1963 Yearbook

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John Baptist de La Salle, son of a wealthy aristocrat, was born on April 30, 1651 in one of the finest chateaux in the city of Rheims. During his life, this pioneer of education worked for the greater glory of God and the betterment of mankind. The life of the founder of the Institution of the Brothers of the Christian Schools can be approached from two distinct points of view. The first approach and the one for which St. La Salle is best known, is that of educational genius. He built his schools around the poor, the unwanted, the outcasts of society, and it was around these unfortunates that the founder of the institute built his Christ-like life. In his efforts to improve education, St. La Salle popularized the "Simultaneous Method" - grading students according to their capacity, established the first normal schools, and initiated the use of the vernacular as the basis of all instruction. De La Salle is entitled to be ranked among the advanced educators of the eighteenth century and among the greatest educational reformers of all time. So intense was his zeal for educational reform that the church confirmed upon him the title of the patron of all teachers. The second and more basic approach of the life of St. La Salle is his imitation of Christ. His writings and philosophies bring out his simplicity and innate kindness. According to St. La Salle, faith is the characteristic virtue of life, so much so that he created a star, surrounded by the motto "Signum Fidei", as the emblem of his institute. The ultimate aim of St. La Salle was to seek to develop the Christian gentlemen, one who acquires virtues and the refinement of our Model, Christ. Since La Salle ultimately owes its existence to this great saint, the appropriateness of this occasion warrants that the one-hundreth graduating class dedicated the 1963 Blue and Gold to Saint John Baptist de La Salle.


Brother Eingan Francis in his eleven years as principal of La Salle High School has showed constant devotion to the welfare of all La Salle students. Coupled with his admirable administrative abilities, he has earned the respect and gratitude of everyone at La Salle. Brother received his Bachelor of Arts Degree in mathematical education from La Salle College and after postgraduate work at Pennsylvania, Temple, and Villanova Universities, he received his Masters Degree. In 1940, Brother started teaching at La Salle and has been a mainstay ever since. Before assuming the post of Athletic D irector in 1946, he had taught geometry, moderated the cheerleaders and bowling team, and headed the intramural program. Five years later, in 1951, Brother was appointed principal. We can never fully express all the gratitude and appreciation we owe to Brother, nor the esteem in which we hold him.

Brother E. Francis

PRINCIPALJS CENTENARY MESSAGE I t is a real privilege and pleasure to extend to our centenary graduating class, their parents, relatives and friends, our warmest good wishes and congratulations. It is a privilege because we are in the enviable position of speaking in a sense for all those who went before, and who left us so much with which to work. It is a pleasure because we see on all sides the accumulated achievements of the present and the past, and know with all humility that we had some part in a great century of service to God and our fellow men. It is always a source of happiness to look back and count our blessings. The year 1963 will be remembered as the end of a La Salle era and the beginning of a new one. There is always much to be done, and it is a grave error to rejoice in the past alone, without making great plans for the future. The dawn of our second century is lighted by challenges unknown to those who preceded us, as man seeks to fathom the mysteries of the universe. It is our privilege to rededicate ourselves to the ideals of St. John Baptist de La Salle, which so strongly remind us to keep up with, and contribute to, the progress of our time. We place in the loving hands of the Sacred Heart the destinies of our second century.


Brother F. Joseph came to La Salle from Pittsburgh in 19'43, having taught previously at. St. John's, Washington, D.C. and at West Catholic. A graduate of both La Salle High School and College, he returned to his alma mater and before long became the moderator of both the football and basketball teams, holding these posts from 1947 to 1950. He was later promoted to the office of Athletic Director and in 1955 , was appointed vice-principal, the post which he presently holds. When La Salle was relocated to its present site, Brother Joseph was relieved of the position of Athletic Director so that he could devote all his time to the duties of vice-principal. Besides these duties, Brother is also the President of the American Schoolboy Rowing Association and the Moderator of the Men of La Salle. 'We are sincerely grateful to Brother for the i~valuable service he has rendered at La Salle during the past years.

Brother F. Joseph


Brother David Albert received his Bachelor of Arts Degree from the Catholic University of America and after graduate work at the Catholic University, University of Pittsburgh and Temple, he received his Master of Arts Degree in 1940. Brother came to La Salle High in 1942 as an experienced teacher having taught English and foreign languages at Central Catholic High School in Pittsburgh and later teaching psychology at La Salle College from 1940 to 1942. While at La Salle High, he continued teaching English and Latin until 1946 when he assumed the position of Guidance Director, which he presently holds. Besides his many duties as Guidance Director, Brother Albert is also the Moderator of Assemblies and has been the Moderator of the Benilde Club since its origination in 1950. Brother's exceptional talent of guidance and counsel has helped many students to find their vocation in life over the past years.

15 Brother D. Albert

Brother D. Lewis 2D Religion .. . Biology ... Cross Country. Track

Father Amandus Piontek, O.F.M. 2E Religion I, II, III, ... Chaplain .. . German Club

Brother F. Albert 2G Religion . .. Latin II ~

lrother D. Jerome ~F Religion ... Art . .. Mechanical Drawing . . . Art Club

3rother Emilian of Mary lA R eligion ... Latin I , lIT , IV. . Detention

Brother D . David IE Religion ... English I . . . Typing Debating

Brother G. William 2H Religion .. . Spanish I ... Intramurals


Brother D. Walter 1D Religion . . . History I ... Band ...

Mr. David T. Diehl 1C Algebra I .. . Football (line coach)

Brother D. Luke IF Religion .. . English I .. . Public Speaking


Brother V. Leo 1E R eligion . . . English I, II ... Detention

r:. "" Brother E. Raymond 1G Religion . . . T yping ... Daily Bulletin. Baseball

Brother F . Aloysius Chemistry


Brother G. Edward Chemistry . . . Physics Athletic Director

Mr. Kevin D. Harty History II . .. Social Studies IV

Mr. Charles J. Flynn History I, III

Mr. Robert S. O'Connor Algebra I ... Geometry

Mr. Edward J. Kelly Latin I ... German I ... Photography Club . . . Blue and Gold


Mr. Carl C. Von Nell Library Science .. . Librarian

Mr. John J. Moore English III . .. Dramatics

Mr. Peter E. Walheim Geometry .. . Algebra II ... Driver Training ... Cross Country ... Track

Mr. Charles J. O'Brien First Aid ... Physical Education ... Basketball

Mr. John F. Flannery Head Football Coach

Mr. Donald S. Reinhardt Music Director

Mr. Walter F. Farrell First Aid ... Physical Education

PROFESSIONAL LIFE Miss Celeste Wagner Secretary

Mrs. Evelyn B. Mullen Secretary Mrs. Ruth Braun School Nurse



Confession is an essential element in the perfecting of a retreat.

Frequent reception of the sacraments constitutes an integral part the overall development of a La Salle student.


An increase of a student's love for God was the primary objective of this year's retreat, conducted by Father Robert Wilson, M.M.


During the lunch periods, daily Mass is made available to all La Salle students.

Each day is begun with the recitation of the rosary.

During the months of May and October, the seniors sacrifice their free time in order to participate in the "Living Rosary," a devotion honoring Our Lady.


The prayer monitor begins each class with the exercises of piety as designated by St. La Salle.

ENGLISH Mr. Moore clarifies sentence a nalysis, a basic part of junior English .

By oral quizzing, Mr. McCabe captivates the attention of his sophomores.

Brother David introduces his freshman class to the fundamentals of the English language.


The philosophical outlook of American Literature is explained by Brother G . William.

Seniors show appreciation of humor in Mr. Tremblay's course of American Literature.



A mixture of hU)Tlor and work cultivates a proper atmosphere for the study of French.

Brother E. Joseph listens carefully to Jim M cCloskey's pronunciation.

Language classes take on a new aspect with the addition of the language lab.


Visual aides provide a modern outlook on the German way of life.


Flash cards enhance the study of vocabulary.

Our first year conversational German consists of the memorization of basic dialogue sentences.



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Individual attention is a great asset in the mastering of a language.

Correct pronunciation, an essential element in the speaking of Spanish, is stressed by Brother G . William.



Discussion of grammatical forms and sentence structure stimulates the interest of Latin II students.

CLASSICAL LANGUAGES Mr. Kelly reviews material for the next Latin test with Bob Pannepacker and Paul Laskow.

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Tim Urbanski listens a syntax lian.

Pertinent projects are an essential part of Mr. Harty's economic geography class.

Mr. Flynn shows that freshman history is not all seriousness.

Brother Malachy points out many interesting facts about the United States to a bewildered history class.


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Seniors devote their fullest attention to Brother Gratian's economic teachings.

Geographic locations are pointed out by sophomore student William Hutton.

The proper use of the splint and sling is one of the many first aid measures taught in class.

Probably the most important lesson of the year is the correct procedure of artifical respiration.

FIRST AID AND MUSIC APPRECIATION Students are taught how to read and interpret music during a music appreciation period.


The appreciation of classic as well as popular music is one of the aims of the course.





Mr. Carl Von Nell instructs three class members on the use of the card catalog.

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N G The ability to express one's ideas is brought out through a variety of speech topics.

Dissection of a frog in the skillful hands of a sophomore biologist.

BIOLOGY Through the magic of the microscope the mysteries of life are revealed.

Brother Lewis explains the complexities of the skeletal system.




T R Y Perfection classes.




a necessary evil


all of Brother Aloysious' chemistry

J ohn Lawl or filt ers a colloidol suspension to determine its place force seri es.


the electromotive




Brother Gregory explains the use of the vacuum to physics student John Noel.

A student prepares the scientific apparatus necessary for his next experiment.

Charles Walters and Martin Longstreth balance weights



a physics experimen

Future artists practice the fine points of their skills.



Creative ability and initiative result in personal masterpieces.



OUTSTANDING SENIORS JAMES CASEY We are proud of a graduate of Jim Casey's caliber. Jim's scholastic ability was demonstrated by the fact that he made the honor roll twenty-eight out of thirty-two times in his four years. Jim made his influence felt on the newspaper staff, the debating team, the Student Council, the Benilde Club, the Math Club and the intramural program. Jim's oratorical prowess prevailed in the Catholic League Debating Society and the Gennantown Optimists Club. The rewards from these events augment our trophy case. His quiet and congenial personality make him one of the most popular graduates.

LA WRENCE WALSH A more representative person than Larry cannot be found in our Senior Class. He was chosen as president of his class in his sophomore year, vicepresident of the Student Council the next year, and this year has achieved the pinnacle of success by being elected our Student Council President. It is not only in this field that he has succeeded but likewise athletically, scholastically and civically. As a member of the Crew Team, he was National School Boy Doubles Champion in 1962, an honor justly rewarded for his hard work and determination. His gentlemanly character was also cited, for he was named recipient of the Union League Award for outstanding citizenship. It is no wonder that he is held in such high esteem by his fellow graduates.


If there ever was a fellow who exemplifies the ideal La Salle student, it is Frank. He is what one would term a well-rounded person. Not only has he won four scholastic letters and numerous other awards for intelligence, but he has also been active in almost every phase of school life at La Salle. He has participated in baseball, basketball, track, and football, the latter of which he received honorable mention on the All-Catholic team. This year he was 'elected to the Student Council as vice-president of his class. The Math Club and intramural program were other activities in which he also excelled. For a student who gave so much of himself for his school, it is imperative to say that we are privileged to have him as a member of our Class of '63.


CENTENNIAL CLASS ALBERT McGLYNN Perhaps one of the most intelligent individuals ever to graduate from La Salle is Albert McGlynn. His complete domination of his academic subjects has placed him at the top of his class. During his four years at La Salle, Albert has never failed to obtain honor roll marks; in fact, it is rare when he makes a mistake. Albert has not confined his skills solely to his school work. He has contributed his talents to the German Club and the Mu Alpha Theta. Albert's determination for scholastic proficiency required much, and this he was willing to give.

MICHAEL VERGARE Mike Vergare has one of the best-known personalities around La Salle. Four years as football manager has shown that Mike is not only an efficient and reliable worker, but also a self-sacrificing and competent organizer. He is an active participant in St. Luke's c.Y.O. and has been on the Crew Team for the last two years. Mike's abilities, however, are not limited to sports. He has been a member of the Benilde Club and the newspaper staff, the latter of which he was features editor. As president of Brother E. Joseph's 4D ,homeroom, Mike has led his class in intramurals and has been a chief promoter of the Chance Book Drive. Mike is also a qualified Red Cross volunteer, accredited with 1000 hours of service. There can be no doubt as to why Mike was chosen to be one of this year's outstanding seniors.

JAN MULLER Jan is one of the most energetic students La Salle has seen yet. While he has been a principal figure on the football team for the past four years, Jan has found time to participate on the track team, the Art Club, and the German Club. In the junior and senior divisions of the Math Club, Jan has gained the offices of secretary and president respectively. Aside from all his extracurricular activities, Jan has maintained an eighty-five average for the past four years. Jan's extraordinary ability on the accordion has been the highlight of several music assemblies during the year. His driving spirit and effervescent personality have enabled him to succeed in all his high school endeavors.


JOHN R. ANTCZAK 6270 Gillespie Street, 35 333-4969 Saint Bartholomew lA,2C,3B,4B . . . German Club 3 . . . Intramurals 1,2 . . . Iron Horse Ramble fan . . . Mummy ... Chess. CHARLESE.ARMSTRONG 2120 Oakmont Avenue, 15 PI2-1061 Resurrection of Our Lord lC,2C,3B,4B ... Benilde Club 3 ... German Club 3,4 . . . Strong man . . . Japanese suits ... Obstretrician visitor.

BARRON BATCHELDER P.O. Box 73, Spring House MI6-2422 Saint Anthony lA,2C,3B,4B . . . Band 1,2,3,4 . . . Forensics 2 ... German Club 3,4 ... Math Club 4 ... Bay ton . . . Staunch individualist . . . "It seems to me." RICHARD M. BEATTY 117 Hilldale Road, Cheltenham Me5-5167 Saint joseph 1B,2E,3B,4C . . . Intramurals 1,2,3,4 . . . Speedy . . . Athletic type . . . Likes worms.

MARK C. BEATY 6721 Crittenden Street 19 V13-1656 Saint Theresa of the Little Flower ID,2A3C,4C . . . Wisterian 1,2 . . . Cheerleader 2,3 . . . Track 1,2,4 . . . Swimming 2 . . . Aeronautics . . . Marcus . . . bait. LOUIS J. BECCARIA 8171 Lister Street, 15 DE8-4520 Saint Jerome IF,2B,3E,4E . . . Benilde Club 3,4 . . . Blue and Gold ... Student Council 1 ... Baseball 3(L),4(L) ... Intramurals 1,2,3,4 ... Drach and Daniel ... Erin Go Braugh ... Advanced Math.

MICHAEL J. BELCAK 2006 Newcomb Street, 40 DA9-6717 Saint Stephen IE,2C,3A,4A ... Wisterian 3,4 ... Band I, 2,3,4 ... Math Club 3,4 ... Photography Club 2,3,4 ... Gennan Club 3 ... Intramurals 1,2,3,4 ... "The Foot" ... darkroom specialist ... brownie club. ROBERT M. BLANCH 2936 Elbridge Street, 49 DE8-00S9 Saint Timothy ID,2A,3D,4C ... Scholastic Medal 1 Scholastic Letter 2 ... Wisterian 1,2 Intramurals 1,2,3,4 ... Bobbie Bwanch Little big boy ... Sinus condition.

MICHAEL J. BLASH 1006 Tennis Avenue, Ardsley TU7-6171 Queen of Peace IA,2E,3E,4D ... Baseball 2,3 (L) ,4(L) ... Intramurals 1,2,3,4 Corner man "Future less vivid, Brother" splish splash. DONALD J. BOTHWELL 2108 Horace Road, Abington TU7-3843 Our Lady Help of the Christians IE,2E,3E,4D '" Cross Country 1,2,3 ... Track I ... Intramurals 1,2,3,4 Angel ... foot tapper ... my brother says.

DENNIS H. BOYLE 924 Fanshawe Street, II RAS-7738 Resurrection of Our Lord IF,2D,3E,4A Intramurals 1,2,3,4 Green shoes ... Great parker ... "You're from North Philly??" JOSEPH E. BRENNAN 431 Levick Street, II PIS-6419 Saint William lC,2A,3E,4E ... Scholastic Medal 3 ... Band 2,3,4 '" Math Club 3 ... Intramurals 1,2,3,4 ... Tim ... Record collection ... "Dependable."

ROBERT M. BUDANO 7036 Jackson Street, 35 DE2-8198 Saint Leo lB,2D,3E,4C . . . Baseball 3,4 (L) . . . Football 1 ... Intramurals 1,2,3,4 ... Boodwang ... State Road ... hot Plymouth. JOSEPH F. BURKE 6410 North 7th Street, 26 LI8-9045 Saint Helena ID,2C,3B,4C . . . Wisterian 2,4 . . . Photography Club 3,4 . . . Forensic Club 2,3,4 . . . Benilde Club 4 ... German Club 3,4 ... Intramurals 1,2,3,4 . . . Boike . . . Ducks in Central Park ... Bernanos.

JOHN D. BURNS 3011 Guilford Street, 15 MM-6962 Saint Matthew lE,2E,3E,4D . . . Benilde Country Manager 3(L),4 ager 3,4 . . . Intramurals DB.'s shadow . . . Man

Club 4 . . . Cross . . . Track Man1,2 . . . J.B . . . . with the contacts.

STEPHEN J. BURNS 2034 Vista Street, 15 FI2-3485 Resurrection of Our Lord lA,2A,3C,4C . . . Scholastic Medal 1 .. . Scholastic Letter 1,2,3 ... Math Club 3 .. . Blue and Gold ... Basketball 1 ... Intramurals 1,2,3,4 . . . Party-goer . . . Rhawnhurst ... Conscientious.

VINCENT J. BURNS 4166 Ridge Avenue, 29 VI4-8175 Saint Bridget 1F,2E,3E,4B . . . Art Club 1,2 . . . Golf 2,3 (L),4(L) ... Intramurals 1,2,3,4 ... Smooth Dresser ... Golf Pro ... Vinnie. LAWRENCE]. BUTKOVICH 207 Yorkshire Road, Fairless Hills WI6-9210 Saint Frances Cabrini IF,2D,3D,4C ... Dramatics 3,4 ... Art Club 2,4 . . . Benilde Club 3 . . . Crew 2,3 . . . Track 1,4 ... Football 4 ... Intramurals 1,2, 3,4 ... Vole ... Hick ... Lousy Driver.

B. JAMES CAKE 1425 Hunter Road, Rydal TU7-4340 Our Lady Help of Christians 1F,2E,3B,4路E . . . Benilde Club 1 . . . Track 1,2,3,4(L) . . . Intramurals 1,2,3,4 ... Baby - ... "Benjie" ... Skiing in Canada. DANIEL J. CALLAHAN # 1 Bridge Street, Oreland TU6-4294 Holy Martyrs 1C,2C,3A,4A . . . Band 1,2,3,4 . . . German Club 3,4 . . . Intramurals 1 . . . Band Boy ... Trombone ... VW.

LAWRENCE W. CANTANO 6802 Crittenden Street, 19 VI4-1113 Saint Therese of the Child Jesus 1A,2D,3D,4A ... Football 1 ... Intramurals 1,2,3,4 . . . Gino's Clan . . . Actor for the Mount ... Larry. JAMES F. CASEY 100 Chesney Lane, 18 VE6-5880 Saint Genevieve 1A,2A,3D,4E . . . Scholastic Medal 3 . . . Scholastic Letter 1,2,3,4 . . . Wisterian 2,3 . . . Benilde Club 1,2,3,4 . . . Forensics 1,2, 3,4 ... Math Club 3,4 . . . Intramurals 1,2, 3,4 ... J.C .... Father ... Twister.

