward LaRue Lawrence Family Mr. and Mrs. Paul Lesniewski Mr. Fred Link Mr. and Mrs. Jay B. Littlefield .Jean London Mr. Joseph Longshore Richard F. Losse Mr. Rudolph Lucente Thomas J. Lynch Sr. Mrs. Thomas J. Lynch Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P . McAtee Alma T. McCafferty Mr. and Mrs. Edmund J. McCloskey Katherine Me. Fadden Michael McGee John J. McGowan T. W. Mcintyre Rt. Rev. Msgr. Francis J. McKee J ohn C. McLoone M.D. Dr. John B. McNally M.D. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph McNulty Sr. Mrs. M. Mack Robert Mackenzie Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Magarity Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Marano Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Mariana Mr. and Mrs. William R. May Mr. and Mrs. Edward F. Moore Jr. Mr. and Mrs. John J . Moran Mr. and Mrs. J.P. Motley Joseph Mroz J ames H. Muckley Mr. and Mrs. T . J. Mullaney Henry F. Muller Mr. and Mrs. I . L. Murray Mr. and Mrs. James J. 'Murray Patricia Ann M. Murray Joseph Nickels John J. Noonan Mr. and Mrs. Herman Nyvelt

\Irs. John O'Brien James F. O'Donnell l\Iarie E. O'Donnell :.\Jr. and 1\Irs. F. Ostertag Jr. Mr. and Mrs. 路w. Parmer Michael Petryszyn Mr. and 1\lrs. John Pettine and Family Mr. and 1\frs. John .J. Pie 1\fr. and 1\Irs. Frank A. Pinto '62 \Jr. and 1\frs. Joseph路 Pisoni Barbara Polk ~fr. and 1\lrs. George V. Purcell Mr. and :.\Irs. Joseph F. Queenan 1\fr. David Quinlan Michael Quinlan 1\fr. and Mrs. Thomas Quinlan Nicholas J. Rafterv Radl Family John J. Regan Mrs. Mary Reiser A. Reneski Mr. and Mrs. Gabriel J. Richards Mr. and 1\frs. Joseph A. Rider Mr. and 1\Irs. l\faurino Rossanese Mr. and Mrs. Williilm Sauen\'alrl Mr. and Mrs. Leslie E. Smallbach Carl Schmid Mr. and 1\Irs. William Schnieder l\Ir. and :.\Irs. Francis J. Schwoeri 1\Ir. and 1\Ir:.. Lawrence \V. Schwoeri 1\Ir. and \Irs. Frank J. Sciolla Sr. 1\Ir. and :.\Irs. John Sharke} Dr. John Sharp Mr. and 1\Irs. John E. Shwope J. R. Silver-lmurance .l\Ir. and 1\Irs. Clement l\1. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Franc is L. Smith l\Irs. Joseph Smith Mr. and 1\Irs. Walter F. Smith 1\Ir. and 1\Irs..\lbl'lt V Sommar 1\Ir. and 1\Irs. John C Sommar John Sorenson '40 Max Sorenson '+1 Richard Sorenson '62 Robert Sorenson Thomas Sorenson '48 William Sorenson '42 J. J. Spillane St. Rose of Lima R.C. Victor 0. Stango 1\f.D. Mr. and Mrs. Henry P. Stoebenau l\Ir. and l\Irs. William J. Sullivan Mr. Edmund Swiack1 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Switalski

Social Patrons Dr. and 1\Irs. R. Szczurowski Mr. and :VIrs. Leonard Sweda Mr. A. R. Taylor Mr. and \lr~. ,\. R. Taylor :\I r. and \ I n . .John Taylor Mr. Ri(hard Taylor Mr. and Mrs. Michael Theis 'Mrs. H. B. Thomas Mr. and \hs. G. Ralph Tiedeken Dr. and \1r'> . .John J. Tierney Congressman, Herman Toll ~Ir. and .\frs. Richard W. Tragemann Frank Trainet Mrs. Clara Tucker Joseph Verdon Family \Ir. and !\Irs. John G. Voran

Mr. and Mrs. Samuel C. Wagner Mr. and Mrs. Edward .J. Weidner J ohn T. Welsh ~Ir. a nd :\Irs. Samuel L. \Vessells Mr. a nd ~ I rs. John Whiteside 1\Ir. and Mrs. William A. Whiteside J r. Mr. a nd Mrs. William Wiggins Mr. a nd Mrs. R obert J. Wilkin R obert Wilkin Jr. ~Irs. E. F. Woodhead 1\Ir. a nd :\frs. F. C. Woodring Mr. a nd Mrs. Henry .J. W yszynski Mr. and 1\frs. Louis Zieja Mrs. Mary Z1eja Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Zilligen

Social Business Patrons Al's Barber Shop 1534 Wadsworth Avenue

C huckwagon Inc. 8040 Old York Road

William J. Barnett Ogontz Manor Apartments

Joseph J. Coll 1123 P rice Street

Baxter Rug and Carpet Cleaning 2913 1'\onh Second Street

Connor Real Estate 947 Old York Road

Betty's Park Grille 128 \Vest Lycoming Avenue

Cooney Brothers Inc. Fifth and Dauphin Streets

Blair Printing Willow Grove

Crispo Stone Quarry 800 Ivy H ill Road

Joe Boyle Cafe Eighth and Rising Sun Avenue

Danco Inc. Marlton Pike and Chambers Ave.

