1979 Blue and Gold Yearbook

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~~OS CH£~T~H~~M ~Vf.~V~ pHJ~AJ;>E~Pr'l'A1 'P~N~SY4Vf41~


" There are no rul es about leaping into the new because no one has eve r been there before."

A time and a place to grow, to learn, to experience life. A myriad of knowledge, for those who are willing to learn. The sound of lockers slamming, bells ringing, teachers lecturing. LaSalle.

You mu~t not be afraid to go where others refuse to go, to do what no one understands, to be unique. Reject the blind iollow1ng m which others seek to be safe lrom ridicule. Be yourseli. No one else can dec1de how we are gomg to act ... The behavior of th e fully human person 1s always unpredictable- simply because it is free

Free to grow, to learn, to experience life.

A DEDICATION: BROTHER WILL IAM FEALY "If you have anything really valuable to con-tribute to the world it will come through the expression of your own personality, that single spark of divinity that sets you apart and makes you different from every other living crea ture." The first faculty member that we meet at LaSalle is the congenial bookstore moderator, Brother William Fealy. As we progressed through our four years here, we realized that there was much more to this man than merely his kindly disposition. We came to know_Brother as a man who was willing to give all of his time and energy, both inside and outside the classroom, to LaSalle students.

As horrified freshmen, our first experience was to report to the bookstore to purchase books. We timidly entered the room, but our fears were soon eased by the calm, chee rful manner in which Bro. Bill distributed his stockpile of books am id the frantic, disoriented frosh. Gradual familiarity led us to affectionately refer to the bookstore as "Fealy's General Store". It was a center of students' needs and the core of Bro. Bill's energies. Whether you want to buy a morn ing Inquirer or a pack of tokens, check up on the stock market, or just rap, the bookstore is the place to go. When December rolls around, " Fealy's General Store" is the personification of the Christmas Spirit. Brother goes all out for Christmas - the bookstore is transformed into an enchanted village and he sends personal greeting cards to all of his students. This friendly, secure atmosphere is the greatest reflection of his innate warmth.

In the classroom, Brother Bill guides and directs us to reach within ourselves to gain a selfunderstanding that goes beyond our regular coursework H1s V\Ork is a full-year job While most of us were heading for fun in the sun, Brother Bill could be found in the store getting ready for the September book rush and preparing material for his courses. His preparation does not go unnoticed; ten minutes in one of Brother's economics or political science classes and the extent of his knowledge on the subjects becomes quite apparent. The concern and interest he exhibits has no bounds; Brother Bill wil l do anything in his power to help the students of this school.

Operating the bookstore and creating an effective teaching environment are not the only jobs that Brother does well. He still finds the time to moderate the Ice Hockey and Soccer teams. His constant encouragement and support are always the "smelling salts" that the players need when they may be doubting themselves. just an occasional glance at Brother Bill has lifted the spirits of numerous players in those second half or third period doldrums. Runners get a "second wind" from physical exertion; Brother has the capability of providing the players with a "mental second wind". His enthusiasm for his teams is also without bounds. He can often be seen lining the soccer field before a game. One time, when he thought the grass was too high, he wanted to go out and cut it with a hand mower. We could not have selected a better person to dedicate this book to; the word " dedication" must have been coined with Brother William Fealy in mind.

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Brother Frank Danielski, Vice-Pri ncipal, Academ1c Affairs

Brother Andrew Bartley, Principal

Mr. David Diehl, Vice路PrincJpal, Student Affairs

Unity partly defines LaSalle because it identifies the unique quality or oneness this school possesses. It also describes the bonding in sentiment, purpose, and spirit which has enriched many experiences shared by members of the Class of 1979. Because unity intensifies only when sensitive and selfless persons will it, that corporate act of w1ll constitutes a precious part of our graduates' legacy to their school. We are grateful for that gift. Rooted in faith and nourished by exceptionally dedicated faculty and parents, LaSalle has from its beginnings measured success primarily in terms of the sp1rit. Our graduates conllnue to give w1tness that Chnstian purpose and values can provide the sp1ritual forces capable of vitalizing a building with human laughter, learning, and love. To a significant degree, our current graduates have helped all of us experience what young Christians working to form community can offer their world. We thank them for that offering. In their spirit of cooperation without compromising individuality, 1n their efforts to encourage unity without

conformity, members of the Class of 1979 have challenged all of us to continued growth in our availability to God and the family of man. In reachmg outs1de themselves for meaning, they have helped remind us that life demands that we accept the respons1bil1ty of budding relationships with others. We appreciate that reminder. Youth IS a time of discovery and response. Tradition路 ally, LaSalle' s excellent reputation derives from the evidence that many of our students respond to values they have discovered here. As thetr pnncipal, I am proud that the Class of 1979 has by a similar response fulfilled many of the hopes of those who love and respect them. May that fulfillment contrnue, and may these gifted young men become increasingly respons1ve to the needs of their fellow man and to the challenge of their Christian values. May God, who has brought them together to this commencement continue to be with them, granting them the vision to see what is right, and the cou rage to act in accordance with that percept1on. Brother Andrew

Main Office Is Hub of School Activity

'1.1rs. Rosalie Comerford "1rs Helen Gallagher School <;ecretanes

English Department Propels Students

Mr. Edward M cCabe 1s LaSalle's " Marathon \.1an ". ll'' quite an ror a m1ddle-aged Engli~h teacher to complete the :--.:e\\ \'ork Marathon However, not only can Mr. \1cCabe run. hE' can al~o teach 1 hat'~ not a bad accomplishment e1ther Also known as "Ernu•", " Fa~t ~dd1E'", and 'tmplv " E", we could always e:..pect a heated dtscus~1on en Mr McCabe's cla~s . "Come on, You guv~ knoy., the answer!" An erast>r Mil..e, Tommy, Paul . comes wh1zzcng down the a1sle. Ahh, we II ah,avs rE-member our journey through literature wl!h "E" ,\o1cCabe One of the lir<.t que~uon<. that bew1ldE'red 1reshmen ask IS " Are Ern1e and Bernie related? :\ov. the rt-al truth can ftnall) come out Mr. Bernud McCabe is the clone ot Mr Edward McCabe. He doesn't havE' that beard because he thmks he's E.rnest Hemmgwa~ - 1t .. a d1,gui..e ~o h1s true 1dent11~ won't be revealed. Actually, Bernte, or Bernard a< ht¡ prefl.'r~ to be called, has some ot the most Interesting clas~er. in the curriculum Whether he IS dotng an im1lation of Zeus, an explanation of ChauLer or the etymologies of popular words Bernte IS JUSt . "Bernie" There's a rumor going around that Mr. Richard Topper taught Ernie and Bernie eH!nlhmg the) knov. We don t knov. whether that's true or not, maybe they all just u~e the ~arne Cliff Notes. That's really not fatr; everyone knowr. that Rick's classes are very original Where elst> could vou d1scuss Bruno Bettelhe1m. Carl lung, the real meanmg or "little Red Rid1ng Hood' and the life and lime< 01 Kronos and Uranu~ tn the same class' '\re you guys famihar w1th Kronos and Uranus?" he asl..ed on one or the 11rst day~ of class. The room erupted m laughter. " I can 1 bel1e\e it, vou guys ha~oe the mentaltues ot sophomores". 'When v.e \\ere Just freshmen , Mr. Michael O'Toole was JUst another bearded lngl"h teacher. Back then our only concern "as suf\1vmg the dreaded vocabulary tests. Nov. , as semor), we recognize him as the un1que individual that he h . Few could leave his cl~ses without an appreCiation tor the geniu~ wh1ch made Cree~ culture mteres11ng. From the first mkhng oi Greek ~lvilization in "A King Must D1e" to the trilogy of Aeschylu<., Mr O'Toole was responsible for our transformation from children mto gentlemen and scholars We became the "Eumenide~". '"Ooh 1t's a mess'" exclu1ms Brother Lawrence Carr about life. We ftrst met BL 111 Engh~h class durrng JUnior vear Some of u' met him through the Wtstenan and made a p.!stime of trying to convince h1m not to censure certam cartoon!.. He can be heard to say, "Now, back in Washmgton. "here I used to teach Durrng the course of the year y.,e learned to apprecrate h1s seriousness, smcenty, and concern Dally humor o11en centered around, "Mr Suter, what\ your problem~ You mess!! ' '"Excuse me str could you tell me where I could hnd Mr. \1oulashl " "Oh yea. he's uh, dov\ n the hall m 214 v. llh Mr Goyla<h", retorts R1d, l..1ddmgl~ " Oh, tho~nk ~ou". Thus, the fro~h walks down the hall lool.;mg tor Mr Moulash and Mr Goulash The itr~t treshmc1n spelling lt!!>wn that Mr. Edward Molush g1ve~ is ht~ own name "Hey, d1d that gu~ really play for the Phtlhesl" accomplr~hment

M r. Edward McCabe, Englrsh Department Charrman

Mr. Bernard McCabe, English

on a Search for Personal Freedom

Mr. Edward '-1olush, Engll'h, Yearbook. Ba\eball Coach

Bro. Lawrence Carr, Engltsh, School Newspaper

" But at my back I always hear Time's winged chariot hurrying near; And yo nder all before us lie Deserts of vast eternity. "

Language Depts. Are An Array of Spanish

Mr. Oi \'ld M.nion, as SIUdt>nt Councrl rnoderator, is con~idered more than rust a French teacher. Utrlrzrng hts subtle \\II and sornet1rnes strange mannensms, he can make h1s classes about as 1ntere~trng a~ a Frenc.h class an get. Although some ma} want to burn therr grammar books. h1s student~ do learn to ecourer et parler" thll l.mguage Mr. Manion b an lnt('gral part ol the Student Councrl and thl' backbonE,> of man~ of 1to; activitieS. Concern and frrendlrnes> are the qualrt1es that make Mr. Manion a wcll·liked and re~pf'<ted teacher and frrend among student>. Parlez·vous tranca1~l ' 'Mats our'' would be the obvrous responw from Bro. Dominic Smith. As a "prof de franca1s", Bro. Domrnic's expertr~ 10 the french language and culturo:: rs apparent rn hr• profe.s,ron.tl cla~5room manner and h1s organrzed mt'lhods ol teachrng He b notorious for rrequentlv reminding hrs classes that they are no longer rn krnd('rgarten As head ol the audio•v1sual department, Broth('r's e)(penence and eff1C1ency benefit all of us. "Dombo" abo moderates the basketball team .md usually ends up on the courr • do1ng up some hoops". 'Vamos a empezar en Ia parrna \Cmtetres ~rn papele,;, por favor" Wrth great enthus1asm and vualrty, Mr. Jim De~~ine can brmg Sparn en to his das,room \\ e an only 'ay thl!> D1E>go \\ P are no\\ b1lrngual and brcultural Gracras Bt>cause or \1r De\1ne s vrbrant per~onalrtrcs (thert' are ~evcral of them), we ne,er kne\\ what to e•pt>ct rn h1s cla)s~ tacos and omeletes m JUnior }ear, earh mornrng brunches\\ 1th french pa~trres, da~s \\hen he was unprepared and we JU't rapped but nada en rngles" trrps to "La Paella Vamos a extranarte, D1ego Although Bro. Bill Riley th1nk~ that the stones and puns on the one m1ll1on hand·out sheets he d1~tnbutes are Iunny, now IS the ttme to tell hrm they're not \Vuh these stones. however, we can see the warm and generous personality of Bro B1ll. In addtllon to the \\Ork he does hC're, Brother elltend~ his generos1ty to the people of Guatemala We have learned Span1sh irom Brother 8111, but more 1mpor1antly we ha\C learned how to care about orher people. What he lacks rn toke·telhng ability, he makes up when you put a gu1tar tn h1~ hands Bro Bill play~ a mean guttar and can belt out the tunes. For the most part, only the senror' who had a 1unior Spanish class w1th Mrs. KMen Schllndwein (t;assman) got to know her well With .r school of our ~lle that has roughly ten women, Mrs. Schlrndvve1n was qune well knov.n We ltrst saw her with a " how am I gomg to sur"1\e the rest of the ~e.u w1th thrrty seventeenyear·olds" look upon h~• fale By the end of the year she had gotten used to u~ and was 81' mg look~ like " I don't care if you have a crush on me, Mtke Prsano, I'm not gorng to tell vou you're gorgeous now Sit down." Ad1os, chJCa bonrta Darly greetings of • Guten Tag Wte gehts" were usual n Br. John McGoldridl's German classes The vocabulary drrlls, oral pcesentatrons, confusrng German films, and 1mposs1ble grammar tests are all behrnd us now We can look back and say that 11 .... as all necessary but there's no denyrng 1t - it w~ rough. But Br lohn's concern and wrlhngness to g1ve help outstde of the dassroom made thrngs a httle btl eas1er. Mr. Georse Hohenleitner, humanrtarlan and 1ntellect, exct>ls a) a teacher by a combmatron He's a master of the German hle>t}le and language, and he combines h1s knowledge with deep personal conv1ct1on to h1s students. Thrs produces a learnmg experrence un1que to Mr. Hohenlertner'5 German $tudents <rlone Although he's ktddlnglv kno>An as • Captain Cathohc", Mr. Hohenlertner ~~ h1ghly re~pected as a t~acher and a man

Mr. George Hohenleitner, Foreign languages, Re ligion

Bro John McGoldrrck, fore1gn Languages, Aud10.Y1suab

Dancers, French Chapeaux, and German Beer Mugs

Mr. David Manion, Foreign language Cha1rman, Student Council Moderator

Bro. Domm1c Smith, Foreign languages, Dir. of Audio Visuals, Basketball Moderator

\Ars. Karen Schhndwein, Fore1gn languages

Bro. Wilham Riley, Foreign languages, Band 'vloderator

Dev1ne, Fore1gn


D1rector of


Math Department Planely Calculates

Brother Gerard Frendre is came to LaSalle a rear ago Srnce then Brother h.1s mntnbuted greatly to the baseball team and ha~ become the chatrman of the mathematic~ department. One thing that we .111 remt•mber c1bout ht'> cl.!s~e) is the opening read10g at the begtnnmg of clas~. It always made us wonder what pink elephants had to do with math Ju~t ~o you knpw for next year, Brother, th!.> yearbook 'tat ft•rs Me like, it you'll pardon the terrible pun, ltttle "pttchers' ' - our btg t•ars \tratn to hear everythrng you :<>ay through that thick wall between our offices. Mr. Joseph Turk, dtrector of all FAO dCttvtties, gave a sltde prest>ntallon of sharl.;·hunllng off th<' Flonda coast whtch was almo!>t a~ 1nteresttng "' h1s "alwaY!> Iunny" math jOkes. He taught u, Cc~lculu,, Trtg, and Ano~lrt•c Geometrr " Hey, Mr Turk can you do that problem'" ''Yeah, I can do thclt problem." Ah , yes , the guru hlmsell \'\tth legs uo,.,ed , expla1nrng the intricacies ot " Turculu~ "

We cc1me to kno>A Brother Edward Cannon .IS a senous, 'mall man who seemed to thnve, unknowtnf:ly, on t>xtremes. He \\ould lull us ento lap\es of contE'ntrallon (our fault , Brother, not yours) and then ztng us with those tests! In add1hon to h1s

respon,iblfltie~. "hich include the Math Learmng Center and the

Bro G<>rcJrd rrendrets, MathematiCS Dept. Chairman, Baseball \!Ioder at or

Nattonal Honor Scx1Pty, Brother Ed also dirPcts the care of the snttrm Brothers tn the area Wt• al,o d1<,eovered that the ireshmen really do appreoate ht~ voluntary 2 45 ~e,.,~ions. Who 15 the mo~t tmpt'Ccably ure~'ed teacher rumored to have been a teenagP rhombus? We all kno" it's Mr. Frank Mullin. With the excepuon of tht• m<~thPmaucal gentu\es or our clas~. we all hc~d geometry wtth Mr. Mullin tn our Junior year With a gently·gn,lwtng guilt, we re.Jiize thdt we really gave Mr Mulltn a hard ttme, evPn though our t>nwuntN~ produced such classics as ''Shut thE> dc~mn up' ' ' and "What IS the <orollary to postulate 71" We ccln d\~ure you, Mr. Mulltn, we wdl never forget you. Mr. Jim Roc he, though sort·spol..en and patient, could teach us Element~ of Calculu~ or AOcllyt te Geometry wtth intensity. Denvauve~. urcular tun<.tion,, ,md netghborhood~ .•• Pre· test revtews and an occa<10nal hmt tn findmg the answer to number tour rPally hPiped us 'vir Roc h., made those tmposstble Jormula.s dear " He dtd WHATHI"' wa, the reaction of most when >Ae dt~co~ered that Mr. John Friulone rolled out of bed one day la<t summer, saddled hmbclt onto hts ten-speed bike, and peacefullv rode ot( mto the sunset - all the way to Calrforn1a. He returned more strong of w1ll (and more sore oi rNr) and eased right b.lck into hrs relaxed way of approachmg math A Mr. Fnz math clas~ on a Frtda~ afternoon tS c1 good ltme Never msnd math , "hell do \\e really go to <,ehool tor? He wtll be remembered for his ~peoal charm of ma!.;ing the caw se(•m comphcatt>d - and ior never getteng to the complttated'

Mr. Joseph Turk , Mathe mat ics, Math Team Moderator

Our Multiple "Y's"


Frank '11ullin, \Aathematics

Mr. James Roche, MathematiCS

Bro. Edward unnon,


National Honor Society


John Frizalone, Mathematics, Asst. Track Coach

Rei igion: Man, Ego, Spirit, M r. Klenk's Canned

"let U) pra} the prayer that " echoe~ from the classroom of Mrs. Muri~ Mehr. lhP \\CIH.nO\\-n 'vir, Mehr tS the first \\Oman "Ch<urper~on" (as ~he rondly reter~ to II) ot the Rel!gton Dep.utment. Mr' Mehr ha~ tc1ught a weallh ot religion cou~es dunng her year~ c11 l-a'icllle The ~rudenr bod~· thought tl spontng of the school to gtve her a much·de ..erved ratse She was able to get nd of her old car and e .. tabh~h her Independence'" the ranb ol Amencan hou'><'wivPs by buymg • a stauon wagon' Mr. Ed Klenk was thf' motivating force hPhtnd thP now-f.1mOU'(tnldmousl) hallway llyN whtch read, "A~k your mumm). tor Kmg lut tor Chri~t rna~'' Contact with htm on such trtps was only one of the way) \'-C Cclme to know htm He tntluenced us deepl) tn d vane ty or rtltgton <·ourse~. 'orne ot whtch v..ere created b) htm. A~ moderator ot the Communtt) Service Corps he embodied the genume sp•rtt of Chn'>ttan Humantt.lnanism Some of our most valuc1ble les~ns wt>re learned through h•m m the servtce ot others. Mr. Pal Devine, oht'n mtstaken ior a leprechaun, alvo.ays has a few good laughs for hr~ ~tudents tn the Marriage cour'lt' (he should know') \'I.e undt'r~tand he has become the counselor tor halt the treshman class, even though the a,erage fro.;h can only thmk of him a., " That guy \\hO wants me to run ." \Ve alwa~ appreciated the comtc relief pro,tded by h1s halfcuts. Senou)ly, Mr. Devtne, you wen• well· ltked- espE'Ctally when vou were late tor class 'Good mormng. good rnorntng, good rnorrung, good morntng," exult' Brother Aloysius Luml~ each and ever~ morntng ot hts htc. Brother AI ts actually a ph)Stcal phenomenon; his body is compo~ed of 99 9~ happtne<.~ How can he hum melod1c tunes on a rainy Monday morntng (or on any Mcmday morning)? ,\1aybe tt 1s IU\1 hr~ way ot concentraltng on the religiOn les-;ons hE' wtll teach to hts fre~hmen whKh contdtn such luctd dogmatic theones that the tro\h can't evf•n \pE'II pa~t the first syllables (whew!! Guess on ly Brother AI w1ll tollow that sentence!) " I love Ne"" York," ~rng~ father Paul Wierichs when things go astray. AflPr expenenctng several ot ht'> short ~t()(y-lengt h JOk~ at 'via~~ . we would love to ~t·nd htm back there! If you do not see htm around murh dunng the day 11 ~~ probably because he ts tendtng to one of hi\ many dutre} WP. ha"P. come to appreCiate h•m a' a good ~peaker and a good listener. In a short ttme, we've come to call htm d Utend Ren~ SterMr Is the eloquent speaker c1nd ta,htonable dresser v. ho moderate) the L.tSalle forum Although that takes up mo,t oi hts lime, he still frnds the lime to teach such vaned cour'e~ ,., Death and Dvmg, Peace and lu\ltce, Morc~ltty, .1nd an AP cour~ m Amencan Htstorv He s probably most noted tor hi' dreaded " protects" that are done by most students the mght before the) 're due ' I• lr. Matt To~ really a teacher1" we questtoned at the begmntng of the year Although we ortgtnall~ mtstook htm for a fellow student, hts genurne concern and tntere•t ~oon becamE' apparent to u'> In respon'c 10 tlus, a lor of u~ helped htm out by tutonng freshmen H•s ra•ual stroll dnd personaltt) made a gredt rmpre.s"on on us

