1984 Yearbook

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The LaSaliian quest being with a strange ritual known as Registration, which is overseen by the venerable leaders of this academic community. Following this ceremony, the new initiate is ready to begin his quest as a Freshman. In his travels, this newly quested student will have to overcome such trials as Bro. Linus' typing class; tryouts for Tex's crack football squad; and possibly, yes, possibly, a trip into the dungeons of Mr. Diehl, from which few return. Fortunately, the newcomer to the quest is wellprepared for any hardships he may encounter. (It is a rare occasion to see any Freshman without his large bag of supplies.) Also, he can always ask one of the more experienced questees for a bit of advice. Finally, if all else fails, the student can go to one of the omniscient sages in the Guidance Dept. for help, or maybe even to our exalted leader himself, Bro. Andrew.


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The second leg of a student's journey is taken as a Sophomore. Usually, the road ahead will seem much brighter to the questee by this time, and he wililoosen his swordbelt and begin to enjoy the scenery for a change. Soon, however, this state of laxity will be put to an end. On a bleak, wintry, January morning, the questee is ambushed by the horrid pack of monsters known as the Midterm Exams. These creatures leap out at the unsuspecting student from behind a pile of old textbooks, and engage him in combat. Most of the Sophomores defeat these opponents, but some, unfortunately, don't fare as well. Those who are victorious will continue down the path of academic life to be promoted to the next level of valour at LaSalle, that of the Junior.





During his time as a Junior, the stu dent must overcome the most challeng ing foe of all, the dreaded SAT. In ordel to gain passage over the bridge whid this despicable creature guards, thE questee must answer all of the ques tions which the Skeleton of the Almightl T est poses to him. This is no easy feat Most Juniors prepare themselves fo this test by indulging in a rigorous pro gram of self-improvement. They prac tice exercises designed to strengther vocabulary, sharpen mental dexterity and hone mathematical skill. After thi~ encounter, the Junior must continue t< build a reputation of valour, courage, ( knightly prowess if he wishes to be consid ered as a member of the Greater Quest that of College. In order to do this, thl questee must perform heroic deed (such as rescuing a damsel from a bor ing mixer), defeat many evil opponent on sporting fields, and be a devout fol lower of the Good cause.


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Upon his completion of the Junior phase of the quest, the student may advance to the most exalted level a questee may attain, that of the Senior. Having survived the ordeals of life as a Freshman, a Sophomore, and a Junior, the student is not far away from the endpoint of his journey. The Senior must still, however, overcome a few more obstacles before he can fulfill his quest. These obstacles include journies through such places as the laboratories of the scorcerer known as Mr. Bruno, the lair of Mr. Russell's electronic behemoths, and the small kingdom of Mr. Roche, who can reduce the student's intellect to that of a child. All of these challenges, however, are easily overcome by the Senior as he runs the final leg of his quest. By early June, the questee senses that his goal is very near. He dons his ceremonial robes, and sets out on the final stage of his journey. Soon he arrives in a great, open field, where he finds many of his fellow questees. At the head of the crowd stands Bro. Andrew. After a few long incantations by our fearless leader, the first Senior comes forward. Then, one by one, the Seniors receive from Bro. Andrew the final object of their quests - the LaSalle College High School Diploma.








he 1984 Blue and Gold is dedicated to rother Frank Danielski, La Salle's omniresent teacher, drill seargent, school dministrator, and guidance counselor. rother Frank plays a distinct role in the usiness of educating at La Salle Col~ge High School. Incoming freshmen uickly learn of his identity, but upperlassmen, familiar with his unique style, lOre fully appreciate Brother Frank's fforts. He is stern yet caring; demandIg yet not uncompromising; tough yet layful, and always a Christian. Brother -ank is a teacher. Brother Frank occupies his time with )ordinating academic rosters, helping Ian and supervise after-hours affairs Jch as Open House and the senior raduation ceremonies, sitting in on ther teacher's classes, teaching an )nors Religion course, and even moerating the lunchroom. As the Vice-incipal of Academic Affairs, Brother is 10wn for his excellent timing; while

strolling the halls he uses his wit to put wayward students back in their place. Brother Frank Danielski is of benefit to the La Salle community in two ways. First, he pushes students to remember their social, academic, and Christian responsibilities. He is a much-needed spark plug for sometimes weary minds and consciences. Second, Brother Frank is a model for La Salle students. His sense of seriousness, his wit and poise, his superior intelligence, and his concern for his students all make Brother Frank an excellent school leader, as well as a devoted Christian to be emulated.

... A disciple is not above his teacher, but every well-trained student will be like his teacher ... (Luke 6:40)



ADMINISTRA TION The leader of the quest is Brother Andrew Bartley. His constant, reassuring presence inspires our teams to victory. His father image completes the family atmosphere at LaSalle. We are truly lucky to have a warm-hearted, caring Principal like Brother Andrew.

Brother Frank Danielski always has a warm response for the students. As Vice-Principal of Academic Affairs, he is the one to see to drop a course, even though he probably won't let you. Unfortunately brother hasn't realize that the wet head is dead. Mr. David Diehl is the local heavy at LaSalle. As Vice-Principal of Student Affairs, he still has a good rapport with the students. Sometimes in a student's life at LaSalle he will receive a little note requesting his presence in D2 office.

Brother Andrew Bartley, Principal: B.A. Catholic University, M.A. Univ ty of Pennsylvania.

Mr. Edward Klenk continues his excellence as Director of Maintenance. His noteworthy snow removal process has made it possible for the ice hockey team to practice in the parking lot. Remember his motto. "If you hear a klink, call Mr. Klenk." Mr. Charles Hilpl is our behind-the-scenes Business Manager. Even though his job!? behind the scenes, his presence is always felt and appreciated. The secretaries who keep the paperwork moving include

Mrs. Helen Gallagher, Mrs. Rosalie Comerford, Mrs. Mary Kay Mullen and Mrs. Patricia Schaum. They are known for their comforting smile when you get your umptenth late slip.

Mr. David Diehl, Vice Principal for Student Affairs. B.A. Temple Univ ty, M.A. Villanova University.

Brother Frank Danielski, Vice Principal for Academic Affairs: B.A. La Salle College, M.A. Georgetown University, M.A. Villanova University.


Mr. Charles Hilpl, Business Manager. B.A. La Salle College

Ir. Edward Klenk, Director of Maintenance. B.A., M.A. La Salle College.

Mrs. Patricia Schaum

Mrs. Peggy Braca

Mrs. Helen Gallagher

Mrs. Rosalie Comerford

Mrs. Mary Kay Mullen


Mr. Michael A. O'Toole: Chairman, English Department, English Seminar Iv Creative Writing, AP English, English IV. A.B., A.M. University of Pennsylvania. Gazebo Moderator. "

Mr. Dennis Barone: English II, III. B.A. Bard College, M.A. University of Pennsylvania.

Mrs. Clare Brown: English I, III. B.A. Chestnut Hill College, M.A. University of Pennsylvania.


Mr. Edward McCabe: English I, IV. B.A. LaSalle College, Ed.M. Temple University.


Mr. Michael "Oedipus" O'Toole has the luxury of teaching . Senior classes. That is the privilege of being the chairman the English Department. He has the unique ability to make mflicting statements sound right (but only in his mind). He 'en started a day care center for the teachers' children. Mr. Edward Molush has aspirations of becoming an actor. performance of Romeo in Romeo and Juliet has won him


:hool-wide acclaim. As a teacher, a coach, an actor and a onderful storyteller, he adds a further range to the spectrum : La Salle. Mr. Bernard McCabe, the English Whiz, can often be heard ~lIing

at sophomores, or Charlie Karstens, whichever.

Mrs. Clare Brown, is one of the kindest teachers at La Salle, though she suffers from froshitis, a threatening disease to Ie central nervous system caused by the effects of teaching osh year in and year out. "Hiya!" Mr. Edward McCabe is the fastest English teacher at La Jlle. He has to be with teaching the incorrigible Frosh and the x:uberant Seniors. We are happy to have a teacher of his Jliber at La Salle. He has even brought fame to La Salle by mning the Philadelphia Marathon in a day.

Our heart goes out to Brother David Rogers because he nly teaches freshmen. He must have gotten on the wrong de with Brother Frank. We hope that the crime fits the punhment. Maybe Brother will have better courses next year. Mr. Dennis Barone, one of the new breed of little big men on

Mr. Bernard V. McCabe: English II, IV. B.A. LaSalle College, M.A. Niagara University.

ampus, has undertaken the arduous task of teaching sophmores and juniors Inglische.

'rother David Rogers, F.S.C.: English I. B.A., M.A. LaSalle College, M.A. lillanova University. Freshman Counselor, Track Moderator, Basketball ;"\oderator.

Mr. Edward N. Molush, Jr.: English II, III. B.s. Temple University. Baseball Coach.



Mr. James Roche has taken over the responsibility of Chai man of the mighty Math Department. He teaches a broa spectrum of math courses at La Salle, and we only have on suggestion for him: Oil that chalk!!!! Our resident football coach (frosh division) is Broadway Jo Radvanski, but in the classroom he stresses "a good notE book" or that "you gotta do your homework." Gosh darn guys, let's get radical. Brother Kevin McManus, F.S.e. Physical Science, Algebra I, II. B.A., M.A. La Salle College. M.S. of Pennsylvania.

Mr. Michael Ponisciak is the Math Man. Statistically spea~ ing, he's one of our best. By the way, do you like your pictur in the yearbook this year? Mr. John Frizalone always contributes his unique teachin methods to the Math Department. This newlywed should b, able to add a new "pep" to Mathmatics. Now, if we coul, only get him to close his classroom door ...

Mr. James Roche: Chairman, Mathematics Department: Algebra I, II, Calculus AB, Be. B.A., M.A. La SaUe College. M.S. University of Notre Dame.

Ms. Maureen Dugan: Algebra I, II. B.A. Chesnut Hill College, M.A. Villanova University.


Mr. Joseph Radvansky: Algebra II, Geometry, Math Analysis I, II. B.S. Drexel University, M.S. University of Pennsylvania. Freshman football coach.

Mr. Michael A. Ponisciak: Algebra I, Statistics, Math Analysis I, II. B.A., M.s. University of Pennsylvania M.s. Villanova University.

r. James Bradley, Jr.: Algebra II, Geometry. B.A., M.A.T. Brown liversity. Moderator of Mathletes.

Miss Maureen Dugan has helped to fill the vacuum created , the departure of Mrs. Smith. Her competency and comlssion remains a quality which will enable her to cope with ~r freshman and sophomore classes.

Mr. John Frizalone: Consumer Math, Geometry with Trigonometry, Calculus. B.A. Temple University.

Even though this is Mr. James Bradley's first year at La Salle, s long experience in teaching is evident. He takes over the eometry classes and moderates the menacing Mathletes. Mr. Timothy McNamara has filled in wherever he is needed lis year in the Math Department, and Broadway Joe has len impressed him into coaching football. At last he found )mebody ... Brother Kevin McManus, after a one-year hiatus, has reIrned to La Salle as a Math and Science teacher. His ability ) get along with students is widely known. It is easy to take :)tes in Brother's class because he tends to repeat himself ... !nds to repeat himself ... tends to repeat himself ...

Mr. Timothy Mcl'olamara: Analytical Geometry X, Geometry. B.s. LaSalle College.


SCIENCE Michael Bruno. As head of the mighty science department, Mr. Bruno shows his ability as a leader and a competant teacher. He equips his students with a thorough understanding of chemistry. When he demonstrates pyrotechnics, it adds a spark to class. Anthony Viggiano is our fast-moving, fast-talking biology teacher. His warm personality is well known at La Salle. His presence at athletic events as trainer adds reassurance and security to our athletes. You can see Mr. Vig. before school in the parking lot as the parking attendant.

Mr. Anthony J. Viggiano: Physical Science, Biology. B.S. West Cheste

University. Athletic Trainer.

With the constant changes in physics teachers, Miss Lorraine Rimert is the anchor in this course. Her compassion for her students can be detected quickly in her style of teaching. The major question people ask about Miss Rimert is if she has a home because she is always at La Salle. Her dedication as Audio-Visual Director is touching. Robert Russell has given up all of his physics classes except the honored AP Physics class to devote his academic time to the computer. You can commonly see him in the computer room, always.

Mr. Michael J. Bruno: Chairman, Science Department, Chemistry, AP Chemistry. B.S. LaSalle College, Ed.M. Temple University, M.s. St. Joseph's University.

Mr. Michael F. Sheehan: Chemistry, Honors Chemistry, Physics. B.A. LaSalle



Mrs. Julia K. Maher: Computer literacy, Physical Science, B.A. Chestnu Hill College.

Michael Sheehan, or should we say "Brother Mike". The hem-man and this year he's added physics. Yes, "Brother \ike" adds his original sense of humor to senior retreats. Brother Talbot Ramsbottom, the Calvert Hall Connection, rings his biological knowledge to La Salle. He can often be "en taking his classes outdoors, wandering around our camus and examining trees, shrubs, and flowers. Hey Brother, 'ill Botany be an elective next year?

Mr. Robert J. Russell: Programming I. II, III, AP Physics. B.S. Fordham University. Director of Computer Center, Moderator of Ski Club.

Miss Julia Maher is helping out Mr. Russell teach students bout computers. She mostly teaches frosh, but she should Don gradate to teaching the better students. Mr. Gerald Evans has replaced Mr. Bounomo who entered ledical school. Some might have read about his experiments 1 the Wisterian. Some say that he looks like Opie Taylor or .ichie Cunningham but we don't believe that, do we?

Mr. Gerald R. Evans, Jr.: Biology, Honors Biology, Biology II. B.A. LaSalle College.

Brother Talbot Ramsbottom, F.S.C.: Biology, AP Biology, Physical Science. B.A. LaSalle College. Moderator of Swimming.

Ms. Lorraine Rimert: Physics, Honors Physics, Electricity I, Audio Visual Director. B.A. Seton Hill College, M.A. West Chester University.


Mr. Stephen F. Krol: Religion I, II, Spanish I. B.A. Allentown College of St. Francis de Sales. Seraphim Moderator, Assistant Dramatics Moderator.

Mrs. Muriel F. Mehr: Chairwoman, Religion Department, Religion II, Peace/ Justice, Death. B.A. Albertus Magnus College, M.A. LaSalle College.

Brother Aloysius Lumley, F.S.C.: Religion I. B.A. LaSalle College, M.A. Villanova University. Golf Coach.

Mr. Alfred Puntel: Morality, Roots, Future Church. B.A. Catholic University.



Brother Thomas Speakman, F.S.C.: Religion I, II, World Cultures. B.A. St. Francis College. Intramurals Director.

Mrs. Murial Mehr is one of the kindest teachers at LaSalle. ler position as chairperson of the religion department and er teaching of a wide range of religion courses makes her an sset to LaSalle. We are glad to have a warm-hearted person <e her. Mr. Patrick Devine's casualness in matters dealing with toay's youth makes for a successful marriage class. His intersting stories about his sister make us wonder if these things eally happen to her. We learn alot in his class. One day he ought us how to operate a chain saw. We are glad that he loesn't go off on tangents. We would like to clear up a nisnomer of Mr. Devine. He does have a driver's liscense, like lis wife. Even though Mr. Stephen Krol has been at LaSalle for only wo years, he has filled the halls with music. His forceful voice ..1st doesn't teach the class Spanish and religion, but the enire school as well. He has been bucking for Mr. Diehl's job vith his own style of detention.

Mr. Patrick Devine: Marriage. B.A., M.A. Villanova University. Junior Counselor, Cross Country Coach, Track Coach.

The goodness in Bro. Brendan Garwood's heart is very abuJant. Now relieved of his western civilization duties, he can lOW spend his extra time teaching religion and organizing


Aloha, Brother. It has often been said that Bro. Aloysius Lumly has the skinniest shoes on campus and can be proud of lis and our championship golf team. Fore! Mr. Alfred Puntel has the tough job of teaching morality, or ,my other kinds of morals to Juniors. He stands tall among the faculty at LaSalle. Brother Thomas Speakman teaches religion and world cultures and is never too busy for "Hi, fellas!" He has also made intramurals some of the best activities at LaSalle.

"'01i!~t:nn' Brother Brendan Garwood, F.S.C.: Religion II. B.A., M.A. LaSalle College, M.A. Villanova University. Moderator of Community Service Corps, Underclass Retreat Coordinator.


Mr. David Manion, Chairman, Foreign Languages. French I, III, IIIX, AP Frend B.A., M.A., La Salle College.

Mr. James Devine, Director of Public Relations/Admissions, Spanish I, IV. B.A. La Salle College, Ed. M. Temple University.

Brother James Steck, FSC. Forum Moderator, Ice Hockey Moderator. French I, II, IIX. B.A. La Salle College, M.A. Millersville State University.

Mr. George Hohenleitner, German I, II, III, IV. B.A., M.A., La Salle College.


Mr. James Serpie"o, Spanish IIX, III. B.A. La Salle College.

FOREIGN LANGUAGES Ar. David Manion ascends to the coveted position as the lirperson of the Foreign Lanugage Department. His ability ;peak the French Language is commendable. Because of ascension to power he also receives a new staff car. Have I with your new red Rabbit. oAr. George Hohenleitner has the monumental task of Iching all of the German classes. We will miss him teaching ne religion courses but his God-given talents were needed ewhere. This is a great loss to the religion department. :ven though Mr. Stephen Krol has been at La Salle for only ) years, he has filled the halls with music. His forceful voice t doesn't teach Spanish and Religion classes but the entire 1001. He has been bucking for Mr. Diehl's job with his own Ie of detention.

oAr. James Serpiello is the quick Spanish teacher. We comnent him on his unique talent for teaching Spanish. Weare )ud to have him on our staff. bother James Steck has the difficult job of keeping the rum in line and teaching the underclassmen French. His Jrs as a Vice-Principal at a military high school can be seen lis unique style of teaching. His kindness is an example of ~ faculty's friendliness. Mrs. Linda Donahue is one of the nicest teachers at La lie. She cares for her students. This is evident . We thank her r the warmth she brings to La Salle.

Mrs. Linda Donahue, Spanish I, II. B.A. Chesnut Hill College.

Mr. James Devine, the P.R. man at La Salle, who excels in e teaching of Spanish, can often be found (or not found) king trips to Spanish-speaking countries and elementary hools. Brother William Riley, the sweater man, is our highly re'ected tennis coach. Brother Bill brings his original jokes to ; Spanish classes as well as an abundance of verdad. Mr. William Geiger's unending, tireless work for the year)ok and Wisterian is greatly appreciated. His totalitarian mtrol of the true La Salle journals reminds us of 1984. Big ggy is watching you!!! I would write more, but my son's rthday is today.

rother William Riley, F.S.C. Spanish I, IIIX, AP Spanish. B.A., M.A., La Salle :ollege. M.A. Middlebury College.

Mr. William Geiger, Latin I, II, AP Latin III, Classical Elements, Ecology. Moderator of Blue and Gold, Moderator of Wisterian, Moderator of Photo Club. B.A. La Salle College, M.A. Villanova University, M.A. Millers路 ville State University.


Mr. Joseph Colistra, Chairman, Social Studies Department. American History, I, II, Economics I, II. Hitle AP. American History. B.A, M.S. Villanova University, Ed.M. Temple University. Assistant Footbc Coach.

Ar. John Grace: American History II, AP American History, Communism. B.A .0

Salle College. Football Moderator, Drama Moderator.


Brother Kevin Dalmasse, F.S.C. AP. European History. B.A La Salle College, M.A Georgetown University. Assistant Forum Moderator .

Social Stu "es le yearbook staff would like to retract the erroneous ement in last year's book that Mr. Joseph Colistra dis.es why the football team lost last Saturday's game. What neant to say that his range of class topics ranges from ldlum's theory about capitalsim to his experience as a ~lIious youth to his role as a chaperone at the Senior ns. His colorful character adds spice to a class. Nice rd! Nice glasses! Nice tie! his is Brother Kevin Dalmasse's first teaching assignment new Brother, but he is not new to the LaSalle Forum. triumphant return has provided his expert advice to the ating team and stunned his naive European class with ance. I

Ie are indebted to Mr. John Grace for giving us some :hy sayings: "Expand on that", "I like that", "Here's the , I envision it". (We can thank Mr. Grace for his efforts in ging LaSalle's stage back to life). But we would like to C)duce Mr. Grace to a new book. It is called Real Men Don't ar Plaid.

\r. Thomas Turner continues to show he is not just a dumb (. He also has a mind. He even teaches. His unique strut I personality bring laughter and joy to LaSalle. \r. Gerald Miller, who is Doctor Spirit, has expanded his aile influences to the hall patrol. Beware, no floor is safe n "Uh, Fellas ... disappear". Mr. Miller has earned the )ect of many by the improvements he has made in our dent Council. Thanks for Hazard, Mr. Miller. ~r.

Joseph Parisi adds his talent to both the academic and letic spectrum at LaSalle. His jovial spirit adds friendship to rigorous atmosphere. We are lucky to have a man like Mr. isi. Mr. Joseph Parisi: World Cultures, B.A. La Salle College. Freshman Counselor, Assistant Baseball Coach, Assistant Basketball Coach, Moderator of Soccer.

'. Thomas Turner: American History I. B.A. La Salle College. Soccer Coach,

Mr. Gerold Miller: American History I, II, Postwar America. B.s. Temple

University. Moderator of Student Council, Junior Varsity Baseball Coach. ball Coach.


GUIDANCE With his nuggets of knowledge, Brother John D' Alfonso leads the guidance department. His hard work and constant Vigilance helps out dutiful seniors complete their never ending applications. Sooner or later we turn to him for help. Always remember to listen to him, listen to him, listen to him.

Mr. Patraick Devine doesn't just tell his wonderful stories in class about his sister, but also to the interested juniors who seek him out for guidance.

