Four years is a long time in a person's life. It is a time that can fly by unceasingly or it can be a time that never seems to end. It is a time that can be forgotten quickly or a time that can be retained permanently as a memory. We spend four years, a time so essential in our life at a place called La Salle.
La Salle has the elements that contribute to make a diverse, challenging, educating, and memorable four years. Just look around ...
A Christian Brothers school, but more important, a school of people. Faces become individuals; individuals become friends. Ultimately, La Salle joins and creates friendships.
Communication is a must. Movies books, records, classrooms, slide rules, notes (the list is endless) are all tools for the exchange of ideas. Talking is most important though. Wherever they may be, people speak ... and learn . . . and grow.
Learning is friendly, relaxed, and vibrant-a teacher diverting his history classes with a joke-mimicry by Tim Cox--listening to Handel's Messiah at Christmastime-friends from Ardsley, Lawndale, Churchville, and Wyndmoor-basketball or tennis at lunchformulating a constitution for Southwest Egypt.
By bringing together people with a wide spectrum of interests, LaSalle gives its students a dynamic, interesting environment in which to grow.
Eight periods and thirty-odd classrooms cannot restrain activity at LaSalle. There is no real pattern to this activity. It is a natural expression of the interests of each student, and encompasses practically everything.
spontaneous, pinochle, joyous, books, contemplation, newsprint, breathless, sports ...
organized, singing, emotion, lockers, warmth, pit, casual, the play, unity, clubs ...
. . . all are words that can describe what happens at La Salle. But they are incomplete. It is a wordless experience.
Momentary incidents every day--a thousand pictures, a thousand voices--create a community.
Some of the incidents are personal occurences. A daydream, a smile, or maybe just a mute symbol of life express emotions which retain a permanance only in memory.
Small events form the character of a school. The best times are those unique moments of sharing between two or three people. The signs are everywhere, unnoticed by all except the participants.
Growth involves obvious risks. We can't be sure of its intention, meaning, or direction. We can be sure of its eminence and worth. LaSalle offers education, guidance, competition, and expression (as enticements) to her students.
All are elements to be uniquely arranged by the individual. Ultimately it is his venture, his decision, his failure, his success.
No photograph presumes to dictate the limits of reality. It is only a glimpse, solitary, and incomplete. LaSalle should evoke many images, recollections, emotions.
Only in their entirety can they serve to evaluate LaSalle. (No single year could be judged apart from another year, no day, from another day, no class from another class . ..
And the four years end. If we have received, contributed, shared, and grown, then we have expanded our personalities. We have discovered, have concluded, have known, the joys of experience.
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DEDICATION-Mr. Joseph Colistra A dedication means recognition that a teacher has woven the world of LaSalle into his whole life. LaSalle becomes an integral part of this teacher's existence. He is involved, not out of a sense of duty, but out of a sense of love. Joe Colistra is all of these things. He is involved at least indirectly in all major school events. History teacher, student council moderator, football coach, mixer bouncer, Joe is everywhere. But a dedication means even more than all of this. It symbolizes that a teacher has been able to transfer his involvement into a personal cpmmltment with one class. He influences this class in all possible ways. He becomes a guide and a friend. Complementing Joe in his life at LaSalle is his wife, Pat. She has been behind the scenes on innumerable occasions, helping whenever no one else would. Pat has continually given of herself to become a part of the LaSalle community. This year, Pat and Joe have succeeded in adding a new member to the community, their daughter Amy. She is part of Joe Colistra's life, too. Joe has befriended most of the Class of '73. He teaches in a uniquely personal way, but, more important, he listens and helps in this same way. Joe has maintained close ties with our class over the past four years. He has done far more than is expected of a teacher. This is our insufficient expression of thanks.
In the LaSalle community, the administration is responsible for the flexibility of learning at LaSalle. This flexibility extends to all areas of the school. The curriculum, directed by Bro. Carl, is liberal, covering a broad base. Juniors and seniors have a great number of electives to chose from-ranging from Calculus to Psychology to Modern American Foreign Polley. Students are also able to change their courses-making it posstble for students to relate their studies to their changing interests.
This flexibility is also apparent in the measure of freedom given to the teachers by Brother Ed . Class trips , mov i es, outdoor classes i n the spring-all are approved . Bro. Ed also encourages a wide spectrum of extracurricular activities. Money is provided for an endles& number of activities: football, clubs, basketball, intramurals, books Every conceivable interest is provided for.
Discipline is light, Mr. Diehl using it only in extreme cases. The student is given the responsibility to act as an adu lt. Also in his capacity as Vice-Principal In charge of Student Affairs Mr. Diehl oversees the spirit club, the ecology club, the creative arts club ... A list extending to every area of the school. Thus, with this flexibility, the administration insures that the aims and needs of every student are recognized and provided for. The administration permits the students of LaSalle to recognize their interests and pursue them. An efficient office doesn't run well without a capable staff whose services provide a daily round of answering the phone, filling record cards. balancing budgets and publishing the bulletin . Mrs. Comerford, Mrs. Lull, Mr. Hilpl and Brother Fred form a cheerful confident office coterie, who perform these duties with both proficiency and charm .
Mr. Moore and Brother Gene Graham collaborate to help sophs develop their various literary talents. This effort ranges from Brother Gene's passionate and complete knowledge of the theater to Mr. Moore's talentedly led explorations of composition, short stories, and movies. Both men have proved their ability In helping students to handle public speaking and acting. Together they form a valuable aid to our increasing awareness of the world of language skills.
The good news, moderate news or a consoling "fine, fine" is given by Brother David Albert to the seniors after their SAT's, while in the guidance department under his care, Brother Joseph Regan takes the time to fraternize with the freshmen after interviews, and Mr. Devine amicably greets his sophomores, seeming more like a good friend then part of any faculty. As Brother Kevin Strong is converting his office into an unofficial junior lounge, Brother John D'Aifonso gives the seniors chance to "let off steam." . . . "maybe he'll even get me out of psych?" . .. The guidance department itself, while trying to help the students mold their scholastic careers and overcome the inevitable snags, embodies the general spirit of the faculty-friendly, helpful and above all easily approachable.
Perhaps the most ambitious series of courses that LaSalle offers is Humanities. As its name suggests, the breadth of material and information discussed in the Humanities courses is limitless. In its efforts to reflect the culture of a certain people or a certain period, Humanities makes use not only of literature, such as Huckleberry Finn, a study in 19th century American rural romanticism; but also of music,-we see how Orff's " Carmina Burana" analyzes the profane side of the culture of the Middle Ages-films,- " On the Waterfront" shows the strife in the labor unions of the '50s-and the other arts, either modern or dating from the period itself-EI Greco is a manifestation of the p1ety and austerity of the culture of Spain-that can explain the philosophies and the psychology of that people o r period. In the four years of Its existence at LaSalle, Humanities has reached a level of status and sophistication unequalled by any other course.
Our edifying modern language staff otters us the opportunity to take part in these many advantages. The basic 4-year teaching plan is similar in French, Spanish and German: in the first year the instructor lays the foundations in pronunciation, listening comprehension and grammar: in the second year the instructor continues in these three directions, and puts an added stress on grammar; in the third year he introduces to the students sophisticated reading materials; and in the fourth year the students begin to write their own compositions. and many participate in independent-study programs. Throughout these four years the teachers employ such beneficial aids as taped recordings and film strips. Good opportunities tor the students to practice the language they studied have been the journeys to Europe during the Easter vacattons. From vacations abroad to a possible career in the foreign service, LaSalle otters a good background in any future linguistic endeavor.
It is said that he who speaks not only his own language but also the language of another nation is worth two men . Indeed, the advantages of learning a foreign language are many: the bilingual can communicate with the people of two, and frequently more than two, nations, thereby proving the practicality of speaking a foreign tongue along with his own ; he becomes acquainted with great works of literature, such as Los de Abajo, Platero y yo, Zadig, and Vol de nuit, which he may have never discovered had he been confined to his own language ; the study of a second language often improves his knowledge of his own language, especially its vocabu lary and much of its grammar; and the study of a second language enables him to learn more quickly a third language, since many languages share similarities with others in the same group, such as the Romance and Germanic families, and also the study techn iques used to learn one language can be applied in order to learn another.
Algebra to geo metry to trigonometry to calculus-the subjects grow in sophistication much like the students. The teachers路 role in this sophisticat ion is invaluable. He supplies help where needed: a tutoring program-or easy access to teachers during free periods. The teachers' handling of the students Is most important. To learn Math the student must decide to do most of the work himself. The Math Department at LaSalle recognizes this fact-students are rarely required to hand in homework-students must approach the teachers for help-the student must help himself. Thus the math teac hers supply help on two levels路 the narrow level on which an education in math is given-and the broader level on which, he requires the student to accept responsibility.
Psychology I is a study of
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x t and the oiN -1 factory epithelium and all kinds of factual information which gives us a basic understanding of our bodies and its functions and ways to measure our performance. Its a double period with a lab and nonsense answers on a 60 question multiple guess test. On a more advanced level Psychology II is small classes and readings from~sychology Today~The students concern themselves with the Individual and theories about man in general. The teachers gear the class towards discussion and tndivtdual motivation
Taking religion at LaSalle is a varied experience. We can choose so many different ways of understanding ourselves, the world, Jesus. In our early days, Mrs. Mehr, Mr. Devine and Brother Edward Hofmann have us examine our inner attitudes toward religion. With them we learn to listen to others. In our later years Mr. Hohenleitner and Father Macort take us through Biblical days and moral dilemmas, past and present. In the final year. to be with religion and understand the character of Jesus are the aims of Mr. Mattern and Brother Lewis Mullin. After our experiences, certainly we all can choose freely our religious beliefs and have a greater idea of our reasons for faith.
A wide selection of topics and a variety of teachers, this is the science department. An introductory study of physical science with the first real experiments you've ever tried leads on to frogs, bacteria, molecules and man. Lab equipment-"does it cost that much?" "break one and you'll find out"-aids in attempts to understand elements and compounds, their structures. reactions and effects on life and the environment. Physics extra credit, worth 1/5 of a point? Slide rules, wave motion, and movies on how to hit a falling monkey somehow compose the final year of scientific study.
Many free periods are spent on the necessary lab reports with everybody asking who has the best data and writing great conclusions even though the experiment didn't work right. From mad scientists with strange formulas to the relief of knowing you didn't flunk the exam after all, these days of science in some way combine to form an organized learning experience.
Social Studies? Oh sure. it's just that " other name for history." And that conception is partially true. Much of social studies is devoted to the past, whether it be Europe's past-from 1715 to the present, or young people learning about the evolution of history and lifestyles in China and Russia. Then there's our past. Names. dates. and all those " cherry tree" methods of studying America' s history have nearly been abandoned so that everyone and everything between "obnoxious and disliked" John Adams to Harry Truman's foreign policy can become real. and possibly more retainable for us.
But that's where the past ends. The rest of social studies concern situations and problems that are ever present, ever real to us now, like the workings of our economic system and the science of politics. Then there's the problems of the cities, those dirty, noisy, overcrowded, poor, but necessary cities, problems that have to be examined and potentially solved. Finally there's the study of group behavior, where we look closely at that most important concept: how we work with others. So, social studies. Studying then , now, tomorrow and us.
Our school has many needs other than those directly connected with the learning process. Mr. Weber prov1des essential heat and light. while necessary repairs on windows must be made too often The most illustrious window keeper is Mrs. Mary Diaz who smiles and talks the day through with George, the famous broom carrier. A visit to the bo1ler room can be instructive and amusing-not at all like an infirmary which is cheerfully staffed by Mrs. Barrett. No less cheerful and efficient, the cafeteria staff, headed by Mrs DIPinto, works tirelessly to provide a necessary place for our physical and social life. Another area we socialize in quite a bit is the library. When we're not reading newspapers and magazines or bothering Mrs. Mountain for our latest term paper, we like to congregate in the library and discuss our weekends. Too small to socialize in, but a distinctly inviting office is the development office where Mr. O'Brien and Mrs. Ward preside over alumni activities We often take these services for granted but they are a part of each day. MRS. N RONGIONE
Special Services are provided at LaSalle-services which help the students in special ways-help to develop talents-improving our physical abilities-developing skills which will be helpful to us in business-or simply aiding our studies. These are services which are separated from the mainstream of the curriculum, yet round out our learning.
On August 17, 1972, summer came to an abbreviated end for a handful of LaSalle students. To the members of this year's football team, a summer of frolicking in the sun and surf was soon reversed to a dragging in the sweltering heat and grassless pastures. " Hey Mingo, whatever that is on your face-shave it off! " " Ainght!" little violence, hit, h1t-come on quicker, move on, move. For, while Kip was running his twenty laps, we were being d r iII e d and prepared . 0 u r first scrimmage-Woodrow Wilson We were too tight; too sporadic. We hadn 't jelled. One week later it was Neshaminy and their ice cream lightning LaSalle had never beaten them before, but we were a rare bunch . They were stunned on their home field as we walked away w1th victory no. 1 , the first of many to come.
Morale was at a peak as we reluctantly dropped into Canadensis, the splendid misery. But what d id you expect for fifty bucks? " Hey, Jimmy!" " What's this do for you, heh?" " Not much, Vito" It was our home for a week. It was where Bro. Edward said " tree frogs with red birch disease were actually hand-skinned." Where Carl and Billy found out that our waiter was " head jock". It is where one found Campy, those eventful nature trips and the Diehler with his 40 up-downs. But most of all who could forget Dumbo. who put the damper on T-Bird and walked away with first , leaving Cinderfella and Crithy Schenkel trailing for a close second. Not even the Deacon. w1th his moonlight jungle calls in Cabin 5, could've ruined it.
Bottom (left to nght)-J . Whelpley. S. Brett, R Bryers, T, Gillespie, T. Monaghan, J Casc1ato, N. Schwe1tzer, P Salmon, P Bogle, A. Dougherty Second Row-J McGlinn, M. Plummer, J . Wesner. B. Hoehn B Bryers, W Kane, J. McShea, J Ragg, K. M1tskas, J Flannery, C Sacchetll , B Meehan , D Durkin, Brother Edward Conway. Third
Row-Brother Robert Scheller, Mr Dav1d Diehl, Mr. John Flannery B. Gillies. K. Kelly. W Bullock B Gerngross, B Mitchell, M. Cassidy, K. Keenan, J. Rigney, P. lvanosky, B. Taleck1, Brother John D'Aifonso Fourth Row-J Mastronardo. P Uzelac. J Brett, J Tyree, K Owk. L. Costar, B Nix, M Meehan, J. McCormack.
Our return trip to LaSalle via William Allen could have made a funeral train look like the Mardi Gras. We were down and we played sloppy. North, our first league game, was one week away. We are the league favorites, No. 2 in the area. "Listen boys, any idiot can predict you guys to finish first ... it's up to you ... you 've been thrown the challenge." 路 Room 112 boys." "That 76 is big, quick and aggressive and God help you If you don't block him" Only a last minute thrill show could salvage us from total humiliation. We win 14-7.
Next-Egan. It was " the" game. Eight years-we hadn't beaten them in eight years. Our Lady of Victory-pray for u~ . Defensively, we annihilate them; offensively, we methodically blgw them off the field. The boys from Middle America got more than their heads shaved in that game. Undefeated and on to Judge, our practices begin to drag. We outpoint them , 25-0. The game was uneventful, with one exception. LaSalle had found its answer to Valery Borsov: Jim Tyree, the splendid sprint~r . who rambled 50 yards with an Interception only to be caught by Judge's offensive center. " Just put that game out of your mind." " They ought to burn down that Idiot box! " We had to avenge last year's loss to Kenrick. Our defense was superb up to now; offensively, we needed a tune-up. Norristown; Friday, the thirteenth of October, 1972. We were skeptical, somewhat cocky ; somewhat fearful. When it rains it pours and when Kenrick wins-they win big. 21-0. Our first defeat.
