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\v lASA.Ll:E '



The Graduating Class of



LaSalle College High School

When we entered l a Salle a~ fre~hmen, O\erwhelmed by our entire!) ne"" envtronmcnt called " High School ... we kne"" that ,.,e could not pos~ible go through four years alone. Yes. passing wa!> a worry. yet a far greater concern was. "would I ever make an) new friends? .. The need for a small group or simp!) someone to "hang out '-"ith" '"as recognized immediate!) Just try to imagine not having someone to talk to before school begins or exchange ~1ath problems with during homeroom What would it be like not eating lunch with anyone or leaving school on Friday¡~ without even saying goodbye to the person whose locker is next to yours? As freshmen. we were stranded on an island of inferiority and wondered whether we could sunive a long four years of pushing. shoving. and picking up dropped books. The hassle of finding the right class and not walking in on


under the guidance -



of The Christian Brothers


presents La Salle College High School


Seniors. haunted each of us as a new day began. We were labeled "Frosh", and could not wait to get off the bus and home. Yet through all of this, we wt:re trying to meet new people. After the first semester, we had accomplished our goal, we had met new people. made friends, and most Importantly. felt a sense of belonging. What seemed to be a impossible and desperate situation had worked itself out. Now your once dreaded school day did not seem so foreign; school became something to look forward to. We could not walk through to halls with the confidence of seeing someone familiar. As each ne" school year begins, most of us add on to the old friends new ones, made during a free period or even lunch, yet sealed in the spirit that is La Salle.

the 1982 ,,Blue and Gold • • •



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As we progressed through our four years here, we accumulated friends and acquaintances, good times and bad, and high school had become what we had heard it was - fun. That one factor, the meeting of new people, had changed our outlook and melancholy attitude to make our four years at La Salle both meaningful and worthwhile. As we have seen, friends are a integral part of our school life, extending to all other aspects of our life. both nO\\ and in the future. They are strengthened b) each new day and each \\Ord exchanged. This, therefore, is the theme of our yearbook, a tribute to friendship and our life at La Salle. For through our friends we have come to kno\\ ourselves, and others, far bener then \\C could have alone.





This dedication is to Father Paul Wierichs, who has touched everyone at La Salle with his deep sense of warmth and caring. He affects the La Salle community not only by his celebration of masses and direction of retreats, but also with his presence. He, more than any other, has attained a oneness with the students. lt may be through a friendly punch, joke, or a quiet discussion, but Father Paul has gotten to know many of the students on a personal level. No matter when, you can talk to Father. He truly cares about the students here, and his actions show his concern. His guidance and insight have given each of us a small view of the kind of man he is. As freshman, some of us got to know him through his unusual religion classes, while others became acquainted with him during retreats. Wherever it was in our freshman year, we all got to know La Salle's chaplain. Throughout his four years at La Salle,

"His guidance and insight have given us a small view or the man be is ..• "

Father Paul bas contributed to the student body, attempting to provide everyone who opened himself to him with a mature and spiritual outlook on high school. Father established a friendly atmosphere by organizing a group of concerned students into what be called "Diakonos:¡ With this group, Father hopes to bring everyone into the school family, whether freshman or senior. Whether it's in school, out on the racquetball court, or on the track, Father has made his presence known in the best way possible: by getting involved and caring about La Salle and its growth.




TAKE A LOOK AT THE FACULTY (from chopper 6)

Brother Andrew contemplating his next inspiring speech in the Court Yard Brother Frank catching a smoke in the pit 'vfr. Diehl. disguised as a tree. aY.aib his next victim Brother James teaching Ken Justice to jump swimming pools Brother Kevin after another disasterous lab 'vfr. Klenk trying out his ne,., material on a ltvely audience of cans Brother Hilary reviewing the troops Mr. Farrell throwing out the game ball 'vlrs. Mountain pressing the eject button Ernie McCabe getting his runner\ high Mr. Hohenleitner parting a sea of students The "Committed Brother... resigned to the Brother's padded attic, ponders the next "pearl of wisdom" to head the Daily Bulletin

Brother Andrew Bartley, Principal: B.A. Catholic untvcrsit). M.A. University of Pennsylvania.

Brother frank Danielski, Vice-Principal: B.A. La Salle College. M.A. Georgetown Gmvcrsit}.

Administration and Main Office The men and women that make up the M.O., as it is affectionately referred to, utilize their unique abilities to make this part of the school the source from which everything that goes on in the La Salle community eminates. Mrs. Helen Gallagher and Mrs. Rosalie Comerford, the school's secretaries, should be placed in the Guiness Book of World Records for hearing the most excuses from parents as to why their son is not in school. Brother James McEntee, the proud owner of a new, spacious office, is the man responsible for those attendance sheets that appear under the door of every classroom during thlrd period. Mr. Charles Hilpil takes care of the complex business aspect of the school. Brother Andrew Bartley, Brother Frank Danielski, and ~fr. David Diehl manage to pull off consecutive school years with what appears to be great ease. These three men, through their genuine concern for each La Salle student, provide an atmosphere in which the development of a well rounded individual is attainable. Just in case you were wondering, Brother Frank's hair appears to be wet around eighth period as a result of the blood, sweat and tears he experiences over his job. It is not due to the fact that he just came out of the pool after an hour of playing waterpolo with Mr. Diehl and Brother Andrew.

:VIr. ~It) .


Oa~ id

Diehl, Vice- Principa l: B.A. Temple lJntvcrsity. M.A. Villanova untver¡

• Mr. Charles Hilpl: Bu\tnc'' \.1annger B.A. La Salle College.

\Irs. Rosalie Comerford: School SccrWir) .

'\1rs. Helen Gallal(her: School Secretary.

\ lr\. Anne Funchion:



Brother Ke'in Mc!\1anus: Energ}, Chcmbtr}. 8 t\. \1 A. LaSalle College. \>1 .S. universil) of Pennsylvania .

\Jr. Anthon} \ iJlgiano: Biolog). Biolog} II, Anatom}. B.S. West Chester State College.

\Jr. Robert Lmvc:r,lt}



Phy\ic,, AP Ph)SICS, Programming I. II B.S Fordham

\lr. \1i chatl Bruno: Department Chairman. Chcm1str}. 1\P Chcm1m~ \ 1 Ed Temple \.;mvcrsil} \>1 S . St. Joseph l;mversit)

Remember, "hen }OU go into the Chemistr) Lab. wear your ~afety glasses or Mr. ~tiehael Bruno" ill catch you. He explain~ Chemistry and other <;<;tentific phenomena "'ith such accuracy so that every one can underMand il. Well, almost everyone, most of the time, . . . some of the time? Mr. J ohn Buonomo, now a ~phmore teacher, bas begun to crack down on the lazy sopbsof his clas~e' while pursuing his fruitlc~s attempts at imitating Groucho Marks. "Gang. don't clap, JUSt snap )our ringers I'm stilltrytng to get O\er my great mi•fourtunc of lo:.ing An \fartella on the tennis team." Brother Kttia \tc\tiJIIIS' classes are quite tuing on the student•' minds as he explains the importance of sub-orbital, thermo-nuclear electronic distribution then sa)S, "By the way, you don't have to kno't' that!" "And the fact is. 1 really know where you're coming from ... test tomorrow." It seems that" hatever Miss Lorraine Rimer! sa)'S, always pa•,es over the litUdent\ head at the speed of light Just remember: Force - ma and stud) )OUr te~t . All kidding aside, one does learn ~mething from her cl~. even though it rna} not be direct!} related to Ph)•tcs or Electricity. Mr. Robert R ~wtl, La Sail~ unchallenged master of the ~chool'~ computer S)•tem has sho...ed to us all (even to Brother ,\ndy) "'hat his invaluable services are worth. His quiet but forceful manner has both helped Mr Russell to relate the complexities of Physics to juniors and seniors and rule the computer room "~~>ith an iron hand (with henchmen Frendrets and Cannon).

\1rs. Lorraine Rimert: Ph)~ic~. Electricit). Electronic!. B.A. Se10n Hill College. M.A We~t Chester State College.

Explorers of Brave New Worlds Our third year teacher of chemistr) is the quiet and reserved \1r. Michael Sheehan. Mr. Sheehan gives the outward guise or a calm and learned man of science who also moderates La Salle's Bowling Team. However, do not let this exterior facade fool you. Mr. Sheehan can eltplode with intensity to impress upon his students the orbital diagram of H 0 (what?'?) Mr. Anthony Vieciano, our resident teacher of biology, knows ever) thing that one "~~>ants to kno" about the human body and more. Mr. Viggiano instructs those aspiring anatomists in many topics which pertatn to modem-day medicine. With his enthusiasm and energy added to the class, he makes us aware of Shakespeare's phrase, "Man, what a magmficent creature thou art."

\1r. \ 1ichael Shefllan: Energ}. Freshman Chembtr) 8 \ LaSalle College. \lr. John Buonomo: Biology. Honor' Biolog). Algebra I 8 \ LaSalle College.


Brother Patrick Duff}. i~ the ne"' head or l.a Salle\ extensive Public Relation department. Brothers ab1hty to combme his background m Guatemala "'ith his cla~,.es make his cour:.es undisputedly interQting. Brother Pat 1.11n be seen in and around La Salle taking equal interest m man) chool e\ents - and don't "'orry Brother. "'e're getting along JUSt fine "uh the yearbook. "Qy'e)t·ce que tu fai~ ce "'cek-end'?" Thi~ ques· uon i,oftcn heard on Frida)' in the cia" or Mr. Da'id Manion. our A. P. French teacher. When a person ltJ, kno" \1on>leur Manion. he kno"'' "hat a "gcntil" man is: he ah11ay) ,ecm> c.tlm and collected. He tcachc:' frcm:h with devotion and cnthu\ia,m. ,\ per,on wtlllearn more than to '·'Y "Je nc \ab pas,'' in h1~ class. Our french Savant b Brother Dominic Smilh. Be~ides teaching French in nn analytical manner, Brother Dom ~pc:nds his time in the A .\'. room .•. it b rumored that he has a jacuui back there It b a liulc kno"' n fact that Brother Dominic come• from a long long line of funeral directors. but \IOCC hi) energetic manncri'm and dramatic style would not suit himself "'ell in thb endeavor. he broke a\\11) from the fam1ly lrJd1t1on. Hns an)Onc ever met Enrique or for that mauer, does ao)One rea II) C'dre if he: broke his leg Ia)I Saturda) . Brother\\ llliam Rile~ 's Spanish c(;~,sc, arc r1 true ellpcrience. From di~ussing unagtnary :.hdes to prepanng Srani~h delicac1e~. Brother Bill's ~tudcnt~ can nc\'er l!laim to be bored We have both come to know and rc,pect thi' teacher B~~ides being a graduate of the Uclen Keller School of Spam~h S1gn Language and an active member of the soc1cty to ~\'C the alligator. ~lr. James ~~iM has changed hi~ teachmg methods this year to :>Uil both rreshmen and senior alike, once again sho"'1ng u~ the extent of hi, vital talents lia~ anyone ever told Mr. James Strpitllo that disco is dead~ \1r. Serpiello's classes are sprinkled "'ith his reserved but interesting ab1lity to relate Spanish to hh student; it \cems Mr Scrpwill never be late fora da•" becau\e he always make' it a pomt to spnnt to his classes. a regular Spanish O.J Simpwn. Second year moderator of the yearbook, ~lr. \\ illiam Geiger has added a new look thb year "'ith a beard a~ he continues in his long search for the lo~ttomb of his great ancient relative, Marcus Pleibius. "As you can ~ee on this transparency.'' repeats Brother John McGoldrick "'ho can be readily found in 109or an) where else in the 'chool. even the boiler room. a' Brother has become our ne"'l)' U(lJ'lOinted llead of 1\.faintenancc. :\Jr. \\illiam Geiger: L.aun I. II. Cla"ical Elc:mcnb. B..-\ LJS.tllc College. M.A. \lila "lava l..mveNt~ \I ,\ M1IICN\ 1lle State College.

Language Department Expands Our Horizons -

\tr. Jame<. l>e\ine: Spamsh I. 1\' B \ L..tSallc College. \>1 . Ed. Temple

Vnivcr\it~ .

- ~ ---

Brother Dominic Smith: French I. II. II X B \ • \1 \ l '>.tile C >liege. \I \ L n1versit} of '<•I c Dame:

Mr. James Ser piello: Spanish II. Ill. B A. LaSalle College.

Mr. Da~id Manion: French I. Ill , IIIX. AP French. B. A., \1./\. LaSalle College.

Brother Patrick Duffy: Spanish l, !IX. B.A. LaSalle College. M.A. Middlebur} College.

Brother John McGoldrick: German Ill. I !IX, AP German. Director of Maintenance. B.A. LaSalle College. M.A. "'illersville State College.

Brother William Riley: Department Chairman. Spanish fl. Ill, I !IX, AP Spanish. B.A .. M.A . LaSalle College, M.A. University of 'lotre Dame.


\lr. Ed"ard \ lolush:


II. Ill B S Temple Univcr.ity

'lr. Ed"ard 'l cCa~: English I. I\'. B.A LaSalle College. \ 1 Ed. Temple Lnt\ersit} .

English Department ''When l li~ed in England for a year • • . " "Go get a late slip!" "!-.fr O'Toole will be back in five minutes." "Please shut-up." Some famous quotes from our very own Mn. Clare Bro"n. She should be credited w1th surv1vmg the rigors of being the only woman in the English Department. "A bird in the hand is worth two tn the bush ..• ··"An apple a day • •. " "Stitch in time • . • " This is the only place where we are allowed to use clinches without Berme catching us. Slipping those those cliches behind Mr. Btnanl McCabe's back •• • Oops! . .. Don't count your chicken's before they hatch. Mr. Edward Moa.lt: " Baseball practice today after school. Bring glove, scarf, mittens. ski hat .•• "''Cup check in class tomorrow •.• ··Mr. Molush, the likeable English II and II teacher. can best be described by simpl} listening in on one: of hi~ classes. We all can recall Stster Mary Alligator. baseball articles to Illustrate sentence structure. and "memoirs" of his ill-fated career with the Phils. Mr. Molush will not be forgotten easily. "Here's O'Toole" - His appearances on his show always begin wuh a satirical monologue, and the laughmg IC\·el seems to be htgher among the nun lung section of theaudtence Mr. Mkllatl O'Toole has been rumored to ha\e been visited b} the IO!Ot s pirit of Rick Topper (the teacher) and although his classes still have that O'Toolean flare, with the beginning of this school year, his students lutvc: noted peculiar change$, (most for the better, or so -.e hear). Although Mr. Gerald S.vttr has been m1staken for a freshman, the students who ha~e come: into touch with him have seen first hand his teaching abilit1es. Mr. Sauter has also taken on the responsibilities of coaching Junior Varsity Basketball, proving himself on the court as well. ''Well, you know,J don't disagree wuh that ..• ""Noooo •.• !!!,That's wrong. that's wrong!!!" "Aw. come on, you gotta know that kinda sturf!" Mr. Edward McCabe is a notoriously positi~e thinker. Ernie McCabe impresses all of La Salle's Mudents wsth his enthusiasm in the classroom his running talents as an aging (ha,ha) teacher, and his rast paced but easily understandable courses. Would you beltevc: that six people said the same th1ng about him ? Uh. what a cotncidcnce . , . '\1r. Bernard '\J c('a~: English II. IV B \ LaSalle College. \ 1 1\ '1agara L mver'>•t>


Mr. Gerald Sauter: English I. II. B.A. LaSalle College.

:vtrs. Clare Brown: English I. Ill. 8 J\. Chestnut llill College. '.I .A. University of Pennsylvania

\lr. \1ichael O,.ooole: Department Chatrman. English I II. IV Creauve \\riling '\ B.. \ \I L>ntveNt) or Penns} lvama.


R eligion Department E ng/ightens Student Body "Thi' happened to me once thi~ 'ummcr at the h<bpital."" whi>per~ Religion Dcpar&ment chatrpcrson ~trs. Mur~l ~ftbr, who is most famou~ for hc:r tearJerking Death and Dying cour~e. and for the cartoons >he brings in for her Peace and Ju,tice class. "Watch this film and wnte a paper ... """The capital of Spain i, Paris ..• Thou shall not eat French Bread and BonJour jeans at mass ... No. not "s1. s1',u's 'ou1. oui senorua' •.• "l1fe m1ghtget confusing for lkotlwr J amt5 Sttck, a ne"comer at La Salle, because he teach~ th~c: different courses· Spanish I, French I, and \ioralit) . "So, tell me, when do }OU plan to become a Passloni~t? •• What's the b1g ideer? • Monahan. )ou're a wimp! ... .. The familiar voice of Fac~ Paul Winid lls, school chaplain as well as teacher of Pra)cr. Space and Wonder. Christian ,\cuon. and Freshman Rehgion, echoes through the halls He not on I) manages th1s vaned course load, but also lead~ a religion ~~oork~hop called the Diakon~ Group. "Gee, we did n't have any idea that getting married was this tough'" •.• "C'mon guys, you all know cross country is the best sport in this school •.. " are the friendly words of Mr. Patrick ~•lne, l.a Salle'~ Cross Country coach, Junior Counselor, and Religion instructor. Doing all thb, he still manages to throw together a great bulletin board with the 10fo on the track team's most recent victor), a real modest man. Entering his second year as a faculty member. Brotlwr Tltoalas SfJnkiDI• has linally managed to stop the rumors that he i) a freshman dressed up as a Brother. Besides teaching freshman religion and World Cultures, Brother Tom i' 10 charge of the expanded 10tramural program which includes intramural golf, ~tud poker. and trash collecting. ":-.low where\ he goin'? Doesn't he ever ~top'!" Mtld. soft spoken Mr. Edward Klfllk has so many jobs. it's ha rd to imagine when he finds time to sh:ep. He's in charge of the after-school clean up crew, he moderates the teaches four different religion courses. sports himself as u locksmith. and still makes up those lousey jokes. " l acunae a nd hiatus .•. The three T S"s ... Nemo dat guod non hobet "Although no one ever quite understands Brotlwr Aloysius Ltnnlty,ll can always be said that Brother AI uses an mternationallanguage: enthusiasm and )incerit). Freshman would n't survive without him. Mr. George HoltNititlltl' is a vera table cornucopia of religtous knowledge. His dedication to his professton, as well as his genuine c:onccm for each student, makes him one of La Salle's mOlit hard~~oorkina faculty members. Brother llretlllu Garwood. one of the school's few cross-department men, teach· ing both Religion and Western Civilization. Prestigiously performing this task with the vigor of a first-year man, Brother Brendan has gain~ the respect of Mudents and faculty alike.


'\1 r. Ecl"'ard Klenk: Religion II. Salle College



Root$. Future Church B \ .. \<I .A. l.a

Brother Thomas Speakman: Religion I. World Cultures. B A St I ranci~ College.

\Irs. '\furiel \ tehr: Department Chairpef\On. Rchg1on I, Peace and Justice. Death and D\mg. B \ -\lbertlb Magnu, College. \1 .\ . La Saloe College

1\tr. Patrick Oe•ine: Marriage. B.A.. M.A. Villanova University

Reu•rend Paul Wierichs: Prayer. Space and Wonder. Christian Action. M.A. St. Charles Borromeo College.


Brother James Steck: Morality. Spanish I. French I. B.A. La Salle M.A. Millersville State Col

Brother Brenden Garwood: Religion I I. Western Civili7ation. B.A., M.A. La Salle College. M.A .. Villanova.

Brother Aloysius Lumly: Relig1on I. B.A La Salle College. M.A. Villanova University.

Mr. George Hohe.nleitner: Religion II. German I. II. B.A .. M A La Salle College.


That'~ right! T hat was our own Mr. John Grace doing a commercial for

Zenith. ''My shin is hot pink, my tie is turquoise green, and m) pants are purple plaid . If you can't see these color~. you're lucky." ' 'I' m a lumberjack and I'm O.K.!" There's not much you can say about Mr. Joe Colistra (only kidding) and who wants Joe mad at them anyway? He's also director of the nationally renowned Colistra Cannonball Factory. Mr. Colistra will always be remembered by his unique mannerisms and dem.::nnor in the classroom. So with this memor) we can sa) "see )a tammarra, Frank ... " " Who's that? Does anybody know who this guy •~?" That's Mr. Joseph Pari$i, who teaches those insecure freshman all of that eJtciting material covered in World Cultures and shows all of the cool seniors that mind revealing information encompa>>etl by P~ychology. Mr. Panst proves to be a valuable asset to the H istory Department with his organized classes and structured courses. And that's no Freudian slip. Abdul "So I said to myself. 'Self, surely you jest!'" ~1r. Gerl')' Miller entertained us daily during the firs t marking period with his new line of fashion bedroom slippers and sandal:.. Mr. Miller can often be heard voicing many of hts favorite lines, wch as." I really get a kick out of watching Jerry Falwell!" and "Barbara Walters. what a *"~@& .""I don't want to hear about the bomb 10 your locker. I want you here on time.'' What can we say about Brother Frank Danielski. ~ot only does he take care of our ro.ter connicts at the start of tbe year. but he also finds time to teach and take care of all those "mislead'' students. (Truthfully. we really can't cut up the Vice- Pnncipal - he's a heavy.) ''What do you mean on!) the Soccer team gets A's?'' says Mr. Thomas Turner, teacher of Western Civilization, and Varsity Soccer Coach. Mr Turner has become a permanent member of the La Salle faculty family and is bestowed with the job of teaching the enthralling Western Civilization course. It has been said that he finds relief in a good ~occer practice, but ~o~ohat about during the off season?

'\Jr. Joseph Colistra: Depanmcn1 Chairman. Amcncan History. Economics I, II, Hitler, AP American Histol'). B.A. \11 A. Villano\¡a University, \11 Ed Temple Untvcrsity.

Portholes to

Brother Frank Danielski: -\P European HiMor). B.A LaSalle College, M.A. GeorgetO\\ n lJniven.it) .


\ Jr. Gerald \ Iiiier: "-mencan Histor). P<bt"ar 1\mertcil B.S. Temple univcr)it) .

\lr. Thomas Turner: \\ estern Civihnuon. ,\lgcbra I. B.A. LaSalle College.


\ 1r. John Grace: \\ orld Cultures. \\ estern Cavali7ation!>.


Media. B.A LaSalle College.

\ Jr. J oseph Pari i: World CuhurC). Introduction to p,ycholog). Developmental Ps)cholog} 8 .1\ LaSalle College.


1"'"" MATH I , I ., l






/ ~A



••I ~

\tiss ~1 al') Jo \-ozzo: Alt~ebra 11. Geometr}. Anal) Ileal Gcomctr~ B \ lheMnut Hill College. \>1.S St LouI\ Unher~lt} .

\ Jr.

J am~

B \

\1 \

Roche: \lgcbra 1. 11. Introduction to CalcuJu,, Cakulu' ,\ B IK I a S;alle College. \1 S Lnl\er,it} of ' otrc Dame

Math Department Challenges Our Minds ~li" M ary Jo Vozzo c-.1n be de\cribed a~ the snappiest dresser in the Math Department But sometimes that isn't enou(lh to get her through the da) so 'he then c-.11ls on divine intervention: "God. ghe me strength!'' \1iss Vono ul'o cats lunch ""ith ~ophomor~ . What more can "e say'! Oh yeah, Miss Vouo, do you ever get tired of II'Orking with La Salle\ debater~'! Mr. Jo5eph Rad~ansk) provides a refreshing relief to have a math teacher on the staff who is interested in the ~tudent's progress He strives to teach students lesson) not only in math but also in common· place occurences we are affectc:d by da1ly. Through Mr Rad,.ansky we reali1e that not all math teachers are the same. "He}' gu}'s. come on. It's eaaasss}'!" Mr. John Frizaloae has a very unique style of teach1ng. He believe~ in the philosophy of might makes right, and in urder tu wmmuni1.-ate Math to an)·onc:, you must shout. t'o mauer "here you are on the second Ooor, you can hear the voice of Mr. Fm. and you feel that )OU are actually Ia Math class again. "Oh, come on! You can't get married this ""eekend! There's a Math meet'" BrotbHGnry frtadrfl!. head of the Math Oepanment,isour \\-ell·kn0\\-0 trivta champ. "Do you know when Descartes' birthday v.as?.. (No. but v.ho rea II.) cares!) BrotherGc:rf) is rumored to ha~ea lease on room 21 S, and his eas)·going teaching methods (probably in hen ted from Woodstock) "ill alv.ays be a Math Department trade· mark . ..0 K .• \\-ell. you just ha\·e to intullively twist It around "Tbc: soft-spoken and gentle countenance of .\ tr. JaiM$ Rocbe can be instanoousl) transformed tntoa high gear Algebra or Calculus teach· er. M r. Roche: instructs most levels of La Salle' s Math scholars(?) and b noted for his ability to present even the most complicated of topics nnd rormulas clearly. Mr. Mkha~l Poalsdak. the second addition to La Salle'$ expanding Mathematics Department, lends hb skills to teach (tame) the rowd) Freshman and Sophmore Algebra cla"c:s. Mr. Ponisciak prov~ to be a talented teacher and a "elcomc newcomer.

\tr. John rriulorw: \l£cbra I. \l ,uh


\lr. \ lichael Poni,ciat.: \lgc:bra I. II B \ 1llanu\ 1 L OIICNI\


Tngonomctr). Con,umer \ 1ath. B \


\.\I.~ Lmvcrsll~ of Penn,~hama.

\ 1.S

!\1r. Joseph Rnd~ansky: Algebra II. Gcometr). \!l ath Analysis. B.S. Drexel University, M.S. Un iversi ty of Pennsylvania.

Brother Gerard Frendreis: Department Chairman, Cicomctry Special Geometr} X. B.A. La Salle College. M.S. Duquesne Univcrsi t} .



Alumni and Development



Mrs. Florence Ward: Alumni/ Dc\'elopment

.\1rs. Ginner farrell: Assistant Secretary


Mr. P atrick


Junior Counselor. B.A .. M.A. Villanova Umversity.

Brolher John D'A ifonso: Sensor Counselor. B.A .. M.A. LaSalle College. M.A. Middlebury College and Villanova Universit).

The Guiding Light Bro the r John D'Aifonso, senior guidance counselor and National Honor Society Director, is one of the most helpful per,on~ that can be found at La Salle. His invaluable service to seniors laden with college plan~ and questions. takes the form of dail} messages in the Bulleltn such as "The final deadline for appltcation:. was six weeks ago •.. •· and ''Governer's ~cholarships available in the G.O.; must have scores of 1550 or beller ••.." Mr. Patrick Define has taken the job of junior counseling this :year, wsth the absence of Mr Coonahan. Mr. Devine considers it a noteworthy promotion from counl>eling freshman to now counseling juniors. yet according to our latest reports his recruitment policy for track has remained unaltered. :\tr!>. Doris Dal) (not pictured) is La Salle's ~ophmorc counselor. From her headquarters in the van outside of La Salle, ~rs. Daly provides those overte.~ted sophs with consolation for their performance>. She can be quoted as relating many of her expenences with those of distraut Mudents who come to her upon hearing they had just regi~tcred zero 1n Reading Comprehen~ion and have been informed that the} are leaning toward the pnesthood (No offense, Father Paul). "Yeah, I know I'm skipping English, Mr. Parbi, but I got this ~lip here. right? ... ·• Tht!l>e words can be heard echoing from Mr. Joseph Pari~i's third noor cubscal in thecenterstair\\eU, he has taken on the job of counseling the unharnessed freshmen . "Oh boy, I get otta Energy to go to counseling!" anti under their breath" .•. I ain't goin'



1\l r. J oseph Parisi: Freshman Counselor B.A LaSalle College.

Thanks to These Physical Educators

Brother Hila!) McGotern: Ph ysical Education. B.A. LaSalle College.

Mr. Martin Stanczak: Athletic Director. Accounting. B.S. LaSalle College.

i\lr. Les Burke: Basketball Coach. B.S. LaSalle College. \1 .A. Temple University.