Mrs Munel Mehr, Reltgton Depa rtment Chatrperson

Food Drives, You, Me, and a Little Bit of God Too

Bro. Rent> Sterner, Religeon '><loa I Studees. Forum

Bro. Alo~ seus Lumley, Religion, Golf Coach

Rev. Paul \'\'eerichs. Rf>ligeon, Chn~tean Action ProJect

Bro 'vlatt Tom,, Rellgeon. Counselor

Mr Edward Klenk. Relig1on, C.SC Moderator

Science Department Analyzes Life's Chemistry -

II the Ioree Wf'rt'' not wilh u~ 1n thl' pt:>rson of Miss lorraine Rimert. 11 •~ unltkt>l) thdt wr would ha'e been )(uided through 'uch 10t1k<~t•• ~ubwds ,,, ,,ollar1c prOl.-'>E!!>, th .. H.-l~~nlx·rg Uncerta•nty l'rmc1ple and the lmt•r~e Sf!uarE' Lc1w for lnten~ty (the wh,u') llo\H'\1'1, no ~tudent 1s re.JIIy o~nd truh pr"pared ror onP ol her da~'e' \\lthout a chargec1 calculator and a ~harp pencil. \nv quPst1on that one could po,,tbl) hcl\e \\i~~ Rtmert h ~ure to have a mO\IP to expta•n II One thmg that we ~houtd cll\\av~ remember m ph~s•c~ etas~ 1' that rorce ~ MA 11 )OU C\er had to find Mr. Robert Ru~sell, you ah,aH knew \\lten~ to find h1m He was canng for the ne.,., comput~r \.\r Russell not only pa~s~ on h1s kno'' ledge or photograph\ to 'orne of hi• students, but he also teache~ freshman energy and phy,1cs But. don't plan on <et'ln,g the ne.,., c;.omputer. Mr Rus<ell only allow~ 1wo people m the room .11 a 11me At first "ht:n you enter Mr. Mkhael Bruno·~ cla~s. \OU thmk thdt chemistry "11l be Ilk;- an) other <ourse It doesn 1 take )OU long to f1nd out that 11 1s much harder hen though \'OU m1ght not have understood 10r11Za11on potenttah. \OU dtd learn to \\ear ) our ~afel\ glai$e' dureng lab. Mr Bruno ~~ the chairman of the ~c1t-nce dt•partment .•mel hi' 1s also the tenn"' coac;.h "Okay ~uv<o l1~ten up What color does copper ,uftate pentahydrate change to{ It \\as a g11t quec.t1on gang " lhe<.t> are tht• famtl1ar phrase' ot Bro. Kevin McManu~. The thoughh oi h.J\Irlf-1 tu~~hman chCm15IIY IS il' OH•rwhelmin~ ih h1gh ~chool 1t,ell Onl e )OU ar1• 1n the c:la~s. vou find out that there isn't dn}thing to worry ,tbnul Bro 1\e\tn 1~ thP tenm~ moderator al'>o. HI.' .mel Mr Hru11n '"crl'tly ron<oct chemic-ab to put on the opponf'nt5' tenn1s balls Bro. Cr.11ig franz'~ gr.•o~t organ11alion can bt> 'een in h1s b1ology eta"'''' and tn tht• tntrdmural program ~or unt1l he came dtd IM' ha\e such c1 '"'ell·run progr.trn w1th so much part1upat1on In hh classe,, this or~anJulion ts further demun ..tro~ted Whenever he teacht·~ he pre~cnt' b1olog) In a perfectly oroere<J wa} H s enthuqasm makes learnmg much ea,1er One thmg that vou can al,,avs Scl} about Bro Cra1g ·~ that you very rarel) catch h•m m d lladmood Mr. Anthon~ Viggio~no (Tony Fle"ano) '' a biology teacher and an anatom} teacher lie '' also Fre,hman football coach \ 1g started a~ a ph) steal education teacher unlit he hnallv worked h1s \\a\ up to bemg a fuiH1edged anatomy 1n'1ructor Mr V1gg1c1no ha~ onh bc~n here for a few year\ but he has made an 1mpre,s•on on ever,one He s al\\ays \\llhng to help 10 the "chool s actl\lltt.~ and to help the student'

\.-11 V11chael Bruno, Science Chairman, Tenms Coach

• Bro Ke\'tn \.1cManus. <;e~ence , Tennis

Mass of Students Charged Up!

Bro. Crarg Franz, Science, lntramurals


Mr Anthony Vrggrano, Scrence, Drrver Education, lntramurals Freshman Football Coach

Mr Robert Russell, Science, Photography

Miss lorrarne Rimert, Science, Audro Visuals

Social Studies Dep't. Economical 1n Culturing

On any given 11.1onday or fr1dav morntng, Mr. Joe Colistr• c.m be heard to sa\ , "OK, guys, Ia\' bdd: c1nd get your BLEEP together.'' Vlany ot u~ hild 1oe for t•ach ol our four year\ hert• 5tnet• he taught 'uch d vanety ot cour~e~ . rna;~ media, wc;tern CIVIIt1allon. and evNythtng tn betwt-en up to luture stud•es Mr. Cohst ra w 111 be remcrnbered for h1s ea~y-gotng , concept· onentcd manner •n class and hts Genesal Pdtton·csquc demeanor on the grld•ron The next lime \\ie hear " T G I F " or " tamarrrrrra," you know who we'llth1nk of 1 long famous for h1s ila~hy pants anrl l1od alligator sweitiN~. Mr. Tom Braun IS perhap~ laSdlle's mo~t renO\\ nE'd Riu()·hatl't More often than not, our World Culture.!> or American H1~tory clas)e~ ended up tn heatt•d political rlPhate' When not talktng, though , VIr Braun could alway<, please h1 s class~ with A V supphcs - films alx>ut Afncan warriors, or the fanta~ies of Ea'ler Island, or even ~ome vtntage Bob ~ewhart albums ''Chmt! I can't '>t'C why you people have an orftee when hard workE-rs hke myself are running around tn the ho~lls!w complatn> Brother Kevin Erb about all the students who ''thmk they run the plilce" Brother comes to LaSalle from fightmg the war 10 the South ~a\ Many people wonder how La.<.alle stays in the shar.~e II does. Well, Brother l\ev1n ts the mu..cll• bt>l'und the oper.JIIons Brother Is a hard person to catch up to and talk wtth, but at la\1 report he wa~ heard askang lhho fhe was saVIng no"' and tclltng hO\\ hE' couldn' t understand why we brought ktds up from the mner ctty lor ptcn1cs hChrist, why don 't we bnng them up and -.how tht•m how to work?!" " People who ltw in ·~uburbia ' are trytng to esc-ape reality," explams Mr. Muk McGovern to hi~ clas~ on Philadelphia. Mr. McGoH~rn also took charge oi the DramatiC:. dt'partment when• we learned the mo~t about h1m in workmg w1th the play.;. We expenenced prejud•cc and soCial lnJU!>tiCC.'> In a wav that 1s not po'~1ble in tht> conhn••s of a cla~sroom In das~. ho"ever, he ollt:n emplo~ed h1s .tttmg talents to best relate to h1s ~tudents Mr. John Grace, who somE'11mes dresws a) 1f he were a pro golfer, teache!t the two t>nds or the ~p<·rtrum oi sanity lrPShrnen and sentor'> He INches World Cultures to the ~qUirrelly tro~h and a Commum~m cour~e to the secure ~enu:xs. He ~~.>ems to ~ a iavorue among the fro h, and when que-t1oned about htm they were qu1ck to note hts Hwe1rd" taste m clothes and hts " classy'" blue Volkswagen They all ~ard, " \\'ell, he':. really voung dontcha thtnk , and he always >il\l> C,hut up shutting up'" What that means, we don't know It must be an mstde 1oke. Bro ther Willlo~m Feo~ly - there's so much to I~ said about th1~ gu\' Ihat v~oe had to cfpvote a whole section to h1m «;t•e pa1:e 17


Sro Kevm Erb, Social Studies, Di r. of Maintenance, Alumni 'vloderator

M r. J o~eph Colistra , Social Studi es Chatrman, Asst Foo tball Coach

Civil Affairs of (S)elective Students

Bro. William fealy, Social


Bookstore, Soccer and Ice Hockey

Mr. lohn Grace, Soc1al Stud1t», Football '-'loderator

If Vari ety Is The Spice of Life,

"Time, gentlemen lime", mteqects Mr. M;uty SUtnc:uk, I .1Salle·, very nwn Poh~h prince Mr Stanoa!( has taken l " trom the balanc;e shN!I to the corporation balance sheet m hts Accountmg class. He has prompted the "dress up davs" He's led hts homeroom to all ktnds of champton~htps tncluding the canned food dnve. In that particular conte~t. he contnbuted twenty doll.us from his own pocket. \\hen II comes to any ktnd 01 tnt ramural~. Mr. Stanczak'~ homl'rooms are tradttionally tops. "Mr. Stancuk, doe~ vour homt>room have a nam!'l Are YOU called Marty'< Maraudersl" "~ope Ju't plam 4D·the das' with class" • Well, uh, you flunked one of }OUr tests, and You mts~ed t""o of }'OUr homeworks, and your proJect was ktnd of incomplete, but you know I thmk YOU really participated in cia~' so I guess I'll gtve you an A " This is how we came to know Mr. David &\lin, Pwchologr tPacher and b.Jsketball coach. Letty's the kmd ot guy that everyone likes and hts classes were always sure to de\elop tnto a dtscusston on --orne mteresttng toptc. We found that he wasn t mtercsted tf we knew the cul"';e~ of forgcumg: rath~r. he expected us to leam the baste: concepts and to get somethmg out of the class that person.JIIy affected us. If Marty Stanczak 1s the Polish pnnce ot LaSc1lle, Brother Fred Stelmach must be the Polish satnt 01 LaS.JIIe Anybody who's anyone know) that Brother fred IS the nice guv who teache~ art Brother does everythmg from dtrectmg the Brothers' Communtty to organtztng JUnkets to Hawau And then there's the Mothers' Oub- the mothers don t know It, but Brother has t hem ~rapped arou nd hi> finger wn h h1~ charm, although he'd never admtt thai (Ye~ he would') Smce Brother Unus Finn teaches treshmen how to type. \\C decrded to let a freshman descnbe htm for u~ " Brother Lmus r tnn It-aches us Frosh lyprng In the begmnmg, he wa; \Cr) strtct Since then. he's come a prelly long wa~ He has become a pretty ntce guy ovN the month~ UJOllwr ha5 a great ~en'e ot humor and he reallv goes for sporb. Hr\ fa\orlte team' art• all in Pitt,burgh Brother Ltnus has a thing about wmnmg - etther you \\10 or 11e, but never lo~e Brother mu" bP a prett) good coach 10 \OIIeyball becau<-e h1~ homeroom ha~ won the intramural competition He also ~rdetracks tn tec1chmg us 'horthand, memor~ control, and theology. Brother al~o put~ out a semt·monthlr p.1per callt.>d ' l he I lome Keys'" Bro. Miller B~h can often be seen tc1king long ~alks on the grounds You can always count on a warm greeting from Brother when vou meet htm 10 the halls or after ~hool Whether you're a freshman wtth a dtlllcult math problem to ~olve, or a sentor leahng through the college Handbook. Broth('r Miller t~ ~ure to <.heck m wtth you and offer )OU advtce and fr~endslup famous for hts ILC courses tn !:lpeedreadmg, SAT Improvement, and freshman readtng exereses, Br. Ol.vles Scanlon gave ~ conltdence that we could score above 310 on our SAT ~. and that we could correctly spell " antldtscstabhshmentariamsm" backwards tn one breath . A man and his dog, Country Girl.


Mr David Ervi n, Psychology, Basketball Coach

Mr. Ma rt in Stanczak, Accounting, Athletic Dtrecto r

'.\r Walter Farrell Phvs1cal Education. S\\1mming Coach

Bro H1lary 'v\cGo\ern, PhV\ICal Education


'v1r John Coonahan. 1un10r Coun~lor


Reagan, D•rccror of Counseling

Who Are These

Bro. Gene Morgan. Maentenance

Ms Panaro, Development Office

Ms Jennie Barrat, School Nurse

Mrs. Florence Ward, Development Office

Undercover Agents?

Mr. Jack Weber, Plant Engineer

Mary Diaz, J.D ., Titus Bowman


~ I

JAM£S ARRISON 950 Patrrct Orwe lansdale. Pa IY446 'i84 5320 2D Intramural' 1 2. i 4

\,f.Jth team 1. 2. l -1

\\l'terean I, 'J. li•Rhf'.st Honor~ "lath I, 2. t Chl'rn"trv I I ngh'h :l, f'h\·\Jcs 3 ::.0{1el\ 0 1 NdttonJ I Honor Sm ll'IY Dt>llngu"hed I hgh Sl hool Student~ \\ho '~

Who 1\mnng Amcman thgh S(hool


STEPHEN ARTfR 5313 Ca~tor A\enuc Ph•la . Pa P1J· JS! J 50 lntr.amurt~l•

1, 2 j

B•lo.e Club 1

Mark Basquill



Gw yncdd \alley Pa 69Y· 5949 10

CHARL£5 BARBOUR 4<J2 !:>II\ er A\ enuc ::.Outhampton, Pa 18%6

355·3571 Mot1on Photograph\ 2 lntramurals 1. ::!, 3. 4 ~at•ono~l \\ent St•mlfinahst ANTHONY BARONE 1115 fort \"/a\lllngton A\l'lllH' Fort \Va<htngton. Pc1 . 190J4 Mtf>·8411 SD lntrt~mural' 1, 2, l . 4 Crew 1, 2. 3(l) . 4(l) Band 1. !. , 3, 4 . MU\it al l . 3. 4 l'.:at•onal Honor SoCietv Scholastic " l " 3 MARK BASQUILL .:?411 South 17th "trt>et Ph•la Pa 3J4·2679 ZD Basketball I ~ hack J 4 Band 2 ahonal Honor ~ ..:t~ tudent Counc•l ANTON ROBERT BAUER 515 Wc<>tC..arden Road Oreland Pa 1907; AD.H S%40 Intramural~ 1 2 3 4 Football 1 J W1stenan 1.

Bill Baldassano

Track 2.

Steve Arter

Ch arles Barbour

Tony Barone

Bill Bodner

Rich Blagrave

Tom Brennan

Bob Bolger

Steve Bednarik

MICHAEL BECKER 5882 Bud. Run Road 0o'y1esto"n· Pa. 18901 i'94-a•n 10 Band I, 2, 3, 4 . Dramattn 2. 3 ol CSC 2. 3, 4 , Future Phystctans Club l. 3, ol Dance Commtttee 4 . . lntramur~h 1. 2, 3, 4 Schola~tic " L" I, 1 "<auonal Honor Society \\ho'~ V\ho '.mong Amencan thgh School !ltudeots Ytarbook STEPHEN BEDNARIK 15019 PE'yton Strt>et &7 3·'Jti.>7 liD Intramural' 1, 2, J, -1 . 2 esc 2

Steve Blust


1 Track

JOSEPH BIGLEY 041 Benn"r Street Phtladelphta, Pa 19111 742-1).113 40

Crew I .1(1) Football I , l lntramurals 1, 2, J, 4 Counul 1


RICHARD A. BLAGRAVE 5934 \1\alt.t Street Phtladelphta, Pa . 19120 742-3&3 4D Intramural~ I, 2, 3, 4 Ice Ho<ke~ I, 1., J(l) , 4(L) Mot ton Photography Club 2 CSC 2, J. 4(Pre\tdent) Dance Commtttee 4 "attonal Honor Souety STEPHEN BLUST 1443 Dorel Road R)dal Pa _50 Football 1, 2, 3 4 •• Wrestlmg I Ice Hocke} 3 _Student Counctll 2 Intramural\ 1. 2. 3, 4 WILLIAM BODNER 506 Woodbrool.. Lane

Mike Becker

CH -7·5065 Football 1, l , J(L). 4(L) •.. Crt>" l. Htghest Honor) ,A,P Amertcan Htstory .3 lntr.1murals 1, 1. 3. 4 Dan<e Commtttee ROBERT BOLGER Box .l24 <;umneytown Ptke, Gwynedd. Pa 1Q436

lntramurals 1, 2, 3. -1 _. Student Counctl 1 Footba I 1 Basketball 1 • Public Relations 2. 3, 4 c;tage Crew ('11\anager) 4 Dance Commtttee J 4 .. Student Exch.tnge 1. 2. 3, 4

THOMAS J. BRENNAN Ill 100 E.1s1 lown,htp Lme Road Normtown, Pa .!fl· J174l0 lntr.lmur.JI• 1, 2, 3, 4 Socct'r 3, -l(l) Football 1, 2 . B~eball 3. 4 Student Dram;ntcs l . l Counctl 3

Joe Bigley

JOSEPH BRESLIN 1111 :'>\elro'e A~t>nue Elk1n~ Park AH•nue

6.35 2013 20 Band 1

ANDREW J. BRESNAN 1199 Umon Mee1tng Rd Blue Bell, Pa 199.U Band 1, .?, 3, 4 C.'>C 3, 4 •.. W1stenan 3 4 Dance Commlttf•e 4 'rearbook J. 4 Drama4

VINCENT BRm 1416 ldgewood Street Roslyn , Pa 19001 019· 3<}41

:Xhold"c: ' 'L" 1 CSC 2, 3 4 footbdll 1, 2. J. 4(5t."lhStlcln) llonor Society

• Track 2 ~.ftiOnal

Tony Bruno

ANTHONY BRUNO 14111udor Street Ph1la , Pa 19111 RAS-1161 lntramurals 1, 2. J 4

football:?, 3. 4(l)

SCOTI BUOINSKY ?41 Stec~rly 5trt>f'l Phda , Pa 19111 lntramurals 1, 2, 3 4 Icc Hockey 1, 2, 3. 4(l) :"\.tllon.tll-!onor Soc1ct~

