1965 Yearbook

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A yearbook emphasizes the vital qualities within a school; a coat of arms expresses the distinctive qualities within a family. Centuries ago a coat of arms was designed to symbolize the love, the loyalty, and the courage of the La Salle family. In 1965 the Blue and Gold is designed to emphasize the presence of these qualities in the spiritual, the academic, and the athletic aspects of La Salle High School.


the 1965

blue & gold






Seemingly, the daily routine of a high school campus does not present an interesting photographic background. However, the roving eye of the camera looked at La Salle from some unique angles and found its students in many interesting poses.


Capturing the essence of a school's spirit is not an easy task, since each individual student has his own personal interests. To one person La Salle might mean the classroom; to another, the informal give and take with friends. On these pages, we have tried to present all the faces of La Salle as seen by its students .



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Recognizing the eternal destiny of man, modern La Salle endeavors to prepare the student for his ultimate goal, along with helping him to fulfill his natural potentialities. Each year young men leave La Salle prepared to live the Christian life in the La Sallian tradition.





The La Salle family has a long history of courage and devotion. Our athletes continue this tradition every day by training and disciplining themselves to wear the blue and gold.



Saint La Salle advocated the training of the complete man intellectually, physically, and socially. Modern La Salle, adhering to the teachings of its patron, gives each student every opportunity for social formation. Through the medium of its clubs and activities, La Salle tries to teach young men how to live and work in society.




PRINCIPAL'S MESSAGE The graduates of the class of 1965 enter upon a modern world distinguished more for its uncertainty than for its stability, more for its problems than its solutions, and more for its promise than its fulfillment. There is no cause for alarm in this, however, for it is my sincere conviction that you, as graduates of La Salle, are prepared to meet the challenges that are being offered and will be offered to educated Christians throughout the world. The emphasis in each of the many facets of your education has been on quality. This emphasis on quality has, in fact, become the hallmark of La Salle's education, which is a fine balance and blend of the religious, the intellectual, and the social. It is my hope and the hope of all the faculty that you will use the develop路 ment that took place over the last four years as a foundation for further growth in knowledge and in the love of God and man. My sincere congratulations to each and everyone of our 1965 graduates.

BROTHER D. CARL, F.S.C. Vice路 Principal





Guidance Director




According to Saint John Chrysostom, "The teacher will form his students with the example of his life no less than with precepts." For fifty years Brother Florus Aloysius has given himself to the education of young men. He has trained many of his boys to be scientists; he has taught all of his boys to be men. With this dedication the seniors of nineteen-hundred and sixty-five acknowledge the exemplary life of Brother Aloysius.






"In a higher world it is otherwise, but here below to live is to change, and to be perfect is to have changed often." (Cardinal Newman) In the spirit of aggiornamento, La Salle is updating its religion program to provide the student with the greatest opportunity to understand his faith.






Miss Virginia Murphy

Brother Paul Francis

Mr. Bernard McCabe

The English program attempts to develop the reading, the speaking, and the writing skills of its students. By discussing structure and symbol, the English teachers illustrate the workings of the English language as an instrument of communication and a preservant of intellectual achievements.

Brother M. Nicholas




Mr. John Moore





Mr. Edward W. Kelly


Brother Daniel David



Mr. Thomas Rosica


social studies


Brother Kevin

The social studies department examines the history of man's attempt to assimilate the knowledge of the past to the reality of his present. Perhaps John Dos Passos best expresses the purpose of social studies when he says, "In times of change and danger when there is a quicksand of fear under man's reasoning, a sense of continuity with generations gone before can stretch like a lifeline across the scary present." Mr. Peter Feledick

Brother Malachy



Brother E. Joseph

Mr. Charles Flynn


Brother Emery Lawrence

路 sCiences



Keeping in step with the times, La Salle's science department has introduced new approaches to biology, chemistry, and physics. La Salle has taken the words of Pasteur to heart, "Take interest, I implore you, in those sacred dwellings which are designated by the expressive term: that they be laboratories. Demand multiplied, that they be adorned."

Brother G. Edward

Brother Gilbert Glenn



Brother Gregory

Brother D. Lewis




Brother F. James

Brother Emilian




The new approach to modern languages in high school stresses the audio-lingual aspect of communication. In this new method of language instruction, a regular weekly session language laboratory effectively in the complements the efforts of teachers trained in NDEA Institutes in modern techniques.



Mr. Joseph Yozallinas

Brother G. William




Brother D. Martin

Mr. Edward Kelly


Brother D. Joseph

Brother G. Gratian

Brother E. James

Mathematics is a way of thinking. Aware of its importance, the mathematics department employs the newest approaches in mathematical education. The program in cludes courses developed by the School Mathematics Study Group and first year college work.






Mr. John Flynn

Mr. David Diehl



Mr. Robert S. O'Connor



Brother D. Jerome






Educators never argue the need for practical education. In the typing class, the student is offered a useful skill, helpful in his every day work.


For a complete education, aesthetic endeavors cannot be overlooked. Headed by Dr. Donald S. Reinhardt, the music program gives each student the opportunity to develop his natural talent. All of the students in the music department participate in the band's attempt to provide enjoyable experiences for the student body and themselves.

Dr. Donald S. Reinhardt





Mr. Walter F. Farrell

Mrs. Ruth Braun, R.N.


physica I ed ucation 43


lA FIRST ROW: M. Slanina, E. Donne"y, A. Ke"enbenz, Brother P. Francis, F.S.C., J. Castaldi, F. Davies, J. Brayshaw. SECOND ROW: R. Capuzzi, L. Gaydosh, R. Pszalgowski, J. Carroll, W. Henning, M. McKenna. THIRD ROW: J. Rothwell, M. Gallagher, C. Walsh, J. Kuklinski, M. O'Toole, C. Mastropaolo. FOURTH ROW: W. Dooley, W. Walters, J. Haney, M. Hathaway, D. Kreines, R. Ellis. FIFTH ROW: R. Lawinski, M. Pekula, K. Kyriss, R. Daniel, G. AI bertelli, G. Maziarz.


Ie FIRST ROW: K. O'Neill, J.

Fynes, J. Hubbert, A. Galen, Mr. David Diehl, G. Oeste, S. Brady, M. Burke, H. Dolaway. SECOND ROW: J. Picco, C. Brooks, G. McGuigan, D. Casey, J. Baillie, J. Posimo, J. DeMasi. THIRD ROW: S. Farrell, D. Yanni, R. Weckesser, B. Moore, E. Myszak, M. Conlow. FOURTH ROW: F. Flood, A. Sokoloski, F. Madden, J. Whitaker. FIFTH ROW: M. Sullivan, J. Kohler, A. Santopolo, J. Tygh.


18 FIRST ROW: R. Hartman, E. Molusk, P. McGinley, Father Amandus Pointek, O.F.M., M. Taboga, W. Ryan, D. Mullen, J. Alston. SECOND ROW: R. Colaianni, R. Porreca, D. Miraglia, E. Burke, R. Lockard, L. White, M. Waldron. THIRD ROW: T. Finley, R. Dunfee, J. O'Neill, G. Brabazon, J. Mitchell, W. Tangradi. FOURTH ROW: K. Brett, P. Smith, K. Meehan, J. McTear, A. Benincasa. FIFTH ROW: E. Szewczak, J. Casale, J. Cummings, G. Neeld.

ID FIRST ROW: T. McTear, J. Courtney, M. Good, Brother Emilian, F.S.C., E. Matkowski, F. Gallagher, D. Foley. SECOND ROW: R. Plush, J. Paul, R. Deckert, W. Daly, J. O'Donnell, P. Moser, J. McKenna. THIRD ROW: P. McFadden, A. Bednarik, J. Waters, R. DeMarco, M. DePaul, R. Lee. FOURTH ROW: G. Radovich, G. D'Ambrosio, J. Landers, S. Kenney, R. Andries. FIFTH ROW: W. Powell, W. Hartman, L. Capecci, B. Palko, E. Huttlin, J. Best.

IF FIRST ROW: J. Freeth, C. Donohugh, M. Murphy, Brother F. James, F.S.C., J. Donovan, B. Dowling, M. Dickey. SECOND ROW: W. Conway, S. McGonigle, E. Capuzzi, D. Fiori, K. Klinkner, J. O'Driscol1. THIRD ROW: A. Stephenson, J. Benincasa, J. Menkevich, G. Robinson, J. Conlogue. FOURTH ROW: P. DeSantis, D. Cromie, M. Ryan, A. Gillespie. FIFTH ROW: W. Brucker, W. McGowan, W. Drayton, L. O'Dea. SIXTH ROW: J. Cortese, M. Stumpo, B. Kane, A. Doyle.


IE FIRST ROW: D. Higgins, D. Smith, J. Fenningham, G.

Luca, P. Isicrate, M. Johnson, E. Gallagher. FOURTH ROW: M. Van Buskirk, W. Murray, G. Eble, A. Sciolla, T. McManus, C. Salwach. FIFTH ROW: R. Falconio, J.

Fennell, Brother Kevin, F.S.C., C. Hanes, C. Edwards, D. Chojnacki, J. Colline. SECOND ROW: W. Thomas, T. Keener, J. End, M. Venditto, L. lannarone, M. Wilus, A. Martin. THIRD ROW: J . Laufer, L. Patcella, W. De路

Ryan, W. Wilmanski.


2A FIRST ROW: E. Roth, M. Clement, P. Muessig, Brother Daniel David, F.S.C., B. O'Neill, D. Young, R. Fairchild. SECOND ROW: J. O'Connor, T. Ryan, E. Derricks, F. Radomski, J. Gartner, P. DeSantis, J. Casey. THIRD ROW: K. McGrath, M. Stewart, J. Kennedy, E. Dwornek, R. Kreipe, E. Lagan. FOURTH ROW: R. Vogt, S. Viola, J. Curran, E. Smith, N. Tallos, E. Osmundson. FIFTH ROW: F. Mack, V. Lorusso, W. Linguiri, D. Lake.

IG FIRST ROW: J. Wailand, G. Naab, J. O'Hara, Brother D. Edmund, F.S.C., J. MacFarland, F. Morell, P. Welsh. SECOND ROW: R. Fornace, E. Quinn, J. Millett, J. Mallick, D. Cattie, H. Bowers, P. White. THIRD ROW: J. Cacchio, R. Sunderman, J. Kent, D. Brouwer-Ancher, B. McManus, J. Penny. FOURTH ROW: J. Pigeon, A. Cummings, S. Glynn, J. McDonald, W. McLaughlin. FIFTH ROW: N. Finley, R. Mattern, J. Schwartz, E. Ternosky, M. Breedlove, E. Domino.


28 FIRST ROW: E. Gordon, N. Pucd, R. Kolb, Brother Emery Lawrence, F.S.C., W. Rogers, L. Pleasant, E. Press. SECOND ROW: J. Smith, A. Tomaino, J. Weber, J. Whalen, T. Klein, G. Meyer, M. Harvey. THIRD ROW: J. Krause, K. Davis, M. Esposito, A. Bergin, J. Clapham, W. McKeown. FOURTH ROW: D. Malek, G. Murphy, G. Winters, J. McCarron, E. Kershner. FIFTH ROW: J. Keppler, W. Merz, F. Horn, W. Carroll, J. Meehan, T. Ryan.


2C FIRST ROW: K. Bogle, T. McFarlane, C. Knowles, S.



Valimont, F. Leonard, S. D'Ambrosio. SECOND ROW: L. DuLude, M. Silvestri, J. Gillis, E. Maher, P. Nowak, L. Rieffel, M. Moore. THIRD ROW: R. Field, P. Burns, G. Kerper, J. Kirschner, W. McGrath,

E. DeAngelis. FOURTH ROW: G. Ganyer, M. Nawrocki, G. Komelasky, M. Jordan, D. Flynn, J. Forgeng, M. Fitzgibbons. FIFTH ROW: G. Beerely, B. Cooper, J. Naab.

2D FIRST ROW: C. Cinquino, M. Hogan, A. Lopresti, Brother Declan Lewis, F.S.C., E. Crawford, E. Gribbin, E. Hughes. SECOND ROW: R. Pendrak, K. Meehan, J. Ertel, P. Schwartz, W. Camp路 bell, E.Sokoloski, D. Costello. THIRD ROW: F. Arcara, A. Lattanzi, S. Pilacik, J. Fitzsimmons, P. Stonis, C.

Wahl. FOURTH ROW: W. Duffy, J. Malecki, F. Mur路 phy, A. Neri, H. Hinney, C. Sullivan. FIFTH ROW: W. Hunter, G. Greco, J. Turzer, J. Kapp, J. Siabinski.

2E FIRST ROW: J. Clarke, M. Buck, J. McGill, E. Klaus, Mr. Edward J. Kelly, J. Mcintyre, B. McElwee, W. Snyder, L. Schiavo. SECOND ROW: W. Cubbin, R. Blair, F. Castellano, R. Welsh, L. Robinson, S. Imbrogno, A. Fornace. THIRD ROW: F. Palmer, S. Morgan, J. Schaller,

J. Bentzel, S. Bukowski, P. Matje. FOURTH ROW: G. Meyer, R. Robinson, R. Poirier, R. Kurowski, J . Vetter. FIFTH ROW: R. Walters, J. Gordon, W. McCabe, J. Doyle, J. DeBow.


2F FIRST ROW: A. Johnson, W. Convey, T. Gowan, J. Loughran, Mr. John Moore, M. O'Brien, P. Sarmiento, L. Reilly, J. DiMarzio. SEC路 OND ROW: D. Smith, J. Normile, W. Flanagan, J. Morasco, F. Viola, J. Both路 well, J. Bryers. THIRD ROW: T. Mamon, T. McPhillips, M. Alekna, C. Lehman, R. Pigeon. FOURTH ROW: F. Dunion, J. Caruno, J. Staudt, J. Morton, J. Gorman.




FIRST ROW: J. Scanlon, J. Dwyer, E. Hughes, C. Burrell, Brother Francis Albert, F.S.C., J. Lohn, F. Danielski, T. Baldino, S. Dalton. SECOND ROW: M. Aita, J. Dougherty, J. McMenamin, J. Lord, J. Karabasz, S. Brett, J. Murphy. THIRD ROW: R. liberatore, R. McBrien, J. Lackman, M. Smith, W. Hence, C. Dunleavy. FOURTH ROW: F. McLaughlin, L. Hillegass, J. Moore, C. Zapiec, J. Ansel. FIFTH ROW: R. Gallagher, E. Stromberg, R. Windisch, K. Flynn.

