TABLE OF CONTENTS Int roduction ......................................................................... Page 1 Dedication ......................................................................... Page 17 Faculty ................................................................................ Page 18 Underclassmen .................................................................. Page 40 Seniors ................................................................................ Page 68 Activities ........................................................................... Page 122 Sports ................................................................................ Page 158 Ojciec Swien ty Pshy Jiedzie Do Phi ladelphia ............ Page 208 "Classified" ...................................................................... Page 212
LaSalle College High School 8605 Cheltenham Ave. Phi Iad e Iphi a, Pa. 19118
You're a good boy, what are you? ... Turk Tales ... I thought Psych was an easy "A" . . . Captain Catholic . . . The library will be open second period today ... Why do I keep going back to my old locker? ... Boy, those freshmen are really small this year ... What is this extended homeroom crap? ... The Snake ... Riots in the cafeteria ... I'm gonna be on Joel ... Mixers . . . Stink . . . College interviews: "U h, son, Manteo's over there" ... Prayer, Space, and Wonder (yeah right) ... Ten bills to switch? ... Father Paul , "Woof!" ... What d'ya get on your SAT's? . . . Student Lounge - three magazines and a lamp .. . FACIAL . .. Let's bolt after sixth . . . I was soooo wasted ... FUH-BALL ...
, 1.t
, ,
, r~ 0
Did you ever try to get up the driveway in winter? . . . Did you ever try to get down the driveway in winter? . . . We gotta get this done! . . . God Sac Me? . . . No refunds ... Who tried to take out the tree by the driveway w ith his Ford? ... John Paul II Days - Off! ... Don't you like this formal introduction? ... Did you get your typing permit yet? ... "Those fools scratched my record!" . . . "Sure your dog ate your homework" ... THINK Neo-Platonic Disparagement of the Corporeal ... speed bumps ... No one is to be in the academic wing during lunch period ... "Slide me a wove, man'' Snagged! Will the "Wisterian" ever come out on time? . . . really . . . "Sure there's a fourth floor, kid" "Alright, whose parents are goin' away this weekend?" ... ROIGHT ...
What does the National Honor Society do? It inducts members . . . Be fo reel Diving from the balcony .. . It's phallic, really .. . Wi II 309 ever be reopened? . . . Who made the tire tracks in the outfield? .. . What does the beef stew in the cafeteria remind you of? . . . Hey, they finally fixed the tennis and basketball courts ... NO hitch-hiking on Cheltenham Avenue ... Who could ever forget those marvelous pep rail ies? Snow on October 10th?! ... How do you read this #%!*& roster? . . . Hey Bodo, how's Detlev . . . Mrs. Mountain, if you want to talk, go somewhere else! . . . Join the esc What kind of workouts do math letes do? . . . Is Mrs. Brown the Missing Link? PSAT - NMSQT - M0-U-S-E ...
The 1980 Blue and Gold is dedicated to Mr. Thomas Braun This dedicat ion serves as a meager gesture of our appreciatiOn and as a remembrance of what he has given us all, faculty and students, in his ten years at La Salle. In the weeks following his untimely death, we began to reflect on why Mr. Braun meant so much to La Salle We remembered walking in to his class for the first time, seemg h1m with t hose outlandish slacks, drinking h1s coffee while blankly staring about the room We got the impress1on that th1s was not an ord1nary man. Through filmstnps and movies he earned the nickname "A.V. Braun". He would break the classroom monotony by playing Bill Cosby records and, on an occasional Friday, would initiate one of his "current events" sess1ons. In remembenng the t1mes when he touched our lives, we should cons1der ourselves fortunate for being able to experience Tom Braun. We are sure that the speakers at the Masses said for Mr Braun did well to give thanks for and to celebrate his human worth as husband, father, and teacher We can only add that we will remember the man.
Faculty Bulletin LA SALL E CO LLEGE HIGH SCHOOL February 10 -
14, 1980
MEETING- There will be an emergency meeting today to investigate the disappearance of Mr. Colistra' s football jacket . RETREATS- There will be a faculty meeting Monday after school to discuss the termination of senior retreats and the location of the faculty retreat. Tahiti and Jamaica have been suggested. FIRE DRILL- There will be a fire drill Thursday during 3rd period. from telling students .
Please refrain
LOTTERY- A lottery will be held this afternoon in the library to decide who will have watch over the women's room at this Friday's mixer. All those wishing to be included will please have their ballots in room 103 by 2:40 Wednesday, or see Dave Manion. WINE AND CHEESE PARTY- Wine 3nd cheese party at Stanczak ' s, Saturday, 5 til ? ? Bring your own wine and cheese . SENIOR CUT DAY- For those who do not already know, senior cut day is tentatively scheduled for March 19th . FAO- All are invited for a Valentine's Day celebration at the Oreland this Friday - - at 3:30. Hans Kung will speak on the misconceptions of rhythm . Drinks are gratis, courtesy of John Cardinal Krol. ROSTERS- Delete from present rosters : S . Higgins , M . Martin, R. Bolsover, D. Tran, D. Weisbach, R. Gallagher, J. Bonner, W . Fox, C . Hauser W. Carroll, R. Morrison, r::: . Andrews, M . Varallo, r::: . Dziedic, H . Weber, A. Sebok, B. Powell, J. Millar, D . H ors tmeyer, J. Mackin, D . Fasy, M. Poserina, C . Malone, T . Chadwick, S . Tracey, P . Domichiel, P. Baker, J. Komarnicki, J . Maiale, B. Sullivan, A. Pierce, K. Haury, G . Marro, I. Heckler, C . Levay, S. Herbetko, J . Goldsmith, F . Gould, the Yearbook staff .
Bro. Andrew Bartley, Principal
Bro. Joseph Reagan, Graphic Arts
Diehl, Vice Principal, Student Affairs
Bro. frank Danielski, VICe Principal, AcademiC Affairs
Mrs. Helen
School Secretary
Mr. John
Football Coach
Bro. James McEntee Attendance, Driver Training
Mr. C~ rles Hilpl Bus1ness Manager
Mrs. Rosalie Comerford School Secretary
And all the science, I don't understand
Bro. Kevin - "Don't put the thermometer in your mouth gang, it's not that kind of thermometer" ... "Put it in the hanger" ... "All right, settle down gang" Mr. Vigg - "Just shut up" Miss Rimert - " If I threw my keycase" ... "Really and truely" ... "This isn't spelling. This is PHYSICS!" Mr. Steelman - "You guys are so grade conscious it's disgusting" ... "Damn it, you guys!" Mr. Bruno - "Well ah ... um ... uh, right" ... "Any questions? " Mr. Russell - "God praise the Lord" ... "The question isn't why?, it's how?" ... " If everybody knew what I meant, I wouldn't be up here"
Mr. Anthony Viggiano B1ology, Human Sexuality, Anatomy and Physiology
Miss lorraine Rimert Physics, Electricity, Energy
Mr. Michael Bruno Dept. Chairman, Chemistry
Mr. Robert Ru ssell Physics, Computer Programmmg
Mr. Michael Sheehan Energy
Bro. Kevin
Chemestry, Energy
Mr. Michael Steelman Biology
AI-Ith-at-jiv-e ta-lk-in'_
L..-_ _
Mr. Manion - " Ahem , ok" . " You seem to have trouble keeping quiet" ... " Vous ne savez pas? Ok . . . " Bro. John - " For lack of a better term" .. . "Wenn du viel Geld hast, dann kannst du . .. " . . " Zum beispiel ... " Bro. Dominic - " Am I speaking Greek?" "CMon, this is freshman year stuff ... " Personne . . . ?" Mr. Hohenleitner - " Uh, well , it's like "Would you please clean up that table" Bro. Bill Riley - " Ok, quickly take out a piece of paper" ... " It's all psychological" .. . " Ia tol dya that the Shah shouldn' t have come to America" Mr. Devine - " Comencemos y por favor ... " 'Due to my experience you guys are learning" .. . 'Paples en los libros" Mr. Serpiello - " OK" . . . "You know" ... " Shut up"
Mr. lill1les Devine -
Bro. Dominic Smith French, A·V Materials Coordmato r
Director Public Relations
Bro. John McGoldrick Dept. Chairman, German, Western Civ1hzat•o n
D~vid M~nion
Spanish. French
Bro. William Riley Spantsh. Band Moderator
Mr. George Hohenleitner German. Rehgeon
Mr. james Serpiello Spanesh, lntramurals
Mr. Edward Sacraments
Klenk Christian
Morality, Church
Well, I've never been to heaven
Mrs. Muriel Mehr Dept. Cha1rman, Religâ&#x20AC;˘on 1, Dealh
Mrs. Mehr - "It was sooo tragic" ... "When my own son reached the dating age ... " ... "That reminds me of the Prodigal son ... " Bro. AI - "Hiya, watha" ... "Boys will be boys but La Salle boys will be gentlemen" ... "Remember the lati n verb: cheatum, catchum, flunkum" Mr. Klenk - "All the news that fits" ... "Let's pause for a brief moment of meditation" ... "Green Acres is the place for me" Fr. Paul - "You wimp" ... "Woof" ... "Oh Lord, give me strength" Mr. Devine - "The reverse is opposite" .. . " It just takes one little critter to do it" ... "If it takes paint off cars, 1t'll kill sperm" ... "Be down at the track by 3 o'clock" Bro. Rene - "Oh, you can't really mean that" . "Tsk, you just wait till you get your papers back" ... "Gentleman, I wouldn't laugh if I were you" Bro. Barton - We can't find anything to say about you
Bro. Thomas Barton Rellgâ&#x20AC;˘on 11
Rev. Paul Wierichs School Chaplain, Chnstian Act1on, Religion I, IV, Retredts
Bro. Al oysius Lumley Religion I, Golf Coach
mMr. Patrick Devine Christian Marriage, Freshman Counselor
Bro. Rene Sterner Chnstlan Morality, Peace and Justice, Christian Concepts. AP Am. H1story, Forum Moderator
Mr. Michael O'Toole " Gazebo" Moderator
Mr. Michael Taraborelli
There once was a man named Oed ipu s Rex
Mr. Edward McCabe Dept. Cha1rman
Mr. Bernard McCabe
Mr. O'Toole - " Why?" ... " You tell me" ... "I know that, but why?" ... " Prove it" Mr. Topper - " What's reall y going on here?" ... "yeah, yeah, right, good" ... "So you see, it's all phallic" Bro. Zaleski - " I didn't choose to come here" ... " Jeremy House is always open" ... " I enjoyed Baltimore" Mr. Taraborelli "Stand for prayers - please?" ... " Yes, I know what you mean" ... " ahh yeah'' Bernie - " I' m all anal" ... " What can also you do" ... "This is just a personal theory of mine" Mr. Molush - " Watch out for the head high line drive" ... "Sister Mary Alligator" ... " let's have one clap for everybody" . . . "I am defin itely better th an Bruce Sutter. And someday with the help of God, country and Dr. Gabe Merkin, I' ll prove it." Ernie - "That's what I mean! That's what I mean!" ... " Yes you do!" ... " Yeah, but Frank Shorter and Bill Rogers can ' t teach English."
Bro. Edward Zaleski
Mr. Richard Topper Wisterian Moderator
Mr. Edward Molush Yearbook Moderator; Baseball Coach
Sines, sines, everywhere are si nes
Mr. James Roche Algebra, Calculus
Mr. John frizalone Math Analysis, Algebra
Mr. Joseph Turk Calculus, Trigonometry, Consumer Math, An Geometry
Mr. Vincent Coli Algebra, Geometry
Bro. Gerry - " Did anyone get # 21? - How did you do 1t?" " You don' t understand, do you?" ... " Don' t you race vectors?" Mr. Turk - " Most books refer to 1t as Turk's 1st Law" ... " To err IS human, to make a mistake is unforgivable" ... " Yeah, I made a mistake once" Mr. Friz - "Good stuff" ... " Hey, I'm a nice guy" ... "That's cool " . . . " Damn, that's good stuff" Mr. Roche - "It's just soo messy" . . . "Now just kind of turn it around and 1l should work" . .. " This is a test, not a war" Bro. Edward - " Ok, try some problems tonight and I'll teach 1t tomorrow" ... " zzeerroo" Miss Vozzo - " Dear God, help me to have pat1ence" ... " Calm down 1" " Amen" Mr. Coli - " Get out'"
Bro. Cerud Frendreis Dept Chairman. Geometry, Algebra
Bro. Edw.trd C.tnnon Algebra
Miss Muy Jo Vouo Algebra
You say you w ant a revolution
Mr. William Michud;a Psychology, World Cultures, Basketball Coach
Mr. Mutin Stanczotk Accounting, Athletic Director
I....-: Mr. Douglu Smith Western Civillzatron, Politrcal S<:rence, lnt ramurals
Mrs. Oaire Brown Postwar Amerr ca, World Cultures
Mr. Stanczak - " Pro football is fixed" ... " If Manuel Santos earns $200 a month -" ... " We don't make any money on LaSalle football games" Mr. Grace - "All right, what do we have here?" ... "I don't know, you tell me" ... "That's a good point there" ... "Take it a step further" Mrs. Brown - "I continue to be impressed by the maturity of LaSalle students" ... "Of course, having lived through that era ... " Mr. Michuda -"You know, you guys are really cruel" ... "I'll be honest, I just got this stuff off Mr. Vigg" . . " Hey girls, quiet down" ... " Hey fellas ... fellas ... " Mr. Colistra - "RTFB" . . . " We' re gonna change our quizzical to testical" ... " See ya tamarra" Mr. Smith - " Gentlemen, Shut up!" ... "Thts test wasn' t that hard" ... " You guys never cease to amaze me" Bro. Erb - " Hey, watch it'" ... " I'll put you through the wall" ... "I'll knock your heads toget her" ...
I Mr. Jos eph Colistra Dept. Cha1rman, Economics, Am. Dip History, Mass Medâ&#x20AC;˘a
Bro. Kevin Erb - Post-War American History, Western Civilization
Mr. John Grace World Cultures, Communism, Western Civilization, Football Moderator
Bro. Ch;arles SCilnlon Director 01 Verbal Learning Center
Bro. Willi;am Qu;aint;ance Study Techniques
Bro. Hiluy McGovern Physical Education, Health
Bro. fred StelmKh Art Dept Cha1rman, Art I, II. Ill
Bro. Fred - " Class ends when the bell rings" ... " I have a Mothers' Club meeting" ... " No whistling" Bro. Hilary - " Shower t ime" . . . " If you're not in the right place, I' ll mark you absent" ... " I know I could do these laps" Bro. "Evelyn Wood" Scanlon - " Have some water, Country Girl" Bro. Quaintance - " In reality, what is a test?" . . . " Accurate expression is important!" ... " Mmmmm" Bro. linus - " Yo, #2 boy, turn around, you're scaring the class" . .. " Your a smart boy. What are you? A saint" Mr. farrell - " Hey! Shaadaaap!" ... " You meatball" Mr. Mullin - ju st minding the store
Bro. linus Finn Typing
Mr. Frank Mullin Booksto re Manager
Mr. Walter Farrell Physical Educatio n, Swim Team Coach
Mrs. Doris D.aley Sophomore Guidance Counselor
Bro. John D'Aifonso Senior Guidance Counselor
Bro. Miller Bosch Driver Education
Mr. John Coonahan Junior Guidance Counselor
Mrs. Florence Ward Development/Alumni Office
Mrs. Joan P.maro De\ielopment/ Alumni Office
Bro. Phil Langes Senior Retreat Moderator, Anthropology
Bro. Eugene Morgan
Act1V1t1es, Mamtenance
Mr. Joseph Cicdm.uo Mus1c Dept. Chairman, Stage Band
J.D. and Banjo Maintenance
Titus Bowman md
Diu Mamtenance
Mrs. Jennie Barratt School Nurse
Cafeteria Staff: )enn1e Galbraith, Ada Oeste, Marie Mcfadden, Flora McVay, Kitty Regli. Betty Butler, Rose DiPinto, Cindy Conklin, Mary McNa lly
Mrs. Eleanore Rongione Library Assistant
Mr. Ed McAfee Maintenance
Mrs. Mary Mountain Librarian
~I /
Steven Albor Thomas Brennan Patnck Byrne Mark Celom Gerald Corso
Chnstopher Dachowskâ&#x20AC;˘ John Deering T1mothy Dunleavy James Fisher Brian Gallager
Mark Gola Philip Harris David Hoxter
Karl Jones Scott Kieser Brendan Lawler
Dav1d Lynch William McAndrews John McGann The Funch drives for two
Patrick McMenamin Adam Mele Joseph Momssey Anthony Norman John Palupi
Norman Rahn John Rogalski Kenneth Shaw John Spaniak Michael Suter
John Voss Daniel Wilson Carl Yuenglmg Patrick Smith
"We have to run how far? 1"
Stephen Andrasko Robert Bridgers Paul Callahan Greg Chnstou Anthony Coyle
Drew Damele Joseph Delfino John Dunn Joseph Flavm Kevin Gallagher
Robert Goldman Robert Haux
Gary Huck Oscar Jones
Joseph Kihm John Leonard
Bradford Mac Leod Steven McChesney Kevm McGovern Bnan McNamara Stephen Meyer
Dav1d Morrow Mano Patelmo Wilham Ransford Wilham Rosato RUI S1lva
Chn~topher Spe1ss John Sweeney Chnstopher Ward Kirk Wolff
Dan1el Brooks Mark Campbell Cristopher Ciarrocch1 Rocco Crescenzo Jeffrey Davis
Enc D1ccianm k.evin Dunphy Sean Flynn Mark Gallagher Adam Gnptoo
Andrew Hewchuck Franc1s Hueber Ronald Junker Paul Kolkka Louis Levesque
John Maguire Thoma~ McCormack John McGrath
McNamara Mezzanot te Peter Muehlbronner lam~
John Oberholzer Michael Pavl1ck Ben1am1n Redd
Cra1g Rut-h Jame~ S1mone Robert <;tea
: ;t. I
Dav1d Sym\ lo:1bbe W.tter~ Steven Woodrult
3A .•. and lor those ten percent . ..
Thomas Barnes Ne1l Brown Scott Cantwell Denn1s Cleary Jerome Crumlish
Kevm Davis Patnck Donnelly f rani. Eg1tto Chns Foley Stephen Gallagher
John Grogen Joseph H1ggms Joseph Hughes Kenneth Justice Stephen Koller
John little William Malone M1chael McCorm1ck William McGrory M1chael McNamara
~ -
_i ••
~ -•
Andrew M1azga M1chael 'vlueller John O ' Brien Marl. Pemn Robert Reinhardt
, ~ · ~
.. .....
.-,·,\·--. ,..
Gregory Sabo Alton S1mpson Mark Stokes Gerard Taddei Enc Watkm~ -
Micheal WOZZYJ lllta La Bunka
Giant turnout for La Salle's soccer game
dance, Gene, dance
Michael Bauerle Edward Buchanan James Carrol John Corcoran Frank Cuce
Salvator De Simone Patrick Doran Bnan Eisenhower David Foley Anthony Gallo
..i 路 James Guanno
Paul Hogan
Wilham Hyland
C'mon Mom!!'
Jeff Keel Edward Kolsun Charles Lloyd Patrick McCusker Slephen McKenna
Joseph McQuillan joseph Miles John Munshower Wrllram O ' Brien Chnstopher Peska
Russell Reiss John Sayer Edward Skorpinski Mrcheal Stoughton Christopher Torney
Joseph Webster Michael Wynkoop James Pastore
Dana Beauy Joseph Buonomo Michael Cassidy
Joseph Cornell William Cummmgs Dennis De Angelis
James Dougherty Patnck Farnan Chnstopher Gaiser
,.. ---
...,_ .....
