1972 Blue and Gold Yearbook

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kindly and jovial .. . every morning in the bookstore ... later in the art room . . . and sometimes in the auditorium with the mothers ... Brother Director . . . famous Polish jokes . trips to Europe ... his Philadelphia room . .. 25th anniversary ... " brothers are like angels" ... freshmen art to all the class of '72 ... sincere ... overwhelming choice for our dedication ... " I' m flattered ." . . Fred , we're pleased .






Brother Fred Stelmach

¡ dedication

¡ dedication


a math teacher by day, and a basketball player by night ... executive brother william ...

silence and solitude . . . a hotly contested frisbee game in the parking lot, or a championship chink game just around the corner ... seniors relaxing ...

freshman concentrating on studies ... hobo running through hallways ... hey, it stole my dime ... got an extra cigarette . .. extra help with pre-calculus during sixth period . . .


day by day with brother ed hofmann

a street car named desire ... on the waterfront ... tommy ... whatever the situation , wherever the place. whoever the people, this is La Salle.


intramurals? great, but what are extra-curriculars? ... baseball , basketball , ... new friends ... high school can't be all that bad . . . . I'll have a boston cream pie . . . what's the pit anyhow .. .


... hey, only six periods today ... seniors only have four ... look at mr. bruno playing tennis . . . teachers are human beings ... he's not so bad after all ... time for every purpose realized ... roles reversed ... we learn, we teach ...

a certain sureness of action ... informality ... block to the right and try an end sweep ...


engendering of critical interpretations ... what's your opinion . . . geometry and mr. jordan ... a LaSalle jacket, a must for all freshmen


how will we get home ... I'll call my mom ... a spirit that is carefree ... discovered personalities ... a movie time snack



. respiration

red-eyed dropsophila cafeteria ..

food for thought ... what was kerins test like

george hohenleitner, a clean cafeteria IS a happy cafeteria

now at least we can get a picture of them out of pool ...

spirit 71 ...


when are you leaving ... after sixth ...

hey paul, how do you graph the witch of agnesi?, you've got to be kidding me ...

now, was that smith, smyth, or smythe ...

yeah man what' s cooking ... got ya ...

are you sure this is how gene krupa got started? ...


a high school with more than the essentials ... atmosphere ... it helps me th ink ... there, under that tree, when the sun shines through it, i feel i can write, study, or do anything ... teachers, contrasts ... from father john to brother james ... and it was the most godawful situation ... then you swing over to the liberal camp ... turn your german books to page 45 and recite after me


a piece of slate, some particles of white stone, combined to create knowledge ... triangle stp is congruent to triangle rtq, because ... erase, combine again .. .

from the inside looking out ... identities .. . gto ... tape decks ... the tank pat rol ... 350 with a four barrel ... the difference between headers and duals . .. who knows what evil lurks in the minds of some biology students .. . they'll love it in the cafeteria .. .


repete si'l vous plait ... rabelais ... camus ... huego ... lend me a quarter ... i gave you one yesterday ... chocolate milk and pizza? yes, but the drug problem stems from the fact ... moral theology and coup d'etats . . .


bates 95 ... becker 87 ... bradt 90 . .. burns incomplete . . .

a mild workout ... 15 miles a day . .. remember, just think championship fellows .. junior homeroom 5c next, 5d at one o'clock .. . me donnell, how many pictures you in? . ..


to venture mto that jungle which is life, upon untested waters . . . a new idea ... the courage to be .. . bro carl clayton ... learning made enjoyable hey cc, 1 got a joke for ya ... may i have your plate . . .

mr braun . . the problem in our cities .. always remember the 27th ... pushing back his hair

as an extinguished flame, experiences live forever in the air ...


And what's the hidden meaning of the novel? ... and have you got a smoke? ... and why did Siddhartha stop at the river ... let's sneak out to Gino 's ...

did you read the book? ... you must owe me half a pack by now ... but don't you see the point that Hesse was trying to make? ... I didn' t even get my hands on the book yet ... bring your Sound and Sense today ... we got an intramural game today?


• -h

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• -h

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• -h

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• faculty •

faculty • faculty



• faculty

• faculty



mr. charles hilpl

mr. david diehl

mrs. catherine lull




• administration

brother hugh me nicholas

mrs. rosalie comerford

do you want a late or an admit slip ... put it on the agenda for the academic council meeting . .. do you have form 6A ... do you want to be on the marks or the philosophy committee .. . getting the bulletin out .. . brother hugh is see~ in the cafeteria . .. but brother willi~m , i was deathly ill .. . may I have a class list ... see mr. diehl ... what's your excuse . . . an administration administrates.




Just know how to do all these problems and he can 't give us a test this week and " allright gentlemen, settle down" and agh! today is a double-period and f..,.-~:::---....,:-_;'',' I' c, and using calculus to find the area under a curve and tales of Villanova basketball and no tests for half a year and a new marking system and linear programming by matrices and I'm two programs behind and "did I tell you what happened to my brother Bob" and looking in the back of the book for answers and being called on when you don't have the proof ready. mr. joseph heiser

mr. robert russell

brother joseph wolfinger

mr. michael jordan








brother james brown

mr. james mckeogh

Damn! I can't factor this and that graph looks too messy and periodlong calculus problems and "shut the damn up" and nodding yes even when you don't follow a problem and take-home tests and should I take the AP test and find the velocity and acceleration by derivatives and somebody slow him down by asking a question and

mr. frank mullin

mr. paul mimless






and finishing the book for the first time and know this for the College Boards and a Christmas party in precalculus.









language •

language · language

mr. paul fernandez

brother do minic smith

mr. david manion


language • language • language


the passe compose of avoir and short dictados and Sprechen und Denken to be translated to line 30 by tomorrow and tests on irregular verbs you don 't even know how to conjugate in English and tapes that talk too fast and film strips and Entender y Hablar and that terrible feeling when you 're called on and don 't know the answer and listening to how language is like a building and the Spanish teacher with an accent and joy at seeing an A in Latin and having your homework in ink in front of you and the excitement upon understanding some of what the Germans said in the movie and Christmas carols in Spanish and the satisfaction of being the only one to know the correct form of the auxiliary and the times we felt like quitting until we thought of the poor guys who have Greek.

mr. george hohenleitner

mr. franklin hine

brother emilian


mrs. beth lavish

mr. michael bruno

lt'a time to check the lockers again ... Let's see-bunsen burner, triplebeam balance ... Did you hear? Howie broke a buret, (he'll have to pay $15.00) ... Have you ever seen so many rotifers? ... These scum jars really stink ... That's the fifth test tube we've broken and it's only January ... understanding some basic ideas of Science ... things seem impossible to comprehend ... tests too difficult ... somewhere a general concept crept through .





brother edward conway







brother edward gallagher A dry earthworm is a dead earthworm ... uh, uh, 6.0 x 10 (23) equals one mole, uh ... DNA makes RNA and RNA makes protein ... the units cancel leaving you with " newts" ... Mr. Wizard strikes again .. . interpolation of the graph .. . H 20 =2H+ + o2 - ... Jeff, can I see your lab report? ... best I can do for a Monday morning ... Get in your holes men.

mr. edward skladaitis

brother gregory

brother kevin mcmanus











history • history


mr. joseph colistra

New Deals and Square Deals, world wars and cold wars , the Kaiser and Adolph and papers every week and movies and lecturers and books to be read, progressive and regressive big st1cks and teapots, Capone and Coolidge wake up its Rabble in Arms due next week and This Hallowed Ground which nobody read, Pearl Harbor and lwo over and over with Mac Arthur and Dwight running all over. " Whatta ya kiddin me?" revolution and evolut1on from George to Lyndon, remembering dates and events which were soon forgot and discoveries and mventions from Columbus to Whitney, Women 's Lib and Little Big Horn and Republicans and Democrats. education and population , capitalism and soc1alism, pollution, unemployment and skid row .. . The Master.

mr. michael osborne

mr. thomas donnelly


Relevance and religions ... Sensitivity ... pictures and posters in room 109 ... small group discussions ... Friendship ... " woman theologian" ... Superstar ... Christian moral theology ... Tommy ... Mad Morality • , , twenty-first century schizoid man ... a bagpipe rendition . .. a smelly cigar and a notorious laugh ... long essays , long discussions, and very long term papers ... the gospel according to John ... It's about this Carpenter ... Father Brown ... The Happy City .. . a handkerchief for a damp forehead ... " what you see is what you get" ... a typical Johannine character ... and POPE says he's a heretic.

mr. patrick devine

brother lewis mullin

mrs. muriel mehr







mr. edward me cabe

mr. john moore

better work habits supported by the weekly problem and its method of solvi ng these problems, some of which might never have solutions and the major premise, minor premise, and the evils of advertising in the " Hidden Persuaders ... but what did the tree symbolize for Phineas

brother david rogers

brother william quaintance



and in the film version Jim shows great compassion for his friend Huck and shouldn 't that composition be taken up to the Gazebo, while Cyrano was a v ictor, Julius was a victim ... Lee J. Cobb in a salesman 's death but we're threatened and put through walls or hav1ng our diaper changed

humanities • humanities • humanitie


mr. mark me govern

brother gene graham

and remember that autobiography has to be 20 pages long and martha wants to play " get the guests" and Henry Fonda is a lone juror for a boy' s innocence, but what makes Sammy run and those muckrakers and more Hofstadter in a different cover

and the riddle of the sphinx , but everyone was a phoney to Holden, while in American architecture form did not always follow function and Siddhartha saw himself in a river, while Studs walked the streets, and Franny found Christ on a phone, the priest found love with his daughter, but Roy just suffered.

mr. bernard me cabe

mrs. elizabeth twitmyer





brother david albert

brother daniel kerins

brother john d 'alfonso

guidance ¡ guidance



guidance ¡ guidance

brother joseph reagan

Brother, I' ve got a problem ... Let me explain your results on the Strong Vocational Interest Test ... " Watch it, buster." ... I'm worried about pass ing History ... "Sure, you're doing fine." ... The deadline for applying for December College Boards is November 8 ... Whose idea was the lavish furniture in your office, Brother John? ... Why do they call him, " Smiling Joe?"

