1964 Blue and Gold Yearbook

Page 1


























BROTHER DECLAN LEWIS, F.S.C. In the six years Brother Declan Lewis has taught at LaSalle, he has exerted by his fine example in scholastic and religious duties a major influence on his students. Brother's affable personality, patience, and understanding have endeared him to everyone at La Salle. He has de,路eloped the art of communicating his subject matter in a clear and interesting mannPr路, and this year has initiated a new biology program to stimulate interest in his subject. Besides his teaching duties as biology instructor and homeroom Brother of 2D , Brother moderates the track and cross-country teams. He formerly headed the intramural program, which he greatly expanded, and the Dramatics Club, where he moderated the stage crew. H is finely modulated voice is familiar to all students as lector at the dialogue Masses, and his helpful duties in the Brother's Community include care of the sacristy. In appreciation for his many contributions made both to the students and the school, we, the seniors of 1964, dedicate the Blue and Gold to Brother D eclan Lewis.









BROTHER D. CARL, Vice-Principa l 13

Instructing young in age old traditions . . . Enriching our lives, completing our interests ... Imparting their knowledge to a new generation ... Molding boys to Christian manhood by their example ...


aThe Object of the Educator and His Role in the Natural Order is the Development

BROTH ER D. ALBERT Assemblies . . . Benilde Club . . . Guidance Director.

BROTHER F. ALBERT Religion ll . . . Latin II . Basketball ~[oderator.

of a

Child to Make a Complete Man

of H im." Pope Pius X I


\fR. D'\ VID T. DIEHL I . Driver Trainin~ . . . Football (line coach) . . . J.V. Basketball. Al~ebra

BROTHER D. ED~lL'~D Religion T . . . Typing . . . Daily Bulletin ... Baseball Moderator.

BROTHER C . EDWARD Religion IV . . . Chemistry . Physics ... Athletic Director.

BROTHER D. DAVID Religi on 11 . . . English I I Typing ... Debating.

BROTHER EMI LTAN Religion I . . . Latin I ,III ,1V . .. Creek.

MR. WALTER F. FARRELL First Aid ... Physical Education.


MR. CHARLESJ. FLYNN Social Studies !,III . . . Golf.

MR. THOMAS L. FLOOD Lati n I . . . Blue and Gold.

BROTHER P. FRANCIS Religion I . . . English I . Wisterian.

BROTHER G GR.\TIAX Religion III . . Geometry . . Algebra II . . Cross-Country and Track Moderator.

BROTHER D. GREGORY Religion IV . . . Trigonometry . . . Solid Geomrtry . . . Mathe路 matin Club . . Mothers' Club.

BROTHER GREGORY Religion IV ... Physics.

BROTHER G. GLE~N Religion III . . . Chemistry Sdencc Club . . . I ntramurals.

BROTHER G. JAMES Religion II . . . Plane Geometry ... Biology ... Football Moderator ... Mothers' Club.


BROTHER E. J AM ES Religion II . . . Plane Geometry ... Swimming Moderator.

"The Teacher Will Form His Students with the Example of His Life No Less Than with Precepts. n Pope Pius XII BROTHER D. JEROME Religion III . . . Art . . . Art Club ... Crew Moderator.

BROTHER KEVIN Religion I . . . Social Studies I . . . Band Moderator.

BROTHER G. MALACHY Religion III . . . Social Studies III ... Intramurals.

MR. EDWARD J. KELLY Latin II . . . German I . . Photography Club . . . Blue and Gold.

BROTHER D. LEWIS Religion II . . . Biology . Archconiraternity . . . CrossCountry and Track ~oderator.

BROTHER B. MANUEL Religion III . . . Spanish II,III . . . Legion of Mary . . . Confraternity of Christian Doctrine.

BROTHER D. LUKE Religion I . . . English I . Public Speaking I,II.

BROTHER D. MARTIN Religion III . . . German Il .. Alumni.

MR. BER!'\:\RD V. ~lt:CABE English II,IIJ .. Bt"' ling.

MR. JOHN J. MOORE English III,IV ... Dramatics.

MR. CHARLES J. O'BRIEN First Aid . . . Physical Education . . . Basketball.


FATHER AMANDUS PIONTEK, O.F.M. Religion I ,II . .. Chaplain German Club.

BROTHER D. PIUS Religion II . . . Spanish I,II .. Band Moderator.


MR. THOMAS C. ROSICA English I,II ... Dramatics.


MR. GERALD A. TREMBLAY English IV . . . Gazebo . . . Tennis.

MR. PETER E. WALHEIM Algebra II . . . Solid Geometry . . . Trigonometry . . . Cross路 Country ... Track.

BROTHER D. WALTER Religion IV . . . Social Studeis IV ... Men of La Salle.

((What Greater Work Is There Than Training the Mind and Forming the Habits

of the


St. John Chrysostom

BROTHER E. WILLI AM Religion III . . . Gennan li,Ill ... Bookstore.

BROTHER G. WILLIAM Religion IV ... Student Council.

MRS. RUTH BRAUN School Nurse.

MRS. EVELY~ B. Secretary.


MISS VIRGI:-.IA Librarian.


MISS CELESTE W.\G::\'ER Secretary.

Developing our minds in all fields . .. Advancing in languages both old and new ... Furthering our knowledge of mathematics .. . Delving into the mysteries of science and our religion ... Studying our inherited culture and heritage ... Achieving our goals by growing in knowledge ...



Men of God bringing God to men.

Prnyct and peacr. of retreat.


Continuou h ma j

A m•>ment \\ 1th God

of our education.


~Ir. Rossica explains to the sophomores the characters present in "The Devil and Daniel Webster."

A good vocabulary is essential to a student's educational development.

Students are instructed in the proper construction of a short story.



Expression of ideas by means of composition is an important part of the freshman English course.


T remblay explains James Agee's viewpoint of nature as a substitute for God in A Dt ath in the Family.



The language lab helps students to develop their listening ability and pronunciation of French.

Mr. Serfillippo quizzes his French class on vocabulary.

Senior French students devote most of their time in translating conversations.


Mr. Kelly gives individual attention to each student in the language lab.

GERMAN Two juniors take parts in a conversation practice Martin listens attentively to their pronunciation.

while Brother


The proper adjective endings for German nouns are displayed by two seniors.

_;路 Posters of Spain can be seen on the walls of the Spanish class.

SPANISH Brother Manuel calls on a student to explain a grammatical point.

Brother Pius uses an overhead projection as a teaching aid in his class.


M r. Flood instructs freshman in the conjugations of various Latin verbs.

Brother Emilian discusses the elementary principles of classical Greek.

CLASSICAL LANGUAGES Brother Albert arouses the students' interest in Caesar's Gallic Wars.


Mr. Flynn uses maps to explain the spread of civilization in world history.

The Constitution is often referred to in solving national problems.

Mr. Feledick explains the influence of Chinese thought on central Africa.

s s T 0 u c D I A L


s 32


s T 0 R y



uses charts to help make American history eaiser.

Notes are always important in Mr. Fclcdick's geography class.

G E 0 G

R A p H y 33


Erother Jamrs instructs students in the logical and axiomatic approach to geometry.

MATHEMATICS The slide rule is a great aid in simplifying expressions in senior math.


Mr. Walheim explains the use of li teral numbers i,n his a lgebra class.

Elementary equations form the basis of more advanc:cd algebra.

Brother Gratian questions his students about graphical solutions to problems.


~li crobe

Brother C:. Jarnr' l'xplains the molecular structure


of a carbohydrate.

BIOLOGY Brother takes time out to explain a question on the fern cycle.


Chemical a nd ionic bonding play an important part in molecular composition.

CHEMISTRY Brother Gilbert Glenn lectures on the clectromoti\·e force series.

Proper handling of measuring flasks is a necessity in laboratory expe•·iments.


Brother Edward demonstrates the effect of magnetism on tlw phpical states of matter.

Brother Cregol')路 displays a host of equipment in his demonstration of light and atomic structure.

PHYSICS Seniors experiment with the coeftkicnt of linear expansion of a metal rod.


Whi le adhering to the time-proven methods of learning to type, Brother Edmund gives the personal touch that is n('eded to complete th(' <'11Ur5c.

TYPING Freshmen become acquainted with the fundamentals of typing. I II




We not only gained knowledge from nur work hut also sharpened our reflexes.

A chapter in life is now complete ... We have all b('ncfited from our time spent here ... Standing on the brink of unlimited horizons ... Cherishing four wonderful years of memones ... Accepting responsibilities as young Catholic men ... Proud that we were Brothers' boys ...


ARTHUR J. ANSERT 3840 N. Park Avenue, 40 BA 8-7208

JAMES B. BAl\1NISTER 5307 Gillespie St., 24 JE 3-5542

Saint Stephen

Saint Bartholomew

I B. 20, 3E, 4C . . . lntramurals 1.2.3,4 . se<'n with Yaro ... "Ans" . . Secret Scr\'icc.

1C,2E,3F,4E . . . Football 3 (L ). 4(L) . . . Track 1.2(L , 3 (L), 4(L) . . . l ntramurals 1,2,3,4 . . . Art Club 2 . . . "Roger" . . . 1968 Olympics ... dislocated hip.

EDWARD R. BARDY 3643 Frankford Avenue, 34 JE 5-3374 Saint Joan of Arc IA,2B,3A,4F . . . Baseball 2 (L),3(L)L,4(L ), Football 1, Basketball I . . . Intramurals 1.2,3.4. .Math Club 3,4 . . . German Club 3,4 . . . Science Club 4 . . . Student Government 3 . . . Bardy Beautiful . . Him and the Fin Fan . • Scholarly Athlete.

DENNIS P. BLAKE 226 Collings Avenue Collingswood, ~.J. UL 4-5362 Saint John

JOHN T. BLAKE 910 Ann Drive, Trevose EL 7-8699 Saint Christopher 1G,2:\,3C,4A . . . Baseball 3 . . . lntramurals 1,2 . . . German Club 4 . . . German scholar .. Egg Head.

JOH"\ J BOCCI ::1140 South Uhcr Street, 45 IIO 2-4753 Saint Richard 1B.2G.3F..1C . . . Intramurals 1,2,3,4 . . . I went from "riches to rags" in Brother Gregory's class.

JOHN P. BOLAND 517 West Chelten A'~enue, 26 HA 4-7898 Saint Helena 1D,2B,3C,4F . . . Swimming 1 . . . Crew 1 . . . Intramurals 1,2,3,4 . . . Student Council 1,2,3,4 . . . "Wake up Boland!" . . . "Mal" perennial president.

IF,2C,3B,4C . . . Football 1,2 3(L);HL) . . . Swimming 1, 2,3 . . . Crew 1,2.3(L),4(L) . . . Intramurals 1,2,3,4 . . . Bcnildc Clu b 1,2 . . . Scar cheek . . . mosquito state Likes P.O.D.

GREGORY P. BO:-JNER 104 Johns Road, Cheltenham ME 5-201+

NICHOLAS J. BONANNI 3122 North 24th Street, 32 BA 3-46 12

Saint Joseph

Saint Mary of the Eternal

1A,2A,3A,4F . . . Cross Country 3 . . . Basketball 3 . . Intramurals 1.2,3,4 . . . Wisterian 4 . . . "~ate'' . . . ''I'm sick ~fr. Farrell" . . . Big C ... Yankee fan.

IC,2C,3D,4F . . . Bowling 3, 4 .. . l ntramurals I ,2,3,4 . . . "Hey, where's the Bocce court?" . . . " Fastest grape stamper in North Philly" . two votes for vice-president. ,#


PAUL J. BURGER Briar Lane, Lafayette Hill TA 8-2582 Saint Philip

RICHARD J. BUR.'\S 7712 Beech Lane, 18 AD 3-0621

1B,2D,3E,4C . . . Intramurals 1,2,3,4 . . . Legion of 'M ary . . . "Where is Bulb?" . . Frog ... The great foursome.

Seven D olors of BVM IE,2D,3E,4C . . . Cross Country 3.4 . . . Intramurals 1.2.3, 4 . . . Legion of Mary 1,2.3, 4 . . . Dramatics Club 3,4 . . . Blue and Gold 3 . . . Dick and Dan . . . McDevitt pep rally.

WILLIAM L. BURNS Beaver Road, Wyncote, Pa. TU 4-8906 Immaculate Conception 2G,3E,4B . . . Crew 3,4 . Swimming 4 . . . lntramurals 2,3,4 . . . Benilde Club 2,3,4. French Club 3,4 . . . Penn's H omecoming . . . three year man ... pickle man.

RONALD C. BURRELL 214 7 Susquehanna Road TU 6-9212 Our Lady H elp of Christians 10,2D,3B,4C . . . Intramurals I ,2,3,4 ... "Who did his Spanish?" . . . one of the top three in Greek class.

JOHX ~I. Bt.RT'\ICK 5450 Lan;:e Strcl't 2路1 PI l-2862 Saint


of Tours

!F,2A,3C,.JE . . Track 1,2 . . . Football ~(L) . . Intramurals 1.2.:1,.1 . . . Student Council 3,4 .. . P.O.D. rlass . . Butrick.

PETER V Bt RTQ'I( 4017 South W,mtcr Road Lafayette Hill, Pa. TA 8-H:l8

THOMAS J. CALLAHAN SO·W ·wade Street, 44 VI 3-5831

Saint Philip

Saint Francis of Assisi

I:\.2G,3B,4.\ . . . Crt>ss Coun.. Tt·ack _ Intramurals I ,2,3,-i . . Science Cluh ~ . . . ' ' llo\\ s Cleo?" . . . C.Y.O. basketball.

I B,2E,3F,4C . . . I ntramurals 1,2.3,4 . . . " Where's Blake with my homework?" .. . big boy raffle .

try 2,3

LA WREl'\CE J. CALLAN 1325 Vernon Road, 50 LI 9-4265 Saint Raymond IA,2F,3B.4B . . . Swimming 1,2 . . . French Club 3 Intramurals 1,2,3,4 . . . likes girls ... Larry. DE!\'IS M. CANTY 4515 Aldine Street, 36 DE 8-1893 Snint

KEVIN T. CARNEY 670 Summit Avenue, 28 IV 2-3604 Jmmac).llate Heart of Mary


1E,2E,3F,4C . . . Intramurals 1,2,3,4 . . . Confraternity of Christian Doctrine . . . " Not now" Gnorts.

I C,2D,3B,4D . . . Cross Country 2 . . . Intramurals 1,2,3,4 ... Latin Scholar ... Smothers Brother . . . Chatterbox one of the gang.

RICHARD B. CAR.'~EY 670 Summit Avenue, 28 IV 2-3604

J A}.iES A. CARR 1504 Birchwood Avenue R oslyn, Pa . OL 9-3077

Immaculate Heart nf Mary

Saint J ohn of the Cross

1C,2E,3F ,4C . . . I ntrammals 1,2,3,4 . . . Confraternity of Christian Doctrine . . . head of four Smothers Brothers . . . fifth Aoor at Harrington Hotel.

ID,2B,3A,4B . . . Scholastic letter 2 . .. I ntramurals 1,2,3, 4 . . . Benildc Club 3,4 . . " Roslyn boy" . . . Greasy McDevitt pep rally.


X. C.\RROLL 3334 Rha"n Street , 36 DE 3-4 181· Saint Dominic

1A,2A,3A,4F . . . Religion Medal I . . . Algebra ~Iedal 3 ... Scholastic Leiter 2.3 ... Intramurals 2 . . . Forensics 2,3,4 . . . Math Club 3,4 . . . Chess 3,4 . . . Science Club 4 . . . The X . . . R ocky's friend.

JOH ~ CASEY 100 Chrsnl'y Lane, I 8 \'E 6-5880

Saint Genevie\1' ID.2G.3FAB . . . Crr" 1,2 . . . I ntramurals\ rt Club • . . Benildr Club . • . \\'ist!'rian . . . Frenrh Club . . . ~lath Club o o wears sandals . . . roughing spells.

FRANCIS J. CASSIDY 912 Ripley Street, 11 PI 5-9766 Saint Cecilia

WILLTA~i J. CASSIDY JR. 800 East Phil-Ellena Street, 19 VI 3-1113

Saint Therese of Jesus

I E,2A,3C,4E . . . Intramurals I ,2,3,4 . . . German Club 3,4 . . . Benilde C lub 4 .. . ~lath Club 4 .. . football pool F. casSJDdy.

the Child

1F,2B,3C,4D . . . Track 1 ... Swimming 2 ... Jntramurals I, 2,3,4 . . . Wisterian 1,2,3,4 . . . Benilde Club 1,2,3,4 . . . D ramatics 3,4 . . . Math Club 3,4 ... Cass ... O cean City.

WILLIAM J. CATTlE 3183 MayOower Road TA 8-2907 Saint Philip 1D ,2B,3F,4B . . . Scholastic Letter 2,3 . . . Ilistory :l\fedal 3 ... Crew 3,4 ... lntramurals 1,2,3,4 . . . free ride 1,2, 3,4.

PAUL B. CHAMPLIN 500 Ha.rvey Street, 44 GE 8-4035 Saint Vincent De Paul 1A,2G,3E,4B . . . FoQtball . . . T rack 3,4 (manager) . . . I ntramurals 1,2,3 . . . Benilde Club 2,3,4 . . . French Club 3,4 . . . Math Club 4 . . . Legion of Mary 3,4 . . . Band 2,3,4 . . . Twinkletoes . . . Champ ... As-ma J oe.

Al\'DREW J. CL.\RK 5561 Loretto A\·cnuc, 24 PI 3-5179 Saint

~1arti n

of T ours

1B,2G,3C,4E . . . Intramura ls 1,2,3,4 . . . Gt"rman Cl ub 3 . . . Band 1 . . . Science Club 4 . . . Bullwinklc . . . D rew ... Oxford Circle boy.

WILLI Ul F. C'I \RK 7709 Qul'l·n Stl·cN 113 AD 3-tl2i

DAVID E. COFFEY 624 Emerson Street, 11 RA 5-1152

Seven Dolors

Saint Cecilia

1C 2F,3F,4B • . . Crew 1,2,3 . . . Intramurals 1,2,3,4 Art Club 2.3;~ . . . French Club j 4 : . Bcnildc Club 4 . Student Government 3, 4 . "Who needs a shave?" . 1Ion Frere . . . Brother Orchid.

1A,2B,3C,4F . . Scholastic Letter 2 ... Tennis 2 . Intramurals 1,2,3,4 . . . Math Club 3,4 . . . German Club 3, 4 . . . Science Club 4 Yearbook 4 ... Buddy ... Bas· sine ... Cake and ...

JAMES J. COLANTONIO 6908 Lawnton Street, 28 IV 3-2905 I mmaculate Heart of Mary

JOSEPH J. COUSTRA 6248 Charles Street, 35 DE 3-8343

1E,2D,3D,4B . . . Intramurals 1,2,3,4 . . . Band 1,2,3,4 . . . green T -bird . . . Roxborough boy ... Col.

Saint Timothy lD,2G,3E,4D . . . Football I, 2(L),3(L),4(L) . . . Track 2, 3 (L) ,4(L) . . . Student Council 1,2,3,4 . . . Pot-mobile . . . Bear . . . "The election almost went to Pot."

JAMES L. COMERFORD 8405 Anderson Street, 18 CH 7-1774 Our Mother of Consolation 1A,2B,3D,4F . . . Intramurals 1,2,3,4 . . . German Club 4 . . . Furd . . . wiggles his ears . .. Flame's buddy.

PAULS. CONLOW 120 Village Lane, 14 NE 7-9046 Our Lady of Calvary 1D,2D,3B,4D . . . Intramurals 1,2,3,.~ . . . Warchousc boy ... Marko's pal.

WILLIAM P. COOGAN 512 North 19th Street, 30 LO 8-2396 Cathedral 1G,2F,3B,4D . . . Football . . . Cross Country I . . . In· tramurals 1,2,3,4 . . . French Club 3 . . . The Coog psychic in English . . . midcity boy.


\. Ct:XXIXC.II \~[ 6738 Limekiln Pike, 38 L1 8-2386

PHlLIP V . COYLE 1018 Loney Street, II FI 2-8728 Saint Cecilia

Saint Benedict

IA,2B,3D.4F . . . Scholastic Letter 2 . . . Baseba ll 2(L ),3 (L ) ,4 (L ) . . . I ntramurals I ,2, 3,4 . . . ~lath Club 3,.~ Coile . . . injury prone . . . ne\'er incomplete.

IF,2F.3F..JB • . • Track 2,3, 4(L) lntramurals I 2,3.4 . . . Art Cluh 2,3,-l . . . ~lath Club 3,4 . . . French Club 4 . . . Flash likes bright colors.

J AMES M. CUNNINGHAM 7011 Limekiln Pike, 38 LI 9-2057 Saint Athanasius IG.2G.3D,.m . . . lntramurals 1,2,3,4 . . . French Club 3,4 . . . French scholar . . . Wisepork ... Jim.

BRL\ '\ D D \XIF L 22l Forrest Avenue Elkins Park, 191 17 TU 4-7161 Saint J ames

EDMUND J. DAVIS 4 Rose Lane Flourtown AD 3-4275

IF,2C ,3D .1 F .. . Foothall 1.2 , 3 (L ) . . . Ba~eball 2.3( L ).4 (L) . . . Track I . . . I ntramurals 1,2,3,4 . . . German Club 4 . . . Student Council 3,4 ... Bri-onn ... Leader.

Saint Genevieve 1E,2D,3D ,4D . . . Track 1,2 . . . Cross-Country 1.2.3 Band 1,2 . . . '47 Ford . Latin Scholar.


JOHN L . D eLUCA 2429 Brown Street, 30 PO 5-1040

MICHAEL F. Dc:\fASl 5013 Whitaker Avenue, 24 cu 9-7625

Saint Francis Xavier

Saint Ambrose

1C,2E,3F,4C . . . Football 1,2 . . . lntramurals 1,2,3,4 . Confraternity of Christian Doctrine . . . "Ain' t got no money Kuc." Fairmount Fats ... 2E survivor.

1B,2E,3F,4C . . . I ntramurals 1,2,3,4 . . . Art Club I . . . Spanish Club 2,3 . . . coach . . . "Not taking you home Doyle."

jOH:\ \. DE\IPSI'\' WI LLIA M F. DO RAN 2055 West Marshall Street :"lorristown, Pa. BR 7- 1191

5:!:!3 Sydt·nham Str<'t'l, 41

(,1 5-8 Ul2

lloly Child


ID."<:.:lO.·IF . . • Track 2,:~ ('r· ·~~ C<lUntry 3 ( L ) . . • • . . Track :!,3 ... Imranmrah 1.2,3 I •• .\lath Club :1 ••• Bcnildc Cluh 2.3.1 ... <•t•rman ·~ . . Jakr· Jumping- jac·k Krusn Inc.

IA.2A.3C.4A . . . Football 1,3 . . . Basketball 1,2,3,+( L ) .. . I ntramura ls 1,2 . . . German Club 2 . . . "Get a ruling on those pants. son'' . . . Norristown dude.


FRANCIS M . DOUGHERTY 23 I i South Garnet Street, 4 5 110 5-0169 Saint :Vfonica I F,2C.3E,I C . . . I ntramurals 1.2.'!.4 . . . Blue and Gold ·~ DoC' . . ~like . . . Villanov!' fan.