Brother John D' Alfonso, Director of Guidance, Senior Guidance, I

M.A. LaSalle College, M.A. Middlebury College, M.A. Villanova Unh ty, National Honor Society and Wrestling Moderator.

Mrs. Doris Daly and her mobile office helps the wise fools get over their problems. We should give a lot of credit to Brother David Rogers and Mr. Joseph Parisi because they have to help the Frosh to gain personalities, among other things. If they didn't do this, perhaps no one else would.

Mrs. Anne Funchion helps out Brother John type all of those great masterpieces, called recommendations, for the seniors.

Mrs. Anne Funchion, Secretary.


Mr. Patrick Devine, Junior Guidance.

Mr. Joseph Parisi, Freshman Guidance.

Mrs. Doris Daly, Sophomore Guidance.

Brother David Rogers, Freshman Guidance.


her William Quaintance, B.A., M.A. La Salle College, Ed. M., Ed. D. lple University, Study Techniques, Men of LaSalle Moderator.

ler Miller Bosch, B.A. LaSalle College, M.A. Villanova University,

Brother linus Finn, B.A. La Salle College, Typing.

Mr. Frank Mullin, B.s. LaSalle College, Bookstore Manager.

r Education, Proctor.


Alumni and Development

Brother Fred Stelmach: Director of Development, Mother's Club Modera-

Mrs. Diane McGovern: Mechanical Drawing, Art 1, 2, 3. B.A. Holy Fan

tor, B.F.A., M.F.A. Catholic University.

College. M.A. Tyler School of Art.

Music and Art

Mrs. Florence Ward: Alumni Director.

Mr. Joseph Ciccimaro: Music Chairman, Alpha, Stage, Jazz, and Orr

bands. B.A. La Salle College.



ther Hilary McGovern, F.S.C. Physical Education. B.A. La Salle College.

Mr. Les Burke: Basketball Coach. B.s. La Salle College. M.A. Temple University.

Mr. John Flannery: Football Coach. B.A. La Salle College.

Mr. Walt Farrell: Physical Education. B.A. La Salle College.

Mr. Martin Stanczak: Athletic Director, Accounting. B.A. La Salle College.




Mrs. Susan Sayer, Library Assistant.

Mrs. Mary Mountain, Librarian, B.S. St. Joseph University, M.5.L.5. Villan-

ova University.


Mrs. Jennie Barratt, R.N., School Nurse, B.S. Education, West Chester Stat


Mrs. Alice Anne Bossow, Library Assistant.


other Eugene Morgan, Assistant Director of Maintenance, B.A. LaSalle )lIege.

Mrs. Mary Diaz

Cafeteria Staff: M. McClintock, H. Roman, M. McFadden, N. Livingood, R. Dipinto, J. Pitone, B. Butler, H. Popiel, E. Barnett, S. Connaghan.






La Salle College High School Board of Trustees, 1983-1984: Left to Right: Bro. J. Patzwall, FSC, Bro. E. Mollenhauer, FSC, Mr. C. Hilpl, Bro. R. Sterner, FSC, Mr W. Vincent, Bro. F. Danielski, FSC, Mr. D. Diehl, Mr. E. Hansen, Mr. J. Blount, Mr. D. Lintner, Bro. D. Prendergast, FSC, Bro. L. Maher, FSC, Mr. T. Gola, Mr. J Metzger, Bro. A. Bartley, FSC, Bro. R. Kestler, FSC.

The Board of Trustees of LaSalle High School, consisting of fifteen men, meets periodically to gUide, in an official way, the affairs of our school. The Board is composed of eight laymen and seven brothers who volunteer their time to govern LaSalle. In its second year of existence, the Board is responsible for LaSalle's direction and is now chiefly concerned with the financial and legal affairs of our school. Its principal concerns are the financial stability, future planning, and the development and use of the school's properties. The Board is headed by Brother Richard Kestler (chairman) and our principal, Brother Andrew Bartley (president.) Each member of the Board serves for a three year term. They bring with them vital talents and knowledge which they contribute to the Board and the school. Since the issues brought before the Board are diverse and often complicated, the Board is broken down into several committees. Among these are: the


Financial Committee,) the Development Committee, the Building and Grounds Committee, and the Nomination Committee. Each of these committees meets as often as needed to address the issues under its jurisdiction. The Financial Committee gathers the expertise from the Board to manage the budget and determine tuition costs for the coming year. The Development Committee is aimed at long-term development and soliciting funds for capital expenses and endowment. The Buildings and Grounds Committee is responsible for the upkeep and utilization of the school buildings and the surrounding acreage. And, the Nomination Committee meets to approve the selection of nominees to the Board. As these committees attack their own issues, they report to the entire Board which meets four or five times a year. There, they share their findings and discuss any immediate issues. Most issues brought before the Board are voted on an passed by a two-thirds majority. While the Board's responsibilities are

addressed mainly in these committees they also have jurisdiction over variou! school committees such as the Aca demic Council. This CounCil, consistin~ of Brother Andrew, Brother Frank, Mr Diehl, and the heads of each depart ment, determines the curriculum for thE coming year. This year, the Council ha! added Computer Literacy for freshmen American History I for sophomores, an( a new geometry course aimed at ju niors. As a result of our separation from thE College two years ago, a Board of Trust ees became necessary here at LaSalle Both institutions felt that the separatior would be mutually beneficial in tho each would receive the proper attentior it required. This has proven to be true Brother Andrew described the Board'! current success as "a tremendous en couragement and an admirable form 0 service given by men who want LaSallE to continue its tradition of excellence!'


Ie 1983-84 Admissions/Public Relations partment had its work cut out. Mr. Tles Devine spent September through ~ end of January visiting close to 90 ode schools recruiting "future frosh." Id, in the months remaining, the Departmt has spent much of its time preparing . next year's visitations. Every year, most 100ls request a presentation on the curJlum and atmosphere of LaSalle, so it is wonder that school visitation takes up )st of the time of the Department. But, ~ Admissions/Public Relations Depart!nt is multi-faceted, concerned with such 19s as the organization of the open ad;sion process, coordination of the open Jse, the principals' dinner in November, ! school calendar, and the production of ~ Blue & Gold Line. This newsletter Iches students' homes, grade schools :l teachers here at LaSalle. The newsletis a triannual synthesis of the major )penings at LaSalle. It is a major form of nmunicating school happenings, as are al community papers and the Catholic


Indard & Times. lile most schools know the quality of LaIe, there are some schools whose initial Itact with LaSalle occurs at one of Mr. line's school visitations. But, Mr. Devine 10 stranger to this work. From 1977 )ugh 1981, Mr. Devine was the head of Department. And, he is assisted by Mr. les Serpiello, Mrs. Mary Kay Mullin, the iculation Committee, and senior Brian Ige. Though the work is hard, Mr. De~ finds it "rewarding and challenging" in t he is sometimes LaSalle's first influe on a grade school and its students.

Mr. Devine (sitting) receives assistance from Mr. Serpiello, Mrs. Mary Kay Mullen and Brian Lange.

"Brian, You finally spelled one right."

A typical PR shot.



Elected May of last year, the leaders of this year's Student Council include President Rich Van Fossen and VicePresidents Jim Lynn and Steve Hladczuk. These three students were indeed appropriate for the job. All three have been involved in such school activities as Cross Country, the Wisterian, Swimming, and Intra murals. All being respectable students as well, the party indeed possesses the attributes of leadership needed to improve LaSalle. In order to prepare for their important year in office, the three officers traveled to Shippensburg State University last summer to attend the Pennsylvania Association of Student Council's weeklong workshop. The workshop saw 109 students involved in student council from their own respective schools gather to learn how to delegate authority, motivate people, run a meeting efficiently, and to raise money through fund-raising activities. In the President's words \\ ... last year's party of Junker, Harris, and Justice lit the spark to more school spirit, and we have attempted to increase this to a flame." In their attempt to increase school spirit, Van Fossen, Lynn, and Hladczuk have tried to develop a sense of pride among LaSalle students through interaction with others. This has been concentrated in five important aspects of student life: intellectual, athletic, social, spiritual, and financial.

Seniors: Top: Eric Lintner, John Rizzo, Conrad Heckman, Anthony Scanlon, Kevin Rudden. Bottom: Jo~ Bell, Carmen Petruzzelli, Paul Sweeney.

Juniors: Top: Robert Schaefer, Mark CGaliendo, Steve Darcy Bottom: James Godin, Mark OberholzE Missing: Mark Dinda, Martin Dean.

Freshmen: Top: T. Gilmore, K. Vernon, G. Muir, B. Saxon, F. Nolan.


Sophomores: Top: Mike Rawlings, Nino DiPietro, Peter Lyons, Wade Redcross, Mike Sarno. Missir Ronald Bean, Mike Anderer, Jim Devine, William Torpey.


"The odds are 5-2 for LaSalle."

Ie terrific triumvirate: James Lynn (Vice-President), Rich Van Fossen (President), and Steve Hladczuk ice-President) .

Steve hosts story hour.

"Junior Prom held at LaSalle. I love it."

In covering these five important areas, the party has worked close with Brother Frank and student council moderator Mr. Miller. As a result of this combined effort and open communication between the faculty and students, many changes and improvements have occurred. The Student Council Newsletter, the first in LaSalle's history, has provided athletic results for students and faculty as well as news on upcoming social events and planned activities. Five successful dances have provided LaSalle students with many practical commodities to aid in an Explorer's education. The Student Council's valuable financial gains were also sent to help the Brothers working in Guatemala. School spirit was also increased as busloads of students traveled to various athletic events. Furthermore, a more active Student Exchange program was undertaken and proven successful as LaSalle students met and worked with others in an atmosphere of respect and growth. As it clearly can be seen, Van Fossen, Lynn, and Hladczuk have begun to increase the flame into a fire of school spirit at LaSalle. Through much time and hard work, the Student Council has provided students with the opportunity to learn, improve, and grow. It is hoped that LaSalle will obtain the needed order to carry out the school philosophy of the integrated person and responsible citizen.

Long meetings take toll on President.


ART CLUB PAINTS LA SALLE BLUE AND GOLD Under the moderation of Mrs. Diane McGovern, the Art Club has contributed a great deal to the LaSalle community over the past year. The most noteworthy of these contributions is the mosaic of St. John Baptist de LaSalle which hangs in the first floor corridor, and also graces the cover of this year's Blue and Gold. The mosaic was finished by dedicated students over the summer of 1983. The second major project which the Art Club is currently undertaking is a mural of school sports and activities which is being painted on the wall outside the cafeteria. The club hopes to have the mural finished by next September. Through these and other art-related endeavors, the dedicated members of the Art Club contribute some of their time to help brighten up the hallways of LaSalle, and help to diplay to visitors the great wealth of talent present at the school.

Art Club members, left to right: T. Lobley, C. lim, M. Minghenelli, M. Sweeney, J. Fry, P. Sweeney, ' Ore, Mrs. D. McGovern (Moderator) Missing: J. Capaldi, J. Suter, R. Tokar, H. Carpenter, L. Talarr

So that's how the student's paintings look so good.



Randy learns the finer points from Jim

True Art?

The Mighty Moderator Imparts his wisdom.

Now Look Vince, here's what you do.

Under the leadership of a new moderator, Mr. William Geiger, the Photo Club set out to take a more "active" role in the LaSalle community. The results of this plan were admirable. Many of the pictures highlighting the Blue and Gold, as well as the Wisterian, were taken by Photo Club members on assignment. In preparation for their photographic duties, the club members conducted a number of discussions on camera techniques and darkroom procedures. The darkroom at LaSalle is open to the club, allOWing the shutterbugs to practice the art of developing their photos. Several field trips were also held, providing the camera enthusiasts with a chance to capture the beauty of nature on film. Through its increased role at LaSalle, the Photo Club offers those students proficient with a camera the opportunity to contribute their talent to the school community.

) Club, Back Row, Left to Right: W. Reinhardt, R. Toft, O. Chernyk, K. Werner, J. Beck, T. Terek, I. Iyk, L. Schmalbach, W. Geiger (Moderator), J. Cicchiello, (President)


Retreats Bring Students Brother Brendan Garwood and Father Paul Wierichs have conducted the underclass retreats this past year. Each year the students make a religious retreat to the Brother's house for reflection and hopefully the growth of their own personal relationships with God. From the beginning, it has been the school's policy to guide the student towards a higher relationship with God. The retreats offer the student the opportunity to advance his relationships with classmates, as well as with himself. While Father Paul conducted the Junior retreats this year, Brother Brendan moderated the Freshmen and Sophomores in the theme of the "growth of Christ./I However, all retreats follow a consistent format on films, discussions, confessions, and Mass. The discussions are conducted with the aid of twenty-five seniors who share their values and experiences. With these discuSSions, students are allotted time for private prayer and reflection, as well as liturgical prayer, and the opportunity to build stronger relationships with fellow students.

Students celebrate Mass as a community.

Now, If I see anyone asleep out there ...


Closer to God

Rizzo ruminates; Solecki ponders

Graydon sneaks in some last-minute Programming homework

\s in years past, a Senior Retreat was

:l at the Cardinal Spellman Retreat Jse, a facility directed by the Passion:athers. This peaceful accomodation )cated in Bronx, New York. When iking of the Bronx, a picture of danous slums is conceived. But the relt house is situated in a natural and :me environment; it rests on the verlt banks of the Hudson River. Such lutiful surroundings provided a reed atmosphere for the seniors, allowthem to concentrate on the meanful discussions presented. Introduced Father Paul and various other reliJS, these discussions enabled the upclassmen to reflect on their relation)S with God, family, and friends. They ) contemplated the major decision )Iving their plans after graduation t soon had to be resolved. III in all, the retreat was very benefifor the seniors. It catered to their itual needs while allowing them time relax. Providing a welcome break n school, the first retreat was taken ing the middle of the week in Octo. Intimate conversations, movies, Ifession, Mass, and recreation per; contributed to the personal growth .erienced by each senior after par)ating in the retreat. What was initialhought of as a waste of time, was ,n regarded as a rewarding situation.

Seniors relax before serious work commences


In A Stunning Upset, Once again, the LaSalle faculty has defeated the seniors in the annual Turkey Bowl. Led by quarterback "Broadway" Joe Radvansky, the faculty team, which also included Jim "Sure-hands" Serpiello, Tony "Skeets" Viggiano, John Frizalone and Opie Evans, produced an offensive threat that the seniors could not counter. The result was an early 35o lead. In the second half, the seniors attempted a rally, scoring a touchdown on an interception return by Joe Cilio. This effort was in vain, however, as the teachers struck again, in the end defeating the seniors by a score of 42 to 7. This game continues the seniors' streak of, well, uh, a great number of losses. The seniors are closing in quickly on the vaunted Northwestern record.

Good blocking highlighted the day.

A formidable front line.

AI "They call me assassin" Puntel.


The ultimate static offense.

The Faculty Rolls, 42-7 Records broken: Number of yards by a rookie teacher:

Old record: 115 by Gerry (Babyface) Sauter New record: 177 by Opie (Opie) Evans Number of touchdowns scored on an offsides play: Old record: 0 by R. Russell New record: 1 by Tony (Skeets) Viggiano Number of quarterbacks used: Old record: 3 by the class of '82 New record: 6 by the class of '84 Earliest concession of defeat: Old record: 5:00 left in the first half New record: 12:37 left in the first half Highest points scored/plays used ratio: Old record: 44/58 by faculty '83 New record: 42/11 by faculty '84 Highest plays used/points scored ratio: Old record: 72/14 by class of 79 New record: 80/7 by class of '84 Attendance: Old record: 4 in '82 New record: 14 in '84

The picture of overconfidence.

Rare footage of B.J. being sacked.

As usual the teachers paid the ref.


Editor-In-Chief Lance Krelovich and Layout Editor Mike Harvan

First Page Editor Carmen Petruzzelli prepares to edit some copy

Layout Editor Matt Best also contributed some good (!?@&*) cartoons


Circulation Editor Randy O'Neill heads out work


The 1983-84 school year was one of = best yet for the Wisterian and its Iff. Some thirty students strong, and 'h a new moderator, Mr. Geiger, the sterian has seen some significant im)vements. With larger issues and a tter format, this year's Wisterian has ne itself proud. It has added social -toons and a feature column, wherea non-member of the Wisterian staff 1 write a feature article. Besides these :litions, this year's paper has ousted , listless rock news section and the ltroversial, often disagreed upon vie reviews. \ccording to Mr. Geiger, the goal of Wisterian is to "inform the students )ut the activities and report the news the school, and to exert a positive tude about La Salle on the communilt large." This year's Wisterian has ,n more focused on the life at La e. Brother Tom Speakman, the intra-al moderator, says that the Wisteris most helpful in compiling up-toe statistics on homeroom standings Iter-class competitions. Since athletIre an integral part of La Salle, it is no lder that the sports section is one of most popular features in the WisterThe quality of this year's sports secis largely credited to sports editor Timony and his highly talented ts writers. But we should also menthe other editors who have made school newspaper a most enjoyable of the La Salle curriculum. The edi:l-chief of this year's Wisterian was :e Krelovich and his page editors ! Carmen Petruzzelli, Chris McCaumd Pat Durbin. These editors great)ntributed to the making of this 's Wisterian so successful. And last lot least there is Mr. Geiger. Geiger, has had previous experience work>n a newspaper, has done a comdable job in his rookie year as mod)r of the Wisterian.


1983-84 Wisterian Staff, left to right: R. O'Neill, A. Walsh, W. Bilia, M. Bradley, G. Cattie, J. Riorden, C. Minnich, M. Washko, G. Karlson, Jim Tobin, J. Rayborn, A. Ragusa, W. McCormack, J. Millard, M. Hynes, S. Rietzke, B. Matthews, V. Cuce, Kneeling: J. Cicchiello.

Page Editors C. McCauley and P. Durbin

Photo Editor Jim Cicchiello

INTRAMURALS GET STUDENTS INVOL VED The goal of La Salle High School's intramural program is for those students not participating in the Varsity athletics to take part in healthy, non-pressured athletic competition between homerooms. And this year's program has been a success, with roughly 60% of the student body participating in everything from Basketball to Tug-of-War. Among the most popular events at La Salle are basketball, football and hockey. However, Brother Thomas Speakman, the intramural moderator, claims that for those who dare to risk life and limb to participate, wrestling is the most fun. The Intramural program pits homeThe shot goes up ...


Wow, what extension.

Vince goes all-out for the block

Ready down the line.

La Salle Intramural Frisbee Championships

The strain is easily seen

AND BRIGHTEN THE DA Y FOR STUDENTS oms in head-to-head competition until e room that has compiled the most lints, at the end of the year, captures e banner, and probably more imporntly, the "Intramural Champion" irts. They are symbolic of hard-work, irit and teamwork; something one n be proud of when walking the halls La Salle. fhe introduction of the shirt is one of ~ improvements Brother Tom has Ide since he took over the intramural >gram three years ago. Thanks to 1, this program is the longest running mt here at La Salle, lasting from the t week of school until the last. How!r, Brother Tom is not alone in the

management of the program; at the beginning of the year, each homeroom elects an intramural representative. These students help settle disputes, and inform classmates of standings or upcoming events. As with any event, intramurals revolve around student participation. It is those who lug tons of equipment on the buses, through rain, through snow, and gloom of morn', who enjoy the program the most. And with each passing year, the intramurals have become more fun more competitive, and have become a mainstay in the La Salle curriculum.

This next one's coming in your face!

Come on, Scott, give it your all ...

Some fun, eh?

Hey, watch the foul ...


Fall Drama Returns

La Salle's abandoned tradition of staging a fall drama has been renewed this year with the production of William Shakespeare's classic tragedy, Macbeth. Despite the apprehensions of teachers and students alike, many of whom adamantly protested that Shakespeare is just too great an undertaking for a high school to handle, Macbeth was a somewhat unexpected success. Directed by Mr. Peter Doyle and produced by Mr. Joseph Ciccimaro, the two multi-talented pros who contributed their invaluable support and direction to produce last year's Fiorello, Macbeth made for an evening of thrills, suspense and excitement, if not totally for the audience, at least for the cast and crew. Many people of various ages were interviewed, and said they were surprised and impressed by the performance of the "cast of few". Most of the students of high school age and younger said they were surprised to find they understood the plot very well, with the obvious exception of some of the Elizabethan dialogue.

Signs of long hours of rehearsal

One more word about my tights and I'll impale you.

The Cast: (Back row) K. Mclaughlin, M. Sweeney, M. Macleod, J. Staudenmeier, T. Hallman, C. Rogalski, G. D'Alessandro, M. Herold, l. Hesser, G. Fackler, (Front row) W. lutz, M. Bienkowski, M. Wentz, J. Beck, A. Kraft. "Don't You wish you had clothes like ou


La Salle Stages MACBETH

Well, it can only get better

Ugly, Aren't they?

But I should have been MacBeth!

. is regrettable that so few students ned out for the auditions. For one 19, it is difficult to stage a play like Icbeth with only a handful of actors; more importantly, the experience of stage is a totally unique one, someIg that can't be felt anywhere else; it special kind of excitement that can't lIy be expressed in words. There is a tain atmosphere, a "magic" in a I, and everyone knows that each son is equally necessary. Even the ,t skilled amateur, with the smallest t, feels something that the "ordinary ;on" can never know. In the beginl, the cast is simply a group of people hered to accomplish a common I, but when the show is over, they e become a family, brothers and sis, bound by strong ties of friendship . will last the rest of our lives. Ithough some kill joy critics (I won't Ition any names, Mr. Russell, Brothames ... ) still profess their belief Shakespeare is too great a chale for a high school, there are quite a well-satisfied actors and crew memwho strongly disagree.

8p.rn. Saturday. November 19

The battle is joined.



1983-84 Officers: Jim Cicchiello (V.P.), Pat Timoney (Sec.), Bro. John D' Alfonso (moderator), Matt Bradley (Pres.)' Vince Cuce (Treas.)