Jack Bradley 6901 Frankford Avenue

Di Lorenzo's Beauty Shop Wood and WashinglOn Streets

P. J. Cacchio D.D.S. 6234 Frankford Avenue

DiTullio Beauty Shop 419 Lyceum Avenue

Carpet Shop 6367 Germantown Avenue

D ubak 's Auto Sales 6800 Frankford A venue

Carrie's Grocery Store 100 \Vest Courtland Street

Tom Dunphy, R ealtor 5401 Oakland Su路eet

Social Business Patrons Ernest Quality Meats 7342 Frankford Aven ue

A. C. Kurtz and Son 7005 Oakley Street

Louis Esposito Sr. 716 East R ittenhouse Street

J ack Kutzler, Industrial Oil 6226 Mershon Street

Al Facchiano 7731 Ridge Ave nue

Laky's Restaurant Stenton ,\venue and Durham Street

Marian A. Fanning, Insurance Agent 31 3 East R oosevelt Boulevard

Larry's Lunch Service 2969 North Taylor Street

Faulkner Co., Oldsmobile 1546 Cottman Avenue

Lenny's Barber Shop 1940 Cottman Street

Ernest W. Fielder, Sr. 2907 Turner Avenue, Roslyn

Lloyd's Au to Service 5927 Belfield Avenue

Fitzpatrick Funeral Home 3309 North Broad Street

Madon na Tuxedoes 8 13 South Tenth Street

Frank's Market Levittown, Pennsylvania

J ames Magna u a, Jr. Plumber 1933 South Seventeenth Street

Frank-At's Cut Rate 2707 Kir kbride Street

Marchione Electric I 081 Ea~ton Ro.1d, Roslyn

Givnish Funeral Home Fifth Srn::~:t and L indley Avenue

McCafferty Funeral Home 6126 Torresd.1le Avenue

Mr. and Mrs. J ohn Gonzales Buck H otel

J. F. McCrossen Co.

N. F. H earne, R eal Estate 301 H umington Pike

Melrose Waterproofing Co. 1361 Ea~t High Sueet

Homestead Turkey Co., Inc. 342 Ca llowhill Street

Mr. and 1\frs. Salvatore ~lergliano 2301 Norlh Second Street

How<ud Lum bcr and Millwork 1725 Nor th H oward Street

M ichael's Hait Styling Salon 7209 Germantown Avenue

Kaiser and Markmann

John M itchell Jeweler Flourtown ShoppinR Cente1

John F. Kenney Co. 3240 Fox Street Kenrich Club 3019 F Street Kozub Inc. 5400 Tacony Street W . Kramer Associates 1341 West G lenwood Avenue Kroedel-Oetinger Inc.

5823 North Broad Street

C. F. Moores Co. Inc. I vy Hill Road P eter F. Murphy Co. 3439 'orth H lttchi~on Street N ational Acceptance Corporation 4851 1\onh Broad Street J ames J. Noonan 128 East Chehen Avenue

Social Business Patrons James F. Nolen 8c Sons 346 East Penn Street

Mrs. H elen Stasik 2226 Almon Street

O'Brien Machinery Co. 1915 Clearfield Street

Stirling Drugs 6316 Frankford Avenue

P 8c W Auto Body Shop 3800 North Fifth Street

Robert Stone 4019 0 Street

Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Pawlowski 2917 Weikel Street

John M. Sullivan 621 Cheltena Avenue, Jenkintown

Perkins Drug Co. Inc. 2900 North 26th Street ~400 West Lehigh Avenue

Walter Tarvin Grocery 1430 South Second Street

Plunkett's Esso Service Torresdale and Tyson Avenues D. G. Quinlan Co. National Bank Building, Amb1er

Tony's Barber Shop Ardsley, Pennsylvania Harry Toub and Sons 532-36 South Street

Helen Radomski 3020 7\Iiller Street

Harold Utain 8274 Temple Road

Roxy's Atlantic Falsington. Ncwportville Agnes C. Ritchie, Florist 5111-13 "\orth Founh Street Rohach and Rohach 235 \Vest Duncannon Avenue Joseph Rosenthal and Sons, Inc. 1841 Nonh Second Street Sal Rose 5017 North Sydcnham Street Rueter Realty Company 8015 Frankfo1d Avenue

Vera's Beauty Shop 1240 Ritner Street Volpe's Market 350 West Queen Lane W.W. Meat Provisions Schackamaxon and Allen Streets Wadsworth Avenue Business Association Webb's Bakery 3258 North Front Street John B. White Inc. 4920 North Broad Street

C. Schrack and Co. 7152 Germantown Avenue

Wilkin's Esso Service Stenton Avenue and Ellet Street

Soap Specialties Inc. Philadelphia, Penna

Mrs. R. E. Wise

5506 North Seventh Street

Leo J. Sommar, Realtor 18 West Chclten Avenue SPEC Plastic Equipment I Palfrey Lane, Levittown,

M. A. Taylor Sales Co. Inc. 233 North Thirteenth Street

J ohn Wojcik's Food Market Cedar and Somerset Streets


Stan's Moving 2063 Kenneddy Street Stanley's Atlantic :\Ioyamensing Avenue and Moore St.

Zorro's Cape and Sword Shop 767 Fantasy Avenue

Business Boosters

Ambler Market Company Ambler, Pennsylvania

Brunner Sweeten Inc. 7307-11 Oxford Avenue


Mr. John Budano, Tailor 6616 Torresdale Avenue

B & l\f Super Market 4349 Germantown Avenue John Bartowski 2728 Cottman Street Rose Beck 600 Second A venue

Mrs. Vincent Burns 4166 Ridge Avenue Carborundum Co. Bristol, Penna.

Beck's Gulf Station

Casi Conti Glenside, Penna.

Bethlehem & Butler Ambler, Pennsylvania

Central Tavern 23 South 19th St.

Martin Beitcher 120 W. Walnut Park Drive

Chandler & Canning Inc. 503 Central Ave. Cheltenham, Penna.