brother kevin strong




guidance • guidance

brother hilary mcgovern


mr. walter farrell everybody into the pool ... can I have a note to get out of pool class . . calisthenics ... tb tests . .. four laps of breaststrokes . . double period ... official gym suits only ... you must take a shower ... everyone out of the pool ... do you have any aspirin, I have a headache.

mrs . mary mountain mrs . jean ellis

mrs . jennie barrett

dr donald reinhardt

mrs. mary diaz

. serv1ces








mr. charles obrien

mrs. florence ward

the 25th reunion for the class of 1947 ... good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen .. . is that Jim 's mom .. . public relations ... boog ... obie's secretary ... 40th annual grade school invitational basketball tournament . . . fine boy . . . and now please stand for the singing of the national anthem ... the big man around school ... let's go to Lum's.

mr. william powell

. . • serv1ces • serv1ces • serv1ces • serv1ces




"Gentlemen , take the covers off your machines." ... " I don' t teach typing , I teach you to be typists." ... ''This is your Space Bar" ... " No peeking at the keys ." .. . " I hope the rain keeps up." ... " You have two minutes, Gentlemen." ... Brother Moran will help anyone with an algebra problem in 215 . .. " Would you mind going up to the third floor and collecting the attendence?" . .. Mr. Weber can always be found working in the warmest atmosphere-the furnace room. brother thomas moran

brother godfrey patrick

specialties • specialties •


specialties •




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brother edmund miller

mr. john weber


• specialties

• specialties


• specialties

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• activities

• activities



• activities

• activities

• activities

activities • activities


anything goes

• anything goes • anything goes •


enter: the idea, cole porter, anything goes, an embryonic hope after the overwhelming dolly, the plans, the many, many, many plans, conceptions, set design , costume designs, budget designations .. . tryouts, what are you going to sing? trying to be loud and not nervous (ha-ha) they're going to teach us how to tap dance reporting back for callbacks to see who has made it and trying out for a certain part and brother gene pushing : come on, i want more than that, i want realism . . . brother gene, how do you describe him? an english teacher but more than an english teacher, a director, one who has been responsible for every Ia salle musical success in the theater, one who surrounds himself and his cast and crews with the best professionals around, a friend , one who divides himself equally, a great friend

anything goes • anything goes



anything goes

the first song we learn is " it's delovely" i want all the men to sing, and you, too, tenors hey, who's the new girl, she' s nice filling out publicity forms and costume fittings next week and blocking "blow, gabriel, blow" with jean williams on sund.ay and reporting back to the studio at 3:30 .. . bob bolsover training voices for hours, sunday rehearsal from 12 to 5, an hour for dinner, rush back, the band is coming from 6 to 10, recording session for cast album lasts 12 hours ... all the action takes place on a ship, gerry Ieahy imagines the s.s.american, he puts it on paper, the stage crew starts their job


three-quarter-inch ply, squares , railings and steps that manage to hold, cloud wagon and step wagon and two nine feet decks, gallons and gallons of 101 blue paint , two staterooms once converts to a cell, it seems like a few tons of lumber and our first project are the portals and headers . . . frank dischinger, stage manager; for the crew, the auditorium becomes home . .. a hard-working, wellorganized production staff and brother gene's right hand, bob schmidt, production manager ... mr. Iasaiie, bill powell-sound systems and technical run-throughs and tickets and a part of everything else ... jim haggerty and jim ward and a zany ticket drive and pick them up after fourth in front of the auditorium


the costumes and hours and hours of work and lou pelosi turning grey , jim braun and tom lehman and keith robinson doing the work. unseen, recognized only by those that know .. . the show with the silver ukeleles dropping for anything goes and look, it's reno sweeny and her four angels and public enemy number 13 and i'm just cursed with sex appeal and wazool


lighting crew with matt mullen and cyke phrenels and heaven hop specials and deck lights and ramp lights and portal lights and walt on the spots with kevin in the cage and jim doing everything else, a mile of cable and Instruments that were hung opening night ... opening night, excitement , nervousness-it's finally here, overture begms and adrenalin flows, people applaud , singing is excellent and dancing great, people applaud, characters good , lines funny, people applaud, curtain calls, audience is floored, standing ovations ... seven performances, seven standing ovations, seven historic, memorable nights ... makeup time, who's going to put my eyelids on . all through the night ... taking makeup off, greasy job ...


rita kelley as reno sweeny and having hot pants for sir evelyn and getting a kick out of him and just being a great lead, prum brossom .. . billy c. croker, a hard-working , ad-libbing lee wugofski, ears . and putt,putt,putt it away ... show-stealing timoonface cox with his machine gun and a thousand pounds of what? and something' s wrong here . .. a show-saving ad-lib, i think i'll just stand " from a consistent jerry hathaway ... it's delovely and joan conklin and a drunken bill geiger as eli whitney and a motherly gini mauchly ... closing night , it came too soon , many tears , let's do this one for brother gene ... the end ... we did it ... what else can you say when it's over, cheers then tears and programs to be signed, one last chorus of blow, gabriel along with donuts and orange juice ... smiling faces with red eyes saying it can't be over, no talk of 101 blue paint and heaven hop specials and cues


that were missed, just talk and cry and sing and laugh until the time. a sad time, comes when we've got to leave hey, let's go somewhere, where? how about lum's, they close in ten minutes, hey, littleton's open we invade the littleton diner, final goodbyes for some, joyless except for those visiting the Art Museum at 3 a.m. and singing and walkmg and Inscribing our memory into eternity . 3Y2 of the best months of our lives, its all over, what are we going to do, pride, love, honor-proud to have put on a good show, love for the stage and all of the people working on it, and honored to be part of the happiest musical in Ia salle's history . .. at last, we head home, wishing we could be lucky enough to do it again ... next year


bottles, jars and aluminum cans, how many tons, how many barrels? how much per pound, what color is this?

lids, cans , and aluminum neckbands, clear, green, brown, and blue glass, sounds of crushing , breaking, smashing,

put on these goggles, mike, use the gloves, the truck is filled with memorable glass the bins are full-all the way,

student council


student council



student council

student council

• student council 50

• student council

involvement day .. . only three weeks left and only five confirmations and who wants to write a letter how did they do this last year is Rizzo coming? ... Chairman Mark Wisniewski and super-host Jeff Christie and George, you bring the coffee and how fast can you type, Walt? ... coffee and donuts in the library cafeteria opened 4th and 5th lunch for guests in the brothers' house ... P.O.P.E. and hypnosis and ROTC and Vets against the war but no John Birch ... Mr. Colistra, this is Mr. Triffiletti ... Father Macort and the perennial sex and the new morality speech ... Dave Wright and Larry Simons and hordes of underclassmen and only 30 to a class I hear the press is coming with Thatcher ... " and we'd like to thank you for coming."

another 10,000 bls. of glass is recycled, sounds of crushing , breaking, smashing ...

student council


student council 51


student council

... run down to artie's and get some fresh paint, old tradition. new spirit, derby day, is the mascot a mex1can? big cafeteria posters, spirit club meeting-graduation pictures taken , don't let the sign rip, who's got the tape, " sunday 2 p.m.-Be Dere". rahsnake and pogo "into the valley", bird, how can you lose 50 tickets?, Ia salle spirit-pride, oz wears tights, pubettes make big shows at games. spirit c lub meeting after school today-pictures taken. the great Ia salle-Bud poster, a winning tradition, kill the anti-rah faction , someone please untie the soph-he's the only one who can print nice. change in policy-athletics and activities, we are Ia salle. one of the Best Ever ...

spirit club

spirit club


spirit club

spirit club

spirit club

• spirit club

• spirit club


• spirit club

new orleans' atmosphere at mardi gras night . ..

the father-son banquet ... buy a chance on the

vega .. . creativity night-mrs. colosi's work . ..

saint Iasaiie club ... crushed blue velvet tuxes

. . peale d ining room ...

parents' clubs •

parents' clubs • parents' clubs


principal's award to brother anthony wallace . ..

to the reception room tor cordials

parents' clubs ¡ parents' clubs ¡ parents' clubs


officers-mrs. edwards, mrs. wakele, mrs. gibbons, mrs. ward ... freshmen mothers' tea ... artistic hands at work ... adding a motherly touch ... board meetings in the auditorium ... christmas party, ho, ho, ho ... brother fred and mrs. joan panaro ... g reyhound to broadway-"no, no, nanette" ... spring fashion show ... closing luncheon in june .. .

mothers' club


mothers' club



mothers' club

the four chefs ... cream of chicken soup . .. step right up, win a tuition ... officers-messers tatlow, cummings, and kelly ... award to mr. me -auliffe ... "dad, i'd like you to meet bro. edmund" .. . larry bowa predicts deron johnson 's trade .. . hugh gannon-m. c .... "tell mike maicher to take a shot of our table"

father son banquet


father son banquet


who wants that mother's club article? are the galleys in and give me the glue and paste that in the third column and give me a by-line and leave space for the picture

how about some ideas for a filler all nght we need a swimming preview what IS a post-mortem , anyway? the Explorations staff wishes to ... editor-in-chief?


explorations • explorations 58

explorer standouts and new logo type and 24 pt. cheltenham bold and three-by-five down to a two-by-three and " or much less give a damn, anyhow"

seven lines to an inch and omit this and kill that and proof reading and an issue by Christmas and Olney Printing and get the red book



explorations • explorations 59

the thrill of creating , starting at the beginning to create the book that contains the memories, happy and sad. of days goneby-days when we looked this way or that and days that should not be forgotten

the cover is a bit revolutionary, the senior portraits are candid and the activities has been omitted but an artistic sense of informality and reality has been added-a very fair compromise

the week or weeks of the yearbook drive, of signing-up, of pledgmg , of paying, of financing, of gimmicks for a better sale. of 'who paid and who d idn't ', of verifying who paid and who didn't. until finally the last dollar, whew!!!