WILLI AM J. DOUGH ERTY I 106 Clovernook Avenue Cc.rnwclls Heights, Pa. ME 9-4546 St. C harl es Borromco

J AMES A. DOWNEY 2168 Kenmore A \'enue Glenside, Pa. TL" 4-6069

IG.2C.3E,4C . . . Swimmi ng I (L ).2(L),3( L ),4(L) . . . Intramurals 1.2,3 . . . Student Council I ,2,3,4 ... Bear's buddy ... "Yer close!" ... P.A.C.

Saint Luke IE,2D,3 E, ID . . . fntramura ls ~lath Club 4 .. . French Club 3.+ ... Flake .. . Glenside cumm utrr.

1.2. 3A .

EDWARD W . D u FFY 6324 North Broad Stree t, 4 1 Ll 9-6055 THO~I,\S

.\ DOYLE 615.! .\n;nlr Strret, II PI 5-5:157 Saint William

IC,2F,3B.+D . . . Track 3.1 . . . Intramurals 1,2.3 l l'lash ... Rcc hoy.

Saint Benedict I A,2D,3 E,4B . . . Intramurals 2,3,4 . . . Debating Club 2 . . . Photog raphy Club 2 . . . Color Guard 4 . . . Benilde Club 4 .. . Science Club 4 ... "Sorry Duffy, no can read" . . . '59 Dodge . . . "Never got a ma th credit."

DA:'\IEL J. E.!'\OCII 4036 Fairway Road Lafayi.'IH' Hill. Pa.

JAY L. DUGAN 1469. Tallyho Road Meadowbrook, Pa. WI 7-1698

T:\ 8-9902

Samt Philip Our Lady Help of Christians IA.2B '3F.4B . Leuer 3 .. . 1ntram •ra s I ,2,5, .J . • Blue ami Gold 3 . . Student Cuuncil 3,-} • . • Student Government 4 , , Bcnildc Club .J . • • Dramatin Club ·} . . • )·carhook rcjt•ct . . famous elevator ride.

IF,2F,3F,4D . . . Football 1,2 . . . Track 1,2,3,4 . . . Intramurals 1,2.3,4 . . . Math Club . . . seen on 9th Street beach . . . Chatterbox boy . . . loose guitar strings.

J OSEPH F. FAHY 407 1 Higbee Street, 24 cu 8-2708 Saint Timothy IG,2E,3F ,4C . . . 3(L),4(L) . . . . . . I ntramurals Student Council "Where's Bear?" JOHN ~1. FEE:'\Y 330 East Gowen Avenue. 19 CH 7-2761

Football 1.2. Baseball 2,3 1,2,3,4 • . . 2.3 "You'll set

over it.H

Holy Cross 10,2B.3C.4A . . . Football I, 4 . . . 1 ntramurals 1.2,3,4 . . . Feen ... "3C boy" . . . crossword puzzles in P.O.D.

ROBERT J. FELDMAN Nl.'i WC'st County Line Road Ilatboro Dl 3-0231 Saint Jos<"ph llallowel IC,2F,3B,4D . . . Crew 1,2

. . . rntramurals 1.2.4 . French Club 3,4 . . . Rat bets with Krimm.

JOSEPH R. FILI NUK 921 Atlantic Avenue, 4 Camden, New J ersey wo 4-888 1 Sacred Heart 1F,2B,3F,4C . . . Scholasti c Medal . . . Scholastic Letter 3 . . . Fomball 1,2,3( L ),4 (L ) . . . French Club 4 . . . Nuk . . . J ersey J oe . . . one of the three Greeks.

RCSSELL J . FOSTER 33 \\' oodale Rt•ad 18 CH 7-7815 Our


of Consolation

ID,2B.3D,4F . . . Srholastic Medal 3 . . . Scholastic Letter 3 . . . Baseball 3,4(L) . . . lntramurals 1,2,3,-} . . . Math Club 3,4 ... German Cluh 3,.} . . . Science Club 4 . . . Blue and Gold 3 . . Rus.\ . . . smooth Ford . . . Foster's pool hall.

JOH:-.: J GAFF"'P.Y 382 Edmconds \\'t'nue Drt•xel Hill CL 9-9112

GERALD]. GALLAGH ER 6944 Forrest Aven ue, 38 WA 4-0.J-58

Saint Andre"

Saint Athanasius

IC.2G.3A.·1F . . . Football . . . Baseball ( manager) 2 . . . Intramurals 1,2.3,-J. . . .German Club ·! . . . Gaff . . . S<'holastic Letter 3?? .. • Last cut

I B,2B,3C,4A . . . I ntramurals 1,2,3 . . . German Club 3,4 . . . Fastest V.W. in the lot . .. "Bu t I've got a cold, Mister Farrell" . . . Study period gabber.

RICHARD W. GALLAGHER 58 19 Anderson Street, 38 LI 8-5899 Immaculate Conception IA.2A.3C,4E . . . Bowling 2 . . . Intramurals 1,2,3,4 . . . German Club 3 . . . Scie~e Club 4 . . . Puppy . . . A boy from Immaculate . . . German scholar.


C. GALLAGH ER 139 Anbury Lane OL 9-7745

Saint J ohn of the Cross IG,2A,3C,4F . . Crew 2,3(L) . . . Football (manager ) 1.2 . . . lntramurals 1,2,3,4 . . . German C lub 2 . . . Student Council I . . . Neshaminy game . . . McDe\•itt pep rally ... Disqualified.

EDG \R J G.\:":SZ 610 Thornhill Drive, Lafayette II ill T:\ 8-2955 Saint Philip I B,2G,3B.4C Basketball ... Track I . . Cross Country 2.3 . . . Tntramurals 1.2.3,4 . . . Gar • . C.Y.O . basketball ... Lafayette loun~e.

STE PHEN P. GARY 732 Spruce Road OS 5-5954 Nativity of O ur Lord ID,2D ,3E,4C . .. l ntramu rals 1,2,3,4 . . . French Club . . . Legion of Mary ... Eats lunch with Kuc, M urphy, and DeLuca . . . non-gru bber all candidate.

DONALD C. GEHRING 6926 Horrocks Street, 49 PI 5-7619

Cllf\.RLES L GF.\1\H 70:1<! Cedar Park An- tt' 8 Ll fl-8750

Our Lady of Ransom Saint IE,2G,3A,4E . . . Basketball 3 . . . Tntramurals 1,2,3,4 . . . German CJub 2 . . . Benilde Club 2,3,4 . . . Wisterian 3,4 . . . Blue and Gold 3 ... apple in the bag . . . sour candy during class.


IF.2C:,1D,.t.\ . . . Intramurals I ::!.:-1 I C•t·rman Cluh 3, I . . . Bcndn '49 C:he\ y . . floor 'hift.

JOSEPH M . GOLDING 7838 Provident Street, 50 HA 4-8436 Saint Raymond IC,2G,3C,+E . . . Football I ,2 . . . Swimming 1 . . . Intramurals 1.2.3,+ . . . German Club 3,+ . . . Art Club 3 Science Club + ... Dramatics Club 3,4 . . . Student Council I . . . Fat Dutchy . . . champ and comic books . . . ''Get the Rambler moving."

JOHN J. GONTK OF 181 5 Faunci Street, II Fl 2-1393 Resurrection of Our Lord IA.2B,3D.4F . . . Typing :\leda! 1 . . . Scholastic Letter 2 . . . Bo"'lins- 1.2 ( L),3( L ),+ (L ) . . . Intramurals 1,2,3 .•. Confraternit~ of Christian Doctrine 3 . . . German Club + . . . Gont . . . ~~ and H . rejects . . needs insurance.

JOHN P. GORDON 4651 Horrocks Street, 24 JE 5-2248


D. HATCH 2J 91 h :\venul' Haddon Heights '\ .J LI 7-3041

Saint Joachim SainL Rose of Lima IG,2E,3F,4C . . . I ntramurals I ,2,3,4 . . . Legion of Mary 3 . . . Football Manager I . . . Moose . . . two years with A:uie . . . Esoom !llodrog . . . "Please, not now Gnorts."

. Trark 2,3,4 IE.20.3D.+A Cross C'nuntry 2,1 Intramural I ,2.3.-t . . Student Council 2 . . Jersey forc>ver . . Air Force band . . jumping Jerome.

MICHAEL J. HEANEY 3336 D issto n Street, 49 DE 2-22 19

DF"\J<; "/ ll \WKES \\"ORT H 711 DcK alb Street, ::-, >rrist.,wn Br 2-0601

Saint Matthe" Saint Patrick IA,2C,3A,·l-F . . . Crew . . . Baseball 2,3,4 . . . lntramurals 1,2,3,4 . . . Math Club 3,4 . , . German Club 3,4 . . . Bcnildc Club 4 . . . Wa-Wa raiders . . . Rughead ... Saint james' bus.

I B,'2C,:ll), Ill . . I ntrarn nrals 1.2.1 . . Benilde C lub 2,4 . Scit•nre Cluh 1- • • German C lub 'l . ",\ wkesworth " . . • suprr-silent Che,·ie " W ho's ~ul the Physics?"



MICHAEL W. HEEBNER 209 East Wyoming Avenue, 20 DA 4-1393 Saint Ambrose If ,2A .3C.4A . . . Cre" 2,3,4 {L) . . F ootball ( manager ) 2,3( L ),4( L ) . . . Intramurals 1 .2.:~.1 . . . German Club 3,4 . . . Art Club 3 . . Sdcnce Club •I . . . Mike . . . Hcebs .. . Photography bug.

FREDERICK C HELLER 10 Edge Hill Road, Huntingdon Valley OL 9-4197 Saint David

RICHARD C. HE:\IBERGF.R 3 13 Po wder Horn Road, Flourtown TA 8-1094-

IG.2G.3F,4E . . . Crew 1,2,3, 4 ( L) . . . F ootball (manager) I . . . lntramurals I ,2,3,4 . . . French Club 3,4 . . . Art Club 3,4 . . . Dramatics 3,4 Freckles . . . Brother J erome's buddy.

Saint Genevieve I D ,2F.3B,•m . . . Baseball 1,2,3 ( L ).4 ( L ) . . . Intramurals I , 2,3.1- . . . Art Club 2 . Wistc rian 1.2.3,4 . . . Y r arho<>k 4 . . . French Club 3,·~ . . . Blue a nd G old money man . . . B.C . bound . . . ci gar for Fathe r Amandus.


I' OW \RD J. H ILI:"\SKI b25'i Erdrirk Street. 3j DE R-1198 Saint John Cantius

IC.2.\ ,3C:.H:

. lnt ramurals

:!,:l.•l . . r.r rrnan Cl uh 3,4 . Pho tnt.:raph y C lub 2 . . Book D is<·ussion Group 2 . . . Band 2,'1 • Science Club -~ . . . Frc·nch Cluh 3 . . K iclha~y \and,,irh . • . A l!raduatc of thr a,·iary



814 East Phii-EIIena Street, 19

V I 4-4121 Saint Therese o f the Ohild jesus IB,2B,3C,4D, . . . Cross Coun· try I ,2,3 . . Track I . . . Tntramurals I ,2,3 ,4 . . . Science Club 4 . . . Bcnilde Chtb 4 . . . Frenc h Club 4 . . . Math Club 3,4 . . . Wlsterian 2,-1- . . . The quiet man . . . One of the flock.

WALTER C. JENKINS 2021 Shelmirc Avenue, 15 FI 2-6617

DAVID J. JOII!'ISO~ i229 Sommers Rnad 38 LT 9-3046


Saint Athanasius

IF.2E,3D,4D . . . Baseball 2, 3 (L) , 4 (L) . .. Football 1,2, 3 (L), 4 (L ) . . . I ntramurals 1.2,3,4 . . . Sleepy . . . Lord Marlboro . .. smoke stack.

I E.2E.3BAE . . . Band 1.:?,3,4 ... All Catholic Band 3,-~ ..• AWOL • . . drummer bor •. page 112.

R AYMOND R. JONES 1141 Windrim Ave nue, 4 1 GL 5-9019 Holy Child

J AMES P. JOYCE 8391 Algon Avenue PI 2-2805

I A.2B,3C,4F . . . Scholastic Letter 1,2 . . . I ntramurals 1 ,2,3.-~ . . . German Club 3,4. . . Math Club 3.4 . . . the J ones boy .. Buddy's buddy ... basketball plarer.

Maternity B.V.M. I C,2F,3B,4B . . . T rack I (L ), 2(L ), 3 (L ), 4 (L ) . .. Basketball I ... Football 1.2,3,4 ... Cochise . . . T arzan . . . Joyccy's gang.

K£RK T . KARASZKIEWICZ 5H North 22nd Street, 30 LO 4-1993 Saint Hedwig 1D,2<.:,3E,4A . . . Football 1,2, 3 ( L) , 4 ( L) . Intramurals 1,2,3,·1 . . . Student Coundl 4 . . . " Eats ten sandwiches at lu nch'' . .. Karaszk#?!!.

DANIEL J. KEATING 3639 North Sydenham Street, 40 BA 9-3997

RICHARD D. KENDRICK 36 West Highland ;\\'cnuc, Ill <.:H 7-5095

Saint Stephen

Our Mother of Consolation

1D,2A,3A,4F . . . Scholastic Letter 2 . . . Track ·I . . . German Club 4 . . . Science Club 4 ... Math Club 3,4 ... Old Baldy . "Who likes Roman?, " Wha t, me worry?"

1A,2C,3A,4F . . . CI'C\\ 2 .. Intramurals 1.2.3.~ . . . Art Club 2,3.+ . . . Math Club 3,·1 ... German Club 3.4 . Blue and Gold :1 . . . Photograph)' Club I ,2.3 . . . Hoss auto raring fanatic . . . hot Simra.

jOil ~


K E~:\EY

JOHN M. KILDUFF 3334 Tilden Street, 29 VT 3-3442

7·17 Sh:t\\llWnt \wnue. 28 IV 3-i750

Immaculate Heart of


Saint Bridget·

I D ,2B,3E, H' . . . Scholastic Lrtt!'r 2 . . . Scholastic 'Medal 3 , • Swimming 1 . . . Bowling 2,~ . . l ntramurals 1.2, 3,1 . . . Math Club J . . Science· Club •I • . ~atiunal ~ferit Semifinalist . . Jack .•. quiet man.

1B,2D,3D,4B . . . Basketball . . . Intramurals 1,2,3,4 . . . Legion of Mary 3 . . . C.C.D. 3 ... Dramatics 3,4 ... "The jet, that's you, Tyrone" . . . Ffudlik.

PA UL D. KING 8000 Highschool Road . l 7 ~fE 5-2443 Saint James I B,2E,3F, IC . . . Intramurals I ,2,3,4 .. . Legion of Mary 3

. . . Gnik ... Ricky.

GREGORY J. KINSCH 241 Fair Oaks Avenue, Horsham OS 5-4906 Saint Catherine of Siena

WARREN W. KLE:-rt< 1385 Edgewood Avenue, Roslyn OL 9-8292

IA,2G,3A,4E . . . lntramurals 2.3 . . . Student Government 3 ... Art Club 3 ... Math Club 4 ... Wisterian 4 ... Gcnnan Club 4 . . . Barnyard . . . believes in Santa Claus . . . ambassador from Horsham.

Saint J ohn of the Cross I E.2D,3 E,4C . . . I ntramurals 1.2.3,4 . . . Dran1atics 4 . . . Legion of Mary 4 . .. C.C.D. 3, I . . . Whitey . . . Roslyn ? Where's that?



\ S K O Z 'CB :?i91 l~ddingtc•n Street. 37 CL R-4-898 Samt John Canuus JD,2D,:IE,IC . . . Track 1,2 . . . I nt ram urals . Math C lub ~ .. French Club I (;rrman Cluh 4- . . . Benildc· Club I . . . Scj ence Club 4 . . . ~lunch "Wht·r!''s Brideshurg?"

JOHN C. KRAUSE 7036 Ridge Avenue, 28 IV 3-3713 Immaculate Heart of Mary IB,2A,3C,4E . . . Bowling 1,2, 3,4 . . . lntramurals 1,2,3,4 . . . "Go, R oxborough" Wizard of Oz Club ( 4) . . .

JOSEPH A. KREDA TUS 4544 Manayunk Avenue, 28 IV 3-1603 T H 0 :\1.\S A. KRI\.1:\1 3357 \\'ellingtr r Street, :\( \ 4-1582

Saint Mary of the Assumption I E,2B,3C,4F . . . Scholastic Letter 2,3 . . . Scholast ic ~fedaJ 3 . . . Track 2,3,4 (L ) ... Cross Country 4 ... Intramurals 1,2,3,4 . . . Math Club 3,4 . . . Confraternity of Christian Doctrine.3 . . . German Club 3,4 . . . Blue and Gold 3,4 . . . Student Council I . . . " Didn' t see Wembly." . . . surprise quiz . . . the little woman.


Saint :\.Iau he'' 1F.2F.3B.4B . . Swimming ..• Track 1,2 I ntramurah French Club 4 1,2.3.4 . . .. • little K rimm.

JOSEPH P. KROMDYK 423 Myrtle Avenue, Cheltenham ES 9-2987 Presentation

PETER G. K UC 1518 North 7th Street, 22 CE 6-3350

I G,2G,3E,4B . . . I ntramurals 1,2,3,4 . . . Confraterni ty of Christian Doctrine 3 . . . French Club 3,4 . . . D ramatics 3,-1 . . . Benilde Club 4 . . . :-./oodles . . . seat-hclts ... \dndow hreaker.

Cathedral of the I mmaculate Conception IC,2A,3C,4E . . . Intrrunurals 1,2,3,4 . . . German Club 3 . . . Confraternity of Christian Doctrine 3 . . . D ag and Moje . . . "Got a nickel, J ohn ?" knew Kolb and Christophcr.

BERNARD W. K U REK 2825 Kirkbrid e Street, 37 CU B-1 54 ~ Saint J ohn Cantius IA,20,3A,4E . . . Intramurals I ,2,3,4 . . . Dramatic Club 2 . . . Gcm1an Club 2.3,4 . . . Frcnrh Club 3:l . . . Sc-ience C.ub 4 . . . Book Di~cussi on 3 ... Band 1,2,3,4 . . "Whcre's Bridcsburg?"

GEORGE W. KYLE 121 Lyster Road, Oreland

TU 7-2259

THOM-\S P L.\ ~t BI I\;LS 80 West Godfrey A\'cnuc, ~0 LT 9- l537

Holy Martyrs Saint Hr lrna 1B,2C,3D,4A . . . Cross Country 2 . . . Track 2 . . . Intramurals 1,2,3,4 . . . Blue and Gold 4 . . . German Club 3,4 . . . Legion of Mary 3 . . . Science Club 4 ... McDevitt's pep rally . . . ocean lover . No, no, no, no, no!!!

1F.2F,3B,4B . . . Cross Cou ntry I . . . C rc" 1 . • . l ntramu rals 1.2,3.4 French Club 3.4 . . . Art Club 2 • .. big Herr . French expert friend of littll' I talian H ere.

JOHN M . LAWLOR 511 East Gorgas Lane, 19 C T-1 7-7063


H. LaRUE 1223 Cottman Avl'nuc, II Fl 2-6749

Saint Therese of the Child Jesus

Saint Cecilia

IF,2B,3E,4D . . . Swimming I . . . Basketball 2,3 (L) ,4(L) . . . Intramurals 1,2,3,4 . . Math Club 4 ... French Club 4 . . . Benilde Club 1,2,3,4 . . . Blue and Gold 3 Smiley ... humble J ack.

IG.2D.3E.4C . . • Track 1.2 l ntramurals I ,2,3,4 . Brnilde Club 4 . . . French Club 4 . . . Lash . • . ycll<m tank.

ROBERT J. LAWRENCE 5429 Lawrence Street , 20 WA 4-6857 Incarnation of Our Lord I C,2C,3A,4A . . . In tram urals 2 . . . Math Club 3,4 . . . Yogi . . . Bear . . . loves to talk . . . inky boy.

FRANK R. LECH 234 East Eleanor Street, 20 GL 5-2262 Saint Ambrose

NICHOLAS W. LEES 1358 Gilham Street, II PI 3-3034

IB,2D,3D,4D . . . Swimming 2 . . . lntramurals 1,2,3,4 . . . Hankie . . . Guts . . . likes Kilduff.

Resurrection of Our Lord I E,2E,3B,4F . . . Swimming I . . . Golf 1,2 (L ),3( L ),4 (L ) • . • Tntramurals I ,2,3,4 . . . M ath C lub 3,4 . . . psychology . . . gonna be a pro . . . future middie.

M ICHAEL R . L EWIS 15 I 6 H arris Lane Wanninister, Pa . OS 5-4563 Saint Joseph !G,2A,3A,l-E . . . Crew 3,4 . . . I ntramurals 1.2.3,4 Grm1an Club 3,4 •• • ,\ rt Club -~ . :\fat~ Club ·} . ~tax . . H ines' ht Hoss favorite.

PAUL W. LI CATA Road I, Norristown 584-4898 Visitation ID,2B,3C,4B . . . Scholastic Letter 2 . . . Swimming 1,2,3 . . . T ennis 3,4(L) . .. Intramurals I ,2,3,4 . . . Blue and Gold 3,4 .... Band 1,2,3,4 ... Student Government 4 . . . friend of Oscar Panzer . . . saw Wembly on 12th floor ... Bucko ... Pal.

HE:\TRY H. LYNCH 205 Kre\\son Terrace Willow Cro\·c, Pa. OL 9-2324

JOSEPH P. LONGSHORE 1015 Anna Road Huntingdon Valley, Pa. ES 9-3643

Saint David

St. Hilary

IA.2A.3.\,4F . . . Schola~tic Medal 1.2.3.·• . . Scholastic Letter 1.2.3,-lI ntramurals 1.2.3.-l- . . Wisterian 3, t .. Gazebo 3.·~ . . . ~lath Club 3,4 ... Peabody .. . "I would prefer not to'' . • . Foster.

1C,2C,3B,4C . . . Scholastic Medal 3 . . . lntramurals I ,2, 3,4 . . . Benilde Club 3,4 . . . Legion of Mary 3 . . Mr. McCabe's buddy . . . Lush . . . sea shore.

JOSEPH P. McATEE 2945 Elbridge Street, 49 DE 3-2809 Saint Timothy

JAMES E. McCLOSKEY 1424 Corm,·ells Drive Corm,·ells Heights, Pa. ME 9-2554

IC,2A,3C,4E . . . lntramurals 1,2,3,4 . . . Photography Club I . . . German Club 3,4 . • . Wistcrian 4 . . . Dramatics 4 .. . Mayfair hoy . . Wi7.ard of Oz Club 4 . . . " ~lac, here I am."

Saint Charles Borromeo IB,2F,3F,4B . . . Swimming Cros~ C:nuntry 2 . . . Track 2,3,4 . . . Basketball I ,2 . . . Intramurals I ,2,3,4 ... Benilde Club 4 . . . French Club 3,4 . . . Art Club 2 . . . Student Government 4 . . . Crave digger . . . intramural tackle football ... Jimmy Atlas.

THOMAS II. McCLOSKEY 8021 Narvon Street, 36 DE 8-0593 Saint Jerome 1E,2A,3A.4F . . . Math Club 3,4 . . . Science Club 4 Dramatics 4 . . . "Doof" . . . miSsed the honor roll by a Aunk.