Mr. John Flannery: Football Coach. B.A. LaSalle College College.


Walter Farrell: Physical Education. B A. U!Sallc College.


Brother Fred S telmach: ,\ rt Department Chairman. 1\rt I. II. I ll, \ 1echanical Dra"ing 8 F \. \1.F 1\ Catholic L na\¡e~it} .

Brother Fred inslruch ruture

• Life The Finer Things zn

Band room comes alive "1th mu,ic.

\ t r. J oseph Ciccimaro: \ i us1c Cha1rman 8



LaSalle College.


on Oil p;llnlmg tcchniquo.

Library: Sh-h-h-h-h-h-

;\lrs. i\lary Mountain: Librarian. B.S. St. Joseph Universi t}. M.S.L.S. Villanova University.

• • •

Mrs. Eleanore Rongione: Librar} Assistant.

Mrs. Peggy Braca: Librar) Assistant.

Cafeteria Mar} McClinton Marie Mcfadden Jen Galbraith Eileen Barnell Sarah Connaghan Killy Rcgli Helen Roman Bell} Butler Rose DiPinto


\lr. Ed " Banjo" Batcho

Broth<'r Eug<'n<' Moq:an: 1\\\i'>tant Darcctor of \1aantaancncc B A I aSalle Collcgc

\Irs. Ma ry Diu

Maintenance Keeps La Salle Lookin' Good Ra ~


\ Jr. Fd

\1 cA r~:


Brother Miller Bo,ch: Driver ldueation. Proctor

Mrs. Jennie Barratt: School College


RN. B.S. Education West Che>ter State

Extra Specialties

Brother linus Finn: T}ping. B.A LaSalle College.

Brother Jame~ McEntee: Attendance. B.A Catholic Universit}. y.A. of Pittsburgh.


\1r. Frank \1ullin: Bookstore c.S LaSalle College.


Freshmen Thomas Callahan

Sean Connolly



MarK Umda

Kenneth Gallagher



James Gunn


Michael Orme

Robert Petrowic7

William Regli

Michael Sell

Homeroom Moderator: Mrs. "vfuriel Mehr; Vfissing: Darrin Suder, Steven Tranchitella

Paul Waters


Robert Biggans

2A Mark Chadwick

Charles Eisler


Karl Kentschel

Edward Pettit

Christopher Reice

Homeroom Moderator: Brother Torn Speakman; Missing: Drew Asson, John Maguire, Edward Ost, David Ost

Hubert Sullivan

Mauhew Wentz


3A Jame' Campbell


Kyle Jcwart


Paul Kerwin

Jeff Ottaviano

John Stanc1ak

John Suter

Leo While ,.-~



llomeroom Moderator: \tr \\ llliam (JCtgcr: Good homeroom. all present •

Gregor) Olbrkh



. . .

.. . .




路路-.h~,.路 t

Brian Barr}



Terence Campbell

Bill Finnegan

John Kissane





Bnan McCaffrc}

llorncroom Moderator: \ l r. Mtchacl Sheehan: Good homeroom, all present

Kurt Vonderschmal1

Sha\\n Whitele}

Glenn \\alter


Pa1nck Bell

... ll,t

Charle~ E\c~


John Koosi



Ronald Mauhew

Ted Quedenfetd

Joseph Riley

Dale Schofield

Homeroom Moderator: Brother William Quaintance; Good Homeroom, all present

Freder1d S"'ecne>


Roben Walser

Greg Wilhelm

Kevin Daly

Robert Kellogg

Eric 01c1anno



James Lonergan



Patnck Querubin

... La"rcnce Roman

Francis Schrcadcr

Richard Stcmmet7

llomeroom Moderator: Brother Linus Finn: Good homeroom, all present

Mark Sym>

Cliff Ward

6A John Wilkins


Leon B}rnc

Michael Colcmenar

Stephen Darcy

Stanle) Faiwn




, Chri,topher Romano

Patnck Schull

Homeroom Moderator¡ \lfr Joseph Radvan-.k)< \1issing: Davtd O'Brien

Glenn Stockmal


Robert Tokar

Mark Warner

Kenned} Williams

Jo:.eph Black

Jo..cph Cattae




Robert Hean1

8A 'v1ichael Hynes

\<lark Ma1ullo



Gerard o·Kane

Kenneth Stout

J<»cph Toto

l lomeroom Moderator: \1r. phen Smith

Frank Worthington

David Wo)'tak


\1a rk \\ a~hko



Bruce Wilson


\lichael Wright

Gary Zcgle)


s0 p h 0

m 0

John Coyle

hank Dangelo

r e


Paul Grou'


Carmen Pe1runelli

Jame' Ricfrel

Kevin Rudden

Homeroom \1oderator¡ 'v1r. Gerald Sauter, Missing: Daniel Geraght). John Katona. Thomas Snyder. John Wolf


s. . arl7

Palnck Timone}

(arl \\aldspurger

Richard Calhoun

Blase Cinque

Stephen Crone

Michael D'Angelo


Eric Lintner

John Riordan

2B Daniel Solecki

James Tobin

Homeroom Moderator: Mr. James Serpiello; Missing: \t1 ichael Sweeney

James Waters

J Scott Wolpert


Gerald Behr

John Capaldi

David Check

3B Anthony Dattilo

/ Robert Miller

Matteo Poui

John Riz1o


Stephen Sabo

Homeroom Moderalor: \1r. John Grace: Missing: James Brandenburger. Edward Dawton

Paul S"cency


Joseph Toland

l\llichael Wcal'er

Christopher Yabc

4B John Halfpcnn}

John Dolaway

Joseph Kelly

David Pakech

Francis Rankin

Robert Savarese

Homeroom Moderator: 'vtr. Anthon; Viggiano: Missing: John Bell, James Robb, Francis Sposato

Rich Van Fossen


Stephen Weiss

Christopher Young

Richard Costigan


5B John Ashdale

John Cunnsngham

Jo,eph Chiarlanza

Tom \1cGuckin

Jo.>eph Scalio

,\rthur Smuh

Chrbtophc:· Sprall

llomeroom \1odcrator \1 r George Honcnlcitncr: \11">'>ing: Richard Lccato, Carlo., \1alabuyo. M1chacl O'lfaltoran

John 7.am•chieli


David Casale


John Grady

Thomas Farris

John Hanlon

6B Joseph Reilly

David Smith

John Staub

Tim Thistle

Richard Whitne}

I lomeroom ModeraLor: Mr. Edward Klenk; Missing: David Kane


Edward Zawrotn}

Mark Wisely

Mike Wisel)




h.ennelh Booker

Stephen Byrnes

Gerard Callie

Franc1s Ga vm

John Griffin

Graydon Karbon






llomcroom \1odcrator: Brother Brendan Gan~ood. ing: David Reinhardt

Chri>tophcr Wilb



L nc 7ekanis

J u

n l



John Galante

r s

Joseph McMullin

IC Kevin Mirsch

Gerald Riviello

Homeroom Moderator: Mr. Edward Molush: Missing: Richard McDonnell, Anibal Nevarez, Norma Rahn

John Stockmal

John Sweeney

Eric Watkins

Mich Gruner


Stephen Andra~ko

Edward Buchanan

James Carroll


John McElwee

John Schwigk


Homeroom Moderator: Brother William Riley: Missing: Andrew Gillespie

" ·'

,.... >j ... ·,


Brian Skrocki


Mark Stokes

David S)ms




Joseph Webster


William Cummings

BenJamin Redd




\1Jchael Stoughton


Homeroom Moderator: Mr. Walter Farrell; Missing: Brian Gallagher, Robert Giniegzki

3C I

Christopher Torme)

George Weis;

Carl Yuengling



Joseph Kihm

Joseph \1attern

Thon1as '\1cCorma.:k

Kevin '.1cGO\Crn

Homeroom 'vtodcrator. Mr. \itichael Bruno; ter Muehlbronncr

'-1tchJc:l Stoughton


\\'a}ne Toughill





Chnstopher \\ hue

Kevtn Young

Fra nci' Hueber

Chmtopher PeSlka

5C Homeroom Moderator: "v1 r. Gerald Miller: Missing: Michael McCormick, John McGrath, Rui Silva

. •

Robert Such>

Peter Tripodi

Thomas \\ ilkin


~ .

, . . 1'

. •

John Young



Edward Benaui


Lawrence Farrell


Carl Pctelli

John Sayer

Homeroom Moderator: Mrs. Clare Brov.n: Good Homeroom. all present

Jay Susanin


John Voss

Gregory Williamson

John Wynne

Anthon) Coyle

Drev. Daniele

Joseph Delfino

Alton Stmp-on

Robert Stea

Timothy Dunlea'·)


Jeffre} Porreca

John Rilhng

Homeroom Moderator: Mrs. Mary Jo Vouo; Missing: Stephen McKenna, Dennis Schaller. Steven Woodruff

Christopher \\ ard

Ktrk V. olff

'vfichael Wozn}j

Michael Wynkoop


I. 2. 3. 4.


I. 2. 3. 4.

Vis1ble Jod Strap Bite from last opponent Airing out arm pit Helmet ha~ to be surgicall} removed

I EJD ~ I__

Usual pile of science fiction book-. Dressed b.> momm} Carries milk monc) Greenberg desingcr loafers

Sorry Dan, we couldn't find a catagory for you.

Waving hello to the 'mounties' Blow-dried hair Rolled-up sleeves - like Rick Springfield Alligator shirt under alligator sweater


2. 3. ~-


Can be found in Mr. Diehl\ office at all times not in class 2. U<;es 'Topel' toothpoli"h 3. Loves to give peace sign while wearing arm) jacket 4. Belongs to the fmbce dub 5. Reports to 'pit' for Homeroom

Vince Baldassano

Scott Atkinson

Paul Baniewicz

Paul Amand


Cbuck Albor

Charles C. Albor 635-3558


St Jo:;eph 20 Lanfair Road Cheltenham. P'\ 19012 Football 2 • Intramural I, 2(Homeroom RepresenReligious Activities 3. 4 Gazebo 4 tauve). 3, 4 John AUto



St. John the Bapti,t 125 Hermn Street Phaladelphia. PA 19127 Intramural\ I, 2, 3, 4 Paul f. Amand



St. Bernard

John Allen

4221 Aldine Street Phaladelpaa. PA 19136

lntramurals I

Swimming I, 2, 3. 4

40 Jeffre} S. Atkinson 348-8814 Our lady of ~l. Carmel 55 Lenapc Lane Doyle>town. PA 18901 lntramurals I, 2, 3, 4 . . Religious Activities 3. 4 • . . Track and Field I, 2 . Yearbook 2, Swimming 2 3 .. Indoor Track 2

Vinceol f . Baldassano 69q-5949


St Ro-e of Lima Boll 164 Gwynedd \aile}. PA 19437 lntramurals I, 2, 3, 4 Religious Actl\lltie' 2. 3 School Paper 3, 4 . Yearbook 4 .. \1athlete~ 3, 4 . Nattonal Honor Society 3, 4 ... Schola~tic "L" I, 2, 3, 4 . . Golf I, 2, 3, 4

Mike Barrett

Paul A. Baniewicz 60 343·2996 St Robert 1902 Palomino Drive Warrington. PA 18976 Intramural~ I. 2. 3, 4 . Computer Club I. 2. 3, 4 ~1ichael

f. Barrett 342-7943 MaternitY 8 V M 1819 Mower Street Philadelphaa. PA 19152 Football I . Intra murals I, 2. 3. 4. cil I . Highe~t Honors Spanish I

James F.



Student Coun-



St \1ar) 8500 Pembrook Road Philadelphia, PA 19128 FQOtball I ••• Forum I. 2. 3 (!'o\'ice \faster). 4 (President) •.• Intramural> I. 2. 3. 4 Schola~tic "L" 3, 4

Jim Basile


Michael J . Bebr 20 233-4052 Sl. Philip 4110 Jackson Dnve Lafayette Hill, PA 19444 Basebaii2(L).3(L),4(L) . . Football!, 2,3(L).4(L) ... Jmramurals I, 2, 4 ... Swimming I, 2

Christopher P.



348-2145 Our Lady of Mt. Carmel 55 Buuonwood Lane Doylestown. PA 18901 Crew I . lntramurals 4 ••• French Honor SocieL> 2 . . Wrestling 2 Ke~in

G. Bonner

676-3933 St. Alben the Great 104 l'vforedun Road Philadelphia. PA 19115 Art Club 2. 3, 4 •.. lntramura1s I, 2. 3, 4 2. 3 ... Scholastic "L" I, 2, 3, 4


. Soccer I,

Gerald L. Bowen 50 MES-5934 St. James 8325 Robens Road Elkins Park, PA 19117 Baseball!, 2 ... Football I. 3 ... Intra murals I, 2, 3. 4 ... Student Council 2 ... Yearbook 4 John W. Brad) 60 348-1086 St. Anne 47 Saddle Dnve Furlong, PA 18925 Football I, 2. 3. 4 ... lntramurals I. 2, 3, 4 .. Religious Activities I. 2. 3, 4 ... School Paper 4 • . Track and Field 2 . Yearbook 4

J eff Buck

70 Joseph A. Brady 275-5971 Epiphany 5 Harvard Road '<orristown, PA 19401 Art Club 2. 3. 4 . . Football 1 ... £ntramurals I. 2. 3, 4. . Religious Activities 1, 2. 3, 4. . Wisterian 2. 3, 4 ... Student Council I, 2, 4(Vice·Prcsidcnt) ... Track and Field 2, 3, 4. . Soccer I, 2. 3. 4 ... Scholastic "L"


2 Gregory J. Buck

10 CH7-7659 Our Mother of Consolation 131 West Gravers Lane Philadelphia. PA 19118 Football3, 4.. Intra murals I, 2, 3, 4 ... Yearbook 2 .. Computer Club I. 2, 3 . Photo Club I, 2. 3 •• • Grade School Basketball Tournament 3

~ I


Jeffery J . Buck 20 CH7-7659 Our Mother of Consolation 131 West Graver~ Lane Philadelphia, PA 19118 Bowling 2 . . lntramurals I. 2, 3, 4 ... Track and Field I. 2. 3(L). 4(L) Captain, Shot-put team •.• Indoor Track I, 2, J(L), 4(L) ... Photo Club I. 2 ... Yearbook 2

Mike Behr


Kevin Bonner

Chris Ben)O\Sk)

Gerry Bowen

John Brady

Greg Buck

Joe Brady


John Carrozza

Tim Campbell

Chris Carabello

John Capponi Chris Byrne


Criscophtr J. Buraecc 3D 242-0!145 St \tadcline Soph1c 7030 Cre,heim Rood Philadelphia, PA 19119 Cros.s Countr~ I, 2, J, 4 .. • lntramurals I. 2. 3. 4 ••. Track &. Field I. 2. 3. 4 • , . Jndoor Track 2. 3. 4 •.• Letter or Commendation. ~ational ~erit Scholar,hip Compcmion 4 Criscopllfr C. B)mt



Prc!ientation B.\ ', \t, 527 Boyer Rd Cheltenham. PA 19012 Art Club 2. 3. 4 . Ice Hockey 3, 4(Captain) .•• lntramurah I. 2. 4 . . Religiou) Acuvitie~ 3, 4 . .. Student Council 4.. Yearbook 3, 4(Art Editor) •.. National Honor Society 3. 4 .. Scholastic "L" I, 2. 3 ... Public Relations 4 . . Underclass Retreats 4 Brian J. CahiiJ 50 825·2468 S1. philip "<en 413 Revere Rd Lafayette Hill. PA 19444 Cre~ 3. 4 Cro:.~ Country I • .. lntnmunls I. 2. 3. 4 Swimming I. 2. 3. 4 • •. Tnck &. Field 1. 2

Chris Burnett

Brian Cahill

TilftOIII) J. Camphtll 60 646-3231 Epiphan) of Our Lord 1445 Granary Rd Blue Bell. PA 194::!2 Forum I. 2, 3("<ovice Master). 4 lntramurals I, 2. 3, 4 ... Wistenan 4 Student Council 2. 3 ... ;"';auonal Honor Society 3. 4 ... Scholastic "L" I. 2. 3 John p. Capponi 70 OR3·6102 Matcrmty B. V M 9621 Chapelcroft St. Philadelphia. PA 19115 Football I. 2. 3, 4 ... lntramurals I. 2, 3, 4 ... Track &. Field 3 Crlstopher M. Carabello I0 659·3870 Our Lady Help of Chri~tians 1967 Country Club Dr liuntin~don Valle~. PA 19006 Ba~ketball I. 2. 3, 4 •.. Cro:.s Country I, 2. 3. 4 ••. Intra murals I, 2. 3, 4, •• Religious Activities 2. 3 ••• Track & Field I, 4 James F. Carroll



Holy Cro-. 7435 Devon St

Ph•ladelpb1a. P.o\ 19119 Football I Intramural> I. 2. 3. 4 John A. Carrozza 30 643·1109 St Alphon)US I 021 Meetinghouse Rood Ambler, PA 19002 Dramatics 4 Icc Hockey 2. 3, 4 ... lntramurals 2. 3. 4 Wisterian 2. 3, 4

Jim Carroll


Mark A. Ca~ale 40 885-0231 Seven Dolors 710 falcon Dr. Wyndmoor, PA 19118 Bowling2 ..• lntramurals I, 2, 3, 4 .. Wisterian 4 •.. Track & Field 3, 4 • . Nauonal Honor Society 4 •.. Scholastic "l" I. 2. 3. 4 . . Spirit Club 4 ... Prom Committee 3. 4 .•• Highest Honors English I, Religion 2 Hugh f. Ctwy 50 896-6959 Presentation B.V.M. 613 Beechwood Dr. Havertown, PA 19083 Dramatics I, 3, 4 ... lntramurals I, 2, 3 .. Wisterian I .•. Yearbook 2 Michael A. Ca\anaugb 60 331·0759 St. Timothy 6228 Tackawanna St Philadelphia. PA 19135 Football I, 2 .•. lmramurals I, 2, 3, 4 ... Track & Field I

Hugh Case}

John H. Cellucci 7D 644-1490 St Monica 211 Bla1r Rd. Berwyn, PA 19312 Intra murals 2, 3, 4 . . Yearbook 2. 3(Head Photographer) . . Track & Field 2, 3, 4 . Music Department 3, 4 • . Rotary Club of America, Nommee 3 ... Who's Who Among American High School Students Douglas P. CbaJout 10 828-2503 Epiphany of Our Lord 3034 Arrowhead La. Norrbcown, PA 19401 Forum I. 2, 3, 4 ..• lntramurals l, 3. 4 ..• Wisterian 2. 3, 4 . . Yearbook 3. 4 .. . Eagle Scout I. 2, 3. 4 ..• Chess Club 3 ... Wresthng I. 2. 3, 4(Captain) Stephen J. Ciarrocclti 482-0917 Immaculate Heart of Mary 6822 Henr) Ave PhJladelph1a, PA 19128 lntramurals I. 2, 3, 4 Soccer I. 2, 3


Joe Cicchiello

Joseph A. Ciasullo 30 635-4298 St. James 7741 Union Ave. Elkins Park. PA 19117 Bowling 2. 3, 4 .. • lntramurals I, 2, 3, 4 ... Track & Field I •. Maihletes I. 2. 3, 4 Computer Club I, 2. 3, 4 ... Scholastic "L'' I, 2, 3 ... Photo Club 2, 3, 4 •.. Dungeons & Dragon$ Club 3. 4(Vice-President) Jowpb F. CicchleUo 40 272-6983 Epiphany of Our lord 14 Longview Circle Norristown, PA 1940 I Bowling Club 2. 3, 4 ••• lntramurals I, 2, 3, 4 . • Soccer I. 2, 3 ... Matbletes 3, 4 ... Computer Club 2, 3, 4 .•. National Honor Soctety 3, 4 •.. Scholastic "L" I, 2, 3. 4 ... Chess Club ](President)

M ike Catanaugh


Pete Chalout

Steve Ciarrocchi

John CeUucci

J oe Ciasullo

Mark Casale


Ketin Connor

Mike Clarke


John Corrado

Joe Console

Micha~l A. Clark~ 482-1773 St. John the Baptist 3571 Freeland Ave. Philadelphia, PA 19128 lntramurals I. 2. 3. 4


Walter P. Cleary 60 745-7573 St. Cecilia 1223 Stanwood St. Philadelphia. PA 19111 Cross Country I .. lntramurals I, 2, 3, 4 ... Student Counci13 . Track & field I, 2 . Soccer 2( L), '(I) Indoor Track I .. Scholastic "L'' 2. 3 ... NEDT Achievement Patrick F. Coff~y ME5-2470 St. Joseph 7521 Oak Lane Road Philadelphia, PA 19126 lntramurals I. 2, 3, 4 Edward P. Coleman 10 884-4269 Queen of Peace 3207 Lenape Dr. Dresher, PA 19025 lntramurals I, 2. 3, 4. Religious Activiues 3. 4 ... Swimming 1. 2, J(L). 4(L, Captain) .. Scholastic "L" 3

Pat Coffey

Kevin R. Connor 2D 828-7894 St. Philip 4041 Westway Dr. Lafayette Hill. PA 19444 Football! , 2(L). 3(l), 4(L) ... lntramurals I. 2, 3, 4 . Religious Acll\•ities 2, 3, 4 . . Track & Field 3, 4 Joseph J. Console 30 JVJ-4336 Immaculate Heart of Mar} 569 Domino La. Philadelphia. PA 19128 Band 1,2.3,4 ... Dramatics 1.2 ... lntramurals 1.2, 3, 4 ... Wisterian 2, 4 ... Student Council t ... Music Department I, 2. 3. 4 Matthew J. Cople~ 4D 228-9821 St. Philip 3024 Spring Mill Rd. Plymouth Meeting. PA 19462 Forum I ... lntramurals I. 2, 3. 4 ... Student Council 3 . . Wrestling I, 2. 3, 4 John Corrado IV2-4152 St. Lucy 325 Paoli Ave. Philadelphia. PA 19128 Football I .. • lntramurals I, 2, 3, 4

Matt Copley


. Soccer 4

Ed Coleman


Phil Daouphars

Bob Costello

Bob Dagnon

Robert F. Costello

Ed Coyle


Rt\2-3630 St. Cecilia 1268 Fuller St. Philadelphia. P·\ 19111 Intra murals I, 2. 3. 4 . . Student Council 3, 4 ••• Computer Club 3 Ed~ard F. Coyle 548-3335 St. Helena 708 W. 65th Ave.



Philadelphia. PA 19126 Football 2 •. . lntramurals I, 2. 3, 4 •.. Religious Activities 2. J

Ke1ln M. Cregan 10 464 6409 St. Albert the Great 876 Morefield Rd. Philadelphia. PA 19115 Bowling I, 2 ... lntramur(\b I. 2. 3, 4 ..• Wi~terian 3 Yearbook 3 . .. Scholastic "L" 2. 3

20 Timothy J. Cusb 233·0591 St. Genevieve 302 Preston Rd . flourtown, PA 19031 Crew I, 2. 3(l), 4(l) ... Football I. 2 ... lntramurals I. 2, 3, 4 ... Swimming I, 2(L). 3(L), 4(L. Captain) ... ~athletes 3. 4 •• Computer Club 3, 4 'lauon· al Honor Society 3. 4 Scholastic ''L" I, 2. 3. 4

Bob DeSimone

Kevin Cregan

Harvey deKraft

Robert M. Dagnon 3D 725-1835 Maternity B.V.M. 8295 Bustleton Ave. Philadelphia. PA 19152 Basketball!, 2, 3, 4 ... Dramatics 3, 4. lmramurals I, 2. 3, 4 .• Student Council I ... Wrestling I Philippe Daoopbars 657-7964

St. David


Tim Cush

2540 Edgehill Rd. Huntingdon Valley, PA 19006 Bowling Club I, 2. . lntramurals I, 2. 3. 4 .•. Soccer I. 2, 3, 4 ... National Honor Society 3, 4 •.. Mathfetes 3 ... Scholastic "L" I. 2, 3, 4 ... French Honor Society 2 . . Golf 2. 3

Han-ey R. deKrarrt 698-0322 Our Lady of Consolation 8803 Vernee Rd.


Philadelphia. PA 19115 lntramurals I, 2, 3, 4 Robert DeSimone (¥3-0337 Immaculate Heart of Mar} 558 \\ artnor St. Philadephia, PA 19128 lntramurals I, 2, 3, 4



Dave Draganosky

frank Downey

George Donahue

Mic:hael B. Dincla



Immaculate Heart of Mary f!431 Harner St

Philadelphia. PA 19128 Baseball 3, 4 • .. Intramural~ I, 2. 3, 4 ... Student Council I, 2 . .. Scholastic "L" 2, 3 Charle!i [. Dolaway 643-3346 Epiphany of Our Lord 766 Valley Rd.



Franco D'Orazio

Blue Bell. PA 19422 Bowling 3, 4 .. . Crew 2 ... Intra murals I, 2, 3, 4 .. . Yearbook 4 .. . Malblcte~ I, 2, 3,4 ... ComputcrCiub I, 2. 3, 4 •.• National Honor Society 4 . . Scholastic "L" I, 2 Dungeon Soc1et> 3. 4(Treasurcr. Pre~i­ denl) . .. Stage Crew 3, 4 .. . Photo Club I, 2. 3, 4( Vice-PreMdent)

George A. Donahue 885-5922 St. Luke 406 Abington Ave.


Glenside, PA 19038 Band I, 2, 3 ... lntramurals I. 2. 3 ... Wi~terian 3 ... Yearbook 3 .• , Music Department I, 2, 3 John E. Donohue JV2-7907


Immaculate Heart of Mary 8609 Sagamore Rd. Philadelphia. PA 19128 Football I. 2 •.. Intramural~ I, 2, 3. 4 . . Religious Acti~ities

I, 2. 3. 4

Joe Dowling

Mike Dinda

Chip Dolaway

John Donohue

Franco R. D'Orazio 40 272-0440 St. Paul 1604 Sand} Hill Rd. Norristown. PA 19401 Art Club 3, 4. . lntramurals I. 2. 3. 4 ... Religious Activities I, 2, 3. 4 . Computer Club 4 Joseph P. Do"ling 643-7820 St. Alphonsus


907 Lanfair Rd. Ambler. PA 19002 Baseball 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Basketball I, 2, 3, 4 . Intramurals I, 2, 3, 4 ... Religiou.~ Activities 3, 4 Francis X. Downey 60 TU7-6730 Queen of Peace 82 Park Place Oreland, PA 19075 Football 1, 2 ... lntramurals 1. 2, 3. 4 ... Golf 2. .3. 4

Datid J. Draganosky 70 295-1203 St. John Evangelist 1601 Makefield Rd. Yardley, PA 19067 lntramurals I, 2, 3, 4. . Religious Activities I, 2, 3, 4 . . Scholastic "L" I



John J. Dub)'k ID 635-2611 St. Joseph 14 Lawnside Rd. Chehenham, PA 19012 Baseball 2 ... Football I. 2. 3, 4 ... lntramurals I. 2, 3, 4(Homeroom Representative) .. Swimming I. 2. 3. 4 . Grade School Basketball Tournament I, 2. 3(Co-director). 4(Co-dnector) Gregor)' 0 . Dud zek 20 548-3416 St. Helena 6407 N. Fatrhill St. Philadelphia, PA I 9126 Forum I .. , Intra murals I. 2. 3, 4.,, Yearbook )(Assistant Editor), 4(Editor) . CSC I. 2, 3, 4 . National Honor Society 3. 4 .•. Scholastic "L" I, 2, 3, 4 Grade School Basketball Tournament 3, 4 .. Who's Who Among Amencan High School Students . Highest Honors Religion 2 Benjamin T . Duggan 30 646-1208 St. Stani5laus 1218 Lois Rd. Ambler, PA 19002 Bowltng 3. 4 ... Dramatic~ I. 4 ... Intra murals I, 2, 3, 4 .. Track&. Field 3. 4 ... Eagle Scout 4. . Bowling Club 2. 3. 4

Chris Filippone

Tom Duggan

Carl J. Elit1 40 822-8584 St. Stanislaus 1553 Peachtree La. Hatfield, PA 194AO Bowling 3, 4 ... lntramurals I, 2, 3, 4. . Wisterian 3, 4 ... Mathletes 2. 3. 4 ... Computer Club 2, 3. 4 ... National Honor Society 3, 4 ... Scholastic "L" I, 2, 3. 4 . . Dungeons & Dragons Club David T. Espenshade 828-9018 St. Genevieve 333 Po"'derhom Rd. Fort Washington, PA 19034 Football I ... lntramurals I. 2, 3, 4


Cristopber F . Filippone 60 277-7637 St. Helena 1663 Ritter Rd. Center Square, PA 19422 Band 2, 3 • .. Ice Hockey 2. 3. 4 ... lntramurals 2. 3, 4 . . Soccer 2 ... Music Department 2 . . Computer Club 2 Joseph C. Fitzgerald 70 646-8494 St. Alphonsus 302 Baker Rd. Ambler, PA 19002 Intra murals 2, 3, 4 ... Student Councill, 4 Soccer 3 ... Scholastic "L" 2, 3. 4 . . Wre~tltng l, 4 Thomas C. fitzpatrick 10 664-3620 St. '-1athias 65 \ \i Princeton Rd. BaJa Cyn"'yd, PA 19004 Art Club 3 . Cross Country I, 2, 3. 4(Captain) .. lntramurals I, 2. 3. 4 .. Wisterian I. 2 Track & Field I, 2. 3, 4(Captam) . . Indoor Track I. 2. 3. 4(Captain)

Dave Espenshade


Kttia F- ~lynn 643-3052 St Rose of l1ma 1440 E. l.amplighter l.a Gw}nt..'dd. PA 19436


Baseball! , 2. 3( L). 4(1.) • • • football2. J( L), 4(L) •.. lntramurals I, 2, ){Homeroom Representati\e), 4 •••



I, 2 .