On December 2, 1983, 47 LaSalle students were inducted into the National Honor Society, which already had 38 members in its enrollment. These new inductees proved to their school that they were capable of accepting the challenges of the N.H.S. The N.H.5., under the guidance of Brother John D' Alfonso, is one of the most prestigious organizations at La Salle. Membership into the National Honor Society is among the highest honors that can be bestowed upon a high school student. A member of the N.H.S. must be outstanding in the

qualities of scholarship, service, leadership, and character. He must maintain at least a 3.5 GPA, and must participate in various school activities. The student must also be willing to serve his school at all times. A few of the functions an N.H.S. member takes part in include the induction of new members, the Principal's Dinner, parent/teacher meetings, and the graduation ceremony. Members of the National Honor Society are also available for tutorial services if a student feels he needs academic assistance.

Class of '84 members: (back) P. Timoney, M. Schillinger, K. Gorman, A. Bailey, C. Petruzelli, J. Poole, (middle) Bro. John D'Alfonso, R. O'Neill, M. D'Angelo, E. Lintner, S. Hladczuk, J. Gindhart, M. Bradley (front) J. Scalio, L. Krelovich, M. Harvan, R. Miehle, M. Harvey, J. Cicchiello


Seniors Survey Schools on College Day

Early in his final year at LaSalle, a senmust make one of the most imporlt decisions of his high school career, lt of which college to attend. In an fort to inform the seniors on the oices that they have, LaSalle spon's a College Fair Day each year. This Jr, it was held on October 5, and re!sentatives from over thirty schools re present. Students set up interviews h representatives whose college they re interested in. During these meets, the students were provided with ne general information about the 1001, as well as a frank view of their mces of acceptance into the school. Iny thanks to Brother John D' Alfonso another successful College Fair Day.

"Here's one for you, John. Miss Moxford's Finishing School."

"You have to have better English grades, Randy."

"No, tuition will not stay the same for four years."



What a chance to meet a Santa Claus with tennis shoes on.

Under the leadership of Brother Brendan Garwood, the Community Service Corps entered its eighth year at LaSalle. The CSC has continued to raise money for the elderly, children, and the poor. The top fundraiser (and, not to mention, the most fun) is the spring basketball marathon. Two other major efforts of the CSC are the canned food drive and Operation Santa Claus collecting toys for needy children to brighten their Christmas. Just as important as the fundraising events are the visits that the CSC makes to such places as the Holy Family Nursing Home, Green Acres Nursing Home,

Members of CSC: (kneeling) John Millard, Bob Heinz, Tim Fighera, Tom Depman, (standing) Bro. B Bill Regli, John Depman, Marty Sauerzopf, Todd Hallman, Bill Dierkes, Chuch Minnich, Mark Was Franks.



d St. John's Hospice. These visits not Iy raise the spirits of the elderly, but o those of the esc members who see ! magic that a short talk can do for ! elderly. The esc not only visits the erly, but also the young. The esc tus children who need help in school :J in life. Also, the esc organizes )rting recreational activities for these Idren. -he esc has continued to reach out :J help the less fortunate members in community, and those from LaSalle o are involved can be proud of the )d work they're dOing.

A gift of love.

rs of the CSC: Gene Halus, John Depman (President), Marty Sauerzopf 'other Brenden Garwood (Moderator).

The pride of the CSc.


MOTHERS CLUB SHOWS LOVING SUPPORT In May of 1983, this year's Mother Club officers were elected. Elected as President was Mrs. Matthew Giuffrida; as Vice-President Mrs. John Farris; as Treasurer Mrs. James Melinson; as Corresponding Secretaries Mrs. Joseph Gindhart and Mrs. Anthony Tripodi, and as Recording Secretary Mrs. Kenneth Stout. The moderator is Brother Fred Stelmach. One of the Mothers' Club's major goals was to hold different fund-raising events for La Salle throughout the year. These events entailed extremely hard

work and dedication on the part of the mothers and Brother Fred. Many hours of thought and work were given to the planning of these events. Among the events this year were: the Freshman Mother's Tea, the Christmas Cocktail Party, Poinsettia Sale Week, the Fashion Show, the Auction with the Fathers' Club, and The Grease Band Concert. With a number of new mothers joining the club this year, there was hope that they would be able to contribute some new ideas, which they did. This year's


Mrs. Joseph Toland, Mrs. Michael Cantwell and Mrs. Bernard Bonner discuss plans for the end of the year.

new event was A Night with the Grea: Band. The dance was held on Octob 28, and the idea of having music fro the 50's and 60's made it a great SL.. cess. During the 1983-84 school year, tl Mothers' Club donated a large sum money to La Salle as a result of the fundraisers. It is easy to see how sucr group can benefit La Salle, both sp tually and economically. Many than and a round of applause to Brother Fr and the Mothers' Club.

Mrs. William O'Kane, Mrs. Joseph Monahan, Mrs. Mathew Cosello, and I John Susan in (Chairlady) make plans for Mothers Club Annual Christmas C. tail

1983-84 LaSalle Mothers club: (Seated) Bro. Fred Stelmach (moderator), Mrs. Mathew Giuffrida (Pres.l, (Front Row), Mrs. William O'Kane, Mrs. JOSE Hogan, Mrs. James Madden, Mrs. David Forde, Mrs. James Foley, Mrs. Arthur Burke, Mrs. Thomas Pileggi, Mrs. Edward Kolsun, Mrs. Leo Riley, Mrs. Lynch, Mrs. Joseph Monahan, Mrs. Joseph Canavan, Mrs. Gerald Desmond, Mrs. Michael Cantwell, Mrs. David Reichert, Mrs. Joseph Toland, (Fro Row), Mrs. George Johnson, Mrs. Michael Driscoll, Mrs. George Capaldi, Mrs. William Smith, Mrs. Joseph Gindhart (Corres. Secretary), Mrs. Kenneth (Record. Secretary), Mrs. Austin Meehan, Mrs. James Melinson (Treasurer), Mrs. Matthew Corsello, Mrs. Henry Darragh, Mrs. Robert Goldman, Mrs .. Susanin, Mrs. Thomas Vesey, Mrs. Emil De John, Mrs. Bernard Bonner, Mrs. Thomas Shallow, (Missing), Mrs. John Farris (Vice Pres.), Mrs. Anthony TI (Corres. Secretary), Mrs. Peter De Paul, Mrs. James Carroll, Mrs. Frank Gregor, Mrs. Frederick Mischler, Mrs. Robert Schaefer, Mrs. Elmer Hanson, Gerald Phelan, Mrs. Edward Lynch



its second year at LaSalle, the merican Computer Science League" ; provided competitions for those dents excelling in computer promming. Those who are proficient in nputer languages (BASIC, PASCAL, .) devote considerable time and eny in preparing for the difficult yearnd contests. With its moderator, Mr. sell, LaSalle has enjoyed above aver, standings in these college level 1petitions. Although any student participate, the sometimes abstract s and the time required to do well, ourage many. While there are only ut ten students who participate, it is , the top five scores that are totalled letermine final standings. 'hile the goal of the Computer ;)ue is for those interested students !arn more about computer science ugh exposure with uncommon, of:ollege level competitions, the goal he Computer Club is similar but h more informal. Consisting mostly 1derclassmen, the Club provided an xtunity for students to learn more ..It computers and computer sci!. The Computer Club, in its fifth , consists of several dozen stus, who can usually be found hamIg on computer keyboards. While ! are no formal meetings, the Club Ides an opportunity to meet others similar interests and learn more It the irreversible flow of computer


"I'll need more coffee to figure this one out."

"O.K. Now let's launch those I.C.S.M.'s."

ceo ese two organizations have a newnished computer room in which to . With eighteen terminals available :erested students, this year prom1igh finishes in the competitions In increased interest in the trend of .Jture - computers. "I didn't put that there."



One of the newest activities at LaSalle is the group of liturgucal singers and musicians known as Seraphim. Starting out in 1982 with only a handful of participants, moderator Steve Krol has worked to expand the group to its current size of eleven students, led by guitarist Joe Black. A few of the activities which Seraphim participated in this year were the Thanksgiving Day liturgy, and the National Honor Society Invocation. Next year, the group plans to take an even greater role in the LaSalle community, and try to recruit more talented students into its ranks.

New York Philo harmonic they're not.

A typical filler picture.

Lightfingers Krol at it again.

"Come on feel the noize."

Varsity Seraphim: Mr. Krol, Peter Dougherty, Jim Madden, Jim Brennan, Kevin Ledger, Rich Wei

Fred Sweeney, Tom Kenney, Joe Black and Dennis Kerns.


Mixers Rock LaSalle

What the heck is this?

Hundreds flock to LaSalle Mixer.

lhead I dare you.

The band rocks LaSalle.


I had always heard great stories about La Salle mixers, but this year I decided to see for myself what they were like. I thought I would never survive the line, but I eventually entered. All that I could see was people, people, and more people. I was shoved into the flow of people that led into the auditorium. The room was dim, but the atmosphere was vibrant. Everyone was into the music and either dancing, clapping, or just observing the band. It was impossible to talk in the auditorium, for the music was deafening. My ears are still ringing. I decided to give my ears and feet a break, so I went into the hall. The hall was mobbed with people trying to get into the auditorium, people trying to get out, people just walking around, and groups of friends just talking about who met whom and where he/she went, etc. The thing that was most impressive was that everyone enjoyed himself/herself. There was not a dead-head to be found. The most asked question was always "When is the next one?" That just about sums up everybody's attitude toward La Salle's awesome dances. The mixers are a part of La Salle's community in various ways. The social lives of the students are given a boost, and there is the money that is raised by each mixer that is put toward various student council projects.

John flips over girl at mixer.



I hope that was a horn I heard!

Buying your books, meeting friends you haven't seen since last year, finding your way through your new schedule: these are the making of a new school year. But these changes do not only face you at an individual basis - they meet you again in all your extra-curricular activities too ... After losing ten important players from its approximately 25-person membership, La Salle's stage band is starting out this new year with new sounds, people, and equipment. Involved classes and many extra practices are true signs of the band's committment to equalling its excellent sound of last year. And this hard-working attitude is easily seen throughout La Salle's entire music department. Directed by Mr. Joseph Ciccimaro (Mr. C), the 1983-84 music department consists of approximately 110 talented musicians who make up 7 bands: the stage band, dixieland band, concert band, pep band, and the second, sixth, and seventh period bands. After working hard at the beginning of this year, it was only a matter of weeks before the department was ready to look forward to performing with its usual excellence at its many engagements scheduled for this year. As has been the custom for several years now, the stage band will be doing Musicians rehearse for concert.




A young Buddy Rich?

its part in the public relations department this year by giving concerts at various elementary schools and also some girls' high schools. In preparation for these concerts, the band has been rehearsing some new songs which are more pop-chart oriented than are usually presented. Some of these songs are: "Only Time Will Tell" by Asia, "Stray Cat Strut" by the Stray Cats, and "Celebration" by Kool and the Gang. Also being rehearsed are several songs from films or broadway musicals including "Up Where We Belong", the theme from An Officer and a Gentleman, and "Memory" from Broadway's Cats. The band is confident that more well-known songs like these will better catch the audience's attention and also keep it. Along with these outings, the entire music department is looking ahead to the Christmas and Spring concerts the two major annual events. And, of course, the music department will play a substantial role in this year's Spring Musical, lil' Abner, and will also enhance the Fall Drama production of Macbeth by playing back-up and incidental music between the scenes. All in all, it's safe to say that the music department is well on its way to making this year a very successful and exciting one, and is hoping for everyone's support to fulfill these expectations.

Does Mr. C hear sour notes in sox solo?



After the return of drama to LaSalle with last year's production of Fiorello, the students have taken a much greater interest in musicals and plays. The result of this interest is the 1984 musical of LaSalle, Li'l Abner. The story is an adaptation of the original play, and centers around the military wishing to turn Dogpatch, which they found to be the most useless town in the country, as a testing site for nuclear weapons. The inhabitants, of course, resist. Leading the effort for another successful musical are Director Pete Doyle, Mr. John Grace, Mr. Joseph Ciccimaro, and production manager Vince Cuce. Among the cast of Li't Abner are Matt Herold as Abner, Lynda Riley (Bro. Bill's niece) as Daisy Mae, Jeff Beck as Marry'n Sam, Meg Durin as Mammy Yokum, Mike Bienkowski as Pappy Yokum, and Pete Dougherty as General Bullmoose. Many other students, too many to name here, are also devoting a great deal of time and effort to the musical. Scheduled to run on the 2nd to the 4th and the 9th to 11th of March, Li'l Abner shows great promise for both entertaining all who wish to come, and providing a good deal of revenue for the school.

Oh all right, I'll go out with you.

Come on, just one dance

The Creative Chorus of Lil' Abner

Cast of Lil' Abner:

Stage crew constructs elaborate set.


Chorus & Lonesome Polecat ...... Charles Karsten Chorus & Hairless Joe ...................... Charles Bellito Marryin' Sam ...... Jeff Beck Daisy Mae .......... Lynda Riley Mammy Yokum. Meg Durkin Pappy yokum ..... Mike Bienkowsl Abner .................. Matt Herold General Bullmoose ................. Pete Doughert) Sen. Jack S. Phogbound ................. Gene D' Alessal Mayor Dawgmeat ............................ Chris Rogalski Chorus and Three Scraggs ............... Matt Wentz


Well, I was on the right note.

" more word about the Prep and ...

Earth to Space Shuttle, come in ...

Gorilla Monsoon and crew

Steve Keane Jim Madden JS and )nbeam ine ............. Kelly McShain hquake on .............. Charles Eisler sand Scien.................. Bill Stout Mark Caliendo Joe Staudenmeier Isdale ......... Chris Keefe ble Jones ... Mike Sweeney e Fleagle ... Todd Hallman s ................ Leo Hesser Bob Toft Walt Lutz Steve Coyle

Now, let me tell you a few things about La Salle boys.


LaSalle Cheers Club Spirit

J. Griffen, P. Sweeney, L. Gilmore, S. Wolpert

The Spirit Club or Club Spirit, as its members commonly refer to it, has made its presence felt this year, more so than in years past. Club President Conrad Heckmann defines his club's objectives as getting the students involved in school and sports and having fun through pep rallies and organized activities. Aside from the usual task of painting signs for football and basketball games, this year's Spirit Club took an active part in the pep rally prior to the annual Thanksgiving Day clash between arch rivals LaSalle and St. Joseph's Prep. The pep rally was the best LaSalle has had in recent years, no doubt because Club Spirit contributed so much. On that November day, the Spirit Club managed to make the pep rally a lot of fun by using some new and creative ideas which really livened things up and got the crowd involved. First, club member Scott Wolpert picked up the St. Basil cheerleaders, who always manage to get our pep rallies roiling. But this is where the key difference between this year's sensational pep rally and past years medicre pep rallies comes in. The Spirit Club didn't simply go and bring in the cheerleaders for a few cheers. They were innovative and went a few daring extra steps to really make the pep rally a winner.


The Queen and her Court preside at Pep Rally.

Bring on the Cheerleaders!

T ex and the Cheerleaders pose for the camera.

Winter Dance Warms Hearts

_ove is found on the dance floor.

Prompted by popular demand, the Student Council sponsored the previously unscheduled Winter Dance on January 21. Ticket sales were the best in recent years and climbed near the 200 couple mark, enabling Student Council to make an unexpected profit from the event. Music for the evening was supplied by Sound Entertainment disc jockies, as voted by the student body during homeroom balloting. Refreshments included potato chips, pretzels, and soda. For the most part, the evening was a complete success. Nearly everyone, including Brother Frank and other faculty members, enjoyed the music, danCing, and good company. The Student Council is to be praised for its ability to put the Winter Dance together. The decision to hold the dance exemplified council's responsiveness to the student body, and the short amount of time provided to prepare the dance compliments the council's hard work.

cers await the opening of the doors.

Parisi signs the honor code. The money's safe.

Maybe I could cut in?

Mr. Vigg picks up another girl.

She couldn't decide which boy to bring, so ...



The La Salle Forum has continued its excellence in speech and debate, participating in many tournaments at the local, state and national level. The team has brought home many trophies, including a win at Calvert Hall, second place finishes at the Pennsbury Invitational and Scranton Central, and a fourth place at Pittsburgh Central Catholic. Individually, members of the team have done even better, which is remarkable considering the overall strength of the league. Taking up the slack was Matthew "Zeus" Bradley, the President, who through his overwhelming humility and amazing dedication has earned the respect and friendship of everyone on the team. Along with Frank Gavin, the Spiritual leader of the team, they have managed to dominate the Interpretation events. In Original Oratory, Mark Oberholzer and Mike "the Koala" Woodring have done very well, with "Animal" winning St. Joseph's, Pittsburgh, Pennsbury and La Salle, and Mike taking what was left. Jeff "Florida" Clarke and Terry "Hammer" Campbell were the base of a growing Extemp. squad. Though they have not done well, they have gained experience, which was the thing to do. Debaters Dongwoo Chang and Joe Leibrandt were a formidable debate team, using their charm and suave ways to win several rounds. Credit for their success belongs to the help of Brother Kevin Delmasse, whose comeback was long anticipated. Randy O'Neill, congressman par excellence, was the key to several tournaments, Bryce Holten, whose cumbersome head rests squarely on his shoulders, and the "Ace" Ferrace, form the nucleus for the future. Carl Waldspurger's participation was also appreciated.

(Back Row) C. Bond, C. Hoffman, S. McElligott, T. Sowirka (Front Row)P. Bonfanti, D. Link. Debate

J.V. and Varsity Debate, from left: M. Syms, C. Waldspurger, N. Jessen, A. Ramsey, M. Han Lyons, J. Liebrandt.

J.V. Speech, from left: D. Link, C. Roedell, P. Bonfanti, B. Farrace, J. Stelacio.



, Speech, from left: M. Oberholzer, T. Fighera, M. Bradley, B. Holton, B. Kling, F. Gavin, K. )urger, M. Hanson, J. Clarke, M. Woodring, J. Millard, K. Lehr, W. Regli, (seated) T. Campbell


did WHAT with the evidence?

No Terry, you can't play moderator.

Brother Jim tries to recruit another freshman

Veil, Tuesday I have a Doctor's appointment. Wednesday, I have to wash my dog ...

What do you mean who's Pat Dunne?


Best of friends

You won't have the van this weekend, Brother.

Pen in mouth is the mark of the true debater


Extensive Extemp files

The new top debate team

Mark, the computer just crashed.

Granted ...

Read the blackboard

Another day's trappings.


Record Attendance Father/Son Banquet

The personable Harold Katz.

Mr. Gindhart instructs Joe on the proper style to eat. Pete wasn't listening.

Freshman William Lahr receives prize from Bro. Bill.

"Hey Harold. How about Conlin for Dr. J."


Bra Q entrances all with his eloquent speech

This past fall, LaSalle students their fathers gathered together to . brate the 34th annual Father-Son quet. On November 17, LaSalle fal and sons attended the festivities at liamson's Restaurant in Horsham. popular event, sponsored by the ME LaSalle, recognized the sacred u between father and son. It also ! them the opportunity to spend s time together. In the words of Bro. liam Quaintance, Moderator of Men of LaSalle, the banquet "is a where we can set aside the broads have some serious fun." All in all, year's Father-Son celebration was most successful. Over 700 peoplE tended, and they were rewarded various prizes given away. Another ed treat for both father and son . was the guest speaker. For the bane the Men of LaSalle acquired the vices of Harold Katz, owner of the F delphia 76ers and Nutri/System Inc over a half hour, Katz spoke aboL rise in the business world and his background. With his philadelphic cent, Katz spoke eloquently, givin~ vice to all in attendance, especiall~ Salle students. In short, the evening a success. Brother Bill and the Fatl Club planned a perfect evening ( again.

Mighty Mathletes Meet Challenges



iradley didn't show us to answer this one"



What a lonely sport

The LaSalle Mathletes are looking extremely strong once again. Another great turnout will enable first year coach Mr. Bradley to continue the almost taken-for-granted success of the Math Team. Mr. Bradley will look for senior standout Carl Waldspurger to lead LaSalle through a rigorous schedule including four weekly leagues, Saturday meets at local high schools, and stops at various local colleges such as Lehigh and T empie. Joining Carl as the top hopefuls are juniors Dave and Ted Ost. LaSalle can look forward to a promising future with tremendous young prospects such as super so ph S. Patal and amazing frosh Peter Bonfanti (already in Calculus') As the winning tradition continues, more students are showing up for the meets. To be a competitive Mathlete, one must be able to use a combination of basic mathematical skills and common sense to solve problems. Since questions are taken from all areas of mathematics, the most well-rounded student will usually fare best. Being a mathlete can be one of the most self-satisfying "sports" at LaSalle. Not only must you compete as a team, but also as an individual. Each person's total points are kept and, at the end of the year, the Mathlete-of-the-Year is named. Beside this, there are many other team and individual awards distributed, including a certificate of participation for all members. If these incentives aren't enough to physche you up, then consider each meet a challenge: You vs. the problem.

f Mathletes: Mr. Bradley (moderator), S. Patel, J. Forbes, T. Ost, J. Leibrandt, K. Gortnan;.M.

n, P. Lyons, M. Woodring, C. Petruzzelli, M. Oberholzer, D. Ost, M. Brace, E. O'Donnell, P. Waters, ey, J. Chang, T. Terek, (Missing) C. Waldspurger, C. Bellito, P. Bonfanti.