An enthusiastic crowd
Dav1d Gannon Robert Guerin Carl Holmes Mano loannucci
6A james KE.'enan James Korpela John Lombard Peter McCabe M1chael McDonald
Joseph McKernan Patnck McTeague Harry Miller Jamee 0 Murphy
W1lliam O'Kane Carl Petetti Dav1d Riley
Denn1s Schaller Brian Skrocki Micheal Stoughton
Wayne Toughill George Weiss John Wynne
Survivors 01 Mary's Purge
Edward Benattt lohn Burnetski Thomas Corngan Thomas Cassidy Cristopher Curran
Anthony Debarberie John Drach Lawrence Farrel John Galante Andrew Gillespte
Bnan Haley Scott Horung Patrick lzzo Christopher Kelly )ames Lambert
William Lombard Marttn Me Donnell Rtehard Me Donnell Patnek Mclaughlin
Stephan Meehan ll.e\tn Mtrsch Anibal Ne\arez Roben O'Netll
I toward Ptnto John Rilling Edward Schmtdt Connor Smith
Robert Suchy Ro~ymond Trainor Thomas Watktns lohn Young
A letwr('ly afternoon at La Salle Country Oub
Bret Boland Thoams Burns FranCis Cauterucci Matthew Corsello Chmtopher D'AionLo
" ' ' .., '\I
Paul De<ker Chmtopher Duffy Chri~topher Fan..,ell Brad Gal~ney Rober! G~nieczki
Jowph Harkins Darin Houk Donald tones lame\ Kennedy
John Lamond fohn A. Lucas Joseph McMullin fohn '11\cEiwee
Matthew McMenimin Shane '11\eenan Paul Morgenthaler
"We better get out after SIXth'"
Robert Newell FranCIS O'Re1lly telfery Porreca Gerald R•v•ello John Schw1gk
Harry Sm1th Jay Su~an1n Peter Tnpod1 Gregory Williamson 1\ev~n Young
Albor lamt•, Bas1le lohn Brad\
Bnan Cahill \11Chael Cavanaugh Edward Coleman
. _·
•• .\
Timothy Cu\h Micheal 01nda David Draganosky Kevin flynn Gregory Gllet11
were :.aken
Victor Gra~ Charle' Hallpenny William Higgins Michael Kane Timothy KPIIy
Ke1th J.;~ansnak Sean Mahoney James Mall hew~ Michael McGuigan Patnck Milhgan
-.,t: --·,... . '
~ ---
Peter Murphy M1chael O'Brien Wilham Phipps
·. J .~
T1mothy Quigle~ Warren Rob1n~o• Dann')o Sabia
Jo-eph Shott Michael Stemme John Toner
I hope Man doesn' t ftnd me here
.. i;j .~ - ~"'
lohn Westkaem1 Robert Ypung Sean Sm1th
a .
John Allen .\-1ichael Basiltt Joseph Brady Ttmothy Campbell Peter Chalouh
~~ :\ ~,
t-..evin Connor Robert Dagnon Charles Dolaway John Dub)k lerome Freal
. ~
·~.··. . ~...
Terence Grllespie Charles Greenberg David Haney Marltn Hoban lo~eph Karcher
:.6 .
John t-..iernan Mtchael linguiti
.._,, ....·-· (
Chnstopher Malone Thomas McCann
rrancrs McQurllen John Mischler Joseph Meyers Edward O'Hara Fred Prckard
John Qutlllnan Bnan Rodden Micheal S<~uerzopf
~-.-it a :- . . \.
I r"-'" •.··:,.,.
.. r..e.:a
~\ .
Stephen Shultz Thomas Stevens Robert Un1.erzagt
. • .
. ·•.
Chrrstopher Whelan John Zacharko Gabriel Maioriello
First name lc1st , last name first
Paul Amand Matthe\\. Battin
John Cappont Stephen Ciarrocch1
Joseph Console George Donahue
Gregory Dudzek Kev1n Funch1on
James Gilmore James Hannum
lo路Jo th1nks he\ bluffing
Daniel Hyman Thomas Kearns Paul Kim Thomas Lodise John Manta
W1lham Mclaughlm Edward Mitchell Matthew t-;ewdeck Jamess Osborne Vincent Pmto
Mark Ramford ChriStopher Roessler Charles Scarpello Anthony Stmoes Peter Stoll
Anthony Varallo James White Dam1an Zajac Chris Filippone John Cellucci
Scott Atkinson Michael Bauer Gregory Buck Christopher Carabello Joseph Ciasullo
Matthew Copley Philippe Daouphars
John Donohue Thomas Duggan
Michael Funchion John Giovinazzo
Underdass Tree felling Society
Richard Gregor Francis Harkins David Jewart George Keefuss Michael Klaiber
Andrew lombard Chris Manz Craig McChesney John Mehr Raymond Mohr
francis Ney Hugh Panaro Robert Plummer
David Reardon James Rogers
John Snyder Henry Stoughton Steve Volpe George Winslow Joseph Zawrotny
Vincent Baldassare \1ichael Behr leifery Buck James Carroll
Jo!ot'ph Cicch1ello John Corrado
Harvey DeKraftt rranco Dorazio Carl El11z
"What are all torl 路
tho~t路 funn~
little dots
Karl Gabneben Domm1ck Giuffnda Rodney Gnmm Francis Harmon Stephen John~on
Oan1el Kelley Robert long Cllhord ,\.1ars Barrv McCorm1ck Gregg Melm~on
Thomas MonJghan Bn.:m Norris Clifford Pdtlon Skuoe Ponton Herman Rel<he
John Shaffer Frank Sokolsk1 loseph Stout Ben,amin VoZLo
Robert Wittrock \'\ho do ~ou think look' bored tn thi~ p1cture 1
Paul Baniewicz Christopher Benyovszky John Carrolza Michael Clarke Robert Costello
Ernest Denofa Willian Dougherty
Davtd Espenshade Patrick Ganley
Christopher Glackin Mark Grimner
Robert Harrison Mtchael Joyce
Brett Kelly Michael Koller
La Salle can teach anybody .
Ronald Marlin Michael Mcfadden John Mellet James Muehlbronner Michael O'Connell
~ .c.--
Michael Petaccio Paul Purtell James Reilly Mark Rowley Thomas Shea
... '
w 路 : \
Joseph Splendido Andrew Sweeney Scoll Wainer Glenn Wolfinger Joseph Zebrowski
Mtchael Barrett Kevan Bonner Chrt~topher Burnett \.lark Ca\dle WaltN Cleary
[d~ard Co\ ll• Robert DeSamont> Jo.,eph Do,-.hng Joseph FttzgNald Franci' Gannon Paul Gon\tE'\\Ska
Mtchael Grubb Gerard Heall•y Frand~ Junod Brian Kelly Stanley Kreft Roy lout~ Charlc.,
Robert Masucci Bernard \lieF adden David \lltehte lame' .\llullen Ed 0 Mara Joseph Pelt\
James Qutgley
Mtchael Ruane
Peter Shelton \lltc hael Stack
Do you know what he ts talktng about'
Thomcls Chri~tophrr
Chm Young
James Basara Gerald Bowen
8B Christopher Byrne Hugh Casey Patncl- Coffey Kevin Cregan James DtMezza
Francis Downey FitzpdtriciJohn Gay Thomas Gordon Mark H.1gerty Thomd~
Phdtp Htggms John Kane Louis Kelly Cur!ts Ktse Philip Krzywicki
Edward Mackie Mark Matte• Bernard McGee Douglas Mtehte Christopher Murphy
Timothy O'Toole Thomas Phillips john Qu tgley John Roberts Terence Ryan
Keith Shepard Brian Stefanowicz Robert Thompson Dav•d Warner Patnck Young
Mrchoel Adams Gregory Benner
lawrence Byrne Paul Carson
John Davies Thomas Drlullo
Eugene Draganosky Mrchael Eiser
The answer is zerooooo Nt>rl Fitzpatnck Rrcardo Frost Edward Givnish Joseph Hartman RIChard Hurst
John Krdd Robert land William MacDermott Stephen MartrndE'll Odnrel McCimkt!~
.,~路 ~~. ~. ~ Terrence McGlynn Peter Mehr Joseph Motz Chrr~topht>r O 'Bnen
Guv Pacrltr Philip Radomski Rrchard Sandman Joseph Shuron
Ptclure nor. dvaJiable
Stephen Suder Steven Trzaska PPIN Waters
Christopher Bernhardt
Paul Alig
Joseph Cicc1maro
Kenneth Cclmt-ron
"Yes, 11\ d('linltelv cannabi~"
Joseph Dl' laCruz Robert D1cerbo
2C W1lliam Ernst '1111chael Flan1gan
Patnck Hasson Thomas Ingersoll Eugl'ne l-.1ernan
John Madden joseph Martorano Bnan McCormick
Gerald Messanolte John Mueller Thoma~ O'Brien
Jay Riehs John Scanlon
John Lee
Mark McHugh
John Perry
Carl Sm1th
~Dsenl 1fben Timothy Su~amn M1chal'l Twomey
John Weinrich
11ere t.alceo
Gregg Asman Chmtopher Boland John Campbell John Gnllo Gregory Dean
Rtchard Dtcrkes John Dull\ Jeffrey hans Patrtck Fl~nn Mtchael Ganley
~ ..---
Edward Gormley Charles Hauber Langon lvanoski Paul Kollmer
3C ..~it~
~~ . !#:
George li Gregory Milggettt Mtehael 1\.iasucet Robert McCrea'y Stephen \.1cCiane
Edward Minguet PatriCk Mullane~ Vincent O'Bnen Paul Pie Joseph Roberts
Joseph Schaelfer John Smtth Jonathon Swartz Rudy Valenttno David Whalen
Scott McNull and Pet
John Avallone Christopher Bond Matthew Campbell Michael Clark David Deasy
. _,
... ,
Patrick Digiacomo Paul Dunn John Farris Francis Fogarty Gregory Gates
Michael Gregor Gerard Heffernen Michael Kaninski Richard Kondan Patrick Loftus
Posture plays 99 441100 percent of a good typist Richard Malatesta Michael McAndrews Francis McCully John McNally
4C Joseph Minguez Thomas Munshower Patrick O'Donnell Joseph Pinto Timothy Robinson
Brian Schmitt Albert Solecki Vincent Tague Richard Vanni Robert Wilkin
W1lliam Bachin~ky Bradle')' Bonner \.1ark Cant\~ell John Collins Stephen Delane\
[d\\.ard Doherty James Durkm James Fmnegan Arnold Fole~ Thomas Gavin
George Groff Ht>nry Hem<"'er Dav1d Kane Raymond Konowal Wilham Loftus
,I ~ I
Stephen Manno Raymond McCaffrey John McFadden Mark Mc!\:ulty Mark Mischler
\.Urtin Murphy Walter Olevkowsk1 Mark Pomplas Edward Ruane Peter Schnorr
Joseph Speranza R1chard Tambum Anthony Verde R1chard Williams Neill Kling
" Yeah. decent. man"
Ronald Baracka Michael Burgoyne Andrew Carlin Thomas Connor David Desimone
John Donaghy Richard Duszak Charles Fischer loseph Foley Robert Gillesp1e Patrick Grundy
~Psenl When p~tt.u res
were taken
Shawn Herbert
~ ?
Walter Keehn
William Krupinsky
Patrick Logan
Daniel Markmann
William McCann toseph McGarvey Robert McWilliams Anthony Monlemuro Richard Nicoletti Frank Oliveri
t ~--~. ~', r
David Powell Thaeddeu Rydzewski Francis Strain Norman Tierney joseph Volpe )ames Williamson
Charles Barbera James Burnett Stephen Carltn John DachO\\Skt Mtchael DE.'\er
Denms Dougherty James Egllto
Edward Fitzgerald Steve Frank
' ·'--1
Mtchael Gtuffnda Gt>OHrey Haenn
~ .. Charle~
Hopktns KE.'I~h
Kuhn John lynch Arthur Martella Mtch.Jel McCauley )arne~
Hubert McGtnlcy Meehan Joseph Morrow Thonas Noi.Jn Dclvtd Ott John Puglia
Au~t in
Samuels Mt< hael Short Thoma~ Suchy frann~ Tratnor Paul Vozzo Davtd Wo~chit..
In Memorium
Charles Trotter
He never had heard of it. Then it was there; And still he would not talk of anything Save walking on and seeing; roll ing an eye Right, left, as if there st ill were nothing t here. And nothing was : that now is what he knows. He knows that men are walkers through a wood Filled with lâ&#x20AC;˘ght from nowhere; and the trees Stand shadowless. He knows them, few and clear, .Companions of a morning no sun ma kes. The walkers on bright feet, the happy man, Forever, until a day, go straightly through, Or wind a little, swaying as they pass. Then on a day a shadow falls, and rising, Stands like a tree; and then another stands, .Twisting the paths of walkers till they falter, Circle a while, and cease in striped shade. The trunks are there - thin intervals of light But not for mind or foot was that way made. Death is not knowing what is not a shadow. And nothing is. That now is what he says. Mark Van Doren
james B1rmmgham
3 pages - typed . . Catcher In The Rye ... Hey teacher, leave them k1ds alone S1d's gone adverti sements on report c ards toasted . .. " d'you do the accounting?" . New Wave .. Flyers 35 without a loss . proms . . hole in the wall gang goe5 on retreat .. for a lesson m symmetry check out pagE' 86 Eurip1des? yeah, Eumenidies? . . Bernie doing 36 pushups 1n the middle of cla ss . " 10" ... Steelersl The Who "The program followed in our swimming and water safety courses is essentially that wh1ch IS prescribed by the American National Red Cross for its Sw1mmmg and lifesaving courses" . Sophocles was a homosexual7 . we are now the class of 1984 .. . Afghamstan . . Drafted? Mel you still going out with whatshern ame? . .. class rings ... Bruce . . . "When's th is class over?" .. Ayatollah .. Bro. Craig . .. Bro " W illie" Hudson . . Bro An selm ... Bro. Wm. Fealy . M r. McGovern Stotesbury goes . . Boycott The Summer Olympics? ... Wtsh you
''Ht-11, l"m not cold'"
â&#x20AC;˘ÂˇGot any threes?"
" I'm JUst a s.nger tn a rock and ro ll band .
" Oh ::± !$*#&, lth1nk we broke it 1"
"Can I nng 11 now•
can I? ... can I?''
" Please, not while I'm eatmg 1"
Princeton Representat•ve: " I' m sorry Chris you're over qualified "
Gold $800 an ounce . . . 6 Nattonal Merit Scholars All non-school locks will be cut off ... ABSCAM ... Casino gambling in Atlantic City ... Enc Heiden wins 5 gold medals in speed skating while U.S.A. takes gold in hockey ... Signing up for a computer terminal ... filling out college applications . . . "What's your class rank?" . . . Roessler and Lonergan were the only refugees of that great freshman basketball team ... Be there - Aloha . Go for it1 • • • "So when dx become mfintely tesmal " . . They finally fixed the water fountain by the gym ... Spring schedule ... Mr. Turk's classes will not meet today "C'mon," Coli istra really didn't run down the hall" ... Bernieisms . .. " I don't care if you thought it was a tremor" ... Sixers owe us four ... "So tt's just like a Dean Martin spy movie, eh Mr. Topper?" ... Senioritis ...
··rm gonna be a Father?!!"
Three of the world's greatest orators
Ifsomeone was to question 20 seniors about what it was like to spend
four years at LaSalle, there's no doubt that he'd get 20 different answers. Every senior will have his own memories of this place, but there are certain things that went on here over the past four years that every senior can identify with. No matter how vehemently we deny it, we were all once freshmen, and occupied ourselves by dodging upperclassmen in the halls. Even back then we knew that th1s strange race of extremely tall people (the smaller ones were at least 7 feet) would not hesitate to run us down if we were in their way. And some of our classmates who had been seen talking back to seniors disappeared without a trace at mid-year. As a result, the rest of us took on a low profile, and freshman year was probably our most docile. In our sophomore year, we began to be a little more bold in our pursuits. Apparently even the Brothers recognized this, for the beer cooler was double-locked during homeroom retreats. Sometimes we even dared to arrive late for school, in which case we had to go through the sometimes-difficult process of obtaining a late slip. I remember the procedure all too well: Upon stating that you are late, a bright light is shone into your eyes and you are asked if you rode the bus. If the answer is no, you are bombarded by a series of questions in rapid succession: "How did you get here?" "Why are you late?" "Whaddya mean there was traffic?" "Who else was with you?". Sweat pours down your face - you must confess to something - anything - to get out of there. Before leaving, you have confessed to robbing a bank, hijacking a Septa bus, and breaking the pool windows - all on the way to school. But you have your late slip. It was during junior year that we developed our superiority complex. We learned to beat up sophomores, snap back at seniors, and ignore freshmen. We took great pleasure in making teachers turn red and throw things. If a teacher snapped at one of us, we'd snap back harder. Some of us went so far as taking "Italian for Travelers" so we could snap back at the lunch ladies. Our newly-acquired superior image even carried over to inanimate objects. If we were ripped off by the soda machine, we'd pound that thing until we either got our money back, got our soda, or got dragged away by a teacher. The "coup" of our junior year was when everyone signed three books out of the library. But what made us seniors? Maybe it was that air of arrogance that came with being thrown out of the library for the 400th time. Or maybe it has something to do with the fact that we no longer sweat after receiving that white slip of paper informing us we're wanted in Mr. Diehl's office-"Now." Or it could be that mental toughness of knowing we survived four years of cafeteria food. Or maybe we were officially seniors after we slept through the 541 st droning of the dally bulletin. But no matter what the definition of a semor IS, one of his greatest assets is four years of growing and maturing at LaSalle. Because when all else IS forgotten, and nobody remembers who set that trash can on fire in the bathroom, we'll always have these years as a foundation for later growth. We grew as a group, but more importantly, as individuals. It was finding our individual interests, whether in school, in clubs, or on the playing field, that will make us remember LaSalle for the rest of our lives. - Bill Barry
Rick Atkinson
Tony Barry
Jim Barrett
Marty Andrejko
MARTIN J. ANDREJKO 15021 Miltord StreP.t Phi ladelphia Pa 19116 673·7437 lD Bowlmg 2. 4 •.. Track 1, 3, 4 CSC 2, 3, 4 ... Bowling Club 1, 2. 3. 4 .. Nat tonal Honor SoccPty 3. 4 .. Computer Club 3, 4 .•• lntramurals 1. 2. 3, 4 ••• Scholastic "l" 1
RICHARD F. ATKINSON 55 Lenape lane Doylestow n. PA. 18901 348-8814 10 Track 2, 4 . . . Football 3 .•• lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Forum 1 .•• Stage Crew 3, 4 library Club . , , Fut ure Physicians Club 4 ..• Spmt Club 4 ..
JAMES A. BARRETT Ill 1819 MowPr Street Phtlc~delph1a. Pa. 19152 fl2·7943 20 Intra murals 4 ... Art Club 2, 3. 4
ANTHONY L BARRY 2403 East Allegheny A\le, Philadelphia. Pa 19134
836-2247 30 JV Hockey 1 ... Hockey 2(l), 3(1). 4(l). lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 . . Photography Club 2, 3 • • Skt Club 3, 4 . Spint Club J •.• National Honor Society 3, 4 . , Dramatics 2, 3. 4 Yearbook 4 Mus1c Fest1val 2, 3, 4 . . Scholastic "l" 1, 2
Andy Battin
Tom Barth
Bill Barf)
Mark Bauerlein
WILLIAM L BARRY 2014 Maqoram Road Hunttngton Valley Pa
1900'> Wl7·8686 40 lntramurals 1, 2. 3, 4 .. SoccN 1, 2, 3(L). 4(L) Yearbook 4 Future Phystdans Club ..• French Socif'ly National Honor So('tety Who's Who Among American Htgh School Students Scholasttc "L" 1, 2, 3
910 Bellldne Maple Glen, Pa 19002 Ml6-8949 SO lntramurals 1 2, 3, 4 _ Tennts I, Bowling Club 1 2 _.. Basketball Marathon 3, 4 WCAF 4 Soph Hop Commlltee . . Prom Commntee 3, 4 Winter Dance Committee 3 . Dance Commtttee 4 • Yearbook 3, 4 Art Oub 2. 3. 4 •. NEDT Certificate 1, 2
134 Greenwood Drive Willow Grove Pa 19090
115 Stout Road Ambler PA 19002
650· 361.1 60
Intramural\ 1, 2, 3, 4 . Soccer 1, Prom 2(1), 3(l), 4(l) . . WCAr 4 Committee 3, 4 Art Club 3, 4
lntramurals I, 2, 3, 4 Ooss Country 2 . Wisterian 2, 3, 4 . Dramatics 2, 3 .. Computer Club 3 Prom . Spirit Club 3 . . Committee 4
JOSEPH E. BLAGRAVE 5934 Malta Street Philadelphia, PA 19120 Pl2·386310 Ice Hockey 3. 4 ..• lntramurals 1. 2, 3, 4 ... National Honor Society ..• Student Council 1, 2 •• Prom Commrttee 3, 4 , . Scholastic "l" 3
JOHN M. BLAKE 403 Francis Avenue Norrbtown, PA 19401 275·6905 20 Swimming I, 2(1) 3(L), 4(l) . . lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 . . Nat ional Honor Society .. National Merit Commended Students Yearbook 4 NEDT Certrfica te I
JOHN BOREK 3456 Almond Street Philadelphia, PA 19134 634-4064 30 lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Yearbook 1 Photo Club 2, 3, 4 ..• NEDT Certificate 2 "Rock"
Rob Breen
JOSEPH N. BRACA 205 Sunnybrook Rd Flourtown. PA 19031 A03-oo69 40 lntramurah 1. 2. 3. 4 .. Football 3 . Student Councrl 4 .•. Prom Commrttee 3. 4 Dance Commrttee 2, 3, 4
ROBERT T. BREEN 555 Harvey Road Glensrde PA 1~38 884~5329 50 Football 1, 2 . lntramurals 1, 2. 3. 4 • • Student Councrl 1 • . Dramallcs 3 Newspaper 4 . Yearbook 4 Hrghest Honors: American Diplomatic History
GREGORY BRIA 7027 Vorght Road Phrldelphia PA 19128 Bowling 1 lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 . . Intramural Representatrve 1, 2. 4
John Blake
JAMES DAVID BROOKS 5729N 17thSt Phrladelphra PA 19142 li<J-&156 70 Intramural!> 1, 2, 3, 4 "),0"
JAMES J.P. BROOKS Sun5e1 and Norwood Avenues Phrladelphra. PA 19118 CH8-389310 Soccer 1, 2. 3, 4(L) • Bowling 1, 2, 3, 4 •.. Forum 1 lntramurab 1, 2, 3, 4 .•. Football 1 ..• Stage Crew 1, 2
Greg Bria
Joe Braca
Jim Brooks
John Borek
J D Brooks
Joe Blagrave
Lou Burgoyne
Dave Browr.