J & H Belt Company 527 N. 8th Street Jim Bilper's Delicatessen 6221 Werrick Street Bill's Service Station 1724 Rising Sun Avenue Bishop's Atlantic Service Chalfont, Pennsylvania Frank Bittner's Esso Service 8705 Germantown Avenue

Drs. H & G. Chalal 2428 Brown Street Cheltenham Cleaners

Cheltenham, Penna. Mr. R aymond F. Chmielewski Realtor "The Clan" 2900 Levick Street Compliments of a Friend

Blake Florists 107 Huntingdon Avenue

Cross Keys Furniture Doylestown, Penna.

Blob's Delicatessen Cheltenham Avenue

Mr. and Mrs. A. Cunningham 6738 Limekiln Pike

Bob's Barber Shop 8140 Castor Avenue

James A. Cunningham 6738 Limekiln Pike

Bocchino Brothers, Dry Cleaners 162 Poplar Street, Ambler

Cy's Barber Shop 4th and Godfrev Ave.

Joseph Brad's Custom Tailors 5900 North Seventh Street

Cylinder's Shoes 7232 Frankfmd Ave.

Business Booster D.F.R. Cleaners 3072 Thompson St.

Mr. Ernest Fielder, Sr. Notary 2907 Turner Ave.

Danco Inc., Plumhing Supplies :\fariton and Chambers <\venues

Foley's Food Market Bethayres, Pen nsylvania

~ew .Jer~ey

Emil Darq, Insurance Agent ~Ietrooolitan Life Insurance Co. 1363 Cheltenham Ave. Dorothy M. DeCola 2842 N eptunc Court DeLuca's Prime ~feats 2-!29 Brown \venue Dick's Delicacies 406 Reading Terminal 1\fkt. Mrs. Martin DiLella 559 l\fanin Street Dobbins Rug Cleaning 8219 Germantown Avenue Joseph H. Dold 1669 Ruffner Street Mr. James Donnely, Elec. Contractor 328 路west Fisher Mr. Victor D'Orazio 705 SoULh \ ourk Avenue

Frank & Joe's Bldg. & Loan 210 Beecher Avenue Cheltenham, Pennsylvania Frank's Food Market 6818 Chew Avenue Donald LaRue 1223 Cottman Ave. Mr. George LaRue Sr. Norrisville, Penna. Edward J. Laska 7366 Rural Lane Laurenzi's Market 2239 W. Inchaire Ave. Nicholas J. Lees 1358 Gilham St. Linsky Pharmacy 2nd and Norris Sts. Lou's Amoco 1324 'Vashington Lane

William E. Doughert) 4603 Primrose Lane

Lynam Coal Company 80 10 York Road Elkins Park, Penna.

George H. Duross Inc. 7921 Oxford Avenue

Agnes LynskiewicL 208 Monroe Ave.

D1Tak Brothers 2825 Kirkbride Street

Jim's Meat Market 7138 N. Oakley St.

E & E Tel evi~ion Service 2756 Clearfield Street

Anthony Jotautas, Jr. 1627 S. 2nd Street

Edmunds Pharmacy Levick and Cardiff Streets

.J. Maciewski

Dominick Fabbia 9th and Rising Sun Ave.

Wally Mack, Custom Tailors 8024 Old York Road

Fa<;ano's ~farket 4907 Wayne Avenue

3215 North 33rd Street

2728 Eddington Ave.


Business Boosters William G. Malloy Byberry and Bustleton Ave.

Murphy Funeral Home 3839 North Broad Street

Max Marcinek Paper Hanger 601 Dupont Street

Jerome W. Myers Prudential Insurance .\gent 452 Lincoln .\venue Hatboro, Penna.

Mr. Pete Marcolina 4073 Hillside R oad Mac Farland's Beauty Salon and Bat路her Shop 7149 Germantown Avenue McAndrew's Tavem 2200 West Lehigh Ave. Richard McElhinney Watchmaker 7163 Germantown Ave.

Neds Pharmacy 2864 North \fascher St. Chris Newmayer 1385 Edgewood Avenue Frei's Meat Market 6516 Rising Sun Avenue A Friend

Stephen McGlone, Funeral Director 3835 North Broad Street

G & TTelevi~ion Repair 3012 South Colorado St.

McGrann and Stead 5530 Greene Street

Gaffney's Steak House 382 Edmonds Avenue Drexel Hill, Penna.

Mr. and Mrs. Edwal'd Mcintyre 134 E. Sedgwick Street Mel-Mar Lamp Shades 2906 Germantown Ave. Mr. and Mrs. Salvatore Mergliano 230 I North Second Street Mickey's Barber Shop 2909 Holme Ave. Mirhael's Appliance & Furniture 541 Central Avenue Cheltenham, Penna. Mimsy Shop-Cards, Gifts 1826 Cheltenham Avenue Mr. and Mrs. Owen Montague 219 North 6lst Avenue Morris Variety Store 3020 North 24th Street Max Moses Henry F. Muller 1660 Bonnie Brae Drive Huntington Valley

Germantown Landscape Co. 844 Locust .<\ ve. Gcrr Funeral Parlor 500 W. Cheltenham Ave. Walter Giancaterino 3100 South 6 ht Street A. G. Gary 732 Spruce Street Giuliano Plumbing & Heating 1308 Bigler Street A. I. Goldis Pharmacy 7600 Ogont7 Avenue Goldner l\fotors Inc. 6214 Germantown Ave. John C. Graf Co. 501 Central Ave. Cheltenham, Penna. Grilli's Piua 7414 Stenton Ave. Gruber's Bakery 7612 Ogontz Ave.