Still in first and tied-our practices are intensified. " Hey Wally! Get in there again. This is the middle of the season . .. what's the problem ." Sprinting , hitting, hurting and succeeding. We are surging back. We batter Dougherty 33-0. " Ooh that shark babe, has such teeth and it shows those pearly whites." Coming into the home stretch, we bear down on Ryan. Our defense, led by the vicious sackings of Bobby Nix, knocks Ryan from the division race, 14-0. Philadelphia finds out about the " Cool Bunch " and its emotionless, blase seniors.
Wood can hear us knocking at their door. " ... could that someone be Mack the Knife." Ragg nose we' ll beat Wood . " They'll run that play a thousand times, I guarantee it." The practices are long and enduring. We are prepared-only they can defeat our goal. We take the field and the stadium is filled to the brim . Our Lady of Victory, pray for us. 7-6 Wood's favor. Why? It wasn't possible. Our bus ride back drags and " Mack is back in town". The end for a team that is poised , proud and abounding with class. Our Lady of Victory, pray for us.
The nucleus for next year's varsity football team played with quite a heavy burden on their shoulders. For if a varsity is to succeed it must be pushed and it was LaSalle's J.V. that pushed them this year "If our varsity IS going to be no. 1. you've got to be number two ... You've got to be crazy to come out in all this equipment and not want to work-now what do you say" We had to work our varsity. "Come on, it's an ordinary lineman who knocks the ball down-Catch it! Hit! Come on, quicker feet!"
First Row (left to right)-K. Pluck, T. Kerins, L. Fitzhee, M Tlllger, M Dwyer, M. Echert, J. Harrison. T. Murphy, W. Tomasitis, J Gallagher, S. Crumlish, J . Casciato. Second Row (left to right)-K. Kelly, D. Coffey, M. Field, P. Stamatis, M. Nix, T ignas. M Gaeto, T. Sarnese, M DeSimone, J. Cahill, C Stoelher, A
Dougherty, J . Malloy. Third Row (lett to right)-Coach Cassidy,
J Mckenna, A. Reed, P Bogie, M. Cassidy, N Schwettzer, J. Gillespie, J Rigney, T Monaghan, J. McCormick, B Robinson, M. McGlinn. A lvanowski, J Brown, A Connor, Coach Loughery
We worked and we kept pushing them . The Varsity was winning and we knew we were doing our job. After our Varsity lost to Kenrick, we all felt some guilt about it. We hit and endured , harder and longer than at anytime before, to avenge their loss. It was a more than satisfying day when we reversed the score and shattered the Kendrick J.V., 21-0. lato even had an interception. " I'm proud of you boys. You ran the same damn plays that we tried to run Friday night, the only diff erence being, you executed, we didn't. " Throughout the rest of the season we cont i nued to play before sparse crowds, still remaining the understudies to the varsity.
Farsi Row (left to nght)-J Ferraro. P Foley, J. Gillespte, J. Burke A Tierney, M Onscoll. H Syndor. M Fox. S Salvittl, P Carmen. J McHale, B Lafferty A Pi eri, E Mc Gli nn Second Row (left to right)-M Kerins (mgr.). A. Magmnis, C Mohrbacher, 0 Geppert, J Webster, A. Leona, M. Zekants, 0 . Armento, M. Venezlale, M. John路 ston. A. Michel, M Rotundo, J. McAllister, W. Beckman, M. McGee. 0 .
Ragan (man ) Third Row (lel1 to right)-W. Oenz (coach), Coach Kent, S Andrews. G Szostak, P Morgan, J Braca, A. Coco. C. Pawlouski, G. Uzelac, A Guerra, 0 Contino, 0 Lynch, A. Johnson, S. Scott. C Daniel, P Meehan, P. Craig, J Wood, P Oamm, G Foley, Coach Bel路 cher. Mr Mark McGovern, Brother John O'Aifonso.
Before this year's freshmen football players could even forget their locker combinations they were out on the practice field trying to coordinate their efforts into a respectable team. " Gentlemen, before we get started , I would like to introduce myself. My name is Mr. McGovern ... Well, look, I know about as much about this game as you do, so let's try that play . . . Hey defense! Take another lap please . . Alright now, this is your first game as LaSalle students-are there any questions?
Mud, rain and a well-organized Judge team handed LaSalle's freshmen its first defeat 35-0. You might say it was a monumental loss for us all . We never really did beat any teams, but our attitude from season beginning to season end was phenomenal. We showed spirit in the Dougherty and Ryan games but we lost by a small margin in both games. Our season, though it ended winless, was profitable. For we learned, and we know that we are building towards a future. We have the potential and we plan to prove it next year.
The ftrst day of September. '72-LaSalle's crosscountry team begins another season-a new team . young, inexperienced. unknown. A repeat of last year seems impossible-only Mark Daniele remains from last year's top five, yet Donnelly presses the team. Our first at Belmont Plateau-"Hail Mary ... there will be two commands, boys, Set and the Gun. Set " Ging and Mark tie for first and lead the team to victory, yet we still need a lot of work.
First row: J Worthington. S McNulty, J . Fiotuani, J. Morebacker. D Thomas. J Hanna, S Radomski, J Ll, J . Butler, J . McTyre, K. Reilly, B Rothwell, P Noonan Second row Tom Donnelly, M. Magarity, J Malone, J B. O' Neill, P Mooney, M Daniele, R Landers, D Sprague.
P. Smith. R. Thomas, S. Weber. J. Suchy, T. Gorman. J Rothwell, P Patrlco, L. Bryon, M. Clark. Third row: P. Gagailas, R. Biddle, J Burns, B Reynolds. M Sommer, J . Hentz. T Bond. J. Fornace. J Gorman, L. Sw~rlsburg P McNulty, A Nasons.
A week of hard and painful hills makes us tough for our second meet. " Set" ... , we win, but the times are slow. The next week-end we head up to Reading for the Conrad Weiser Invitational; " LaSalle's young team runs away with the honors." Back in Philadelphia, we continue to dominate the league. We work harder; " Come on, TOAD, push it up this hill." The fourth meet of the season McGarrity runs away from the field. setting a new high-school record-the thought of the Eastern Championships begins to take hold of us.
Our fifth meet we win. The idea of winning the Easterns becomes a reality-we're really working now. New York: 路路no team from Philadelphia has won an Eastern Championship in the last ten years. Go out there and bring it to LaSalle. You can do it. " " Set" . . . LaSalle, 12th place. We've lost, choked . As we head home the bus is silent, full of disgust-practice next week is emotionless. Last meet of the season : our heads are still down after our defeat. "Hail Mary ... Set" ... we win the meet. We realize we can still wtn the state championship, " Come on, let's prove to them who 's the best! " As the gun goes off we see it's gonna be close. The crowd murmurs LaSalle's losing, yet they're wrong. We win.
Now the Catholic champs. Another week of practice. Team's loose. We know we got it the day of the race. We do it; we win the Catholics. On to the City's. No sweat. Everything's OK .
Back Row (left to nght)-W. Whrteside (coach), T Coulter, A Eisenhart, M Whiteside. G Young (asst coach) Second Row (left to right)-P Un, J Halberstadt, T. Normile. A Slizofsk, B. Donahue. C Margiottl, G. Schreiner First Row (left to nght)-T Margâ&#x20AC;˘ottr. A Vonhpsey C Wagner. J Miller M. Dwyer T Smith
Ice hockey, it rs JUSt a club sport at LaSalle but still popular. Practice begins in October. the start of a third season. "This team has never been beaten . Keep it going." Once agam, the eleven o'clock news at Wissahickon Atnk. There are plenty of sprints and a growrng sense of expectation. Mike Whiteside should be All-American. "How did Snellington get on the team?" Our first game is with the Prep. They're an Intercounty League power, but we beat them Whiteside and Normile were exceptional. Then. it was more practice. The Pocket Rocket is on one squirt line, but "The Gumper is better than half you guys " We play West Chester at home. "God, they're big, they could play Junior A." Finally it happens. LaSalle hockey had its first loss. We played like the Ottawa Nationals
So the season is over, but the echoes live on. Voices still call out, "Who told Gary he could coach?" or "Give the puck to Halverstadt." It wasn't our best year, but t was exerting anyway. The joys still remain.
Early morning practices with freezing water, pulled muscles and Timmy's mono begin the 72-73 swimming season . Finally, after three months of work , our first meet-Upper Dublin . We're on our way! Beat Bonner! Practice on the pulleys with Behr, Jankowskr, Jackson and the Tim Bracken blues. This year we had early Christmas practices. Later Tony makes the cover of Swimming World. Against Wood , Keith and Phil sweep first and second and Mac is super. Beat Bonner and its so freezing that Bill Orr shivers to shreads. Redican and Mormon are in the fly, but the screaming mimis show up and Mr. Farrell is nervous. Look at that smoke! Then we wanted revenge on Penn Charter, bad. So bad Tony beats Loughren twice and the last relay pulls through. 125 wins, 125. On to another Catholic League and City Championship!
Bottom Row (left to right)-BIII Orr, Dave Givnish, Chuck Harvey, Mike MacNamara. Mi ke Jankowski, Peter Blust, Tom Jackson. Middle Row (left to right)-Walt Farrell (coach), Phil Horn, Pat Redlcan, Mike Toy, Larry Morman, Chip Behr (team captain ), Phil Penny , T i m Bracken, Tony Bartle, Frank MacNamara, John Toy Top Row ( left to r i ght ) -M i ke Chadwick, Matt Dougherty , Robert Martin , Joe McPeak, Mike Rothwell, Don Armento, Mike Juliano, Phil Duzinski.
Going into our second year, we found a crucial pomt in our attempt to establish a permanent team. Helped by Mr Tom Corey and led by seniors, Jim McGlynn, Terry McGlinchey, John Lavin , Walter Koltys, Bill Meehan, the team practiced hard on the mats keeping a spirit of competition . skill and fun With a substantial turnout of JUniors and seniors, our wrestling team looks like it will be a fixed part of an already very complete sports p1cture.
From left to right- J. Qumn, K. Gillespie, B. Gillespie, C. Harrison, L. Santoro.
Bowling has always looked easier than it really is at Broad and Olney Lanes. It is our home in the Catholic league. This year we provided strikes. spares, splits, and even a few deuces here and there. We didn't find it dull, even though most of the time we were winless. Now Tuesdays just don 't seem the same.
After dinner the kids lean on the prize counter calling out to friends down the line as the fathers lean back in the chairs at the tables, getting to know each other and a few members of the faculty as well. Then everyone heads back to their seats to laugh at Bro. Edmund' s quips , listen to Greg Luzinski's hopeful prognosis for the Phillies and learn something from Bro. Anthony Wallace's speech on education. For the 28th time, November's been the month of a successful Father and Son Banquet, this year's enjoyable evening the result of the efforts of Bros. Dan Kerins and Kevin Strong .
Well over 2 months of work went into it, from Mr. Colistra's and Mike McHugh's first calls to prospective speakers to a crowd of Juniors and Seniors rushing through last-minute information posters. Out of all of it came LaSalle's third and most successful Involvement Day, with speakers ranging from John Birchers to the American Communist Party. Officers from the Phtladelphia Narcotics Squad debated with aids from drug clinics and the student audiences while in other rooms Long John Wade and Chip Babcock told listeners of their optnions and experiences in their respective careers. The wide spectrum of issues and professions represented gave students ample opportunity to gather worthwhile insights into areas of their interest, thus proving January 23 to be one of the most worthwhile and appreciated days on the academic calendar.
FRESHMEN 1A STANDING: J . Stokes, T. Ungaro, M. O'Donnell, P. lehman, l . Varallo, A Pieri. SEATED: W Parker, D Sokolowski, M. Rotondo, W. Filmyer, F Ginty, F. Kramer , J . McSweeney ABSENT W Riling
1A STANDING: M. VIsco, J . Buonomo, G. Brown, W. Barnett, M. McNeel, J . Gramlich, R. Karpowicz. SEATED. F. Plsacano, J . Pierce, l. Devinney, P. Noonan, K. Kessler. A Coco, R. Guerra.
FRESHMEN 2A STANDING: P. Foley, M. Gill, M. Sacchetti, M. Patrizio, J . Sulimay, J . Campbell, A. Calvlttl. SEATED: D. DiCicco, S. Grevy, J. Gillespie, B. Selph, M. Fox, P. Carmen, H. Matthews.
STANDING: L. Parker, M. Juliano, J . Richter, B. Lafferty, G. Szostak, M. Zekenls. E. Rzepnlcki. SEATED. F. Doster. J . Martosella, F Bernhardt, L. Millllo. D. Romeo. F Daulerio, G. Uzelac , G . W i dmann , M . McGee.
FRESHMEN 3A KNEELING G. Davis, E. Keller. E Gallagher, J McTear , B McGlynn, T Mackie, J . Od· zlemskl. STANDING : S. Andrews. P Morgan, J Ferraro, A Johnson. T Gorman. D Ragan, J Gallagher
KNEELING : B. Juliano , M . Brown, R. Sacchetti, J. Bell, S Alberico, M Koller STANDING D Contino, M Kerins. J D1ehl, J 'Young, M M•halich, J Gore, P Craig. ABSENT: A. Cianfram, A. Leva, J. Malone, M. Walge.
FRESHMEN 4A KNEELING : C Hughes, J . McGon igle. P. Marl narl. F. Barth, J. Pugnetli, A Coyle, T. Szonntagh. STANDING : C . McFarland, T. Kowalkowski, A. Vonlipsey, M. Martucci , B. Colgan, T . Durling, A . Brla, B . Quigg. KNEELING. K. McGeehan. D Della Porta . A Becker F. Romagano, A . McCouch , A Maginness, A. Blasetti, J. Love, M. Dougherty STANDING: D Givnish, M. Johnston, A. Martin, J. Dan1el. M. Finley, W. Mezzanolle. A. Michel, M. McNamara. A. Kaskoun.
FRESHMEN SA KNEELING: W. Clark, W. Barry, L. Riley, D. Fabrizio, J. Cummings, J Staudt, M. Driscoll, F. O'Neill. STANDING: A. Byron, A. Kesselring, P. Meehan, P. Brady, J. Braca. J. Day, J . Webster. KNEELING: P. Cllio, J. Walsh, M. Brennan, K. Jandl, W. Rothwell , A . Tierney , H . Sydnor. STANDING: J. Burke, M. Graziano, M. Veneziale, C. Foust, J. McAllister, D. Lynch, S. Salvitti.
FRESHMEN 6A KNEELING: C. Mohrbacher, R. Montgomery, S. Fitzpatrick, M. Fioravanti, D. Gaskins, S McNulty. STANDING: W. McCollaum, S. Scott, E. Hildebrandt, R. Alessio, F Muller, A. Mele, D. Marcollna.
KNEELING : M . Jackson , M . Healey, M. Mortka. D Renfro, R . Thomas. w Danella . J . Worthington. STANDING 路 M . McGee , W . Beckman . J . McHale, K Halberstadt , R . Barth, M. Scammell, F. Hellwig.