yearbook • yearbook • yearbook • yearbook


the moments of relaxation and recreation, of scraping for new activities and starting astrology clubs, of keys flying thru the air and folding chairs on the overhang, of cold gino giants and triple rich shakes, of dudey's bartending at morass's house and that feeble attempt at graffiti, of those tidy filing cabinets and the remembrance of some past great wisterian record reviews

what to do now, get out that camera and focus the lens on that schoolbag that has Ia salle printed on its side, and on those seniors sitting on that hill and the freshman playing chink and how about a team picture of the cross-country team and mug shots of the seniors and don' t forget the underclass homerooms or the computer club the mad rush for the consignment deadline, lines and lines of ten-point type on copy sheets, the photographs are alligned properly or are they, captions are set for their designated pictures, vertical bleeds and horizontal bleeds can be effective, addresses and phone numbers into the directory; copy is composed with photographs and the book is nearing its conclusion and all that is left is the credits




yearbook • yearbook



an influx of freshmen and sophomores dedicated to improving the library facilities ... those interesting conferences with the mount and melrose . . a memorable year end trip ... notable members john bilder, jim dilaurenzo. and bob desmond ... the christmas newsletter and a library excellance award.

library club


library club



library club

"gentlemen , gentlemen" ... leadership through speech-our theme ... a challenge to personal development in the habit of rational thinking ... the art of selfexpression and the skills of oration . .. the social contacts, the tournaments, the opportunities for occasional trips _. . national champion rich mascitti in new orleans ... pittsburgh-a rewarding experience.









how much does it cost to get in? we got winners. are you going to get us some basketballs? every tuesday night 40 men, young and old, recall high school days what time does the pool open? hey, he's not an alumnus. ten more m1nutes and i am going to close up, okay? meet you up the ivy hill in a half hour.

alumni • alumni





newsreels, films, slides ... the german club meets today . .. every once in a while a new culture and different perspectives and what's it today, australiens beruhmte beatband or german scrabble . . . i've only had one year, mr. hohenleitner-what's a " deutsch" means ... afternoons of singing happy german tunes and american german review ... interloping french students ... german newspapers

german club


german club



german club

"What's castling?" and trying the Sicilian defense and Stanley Depman , the kibitz king ... resign? I'm only down a knight ... how could he lose his queen for a pawn and maybe I can try for a stalemate and rook to king rook four ... get rid of his pawn and he's in trouble ... who's going to challenge Mr. Mimless today? this week's top ten-stan depman. kellen Ieister, ed zajac, john chessman , al mulroney. steve Iukas, jrr ludovicl, bob kendrick, t mcglynn , c mclafferty

chess • chess





kicking the computer won 't correct your program ... never branch to a format statement ... SPS is the best ... Garbage in, garbage out ... why didn't we get 360? ... 260000800009 RS . . . ERROR F8 .. . END OF PASS 1 ... instant stop., Reset, insert, release. start ... CHECK STOP ... McGlynn's prime number condensed SPS procession ... square root of 2 to 8 decimal places ... TIC-T AC TOE .. . 002 ... what is a frational equation? ... ER 9 ... Something ·s rotten in Denmark ... A = A + 1 ... oneliness is next to noneliness ... perfect numbers ... reaction time.

computer • computer • computer • computer




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3 ~ underclassmen • underclassmen • undercla~


• underclassmen

• underclassmen







CD :::::J








CD :::::J







CD :::::J






SEATED: T. Belcher, J. Fitzpatrick, F. Moos, M. DeSimone, S. Heil. STANDING: D. Smith, C. Day, R. Williams, D. Hartman, M. Wills, S. Crumlish, J. Cahill, J. Renard , J. Devanney, M. Devine, M. Kelly. R. Basara, T. Orr.


CD :::::J




• freshmen


1a SEATED: J . Benz, J . Hepner, N. Bangor, M. Devlin, A. Capponi. STAND ING: T. Taylor, J. Brown, M. Burke, J . Collins, S. Radomski, M. DiPietro, T. Kletzel , J . Young.






2a SEATED: J . McKenna, L. Zeglen, T. Murphy, M. Beck, B. Gallagher, M . Donnelly. STANDING: M . Evans, M . Gaeto, M . Nix, T. Sarnese, J . Luskin , J. Eble.



SEATED: M. Fenningham, J. Conti, J . Viola, L. Kane, P. Harvey, C. Gleason, G. Kenney . STANDING: T. Bartle, J . Birl, R. Walzak. K. Guinan, S. Guerin. ABSENT: T. Lawler


3a SEATED: J . Shields, M. Rothwell, G. Strolle, A . Reed, A. Fozzi. STANDING : G. Cooper. G. DeSantis . M. Field, A. Harris.

SEATED: J . Rothwell , F. Domzalski, J. Gillespie, M. Hooper, J . Talecki. STANDING: A. Campellone, L. Schwartzberg, J . Harris, M. Arlowski, J . Santina, P. Patrizzio.



SEATED: J . Burns, M. Barth, J . Mitchell, J . Brostow1cz, C. Dolan, R. Carber, J . O'Neill. STANDING: P. Horn, M. Purcell, J. Brand, J . Gibbons, l. DiGiulio, K. Leister, K. Maher, M. Lovell , S. Lukas. ABSENT: T. Higgins.

SEATED: J . Haenn, R. Connor, M. Consorte, D. Bonanomi, E. Austin , T Kerins, M. Eckert. STANDING: E. Stafford, M. O'Hara, F. Cervone, P. Mooney, P. Stamatis, R. Wiley, S. Console, J . McNamara, B. Paris.



SEATED: D. Wasilewski , R. Connolly, J . Kane, K. Mulderig, R. Donoghue, J . Curtin , L. Quinn , T. Margiotti, M. Montchyk, T. McGinley. STANDING: D. Grasela, J . Cooney, F. Colagioia, P. Brabazon, P. Egitto.

FIRST ROW: J . Reichelt , E. Zajac , M. Reilly, J . Ke lly, J . Draganesc u. SECOND ROW: M. Dwyer, J . Suchy, R. Monaghan, J . Byron , P. Cosenza. STANDING: G. Edling , A. Naessens, L. Mueller, M. McCabe, J . Conners. ABSENT: D. DiGiacobbe.


SEATED: M. John, D. Kieser, J. Morton, B. Reynolds, W. Nolan, C. Topley, H. McCaffrey, R. O'Neill. STANDING: J. Checchio, J. Kosich, T. lgnas, A. Dougherty, A. Vecchione, J. Morgan. M Lodes, T. Bergen. J. Harrison, D. Fornace.


SEATED: A. Crumlish, F. Hoban, M. Herling, T. Crumbie, K. McBride, J . Hricinak, D. Coffey. STANDING: F. Noonan, B. O'Neill, P. Terreri, J. Weitzman, M. Canelli , J. Ingersoll, R. Gordon, J. Jacobsen, K. Keane



SEATED: J . McCleery , A. DiNella, J. Mehr, J . Morasco , M. Kelly, W. Friel, D. Thomas, M. Chadwick. STANDING : D. Aongione, 8 . Cannon , 8. Adams, D. Haber, G. Gallagher, P. Smith , M. Giannin i.

SEATED: T. Clayback, A. Silvestri, L. Spinosa, A. Devlin, J . Winters, T. Wall, M. Smith, J . Plush . STANDING: F. Stanczak, A. Taggart, P. Daley, A. Sowa, B. Cooney, J . Conroy. ABSENT: G. Guarini, A. Pellegrino .



SEATED: D. Fioravanti, M. Arter, J . Waldron, G. Margarite, T. Smith , J . Spaniak, P. Sabol, S. Lehman. D. Recigno, J . Fioravanti. STANDING: G. Dunton , W. Tamasit1s, T Bracken . D. Kearns. J . Finley. L. Fitzkee, W. Larkey.

SEATED: M. Tillger, W. Dougherty, J . Gannon . J . Campbell, D. Beck, J . Collins, M. McGlinn, R. Maiden, J . Weber, W. Bobbie. STANDING: M. Frein , M. Williams, W. Cooper, J . Malloy, T . Barton, R. Elsasser, J . O'Neill.



SEATED: C. Stoelker, J. Li, E. Mortka, S. Blickley, W. Dwyer, A. Martucci, J. Miller. STANDING: J. White, J. Butler, J . Franklin , G. Strecker, J. Frank, W. Guthrie. ABSENT: J . Phillippi, C. Wagner.



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en sophomores

• sophomores


• sophomores

1b SEATED: A. Reichardt, J. Moretta, G. Fanelli, E. McMonagle, R. McAuliffe. STANDING: J . Dwyer, H. Gaasche, J . Kelley, A. Oakley, A. Augustine, C. Harrison. P. Kelly, P. Blust. MISSING: M. Cianfrani, P. Brown , J . Hanna, P. Kelly, J . McCaffery.

SEATED: J . McCaffery, A. Kraus. D. Stephenson, A. Dougherty, J . Depero. STANDING: B. Palatajko, S. Kretschman, J . D'Orazio, G. Dicciani, M. Carney, C. Mclafferty, L. Buonomo, M. Monaghan.




SEATED: A. Willemin, J . Smith, J . Philipp, T . Monihan, T. O'Neill. STANDING: P. Scullin , W. Kielar, J . Slocum, M. Obert-Thorn, M. Magarity, R. Menno, P. Gaigefas, R. O'Brien .

SEATED: A. Snyder, P. Moore, J . Turowski, M. Winning , L. Beck. STANDING: M. Stankiewicz, E. Borek, J . Malone. W. Orr, R. Landers, T. Nolen, N. Schweitzer, M. Durkin , J. Monahan. MISSING: J. Gallo .



SEATED: F. Colubiale, A. Young, M. Cassidy, E. Calvitti , K. McGonigle, D. Devery. R. Qu inn, J. Waldron , R. Valenti. STANDING : E. Mearion, M. Plummer. E. Longstreth , A. Delaney, C. Niessen, P. Bogle, M. Bohrer, P. Koller.

SEATED: G. Gresh , M. Vassallo, G. Foley, T. Harrelson, J . Walker, J. Stickley. STANDING: T. Normile, R. O'Connell. A. Lacroce, R. Gerngross, R. Bryers, P. Durkin, W. Gillies. K. Kelley, B. Buono. MISSING: T. Farrell , G. Fox.



