1974 Blue and Gold Yearbook

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Li1.:ing is grou路ing; growing, learning. Entering LaSalle we're in one place in our hfe; growth, inditiduality, education, personality ... four years later, we're in quite another place. Gone are many of the childhood dreams and illusions, replaced, no doubt, by new expectations and ambitions.

We hat•e grown, matured as hut sinwltaneou11l!f as pn rt or a f!rol(p. Changed art ideas or religi~>n. ,.:wciety. and our place in it; Pie!Nlf?{politicians, reality, Marr and Frrud. indil•idual.~.

And. altlwugh s~me a1路e not turned on by Shakespeare {)r Beethoven, all become atuned to new ideas, values and life styles.

Walk around the cornet ... a group offriends talking with two teachers ... LaSalle

Knowing e1路eryone in class ... and its n~ c1路ime to talk to the pen~on next to you ... LaSalle

Sitting in the cafeteria for three periods freaks, intellectuals, and jocks together ... LaSalle

A place of contrasts: In 214, silence, only the sound of paper rw:;tling, or, prrlwp.~. ~omeone lecturing: next door, in 212 everyane ~peaks at once; across the hall, a nwvie is being shown.

More than most places,

LaSalle repre.<;ents afam'ily, a community, shared hopes, intrigues, disappointments, joy.c:.; an open it~forrnal. unrestricf1'1•e place

where the intellect is nurtured and the spirit is not ignored ...

~~%o.Ue '1p lbc \~~\.\?$

Time at school net•er stands ,c;til/ (though it may se('m to crau>l) the !l}UJ.dows nw1•e along the u·all~. cloud formations march outside zrimlrw·s. ideas ferment i n:-;zdP, stude111.'{.11y rmwn!J the clouds of ideas.


The school, LaSalle, has a rich tradition, a tradition 111 years old, one thick with et·e-nts, achiet•ement.~. landmarks. Yet each class forms its own separate memories, its ou•1t impressions, its own tradition. LaSalle i1> reborn et•ery four years, as well as every year, season and week.

Tht essence of learning at LaSalle is participation; u·r lf:arn through others. within and out~>ide the clas::n·oom, u•ith those Ji·iends who, outside LaSalle, once u·erc strangers. Like so tnany leaves of a tree, 1ce grou• ax members of a community, whether it be in the offering qf the Eucharist, or the solving of a problem.

Students a~ul teachers a~·e fl"iends. acquaintances. cohorts, but never simply marks and periods, rooms and grades. Russian history is about Russian history, ~tot to mention basketball. last saturday night, the play and ret•olulion.

We enter LaSalle as separate indil'iduals, i{pw1·ant, anxious, sonu>u•lwt u·ary, but ready for a net'' begittninr/. whether (rom z·i ne-rm•r.rNI portal.'{ or paved, graded street.~. H untingdon Valley or South Philly;

Too few days it always seems in retrospect; 1w matte·r how mtteh time is spen. t, thne seem.'l parsinumious in memory. Tomorrow lie.<~ swathed in a golden veil olsmnmer. The present we live a brilliant g1·cen, And the pa:·;t :~eem.~ falling leal'es q( a blue autumn.






a year preserred 01t paper to be sat•ecl.for a rainy day ...




In keeping with my Netv Year's resolution I am up early for Mass, only to find that there is no priest--bad .~tart. AJ1rr coffee and the Inquirer, I get ready frrr school and amaze Charlie. Catherine, and Rosalie by my earlier than usual arrit•al. During the first pe-riod I try to prepare my Che-m students for tomorrow's test, resisflng their desperate pleas for a po!itJXmement. Then back to the officf for a meeting with Mr. Diehl and Brother Carl to ret•iew yesterday's meeting of the academic council which gave us a few suggestions for impr01•ing the lot qf our teachers --nwre money. In the office, I dictate letters qf thanks to several benefactors who have been especially generous to us at the end of 197J, and to sereral fire departments who ret,"[Jonded to our caU for help on Sunday when we thought the school was burning down. After a quick lunch, Brother Fred and I spend a leisurely hour or so di1~cussing the interd~pendence of the school and the community of Brothers. The Bulletin, dinner, a nap during Walter Cronkite, then a community 1neeting com~isting of a brief prayer sen•ice and an inspiring talk by Brother Ke vin on the sigmficance of prayer and mutual concern in the lit•e.~ of the Brothers.

vice principal

vice principal

business manager

I remember to make up tomorraw's test and to get a math lesson ready. Back to the kitchen for a late snack with Brother Carl, who promises to awaken me at 5:15 tomorrow because the weatherman is calling for snow or freezing rain during the night. A jew Polish jokes from Brother Fred and off to bed.



algebra 1, 2

freshman counselor

I arose early today and, running a little late, I rushed to morning coffee ...

english 1, 3; forensics moderator

study techniques; wisterian moderator

ips; biology; music dept. moderator

praying privately that I wauld be in the heart of God as I started wheels turning for a?wther school adventure ...

~o ,(/;{;/(! J1r~ ~ phys ed; intramural moderator


religion l

there is always something exciti11g, something new and different to look forward to ...

8,.-o: F.~ /o/~~ri:L-german 1; driver training

ips; physics

/.Yto. i'Jwl ;('1MA' english 1; religion 1; baseball moderator

french 1, 2; basketball moderator

familiar sounds of boys t'Oices filled the corridor.~ and I was greeted by Mike and Pete on the way to my office ...

world history; sociology; intramurals

~~ english 1, 2

algebra 2; pre·calculus; calculus ab

once there I gm•e a cur:~ury glance m:e~· m!J spanish two lesson and marked the quizze.~ ... Gus and Hohe.'i popped in for a quick hello and su mecl happy ahout something-lhl'IJ didn't



but th1•y wen· more nuberanf than ,,sual ...

~~ "-{ r

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latin 1, 2, 3, 4; greek

spanish 2, 3, 4

itfida/C?~ social problems; urban studies; varsity basketbaU coach spanish class went well ... lots of laughs with lcm varallo wearing a purple hat during class ... i asked him if he was afraid the water on his brain would freeze ...

~~~tXt-,_ÂŁ_ ~ --0 biology; religion 4; science dept. chairman; assistant athletic director; trainer

phys ed; swimming coach

~~~ftJe\t~e)~~~ european, chinese, russian history; religion 2; football moderator

then to inten•iews .. i scheduled ten for today because i ha1•e seventl recommcntations and college applications to finish and get tn tlu. mail .. .

mechanical drawing 1, 2; algebra 1; base ball coach

english 2, 4; english dept. chairman; bowling coach


cr- IJ__

geometry; algebra 2

german 2, 4; religion 3

Bruder Tritz 1=.r, german 3; religion 2; a-v coordinator gernie and gus stuck their heads in the door and said they just wanted to say hello ... if they only knew how happy they made me feel that they took the time out ...

<if-~lf(~ / spanish 1; french 3, 4; language dept. chainnan they say much more by the look in their Pyts . .. i l ikf the look in kids' eyes ...

Jk.u.r ;igJ4


analytic geometry; algebra 1; religion 2; assistant basketball moderator

algebra 2; math analysis

french 1; french culture; junior counselor; alumni moderator

religion 3; chaplain

chemistry; varsity tennis coach

more work on transcripts and then to lunch with kids' shouts and greetings on the way 0






lunch ot•er ... mare lesson piann i ng far serenth period and marking qu tzzes

religion 3; sophomore guidance

chemistry; algebra 1

religion 3; chaplain

seventh period tfa.'l a delight ... lots of good humor and most even knew the materialfor today .. . Joe Mammara even answered a quextion .. .


american history; chairman social studies; assistant football coach. language tutor



english 3, 4; yearbook moderator

ips; chemistry; religion 1; jv tennis coach ftro mQrP intenicws

d11ring eighth period

and a phone call from fed przy&ylowski

checking em the number of memberships for the men of Iasalle ...

modern european, world history; crosS*country coach; assistant t rack coach

chemistry; physics

psychology 1, 2, 3; crew moderator

after school, an academic cauncil meeting .. . mare about tenure ar alternate praposals .. .

american history; acting; assistant football coacn

/~ti.v ~~ h~tL~ / college placement counselor

art 1, 2, 3, 4; art dept. chairman; mothers club moderator down to the kitchen for cojfee before prayer.~ at ji1•t> forty-jil'e ... dinner was great ... potatoes olwien and pot roast . . .

amencan diplomacy; assistant football coach

reed, music theory

head football coach; assistant athletic director

drove the cook home ... then back for the adult art class ... i finished a landscape ... a snow scene ... and i a1n satisfied with it ...

religion 4; assistant baseball coach

economics; political science; bookstore

math analysis; analytic geometry; matrix algebra; probability; calculus; math dept. chairman

tea with thr brothers in the kitchen ... and s&me fu.nny recounting of the day.'{ el'ents ...

spanish 1, 2; senior counselor; director of counseling; men of Iasalle

~ft:~~ accounting; athletic director

english 3, 4;

bed looked good at elPvenjorty:{ille . .. ijell asleep Oller .c;panish two ... the preterit ten.<le ... how do the kids stay awake when i teach them ...

director of dramatics; public relations

, /)!"a"'";ÂŁ~ librarian

\J \


-~ . u .

director of de\ elopment





7Ju,. dk.l£#~ '}}-/LA. .l development secretary

-® -


91MRuulk~ cafeteria manager

~~ librarian


-0 -



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STANDING: T. D'Emilio, J. Firth, M. Avellone, A. Rotinov; KNEELING: J. Coleman, M. Kelley, J. Landers, P. Sacchetti. STANDING: R. Williams, S. Omelcbenko, T. Mooney, P. Lodes; KNEELING: K. Millet, F. McVeigh, L. Lukas, J. Prinzo.

STANDING: P. Regan, M. Labrum, J. Gannon, M. Brown; KNEELING: M. Palermo, J. Tract, F. Varallo, C. Santoro.

STANDING: G. Barbera, J. Wozniak, T. Vahle, R. McNamara; KNEELING: C. McGee, M. Dinneen, A. Gulla, G. Riley.

TOP ROW: S. Chesna, C. Heil, M. Cseplo, B. Wagner; BOTTOM ROW: M. Smith, M. Byrnes, R. Brown, J. Grill.

STANDING: P. Thalhofer, B. Vrancken, J. Sciolla, M. Vesey, M. Gallo; SITTING: M. Harrington, W. Burke, J. Moran, J. Gallagher.


STANDING: C. Kuklinski, P. McKenna, R. Weldon; SITTING:W. Grasela, C. Dearolf, J. Miller, S. Vujacic.

STANDING: J. Gravenstine, J. Henniger, P. Roscoe, M. Leszczyszyn; SITTING: J. Heasley, 路F. Currie, B. Sommar.

BACK ROW: M. Zielinski, P. McGinnis, T. Reiff, M. Dachowski; FRONT ROW: K. Bowen, J. Candido, J. Winter, R. Cunning.


BACK ROW: A. McErlean, C. Carfagno, J. O'Donnell, J. Braunschek; FRONT ROW: J. Beatty, J. O'Connor, N. Nociforo, J. O'Toole.

BACK ROW: J. Ziff, W. Walsh, J. O'Meara, K. Scott, J. Tamasitis; FRONT ROW: J. Santry, D. Scanzello, K. Larkin.

BACK ROW: P. Oestreich, D. Reedman, J. Thomas, W. Manson; FRONT ROW: A. Mechell, R. Dewhirst, M. Clair, C. Lindh.

STANDING: J. Brewer, M. Farnell, T. Brown, A. Charyton; KNEELING: C. Jones, R. Sayers, W. Gavula.


STANDING: A. Pastore, F. D'Amore, J. Guminiski, J . Pontelandolfo; KNEELING: M. Calbazana, M. Grasmeder, D. Rothwell, D. Mark ward.

STANDING: A. Ramos, P. Kane, V. Kostos, P. Hildebrandt, G. Betts; KNEEI.r ÂŁNG: E. Casey, J. Black, D. Duffy, F. Gerngross.

STANDING: A. Armand, J. Grace, J. Braca, S. D'Amore; KNEELING: P. Romagano, J. Campion, J. Groody.

ROW: J. Bowe, W. Smart, E. J. Worthington, B. Christiansen; FRO~T ROW: P. McLoone, B. Ander~en, C. McGeehan BACK


BACK ROW: P. Koch, M. Bojanowski, R. Whiteside, W. Schaefer. FRONT ROW: W. Vacchiano, T . Bracken, G. Ross.

6A BACK ROW: T . O'Neill, R. Willemin, T. Lynch, J. Czarnecki, A. Romano, J. Wadlinger; FRONT ROW: N. Thomas, J. Adelizzi, R. Golden.

BACK ROW: M. Shinn, L. Radomski, E. Yaekel, M. Brownsey, D. Schofield; FRONT ROW: K. Kelly, D. McGarry.

M. AlberteUi, B. Fitzgerald, M. Butler, S. Robinson, M. Malloy, M. McCaffrey, R. Diorio, C. Crane.

P. Anderson, T. Dickenson, R. Hayes, E. Shuttle, G. Moeser, F. McCaffery, T. Schweitzer, B. McShea.

J. Herling, T. Gola, M. Troy, A. Cassalia, E. Lange, J. Murphy, M. Montemuro.

M. Miller, G. Ventresca, J. Steinmetz, G. Heil, V. Pospischil, S. Heleniak, R. Stevenson, J. Farrell.


BACK ROW: J. Strecker, A. Ruck, S. Haggerty, D. Vacca; FRONT ROW: P. Burke, R. Devery, M. Parratto, G. Daniele BACK ROW: C. Gormley, M. Ludovici, B. McKee, M. Mcintyre, L. Puglia, J. Mammana; FRONT ROW: P. Brinkman, S. Lutek


BACK ROW: W. Morris, J. Talecki, C. Corkery, G. LaNoce; FRONT ROW路 J . Morozin, M Milligan, T. McCarthy, M. Tumolo BACK ROW: J. Brooks, J. Gillies, M. Drummond, M. Galbally; FRONT ROW: E. Antoni, K. Roddy, J. Plummer, T. Grimner

we return, borne in on the fading wisps of summer dreams, not forgotten, but for the moment cast aside; set your alarm for 7:00 A.M.; the future fades into the present; the present dissolves into the past.

We shatter the austerity of long vacant corridors, suddenly filled with harsh.new sounds, the sounds of a living community lumbering to its feet after a lengthy disengagement .


The first thing we notice, whether its our firRf or 51,1 sf time between the locker walls, is the spirit; here there are busy, concern~d friends and jutu re friends. moving and talking and e l.:enJl hing is fresh.

Our year began with alot of problems and confusion but somehow all the difficulties disappeared as we try to arouse something called Spirit at La Salle. Painting signs and enlisting Basil-dazzlers heighten this spirit, even McHugh and his ever-present flag and hat excite the crowd. And though we won no championships this fall, we know that most of the student body has been involved. Our energies extended not only to the area of sports but also to all other activities involved in student participation. The whole school took part in the WIFI Signature Contest and we all learned how to fit 500 Ken Fox's on one paper.


./·. • ,.......: ..•••

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BIKE CLUB Ou~ second Pall T~ip will be to Valley Forge, thio Saturday. We will leave f r om La Sal l e at 9 a . m. If you have not s i gn e d up, •• • H~. Russe l l by Fr iday •


And the activities come rushing down past our ears, before we know it, we're back into the box myth of meetings, mixers, meets, practices and games.

SEE BOS TON,POUGHKEEPS IE AND WASHINGTON FOR FREE Thi s y ea r's Crew Team will travel more than ever and you c a n be part of it. There will be a meeting in room 305, tod a y a ft e r s c h ool. All new me mber s , e s peci a lly Frosh, Soph' s a nd Junior s ~re i n vited to come out to row and win. If unable to a tt e nd contact Brother Dan in room 305 during the day.


We sometimes wonder why we're there. It's al'o/ays wet and cold; there's usually a slight headwind of about 35 m.p.h. Our hands have blistered into bloody stumps, our numbers shrink everyday. I've got crotch rot, stroke man has athlete's feet on his hands, and the bow man has dysentery. The river is foul with fecal matter, the boat leaks, the cox has laryngitis, and the coach is a Polish sadist. We get cold showers, dirty socks, and a boathouse that is not fit for a deported Bulgarian wood carver. Knuke sez things will be better once we start rowing.