FRESHMEN 7A STANDING: P Freet, A. Fox, J . McNicholas. J. Hand, J Toy, S. Joyce, J. Hoffman. KNEELING路 J Mohrbacher, A Healy, A. Leona, J Murray, T Ruch, J. Wood
7A STANDING: J . McPeak, C. Pawlowski, A. Menno, V. Moos, G. Asterlto, w. Mattern, G. Foley, KNEELING J . McGill, M. Graham, D. Maloney, A . Kelly, T. Esposito, P. Damm
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SOPHOMORES 1B KNEELING: W. Cooper, J . Curtin , T Lawler, J . Plush , R. O'Neill, K Maher STANDING: T Belcher, M Frein, P Brabazin, A Martucci. J Collins, J . Burns. J Brand.
18 KNEELING D Kearns, C. Day, T. McGinley, M. Giannini, J. Waldron, G DeSantis. STANDING: P Sabol, J . Checchio, W. Tamasltis, G Edling, P Cosenza, J. Malloy, L Zeglen, J . Renard MISSING R. Connor. T. Higgins, T Marglotti, T Murphy, A. Taggart.
SOPHOMORES 2B SITTING: M. Tillger, A. Donoghue, A. Silvestri, A. Maiden, D. Smith, J . Phillippi. STANDING: V. Brown, A. Campellone, A. Bartle, K. McBride, J. Gillespie, M. Orlowski.
SITTING: A. Naessens, G Margarita, P. Patrizio, F. Stanczak, J . Cooney, M. McCabe. STANDING: J . Conners, M. Montchyk, J . Reichelt, P. Smith, J . Harrison. J . Suchy.
SOPHOMORES 38 KNEELING: T. Magrann, D. Reclgno, D. Thomas. J . VIola, P. Terrerl, S. Bllckley, T. Sarnese. STANDING: C. Gleason, S. Rasomski, A. Walzak, M. Evans, J. Conti. G. Strecker. B. Gallagher. KNEELING: K. Fennlngham, A. Crumllsh, P. Harvey, M. Beck, G. Kenney, J . Ll. STANDING: S. Guerin, M. Gaeto. J. Blrl, M. Nix , M . Lodes , J . Eble , J . McKenna.
SOPHOMORES4B STANDING: J . Talecki, W. Dougherty, J. Harris, J. Byron, J. Winters, G. Dunton, L. Spinosa. SEATED: A Sowa, L. Mueller, J. Morgan, K. Mulderig, J. White, M. Williams.
STANDING: D. DiGiacobbe, E. Mortka, D. Palmieri, W. Bobbie, F. Noonan, D. Fioravanti, J. Miller. SEATED: M. Sullivan, A. Dougherty, J . Benz, J . Gibbons, J . O'Neill, K. Leister.
SOPHOMORES 58 IN CHAIRS : T . Taylor , B . O'Neill, J. Weitzman, J. Koslch, M . Herling . ON STAGE : R . Wiley, J. Cotllns, K. Keane, R. Basara, J. Fioravanti. J. Cahill. IN CHAIRS: A. Capponl, T. Bergen, M John , C Dolan , B. Paris. ON STAGE C. Topley, J. Jacobsan, J Ingersoll, T. Kerins. l. DiGiulio. M. Burke
SOPHOMORES SB STANDING: J . Mehr, J . Franklin, P. Stamatls, W. Larkey, R. Elsasser, C. McDermott, T. Kletzel. SEATED: J. Shields, J . Butler, J. Draganescu, S. Lehman, M. DiPietro. STANDING : M . Reilley , J . McNamara , M. Chadwick, J. McCleery, M. Arter, G. Cooper. SEATED: R. Gordon, M. Dwyer, P. Daley, B. Cannon, A. Pellegrino.
SOPHOMORES 78 FRONT ROW: M. Rothwell, F. Domzalski , L. Byron , H . Schwartzberg , J . Hepner, E. Stafford. BACK ROW: S. Hell, J . Kane, P. Mooney, M. Field, M. Hooper, J . Young. FRONT ROW: M . Eckert , E. Austin, E. Zajac, R. Garber. B Adams, J . Haenn. BACK ROW: J . Mitchell , M. Barth, F. Cervone, P. Hom, J. Brostowicz.
SOPHOMORES BB STANDING: H. Silvestri, A. Vecchione, D. Fornace, M. Wills. M. Kelly, D. Rongione. KNEELING: T. Barton. R. Harris, L. Fitzkee, P. Egltto, M. Devine, T. Crumble. STANDING: M. Devlin, R. Devlin, J . Morasco, A. Reed, R. Williams, D. Hartman, R. Monaghan. KNEELING: W. Dwyer, S. Crumllsh, L. Quinn, T. Orr, J. Spaniak, S. Carlino. ABSENT: A. Reynolds, C. Stoelker.
SOPHOMORES 98 STANDING : A . Connolly, T. Bracken. M. Canelli, J . Finley, J. Frank, D. Wasilewski, W. Friel. KNEELING : G . Strolle , J. O'Neill, D. Beck, D. Haber, C. Wagner, D. Kieser.
STANDING: M. DeSimone, T. Smith, H. McCaffrey, D. Coffey, J . Gallagher, T. lgnas, F. Moos. KNEELING: J . Rothwell. J . Devanney, A. Tozzi, M. Consorte, J . Kelley, M. Smith.
JUNIOR IC SEATED 路 M Monaghan . L. Tomcho, P. Moore, A. Snyder, A. Mullin, T luff, M Magarity, W. Kielar. STANDING: T Bigley, D. Armento, A Young, G. Foley, M. DI Rugerls , J . Kelley , P. McNulty. SEATED: P. Scullin, E. Mearlon, K. Kelley, E. McMonagle, A. Gerngross, M. Hoehn, M. Cas. sldy, M. Winning, M. Sommar. STANDING: A Lacroce, A. Augustine, J. Wozniak, A. Clabattone, A. Valenti, M. Plummer, M. Durkin, P Lin, M. Brown.
JUNIORS 2C BACK ROW: T. Farrell. C. McGeary, N. Schweitzer. L. Brownsey, P. Blust, J. Glacken. L. Desiato, S. Burns, P. Gaigelas. FRONT ROW: W. Collins, J. Monahan, F. Solitario, R. O'Connell, M. Bohrer, F. Montemuro.
BACK ROW: M. Meehan, L. Morman, T. Gillespie, W. Bullock, J. Walker, A. Dougherty, M. Vasallo, P. Koller. FRONT ROW: B. Wong, T. McGovern, K. Richman, T. O'Neill, K. Heilbronn, J. Walsh, D. Millet.
JUNIORS3C STANDING: A. Flad, A. Menno, M. Toy, A. Oakley, A. Reichardt, E. Borek, P. Uzelac. SEATED: J. Moretta, T. Monlhan, J. Slocum, A. Vadenals, R. O'Brien, T. Alberico, G. Fox, L. Pilla. STANDING: N. Morris, C. Harrison, A. Lesher, P. Smock, T. Nolen, P. Bogie, J. Mlhallch, P. Durkin, R. Trickel. SEATED: J. Clinton , G. Dlccl anl , A. Sllzofskl, F. Reichelt. T. Normile, P. Kelly, D. Stephenson, G. Halberstadt, G. Dawson.
JUNIORS 4C STANDING: A. Wlllemln, P. Barba, S. DeMaio, H. Gaasche, L. Buonomo, R. Kraus, M. Carney, P. Duzinski. KNEELING: R. Scott, P. Tatlow, T. Hoban, J. Rogers, J. Gallo, F. Cannon, B. Konopka.
STANDING : S. Brett, J. Whelpley. P. Franklin. M. Ryan. J. Powers, R. Moser, G. Angllletta. P. Muller. KNEELING: E. Dempsey, S. Daly, J. Casciato, J. Hanna, P . Brown, R . McAuliffe.
JUNIORS SC KNEELING : D. Sprague, D . McEivenney, T. DeBerardanls. W. Dearolf, J . Tyska, P. DlBattlste, R. Palnik. STANDING: J . Patkus, T. Cherney, W. Cooke, W. Frangipane. M. Visco. J. Gillespie, J . Ludovici, R. Hanson, J. Kiernan. KNEELING: C. Strolle, R. Crumllsh, S. Depman, C. Preis, R. Burke, M. Wisniewski, J . Masucci. STANDING: B. Taleckl, J . McGeehan, R. Kendrick, F. Colubiale, R. Mclaren, J . Yodsnukis, P. Kelly, J . DeMerlis, M. Obertthorn.
JUNIORS, 6C KNEELING: F. McNamara, W. Gillies, C. Nlessen, G. Fanelli, J. Dwyer, J McCormick, K. Murdah. STANDING: M. Clanfranl, T. Coyle, E. Calv1tti, D. Devery, C. Mclafferty, W Orr. R. Tomasso, M. Stankiewicz.
KNEELING. F. Swallow, W. Dwyer, G. Gresh, B. Buono, T. Harrelson. W. Thomas. STANDING: J. Maieron, P. Salmon, K. Pluck, J. Bllckley, B. Palatajko, K. Murdah, G. Widmann, J. McCaffery.
JUNIORS 7C STANDING : W. Garrity , E. Suchy, J. O' Toole. P. Redlcan. T. Keane, T. Dooley, J. Rigney, B. Mitchell. SEATED: T. Simmons, L. Beck, J. Philipp, L. Santoro. J . Turowski , M. McHugh, A. Bryars. STANDING: M. Quigley, K. Fox, J. Hentz, D. Dolaway, V. Coli, C. lvanoskl, J. Smith. SEATED: W. Roshko, M. Giuffrida, T. Bond. A. Bond, J. Glynn, T. Gutowlcz, J. Pickard.
For the past three years, Mrs. Elizabeth Twitmyer has meant many worlds for us. She has represented another generation's ideas and vintage feminine intuition, coupled with a keen intellect, personal candor, and warmth. We feel it is appropriate that in her last year of teaching this activities section be dedicated to her. Elizabeth has many talents. The work study program, coordinated by her In the last three years, has provided many students with their most vital learning experience. She brings to her courses, ranging from a special course in Education to Russian history, a host of insights, based on her travels in the Orient and Africa. For her colleagues she has shared wide cultural interests and provided an example of the ability to think young while growing older. Elizabeth has retained her liberal ideals and youthful spirit and has bestowed them on many a senate-faculty or departmental meeting. Whether she is checking a student's absences in the office or playing the 1812 overture for her students, Mrs. Twitmyer has combined efficiency and elan. We will miss that combination and envy her grandchildren and her community who will next year benefit from her gracious presence. Good-bye Elizabeth . May the road rise to meet you wherever you roam.
WORLD AFFAIRS CLUB After a year of dormancy a group of kids here have gotten together to form a new LaSalle branch of the Delware Valley's World Affairs Council. Taking the Reading in on Saturdays to listen to Tony Campolo's discourse on terriorists and quips on the world in general , we reconvene someday during the week to settle noisily the dispute concerning which three members get to go to the State Department Briefing next Monday (instead of school, of course). Following the example of the Forensic Club. we've decided to research the economic and political position of Egypt, our country at this year's Model U.N. With the formation of the World Affairs Club the council's programs can now serve the LaSalle student body.
As pawns march forward to be queened, so marched forward the LaSalle Chess Club and its Squid to their first chess championship. At the half-way mark, the king stood on the fourth rank (natu rally). on its way to the eighth rank (hopefully). After numerous checks to the aspiring young club's hopes in 1972, 1973 promised to be a year of fulfilled plans, despite the ordeal of trips to North Catholic and just making it to Father Judge time and again . This year, the LaSalle Squid went into its endgame confident of victory.
The LaSalle Mothers' Club sponsored LaSalle's second Great1vity Night on January 28th. As 1ts name suggests, Creativity Night prov1ded an opportunity for students to give examples of their talents in painting, photography, or performing classical or popular music. Members of the families of students and of the Faculty attended: a panel of mothers awarded prizes to the best in each field.
The Student Council, under the leadership of John Grace, Lou Costar and Bill Bryers, delved into many new areas. In an attempt to open the Council to the average student, they originated many new organizations, including the Committee for Student Relations and the Committee for Student Affairs, which controlled many activities that were formerly under the direct control of the entire Council. Also , the LaSalle Environmental Action Force (LEAF) was set up in the attempt to keep the LaSalle students involved within their community. Meanwhile, the Student-Faculty Senate dealt with the more theoretic educational problems at LaSalle. Discussing such topics as co-education, teacher evaluation and student exchange under the moderation of Mr. David Manion, the Senate suggested many ideas to shape the future at LaSalle.
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Running the glass recycling station for Student Council, the members of LEAF organize ecological awareness into definite action. We try to generate an appreciation of the environment, especially the environment of LaSalle. Those marvelous ecologues in the Daily Bulletin and those antilitter signs in the cafeteria were conceived by LEAF. under the wise leadership of Henry O'Donnell. But our most important job is to recycle glass at LaSalle. Collecting about eight or nine tons a month, we coordinate all phases of the station, from crushing the bottles to setting up the ecoboard. It is a rewarding job.
The Second Annual Principal's Dinner took place at the Holiday Inn at Penn Center on February 22nd. The St. LaSalle Club, a division of the Development Office made up of the benefactors to the LaSalle Development Fund , sponsored the dinner. Mr. Charles J . ("Obie" ) O'Brien was chairman . Brother Edward Gallagher presented the 1973 Principal 's Medal to Ernest P. Klin , Lieutenant Governor of Pennsylvania.
Around LaSalle, it is thought, there are three purposes for speech and debate: personal development and the acquisition of knowledge, competition and the thrill of winning, and, essentially, fun. In debate, though, we start with handbooks full of evidence, labelling quote cards, pasting and typing the top secret outline, finding authorities. Educational Finance was the topic, but we learned about economics, psychology, hockey, and law. All through the summer we worked , to the sweet strains of recorder, piano, and the language office . We faced our schedule: 11 debate tournaments, plus competition in speech , discussion . and student congress. Then we wrote affirmative cases, ranging from indictments of the property tax to benefit spillover and fiscal neutrality, besides our experimental criteria case. The negative worked on the severe disadvantages of full federal funding-inflation , federal control, bureaucracy, special interests. But the taxpapers were revolting. The varsity achieved successes: semifinalists at Kings, upset of the league champions, constant fifth place . Too often , though , it was "Win , win , Pennsbury " -but we were always 'nice'. The J.V. continued the LaSalle tradition of second and fifth. In Speech , we did best in extemp- a strange topic. 30 minutes of preparation and occasional truth - and Student Congress. With the patience and dedication of Mr. Hohenleitner, and the moral support of the Sage , we even managed to run a Congress, six hours of amnesty, abortion, and euthanasia. Finally came the National Finals in Chicago - the reward for the hours of dedication and struggle.
A rubber seal (among other things) rested on the wall of room 304C - a small chunk of wobbly rubber, colored blubber gray, dangled by a flexible gold cord. 0' Seal of da Wis-a different group mascot for a different group of publishers. The Wisterian this year was predominantly juniors-junior editors. junior writers, junior ("I don't care how you do it, just get it written") satirists. Writing controversial ("??-1 didn't think it was in poor taste") editorials; covering potential and actual championships ("But I can't use the word choke. they'd KILL me") in swimming, track, football and basketball ; trying to keep track of all the numerous little clubs ("There's a WHAT club!?"), and big clubs ("When was the last time Student Council had a meeting?") too ; tracking down undeveloped stories and turning them into interesting copy-all this and more was accomplished under the junior leadership of Frank G.A.A. Colubiale and Paul O.A.D. Kelly (alphabetically, and Wild-ahem-Brother Bill). For the first time in the memory of the staff members ("Where's McDuck?") an eight page edition was produced. Until the copy came in the fear was that there would not be enough of it; once in. however. it was discovered that the only way to fit it all was to cut some basketball box scores. ("-augh. we almost forgot the mast! Here, quick, cut this out and put the mast there before we change our minds.")