SEATED: M Glynn , M Meehan, P. Franklin , P. Salmon , S. Brett, S. Daly, J. Wozniak, M. Hoehn, L Morman. STANDING: T. Keane, M. Kowalczyk, B. Konopka, M. Wisniewski.

SEATED: J . Maieron. M. DiRugeris, K . Hielbrann, F. Swallow, J. Walsh, P. Lin , M. Quigley, T . McGovern. STANDING: D. Millet, F. Montemuro, T. Gillespie, P. Uz~lac , R. Scott. 84


SEATED: W. Bullock, B. Talecki, J. Stockridge, R. Tomasso, M. Ryan, R. Turpin, M. Sommar, R. Vadenais. STANDING: J. Joyce, T. Simmons, A. Ciabattone, L. Tomcho, T. Bigley , K. Richman , D. Dolaway, J. McCormick, M. Brown.

SEATED: K. Fox, J . Pickard, L. Brownsey, J. O'Toole, S. Burns, L. Desiato. STANDING: A. Flad, W. Collins, M. Giuffrida, J . Clinton. R. Eisenhart. MISSING: W. Conran, K . Heil bron n, J . Kaufman.



BOTTOM ROW: D. Sprague, R. Crumhsh , R. Burke. MIDDLE ROW: C. Strolle, w. Frangipane, T . Cherney, T . Bond, T . DeBeradinis, M. Toy. TOP ROW: J. McGeehan, J . Kiernan , F. McNamara, R. Mclaren, J . DeMerlis, D. Field, P. Kelly.

BOTTOM ROW: C Preis, T. Luff. MIDDLE ROW: D McEivenney, D. Armento, B. Wong , J . Hentz, R. Mullin TOP ROW: P. McNulty, E Dempsey, V. Coli, F. Hoffman, P. Muller, J . Brooks, R. Bond, T. Dooley.



SEATED: M. McHugh, T . Hoban, K. Murdah, K. Murdah, J . Casciato. STANDING: P. Duzinski, H. Baumann , T. Gutowicz, P. Barba, P. Tatlow, G. Erhardt, W. Thomas, R. Kendrick. MISSING: P. Smock.

SEATED: T. Coyle, D. Smock, C. lvanoski, J. Whelpley, J . Hanna. STANDING: W. Garrity, L. Pilla, G. Halberstadt, F. Reichelt, J . Rogers, G. Widmann.



SEATED: T. Alberico, E. Suchy, J . Tyska, R. Palnik, F. Solitario, J . Masucci. P. Redican. STANDING: J . Rigney. B. Mitchell, L. Santoro , J. Mihalich, C. McGeary. W Roshko . R. Lesher.

SEATED: J . Gillespie, R. Moser, J . Powers, R. Slizofski, A Trickel . G. Ang1lletta. STANDING: J. ludovici, T . McGlynn. P. DiBattiste. S. Depman, J. Patkus. W. Dearolf, J . Yodsnukis, F. Cannon .



• juniors • juniors • juniors


• juniors


SEATED: B. Waugh , A. Bonanni, J. Mastronardo, A. Coulter, J . Fleming, P. Strasser. STANDING: J . Freed , S. Weber, E. Pottichen, J. Williams, J. McGlinn, S. Colgan, C. Graf, S. McFarland, G. Francis

SEATED: E. Grubb, B. Zeglen , M. Kohler, J Thomas, M. Kelly, W. Kane STANDING: J. Connell , M. Parker, J . Waldron , G. Magnatta, M. Jayne, G. Connor, K. O'Neill, T. Keating . ABSENT: G. Beaty, C. Stokes .



SEATED: F. Gramlich, J . McGonigal, R. Lawler, C. Kane, R. Cyzio, D. Dunn, G. LaPalombara. STANDING: M. Cah1ll, J . Fornace, C. Szal, R. Biddle, J . Turnitsa. L. Vallerio.

SEATED: S. DiCicco, S. Vecchione, J . Cattie, G. Nugent, C. Heiser, D. Schlosser. P. Castaldi. STANDING: J. Burke, L. Costar, J . Chesna, B. Bryers, M. Gallagher, B . Ritter, E. Mancuso, J . Sundermann.



SEATED: J . O'Connell, R. Michel, M. Franzen, R. Lavelle, J. Angelichio, J . Wojtylak, V. Hee, G. Schreiner. STANDING: R. Heleniak, P. Cremins, R. Nix, G. Tate, J . Ragg, L. Canelli, R. Paczewski, W. Turner.

SEATED: R. Butler. N. VanGalen , M. Schweitzer, A. Racchino, P. Cioffi , C. Gargan, W. Ruch, J . Wesner, D. Durkin. STANDING. T. Cox, C. Downing, M. Delaney, M. Webster, J Connor, J Heiser, G. Gubicza ABSENT. J . Durktn.



SEATED: J. Castaldi, J. McShea, K. Mitskas, T. Jackson, M. Howard, K. Quirk. STANDING: B. Hoehn. J. Eck. C. Eike. K. Rodden, P. Sharkey, K. Keenan. ABSENT: G. Bowers , J. Malone, P. Marcolina, T. Przybylowski.

SEATED: F. Day, K. Smith, K. Gillespie, J. Miriello, D. Thomas, B . Gillespie. STANDING: J. Gorman , J. Lomanno, J. Qumn , H. Krecker, D. Paranzino, J. Lavin.



SEATED: F. Magee, J. Brett, T. Ford, C. Marg1otti, J . Flannery, B. Burke. STANDING: C. Dombrowski , A. Maciunas, T. Keller. J . Grace, R. Wallace, C. Smith. ABSENT: P. Desmond , P. Spagnoletti.

SEATED: D. Purcell , T. McGlinchey, J. O'Doherty, C. Sacchetti , T Elsesser, M. Caponigro. STANDING: R. Tierney, M. Jankowski, A. Wakelee, M. Bernard .



SEATED: R. Bayer, T. Smith , J. Regan, L. Weinstein, W. Meehan, N. Harris. STANDING: J . Tyree, M. Wh iteside, S. Glenn , J. Powers, E. Behr, C. Menta.

SEATED: C. Brown , A Mulroney , C. Taylor, J . Vacchiano, L. Fitzpatrick, T. Frein . STANDING : J. Sookiasian, G. McCann, P. Penny, M. Christiansen. E. Abernathy, T. Clark. ABSENT: M. Bernick, R. Kelly.



SEATED: M. Quigg, J. Feeney, J. Thoma, W. Koltys, P. Smith, D. Mascari. STANDING: J. Molina, J. Turner, R. Wroblewski, C. Kirk, B. Givnish, R. Kotas, T . Hughes, R. Prodoehl.

SEATED: P. Proko, R. Souders, T. Dtstefano. R. Walsh, M. Kradzinskt STANDING: E. Kliment, C. VonHake. H. O'Donnell , S. Pelensky, M. Draham, R Rosa, N. DiBello . ABSENT: M. Daniele, J . Galen.




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en sports

• sports

• sports

• sports • spo







brother edward conway our alarm clock at camp canadensis the resident biologist healer of our wounds our team dietician the psychologist and counsellor of the team tirelessly working to prepare the team for battle the middle man for the coaches and the players keeper of the whirlpool the originator of the water break an mspiration to team morale through his actions behind the scene



brother edward conway • dedication 100

august 17th " the end of summer". our team is together again everyone has long hair " head first" on the hill, the big guy dishing soup, gallons and gallons of bug juice dripping wet pads, raw lungs and quivering knees, lumpy arms and bleeding foreheads how can anyone stand the punishment never knowing when you'll be unable to take another step pushing your body to its limit sacrificing our health and comfort for one goal-the league championship if only the sun would go in a weekend off-the seashore! " gotta love it on a monday morning "

varsity football


varsity football 101


varsity football


bill burt manages to last two weeks " thank god i never have to go back to neshaminy" vacationing at sunny camp canadensis szostak dive-bombing in cabin 2 pops harchut taking a nap steaming cold showers " who let my frogs go" "what' s a skunk want with my hershey bar" " they could make a nice quarry out of this field" there 's tears in everyone's eyes as we depart from that lovely mountain resort

" all right, let's get on offense, mingo get over the ball" ready, hike! ready, hike! struggling for perfection-timing. stance, short choppy steps keep your head up, your tail down " you're holding, brian!" " run that again , dave" one week to think about each team mcdevitt's gonna come at you like gangbusters " the man across from you , costar. is a moose" heads up and hustle- " fire out. line" our offense sporadic, our defense tenaciouslasalle 14-mcdevitt 6 a bit nerve-racking but it's victory

varsity football


varsity football 102


varsity football


victory ... the only way to reach our goal victory at ryan-neck and neck until the end mizia ran wild and mingo sets a catholic league record for the longest punt snap the feeling in your stomach after a win have to get up for judge-it's been eight years eight years!!!-wipe the slate clean now Iasaiie 6-judge 0 we're beginning to roll, gain confidence

front row-left to right-j. belcher, b. me hugh, m. sutton , r. mizia , s. mountain , r. hanssens, r. szostak, m. breen, s. bond. r. harchut, c. freed. second row-mr. j . colistra, bro. j. d' alfonso, w. whelpley , w. burt, a. viggiano, j. Chirico. w. benz. w. haury, m. wisniewski, bro. e. conway. third row-1. costar, v. mastronardo, w. kane, j. me shea, w. bryers, b. hoehn, k. keenan, j. flannery, j. me glinn , k. quirk. last row-t. abernathy , r. nix, g. tate, j. wesner, j. j. ragg, c. sacchetti , w. meehan , a. coulter, j. brett, c. smith .