FIRST ROW: J. McKee, D. McGeehan, J. McCormick, J. Biddison, Brother D. Jerome, F.S.C., T. Scully, T_ Ratchford, A. Molinaro, F. Dohert. SECOND ROW: E. Donahue, M. Etzl, F. Fisher, J. O'Kane, J_ Radovich, J. Hyde, M. Barbour, G. Ballard. THIRD ROW: R. Foster, D. Girondo, G. Van Osten, T. Bartowski, P. Cushing, W. Hamillton. FOURTH ROW: A. Rinkus, V. Quaresima, D. Kotas. FIFTH ROW: L. Sloane, W. Markmann, K. Fulmer, M. Boerner, G. Dugan.


38 FIRST ROW: R. Bradley, D. Devlin, R. Cavalier, Mr. Bernard McCabe, S. Culbert, E. Welsh, E. Mulligan. SECOND ROW: C. Genuardi, D. Jenkins, R. Gumrot, S. Bianchini, H. Bohrer, M. McGoldrick, B. Maguire. THIRD ROW: R. Pannepacker, J. Kelly, R. Kurz, J. Robinson, C. Geiger, D. Dawson. FOURTH ROW: N. Staffiere, F. Van landt, E. Cattie, A. Keller, L. Bogle. FIFTH ROW: J. Lynch, C. Hopkins.

3C FIRST ROW: J. Bissell, C. Sweeney, J. O'Donnell, Brother M. Nicholas, F.S.C., P. Rowland, J. D'Angelo, J. Rossi. SECOND ROW: W. Winning, F. Nolan, N. Yanni, E. White, L. Clark, J. Grace. THIRD ROW: W. McKenna, T. Lofgren, M. Taylor, R. Burt, J. Loftus, E. Rea~ don. FOURTH ROW: N. Givey, J. Cookson, B. Boales, T. Foley, H. Hawrysz, T. Horan. FIFTH ROW: J. Angelichio, D. Lagan, G. Sciolla, A. Benincasa, F. Devine.


3D FIRST ROW: W. Gibbons, J. Hennessy, R. Enoch, K. Smith, Brother Gilbert Glenn, F.S.C., R. Needham, D. Moore, W. Miller, D. Wertz. SECOND ROW: M. McGrath, J. Matthews, P. Feeny, G. Honeyman , N. Bachus, C. Keiser, P. Gallagher. THIRD ROW: R. Hodgson, J.

Flickinger, D. Pietruszka, J. Brady, J . Williams. FOURTH ROW: M. Koss, S. O'Shea, M. McCabe, D. Tucker. FIFTH ROW: C. Blichasz, R. Gaidjunas, M. Wilkin, J. Best, R. Scullin.


3E FIRST ROW: T. Erb, S. Kozub, W. Fidler, Brother G. Malachy, F.S.C., R. Breckinridge, W. Thompson, S. McCloskey. SECOND ROW: S. Greenfield, R. Dugan, C. Brown, V. Dowling, W. Downs, C. Anspach. THIRD ROW: E. Whitaker, A. Jones, H. Cain, P. Partyka, J. Titzell, Z. Strzlecki. FOURTH ROW: T. Howlin, R. Hampton, V. Costello, J. O'Kane, J. Luczkowski. FIFTH ROW: R. McAnespey, J. Daniel, J. McGough, P. Kichline, P. Kaskow.

3F FIRST ROW: J. McDevitt, J. Cattie, D. Lawlor, W. Valenti, Brother D. Martin, F.S.C., W. Kozub, J. Carlin, D. Reid, J. Dunn. SEC路 OND ROW: N. Wood, J. Krzywicki, K. Arobone, E. Barbieri, M. Visnousky, P. Miraglia, M. Masington. THIRD ROW: R. Flynn, A. Keogh, B. Mullen, R. Cody, F. Odyniec, W. Carlin. FOURTH ROW: R. Miller, F. Wesner, J. Galante, T. O'Hara, R. O'Driscoll. FIFTH ROW: M. Olivastro, M. Mullen, E. Jones, J. McGowen.


3G FIRST ROW: R. Wilder, P. Smith, M. Napoletano, M. Turner, Brother, G. Gratian, F.S.C., C. Borys, J. lula, W. Hughes, J. Mastronardo. SECOND ROW: T. Nickelson, P. Ruggiero, W. Marr, R. Brady, J. Fitzgibbons, W. Ashworth, J. Flynn. THIRD ROW: E. Manuszak, A. Putnick, P. McGonigle, G. Snow, W. McCloskey, J. Bergmaier. FOURTH ROW: R. Gutekunst, M. Mikos, M. Buzas, D. McCarthy, G. Leimkuhler, P. D'Entremont.



Frederick R. Ackerman 7944 Provident Street Philadelphia 50, Pa. LI 9·6194 Saint Raymond lA, 2H, 3E, 4B . . . Cross Country 3,4 ... Forensics 1 . . . Science Club 4 ... Intra· murals 1,2,3,4.

Gerald G. Aubrey 825 Pleasant Avenue Wyndmoor 18, Pa. AD 3·2982 Seven Dolors 1B, 2A, 3E, 4H . . . Cross Country 3,4 ... Crew 1 ... Forensics 1 . . . Intramurals 1,2,3,4.

Robert P. Ba rrett 6649 Rutland Street Philadelphia 49, Pa. F12·8145 Our Lady of Ransom 1H, 2E, 3D, 4H ... German Club 2,3,4 . . . Crew 2 Intramurals 1,2,3,4.

Robert J. Bauerle 509 Fox Road Glenside, Pa. TU 4·6225 Saint Luke IF, 2H, 3D, 4H . . . Swimming l(L), 2L), 3(L), 4(L) ... Cross Country 3 ... Crew 2, 3 .... Art Club 2 ... French Club 3 ... Intramurals 1,2,3"

J. Paul Beaty 6721 Crittenden Street Philadelphia 19, Pa. VI 3·1656 Saint Theresa IF, 2A, 3E, 4H . . . Swim· ming 1 . . . Crew 1,2 . . . French Club 4 . . . Intramu· rals 1,2,3,4.


James A. Bednar 2835 Unruh Avenue Philadelphia 49, Pa. DE 2·1508 Our Lady of Ransom 1H, 2E, 3D, 4G ... Track I, 2 . . . Cross Country 3 . . . Crew 3 ... German Club 2,3,· 4 ... Intramurals 1,2,3,4. Frank S. Becker 1828 Griffith Street Rhawnhurst 11, Pa. F12·4675 Resurrection of Our Lord 1C, 2E, 3G, 4G ... Crew 1,2, 3,4(L) ... German Club 2,3" 4 ... Science Club 4.


Alan J. Bianchini 8404 Newbold Lane Laverock 18, Pa. CH 2-0245 Seven Dolors 1B,2C, 3D, 4A . . . Intramural Club 4 ... Spanish Club 4 ... Intramurals 1,2,3,4. Edward J. Belcak 345 Milne Street Philadelphia 44, Pa. DA 4-4611 Saint Ladislaus lA, 2E, 3F, 4E Football 1,2 ... Basketball 1.4(L) . . . Track 3,4(L) . . . German Club 2,3 . . . Intramurals 1,2,3,4. David P. Bodo 44 Wyneva Street Philadelphia 44, Pa. DA 4-3081 Saint Francis of Assisi IE, 2C, 3C, 4A ... Football 1 . . . Student Council 2 . . . Spanish Club 4 ... Intramurals 1.2,3,4.

Francis W. Bianchini 7838 Gilbert Street Philadelphia 50, Pa. LI 8-6923 Saint Raymond 10, 2F, 3C, 4F . . . Math Club 4 ... Intramurals 1,2,3, 4.

Francis J. Bogle 4079 Hillside Road Lafayette Hill, Pa. TA 8-4170 Saint Philip Ned 1H, 2F, 3H, 4D ... Scholastic Medal 1 . . . Scholastic Letter 2,3,4 . . . Football 1,2,3(L), 4(L) ... German Club 2,4 ... Science Club 4 .. Student Government 4 . . . Intramurals 1,2,3,4.

Bernard J. Boland 517 West Chelten Avenue Philadelphia 26, Pa. HA 4-7898 Saint Helena lA, 2C, 3C, 4A ... Spanish Club 4 ... Science Club 4 .. . Forensics 1 ... Intramurals 1,2,3,4.

Peter T. Bradshaw 237 Arlingham Road Flourtown, Pa. AD 3-1429 Saint Genevieve 1F,2C, 3G, 4D ... Scholastic Medal 3 ... Cross Country 1 . . . Wisterian 3,4 ... Cape and Sword 3 . . . Science Club 4 ... French Club 3,4 . . . Intramurals 1,2,3,4.


Michael F. Brady 442 East Mount Airy Avenue Philadelphia 19, Pa. CH 7·0429 Holy Cross 1B, 20, 3H, 4C ... Crew 3,4 ... Intramurals 1,2,3,4. Thomas W. Braun 4011 South Warner Road Lafayette Hill, Pa. TA 8·2912 Saint Philip Neri 1G, 2B, 3H, 4A ... Scholas· tic Letter 2,3,4 . . . Football l,2,3(L), 4(L) ... Turner Soc· iety 4 ... Math Club 4 ... Student Government 3,4 . Intramurals 1,2,3,4.

Owen J. Breen, III 555 Harvey Road Glenside, Pa. TU 4·5329 Saint Luke 1C, 2H, 3H, 4A ... Football 1 ... Baseball 2,3,4(L) ... Art Club 2 ... Turner Society 4 ... Intramurals 1,2,3,4.

Joseph R. Buckley 7914 Fayette Street Philadelphia 50, Pa. LI 9·3608 Saint Raymond 10, 2G, 3A, 4B ... Crew 1 .. German Club 3,4 ... Tur· ner Society 4 . . . Science Club 4 ... Blue and Gold 4 . . . Intramurals 1,2,3,4 . . . Debating 1,2.

Laurence J. Buckley 510 Roberts Avenue Glenside, Pa. Saint Luke 10, 2G, 3G, 4H . . . Library Aide 2,3,4 ... Intramurals I, 3,4.

John B. Burns 9803 Redd Rambler Drive Philadelphia 15, Pa. OR 3·5344 Maternity B.V.M. IF, 2H, 3C, 40 ... Scholastic Letter 1 . . . Basketball (manager) 2,4 . . . French Club 3,4 ... Benilde Club 4 . .. Intramurals 1,2,3,4.

Albert J. Buffardi 3019 North Ringgold Street Philadelphia 32, Pa. BA 9·4628 Corpus Christi 1G, 2A, 3E, 4H ... Crew 1 .. French Club 3,4 . . . Sci· ence Club 4 ... Math Club 4 . . . Intramurals 1,2,3,4.



Dennis M. Byrne 324 Ashbourne Road Elkins Park 17, Pa . CA 4·1 875 Sa int James 1E, 2G, 3B, 4H Footba ll 2 ... German Club 2,3,4 ... Science Clu b 4 . . . Intramu· ra ls 1,2,3,4.

John P. Buzas 3605 Winona Street Philadelphia 29, Pa. VI 4·0451 Saint Bridget 1C, 2G, 3D, 4B ... Crew 1,2, 3(L), 4( L) . .. Benilde Club 3 ... Library Aide 1,2,3,4 .. German Club 3,4 . . Art Club 3 ... Intramura ls 1,2,3, 4.

George J. Cain 1305 West Chelten Aven ue Philadelphia 26, Pa. CA 4-4919 Holy Angels IE, 2B, 3C, 4B Bowling 1,2,3,4 ... Science Club 4 .. . Spa ni sh Clu b 4 Intra· murals 1,2,3,4.

Dennis P. Callan 437 East Mt . Pleasant Avenue Philadelphia 19, Pa. CH 7·0759 Holy Cross 1H , 2C, 3D, 4A .. . Crew 1 . . . Spanish Club 4 ... Intra· murals 1,2,3,4.

Joseph P. Campbell 3020 Miller Street Philadelphia 34, Pa. NE 4-4441 Sa int Ada lbert 1H , 2G, 3D, 4H . . . Turner Society 4.

James P. Calpin 115 Ceda r Street Jenkintown, Pa. TU 6·6526 Immacu late Conception 1G, 2 F, 3 H, 4C . . . Scholas· tic Medal 2 .. . Cross Coun· try 1 .. . Track 1,2,3 ... Fo· rensics 2 . . . Wisterian 3 ... Cape and Sword 3,4 .. . Blue and Gold 3,4 . . . Intramura ls 1,2,3,4.

Gerald A. Cape 205 Harrison Avenue Glenside, Pa. TU 4·4214 Saint Luke lA, 2F, 3E, 4A Spanish Club 4 .. . Intramurals 1,2,3, 4.


Jerald L. Caruso 3724 Calumet Street Philadelphia 29, Pa. VI 3·1204 Saint Bridget 1B, 2C, 3E, 4A ... Art Club 3,4 ... Science Club 4 ... Cheerleader 3,4 ... Intramu· rals 1,2,3,4.

Joseph T. Casey 134 Holmecrest Road Jenkintown, Pa. TU 7·3528 Saint James 1B, 2A, 3D, 4C . . . Cross Country 3,4 ... Track 2,3,4 . .. French Club 4 ... Intra· murals 1,2,3,4.

Ronald A. Coda rio 2016 South 21st Street Philadelphia 45, Pa. HO 8·2850 Saint Edmond 1C, 2F, 3H, 4D ... Scholas· tic Letter 2,3,4 . . . Bowling 3,4(L) ... Wisterian 3,4 ... German Club 2,3,4 . . . Sci· ence Club 4 . . . Math Club 3,4 ... French Club 3,4 ... Student Council 4 . . . Art Club 1 ... Intramurals 1,2,3"

4. John M. Cavalieri Hillbrook Apartments, 650 Brooke Road Glenside, Pa. TU 4·5785 Saint Luke !D, 2E, 3H, 4F ... Scholas· tic Letter 1 . . . Scholastic Medal 1 ... Cross Country 1" 2,3,4(L) ... Track 1,2,3,4(L) . . . German Club 2,3,4 ... Forensics 1,2,3,4 ... Science Club 4 ... Math Club 3,4 .. . Turner Society 4 ... Intra· murals 1,2,3,4.