MARIO A. CINQUINO 3207 South Broad Street, 48 H07-4410 Stella Maris 1D,2B,3E,4E ... Wisterian 1 ... Cross Country 1,3 ... Intramurals 1,2,3,4 ... Alan ... Football Pool ... DeVasher's idol. STEPHEN L. CLARK 932 Pennsylvania Avenue, Southampton EL7-3378 Our Lady of Good Counsel 1E,2B,3E,4E ... Art Club 2,3,4 ... Dramatics 3,4 . . . Wistcrian 3,4 . . . Chauncey ... Carter ... Artist.

CHARLES W. COLLINS 2200 West Lehigh Avenue, 32 BA3-7557 Saint Columba ID,2F,3D,4E . . . Art Club 4 . . . Bowling 2 . . . Intramurals 1,2,3,4 . . . Chas. Jewel Dick Crean Man'. . . Tom.

JAMES M. COLL 5714 Chew Street, 38 VI4-7169 Immaculate Conception lB,2F,3C,4E . . . Benilde Club 3 . . . Football 1,2,3 (L),4(L) . . . Intramurals 1,2,3,4 ... Sid. . Scholarly Athlete? . . . Smooth Dresser.

THOMAS J. CONNER 6827 Martins Mill Road, 11 PI5-3578 Presentation B.V.M. IF,2F,3D,4D ... Legion of Mary 2,3,4 .. . Intramurals 1,2,3,4 ... Drach's side-kick .. . St. Basil's . . . Fleet-footed.

WILLIAM J. CRONIN 1356 Edgewood Avenue, Roslyn OL9-4014 Saint John of the Cross lE,2F,3A,4B ... Scholastic Medal 1,2 .. . Benilde Club 2 . . . Intramurals 1,2,3,4 .. . Spanish Specialist ... Leader of the Tribe .. . Never Had an English Course.

JAMES F. CROTTY 7433 Overhill Road, 26 ME5-4985 Saint Joseph IF,2E,3B,4D ... Art Club 2,3,4 ... Swimming 2(L), 3(L),4(L) . . . Track 1,2, 3(L),4(L) . . . Intramurals 1,2,3,4 ... Driver ... Loquacious ... Red-faced.

JOSEPH P. CURRAN 3310 Danley Road, 14 NE7-0455 Our Lady of Calvary BeIB,2E,3D,4B . . nilde Club 2,3 . . . Cross Country 1 . . . Track 1 . . . Intramurals 1,2,3,4 . . . Dunes . . . Listen, Enoch . . "Duke, Duke, Duke."

EDWARD J. DaDURA 28 Green Drive, Churchville EL7-6240 Our Lady of Good Counsel lA,2C,3B,4D . . . Wisterian 1,2, ... German Club 3,4 . . . Debating 1,2,3 ... Math Club 4 ... Art Club 4 ... Blue and Gold ... Crew 3,4 (L) ... Intramurals 1, 2,3,4 . . . Dur-a-Dura . . . senior on third eight ... friend of Bro. Jerome.

JOSEPH R. DAIUTULO 2325 West Clearfield Street, 32 BA8-5802 Saint Mary of the Eternal ID,2C,3B,4A . . . German Club 3 ... Intramurals 1, 2 . . . Ranger Joe . . . good driver ... Rambler.

• JOSEPH A. D'ANGELO 5117 Newhall Street, 44VI4-0410 Saint Michael lE,2D,3E,4C '" Wisterian 2,4 ... Benilde 2,3 '" Intramurals 1,2,3,4 ... Ivy Joe ... Wildwood ... ardent math student.

FRANK V. DANIEL, JR. 345 Cedar Road, Elkins Park FI2-7257 Saint James IF,2A,3C,4B ... Scholastic Letter 1,2,3,4 ... Scholastic Medal 1 ... Math Club 4 ... Student Council 4 ... Track 1 ... Basketball 2 '" Football 1,2,3(L),4(L) ... Baseball 2, 3(L),4(L) ... Intramurals 1,2,3,4 ... Mr. QB ... cool dancer ... party goer.

• JOHN L. D' ARCY 3307 Oakmont Street, 36 MA4-9150 Saint Matthew lC,2A,3C,4C ... Math Club 4 ... Cross Country 3 ... Intramurals 1, 2,3,4 . . . Basketball fiend ... star gazer ... math enthusiast.

RICHARD P. DAVIS 208 Monroe Street, 47 MA 7-0894 Saint Stanislaus IB,2E,3E,4C . . . Football 1 ... Intramurals 1,2,3 ... industrious . . . little Italy resident ... 2 :40 boy.

DAVID P. de LUCA 1211 Cardeza Street, 19 LI8-5441 Saint Therese of Child Jesus ID,2D,3D,4C ... Student Council 1,2,4 '" Football 1,2 ... Basketball 1 ... Cross Country 3,4(L) ... Track 1,2,3,4(L) ... Intramurals 1,2,3,4 .. , Ocean City in summer ... Senior Prom enthusiast ... lunch table comments. FRANCIS A. De SANTIS 3216 North Marston Street, 29 BA8-5752 Corpus Christi lE,2A,3C,4C ... Scholastic Medal 1 ... Scholastic Letter 1,2,3,4 ... Wisterian 1,2,3,4 .,. Blue and Gold ... Math Club 3,4 ... Choir 1 '" German Club 4 '" Dramatics 4 ... Benilde Club 4 ... Student Council 4 ... Tennis 1,2(L),3(L),4(L) Intramurals 1,2,3,4 .. , Intellectualist ... Tennis recruiter ... just a little bud.

WILLIAM A. De V ASHER, JR. 8405 Flourtown Avenue, 18 AD3-4185 Our Mother of Consolation lA,2B,3D,4E . . . Wisterian 1,2,3, 4 ... Band 1,2 ... Cross Country 2,3,4 . . . Intramural 1,2,3,4 . . . Zeus ... Mercury ... Water tower. WILLIAM J. DEVINNEY 265 West Godfrey Avenue, 20 LI9-9648 Saint Helena IF,2C,3A,4A ... Wisterian 4 ... Band 1,2,3(L) . . . German Club 3,4 . . . Art Club 2,3,4 . . . Photography Club 3,4 ... Track 1 ... Cross Country 1 . . . Intramurals 1 ... Savagely civilized ... Cecil B. ... a real card. JAMES P. DIEHL 933 Anchor Street, 24 JE5-2249 Saint Martin of Tours IB,2F,3A,4B . . . Cross Country 2,3,4(L) ... Track 1,2,3(L),4(L) . . . Intramurals 2,3 . . . "I'm going to beat Swiacki" . . . "Me & Ed will be there" ... big Deal.

DOMENIC M. Di PIERO 3144 North Taylor Street, 32 BA5-0906 Saint Mary of the Eternal lC,2F,3A,4A . . . Scholastic Medal 2 ... Track 1,2 ... Cross Country 1, 2 ... Intramurals 1,2,3,4 ... The Strut. . Black Prayer Domino monitor.

EDWARD J. DRACH 414 Ryers Avenue, Cheltenham ES9-3181 Presentation B.V.M. IB,2F,3D,4B ... Intramurals 1,2,3,4 . J unebug . . . Crazy Ed ... fireman.

W. JAMES DUGAN 828 Thomas Road, Lafayette Hills VE6-5147 Saint Philip Neri lA,2C,3B,4A ... Math Club 3,4 ... German Club 3,4 ... Intramurals 1,2,3,4 ... Chess fan ... Fish ... Bernie's Partner.

FRANK J. DuVAL 311 West Avenue, Jenkintown TU6-9343 Immaculate Conception lC,2B,3E,4E ... Art Club 2,3,4 '" Wisterian 4 ... Swimming 2(L),3(L),4(L) ... Supplier ... Cartoonist ... Butterflier.


FRANK J. EISENHART 1805 Hillcrest Road, 18 AD3-1446 Seven Dolors lA,2E,3D,4E Scholastic Medal 2 ... Debating 1 ... Photography Club 1,2,3 ... Art Club 3,4 . . . Dramatics 4 . . . Cheerleader 4 . . . Baseball Manager 1 ... Track 2 ... Intramurals 1,2, 3,4 . . . Cecilian . . . Cheerleader ... Ike. ALEXANDER M. ENGART 326 South 19th Street, 3 KI6-4468 Saint Patrick lC,2B,3A,4C . . . German Club 3 . . . Crew 1,2,3(L),4(L) . . . Intramurals 1,2,3,4 . . . Coxswain ... Alex ... Elevator shoes.

• JOSEPH F. ERTEL 5920 Hasbrook Avenue, 20 FI2-3550 Saint William lC,2C,3B,4A ... Scholastic Letter 1 ... Math Club 3 . . . German Club 3 ... Intramurals 1,2,3,4 . . . English in P.O.D . . . . touch football ... Turtle.

ALFRED E. ENOCH, JR. 4036 Fairway Road, Lafayette Hill TA8-9902 Saint Philip Neri lA,2A,3C,4B . . . Basketball 1,2, 3(L),4(L) . . . Football 1 . . . Track 1,2,3 . . . Intramurals 1,2, 3,4 . . . Tex . . . The Dunes . . . beat C.D.

LOUIS S. ESPOSITO 716 East Rittenhouse Street, 44 GE8-5999 Our Lady of the Rosary ID,2D,3B,4A . . . Football 1,2,3 (L) ,4(L) Intramurals 1,2,3,4 . . . Scholar Lou . . . "I already shaved" . . . "Daa-a."

DAVID J. FISHER 644 Rector Street, 28 IV2-7732 Saint Mary of the Assumption IF,2D,3E,4E ... Benilde Club 3 ... Cross Country 1 ... Crew 1 ... Intramurals 1,2,3,4 ... Fisher, D. J. .. , Drives a Bomb ... Bribe??


JOHN P. FISHER 945 Church Street, North Wales 699-3103 Saint Rose of Lima lA,2A,3C,4C .. , Scholastic Letter 1,2, ... Wisterian 1,2,3,4 ... Art Club 2,3,4 '" Blue and Gold ... German Club 3,4 ... Math Club 3 ... Dramatics 4 '" Swimming 2(L),3(L),4(L) '" Tennis 1,2,3,4('L) '" Intramurals 1,2,3,4 ... "Chun" .. , Giggles ... my party .

EDWARD P. FLOOD 939 Carver Street, 24 JE3-4840 Saint Martin of Tours lC,2A,3D,4E ... Scholastic Letter 2 ... Wisterian 2,3,4 . . . Cross Country 2,3,4 . . . Intramurals 1,2,3,4 . . . sure to finish - sometime . . . drives like a robot ... true test of an oarsman.

WILLIAM M. FOSTER 4012 South Warner Road, Lafayette Hill TA8-9526 Saint Philip Neri lE,2B,3A,4B . . . Student Council 1,3 . . . German Club 3 . . . Benilde Club 2 ... Football 1 ... Basketball 1,4(L) . . . Track 1 . . . Intramurals 1,2,3,4 . . . Zeke . . . The Dunes ... Bad Cadillac.

FRANK G. GAIDJUNAS 301 Ashbourne Road, Elkins Park ME5-5246 Saint James lB,2A,3C,4B .. , Scholastic Letter 1 ... Football 1 .,. Baseball 1, 2 ... Basketball 1,2(L),3(L),4(L) ... Intramurals 1,2,3,4 .. , Elkins Park Parties ... Rizzo's ... New York. JAMES F. GALBALLY 1007 Valley Road, 28 ME5-4731 Holy Angel ID,2B,3B,4C .,. Wisterian 1,2 Club 3 .. , Intramurals 1,2,3,4 . .. Bullwinkle.

Benilde Club 3 ... German gallops ... Amandus rouser


ROBERT T. GALLAGHER 6121 Reach Street, 11 RA5-5729 St. William 1E,2F,3C,4A '" Intramurals 1,2,3,4 ... Ferguson fan ... One of the Kingston Trio ... Injured. LOUIS C. GALZERANO 7158 Torresdale Avenue, 35 MA4-2585 Our Lady of Consolation 1D,2F,3C,4E ... Student Council 2,4 (Secretary) ... Football 1,2,3(L),4(L) '" Basketball 1 Track 1 ... Baseball 2 Intramurals 1,2,3,4 .,. Gidge ... centenary .,. 16 yards per carry.

VINCENT P. GIUNTA 2401 West Elkhart Street, 32 BA8-7904 Saint Mary of the Eternal 1C,2C,3A,4路B . . . German Club 3 . . . Intramurals 1,2,3,4 . Stamp collector Daiutolo's friend . Vinnie.

RONALD C. GINIECZKI 2340 High Road, Huntingdon Valley WI7-2417 Saint Albert the Great 1B,2D,3C,4D ... Art Club 2,3 . . . Intramurals 1,2,3, 4 ... Gino ... drag strips . . . Jack Manning's comrade.

BRUCE G. GRAYNOR 1951 East Cheltenham Avenue, 24 PI3-4564 Saint Bartholomew 1D,2B,3A,4B '" Wisterian 1,2 ... Debating 1 .. , Math Club 3, 4 ... Photo Club 1,2 ... German Club 3,4 ... Track 1 ... Intramurals 1,2,3,4 '" Labor Day in Wildwood ... Reds .. , So What. JOHN H. HALAS 4902 Roosevelt Boulevard, 24 CU8-2'164 Saint Ladislaus lE,2C,3A,4E '" Band 1 .. , G~rman Club 3,4 ... Intramurals 1, 2,3,4 ... horses in public speaking ... Smiley '" thanks, Mr. Brolly.

JOSEPH A. HAMMOND 4810 Green Street, 44 DA9-9334 Sain t Francis of Assisi IF,2F,3C,4E . . . Library Aide 2,3,4 . . . Wisterian 4 . . . Blue and Gold 3,4 . . . Legion of Mary 2,3 . . . Benilde Club 1,2 . . . Dramatics 3,4 ... Cross Country 1 . . . Indis"The pensable Gang". . The Great Pumpkin.

CHRISTOPHER C. HARTMAN 2317 Laurel Dr., Riverton, N.]. 609-829-4734 Saint Charles Borromeo lA,2B,3E,4C . . . Wisterian 1,2 ... Forensic 1,2,3, 4 ... Dramatics 4 German Club 3 . . . Photography Club 2,3 .. Intramurals 1,2,3,4 . . . Sir Wilfred Vote for Nixon D.G.A.T.G.H.B.

DANIEL G. HEYBERGER 4038 N. Marshall Street, 40 BA8-2360 Saint Henry IB,2A,3C,4B . . . Intramurals 1,2,3,4 ... Bucky ... St. Joe's ... "Got the Physics?"

CARL F. HYNEK Edgehill Road, Willow Grove OL9-2101 Saint David lA,2F,3A,4B . . . Tennis 1,2 . . . Football 1, 2,3(L),4(L) ... Intramurals 1,2,3,4 Reformed school . . . Hustler . . . I'll tackle the next one.

EDWARD E. HOUSEMAN 20 East Wissahickon Avenue, Flourtown AD3-1360 Saint Genevieve lC,2A,3C,4C . . . Scholastic Letter 2 ... Math Club 4 ... Swimming 3,4(L) . . . Intramurals 1,2,3,4 . . . Freestyler . .. Mount enthusiast ... Lifeguard.

.. JOHN F. KAUFMANN 615~ DuPont Avenue, 28 IV2-5196 Holy Family lE,2E,3E,4B . Cross Country 1. Baseball Manager 1,2(L) . . . Golf 3,4 . . . Bro. Raymond's pal . . . Ice hockey . . . Pinnochile.

THOMAS J. KELLY 660 Lindley Road, Glenside TU7-1045 Saint Luke IF,2D,3B,4A . . . Benilde Club 3 . . . Football 1,2,3,4 (L) Track 1,2 ... Intramurals 1,2,3,4 ... beats on Krimm . . . third string senior ... Bimbo.

JOSEPH T. KELLEY 922 East Haines Street, 38 GE8-2733 Immaculate Conception 3C,4E ... Crew 4 ... Intramurals 3,4 . . . Spade . . . afraid of Concord . Chubby's chum.

BERNARD F. KOLODZIEJ 244 Christian Street, 47 H02-6864 Saint Stanislaus lE,2B,3E,4D . . . Benilde Club 4 . . . Intramurals 1,2,3,4 . . . Latin scholar kielbasi pusher ... overactive.

JAMES B. LANE 7837 Williams Avenue, 50 WA4-1519 Saint Raymond lA,2A,3C,4C . . . Math Club 3,4 ... German Club 4 ... Choir 1 ... Intramurals 1,2,3,4 . . . "Little Street" . . . Jimmy South America.

FRANCIS J. KRIMM 3357 Wellington Street, 49 MA4-1582 Saint Matthew IF,2D,3B,4B . . . Benilde Club 2,3,4 . . . Cross Country 1,2,3 ... Track 1,2,3 ... Intramurals 1,2,3,4 ... T. Kelly's shadow . . . The miler . . . cheerleader.

FORREST J. LANG 226 East Ashdale Street, 38 GL5-4654 Saint Ambrose lC,2A,3E,4E, ... Scholastic Letter 2 . . . Art Club 4 ... Benilde Club 3,4 . . . Herpetologist . . . Spook . . . philornithologist.

ANTHONY J. LeSTORTI 6052 Magnolia Street, 44 VI3-7406 Our Lady of the Rosary lA,2A,3E,4E .. , Scholastic Medal 3 . . . Scholastic Letter 2 . . . Art Club 2,4 . . . Wisterian 2,3 . . . Student Council 3,4 . . . Cross Country 4 ... Track 1, 2,3,4 . . . Intramurals 1,2,3,4 . . . track buff pushes Christmas cards ... nice guy.

MICHAEL F. LEESE 923 Slocum Street, 50 HA4-0999 Saint Theresa lB,2E,3B,4D . . . Football 1 ... Intramurals 1, 2,3,4 . . . Mr. McCabe's friend . . . 19th hole ... crack up Mike.

THOMAS P. LONG Stokes Road, Medford, N.J. GA6-8368 Saint Mary ID,2C,3B,4E ... Art Club 2,3,4 ... German Club 3 ... Intramurals 1,2,3,4 ... white bucks ... Short ... Garden Stater. MARTIN L. LONGSTRETH, JR. 7903 Pine Road, 18 CH7-4646 Seven Dolors lC,2F,3A,4A . . . Crew 1 . . . Football 3,4(L) . . . Intramurals 1,2,3,4 ... Norwood boy ... Roman fan . . . likes his English teacher.

STANLEY B. LOREK 30 Catherine Street, 47 H05-3779 Saint Stanislaus lE,2C,3B,4A . . . Band 3,4 . . . German Club 3,4 ... Football 1,2 ... Intramurals 1,2,3,4 ... me an my Corvair ... New Year's Parade ... part time bass.

RUDOLPH A. LUCENTE 42 Hellberg Avenue, Chalfont 822-3161 Saint Jude lA,2E,3E,4E ... Benilde Club 1,2,3,4 ... Choir 1 ... Library Aide 1,2,3,4 ... Legion of 'Mary 2,3,4 ... Intramurals 1,2 ... reindeer ... runs the Library ... the happy organist. DANIEL J. LYNCH 7 Terminal Avenue, 18 AD3-2792 Saint Genevieve lC,2C,3B,4A ... Art Club. 2,4 '" Benilde Club 2,3,4 ... Crew 1,2,3(L),4(L) ... Intramurals 1,2,3,4 ... Coxswain ... Chun's buddy ... Danny Boy. 60

EDMUNDF. McCLOSKEY 1333 Vernon Road, 50 LI8-1530 Saint Raymond 1A,2C,3A,4B . . . Wisterian 1,2,3,4 . . . Band 1, 2,3 ... German Club 3,4 . . . Math Club 3,4路 . . . Art Club 2,3,4 .,. Forensics 1,2,3,4 . . . Dramatics 4 . . . Crew Manager 1,2,3 (L) ,4(L) .. Intramurals 1,2,3,4 . . Moon . . . Cecilian "Manager."