Top Row: H. McCarferry, T. Ignas, S. Brett, M. Cassidy, T. Kerins, T. Gillespie, A. Vecchione, C. Ivanoski Third Row: John "Tex" Flannery, David Diehl, P. Uzelec, J. Harrison, Capt. P. Salmon, Capt. .J. Whelpley, F . .MacGreary, M. Gacto, N. Schweitzer, R. Gerngross, J. Cas-ciato, Capt. R. Br} ers, W. Bullock, M. Fields, ~1. }1cGiynn, Kevin Brett, .Joseph Colistra Second Row:

It's a fine warm morning, wake up ... seniors lead cals ... alright break up ... quick feet ... all the way down, Meehan ... agility drills with Fat Joe and the Caveman "I want eleven berserk hitters" ... Beat the Prep .. . see you later, Wally ... get some pride about yourself .. . "Those guys were supposed to be good?" ... "Did you

Brother Robert Scheiler, K. Pluck, J. McKenna, M. E\路ans, B. Bogle, B. Robinson, J. Malloy, L. Fitzhee, J. Brooks, A. Dougherty, ~1. ~1eehan, J. Cahill, B. Talecki, Bob Valenti First Row: D. Coffery, M. De Simone, P. Brabazon, .M. Donnelly, W. Tomasitis, T. Murphy, M. Echert, J. Gallagher, T. Sarnese, B. Mitchell Missing: B. Gillies, )1. Plummer

ever hear about George Munger?" . . . they'll want to beat you ... Who's gonna be ready ... I need a dummy ... "NO, not Talecki" .. . scalp Ncshaminy ... nice nose, Rich ... going down the shore, tonight ... Get packed boys ... Doc, bring your toothbrush ... Barn, did you bring your calendar? . .. "Whcre's Mitch's sister?" ... love to hit ... make it

hurl ... stay out of the parking lot ... who likes camp .. . Dorothy and Dild ... Cave's pit ... are you the best .. . prove it ... you're kidding yourselves ... up-downs or chatter . . . not another nature walk . . . "Canadensis breeds flies, like Whelp" ... out hit the Quick defense ... GO Explorers ... Franco Plucks the Falcons

Standing: T. Murphy, J. Franklin, E. Barth, W. Parker, M. Desimone, H. McCaffery, W. Beckman, G. Edling, P. Damm, P. Meehan, M. Carter, C. Daniels, E. Hildebrant, G. Uzelac, Coach B. Loughery, M. Visco, T. McNichols, M. Venzial, R. Guerra, S. Scott, M. Juliano, J. CahiU, J. Cheecio, A. Campalone, J. Webster, D. Palmieri; Middle

Row: M. Evans, A. Martucci, T. Samese, J. Morton, B. Tamasitis, G. Gallager, M. Donnelly, T. lgnas, J. Harrison, J. McKenna, D. Coffey, D. Fitzkee, E. McGlynn, D. Geppert, G. Szostak, D. Armento, J. Oliver, J. Hespie, J. McHale, T. Leona, P. Carmon, M. Johnston, B. Pieri, B. Michel, S. Andrews, P. Foley, A. Maginnis

"Talecki got hurt to get a football" ... show them what to do with those pitchforks ... win at Egan under the lights ... here Monk ... who is that guy over there, Dave? .. . come on lets do something ... "Don't be mediocre. you must beat Ryan" ... How many they gonna score, a hundred ... Salmon wears straightlegged pants .. shave it off, boys ... its not in his contract ... no I didn't want to receive the Maxwell Award ... Ziggy will beat you himself ... this is fun? ...did Sean score again? ... playoff ... Egan won it ... "That's it boys."

Back Row: D. Hartman, B. Scheiler, Coach McGovern, Coach Kent, C. Carfagno, L. Lyzstishan, B. Fitzgerald, M. Avalone, V. Butler, F. Varralo, P. McGuiness, V. Zilinski, P. Radomski, V. Kostos, J. Ventruska, J. Grace, J. Wozniak, J. Ross, C. Crane, M. Labrum, R. Hayes, J. Sciolla, J. Vahle, J. Gillies, M. Brown, K. Chartzan, P. Rigan, Managers: T. Kerins, E. Space; 2nd Row: S.

McKenna, P. Hilderbrand, P. McNamara, F. D'Amore, J. Brace, Z. Brausneld, E. Wynters, J. Brooks, G. Barbara, J. Gannon, T. Dickinson, S. Robertson, G. Coleman, L. Morris, J. Talecki, M. McCarthy, Managers: Byrens; 1st Row: M. Vesey, J. Tamastis, E. McCord, J. Tract, B. Wagner, T. Schweitzer, D. Markward, C. Crane, B. Diorio, .M. Santoro, B. Cunning, M. O'Meara, J. Campion

, ..



We jill cmr lockers (books unope路ned, minds uncl11ttered); the locker (and head) is clear for the first and last time of the year, and you discover (whether you want to or not what everyone did all summer long . . .)

The first few days, they're a breeze you're off to afresh start, intenti<ms better than el:er, like newly-minted coins, they glo-w in everyo-ne's sight

Your first class is a bad experience, b1d it really doesn't matter because you hat•e your best teacher 3rd. One day consists offive .free periods of chink; B day you 're too busy to eat.

Sitting in the corner, rain dripping on the ledge outside.

Your teacher's voice fills the chill room ... Sometimes you have to seek freedom confined to a chair ...

What does a crew team consist of? Coach Walt Konopka and Deke . . . a Fat Bill and soda . . . a Zinger, Ham, and a Fireplug ... Knuke and Hoff, impeached even before regular season begins ... add a midget and you get nine people striving for one goal. Battling the snow of late winter and wind of early spring, the diverst> backgrounds and personalities of any boat are molded together to form a 路

team of championship form. Overcoming the weather, lack of student interest and a Bulgarian gypsey, we stick together, a family. All together is the only way to win and its often hard to learn. But we hang in during the 18 mile workouts and become a true team trying to repeat and better the two national championships of the year before.

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. . . Dolls Are Coming

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The first report comes and with it on a tissue thin brittle foldable-spindable-mutilatable paper the smashed remnants or blooming results of planted ambition.

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You're into the year. into the school and yo'ur friends; for many, more time is spent weekly on a hill in Cheltenham than at Jwrne in thought at least.

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Unknown to many, La Salle has existed for the benefit of the entire community. This community includes the parents, who have been organized into close-knit groups accompanied by the guidance of Bros. Fred Stelmach and Kevin Strong. A vital space in the total scope of La Salle activity is occupied, and important example for the students established by these groups.

The Father-Son banquet serves as the Father's Club activity. Highlited by guests and honored toastmasters from various fields, this mid-November tradition serves as the traditional comerstone for the structure of La Salle as a social institution. On the distaff side, the Night at the Races, a sojurn to the Great White Way and a regular schedule of luncheons mark the treasured opportunities for our mothers to rest and enjoy needed social companionship. I


No fl<'o days are identical, &utmost are similar . . . for some the joys (and pathos) of discOl路ery for others, endless drudgery

This is life, not an intellectual dissert~tion; and when yau try to hide behind a one-way mirror of papers, schedules and clocks, you're blown away with time

A night of celebration, the Oktoberfest, a time for rest and relaxation after the toil and pressures of school; (even the President's firing of the special prosecutor and the dreary days of winter ahead can't blight the plans of Brother Ed Hoffman and his planners). A night of carousing students from many schools to do a little dancing, some eating, and singing a few songs without worrying about tomorrow until tomorrow came.

Below: STANDING: J. Bums, C Mohrbacher, L. Schwartzberg, J Rothwell, P. Gaigelas, T. Bond, P McNulty, P. Cosenza, B. Reynolds R. Landers, M. Magarity, M. Som路 mar, J. O'Neill, P. Mooney, Mr. P Devine, A. Naessens.

KNEELING: P. Smith, G. Daniele, T. Esposito, S. Rodomski, J. Donahur, J. Mohrbacher, J. Kane, M. Fioravanti, D. Sprague, R. Thomas.

SITTING: E. Casey, B. Sommar, D. Thomas, J. Li, B. Rothwell, J. Worthington, B. Filymer, C. Gomley, B. Gavula.

Day 1, 4 miles N.W. to below Rex and back, warm evening .. . summer schedule ... V14-7607 ... bridle path ... blisters .. . who's driving to 7/11 ... adidas vs. puma vs. nike ... Day 50, first team practice ... 10 mile loop, pain hill twice ... Ia salle, the enchanted forest ... hills ... hills ... hills ... a nice water fountain a couple miles from here ... Day 58 .. . 10 appalachia loop in am, 5 golf course late pm ... bucknell ... circuit training ... sleep training ... run for fun? ... Day 80, 7 of top 10 places vs. Egan and Judge in 1st league meet ... both feet behind the line ... parachute ... conrad weiser ... Day 102, 10 mile loop NW to VG ... race after race ... manhatten college ... stay healthy for 2 weeks and we can do it ... Day 117, 20 220's in 32-34 ... 4 mile warmdown ... thermals and gloves ... state ... got to gel out there the First mile ... put double knots in your shoelaces ... coming out of the woods ... run for fun.

It's a long season for the team. During the less windy September days, white dots scamper against the net fence. After the winter layoff, the enthusiasts begin extensive practice in March. With valuable instruction from Brother Kevin McManus and Coach Mike Bruno, the team starts regaining its form. April marks the beginning of aces, double faults, victories, defeats, cheers and the silence-a LaSalle season of tennis.

Above: Dan Marcolina, Frank Dalaero, Mr. Bruno, Bill McCullum, Don Gaskins, ~fatt Gill, Frank Dumsowski, Dave Smith, Mark Giuffrida, Steve Daly, Phil Kelly. Right: Mark Patrizio, John Walsh, Paul Ostriech, John Slocum

The shrinking 1wn grows sweaters and coats the silent sounds of seasons passing bec()me sadly apparent as dying leaves arabesque.

Now here is the strange pa1路t: the m()re you study time grows organically, unable to ntake up its mind; inti after all, time isn't rational, like nwst of us; is it?

No school now the snow fell last night (Thank God because yo-udidn 'td()yourho-meu:orkanyway) its a l()ng time

w school on a cold ??Wrning.

s 0 p H


1B BACK ROW: J. Martosella, D. Colletti, W. Danella, B. Lafferty, J. Gramlich, R. Pieri.FRONT ROW: E. Rzepnicki, F. Doster, M. Jackson, G. Brown, W. Higginbotham, A. Mele.

BACK ROW: J. Gallagher, J. Hoffman, S. Scott, T. Gorman; FRONT ROW: R. Leva, J. McGill, J. McTear.

BACK ROW: P. Morgan, J. Gillespie, W. Riling, D. DiCicco, F. Ginty. FRONT ROW: M. Patrizio, D. Romeo, J. McNicholas, A. Leona.

STANDING: C. Hughes, J. Day, J. Nairn, G. Szostak, G. Foley, D. Armento; KNEELING: E. Hildebrandt, J. Hand, P. Carmen, M. Kerins, M. Martucci.

STANDING: M. Rotondo, P. Freet, D. Sokolowski, F. O'Neill, L. Varallo, M. Waige; KNEELING: G. Widmann, M. Fox, M. Mortka, B. Healy, K. Kessler.

BACK ROW: F. Muller, J. Cummings, J. Walsh, J. Pierce, S. Andrews, L. Parker; FRONT ROW: J. Derham, J. Richter, W. Parker, J. Gore.


STANDING: T. Ruch, M. O'Donnell, R. Hom, R. Barth, P. Damm; KNEELING: M. Healey, F. Hellwig, W. Selph, S. Fitzpatrick, A. Kelly.

STANDING: C. Mohrbacher, C. Pawlowski, S. McNulty, M. Fiorvanti, R. Thomas, W. Beckman; SITTING: J. Kane, T. Esposito, J. Worthington, P. Noonan.


STANDING: D. Ragan, D. Gaskins, W. Barnett, W. McCullaum, S. Alberico. D. Marcolina; SITTING: J. Odziemski, M. Scammell, D. Mahoney, M. Finley, L. Riley.

STANDING: J. Pugnetti, J. McGonigle, J . Stokes, T. Kowalkowski, T. Szon ntagh; KNEELING: R. Coyle, K. Jandl, A. Kashoun, R. McCouch, E. McGlynn

STANDING: T. Darling, J. Buonomo, J. Staudt, F. Romagano, J. Daniel, B. Butler; KNEELING: J. Stokes, D. Givnish, B. Martin, J. Toy, P. Cilio, M. Dougherty.


STANDING: R. Guerra, P. Meehan, P. Brady, J. Braca, B. Colgan, M. McNamara, D. Contino; SITTING: J. Webster, R. Bria, M. Brennan, M. Veneziale, B. Quigg.

STANDING: V. Moos, M. Visco, A. Maginnis, W. Mezzanotte, F. Kramer, R. Montgomery, W. Mattern, R. Coco; KNEELING: T. Ungaro, J. McHale, R. Tierney, W. Filmyer, J. Bell, G. Davies, G. Davis, J. McAllister.

STANDING: J. Love, R. Becker, J. Donahue, F. Piscano; SITTING: J. Burke, W. Rothwell, J. Murray, R. Karpowicz.


STANDING: M. Mihalich, M. Johnston W. Clark, D. Della Porta; KNEELING T. Mackie, M. Graziano, R. Menno, G Fabrizo.

SITTING: F. Barth, K. McGeehan, G. Uzelac, R. Michel, R. von Lipsey; STANDING: E. Keller, C. Foust, B. Juliano, S. Salvitti, J. Diehl.

SITTING: A. Kesselring, D. Lynch, E. McGlinn, A. Johnson; STANDING: P. Foley, R. Calvitti, H. Sydnor, B. McGlynn, R. Byron.

SITTING: M. McNeel, F. Daulerio, E. Gallagher, L. Devinney, R. Sachetti; STANDING: W. Barry, M. Driscoll, M. Sacchetti, M. Brown, M. Juliano.


Finally U'e get back to u:hile the



hangs hea ~'Yon the branches and ledges

like the memory of Christmas behind you ami anticipation of exams ahead ...

Around us whirls the carefully o-rchesf'raled scenario of peo-ple rushing through clQsed co-rridors making schedules, deadlines. dates while the cold of winter breathes do-wn our necks ...

As the doors unlocked and the thump-thump began to echo we looked around and found ourselves a little bigger, a little wiser than four years before. Our destination the Palestra and the League Championship, remained the same. Our first obstacle: get in shape. Sweaty practices and long scrimmages preceded a rough preseason schedule. Top Row: C. Dearolf, T. Hoban, T Gutowicz, M. Finley, E. Mearion, Bro. D. Smith Bottom Row: N. Morris, A. Ciabattone, C. Day, M. Canelli, J. Mihalich, T. Cherney

We broke even at 3-3 on a 90 foot lay-up and headed for Virginia. A strong third place finish in the tournament appeared to prep us for the regular season. Although an 0-3 detour temporarily led us from the road of success, but we brought ourselves together and the big win streak carried us into the playoff picture much like the previous years. At this point our technical goals became immaterial as the fact that we lived together in an oversized box for six months and learned to function as a unit became the underlying value.

Days off are obstacles as we rush for exams, for seniors especially 1lrgent; on them rest the future ... for jrosh, the first solid view of what the future holds ...

Before the last mangled paperback is removed from the last locker, before the gates are locked in a futile attempt to seal the students off from the halJways, the Forensics Club of La Salle is already at work. We set out to reach the National Finals, our goal, in one of three categories. Student Congress has been our speciality, but after the Lower Merion debacle we weren't so sure. So we candidly hosted a "torney" and tried to impeach the President, right in our auditorium. City Hall, the scene

Debate began with the required ritual of clearing file boxes of old cards, and replacing them with new ones, in

of many other political battles, would dedde who goes to

an endless summer "drudgery." After a preliminary at

the land of the Mardi Gras.

LSC, we travelled to Pennsbury, and Rich was getting psyched. The ready list helped us to 5th place, but we were far from a solid case.

We first met Mr. C in the he the summer {South Pacific} those first few weeks were livE an incubator, the group growin gether, preparing our new ta for the football team and fans. 1 Spangeled Banner). We were thrilled at our firs¡ pearance as, simultaneously, thrilled the crowd. (The Stri}: Football season was fun, we fot: good conduC'tor in Matt, ! cheerleaders in Joe and Mark; wether we were freezing (Ega sweltering (LaSalle). we al played together. Winter came, we settled c and got good; practice was hare serious (God Rest You). But al effort was worth it with the j• old people at Christmas (S Night} and delicious banquet: together.

As football floats in to the past basketball and mixers arrive to catch our attention, heart and spirit which will not be dampened by an occasional snowy Sttnday or freezing Friday.

Top Row: Coach W. Farrell, T. Bracken, J. Toy, L. Mormon, B. Orr, F. McNamara, D. Givnish, J. MacNamara, M. Toy, W. Bobbie. Bottom Row: P. Redican, P. Horn, M. MacNamara, 0. Wochieowski, T. Bracken, M. Juliano, M. Juliano, M. Perrato.

With one more year of experience and the loss of only four swimmers at graduation, we returned in October to elect Pat and Mac captains. We had been in the water all summer, under the sun and on the beach; but with the beginning of the school-year we moved in-doors, back to regulated practice, light track and weight work.

Finally, after months of braving the cold water the hot competition of the 73-74 season with the Suburban One Champs falling victim to the Big Blue. Tim Bracken and underclassman Mike Parrata shined through in the first Catholic League contest, and against Wood to records fell as Larry and Mike splintered the visitors.