Indoor Track 1

J BOIM J . f real 30 482· 1269 Immaculate tleart of Mary 828 Cathedral Rd. Philadelphia. PA 19128 lntramurab I, 2, 3. 4 ... Student Council I, 3

Kt ,in F. f'unchion


836-7S65 Seven Dolor) 713 E. Willow Grove Ave. Wyndmoor, PA 19118 Cros> Country 2, 3, 4(Co-captam) .•. Football I •.. Intramural~ I, 2, 3. 4 .•. Track & held I, 2, 3, 4(Cocaptain) ••• Yearbook I ..• Indoor Track I, 2. 3. 4(Co-captam) .•. f.aglc Scout 4 . • . :'\'ational Honor Society 3, 4 .,. Scholastic " L" 3 \1ichatl F. ..unchlon 50 R36-7865 Seven Dolo!') 713 E W1llo~ Grll'e A~e. W)ndmoor, PA 19118 Cross Countr} I. 2. 3, 4 • . Intra murals I, 2, 3. 4 •.. Track & f•eld I. 2, 3. 4 ... Indoor Trad. I. 2. 3. 4 Eagle Scout 4 KArl J . Gabritl5011

John Gay



St Theresa 2867 Eaglev•lle Rd Auduban, PA 19403 Dramatics 3, 4 • .. lntramurals I, 2(Staff). 3(Staff). 4(Staff) •.• Religious Activities I, 2. 3. 4 •. Wister· 1an 2, 3. 4 ••• Student Council 2. 3, 4 . Yearbook 4 Mathletes 3, 4 National Honor Society 3, 4 ••. Scholastic " I," I. 2, 3, 4 Rotary Club Leadership Camp 3 .•. Basketball Marathon 3. 4 Patrick T. Ganlt)



St. Philip 603 Thornhill Drive Lafa)ette H11l, PA 19444 Intramurab I, 2. 3, 4 •.• Religious Activitie-. I , 2, ), 4 ••• Student Counctl 2 •• Golf I. 2, 3, 4 Francis H . Gannon 279-8623

Karl Gabrielson


St. Paul 1903 Johnson Rd. 1'\orrist~n. PA 19401 Forum I, 2. 3, 4 .• Intramural~ I, 2, .l, 4 . Com put· er Club I ... :-.auonnl Honor SOCiet) 4 ••• Scholb!lc "L" I, 2, 3 John C. Gay 628·2.362 St. Alphon~u~ 101.3 Bell Lane Maple Glen. Pt\ 19002 Basketball I, 2, 3. 4 ••• Cro\' Country .3


Ketin Funchion


Frank Gannon

Pat Ganley

Michael f unchion

Kevin flynn

Jerry Freal


Paul Gonsiewski

Greg Giletti

Tom Gordon


Terry Gillespie

Dominic Giuffrida

Gregory P. Gilelli 30 549-4165 St. Joseph 717 W. 66th Ave. Ph1ladelphia, PA 19126 lmramurals 1(Homeroom Representative), 2, 3. 4 .. . Religio~ Aclivi tie& I. 2. 3, 4 ... Swimming I. 2, 3 .. . Track & Field 2, 3, 4 .. Yearbook I. 2, 3, 4 .. ational Honor Society 3, 4 ... Scholastic "l" I, 2, 3, 4. Who's Who Among American High School Stu¡ dents Terrence C. Gillespie 40 886-5834 St. luke 2209 Fairhill Ave, Glenside, PA 19038 Basketball I, 2, J, 4 . . lntramurals I. 2, 3, 4 ... Religious Activities I. 2, 3, 4 ... Track & Field 1. 2, 3( L), 4(l) ... '\Jational Honor Society 3, 4(President) .. Scholastic "L" 1, 2. 3, 4

Victor Gray

James l. Gilmore 657¡ 1270 St. David 115 Everell Ave. Willow Grove, PA Crew 3, 4 ... Intramurals I, 2. 3, 4


John V. Giotinazzo 525-1898 710 Mt. Maro Rd. Villanova. PA 19085 lntramurals I, 2, 3, 4


Dominick M. Giuffrida 70 279-1 435 St. Paul 1419 Boyer Blvd. Norristown, PA 19401 lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Computer Club 3, 4 ... National Honor Society 3. 4 ... Tennis I, 2. 3, 4 Paul J. Gonsiewski ID 426-6988 St. Adalbert 300 E. Ontario St. Philadelphia. PA 19134 lntramurals I. 2(Homeroom Representative), 3, 4 ... Stage Crew I, 2, 3, 4 Thomas M. Gordon 20 886-2271 St. luke 733 Abington Ave. Glenside, PA 19038 Football I ... lntramurals 1. 2, 3, 4 ... Wisterian 3, 4 ... Yearbook 4 ... Matbletes 4 ... Computer Club 3, 4 . Nauonal Honor Society 3. 4 ... Scholastic "l" 2, 3

Victor L. Gra> 3D 242-1476 Holy Cross 7733 Ardleigh St. Philadelphia, PA 19118 Basketball 1, 2 ... lntramurals I, 2, 3, 4 . Student Council 2 .. Track & Field I .. Yearbook 4

Jim Gilmore

John Giovinazzo


( h2 rlf5 1\1. Greenberg 40 87·2073 Our Lady Help of Chnstian' 1217 Bockiu' Avenue ,\bmgton, PA 19001 8.\,ketbJII I, 2. J, 4 ... lntramurah I. 2, 3. 4 ..• Rehgaou' ACU\'ltie,; I, 2 ..• S'holasuc "I." :!, 3. 4 Richard J. Gregor 50 PY.!ISI2 '>1 Uilary 1141 Old f'ord Rd ll untingdon Valle}. PA 19006 Cre~ I .•• CnNCountry I •• Forum I ••• lntramur· als I, 2, 3, 4 . Student Councal 3, 4 ... :-.."nuonal llonor Society 3, 4 Scholastic " I " I. 3. 4 ••• Golf I, 2, J, 4 Rodne) II. Grimm oD 279-3384 l·piphJny of Our Lord 1629 l.arch.-ood Dr. ="orristo-.n, PA 19401 lntrnmurals I, 2, 3. 4. . Soccer I, 2, J, 4 •• Tenns- J. 4

\1ark S. Grimner 7D 4!:\3·.5429 Immaculate: Heart or Mary 910 Cathedral Rd. Philadelphia, PA 19128 Bo~ling I. 2 ... Football I ... lntramurnls I, 2, 3, 4 \1ichatl J . Grubb 757.0158 Our Lad) of Grace 142 ~ lia1el Ave. Langhorne, PA 19047 lntramurals I. 2. 3, 4 •.. ScholaMac "I" 3

Rodney Grimm


C"hariH J. Halfpenny 275-1302 St. Helena 1418 Daws Rd. Norristown, PA 19401 Band I, 2, 3. 4( Vice-President) .. Crc\\ I, 2. 3. 4 •• Cros' Country I .• lntramurals I, 2. 3. 4 •.. Student Councal I, 2. 3. 4 . . Student Council I, 2. 3. 4 •• Soccer 2. J ..• Music Department I, 2. 3. 4 ..• SchoJa,tic "l" 3 Mark \ , llagerty 836-1389 II 17 (lark Rd. Wyndmoor. PA 19118 8o"' ling 2. 3, 4(Sccretar)) • • lntramurals I. 2, 3, 4 , .. Rehgtous Actnaues 4 •. \\ tStc:raan 4 . Math· letes 1.2, 3,4 .. Computer Club 1,2,3,4 ~;Ilion· nl Honor Soetc:ty 3, 4 Scbolastte "L" I. 2. 3, 4 J anws Hannum 368.0794 St Stantslaus 1420 Suy La. 1'\orth Wales. P,\ 194.54 Bo\\ ling 3 • lntramutals



Chucl. Halfpeno)


Mark Hagert)

Mike Grubb

Mark Grimner

Jim Hannum

Rich Gregor

Chip Greenberg


Phil Higgins

Fran Harkins

Fran Harrison

Bill Higgins


Rob Harrison

50 Francis J. Harkins 885-0855 St. Luke 332 Roslyn Ave. Glenside, PA 19038 Bowling Club 2, 3, 4 ... lntramurals 2 ... Yearbook I . . Mathletes 3, 4 ... Computer Club 3. 4 ... Eagle Scout 4 ••• National Honor Society 3. 4 ... Scholastic "L" I, 2, 3, 4 ... French Honor Society 2, 3, 4 Francis J. Harrison 60 641-1599 St. Anthony 124 Reiffs Mill Rd. Ambler, PA 19002 lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Religious Activities 3 ... Yearbook 1 ... Scholastic "L" I. 2. 3 Robert T. Harrison 7D 233-4118 St. Philip 4118 Hain Dr. Lafayette HiU, PA 19444 Baseball 2, 3. 4 ... Basketball l, 2 ... Football I, 2. 3, 4 ... Intra murals l, 2. 3, 4 ... Wisterian 3 ... Student Counci12, 4 ... Track & Field I, 2 ... Scholastic " L" I. 3 PhiUp J. Higgins

Dan H yman

825-2198 Epiphany of Our Lord 3028 Warrior Rd. Norristown, PA 19401 Art Club 3, 4 ... Dramatics 1,



... Intra murals 1. 2

William P. Higgins 20 675-4223 Nativity of Our Lord 789 Claire Rd. Warminster. PA 18974 Bowling I. 3. 4 ... Cross Country I ... lntramurals I, 2. 3. 4 ... Mathletes 4 ... Computer Club I, 2 •. National Honor Society 3, 4 ... Scholastic ·'L" I, 2, 3. 4 ... Golf 3, 4 ... Dungeon Society 4

Marty Hoban

Martin J. Hoban 30 CH7-1167 Holy Cross 138 W. Durham St. Philadelphia, PA 19119 Art Club 2, 3, 4 ... lntramurals I, 2, 3. 4 ... Track & Field I, 2. 3 ... Yearbook 3, 4 •• Photo Club 2 40 Daniel J. Hyman 482-5984 Immaculate Heart of Mar) 575 Wartman St. Philadelphia. PA 19128 BasebaU 2, 3(L), 4(L) ... Basketball3 ... Football!, 2. 3(L), 4(L) ... lntramurals I, 2, 3. 4 ... Religious Acitvities I, 2. 3, 4 ... Student Council I, 4 ... National Honor Society 3, 4 .. Scholastic ''L'' l. 2. 3, 4 Da~id W. Jewart 50 884-6241 306 Tee Rd. Glenside. PA 19038 lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Track & Field I. 2. 3. 4 .. Indoor Track I. 2. 3. 4 ... National Honor Society 4

Da,e Jewart


Stephen B. Johnson 675-0144 St. Joseph 746 Crestvic"' Rd. Hatboro, PA 19040 lntramurals I, 2. 3. 4. 2, 3. -l


Student Councill •.. Golf I.

Micltael A. Joyce 9:!4-7128 St. Helena 6145 Lawrence St Philadelphia, PA 19120 ~athletes 3. 4 .. Scholastic "L'' I, 2, 3, 4


Francil> J. Junod


643-7424 St. Alphonsus 1704 Terrace Drive Maple Glen, PA 19002 Band I, 2. 3(L), 4(L) ... lntramurals I, 2, 3, 4 ..• Student. Council 2 . . \1usic Department l. 2, 3, 4

Tom Kearns

John J. Kane 2D 628-8427 St. Alphonsus 945 Bell Lane Maple Glen, PA 19002 football l. 2(l), 3(L). 4(l) . . lntramurals I. 2, 3, 4 ... Religious Activities I. 2. 3, 4 . Student Counc1l 2. 3. 4 . •. Spirit Club 4 :\1ichael J. Kane 643-3156 St. Alphonsus 623 Bell La. Maple Glen. PA 19002 lntramurals I, 2, 3, 4


Joseph J. Karcher 4D 743-3994 All Saints 3958 Richmond St. Philadelphta, PA 19137 Art Club 2. 3. Football 2 •.• lntramurals l, 2, 3, 4 . Stage Crew I, 2, 3 ... Football ~anager 3

Steve Johnson

Thomas J. Kearns 50 438-5584 St. Bndget 3637 Calumet S1. Philadelphia, PA 19129 Baseball I .. . lntramurals I, 2. 3. 4 ••• Religious '\ctivities l, 2, 3. 4 .. , Student Council I, 2 Daniel P. Kelley 6D W17-4669 S1. Albert the Great 74 Radburn Road Hunungdon Valley, PA 19006 Baseball2 . .• Football! ... lntramurals l, 2. 3, 4 ..• Student Council 3 .•• Eagle Scout I, 2, 3, 4

Fran Junod


Mike Joyce

Joe Karcher

John Kane

Mike Kane

Dan KeUey


John Kiernan

Brett KeUy

Paul Kim

Mike Klaiber

Brett W. Kell) 70 698·0740 Maternity B. V.M. 9975 Hardy Road Philadelphia, PA 19115 Footbaltl. 2, 3. 4 ..• lntramurals I, 2, 3. 4 ••• Reli· gious Activities I, 2. 3. . Swimming I .•. Track and Field 3 Brian J. Kelly 698-0740



Maternity B V.~ . 9975 Hardy Road Philadelphia, PA 19115 Football I. 2. 3, 4 ..• lntramurals I. 2, 3, 4 gious Activitie:. I, 2 Louis M. KeD)' 628-9403 Epiphan}' I 060 Appleby C~ull Blue Bell, PA 19422

Football I, 2, 3 ... lntramurals 1. 2, 3. 4



Timolh} P. Kelly 30 725-2844 St. Ambrose 1426 St. Vincent Street Philadelphia, PA 19 111 Band I. 2( l 1. 3(l), 4(l, President) • .. Religious Activities 3. 4 . Yearbook I. 3(Business Manager). 4(8usiness \1anager) ... Eagle Scout 2 . . "fusic Departmem I, 2. 3, 4 (President) . Stage Crew

Brian Kelly

Tim Kelly

Kurt Kjse

Louis Kelly

40 John P. Kiernan 348-8310 24 New Road Doylestown, PA 1890 I Forum I ... lntramurals I, 2, 3, 4 ... Religious Activities 4 ... Track and Field 2. 3 .. Mathletes 4 ... Junior Achievement 3, 4(Assistant Vice-president) Paul P. Kim 947-6177 St. Albert the Great


436 Hickory Road Huntingdon Valley, PA 19006 Bowling I. 2, 3, 4 ... lntramurals I. 2. 3. 4 ... Wisterian 3, 4 . . Yearbook 4 . . Mathletes I. 2. 3, 4 Computer Club l, 2, 3 ... !':ationa! Honor Society 3, 4 ... Scholastic "L" I, 2. 3 ... Dungeon and Dragon 3, 4 ... Photo Club 4 Charles C. Kise CHS-2468 Radnor Friends Meeting


8220 Millman Street Philadelphia, PA 19118 lntramurals 2. 3. 4 Michael J. Kla iber 643-1379 St. Alphonsus 1568 Tempie Drive Maple Glen. PA19118 lntramurals I. 2. 3, 4



\1icllael J. Koller ID 4!!3-1090 Immaculate Heart of Mary 546 Vem:r Circle Philadelphia, PA 19128 Dramatic.~ 1. 4 ... Intra murals I. 2, 3, 4 ... Religious Activlttes I, 2, 3, 4 .. Student Council 2, 3. 4 ... Track and Field I, 3, 4 ... Music Depanmem 4 .•• Indoor Track l, 3, 4 S tante)' J . Kreft 698-2338 Maternity B V M. 9407 Evans Street Philadelphia, PA 19115 lntramurals I, 2, 3, 4


Philip E. Krzywicki 3D 637-5769 St. Katherine of Sienna 3914 Grant Avenue Philadelphia. PA 19114 Art Club 2. 3, 4 •.. Band I ... Dramatics 4 ... Forensics- Forum I, 2, 3, 4 ... Student Council I ... \ltusic Department I, 2, 3. 4 . . Scholastic '·L" I Keith R. Ksansnak 4D 646-8132 St. Joseph 289 Batleson Road Ambler, PA 19002 Baseball I, 2. J(L), 4(l) . • Ice Hockey J(L), 4(L) . . lntramurals I, 2, 3. 4 ... Religious Activities I, 2. 3, 4 ... National Honor Society 3, 4 . . Scholastic "L" I. 2, 3, 4

Thomas E. Lodise

Roy Louis-Charles


RA5-6346 Resurrection 1400 St. Vincent Street Philadelphlll, PA 19111 lntramurals I 2, 3, 4 Andrew I. Lombard ID 424-5254 St. Helena 709 West 64th Street Philadelphia, PA 19126 Cre11 I. 2 ... Cross Country I ... lntramurals I. 2. 4 ... School Paper I, 2 ... Student Council4 .. Golf I. 4

Tom Lodise

Ro} A. Louis-Charles 6D 572-0286 Mary Immaculate 7805 Deer Run Road Philadelphia, PA 19118 Crew 3, 4 ... Dramatics I ... Forum 3, 4 ..• Intramurals I, 2, 3, 4 . Student Council I, 4(Prtlildent) Thomas C. McCann 438-6984 St. Theresa 7 I 5 Vernon Road Ph1ladelph1a, PA 19119 Football I, 2, 3 . • lntramurals I. 2. 3. 4


Phil Krzywicki



Bill McLaughlin

Frank McQuiUen

Mike McGuigan

Ed Mackie


R. Craig McChesney 3D 825-0567 St. Genevieve 323 Powder Horn Road Fort Washington. PA 19034 Crew 3. 4 .. lnlramurals 1, 2. 3. 4 ... School paper 2. 3, 4 ... Swimming I, 2, 3, 4 ... Yearbook 1, 2. 3 .. National Honor Society 3, 4 ... Scholastic "L" 2. 3 Barry D. McCormick 4D 279-8473 Epiphany or Our Lord 958 Nelherwood Drive Norristown. PA 1940 I Basketball I, 2. 3, 4 ... lntramurals I, 2. 3. 4 ..• Religious Activit it.~ 1. 2 ... Soccer I Bernard M. McFadden 288-0816 St. Martin 1038 Alcott Street Philadelphia. PA 19149 lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Soccer 2


Michael F. McGuigan 60 624-7660 St. Matthew 3239 Princeton Avenue Philadelphia. PA 19149 Dramatics 3, 4 ... lntramurals I. 2. 3, 4 ... Yearbook 4 ... Soccer 2, 3. 4 ... National Honor Society 3, 4 ... Scholastic "L" I. 2

Sean Mahoney

William P. McLaughlin 10 947-6996 Our Lady Help of Christians 1500 Grasshopper Road Huntingdon Valley, PA 19006 Cross Country 2. 3, 4 ... lntramurals I. 2, J, 4 .. . Track and Field 1. 2. 3, 4 ... Indoor Track I, 2. 3. 4 .. . National Honor Society 3, 4 ... Scholastic "L" I, 2, 3, 4

Francis B. McQuillen 7D (609) 263-1364 St. Joseph 311 47th Place Sea Isle City. NJ 08243 Art Club 2, 3, 4 ... Forum 2 ... Wi>rerian 4 ... Scholastic "L" 2. 3 Edward J . Mackie 7D 659-0229 St. David 110 Fern Avenue Willow Grove, PA 19090 lntramurals 1. 2, 3, 4 ... School Paper 4 ... Track and Field I . . Yearbook 4 ... Mathletes 2. 3. 4 ... National Honor Society 3, 4 ... Scholastic ''L'' I, 2. 3, 4 ... Future Physicians 3 ... Photo Club 4

Sean E. Mahoney 10 886-1580 Immaculate Conception 1875 Lambert Road Jenkintown, PA 19046 Crew 1, 2, 3, 4 ... lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Soccer 1

Craig McChesney

Bernie McFadden


John P. Manta 2D 275-2125 Epiphany of Our Lord 4 Princeton Road Norristown, PA 19403 Basketballl. 2. 3 lntramurals 1.1, J, 4 .•. School Paper I, 2, 3, 4 . . Student Council 2, 4 .•. Track and Field I, 2 .• Soccer 2 Christopher R. Manz 3D 947-4860 St. Albert 345 Cinnamon Drive Huntangdon Valley, PA 19006 Football I . .. lntramurals I. 2, 3, 4 .• . Religious Activities 3 •. . Mathletes 3 . • . Wrestling 2, J. 4 .. . Scholastic "l" 3 Clifford M. Mars 40 542-0367 St. Alphonsus 853 Tennas Avenue Ambler, PA 19002 Band 3, 4 . . Baseball I, 2. 3. 4 . . • fntramurals I, 2. 3, 4 .. . Music Department 3, 4 ... Wrestling I. 2, 3. 4 . . Eagle Scout 4

Andy Meehan

John R. Martin 50 885-7457 St. Hilary 135 Carmel Road Jenkintown, PA 19046 Baseball 3. . Football I. 2. 4 • .. lntramurals I, 2. 3, 4 . . Spirit Club 4 Robert N. Masucci 60 643-0453 St. Helena I018 Hemlock Drive Blue Bell. PA 19422 Football 1 . lmramurals 1. 2, 3. 4(Representative) . .. Student Council 4 . .. Soccer 3 . . Wrestling 2, 3. 4 Mark M. Mattei 483-3669 Immaculate Heart of Mary 538 Prelate Circle Philadelphia. PA 19128 Art Club 2, 3. 4 .. . lntramurall> I, 2, 3, 4



) Mark Mattei

James C. Matthews tD 345-6290 Our Lady of Mount Carmel 2119 Turk Road Doylestown, PA 18901 Crew 3, 4 . Football 1. 2. 3, 4 •. . Intramural$ I. 2,3, 4 ... Religious Activities I, 2. 3. 4 National Honor Society 3, 4(Vice-President) Scholastic "l'' I. 2.. 3. 4 . . Spirit Club 3. 4 (Chatrman) Andrew M. Meeban P15-7717 St. Cecilia 1004 Rhawn Street Philadelphia. PA 19111 Soccer 3

Ron Martin


Chris Manz

Jim Matthews

Cliff Mars

J.P. Manta

Bob Masucci


Max Mellet



Ed Mitchell

Gregg \lelinson


Pat \tilligan

John T. \1ebr 3D 886-3487 Queen of Peace 338 Valle) Road Oreland, PA 19075 Band I, 2, 3. 4 Intra murals I, 2, 3. 4 Religu>us Activities 2, 3 .. Yearbook 4 Music Department I. 2. 3. 4 . . Mathletes 4 . . National Honor Society 3. 4 . . Scholastic "L" I, 2, 3, 4 . Community Service Corps I, 2, 3, 4 .. . Bowling Club I Grea R. Melinson 698-1357 St Chri:.topher I 5040 Kelvin Avenue Philadelphia, PA 19116 Bo"' hng 2 Forum 2 ••. lmramurals I. 2. 3. 4 ... Religious Activiti~ 2. 3. 4 . . School Paper I, 2. 3, 4(Editor 2. 3, 4) . Student Council I, 2 . Math· letes 2. . Computer Club 2 ... National Honor Soci· ety 3, 4 Scholastic ''L" 1. 2. 3. 4

John A. Mellet 5D 886· 7036 Immaculate Conception 133 To"'nship Line Road Jenkintown, PA 19046 Basketball I .. • Football I, 2. 3. 4 lntramurab I. 2. 3, 4 ••• Religious Activiues 2, 3 . Student Council I, 2, 3, 4 ..• T rack and Field I, 4 Datid C. Michie 6D 828-9637 St. Genevieve 327 Powder Horn Road Fort Washington. PA 19034 Art Club 2. 3. 4 Cross Country I . . lntramurals I, 2. 3. 4 . Religious Activities I. 2. 3, 4 . Swimming I, 2

John Mehr

John Mischler Douglas E. Michie 7D 828-9637 St Genevieve 327 Powder Horn Road Fort Wa~hington, PA 19034 Art Club 2, 3, 4. . Cross Country I . Intra murals I, 2. 3, 4 . . . Religious Activities I. 2, 3. 4 .. Sw1mming I, 2, 3 Track and Field 4 . .. Wrestling 4 Patrick M. Milligan ID 742-7259 St. Cecilia 7343 Hasbrook AH:nue Philadelphia. PA 19111 lntramurals I. 2, 3 .. Yearbook4 •• Computer Club I, 2, 3 .. Scholastic "L'' 3 . .. Who's Who Among American High School Students John J. Mischler 2D 572-5183 Immaculate Conception 417 Waverly Road W}nCOte, PA 19095 Basketball 2, 3 •.. lntramurals I, 2. 3. 4(Representa· tive) Student Councsl I, 2 Soccer I, 2 ••. Tenni:. I. 2. 3, 4 Ed"'ard H. Mitchell 3D ADJ-2159 Seven Dolor~ 7800 Elm Avenue Wyndmoor, PA 19118 Bowling 2 ••. Ice Hockey 3 . .• lntramurals I, 2, 3, 4

Doug Michie

10 1

Ra) mond C. Mohr



Our Lady of ~ount Carmel 3683 Robm Road Furlong. PA 18925 Cross Countr) 1 Thomas ~1. Monaghan 50 886-5205 Our Lady Help of Christiam 1221 School Lane Rydal, PA 19046 Football I ..• lntramurals I, 2, 3, 4 •. . Religious Activities 4 ••• Track and Field I. 2. 3, 4 .. Indoor Tra'k 3, 4

James :\t. Mueblbronner



St. Luke 558 l\\ tckenham Road Glenside, PA 19038 Baseball I. 2. 3, 4 Crc"' I • , • Ice Hocke) I. 2. 3. 4 .•• lntramurals I. 2. 3, 4

Jim Muehlbronner James A. Mullen 70 887-8046 St Luke 426 Waverl) Road Glenside. PI\ 19038 Ice Hockey I. 3, 4 ... Intra murals 1, 2, 3, 4 .• . Track and Field I Christopher E. Murphy



Immaculate Heart of Mal) 814 Invernes~ Lane

Philadelphia. PA 19128 Baseball 4 , Basketball 3 ..• lntramurals 1, 2, 3. 4 Religious Activi\ies 1, 2. 3. 4 .. Student Council) Peter D.