James J. Clinton 101 Gillin Road Ambler, Pa. M16·6508 Saint Joseph 1E, 2G, 3E, 4H ... Crew 1,2 . . . Wisterian 4 ... French Club 4 . . . Confraternity of Christian Doctrine 2 . . . In· tramurals 1,2,3,4.

Daniel J. Collins 812 Scotia Road Philadelphia 28, Pa. IV 3·1298 Immaculate Heart of Mary IF, 2C, 3E, 4A ... Intramu· ral Club 4 ... Benilde Club 1 ... Band 1 ... Art Club 2.

John A. Cassidy 7916 Cedar Road Elkins Park, Pa. ME 5·1814 Saint James Baseball 2,4 ... Football 3 . . . Science Club 4 . . . Ben· ilde Club 3,4 ... Intramural Club 4 ... Spanish Club 4 .. . Intramurals 1,2,3,4.


William Collins 5666 Matthew Street Philadelphia 38, Pa. VI 8·6374 Immaculate Conception IF, 2H, 3C, 4D . . . Cross Country 1,2,4 ... Track 1,3 . . . Wisterian 4 ... Intramu· rals 1.

John G. Collins, III 4 Woodhill Drive Willow Grove, Pa. OL 9·5890 Saint David IE, 2B, 3C, 4G ... Scholas· tic Letter 3 . . . Scholastic Medal 3 ... Color Guard 3 . . . Intramurals 1,2,3,4 . . . Spanish Club 4 ... Cape and Sword 4.

Michael T. Connor 3042 Mathers Mill Road Lafayette Hill, Pa. 828·2505 Saint Philip Neri IG, 2B, 3H, 4B ... Scholas. tic Letter 2 ... Basketball 1 . 2,3,4(L) ... Spanish Club 4 : .. Intramurals 1,2,3,4.

James J. Cooney 856 East Hanes Street Philadelphia 38, Pa. GE 8-4778 Immaculate Conception IH, 2E, 3G, 4F . . . Football 1,2(L), 3(L),4(L) ... Crew 2" 3(L),4(L) ... Basketball 1,2 . . . Intramurals 1,2,3,4 Science Club 3,4 . . . Stu· dent Government 4.

William H. Cope 7118 Rising Sun Avenue Philadelphia 11, Pa. PI 5·3873 Presentation B.V.M. lC, 2A, 3A, 4F . . . Math Club 4 ... Science Club 4 .. Intramurals 1 . . . Spanish Club 4.

Joseph F. Costa 720 Clover Lane Norristown, Pa. BR 2·6360 Saint Paul lD, 2E, 3F, 4E ... Intramu rals 1,2,3,4 ... Band 1 .. German Club 2,3,4.

Terrence J. Crowley 222 Abbottsford Avenue Philadelphia 44, Pa. DA 4·6864 Saint Francis of Assisi IH, 2C, 3B, 4C ... Intramu· rals 1,2,3,4 ... Spanish Club 4 ... Benilde Club 4 ... Le· gion of Mary 1,2 ... Cheer· leader 1 ... Cape and Sword 3,4.

John W. Craig 312 Fuller Street Philadelphia 11, Pa. PI 2·4826 Saint Cecilia lA, 2A, 3A, 4A . . . Cross Country 1 ... Golf 2,4 . . . Intramurals 1,2,3,4 Spanish Club 4.


James H. Crumbie 6911 Clearview Street

Philadelphia 19, Pa. GE 8·1202 Holy Cross IE, 2D, 3F, 4E . . . Cross Country 1,2 ... Swimming 1, 2 ... Intramurals 1,2,3,4 .. . German Club 2,3,4.

Robert G. Cunningham 6738 Limekiln Pike Philadelphia 38, Pa. LI 8·2386 Saint Benedict IF, 2B, 3G, 4B ... Track 1 . . . Math Club 3,4 . . . Art Club 2,3 ... French Club 3,4 ... Intramurals 1,2,3,4.

James P. Curry 7211 Oak Avenue Philadelphia 26, Pa. ME 5·2305 Saint Joseph's 1G, 2F, 3F, 4C . '.. Scholastic Medal 1,2,3,4 ... Scholastic Letter 2,3,4 ... Cross Coun· try 1 ... Track 1 ... Intra. murals 1,2,3,4 . . . German Club 3,4 ... Wisterian 3 ... Math Club 4.

J. Alfred Dacanay 312 Rockledge Avenue Huntingdon Valley, Pa. ES 9·0777 Saint Hilary 1D, 2G, 3F, 4E . . . Cross Country 1 . . . Track 1,2,3" 4(L) ... Football 2 ... Intra· murals 1,2,3,4 ... Wisterian 4 ... German Club 3.

John C. D'Alessandro 2634 Elbridge Street Philadelphia 49, Pa. CU 9·3760 Our Lady of Ransom 1C, 2B, 3A, 4D ... Bowling 2(L),3,4(L) ... Spanish 4 ... Intramurals 1,2,3,4.

John M. Daly 810 E. Phil·Ellena Street Philadelphia 19, Pa. VI 4·7553 Saint Theresa 1B, 2A, 3F, 4F ... Wisterian 2,3,4 ... Forensics 1,2,3 ... Science Club 4 . . . Math Club 3,4 ... German Club 3, 4 ... Intramurals 1,2,3,4.

Lawrence E. Dalton 1528 Beverly Road Philadelphia 38, Pa. WA 7·2272 Saint Athanasius lA, 2D, 3B, 4H ... Crew 1,2, 3,4(L) ... German Club 2,3, 4 ... Math Club 4 ... Intra· murals 1,2,3,4.


James W. Degnan 7700 Ardleigh Street Philadelphia 18, Pa. CH 7-9210 Holy Cross IE, 2B, 3B, 4F . . . Cross Country 1,2,3. . Track 1,2, 3,4 ... Intramurals 1,2,3,4.

Gerald P. Daskilewicz 4149 Tower Street Philadelphia 27, Pa . IV 2-5553 Saint Josaphat 1G, 2B, 3H, 4D . Scholastic Letter 2,4. German Club 3,4 ... Math Club 3,4 . . . Science Club 4 .

William P. Denker 319 Stevens Street Philadelphia 11, Pa. FI2-2114 Saint William 1B, 2E, 3F, 4H . . . Football 2 . . . Baseball 3,4(L) ... InGertramurals 1,2,3,4 man 2,3,4.

, 4


Francis T. Dennis, Jr. 402 West 10th Avenue Conshohocken, Pa. TA 8-2130 Saint Matthew 1C, 2D, 3H, 4B . .. Scholastic Medal 3 . . . Intramurals 1,2,3,4 ... French Club 3,4 . .. Math Club 4.

John M. Derderian 9501 Wista ria Street Phil adelphia 15, Pa. OR 3-6635 Maternity B.V.M. 1G, 2A, 3C, 4H ... Intramurals 1,2,3,4 ... Band 1.

Gerard J. Diamond 1707 Chelsea Road Elkins Park, Pa. ME 5-1148 Ho'ly Angels 10, 2C, 3B, 4A . . . Football 1 . .. Intramurals 1,2,3,4 .. . Cape and Sword 3,4 . . . Intramural Club 3,4 .. . Spanish Club 4.

John J. DiLanzo 2116 Guernsey Avenue Abington , Pa . TU 6-5775 Our Lady Help of Christians 1 F, 2G, 3F, 4E . . Baseball 1(L),2(L),3(L),4(L) . .. Foot" German ball 1,3(L),4(L) Club 2,4 ... Student Council 3 . .. Intramurals 1,2,3,4.


Charles J. Dobson 7532 Fayette Street Philadelphia 50, Pa. WA 4·0809 Saint Athanasius 1C, 2H, 3G, 4F . . . Math Club 4 ... Science Club 4 .. . German Club 4 . . . Intra· murals 1.,2,3,4.

Thomas P. Donnelly 4752 Carlisle Street Philadelphia 41, Pa. GL 5·4444 Holy Child IF, 2F, 3A, 4F . . . Cross Country I(L),2(L),3(L),4(L). . · Track I(L),2(L),3(L),4(L) ... Spanish Club 4 . . . Benilde Club 3,4 ... Wisterian 3,4 .. · Science Club 3 ... Student Council 1,4 . . . Intramurals 1,2,3,4.

Joseph F. Donoghue 1052 Huntingdon Road Abington, Pa. TU 7·6272 Our Lady Help of Christians IG, 2F, 3H, 40 ... Scholas· tic Letter 2,4 . . . Footba II I" 2,3,4(L ... Track 1,2,3,4(L) . . . Science Club 4 ... Math Club 3,4 ... German Club 2" 3,4 ... Blue and Gold 3 ... Student Council 1,2,4 ... In· tramurals 1,2,3,4.


Victor J. D'Orazio 705 South York Road Hatboro, Pa. OS 5·2778 Saint David IF, 2G, 3A, 4G ... Football 1.2,3(L),4(L) . . . Track 1,2" 3(L),4(L) ... Student Council 2 ... German Club 2,3,4 ... Science Club 4 ... Intramu· ra Is 1,2,3,4.

Gerard P. Downey 600 Devereaux Street Philadelphia 11, Pa. PI 5·1161 Saint William 10, 2H, 3B, 40 ... Benilde Club 2,3,4 . . . Legion of Mary 3 ... French Club 4 .. . Turner Society 4 ... Cheer· leader 3,4 ... Intramurals I" 2,3,4.

J. Marc Doyle 122 Bethlehem Pike Philadelphia 18, Pa. CH 8·2399 Our Mother of Consolation IE, 2H, 3E, 4C ... Crew 1,2, 3(L),4(L) ... Football 1 ... Science Club 4 . . . Math Club 4 ... Spanish Club 4 .. · Intramurals 1,2,3,4.

Daniel F. Downing 8864 Norwood Avenue Philadelphia 18, Pa. CH 8·0252 Our Mother of Consolation IB, 2F, 3B, 4C ... Tennis I" 3 ... Forensics 1 ... Photo· graphy Club 1,2 ... Art Club 4 ... Intramurals 1,2,3,4.


David M_ Duffy 1134 Cumberland Road Abington, Pennsylvania TU 6-7095 Our Lady Help of Christians lA, 2D, 3E, 4G . . . Swimming 3 ... Wisterian 4 ... Intramural Club 4 ... Intramurals 1,2,3,4.

Joseph J. Draham, Jr. 8618 Williams Avenue Philadelphia 50, Pa. CH 7路8371 Saint Raymond lA, 2D, 3F, 4H ... Crew 1 . . . German Club 3,4 ... Science Club 4 . . . Blue and Gold 4 ... Intramural Club 4 ... Intramurals 1,2,3,4. !


Richard A. Durso 3514 Morrell Avenue Philadelphia 14, Pa. NE 7-2621 Christ the King 1B, 2A, 3B, 4E ... Baseball 3,4(L) ... Intramurals 1,2,3,4.

Robert A. Dussinger 558 Susquehanna Street Huntingdon Valley, Pa. ES 9-2176 Saint Hilary 1E,2D,3A,4E ... Cross Country 3,4 ... Art Club 3,4 ... Cheerleader 4 . . . Intramurals 1,2,3,4.

Robert R. Falconio 9312 Jackson Street Philadelphia 14, Pa. DE 3-4028 Saint Katherine of Sienna 1H,2F,3G,4G . . . German Club 2,3,4 ... Intramurals 1,2,3,4.

Arthur E. Fanning 2909 Sheffield Drive Norristown, Pa. 279-4995 Epiphany of Our Lord 1G,2H,3G,4F .. _Crew 1,2(L),3(L),4(L) ... Math Club 4 .. . German Club 2,3,4 ... SCIence Club 3,4 ... Intramurals 1,2,3,4.

John M. Falker 7959 Conard Street Ph.iladelphia 11, Pa. PI 5-8961 Saint Cecilia 1C,2D,3H,4B . . . Scholastic Letter 2 _ .. Wisterian 4 . _ . Math Club 4 ... Intra murals 1,2,3,4.


John J. Farrell 4029 LaFrance Road Lafayette Hill , Pa. 828-4841 Sa int Philip Neri lE,2G,3E,4G . . . German Club 4 . . . Intramurals 1,2,3,4.

Ron ald D. Fasa no 1408 Osbourne Avenue Roslyn, Pa. OL 9-7147 Saint John of the Cross lD,2A,3D,4C . . . Bowling 4 . Spirit Committee 4 . . . Dance Committee 4 . . . Ben ilde Club 1,4 .. . Intramural Club 4 . . . Art Club 4 . Spanish Club 4 . Intramurals 1,2,3,4.

Andrew E. Fertal 22 15 Lin e路Lexington Road Hatfield , Pa. 855-6374 Sa int Stan islaus 3B,4G . .. Track 3,4(L) Science Club 4 . . . Math Club 4 ... Intramura ls 3,4.

Ernest w. Fiedler 2907 Turner Avenue Roslyn, Pa. OL 9-9038 Saint John of the Cross lD,2 B,3C,4G ... Forensics 2, 3,4 . .. Turner Society 4 . .. Span ish Club 4 . . . Benilde Club 1 . . . Intramurals 1,2,3,-

Daniel B. Flynn 6703 North 4th Street Philadelphia 26, Pa . LI 8-6238 Saint Joseph IF,2A,3B,4A .. . Football 1 . . . Cross Country 2( L),3(L),4(L) ... Intramurals 1,2,3,4 . . . Span ish Club 4.


Stanley A. Fota 2100 Glendale Avenue Philadelphia 15, Pa . RA 8-7923 Resurrection of Our Lord IB,2G,3F,4E . .. Football 1,3(L),4(L) .. . Track 1,4(L) .. Intramurals 1,2,3,4 .. . Science Club 4.

John B. Fol ey 7500 Brookfield Road Melrose Park 26, Pa. ME 5-0179 Saint Joseph lC,2B,3G,4F . . . Football 1,2,3(L),4(L) .. . Basketball 2 . . . Golf 2,3(L),4(L) .. . Science Club 4 . . . Intramurals 1,2,3, 4 .. . Student Government 4.