We struggled to get our first issue out on the first school day for the !trst time in 25 years. We had our fun with Spiro Disparo, Chip the Greek, Getting There, and Da Seal of Da Wisterian. Magarity and Bryers got the limelight, but the All Catholic picks were frus.. trated. Bad News was abundant and some flaming editorials never made it but we kept grinding out issues. As we approached the 40th anniversary issue, we celebrated with Wis shirts, and slowly moved toward Hysteria. The final issues bespoke the last hurrah~ of the unprecedented two year reign of Kel and Colube as memories of WBQ and Santa Claus faded into the past.

It is a time to di8cuss Dante, senioritis, and parties in the same breath, struggle through your third {(mg year of

English, learning the hard way that you ha-ven't got if made becaw~e qf one year's success, typing without looking at the key.~. and thinking that you know your friends ...

Back Kow: Bro. D. Smith, J. Morassco, A. Kesselring, J. Hand, K. Keane, M. Finley, B. Zigler; BOTTOM ROW: J.

Cummings, M. Mahatich, J. Gannon, J. Stoudt, C. Day, W. Dwyer

We fight our way unnoticed through another season, with Ziggy barking out commands. The game's two o'clock on Sunday, and, hey, who's suiting varsity this week? Midseason and we're se\•en and one and why can't they have playoffs for JV? Another season comes to an end and next year lies in the waiting ...

The greatest asset of the La Salle Environmental Action Force is its total dependency on the participation of the students. In the summer of '73, the members of LEAF headed by presidents Jim DeMerlis and Mike Wisniewski initiated the glass and aluminum operations. Deber, Frange, Bimbo, and Crumb all sacrificed their leisure time for keeping things in order. Throughout the school year, this select group of seniors regulated the flow of glass and aluminum, most of which arrived on Friday nights.

New Year, new courses, new books, and you're still in the same homeroom.






If the door (YJJens an inch, we're out of it like a bird; the flowers fall, the flurries drop on the ground, contouring our lives. We stare out the window, careful the reality doesn't slide away.

BACK ROW: D. Fomace, C. McLafferty, B. Talecki, M. McGlinn, T. Corey, C. lvanoski, T. Belcher, S. Depman.

FRONT ROW: J. Gillespie, S. Crumlish, J. Wozniak, C. Preis M. Kelly, J. Love, K. Kelly

When on the mat, two men battle it out; no one can help, each must rely on his own devices. Tiger Love does it with brains, while Kel and Ace do it with the grace and style of a deadly cobra executing the kill. Ivan and Namu do their thing with the confidence of a fish in home waters, Larry Csonka relying on massive strength and brutal mind. Smitty does it with determination; Plug with guts; CYO with his dedication; Coach does it with his smooth temperament. "Little McGlynn" is a finale of meaness, a great way to end a match.

We were and always had been the team to beat, and St. Joe's Prep rose to the occasion, almost drowning our hopes (and expectations) of an undefeated season. The injury of Tommy Lynch was hard felt, but Joe McPeak came through in the clutch.

Penn Charter was weak but O'Hara was the eighth straight as Billy and Tony pulled all stops, as Larry and his "strange hand gestures" made T.V. The Individual Championships came and went; Larry, Tony, John and Jerry teamed to out-class all others. Mr. Farrell was then seen leaving school early.

As we again mored on to the Palestra. 1('(' kne1r that 1ce had a real chance. A.t?er trnunl'ing .Judge and tmfe'll i ng North fall to Dou.qherty, our No1·thern Division title h()pes ,qreu•. It

was close, but at the end Dou.gherty was ours .

.Vou• 1re ~Cere up agaim;t the Cahillites ofRonutn. tauter/ rtll the be:·;f of the South. Although Ice got qJ.rto a slott· start. we almost fought our U'rtl/ back. But at the emf. it 1/'as 50-~2. Our hopes ll•ere rrw~hed, our fine .<ieasrm ended.

BACK ROW: B. Enoch, P. Mt.-Glune, B. Hayes, J. Gillies, J. Herling, B. Fitzgerald, Bro. D. Smith; FRONT ROW: C. Dearolf, G. Barbera, J. Guminski, L. Brinkman, J. Gannon, M. Gannon, ~1:. Troy.

Weeks move sluggishly in winter, from Practice to practice ancl class to class in the middk of a year that will net路er end and started years ago ...

&metimes you say, "Forget it, we don't need it" But the-n your sanity ret11rns The screaming and laughing subsides The cha()S conquered, the struggle continues ...


u N I 0



STANDING: J. Gibbons, P. Horn, J. McNamara, J. Finley, R. Connoly, P. Egitto, R. Carher; KNEELING: L. Schwartz.. berg, D. Kieser, J. Mitchell, J. Hepner, K. Leister.


STANDING: D. Wasilewski, J. Mehr, T. Smith, P. Mooney, J. Santina, F. Cervone, P. Stamatis, D. Grasela, J. Young; KNEELING: J. Kane, F. Domzalski, J. Draganescu, L. Byron, E. Zajac, M. Eckert, M. Barth.

BACK ROW: A. Campellone, J. Ingersoll, W. Friel, J. Talecki, R. Reynolds, M. Field, F. Stanczak, T. Taylor; FRONT ROW: M. Burke, D. Beck, M. Smith, M. Tillger, D. Recigno, D. Thomas, J. Li.


BACK ROW: L. Mueller, R. Devlin, T. Margiotti, R. Devanney, A. Tozzi; FRONT ROW: J. Weitzman, J. Shields, D. Haber, M. Consorte, M. Dwyer.

STANDING: M. Jones, J. Morgan, M. Herling, M. Nix, M. DeSimone, M. Frein; SITTING: G. Kenney, J. Oliver, R. Connor, P. Smith, M. Wills


STANDING: J. Phillippi, K. Mulderig, R. Walzac, K. Fenningham, J. Conti, M. Devine, J. Miller; SITTING: M. Lodes, E . .Mortka, J. Viola, R. Donaghue


BACK ROW: Canelli, J. Benz, M. DiPietro, G. Dunton, M. Montchyk, E. Stafford, G. Edling; FRONT ROW: T. Orr, J. McKenna, C. Dolan, P. Patrizio, J. Morton, M. Devlin


BACK ROW: G. Strolle,

J. Birl, D. Coffey, D. Hartman, T. Lawler, Cooper; FRONT ROW: Gaeto, D. Rongione, Kerins, B. Gallagher, Franklin, S. Guerin, Bartle, M. Evans

G. M. T.

J. A.

STANDING: J. Brostowicz, T. Ignas, J. Collins, J. Gallagher, W. Nolan, R. Williams, J. Brand; KNEELING: T. Barton, B. Paris, L. Fitzkee, J. White, K. Maher , A. Dougherty, S. Clayback.

5C STANDING: J. Byron, L. Zeglen, J. Checchio, T. Murphy, S. Heil, T. Bergen, S. Blickley, J . Butler; KNEELING: T. Crumbie, S. Radomski, C. Ramos, J. O'Neill, J. Gillespie, C. McDermott.

BACK ROW: C. Gleason, W. Larkey, H. McCaffrey, K. McBridge, L. Spinosa, M. McCabe, J. Jacobsen; FRONT ROW: M. Giannini, G. Desantis, J. Curtin, J. Fioravanti, R. Basara, W. Dwyer, J. Eble, T. Kletzel.

6C STANDING: J. Cahill, K. Keane, J. Reichelt, P. Daley, J. Frank, F. Moos, J. Burns, A. Capponi; SITTING: D. Fioravanti, D. Diacobbe, S. Lukas, R. Wiley, D. Smith, W. Bobbie, R. Gordon.



STANDING: P. Sabol, T. Sarnese, J. Harrison, M. Carter, G. GaUagher, W. Tamasitis, M. Chadwick, R. Maiden, A. Pellegrino. SITTING: J. Haenn, M. Donnely, P. Harvey, J. Plush.

STANDING: J. Conroy, A. Sowa, L. Quinn, J. O'Neill, J. Weber, W. Dougherty, T. Bracken, J. McCleary, T. Magrann, G. Strecker, R. Monaghan, E. Austin; SITTING: J. Morasco, M. Rothwell, S. Lehman, B. Robinson, M. McGlinn, M. Reilley.

STANDING: J. Malloy, P. Cosenza, W. Roberts, S. Carlino, P. Brabazon, W. Cooper, A. Naessens. KNEELING: P. Terreri, M. Love!, B. O'Neill, D. Winfree, A. Crumlish.


STANDING: B. Cannon, D. Keams, J. Suchy, J. Winters, A. Vecchione. KNEELING: J. Waldron, C. Topley, M. Kelly, R. O'Neill, F. Noonan, D. Palmieri, H. Silvestri.

Sprin.Q come.-;, the death of winter thaws ... blo.~soms, trees, clasBes moving outside the playthings of winter are shed and a young man's fancy turns to thoughts of ... baseball?

The last mile is always the worst. Our legs ache and our throats are raw and dry. And always there's that last hill. Why? Not for travel; Valley Forge, Washington's Crossing, even lhe shore; who cares? It rains and we're too tired anyway. And then the top of the hill and flying down and the cool breeze and we're there. Who cares, its the journey that counts.


MARCH 8, 9, 15, 16, 17 MAT. MARCH 10 l .OO P. M.


S2.50 - S3.00 - S3.50

For lnfMNtion Ul VE 6-72A8 or CH 7~300

8 00 • P...

"Tr·youts for 'Guys and Dolls' after school today" . . . The old timers u:alk casually by git'i tlf/ brief smiles of c01~fidencc to the "ntw camera". They may seem cool and calm hut its just an c.rtension q{ their af'fing ability. I really pity them for ha1•ing to perform two audition.~ and then wait .for any word on the outcom.e. Matt Hooper a.~ Sky Masterson. Anne Tompkin.~ as Sister Sarah. Stel'e Burns a.~ Nathan Detroit, Kim William.<; as Mi.c;.c; Adelaide ... It seem.c; like only ye~;terda.y that I wa.s helping u•ith audition .::. The play may be equated to a ti'1•e month u•eekend ... pracfi('(' Saturduy ll'ifh Mr. Bolso1·er ... Sunday 1dth .Jean Williams ... Brother Gene gafhn·ed the cast and crews together in the g11m for his pep-talk. His I'Oicc cracked under the u•eight of hi,c; rmotion. Words of assurance calmed the ncr1•es ()(the leads and chorus alike. At i11termis:~ion the beaming smiles of Gene Graham and Jean Williams told it all. The band nwved gracefully inw the closi119 numbers, and the audience rose to it.c; feet. Countless hours of u·ork captured in one moment r?( joy. Nothing gi1•e.c; ,greater satisfaction than to ha1·e your e(forts appt·etiated ...

The stage takes on an alien mien a:f1er the crowds ha1•e gone. Thi.'l is the end of the bn;f fh·e months of our lil'P!'l. If yo11 listen hard enmi!Jh, you 'II hear the faint ot·ertones Q( Cole Pm·ter's Anything Goes lilting familiarly throltgh the quiet of thr auditorium . . "Do yo11 hrar that playin'? That's Gabriel ... "And then its ,qone. Just a little further in the background. the waiters of the Harmonia Gardens Restaurant are still ,qreeting Dolly Levi ... And already, Guys and Dolls is being readied to join the other production.<; a.~ li1'ing memories in the backs of our minds ...

With the coming of the bitter weather of February comes the agonizing ordeal of getting in shape. Running around the track, fingers numb, the wind blowing in your face. 440's and 220's when your thighs feel like iron. One more time around the track five times. This is where the tools are forged. Next comes the polishing. "Get in front of the baU", "Bend your knees", "Stride into the ball", endless reactions to infinite game situations.

This year, more than ever, the fundamentals must be taught. It is not a question of having the tools, but rather, how fine the polish. The potential is here, but the experience lacking.

This year's St. LaSalle Club Banquet was highlighted by Tom 路Gola's reception of the Principal's Award as the most distinguished graduate of LaSalle High. Mr. Gola led the LaSalle College basketball teams to the NIT and NCAA championships in 1952 and 1954. He then went on to a ten year career as a pro which was interrupted by a two year sting with the Signal Corps. Finally :Mr. Gola led a distinguished career in politics culminating in his election as City Controller. LaSalle has had the pleasure of saluting its most distinguished graduate. Speeches by Brother Carl and Brother Gallgher enJi,路ened the e,路ening as the 1974 St. LaSalle Banquet passed into history.

The ,go(( team teed off under stormy skies this seamn. 1cith few returning prosprcls. Among the more erpair1uNI to try out wen, Pete Blw~t. Vince Coil. a,u/ Bill Cooke, three z路eteran.<; .from the 2nd place 197./ /cam. Sudz a pn:formanu would be hard to follow. but the team worked--.54 holes per week per person. 18 holes (or the team. For t h(' la:.;f l1co yean Brother Lewi.o; Mullin has monitered the team who hare pet/ormed !'ompetently de.'{pif拢 their lack of a common home rour!:lc. The team incorporale!:l 1路arious back,qrmuzds, experience and puffhl!/ irons ami the d!({t'er:> arc morl' plent~(ul than el'l'r.

The 1974 track season began with a new coach. a star miter, and quite a few questions. Mr. Pat Devine, formeTly the freshmen coach. started his first head coaching job with a demand for dedication and hard work from his team. With the aid of Bro. Luke Tuppenny (field events). M1路. Devine worked an ~路ne.rperienced team into a Catholic League contender.

We spent hour~; practicing rmr hooks and c1u路oe.~ at FlourfOINI. and the real team be(路an/R clear. Spares and strikes, split." and gutterhal/~; will make or break our 路"ewwn. Opening the season, we saw that it was going to be a rough year 拢n the Catholic League. But still. win or lose, if's an enjoyable e.rperiencr.

STANDING: T. Harrelson, C. Harrison. E. Mortka: SITTING: L. Santoro, Fr. G. Laba. R. Golden.

yearbook meeting in room 213 after school today ... layouts, type sheets, picas ... job number 4069 ... black india ink, and don't smudge it ... seniors are done, but we gotla axe three ... fall, winter, spring ... quarter of three in the morning ... fictionary ... December lOth ... a sprint to 30th street .. .



individuality ... Springsteen and Beethoven ... where's the roll of tape? ... He's finally gone around the bend ... I don't believe it! ... January 14th, and another race to 30th ... lock him in the dramatics office ... a trip to NYC ... March 4th, and its all over ...

The spring schedule went into effect today. (Strangl', the d(fferenceforty ntinutes makes: the classes seem to overtake the sweeping second-hand, but the days pass slcwly tc their end.)

Desks seem mere ronfining than ever ideas more illusit路e thouqh murh mere satisfying

u路hen caught. Few would rather chase a theorem

than a frisbee on a sunlight hillside by Cheltenham A 路ve.


Join the library staff and see Washington D.C., Gwynedd Mercy, Mount or Melrose (part of it) ... As the oldest, most well established, non-profit organization of the school, this club is responsible for the functioning of the library ... "Don't you dare eat in the 1i brary ... You know the book you were looking for that you had to read for English ... we want longer trips" ... Mrs. Mountain and her decimal system ... while Mrs. Rongione types, smiles ... and the rug still smells new.

We set up our constitution and plans for the year. D<rit-ourselves mixers pulled in record crowds, and Raven stole the show. Food drives and the toy-drive were moderate successes, and involvement day was in the planning stage. The basketball court painting began, and it became apparent that the year was coming to an end when election of new officers got under way.

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Thursdays at LaSalle arc different for some. It is for them a time of tension relief after a long week. Beginning at the flagpole and climaxing at Flourtown Lanes. these students enjoy bowling with their friends. Success of the club is evident since membership has increased constantly since its start in 1971. Even the adults of the LaSalle community are encouraged to join. Most importantly, lasting friendships have been formed.

Frenzied activities, ope'ned wirulows, fresh air in the bu.<;tli ng

corridors as goals turn to completion, success, Easter vacation and that final stretch to :wmmer.

Its a time of completions, of gaining final res-ult:s. For seni.Qrs, the last ntarki11{} period in LaSalle, a thrilling yet poignant time, the specter of sadness lies for far distant. Few choose to think we will soon be separate; rather celebrate while we are stiU together.

LaSalle College High School Athletie Association

!!!!~~~ $1.00

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DEDICATION We do not know how it happened, nor does he. All we know is that a true friendship has developed between the class of '74 and Brother Kevin Strong. It happened because "Stretch", as he is affectionately known, can make us feel he is a friend, a brother, and a father at the same t1 me. He knows that within our class there are more than two hundred different personalities, all of whom are willing to accept his advice in time of difficulty. However, his job as guidance counselor is only one of many talents. "Stretch" speaks Spanish and French fluently, sings an excellent "Danny Boy", is amazing with oil on canvas, and is hard to beat on the handball court.

Brother's talents stretch from being moderator of the men's club to the school's interior decorator. Not only does he teach an adult art class, but he also gardens extensively. His is a creative, sensitive nature, one capable of making him come close not only to the seniors but to all others he meets, including his students at the Bridge. Few of us will forget brother; our dedication attempts to celebrate binding our friendship.

stupid frosh ... Inherit The Wind ... a j(Yf'eign language ... the first mixer ... Gals with Mister

Oz ...

the first and last assembly ... two weeks of a dress code ... and hey, did you see us on Channel 9 last night .. .