Our Lady of Mount Carmel 10 Pebble Valle}' Drive Do)lestown. PA 18901 Band 2. 3. 4 ... Music Department 2. 3. 4 Joseph E. \1yers


Jim Mullen


Our Lady of Good Counsel 3429 Buck Road

lluntingdon Valley, PA 19006 An Club 2. 3, 4 , •• Baseball I, 2. 3, 4 • .. lntramurals I, 2, 3, 4 •.. Religious Activities 4 . • . Student Council 1.4

Matthew J.




St. Hugh 3453 North Front Street Philadelphia. PA 19140 lntramurals I . •. Mathletes 2. ~- 4 Computer Club 3. 4 . . Scholastic ''L" I, 2. 3, 4 . Gazebo 4 • . Dungeon and Dragon Societ) 3, 4

Matt Newdeck


Chris Murphy

Ray Mohr

Tom Monaghan

Pete Murphy

Joe Myers


Tim O'Toole

Mike O'Connell

Ed O' Hara

Jim Osborne

Fred Pickard


frtcl F. Pickard


947-4069 St \!bert

2570 \1allo.,.ell Road Huntingdon Valle). P1\ 19006 so.... hng 3. 4 • lntramurals 1. 2. 3. 4 School Paper 3, 4 • .. Yearbook 3, 4 .. Mathlete' I, 2. 3, 4 .. Computer Club I, 2. 3, 4 . . National Honor Society J, 4 Scholastic "L" 2. 3.. Photo Club 3. 4 Dungeon and Dragon Societ) 3. 4 (Prc~ldcnt) Brian F. l'liorris


886 3974

St luke 37 Chcllicld Road Glcn\ide, PA 1903ll Football I, 2, 3, 4 •.. I ntramurals I, 2, 3, 4 •.• Track and Field 3. 4 Mlchatl C. O'Brien



St. Philip Ncri 666 W()t German to.... n Pike \ pt 201 .... Pl)mouth \leeung. PA 19462 Football I, 2. 3, 4 . • lntramurals I. 2. 3. 4 ••. Track and Field I ~1i<:bael E. O'Connell 70 671-1880 MatcrOil> B.V.M. 1220 Grant Ave. Phaladelphia, PA 19 11 5 Ba~eball 3. 4 lntramurals I, 2, 3, 4 • • • T rack and Field 2. 3

Ed O' Mara

[d,.ard J . O'Hara 4D 643-0513 St Alphonsus 706 Bell Lane \1arle Glen. Pi\ 19002 Band I. 2. 3. 4 .• l ntramurals 1. 2, 3, 4(Coordmator) . . School Paper 4 . Music Department I, 2. 3. 4 •.. Mathlete~ 3, 4 . . National Honor Society 3, 4 ••. Scholastic " L" I. 2. 3, 4 ... Golf I. 2. 3. 4 [d,.ard J. O' Mara ID 646·2009 St. Ro:;e of L1ma Boll 81 G")nedd. PA 194 36 Ba-.eballl. 2 football I, 2 •. lntramurals I. 2. 3. 4 Religiou> Actavnies 2. 3. 4 . Student Counc1l 3 Yearbook 4 . '\iational Honor Societ} 4 ••• Scholbtic " L" 4 . !\EDT Certilieate I • Who's Who Among American High School Students 4

50 836-4692 St. Genevieve 23 Glenn Circle Erdenheim, PA 19118 Art Club 3. 4 .•• Basketball I. 2. 3. 4 • .• Football 3. 4 ••• lntramurah I, 2. 3. 4 •.. Religiou:. Actlvnie) I. 2, 3. 4 Student Council 3 James J. Osborne


S. 0-Too~



St. J oseph 629 Scrrill Dnve Hatboro. PA 19040 Crew I. 2. 3. 4 .•. Cross Country I ... lntramurals I ••• Yearbook 2. 3 ••• Scholastic " L" 2. 3

Brian 1'1,/orris

Mike O' Brien


Clifford A. Patton JE3-3088 St Bartholomew 5513 Harbison Street Philadelphia. PA 19124 l ntramurals I, 2, 3, 4


Michael C. Petaccio 7D 537-9470 Mater Dolorosa 937 Fillmore Street Philadelphia. PA 19124 football 2, 3 . . Intramural~ I, 2, 3. 4 Rcligiou~ Activiti~ 3. . Student Council I •. . Track. and Field I, 2 •.• Indoor Track 2 JOSfpb H . Petty 10 424-0656 St. Therese 1024 East Upsal Street Philadelphia, PA 19150 Crew 3 .. . Football I . . ln!ramurals I, 2, 3. 4 • . . Student Council I, 2, 3 , . . Track and Field 4 William P. Phipps CHB-2042 Our Mother of Consolation 27 Benezet Street Philadelphia, PA 19118 Crew I, 2, 3, 4 . lntramurals 1. 2, 3. 4


Mike Petaccio

Francis A. Ney 50 822-9616 Our Lad} of Mt. Carmel 509 Lower State Road Chalfont. PA 18914 Band 2, 3, 4 .. . lntramurals I. 2. 3. 4 .. . S tudent Council 3 •• . Music Department 2, 3, 4. Computer Club I, 2. 3, 4 • • . Dungeon and Dragon Society 4 Vincent P. Pinto 40 698-9320 Matemit> 8 V.M. 1210 Grant Avenue Philadelphia, PA 19115 lntramurals I, 2, 3, 4 . . Religious Activities I, 2, 3, 4

Robfrt H. Plummer 725-6993 Resurrection 1327 Princeton Avenue Philadelphia, PA 19111 lntramurab I. 2. 3. 4


Cliff Patton

Skuoe M. Ponton 60 1\.107-4573 St. Thomas Aquinas 1403 South 18th Street Philadelphia, PA 19146 Basketball I, 2. l ... Cross Country I. 2. 3 ... Dramatics 4 • . • Forensics-Forum 2, 3, 4 . .. lntramurals I. 2. 3, 4 •.. Religious Activities I. 2 .•• Student Council I, 2, 3 ••. Track and Field I, 2 ••• Indoor Track I. 2

Joe Petty


... -.

Bob Plummer

Fra nk Ney

.. .


S kuoe Ponton

Bill Phipps

Vince Pinto


Jay Rizzo

Jim Quigley

Mark Rainford

Jim Reilly


Herman Reiche

James M. Quigley 70 885-1188 St. Luke 2418 Fairhill Avenue Glenside, PA 19038 Band I, 2. 3. 4 ... Dramatics 3. 4(Production Manager) ... lntramurals I, 2. 3. 4 ... Music Department I, 2. 3, 4 ... Scholastic ''L" 3, 4 ... Stage Crew 3, 4(Stage Manager) John T. Quigley ID 885-1188 St. Luke 2418 fairhill Avenue Glenside, PA 19038 Band I. 2, 3, 4 ... Dramatics 4 •.. lmramurals I, 2, 3, 4 ... School Paper 4 ... Student Council I ... Music Depanment I, 2. 3, 4 ... National Honor Society 3, 4 ... Scholastic "L" I, 3, 4 ... Stage Crew 4

Dave Reardon

John H. Quillinan 20 646-5868 St. Genevieve P.O. Box 27 Ambler, PA 19002 Football I, 2. 3, 4 ... lntramurals 1. 2. 3, 4 . . Religtous Activities I. 2, 3. 4 ... Student Council I, 2 ... T rack and Field I, 2. 3. 4 ... Indoor Track I. 2, 3, 4 Mark W. Rainford 30 223-4062 Corpus Christi 3020 North 26th Street Philadelphia, PA 19132 lntramu rals I. 2. 3, 4( Representative) ... Track and Field 2, 3. 4 ... Indoor T rack 4

David J. Reardon


887-9541 114 East Glenside Avenue Wyncote, PA 19095 Forensics- forum I, 2, 3, 4( Vice- President) ... Intramurals I, 2, 3, 4 ... Student Council I. 2 ... Golf I, 2

J ohn Quillinan

Herman Reiche 50 233-2059 Seven Dolors 8109 Gladstone Road Wyndmoor, PA 19118 Band I. 2. 3, 4( Percussion Leader 3. 4) ... Dramatics 2, 4 ... lnt ramurals I. 2.3,4 ... Music Department I, 2. 3. 4 ... Mathletes I. 2, 3. 4 ... National Honor Society 3, 4(Secretary Treasurer)

James J . Reilly


242-5848 Our Mother of Consolation 8417 Shawnee Street Philadelphia, PA 19118 Baseball I, 2, 3, 4 ••. lntramurals I, 2, 3, 4 Joseph A. Rizzo 70 635-4553 St. Joseph 7613 Front Street Cheltenham, PA 19102 Crew I ... Football I . . lmramurals I. 2, 3. 4 ... Wrestling 3, 4

J ohn Quigley


10 John •·· Roberts 64).1740 St Rose of ltma Grasshopper Lane Gw)nedd Valle). PA 19437 lntramurals 2. 3, 4 School Paper 4 ..• Student Council 3 ..• Schola.5tic "L' I, 2. 3, 4 .•. :-.:EDT Certtlicate 2 ., Who's Who Among ,\meric-.tn High School Students ... Highest Honors Religion I. 2• .3 •.. Sp:~m)h I, l , Algebra I

Wartfll :-.;, Robinsoa 20 483·1036 Immaculate Heart of Mar) 456 Evergreen A\·enue Philadelphia, PA 19128 Track and Field I .•. Bowling Club 3. 4 .. • Intramur-

al;, I. 2. 3, 4 Brian J. Rodden 3D 279-8117 Epiphany of Our Lord .341 0Jford Road Norristown. PA 19401 Baseball I. 2, 3, 4 .•• B<bketball I. 2. J, 4 ••• lntramurab I, 2, J, 4 ... Rehg•ous Activities I, 2, 3, 4 ... Student Council 2 &>ccer I, J, 4 Chrl~topber J. Roessler 643-2827 St Alphonsus 1135 limekiln Pike Maple Glen. PA 19002 Football l • •• lntramurah I. 2. J. 4


Dan Sabia fd'tard \1. Ro~ley SO 886·4329 Our Lady Help of Christians 2112 Guernsey Avenue Ab10gton, PA 19001 I ntramural~ l, 2. 3. 4 ... Rehg10us Activities I, 2. 3, 4 ... Student Council I ... Yearbook L ] Indoor Track I . National Honor Society 3. 4 Scholastic "L" I. 2. J. 4 . Bowling Club 3, 4 •.• Tennis I. 2, 3, 4 :\tichael H . Ruane 60 CU9·5647 St. ~artin of Tours 5925 East ROO'>eveh Boule\·ard Philadelphia. PA 19149 Crew 2 .•. Football I .•. lntramurals I, 2, 3, 4 ••. Wre~tling J Jam~ C. Rude 81!4·2332 Zion Lutheran 417 Limekiln Pike Glenside, PA 19038 Intra murals .3, 4 •.. tling 3, 4



Activities 4 , .. Wres-

Da.WI E. Sabia I0 828·5533 St. Phtllip 878 Andorra Road l.afa)ette Hill, PA 19444 Basketball I •.• Football I. 3, 4 . , . I ntramural~ I, 2, l, 4 •• , Religtou' Activiue~ 4 •.. Track and 1-ield I, 3 ••• Student Council I. 4

Mike Ruane

I 10

Jim Rude

John Roberts

Warren Robinson

Mark Rowley

Chris Roessler

Brian Rodden


Mike Sauerzopf

John Shaffer

Pete Shelton

J oe Shott

Mlchul F. Sauerzopf 20 5!14-0962 Visitation 3245 Water Street Road Collc:gevtllc:. PA 19426 Forensics·forum I, 2 ... Religious i\ctivtties 3. 4 Chari~ A. Scarpello 482-2931 St Lucy 275 Paoli Avenue



Chuck Scarpello

Philadelphia, PA 19128 Bowhng 2 • lntrnmurals I. 2. 3, 4 . Rehgtou Activnies 2 .•• Student Council 4 ... \\CAf 4 John P. Slulfftr



St. Hilary 758 Wood,tde Road Rydal, P,\ 19046 Crew I, 2, 3. 4(Captatn) • •. lntramurals I, 2, 3. 4 •.. Student Council I, 3. 4( Vice-Pre~•dent) ..• Wrestling

Thomas E. ~bn 50 659-9446 St. John of the: Cross 1341 Clarke Road Roslyn, PA 19001 Cross Country I, 2. 3 •. RcligtOU> Activities 3 •.. Track and Field I. 2. 3. 4 . . Indoor Track I, 2. 3, 4

Keith Shepard

Tom Shea

Sean Smith

Peter T. Sbtlton



5645 :o-;onh 20th Street Philadelphia. PA 19144

• • • Gotr 2. 4


Sean \1. Smith 667-9783

I. 2, 3, 4 ... lntramurals I, 2. 3, 4

St. Matthe"' 12 Deckert Street Conshoho.:ken. PA 19428 Baseball I •.. football I Forensitl.-Forum I ... ln tramurals I, 2. 3, 4 Swimming I ... Computer Club I. 2, 3

J~pb B. Shott 887-7435

Keith A. Shepard 924-1978

1\n Club 2, 3, 4 .. . Football I, 2. 3. 4 lntramurals I, 2. 3, 4 Relig1o~ Acti\'itiC) 4 Spmt Club 3. 4



lloly Martyr 822 South Fairway Road Glenside, PA 19038

St Matthia~ 440 Br)n \<tawr Avenue Bala C}nwyd, PA 19004 Cros~ Country 4 . . Intra murals 2, 3. 4 Track and Field 3, 4 Paper 4



11 3

("hri'tlophtr \\ al!>h 248-3057 Our Mother of Consolation 20 Bcnc/Ct Street Philadelphia. PA 19118 Art Club 3, 4 . . lntr:tmurah I. 2, 3, 4 . . A1."tiviti~ 4 ••. Yearbook 4

Datid 1:. Warner 675-0561 Our l.ad} of Good Counsel 351i Overlook Orhe \\'armin.,ter, P,\ 18974 lntrnmurals I, 2. 3, 4




John G. WtSikumptr 70 884-5670 Our l.ndy Help of Chrbtian> 1321 Meado"'brook Road Mcado"'brook, PA 19046 Cr~ Countr) I. 2. 3. 4 . . Intramural~ I, 2. 4 .•. Rehgiou' Activllics 2 .. • Track and f u:ld I, 2, 3. 4 ••• \1athletc~ 2. 3, 4 ••. Indoor Track I, 2. 3, 4 • •. Eagle S.:out 2. 3. 4 ... :-.;ational Honor Soctety 3. 4 .•. Scholastic "l." I, 2. 3. 4

Mike Steinmetz

Chri'ltophtr E. Wbtlan 10 643·0864 ~~ ltclena 494 Kurt Onve Blue Bell, PA 19422 ForerutC\·Forum I. 2 • • lntramurab I. 3 ••• Community Service Corps 3. 4 .. • Scholastic "L" 2 JamH H. Whitt



Our Lady of Calvar) 10800 Hlicott Road Philadelphia, PA 19154 lntramurah I. 2. 3, 4 .. . Religtou' Acti~·itics 4 • , . S.:hool Paper 4 • •• Track and Field I • . Soccer I, 2 G~rce 1\. Winslo,. 30 673-8485 St Albert the Great I Pmc Place Philadelphia, PA 19115 Ba~ball I,:. 3, 4 ..• Ba'ketball I • .. football I. 2. 3. 4 . • . lntramurals I. 2. 3. 4 . • . Religiou> Acti\itics I. 2. 3, 4 . . Student Council 2. 3

\1ike Stack

Robert J. Wittrock 40 443-8332 Nattvtt) of Our Lord 1069 Tollhou~e Road \\ armtnster, PA 18974 Cross Countr) 2, 3. 4 ..• lntramurals I, 2, 4 . Track and held I, 2. 3. 4 . . Indoor Track I , 2. 3, 4 Glenn J. \\ olfin&tr 50 OR7-0453 Maternity B V.M . 1057 Surrey Road Phtladelphia, PA 191 15 Bo~ling 1, 2,3,4 ..• lntramurals I, 2.3.4 •. Soccer2

Joe Splendido

I 14

H enry Stoughton

J oe Stout

Tom S tereos

J ohn S nyder

Brian Stefa nowiC7


Tom Thistle

Scott Wainer

Drew Sweeney

Ben Vozzo

Andrt!t Sweene~ 40 643·5219 St R~ of lima 1316 'l.tectingho~e Road Ambler, PA 19002 Band I, 2 . • . Dramatics I • Football 2. 3, 4 •• Intramural; I. 2. 3. 4 .. • Track and field I, 2, J Thomas \1. Thistle 643·1387 Eptphan) 558 Beale: Road

11 6


Blue Bell, PA 19422 Footballl , l, J I ntramural• I, 2, 3. 4 . • Scholastic "L" 3 ..• \\ rcsthng 4 Robtrt M. Thompson 60 \116-5458 St Cathenne of Stenna 907 Gilman Road Horsham, PA 190-14 Oramati~ 4 • Bowhng 2. 3, 4 lntramurals I, 2. 3. 4 . . • Religiou• Activuies '· 4 Sehoul Paper 2, 3, 4 Yearbook 2. 3, 4 •• , :\auonal Honor Soctet) J, 4 Sch la>ltt "L" 2, J

JobA P. ToMr 70 342·8348 St. Cecil18 1212 Stan\O.ood Street Phtladelphta. PA 19111 l ntramurals I, 2, 3, -1 . • Rcl1gtou' Activuic, J, -1 • . Yearbook I. 2, 3. 4 •.• ~ational l lonurSodet) 3. 4 • Schola~llc "L" I. 2. 3, 4 •. . Bowling J. 4 .. Golf f

Rob Thompson

S te~e


M. Umerzagt


Rob Umerzagt



St Stanislaus 1468 Cath} ·~ Lane Nonh Wales. PA 19456 &>A-ling 3, 4 . •. Intramural~ I, 2, 3. 4 School Paper 4 •. ~athletes I, 2. 3, 4 •• Computer Club I, 2, 3, 4 . "auonal Honor Soc1ety 3. 4 . Schol~tic "L" I, 2, 3, 4 .. Golf I, 2. 3 Dungeon and Dragon Society 3, 4 Steplwn P. 672-3173



John Toner

St David 600 Orchard Way Hatboro. PA 19040 Band I, 2, 3 ..• lntramurah ', 2, 3. 4 .•. Mu\iC Depanmentl. 2, 3 .•. Ea1>1le Scout 3, 4 .•. ~rC)t hnp I, 2, 3, 4

Benjamin P. \-ozzo CH7-8575




Cross Country I Ice Hockey 4 . lntramurah I. 2. 3, 4 . Scholastic "L'' 3. 4 Scott D. \\ ainer M6·8112


St AJpboru>u\ 1604 Shepard Drive Maple Glen, PA 19002 lntramurah I, 2, 3

of Consolation

38 Woodale Road Philadelphia. PA 19118


John \', Sn~d~r JD 342-0t,J4 Presentation B.V. \1. 415 Longshore Avenue Philadelphia, PA 19111 Art Club 4 •.• Baseball 2 •.. Intramural( I, 2, J. 4 .•. Wrc:stlmg 3, 4 Jowpll A. S~ndido 646-4925 St. Alphonsus 606 Bell Lane \taple Glen, P.\ 19002 Dramatic:. .3 .•• lntramurab I, 2, 3, 4 . • '\a tiona I llonor Socict) 3. 4 • • • \\'r~tling I

Micbatl J. S tack



Oa\e Warner

St. Chmtopher 1247 Southampton R1l'ad Philadelphia, PA 19116 football I, 2 . . lntramurals I, 2, 3. 4 Robtrc B. Sttfano•icz 60 6.l2-3437 St. Katherine or Sienna 9.55 I l'rankford A\enue Philadelphia, PA 19114 lntramurab I. 2. J. 4 . .. Scholastic "I.'' I. J . . Golf I. 2. 3. 4 Michael J. Steinmetz 70 549-6729 St . Helena 6500 :-.;orth 9th Street Philadelphia. PA 19126 I ootball I. 2, 3 •. I ntramurals I, 2. ), 4 . • Wresthng

3,4 I homa\ P. Ste1tns 10 345-7482 Our Lady of Mount Carmel 710 Sand) Ridge Road J)oylestown, PA 18901 Crc\\ I, 2. 3. 4 .• • lntramurals I, 2. 3, 4 ••• Soccer 2 ••. Schola'itlc "L" 3

Rob Wittrock

lltnry C. Stou&hton 20 548-.5 IJ) St . •ielena 6229 North Lawrence Street Philadelphia. PA 191 ~0 lntramurab I, 2. 3. 4 .•. \1:uhlctc> 4 ... Computer Club 4 ••• Sational Honor SociCt) 4 ••• Scholastic " L" I, 1, 4 ••• Wrc:~tling 2. J, 4 J~ph

,\ , Stout



St. Gcnevtcvc 52 Thomas Road l.afa)cttc Htll. PA 19444 Bo\\ hng 2 ..• football I, 2. 3 .. • lntramurals I, 2, 3, 4 • •. KehgJOusAI.'Iivitics 1, 2, 3 •• ~chool Paper 3, 4 Student Council 2. 3 ... Yearbook 4 . Mu 1c Department I • •• Gazebo 3, 4 . Scholastic" 1." I. l •• WCAJ J. 4

Jim White


Chris Walsh

John Westkaemper

Chris Whelan

Glenn Wolfinger

George Winslow


Pat Young

Bob Young

Joe Zawrotn)

Chris Young


Christopher G. Young JSS-2854 St Bcde 28 Vanderveer Street Holland, PA 18966 lntramurals I. 2. 3. 4


Patrick J. Young 355·2854 St Bede 211 Vander.eer Street Holland, PA 18966 lntrarnurals l, 2, 3, 4


Robert f . Youug 10 233·1943 St Philhp 825 Hain Drive Lafayette Hill, PA 19444 Football I. 2. 3 . Intra murals I. 2, 3, 4 Religious Acllvitie~ 4 . Track and Field 3, 4 ... Yearbook 3. 41 A~sociate Editor) Indoor Track 3, 4 ScholastiC "L" I. 2. 4 :'\ational Honor Societ) 3. 4

Joe Zebrowski

John K Zaeharko



St. Chnstopher 13037 Dorothy Onve Philadelphia, PA 19116 Football I . . . Forensic~· Forum 1. 2 • •• lntramurals I, 2. 3. 4 Damian J. Zajac 3D 487-1277 Immaculate Heart or ~1 ary 7901 Henry A\'enue Philadelphia, PA 19128 Baseb311 4 . .. Football I. 2, 3. 4 . lntramurals I, 2, 3, 4 Religtous -\cuvities I, 2 . Indoor Track 3 J oseph G. Za~rotn) 40 676-4809 St Chnstopher 13460 Stevens Road Philadelphia, PA 19116 Bo\1-hng I, 2. Forensie\-Forum I, 2 ••. lntramurals I. 2, 3, 4 . . . Religious Acti~ities I, 2. 3 Student Council I, 2, 3 JMtph A. Zebro~'>ski 50 482-0131 St Josaphine 4145 Manayunk Avenue Philadelphia. PA 19128 Bo" hng 2 .. . Intra murals I, 2. 3. 4 ... Religious Activities 2, 3 . •. Track and Field 4 . . • Indoor Track 4 Scholastic "L" I. 2. 3, 4

John Zacharko

Damian Zajac



-. -•


I! I ~




Conductor, Mr. J . ..Ciccimaro¡¡

The 1981-1982 La Salle Music Department, under the direction of Mr Joseph Ciccimaro and moderated by Brother Bill Rile;r. ha~ enjoyed yet another successful ;rear. Expanding conc,iderabl;r to five full bands and a brass ensemble, the La Salle \1 usic Department has enabled many music1ans the opportunit} to learn. The all-Freshman Alpha Band has allowed the beginner student a chance to taste the world of music while the Omega Band. consisting of Sophomores and Juniors. has let the novice develop his skills more fully. Most advanced is La Salle's Jan Band, which is responsible for many of the department's successes. The popular Concert Band, Pep Band, and Brass Choir have also given the students experience with many other types of music.

And now. our award-wmning band


Scene at St. Gabe\



Cliff Trumpet~ with



Quigley, Rilling,

All-Catholic Band Members

'ew l>Qund invades old rhythm

Band member 3'-'aits Conductor\ Cue

Rosa-Bian Awarded AllCatholic Fifth penod Jam

The 'v1 usic Department has been ver) active this year. Outside of the annual Christmas and Spring Concerts, the Concert and Brass Choir have played at school masses. The Stage Band has played at schools such as Maria Garelli, St. Gabriel's Protectory, Ancillae Assumpta Acadamy, and St. Genevieve. They have performed for the Springfield Tricentenial Celebration, and other competitions. Seen enthusiastically at football games, pep rallies, and Philadelphia Independence Day Marathon, the Pep Band has been supportive giving their yells and cheers.


Alpha, Stage, Omega Bands Make Their Special Kind oj Music '\ neccssar} piece in an) band

This year's appointed officials were. Tim Kelley, President; Chuck Halfpenny, Rob Goldman, and Chris Wills. managers; John Quigley and John Rilling, Student Conductors. Exemplifying LaSalle's tradition of excellence. Senior John Quigley, Junior John Rilling and Sophomore John Rosa-Bian were selected to the All-District and All-Catholic Bands. French Hornist Phtltp Krzp\<ickt was named to the All-City Orchestra. and we cannot forget those many other~ \\< ho also helped to make our \1 usic Department a success. The extensive growth of the LaSalle Music Department has not affected the dedication to qua lit). The department is complimented with some of the finest professionals in the City of Philadelphia Honoring us for three years has been Mr. Rocko Bene, an outstanding, if not the best trumpet player in Philadelphia. Also at LaSalle for three years has been the exceptionally talented percussionist, Mr. Ray Dealy, proven a tremendous aide for our abundance of drummers. "Lawrence Welk. Watch Out!"


Fnthcr and Son Banquet entertainment


On our list is the jovial Dominic Fiore, a premier bassist and teacher. Supplementing this team is Mr. Gene ¡'The Great One" Ciccimaro, accomplished woodwind player, '' ho provides a valuable learning experience, and often an enjoyable moment. ot to be forgotten is our fabulous trombonist Fred Scou, to whom we arc grateful for pulling our trombone section together. Many thanks to these gentlemen, Mr. Ciccimaro and Brother Reill) for their excellent work and dedication in making our Music Department excell. "Merry Christmas Gentleman."

"Having run, uh John?"






The Men of La Salle Club 1n conJunction with the Student Council organi7ed the 1982 Career 1\. ight. On Fcbruar) 17. representatives from man) diver-.c field' gathered at La Salle to share \\ ith interested student' the1r specific talcnL. msighh. and advice. helping both Juniors and Senior-; make more concrete dec1s1on-.. on their future career<.. r\mong those field-.. reprc-..cnted were business management. hn\ . .uchitccture, engineering. the medical profes.,ion... and computer programming. The1r 20 m1nute class presentations were informative and well planned, offering illu.,tration'> and makmg usc of aud1o vi:,ual equipment. The Crev. \1othcr\ Club provided refreshments for the occa... ion and \\ith over 200 students present, the night wao, deemed successful.

Charh Clplain an Engineer's


Career Night:

lntcrc,u:d Junior\ lend an ear

Dr. Stout explains the career aspect of Dcnistry "What a night!"

Planning for the Future



fields questions

Col McGror} of the u.S Air Force share' hi\ ellperiencc


Student Council

"itudent Council Officer\: \'u:c-prc,Jdcnh I Shaffer and J \Iiiler

"Oka). "ho .... ants to "orl.. at the dance'!"

Brad~ .

Prc:,Jdcnt R LouJ,·Charfc,, and \ludcr.llor \1r G.