MARK C . McELWEE 4015 Center Avenue Lafayette Hill, Pa. T A 8-1876

MARTIN J. MrEVOY I 068 Be\'crly Road J enkintown, Pa. TU 4-5351

Saint Philip lmmar ulate Conception 1D,2D,3A,4A . . . Swimming 1,2(L),3(L),4(L) . . . Intramurals 1,2 ... Color Guard 2,3,4 .. . Student Government 3,4 . . . Mac . . . Flyer . . . life guard???

IA,2C,3A,4C . . . Scholastic Medal 2 . . . Golf 3,4 . . . Intram urals 1.2.3,4 ... participates in POD . . . What's so funny? ... a Wis boy.


BERNARD J. McFADDEN 1003 W. Codfrcy Avenue, ll LI 9-0309

JOHN J. McFADDEN 119 West Highland Avenue, 18 CH 7-7521

Holy Angels ID,2C.3E.-1-C . . . Football 1,2 3 L ,4' L ) Swimming 1 . . . Track I . . lntramurals I ,2,3,4 . . . Gazebo 4 . . . Spanish Club 3,4 . .. "Hands" Penn parties .. . Gnorts's cabin buddy.


of Consolation

IC,2F,3B,4B . . . French Club 4 . . . falconry . . . cheerio, old boy.

JOSEPH L. McGILL 11 36 East Rittenhouse Street, 38 GE 8-8663 Immaculate Conception I F,2A,3C,4A . . . Intram urals 1,2,3,4 . . . Band 1,2,3,4 . . . J ody . . . " Who's got a car?" . . . " McGill did it, Brother."

JOHN F. McKEE 5216 North 3rd Street, 20 GL 7-2578 Incarnation of Our Lord

GILBERT F. McKNIGHT 4023 Kottler Drive Lafayette Hill TA 8-0159

1C,2F,3F,4D . . . Intramurals I ,2,3,4 . . . French Club 3,4 . . . Student Government 4 . . . Dramatics 4 . . . Saint Mary's . . . Inky boy . . gotta cigarette.

Saint Philip IG,2C,3B,4A . . . Intramurals 1,2,3,4 . . . Science Club 4 Irish Cavalier . . . go wild.

JOH:\1 J . M cMAHON 6057 ~orth Philip Street, 20 WA -1-9654 Saint Helena I E,2C,3B,4A . . . Football 1,2, 3(L),4(L) . . . Baskrtball I I ntramurals 1,2,1,-1 Science Club 4 . • . dt'fensc ace.

PETER C. McVEIGH 6832 Gorsten Street, 19 VI 3-4398 Saint Therese JC,2C,3D,4C ... Track I ... lntramurals 1,2,3,4 . . . Benilde Ch1b I ,2 . . . Wisterian 1,2,3,4 . . . Student Council 4 . . . Basketball ( Manager) 1,2,3,4 . . . Tweeter . . . Smothers Brother . . . Hawks . .. Mr. President.

DANIEL J. MAGUIRE 323 West Waverly Road TU 6-9136

ROBERT ~L MANDEVILLE 8122 Eastern Avenue, 18 AD 3-2120

Saint Luke

Seven Dolors

IC,2C,3E,4A . . . Cross Coun-

IA.2C.3B.-I-A . . . Photography Club 2,3.-1- . . . German Club 3,4 . . . Cuey . . . ~Iandy . . . good guy.

try 3,4 (L} . . . Track 1,2,3,

f (L) . . . Science Club 4 . . . Bulb . . . 'Guire . . . Ocean City.

DENNIS F. MANION 308 West Ruscomb Street, 20 DA 4-18 12 Incarnation of Our Lord I B,2D,3E,4D . . . Intramurals 1,2,3.4 . . . Dramatics 3,4 . . . French Club 3,4 . . . Spirit Committee 4 ... Monk. JOHN D. MARKOWSKI 3816 Arendell Avenue DE 2-7083 Saint Katherine of Sienna ID,2B,3C,4B . . . lntramurals 1,2,4 . . . Blue and Gold 3 ... Marko . . . Taft man ... ornithological lover.

WILLIAM J. MASTALSKI 877 North Judson Street, 30 PO 5-0859 Saint H edwig IA,2G,3B,4B . . . Crew 1,2,3,4 ... German Club 3,4 ... Science Club 4 . . . Bcaner . Mayor of Boathouse Row . . . on to the Olympics.

JAMES W. MAXWELL 412 Sylvania Avenue Glenside, Pa. T U 4-7862

A. JAMES MEEHAN 1005 Welsh Road, 15 OR 3-0413

Saint Luke

Maternity B.V.M.

IF,2E,3F,4C . . . Football I (L),2(L),3(L),4(L) Track 1,2 ... lntramurals 1,2, 3,4 . . . Benilde Club 1,2,4 ... Student Council 1,2,4 . . . Student Government 4 . . . Llewxam .. . Filinuk's Lawyer.

!B,2C,3D,4A . . . Basketball 1,2,3,4(L) . . . Swimming 1,2 . . . Intramurals I ,2,3,4 . . . German Club 3,4 . . . Science Club 4 . . . Student Council 1,4 . . . 6th lunch "Cut it out Tragemann."


CHARLES H. MESTER 824 Benson Street, II FI 2-2089

ROBERT A. MIGNATTI 109 Bon cover Road Cheltenham ME 5-2630

Saint Cecilia

Saint J oseph

lE,2D.3D,4A . . Track 2,3 . • . Intramurals 1,2,3,4 •. Art Club 3.4 . • . Chuck • loves German .. . towhead.

1C,2F,3B,4D . . . Intramurals 1,2,3,4 . . . Benilde Club 1,2 . . . French Club 3,4 . . Neshaminy game ... McDevitt . . . European traveler . . . Big "C."

EDWARD M. MOCKAITIS 152 West Sylvania Street, 44 GL 5-4776 Saint Francis of Assisi IE,2A,3C,4E . . . Intramurals 1,2,3,4 . . . German Club 3,4 . . . Photography Club 1 . . . Dramatics 3 . . . M oe . . . happy hollow boy . . . Wizard of Oz Club 3.

JOSEPH P. MULLEN 426 Wav~rly R oad Glenside TU 7-8588 Saint Luke ID,2C,3A,4F . . . Golf 1,2 ( L ), 3(L),4( L } . . . Intramurals 1,2,3,4 . . . Photography Club 4 . . . Blue and Gold 4 . . . Wisterian 4 . . . Confraternity of Christian D octrine 3 . . . Brother Nazienzcn 's benefactor chemistry bill . . . subpar.

JOSEPH V MULLIGAN 641 Ea.~t Woodlawn Avenue,

44 VI HHl I mmaculatc Cc>n<"<'ption

lG,2B,'lE,'lF . . . Srholastic Medal 1 . . . Basketball 1.2,3, 4(L) . . . lntramurals 1,2,3,4 . . . DramatiC' Club 3;1 . . . Benildc Cluh 1A . . Art Club 2 . . Blue and Cnld 3,4 Wistcrian 3;1 • • "Wadda you say, ~tang?" . CYO hoy ... German to" n.

JOHN A. MURPHY 2933 Gaul Street, 34 GA 6-3167 Nativity IC,2D ,3C,4A . . . Football 2,3 . . . good-dresser ... 6th lunch . . . DeLuc . . . lend me $.15.

JOHN V. NEEDHAM 7406 Belden Street, II FI 2-0506

GEORGE ]. :\E~IEC 4-1-9 Roxhorough Avenue, 28 IV 1-0133

Resurrection Saint Josephat JA,2C,3A,4F . . . Intramurals I ,2,3,4 . . . Forensics 3,4 . . . Wisterian 2 . . . Confraternity of Christian Doctrine 3,4 . . . Math Club 3,4 . . . German Club 4 . . . Liberace . . . Knuckles O 'Toole . . . Hey Brother, throw him out.

1E,2G.3C,-I.\ . . . BO\din~ . . . Gtolf I • . lntnmurals 1.2,3.-1- . . . Ccrman Cluh 3, ~ . . . The :--loose "\ret a ruling nn those pants, fello\' ' ' . .. RoxborOuf(h.

JOH N S. NICKELS 3255 Maple Road wr 7-2649 Saint Christopher IG,2D,3B;ID . . . Swimming . . . Track 1 . . . Cross Country I . . Intramurals 1,2,3,4 . . . Student Council I Student Government 3 . • . Le~tion of ~[ary 1.2.3 . . . Benildc Club 2 . . Art Club 2 . . 1'Icshaminy game Smily . .. ah,ays sleeping.

PA UL]. NICOLETTI 6308 Valier Green Road Fl<>urtnwn . Pa. AD 3-1065 Saint Ge ne\'ieve ID.2F,3B,-IB . . . Baseball 1.2, 3,4 ( L) ... l ntramurals 1,2,3,·~ . . . French Club . . . You're sure it's the off season . . $25 worth of St"awecd at Ocean City . . . Ccrebc.

EDWARD]. NORRETT 7719 Cedarbrook Street HA 4-2249 Saint Raymond IB,2G,3A,4B . . . Cross Country I ,2 . . . Swimming I ,2, 3 (L),4(L) . . . I ntramurals 1,2,3,4 . . . German Club 3,4 . . . Student Government 3 . . . Free Styler .. . intramural QB . . . "You should come to practice more."

J. \ ~1 ES



83-1 Dnn('t Street. 19 \'I 4-:l791

Sal!lt Therese IA.2C,3F.-1 \ . , Scholastic Letter 1 . Scholastic M edal 3 ... Baskt'lball 1,2 ... ~fa th Club 3,-1 . French Club 3,4 Scicnrc Club 4 . . Wisterian 4 .. 326 ... JP. . . . Friend of the pres.

MICHAEL P. O'MALLEY 6206 Hasbrook Avenue, II Fl 2-6061

J OHN J. O'TOOLE 1611 H owell Street, 49 PI 4-1066

Saint William 1E,2B,3D,4F History !\.fedal 1 . . Scholastic Medal 1 . . Scholastic Letter 3 lntramurals 1,2,3,4 •. Blue and Gold 3,4 . . . Math Club 3,4 . •. Benilde Club 1,2 . .. Legion of !\.1ary and C.C .D. 3 . . . Wisterian 4 . German Club 3,4 . . . Science Club .J. ... He ain't \\tapp<"d too tight . . . What did I do now? . . .

Saint Martin of Tours 1F,2B,3D,4A . . . Intramurah 1,2,3 . . . Math Club 4 . . . Blue and Gold 4 ... Wisterian 4 . . . German Club 3 . Ensign . . . Blue Blazer . specs.

JOHN E. PAULITS 1159 Sanger Street, 24 PI 3-8833 Saint Martin of T ours

WALTER J . PARKER, JR. 210 Wiltshire Drive Challont VA 2-9420

IC,2A,3A,4E . . . Scholastic Medal I . . . Intramurals 1,2, 3,4 . . . Smiley ... loquacious ... sharp shooter.

Saint Jude IG,2C,3A,4F . . . Scholastic Medal 2 . . . Track 1,2,3 . . . Cross Country 2,3,4 . . . Intramurals 1,2,3,4 . . . Benile Club 1,2 . . . Math Club 3,4 .. scientist . . . road runner . . . conservative.

LEONARD S. PAWLOWSKI 2917 Weikel Street, 34 RE 9-0157 Nativity B.V.M. I B 2E 3F 4C . . . lntramurals

t,i,3,4 . ' .. Spanish Club 2,3 . . . Lend me your Spanish! . . . DeMasi's Buddy . . . Zorro.

ANTHONY J. PETTINATO 8442 Forrest Avenue, 50 CH 7-7027 Saint Raymond IE 2E 3F 4F . . . Scholastic

Le~ter' 2 '. . . Scholastir Medal

2 . . Spanish Medal 2,3 . . . Intramurals I ,2,3,4 . . . Math Club 3,4 . . . Blue and Gold 4 . . . Ony Notinpctto Spanish scholar . silent snow, secret snow.

FREDF.RICK B. PHILLIPS 268 East J ohnson Street, 44 VI 4-3103 Saint Madeleine Sophie 1F,2C,3E,4C . . . Football 1,2, 3(L),4 (L ) . . . Track 1,2 . .. Baseball 3 . .. Intramurals 1,2,3,4 . . . Student Govern· ment 4 . . . Ferd . . . We are the boys from Cabin 5 . . . Where is Johnson St.?

N IC HO LAS F. PJAZZOL:\ 5263 North 2nd Street, 20 D A 4-3870

JOS EPH E. PIAZZA 1453 O riental Avenue Glouces ter, New J ersey GL 6-5835

I ncarnation

Sacred H eart

IA.2.-\.3A,4F . . . Schola~tic letter 2,3 . . . Crc" I German Club 3.4 . . Student Council 2 . . ~tath Clu ' 3,4 Science Club 4 . . . \\'isterian 3,4 • . . What's mr mark? . . . handwriting expert ... M arty's friend .

IG,2G,3A,4B . . . I ntramurals 2,3 . . . Student Government 3 . .. needs money for a haircut . . . remember the Cosa l'iostra.

ANTHONY J. PISONl 38 Dewey Road C heltenham CA 4-5247 Saint J oseph 1C,2F.3B,4B . . . Football . . . Track I . . . I ntramurals 1,2,3,4 . . . French Club 3,-1.. . Benildc Club 4 . .. Student Council 1.2 . . . Little H ere . . . Physics scholar Doyle and his potatoes.

B. PA U L PI LLION Mayfai r llouse, Lincoln Drive, 4-t V I 3-6676 Saint Mddelei ne Sophie

MICHAEL J. PRZYBYCIEN 107 Grape Street, 27 IV 2-6490

I B,2C ,3E,4D . . . Track I . Basketball (manager) 2,3 . . . Art C lub I .. . Paul . . . runs apa rtment.

Saint J osephat 1G,2B,3F.4D . . . Intramurals 1,2,3,4 ... Art Club ... Chief . . . spell it .. . wavy hair.

FRANC IS J. PU RCELL 2030 T ulpchockcn Street, 38 WA 4-9282

L EO:"iARD T. RADO~tlLF. 2330 Pleasant Avenue Glenside, Pa. T U 4-1694 Saint Luke

Saint Athanasius 1C,2A,3A,4E .. . C ross Country 1,2 . . . Jntramurals 1, 2,3,4 . . . Art Club 3 . . . hammer wheeler ... G-M an M ed al . . . mean neighbor.

1D,2C,3A,4C . . . ScholastiC' Medal I . . . Football 2 . . . C rew 2 . . . Tntramurals 1,2, 3,4 . . . Legion of M ary 1,2 . . . " Ivy bound ?" . . . 200 weight ... Glenside lovelies.

PETER J. REGAN 8712 Frankford Avenue, 36 DE 8-1179 Saint Dominic I B,2D ,3C ,4A . . . I ntrarnurals 1,2,3,4 .. . Dramatics 4 . . . most active ... too old looking former member of the flock.

PHILIP H. ROTHENHEBER 5244 North 2nd Street, 20 DA 9-8989 Incarnation of Our Lord IE,2A,3C.4E . . . Intramurals I ,2,3.+ . . . German Club 4 . . . the Kid . . . " hurry up, Nicky" . . . Rossi and the Olney boys. PHILIP T. ROTIISCHI:--iG 6324 Lawndale Street, II PI 5-8731 Saint William I A,2G,3A,4E . . . I ntrarnurals I ,2,3,4 . . . Mr. Mopar .

MICHAEL J. RYAN 1023 Shelmire Avenue, II PI 2-5328

''Who's got anything?" . . . Ruach.

Saint Cecilia ID,2A,3A,4E . . . Scholastic Medal 2 . . . Intrarnurals 1,2, 3,4 . . . Forensics 2,3,4 . . . Math Club 3,4 . . . Color Guard 2,4 . . . Gcnnan Club 3 . . . Science Club 1 . . . Rocky Irish king's ancestor . . . extremely loquacious.

FRANCIS W SAUERW\LD 7145 Cedar Park <\ venue, 38 L l 9-1796 Saint •\thanasius IF,2G,3D AB . . . G I'C\\ 1,2.3,+ l ntramurals 1,2.3,.1 • . . Science Club ·1 • • • German Clu b 1 . . Legion of Mary 1 . . . Benilde C lub :L+ . . ('(IX<wain . .. little man, big \'oicc ... •· I hate swimming."

CHARLES F. SCHREADER The Cambridge Apt. 509, 44 GE 8-3799 Saint Bridget 1C,2D,3D,4D . . . Intramural! 1.2.3,4 . . . Golf 2 (L) . . Photography Club 2 . . Chuck ... Alden Park Pool.

GREGORY E. SClOLL \ 681 :1\fcctin~housc Road, 17 TU 4-+024 Saint J ames 1B,2D ,3E,-!B . . . I ntramurals 1,2,3,4 . . . Foothall 1,2,3(L), 4 (L ) . . . Baseball 3(L ,4 (L ) . . . Track 1.2 . . . French Club 3,4 . . . Science Cluh .J. . . . Student Council 1,2,3 . . . spelling champ . . . hi Cherty! ... never got hurt.

GILBERT J. SCt. TTl 2760 ::\10 \\('1 Str ·1'1 1 l.'i HO 4-,252 Samt Jerome I F.2C.3E,4B . . .



try 1,2 . . . r ntramurals 1.2,

3, ~ ... "That's you C:adord " . . . Yo Ed• . . . faulk ne r's "\\'ash."

JOHN W. SHARKEY 3701 Calumet Street, 29 VI 8-4993 Saint Bridget

JOH~ J. SHWOPE 705 Kerper Street, 11 FI 2-3075

IF,2G,3 B,4A . . . Baseball 3 (L ),4(L ) . . . Track 1,2 . . . Intramurals 1.2,3,4- . . . East Falls . . . Shark-eeee Fifth period lunch.

Presentation lA,2F,3F,4D . . . Track . . . Swimming 2,3,4 . . . Intraurals 1,2.3,4 . . . Art Club 2 . . . French Club 4 . . . seen in W.W . . . . smarter than Clark? . . . Didn't make August honor roll.

\\'ALTER F. S::\UTII 8004 Hammond R oad Cheltenham, Pa. ME 5-2038 Saint James I C,2E,3F ,4D . . . Tennis 1,2,

3 . . . Swimming Team 1,2 . . . Jntramurals I ,2,3,4 . . Student Government 4 . . bad mercury . . . Smitty lost his tennis racket.

JA::\IES C. S0::\'1::\L\R 304 Penn Oak Road AD 3-+255 J OHN J. SNODGRASS 367 Belair Road Southampton, Pa. EL 7-0599 Our Lady of Good Counsel 1A.2A,3D,4A

. . .


Club 3,4 . . . Student Govern-

ment 3,4 . . . 6th Lunch . . . Reds . . . presidential assistant.

Saint Genevieve 1B,2B.3F,4D . . . Scholastic Medal 1 . . . Scholastic Letter 1 . . . Cross-country 1.2.3 ( L), 4(L) . . . Track 1.2,3.4(L) . . . Tntramurals . . . Math Club 3,4 . . . French Club 3,-~ ... Wisterian ·1- •• • Blue and Gold + . . Student Go\·ernment 3 . . road runner . . . "ZEB" . . . splendid splinter.

Til OM \S J. SPIELIIOFFER ll2'i Haws An·nue Nnrristm\ n, Pa. BR 2-21151 Saint Francis of .\ssisi I D,2C,3,\,-I F . . . ,\rt Club 3, 4 . . . Wistrrian 1,2 . . . Confraternity of Christian Doctrine 3 . German Club 3,1 . . Sricnrc Cluh •I • • • ~lath C lu '1,4 . • • Color Guard 3,-1 ••• Schpiclz . . • Sport und Spir.l . . . I00 :1\ l'rage in P.O.D.

FRAXCIS l\L STA!NO 8209 Nan·on Street, 36 DE 3-7180 Saint Jerome 1E.2A.3..\,4E . . . I ntramurals 1.2.3 4 . . . Band 1.2.1,4 . . . \1ath Club 4 . . Science Club 4 ... Ralp . . . Rocky's friend ... theater-goer.

VICTOR G. STANTEC 2027 Shelmire Avenue, 15 PI 2-7267 Resurrection ID.2G,3.\.4.-\ . . . Bowling 2,3 . . . Baseball 1.2(L}.:l(L),4 (L) • . . Intramurals 1,2,3,4 . . • "Get that lawnmm' cr ofT the road.'' . . . '·Did )'Ott get the foul ball?" . . . " Are you going swimming?"

W.\LTER J STEPEK 26N Deacon Street. 29 \'I 4-7297

Saint Ladislaus

CARL P. STEVENS 8005 Colfax Street, 36 DE 3-1243

ID,2B,3D; IF . . Scholastic Medal I . . . Geometry ~ledal 2 . . . Latin l\ledal 2 . . . I ntramurals I. 2,3,4 . . . Photography I ,2,3,+ . . . Wisterlan I . . . expert rifleman . iron horse rambles . . . Xword puzzles in math class.

Saint Jerome I C,2G,3D,4A . . . Intramurals 1.2,3 . . . one of the local good guys of 6th lunch ... smoothest guy in the ~ortheast . . . DOC.

A:\'TI!O'\Y \1 STO'\IS 216 \fiffiin Street, 48 no 8·0·159 Saint Casimir 1 \.2 \ 1.\.·lE . . . Football 3 (L}A!L) . . . Tntramurals I, Studrnt C:nunnl ·l 2.3, 1 . . . Math Club :1,4 . • . Stone\' Tonis . . . dark·.c:rt·cn coast ·. . . ac:rl'es '' ith his English tearh1•r.

ROBERT T . STRONG 6338 Hasbrook Avenue, 11 PI 5-0219 Saint William IF 2E 3F 4C . . . Football 3, 4 (L) ' . .'. Track 3,4(L) . . . Intramurals 1,2,3,4 . . . Art Club 2 . . . Gnorts . . . Cabin No. 6 ... got a smoke.

JOHN J SULLIVAN 6819 North 20th Street, 38 LI 8-0948 Saint Benedict IC,2F,3F,4B . . . Intramurals 1,2,3,4 . . . French Club 3,4 . . . Dramatics Club 4 . . Sully . . . French scholar . intellectual.

JOSEPH ~1. T,\K.\CH 7259 Walnut Lane, 38 WA -1-8957 Saint


1E,2E,3B.4E . . . lntramurnls 1,2.3.4 . . . Legion o{ ~!ary 3 ... Tuk.

RICHARD J. THEIS 3266 North Newkirk Street, 29 BA 5-0210 Corpus Christi

JOSEPH A. THO:MPSO)l 615 Belmont Avenue Southampton, Pa. EL 7-3716

1A,2A,3C,4E . . . Scholastic Letter 1 . . . lntramurals 1,2, 3,4 . . . Math Club 3,4 . . . German Club 4 .. . Band 1,2, 3,4 . . . RiC'hie . . . ornitho· logically inclined . . . football pool.

Our Lady of Good Counsel 1F,2B,3A,4A . . . Baseball 2, 3(L),4(L) .. . Art Club 2,3, 4 . . . German Club 3,4 . . . Math Club 3,4 . . . Thomps ... Whiskers.

RICHARD S. TIEDEKEN 1634 Worrell Street, 24 PI 3-3927 Holy Innocents 1A,2R,3F,4D . . . Scholastic Letter 2,3 . . . Scholastic Medal 2,3 ... Religion Medal 2 . . Swimming 2(L),3(L), -l (L) . . Intramurals 1.2,3,4 . . • \\'isterian I . ~fath Club 3,4 . . . Benilde Club 1, 2 ... Shakespeare's friend.