varsity football

varsity football 103

varsity football

" stay home tonight and watch 'triple cross' " mountain' s interception turns the tables against dougherty and we realize the pride of being at the top daily sessions at colistra's studio of fine arts " what's the word-beat the bird!" we taste our first defeat-long ride home thank god i never have to go back to egan work harder-showdown at norristown

varsity football


varsity football 104


varsity football


" how many up-downs today, bob" chan still hasn 't made it to calisthenics under the lights at kendrick-we almost did it kenrick 13- lasalle 12, disgust, sorrow, exhaustion, disbelief our most disappointing defeat " that's water over the dam"

varsity football


varsity football 105


varsity football

first row-left to right-j. rigney, m. durkin, m. monaghan , b . talecki, j. stockridge. second row-c. ivanowski, p. uzelac, b. gerngross, p. salmon, b. bogle, c. dearolf, t. monihan, k. kelly, b . mitchel, b. me glaren, a. dougherty. top row-j. me cormick, c. me geary, j. whelpley, I. buonomo, w. bullock, n. schweitzer, s. brett. j . casciato, t. gillespie, b. gillies, m. meehan, r. bryers, g . fox, j. brooks

j.v. football


j.v. football



j.v. football

first row-left to right-mr. me govern, m. eckert , w. tamasitis, s . crumlish , m. field , j . malloy. second row-m. wil ls, j. morton, p. stamatis, m. gaeto, j. haenn , p. mooney, m. williams, j. morgan. third row-t. murphy , h. me caffrey, j. harrison, g . gallagher, t. kerins, m. tillger. fourth row-p. smith, c. stoelker, a. reed . fifth row-j. cahill, m. me glinn, m. dwyer, r. devlin, k. guinan , m. nix, a. martucci. sixth row-p. daley, d. hartman , d . coffey, d. bonanomi, t. ignas. m. de simone, t. sarnese, p. brabazon. missing-j. franklin, j. brown. w. bobbie. m. evans, j. weber. j. shields. missing coaches-j. kent, b. belcher, w. Ioughery, p. cassidy.

on to beat north catholic 20-0, an easy win our last test-wood for second place an unbelievable steal gives them the win more frustration, more disgust the league season ends-our goal unfulfilled thanksgiving at roxboroughcaked in victorious mud and frozen solid no title but countless memories we tasted our share of sweet victory and battled to the end in defeat a close-knit, hard-hitting , proud team

frosh football


frosh football



frosh football

cross country team : sitting-john suchy, john rothwell, jim gillespie, john li , fred crumlish . bob Silvestri , don sprague, bill friel. kneeling-john burns, j.b. o 'neill, lou santoro, craig preis, steve radomski, bob reynolds, john talecki , frank colubiale. standing-pat hannon , paul gagalais, don armento, dave mckee, rich landers, paul tatlow, bob quinn, jim zurbach, paul morrison, mike mcmonagle, tom band, mike magarity, john scanlon , bruce konopka, mike sommar, pat mcnulty, jim gillespie, absent-mark daniele.





there'll be two commands set and the gun . .. preparation-reward ... week after weekten miles a day .. . wanted best team ever ... see me again in two weeks if you want to be on this team ... distance-teddeuscum

'. 5.4y "~ :1 SH


















belmont pleateau




get together and jog

down to the bench



state champs





he who has his head turned by success is facing failure . . . first time ever .



i' m not goiny to give you guys a pep talk; you know what to do 0






catholic league

that's not how it use to be

catholic league champs



city champs •


league champs • city champs • catholic league


write Iasaiie, number 2 and your name on this card ... city champs-shutout ... you guys got a dynasty ... the coachthe man who made the difference ...

state champs


state champs • state champs


" Attention please, the Carrots have arrived " ... donning the latest in stylish foot apparel ... searching for the ball you had last week and the Nads are on lane 10 and who do we play today? ... eyeing your opponents cautiously ... what's our handicap and somebody get Vig and taking a few practice throws and this is it you guys let's go out and get 'em ... the approach to the lane-some awkward, some slow, some graceful and quick ... the balls bounce, swerve, roll , curve and slide down

bowling club


the alleys and the Carrot dance and spares, strikes, splits, and gutter balls .. . come onfall over you ... " LaSalle bowlers get your money ready. Tony will collect it" ... How do you score a strike and Bro. Carl and his famous gutter throws and Eddie McCabe bowled a 245? and sweating palms and tired arms ... just one more game and we've got 'em ... push the reset button . .. " Attention , please, the Carrots have won their first match"

bowling club



bowling club

run 2Y2 miles, pushups, 100 mountain climbers roll out the mat, what a smell practice, practice, practice stand up, keep your head up, get the inside crotch , pin him big match tomorrow, they won't let you do that hey motormouth, shut up why does Iavin keep asking for milk and cookies? big match comes, kelley wins as usual just sit there on bench , wow! just look at my guy's arms did mcglinn say he can 't breath? don 't tell buzzy, but there' s a television camera on him hey mr. hine, is this legal?







• wrestling

• wrestling


• wrestling

mid-october the start of another season ... running drills, passing drills, dribbling drills, scrimmages every week and then the exhibition games ... " it's your year, make what you want of it"

zig-zag, shuffle, reaction and trailer, picks, screens, zone and man to man ... ' 'you know what we have, you know what they have· '






getting position . boxing out and timing ... " move the ball and you'll get the good shot" ... wind sprints, thirty seconds, laps and finally a drink of water.

" shoot on the move for ten minutes" ... friday nights and sunday afternoons, new warm-ups and uniforms, a victorious christmas tournament ... a spot in the top twenty, and new cheerleaders.









sitting-jack flannery, steve gardner, tom jackson, steve javie, mark magarity, rick hogan standing-mike osborne (mgr.), ed mearion, ted gutowicz, den purcell, kevin cornely, lou canelli , mark gleason , joe mihalich

north, judge, and dougherty to name only a few ... timeouts. fouls, jump balls .. " are you giving a hundred percent" ... field goals, foul shots. steals, assists, rebounds ... "you're as good as you want to be".









tied for third and a win put us in second, tight games. last second shots, romps . " we have a big ball game this weekend, let's play smart" ...

good shots. crash the boards, make your foul shots ... only a few more games and then ... palestra, palestra, palestra.









jv basketball

• jv basketball


• jv basketball

freshman basketball

• freshman basketball


sitting-bill orr, bruce givinish , mike keller, greg finelli, pat ridigan, steve carimenico, jerry mcnamara, frank mcnamara standing-mr. walt farrell, tim bracken , keith robinson, tony bracken, ed quarry, larry merman, phil penny, mike Jankowski, ernie behr

. .. city championship, number six ... i remember back in '34 ... . . . hose ... kinko ... the berry ... toy boy ... mac ... keller, the linguist . . . . . . mouliano . . . munchkin .. . the peon brothers ... fathead ... lovehandles ... anybody , but avocado ... seventy-four ... wendell will never disqualify anyone ... did you go to practice last night,

. . sw1mm1ng









. • sw1mm1ng

keith . . . bartle's only a freshman!!! ... . . . rigor mortis .. . he got the piano on the last ten yards ... the palsy .. . . . . he was hauling cookies ... . . . where was our lady of victory at the penn charter meet ... . . . this kid wants it . . . if he goes twenty-three, i'll go twenty-one ... . . . mr. farrell , i got a foolproof line-up ... gerry, please!!! ... . . . i don 't get mad. i get even . . .








. . sw1mm1ng





• swimming

• swimming


• swimming

. . sw1mm1ng



• sw1mm1ng



• sw1mm1ng




• sw1mm1ng •


• swimming

• swimming


• swimming

Hockey Team Kneeling, c. freed (alternate captain), c. wagner, t. margiotti, m. wisniewski, f. gramlich, g. pierce. standing, m. whiteside. b. sabia, (alternate captain), c. margiotti, b. donoghue, m. carney, p. lin, mr. b. whiteside, (coach}, k. dunton, b. whiteside, (captain), t. normile

mr. whiteside here yet, bill? ... who put the net out backwards? ... who are these guys, the boston bruins ... keep feeding shellington ... at least i got a jersey ... nice try, mouse ... keep it in the zone ... shoot mike .. . who's scared, schrelner ... that goalie's a brick wall ... how does shellington do that ... up 6-2, maybe i'll get to play ... all right second line get ready ... can't you claim a penalty if 10 minutes after a check you 're head is still ringing ... get the hat ... work ... i hope l don't get caught with my junior license ... if monteverde's playing, you know we won ...

i don't believe it's 11 o' clock saturday night ... why did we make the ice so wet? ..

ice hockey


ice hockey



ice hockey

bottom row: moderator, b. me cabe, c . harrison, k. gillespie, t. harrelson. top row: j . quinn, j . gutekunst, m. quiqley, b. gillespie, r. crumlish , c . kirk, j. me cann

" no five, no drive", fifteen marks in a row and we get a pretzel. "no drive" harrison made a spare? blow that five pin out of there. come on " clutch poodle" , you can do it.

hasn 't the coach shown up yet? anchor man gillespie has to strike out. don't give up hope yet, jack. how many strikes in a row for goody? is chris associating with the enemy again? three from father judge isn 't bad .









crew • crew • crew • crew • crew • crew


running around the parking lot ... new oars from penn ... how loose is it? . . . peanuts ...

destroying the lockers ... there's always atlantic city ... woof .. . mahoney's upstairs lifting weights .. . digger ... shirk ... buzzy standing-when will he fall over? . .. iodine and tape on our hands . . .

why don't we nominate wally for team mascot? . .. german shepherd . .. ten flights of cross country steps ... do you take opera? ... teeny's asleep again ... red alert . . . put out that cigar ... who's the coach .. . who wants to buy a racing shirt? ... saucehound ... buzzy arrives at four, great turnout ... prep boats filled . . boat house flooded ... yes, we have a cadaver .. .