\ I


Glenn L. Fri cke 3557 Stouton Street Philadelphi a 34, Pa . JE 5-5523 Sa int Joan of Arc IH,2A,3B,4A . .. Basketball 1,2,3(L),4(L) . . . Ba seball 2(L),3(L),4(L) . .. Intra murals 1,2,3,4 . .. Cheerleader 4 .. Spani sh Club 4.

Leo G. Frang ipane, Jr. 7332 Revere Street Phil adelphia 52, Pa. DE 2·3763 Saint Matthew 1G,2 F,3 H,4C . . . Schol asti c Medal 1 ... Scholastic Letter . Baseball 1,2( L), 1,2,3,4. 4(L) . Blue and Go ld 3,4 . . . Cape and Sword 4 Turner Society 4 ... Science Club 4 ... Art Clu b 1,2,3 . . . Math Club 3,4 ... Intramu· rals 1,2,3,4 . .. German Club 2, ~ 4 .

Michael P. Friedberger 881 North 30th Street Philadelphia 30, Pa. PO 5·1711 Saint Ludwig 1C,2F,3 F,4C . . . Schola sti c Letter 2,3,4 . . . Schola stic Medal 3 . . Art Club 2 . .. German Club 2,3,4 . . . Math Club 4.

John M. Friel 1608 Ru scomb Street Phil adelphia 41, Pa . Gladstone 5-1187 Holy Chi ld 1H ,2 H,3A,4B . .. Intramura ls 1,2,3,4 . .. German Club 3.

William B. Fynes 8557 Thouron Avenue Philadelphi a 50, Pa. CH 7·6656 Saint Raymond 1A,2B,3B,4D . . Schola stic Letter 2 .. . Intramurals 1,2, 3,4 . Math Club 4 . . . Photography Club 2 . Science Club 4 . . . Spa nish Club 4.

John P. Ga llagher 5144 North 15th Street Phil adelphia 41, Pa. DA 9·0926 Holy Child lD ,2B,3A,4B .. . Track 1 . . . Wisterian 3 ... Ben ilde Club 3,4 . .. Spa nish Club 4 . Intramura ls 1,2,3,4.

Joseph P. Garvin 427 West Fi sher Avenue Philadelphi a 20 , Pa. GL 5-5236 Inca rnation of Our Lord Scholastic 1E,2A,3F,4B Medal 2 . .. Schola stic Letter 2,3 .. . Legion of Mary 2,3,4 Benil de Club 3,4 Spa nish Club 4 . Confraternity of Christian Doct rine 2,3 .. Wisterian 3 . . . Intramurals 1,2,3 ,4.


Gerard J. Geier 6832 Lynford Street Philadelphi a 49, Pa. PI 5-0252 Our Lady of Ransom 1H ,2D,3A,4G ... Crew 2 ... German Club 3,4 . . . Intramurals 1,2,3 ,4 . . . Science Club 4.

Baron J. Ginnetti Township Line Road, RD #4 Norristown, Pa. 828·6196 Epiphany of Our Lord 1F,2F,3F,4F ... Cross Coun· try 1 ... Football (manager) 2,3(L),4(L) ... Intramurals 1,· 2,3,4 ... Science Club 4 ... Band 1 ... German Club 2,·

Gregory J. Giuliano 1308 Bigler Street Philadelphia 48, Pa. HO 7·2237 Stella Maris lD,2G,3D,4H ... Intramurals 1,2,3,4 ... Spirit Committee 4 ... Dance Committee 4 .. . German Club 4.


Joseph A. Goldbeck 4020 LaFrance Road Lafayette Hill, Pa. Saint Philip 1B,2F,3G,4H . . . Tennis 1,· 2(L),3(L),4(L) ... Intramurals 1,2,3,4 ... Science Club 4 .. . German Club 4 . . . Math Club 3,4 ... Turner Society


Lawrence A. Gorski 4745 Hartel Avenue Philadelphia 36, Pa. DE 3·1876 Saint John Cantius 1E,2H,3E,4H ... Crew 1,2 .. . Art Club 2 . . . Cape and Sword 4 ... Intramurals 1,2,· 3,4 ... Band 1.

Robert J. Groves 6905 Horrocks Street Philadelphia 49, Pa. PI 5·0254 Our Lady of Ransom 1A,2E,3D,4H . . . Basketball 1,2,3(L),4(L) . . . Baseball 3(L),4(L) ... Student Council 4 ... Intramurals 1,2,3,4.

Conrad M. Grims 5937 Loretto Avenue Philadelphia, Pa. PI 3·1761 Saint Martin of Tours 1G,2H,3G,4F ... Intramurals 1,2,3,4 ... German Club 2,3,· 4 . . . Science Club 4 . . . Math Club 3,4.

Douglas A. Gumula 7911 Whitewood Road Elkins Park 17, Pa. ME 5·3990 Saint James 1B,2H,3G,4E . . . German Club 4 ... Intramurals 1,2,3,· 4 ... Science Club 4.


Robert F. Hamburger 517 Twickenham Road Glenside, Pa. TU 6-3755 Saint Luke 1F,2F,3H,4B ... Football 1,2 . . . Cross Country 3,4 . . . Math Club 3,4 . . . Turner Society 4 ... Science Club 4 ... Intramurals 1,2,3,4.

Glenn A. Haig 2911 Hale Street Philadelphia 49, Pa. JE 5-8191 Saint Timothy 1C,2F,3G,4G . . . Baseball (manager) 1,2 ... Basketball (manager) 2 . . . German Club 2,3,4 ... Cheerleader 2 ... Intramurals 1,2,3,4.

Thomas J. Harron 6025 Loretto Avenue Philadelphia 49, Pa. JE 5-3362 Saint Martin of Tours 1E,2G,3A,4B . . . Basketball 1,2,3,4 ... Intramurals 1,2,4.

Joseph E. Hart 3340 North Howard Street Philadelphia 40, Pa. Saint Hugh 1G,2C,3G,4B ... Crew 1 ... Track 2,4(L) ... Cross Country 1,2(L),3(L),4(L) ... Intra. murals 1,2,3,4 . . . Science Club 4 ... Wisterian 4 . French Club 3,4.

Howard W. Hartley 280 East Queen Lane Philadelphia 44, Pa. GL 5-6660 Saint Vincent De Paul 1C,2F,3B,4D ... Intramurals 1,2,3,4 ... Spanish Club 4.

Richard A. Hathaway 5250 D Street Philadelphia 20, Pa. DA 4-2278 Saint Ambrose 1G,2H,3A,4D . . . Scholastic Medal 3 ... Intramurals 1,2,3,4 ... Band 1,2,3,4 ... Le路 gion of Mary 3 . . . French Club 3,4 ... Art Club 2,3,4 . .. Wisterian 4 . . . Spanish Club 4.

Albert S. Heaton 2035 West Clearfield Street Philadelphia 32, Pa. BA 9-8281 Saint Mary of the Eternal 1A,2C.3C,4A ... Intramural~ 1,2,3,4 ... Spanish Club 4.


William J. Hetherington 183 Pine Street Collingdale, Pa . LE 4·7943 Blessed Virgin Mary 1C,2F,3H,4C . . Scholastic Letter 2,3,4 . . . Scholastic Medal 1,2,3,4 . . . Intramu· rals 1,2,3,4 . . Turner Soci· ety 4. . German Club 2,3,4 . .. Math Club 3 ... Wisteri· an 3,4.

Gera ld F. Higgins 217 Germantown Pike Lafayette Hill, Pa. TA 8·0738 Saint Philip Neri lD,2A,3A,4B ... Tennis 1,2, 3,4 .. . Intramurals 1,2,3,4 . . . Benilde Club 3,4 . . . Spanish Club 4.

John C. Hilinski 789 Arden Road Jenkintown, Pa. TU 7·3119 Immaculate Conception 3A,4C ... Crew 3 ... Intra· . . Intramural murals 3,4 Club 4 ... Spanish Club 4 . . Benilde Club 3,4 . . . Math Club 4 .. . Science Club 4 . . Wisterian 4 . . . German Club 4 ... French Club 4.

Lawrence P. Hill 27 Weiss Avenue Flourtown, Pa. AD 3·2219 Saint Genevieve 1G,2D,3E,4G. Baseball 2(L) .. . Track 1,3,4(L) . . . Cheerleader 4 . Intramu· rals 1,2,3,4 ... Science Club 4 .. . Art Club 4.

Frederick J. Hirsekorn 1138 East Vernon Road Philadelphia 50, Pa. WA 4·5368 Saint Raymond 1E,2F,3G,4F . .. Crew 1 . .. Cross Country 3,4(L) . . . Track 4 ... Intramurals 1,2, 3,4 .. . Art Club 2 ... Math Club 4 ... Science Club 4 . . . German Club 2,3,4.

Robert W. Honeyman , Jr. 54 North Whitehall Road Norristown , Pa . BR 5·3180 Saint Francis of Assisi 1A,2H,3B,4C. . Swimming 1 .. . Football 3(L),4(L) . .. Student Council 3,4 . .. Ben· ilde Club 4 . . . Intramurals 1,2,3,4 ... Spanish Club 4.

John A. Houseman 20 East Wissahickon Avenue Flourtown, Pa. AD 3·1360 Saint Genevieve lD,2D,3F,4G ... Cross Coun· try 1 . . . Track 1 .. Crew 3,4 . . . Swimming 1,2 .. . Intramurals 1,2,3,4 . . . Tur· ner Society 4 ... Spirit Com· mittee 4 . .. German Club 3" 4 .. . Benilde Club 1,2.

William J. Hotz 7240 Whitaker Avenue Philadelphia 11, Pa. PI 2·2604 Resurrection of Our Lord 1B,2G,3E,4F . . . German Club 3,4 ... Intramurals 1,2, 3,4.


Bruce A. Humphries 303 Powder Horn Road Ft. Washington, Pa. TA 8-0132 Saint Genevieve 3F,4G .. . Scholastic Letter 3 ... Golf 3(L),4(L) .. Intramurals 3,4 ... Math Club 4 . . . Science Club 4. Wayne H. Hummel 7333 Belden Street Philadelphia 11 , Pa. PI 5-4636 Resurrection of Our Lord 1E,2D,3G,4F ... Track 1 ... Crew 2,3,4(L) . . . Science Club 4 . . German Club 3,4 ... Intramurals 1,2,3,4.

William M. Hutton 338 Carson Street Philadelphia 28, Pa . IV 3路1300 Saint Mary of the Assumption 1F,2 B,3C,4H ... Cross Country 1 ... Baseball 3( L),4(L) . . . Intramurals 1,2,3.

George A. Huttlin 238 North Hills Avenue North Hills, Pa. TU 6-8085 Queen of Peace 1C,2F,3G,4F . Band 1,2,3, 4 ... German Club 2,4 .. . Science Club 4 . . . Math Club 4.

Fred J. lannarelli 1320 Princeton Avenue Philadelphia 11, Pa. FI2-5722 Resurrection of Our Lord 1B,2A,3G,4E . . . German Club 2 ... Band 1,2,3 , Intramurals 1,2,3,4.

Frank L. laqu inta 3403 Goodman Street Philadelphia 40, Pa. BA 8-9045 Our Lady of Pompeii 1H,2D,3F,4E ... Football 1, 2,3(L),4(L) . . . Crew 1 Intramurals 1,2,3,4 . German Club 2,3,4 . .. Student Council 4 .. . Wisterian



Robert T. Janulewicz 3196 Mercer Street Philadelphia 34, Pa. GA 3-1754 Saint Adalbert 1H,2G,3E,4C ... Baseball 1, 2 . . . Forensics 1 . . . German Club 2,3 . Intramurals 1,2,3,4 . . . Cape and Sword 4.


Michael F. Jeffers, Jr. 44 West Wissahickon Avenue Flourtown, Pa. AD 3·2590 Saint Genevieve IG,2E,3G,4A ... Band 1,2,3,· 4 ... Blue and Gold 3,4 ... Turner Society 4 . . . Intra· murals 1,2,3,4 . . . Spanish Club 4.

Joseph A. Jordan 213 Germantown Pike Lafayette Hill, Pa. 828·3598 Saint Philip Neri lC,2D,3H,4C . . . Basketball 1,2 . . . Football 3,4(L) Intramurals 1,2,3,4 French Club 4.

Ronald T. Karolski 234 Benner Street Philadelphia 11, Pa. FL 2-4854 Saint William ID,2D,3F,4G ... Intramurals 1,2.

Kevin E. Keegan 8807 Hawthorne Lane Philadelphia 18, Pa. VE 6·5861 Seven Dolors IH,2F,3B,4D ... Art Club 3,· 4 ... Turner Society 4 ... Science Club 4 ... Intramu· rals 2,3,4 . . . Spanish Club

Brian M. Kilcullen 2140 West Cheltenham Avenue Philadelphia 38, Pa. WA 4·8759 Saint Athanasius lC,2E,3D,4B . . . Scholastic Medal 2 . . . Band 1,2,3,4 ... German Club 2,3,4 ... Math Club 4 ... Science Club



John J. Kelly 30 Highland Avenue Bala Cynwyd, Pa. MO 4·4093 Saint Matthias IF,2D,3E,4E ... Band 1,2,3,· 4 . . . Art Club 4 . . . Legion of Mary 1,2 ... Intramurals 1,2,3,4.

William D. Kennedy 406 East Mt. Airy Avenue Philadelphia 19, Pa. CH 7·8146 Holy Cross IG,2C,3A,4D . . . Scholastic Medal 2 . . . Crew 2 . . . French Club 3,4 ... Intramu· rals 1,2,3,4.


Leo S. Kosley 532 Ridge Pike Lafayette Hill, Pa. 825·0696 Saint Philip Neri lD,2D,3A,4E ... Intra murals 1,2,3,4 ... Intramural Club 4 ... Art Club 3,4 ... Science Club 4 ... Photography Club 3 ... Spirit Committee 4 ... Cheerleader 3,4.