JOSEPH BUVEL 5947 Sh.~ler Street Phllcl ., Pa 19140

l81HH7860 Schol.t~tic "l" 1 I ta~he'l Honors. Engh>h 3, ,\P Amer H1~t Track 2. 3, 4(L) Who', Who Among ~mencan li•Rh School !ltudents ~at•onal Honor <;OCit'IY

John Byrne

JOHN BYRNE 'i41 ,\.laple Avenue Doyle~town, Pd . 18~1 348·59).2 40 lntranuu als 1, 2, 3, 4 H•ghe't Honors V\e tern U\ . Chemistry Scholastic " l 3 Track :?(L). 4(ll Football 1 3(L), ·l(l)

THOMAS CLEMENT BYRNE 8120 Ro<mey <\t reet Ph•lc1., Pc1 19150 CH8·31b4 70 lntramurals 1, 2. J, 4 Bowlmg :?(L), 3(L) Baseball 2 4 Student Counc•l 1, 3 Stage Crl!\' 1, 3 . . at1onal Ment Semi·Hnahst

Andy Bresnan

Tom Byrne

Scott Budinsky

Joe Buvel

Vince Brett

Joe Breslin

Brian Carlin

Nick Casale

Mark Campellone

Joe Cambell

Mike Candido

Willi AM BYRON 370 Roumfort Roeld Ph tlct , Pel 14 119 CH2 8770 ZD lntramurell' 1, 2, 3, 4 . Cre\., 2 MARK CAKE

Hunter Roc1d R\d.ll, Pa l<x>46




lntrelrnUrelb 1. 2, J. 4 . '>tuchmt Counctl 4

CSC 4 .. Track 4 .•

JOSEPH CAMPBEll 15()) Ntes~en Road Oreland Pa IIJI)7~ 886· 18!1<! 1D 1ntr.unurell\ 1, 2, 3, .J • . Ba,ketball 1 .• Colt 1, 2 3(l) 4{1) MARK CAMPEllONE 580 Bud.,tonr Drive Southo~mpton, Pel 18966 ~SS·lbt7 SD lntramurclls 1 2. ~. 4 . Stage Football 1 Crew I . Art Crew 2 . Prod Staff 3 4 Wi~l t'rian 2, J Schofa.;trc "L" I 1. .•• Nclttoncll l lonor Society MICHAEL CANDIDO Nr> Bt>nl'lN St reel Phtlcl. Pd 19118 CH8·212<1 3D Ice Hocl..ey 1 2

Bill Byron

Mark Cake

BRIAN CARLIN -101 Borbl'< k St reel Phtla P.1 19111 14l UJ07 lD lntrdmurals 1, 2, 3. 4 Soccer l(l), 4(l)·l978 h•diY Awc~rd Winner Student Coun<tl 3, 4 Drdmattc' 3, 4(Ticl..et 'v1gr) Yearbook 4 ... xhofa,tiC " l '' 1. 2. 3 . . Htghe-.t Honors Geometl) German 3, Electrictty . Nattonal Horor '-oc tl'l\ NICHOlAS CASALE DmP Phtld., Pc1 19118 8H5·02J 1 ID Scholc~~t•c: ''I" J • . Stage Crew 4 l ntrdmural~ 1, 2. 3, 4 Sentor Prom Commillt>e . Wrestltng 2, 3(l). 4(L) ~10 fc~lcon

GA RY CENEVIVA J••ntler Ro.td Hor~hdm, Pa. 1~ \116·44fo3 4D lntramurc~t~ I, 2. 3 4 • CSC 3. 4 l, .3 ScholastiC ''LH 1, 2. l 4 Honor ~1er)

~ · .,

Gary Ceneviva

Bo\\oltng "idttonal

DANTE CENICCOIA 1154 Mcltlcr RoJd Huntmgdon \aile}. Pa Wl7·2465 10 lntramurals 1, 2, 3 4 Scholast•c ''l" 1, 2 Icc Hocke} 1, 1., 3(l), 4(l) Football 1, 2 J(l) 4(l) PAUL CERVONE r,J<i T\\lckenham Raod Glenside, Pa 19038

887··1711 30 Intramural• 1, 2, J, 4 Schola~IIC "L" 1, 2. 3 Wt•ter~an 1, 2 . . Studt'nt CounCil I, l J 4(Pre-.dcnt) Drama I, 2, 3, 4 .. \lu;;tc Public Relat•ons 1 1.. 3. Tht•atr(' 1 2 3, 4 4(asst dtrcctor) ~ational Honor SoCiet) \\ho's \\ho Among Amencan Htgh School tudent~

ST£PHEN CHOLEWIAK 505 \\ elsh Road Ph1la, Pa 1';1115 f>'JB. }.JRl

Dante Cenicola

lntrdmural' 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Football 1, .!. 3(l) Student Council 2 • Prom CommttlE't'

HARRY CHRISTMAN 812 ~otta Road Phtla Pa 1•1128 1\ 2·b.!63 6D lntramurals 1, :? 3. 4 ... S<holast•c "L" 1, 2, 3 Htghest Honors French 2 Student Counol 4 Track 1, 2 3(L). 4(l) Football 1 2, 3(l), 4(L) National Honor ~oc1cty

ANTHONY CILlO 814 t Cnttcnden Street Phlla, l'.t 19t18 CHH·474l 1[) Intramural~ 1, 2, 3, 4 Tennt~ 2, 3, 4 Schol.tsllc "l" 1, 2 . . . Highe~t Honor<o <;pamsh 1, 2, 3, Algebra 1, Rehg1on 1 CSC 2 J Student Counal 3 . r-.:attonal Honor Soc ety • \\ ho'• Who Among Amencan Htgh School Students

JOSEPH CIPRIANO 16i7 \\llltams Way ~orrt~Wwn.

Tony Cilio

Pa 19403

1'1401 t;t) Intramural~

I, l,

Ri'ldto Club Counctl 4

~ 4 Scholaslt< ''I" 1 2 Computer Oub Student


203 Stonybrook


Jcff('fsonvllle. Pa 19403 '339 8811 40 Hockey 1, l Dance Comm•ttee 1 :.1, 3 4 . StlXlcnt Counctl1, 1, 3

Joe Cipriano

Harry Christman

Paul Cervone

Mark Condello

Steve Cholewiak

Tom Connell

Jim Connor

SAMUEL CONIGLIO r \1\ood \ 1e" Dme Do'rle•town. Pa 18<l01

348·8872 4D lntramurcJJ\ 1, 2, 3, 4 . Sw1mmmg 2 3 Wrestling 4 . Future Physician) Club Library Club(pre~•dent) THOMAS CONNELL

42.30 \lor• 1~ Road Hatboro. Pa 19040 672-2764 40

lntramurals 1, 2. 3, 4 • lrack 1, 2(l), 3(L), 4(L) Cro~s Country 2(L), 3(l), 4(l) RICHARD CONNOLLY 116 HolmP A"enue Elkm• Park, Pa 19117

Rob Cos tantini

r9-477n oD lntramurals 1, 2 3 4 . Ba<.eb.lll Ba~ketbdll 3, 4 Sp1nt Club 1, 2 Coun<ll 2

2 3 4. Student


22 Glt·nn Grde Ph1la., Pa . 19118

AD3·2243 40 Intramural~

1 2, 3 4

Drama 1, 2


651 Morns Road Blue Bell Pa 19422 043·£>923 1D lntramurals 1, 2, 3. 4 . . Crew 1, 2 )(L) 4(l) . . Scholastic "L" J .

Track 2. Student Counc1l 1, 2. 3, 4(\:lce-Pre<-ldent) Forensics 2 Dance CommlliE>e 1, 2, 3, 4 Spint Student Exchange 2, 3 .. Nat1onal Club 4 Honor Soc1ety WILUAM CROSSON

Bill Crosson

6711 'vlartm ..,1,11 Road Ph1la, Pe1 19111 Fl2·0l02l0 lntramur,JI~ l 2. 3. 4 ••. Ba<.el)clll 2, 3. 4 JOHN CRUMLISH

217 East H1ghland Avenue Che~nut H1ll, Pe1 . 19118 CHi·)':J87 :;o lntrc~murah 1, 2, 3, 4 • S\\lrnmmg 1, 2(L). 3(l). 4(L) Schola)IIC " L" 1 Student Exchange 1, 3, 4 . Production '>taft 2, 4 . W1•tc.•nan 1, 2, 3, 4 Yec1rbook 3, 4 •.• :-.:.ltlonal Honor Soc1ety MICHAEL O'AULERIO

7516 Bm~h<lm Street Ph1la . Pa 19111 RA2-{)'J53 3D lntrc~murals 1, 2, 3, 4 • • Bo"'hng 2, 3. 4 . . \1ath Team 2, 3, 4 . . H1ghe~t Honor-:\1ath, Ph) \It<. • Nc~t'l Mem Fmalist • NH5

John C rumlish

ANDREW DAVIS 308 Orchard Lane fedStervllle, Pa 1~7 355·9171 20 lntramurals I, 2 3 4

Wre~tling 2(l), 4

JOHN DEAN 126 Woodl\n A~~ue Glen~ide, Poi 1!.()38 88Hl673 3D Football 1, 2. 3(l), AII·Ctty 4 Baseball 1, 2(L), 3(L). 4(l) •. Basketball 1 . National Honor Sonety . CSC 1. 3 Scholastic "L" 2. 3 .. Student Council 2. 3, 4 Prom Commtltee 3. -l Yearbook 4 • lntramurals 1, 2, 3 4 Dram;llics(Housc• ,\1anagcr) • Who's Who Among Amencan Htgh School Students PffiR DEPAUL 8/3(y,l Ha\'\.lhorne Lane

Wyndmoor. Pa 19118 CH-2·3737 70 lntramurals I, 2 3, 4

Tim Diorio PETER DEVRIES 1260 Gravel Hrll Road Southampton, Pa. 18966 357-7150 30 Swimm•ng 2. J(l). 4(L).

Drew Davis

Golf 2. )(LJ, 4(Ll


15 <;a )Con~ Drrve Ctnnammson. N.J. 06077 {609) 829·9207 60 Ba,ketball 4 CHARLES DILULLO i. Bullonwood Ctrcle Lafayette Hrll, Pa JQ44 828·01~20

C5C 2. 3. 4 • . • 3(Mgr.)


3. 4

. Baseball

Soccer 4(Mgr)

TIMOTHY DIORIO 6510 Elliston Dm e Phila., Pa 19118

l ew Dileo

AD3·1204 3D lntramurals I, 2. 3, 4 •.. J(l) 4(l)

esc 3. 4 ..


DAVID DOLAN 6110 Butler Ptke Blue Bell. Pa 194!2 Mlh-6933 bD MICHAEL DONAHUE 4()(> Abtngton Avenue Glensrde Pa 1YQJ8 &!5·5922 50

CSC l . 4(EagiP 01 the Cross Award) Societe HonatrE' de Fancais . National Honor Sociel>

john Dean

Pete DeVries

Dave Dolan

Pete DePaul

Michael Donahue

Chuck Dilullo

Steve Edling

MICHAEL DONOHOE .305 Abmgton Avenue Glenside, Pa. 19038 886-1186 3D Intramural~ 1, 2. 3, 4 . Football 3, 4(L) Scholastic 'L" 1, 3 . Band 1, 2 ... Stage Crew 3 . . . Dance Committee 2, 3. 4 National Honor Society

THOMAS j. DOONER 11()) Solly Avenue

Phila., Pa. 19111

RA5·1566 lntramurals 1, 2, J, 4 . . Scholastic ''L" 1, 2, 3 . • Highest Honors: Engli>h 1, 3; Amencan History; Behavioral Science Wistenan 2, 3, 4(Assoc. (d.) Gazebo 3, 4 . . . Student Council 4 . . . Yt>arbook 4 Drama Product1on Staff 3, 4 . . . National Honor Society . . Who's Who Among American High School Students

Tom Dooner

JAMES DRISCOLL 620 Baeder Road Jenkintown, Pa 19046 TUl-5896 70 lntr amurals l, 2, 3, 4 . Football 1, 2, 3( l), 4(l) . Basketball I, 3, 4(l) I rach. 3(l) Student Council 3, 4 . Nat1onal Honor Society

ROBERT DUNNE 4101 Fields Drive lafayett Hill, Pa. 19444 233-3199 1D lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 . Cross Country 1 .• . Golf 2, 3(l), 4(l) . . Schola>t•c ''L" 2, 3 . . Student Council 2, 4 Stage Crew 3. 4 .. Sp1nt Club 4 ... Dance Commlllee 2, 3, 4 SlUdent Exchange 4 . National Honor Society . . Who's Who Among Amencan H1gh School ~tudents


Rich Etzl

1162 limekiln Pike Ambler, Pa. 19002 M16-9335 lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 . Football!, 2(l), 3(L), 4(l) Crew 1, 2, 4(L) • . Dance Comm1tlee 2.3,4

GLENN ElliOTT 733 Allentown Road Sellerville, Pa. 18960

257-8200 1D RICHARD ETZL 9025 Frankford Avenue Ph•la., Pa. 19114 MA4-2464 70 Sw1mm1ng l(Mgr) lntramurals 1, 2. 3 4

•• •



MARK EVANGEUSTO 7220 Valley Avenue Ph1la • Pa. 19128 482-6874 20 lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 Traclc 1 , 2, 3, 4 Band 1, 2, 3 . ScholastiC " l " l . Prom Comm1ttee 4 Nat 10ne1l llonor Soc1ety

MARK EVERMAN ':013 Carg1ll l<~ne Phila, Pa 19115 ()98-26 19 2() Intramural~ 1, J., 3, 4 .

rootball1 , 3

PATRICK J, FARRIS 1329 Carol Road Meadowbrool\, Pa


TU6·J014 20 lntramurals I, 2, 3, 4 • lntramurals 1, l , 3(l), 4(l) .• Band 1 . • Drama Product1on .Staff 3, 4 ... Student Counc1l 3, -t(V1ce-Pres1dent) Student Exchange 4 • Spmt Club 4 .•. Prom Committee 3, 4 alloncJI Honor Soc1ety

Mark Evangelista

LAURENCE P. FINNEGAN Ill 42 Buckman Dmc Hatboro, Pe1 1!.~ 1,72-{)447 40 lntramurals 1, 2 3, 4 Band 1. 2, 3, 4 \earbook 4 xhola~llc 'l' 1, l , 3 l\.at1onal Uonor Sooet) Who' Who Among l\mcr1can t-llgh 5< hool ~tudents Nat10nal '-lcr11 Commcn,Jcd ~tudcnt

JAMES W. FINNEY 543 P1nl' Tr!'f• Ro.trJ

Jenkintown, Pe1 . 190-16 887-811>3 50 lntramurab 1, l, 3, 4 .. Schola\llc ' 'l" 2, 3 ... Hig he~t Honor> French 2 • . Yearbook 4 National Honor Soc.1ety . • ~oc1ete Honora1re do Franca1s • \\lho'!> Who Among AmNican High School "tutlents •. National Merit Commend"d Student

JOHN FONASH 550 Maple A' cnue Doylestown, Pa 18'XI7 348-9169 40 lntramurals 1 J. 3 4 l .. ScholastK " l ' 1, 2



John Fonash


ERIC FOX 818 Blossom Road Warmmst er, Pa 18'J74 357-3749 lntramurab 1, '1., 3, 4 2,4

Football 1



Mark Everman

Pat farris

Jim Finney

Dan Freed Jim Gildea

John Gerngross

Edmundo Galvez

JAM ES FOX "47 Gormc~n Street Ph1ladelph1a. Pa. 19116 H04·79<JO 70 lntrdmurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ••. Track 1 .•. footbJII 2, .l(L). 4(l)

DANIEL FREED 338 Weymouth Road Norri\town. Pa 19403 279· 1572 20 Intramural~ 1 2, 3. 4 .•. Track 1, 2 ... Football 1

Mike Funk MICHAEL FUNK 8b10 T1ona Street Philddelphia. Pa. 19128 IV3·7361 40 Intramural~ 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Football 3 . • Hockey I, 2 Wrestling 4

EDMUNDO GALVEZ 7426 BoyN Street Ph1ladelph1a, Pa 19119 CH8·2964 70 lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 •.. Wrestling I, 2, 4 Student Counttl 3 • . Motion Photography 2

THOMAS GAN 8101 Bradford Street Philadelphia Pa . W152 338 1147 20 Band 1, 2, 3


Tom Gan

3 Lanfa1r Road Cheltenham. Pa. 19012 ME5· 3445 10 lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 . . Football 1, 2, 3(l), 4(l) • .. Ba,~>ball 1, 2. J(l), 4{l)

JAMES GILDEA 4030 "'orth Fairbill <;treet Ph1ladelph1a, Pa. 19140 :.!25·842140 Intramural~ 1, 2, 3, 4 .. Track 1, 2

JOHN GIUFFRIDA 290 '-Jormtown Road Blue Bell, Pa. 194.U bl8· JW>7 10 football 1, 2, 3 . . . Art dub 2, 3 4 lntramurc~lsl , 2, 3, 4

John Giuffrida

JOSEPH GIUFFRIDA 1334 Valley Road Rydal, Pa. l!n46

684-1331 3D lntramurab 1, 2, 3, 4 . • Ho(k~ 1, 2 Karall' Oub 4


BalAN GLASGOW 110 West Harvey 'treet Philadelphra J>a 19114 GE8·7674 30 lntramurah 1, 2, 3, 4 HrRhP.~t Honor~.

Wrestling 4(l). Amerrcan Hrstory J

JOHN F. GLOWACKI, JR. 743 Hagner <:.treet Phrladelphra. Pa. 19128 IV2·8479 20 foren~rcs

1, 2, 3 (Pres.),4(VP)

CSC 2, 3, 4

Scholastic " l" :o-:atronal Honor Soc1et) Natrona! Merit Commended Student Who '~ Who Among Amerrcan Hrgh <.choof Students

MICHAEL GORDON 306 5tat10n Avenue Glenside, Pa 19038 TU6·66207D lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ..• 3(L). 4(l)


l(l), 2(l),

THOMAS F. GRADY 7710 laurel lane Wyndmoor, Pa 19116 2.13-01(.,0 lntramurals 1, l, 3, 4 . • . Band 1, 2, 3. 4(V P) .!, 3, 4 . I . Wisterr.m 3, 4 National Honor Socoety • . Student Councrl 4

. . esc

DAVID GRAY 7733 Ardle1gh Street Phrladelphra. P.1. 19118 CH2·1476 10 lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 • Spint Club 4 . Student Council 4 ..• Basketball 1, 2, 3. 4(Capt ). All-Catholic

ROBERT W. GRECO 219 ldge Hrll Road Gh~n\lde, Pa 1<XH8 686·895110 Photography Club 1, 2, 3 • CSC 2, 3, 4 Bake Oub 1, 2 . Intramural< 1, 2. 3, 4 BllAD GREENE 1125 M1ll Road Rydal, Pa 1'»'6 1!85-4363 lntramurals 1. 2. 3, 4 . • Sw om Team 1 • Golf 2, 3, 4

Dave Gray

Brad Greene

John Glowacki

Bob Greco

Brian Glasgow

Joe Giuffrida

Sam Guertin

Glen Hanson

Chuck Hilpl

Mike Heisler

Paul Hie rholzer

MATIHEW GRIFFIN 134 Punt an Road Pl~mouth \.leetmg. Pa 19462 828-3-lln Track 1 2 Cro..~ Count~ 1,2 C.tag~ Crew4 SAMUEL GUERTIN Box l4 Holicong. Pa. i94·5168 ID lntr.m1ura l~ 1.2,3.4 Baseball 1.2.3,4 GLEN HANSON 805 Tomltnc;on Road

Matt Griffin

Philad,.lphta, Pa 19116 n77· 4295 4D lntramurah 1.2J.4 .. Football U , \ ,4(l) Hockc~ 3 4 (l) . . Ba~eball 3.4

MICHAEL HEISLER 3159 Colony lane Plymouth Meetmg, Pa 19-162 828· 2115 1 Cross Country 1 B,md I Intramural~ 1.1.3 "iEDT Av,ard Polill(al '>l<~ge Crf'\\ 4 'iCicncc Scmtnar t\\\c1fd KEITH HERRINGTON Pf'bbl£· Htll Road Do~le\tO\'-n . Pa 18901 3·H·l727 40



1.2.l(l) 4(l) .. Intramural' 1,2 \.4 V\ t~tenan 3,4 • Trad\ and Ftcld l,4


Honor Society

PAUL HIERHOLZER 401q Gtlham Street

Keith H errington

DE 8 7835 3D Intramural~ 1,2.3,4 ... \\'i\tcrian J C)C U future PhysiCtan~ Club l , l Htght.>sl \.altona! Honor Soneh Honor,.French 1 .