JOSEPH C. TILLMAN 8025 New 2nd Street, 17 ME 5-0272 Presentation !F,2A,3C,4E . . . Intramurals 1,2,3,4 . . . "Who's got the Physics homework?" "What did 1 flunk this time!" ... Till.


A. T0~£1\SET.LI 3252 Ryan Avenue, 36 DE 8-3807 Saint


1D,2D,3E,4A . . Spanish Club 2 .. Intramurals 1,2,3, 4 . . . \\'istcrian ·! For· ensics 2,3,4 . . . Dramatic5 Club 3.4· . . . Abhot Jonquil ... Tiberius ... Caesar

RICH>\RD J. TORRETI 6738 North Broad Street, 26 LI 8-3799

FREDERICK R. TRAGEMANN 918 Griffith Street, 11 FI 2-6638

Holy Angels Saint Cecilia IC,2D,3E,4B . . . Football .• . Intramurals 1,2.3,+ . . . Legion of Mary 4 . . . Benilde Club 4 . . . report card time is fun ... tries hard . . . Babbit lover.

1A,2G,3D,4F . . . Baseball 2, 3(L),4(L) . . . Math Club 4 . . . S!lint James ' bus . . . Washington and Scranton trips ... one of the great 3D boys.

THOMASJ.TRAGEMANN 918 Griffith Street, 11 FI 2-6638 Saint Cecilia 1E,2G,3C,4E . . . Intramurals 1,2,3,4 . . . German Club 2 . . . Neshaminy game ... McDevitt pep rally. FRANCIS 0 . TRAINER 13475 Proctor Road OR 3-1147 Saint Christopher

DAVID D. URBANI 93 Forsythia D rive WI 6-3531

1F,2G,3D,4B . . . l ntramurals 1,2,3,4 . . . Legion of Mary 3 . . . Benilde Club 4 .. . Confraternity of Christian Doctrine 3 . . . Dramatic Club 3, 4 . . . always eating . . .drives the cleanest car in the lot.

Queen of the Universe ID,2C,3D,4D . . . Football 1, 2,3 . . . Intramurals 1,2,3,4 . . . French Club 4 . . . lnabru . . . 48 in vocabulary . blondy.

WILLIAM R. VAN BUSKIRK 228 Pensdale Street, 28 IV 2-2888

ROBERT E. WALTON 3013 Welsh R oad, 36 D E 2-5609

Saint John the Baptist

Saint J erome

1A,2E.3F,4E . . . Cross Country 3,4 (L) . . . Track 1,2,3, 4(L) . . . lntramurals 1,2.3,4 Dutd1 . . . Manayunk babes . . . corner loungcr 1.2, 3,4.

1B,2E,3F,4D . . . Swimming 1,2(L ),3(L),4(L) . . Intramurals 1,2,3,4 . . . Legion Of Mary 2 . . . hot Chevy . . . got your homework . . . tennis fan.

WILLIAM It. WEBER 1932 Lott Strret, 15 OR 3-8952

J OHN A. WHITESIDE 3251 Wellington Street, 49 DE 8-4645

Maternity B.V .M .

Saint Matthew

IG,2B,3C ,4A . . . Scholastic Letter 1 . . . Jntramurals 1,2, 3 . . . Math Club 3,4 . . . French Club 3,4 . . . Weber! . . . " I do not think we are benefiting anything by your presence !" . . . a member of the unholy three.

Scholastic 1D.2B,3E,4D . . Letter 2 . . . Intramurals 1,2. 3,4 . . . French Club 3,.~ • .. German Club 3 . . Bcnilde Club 3,4 . . . ~lath Club 3,4 . . . Blue and Cold 3 White . . . member of unholy 3 ... page 100.

THOMAS J. WILLIAMS 831 East D orset Street, 19 VI 3-3 175 Saint Therese IF,2F,3F,4D . . . T rack 1 Crew 2,3(L ),4(L ) . . . Art Club 2,3 . . . Benilde Club 2 . . . Student Council 4 . . . Smothers Brothers . . . Labor Day at West Avenue. GREGORY J. WOODRI~G 7009 Cedar Park Avenue, 38 WA 4-7487 Saint Athanasius 1B,2G,3D ,4E . . . German Club 3 . . . "It was Mickey M ouse at Scranton." . . . mechanic.

EU GEN E J . WYSZYNSKI 54 13 T orresdalc Avenue, 24 JE 3-7754 Saint Bartholomew 1F,2B,3E,4D . . . Scholastic Letter 2 .. . Scholastic M edal 3 .. . I ntramurals 1,2,3,4 . . . Math Club 4 . .. French Club 4 . . . Benilde Club 3,4 . . . Whiz . . member of the unholy 3 . . . Hemingway symbolist.

ROBERT A. YACOBELLIS 7326 Limekiln Pike, 38 WA 4-1216 Saint Athanasius 1G,2B,3A,4F . . . Football 1,2 . . . Baseball I . . . Intramurals 1,2,3,4 . . . Student Government 4 . . . "Yock" . . . At least I know where the gears are, cow . . . Step outside. ,

DAVID J. YAROSHESKI 7005 Louise Road, 38 HA 4-7810 Saint Athanasius 1C,2D,3E,4C . . . Crew 1,2, 3(L},4(L} . . . I ntramurals I, 2,3,4 . . . Spanish Club 3 .. F rench Club 4 . . . Yaro . seen with Ansert .. Simons.

The futurc tradition of LaSalle ... Some become our S<'niors of tomorrow .. The wise-fools arc in the middle of tl1c road ... The frosh begin to strive to attain their goals ... Hard work and ciTort will lead to their success ...


Junior cla~s prrsidcnts, left to right: Carl Whitlock, Robert Honeyman, Michael McCann, Gregory :\lagarity, William ~lcShane, John DiLanzo, Harry Mitchell, Mirhacl McGinniss.

SITTING, left to right: Robert Valimont, Raymond Zywalewski, Thomas Harron, Gerald Higgins, Gregory Magarity, J ohn D 'Alessandro. STANDING: John Cassidy, John Gallagher, Mark Valenti,

J oseph WallaC'e, Richard Hathaway, WiJliam McCracken, Miehael Shouldis, William Cope, Thomas Donnelly.


SITTING, left to right: Robert Dussinger John Craig William Kennedy Victor D'Orazio John Friel Stephen ~feredith Joseph Passanante Gerard Geier

STANDING: Joseph McGlade John Hilinski Walter Ramick Peter McCrudden John Kutzler Edward Moore

FRO.\! TOP TO BOTTO.\!, left to right: nd H enry Oestreich Thomas McGill Dennis Byrne Stephen ~tc:'\ichol Robert Honeyman Kevin Keegan William Sundcnnann J ames Wise Daniel Flynn James Kugler Howard Hartley Kenneth Kryszczun J oseph Buckley Richard Durso

3B left to right: Gerard Diamond, Albert Kroll, Terrance Wing, William Fynes, Edward Rekas, Gerard Downey. SECOND ROW: Glenn Fricke, James Murray, Terrence Crowley, John

McGroarty, James Degnan, Robert Switalski, Patrick Taylor. THIRD R OW : Michael Netzko, Lawrence Dalton, Daniel Downing, Andrew Fertal.

LEFT, top to bottom: Ernest Fiedler Carl Whitlock William Collins William H utton Wal ter Zaremski D ennis O"Lcary David Bodo

RIGHT: J ohn Schulte Francis Slanina Michael Osborne William Loftus Bernard Boland

3C FIRST ROW. left to right: Jo~eph Schmieg, Frederick Patrick, Francis Diane-him, Grrgnry Mountain, J oseph Lain, J ohn Burns, Terence Taggart, Edward Troise, Thomas Wright. SECOND

ROW: J ohn Derderian, T homas McBride, J ohn Collins, Martin Walsh, J ohn Luviano, Albert Heaton, George Cain, John McAndrew, Owen Montague, Charles O'Connor.

SITTI.\'G. left to right: Robert Barrett Thomas Courtney Jatn('S Bednar Wahl'r Ramspachcr Alan Ottinger John Buzas Ronald Radl Eduardas Skladaitis

ST AXDI.\'G: William Rafter M ichael \IcC:ann R oman Petryszyn Barry T hompson Joscph Casey Brian K ilcullen J oseph Queenan James }.fallon Gregory Schulze


FIRST ROW, left to right: Vincent O'Donnell George Polk Stephen Rauscher Richard Reaney Dennis Carl

SECOND ROW: J ames Loftus Dennis Callan Alan Bianchini Theodore Silber Robert Groves Gregory Guiliano Jospeh Campbell

THIRD ROW: James Magnatta Ronald Fasano Robert Bauerle

SJTTJXG, left to right: Jerald Caruso William Schneider Edward K ostrzewski Lawrence H ill Gerald Cape

STAh'DI NG: Gerald Aubrey Andrew Scott William Ilotz David Duffy Richard Brigidi J o~cph Sheehan

3E SITTI XG, left to right ; ~fare D oyle, J oseph Sokolek, Leonard Szweda, Vincent Kraft, Lawrence Gorski, Albert Buffardi, William McShane, Barry Stanton. STANDI NG: William Wiggins, J ohn

Farrell, Edward Plocha, John Kelly, J oseph Beaty, Vincent Madden, James Clinton, Daniel Collins, Frederick Ackerman, Robert Wilsbach.

SITTI NG, left to right: j oseph Pagano. Francis Iaquinta. Thomas Witkowski, Alfred Daca nay, J oseph ~Iagazino. Barry Ginnetti, J ames Crumbie, J ohn Daly, Stanley Fota. ST Al\'DJJY G : J ohn


SI TTI NG, left to right :

Edward Belcak James Wills William Denker J oseph D raham Robert Matthews J ames H ofelder R ussell Semen STA NDI NG:

Michael K omelasky Francis Piccione Ronald Karolski Michael Shire J oseph Garvin J ohn Hawley John H ouseman

Schroth, J oseph Costa, J ohn DiLanzo. Louis Zieja, Bruce Humphries. F rancis Laska, George Krzeminski, James Curry, :\Iichacl Fried berger.

FROXT. left to right; Paul ~fcllugh. John Foley, Joseph Singer, Arthur Fanning, John ~IcGoldrick, John Pettino, Thomas O'DonneiJ. BACK: Joseph Hart, James Cooney, Frank Becker, Michael

Jeffers, Peter Bradshaw, Lawrence Buckley, Stephen Sullivan, Wayne H ummel.

3G SITTISC, left to right: Rnbert Cunningham, Glenn Haig. Joseph Lehman, Fred Tannarelli, Robert Falconio, Robert ~1orrison, George Huttlin, Vincent Plano, Charles Dobson, Frederick Hirse-

kom, Joseph Goldbeck. STANDING: Harry ~(itchell, D ouglas Gumula, Conrad Grims, J ohn Richards, Thomas Reagan, Frederick Pirrnann.

SIT1'ING, left to right: Robert Schleicher Harry Vantine Ronald Codario Jnhn Cavalieri Thomas ~Iclntyrc Jatncs Breen Michael Connor ~fichacl ~IcCinni~s

STA.VDIXG: John Pron Leo Frangipane J ames Galpin Robert Hamburger Francis Bogle Michael ~fcCarthy Thomas Braun Robert Logan

3H SI TTI NG, left to right: R oman Kwasnycky, Stephen Swinburne, J oseph ~farkmann , Thomas :l.laher, J oseph J ordan, J ohn Falkcr, Bernard K.rimm, Gerald Daskilewicz. STANDING: J oseph Heth-

cringtcm, Joseph Donoghue, Strpht路n Storms, ,\fichael Brady, Francis Dennis, Henry ~fuller, Henry Srhmidt, \nthony :\Ianin, .\lichael Xormile, .\lichacl Quinlan.

Sophom< rc da•s prcsidcnu ll'ft to rig hi: Juseph .MrGn"an, Rohrrl Enoch, William Hamitt m R1chard Bradley, james Matthews. Gerald Ronan

~fichacl ~fcGoldrick, Robert :\filler. K.\'EELISC: Edward ~Iulli足 gan, Louis Clark, J ohn Dunn, Charles Genuardi. "William Winning, 1'\eal Givcy.


FR0,..1 TOP TO BOTTOM, left to right: Nicholas Yanni Paul Cwhing Thomas Horan Samuel Culbert T homas Nickelson Peter d'Entrement Joseph D'Angelo William Gibbons Richard Needham Dennis Reid Salvatore Guarracino Charles Borys

SITTING, left to right: J oscph Flynn Allan Benincasa David McCarthy John Cookson J oseph McGowan Manfred Olivastro

STANDING: William Carlin William Keogh Stephen Altman Jack Galante Charles Blichasz Timothy Erb

2B SITTI NG, left to r ight : \Vi lliam Ashworth, Vincent Quaresima, Michael Masington, Gregory Graynor, Robert Wilder, Michael Napoletano, J ohn Carlin, Gerard Ballard, Victor InnamoratC>. STANDING: Richard Brady, Patrick Gallagher, Michael Mikos,

J oseph Bergmaier, Charles Anspach, Alexander Putnick, J ohn Fitzgibbons, Thomas Lofgren, Francis Odyniec, George Snow, Charles Corkery.

D evine, Daniel P i<:'trus7ka, R a) mond Sykr<, ::'I.I ichael ::'l.t ullcn, J ohn Lo ftus, R obert Enoch, J ohn K ichline.


SITTING, left to right: Francis Wemer Edward Donahue Edward ::'l.lanus1.ak James Kerns Peter Feeny John Grace Phillip ::'1-liraglia Philip Ruggiero

STANDING: Timothy Foley J ohn Kelly Brian Maguire John Robinson Ned Bachus James Angclichio

SITT!SG, left to right: Ilans llawryw, James o路Kane, ~fichael Etzl, Anthony ~lnlinaro, \,1 路hael ~lcGrath. \\'alter Fidler, George Van Osten, Francis :\olan ST AXDIXG: Francis Doherty, Dom-

inic Girondo, J ohn Rado,;ch, Joseph Miller, Michael Barbour, Paul Partyka, Thomas Ratchford, Jan Krzywicki


SITTING, left to right: J ohn Brady James Offner William Hamilton Eugene Whitaker Stephen Kozub Patrick Smith Charles Lockard Albert K eller James Hyde William McK enna

STANDING: Donald Kotas Francis Nolan Stanley Greenfield

SITTING, left to rig ht: Robert Pannt'packer K endall Smith Robert :\Ic.'\ nc~pey Brian Beales Edward White J ohn Hennessy James Danie l Paul Laskow Robert CO<Ir

STA NDING: William Thompson J ohn Cattie Richard Brad ley William Kozub

2E SITTI.\'G, left to right: Duane Wertz, Roben Burt, Walter Miller, Zigmund Strzelecki. Vincent Dowling, William :\farkmann, Ronald O'D riscoll, J oseph O'Kane, Kenneth Fulmer. STANDING :

J ames Flickinger. J oseph Best, :\l ichael Koss. J ohn Ryan. H owa rd Cain, Roger Hampton, Jaul('~ !'lynn, :\l ich:u:l T aylur.

SITTING, left to right: Charles Sweeney William Valenti J ohn Rossi J ohn Bissell Edward Welsh John McDevitt J ohn McGough Charles Brown Clarence Keiser

STANDING: J oseph Sheridan Eugene J ones William McCloskey Ashby J ones Ernest Barbieri

2F K.\'EELI.\'G left to right: Dennis ~lcGcchan, Gregory Honeyman. \[ichael V"n<nl'k)', Roher! Fo,t!•r SITTING: Robert Kurz, Edward Reardon, Tcn•ncc O'Hara, Daniel Tucker, Francis Fisher,

Edward Januszka. ST A,\ DI.\'G: ~lartin ~fcCahc, Robert Dugan, J oseph Luczkowski, James }.tatthcws, Rkhard Scullin.

SITTING, left to right: ~tichacl Turner, Denis Lawler, Gerard Lei mkuhlcr, Stephen ~tcCioskl'y, Leonard Bogle. :Michael .\lenkevich, Francis Van Zandt, William H u)!'hes, Thomas Scully.

STAND/XC: Charles Geiger. .\lichael Wilkm. Thaddeus Bartkowski. .\icholas Staffit'ri. Thomas Perretti, ..\ lan Ri~kus. \\'illiam .\larr, James Titzell.


SITTISG, left to right: Gerald Duran Thomas Reilly Robert Brcrkcnridgc Peter ).tcGonigle Harry Bohrer David Dawson Robert Gumrot Dennis Jenkins

STANDING: Craig Hopkins Ronald Biggans William Downs Kenneth Arobone Eugene Cattic

Frc~hullm class presidents left to right: John Cmquino Rc>hert Gallagh!'r J ohn Meehan, EdY. a d Sr uth R bert Lrbcraturc, St ph Brett.

SITTING, left to right: John Bryers Stephen D'Ambrosio John McGill David Lake John Whalen STANDING: Aloysius Bergin William Carroll Armand Coco Thomas Gowen Francis Arcara David Flannery John Lohn Louis Rieffel

lA KNEELING, left to right : Gordon Mullen, j ohn DiMarzio, Michael Voegele, Thomas Sinnott, Peter Pantaleo. STANDING: Franklin H orn, j ohn Meehan, Robert Kolb, j ohn Kennedy, James Dwyer,

Barry O'Neill, Anthony Tomaino, ~icholas Pucci, Mark Moore, J ohn Normile, John McMenamin, Edward Press, Joseph Staudt.

SITTING, left to right: Paul DeSantis, Michael O'Brien, Brian McElwee, Francis Leonard, Gregory Meyer, Leo Reilly. KNEELINC: John Ansel, James Krause, Lawrence DuLude, J ohn Scan-

Jon, Thomas Klein, Louis Hillegrass, Michael Fitzgibbons. STANDI NC: George Beerley, Michael Smith, R oger Poirier, Peter Matjc, Charles Sullivan, Frederick Palmer.


K.\' f:'ELISC, left


John Bothwell Francis Viola Stephen Dalton

STA;\'DIXC: Michael Jordan Howard Burns Francis McLaughlin Robert Gallagher Richard Welsh john ~aab Joseph Kirschner Joseph Clapham Charles Zapiec James Morton


KNEELING, left to right: Thomas McFarlane, Thomas Baldino, William Cnnv<'y, 1fichael Esposito. STANDI NG: Michael Valimont, Edward Hughes, Michael Buck, Edward Gribben, J ohn Caruno, Robert Blair, J ohn M orasco, Carl Wahl, William Rogers, Patrick Quinn.

lC SITTING, left to right: Robert Donnelly, George Kerper, Timothy O'Shea, Albert Lattanzi, George Komclasky, Robert Notaro, Edward DeAngelis. STANDING: Vincent Lorusso, J oseph Sla-

binski, Paul Stonis, William ~ler.t, Stephen Pilacik, Gregory Winters, Kenneth McGrath, Da\ 1d Ma lek.


SI TTI NG, left to right: Joseph Bentzel Charles Dunleavy Eugene Gordon Richard Kreipe Joseph Keppler William ~cKeown STAND ING, left to right: John Smith Robert Walters Julian Staniec Lawrence Robinson Richard Fatrchild Edward ~1aher

KNEELING, left to right: Kevin Bogle Ellwood Derricks Thomas Ryan Walter McGrath STANDING: John Kowalski George Meyer Frank Radomski Edward Stromberg John Beaty Edward Kershner Robert Field J oseph Forgeng Gerald Woods Eugene Hughes Thomas Mamon Louis Pleasant J ohn Loughran J oseph Murphy

SITTING. lefi to right: Joseph ~linarik Anth on}' Lopresti J ohn Cinquino Carl Burrell Dennis Flynn Albert Johnson Paul l\fuessig Edward Lagan William Piersig William Hence

FRO.\'T, left to ril(ht : Stephen ~forl(:\n Jer<'mr Ca<P\' Paul :\:owak J ames Duul(hert\' Christopher Lt•hman J ohn \\' cher Eric O<mund<on

BA CK: William Cubbin Micharl Alekna F ra nci< Dunion J oseph \' ctll:r Martin I lan ·cy Stephen Bukm,sk i Edward Smit h

STANDTNG: Gerald Ganyer Stephen Imbrogno William MrCabc Paul Schwartz J ohn Curran Brian Cooper J oseph DeBow Anthony Ncri Timothy R yan J ohn Turzer


SITTING, left to right路 Charles Knowles, James Lackman, Nicholas Tallos, Louis Schiavo, Edward Sokoloski, Mark Nawrocki.

STANDING: Daniel Smith, Donald Young, Donald Raub, Ronald Pendrak, Gerald Greco, Kenneth Meehan, Edmond Roth.


ST A.\'DII\"G. left tt right: Stephen Fox Robert Liberatore James Moore William Flanagan Francis Mack Robert Vogt Peter Burns R:chard :\icBrien James Mcintyre SITTING: Walter Hunter James Hoffman William Duffy Ed"ard Crawford James Ertel John Gilhs Michael Clement Fredric Castellano John Karabasz Richard Davis

SITTING, left to right: J oseph Gartner, J ohn O'Connor, ~lar足 tin Silvestri, William Synder. Edward Klaus, James Cordon, joseph ~(alecki. 1\.\"F:EU.\"C: Francis Danielski, Stephen Brett, Michael Hogan, J ohn McCarron, Wayne Linguiti, David Cos-


KSEELI.\'C , left to right: Robin Robinson J ohn Clarke J oseph Doyle STAl\' DISC: ~1ichacl Stewart J ohn Fitzsimmons Edward Dwornek jacob Kapp J nhn Reisenwi tz Robert Windisch John Lord Samuel Viola Harry 1Ii1mcy

tcllo. .\!bert Furnarc STA \'DISG: Thoma.' ~lrPhillips, Richard Kunmski, John 5challcr, Francis ~furphy. Thomas ~loffit, \\'a)nc C.:amplwll.

We begin our wonderful last year . T hrilling victories outnumbering agonizing defeats ... Running after the Cross-Country title ... Social life en livens our school spirit ... Administering to the student's needs ... Activities keep us busy .


FOOTBALL SCORES LaSalle LaSalle LaSalle LaSalle LaSalle LaSalle LaSalle LaSalle LaSalle

. . . . . . .. . . . Neshaminy ................... 0 0 0 West Catholic ................. 34 0 ............ Bishop ::\fcDe\·itt . .............. 0 1+ . . . . . . . . . . . . Cardinal Dougherty .. . ......... 12 6 Bishop Egan . . . . •• . . • . • • • • • • 0. 8 12 . . . . . . . . . . . . Father J udge 0 12 . . . . . . . . . . . . North Ca tholic 0 J..l . . . . . . . . . . . Bishop K endrick . . . . .. .. . ..... . 6 20 ............ Monsignor Bonner 0 •





Roll out right.

Can anyone stop him?


















5 WINS ... 2 TIES . ..


Breaking into the clear.

Skull Practice.



"Look, it's in orbit!"

A good offense is the best defense.

"So, he weighs 300 pounds more than rou do."

"IIa! lla! I s1ill haYc 1hc ball."



'"Pa)路 dirt hen路 I come."

Bal,mcing Act.



Onlr two more inch<'s to go. " We can't hold it murh longer."

\!r Diehl ldn lo dt·<·ich• \\lwlllr'r

!t> p;bs "I


Dennr Blake executes anolher hand-ofT play.

A familiar sight at our football games. 106

Traffic jam.