1984 Blue and Gold Sparkles Let us define the Blue and Gold. sending naive students into a worl many climates. The staff is on a mi quest of creating a yearbook whicr administration tolerates and the dents accept. (If they don't, we are il trouble.) In this evil world we find n mishaps ready to send the staff d into a bottomless pit of work. greedy gremlins steal typing as~ ments and photos; the evil eXCUSE "Don't worry, I'll have it tomorrow/' "I forgot it" bombard the courag~ staff. The bold band must sprint tc ery deadline or be penalized by the nip resent Herff Jones Yearbook Cc ration. The sometimes ally, someti foe Davor Photo Company supplie~ badly needed prints. The guide to this merry little bar the big "Gil Mr. William Geiger. merciless task-master drives the gl on, but his fatherly concern is ah known. The staff is lead by Captain I dy "Overseer" O'Neill. The next e; Moderator Mr. Geiger and Chief Editor O'Neill discuss picture placement

1984 Business Staff: Left to Right: N. DiPietro, J. Stanczak, D. Buonomo, J. Cilio (Business Editor)

Art Staff: P. Sweeney, J. Capaldi

Some Yearbook Writers, Left to Right: G. Dalessandro, J. Beck, J. Tobin, M. Harvey (Copy Editor), C. Petruzzelli, M. Washko, J. Donahue, L. Krelovich.


Staff Chooses Medieyal Theme

Staff Photographers, Left to Right: L. Krelovich, V. Cuce, JJ Beck, J. Cicchiello (Photo Editor)

ger has ways of making sure layouts are com<e

Layout Staff, Left to Right: J. Donahue, S. Rietzke', A. Ragusa, W. Bilia, Kneeling: M. Harvan (Layout Editor)

Typists, Left to Right: S. Rietzke, S. Blatney, J. Beck, W. Bilia, P. Minecci, Kneeling: Matt Best (Typing Editor)

Number 1 and Number 2: Moderator W. Geiger and Editor-in-chief Randy O'Neill

Layout man Tim Thistle sorts through hundreds of pictures

t editor is the great white hunter Jim :chiello, a man who shoots everything t usually misses. The scribe is Mike \ild" Harvey. The mercury messenger v\ike "Fleet Foot" Harvan, who does Jyout as quick as lightning. Too bad didn't have too many storms. The ick-fingered thieves included Matt he" Best and Graydon "Strongman" rison. They were able to steal the )y into final sheets. Other supporters lude Vince "Sure-Shot" Cuce, Tim he Cool" Thistle, and too many other :licated persons to name. ihroughout all of the hardships, the ff finally sees the end of their quest: a shed Blue and Gold. They hope that ! book is a good representation of !ir hard work, and they wish next lr's staff good luck on their quest. ~ hope the readers look upon this )k with a grin, a smile, or a chuckle.



, 81

Gerald O'Hara

Christopher Rile

Lee Schmalbach

Homeroom Moderator: Mr. Joseph Parisi


Good Homeroom, All Present.

Louis Talamo


David Sadowski

Theodore Us%ko

Andrew Wile)

Charles Bogle

William Brown

Harry Caparo


Michael Coyle

Frank Dwyer

LaSalle brings back Dress Code. Gerad Lucidi

Gregory Ore

John Rodia

Jeffrey Stever

Albertfie Salvador

Homeroom Moderator: Mr. Edward McCabe Not Present: Ron Shiken

Eric Toppy

Chris Van Zandt

Bruce Williamson



Daniel Goodwin

Thomas Cush

"Wow! What a pair of legs."

Gavin Muir

Joseph Rebl

David Rothwell

Gregory Scandone

Thomas Scott

Brian Sullivan

Joseph Walker

Timothy Wood

Homeroom Moderator: Mrs. Muriel Mehr Mot Present: Michael Guerrelli Gregory Solley

Gregory Tiernan


Matthe Bradley

jerald Cosgrove

Rizzo and Scanlan prepare for priesthood.

:rancis Mullen

Christopher Redd

Michael Scanlan

Jeffrey Tietjens

William Shaeffer

Homeroom Moderator: Mr. Steven Krol Not Present: Stephen Rozanski Taras Sowirka

Wesley Waniger

Edward Wynne


Patrick Dougherty

Patrick Dunn

7 John Maiden

Students line-up to take Latin I.

Drew Reichert

Jeffrey Ryan

Vincent Schaeffer

Homeroom Moderator: Bro. David Rogers Good Homeroom, All Present.

Christopher Susan in


John Trotman

Douglas Ward



Joseph Bray

Robert Campion

Peter Dupont

Joseph Fafara

Thomas Franks

Charles Gemmi

Douglas Gregor

John Kichula

James Logan

"Hey cutie! What are you doing tomorrow night."

Edward Reilly

Mark Rzemieniewski

Henry Schriner

Homeroom Moderator: Bro. Thomas Speakman Not Present: Michael Bienkowski

:anley Szpindor

Michael Tyrrell

Gregory Watson

Christopher Zegley


John Brown

James Blount

Joseph Canavan

Elmer Hanson

Thomas Kent

Do you believe his girlfriend did this to him?

Joseph O'Conner

George Pickul

Ignatius Quinn

Homeroom Moderator: Mr. Geroge Hohenleitner Good Homeroom, All Present


Michael Stelacio


Thomas Tafe

Robert Whelan

James Wiesenhu

Vincent Barth

Stephen Connell

"When I will open my eyes, I hope Randy is gone"

Robert Gick

Ira Kerns

Chip McKeaney

Joseph Moran

Michael Simon

William Rahn

Andrew Kraft

Drew Stockmal

Robert Toft

Anthony Tammaro

Homeroom Moderator: Mr. Thomas Turner Not Present: Ihor Chernyk Shailesh Patel

Karl Werner

Robert Whalon



Gerald Desmond


Alan Ramsay

Todd Rittenhouse

John Scarpello

Homeroom Moderator: Mr. William Geiger Not Present: John Morrissey

Joseph Toland


William Torpey

Richard Webster

Robert Weikel

John Chun

"For my next trick."

Dana Device

Paul Lisiewski


Michael Rawlings

Paul Schaefer


Kenneth Smith

Victor Suchodolski

Homeroom Moderator: Bro. Brendan Garwood Not Present: John Kuhn William Lesoravage

Dexter Vilar

Jonathan Wahl

Alan Walsh

Seth Walsh


Joseph Belcher

Henry Henczel

"What's the matter with my clothes!" Vincent Olivieri

Scott Porreca

Cletus Romano

Brian Sullivan

Matthew Schools

Homeroom Moderator: Bro. Talbot Ramsbottom I'tot Present: Walter Lutz

Jeffrey Thomas


Mark Timmerman

Tibor Terek


Joseph Leiss

Brother Talbot on Friday afternoon.


Kirby Mallon

Mark Oberholzer

opher Miles

Jeff Ottaviano

Edward Pettit

Homeroom Moderator: Mr. Gerald Miller ~ot

n Skibiak

Richard Steinmetz

Present: Robert McAleese Walter Lutz

Robert Tokar


Martin Dean

William Dierkes

Peter Dougherty

Michael Flannery

James Gunn

--- --------- -------- ----

John Ko(

Please get me out of here!


Brian McAndrews

John Millard

Frank Morrell

David O'Brien

Doug Passanante

Homeroom Moderator: Mr. AI Puntel Missing: Gary Fackler, George Scully

Glenn Stockmal


K. Vonderschmaltz

Robert Wa

Vince Burger

Brennan Kelly

Matt catches a few zzz's laid Matthew

Joseph Paternostro

James Price

Francis Reilly

Thomas Smith

Homeroom Moderator: Mr. James Serpiello


Missing: Glenn Walter

nneth Stout

Clifford Ward

Mark Warner


Brian Barry

Harry Caurso

Hold all calls; I have a conference with Randy

Karl Hentschel

Grogory Olbric

Bernard Saxon

Stephen Stabilito

Kerem Sezer

Darrin Suder

Homeroom Moderator: Mr. Michael Sheehan Missing: Christopher Dudzek

Mark Washko


Paul Waters

Charles Eisler

Michael Galante

Thomas Gizzi

Put away finally ...

John Stanczak

Hubert Sullivan

Matthew Wentz

Leo White

Homeroom Moderator: Mr. Patrick Devine Good Homeroom: All Present

Bruce Wilson

Michael Woodring

Frank Worthington



Randolph Brow

Michael Colme

"What other develish thing can I do?" James Godin

Frank Monahan

Francis Rafter

Lawrence Roman

Peter Sigmund

David Woytc

Homeroom Moderator: Mr. Michael Bruno Not Present: Mark Neff

Michael Wright


Gary Zegley

Robert Biggans

Joseph Bradley

This doesn't need a caption.

Eric Dicianno

chard Cellucci

Michael Filippone

Christopher Gannon


Frank Meis

Chris Romano

Francis Schreader

Fredrick Sweeney

Francis Simola

Homeroom Moderator: Mr. Walter Farrel Good Homeroom, All Present

Mark Syms

Roy Thompson



Launch the catalpult.

"What did you say about Bro's glasses."


An awesome catch ...

. .. another ...

. .. and another.

Takedown of a Lancer.


Varsity Football Players: (l st Row) R. Calhoun, M. Mettet, B. Driscoll, J. Gindhart, T. Farris, P. Timoney, (2nd Row) J. Blount, C. Eisler, M. Peters, F. Natale, D. O'Brien, J. Rieffel, D. Pakech, D. Fis~ (MGR) (3rd Row) K. Guerin (MGR), T. Hellmann, M. Vesey, P. Gollmer, S. Harrison, J. Morrison, C. Yabor, S. Donahue (MGR), M. McKenzie (4th Row) G. Behr (MGR), H. Carpenter (TRNR), R. Steinme M. Boland, M. Basilii, S. Crone, C. Sabia, (5th Row) B. Kelly, M. Kuchenmeister, M. Neff, M. Dean, Morrison, J. Hasson, C. Minnich, (TOP Row) F. Worthington, M. Caliendo, K.W. Stout, F. Matticola, Mathew, T. Gizzi, MISSING: T. Kolsun, D. McNeff, M. Wentz (MGR), M. Wisely, J. Doloway


The 1983 football season actually :lrted in December of 1982, shortly ter the final game of the 1982 season. e started off-season conditioning with =ight lifting and running before school, ree days a week. A great deal of stu!nts committed themselves to this lining, which we hoped, was in indica)n of a good 1983 season. The first Jn of how good the season would be lS the posting of a 16-0 shutout of est Catholic in the perrennial competi)n of the "Brother's Boys". The following week, however, we were undly defeated by a strong Cardinal )ugherty team in a way we would rathhave forgotten. We bounced back, ough, beating the Crusaders of Faer Judge in the closing minutes of folNing game. In our first game under the hts, we met Bishop Egan and a strong fensive threat. Going into half-time ~ were down by fourteen points. The cond half, though, seemed like a dif-ent game, as we rallied for a comeIck, but in the end lost 17-14 on a last cond field goal. The next game hower, we upset Archbishop Ryan 7-6, 10 had defeated the McDevitt Lanc:; the previous week, giving them their ,t loss. A series of losses followed, as we were aten by North Catholic and Bishop

~nrick. This put a damper on the sean, and the prospect for a winning sean looked doubtful. We didn't give up, )ugh, and decided that our last three mes would be a new season, in which ! would strive for victory. A defeat of chbishop Wood and an incredible up. of a strong Bishop McDevitt team t us with one final game, which would the difference between a winning :lson or breaking even. Thanksgiving IY, we soundly defeated St. Joe's and sted our first winning record since

Harrison hands-off

Harrison throws the prize over the heads of the horde.

Morrison scrambles for more yardage.

The truency officer catches up with John.

"Hi Mom!"

76. n the final standings, our defense was 1ked fourth in the area, and we had a mber of players on the All-Catholic d All-Star teams.



"This is the way to the party."

Rain won't dampen fan's spirits.

Freshman Football Team: (SITTING) J. Dufay, J. McCauley, J. Young, D.T. Wolpert, J. Logan, M. Coruso, K. Vernon. P. Dimaria. J. Schmidt. (STANDING) M. Kelly. S. Hillenbrand. C. Calhoun. T. Cush, R. Thompson, R. Campion, P. Dupont, J. Cassalia, J. Hyman (Coch), (2nd ROW) J. Radvansky (COACH), P. Phelan. H. Shirmer, L. Talamo, S. Diehl, J. Gabriele, C. Diienno, C. Bullick, T. McNamara (coach), (4th ROW) B. Williamson, J. Alcorn, D. Wolpert, J. Romano, P. Dougherty, C. Blatney, R. Dougherty, D. Ward, (TOP ROW) J. Casey, M. Scanlon, C. McGlotten, D. Flynn, P. Demara, J. Tietjens, A. Calzi, J. McGowen


Explorettes strut their stuff.


A look down No Man's Land.

LaSalle's Beauties.

1983 Varsity Football Overall Record: 7-3 lie


West Catholic Cardinal Dougherty Father Judge Bishop Egan Archbishop Ryan North Catholic Bishop Kenrick Archbishop Wood Bishop McDevitt Saint Joseph's Prep

0 35 14 14 6 26 19 6 13 0

J.Y. Football Players: (SITTING), L. Flyn, R. Staudenmeier, V. Barth, R. Webster, J. Boardman, A. Macklin, E. Harkins, N. McCall, P. Bernard, (STANDING), J. McGowen, J. Brown, D. Atkinson, J. Fitzpatrick, M. Anderer, D. Lintner, R. Weikel, A. Bonner, A. Mattia, (TOP ROW), E. Spirito, E. Koebert, T. Kilian, L. Daly, S. Chadwick, W. Fahy, M. Simon, B. Timoney, A. Marzelak


Harriers Run Wild

Perhaps the best phrase to describe our 1983 cross-country team was "big shoes to fill. Led by co-captains Dave Casale and Tom Shallow, we were to defend our 1982 Catholic League Championship, but more importantly, to uphold the reputation of perhaps the best cross-country team in the history of LaSalle. We began to bring these goals about through tough practices which began in August. These practices entailed everything from twelve mile runs to grueling hill workout in front of the school. As time progressed we could see the vast improvements in our bodies. The runs became easier, but just when our bodies began to feel better, Coach Devine would give us more intense workouts. By the beginning of September we felt ready to uphold the great tradition of LaSalle runners. In our first major meet, The LaSalle College Invitational, we finished a disappointing fifth place, but the season was still young. At a league meet the next Wednesday, however, we suffered a devastating loss in the hip injury of junior Kurt Vonderschmalz. Without him we still managed to take second place in the two following invitationals, Conrad Weiser and Salesianum. After a sixth place finish in the pretigious Manhattan Invitational we were set to defend our Catholic League Championship. Unfortunately, a further setback occured when senior Bill Hoban suffered a severe ankle injury the day after the last league meet. II

X-Country gives an interesting perspective on things


Richard Simmons would be proud

Tom puts on the miles ...

... while Bill is content to watch

Coach Devine Clocks the time

Casale, Shallow, McElligott named All Catholic

On your marks, get set ...

ipirits were high the day of the amps, but with the two injured runs we could only manage a fourth ce finish in the Varsity race. The JV j freshmen teams, ironically, also fin~d fourth. \lthough our goals had not been ched, there were many individual acnplishments that cannot be over<ed. First of all, senior co-captain Ie Casale continued his dominance Ie league, with his third selection as :::atholic and an eleventh place finish Ie Champs. Tom Shallow, the other :aptain, became All Catholic with his sy seventh place finish in the Imps. Perhaps the greatest achieve1t, however, was provided by sopho'e Seamus McElligot. He dropped a nomenal two minutes from his time Ie year before, and, as a result was named All Catholic. Because of his sistent running throughout the year, vas named Most Valuable Runner. er Varsity runners included seniors Lynn and Paul McCabe, Juniors dy Brown and Eric DiCianno, and 10more John Livingood. Another sant surprise was provided by outding freshman Chris Van Zandt, his stellar first place finish in the hmen Champs, and impressive perlances in Varsity meets throughout season. Other good performances ! provided by JV runners Bernie Sax:,ean O'Halioran, Tom Capor, and Lembach. ith five returning varsity runners, the JV runners mentioned above, :h Pat Devine can only look to the 'e with hope.

Dave Casale, Coach Devine, Tom Shallow

I'll take a large fries and box of McNuggets

Nice socks, Bill

1983-84 Varsity X-Country: (L to R) J. Lynn, D. Casale, J. Livinggood, R. Brown, E. DiCianno, S. McElligot, K. VonderSchmalz, T. Shallow, Pat Devine (Coach), B. Hoban, C. Van Zandt, P. McCabe.


Soccer Kicks Up Winning Season This year marked the first winning season of the LaSalle soccer team, establishing the Explorers as one of the best teams in the Catholic League North. With this behind them, the 198384 squad set out to uphold its newly gained reputation. Led by head coach Tom Turner, his assistant Seamus McWilliams, and team captains Frank D'Angelo and Will Malatesta, the team got off to a fantastic start. LaSalle lost only two of thirteen pre-season games, as well as taking first place in the Kutztown tournament and second place in the Christian Brothers' tournament, which was held in Washington, O.c.

Aw c'mon, wait until I fix this shoe.

Yo, toss that ball over here!

1983-84 Varsity Soccer Team: (Back row) Head Coach Tom Turner, Asst. Coach Frank McKe M. Flannery, J. Monahan, T. Hellman, D. Finn, K. Rudden, B. Barry, J. Zamichieli, S. Weiss, T. Sn) M. Schillinger, S. Sabo, M. Hoban, Asst. Coach Seamus McWilliams, (Front row) J. DePau Stockmal, D. Crossan, M. Schools, W. Maletesta, M. D'Angelo, N. D'Pietro, F. D'Angelo, G. St mal, J. Wilkins, T. Braca and C. Branscom. Nervously awaiting the action.


Malatesta Earns All-Catholic

Did it go in? See next page ...

)meone tell me where to kick this thing

e promising pre-season was, howfollowed by a mediocre showing in egular season. The loss of the pre)n momentum can be attributed to the injury of assistant captain Mata (replaced by senior Dave Crosfor much of the season) and the h competition of the Northern Divias well as to the graduation of I of last year's finest players. Dethese problems, though, the team lOnaged to come up with a league 'd of 6-9- 1, and an overall record of )- 1. This is an admirable finish when iifficulties faced by the club are dered. th a great amount of young talent ISalie (including sophomores Drew ~mal and Todd Hellman), Coach :'!r looks forward to a great 1984-85 >n, hoping to follow the precedent ed by this year's team.

That's using your head, Dave.

The ball was a blur.

1983 Varsity Soccer League Record: 6-9-1


LaSalle 1

2 4 3 1

3 2 5 1

7 6 1

2 3 3 10

Father Judge Bishop Kenrick Bishop McDevitt Cardinal Dougherty Archbishop Wood Archbishop Ryan North Catholic Bishop Egan Father Judge Bishop Kenrick Bishop McDevitt Cardinal Dougherty Archbishop Wood Archbishop Ryan North Catholic Bishop Egan

2 1

3 5 2 6

3 5 2 1 1 0

3 6

4 1

'" it went in.

A Peter Pan imitation.

Soccer Team Strut


How are the wife and kids.

Too much kick in the ball.

The Frosh Team!

A jubilant crowd oversees victory.

The loneliness of a goalie.

Soccer players use their heads.




Not yet, I'm getting sick

B. Lange, G. Karlson, J. Elliott, L. Gilmore Botto~: G. Loo~

Junior Varsity: (Top), John Wahl, Matt Ledwith, Harry Caruso, John Kodsi, Tim Ernst, Joe Canavan, Jamie Farris, Fran Rafter, Bill Clinton, Brian Dugans, (bottom), Joe McFadden, Ed Butler, Pete Sigmund

The J.Y. Four Catholic Champions.




#3 in the Nationals.

Varsity Crew: A. McClease, D. Reinhardt, B. McNamara, C.T. Heckmann, Coach Ken Shaw, S. Convery, L. Donofrio, S. Sassaman, P. Sweeney (Capt.), A. Giletti, Coxswain.

Shawn using one hand as usual.

This way, Dave!




"Now, who stole the basketball?"

La Salle Varsity Basketball Team: (Front Row) J. Romano (MGR), M. Basilii, J. Zamichieli, L. Guess, D. Solecki, R. Sherman, J. Stanczak (MGR) (Back Row) J. Grady, G. Wilhelm, D. Diehl, C. Conlin, K. Morrison, T. Asman, T. Gizzi


The 1983-84 La Salle Basketball te began its work in early October. Fr tryouts to practice to games, an aro of hard work pierced the air in team's presence. After a disappoint pre-season, the Explorers shot from gates of the Catholic League North an exciting victory over Archbisr Ryan just before Christmas. The WE following, the Explorers packed up e trekked to yet unconquered territor' southern Virginia, and the Benedict Capital City Classic. Here, the te gained much needed experience, f ing some of the best teams in the tion. Although the Explorers finisf just 1-2, the team had learned, and gun to come together. Returning ho New Years' Eve, the team began rea ing itself once again for the many tOl Catholic League opponents. Appare Iy, the Explorers early hard work p off, as they cycled through the lea~ once with a perfect record of 8-0. Hi lights were a pair of wins in two w against McDevitt and Judge, an< blowout against Bishop Kenrick home. Throughout the year, Coe Burke emphasized after each gar that the game was indeed over, and team would have to prove itself age He compared the other Catholic Nc teams to sharks, waiting for La Salle fall. But outstanding performan, were many in the faces of junior cer Craig Conlin, and Senior captain Le Guess. Meanwhile John Zamiclplayed the ironman role with consist play, and clutch hoops. But there w also guys like senior guard Mark Bas who never got much notice, but pla~ well because of the hard work he pu1 Then of course, there were two juni who did an outstanding job, especiall the first half of the season. These 1 guys were Greg "Dill" Wilhelm, and vin Morrison, who platooned, and fi the rebounding, strong-forward role the Explorers. And, with the absenCE T om Gizzi through much of the seas emphasized even more, their contri tion. Perhaps nobody expected jut Tim Gizzi to be back so soon, aftE late-season football injury. While re vering, it was Gizzi who motivated r self to run, and lift and work and w


League Record: 13-3 aile 5 2 ) 3 f

Archbishop Ryan Cardinal Dougherty Archbishop Wood North Catholic Bishop McDevitt Bishop Kenrick Father Judge Bishop Egan Archbishop Ryan Cardinal Dougherty Archbishop Wood North Catholic Bishop McDevitt Bishop Kenrick Father Judge Bishop Egan

Opp. 41 47

52 53 55

52 47 40 45

56 48 53

37 64 48 49

Zammo flies over Cardinals.