Leon Buck
Dave Byrne 74
Tom Burgess
DAVID J. BROWN 84 lo..ingwood lane levtllov.n, PA 19055
945-1820 2D Crew 1, 2. 3, 4(1) . Wresthng 2(l) 3(L), 4(l) .. . lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 .. Prom Commitlee 3, 4 Future Physicians Club 4 . Spirit Club4 KENNETH A. BROWN
no E Phil Ellena Road Phtladt>lphta PA 19119 GES-4251 30 Football 3, 4 . Basketball I • 2, 3, 4( Rerpesentative)
lntramurals 1,
3006 S 68th Street Philadelphta PA 19142 365· 1556 40 lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 . . Forum I, 2, 3, 4 ... CSC 2 •. Poltttcal Science Sem tnar Award
Kenny Brown
1129 Goodman Dnve Fort Washtngton, PA 19034 542-n42 Basketball 1 . lntramurals 1, 2. 3, 4 Student Council 2 Wishman 3 Scholastic "L" 1, 2
THOMAS G. BURGESS JR. 700 Canterbury lane Hor\ham, PA 19044 657-4357 60 Soccer 2 ... Intra murals 2, 3, 4 Photo Club 2, 3, 4 Computer Club 3 Ski Club 4 Highest Honors: German 3, Communism LOUIS A. BURGOYNE 2264 Black Horse Drive Warrington. PA 18976 343-3713 70 lntramurals 1 2, 3, 4 . . . Forum 2, 3 ... Student Council 4
CORNELIUS R. BYRNE JR. 436 Bridgetown Pike langhorne, PA 19046 QR7 708610 Football 1 • . . Bowling 3. 4 • Manager 2. 3. 4
DAVID J. BYRNE 1200 Gypsy Hill Road Gwynedd, PA 19437 046-8155 20 Football 1, 3, 4(l) Soccer 2, 3(l). 4(L) .•. lntraumurals 1, 2, 3 4 Student Councul 4 .•. Stage Crew 3 • . Art Oub 4
Neil Byrne
Bill Burger
Kevm Byrnes
Greg Byrne
Ketth Cameron
GREGORY f . BYRNE 527 Boyer Road Cheltenham. PA 19012 663-0327 lntramurals 1, 2. J, 4 . . Stage Band 1, 2, 3, 4 .~~Bonzai"
KEVIN G. BYRNES 002 Fanshawe Street Philadelphia, PA 19111 342-8714 lntramurals 1, 2. 3, 4 • Soccer 3 .•. WCAF 3 .• Stage Crew 1, 2
Mtke Calhoun
MICHAEL L. CALHOUN 3529 Aldme Strt>et Philarlt>lphia. PA 191.36 335-()386 lntr.Jmurah 1, 2, 3, 4 ... 1, 2 •.• "fune"
KEITH A. CAMERON 10 West Gowen Avenue Philadelphia, PA 19119 CH2-4378 lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Soccer 3 ••• Highest Honors Engli~h 2; Rehgion 3. Western Civrlization 3 •.. Scholastic "L" 2
Ben Cassalia
Frank Cannon
Mike Cantwell
Tom Caruso
FRANKLIN E. CANNON 373 Clivedon Street Philadelphia, PA 19119
438-3392 lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 . Indoor Track 4
Baseball 2, 4
MICHAELS. CANTWEU 3030 Sewell Road Philadelphia, PA 19116 696-7581 lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Soccer 3(l), 4(l)
2216 Oakwyn Road lafayette Hill, PA 19444
Pine and Moredon Road Philadelphia, PA 19115
825-0360 lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 Country 1 . Track 1
. Cross
6n-9489 Soccer 2, 3, 4
PAUL T. CHERNITSKY 6810 Henry Avt:nue Ptuladelph1a, PA 19128
483-2744 40 Baseball 2 ..•
I, 2, 3, 4
CHARUS CIPRIANO 1637 W1lhams Way Norristown, PA 19403 53<.1-6364 50 lntramurals 1, 2, 3 4 ... Hockey t. 2, 3. 4 . Ski Club 1 MARK CHESNA 1307 Wakehng StrE>et Ptuladelph1a PA 19124 JE5-n16 20 lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 •.. Track & F1eld 1, 2. 4 THOMAS E. CLASS 312 Sylvan.a Avenue Glen~ide, PA 19038
TU4-0039 60 lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Baseball 3(l) ... NEDT Certificate 1, 2 •• ScholastiC "L" 2. 3 ANTHONY M . CLEMENTE 805 Winston Road Philadelphra. PA 19118 248-4943 70 lntramurals 1, 2. 3, 4 . . Track 1 PAUL J. CONNOLLY 1219 Nash Drive Fort Washington, PA 19034 643-1871 10 lntramurals I 2 3, 4 . Swimming 1, 2(l) J(L). 4(l) W1~terian 3, 4. A· Day Retreats
Mark Chesna
Sean Corr
ROBERT J. COOPER 1213 Alcott Street Philcldelphrd, PA 19149 JE3-Q375 2D lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 . . football 1, 2. 3(l), 4(l) • . Ba~cbdll1
SEAN M. CORR 14 Golf View Road Doylestown, PA 18901 348·2020 3D lntramurals 1, 2, 3. 4 • Crev. 1, 2. 3, 4(L) ..• Football 1 . • . Wr~terran 2, 3, 4 ..• Student Councrl 1, 2 ••• Nat tonal Honor Society 3, 4 .•. Natlondl Mer1t Commended Student
Paul Chernitsky
Tom Class
Chuck C1priano
Bob Cooper
Tony Clemente
Paul Connolly
Colin Costello
Ron Crarg 80
Neil Curran
Joe Curci
Rrch Coyne
COLIN F. COmLLO 706 South Mt Pleasant Road Phtladelphta PA 19119 849-5097 40 lnt ramurals 1, 2 . • Dance Commtttee 3, 4 ... esc 1
CHRISTOPHER R. COVER 1149 Bloomd~le Road Phtladelphta, PA 19115 464·1074 50 Football 1, 2, 3(L), 4(l ) •.• Track 4 ... lntramurah I, 2, 3, 4
RI CHARD P. COYNE 217 East Gowen Avenue Philadelphia PA 19119 CH2-3674 60 JV Football Manager 2, 3 •.• lntramurals 1, 4 Bowling Club 1
I Dam ian Dachowski
1565 Sullivan Drive Norristown, PA 19401 275·4937 Soccer 2(l). 3(l), 4(l) • •. lntramurah 1, 2, 3, 4 NEDT Cert1f1cate 1, 2 Who's Who Among American Hegh School Stutlt!nh
JOSEPH E. CURCI 516 ByBerry Road Philadelphia , PA 19116 OR7· 1146 1D Hockey 3 4 lntramurals 1, 2. 3. 4 • . Band 1 2 Math Club 4 ... Scholastic " l " 1, 2 •.• NEDT Certificate 1
CORNELIUS G. CURRAN 5508 North 6th Street Philadelphia PA 19120 HA4·8977 20 Basketball I, 2, 3(l), 4(l) ... B<t~eiJall 1, 2, 3(l) 4(L) . Football 3(l), 4(l) . Hockey 1, 2 Bowling Oub 1, 2 Student Council 4 . • . National Honor Society 3, 4 lntramurals 1, 2. 3, 4 ... French National Honor Society 2 ScholastiC " l " 2
DAMIAN 0 . DACHOWSKI 520 Babvlon Poad Ambler, PA 19002 643-(X,SJ 40 Cross Country 1 Wresthng l(l) , 2(l) 3(l), (l) ... Band Stage 1, 2, Concert 1, 2 lntramurals 1, 2, 3 4 .. Scholastic '' L" 1, 2
JOSEPH E. DANELLA 6339 "'orth Seventh Street Ph1ladelph1a, PA 19126 HA4·73405D lntramurals 1, 2 , 3, 4
Joe Dan ella
Chri s Cover
larry Daniel
Jim Derham
_. Tony DePaul
LAWRENCE). DANIR 345 Cedar Road Elkins Park, PA 19117 379-3222 60 Baseball 1, 2, 3(l), 4(l) ... Football 1 , 2. 3(l). 4(l) . . lntramurals 1. 2, 3, 4 . . Studenl Council .3, 4 Student Exchange 4 . . . Prom Committee 3, 4 . . Dance Comm1ttee 4 ... NEDT Certificate 1, 2 " lance "
RI CHARD P. DEASY 2293 Mulberry Lane lafayette Hill, PA 19444 828-275610 Wrestltng 1(1) • • • Track 4 lnlramurals 1. 2. 3. 4 .•. National Honor Society ScholastiC "L" 2, 3
Dick Deasy
JAMES j. DERHAM 465 Dreshertown Road fort Washington, PA 19034 G43-1914 20 lntramurals 1. 2. 3, 4 • • Bike Club 1 ..• Bowhng Club 1, 2, 3
ANTHONY ). DE PAUL 8009 Hawthorn Lane Ph1ladelph1a, PA 19118 CH2-3737 70 Football 1, 2, 3(l), 4(l) • . Track 1, 2 ... lntramurals I, 2, 3, 4 •• Student Council 3
Tony Dilucia
Joe Diehl
Joe Diorio
John DeVincent
JOHN D. DE VINCENT 2152 Clinton Road Huntmgdon Valley, PA 19006 947-8282 30
Soccer 2, J(L), 4(l) Golf }., 3, 4 Intramural~ 1, 2, J. 4
JOSEPH K. DIEHL 1030 Bridge Street Philadelph1a, PA 19124 JES-4586 60 Basketball 1, 2 lntramurals 1, 2, 3. 4 Sp1n1 Club 4 . A-Day Retreats 4
ANTHONY M. Dl LUCIA 1:'19 Shendan Lan•· t-.orristown, PA 19403 5.39·3932 40 ln tramurals 1, 2, ), 4
JOSEPH A. DIORIO 8510 Elliston Onve Ph1la, PA 19118 233·1204 lntramurals 1, 2 • . . Ring Mass Dramatics 1 • . Forum 2. 3, 4 Student Counc1l 2 .•. CSC 4
STEFANO DE PIETRO 8036 Cnttenden Strl'et Philadelphia. PA 19116 CHS-4529 50 lntramurals 1. 2. 3, 4 • • Tennis 1(L). 2(L) •.• Student Council 1, 4 ... Spiril Oub 4 .•. Dance Committee 1, 2. 3, 4 . . Soph Hop Comm1ttee . . . Prom Committee 3, 4 . •• ScholastiC "L" 2
JAMES E. DOHERTY 881 Parkwood Road Blue Bell, PA 19422 279-1791 tD lntramurals 2, 3, 4 • . . Football 1 . . Wrestling 1, 2, 3 Cross Country Track 3, 4 . • • Highest Honors. Spanish 1 STEPHEN E. D'ORAZIO 529 Applewood Drive Fort Washington. PA 19034 643-1970 3D Wrestling 1 2(L), 3(L), 4(L), (L) National Honor Society 3. 4 ... Student Council 2, 3, 4 ... WCAF 4 ••• Future Physicians Club 4 • Scholastic "L" 1, 2. 3
Jim Doherty
11 Weiss Ave Flourtown, PA 10031 233-1449 20 lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ... PSAT leiter of Commendation
TIMOTHY J. DONAHUE 1264 Fleetwood Road Pydal, PA 19CH6 572-6546 3D Baseball 1, 2, 3(l), 4(l) • , Intramural~ 1, 2, 3, 4 Student Council 2, 3. 4 . Spirit Club 4 . . WCAF 4 ... Football 1 Soph Hop .. Prom Committee 3, 4 .•• Drama 1, 2, 3, 4
CHRISTOPtiER R. DRENNEN 434 A~pen Way lafayette Hill, PA 19444 828-2049 40 lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 • . Band 4
DAVID G. DUDICK 7025 Vo1gt Road Philadelphia PA 19128
482-9338 50 lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 , •. Art Oub 2 Spint Club 4 • . Baseball 4
CHRISTOPHER E. DURKIN 7037 Crease Lane Philadelphia PA 19128 IV2-6820 60 lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 . . . Soccer 1, 2 .. Bowling Oub 1, 2, 3, 4 •. CSC 4 . Yearbook 4 National Merit Scholarship Sem1· finalist ScholastiC " L" 2
Jim Donaghy
Steve D'Orazio
Steve Di Pietro
Tim Donahue
Chris Durkin
Chris Drennen
Dave Dudick
Bob Esposito
John Farnan
Jack Funchion
Dan Fox
Mark Foley
ROBERT J. ESPOSITO 4142 "' 5th Street Ph1ladt>lph1a, PA 19140 2~-3866
1 .•. Band 1, 2
JOHN G. FARNAN 1550 Grovama Avenue Abmgton PA I<KX)1 657-(1654 ID lntramurals 1, 2. 3, 4 Ba~kPiball 1 ... Football 1 ... Wisterian 2, 3, 4 Student Council 3, 4 . National Honor Soc1ety 4 Highest Honors: English 1, 2. Rehg1on 2. 3; Behavioral Science 3; American H1story 2 MARk J, FOLEY 610 Arhngham Road Flourtown. PA 1CX>31 233·5062 20 Intramural~ 1, 2. 3, 4 S"'"immmg 1
Crew 2. 3(L), 4(l) •.•
ANTHONY J. FONASH 1132 Wagner Avenue Philadelphia, PA 1914 1 457· 4868 3D lntramurals 1. 2. J , 4 ..• Football I ... Cre" 2
Tom rrankson
DANIEL T. FOX 747 Gorman Street Ph1ladelph1a PA 19116 H04·7990 40 lntramurals 1, 2, 3. 4 .. Football 1 . Committee 4 Senior Prom 4
THOMAS P. FRANkSON 141 Valley Road Warm10ster, PA 18974 44Hl824 50 lntramurals 1, 2, 3. 4 ... Track 1 ROBERT W. FROST 6824 N lOth Street Philadelphia PA 19126 927·488> !lD lntramurals 1. 2. 3, 4 . Track I JOHN F. FUNCHION JR. 71 J E Willow Grove Avenue Wyndmoor, PA 19118 83{,· 7865 70
lntramurals 1, 2. 3, 4 .•. Student Counc1l 2. 3 • Forum 2, 3, 4 . National Honor Soc1ety 3, 4 .. Scholastic " L" 3
Tony Fo nash
Bob Frost
Sam Gabriel
Tim Galen
Vince Gatti
Sean Gallagher
17 Kings Oak l..lne Ph1ladelphia, PA 19115 OR6-42971D
2127 Stevens Street Philadelphia, PA 19149 CU9-07392D
220 Oakwyn Road
Lafayelle Hill, PA 19444
VINCENT A. GAm &24 Davis Poad Cheltenham, PA 19012
828-6807 30
6(,3-8434 40
Football1, 2 ... lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4
Football 3, 4 . . Baseball 2 ... lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4
Cross Country 1, 2, 3 ..• Track 1, 2 . . lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4
3 . . WCAF3
lnlramurals 1. 2, 3, 4 .. Stage Crew
lohn Gattuso
lohn Gimpel
Ed Giera
)1m Gtbbons
JOHNS. GATTUSO 965 Welsh Road Maple Glen. PA 19002
646·3869 50 lntramurals 2, 3, 4 . • Art Club 2, 3, 4 Yearbook 4 .. Wisterian 4 .. Prom Committee 4 . NEDT Certificate Highest Honors: Religion 2, Amencan History
lAMES P. GIBBONS 1540 Tenn1~ Avenue Ambler, PA 19002 646-44n 6D Cross Country 2 . Golf 3, 4 lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4, WCAF 4
328 Knoll Road Nornstown, PA 19403 272-7006 70 Ba~eball 2. 3, 4 ... lntramurals 1, 2. 3, 4 Wisterian 2. 3, 4 •• . Ye.ubook 4 . Math Team 3, 4 ... NEDT Certificate 1, 2 National Honor Society •.. Highest Honors German 3X, Commumsm· Engh~h 2; Adv Analytic Geometry ScholastiC "l" 1, 2, 3. 4
JOHN T. GIMPEL 4050 S Warner Road lafayette H1ll, PA 19444 828·1162 10 Football 1 lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 . Student Council 3, 4 Public Relations 3, 4 . . Dramatics 3, 4 . Future Physicians Club I
PffiR A. C lASCOTT JR. Spring Valley Road. R.D. 4 Doylestown, PA 18CX>1 794-8429 2D lntramurals 1 2, 3, 4 ••• Football 1 ••• Winter Track 2, 3 4 ..• Sprmg Track 1, 2, 3 •• Student Council 1 .. ;-;ational Honor Society 3, 4 ... Yearbook 3, 4 . . Who's Who Among Amencan H1gh School Students .. Highest Honors: World Cultures; Economics I ... Scholastic "L" 2. 3 NEDT Certificate 1, 2 PHilliP M . GOLDMAN 510 Selma Street Philadelphia, PA 19116 ORJ-5257 3D lntramurals 2, 3, 4 . . Bowling 1, 2. 3, 4 ... Band 1. 2. 3, 4 .. Photo Club 4 Computer Club 3. 4 . . . National Honor Society .•. Scholasuc "L" 2, 3 . . . National SCience Foundation Grant JOSEPH W. GRAHAM 1052 Alcott Street Phlladelph1a, PA 1914'~ IES-056Y 4D lntramurals 1, 2, )(Representative), 4 .•. Footbal l 1, 2, 3, 4(L) • Wisterian 2, 3, 4 ... National Honor Society 3. 4 . Computer Club 3 'Duck • CHRISTOPHER J. GRAYCE 528 Whitehall Road Nornstown, PA 19401 631-2306 SD lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 .. Cross Country 1, 2(l) . Track 1, 2 . . Wistenan 1, 2, 3, 4 (editor) Yearbook 3, 4 Dramatics 2, 3 . . Math Team 2, 3. 4 . Computer Club 3 Nat10nal Merit Scholarship Semi-Finalist NEDT Certificate 1, 2 Scholastic "L" 1, 2, 3 . Highest Honors: Fr Chemistry; English 1, 2, 3; Typing; Hon. Biology, Hon. Phy)ICS: Calculus AB
Phill Goldman
Chris Grayce
JOHN C. GREGITIS 9715 Lochwood Road Philadelphia, PA 19115 934-6914 6D 1ntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 . Football 1 . Soccer 1. 2(L), 3(L) 4(L) Art Club 3, 4 . Sptrtl Club 4 . . WCAF 4 .. Prom Committee 4 ROBERT M. GUAGLIONE 7936 Rllmore Street 19111 E$9-4387 7D lntramurals 1, 2. 3. 4 . Bowling 1. 2 Basketball 3, 4(l) , •. Track 1 "Gag"
JAMES T. G UUA 138 Glenvit'w Avenue Wyncote, PA 19095 884·8582 1D lntramurals 1, 2, 3. 4 ... Crew 1 Soccer 2(L), 3(L) •.. Bowhng 2 . Student Counc1ll STEVEN R. GUZZJ 307 East Aliens Lane Ph1ladelphta, PA 19119 CH7-6822 2D Stage Crew 3, 4
Jim Gulla 90
John Gregitis
Bob Guaglione
Steve Guzzi
~I Joe Graham
Pete Glascolt 91
John Horger
Brad Hoy
Bill Hall
Andy Henkels
Jim Healy
WILLIAM A. HALL 331 Cambridge Road Norristown, PA 19401 275-339710 lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 .. Soccer Managers 4 Student Council 2, 4 . . . esc 2, 3, 4 National Honor Society . . . Soph Hop ... Prom Committee 3, 4 ..• Scholastic " l " 1, 2 ROLAND R. HARMON 473 Hermitage Street Philadelphia, PA 19128 483-3329 50 lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ... "Rol" THOMAS M. HARPER 4100 Fields Drive
lafayette Hill, PA 19444 836-5668 60 Bowling 1, 2(L), 3(L) •. Golf 2 . . CSC .. . lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Public Pelat ions 4 .. . Wisterian 2, 3, 4 ... Stage Crew 2, 3, 4 .. . Scholastic " L" 2 ... Highest Honors: Spanish 3 ... Prom Committee 3
JAMES E. HEALEY Ill 118 West Durham Street Philadelphta, PA 19119 CH8·3596 70 lntramurals 1, 2, 3, Wisterian 3
Roland Harmon
ANDREW M. HENKELS 345 Stenton Avenue Plymouth Meeting, PA 19462 828-8101 10
Ice Hockey 3, 4 ... tntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 . .. Art Club 2, 3, 4 ... " Henks"
JOHN 0. HORGER 819 Alene Road Ambler, PA 19002 646-8748 20 lntramurals 1. 2, 3, 4 . . Bowhng Team 4 .. Bowling Club 2, 3, Yearbook 3, 4 Photo Club 4 ... Highest Honors: Energy: Geometry NEDT Certificate .. Scholastic " L" 3 ROBERT J. HOUK JR. 397 Hollyknoll Drive Churchville, PA 18966 357·7258 30 lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Ice Hockey 2(l), 3(l), 4(l) . . Baseball 1, 2 W isterian 3. 4 .. esc 3, 4 . Prom Committee 4 . . "Hoouker" JOHN B. HOY Main Street P.O . Box 234 Sumneytown, PA 18084 234-4152 lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 . . Track 1, 3 ... Photo Club 4 Spirit Oub 4
Bob Houk
Tom Harper
)o-Jo Jerome
Donald Hughes
Mike Hys
Paul Jeffers
DONALD HUGHES 113 W Chestnut IIIII Ave. Philadelphia, PA 19118 CH7-5068 50 "Captain"
MICHAEL HYS 877 Kent lane Philadelphia, PA 19115 OR7-1519 60 lntramurals 1, 2. 3, 4 Action 4
. Chnstian
PAUL C. JEFFERS .l43 Stearly Street Philadelphia, PA 19111 Fl2路2928 70 lntramurals I, 2, 3. 4
FRANTZ Y. JEROME 807 E. Haines Philadelphia, PA 19138 642-363410 Track 2, 3, 4 ... lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ... future Physic1ans Club I, 2 . . . Junior Achievement 3 . .