CHRIS HILDEBRANDT ~ts 1-.entlworth '\venue PhtladPiphtd, Pa 19126 CA·I-i"J53 Foot belli I . Intramural> 1,2, !,4 Drama :u.4 . Musteal J 4 . Track 1.2 CHARLES HILPL !501 Deco~tur Street Phrlad<>lphia, Pa 19136 HS '1383 bD lntramurah 1,2J.4 . Cro)s Country 1(l). 2(l), )(l). 4(l) Track 1(L).2(l) \(l) ,4(L)

Chris Hildebrandt

MARK HOWLIN 8760 Stenion AH~nue Ptuladelphta, Pa 19118 CH-7·9156 40 Intramural' I. 2, 3, 4 Spint Club 1 Soccer 2 FRANCIS HUGHES 296 Ea~t (hl'ltPnham A~•mue PI·:Z-8:.17() 3D In t ramural~ 1, 2, ~. 4 •. Soccer 1 WILLIAM JANSSEN 333 Cambridge Road Sorri~town, Pa. 19401 279-Q354 3D Track 1 ..• Cross Country 2 . AV A•d 2, J Forum 3, 4 Hrghest Honor~ Relrgton 2, Future, \11as~ Medra Schola,llc (l) 1, 2

Mark Howlin

EDWARD J, lESKO 1232 Somer\ Rd Hun11ngdon Valley, Pa ~7·4634 40 lntrc1murals 2, 3. Ice Hockey 2(L), J(L). 4(l) GEORGE JOHNSON Chre~v1ew Rei Hatboro, Pa 19040 &75·0144 SD Wre,tlrng 1(l) . . football 1, 2, J(l), 4(L) 246

ANTHONY JULIANO fn>4 Colfax St Philadelph1c1, Pa IY IJfl

George Johnson

624-3241 70 Intramural~

I, 2, J, 4 .. • Sv.1mming 1, 2, 3, 4

. . Student Coun<1l 3 DANIEL). KANE 1802 tohn~on Rd Normtov.n Pa. 19401 2i'l-Ql54 20 lntramurals 1 , 2, 3. 4 • Icc Hockey J , 4 . Deoottng 1 . . Future Phys1c1ans 1, 2 .. Student Counc1l 1, 2, J . Nallonal Honor Sooety PAUL A. KELLY 100 Azalea Way Aourtown Pa 19031 VE6-7846 lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 2

rootball 1

Track 1,

Dan Kane

Bill Janssen

Tony Juliano

Fran Hughes

Paul Kelley

Kevin Kortz


1 ().1 E Slocum St. Philadelphia, Pa 19150 WA4·2464 40 lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 CSC 3, 4 •.. Photo Club 1 Fest1val of 'v1us1c PATRICK KENNEY

920 £.d1son Ave Philadelphia, Pa. 19116 Ho4·9041 60 lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 Football 1 Basketball 1 . . Track 1, 2; 3 Student Counc111

Jim Kelly

PAUL KENWORTHY 2130 Wharton Rd Glens1de, Pa 1<xl38 TU6·1870 10 Intramural~ I 2. ~. 4 Soccer I, 2 Cre\' l 3(L) Football 3 • Art Club 2. 3, 4 • CSC 2. 3 Dance Committee 4 . ScholastiC L 3 • r--ational Honor Soc1ety . . H1ghest Honors Art 2 LEO KITUSKIE

269 ...., Easton Rd. Glenside Pa. 19038 8846215 10 lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Bowling 2, 3 • .. H1ghest Honors Spanish 3 WILLIAM KONOWAL

5839 Henery Ave. Ph1ladelph1a, Pa. 19128 IV2·2495 70 lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Football! . Band 2, J, 4 . Student Council 1 . . Dance Committee 3, 4 KEVIN KORTZ

Pat Kenny

1130 Victoria Rd. Warmmster, Pa. 18974 672·4630 50 lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Track 2, 3(L), 4(l) Cross Countrv 3(L) 4(L) ••• Football 1 W1stenan 2, 3, 4 r--ational Honor Soc•et) .. ScholastiC (l) 1. 2, 3, 4 . H1ghe~t Honors English 1, 3; World Cultures 1; Amencan H1story 2, Econom1cs 3; Future 3, German 3X, Honors Phys1cs 3 . National \-\ent Sem1tmalist ROOOLPHE KRAEHER

2230 Oakdale Ave Glens1de, Pa 19038 885-{)553 30 Rud1 came to LaSalle trom El Salvador where he was an honor studenL At LaSalle Rud1 participated 1n Intra murals •.. Photo Club Student Counal

Bill Konowal

ALBERT JOHN KRAFT 827 PmeTree Road Lafayette Hill, Pa 19444 233-2160 40 lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ••• Prom Committee 2, J(chatrman) .•. Basketball 1, ..:, 3 ... Cross Golf 1, 3 Country 1 JOSEPH JOH N LANDERS Ill 210 Hampton Road Hatboro, Pa. 19040 675·6635 ROBERT LANOCE 727 Claire


Philadelphia, Pa. 19128 IV3-7%5 lntramurals I. 2, J, 4 . Scholastic " L" 1, 3

Bob laNoce

Scott Larson

SCOTI LARSON 701 Thomas Road Cheltenham, Pa. 19012 [59-2430 60 lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Stage Crew 4 Sp1rit Club 3, 4 • . Dance Committee 3, -1 EDWARD ANTHONY LENART 312 East Ormandy Place Maple Glen, Pa. 19002 646-Q263 30

lntramurals 1 2, 3, 4 .

Crew 3 .



KURT LESSER 9689 Ferndale Street Ph1ladelph1a, Pa 19115

ORJ-2860 20 lntramurals 1. 2, 3, 4 •.. Wrestling 3

PAUL A. LLOYD JR. 113 West Springfield Avenue Philadelphia, Pa 19118 CH7-8231 40

lntramurals 1. 2, 3, 4 Sw1mming 1. 2, 3, 4. National Honor Society H1ghest Honors; [nghsh 2 Who's Who Among American High School Students

JOH N A. LOFTUS 718 Bell La Maple Glen, Pa. 19002 Ml6·8434 50 lntramurclls 1, 2, 3, 4 •.. Crew 2, 3, 4(L) ScholclStic " l" 1 . Nat1onal Honor Sooely

JEROME LOMBARD 709 W &4th Ave. Phtladelph1a, Pa 19126 HA4-5254 10

lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 • • Cre..., 1, 2(L). 3(L), 4(l) ... Football 1 . Spirit Club 4 . . Prom Comm1ttee 2. 3, 4

Art Club 2, 3, 4

John Loftus

Kurt lesser

Joe landers

Paul lloyd

/ Jerry lombard

Ed Lenart

Jim McCormick

Gene McElwee

Dave McElroy

Paul McCarthy

STEVEN LUFF 163 C"'ynedd Manor Rd Sorth Wales, Pa. 19-l54 ffJ'-).7467 40 tntramurals 1, 2. 3, 4 •• Hocke'r 1, 2. 3(l), 4(l) <,parit Club 1 -1 • Prom Committee 2, 3, 4

EDWARD M. MCCARRON 1228 )o~eph Rd Ambler Pa. 19002 &B·S117 70 tntramurals 1 2, 3 4 Wrestling 2, 3, 4 Wi~terian 2 Art Club 2, 3, 4

DAVID MCCARTHY 205 Roberts Ave.

Steve luff

Glen~1de Pa. 19038 884-9925 70 lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ••• Track I, l ... Cros' Country 2 Soccer 1, 3(L), 4(l) •.• W1~tenan 2, 3(As!.OCiate Ed1tor), -t(Editor) .•• l'iat1onal Honor Soc1ety Scholastic " l '' 1, 2, 3, 4

PAUL MCCARTHY 205 Roberts Ave Glens1de, Pa. 1CJJ.38 884·9925 20 Track l . Atheletic Trainer 2, 3(l). 4(l) Program Manager (Mus1cal) 4 • • W1sterian 1, 2, 3, 4 (Associate Editor) ScholastiC " L" 1 . National Honor Soc1ety National Ment Commended Student

JAMES MCCORMICK 7636 levis Rd Cheltenham, Pa. 19012 782-1599 30 lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 . • Foot ball 1 .•• Future Phys1c1ans 2


Dave McCarthy

~15 School House La. Plymou th Metting. Pa 19460 828-1846 50 lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ••. Track 2, 3, 4 ... Stage Cre-.~ 4 Computer Club 4

EUGENE MCELWEE 3150 Burn Bral' Dr. Dresher, P.t. 19025 5S7-04'lY JO lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 . . Cre" 1, J. 4 . . Studl'nt Council 1, 2, 3 •.• Jumor Prom Co· Cha1rman . . Soph Hop . . . '111us1cal 2 •.• Yearbook 4 ..• National Honor Societ) .• Scholastic HL" 1, 2, 3 Who's Who Among Amencan H1gh School Students •.. H1ghest Honors: H 81ology; Span1sh 1, 2, 3 Enghsh 2. 3

Ed McCarron

SCOTT MCLAREN 1112 Fttc.:h Rd Southampton, Pa 184!)1) 155 17b1 10 1ntramurals 1,:l1.4 tudenl Lounctl 2 Wtstenan J 4 Public Relatton~ 2 3 auonal t-tonor '\octet' Scholasuc • l' l.l,J -1 HERBERT MCMILLIAN 7412 Fa,elle St Phtladt•lphra. Pa 191 38 424 l220 20 rootball 1.2 HL). 4(L)

Student bchange 3.;


I rack 1.l 1.! J 4

o.mc.e Cornmtllee 4

esc. 1 )tudent ~auonal

Dave Marble

ttonor "•X'tety

ROBERT MACK 1-119 C.reenwc11t I iunllngdon Vall•·~. Pol




Gre\mont St Phri.Jdelphta, Pol l'lllh

464 :mom Golt 1(Ll. 2(l), lomm11tee 4 \lhte\emem i;l

1(LJ, 4(l) Prestrlent

Dolmt• Juntor

ROBERT MALACOLI 118 Fan\hd\\ e <\t Phtladelphta. Pa 1':1111 l'l·li/,>57 lntramurals I .1,{,4

DAVID MARBLE 23 Poe A\e W)ncote Pa 190'J5

Herb McMillan


7250 30 Intramural .. 1 2 34 < wv. Country 1 2(ll l)l), ·l(l) . . )0'-l'ph \.1oran xholar~hlp

MARK MARCIANO I f'nnleton RoacJ !'iormtown Pii 19401 24'1-4488 JOHN MARHOEFER 427 Oemenl Road Jenkintown Pa 19046 885 7157

lntramurals I 2 3 4 ~CCI'f 1.2(LJ, )(l) 4(l) Wt~l!!nan 1 2 3 4 Band l.l S<.hola Itt "L 1.2 3 Nattonal \erll !!emrfmalt~t

Mark Marciano

Bob Mack

Scott Mclaren

Bob Malagol i

Jon Magarace

John Marhoefer

Austin Meehan

Ed Monaghan

Jim Mitchell

Jim Markmann

STANLEY W. MARKIEWICZ 56 I Parker A~<>nul' Philo~ ., Po~ . 191:28 t\2·49n m Schola~t•c ''l " 1. 2 . Highe't Honor~ World Culture~. fncrg)'. Span•sh 1; Chemist!) 3 •• BoY-ling 'l(L), 4(l) • at•onal Honor Soaetv JAMES MARKMANN

SOt Mort•land Road Hunt.ngclon

Vo~lll'\ ,

Pa . 1Y006

\\ 17·4 I72 40

Intramural' t, 2. 3, 4 .. Basl..etbclll 1 2. 3(l), 4(L) football I, 2. 3(l), 4(L) Student Council 4 . Prom Committee 4 "'a tionaI "lallonal '1ent Sem1hnahst Honor~iet~

AUSTIN MEEHAN 15034 Kt>h •n AvenuE' Ph1la Pa IIJ116 OR3-SJb2 bD lntramuralc. 1, .!, 3. -t •• Football I, l. Oub I 1.

. An

ALFRED MENKHAUS 423 R1ghtN Street Phil.!. PJ 19128

IV2·3209 20 'chold:>tiC " l " I

-Chip Miller

Bovdmg 2, 3, 4

JOHN MIHALICH 7111 Cht•w Avenue

Ph1la., Pd . Ch7-037S 30 Cro~~ Country t ••• Track I, 2 Commlltet.• 2 . . Student Count•l I, 2


CONRAD MILLER 6 Lamplighter lanE' Gwvnedd Pa 1'1·136


b43-l.!79 Track 1 . . Crew 2, 3, 4(l) • football l, 2,

AI Menkha us

J(l), 4(l)

JAMES MITCHELL 'D4 '1.\ag•~· AH•nue Ph1la., Pd 19111 i4l·58N JD lntrdmurdl' I, 2, 3. 4 •.• Football I ••



2(l), 3(l) , 4(l)

EDWARD MONAGHAN 328 Gilham Strt.>et Ph1ld, Pa 1'1111 342·/01'> 20 Intramural\ I 1.. l 4 • . Band 1, 2, 3, 4 .•.

Scholac.tlc l 1 2. 3 . Soc1etv • . CSC 2, 3 4 . Commpnclt·d '>tudent

l".!llonal Honor !'llauonal Mern

NEIL MONIHAN 1205 GOCHlman on, e

Fon \1\'a,h•ngton, Pa 190l4 Mlf> 7093 70 Basketbdll t, .!, 1(l), 4(L) lntrdmUrdls 1, .!, 3, 4 . Stdgt• Cre~' Bac.ebdll 2 Student Council 4 . Ddnce Comm1ttet• 2, !

John Mihalic h

Stan Markiewicz

JAMES MOONEY 411 Cheltenham A~ enue Phrladelphta. Pa 19120

742 4358 70 Bowling Team 3 Srage Crew 2 Art Crew 2 lighting Cre~' 2 3, 4(manager) CSC 3, 4 Computer Club 4 . Dance Commrttee 4 . Yearbook 2

WILLIAM MOOS 591 Stenion Avenue BluE' Bell, Pa 19412

628·3404 ID lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 . . !>cholastrc "L" 1. 3 .. Hrghe~t Honors. French I, 2, 3

Mark M oriarty

MARK MORIARTY 103 Rennard Terrace Philadelphia, Pa. 19116 ORH>581 70 lntramurals 1, 2. 3, 4 . Baseball I, 2, 3(1.), 4(l) .. Sa$\..etb.!ll 1, 2 • Bo'hling 4(l) Track 4 . . Baseball AII· Cathohc 3

EDWARD MORRISSEY 19!X> Scott Road Oreland Pa 19075 VE6·4118

JOSEPH MURPHY 414 Maple Avenup Philadelphia. Pa 19116 H04·5005 3D Soccer J(l) , 4(l) AII· Catholic . . 3 4(L) . lntramurals l , 2. 3, 4


1, 2,

VINCENT J, MURRAY 3018 Derry Terrace Phrladl:'lphia. Pa . 19154 M7·0865 1D lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Football 1, 2, 3 ... Ba~ba ll 2 . . . Track J(l). 4(l) . . Dance Committee 2, 3 4 . Nat tonal Honor 5ociet~

JOSEPH WARREN NORPEL JR. CXJ4 Pre~ton Road [rdenhetm, Pa 19118 233· 1032 4D lntramurals 1, 1 3, 4 Scholasttc " l " 2 Student Council I • 1\:attonal Honor SoC"tet" Stage Crew 1. 2 Ltght Cre\\ 2 Soundman 3 , 4 . Publtc Relattons 1, 2, 3

jim Mooney

Bill Moos

Neil Monihan

Ed Morrissey

Vince Murray

Joe Murphy

Michael Padgeon

Thomas O'Kane

Tony O'Brien

Sean P. O'Neill

Michael Olivere

ANTHONY J. O'BRIEN 049 Country Club Duve Blue Bell Pa

f>-16·4545 40 lntre~mural~


Team 3.4


Footbilll 1 . "l" I


JOHN W. O'BRIEN 306 <;t. Vmcent Street

John O ' Brien

Ph1ladelph1a. Pa Rr\2·7024 50 lntramurals 1,2 3.4 . . Football1.2

DANIEL O'KANE 3013 Te-e~dale Street Ph1ladelph1a, Pa 338·5&P 50 Intramural~ 1.2.:SA Coun<lll

I racJ..: 1


THOMAS V. O'KANE 319 Powder Horn Road Fort Washington. Pa l<l034 828·6347 40 Intramural~ 1,2.3,-l Schola•tic "l " 1 Spirit Club 4 PubliCity l Stage Crew 4 . Prom Comm1ttt>e H 1\attonal Honor

Soc lei\

MICHAEL OUVERE 731 Hagner Street Philadelphia, Pa 19128

482·8245 50 Intramural' 1,2 . • Community Sef\1ce Corps l.3(V P.). -!(Pres.) . W1sterian I 2 3.4 Yearbool.. 4 H1ghe~t Honors; Rehg1on 2 "<allonal llonor Soc1ety

John Ondik

JOHNS. ONOIK 1024 Fayette Street Con~hohocken , Pi! 19428 825 9527 60 lntramure~ls • r-;e~rate Club 4 :,plflt Club 4 Student Council 1.4 . Prom Comm1tte-e 3,4 . Srhola~tic "l " 1.2. S1udenl Exch.~nge 4

SEAN P. O'NEILL 1922 Canterbury Road Abtngton , Pa. 884· 3QClO 40 lntramurals 1,2. 3.4 B.lsketball 1 . Stage Crew 3.4(manager) National Honor SoCiet'

MICHAEL PAOGEON 3l09 Ble1gh <\venue Philadelphia. Pa 19136 OE8·5066 50

Dan O 'Kane




402'i Penn Road Plymouth Meeting Pa 19461 82'> 4629 40 Golf Tearn 3 J Intramural~ 1.2 ] ·I Cerlillra1e 1 2 "auonal Honor "one!) 1.\ ho' Who Amon!! \men< an ~ligh School "tud.. nt~ "\ hol.t~!tc L' 1 2 Htghe't tionors, Beha' tor a I :,c tell!<> 3

THOMAS PICKARD 174 Barn\IPv ·\vE>nuc• Hunttngdon \alley, f'a . IY\0., Y47 · 17fl1 6{) lntramur,JI, 1,2,3,4