Senior Representati•es: D. Sabia. J. Fit7gerald. J Kane. B \llusucc1. D. Hyman. J. 1\<lycrs. R. Costello

Gets Involved

Junior Representathes: C. Yuengling. J . Young. B. O'Kanc. J. W}nnc

Throughout the year. the student council was responsible for some of the various activities that took place in the school. Under the moeration of Mr. Gerry Miller, the council held periodic meetings in which ways to better the LaSalle community were discussed. Each representative was responsible for bringing to the attention of the council the feelings and suggestions of the students he was elected to represent. One of the student council's most popular contributions to the school is WCAF, the cafeteria radio station. A committee made up of representatives and other members of the student body prepared tapes of different types of music. These tapes were played during the lunch periods pleasing the student listeners. The equipmenl used to maintain WCA F was purchased from the revenues of another student council activity. mixers. Three mixers were held in the first semester and a few more were held during the second. It is from the mixers that the student council derives most of it's revenue. T he junior and senior proms. the social event of the upperclassmen's year are also the result of the counci l's efforts. This year's proms were held at the Valley Forge Hilton with music provided b) 1 umbers. Career night. an evening in which students can talk with a member of a profession that interests him. was thought to be lost due to the departure of Mr. Jack Coonahan, who ran it in past years. The student council took on 1hisjob and produced a fine evening for both students and their parents. One of the council's final duties is ensuring that the student body is represented after the year is over and a new senior class is in. Late in the year. the council holds an election for the new officers who will take 1heir place in the next year. It is then the new officers turn to make their plans on ho" to improve and help the school. A body such as the student council sets the character of the school it represen t ~. It i~ the members of this group that share in the responsibility of instilling a sense of school spirit in the school. This year's studen! council has not shirked its responsibilities. They have done an exemplary job in continuing the tradition of true representatives.

Sophomore Represenatat hes: P. Sweene} , W. McCormack. C. Heckman, S. Sabo R Ca.lh 'J 'J ~- ·~ · · oun, . ohnson


\o\ is terian S taff: G Mclinwn. \1 r. (, S.sutcr. J. Stout

[ditor' .:on fer on next ( '! 1 '"uc

Wisterian Pressed For An Issue

Our school newspaper. the Wistcrian, has undergone some favorable changes tlw, )Car. along with some experimentation. Mr. Sauder. the nev. moderator. has been responsible for this year\ alteration.... I le dec1ded. after a poor. two page issue, that 11 \\,IS time for better organization I li. . goal \\.:1~ tO have all l'our classes participate. lie aJ...o encouraged studenb to \Hite an} article that v.a\ interesting. \ nd to make '>Urc that c,¡er)onc fulfilled h1., re . . ponslbilit). he had meetings once a v.cck to check progres.,, encouraging the \HJtcr... to fini'h their articles on time. l astl~. he added man) nev. departments to the paper, suLh "' mo' 1e rene,~s. a music sectiOn (could Joe ';tout, the assistant editor. have an~ thing to do \~ ith this section'!). and up-close inter' icw!-. with many teachers I ldptng 'A r. Sauder affect the'c change!'> were re turning editor-in-chtcf Greg Mclin-;on with a-;si-;tant editor Joe Stout. Other than the factthatthej ''ere not able to find an official Wisterian office, the school paper had an enterprising, successful }Car

\l ehnson nd s l>CCOI1d 000" . . c'


\\ is lt ria n O,ta rr \\ riters



in thcsr rJu,h

Junior Ring Assembly

Rings bb,cd during \lias•

On December 16, 1981. LaSalle's J unior Class received its rings. symbolizing their ascension to the ranks of Upperclassmen. No formal ceremon} look place. the rings were distributed after the Christmas Mass. Speeches were given by Junior John Young and Brother 1\ ndrew Bartley.



officiates cercmon)

Juniors await their rings

.. Well. ·bout




An Club

Art Club

Chrb fini'>hc, wmc Yearbook caric;llurc>

l, I


I ranco 'i'c' up hi' llla\tcrpiccc


The Art Club at LaSalle is made up of the members of the art department and other interested sutdents. T hey arc called upon b) departments to help in decorating rooms. creating posters for athletic events. programs for other school functions. giving opinion::. and advice, and contributing their art works for an annual art exhibit. The expertise they possess helps to balance the heavy academic program of the daily routine. The exposure to the asthetic element enables the student to vary his school experience thus forming a well rounded student. LaSalle is fortunate to have so many talented young men in its midst. Pcrenially several outstanding artists emerge as .. the class" artists. Amongst the seniors in this graduating art class are Chris Byrne. Joe Brady. Joe Shott. Joe Myers. Mark Mattei. Kevin Bonner. John Snyder. Phil Kr)Zwicki, Martin Hoban. Frank McQuillen. Jim Osborn. Chris Walsh. and Franco Dorazio. Most of the art in this yearbook has been created by members of the art club and department. Bro. Fred Stelmach oversees their projects and contributes from his vast resources and experience as art teacher.

Paints LaSalle

Russ observes future Picassos

"My girlfriend never looked better¡¡

Chris' chin painting



art studeiiU


National Honor Society Vincent F. Baldn•sano F. Ba•ile Joseph A. Brad} Chnstopbcr Byrne \la rk A. Casale Timothy J. Campbell Jo!.eph A. Cia~ullo J~cpb F. Cicchtello Timoth) J. Cu\h Phthppe Daouphar-. Michael B. Dinda Charles E. Dolawuy Gregory Dudzek Carl J. Ehtz Joseph C. Fit1gerald Kevin F. Funchion Karl J. Gabriebon Franci~ H Gannon Gregor~ P Gilett1 Terence P Gill~pic Thomas M. Gordon Rtchard J. Gregor \1 ark A. Hagerl) Chari~ J. H alrpann~ Franci~ J. Harkins Francb J. Harri~on William P. Higg1m Daniel J. Hyman O;nid \\' Jcwart Jam~:.)

The '\auonalllonor Societ} i~ ,t national organization '' hich recogn1zes htgh '>Chool '>tudenb "ho have att,uncd per..onal and academic achievemenb To gain acceptance into the '-. H .S., a '>tudent mu\t not on I) have academic achievements, but also scnicc achievements as well. The four characteri~tics that a member must have arc Character, Scholarship, Leadership, and Service. A member should be willing to use his talents to help others. Being inducted into the N. H.S. is one of the highcl>t honors that can be bestowed upon a high school studcnl. In return for this honor, a student must be willing to share \\ith others the talents which allowed him to enter

the ~ational Honor Soc1et) The ~ . H .S. 1s a sen1ce oriented soc1et). It 1s the dut:y of the members of the La Salle chapter of the Soctet)' to serve the ...chool communll). The primar:y service that the '\ .I I.S. prondes b tutoring. \ltembers tutor student\ \\hO arc ha,ing difficult) in one or more -.ubject areas. The members are abo available to ass1st the ..,chool commun ity in any way. This rna) be accomplished b:y serving as ushers at school activ1tie..,, such as masses, open-house, or ~hows . 1\o matter what the need for the school, the members of the 'ationa! Honor Society arc willing to help.

'\ational llonor Societ} Officer\· II. Reiche, Brother John D'Aifonw ( Oirecton. J.


M atthc\~' ·

T. Gillc.,rie

,\hchacl A.

J o)CC:

Paul P. Ktm ll.eilh R. Ksansnak l:.dward J. \facklc Christopher R Man/ James C '\1athcw~ K Craig McChesney \\ illiam \fcLaughlin Michael F McGuigan John T '\1chr Gregg R Melinwn Ed"'ard J O'Hara Fred F. Pickard John T. Quigley Herman Retche John F Robert~ E. Marlr. Ro.,.Je) Thomas P. Ste\ ens Henr} C. Stoughton Joseph A. Stout Thomas \1. Thistle Robet M. Thompson Jon P. Toner Robert M. Un\·er~agl John G. Westkaemper Robert F. Young Joseph A Zcbrow,k i

An a\\-csome backw. in!t clobbe" fcllo" bo" ler

The relca'c

Bowlers Take to the Alleys La Salle's Bo\\ling Club this vcar has e\'erything - fun, excitment and prizes. There are fifty-four students and three Brothers in the club. The student membership consists of thirteen freshmen, fourteen sophomores, nine juniors, and eighteen seniors. This year, the bowling scene switched from Lynn Lanes to Adams Lanes, where a tight race continues between Los Manos DePiedra (The Hands of Stone), the Four Ace~. the Beer Bellies, and Four Guys Who Bowl. The bowling season is split into two halves. The first half'' inner plays the second half winner in a three game roll-off at the end of the year. Awards ''ill be distributed to the "inning team as well as to the members of the members of the runner-up team. A bowling ball will be a\\arded to the one member with perfect attendance. The season-ending pina banquet \\ill be held at La Salle, when the prizes will be awarded. Where else could you pay two dollars for three games, good times with your friends and a party at the end of the year? The La Salle Bowling Club clearly is the answer. Being such a stri king bargan, no one can spare to pass it by.


Computer Club

The Computer Club at L.a Salle i.; dc~igncd for ... tudents interc"tcd 111 learning ho" to u:-.e computers. The:-.c ... tudenh spend most of their free ttme in the computer room learning and \\Orking with cla-.-.mate), and moderator \1r. Robert Russell. \\hO. in hi., fourth )Car working\\ ith the La Salle ~y">tem. teachc . . the student"> more about it each da) . \1an) "tudcnl\ ha\C enrolled in the computer programming da-.se"> available to uppercJa.,-.men. '' hilc freshmen spend their 11111e getting a feel for the -.y.... tem and learning the "Basics". The once a month meeting... arc .,et a~ide -;pecificall.~ for the studenh to <hk vir. Russellljuestions. (and to ha\C their picture taken for the )earbook). \!embers of the dub arc preparing them,eh¡e.., tremcndou'l) for the future. -;ince man) colh:gt::-. arc practicall) demanding that "tudcnh take computer course ... 111 order to gain some ba,ic computer knO\\Icdgc. With our ')stem here at I a Salle. •.tudt:nh learn progr<ttnming conceph .dong" ith the a\ailabilit) games. pu11les. and even self-designed games. Just as in the past, state and nationwide tournaments are offered for any interested students. These students are given the chance to put their knowledge of computers to work on a competitive basis with schools from all over the country. The club seems to attract more students each year, while informing each student of the way the world is making better use of its computers.

han 'ho'" off his programming

"<.omc on Chud•. )<ou'rc




to be hclpmg me!"

The LaSalle High Photography Club began the 1981-82 school year ~trongcr than ever. strengthened bj man] enthusiastic new members. This year, more emphasis has been placed on practicing the techniques demonstrated. rather than just int reducing them. as has been done in pa'>t year-,. Over the '\ummcr \UCation. incoming freshmen who sho,,ed an interest in joining the photo club were mailed a memorandum stating the program that the dub \\Ould follow this year. Mr. Robert Russdl, the club's moderator. and Jim rishcr. the club\

president have begun a completely nC\\ program this year. The) have instituted a scric~ of 'photo'' orkshops ¡in\\ hich techniques for taking and developing pictures arc discu~sed and practiced b) the members themselves. '\lso planned is a field trip where the club member'\ can practice what they have learned in the ''orhhops. in an ideal selling for taking quality photos. A photo contest is also planned in '' hich students and teachers may dcmonstntte their prowcs~ in photography and compete for pritcs in

Amateur Photographers Develope Their Skills

"I'm such a hoscr!''

"Any new dcvclopmcms')"

several categories. The photo club facilities include a darkroom, where members can develop their pictures that the)' have taken for a small charge to cover the cost of supplies. Photo club members are used in many capacities in the LaSalle community. Many become photographers for the Wistcrian or Yearbook taking pictures at various school activities and sports events. The photo club is growing swiftly and although the number of skilled photographers is rather small nov•. the future will bring an overabundance of photographers "ho are \killed in the art of photograph) .




Scou help-. lind 1hc righl pad.,1gc

CSC brighten the Lives of Many


In ih'>i,th ye..tr. LaSalle\ chapter of the Communi!) Sen icc Corp'> I\ acll\d} ,ho'' ing the surrounding commumty that the \tudenh of LaSalle care. \1 r Ed 1\. lenJ... Jbo 1n hi'> '>1\lh year a' the moderator of the C.S.C.. ha' outhncd the organ11ation\ plans for thb year. They \\Ill continue their month!) ''isits to t\\O nur'>ing home' for the elderly. l loly Famil:r and Green !\ere' One of the ne,,er faceh in this year\ program 1s \biting 5t John\ Ho... pice for the tran!>icnl. The member'> ''ill di ... tnbute food at the llo!>picc ''he never their help i'> reque\ted. In addition, the annual Christm<h 10) drive for handicapped children. Operation Sant.t Clau~. \\ ill bring smiles 10 ~pccial children again thil> )Car. To bring the Christmas season and !>pirit to the elderly, the C.S.C. '' ill give Chri,tma' card'> 10 those at Hoi) Fa mil). Later in the year, the annual Ba'iketball Marathon to benefit a \\Orthy cau-;e will also roll around. Mr. Klenk ... tate-. that he \\Ould like the C.S.C. to become a,.,.arc of and involved in ...ocial problem~. Thi-. would entad '' rning leucr... to their Senator~ concerning nude,tr \\,t,te. for e\ ample The C.S.C. "ill abo "orJ.. d1llgently to keep St. John¡~ Ho'>plce opened. a... threat\ of clo..,ure ,td\ance The moderator menuon\ that he ''ould .tbo like to begm helpmg the elderly in the1r horne' th1.., year. Thi'> year. the C S.C. I'> compo,ed of t\\COt)-si' member'>. f 1ve of" hom arc ...cn1or-.. and nine are juniors. One sophomore and eleven freshmen abo help form the C.S.C. The officer., of the C.S.C. this year arc Karl Jones. President. and :vi ike Sauer1opf. Secretar) /Vice Pre'>idcnt. The C.S.C.'s purpose b to bring happines' toothers. and from the award., thi' group has received in past years and the positive rc..,pon . .c from its recipients. they can be proud of their work.

Time ou1 fur a JlO'C

Group return' after a


~onder ~hat



There's a lillie kid 10 ever) one of u'

it could oc¡!"


.. \-iaybc they forgot

路路t challenge



to an..>thcr light!"'



take~ .:arc

of C\'Cr)\lnc

"All purpose Santa" a'>\Cmblc' a game

" I lave a nice Chri,tma~!"

\ ommuni t) enic:e Corp: K \\ olff. R. ThomJ"on. C. CJarro.:ch1. \l r "-lcnk (moderator). J Dcpman \I (officer). C. Whelan. F. Sweeney. M. Saueoopf, E. Skorpmski, J. Cilio, "- Jone> (officer). T. Fighera ''Than k )OU. C.S.C"

" \ ren't I gorgcou\T'

" I don't believe it. for me'!"


·· no~.

Br.>lh.:r ltnu' 11ould ,urc be prnud llll'

The ~carbtlok i' an activit) that you don·t hear much about. 1\en though it doc,n·l n:ccl\e much nottlricty. it ha' a large re,ptm,ibility. The \earlxx>k capture' .1nd pn: ...crn:... \Chlll>l Ilk for a gt,en ~e.tr. !"or the ... eniur .... 11 "1!1 ":1\e many memoric' for )ear-. to come. \\'henc\'er the) lea l through it. thi' book" ill c\'oke memonc': many "ill be good ....ome "ill be 'ad \\ hatc,cr the melllllry. the ye.trlx!Ok ,ttcompli-,hc' ih ta'k of capturing .1 period in the ,~,;lliXll\, "'''ell .1:-. per-.. ~.mal hi ... lllr) The j1.1b ul compiling the yearbook i:.. more difl'ieult then mo't penplc reali1e. Photogr.1pher' much capture on ftlmthc image' of 'chotll life The "rita' mu ... t cmbtldy the feeling ... of the 'tudcnh. ,,, \\Cll ,1, the f.~eulty. tran,ltlrllllng them then into \\llrd' II 1' then the job of tht: editor' ,tnd a,-.i,tant-cditor' 111 pu t the book together It take' many long hou r' of \\llrk Ill tlrganilC i1 yearbook. It '' I ncnc rac!..ing job: there arc ai"·'Y' deadline' to beat. there .trt: .tl\\ay' ~;,,t minute change' to be m.td~: ..tnd there'' ,1] \1. a)' 'omt:tme \\ ]lll I\ U 11 ha ]1]1) \\II h -.omcthing in the btlok It '' 111>1 an c,"y chore f he fl:\\ people \\hO .tre re;d]) In· Hlhcd \\ith the yc<.rrbtx>k don"t receive much recognotton. On the othcr hand. they arc not hlOking for it. ( 1he) <trt: too bu:-.y ''orking.) They rccei\t: their gratificatwn Irom 'ee1ng the etllllplctcd book bccau,~,.· they kno'' that it ho]d, '' ith1n ih co,·cr' the mcmuric' from 19X2.


Yearbook Writer\ (not all pirturcd)


.. Pica~c! Let me out! ..

The Staff: G. Gi lcui. B. Young. 1'. :vlilligan. G.




\1 rs. Kevtn


checks orde rs for Pornscuias

Mothers prepare for Christmas Cocktail Party

Mothers's Club Accents the La Salle Family

\ lothers' Club Board: (',tandtng) 'Ill r~. J 'lilcCriddcn. "1.1 r,, Ro'' ley. \1r>. F. Ganlc}. 'lil r\. J L~ nch. \1r' P Scarpello. \lr,. Ktel}. 1\frs. Toland. Mr>. Speranza. \lr' ShaiIO\\. 1\.1 r>. K. \1cChesnc). '\1 f\. G. \1i rsch: (stllrng. back of couch) '\I rs./\ D"Aionzo. 'lilr~. J . Su,antn. Mf\. P DePaul. Bro Fr.:d Stelmach. \.fr, Carrol. \lr,. \1 . Dn~coll. (seated on couch) '\!Irs. F Gregor. \lr,. G . John~on. Mr~. Capaldi. \llr>. Goldman. \1 r~. L Rtlc). \l r~. R. Ciarrocchi


Through man} affairs and activitie!' our Mothers continue to raise funds for LaSalle. Guided by our enthusiastic Brother rred Stelmach. 1981-82 Mothers' Club officers. President \1 rs. Frank Gregor and Vice-President \1rs. George Johnson inspired man) successful eventl>. In the fall of '81 our Mother:. converted the all-purpo~e room into an "elegant ballroom·· and served tea to our freshman mothers. After the tea, the ne\\ Mother:. had the opportunity to meet the facult}. It \\a~ a wonderful afternoon creating a warm welcome to our newcomers. '\ational Honor:. Soctct) l'v1a..,.., on .1 Sunda} in December wa~ abo adorned b) our \ilothers. The} served coffee and danish after the Mass. Brother John D'Aifon~o. moderator for the ational llonor Societ}. praised the motherl> for giving of their time to help make this important event so succel>sful. The Iotter). the major fund rai'>er for LaSalle was sponsored b~ our Mothers' Club. (haired by Mrs. Ralph Ciarrochi, \ilr:.. Vincent Baldassano and Mrs. George Mirl>ch. the cnttrc student bod) became in\'Oived. This Joint effort resulted in the most ~ucces~­ fullotter} LaSalle ever had The \1othcr..,· Club abo sponsor.. soctal affatr., throughout the )Car \\hich help to promote good \\ill in our LaSalle famil) and help to mcrca...c their )Carl) monetar) gtft to LaSalle. The Chri..,tma ... part) at the Brother,: house and the l>pnng fashton -.hO\\ <~re also crcdncd to the \!other~; Club '\o \\Onder our '>tudenh arc ...o GREAT. just look at thw \ 10TIIERS!

\1rs Paul DePaul puh


touche' on dccora11on' for LaSalle



Mr. Devine draws another winner.

Father and Son Banquet The annual Father-Son Banquet was. as it has always been in the past, a success beyond expectations. T he turnout for the affair was tremendous and the celebrit) guests were both entertaining and informative. Hugh Gannon. a channel 10 sports anchorman and father of three students at La Salle. did an excellent job as Master of Ceremonies. displa) ing a sharp and spontaneous wit that delighted all. The guest speaker. Rep. La\' renee Coughlin. was able to b:.1lancc the mood of the eYening \~ith aver} sobering speech deal ing with ~ome of the more pre~sing issues he is confronted "it h in Congress ever) da). It is safe to say that. as a result of the penetrating speech given b) Rep. Coughlin, those in attendance that night left the banquet hall with an appreciation of more than just good food and conversation. Topping off the evening. however, was Brother Andrew\ booming rendition of"Amcrica." This has not been the traditional closing for the banquet in the past. but it "ill be interesting to sec ''hethcr both the song and the song leader become a permanent installment of the program 111 the future.

"You 'ee. 1'1c got thb parling ticlct .

Men of La Salle I think


h;td a b1t



or ~omcthing

Thirty Second Annual

Father-Son Banquet I

• November 19, 1981

I cave

11 111<.1

Stout to be a goof ball .••


Senior Retreats: Th1' )Car' 'cn10r retrelh ''en.: held on four d1ffcrcnt date-.. three \\ere held 1n 'o\cmbcr and one"·" held in I cbruar) \ppro\imatel) fifl\ -,cn•or... <It" time tr.l\ekd b) bu ... to the ( ard1nal Spellman Retreat Hou ...c. ,.. hich I'> located on the ll ud ...on Ri\er in R1vcrdale ' C\\ York. for a two da) rctrcat The) \\ere accompanied b) I ather Paul and usuall) tv.o facult) member-.. The theme of the ... e retreat\ wa-. w S l OW DOW!\ and look at "one\ journey in life." Student-. had time to reflect on the path' their live-, had alread) tal-.en and the ''ariow. path-, that lead w their future. To help th~: 'otudcnt'> "e,aluate·· the'c \Miou' path'>. '>C\eral pre...cntation' ''ere gi\'cn. Thcrl \H:rc talk-, on the 'ubJCeh of marnage. sexualit). alcohol and drug' B) and far. the most hard hnting talk centered on the abuse of alcohol. It " a" g1ven b} several members of Alcohohc.., \ non}mous and l>erved to bring home the ...eriou ... nel>' of alcohol and its , .. idesprcad abu-.e in our societ). Following the ..e talh the 'tudents , .. ere g1vcn free time to walk around the propcrt) adjacent to the retreat house and reflect on ,.. hat the) had ju'>l heard. and to appl} it to their ov. n lives. \ lost -.cnlor'> 'ccmed to fl:elthatthc l\\O d.1y-. of retreat "a',, llmc \H:II -.pent. They felt that the retreat helped them to s,win a better pcrspe<.ll\'e of thc1r o\\ n 11\·c,, and gave them a chance to take a brc••" from thc1r 'chooh,ork


,\ moment of thankfulnc"

"\\ere one. b1g. happ), famJI)' ...

"Yeah man. I'm gonna get out tonight."

A Quiet Success

\\ ouldn't


kno\\. Dagnon ,,

al I he h.:~d

or the table

You can come up for a1r no". Brother


.. Retreat- take a lot ouua ) a .

C-Day Retreats Call Underclassmen The relation that Father Paul has with students is very important to the idea of his retreats. He \\ill fool around all of the time on the outside but in the retreat you find another side to him. a side that:.ays he cares about you. The basis of his retreats are that he trie~ to give both side~ of him on the same issue or problem. f'irst he ,.,¡ill give you the answer that is humcrous but -;ull tells the truth. Then he will give you a serious explanation that v.ill take some time to think about. This is important becau~c it gives you guidelines at the present moment where you don't need an explanation, but later )OU rind out the explanation and the meaning of it. Another big part of Father Paul\ retreab i-. the time he give~ you to think about yourself. He will put aside "half-hour'' here no one will talk, just silent meditation. Thinking about yourself for a half-hour is prettj hard and sometimes scary. ;\I any times when you think of a problem about yourself you pu~h it aside and try not to think about it. Father Paul wants hb retreats to be that time where you think about those problem-. and then make decisions on your beliefs. In all, the retreats arc not to teach us "hat \\C don't kno". but find out \\hat we do knO\\.


Sophomore\ caught


a rare moment of rcllccuon

Senior Retreat Aides

Retreat Group: (~landing) T. Gillespie. B. Rodden. K. K~an.nak. G \\'in:.lo\\. T . \ lonaghan. J Toner. h . Paul. .J . Qutllinan. D. Sabta . .J . Kane. G. Gilcui. B. Young. C. 'vlurphy {.tHing) J . Brad}. E. Coleman. K. Gabriehon

The Underclassman retreat~ arc held at the Brothers¡ hou~e and arc directed b) Father Paul Wierich-.. 1\n added dimension three years ago ha& made the succes-. of these retreats grow. That that dimension is Senior .\ ssistants for these rctrcah. Three seniors take turns giving short talb to the retrcatants with dbcussion groups in between each talk. Seniors this year gave outlooks on Jesu:-.. prayer. and leadership to underclassmen. 1ervousness looms big at the beginning of each retreat. especial!) for the senior who prescnb his first talk. T he students on the retreat a rc also hesitant, but the opcnncs'\ of the seniors in the discussion groups helps to case tension. Eventual!), the n:trcatants ~peak on the level with the seniors; discussions grow lively yet insightful. The Underclassmen retreats are a moving experience for a ll involved .

Diakonos Spreads the Word At the end of the 1979 school )car. Father Paul was driven to set up a sma II band of levellers - the ~true­ lure to be leveled he named the "La Salle Syndrome''. The La Sa lle Syndrome is that tendency of us Explorers to be too cool to care about other classmates, their struggles. their succcsses. their <>honcomings, and thei r ta lents. The Di a kono~ Group wa~ Father'~ response to this laxit). The Group is made up of a variet) of per~onalit ies: the comic. the athlcte. the scholar. the sociali; er. HOIIe"cr. all the members have the abi lit) to usc their given personal it) to influence a ~izablc amount of students: in other words. the) possess leadership. Fa ther Paul chose these member~ b} noticing their innuence a t ~~ork during the cou r~c of their fi rst year here. It's a "fi:,hers of men" proposition. To combat the La SalleS) ndrome. hOIICI'er, foot stomping and Bible !lashing :.imply won't work. The Diakonos approach is to popularize the idea of treating all <.,tudcnts like the rerson of Christ without saying. " I ley. I'm gonna trcat you like the pcr:,on of Ch rist . . ... We hope that


Dia l-ono~


our effort~ 11 ill slo1"l) become recognized as Christ-centered. but arc present ly happ) to make La Sallc a little more friendly and secure. Some practic<l l applications of the Diakono~ movement arc the suppressing of sarcasm and satire 11 hich might

hurt o;omeonc, an offer to join someone 11 ho is eating lunch alone. a..,-.isting or encouraging someone '' ho b struggling in school or :-.port. In a c l aus~:, Diakonos "is he~ to -.pread the '>cnsith it) throughout the '>tudcnt bod).




·- -


.. , funn) lhmg happened lu me on the



10 school ... ··

La Salle's Forum

\ :u~il)



lkbate: (rmnt rtlll ) J l cibrandt . .I Kcnncd\. '.1 Gallagher (bad. ro11) I) \\ . Chang. P. Doran.

\\.lid, purger. D. Rcardun

\'ar~il~ Spt>l'ch: (front ro") T . Dunlc~'> · P

Krl}" 1cki. S . De Simone. (back ro") T . Campbell. \1 Gruner.

F. Gannlln. S Andra~~o. J Basile

and Debate Teams " ll a,•c I got a deal for

\Ou •

"Ab, we won a few this weekend."

\I) brother is m) idol

The La Salle Forum has continued its tradition of being one of the most successful activities at La Salle. This is exemplified in their excellent performance in variou tournaments throughout the school )Car. lJnder the leadership of "fiss Vfary Jo Vono and Brother Jame!> Steck. the Forum ha:. over l\"enty-five members. each with hi~ ovvn specialty. Each student panicipates in one of four categories: extemporaneous speech. original oratory. interpretive speaking. and debate. /\sa result of the hard ''-'Ork of Vf i'>s Vozzo, Bro. James. and or course. the ~tudenh, the Forum can boast of the man)

and )ou're gonn<l like il!"