Jim Kane
Mike Kane
John Keel
JAMES J. KANE 623 Bell Lane Maple Glen, PA 19002 643路3156 20 lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4
MICHAEL J. KANE 8025 Colfalt Street Phaladelphaa. PA 19136 333-7695 JD Football 1, 4(L) Basketball 1, 2 lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4
Jim Keating
JAMES M. KEATING 370 Miles Drive Ambler, PA 19002 275路1409 40 lntramurals I, 2, 3, 4 CSC 2. 3, 4 Prom Commattees 3. 4 . . National Honor Socaety 3 4
JOHN M. KEEL 6022 Cannon Hall Road Fort Washangton. PA 19034 828路~50
lntramurals 1, 2. 3, 4 ... Football 1, 2, 3 "Chubbs"
JOHN A. KEENAN 800 Tyson Slrcet Ph1ladelph1a, PA 19111 fl2·7326 60 lntramurals 1, 2, 3. 4 ... Soccer 1, 2, 3, 4(L) •.• Crew 1, 2, 3, 4(l) •.. Student CounCil 1, 2, 3, 4 • . . National Honor Soctety 3. 4 • • A· Day Ret rea l s . • CSC 3, 4 ANTHONY J. KELLY 4122 Devon\hlr<' Road Plymouth M<.>ettng, PA 19462 828 29.38 70 football I Ba~E'ball 1, 2. 4 •.. 3 . . Student Counnl 1
Ba~ketball 1,
TIMOTHY P. KEllY 997S Hardy Koad Phtlc~delphia PA 19115 &96·0740 10 football 2. 3. 4
JAMES J. KIRCHER 6218 Tabor Avenue Philadelph1a, PA 19111 RAS-8454 20 Intramural!> 1, 2. 3, 4 ..• Schola~tiC " l " 1, 2
John Keenan
JOHN F. KLAIBER 1568 Tempi~: Om,•· Maple Glen, PA 19002 643·1J7q j£) Cross Country 1 •.. Intramural\ 1, 2. 3. 4 Prom Comm1ttee 3. 4 . . Dance Committee 2
THEODORE KLING 1<.X>9 Sycamore lane Flourtown, PA 19031 AD3·3737 4D Cro~s Country 1, 2,(L) ... Ice Hockey 3)l), 4(l)
JOSEPH F. KOBULSKY 1611 Tcrrate Dnve Maple Glen. PA 19002 643·6867 50 lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 • Concen Band 1, 2. 3, 4 . . Jazz Band 3. 4 . . W"tenan 2. 4 Student Counc1l 1, 2, .3, 4 . . National Honor Soc1ety 3, 4(Pre~ldent)
DAVE L KUEMMERLE 1859 lcio;ard Avenue Ab.ngton, PA 1911 l 884·716'; 60 Intramural~ 1, 2. 3, 4 ... Soccer 3 ..• Bo"'hng
3, 4
John Klatber
Ted Kling
\ 1 jim Kircher
joe Kobulsky
Tim Kelly
Dave Kuemmerle
Tony Kelly
lohn LaRocca
Mark Labrum
Don Lange
I Greg Longo
Ed Loftu5>
MARK LABRUM 272 Pheasant Onve Huntington Valley PA 19006 947· 42<J:I 70 lntramurals 2. 3, 4 Football 4(l) .. Baseball 2, 3(l), 4(L) ... Ice Hockey Manager 3, 4 . . CSC 2, 3, 4 ... Spirit Club 4 ... Student Council 2, 3, 4 ... Stage Crew 2, 3, 4 ... Prom Commitlee 4 . .. Reltgious Ac tivities 2, 3. 4
DONALD J. LANGE 4620 Unruh Street Philadelphia, PA 19135 MA4· 5&4710 lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Baseball 4
Mark Lonergan
JOHN D. LA ROCCA 7365 Valley Avenue Philadelphia, PA 19128
482·4690 20 lntramurals 1, 2, 3 4 .. Soccer 1 Football 3 . . Track 2, 4 ... Yearbook 4 Highest Honors: Spanish 2; World Cultures ... Scholastic " l " 2. 3
STEPHEN J. lA URIE 125 Moredon Road Philadelphia PA 19115 9691725 30 lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Soccer 1, 3(l)
RAYMOND S. LITMAN II 2f157 Sierra Road Plymouth Meeting, PA 19462 828-9819 40 lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 Bowltng 1 Dramatics 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Photo Club 3.. Spirit Club 4 A· Oay Retreats . . Art Club 2, 3 ... National Honor Society 3, 4 . . . Student Coundil 3 ... Prom Committee 3, 4 . NEDT Certificate 1 2 .. Highest Honors: English 1 ... Scholast iC ''L" 1
Steve laune
EDWARD V. LOFTUS 1717 Howe lane Maple Glen, PA 19002 5 Wistenan 2, 3, 4 ... Computer Club 3, 4 ... National Honor Society 3, 4 Fu ture Physicians Club 4
MARK J. LONERGAN 1118 Alcott Street Philadelphia, PA CU8·73&4 60 Basketball 1, 2, 3, 4 .. Baseball 1, 2, 3, 4 . . . Student Council 1 ... National Honor Society . . Scholastic " L" 1, 2, 3
GREGORY D. LONGO 19 Devon Road Churchville PA 18966 357·7009 70 lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4
Ray Litman
Denny McFadden
Brian McChesney
Jim McCrudden
7405 Kieffer Street Philadelphia, PA 19128 IV2·1562 10 lntramurals 1, 2, 3. 4 . . Sw1mmmg 1 • •• Yearbook 2 • • Student Council 1, 2, 3 DramatiC~ 1, 2, 3, 4 ...
323 Power Horn Road Fort Washington, PA 1903 70 lnt ramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 , .• Crew 1 •• , Golf 4 ... Bowling 2, 3 •. • Stage Crew 4
Sid Macleod
JAMES D. MC CRUDOEN 6501 North 8th Street Philadelphia, PA 19126 424327 70 lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ..• Crew 1 •.. Track 1
513 St. lawrence Way Furlong. PA 18925 348·3649 10 lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Football 1, 2, 3(l), 4(l) Crew 1, 2, 3(l) 4(l)
Tom McKenna
Kevin McHale
Mike Mclane
Pat McGurk
PATRICK V. MCGURK 3258 Mercer Street
Philadelphia, PA 19134 GA5·6 lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 . Basketball 1 . Spirit Club 3, 4 . Student Exchange J. 4 Dance Commrttee 4 Prom Committee 4 Stage Crew 4
KEVIN J. MC HALE 3334 Jeffrey Drrve Dresher, PA 19025 646·1~9 20 lntramurals 1, 2. 3 4 1(l) ,
2(l) ,
. Swrmmrng Prom
THOMAS L MC KENNA 8422 Chrppewa Road Philadelphra, PA 19128 482-5566 3D lntramurals 1, 2. 3, 4 ... Photo Club 2, 3, 4
MICHAEl A. MC lANE 2675 Byberry Road Hatboro, PA 19040 054·0751 40 lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 .•• Wrestling 1, 2(l), 3(l), 4(l) •• . Footbafll, 2, 3
Commrttee 4
RO BERT J. MC MONAGLE 3421 Aubrey Ave Phta, PA 19114 969·1422 50
T. MC Nun
9 Broadale Court Ooyle~toY<n, PA 18901 345-7599 60 Football 1, 2, 3 .. Crew 1, 3, 4 ... Computer Club 3, 4
THOMAS MAEGERLE 643 HellermrJn Street Philadelphia PA 19111 ns-4983 20 lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 . • . Soccer 1, 2. 3, 4 Wrestling Mgr. 3, 4 .•. Bowling Club 3, 4 Photography Club 3, 4 ..• Computer Club 3, 4 Wistenan 3, 4 .. Yearbook 4 GEORGE MANGINI 233 Benner Street Phtladelphia, PA 19111 725·3425 3D Intramural~ 1. 2, 3. 4 Student Counctll
MARK MANTA 4 Prmceton Road Norri~town,
PA 19403
275·2125 40
George Mangini
1, 2, t 4 .. football 1 •.• Winter Track 1, 2, 3(l), 4(l) . . Spnng Track 1, 2(l), 3(l) 4(l) Rtng Ma~' 3, Wisterian 3, 4 .•• Student Council J Intramural~
MICHAEL A. MAREK 415 Livezy Street Phtladelphta, PA 19128 482-<J:l89 50 Bowling 1. 2(l), 3(l}, 4(l) ... Band 1, 2, 3, 4(Pres.) ... NEDT Certtficate 1, 2 ... National Honor Society ... Scholastic ''L" 1, 2, 3 .. French Nat tonal Honor Society .. Highest Honors French 2, American Htstory, Engltsh 3, Economics National Ment Commendation JAMES MELLON 200 East 11th Avenue Con~hohocken , PA 19428 828·4716 10 lntramurals 1 • SY.tmmtng 1(l} , 2(l) 3(l}, 4(l) . • Wtsterian 3. 4 ... Yearboolo; 3, 4 ... Stage Crev. 3 . Sc: hola~ttc "l" 3
EDWARD C. MEEHA N 124 lohns Street Cheltenham, PA 19012 782· 11031 10 lntramurals 2, 3, 4 ... football 1, 2(l), 3(L), 4(l) ... Track 2(l), 3(L) ... Dance Commtttee 4 . Jumor Prom Committee ... " A" -day Retreats 4
Tom Maegerlc
Ed Meehan
Mike Marek
Jim Mellon
Bob McMonagle
Walt Norri s
Scott McNutt
Marc Mims
Jim Melson
Chris Mincer
Jeff Michel
Carlo Mirabelli
JAMES P. MELSON 300 Pine Run Road Doylestown, PA 18901 348·3979 30 MARCMIMS 6538 N 16th Street Philadelphia, PA 19126 HA4·3139 50 lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 Football 1, 2, 3(l). 4(L) . . Track J(L), 4(L) . . Student Exchange 2
Chuck Mirarchi
CHRISTOPHER MINCER R.D. # 4 Doylestown, PA 18901 794·7164 30 lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 . . Wrestling I, 2, 3, 4(L) WCAF 4 ... Band 1, 2, 3, 4 "Mince" CARLO MIRABELLI 721 Thomas Road Cheltenham, PA 19012 379·4886 60 lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 Baseball1 , 2(l), J(l), 4(l) . Sparit Club 3, 4 Prom Commattees Dramatics 3, 4 National Honor 3, 4 Society 3, 4 ... Scholastic "l" 2
JEFFREY W . MICHEL 566 Coach Road Horsham, PA 19044 628·3789 40 lntramurals 1, 2, )(chmn) 4(chmn) . Football 1, 2, 3(l), 4(L) . . Wrestling, 1, 2, 4 ... Track 1, 2(L)
Fred Mischler
CHARLES MIRARCHI 9629 Chaplecroft Street Philadelphia, PA 19115 676·4965 70 lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 . . Hockey 4 (trainor) .. CSC 3 ... Ski Club 3. 4 Photography Club 3 ... Dramatics 2, 3, Music Festival 2, 3, 4 Spirit Club 3 FREDERICK C. MISCHLER 417 Waverly Road Wyncote, PA 19095 TU4·564710 lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 . Basketball 1, 2 .• . Tennas l(l), 2(l), 3(L). 4(l) Bowling Club 2 Wisteraan 1 LARRY MOLINARO 528 Vista Poad Ambler, PA 19002 646·1941 20 lntramurals 2, 3 . . Band 1, 2 • . . Wisterian 3, 4 . . Nallonal Honor Society . Haghest Honors: French 1, Jx Scholastic "l"l, 2, 3
larry Molinaro
Mike Mon ihan
Larry Narcisi
MICHAEl J. MONIHAN 1205 Goodman Drive Fort Washington. PA 1~34 646-7093 30 Baseball 1, 2 . . . Track 2 ... lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 . Art Club 3, 4
MICHAEL J. MORRISON 101 Royal Avenue Glenside, PA 1~38 885-3645 40 Football 1 . Baseball 2, 3(L). 4(L) . National Honor Society 3, 4 ... lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 . . ScholastiC "l" 1, 2, 3 . ". Yearbook 4 ... "A" Day Petreats 4 NEDT Certificate 2
Bob Murphy
Mike Morrison
ROBERT E. MURPHY 4116 Fields Drive Lafayette H1ll, PA 19444 836-7084 so lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 . Wisterian 1 . . CSC 3 . . Future Physicians Club 4 "Murph"
LAURENCE A. NARCISI 2345 Fairway Huntingdon Valley, PA 19006 659-3889 60 Crew 1, 2, 3(l), 4(L) .. ln tramurals 1, 2, 3, 4
Mark Manta
Tom O'Brien
Joe O'Connor
JOHN J. NIRENBERG 3244 Glenview Street Philadelphia, PA 19149 335-oo49 70 Wrestling 1, 2 lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 .. Student Council1, 2, 3
WALTIR F. NORRIS JR. 37 Chelfield Road Clens1de, PA 1~38 886-397410 Football 1 Crew 1, 2, 3, 4 lntramurals 1. 2, 3. 4 â&#x20AC;˘ . . French Nat1onal Honor Society 2, 3. 4 . . Scholastic "l" 3 Highest Honors in French 2, 3
John l\ltrenberg
THOMAS F. O'BRIEN 649 Country Club Drive Blue Bell, PA 19422 646-4545 20 Sw1mm1ng 1 . . . Golf 2, 3, 4 lntramurals 1, 2, 3. 4 .. "0'8'
JOSEPH J. O'CONNOR 6323 Oakley Street Ph1ladelphia, PA 19111 725-.306 Student Council Scholastic "l" 1
CRAIG f . O'DONNEll 4101 Devonshire Road Plymouth Meeting, PA 19462 825-oo63 40 lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4(l) . Track 2 " 0 '0 "
FRANCIS X. O'DO NN Ell 571 Stockdale Place Blue Bell, PA 19422 646-4489 50 lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Bowling Team 3 ... Bowling Club 1, 2 ... Dramatics 1, 1. 2. 3. 4 Wisterian 3, 4 ... Spirit Club 4 . Festival of Music 2 . Soph Hop Comm1ttee . . . Prom Committee 3, 4 . . Stage Crew 4 . . National Honor Soc1ety 3, 4(0fficer)
Dave Pathroff
CHRISTOPHER R. O'NEill 1202 Greenhill Road Flourtown, PA 19031 233-4(L) ... Winter Track 2, 3, 4(L) ... Spring Track 2, 3, 4 . Student Council 1 . Stage Crew 1 CSC 4
JOSEPH W. ORBEll 9n6 Morefield Road Philadelphia, PA 19115 698-0780 70 lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 . Wrestling 1, 2, 3, 4
MICHAEl E. PARKER 1332 East Cardeza Street Philadelphia, PA 19119 924-<l722 1D Concert Band 1, 2, 3, 4 . Omega Band 2, 3
Stage Band 4,
DAVID R. PATHROFF 193 Easton Road Horsham, PA 19044 675-6823 2D lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Cross Country 1 Tennis 1 . Student Council 1
Craig O 'Donnell
EUGENE LA MONT PfTERSON 20 Hornblende lane Willingboro, NJ 00046 an -0092 3D lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 Student Council 1, 2. 3, 4 Wisterian 4 " Machine"
Football 3, 4 ••. Sp1rit Club 4 ••.