Pia net of the ApP.~ ... "t'Zf' m pi us t路ze ro" ... yo-yo craz" ... Pi!!!J!I and tht l'llll('h .. . Would be or is( ... Mcmfagr' ... Fid .. . "Int ram u ra { WHAT!" . . . .~full in\ Magicians

Stretch ... Archie and Edith ... lunchtime movies . . . the master ... "chink anyone?" ... Handel and Christmas

"How much will yau give me to try out for the play?" ... mid-term,q ... a bus strike ... Fat Cat ... "Fl!!.fools, jly!" ... ln!•oll'ement Day I ... Marty and his "phone call.~;" .. . Jw;tant JP.·W~ ...

Gallagher and Beowulf . .. Wild Bill ... rwogies ... Student Faculty Senate ... "Gentl~men, pass up your comps" ... }\,fountain, Bogle and Jat路ie ...

"Motherhood, America and a hot lunch for orphans" ... George the janitor


I路 ,a~


Making out your t•ery own roster ... Boys will be boys, but LaSaUe Bays will be ...

Well, we're finally sqplumwres ... Siddartha ... E-Bob ... Biology with the good brother ...

hey, th~ football tea路m. act1tally won a game ... aqualung ... wolfman ... dandy pat's sports class . . fritz

orgie tire biter ... Clutch Cargo for president ... a wetback for mascot ... To Kill a Mockingbird



~, - (!

"With the clwicest senwrs, junivrs, & rophs" ... scum jars ... "But Mr. Diehl these are my dress sneakers" ... sklad

chess team vs. rwrth ... the pit ... "Could you give me a ride to 5th St.?" ... mirwrities all ... deoxyrib<muciÂŁic acid

"The Gospel According to St . .Matthew" ... beat egan da,y ... mechanical drawing ... "You're wrong, Chip, ym~'re wrong" ... the narfh penn bu.~ co. leave:> the walking to us, .. NEDT .. ,ferd

"And that's what it's all about" .. . hogan to the hoop ... first gear ... bro. dave's term papers ... skipper ... the human homeroom ... soph hop .. . "Anybody have the lab?" .. . l>ro hilary's marching drill team ... four fallen angels ... boog pqwell

"No, Mr. Zapiec does not eat nails" . .. pin()chle in the caf ... manchild

E and B ... lewis m 'umjord ... the hugh nobody knows ... mister mim

'"W&zniak, get o'ut!.



... mr. hine and his grapplers .. .


"Design your own city" ... palestra ... computer clttb ... "i wonder what it'!-: like to be a junior"

"We've all come tc look for A me rica" ... the happy molecule ... j()ur more years ... LEAF ... Spiders From Mars ... ma twit

Happy and Biff . .. natural laws and situatum ethics . . . "what are NMSQT's?" . .. the squid ... senior life saving . . . "Someone oughta Gpen up a window!" ...

)uane foindexrer

the adventures of Joe the Jet ... 'Da Seal of 'da Wis ... class rings are in ... &road street bullies to the Stanley Cup ... Neu路 World Symphony ... we become a chopper shopper ... Mr. Hitzel

T-Bird and the Weight Machine ... j. pierpant finch ... Be Dere ... Care ... exchange with p. w., kennedy and abington ... mandatory exams ... prom tickets, 28

beans ...

\v V'


..,v.. ,




/ \.

Wood 6-7 ... bruce can hold his own ... Alistair Cooke ... and the commercial was the best part of the show ... American Pie ... happy jack ... pep rally, eighth period ...

and c.c. gets bumped upstairs ... Super Spirit '73 ... the bear .. . you want to btty a ticket ... "There once was a girl from Cape Cod ...

"Barry Who, We Got L<lu" ... a clean cafeteria ... College Boards ... The Godfather ... Uglyman II ...

"I ts good-by to the old dump tonight" ... swimming champs again ... lrrothe1路 edmund, greg luzinski and 4 chefs .. .

chink-ach-gook and Hurry H1~rry . . . East of Eden ... Ho'W To Succeed ... u•om ... we like it here ... Alberico, Cassidy, Salmon ... jr ... R. I. P HORSE . .


fa_.uf ··oa,~u; "B t 7

Citizen Kane strikes again ... '1 didn't rnake it up, its right here in the book" ... ducky . . . "so we beat on, boats against the current, borne back ceaselessly into the past" ... "we DON'T get to pick our own roster? ... Ocw,n City

Pluck the Falcon ... "don't blame me, I mted jar mcgol'ern" .. was oedipus oedipal? . .. all night Mand.'l ... "At last. 01lr awn lounge" .. .

lasalleand1,illanovaandtempleand notredameand. Beethoven's 5th



Spaceman . . . "one of us twain is mad, harold, and I am not he" ... (dy!du) (duldx) = dy 1 dx .. . Fealy's Adult Book Store ... derby day ...

. . .... ,.......,

~a. ~,

Sound of Power and Raven ... girl L '--.:1--s · · · Relevant Ray ... Crwerw~r nathan detroit . · ·

all seniors must sign their nantes on an inde:r card ... "DK: E l•erything I say is important" ... French, Swedish, Japanese ... "I'm going blind from 1·eading subtitles ... 10 Semi-jinQ,lists ... Cardiac Kids

\\1) Ill" c I{ s


G.J l u r-id"

mixer capital of the city ... three 17Wre angels bite the dust ... JB and Sarah . . . Egan .trits ... ''tryouts for guys and dolls at 2: 15" ... Rich Bryers Fan Club . . "If you hold y()ur elbow, yol~ can denwnstrate a torque arm"

Orpheus ... Retreats and broken lxmes ... aruba! and the stripper ... only a john u路ould be for a jane ... COl'拢 rt attd overt ... Huck Finn indeed ... Hmmii .. . Mustard Cutter's Uni.on . . .

Inn of the Four Falls "No, I CM1 honestly say" ... dorian or phrygian ... intellectual jock ...

"this is for the birds" ... the C ?Mnster ... soda and pong

... Thomas More and me ... getting there

Son '0 HfYrse ... psychological games with gat ... jinalfinals ... You're god is decidedly too small and the all NEW baltimore catechism .. .fred will open the gym ... days with bowie and bach ... physics films with falling monkeys ...


J.. a~-ro

who's valedictorian? .. . graduation practice and missing classes ... second half breeze . . "Which college?" ... A P tests ... 1,069 ... And then there were(?)

1N1itir1g in ga.-; lines as the morning sun warms the <·nld night air .. fh(' l/y.'>lt' ria ... its not dark anym.ore when I get up ... and soon exams are done and then 14 days to collect your memo-ries before you leat•e ...

Summer came early this year; the smell of the newly-1MWn grass baking under the still, complacent sttn, the strange scents of multi-hued flowers whose names we had forgotten (or never known), the occasiQnal, welcomed draught of cool air filtering through the classroom windows combined to turn thoughts away from Calculus and Kesey, to make legs squirm beneath the desk, and feet tap out the call of a restrained inner drurnmer.

Soon (though far too ,-;[owly for 11s) the calculated days pass and we stand in the srniling su nl ighf vn a broad, green expanse of carefully clipped grass, wearingjlou•ing black gown.~ and a smile ofacknowledged triumph a,~ we step to the platform arul take the piece of paper which declares us educated.

We lea1'e 110w not in cheet·ing throngs as we had expected. but in srnall 1wllen groups, almost sorry it is over, and mguely apprehensive of what is going to happen ne.rt. Some of u.c; talk of impossible schemes u•hich u·e someho-w are to accotnplish; the m.ore practical pla'n.S of othtr.'{ die. stil/b()ln in the stifling air.

We think we know where we are going.



Please return Emer gency cnrds NOW .


JitrJ I

lld.o ...


associate editors

contributing editors ross crumlish, gary gresh moderator jerry tremblay

jim ludovici writer

brother ke . faculty vm strong COpy

jim demerlis senior credits mark obert-thorn ending writer cover design

contributors rich landers greg scott dave millet tom bond rich bond don annento pete blust gus widmann jack patkus paul scullin jack mcgeehan mrs. catherine lull mrs. rosalie comeford mr. charlie bilpl tremblay family roxborough bubb

photographer par excellance mike maicher photographers gary lutheran ray burke kurt heilbronn ray mullin

joe mccormick jim gillespie frank hoffman rich bryers jerry angilletta bob mclaren frank colubiale tom alberico larry brownsey tom hoban mike cassidy mike wisniewski steve daly chip dearolf mike mchugh ross crumlish frank mcnamara pat mcnulty craig preis brian wong mark obert-thorn tom harrelson

DISTINGUISHED PATRONS Gerald Angiletta The Anise Bar Doctor and Mrs. Donald Armenta G. Barth Mr. and Mrs. Matthew J. Basara and Family Belfield Exxon Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F. Benz Wesley and Olga Bobbie Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bollinger Eleanor and Jack Bowen Mr. Joseph A. Burke John Burns Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Butler Mr. and Mrs. Francis Byrnes Camiel Brothers Beverage Company Dorothy Cherney and Family Armand J. Coco Colosimo's Honda Colson Company Bill Cooke The Contino Family Mother Coyle Richard Coyle Mr. and Mrs. Francis R. Crumlish Samuel M. D'Amore-General Contractor Mr. and Mrs. Waite Dearolf Doctor C. T. DeBerardinis Mr. and Mrs. John DeMerlis Michael A. Dempsey Mark Andrew DiRugeris Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Doloway John P. Donnelly-Roofing Mr. and Mrs. William G. Filmyer Doctor and Mrs. John G. Finley Joseph P. Fitzkee-Carpeting Mr. and Mrs. Leo G. Frangipane Tom Gola Francis A. Gramlich Inc. Gary M. Gresh Mr. and Mrs. Martin J . Gresh and Family John C. Guminiski Mrs. Rita Hanson Mr. and Mrs. Charles V. Harrison Kurt Heilbronn Thomas J. Higgins Fox Contracting Company Gerald R. Hildebrandt Associates The Horn Family Leonard I vanoski Jimmie's Amusements Ernest Keller Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Kelly Jr. Tom Kletzel

LaSalle Bookstore LaSalle Environmental Action Force Mr. Joseph Lesser-Real Estate David McElvenny Ms. Virginia McGlinn Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. McGovern The McLaren Family Mr. and Mrs. William J. McTear Mac John Mairon and Son, Inc. The Mammana Family Anthony M. Mechell Tony Mechell Mr. and Mrs. Tulio Mignogna Mihalich Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Miller Brian Mitchell Joe Mitchell Moore Motors Inc. Ron Moser Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Normile The O'Connell Family John J . O'Donnell Co. Homeroom lD Mr. B. J. O'Neill Mr. and Mrs. Joseph D. O'Neill Pak-Rapid Inc. The Pepsi Cola Co. The Pepsi Cola Bottling Co. of Phila. Mr. and Mrs. Pasquale J. Pilla. Pollino Buick-Pontiac Inc. Mr. Frank V. Radomski Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Reichelt Mr. and Mrs. John J. Rigney Romano's Tailoring The Roscoe Family Pete Salmon San Remo Restaurant Mr. and Mrs. David J. Schofield Greg Scott Selheimer & Co. The Shack Shades, '74 Donald L. Sprague Mr. and Mrs. James J. Stokes Suburban Kitchens Inc. United Vending Service Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Vacca M. Visco and Son, Inc. Gustav Widmann Mr. and Mrs. Harry H. Widmann The Worthington Family The Yodsnukis Family Mr. and Mrs. T. Zajac

HONORED PATRONS Buzz Allard-State Farm Insurance American Roofing Company Ampros Trophy Kings Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Borek Boulevard Lanes Broad and Olney Lanes Cassidy's Colonial Inn CMS Design Company Continental Bank Degnan Chevrolet Inc. Greg Fanelli Herb Fox C. William Fox Harvey's Pizza Den Mr. and Mrs. Theodore L. Jacobsen Mr. and Mrs. Donald J. Kieser Stanley Kulkiniski--General Contractor LaSalle Alumni Office LaSalle Library Staff Mr. and Mrs. James Lawler

Leech Brothers Auto Parts Arthur Lynch--Devonshire Cream Mint Company James Malone Sr. Christopher McDermott Shades McLaren Doctor and Mrs. Harold W. Miller Mr. Mugs Restaurant Harry F. Ortlip Company Mr. and Mrs. Victor Pospischil Pyttronic Industries Inc. Rich Tomkins Roslyn Beverage Company Sal's Pizza Sam's Cleaners and Tailors Trickel Family Vahle's Pet Shop Varallo Family Richard F. Williams Wyndmoor Supply Company

SOCIAL PATRONS Mrs. Marcella Austin Mr. and Mrs. E. Barry Mr. and Mrs. Richard H. Becker Michael J. Bohrer Edward and John Borek Miss Patsy Boyle Mike Brennan-76 Anna Brown Pat Brown-74 Marie A. Bunn Raymond Burke Mrs. RoseR. Canuso Mrs. Vincent Cogan Richard C. Connor and Family Country Squire Inn Ross Crumlish-74 A. V. Cummings Jr. Mrs. A. V. Cummings Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Frank V. Daniel Jr.-63 Lucy I. Dean Jim DeMerlis-74 Thomas D'Emilio-77 Theresa DiMarino Flowers Dish

Mr. and Mrs. Edward G. Donnelly Eileen M. Donnelly Michael Patrick Donnelly Robert Donnelly Thomas P. Donnelly Mr. and Mrs. Joseph E. Dooley Dot and John John Dragenescu Guido Duglia Joe Dwyer Doctor Bernard J. Entine D.D.S. Tim Esposito-76 Dorothy and Lou Fantacone Thomas Farrell G. Fehrenbach Arco Station Mrs. Catherine Fitzgerald John Flanagan Forensics Club The Frigate Book Shop Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Bernard J . Gallagher Jr. Dorothy and Mike Gallagher Emanuel Galone Mr. and Mrs. James I. Gillespie Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gillios

Thomas Normile The Obert-Thoms Mr:;. John J. O'Donnell Jr. Mr. and Mrs Martin O'Meara ~fr. and Mrs. Henry I O'Neill Jr. Patkus Family ~fr. and ~frs. Joseph Phillippi Mrs. AnneS. Porter Helen Powelson Cra1g Preis Mr. and Mrs. 0. H. Preis Donald Reeder Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Salvitti Mr. and Mrs. Louis A. Santoro Terry and Billy Schaefer Mr. Anthony J. Sciolla Sr. Greg Scott Mrs. John P. McShea Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene E. Shuttle Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Slizofski Muriel Smith Mr. and Mrs. John C. Sommar Stafford Family Mr. and Mrs. Eugene 0. Strolle Frank Swallow Benjamin Tomasso Thomas E. Teich Mr. and Mrs. Carl Ungaro Elsie Teti Mr. and Mrs. James W. Walker Mr. and Mrs. George Wernery Mr. and Mrs. Edward L. White Lance Zeglen

Richard M. Golden Jr. John Grace Florence Gradinetti Granahan, Martin and Campbell Mr. and Mrs. Albert Guerra Stephen Haggerty Margaret Hamburg William Higginbotham Bud Heim Hilton Drug Company Thomas Hoban-74 Junior's Giant "A" Team Mrs. Helen Kaminiski and Joe Mr. and Mrs. John Kaskoun Mr. and Mrs. C. William Kieser Klub Original Bystanders Kuklinski Family Tom Lucchesi Lynne and Skip Joe Martosella Elizabeth McDermott Chris McGeehan Mr. and Mrs. John Mcintyre Mr and Mrs. Leon A. McMeel Tony McNichols and Melody Miller Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. McNulty Mr. John J. Mellon Mrs. Muriel Mehr Arlene Morozin Joseph Morozin Mrs. Christine Muller Mr and Mrs. Thomas Mulvihill Mr and Mrs. James E. Nolen

FRIENDS William H. Ahlers Mr. and Mrs. John Allaro G. C. Allen Mary Anne Anderson Joseph Antinovetch Edward J. Austin Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Autuori B & 0 Beer Distributor Dav1d and Paul Barton Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Barton Tom and Bernard Barton Ron Baus Byron Beaver James W Behe Father Chester J. C. Beattie Mrs. Elizabeth Bianoo Curtis Black Robert Bowe Mr. and Mrs. FrankL. Bowser Joan Brand John H. Brand Charles Brown

Mike Brennan Raymond Burke Thomas E. Butler Victor Butswinkos Miss Elvira Caccavalo Vito Canuso Jr., Esquire Mr. and Mrs. Donald R. Carpenter Phillip E. Cassidy Mr. and Mrs. Ph1lhp E. Ca.<~sidy Charles-A friend Clyburn Fuel Oil Service Louis Cohen Compliments of a Friend Chris Condron Rev. Edward B. Connolly--'55 Rev. Francis X Connolly Mr. and Mrs. Francis Connoly Frank Currie Jr. Mr. and Mrs. John D. Custer Edwin and Emily Czarnecki Lester N. Daley Chris Daniel