Suiting up.

Caught with his pants down.



The powrr hchind the team.

g:trl} srasun standofT with McDevitt pruvrd to he extremely decisive.



S<'<'nnd place in the Catholic


Taking the turn, and

Like fath er, li ke sons.

Stop groaning, Jimmie.


for home.


I Mr. Walheim and seniors plan their strategy for the next race.

Tom Donnelly shows his championship form.


The end, already?




Father Judge



Cardinal Dougherty



North Catholic



Bishop Kendrick



Bishop Egan



Bishop M cD evitt



When I ran cross country ...

See Sommar run. Run Sommar run.

"Where are the other guys?"


Senior presidents discuss senior activities.

Brother William informs class presidents of coming events.


Happy the Clown.

The Art Club handles the publicity for a La Salle dance.

KP duty.

No finger painting allowed, Brother.


I 'd like to thank the Art Club ...

I said Seven-Up, not Seven and Seven.

This is some ladies' choice. Interdigitation.

Now this is the trophy case, girls.

• .f; . •

J ust passing through.

Pep rally stir5 up high spirits.

Cheek to cheek.

T wo's company.

A moment's chat to fill the gap.

The usual turnout for a pep rally dance.

BENILDE CLUB Th<' rl'lir!ious club, directed by Brother D:l\·id . \ lbC'rt, help~ La Salle stud<·nts in 111any \\'<I~S. it s maiu purpo5e comists of fostering rdig-i0us ,-orations autong- 011r studnlts. Throu~h ­ out the years of its existence, tlw Club has ac<'O!llpli>lwd its airns 111any timl'S on•r. During tl'Qular lllcetin~s. , ·isiting religious cnmt• and talk abo u t thrir C'Xpl't ien(TS. \lo' ie<. .mel ~I ides an· also ~ho\\n to tlw llll'll1b<'r~. The Bcnildc Club helped to make succe5sful the Vocation Day. which was sponsored by the .\rchdioccsan Vo-

frequent talks by Father .\n1anclus encourage Bcnildc Club members to spiritual acti\·ity.

cational Director.

Brotht'r :Ca,·id /\!bert points nut lhc importa nce of rrligious posters which decorate every h· ·Oll'rru,tn



Brotho:r 1) (;regory dcnu mtr,Hcs a solution to a dillintlt pr<;hll'm,

Tlu ~htil Cluh j, .t IIH'tt!ih•r of the nation.tl ot _:-,tlli/at:on. tlw ~In .\lpha Tlll't,,, I t 't'l' t'' a' ,, spt :n~l>o~trd w funher ~tud~· of Jtt,ttht•ntatics on a '' idt·t sralc than ran lw t,lkt·r• in regular class \\'Ork. Brctltt•r ]). Gregory. the moclt·t~ttor. had such J hn~t· mcmbt•rship thi, ~t·ar that till' Club ,,·as divich·d into tlm~c ~roups ()( coth junior' and seniors. J{p,t•arch on a topic j, dOJlt' by onl' of till' tm•mbers and hi~ n·sulh arc d:st'ussed at a llleeting. Through t!w :Viath Club each nu:ntbt•t can .tcquirc a greatt•r knowl-

edgt· of m:ltht·matics.

J nhn Casev explains a praniral. matlwmatkal problem.



MEN OF LA SALLE An atten tive audience at the Father and Son Banquet.

Greeting and meeting of freshman fathers.

Frosh dads and future grads.

,\lmnni ,,ffircr> talk m路cr future plans.


Welcome, Men of La Salle.

A little polka music, please. Alumni talk about good times in school.

The prize list this year was bigger than ever.



Publt,hcd during th~ '<'hQul year by the 'tudent> of J,tt l'nllc Colli'l(e lliglt School, 86115 Cheltenham .\ rcnll<, f'hlladeltohia 18. Pennsyl<anla.

Co-Editors . . . . •

. .. I'ETt;R



Associate Editors .... WILJ.IA.\1 CASSTDY ~lAHTI.:\ )kEYOY Circulation . . .IOSEI'FI ~:UL I-!G.\X Contributors . . . . . 1'. llmd<haw. R. Bun, (;, Cain, W Callie, C. Cinquino, R C1><larlo, .1. Curran, J. Cushing. ,J. l)aly, 1'. llonn~ll~· . .1 C<allal!l•er, 'l'. (;owen, w. Hetherin~ton • .r. Laslow, J. Lehman. J . :llahcr, J. )!anhews. A. Xerl, Y. O'Don· nell, )1. O')falle), ::>. 1'1azzula. f:. Rekas, J. :'<dtaller. I'. ;;milh . .r. Sontmar, B. Stantvn • .r Tuner. Photography . , , ..••.. , .J()s~;PH )lt:LLEX

News cope

as we see it

explorer standout

Holiday Journal


Cinema Survey

November 22, 1963 Then - - -

From the Chaplain's Desk 121

As the weather turns cold ... The keglers bowl them over .. The O'bie men aim to keep their crown Our mem1en take to the water .. The thespians don their cape and sword ... The final highlight is the wonderful Senior Prom ...


c A p E A N D

s w 0 R D

An dfectivc sc!'nC in an dfl'<路tivc play.

Coming or sning?

J oe Golding in his g lory.

The cast of Brother OrC'hid. 124

Do blondes have more fun?

I can make a better corsage than you.


Did they get planted or potted.

Even your hair dresser doesn't know for sure.

How do you tum this thing off?

This is a raid!

Needham's music clears the bar.

Reac-hing for a tiparillo.

No cards, no beer. 126

T he lucky seven?


Bonanni and Nemec put best forward.

Happy over their record are the J V's.


Secret weapon.

MOTHERS' CLUB Anothct successful ) t•ar. highli.,hted b' many t•,·cnts. ha~ bt•(•n romplt'ted hv the :'.fothn~· Club. The nwmber~ IH lei th<· Freshman ,\[otlwrs· Tea. a Christmas Part', a Fashion Sho\\'. a trip to ::-\e,, York, plus lllonthh meNing, "!.it h included talh by distinguished ~nests. Th<' novitiate in .\mmcndale bt'ncfitt'd f10111 tlw Christ111as rard 5alt• sponsored by tlw mothers, and their spiritual life \\O.s t·nhanr<·d b) a l>;l\ of RecPilection. The contributions this onranitation makrs to L<J<-iall1 an· indl'l'd great. ~oc:ial

Committee \\Omen for the La Salle


La Salle mothers greet :\brdi Gras guests.



we don't ha,·e anr free


Friends of La Salle enjoy the :\tardi Gras dance. Mrs. Moore introduces lwo modt•ls demonstrating the lates t spring fashi ons.

Time out {or a tasty break.

OFFICERS Brother D. Gregory

MODERATORS .......... Brother G. James PRESIDENT . . . . . . . . . .


VICE PRESIDE:-.:T . . . . . . TREASL"RER . . . . . . . . REC. SECRETARY

. .

John Snodgrass

~ [rs. ~1 rs.


Carl Whitlock

Francis Slanina

Sah-atorc Cotlario

CORRESP. SEC RET.\RY . . . . . . .

~ I rs. Robt. Breckenridge

PAST PRESIDE:'IIT . . . Mrs. Donald RatcliiT " :-.low let me guess." 129


St. Thomas More Southern High Northeast High Monsignor Bonner Frankford High West Catholic Roman Catholic St. James Bishop McDevitt Cardinal Dougherty Bishop Egan Father Judgc North Catholic Bishop Kendrick Bishop ~fcDe,路itt Cardinal Dougherty Bishop Egan Fath<'r Judge North Catholic Bishop Kendrick


L a Salle

39 46 52 59 51 71 67

50 66 57 48 57 63 73




64 56 57 47 29 62 66 60 53 52 70 70

62 70 12 44 50 3-t 83

47 53 66 路13

Hands up! This is a hold-up.

Senior basketeers talk over the team's outlook for the upcoming season. 130

One step ahead 1n the battle for possession.

A little traveling music.

Flying away from a Cardinal.

J umping Jack. 131

Surrounded by the


Let me hold your hand.

A mighty high


A strong-anned rebounder.

Halted short of its destination.

Close checking.

Turning the corner.

The p<路int is ...



Close checking.

Turning the comer.

The point is ...

H alleluia!


Dribblin' in.

Frosh sharpshooter. Statue of Lihcrtr.

Ho" can we miss?


La Salle's Junior Varsity.

McCloskey shows his rebounding power. A frosh eyes a goal.


Early arrivals at Huntington Valley Counrry Club.

No, Jim, we didn't take it from Meehan field.

Seniors and their dates l'xchange greetings.

Roses for the Queen of the Prom.

In the 5till of the night.

Smile, you're on Candid Camera.

Jim Colantonio reaches for a tasty tidbit.

Chow time.

T he prom favor is a remembrance of a festive occasion.

A remembrance of the longest night of the year.


Beauties of the prom.

Is this all I get

Twist and shout.

Bright-eyed guests.



This is the place where it all began.

Eat, drink, and be merry.

Boys will be boys, but LaSalle boys will be gentlemen.

T he king and his court.

Don' t drip your drink on me.


/ .1/ Meet


33 40 58


37 40 3路1 67


61 18


2nd M eet

West Catholic Cardinal Dougherty St. Joseph Prep Father Judg-e ~Ionsi~or Bonner Bishop Neumann

3-t 28

61 67 34 37 23 60


58 72


Is he first or last?

All-Catholic style at work.

Just like falling off a log. I'd go faster if you \\Ould let go of my foot.


The boss and the crew.

Senior workout.


,\ new kind of dive.

Touch and go. "You'd


hurry if you \\ant to keep the lead."


There are plenty of pennies at the l>ottom of the pool.

And away we go.

Bottoms up.





c L u B Ouestle pays d'antan?



c L u B What do you mean. I have to speak in Gennan? 146


The Le~ion of :\fary is a Catholic organization which is authorized by the Church and dedicated to the Blessed Virgin. It has for its goal the conquest of the '"-orld for Christ. Such undertaking-s as visitin~ the aged and orphaned. teaching Religion, and spreading the family ro~ary crusade constitute the main Legion endeaYors in the field of Catholic Action.

Moment of prayer during the meeting.

Discussion of the Legion oÂŁ Mary Constitution.


Time is running out much too fast .. Our runners take to the track ... The duffers arrive on the fairways . As the scullers stroke down the Schu}'lkill ... We arc kept up-to-date on school affairs ... While approaching our graduation day ...


Maguire leads the pack.

Phillips clears a hurdle.





Up and over!

Donndly wins again.

Perfect form for victory.


You won't drop it, will you?

No matter how you look at it . . .

La Salle gets into the scoring column.

La Salle's best in the high jump.

Learning the techniques. 151

No loafing allowed.

No opponent in sight.

Strong finish .

Bob D onnelly in gear.


Up, where the air is rare.

Room to spare.

:\ winning form.

Official tabulation.

A test of endurance.

Back EMF. 153

F 0


T he negative opponent makes a point.

s I c s

Gathering a few facts from a recent article.

And what's your opinion on the topic?



Library aides discuss time ly events.

Senior stu dents check out books.

STUDENT GOVERNMENT Short meeting of the Student Government.


Defending champs of the Stotesbury Regatta.

Watch nossing the expressway!

Denny Blake models his style in a derby.


Stonis, stop looking at the camera !

H onest, men, there's a trout down there. Gentlemen, man your oars!

A pause that refreshes. 157

I thought we'd never make it in.

Don't show your muscles now.

Varsity Eight.


The old shell game.

Who pulled the plug?

A friendly tip.

Faster ! T he coach is gaining on us.


Determined follow through.

Bardy swings away.

Unmasking for a foul ball.

Batting practice.


I've got it J oe.

Pepper practice.

Underhanded scoop.


MARCHING BAND AND ORCHESTRA LaSalle helps celebrate St. Patty's day.

Do you see what I sec?

Ready, Set, Go. 162

Little Flower's Glee Club adds a special touch to the spring musicale.

All-Catholic trombone soloist.

My sousaphone and I.

LaSalle's concert band. 163


M r. T remblay imparts a few pointers. Keep your eye on the

ball 1

Varsity Winners.


All set, partner!

Goldbeck's winning serve.

Gowen checks scores with Pettinato.

Givey measures official height.

Slow motion ball.



Layout instructions.

Another setback for the yearbook staff.

Pettinato tunes in just in time to C'atC'h "the oldie."


Round table discussion.

Late for another yearbook meeting.

T oo many cooks spoil the broth.

Another headache! 167


Now the young hopeful tries it.

rr I don't hit it this time, I quit. Follow through. Xow "here's that ball?


It's in orbit. Utter frustration

Nice shot, invisible man.

Just puttering around.



Gr-r-r ... 1'm a lion.

Facing the problem.

Whal a whopper!

Victory smile.


What kind of a dance is that?

Hemmed in.

Bowling them over.

Tenacious defense.



Ball on the loose.

Precious commodity.

Gurgle .. . gurgle ... help!

Everyone out of the pool.


We all can't be Bobby Wines.

T wo hands for beginners! We're the greatest!

Safe! Home run swing.

Sale or out?


OUTSTANDING JOSEPH FAHY One of the busiest of this year's seniors has been J oe Fahy. Besides his school "·ork, he h as been kept busy as representative of his class in the Student Council. H e " ·as his class vice-president in sophomore year, class president in his junior year, and vice-president of the Student Council in his senior year. After school during the fall, one could find .Joe at the football field practicing. H e played football all four years and recei,·rcl a varsity letter in his junior and senior years. During his four years at LaSalle, J oe has represented both class and school admirably.

HENRY LYNCH Henry Lynch's mast~n of his academic subj ects has placed him at the top of his class. As a student at La Salle, he made the Honor Roll twenty-nine out of thirtyt\\·o times. Because of his intellectual talents, certain extra curricular activities profited from his scholastic ability. For two years he was a member of the Math Club, serving as its president in his senior year. He has contributed articles to the Gazebo and \ \'isterian and served as coeditor of the latter in his final year. For such fine contributions to L a Salle, Henry's achievements were capped by his excellent valedictory address.

JOSEPH MULLIGAN Joe ~fulli ga n has made his presence felt during his four years at La Salle and has gained many fri ends with his affable p ersona lity. Work on the Wisterian, Blue and Gold, Dramatics Club, basketball and baseball teams has rounded out J oe's contributions to his school. H e is also a proficient student, \\'inning a scholastic medal in freshman year and b elonging to the National Honor Society. Active in p arish work, he \\'as president of his parish C.Y.O. for two years. In his senior year, Joe has assisted in student government functions. All of these factors makes .Toc's high school history remarkable.·


SENIORS RICHARD T IEDEKEl\'" In view of the many contributions Rich has made to La Salle in the past four years, he can certainly be considered outstanding. Rich achieved his main success in the academic field where he was constantly on the Honor Roll a nd received numerous scholast ic a\\·ards. All of his efforts culminated in being named a -:\ferit Scholar hip Finalist. But not only in the scholastic field had he excelled. Rich also liberally gave extra time to other activities. H e managed the swimming team for three years and participated in the 1\lath and Benilde Clubs, the '"''isterian a nd intramurals. Because of his efficiency and reliability in accomplish ing these ma ny endeavors, Rich 's contribution to La Salle was truly outstanding.

ANTHONY STOXIS Some people who don't necessarily create a great deal of excitement as they do their "ork accomplish many things. This certainly " ·as a quality of :\nthom Stonis. By combining his likable and unassuming personalit) "ith diligent effort in all of his enclra\·ors, Tony made himsc·lf out!>tanding in the eyes of his peer-,. From the turf of the football field to the eight-oar shell on the Schuylkill River, he exhibited both skill and determination. In addition to these athletic talents, he has also contributed to the 1\ll ath Club. Tony's excellent manner of quiet accomplishment and sturdy support made to La Salle a distinct contribution .

.JOH ~


Formidable opponent, hard-.,,·orking student, generous co-worker, are descriptive words synonymous with the name of John :McMa hon. On the gridiron his teammates and adversaries alike felt his presence or absence. However, J ohn's far reaching talents did not cease once he left the athletic world, for the spirit of competition displayed by him was present in all his activities. After he had been named All-Catholic, J ohn's ideals became intensified rather than dulled by being so honored. He still found time to join his classmates in other activities such as the intramural program and the Science Club. John 1\fcMahon contributed much to the La Salle tradition.




HONORED PATRONS A. G. R adio Pa rts Co. Mr. and Mrs. Alekna Mr. and Mrs. Arthur J. Ansert Dr. and Mrs. Frank Arcara Dr. Michael F. Avallone Mr. and Mrs. John J Beaty Mr. and Mrs. Charles J . Bissell Mr. a nd Mrs. Albert J. Blair Mr. R obert Boerner Dr. and Mrs. Francis B. Boland George W. Booth Mr. and Mrs. Charles J . Borys Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Braun Romanus J. Buckley, Esq. Henry Charles Bukowski J. Francis Burke, D.D.S. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald C. Burrell Mr. and Mrs. John Burt Mr. and Mrs. John Buzas Mr. and M rs. H oward J . Cain Mr. and Mrs. Joseph T. Galpin Benedict Canty Richard B. Gamey Mr. and Mrs. John A. Caruno Dr. and M rs. Paul R. Casey Dr. and Mrs. William J. Cassidy Mr. and Mrs. John A. Cassidy Mr. and M rs. Raymond J. Cavalier, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Cavalieri Dr. and Mrs. Mario Cinquino Mr. and Mrs. Andrew J. Clark, J r. Class 4C M r. and Mrs. Joseph A. Colantonio Paul and M ark Conlow John Coppola Vincent E . Costello Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Courtney Mr. and Mrs. Joseph H . Daniel C la ra D erderian Peter and Paul D eSantis Mr. and Mrs. Wm. F. Doran Mr. and Mrs. Wm . E. Dougherty William J. Dougherty '64 Daniel F. Downing M .D. Edward W. Duffy '64 Mr. Walter J. Duffy Fred J. Ertel Dr. and Mrs. Michael M. Etzl Mr. William Fahy Falker Family R eva H. Fanning Mr. a nd Mrs. Robert J. Field Mr. and Mrs. Christian A. Fisher, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. John J. Fitzgibbons

Mr. R obert J. Foster William J. Fox Leo Frangipane Mr. and Mrs. J. Friedberger A Friend Care of a Friend M r. and Mrs. H an y Gaffney Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gaidjunas Dr. R obert F. Gallagher M r. and Mrs. H . M . Gallagher E . J. Oansz, Sr. Mrs. E. J . Gardiner W. F. Garrity Mr. and Mrs. Charles Genuardi Mr. D onald Gibbons 1\frs. Helen C. Gibbons Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Gibbons Mr. and Mrs. John Gordon Mr. and Mrs. A. Graynor Mr. and Mrs. William H amilton Mr. and Mrs. J. Austin Hatch Mrs. Katherine C. H eaney Mr. and M rs. R. M . H eebner, J r. Mr. and M rs. Chester C. Hilinski M rs. Edward Hilinski and Fan1ily Mr. and M rs. C. Cla rk H odgson Dr. and Mrs. Eugene H ughes Mr. and Mrs. Walter E. Hunter Mr. and M rs. George F . H uttlin J. T. J ackson Co. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Jones Mr. and Mrs. William Joyce Jack K elly Mr. and Mrs. Richard K endrick Mr. and Mrs. Jolm F. K ennedy Mr. and Mrs. George M. K erper Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Kichline Mr. and· Mrs. Thomas M. Kilcullen, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. F. Klink Mr. and M rs. Victor T. Kozub Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F. Kredatus William F. Kromdyk Sigmund Krzeminski Dr. and Mt·s. Pa ul L. K rqwicki John D. K utzler Mr. a nd Mrs. Joszph F. Laskow Mr. James Lawler D r. and Mrs. John M. Lawlor Mr. and Mrs. Paul Wm. Licata D r. and Mrs. Thomas M. Loftus Mr. and M rs. Fred Lorusso Mr. and Mrs. John Luczkowski M r. and ?o.'(rs. Joseph P. M cAtee Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. McBride

Mrs. F. W. McBrien Margaret C. :VlcCaiTcrty John J. McCarron Mr. and :\.frs. John L. :vt:cCioskey !vir. and ;\frs. La\\rencc J. ,\lcE,·oy J oseph L. McGill Dr. Thomas F. McGinniss M r. and ~v1 rs. Patrick McGoldrick Mr. and :O.frs. Joseph J. McGowan Mr. T homas W. Mcintyre Mrs. T homas W. Mcintyre M r. and :vt:rs. joseph P. McLaughlin Mr. John McShain .M r. and Mrs. Joseph F. :\.1cVeigh Mr. Frank Mack Mr. and Mrs. Dominick Magazino Daniel J . Maguire Mr. an d Mrs. Joseph G. Mat·kmann Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Mastalski Mr. and M rs. T. J. Mignatti Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Mullen, Jr. J. Ernest Nachod, Esq. M r. and Mrs. George M. Nemec Mrs. Mary Nimet7 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Normile Mr. and :\1rs. Ja111es F. O'Donnell Mr. and Mrs. John O'Donnell Mrs. C. Jos. O':vt:alley Mr. and Mrs. Emmet J. O'J\'"cill, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. James J. Osborne Mr. and Mrs. Ralph C. Palmer, Jr. Mr. and I\frs. W. J. Parker Mr. and Mrs. Fred J. Penclrak Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Perretti Mr. and M rs. Jolm E. Pettine Mr. and ·Mrs. Stephen Pilacik Mr. George W. Polk Mr. and Mrs. Geo. V. Purcell Mr. and Mrs. A. Quarcsima Mr. and M rs. Thomas J. Quinlan John J. Radovich Family M r. and Mrs. Thomas J. Reilly Mr. and I\Irs. A. Rinkus Mr. and Mrs. Jos. T. Rogers R oxborough l\fanayunk Federal Savings and Loan ,\ssociation John E. Ryan M rs. John E. Ryan William Saw.'n,·alcl Family Mr. and Mrs. Henry J. Schmidt Dr. and Mrs. Charles J. Schrcader Mr. and Mrs. La,,rencc J. Scully Mr. and :\Irs. John Scancr Mr. and Mrs. John E. Shwope ~{r. and Mrs. John C. Singer

HONORED PATRONS Thom,t\ F Sinnott Mr. and ~Irs. Francis I I. Spit>lhofTcr Mr. and Mrs..\nthom .J. Stonis \h and ~Irs. C. E. Stonm and ';on \[r and \hs E. G. ~lro!lll>l'n' .:'\lr. and \lr->. Herbet1 H '-winbumt• .Jmt·pl ( rillman .:'\fr. and ~Irs. Francis II. Traina

Mr. and !\Irs. D. Il. Tucker Mr. and l\ It'S. Stephen J. Wallace, Sr. Mr. and .;\1rs. 11<'11t)' C. Welsh. Jr. ~1r. and ~1rs. Richard B. Welsh ~[r. and :\Irs. Frank J. Wesner ~Ir. and ~1r!>. John T. W helan ~1r. and ~Its . .JOSl'Jlh J. Williams \\'m. C. Willi.IIH!>

Randolph E. Wise Mr. and Mr's. !\clam E. Witkowski ?drs. H arry Woertz I larry J. Wo lfington Mr. and Mrs. Francis C. \\'oodring ~ft-. ,\nthony P. Yacolwllis ~lr. and ~frs. :\orbcrt Yaroshcski

HONORED BUSINESS PATRONS Abington Lundrctt<• 111711 IIomn· .he. 1\cadcrll\ f'l'ctrical Comt. Co. 169 Stall· Rd. \hem Co. Montgonwry ht·

.J<lllll'S .]