Business Boosters Hamilton Bab Supply Harvel Pharmacy 1726 Cheltenham Ave.

Joseph Lain, P lumbing 3845 Elsinore Street Lansdowne Auto Gear 96 E. Baltimore Ave.

Healy Nursing Home 3 Lindenwald Terrace Ambler, Pennsylvania

Nolan's Cafe 69th and l\Iarket Sts.

Howard H erbert's Music Center 7135 Frankford Avenue

Oakie's Tavern 3300 North Fifth Street

P.J. Higgins 607 Hellerman Street

Mr. James T. O'Brien 1520 Chew Avenue

Ben R. Hilborn Roofing Co. 706 Oak Lane Avenue

M. Pakula, Auto and Truck Repair 7384 James Street

John Hill Custom Tailoring 27fi E. .Johnson Street

Perkel's Pharmacy 3 Allison Road Oreland, Penna.

Holme Circle Cafe 2911 Holme Ave. Holme Cleaners 2903 Holme Avenue Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Hotz and Family 72,10 Whitaker Ave. Vincent Hummel 7333 Belden Street Dominic J. Iaquinta 3811 1\'orth 7th Street John's Barber Shop 5011 North 3rd Street

Mr. and Mrs. R . Perkins & Family 219 Abbotsford Avenue Picardo's Furniture Inc. ~9~3-25 North 22ncl Street Fred Picarelli 915 North 67th Street Pike Record Shop Flourtown Shopping Center Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Piconi 38 Devery R oad Pride 1 Hr. Cleaners 1605 Wadsworth Ave .

.Jule's Cleaners and Dyers 506 Central Avenue Cheltenham, Pennsylvania

Eli D. Pronch ick, O.D. 930 North Franklin St.

Don Kane 1300 Dexter Street

Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Rachubinski 781 South Front Street

Mr. T. Karaszkiewicz 513 :"onh 22nd Street

Joseph A. R atkovitch 2106 Hartel Avenue

K. Kida 1350 Germantown Ave.

David Regan 8712 Frankford Avenue

S. Kwiatkowski, Plumbing 520 Diamond Street

Rialto Tailoring Co. 6706 Sprague St.

Dutchy Lahm's Appliances 25 tO Clearfield Street

Roslyn Variety 1342 Easton Road

Business Boosters Rossi Amoco 6151 Frankford Avenue

Stan's Cafe 9th and Venango Streets

Dir.k Rudff Cafe 4758 Tacony Street

Stenton Beer Distributors 8119 Stenton Avenue

Sal's Steak Shop 4903 Wayne Avenue

Street Lanes Feasterville, Penna.

Santaniello's Mens Shop 2962 North 22nd Street

Helen M. Sullivan 353 W. Queen Lane

Schenk's Bakery 201 W. Clapier Street Schmidt's Shoe Service 7l02V2 Castor Avenue Scholtz Atlantic Service Rising Sun and Godfrey Scoboloff Pharmacy 61st and R ace Streets Alfred J. Scarpello 4939 Germantown Avenue Seminole Hall 45 East Church Lane Seuffert Bottling Co. 4801 Melrose Street Shell Real Estate 115 Cynwyd Road Bala Cynwyd Sheren's Market 3600 North 7th Street Shop Beautiful "Something for Everyone" Singer Brothers Fairless Hills Smith's Mechanic Shop 19th and Willard Streets

Dr. W. H. Saylor 7056 Germantown Avenue Adele Tiburzio 500 Frazier Avenue Tom and Sack's Cafe 6700 Martins l\I ill Road Tony's Cold Cuts 6300 Cardiff St. U nami Lodge # 1 Order of the Arrow 'F. Verzicco 534 Rising Sun Avenue


Maurice White, Apothecary 7134 Germantown Avenue Joseph J. Wallace 251 Mountain Street Walt's Bar 6900 Everywhere St. Wawa Dairies Dr. and Mrs. Walter K. Wcighell Ambler, Pennsylvania Weldon Pharmacy 370 ~orth Ea~ton Road Mrs. Charles West 6738 Limekiln Pike

Soffer's Studio 7709 Germantown Avenue

Bob White's Barber Shop 223 R yers :\venue Cheltenham, Pennsylvania

G. Squillace M.D. 1812 Shunk Street

Mrs. R. E. Wise 6606 N. 7th St.

Boosters Stanley Abramczyk ~fr. and ~Irs. Walter Abramczyk , Jr. A Friend ;\ Ir. and Mrs. Roger .\ gin .\lr. James J . Ahern, Jr. AI and Lu's Market .John F. Ambrogi l\fr!>. H. Ambrose And'' and Bill Mr. and :\Irs. W. J. McAnespey John R. Antczak :\lr. Thadeus Antczak \lr. William J. \ntczak \nna and Frank Armata Mrs. Harry Asen :\Jr. Gerald Aubrey :\lr James J. Aubrey Mr~ ):atalie T. Aubrey i\lm Rosemary Aubrey :\Irs. Stella Augustyn \Iary Avinger \!bert \V. Backauskas \fr and J\.frs. R obert Backauskas Dr. Joseph A. Baglievo Phil Bailey Anthon) Baldino .\lr. and ~Irs. Harry L. Baldwin Doggie Balo Winifred L. Bardsley Charles H . Bargull \lr. and Mrs. J . Barnak \Irs. Robert .J. Barrett Helmuth Bay :\Irs. :.'\f arie Beauchamp Rose Beck \fl. and .\Irs. John W. Becker 1\1r. and :\Irs..\. Bednar ~ f r. and l\lrs. Arthm Beighley i\I rs. Beitz \fr. and Mrs. Michael H. Belcak \Jr. and J\.frs. Ben Barsky \fr. and \Irs. H. Berger \fr,. George T. Berry '\ancy Bertoli 路 .\fr. and 1\lrs. F. Bianchini "Birmingham" Leo Bittner \fl. and ~ Irs. I\orman Blend Bob, Paul, Don, John Boodsie .\Ir. and \ Irs. John Borek Cecelia Boris David Boyle \fary E. Boyle Mrs. Hugh Boyle, Jr.