JOHN PIE 7301 Bo)CI StrCl'l PhtladPiphta, Pa ICJ11'l CH7-Q165 nO ln1ramurah 1,2,1,4 Ba-t•h.tll 2 JA(L) TracJ.. 4 .. Art Club 3.4 l"allonal Honor Soctety chold~IIC ' l 12 ~EOl Ccrttftcatc



1402 f'lymoo•h Bl.d ~om~tO\~ n, Pa 19401 279·9136 60

1ntramurdl' 1 2,3 4 Football 1 2 J(l), 4(l) lrJck l.l(l) Studpnl Council 1.2

THOMAS PLUMMER 1327 p,,nc Non Avenue Phllad,..lphta Pa l'tlll RA5·6YI-J3 71J

DANIEL PRICE 2718 Ha1el ~' enue "orth Htlls. f'a TU4-1725 m WCAf (managN) Spmt Cluh 4 Stage Cre"" 1 Prom Commtttee 4 Who's \1\ ho Among Amencan Htgh xhool Student~ !'at tonal t-lonor SO< ecty Heghe't Honors Reltgeon 1

MARK PUTNICK 510 ~anger Street Pheladt>lphta Pa 191l0 342-4124 1D lnlramurals 1,2,3 4


Ba~eball 4

EDWARD QUINN 1345 Osbourne A\ enue Roslyn, Pa 19001 70 Intramural~ 113 4 Football1,2 Counctl :Z,3,4


Ed Quinn

Mark Putnick

William Joseph Pfeifer

John Pie

Dan Price

Michael J. Pisano

Gene Reedy


Joseph Rush

Lou Rubino

David Ross

Michael Roberts

EUGENE REEDY b%4 Sel~~·r\\Ood Street Ph1ladelph1a, Pa 482·4M2 30 StudP.nt Counce! 2 JOHN RICCIARDELLI :lt 1 P,l,,mort> \trPet Philadelphia, Pa 19111 fll-7107 50 In t ramural~ 1,2,3,4 •. Beke Club I . . Photo Club I . Cre\' 2 . . Prom Comm1ttt•e 4 MICHAEL ROBERTS Gra,~hopper Lane G\\\ nedd \:all~v. Pa \113·7740 50 Football I 4U(L) .4(l) . . Track 1 DAVID JOHN ROSS 1108 Wallace Dnve Fort Wcl,hengton, Pa. 19034 Ml 4726 nO Intramural~ ... Tract.. I 1 2.4(l) xholastic ' L" 1 :u.-<


LOUIS RUBINO Bo" :-rol Phelcldelphecl. Pa 1q135 624-2~60

Student CounCil lntramurah 1,.!.3.4 Dance Comm1ttee 2,3.4-(chaerman) ~at1onal Honor Society

Sean Segin

John Ricciardelli JOSEPH RUSH 2210 Schlo~ser Road '\rd\ley, Pa 5S.H4i2 20 Trad. 1 2 3 4 Cross Count!\ 1 2 3 4 DANIEL SAYERS ~ 1 S~ hestl'r Street Ph1ldclelph1a Pa 1'.1149 CU8· 5Jf>.l 70

St a~E> CH•\\ .! Intramural' StudPnt Council 1,2 -\rt Club l.J .~ Westenan I Yt•Mbook 4

SEAN SECIN '128 froK Iloilo\\ Terrace R\clal, Pa 1~6 TU6-()211 50

Intramural' 1 2.3.-l Student Counctl1 Trad. 1 Prom CommttteE' 4

Dan Sayers

MARK SEW£LL 200 Fa•rwa) Road Pro,pectv•lle. Pa 643·2598 60 lnuamural'> 1,2,3.-1 Hono•s. ~lgebra 1

Track 2

JAMES L SHIELDS Ill 31" [ '\lien~ lane Ph1lddelph1a. Pa l911Y CH7-8704 50 Intramural'> 1.l.J,4 Swrmmmg 2,3 llghtmg Cre'' 3 4 Schola<>t•c "l" 1 J rllghe\1 Honors. (n~h~h 3

Joe Simone

GEORGE SIEFERT 213 Woods Road Glenside. Pa 1Y038 887·(}t41



1.2.1,4 Crev• 1 2 l4 Sprrrl Club 4 • • Yearbook 4 CSC 3.4 Prom Commllll'l' J 4 . !'iEDT Cer1111cate 1,1


Chellenham Pa 19012 E5G·ZS73 70 Intramural~ Stage Crew 1.2 JAMES F. SIMMS 1203 St Cla•r Road Oreland, Pa 572·0215 3D Intramural> 1.l•.l.4 . Sl age Cre'"' 4 National Honor SoCJet~ Hrghesl Honors Polrt•cal Screnle Spani~h 1.2 . . Engli~h 3 £l·onom•cs JOE D SIMONE 6!7 Cust1s Road Glens1de, Pa 19038 572·7140 50 JOSEPH SMITH 543 1-.mgsle, Road Phdadt.-lphra, Pa 1Y128 482·1365 70 sw,mming 1(l), l.(l) lnlramurals

Alexander J. Silvestri

MATTHEW SMITH 5500 ~ hth Street Phii.Jdelph•a, Pa 1<1120 2l!4·2784 50 lntramurals 1,.!,3,4 Bil\e Club Dram.JIICS.! Basket b.! II 1.! ~ 4(l)

M atthew Smith

Mark Sewell

James Simms

Joseph Smith

Geo rge Siefert

James l. Shields, Ill

Chuck Sn yder

William Swartz

Tony Tabasco


Charles Stevenson

Raymond Szmigiel


.. . ..,, -- .... _

RILEY SMITH 9!20C··rmanto''" A\enut> Philadelphia. Pa. 19118 247·11.183 oD lnlramurals 3.4 Trad. 3.4 Football J(l), 4(l) • Prom Committet> 4 at1onal Honor Sonet) Highe~t Honors; Engh~h ~ . French J

CHARLES RICHARD SNYDER 7 508 Culp Street Ph1ladelph1a, Pa 483·5431 40 lnlramurals 1,;U.4 Lighting Cre\\ ~.4 llo<ke} 1 • . Yearbook 4 ... Scholasllc ''l" l ~ational Honor SoCiety

CHARLES STEVENSON lll'l Bid.ley Road Glemide, Pa. 19038 S76·8142 20 lntramurals 1,2,3 . . Crew 1

THOMAS STEWART 86.2 · \\ 1ssahickon -\\>enue Philadelphia, Pa. IVl· l';Jf> 40 Hockey 1,1.3(l) lntramurat.. Band l.l

ROBERT SUTER, JR. --Buck Road \\'arrington, Pa

013·2125 50 lntramurals 1,2,3,4 • • Cre\\ 1,2. 3.4(L) Maintenance 3 4 ... Schola~tic ''L" 1,2


Thomas Ste wart

Riley Smith

2l05 Geoggrey Drive Willow Grove, Pa 19000 n'>7·1B7o :;o lntramurals 1.•U,4 ... Football I . Wre\tling l,-I(L) . Band U.3.4 . MOT Certificate 1,2 Schola~til "L" :--.c~llonal HonUI Soc1et~

RAYMOND SZMIGIEL 141 Perny Street Elkm~ Park, Pa. [5'1·4798 50 Schola~t•c

" L"

3 . .




TONY J. TABASCO 698 \.1uelle · Road \\armmster, Pa 18974 f>7l.·47'>7 10 Intramural• 1 2,3,4 ••• \'vresthng 1,2,3(L) 4(l) . Student Counc1l 3

Bob Sute r


301 V\ mdmg \.\ill Road Glen,•d•' Pa TU/-l/19 i'D




Phtlddt•lphta Pd. 482·1108 bD I iJ,JOd 1,:.!,!

Robert Walzak MARK A. UHNIA T 4940 Ro"< h1ll '>tH•( t Philad<'lplua, P.1 D o\4-fi!O/ t;D lntr;unural' I 2,1 ;a

!kw.lmg 1 2,1 Footballl

GEORGE H. VAN PARYS 6338 Germant0\\0 AHmue Ph1ladclph1a, Pa 1\:1144 Vl-1·1930 .lU GERALD VEKTERIS 3'H9 Buttomo,oo<f Dr•~e RD ol Pa 18901


348·2100 50 lntramurals I l l4 :-.at•ono~l


'l · 1 2 3

Honor !lo<"•et 1

DONALD C. WAGONER 41)lq Fnt·nd~ lan!' PI~ mouth \1t•t>teng, Pa 19-lfll 8.!8 BlJ7 biJ lntrdmurah 1,:.! 1.4 ROBERT J, WA LZAK

John Waters

71Cl40 Lt.>ve~ Road Cheltenh,tm, P.1 IY012 f:d5 • V)07 Ill>

lnlrarnurdl' Bawbo~ll 1

1.2 3.4

'>V.IIllffilll8 12

THOMAS J. WARD, JR. 2195 \lulberr~ lane lald\t'llt> 1-hll. Pa 1~44 828·5166 40 Intramural' 1.2. 3 4 1rack 1 J. ~auonal Honor 'ioce•·l~

C'>C 2 3.4

JO HN WATERS 25 w Chelfield Road Glen,ede, Pa 19038

TUn...f,8S8 70

Tom Ward

Gerald Vekteris

Don Wagoner

George Van Parys

Chris Tierney

Mark Uhniat

Steve Titterton

Andrew White

Herman Weinrich

Bill Wiley

Dave Whitehead

HERMAN JOSEPH WEINRICH 119 Lawnton Road Willow Grove, Pa.

659-2()9.1 40 Intramural~

1,2.3.4 . .

CreiA 1.2 . .

H ighesl

Honors; German .3

LARRY WENTZ 10.51 69th Avenue Ph1ladelphia. Pa. Ll9-6192 50

Band 1..U.4

John Wilden

ANDREW WHITE 2 Hunters Run Woodbridge Meadows Springhouse, Pa 19477 lntramurals 1,2,3.4 Bowling Team 2 Trad. 1 Computer Club 4 . NEDT Certificate 1,2 FRANCIS WHITE 1574 Campus Drive Maple Glen. Pa 19002

643-4.37!160 lntramurals 1,.2,3.4 . Bowlmg Team 3,4 Track 1 2,3.'-1 ScholastiC " L" 1,2,3 . !\latiooal Honor Soc1ety .. I\. EDT CerllOcate .. PSAT Commendation Highest Honors; Social Studies 2 . Engli'h 3


DAVID WHITEHEAD 1113 Hilltop Raod Southampton, Pa. 18966

357-0645 50 Swimming 9(L). 10 t1(L).12(l)

Brian Williams

JOHN WilDEN 1224 G1 Ibert Road Meadowbrook, Pa 19046 !185-335.J Swimming 1,2(L) .. Sp1rit Club -1 Crew 3.4 . Nauonal Honor Soc1ety


WILLIAM WILEY 208 Lmdenwold Avenue Ambler, Pa 19002

542-9953 70 WCAF

BRIAN WILLIAMS 18-12 Champlost Avenue Philadelphia, Pa. t9141 \l'vA4-38l7 10 Intramural< 1.2.3,4 Football 1,3(L), 4(L) . Trad. 1,2 Baseball 34 CSC 2,3,4 Student Council 2 Nat1oncJI Honor Soc1ety

larry Wentz

ROY V. WIUIAMS, Ill 113 Timothy Dnve Maple Glen. Pa. 1~2 643 2"12'1 40 Intramural~ •.. CommitteE' 14




DAVID WORTHINGTON SoY Apple" ood Drive fort Washrngton. Pa 19034

l\116·4110 lntramurals 1,2,3,4 • Football I 3(l) 4(l) Student Council 2,3 CSC" 3.4 Dance Commitlee 3.4 .•• Schola~tic "L" I NEDT Certiticate 2. National Honor ~oc t etV DAVID WRIGHT 1205 Wakeling Street Philadelphta, Pa. 19124 JE5·6648 50 lntramurab 1 2.3.4 Crew 1 ,2,3(l), 4(L) MARK WYNN 512 Trevose Road Trevose, Pa 19047 EL7·3780 60 Stage Crew 3,4 Golf 4

Publtc RelatiOn$ :!,3 ...

F. PAUl YOUNG 1150 Victor Lane fort Washington, f>a 19034 643·1718 50 lmramurab 1,2.3.4 Track 1,2 . . Golf I ..• Studenl Counctl 1,1.3.4 . . Dance Commiuee 34 Dramattcs I 2.4 MICHAEL YUENGLING 82 N College -\venue Flourtown, Pa 19031 AD3·59891D lntramurab 1,2,3,4 .•. Football1 ,2,3(l) 4(l) Crew 1,2,3,(L), 4(l) Student Exchange 4 . . Prom Commutee 3.4 . . . :-Jational Honor Soccet~ . Scholastic "L" 4 Highest llonor.s. An 2.3.4

Ron Zoldy

Roy Williams

ALOYSIUS F. ZEBROWSKI 4145 Manavunk Avenue Phtladelphca, Pa. 482·0130 lD lntramur als 1,2,3,4

RONALD J. ZO LDY 499 Robbms Street Phtladelphia. Pa. 19111 722·1668 40 lntramurals 1,2,3.-1 • . Bowling 1eam 4 Scholastic "L'' 1,2,3.4 'Jattonal Honor Soctety • NEDT Certificate 1.2

Dave Wright

Mark Wynn

AI Zebrowski

Dave Worthington

Paul Young

Mike Yuengling




1\:t>, tn Cregan Phthppe Daouphar'

Charle' Dola" a\ Carl Elttz

1\\ark Hagerty Wtlltam Higgtn>




H Jo,<>ph Karcher Paul Ktm

Da,rd Kozlo\\skt Ketth Ksansnak


E N 1A

Rob<>rl Long Thomas IV1agee

(hllord \.\ar~ Ronald \1arttn \.lark \\attet Jam(路~ \.1atth<'''~

Bernard \.\cfadden Wtlltdrn \.\claughltn

John Mehr Gregg \ \t>h n'on franet~ -.;e\ Ech\ard 0 Mara \\tchael Petaccto Thoma~ Philhp~

CharJe, Scarpello Jo\eph ~tout Robl:!rt Unverzagt Scott \\atner John \\e,thaemper Robert Young :-.:ot Ptctured Are Kevin Bonner, Chm 'anz Jane$


Roben Ba ttl n Chns B~rne Michael Clarke George Oonahut' Thoma~ Duggan Philip Higgm,

John Kant•

John l<.eirnan

,. 1! -1 .

Timoth\ O 'Toole Hugh Panaro Wilham Phipp< Fred Pickard John QU1gle) John Quillman


Edward Rowley Michael Ruan£>

,.1~l .:


\ l~that.>l Sauer~opl John S<hatter

Anthom Simoe~ Frank Sokol<ki




, c'

....ot Pictured Are. Ke' in 'v\cChesney, Stephen Shull/




Brian ~tefanowiCl Michael Stemmell Roberl 1 homp<on John Toner Joseph Zebro,,ski Joseph ZolkiewiC.t




'1.-\ichael Costantm1 Har\ey De"-raftt

Franco D'Orazio W1lliam Dougherty

FranCIS Downe)' David Draganosky John Dubvk Dav1d Espenshade Blake Ha\ man

Lou1s Kellv Ph1l1p Kr l~'\\ICkl John \.\a1ale Thomas McCann Thomas \1\onaghan Robert Plummer










T1mothy Qu1gley Chad Quinn )ames Re1lly Peter Shelton Joseph Shott Sean Sm1th

Joseph C:.pend1do \111chael Stack '\ndre" S\" eene~



·t·,"· -


George \\ tn,low Glenn Wolfinger Christopher Young

Patnck Young Dam1.1n Za1ac

Not p1ctured Are : Ernest De"'ofa Stephen Johnson. Paul Purtell, Dav1d Reardon


..•.... '


, ..\ ·~tt: . · ·-~ .




Michael Behr Anthony Brigidi Gregory Buck jeffery Buck Christopher Burnell james Carrol

.•..../· .··

Charles Albor john Allen Paul Amand Paul Baniewicz V\ichae l Barrett



Mark Casale Hugh Casey Patrick Coffey Kevin Connor joseph Console Matthew Copley

John Corrado Robert Costello Edward Coyle John Dancheck Robert DeSimone lames DiMezza

Michael Dinda

Warren Robinson

Terrence Ryan

Thomas Stevens Peter Stoll Anthony Varallo

Stephen Volpe Banjamin Vozzo David Warner

"Jot Pictured Is. Chris Walsh

Vmcent Baldassano Michael Bas1lil Chns Benyovszky Gregory Bolsover Bnan Cahi ll



Campbell Peter Chdloult Joseph Cla>ullo )o!>eph Cicchiello Timoth~ Cush Gregory Dudzek

Karl Gabnelson Francis Gannon Chns Glackm Thoma~ Gordan Victor Gra~ Francb Harkin~

Damel t-t vman \II 1chael Joyce George Keehluss Philip Krieger Edward Mackie Michael McGuigan

Franc1s McQuillen

Patnck Milligan

James \1\ul len

Matlhe\\ '\e'Adeck Hernan Reiche James Rogers

Henr~ Stoughton Christopher \\- helan Joseph Zav. rotny


• •

,- .~

All Present

., ..

• . ..li

ltj. . . . . . ._,· . . ...

II! •

Mr Orehl has a way of clttrdCIIng c1 crowd



)ames Basrle Gerald Bowen John Brady )oe Brady John Capponi

Kevin Funchron Michael funchron John Gay )arne~ Gilmore Chrton Grt>ene Charles Greenberg

Rodney Gnmm Mark Gnmmer Charles Halfpenny Gregory Hample )ames Hannum Timothy Kelly

_, . ,-,. -.\


' -

Anthony leto \1\rchael lrngullr Andrew lombard Sean \1\ahoney Chrrstopher Malone John Manta


Mark Marino Joseph \1\cCarron \1\rchael 'v1c Fo~dden Davrd Mrchre Doug \.lichre John ~rschler

Edward Mrtchell Raymond Mohr )ames Muehlbronner Pete Murphy Clrfl Patton Brran Rodden


pictured rs. Robert



\.i1Chat•l U\anaugh Walter Cleary Ed Coleman

Robert Dagnon John Donohue \.1artm Hoban


MIChael Kan~> Daniel Kelly Michael Kla1bcr



'v11chael Koller Bernard '1.1cGee John 'v1ellet Christopher \.1urphv lo~eph \.1~ers

Bnan 'oms

M1chael O'Brien '1.1ichael O'Connell James o~bourne Vincent P1nto Skuoe Ponton Mark Ra1n1ord

Joseph RIZZO Christopher Roe~\ler R1chard Rosa Daniel Sabia Robert Schmdler Thomas Shea

Jame' \\hue

Robert Wittrock

Sot p1ctured

li:e1th Shepard

James Basara Vlrchael Bauer Christopher Carabello Stephan Ciarrocchr Joseph Dowling


Thomas Fllzpatnck Kevin Fl)'nn Kevm Fox Jerome Freal Patrick Ganle} Gregory Gilettr

Terry Gillespie

John Giovmazzo

Dommrck Grurrnda

Paul Gonsiewski Rrchard Gregor Michael Grubb Davrd Haney Francrs Harrison Robert Harrison

Jerry Heal~ Francrs Junod Thomas Kearnes Brett Kelly Brarn Kelly Thomas lodise

Steve Longo Ro~ lours-Charles Barry VlcCormrck

John Roberts Thomas Thrstle Carl Zebrowskt

'\:ot pictured

John ZacharJ..e

\11chael Adam'> Jam!·~ Burn('lt John Campbell lo~eph C1cc•maro Da\id Dt>a"


SIE"en Dt•lanev A.llred Dragan• lame" Eg•llo \\Khael Elwr Patnck Ha~-.on RobP.rt land


Patnck Loftu~ M1chael McCauley

Dan1el \\cCioskey Robert '-1<\Vtlh.Jm~

PNer '\1ehr MdrJ.,; ,MI~<hlt!r

J,NROTC lor lo,eph Morrow )meph Moll

Thom.J" .'.1un,hO\\ <·r \.1.Jr k Pomp! d)

John Pugha Gregor\ Shenn

Jo ..eph Speranla Stephen Suder Frdnk Tramor Pt>tPr Water .. O.Jv1d Whalen lame~ Willram~n

Good Homeroom ... All




Gregory Benner Stephen Carlin Thomas Conner John Davres Gregory Dean

Davrd DeSrmone '-1rchael De\er

Patrrck DeGiacomo John Donaghy

,_., 'l;,ct ......