I '"l m thought

Merit National October

3 10 16-17

24 31


7 13-14 21-22 27-28


5 11-12 12 19



8-9 16 16 16 23-24 30 5-7 6 20


PCFL Speech and Debate at La Salle PCFL Coachc:.' Clinic - Pennsbur) H S Bron\ Sc1ence Tournament '\ Y.C. PCFL Speech :'-&Devitt H S Blue Hen Speech Fc:-.ti\al {.;. of Delaware PCFL JV Speech and Debate - Truman H.S. Scranton Central Speech Tournament - Scranton. Pa. St. Joseph's l.Jniversll) Tournament Central Catholic Sweepstake~ - Pittsburgh. Pa PCFL J\ ' "-o"ice Debate Father Judge H S Penns_yhania Btcentennial Debates - Shikellam) II.S. Calvert Hall College Tournament - Baltimore, ~d Pcnn~bur) Speech and Debate Festival I a Salle College Tournament 1 he Churchillian Classic - McDevitt H .S. Shikellam) PHSSL Speech Tournament PCFL VarsityfJV Speech St. John '\leumann JI.S Liberty Bell Fest1val Un1vcrs1t} of Pa PCFl Yar:.ityf JV Debate and Congress Pcnn... bury II.S The Barkle~ forum - Emory U. PCFL Speech and Congre~~ - O'Hara H.S PC f- L Speech - West Catholic PHSSL District II Qualifier \1 a" \ ''''" help' puttied 'Ludcnt


"Look' I'm in charge here."

Recognition honor' '' hi~:h the) ha\'C received thi., year. t\t a tournament ,It the Bron\ High School of Sc1encc. the I orum ''on fiN place in :.pecch and ...ccond place 0\ era II. T he~ rcpca ted 1heir ~econd place 0\ crall pnte 1n a tournament held at St. Jo,eph\, L nl,¡er'it) \ t the Pitt.,burgh Central Cathohc Tournament. I .1 S.llle ''on third place in both 'pecch <Wd debate The) al'o recel\ed the honor of be1ng cited \\llh fir't place in O\erall competition. Begun onl) .,e,¡cn ~car' ago b) Bro. Rene Sterner. the I a Salle I orum ha:. become one of the mo:-.t \UC<.'c,.,ful foren,ic team:. in the area. T hi:-. activit) g1vc:-. ih member' an opportu nit) to expand their kno\\ ktlgc or cu rren 1 event:-. a~ '' ell as the cha nee to develop the abi lit) to,peak in public'' ith clarit) and feeling. a qualit) often respected in <I pcr.,on. ,1\ Sp<'<'ch:



I 1 ( .unpbcll R 0''\cdl (bad


l 0 . Jon~"-. I Gav1n. \1

Br;nllo,;l, \


'\111 ire ~pecrh: (frnnl r.l\1) \I \\nndring. I' (iiblxm,, T f1ghcra. \I S)lll\ (bad. R.11born. \I Olx:rhultcr \ Bur~cr C l),,r.tn. \ Dc:O.tmonc




\ lathlettS: htandmg) \1 Oberholtcr. \I lu\cc:. 1\ Gorman ( \\ aJd,purgcr. C Ruch. E. Bu.:h;tnan. J l cunard. t.; Ci.tbncl,cn. 1: Skorptn,l.t J \\ c:,tJ..acmpcr \1 \\o1n~j. \1 . H.l!!Crl) P. Callahan. J Ctcchiello. Bro Gcrr~ I rc:ndrct': (lc.neclingl J Kenned} . \1 '-c"dcd. II Rc:tchc. II '>toughton, f ll a rlon,, (m''"n~l R Ln,cr1agt. P 1\tm. I Pi,brd. J C ia)ullo (. Do,3\\ 3~ J I cibr,tndt , J Ra) b. r P \\ .ttcr,, () 0>1

M athletes Put One and One Together The \ 1,lthletc.., of I ,, Salle -.pent the off-season pumping iron in preparation for thts year's heavy competition. 'vtoderator Brother Gerry. kno~n affectionately as BGF, has La Salle\ pencil pu.,hcrsfcrascr pushers in four different competitions thi' )Car: The Continental Mathmattc' I cague the At Iantic- Paci fie League. The Penna \1athmatics I cague. and the Greater Philadelphia \1athmattcs L cague. Also. the L.t Salle \1ath Club willingly accept'> tnvitauon' to tournament competition sponsored b) local college!'>, '>Uch ao, l chtgh Unl\ersit) . as ''ell as !->Ciecting. top I ,, Salle.: lll.tth ~tudcnh to participate in the annual \1 \ \ compctnion-. Half\\a\ through the )Car. La Salle\ \1athlete, arc ''ell within bound.., to attain all the team\ goals set for thts ~car b) Brother Gcrr) . In the G rcatcr Phtla. \1 L. La Salle i!'> in fourth place out of twcnt)-t\\0 schools: the team hope.., toc\entuall) C'tpturc the Greater Phila Title. In the Pl!nna . ~11.. l a Salle i!-> holding fa~t to ..,econd place tn the ..,t te and fiN place in \1ontgomer) Count). BGF would be delighted to ha\'c La Salle fini'h an)~ herem the top ten In the \-P \ f<llh League. the 59th posit1on in \,orth .\mcrica leave, I ,, S.tllc \\ell v.ithin reach of its goal to finish in the top 50. Yet, desptll! the o,trong competttion. La Salle's long ~uit in the 1\ttathematics Club ts 1t~ friend I) spirit and its\\ illingness to admit virtuall) C\Cr) !'>tudcnt \\ ho feels he has something to contribute to the club's goals. All Mathletes get a certificate of appreciation at the end of the year. and ~ ho knows, next season we might get our O\\ n staff office too!


(\ lmpctllion\ rack their bram'

J, 'omcthing burning?


~:: ~ ~ ···

f .,


----..........-- ..... --

Bart Passanantc: Bill Hoban: Brother Pat. Director of Public Relations: Bob Guerin

Spanish Teacher Heads PR Department J im Devine, for want of study time in quest of his Education Doctorate, nodded his position as Public Relations director to Brother Patrick Duffy. Brother's new job entails, as it did last year. in organizing visits to grade schools in search of prospective eighth graders fo r the entrance exam on January 30th. Brother Pat asks recommended students from LaSalle to accompany him on these visits. Brother's assistant must be open to answer questions from the eighth graders so as to give a student's point of view of LaSalle's strong suits and weak suits. A school visit is also comprised of a filmstrip with a potpourri of LaSalle scenes along with a narration, as well as an explanation of the Scholarship/Entrance Exam. As PR Director, Brother Pat also is in chargeofthe sea::.onal mail nyer, The Blue & Gold Line, which keeps LaSalle families abreast of current. pertinent information on the many activities involving alumni, parents. sports. academics. honors. and social events. Brother Pat is very happy about the Public Relations success in getting an early start. He spent much time and investigation in keeping one step ahead of the other preparatory schools' PR departments, and the large amount of examtakers this January. and participants in this yea r's Open House proves Brother Patrick and Co. to be great salesmen. Public


Brother Pat. Director of Public


Connor Smith, PR



M ollu~h ~cramblc'

Mr Pari'i


watchc> another <>nc



Seniors Capture Turkey Bowl

\lr Vigg roils a reception


''Whadaya mean Wolfinger wun't come out?"

Johnson Sidelines to paydirt

Replacements relieve the fearsome Senior line

For the first time in the history of the annual Student-Faculty nag football game. a talented team of Teachers were beaten by the Seniors. The resourceful Students overcame a 4 to 2 deficit. late in the game to shock the surprised Teacher!> 5 to 4 in overtime. The ballgame began v.ith the Seniors driving the length of the field for a Victor ¡'The Chief' Gray ten )ard touchdo,,n reception from QB Jerry "Scamper" Bowen. The Studenb mixed Steve Johnson runs with several John "Fred" Mischler reception~ for a balanced attack,\\ hile lineman John Dubyk, Jeff Buck and :v1 ike Bchr tOS!)Cd in the trenches with the facult) 's J.J. Grace and John Frizalone. The Facult) offense. not to be outdone. scored on three of their four first-half possession to take a commanding 3 to I halftime lead. After intermis~ion. the Seniors made it 3 to 1 with Vic Gnt) \second touchdo'' n of the game. The teachers then countered \\ith a 60-yard flea-flicker to speedster Ton} Viggiano. The Senior~ then took control of the game with two John Mischh::r TtY~. When regulation time ended. the game \\as forced into 0\ertime. On the Student':, second possession. QB Bowen scored on a 50 )ard option pia). Final S-4.

\1r. \!filler was the whole front line!


Recognizing These Dedicated Faculty Members for

Mr. Da,id Diehl ha~ been man) things throughout his 20 years of fine 'ervice here at the school: teacher, coach, and administrator. Working hard with Brother Andrew and Brother Frank. he help~ keep the La Salle institution functioning smoothly. Giving him the thanks and recognitiOn for a most unpopular job of Dbiplinarian i~ well dc..,ervcd .

h has been 20 years \JOce 'VIr. Bernard McCabe began teachmg at La Salle. This veteran teacher has shown us all the extent of his knowledge. talent, and pleasant demeanor. As a member of the English Dept. "1r McCabe works an assortment of jokes and 1ns1ghtful criticisms mto his dail) routine. makmg hi' cla~'es more tnJO)able. We hope he will be here for another 20 }eah.

Their Many Years of Service

Mr. \\alter farreU has been on the

La Salle teaching staff for 20 years, as physical education instructor and al~ as Swim Team coach. 1\!fr. Farrell's fine talents brought many a Catholic League Title to the school. Ill~ warm demeanor and friendly presence derna nds our respect.

Since La Salle H.S opened in Spnngfield in 1960. 22 }ear!> ago, ~I rs. \1uy Diu has been around before and after '>Chool hours to keep our halls elena. I fer ab1lity and fine quality of work ha~ been evident and we wish to thank her for her dedication.

\1ost students kno" our curtious cafetcna "orker. \Irs. Bell) Butler." ho ha, been "ith La Salle for 34 )ears Beu~ keeps up smiling, y,hethcr II\ Fre.. hman or Semor b) her warm per-onalit} and lri~h blessings We ,.,j,h her many more prosperou\ years.

La Salle's Christian Brother Community

Brothers Communi!): (standing) Bro. Patrick. Bro. John. Bro. Domimc. Bro. Jame~. Bro. John, Bro. Gerr}. Bro. Brendan. Bro Thomas. Bro. Franl. (\ice- principal ). Bro. William (dirK tor), Bro. Eugene, Bro. Hilary (silting) Father Peter Foley (chaplain), Bro. Fred. Bro. Jam~. Bro. Edward. Bro. Miller. Bro. Andrew {prindpa l). Bro. L1nue. Bro. Alo}~Ul~. Bro. Wilham. Bro. !l.cvm

1981-1982 Faculty Additions

Bro. Frank. "fr G Sauter. \ f r. J. Parisi. Bro. \ndre\\, Bro.


Bro. Brendan.


'.1r J. Radvansky. \1r. \1 .





~€ M~TI~~If~51



"Nice goatee, Chuck."



Senior 8-ball

Filling in for an



OQHCOL 333 ~h.0.5Eb FOR.. ~6 (bv~£'<-T



in action




Remembering 1981 Victory At The Palestra


LaSalle's Hoopsters Defend Catholic League Crown, Greenberg hits 1,000






7 9 13 20

Jan .

3 8 10 15


I7 25 29 31 3 5 7 12 14

:!I :!6

La La La La La l.a La La La La La La La La La La La La La La

Salle Salle Salle Salle Salle Salle Salle Salle Salle Salle Salle Salle Salle Salle Salle Salle Salle Salle Salle Salle

v:; vs vs vs vs

\1onsignor Bonner St. Joe's Cardmal O'Hara Roman Catholic 1\rchbtshop Egan \S '\onh Catholic vs Cardinal Dougherty vs Bishop ~cDevm vs Archbishop Wood vs Bishop Kendrick vs Father Judge vs Archibtshop Ryan vs Archbishop Egan vs \.orth Catholic vs Cardinal Dougherty vc; Btshop 'VfcDevllt vs Archbtshop \\ood vs Bbhop Kendriclo. vs Father Judge vs Archbishop R)an

loach Burke hold, a umc-out confcrcn.:c E-..plorcr~ approached the 19!:n-lS2 "ith a nc" outlook. There ,-.a~ a nev. coach. namel) L e... Burke, former headman at Spn ng G.1rdcn College There were ne'' player'>. onl)' two returning starter..,, different Irom four on the 1980-81 championship 'quad. There wa~ abl> a ncv.. tmagc. changing from conservative. ball control offense to a more open and C\plo... in: attack. There ''a" no C hn' O' Bncn thi.., )Car. ' 0'' there \\ "" Joe Do" lrng. an excellent




Concentraung on 3 crucial foul >hot

dribbler. \\illing to \\Orl.. hard and continue the '' 1nning tradition \ ccompan) mg him \\Ould be con~istcnt,tartcr Brian Rodden. a ...cnior \\ith varsit) cxpcncnce ,1nd 1\11Catholic potential There wa ... a new look at center, namely 6'4 center Jow Webster who, with ternfic talent, b among the fea red leapers in the Catholic League. AI one forwa rd there was John Gay, whose jump shot can impress anyone, and accompa nyi ng him of course. senior Chip Green-

berg. After Chip received All-Amencan predictions, many realized that he could very well be the best player in the city. Other players include Keith Shepard. a very capable sixth man, and seniors Barry McCormack a nd Jim Osborne. On the J V side, the bplorer) ob\tou~l) have the potential to compete with the best of the Catholic League. There v.a,, again .•1 nc,-. coach. thi:. time Dan Rice. a former Spring Garden pla)er under \Jr'it) head·

man Burke. This squad will be the result of two past excellent freshmen teams" ith kc) personnel such a~ guards Chip Loyd. Kevin Gallagher. Mark Bacilii, and Bob McMonagle. Underneath we have George Wcis~. John Zanichili, and L<trr) Gue~:-.. On the frosh side. ~ccond }Car coach Brother Tom Speakman \\¡Orkcd to continue the ''inning tradition. It':- been a long time since we've had a lo~ing fro~h ~quad. and this year appears to be no different from any other, with players like 6'4 Craig Conlin and Tom Gizzi leading the way.


Greenburg is up and awa)

Doctor K

Va rsity Basketball: (top row) Lcs Burke (coach). M. Cassidy (manager), J. Gay, G. Weiss. J. Webster, C. Greenberg. J . O.borne. Bro. Dominic Smith !modera tor), Bro. Tom Speakman tasst. coach!: (bottom row) C. C<trabello (manager). C. Lloyd, K. Gallagher. J. Dowling. B. Rodden. K. Shepard. B. "1cCormtck. R. Dagnon (m;wagcr)


\k\1onaglc h1h fuul 'hl)t

Junior Varsity

Reaching for nc11 hcighh

J. \ '. Ba,kt'lhall: ll<lJ' ro11) Bro Domini~ Smith 1moderator1. Dan Rice tcoach). J /;llllll:h•cll. 8 \11:\hmaglc. ( llolmc,. (j lm.tna)!er). Bro T< 'll'>rc.l..m.tn ccoach t: (bottl)m ro11) C Ll~ud. \1 Ra\llu () \ulc..:l..t. 1\ . (i.dl.tghcr. t. (iuc". I llclmr~k


\\ ei". K Rudden. 0

D \lc"·'ndr••

Wilhelm sinks one from outside


above evcr)onc cbe


Frel> hman Ba,J-elhall: (top row) Bru Tom !:>pcakman tcoacht. T . Gint. \1 . \\-u,hlo.o. (.Conlin. G \~ ilhclm. J Grad}. J ~tanc?;tlo. I manager). VI H)n~' (manager): lbouom ro") J f...t~'ane. D Di~hl. \1 Sell. R. Brown. J. Stehcl. F \1onahan. K. M orri,~ln


\\hat a motlc}' ere"

La Salle's Oarsmen



th~.: Schu~ I kill

See me


m) office. no••!

The tide is in for the ere" team thi:. )Car. and enthu~iasm i~ running high. The team captain. John Shaffer. ha!> high hope!> for this year¡s squad. lie Sa]S that seventy r1c" students arc coming out for the team this year. more than any year in recent memory. The team also received a ne'' boat. and all the old boats and oars have been refurbished. thanks to the fund raising activities this year. "hich included T-Shirt :.elling. For any who wish to watch the oarsmen thi~ year. the LaSalle crowd hangs out at the Quarter:-.1 ilc Mark on the river. The first match is on March I 0. continuing every Sunday after that./\ big event in the ere'' calender this il> the Stotesbury Regatta. which is certain to muster up some stiff competition. We wish the team the best of luck on the river.

Tame the

Schuylkill March April

7 April 4 Man) Flick Cup Races 18 Catholic League Regatta 25 Philadelphia Scholastic Regatta 2 Stotcsbur) Regatta


R o\~Cr~

prepare for a gruelling pra,¡licc


..Come down and join our party."

LaS a lle Crew: B Phippl>. K Shaw, 'vi . Suter. C. Halfpenn). Brother Pat ! moderator ~ 'vir Ken Sh:.m (coa ch I, J 'vtauhews, B Rcmha rdt, J. Shaffer (captai n I. R. B)rne; ( kneeling.) R. 0''\eill. cox~wain


Ph iladelphia\ sk}hnc towe r, over struggling oar,mcn


.. '\lo. wc¡re not posing!..

Departure from Crcscnt Boat House


What ;I


swarm opponents

I lead' up






'h011s off

leads the


to practice licld

Soccer Team Sept

4 ~



25 26 29 Oct. h 'l

IJ 16 ~0 ~3

27 l()

La s~lk l.a SJIIc l .a Salle La SJIIc La Salle I.a Salle La S.tllc

"' \lnn,tgnur Bonner ~Jint

"' v' v, "' n

J,,,cph\ Prep Bcn-;alcm C.trdinal Dougher!~ 13t,hop 1-..cnncJ.. I lol~ fiho't Prep ' •lrth Cutholi,,

La S,tllc '' Salle ' ' Lt Salle ,., I.a Salle \\ Lt Salle ' ' La Salle '~ I a S.tlk ' ' La Salk"' l.a Salle_..,

F.tlhcr Judg.: \rchbi,hop R) <In B~>hufl fgan \rc hbi,hop \\ uod ('ardin.d 1'><1ughcrt} Bhh<lp Kcnnd '\nrth C.ttholil: Father .Judge \rchbl\hnp R~.1n




Lt Salk ' ' Bt'h''l' I gan



So1lk v' \rchbi\hnp \Vood

Prc-gumc conference


Gets Its Kicks

And a Little Bit More ·;:---




Vars il ) Soccer: (lop ro") Tom Turner (coa ch I, C. While. P. Daouphar,. R. Gnmm. J. Zamich1clli. B. Rodden (co-captain ), J. \tlunshO\\er. P McMenamin, D. Clear)'. M \kGu1gan tco-caplain), S. Me\\ llli:1m' tassl. coachl: !bouom ro\') "' · Rahn. r. D'Angelo. \tl . D'Angelo. J. Lamond. J Keenan. S Savo. R. Junker. J. Brad). J. Harkin'

In La Salle Soccer Team's four preyears of existence in the Catholic League, we were consistently the Rodney Dangerfields of the League. From the "holy'' warrior crusaders of Father J udge to the low-n)'ing Eagles of Egan. we got no respect ... none! From "ithtn our own rank~. however, a feeling of intense pride and willingnes~ to work''"~ there. We were tired of fighting 1OO(J and attaining nothing. So this year at the beginning of summer practice ( Boottcr camp) the coaches (Tom Turner, Shamus McWilliams, Mumbles and Wee John) convinced us to preach who \ \ C were and what we were going to do. Othviou~


cr teams would just not push the 1982 Explorers around. We \\ere talented. persevering little punks who were hungry for the playoffs. We showed our prowes!> b) taking Genesee country b) '>torm in carl) September - \\inning thc1r tournament and shO\\ing them the value of a quarter. This master plan though was short-lived as we faced the tragic loss of four of ou r comrades at the beginning of the season. The losses v.. erc dcvasuuing but the Catholic League '\orth went on and so did our season. \\ ith wins over Egan. Kendrick nnd \\food (first \\in over Wood in La Salle histor)) and very close losses to second-

place Judge (2-0: 3-1 ); third-place Dougherty (2-1; 3-1) we proved to everyone involved that we weren't going to be .. k1cked" around an) more but rather it ''ould be us \\ho did the booting. V. e gave all we had for the purpo~e of victor) and pro,ed 10 ever) organization in the League that a young team \\ith abilit) and motive should and would be considered a very formidable enem). This sea~on \\US '>UCccssful (5-8-I) and next year\\ ill be even more ~ucce~s­ fu l a~ ~e\cn ~lartcrs \\ill return 10 hopefull) put the '83 team in the playoff'>.

\\ hitc }Cib for a pa"

Qu1ck-footcd goalie

Jump ball

1 ;..

''Sure 1"11


for the Camera ·•


llarrNIO mil,


in 'car.:h of a rCCCI\Cr



\ arsil) Football: (lop ro11) P i<..~>lkka. J Y11ung. J 'Vlcnanoue. J . !<..eel. P. Tnpo<h. \it . \it cllcu. R <.alhoun. !<.. Ju,u.:c. J s... ccnc). B \lcUror). J \lurn,on. I Dub)k. \1 Bchr. G. Buck. (rmddlc row) J nanncr) (head coach ~ G Tate. ( Holme,. J Quillrnan. B ' orn'. R llarri,on. B O'Kane. J. Deering. C 'ucnglrng. !<.. f l)nn. D II ) man. 0 Sabra . .I Stcrnrncl/ (coach). J Grace (moderator!: (bollom ro11) G Win,Jo''· B I<.. ell) . .J l<..anc. D S"c:cnc~. D 7apc. J Sholl . .J Brad1. J \Lmhc"'· R \lartin. \1 O'Brien. B Kcll). !<.. Connot. J \1cll~t: Coach~: B Loughcr) . .J (,lll\tr<~. I \Line. \li~~ing: J Cappont. J O~bornc. C t urran

Prep dclcndcf\ d\l\C


ror the ~ill

Exhibit • Experience zn

Flynn ends Preps hopes


a dcva,tating punt retu rn

Ram} da~ film supply

Near Play-off Berth Sept. 19 27

l aSalk "'· \\ C\l Cullt0lic L1Salh: ''· l-ather .fudge

Oct. 4 LaSalle 10

IX 25 31

v~. \ rchbi ... hop R\an LaSalle,..,. Bbhop Egnn l aSallc "' Doughcrt) L tS.dlc '"' ~ 0rth Catholic

LaSalle ''· Bi,hop Kenrick

:'\m. '


15 26


l aSalle \'' Ar~hbi,hop \\ ood LaSallc v, , Bbhop \fcDc\ itt LaSalle v,, Saint J,>,cph\ Prep

Even though we did not achieve our goal this year. LaSalle's football team was in the pla~off picture until the laSt \\eek Of the regular ~cason. The team was enthusiastic and confident from the outset in August knO\\ ing the change~ which had been made in the Catholic League -;ystem. \\'e started with a week of conditioning in the evening: then three ada}:. from morning until the afternoon . A La Salle tradition himself. coach John 'Tex· Flannery and his staff were determined to create a" inner. and I believe that ever} player participating had the '>amc intention. And our final outcome this season a:. a'' inner walt due to forty individuab playing as a team unit. each giving 10014 of him~clf. The defense of La Salle in Ill)' opin ion, a nd probably in every 'orthcrn Di,·ision opponent!. opinion~. \\a~ the toughest and hard-hitting in the league. T he players were as much part of the offense a~ the offense ''as a part of them. thus creating a team . All-Catholic John Brady captained thi~o, year\ ...quad and headed the defen!>i\'c unit. \1 a'\ 'vh:llet. Brett Kcllc~. and Kc,in Flynn ''ere three of the man) kc) performer-; for the dcfen:.c. Quarterback Rob !Iarrison led the offense once again thi'> year ulong wi th Brian Kelley. Kevin Conner. and All-Catholic punter and receiver George Win:-.lm\. Once again, thc!>e performe r>. arc members of a vcr~ talented team. all of'' hom won together and lost together. T his }Car we didn't hold back an) thing a'> far a . . pcr:.onncl goes. Last year>. back-up yuartcrb~k became a lineman thi~ )Car (a rather ''isc decision) . Other members'' ere able to contribute nn both -,idel> of the line\\ hen we needed them to dll so. E,·cryonc contributed on the sidelines. and cYcryonc did t hci r part on the field. A.., ,\ I r. Fla nncr) would put it. \\e had enough guts and talents to beat an) one. it wa!> brain~ we needed. In a 5-5 .,cason. 11c made enough mi!'.takcs to probably lo~e 20 games. but ''e didn't. E'en in our lo:-.~es "c produced .,omc sign of hope that might carr) o\·er into next \\eck. although it would not be the thing to :-.irnpl) win u:-. a game. Our fir!>! victory \\a~ a dramatic upset over this yea rs Catholic League champ~. h11hcr Judge. Our three other league win-; \\ere sort or neighborhood victoricr-. over Ryan. Kendrick. and McDc' itt. And finally. for the fourth tim~.: in fiv~.: ;car\, \\e defeated our arch-rivab. St. Joe\ Prep. :.hutting them out 9-0 on Thanksgi,·ing morning. These arc the game., \\C :-.cnior:. will remember most. not the 'a lmo~t' or •j f ... \. From our memorable night at ·camp Bunk;·. named after our illu!>trious moderator. to late and broken d0\\11 bu., trip-. on Halloween n1ght in Norristown, I am sure I speak for the whole team when I say that if "e had to do it all over again. we might not, but we probably would for the hell of it (and for Vince Dennery)!

Pre-gumc praye r

I :•


.: ''


;1 fl ' r.. t:

/' ;



: I .


t '

. (. -

~ .,..





Hung out to dr)

Tcx and <.olhtra conrcr un 'tratcg)

\.1orrho n looks ror da) light





I Jarri>on 'pol>





J. V. Football

Preps for Future Fame ======~

J\ Football: (lOp rOI\ 1 r:. I .11\lOn. .1. Rtcffcl. J .. \lbor. \1. Peter,, r. \ltlffat. '\ . \1cLtlllc}. p !:>llecnc}. 1\ . BrJca. T \lcGovern. T hm.Jn . T 1-am,.lllllddk rt)\1) H Carpenter. D Reinhardt . .I Gtndhan. K '\olan. P. Timonc~. \ \1d.cc,. C Yabor. J. Flliol. 1- '\a 1a lc. J Poole. G Bchr: (bouom ro11) J Pcn,abcnc. B llam,on. \I Wisel}. J. Rino. \I. Vcsc~. C. \1;m. S. C rune. S. \\ olpcrt . .J. \1c:Faddcn. S. Donahue


Freshman Football: (tOp ro") ( . (on lin. D. \kt\cff, S. Smith, S. Sa>>man. J. Stanczak. B. Stout. C Ei,kr; (4th ro") M. Dean, D. Kearns. D. O"Bricn. T. Heasley, C. Rcice. M. Caliendo. T. M~.:,amara. J. Radvan'k) (coach\; (Jrd r0\1) T. Gini. M. Kuchenmei>ter. F. Worthington, R. \1 auhew~. S. Masucci, P. Gollmer. P. 'AcGovern. J. Cauie; (2nd ro'') C. l lentschd. B. 'AcEh,cc. P. Schull. J. '\lakhjavan. C. Minnich. M. Ros~i. J. Campbell. R. Sherman. M. Orme. P. Qucrubin; (bouom row) J II~ man (coach!. K. 'Aorrison. K Pcn,abcnc. S. Bennett. T. Brill. P. Brennan. J. Abom. M. Boland. T. Kobun. A. Viggiano !coachI

Little Explores Demonstrate Fine Talent


The IceMen Cometh Ocr.