GEORGE T. LYNCH 185 Ruscomb Street, 20 GL7-3426 Saint Ambrose 1D,2F,3D,4A ... Intramurals 1,2,3,4 Spanish quizzes . . . SIlent ... co-op plan.

JOSEPH C. McCULLOUGH 1835 Front Street, 48 H02-2521 Sacred Heart 1C,2E,3A,4A ... German Club 3, 4 . . . Intramurals 1,2,3,4 . . South PhiIly Irish . . . Flint . . . lC. symbol. DANIEL J. McCUTCHEON 4100 Longshore Street, 35 DE2-5131 Saint Timothy 1A,2F,3D,4D . . . Art Club ... Band 1 ... Dramatics 3,4 Wisterian 3 . . . Intramurals 3,4 ... stiff neck ... T-Bird likes to travel.

3,4 ... 1,2, ...

MICHAELJ. McGEE 711 Thayer Street, 34 NE4-4546 Ascension of Our Lord 1E,2C,3B,4B ... Band 1 ... German Club 3,4 . . . Crew 2,3(L), 4(L) ... Cross Country 2 ... Intramurals 1,2,3,4 ... lengthy TV talker . . . Thanksgiving Day Run ... National Champion.

WILLIAM D. McGILL 7816 Roanoke Street, 18 CH7-6167 Our Mother of Consolation 1B,2E,3E,4B ... Football 1,2,3 ... Swimming 4 ... Intramurals 1,2,3,4 ... Reds ... Football 4 ... blind man. ALBERT J. McGLYNN 4033 Comly Street, 24 CU8-8995 Saint Timothy 1C,2C,3B,4B ... Scholastic Letter 2,3,4 ... Scholastic Medal 2,3 ... Forensics 2,3,4 ... German Club 3,4 ... Math Club 3,4 ... Intramurals 1,2 ... Advanced everything ... omniscent .. , girls .

JOSEPH V. McILHINNEY 942 Maple Drive, Southampton EL7-2836 Our Lady of Good Counsel ID,2F,3D,4A ... Art Club 2 . . . Football 1,2 . . . Track 1,2 ... Intramurals 1,2,3,4 . . . Mac . . . Pike 路 .. rides with Stephen.

JOHN J. McKELVEY 2914 Levick Street, 49 Saint Timothy CU8-7425 lE,2F,3D,4B . . . Art Club 4 Benilde Club 4 ... Intramurals 1,2,3,4 . . . Smokes 2 packs a day ... Library Science test . . . Sal's pal.

C. GEORGE McNAMARA 307 Ruscomb Street, 20 DA9-4856 Incarnation IF,2A,3E,4C .. , Scholastic Letter I ... Benilde Club I Intramurals 1,2,3,4 Charles ... numismatist ... Bro. Joe's pal.

JOSEPH P. McNULTY, JR. 5137 Morris Street, 44 VI4-0381 Saint Francis of Assisi IB,2F,3D,4D '" Art Club 3,4 ... Intramurals 1,2 .. , artist ... playground basketball . .. Orlowski's brother??

WILLIAM J. MAGARITY 830 Rittenhouse Street, 38 VI3-3234 Immaculate Conception IF,2B,3A,4B . . . Football 1,2,3(L) . . . Basketball I, 2,3(L),4(L) ... Intramurals 1,2,3,4 ... Chatterbox 路 . . P.A.T. Quarterback 路 .. "What's this water on the deck?"

TERENCE J. MANNING 57 Crestmont Avenue, 14 NE7-8081 Our Lady of Calvary lD,2D,3B,4B . . . Art Club 3,4 . . . Wisterian 4 ... Band 3 ... Dramatics 4 . . . Student Council 3,4 (President) . . . Intramurals 1,2,3,4 . . . Georgetown . . . second time around ... Maynard.

CHRISTOPHER J. MATTHEWS 1242 Southampton Road, 16 OR3-0592 Saint Christopher IA,2B,3A,4A ... Math Club 4 . . . German Club 3,4 . . . Band I, 2,3 ... Dramatics 4 ... Wisterian 2,4 (Associate Editor) . . . Intramurals 1,2,3,4 . . . Mr. Body ... Goldwater ... radical.

RICHARD C. MERGLIANO 2301 Second Street, 33 GA3-1125 Saint Boniface IB,2F,3D,4A ... Intramumurals 1,2,3,4 fully equipped . . . Merg traveling secretary.

JOHN P. MICHEL 7137 Cedar Park Avenue, 38 HA4-3284 Saint Athanasius ID,2B,3B,4E '" Art Club 2,4 ... Student Council 1,2,3,4 ... Intramurals 1,2,3,4 ... funny-looking Ford Intramural captain ... independent.

EDWARD L. MILLER 3719 15th Street, 40 BA5-1671 Saint Stephen IF,2A,3E,4E Track 1,2 ... Intramurals 1 ... sleepy '" "Miller did it" '" Honest Ed.

THOMAS J. MITCHELL 5321 Camac Street, 41 DA9-1809 Holy Child IB,2E,3E,4D . . . Band 1,2,3,4 . . . Benilde Club 3 ... Intramurals 1,2,3,4 ... most faithful band member . . . races Corvettes . . . likes to reed.

WILLIAM J. MOLINARI 537 Erie Avenue, 40 BA8-7089 Our Lady of Pompeii lC,2A,3C,4D ... Scholastic Medal 3 . . . Scholastic Letter 1,2,3,4 ... Forensic 1 . . . Legion of Mary 2 . . . Choir 1 . . . Math Club 3,4 . . . Mole . bleached hair ... peon.

DAVID T. MOORE 31 Mount Pleasant Avenue, 19 CH7-4295 Holy Cross lE,2C,3A,4D . . . German Club 3 ... Dramatics 3,4 ... Thespian ... has Physics done . .. Whitemarsh. JAN C. MULLER 1660 Bonnie Brae Drive, Huntingdon Valley EL7-0123 Our Lady of Good Counsel ID,2B,3C,4C ... Art Club 2,3,4 ... Math Club 3,4 ... German Club 3,4 . . . Student Council 4 . . . Football 1,2,3(L),4(L) . . . Track 1,2,4 .. , Intramurals 3,4 ... savage ... S.I.G.Y.A.M.? ... "Lady of Spain."

PAUL MYCHALUK 102 Hamilton Drive, Warminster OS5-4963 Saint John Bosco lE,2C,3A,4A Wisterian 4 . . . German Club 3,4 . . . cerebral ... German scholar ... Tennis aspirant.

ROBERT J. NELSON 3303 Indian Queen Lane, 2,9 VI3-7352 Saint Bridget IB,2E,3D,4D . . . Scholastic Medal 3 Benilde Club 1,2,3 ... Intramurals 1,2,3,4 ... the pipe, .. Rock, , , no notebooks.

JOSEPH A. NICKELS 3255 Maple Road, Huntingdon Valley WI7-2649 Saint Christopher ID,2B,3B,4B . . . Swimming 2 ... Intramurals 1,2,3,4 ... five cents " . Somerton football ... A.A. card holder. JOHN C. NOEL 110 White Oak Road, North Wales 699-4919 Saint Rose of Lima IF,2F,3D,4E ... Art Club 2,3,4 ... Blue and Gold ... Bowling 2,3(L),4(L) ... Intramurals 1,2,3,4 curly locks ... "Jose Jimenez" ... only senior kegler. 64

THOMAS E. NOON 4137 8th Street ,40 BA8-HI3 Saint Henry IB,2D,3E,4E ... Intramurals 1,2,3,4 ... High ... mad scientist in lab ... Intramural lineman of the year. WILLIAM A. NORRETT 5135 15th Street, 41 DA9-9703 Holy Child lA,2B,3E,4C ... Benilde Club 3 ... Dramatics 4 try 1 ... Intramurals 1,2,3,4 ... French scholar . .. "Gottabu tt?" ...

Cross Councrazy driver

ROBERT P. O'BRIEN 1520 Chew Street, 4-1 HM-3275 Holy Child lE,2F,3D,4D .. Student Council ... Benilde Club 3 .. Blue and Gold 3,4 ... Track 1 . . . Bowling 2,3 .. . Intramurals 1,2,3,4 .. . Obie ... will never become a Physics major . . . lifeguard??

REUBEN J. NY VEL T 1113 Linn Street, 47 H08-5008 Annunciation B.V.M. ID,2E,3A,4C . . . German Club 3,4 ... Intramurals 1,2,3,4 ... "Rube" . . . South Street . . friend of Bro. Gregory.

THOMAS M. O'KEEFE 1330 Pike Street, 40 BA5-2707 Saint Stephen IB,2E,3B,4D ... Wisterian 1 ... Dramatics 4 .,. Crew 2,3,4 ... Intramurals 1,2,3,4 .. , Okie ... St. Mary's boy ... "He means well." JOSEPH M. O'NEILL 3116 Gilham Street, 49 MM-4055 Saint Timothy ID,2A,3D,4B ... Scholastic Letter 1 ... Student Council 2,3,4 .. . Football 1,2,3 (L),4 ... Track 1,2,3 (L) ... Intramurals 1,2,3,4 ... , Shoie . .. Concord ... English acumen. 65

STANLEY C. ORLOWSKI, JR. 353 Lyceum Avenue, 28 IV3-5300 Saint Josaphat lE,2F,3D,4A ... Band 1,2,3,4 ... Dramatics 3,4 ... Golf 1,2,4 ... Intramurals 1,2 ... Stan the Man ... "Take me to your leader" ... "Dat Dere." FREDERICK J. OSTERTAG 3682 Calumet Street, 29 VI4-7075 Saint Bridget IF,2D,3D,4A ... Intramurals 1,2,3,4 ... Ferd ... lunchroom gambler ... Roxborough boy.

RALPH C. PALMER 1915 Cleveland Avenue, Abington OL9-2526 Our Lady Help of Christians lC,2B,3B,4B . . . Math Club 4 ... Crew 1,2,3,4(L) ... Intramurals 1,2,3,4 ... Abington ... Glee Club sextet . . . "Give me your French."

JULIO S. PAZ Y MINO 317 Godfrey Avenue, 20 CA4-0708 Saint Helena IB,2C,3A,4A ... Art Club 2,3 ... Photography Club 3,4 . . . Wisterian 4 ... German Club 3,4 .. . Tennis 3,4 ... BeIcak's buddy .. . Lo's beau ... Julip.

JOSEPH A. PESZKO 3421 Vaux Street, 29 VI4-8065 Saint Bridget ID,2B,3B,4B ... Dramatics 4 ... Football 1,2,3 (L) ,4(L) . . . Crew 2,3,4 . . . Intramurals 1,2,3,4 . . . \ioose ... whale. . . road runner.

PIERRE B. PJE 8305 Mansfield Avenue, 50 CH7-9108 Saint Raymond lB,2F,3C,4E . . . Wisterian 1,2,3,4 . . . Forensics 1,2,3,4 ... Math Club 3,4 ... Tennis 3,4 ... Intramurals 1,2,3,4 . . . Apple Heavyweight Champ . . . red hot Republican.

FREDERICK D. PIRMANN 135 Gorgas Lane, 19 GE8-7653 Holy Cross lA,2C,3A,4A . . . German Club 3 . . . Crew 1,2 ... IntramuralsÂŁI,2, 3,4 ... life of the party ... Ferdy ... '''1 don't have the facilities."

PETER W. PRATLEY 2710 Silver Street, 32 BA3-5849 Saint Columba lC,2E,3E,4E ... Intramurals 1,2,3,4 ... Dr. Ben ... uses co-op plan ... go-getter. W. BUCKLEY RATCHFORD 221 Larrimore Lane, 18 AD3-1162 Saint Genevieve lC,2A,3C,4C ... Scholastic Medal 1 '" Scholastic Letter 1,2 '" Wisterian 2,3,4 '" Benilde Club 2 '" Legion of Mary 2 ... Math Club 3,4 ... German Club 3,4 ... Forensics 1,2 ... Cheerleader 1,2,3 ... Crew 1,2,3(L),4(L) ... Intramurals 1,2,3,4 ... Dimples ... Pop-eye ... Kakhi.

CHARLES M. RATCLIFFE Biwood Road, Ambler MI6-0302 Saint Anthony IF,2D,3B,4D . . . Benilde Club 3 ... Crew 1,2,3(L),4(L) ... Cross Country 2. . Intramurals 1,2,3,4 . . . Chuck . . . Bonner fan . . . waterfights.

JOSEPH A. RATKOVIC 2107 Hartel Avenue, 15 PI2-2485 Resurrection of Our Lord IA,2A,3C,4D Scholastic Medal 2,3 ... Math Club 3,4 ... Band 1,2 ... Track 1,3 ... Cross Country 2 . . . Intramurals 1,2,3,4 ... runs a bus service . . . Demosthenes ... question man.

• PAUL A. REILLY 2200 Joshua Road, Lafayette Hill TA8-3944 Saint Philip Neri lE,2E,3A,4D ... Football 2,3(L), 4(L) . . . Intramurals 1,2,3,4 . . . "I'm not a children" . . . handsome ... pounding Paul.

ALEXANDER A. RENESKI 3783 Pheasant Drive, 36 DE8-1120 Saint Dominic IA,2A,3C,4C ... Math Club 3,4 . . . German C!t:b 3,4 . . . Track 3 . . . Intramurals 1,2,3,4 . . . Butchie . . . mad Russian ... dog-eyes.

GEORGEW. REYNOLDS 3432 Kirkwood Road, 14 H04-3622 Saint Catherine of Scina IB,2E,3D,4D ... Football 2,3(L) ... Intramurals 1,2,3,4 ... highpockets ... hootch lives in a stupor.

JAMES J. ROBINSON 732 Arden Road, Jenkintown TU4-3054 Immaculate Conception IB,2B,3C,4C . . . Football 1,2,3,4 (L) Track 1 . . . Intramurals 1,2,3,4 . . . Jimmie . . . The Rock . . . Rizzo's.

PETER C. RIDER 7804 Froebel Road, 18 VE6-4569 Seven Dolors 2D,3D,4C . . . Benilde Club 3,4 ... Art Club 2, 3,4 . . . Math Club 3,4 路 .. Tennis 2,3 (L),4(L) 路 .. Intramurals 2,3,4 ... Horseback ... Unknown Freshman ... Pancho.

DA VID J. ROHRER 2143 Menlo Avenue, Glenside TU4-5098 Saint Luke 1D,2E,3E,4E ... Wisterian 2,3 ... Intramurals 1,2,3,4 ... won the French Medal? ... avid Intramuraler ... introvert.

MAURINO J. ROSSANESE 131 East Mermaid Lane, 18 CH7-9161 Holy Cross ID,2A,3C,4C ... Student Council 4 ... Football 1;2 ... Crew 2,3(L),4(L) ... Intramurals 1,2,3,4 ... Reno ... Pres ... statistician.

MYROSLAW J. RYNDYK 1605 North Franklin Street, 22 Immaculate Conception 1F,2D,3D,4A . . . Wisterian 4 . . . Track 1,2 路 .. Intramurals 1,2,3 ... Irishman. . flips over Flicks . . . Four Year hitch.

BERNARD W. SALMON 530 Manor Road, Wynnewood MI9-4038 Saint Margaret lA,2B,3B,4D . . . Band 1 ... Tennis 1,3,4 ... Cross Country 3 ... Intramurals 1,2 . . . "Got an extra tie" ... "He's a senior?" ... punctual.

JOHN M. SHMALBACH 8311 Crittenden Street, 18 CH7-4253 Our Mother of Consolation 1E,2D,3D,4C ... Benilde Club 3,4 . . . Basketball Manager 1,2,3(L),4(L) 路 . . Intramurals 1,2,3,4 路 .. Twig ... little back 路 .. critic.

ROBERT W. SCHELL 3937 Fitler Street, 14 NE7-8060 Saint Katherine of Siena 1B,2A,3E,4C ... Intramurals 1,2,3,4 . . . Sea ... bells ... Yumpy.

AUGUSTIN J. SCHWARTZ 2930 Guilford Street, IS MA4-1907 Saint Matthew IF,2A,3C,4D . . . Scholastic Medal 2 . . . Scholastic Letter 1,2 . . . Student Council 4 ... Cross Country I. .. Football 2 ... Track 1,2 .. , Intramurals 1,2,3,4 ... Ticonderoga Guckie ... "Hallow Albert."

FRANK J. SCIOLLA, JR. 681 Meetinghouse Road, Elkins Park TU4-4024 Saint James IB,2F,3C,4A . . . Football 1,2,3,4(L) . . . Track I . . . Intramurals 1,2,3,4 . . . Hot Shoppe ... Pie's victim ... Straight Arrow.

DAVID J. SMITH 7304 Shelbourne Street, 11 RA5-1847 Saint Cecilia 1C,2A,3C,4B . . . Scholastic Medal 3 . . . Benilde Club 1 . . . German Club 3,4 . . . Golf 1,2 ... Swimming 2 .. . Intramurals 1,2,3,4 .. . Shorty . . . chem gem . . . tough wheels.

GEORGE C. SMITH 108 Beverly Road, 51 MI2-8014 Presentation B.V.M. 1D,2B,3A,4B ... Basketball 1,2,3(L),4(L) . Smiles . . . Salmon's pal ... perfectionist.

JOSEPH E. SMITH 963 Wakeling Street, 24 PI3-1186 Saint Martin of Tours 1A,2B,3B,4C . . . Band 1,2,3,4 . . . Drum Major 4 . . . Bowling 2 . . . Reinhardt, Jr . . . . sing along ... white sweater. FRANCIS J. SNOW 3126 Miller Street, 34 GA5-1659 Nativity B.V.M. 1C,2C,3B,4A ... German Club 3,4 ... Math Club 3,4 . . . Cross Country 1 . . . Football silent snow 2 . . . Intramurals 1,2,3,4 . secret snow . . . poker club . . . dragging.

JOSEPH A. SUAREZ 132 Bainbridge Street, 47 MA7-4036 Saint Stanislaus B.M. 1E,2F,3C,4D . . . Intramurals 1,2,3,4 . . . pier 32 ... Wildwood ... phys. ed. major. EDMUND F. SWIACKI 3941 Fitler Street, 14 NE7-9579 Our Lady of Calvary 1E,2B,3D,4E . . . Cross Country 2(L),3(L), 4(L) ... Track 2,3,4 (L) ... Intramurals 1, 2,3,4 ... Caesar ... Crater Head ... Thunderbird.

RICHARD D. TAYLOR 501 West Hortter Street, 19 GE8-7412 Saint Madeline Sophie 1C,2C,3A,4A ... Math Club 4 ... German Club 3,4 . . . Intramurals 1,2,3,4 . . . Tayls ... 45 & Chestnut ... Watertower. DOMENIC J. TRIOLO 2519 West Allegheny Avenue, 32 BA8-3883 Saint Mary of the Eternal 1F,2F,3D,4E ... Track 1 ... Intramurals 1,2 ... swivel hips ... varsity club ... "I really care."

JOSEPH E. TURK 147 West Olney Avenue, 20 WA4-8084 Saint Helena 1A,2A,3C,4D ... Scholastic Letter 1 ... Basketball 3(L),4(L) . . . Track 2,3(L),4(L) . . . Intramurals 1,2,3,4 . . . A and C member of Big Five . . . broke Arizin's Record. TIMOTHY E. URBANSKI 1538 Elkins Avenue, Abington TU6-9166 Our Lady Help of Christians 1C,2A,3D,4A .. , Scholastic Letter 2 ... Band 1,2,3,4 . . . Wisterian 1 . . . Dramatics 4 . . . Math Club 4 . . . Intramurals 1,2,3,4 . . . second Tuba ... "Watch it Smith" "I don't need to study."