Eugene Draganosky John Dufr\


Paul Dunn Durkrn


Richard Duszak William Ernst

Charles Fischer '-erl Fitzpatrick \.llchael Flanrgan Arnold Fole\ Carl Fu,co \-1rchael Grufrrrda

)o.eph Hartman Joseph Robert' Thaddeus R'rdze\\ skr

Carl Smith Rrchard Tamburrr John Wernrrch

Not prctured are. Michael Oark. EdY.ard Frtzgerald. '-lrchael Hagan, Benedrct Rose



38 Mark Cantwell Joseph Foley Steven Frank Daniel Kelsh Edward Givinsih George Groff

Jay Guill• ford Geoffrey Haenn Henry Heincer Denms Howard David Kane tack Kadd

William Krupanskv James Kuhn John Lee John Lynch William MacDermott Terrence McGlynn

Walter Oleykowski Joseph Pinro

Edward Ruane Rachard Sandman

John Scanlon R•chard Willtams

Not pictured is: James Hanlon


William Bach1nsky

Gregg A"man Charles Barbera Chri\lopher Bernhard!


Chm Boland Kenn!'th Cameron Shawn Herbert Thomas Ingersoll

~t. --.

"leill !\ling George lt Stephen Martindell Joseph Martorano

John Mcfadden Marl.. 1\.kHugh ~IC'phen Mclane John Mul'IIN




Da\td Ou Wllltam Rodg!'f\ Waht•r Samuels Brtdn '\c hmtll

li . ;



John Smtih Thoma' Suthy Steven Trzaska Ant hony Verde Jo~eph Volpe Paul Vozzo

.. F1r~1 three are !rue chen tour

ral~e ..


Nor Piccured are: Dan Markman. John "'c'ally, lay Riehs, Joseph Schaeffer. Thomas Smtih



Paul Ahg

Christopher Bond Paul Carson

Denn1s Dougherty Sean Farrell Michael Ganley Gregory Gates Charles Hauber Gerard Heffernan

.~~, it.路 ...

Charles Hopkans Richard Kondan William Loftus R1chard Malatesta Arthur Martella "v11chael McAndrews

Wilham "vvcCann Brian McCormick Robert McCreay Hubert McGinley Austin Meehan Edward Minguez


,1: :~

Joseph Minguez Patrick O'Donnell Frank Oliven Phihp Radomski Donald Schnorr Michael Short

T1mothy Susantn

Vancent Tague

--~路 ~ ._,~

lames Valentano

All Present


Ronald Baracka Mtchael Burgoyne

Matthew Campbell fohn Ciri llo fohn Collins James Finnegan Jo,eph Kalbach

MiC'hael Kaminskt Rtchard Hurst \\alter Keehn Gene Kternan Paul Kollmer Raymond Konowal Patnck Logan

"1tchael \1\asucct Raymond McCaffrey Joseph McGarvey Gerald Mezzanotte Anthony \llontemuro

Richard NtC'olette Thomas r-.;olan

Thomas O'Brien Guy Pac11t1

Oa\ td Pov.ell Albert Solecki lonathan Swart1 Rrchard Vannt

Not ptctured are. Patnck Grundy, Rtchard Oterkes. Mark Mc"'ultv



John A\allone George Bo\'\e

I av' renee Bv rne I hom a~ Bv rnes Andrew Carhn

John Dacho\v <J.:a l<heph De La Crut Robert DaCerbo

Thomas Dilullo (dward Doherh Jeffery Evans John farris Pa trick Flynn Thomas Cav1n

.. '

t I


Robert Cille~p•e \.11Chael Gregor langdon l\anoskl John Madden Gregory Maggett 1 Patrick Mullaney


\ 1artan \1urphv Chmtopher O'Bnen Vincent O'Bnen John Perry Paul P1e Timothv Robinson

Franc1s Strain f'.orman Taernev

\1ichaeJ Twome\ Robert Wilkin

Davad Woychik


pictured are Rachc1rd Fro~t. Thomas Gorm.m. (dward Cormely




James Barrell

John Bonner Kenneth Brown

Leon Buck David Byrne

Keith Cameron Thomas Caruso


Mark Chesna Anthony Clemente Cornelius Curran Christopher Drennan Dav1d Dudick

Mark Foley John Gattuso Bradley Hoy Paul Jeffers Theodore Kling

Raymond Litman Lawrence Molinaro Herbert Riband Joseph Smith John Zerr

Not pictured are· Tom Barth, Chris Durkin, James Healy, Andrew Henkels



u N I 0 R



RIChard &,tktnson Anthon~ Barry

.-:tal. .,.,, ~:.t



John Blake John BorelRebert Breen


William Burger BenJamin Cassalia Charles Cipriano

Ronald Craig Joseph Curci James Derham joseph Dtorio Stefano DtPietrio lame~ Donaghy

Vincent Gattt Peter Glascon James Gulla Sean Hagerty Thoma; Harper )o~eph Kobulsky

Sidney Macleod 'vlichael 'vlarek )c1mes 'vlellon Carol 'vltrabellt Brian PoY.ell Thomas Tansey


pictured is: Thomas Class


lo~eph Du.'hl AnthOn\ Fona•h Robert Fro~t


John Funch1on Samuel Gabnel Brian \.lc Chesne\ Patnck ,\.1cGurk


l'vlincer Frl•d Mi,chler M1chael Morrio;on Lawrt>nce NilrCISi

John ~1renberg Gene Petero;on

\mcent Pmto lame~ Pnnc1valle

Dav1d Puglia John Qu1gley

lame' Qumn Peter Re1ll'v

Jo~eph 'xhramm Adam Stelanow1cz

Anthony Sza1dek BrooJ...e Vosi l..a

sot p1ctured are· Anthony D1Luna. Kenneth "''aurv, Edwdrd Terren11o


4C Rtchard Co~n(' Joseph Danella Anthony DePaul lame.. Dohert~ Dant~:>l fo>e Timothv Galen

lame' Gtbbom Donald Hughes John 1\t·el Anthony Kellv Gregor~ Longo Jeffery .\.lilh('l


Mtrarcht Robert Murphy Craig O'DonnPII Chnstopher 0'''""'11 Jmeph Orbell \.1tchal:'l Parker

Mtchael Rtii:'Y Stephen Ro..att





fhomas Swe(•nl:'y Sean Young

:-.1ot pictured are

Martm AndreJkO Gregory Bna Franklin Cannon Thomas Frankson Jo<eph Graham

sc Edward Loftus George Mangini

Thomas McKenna Robert McMonagle

Ed\'.ard \1eehan Dav1d Pathroff

\.l1chael Putnick Joseph Qu1gley

fimothy Rafter Mark Reinhart ~

asleep during FriL's \1\ath Anal ysis class.

James Rodden Bnan Rothwell \l\1chael Schieler John Schm111 Carl (\, artz L1am Sweeney

M1chael Tamburn Menno Tielman Joseph Vessels

Bruce Wagner Mike Wagner Steven Guzz1

'ot p1ctured are: Joseph Blagrave, lame~ McCrudden



Bdll 10

'\clfk B.Jut•rlt•an

Jo,t·ph Br.l< d Brool..' loUI' Burgo)ne )Jme~


'-\1chdcl Cdlhoun '11ch.ll'l Cdnt\H•II Paul Connoll\ Robert Coopc·r Colin Co,tC'IIo Dam1an Dachm'\'l..i

R1chard f)P,h\ John D<'Vmn•nt Stephl.'n Dor.wo Robert [~p0~1to John Farn,ln John G1mp<>l

John C.rc.>g1t1' Robert Gug<~gliont.' John Horgpr Fr.Jntl Jerome lame' 1\dnP John 1\ct•nan

John LJR<X<d


·• ~


Thl\ 1, lor the b1rch


\\'illlclm Bclrr) Jamt'' RrooJ.. \ Da~ ICl B•o" n

Paul Cht•rml\k~ Chrl\lopht'r Co\N RobC'rt I lout.. '-11< ha<>l t-.am•

)<11111'' k.t•,11 1ng n.w1d 1\ut•mmNic M1c h,wl M<lclne '>c-oli '\\(NUll

\ 1drC \-1un\ '-lit hdl'l '-10nlh~n \\'dllt>r ~oro' Thom,l\ O'Bm•n



Francis O'Donnell John Pilar/

Thomas Porth Thomas Prunko Will1dm


Jeffrer Re1mel R1chard Rill.'\ K<'nneth Roesslt•r Da\ id Scha1er Gregor7 Sh.Jw ,\1auhe~\ Sklodow\kl

Good Homeroom


All Pr<>,ent

Grt·~or~ B~ rne


Kc\ln BHnc~ la\H!'nCl' Dclnot.-1


Tm1oth~ Donahue Secln Gclllclghcr Ed\\ard Giera Ph1hp Goldman

Chmtopher Grayce William fl ail Roland Hc1rmon 'v11chael H\'

John Kla1ber \1ark labrum

Mark Lonergan Mark Manta

QpnniS \-1Cf addt>n Kev1n

James '-1elson Kevm Suter \1\art n Tallo\', Stephen \ ogel Chri\topher \\'al~h


p1ctured are. Thomas Burgess Sean Corr, lcJme\ K11cher, Cornel1us B'rrne




'I NT'MtlrJf.A L •

PIN(,-/b'VG . , -.<:--

..-·-- --

Band Was ''In The Mood" The 1979 LaSalle College High School Band has reached new celestial heights in musical expression. The band, augmented by its new moderator, Brother William Riley, has truly JUmped octaves. Although we d1d not glamorously tour Europe as in years past, we did manage to enter our first band competition. Our illustrious director, Mr. Joseph Ciccimaro , deserves the credit for this wondrous feat. Mr. C, as he is kindl y called, has worked hard to change us from a varied group of inexperienced, struggling musicians into a closely-knit family. He has been like a mother to us; we came to him as incompetent children, but during these four years he has sculptured us into true masters of music. Ed Monaghan Mr. Cicc1maro, Director of the Band



that crazy kid with the top hat7

The band plays at St. Basil's.

)oe QUigley braves weather at football game

For A Year of Great Music

t\ little boy at a b1g horn

Generc111ng LaSalle Spirit.

The Startmg Lineup

Belore .


Mike Becker Selected To Regional Band

A nice vt<>v. of Mr. C's bNter side.

Setttng up tor a Chrtstma' \lass

Bill Konowal wipes out

That's a tam1har torm

The trumpl'ls are blanng'

Band Room Will Look Empty Without Andy There r<; a little known culture growrng rn the lower lloors ot LaSalle. I am referring to the music culture. The haunting melodies of Mussorgsky have been heard seeping through the bandroom doors, and often the sounds of Skynyrd have shook those doors off their hinges. Brother Bill and Mr. Ciccimaro have given the band a solrd base to "ork on , but rn the early hours of the school day, the Zeppelin sub-specres floats in from parts unknown and slams \arious bar chords on an Acme guitar Desprte these shad-,. goingc, on , it rs obvious that the band has come a long way, and the future looks bright. Andy Bresnan

Look \1a. one hand'


and gentlemen. the President.

LaSal le Forum Talks Beginning it., -.('( ond ) ear, the LaSalle Forum has enjo\ed .,ucce.,.,tul tor<>nsic acti\ it\' The Forum is the largeo.,t and mo<.t acti1.c chapter ot thE> nev\1\ formed \aile\ Forge Di~tnct ol the '\.attonal Forenstc League. Highlights oi the llJ78-7lJ season mclude: FIRST PLACE TEA.\ \ victones at VillanO\a UniH'rc.tt\ the Unt'versit) ot Scranton , St Joseph's Uni\Nsit) . and the Penns)hanta State Quali tymg Tournament tor the "'Jational Bicentennial Debates. These debates wert' held to selell ~tudents to represent the 5tdte of l'c>nns) h an•a 1r1 the National Bicentenn•al Debates La~alle debaters John Schmitt and Paul Kollmer were the winners of this '>tatewide contest. Bw Rt•m·

from IPit to rtghl '>t•.Jtl'd hm Ba"ll•, Chn~ Whelan . Frank Gannon FtN Ro'"" · SPan Smtih Put• Chaloull, Crdtg ,'\.lcChesne~ . Oa\e Reardon , \\dll Keehn , Phd 1\rl)\\ICkt Se<ond Ro\\ Bn.Jn Schmitt, Hulx>rt \lcGmle\, lorn

'\;ovt'l Debate. front Ro\\ ; Chn~ 'v\ hei.Jn , Pf't£' Chaloult . Frank Gannon Back Ro\\ Cr.:~tg \\c Che~nc~ . Dil\ l' Reardon . Tim Campbell. hm Ba~tle,

Slt•~rwr •

.\1\ouerator of


Sc:hmttt , ,'1.\ik!• 'xtut•rlopl, lou Burgo~ne. John Glm\.JCio.t, Arnold Fole\ , lt•on Bll< lo.. Ttm C.:~mplwll , L,l,t Rm\ Btll Jan en , Bill \\cCann. Paul 1\ollmw. lohn I um hum. Ttill Dumo lm· Dtonu, lohn Z.ll h,uko, Buu Gtlle,p•e

\dr,tl\ D1•hdiP Front Rm\ Brian Schmttl. Hubert 'l.lcGtnley, John Schmttt -\rnold F<>lt•\ Bd< 1.. R0\'1. ' Bob Gille,pte, John Funrhton, Paul Kollmer, Joe Dtono


Its Way To The Top

Extemporaneous Speakers: Bill Janssen, Tim Diorio, john Glowacki, Bill McCann. Tim Campbell

lnlerprellve Speaking: Front Row Chris Whelan, Sean Smith, Walter Keehn, Phil Krzywicki, Back Row: Bill Janssen. Hubert McGmley, Mike Sauerzopf, Leon Buck

The Forum also participated in the Barkley Forum Tournament in Atlanta, Georgia, the Pa. High School Speech League District and State Finals, the Valley Forge District N.F.L. Finals hosted by LaSalle, and the Philadelphia Catholic Forensic League Finals. NCFL National Finals are held in Milwaukee in May, while NFL National Finals are held in Cincinatti in June.

Forensic Team Stockpiles Trophies;

Bill and John are discu~smg the


or more shelves.

Caps Season At National Finals Part1C1pal 10n in the many and varied activities of the LaSalle rorum permits students to develop their ability to communicate to the fullest. Specific speech activities include debate, oratory, interpretive reading. informative and persuasive reading, student congress. radio announcing. and radio programming Brother Rene Sterner IS the Director of the Forum and \1\r Kevin Dalmasse is the Ass1sta nt 01 rector.

ThE> Covetl.'d Winners' Trophy

Cervone, Farris, and Costantini Lead Council

It '., the la.,t dav ot 'chool and Pat, Bob, and I are sittrng tn the ~tudent Council ottiCe remrnr.,crng about the ~ear. It ""a" d good 'Par. \\ £> V\.orkecl a lot. ""e gre\\ alot. It (th<• war) began "' ith " \Vednec:.day Extended Homeroom". \\e fph thdt thts c>xtra time could be u'>ed to incred.,e '>tudent J\\ arc•n<>'>S and im oh ement. Throughout tlw yc•Jr, memlwr~ ot vanou' <.chool activttie-, \\ould talk to the honwroom., about upcoming event<. and anS\\er any por.sihlc quc•-.tions. I rern<•mhN the night ot the first mixer. Bob v.ac; working in t h<' <loakroom, Pat was checkrng guest lists and I wa-. coll~l"trng money, when all of a .,udden, we were mobbed . But th.:mks to .\1r Dtehl and Mr. \!\anion . '"e made it rhat mixer turned out to be a great ~uccess

\Vtth .,orne ot the prolrts trom the mrxer-., ''e comNted the auditonum into a student lounge. The llf<.l cla\ tl ''a' open , Bob and I \\ere late tor clas<. three time.; bl'<"ause "P \\ere " tc-.trng the prng-pong tablec;". A kaletdo~cope ot the \ear\ e\enh - reterhl'h ing WCAF , ho<~ting Open Hou~e end Career Ntght. the• <rowdc•d WintPr Dance, the c razv pep rallie~ . thl' Sc•nior -lla-.hcd before m\ mtnd s eye tn a lrenzy. Prom Yc.,, it \\cl'i c1 good year Suddenl) an tntruder break'> my rf'wm• Next vear's Student Counctl Prcsid<'nt " -;tanding rn the door\vay Well. I guess tt 's ttn.e to lcaw Paul C<•f\onE'

And Unify Student Activities

W(' Af - 1 h(• Sound of LaSalle

This IS Dan the "Casdnova h.1d" Price.

The \1en Behmd the S•gns

D,mc.e Comm1ttee

Painting signs in the catacombs

Ping Pong, Chess Sets, and Vending Machine


anvbod\· ha\le any ~uggeslions?


Ll<ilen lo CE'rvone babble.

I don'l like 11 I'm I!'C1~1ng, Paul




Are Some SC Improvements

Spirit Club prepares for arch路 nvals

Put that pawn bad. or I quit

LaSalle Publications Work Hard \Vrth ttbout l\'\l'lll\ minutt>.., lell 1n the hour, I got up to !'trPtch. \\'p'cf h<'<'n \\<>rl\ing for nearly '''o and a halt hour.., ,mel h<Hin 't qurtl' tompiPtt•d 1\\0 page!>. Tom hdd laid out thE' "t'< ond page and Paul ''a' .:;till ~A-orking on the <>port., page•. I hJd trnr.,h<•d most ot page one and ''a" contemplatrng l><lg<• thrN' Chri., ''a" prooi-readmg \\e .,till held to do th<• lwadlinc ... and crop the picture'>. h'cnty minutt'" attN tlw SP\1 \\hlstle sounded , \\(' took el break 1om v. pnt dm" n '>lairs to p1ck up ...orne ...oda'>. Paul r.ttll<•d ott \Jrlou~ unpnntable headlinec; to amuo,e hun.,clt a., I looked out O\'Cr the driveway. Three krcb were runnmg around , two ot them had taken the other's hell. I wonde>rC'<l JUSt how much of LaSalle the~ sav., or wou lei ever ... ee Each of I hem had his own view.,, hi.:; own likP'> and dl'>likes. Down there, they couldn't see the reldtlomhip f>Ct\\('('n track, the CSC, and forensrcs. The} probably drdn t t<Jrt> though, they onl} looked til our c.:trtoon., At twenty-lrve pa'>t, Tom returned \\lth the sodas Paul had come up w1th a few interesting headlines and Chm had fini.,hecl proal-reading. \Ve still had a lot of work to do and a<> duo,k '>cltled elbout the building. we went back to \\ork. Oa\C ,\ 1cCarthy

tdtlor O<t\t' \;\t'( Mlh\ ,md


[dilor~ Tom Dooner and P,lUI

\I< CHI h)



.I \Vork1ng to make a deadlme


At Capturing The Year In Print Working for the yearbook and all has Leached us how to express ourselves real goodly. This is the most importantest thing that the yearbook has did for us. By righting for the yearbook, you get to right lots of Interesting stuff. ya know. Another thmg arc, you get a real good teellng ms1de, because ot the way working real hard is, and )Our trymg to make 11 real good But 11 \\ere' ery tun all m all. All of we who ha\ e worked real hard and all are real glad that we have done th1s because we think that 11 were fun and educational. Espenally, to be specific. The reason for which we are so most gratefully.