Allinallinall, it was a highly productive year, with a record number of copies; it was an innovative year, with a new format and restoration of a traditional name; it was a successful year, with even better things promised in the future; but most of all, it was a fun year, during which the typical headline contained alienating aliteration and bold bufoonerey.
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For the staff of this yearbook, it's been a year of chaos and disorganrzation but also a year of work and camaraderie, starting with surveys and selections of blues and ending in an excursion to New York, as we put together a collection of memories in book form for the rest of the school, but also acquired an assembling of memories we can cite as ours alone . Memories that came from the daily meetings that always took the form of discussions of such diverse subjects as: quotes from What's Up Doc? (a true piece of fluff), the merits of bowling or Bowie or Beverly or Bette, soccer-hockey games on the third floor, the eviction notice to the loft members, a record featuring nuns being decapitated, oscar nominees, or hacks we have known and loved.
So as the last Shipment is sealed and sent, the last call to M1ke dialed, the last receipt filled in and examined, Figaro, Hidden Agendas, the Hah-Vahd man, the Divme Mister K, the Grand Vizier Toucan, Stroke and the others will leave 210 with a bluebound basis for bragging , but also with our routine for the past nine months ended. With no more psychological tests, no more Egg McMuffin, no more toucans drawn on everything, and at last, no more allusions.
Scene 1.
The Preparations
The show begins in the summer. How to Succeed .. . is chosen, and Kevin meets with Brother Gene. Once more, the old reliables, Jean, Bob, Gerry and Joe, and newcomer Jimmy Leitner. The production staff is picked. " Gotta get this thing rolling," only eight months are left until opening night. Initial plans are begun . We gather information on a host of items. Printing, blueprints, bills, and It seems like a million other things must be dealt with. We settle down into the Dramatics office, and, hey, there's even a phone! We have enough work for six years. December and tryouts arrive. We send letters to girl 's schools and signs are posted for the boys . The day comes. Newcomers are nervous, but the veterans just smile, happy to be with old friends once more. Diane sits in on piano. Most sing a cappella, though. Singing alone on the stage (nervously), then its Jean Williams teaching us to dance, and callbacks are in two weeks. Finally, the cast is picked . For some frustration comes, for others the best three months of their lives just begins.
Scene 2. The Stage Crew The stage looks a mess, we have quite a job ahead of us. We remove the memories of three previous shows, and then its time for the set. Everyone gets a new name, just ask Crow or Mole. Neal Schweitzer is manager. "Did we get the blueprints from Leahy , yet?" We work with acres and acres of plywood . Tools are scattered everywhere , as a complete office is constructed. A sign is posted to know your stage crew, and we paint the proscenium (the right color this time). The weeks pass by. There is still much more to build . We stay over to work one night, but Kevin only tries to remove his contacts. Slowly, the set begins to take shape. "That's a mailroom, and those two doors are supposed to be elevators." Orange carpeting is laid down, and a Chinese Provincial office is made for Timmy. Black and white paint turns into marble (thanks to Batman). The show approaches; we work on little things now. Then it's a final coat of battleship grey and we are done. Brother is proud , and so are we.
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Scene 3. Props and Other Things The set is nearly finished. " Let's get to work on props." Mark Daniele and friends start a hectic search for a two page list of props. Typewriters are borrowed from all over the school , executive chairs are rented, golf clubs and a television are found, and Rosemary needs roses for every performance. We go to work. Telephones are used in nearly every scene, so we spend all night backstage running around with them . Our p~op room becomes very important, as we help keep World Wide Wickets running . Pete and Bruce make the marquee, and the lighting crew gets to work. We set up banks of lights all over the auditorium . Equipment is everywhere. The balcony and the cage become our nerve centers, and " how the hell does the dimmer work." We learn about blackouts and find out why Pete Blust is master electrician . The floor mikes are set up, a wireless is given to Miss Jones, and the sound system is ready. With the help of Jimmy Leitner, we give the play a professional edge.
Jody Fleming blushes as he buys thirty-two pairs of stockings, and the costume committee starts 1ts job of keeping some semblance of order in the dressing room . We help the cast with makeup and costumes. Paris Original dresses for the girls and suits for the boys are managed by us. Someone screams, '' Don't rip my pirate outfit," and we think managing costumes sure is fun.
Scene 4.
Production Staff
Much of the responsibility for the success of the play lies with us. At the first meeting, everyone gets assignments. Henry O'Donnell is program and Chip Behr is tickets. Bozo Schweitzer heads publicity and Bill Bryers heads the ads committee . Kevin Keenan leads us all. Our stationery is printed up - very d istinguished . The program layout sheets arrive from Butler. Sixty-four pages of sorting pictures, writing copy and getting ads is ahead of us. The tickets come three weeks late, and Chip has to sort them out. There are Friday night meetings that last until Saturday morning , and we lose 400 cigarettes. Bill Powell guides us over the many rough spots. A milestone comes on January 29 our first ticket order. There are deadlines to meet, and publicity to get out. We keep credits, debits, paidout and cash received (call it Accounting II). The Dramatics office acquires that "lived in" look, as half finished layout sheets are everywhere. There are requests to " give me Garamond 18 point type, " and we order 5000 programs. The ticket drive begins three weeks before opening night, and " find someone to sell tickets 4th period. " We still find time to play with the calculator, but much more needs to be done. We rarely leave school now, as last minute snags keep popping up. Hours are spent sorting out a hundred different things, and there are many phone calls to make. Finally, after eight months of work and waiting , the show arrives. The programs are picked up, the tickets are sold , and we get into our tuxedos with the pride of knowing what we contributed to LaSalle Theater. Scene 5. Actors and Rehearsals A first practice, Bob Bolsover leads a chorus of Coffee Break on Sunday afternoon. Reading for Broadway Gene and the naming of parts occurs. We memorize our lines over the Christmas holidays (ho-ho-ho). Rehearsals begin seriously in January. Jean picks her dancers, and the studio becomes their home. ' 'Does anyone know what we' re doing?" Speaking parts go to Room 106 after school. Workouts become harder and the hours become longer. We're still light years away, but improving every day. Finally, we get on the stage. Amid the sounds of hammers and drills, we run through the first act. Steve Glenn plays the fall guy, and Kim Williams makes a good sexpot. Practices become more frequent. Joe Ciccimaro and the band come on Sunday nights. Brother Gene urges us to flesh out our roles. Jean spends hours with her troupe on a great pirate dance. The girls get Cinderella and the boys get Brotherhood . The days wear on , and we become united with a common goal. Kathy and Danessa strike again, Wally is taught how to walk, and suddenly its showtime, much, much too soon .
Scene 6.
After a week of run-throughs and dress rehearsals, we have our first preview. The thnll of playing to an audience, even a small one, is there. The play is much different now than a month ago. Props are everywhere, pillars and offices move on tracks. elevator doors open on cue, and the heat of the lights is everywhere . Backstage is a beehive. People are all over The dressing rooms are a madhouse, w1th clothes flung everywhere and makeup on everything. Then the three prev1ews are over. They have been useful, giving us confidence in ourselves, and in the band and crews that back us up Half of the cast has colds, but we are ready. Fnday openmg mght. Suddenly everything is new and fresh. The house is packed , and an intense excitement is everywhere. Joe Ciccimaro leads the overture, as the lights slowly focus on J. Pierpont F1nch The magic moment is here. The show proceeds like a dream, everyone is wonderful. Singing, dancing, acting. all goes right The audience loves us. Tim Cox 1s an incredible lead, who just might reach the White House. Colleen Durkin is a beautiful and wonderful Rosemary, with the look of a Cinderella. Steve Glenn is the knitting boss with the heart of gold Kim Williams is Hedy LaRue at her best and a w1ld treasure girl, bes1des. Matt Hooper 1s a nephew who everyone can hate, and Kathy Rob1nson IS as funny and ebullient as ever What a cast! Then it's five more performances, each as special as the first, each as well-liked Sunday night comes, and there are both tears and smiles It is all over, but we were a success. We are all happy-sad, but we are all proud . Just to experience these SIX n1ghts has made all that we did more than worth 1t
Scene 7
After the show and the curtain calls, it's time to take off the makeup, and then it's party time. We spend a few more precious hours with our friends, re-living old memories and creating new ones. Opening night backstage or at the Brother's House, the next week at the Springfield Hotel, we socialize and enjoy the feeling that accomplishment brings. Then it's closing night, and the yearly trip to the Art Museum occurs. We sing and laugh together, and try not to remember that the play is over. But then it is over. The dinner at the Shack and the presentation of the Grahamy Awards completes the year. Well , it's finished . Months of hard work by a huge variety of people has made possible a continuation of the LaSalle tradition of hits. We have succeeded once more, and our memories are good ones. A group of people who were strangers in December have lived and grown and shared together. We are more than a cast and a crew, we are now friends, un ited by a common experience. Because of this, our time together is not yet over. Wickets and bills, deadlines and overalls, dimmer switches and the Company Way will not be forgotten by us. The people and the events and the emotions of the past three months will stay in our lives forever.
A Saturday morning trip to Bryn Athyn or an exchange of ideas with Gwynedd are just a few happenings which highlight the activities of several different clubs. Delivering overdue notices every morning or caring for the many reference and literary materials, the library club provides an important servrce for the students. On one day a flat tire disrupts the bike ride to Washington's Crossing while another afternoon finds the bridge club finessing its way to a slam. Each of these various groups all help to fulfill many of the individual student's unrostered interests.
After a stuttenng start, LaSalle's finally been bequeathed a Creative Arts Club. A conglomeration of John McSheas. Jack Patkuses and Jim Ludov1cis, the c lub's services included showmg comic films like W. C. Field 's " The Barber Shop", serious works like " La Jetee" and all pomts in between , during lunch periods. They planned a night of three one-act plays and provided a staff for a Gazebo. Fridays, most of the club gathered together to watch Kenneth Clark's Civilizatton and topped off the week with re-hashing the fate of H.O.R.S.E. However as a grouping of creative spirits, CAC has succeeded in already encouraging other students to express themselves through prose, poetry, music and visual arts.
Left: Dr. Donald S. Reinhardt, Director of Music, Brass Instructor. Center: Mr. Joseph Zingone, Reed Instructor. Righ t: Mr. Edmund Harvey, Percussion Instructor.
Under the di rection of Brother Thomas McPhilips, LaSalle's band rehearses on Wednesdays and Thursdays, and plays at LaSalle's home football games. Most of the members of the band, along with many music-minded students , take advantage of Dr . Reinhardt's theory class on Friday (which includes such advanced material as arranging and composing), and the several class in instruction in various musical instruments, given on Thursdays. Perhaps the most sophisticated achievement of the Music Department is the wind ensemble, directed by Dr. Reinhardt. Made up of forty-five musicians, mostly college students, the wind ensemble rehearses on Fridays, and gives a concert at the end of the school year. The wind ensemble is well-known for its trumpet section . Dr. Donald S. Reinhardt celebrates his 50th year of teaching music this year. As brass instructor, director of music and theory teacher, he has won the appreciative respect of LaSalle students and of students of music from all around the world.
The Spirit Club, the activist arm of Student Council, organizes student support for LaSalle activities as its major function. Pep rallies and painting signs are visible symbols of this, but we do much more than lead cheers. We also supply the workers to run the many programs of Student Council. The "crew" runs mixers, was responsible for the WCAU Game and provided ushers at dinners and the play. They also become a sedan chair for Big Guy on the occasion of faculty games. But mostly, the Spirit Club is there, to give vocal and physical support wherever it is needed.
Thank God , it's Thursday again! Let's get over to the alleys! Thus, the members of the bowling club begin another match. Competition is heated-Nice shot lump-O . K ., another strike-Damn, another 200 game for one of the Gillespies-There is a lot of yelling, chiding, cheering, and moaning. Teams as well as individuals compete with fervor-rarely is a match over before the last frame.
However, competition isn 't fierce. The bowling club was formed to provide an outlet for the tensions that sometimes build up on a student. Therefore this is a club where having fun is the number one goat.
Practice starts with sprints and layup drills. Basketballs everywhere , and the smell of the gym all around us. The team solidifies into fifteen individuals working together. Much of the responsibility for the success of the team is placed on Denny Purcell and Lou Canelli, co-captains. They must work with the coach to get us prepared for the season and must lead us during the games. The first few weeks are quite hard. We have coach Oz 's " 7 stations" to perform every day, and then there are scrimmages and more running . The fun of playing together makes the days easier, however. Tony Ciabattone turns into "wil~man " and Jack Flannery is " hatchetman ". Bob Garber becomes " bo-bo", Lou Canelli is "schultzy", and Ted Gutovich might just be the best junior big man in the world, after all. Then there were the speed contests. Ted won the quickest man to the water fountain award, and Denny won the prize for getting off the most shots in a minute. But Joe Ragg didn't win anyth ing. The knowledge that LaSalle is a contender also makes practices feel shorter.
,•. ,--
At last, the season begins, a few disappointing exhibitions, but against Kenrick, we win, and the next three games as well. Early in January, we beat Dougherty and take over undisputed first place. Denny Purcell is nothing short of fantastic during these weeks, as he is near the top of Catholic League scoring. The other starters, Lou Canelli, Ted Gutovich, Joe Mihalich, and Bob Carber, were also playing well, but, more importantly, all five of them were operating as a team. Then five disappointing losses occurred as LaSalle basketball went into a slump. It looked as if the playoffs were lost for good. But we held a team meeting and tried to put the year back into focus. The results of this meeting were immediate. Starting with a win over Dougherty, we finished the season without another loss. The play of everyone on the team improved drastically during this time. Much of the credit belonged to Lou and Denny, as they transferred our unity off the court into an essential teamwork during the games. The culmination of the year was the decisive wins over North and Judge, and our trip to the Palestra playoffs. We had excitement, victory , heartbreak, and enjoyment. We knew what it was like to be in first place, and we knew what it was like to lose. But mostly we learned how fifteen people could live and work together for six months and have fun doing it.
In February, a handful of LaSalle students dumped their sweethearts, dropped their six-packs and picked up their oars to concentrate on rowing. For five months, we sprinted , lifted, pulled, pushed and blistered our bodies. We had a spanking new boathouse, run by a deported Bulgarian block chipper, a dashing new coach, who was soon to have a baby, and a dockful of dedicated kids, who were ready to settle down and set their minds on pulling an oar. What more could we ask for? Knuke even refused to drive a girl home from a mixer one night - we were truly dedicated. Our personnel wasn't much to write home about, but we were a team. We had a deadman, a deviant, a lush, four oarsmen of Polish extraction, a Koltys 'and a McShea. Put them together in a shell and they would click like an accutron watch.
Rowmg is power, endurance and grace combined into one motion, and th1s motion 1s restrained only by the rower's mmd Once unleashed we were awesome. Throughout the races, as we approached the f1nish, our heartbeats accelerating and our legs slamming down on the stretchers, with our blades on either side of the gunnel exploding at the catch and snapping through the current. Catch, recover and then kick it again, finish and experience the pain that brings the satisfaction of victory to those of the LaSalle Crew Team.
More than any other sport, track requires the dedication of the Individual. It is a gut-level sport - running, sweating, striving , pushing. The sprinters going all out to lower their times - the hurdlers trying to perfect their forms - the high-jumpers striving for that extra lift. We have to look inside ourselves for that extra speed, that extra push, that third wind that separates those who are only adequate in their events from those who excel I.