ALFRED B. URZI 1177 South 9th Street, 47 H08-6526 Saint Paul 1B,2B,3B,4D . . . Student Council 1 . . . Benilde Club 4 ... Legion of Mary 3 ... Dramatics 4 ... Intramurals 1,2,3,4 ... Ma Urzi . . . Ape . . . Freshman lover. ERIC J. VACCA 3846 North 7th Street, 40 BA5-7233 Our Lady of Pompeii 1D,2B,3B,4D ... Football 1 ... Track 1 .. Baseball 4(L) . . . Intramurals 1,2,3,4 North Philly . . . L&M . . . Erich.

GREGORY P. VERDON 941 West Silver Street, 33 BA5-4499 Saint Joseph 1A,2B,3A,4B . . . Intramurals 1,2,3,4 . . . bank messenger . . . radical . . . over active. MICHAEL J. VERGARE 608 Abington Avenue, Glenside TU4-4730 Saint Luke 1E,2A,3B,4D . . . Wisterial1 2,3,4 (Ed.) . . . Art Club 2,3,4 ... Benilde Club 3,4 ... Student Council 4 ... Crew 3,4(L) ... Football Manager 1,2,3(L),4(L) . . Intramurals 1, 2,3,4 . . . Manager . . . mutual terms with Brother ... Zippy.

FREDRICK G. VOGT 2009 Hartel Street, 15 PI5-4939 Resurrection of Our Lord 1F,2A,3C,4D ... Scholastic Letter 2 ... Band 1,2,3,4 ... Art Club 2,3,4 ... Math Club 3,4 ... German Club 3,4 ... Wisterian 2 ... Blue and Gold ... Intramurals 1 ... P.J.'s ... Freddie ... Third Trumpet. ANTHONY S. VOLPE 350 West Queen Lane, 44 VI3-0968 Saint Francis of Assisi lB,2F,3D,4E ... Football 1,2 ... Intramurals 1,2 ... rabble rouser ... "Volpe did it" ... Monday Morning Quarterback.

LAWRENCE A. WALSH 3917 Vaux Street, 29 VI4-4476 Saint Bridget 1C,2B,3E,4D ... Scholastic Medal 2 ... Wisterian 1,2,3,4 ... Student Council 2,3 (V.P.),4(Pres.) '" Book Discussion Club 3 . .. Benilde Club 1,2 ... Football 1 ... Swimming 2 ... Crew 1,2,3(L),4(L) National Champion ... Intramurals 1,2,3,4 "Keep off the grass" ... fixed elections ... Dinner Dance. CHARLES J. W ALTERS 708 64th Avenue, 26 WA4-7368 Saint Helena lB,2D,3E,4A ... Benilde Club 2,3 ... Football 1,2,3(L),4(L) '" Basketball 1,2 .. . Crew 1,2,4(L) ... Intramurals 1,2,3,4 .. . Goodtime Charlie ... won the Bonner game single-handed ... Mayor of Ocean City.

JAMES E. WALTON 3013 Welsh Road, 36 DE2-5609 Saint Jerome lE,2D,3B,4D ... Intramurals 1,2,3,4 Earl ... "Bring back Accounting" tivity minded.


FRANK E. WARGOCKI 2602 Orthodox Street, 37 PI3-4251 Saint John Cantius 1A,2B,3C,4C ... Photography Club 1 .. . Math Club 3,4 ... German Club 3,4 .. . Track 2 ... Intramurals 1,2,3,4 Phys Whiz ... The Little Round Man ... Mole and the Boys.

THOMAS J. WELSH 220 Zane Avenue, 11 ES9-2499 Saint Cecilia lC,2B,3C,4B ... Student Council 3 ... Basketball 1,2,3(L),4(L) .. , Baseball 1,2(L), 3(L),4(L) ... Intramurals 1,2,3,4 '" Wally 路 .. New York Trip ... "Meet at the Chatterbox." FRED P. WESSELLS 3539 North 11 th Street, 40 BA5-5793 Saint Stephen lA,2E,3C,4E '" Band 1,2,3,4 ... Library Aide 2,3,4 ... Math Club 3 .. , Blue and Gold ... Bowling 2 .. , Intramurals 1,3,4 路 .. Furd ... Lou's friend ... go West Wessells.

DANIEL J. WHELAN 1525 Louden Street, 41 DA4-1397 Holy Child lC,2C,3B,4A '" Scholastic Medal 1,2 Scholastic Letter 3 ... Dramatics 4 '" Student Council 2,4 ... Benilde Club 3 Crew .2,3 (L) ,4(L) Intramurals 1,2,3,4 ... Nails ... Critic ... car radio?? KARL A. WILLIAMS 5514 North Marshall Street, 20 WA4-3229 Incarnation of Our Lord IF,2B,3A,4C ... German Club 3,4 '" Art Club 2 .. , Cross Country 1 '" Track 4 ... Basketball 2,3,4(L) ... Intramurals 1,2,3,4 ... dirty old man ... Inkie ... Kit.


JOHN P. WUDARSKI 214 Montrose Street, 47 H05-1897 Saint Stanislaus 1F,2C,3A,4C ... German Club 3,4 ... Football 1 ... Baseball 4 '" Intramurals 1,2,3,4 ... Wuddy '" square head ... pirogi pusher. JOSEPH C. YANNESSA 2927 Midvale Avenue, 29 VI4-7636 Saint Bridget 1E,2D,3C,4D ... Coin Club 1 ... Football 1 ... Intramurals 1,2,3,4 '" Over 100 路 .. phys. ed. major ... bookie.


Junior class presidents, left to right: 3A Walter Parker, 3B John McMahon, 3C John Boland, 3D Brian Daniel, 3E Joseph Colistra, 3F Joseph Fahy.

SITTING, left to right: Martin McEvoy John Paul its Michael Lewis Victor Staniec Henry Lynch Thomas McCloskey John Gaffney James Carr Joseph Piazza Richard Kendrick Joseph Mullen Francis Carroll STANDING: Francis Purcell Nicholas Piazzola Philip Rothsching Daniel Keating Frank Staino Michael Ryan Walter Parker Robert Lawrence John Needham


FIRST ROW, left to Leonardo Radomile Robert Yacobellis Gregory Bonner Donald Gehring Gregory Kinsch Anthony Stonis SECOND ROW: Ronald Sherno Edward Norrett Edward Bardy Michael Heaney Bernard Kurek Thomas Spielhoffer Mark McElwee


SITTING, left to right: Richard Hemberger Anthony Pisoni Roswell Geils Michael Przybycien Thomas Krimm Ronald Burrell Robert Mandeville Kevin Carney STANDING: Lawrence Callan Nicholas Lees David Johnson John McFadden Peter Boyer William Mastalski James Joyce


FIRST ROW, left to right: Paul Conlow Thomas Doyle Thomas Lambinus Robert Mignatti William Coogan Paul Nicoletti Wayne Michie SECOND ROW: Peter Burton Robert Feldman Joseph Takach Joseph Longshore John Sharkey Edgar Gansz Dennis Blake John McMahon Gilbert McKnight John Nickels

FROM TOP TO BOTTOM, left to right: Gerald Gallagher John Burtnick Peter Kuc Joseph McAtee Richard Gallagher Joseph McGill Ralph Cerasi John Murphy Richard Theis Raymond Jones Francis Cassidy David Coffey Paul Licata John Markowski Philip Rothenheber Joseph Kredatus William Cassidy Joseph Golding


FIRST ROW, left t( right: Thomas Gallagher Thomas Tragemann George Nemec John Boland

SECOND ROW: John Feeny Andrew Clark John Blake John Krause Peter Regan Stephen Hodgson Michael Heebner Joseph Tillman

THIRD ROW: Edward Hilinski William Doran John Ferguson Edward Moekaitis

FRONT, left to right: John Snodgrass Gregory Woodring Philip Coyle Russell Foster John O'Toole George Kyle John Dempsey Denis Hawkesworth James Colantonio Peter McVeigh Francis Lech Francis Trainer Francis Sauerwald ON BALCONY: Charles Schreader James Cunningham Walter Stepek Edmund Davis David Quinlan Charles Mester Carl Stevens Nicholas Bonanni

3D SITTING, left to right: John Gontkof, John Kilduff, John Keelan, A. James Meehan, Charles Gemmi. STANDING: Frederick Tragemann, James Comerford, Jerome Hatch, Walter Jenkins, Michael O'Malley, Brian Daniel.

LEFT, top to bottom: Bernard McFadden Francis Dougherty William Dougherty Eugene Wyszynski Gilbert Scutti John Whiteside Dennis Manion Richard Burns Right: Kirk Karaskiewicz Joseph Mulligan Arthur Ansert David Yarosheski John Lawlor Stephen Gary William Weber


FIRST ROW, left to right: B. Paul Pillion Thomas Kozub Warren Klenk John Boggi Paul Burger Donald LaRue

SECOND ROW: Gregory Sciolla ,Joseph Colistra William Burns Edward Duffy Frederick Phillips Daniel Maguire J ames Downey Paul Champlin John Kenney John Tomaselli

SITTING, left to ri~ Jay Dugan Robert Strong Denis Canty Paul King Walter Smith John DeLuca Anthony Pettinato Michael DeMasi STANDING: Francis Brad Richard Tiedeken John Sullivan John Shwope Frederick Heller Thomas Williams James Bannister Leonard Pawlowski John Casey James Sommar Thomas Callahan


SITTING, left to right: Joseph Fahy Richard Carney John McKee William Clark William VanBuskirk William Cattie Robert Walton James O'Malley STANDING: Joseph Filinuk James McCloskey James Maxwell Daniel Enoch

Sophomore class presidents, left to right: 2A Joseph Sheehan, 2B Michael McGinniss, 2C David Bodo, 2D Wayne Hummel, 2E Edward Plocha, 2F Joseph Donoghue, 2G Victor D'Orazio, 2H Michael Osborne.




2C202E2F 26-


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705 705

830 030 8:10

FIRST ROW, left to right: Michael Netzko Kenneth Klenk John Daly James Curry J ames Shaughnessy Edward Kostrzewski Stephen Smith Joseph Schmieg James Murray George Felice Fred Iannarelli SECOND ROW: Richard Brigidi Cha,rles McHugh Ronald Fasano John Craig Joseph Casey Joseph Garvin Thomas Morron Kenneth Kutzler Kenneth Kryszczun William Cope Richard Durso Owen Montague


LEFT, top to bottom:

J. Paul Beaty Glennn Fricke John McGoldrick Gerald Aubrey MIDDLE: Gary Christopher Daniel Flynn John Derderian Albert Buffardi RIGHT: Joseph Sheehan Dennis Carl William McShane Gerald Higgins

FIRST ROW, left to right: John Pron Micheal McCann Thomas Braun

SECOND ROW: Anthony Martin Ernest Fiedler Thomas Regim

THIRD Thomas Micheal William

ROW: Courtney McCarthy Hutton

2B FIRST ROW, left to right: Thomas 'Maher James Degnan Michael Shouldis John Collins Edward Rekas John Hardiman Michael Connor

SECOND ROW: George Cain John Gallagher William Fynes James Wise Robert Cunningham Gerald Daskilewicz Francis Sheridan

THIRD ROW: John D'Alessandro John Foley Carl Whitlock Peter McCrudden Michael Normile Thomas O'Donnell Paul McHugh Michael McGinniss Dennis O'Leary Robert Schleicher


FRONT, left to right: John Luviano Peter Bradshaw Daniel Collins James Jackson Stephen Meredith James Mallon James Sharp

STANDING: David Bodo Joseph Singer Francis Slanina Robert Switalski Kenneth Gallagher Alan Ottinger John Koch

2C FIRST ROW, left to right: Gerard Diamond, Edward Troise, Charles O'Connor, Dennis Coli, Terrence Crowley, Joseph Giasante. SECOND ROW: Joseph McGlade, Albert Heaton, Bernard Boland, Dennis Callan, William Kennedy, Alan Bianchini. THIRD ROW: Gregory Mountain, Joseph Hart, Frederick Patrick, Thomas McBride, Jerald Caruso, Terence Taggart, Joseph Passanante.

FIRST ROW, left to right: Roman Kwasnycky, Andrew Scott, James Crumbie, Lawrence Hill. SECOND ROW: John Falker, Michael Brady, Edward Laska, Joseph Pagano, William McCracken, David Duffy, Thomas Witkowski, John Houseman. THIRD ROW: Francis Iaquinta, John Kelly, Kenneth McCauley, Stephen Swinburne, Lawrence Dalton, Francis Dennis, Ronald Karolski, Robert Dussinger, Wayne Hummel, Michael Shire, John Hauley.


SITTING, left to right: Joseph Draham Robert Green Mark Valenti

STANDING: Leo Kosley Michael Komelasky Joseph Koch Gerard Geier Robert Matthews Louis Zieja Russell Semen Joseph Jordan

SITTING, left to right: Joseph Costa, James Kugler, Thomas McIntyre, John Pettine, William Schneider, James Bednar, Joseph Magazino, James Magnatta, James Hofelder. STANDING: Robert Groves, Gregory Magarity, Brian Kilcullen, John Cavalieri, Eduardas Skladaitis, Joseph Wallace, William Denker, Albert Kroll, Raymond Zywalewski, Theodore Silber, Patrick Taylor, George Krzeminski.


SITTING, left to right: Ronald Radl Edward Belcak J ames Cooney James Wills Edward Plocha Roman Petryszyn STANDING: Gregory Pirmann Frank Becker Robert Barrett Robert Wilsbach Walter Ramspacher Michael Jeffers


SITTING, left to right: Leo Frangipane James Calpin Harry Vantine Henry Schmidt Robert Hamburger STANDING: Francis Bogle Robert Logan Thomas Donnelly Henry Muller Vincent Kraft Kevin Keegan Thomas McGill



FRONT, left to right: Martin Walsh Howard Hartley George Huttlin Gerald Cape Michael Quinlan STANDING: Stephen Storms Daniel Downing Joseph Markmann Barry Ginnetti Joseph Donoghue William Hetherington Barry Thompson Francis Bianchini James P. Curry Joseph Goldbeck Michael Friedberger Ronald Codario Robert Falc('nio Glenn Haig John Cassidy Frederick Hirsekorn Bernard Krimm

FRONT, left to right: Gregory Guiliano Vincent O'Donnell Robert Valimont Joseph Buckley James Loftus John DiLanzo Stephen Rauscher Vincent Plano STANDING: William Rafter Alfred Dacanay Victor D'Orazio John Farrell John Richards Gregory Schulze


FIRST ROW, left to right: Joseph Sokolek Thomas Wright Dennis Byrne SECOND ROW: Stanley Fota Thomas Harron Laurence Buckley Robert J anulewicz John Schroth Henry Oestreich John Buzas THIRD ROW: John McAndrew William Hotz James Clinton George Polk Joseph Campbell Robert Morrison Richard Lusse Francis Piccione

FIRST ROW, left to right: Conrad Grims, John Friel, Marc Doyle, Walter Ramick, Barry Stanton, Joseph Lehman, John Burns. SECOND ROW: Joseph. Queenan, Gerard Downey, Arthur Fanning, Robert Honeyman, William Collins, Richard Hathaway, William Barnett, Walter Zaremski, Terrance Wing, Charles Dobson, Owen Breen, Frederick Ackerman, Richard Reaney, A. Douglas Gumula.



SITTING, left to right: Vincent Madden William Wiggins Michael Osborne Stephen McNichol Harry Mitchell STANDING: William Sunderman Charles Shelton William Loftus Robert Bauerle John McGroarty Stephen Sullivan Lawrence Gorski

Freshman class presidents, left to right: IA John Iula, IB Robert Enoch, Ie John Lynch, ID Gerald Ronan, IE William Hamilton, IF Raymond Sykes, IG Patrick Smith.


FIRST ROW, left to right: Roger Hampton, Joseph Brennan, Paul Laskow, Robert Pannepacker, Walter Miller, John Quinn, Michael Bochey. SECOND ROW: Eugene Cattie, Albert Keller, James Flickinger, Eugene Whitaker, David McCarthy, Stephen Altman, David McNulty.

lA FIRST ROW, left to right: Francis Devine, John Biddison, Gregory Graynor, Louis Clark, Joseph D'Angelo, Gregory Honeyman, Michael Yanni, John lula, Michael Napoletano, Thomas Belton, John McGough. SECOND ROW: Charles Geiger, Ned Bachus, Michael Taylor, Anthony Matteo, Michael Visnousky, Robert Dugan, Jeffrey Rushton, Francis Odyniec, Donald Kotas, Leonard Sloane.

FRONT, left to right: Harry Bohrer William Gibbons William Hughes Edward Welsh

STANDING: Jan Kryzwicki Paul Partyka John McDevitt Thomas Nickelson Salvatore Guarracino Hans Hawrysz Joseph Bergmaier Kenneth Arobone Gerard Ballard George Snow Raymond Cavalier Cornelius Carlin Edward Mulligan Edward Manuszak Rostyslaw Ryndyk Vincent Costello Daniel Tucker


FRONT, left to right: John Loftus Michael Menkevich John Williams John Bissell Thomas Dinardo Robert Enoch

STANDING: Dennis Jenkins William Keogh Manfred Olivastro David Dawson John Robinson James McKee Timothy Foley

SITTING, front to back, left to right: Ronald Biggans John Cookson Dennis Volk John Ryan Joseph Flynn Leonard Bogle John Kelly Craig Hopkins Gerard Leimkuhler

STANDING: James Offner James Daniel Robert Burt Dennis Moore


FRONT, left to right: David Harkins Charles Anspach William Kozub Kendall Smith Eugene Pap rocky

STANDING: John Lynch Brian Maguire John Dunn Stanley Greenfield Edward White Richard Needham Dennis Reid Edward Januszka Michael Baldridge John Cattie Daniel Devlin Michael McGrath William Thompson Nicholas Yanni Charles Genuardi John McCormick

FIRST ROW, left to right: William Winning, John Hennessy, Francis Nolan, John Carlin, Vincent Dowling. SECOND ROW: Charles Borys, William Ashworth, Michael Mikos, Michael Masington, Dennis McGeehan, Samuel Culbert, Myles Hunte, Timothy Oliver. THIRD ROW: James Kerns, William McKenna, Ashby Jones, Charles Blichasz, Joseph Best, Nicholas Staffieri, Ernest Barbieri, Thomas Perretti, Paul Delaney.


FIRST ROW, left to right: Michael Turner Robert Foster Stephen Chester Duane Wertz

SECOND ROW: Neal Givey Timothy Erb Robert Kurz Michael Mullen

THIRD ROW: Robert Gumrot Gerald Ronan Robert McAnespey Guy Sciolla

FIRST ROW, left to right: Robert Breckenridge Phillip Miraglia

SECOND ROW: Alan Rinkus William Marr Jack Galante Dominic Girondo James Angelichio

THIRD ROW: Ronald O'DriscolI Thomas Lofgren John Fitzgibbons James O'Kane John Brady James Flynn



FIRST ROW, left to right: Edward Donahue, Zigmund Strzelecki, Charles Brown, Stephen McCloskey, Robert Wilder, Denis Lawler, Daniel Pietruszka, James Hyde, Thomas Scully, George Van Osten, Thomas Ratchford. SECOND ROW: Philip Ruggiero, Vincent Quaresima, Michael Etzl, Michael Koss, James Titzell, Joseph Miller, Robert Cody, Thaddeus Bartkowski, Michael McLaughlin, Peter McGonigle, William Hamilton.

SITTING, left to right: Paul Cushing, Richard Bradley, Joseph Mastronardo, Charles Corkery, William Carlin. STANDING: William Downs, Robert Gaidjunas, Peter d'Entremont, Sean O'Shea, Clarence Keiser, Nevin Wood, Thomas Cicchitti, Victor Innamorato.