3 I0 12 15

La I .a La l.a La

Salle ' l ppcr Oreland Salle \iS Souderton Salle \ Roxborough Salle \'S B1shop Eustace Salle \'S Bishop :\1cDc\lll

27 :-..:o\ . 2 La Salle vs \\ illiarn Tennent 5 La Salle'~ :"':orrh Cnrhohc 10 l a Salle v:. Upper Dublin 20 I ,1 Salle v~ ArchbiShop \\ ood Dec. I 9 Ill 22

La S.tllc \''German H)\\ n Ac,tdCrn) La Salle v, l'Oorrh Penn La Salle v, Council Rock l a S,llll: \:. Germanto\\ n Acadcm)

Jan. 5 14

Lt Salk vs Upper \ttorcland l a Salle '' Centra I Bucks


La Salle vs Cheltenham La Salle \S Souderton La aile \S Bi-.hop I ustacc


2 feb. 2 La Salle vs Bic;hop \1cl>c\ ill 4 L a Salle '., George \\ .n;htngton 10 La Salle\'> Abington


··come on ~ou gu~'· cut



Traumphanl Iceman ;tiler hat trad, !l<!al

Ice !l ocke~ Club: (top n>" IT. Charlhm. \1 \lc( ·•rm~ek. J \luclbrcnncr. J \.1ullcn. C B}rnc. B Vono. \.I \.la\\•cll. J Drach. 1\ "'an~nak. Coach \lr \.lagu•rc. P \ludbrcnncr. Hronl ro\1 I<. Collin,. B Cumming\. C D"i\lon70. T Gallo. J \.laguire. C Filliponc. I' Ranl..m. F Spa,,llu. S \lbor

1 o the Jlllint!



Sa,c' .. .

T he LaSalle Icc Hockey team. coming off a year in '' hich they earned the Freedom division title. looh ver) '>harp thi~ year despite the lo~s of <;Orne key Senior.... Coach John \ faguire expresses the enthusiastic hope along with the first of the icemen. that they can once again capture the Freedom div i ~ion crown and/or make the playoffs. The icc-Explorers arc led by T im :v1 uchlbronner (captain) and assistant captain~ Chri' Byrne and J im V1 ullen. These three pro,ide excellent leadership to a team that has its ~hare of underclassmen. Also Seniors Ben Vono and Keith Ksansnak add some leadership and playmaking to the team. One of the teams most visable strengths can be seen in the play of the J uniors - Pete Muehlbronner. Mike Maxwell, John Drach. Mike McCormick who will play a very valuable part to the success of this year's team. Goalte. John \1aguire. docs an outstanding job minding the net. Thts year·s schedule sa\\ the icemen With a rough first half and a 'ome'' hat ca\ier second half. Fven though the icemen have racked up JUst a few losses this year. they have been very much in every game and hopeful ly they can capitali7e on the second part of the schedule and go in to "in the Freedom divi-.ion and maybe even -,kate their \\U) to the rt)er's Cup Tournament.


Copley, Chalout Leaa Improved Wrestling

\.., an acti,it)¡happ) fre-.hman. \He,tling tned mere!) out of cuno~it). nothing more. \ t that ~tagc. high hore~ "ere that nl<l) be.'' tth .1 lot of lud.. one might make the '.tNt) ~quad. 'ot necc...saril) "in. once there. JU't m.tkc the \aNt) Of cour...e.to the ex perimenu ng fre;.hma n. 11 '' <.l\ nd 1cu lou" even to dream about ever competing 1n the Cit) ( hampion'>hip Tournament. That would rcm.lin the tournament whereon!) the trul) cl11e of the \HCstling world competed. But "re~tk in it yourself? Ha \\J~


Much Squad

R11 ballk' fur a JXhitinn a~ ~ophomorc )t:ar arri,cu. thing-. to change. Having eng,1gcd 1n O\'er a ~car of high ~chool \HC~tling. the ba"ic mo'c" and techniques had become some'' hat awomallc. and an 1nui' 1dual st) le had begun to take form . It '' a' then. too. that the in~anll) of ''eight ''·"'embraced. that ma1oochi-.tic habit alway-. associated \\ith \HCstling. De~pite the discomfort. it ''a' fdt that the 'uccc:.s no'' '' ithin reach'"'' ''ell ''orth the dfort. It wa . . abo th1., potentia I :ouccc~s. ho'' e\ cr. 1ha 1 made one ponder 'criousl) the possibilit) the vcr) ... lim possibilit) of -;omeda} :-.neaking 1nto the (it) Championship Tournament. Finall). junior and senior ~cur . tncc:-.-.ant hard work and dedication re-.ult~:d in con''''ent high-level performance,. 1 h..: ..:uaches and \He,tlcr' throughout the kaguc no'' awaned the una,oiuable match . Sec1ng thc1r l)\\ n "rc-.lcr' men' helmed on the ma 1. opposing cuachc' "ere forc~:d to admit that. "'that kid from I a Salle bunpre-.si\c··. Equall) gratif)lng "a' the trcmcndou ... rned1a allention no" be1ng rco.:el\cd Con.,t-.tcnt dumtnatwn of the area·, \\eekl~ "leading -.tah·· page of the 'porh section imcn-.1ficd the de,1rc to '' 111 '\ o Iunger \\Ould satisfaction re-,ult from a mere decision O\'er the opponr..:nt: a pin ""' no" mandatOr) . As each season begm.... e'er) \HC'>tlcr hopes to approach that final ... tage of dc,clopmcnt. Cultivating the adnmablc qualt1c., of iron ''ill. de:. ire. and character. he .,tnve-. to rise above hi:. peer... and e.xcel in the most demanding sport in the \\Orlu "re,tling..



.. Thc~c


c:m kill



\\. rc~tlcn. practicing hard '!



6 13

JO 27 feb.


10 17 20 24 27

LaSalle \'!). Archbi!)hop Carroll LaSalle v~..\rchbbhop Wood LaSalle \S. Bishop Egan LaSalle vs. -.....orth Catholic LaSalle vs Cardinal O'Harll LaSalle vs. Bishop Kenrick laSalle v~. Cardinal Dougher!~ Semi-Final Wrestle-off Catholk League Champton~htp~ Catholic League Tournament

J . V. Wrcsller puis figure four leg-lock on opponcn l

W restling Team: (bac k row) '14r. 0 S•cgcllcoac h), C. \tlurs. S. Volpe. J. R1no. P Cha loull. J Sn~dcr. \t1 Copcly. (. \1 :.101. H. S10ugh1on. \1 Stoughlon. C \tlar,, \1 . Gola. Bro. John O'Aifonso (moderator). (front row) M. Consellu. R. Biggins. D. '\la,ucci

J.\'. Wrestling: (back row) T 1\0hun. R Rhcinhard1. I JohnMJn. R Rc1~'· T Thl\lle. K. Lambcn. P T1mon)'. J Lambcn. (fronl rmq J Campbell. C. Bn1u,comc. P ' ahrgang

LaSalle 3\\arded poinh for qu1ck reversal

Bowlers Stay • zn the Right

Lane For appro>.u11atel) the pal>t fort) )cars. LaSalle has been an active member in the Northern division of the Catholic Bo'' ling League. In those forty ycar1>, ho,..,ever. LaSalle has not been able to capture the Catholic League Championship. Bu t. "ith the breaking of man) old LaSalle bowling record~. it ~ecm~ eviden t that the bowling team b definite!) improving and that this coveted title cannot dude u:. for long. The major factor in thi~ improvement has been the move from Washington Lane~ to Adam., Lane.... With this change in aiiC)S the var.,it) team has been able to average in the 170\: and Ed Skorpinski. the team's captain. ha-. been able to -..et the ne" high game "ith a score of 276. The team's coach, Rich Golden, a former member of LaSalle's Bowling team, has tried to bolster the teams spirit by providing certain rewards, which range from free sodas to free dinner '"'ith dates if the team does exceptionall) well. T he team is definitely in the right lane.

So" ling 1 t-am: R L nH:rtal!l . I Du!!gan R (,olden (coach I. B. \,lc; J....crnan. J Delfino.>.~ h.at,cr. G \\ olfinJ,!cr. l Skoqltn,kt. r. Pa..:J...~rd \ I llagcrl}. G Huch. (kneeling) P Grou,c. F Harkin,, J . llclmad


Golfers Putt into Catholic League Champs


A.., the golfer' an\iou . . l~ a''aitcd the ... tart of the ne" 'ea . .on. the) lool-.ed for\\ard to another routine. ho-hum. Cttholic league ehampton,hip. \fter all there ''ould be three returning aiiC.ttholic \Cteran .... Brian Stcfano,,ict. Pat Ganley, and Rich Gregor. This team has the potential to surpass the almost amazing achievements of past teams. Despite all of this talent going for them, Brother AI, the old pro, still has to mold a winning combination. As usual, he will preach the importance of fundamentals, always guarding against over-confidence. Brother Al's youthful enthusiasm, manifested by his prancing around the golf course like a young Arnold Pa !mer. serves as an in::.piring inOuence over the '"hole team. His enthusiastic and Iova ble altitude enable Brother to continue the champion::.hip tradition at La Salle.


2 Lt Salle'"· . \ rehbt~hop \\ ood 5 I a Salle b. Bbhop Fgan 16 l.t Salle\~ . C trdin.tl DougherII) 2.\ 26

·~La Salle ,.~ .

Bi:.hop Me De' itt

l. a Salle vs. Father Judge l.a Salle'"· .·\ rchbi ~hop R)an

JO I a Salle v:.. '\orth Catholic \ t ty

v~ . ·\ n:hbi~hnp Wood 7 I. a Sa lie v~. Bbhop l:ga n Ill l.a ::,aile'""· Cardinal fJoughcr -

.1 I a Salle


I .l

I a Salle '"· 17 I. a Salle v::.. 21 Lt Salle,.,. 2J l.t Salle"·

Bi.,hop Me De\ itt Fat her Judge ·\ rchbi,hop R)an '\orth Cttholic

198-81 Golf T eam: Pat Ganle~. Chick Do~ne). \i1ke Ganle). Bnan Stefano\\icz. :-..tikc Gregor. Joe Pmto. 'cil Fit7patrick. R1d CirqJUr. Brother r\IO)'IU\ Lumle). rs.c.


One deep breath

"He won by this much.'.

Executing a back\\ard dive \\ ith ca'e

Swim Team Challenges 0' H ara for League Supremacy






~- -


... -



Freest)lcrs compete for a first place finish

Sl' im Team: (standing) B. Kevin. B. Haley. F. o¡Riellc}. K. Dunph). E. ~olcman. J. Tobm. J . McGann. P. Hogan . .J. Morri>e~. T. Cu~h. B. Cahill. C. Folc~. P. Amand. (coachl T. Anwnd (kneeling) G. Kalson. D. Whitehead. S. Hadc1ut... D. Daniele. C. DachO\\Ski. M. Best. Lance Krclovich. J . O'Brien (siuingl C \\'ilb. S. ll ugan. G. C~111ic. G. Walter;. J. Godin. J . Onaviano. K. Garrit). K \1 cGann

"Come on. juM 17 more!"

After compiling a seven and one record and falling one win short of the Catholic League Championship last year, the La Salle Swim Team seems to be a power to be contended with in the Catholic League once again this year. Led b) second-year coach Tony "Mel" Amand and senior co-captains Paul Amand, Tim Cush.and Ed Coleman. this year's squad seems to be poised to ~apturc the Catholic LcaguecrO\\n and uphold a strong La Salle tradition of swimming dominance. Aside from three senior co-captains, thi~ year's swim team is anchored b) Paul Hogan, Jim Toban. Steve Hladczuk. Chri:-. Foley, Brian Ha Ie), and Dre\\ Daniels. a II undercla:.:.men and contenders for All-Catholic honor~. Fueled b~ this )oung talent. La Salle's ~" im team i:-. a team both of the present and the future. Coach /\mand forsees numerous championship:-. in the future. with the :-.quad growing stronger a~ the) car goes on. The key date on the schedu lc this year il~l arch 6. For it i~ on this day thai Coach /\rnand and the swim team hope to leave \\'idencr College as the new Catholic League Champions. and but one of the many championship swim teams in the hi:-.tory of La Salle High School.

"He couldn't be ... not asleep!"


Senior Swimmer'

Swimming is a splash Coach Tony Amand




of individual compctiuon

\l r. lntcnsit~

'\ov. Dec. Jan.

24 l a Salle v-. l.Jpper Dublin

8 La Salle


Lawrenceville Prep

18 Catholic Relay Carnival 6 La Salle vs Archbishop R}an 12 La Salle vs Penn Charter

IJ La Salle vs St. James

28 La Salle vs Momignor Bonner Feb.


I 7 12 17 24 27 6

La Salle vs Archbishop Carroll La Salle vs St. Joe's Prep La Salle vs rather Judge La Salle vs Archbishop Wood La Salle vs Cardtnal O'Hara Ribbon ~eel Catholic League Championships


Gcc~c ha1 mg their 0\1 n competition

La Salle Runners Capture League Spotlight ..






't" r1

12 16 19


23 6 30 3 7 10 14 16 21

~O\ .

24 .28 7 10 14





of a lonj! rae~

Paul Sanborn Invitational La Salle vs Cheltenham La Salle College Invitational Ist Catholic League Meet Conrad Weisner Invitational 2nd Catholic Leagucx Meet Salesianum Invitational 3rd Catholic League Meet Manhattan Invitational 4th Catholic League Meet Salesianum- Belmont Sth Catholic League Meet EaMern Champion~hip~ 6th Catholic League Meet Catholic League Championships Coachc~¡ Meet Temple Invitational

Bringing up 1hc rcnr



in pack of !heir O"n

It started in the blistering heat of the summer and ended in the chill of ovember. Logging up to 90 miles a week through the hi lb of ortheast. Maryland at summer camp we were on our wa~ to becoming one of the most ~ucce~sful cross count ry teams eva produced b) La Salle High. The season opened up at Belmont Plateau with La Salle sweeping the tri-meet with Cheltenham and otre Dame. Lillie did we know that the best was yet to come. We captured third place at La Salle College Invitational. then went on a :-.treak winning the Conrad Weisner Invitational for the -;econd year in a row. T ravelling to Delaware. we ''ere rewarded with another l'irsttroph) in thcSalcsianum Invitational. Our next race took us to the 1VIanhattan Invitational; ''e walked into the race a:-. \'irtual unknowns and left. :.tunning :\e'' York by'' inning by aver) large margin against some of the vcr) best teams in the tri-state area. Two '' ecks later we finished 16th in the"/\ .. race at the Eastern Championships at '\ cw York. We went virtual!) untouched through six Catholic League meets but finbhcd a rather di:.appointing second place to Cardinal O' Hara in the Catholic League Champs. Ho,,evcr. that didn't take awa) rrom the 'iucccs:- of our sca:.on. In our la~t meet of the season.'' c <tvcngcd the los:. 10 O'Hara at the Temple Invitational at Belmont. Yar:.it) compiled a record of 1~2-22 throughout the ~cason.

fil7 OUI[l:lCC'

the pack


\\.hill} strives as Dave Ott

The JV team, Coach Devine's ..second ,¡arsity'' went undefeated winning Sale~ianum. 'vl anhattan and Temple lm itationab and by also\\ inning the Catholic League Champ!>. We ended the season with five All-Catholics. ~cnior co-captain~ Tom Fitzpatrick and sophomore Dave Casale. Chris Burnett won the .JV race in the Catholic League Champ~ . \1ike Funchion. Bill Lombard. Bill lloban, and Bill McLaughlin broke I 6 minutes at Belmont. As I renect on the season. I see Mr. Devine and Mr. E. McCabe doing a great job blending us into the team we came to be. J know now that the 90 miles a week back in the heat of August in Maryland was well worth it and essential to our great success.




Photo Fin ish

Cross Country: (top row) T. Fitzpatrick. K. Funchion. B. Lombard. S Gallagher. M. Funchion. J . Wcstkaemper. B. Mclaughlin. (bottom row) C. Burnett. M . Mcl"amara. B. Wittrock. T. Burns. T. Shallo~'>. D. Ca~ale. C Smith, Mr Pat Devine (coach )

Indoor Trackers

\ '} mbol of VICtOr} for an) runner

\\\,tHin~ <I

final dc<:hton from the


l .1 ')aile take' turn \\ith confidence

l¡itl pull' it together. out>tride, opponent'


The long straightawa> at Widener

WiurO<:k relaJte> before I00 yard dash

Exemplify the Devine Touch The indoor track team has taken on a new look and feeling which should help improve the team. First of all. Mr. Miller and Mr. Yigiano have acquired the auditorium for their winter practice field This is extremely important because it gives the team a chance to practice in better surroundings than outs1dc. This way the shotputters can practice. the high jumpers can practice. and the long jumpers can practice in:,ide \\here indoor track should be practiced. This ,.,.ill not only help the quality of the team but it has put a better feeling into the partiCipants. More people are now going out for the team. More people are finding out about the team because they can sec it practice in the auditorium. '' hich makes them aware of what indoor track is all about, and makes them want to


Intermis>ion breather

December 19

26 January

2 16 23


5 6 12 13

20 25 27 Shea carries baton. and victory. into final leg

March join, which improves the quality of the team and the feelings toward it. Another good quality about the team this year which is just being noticed is that indoor track is a way of staying in shape. It comes at a perfect time. The footba ll season is now over, so why not stay in shape during the offseason? The cross country team just ended its season and this is a perfect chance for them to stay in shape and maybe improve for next season . The other big point about the team is that you can really learn something by being there. And if you are really an indoor track participant you can lea rn better techniques. With the guidance of the coaches, better attitude toward the team. and the increased variety and more new pa rticipants, the 198 I -1982 indoor track team should reach a very high sta ndard which is appreciated by the participants, fac ulty, and students.


Haverford College West Chester State College Lehigh University Lehigh University West Chester State University Widener University Widener University Widener University Widener University Temple University Indoor Invitational Meet Princeton University State ChampionshipsBuckneee University Catholic League Indoor ChampionshipsLehigh University

A gruelling run

La Salles top competitors

Coach Devine


Racketeers Volley Into The l .tS.tllc r \plorer•." tennt\ tea Ill \\ill begin \heir que'>\ for) e\ another Catholic I e.tgue Champton'>htp, ''ithout three of Ia~\ year·, 'tuner,, tndudtng Art \1artdla. "ho \\\!rC lost due to graduation. Their . .ea...on begin' on 1\prtl 6 ver'u' Father Judge .•tnd continue' through thc month'> of 1\pril and May. The Explon:r' '' ill have to face man) up and coming teams in the Catholic I eague Senior Domtnu.: Giuffrida. v. ho '' undefeated in ll igh School pht). lead' the )Oung h plorcr team. Filling out the team i' a group of J untor' .tnd <:lophomore' \\ho arc eager to maintain the I aSalle "inning traditton Junior' J im Simone. Pat Smith. John .John,on. llarr) Miller. and .John Stad.mal "ill -,tart tht'> )Car and "til h.l\ c the bu rdcn of carr) i ng the 11:..1m to 'ictory Sop h... 1\ C\ in Rodden and Joe Cilio ''ill fill out the young LaSalle team. Brother " c' tn. the team modcrator. prcdtch a 9-3 ..ea,on '' tth ,, p<h'>tblc pl.tyoff berth (omparcd to their record in pa'>t )Car., the) .trc undefeated ''nee 1977. tht' predtctton ...cem' prell~ gloom) Thi' )CM i., a rebutlding )Car for the LaS.dlc team. and although the) \\til probably not remain undefeated. the) ''ill be contender-. for the Catholic I eague title. due \l) the efiOrt\ or '>l<H pla~er. Dom Gtuffnda

l),mum..: return' "ith 'trong lmchand


Another Winning Season April

6 ~

13 15 20 22

'27 29 ~I a)


6 13

.. "1 ~ reel . their

~luck! ..

Lit Salle La Salle La Salle La Salle La Salle La Salle La Salle La Salle La Salle La Salle La Salle

.. •\ h. there

v~ Father Judge vs ~onh Catholic vs Bishop Egan vs Bishop Kendrick vs Archbi~hop Carroll vs Cardinal O'Hara vs St. Joe's vs \1onsignor vs Archbishop R}'an v~ Cardinal Dougherty v~ Archbishop \\ ood


my bacl- 1..

Tfnnis Team: S . Desimone. P. Smith, J. Cilio, K. Rudden. D Giuffrida , \ 4. Ro" Icy

2 11


~I) nn}

di~pla)' lirstba~eman \


m acuon

LS Diamond

Future \hortstop


The 1981-82 Baseball Team ~~ coached b) t '' o tough coaches: Mr. Ed vtolush and Mr. Gerr) Miller. These two figures of the La Salle baseball stafl' are not onl] stern but demanding. The) demand that each of their players give~ the most of their ability. One might have excellent talent but lacking in spirit. This type of person will not find a "POt on the team. The) demand good sportsman:.hip and team spirit, and when you combine this ''ith talent. you arc left" ith a "inning team which has an enjoyable and \\Orth\\ hile season. The other good qualit) that these two coaches possess is their knowledge of the game. The team tryouts arc not until february but they held tryouts earlier in '\ovember for anyone who \\aS interested. This shows that the coaches want ever) one" ho likes ba~eballto learn so as to enhance their skills. Of course, when the real practices start, the coaches will tr)' to pick the players with the most talent and dedication. The Catholic League is very tough


¡¡r got

the meanest fastball in the school" Knasnak

-----Baseball invades


Cutters this year as it ha~ been in previow. year:... T he players are well qualified and the teams well prepared. There arc no eas) games: e\¡eryone mu~t pia} '' ith full intensity. The competition i:.. tough but :,o is La Salle. In all. the season \\Ill be challcng1ng but with the help of fine coaching. moral support from La Salle students. and e\cellent talent on the ball club. the 198182 Baseball team can expect a \\inning season.

Cliff in a classic pose


Coach Mollu'h April

12 14 16 21 23

La Salle vs. l'oorth Catholic La Salle vs. Bishop Egan La Salle v~ Father Judge La Salle H . 1\rchbishop Wood La Salle \1\ >\rchbtshop R~an

26 28 30



5 7

12 14 17 19 21


25 29 5

\S. Cardinal Doughert} La Salle vs. Btshop Kenrick La Salle n . Btshop "lcDevltt La Salle V> "'orth Cathohc La Salle \1). Bt~ohop Egan La Salle V) Father Judge La Salle v~ Archbishop Wood La Salle vs Archbi~hop Ryan La Salle YS Cardinal Doughert} La Salle v~ Btshop Kenrick La Salle Yl> Bishop "'cDevttt Quarterfinals Semi-finals Finals

La Salle


- ---

fug-0- War compclllion [!Cl'


Grq!.Or k.lJ'-. 1nd pulb do" n a



I ntramurals Make A

Comeback With Revitalized Program

Intramural ( oordinaror\: (" O'llar.l, Bru. Tom SJXakm.ln B Young. J. Splcnd1do. \1 Baldassanu

Semor> do battle

Chess rcmstitutcd in the program

Football Basketball Tug-0-War Chess and Checkers Hockey Swimming Volleyball Indoor Scocer Track & Field Ping-Pong

¡¡Out! JuM get out!"

The 1981-82 year of intramural:. here at La Salle has turned out to be one of the best ever. With Brother Tom Speakman in charge, the program has been extended to include activities for ever) student. The main goal of the intramural program is to provide extracurricular activity for those students unable to participate in varsity sports or dubs. This year's c\panded schedule has provided something almost ever) week of the year. giving studen ts an a lternativc other that simp!} going home every day after school. Along with Brother Tom's dedication. the intramural commiuec has played a trcmcndou:> role in the organi7ing. scheduling. and proper c\cCution of the program. :vlembcr:-. indude Vince Baldassano ('82), who is in charge of the senior clas~. with Bob Young ('82) in charge of the Juniors. Joe Splcndido ('82) the Sophomores, and Ed O'Hara ("82) handling the Frosh class. These ~tudenb, along with the hundreds of participants and volunteers. have designed a most successful year for Lu Salle in tramural:-. The program is divided equally between indoor and outdoor activities. with the indoor activities taking place during the colder months while the outdoor activities take place both at the beginning and end of the school year. A special thanks is given to Brother Tom and his committee from all La Salle students.


Senior Quotable Quotes ----We have reached the end of that journe} cons1dered 'h1gh school'; all Semor~ have memories, some good. others bad, of our livel> at La Salle. We now attempt to capture those memories and moments characteristic of

each senior, realizing the transfer of abstract ideas mto concrete terms i~ not always smooth. and hopmg that they do not offend anyone, leavi ng only a warm smile and a reflective happiness


A good friend

Greg Buck· J efr~ Brother ... First half of Buck- Buck •.

John Allen· Best known for looking hke \\ arren 7evon The blue knit hat . . One of the pit CrCI'

Jeff Bucl. Greg's Brother .. Second half of Buck- Buck

Charles Albor. Chuck-head . of of Mr O'Toole . . .

Paul Amand: Spends afternoon\ and l'eekends practicing his breaststroke A 4th period BHis short-lived mou~tachc ... Ball man Scolt Atkinson: Mr. Philosophy" but. you know . . uh. like, ub oh you know " Da1ed and confused Vince Baldassano "Perrooooooo vance had a good lime in Italy knows like Vince nose •.. Paul Baniewicz: Computer Wi1 .. \-ir Russell's right arm ... '\1ichael Barrett: Best known for hi\ Arthur's Catering jacket ... Camaro' " I low\ Pauy. Mike?" ... Spanky ... We promised Mike we wouldn't make fun of his nose Jim Basile Notre Dame Bound Defcn~er fan Member of the Campbell. Gannon. Ba~1le tnumv1rate ... " But Mr McCabe ·· !VI r. Potatohead H1s own best bet for valedictorian \llicbael Bebr Teddy Polar .• Grinl} .. . '1.1ama. papa, and bab)' .. Panda ... FoZJy .. . Yog1 Dancing ... Once called out John Brady .. Chris Benyo~szky: Tom Duggan\ Sony Walk· man buddy " Hey Chris. where do you get all those disco shirts'?" . Ke~in Bonner Pnnce Valiant Kevan\ wccer career went up an smoke . . The pll crew\ re~tdent genius .

John Brady- "GRRRRRRRR •.... One of these days John will learn how to "'alk right. "Who locked the keys in John\ car''" Joe Brady· J uly's GO centerfold "Could you do a turn for us. Joe?". " "' ice turn, Joe" . " How's Lisa. Joe'?" .

2 16

Chris Burnett "Hi' grandmothers dog" One of Pat\ boy' ..• illustrious runner Chris B)rne. Future Leroy "·lieman . . Mosl improved Iceman .. The only eloq uent hocke) player . World famous for Brian Cahill Sud' ing at \\ h11cv\ Hallo"'een Part}


Tim Campbell: Tank! . • "You bello"'ed. Tim->" L1fc ambitiOn\. To be a Greek fisherman" Cra~y leg~ Campbell John Capponi John\ beard TheArcuc Cat . . The cheech-mob1lc • "You guys be11er wnte something good about me" .. Chris Carabello La Salle'~> head mtistician Hold's the key to Dombo's 'Inner Sanctum' Bears an ama71ng resemblance to John-boy Walton

Matt Copel) Place Matt ... Photo Mall . Laundro- Matt Welcome Matt Wrestling-Matt . John Corrado The ltahan Stalhon .•• Intramural hockey.~ . ''Sergio Corrado Jeans fort he way you look and eat pasta" Robert Costello Won the cap .1nd go"'n meawrcmcnt contest with a head \17C of 8 + Cyclops . "Two accidents 1n one day nei· ther of them we re m) fault.. Memck Ed Coyle Reached the peak of hi> h1gh \Chool career"' hen he crashed through the front "'mdo" of\chool " Hi. Scarp • HI.Joe ... Ill. Deese Get lost. Ed" \1ost imKt•in Cregan Stein . Conrad proved \.t ath Student " He) I-.e•. )OU look like cat11.oman" . . "Yeah but you look like JoJo the dog "food" bo}, Zawrotn} •• . Tim Cush A ere"' man ... Alwa)'s "'ears sweaterBob l)agnon: Killer ... Tiny Bert A giant Roll over. Bee· among men ... Shake it up thoven Philippe Daouphars: Mr. lmpccablc .. Hot The original soccer star ..• That's DOuG H-farz ...