Coaching is all important. Coach Donnelly provides advice for the long-distance runners - tips on training, pacing, and breathing advice that often is the difference between winning and coming in second . Brother Luke ' s help is invaluable. He is our instructor. He shows the high-jumpers the way to jump, the javelin throwers the way to throw the javelin, the shot-putters how to putt the shot. Also, his dedication is a model for us. Mr. Devine helps the sprinters. His knowledge of starting , rhythm and form all help to lower times.
Why do we participate in track? There are a number of reasons. It is fun, it is competitive, it is a release, it is satisfying.
Backed by the experience that last year's record testifies to and starting practice nearly two months before any of the other league, LaSalle's '73 Baseball Team has put forth the effort and possesses the talent that usually results in a winning team. Under coaches Ray Mattern, Mike "Pud" Jordan and Bro. David Rogers the team's outfield of Gubicza, Sharkey and Gramlich with the infield squad consisting of Brett, Quinn and Waldron have honed their skills through hours of practice. With the invaluable assistance of the Ph illies' Ed Molush, Kevin Rodden and Bob Hoehn have worked and improved the battery's performance.
Diligently grinding their way through 3 to 5:30 practices prodded by " Pud " ( " Let' s stop the clowning") and the long awaited inspiring arrival of c o - captains Bryers and Jackson ( " Yo . Bill , where were you the first month and a half '), the team is simultaneously preparing for its April 9th opening game and , with an able group of underclassmen, for future seasons. With justifiable confidence . th1s year's baseball team looks forward to a successful season in the tough competition of the Northern Catholic League In the process they have continued the trend towards more and more enthusiastically backed baseball here at LaSalle.
Sitting lett to nght. B Bryars, J M1hallch, F. Gramlich, P. Sharkey, H. McCaffery, K Rodden Standing. left to right: J. Brett, M Cassâ&#x20AC;˘dy. T Jackson. J Qu.nn, T Gutowicz, B. Hoehn, G. Gubicza.
With only Jerry Connor return1ng, we really needed the expenenced coach1ng of Brother Kevin McManus and Mr. Michael Bruno. Nevertheless, as ambitious netman, we sought a successful season based on building our skills. Steve Daly, Phil Kelly, Rich Bond , Matt Gill. Frank Domszalski , John Renard, Mark Guitfrida, Phil Horn, Dave Smith proved to be a real challenge to league rivals. We now look ahead to winning days.
Three returning All-Catholics and red , white and blue shoes lead the approach to another season of slick greens and tight fairways. Reminders that pre-season practices are important or the choosing of the playing order start us off again . Early spring highlighted by the special " blob swing " or a universal after-swing pose as $1 .75 golf ball sa ils majestically into the quarry. " A Florida trip should help." Wakeful comments from the coach and hopes of a forfeit when the other team hasn ' t showed up yet carry us through the middle of the season . Practice for McDevitt? On to the League championship with expectation of another high finish . Whether chasing a squirrel from the path of your shot or winning that other Y2 point, golf fills many afternoons with something extra and something different.
Intramural reps meet in Room 101 and it's time for the opening kick-off. Only at LaSalle can you see the quarterback run a quadruple reverse and punts that go straight up in the air. lntramurals is the general term used to describe a collection of classic confrontations in such sports as chess, ping pong and basketball. The purpose of the program is to provide an outlet for students not talented enough to make our varsity teams, to have the chance of participating in a variety of sports. The result is a collection of homeroom talents and misfits clashing head-on with enemy homerooms for various championships. The season begins with some of our more stalwart students setting out on a cross-country jaunt, and it continues until the last out of the last softball game is called some eight months later. In between there are a lot of double jumps, checkmates, three point plays, goals, record-breaking times and touchdowns.
entrance exam-a first glimpse ... the rainy first day ... orientation ... intramural everything ... one bead mass ... The Lottery ..
castles tor Big Guy ... El Greco ... eight periods and a cafeteria ... videotapes .. . cero ... Shalom: Ushka .. .
S bus to nowhere ... Bilbo and Frodo ... Salvitt and Herman ... first mixer: so who dances? ... Kill the pig ... humanities ...
tabletop football and hockey ... New York (Our Town) ... Abbey Road ... a bomb squad in the art room ... LoGuidice ... champs in 4A ... Bubbles .. .
moratonum day . . Wally Cox gives a quizzee . 2001 ... movie making? ... A non-Catholic priest? ... Murphy's Law .. .
gym with Obie ... 50th straight win ... Fantasia ... The New Yorker three times a week and the Mets are world champions ... "That's a lie" ... becoming a homeroom ...
~ -
•... ~t'f
short hair and ties . .. Aku-Aku ... earth day ... strange odors in the IPS Jab ... Dr. Shock and Boris . . . " all right you guys"-the Good Brother . ..
South Pacific ... Wer fehlt heute ... " My brother from Vanderbilt " ... Brother Emilian ... " Hands off the machines, gentlemen '路 ... 333 ...
finally a sophomore ... yo-yos ... Mr. Wilsbach to Fritz ... baseball on computer ... Drums Along the Mohawk ... a free period at last ... LOU COSTAR
the Rock and Sklad department NEDT "Come back, Shane" lunar productions report cards Montage will play this weekend 0
Colistry . .. The Scourge .. . protractors and compasses .. . historic Philadelphia .. . a skeleton in the closet .. . the great white whale .. .
Wolfman ... Big Guy makes a phone call ... PTSA meetings ... no more dress code .. . loop films ... the Daily Bulletin . ..
"a dry earthworm-- " .. . Quinlan, Russo, and Dymski--democracy in action . .. Wiley to the hoop ... Little Big Man . .. a swimming dynasty ... glass-recycling drive ... TED PRZYBYLOWSKI
geometry problems on the board . .. Nads at the Flourtown lanes . .. All in the Family ... uglyman contest ... " gonna draw ya a pitcher" .. . broken test tubes must be paid for KEVIN KEENAN
Involvement Day . .. frisbee football . .. microscopes and scum jars ... Huckleberry Finn ... Elton John ... Mr. Russell and Brother James ...
28-68 on intramural field 1/ . . . "yeah man, What'S cookin' " ... Hello Dolly .. . Brother Hugh and Fid .. . SEPTA strike ... soph hop ...
keep on truckin' ... Happy Jack's moral theology ... 1776 ... silver nitrate ... basquash .. year of the explorer ... CHRIS SZAL
Ari Hoogenboom ... rings ... Buster Crabbe ... Firesign Theatre ... English combined with arrogance for junior humanities ... Artie's ...
Studs in Chicago ... young people! .. . Big Jake and the Bad Creek Express .. . Super ref Bogle ... "shutta yo'mout" . . . language tapes, to increase comprehension (ha!) ... 176
"freedom for Nick and Bart" ... the Spanish wrestler ... Catch-22 ... ring dance and prom ... Involvement Day II ... Palestra . .. TERRY SMITH
eternal double periods of Chemistry ... French Connection ... get in gear with Clutch ... Gatsby and Baby Doe ... TLA at nine in the morning ... Joe Turk: "I started out as a child" .. .
wazool .. . lesen und denken ... cross country champs ... Thick as a Brick .. . algebra II and trig ... Oz wears tights .. .
Colleen Durkin Memorial Kazoo Band . . . "pie in the sky when you die" ... OiStefano-KirkWalsh ... Pavlo Hummel ... a junior cheering section ... four fallen angels--it's delovely . ..
a vote for Spagnoletti is a vote CARL SACCHETTI
for Spagnoletti ... driving to school . . . Marshall ... Bro Fred in the bookstore .. . compare and contrast interpretations ... boards in March ...
the last year ... power failure holiday ... La Salle 33-Egan 6 ... student council office ... new principal ... David Bowie
J路 路~
Dtct \)ti:' .II
1' E~~
The Seven Samurai ... class point deductions ... trips to the guidance office ... Saint Joan and the priest . . . "bring your green faith books to class" ... modern American foreign policy
derivatives and integration ... McGovernShriver ... a visit to Mr. Diehl ... casual yearbook photos ... LaSalle Environmental Action Force ... Brother Gene Graham. 184
The Godfather .. . the balcony crew ... Brew/and in political science . .. a cross country dynasty ... Free Buz Kane Wernersville and Sparks ... JOHN O'DOHERTY
momentum problems and velocity vectors ... a clean cafeteria ... more Turk stories ... Brother William trades places with Brother Carl ... Sons and Lovers . . a fourth year of intramurals ...
Fu-bear and his animal farm .. . Hedy LaRue ... interviews with Brother John . .. where are the Iron Ducks of yesteryear ... jackson, mingo, and vito . . . " the syndrome is problematic, and I can 't cope with it" . . . KEVIN HEALY
Doctor Dan ... Snurd, Mr. Important, and Super Bill--make the world safe for student council ... Oedipus Rex ... Elmer and friends in the pit ... How to Succeed in Business ... pumpkin carols by the cafeteria choral society ...
a golf power . .. decisions on college ... springtime at LaSal/e--class outside? ... no greasers in our parking lot ... the Senior Prom ... graduation in two weeks ...
a diploma-the years went so quickly ... take my phone number and keep in touch ...
So there they remain-194 specific impressions of the four years past representing 194 different ways of experience those four years held for each of us.
Time changes things. Therefore , are those friendships once cautious, now so " permanent", supposed to disappear as the usage of nicknames, like Artie or Cas or Bozo or Hun, that once echoed so frequently down the corridors, is destined to fade? Maybe yes.
Then what can we take with us-only random memories? In ten or twenty years what will we retain of our learning at LaSalle? Not the demands of canon law or the basic essentials of mechanical drawing-these are merely trappings for another lesson that indiscreetly exists beneath them . That lesson is a simple process that occurred in each of our lives, a process that had us being only one in seven or eight classrooms full of randomly assorted , totally unique kids, and in four years, having all of us similarly evolving, all eventually sharing in the final results: Friends, plans, progress . All made. That we , each and every one of us, did participate in and are capable of repeating such a reaction in other phases of our lives, is the most important thing we have been taught, the most influential remnant of experience we will leave with .
Distinguished Patrons: LaSalle High Bookstore The Fidelity Bank Mr. Joseph F. Burke Honored Patrons: Mrs. Raymond E. Jefferies Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Draham Mr. and Mrs. Leo M. Draham Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Marlin R. Souders LaSalle High Forensics Club Mr. and Mrs. Charles D. Burke Mr. and Mrs. Richard F. Walsh LaSalle High Alumni Office Mr. and Mrs. Harry Widmann Mr. and Mrs. William J. Clark Mr. Edward McCabe Daniel J. Feeney Family The DiStefanos Mr. and Mrs. James F. Lawler Mrs. Sarah V. Grim Mrs. Alice T. Kliment Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Elsesser Friends: Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Proko Rosalie and Catherine LaSalle High Library Staff Mr. Ray Mattern Mr. Thomas Donnelly Mr. Mark McGovern Mr. James McKeogh Mr. David Diehl Mr. Michael Bruno Mr. and Mrs. Paul P. Burke Brother Lewis Mullin Mr. Michael Jordan Christopher von Hake
editors bud kliment rich walsh associate editors mark caponigro mike draham tom elsesser jim feeney nick harris pete proko drew wakelee
photography mike maicher kurt heilbronn ray burke hank o'donnell chris von hake moderator gerald tremblay
contributors steve glenn rich heleniak phil smith mike whiteside john grace tom jackson spike souders rich wroblewski chris tremblay
writers chip behr, bill bryers, lou canelli, mark daniele, tom distefano, kevin gillespie, jim ludovici, JOhn mcshea 194
EDWIN H. ABERNETHY 46 Township line Road Elkins Park 19117 Saint James ES-9-4480 7A , 68, 6C, 20 Football Mgr. 1, 2, 3(L) ... Crew 1, 2 ... Student Council 4 . JOSEPH F. ANGELICHIO 1701 Thayer Drive Norristown 19403 Saint Helena 277-341 5 2A, 28, 3C, 50 Football 1 ... Track 1, 2 ... Student Council 2 ... Spirit Club 1. 3, 4 ... lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4. ROBERT F. BAYER 7849 Anita Drive Philadelphia 191 11 Resurrection of Our Lord RA-5-4872 1A. 18, 6C, 40 Spirit Club 2, 3, 4 ... Weight lifting 2, 3, 4 ... Student Council 2, 3. 4 ... lntramurals 1, 2, 3,