Frank D'Amore Joy D'Amore Bob Darreff Joe Darreff Lynn Darreff Marilyn Darreff Charles Dearolf Chip Dearolf Mr. and Mrs. Nick DellaVecchia John W. DeMerlis Anna De\路iato Mary Devinney Pete DiBattiste Keith Dicciani JoAnn Dicriscio John Doe Corky and Bunny Dolor Mr. and Mrs. Joseph E. Dooley Mr. and Mrs. Lee D'Ottavi Mr. Frank Deviato John Draganescu-'75 John Drummer Elenor G. Dwyer

John E. Dwyer John G. Falcone John Fenton Mr. D. Fiorcucurt Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Filanowski Mrs. Paulene Fiorvanti John B. Flanagan lil The Flanagan Family Anthony Frank Jim Frank Kay Frank Marie Frank William Gagliano John W. Gallagher Carmen Galone James E. Gallagher Mrs. Anna B. Gehring Mr. and Mrs. John H. Geist Gelletich Family Mr. and Mrs. Pasquale Geri Mr. and Mrs. James J . Glacken Mrs. Richard Golden Sr. Richard Golden Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Goldner Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Grace Granahan, Martin and Campbell Mrs. Rose Granazio Mr. and Mrs. Angelo Guerra Mr. and Mrs. lJante Guerra Stephen Haggerty Harry F. Hamburg Mrs. Judith Heckroth Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hicks Sr. Thomas Hoban Mrs. Elizabeth Hogan Kathryn Hughes The Jester Family Steve Jester Sam Jones Joseph's Barber Shop Mr. and Mrs. F. Kalinowski Helen S. Kane Anthony Kaskoun William Kaufmann F. J. Keever Donald J. Kieser Jr. Kittel Family Martin Knorr Mr. and Mrs. Michael Koralishin Joe and Nance Kunz Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Landers Rich Landers Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Landers Rich Landers Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Leona Ree Leona Tony Leona

Mr. and Mrs. J ohn Loftus Mr. and Mrs. John Loftus Jr. Barbara Lovell Mr. and Mrs. E. Lovell Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Lyons R. Malgean Shelly and Tracy Malvoso Patrick J . Margolis Miss Esther Marinari Mrs. Jean Marrara Joe Martosella Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Mastroleni The McBride Family t.ir. Bernard McBride Mr. and Mrs. William H. McCaffrey Jane McCallister Mrs. Judson McCallister Mr. and Mrs. Francis J. McCartney Mr. and Mrs. James McCormick J. W. McDermott Michelle McDermott Mr. and Mrs. Charles McDowell Mrs. J . V. McGaughey Jr. Mary Jane McGaughey Mr. John U. McGaughey Jr. Eileen McGovern John J. Mcintyre Mike Mcintyre Art McKeown Miss Geri MeT ear Gale Marie Meconnahey Richard V. Mee Dave Millet"74 Philomena Montetiore Sue Moore Wayne Moore Thomas Grinner Paul Morgan John " Moe" Mulholland A. Nonimous Mrs. Anne O'Connor J. H. Muntz Owen L. Murray Bob O'Donnell Mr. and Mrs. Patrick W. O'Donnell John O'Meara ltiartin O'Meara Jr. Mr. and Mrs. James C. O'Shea Rev. Msgr. Anthony L. Ostheimer Mr. and Mrs. Charles Otto Santo Pagano Bernard Palko Verlym Palmer Party People

John Patkus Pasquale's Haircutting and Styling Mr. and Mrs. Victor Peracchia Mr. and Mrs. Charles Pfizenmaier Phil and Ton's Cousin Prinzo Pamily Public Federal S. and L. Assoc. Guido Puglia Sue Reeves Mrs. Joann Regan Rae-Anne Renner Rialto Cleaners Mr. and Mrs. J. Roberts Rosalie and Catherine Roslyn Pharmacy Mr. and Mrs. Walter Ryan Louis Santoro-'74 Claire R. Santry Sue Santry Rita Santry A. J . Sciolla Jr.-'68 David J . Sciolla John J . Sciolla Dr. Herbert Silverman Gary Slacum Mrs. Frank J . Slicker Rev. Charles D. Smith Mr. and Mrs. C. Smith Paul Smith Robert Solarski E. Solarski Ambrose Souse Joseph and Marta Spino Lucille Spino Naomi Stud Frank N. Stien Patricia Thacteher Mr. and Mrs. Joe Timoney Ronald Tomasso "74 Tony's Restaurant Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Trimborn Maria Ungaro Mrs. and Mr. Rodman Vahle Tim Vahle Victor Walter Mrs. Wiggins Mr. John F. Wilde Charles Wiley Mr. and Mrs. Richard F. Williams Mr. and Mrs. Wisman Wayne Wood James Zacearelli Lance Zeglen Mr. and Mrs. Alfred J . Zielinski

THOMAS A. ALBERICO 5100 Oxford Ave. Philadelphia 19124 Assumpta Academy CU 9-5544 SA, 8B, 3C, 7D Chico ... Student Council 1, 2, 3, 4 .. Student Senate 2, 3, 4 . . Dramatics 3, 4 ... Forensics 1, 2 • • . Wisterian 3 . Science 1 .. Band 4 . . Involvement Day 4 . Student Affairs Bulletin 4 ... Dance Comm. 3, 4 . .. Prom Comm 3, 4 ... Art Club 2, 3, 4 Scolastic L 1, 4 ... Intramurals l , 2, 3, 4 GERALD V. ANGILLETTA 949 Welsh Rd. Maple Glen 19002 Saint Alphonsus 646-3402 3A, 8B, 4C, 1D Chess Club 2 . . . Bicycle Club 2, 3, 4 German Club 2, 4 ... Computer Club 2 . . . Dance Comm. 4 .. . Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 .. . Scholastic L 2 .. . Chemistry Award 3 DONALD F. ARMENTO 435 Newbold Rd. Jenkintown 19046 Immaculate Conception 887-9546 7A, 6B, 1C, 6D Intramurals .. . Dramatics .. . Swimming ... X-Country . .. Student Council . .. Student Publications ROBERT J . AUGUSTINE 133 Leverington Ave. Philadelphia 19127 Saint Lucy IV 3-4422 SA, 1B, 1C, 3D Aug .. lnt.ramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ••. Football 1 ... Chess Club 2, 3 PHILIP D. BARBA 212 Bethlehem Pike Fort Washington 19034 Saint Joseph MI 6-7230 3A, 7B, 4C, 10 Crew 1, 2 .. Student Council 2 ... Bowling 4 LLOYD C. BECK, JR. 729 Garland St. Philadelphia 19124 Thomas Creighton Public School PI 3-3488 SA, 2B, 7C, 7D Floyd Peck . . . Dramatics 3, 4 . . . Dance Comm. 4 . . . Student Council 4 . . . Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 TERENCE J. BIGLEY 601 W. 65th Street Philadelphia 19126 Saint Helena WA 7-4029 JOSEPH F. BLICKLEY 5902 N. Water St. Philadelphia 191ro Saint Helena HA 4-6385 SA, SB, 6C, 7D Wisterian 2 ... Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Crew 1, 2 (L), 3 (L), 4 (L) ... Library Club 1, 2 PETER F . BLUST 1443 Dorel Rd Rydal19046 Gwynedd Mercy Academy for Boys TU 4-2074 1A, 1B, 2C, 6D Football 1 ... Golf 2, 3 (L), 4 (L) ... Swimming 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Hockey Club 2 . .. Intram urals 1. 2, 3, 4 . Dramatics 2, 3, 4 ... Spirit Club 3, 4 .. Yearbook •t . . . Involve ment Day Comm. 3, 4 . . Dance Comm. 3, 4 ... Prom Comm. 4 .. Ring Dance 3 ... Student Council 2, 3, 4 .•• NEDT Certificate 1. 2 . Nattonal Honor Society 4 PAUL G. BOGLE 4079 Hillside Rd. Lafayette Hi1119444 Saint Phillip Neri 828-4170 5A, 3B, 3C, 3D Barney . . . Football I, 2, 3, 4 . . . Dance Comm. 3, 4 ... Student Council 4 . . Bowling Club 3 . . . lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ... National Honor Society


5112 N. Marvine St. Philadelphia 19141 Holy Child DA 4-0008 SA, 3B, 2C, 2D Basketball 1 .. Intramurals 1, 2, S, 4 .•. Scholastic L 3. RICHARD P . BOND 428 Newbold Rd Jenkintown 19046 Immaculate Conception 3A, 68, 7C, 70 TU 7-8429 Rick .. . Tennis I, 2, 3, 4 . X-Country 1, 2 Track I . Art ... Intramurals I, 2, 3, 4 1, 2, 3, 4 .. . Yearbook 4 .. Swimming2. THOMAS S. BOND 428 Newbold Rd. Jenkintown 19046 Immaculate Conception TU 7-8429 3A, 68, 7C, 6D X-Country 1, 2, 3, 4 . .. Track 1, 2, 3, 4 . . . Soccer 4 ... Tennis 4 .. . Art Club 2, 3, 4 . . . lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 . .. Yearbook 4 . . . Play 3, 4. EDWARD J . BOREK 3456 Almond St. Philadelphia 19134 Saint Adalbert NE 4-4064 SA, 28, 3C, 1D Big Ed .. . Football 1 .. . Track 3, 4 ... Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ••• Involvement Day 4 ... NEDT A ward 1. SEAN H. BRETT 4059 S. Warner Rd. Lafayette Hill19444 Saint Philip Neri 4A, 48, 4C, 30 828-3617 Scoot . .. Student Council I, 2, 3, 4 .. Track 1, 2 (L), 3 (L), 4 (L) ... Basketball 1, 2 ... Dramatics 2, 3, 4 .. Football 1, 2, 3 (L), 4 (L).

JOSEPH R. BROOKS 4914 N. 12th St. Philadelphia 19141 Holy Child 615-2887 3A, 68, 6C, 7D J. B . ... Football 1, 2, 4 ... Involvement Day 4 ... Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 . .. NEDT Certificate 1. MICHAEL J. BROWN 834 Bell La. Maple Glen 19002 Saint Alphonsus MI0-2476 SA, 58, lC, 30 Football 1 . . . Dramatics 4 ... Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ... NEDT Certificate 1 PATRICK J . BROWN 84 Kingswood La. LeVIttown 19065 Saint Michael the Archangel 945-lSro 3A. 18, 4C, 50 Egg ... Int.ramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ..• Involvement Day 4 .. • Crew 2, 3 (L), 4 (L). LAURENCEJ. BROWNSEY 1336 Lindsay La. Meadowbrook 19046 Woodrow Wilson Junior High TU 7-7263 SA, 58 , 2C, 20 Pole, Skeeb ... Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 . . Track 1, 3, 4 . Soccer 1, 4 ..• Art Club 3, 4. RICHARD J . BRYERS 8151 Ridge Ave Philadelphia 19128 Norwood Academy IV 2-4roO 38, 7C, 7D Bodine . . . Football 2, 3 (L), 4 (LJ . Gazebo . . SUtdent Intramurals 2. 3, 4 . Council 2, 3. WALLACE G. BULLOCK 7141 Lincoln Dr. Philadelphia 19119 Norwood Academy SA, 58, 2C, 4D CH ~13f.6 Wal . .. Football 1, 2, 3 (L), 4 (L) ... Dramatics 3, 4 .. . Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4.

BENJAMIN P. BUONO Abington Ave. Philadelphia 19118 Seven Doors CH ~90 SA, 3B, 6C, 20 lntramurals 1, 2, 3. 4 . .. Wrestling 3, 4 .. Soccer Club 1, 4 ... Yearbook 4 ... Involvement Day Comm. 3, 4 .• . Library Club 1, 2 LOUIS J. BUONOMO 13461 Stevens Rd. Philadelphia 19116 Saint Christopher OR 7-6425 SA, 18, 4C, 6D Student Council 1, 2, 3, 4 . . . Involvement L E A F 3, 4 .. Day Comm. 1, 2, 3, 4 Football . . . Wrestling 1, 2 .. . Senate 4 . . . Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 .. . Prom Comm. 3, 4 .. . Dance Comm. 3, 4 . . . Dramatics 3, 4 Student Exchange Program 3, 4 RAYMOND R. R. BURKE 1425 Taylor Rd. Lansdale 19446 Gwynedd-Mercy Academy 855-1911 lA, 6B, 5C, lD In tram urals 1, 2, 3 . . . Wisterian 3, 4 .. . Yearbook 3 .. . Creative Arts Club 3, I .. Forensics Club 1, 2 . . . Camera Club 4 EDWARD G. BURNETT 913 Roumfort Rd. Philadelphia 19150 Fitzsimons Jr. High CH ~2751 18, 4C, 20 Eddie. Cool ... Band 3, 4 STEPHEN J . BURNS 2915 Fanshawe St. Philadelphia 19149 Saint Timothy ~9847 SA, 58, 2C, 70 In tram urals 2, 3 . .. Dramatics 3, 4 ... Forensics 2, 3 . . . Yearbook 4 .. . Involvement Day Comm. 3, 4 ... Student Council 3 .. .Creativity Night 2, 3, 4 ... Highest Honors in French II and III . . . Certificate of Educational Development 1, 2 ... French Club 4 EDWARD D. CALVITTI 74ro Boyer St. Philadelphia 19119 Assumpta Academy CH 7-0146 SA, 3B, 6C, 40 Freshman Basketball . .. Stage Crew 3, 4 ... Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 FRANK D. CANNON 1626 Fort Washington Ave. Maple Glen 19002 Saint Alphonsus MI 6-8629 3A, 8B, 4C, 20 Boom Boom ... Crew 1, 2, 3 (L), 4 (L) ... Football 1 ... Prom Comm. 3, 4 . Sptrit Club 3 .. . Hall Proctor 4 . . ln\'olvement Day Comm. 4 . . . lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 MARK B. CARNEY 721 Summit Ave. Philadelphia 19128 Norwood Academy IV 3-5843 SA, 18, 4C, 60 Ice Hockey 1, 2, 3, 4 .. . Track 1 . .. XCountry 1 .. . Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ..• Bowling Club 2, 3 JOSEPH J . CASCIATO 222 E. Cheltenham Ave. Philadelphia 19lro Saint Joseph's, Cheltenham CA 4-2045 7 A, 78, 4C, 3D Cas, Gus, iato . . . Basketball 1 .. . Football 2, S, 4 .. . Baseball 3, 4 . .. Spirit Club 1, 2, 3, 4 . . . Student Council 1, 2, 3, 4 . . . Dance Comm. 2, 3, 4 . . . Dramatics 4 MICHAEL W. CASSIDY 410 Van Kirk Street Philadelphia 191ro Saint William PI 2-7212 5A, 38, 1C, 40 Cass, Dairylea, Gordon ... Student Council 1, 2, 4 ... Basket.ball1 . Football 1, 2, 3 (L), 4 (L) . . . Baseball 1, 2 (L), 3 (L) . . . Prom Comm. 3, 4 . . . Dramatics 3, 4 .. . Soph Hop . . . Ring Dance . . . Dance Comm. . . . Spirit Club 1. 2 . . . Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ~7

TIMOTHY D. CHERNEY 402 Newbold Road Jenkintown 19046 Gwynedd Mercy Academy 884-3186 SA, 68, 5C, 1D T.C. . . . Basketball 2, 3 (L), 4 (L) . . . XCountry 1 ... L.E.A.F. 4 ... lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 •.• NEDT Certificate 1, 2 ... Highest Honors in French Il, Algebra II ... Math Tutoring 2, 4 ..• Scholastic L 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Student Senate 2 ... Society of Outstanding American High School Students ANTHONY H. CIABATTONE 3135 Robbins Avenue Philadelphia 19149 Saint Timothy PI 3-3565 SA, 58, 1C, 70 Basketball 1, 2, 3, 4 ••. Baseball 4 ... lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Dramatics 3 ... Chess Club 2 ... Involvement Day 3 ... Dance Comm. 3 ... Soph Hop 2 ... Student Exchange 3 ... Student Council 2 . . . NEDT Certificate 2 JOHN F. CLINTON 4774 Silverwood Street Philadelphia 19128 Holy Family ~59:?2 SA, 58, 3C, 60 Bud, Horse ... Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 Bowling Club 2, 3 ... Bowling Team 4 VINCENT E. COLL 440 Foulke Avenue Ambler 19002 Saint Anthony 643-0462 SA, 68, 7C, 10 Vink ... Golf 3, 4 ... lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 WILLIAM J . COLLINS 1037 Foulkrod Street Philadelphia 19124 Gwynedd Mercy Academy JE 5-5646 SA, 58, 2C, 40 FRANK J . COLUBIALE 1124 Linn Street Philadelphia 19100 Annunciation HO 2-8959 5A, 38, 5C, 3D Citizen Pain . . . Wisterian 2, 3, 4 . • . XCountry 1, 2 ... Track l, 2 .. Senate 3 ... lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Involvement Day 3, 4 ... LEAF 3 ... Yearbook 4 WILLIAM P. COOKE 13420 Stevens Road Philadelphia 19116 Saint Chr istopher HO~~oo