\lr. and Mrs. James J. Boyle \Ir. a nd l\Irs. N. Bozzi :\Ir. a nd ~Irs. J ames J. Brady Miss l\Iargaret F. Brady Miss Rosemary A. Brady Louise Brame Mrs. M. Brasetta .James Braun :\fr. and J\.frs. Joseph C. Braun Joyce Braun Tom Braun '65 Mr. and 1\lrs. William Breshan Mr. and 1\frs. Bart Brigidi Mrs. G . Brockway \h. Edward Brogden The Brogley Family John J. Bryers John Bryers ~Ir. and :\Irs. Stanley Burtnick ~Irs. John Budano Peter Burton Mr. and Mrs. Frank W. Butterworth II l\ fr. Edward Byrd Samuel Byrnes, .Jr. \Irs. l\1. Caffey \Ir. and Mrs. George C. Cain ~(r. and Mrs. Thomas J. Callan J ames P. Calpin W. J. Campanella Joseph Campbell Vince Campellone William Campellone James .J. Campion, Jr. '57 \ [ r. and ;\Irs. .James .J. Conovan George .J. Capaldi John Cape Mary Jane Cape l\fr. and Mrs. Sarrmel J. Cape Mrs. M. Capecci 1\fiss Linda Cappola \frs. Catherine Carleo ;\[r. and ;\frs. Alexis l\f. Carlin Emil L. Carr ;\fr. .John H. Carr, Jr. and Faf!Iily Mr. and l\[rs. Raymond Carr, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Carr, Jr. Francis J. Carroll l\I r. and Mrs. Caruso !\Irs. Joseph Casey \fr. and :\I rs. Frank Cassidy Francis .J. Cassidy ;\fr. John A. Cassidy Joseph F. Cassidy Joseph Gatcrino

;\frs. Clair A. Cavanaugh Dennis Cavanaugh :\fiss Marie Cerasi Miss Cathleen 1\L Champlin Mr. and l\frs. Walter E. Champlin Charle's Shoe Repairing Chelten Pharmacy Mr. Frank Cheriaco Mrs. H elen Cherry Stanley Cheveroth \fr. Gerald T.. Chicchi Mr. and Mrs. Angelo Cianciosi Mr. and Mrs. P. G. Clark Terry Clark 路 The Cleledens Class of 2C Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Clayton Miss Denise Clinton Mr. and Mrs. James J. Clinton Jay Clinton Irene K. Clough Mary Betty Codariam Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Coffey Mr. and Mrs. Charles Colbert The Coil Family Joseph U. Coil Burton Collins John G. Collins Mr. and Mrs. C. Collins Mr. Francis Cook. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Cook James J . Cooney, Jr. Alice Connelly Mr. and !\Irs. Eartr P. Conner Mr. F. Contino Elizabeth Conway Mr. Charles Cope Mrs. Charles Cope Compliments of a Friend 1\Irs. Mary Coshard Dr. and Mrs. William J. Costello Cy Costilo Thomas F. Courtney, Jr. Mrs. Anne Coyle Mrs. J. Coyle Patricia Coyle Mr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Coyne Mr. and Mrs. Edward Crane Mr. and 1\Irs. J. Crispo Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Crowley and Family Mr. and Mrs. W. Crowley Mr. A. Cunningham Robert Cunningham

Boosters Mrs. James Curran John D'Alessandro Miss Janet Danks Mary D~skilewicz Mr. and Mrs. Francis Day Mrs. F. Deissler Mr. Brian Delany Anthony DeLeo Jerry Delio Buono John DeLuca John Dempsey Mr. and Mrs. John A. Dempsey Mrs. Agnes Denker James DePalma 'Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Derowski Frank and l\Iarie DeSalvo Mr. and Mrs. A. DeSantis Bill DeVasher '63 Louise DeVine Mr. Leon Diamond Rev. Charles M. Diegel DiFiorido's Pauline DiMario Mr. and Mrs. John DiPietro Mr. Jolm Dillus Charles ]. Dobson Charles Dobson, Jr. Mrs. Jeanette E. Dobson John J. J. Doherty Frank Domanico .James Donnelly Mrs. ]. Donnelly Mr. Joseph F. Donoghue Mrs. Julia Donoghue 1\fr. and Mrs. Michael Donoghue Mr. and Mrs. James Dougherty William]. Dougherty The Downey Family James Downey Mr. and Mrs. Frank Doyle Mrs. Frank M. Doyle James J. Doyle leigh Doyle James]. Drach Mr. Jerry Drach Mr. and Mrs. Herb Dudnik Mrs. Durso Bill Ebbecke '59 Frank. Eckert Ed and Stan Elvira Flower Shop Alex Engart Geraldine and Louise Engart