Michael C. Komelasky 1026 Gravel Hill Road Southampton, Pa. EL 5·2295 Our Lady of Good Counsel 1A,2D,3F,4E ... Football 2 . · . Basketball 1 ... Baseball l,2(L),3(L),4(L) ... Band 1,2,· 3,4 ... German Club 2,3,4 . · . Math Club 4 ... Intramu· ra Is 1.2,3,4.

Edward C. Kostrzewski 1977 West Hunting Park Ave· nue Philadelphia 40, Pa. Saint Ladislaus 1A,2A,3E,4H ... Baseball 1 . · . Intramurals 1,2,3,4 . . . Confraternity of Christian Doctrine 2.

Vincent J. Kraft 63 Davis Road Ambler, Pa. M16·8128 Saint Anthony 1G,2F,3E,4B ... Football 1,2" 4(L) ... Intramurals 1,2,3,4 . . . Turner Society 3,4 . . . Science Club 4 . . . StUdent Council 4 . . . German Club 2,4.

Albert G. Kroll 5940 Reach Street Philadelphia 20, Pa. PI 2·1099 Saint William 1E,2E,3B,4E ... German Club 2,3,4 ... Intra murals 1,2,3,4.

Bernard G. Krimm 7152 Andrews Avenue Philadelphia 38, Pa. HA 4·0853 Saint Athanasius 1B,2F,3H,4C . . . Scholastic Letter 2,3 . . . Scholastic Medal 1 . . . Cross Country 1,2,3,4(L) ... Track l,3,4(L) ... Intramurals 1,2,3,4 ... Wisterian 4 . . . Turner So· ciety 4 ... Forensics 3,4 ... Math Club 3,4.

Kenneth R. Kryszczun 2150 Princeton Avenue Philadelphia 49, Pa. DE 3·3686 Our Lady of Ransom 1H,2A,3B,4C ... Football 1,2 . . . Bowling 2,3(L),4(L) ... Intramurals 1,2,3,4 ... Spanish Club 4.


George A. Krzeminski 4324 North Franklin Street Philadelphia 40, Pa. GL 5·7362 Saint Henry 1F,2E,3F,4E . . . German Club 4 ... Intramurals 1,2,3,


James G. Kugler 1823 Beverly Road Philadelphia 38, Pa. LI 9·1524 Saint Athanasius 1C,2E,3B,4C ... Art Club 3, 4 ... Intramurals 1,2,3,4 . . Spanish Club 4.

John D. Kutzler 6226 Mershon Street Philadelphia 49, Pa. CU 8·6905 Saint Timothy 1G,2A,3A,4E ... Swimming 1 ... Intramurals 1,2,3,4.

Roman Kwasnycky 2217 Pa rri sh Street Philadelphia 30, Pa. PO 3·0289 Saint Nicholas lD,2D,3H,4F . . . Scholastic Letter 1 ... Scholastic Medal 1 ... Crew 1,2 ... Band 1 . . . French Club 4 ... Intra· murals 1,2,3,4.

Joseph W. Lain, Jr. 9411 Academy Road Philadelphia 14, Pa. OR 3·3449 Saint Katherine of Siena 1E,2H,3C,4A ... Crew 1 Intramurals 1,2,3,4.

Joseph D. Lehman 349 Roslyn Avenue Glenside, Pa. TU 4·1261 Saint Luke 1C,2H,3G,4G . . . Crew 2,3, 4(L) . . . Wisterian 3,4 . . . Gazebo 2,3,4 . . . Cape and Sword 3,4 ... Turner Society 4 ... Intramurals 1,2,3,4.

Francis P. Laska 204 Garnet Lane Wallingford, Pa. TR 6·3005 Saint John Chrysostom 1A,2D,3F,4G . . . Swimming 2,3 ... Track 4 ... Intramu· rals 1,2,3,4 ... Science Club 4 ... German Club 4.


Robert J. Loga n 830 Dorset Street Philadelphia 19, Pa . GE 8-0722 Saint Th eresa 1G,2F,3 H,4F . . Scholastic Letter 1 Track 1 Foot ball l ,2(L),3(L),4(L) . Basketball l ,2,3( L),4(L) . . Student Math Club 4 Counci l 4 . . . Intramural s I , 2,3,4.

Willi am H. Loftus 2002 Pleasan t Avenue Glenside, Pa. TU 4-8053 Saint Luke 1B,2H,3C,4H . .. Swimming l,2 ,3( L),4(L) . . Crew 2 . Intramurals 1,2,3,4.

Richard M. Lusse Bristol and Upper State Road s Cha Ifont, Pa . 013-0110 Saint Jude 1H,2G,3G,4H . Football I, 2,3 ... German Club 3,4 ... Intramurals 1,2,3,4.

John J. Luviano 1143 Kin gsley Road Jenkintown , Pa. TU 4 -873 1 Saint Hilary lD,2C,3C,4A . Intramurals 1,2,3,4.

John D. McAndrew 5915 Belden Street Philadelphia 49, Pa . JE 3-1567 Saint Martin of Tours 1E,2G,3C,4H . .. French Club 3,4. . Color Guard 3,4 . Intram urals 1,2,3 ,4.

Thoma s V. McBride 128 Devon Road Cinnaminson, N.J. 829-8252 Saint Charles Borromeo 1F,2C,3C,4A .. . Bowling 1 . .. Baseball (manager) 2(L),3(L),4(L) ... Intramura ls 1,2,3,4 . . . Color Guard 4 Cape and Sword 4 . . Science Club 4.

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Michael P. McCa nn Willits and Ashton Roads Philadelphia 36, Pa. OR 3-4559 Saint Jerome 1C,28 ,3 D,48 ... Football 1 . Intramurals 1,2,3,4 Spanish Club 4.

Michael D. McCarthy 8820 Germantown Avenue Philadelphia 18, Pa. CH 7-1632 Our Mother of Consolation 1G,2B,3H,4G ... Football 1,2,3(L),4(L) ... Crew 1,2,4(L) . . . Spanish Club 4 . . . Wisterian 4.

William J. McCracken 3120 North Wendle Street Philadelphia 33, Pa. BA 3-5551 Saint Veronica 1A,2D,3A,4E ... Band 1 ... Intramurals 1,2,3,4.

Peter C. McCrudden 3317 Midvale Avenue Phil.adelphia 29, Pa. VI 8-4737 Saint Bridget 1G,2B,3A,4C . . . Swimming 1 ... Crew 1,2(L),3(L),4(L) . .. Intramurals 1,2,3,4 . . . Science Club 4 . . . Spanish Club 4.

John L. McGoldrick 2721 Maxwell Street Philadelphia 36, Pa. HO 4-2654 Saint Jerome 1A,2A,3G,4C . . . Swimming 1,2,3 . . . Cross Country 3,4(L) . . . Track 3,4(L) . . . Football 1,2 ... Cheerleader 4 . . . Benilde Club 1 . . . French Club 4 ... Legion of Mary 1 ... Student Government 3,4 ... Intramurals 1,2,3,4 . . . Wisterian 4 .. Dance Committee 4 . . . Science Club 4. Michael J. McGinniss 438 West Spencer Street Philadelphia, Pa. HA 4-6286 Saint Helena 1C,2B,3H,4F . . . Scholastic Letter 1,2,3,4 . . . Scholastic Medal 1,2,3,4 ... Swimming (manager) 2(L),3(L),4(L) . . . Blue and Gold 3,4 . . . Student Council 1,2,3 ... Intramurals 1,2,3,4.

Joseph J. McGlade 1435 West Jerome Street Philadelphia 40, Pa. GL 5路1403 Saint Stephen lD,2C,3A,4D ... Intramurals 1,2 . . . Band 1,2,3,4 .. Photography Club 2 . . . Science Club 4.

John J. McGroarty 1819 Cleveland Avenue Abington, Pa. OL 9-3568 Our Lady Help of Christians 1B,2H,3B,4A ... Wisterian 3, 4 . . . Turner Society 4 ... Cheerleader 4 . . . Intramurals 1,2,3,4.

Thomas K. McGill 7116 Charles Street Philadelphia 35, Pa. DE 3-8757 Saint Bernard 1F,2F,3B,4D . . . Swimming Team 1,2 ... Intramurals 1,2,3,4 . . . Cheerleader 2 . . . Benilde Club 1,2 . . . Art Club 1 ... Spanish Club 4.


Thomas W. Mcintyre 303 Spruce Road Flourtown, Pa. AD 3·5367 Saint Genivieve lD,2E,3H,4A . . . Swimming 1,2 ... Intramurals 1,2,3,4 . . . Turner Society 4 . . . In· tramural Club 4 ... Student Council 4.

Paul F. McHugh 4024 Joshua Road Lafayette Hill, Pa. TA 8·2963 Saint Philip Neri 1H,2B,3G,4F . . . Math Club 3 . . . Science Club 4 . . . German Club 4 .. , Intramu· rals 1,2,3,4 ... Benilde Club 4.

William R. McShane, Jr. 4136 Barnett Street Philadelphia 35, Pa. DE 3·2190 Saint Timothy 1H,2A,3E,4H ... Football 1,2 . . . French Club 4 . . . Stu· dent Council 3,4 ... Intramu· rals 1,2,3,4.

Stephen J. McNichol 7431 Boyer Street Philadelphia 19, Pa. CH 7·7786 Holy Cross 1A,2H,3B,4A . . . Football 3(L),4(L) ... Track 4 ... In· tramurals 1,2,3,4.

Vincent W. Madden 937 East Mt. Airy Avenue Philadelphia 50, Pa. CH 7·9408 Saint Raymond 1B,2H,3E,4H . Cross Country 2 . . . Crew 1,2(L),· 3(L),4(L). . Basketball (manager) 1 ... Intramurals 1,2,3,4 ... French Club 4 .. Math Club 4.

Gregory T. Magarity 830 East Rittenhouse Street Philadelphia 38, Pa. VI 3·3234 Immaculate Conception 1F,2E,3A,4G . . . Scholastic Letter 1 . . . Basketball 1,2" 3(L),4(L) ... Football 1,2 ... Track 1 ... I ntramurals 1,2" 3,4 ... Student Council 3,4 . . . Student Government 3,4 . . . German Club 3,4.

Joseph H. Magazino 631 East Hermitage Street Philadelphia 28, Pa. IV 2·6286 Saint Lucy 1E,2E,3F,4E ... Photography Club 2,3 ... Intramurals 1,2,· 3,4 ... German Club 2,3,4.


James J. Magnatta 943 Anchor Street Philadelphia 24, Pa . CU 8-1347 Saint Martin of Tours 1D,2E,3D,4H . .. Crew 3 . . . Intramurals 1,2,3,4 .. . German Club 2,3,4 . . . Science Club 4 .. . Math Club 4 .

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Thomas J. Maher 6153 North Lawrence Street Philadelphia 20, Pa. LI 9-2523 Saint Helena lC,2B,3H,4A . Blue and Gold 3,4 ... Wisterian 3,4 .. . Math Club 3,4 . .. Spanish Club 4 ... Intramurals 1,2,3, 4.

1 Joseph M. Markmann 308 East Stevens Street Philadelphia 11, Pa . PI 5-4172 Saint William IG,2F,3H,4C . . . Scholastic Letter 1,2,3,4 . .. Basketball 1,2,3(L),4(L) .. . Baseball 2 3(L),4(L) . .. Intramurals 1,2, 3,4 . . . Math Club 4 . . . Science Club 4 . . . Student Government 3 .


Anthony E. Martin 6401 North 7th Street Philadelphia 26, Pa. CA 4-1012 Saint Helena IB,2B,3H,4D .. . Swimming 1,2,3,4(L) . . . Crew 1,2,3, 4(L) . . . German Club 2,3,4 . . . Math Club 3,4 ... Science Club 4 .. . Intramurals 1,2,3, 4.

James P. Mallon 808 Medway Road Philadelphia 15, Pa. OR 3·1393 Saint Albert the Great lA,2C,3D,4F ... Footbal l 1 . . . Benilde Club 4 . . . Science Club 4 . . . Spanish Club 4 .. . Cape and Sword 4 .. . Intramurals 1,2,3,4.

Stephen J. Meredith 6841 Germantown Avenue Philadelphia 19, Pa . VI 8·2718 Holy Cross IH,2C,3A,4C . . . German Club 3 .. . Intramurals 1,2,3, 4 . . . Spanish Club 4. Robert J. Matthews 2142 Disston Street Philadelphia 49, Pa. DE 8-1945 Our Lady of Ransom lE,2D,3F,4E . . . German Club 2,3,4 . .. Intramurals 1, 2,3,4 . . . Student Government 4.

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Owen H. Montague, Jr. 377 West Sedgwick St. Philadelphi a 19, Pa . VI 8·7284 Saint Madeleine Sophie lD,2A,3C,4H . .. Track 1,3, 4(L) . .. Football 3 . . . Ba nd 1,2 . . . Art Club 3 . . . French Club 3,4 . .. Intra murals 1,2,4 . . Wisterian 4 . . Intram ural Club 4.

Harry L. Mitchell 9548 Rising Sun Avenue Philadelphi a 15, Pa. OR 7·3666 Maternity B.V.M. 1C,2 H,3G,4A . . . Schola stic Medal 1 .. . Footba ll 1,2 ... Student Cou nci I 3,4 . . . Intramurals 1,2,3 ,4 . Spanish Clu b 4. Robert P. Morrison 802 Borbeck Avenue Philadelphi a 11, Pa. PI 2·4266 Sa int Cecil ia 1B,2G,3G,4G Swimming 2 . .. Basketball (manager) 1 . . German Club 2,3,4 . . . Math Club 4 . . . Benilde Club 4 ... Science Club 4.

Edward F. Moore III 120 West 11th Avenue Conshohocken , Pa. 828·50 17 Sa int Matthew 1A,2A,3G ,4G .. . Color Guard 1 ... Intramurals 1,2 ,3 ,4.

Gregory L. Mountain 1734 Full er Street Phil adelphia 52 , Pa . RA 5-6975 Resurrect ion of Our Lord 1F,2C,3C,4D .. . Intramurals 1,2,3,4 .. . Cheerleader 3 .. Wisterian 3 . . Spanish Club 4.