SITTING, left to right: Raymond Sykes John Bellew John O'Donnell Patrick Rowland Robert Gutekunst John Grace Brian Boales John McMenamin Michael McGoldrick Joseph Sheridan

STANDING: David Lagan Samuel Bianchini Martin McCabe Bartolomeo Pio Robert Miller Bruce Mullen Francis Van Zandt Richard Hodgson Peter Feeny Francis Wesner John Kichline John Atmonavage

FIRST ROW, left to right: Francis Doherty Gerald Dugan Patrick Gallagher Walter Fidler Charles Lockard Stephen Kozub William Valenti Anthony Molinaro Charles Sweeney William Miller

SECOND ROW: Joseph O'Kane Howard Cain Michael Wilkin Thomas Howlin Richard Scullirr Eugene Jones Joseph Luczkowski Joseph McGowan Kenneth Fulmer Richard Brady Michael Barbour

IG SITTING, left to right: James Matthews, Edward Reardon, John Radovich, Francis Fisher, Alexander Putnick, Michael Broderick, Patrick Smith, Terence O'Hara. STANDING: Michael Gough, John Rossi, Michael Broerner, William McCloskey, William Markmann.


STUDENT COUNCIL The purpose of this organization is to act as an advisory body between the students and the administration and to promote and coordinate all social and other affairs conducted for the benefit of the entire student body. B~sides its regular meetings, and the general work of operation as outlined in its Constitution, the Student Council also provides uspers for all school affairs to which the general public is invited, gives leadership to drives for food, clothing, and financial help, sponsors rallies and makes awards to outstanding athletes, encourages support of all activities, sponsors all Proms and class dances, takes care of Honor Roll publicity, and publishes the Student Handbook. Only seniors are eligible for executive officers, but all students even though not members of the Council, join and assist in the above mentioned activities, through their homeroom representatives.




Larry Walsh reflects on another Student Council first.

Tony LeStorti makes his report to the other senior officers.


But Brother, It's for the "common good."

Democracy in action.

The hand is quicker than the eye.

DANCES RALLIES ASSEMBLIES Mr. John Meehan, a benefactor of our La Sallian family, addresses the distinguished guests and students.

Head football coach J Flannery receives an ,

Honored guests and students lis ten to the band presentation, a part of the Meehan Field dedication ceremonies held on October 26, 1962.

Could a ll these young ladies be coming to the dance Tom Conner, and Frank Dougherty?


the accompaniment of Ed Houseman,

The Air Force Band perfO! to the en joyment of all d ing an assembly period.

What did you get in your last Latin test?

Sid Coil hides his " pony" whi le giving his pep ra lly address.

Ban takes the worry out of being close. from the student luring a pep rally.

Th is group had 2 1 % few er cavities. "

"I want a paper doll that I can call my own."

ART CLUB Under the leadership of Brother Jerome, the Art Club has accomplished a large amount of work during the past year. It is here that students are given the opportunity to develop their own artistic talents in various and sundry mediums. Well recognized as one of the chief contributors to our school, the Art Club is responsible for the pep rally and dance decorations, posters for the drives; and signs for athletic activities. In order to appreciate and admire the finer points of art, the club members have taken trips to the National Gallery of Art in Washington, D.C., the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City, and the Art Museum in Philadelphia.

"That's very nice. You couldn't have done it."

The senousness of the painting is reflected in Jan Muller's face.

Salvatore Dali

MATH CLUB The mathematics club, a member of the national mathematical organization, Mu Alpha Theta, is now in its eighth year at La Salle. The purpose of the club is to give the boys an opportunity [or presenting and discussing mathematical problems and discussing interest in order to develop skills beyond the high school curriculum. The club is divided into two divisions: senior and junior. The senior faction is moderated by Bro. Felix John while the juniors are directed by Bro. D. Edward. Each division works as an individual unit. The Math Club has been successful since it makes contacts between the members o[ the club and men who are outstanding in the field of mathematics. To achieve this end, guest speakers, trips, and movies have proved to be efT ective.

This is really a very simple problem, Mol.

"I may look busy but I'm confused."

See what Jergen's lotion did for his hands!


EAND GOLD Plans for the yearbook of cur centennial year were begun last summer. It was during this time that the dimensions of the book, the colored pictures, the use of color throughout the book, and the number of pages alloted to each subject were determined in order to fill our 208 page edition. When the school year began, the staff assembled to undertake the tedious task of preparing the cover design, end sheets, dividers, pictures to be taken, and the picture layouts for each page. We were not at all satisfied with merely taking a picture of an individual or group. All our camera shots were adroitly planned beforehand so that the photographer knew at what angle or position the picture had to be taken in order to capture the focal point itself. Literally hundreds of man hours have been put into this yearbook which could not have been accomplished without the complete cooperation of our entire staff. Joe Mulligan scans through past yearbooks for different picture ideas.

One of the difficult problems is learning how to crop pictures properly.


"* #) $ (%'-& Now what could all that mean. Hey! You're in both of these pictures.

STAFF Editors . .. Louis Beccaria, Robert O'Brien Associate Editors ... Stephen Burns, Francis De Santis Assistant Editors .. . Daniel Enoch, Paul Licata Business Managers .. . Richard Kendrick, Joseph Kredatus, Michael O'Malley Photography Scheduling . . . Joseph Hammond Photography . . . Carl Wolf Studios, Mike M aicher, Paul McGill '62 Personnel .. . Edward Flood, John Markowski, Joseph Mulligan, Leonardo Radomile, Frederick Vogt Contributors .. . Richard Burns, William Clark, Joseph Curran, John Fisher, Russell Foster, Donald Gehring, John Gontkof, John Lawlor, John Noel, John Schmal bach, James Sommar, Walter Stepek, Richard Tiedeken, William Weber, Frederick Wessells, John Whiteside Moderator ... Mr. Edward T. K elly

Our business managers display some of the patience needed in alphabetizing the patron slips received during the yearbook drive.

Painting by numbers.


WISTERIAN Being a part of the Wisterian staff is excellent training for a future in the field of writing. Under the direction of Mr. Gerald Tremblay, the Wisterian again took first place at the Columbia School Press Conference held in New York. This year's staff is fortunate to have an exceptional group of editors. Larry Walsh's controversial editorials, Julio Paz y Mino's movie revues, and Myroslaw Ryndyk's coverage of features made this year's Wisterian a prolific success. Cash prizes for the "Comments and Sug'gestions" column, Junior Explorer Standouts and a statistics column on the sports page have been recent innovations. La Salle's first literary magazine, GAZEBO, was initiated by the present \I\Tisterian staff.

Who's the wise guy who put the mousetrap in the suggestion box?

Staff members hold


discussion on the wearing of white socks.


STAFF EDITORS News .............. Myroslaw Ryndyk Features ............ Michael Vergare Sports ............ William De Vasher Editorials .......... " Lawrence Walsh Assistant Editors .......... Christopher Matthews, Julio Paz y Mino Circulation ............ Joseph Burke, Joseph Hammond Contributors .......... Michael Belcak, Howard Cain, William Cassidy, William Devinney, John Fisher, Donald Gehring, Thomas Long, Henry Lynch, Martin McEvoy, Peter McVeigh, Paul Mychaluk, William Ratchford Art Work .......... Terence Manning Photography . . . . . . . . . . . . Mike Maicher Moderator ...... Mr. Gerald Tremblay

Five dollars on All Brandy in the fourth at Hialeah.

The circulation department carries a lot of weight on our school paper.


These word spacing problems always tend to confuse me.

Mike Vergare peruses the material of past Wisterians.

Bill De Vasher types his missing English assignment on company time. 115

CAPE AND SWORD With Mr. John Moore as director of productions and Brother F. Azarias as moderator, the Senior Class, on the evening of December 7 and 8, staged its presentation of Agatha Christie's renowned play "Witness for the Prosecution." Thanks to the untiring and indispensable assistance from the girls of Mount St. Joseph Academy and our stage crew, the seniors' performance was received with praise and acclaim. In short, it was a resounding success. Special mention should be given to the ~uperior performances given by Chris Hartman, Bud DeSantis, Dan McCutcheon, June Ott, and Sally and Kit Reutschlin. During the month of March, our ambitious dramatics department presented a one-act comedy entitled "Spreading the News" by Lady Gregory.

I told you he couldn't

He'd hoodwink a judge who was not overwise.

One more time Hartman and it's POW, right in the kisser. Too tuckered to pucker.

fit into a size medium.

It's never shut, nor has it ever been shut. Where have you been all my life?

Even the ushers were a success at the play.

BAND La Salle's music department is divided into four great sections, each of which is well-known to the student body. The marching band has become a standard at football games and has been widely known and respected for its half-time shows. The dance band, which has consistently been a starting point for small, private combos, performs under the name of the "Wisterians." The wind ensemble is an elite group made up of the more accomplished musicians in the band. The concert band has received outstanding praise for its performances at assemblies and pep rallies. The music department, under the supervision of Brother George William, Brother Denis Walter, and Dr. Donald Reinhardt, presented its annual Spring Musicale on March 30 and 31, where it highlighted the concert band, dance band, and wind ensemble.

The sound of music.

And the band played on ... and on.

Um-pah-pah! Um-pah-pah!

The strawberry blond .

. . . and on ... and on

... and on ... and on.

French Club moderator, Father Amandus, officers: Forrest Lang, Joseph Brennan, John Casey, and Joseph Nickels.

FRENCH CLUB STUDENT GOVERNMENT The Sturl.ent Government is that group appointed by the administration to impose order within the student body.


FORENSICS La Salle's debating team under the leadership of Brother Daniel David has made itself known in many successful debates throughout the year. Chris Hartman, Jim Casey, and Pierre Pie are this year's stalwarts. As members of the Catholic Forensic League of the Archdiocese, the Debating Team competes in local and national contests in the areas of debates, declamation, extemporaneous speaking and original oratory.

Volume, enunciation, and ENTHUSIASM???

Jim Casey and Joe Burke exchange ideas on the upcoming debate. Periodicals supply a vital source of material for discussion.



Albert and officers Jim Casey and Jack Lawlor prepare a list of future

The principle function of this club is to help the students of La Salle make the proper choice of a vocation. To encourage priestly and religious vocations, guest speakers such as the Maryknoll, Passionist, and Paulist Fathers are brought in to discuss the advantages and works in the Way of the Lord. Under the guidance of moderator Brother David Albert and the leadership of president James Casey, this club is one of the most popular among La Salle students. Many vocations have been fostered at La Salle due to this organization which is and will continue to be a credit to La Salle and its many students.

Points of the religious life captivate the interest of club members.


Darn it. I keep on getting more paste on me than where it's suppose to go.

The object is to find out how many books you can pile on one shelf before it collapses.

LIBRARY AIDS The library aides perfonn the necessary functions of maintaining order and efficiency in the library. Under the supervision of Mr. Carl Von Nell, they lend their talents to the many routine chores of cataloging, checking, repairing, and returning books to their proper places. Much of the work has been carried on by our present seniors: Joseph Hammond, Rudolph Lucente and Frederick Wessels. Credit too should be given to our underclassmen: Gerald Ballard, Laurence Buckley, John McFadden and Francis Odyniec.


Dnd den ve vill move in mit der Panzer division und take ofer der whole kountry.

GERMAN CLUB The German Club, which held meetings on the first Tuesday of every month, concluded its second successful year under the moderation of Father Amandus Piontek. Members become acquainted both with the language and culture of Germany. This is accomplished through boo~s and pamphlets donated by the German consulate at the request of our energetic president, Edmund McCloskey. The highlight of the year was the films which Father Amandus obtained on life in Germany. These pictures, shown after the Christmas recess, gave members an idea of both cultural and everyday German traditions. The German Club, unlike most of our other school clubs, does not restrict its membership to German students only, but permits and encourages all interested students to join.

Another Hyman-Korman first!

Okay now, everybody quiet down!

Our most recent addition to the photography club graphic enlarger.

a photo-


PHOTOGRAPHY CLUB The photography club, although relatively little known among the various extracurricular programs, has been steadily increasing in size and capabilities. It provides interested students with a means of increasing their knowledge of different photographic processes, and of putting this knowledge into practice for themselves. This year the club has installed a complete system of processing equipment, and documentary films, which reveal the careers available in the field of photography.

All right brains, why did you put it in the formaldehyde.

You can tell it's MatteI.

LEGION OFMARY The Legio Mariae Praesidium, the Catholic Action Club at La Salle, completed one of its most successful years. Aside from its usual visits to the ships along the Philadelphia waterfront and its catechetical lessons to Puerto Rican children at Saint Peter's Church, the Legion, under the guidance of Brother Azarias, has also visited the Trappist monastery at Berryville, Va., the National Shrine at Washington, D.G, and the Catholic Action Conference at the University of Scranton, Pa. Besides performing spiritual and corporal works of mercy, the members recite daily the Legion prayers, consisting of the rosary and the "Catena Legionis."

Brother Azarias and club officers make extensive preparations for the next weekly meeting.

Club members have a few chuckles before the afternoon session begins.



o M

You're so funny Steve -

take me home.

Smile! You're on Candid Camera.

Daniel ponders as Mitchell falls asleep. Are you sure that's Coke?

"I don't care if you have to be home by twelve."

"Don't look so happy, I forgot the tickets."

Boys will be boys, but ...


How low can you go? Take two -

Leroy Bostic plays a solo.


they're good.

Watch it, Marty. "Please let me do it, Moose."

First class treatment. Grand entrance.

"Somebody left it at the club last night."

MOTHERS' CLUB This organization with its many functions and activities is one of the outstanding groups at La Salle. The Mothers sponsor the La Salle Night Card Party and Dance, a Fashion Show, Christmas Party, Valentine Party, a re treat, a trip to the Brothers' Novitiate at Ammendale, a Communion Breakfast and regu lar monthly meetings with both educational and entertainment values. The annual Freshmen Mothers' Tea offers the first opportunity for new parents to join this stimulating organization. Over the years, the Mothers' Club has contributed to the physical development of both La Salle and the Brothers' houses of formation.

Officers of the Mothers' C lub greet other La Salle mothers.

Take tea and see.

The pondering mind of a woman during a fashion show.

"I'm not going to wash and dry all these dishes by myself."

Ladies, please, watch your calories!

"This hat is another Mother Fletcher creation."

MENOF LA SALLE The Fathers' Club comprises parents of present and past students, as well as friends of La Salle. Regular monthly meetings are held for fathers and sons, so that all might become better acquainted with the school and with one another. The Men of La Salle have contributed generously to students whose families have met with serious adversity. They have also been most helpful in presenting La Salle to the public in the best possible light, and in lending assistance to our future expansion program. The high-light of the year is the Father-Son Banquet in November. The Dads also sponsor Freshman Fathers' Night and Activities Night.

Seven come eleven.

President John Mitchell addresses the group at the Annual Banquet. " ... when you're smiling, the whole world smiles with you."

Dan Keating walks away with a prize. The Men play patty-cakes.

Always leave them laughing.

Toastmaster John O'Shea

Hey-y-y-y, get your cold beer!!

Winner take all.



FIRST ROW, left to right: Manager M. Heebner, T. Braun, M. Osborne, R. Strong, J. Cooney, W. Jenkins, V. Kraft, R. Hamburger, C. Whitlock M. McCarthy, F. Bogle, J. Sheehan, E. Plocha, Manager M. Vergare. SECOND ROW: V. D'Orazio, J. Peszko, C. Hynek, L. Esposito, M. Longstreth, G. Scioli a, J. Fahy, J. Muller, J. Maxwell, J. Murphy, J. Bannister, B. McFadden, J. Colistra, F. Phillips, J. Filinuk. THIRD ROW: Mr. Diehl (coach), F. Scioli a, J. Robinson, J. Coli, C. Walters, J. O'Neill, L. Galzerano, F. Daniel, T. Kelly, P. Reilly, B. Daniel, K. Ka-


La Salle La Salle La Salle La Salle La Salle La Salle La Salle La Salle La Salle La Salle

"All right, who took my socks?" 136

22 20 30 12 0 24 20 20 28 20

raskiewicz, A. Stonis, (coach).


McMahon, Mr. Flannery

"Not so tight, Jim." "I can't get the gravy stains out!"


Father Juc"ge :.. . . . . . . . .. 12 North Catholic .......... 0 St. Thos. More ......... 0 ...... West Catholic ........... 14 Cardinal Dougherty ...... , 14 Bishop Neumann ........ 8 St. James. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 6 Monsignor Bonner ....... 6 Roman Catholic ......... 6 Bishop Egan ............ 8


A typical Sunday afternoon at La Salle.

Advise and Consent.

The Braintrust. 138

The 1962-63 Football Season

proved to be, as in past years, an-

other successful campaign. En-

cOUl'aged by outstanding indivi-

dual players, and a valiant team

effort, LaSalle won six of her first


games. The team then was

plagued by bad luck and severe

in juries. These cost La Salle the

next two games and possibly the




her true spirit, she came back to

the wmnmg column for the rest

of the season.

Make way for Muller.

The all important yard.

La Salle men always end up on top.

Colistra carves way for an O'Neill slice.



The reason for our sllccess: "Perfect timing and execution."

I One down and two to go. 141

No one sits down on the job. The offensi\ Offensively second to none.

O'Neill foils the Falcons. Anxious anticipation.

a well deserved rest.

Most Promising Junior, Joe Fahy.

Most spirited soul on the squad. Defensively second to none.

u p


c o M I N G An interception in the making.

End runs form an important part of a back's education.

Waiting, wondering, winning.

"Hit 'em high, hit 'em low, come on Jayvees, Let's go!"

Another tally.


CROSS COUNTRY Our cross country team, which captured second place in the Catholic League Championships, had a very successful season this year. Under the coaching of Mr. Peter Walheim and moderating of Brother D. Lewis, our team continued that old winning tradition. Sparked by the great running of our sophomore sensation Tom Donnelly, who was undefeated throughout the season, and Ed Swiacki, who was usually close behind him, La Salle was very difficult to be beaten. Many people know little about this sport or the strenuous and diversified exercises that are necessary to become an outstanding runner. Practice always started with calisthenics, which helped to develop muscular coordination. Next, there would be the "grand tour," encompassing all the school property. Some days our harriers would concentrate on sprints; other days they would do distance work. Some of our team accomplishments this year include the Class B Championship of Eastern Interscholastic Cross Country, first place in the Atlantic City Street Run, second in the Bishop McDevitt Invitational Run, and fourth place in the Public League Invitational and the Catholic War Veterans Meets.

Let's not mock the PJ's.

FIRST ROW J. Biddison, B. Maguire, A. Keller, R. Pannepacker, J. Hennessy, L. Clark, M. Mullen. SECOND ROW: R. Burns, J. Dempsey, W. Hughes, W. Collins, J. Radovich, R. Breckenridge, B. Krimm, J. Degnan. THIRD ROW: J. Hatch, E. Swiacki, W. Parker, D. DeLuca, T. Donnelly, D. Flynn, W. Rafter. FOURTH ROW: J. Hart, P. Burton, A. LeStorti, D. Maguire, E. Flood, J. Sommar. STANDING: Mr. Walheim, Brother D. Lewis.

Leader of the pack.

Bottoms up.

Why is everybody following me?

SWIMMING LaSalle Opponent 45 ................. . Neshaminy ........................ 41 51 ................. . Mt. St. Joseph's (BaIt.) ............ 43 35 ................. . Malvern .......................... 60 66 Germantown ..................... ~ 19 64 ................. . Father Judge ...................... 31 69 Cardinal Dougherty ................ 26 64 ................. . West Catholic .................... 31 36 ................. . St. Joseph's Prep ................... 59 57 ................. . Father Judge ...................... 38 68 ................. . Cardinal Dougherty ................ 27 54 ................. . West Catholic ..................... 41 24 ................. . Monsingor Bonner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 71 42 St. Joseph's Prep .................. 53 27 ................. . Monsignor Bonner. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 68

Out of the depths.