.\innatk rool Co. 7317-19 State Rd.

Apl'X Carpet \\'orkroou 1617-27 \\ Xorth <:>t. Barhit n and Kline 191 York Rd .. Jenkintown B.trdy's Food Markc>t 31i 1 ~ \ Frankford ,\ve. B.tltin and Lunger 703 Bethh·lwrn Pike. Erdenhl'illl Earl B. Beach Co. 500 E. Broad\\ay. Clifton Hts.


Turnbk- 1nn

Don's Health Club Glt·nolden. Penna.

2327 BrO\\ n St. John

J. Bryt't'!i Funeral Home




Bryner Che\TOil'L 140 Old York Rd., J enkintown Cann and Saul Steel Co. Carbon, Allo> and Stainless Steel Capew<.'ll and Zoeller Inc. 619 Commerce St. Carlin Press Norristown, Penna. Cattic Sprcialty and Tool Co. Box 13. Jenkintown The Conduit and Foundation Co. 158 X. 20th St. Cooney Bros., Inc. 5th and Dauphin St.

Joseph ~f. Downer, Real Estate :>61 I Chew St. The> Jay J. Dugan Agency Benson East Apts., Jenkintown Erwin Chevrolet, Inc. 6000 N. Broad St. Fidelity-Philadelphia Trust Co.

2221 Cheltenham Aw. Floul'town Lanes Flourtown, Penna. Mr. and Mrs. John B. Foley, Jr. 7500 Brookfield Rd. Ford and K endig Co. 1-!28 Callowhill St. Forgin~

Courtesy of a friend A friend

Jkrwlirial Mutual Sa, mgs Bank 1200 Clwstnut St. Br rktlcy ConstnJCtion Co. I I 'i '\ '\\ port\·ille Rd .. Cro~ don Willia111 B(•tz. .Jr.. Plumbing Supplie~ 2B26 Frankford Aw. Bissinger and Stein, Inc. 20th and I n<.lian:~ .)olu1 I I Boales. Jr. Real Estal!· 3HOb '\ Broad St.

Coppola-1\rcara Real Estate 12 E. Gknside i\ve., Glenside Frank V. Daniel, Builder 3·~5 Cedar Rd. Delaware Valley Concrete Co., Inc. Oakdale .\, c•., llathoro

( :cncraJ Asphalt Padng Co. 9~01 Krcwsto\\n Rd. ( :imbcls-Cheltenham Ogontz and Cheltenham The Gowen Co. 1428 S. Penn Square

Delaware Valky Confectionary 220 I \\'. Indiana ,\\e .

Hatboro Construction Co. 78 ~till Rd., Hatboro

Dc~1a~i C:amh .:\If~. and Dist. 51 l1 \\ akclit·ld ~t.

Jean's Luncheonette Rowland and Ryan ,\,cs.

HONORED BUSINESS PATRONS Jolh· Tots Day :\uN'l")" li I :l Belt nont .he., Southampton


Waterproofing Co. 1361 E. High St.

Romano Bros.. Inc 321 E. Pt•nn St.. Xnrristm\11

Lloyd F. Kershner. Inc. nnd .\stor ~~~ .. ::'\orristown

~1r. :\lichael Hair Strlist 7209 Gen11antown .he.

Joseph Ro~cnthal's Sons. I nr. 18+ I N. Second St.

:\liffiin :\1achinc Works, Inc. 212 I E. Sergeant St.

R uggiero's Rt·~taurant and Cc>< ktail Lounge Ridge ,\\-c. and Domino Lane. Roxborough


Charks (; K lu111pp and Sons. Rdri!!:. & .\ir Con. :d ll ( :harlt·s St. Ro!:!cr W. Kraut. .Jt•wder 'II \\'. St:llt' St .. I )m IC'stown

Walt<•r J. :\Iiller 193 \\'.Duncannon .he.

\\'. E. Rutherford E. F. :\foore. Inc. 12th and Fayette.

F. H. Kolb-DuBois Chemicals. Inc. l.o :1-:19U Kroekei-Oetinger. Inc. !'hila .. Pt•nna. Joseph W. Lain. Plu111bint:' and Heating 9·111 Acadt'lll)" Rd.

La' clle . \ire raft Corporation Xc" to\\ n. Buck' ( :ounty, Pa. H.oht·tt La\uenre. Sr. .'H29 7\. La,Hcnrc St.

Liberty Federal Sa, ings and Loan .\ssor. 202 !'\. Broad St. and Stenion and Dmal St

Lindmwold Tailors and Ck·aners Ambler. Penna. Mr. Edward J. Logan rno D01wt St. The :\Iars,, iney Club 510 Greenwood .\n~ .• J enkintown :\lcCool Carpet Installation ~21 \\'. Ru~romb St. MrKt•own Bevcra~c Co. 6911 Rising Sun .\\c.


W Court St

\ltr. Fn·ight


Con~hohocken Schwartz'~ ~oft

C. :\lcll\'aim• Mundy. Funeral H ome 2801-05 \\' ..\llcgheny ;\\-e.


Pr..t1el Bakery .Frankford 1\\l·.

\\'.F. Smith. Inc. ~1yers,

McVeigh and :Mansfield 2026 Land Title Bldg. .John J. Nt'sbitt, Inc. Phila. 36, Pa. I'\orth American Brass and Copper, Inc 1580 N. 52nd St. Xorth Phila. Federal Sa' in~ & Loan Assn. 1019-21 W . Lehigh ,\ \'e.

7310 State Rd. Soble and Cantor, Footwt•a• 1503 E. Wadswollh .he. D. & C ~pino~a Co. .\llento\\ n. Penna Standard Prcs-.ed Steel Co. Jenkintown. Pt•nna

St. .John of


Cross Friclm



Olney Bar and Bc,·rragc Distributors I nc. 122-28 W. Tabor Rd.

St. Mal) 's Laundry-Dry Cleaning-, Inc. 821 ,\ubdy Aw . .\rdmmt•

P&H D iese l Sen·icc

Moriu: L. Tallos 3286 Tilton St.

41 H ,\ Jmond St.

Peerless Steel Equipm<.'nt Co. 6600 H a~brook .he. Penna. Parguctrz Floor Co., I nc. 8618 Williams ..\\'c. Phila. Gasket Mfg. Co., Inc. F. and Atlantic Sts.

Template Reproduction and Engitwcring Co.• Inc. 401 X Broad St Trip Construction Co. Inc. 2929 J\1cyer .\\T.. Ardslt·y Cnit) Construction Cl•. Phila., Penna.

C.S .. \rt W<·a' Plymouth Stationery Co. 1501 - 09 N. 59th St.

Ill.! Co.

11 S. 17th St.

Magee Bar 6600 Tulip St.

Frank V. Radomski and Sons, Inc. 24 ~ \ V. Queen L ane

Frcdt·rirk (; \'o!{t. H eating 2009 llartcl St



John :\ll·chan and Son 9301 Kn•wstown Rd.

R aycraft Printing Co. 338 N. 7th. Camden , N.J.

Wharton Hanl\\,\l'l' ami ~upph Corp. Rt. 130 and lnion ; \\l'., Pmnsaukl'n

SOCIAL PATRONS .\nthom P \itu Mr. and Mrs Chari<'" .J. Ampach Cuido .\s,amo :\Irs. Bt'rtha \tkmson ~lr. and )Jlrs. James.J. Aubrey Mr. Do1t1inick Baldino Robert Ba1 n•tt Mr. and Mrs. Ilan; '1. Baut'rle, Jr. ~Ir. Frcdt•rit'k E. fit•rkcl Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Bednar Mr. and Mrs. Anthony A. Benincasa t-.fr. and Mrs. Aloysius Bergin ~1r. and Mrs P. J. Bift•rie Mr. and Mrs. Stanlt'y Blichasz :\lr. and !\frs. Louis R. Bodo Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Bogle :l\1r. John Bonanni Mr. Thomas J. Bradshaw :\!iss :\fa1garN F Brady Dr. and :\Irs R. L. Breckenridge Rc\. Robl'lt H B1 ccn Dr. :\1. B. Brl•nner :\1iss Catherine Bur~l't .:\.fr. and ~Irs. J oseph .\ Burger .:\.1r. and Mrs. Frank X. Rums Dt'nnis B;me :\Ir. and ~ rs. Gcor~c C. Cain Thomas S. Callahan Thomas J. Callahan, Sr. Father Jo'•n Carroll .Jera lcl Camso Lou and Olga Cant~'>O Mr. and l\1rs. JanH'S F. Cas<'y Frank .J. C.w:d; .:'<. rr. and \irs. William J. Cattie, J r. :\frs. William I· Cat tit·. Sr :\lr. and \lr,. \mwlo Cianco~i. Jr. J. P. Clark. Jr Class lA :\fr. and :\irs. C..,ah a ton· J Codario Bob Cody :\Ir. and :\It~ Rohl't t Cody :'\ora and John ( '· Collins Hugh P. Connolh ~[r. and 1Irs. John Com·<·r .:\.[r. and :\lrs. Jauu·s J Cooney \{r and ~frs. Ed\\ard.]. Cooper Dr. and 1\lrs. \\'illialll .J. Costello

:vt:rs. D'.\ ngclo R everend J ohn A. Danks Mary D . and H elen C. Da~kilewicz Mr. and Mrs. Edmund J . Da\ is Mr. and l\ frs. J ohn A. Daylor 1\Ir . and M rs. J oseph S. DeBow Mr. David Delant·y Pett'r De:vt:edio ~f r. and M rs. J ohn A. D t'lll psey Mr. and M rs . .John G. Devlin T he Dobson F all)ily Mr. and JVfrs. J ost'ph H . Donah ue M r. and M rs. J ames .J . Dougherty :1\frs. F rancis :\1. Dougherty M r. and M rs . .James A. Downc·y, J r. :\ fr. and M rs. W illiam ] . Duffy .:\.1r. and Mrs. L. V. DuL ude Francis Dunion Mr. and :\I rs. .Jamt's J)'~)·cr :\Ir. H enry Dydak Mr. and ~1 rs. J ohn J. E rb M r. Louis Esposito, Sr. .Mrs. Eh·ira Esposito Angelo Falconio T he F anning Family Mrs. Anne Fa rrell Mr. a nd Mrs. Edward j . F erta l R osann F iedler A. J. Filiti Mrs. M a ry Fisher Mr. and Mrs. John F itzsimmons M r. and M rs. C ha rk·s E. Flann a~an Mr. and :1\frs. G a rfi eld Flickinger M rs. W illiam Flynn Mr. a nd M rs. Fran cis J. F riel A friend A friend F unzy D r. and 'Mrs. F. P. F urgiuelc :\Ir. and M rs. Daniel P. C:alla~her Paul F. Gallagher F amily J oseph C. Gartner M r. and M rs. J oseph P. Carvin :\fr . and M rs. Gerard Geier M r. and ~ frs. Samuel (~irard Mr. and M rs. Remo Giuliano Glenn and F ranny Grand Union Federal

Mr. and M rs. Com·ad M. Grims :\lat'tin G rims '50 :\ lrs. ,\ gnes G ro,·es Mr. and :\1 rs. S. Guarracino .:\.Ir. and M rs. Carl J. Hemberger M rs. J ohn H aney J ohn an d Peggy H annigan ~ fr. and M rs. Ch arles J. H app M r. and Mrs. Joseph F. H arvey Mrs. J acquel ine H a thaway Mr. a nd Mrs. W m . J oseph H etherington Mr. and Mrs. Fran k H. H iggins The H illegass F amily :\I r. and Ylrs. J . C. H orTman, J r. M r. and M rs. Francis J. H ogan M r. and M rs. L eo G. H ohlfeld M rs. R. Clark H opkins l\I r. and .i\lrs. Wm. C. H otz M r. and .:\.1rs. William J . H otz .Mr. and :\I rs. William H ughes Mrs. E ugene P. H ughes, Sr. F rank L. Iaquinta M r. and M rs. J ohn I ula Richard J . Keating, Sr . Mr. and Mrs. K evin E. Keegan Mr. Albert W. K eller, J r., Esq. Mrs. Albert N. K eller, J r. Mr. and M rs. Robert E. Kennedy K enrich Athletic Club Mr. and Mrs. Willia m K eog h M r. a nd Mrs. Thomas M . Kilcullen, J r. M r. J ohn M . KilduJT M r. and Mrs. Michael Kilduff ~ I r. and .:\f rs. C h arles Ki ng M r. F rederick K issling Rev. J ohn S. K lapp M r. and .:\.1rs. H arry J . K lein lata.lie B. K leinguenther :\Ir. and M rs. Edward K ohlhepp M r. and 1\ [rs. Andy D. K osley T he Koss Family .:\.1r. and :\1rs. Edward Kostrzewski Charles A. Kno·wles, :\1.D . :Mary K ozub M r. and M rs. Vincent J. K raft The T. F. Kreipe F amily

SOCIAL PATRONS Gerard K rimm Family Mr. and ~irs. frl'd Kro!J Mr. and ~irs. George Kugler Mary Kugler Mr. Da\'id R. Johnson M rs. Helen ~[. Johnson Mr. and ~1rs. J oseph Lackman Mr. and ~irs. J. II. LaRue Mr. and ~Irs. Nicholas J. Lees Mr. and M rs. F. D. Lockhard Mr. and i\l rs. Albert Lofgren M r. and ~I rs. William Loftus Mr. J oseph Longshore Mrs. Edward P. Loughran Mr. F rancis H . Loughran Thomas J. Lynch, Sr. M rs. T homas J. Lynch, Sr. M r. J ames ~lcAndrew J O!!eph R. i\IcCabe F ran k ~lcCollough J ohn F. and Alice E. McCool The A. G. McElwee Family M rs. and ~Irs. C. F. McFadden Mr. and ~Irs. P. McGill Mr. and Mrs. J. Raymond McGi ll Mrs. Alice C. McGinniss Mr. and ~Irs. Thomas M. M cGlade M r. and Mrs. Kenneth G. ~fcGrath Mr. and Mrs. J ohn J. McGroarty Paul F. McH ugh, Jr. Mr. and M rs. Paul F. McH ugh Mr. and ~Irs. Edward L. Mcintyre Mr. and M rs. J ames J. McK ee Dr. and M rs. James V. Mackall Mr. and M rs. H arry Mackall Mr. and i\frs. Francis T. Maguire Robrt T . Maher and Family Mrs. William F. ~laher The Malleys Mr. and M rs. Piere Marcolina Mrs. Anna Markmann Mr. and M rs. Anthony E. Martin, J r. Lt. and ~irs. Nicholas J. Masington, Jr. The Mastronardo F amily Herbert C. M atthews Mn. Veronica :\t eller

E. William Mel"/ ~fr. and ~1rs. Georgt Y. Mc}·er, Jr. Dorothy :\1. Miller J oseph i\[iller Mr. and Mrs. Harry L. :\IIitchell Mr. and Mrs. Anthony D. Molinaro ~1r. and ~1rs. Peter P. ~uessi~, Jr. ~lr. and ~frs. Peter P. ).[uessi~, Sr. H enry F. :Ylullcr Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Mulligan Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. :\Iurphy Mr. and :\Irs. J ames J. Murray Anthony and Antoinette ?\eri i\Ir. and Mrs. Anthony J. Ncri Eugene J. Norrctt Mr. Eugene O'Donnell M rs. E. O'Donnell Odyniec Family Mr. and Mrs. Joseph O'Neill Eleanor S. Onnr Mr. and Mrs. Osmundson ~1r. and ~Irs .. \. T. Pagano :\1r. and :\1rs. Stephen Pato,·ack Mr. and Mrs. Peter Pantaleo Wi l!iam Partyka Mr. and Mrs. Robert Peoples Phila. Surgi(al Instruments Co. Frederick D. Pirmann Mr. and Mrs. Leo J. Poirier Mrs. Marie Powers Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Press The Press Family J ohn and Jim Pron Mr. and Mrs. John Pron Mr. Matthew Puchalski Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Putnick Peter and Anna Radl Ronald Peter Radl Richard J . Ralston Dr. and Mrs. William P. Ratchford Harry A. Reckner, Jr. Xlr. and M rs. Gabriel J. Richards ~1iss ).larie A. Romanoli Gerald C. Ronan Mr. and Mrs. J ames F. Ronan Roth and Shields Family ~Ir. and Mrs. Philip Rothenheber

Mr. and Mr·s. Philip J. Ruggiero ~fr. and Yf1'\. Francis X . Hsan ~fr. and ~[rs. John J. Rvan Rev. John :'\. Ryan Mrs. Emil}' R/otkicwicz J ohn J. Sab,ia G. Frank Santor, M.D. Mrs. Helen Schleicher Thomas L. Scully Anthony Scutti :Mr. and ~1rs. John Sharkey Mr. and ~Irs. Frank Shcllt•r Mr. and ~11'>. ~dber. Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Edward f. Smith Mr. and 1-frs. Joseph Smith ~Ir. and ~frs. Edward Sokoloski .Mr. and Mrs. John C. Sonunar James J. Spillan(• Joseph J. Staudt Mrs. A. J. Strong John M. Sulli\an Mr. and ~frs. Raymond S\'kcs Dr. and ~Irs. R. <:)yczurouski Mr. and ~1rs. Joseph Takach 1\[r. and Mrs. Albert Taylor Mr. and ,\Irs. Michael J. Theis Mrs. :\fary Thompson Dr. and i\frs. John J. Tierney Mr. and ~1rs.. \nthonr Tomaino Mr. and l\lrs. Thomas J. Turner, J r. Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Valenti ;\lr. and ~irs Herman C. Valimont :\Ir. and ~Irs. R. \\'. Valunont Mr. and ~:ft'\. \\ J. \"ergan• Anna Walsh Rudolph II. Weber ~1r. and ~irs. Eugene J. Whitaker Mr. and :\irs John White-;idc ~Ir. and ~irs. Robert]. Wilkin Mr. and Mrs. William Wi!.({~ins. Jr. Lt. and Mrs. Robert J. Wilking, Jr. The Wills Mrs. Earl \'\ oodhead Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Wri~ht Nick Yanni Mr. and Mrs. Louis Zi\·ja

SOCIAL BUSINESS PATRONS \\'illianr H. \biers 612:~ Torresdale An·nue

Casa Conti Restaurant Easton and Jenkintown Rds.

Baldwin Frankford Inc. Duffield & Foulkroc.I Streets

. \robanc & Klint• Inc. 3:tl \\'. ~lt. Pleasant .\\-entre

Cooper-s Sport Center .J.655 N. 5th Street

Ga1zarano Funeral Honre -~30 RaddifTe Street

;\rroll Sn-e11 & ~Iachinf' Works 1060 Cennamo,,n .\,·enue

UO Easton Road, Glenside

.\s<anowit lr Bakt'l) {2:, I Chathattr Street .\uritt & Co., Sporting Goods Ccrmantown A,·enue

HI~ 1

. \uto Equipment & Service Co. 12th & Glenwood Banking- Employees \sse. Philadelphia Baxter Rug & Carpet Cleaning 2913 X Second Street

Coupe Chevrolet

Charles Cronin, Jr. Easton Road and Glenside /wcnue Crispo Stone Quarry 800 Ivy Hill Road l\lr. and Mrs. L. F. Cunningham 7011 Lintckiln Pike Dalcssandro-Stcaks & Hoagies Henry /wcnue and Walnut Lane Dante's Furniture Refinishing 741 S. 7th Street

II. Bradshaw, Pharmicist Lancaster R. Braun 130 Bcthleh<'ttt Pike Breitenbach. Whitrnoyer. Sheehan Co. 21 Bala A,·r .. BaJa C:ynwvd. Bryer" Tan•rn Henr> .\w. & Roxborough . \ \"t:. B R. Ruck & Co. ~~878 (;[cndale ~l rrt'l Doctor Caccltic, D.D.S. Robin' & Frankford .henue

John's Delicatessen County Line & Easton Roads Doaks Gas Station 5th & Godfrey Avenue Bud Dowlings Ta,·em 24-12 Clearfield Street Thomas J. Dunphy, Realtor 5+0 1 Oakland Street Emlcn Arms Dining Room 6733 Emlen Street

\\'. J.

).farian Fanning, Insurance Agent BR 9--1995

Wnt. J. Campanella 6300 Frankford .hcnue

Henry Faulkner, Inc. 15i6 Cottman Avenue

Cair'ns Papn Co. 1002 \\'est \'ork Street

,\ . .f.

Carousal Cll'ancrs 6912 Torrcsdalc Avenue

Filiti 29-H :\lower Street

Carpet Shop 6:~67 Cen11antm'n A,·enue

Mrs. Mary D. Fisher 2628 Welsh Road

College\ ilk Inn ·1000 Ridge Pike. C:olteg-e,·ille

Dr. Albert Fomace 2-12 Che11· Avenue

M. Ciuffrida & Co. 296..J. 23rd Street P. Gormly Co. 155 I Oth Street Crubcr·s Bakery, Inc. 7612 Ogontz A,·cnue llagdorn's Esso Sen·ice Center Washington L ane & York Road Happy Bee Tavern 5·~50 Large Street

N. F. Hearne Brokerage 301 Huntingdon Pike Henry Really 5+13 Torresdale Avenue Home Spot Cold Cuts 862 Township Line Road R. Clark Hopkins Equipment Co. Montgomeryville !Ia's Cafe-Bill & Lyd Kelly 900 S. Front Street Ivyridgc Real Estate 6830 Ridge Avenue Johnny & Al's Delicatessen 39..J.5 Aspen Street Dr. Edwin Kates, OptorHetr·ist 2 I S. 8th Street The J. J. K elly Co. 8325 Stenton Avenue .John F. Kenny Co. 32+0 N. Fox Street

( ;eorgc Kozub J 49 Brown StrccL

SOCIAL BUSINESS PATRONS Laky's Restaurant Stcmon & ~It. Pleasant Avenue

P. & W. Auto Body Shop 3800 N. 5th Street

~Ir. and 1\frs. James ~izer 8603 Gau ,lnto"n h<·m•c

Lenny's Barber Shop Cottman & Castor .\venues

Paul's Catering Land Title Bldg.