4. GREGG J. BEATY 825 N. Fairway Road Glenside 19038 Saint Luke 3A, 58. 1C. 50 885-3982 Gazebo 2 ... Scholastic L 2 . ERNEST M. BEHR 4110 Jackson Dr. Lafayette Hill 19444 Saint Philip Nerl 4A, 58, 6C, 50 VE-6-7407 Track 1 ... Cross-country 1 ... lntramurals 1. 2, 3, 4 ... Swimming 1, 2(L), 3(l), 4(L) (captain) . . . Dramatics 3, 4 . . . Spirit Club 1, 2. 3 ... Prom Committee 3, 4. MATTHEW P. BERNARD 202 Mathers Road Blue Bell 19422 Epiphany of Our Lord 643-4604 58, 5C, 60 Science Club 2 ... lntramurals 2, 3, 4 ... Ecology Club 4 ... Bicycle Club 2, 3, 4 ... Photography Club 4. MARK B. BERNICK 122 Bethlehem Pike Philadelphia 191 18 Our Mother Of Consolation CH-7-7845 3A. 26. 6C, 50 lntramurals 1, 2, 3 , 4 ... Cross-country 2, 3. 4 ... Track 2, 4. RICHARD T. BIDDLE 4027 Crescent Avenue Lafayette Hill 19444 Saint Philip 828-7516 2A, 26, 4C, 40 Cross-country 2, 3(L). 4(l) (captain) ... Track 1, 2, 3(L), 4(L) ... Swimming 2, 3, 4 ... Student Council 4 ... lntramurals 1. 2. 3. 4. ANTHONY A. BONANNI 225 East 14th Avenue Conshohocken 19428 Saints Cosmos and Damian 828-3602 4A, 38, 1C, 10 Track 2 ... lntramurals 1, 2. 3. 4 ... Weight lifting 2, 3 ... lntramurals 1. 2, 3, 4. JAMES P. BRETT 240 South Lynnwood Avenue Glenside 19038 Saint Luke TU-4-2632 3A, 58, SC, 1D Football 1. 2, 3(l). 4(l) ... Baseball 2(L), 3(L), 4(l) ... Weight lifting 2, 3, 4 ... Spirit Club 3, 4 . . . lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Student Council 1, 3, 4. CHARLES G. BROWN 84 Kingwood Lane
Levittown 19055 Saint Michael The Archangel 945-1820 7A, 58. 6C, 60 Crew 1, 2, 3(l), 4(L) ... lntramurals 1, 2, 3 , 4. WILLIAM J. BAYERS 8151 Ridge Avenue Philadelphia 19128 Immaculate Heart Of Mary IV-2-4200 6A, 18, 2C, 60 Swimming 1 ... Football 1, 2{l), 3(L), 4(L) ... Baseball 2(L), 3(l), 4(L) ... lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 . . . Senate 3 . . . Student Council 1, 4 ... Weight lifting 2, 3, 4 ... Prom Committees 3, 4. BRIAN J. BURKE 2319 Solly Avenue Philadelphia 19152 Resurrection Of Our lord DE-2-3855 7A, 48, 5C, 30 lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Golf 3(L), 4(l) ... Science Club 2, 3 .. . Scholastic L, 1 ... Spirit Club 1. JOSEPH M. BURKE 501 Southampton Road Philadelphia 19116 Saint Christopher OR-3-8770 2A, 38, 2C, 1D lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Student Council 4. MICHAEL J . CAHILL 1814 lafayette Drive Southampton 18966 Our lady of Good Council 357-8680 1A, 78, 2C, 10 Basketball 1, 2 ... Student Council 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Prom 3 ... lntramurals 1, 2, 3 , 4 ... Spirit Club 2, 3. LOUIS N. CANELLI JR. 4246 N. Marshall Street Philadelphia 19140 Saint Henry CL-5-0269 2A, 1B, 3C, 70 Basketball 1, 2{L), 3{L), 4{L) . . . Track 1(L). 2(L), 3(L), 4(L) . . . Spirit Club 3, 4 . . . lntramurals 1. 2, 3, 4 ... Student Council 3, 4. MARK S. CAPONIGRO 8709 Patton Road Wyndmoor 19118 Seven Dolors SA, 68, 5C, 70 AD-3-5754 lntramurals 2, 3, 4 ... Newspaper 2 ... Student Council 3 ... Chess Club 4 ... Yearbook ... Scholastic L 1. 3, 4. PAULL. CASTALDI 1115 North 65th Street Philadelphia 19151 Our Lady of lourdes SA, 48, 2C, 70 878-1425 JOHN E. CATTlE 661 Deaver Drive Blue Bell 19422 Epiphany of Our Lord 646-0573 1A, 28, 2C, 50 lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Football 2 ... Ecology Club 4. JOHN C. CHESNA 1307 Wakeling Street Philadelphia 19124 Saint Joachim JE-5-7216 4A, 38, 2C, 30 Track 1 ... Crew 2, 3. 4 ... lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Chess Team 3. MICHAEL P. CHRISTIANSON 8108 Ardleigh Street Philadelphia 19118 Our Mother of Consolation CH-8-5145 7A, 56, 6C, 40 lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 . PETER J. CIOFFI 1436 Dorel Road
Rydal 19046 TU-7-4505 6A. 76, 3C, 50 Our Lady Help of Christians Football 1 ... lntramurals 1. 2. 3, 4 ... Weight lifting 3 ... Student Council 3. THOMAS J . CLARK 1504 Hlwell Street Philadelphia 19149 Saint Martin of Tours CU-9-4820 4A, 58, 6C, 50 lntramurals 1, 2, 3. 4 ... Scholastic L 3. SEAN P. COLGAN 641 Shawmont Avenue Philadelphia 19128 Immaculate Heart of Mary IV-3-3821 SA, 16 , 1C , 60 Cross Country 1 ... Crew 1, 2( l ), 3(L), 4(l) .. Weight lifting 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Spirit Club 4 ... lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 Scholastic L 3. JOSEPH M. CONNELL 437 Tyson Avenue Glenside 19038 Saint Luke TU-4-7247 2A, 78, 1C, 50 Crew 1 ... Dramatics 2, 4 ... lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Band 1. GERALD E. CONNOR 135 Roberts Avenue Glenside 19038 Saint Luke TU-4-4774 A. B. C . 40 Tennis 1, 2(L). 3(L). 4(L) . . Baseball 1 ... Basketball 1 ... lntramurals 1, 2, 3. 4. JOSEPH F. CONNOR 926 Cathedral Road Philadelphia 19128 Immaculate Heart of Mary IV-2-7649 2A, 1B. 3C, 40 lntramurals 1. 2, 3, 4 ... Soc cer Club 1. LOUIS J . COSTAR 6301 North 7th Street Philadelphia 19120 Saint Helena 1A, 68, 2C, 40 CA-4-2843 Football 2(L), 3(L), 4(L) . . . Student Senate 3 ... lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Student Council 2 , 4 ... Spirit Club 2. 3, 4 â&#x20AC;˘.. Prom Commi ttee 3,
4. ANTHONY W. COUL TEA 3125 Stoney Creek Road Norristown 19403 Saint Titus 1C, 70 275-6546 lntramurals 3, 4 .. Dance Committee 3 , 4 . . Spirit Club 3, 4 ... Hockey Club 3, 4 ... Football3. TIMOTHY COX 921 Flllmore Street Philadelphia 19124 Saint Martin of Tours CU-8-1866 6A. 78 , 3C, 1D Dramatics 2, 3. 4 ... lntramurals 1. 2. 3. 4. PETER F. CREMINS 926 Murdoch Road Philadelphia 19150 Saint Raymond CH-7-5007 1A. 28, 2C, 20 lntramurals 1, 2, 3 , 4. ROBERT J . CYZIO 7350 Hlola Road Philadelphia 19128 Saint Josepha! IV-2-4857 7A, 56, 2C. 30 lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Bowling Club 2 . MARK A . DANIELE 8012 Colfax Street Philadelphia 19136 Saint Jerome
DE-1·6320 3A, 78 7C 40 Track 1, 2(L). 3(L), 4(L) Cross-Country 1, 2. 3(L). 4(L) Crew 1 . Sptrlt Club 3, 4 lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 . Student Council 3, 4 Yearbook . ScholastiC L 1, 2, 3, 4. FRANCIS P DAY 5359 N. Sydenham Street Philadelphia 19141 Holy Child SA, 7B. 4C, 20 GL-5-9026 Track 3 ... lntramurals 1 2, 3, 4 . Student Councfl2, 3. MICHAEL A. DELANEY 909 Gienroy Road Philadelphia 19128 Immaculate Heart of Mary 1A. 1B, 3C, 70 IV-3-3264 Newslntramurals 1. 2, 3 , 4 Prom 3, 4 Yearbook paper 2, 3 PATRICK DESMOND 871 1 Sagamore Road Philadelphia 19128 Immaculate Heart of Mary IV-2-7861 SA, 68, SC, 40 NICHOLAS A. DIBELLO 10815 Ellicott Road Philadelphia 19154 Our Lady of Calvary NE-7-7909 3A, 6B, 7C, 50 Golf 3(L), 4(L) . . Student Council 1 . . lntramurals 1, 2, 3. 4 . Scholastic L 1. 3, 4. STEPHEN D. DICICCO 737 01sston Street Philadelphia 191 1 1 Presentation ol the Blessed Virgin Mary RA-5-6252 3A, 48, 2C, 60 lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 . Chess Club 3. THOMAS D. DISTEFANO 51 N Hilltop Drive Churchville 18966 Saint Vincent DePaul 355-1297 SA, 48 7C, 70 lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 • .. Forensics 2, 3, 4 World Affairs Council 3. 4 . . Student Council 2, 3, 4 .. Senate 4 . Ecology Club 3 Scholastic L 1, 2. 3, 4 . CHARLES J DOMBROWSKI 3500 Englewood Street Philadelphia 19149 Saint Matthew MA-4-7217 7A, 58, SC. 70 Crew 1, 2, 3(L), 4(L} . CHRISTOPHER S. DOWNING 8864 Norwood Avenue Philadelphia 19118 Our Mother of Consolation CH-8..()252 1A, 18, 3C, 20 Newspaper 1. 2, 3 ..• Spirit Club 1 , 2 Intram urals 1 , 2, 3, 4 Photography Club 4 MICHAEL L DRAHAM 950 Cricket Avenue Ardsley 19038 Queen of Peace TU-7-3034 SA. 38. 7C, 50 lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 Tennis 2 Crew 3 .•. Spirit Club 3 Yearbook . Chess Club 3, 4 Ecology Club 3 Scholastic L 1 2, 3, 4 DENNIS P DUNN 5852 Magdalena Street Philadelphia 19128 Saint John the Baptist IV-3-5335 2A, 58, 2C, 30 Bowling 3(L), 4(L) Golf 3, 4 . lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 . . Student Council 1 . Scholastic L 1, 2. 3, 4 DONALD M. DURKIN 2189 Lincoln Drive Huntingdon Valley 19006
Our Lady Help of Chnstians 2A. 18, 3C, 50 Wl-7-0959 Football 1, 4(L) . . Basketball 1 2. Track 1 Student Council 4 . lntramurals 1, 3, 4(L) 2, 3, 4. JOHN DURKIN 630 Welsh Road Philadelphia 191 15 Sa.nt Albert the Great OR-3-0658 SA. 1B. 3C, 50 Band 1. 2. 3. 4 . . Ecology 2. 3 lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 CLIFFORD F EIKE 100 West Ave Apt C-29 Jenkintown 19046 Immaculate Conception 885-0197 6A. 78, 4C, 20 lntramurals 1. 2, 3. 4 THOMAS E ELSESSER 1800 Cathedral Road Huntingdon Valley 19006 Saint David OL-9-8871 SA. 4B, SC. 70 Newspaper 2 Yearbook • lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Scholastic L 3, 4. JAMES J FEENEY 533 West Godfrey Avenue Philadelphia 19126 Saint Helena Ll-9-8105 2A, 4B, 7C, 30 Swimming 1, 2 . Yearbook . lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 Spirit Club 4 . . Student Council 4 LEO J. FITZPATRICK 2 Northview Dnve Fitzwatertown 19038 Queen of Peace 4A, 58, 6C, 20 884-1914 lntramurals 1, Cross Country 1 . Tennis 2 2, 3, 4 . . Student Council 3. JOHN F FLANNERY 666 Midway Lane Blue Bell 19422 Epiphany of Our Lord Ml-6-8684 SA, 68, SC, 50 Football 1, 2(L). 3(L), 4(L) ... Basketball 1. 3, 4 . . Track 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Student Council 4 ... Dramatics 2, 3, 4 .. Ecology 3 , 4 lntramurals 1, 2, 3. 4 JOSEPH A FLEMING JR 8440 Chippewa Road Philadelphia 19128 Immaculate Heart of Mary IV-2-1 184 3A. 6B, 3C. 20 Student Council 1, 4 .. Spirit Club 4 . Stage Crew 3, 4 lntramurals 1, 2 3, 4 THOMAS J FORD 7702 East Lane Philadelphia 191 18 Seven Dolors 2A, 28, SC, 20 VE-6-4821 Stage Crew 2, 3 , . lntramurals 1, 2. 3, 4 JOHN W. FORNACE 451 Militia Hill Road Fort Washington 19034 Saint Genev•eve 2A. 4B, 2C, 20 Ml-3-2473 Football 1 Track 1, 2, 3, 4(L) Cross Country 3, 4(L) intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 GEOFFREY FRANCIS 1238 North 64th Street Philadelphia 19151 Our Lady of Lourdes GR-3-01 64 7A, 68, 2C, 70 MARK A FRANZEN 482 Flamingo Street Philadelphia 19128 Immaculate Heart of Mary 482-5748 3A. 28, 3C. 70
lntramurals 1, 2, 3. 4 JOHN M FREED 338 Weymouth Road Norristown 19403 Epiphany of Our Lord 279-1572 SA. 38, 1C, 60 lntramurals 1, 2. 3 4 Bowling Club 4 THOMAS J FREIN 851 Green Valley Drive Philadelphia 19128 Immaculate Heart of Mary 4A, 78, 6C, 70 IV-2-6398 lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 Basketball 1, 3, 4(l) Spirit Club 3, 4. JAMES D. GALEN 2127 Stevens Street Philadelphia 19149 Sa.nt Timothy 3A, 68, 7C, 40 CU-9-3523 Basketball 1, 2 . . lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 MICHAEL W. GALLAGHER 963 Belvoir Road Norristown 19401 Saint Paul 279-6234 SA, 48, 2C, 10 Forensics 1. 2. 3, 4 Chess Club 3. 4 Ecology Club 3. 4 . Photography Club 1. 2, 3, 4 Library Club 1. 2, 3, 4 . . Creative Arts Club 4 CHARLES E. GARGAN 103 East Walnut Park Drive Philadelphia 19120 Sa1nt Joseph WA-7-3258 7A, 58, 3C, 10 Football mgr. 1 ... Spirit Club 3, 4 ... Student lntramurals 1, 2. 3. 4. Council 4 BRIAN 0 GILLESPIE 140 Hickory Hill Road Philadelphia 19154 Our Lady of Calvary NE-2-2036 1A. 18, 4C, 50 Bowling 3(L), 4(l) ... lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 Student Council 4 ..• Bowling Club 2. 3. 4 ••• Photography Club 4 . . Science Club 2 ••. Newspaper 4 KEVIN P GILLESPIE 140 Hickory Hill Road Philadelphia 19154 Our Lady of Calvary NE-2-2036 4A, 78. 4C. 40 Bowling Team 3(L), 4(L) . lntramurals 1, 2, 3, Photography Club 4 .•. 4 Band 2, 3. 4 . Sc1ence Club 2 . . . Bowling Club 2, 3, 4 .•. Newspaper 4. BRUCE R GIVNISH 8409 Elliston Drive Philadelphia 191 18 Our Mother of Consolat1on SA, 38, 7C. 10 VE-6-5474 Swimming 1. 2(L). 3(L) 4(l) Golf 2, 3(L). Track 1 lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 .•. 4(L) Spirit Club 1, 2, 3, 4 . Dramatics 2, 3, 4 .•. Student Council 1, 2. 3. 4 . Prom 3, 4. STEPHEN L GLENN 531 Levick Street Philadelphia 191 1i Samt William 5A,2B,6C.2D 742-6446 Spirit Club 2, 3, 4 Student Council 4 Newspaper 2. 3 . . lntramurals 1. 2, 3. 4 .• • Yearbook. JAMES W. GORMAN 317 Powder Horn Road Fort Washington 19034 Samt Genevieve 828-8507 6A, 1B, 4C. 20 Football 1. 2 . Track 2(L). 3(L). 4(L) . Cross Country 3, 4 ... Yearbook . . Ecology Club 3, 4 Spirit Club 1. 2. 3, 4 . . lntramurals 1. 2. 3. 4.
CARLW. GRAF 791 0 Provident Road Philadelphia 19150 Saint Raymond Lt-8-6998 6A, 78, 1C, 30 lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 . . . Prom 4 . . . Ecology Club 3. FRANCIS X. GRAMLICH 1380 Meetinghouse Road Meadowbrook 19046 Saint Hilary 885-4890 6A, 78, 2C, 10 Football 1, 2 ... Baseball 3, 4 ... Hockey Club 3, 4 ... lntramurals 1, 2. 3. 4 ... Student Council3, 4. JOHN J. GRACE 2125 Stevens Street Philadelphia 19149 Saint Timothy JE-5-4233 SA. 28, SC, 60 Basketball 1, 2 .. • Track 1 ... Ecology Club 2, 3, 4 ... Prom 3, 4 ... Student Council 2, 3, 4 (President) . . . Student Senate 3, 4 . . . Spirit Club 2, 3, 4 ... Scholastic L 2. EDWARD J. GRUBB 142 North Hazel Avenue Langhorne 19047 Our Lady of Grace 757-0158 7A, 58, 1C, 40 Track 1 ... lntramurals 1, 2. 3, 4. GARY M. GUBICZA 593 Monastery Avenue Philadelphia 19128 Saint Mary of the Assumption IV-3-5671 1A, 66, 3C, 60 lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 . . . Baseball 3, 4(L) ... Bowling Club 3, 4 ... Art Club 1, 4. NICHOLAS J. HARRIS 2025 Richard Road Willow Grove 19190 Saint David OL-9-7218 4A, 58, 6C, 60 Crew 3, 4(L) ... lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Forensics 2 ... World Affairs Council 3, 4 ... Ecology Club 4 ... Bicycle Club 4 ... Student Council 4 . . . Creative Arts Club 4 ... Scholastic L 1, 2, 3, 4. CHARLES J. HARVEY 6966 Silverwood Road Philadelphia 19128 Holy Family IV-3-3621 30 Swimming 4 ... lntramurals 4. KEVIN S. HEALY 6835 Gersten Street Philadelphia 19119 Saint Therese Vl-8-4933 1C,4D VINCENT J. HEE 210 Stevens Street Philadelphia 19111 Saint William Pl-5-2755 2A, 7B, 3C, 60 lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4. CHARLES M. HEISER Sumneytown Pike North Wales 19454 Saint Rose of Lima 699-3662 1A, 7B, 2C, 60 JAMES A. HEISER 426 Canarroe Street Philadelphia 19128 Saint Mary of the Assumption IV-2-5687 3A, 1B, 3C, 20 Band 1, 2 ... Art Club 1 ... lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4.