JOHN B. PILARZ JR. 7421 Keiffer Street Philadelphia, PA 19128 40 lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 . Football 3, 4(l) •.. Art Club 3, 4 ... Dance Committee 4
Chri s O 'Neill
Jack Pilarz
Mike Parker
Joe Orbt>ll
Fran O'Donnell
Gene Peterson
Tom Porth
Vince Pinto
john Qu1gley
Dave Puglia
Mike Putnick
VINCENT H. PINTO 843 Cardinal Lane Huntingdon Valley, PA 19006 947·8036 so Basketball 1, 2 .•. Tennis 1, 2, 3, 4 lntramurals 1, 2. 3. 4 THOMAS C. PORTH 1608 Howe Lane Maple Glen, PA 19002 643·7809 60 Cross-Country 1 ... Track 1, 2 .. Football 1, 3 . Baseball 3, 4 ... Student Council 1, 2, 3, 4(Pres.) ... Wisterian 2, 3, 4 . . Spirit Club 2, 4 . . Student Exchange 2, 4 ... National Honor Society 3, 4 ... lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 "Torn"
Tom Prunko
JAMES L PRINCIVALLE 931 Indian Creek Way Horsham, PA 19044 646·0502 70 Golf 1 . lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Scholastic "l" 1, 2 . . . Highest Honors in American History 2 THOMAS F. PRUNKO 6200 crafton Street Philadelphia, PA 19149 743-9128 10 lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 .. Math League 4 National Honor Society 3, 4 ... Scholastic "l" 1 DAVID P. PUGLIA 7734 Devon Street Chestnut Hill, PA 19118 CH7-6736 20 Soccer 1 . . . Hockey 1, 2(l). 3(l), 4(l) lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4
jim Princivalle
MICHAEL A. PUTNICK 510 East Sanger Street Philadelphia, PA 19120 342·4124 30 lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Stage Crew 2, 3, 4 JOHN F. QUIGLEY Ill 3537 Walsh lane Huntingdon Valley, PA 19006 947-8220 40 lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 . . Nationa l Honor Society 3, 4 ... Prom Committee 3 •.. Stage Crew 3, 4(Manager) ... Music Festival 3, 4 ... Scholastic "L" 3 JOSEPH C. QUIGLEY 2418 Fatrhill Avenue Glenstde, PA 19038 885-1188 50 lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Bowling league 4 ... Concert Band 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Jazz Band 1, 2, 3, 4 . . . Musical 2, 3, Honor Society 3, 4 ... Scholastic "l" 2, 3 ... NEDT Certificate 1, 2 ... Highest Honors: English 2; French 1, 2, 3: Music 1, 2, 3
Joe Quigley
jim Quinn
Pete Reilly
Bill Reilly
JAMES Po QUINN 7700 loretta Avenue Philadelphia, PA 19111 F12-1356 60 Baseball1, 2, 4 0•. Bowling 30 4
TIMOTHY J. RAFTIR 4554 Manayunk Avenue Ph•ladelph•a. PA 19128 IVJ-2418 70 lnlramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 . Crew 1, 2
Tim Rafter
PETER K. REILLY 759 Ivyland Road Warminster, PA 18974 672-253410 lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Computer Oub4
WILLIAM J. REILLY 1247 Dahlia Road Warminster, PA 18974
672-5943 2D lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 Track 1, 2. 3, 4 Stage Crew 1 Prom Committee 4
Jeff Reimel
Mark Reinhart
Herb Riband
Mike Riley
104 Pebble Wood~ Dnve Doylestown, PA 1m1 343.()9()3 30 lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Baseball 3, 4(L) Stage Crew 1 • • . A·Day Retreats 4 Schola~tic "L" 1, 2
17 Grove Avenue Flourtown, PA 19031 233·478040 lnt ram ural~ 1, 2, 3. 4 ... Soccer 3 .•• Wrestling 2, 3, 4 .•• Baseball 4
2002 H1lltop Road Flourtown, PA 19031 233·5016 Intramural; l, 2, 3, 4 Soccer 1, 2 Student . .. Ice Hockey 3, 4 Counc1l 2. 3, 4 (V.P of Student Relations) • • Nauonal Honor Society 3, 4 • . Art Club 2. 3, 4 ... ScholastiC "l" 1, 2, 3
2043 Wisteria lane Lafayette Hill, PA 19444 825·4929 60 lnlramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 Swimmmg 1
RI CHARD W. RILEY 5 Cypre~s Place lafayl'tte Hill, PA 19444
825·0154 60 Intramural~ 1, 2, 3. 4 .. Wre~tling 1 . . Student Counnl 2. 4 . . . Nat1onal Honor Society J, 4 ... Scholastic " l " 2, 3 . H1ghe<.t Honors B1ology, Rehg1on 3
JAMES J. RODDEN 341 0-dord Road Nornstown, PA 19401 279·8117 10 lntramurals 1, 2. 3, 4 ••. Soccer 3, 4(l) Ba~eball 4 . National Honor Society t 4 . . . S<"hola~t ic "l" 2, J
KENNETH M. ROESSLER 943 langdon Avenue Horsham, PA 19044
643·3144 40 lntramurals 1, 2, 3 ... Basketball 1, 2, 3(l), 4(l) Student Council 1, 2 . . Scholastic " l" 1, 2, 3
LOUIS S. ROSATI Box 96 Sumney1own Pike
Van Rossmeisl
Bnan Rothwell
Gwynedd Valley, PA 19437 Ml6-4230 JD lntramurals 2 . Track 1 ... Football I, 3. 4(L) Student Council (V.P. of Student Atfa1r~) Sal
VAN F. ROSSMEISL 16H Fort Washangton Avenue Maple Glen, PA 19002 &46·3777 40 lntramurals 1 1, 3, 4 . . Concert Band 1, 2 . .. WCAr 4 . Spirit Club 4
BRIAN P. ROTHWELL 2214 Oakwyn Poad Lafayette H1ll, PA 19444
825-0700 50 lntramurals 1, 2. 3, 4 ..• Wrestling 1 ... Baseball 2, J(l). 4(l)
DAVID W. SCHAFER 9568 Walley Avenue
Chip Rodden
Philadelphia, PA 19115
677 381560 lntramurals 1. 2, 3, 4 . .• rorum 1 . • Photo Club 2, 3, 4 Dramatics 2 CSC 2, 4 .•. Computer Club 3, 4 . . . Student Council 3 "Schaf
MICHAEL W. SCHIELER 129 West Berkley Street Clifton He1ghts. PA 19018 MA2· 3679 7D lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 .•. Basketball Marathon
2. 4
RICh Rtley 114
Mike Schieler
Ken Roessler
Dave Schafer
Steve Rosat1
Joe Schramm
John Schmitt
Adam Stefanowicz
Joe Sm1th
Matt Sklodowski 116
JOHN T. SCHMITT Ill 415 Meadowbrook lane Erdenhe1m, PA 19118 AD3-01461D Forum 2. 3. 4 . National Honor Society 3, 4 S<:hlastlc "L" 2, 3 National Ment Sem1· Finahst JOSEPH M. SCHRAMM 2701 H1lltown Pike Perkasie PA 18944 249-3192 20 GREGORY T. SHAW 3534 Hale Road Huntingdon Va. PA 19006 357-8831 JD lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 . Bowhng Club 1, 2, 3(pres.}, 4(treas.) ... Bowling 2(l), 3(l), 4(L) CSC 2, 3, 4 . . National Honor Society 3, 4 MATTHEW C. SKLODOWSKIJR. 820 Larkspur Street Philadelph1a, PA 19116 H04·54604D lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 Hockey 1, 2(l), 3(L), 4(l) Baseball 2(mgr.) ... Golf 2 ..• Bowling Club 2 • • . Photo Club 3, 4 • • • Prom Committee 4 . Wisterian 3, 4
Kevin Suter
Tim Sommar
JOSEPH P. SMITH 6'¥J2 Lawnton Street Philadelphia, PA 19128 IV3-9461 50 lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Art Club 2, 3, 4(pres.) .. Yearbook 4 TIMOTHY L. SOMMAR 304 Penn Oak Road Flourtown, PA 1~31 AD3·4255 60 lntramurals 1, 2, 4 . . Cross Country 1 •.. Track I GREGORY J. SUTTON 6100 Henry Avenue Philadelphia, PA 19128 483·521 lntramurals 1, 2, 3. 4 . Cross Country 4 ... Winter Track 2, 3(L). 4(l) •.. Spring Track 1. 2. 3(L), 4(L) KEVIN H. SUTER T' Buck Road
Warnngton, PA 18976 343·212510 lntramurdiS 1, 2, J. 4 •• Wrestling 1 .. Crew 1, 2, 3(L). 4(L)
ADAM STEFANOWICZ JR. 9551 Frankford Avenue Ph1ladelph1a, PA 19114 632-.3473 70 lntramurals 1. 2, 3, 4 .•• Bowling 1, 2. 3 ••• Golf l(l), 2(l), 3(l), 4(L) •• Math Team 4
Greg Sutton
Greg Shaw
CARL 8. SWARTZ Star Route 94·8 "ew Hope, PA 18938 862·%74 30 Intramural\ 3. 4 ••• Bm\ hng 4 .•. Band 1, 2, 3
LIAM P. SWEENEY 113 ChM~den A\cnuc Glenstde, PA 190.38 880·3862 40 Intramural~ I, 2, 3, 4 .•• Stage Band 2 Concert 2 Stage Crew 4 ... WCAF 4
THOMAS J. SWEENEY JR 1316 M&>tmg House Ro.1d Ambler, PA 1qoo2 643-52"11) 50 lntramurab 1. 2, 3, 4 .. Football 1, 2. 3(l). 4(l) ..• Track I, 2 ... Oarxe Committee 2, 3, 4 (Chairman) . . Soph Hop (Chatrman) ... Prom Commlltee 3, 4 .•. light mg Crew 2, 3, 4 (Manager) Sp~rit Club 3, 4
Tom Tansey
ANTHONY J. SZAJDEK 2602 E. Ontano Street Phtladelphta, PA 19134 RE9·6075 60 lntramurals I, 2, 3, 4 ..• Stage Cre" 2, 3, 4 ... Prom Committee 3, 4 •• Danct> Commtttee 3, 4 Future Phy~tctans Club 2, 3, Honor Society 3, 4 .. Schola\tic "l" 2
MIOiAEL J. TAMBURRI 5 Pme Place West PhtladPiphta, PA 14115 677·2619 70 lnt ramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 •.. Soccer 1, 3(l), 4(l) Bowlmg I, 2, 3, 4 Golf 1, 3, 4 Student Council 1, 2, 3, 4 • . WCAF 3, 4 (Pres) Prom Committee 3. 4 ... A Day Retreat 4
THOMAS K. TANSEY 1390 Ftllwatertown Road Ro~lyn, PA 19001
Ol9·051510 lntramurals 1 2. 3, TNm 1 .. Nat ional Honor Soctety 3, 4 , . NEOT Ceruricate of Achi e vement 2
MARTIN J. TATLOW 6319 Fairfield Dnve FlourtO\\ n, PA 19031 V 6-4374 2D lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 Wre'>lhng 2, 3(l), 4(l)
Carl Swartz Football 1, 2, 3 (l) ...
EDWARD J. TIERRENZIO 316 lorrame Avenue Oreland, PA 1~75 884 0056 3D
MENNO L TI ElMAN 28 Harcourt Lane Hatboro, PA 19040 672 2797 40 lntramurals I, 2, 3, 4 . . Wresthng 2, 3, 4 •.• Track 2 • . . Prom Commtttee 4 National Honor 3, 4
Menno Tielmc1n 118
Ted Terrenzio
Tom Sweeney
Mike Tamburri
Marty Tatlow
Liam Sweeney
Tony Szajdek
JOSEPH J. VESSELS 6165 Oakley Street Philadelphia, PA 1<1111 PIS-7504 SD lntramurah 1, 2, 3, 4 " Vese" STEPHEN R. VOGEL 3028 Midvale A-.enue Philadelphia, PA 19129 438·4106 60 lntramurals 1, 2. 3, 4 . . Soccer 1 BROOK L VOSIKA 275 Harvey Street Philadelph1a, PA 19114 843·4381 7D lnt ramurals 1, 2, 3. 4 •.. Photo Club 1 BRUCE M. WAGNER 1402 Rhoades Dnve Huntmg ton Valley, PA 19006 W l7·049310 lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Sw1mming I, 2(l), J(l), 4(L) hack I, 2. 3, 4 •• Dance Committee 4
Brooke Vo sika
CHRISTOPHER). WALSH 603 Sout h 48th Street Philadelphia, PA 19143 724-3255 2D lntramurals 1, 2, 3. 4 . • Crew 1, 2, 3(L), 4(L) Wisterian 1, 2, 3, 4 ..• Yearbook 4 ... A· Day Retreats 4 . National Honor Society 3, 4 Scholastic "l" 1, 2, J .•. Highest Honors: French Jx MICHAEL A. WARNER 358 Overlook Dnve Warminster PA 18974 675·0561 JD lntramurals 1, 2, l , 4 National Honor Society 3, 4 . Stage Crew 4 . Scholastic ' 'l " 1, 3 . Htghcst Honors French 1, 2, 3x; Americ..an History: Adv AnalytiC Geometry: Religion 3 SEAN P. YOUNG 28 \ianderveer Avenue Holland. PA 18966 355· 2854 40 lntramurals 1, 2, ) , 4 Crew 1
Football 1, 2 .. Stage
JOHN M. ZERR 700 Custis Road Glenside, PA 19038 TU6-5849 SD Intramural~ 1, 2, 3, 4 . Crew I, 2, 3(l) , 4(L) ... National Honor SoCit'ty 3, 4 . Ski Club 4
PETER J. Zlff 344 Cambndge Road Norristown, PA 19401 272·8086 ~D lntramurats 1. 2. 3, 4 . . Track 1, 2
Country I •..
Mi ke W arner 120
Pete Ziff
Bruce Wagner
Joe Vessels
Chris Walsh
Sean Young
john Zerr
Steve Vogel
''G'' Day
''Education is too i.np:>rtant to be left to the educators." AIL STUDENrS:
LIBRARY: The library will be closed today. ICE HOCKEY: Meeting today after school with Mr. Stanczak to discuss trip to M:mtreal. MI\TIILEI'ES: Meet in weight roan after school. DRAMA: There will be no meeting imnediately after school in no roan about the drama which will not be performed. SENIOR REI'RFATS: For those who wished to purchase religous articles but were unable to, there is a catalogue available in the bookstore. esc: Meeting 'fuesday in r oom 106 to discuss trip to Calcutta. Following students see Mr. Diehl trn: All students . ~: Whoever took the albun please return it. SPIRIT CUJB: HEY! HEY! HEY! GUESS WHAT! The spirit chili's having a meeting Friday after school ! I So c 'tron out I We'll be painting and having all sorts of fun and Carlo'll bring S<.Jile funny hats! HEY! HEY! This will be S(.)[re fun! HEY! SO GlM1E AN "S" ... GIM1E A "P" ... GIM1E AN ....
CRE.W: Iron Balls today ! MIXER: Mixer this Friday featuring Fred Stelmach and the Young Permsylvanians. Time 8:00p.m. admission $3.50 BASKETBAlL: Congratulations to the varsity basketball team who defeated St. Hubert ' s yesterday, 4 7-45 (ar) . Coach Michuda calls this their nost IXJWerful win this season. J.V. lost 12-9. STUDENT COUNCil..: Meeting Wednesday after school to stuff envelopes for Bro. Frank. CSC: Sign up in roan 106 for ''Walk for Camden". WIS1ER.IAN: There will be no meeting this week for the issue due to be out last Dec拢:Ii:iJer, Chris and Jotm say they can handle it all by themselves. BAND: lmyone wishing to join the La Salle Marching Band see Joe Quigley SD. PHOIO CUJB: Photo Club meeting l1:mday after school. Mrs . Brown has agreed to pose for us I YFARBOJK: Volunteers needed to IIDVe grand piano into yearbook office. Also, can anyone stay late tonight? FOOI'BAI.L: Tcm::>rrow vs . Wood. Care . SAT AND ACHIEVEMENI'S: For anyone taking these tests La Salle's school nurri:>er is 393-3370. Or in New Jersey, 783-7546. lA SAlLE FORUM: Congratulations to the La Salle Fon.tn for out-t:..'tlkillg sareone else and winning yet another tou:rnalrent. Stop by the main office and see how big their trophy is this time. MI\SS: Mass in Fr. Paul's office 5th period today. Please attend, if for no other reason than to hear how he says the Ow Fawthah. INrnAMURALS: Sign up with Mr. Steelman for joint venture with Gwynedd Mercy: intram.rral wrestling.
SENIORS: There will be a representative fran Chestnut Hill College in the G.O. 'fuesday at 11:30. A representative fran La Salle College will be in the G. 0. M:mday at 10: 15, 'fuesday at 10:15, Wednesday at 10:15, Thursday at 10 路 15, and Friday at 10:15. Senior Cut Day: Participating seniors are requested by Mr. Diehl to leave the parking lot in an order1y fashion to avoid the congestion of last year. Suggestions for this date should be submitted to Mr. Diehl no later than next Friday .
LaSalle Music Theater Presents:
Midpoint. A month behind us and a month to go until we open. Our concentration IS inten!>e cmd our adrenalin IS flowing even now. The time that is already behind us has been well spent. It all started in January at Cattle Calls, more properly called auditions. Out of a crowd of 50-60 clamoring actors and actresses, we are the lucky ones. Something, something caught Mr. Macleod's eye. A voice, a movement, a gesture somethmg made him cast us in the show. Whatever it was, we are here. After thi'> grueling ordeal was finished, we moved on to somethang even better- rehearsal ! Rehearsal What a word. It conjures up memories of sweat, exhaustion and frustration . But to us, rehears-
al was an experience in learning and growth We learned to beware Mr. Macleod ' s cry of, "OOOHH! - Idea time", just as we were fin1shing a number. We grew to appreciate Bro Charles Echelmeier, affectionately known as Chippy to cast and crew, and his delight in saying, " Good, now let me hear you!" In the weeks that have flown by, I myself have learned the meaning of togetherness and friend~hip . When you spend so much time with one group of people, they become your second family. You know how each per.son feels and reacts, so you mold yourself to fit with the others, forming a single unit. This un1t is the cast, and our home is the stage; a place where we can express our feelrngs to others and,
in doing so, entertain To my fellow seniors: Jim Barret, John G1mpel, Chras Grayce, Fran O'Donnell, Tom Tansey and Jack Qu1gley, a simple thanks for the anspirat1on, camaraderie, and hard work each of you have brought to the show. To the girls : Angela Santone, Cara McMenamin, Colleen Farris, Helene Deely, Sue Callahan, Patti Driscoll, Regina Dunleavy, and Terri Concannon, a special thanks for the talent you have brought and instilled in our theatre. In ''No Time at All,'' we wtll all go to find our "Corner of the Sky". But I trust that an the years ahead, this show will stand out as an unforgettable experience. Ray Litman
PL AYER •••••• • . • . •• • •• Thomas T~nsey PiiPIN . ••• • • •• •• • •••••••••••• Pat DiGi ~como CHARLES •• ••• • •• • • • •••••• • •••• Fr~ O ' Donnell 1'-' EI'; I S •••••••••••• • ••••. • ••• • • H\lgl'i Panaro FASTRADA • •• ••• •••••• • ••••• • • • Terri Concannon BARON • •••• • •• ••••• • •.• ••••••• John Gimpel ~HE HEii.D • •. •••••.•••••••••••• Chris Gr ayce FIRST COURIER • • ••. . .••.• . • • •• Bradford Ma cLeod SECCND COURIEI( ••• • ••••••••••• Par McMenamin THI RD COURIEH ••••• • • • ••• •• •• • Joe Console BERTHE ••••• • • • •• • ••••• • •• • ••• Karen Webster REGGAR • • • ••• •• •• ••• •••••••• • • James Barrett FIELD ~\RSHALL •• ••••• •••••••• Ray Litman HEADLESS HAN •• •• •• ••• • •• • •••• John Gimp~l CATHERINE • • ••••••••• • ••••• • •• Cara McMe n&min THEO • •• • •• • • • • •• • •• ••• •• • ••• • John MacLeod ~LAYEHS •••••..•••••••.••••••• susan Callahan Helene Deeley Gegina Uunleavy Patti Driscoll Colleen Farris Dorothy Gerlach Bernadette Hennessy K ~thy Lyons Claire Rieffel Angela Santone
"PII'l'Ili" is produced in cooperation with lrrJ SIC THEJ\TRE INTi::KNA'l'IvNAL , New York, New York .
Cast Finds Their ''Corner of the Sky''
Behind the Scenes
Stage Crew
PRODUCTION STAFF ASSISTANT PRODUCER .......... ............... john Gimpel PRODUCTION MANAGER ..................... Fran O'Donnell STAGE MANAGER .................................... Jack Quigley LIGHTING MANAGER ................. ............ Tom Sweeney SOUND MANAGER ... .............................. Dave D1Sunone PROGRAM MANAGER ............................ Chris Grayce PROPS MANAGER .................................... Tom Tansey HOUSE MANAGER .............. ~ ................. )oe Kobul~ky TICKET MANAGER ................................... Ray lllman MAKE-UP MANAGER ...............................Coletle Cervone STAFF ................. ............... ......................... Ed Giera William Hall Jim Barrett John Borek Tom Harper Carlo Mirabelli Pat McGurk Grace Chaple Anne Titterton Lisa Dinda Maria Fella Charles Barbera George Donohoe Ph1l Goldman Mike Warner Pat D1G1acomo Margaret Fitzhenry Madeline Braca E1leen Kebble
Porth, Riband, Rosati
"Well, we t ry to do
Mouon for adjournment
Obviously, leon's only mildly angry
One of the more excitmg meetings
Head Student Council
" So how come I have to stay and clean up after the Prom?"
Spirit Club' s Impression or the Flytng Wallendas
" We dedicate our next song, " Dazed and Confused", to Mr. Michael Bruno"
Scott havtng a run mght
At the beginning of the year, we had a good idea of what we wanted the Student Council to be like, but we made a commitment to be open to new ideas. To start the year off, the Mixers were successfully planned and executed, WCAF was reorganized, and the Spirit Club was put back together. The Student Council sponsored Career Ntght, Open House, and College Day. later tn the year, we organized a Chess Tournament and various dances, including the Winter Dance, the Proms, and the Soph-Hop. Our relations with other schools were tmproved by a student exchange Archbishop Wood, a joint Student Council meeting with Gwynedd Mercy Academy, and a basketball game against St. Basil's Academy. Projects for the end of the year included a Big Brother program and a reformation of the Student Council election procedures. We would like to thank Mr. Manion, Mr. Dtehl, and all of the students who helped make the 1979-80 Student Council a success. Herb Riband
Band Plays Steely Dan & Doobies
The hom sect1on.
Buddy R1ch sits m for Joe Kobulsky.
Quigley Jams.
These guys think they' re m Earth, Wind & F1re.
To Full Houses Band is more than getting out of two classes every Friday. The most demanding facet of playing in La Salle's Concert and Stage Bands is the constant activitiy that calls for versatility. The year for the music department began in early August. An annual Band Summer Camp has been gradually established. Not only does the camp begin the year musically, it gives the freshmen a general introduction to the school. There are two main concert events during the year. The Chnstmas concert and the Spring Festival of Music showcase the individual and collective talents of the student mus1cians. Practices for these concerts ultimately consume much time and energy. Going out for concerts was usually more enjoyable. The Wisterians have played, in the last four years, at Mount St. Josephs, Merion Mercy, Gwyned Mercy, Girls High, West Catholic, Saint Basils and William Tennant. The girls enjoyed the music, and the music1ans enjoyed the girls. But competitions have also been a part of the bands activity schedule for the past two years. In '79, they took Second place at the rirst Annual Bishop Kenrick Competition. Led by its seniors, the Music Dept. has established a set a standards for it s members to meet in the years to come. They can thank us for all the fun. Mike Marek
"Ah one and ah two ••• "
Some thoughts and moments from the past year in La Salle's bandroom: There were many new teachers thi s year. Mr. Rocke Bene assumed the position of Trumpet Instructor. He replaced Mr. George Hosfeld, who had taught at La Salle for eight years. Mr. Hosfeld died in February ... Mr. Dealy became the Percussion teacher, Mr. Phil McCulland gave lessons to the lower brass . . Some familiar faces were m1ssmg, too. Most promment was Beth. She never did appreciate modern chair sculpture anyway ... Then there was the concert at West Catholic. Mike Parker thought he had died and gone to heaven ... If the snow falling on Mr. C. dunng Sleigh Ride wasn't funny, the hands seen dropping it from the ceding were . . Joe Kobulsky's profuse sweating during those unending drums solos ... Will the Quigleys ever be able to correctly pronounce Whalen?