The 1979 Yearbook Stall

Community Service Corps 0\er the f)d<.t three -,ear<o se,eral programc; ha\e become " regular<." "1th the C'>C l he5e are complemented b) a ho~t or spetial projech Each month, the esc journe\ c; to t\\ 0 nursmg homes In a program \\h1ch 1., un1queh la'>alle's and ..,hich has \\On the Best ~chool Initiated Program ol all archdiocesean high <.chools '>tuderw. pia) bmgo and c;oCiallze "1th the re.,idt"ntc, ol llol-, ramily Home and the Green Acres Home In addition the Corps ~ponsors an annual Chnstmas dnve. This is a ...chool-wide effort, w1th each homeroom prov1ding gifts for hand1capped children. A party IS g1ven by "Santa and his helper.,'', while the LaSalle Band provided the danc1ng music

The Ba<.ketball \.1arathon is another regular undertaking of the CSC In the past two years, th1s smgle act I\ 1ty has raised over $2500 to benefit the Amencan Cancer Soc1ety. This year tht> pledge money will be given to the Splina Blflda rolJndcltiOn to benefit children crippled by this di'><'ase [\ery November, CSC members run two program!> concurrently - a school canned tood drive and a canned good<. c:ollect1on at area supermarkets. lhe school canned food drive has tripled in contribution~ since the fir~t one 1n 1'T'6 Th1<. retlects the increased ~chool involvement in helpmg others.

Reaches Outward

Mike Olivere, current president of the CSC, has these thoughts to relate concerning the organization: "We've experienced many miracles through our work in CSC - both great and smal l. Hundreds of people fed, thousands of dollars to help cancer research, hundreds of pounds of clothing put to good use. all through our efforts. Other miracles were more simple - the delightful cry of "bingo" by a man ninety-five years o ld; the kind gestures of people as they donated a can of green beans to help another in need; the merriment in the face of a deaf mute as she receives a Christmas present from someone she never met before; the gratitude in the voice of a mother of thirteen children who had noth ing to give her family for Thanksgiving; a young Puerto Rican able to read only a few words of a language not his own. These are some of the sma ll moments which make the Commu路 nity Service Corps such a specia l activity.

Special programs have involved LaSalle students with the Big Brothers organization, with the Horsham Clinic, the Montgomery School for the Handicapped, and St. John's Hospice. There have also been clothing drives, a walk for education benefiting students in Guatemala, and used book collections. The CSC, though modest in numbers, continues to operate at its maximum. Students have demonstrated a willingness to sacrafice and serve to do their part in healing the wounds of injustice.

CSC Nursing Home Visitation Smooth Sax set at CSC Ch11"1mas


Wins Best School - Initiated Program .,...


100% purt> cotton

We can 1 1h1nk of





comes around for PICtures

New Computer Terminal Results In Computer Club


ol the ne\\ ly rorml:'d Computer Club Bro Gerry computes running times

Bowling League Struggles With Bro. Anselm's Absence: Marty Tries To Pick Up Slack

Future Ralph l<ramdens ol ,\merica

Don' t be impressed- he guttered it

Public Relations Committee Puts LaSalle On Map


PR Stall Bob Bolger, Paul Cer.one, fohn G1mpet and \lr hm Oe\lne

Photography Club Opens Their Shutters To World

-\ct1on cand1d oi Photograph\ Club



moment m \t'arbook picture takmg

LaSalle's Actor Workshop Presents

The ca't ot "frt•c<lom


tht• Cit\ "

" Freedom of the City"

Listen Ace, stop stepping on my lines

A d1fficult part

handled well

Skmner takes a stab at



Sid Macleod tn prpparation tor vtbrant role

McGovern's Directing Ability Shines

Toasting their own deaths?

A pause for clarity

Thf' " armed agressor" lie' 'ilenced

A momentary majeSt\

Cast and Crew Turn In Excellent Performan ce

" '-'o comment" - d lllt•ng explanat•on

Behind The Scenes

<;('ilt!'rl llr\l ro~"' : 1 Simms. \1\ Grittin, B. Dunne, :-.; Cac,aleo, D v1cEiroy, T K<'llv Seated ~eocond ro" : T O'l<.ane B Baldassano. B. Boll(\'r, S Lar~on Hym Te" D DeStmon Standmg· \\. Luon~o. 1. \looney, C. Sn;der, I Crumlish. ,\.t Becker V Galli. C. 1\\irabelll, T. Sw<•ene; I Kelly , S O'".eill, 'v\. Wynn

C. Sn\der,

\1 Luongo. I J.;elh, T. $\\el'ney. I \loonev

A Musical Extravaganza

Godspell Puts Audience Into Trance

Singers And Dancers Prepare The Way

-.... 路.JIIi] 153

For An Illuminating Musical

How Does Godspell Reli ef?

" Career Night" - Informative, Well Organized

Mothers' Club OFFICERS LaSalle Moth e rs' Club 1978-1979 President ........................................ Mrs. Michael Driscoll Vice-President... ........................... Mrs. Dante Ceniccola Treasurer .............................................. Mrs. john Susanin Corres. Sec ................................. Mrs. Frederick Mischler Recording Sec. .......................... Mrs. James McCrudden Past President ................................ Mrs. David Schofield Moderator ...................................... Bro. Fred Stelmach

Father-Son Banquet Is The Highlight

,_., , . .• • IIAI!Ail.

Of Men of LaSalle's Year

Explorers Start Out Strong For all "' ho participated in the Football program , this vear must be labeled as a disappomtment. The season started out 'ery encouragmg, but then 11 began to stead ily decline. Although the won / lost record was not very bright, there was detinitely something gained lrom the season. lhi~ ...omething is the seltdiscipline and the friend~h1p~ that "'ere by-products oi our experiences in the LaSalle football program .

Var.,lty Foolball <;pcltl'd Dan Ct>n1nola Ton~ Bruno, M 1ke Pisano, hm Dmtoll F 1 r~t Row. I rom left 10 nghl ~I eve Blust , lohn Gerngross. Dave Ro~s. Herb McM1IIan, Rilry Sm1th, tohn Dean. George tohnson. M1ke )uenglmg. M1ke RobNh.Tun Kelly Second RO\\ Vince Tague AI Soleck1, V1nce O ' Bm•n. Bnan Wllh,lm), ltm Fox. Ch1p Miller, Steve Edling. John B\·rne, Glen H,Jn,on I h1rd Row Paul McCanhy, Ste\·e Rosat1. Da•e Byrne,

rom Ponh. tohn o\v.tllone M1ke Donahoe, Lorr, Dan1el ,\lcJrc 1\.llm~. Bill Bodner ]1m "-1arkmann. \1r Tex rtannery Fourth Ro" John laRo<ca. DICI.. D<'J'"· H.my Chn~tnMn . loe Graham. Tony DePaul. Dennv 'vkf addcn. 'v11k<• Bt•hr filth RO\\ Nril Curran Tom Sweeney, Davto Worthington. Bob CoopN Bill Roger,, Andy Carlin )lm Durkin, [d \.leehan. Mlkl' Rile\

Beat Springfield and Upset Dougherty .. . The enthusiasm which followed the Dougherty upset was quickl't extinguished by losses to every other Catholic League foe with the exception of Bishop Kendrick. However, this did not kill the team's spirit. Although the final team record was three wins and seven losses, the optimism and pride of the team was never relinquished . John Dean


Catch me rr you can

Alright guys. the\\ hrstle blew.

Meehan breaks loose

But Team Can't Put Things Together VARSITY RECORD LaSalle 26

21 7 19 12 0 0

35 8 0

Opponent Springfield Cardinal Dougherty North Catholic Archbishop Wood Archbishop Ryan Father ludge Bishop McDevitt Bishop Kenrick Bishop Egan St. Joe's Prep Catho lic League 2-6 Overall 3-7

0 0 34 39 21 7 6 7

15 3 0.1 McMillan searches for daylight

Huddle up


0 18 14 12 12 0 12 20 6

Opponent Springfield Cardinal Dougherty North Catholic Archbishop Wood Archbishop Ryan Father Judge Bishop McDevitt B1shop Kenrick Bishop Egan Catholic League 2-6 Overall 2-7

6 28 20 26 18 12

6 7 44

And Comes Up Short On Winning Season FROSH RECORD LaSalle 14 0 6 20 6 12 14

Archbishop Ryan Father Judge Bishop McDevitt Cardina l Dougherty Bishop Kenrick Bishop Egan Roman Catholic Catho lic league 2-4-1

Pisano slams into the line.

/ I Alnght let's wm!

Tex resigned to rout

Freshman Football Team. Coach Mr Vigg•ano


Opponent 14 6 12 0 14 14


LaSalle Soccer Takes A Turner \IIPmtHd-., I <.tuod on the hill 0\erlooking the field There \\cl'- no Iran• or emotion, no tnumph , JUbilatron , nor defeat , nothing Earlrer that <Ia) , \\e had played our game, and \\On. It wa<. the trr<.t game ,,c·d \\On - not just the iir-.t oi the sea.,on, but the tiro;t C\N. I thought oi how iar ,,e·d come rn the pa~t t\\o y('cir". Ju-.t being able to plav v.a., the real \'ictory. For a long trmc the fr<>ld had stood empty. How long, I couldn't ~ay Onl) tn the past year had tt been put to use Before that, the game had been played in a diflerent arena There, words. not balls, were manipulated towards a goal I remembered the long ... truggle for btrth. The seed had been planted almost ten years before. In the trme stnce, the tdea ol a var.,ity soccer team had grov\n, siO\\Iy at first but \\tth gathenng speed towards the ine\ttable end. ~ \anv people had lorfeited their careers to nourish the idea . Thev ne,er saw the lruit ol their labor.

toe \\urphv trad.s dO\\ n oppo,tng lomarcl



•• '

.. ~r ..l~




.. .




.~ ..




-.. '


C.~rhn <.etond Ro"

. '

\aNI\' ScK(<"r lell

•' • #

-,~ ,








ro Rtght Front Row. Ron Craig, lv1ske Cant\H'Ii, Dan ti;(•l,h. lvlatt 8dtlln, Chm Bond, Da\td \<lcCarthy, Bnan

Coath Tom Turner, Slew Laune, Chtp Roddt-n , Dc!\t' B~rnt>, JoP Cf((htello loe \<lurph\ , Ben Ca~'alta Tom \lat•gprle. John Bonner, John DeVtntPnt . ~etl B~rne, John Grt•gtt•" John \1arhoeler, \nd) Bitlltn, Btll Bar!) , Tom Brt'nnan, \1odt'rator Bro \'\ m Fl'd I)

For The Better

The first season had been disastrous. We didn't win a smgle game. We were like infants, unable to walk, playIng against men tempered by years of expenence It d1dn't matter, though; we were learning. Sometimes we'd lose six to nothing, but each game we improved. After that first season, we could look back and say, "Hey, we made it." We were satisfied. ow, as I looked over the field, feeling the past flow by, I rea II zed that I was part of it. I'd been part of the struggle, w1tnessed the birth, and experienced the first victory; but now my place was with the past. I had played my part and was now useless. It was time for someone else to carry the torch. I looked at the field, feeling both sad and happy, turned, and walked away.

Joe Murphy and Jack Kidd Named All-Catholic Coach Turner d1scusses strategy

•'-\tCarthy dishes off to Cassalia

"Oh well, there goes another one"

Brian Carlin Gets The "Fea ly Award" VARSITY SOCCER LaSalle

2 1 1 2 1 1

0 2 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1

Opponent B1shop 1\ennd. 1 St Joe's Prep Hoi} Ghost Prep Card1nal O'Hara 1 Benc.alem lllgh 2 Sa1nt Jamec; 3 Cardinal Dougherty 2 B1shop 1\enrick I Archbishop Ryan 2 Archbhhop Wood 3 No1th Cathol ic 4 rather Judge I Cardina l Dougherty 2 Bi'>hop Kennck Archbishop Ryan -l Archbic;hop Wood 2 l'.orth Catholic -l 0 Father JudgE> Catholic League 2-8-1 0\ era II 4-11-3


Cross Country Captures 1st At Salesianum;

Track Tt>am leit to Right f1N RO\\ hm Roger'. Tom <.hea Bernie \lcGee Bnan Cah1ll, Chm Carabello. Chns Burnett, RICh Gregor, T1m O 'Toole Second Ro\" lim 0 Bnen, Tom F tzpatml.., .'l.l1ke Adams, Skuoe Ponton, Bob DICerbo. John Puglia, Chm O '"'e1ll, Walt Clearv Phd Kr1eger John V\ip,tkE>mper Ra\ 'vlohr 'v11!..e funchion Th1rd Row: toe Rush, DaH Mdrble. Chuck H1lpl. 1\e\ln Kortz, Dave Ott, Pat Kenney, Sean Gallagher Coach Mr Pat Devme. Tom Connell

Vars1t) Cross-Country Tt>am


Harriers Win Logan Street Run

\\ hile reflectmg upon m'y htgh school career I realize the iniluence runnmg Cross-countr} and Track has had on m')- sen<.e ot <II'>Ctpltne and on m'y grO\\ th as a person . Although runnmg may appear to merit a minor role in the formulation ol my outlook on life, it has actually broadened my viewpoint immensely because of the lessons I have learned from this demanding sport, many of which can be applied to other aspects of life. In my mind, probably the most valuab le benefit of running is the discipline required to become successful. The nature of the sport dictates that practice be attended every da} and that I run on the weekends as well. A missed day can only be made up with two days' work. Also, mere attendance at practice does not guarantee success; the amount of effort put out each day determines hO\'\ much I achte\ e Because it is so difficult to become a good runner, I ha\e learned to discipline mvself m order to tmprove The results of this, ho"' ever, are seen not only m m'y running, but m other things such as school\>\ork I have learned to apply discipline in class b} being conststent 1n \'I.Orktng harcl, completing assignments, and trymg to achieve more. I very much intend to continue to use this sense of discipline in my professional career, as well as in other aspects of life. Along with developtng my sense of discipline, running has helped me grow mentally, soctally, and physically. As I said before, my schoo lwork has benefited greatly from

Take a ~hort lave mile run to loosen up

They're oft at Belmont.

Coach Devane Clock~ ha~ team

The team awaats the )tart ot wanter track.


Chuck Hilpl Makes All-Catholic runnmg, but ther(• Me other area-. 1n '' hich I h.:~v e de\ eloped mentallv BPt dU'>(' ol running I h.n e learned hovv to de.:~l \vith :>ucce.,., (and hovv to keep 11 tn perspective) , a., vvell <I'- how to handiP ~etback<.. I ieel thi~ is an invaluable lec;~on 1n tinding succes., 1n almost anvthing. I have abo cn<.ountcrcd a \\Ide spectrum of expertences and have se('n a gr('at deal through running The~e Widened horizon<. ha\e taught me to be more open-minded than I vvould be if I had not run. If experience really 1<. the best teacher, then I let•l I'm betng taught very well lhrOLJgh running. Likew1se. I have grown soc1ally ac; a result of mv involvement tn Croso, country and Track because of the con~tant contact I have had w1th peop le. Being w1th teammates every da)- builds a sense of camaraderie that is not easil~ broken doV\n, and because of our common interest'> I hav-e abo made a number of friends from other teams Running ofiers <1 more than ample supply of opportun1t1es to meet new people, and th1s has undoubted!\' helped me grow '>Ociall) . The phy.;ical eflccb running has had on me are definitely a strong tact or adding to my enro~ ment of the sport. Becau'>e I am active, m'r body 1s in good condition and I am able to enjoy thing., that I otherv'\lse would not be able to. '>UCh as admiring the scenery around a trail I happen to be runn1ng on, or challeng1ng myself to reach my body's lim11. Above> ('Vt•rything else I have an overall seme ot wf'll hP1ng that carnes over 1nto the things that I do. These phys1cal clle<.ts are not ends in themselves, because they add to my growt h a... a complete person. I think it would be wry difficult for me to ignore the satisfaction I have gamed from running and the beneficia l effect it has had on me. Anything that helps me grow as running has can only have a great influence on my va lues and thinking, and I t<•el it ha~ gu1ded me the right way.



Beat All

Catholic League Foes At Temple VARSITY CROSS COUNTRY SCORES Sa lesianum Invitational: 1st out of 18 Manhattan Invitational: 4th out of 29 Logan Street Run: 1st ou t of 6 Eastern Championships: 7th out of 30 Catholic League Championships: 6th out of 17 Catholic League Record: 13-3 Overall Record: 123-23

LaSalle takes the lead.

Who said we couldn' t rest?

What does John use to keep hts hands warm?

FRESHMEN Catholic League Championships: 4th of 17 Temple Invitational: 2nd of 18 Catholic League Record: 13-3 Overall Record: 29--1

JUNIOR VARSITY Cathol ic League Championships: 7th out of 17 Overall Record: 10-6

Medals of Victory

P. D on the lrozen tundra

Blagrave Tends The Nets And

Front Row (lelt to nght) R,w McCatfrev Scott Budinsky, Steve Delaney, RICh Blagra"e Dan Ct•mccola. DaH' Pugllc1, Matt Sklodow~t..1. Bob Houk Back Row Tony B.mv. Mr. Richard Blagrave (Coach). Herb Riband joe

Tht• Art of lt•n and Skatmg

Blagrc1vt> <,t('vt• Lull Bro B1ll Fealy, Ed Je~ko, Ted Kling. 11m 11;1uPhlbronrwr, loe Curci Andy I f<>nkels


races oil ror Explore~

Hanson , jesko, and Dante Crush Opponents The LaSal le Ice Hockey Cl ub has never been marked by an overabundance of players. At times we lacked talent, but we have never lacked team spirit. The strength of our team lies in the sheer joy of participation. o other team is more dedicated to or enjoys its games more than LaSalle. Last year, the team unexpectedly won ha lf of its games. In that season, the Explorers finished in 5th place and missed a playoff spot by only one po int. The bright spot of the 1977-1978 season was the excellent coaching by two fine men - Mr. Dick Blagrave and Brother William Fealy. These dedicated (they have to be) men not on ly coached the p layers, they befriended them. The high morale of the team along with strong school support are proving to be the reasons for the success of the 1978-1979 season. Moving toward the close of the season, the Exp lorer skaters loom as a league power in the playoffs. The team's future in this year's playoffs as well as in future years looks very encouraging. It is with high expectations that we say among ourselves, "Forget the mistakes of the past and press on to the greater achievements of the fu t ure." Rich " Bernie" Blagrave Captain - MOG

LaSalle displays its potent offense

Dante skates Into Inferno of Opposition

Hanson's probably at it agam

The League -leadmg Defense

As LaSall e Ice Hockey Team

How come Rach plays the whole game?