crew • crew


crevv • crevv • crevv • crevv • crevv • crevv 131

beginning in fall god, i haven't played since spring i've got that backhand again run five laps and bang the boards and keep your elbow down and lean into the ball starting t o get cold is mr. bruno coming to practice? Bill and Walt and Tom and John and Steve and Greg will play off in the spring


tennis • tennis • tennis • tennis


thirty-love and six- one and ace and add-in and game, set, match point practice till sunset get off the court with those shoes uh, Matt, why don 't you , uh, play against Jerry does Matt ever wash that hat? charging the net and volleying for serve and fixing the net and breaking his serve and on our way to the Catholic league

tennis • tennis





Front Row (left to right). bill whelpley, steve gardner, steve mountain (cocaptain), bob mizia (co-captain). Middle Row (left to right). jim brett, mike cassidy, tom jackson, bill bryers , bob harchut, kevin rodden. Top Row (left to right). jack quinn, john hyman , teddy gutowicz, steve javie, andy carson

last season a disappointment we began the season great, but can't sustain our drive a few tough loses and we're out of the championship a frustering season but we gain the experience necessary to win it all last season's disappointment makes this year an even greater challenge throughout the summer and winter, we prepare for " our season "






when does baseball start? I dunno, maybe in february we start wednesday in the gym , bring your stuff okay, let's go, run five minutes keep the pace, c'mon, thirty seconds, go hard make a circle, calistenics, the pace never lets up mountain , mizia, your in the middle jumpin jacks, push ups, sit ups, everybody count where's jav ... lifting weights

c'mon kev, all the way down mole shut up and do the push ups whelp, you're cheafin, toad, you too let's go cass, teddy, tommy , jimmy, push yourselves okay, leg lifts , count of four

keep 'em up, six inches you gotta love it






we work long and hard strawberries. cuts and bruises, we're all sore shuffle, run, dive for the extra step, the quickness comes the gloves begin to scoop hot grounders stiff arms begin to loosen up hope the extra work pays off cries of "little hop", little hop". fill the air no sprints as our chief incentive continuous babbling led by mole and dent who's the little maniac throwing six balls at one time? steve, "demanding haircuts", ned, giving " pep talks" this is it, everyone working together for the good of the team


baseball • baseball



predictions are out, Ia salle a definite contender the year of the senior mount, miz, mole, and jav have waited three years for this, the nucleus strong a long season that depends on many whelp, toad, pops, john, andy, playing vital roles

underclass help from bryers, quinn, brett and mihalich, are all necessary for a championship we work together, trying to make that prediction a team reality.










• golf • golf • golf • golf • golf • golf


so that's where the water is ... how many did you say that was, joe ... real swingers ... honest, it was only a practice shot? .. . sure Frank ... captain cueball mchugh, returning letterman, .. . the divot, kell, the divot ... brother lewis returns to the turf .. . hopes for another catholic league championship ... the rakes behind you , schweitz

golf • golf • golf • golf • golf • golf • golf


morning workouts at 7:15 am? . . . hannon ran to school again today ... six people made the 1000 mile c lub ... when are they going to resurface the track? ... the old stop watch in the raincoat trick ... will bob beat out cookie man and john? ...


track • track


track • track • track

scoot ... fox vs. hounds .. . george jet .. . is this a two sweat shirt day? . . . vito .. . 660's, 440's, 220's . . . is the weight room reserved for football players only? .. . look it up in brother luke's book .. . this year we have to run 330 yard hurdlesthat's 30 extra yards! .. .

track • track • track • track


track • track

track • track

• track • track • track • track


" putrid" bill burt can really chuck that shot put ... who's that new kangaroo in the high pit? ... next time we'll run the 100 yard dash into the wind ... that boy's smoking ... lift those knees ... drive all the way ... finish strong ... needed: a mile runner who can windoesn't have to talk all the time, doesn't have to have a beard, ... how often do these me devitt dudes run on our track? ...

track • track • track • track • track •



the thrill of victory and the agony of defeat. as the intramural program spans the globe for athletic competition which it finds in the unique contests of tug of war and volleyball to the more conventional sports of football and basketball. love-fifteen, love-thirty, love-forty, love that jimmy edwards trophies will be given out today at the intramural awards assembly. anyone who did not receive a trophy can pick one up after school today in the intramural office. Remember, all trophies must go!

hilary is reffing today, so toad-Oon't even bother to come. when is macort's mafia going to learn that only five can play at one time we have our own nba ref in the form of joe bogle









skipper heiser coaches his homeroom to first loss of season. we thought he learned something at princeton .

oh boy, our intramural shirts have finally arrived! hey, we didn 't want that color.

als • intramurals • intramurals •


intramurals •

this week's intramural scoreboard has just been posted. we had better get moving, it's january and we have a grand total of seven points.

bruiser's boys will hold their first annual reunion dinner in room 312. black tie and red jerseys will be in order.

intramurals •

intramurals • intramurals




that's not fair having burt in your homeroom, that's an automatic in tug of war.



intramurals ¡ intramurals ¡ intramurals


mr. ray mattern-philosophy

brother thomas bondra-english


• second semester teachers ¡ bookstore


mr. charles zapiec-science

mr. robert young-mathematics

father george thiers-religion

¡ second semester teachers ¡ bookstore






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en •





. en sen1ors




. • sen1ors

. . . . sen1ors • sen1ors • sen1ors • sentors


• sentors

george albarelli

chris bradley

joe schreiner

john zeock

joe fineran

beat egan day . oh really now ... " once again gang we have a problem about the man 1n the desert in his pajamas" ... bruiser's boys ... class of '72 . . don't look at da keys ... damn yankees ... you 're violating all kinds of endings ... shut up the hell pete cardamone


dave mckee

al ciaverelli

dennis COCCO

gary taglialatela

chris quinn

first mixer ... " Help i'm trapped in room 318 doing charades" ... jocko ... " does anyone know john cush " ... " briggs , take 20 laps" ... animal farm ... study periods ... " what's a bibliography?" ... baseball pools ... sister mary twelvetrees. tom mcauliffe


george martin

larry white

steve javie

ernie scalzo

lou mccabe

tom Iavin


frank donaghue

lou pelosi

joe gerngross

dick talmage

kevin mcgettigan

tom lowery


mike me monagle

rich devine

john gutekunst

bill reardon

tom walsh

bill brown


john Iockard

jim toolan

tim mahoney

pete beck

ed hoffman

kevin cornely


steve me glynn

jeff morris

john seraphin

joe colosi

ed heraty

joe sweeney


ray matlack

mark gleason

joe smith

john flynn

tony battistini

joe brady


mark hinkel

joe dougherty

chip jones

john wojcik

paul morrison

mike mattei


mike kennedy

john pagan

bob talecki

bob palidora

joe santarone

kevin me donnell


john calvitti

charlie zanger

steve caramenico

pat hannon

tim hughes

library permits ... gospel according to peanuts . . . wally cox ... bernie's beef and beer ... charles stankiewicz ... patagonian theorum ... hinduism ... buddahism ... taoism ... jem and boo radley ... it's all gabage ... up the xylem, down the phloem .. . stewart, gallagher, and bauerle for a better student government ... mike coffey 162

ken kretschman

tom smith

rich ansel

bob szostak

james dilaurenzo

what's the difference between a test and a credit exercise ... tryouts today for south pacific . .. the iron duck rules all ... phineas and gene .. . let me copy your lab report ... 52 kids take trip to walton ... Ia salle 14 dougherty 0 .. . john mezzanotte


tom campbell

kevin sommar

greg cauterucci

tony bracken

mike maiale

john giannini


pete frentzen

john bilder

mark magarity

john thomas

greg kochanowicz

jim zurbach


jim ward

frank wills

walt fyk

joe doyle

charles scott

bill whelpley


kevin rowland

john harrelson

steve mountain

ron crisci

hugh me ginley

jim cooney


gerry taylor

bill haury

nick rongione

marty enright

bnan brown

lee wugofsk1


kevin me cafferty

kevin weinstein

mike osborne

ted grasela

henry zacney

bob schmidt

-.. . ,,'Iii. , '








~ &:. -



~i!J~: 169

mike richardson

tony viggiano

ed griffith

bill geiger

len boltinghouse

bob mizia


steve allen

ed quarry

neil dougherty

howie bassinger

mike thompson

gerry barth


matt mullen

rich carlin

mitch levy

frank dischinger

ron straub

bob harchut


dom galle

glenn dimino

bill benz

kevin maurer

andy carson

tim harrington


gerry amole

guy giordano

steve clark

bob byrne

chuck freed

bill whiteside


vince wolfinger

bernie burns

joe bogle

jeff christie

keith robinson

justin borkowski 175

mike dapkunas

psat ... zephyr ... crisci, viggiano, and rongione for good government ... citizen kane ... ring dance .. . hippie hill ... involvement day .. . parties at toad' s ... kathi mccauley is dolly ... tennis during free periods . 3 cheers for charles " tremendous" jones ...

mark ju liano

rick mascitti

steve brady

bob hanssens

jim mooney


dave teeny

jim haggerty

quadratic equation . . . burt runs on putrid ticket. but donnelly wins ugly man ... wild turk stories ... can 't make guns and butter .. . existentialism ... junior prom is smashing success ... magnesium sulfide stinks like rotten eggs for a week ...

brian hanes

bob desmond

mark wisniewski

joe walker


robin reilly

tony alberico

tom waldron

tom lehman

brian mchugh

mike breen 178

john mclean

mark sutton

paul mcgurkin

john young

dave sciolla

joe flood


bob heiser

mike imsick

tim moore

bill radomski

frank teaming

mike kudzmas


dan fleischmann

jim braun

terry me adams

bill burt

marty donze

tim cowley 181

tom barba

tony morris

rick hogan

mark moross

john scanlon

bill sabia 182

steve bond

bob gehres

jim dittrich

jerry hathaway

marty mahon

stan zoltek 183

steve gardner

jim edwards

pete miller

bob davies

vince ferran

matt chilicki


john skladzien

bob mcmunn

rick briggs

john hyman

george durkin

chuck dougherty


terry me fadden

kevin dwyer

greg pierce

we finally made it ... first kazoo band ... wild christmas party in room 204 ... cross country wins it all . . . " religious" retreats ... work study ... " chatin road three" ... mooning over girls in the parking lot ... mole .. . selma soul ... responsibilities .. .

paul cherney

tom daly

bob monteverde 186

john chirico

jim belcher

john brady

applying to college . .. you 're doing fine buddy .. . siddhartha . .. saint john's gospel ... senior lounge? .. . free periods . .. who' s pickle? .. . looking forward to memorial day .. . hooty-hoot ... hootch . . . graduation . . . memories ... alumni .. .

george konesky

tom Chmielewski

tim higgins


this ain't no triangle ... this ain't no triangle ... brother james brown's baby .. . let's see, no intramurals, no meetings ... hey gurk, let's go to 7 eleven . .. you draw a straight line, then another, and another,


you didn 't really cut eighth , did you? ... you're in big trouble ... let's see, sparks 1, 2, 3, here it is ... jeez, tremblay and brother david rogers for moderators ... father john zeller ...


as you go on in school , college and life ...

you will learn . .. even feel you were on the outside ..

running gettin nowhere . ..

ah yes, many a Friday night we spent there, chatting with the brothers

how much longer do I have to wait?