RICHARD J. HELENIAK 330 Leverington Street
Philadelphia 19128 Saint Josephat IV-2-4113 1A, 28, 3C, 10 Yearbook 4 . . Prom 3, 4 . .. lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Spirit Club 4 ... Student Council 4. ROBERT J. HOEHN 12 Cornwall Drive Chalfont 18914 Saint Jude 882-1561 6A, 18, 4C, 40 Football 1, 2, 3(L), 4(L) ... Baseball 3(L), 4(L) ... lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Student Council 4. MARK J. HOWARD 235 Higbee Street Philadelphia 19111 Saint William Pl-2-2699 6A, 1B. 4C, 60 tntramurals 1, 2. 3, 4. THOMAS F. HUGHES 113 West Chesnut Hill Ave. Philadelphia 19118 Our Mother of Consolation CH-7-5068 7A, 78, 6C, 60 Football 1 ... lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Dramatics 3, 4 ... Student Council 4. THOMAS A. JACKSON 516 Jefferson Ave. Cheltenham 19012 Presentation ES-9-2115 1A, 1B. 4C, 40 Football 1, 2 . . Basketball 1. 2, 3 ... Baseball 1(L). 2(L). 3(L), 4(L) ... lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Student Council 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Senate 4 ... Yearbook ... Prom Committee 3, 4 ... Scholastic L 3, 4 ... Swimming 3, 4. MICHAEL A. JANKOWSKI 9810 Redd Rambler Drive Philadelphia 19115 Maternity of the Blessed Virgin Mary OR-3-5528 1A, 68. SC, 70 Swimming 1(L), 2(L). 3(L), 4(L) ... Track 1, 2 ... Spirit Club 3, 4 ... Student Council 1, 3, 4 ... Ecology Club 3, 4 ... lntramurals 1, 2. 3, 4. MICHAEL J. JAYNE 424 Manor Road Hatboro 19040 Saint John Bosco OS-5-4275 7A, 6B, 1C, 60 lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4. WILLIAM J. KANE 906 Cathedral Road Philadelphia 19128 Immaculate Heart of Mary IV-3-7162 6A, 48, 1C, 0 Crew 1 ... Football 2, 3, 4(L) ... Wrestling 3 ... lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Student Council 3, 4. THOMAS J. KEATING 436 Timberlake Road Upper Darby 19082 Saint Cyril CL-9-1673 Basketball 1 . . . Cross-Country 2 ... lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Student Council 2, 3, 4. KEVIN M. KEENAN 126 Atwood Road Philadelphia 19118 Saint Genevieve AD-3-2347 1A, 1B, 4C, 50 Football 1, 2(L), 3(L), 4(L) ... Track 2, 3(L) .. . lntramurals 1. 2, 3, 4 ... Student Council 4 .. . Dramatics 4 ... Spirit Club 4. THOMAS F. KELLER 3112 Longshore Avenue Philadelphia 19149 Saint Matthew 3A, 58, SC, 40 DE-8-1571 Swimming mgr. 2, 3, 4(L) . . . Cross Country mgr. 3 ... Track mgr. 3 ... lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4.
MARK S. KELLY 7740-C-Stenton Avenue Philadelphia 19118 Our Mother of Consolation CH-2-0399 7A, 58, 1C, 10 Football 1, 2 .. . Golf 2, 3(L), 4(L) ... Spirit Club 3, 4 . .. Student Council 4. ROBERT W. KELLY 3256 Bridle Path Lane Dresher 19025 Queen of Peace 885-5777 1A, 48, 6C, 60 lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Bowling Club 4 Student Council 2, 3 ... Art Club 2, 3, 4. CHRISTOPHER J. KIRK 7648 Williams Avenue Philadelphia 19150 Saint Raymond of Penafort CA-4-4583 SA, 68, 7C, 50 Bowling 2, 3(L) . . . lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 Student Council 3, 4 ... Bowling Club 3, 4. EDWARD M. KLIMENT 508 San Gabriel Avenue Philadelphia 19111 Saint Hilary of Poitlers ES-9·3273 SA, 78, 7C, 20 lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ... World Affairs Council 3 ... Art Club 1 ... Library Club 2 ... Yearbook 4 .. . Newspaper 2 ... Scholastic (L) 1, 4. MICHAEL P. KOHLER 1601 Township Line Road Norristown 19403 Saint Helena 2A. 7B. 1C, 10 Football 1 ... Track 1 ... Crew 2 ... Swimming 3(L), 4 ... Student Council 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Senate 3. WALTEA P. KOLTYS 5219 N. 11 st. Philadelphia 19141 Holy Child 7A, 68, 7C, 30 OA-9-1139 Crew 2, 3(L), 4(L) ... lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 .. . Student Council 4 ... Newspaper 1 ... Ecology 4 ... Photography Club 4 ... Spirit Club 3, 4 ... Yearbook 4 ... Dramatics 4. RICHARD A. KOTAS 2924 Grlsdaie Road Roslyn 19001 Saint John of the Cross OL-9-7112 SA, 4B, 7C, 70 Soccer Club 1 ... lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Hockey Club 4 . . . Scholastic Letter 2. MARK C. KRADZINSKI 4322 Elsinore Street Philadelphia 19124 Holy Innocents CU9-1841 SA, 4B, 7C, 30 lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Photography Club 2, 3, 4 ... Computer Club 2, 3. W. HILLIARD B. KRECKER Gypsy Hill Road Gwynedd Valley 19437 Saint Rose Ml-6-0853 1A. 6B, 4C, 60 lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Photography Club 3, 4. GARY S. LA PALOMBARA 1528 Birchwood Avenue Roslyn 19001 Saint John of the Cross 659-6518 6A. 38, 2C, 20 ROBERT F. LAVELLE 402 East Aliens Lane Philadelphia 19119 Holy Cross CH-8-2207 6A, 26, 3C, 30 JOHN E. LAVIN 4034 South Warner Road Lafayette Hill 19444
Saint Phillip 6A, 78. 4C. 10 828-4527 Wrestling 3 ... Band 1 , 2. 3, 4. RORY J LAWLER 627 Renz Street Philadelphia 19111 Immaculate Heart of Mary 1A, 28, 2C, 70 IV-3-7516 lntramurals 1. 2, 3. 4 Oramatecs 3, 4. JAMES W LOMANNO 8628 Ferndale Street Philadelphia 19115 Saint Albert the Great 3A, 78, 4C, 10 H0-4-3579 Track 2(L}, 3(L}, 4(L} .. Cross Country 3 . Intramural 1. 2, 3, 4 GERARD T McCANN 1107 Greenhill Road Flourtown 19031 Saint Genevieve 3A, 2B, 6C. 40 VE-6-5093 Bowling 2(captaln}. 3 • lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 Bowling Club 2, 3, 4 . Dramatics 3, 4 Ecology Club 2, 3, 4 Photography Club 4 Newspaper 4 YearbOOk JAMES 0 . McGLINN 4116 Kottler Onve Lafayette Hill 19444 Saint Philip Nerl VE-6-5029 4A, 38, 1C, 60 Football 1, 2(L), 3(L}, 4(L} . Track 1 . Wrestling 3 lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4. TERENCE J. McGLINCHEY 909 W County line Ad Warminster 18974 Nativity of Our Lord OS-5-3306 7A, 68, SC, 50 lntramurals 1, 2. 3, 4 ... Wrestling 3 ... Student Council 1. JAMES G McGONIGAL 4962 Bmgham St. Philadelphia 19120 Saint Ambrose 457-4043 SA. 38, 2C. 40 lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4. JOHN McSHEA 401 4 Fairway Rd. Lafayette Hill19444 Saint Philip Nerl 828-4371 6A, 18, 4C, 10 Football 1, 2, 3(L}, 4(L} Crew 1, 2(L}. 3(L), 4(L) Capt .. lntramurals 1, 2. 3, 4 Spin! Club 2, 3 . Student Council 2, 4. ALGIS MACIUNAS 247 E Albanus St. Philadelphia 19120 Saint Ambrose OA-4-2947 2A, 3B, SC, 1D Track 1 Football 1, 3 .•• lntramurals 1, 2. 3. 4 Scholastic Letter 1 FRANK 0 . MAGEE 2019 Washington Lane Meadowbrook 19046 Our Lady Help of Christians Wl-7-1791 1A, 48, SC. 1D Golf 2 3, 4(L} German Club 1 Soccer Club 1 GEORGE T MAGNATTA 943 Anchor St. Philadelphia 19124 Saent Martin of Tours CU-8-1347 7A. 48, 1C, 40 Football 1 • Crew 2 . • lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 Dramatics 4 JOHN G MALONE 337 Burbeck Ave Philadelphia 19111 Saint Cecilia 6A, 1B. 4C, 20 Fl-2-4851
Track 3. 4(L} Cross-<:ountry 3, 4(L) . . Intramural 1, 2. 3. 4 Art Club 2, 3, 4 EUGENE J MANCUSO 2741 Rhawn St. Philadelphia 19152 Saint Jerome 6A, 3B, 2C, 50 lntramurals 1. 2. 3, 4 . Student Council 1 Science Club 2 Weightlilting 2 PETER J MARCOLINA 7 Andorra Hill Ad Lafayette Hill 19444 Saint Philip 1A, 1B. 4C. 10 828-4971 lntramurals 1. 2, 3, 4 BowlBasketball 1 . Dramatics 2, 3, 4 Spirit Club ing 2, 3. 4 4 CHARLES J MARGIOTTIIII 3907 Vaux St Philadelphia 19129 Saint Bridget Vl-3-4710 1A, 6B, SC. 40 Hockey Club 2, 3. 4 . Crew 1 lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 Student Council 4 DAVID A MASCERI 1632 Biddle Ad Huntington Valley 19006 Saint Albert the Great Wl-7-2296 7A, 4B, 7C, 30 lntramurals 1. 2, 3, 4 ... Dramatics 3, 4 .. Student Council 2 Glass Drive 3 . World Affairs Council 3 . Scholastic Letter 1. 2, 3, 4 JOHN V MASTRONARDO 8238 Cedarbrook St. Philadelphia 19150 Saint Raymond CH-2-6343 2A. 3B, 1C, 60 Football 1, 2, 3(L}, 4(L) . . . Track 1, 2(L}. 3(L), 4(L} . lntramurals 1. 2, 3, 4. WILLIAM A. MEEHAN JR. 15034 Kelvin Ave Philadelphia 19116 Saint Christopher OR-3-5362 6A, 6B, 3C. 70 Football 1, 2, 3(L), 4(L} . . Football Trainer 2 Student Council 3, 4 . .. Wrestling 3, 4 Spirit Club 3, 4 CRAIG L MENTA 953 Godfrey Avenue Philadelphia 19124 Saent Martin of Tours 7A, 58, 6C, 70 Pl-3-5724 lntramurals 1. 2, 3, 4 RICHARD S. MICHEL 2525 Ball Road Willow Grove 19090 Saint Caved OL-9-5673 3A, 1B, 3C, 7D Crew 3 lntramurals 1, 2 3, 4 • Student Council 4 Sperit Club 4 JOHN J MIRIELLO 651 0 North 5th Street Philadelphia 19126 Saint Helena 548-4048 4A. 2B, 4C, 40 Track 1 Student Council 2 . lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 KENNETH T MITSKAS 3005 Devereaux Avenue Philadelphia 19149 Saint Timothy Pl-3-8125 6A. 1B. 4C. 1D Football 1, 2, 3(L), 4(l) ... Weightlilteng 1, 2, 3, 4 .. lntramurals 1. 2. 3, 4 . Student Council 3, 4. JOHN M MOLINA 3907 Fairdale Road Philadelphia 19154 Our Lady of Calvary
NE-2-0637 6A, 68. 7C. 70 Soccer Club 1 . lntramurals 1 2, 3, 4. ALBERT S MULRONEY 610 Renz Street Philadelphia 19128 Immaculate Heart of Mary IV-3-3331 1A, 58, 6C, 40 lntramurals 1, 2. 3. 4 . Chess Club 3, 4 Chess Team 3. ROBERT NIX 6640 Lincoln Drive Philadelphia 19119 Saint Madeline Sophee Vl-9-3597 3A, 28. 3C. 10 Football 1, 2(L}. 3(L}. 4(L} Basketball 1 Track 1 Weighthfting 1, 2, 3 , 4 In· tramurals 1. 2, 3, 4 Student Counc11 4 Spirit Club 3, 4. GERALD P NUGENT 8408 Elliston Drive Philadelphia 19118 Seven Dolors VE-6-4358 3A, 28, 2C, 20 Bowling Club 2, 3. 4 Ecology Club 2, 3, 4 World Affairs Council 2, 4 lntramurals 1. 2 3, 4 JOHN P O'CONNELL 4048 North Warner Road Lafayette Hill19444 Samt Philip Nerl 828-4393 3A, 28, 3C, 10 Basketball 1, 3(L), 4(L) lntramurals 1 , 2. 3, 4 Sp1nt Club 4 . . Student Council 4. JOHN F O'DOHERTY 3155 Stamford Street Philadelphia 19136 Saint Jerome OE-3-0425 7A. 68, SC, 70 lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 HENRY M O'DONNELL 439 East Mount Airy Avenue Philadelphia 19119 Holy Cross CH-8-0132 1A, 18, 7C, 10 lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 .. Wistenan 2, 4 ... Photography 4 . Ecology Club 3, 4 . World Af· fairs Council 3, 4 . Student Council 4 Yearbook 4 . Dramatics 4 KEVIN P O' NEILL 13400 Stevens Road Philadelphia 19116 Sa1nt Christopher 7A, 38, 1C, 20 OA-3-3990 Cross Country 2. RICHARD M. PACZEWSKI 7560 Battersby Street Philadelphia 19152 Saint Matthew OE-3-4410 4A 28, 3C, 30 Crew 2, 3(L), 4(L) . lntramurals 1, 2. 3. 4 DOMINIC M. PARANZiNO 2750 South Smedley Street Philadelphia 19145 Saint Richard OE-6-3647 4A. 78. 4C. 60 Band 3, 4 ScholastiC L 1. MICHAEL A PARKER 512 67th Avenue Philadelphia 19126 Saint Joseph 4A, 68. 1C, 10 HA-4-7234 Cross Country 2 . . InBowling 2, 3, 4{L} Bowling Spirit Club 3 tramurals 1, 2. 3. 4 Club 2 STEPHENW PELENSKY 9729 Larem1 Road Philadelphia 19115 Saint Albert the Great SA, 48, 7C, 30 OR-3-8435
Track 1 . . Tennis 3, 4 ... Forensics 1 . . Science Club 2 . lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ... ScholastiC l1 , 3, 4 PHILIP L. PENNY 390 Folly Road Chalfont 18914 Saint Joseph 343-0134 2A, 58, 6C, 30 Swimming 1, 2(L), 3(l), 4(l) . lntramurais 1,