Dr. and Mrs. M. Etzl Mr. and Mrs. Harry W. Evans Mr. and Mrs. Walter Evanuk :\frs. Philip Eves Nick Fabbia Mr. and Mrs. William E. Fahy 1\fr. and Mrs. Falconio ~frs. Steela Fallon Mr. and Mrs. Dominick Fannelle Anthony ]. Faraco Mrs. Anne T. Farrell Mr. and !\Irs. Thomas Farrell Helen Ferguson Mr. and Mrs. Andrew J. Fem~n Mr. and Mrs. Harry Filinuk Anna Fitzgerald Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Fitzgerald Sadie Fitzgerald Mrs. Helene F. Flood Mr. and Mrs. John Flood Mr. Marvin A. Flood Thomas Flood Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence H. Flynn Rjchard M. Foley, Inc. Dr. and Mrs. Albert J. Fornace Miss Carole Foster Mr. and l\lrs. William Foster, Sr. Helen and Bertha Fota Mr. and Mrs. Louis W. Fricke Nana Fricke Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Friedberger Michael Friedberger Mr. and Mrs. Francis f. Friel Mr. and Mrs. John Fnel John Friel Mr. and Mrs. l\lichael J. Friel Mr. Charles Futlorth Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gaidjunas Miss Ruth Gaidjunas Dr. and Mrs. James F. Galbally Christopher Gallagher Mr. and Mrs. Harold M. Gallagher Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Gallagher Madelyn C. G. Gallagher Maurien Gallagher Mr. James V. Galvin Mrs. John Garbes Charles ,V. Garofalo, Insurance Mrs. Veronica Garvin Mr. and Mrs. Martin Gauker Joseph P. Gavaghan 1\lrs. John Gavin Mr. and Mrs Gerard Geier


Mr. and ~Irs. Joseph Geier Mr. and Mrs. Theodore]. Geitner Herman Gershemcld Vedo Gerome l\Ir. and Mrs. Louis Giacobbi J\Irs. J. ~1. Giblin Miss Benedicta Ginkiewicz !\lr. and \Irs. E. James Ginnetti l\Ir. and Mrs. John Gordon Joseph M. Golding l\.1. Goldstein ~loose Gordon '61 l\Ir. and Mrs. W. Gosewisch Mr. and Mrs. Jocsph W. Grabusky Edward Grady '49 Madeleine C. Graham Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Grande Rocky Graziana Mr. and l\Irs. Robert Green Mr. and Mr:.. Edward Gribblin, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald GriHin Paul R. Griffin Lt. Richard GriHith U.S.N. Mr. and Mrs.]. Grimes Mr. and '\Irs. Aaron Guay Amil Gumula Mr. and Mrs. William H. Gunnis Frank W. Haler, Jr. Miss Beryl Harrison Mr. and 1\.lrs. Joseph]. Halloran Mrs. RobertS. Hand Jennie F. Harper Mr. and Mrs. Hart Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hartley Heebner Mrs. August Helwig F. Helbing Mr. and Mrs. Otto G. Heml James Heringslakc Hetherington Family Mr. William J. Hetherington Francis lliggins Mr. Frank H. Higgins ~Irs. Frank H. Higgins Jimmie 1-Iiggins Mr. and Mrs. Waller Hill Franci~ P Hines and \Irs. John F. Hines Mr. and Mrs. Edward Hober C. Clark Hoogson, Jr. Mr. J. Hofelder Mrs. Paul Hofelder, III Paul Hofelder, Jr.


Boosters ~ln.

Leo Hohlfeld

:\h. and ~Irs. Hoenard Hollingsworth

Robert Honeyman Mary Ellen Hopkins .John B. Horton .t\1r. and Mrs. Louis H. Hub Mr. and Mrs. J ame:s Hughes ~~r~. Pauline Hughes fo\eph Hummel ~ln. Thomas Hurley George F. Huulin .Jo,eph Jandolo Fred Iannarelli Fritz Iannarelli Mr. and Mrs. Frank L. Iaquinta Mr. and .\Irs. Joseph Jaggers :\lr. Frank .Janda Ted .Janulewicz Thomas R . .Janes Mr. and Mrs. Walter J aye l\Iiss Jeanne l\1 ic hac I Jeffers \lr. and Mrs. David Johnson Edward Johnson Hilda Aden Cary Johnson Mr. and \ Irs. William Johnson l\Irl>. Anna Jones \I r. .Joseph .Jones i\Jr. and Mrs. Lee Jones \Jr~. George V. Jordan .Joseph Jordan \Irs. Joseph Jordan \Jr. Joseph J ordan .\lr. and \Irs. Patrick Jordan fungs Flower Shop A. Kafrissen Charles Kalen Karp Cleaners \I iss Kathryn Junod \lr. and .Mrs. Edwin Kakolewski .\Jr. and Mrs. Walter R. Kaminski .\lic;hael J. Kane Mr. and Mrs. J ohn J. Kane Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Karolski \. S. Kaufman, M.D. Mr. and Mrs. J ohn Kaufman Mr. Francis J. Keating Richard J. Keating, Sr. Richard Keating, Jr. \-fr. Kevin E. Keegan Mrs. Kevin E. Keegan B. G. Keene Mr. and Mrs. J ohn Kchdc

Kelly's Barber Shop Mrs. Hannah Kelly Matthew J. Kelly Frances M. Kelley Mrs. J. J. Kelley Kelley's Ladies Shop Mrs. John J. Kennedy Mr. James E. Kenney Carroll Kendrick ~1rs. B. Kensil Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kensil Mr. Robert Kessler .John B. Kestler Brian "Spike" Kilcullen Mrs. Josephine Kilczewski Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Kilczewski Mr. and Mrs. W. Kilczewski .John Kilduff Mr. and Mrs. J oseph M. King Miss Alicia Kissling Beatrice Kobat Miss Elizabeth Koenig Mrs. George Koenig Edward Kohlhepp Mr. and Mrs. Edward Kohlhepp William Kohlhepp Mr. and Mrs. B. Kolodziaj Mr. and Mrs. Charles Komelasky Michael Komelask:y William J. Konrad Henry Kopacz Mr. and .\1rs. Andy D. Kosley Mr. Buddy Kraemer, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Vincent J. Kraft Mr. and Mrs. Anton Kramer Mr. John E. Krause Joseph Krause Mrs. John Kretzinger Francis and Hannah Krimro James and Kathleen Krimm Walter G. Krimm Mr. and Mrs. W. Kriz Miss Mabel Kroll Mr. and Mrs. John Krutsick Mr. and Mrs. J. Kryszczun Anthony Kuczborski Mr. and ?\Irs. William Kuhn Mildred Kurek J. Kurtz Mr. Luke Kusek Mr. and Mrs. Gene Kuzzi Mr. and Mrs. George W. Kyle Albert V. Laganella