• how this place changes when it's empty

football team's still out







shape of th ings to come, hopes of future





.. ...

r. • 1"&


where's your tray, no cheeseburgers ...

clean it up ...


,.,how much you press? you ought to see Colistra; Rock should be there ...

1 dare you ... one in every class ... a natural

this warm air makes me tired; what's he saying? ... how many minutes lett? ...


only the echoes rema1n , vestiges of the year for the trained eye to detect

a phone number in stall three ...

rizzo stickers on haury's locker ...

a window painted face of turk ...

it goes on and on . .

but for now,

close the locker,

and wait 'til next year ...


editors justin borkowski mark moross

photography steve allen mike maicher mike thompson

associate editors mike breen chris bradley rick briggs jeff christie walt fyk bob heiser

writers bill geiger john gutekunst mike imsick dave mckee

business managers jim haggerty jim ward

moderator gerald tremblay

contributors jim cooney kevin cornely paul mcgurkin

mike maiale steve mountain joe santarone


matt mullen mike osborne keith robinson jim toolan

GEORGE ALBAAELLI 133 Osborn Street Philadelphia 19128 483-5828

JUSTIN BORKOWSKI 1324 Red Rsmbler Road Jenkintown 19046 ~889

JOSEPH CAUTERUCCI 42 Mercer Hill Road Ambler 19002 646-2270

ANTHONY ALBERICO 5100 Oxford Avenue Philadelphia 19124 289-5544

ANTHONY BRACKEN 4140 Kottler Drive Lafayette Hills 19444 836-4860

PAUL CHEANEY 402 Newbold Road Jenkintown 19046 884-3186

STEPHEN ALLEN 7528 North 21st Street Philadelphia 19138 927-0558

CHRISTIAN BRADLEY 1311 Wlngohocking Street Philadelphia 19140 457-0395

MATTHEW CHILICKI 706 Crestview Road Philadelphia 19128 483-7964

GERALD AMOLE 3330 Bartram Road Willow Grove 19090 659-5551

JOHN BRADY 4414 Pearson Avenue Philadelphia 19114 448-5927

JOHN CHIRICO 5078 McKean Avenue Philadelphia 19144 438-9953

RICHARD ANSEL 1817 Central Avenue Ocean City, N.J 08226

JOSEPH BRADY 4112 Fields Drive Lafayette Hills 19444 233-2966

THOMAS CHMIELEWSKI 3111 Winchester Avenue Philadelphia 19136 331-4126

STEPHEN BRADY 26 Dewey Road Cheltenham 19012 635-4021

JEFFREY CHRISTIE 6303 North Falrhlll Street Philadelphia 19126 548-8967

JAMES BRAUN 4011 South Warner Road Lafayette Hills 19444 828-2912

ALAN CIAVERELLI 4143 North Reese Street Philadelphia 19140 223-2904

MICHAEL BREEN 555 Harvey Road Glenside 19038 884-5329

STEVEN CLARK 827 Solly Ave Phila., Pa. RA2-3493

RICHARD BRIGGS 13494 Trevose Road Philadelphia 19116 676-1171

DENNIS COCCO 3165 South 18th street Philadelphia 19145 334-3841

BRIAN BROWN 7332 Limekiln Pike Philadelphia 19138 924-2124

MICHAEL COFFEY 7521 Oak Lane Road Melrose Park 19126 635-2470

WILLIAM BROWN 1653 Butler Pike Plymouth Meeting 19462 828-6445

JOSEPH COLOSI 300 West Mount Carmel Glenside 19038 884-7968

BERNARD BURNS 3255 Afton Road Dresher 19025 884-4524

JAMES COONEY 5902 Agusta St Philadelphia 19149 288-2355

JOHN CAL VITTI 7420 Boyer Street Philadelphia 19119 247-0146

KEVIN CORNELY 2914 Eagle Ad Roslyn 19001 659-4782

THOMAS CAMPBELL 114 Johns Road Cheltenham 19012 635-3843

TIMOTHY COWLEY 310 Dallas Ad Willow Grove 19090

STEPHEN CARAMENICO 419 Pastell Road Conshohockn 19428 828-1131

RONALD CRISCI Montgomery Ad Ambler 19002 646-4063

PETER CARDAMONE 8817 Patton Road Philadelphia 19118 836-4660

THOMAS DALY 476 Manheim St Philadelphia 19144 843-4422

RICHARD CARLIN 885 Pebble Hill Road Doylestown 18901 348-5594

MICHAEL DAPKUNAS 511 Woodland Ave Cheltenham 19012 379-2442

ANDREW CARSON 7 Harvard Road Norristown 19403 277-0165

ROBERT DAVIES 3833 Kirkwood Ad Philadelphia 19114 333-9809

THOMAS BARBA 212 Bethlehem Pike Fort Washington 19034 646-7230 GERALD BARTH Johns Lane Ambler 19002 646-4305 HAROLD BASSINGER 818 Swartley Road Lansdale 19446 855-6239 ANTHONY BATTISTINI 2083 Williamsburg Road Huntingdon Valley 19006 947-1505 CHARLES BECK 118 South Lynnwood Avenue Glenside 19038 884-0397 JAMES BELCHER 779 Germantown Pike Lafayette Hills 19444 836-7906 WILLIAM BENZ 8613 Bridle Road Philadelphia 19115 677-0258 JOHN BILOER 7815 Linden Road Wyndmoor 19118 836-5811 JOSEPH BOGLE 4079 Hillside Road Lafayette Hills 19444 828-4170 WILLIAM BURT 102 Maple Avenue Wyncote 19095 887-0562 ROBERT BYRNE 8320 Rodney Street Philadelphia 19150 248-3164 LEONARD BOL TINGHOUSE 2526 South Alder Street Philadelphia 19148 467-0198 STEPHEN BOND 428 Newbold Road Jenkintown 19046 887-8429



ROBERT DESMOND 8711 Sagmore Ad Philadelphia 19128 482-7861

JOSEPH ANERAN 1224 Fayette St Conshohocken 19428 828-4204

JAMES HAGGERTY 2203 Lantern Lane Lafayette Hill 19444 828-6413

RICHARD DEVINE 157 Cliveden Ave Glens1de 19038 887-0352

DAN FLEICHMANN 6824 N 9 St Philadelphia 19126 548-7950

BRIAN HANES West Butler Avenue Ambler 19002 646-2959

JAMES DiLAURENZO 917 Abington Ave Wyndmoor 19118 936-4275 GLENN DIMINO 908 E Fornance St Nornstown 19401 279-4534

JOSEPH FLOOD 1908 Sycamore La Flourtown 19031 233-1491

PATRICK HANNON 105 E. Stewart Ave. Lansdowne 19050 622-3327

JOHN FLYNN 56 Panepinto Dr Schwenksville 19473 287-8277

ROBERT HANSSENS 4649 Naples Sl Phila. 19124 289-6440

FRANK DISCHINGER 111 Pearl Dr Southhampton 18966 357-8068

CHARLES FREED 338 Weymouth Ad Norristown 19403 279-1572

ROBERT HARCHUT 559 Wigard Ave. Phila. 19128 482-7609

JAMES DITIRICH 2405 Ball Ad Willow Grove 19090 659-6947

PETER FRENTZEN 1841 North Hills Ave Willow Grove 19090 659-4128

JOHN HARRELSON 8105 Jeanes St. Phila. 19111 725-2757

ADRIAN DONAGHUE 7602 Atlantic Ave Margate City 08402 822-Q175

WALTER FYK 4924 Boudlnot St Philadelphia 19120 457-3102

TIMOTHY HARRINGTON 2558 Hallowell Dr. Bethayers 19006 947-4675

MARTIN DONZE 6 Caryl Philadelphia 19118 242-0784

DOMENIC GALLO 1850 Lanvale PI Philadelphia 19145 467-4851

GERALD HATHAWAY 3024 Crescent Ave. LaHayette Hill19444 828-4780

CHARLES DOUGHERTY 1104 Winding Ad Lansdale 19446 855-1807

STEPHEN GARDNER 2882 Woodland Ad Roslyn 19001 657-Q528

WILLIAM HAURY 9749 Glenhope Rd. Phila. 19115 677-2578

JOSEPH DOUGHERTY 3004 Princeton Ave Philadelphia 19149 338-6294

ROBERT GEHRES 125 N Drexel St Woodbury 08096 845-3592

ROBERT HEISER Sumneytown Pike North Wales 19454 699-3662

NEIL DOUGHERTY 1434 Doris Ad Roslyn 19001 659-6643

WILLIAM GEIGER 156 N Clearview Ave Langhorne 19047 757-8244

EDWARD HERATY 844 Fairfax Rd. Drexel Hill 19026 789-2136

JOSEPH DOYLE 1626 Upland Ave Jenkintown 19046 887-6503

JOSEPH GERNGROSS 3 Lanfair Ad Cheltenham 19012 635-3445

TIMOTHY HIGGINS 4943 Portico St Phlla. 19144 844-5823

GEORGE DURKIN 630 Welch Ad Philadelphia 19115 673-0658

JOHN GIANNINI 1343 Harris Ad Dresher 19025 646-5092

W. MARK HINKEL 2410 High Road Huntingdon Valley 19006 947-3203

KEVIN DWYER 1042 Allengrove St Philadelphia 19124 288-6962

GAETAN GIORDANO 3233 S 18th St Philadelphia 19145 468-6121

EDWARD HOFFMAN 40 Boxwood Rd. Churchville 18966 355-4169

JAMES EDWARDS 3541 Primrose Ad Philadelphia 19114 464-1957

RICHARD HOGAN 1663 Ft Washington Av Maple Glen 19002 464-9447

BERNARD ENRIGHT 737 Upsal Ad Jenkintown 19046 886-6720

MARK GLEASON 2410 Rosemore Ave Glenside 19038 887-5427 THADDEUS GRASELA 2567 E. Ontario St Phila. 19134 426-7668