280-Z John Carrozza The onl} decent photographer on the \\ 1stenan\ Staff Sorry Paul and Fred Mark Casale Marcu> "God. I "'ish I could wnte hkc Pat" Wanted to 11.rite the Mile~ Long Scene .• Hugh Casw "A vote for Hugh is a vote for you·· Took t\I.ICe a~ much abuse for h1s name after Hugh Panaro left Latin buff 'l.tike Ca•anaugh· Cabbage Head . hair was perfect" ..

"And ht~

John Cellucci· Ool} one to "'ear a suit on Col· lege da~ Bro" n1c .. An alleged mus1c1an and a p~eudo-photographer ... Just kidding. John ~ Joe Console Danc1n' On Air "What's your new year's re~oluuon. J~>e'>" "Own 14 pair\ of neutral "ing-upped" . . •·Joe} D Con~ole"

Hane)' deKrafft Haneeey' Stean II .. Rumored to be Da•id Brenner\ son ":-:icc ha1r. Harv.. Bob ~Simone: The Bion1c Bhnk l l1s car 1' pamted in Roxborough Red ··o them gold· en slippers" .. Mike Dinda: Active member of CAR"' (Cill· \11ster 1cns Against Rand} Newman) Emouon \-iike can best be descnbed 1n one 11.0rd FEISTY' Chip Dola•..) The Deer Hunter .• The onginal docksider _. Field and Stream\ "ian of the Year •. A '\of"'ood Bo} George Donohue: Ooooooooooklahomc .. Shut up. George. }OU talk too much .•• Iii> uncle\ fruit stand John Donohue: Evil Donohue " What do you do when it snows. John'>' " He) John. did you do your JOurnals'>" "Yeah. I have 367 pages

Franco D'Orazio: "Does Joe Console really cut )OUr ha1r. Franco?" ... "Hey Franco, what did you say to Mr. Devine in Italy?" ... Joey's dancin' partner ... Joe Dowling: Poe . . . Linle guy ... The world's nice~t guy ... Beats his brown Camaro . Frank Downey: Woodman .. Ch1ck Stubby The life of Marty's 6th penod AccountIng class Da1e Draganosky: Drag ... The Judge Smrnes . John Dubyk: Doobs ... Dooby ... Doob-i:.m . An animal under the boards ... The Can· non ... Greg Dudzek: Dudz ... The Cheerful Cherub An East Oak Lane Boy ... Member of the Henry carpool .. Tom Duggan: BenJi ... Apple Pie . . La Salle's first Sony Walkman user Sells Eagle Scout Cookies Carl Elitz: "I'll have two Big Macs. Large Fries. a Coke. and some McDonaldland cookies!" ... There comes an age when freck les are no longer cute ... Dare Espenshade: Espo ... The bearded wonder with the Kangaroo boots ... " Hey Dave. you goua picture of your girlfriend')" ... Earth-shauering ... Chris Filippone: " He} guys. could you keep the slapshots a liule bit lower?" ... The Goa he Joe Fitzgerald: Fitz . .. Tom Fitzpatrick: Fitz II .. . Marathon Man Kevin f lynn: Flynnie ... Big Mo .. . As we said, there comes an age when freckles are no longer cute . . Baseball. hot dogs, apple pie and Kevin Flynn ... Jerry Freal: For Real The worm Got through freshman Spanish without saymg a ~ingle Spanish "ord ... A pit crew member Ke1in funchion. Mike's brother .. Mike funchion: Kevin's brother . Karl Gabrielsen: The only one who laughs at Mr. Devine's jokes ... The moustache man ... Only La Salle student with a 5:00 shadow at 9:00AM ... Pat Ganley. La Salle's answer to Arnold Palm· er Whenever he misses a putt, he picks up h1s ball and walks off the green• Goggles

Greg Gilelti: We couldn't say anything bad about Greg. He won'tlet us . . City boy ... Terry Gillespie: Methodical Eater ... 4.3G PA ... Distant relative of Diuy (very Distant) .. N HS Prez ... Jim Gilmore: Close relative of Gary (very close) ... " He} J1m. don't play basketball when Stevens is wearing heavy boots" . "Why not?" Jobn Gio1inazzo· G.O.... The P A. System . .. Joanie D. . . "He) Chico" ... Had no trouble in Spanish ... Dominic Giuffrida: Dates married women ... Future Joh n McEnroe .. Mr. Consciencious ... "Tennis is my raquet" ... Paul Gonsiewski: Big Bird . . The blue van . Gonzo ... Don Sale~k1 lcok-ahke Tom Gordon· The origmal Pear head ... Mot odrog ... Most Improved Sapniard .. . Victor Gray: Mr. Suave You can't argue with a sick mind ... Wore a sweater- once ... Good friend of Bill Michuda . .. " Don't ask yo ur mot her" ... Chip Greenberg: Chipper ... The fish that saved Pmsburgh ... Wh1te mag1c ... Once wore shoes that could propel a small sea-going vessel ... Black shoe> - white socks ... Rich Gregor· Pup Lips .. " Rich, what'd you get on your Math test,.. "Vince and I both got 98's". Rodney Grimm: Cud ... lr.credibly average ... Tiffany's ... Grimm and bear it ... Used to be Barry's best friend .. Mark Grimner: Should've been an athlete ... Has the best arm for app:es in the pit ... Always wears h1s Jacket in the pit ... Mike Grubb· Grubbs

Fred's attache case

Chuck Halfpenny· "What can you buy with a halfpenny?" ... Almost killed Tim Thistle ... " How many half-penmes are there •n a dollar?" ... Cholly! ... Mark Hagerty: Bowling league president ... Unvy's buddy . . " I hate people who talk while I'm interrupting" ... Jim Hannum: Pit crew member . . Has yet to be on time for homeroom ... H1s brother's skelton ke) .. f,.n Harkins l1mp} One of Henry's crew .. Famous for looking like Benny Hill ... We know his password

Frank Gannon. "The famous, colossal. made especially for you: 'La Salle Forum jacket"' The sports wrap-up Descendant of JeanPaul Sortie .

frank Harrison: Rob's brother (Just kidding) ... "Good night, Frank" ...

John Gay: Gaylo . . . Happy . . . One of Stubby's few buddies ... Wedgie .. Friz's class . . Stiches ...

Rob Harrison: Harry ... QB ... Brass knuckles ... Demolition man ... Nut ... Brown Sugar .. Sympathy for Rob ..

Phil Higgins: Close to the Edge Down River World famous for having his necklace stolen in Italy ... Bill Higgins: Bill the Thrill ... Ms. Rimert's Favorite ... Under the boardwal k ... Marty Hoban Fluorescent pants ... Jacob Reed's Son ... "The clothes must go with the name, R1ght Mr. Stanczak?" ... Dan Hyman Dangerous Dan - The Roxbor· ough Rocket .. Buster ... "What's 1n a name?" Davt Jewart: Once saw a dead man Selfproclaimed ping-pong star ... Taco Bell ... Stete Johnson: Bric-a-brac·a·fire·cracker, Sis· boom-bah-Steve Johnson-Steve Johnson RahRah- Rah ... Claim's to be Grace Slick's cousIn Michael Joyce. "Does anyone really know what's '" that schoolbag?'' ... Soup and a Coke . Rumor has it that the first carroll '" the hbrary will be retired when Mike leaves La Salle fran Junod: Fire Chief ... Exxon grease monkey ... Buddy Rich in drag . .. Pat Ben atar ... John Kane: T he Bea rd ... Abe Lincoln ... All American Boy ... Upsta te accent ... A Hick in a city-man's clothes ... Kaninc . Mike Kane· Gnmner's compeution for Pll apple toss competition ... Intramural \1 VP Silence is golden ... Co-Kane . Joe Ka rcher: The Twinkie Mobile . "There's more than one way to skin a cat" . . The lean and hungry look ... Tom Kearns: Another moustache man Manayunk (or is it East Falls'?) ... Semi-Pit crew ... Terrible Tom ... Dan Kelley: Stench ... Earned so many late slips he has moved into first place over Ponton. Manz. Melinson and Stack ... Pug .. Brett Kelly: Bnan's Brother ... Thinks he was born first Stump) ... Briln Kelt} Brett's Brother .. Was born firs t . . Stumpy . Louis Kelly: Wears a Stash Kreft coat, except his tasslcs are longer .. . "Hey Lou, what hap· pened to the SS?" .. . Tim Kell) Mr C's buddy ... Captain Horatio Hornblo"er . The leader of the band John Kiernan Uncle Fonzo's haircut boy A band man ...


Paul Kim What a photographer .. Han·soo "I really think so" ... Roots ... Paul was once grounded for scoring 1190 on h1s boards Curt Kise. Mr. O'Toole's other bestfriend ... Downtown ... T he famous Valley Forge Mili· tary Academy Jacket ...


\1ike Klaiber Herbie! ... \1ike Koller JumJX like a kangaroo Rocks like a roller The Ca~.;anova of Jaffe', Oh no 1 It's Mike Koller! ... S tan Kreft Sta~h .•. \.\ •~he' ht~ ta,sels -.ere as long a~ Lou Kelly\ .. • The origmal moccassin Hm! A poem Phil Krzywicki Drives Mom's Caddy Aspires to be Varstty debator wears reversible vests . Keith Ksansnak. His slapshot's almost as fast as his car and hts fast ball "How do you pronounce your name'>" . . " It's Keith!" . .. Tom Lodise: Pigeon- Head . riod B-Ball man

Another 4th pe-

Drew Lombard: Lumby Roy Louis-Charles· The only person in the class wtth three first name~ "Who wants tickets to see my Uncle Roy?" Tom \fcCann: "Don't worry. Tom. we say anythtng about ~h~ •..


Cr1ig \fcChesnty Wally ... " How -.as Angel tn the Centerfold 1 '' D~n·t deserve a Camaro

The hero of fre,hman intramural hockey . . Wrestling madman ...

Fran!.. "'t) What can be satd that hasn't al· read) been said in the past four )Cars? •..

Ron \lartin "What's the J . for Ron., .. ... J Freezing Cheeks \1artin "Somebod) ':. golla turn out the lights" One of the original FOOLZ 16 yards

Brian "orris. Rodden ... ""ice ta see \3, "aaarns" The Jeep Sabta's spa~tic brother . Over the fence at pracuce .•. \like O' Brien: Obie .

\1ike O'Connell. Oak! . . . The 1\orthea·a·s be\I parking lot D·back .. Oakic-doke .

Mark Mattei· "~ice truck. 'v1ark" ... Famou~ for being Koller's netghbor " M ~ name\ Mark. not Mall. Mr 'v1cCabe" ..

Ed O' Hara The band's social director "Go blow your horn. Ed" Goes through 14 patr~ of glas;e~ a year . . The lightweight

Jim Matthews: Juntor . . "Ntcc laugh. Jtm" ... One of Father Paul's buddies . . The Con his jacket is JUSt his mtddlc tnttial

Ed O'l\1ara: Maddog. Brady A fOO l 7 reJect . . The fish in Biology . . Also had ;t good time in Italy ...

Andy Meehan· 'viotor-mouth . World re· nown for his desk top drum solo> . Knows the words to every George Thorogood \ong

Jim Osborne: Unmistakably 07

John \ lehr: Binster ..• Funky Tuba . Son of 'v1 rs ."Doyathinkl 'm~exy?" Rob}n Gregg \1elinson One of the ong10al I OOLL . \1a~termind of the Incredible \\ ater Balloon Caper Brother Kc\ln '1\lnght \1ehnson. take a tranqui i7er before I h;nc to' •.. Max \1ellell. 'v1 n Good-.rench

.. 63 Dodge Dart

Bernie Mcfadden Head Btg Gulp Spike B-Ball Man . . Northeast boy

Pat Milligan Mr Computer A good friend of Brother M tller " Is that ktd really Ernte's son?'' ... 5th period double-tall.. ..

Frank McQuillen. Has not spoken a word in hts 4 years at La Salle The pen is mightier than the mouth The Phtladelphta Fifty - the truth comes out Ed \fackle: \.facl.: the Knife .. . "Ed. do GPA \ "Ed. do you have really go that high'>" Calculus BC'>" . . " "-o. I had it Fre~hman )·ear" Sean Mahone)': Clint East\lood • . Hts ~o~.ard­ robe consists of 12 hooded ~weatshirts ... Hot brown LTD .. Mr Talkative ... J .P. Manta Looks like Gabe . A \1other's Club volunteer . JP Jeans One of Fred's art buddies . Won the family day egg thr0\1

John Mbchler: Mr McCabe ' Whatdocs llamletsaytoOphcliaJohniHong' . . U\cd to be a good ten nis player . . '' It mus ta been some other buddy. No, r.o Dave it wasn't me" . Retreat narc • • .

Tom \1onaghan \ 1ono .. Completed a pas' to a red Mustang . 'v1odilied the de\ign of the beer ball

\tike Petaccio· Fire plug Gtve him a keg to chew on and he'll be happy for a -.eel.. . . Ltft'\ "eights. cars. buildings. etc ..

Bill Phipps: Lipps Phipps ... "Sorry I'm late, Mr. Russell" ... f eeds Mr. Colistra in home· room Mick . Pretends he Fred Pickard: Fas t Freddie likes Paul Kim . A bowler . . . " W hat·~ the name of your bowling team. rred?'' . .. Vince Pinto: DISCO! S kinny Vinnie ... Can usuall) be found ~illing b) an Oak .. !\ortheast . . Pseudo- B-Ball man . . Bob Plummer: Plumhead . . H a~ the world\ most secure wallet . . . Another NortheaSt boy

Jim \ 1uehlbronner. \1 ule ... Famou' for ba\e· ball country talk . . T ned to fill a table wuh water

Skuoe Ponton S kooter Pie or Skooter • • "I had to go to the doctor. Serious!) C'mon bab) I ~pent the "eek at my chtck's hou,e. IJo,t my cab fare. Senousl~ II wasn't my fault" Sa) koo "Can I turn it in tomorro" '?"

Jim Mullen 'v1umble" . Hockc} i.. n·t a real sport .•• The moustache .•. ,\not her Mu,tang man . . Friend of \ lack .


Chris \furph) B~rtlcby the Scnvener \1urph Andorra - il euphemsm for Foll· borough 48th penod B·Ball

John Quillinan: Latd·back and rela,ed .•. Flourescent stripes on his sptkes . 'v1r. ri~it

Pete Murphy: The mad haucr

Quigle~ :

John's brother ... Quiggs ..

John Quiglt } Jim's brother .. Quigg, II ..

Go ask Peter

Chris Manz Space Man1 Chns was on ume as frequently as Victor shaved Lackman ... The rai lroad tracks

Joe M}ers: " Ht. Mnry" "Sull .. triking out 10 lunch line, aren't you, Joe?" E-0.1 1\ night on the town wnh .

Cliff Mars· Captatn Chff

Matt Newdeck.

" He's out of th ts

Cliff Patton. Skipp) . .. 4th (or an) period) B· ball George Keehfuss· old ,idekick .. One of Cavanaugh's crew

Joe Petty: Jumpin' Joe The Soul Mobile •. "\\ halt~ that music he li~tens to ever) morning 10 the car?"

Doug \1ichie Dave's brother ...

Ray Mohr: Mohr or less Fish don't roll uphill . .

Tim O'Toole. Furb ... Claims he's not related to 'viike Crew dog


Oa1e !\lichit: Doug's brother

Bill McLaughlin: Tom Monahan's summer stdekick . . Went from cross-court to crosscountry . One of Pat's boys .

"Help me. Obie" •.

Bob Masucci· The Btg Guy .. Will gro-. someday .. The :-.1;>squtto .• freshman foot· ball bomb squad Heavy-.eight "re~tler ..•

Barry McCormick. "Wanna make a deal. Seymour'>" Good ume .. Cheapest kid tn school . Spunge . .

Mike McGu igan· II is hands are dangerous especially" hen skiing. . A Northeast Boy .. Gwiggs ... Gwiggles ..





\1ark Rainford: Keith's-;idekick Buford .. Mark has 4629 pairs of shoes none of them \CUff the basketball cou rt. "Right Brother Ht· lary'?" Da•e Reardon: Always stnve~ to conform Truly enjoyed Driver's Ed with Brother M iller

lie hut he front of a school bus wuh the s1de of his Caddy ...

season ... " Ron can you run this play?" ... Patty .. .

Hrrman Rriche: Ill ... Sticks Reiche When IIerman grows up. he wants to be Gene Krupa ...

Sean Smith: "Can Sean Smith talk?'' ... The ultimate prep ... His grandfather's DeSoto ... No relation to John .. .

Jim Reilly: The Fastball ... ''Whatever happened to Spank) Schultz? .. ... Dnves a si77ling green Fairmont ...

John Snyder: Space ... No relation to Vic ...

J ay Rizzo. It's Jay! .. A Cheltenham boy , . A real \Hassler o relation John Roberts: Scratch and Sniff ~weater~ Save an alligator- kill John ... A pr~pcctive Bostonian ... Warren Robinson: POTTSIE! ... " If you walk by my house. just keep walkin ... ... Says he knows Mr. Konica .. . "Whadda ya mean? ..

Joe Splendido: The man with no shoulders .. The intramural rep for the last place homeroom ... 1200 Boards- '82 Corvette ... ''Put this in your pocket" ... Mike Stack: Elwood . . " Hey Gregg, where·s the car?'' ... Another member of the water balloon gang .. . Stackic! ... "Hey Chuck. you got my stuff?" .. . Brian Stefanowicz: Tee for two and two for tee . .. A good driver . . The Jeep ...

Brian Rodden: We can't say anythmg about Brian that he that he hasn't already sa1d about himself A legend in his own mmd The All-Catholic kid ...

Mike Stein metz. "I was a teenageD-Back" ... "What do you mean I made it 'cause my brother's the coach?" ..

Chris Roessler: ··Yo, Ross!".. La Salle's ambassadorto Mr. Diehl ... Hasn't been the same SinCe fl air left ...

Tom Ste•ens: Steve Thomas . "What's the weather like upstate?" .. "Did you feed the squirrels?" ... "Yeah, decent, man" ...

Mark Rowley: "My name's Mark , not Ed" ... Tennis bum ... " That's pronounced Rolly not Rowley" ... Dresses like John Roberts a lmost .

Henry Stoughton: Hank ... Henny ... The Hen-man . . . Mild- mannered wrestler .. . Drives with Dudz ... Another buddy of Broth· er Miller ...

Mike Ruane: The earring ... Used to have straight hair . Maryann! ... "Shut up, Zawrotn)"

J oe Stout: Mustard Man Bears an amazing resemblance to Joe Piscapo . . F.A.O . Staff Artist ... Crash . . White lightning ... "Hey T ony. !think we parked too close to that tree?"

Jim Rude: Wrassler. .. .. ice cane. J1m" With his name. he better have manners . Dan Sabia: Tried to sneak into Roxborough but got caught: his camounage jacket was the on ly one without 'Roxborough High' on the back ... "Can I play, Tex?'' ...

Drew Sweeney: Captain Hormone .. Owns 4 ,629 sweaters ... Boob ... The Windwalker Tom Thistle: Was almost killed by Chuck Halfpanny ... Old Thorny ... Feedback .. .

'\<like Sauerzopf: The quiet man ... Denies voting for llugh Casey ...

Rob Thompson: The silent Spamard ... "What ever happened to the s tory I wrote for the Wisterian?.. C.S.C

Chuck car pello. Chat. Chol, Cholly. Rico An but not Chip ... ""icc goatee. Chuck" ong1nal rOOL ... !17th in line for Angelo Co-owner Bruno's throne ... "Freeze Ron" of Jaffe's . . Uncle Marv ...

John Toner; J . Dooner Inc Schwa ... Unnoticeable Ph tladelph1a accent . Tone-deaf .. JT . . Mean blue Bobcat

John S haffer: Vice ... Shafe Crew dog captam ... Did Rich Gregor's dental work ... A Ladie's Man ... Perpetual injuries ..

Bob Un•erzagt: Unvy ... Manuel ... Arthur and JJ ... School's lowest SAT score ... Once proved that the moon belongs to another planet - no one believed him ...

Tom S hea: Quit's track to clean 10 up 1n intramural Cross-country ... Associates wuh John Celluci and chalkboards .

S tefe Volpe: Volps ... Won the 1982 Benny Vozzo award . . Hangs around with John Q. \1ehr ... Star Blazers

Pete S helton.. ice beard ... 1\lice moustache 'lice head Also enjoyed dnver traimng

Ben Vozzo. Won the 1982 Steve Volpe Award ... Scbnozz . . Vozz

Keith S hepard: "I got it" .. "You wh1tie~" •. Avid fan of Malcom X ... Dr. K ..

Scott Wainer: ~otorhead .. 'leeds a good night's sleep . . We all know what the 'D' stands for . 98 FM Hot Hits ...

Joe S holl: Tomato head ... "Nice scoop, Joe" Backstabber ... Most tape used in a single

Chris Walsh: Pink . "Docs he wear anything under his trench coat?" .

Da•t Warner. Scou Phillips brother ... The Doors ... The Chairs ... The Tables ... The Walls .. . John Westkaemper: The world's best driver ... "Does he really own a mobile home on the West Side?" ... Side?" ... Chris Whelan. Yes ... Mr. Dec1sive . Cadet. . The Who ... \1r. Attenti~e do-intellectua l ...

Space Pseu·


James White: Prom queen The auempted beard . A conserva tive driver . . Future nurse Whitey· head .. George Winslow: Works in a paper mill Trans Am ... "Who scratched the Eagle?" ... Pine Place ... Good friend of Mike Tamburri ... Punt .. . Bob Wittrock· Witt) ... One of those illustri· ous runners The girl next door . . Used to live near Whuey ... Glenn Wolfinger Bruiser ... The B1g Gu) .. Joe Zaw rotny's best friend . .. The nose ... Magg1e .. Chris Young: Pat's younger brother ... lation to Bob "Youngy" ...


Pat Young. Chris' older brother. No relation to Bob "Youngy" ... Bob Young: o relation to Pat or Chris ... Youngy We can't say anything about Bob either. lie won't Itt us. . "Freeze. Ron!" John Zacharko· " Whatever Capponi says goes for me too" Chong ... Hate... Dallas Cowboys . Glenn Wolfinger's buddy .. " How're the k1ds?" ... Damian Zajac: Farrah ... "Clean your upper lip" ... Wclla Balsam ... "What was that box you were holding in Clover?" . . 75 curls ... Omen II . Joe Zawrotny: Blockhead .. Ro)(anne . . "All I have to do is kill Zebrowski and I can graduate last" Mr. Stanczak's escort to the winter dance Mr Colistra·s favonte Polack

J oe Zebro"s ki: The world's most talkative man . .. "Too bad, Zawrotny. you'll never get me!" ... lie who laughs last laughs best ... Has every paper in from his high school career in one folder ...


Underclass Gold Patrons

Leo and Grace Riley The McDonnell Family \ttr and Mrs. Kenneth Shaw The Morrissey family Mr. and Mrl>. Harry E. Smith Jr. The Fruner Famil)' The McMullin Famil)' Dr. and Mrs. Charles A. Syms Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Syms Mr. and Mrs. Joseph D. McNamara Mr. and Mrs. J. Scott Maxwell Mrs. Connie Meenan-Colantuono Mr. and Mrs. James McCormick Mr. and Mrs. Klaus Wolff and Famil) The Mattern Family Mr. and Mrs. John Wynne The Smith Family Mr. and Mrs. Larry Guess The Anderer Family Mr. and Mrs. John Riordan Mr. and Mrs. Frank D'Angelo Mr. and Mrs. Charles Waldspurger \ttr. and Mrs. Michael Ciquero Mr and Mrs. John Ashdale Mr and \ttrs. Thomas E. Wills The Whiteley Family Dr and Mrs. John J. Worthington \ltr and Mrs. Albert J. Solecki


Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Woodring Mr. and \tt rs. Gerard T. Mohlmann The Lowergan Family Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Black The Haarmeyer Famil} Dr Albert A. Walter \.1 r and \11 rs. Rody Billia \11 r. and \11 rs. D.J. Krichenmeister 'v1 r. and :vt rs. A.T. Chadwick 'v1r. and \ttrs. Frank A. Monahan 'v1 r. and Mrs. Dennis Kerns The Kenney Famtly Karl and Elaine Yonder Schmal7 Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Schaefer Mr. and Mrs. John C. Wilkins, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Montella Mr. and Mrs. Leo Hesser T he Kelly Family Mrs. Regina B. Guerin, Esq. The Driscol Family Mr. and Mrs. Frank Matticola The Brennan Family Mr. and Mrs. Ed""ard Lynch The Keane F-amtly \ltr. and \!Irs. Dale E. Lintner, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Henstchel and Famil}

Senior Congratulatory Patrons

Dr. and Mrs. Eugene Draganosky Mr. and Mrs. James A. Donahue, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Dolaway III The Dinda Family The Carroll Family The Carabello Family Mr. and Mrs. C.A. Filippone Congratulations, with our love, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Giovinazzo The Giletti Family Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Hyman Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Halfpenny Mr. and Mrs. John Harrison Mr. and Mrs. Larry Jewart Mr. and Mrs. Edward C. Kelly Rachel Seymour and Dr. Allen S. Goldman Mr. and Mrs. Walter Muehlbronner Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. O'Hara, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Vic Petaccio Mr. and Mrs. Thomas N. Reilly Mr. and Mrs. E. Emmett Ruane Dr. and Mrs. James M. Shaffer Dr. and Mrs. A.R. Stefanowicz Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth W. Stout, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wainer Mr. and Mrs. Frank Young


Acknowledgments Editor-in-Chief Greg Gtlc111 Editor: Bob \ oung Editor· Greg Dudtek

Starr Writers Contributors: Rob Thomp'>on Tom Gordon Vince Balda~~ano Ed Mackel Paul Kim Fred P1ckard Ed Skorpmsk1 John Qu•glc)' John Robem John Sayer John Toner Kcvm Young Karl Gabnebon Pete Chalou1 'v11ke 'v1cGu1gan

John Palud1 Joe Delfino Greg Sabo John Sayer

Senior Quotable


Joe Stout Gregg Melinson Gerr) Bowen Vic Gra)

Staff Artists



Chm B}rne Chris \Vabh \-1:\rl~


Brother Fred Keuh Knansak John Kane Bill McGauhglin T)ping Editor: Pat Milligan Typists: Head Photographer Greg Gileui Cont ributing Photographers Jim fisher Pat Milligan Father Paul "1r J...lenk Fred P1ckard \.1r G 'v11ller Eri' D1C1ani Chip Dola"a} \1 r. WIll rock John Celluci

Edward O'lv1ara Joseph Cilio

Bll!liness aod Sales: T1m Kelt) Rob Thom~on J•m Qu1gle)

\loderator :">ofr W. Geiger

Th1~ fine represenlo~lion of facuh},

\ludcnl, and extra cirricular life at La Salle "ould not have been po,\ible "llhout the undcNanding coopcrauon and a'>si\lancc of man)


The Staff of the 1982 Blue and Gold thanks: The Admin1strauon.forthe1r mterest and cooperation; The Students. forthe1r support. Mr Charles H1lpl. for h1s efficient handling of the funds: Thanks 10 Mr Bob Dav1ne and all at Herff Jones and 10 Davor Studios; Special Thanks to Brother Patnck and lv1 r M1chael Ma1cher for their greatl} apprec1a1ed assistance


g 223



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