Eleanor Lain Mr. and Mrs. James P . .\lcAndrew Miss Margaret Mary McAtee Mrs. Lillian McCall Mr. and Mrs. Robert .J. McCann Virginia McCann Joseph McCarron Mr. and Mrs. Charles D. McCarthy, Jr. K. McCauley Miss Roberta McConnel Miss Alice E. McCool Mr. and Mrs. Stacey L. McDonnell Geraldine McDonough 1\fr. and Mrs. A. G. McElwee Mrs. Elizabeth McFadden James D. McFadden l\Ir. and Mrs. Paul McGill Mr. John McGeady l\lfrs. Alice C. McGuinness Michael .James McGuinness Charles A. McGlinchy Mr. and Mrs. John C. McGoldrick Joseph J. McGonigle Mr. and Mrs. Paul F. McHugh Mr. and Mrs. Mclhenny John J. Mcintyre A. B. McKay Mrs. Catherine McKelvey Mr. and Mrs. James McLaughlin Mr. and Mrs. John J. McMahon l\Ir. and Mrs. John Mc:Vfenamin McNally Family 1\fr. and .\frs. George McNally Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. McNichol Mr. and Mrs. George McNulty Joseph P. McNulty, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. William R. McShane Mr. and Mrs. Machell Vincent W. Madden, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Magarity Miss Elva Maghone Mr. and Mrs. James Magnatta, Jr. Mrs. Margaret Makres William J. Mandia Sylvester P. Mangano Mrs. Carl A. March Miss Bernardine Marczyk Ruth Marino Mr. and l\Irs. Francis Markey Mr. and Mrs. Joseph G. Markmann Mark's Luncheonette Anthony E. Martin, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Phillips H. Martin

Boosters Mr. and Mrs. W. Martyn J oseph Mastalski, Jr. Stanley Matela Miss Anna May Meier Harry Meier L. Meli Mrs. Veronica Meller Mrs. 'Sophie Mendys Mercy Library Mrs. Larla T. Meyer Miss Barbara Michalska R ichard A. Miehle '59 Tulio Mignogna Mike's Bakery I. E. Mikowski, M.D. .J. M. Millet Mr. and Mrs. Frank Misko Mr. and Mrs. Harry L. Mitchell Mr. and Mrs. John A. Mitchell Miss Violet Mitchell John M. Moffa William J. Molinari, D.D.S. Mr. and Mrs. J. Carroll Molloy, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. H. Monaghan R ene Montaigne Mr. ::mel Mr~ . J. Moore Mr. Joseph L. Moran Jim Moore Gustav Mordan Eddie Morelli Mrs. Mary Morrissey R obert Morrison Mr. and Mrs. H. L. l\Ioser Mr. John Mountain Frances and Howard Moyer Mr. and Mrs. Gerald J. Mullaney Johnny Mullahy Mr. Joseph P. Mullen, Jr. George Murr '62 R obert Murphy Thomas Murphy '54 Mrs. John Murtha Joseph A. Musselman Mrs. William Nealon l\Ir. and Mrs. Arthur Nelson Bob Nelson Nessel Family Lorraine Netzko Mr. and Mrs. Michael Netzko Miss Nancy Nichols J oseph Nicolo Jennie Niemiec Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Normile

:ivfr. and Mrs. E. J. Norrett Mr. William J. Norrett Oaklane Esso Robert P. O'Brien '63 Wallace H. O'Connor Henry B. Oestreich Family 1\lr. and \Irs. Joseph T. O'Leary 1\Ir. and 1\frs. J oseph O 'Neil J oseph D. O 'Neil Mike O 'Neil Albert P. Orlando Eleanor S. Orme l\Ir. Charles Ottinger Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Ottinger Mr. and Mrs. A. Pagano Mrs. Palamarchuk Mr. and Mrs. Bruno Paprzycki Vincent J. Pannepackel, Jr. Mary Pari~i Mr. Parkhouse and Sons Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Passante Pat and Tom Mrs. Marie Patkowski Frederick A. Patrick J ack Paulits Mr. John Paulits Irene P aulits Mr. and Mrs. E. Pawlikowski Chris and Glor Pawlowski Emila Petzold Rose El Petaccio Edward Petti Phil's Market Mrs. Mary Piazzola Fred Phillips Mr. and Mrs. Paul Pillion Paul Pillion Mr. and Mrs. Z. Plocha Albert Polisano Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Pontarelli Laurence Power Thomas Power Francis Primwhere Mr. George Pron Mr. John Pron Stella Pron Mr. Stephen Pron John J. Przybylla T. J. Przybylowski Helen Pulizino Francis Purcell George V. Purcell, Jr. Mrs. Joseph Queenan