Joe Quigley Makes All-City Tuba
" My hps are chapped!"
One of LaSalle's many outdoor benefit concerts
Cmon, Drew, 11
" C", " G", " B flat" . ..
Band Future Looks Good
I can't believe I'm play1ng "Walk Th1s Way''!
Bro. John puts Honor Back 1n N.H.S .
"I'll try to be as brief as possible"
Under the dtrectton of Bro. John D'Aifonso, the National Honor Society reestablished itself tn the La Salle community. The N.H.S. tnducted forty-one new members at an induction ceremony combtned with a Eucharistic Celebration, bol stering the Society's assisting force. Virtually all members acted as either proctors during the entrance exam or as ushers during the Spring musi cal " Pippin ". Secretary r ran O 'Donnell reinstituted a tutoring program that enabled N.H .S. members to assist underclassmen with their scholastic work. Havmg become an integral part of many La Salle functions, N H.S. members have been able to derive a sense of responsibility from thetr service. joe Kobulsky
Officers: Lawrence Molinaro, Mtke Warner, Fran O'Donnell, Joe Kobulsky, Bro. John DAlfonso
Public Relations Mr. Jim Devine and I had many many schools to visit. We had a slide presentation to show, speeches to gtve, and brochures to hand out. But the entrance exam was coming up in early February, so we didn't have much time. We needed a larger staff. Brother Tom Barton joined us. Tom Tansey and Tom Harper joined us. We worked hard at the Principal's Dinner for the Archdiocesan eigth grade teachers and at Open House. Then came the big school visitation rush right before the exam. Almost 700 boys took the exam. We had done our job. John Gimpel
Tom Harper, Mr hm D1vme, John Gimpel, Tom Tansey
Mathletes Muscle into PAML Top 10 "Hey Ed ", whirl around to face Bro. Gerry, "How did we do on Saturday?" "Not bad, we came in seventh." "Seventh! What's the matter with you guys?" I launched into my monthly excuse "The problems were ktnd of tough and we, uh, sort of made some mtstakes." "C'mon, what problems couldn't you get?" " If 2secX = tanY + cotY, what IS X + Y?" " Wait a mmute Well, you could use your double angle ... No, that won't work, um .. Wow . . . Gosh . . . let me talk to Mr. Turk and I'll tell you tomorrow." " No hurry Brother, and don't worry, we'll get 'em next month." " I hope so." So did I.
F P1card, M. Hagerty, P. D1G1acomo, R. Unverzagt, E. Giera, M. Masucc1, E. Skorpinski , Bro. Gerry.
Forum Takes All Local Tournaments;
Cogllo Ergo Sum
''You see, appt>arance 1s everything."
Jack Funch1on -Award wmmng debater
Scores a 1st Place
" I'm havin' a carpet sale."
" So I says to him, I says ... "
John Schmitt shows winning form.
For the third consecutive year, the Forum thoroughly dominated regional and state-wide forensics. Led by seniors John Schmitt, John Funchion, leon Buck, and juniors Paul Kolmer and Arnie Foley, the Forum continually captured the top slots in nearly every tournament it entered. By winning the Pennsylvania State Bicentennial Debates in December, John Schmitt and Pau l Kolmer won the right to represent the state at the National Bicentennial Debates in February. La Salle' debating duo par excellence finished third out of sixty teams representing thirty states. An additional honor was bestowed on Schmitt, as he was named First Speaker, a title acknowledging him as the best debater in the tournament. This undoubtedly was the Forum's highlight of the year. But Bro. Rene's debaters have not quite finished their quest for national prominence. The NFL National Tournament is scheduled for Mid-June and the members of the Forum have their eyes set on a national championship.
Schmitt, Kollmer Make Semi-Finals 1n
"I'm havin' a gigantic carpet salel"
Jack does his Rick Topper imitation.
"Will ya just shut up and let me talk!"
Walt does his Steve Martin imitation.
" .. And Moses said to the Hebrews ... "
Williamsburg; Look Forward to Nationals
" ... Dearly beloved
"You should've seen the t1me we had in Atlanta"
Andy Battin ready to spike
PrEâ&#x20AC;˘paring for a rough game of flag football
Turkey Bowl
Faculty go into the shotgun
Don't be impressed; it was Intercepted
Joe "Just call me lynn Swann" Turk
Kelly Scrambles from an angry friz
Computer Club: a ''Basic'' Activity The 1979/1980 ~choo l SCIW the ful 'l'ldllon of a new facet of the Lt~SC!lle exper1ence . U1th the ~·urche~s~ of ~he sct.ool 's owu l'llOL-LOI'IPUte r , ~DP 11/34A, the school has expC~n~ed its horizons and can offer 1ls students the opportunity to expa.-.d tt.e li'S . The Col'lpulel Club cons1sts or a qroup of students who e1ther are or ~ould like to becone prof1cient 111 tol'lputer Club I'IE I'Ibers proqril'll'llnq . helt• each other Wll te and debug tt.e1r o~n prugran~, a11d newtol'let•s are · cdwe~ys year
Art Club Parks and Paints
1980 Art Club. Not pictured: Andy Henkels, Bro. Fred, Dave Byrne, Jim Healy, John Zerr and Brad Hoy
Jim Healy - meticulous painter.
Whether they're engaged in the service of valet (pronounced val-ay) parking, or just playing student, the members of the art club are, at best, just extensions of their art. Inspired by comments from Bro. Frank like "extremely semi-adequate", the members of the art club try their best each day to relate to the modern world through their artwork, and, as a result, their complex and intense feelings are manifested in their fine paintings. These feelings, coupled with a sense of humor not often found in this world, or any other, makes the average art club member extremely aloof, yet down to earth. This year's art club's plans included their annual exhibition of their work and, if they get it together, a new mural will decorate the end of the first floor corridor. But then again, they might just sleep through the rest of the year. " I see ... a lace!"
Tom Barth
Bowling Club La Salle's Bowling Club went into action this past season at Lynne Lanes. Students and faculty members had a good time during league competition each Wednesday afternoon, regardless of ability or experience. From the league-leading seven-teacher squad known as the Nads to the ever present Gutterballs. Each team endured many splits and losses and enjoyed its share of strikes and wins.
All that . . and the ball only took one bounce!
"Don't look at me! I didn't push the reset button!"
Marty " I wear my shirts in5ide out and sprain my ankle while cutting Calc" AndreJkO
WCAF Goes Black
Tom Barth - Jrd The Moody Blues, Rennaissance, Todd Rundgren, Bob Dylan, C, S, N & Y
L1am Sweeney - 4th: Allman Bros. The Who, Steeley Dan, ThE' ll.1nks, Jimmy Hendnx.
M1ke Tamburn - 5th The Beatles, rhe Who, Tom Petty, Led Zeppelin. Bruce Sprmgsteen
Andy Battin - 6th: The Who, Lynard Skynard, Pmk Floyd, led Bruce Springsteen
WCAF w as pamted black this year as part of a total revisionary program headed by Mi ke Tamburn. The program mcluded pamt mg the mtenor of WCAF, establ ishing an organized "monitoring" system f or eac h period the cafeteria is open, and, most of all, acqumng a new cassette deck. The cassette deck, a new lock on the door, and an enthusiast ic staff eliminated al.most all of 'CAF's earlier problems. Once students were encouraged to bnng m cassettes mstead of more fragile records, WCAF soon became a regular part of cafeteria life. It as hoped that the new WCAF, charactenzed by these changes, wil l con tinue and become even better in the years to come
Community Service Corps
Now in its fourth year, La Salle's C.S.C. has established various programs that benefit the needy. Regular program.; included bingo at Holy Family Home and visits to Green Acres. Thts year a new program, Adopt-a-Grand parent, was initiated. Students adopted a group of four or five residents of Green Acres as their grandparents, vtsiting them every two weeks to talk, play cards, and have a good ttme. Humanitarian collections such as the Canned food Drive and the Cam bodian Collection netted more than 700 cans and $150, respectively. The annual Christmas program benefitted handicapped children and the Basketball Marathon benefitted the American Cancer Society and the Spina Birida Foundation . In the final analysts, however, it was the students who made the C.S.C work. Mr. Klenk organized the programs, but the students were the ones who volunteered their ttme to make others happy.
Exemplify LaSalle Spirit
Visit Nursing Homes, Run Canned Food
First Row: R. Crescenzo, C. Jones, C. Garrochi W Keehn, M . Wynkoop Second Row: B Houk, Mr Klenk (moderator), C. BarbQa, M AndreJkO (pres•denl) J Kuhn ~
F) , r V ·.. I
, ''r-. --
, ~.,....-...1 __ "'r' •
Drive and Basketball Marathon
Wisterian Staff The \\1sterian Is the stud~nt newspa!H'r or l..aSalle College High School. 1!605 Ch~ltenham Avtnue. Philadelphia. P•nnS)Ivania 19tt8. The purpose of this paper lsto inform the LaSall" Communit> of ne-.s. activitlf"'. and cnntro•erS) . 1ht •le-.~ txpressed ht'rein are tht uPinloM of the st udent \\rlttrs and do not nect'ssarih t>xpri'S~ official ~chool posltian,. EDITORS: John Gimpel. Clms Grayce STAFf': Thomas Tanse> . Thomas llarper. Tim Susanin. John Farnan . Clms Walsh . Cl!arll'!> Barbera. Joe Kobulsky. Robert Houk. Vince O'Brit:>n. Ed Giera . ;\latt Sklodowskt. Bill Hall. Mark Manta . Mark Hauerlem . Ed Loftus. G"'rry Mezzanottl'. Thomas Porth . Paul C'()nnolly. Thomas Maegerle, J P . Manta . \10DERA1'0R : fuchard Topper
"I wish I was working on yearbook."
'"Edttor's Note. The style found herein is the style of The Wisteri;m and does not necessarily express official yearbook sophist icallon.
We set out in August to present the La Salle studentry with a good newspaper. We wanted a school paper that would be interesting, informative, serious at times, and at other times humorous We accepted the challenge. Many of the articles for the first issue were berng turned in, but we still had no moderator. Finally Mr Rick Topper assumed the job, and we soon found out that he was an excellent technician. He had worked with school newspapers and had worked with the yearbook for several years. Most importantly, he shared our goal of improving the Wisterian We had a very tough time editing the articles for the first issue, but we finally got through all of them. We looked at the copy; it was good. We now had to put on the layout sheets with headlines and cartoons and pictures. We pasted the articles on anf fit in the pictures. We then had to search through our list of headline ideas to find those that were printable. Everything was ready to send off to Arnold at Olney Printing.* -John Gimpel
Career Night
"I'm sorry Sean, 1already have a date for Saturday."
jack Coonahan, the man behind it all
" It's a man's life in the Army."
" Tell me brother, will this really pay off in the end?"
The 1980 Blue And Gold:
The Staff
"We have Moodyage" ... 151 . .. jam .. . Roight .. . General Hospital . .. " Pete, can I borrow your keys again?" ... Horger locks keys in office ... Pizza Hut .. . deadlines ... RTI . .. "Q" . . . TRT .. . cynicism ... too blatant ... too sublle ... albatross ... white out .. . Vito ... Swell ... no croppers work ... new radio .. . type w riter skips ... "This is my locker" ... " We need pictures!'' .. . Pudge's ... rhami ... Frendrei s took the radio ... " Watch your language in here!" . .. 0 more days ... Our Lady of Deadlines .. EM . .. Horger's perverted key chain ... " Alright, who's taking Tom home?" . . . Gorden 80 . . . " Let's vote on it" What's John Gattuso's problem? ... " frying" our initials in the table ... Chuck " gopher" Mirarchi . . beat reports, yeah right .. . proofs . .. "What the hell is that roll of color slide film doing here?" ... allusion s ... captioning pic tures ... " put it on our tab" . . the staff basketball . . Fearless . . " We have now changed our records to read 2 pages received as of Jan. 1, 1980" ... "you are now a total of 150 days late" ... " Don't look at those pictures and get out of here!" ... staff pictures ... Ayatollah .. " our illustrious leader" - (censored!) ... Fun ...
,- / 1 /
" LaSalle Gothic"
"Arousing" -Playboy "It's good" - Wisterian "Straight-laced" -Conservative Weekly
"Easy to hold" - Popular Mechanics "Stupendous" -Time "Couldn't put it down" - Rolli ng Stone
" # 1 in the East''
-Sports Illustrated "Fresh" -Newsweek "love the captions" - Phila. Magazine
Our fearless leader
"Your best buy" - Consumer Reports "Never-before-revealed facts!" - N;i t' l Enquirer "Far Out!! -Omni
"''d rather be doing calculus."
" How many fingers am I holding up, john?"
Standing: C. Walsh, P. Glascott, E. Giera, C. Durkin, J. Gattuso, C. M1rarchi Bking: J. Horger 153 Sitting:) . Smith, T. Barth
Photo Club
Photo Club mug shot
" That's a good one for blackmail"
Senior Retreats Hole in the wall gang . . " the Hangman" ... puttin' a statue in Frank's bed ... fire extinguishers religious articles for sale . . doughnuts at 10:00, 4:00, and 8:00 . . Bobo th e Clown ... Cipher in the Snow . . . football games .. . Seagram's '7" .. . poker ... Orbell w on $47.50 . . . sneakin' out at night ... " Mclane's Raiders" ... Ernie . .. " When was I a healer?" . snagged by Molush ... Fonash and the kttchen staff .. DePaul took a stroll on the roof in hts bare feet ... AA . . . buckets of water propped on half-opened doors ...
''What are thoo;e guys smokmg out there?"
A frie ndly game o f Old Maid.
lo hn Schm11t
aft er a hard prayer.
Father and Son Banquet
} 路 A p1cture tells a thousand
Wmner of the free tUition drawtng
Canada - Land of Molson
Sk1 tnp act1on
Tony and Ted
for a picture.
Boaters Improve,
DeVincent uses his head
Rodden and Bond on the attack
Barry on a clear
But Get Kicked 1n the End
"How long did they say thi s field was?"
Chris Bond and tnends
Bro lohn try1ng to
The soccer season started out fairly well this year, with back·to·back victories bringing the record to 2·2 at the end of the second week. But then a series of losses in close games, some of which were decided by a single goal, put the team out of the running tn the Catholic League. Co-captain John DeVincent diagnosed the problem well, saying, "We probably would have had a better record if we'd won more games" But seriously, the record doesn't tell the whole story about the team. The three AII·Catholtcs, senior Chip Rodden, and JUniors Jack Kidd and Chris Bond, were JUSt a few of the many talented players on the squad. Co-captain Ben "Sugar Ray" Cassalia was so dedicated he'd do anything from trip gtrls to insttgate nots to get to the ball. "tvteggs", who won the Bro. Fealy award for dediCation, dtdn't see too much action in goal but went to every game and practice (and reportedly wore his sweat suit to school and social events). All in all, the 79 season was a big step for a team only tn tts thtrd year tn the league The high potnts in the season, like the 5·1 vtctory over Egan, showed that we're on our way up tn the league. And coach Tom Turner will have many fine players returntng next year, so LOOK OUT NORTH CA THOLIC 1 Bill Barry
Scramble in front
"We' re scrimmaging those guys today and they're rough!"
Gregltls gets a footho ld
st~nding - Bro John, K. Cameron,
C. Rodden, J. Greg1tis, J. DeVincent, A Battm. D Byrne. B Barry, M . Tamburri, J. Kidd, B. Cassaha, T Turner, C. Byrne Kneeling - R Cra1g. M Battin. M . Cantwell. P. Deforest . D. Kel sh. M Cantwell, C. Bond S. Carlin, I Brady 1 Cicciello
1980 ).V Soccer Team
Football Team Kicks Critics
Bumble Bee
Meehan on the end-around
Dan1el na1ls ref
First Row: K Flinn, M . O'Bnen, L. Kelly, B Dougherty, I Cappon1, G Keehfu~s. B. Kelly, M Mellet, J Brady, B. Norns, L Huey, D Hymen Second Row: lock, E. O'Mara, l. Stein, K Connors, Harry, B Kelly, F Downey, r McCann, T Cush, J Quilanan, C. Albore. E Coyl, [ Jack Third Ro w Mr Cohstra, J Reiss, R. Frost, L lvanoski, B. Farris, 0 Deasy, C. Aztec, G Winslow, J Matthews, R. Martin, J Stout, B Young, T Monahan, Ne1l, Stien Cra~h Fourth Row: Duby J Roberts, F. Wabbit, 1 lynch, B. McWilliam~. V O 'Bnen, I Shott, R. Vannt, A Saleki, Gonzo, B Bonner, A Carlin, Vigg, Tex Front Row: B Huey, 1 Mtchel, T DePaul, T. Galen, 1 Graham, M Kane Dr Fog. Radar, C. Cover, L. Dan1el, J. Pilarz, T. Kelly B Coopt>r, M Mims, G Peter~n Missing S. Rosati
and Surpasses Expectations I can remember the first few weeks of the football season. While most of our classmates were taking in the sun at the Jersey shore, we were workmg out, dnlltng ourselves in the broiling August heat. " Okay, let's go! Down ... over . . . right . left ... over ... ". Why? Because we felt we were as good as anyone else. The problem was that nobody else knew we were a good team. After a dismal 3-7 78 season, few were taking us seriously when they heard of our playoff intentions for '79. Though our friends and classmates thought we were dreamers when they heard of our expectations we had high sights and wouldn't settle for being losers. We managed to scratch and claw our way to a 5-5 record.
" Hey (ella, d'ya know the Goodnch bl1mp is watchin"
" Open your
We knew we could play with anyone and we intended to prove it. By the end of the year few had doubts about us. Not only had we produced several All-Catholics, but we had a player whose style of play typified the team , who was always hustling, always giving extra effort, always willing to do anything for the team. We had the MVP of the Northern Division and Maxwell Award winner - Eddie Meehan. Our tough, intimidating defense was led by Denn1s M c fadden, Tim Kelly, and Mike Kane. The offense tncluded steady performers Tony DePaul , Jeff Michel, and Carl Fusco, all of whom earned all-league acclaim as they led the La Salle backfield of Eddie Meehan, John Avallone, and myself to the open areas These self-congratulatory accolades are all well-earned. But when the glow fades, we wtll remember many moments. Who will forget " Tex" Flannery with his routinely colorful remarks? " Get over the ball, DePaul ", " Andrew, you are the stupidest ... ", " I remember th1s fella, do you Joe? His name was ... ". We have a lot of moments to cherish. Our dramatic 7-6 win over Bishop Egan, our sensa tional, last-second 15-14 victory over the Prep on Turkey Day stands out, but perhaps the memory that will linger on is the spirit of camaraderie and unity on the team. Larry Dan1el
Tex com templates disowning team
"So anyway, there was this farmer 's daughter .. . "
Defense holds tough?
Mims snags another
McFadden spots the fumble
"What d'ya say about my mother?!"
j.V. Football
Freshmen Football
"Alright guys, 30 points is not that big a lead."
.. 1980 Freshmen Football 169
LaSalle Cross Country
brisk autumn day
On July 27th, a brief cloudburst started our team 's first pract1ce of the upcoming season. Maybe an omen? Cocaptain Dave and myself led our calisthenics and we were on our way Forty miles per week, fifty, sixty, and then seventy Down to Spnngfield and home by way of the Mount; the rout1ne continued: distance, speed, weights. They all blend . We were working together and that was important. We headed into our first meet with North Catholic confident and left w1th a convincing win. In the next race, wnh Cheltenham, we ran well but they ran better. School opened, and w1th 1t the Catholic League. We lost only to Ryan and Egan October took us to Manhattan three t1mes. The Varsity and ).V both placed fifth at the Manhattan Invitational. We had good performances at St. John's and the Easterns also J V took th1rd place 10 the Varsity race in the Logan Street run November 10th brought the Catholic League Champs Vars1ty got a sixth and could have been fourth but we got a few bad breaks Dave finished sixth, an AllCatholic. " No way buddy! I'm gonna be next! ..
Finishes 1n the Running
" We were working together and that was important"
Kevin Funchion works his way up
''F1tzpatnck, watch out for the tree!!"
Top Row: C. lloyd, F. Cuce;c. Byrne Second Row: C. O'Neill, B W ittrock, T O'Brien, K. Funch1on, T. Fitzpatrick, D. Ott Third Row: T. Quigley, T Shea, B. Mclaughlin, I Corpella, J McMullin, P Sm1th, ). Dav1s, J. McElwee Fourth Row: P Kolka, P. Farnan, B. lawler, ). McQu1llan, K. M1rsh, M. McNamara, S. Gallagher Fifth Row: ). Doherty, I. Westkaemper, C. Carabello, J Rogalski , B. lambard, T. Burns Sixth Row: R. Tamburn, Mr. Dev1ne, B. D1Cerbo, M. Adams, T. Munshower, C Smith Missing: G. Sutton, C. Burnett, K. Davis, ) Corcoran, S. Ponton, J Kolsum, M. Burgoyne
Frosh warm up
"My God, that hill was steep!"
All alone
" Okay, S1mon says touch your nose."