Henry F. Muller 503 South Warmin ster Road Harboro, Pa. OS 2-3287 Sa int John Bo sco 1G,2 F,3 H,4C Scholastic Letter 2 ... Cross Country 1 . . . Tra ck 2,4 .. Intramu· ra ls 1,2,3,4 . . . Art Club 1,2" 3,4. . Wisterian 3,4 . . . Math Club 3,4 .. Science Club 4 . .. Gazebo 3,4.

Michael Netzko 5225 Elvena Avenue Penn sa uken, N.J. 662-6728 Saint Peter 1A,2A,3B,4D .. . Intramurals 1,2,3,4 ... French Club 3.


Michael J. Normile 730 Wyndale Road Jenkintown , Pa. TU 7-2708 Immacul ate Conception 1G,2 B,3H,4D ... Tenni s 2 .. . Forensics 2,3,4 . .. German Club 2 .. . Turner Society 4 . . . Intramurals 1,2,3,4.

Thomas A. O'Donnell 935 E. Stafford Street Philadelphia 38, Pa. VI 8-4695 Immaculate Conception 1B,2B,3G,4B ... Football 1,2,3 ... Track 1,2 ... Baseball 4 ... Spanish Club 4 .. . Intramurals 1,2,3,4.

Vincent M. O'Donnell 25 West Central Avenue Moorestown, New Jersey 609-235-3819 Our Lady of Good Counsel 1C,2G,3D,4B ... Track 3 ... Forensics 1,2,3,4 ... Student Council 4 ... Wisterian 3,4 . . . Art Club 4 . . . German Club 2,3,4 ... Turner Society 4 . . . Science Club 4 Photography Club 3 . . . In路 tramurals 1,2,3,4.

Henry B. Oestreich, Jr. 318 Valley Brook Road Ambler, Pa. M16-3080 Saint Anthony 1G,2G,3B,4D . . . Scholastic Letter 3 ... Scholastic Medal 2 ... Track 3,4(L) . . . Forensics 1,2,3,4 . . . Wisterian 4 . . . Turner Society 4 . . . Photography Club 2 . . . Spanish Club 4 ... Intramu路 rals 1,2,3,4.

Dennis J. O'Leary 239 West Ashdale Street Philadelphia 20, Pa. GL 5-4226 Incarnation of Our Lord 1H,2B,3C,4B . . . Math Club 3,4 ... Spanish Club 4 . Intramurals 1,2,3,4.

Michael E. Osborne 7022 Louise Road Philadelphia 38, Pa. HA 4-3630 Saint Athanasius 1B,2H,3C,4F. . Football 1,2,3(L) Basketball 1,2,3(L),4(L). . Student Council 1,2,4 ... Intramurals 1,2,3,4.

Joseph A. Pagano 5543 Harbison Avenue Philadelphia 24, Pa. JE 5-4451 Saint Bartholomew 1F,2D,3F,4E ... German Club 2,3,4 . . . Legion of Mary 1,2 . . . Intramurals 1,2,3,4.

Alan W. Ottinger 507 Livezy Street Philadelphia 28, Pa. IV 2-2026 Holy Family 1C,2C,3D,4H . . . Swimming 1 ... Intramurals 1,2,3,4.


Roman O. Petryszyn 5231 North Hutchinson Street Philadelphia 41, Pa. DA 4-0173 Christ the King 1H,2E,3D,4B ... Intramurals 1,2,3,4. Joseph F. Passanante 224 East Ashdale Street Philadelphia 20, Pa. DA 9-4329 Saint Ambrose lD,2C,3A,4D . . . Football Manager 2,3(L) . . . Spanish Club 4 ... Intramurals 1,2,3,· 4.

Frederick A. Patrick, Jr. 612 South York Road Hatboro, Pa. OS 5·7404 Saint David 1A,2C,3C,4D . . . Swimming 2(L),4(L) ... Track 3,4(L) .. . Wisterian 3 . . . Cape and Sword 3,4 . . . Benilde Club 2,3 . . . Spanish Club 4 ... Art Club 3 . . . Science Club 4 ... Intramurals 1,2,3,4.

John F. Pettine 2714 A Street Philadelphia 34, Pa. RE 9-9571 Visitation of the Blessed Vir~ gin Mary 1G,2E,3G,4H ... Cheerleader 2 ... German Club 2,3,4 ... Science Club 4 . . . Math Club 4 ... French Club 3 .. . Intramurals 1,2,3,4.

J. Gregory Pirmann 135 East Gorgas Lane Philadelphia 19, Pa. GE 8·7653 Holy Cross 1G,2E,3G,4H . . . German Club 2,3 ... Cape and Sword 2 ... French Club 3 ... In· tramurals 1,2,3,4.

Vincent F. Plano 4925 Pulaski Avenue Philadelphia 44, Pa. DA 4·3677 Saint Michael of the Saints 1E,2G,3G,4D . . . Scholastic Medal 1 . . . Crew l,2,3(L),' 4(L) . . . Band 1,2,3 . . . Wisterian 4 . . . French Club 3,4 . . . Math Club 4 . . . Science Club 4 . . . Art Club 4 ... Photography Club 1,2 . . . Intramurals 1,2,3,4.

Edward F. Ploch a 127 Pemberton Street Philadelphia 47, Pa. WA 5-9266 St. Stanislaus 1B,2E,3E,4C . . . Football 1,2(L),3(L),4(L) ... Track 1,2 . .. Crew 3 . . . German Club 2,3,4 ... Student Cou:-;cil 2,4(president) . . . Intra murals 1,2,3,4.


George A. Polk 6536 Ditman Street Philadelphia 35, Pa. DE 3路5812 Saint Leo 1A,2G,3D,4D ... Color Guard 1 ... Band 1 ... Math Club 4 ... Science Club 4 ... In路 tramurals 1,2,3,4.

John J. Pron 6055 Alma Street Philadelphia 49, Pa. PI 3-1658 Saint Martin of Tours 1C,2B,3H,4C . . . German Club 3,4 ... Art Club 3,4 .. . Turner Society 4 ... Wisterian 4 ... Intramurals 1,2,3, 4.

Joseph M. Queenan 534 East Olney Avenue Philadelphia 20, Pa. DA 9-3197 Saint Ambrose lD,2H,3D,4F . . . Basketball 1,2,3,4(L) ... French Club 3, 4 ... Intramurals 1,2,3,4.

Michael F. Quinlan 734 East Dorset Street Philadelphia 19, Pa. GE 8-4518 Saint Therese of the Child Jesus 1G,2F,3H,4C ... Cross Country 1,2,3,4(L) ... Track 1,2, 3,4(L) . . . Cape and Sword 3,4 ... Legion of Mary 2,3 .. Intramurals 1,2,3,4.

William R. Rafter 7135 Cedar Park Avenue Philadelphia 38, Pa. LI 9-0743 Saint Athanasius 1G,2G,3D,4D . . . Scholastic Letter 2 ... Scholastic Medal 2 . . . Cross Country 2 . . . Crew 2,3(L),4(L) . . . Math Club 3,4 .. _ German Club 2, 3,4 ... Intramurals 1,2,3,4.

Ronald P. Radl 7520 Bustleton Avenue Philadelphia 49, Pa. DE 3-8681 Resurrection of Our Lord 1C,2E,3D,4B . . . Scholastic Medal 3 ... Crew 2,3(L),4(L) ... Art Club 1,2,3,4 ... German Club 2,3,4 ... Intramurals 1,2,3,4.

Walter E. Ramick 424 Viola Street Camden 4, N.J. WO 6-3311 Sacred Heart 1C,2H,3A,4F ... Turner Society 4 . _ . Intra murals 1,2,3.4.





Stephen J. Rauscher 1212 Rhawn Street Phi ladelph ia 11, Pa. PI 5·2803 Sa int Ceci lia 1H,2G,3D,4E . . . German Clu b 2,3,4 . .. Science Club 4 . .. Intramurals 1,2,3,4.

Wa lter J. Ramspacher 1824 Loney Street Philadelphia 11 , Pa. PI 2·6085 Resurrection of Our Lord Scho lastic 1F,2 E, 3D,4B. Letter 1 .. . Scholastic Medal 1 .. . Swimming 1,2 .. . Ger· man Club 3,4 . . Science Clu b 4 . . . Intramurals 1,2,3, 4.

Richard J. Reaney 7336 Pittville Aven ue Philadelphia 26, Pa. WA 4·4192 Holy Angels 1E,2 H,3 D,4H . . . Bowling 1, 2,3,4( L) Intramural Club 4 .. French Club 4 ... In· tramurals 1,2,3,4.

Thoma s M. Regan 1619 Wood brook Lane Philadelphia 50, Pa . CH 7·7620 Saint Raymond 1B,2B,3G,4F ... Tennis 3( L), 4( L) . . Math Clu b 4 . . . German Club 4 . .. Science Clu b 4 . . . Intramurals 1,2,3, 4.

Edward P. Rekas 1244 East Sydney Street Phil adelphia 50, Pa. CH 8·0242 Saint Raymond 1A,2 B,3 B,4D . Scholastic Letter 1 .. . Scholastic Medal 1 . . . Tennis 2,3,4(L) . . . Wisterian 3,4 . Blue and Gold 4 ... Span ish Clu b 4 . . . Intramura ls 1,2,3,4.

John J. Richards 322 Arch Street Royersford, Pa. 948·9683 Saint Joseph 1F,2G,3G,4E ... Art Cl ub 2,4 German Clu b 2,3,4 . . Science Club 4 . . . Intramu· ra ls 1,2,3,4.

Robert G. Schleicher 7854 Provident Street Philadelphia 50, Pa. WA 7·2769 Saint Raymond 1G,2B,3H,4D . . . Scholastic Letter 1,3 ... Math Clu b 3,4 . .. Science Club 4 . . . Intra. murals 1,2 ,3,4.


Carlo V. Vicenzi 1023 Shelmire Avenue Philadelphia 11, Pa. PI 2-5328 Saint Cecilia 4F ... Track 4 ... Intramurals 4. Harry C. Vantine 1545 Marian Road Abington, Pa. TU 6-4784 Our Lady Help of Christians 1G,2F,3H,4D . . . Scholastic Letter 1 ... Bowling 1,2 ... Cross Country 4 . . . Math Club 3,4 ... Science Club 4 . 路 . Intramurals 1,2,3,4. Joseph J. Wallace 251 Mountain Street Philadelphia 48, Pa. HO 2-6271 Saint Casimir 1B,2E,3A,4G . . . Crew 1,2,3(L),4(L) . . . Turner Society 4 ... German Club 2,3,4 ... Intramurals 1.2,3,4.

Carl P. Whitlock 8622 Cheltenham Avenue Philadelphia 18, Pa. AD 3-2469 Our Mother of Consolation lD,2B,3C,4B ... Football 1,2 路 .. Swimming 1,2(L) . . . Baseball 3,4(L) . . . Student Council 1,3,4 . . . German Club 2 ... Spanish Club 4 .. 路 Intramurals 1,2,3,4.

William P. Wiggins 134 Boncouer Road Cheltenham, Pa. ME 5-2011 Saint Joseph 1E,2H,3E,4A . . . Swimming 1,2 . . . Football 1,2,3 . . . Crew 3,4 ... Golf 1(L),3,4 .. . Science Club 4 ... Spanish Club 4 . . . Student Government 4 ... Intramurals 1,2,3,4.

Martin A. Walsh 4070 Hillside Road Lafayette Hill, Pa. TA 8路9478 Saint Philip Neri 1F,2F,3C,4C ... Band 1,2,3, 4 ... Spanish Club 4 ... Intramurals 1,2,3,4.

Robert R. Wilsbach, Jr. 5303 North 13th Street Philadelphia 41, Pa. DA 9-5139 Holy Child 1C,2E,3E,4G . . . Scholastic Medal 2,3,4 . . . German Club 2,3,4 ... Band 1,2,3,4 . .. Benilde Club 4.

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James T. Wills 8405 Hull Drive Philadelphia 18, Pa. AD 3-1147 Seven Dolors 1H,2E,3F,4E . . . Baseball 3(L).4(L) ... German Club 2, 3 ... Cape and Sword 4 ... Student Council 4 . . . Student Government 4 . . . Intramurals 1,2,3,4.


James L. Wise 6606 North 7th Street Philadelphia 26, Pa. WA 4·9138 Saint Joseph 1F,2B,3G,4D . . . Scholastic Medal 3 ... Swimming 1,2,· 4(L) ... Crew 1,2,3,4(L) ... Art Club 3,4 ... Math Club 4 ... Science Club 4 ... Intra· murals 1,4.

Terrance P. Wing 3373 Vaux Street Philadelphia 29, Pa. VI 4·0993 Saint Bridget lD,2H,3B,4D . Cross Country 1,2 ... Crew 1 ... Benilde Club 1,2,3,4 . . . Art Club 1 ... Spanish Club 3,4 ... Intramurals 1,2,3,4.

Thomas J. Witkowski 4224 Magee Avenue Philadelphia 35, Pa. DE 8·5711 Saint Timothy 1A,2D,3F,4H ... Band 1,2,3,· 4 ... German Club 2,3,4 ... Science Club 4 ... Intramu· rals 2,3,4.

Thomas S. Wright 325 West Albanus Street Philadelphia 20, Pa. GL 5·2791 I ncarnation of Our Lord 1B,2G,3C,4C . . . Swimming 1,2(L),3(L),4(L) . . . Art Club 2 ... French Club 3 ... In· tramurals 1,2,3,4.

Walter F. Zaremski 4518 East Thompson Street Philadelphia 37, Pa. JE 3·1930 Saint John Cantius 1H,2H,3C,4D . . . French Club 3,4 ... German Club 2 ... Intramurals 1,2,3,4.

Louis F. Zieja 246 Dickinson Street Philadelphia 47, Pa. HO 5·9433 Saint Stanislaus 1H,2D,3F,4G ... Band 1,2,3,· 4 ... German Club 2,3,4 .. . Photography Club 1,2,3 .. . Forensics 3 ... Science Club 4 ... Intramurals 1,2.

Raymond R. Zywalewski 4040 MacNiff Drive Lafayette Hill, Pa. TA 8·5452 Saint Philip Neri 1G,2E,3A,4G ... Football 1 .. Tennis 1 ... Benilde Club 4 ... German Club 4 ... In· tramurals 1,2,3,4.