Golf 3, 4 ... In tram urals 3, 4 THOMAS G. COYLE 160 Roberts Avenue Glenside 19038 Assumpta Academy TU 7-7508 1A, 78, 6C, 3D Moose, Rip Van Coyle ... Forensics 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Library Club 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Wisterian 3, 4 ... Dramatics 4 .. .lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ••. Wrestling 1, 2 F. ROSS CRUMLJSH 116 Station Road Glenside 19038 Saint Atbanasius SA, 68, 5C, 50 TU 4-4956 Roscoe ... lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Forensics 1, 2, 3, 4 . . . Wisterian 3, 4 . . . Student Council 3, 4 ... Involvement Day Comm. 3, 4 ... Bowling Team 1, 2 ... LEAF 3, 4 ... Scholastic L 1, 2, 4 ... National Merit Letter of Commendation 4 ... NEDT Certificates 1, 2 ... Student Exchange 3, 4 ... Bowling Club 1, 2, 3 ... Yearbook 4

STEPHEN P. DALY 476 Manheim Street Philadelphia 19144 Saint Francis of Assisi Vi 3-4422 3A, 48, 4C, 40 lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Tennis 3 (L). 4 (L) ... Religion Award 2 GERARD J. DAWSON 27a> Hawthorne Road North Hills 19038 Abington Junior High School Tu~lllO 3C,4D Philosophy Club 3, 4 ... World Affairs Club 3, 4 .. . lnt ramurals 3. 4 ... Yearbook WALTER W. DEAROLF 220 Wenner Way Fort Washington 19034 Assumpta Academy Mi 3-3972 4A, SB, 5C, 1D Chip ... Football 2 ... Basketball Manager 1, 2, 3, 4 . . . Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Wisterian 3, 4 ... Computer Club 1, 2 ... Bridge Club 2, 3, 4 ... Library Club 1 ... Chess Club 2, 3 ... Yearbook 4 ... Math Team 3, 4 ... German Club l , 2, 3, 4 ... Involvement Day 2, 3, 4 ... Prom Committee 4 ... Student Council 2, 3, 4 . . . Scholastic L I, 2, 3, 4 .. . Highest Honors Alg. 1, Alg. 2, Geometry .. . Merit Semifinalist ... NEDT Certificate 1, 2 THOMAS A. DE BERARDINIS 8314 Jenkintown Road Elkins Park 19117 Norwood Academy SA, 68, 5C,1D Me 54~ Deber ... Senate 3, 4 ... Student Council 2 ... Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Scholastic L I, 2, 3, 4 ... Alg. 2-A Award ... Religion Award 2, 3 ... French Award 2 ... Society of Outstanding High School Students 3, 4 ... PSAT Letter of Recommendation 3 STEPHEN J . DE MAIO 2100 Lott Avenue Philadelphia 19115 Assumpta Academy 4C, 70 Play 3, 4 JAMES A. DE MERLIS 216 Walnut Lane Am bier 19002 Saint Anthony Mi 6-3546 1A, 68, 5C, 6D Dramatics 4 ... Wisterian 2, 3, 4 • . . Yearbook 4 •.• Leaf 3, 4 ... Involvement Day 3, 4 ... Student Exchange Program 3, 4 . . Student Council 3, 4 ..• Scholastic L 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Alg. 2-Highest Honors ... Spanish 2-Highest Honors ... NEDT Certificate 1, 2 . . . Intram urals 1, 2, 3. 4 ... National Honor Society EDWARD J. DEMPSEY 6155 Mulberry Street Philadelphia 19135 Saint Timothy De ~255 SA, 68, 4C, 3D Demps ... Crew 3 . . . Dramatics 3, 4 ... Gazebo ... Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ... French Club Honors ID i''rench a ... Highest Honors Religion 3 . . . NEDT Certificate 1, 2 ... Letters of Recommendation ... Scholastic L I, 2

STANT. DEPMAN 605 Highland Avenue Jenkintown 19046 !maculate Conception 3A, SB, 5C, ID Chess Team 2, 3 ... Crew 2, 3, 4 ... WresUing 3. 4 ... lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 LUIGI S. DESIATO ll3 Windswept Drive Feasterville 19047 Incarnation of Our Lord 35~6564 SA, 58, 2C. 40 Dezz .•. Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Track 1 ... Art Club 4 . . . Science Club 1 . . . Dance Committee 3

DANIEL P. DEVERY 714 Cedar Hill Road Ambler 19002 Saint Stanislaus 646-8856 SA, 38, 6C, 70 Wrestling 2 . . . lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 Highest Honors Mechanical Drawing I PETER M. DIBATTISTE :.>57 Nesper Street Philadelphia 19152 Saint Matthew 331-0916 4A, SB, 5C, 1D l ntramurals I, 2, 3, 4 .•• Student Council 2, 3 ... Yearbook ... Scholastic L 1, 2, 3, 4 GUY C. DICCIANI 353 Ripka Street Philadelphia 19127 Holy Family IV 2-2552 SA, 1B, 3C, 3D Dish, Kid ... Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 MARK A. DIRUGERIS 3217 Knorr Street Philadelphia 19149 Saint Matthew DE 2-1709 3A, 48, lC, 60 Munch, The Hammer ... Bowling Club 1, 2, 4 . .. Bowling 3 ... In tram urals 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Chess Club 3 DONALDJ. DOLAWAY 106 Executive Drive Ambler 19002 Norwood Academy 542-7707 SA, 58, 7C, 60 Tex. Sid ... Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Track I TERENCE J. DOOLEY 4028 Westaway Drive Lafayette Hill 19444 Saint Philip Neri 828-9093 7 A, 68, 7C, 50 Dools ... Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ... NEDT 1 JOHN D'ORAZIO 6429 Morris Park Road Philadt'lphia 19151 Our Lady of Lourdes GR 7-2591 SA, I B, 6C, 70 ANDREW B. DOUGHERTY 1054 Arthur Avenue Huntingdon Valley 19006 Saint Anselm School ES 9-5524 7 A, lB, 2C, 20 Doc ... Football 2, 3, 4 ... lnt.ramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Track 4 MICHAEL D. DURKIN 2189 Lincoln Drive Huntingdon Valley 19006 Melrose Academy 947-7487 SA, 28, 1C, 20 Herbie, Perry Mason . . . Football 1. 2 ... Crew 1, 2 ... Wrestling 3, 4 ... Dance Committee 3, 4 ... Involvement Day 4 ... Student Exchange4 PATRICK E. DURKIN 1044 Welsh Road Philadelphia 19115 Assumpta Academy OR 7-ro74 5A, 3B, 3C, 40 Durk ... Basketball I, 2 ... I ntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Student Council 4 PHILIP J. DUZINSKI 1217 Harrison Street Philadelphia 19124 All Saints 533-0471 78, 4C, 4D Swimming 2, 3 ... Band 3, 4 JOSEPH P. DWYER Sumneytown Pike North Wales 19454 Saint Rose of Lima 699-3982 SA, 18, 6C, 50 Leaf 4 . . . Wrestling 3, 4 . . . Track 4 ... In tram urals 1, 2, 3, 4

A. ROSS EISENHART 1805 Hillcrest Road Laverock 19118 Seven Dolors AO 3-1446 8A, 58, 2C. 20 Hockey C'luh l, 2. :3, 4 ... Intramural!; 1, 2. 3. ·i

GEORGES. ERHARDT 531 West Loudon Street Philadelphia 19120 Incarnation DA 9-8889 3A, 78, 7C, 70 lntramurals I, 2, 3, 4 Student Council 3 . . . Hall Proctor 3 ... Dance Committee 3, 4 ... Band 3, 4 8chola.c;ttc L 2 GREGORY C. FANELLI 103 Hamilton Drive Warminster 18974 Gwynedd Mercy Academy OS 2-3307 SA, 18, 6C, 50 Swim Team 1, 2 . Student Council 2 ... lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 THOMAS J. FARREI,L 3236 Unruh Street Philadelphia 19149 Saint Hugh lA, 38, 2C, 50 DE 1-8967 lntramurals l, 2, 3, 4 ... Scholastic L 3 ANDREW J. FLAD 1093 Stony Brook Drive Blue Bell 19422 Epiphany of Our Lord SA. 58, 3C, 50 Ml 6-3469 Spike GERALD T. FOLEY 7500 Brookfield Road Philadelphia 19126 Saint Joseph ME 5-0179 SA. 38, 1C, 40 "Fol" . . Student Council 2. 3 . lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 .. . Bowling Club l, 3, 4 GERALD P FOX 348 Cambridge Road Norristown 19403 Epiphany of Our Lord 275-3229 5A, 38, 3C, 20 Football Trainer 1, 2 . lntramural5 KENNETH J. FOX 8308 Hull Drive Wyndmoor 19118 Seven Doors AO 3-1478 SA, 58, 7C, 60 Foxy . . . I ntramurals I, 2, 3, 4 . . . Cross Countrv 1 . Track 1, 2 . . Wisterian 2 .. Wrestling 3 (L), 4 (L) . . . Bo ... Dramatics 4 WILLIAM L FRANGIPANE 7332 Revere Street Philadelphia 19152 Saint Matthew 332-3763 SA, 68, SC. 10 Frange . . lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Wisterien 4 ... Chess Club 2, 3 . Science Club 1 . • . Math Team 3, 4 LEAF . Scholastic L 1, 2, 3. 4 Algebra 2 Honors . Biology Honors ... Social Studies Honors . . . NEDT Certificates 1, 2 . Letter of Recommendation (PSAT) 3 HERBERT GAASCHE 117 West Wood Street Norristown 19401 Saint Patrick 3A, lB, 4C. 70 279-2418 Chess Club 2 ... Gish . lntramurals Bowling Club 2, 4 PAUL F. GAIGELAS 6612 Revere Street Philadelphia 19149 Our Lady of Ransom SA, 28, 2C, 60 333-6321 "Giggs" .. . "The Hulk" X-Country .. . Tennis 1. 2. Track 3, 4 . . Dramatics 1 .. . lntramurals I, 2, 3, 4 JOSEPH M. GALLO RD # I Welsh Road Ambler 19002 Saint Alphonsus 643-2393 SA. 28, 4C. 20 Spirit Club 2, 3, 1 •• • lnvol\'cment Day 3 ... Art Club ... lnlramurals 1, 2. 3, 4

ROBERT E. GANNON 544 Wartman Street Philadelphia 19128 Immaculate Heart of ~fary IV 2-7158 3C. 3D Intramurals 3. 4 WILLIAM A. GARRITY Jr. 1145 Tabor Plaza Ph !adelphia 19111 Saint Cecilia RA 5-9375 3A, 78, 7C, 70 Vulgarity . . . Football 1 . . • Crew 3, 4 . • . Bowling Club 2. 3. 4 •.. Library Club I •• . Newspaper 2 . lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Chess Club 2 ROBERTJ.GERNGROSS 3 Lanfair Road Cheltenham 19012 Saint Joseph ME 5-3445 SA, 38, 1C, 30 Football l, 2, 3 (L). 1 (L) . . 8tagc Crew :3, 1 ... lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Sp1rit Club 2, 3, 4 ... Dance Committee 2, :3, 4 JAMES I. GILLESPIE 3045 Warrior Road Norristown 19403 Epiphany of Our Lord 825-0329 3A, 88, SC, 10 X-Country 1, 2 ... lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 . . German Club 1, 2, 4 ... Library Club I, 2, 3 4 . . . Scholastic L 1, 2, :! . Bowling Club l, 2 ... Highest Award Relig1on :l TIMOTHY J. GILLESPIE 2996 Welsh Road Philadelphia 19152 Saint Jerome HO 4-2886 5A, 48, 2C, D Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 Football 1, 2, 3, 4 (L) ... Dance Committee 4 WILLIAM V. GILLIES 110 West Meade Street Philadelphia 19ll8 Our Mother of Consolation CH 2-0881 1A, 38, 6C. 20 Gills ... Football 1, 2, 3 (L), 4 (L) . . Crew 3, 4 ... WresiJing 2 . Track 1, 2 . . Intramural 1, 2, 3, 4 .. . Wisterien 3, 4 . . . Gazebo ... Student Council 3 MARCUS J. GIU!i'FRIDA 602 Preston Road Erdenheim 19118 Gywnedd Mercy Ac.ademy AO 3-1643 SA, 58. 7C, 40 Jif ... Tennis 2, 3, 4.. Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 JOHN L. GLACKEN 2839 Rawler St. :J:UI-4.'>15 Phila. Pa. 19149 Our Lady of Ran..-;om 2C, 20 J. MICHAEL GLYNN 505 Hemlock Road Flourtown 19031 Saint Genevieve 233-5619 3A, 48, 7C, 7D "Joe" ... Basketball 1, 2 Student Council 1, 2, 3 . Prom Committee 3, 4 . . . Invol\'ement Day 2 • Soph Hop 2 •.. InRing Dance 3 .. • tramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 Spirit Club 3 GARY M. GRESH ZJ5 Fort Washington Avenue Fort Washington 19034 Assumpta Academy Ml 6-5611 1A, 38, 6C. 50 lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 Yearbook 4 . • NEIYI' Certificate 1, 2 l,etter of Commendation 4 .. . National Honor Societv . THEODORE J. GUTOWICZ 3414 Oakmont Street Philadelphia 19136 Nazareth Academy 3A, 78, 7C, 70 DE 2-1738 Baseball 1, 2, 4 . . Intramurals I, 2, 3, 4 . . . Basketball 1, 2 {L), 3 ( L), 4 (L) . Football 1 . .. Student Council 1 JEFFREY L. HALBERSTADT Gwynedd Manor Road North Wales 1945i Gwynedd Mercy Academy 699-4194 5A, 78, 3C. 70 Intramurals 1, 2. 3, 4 . .. Hockey Club 2, 3, 4


8622 Alicia St Philadelphia 19115 St. Albert the Great HO 4-0219 4A. 7B, 4C, 10 X-Country 1, 3 . . . Track 1, 2 fLl. 3 {L). 4 (L) . Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ROBERT E. HANSON 3l04 Faunce Sl Philadelphia 19152 Resurrection of Our Lord PI 2-6738 7 A, 88, 5C, 20 Scholastic L 1, 2, 4 ... Dramatics 2, 3, 4 .. . Involvement Day 2, 3, 4 . .. Forensics 2 . . . lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 . Wisterian 3, 4 . . • Yearbook 4 ... LEAF 4 . . Highest Honors, Latin III . . . Highest Honors, Religion II and Ill ... National Honor Society THOMAS M. HARRELSON S105 J canes St. Philadelphia 19111 Saint Cecilia RA 5-14~ 5A, 38, 6C, 10 Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Football 1 ... Bowling 2, 4 ... Soccer Club . . Library Club . Bowling Club CHARLES V. HARRISON 124 Brentwood Dr. Willow Grove 19090 Saint John of the Cross 8A. 18, 3C, 20 OL 9-5186 Hairy ... Bowling Club 1, 2, 3, 4 . . . Bowling 2. 3, 4 . . Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 KURT R. HEILBRONN 841 Stony Brook Dr. Blue Bell 19422 Gwynedd-Mercy Academy 643-0517 SA, 48, 2C, 40 Photography Club 1 ... Yearbook 3, 4 ... Wisterian 3, 4 JAMES J. HENTZ 426 Newbold Rd. Jenkintown 19046 Jenkintown Junior High TU 7-3628 SA. 2B, 6C, 20 X-Country 1, 2, 3 . . . lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Dance Comm. 3. 4 MICHAEL C. HOEHN 12 Cornwall Dr. Chalfont 18914 Saint Jude 822-1561 5A, 48, IC, 40 Smooth ... Football 1 ... Baseball 3 (L), 4 (L) . .. !ntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Soph Hop ... Spirit Club 1, 2 FRANCIS G. HOFFMAN 40 Boxwood Road Churchville 18966 Council Rock Intermediate School 355-4169 SA, 68, 4C, lD Crew 3, ! (L) . . . Scholastic L 3, 4 THOMAS J. HOBAN l3S West Durham Street Philadelphia 19119 Holy Cross CH 7-2973 3A, 78, 4C, 40 Hobes, E.T... . Basketball 1. 2. 3 (L), 4 (L) . . Student Council 3, 4 . . . Dance Committee 2, 3, 4 . Spirit Club 2. 3, 4 •• • Intramurals 1, 2. 3, 4 ... Prom Committee 4 . . Track 1 ... Work Crew 2. 3, 4 •• . Scholastic L 3 CHRISTOPHER L. IVANOSKI 5 Asbury Avenue Philadeiphia 19126 Saint Joseph ME 5-0460 3A, 78. 7C, 30 [\•an . .. Football!, 2, 3, 4 (L) ... Wrestling 3 (L), 4 (L) ... fntramurals I, 2, 3. 4 .. . Track 3 . . . Bowling Club 2, 3 ... Dance Committee 3, 4 THOMAS J. KEANE 3412 Aldine Street Philadelphia 19136 Saint Matthew 332-7192 lntramurals 1, 2. a. 4 • Prom Comm. 3, 4 Sludenl Council 3, 4.