TIMOTHY HUGHES 113 W Chestnut Hill Av. Phila 19118 247-5068

DAVID FEENY 1516 Upland Ave Jenkintown 19046 885-5683

EDWARD GRIFFITH 436 Herm1t St. Phlla 19128 483-2195

JOHN HYMAN 575 Wartman St. Phila 19128 482-5984

VINCENT FERRARI 6626 Roosevelt Blvd Philadelphia 19149 333-9263

JOHN GUTEKUNST 8201 Ferndale St. Phila 19111 342-3961

MICHAEL IMSICK 7718 Queen St. Wyndmoor 19118 233-0359


STEVEN JAVIE 4020 N Warner Ad. Lafayette Hill 19444 828-9433

KEVIN McDONNELL 4067 Hillside Ad Lafayette H1ll 19444 828-5624

MICHAEL MATIEI 614 E. Jamestown Street Philadelphia 19128 482-7545

CHARLES JONES 8422 Ardleigh St Phlla 19118 247-0265

TERRENCE McFADDEN 5020 Miriam Rd. Phila. 19124 53~145

KEVIN MAURER 134 Parkview Road Cheltenham 19012 635-1712

MARK JULIANO 8004 Colfax St Phila 19136 624-3241

KEVIN McGETTIGAN 2801 Winchester Ave. Phila. 19136 332-9736

JOHN MEZZANOTIE 511 Roumfort Road Philadelphia 19119 248-1220

MICHAEL KENNEDY 3666 Richmond St Phila 19134 739-0415

HUGH McGINLEY 217 Tyson Ave Glens1de 19038 887-6714

PETER MILLER 6640 Sprague Street Philadelphia 19119 848-9392

GREG KOCHANOWICZ 5257 Akron St. Phlla 19124 743-6537

STEPHEN McGLYNN 371 Moreland Ad. Huntingdon 19006 947-3055

ROBERT MIZIA 7025 Hagerman Street Philadelphia 19135 338-1498

GEORGE KONESKY 1514 Jill Ad Willow Grove 19090 659-6439

PAUL McGURKIN 112 Berkeley Ad Glenside 19038 885-3911

ROBERT MONTEVERDE 1704 Harris Road Philadelphia 19118 836-5241

KENNETH KRETSCHMAN 722 Cedar Hill Ad Ambler 19002 646--6283

BRIAN McHUGH 4024 Joshua Ad Lafayette Hill 19444 828-2963

JAMES MOONEY 2165 Woodlawn Avenue Glens1de 19038 887-7746

MICHAEL KUDZMAS 4351 Edgemont St. Phlla 19137 744-9179

DAVID McKEE 116 W Seymoor St Phila 19144 329-S202

TIMOTHY MOORE 4111 Presidential Drive Lafayette Hills 19444 836-5088

THOMAS LAVIN 204 Atwood Ad Phlla 19118 836-7158 FRANCIS LEAMING 43 Woodale Ad. Phila 19118 248-3567

JOHN McLEAN 2Naoml Lane Chalfont 18914 822-1131

MARK MOROSS 8810 Wainwright Road Chestnut Hill 19116 233-4276

MICHAEL McMONAGLE 4939 Portico St Phila 19144 438-4281

ANTHONY MORRIS 203 F1sher Road Jenkmtown 19046 887-7859

THOMAS LEHMAN 4005 Briar Lane Lafayette Hi1119444 828-3739

ROBERT McMUNN 7323 Belden St Phila 19111 342 1418

JEFFREY MORAIS 1524 E Willow Grove Ave. Wyndmoor 19114 836-4287

MITCHELL LEVY 1915 Chester Ave. Abington 19001 659-0973

MARK MAGARITY 521 Auburn Avenue Wyndmoor 19118 836-5675

PAUL MORRISON 2314 Mulberry Lane Lafayette Hill 19444 828-4129

JOHN LOCKARD 605 Meadow Lane Oreland 19075 887-1732

MARTIN MAHON 7844 Fayette Street Philadelphia 19150 424-8867

STEPHEN MOUNTAIN 1734 Fuller Street Philadelphia 19152 725-6975

THOMAS LOWERY 1131 Wayfield Or Norristown 19401 666-6808

TIMOTHY MAHONEY 639 Jamestown Street Philadelphia 19128 483-7322

MATTHEW MULLEN 426 W Waverly Road Glenside 19038 867-8588

TERRENCE McADAMS 7244 Bradford St. Ph1la 19149 624-7564

MICHAEL MAIALE 971 Netherwood Drive Norristown 19403 272-2141

MICHAEL OSBORNE 1828 Nolen Street Philadelphia 19138 549-2493

THOMAS McAULIFFE 7 Mercer Hill Ad Ambler 19002 646-6009

GEORGE MARTIN 6401 N 7th Street Philadelphia 19126 224-1012

JOHN PAGAN 7136 Ogontz Avenue Philadelphia 19138 424-1072

LOUIS McCABE W Valley Green Ad Flourtown 19031 233-1088

RICHARD MASCITTI 2709 McKean Street Philadelphia 19145 389-7470

ROBERT PALIOOAA 12 T1mberhill Drive Turnersville 08012 227-9460

KEVIN McCAFFERTY 1817 Fulmer St. Phila 19115 673-1135

RAYMONO MATLACK 7510 Watson Street Philadelphia 19111 742-4677

LOUIS PELOSI 504 Burton Road Oreland 19075 233-1480


GREGORY PIERCE 1896 Purdie Lane Maple Glen 19002 646-4764

JOHN SERAPHIN 2175 Oakdale Avenue Glenside 19038 887-2674

JOSEPH WALKER 3730 Burnett Lane Huntingdon Valley 19006 947-3517

EDWARD QUARRY 2843 Walnut Hill Street Philadelphia 19152 464-6976

JOHN SKLADZIEN 3340 Mercer Street Philadelphia 19134 246-9786

THOMAS WALSH 7232 Rupert St. Phila 19149 331-6492

CHRISTOPHER QUINN 447 E Mount Airy Ave. Philadelphia 19119 247-1319

JOSEPH SMITH 1918 S 12th Street Phila 19148 334-2037

JAMES WARD 4036 Westaway Dr. Lafayette H1ll 19444 828-7934

WILLIAM RADOMSKI 8870 Norwood Avenue Philadelphia 19118 242-0491

THOMAS SMITH 11945 Glenfield Street Philadelphia 19154 632-1217

KEVIN WEINSTEIN 638 Renz Street Phila. 19128 482-2248

WILLIAM REARDON 426 Clement Road Jenkintown 19046 884-1607

KEVIN SOMMAR 304 Penn Oak Road Flourtown 19031 233-4255

WILLIAM WHELPLEY 809 Hawthorne A. Primos 19018 626-2933

ROBIN REILLY 8800 Wissahickon Avenue Philadelphia 19128 483-3636

RONALD STRAUB 4911 Roosevelt Blvd. Philadelphia 19124 743-7143

LARRY WHITE 1435 Oakmont St. Phlla. 19111 342-7474

MICHAEL RICHARDSON 7739 Temple Road Philadelphia 19150 927-7582

MARKSUTION 526 E Gorgas Lane Philadelphia 19119 848-4546

WILLIAM WHITESIDE 7808 Cobden Rd. Laverock 19118 836-5201

KEITH ROBINSON 306 Roxborough Avenue Philadelphia 19128 482-5149

JOSEPH SWEENEY 326 Richardson Road Lansdale 19446 822-2702

FRANK WILLS 8403 Hull Drive Philadelphia 19118 233-1147

NICHOLAS RONGIONE 1816 Benson Street Philadelphia 19152 742-1115

ROBERT SZOSTAK 8816 Rising Sun Avenue Philadelphia 19115 677-6781

MARK WISNIEWSKI 20 W North Lane Conshohocken 19428 828-6494

KEVIN ROWLAND 603 Vernon Road Philadelphia 19119 848-2996

GARY TAGLIALATELA 928 E Mount Airy Avenue Philadelphia 19150 248-3923

JOHN WOJCIK 2702 E Somerset Street Philadelphia 19134 634-0376

WILLIAM SABIA 223 Bannockburn Street Ambler 19002 646-6535

ROBERT TALECKI 8612 Ferndale Street Philadelphia 19115 677-3697

VINCE WOLFINGER 1014 Garfield Avenue Ardsley 19038 887-4292

JOSEPH SANTARONE 6601 N. American Street Philadelphia 19126 548-5944

RICHARD TALMAGE 2600 Martin Road Willow Grove 19090 659-7824

LEON WUGOFSKI 1931 Chew Avenue Philadelphia 19141 224-6807

JOHN SCAN LON 2910 Nesper Street Philadelphia 19152 333-3454

GERALD TAYLOR 603 Standwood Street Philadelphia 19111 342-4825

JOHN YOUNG 7384 Ridge Avenue Philadelphia 19128 483-1100

ERNEST SCALZO 5108 Marion Street Philadelphia 19144 833-6740

JOHN W THOMAS 344 Penn Road Wynnewood 19096 642-2948

HENRY ZACNY 417 Paoli Avenue Philadelphia 19128 483-6153

ROBERT SCHMIDT 310 W Glenside Avenue Glenside 19038 886-6758

MICHAEL THOMPSON 6048 N 21st Street Philadelphia 19138 843-2512

CHARLES ZANGER 3241 Knorr Street Philadelphia 19149 624-0591

JOSEPH SCHREINER 3015 Guilford Street Philadelphia 19152 332-3627 DAVID SCIOLLA 6201 N. 7th Street Philadelphia 19126 548-7356

PAUL TOOLAN 131 Greenwood Drive Willow Grove 19090 659-6159

JOHN ZEOCK 23 Taylor Road Conshohocken 19428 828-2138

ANTHONY VIGGIANO 528 Brandymere Rd. Rosemont 1901 0 527-3723

STANLEY ZOL TEK 9 Chris1opher Drive Holland 18966 357-9320

CHA.RLES SCOTI 109 Timothy Drive Maple Glen 19002 646-2520

THOMAS WALDRON 5865 N Seventh St Phila 19120 424-1013

JAMES ZURBACH 346 Magee Street Philadelphia 19111 342-7980


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