Each decade has many individuals singled out as outstanding athletes. Few, however, are of such superior quality as to overshadow all of the others. These elite, capitalizing on a special talent, excel in a manner not feasible for even the ac路 complished athlete. Thomas Donnelly is one of these exceptional athletes. Through his persistent devotion to the drudgery of conditioning and his undaunted determination to be a champion, Tom has developed into the most remarkable track and cross country runner in the history of La Salle. His stature as an athlete and his humble attitude toward hi s track successes are in complete accord with a gentlemanly manner that has been the motif of his high school years . As student and athlete, and as secretary of the Student Council he has contributed immeasurabl y to hi s own personal development and to the favorable recognition of La Sall e. It is with pride that we choose Tom Donnelly as an outstanding member of th e cla ss of


Robert Logan Thomas Donnelly Rarely does a school find a student who fulfills entirely its educational aims. Such, however, is Bob Logan. La Sa ll e seeks academic excellence in a student; Bob responded , winning a scholastic letter as a freshman and consistently remaining in the top percentile of his class. But La Sa lle also realizes that total development occurs in the realm of ath letics. Again its goa ls were fulfilled . As a three year letterman in football , Bob spearheaded Mr. Flannery's tough defensive unit, and from the gridiron he moved to Coach O'Brien's basketball court where he started for two years as forward and guard. As a freshman, Bob found time for the track team, and in later years competed in spring intramurals . A third aim of a school such as La Sa lle is to create leaders, and the testimony to this quality in Bob Logan is his election to the Student Council. For his achievements during four years at La Salle, Bob has received respect and friendship from his fellow students, confidence from his teachers, and recognition from his school. The successful comb ination of school spirit and academic prominence is exemplified in the amazingly active Michael McGinniss. His scholastic letters and medals during four consecutive years, together with his nomination as a Merit fin ali st , attest to his abilities as a student. As co-editor of the Blue and Gold, Mike wrote and revised much of the text himself, frequently working in the yearbook office till twilight. Although his work on the yearbook consumed many of his after school hours, Mike was able to manage the swimming team, a job he held since his sophomore year. Especially during his junior year when he served on various Council committees, the Student Council benefited from many of Mike's constructive ideas and proposals. In all his endeavors at La Salle, Mike was inspired and guided by a spirit of dedication and loyalty. But of all Mike's qualities, his ability to present a proper image of a Christian gentlemen makes him outstanding.

Vincent O'Donnell Michael McGinniss When a student travels from Moorestown, New Jersey, to La Sa lle every school day for four years, he earns his diploma. But when that same student also manages to contribute outstandingly to the intellectual and extra-curricular life of his school , he deserves recognition. Such a student is Vincent O'Donnell. Despite his two-hour trips each day, Vince during his four years found time to participate in the Debating Club, the Science Club, and the Student Council. However, in no way did Vince's many activities detract from his schoolwork, and he received national recognition for scholastic achievements from the NEDT and Merit committees. But of all his efforts, Vince's work on the WIS supplied him with the perfect vehicle for his talents. As feature editor, he provided the paper with many interesting and enlightening articles. But like Melville's scrivener Bartleby, Vince spent more long hours than he would have preferred rewriting copy. For this quality of outstanding diligence, Vince deserved La Salle's preference for him.

senior standouts 96

"Outstanding" can be applied in many ways and need not label the person whose achievements call attention to himself and set him apart from others, In another sense, and perhaps a truer one, it refers to the individual whose qualities do not set him apart, but rather involve him completely with others, and so bring recognition not primarily to himself, but to the achievements of the group. Henry Schmidt is outstanding in this latter way. That he is capable of winning personal attention is shown in the essential academic sphere, where he has been a consistent honor student. That he has chosen to involve himself with others is shown in his contirbutions to a variety of time-consuming organizations notably the band, where the brass section has for four years benefited from his ability on trombone, and the Wisterian, where his work as co-editor has brought the paper award-winning acclaim. In these areas, and in others within the wide range of his interest, Henry's concern is deep, his involvement complete, his contributions constructive, and the effect of his efforts - outstanding.

Edward Plocha

Henry Schmidt

,In all his undertakings, Edward Plocha has earned the praise of his teachers and the respect and admiration of his fellow students. To every task, he brings a dynamic and forceful personality, fired by intense dedication, yet tempered by true humility. During his sophomore year, Ed was a member of the Student Council, and as a senior, he served as Council president. Whatever he attempted was successful and beneficial for the student body. Ed was responsible for the fine team support, the expanded social calendar and the excellent rapport between faculty and students_ On the football field, Ed combined innate ability and a desire for victory which earned him All-Catholic and All-Scholastic honors. When he isn't on campus, Ed can be found working actively in his parish Holy Name Society or in the Polish Eagles, a youth organization whose purpose is to preserve Polish traditions in South Philadelphia. These plaudits fail to do Ed justice. Perhaps, it is an understatement to consider Ed merely as outstanding_

From Saint Rose's, North Wales, Greg Schulze brings to La Salle a spirit of enterprise and an enga~ing manner which led him to participate in activities as widely varied as the Dance Committee and the German Club_ In sports, he turned to swimming for his first two years; he has played intramurals all four years. His soph and junior years saw him out front of the student body as a cheerleader whippi ng up enthusiasm for the efforts of the school teams. Of late, his contributions have shifted rather to the quietly efficient behind-the-scenes role in such vital spots as co-editor of the Blue and Gold and president of the Art Club. As a member of the Spirit Committee, Greg had the happy facility of marshalling the efforts of many willing workers in each of these enterprises. The bantering refrain, "Schulze did it," heard whenever some undertaking met a temporary snag, bears a fuller truth; when there was a job to be done, Greg Schulze got it done.

Stephen Swinburne Gregory Schulze Studious without looking the part, but studious in the best sense of the word; this describes Steve Swinburne. His is the ability to blend a certain air of nonchalance with a penetrating intellectual curiosity. An imposing list of scholastic achievements: scholastic medalist as a frosh and sophomore, winner of the Scholastic "L" in his first and third years, and Merit finalist, these attest to his ability in studies. Such a list does not reveal the full range and depth of an alert, inquiring personality whose interests encompass sports, math, drama, politics, and music. Although an accident at the Inquirer Meet in his second year brought an interruption to his pole-vaulting activity, his renewed efforts in his last two years have made him a valuable asset to the track team, as a vaulter. Steve is president of the Math club. Of a probing, analytical bent, perhaps he finds math his most congenial subject area. Many a teacher will attest that this same searching inquisitiveness has triggered class discussions in every other subject. To his further education, Steve will bring a sense of humor, a questing mind, and a sense of balance provided by his liberal range of interests. These qualities will guarantee a future of promise and growth.

nineteen hundred and sixty-five 97


activities 99

MR. JOHN MOORE When Mr. John Moore joined the La Salle faculty in 1953, he brought with him both teaching ability and likeable personality. During the past eleven years, Mr. Moore has taught practically every graduate, and each will attest to his competence as a teacher and his congeniality as an individual. Outside the classroom, he has parlayed his own dramatic ability into many theatrical successes for the Cape and Sword. His unique talent to inspire young actors has brought him acclaim throughout the city. In recognition of his contribution to La Salle and in particular appreciation for all he has given to us, we, the seniors of nineteen hundred and sixty-five, dedicate this section of the Blue and Gold to Mr. John Moore.


cape and sword



Drama provides a valuable means of self-expression. Because the actor is compelled to react from a different viewpoint, he emerges from his vicarious experience with a broader outlook. In addition, the experience from the various types of plays produced each year enables actor and student alike to develop mature theatrical standards. Directed by Mr. John Moore, the Cape and Sword Society, assisted by the girls from Mount Saint Joseph's Academy, presented several excellent productions, highlighted by the senior play, The Gazebo, a mystery-comedy in two acts.



Certainly, La Salle ha! been uniquely fortunat~ this year in having such ar effective Student Council Brother G. William, th~ moderator, and Ed Plocha the president, together witl a group of cooperative rep resentatives, have worke( long and hard for the gool of La Salle. As a result 0 their efforts, the student have enjoyed more dance~ and the teams have re ceived better support. CII maxing the Council calen dar, the Hootenanny 01 February 27 and the Senic Prom in April made a mem orable success of the schoc year. Edward Plocha ...... Pres Michael Osborne ... V.Pre~ Thomas Donnelly .... Sec Brother G. William ... Mod

student cou nci I 104


men of la salle


Officers Moderator ................ Brother D. Walter, F.S.C. President. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Edward L. White First Vice President ................ Alfred E. Enoch Second Vice President ........... John J. Mountain Treasurer ........................... John B. Foley Secretary ....................... Daniel J. Maguire Past President ................. Joseph F. McVeigh


alumni 108

math club Under the direction of Brother Donatus Joseph, the Math Club has enjoyed a most successful year. The Math Club serves as a forum where the interested student can discuss current advances in mathematics. Toward this end, the society presents many outstanding guest speakers. Highlighting this year's program, was the address given by Brother Alban, Ph.D., chairman of the Mathematics Department at La Salle College. Stephen Swinburne ..... Pres. Bernard Krimm ..... V. Pres. Conrad Grims. . . . . . . . .. Sec. William Rafter ......... Treas. Brother D. Joseph ...... Mod.

turner society 109

No club in La Salle history has met with such enthusiastic response as the Turner Society, a discussion club on history and current events. Organized and moderated by Brother Malachy, the club has attracted a large membership of knowledgeable upperclassmen. Formation of a La Salle chapter of "Youth for Goldwater" was an outgrowth of political interests among some of the members. Many notable speakers addressed the club, including Dr. Courtney, Ph.D., and Brother Adrian, professors of Political Science at La Salle College. James Breen ...... Pres. Thomas Mcintyre .... V.P. Leo Frangipane ....... Sec. Brother Malachy .... Mod.

art club



The Art Club affords an opportunity for budding artists to express themselves through mediums such as oils, pastels, and ink. Directed by their innate abilities and the advice of Brother Jerome, the moderator, these students lend their skills to all phases of campus life. Posters announcing games and publicity for all social gatherings are but a part of their contributions. This year, the club, more active than ever before, initiated a Fine Arts Week, featuring an extensive display of student art.

dances and rallies




sCience ~~~ club ~~r Moderated by Brother Gilbert Glenn, the Sci ence Club has once again become a popular and interesting extracurricular activity. This year, the club is divided into three divisions, bio-chemistry, chemistry, and physics. Each group holds its own meetings and pursues its own projects. While Brother Gilbert coord inates the overall activity of the Club, seniors Leo Frangipane, Bob Hamburger, and Andy Fertal direct the specialized facets. Many members participated in field trips to the Eastern Utilization Research Laboratories, Amchem Corporation in Ambler, the Philco Research Laboratories in Bluebell, Nazareth Hospital, and the General Electric Space Center in King of Prussia.

student government


mothers cl u b 116

Officers Brother D. Lewis ....... Mod Brother E. Joseph ......... Asst. Mod Mrs. Charles O'Connor ............ Pres Mrs. Thomas McGinniss ........... V.P Mrs. Robert Breckenridge ........ Treas Mrs. Joseph Beaty ........... Rec. Sec Mrs. Roselle Bartkowski. .. Corresp. Sec Mrs. John Snodgrass ...... Past Pres

Without any doubt, the Mothers' Club is one of the hardest working groups at La Salle. Plans for their many and varied activities keep the Board of Governors busy throughout the year. Year after year, the success of the Freshmen Mothers' Tea, the Fashion Show, Christmas Party, the Communion Breakfast, the Valentine Party and the New York trip attests to the Mothers' interest.



For the past six years, the Wisterian has received the Columbia Press Conference Award as one of the nation's outstanding scholastic newspapers. The 1965 staff, guided by Brother Paul, has worked long and hard to maintain this tradition. In order to produce an even better Wis, the staff introduced more feature articles including a profile of an outstanding senior. Expanded news and sports sections also added to the success of the thirty-first volume of the paper. 118


Published during the school year by the students of La Salle College High School, 8605 Cheltenham Avenue, Philadelphia 18, Pa. JOHN PRON HENRY SCHMIDT

News Editors

Features Editors


Sports Editors.


Assistant Editors .

Circulation. .



. Ronald Coda rio, Thomas Gowen, John D' Allessandro, Frank laquinta, Robert Logan, Thomas Maher, Edward Rekas, John Turzer.

Sports Staff .

. . . Peter Bradshaw, Joseph Lehman, Paul Cushing, Howard Cain, James Matthews, Carl Cinquino, Anthony Neri, Anthony Lopresti.

Features Staff

. . . . Jerome Casey, John Castaldi, William Collins, Alfred Dacanay, W. Dooley, David Duffy, John Falker, Ken Fulmer, Dominic Girondo, William Hamilton, Joseph Hart, Hans Hawrysz, William Henning, John Hilinski, Richard Hodgeson, Thomas Horan, Steve Imbrogno, David Kreines, Bernard Krimm, Paul Laskow, Joseph McGowan, Kenneth McGrath, Francis Odyneic, Hank Oestreich, John O'Hara, Frank Radomski, Thomas Rathford, Jeffrey Rothwell, Philip Ruggiero.

News Staff



library aides The Library Aides keep the library in order for the use of the student body. Checking books, processing new books and periodicals, and recording all transactions of the library are some of their functions. This year, the librarians, guided by Miss Murphy, were kept very busy with the addition of many new books to our collection.