Going up!

Free wheeling freestylers.

Future hopefuls. Blast off!

These are the true times. I wish somebody had broken the icc!

A helping hand at the race's end.


Take off for the second leg of the medley. "Now how do I get out of this?"


FIRST ROW. left to right: F. Laska, M. McGinniss, M. Dugan, J. Cattie, T. McIntyre, T. Wright, J. Wise, J. Iula, G. Schulze, T. Scully, M. Bochey, T. McGill. SECOND ROW: P. Licata, R. Tiedeken, C. Hopkins, T. Oliver, M. Etzl, C. Whitlock, F. Patrick, 'R.. Bauerle, J. McGoldrick, W. Wiggans, R. Walton, W. McKenna, P. Smith. THIRD ROW: Mr. Farrell, J. Sharp, J. Shwope, W. Loftus, M. McElwee, F. DuVal, W. Dougherty, J. Fisher, J. Crotty, E. Norrett, A. Martin, D. Blake, Mr. DeAngelis.

Say a-a-a-ah!

The excellent backstroke swimming of sophomore Bob Bauerle has merited him a berth on the All-Catholic Team. "And when I say kick, I mean kick."

Left to right: A. Enoch, G. Smith, J. Turk, W. Foster, K. Williams, Welsh, J. Meehan, W. Doran, J. Markman, F. Gaidjunas.


Lawlor, Coach C. O'Brien, Manager

BASKETBALL Opponent LaSalle 54 ......... . Bishop McDevitt .................... 44 72 ......... . Northeast High ..................... 54 78 ......... . Southern High ...................... 41 67 ......... . Bishop Egan ........................ 46 68 ......... . Frankford .......................... 53 BISHOP O'CONNELL INVITATIONAL TOURNAMENT 75 .......... Towson Catholic ...................... 50 42 .......... Bishop O'Connell .............. (ovt.) 46 67 .......... St. Stephen ............. (Third place) 56 64 52 48 66 59 38 59 69 79 63 57 82 77 64 60

.......... .......... .......... . . . . . . . . .. .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... ..........

North Catholic ...................... Roman Catholic ..................... St. Joseph .......................... Cardinal Dougherty ................... Father Judge ........................ St. Thomas More .... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. St. James ........................... West Catholic ....................... Monsignor Bonner ................... Bishop Neumann .................... Cardinal Dougherty ................ ... St. Joseph .......................... North Catholic ...................... Roman Catholic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Father Judge ........................


33 38 38 58 40 49 55 49 56 52 51 61 53 66 48


Schmalbach, W. Magarity, T.

George Smith -

top point producer.

Joe Turk

defensive stalwart.

Frank Gaidjunas satile.

most ver-

Zeke Foster performer.


SENIORS Tex Enoch dependable.


Wally Welsh specialist.

dribbling Karl Williams -


peg-leg forward.

Bill Magarity maker.


Is it a lay-up .or an assist?

Dan't w.orry Jae, Earl's just watching.

Height makes right.

George Smith encaunters a faur-armed appanent.

Tex sends anather twa paints taward the haap.

Billy -- baskC't bound.

Turk taps for two.

I t's up for grabs.

Smith in overdrive.

Smith slips in.

Rebound -

Basketball -

Gaidjunas style.

minuet style.

Tex makes it look easy.



Do you think it will ever come down?

That's one way of stopping him.

Rebounding teamwork -

Gajute to Zeke.

"Snuff me, will you." Markward Award winner.


FIRST ROW: Glenn Fricke, Gregory Magarity, Michael Connor, Robert Groves, Donald Gehring, Thomas Harron. STANDING: John Burns, Robert Logan, Joseph Queenan, Gregory Bonner, Joseph Markmann, James Cooney, Michael Osborne, Joseph Mulligan.

An Explorer takes to the air.

A deft eye produces another goal.


Two for Markmann. Hard Driver.

FIRST ROW: John Kichline, Sean O'Shea, Robert Enoch, John Lynch, William Ashworth, John Bissell, manager. STANDING: Robert Gaidjunas, William McCloskey, James Offner, Timothy Foley, Gerald Ronan, Robert McAnespey.

I!: : -o~ o

~ I'

0• •

i \

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This year's bowling team, skillfully coached by Mr. Frank McFadden, finished fifth m the Catholic League. The varsity team consisted of John D' Alessandro, an outstanding sophomore, Richard Brigidi, George Cain, John Gontkof, John Kenney, John Krause, John Noel, and Stephen Smith. The JV's had their difficulties this year but are looking ahead [or a better and more consistent winning season.

"One and one is not three."

Future stars for tomorrow.


"What do you next?"

I hope Mom likes this pose.



East-oar Parade.

Motley crew.

"Prepare to dive." Coxswains of our La Salle crew.

National Doubles Champions '62. If I only had a hammer, I could fix it.


"Stroke, stroke, stroke -

bail, bail; bail."

The one man in four who wears Converse sneakers.

Way down upon the Swampee River.

"Row, row, row your boat." "How's it taste, Larry?"


"Okay men, let's use a little elbow grease." Tippecanoe and La Salle too.



Whose contact lenses are we looking for? Perfect execution of a hand-off.

Well on the way to victory.

The birdman of the track team. Umph!

Life has its ups and downs.

Once upon a fiber glass pole.

The essentials

form and timing.

Hill heads home.

Clip him again.

HONORED PATRONS Mr. and Mrs. Arthur J. Ansert Mr. and Mrs. James J. Aubrey Paul Biggans Charles J. Bissell Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Blanch Mr. and Mrs. Charles Borys Hugh Boyle, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph C. Braun Dr. and Mrs. Joseph Brennan Dr. and Mrs. Joseph Burke J. Francis Burke, D.D.S. Mr. and Mrs. E. Donald Burns John Burt Dr. and Mrs. P. J. Byrne Thomas Callahan William P. Cantono Louis and Olga Caruso The Casey Family Dr. and Mrs. Paul Casey Dr. and Mrs. William J. Cassidy Mr. and Mrs. Vincent E. Costello Dr. and Mrs. Vincent J. Cattie Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Cavalieri Mario A. Cinquino Andrew J. Clark, J r. Mrs. P. G. Clark Mr. and Mrs. John Collins Erwin Chevrolet Friend Paul and Mark Conlow Cooney Brothers, Inc. Mrs. Joaquin G. Dacanay Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. DaDura, Sr. Joseph R. Daiutolo Mr. and Mrs. Henry W. DeLuca Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Derderian Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Devinney Joseph A. Donoghue Mr. William F. Doran Gerald Downey Dr. and Mrs. O. F. Downing Walter J. Duffy Mr. and Mrs. T. E. DuVal Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Eisenhart Alex Engart John J. Erb Fred J. Ertel Dr. and Mrs. Michael M. Etzl Dr. and Mrs. John M. Falker Mr. and Mrs. Christian A. Fisher, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. John J. Fitzgibbons Mr. William Foster Mr. and Mrs. Leo Frangipane

Mr. and Mrs. J. Friedberger Friend Friend Friend Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gaidjunas Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Gibbon Dr. and Mrs. C. J. Ginieczki Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Graynor Mr. and Mrs. Philip Giunta Mr. and Mrs. John Gordon The Groves Family Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Halas Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Hammond W. C. Hartman The Heany Family Mr. and Mrs. Heller Carl Hemberger Mrs. Edward Hilinski Mr. and Mrs. Clark Hodgson Judge and Mrs. Robert Honeyman William Hughes, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. George F. Huttlin Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Jones Joseph T. Kelley Mr. and Mrs. John J. Kelly Mr. and Mrs. Richard Kendrick Mr. and Mrs. Jack J. Kerns Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Kilcullen, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Andy D. Kosley Mr. and Mrs. Victor Kozub Mr. and Mrs. Vincent J. Kraft Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Kredatus Dr. and Mrs. Paul L. Krzywicki Mrs. Mary Kurtz Mr. Gordon B. Lane J. F. Laskow Mr. and Mrs. Paul Wm. Licata Dr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Loftus Mr. and Mrs. Martin L. Longstreth Mr. and Mrs. John T. Lynch Daniel Maguire Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Mandeville Mr. and Mrs. Joseph G. Markmann Mr. and Mrs. Edmund A. Markowski Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas J. Masington Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Mastalski Mr. and Mrs. Joseph W. Maxwell Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. McAtee Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. McBride Mr. and Mrs. Eugene J. McCann Mr. and Mrs. L. Marshall McCloskey Joseph McCullough, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence J. McEvoy


Mr. and Mrs. John F. McDevitt Thomas McGee, O.S.F.S. Dr. Thomas McGinniss Albert J. McGlynn Mr. and Mrs. Paul F. McHugh Mr. T. W. McIntyre Mr. and Mrs. John J. McMahon Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. McNamara Mr. and Mrs. William T. McNulty John McShain Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F. McVeigh Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mester Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Mignatti Dr. and Mrs. William J. Molinari Mr. and Mrs. William E. Moore Mr. and Mrs. George M. Nemec Mr. and Mrs. George R. Noel Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Normile Mrs. William J. Norrett Mr. and Mrs. James F. O'Donnell Mrs. M. O'Donnell Mrs. C. Joseph O'Malley Mr. and Mrs. Joseph O'Neill Mr. and Mrs. Stanley C. Orlowski Mr. and Mrs. James J. Osborne Mr. and Mrs. Ralph C. Palmer Roman Paprocky Mr. and Mrs. Walter J. Parker, Sr. Mr. Frederick A. Patrick Mr. and Mrs. John Peszko Mr. and Mrs. John E. Pettine Mr. and Mrs. George Polk Mr. and Mrs. Wilson J. Pratley Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Quinlan John J. Radovich Family Dr. and Mrs. William P. Ratchford Mr. and Mrs. Donald Ratchliffe Mr. and Mrs. Paul A. Reilly Alex Reneski Family Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Reynolds Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Rider Catherine T. Rohrer Mr. and Mrs. Philip J. Ruggiero Mr. and Mrs. John C. Ryan Sauerwald Family Mr. and Mrs. Henry J. Schmidt Dr. and Mrs. Charles J. Schreader Mr. and Mrs. Francis D. Sheridan Mr. and Mrs. John E. Shwope Mr. and Mrs. John C. Singer David Smith Mr. and Mrs. Francis Spielhoffer Mr. and Mrs. Anthony J. Stonis

HONORED PATRONS Mr. and Mrs. C. Eric Storms Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Strong The Student Council 1962-1963 Mr. and Mrs. James Sullivan Mr. Richard D. Taylor Joseph W. Tillman, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. E. F. Torreti Francis Trainer

Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Turk Mr. and Mrs. Edward F. Urbanski Mr. and Mrs. Rosario U rzi Mr. and Mrs. John E. Walsh Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Walton Dr. and Mrs. Frank E. Wargocki Mrs. Margaret Whelan Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Williams

Mr. and Mrs. Karl A. Williams Mr. Randolph E. Wise Mr. and Mrs. Francis G. Woodring Mr. Dominic Yanni Nicholas Yanni Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Yacobellis

HONORED BUSINESS PATRONS James J. Ahem Co. 7910 Montgomery Ave.

Cann and Saul Steel Co. Carbon-Alloy and Stainless Steel Forging

Gerry Giordano 1037 South 9th Street

Airdatic Tool Co. 7317 State Road

Carlin Press 745 George St.

Glenside Beverage Co. 442 N. Easton Road

Spatola Anderson, Inc. Delaware Ave. and Mifflin St.

Danco Plumbing and Heating Supply Marlton Pike and Chambers Ave.

Gravina's Restaurant Pizzeria 2122 Haines Street

Apex Carpet Workroom 1617 North Street

Frank V. Daniel 345 Cedar Road

Hatboro Construction Company 78 Mill Road

J. W. Annstrong Co. 4231 Germantown Ave.

DeLuca's Prime Meats 2429 Brown St.

R. C. Hopkins Equipment Corp. Montgomeryville, Pa.

Bardy's Food Market 3643 Frankford Ave.

DeMasi Candy Manufacturing 5143 Wakefield St.

Jean's Luncheonette Rowland and Ryan Avenues

L. Bauer Jr., Inc. 2135 Chew Ave.

Don's Health Club Chester Pike

Johnny and AI's Delicatessen 3945 Aspen Street

The Beacon Agency, Inc. Broad and Chestnut Sts.

Enoch Brothers' Paints 3012 Frankford Ave.

John's Market 6270 Gillespie Street

Belgrade Wagon Works, Inc. 3750 E. Thompson St.

Fidelity Philadelphia Trust Co. 2221 Cheltenham Ave.

Jolly Tots Day Nursery 615 Belmont Ave.

Walter A. Bell 6780 Germantown Ave.

Flourtown Lanes Flourtown Shopping Center

Kearney Construction Co. Phila., Pa

Samuel A. Bianchini 1361 E. High Street

John B. Foley. Jr. Fidelity-Phila. Trust Building

Edward E. Kelly 1454 Greenwood Ave.

Breitenbach, Whitmoyer, Sheehan Co. 21 Bala Ave.

Frankford Dairies 5817 Walker Street

J. J. Kelly Co.

Buck Hotel Feasterville

Galzerano Funeral Home 7158 Torresdale Ave.

Charles G. Klumpp and Sons 5341 Charles Street

E. T. Burke 26 Pebble Woods Drive

Genuardi's Supermarkets Norristown, Pa.

Kroekel-Oetinger Inc. Phila., Pa.



8325 Stenton Ave.

HONORED BUSINESS PATRONS Joseph W. Lain 9411 Academy Road

John Meehan and Son 9301 KrewstownRoad

Bartolomeo Pio, Inc. Pennsylvania Distributor

Landers Nursing Home 342 Green Lane

Mr. Salvatore Mergliano 2301 N. Second Street

David G. Quinlan Co. Ambler, Penna.

Lavelle Aircraft Corp. Newtown, Pa.

Mr. Michael Hair Stylist 7209 Germantown Ave.

A. G. Radio Parts Co. Elkins Park, Penna.

Robert Lawrence, Sr. 5429 N. Lawrence Street

Walter J. Miller Franklin Electric Co.

Romano Brothers Norristown, Penna.

Lindenwold Tailor-Cleaners 230 Lindenwold Ave.

Nicholas and Anthony Hair Stylist Benson Apts., Jenkintown, Pa.

Paul J. Schneider Doylestown, Bucks Co., Penna.

Logan's Service Station Greene and Harvey Streets

Joseph A. Nickels and Sons 3255 Maple Road

Gus Schwartz, Music 2930 Guilford Street

The MacSwiney Club 510 Greenwood Ave.

North American Brass and Copper 1580 N. 52nd Street

W. F. Smith, Inc. 7310 State Road

Magee Bar 6600 Tulip Street

Herb O'Hara Service Station Ogontz and Nedro Avenues

Temple Iron and Metal Co. 7380 James Street

McGee Funeral Home 300 W. Cheltenham Ave.

H. B. Pancoast Co. 950 N. Front Street

Trip Construction Co, Inc. 804 Abington Ave.

McGiII Associates 7816 Roanoke Street

Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Pawlowski 2917 E. Weikel St.

Viking Sprinkler Co. Glenside, Penna.

John J. McIIhinney 547 Rockledge Ave.

Peerless Steel Equipment Co. Hasbrook and Unruh Streets

Vogt Plumbing and Heating 2009 Hartel Street

J ames McSherry 7501 Caster Ave.

Pennsylvania Parquetry Floor Co. 811 E. Haines Street

Wm. H. Walters Heating Co. 1306-16 N. Carlisle Street


Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Anspach Mrs. Bertha J. Atkinson Mr. and Mrs. Harry T. Bauerle, J r. Mr. and Mrs. Fred E. Becker Mr. and Mrs. Anthony H. Bednar Mr. and Mrs. Steve BeIcak and Sons Mr. Anthony A. Benincasa Big John Mrs. Violet Biggans Mr. and Mrs. Charles T. Brown AI Bloomfield Mrs. John H. Boales, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Francis B. Boland Mr. and Mrs. Louis R. Bodo Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Bogle Mr. and Mrs .. Edward J. Bollard Reverend James M. Boyce

Miss Margaret F. Brady Robert L. Breckenridge, M.D. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Burger Mr. and Mrs. James A. Byrne Mr. and Mrs. George C. Cain Mr. and Mrs. Joseph T. Calpin Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Cake Mr. and Mrs. Edward Perry Carr Mr. and Mrs. John A. Cassidy Mr. and Mrs. William J. Cattie, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. William J. Cattie, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Angelo Cianciosi Mr. and Mrs. John P. Clark, Jr. Class 4E Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Cochard Mr. and Mrs. Salvatore J. Codario


The Coli Family Margaret Collins Mr. and Mrs. James Comerford Hugh P. Connolly Jane S. Connor, M.D. Mr. and Mrs. J as. Cooney Charles H. Cope Mr. and Mrs. William 1. Costello Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Courtney Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Cunningham Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F. Curry James Cute Mr. and Mrs. Anthony D'Angelo, Jr. The D' Arcy Family Mark Jerry, and Ted Daskilewicz Mr. Dave Delaney

SOCIAL PATRONS Mr. and Mrs. John A. Dempsey Mr. and Mrs. William Denker Mrs R. R. DeV asher Mr. 路and Mrs. John G. Devlin Laurence A. Dillon' 46 Domenic Di Piero Charles Dobson Family Mr. and Mrs. Joseph H. Donahue Mr. and Mrs. Edward G. Donnelly Mrs. Francis M. Dougherty Mr. and Mrs. James A. Downey, Jr. Mrs. Edward Duffy Mrs. Walter J. Duffy Jay J. Dugan Alonzo Ellis Miss Reva Fanning Mr.. and Mrs. Arthur Faust Alexander S. Federko Mr. and Mrs. Richard Fennessy Mr. Ernest W. Fiedler, Sr. Rosann Fiedler Mr. Charles Fisher Mr. and Mrs. J. Raymond Fitzpatrick Mr. and Mrs. Edward Flood Mr. and Mrs. Macy Francis Friend Dr. James Galbally Mrs. Catherine Gallagher Dr. Robert F. Gallagher Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Garvin Mr. and Mrs. Paul Wertzberger Mrs. Helen C. Gibbons G.O.A.L. Overall John J. Gontkof Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Grims Marty Grims ' 50 Mr. and Mrs. Guarracino Mr. and Mrs. Michael Gumrot Mr. and Mrs. Amil Gumula Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hamburger William H. Hamilton Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Happ Mr. and Mrs. J. Austin Hatch Mrs. Jacqueline Hathaway Mr. and Mrs. Daniel G. Heyberger Mrs. Edwin J. Hicks Mr. and Mrs. Frank H. Higgins Jimmie Higgins '59 Mr. and Mrs. John A. Houseman, Jr. The Joseph Hoy Family Miss Kathryn Junod Mr. and Mrs. T. Karaszkiewicz Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Keating Mr. and Mrs. Clarence E. Keiser Robert E. Kennedy Mr. and Mrs. William Keogh

Mrs. E. Kopka Mr. and Mrs. G. Kozub Gerard C. Krimm Family Mr. and Mrs. Julian S. Kryszczun Mr. and Mrs. Sigmund Krzeminski Mr. and Mrs. George Kugler Helen T. Kutzler Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Lagan Laky's Restaurant, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Lang James Francis Lawler John Kutyler Kathy Lewis Mr. and Mrs. William H. Loftus Mr. and Mrs. James F. Logue Mr. Joseph Longshore Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Lorek Thomas J. Lynch, Sr. Mrs. Thomas J. Lynch, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Mackell Mr. and Mrs. Dominick J. Magazino Mr. and Mrs. Francis T. Maguire Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Manion Mary, Helen, and Ted Joseph Mastronardo Miss Margaret McCafferty Francis X. McCarthy Mr. and Mrs. Edmund J. McCloskey Mr. and Mrs. A. J. McCrudden Frank L. McCullough Katharine McFadden Mr. and Mrs. Walter McGonigal Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. McGowan Compliments of Sam McKittrick Paul McManus The McMenamin Family Mrs. V. Meller Clarence Michie Mr. and Mrs. L. Milaknis Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Mortano Emanuel Moss Mr. and Mrs. Leonard B. Mower The Mulligan Family Netzko Family Dr. and Mrs. V. C. Nickelson Dr. Zenon Novicki Mr. and Mrs. H. Nyvelt Mr. John P. O'Gara Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. O'Malley Margaret O'Mara Mr. and Mrs. John O'Toole 拢lonor S. Orme Mr. and Mrs. F. Ostertag Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Pagano Gabriel J. Pascuzzi '53


Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Pettinato Mr. and Mrs. John J. Pie Fn~d L. PirmanIl Mr. Alexandel M. Putnick Mr. and Mrs. A. Quaresima Mr. and Mrs. Peter Radl Mr. and Mrs. William R. Rafter Mr. and Mrs. Walter Ramspacher Mr. and Mrs. John A. Reaney Edward J. Reardon Mr. and Mrs. Gabriel J. Richards Mr. and Mrs. Maurino Rossanese Mr. Perry Rossi Mr. and Mrs. Francis X. Ryan Mrs. Helen Schleicher John Schmalbach Mr. and Mrs. Leslie E. Schmal bach Mr. and Mrs. John J. Schroth Mr. and Mrs. Joseph L. Schulze Joanne Scott Mrs. Robert M. Scott Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence J. Scully Mr. and Mrs. John Sharkey Mr. and Mrs. Sarsfield J. Sheridan State Senator Martin Silvert Mrs. Thomas S. Snowden Mr. and Mrs. George Solic Peter Swiacki Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Switakski Dr. and Mrs. Reynold Szczurowski Mr. and Mrs. G. R. Tiedeh.-en Hon. Congressman Herman Toll Dr. and Mrs. John J. Tierney Mr. and Mrs. E. Tonkinson Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Tucker Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Turner, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Urbani Mr. and Mrs. Eric Vacca Mr. Herman C. Valimont R. W. Valimont Mr. and Mrs. A. Vasso Mr. and Mrs. J. Yolk Mr. and Mrs. John G. Voran Mr. and Mrs. Stephen J. Wallace Mr. and Mrs. John T. Welsh Mr. and Mrs. Eugene J. Whitaker Edward L. White Mr. and Mrs. John Whiteside William Wiggins, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Wilkin Mr. and Mrs. Adam E. Witkowski Mrs. Earl Woodhead J. Wyszynski Mr. and Mrs. E. Zaremski Mr. and Mrs. Louis Zieja


Albert Cors 200 S. Easton Rd.