,elf into shape. Speaking of hard (ers, Dan Solecki should immediate,me to mind. Dan played some very ningful minutes, adding smart ball11ing, and experience in clutch situ1S. Also, there was Tom Asman, a year player in his senior year. Tom, )ugh playing sparingly, was a role =r, who hustled, played very solid nse, hit some shots, and pushed >Ie in practice. lally, there was the coaching staff. 1 Coach Les Burke, in his third year I Salle, once again proved that he is mer. His assistants, Mr. Joe Parisi, :oach Marty Jackson, who doubled V. coach, were tremendously in~d in the team's success, more than )e mentioned. And, tending to the of frosh, in his first year at La Salle, hly experienced Coach McMillan. year's team looks just as bright, >e even brighter, filled with quality Brother Andrew, to Mr. Stancthrough the coaching staff and rs. Good Luck! And Congratula-

Dill soars over a nest of falcons.

"Well, Isn't anyone going to get it?"

Mark goes for double digits.




An entranced sideline

Raise your hands if you're sure.


Zamo takes flight.

Tense Attention

Don't ushers get free food?


Falcon's foul favors La Salle

Salle Junior Varsity Basketball Team:(Front Row} D. Elcock (MGR), E. Harkins, B. Lesoravage, R. !rman, G. Cosby, P. Dougherty (MGR), (Back Row) P. Bossow (MGR), D. Diehl, M. Casey, M. Moyer, K. ,rrison, G. Wilhelm, J. Grady

ialle Freshman Basketball Team: (Front Row) J. Casper (MGR), A. Funk, M. Macklin, B. Patrone, J. lan, B. Coghlin, D. Wolpert, C. Hynes, (Back Row) C. Calhoun (MGR), K. laquinton, G. Cosgrove, D. th, J. Tietjens, T. Fitzgerald, B. McGowan, D. Gurkin, T. Maguire

"Let me have the ball! No, me!"


Trackmen Strong in Relays

Is the guy on crutches gonna run?

Coach gives last minute instructions.

Devine unveils his secret weapon ...


This year's indoor track team, in the tradition of LaSalle runners, has vast potential for a great season. The team is led by seniors Dave Casale, Bill Hoban, T om Shallow and Bill Schull, along with juniors Eric DiCianno and Randy Brown, and sophomore Seamus McElligott. The majority of these runners are Ali-Catholic, giving coach Pat Devine one of the strongest teams in the league. The team's best events this season are the 1,000 yard run, dominated by Casale, and the distance medley and two mile relays, in which various combinations of runners participated. Nearly everyone of these combinations was unbeatable in the distance-medley relay. The indoor track team took part in many races this season, including the Meet of Champions at Lehigh University. The season closed in March with the State Indoor Championships, followed by the Eastern States Championship, and lastly the Catholic League Champs. Judging from the present strength of the team, a very good showing in the Catholic League Champs looks inevitable. Everyone hopes that the Catholic League title will be returned to LaSalle.

The bluriness .

Even the photographer was excited.

. .. and clocks his invisible runner.

All-Catholics Dominate Squad

::>f the long distance runner.

The 1983-1984 La Salle Indoor Track Team: Top: T. Shallow, L. Helmick, M. Harvan, J. Waters, D. Casal, W. Schull, W. Hobun BOTTOM: S. McElligott, B. Saxon, C. Vanzandt

If I only had my track shoes!

Down to the wire ...



1983-84 Ice Hockey Team: (Front Row) B. Torpy, H. Portland, J. Morasco, A. Etchells, R. Colehower (Asst. Coach), J. Connor, M. Timmerman, J. Halfpenny (Asst. Capt.), T. Charlton (CapU, F. Rankin (Asst. CapU, P. Liszewski, R. Colehower, J. Maguire (Coach). Missing: F. Sposato, G. Conwell, K. Mallon.


"I am not coming off now!

Don't turn your back on me."

O.K. Let's bury him.


A blasting slapshot to the net.


Skates tightly laced, helmet inplace, I slowly unwind a roll of black tape around the blade of my hockey stick and think back to the beginning of the season, when the only goal of LaSalle's hockey team was to simply put a team on the ice. Now as I sit here remembering those early days Ithink about our first practice. Sitting here in this same locker room, I was surrounded by a bunch of strangers whose faces I had never seen before. Apart from the seven or eight returning vetran players, I didn't know a soul in the room. But now as the season is slowly winding down to its conclusion, I look around the locker room and recognize those same faces, once so strange to me, as the faces of my teammates. During the course of this long season, we have finally become a team. Early in the season, the future of LaSalle Hockey was very much in doubt. Seven seniors had been lost through graduation, and our only goalie had been lost to injury. Facing a season with young, inexperienced players was one thing, but hockey without a regular goalie was unthinkable. Finally, though, a new goalie surfaced. Sophomore Harry Portkand, normally a winger, became our number one goalie. In this first regular, he allowed only three goals as we defeated Upper Dublin seven to three. In that game everything seemed to fall into place. We had a goalie, leadership was provided by seniors Terry Charlton, Frank Rankin, John Halfpenny and Frank Sposato, and our young players played like veterans. That first game was our crucial test, which we passed easily. Now if only they had all been that easy. We lost three straight after that one, but still, we now knew what we could do. All of the unanswered questions of thepreseason had finally been answered, and we could get down to playing hockey.

Between period strategy

Terry flying on an end to end rush.

"Skate much Rankin?"


La Salle 'IKeglers Spare ll

Whaddya' mean I don't get a varsity letter.

The 1983-84 season of the LaSalle bowling team has been one of accomplishment, despite the loss of two-thirds of last year's varsity team to graduation. Led by captain Paul Grous, seniors Steve Gavarone and Chris Schwartz, as well as juniors Tim Helmick and Dan Cleary, the keglers (what's a kegler?) turned in a good showing in the Catholic League northern division. Much of the credit for this season goes to coach Tom Power, who holds the responsibility of working with each of the bowlers to better that student's game. The results of his time spent with the bowlers are evident in the outstanding accomplishments of several individuals, including Grous and Helmick. Looking to next year, Coach Power sees the future of LaSalle bowling as promising. The strong JV team of this year will serve to augment the returning members of the varsity squad to form a strong nucleus for the 1984-85 season. Though the recent competition in the Catholic League has been tough, the dedication of the LaSalle bowlers should help to bring them to the top.


Look's like it might be ...

La Salle Varsity Bowling Team 1983-84: C. Gemmi, P. Grous, Tom Power (Coach) D. Cleary, C. Swartz, Helmick

And Strike Hard at the Catholic League .

. . . it is, a STRIKE.

The ballet of bowling.

Come on, I want my turn.

Ready for the catapults.

Hey, turn off that damn flash!



"What in the h _ are they doing down there"



"Which way is up?"

This year's swim team defends its Catholic League championship, reclaimed last season, and is once again favored to take the title. Although the team lost several all-Catholic seniors from a squad who set a record for points scored at championships last season, the team's depth is expected to pick up the slack. Led by fourth year coach Tony Amand and co-captains Steve Hladczuk and John Hogan, La Salle stands ready to meet a challenging season. In addition to the co-captains, the swim team has a number of swimmers who could be serious contenders for allCatholic honors. These swimmers include senior Jim Tobin and Matt Best, juniors Kevin Garrity, Dave O'Brien, Chas O'Brien, and Glenn Walters, and freshman Drew Reichner. The key dates on the swimming schedule this year are Feb. 8 against archrival Cardinal O'Hara and the league champs at St. Joe's University on March 3rd. If La Salle's depth remains strong, the swimmers should be able to make good on the promise, "We shall repeat./I

Caught in mid-flight

JA WS sets sights for next victim

129 ..................... ,


..... ·~::3---1





. - - - - - .•


Joe shows his new swing.

La Salle's tennis team began last year with two basic goals; to win the Catholic League title and to replace the 66 match winning streak broken the year before. When the smoke cleared, La Salle had won its sixth title in seven years and had achieved its fifth undefeated season in six years. This year the goals are pretty much the same, to repeat as champions and to continue the current 14 match winning streak. And despite losing both his top singles and his top doubles players (All-Catholics Jim Simone and Pat Smith), second year coach Brother William Riley is confident of achieving both goals. The reasons for this confidence are depth and balance. The Explorers are simply loaded with talent. If trouble should arise, Coach Riley can depend on the experience of seniors Joe Cilio, John Leahy, and Kevin Rudden, the expertise of juniors Andrew Ragusa and Glenn Stockmal (l2-0, All-Catholic doubles last year), or the consistency of sophomores Dave Martella (13- 1) and Drew Stockmal (14-0, All-Catholic as a freshman). With a little luck and a lot of hard work this year's team should attain the level reached by La Salle's tennis dynasty of the late 70's.

1983-1984 Tennis Team: Left to Right: K. Rudden, D. Stockmal, G. Stockmal, G. Solley, D. MartE Cilio, A. Ragusa.

Let's see, what shall we do today?

How about we playa game of racquetball.


1984 Varsity Tennis Apirl 3 West Catholic 5 Bishop Egan 10 Bishop Kenrick 12 Archbishop Carroll 17 Cardinal O'Hara 19 St. Joseph's Prep 24 Monsignor Bonner 26 Archbishop Ryan May I Cardinal Dougherty 3 Archbishop Wood 8 Father Judge

Away Home Away Home Away Home Away Home Away Home Away

But Brother, I always take off the first month of the season.


Gentlemen, I like this racquet because it has a good feel ...

. .. and they pay me a lot of money to say this.



Junior Steve Rietzke uncorks a long one

We've heard of bad field conditions, but ...


Pride. A word and feeling that c carry the 1984 LaSalle baseball teal its first play-off appearance in years. After two disappointing seas coach Ed Molush, in his sixth yeo head coach, and the players are nc the process of priming themselve~ a promising season. Though the final roster has not t completed, the team will most likely young one. Handling the catcf chores, arguably the toughest pos on the diamond, will probably be ei junior Tom Gizzi or sophomore Be Perna. The infield could possibly be mar completely by juniors. Returning to base will be Second Team All-Cad junior Craig Conlin. This position I also be filled by junior Dave Buonom senior Jim Poole. At second base, players challenging for the position senior Tom Maggetti and junior K Pensabene. Shortstop will probabl) played by junior Rich Sherman, who I also fill-in at second, and Bobby Pe Vying for third base are juniors Fr Monahan and Dave Gingrich. The outfield poses an unusual p lem, as there are no returning pia' from last year's team to fill the positil Likely candidates include seniors S1 Crone and Steve Sabo, and juniors J Kissane, Tim Helmick, Marty DE Dave Buonomo and Tom Gizzi. The mound corps could possibly staffed by only one senior and fou niors. The lone senior will be Jim Po an Honorable Mention All-City pic last year. He is also the returning ( tain. The juniors could include tv Hynes, Steve Rietzke and Craig COl The fourth junior may be Jim Hasso strong-armed righthander from Ch go. Others who may see time on mound are Steve Crone and Rich SI man. Whoever the players are that comprise the 1984 team, they will themselves proud. The initial trye have shown great enthusiasm. If players can play to their potential dUI the long following months, we very' could be congratulating them for outstanding season.


Jim Poole shows perfect form in follow through

Craig Conlin makes for an imposing form on the mound

Coach Molush wonders why Mike Hynes is wearing spikes on the asphalt



Members of 1983-1984 Golf Team pose behind Championship banner. Back row, from left: T. Shallow, K. Christine, T. Murphy, R. Savarese, F. Worthington, Bro. AI Lumley (Coach). Front Row: S. Darcey, F. Gregor, A. Bonner, E. Dicciano, M. Neff

Ted Murphy checks wind conditions

T om Shallow prepares to chip

A promising season awaits the 1984 LaSalle Golf Team. Led by captain Rob Savarese and seniors Tom Shallow, Bill McKernan, Kevin Christine, Ted Murphy and Brian Driscoll, along with juniors Andy Bonner and Eric Dicianno, the team shows great potential in the form of a vast wealth of talent. Brother AI, in his duties as head coach, prepares the golfers for the coming season through early spring practices and many hours of work with theindividual players. The main ambition of the team is to continue their tradition of winning the Catholic League Championships. For the past five years, LaSalle has emerged victorious from the Champs. Upholding this reputation is the first priority of the golfers. An increase in the number of matches comprising the season should present no problem at all for the team, despite the fact that the majority of these matches are away, while only a few are to be held at Whitemarsh Country Club, the team's home course. Hopefully a sixth Championship will come into the hands of the LaSalle golfers, and they will continue to make an admirable showing for our school.

Kevin Christine faces a difficult uphill I Champion putter Rob Savarese



March April


1984 Varsity Golf Schedule 30 Cardinal Doughertyaway 2 Father Judge home 6 Monsignor Bonnor away bye 9 13 Bishop Kenrick home 16 Cardinal O'Hara away 27 Archbishop Wood home 30 Archbishop Ryan home 4 North Catholic away 7 Bishop Egan home 11 Archbishop Carroll away 14 St. James away 18 Roman Catholic away 21 St. Joseph's Prep away 25 Bishop Mc Devitt home

Drew Bonner looks heavenward for inspiration, Bro. AI begins to direct the La Salle High Golfers JS

Brian Driscoll braves the inclement weather

Brother AI addresses the ball while Bing Crosby and a La Salle Swimmer look on

t still can't hit the ball out of the long grass

1983-84 La Salle Golf Team, Back row, from left: Coach Bro AI, K. Christine, T. Shallow, F. Worthington, F. Gregor, S. Darcey, E. Dicciano, D. Gregor. Front row, from left: B. Driscoll, A. Bonner, T. Murphy, R. Savarese, W. McKernan.





Varsity 8 explores uncharted seas

Wrong boat, Bubba.

With the addition of a brand eight man boat, a brand new four boat, a new boat house, along witf usual excellent coaching staff and trained crew, LaSalle is better than I Never before has LaSalle crew bel such a favorable position. The pro! was given new energy when it chased two new shells last year, an< more this year, giving us four she prime condition. With the excellent performance was shown by the Varsity Eight ir fall of 1983, there is no other V< Eight boat in Philadelphia that can t, them. This is 1984's most favored and many fine performances are SL come from it. Not only does the show great promise, but the Junior sity Eight and the two fours are als pected to do well. None of these conditions could been brought about without the e1 of head coach Ken Shaw and the tant coaches Mr. Valinte and Sweeney. All of these men put much time that it's easy to explair LaSalle crew is so promising this 'y I

"Stop posing, Lou, and get off my oar."



C.T. tried the island.

"Fine! I won't go with you!"

"Is this our boat?"

Wrong way Andy and Lou

"Do you want to hear me sing Matt?"

The new crew fashion; wearing hoods.

"Are you taking a picture of us?"


"We're the Varsity-8 and we're losing to the Frosh-


"You're sweating and we just left the dock."

Varsity Eight: P. Sweeney, S. Sassman, L. Donofrio, S. Convery, C.T. Heckman, T. McNamara, D. Reinhart, A. McLees.


Nice hat Shawn.

Hundreds flock to see victorious return of Varsity Eight.

"So how are the wife and kids."

"This Bud's for you."


"I think we are lost."



,I will accept this award because I richly deserve it.

John DePaul in his Calculas AB class.

Rob Savarese's Talk Show with his guests, Pete Moffit and Michael Byron.

of life.

A monthly meeting of the Leather Jacket Club.


Joe Pensabene is named new vice-princip

"We have a special on eye of newt toda

"Bill, Not even the clothes will help you on the interview."

"Sorry Jim, All of the colleges turned you down."

This says it all.

Jim wanted this picture in.

The Frosh parking lot.

Brother Andrew catches a few ZZZs.

Mr. Roche and Brother Bill planning curriculum.


. . . . . .77.-.'. . . . . . . . . ..



LA SALLE COLLEGE HIGH SCHCDL 8605 Cheltenham Ave., Philadelphia, PA 19118-(215) 233- 2911 Office of the Principal

leller from nbrew r Quality, a measure of excellence, helps define the Class of 1984. Challenged on entrance to La Salle to "explore excellence," you began that exploration with a spirit of creative striving that kept you headed toward worthwhile goals. In four years, you have moved together through the difficult passage from adolescence to maturity. Helped by friends along tile way, you experienced motion in the fonn of change and grCMth, and emotion as you shared victories and defeats and their consequent joys or frustrations. You accepted yourselves, then reached out in confidence to others. Uni ted in the challenging process of being human, you began to respond to La Salle's persistent call to pursue a life of trust, friendship, faith and justice. In becoming involved in the rich and intricate interweaving of self with others, you accepted the invitation to live, to make good things happen. The goodness you brought to your school revealed itself in signs of your p'resence: joy, courage, loyalty and respect - gifts derived not so much from culture or education but from the questing human heart.


Enthusiasm is essential in the quest for excellence, and you possess it in abundance. Your class has a gratifyingly large percentage of individuals who measured their four years here by exceptional degrees of involvement with those who shared sentiment, space, and self with them. Literally, enthusiasm means "in God" or "full of God" and in offering that gift, you reminded all of us that the encounter with God comes through a gradual deepening of our relationships with those who seek Him with us. Success, for a school, is measured in tenus of individual student progress in the direction of excellence. As yOllr principal, I appreciate the accomplishments of many members of this class and acknowledge that through friendly competition you have challenged one another to develop potential and become better persons. Your class history of achievement will glow with deserved lustre and pennanence so that future generations of Explorers might follow the pathways you marked by leaving behind you improved activi ties, stronger spirit, and essentially better and happier persons who will remember you. Tomorrow's world beckons, perhaps threateningly. But everything you have experienced here should have taught you something about hope and dreams. Dreams are closely linked to man's ambitions and fears. Great men have had dreams of social justice, peace, and Christianity really lived. Your dreams, your ideals, your quests are worth cherishing--but they are also worth doing something about. We hope that you keep striving to attain them, because faith tells us that you will be responding to a call from God - to make his presence in the world real. It is, in fact, a call to help recreate your world, to pull it together in Christ, as you have this school, that gratefully wishes you continued success on the journey. 150

John Anderson

I-lick Amoratis

John Albor

Matt Anderer

1D John R. Albor 20 Lanfair Road Cheltenham, PA 19012 635-3558 Football 1, 2 ... Spirit Club 3, 4 ... Intra murals 1,2,3,4 ... Intramural Rep. 1, 4

I-licholas Amoratis


Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Student Council 4 ... Track and Field 1 ... Yearbook 4 ... Crew 2, 4 ... Prom Committee 4 ... National Honor Society 4 . .. Scholastic "L" 1,2,3,4


John H. Anderson IJJ

3068 Cloverly Dr. Furlong, PA 18925 345-7942 Intra murals 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Wrestling 3, 4 ... Soccer 1,2 ... Photo Club 2, 4

9135 Ryerson Rd. Phila., PA 19114 677-5307 Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4

Matthew Anderer



Thomas Joseph Asman


5603 Miriam Rd. Philadelphia, PA 19124 743-8114 Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Football 1, 2, 3(1) ... Track and Field 2, 4 ... Basketball 4(1) Andrew Charles Bailey


15 Valley Drive Furlong, PA 18925 794-5400 Football 1 .,. Bowling 1, 2 ... National Honor Society 3, 4 ... Yearbook 3, 4 ... Intramurals 1,2,3,4 ... Scholastic "L" 1,2,3,4 Mark Basilli


Tom Asman

349 Evergreen Drive North Wales, PA 19454 699-4036 Basketball 1, 2, 3(1), 4(1) ... Football 3(1), 4(1) Gerald V. Behr


41 10 Jackson Drive Lafayette Hill, PA 19444 233-4052 Football 1,2, 3(1), 4(1) ... Swimming 1 ... Intramurals 2, 3, 4 .,. Yearbook 4 John Bell


4905 Roosevelt Blvd. Philadelphia, PA 19124 288-4850 Football 1, 2, 3(1), 4 ... Track 3 ... Homeroom Rep. 4 ... Intra murals 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Art Club 1, 2, 3, 4 Charles James Bellitto


415 West Germantown Pike East Norton, PA 19401 272-1604 Intramurals 2, 3 ... Chess Club 1 ... Mathletes 1,2, 3, 4 ... Drama Club 1, 2, 3, 4 Matthew A. Best

Andy Bailey


2192 Joshua Road Lafayette Hill, PA 19444 828-3714 Swimming l(l), 2(1), 3(1), 4(1) ... Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Track 1 ... Cross Country 1 '" Wisterian 1, 3, 4 (Layout Editor) ... Yearbook 4 (Typing Editor) Kenneth Jerome Booker


429 E. Pleasant Street Philadelphia, PA 19119 848-3188

Gerry Behr


John Bell

Mark Basilli

Ken Booker

Matt Best

Charles Bellitto


Tony Broca

Matt Bradley

Ed Busse

Mike Byron


Steve Byrnes

Frank Carroll

Kevin Christine

Dave Casale

Dongwoo Chang

Harry Carpenter


James M. Cicchiello 7D 14 Longview Circle Norristown, PA 19401 272-6983 Soccer 1,2, 3(l) ... Track 1,2 ... Forum 1 ... Photo Club 1, 2, 3, 4 (Pres.), Yearbook 3 4 (Photo Editor) ... Wisterian 4 (Photo Editor) ... Scholastic "L" 1,2, 3, 4 ... Student Council 3 ... National Honor Society 3, 4 (Vice-President).