SA, lB. 7C, 70 Danct> C<1mm. 3, 1 Dramatics 1 .. •

KEVIN F. KELLEY 130 Azalea Way Flourtown 19031 Assumpta Academy VE 6-7846 6A, 38, lC, 3D Kel ... Football 1, 2, 3 ... Basketball 1 ... Workcrew 3, 4 ... Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 PHILLIP R. KELLY 2730 Hawthorne Road North Hills 19038 Abington Junior High School TU 6-8137 SA. 1B, 3C, 40 Shane, Dog, Kel ... Football 1 ... Soph Hop ... Football Manager 2, 3 ... Soccer Club 4 . . . Tennis 1, 2, 3, 4 . . . Ring Dance ... Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 PAUL J. KELLY III 194 W. Fern Street Philadelphia 19120 Saint Helena WA 7-1687 lA, 68, 5C, 60 Kel, Killer ... Wisterian 2, 3, 4 ... Dramatics 4 ... Scholastic L 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Bike Club 2, 3 ... NEDT Certificate 1, 2 ... Student Council 3, 4 ... Involvement Day 3, 4 ... PSAT Commendation ... Intra murals 1, 2, 3, 4 ... National Honor Society WALTERJ. KIELAR 3814 N. Eighth Street Philadelphia 19124 Saint Veronica RA 3-3993 2A, 28, 1C, 60 lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ... NEDT Certificate 1,

2 JAMES F. KIERNAN 1611 J arrettown Road Dr esher 19025 Saint Alphonsus Crew 1, 2 ... X-Country 1 2A. 68, 5C, 20 PATRICK A. KOLLER 626 Fountain Street Philadelphia 19128 Saint Lucy 483-3622 6A, 3B, 2C, 70 Kole ... Dance Comm. 4 ... Dramatics 2, 3, 4 ... NEDT Certificate 1, 2 ... Intramur als 1,

2, 3, 4 BRUCE D. KONOPKA 6112 Lawnton Street Philadelphia 19128 Saint Josaphat IV 2-5326 3A, 48, 4C, 3D Konop, Pablo, Nuke ... X-Country 1, 2 ... Crew 1, 2 (L), 3 (L), 4 (L) ... Spirit Club 3, 4 ... Dance Comm. 3, 4 ... Student Council 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Dramatics 3, 4 ... Senate 4 .. . Scholastic L 2 ... NEDT Certificate 1, 2 .. . National Honor Society ... Intramurals 1, 2, 3,4 ROBERT J. KRAUS 1064 Old Welsh Road Huntington Valley 19006 Our Lady Help of Christians WI 7-4063 3A, 1B, 4C, 3D Ron ... Crew 2, 3 (L}, 4 (L) ... Dance Comm. 4 ... Prom 3, 4 ... Dramatics 4 ... Student Council 4 ... In tram urals 1, 2, 3, 4 ANTHONYJ.LACROCE 3100 Guilford Road Philadelphia 19152 Saint Matthew DE 8-6281 6A, 38, 1C, 3D Soccer Club ... Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 RICHARD J. LANDERS 210 Hampton Road Hatboro Horsham 19999 Saint David OS 5-6635 2A, 28, 7C, 6D Iron Man ... X-Country 2 (L), 3 (L), 4 (L) Student Council 2 ... Art Club 2, 3 ... Wisterian 3, 4 ... Yearbook 4 ... Intramurals 1, 2, 3,4 RICHARD A. LESHER Trooper Road Box 397 Norristown 19401 Gwynedd Mercy Academy 272-9574 6A, 88, 3C, 70 Rich, Tony ... In tram urals 1, 2, 3, 4

PAULS. LIN 1Ul0 Mill Road Rydal19046 Melrose Academy TU 6-6977 6A, 48, lC, 20 Monk ... lee Hockey 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Dramatics 3, 4 . . . Wrestling 3 . . . X-Country 1 ... In tram urals 1, 2, 3, 4 ... NEDT Certificate 1, 2 ... Spirit Club 4 EDWARD F. LONGSTRETH 7903 Pine Road Philadelphia 19118 Seven Doors CH 2-2900 6A, 38, 6C, 4D Stretch ... Basketball! ... Student Council 1 ... Bowling Club 4 ... Intra murals 1, 2, 3, 4 JAMES R. LUDOVICI 88 Charlotte Drive Churchville 18966 Our Lady of Good Council 355-5788 lA, 88, 5C, 40 THOMAS A. LUFF JR. 163 Gwynedd-Manor Road North Wales 19454 Gwynedd Mercy Academy 699-7467 6A, 68, 1C, 50 RICHARD K. MCAULIFFE 7 Mureer Hill Road Ambler 19002 Saint Joseph Ml 6-6009 6A, lB, 4C, 50 Frog .. . Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Bowling Club 1, 2, 3, 4 JOHN F. MCCAFFERY 7309 Thouron Street Philadelphia 19138 Assumpta Academy Ll 8-3404 GA. 18, 6C, 1D Basketball 1 ... Student Exchange 3 ... Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ... LaSalle Tournament Committee 3, 4 JOSEPH G. P. MCCORMICK 952 Cathedral Road Philadelphia 19128 Immaculate Heart of Mary IV 2-0355 7 A. 58, 6C, 2D Joe-Joe ... The Nuck ... Football 1, 2, 3 .. . Baseball 1, 2 ... Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 .. . Dramatics 3, 4 ... Spir it Club 2, 3, 4 .. . Yearbook 4 ... Involvement Day Committee 2, 3, 4 ... Dance Committee 1, 2, 3, 4 .. . Prom Committee 4 . . . Ring Dance 3 .. . Student Exchange 3, 4 ... Hall Proctors 2, 3 ... Student Council!, 3, 4 ... Bowling Club 1, 2 ... NEDT Certificate 1, 2 ... Student Affairs Bulletin 4 DAVID M. MCELVENNEY 3414 Crawford Street Philadelphia 19129 Saint Bridget 844-3546 3A, 68, 5C, 3D Monty ... Intramurals 1 ... Computer Club 2 ... Forensics 4 ... Scholastic L 1, 2, 3 .. . Highest Honors, Algebra 1, French 1, 2, 3 .. . National Merit Semi-Finalist CHARLES E. MCGEARY 2321 79th A venue Philadelphia 19150 Melrose Academy HA 4-7292 7A, 88, 2C, 50 Chauncy ... Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Football 1, 2, 4 JOHN T. MCGEEHAN 602 Orchard Way Hatboro 19040 Saint David OS 5-1437 2A, 68, 5C, lD Jack ... Crew 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Wisterian 2, 3, 4 ... Yearbook 4 ... lntramurals l, 2, 3, 4 THOMAS A. MCGLYNN 431 Mount Airy Avenue Philadelphia 19119 Holy Cross CH 2-3681 4A, 88, 5C, lD

THOMAS J. MCGOVERN 8733 Old Line Road Philadelphia 19128 Immaculate Heart of Mary IV 2-7943 6A, 48, 2C, 50 N"EOT Certificate ... Library Club 1, 2, 3, 4 . .. Computer Club 2 . . . Soccer 4 . . . Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 MICHAEL F. MCRUGH 4841 N. 13th St. Philadelphia 19141 Holy Child GL 7-4472 3A, 7B. 7C, 7D Jntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 Dramatics 4 ... Spirit Club 2, 3, 4 . . . Involvement Day Comm. 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Dance Comm. 2, 3, 4 ... Student Exchange 3, 4 ... Hall Proctors 2, 3, 4 ... Student Council 2, 3, 4 ... NEDT Certificates l, 2 ... Student Afffairs Bulletin ... Wisterian 2, 3 CHARLES E. MCLAFFERTY 3214 Kennedy Road Norristown 19400 St. Mathews 275-8474 7A, 18, 6C, 3D Science Club 1 ... Chess Club 2 ... Hockey 1 ... lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 . .. Wrestling 4 ROBERT H. MCLAREN 1112 Fitch Rd. Southampton 18966 Our Lady of Good Counsel 355-1761 2A, 6B, 5C, 2D Football 1, 2 ... Soph Hop 2 ... Ring Dance Comm. 3 ... Student Council 3, 4 •• . Wisterian 3, 4 ... Dramatics 3, 4 ... Yearbook 4 . .. Hall Proctor 4 ... Spirit Club 4 ... Student Aff. Bul. 4 ... Scholastic Letter 1, 2 3, 4 ... lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ... NEDT Certificates 1, 2 ... Letter of Commendation EDWARD P. MCMONAGLE 4939 Portico St. Philadelphia 19144 Saint Francis of Assisi GE ~4281 6A, 18, 1C, 60 Mic, Ugly Ed ... Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 FRANCIS J . MCNAMARA 8711 Prospect Ave. Philadelphia 19118 Our Mother of Consolation 24~3524 lA, 68, 6C, 1D Mac ... Swimming 1, 2 ( L), 3 (L), 4 ( L) ... X-Country 1 ... Track 1 ... Student Council 2, 3 ... lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 PATRICK H. MCNULTY 7813 Beech Lane Wyndmoor 19118 Seven Dolors AD 3-4241 2A, 68, lC, 50 X-Country 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Track 1, 2, 3, 4 ... lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 MICHAEL J . MAGARlTY 521 Auburn Avenue Philadelphia 19118 Our Mother of Consolation VE 6-5675 2A, 28, lC, 4D Ging, Maga r ... X-Country 1, 2 (L), 3 (L), 4 (L) . .. Track 1, 2 (L), 3 (L), 4 (L) ... Basketball! ... Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 JOHN B. MAIERON 1157 Clemens Ave. Roslyn 19001 Saint John of the Cross TU 4-0792 3A, 48, 6C, 1D JAMES P. MALONE JR. 1253 E. Cheltenham Ave. Phjladelphia 19124 Saint Martin of Tours CU 9-5049 3A, 28, 4C, 6D JOHN A. D. MASUCC I 1873 Lukens Ave. Willow Grove 19090 Saint David 659-3073 6A, 88, 5C. 1D Bambino ... Library l, 2, 3, 4 ... lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4

EDWIN A. MEARION 5332 Knox St. Philadelphia 19144 Our Lady of Mercy VI 3-8058 6A, 3B, 1C, 7D Basketball 1. 2, 3 (L), 4 (L) ... lntramurals I, 2, 3.4 MICHAEL P. MEEHAN 15034 Kelvin Avenue Philadelphia 19116 Saint Christopher OR 3-5362 6A, 48, 2C, 4D Football 1. 2, 3 (L), 4 (L) .. . In tram urals 1, 2, 3, 4 . . . Spirit Club 1, 2 . .. Dramatics 3, 4 .. . Student ~unci! 1, 2. 3 . . . Dance Comm. 3 .. . Highest Honors in Spanish II REBERT A. MENNO 509 Grant Avenue Willow Gro\'e 19090 Saint David 659-4016 2A, 2B, 3C, 2D Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Bowling Club 3, 4 JOSEPH A. ~fiHALICH 7111 Chew Avenue Philadelphia 19119 Holy Cross CH 7-0375 7A, 8B, 3C, 6D Moo . .. Basketball 1, 2, 3 (L), 4 (L) .. . Baseball 2, 4 . . . Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 .. . Dramatics 4 . . . Dance Comm. 2, 3, 4 . . . Proctors 4 . . . Student Council 2, 3, 4 . . . Scholastic L 1, 2, 4 . . . Involvement Day 3 .. . Work Crew 3 DAVID F. MILLET 353 Lindenwold Avenue Ambler 19002 Saint Anthony MI 6-0320 6A, 48, 2C, 6D fntramurals I, 2, 3, 4 . . . LEAF ... Yearbook 4 . . . Student Exchange . .. Involvement Day 4 ... Dramatics 4 BRIAN A. MITCHELL 226 Arundel Avenue Horsham 19M4 Saint Catherine of Sienna OS 5-8376 7 A, 8B, 7C, 4D Mitch, Hoof . . . Dramatics 3. 4 . . . lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 . . . Football 1, 2, 3 (L), 4 {L)

MARK C. MONAGHAN 6964 Fowler Street Philadelphia 19128 Holy Family 482-3191 4A, lB. lC, 2D Football 1, 2 . . . lntramurals 1, 2, 3. 4 . .. Band 4 FRANK J. MONTEMURO III 3 Pine Place Philadelphia 19115 George Washington Junior High OR 7-5594 6A, 4B, 2C, 3D Track 3 . .. I ntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 . . . Spirit Club 3 JAMES D. MONAHAN Z32 E. Highland Avenue Philadelphia 19118 Norwood Academy CH 7-2462 3A, 2B, 2C, 3D Work Crew 1, 2 ... Wrestling 3, 4 . . . Student ~uncil 3 ... Dance Comm. 4 . . . Intramurals l, 2, 3, 4 TERENCE F. MONlHA..l\1 1205 Goodman Drive Fort Washington 19034 Saint Catherine or Siena MI 6-7093 2A, 28. 3C, 4D Football 2, 3, . .. Prom Comm. 4 . .. Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 PHILLIP J. MOORE 8207 Flourtown Avenue Philadelphia 19118 Hillcrest Junior High School VE 6-5087 2A, 28, 1C, 6D FILLMORE, FREMONT

LAWRENCE T . MORMAN 118 Thorndike Road Philadelphia 19118 George Washington lA. 2B, 4C, lD OR 7-0688 Hose, Secretary Slick ... Track 1. 2, 4 .. Swimming 1, 2, 3, 4 .. . I.ntramurals 1, 2, 3. 1 ... Dance Comm. 3, 4 JOSEPH P. MORETTA 5019 Portico Street Philadelphia 19114 Saint Michael of the Streets VI 3-1585 7 A, 1 B. 3C, 3D lntramurals I, 2, 3, 4 . . . Band NATHANIEL MORRIS 1623 E . Washinton Lane Philadelphia 19138 Leeds Junior High HO 4-Z764 3C, 6D Basketball 3, 4 ... Baseball 3, 4 RONALD P. MOSER 1646 Marian Road Abington 19001 Our Lady Help of Christians OL 9-3820 4A. 8B, 4C. 3D Wisterian 3 ... Band 2, 3, 4 .. . Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 PAUL F. MULLER 6903 Lawnton Street Philadelphia 19128 Immaculate Hea.r t of Mary I\' 3-5l?J:l8 7 A, 68, 4C, 3D Mui ... lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 . .. Student Council 2 RAYMOND J . MULLIN 10~1 Crestmont Ave. Philadelphia 19154 Our Lady of Calvary 2A, 6B. 1C, 40 637-0631 Moon ... Band4 CHARLES E. NIESSEN 8308 Fenton Rd. Philadelphia 19118 Seven Doors VE 6-5~24 6A, 38, 6C, 4D Buck Bones . . . Art Club 4 ... Baseball 3, 4 .. . Swimming 1, 2 . . . lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4. TIMOTHY 0. NOLEN 7 Valley View Rd. Philadelphia 19118 Norwood Academy CH 7-0984 2A, 2B, 3C, 4D Prepie ... Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 . .. Art 4 . .. Student Council 3 . . . Drama 3 . . . Prom Committee 3, 4 THOMAS J. NORMILE 730 Wyndale Rd. Jenkintown 19046 Abington Jr. High TU 7-2708 6A, 3B, 3C, 3D Football 1 .• . Swimming 1, 2 . . . Crew 1 ... Hockey Club 2, 3, 4 ... Intramurals l, 2, 3, 4 ... Scholastic Letter 3 RICHARD A. OAKLEY 123 Kingfield Rd. Philadelphia 19115 Assumpta Academy OR 3-7382 6A, lB. 3C, 4D Oak . . . I ntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4. MARK OBERT-THORN 244 Coachlight Terrace Huntingdon Valley 19006 Melrose Academy Fl 2-7263 2A, 2B, 5C, 5D Forensics 2, 3, 4 ... Wisterian 3, 4 . .. Library Club 2, 3, 4 ... Yearbook 4 . .. Creative Arts Club 3, 4 ... Glee Club 1 ... Gazebo 4 . . . Student Affairs Bulletin 4 . . . Intramurals 1 . .. Creativity Day 2, 3, 4 . . . Scholastic Letter 1, 2, 4 ... Highest Honors: Social Studies 2, 3 and French 2 . .. Merit Semi-Finalist 4 . . . NEDT Certificates 1, 2 . . . National Honor Society