J.V. also had a great day at the Champs. Kevin nearly won the race but slipped in the mud. Both took second place. Five medals were taken; this .vas the best J.V. finish ever. After that came the femple Invitational; Varsity placed first, J.V. fifth. The Freshmen went unbeaten on the season. Included in the victories were the Salesianum Invitational, the Catholic league Champs (they ~ot 7 out of the first 25 places and were Mr. Devin' s first Catholic league championship eam), and the Temple Invitational. Everyone had a worthwhile season. O'Bie and DeCerb both broke 16:00. Witty and Bill ran well ill season. Mac was Honorable Mention AII -Cath)lic as a freshman. Steve was consistently fifth 11an. Fitz won the Overbrook Invitational. The hree seniors, Jim, Greg, and I, ran our personal )ests. We worked hard and deserved what we ~ot. Maybe every season should start with a :loudburst?! Chris O ' Neill
A swarm of laSallians
Rowers Withstand '' Riggers" of Crew,
Mark foley asks d1rect1ons
Se.~n fin1~hes
Many of my friends are baffled by my desire to row. They can't understand how anyone could actually enjoy such a sport. Frank How ard, athletic director at Clemson Untverstty, voiced their sentiments very eloquently When asked 11 he would consider institutmg a crew program at Clemson, he replted "We acn't gonna have no sport where you sit down and go backwards'" Very literate man, Frank Howard. But if you put it that way ... Had Mr Howard made that comment about three years ago, he might have aborted my quest for the perfect st roke before 1t began. For I was an tmpressionable freshman then, and may have been persuaded to pursue baseball or some other nonsensical game. lmagcne trying to hit a little white ball movtng etghty miles an hour! Instead, my teammates and I chose to spend our Spnng afternoons on the Schuykill Rtver
early - as usual
Moderator Br Kev.n look.ng like the weathered sea rapta1n I to r. C Cates Coach Bob Suter J Zerr S. Corr, W Noms, K Suter, l Narc1s~1. M Foley (Kneelins) B Ernst not pict ured: D Brown 0 Mcfaddon, S McNutt. C. Walsh
Relax with Schuylkill Punch
811! Ernst - backseat driver
Thmk we can toss 1t to the other bank?
Keep your eye~ .n the boat
Philadelphâ&#x20AC;˘a Art Museum provides ~cenic background for rower;
" Aye. and for sure"
with Uncle Bobby (Robert Suter, Esq.) coach, friend and persecutor. First, a four mile run along the East River Drive. Then six to eight miles on the water The last 500 meter piece at the end of the day would be made almost bearable by Mr. Suter's "crewed" jokes. We acted out all the cliche's - pushed our bodies to the limit, ran till we dropped, pulled till we couldn't take another stroke, had exhilarating wins and losses by the inch. But none of that will really matler. We'll just remember that we had a lot of fun. Chris Walsh W.dt says. " yoooooo"
Typical rousing pep talk
"Th1s, my friends, 1s our new eight路oared shell!"
Icemen Stick It to Opponents;
At the beginning of the 1979-80 season, it seemed that our ice hockey team would have trouble matching the record of last year's 13-7-1 playoff team. A large number of graduating seniors left gaps in important positions. These gaps were soon filled by newcomers to the team and certain returning players who improved considerably over last year. Our 1979-80 Explorers soon proved to be the powerhouse team in the Freedom Conference of the Suburban Hockey League and we once again look forward to the playoffs. The team would like to thank Coach Dick Blagrave for his dedicated hard work, the students who came out to support us at our games, and the members of the administration and faculty who lent their support, especially Brother Andrew Bartley and Brother John McGoldrick. We look forward to success in the playoffs and also in the future when the team hopefully will be able to continue its streak of five consecutive years without a losing season. - Herb Riband
'em up
Skate Nearer to Goal
McGuire traps one
Pregame pep-talk
Curci maneuvers through defense
"What d'ya mean it's your puck?"
Ii .
"I can't believe it went between his legs!"
. l
Back Row: D. Blagrave, C Mirarchi,
J Shruon, T. Kling, ). Muehlbronner, J. Blagrave, S. Manno, A. Henkles, H. Riband, P. Muehlbroner, R.
Front Row: R. Houk, A. Barry, R. McCaffary, M. Sklodowski,
He skates like he was born on the 1ce
Kihm, ). McGuire, ). Delany, ). Curci, ). Drach Missing: D. Puglia, Bro. ).
Pinheads Strike Out and Keep Rolling
"What d'ya mean I broke the automatic ball returnr"
Marek' s dreamrng of a 300 game
The 1979-80 edition of the LaSalle Varsity Bowling Team proves to be one of the most promising rn the h1story of the school. Led by last year's divisionleading All-Catholic kegler Jim QUinn, who finished the first half w1th a 187 average, our squad is a legitimate threat to take the d1v1s1on and maybe even an unprecedented Catholic League title. A respectable 13-8 first half record, our best in 10 years, was earned by seniors Quinn, Mike Marek, Greg Shaw, John Horger, Neil Byrne, junior Paul Alig, and sophomores )im Hannum and Glenn Wolfinger. R. Golden, coach; J. Quinn, M Marek, P Alrg. R. Tamburri, N Byrne, J. Buck, G Wolfinger, I Hannum, J. Zawortny. Missing - G. Melinson, G Shaw J Horger, M . Tamburri
Haven'l I
a ~ulpture lrke this somewhere1
Michuda psyches underclassmen
--· I
-- ', .....
• lr
Guag htts from the corner
O'Brien pops
To Well Conditioned Response
L. to R.: C. O'Bnen. B. Rodden, M . Lonergan, C. Greenberg, D Powell. V Gray, T. Nolen, K Roessler, M . rlanigan. R. Guaglione, Mr. William M1chuda, 'vir. M1mmo. Bro Dom1mc
The year began with great antic1pat1on of what our team could accomplish. Under new Coach Bill Michauda, we went back to bas1cs, stressing pressure defense and a methodical offense. Coach Michuda's style took a little getting used to, but once we became accustomed to it, our team qu1ckly improved. The pre-season was somewhat successful as we showed spurts of excellence but, at Roman and West, we also revealed a sense of complacency. Mr Michuda regarded the pre-season as a growing process, try1ng to ehmmate our areas of in consistency. Coach Michuda found, through pre-season experimenting, the blend of talent that he felt would be successful m our Cathol1c league endeavors. We started out fa trly strong w1th a wtn against North, but then we fell to Ryan. Though we were plagued by injuries, Coach Michuda was able to make the proper adjustments, guiding us to a 6-2 first half record, and a second place fin1sh by the end of the regular season So we had reached our goal of making the playoffs. We had had strong school support and good coaching, but our greatest asset was the strong nucleus of underclassmen whteh formed the backbone of the team . We can attribute our successfu l season to them. Ken Roessler
"Tell him to put me in. Pete".
------ - - - - - -
Reach Playoffs 2nd Year In A Row
Bench Brawl!!
Meschler for two.
As Roessler Finally Gets A Bucket
J.V. Basketball
Standing: J. Gay, J Speranza, V Gray, J. Foley, Mr M1mmo, R. Frost, T. Gillespie, M McNulty Kneeling: M. Kamin ski, B. McCormick, J. Dowling, K. Sheppard, A. Soleck1
Freshman Basketball
Standing: Kevin Donahue, P Harris, K. Waters, 1. Webster, C. Curran, C Lloyd, C. Tormey, Bud Topley Kneeling: M . Pavlick, 1. McElwee, N . Brown, K. Gallagher, G. Weiss, D. Brooks, M . Cassidy
Grapplers Take Hold and
It was mid-january and we were about to begin another of our daily workouts. We would do, among other things, about 200 pushups, 100 situps, and ten other types of backbreaking calisthenics. The remaining time we would be constantly moving, whether it be through wrestling, running, or lifting weights. Our workouts were short, but hard. What, you may ask, is the motivation for all this hard work? I must honestly say I don't have the slightest idea. Wrestlers, when viewed through the eyes of non-wrestlers, must look like the biggest fools in the sports world. They work just as hard, or harder than basketball and football players, yet get almost no acclaim or glory.
Improve on Last Year's Season So, desptte the apparent idtocy of wrestling, we continue doing it. Sometimes we' re even thought of as sado-masochists, but that is all irrelavent now. There is a big match coming up and we think we can win. At the match, everyone is pumped-up and ready to give it their best shot. After two straight pins by my teammates, 1t IS my turn to wrestle. After a long struggle the match is over and I win, but it is close. As th e referee raises my hand, the question again arises in my mind : " What is the motivation behind all that hard work?". I think I have found my answer.
Top Row: D Dachowski, M Tielman, D D Orazto, M Mclane, S. Mclane, M McAndrews. D Brown, M Copley Mr Smtth Middle Row: C Mars, P Chaloult, M. Battin, M Gola, K McGovern Bottom Row: S Volpe, M. Reinhart, J Schaeffer, M Corsella, C. Mannts Not Present: C Mtncer, H Stoughton, Coach Nowak
Swimmers Pool Talent;
"l1sten, wm th1s one and you don't have to come in tomorrow."
LaSalle sw1mming has once again reached the pinnacle attatned during the late 1%0's/early 1970's dynasty years Last year, in one of the toughest seasons ever, La Salle won the Catholic League Championship and City Title. This year, with the help of a fanta!>tic freshman squad, few opponents seemed formidable. Cast from the same mold as the champ1onship squads of prev1ous years, the 1980 edition of the La Salle High swim team combined the un1ty, spirit, and talent needed to continue the winning tradition. The new decade may well prove to be as successful as the previous two.
Degree of difficulty 2.4
Capture Catholic League
Amand Joy
0. 0
'WhPre's the pool?â&#x20AC;˘"
N1ce head, Schnorr
Bruce " I'll ~have my h~:>ad for $100 and a quarter keg" Wagner
Do the Fly
Top Row: Bro Quarntance Mr Farrel, C. O'Donald. T. lngersol, C Foley, B. Wagner, K McHale, P Connolly, E. Rouane, P Amand. 1. McGo~nn. P H ogo~n, I Dubyk, >vi Behr Middle Row: I Susanrn I Mellon, I O'Brren, 8 Bonner T Su~anm, J Dacho'hski, R Reinhart, T. Cush, C. McChesney Bottom Row: D Do~nielle. B. Haley. I Bumetskr. B. Cahill E Coleman P "'cMenamm, M Bauerle, C. J)achowskr K Dunphy, G Grllett• Not Present: J Blak~:>, Doog and Dave Michie, D V.hak>n P Schnorr S Atk1mon, E. Dohert~. R Gmieczki, S. McChesney, W . o·~o:ane, I Mormsey, F. O'Re•lly, D. Syms
Kev1n McHale bows to no one
Seniors ham it up
" Those meatballs got my shirt wet!"
Paul Connolly late oH the blocks- again
Golfers Rough Up Opponents in Fair Ways j
A perfect follow through
I'll kill
Top Row: I Sa~er, E 0 Hara. R. Gregor, T. O 'Bnen, J Huges, M To~mburri Middle Row: 0 Reardon, V Balda~~ano, S. Johnson, M . Go~nley, I Gibbon~. N. Fitzpatn<"k Bottom Ro w: B Stefo~nowKz, I Pmto, A StefanowiCZ, M GregO(, P. Ganley, Bro
The 1980 golf team appears to be in good form with five players returning from last year's squad, but they have a tough act to follow. Brother Aloysius Lumley, moderator of the golf team, believes that 1979's LaSalle team was one of the finest area teams ever assembled. Brother has some good reasons for this statement. The 1979 team had a respectable record of 18-1. The one loss came at the hands of Bishop McDevitt, by two points, when the team was missing Adam Stefanowicz. The team broke many course records, including Edgemont Country Club's course, where the Catholic League Championships were held. The team showed its dominance over area golf teams by coming out on top of the seventy teams represented at the Catholic League Championship. LaSalle then defeated Roxborough 17-2 at Melrose Country Club to win the City Championship. Brother AI is worried about the inexperience of this year's team, but look at the fine players he has returning for the 1980 season: senior captain Adam Stefanowicz, junior Joe Pinto, and All-Catholics: Mike Gregor '81, Brian Stefanowicz '82, and Pat Ganley '82. Brian McChesney let's see; head still, eye on the ball .. .
Adam shoots for a bird
Tennis Team Sets Up Dynasty;
With his eye on the ball
"Hurry up, my foot's falling asleep!"
Vmce's new approach shot - forehand lunge
Fred's beh1nd
th1s match
Aces Set Eyes on 3rd City Title
Samura1 tenn1s player
After winning the Catholic League and City titles for the last two years, the tennis team has a lot to l1ve up to. At this writing we even expect to make 1t three 1n a row. The team is led by junior Art Martella, easily the best player in the league. In his first two years at La Salle, Art won all of his regular season matches and all of his championship matches. Art, along with seniors Vince Pinto and Fred Mischler, represented La Salle as All-Catholics, 路and together boasted a phenomenal 98-4 winloss record. But the talent doesn't stop there. Dominic Giuffrida and Mark Mischler return as the Catholic League's best doubles tandem. Junior Pat Mullaney, under the tutoring of coach Micheal Bruno and moderator Bro. Kevin McManus, has developed into another All-Catholic prospect. The dynasty seems sure to continue.
Season Struck Out But '80 Seems Bright
"I really hope I hit it this time!"
"Look at it this way coach, how many triple plays do you see in high school baseball?"
"Rtght1 I can htt this guy "
Donahue too quick for piCkoff
Those of us who have been at La Salle for the past four years know that the baseball program has been somewhat less than outstanding. Coach Molush, who brings to the school several years of college and minor league experience, fortunately has begun to turn things around His approach has been one of building for the future on a strong foundation of underclassmen. Of course there was some semblance of talent in the senior class. Dedicated players like Carlo Mirabelli, Mike Morrison, and Jeff Reimel greatly assisted Coach Molush by teaching valuable lessons in competitiveness and winning desire to the younger players. We feel we're in a most dewable position - we can only get better. Ed Giera
Jeff Retmel on Injured-Reserve
Morrison and Giera stare down batter
T racksters Set Pace for Indoor Season
After the meet ended, I was walking up the hill to the locker room when I turned and looked towards the track. I reflected upon the importance of ind1vidual determination and desire 10 running. Half-formed images came floodmg through my mind. Running, practicing, running, and running some more. Working so hard and then facing the reality of defeat and discouragement. Running through the numbing cold of December, the chilli ng spring rains of March and April - just so I could stand on a hill in May and remember? There had to be something more. Maybe it was the personal satisfaction, or fulfillment, or whatever you want to call it, that you get from running. Maybe it was the sense of unity that the team possessed. That undefinable force that kept us going. Everybody helpmg and encouraging everybody else. Maybe it was the idea not of running against opponents, but of running against yourself. Challenging yourself with every stride. Anyhow, I turned and started back up to the locker room. One thing's for certain, I thought It wac; all worth it. Mark Manta
'79 Track Team Springs to a Winning Season
Bill Reilly unwinds
Mc1rk Manta Nightmares of the Freshmen
Coaches' Corner; a P.O., a Vigg, and a Fnz
Sutt had his own stvle of runnmg
Bob O sCerbo fights for the lead
Mske Adams sn the tnple JUmp
Pre路race warm ups
Eddie clears the hurdle - barely
Ojciec Swienty Pshy Jiedzie
The sun
on logan Circle
In October, the most influential, captivatmg, and magnet1c personality in Christendom VISited our City of Brotherly love No person of the 70's roused such popular support or captured the media as thoroughly as Pope John Paul II. But all too often, dynam1c men become centers of controversy In the Pope's case, objections were ra1sed against appropriating city funds for the building of a platform, and of the legalit} of holdmg a religious ceremony on municipal grounds. Fortunately, these issues were resolved, and the Holy Father was able to deliver his message of peace and personal conviction The magnanimity of the man seemed to qUiet the disturbances that awaited him . He brought us hope in an era of stnfe and enkindled a sp1rit of faith in a listless populace. For those of us who were fortunate enough to celebrate mass w1th the Pope, we can certainly say that our hves were ennched by h1m For the rest of us, we may never be as close to a man like John Paul II.
Do Philadlphia
Nearly Half-Million Attend Mass
LaSalle Makes T.V. Debut
just like little kids.
" What do you thtnk of false teeth, Tom."
In early October, prior to the Pope's visit, twenty-five seniors were ra ndemly selected to represent La Salle on the Joel A. Spivak Show. The speaker was John Cardinal Krol, who discussed the Pope and the controversy surrounding him. The day of the show the students were told to prepare questions for Cardinal Krol. When the time came for the question and answer segment, John Gimpel was selected to ask the Cardinal a question. Dignified, and truly representative of La Salle, John asked his question: "What do you think of the controversy surrounding the building of an alter for the Pope, your Eminence?" The question was well asked and elicited a lengthy response from the Cardinal. Unfortunately by the time Cardinal Krol had finished answering the question he had (smartly?) used up almost all of the question and answer period. Still, the event was something none of those seniors will ever forget.
Class-ified "Adds" Millrty Andrejko: Don I 1>4> c1 c1ll vour htt>"
John Keen<tn : To ny Kelly:
Richv d A tkinson: 'lu~t
. Wore paJamas on
retreat Tony Bvry: Chuck M1rarch1
•. soccer
Jim Buret: Did )1m Barrett really wnte the Great Gatsby?
Tom Barth: ur: 63 Corvc111 . . "No one appreciate~ th1s car" "N1ce talk1n' to ya" "ROIGHT" .. . '"Check that the @•I# out "I'm totally senous" Alber CareN Man BF . ''My knee has never be<'n the sc1me... Most Colorlul Moment: Dependc; on who you talk to Andy Billttin: Milrk Billuerlein: turned 'cool Junior yPar • Joe Blillgrillve: MadE' the hockey team because his father is the coach •.. John Blillke: Learned c1 lot 1n AP PhysiC\ ...
John IOilliber: Nickn.ame: Klabes" Cilr: 78 Chevy Capnce (typiCal 'uburban car) Tr.adem.ark: curly harr Saying: "Now cut that out11" Colorful Moment: The t1me they h1d his dothes dunng gym Ted Kling: "Klinger" Alber man
"Souths1de" •
"Grumpy" ..
joe Kobulsky: Trademuk: foggy glasses, red face .•. Typicill S..ying: "Go for II" Cillr: "Don't touch my Oldsmobile, 11', clc!s\y" member of AA tno tounded by Bro Gerry
Dillve Kuemmerle: Cilr: '68 Gran Torino, (when n 's not in the shop) Nickn.ames: 'Squat", "Pc~scc1l" Sillyings: ·vou tong, Ttnse" F.avorite Teachers: Mr. Cohstrcl, Bro Rent> Girlfriends: Fntz1 Denise, and Cecd1a Gets beat up by soph Matt Bc~tttn always in a daze • . made bowltng team, but never went to a match . .. Chris Grillyce: Saying: "885 foot long. \potted, Canadian Moose Keeps the fire go1ng in Fort Washmgton State Puk
John Borek: "Rock" Joe Brxa: What can't you sc1y about congen1al guy in the o;chool?
the most
Rob Breen: Sayings: "A w1se man knows when he's bec1t." Greg Briill: Nidc0<1me: N1pplec; h1s diPt doe~n ' t c;eem to be work1ng Jo-Jo Jerome: Cu: 74 buKk; blue c1nd whne, 351 V-8, 4 barrel "brec~ktng the sound bamer leavmg the pc~rktng lot" Oothes: the Best" Athletics: "dic;cuc; SupPNar", " Football what about 1t?" Sillying: S. ' Runs a burgeoning ~rvtCe mdustry, out of a pink Mark V, that caters to the needs of businessmen
jim Gulla: Steve Guzzi: "How do you do the math homework'' John Gregitis I caught Gregrlls Bill H.all: Car: "Little blue Sunbtrd'' chews hr~ food Jl lime~ betore swallowmg • wa~ an " a•\Pt " m Root~ class A's 10 relig1on smce ftr~t grade Rol.and H.nmon: 'Rol Tom Hvper: "goes all out" ... Melan1e...•
"mc~nic~ "
lovt• affa1rs .
Jim Heilly: . mce lool.mg glasse• very "call me James not j1m" ...
Jim K.ane: "Mr Cool' Anotht>r frustrated basketball
Jim Keating: "j1mbo" Shoes: Docks1der' John Keel: "Chubbs"
I .
j im Kircher: \rd<>k~t k
Bill Bvry Cillr: VW Rc1bb1t "D1d you do the chem lab'" JOck gynecolog1st •.
Mike K.an e: talent
Tim Kelly: 'the bearded wondr(' . Jclllhan
Andy Henkels: "Henks" . good hockey player won art dub award for most hkely to complete a patntrng durmg the year
. R1ck\ pf'l •.. John Horger: Car: '74 Peugeot D1esel - doesn't go past 40 MPH, brake freezes1n thew1nter, smokescreen.