Steve Ciquero

Joseph Cilio 1D 8241 Ceittenden St. Philadelphia, PA 19118 248-4743 Varsity Tennis (l) 1,2, 3, 4 ... CSC 1,2, 3 ... Yearbook 1,2, 3, 4 (Business Manager) ... Student Council 4 ... Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 Blase Carmen Cinque 41 38 Robbins Street Philadelphia, PA 19135 338-4576 Baseball 1, 2 ... Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Spirit Club 3 ... Scholastic "L" 1

Jay Conway

Steven A. Ciquero 63 Blake Avenue Rockledge, PA 19111 379-5504 Intramurals 1, 2 ... Band 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Bowling 1.


Christopher S. Collins 27 E. Gowen Avenue Philadelphia, PA 19119 248-4641 Intra murals 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Hockey 2(l), 3(l).


Shawn R. Convery 6D 2628 Maxwell St. Philadelphia, PA 19152 969-5620 Crew 2, 3(l), 4(l) ... Band 1,2,3 ... Intramurals 1,2, 3, 4. Jay M. Conway 654 Hermitage St. Philadelphia, PA 19128 482-9013 Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4


Richard S. Costigan lD 365 Dundee Drive Blue Bell, PA 19422 542-8690 Track 2, 4 ... Indoor Track 2 ... CSC 3 ... Auction 3 ... Photo Club 4 ... Cross Country 2 ... Intramurals 2, 3, 4.

Chris Collins


4D Oavid E. Crosson 6148 Alma Street Philadelphia, PA 19149 289-4118 Track and Field 1,2 ... Cross Country 2 ... Soccer 1,2, 3(U, 4(U ... Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Diakonis 2

5D Vincent J. Cuce 1539 Fulton Drive Maple Glenn, PA 19002 643-6630 Cross Country 1 ... Crew 2 ... Wisterian 3, 4 ... Yearbook 3, 4 (Senior Photographer) ... Natio.nal Honor Society 3, 4 (Treasurer) ... Drama 3, 4 (Production Manager) ... Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Scholastic "L" 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Retreat Leader 4

Vince Cuce

6D John M. Cunningham 8614 Bridle Road Philadelphia, PA 19115 673-7434 Wisterian 1, 2, 3 ... Spirit Club 1 ... Baseball Manager 2 ... Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Retreat Leader 4

William T. Cunningham 9240 Yerree Road Philadelphia, PA 19115 676-9431 Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ... National Honor Society 3, 4


Eugene O. 0' Alessandro 10 404 Livezey Street Philadelphia, PA 19128 482-3124 Basketball Manager 1, 2, 3 ... WCAF 4 ... Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 (Rep.) ... Drama 4 ... Diakonis 1 ... Stage Crew 1 3D Stephen C. Crone 107 Pawnee Road New Britain, PA 18901 345-0336 Football 1,2, 4(U ... Baseball 2, 3(U, 4(U ... Bowling Club 2 ... Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4

Frank G. 0' Angelo 520 Oreland Mill Road Oreland, PA 19075 887-2412 Soccer 1, 2, 3(U, 4(U (Captain)

Mike 0' Angelo


3D Michael F. O'Angelo 3120 Spring Mill Road Plymouth Meeting, PA 19462 825-2181 Soccer 1, 2(U, 3(U, 4(U ... National Honor Society 3, 4 ... Band 1, 2 ... Intramurals 1, 2 ... Scholastic "L" 1, 2, 3, 4

Steve Crone


Frank D'Angelo

John Cunningham

Bill Cunningham


John Dragani

Dove D'Orazio

Tom Drummond

Pot Durbin


Brian Driscoll

Anthony W. Dattilo 4D 2906 Walnut Hill St. Philadelphia, PA 19152 676-8668 Soccer 1 ... Wrestling 1 ... Art Club 4 Intramurals 1, 2, 3 John R. Dolaway 5D 766 Valley Road Blue Bell, PA 19022 643-3346 Basketball 1, 2 ... Football 3, 4 ... Spirit Club 3, 4 ... Intramurals 1,2,3,4

Steve Donahue

Stephen F. Donahue 6D 406 Abington Ave. Glenside, PA 19038 885-5922 Cross Country 1 ... Intramurals 1,2,3,4 ... Football 2, 3, 4 (manager) ... Spirit Club 4 David N. D'Orazio 7D 529 Applewood Drive Ft. Washington, PA 19034 643-1970 Wrestling 1,2,3, 4(L) ... N.H.S. 3, 4 ... Intra murals 1,2,3,4 ... Wisterian 3 ... Scholastic "L" 1, 2 John P. Dragani 8809 Hawthorn Lane Philadelphia, PA 19118 242-3737 Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4


Brian P. Driscoll 2D 620 Baeder Road Jenkintown, PA 19046 887-5896 Football 1, 3(L), 4(L) ... Track and Field 1, 2, 3(L), 4(L) ... Intra murals 1,2,3,4 ... Golf 1,2, 3(L), 4(L) ... Diakonis 1,2 ... Spirit Club 2, 3, 4 ... Retreat Leader 4 ... Scholastic "L" 1,2,3,4 John Dolaway Thomas P. Drummond 922 Georges Lane Warminster, PA 18974 674-8360 Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Baseball 3, 4


Patrick M. Durbin 4D P.O. Box 536 Doylestown, PA 18901 348-4194 Athletic Trainer 1(L), 2(L), 3, 4(L) ... Intramurals 1,2,3,4 ... Wisterian 3, 4 (Page Editor) Yearbook 4 ... Public Relations

2, 3, 4

Tony Dattilo


Bryan J. Elitz


1553 Peachtree La. Hatfield, PA 19440 822-1606 Intramural 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Bowling 1, 2, 4 ... Wisterian 1 Public Relations 3 6D 3447 Ainslie St. Philadelphia, PA 19129 438-3170 Crew 1,2, 3, 4(U ... Football 2, 3 ... Yearbook 4 ... Intramurals 1,2, 3, 4(U ... Retreat Leader 4 ... Civil Air Patrol 1, 2, 3, 4 Diakonis 1, 2 ... Scholastic "L" 3, 4 ... Wisterian 4 Joseph J. Elliott

Steve Foley

7D 1329 Carol Rd. Meadowbrook, PA 19046 572-0223 Football 2, 3(U, 4(U ... Track and Field 1, 2, 3, 4(U ... Intramurals 1,2, 3, 4 ... Spirit Club 3, 4 ... Prom Committee 3, 4 ... Student Council 3, 4

Thomas J. Farris

David S. Feight


923 Kirkwood Avenue Huntingdon Valley, PA 19006 379-2363 Intramurals 1, 2, 3 2D Rd 4 Burnt House Hill Doylestown, PA 18901 348-8949 Soccer 1,2,3, 4(U ... Track and Field 1,2, 4(U ... Intramurals 1,2,3,4 ... Wisterian 3, 4 ... Yearbook 4 ... Diakonis 1, David T. Finn

2 Jamie M. Foley


610 Arlingham Rd. Flourtown, PA 19031 233-5082 Baseball 1, 2(U ... Golf 4(U ... Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 Steve C. Foley


Joe Elliott

536 Ashbourne Rd. Cheltenham, PA 19012 ES9-4392 Forensics 1, 2 ... Indoor Track 3 ... Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 (Rep) 5D 3009 Congress Rd. Norristown, PA 19403 584-0177 Forensics 1 ... Band 1, 2 ... Concert Band 1, 2, 3 ... Pep Band 2, 3 ... BasebaIl2(U, 4 ... Wrestling 3(U, 4 ... Intramurals 1, 3, 4 ... Diakonis 1 ... Scholastic "L" 1, 2, 3 John M. Gabriele

Dave Feight


John Gabriele

Dave Finn

Tom Farris

Jim Foley

Bryan Elitx


Steve Gavarone

John Griffin

Dan Geraghty

Ken Gorman


Lou Gilmore

Steven A. Govofone

6D 713 Knorr Street Philadelphia, PA 19111 342-7671 Bowling 1, 2, 3, 4(L) ... Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 Baseball Manager 1,2

Ffoncis J. Govin 7D 222 Mimosa Lone Hatboro, PA 19040 675-4962 Forensics 1, 2(L), 3(L), 4(L) (Novice Moster) Bowling 1,2 ... Wisterian 3 ... Yearbook 41ntramurals 1,2,3,4 ... Scholastic "L" 2, 4 Doniel J. Gefoghty 1D 4614 D Street Philadelphia, PA 19120 329-9880 Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Soccer 1, 3 ... C.s.c. 1, 4 ... Musical 3 ... Track and Field 4 Fronk Govin

Louis A. Gilmore

3D 1405 Gypsy Hill Rood Gwynedd Volley, PA 19437 643-6220 Intramurols 1,2, 3, 4 ... Crew 3, 4(L) ... Prom Committee 3 ... Spirit Club 3, 4 ... Yearbook 3, 4 ... Soccer 1, 2 ... Wisterian 2, 3 ... Tennis 1, 2 Joseph M. Gindhort

4D 1003 Stevens Drive Ft. Washington, PA 19034 641-0981 Football 1,2, 3(L), 4(L) ... Bond 1,2,3, 41ntromurals 1,2,3, 4 ... Retreat Leader 4 ... N.H.S. 3, 4 ... Student Council 3 ... Track and Field 1, 2(L), 3(L), 4(L) Kenneth Gormon 5D 574 Concord Rood Warminster, PA 18974 355-1419 Football 1 ... Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ... N.H.5. 3, 4 ... Mathletes 1,2,3,4 ... Scholastic "L" 1,2,3,4 ... Computer Club 1,2,3,4 John Gfody John B. Grody


2825 Lundy Lone Huntingdon Volley, PA 19006 659-5098 Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ... WCAF 4 John H. Griffin

7D 134 Puritan Rood Plymouth Meeting, PA 19462 828-8416 Golf 4 ... Intromurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Spirit Club 3, 4 ... Cross Country 1 ... Student Council 2 ... Prom Committee 3 ... Track and Field 1

Joe Gindhort


1D Paul Joseph Grous 5932 Crystal Street Phila, PA 19120 722-5222 Bowling Team 2(L), 3(L), 4(L) (Capt.) ... Bowling 2, 3 (Pres.), 4 (Pres.) ... Yearbook 3 ... Computer Club 2,3,4 ... Diakonis 1, 2 ... Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4

2D Larry E. Guess 1333 Barringer Street Phil a, PA 19119 549-1129 Intramurals 1,2,3,4 ... Basketball 1,2(L), 3(L), 4(L) ... Spirit Club 1,2,4 Kenneth J. Guttroff 3D 919 Tonwship Line Road Norristown, PA 19401 215-279-4099 Crew 1, 2 ... Wrestling 2, 3 ... Spirit Club 3, 4 ... Wisterian 3, 4 ... Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Prom Committee 3 ... Yearbook 4 John Patrick Halfpenny 4D 1418 Daws Road Norristown, PA 19401 275-1302 Soccer 1 ... Crew 1,2,4 ... Ice Hockey 3(L), 4(L) ... Wisterian 2,3,4 ... Yearbook 3, 4 ... Retreat Leader 4 ... Spirit Club 3 ... Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ... NHS 3, 4

Larry Guess

5D Todd Hallman 880 Lombardy Drive Lansdale, PA 19446 368-6194 Yearbook 3 (Junior editor) ... Drama 3, 4 ... Gazebo 3 ... Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Diakonis 1 John Francis Hanlan 6D 205 Haws Lane Erdenheim, PA 19118 233-1942 Spirit Club 4 ... Track 3, 4 ... Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Scholastic (L) 1, 2, 3 ... WCAF 4 James Scott Harrison 7D 4118 Hair Drive LaFayette Hill, PA 19444 233-4118 Football 1,2, 3(L), 4(L) ... Baseball 1 ... Track 3(L), 4(L) ... Intra murals 1,2, 3, 4 ... Student Council ... Retreat Leader 4 Joseph J. Harti9an 632 Gorgas Lane Phila, PA 19128 482-9315


Cross Country 1, 2, 3 ... Track 1, 2, 3 ... Intramurals 4

Ken Guttroff


Joe Hartigan

John Hanlon

Todd Hallman

Scott Harrison

John Halfpenny

Paul Grous


Conrad Heckman

Mike Harvey

Mike Harvan

Michael P. Harvan 20 822 Garfield Avenue Ardsley, PA 19038 887-5715 Cross Country 1 ... Indoor Track 2, 3(U, 4(U ... Intramurals 1,2,3, 4 ... Wisterian 2, 3, 4 (Layout Editor) ... Yearbook 4 (Layout Editor) ... Scholastic "L" 1, 2, 3, 4 ... National Honor Society 3, 4 ... Track and Field 1, 2(U, 3(U, 4(U


Michael W. Harvey 30 31 Springhouse Lane Glenside, PA 19038 886-9063 Intramurals 1,2, 3, -4 ... National Honor Society 3, 4 ... Scholastic "L" 1,2,3,4 ... Yearbook 3, 4 (Copy Editor) ... Wisterian 4

Larry Helmick

Conrad T. Heckmann 50 251 N. Bent Road Wyncote, PA 19095 886-5263 Crew 1,2, 3(U, 4(U ... Soccer 1, 2, 3 (Captain) ... Wrestling 1 ... Spirit Club 3, 4 (Pres.) ... Student Council 1, 2 ... Yearbook 4 ... Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4

60 455 Plymouth Road Glenside, PA 19038 887-3231 Football 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Basketball 1,2,3 ... Winter Track 3(U, 4(U ... Spring Track 1, 3(U, 4(U ... Yearbook 4 ... Retreat Leader 4 F. Lawrence Helmick

leo Hesser

Bill Hoban

John Hogan

leo J. Hesser 7D 8013 Algon Avenue Philadelphia, PA 19152 RA2-6479 Bowling 1,2,3 ... Art Club 2,3,4 ... Drama 3, 4 ... Intramurals 1, 2,3,4

Steven M. Hladc%uk 10 8208 Colfax Street Philadelphia, PA 19136 624-6763 Swimming 1(L), 2(L), 3(L), 4(L) .. . Student Council 4 (Vice-Pres.) .. . Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Wisterian 1, 2, 3, 4 ... National Honor Society 3, 4

Steve Hladc%uk

William W. Hoban 2D 7642 Burholme Avenue Philadelphia, PA 19111 742-2802 Cross Country 1, 2(L), 3(L), 4(L) . .. Track and Field 1, 2(L), 3(L), 4(L) ... Baseball 1, 3(L), 4(L) ... Yearbook 4 ... National Honor Society 3, 4 ... Intramurals 1,3,4

John S. Hogan 3D 118 Almatt Drive Philadelphia, PA 19115 677-9358 Swimming 1(L), 2(L), 3(L), 4(L) ... Wisterian 1, 2 ... Yearbook 1, 2 . .. Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4


Gregory D. Hoyt 908 S. Laverna Rd. Warminster, PA 18974 672-9855 Wrestling 4 ... Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4


5D James Hughes 1828 Sanger St. Phila., PA 19124 743-8330 Soccer 1, 2 ... Student Council 3 ... Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 6D John H. Johnson 1040 Hunter Hill Dr. Lansdale, PA 19446 584-4975 Wrestling 2,3, 4(L) ... Intramurals 1,2,3 (Rep,), 4 (Rep.) ... Student Council 2 ... Football 1 ... Spirit Club 2, 3

Graydon Karlson David A. Kane 126 Pine Mill Cr. Doylestown, PA 18901 348-7784 Track 1


Graydon L. Karlson 1D 2 Woods Lane Ambler, PA 19002 628-9697 Swimming 1,2, 3, 4(L) ... Crew 2, 3, 4(L) ... Wisterian 4 ... Intramurals 1,2, 3, 4 ... Yearbook (Typing Editor) 4 John P. Katona 2805 Blair Mill Rd. Willow Grove, PA 19090 672-1385 Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Bowling 1 ... Track 1


Steve C. Keane 3D 9192 Ryerson Rd. Phila., PA 19114 676-0643 Intramurals 1, 2 ... Art club 2, 3 ... Drama 3, 4 ... Bowling Club 3, 4

Joe Kelly

Joseph Anthony Kelly 4D 1426 St. Vincent St. Phila., PA 19111 725-2844 Alpha Band 1,2 ... Omega Band 3, 4 ... Concert Band 1,2 ... Pep Band 4 ... Yearbook 1 ... Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4

John Katona


John Johnson

Jim Hughes

Greg Hoyt

Dave Kane

Steve Keane


Brian Lange

Lance Krelovich

Ed Lawton

Joe Kelly


Chuck Lefevre

Joseph M. Kelly


120 Germantown Pike Plymouth Meeting, PA 19462 828-2929 Basketball 1, 2 ... Golf 3, 4 ... Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 (Rep) George J. Korejko


1344 School Lane Warrington, PA 18976 343-3559 Band 1,4 ... Intramurals 1,2 ... Auction Committee 3, 4 ... Art 2, 3 ... Dance Committee 3, 4

10 1423 Morris Road Lansdale, PA 19446 584-1130 Swimming 1, 2(L), 3(L), 4(L) ... National Honor Society 3, 4 路 .. Wisterian 2, 3 (Layout Editor), 4 (Editor-in-Chief) ... Yearbook 4 ... Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Student Council 1, 2, 3 路 .. Scholastic "L" 1, 2, 3, 4 Lance C. Krelovich

Kevin Lambert

Kevin J. Lambert


1021 Susquehanna Road Ft. Washington, PA 19034 643-3854 Cross Country 1,2 ... Wrestling 2, 3, 4(L) ... Intra murals 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Scholastic "L" 1 Brian H. Lange


1060 Cornell Drive Warminster, PA 18974 672-6272 Crew 1,2, 3(L), 4(L) ... Track and Field 1,2 ... Intra murals 1, 2,3,4 ... Career Night Committee 3 ... Public Relations 3, 4 (Assistant) ... Relgious Activities 1, 2, 3, 4 ... NHS 4 ... Scholastic "L" 3, 4 Edward J. Lawton

George Korejko


600 Leverington Ave. Philadelphia, PA 19128 482-2549 Football 1, 2 ... Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 John J. Leahy


1600 Schoolhouse Road Gwynedd Valley, PA 19437 699-9436 Track 1 ... Cross Country 1 ... Tennis 2, 3(L), 4(L) Charles J. Le Fevre


221 Newington Dr'. Hatboro, PA 19040 672-3396 Band 1(L), 2(L), 3(L), 4(L) (Vice Pres.) ... Wrestling 2, 3, 4(L) 路 .. Swimming 1 ... Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4

John Leahy


Joseph F. Leibrandt

1D 522 School House Lane Willow Grove, PA 19090 659-5123 Forum 1(U, 2, 3, 4 (Secretary) ... Mathletes 2, 3, 4 ... Intra murals 2, 3, 4 ... National Honor Society 3, 4 Eric Dale Lintner


205 Red Lion Rd. Huntingdon Valley, PA 19006 947-4267 947-7900 Basketball 1,2, 3, 4(U ... Football 3 ... Retreat leader 4 .. . Diakonis 1, 2 ... Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Yearbook 4 .. . Wisterian 4 ... Student Council Rep. 4 ... National Honor Society 3, 4 ... Public Relations 4 James J. Lynn

Paul McCabe


1310 Faunce St. Philadelphia, PA 19111 725-5755 Soccer 1 ... Intramurals 1,2,3,4 ... Cross country 2,3, 4(U 路 .. Indoor track 2, 3, 4(U ... Track & Field 1,2, 3, 4(U ... NHS 3,4 ... Wisterian 4 ... Student council 1, 4 (Vice President) Thomas John Maggetti


2126 Winthrop Rd. Huntingdon Valley, PA 19006 947-4776 Baseball 1, 2, 3(U, 4(U ... Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 William John Malatesta


357 Meadowbrook Rd. North Wales, PA 19454 699-3770 Soccer 1, 2, 3(U, 4(U captain ... D and D 1,2 (officer) ... Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Diakonis 1 Christopher James Mars


853 Tennis Ave. Ambler, PA 19002 542-0367 Football 1, 2 ... Wrestling 1, 2(U, 3(U, 4(U (Captain) ... Intramurals 1,2,3,4 ... Student Council 1,2 ... Yearbook 4 路 .. Eagle Scout 3 ... Spirit Club 3, 4 David Paul Masucci

Eric Lintner


1018 Hemlock Dr. Blue Bell, PA 19422 643-0453 Soccer 1 ... Wrestling 2(U, 3(U, 4(U ... Intramurals 1,2,3,4 路 .. Spirit Club 3 Paul E. McCabe


430 Thomas Ave. Riverton, NJ 08077 (609) 829-1384 Cross Country 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Track 1

Tom Maggetti


Joe Leibrandt

Chris Mars

Dave Masucci

Will Malatesta

Jim Lynn


Chris McCauley

Joe McGinty

Joe McFadden

Terry McGovern


Will McCormack

Michael J. McConn


4055 First Ave. Lafayette Hill, PA 19444 825-0476 Tennis 1 ... Intra murals 1, 2, 3, 4 Christopher J. McCauley 22 Lynbrook Lane


Doylestown, PA 18901 348-2790 Intramurals 1,2,3,4 ... Yearbook 3, 4 ... Wisterian 3, 4 (editor) Edward F. McCauley 4D 2724 Brendan Circle Huntingdon Valley, PA 19006 659-7566 Football 1,2, 3(L), 4 ... Intramurals 1,2,3,4 ... Spirit Club 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Wisterian 4 ... Student Council 1, 2 Mike McConn

Ned McCauley

William F. McCormack 5D 220 Mermaid Lane Townhouse #124 Philadelphia, PA 19118 242-6932 Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Student Council 2 ... Mathletes 3 ... Drama Club 4 (Production) ... Wisterian 4 ... Yearbook 4 ... NHS 3, 4 ... French Honor Society 2,3,4 ... Scholastic "L" 1,2,3,4 Scott M. McDade 706 Millwood Road Philadelphia, PA 19115 677-7256 Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Retreat Leader 4


Joseph J. McFadden 626 Renz St. Philadelphia, PA 19128 482-0908 Soccer 3 ... Crew 3, 4 ... Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4


Joseph S. McGinty 2D 330 Forest Ave. Willow Grove, PA 19090 659-8226 Intra murals 1,2,3,4 ... Bowling Club 3, 4 ... Trainer 3, 4 Terrence F. McGovern


309 Forest Ave. Willow Grove, PA 19090 657-0207 Football 1, 2, 3 ... Ski Club 4 ... Intra murals 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Spirit Club 4

Scott McDade


Thomas P. McGuckin 8D 5950 "B" Street Philadelphia, PA 19120 224-8636 Track and F"~ld 1 ... Scholastic "L" 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ..:. Photo Club 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Chess Club 1 James F. McHale 845 Cathedral Road Philadelphia, PA 19128 482-7069 Band 2 ... Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Chess Club 1


William P. McKee 104 Clive den Ave. Glenside, PA 19038 885-5233 Intra murals 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Scholastic "L" 3


Jim McNulty

William L. McKernan 7D 910 Morris Road Blue Bell, PA 19422 641-1941 Tennis 1(L), 2(L) ... Bowling 1(L), 2(L) ... Golf 3(L), 4(L) ... Intra murals 1,2,3,4 ... NHS 3, 4 ... Scholastic "L" 1,2,3,4 ... Student Council 1, 2, 3 Andrew M. Mclees 1D 268 Maple Ave. North Hills, PA 18038 572-7038 Football 1,2,3 ... Crew 1,2, 3(L), 4(L) ... Intramurals 1,2,3, 4 ... Spirit Club 4 Thomas N. McMenamin 609 Thornhill Drive Lafayette Hill, PA 19444 836-4894 Soccer 1, 3 ... Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4


James F. McNulty 4D 824 Larkspur St. Philadelphia, PA 19116 673-3769 Intra murals 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Football 1 ... Track and Field 2

Tom McGuckin

Matthew M. Mellet 5D 133 Township Line Road Jenkintown, PA 19046 886-7036 Football 1, 2(L), 3(L), 4(L) ... Basketball 1 ... Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Public Relations ... Student Retreat Leader 4 ... Track and Field 3 ... Spirit Club 1, 2, 3, 4

Jim McHale


Tom McMenamin

Andy McLees

William McKee Jr.