Smart SPt St>ling ~alon 7726 Bustlt'ton .\\ t•nuc

Donald :\1cGiii-Fumiture & Decorating 8029 Ridge A,·cnue

Mr. & Mrs. Leonard.\. Pawlowski 2917 E. Weikel Street

T. Waltcr ~fcGrath & Sons 157 N. 15th Street John .:\1c:\1enamin 609 Thornhill Drive James G. McSherry, Real Estate 7501 Castor Avenue Magic Bleach 3215 N. 33rd Street Mr. James Magnatta, Jr. '143 Anchor Street .Vfaple Glen Cold Cuts 643 Welsh Road, Maple Glen William R. !\fay Glenside Mike & Gene's 4001 N. Reese Street John ~litchell, Jewelers I 856 Bethlehem Pike

Penny's Flowers Warton & Keswick A\'(•nuc, Glcnside

Smith ,\uto Repair 20-~ I RIH\\\U Stn•pt Edward 'I Smith-Antiques Skippack Pike, Bhll' Bell

People\ ,\{arket Ringgold & Indiana A,·enue

Somerton Manor Apartments 13651 Philmont ,\venue

Perkins Drug Co. lnc. 2900 N. 26th Street

Leo J. Sommar, Rl•altor 18 West Chelten .\venue

Phil's Tailor Shop 318 Butler Avenue, Ambler

Sousan Phannacy 8014 York Road

Piano Bar Frankford Avenue & Ann Street The Plaid Room, Cocktails 680 ~ .:\1artins .:\1ill Road Plymouth Valley Pharmacy 778 Ger111antown Pike, ~orristown .:\1r. and :\[rs. Thomas Press 8200 Torrcsda!c Avenue Charles X Reese, Phannacist 8001 Germantown ,\venue

Stan's .:\[o, ingCU 9-2275 Helen "t1sik 262~ .\lmond Strc!'l Adan1 .J. Stronr{ 6338 Hasbrook ,\wnue Har•) 1 oub and Sons 532-3·!-36 ';outh Stn•et Peter\ rtulli Inc .. Wholesale Produce l +16 South StrcN

:\It. Ephraim Storage Catnden, New Jersey

Leo D. Reilly-Furnitur-! and Carpeting 388 Fairway Terrace

Walter's \!cat \Iarkct I +30 Soutl· Second Street

The Murphy Funeral Home 3839 N. Broad Street

Malcolm Roberlc;on 625 Bethleham Pikt•

Water Sen. ice Laboratories, Tnc. 169 W Wyoming \\·cnue

H ugh Nelson 3rd & Cumberland

Romano Bros. Belvior Road R.D. #4

Rita Webo;tcr .\ccordion Studio 2241 Wl·lsh Road. \'\'illow Gro\'('

Dr. Zcnnon Novicki 813 S. 3rd Street

Saratoga Bar 16th and Sansom Street

\\'exleas Drug 5torc 6700 Torresdalc Avenue

Dr. M orris :\ovik 1883 Laudan Road, Abington

Schwarzwald Inn, Inc. 2nd Street and Olney Avenue

:\1r. and Mrs. John Windisch 2927 Al111ond Stret•t

J. Bernard O'Neill 52 Lanfair Road

Joe Scott Tavern 1954 Stcnton A\'cnue

T. \\'oodrow 2619 Lefevre Street

BUSINESS BOOSTERS .-\BC \ ulo Scat CO\ t•r Co. -t 107 Kt•nsington \wnuc

Jack Bradley

George Diener

6109 Frankford Avenue

5644 North Fifth Street

Alanric Food Distributors 108 ~-Delaware .\H'nue

H arry L. Brown Co., Inc.

5011 North Fifth Street

Herbert F. Diener and Co. Fidelity-Philadelphia Trust Bldg.

.\l's Barlwr Shop 153-t Wadsworth t\v<•nuc

Callis Barber Shop 215 East Washington Lane

DiLorenzo Phan11aC)' Wood and Washington Streets

Campbell's Lunchenette 1509 Bethlehem Pike

Donato Brothers 1811 H orace Avenue

Casella's Baker)· ~orth Fifth Street

Dandrea's Market 205 J ciTcr-;on Street

Charlie's Laundromat

,\nd} "s \uto Body Tennis \\t·nuc & N .



\nnsbury I lard wan· +527 :'\orth Fifth Stret•t


Brown Ardsley's (;ulf Edge J lill and Jenkintown Road

6776 Germantown Avenue

J oseph C. Doyle Towing SetviC<' 3401 North Hutchinson Street

.\shton Pham1acy 9035 Ash ton Road

Tom and Ann Chromchak Holme Circle and Ashton Road

Florence Dudzinski's Beauty Shop 123 Susquchana Avenue

Australian American Rubber Co. Empia· State Building, i:\.Y.


Clare's Card and Gift Shop ~orth Fifth Street

Dunkin Donuts Incorporated 2360 Cottman Street

Avenut·r's F.N.Y.B. 1223 E. ~foyamcn.-.ing 1h enue

Clem's Cafe

3055-57 Frankford A\·enue

Ed's H ardware 7951 Verree Road

Bartle's Better Beverages

JaneS. Connor, M.D.

8919 Ridge ,\ vrntH'

3012 Mathers Mill Road

Elkins Park Shoe R epair 8021 York Road

Bacder Phannan· Jenkintown and Bal•der Roads

AI Cors 200 Easton Road

AI Facchiano Ridge and Shawmont Avenues

?-.lr. John Bartkow,ki 1328 Cottman .ht·nut•


5239 'Morris Street

Stephen F. Fennin~ 1856 Bowler Street

Baumann\ Bakt'l)" 1200 Cottman .-\' t nue

Mr-. and Mrs. A. Cunningham 6738 Limekiln Pike

L. W. Fickett Easton Road and Springhouse Lane

Bernat\ Sinclair S~nicc 7997 Limekiln Pih

Cy and Vic's Cut R ate

3650 North BroaCI Street

Finnarcn and Haley, Inc. 1300 N. 60th Street

Blair Printing Company Willow Gro\'C

The Deb Shop 7830 Cermantowu Avenue

Charles Fisher 2628 W clsh Road

Bob', \uto Body 799l' Rork\\·ell .\\ t•nuc

D eMao's Pizzeria 2038 Se\'enty-Second Avenue

Fischer's Pastry Shop 8013 Castor A,·enue

Mr. and ~Irs. Robcrt ]. Bothwell 21 08 lloracr . \' enuc

Dennis Photography 4513 North Fifth Street

Flourtown Cleaners Flourtown

Jack Brudlcy-Photographcr

Mr. and Mrs. D erricks 101 7 Garfield Avenue

Flourtown Hobby Shop F lourtown Shopping Center

·121 Ridgt• Pikl·


Craig, I nc.-Plumber

BUSINESS BOOSTERS Russell J. Foster, J nsurancc 33 Woodale Road

Howard Camera Shop Butler Avenue

L insky's Ph arm a<'} S .E. Comer 2nd and \ 1on·is St.

Fox Chase Auto Body 7931 Oxford Avenue

Esther Hub Kensing ton and Allegheny Avenue

Lou's Chlltt•nham Delicatessen 410 N. Front St.

Frank and Tony's Garage T ennis and N. Main Street

Mr. J ay, H air Stylist Lafayette Hill

Lynam Coal Company 8010 \ ork Road

Frantz Equipment 50th and Wynnefield

Johnnie's Sand\\ich Shop Mt. Airy and Germantown Avenue

M acF arland's Barber Shop 7149 German town A w.

Fred's Esso Gennantown and l\Ienn aid Lane

Joseph's Barber Shop 310 Huntingdon Pike

M rs. Wm. M cAnespey, Jr. 4203 Elbrid~e St.

A Friend

Jungs Flower Shop 7116 Rising Sun Avenue

McGee F uneral H ome Comer 3rd and Cheltenham Ave.

Keswick J eweler 253 K eswick Ave.

D r. Irene E. Maher 3327 W . Queen Lane

Kiddie-K are Bureau Ch 2-2222

Cary Martin 6800 H orrocks Street

A. S. K ohut Pharmacy 268 K eswick A,·e.

~fart} \

Jo hn B. Lo rd Betz and Company, P hila.

M etropolitan Roofing and Siding 1571 ~.Easton Road

John E. Krause 7036 Ridge Ave.

John S. Milne Style Center FlourtO\\n Shopping Center

Bernie Kurek's "Del Fi's'' 2875 Kirkbride St.

?\1om's Pizza 5237 Oxford A\'e.

L and M Caterers 4902 N. Fifth St.

Mort's Esso Ser\'icc Center Castor and Glendala ,\ vc.

F. Laurenzi and Sons 2239 W. Indiana

Leonard B. Mower Wa lnut and Roesch

Lawren ce Pharmacy 3242 N. Front St.

J. T . M urphy Company, Inc.

Lea Assc. I nc., Printers Ambler

N ealon Brothers. Inc. Dry W all Contractor

Nicholas W. Lees 1358 Gilhan1 St.

~icholas Hairstyling 6915 C!'rmantown lhe.

Life Food Market 7736 Castor Ave.

N igro's 20th and Ritner St.

Friends Gallagher M emorial Company Cheltenham Avenue and Ivy Road

H ill

Geffeh's Food Market 7963 Castor Avenue Geo1-ge's Hardwa re Store 2+32 South Broad Street Grnnantown Motor Sales 574-2 Wayne Avenue James Giordano, Surgical Supplies Gt'm1ant0\\11 Avenue at Rex Avenue Mrs. David Colden 1230 Pratt Street Mr. and M rs. Sigmund Gorski 4745 Hartel Avenue Patricia Gufler Glenside Travel Service Ben R. Hilborn Roofing Company 706 Oak Lane Avenue Holmesburg Beer Distributors 8015 Craig Street Henry Hopkins Arnerican Legion Ax. Unit 881

Atlantic 120 1 Cottman Ave.


200 \\ Fi-.her .he.


Esso Sen·ice Center

J. J.

ilst and Ozgont; \ve.

11 J 7 York Road

Stopyra ·Brother<> .\tlantic 999 Anchor Street

PNc• Palanesc .:\ormandy Grilk and Bar

Sadtz PhannaC)· Norristo,.. n, Pennsylvania

Joseph .\. Sulat Medical Arts Building

The Paris Famih 500 E. Rittenhollst' St.

C . Schrack and Company 7152 Gennantown Avenue

Sunbeam Water Company Ambler, Pennsyh'ania

:'\h-s. AnrH' Parh 1 2:~0 Prall St.

Mrs. Robert M. Scott 7148 Crittmden Street

Taylors Grocety 135 Cotta!{e Street

Pl·nns) h ani a Brake 1.105 .:\. \ faschcr St.

Seasonguard Corporation Lindsay and Napier Streets

Tony's Barber Shop 2611 Jcnkint0\\11 Road

Pike Rcrorcl Shop .Flourtown 5hoppmg Cl'nter

Sclas Corporation Dn·sher, Pennsylvania

Tony's Cold Cuts 6300 Cardiff Str<'et

Harold Price, Florist 2003 E. Tulpehocken

Shumoski's Atlantic Station ~loyamensing and Moore

C. Tyson Cleaner<> 7618 Castor Avenue

Pride 1-hour C!t:aner$ 1605 \\'ad~wotth An•.

Sid's :Market 304+-46 E. Richmond Street

F. A. "Gric and Company 3301 S. Galloway Stret't

Compliments, P:I .C. Charter Servin• Dept.

Slabinski Funeral Home 2614 Orthodox Street

Thomas M. Voegele 1314 Shclmire Avenue

John C. Quinlan 8655 Ferndale St.

Slicker's Luncheonette Butler Avenue

Waco Scaffolding Company 3883 Ridge A\'enue

Rarhnbin!'tki Funeral Ilomc HI S. Fmnt St

Smart Set-Styling Salon 7726 Bustleton ;\venue

240 Keswick Avenue

Ra' ·s Bar ~9 W Tnracc

Mr. and l\·f rs. Edward T. Smith 322 Skippack Pike

Mr. and :'\Ir<> Fred Watson 1624 Murdoch Road

Alfred Rctcnd<· 7l6 S. :~rd Street

SofTer's Studio 7709 Germantown Avenue

Webb's Bakel)' 3258 N. Front Street

Rialto Cleancl"\ 6706-08 ~pragm· Street

Stanert Provision Company 829 Willow Street

Florence Whartenby, Hairdresser 1016 Willow GI'O\'e Avenue

Rice's H<ud\\"M<' I ">20 \Nadsworth AYcnuc

Stenton Beer Distributor<> 8119 Stcnton Avenue

The White Phannacy 105 S. Easton Road

A. Joseph RicfTt•l, .-\ttomcy 608 Liberty Tru~t Building

Stephenson's Typewriter Co. 119 York Road

Frank Woods Delicat('ssen 3861 ='Jor1h Darien Street

Rino\ Pincria 21 E. Glensidt• ,\\'cnuc

Steve's Cleaners 2370 E. ;\!orris Street

Wyndmoor Supply Company Hatboro, Pa. and W)11drnoor, Pa.



Walter's Barber Shop

BOOSTERS Abbons ~!ilk Dairies Mr. and \Irs. William i\h<~ll Mr. Willia111 \ clair Mrs. ~Iary \ dgic Mrs. Sara \1kcn Alfredo Albert ,\nduui An .. nymous Arthur J . \nsrrt, Jr. Mr. and \I rs llugo .\rmandu Mr. Peu•r .\ rnone Mr. William C. Ashworth Mrs. Reba Aucr Mrs. ll<'lcnc Bachus Albert C. Barkauskas Robert Barkauskas Mrs. Baker Mr. John Baldino Paul Baldino Alice J . B••llard Mrs. Hai g Bandaian Anne K . Barbour Mr. and ~Irs. E. Bardy Roselle Barko>\\ski John A. Barron Mr. and ~Irs. J .P. Barrosse Mrs. Marvin Beardsley lea's Drliratc~scn J. Paul lk·aty Bea\"er Pha rmacy Ed Bet"kcr Mr. Joseph Bednarczyk Mr. and ~ft >. Donald Bcdominicas Mr. and ~Irs. Arthur Bcighlc)' Mrs. Beitz Mr. and ~Irs. Thomas Bemiller Cloyde Bt'ndcr Bill Bent '39 Miss ~(ary .\ . Bergin Aana Bernacki Michad Bt•rnadi Ietty and Janet Michael Bianrhini Dr. and ~Irs. \ 'ictor J. Bicnnan C. Bii!Olt·r

and Mrs. Stanley Bodnor R. Bngle E. J . Bollard An!Ol<'linc Bonanni and Mrs. Bernard F. Bonner Cecilia E. Boris and Mrs. James J. Boyle Braddock

~!r John Brady J oe Braun '62 Ruth Braun ~Irs. Raymond Braun ~Irs. 0. J Breen ~Irs. J K .Brcene ;\!r. and Mrs. John C. Brennan :VIr. and Mrs. Edward T. Bresnan \Jr. and \lr.. Edmond L. Brett \Ir. William Brier \[rs. Bart Brigidi Dr. Will iam E Briglia ~'Irs. Gt'rtrude .Brockway Brod>•'s Dt'partment Store \lr. and \!rs. George Broniszewski Mr. and \Irs. Edward Brosz l\lr. C harles T. Brown Christine E. Brown :\Irs. Elizabeth T. Bro" n \1iss \ Iaric D. Bro\\11 1\lr. and ~[rs. L. Buko"ski Miss M ary Burczewski J udy and Cathy Burger Stephen B. Butler :\Irs. Virginia Byrne The Cahill Famil>· :\[r. and Mrs. Joseph T. Calpin James J. Campbell James]. Campion. Jr. '57 \[rs. J ohn R. Cannun J ohn Cape Don Carrhirli ~[iss Elizabetl1 Anne Carico \Ir. and \Irs..\ nthtny Carico \fr. and \lr~. William Carlin Carmen·~ Otthopedic Shoe Service :Vlr. and :\Irs. Raymond Carr, Jr. ~lr. and \Irs. Raymond Carr, Sr. \farie V. Carroll \Irs. \\'inifrcrl Carroll Jerald Caruso George J. Casey \1 rs. Frank Cassidy William J. Cassidy '6+ J oseph Caterina M r. and ~Irs. Rornolo Caterisano Dr. and M rs. Vincent J. Cattic ).I iss Ch) ll <:ne Canic \fr. J oseph Cattie :\[iss J o .\nn Ca\'alicr Elva C . Chadwick The C hckdcus \lr. and Mrs. Stanley Chcpelevitch .\nthony Chiarlone Chi Omega Delta Sorority :\lr. and Mr~. Raymond Christy Mr. and Mrs. J oseph Chnanowski \Irs. J oseph Cieslinski J. Carl Cinquino Louisa Cipriana

~lr. aud \11 Ft·ank Cizc\\ski \[r. aiiCI :\tr,. \' (urn> Josc·ph C11t lt;udo

\. ]. c ..,..,

james J Culantonio Can I Cnlo,•ra :\!r. and \Its Daml'l 1'. Collim Mr. and \Irs. Dennis Cullins Edward J Collins John Collin' Famil) J(lh.n Cc I ns III \Iiss Kathken ~~ Collins Margan•t Collins \Ir. and \It,, CharJe, Colhns \Ir. and ~Irs. Joseph J Cc•llins \fr. and \lr<. L. J Colon 1963 Color (,uard Fred and f\nn Contino William (' mvcy \nn

(~oil\\ ay

\lrs. f.lizahc th Cc >k ~ [ r and \Irs John Conks<>n !\1r. and \hs. Danid B Cnoney \[r :lnd \Irs. Ed,,·ard J Cooper Charlt•, H (', P<' \Ir. and \1 s San ud j . Cope :\[rs. Ch:nlt·s H. Copt· \!r;. \nna Cnrnia \!iss \nna Cornia Tho·rna, J'. C(lurtnry, Jr. )Jr. and .\(r,. William Cn)·lc \Irs. Flnn·rlt'l' Covlt• :\Irs. :\larian Coylr \Irs Ech,.Hd Cranr Eli7.ah<·th Cra,·en :O.Ir. E<h,ard Cra"fnrd \[r. Lrs Cra,,ford \1r Rrohrrt Crawford \lr. and \[r.. J. Crispo :\. Crumb i\lr. Juhn II Cubhin Joseph F. Curhard :O.frs. J<>st'ph F Curhard :\(r, K'lthll'cn Cudd<·n Jame' \ . C mnin~<ham Robert Cunnm~ham i\{r. and :O.!rs. John W. Curran Mr. and ~lr~. Jost'ph E. Curry \lr. and \fr, J . F. Cushing Cyclone Mrs J. (, Dacanar John n· \lt·ssandro \Ir. and \Irs. Ronwo D 'Aionzo Brian D llllt>l Frank \ Uanid. Jr. '63 11r. and \Irs. Henry D•n•iel and J'amilr Mr. and ,\Irs. F. Danicl,ki G. P. Da,kde,,iu 'b~> :\!r and ~Irs. J . Da,kill'\\ irz Dau~htt·r, of l'atima

BOOSTERS Mr. and Mrs. Charles Deeney Mr. and :\1rs. M.G. DeGenoa Mrs. F. Dcissler J\1rs. Lena DeLaurentis Mary DeLizia John DeLuca The Dc路Masi Family ~trs. Edward \". Oempsl'y Mr. and i\Irs. Edward P. Dempsey \Irs. Agnes Denker Mr. and Mrs. William Denker J(lhn Derderian Rosalyn and Beverly Devitt 1\fr. and l\lrs. A. J. Devitt Daniel J. Devin Mr. William Devlin \1r. and Mrs. M. J DeWar ~[rs. Isabelle Dewey Larry Dillon '-46 Pauline DiMario DiSalvio and Nicoletti Harry DiTeodoro Charles J. Dobson Mr. and Mrs. Edward Doherty Mr. Frank H. Doherty Mrs. Dolan Robert Dole Dun and Henry Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Donahue Jaml"s Donnelly Mr. Edward G. D onnelly ).fr. R. T. M. Donnelly .:"\Irs. Mar)' Donnl"lly ~tiss Jl路an Donnelly Mr. Thomas Donze Mary C. Dc){)ley ~1r. and ).frs. Victor J. D'Orazio Frank M. Dougherty The C. 1\. Dougherty Family Michael Dougherty 'vfr. and ).frs. James J . Dougherty John J. Dougherty ~ 1ary Dowucy ).fr. and Mrs. Earl Downing Mr. and :-.Irs. James J Doyle Mr. and i\[rs. Joseph C. Doyle Joseph Draham Alfred Duca :\Iildred Duffey William J. Dugan Champagne Dumont Mr. and Mrs. John C. Dunion Joseph C. Dunleavy :.Irs. Daniel Dunn John Dunn Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Dunn Marcia and Jay Dunphy Mr. Thomas Durkin Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Durso E. Louis Dwomck

Mrs. E. L. Dwornek Earnhart's Atlantic Service Frank Eberle Hpesoj Ecallaw Charles Eckert, Jr. Frank Eckert Dr. Milton Eisenberg Brother Emery Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Erb Mrs. Frances Ermold Walter M . Erukson Mr. Louis Esposito, Jr. Mr. Philip Evans Mr. and Mrs. Walter Evanuk Mr. and Mrs. Leonard W. Fairchild Fante's. Tnc. Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Fasano, Jr. ).fr. and Mrs. Matthew Fasano, Sr. Mr. Peter Fcledick Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Faust, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Fidler Bobby, Cathy Mike Field Mr. and Mrs. Harry Filinuk Mr. and Mn. H . T. Filinuk and Son Charles A. Fischer Miss Helen :Fischer Francis Fisher Mr. and Mrs. C. Fisher John Fitzgibbons 2B Reverend Lawrence J. Flanagan Mr. and Mrs. Edward P. Flood Charles Flore Mrs. Anna Flynn Mr. and Mrs. J ohn Flynn Mr. and Mrs. James Fogerty Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Foley Mr. J oseph Forgeng Edward T. Foster Robert M. F os ter Leo Frangipane Frank and Marie's Paper Stand Mr. and Mrs. Charles Frank Fred and Rene's Glenn Fricke '65 Nana Fricke Mr. and Mrs. Louis Fricke Mr. and Mrs. Charles Friel Mr. and Mrs. Fra11cis J. Friel Compliments of a Friend A Friend A Friend A Friend A Friend A Friend A Friend S.V. - A Friend M.G. - A Friend B.V. - A Friend Mr. and Mrs. AI Frunzi Mr. and Mrs. C. Fulforth

Mrs. Lizzie Funk Robert Gaidjunas Mr. and Mrs. Jack Galante Mr. Bernard Gallagher Mr. Dennis Gallagher Mrs. Dorothy Gallagher Marion Gallo Thomas P. Gallo Gamma Beta Tau Fraternity Miss Mary Ann Gansz Miss Vera Garofalo Mr. Joseph A. Garvin Mrs. Veronica Garvin Mr. and Mrs. Jack Garvin Mrs. Rose E. Garvin Miss Patricia F. Gaudio Mrs. /\nne Gaudner Martin Caukcr Miss Ann Gause Walter and Charles Gazdzik Donald Gehring Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gemmi Mr. Gasper Genuardi George's Sunoco Station James Gerle Gert and Mary A. M. Giampetro, M.D. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Gibbons Edward Gill Mildred Gillie Gimbel's Shoe Store Mr. and Mrs. E. J ames Ginnetti Dominic Girondo Willian1 A. Givey Albert F. Goldbeck Joseph A. Goldbeck Mrs. David Golden Fisher Golden Gilbert Golding Joseph Golding '64 Laura Goldstein A. J . Gonnella Moose Gordan '64 Lawrence A. Gorski Sydney Gotkin Mrs. Thomas Gowen Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Grabusky William Grabusky Madeleine C. Graham Loren Graves, Jr. Barbara Gray Mr. Joseph Greco Dr. 1\. L. Green Marlin Grims '50 Boleshaw Gruschinski Mr. and M rs. Francis S. Guise Mr. and Mrs. Gumrot Gum rot Cap't Guy's Fishing Boat Mrs. Harvey L. Haeberle