Henry Faulkner Oldsmobile 1546 Cottman Ave.

AI's Barber Shop 1534 Wadsworth Ave.

Casa Conti "Famous For Fine Food"

Fitzpatrick Funeral Home 3309 N. Broad

Ambrogi Fruits 1725 Chestnut St.

James A. Cassidy, Realtor-Insurance 42 E. Butler Ave., Ambler

Russell J. Foster, Insurance Co. 33 Wooddale Rd.


Joseph P. Cattie Insurance Co. 1456 Greenwood St.

Frank & Eddie's P.O. Box #108

J. Cocci Clothing Store 7803 Newportville Rd., Levittown

Dr. Edward P. Frunzi, D.D.S. 2125 E. Chelten Ave.

Coupe Chevrolet 240 S. Easton Rd., Glenside

Gaffney Steak House 382 Edmonds Ave., Drexel Hill

L. J. Craig, Inc. 5239 Morris St.

M. F. Gallagher 1366 Edgewood Ave., Roslyn

Crispo Stone Quarry 800 Ivy Hill Rd.

M. Giuffrida & Co. 2964 N. 23rd St.

Don Daily Roofing Service 5220 "F" St.

Gruber's Bakery 7612 Ogontz Ave.

Arrow Screw & Machine Works 1061 Germantown Ave. Bill Ault's Market Bridge & Ditman Sts. Baxter Rug & Carpet Cleaning 2913 N. Second St. Blair Printing Co. 2323 Parkview Ave., Willow Grove John H. Boales, Jr. Real Estate John J. Bryers Funeral Home 2741-43 W. Allegheny Ave. Dr. P. J. Cacchio 6234 Frankford Ave. Camiel's Beverage Company 2619 Aramingo Ave. Carey's 7184 Ogontz Ave. Caplan Insurance Agency 7904 Bayard St. Compliments of Carey's 7184 Ogontz Ave. Carpet Shop 6367 Germantown Ave. Joe Cesa Gulf Service 1574 Bristol Pike, Cornwells Hgts.

Dallas Beverage 6849 Limekiln Pike Mr. and Mrs. Frank Doherty 6312 Ogontz Ave. Donze Industries 7885 Oxford Ave.

Dr. Joseph J. Hanna 5128 N. Broad St. George Harking, Sr. 4800 Greene St.

Tom Dunphy, Realtor 5401 Oakland St.

Happy Bee Tavern 5450 Large Street

Eastern U.S. Development Corp 2901 W. Cheltenham Ave.

N. F. Hearne

Emma's Candy Store 257 W. DaJ.lphin St.

Impala Sound Studios 24-090 Forest Ave.

Ernest's Quality Meets 7342 Frankford Ave.

I vy Ridge Real Estate 6830 Ridge Ave.

Marion Fanning, Fire Insurance Agent BR 9-4995

Saint John's Friday Night Dance Kaiser and Markmann

Friend James L. Connor 947 Old York Rd., Jenkintown

Haenn Motors 219 E. Butler Ave., Ambler

Joseph F. X. Fasy, Real EstateInsurance Third St. & Godfrey


John F. Kenney Co. 3240 Fox Street

SOCIAL BUSINESS PATRONS Kenrich Athletic Club 3017 "F" Street

McGrann and Stead Opticians 20 South 18th Street

Al Siebert Grace Brothers Auto Body

Kilian Hardware 8450 Germantown Ave.

Mr. Michael Hair Stylist 7209 Germantown Ave.

Smith's Atlantic Station Frankford and Harbison Ave.

Michaels Rugs and Carpets 6925 Bristol Pike

Leo J. Sommar, Realtor 18 West Chelten Avenue

E. F. Moore, Inc. 12th Fayette St., Conshohocken

Sousan Pharmacy 8014 York Road

Roger Krau t, Jewelry Doylestown, Penna. LaRue's Variety Store 1223 Cottman Ave. Mrs. John LaRue 1223 Cottman Ave. Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Lees 1358 Gilha Street

Morrison's Sporting Goods Butler and Germantown Pike Murphy's Funeral Home 3839 N. Broad Street

Lenny's Barber Shop Cottman and Castor Avenues

Jack O'Donell's Ripplewood Inn 8023 Old York Road

Liberty Federal Savings 202 North Broad Street

Pennsylvania Brake Bonding Co. 1505-15 N. Naseher Street

Henry S. Lippincott, Inc. 8513 Germantown Ave. Lloyd's Auto Service 5927 Belfield Ave. Longshore Luncheonette 4121 Longshore Ave.

Penny's Flowers Glenside, Penna. Pioneer Executives, Inc. 719 Edison Street Pierre B. Pie, Insurance Suburban Station Building

Andrew Starr 3819 Manayunk Ave. Stenton Beer Distributors 8119 Stenton Avenue Stirling Drugs 6316 Frankford Ave. Suburban Market 715 West Ave. Walter E. Sucharski 2324 Margeret Street Louis Swift Plunkett, Funeral Home 6600 Ogontz Avenue Mrs. Eva Tarvin 1430 S. 2nd Street

Philadelphia Transit Co.

Harry Toub and Sons 532-34-36 South Street

Ralston Beer Dist. 4162 N. Darien Street

Virnelson's Bakery, Inc. Thompson and Hutchinson Streets

Albert Ramagli 822 Penn Ave.

Wexlers Pharmacy 6828 Torresdale Ave.

James Magnatta, J r. 943 Anchor Street

Agnes C. Ritchie 511-13 N. 4th Street

Wilkins Esso Service Stenton Ave. and Ellet Street

Wm.M.May Funeral Home

Joseph Rosenthal and Sons, Inc. 1841 N. 2nd Street

Mr. and Mrs. P. Woodrow 2617 Lefevre Street

Fred McBrian, Sr. 17th and Caynaga

Edward Rzepnicki 3864 Terrace Street

McElroy's Funeral Home Green and Logan Sts.

Scarpello Apothecary 4939 Germantown Ave.

Lois Beauty Shop 350 Deveuaux Ave. Lynam Coal Co. 8010 York Road


BUSINESS BOOSTERS The Alexanders 427 Winona St.

CheIten Food CheIten Ave.

Alberta Edelmann, Funeral Director Cheltenham, Pa.

AI's Bowling Lanes 2645 E. Allegheny Ave.

Chemical and Engineering Specialities Co. 388 Maple Ave.

Embassy Carpet Showplace 2939 N. 22nd St.

AI's Cleaners and Tailoring 716 W. Butler Street Ambler Market Co. 1125 Beth Pike Ardsley Hardware 2610 Jenkintown Rd. Avalon Stringband N.Y.A. 1150 N. 4th Street Beck's Gulf Service Bethlehem and Bulter Pikes

Raymond F. Chmielewski 5234 Torresdale Avenue

Emlen Arms Dining Room 6733 Emlen St., Germantown

Mr. Edward Chromey 1223 Cottman Ave.

Employers Mutuals of Wausaw, Wis. P.N.B. Bldg., Broad and Chestnut Sts.

Circle Air Condo Co., Inc. 3311 North 13th Street

Al Facchiano 7731 Ridge Ave.

Class of 2A

The Fanning Family

Clef Music Studio 4830 Frankford Ave.

Fante's 1006 S. 9th St.

Ben, Sr. and Ben, Jr. Barber Shop 2620 Rhawn Street

Colflesh Bakery 709 West Avenue

Bill's American Service Frankford and Robbins Ave.

Collin's Food Market 7501 Germantown Ave.

Blake Florists 107 Huntingdon Pike

Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Collins 2200 W. Lehigh Ave.

Mr. and Mrs. James Farnell 311 Friendship St. Mr. and Mrs. Emidio Flocco 2016 South 21st Street Fox Chase Auto Body 7931 Oxford Ave.

Bond Breadmen


Mr. and Mrs. W. Borgerson 3317 W. Allegheny Ave.

Mr. and Mrs. A. Cunningham 6738 Limekiln Pike

Boris' Market 160 Leverington Ave.

Dalessandro Steaks and Hoagies Ridge and Manayunk Ave.


Harry L. Brown 5011 N. 5th St.

AdelIa Davis 208 Monroe Street

D. E. Furlow 5 and 1O¢ Store 5902 Rising Sun Ave.

John J. Delaney 435 East 73rd St., N.Y.

Charles Wm. Garofalo, Insurance 1324 Walnut St.

Cassidy's Quality Meats 5th and Rockland Sts.

Delaware Valley Construction Co. Phila. 36, Penna.

Mr. and Mrs. Gerard Geier 6832 Lynford St.

Joseph Caterina, Taylor 1218 Cottman Ave.

B. Di Florido Delicatessen 2717 W. Allegheny Ave.

The Gift Gallery 35 E. Butler Ave., Ambler

Cattie Brothers Steel Gaul and Letterly Sts.

Ed's Esso Servicenter 20th and Windrim Aves.

Marty Goldstein 7800 Limekiln Pike

J. M. Cegielkowski, Realtor Rockledge, Penna.

Ed's Market 7964 Veree Road

Green Real Estate -- Insurance 6329 Frankford Ave.

George Brucker & Co. 1542 Wadsworth Ave.


Friend Friend

BUSINESS BOOSTERS Holmesburg Beer Distributing Co. 8015 Craig St.

James R. McGrath 8110 Gadwalader

Mr. and Mrs. John Reese 9602 Bustleton Ave.

Mr. and Mrs. William J. Hotz 1850 Hunting Park Ave.

J. J. McMenamin, Insurance Agency 609 Thornhill Drive, Lafayette Hill

Regans Quality Shoes Ambler, Pa.

David Humes Lee Circle, Brwn Mawr

Marion's Girl and Boy Shop 8129 Germantown Ave.

Rialto Tailoring Co. 6708 Sprague

Miller's Bar 6119 Ridge Ave.

Rice's Hdwe. and Variety Store 1520 E. Wadsworth Street

Iacone 1 Hour Cleaner 6905 Frankford Ave.

Miller's Market 265 W. Albanus St.

Rising Sun Post Cadets 6850 Martins Mill Road

Jan's of Castor 6048 Castor Ave.

Style Center for Men and Boys Flourtown Shopping Center

Malcolm Robertson 625 Bethlehem Pike

Jess' Market 7703 Ridge Ave.

Bertha Miynarczyk

Schads' Market 7185 Andrews St.

Joe's Barber Shop North Wales

Joseph L. Murray, Optician 8632 Germantown Ave.

Anthony Jotautas, Jr. 1627 S. 2nd St.

Penn Photo 7127 Frankford Ave.

Mr. and Mrs. John W. Hutton . 338 Carson St.

The Kielbasi League Mr. Wilbur C. Knerr 2861 Bristol Road, Warrington Mr. and Mrs. Donald E. Kotas 2924 Grisdale Rd., Roslyn S. M Kvyiatkovyski, Plumbing 520 Diamond St. Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Lees 1358 Gilham St. Morris Levinson, Pharmacist 5200 N. 15th St.

Pike Record Shop Bethlehem Pike Shopping Ctr. Pizza City 7129 Frankford Ave. Pride 1 Hour Cleaners 1605 Wadsworth Ave.

C.J. and T.J. Przybylowski Orthodox and Thompson Sts. Rachubinski Funeral Home 781 S. Front Street

Schenk's Pastries 4936 Wayne Ave. Mrs. Louise Schofield 3315 Cresson St. Edward Senet 2601 W. Allegheny Ave.

Dr. Benjamin Serota 2125 S. 4th Street Mr. James W. Shire 9220 Wooden Bridge Rd. Stanley Shumoski Moyamensing and Moore Joseph J. Smith 2547 Woodland Rd., Roslyn

Linsky Pharmacy S.E. Corner 2nd and Morris Sts.

621-237 Henry C. Ray 8801 Newportville Rd., Levittown

Bud Spotolo 440 N. 12th St.

MacFarland's Barber Shop 7149 Germantown Ave.

Mrs. Edward J. Reardon 1101 E. Price St.

Stanert Provision Co. 829 Willow Ave., Southampton

Richard C. McElhinney, Watchmaker 7163 Germantown Ave.

C. N. Reese Pharmacy 8001 Germantown Ave.

Street Lanes 210 E. Street Rd., Feasterville


BUSINESS BOOSTERS Teresa's Washamatic 1427 S. 2nd St.

Betty Vandergrift 7327 Tabor Ave.

Joe and Florence Wiercinski 7227 Charles Street

Three Brothers 1728-32 S. 2nd Street

Dr. A. D. Venuto 1129 Whitby Avenue

Thomas Wilkin '62 4254 North Franklin Street

Tomita's Far East Shop Germantown and Butler Pks.

The Apothecary Shop 7134 Germantown Ave.

Mrs. William Wilkinson 1118 Rising Sun Ave.

Tony and John's Texaco 8019 Germantown Ave.

Mr. and Mrs. Charles West 5109 Stenton Ave.

Yorktown Seafood 8028 York Rd.

C. Tyson Cleaners 7618 Castor Ave.

White's Barber Shop 345 Main Street, Royersford

Mrs. Helen Zweefel 4710 Edmund St.

BOOSTERS Abe's Clothes Shop Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Abell Mrs. Josephine Abramczyk Acker's Hardware Al and Lu's Delicatessen Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Iula Mr. and Mrs. Edward A. Altman Mr. and Mrs. John Ambrose Chuck Amodei Anonymous Mr. Henry Antczak John R. Antczak Mr. William Antczak Nicholas Araco Charles E. Armstrong Mr. Peter Arnone Mrs. Harry Asen Babs and Con Albert C. Backauskas, Sr. Bobert E. Backauskas Mrs. Alma Baldridge Mr. and Mrs. Harry L. Baldwin Mr. and Mrs. S. Bannister Mrs. E. Bardy Mrs. Koselle Bartkowski Joseph D. Ballard Stella Barletta John Bartkowski Mary Bauer Mr. Richard J. Bauer Bea's Delicatessen Berthold G. Beaudain Mr. Howard N. Becker John Becher Family

Mr. and Mrs. Arthur J. Beighley Mrs. Dorothy Belcher Diann Bellew Mrs. Philip V. Bellew Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Bemiller Herman Berkowitz Michael Bernacki Mrs. A. Bernacki Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F. Best Betty-Freddy-Millie Mrs. Samuel Bianchini Norman B. Blind Bob of 4 Chefs Bob-Paul-Don-John Ed Bogdan '61 Leonard C. Bodo Mr. and Mrs. F. Bogle Mrs. Beatrice Boland Mr. and Mrs. Edward Boland Mr. and Mrs. Michael D. Boland Mrs. Angelino Bonanni Mr. John Bonanni George W. Booth Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Bothwell Mr. and Mrs. James J. Boyle Mrs. Hugh Boyle, Jr. Leonard R. Bogle Mr. and Mrs. Robert Breenan Mr. and Mrs. Edward T. Bresnan Gertrude Brockway Mr. and Mrs. George Bronisowski Mr. and Mrs Charles Burns Mr. and Mrs. Frank X. Burns Mrs. Vincent Burns Miss Catherine Byrne


Mr. and Mrs. James Byrnes The Cahill Family Howard J. Cain Rick Cake James Campion, J r. Mr. and Mrs. John R. Cannon Mr. and Mrs. Samuel J. Cape Mr. and Mrs. A. Carleo Dr. and Mrs. Edwin S. Carlin Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Carlin Mr. and Mrs. John Carlin, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. John Carlin, Sr. John Carlin III Mr. and Mrs. John Carr Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Carr, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Carr, Sr. Mr. Raymond Carr III Jerry and Linda Caruso Mr. and Mrs. F. Cassidy Francis Cassidy, Jr. Mrs. D. Caterisano and Daughter John V. Cattie Daniel B. Cavalier Miss Joann Cavalier Mr. Raymond CavaJier, Sr. Archibald Cavanaugh Mrs. Clair A. Cavanaugh Joan Cavanaugh Elva G. Chadwick Miss Cathleen Champlin Mr. Walter E. Champlin Mrs. Walter E. Champlin Paul Champlin James Cheney Samuel Chesco

BOOSTERS Lt. Comn. and Mrs. Chester Mr. William Christy Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Chrzanowski Chuckwagon, Inc. Alan Cinquino Class 4E Class IF Mrs. Nell Cligetl Stephen Clark Mrs. Charles D. Close :Mrs. Mary Cocharo Ron and Mary Beth Codario Joseph Coey Joseph Coffey Catherine ColI John G. Collins III Mr. Charles Collins Communi:j Drug Center The Strongin Family Mr. and Mrs. Earl P. Conner Mary M. Cooney Mr. and Mrs. Donald Copeland Father Francis V. Corkery Thomas F. Courtney, Jr. Mrs. J. Coyle Mrs. Marian Coyle Mr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Coyne John J. Crane Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Crowley and Family James A. Cunningham Robert G. Cunningham Mr. and Mrs. Howard Curlet Mrs. Joseph Curran Mr. Joseph E. Curry Miss Diana E. Dacanay Rose D' Alfonso Jave Daley Frank and James Daniel Mr. and Mrs. Frank Daniel and Family Mr. and Mrs. Henry Daniel and Family Mr. James A. Darby, Jr. G. P. Daskilewicz '65 Mrs. J. Dawson Mike Deabler Mr. and Mrs. William Degnan Mrs. F. Deissler Mrs. John Delaney Mr. and Mrs. John A. Dempsey Mrs. Agnes Denker