0 to 40 by tomorrow Clothes: NO Sillyings: "JA\11", " Synthetic GenetiCs Control Your Soul", "I hate pmk". . hkes to climb on top of public bUtldtnR\ has a fasonat1on with the number 151 Bob Houk: Was three hours late for the lr prom c1nd he told Mr Manton he was lost!' ... Brad Hoy: enthusiastic art club member Don Hughes: "Captain" Mike Hys: Mike l1kes to wear sweater on \weater on turtleneck on sweatshtrt on swedter had fun 1n accounting class Paul jeffers: Drd Paul ever get off the underwear that Joe Quigley tied to his antenna on the w.t~· back from Ocean City?.
Jillmes j . P. Brooks: Sillyings: "Live It, love II, love hvmg rt 1" Likes: bass playing, soccer, motor-cross. blue eyes. prtch black mghts. httle bears or c1ny bear at heart. D.ave Brown: NickNme: Browny started levittown gas nots.
Kenny Brown: Nicknames: Downtown Kenny Brown, Mr Absence Most Colorful Moment: Everyday when he comes to school. Sayings: "You've been Honkynized" Trademarks: RevolutiOnary, wears black on any special occas1on Leon Buck: Car: Red and wh1te T-Bird (His mother's) Silying: "I think that's lovely!''', "Michele's c1 fox my fox." Oothes: The best . A d1fierent su1t at ever\ forensics tournament Tr.ademuk: Being seen with Joe Orono. Nickn.ame: • Buck" or " .•• " Bill Burger: Sillying: "I'll be a good bov " Oothes: Forever looking lrke Oc1pper Dan For three years he thought Mr D1ehl's offiCe was the student lounge. lou Burgoyne: Memones of the campout down by thE' l'<eshammy Tom Burgess: Car: Needs brakes. Th1nks he's an expert on
Dave Byrne: Nidcn.ames: Bumble bee, Byrnsey Car: Datsun 310, when 1t's not 1n the body shop favorite group: the Doobies Alber man
N eil Byrne: " An1mal "
Thinks his car is fast.
Greg Byrne: How many people knew what Bonza1 played a horn 1n the Stage Band for four years? Kevin Byrnes: Wears the P1t Crew uniform - a green army ,acket Mike Calhoun: Fune"
N eil Curriln: To this day can be seen runnrng around the streets of Manhattan •eMchmg for a liquor store. Damian DiiChowski: ... Scouts' honor ... Joe Danella: Often seen h1tchh1king on Cheltenham Ave.
Rob Esposito: Nickn.11me: Espo John Funan: John Farnan and his CYO basketball r£>1axed atitude toward classes·Z· Z·£· z Mark foley: Car: 67 Chevelle, his grandmother gave h1m writes the best French notes crew dog Br LF draws the best cartoons
Dick Deasy:
Keith Cameron: 'Good student, good athlete "
Jim Derhilm: Spent his semor year, among other things, driving Bauerlein and Loftu s around
Tony foniiSh: • . Are h1s stoues true or JUSt exaggerated fantasres .. thinks he's up for leading role 10 Rocky 3 . A rt'al "cool" guy Drives a ghetto cruiser Needs Grecian Formula for controlling gray hms .
Frank Cilnnon: Clothes: Dress pants and sneakers
Tony DePaul: Drives to school
Dan Fox:
Mike C.mtwell: . . . reached full potential jun1or year
John DeVincent: Nice house, car and sister.
Tom Cilruso:
Joe Diehl: Frustrated basketball star, env1ous of Ken Roessler.
Ben Cassalia: member of the "Joe Braca" gang .• • Pilul Chernitsky: Paul Chern1tsky School of Camaro Racmg
Chuck Cipriano: UCip" M ark Chesnil: •s Mark Chesna really the son of the Jolly Green G•ant? loves canoons . Tom Class: Tony Clemente: Bob Cooper: " Coop" magical fingers . can ht' really palm two basketballs in one hand/ two slam dunks agamst St. Basil's ... Paul Connolly: an easy way for Fr. Paul to w1n a raquetball game mother g1ves h1m breakrast 10 bed . . the Hulk 11 still wa1ting for ha1r on his chest
Tom Frankson:
Tony DiLucia: Nickname: " D•Lush" Trademark: Be~ng paranoid Car: "The great "'h1te hope Saying: " No problem " Joe Diorio: Trademark: Being S£'en w1th Leon Buck Clothes: Wears wh1te flyers socks with three piece )Uit. Car: '74 Grandv1llt' 455, 4 barrel, dual exhause, 6 miles to the gallon Saying: " That 's very exxxxcellent. man. Steve DiPietro: Very niCe guy, show~ t-ow much he likes you by patting you on the back until you turn red
Jim Doherty: Gave the track Christmas ...
Steve D ' Orazio: D'raz has to be the only one who understood AP Chem., unlit he caught senioritis in Feb.
Seiln Corr: . . one of Mr Su ter's boys . . member of the Dave Paglia F1sh and Game Club
Jim Donaghy: Car: '69 Fireb~rd . computer and mat'l wh1z . straight A's in accounting never eats lunch in school
Colin Costello: " D1sco Colin" . Clothes: Too flashy and inexpens1ve Colorful Moment: When he looked at the 1979 yearbook Was Colin really on the S128,<XXl qut>st1on show'?
Tim Donahue: ... hangs around with " th£> 18 1nch neck" finished off freshman )'ear 1n Bro. Tri's corner .. goes out every weekend w1th Bro. Gerry or Mr Molush
Chris Cover: Car: 1954 army surplus jeep Saying: ' Retreat?' Hell, we JUSt got here" Trademilrk: Cigar~ (and or the1r cases) Rich Coyne: Ron Craig: The " Shep Messing" of La Salle, all that he ha~ to do now is pose for a centerfold in Playgirl. Joe Curci: C.u : 1969 green Plymouth Trademark: Always wearing h1s hockey jacket.
Chris Drennen: 'the professor" Dave Dudick: Thinks the world Situation consists of the Canad1ans vs. the Flyers. Larry Daniel: Nicknames: " Dashboard Daniel", " Beowulf", " Lance Roman ce", " Lawrence of?", " L.D " Cv: '69 chevy with a 396, fuelly heads and a Hurst on the floor Chris Durkin: Car: 68 Plymouth (Golden Chariot)
Bob frost: only communicates with Brad Hoy Jilek Funchion: A Lmcoln·Douglas Debater famou s for hrs arguments w1th Rick and Bro Renee Trademark: H1s 6'4 W' frame Sam Gabriel: Car: 66 Corvette " the one who has it all" " Turtle". " Crash" ... " Vietnam" John Gattuso: Nickname: Gattuse Tradem•n-ks: Racial jokes, quick finger Silying: " You assss! no classss' " Oothes: My uncle at Boyd's gave tht'm to me. Car: S<:hwrnn member of AA trio found by Bro Gerry " Down with punk, up with the Beatles1" Tim Gillen: Sayings: " I love you, Cheryl" " Long live Disco!" · . T1m "Travoha" Galen ... Sean Gallagher: P1ng· pong JOCk .
Bob Guaglione: Before he could dunk a 1()- foot basket he roamed the school, dunkrng lockers, ce•lings, and the top hmges of doors When he would hear those balls bouncing he would drop everyth~ng , books, pens, lunch and run becau~ he knew that Bro H1lary had opened the gym . Vince G;atti: 'Jim Gibbons: thrnks noth1ng of makmg other people go 10 m1les out of the1r way to drop h1m off
Ed Gier.11: " Mr LaSalle" . . . the defin111ve def10111on of scholar· athlete " Sweet, swrngin' Eddie G1era '' ..
John Gimpel: Nicknilme: Gimp Trildernark: h1s mustache(1) was Gimpel ever given the g1ft of Grace?
Pete GliiScolt: Silyings: " NOT Swell' " wo rks at Budco Barn Gnema Says of all
the mov•e star~ he\ seen, ltnda lo\.'elace IS h1s favonte . . prefer' to listen to pre-1970 musiC (llvtng tn Doyle\town, he thinks they're the late~t tune~) .
Mike Marek: "DT Mouse· ... always looks like he' s 'leep walktng tells himself that he\ a good bowler
Phill Goldman: w1ll do more to turther the tal..e·over of society by computer\ than an~ other human in histor\
Ed Meeh;an: niiiii•ce niinuce" Is there any d\.. ard Eddte .V \eehan d•dn 't get1
Joe Graham: Nickname: Duck Maf'i( labrum: "Mr lawyer" Don lange: John LaRocca: Steve laurie: . . Best friends w •th Mr Manton Ray Litman: Got ch•cken pox and missed opentng n•ght of "Funny Thtng Happened on the Way to the forum" ... Ed Loftus: B•g on SCience ltction .•. rarely goes through d .,..t>ek without m1~smg a calculus class Mark Lonergan: Studs Lonergan Greg Longo: Bri<tn McChesney: Car: 79 Camaro Golfer Good p•ng· pong player ... Trademaf'i(: Braces tn his semor year Jim McCrudden: Dennis Mcfadden: Car: Red Cutlass (deceased) Trademark: rootb.tl l belt Nickname: Dr Fogg Dress!'' li ke a farmer '"sure Chris" "Shut up Jack or I'll break your face" . played Mano Andretti on Halloween 1978 .
broke his nose. S01yings: '" Bahama ." 'omma"
Jim Mellon: tndemuk: Hangm" out 1n Walt\ offiCe " Have you t>Ver read Do,toev!>ky1" "''m all prepped out today" Jim Melson: ... Car w1 th no floorboards and authentiC flame decorat•on .. Jeff Mkhel: "MIChel's egg theory'' ... MarcMims: '"Mtmsy" Sayings: '"What tt ~>" •.• '" Das cool"" ... "Yeah, right" Trademarks: Flat hdnds. .1 calculator, and good eyes Car: "Golden Ghost" Oothes: damn mce Mr. Clep T 0 ., man . Chris Mincer: "Mtnce" ... "An}body got a dollar lor a chicl..en and " No, no. this mone\ 's tor rice platter?" . tickets, I swear." ... See ya at P1tkow~ about 7 :30! ·• "like a vat ot whipped cream" .. Got stuck in a subway at 3.30 m the mornmg tn Germany . Space Invaders . Carlo Mirabelli: "Fuzzy•· ''Carlo, does that gtrl sit on your lap or wha t?" . .. Hangs around wtth the '"18 inch'" netk The last marned coup l ~:> m Amenca ... Mr. Spirit Club .. Chuck Mir;archi: "Do you know wha t a brilx> "1'' Naval Academy - be serious
urry N01rcisi: cre"" dog . . . the onl\ account•ng Junior year .
. " Go tor 1t" . per~on
to have
John Nirenberg: . . Works at Spectrum, gets to ~ee evef\lthmg lor tree whiz at computers Rus~ell'• lavonte W01lt Norris: "Roight" "Agt " Plans to attend Tougaloo Umversity on the George Cooper '>cholarshtp . . crew dog Alber career man BF Fran O'Donnell: Car: Mercury Lephyr Can be hea rd squealmg through La Sallt• corridors . . wears nashy red pants, bnght ly uncoordmated ties and a large cowbo~ hat Tom O'Brien: Nickname: '"Obte'". "the Gwynedd Con nectt on" Saying: " Lets get toasted " '"OK Ob•e. where' s the party1" . . Alber man Joe O 'Connor: Extended vacation Craig O ' Donnell: Chris O' Neill: Cu: Yellow convertible "X' one of the "nur-..e' s olf•ce gang" Joe Orbell: Car: '66 Chevy P R boat Tr01demark: 2 french fries and a Oothes: last year's fash1ons
apple '"Wild loP"
Mike Parker Trademark: The saxophone Nickname: " lover Boy'' Colorful moment: Dynam•c performann:- at West Catholic Clothes: The best next to Leon Bud,
Fred Mischler: Pat McGurk: Tned to tmpress g•rlfriend by putttng a tape tn car cassette player The only problem was he forgot where the button was and ended up listening to silence ... Kevin McHale: likes to paraphrasE' Bern•e"s instructions then a,r.. what they mf'an Tom McKenna: . . • Photo club gen1us who~e p1cture-. we newr 'ee Ha' almost ftnished home mov1e Ekareu' Mike Mclane: know for h•s tamous sandwiCh com· binatiom, Pe.tnut Butter and P1ckles sandwich
D;avid Pathroff: Larry Molinuo:
. . . Pract•ces 2 to 4 hours a ntght on hi~ organ ... Lifts .... e.ghts so he can look like Lou Ferrigno • Has a knKk for abu~ing teachers when they're standing behind him Tom M01egerle: B1lly Goat .. " Th•~ darlo. room 1S c~lway, a mess! ' ... got 1230 on the SAT's and no one believes it . . fell asleep in Bro J.tmes Ger · man I clas> .. MukM01nt;a: Does Calv1n Klem really live at Mark Manta's house1 'I hate cold" . . Equtp· ment fa•lure m the 330 mtermcd1ate hurdles at the Freshman Champ~ . Mike Monihan:
Robert McMonagle: looked great in the outfit ... thtnks North Wildwood 1s tht' bPst plate tn the world Scott McNutt: the Hang man George Mangini: Bro Lawrence. 'Mangtnt - Get Out "
Mike Morrison: . "FACED"' Skis and houses 1n the mountatns .
Gene Peterson: Nickname: ""V\achine" Trademark: Only member of the 'emor cldss that li"es in "'.J. . Famou• lor argutng ..... th B•ll Barr~· m Pwchology class .•. Jack Pilarz Car: 75 Chevv crUJzer low nder S;aying: lake a bath" Colorful Moment Freshman vear got caught with cheat sheet whtle rais1ng hand to ask a question 1n Danielski's class Tr;ademarks: La Salle tootball Jacket, cowboy boots, and Hoagte Nickname: "Skinny Jack", the Rhmestone Cowboy'' Elvis lives .. Vin ce Pinto:
at gtrls'
Bob Murphy: Nickname: "Vantil a ltghtntng", "Murph'' Colorful Moment: When M1lo.e Mornson
Tom Porth: . "We shall see what we ~hall spe'" The only kid we know who dated a gtrl whoc;e lamily lives m a man~•on and dnves a Rolls Royce.
Jim Princiv.llle: Nickn.1me: 'Prmce" Re~•dent card shark, once won $500 one summer by suckenng old ladtes into games of "Old Matd" and then cfeamng up ••• Tom Prunko: German scholar . D•ve Pugli•: "Sort Boff" .. " We're gona have a field day" ''Had my hmtt by 5 30 and went home for breakfast" • • only ttme he mts~s ~choolts when it's deer season • . Mike Putnick: Monopolized the library' s copy of The Inquirer. John Quigley:
Steve Rosati Our 1llustr1ous Vice· Pres1dent of Student Affa1rs " Yo Swt>t>ne, what 's up/" Van Rossmei sl Car: Are you senous? Fantasizes about Canad tan women light· weight, one beer tramforms htm into John Travolta .. Brian Rothwell Car: Mavenck, f1ts h1s tmage Can only steal bases on the d1amond . . Dave Sch•fer ... The ongmal duo •·hard Dodge fanattc the only guy to take O' Toole's English class senously Sudo Intellectual Mike Schieler ... Always wears that damn swea ter .. Best drinker in class
Joe Quigley: Nickname: "Mr Mellow" could sleep-walk his way through the school day can be found hiding behtnd ~u~aphone at football games
Matt Sklodowski .. Often seen cleanmg up after school •.• Drives the remnants of a Vega .
Jim Quinn: Nickn.1me: "QUtnny" How does he get strikes when can 't e\en see the pmsl .
Greg Shaw Another one of those self aggrandtzed bowlers Eps1lon •• gets ptcked up by sophomores
Tim Rafter: Nickname: " Ttm Blundin" Car: Whtte 71 liD. never running When 11 is, he never gets tt. . "What are you· Sayings: "No talkin'" smol.in' ml.'1 " " We' ll see ya" .. Colorful Moment: The time he leaned lor· \'ard m french class and • look out for \llontague • ' HE-re's a dollar; pte!. me up a patr of them pants" ... " ltke thts watch? "
John Schmitt Car: Orange and brown P1nto Nickname: Schmi tty Bro. Frank's target in A P. European ...
Pete Reilly: Bill Reilly: . . llangs out m Nurse's offices .
Joe Schramm Does Schrammy ever do h1s homework?
Ken Roessler Known for getung 1n at the end of basket ball blowout~ Had to check the area code to f1nd out where he was one Saturday 1n Aprtl Saying: t-.obody gets hurt " " Too cool for mt> nO\'\< I "
Ed Terrenzio Nicknames: Terrenz, Speed Ract>r " We're gonna play some pool Sktp some school Act rec1l cool Stay out all n 1ght it's gonna feel alright!" Menno Tielman Nickname: " Menno, the Dutchman'' ••• Joe Vessels Nickname: Vese . • • Steve Vogel: [ven 'rear is get11ng shorter, nE>ver 'E't•m to ltnd the ttme Plc1ns th,ll enher come to naught or half a pagt• of stnbed ltnes Hangmg on in qutel desperat•on 1S the [ngll\h way The ttme •~ gone. the song 1s ov£'r, thought I d more to Sd'r " - Ptnl. Floyd
Bruce Wagner: Saying: "tank me crank me" Goe' ape at toot ball gam~ W1ll ht' ever sha-.e his head' ..
Tim Sommar:
Kevin Suter ... H1s life revolves around Nont • crew jock
Jim Rodden: Ch1p Hair: D1sco lifestyle: DISCO Favorite Music: Are you kidding? Favorite Teachers: Rambl1ng RICk and Bro
Marty Tallow Car: Dark, green Dodge Tr.d emuk: Manne Hatrcut Tatlow, leave us .. • And never return .. • 'My name tS Dannyll!" • •.
ur: Olds 98 - The bus . Stupid Fat Cow Favorite Saying: Albatross Most Colorful Moment: Btl through a soda can.
Mark Reinhart:
Rich Riley: " You dnvmg tontght, R1ch?"
Tom T;msey Car: Fran O'Donnell's Zephyr The most eccentric guy in school Mr Anonymity
Brooke Vosika: Brool.e the book '
Adam Stefanowicz Could La Salle have a better golfer? . likes to lose money on football pools, or so tt seems ...
Mike Riley:
soccer game • .. Has four steady
Joe Smith
Jeff Reimel: Trad emark: Never wears shoelaces • nuro;e" "What did ya do m calculus today' '
Herb Riband: Car: Ftat Saying: Ex Con'" " F· H+football, yeah!" ... Chevy rules . .• Z· 28 club of N· E phila Alber man
Greg Sutton Cu: Fleetwood Brougham Most Memorable Moment: Fleetwood Mac Concert Favorite Group: fleetwood Mac Sayings: " I love Fleetwood Mac and Stevie N1x" ... uri Swartz Amenca's answer to hvper acttvtty . . • liam Sweeney
Car: Honda Pro IRA Tom Sweeney Nickname: Sween Does anybody not like Tom Sweeney? ... Toni Szajdek: Mike Tamburri Tr.demark: Alway~ combs his hatr Most Colorful Moment: Breaktng hi~ arm
Chris Walsh: Nicknames: Mr Scholar, Mr Ivy l('agu<• Trademark: Sports art1cles 1n the "\Ni~tNtan " Saying: Now \\all a mtnul<' . 1 Mike Warner: What dtd Warner do tn the 'HS' Se•n Young: Ptt crew
,\ M Eloquence •
John Zerr: Cc~ptatn of the Beaver Patrol •. . World trav<•IC!r One of Bro frank'!> (urope.!n H1story 'choi.Jrs . Alber man
Pete Ziff: Car: Bt•tt~r yet, the lack ot one Intramural M\'P
1980 BLUE AND GOLD Editor-in-Chief Tom Barth Editor Pete Glascott
Editor John Horger
Staff: Chris D urkin John Gattuso Ed Giera Artwork: John Gattuso
Chuck Mirarchi Joe Smith Chns Walsh Greg Giletti
Cover D esign: Greg Giletti Photography: John Horger Contributors: Charles Barbera Bill Barry Tony Barry Paul Blake Steve Carlin Paul Connolly Sean Corr
larry Daniel Pat D1Giacomo John Gimpel Rich Golden Jo-Jo jerome Joe Kobulsky John LaRocca
Pete Glascott
Ray Litman Tom Maegerle Mark Manta Mike Marek Brian McChesney Tom McKenna )lm Mellon
Mike Morrison Chris O'Nei ll Tim O'Toole Vince Pinto Herb Riband Ken Roessler Menno Tielman
Moderator: Mr. Ed Molush Thanks To: Mr. Jim Devine, Mr. Mike Maicher, M r. Dick Weisgrau SpeciaJ Thanks To: Mr Bob Oavine, Mr. Joe Crilley, John Borek, Mr. Abe Orlick, lois, Gem, and all at Davor Studios, and Mr. Kevin Nolan Special, Special Thanks To: Mrs. Sharon Molush for allowing Eddie to come and play with us. Our Apologies To: Miss Mary Jo Vozzo And No Thanks To: Bro. Gerry