Dazed and Confused

1978-1979 Varsil~ lee Hockey (Suburban league) LaSalle Opponents Central Bucks 3 3 11 Roxborough 0 1 Central Buck<. 1 6 Upper Dublin 1 Central Buck<. 1 3 ~bington 3 1 11 Roxborough 2 '\orth Catholic 4 3 Bishop McDevitt 0 3 Vvtll1am Tennent 2 3 orth Catholic 6 3 Roxboro ugh 1 0 Bic;hop McDev1lt 2 2 1 Germantown Academy 3 4 Counti l Rock 7 4 North C.Hho lic 3 4 Cheltenhdm 2 North Penn 3 3 6 Upper Dublin 1 Upper Dublin 4 6 Bi.,hop 'vlcDev1tt 4 0 Sed'>On Record 10-7-1

I bet



thought '"e '"~re gomg to put


ch•an gu\ ~ .. Sure. Ref

'tupad captaon here

Makes League Playoffs

The Blaghh makes a great Sd\e

Icemen Turn Game Around


Are Skat1ng On Thin Ice (Argg. Argg)

This says it all : *&%= s•·&"' & Rei!

Wrestling Team Gets Pinned

I Thmk lit> Might Be DPad

Brown Drives Opponent To "lat


\\dtl ' Till I Gel The Hatr Out ot 'l-1\ ht!~

Into Catholic League Cellar

Kneeling (left to right): ,\\att Battin, Dave Haney, Tony Tabasco. Damien Dachowski. Mike McAndrews. Standing: Steve Dorazio, Brian Gla,gow. Kt>ith Hernngton ,\like Mc-Lane. Greg Hcrnngton (Coach). Marty Tat low, Chm 'vlincer, Dave Brown

Lefty Ervin's Explorers Finish Strong

Our miv,1on -.t<Hted .n mid-October. Our goal \\aS realized in late rt>bruan a., ''e conquered the Falcon<. ol ~orth Catholic to gain a tourth playoff spot and a co' eted trip to Ba ... kctball Cit\ , the Palestra. As we journc~ cd through our schedule, grO\\th and matunty soon took hold. We entered 1979 with a .500 average, t\'1.0 wins and t\A.O losses. After realizing early season wins O\N [gan and a strong ,\.1cDevitl team, '"' e knew we had somcth.ng good W 1th Lefty contmuing to show the way and making us mto believers, victories came to us along w 1th a few disappointing losses. Twin losses to Judge and Ryan only helped us to grow into compet1llve g1ants A dog fight began to materialize for the fourth playoll spot McDe' 11t, Kennck, onh, and the Explorers \\ere locked 1n a "Do or Die" tussle. A'> the regular season came to an end, three teams \\ere deadlocked with identical 8-8 records A mtnttournament took place with i\\cDe\itt versus '\orth, and the Explorers, b\- "irtue ot a br e. would pia} the victor. The rest b history , McDevitt lost to 1\.orth, and the Explorers, with a thrilling 43-41 \!ictory over the Falcons earned the right to a pla}oli berth and a place tn the "Btg House". - Thank you lefty You made us into believers, you encouraged our matunty, and -you orchestrated our show. - To my fellow Seniors: Congratulations Dave Gray, you are our All-CatholiC. To )1m Dnscoll, Rich Connolly, Ned ,'v1onihan, Jim ~arkmann, and Lew Dileo: You made good thtng'> happen and you demonstrated the loyalty and compE>titive sp1rit that made us all wtnners. - To the faculty and 'i tudents of LaSal le: We thank you for your enthU'>Iastic support which many times proved to be a signlf1cant factor during our season. - C.ood Luck to the future ST ARS 1 Pat Farns

Da\e ,k,es (or anorher rebound

To Capture Fourth Place And A Playoff Spot

Varsitv Basketball Team: (left to R1ght) Front Ro'" Bro. Domm1c Smllh (Moderator), \.\all Smllh (\.1gr ), Chm o路snen "-e1l Monihan. le'" D1leo Mark Lonergan, Ton, Kell~ "'e1l Curran ('-1gr) Da\e " len, " Ervm (Coach)

Back Row RICh Connolly, hm Dn~coll "-en Roessler, \lil.e Flan1gan. Farris. hm "-1arkm.lnn, Marl.; \.h~chler \.l1Ssing Da'e Gra\

Dave "Tonto" Gray Leads Hoopsters On Court

I know there


<.<>methin' I

wa~ ~uppo,('d



• •

' II'' a i:wdutitul da, in the neighborhood Do~\ l'

" Frogman" Gr a\


Makes 1st Team All-Catholic, Wins Markward Award LaSalle

49 35 74 49 47 46 38 46

45 45 32 43 56

40 47 51 fdrrt\-


'hoottng T\\00000000000'

32 60 48

38 42 50

44 43


VARSITY BASKETBALL Opponents Pottsgro'e 60 Roman Catholic 65 Washington 54 ,'v\alvern Prep 43 59 \11artin luther King 47 Cardinal Dougherty Father Judge 58 32 Bishop Egan 42 Penn Charter Malvern Prep 40 48 St. joe's Prep Bishop McDevitt 41 Archbishop Wood 47 North Catholic 56 Bishop Kenrick 44 Archbishop R~an 67 Cardinal Doughert~ 69 Father Judge 61 Bishop Egan 37 Bishop \t1c0e\ rtt Archbishop \\ood 52 '\.orth Catholrc 40 Bishop Kenrick 48 Archbishop R}an 54 PLAYOFFS North Catholrc 41 Father Judge 48 RECORD Catholic league- 9路8 Overa II Record - 13路13



,\IRB>\LL' Y.tmbo on


POWER DRI\'E - ror T\\ 0


LaSa ll e Threatens To Beco me Basketball Powerh ouse

!>ophomore guard Chm 0 Bnen dme' through the Falcon dE'It'n~c

JUNIOR VARSITY BASKETBALL Opponents 21 Roman Catholic 54 60 \ 'V ashtngt on 54 50 \1al,ern Prep 27 59 1-.tng 67 53 Cardinal Dougherty 64 20 Father Judge 61 42 Bishop Egan 41 51 Penn Charter 42 45 St. Joe's Prep 59 51 St John :"\eumann 70 45 Btshop ,\.1cDe' 111 51 45 Archb1shop \\ood 53 50 "!orth Catholic 54 46 Bishop Kenrick 48 3Y Archbtshop R)'an 58 3Y Cardtnal Doughert~ 63 41 Father Judge 47 45 Bishop fgan 42 59 Bishop McDev1tt 58 58 Archbishop Wood 35 42 '!orth Catholic 39 43 Bishop Kenrick 42 27 -\rchbishop R)'an 32 RECORD Catholic league - 6-10 0\erall Record- 9-14


Jun1or \ar,,t~ Ba~ketball leam (Left to R1ghl) John \\iidden (\\~r ), Dd'e PO\H!II. \\1l..e \\c~ulh lot• Spcrc~nu. AI Soll'll..l, M1l..e Kilmin<.kl, \.ncP O'Bnen (:\.lgr) Bat!.. Rm\ Dan "'cCio\ke\, Tom ~oliln , Bob Guaghone, Hank Hcmcer. Joe \.\otz "'~~mg . Rick Fro~t

With Champion Frosh And The Super Sophs

V\c'lultv wrth the jumper


BASKETBA LL Opponents Cardinal Dougherty 26 Roman Catholic 32 40 Father judge 38 52 Bishop Egan 30 72 Bishop McDevitt 15 +4 Archbishop Wood 35 65 Norlh Catholic 34 48 Bishop Kenrick 22 48 Archbishop Ryan 38 5'1 Cardinal Dougherty 36 51 Father judge 40 40 Bishop Egan 39 73 Bishop McDevitt 26 58 North Catholic 37 52 Archbishop Ryan 45 30 Bishop Kenrick 26 36 Archbishop Wood 38 CATHOLIC LEAGUE CHAMPIO SHIP 49 West Catholic 44 RECORD Catholic League- 17·1 Overall Record - 18-1 LaSalle 46 48

On to another victory

Tip·in by McCloskey

Freshman Basketball Team (left to Rrght) Kneeling Joe Dowhng. Bnan Rodden, Barry 'VIc(ormrck Standing: Chris Carabello (Mgr ), Dan Sabia, John Gay, hm Osborn Max Mellet Pete Mrmmo (Coach). Rob Hamson. Victor Gray, Terry Gillespie, I P Manta, Bro Dominic ~mrth (Moderator) • Mr~srng ll.erth Shepard. Chip Greenberg George \\rmlow

Oarsmen Stroke Through The Ice Of February

George S1etcrt -

hpenenced Oarsman

Gt'Orge c.1ught a fish!

One of the


hours ol practiCe

To The City Championships In May The first time in a -;hell I almost went over the falls. Now, an experienced O<Hsman, I row with confidence as the boat glides w1th the turrent into the basm. Rowing is a sensation ac, well as a sport It produces d1stinct moments of '1ctorv fat1gue, defeat and competition The culmination or hundreds of m1le., of practice is a sub-fi\e m1nute race. Propell1ng the traglle shell past the Victonan boathouses and the golden Art Mu"eum is only one of the mtang1ble rewards of row1ng. "And so we beat on, boats against the current, borne back ceaselessly into tune." jerry Lombard Experienced Oarsman

Propellmg the frag•le shell

,<C' •










......... •

Ghchng mto the Basin

t;. ... _...... _.




De>tinallon Greenland

Coach Suter Keeps His Crew In Cadence

Coach Suter

Fall Cre\' On The Charles R1ver

Stern Pa1r Drop Out

With The Help Of Mitchell And Lombard

The " Gnat" and Mitch

Don' t ra1se the bridge, lower the water!

How come we' re not g01ng an~whe re ?

"lice pose, guys

Swimmers Splash Past Ryan The 1979 Swimmmg ~eason !>tarted "' ith a tough v.in O\Cr Upper Dublin. It was the first time that ''e had beaten them 1n two years. The VIctory proved to be instrumental 1n building our confidence. That confidence "'as the key to our <,uccessiul season. During the rest of the season, we lost only one meet to Archbishop Wood by three points. To ach1eve success, vwe had to devote long hours to practice. Senior Tony Iuliano worked ~o hard that he ~et a personal record for pract 1ces at tended. 1974 was the last t1me that LaSalle High won the City Title, but this year's seniors decided earl) 1n the season that they were gomg to return it to its rightful place After the U!Jper Dublin victory, the entire learn Wd!> beginn1ng to think optimistically. Sw1mmmg compet1t1on is dependent on the races. and we had the swimmers to win. In addit1on to basic talent, the team spint was increchble. We went into the last meet against undefeated Ryan. Since we had onl'r one loss, an Explorer victory would force a swim-ofi for the Catholic Leagu e Title. rhe sw1m-off was at LaSalle College, a neutral pool I will never forget that meet ior as long as I live. The fans were thundering w1th greatly-appreciated support. The air was electric. The whole year came dov. n to the last relay. To add to the pre~<:.ure, Ryan路~ relay beat ours in regular season. In one tremendous moment ll was over - we had won! In summary, two-tenths oi a c;econd was the diiterence between the City fitle and tinishing the c;eason as "unknov.ns". Coach Walt Farrell "'as quoted as c;aying we won the title on "pure guts'. For mysell and tellow seniors Dave VVhitehead, Paul Lloyd, Tony Iuliano, and John Crumlish: I hope that we started a "new tradition in 79" Pete DeVnes

On your mark


the~ 're



In Special Swim-Off .......... ....

. . ... , ....

OK you meatheads, everybody into the pool!

VARSITY SWIMM ING LaSal le Opponents 87 Upper Dublin 84 82 Plymouth White. 7路1 108 Father Judge 71 9"1 Saint James 88 88 Archbishop Wood 91 10"1 Mons. Bonner 78 113 Card. Dougherty 66 93 Cardinal O'Hara 85 94 St. Joe's Prep 85 90 Archbishop Ryan 89 CATHOLIC LEAGUE RECORD - 8-1 CATHOLIC CHAMPIO SH IP SWIM-

OFF 93 47

Archbishop Ryan CITY CHAMPIONSHIP George Washington

86 23

A jubilant Walt

The avid lans

LdSalle College pool bursts mto mayhem



Return City Championship Crown I II II










Gotng tor = 1

\\e onl\ need a ie'' more potnts

SALL E Cdlm before thE" storm


roof,Jdl' \\Jth Uncle \\all'


The "Poohsh Pnnce"- Mr Stanczak

To LaSalle Trophy Case


of Swimm1ng -

Maintaining the lead

Applaud1ng the 1979 Catholic league Champ5- LaSalle H1gh




Golfers Tee Off On Catholic League Foes

\'olf'ity Coli Team (lE'Il to R•ghl) Kneeling ,\dam SH•tdnO\\Il/, Urcl<l "'"'anm\ICL Pat GaniP\ !>.lll<.e -\lov"u' Lumlc\ (Coal h) Pl'lt•r DeP.IUI, John \ld~JJrac c. \11J...t• Gregor, lot• Campbt'll Bob Dunne


Standmg Bro

Bowlers Get Off The Streets, Into The Alleys

Bo~lmg 1<•am

(Lei! to R1ght) Front Ro" Joe Dnnhou,t"r, Gh·nn Wolllngt·r. Grt•g Sha\\ , 'vi•J...e '\1arek, Paul .\larkwwiCI Back Rm\ : Ron Zoldy, AI \lenkhaus, \1ark .\1onarty, rrank \\ihllt•, Steq• lull , hm Qumn

Tennis Team Making A Lot of Racket ...

That's an unorthodo~ ~erve

\:.nee Pmto w1th a 1\'I.O t"ted bcJckhcJnd


Brother Kevm \.1{Mclnus, :\1oderator

Defending City Championship

1\\al..mg the r<>turn


Young Team Holds A Lot Of Promise

Nothing but a blur

I got 1tl

Why's he servmg from h1s backhand?

Pat Devine and The Friz Lead

H1•rh MrMtllan Cro"P~ Lrne In Wrnnrng Fnrm

An i\irborn Harn Chmtman

Torn ConnP.JIIn Qo,e


Chulk Htlpl LN•s Into The Lead

Track Team Into Positive Infinity

Chuck H1lpl - All Alone

John Pu! Gets H1s Karma TogethN Before Race

Pie With Karma Intact

A 12 lb Shot Put


like -\ Ptng


Ball for John BHne

BcNJu•ll looks Guiltv

No Million Dollar Players -

Welle h lh<• l.klll . Chm!

But We Do Have Genuine Diamond Hope


lohn and CMio pose for ba5eball photo

Coach \1\olush teaches the " quick-hands" w .. ,ng


lor successful year

John Dean. nO\\ that\ a cla~sic form

Brother Craig Revamps Program

'<otre Dame V\tde Recetver Goes Out for Pass

Brother Cratg

Table Tennis Jocks

Gomg Up For The Spike

Bo Bro Directtng The ActtOn


lntramurals Going Strong

Where's The Ball

Intramural Tenn1s Realh, Drew A Crowd

Crowds Flock To Pmg Pong Olamp1onsh1p

A Remembrance On August 20, 1978, \\C lost \t1r LaSalle - ChMies "Obte" O ' Brien "v1r O'Brien was the "Red Auerbach" of Philadelphia h1gh o;chool basketball from 19~4 until he retired in 1970. H1s name has been synonymous with LaSalle for the past forty-four years and lw was the .,chool"s most enthuo;ia•aic and energetiC supporter. The most important things m Mr O'Brien's ltfe were his tamll~ , the high school, the Christian Brothers, and, of course, basketball . Alt<•r hts retirement ac.; coach he rematned actt\e at the c.,chool as head of the LaSalle High School De\elopment Fund He also acted a'> Reun1on Coordinator, which enabled h1m to keep 1n contact wtth the thousands of fnends he had made at La5alle. lie had total reca ll for every boy who had ever played for htm He was at the school almost ever) da7. working hard to raise money for the Dewlopment Fund Dunng Mr. O'Bnen'c., retgn as basketball (Oach hts teams ""on seven Catholic League champ1onshtp!> and four c1t7 titles. He never had a losing season and won 541 games dunng his career, more than any other Phila· delphia coach. Mr. Charles "Obte" O'Brien was a legend tn hie; own t1me. He was one of the greatest men ever a'>'>O<.iated with LaSalle. He truly was "Mr. LaSalle".

Mr. Charles O'Brien Ceorge McManus was the school Janitor. He d1ed on 14 1978. He had been working at LaSalle for tht• pa~t thirteen years. When each freshman class en· tPrNi LaSCIIIe, George was the object of their intrigue and lac.,unat1on Crowds of freshmen could be heard as they gathered to curiously watch G<'orge entertain the bewil· dercd nev-. students. They always walked past h1m cau · t10usly, tcartui of becommg the next \ICtlm of his playful , wanton broom handle. In the precanous world of new stud<•nts, the kind!~ cld man \\lth a e~gar 1n the corner ot his mouth crumpled hat perched atop his head, and the familiar broom, was a con.,tant factor 1n the1r unstable IIV<''>. Ac., each class progres'>ed, their Initial curiosity was replaced w1th respect They cou ld understand the impor tann' or George's role at LaSalle George utilized h1s JOb to touch the lives of the thouc;andr, ot bovs \\hO cam<' 1n contact w1th h1m George \\c\\anus lett his mark Cit LaSalle High, and he \\Ill not be forgotten H1s ramll1ar Yeah man, .,..,.hat's happening?" \\ill ring throu~h the halls ot thts '>Chool fort.?\ er.



Mr. George McManus

The Staff Of The 1979 Blue And Gold

Editors-In-Chief Tom Dooner

Gene \.\cEiwee Associate Editors

Bric1n Carlin

John Dean Staff

Stevt> Carlin John Crum lish 1\\1ke D 'Auleno lam Fmnegan lim Finne\ ke\in Funchion Fran llarkms 11m kelh

Jeff Micht•l Bill Pft>lfl'r John 1'1& George SH!I<>rt John \\ aters Frank \\'hilt• Mike Yuengling Contributors

R1ch Blagrave Pau l Cervone PetP DeVries Bob Dunne Pat I arm

Jerry lombcHd Dave Marble Dave McCarthy \11ike Oli\ N<' )1m Sunm~

Artists '\n<h Bre<.nan Photographers Tom Barth Pett• Gla~cott

John Horger S1d \-~acleod Moderator tv\r. Edward Molu~h Acknowledgements

Bro Bro \1r \1r

•\ndre\\ Bartley frank Danielsl-i Da'e D1ehl J1m Oe,ine

Bro. linu., Fmn '\..1r. R1ck Toppt•r \\r., \11unel \\t•hr Bro. Fred Stelmach Radio and Munchies - Bro. Cra1g Franz Dictionary(ies) - \\r \\Khael O'Toole SPECIAL THANKS TO: - Herlf Iones Yearbook'> rt•presentatlve<. Mr. Bob Davme, and hi<> ,., ife Rita. - Mr. Abe Ohrlick and the el fic1cnt staff of Davo1 Photo - \11r. Joe C rillev . photographv - \\r. 'v1Ji-e \.\a1cher photographer - \'Irs. laura \\olu .. h (and her bJCvcle)



Ofiicer Lloyd Clemmer ha> been trafiic in the tront ot school since we opened 1n 1%0 Atter l\\entv live \ear~ on the force, Officer Clemmer IS rellnng HIS final wave to traffic will also b~ h1s waving good bye to LaSalle. We'd like to offer th1s p1cture and these V\ ords as a meager token ot long-dec;erved appreCiation. Good luck and good health, Officer Clemmer.


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