2. 3, 4. EDWARD B. POTTICHEN 505 Baeder Road Jenkintown 19046 Immaculate Conception TU-4-4878 3A, 58, 1C, 60 lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Art Club 1, 2 . Wlsterian 2 . World Affairs Council 2. 3 Yearbook 2, 4 JAMES GREGORY POWERS 362 Fairway Terrace Philadelphia 19128 Holy Family IV-3-4599 4A, 58, 6C, 70 Basketball 1 . . intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Spirit Club 3 , 4. ROBERTJ. PRODOEHL 7335 Belden Street Philadelphia 19111 Resurrection of Our lord Pl-2-2566 SA, 48, 7C, 70 Crew 1, 2 , 3(l), 4(l) .. library Club 1 Scholastic l 2. PETER J. PROKO JR. 158 West Sparks Street Philadelphia 19120 Saint Helena U-9-3518 SA, 28, 7C, 20 Band 1 . Library Club 1, 2 . . lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 . . Chess Club 4 ... Spirit Club 3 .. World Affairs Council 3 ... Wisterian 2, 3 .. Yearbook 4 . Student Council 4 ... Scholastic l 4 Tennis 2, 3, 4 THADDEUS J PRZYBYLOWSKI 7638 Waters Road Cheltenham 19012 Saint Joseph ME-5-7158 1A, 78, 4C, 20 lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Spirit Club 3, 4 .. . Student Council 4 DENNIS J. PURCELL 216 Glendale Road Upper Darby 19082 Saint Allee Fl-2-8418 1A, 28, SC, 20 Basketball 1, 2, 3(L), 4(l) . . lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Student Council 3, 4 . . Spirit Club 4. MICHAEL J. QUIGG 7217 Devon Street Philadelphia 19119 Holy Cross CH-7-7238 1A, 68, 7C, 50 lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Ecology Club 3, 4 ... Spirit Club 4. JOHN J. QUINN 509 Marks Road Oreland 19075 Holy Martyrs 887-5768 3A, 78, 4C, 30 Baseball 2, 3(l), 4(l) ... Bowling 3(L), 4(L) . Band 1, 2, 3 ... lntramurals 1, 2, 3. 4. KEVIN M. QUIRK 1060 Edison Avenue Philadelphia 19116 Saint Christopher 2A, 2C, 48, 70 OR-3-5341 Football 3(l), 4(l) ... Student Council 3, 4 In tram urals 1, 2. 3, 4. JOSEPH J. RAGG 7 Lanfair Road
Cheltenham 19012 Saint Joseph ME-5-4513 2A. 68, 3C, 40 Football 1. 2, 3(l), 4(l) . . . Basketball 1, 2, 3, 4(l) ... Golf 1, 2, 3(L), 4(l) ... Student Council 1, 2, 3, 4 . . . lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 . . . Spin! Club 3, 4. JAMES H. REGAN 519 Gorgas Lane Philadelphia 19128 IV-3-4732 2A, 58, 6C, 40 Spirit Club 3, 4 .. lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4. WILLIAM F. RITTER Box 237 Meetinghouse Road Gwynedd 19436 Saint Rose of Lima 699-9410 1A, 28, 2C, 20 ANTONIO J. ROCCHINO 415 Bellaire Avenue Fort Washington 19034 Saint Anthony Ml-6-8678 4A, 1B, 3C, 40 Track 1, 2 ... lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4. KEVIN J. RODDEN 391 Oxford Road Norristown 19403 Epiphany of Our Lord 279-8117 6A, 58, 4C, 20 Basketball 1, 2, 3 . Baseball 2(l), 3(L), 4(l) ... lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Dramatics 4. THOMAS W. ROGERS 272 Harvey Street Philadelphia 19144 Saint Vincent SA, 18,50 GE-8-1121 Football 1 ... Track 1, 2 ... lntramurals 1, 2, 4 ... Scholastic L 2. ROGER A. ROSA 1016 E. Abington Avenue Wyndmoor 191 18 Seven Dolors AD3-2270 SA, 48, 7C, 50 Swimming 1 ... lntramurals 1, 2, 3. 4 ... Band 1 ... Scholastic L 3. WILLIAM A. RUCH 368 Livezey Street Philadelphia 19128 Holy Family 1A, 4B. 3C, 50 IV3-3308 Baseball mgr. 2 . . Bowling Club 2 ... lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 . . Student Council 4 Spirit Club 4 ... Welghtllfting 1, 2 , 3, 4. CARL M. SACCHETTI 925 Rye Valley Drive Meadowbrook 19046 Our Lady Help of Christians Wl7-3934 7A. 6B, SC, 20 Football 1, 2, 3(l), 4(l) ... Golf 4 . . lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 . . Student Council 4. DAVID J. SCHLOSSER 7710 Rockwell Avenue Philadelphia 19111 Saint Cecilia Pl5-8353 SA, 38, 2C, 50 Track 1, 2. 3, 4(L) . Cross Country 4 . . lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 . . Scholastic L 3. GLEN M. SCHREINER 306 Harner Dnve Ambler 19002 Saint Alphonsus Ml6-1049 4A, 2B. 3C. 50 Hockey 2, 3, 4 ... lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 Band 1, 2(L), 3. MARK M. SCHWEITZER 1557 Dogwood Lane Huntingdon Valley 19006 Our Lady of Good Counc1l 947-3479 7A, 68, 2C, 20 Basketball 2 ... Golf 1, 2(L), 3(l), 4(l) ..
Cross Country 2 ... lntramurals 1. 2. 3, 4 .. Dramatics 3, 4 ... Spirit Club 3, 4 . Student Councll4 PETER F. SHARKEY 3701 Calumet Street Philadelphia 19129 Satnt Bndget Vl8-4993 6A, 78, 4C, 70 Baseball 3, 4 ... lntramurals 1, 2, 3 , 4 EDWARD C. SMITH 21 08 Bridle Lane Oreland 19075 Holy Martyrs VE-6-7280 2A, 18, SC, 20 Football 1. 3 . Track 1, 2. 4 . tntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 . Student Council 2, 3 Dramatics 1, 4 KENNETH J. SMITH 168 Greenwood Avenue Jenkintown 19046 Immaculate Conception TU6-6264 SA, 78, 4C, 30 lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Spirit Club 3, 4 ... Student Council 4. PHILIP E. SMITH 37 Jud1e Lane Ambler 19002 Saint Anthony SA, 4B, 7C, 70 Ml-6-2135 lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 Ecology Club 4 Sp1rlt Club 4 ... Scholastic Letter 2. 3, 4 TERRENCE F. SMITH 615 Renz Street Philadelphia 19128 Immaculate Heart of Mary IV-2-7311 4A, 3B, 6C, 60 Football 1 ... lntramurals 1. 2, 3, 4 . Hockey Club 4 Art Club 3, 4 ... Bowling Club 3, 4 Student Council 2, 3 JAMES N. SOOKIASIAN 5423 Ouenun Street Philadelphia 19128 Satnt John the Baptist IV-2-0984 3A, 58, 6C, 10 lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Chess Club 3 . Wisterian 3. 4 .. Scholastic l 3. ROBERT M. SOUDERS 937 Hickory Drive Bluebell 19422 Saint Helena 646-3437 SA, 4B, 7C. 30 Baseball mgr 2, 3 . . lntramurals 1, 2, 3. 4 .. Forensics 2. 3 . . Ecology Club 3. 4 Computer Club 3 . . Yearbook 4 . Student CounCil 4 Scholastic L 2, 3, 4. CHARLES B. STOKES 114 W. Spencer Street Philadelphia 19120 Saint Helena WA-4-2379 SA, 6B, 1C, 60 Track 1 ... Intramurals 1, 2 ... Library Club 1. 2. Art Club 2 .. Wisterian 1 . Forensics 1. PAUL J STRASSER 826 Scotia Road Philadelphia 19128 Immaculate Heart of Mary IV-2-3842 1A, 6B, 3C, 20 Bowling Club 2, 3 ... lntramurals 1, 2. 3, 4 JOHN J SUNDERMAN 2301 76th Avenue Philadelphia 19150 Saint Raymond CA-4-0537 2A, 3B, 2C. 30 Baseball mgr. 2, 3(L). 4(l) ... lntramurals 1, 2.
3. 4. CHRISTOPHER M. SZAL 3457 Englewood Street Philadelphia 19149 Saint Matthew
MA-4-0588 1A, 48, 2C, 60 Bowling 3, 4 . . Science Club 1, 2 ... lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Art Club 1, 2, 3, 4. GERARD F. TATE 7389 Devon Street Philadelphia 19118 Holy Cross CH-8-1537 4A. 28, 3C, 10 Football 2(L), 3(L), 4(L) ... Track 1 ... Weightlifting 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Spirit Club 3. 4 ... Student Councll4. CHRISTOPHER J. TAYLOR 8207 Elberon Ave. Philadelphia 19111 Saint Cecilia F12-3064 7A, 58, 6C, 60 Cross Country 2 ... lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4. DAVID L. THOMAS 7726 Whitaker Ave. Philadelphia 19111 Resurrection Pl2-0795 6A, 78, 4C. 3D Football 1 ... lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 . Science Club 1. 2 ... Spirit Club 4 JOHN THOMAS 29 West Tabor Road Philadelphia 19120 Incarnation WA-4-6805 7A, 38, 1C, 4D Crew 2 . . . lntramurals 1. 2, 3, 4 . . . Student Council 1 ... Dramatics 3, 4. JOSEPH L. THOMA 7700 Oxford Avenue Philadelphia, 19111 Sa1nt Cecilia RA-2-1685 3A, 38, 7C, 3D lntramurals 1, 2. 3, «1 • Ecology Club 3, 4 ... Student Council 4 ... Scholastic L 1, 2. RICHARD J. TIERNEY 7036 Ridge Avenue Philadelphia 19128 Immaculate Heart of Mary IV-3-3713 1 A. 28, SC, 40 lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 . JOHN TURNER 5315 North Camac Street Philadelphia 19141 Holy Child SA, 48, 7C, 1D DA-9-0809 JAMES TURNITSA 3204 Cottman Avenue Philadelphia 19149 Saint Matthew 2A, 48, 2C, 50 DE-1-5928 Basketball 1 .. Cross country 2 ... lntramurals 1.2, 3, 4 WILLIAM P. TURNER 1812 Stanwood Street Philadelphia 19152 Resurrection Pl-2-5322 2A, 28, 3C, 10 lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 . . Student Council 4 JAMES A. TYREE 427 East Hartter Street Philadelphia 191 19 Saint Therese GE-8-3177 7A. 58, 6C, 2D Football 1, 2, 3(L), 4(L) ... lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4
JAMES A. VACCHIANO 925 East GOdfrey Avenue Philadelphia 19124 Saint Martin of Tours CU-9-6331 lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4.
7A, 5B, 6C,20
LOREN J. VALERIO 721 Ashbourne Road Cheltenham 19012 Presentation 379-8751 2A. 58, 2C. 30 Track 1, 2 ... Cross Country 2 ... lntramurals 1, 2. 3, 4. NEIL J. VANGALEN 735 Alburger Avenue Philadelphia 19115 Saint Albert the Great OR-3-3689 6A, 78, 3C. 70 lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 . . World Affairs Council 3 ... Ecology Club 3. SALVATORE A. VECCHIONE 401 Cedar Lane Flourtown 19031 Saint Genevieve VE6-5064 6A, 38, 2C, 60 In tram urals 1, 2, 3, 4. CHRISTOPHER P. VONHAKE 8521vy Road Ambler 19002 Saint Joseph 646-1718 1A, 48, 7C, 3D Band 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Science Club 2 ... Wisterian 3, 4 ... Ecology Club 4 ... Bowling Club 2, 3, 4 ... Scholastic L 1, 2, 3. ANDREW J. WAKELEE 7970 Loretto Avenue Philadelphia 19111 Resurrection of Our Lord F12-2966 7A, 48, 5C, 6D lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 •.. Scholastic L 2, 3, 4 ... Science Club 1, 2 . . Yearbook 4 . . . Spirit Club 1. JOHN J. WALDRON 1520 Beverly Road Philadelphia 19128 Saint Athanaslus Ll-9-6947 3A, 78, 1C, 50 lntramurals 1. 2, 3, 4 . . . Baseball 3, 4(L) ... Student Council 4 ... Scholastic L 1, 2, 3, 4. ROBERT E. WALLACE 116 Shippen Road Philadelphia 19118 Saint Genevieve AD-3-5558 7A, 48, 5C, 6D Dramatics 1, Scholastic L. 3. RICHARD F. WALSH 6515 Oxford Avenue Philadelphia 19111 Saint William Fl-2-5946 SA. 48, 7C, 7D Yearbook ... Newspaper 2 ... lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Library Club 1, 2 . . Spirit Club 1, 2, 3 . . . Ecology Club 3 ... Student Council 4 ... Scholastic L 1, 2, 3, 4. BRUCE J. WAUGH 2007 Winthrop Rd. Huntingdon Valley 19006 St. Albert the Great
Wl7-2169 4A, 38, 1C. 10 Basketball 1 .•. Cross Country 1 ... lntramurals 1. 2, 3, 4 ... Student Council 1 •.. STEPHEN J. WEBER 2923 Hellerman St. Philadelphia 19149 St. Timothy DE-2-0884 7A, 58, 1C, 30 Scholastic L 2 ... Art Club 2 .. lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Track 1, 2. 3, 4(L) .•. Cross Country 2, 3, 4(L). MICHAEL WEBSTER 4212 Elbridge Street Philadelphia 19135 Saint Timothy DE-2-6994 2A, 1B, 3C, 60 Basketball 1 . . . Student Council 2, 3 . . . lntramurals 1. 2, 3, 4. LEE F. WEINSTEIN 638 Renz Street Philadelphia 19128 Immaculate Heart of Mary IV2-2248 4A, 38, 6C, 40 Student Council 1. 2 ... Dramatics 3, 4 Crew 1. 2 ... lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4. JOSEPH W. WESNER 8620 Cheltenham Avenue Wyndmoor 19118 Our Mother of Consolation AD3-4209 4A, 78, 2C, 20 Art Club 1. 2, 3, 4 . . Dramatics 2, 3, 4 ... Spirit Club 4 ... Football 1, 2, 3(L). 4(L) ... Crew 1, 2(L), 3(L), 4(L) ... lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4. MICHAEL P. WHITESIDE 7908 Cobden Road Philadelphia 191 18 Seven Dolors VE6-5201 4A, 58, 6C, 7D Student Council 2 ... Hockey 2, 3, 4(capt) . Football 1 .. lntramurals 2, 3, 4. JOHN LEO WILLIAMS 51 Dewey Road Cheltenham 19120 Saint Joseph ME5-0638 6A, 38, 1C, 50 Student Council 2, 3, 4 . . Wrestling 3 . . lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4. JOSEPH C. WOJTYLAK 6113 Lovatt Terrace Philadelphia, 191 1 1 Saint Martin of Tours P13-4303 7A, 68, 3C, 4D Football 1, lntramurals 1. 2, 3, 4. RICHARD T. WROBLEWSKI 7255 Valley Avenue Philadelphia, 191 28 Saint Josaphat IV2-2713 4A. 28, 7C, 50 Spirit Club 3, 4 ... YearbOOk ... Bowling Club 2 ... Baseball 2 (manager) ... Crew 3, 4(L) .. lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4. BARRY F. ZEGLEN 2015 Welsh Road Philadelphia, 191 15 Maternity BVM OR6-2886 7A,5B, 1C, 70 Student Council 3 ... lntramurals 1. 2, 3, 4.
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