David Quinlan Miss Irene M. Quinlan Thomas J. Quinlan, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Rafferty Mrs. S. Rakowski Ted Rakowski Miss Carol Ramspacher ~fr. and ~Irs. W. Rampspacher Buck Ratchford '63 Stephen Rauscher, Jr. ~fr. and ~Irs. Stephen J. Rauscher Mrs. Catherine Reed Frank J. Reichwein Mr. and Mrs. William Ricci Norman W. Rickert '56 Mr. and Mrs. Norman vV. Rickert Christine and Andrew Rider Mrs. Rodowitz Miss Carol Romano Mr. and Mrs. N. Romano Mrs. William Romig Mr. and Mrs. James Rose Philip Rothenheber Mr. and l\lrs. Joseph Rourke Yvonne Leedom Ruby Mrs. Margaret Sabatch .John J. Sabia Mr. and Mrs. John Salerno David Humes Sales Barbara :\Ian Salon ~lr. and \Irs. Paul Sawyer Louis Schael Dr. Ira L. Schamberg Mr. and ~frs. EarlS. Schell Anna ~I. Schleicher Mr. \<\falter Schlosser Mr. and Mrs. Francis Schluckebier Mr. and ~frs. William Schluckebicr Mr. Joseph Schmieg Mrs. Joseph Schmieg Mr. Joseph Schmieg, Jr. Mrs. H. Schmieg Mrs. S. Schmitt Miss Elizabeth Schmitz Mrs. !::Iizabeth V. Schneider Miss M. SC"hnurr Mrs. Louise Schofield Mr. and Mrs. Fred Schrandt Mr. and Mrs. John J. Schroth J oseph L. Schulze Marion Schwartz Andrew Scott Miss Joanne l\f. Scott

Boosters Mrs. Robert M. Scott Mr. John Seaner Mrs. Ruth Seaner Mr. Joseph Seka Florence E. Schaeffer Mr. and l\Irs. Francis Shallow Shapino R exall Pharmacy Peter and J ohn Sharkey Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Shaughnessy Mr. and Mrs. Edward Shearon Mrs. l\Iary Sherno Sherry, R enee, and Kathi .Joseph H. Sh ils Mr. James W. Shine Mr. and Mrs. Silber Mr. and Mrs. Charles D. Simmons Ed Simpson Edward Sirkowski Mrs. Leefor Siteh Jonas Skladaitis Alexander J. Skylakon Adam Slawek Mr. and Mrs. 路walter Sl iwo!iki Elizabeth Smith Mr. Harry Smith J ohn Smith John R . Smith Mr. Howard Smith Mr. and Mrs. H . Walter Smith ,'vir. and Mrs. John J. Snodgrass Society of Saint Vincent DePaul Mr. and l\1rs. C. J. Sokolowski and Son J ames C. Sommar J ohn P. Sommar l'\ liss i\fary Sommar Nathan Sommers Mr. and Mrs. Souder Mr. and Mrs. \V. James Spangler Emilia Sprecht Mrs. F. W. Spellissy Miss N. and K. Spellman Mrs. Frances Speranzo Agatha Sprissler Wilbert C. Stamler Edward H . Stanley Mrs. Jean Stanse Dr. and Mrs. J. J. Stanton .Mr. Joseph J. Stanton Miss Marie J . Staskel Mr. Bernard Staubenmayer Mr. and Mrs. J. Stever Will Stewart Mr. Murray Spiegel Pau l Stonis

Anna Stonis Anthony Stonis Anthony J . Stanis Mrs. William Sterin Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Strong Claire M. Strong Jean K. Strong L. Strovski Mr. and Mrs. Herbert K. Sudfield Mr. and Mrs. William Sunderman Mr. and Mrs. C. Sutter Sophia R. Szxzepaniak Carl Szizygiel Mr. and Mrs. Edward Harvey Szweda Mr. R aymond Szweda Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Szweda, Jr. Mrs. Margaret A. Taylor Mrs. Margaret Taylor Mr. and Mrs. Albert Tervalon Mr. Gustan Thalmer Leonard J. Thompkins, M.D. Mrs. Mary Thompson Mrs. C. L. Tibbals Mr. Richard Tiedeken Mrs. N. Tierney Louis Tomeo Mr. and Mrs. Richard Tompkins Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Toppleski Mary Ellen Torreti Fred Tragemann Thomas Tragemann Mr. Robert V. Trainer Buck Trinker Martha C. Truhan Dr. Joseph Tyman V. N. Urbani Mr. and Mrs. V. Urbani William H. VanBuskirk Mrs. E. Vandergrift Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Valimont Adrienne Vantine Chip Vantine Gin and Val Vantine Mr. and Mrs. Harry Vantine Clare Varley Louis Varricchio John Ventresca Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Vergare Jerry Vile Fred Vogt '63 Mr. and Mrs. Gerald F. Voran Celeste Wagner John F. Walkgorski

Wally's Chevron Station Lawrence Anthony Walsh Mr. William Walters Mr. and Mrs. James A. Walsh Frank Wargocki '63 Mr. and Mrs. Frank Warvolis Marianne Weikel Wei lands Luclvig K. Weinmann Dr. and Mrs. George A. Weisenberger Mary and Lawrence Welch A. Weyter Horace Williams Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Witkowski Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Witkowski Mr. and Mrs. John Witkowski John A. Welsh '55 Mr. Wench Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Werhane Mr. Thomas \.Yerrick Mr. and Mrs. Paul \.Yertzberger Fred P. Wessells '63 Mr. George 'Westenberger Daniel Whelan '63 Mrs. Margaret Whelan Miss Roselima Whelan Edward L. White Mary Kathleen Whiteside Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Whitlock George Wilkenson Mrs. William Wilkinson Joseph "'Williams The Wink Family Murphy Wojnar Mrs. S. Y. Wong Mr. and Mrs. Thomas 路wright Mr. and Mrs. John Wudarski Cornelius Yuzuk Paul Richard Yuzuk '62 T ed Yuzuk Antoinette Zajac Zaremski Family Mrs. C. Zebrowski Samuel L. Zitin Stella Zubia Zorna Z. Zyzzy IV

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