Mr. and Mrs. E. DePaul, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. John A. DePaul, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Derowski, Sr. Frank and Marie DeSalvo Mr. and Mrs. A. DeSantis Margaret Diehl Mary Diehl Frank Diehl, Jr. Frank Diehl, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. John DiPietro Mary DiSilvestro Mr. John Dittus Mary C. Dooley Charles Dobson, Jr. Mrs. Marian Donahue Mr. and Mrs. Frank Domanico Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Dombrowski Miss Catherine J. Dooley Mrs. Edna R. Doyle Mr. and Mrs. John R. Doyle Doyle Family The Drahams Gerard Drach James J. Drach Mrs. Joanna Drozd John Dunn Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Dunn James L. Durkin Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Durso Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Dydak Mr. and Mrs. AI. Efenberg Mr. and Mrs. Paul Egner Mary Emberger Barbara Emhof Skip Engart T. P. Erb Mrs. Frances Ermold Mrs. Philip Eves Exclusive Shoe Service Edward Fanning John Farrell Mrs. Anne Farrell Mr. and Mrs. Matthew D. Fasano, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Fasano, Sr. Helen A. Ferguson Charles Fiore Mrs. Albert Fiori Mr. and Mrs. Frank Fisher Anna Fitzgerald Sadie Fitzgerald Michael P. Fitzgibbons Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Fleck Mr. and Mrs. G. Flickinger


Ed Flood '63 Mr. and Mrs. John J. Flood T. Flood Mrs. Michael Flynn Dr. Albert Fornace Mr. Charles M. Foley Mrs. John B. Foley Mr. and Mrs. F. X. Ford Edward T. Foster Mr. and Mrs. Fred F. Foy Joe Frabictore Brother Jeremy Francis, F.S.C. Frank and Barry Frank's Service Station Domenick Frattini Fresh Poultry and Bar-B-Q Glenn Frieke '65 Mr. and Mrs. Louis Frieke Mr. and Mrs. Francis J. Friel A Friend A Friend A Friend Mrs. William Funk Mr. and Mrs. William Fynes Mary Gaeta Mr. and Mrs. Harry Gaffney Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Gallagher Mr. and Mrs. P. F. Gallagher Joanne L. Galzerano Mrs. Elizabeth Gardner Vera Garofalo Peter Gars Mr. and Mrs. John Garvin, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Garvin Mrs. Veronica Garvin Mrs. A. G. Gary Mrs. Lillian V. Gastinger Mr. and Mrs. John Gavin Mrs. John Gavin Walter and Charles Gazdzik Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. Gemmi Mr. Gasper Genuardi William Gibbons Gimbers Shoe Store Marie Ginder Mr. and Mrs. E. James Ginnetti Mr. and Mrs. William A. Givey Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Gniewek Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Gniewek Mr. and Mrs. Joseph H. Goldbeck Joseph L. Golding A. I. Goldis Laura F. Goldstein

BOOSTERS Goloff Phannacy Mr. and Mrs. John Gontkof Mr. and Mrs. John R. Gordon Mr. and Mrs. Sigmund Gorski Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Grabusky Edward Grady Madeleine C. Graham Mr. James Granger Mr. A. Graynor Morton Greenblatt Mr. Stanley Greenfield Al Greenman Alfred J. Greway Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Griffin Mr. and Mrs. Francis S. Guise, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gutekunst J. F. Haciuold Miss Patricia Haight Brian & Michael Haley & Mrs. Clarke Mr. and Mrs. John Hall William A. Hallman, Jr. Hampton Realty Mrs. John Haney John J. Hannigan Mr. and Mrs. John Hardiman George Harkins, J r. Joe Harkins Jennie F. Harper Mr. John Harper J. Carrell Harrar The Honorable and Mrs. G. B. Hartley Mr. and Mrs. Henry J. Hartley N. L. Hartman Mr. and Mrs. James J. Hatch Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Hatch Reverend John M. Healy Mrs. J. Heck Mr. and Mrs. Frank Helverson Marianne Hendricks Hepp Family Mr. and Mrs. Herritt Mr. Francis Higgins Joan and Edward Hilinski Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Hill Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hill Mr. and Mrs. Edward Hober Mr. and Mrs. Leo G. Hohlfeld Mr. and Mrs. Lilian Holton Mr. and Mrs. B. Hoover Mrs. R. Clark Hopkins Mrs. Ruth Hopkins Mr. and Mrs. J. Horan

Mr. William C. Hotz and Family Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Hudek Mrs. Pauline Hughes Reverend James A. Hughes Vincent Hummel Mrs. Thomas Hurley Fritz Iannarelli Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Iannarelli Mr. and Mrs. Frank L. Iaquinta Dr. Charles J. Ingersoll Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Insalata Mr. and Mrs. John J. Iula Jack, Joe and Dave Mrs. Katie Jacob Dr. and Mrs. J. A. J akabcin Robert Janulewicz The Januszka Family Edmund Jaworski Mr. and Mrs. Walter Jaye Jim M. of 1B Carey and Elsie Johnson Mr. and Mrs. David Johnson John J. Johnston Mr. F. Jones Mr. and Mrs. Lee Jones Marie Jordan Mrs. Joseph Jordan Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Kakolewski Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Karolski Ronald Karolski Frank X. Keashen Francis J. Keating Richard Keating, J r. Mr. and Mrs. Kevin E. Keegan Mr. and Mrs. Robert Keller Mrs. Hannah R. Kelly Mrs. Kathryn Kelly Mrs. John R. Kelly Mrs. Patrick Kelly Mrs. Katherine Kennedy Jack and Claire Kenney Mrs. B. Kensil James Kerns R. H. Kesslei, Jr. Brian M. Kilcullen (Spike) P. A. Kilcullen Mrs. Josephine Kilczewski Mr. and Mrs. M. Kilczewski Mr. and Mrs. William Kilczewski Agnes Kilduff John Kilduff Michael Kilduff The Killough Family


Joseph F. Kilroy Mrs. Joseph King John Kirby Mr. and Mrs. F. Kinsey Mr. Fred Kissling Mike Kligerman Miss Dorothy Kline Gerard J. Klopf Stella Klopf Joseph L. Koch Family Mr. and Mrs. Charles Komelasky Mr. and Mrs. Frank Komykoski Mike Koss '66 Tom Koss '60 Catherine Kostrzewska Edward Kostrzewski Mr. George M. Kozub Stephen and William Kozub Mr. and Mrs. Walter Kraemer Mr. and Mrs. Anton Kramer Michael Krasnuk John E. Krause Mr. Joseph Krause Miss Caroline M. Krimm Mr. and Mrs. Francis Krimm Kathy and Jim Krimm Pat and Tom Krimm Albert Kroll Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kroll Mr. and Mrs. John C. Kroll Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Kroll Mabel K. Kroll Mr. and Mrs. John Krutsick Mr. and Mrs. J. Kryszczun Kathleen M. Kugler Mary C. Kugler Robert Kurz Robert F. Kurz, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. George W. Kyle Mrs. F. L. Lagan Mrs. Eleanor Lain Thomas Long Jeanne M. Langan Donald LaRue Helen A. Lashimska Edward M. Laska '62 Edward J. Laska Mrs. Russell Latham Mr. and Mrs. J. J. LaVelle Lawncrest A.C. Mrs. Robert J. Lawrence Mrs. Frank Lech Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lech

BOOSTERS Carolyn Ledoger Nicholas W. Lees 3B Gerald J. Leimkuhler Mr. and Mrs. Francis Lennon Eugene Lenz Miss Helen Leonarczyk Mr. and Mrs. Edward A. Leonarczyk Aloysius J. Leonard Mr. and Mrs. Leon Lepine Mrs. Mary L. Ling Mr. and Mrs. Francis D. Lockard Thomas M. Loftus, Jr. '62 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Loglisci Dorothy M. Longstreth Miss Martha Lopinski Ev Lounsberry Peggy Lounsberry Rudolph L. Lucente Ralph Luchner Mr. and Mrs. Martin J. Luff and Family Henry Lynch James and Kevin Lynch Marianne P. Lynch, Esq. The Lynch Family Patrick Lynch,Jr. Agnes Lyszkiewicz Mrs. Margaret Mack Wally Mack Brian Maguire Donna Maguire Edward Maher Mrs. Rita Maher Robert T. Maher Tom MacMahon Mrs. S. Makres Mr. and Mrs. A. Malazita Mrs. Theresa Malazita Mr. Thomas J. Maley Mr. and Mrs. B. Malone William J. Mandia Mrs. Ed Manuszak Edward S. Manuszak Mr. and Mrs. Pierre Marcolina Robert J. Mariano Mrs. J. Marino Miss Pauline D. Maris Mr. and Mrs. Anthony E. Martin, Jr. Mrs. William Martyn Mary and Helen Mary and Michael's Beauty Shop Leo P. Masson Joseph Mastalski, Jr. Vito Mastronardo

Mr. and Mrs. May Michael Mazur Mrs. Anna Mazzei Mr. Joseph McAleer Rev. Charles G. McAleer Joseph A. McCabe Mr. and Mrs. Charles S. McCarthy Kenneth McCauley Mr. and Mrs. William J. McCloskey Joseph and Anthony McCloskey Mrs. Allan E. McCloskey William J. McCloskey III Miss Alice E. McCool Mr. John F. McCool Lois McCormack Mr. Martin McCormick Mr. Ralph G. McCormick Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McCracken, Sr. Mr. D. J. McCutcheon McCutcheon's T -Bird E. Ralph McDevitt, D.D.S Mr. and Mrs. Stacey L. McDonnell Mr. Alfred G. McElwee Mrs. Elizabeth McFadden Mr. and Mrs. James D. McFadden Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. McFadden Geraldine McGeady Mr. John McGeady Mr. and Mrs. Paul M. McGill Mrs. Alice C. McGinniss Michael McGinniss Mr. and Mrs. John C. McGoldrick Mr. and Mrs. Daniel McGonigle Mr. and Mrs. Joseph McGonigle Mr. William J. McGonigle Elizabeth McGough Mrs. John McGough Mr. John J. McGough, Sr. Michael McGrath Paul McHugh Mr. and Mrs. John J. McIntyre Alexander B. McKay Very Rev. Francis J. McKee Catherine McKelvey Kathleen McKelvey John W. MacKenzie Bernard McKeon A. L. McKinley, M.D. E. V. McKinley, M.D. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh McNally Mr. and Mrs. Jos. P. McNichol Mr. and Mrs. George McNulty Mr. and Mrs. William McShane


Mrs. John P. McShea Pete DeMedio Mr. John H. Meehan Mr. and Mrs. W. Meginley Miss Anna Mae Meier Meier and Gaul Children Mr. and Mrs. F. Melady, Jr. Mr. F. Melady, Sr. Mrs. Sophie Mendys Lillian Meredith Mr. Jos. Merget Mermaid Inn Thomas Merrick Mr. and Mrs. A. Meyers Mr. and Mrs. John J. Michel Mrs. Sarah Michel Tulio-Mignogna R. E. Milke Mrs. Dorothy Miller Mr. and Mrs. John M. Millet Alberta Mims Miss Sandy Mitchell Miss Violet Mitchell Mr. and Mrs. Harry Mitchell Mr. and Mrs. John A. Mitchell Rosemarie Mociak Modern Barber Shop Joseph A. Moderski Mr. Charles Monks Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Montella Clinton A. Moore Mr. and Mrs. Matt Moore Morans Mrs. Mary Morrissey Mr. and Mrs. Robert Morrison E. Moskow Howard R. Moyer. Joseph Mroz Mr. and Mrs. Peter P. Muessig, Jr. Raymond E. Mullen Mr. and Mrs. Leo J. Mullen Mrs. Joseph P. Mullen Mrs. Edgar H. Muller Mr. and Mrs. Edw. Mulligan Miss Terese A. Murphy Mrs. C. J. Murphy James J. Murray Miss Patricia A. Murray Mr. J. J. Murray Mrs. J. J. Murray Robert P. O'Brien Anne D. Murtha

BOOSTERS Mrs. William Nealon Mrs. Editha Neely Mr. and Mrs. Francis Nessel Mr. and Mrs. A. Netzko Nevins Sun Ray Mr. and Mrs. Mike Newell Francel Nicoletti Mr. and Mrs. R. North Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Nicolo Mr. Edward O'Boyle Mr. J. T. O'Brien Mr. and Mrs. E. J. O'Brien Mr. and Mrs. Thomas O'Brien Mrs. Mary O'Brien Mr. and Mrs. Charles O'Connor Mr. and Mrs. Bernard O'Donnell Mary O'Gara Mrs. P. O'Gara James T. O'Kane Mr. and Mrs. Joseph T. O'Leary Mr. and Mrs. John J. O'Malley Mr. Joseph O'Neil Mr. Carl Orlowski Jean Paczewski Joe and Jim Pagano Mrs. Palamarchuk Betty Palermo Rose Palermo Mrs. Charles Palladino Mr. Harry F. Pannepacker Mr. and Mrs. V. J. Pannepacker, Jr. Paris Children Mr. and Mrs. B. Papryzcki Parrot Grocery Mrs. Marie Patkowski Mrs. Patrick Irene Paulits Jack Paullts Jim Paulits John Paulits Mr. M. Paulits Mrs. M. Paulits Mr. and Mrs. E. Pawlikowski Peck's 5 and 10 Hildebrand Pelzer Mr. and Mrs. W. Perkins Mrs. E. Petner Steven Petner Dan Petrillo Genevieve Phillips Mr. and Mrs. Walter Piatek Pierre B. Pie II Mrs. Jeanette Pifani

Nick Pifani Mrs. Ellyn T. Poland Barbara Ann Polk Mary Pottolow Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Price James Pron Mr. George Pron Mr. and Mrs. John Pron Mr. Stephen Pron Helen Pulizino Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Pyle Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F. Queenan Mr. and Mrs. Martin Quick David Quinlan Irene M. Quinlan James J. Quilan '60 Michael F. Quinlan Mrs. David G. Quinlan Thomas J. Quinlan, Jr. Mrs. Hugh F. Quinn John M. Radovich M. Ragone Rainbow Cleaners Buck Ratchford '63 Mr. John Raymond Mrs. John Raymond Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Regan Harry V. Reid Mrs. Harry V. Reid Joseph A. Reilly Paul Reilly, Jr. Mrs. Louis J. Remy, Sr. Mr. Howie Reynolds Mr. R. Richardson Christine and Andrew Rider Don and Peter Rider Mr. and.Mrs. Joseph F. Rieck Mr. and Mrs. James Rigney Mr. and Mrs. Fred C. Riley Mrs. Joseph A. Riley Roberts Barber Shop Robin and Gwen Mr. and Mrs. Nick Romano Mr. and Mrs. Ben Romine Gerald Ronan James Ronan John Ronan Mr. and Mrs. James Ronan W. J. Rooney Mrs. Marie Ropley Mrs. Joseph S. Rotella Rothstien Family Norman Rotsiosmo


Mrs. Martha Rozeman Lewis Ruch Mr. and Mrs. Jacob J. Ruser Mr. and Mrs. Jacob J. Ruser, Jr. Kathleen and Francis Ryan Miss Kathleen Ryan Mr. and Mrs. Ted Ryba Mrs. Margaret Sabath Mr. John J. Sabia Mr. and Mrs. John Salerno Miss Helen Samsel Mr. and Mrs. Sandoli Ed Sankowski Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Santoro W. V. Scanlan, D.D.S. Mrs. C. Scanzello Stephanie Schaefer Mrs. Margaret M. Schell Charles F. Schlechter, M.D. Mr. Walter Schlosser Mr. and Mrs. F. Schluckabier Mr. and Mrs. W. Schluckabier Mr. J. Schmieg, J r. Mr. J. Schmieg, Sr. Mrs. J. Schmieg Mrs. Joseph Schmieg Elizabeth Schmitz Bill Schneider '65 Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Schneider Mary Schnurr Mr. and Mrs. Walter Schoppe John Schulte, Sr. Samuel Schultz Miss Jane E. Schulze Mr. and Mrs. Schwegel Frank Sciolla Miss Francis Scopelleta Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Scullin Richard J. Scullin Thomas L. Scully Mr. and Mrs. John Seaner Mr. and Mrs. Segal Segal's Pharmacy Mr. and Mrs. M. Seiferth Joseph Shedaker Mr. and Mrs. Francis Shallow Shapiro Rexall Pharmacy Master Peter Sharkey Mr. and Mrs. S. P. Shaughnessy Mr. and Mrs. Edward Shearon Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Shire Shouldis Sica Rugs Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Sickles

BOOSTERS Rev. Joseph G. Sikora Annette Silber Mr. and Mrs. Silber Mr. and Mrs. Silber, Sr. Mrs. George Simons Walt Sketchley Mr. and Mrs. J. Skladaitis Mr. and Mrs. A. Skowronski Mrs. E. B. Slabinski Mr. John Sladek Mrs. John Sladek Mr. and Mrs. Walter Sliwoski Anne M. Smith Elizabeth Smith Roger J. Smith Miss Doris A. Smith Mr. and Mrs. J. Smith Mr. and Mrs. John Smith Dr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Smith Kendall A. Smith Mr. Howard Smith Mr. Carl Smyrski Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Snip as Michael A. Snow, Sr. William Snow Mr. and Mrs. Aloysius Sokolek Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Sakolowski Mr. and Mrs. Walter J. Spangler N. and K. Spellman Mr. and Mrs. M. Speranzo Thomas Spielhoffer J. J. Spillane Mrs. Joseph Spix Miss Mary A. Sommar Mr. and Mrs. John C. Sommar Doris H. Standiford Barry Stanton Mr. and Mrs. John Stever Stew Mr. John M. Sullivan Kathleen Sullivan Diane Sulzback Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Sundennann Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Sundennann Sophia Szczepaniak Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Szweda Charles Tacconelli Mrs. Eva Tarvin Miss Christine Taylor Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Taylor Margaret Taylor Michael Taylor John Tees

Edward Thompson Mrs. Alymer Thompson Mrs. Mary Thompson Mr. and Mrs. Richard Tiediken Richard Tiedeken '64 Mr. and Mrs. N. Tierney Mrs. Mary Tierney Thomas Tragemann Buck Trinkner Mr. and Mrs. C. Trucksess Joseph Turk Anna Tusi Santina Tusi Dr. Joseph Tyman Mr. and Mrs. R. Uhle Mr. Ulmer Mr. and Mrs. P. Urcioli Alfred Urzi Mr. W. H. VanBuskirk Mr. John J. Voran Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Voran Richard and Robert Voran Mr. and Mrs. William Wackley E. Celeste Wagner Joseph A. Wagner Edward Walsh Miss Elizabeth Walsh Mr. and Mrs. James A. Walsh, Sr. Lawrence A. Walsh '63 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C. Walsh Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Walters Mr. William Walters Mrs. E. Ware Frank E. Wargocki '63 John A. Wanninski Charlotte Waslov Mr. and Mrs. Fred Watson

Betty Weigel John A. Welsh '55 Miss Patricia Welsh Lt. and Mrs. S. Werbel Mr. anclMrs. Sam Wessells George R. Westcott George Westenberger Mr. and Mrs. John White, Jr. Mrs. George White Kary Kathleen Whiteside Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Whitlock Mr. and Mrs. Leon Whittock Mr. Charlie Wiegel Miss Anna J. Wigington Lt. and Mrs. Robert J. Wilkin, Jr.


Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. Wilsbach Mr. Joseph Witzel Florence M. Wolf Marjorie A. Wood Kenneth J. W oodrine Francis C. Woodring, Jr. Leon Wozniak Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Wright Mr. and Mrs. Thomas S. Wright Thomas S. Wright, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. John Wudarski Wuddy Henry Wyszynski Richard Wyszynski Wallace Wyszynski Walter W. Wyszynski Harry Yeager Samuel Yohannan Mrs. Mary Zieja Zimmennann's Shoes Miss B. Zarych




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