When Brother Carlos came to La Salle in September, he offered to organize a Spanish Club. Due to the large turnout, two divisions of the club were formed. At the regular meetings, members joined with Brother in discussing campus life at La Salle in comparison with Brother's native Colombia. Benefiting from Brother's native background, La Salle's students gained a broader understanding of Spanish and South American life and customs.

spanish ~~~ club



french and german clubs Two years ago, in answer to popular requests, Father Amandus organized the German Club to promote interest in foreign culture. So enthusiastic was the response, that Father formed a similar group for the French students last year. The large membership of these societies indicates how worthwhile they are in widening one's background in the language. French Club Officers: Roman Kwasnycky Vincent Madden Joseph Queenan Andrew Scott Stephen Swinburne German Club Officers: William Denker Leo Frangipane Wayne Hummel Ronald Radl Walter Ramspacher Joseph Wallace


benilde club The Benilde Club was organized to foster religious and priestly vocations among the students. To accomplish this purpose, the club presents speakers from various religious orders at their regular meetings and at student assemblies. Thomas Donnelly ............................... Pres. John McDevitt. ............................ Vice Pres. Richard Davis ................................. , Sec. Brother David Albert ............................ Mod.

chi rho The new spirit prevalent within the Church offers a challenge to action for the layman. As an answer to this challenge, the members of Chi Ro have spent their Saturday afternoons teaching young Spanish children to read. Brother Jerome, faculty advisor, also hopes to organize a tutoring program for potential dropouts. Because they have made a concrete commitment to Christ, these young men have accepted their Christian responsibility.


blue and gold

When the staff of the Blue and Gold held its first meeting on September 14, we planned on producing the finest yearbook ever. Beginning then and continuing until the final deadline, imagination and innovation were the key considerations. Directed by Brother Nicholas, the staff devised a new campaign technique and introduced the concept of a visual theme, the emphasis triangle. The staff and moderator want to extend their thanks to the faculty and students, whose cooperation and enthusiasm made the 1965 Blue and Gold possible.




The members of the Forensics Society represent La Sa lle in speech tournaments held throughout the eastern United States. This year, their schedule included several Catholic League meets and the invitationa l tournaments sponsored by Archmere Academy in Delaware, Cardinal Dougherty High School, and Temple University. Encouraged by their success in these meets, the team and moder路 ators, Mr. Peter Feledick and Brother David, made an excellent showing in the National Debate Championship, which took place in New York in late May.

forensics 127



During the past few years, the band, which has always trained fine musicians, has been receiving the prominence it so richly deserves. A summer of diligent practice was rewarded when the marching band placed third in Catholic League competition. Mike Komelasky, band captain, was honored as the best drum major. The presentation of the Spring Music Festival on April thirtieth and May first culminated the year's activity.






Mr. John "Tex" Flannery has been coaching football at La Salle since 1954. Since 1956, Mr. Flannery has compiled an outstanding 68路15路3 reo cord, including three Catholic League titles and two city titles. Mr. Flannery has helped La Salle to gain a bril路 liant reputation in athletics, but of greater impor路 tance than this reputation are the young men who have learned so much from "Tex." Aware of the importance of athletics to the young man on his way to maturity, Mr. Flannery prepares his players for their positions in life. In recognition of his contribution to La Salle, we, the seniors of nineteen hundred and sixty-five, dedicate this section of the Blue and Gold to Mr. John "Tex" Flannery.



FRONT ROW: J. Flynn, D. Enoch, J. Cooney, J. Sheehan, S. Fota, J. DiLanzo, R. Gumrot, T. Erb. SECOND ROW: J. Foley, T. Braun, F. laquinta, R. Logan, F. Bogle, V. D'Orazio, V. Kraft, W. McCloskey, J. Donoghue, E. Plocha. THIRD ROW: T. O'Hara, L. Sloane, J. Daniel, S. McNichol,

Sheehan leads McNichol around end.

VARSITY - 1964

R. Honeyman, M. McCarthy, J. Jordan, D. McCarthy, M. Boerner, M. McCabe. FOURTH ROW: T. Foley, Manager K. Meehan, Manager B. Ginnetti, Coach Diehl, Head Coach Tex Flannery, Coach Boyle, Manager M. Mullen, Moderator Brother D. Martin, G. Sciolla.

Topnotch secondary!

Summer at Camp Wyomissing.

Sheehan drops the bomb.

"The Baron"


Best defensive unit in the league.

Stosh Fota on the move against Judge. Vince Kraft rips off a long gain.

Senior training table.



After an opening game defeat to Neshaminy, the Little Explorers proceeded to win their next five games. Highlighting the streak was the victory over West Catholic, our first since 1958. After the Lancers of McDevitt fell, many experts predicted a title for the "Texmen." Unfortunately, time ran out on the Explorers. Two straight weekends at Cottman and Algon produced crucial defeats to Dougherty and Judge, the eventual city champions.




La Salle

o 8 46 12 20 12

o o


Opposition Neshaminy 13 West Catholic 6 Bishop Kenrick o North Catholic o Bishop Egan o Bishop McDevitt 8 Cardinal Dougherty 13 Father Judge 3



Both the junior varsity and freshman teams had fine seasons. Many players on both squads showed enough potential to insure a winning varsity in future years.


FIRST ROW: R. Breckenridge, L. Clark, M. Venditto, A. Gillespie, S. Farrell, R. Hartman, N. Finley, J. Mallick. SECOND ROW: F. Hirsekorn,

J. Cavalieri, R. Kurz, J. Turzer, P. Muessig, D. Devlin, W. Hence, G. Van Osten, A. Fornace, P. Nowak. THIRD ROW: Brother Emery, E. Cattie, Mgr., H. Vantine, J. Smith, G. D'Ambrosio, K. Bogle, M. Taylor,

R. Pannepacker, J. McCarron, Mgr., Brother Gratian. FOURTH ROW: J. McGoldrick, P. Gallagher, D. Flynn, J. Singer, T. Donnelly, M. Jones, B. Krimm, M. Quinlan, H. Hinney, Mgr. MISSING FROM PICTURE: J. Hart.

Under the direction of Brothers Emery and Gratian, the 1964 cross country team finished eighth in the Catholic League. The most consistent scorer was the team capta'in, Tom Donnelly, winner of every race. Seniors Joe Hart, Dan Flynn, John McGoldrick, and Joe Singer provided the experience so vital to any team. Usually underclassmen Pat Gallagher, Mike Taylor, and Kevin Bogle completed the scoring for the thinclads.

cross-country 141

For the next ten minutes, and ten minutes only ...

The team more ( less follows i" captain. What am I doing out here?

As usual, Tom is alone at the finish.

When the cross country team elected Tom Donnelly as captain for 1964, they picked a true leader and a fine runner. During his varsity career, Tom has been the best schoolboy distance runner in the East. He has won forty-six consecutive races, including three Catholic League championships. Tom Donnelly is certainly one of the best athletes ever. to attend La Salle. Tom Donnelly winning his third Public League Invitational.

Dan Flynn at the start.

Dan Flynn at the finish.

. sWimming 路



THIRD PLACE, CATHOLIC LEAGUE When the Catholic League opened its varsity swimming season, La Salle wasn't expected to have a strong team. Explorers, However, the coached by Mr. Walter Farrell, surprised everyone but themselves by finishing in third place with an 8-4 record. The swimmers almost scored the upset of the season on February 2nd against highly-touted Prep. With the score tied before the last event, the freestyle relay, the Little Explorers came up six inches shy of victory. Senior Bob Bauerle, Tom Wright, Terry Taggart, and Bill Loftus provided the experience and leadership so essential to a winning team. Jack Cattie and Tony Sokoloski completed outstanding seasons, finishing one-two in total points scored . Both of the divers, Greg Meyer Bill Valenti, provided and consistently good performances. Bob Gallagher and Tom Scully also contributed many key victories. To top off the season, Bob Bauerle was named as an All-Catholic selection for the second time in his varsity career.





In the past two seasons, the bowling team has soared to record-breaking heights. Mr. McCabe, in his secone year as coach, and his determined keglers, Ken Kryszczun, Steve Smith , Dan Pietruszka, John D'Alessandro ane Dave Malek, brought home second placE in the Catholic League. Kryszczun anc Smith climaxed their varsity careers b~ earning positions on the AII-Catholi< squad. The success attained by thE varsity, and a fourth place finish by thE jayvees indicate that the Explorers havE established themselves as one of thE top teams in the league.







1965 1964路65 Varsity Record La Salle

77 49

84 65

84 48 64

77 46 49

81 54

60 49 65 54 58

60 73

Opponents 62 West Catholic Bishop Neumann 44 Northeast High 42 43 Frankford High 48 Southern High De Matha High 76 57 Johnstown High 26 Bishop Kenrick Bishop Egan 41 Cardinal Dougherty 48 73 Father Judge 52 North Catholic Bishop McDevitt 43 39 Bishop Kenrick 46 Bishop Egan 52 Cardinal Dougherty 57 Father Judge 47 North Catholic Bishop McDevitt 62

Mike Osborne clears the boards against C.D.


Bob Logan

Joe Markmann

Glenn Fricke

Bob Logan taking a crucial tap against Judge.

Greg Magarity


KNEELING: J. Meehan, G. Magarity, R. Groves, G. Fricke, M. Conner. STANDING: Mr. Charles O-Brien, T. Harron, R. Gaidjunas, J. Markmann, M. Osborne, R. Logan.



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Great individual performances highlighted the season _ In the first Cardinal Dougherty game, Joe Markmann played rings around the opposition to spark our victory. When Mike Connor went into the Judge game , the team trailed by fourteen points. Mike's eighteen point performance carried the Explorers past the Crusaders. Against North Catholic we had to control the backboards. Mike Osborne and Joe Markmann outrebounded the Falcons and La Salle was

5-0. On the second time around , Bob Logan knocked off C.D. and Judge with last second layups. After he had been in early foul trouble, Mike Osborne scored ten points in the fourth quarter to make North our eleventh victim. In the regular season finale, Mike scored 26 as La Salle dropped McDevitt.



On January 3rd, La Salle's Explorers opened their league season by routing Bishop Kenrick 77-26. During the next eleven games, the Explorers played exciting basketball as they swept to the Northern Division title. Five times the Explorers came alive in the fourth quarter to vanquish upset-minded opponents. On January 17th, they came from eleven points behind to beat Judge in overtime 81-73. Against Cardinal Dougherty on February 7th, the team needed a layup by Bob Logan with three seconds remaining in order to turn back the fired-up Cards. When North Catholic came in with the division crown at stake, the Explorers broke the game open int,he last quarter to win by thirteen points.




The junior varsity team had a very successful season although their record shows they dropped a few close games. As the season moved on, the team showed considerable improvement, especially against Father Judge and North Catholic. John Lynch, Bill McCloskey, and John McDevitt, all juniors, and sophs Frank McLaughlin and Paul Stonis formed the keystone of Mr. Diehl's jayvees. This year's freshman team, also coached by Mr. Diehl, completed a strong and profitable season. With each game, the team picked up the experienceand confidence so necessary for future varsity competition.



Great individual performances highlighted the track team record this year. Led by seniors Tom Donnelly, Steve Swinburne and Vic D'Orazio, and juniors AI Keller and Bob Miller, the team made a strong showi ng in every meet. Tom set several school and league records, and Bob's 6'4" jump in the National Scholastic Indoor Meet earned him a third place medal. Through the efforts of Brothers Emery and Gratian, moderators, and Mr. Kelly, coach, the team developed into one of the best in recent years.











Under the direction of Mr. Charles Flynn, La Salle's golf team enjoyed another fabulous season. During the past few seasons, La Salle has been a leader in Catholic League golf, and this year's team continued the winning tradition. Returning from last year's championship squad, St~ve Sullivan and Jay Foley, both seniors, and junior John Kelly provided the nucleus for the 1965 linksmen. Returning lettermen Bruce Humphries and Joe Sheehan, also seniors, rounded out the experienced varsity squad. 162


La Salle's oarsmen were faced with the unenviable task of following last year's Catholic League champs_ But the 1965 varsity, a combination of experienced juniors and seniors, maintained La Salle's top position in local schoolboy circles_ Frank Wesner, John Buzas, Mike McCarthy, and Jim Cooney, all members of the championship eight, returned, as did Bill Rafter, Art Fanning, Ron Radl, and Vince Madden, the top quad in the Stotesbury Regalia . Joining several members of last year's talented second eight, these boys worked long and hard under the benevolent gaze of Coach Hines and Brother Jerome.












SEASON ED SEXTET A sturdy and seasoned sextet of racketmen formed the nucleus of La Salle's 1965 tennis team. Headed by senior Joe Goldback, the team was well-stocked with returnees. When sophomore Ken McGrath joined veterans Tom Regan, Neal Givey, and Tom Gowen, the Little Explorers were the most experienced club in the Catholic League. The team, coached by Mr. Gerald Tremblay, forearmed its way through both divisions, netting the school its most successful season in years.


Experience and depth were the winning formula for Mr. Ned Kearney's varsity diamond stars. Bolstered by thirteen returning veterans, the 1965 baseballers had great success against tough league competition. Juniors Bob Gumrot, Bob Gaidjunas, Mike Boerner and senior Bill Denker provided the team with two topnotch battery combinations. Joe Markmann, Glenn Fricke, John DiLanzo and Jim Breen added the finesse and poise which spelled the difference in several crucial games. This combination bf seasoned upperclassmen and several talented underclassmen kept the Explorers in the thick of the Catholic League race all the way.














路 _ 1






New York

Congratulations to the

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Ruggiero's Cocktail Lounge TRIP CONSTRUCTION CO., INC. Ardsley, Penna.

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Electronics Design Mechanical Design


Drafting Technology Architectural Design Structural Design Tool Design Electronics Technology Upper Darby, ,Pa. JA 8-6998 414 Sansom Street FL 2-7100

Staff of the 1965 Blue and Gold

Congratulations and Best Wishes To the Class of 1965



Si ncere Congratulations To The Class of 1 965 From

BROAD STREET TRUST COMPANY Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 22 Offices Conveniently located in Philadelphia, Delaware and Montgomery Counties

Member of The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation

1965 Blue and Gold Staff Michael McGinniss Gregory Schulze


James Calpin Michael Jeffers Thomas Maher

Associate Editors

Joseph Buckley Joseph Draham Edward Rekas

Business Managers

Denis Lawler Thomas Ratchford George Van Osten Brother Michael Nicholas



acknowledgements The Moderator and Staff express appreciation to: Brothers E. Francis and D. Carl, for their cooperation and consistent aid; The La Salle Faculty, for their untiring help; Mr. Gerald Tremblay and Mr. Edward J. Kelly, for their advice; Miss Celeste Wagner, for her innumberable bookkeeping and clerical services; Mike Maicher, for the quality and majority of photographs; Mr. Louis G. Foye, representative of the American Yearbook Company, for professional assistance; The Art Club, for its generous services during the yearbook drive; Carl Wolf Studios, for the excellent senior portraits; Our benefactors, for their unfailing support and generosity. 188


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