~ Matt Mellet

Bill McKernan


John Miluuo

Tom Murphy


Rich Miehle

Pete Moffatt

Richard T. Miehle 60 739 Dick Ave. Warminster, PA 18974 355-5435 Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Scholastic "L" 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Wrestling 4

Tom Morrison

John S. Miluzzo 20 9833 Jeawes St. Philadelphia, PA 19115 969-5387 Intramurals 1, 2, 3 ... Bowling Club 1, 2, 3 ... Bowling 2, 3 ... Wrestling 4 ... Computer Club 1, 2, 3, 4 Peter C. Moffatt


125 Clarrige Drive Willow Grove, PA 19090 657-2079 Football 2 ... Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Band 1, 2 ... Spirit Club 4 ... Prom Committee 3, 4 ... Scholastic "L" 1 40 32 Pinewood Drive Doylestown, PA 18901 348-8277 Soccer 1, 2, 3, 4(l) ... Wisterian 3, 4 ... Diakonis 1, 2 ... Public Relations 3, 4 (Assistant Director) ... National Honor Society 3, 4 ... Intra murals 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Golf 3, 4(l) ... Scholastic "L" 1, 2, 3 Joseph C. Monahan

Thomas E. Morrison


7413 Keiffer St. Philadelphia, PA 19128 482-1682 Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 50 3100 Shawnee Green Ambler, PA 19002 646-3365 Football 1, 2(l), 3(l), 4(l) ... Intra murals 1,2,3,4 ... Baseball 1 .,. Diakonis 1, 2 ... Spirit Club 4 John M. Morrison

Joe Monahan

70 423 Newbold Road Jenkintown, PA 19046 576-8490 Golf 1,2, 3(l), 4(l) ... Intramurals 1,2,3,4 ... Spirit Club 4

Thomas E. Murphy

John Morrison


lD, 8005 Lore St. Philadelphia, PA 19128 483-6457 Football 1, 2, 3(U, 4(U ... Baseball 2, 3(U ... Bowling 1 ... Golf 1 ... Intramurals 1,2,3,4 ... National Honor SOciety 3, 4.

Frank M. l'Iatale

Doug O'Brien David P. O'Brien


15142 Endicott St. Philadelphia, PA 19116 676-2140 Football 1, 4(U, Public Relations 2, 3, 4 ... Retreat Leader 4 ... Student Council 3, 4 ... Diakonis 1,2 ... Intramurals 1,2, 4. George Douglas O'Brien


310 Montier Rd. Glenside, PA 19038 885-6338 Crew 2, 3(U, 4(U ... Soccer 1. Michael H. O'Halioran


2117 Woodlawn Ave. Glenside, PA 19038 886-2845 Soccer 2 ... Wrestling 3 ... Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4. Paul Michael O'Hara


332 Croft Rd. North Wales, PA 19454 699-3286 Cross Country 1,2,3, 4(U ... Track 1, 4(U ... Intramurals 2, 3,4 ... Yearbook 4. Keith William Oldt


416 Hartel Ave. Philadelphia, PA 19111 728-1966 Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4

Paul O'Hara

lD E. Randall O'l'Ieili 609 Fields Drive Lafayette Hill, PA 19444 828-7289 Forum 1, 2, 3, 4(U ... National Honor Society 3, 4 ... Computer Club 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Crew 1, 3(U ... Mathletes 3 ... Intra murals 1,2, 3 (Referee), 4 ... Scholastic "L" 1,2, 3, 4 ... Wisterian 4 (Circulation Manager) ... Yearbook 4 (Editor-in-Chief)

Mike O'Halloran


) ..1,iN Frank Natale

Dave O'Brien

Randy O'Neill

Keith Oldt


David E. Ost


320 Magnolia Road Warminster, PA 18974 672-7892 Mathletes 1, 2, 3 ... Intra murals 1, 2, 3 Edward D. Ost


320 Magnolia Road Warminster, PA 18974 672-7892 David G. Pakech 20 2375 Karen Lane Hatboro, PA 19040 441-4694 Football 1, 2, 4(L) ... Baseball 1, 2, 4(L) ... Intra murals 1, 2, 3,4 ... Oiakonis 1,2 ... Band 1,2, 3, 4(L) ... Scholastic "L" 1,2,3,4 Bart A. Passanante


8 Mill Creek Road Holland, PA 18966 355-7176 Swimming 1 ... Football 1 ... Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4

Mark Peters

Joseph A. Pensabene 40 2121 Woodlawn Avenue Glenside, PA 19038 886-5791 Football 1,2, 3, 4(L) ... Student Council 1,3,4 ... Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Yearbook 3, 4 ... Scholastic "L" 1

50 Mark W. Peters 3860 Jeffrey Road Huntingdon Valley, PA 19006 947-7549 Football 1,2, 3(L), 4(L) ... Track 1,2 ... Intramurals 1,2,3,4 ... Spirit Club 4 60 7353 Valley Avenue Philadelphia, PA 19128 482-3925 Football 1 ... Student Council 3, 4 ... National Honor Society 3, 4 ... French Honor Society 2, 3, 4 ... Intramurals 1,2, 3, 4 ... Baseball Manager 1, 2, 3(L) ... Yearbook 4 .. . Wisterian 4 (Page Editor) ... Scholastic "L" 1, 2, 3, 4 .. . Mathletes 1, 2, 3, 4 Carmen C. Petruzzelli

Dave Ost

70 1 115 Morefield Road Philadelphia, PA 19115 677-6995 Baseball 1, 2(L), 3(L) (Captain), 4(L) (Captain) ... Football 1, 2, 3(L) ... Basketball 1 ... Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Mathletes 3, 4 Jim R. Poole

Bart Passanante


Jim Poole

Dave Pakech

Ted Ost

Carmen Petruxxelli

Joe Pensabene


Chris Sabia

John Rosa-Bian

Steve Sabo

Kevin Rudden


Chris Rogalski

2D Christopher A. Rogalski 503 Bradford Ave. Warrington, PA 18976 343-3183 Spirit Club 3, 4 ... CSC 4 ... Intramurals 1,2, 3,4 ... Drama 4 ... Dungeons and Dragons Society 1, 2, 3, 4 3D John J. Romano 838 Cathedral Rd. Philo., PA 19128 Intramurals 1, 2, 3 ... A V Assistant 4 ... Basketball 1, 2, 3(L), 4(L) ... Baseball 1 '" Spirit Club 3

Robert Savarese

4D John J. Rosa-Bian 2586 Old Welsh Rd. Willow Grove, PA 19090 Intra murals 1,2,3,4 ... Pep Band 1(L), 2(L), 3(L), 4 ... Stage Band 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Dixie Band 3, 4 ... Band Pres. 4 ... All Catholic Band 1, 2, 3 ... District XI Band 2, 3 ... Region VI Band 3

Kevin P. Rudden 5D 1256 Stump Hall Rd. Collegeville, PA 19426 584-6410 Tennis l(L), 2(L), 3(L), 4(L) (Captain) ... Basketball 1, 2 .. . Soccer 3, 4(L) ... Student Council 2, 3, 4 ... Diakonis 1 .. . Intra murals 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Scholastic "L" 1 ... Spirit Club 4

6D Chris J. Sabia 878 Andorra Rd. Lafayette Hill, PA 19444 836-2348 Football 1,2, 3(L), 4(L) ... Track 1,3,4 ... Intramurals 1,2, 3,4

John Romano

Stephen W. Sabo 7D 7522 Alma St. Philo., PA 19111 742-5465 Soccer 1,2, 3(L), 4(L) ... Baseball 1,2, 3(L), 4(L) ... Student Council 2, 4 ... Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 Robert E. Savarese 1D 4114 Kottler Dr. Lafayette Hill, PA 19444 836-1050 Golf 2(L), 3(L), 4(L) (Captain) ... WCAF 4 (Chairman) ... Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Asst. Intramural Rep. 4 ... Prom Committee 4 ... Spirit Club 3, 4

2D Joseph J. Scalio 8627 Bridle Rd. Philo., PA 19115 969-8468 Basketball 1 .,. Baseball 2 ... Intra murals 1, 2, 3, 4 ... WCAF 2, 3, 4 ... Drama 3 ... NHS 3, 4 ... Wisterian 2

Joe Scalio


Anthony J. Scanlan

3D 1385 Blue Bell Road Blue Bell, PA 19422 646-8167 Soccer 1 ... Swimming 2 ... FootbaIl3(l), 4(l) ... Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Student Council 1, 4 (Homeroom Rep.) ... Spirit Club 4 Matthew C. Schillinger 4D 2390 Karen Lane Hatboro, PA 19040 441-4694 Soccer 1,2,3, 4(U ... National Honor Society 3, 4 ... Track 1,2, 3(l), 4(l) ... Intramural 1,2,3,4 ... Spirit Club 1,2,3,4 ... Mathletes 1,2, 3, 4

Ank Scanlan

William M. Schull 5D Road 4 Princeton C. Doylestown, PA 18901 794-5231 Soccer 1, 2 ... Baseball 1, 2 ... Winter Track 3, 4(l) ... Spring Track 3, 4(l) ... Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 Thomas J. Shallow

6D 1444 Colton Road Gladwyne, PA 19035 525-8407 Cross Country 1, 2(l), 3(l), 4(l) (Captain) ... Track 1, 2(l), 3(l), 4(l) (Captain) ... Golf 1, 2(l), 3(l), 4(l) ... National Honor Society 3, 4 ... Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4

Richard L. Skelly 7D 3171 Colony Lane Plymouth Meeting, PA 19462 825-0986 Swimming 1(l) ... Golf 3 ... Intra murals 1,2 (Rep.), 3, 4 .. . Baseball 2, 4(l) ... Student Council 2, 4 ... WCAF 4 .. . Wisterian 2, 3, 4 Harry L. Slifer 1D 800 Fanshawe St. Philadelphia, PA 19111 742-9177 Football 1 ... Baseball 1,2, 3(l), 4(l) ... Wrestling 3(l), 4(l) ... Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4

Tom Shallow

Arthur J. Smith

2D 307 Loney St. Rockledge, PA 19111 663-0926 Intramurals 1,2,3,4 ... Stage Band 2, 3, 4 ... Concert Band 2, 3, 4 ... Competetion Band 2, 3, 4 David G. Smith


626 Argyle Ave. Ambler, PA 19002 646-5011 Wrestling 3 ... Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4

Dave Smith


Bill Schull

Rick Skelly

Harry Slifer

Matt Schillinger

Art Smith


John Staub

Joe Smith

Chris Swartz

Frank Sposato

Joe Staudenmeier


Dan Solecki

Joseph M. Smith 4D 3535 Hale Rd. Huntingdon Valley, PA 19006 947-8007 Crew 1, 2, 3, 4(U ... Spirit Club 3 ... WCAF 3 ... Public Relations 4 ... Intramurals 1, 2 Thomas A. Snyder 415 Longshore Ave. Philadelphia, PA 19111 342-0614 Soccer 1,2, 3(U, 4(U ... Intra murals 1,2,3,4

Steve Sottolano


Daniel J. Solecki 6D 6321 N. Fairhill St. Philadelphia, PA 19126 224-7068 Basketball 1,2, 3(U, 4(U ... Intra murals 1,2,3,4 ... C.S.C 1, 2, 3, 4 (Retreat Leader) ... Wisterian 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Student Council 1, 2, 4 ... WCAF 4 ... Spirit Club 3, 4 ... Prom Committee 3 (Chairman), 4 ... Scholastic "L" 1, 2 Stephen L. Sottolano 7D 51 1 Buckman Drive Horsham, PA 19040 675-0791 Art Club 2 ... Intramurals 1 (Rep), 2, 3, 4 ... Wisterian 3 Frank J. Sposato 10 6 W. Gowen Ave. Philadelphia, PA 19119 247-8027 Ice Hockey 2, 3(U, 4(U (A sst Captain) ... Intramurals 2,3,4 Christopher A. Spratt 2D 1467 Doris Rd. Roslyn, PA 19001 657-0397 Track and Field 1 ... Intramurals 3, 4 ... National Honor Society 3, 4

Chris Spratt

John J. Staub 3D 808 Renel Rd. Norristown, PA 19401 279-7299 Band 1,2 ... Intra murals 1,2,3,4 ... Track and Field 1 ... Photo Club 4 Joseph F. Staudenmeier 4D 184 Saddle Dr. Furlong, PA 18925 348-2008 Cross Country 1 ... Track 1,2 ... Drama 3, 4 ... Yearbook 4 ... Wisterian 4 ... Photo Club 4 ... Intramurals 1,2,3,4 Christopher C. Swartz 5D 7869 Anita Dr. Philadelphia, PA 19111 742-8493 Bowling Club 1,2,3,4 ... Bowling 3(U, 4(U ... Intramurals 1,

2, 3, 4

Tom Snyder


6D Michael Sweeney 87 Bethlehem Pike Philadelphia, PA 19118 248-0657 Intra murals 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Art Club 3, 4 (Vice President) ... Drama 4 ... Bowling Club 3, 4 ... Yearbook 4 ... C.s.c. 4

Paul T. Sweeney 7D 1316 Meetinghouse Rd. Ambler, PA 19002 643-5219 Football 1, 2 ... Track 1, 2 ... Crew 3(L), 4(L) ... Student Council 1, 2, 3 ... Wisterian 4 ... Yearbook 4 ... Prom Committee 3, 4 ... Intramurals 1,2,3,4 ... Art Club 4 (Pres.) ... Spirit Club 4 (Pres.) Bob G. Sykes 717 Knorr St. Philadelphia, PA 19111 Fi2-2227 Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4

Mike Sweeney

Michael S. Taddei 2D 1580 Temple Dr. Maple Glen, PA 19002 643-3159 Freshman Football ... Diaconis 1,2 ... Yearbook 3, 4 .. . Wisterian 2, 3, 4 ... Photo Club 4 ... Eagle Scout 3 .. . Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Dramatics 4 ... Dungeons & Dragons Society 4 3D Timothy M. Thistle 558 Beale Rd. Blue Bell, PA 19422 643-1387 Football 1 ... Wrestling 3 ... Crew 2, 3(L), 4(L) ... Student Council 3 ... Yearbook 4 ... Intramurals 1,2, 3,4 ... Spirit Club 3, 4 ... Wisterian 4 ... Retreat Leader 4

Michael R. Thress 4D 746 Pineview Lane North Wales, PA 19454 699-7263 Football 1 ... Bowling 1,2, 3 ... Track 1 ... Wrestling 3 ... Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4

Jim Tobin

Patrick C. Timoney 5D 624 E. Gravers Lane Philadelphia, PA 19118 233-2439 Football 1,2, 3(L), 4(L) (Captain) ... Wrestling 1,2, 3(L), 4(L) (Captain) ... Wisterian 2, 3, 4 (Sports Editor) ... Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ... National Honor Society 3, 4 (Secretary) ... Retreat Leader 4 6D Jim J. Tobin 7408 Hill Rd. Philadelphia, PA 19128 483-7164 Swimming 1(L), 2(L), 3(L), 4(L) ... Yearbook 3, 4 ... Wisterian 2, 3, 4 ... Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Scholastic "L" 1,2,3, 4 ... National Honor SOciety 3, 4

Mike Taddei


Mike Thress

Tim Thistle

Rob Sykes

Paul Sweeney

Pat Timoney


Pat Visek

p Bob Vietor

Joe Toland

Jim Waters


Carl Waldspurger

Joseph E. Toland 1270 Mill Rd. Meadowbrook, PA 19046 TU6路3305 Band 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4


Richard Van Fossen 10 531 Martin St. Phila., PA 19128 483-5077 Swimming 1 ... Track 1 ... Cross Country 1,2,3 ... Student Council 2, 3, 4 (President) ... Diakonis 1,2 ... Retreat Leader 4 ... Intra murals 1, 2, 3, 4

Rich Van Fossen

Matthew J. Vesey 2D 1215 Leeden Rd. Huntingdon Valley, PA 14006 947-5861 Football 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Diakonis 1, 2 ... Wisterian 3 (Distribution manager) ... Spirit Club 1,3 ... Prom Committee 3 Robert M. Victor 3D 1 127 T annerie Run Ambler, PA 19002 643-3058 Swimming 1 ... Intramurals 1,2,3 (Commisioner) 4 ... Wrestling 3, 4 ... Public Relations 3, 4 Patrick A. Visek 4D 1306 Hartranft Ave. Fort Washington, PA 19034 643-5975 Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Football 1, 2 ... Baseball 1, 2

Matt Vesey

5D Carl A. Waldspurger 3026 Potshop Rd. Norristown, PA 19403 584-5221 Forum 1,2,3,4 (Vice-President) ... Matheletes 1,2,3,4 ... Computer Club 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Intra murals 1, 2 ... National Honor Society 3, 4 ... Scholastic "L" 1, 2, 3, 4 James P. Waters 6D 429 Ivy St. Warminster, PA 18974 441-5926 Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Track 3, 4 ... Cross Country 4 Micheal P. Weaver 7D 2811 Carnation Ave. Willow Grove, PA 19090 657-0916 Pep Band 1(L), 2(L), 3(L), 4(L) ... Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Sound Manager 4 ... Stage Crew 3, 4 (Asst. Lighting Manager) ... Bowling Club 2, 3, 4 ... Yearbook 4 ... Wisterian 4

Mike Weaver


Stephen M. Weiss 10 1862 Foster St. Philadelphia, PA 19116 676-9249 Soccer 1, 2(L), 3(L), 4(L) ... Swimming 1(L), 2(L), 3 ... Track 1 Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Student Council 1, 2 ... Bowling 4(L) Daniel M. Whitehead 2D 3677 Marquis Lane Huntingdon Valley, PA 19006 947-2516 Swimming 1(L), 2(L), 3(L), 4(L) ... Intra murals 1, 2, 3, 4

Mark Wisely

Richard W. Whitney 3D 1835 Willard Avenue Willow Grove, 19090 659-4649 Pep Band 1(L), 2(L), 3(L), 4(L) ... Jazz Band 1,2,3,4 ... Crew 1, 2 Concert 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Dixie 3, 4 Christopher D. Wills 4D 4 Far-View Road Chalfont, PA 18914 822-0401 Swimming 1(L), 2(L), 3(L), 4(L) ... Band 1(L), 2(L), 3(L), 4(L) Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Public Relations 3, 4 Mark Wisely 564 Long Meadow Road Norristown, PA 19403 539-9418 Intramurals 2, 3, 4 ... Musical 3, 4




Michael J. Wisely 6D 564 Long Meadow Road Norristown, PA 19403 539-9418 Football 2(L), 3(L), 4(L) ... Intramurals 2, 3, 4 ... Track 2

Rich Whitney

Scott H. Wolpert 10 2538 Gypsy Lane Glenside, PA 19038 885-1942 Football 1,2, 3(L), 4(L) ... Track 1,2 ... Intramurals 1,2,3,4 Spirit Club 4 ... Wisterian 4 Christopher R. Yabor 5918 Agusta Street Philadelphia, PA 19149 831-8284


Dan Whitehead


Chris Yabor

Mike Wisely

Steve Weiss

Scott Wolpert

Chris Wills


Ed Zawrotny

Mark Zebrowski

John Zamichieli

Chris Young

30 1150 Victor Lane Fort Washington, PA 19034 643-1718 Football 1,2 ... Golf 1, 2, 3, 4 ... Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 Chris Anthony Young


John Zamichieli 70 3018 Butler Pike Conshohocken, PA 19428 825-6582 Soccer 1, 2(U, 3(U, 4(L) ... Basketball1, 2, 3(U, 4(U ... Baseball 2 ... Intra murals 1, 2, 3, 4

Edward Zawrotny

13460 Stevens Road Philo., PA 19116 676-6365 Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4


Mark A. Zebrowski 70 4145 Manayunk Avenue Philo., PA 19128 482-0131 Intra murals 1,2,3,4 ... Oiakonis 1,2 ... Track 3

JAMES ROONEY 1965路1983

Death stands above me, whispering low I know now what into my ear; Of his strange language all I know Is, there is not a word of fear. Walter Savage Landor


John Albor: Only senior retreat casualty .. . Nick Amoratis: " ... and stuff like that" .. . Matt Anderer: Doylestown pack ... John Anderson: Jay ... Pa Wheat

Hughes' friend ... Blob .. . Tom Asman: Spazman ... "When are you

marrying Tina?" ... Andy Bailey: really into His car ... Mark Basilli: Maro ... Sill ... misses layups

路 .. immortal ... score double figures much? ... Nun ... Virgin Islands Gerry Behr: "Do you want a ride home?"