ROBERT W. O'BRIEN 930 Paper Mill Road Philadelphia 19118 Norwood Academy 2A, 28, SC, 2D AD 3-2043 Obie ... Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Bowling 1, 2, 3, 4 RICHARD J. O'CONNELL 4910 North 12th St. Philadelphia 19141 Holy Child School GL 5-3389 6A, 3B, 2C, 7D Art Club 3, 4 ... Dance Committee 3 ... Hall Proctor 3, 4 ... Intramural Club 4 TERENCE C. O'NEILL 2 Meade Road Ambler 19002 Saint Joseph Ml 6-2694 2A, 2B, 2C, 7D Bowling Club 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Intramurals 1, 2. 3, 4 WILLIAM J. ORR 1098 Southhampton Road Philadelphia 19116 Saint Christopher OR 3-4167 2A, 2B, 6C, 3D Fish ... Orski ... Football 1, 2 . . . Swimming 2 (L), 3 (L), 4 (L) ... Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 JAMES O'TOOLE 629 Serrill Drive Hatboro 19040 Saint Joseph OS 2-1320 4A, 58, 7C, 6D Jim . . . Dance Committee 1, 2 . . . lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Dramatics 4 .. . Involvement Day 4 BORYS PALATAJKO 26 Parkview Road Cheltenham 19012 Melrose Academy ME 5-7018 4A, lB. 6C, 3D ROBERT A. PALNIK 812 Fetters Mill Road Huntingdon Valley 19006 Saint Albert the Great 947-1148 4A, 88, 5C, lD JOHN P. PATKUS 535 Fanshawe Street Philadelphia 19111 Presentation, BVM, Cheltenham FI 2-7452 4A, 88, 5C, 1D Jack ... Forensics Club 2, 3, 4 •.. Creative Arts Club 3, 4 . . . Wisterian 4 . .. Student Affairs Bulletin 4 . .. German Club 2 . .. JV Bowling 1 . . . Computer Club 2 . . . Merit Semifinalist .. . National Honor Society ... NEDT Certificate 1, 2 ... Academic L 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Highest Honors in Religion 2, Algebra 2, Social Studies 3, German 3 JAMES F. PHILIPP 772 Carmet Road Rydal19046 Melrose Academy TU 7-7059 2A, 2B, 7C, 2D Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Bowling Club 3, 4 . .. Art Club 4 ... Student Council 3 JOSEPH 0. PICKARD 1202 Herbert Road Meadowbrook 19046 Our Lady Help of Christians WI 7-2890 2A, 58, 7C, 5D Pic ... Crew 2, 3, 4 . .. Intra murals 1, 2, 3, 4 .. . Band 1 ... Football 1 LOUIS M. PILLA l?J:l50 Carlson Drive Willow Grove 19090 Saint Da ...id OL 9-3498 4A, 7B, 3C, 5D lntramurals 2, 3, 4 Wisterian 3, 4 ... NEDT Certificates 1, 2, . . . PSA T Commendation . . . National Honor Society ... Academic L 1, 2. 3, 4 ... Highest Honors in Algebra 1, Chemistry

KEVIN J. PLUCK 1005 Atwood Road Philadelphia 19118 Saint Genevieve AD 3-4095 6C, 2D Football 3, 4 . . • lntramurals 3. 4 . • . Hall Proctor 3 MICHAEL H. PLUMMER 1327 Princeton Avenue Philadelphia 19lll Resurrection of Our Lord RA 5-6993 6A, 38, 1C, 2D Milt ... Football 1, 3, 4 ... Intramurals 2, 3, 4 DARRYL POINDEXTER 4946 Sansom Street Philadelphia 19139 Conwell Middle School SH 8-1688 2C, 50 Intramurals 3, 4 DUANE D. POINDEXTER 4946 Sansom St. Philadelphia 19139 Conwell Middle School SH 8-1688 1G, 50 CRAIG 0. PREIS 754 Rydal Rd. Jenkintown 100i6 Gwynedd-Mercy Academy 2A, 68, 5C, 2D TU 4-5403 Ace ... X-Country 1, 2 ... Wrestling 3 (L). 4 ... lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Dramatics 3, 4 ... Wisterian 3 ... Spirit Club 3, 4 ... Dance Comm. 4 ... Scholastic L 1, 3 . . . NEDT Certificates 1, 2 ... PSAT Commendation MICHAEL J.P. QUIGLEY 5437 N. Lawrence St. Philadelphia 19120 Incarnation HA 4-9782 6A, 48, 7C, 40 Buck ... Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Bowling 1,

2 PATRICK J. REDICAN 1547 North Hills Ave. Willow Grove 19090 Saint John of the Cross OL 9-8196 6A, 88, 7C. 2D Reds ... Swimming 1, 2 (L), 3 (L). 4 (L) ... Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Scholastic L 1, 2, 3 ... NED'l' Certificate 1, 2 ... PSAT Commendation ... Work Crew ROBERT J. REICHARDT 6610 Claridge St. Philadelphia 19111 Presentation B.V.M. RA 5-1663 6A, 18, 3C, 4D Football 1 ... Baseball 3 (L), 4 (L) .. Intramural~ 1, 2, 3, 4 FRED J. REICHELT 1056 Claire Ave. Huntingdon Valley 19006 Saint Hilary 4A, 78, 3C, 30 ES 9-0788 Hockey 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 KEITH A. RICHMAN 6428 Akron St. Philadelphia 19149 Fels Junior High 533-3395 58, 2C, 70 Swimming 2, 3, 4 ... Inlramurals 2, 3, 4 JOHN J. RIGNEY 7103 N. Broad St. Philadelphia 191~ Holy Angels L1 8-0183 7 A, 88, 7C 6D T-Bird, Rigs ... Football 1, 2, 3 ... Dance Comm. 3, 4 .. Prom Comm. 4 . . . NDET Certificate JAMES A. ROGERS, JR. 101 Hillsdale Rd. Cheltenham 19012 Saint Joseph ME 5~~9


Ham ... Cr ew 1, 2, 3 (L), 4 (L) ... Football 1 ... lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4

WILLIAM T. ROSHKO 1445 Limekiln Pike Jarrettown 19025 Queen of Peace MI 6-2886 7A, 88, 7C, 4D X-Country 1 ... Dance Comm. 1 ... French Club 1, 2 ... Soccer 4 ... Newspaper 1 ... lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ... National Honor Society CLEMENT T. ROLLlNS 5914 Pine Street Philadelphia 19143 Seeber Junior High SH 7-<&4 4C, 50 Intramurals 3, 4 MATTHEW J. RYAN 219 Cedar A\'enue West Conshohocken 19428 Saint Gertrude 828-2113 4A, 58, 4C, 3D PETERJ. SALMON 5842 Weymouth Street Philadelphia 19120 Saint William Fl 2-4296 4A, 4 B, 6C, 6D Dramatics 3, 4 ... Football 1, 2, 3, (L), 4 (L) ... Track 1, 2 (L), 3 (L), 4 (L) ... Student Senate 2, 3 ... Student Council 1, 2. 3. -1 ••• Dance Comm. 2, 3. 4 . Art Club 4 .. Ring Dance ... Prom Comm. 3, 4 ... lntramurals I, 2, 3, 4 LOUIS A. SANTORO 47 Mt. Airy Ave, Philadelphia 19119 Holy Cross 24Z..8324 7 A, 88, 7C, 6D X-Country ... Bowling 3 (L), 4 (L) ... Bowling Club 1, 2, 4 ... Art Club 4 ... lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Student Council1, 3 NEAL J. SCHWEITZER 1557 Dogwood La. Huntingdon Valley 19006 Our Lady of Good Counsel 9-17-7126 2A, 28, 2C, 5D Y.A. ... Football 1, 2, 3 (L), 4 (L) ... Student Council 3, 4 ... Dramatics 1, 2 ... Stage Crew 3, 4 ... Dance Comm. 3, 4 ... Intra murals 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Scholastic Letter 3, 4 ROBERT G. SCOTT 109 Timothy Dr. Maple Glen 19002 Saint Alphonsus 64~2520


Grog ... lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 . . Yearbook 4 . . . Football 1 . . . Student Council 3 ... NEDT Certificate I, 2 ... Highest Honors in Geometry 2 PAUL J. SCULLIN 229 Upsal St. Philadelphia 19119 Norwood Academy . 2A, 2B, 1C, 7D GE S-4136 Skull ... Crew 1, 2, 3 (L), 4 (L) ... Yearbook 4 ... Wisterian 2 ... Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 TRENT B. SIMMONS 1048 E. Upsal St. Philadelphia 19150 Leeds Junior High Ll 9~5 58, 7C, 3D Slim ... lntramurals 2, 3, 4 RONALDJ. SLIWFSKI 747 Claire Rd. Philadelphia 19128 Saint Josaphat IV 2-7648 4A, 8B, 3C, 50 Football 1 ... Hockey Club 2, 3, 4 ... Highest Honors in Chern 3 ... Scholastic Letter 2, 3 JOHN J. SLOCUM JR. 1669 Ritter Rd. Center Square 19422 Saint Helena 27Z..7411 2A, 28, 3C, 30 lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 . . Tennis 4 ... Soccer Club 4 ... Bowling Club 3 . . Wrestling 3, 4

JAMES M. SMITH 5121 N. Broad St. Philadelphia 19141 Melrose Academy 2A, 28, 7C, 20 GL 5-3686 Smitty . . Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 . . Bowling Club 1, 2, 3, 4 ROBERT J. SNYDER 728 Li vezy La. Philadelphia 19128 Norwood Academy IV 2-4512 2A, 28, 1C, 20 Inlramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Bowling Club 1, 2, 3, 4 MICHAEL P SOMMAR 304 Pennoak Rd. Flourtown 19031 Saint Genevieve 2A, 58, 2C, 70 AD 3-4255 Seymour ... X-Country 1, ~. a (L), 4 (L) ... Track 1, 2, 3 (L), 4 (L) ... Intramurals l, 2, 4 ... Highest Honors Geometry ... National Honor Society. DONALD L. SPRAGUE 104 Hawes La. Philadelphia 19118 Immaculate Heart of Mary VE ~7753 lA, 68, 5C, 1D X-Country 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Track 1, 2, 3, 4 MICHAELS. ST ANKIEWTCZ 315 Lemonte St. Philadelphia 19128 Holy Family 483-3852 2A, 28, 6C, 50 Stank ... X-Country 1 ... Golf 2 ... lntramurals I, 2, 3, 4 ... Work Crew 2, 3 DANIEL M. STEPHENSON 360 Forrest Avenue Ambler 19002 Saint Anthony MI 6-3546 1A, 18, 3C, 50 Wrestling 2, 3, 4 ... LEAF 2, 3, 4 ... Dance Committee 2 ... Intramurals 1. 2. 3, 4 CHRISTOPHER H. STROLLE 225 East Gravers Lane Philadelphia 19118 Our Mother of Consolation OH S-1455 7A, 68, 5C, 10 lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Scholastic L 1, 2, 3, 4 ... X-Country 1 ... Bike Club 2 ... Computer Club 2 . . . Letter of Commendation ... NEDT Certificates ... National Honor Society EDWARD J. SUCHY 22 Arundel Avenue Horsham 100i4 Saint Catherine of Siena 085-4380 7A.8B,7C,7D lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 FRANCIS J. SWALLOW 4319 Palmetto Street Philadelphia 19124 8-8441 Band 3, 4 ... Bike Club 2, 3, 4 ... Scholastic L BRIAN E. TALECKI 8612 Ferndale Street Philadelphia 19115 Saint Albert the Great OR 7-3697 7A, 58, 5C, 3D Tank, Nahmu ... Football!, 2, 3 (L), 4 (L) ... Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 . . . Wrestling 4 Involvement Day 2 ... Scholastic L 1 ... Student Council 2, 3 PAUL V. TATLOW 4000 Briar Lane Lafayette Hill19444 Saint Philip Neri 828-3996 4A. 78, 4C, 6D Crew 2, 3, 4 (L) ... X-Country 1, 2 ... NEDT Certificate 1 ... Involvement Day 4 ... Spirit Club 4 WYATT E. THOMAS ill 3928 Parrish Street Philadelphia 19104 Sulzberger 222-7551 78, 6C, 50 lntramurals 2, 3, 4 ... Bowling


RONALD J. TOMASSO 1409 South 8th Street Philadelphia 19147 Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary DE 4-5829 2A, 58, 6C, 4D Bowling Club 1, 2, 3, 4 .•• Bowling Team 3 (L) •.. lnt.ramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Chess Club 2 .. Wisterien 3, 4 MICHAEL J TOY 3127 Colony Lane Plymouth Meeting 19462 Saint Philip Neri SZS-2957 2A, 68, 3C, 3D Swimming 1, 2, 3, 4 .. Football 1 ... Hall Proctor 4 . . lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 RUDl H. TRICKEL 7426 Rockwell Avenue Philadelphia 19111 Saint Cecilia Fl2-4711 4A, 88, 3C, 7D JOSEPH J. TUROWSKI 6834 Algard Street Philadelphia 19135 Saint Leo 332-6163 2A, 28, 7C, 4D Turk JOSEPH A. TY!SKA 742 Livezey Street Philadelphia 19128 Immaculate Heart of Mary IV 2-6533 4A, 88, 5C, lD Mystery Man PETER H. UZELAC 1022 Hartel Ave. Philadelphia 19111 Saint Cecilia PI 2-4925 IA, 48, 3C, 20 Star ... Football 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 .. Dance Committee 3, 4 ... Summer Work Crew 3, 4 ROGER R. VAOENAlS 105 Williams Lane Feasterville 19047 Melrose Academy 357-2869 2A, 58, 3C, 40 Rog ... lntramur als 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Bowling Club 3, 4 ... Art Club 4 ... Dance Comm. 3 ROBERTJ. VALENTI 1344 Green Rd. Roslyn 19001 Saint John of the Cross OL9-4M7 1A,3~1~1D Football 1, 2 (L) Mgr., 4 (L) ... Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Dance Comm. 4 MICHAELJ. VASSALLO 7016 Crease Lane Philadelphia 19128 Immaculate Heart of Mary School 482-9588 IA, 38, 2C, 60 Loafy ... NEDT Certificate 2 . Work Crew 3, 4 •.. lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Football! MICHAEL E. L. VISCO 1047 Welsh Rd Philadelphia 19115 Assumpta Academy OR 7-7794 5C, 60 Ziggy ... Wisterian 3, 4 ••• Involvement Day 4 . . Band 4 JAMES P. WALKER 1321 Green Rd. Roelyn 19001 Saint John of the Cross OL 9-04.35 1A, 38, 2C, 60 Chet ... Student Council 1 ... Football 1 .. . Wrestling Club 2 ... Work Crew 2, 3, 4 .. . Junior Ring Dance ... Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 JOSEPH B. WALSH 31 Hilltop Road Philadelphia 19118 Norwood Academy CH 7-4423 4A, 48, 2C, 50 Wheels ... Streteh

JOSEPH R. WHELPLEY 8>9 Hawthorne Avenue Upper Darby 19018 Saint Eugene 62~2933

4A, 78, 4C, ID Football 1, 2, 3 (L\, 4 (L) ... BaseballS (L), 4 (L) ... Track 1 .•. Student Council 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Spirit Club 3, 4 .. • Dance Commitlt'(! 3, 4 . . Chess Club 2 . . Involvement Day 2. 3, 4 .. Hall Proetor 2, 3 . NEDT Certificate 1, 2 ... School Crew 3. 4 GUSTAV R. WIDMA!'m 546 Rosalie Street Philadelphia 191~ Saint William 4A, 78, 6C, 70 RA 5-4691 Walrus . . . World Affa1rs Council ~ ... Computer Club 2 ... Spirit Club 4 ... Yearbook 4 . . LEAF 2, 3 . . Involvement Day 1, 2, 3, 4 . . . Dance Committee 4 . . . Prom Committee 4 ... Ring Dance 3 ... Soph Hop ... Student Exchange 3 ... Hall Proctor .. . Wor k Crew ... Student Council 3, 4 .. . NEDT 2 ... National Honor Society ... Academic L 2, 3 ... lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ANTHONY J. WILLEMIN 528 E. Gates Street Philadelphia 19122 Waldron Academy IV 2-7858 SA, 28, 4C, 3D Bomb ... Beethoven ... Intra murals 1, 2, 3, 4 MICHAEL J . WINNING 2424 Kenderton Avenue Rallyn 19001

Saint John o! the Cross TU 7-6359 2A, 28, IC, 6D Winn ... Student Council 3 . . Prom Committee 3, 4 ... Soph Hop ... Ring Dance ... Football 1, 2 ... Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 MICHAEL R. WISNIEWSKI 4252 Claridge Street Philadelphia 19124 Holy Innocents CU 8-8537 4A, 48, 5C, lD BRIAN T. WONG 0009 Limekiln Pike North Hills 19038 Queen of Peace TU 4 8969 6A, 68. 2C, 4D Tim ... Intramurals . . . Chess Club 3 .. . Student Exchange 3, 4 ... Art Club 2, 3, 4 .. . Academic L 1, 2 ... Highest Honors in Typing 1, Spanish 1, Chemistry 3 JOSEPH E. WOZNIAK 5234 Bingham Street Philadelphia 191ID Saint Josaphat GL S-7188 lA, 48, lC, 50 Wrestling 3, 4 . . Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 .. Soccer 4 •.. Chess Club 2, 3 Spirit Club 4 JOHN M. YODSNUKIS 4521 Wilde Street Philadelphia 19127 Saint Mary of the Assumption IV 2-7969 4A, 88, 5C, 2D Yods ANTHONY J. YOUNG 7384 Ridge A venue Philadelphia 19128 Immaculate Heart of Mary 483-8858 lA. 38, lC, 20 Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Photography Club 1 ... Wisterian 3





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