BOOSTERS Mr. and Mrs. John Halligan William A. Hallman, Jr. Robert Hamburger Mary Ann and Joseph Hamilton William Hamilton 2D Mr. and Mrs. Donald I Iampton Harry's ~[r. and Mrs. Joseph Hart Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Hartley Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hartman Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Hartman Mrs. Henry Hartman Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Harvey Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Tiaughney Mrs. Anna M. Haury Stefan Hawrysz Mr. John Hedrick Helen and Paul Mrs. Robert Hellmuth Mrs. Charles Hemberger Richard Hemberger Mr. and Mrs. W. J . Hence Mr. and Mrs. Daniel D. Hennessy Herb's Sunoco Service Allan J. Herman Henry, Helen, and Stephen Dolores and Eddie Herritt The Hess Family Francis Higgins Matthew Higgins John H. Hill Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence E. Hill A. Hoch and A. Flanagan C. Clark Hodgson, Jr. Jacob Hoffman James J. Hoffman Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Hoffman Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Hofman Mr. and Mrs. B. Hoover Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Horan William F. Horan Mr. and Mrs. Leo Houser and Family Miss Eleanore Louise Howland Father Richard Huber Mr. and Mrs. David Hummel Wayne Hummel Mr. and Mrs. Paul Humphries Mrs. Thomas Hurley James Hyde Mr. Joseph E. Hyde Fred Iannarelli Mr. and Mrs. Frank Incantalupi Mrs. Elizabeth Irwin Ivy Hill Valet Service Mr. and .Mrs. Henry Jacobson Joseph T. Jaje John A. Jakabcin, M.D. Kapp Jakob Mrs. Katie Jakob Mr. and Mrs. Henry James

l\fr. and Mrs. Ted Janulewicz Mr. Jay Hair Stylist Mike Jeffers '65 Mr. and Mrs. Michael F. Jeffers Jerry's Barber Shop Benjamin H. Jetter, Sr. Albert J. J ohnson ~fr. and Mrs. Edward Johnson J ohn Johnston 1\fr. Jones Mr. Eugene Jones Mrs. F. M. Jones Joseph Jordon Mrs. Joseph Jordon Marie Jordon Mr. and Mrs. Pat Jordan James P. Joyce Kathryn Junod Mrs. Agatha Kacala Lawrence Kacala Mr. and Mrs. Bruno Kacala Mr. Kane Dr. and Mrs. Robert J. Kane Mr. and Mrs. J ohn J. Kane Suzanne Kane James T . Karabasz ~1r. and 1\lrs. Stanley Karolski Mr. Francis J. Keating Mrs. William Keinert Henry J. Keller '60 }.fr. Leo D . Keller Frances Kelly ~Ir. Frank Kell y Mrs. Hannah R. Kelly James M. Kelly Mr. and Mrs. John J. Kelly Mrs. J. R. Kelly Mrs. Mildred Kelly Mr. Charles A. Kennedy Mr. and Mrs. John F. Kenney, Jr. Blanch Kensil Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kensil Lillian Kenton Mr. Thomas F. Kerney John A. Kerper Mr. and Mrs. J. Kestler Lawrence J. Kieffer Mrs. J. Kilcewski Brian M. Kilcullen ~fr. and Mrs. M. Kilczewski Mr. and Mrs. W. Kilczewski Mr. and Mrs. Charles King Paul King Mr. and Mrs. Robert V. Kinney Mr. Thomas Kinsey Mrs. Felicia Klapp Thomas Klein .\Ir. J oseph Klemczak Miss Dorothy Kline Mr. and Mrs. Gerard Klopf


and .\fn> J ohn F. K l<>pf .\fr>. Stella K lopf Charles C.. K lwnpp and Sc•ns Mrs. Grarc Knox Mr. and \-1rs. William F. Kncbcrt ~1r>. George \ K ncnig 0 . L . Koenig II, Jr Pharmacist \I rs. J ohn Kuhn ~fr. and .\! rs. Harl)· F. Kolb C.curgt• Kumela.sky Mr. and Mrs. K omesaruk .Joan and Leo Koslcy Mike Koss '66 T um Koss '60 Mr. and .\ frs. Donald E K otas :\[,In' K C~\-aleski

J ohn Kll\,·alski Ste\ CJI Kozub William Kozub ~[L Kramer Mich:wl Krasnuk J ohn t: K rause J osc·ph Krause Jo~eph J K rause J oseph A Kredatus ~lih Caroline ~1. Krimm .\[r and Mrs. Francis K rimm Ka th y and Jim Krimm Pa t and Tom K rimm :\.Jr and ~Irs. Walter K rimm .\fr and ~irs. W. Kriz ,\ lex Kromd}·k J oan Krupski ~fr and ~ [rs. J ohn K ru tsirk J an L. K rzwicki Dr. Charles B. Kupers Mrs. Mildred Kurek Mr. and ~Irs. 1\lichael J. Kurowski Robert Kurz Ed" ard J K usek Sol K ushinski Roman Kwasnycky .\fr. and .\frs. George \\'. K ylt· Mrs Ekanor Lain Mr. an d Mrs. George " . Lake III J ean Langan M rs. \fary E. Lan~an Lanl(e's \feat ~farkct D r ~irhulas LaRocca .\ . P. Larson Edward \, LaRue Mn. Florcnt'e Y. LaRue Edward M. Laska '62 FranC'is Laska ' 6.') M r. and ~frs. E. J. Laska :\fark J Laskow Bill}· and Bobby Lattan7i .\fr 1nd .\frs. ,\ )bert Lattall7i J ohn and Walter Latzko .\l 1ss Elilabeth Lamensc hlal(n


\!ary C La" l<'t H11an and :\[ichael T.,1\dor ~fary Ellen and Suty l.a,dnr .J ,trk, Rill and Sox Lawlor Pat :.llld Kathv I l\\ ln r \lr. aud \h<. F1ank l.ech ~Irs. J"rank l.rch :-.:idwlas \\' . L!•t'' J<•"·ph Ll'i<"luwr Ralph J. l.eid1m·r ,\ lr 111rl ~[rs. Eu~:r·nr· Lt•rv Tulli11 ( •••n•• L••otll]><•lr;t ~lr ami \!rs. Ed":ml ,\ L'"t•narrzyk \lr. and \Irs l"ranci~ I.C(•nard ~lr. and :\Irs Frauk l.t"c•nard ~It . Rannond L<'fJflllt' .Jnseph .-\. Lt·p< \\' illiam :\. l.t•\\ is :'\lr. and :\Irs. Ech,,mJ Lihtratorr Jan l.wata ~Irs . ,\]bert l.indt·r :'\lil-h:tt•l Linguili ~!rs Charle~ I.orkyt•r :'\lr and :'\!rs. J l•'<·ph D . Lodge T hnma~ Lof ~;ren Tlwmas M Lnftm, Jt·. l.fll(an Family .'\lr. and :llfrs. .]m!'ph l.nl(liari .\1 r. and :'\ [rs. J anw~ F. T.n~tue ,\lois Lohn .\!iss .\!an:-arct I.nn~:<horc ).!iss ).fartha Lopinski ,\tllhnny Lopn•sti Dnlnn•s and Rmr•mari•· Lnpwsti .J••hn B. Lord .)Pan Lontssu .\l r. and :\Irs. J. I.otnla :'\lr. and .\fr,. Phillip l.n" rv Dr. ~ . .J. L\thy Jmt'ph Lur7k• '"ki ;\lr and :'\fr<. \fartin .J. Luff .\.lr. and .\Irs . .Joseph Lulli .\{r. and Mrs. Luxton J"hn ]. Lyman llt·nry Lvnrh .\latianm· P. I.ynd1 .\.[;._ ~lildred l.ync h Thcl(ltas J. l.vnth, Jr. ,\1 r. \\'altt'r I \ ntko1Hki Catltl'rinC' :\!< \mht·l, Jnhn D. :0.1< \ndn•w :\!1 Jamrs P. ~lr.\ndrc"· ~[r- ;\[ \l r \min·\\ ,:\fr, Wrn ~1r \twspc), Jr. John L. .\1c Cahc· :-,(,· William .\11-GnfTcrtv :\lr. and :\fr,. .John 1. . .\lrCioskey ~!rs . \\'ilh!'lminc \{r(J, .,ker Tohn F. and :\l irr E \lrCnol \!r and Mr·s. C B '!\frCool

\ 'C' rnnka :\lcC:r~ rkcn Louis S. :'11<-Cuskr r Hu gh .J. ~lc-Dc·\·itt E. Ralph :'llrDcd tt .\ . \ \l r Donald J <•hn J :\!<-Donald :'\lr. and \[r, Stacr1· L. .\lrDonnrll :'\[r. and :\Irs J ames :'\{r F adden ~Irs. Eli7:tbNh .\lcfadden J crr} l\lrFarland l\·!r. and :\frs. John YfcGeady D rnnis



l'\ ]\lf[:crhan :'\fr. and .\Irs. D<•nald H. ]\fcGill Rdx-rt C ;\[cCill :\like .\frCinniss '65 Mrs. J rnny ;\lrGoldrick ]\fr. and l\lrs. J nhn C. McGo ldriC'k :'lfr. and Mrs. Patrick McGnldrirk .\fr. and Mrs. George :O.IcGoni~tal .\Ir. and ':'lfrs . .Joseph ':'llrCnnic(lc

Elizaheth ;\lcGnu'(h J ohn J M rGnueh. Jr. J ohn J :'llcGoul!h, Sr. Michael ;\1cGrath Walter J. McGrath William McKenna Bernard M cKeon Mrs. :'\{argaret R. :'\fcKeown E. V. :\1cKinler .\.frs. Belle :'\fcKinney :'\frs. Florence McKinney Frank ]\!('Laughlin Joseph M . l\kLaughlin Mrs. Leo A.. McLaughlin ;\Irs. J ames :\f<"Lo rie Mrs. L. B. :\Ic Quaide :\Irs. J nhn P. \tcShca. Jr. ;\lr. J ames G . .\(('Sherry Mrs. Ilcl<·n ':\lack l\!iss Patriria to-lack Wall y :\latk 1\ f r. Vinrcn t Madden ;\Irs. J. :\lagarity ']\[rs. William J . ]\fagarity .\Ir. W . J. ;\fal(arily :O.Ia.:;-cr \\enur Delicatessen Gerry :\!agee D onna ;\lagui re Patric ia Mahan William Maher 1\frs. William Maher Frank ).falajy. Sr. Frank :'\lalajy. Jr. .\ . J .1\lalecki .\frs. Eleanor Malek Stephanie \. Malek l\lt·. frank IT. Mallon William J. Manclia

I lnnk I. Mania rdw:lrcl s. ;\lanuS~ak .1\ f r. :rnd ~Irs. l\lario ~{al'iani l\l.lrir and Ed J osrph .\larkmann W illiam :ll!arkmann :O.Ir. and .\[rs. ~onnan }.[arncr Thr \[arsillio F amily Jimmie :'\lartin ;\h·. and Mrs. Denn is ;\lartin Mrs. William ~fartyn l\1:.•rr and l\1icharl'< Braut y Shop ~lary and R onnie \\'illiam J . }.fastalski '61 \'ito :\lastronardn Rohrrt .J. :'\[atlhc" s. Sr Rns<• l\latyas l\!r. and ~{rs. M . T.. l\lay l\.f r. :\!irhael Ma1ur Jcohn A. l\Ierhan, Jr. Paul l\leehan ;\fr and :\frs. H arry \ !<•irr ~Irs. Anna E. :'\[ellnn L111ian ':'lleredith :\[r. and ).[rs. Fran<"is ~1ich l Mr. George Micko Sophie Miegkowski 1\'lfs. C. l\Iikos ~1 r. Anthony ':'II ilko Su7.annc ~Iiiier :O.Ir. aod .\Irs. Jnhn \1. ).fillet :'\fr. and }.Irs. J oseph J. ).finarick Mrs. Kathryn :\linnich Eleanor F. :\liraglia Mr. and Mrs. Pctrr P. Miraglia Mr. and Mrs,. Frank Misko John and Joe l\ritch ell :O.fiss Violet T. ).litche ll ).lr. and .\Irs. J oseph ']\·l ofTa ).[iss Antonia :'\lolinaro ;\lr. and :\Irs. E . F. ;\foore :\lrs. Irene l\[oorc Mr. and Mrs. J .D. M<•orc Mr. and Mrs. Matt Moore Bullwinkle .J. 1\!nosc J ohn J. ':'lforasco :O.Ir. and ).[rs. C. ]\[o rdan ;\Irs. 1\1. ;\[organ James R . M orrison Mr. and l\1rs. R obert M o rrison Mrs. Frances l\loyer Mr. H oward Moyer John A. Mroz :O.Ir. J oseph Mroz :\lr. and ':\Irs. Prtcr P. 1\fucssig, Sr. Paul l\fuessig :O.fr. and .\frs. J ohn 1\lullahy, Jr. E'cl>·n Mullen l\Ir-. and Mrs. Gordon Mullen Kathryn !vfulkn

BOOSTERS :Mr. and ~irs. Leo J . ~l ullcn Mr. and ~frs. Mullen Martha H . Mullen Miss Nettie Muller Mr. Rubert Muller Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. t.fulligan M umford Family Mr. and ~Irs. Paul .M unter Anna ~t . ~ lurphy Joseph ~f urphy Miss Pa tricia Ann Murray Mr. O tto Nath John Nawrocki Edrtha Neely Mr. and M rs. Frederick Nell Antoinettt• ~eri Mr. and ~Irs . .M. Netzko Dr. and ~Irs. \'. C. Nickelson Nick's Barber Shop Nigro 9th Stre<' t Linen Shop Mrs. Marie Noerpel Mn. T homas J. Nolan Mr. Ed"ard J. Nolen M r. and ~Irs. Raymond ,\ . ~olen, Jr. Mr. and ~Irs. Raymond A. Nolen, S r. C. Marie Norbury Bob and Arlene North Mrs. V. Nowak Obir 's Mr. and ~Irs. William P. O'Brien Thomas o· Brien. J r. Mr. James ~[. O' Connor Mr. and :\Irs. ~ latthcw J. O'Connor, Sr. Edward O'Donnell Mr. and M rs. Bernard O 'D onnell Mr. J ohn J . O'Donnell Nancy O 'Donnell R.onald O'Driscoll R.onald F . O'D riscoll, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Oestreich M r. and :\Irs. George C. O 'Hara J~ T . O'Kane Mr. and ~f rs. Joseph T . O' Leary Mr. and M rs. L. J . O' Leary Mr. and M rs. l\lic hael J. O' M alley Margaret 0 '::'1/eil J im, John. ar:d Joe Osborne Mr. and Mrs. F. J . Ostertag M rs. Lester B. Ottin~ter Mr. and Mrs. Edward Otwell Overbeck Pharmacy Mn. Lillian C. Padden James Pagano lin. Stella Pakech Mrs. M. Palamarchuk . tty Palrnno J eannie Palenno Role Palenno Mr. Harry F. Pannepacker

Vincent J . Panncpacker. J r. Mr. Salva tore Paoline Molly Papa Mrs. Anne Parks Helen Partyka M rs. Lucy Partyka ~Ir. and ~frs. J oseph Passanante Frederick A. Patrick J ack Paulits J ohn Paulits Jim Pau li ts I rene Pauli ts Martin Paulits Mrs. M . Paulits Mr. and Mrs. E. Pawli kowski Edward Pendrak Mr. and M rs. William Perkins and Family ~fr. and Mrs. Thomas Perretti Da niel Petrillo Anthony Pettinato Barbara Pettinato Mr. and Mrs. A. J . Pettinato J ohn F. Pettine M r. and Mrs. J oseph Pettit M r. and M rs. Aloysius Pidgeon M r. J . Pietrafitta Pa tricia Pigott Gregory Pirmann M r. J oseph V. Plakis J ohn P. Plunkett Samuel Podell M r. and M rs. Roger L. Poirier Albert Polisano George Alexander Polk J oseph J. Ponczka Poquessing Corp. M ary Pottolow Rosemary Pottolow M r. and M rs. J ohn Press Pron Family ~fr. and }.frs. S. Psulkowski Francis Purcell Mr. and ~irs. Thomas Pyle Michael Quinlan Mrs. Hugh F. Quinn Mr. Edward R . Rabitt J ohn M. Radovich M r. and M rs. Wa lte r R amick ~[iss Carol R amspacher ~l r. and M rs. W. Ramspacher :-lrs. M arie Rapley T om R atchford '66 Mr. and Mrs. J . Raymond Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Razzi }.1rs. Catherine R eed ~frs. Elizabeth Reese M r. and :\[rs. T homas M . R egan Harry V. Reid M arie C. Reid M rs. William Reinert

Richard an~ Susie R . \\ Richards Mr. and :\[rs J. Richenbach Ricky and Donald M r. and ~[ rs. Joseph F. Ri<'ck T homas Rieley A. R. Rihl, Jr., M.D. Karl J Riley .\Ir. and :\1rs. Walter\'. Ritchie Robert's Barber Shop Mr. and Mrs. -\)bert E. Robinson Mrs. F. Rnd1..iewiz M r. and Mrs. Walter Rollins M rs. Kathryn Roman Caroline and Bud Romine J ohn J Ronan M rs. :\.{ Ro ·si M r. and Mrs. B. Rotay Angelina Rotella Heidi L. Rothenheber M r. and Mrs. Philip Rothsching M r. and Mrs. Edward Rowlr}' M r. and \[rs. Leslie W. Rudloff Philip J. Ru~~em :\Ir. and .\frs. Jacob J. Ru~er :\ir. and .\frs. Jacob J Ruser, Jr. Louis Ruzirka Mrs. James W. Ryan Miss Kathleen Ryan M rs. Kathryn Ryan ~fr. and \frs. Ryan Pat Ryan Ted Sadlick M r. and \Irs. Joseph Saile Carmen F. Salcmno M r. and Mrs. John Salerno J oseph Salmon M r. and Mrs. Myron Sambor L. Santo Da\·id P. Satinsky }.faria Saucrwald Anita Sauhno }.fr. and \trs. John Saulis M r. and Mrs. John J. Scanlon J osep h Schad Vera SchaciTcr P . Schieber Frances Schie,scr .\lr. :\[ax Schruzle Charles F S<·hlechter, ~LD . ~Ir. \\alter Schlosser Schmidt Family Mr. Joseph Srhrnicg, Sr. Mrs. F. fl.. s,hmieg M r. Jost"ph Schmieg, Jr. ::'l f rs. Jm<'ph Schmieg Bill Schm·ider '65 Robert Srh acider Mr. and Mrs William Schnrider Miss Mary Sl hnurr ~1rs.


and Chuck Schrrader John Schroth 3F Mrs. Pa uline Schull;. Mr and Mrs. J osrph L. Srhul7.e :\f r. and Mrs. •\ugu~tin Sthwartz I orraine P. Schwartz R<"vcrend J. Scogan Care ,J A. Scola Dr·. and ~[rs. Scolly Joanne M. Scott Elias Scruggs Paul Scullin :'l.fr and M rs. Waltrr J Seibold John :\f Schaeffer '62 :\{r·. and ;\Irs. Franns Sl allow .\IN. Anna J. Shanahar \ [r and :\Irs. Edward Shearon \ [r and Mrs. Edward .J Shir lds \ofr and Mrs. J ames W Shire 1\(ichacl Should is. 3.'\ Michael Shouldis .\[r. Clem Shwnoski \fary F Shum~ki Shapiro's Rexall Dnrg5 Ralph A Siani Ann Siebels \ 1r. and M rs. Silber, J r. \ 1r. and Mrs. Adore Silvestri j nsrph T. Sin'!'C'r .\{rs. ;\fary .\. Sinnott :\fr. and :\Irs. \' Skahan .\fr. and .\frs. J. Skibi~zewski \ lr and \ f rs. Joseph s~ ibiszewski Anne Smith Buddy Smith M r. and M rs. Da niel E Smith T>roris A. Smith .\Irs. Elizabeth Smith Joe Smith '63 .\f i,s Helen B. Smith .\[ r.; Louis C Smith .\f iss :\fary T . Smith f.dwin J. Smyth Mrs T . S. Snowdrn \f r and Mrs. W. F Snyder J owph Sokoloski \ l r. and :\Irs. Chesu·r Sokolowoski and Son r.t•or •c Solie :\fary \. Sommar :\.fr. and Mrs. Soudrr M r. and \frs. Francis Spielhoffer Mr and Mrs. Ange lo Spinosa Doris Standiford Edward H . Stanley .:\fr. and \ [rs. J oseph Staulb J >hn B Steel Ed Steinman Rrtty and John StC\'C'r

Stew Mr. and Mrs. C. Stewart Stephen Stonns Ed Stromberg Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Stromberg Jean K . Strong :\fr. and Mrs. J ohn Sullivan Mr and Mrs. J oseph Sullivan Patrick J. Sullivan Mr. and Mrs. A. Sumjnski Mr. and Mrs. Wm. R. Sundcrmann Carol Ann Suter The Sweeney's Mr. and Mrs. T . Switalski Sophia R. Szczepaniak Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Szczesny Mr. Edward H. Szweda Mr. and Mrs. Michael Szyszka Annette Marie Tacconelli Marian Tamton Hazel Taylor Mr. James Taylor Mrs. Margaret Taylor :\1r. Frederick C. Thies Mr. and Mrs. Alvin J. Thomas Mrs. Dorothy Thompson Edward Thompson Mr. and Mrs. R. Thompson Mrs. Helen Thrasher Joseph C. Tillman Tom and Al's Barber Shop Anthony Tomaino, Jr . Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Tomaino A. Torretti Francis Trainer Mary Treacy Cy Trimbur Mr. and Mrs. Howard Trouts Mr. and Mrs. John J. Turzer Miss Anna Tusi Mrs. Isabel C. Tyson Mr. Chester Urban Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Urbani Mr. and Mrs. Joseph L. Vetter Victor Vicariello Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Viggiano Vincent Volpe Dr. and Mrs. Franz Vossenberg Mr. and Mrs. William Wackley Miss Celeste Wagner Wally's Chevron Station Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Walters Mr. and Mrs. Robert Walton Frank Wargocki ' 63 Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wartz Mr. and Mrs. J ohn Watson Mrs. Marie Weber Mr. and Mrs. Walter Weber

Walter K. Weighill D.D.S. Weiner's Mr. and Mrs. Charles Weincrs Henry A. Weller Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wertz 1\fr. and Mrs. Paul Wertzberger Mr. Frank J. Wesner, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Charles West Mr. George Westcott Mr. J oseph Whalen Mrs. Joseph Whalen Mrs. Josephine Whalen Mr. J ohn J. Whalen Michael Whalen \[r. Carl Wrutaker Mrs. \-\1inifred Whitaker Edward L. White Mrs. Edward L. White Mr. and Mrs. J. Edward Wrute Mary Whheside Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Whitlock Mr. and Mrs. Leon Whittock William B. Wiegand AI Wilke Thomas W. Wilkjn '62 Mrs. William E. Wilkinson William E. Wilkinson John Willard Walter C. W~lliams Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Williamson Mr. and Mrs. Robert Windisch Mr. and Mrs. T. Wink Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Winters AnneS. Wise Miss Ethel Wissler Mr. and Mrs. Wissler Mr. and Mrs. James Wister Mrs. Albert J. Wittwer Mr. and Mrs. Wocky Mr. and .Mrs. A. Wolf Francis C. Woodring, Jr . Kenneth J. Woodring Mr. and Mrs. John Woods Mary Woods Elizabeth J. Wynne Nick Yanni Mr. and Mrs. William Yardley David Yarosheski Mr. and Mrs. Yeager Mrs. John Young William F. Young Mrs. Mary Zakrzewska Charles Zapiec Mrs. Charles Zapiec J oseph Zappile Mr. and Mrs. E. Zaremski Mrs. Zeski Mr. and Mrs. William J. Zuccarini



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