路 .. talks to himself in English .. . John Bell: Belly ... "Yo man!" ... idolizes

Bunky ... Charles Bellitto: Hangs out at the book store ... origami man ... Slim ... almost hit a train while on retreat .. . Matt Best: 7-11 Crew ... biggest clown on the swim team ... Bluesmobile ... "AI Haig for president" ... Jim Tobin's only friend Ken Booker: "Space is the place" ... B.N.F. 路 ... Mr. Stanczak's friend ...

John Byrne: Joe Honda ... decided that four wheels were better than three ... ATC

captain of the sprinters ... never ran a full track workout ... Matt Bradley: Always the president ...

"Didn't I see you on stage at the Mount?" 路 .. whatever happened to Joan? ... Ed Brennan: Bones ... cheese popcorn .. .

"Did you see Dynasty last night?" .. . Moabs Ed Busse: "Get out of Fred's office!" ...


pretty radical ... Nice sweaters Joe Cilio: Business manager ...

Steve Byrnes: Glum ... Glumby ... Pocono

man ... Dodger ... Eco Team .. . Mike Byron: Nice socks ... mixer meta-

morphisis '" whatever hap pend to Mr. Prep? ... "Mike, is that you?" ... Jade Rick Calhoun: Tex's buddy ... "Remember

the Cadillac?" ... nice chest ... "You can breathe now, Rick." ... John Capaldi: Curly . .. camera buff .. , dead head in O.c. ... makes funny duck noises ... Eco Team .. .

Blase Cinoue: Blase ... "Gotta penny,

man?" ... "Need a prom date?" ... Steve Ciquero: Ciquero ... picks fights ... Chris Collins: "Blackness is not a color, it's

a state of mind." ... Keebler ... Shawn Convery: "How's Wildwood, Shawn?" ... Pancake Face ... "Your the best, baby, hey." ... nice gut ... hangs out with Judge kids .. . Jay Conway: Spock ... Vulcan ... Mr. Talk-

ative '" Harry Carpenter: Mr. Vigg's assistant ...

Rich Costigan: Takes girls to Casa Maria

Frank Carroll: Banky ... nice truck ... "It's

just as fast as the Celica." ... Big Bird ... Friday." ... Lem ... one of Pat's boys ...

Steve Crone: Mr. Control ... only player to throw a ball over the backstop ... while pitching ... a little strange, to say the least

Gerry Cattie: Pseudo All-Catholic ... Gerry Lee Roth ... Punk ... Norwood gigolo ... confused ... Friz's friend ... Candlelight

Dave Crosson: Weasel ... nice haircut ... Lawson Crosson ...

Dave Casale: "The article will be in next

'83 ... . Dongwoo Chang: Knows the mean SAT for

Tony Braca: Has friends in Roxborough ...

Jim Cicchiello: Chick ... "Yo, dudes!" ...

every college in America ... Woo ... Ernie's boy ... Dog Food .. . Terry Charlton: Terry ... "In the Middle of

the Road" ... hockey captain '" Sumo wrestler ... famous for his end-to-end rushes .. . Kevin Christine: One of Bro. Frank's favorite people ... only person to be banned from junior prom ... Sponge '" "Can I have a ride?" ... "I'm sorry."

Vince Cuce: Mr. Spanish ... president of the Joe Leibrandt fan club ... didn't want to go to Spain anyway ... ADIDAG ... 6/

2/88 ... Bill Cunningham: won't let us write anything about him ... not related to Billy C ... John Cunningham: won't let us write anything about Bill ... "Yes - uh well no well, what do you think?" ... Gene D' Alessandro: Tony award winner for

his portrayal of MacBeth '" the dancin' machine ...


Frank D'Angelo: Social Director ... DePaul's best friend ... madame ...

John Gabriele: Pretty Boy ... "Where's Bill?" ... Gabe ...

Mike D'Angelo: Stinky ... student jock ...

Steve Gavarone: cheese shirt ...

top it off ...

Frank Gavin: perfect male specimen ...

Mike Harvey: "Don't worry, I'll have it done." ... Harv-EY ... "What homework?" ... Dazed and Confused ... C.T. Heckman: "Where's the party, C.T.?"

Tony Dattilo: Slam the Clam ... "Let me

captain of the Forum ... character assasin

have a bite of that sandwich" ... "Turn me on!" ... yuk-a-doo ... Eco Team ...

. .. Link ... Ramrod ... Eats, drinks, and sleeps Crew ... Spirit Club Prez ...

Dan Geraghty: brown suit ... can't sit still

Larry Helmick: Overqualified for JV basket-

John Dolaway: Tex's buddy ... "Where's

my helmet?" ... "Don't bust on me" ... Jane ... Norwood boy .. . Steve Donahue: Turtle ... "Wake up, Steve!" ... Mr. Rad's friend ... Dave D'Orazio: D'Orazzz ... Bird ... never

needs to comb his hair ... what really happened at Ned's party .. . John Dragani: Mr. Grace's pet ... has trou-

ble sitting in chairs ... "Mr. Grace, can we have a week extension on our reports? It was a rough weekend" ... Brian Driscoll: makes one catch against

Judge and thinks he great ... spear chucker ... "I know we're goin' to get snagged" ... loves his car ... Tom Drummond: Spaz ... Burt ... donuts Pat Durbin: Trapper ... Critic's Corner ...

pretends to be a page editor ...

Lou Gilmore: Ski Bum ... "Where's the fies-

ta? ... How was the prom? ... Wanna go on a trip?" ... Kristen ...

neously . .. loud radio .. , shoots hoops with Zebrowski Joe Elliott: "There's a party at Polaski Hall

on Friday" ... EII-i-ott ... E.T.'s best friend ... East Falls man ... "Well my dad's a cop" ... Jumbo ...

Leo Hesser: Bat mango ... pacifist ... "I didn't say Farrari, I said Volare" ... Mod ... Eco Team ... Un party .. .

Joe Gindhart: Spaghetti ... first on the field

· .. will never be confused with Ralph Sampson or Richard Petty ... Ken Gorman: "President" of the computer club? ... mathlete ... teddy bear ... John Grady: nice hood ... his new car came

Steve Hladczuk: Ned ... Vice-prez ... Mel's best and only friend ... imitates Jim Tobin ... North East connection ... Bill Hoban: "Ho, Bill ... Hoban, not Tobin!

· .. olney" Bill ... "Got your lab." ...

with a new set of friends ...

John Hogan: Jack ... swim captain ... thin-

John Griffin: Griff ... Lib ... moonwalk .. .

nest person at La Salle ... "Swimming star, what are you?" ...

Stiletto ... socks match his sweaters .. . sunshine ... WDAS ...

Greg Hoyt: "Hoyt, Hoyt" ...

Paul Grous: ran for President ... Captain

Jim Hughes: Terri ... Clash-head ... An-

Kegler ...

derson's friend ... Chumly ...

Larry Guess: cool ... "How ya look now?"

John Johnson: "Rockman ... Flex for us, John" ... What happened to the pudge ball that we knew freshman year?"

· .. Field General .. . Ken Guttroff: "What are you doing this

weekend?" ... chemist at large ... Bryan Elitz: drives in two lanes simulta-

ball ... knee-high sweet pants ... "Ah, si" · .. "Take a bath, Mr. Rad." .. .

Dave Kane: Citizen Kane ...

John Halfpenny: "Wanna play hockey?"

· .. Do we have homework? ... What frat tonight?" ...

Graydon Karlson: Thinks he can row ...

"Are you mad at me?" ... The beer distributor ... most gullible person at La Salle ...

Todd Hallman: Todd skis ... "Yeah, but

you can sleep in it" ... Todd's a god ... John Hanlon: a man and his GTO ... "I'm in

John Katona: Caveman ... "T.S. Eliot was

homosexual ... " ... atheist ...

love ... Yo man! ... Can I stay at your house?" ...

Steven Keane: Leo's friend ... who?

Scott Harrison: Harry ... took him 19 games and 3 V2 quarters to throw a real

Joe Kelley: Which Joe Kelly? .. .

Doubtful Ginther ... Hollywood ...

pass ... "Call the play Tex called" ...

· .. "I'm hip" ... Clyde ...

Dave Finn: "Not now Joe, I'm busy"

Joe Hartigan: "Shut up Hartigan!" .. . thinks he's Bruce Lee ... Instant Death .. . Smokin' .. ,

is my friend ...

Tom Farris: "What are you doing Far-

ris?" ... step on Calhoun's ankle much? Dave Feight: Fem ... "Yo, Ozzy"

Ralph ... James Foley: J-mee ... nice licenseplate ...

Fols ... Chevy problems ... Steve Foley: Norton ... Did you do your

paper, Steve? ... Ski Bum ...

Mike Harvan: overqualified for MIT .. .

captain of the hurdlers .. , Harv-AN .. . Mike Nanan ... likes Carmen's column .. . has a chip on his shoulder ...

really! ... that's a shame! .. .

Joe Kelly: Joe Babe ... "What's up, cuz?" George Korejko: "Gee George" ... George Lance Krelovich: Take dates to graveyard

· .. never gets past second date (I wonder why?) ... 7-11 Crew ... makes guest appearances at swim practice ... wants to be a Sun Devil ... Editor of the Wis ...


Kevin Lambert: Always says the wrong

Terry McGovern: "Gov, hit any mailboxes

Paul O'Hara: Nice pants ... "Paul, who hit

thing at the wrong time ... If you go to Great Adventure with him, wear a swimsuit

lately?" ... know all the songs on the Thriller album yet? ...

you?" ...

Tom McGuckin: Former pole-vaulter ... Brian Lange: Brother Frank's friend ... nice

tan ... "Where's Mr. Devine?" .. . Ed Lawton: Nice car ... John Leahy: tennis star ... when are you

going to fix your beetle? .. .

Jim McHale: Barney Bear ... converted student ... nice beard ... Bill McKee: Use hair spray? ... buy yourself a comb

Keith Oldt: Sick death ... "Baad caar ...

.Bang yo' head." ... mod ... Who ... Metalhead ... Eco Team ... Randy O'Neill: E ... Captain Ranky .. . used yearbook pass to get into prom .. . good friends with Mr. O'Toole ... "Go Navy!!!" ... Dave Ost: Ying ... Ping ... Cheech ... Da-

ended an hour ago!" ...

Bill McKernan: Nice collar ... Where's Stephanie? ... Where's your Mustang? ... Count'em all, Bill ...

Joe Leibrandt: Career ambition is to be an

Andy McLees: Elwood ... easy-going .. .

Ted Ost: Yang ... Pong ... Chong ... Ed-

auctioneer ... The many faces of Joe Leibrandt ... Jim Lee-brandt ... "Back in your shell, Leibrandt." ...

"I'm closing at Rizzo's tonight ... Gus .. . Homecoming Queen ... Hairy chest .. .

ward David ...

Chuck LeFevre: "Where's Chuck? Halftime

Eric Lintner: Hit walls much? ... Is Kendra

coming home this weekend? .. . Jim Lynn: Vice-Prez ... neatness ... go to

Bethel Park, much Tom Maggetti: Magic ... Best batting prac-

tice pitcher around ... Mr. Parisi's best friend ... got beat by Mr. Miller in a footrace .. .

Tom McMenamin: Stretch ... "I can't

Dave Pakech: "Pak, whata you be doing?

路 .. Goooov!" ... nice leg ... "Paycheck"

drive! ... I hit a Mountie" .. . Jim McNulty: Led Zep ... "How's Flor-

Bart Passanante: Bronco Bart ... Bad Boy

ida?" ... nice hair ... Eco Team ...

路 .. Metalhead ... "But it's a Ford" ... "Double or nothing"

Matt Mellet: "Remember the McDevitt game? ... Make sure you wear enough protection." Rich Miehle: Talks to computers ... quiet

Will Malatesta: An injury waiting to happen John Miluuo: Mi-Ioser ... Mafia hit man Chris Mars: Wrestling sodapop, Any ... "Is

. . . "Get a real Firebird." .. .

your name in the paper today, Chris?" ... Mr. O'Toole's best student ... "Sit still, Chris."

Pete Moffatt: Deerhunter ...

Dave Masucci: Part-time wrestler ... Has

vid Edward ...

Joe Monahan: "Where's Dave?" ... Your

voice will change someday ...

Joe Pensabene: Well-kept hair and well-

kept gut ... everyone's mother thinks Joe is handsome. Mark Peters: Should never have quit, Mark 路 .. "Remember the Winter Dance" ... linda's cheuffeur ... nice voice . Carmen Petruuelli: Mathlete ... "Why is

the nurse lonely?" ... What's Not ... Jim Poole: Mr. Molush's assistant coach ...

Lefty ... spends more time in Florida baseball camps than in school.

been ... Don Juan ... nice orange Vega

Tom Morrison: Ed ... Motorhead ... "How many Brown cars Do you have Tom?" ...

Paul McCabe: Ernie's son ... Joisey ... min-

John Morrison: Woody ... Playboy ... nev-

me Matt!" ...

Mike McCann: Party animal ... Shmoo .. .

er gained over 100 yards ... Leading rusher on a powerful offense .. .

Frank Rankin: Rank ... Rank Frank ... Red Volvo ... Asst. Ice Hockey Captain.

Chris McCauley: Pseudo page editor .. .

Tom Murphy: Smurf ... Ned ... Tim ...

Tom ... Theodore ... "They didn't pay!" ... "Tie your shoes." ...

Jim Rayborn: "Did you do your lab report?"

Geiger's friend ... Fish-face ...

iature Frank Shorter ...

Ed McCauley: Ned ... nice Pinkey ... looks like his sister ... Will McCormack: Wilbur ... French scholar

. . . pianist ... friends with Mr. Krol ... Scott McDade: Hogan's friend ... Joe McFadden: He doesn't say very much

. . . Roxbourough connections ... oarsman Joe McGinty: Second Alarmer's Rescue Squad ...


Frank Natale: First All-Catholic from Rox-

Matteo Poui: Herr Europa ... "Don't call

路 .. perpetual frosh ... the original brownnoser ... likes to do homework ... moocher ...

borough ... "I can't go out with you guys," I have to go out with Jackie ... Speedy ...

Joe Reilly: School spirit .. .

Dave O'Brien: OB ... almost prez ... "No

Dave Reinhardt: Dave Flex ... "How's Donna?" ... Doylestown boy ... nice tie ... Studio 54 ...

possible way for a ski club." ... "I want a revote." '" George O'Brien: Dougie ... Computer wiz

Jim Rieffel: OOOOOOedipus ... Rif .. . Surfer boy ... alot of friends at the Prep .. . "ractuality" .. .

Mike O'Halioran: works at Rizzo's ... stretch ...

John Riordan: Chris Wills' friend ...

John Rizzo: Rizz ... nice van ... Gina wants

Tom Snyder: Ernie . .. heads the ball ...

a beer ... Silk wave ...

coach's friend ... "Strike 1, 2, 3 out!" ...

Chris Rogalski: "har har har" ... Rogo ...

Mr. Drama ... Mayor Dawgmeat ... John Romano: Mr. Rebound ... Ms. Ri-

mert's assistant ... makes I.D. cards ... John Rosa-Bian: removable bottoms ...

"Fifth chair!? ... the door must be bolted · .. Music is ... " ... Kevin Rudden: Hammer I ... nice somer-

sault ... Tennis star ... Where's the other earring? ... Swake ... Mr. Morality ... Carolyn's prize ... Captain Gak. Chris Sabia: Sieg ... not as strange as his


Matt Vesey: Easy Matt Vesey ... takes showers before practice ... C.D .... works at Gables ...

Dan Solecki: What happened in Germany?

Bob Victor: Mr. Victor ... leading authority

... Good to the last drop? ... names his first child after Martin Luther King Jr .... Allentown ...

on 'Fast Times at Ridgemont High' ... "Maybe we'll get some beer" .. . right" ... Mister Innocent ...

ture (see senior photo) ...

Carl Waldspurger: computers .. , Casper

Frank Sposato: Spaz ... Diego lightning ...

Jim Waters: basketball gunner ... cuts

Chris Spratt: Spraaaaaaat ... Klenk's right

Mike Weaver: "Vince, can I have the key?"

hand man ... thinks he can dance .. . John Staub: Stubby ... pole vaulter .. .

Steve Sabo: Boo ... Miss the van much,

going to defend our country? ...

Steve? '" knees were ruined by Steve Crone ... Rex ... Dinosaur Head ...

Chris Swartz: always in Sween's way at the

"Ted, where's Darla?" ... Norwood boy Joe Scalio: Scabs . " Whatz is name '"

how did he make the basketball team? .. . Anthony Scanlon: Ank ... Mohawk '83 .. .

The Ank Tank reaches its destiny ... Adam Ank ... Matt Schillinger: Schilly ... "Did track start

yet?" ... Bill Schull: Nice car, Bill ... always finishes

his track workouts ... broke 300-yard dash record ...

Joe Staudenmeier: King Duncan ... He's

lockers ... a kegler ... Mike Sweeney: Tweeny ... the original

Ronald McDonald ... eat worms much? ... a real witch ... Paul Sweeney: cuts his own hair ... Adam

Ant ... crew dog ... "Where's Lou?" ... little red chevette .. . Bob Sykes: Spanky ... rowdy dude ... psy-

cho .,. Eco Team .. . Mike Taddei: Charlie Brown ... SF addict

... the quiet one ... May ... Rerun's brother ...

Tom Shallow: Took a different prom date

home ... one of Pat's boys ...

Pat Timoney: Joe Wrestler ... thinks about

Rick Skelly: Olympic badminton champ ...

wrestling during football ... Chipmunk ... Dude's brother ...

Harry Slifer: "You dog!" ... ambassador to

McDevitt ... "Harry, go shag some flies" · .. almost as fast as Maggetti ... Art Smith: "Yo, Ott" ... Yippie the hippie

· .. drummer extraordinaire ... van? ... Dave Smith: Whale ... Smitty ... always

late for something .. . Joe Smith: Jenny ... dresses nice, but can't.

ski ...

track workouts with Tony Braca .. . · .. cuts up his own girlfriend ... Steve Weiss: Hammer II ... "You can open

your eyes now, it went in" .... Rich Whitney: "You're smaller, you climb through" ... Da Whit ... cheap sunglasses · .. likes to stroll ... Chris Wills: sister totaled Sciorroco ... 7-11

crew ... second trumpet ... loudest voice on swim team ... Mark Wisely: Mak ... most generous person ... Eco-maniac ... likes trees ... Eco Team Mike Wisely: mighty mite ... "Anybody

could have run into the goalposts" ... nice arms ... "You're not as bad as you think" ... Fred and Mild Mike's buddy ... rox ... cow ... Carolyn's dream

Scott Wolpert:Wolps '"

Tim Thistle: Best (and only) surfer in Cape Mike Thress: "Get mugged much?" ...

nice perm ... Skell ...

· .. Carla/Paul ...

fastest Italian on skates ... "Kill, maim, kill!" ...

brother Dan, but close ... the quiet one at basketball games .. .

Rob Savares: Divot head ... Savarice

Pat Visek: "Why be normal?" ... "Yeah,

Steve Sottolano: Connoisseur of fine litera-

Chris Yabor: Yabes ... meanest hit all year (isn't that right Matt Kolen?) ... hangs with guys from the Prep ... Chris Young: Bowlhead ... "Aww, come on, man" '" Springsteen fan ... Friz's friend ...

Jim Tobin: "Git offfff!" ... shark bit him in

the chest ... Johnny Frosh ... dishes it out but can't take it ... I can't go out, I have to study eight hours tonight ...

John Zamichieli: Skipper ... plays arcade

games ... "Nice game Ref, too bad you missed it" ... Zamo ... mentally exhausted ... kicks fieldgoals over the soccer net

Joe Toland: J.T .... "Viva la Pez" ... sup-

ports illegal aliens in his car ... coffee addict ... Rich Van Fossen: Richie Van ... the Prez ...

"Roxborough on the move" ... "can we talk?" ...

Ed Zawrotny: Eddie ... weanie ... "Let's

talk about sox" ... Maniac ... Mark Zebrowski: Z ... Zero ... always last


FLASHBACK The LaSaliian Quest ... We, the yearbook staff, thought it approriate to salute the members who have carried and stoked the fire of the LaSaliian Quest the Faculty. These are the earliest photographs of the honored members as they first experienced the quest when they graduated from LaSalle or first taught at LaSalle. Then and Now ...

Mr. Edward Klenk graduated in 1971 from LSHS.

Brother John Df Alfonso graduated in 1955 frorr LSHS.

Mrs. Claire Brown first taught here in 1979.

Mr. Joe Colistra graduated in 1964 from LaSalle.

Mr. James Roche first taught here in 1976.


Mr. David Manion first taught here in 1968.

Brother David Rogers first taught here in 1964.

Mr. Stephen Krol first taught here in 1982

路 Tom Speakman began teaching here in

Mr. Alfred Puntel began teaching here in 1982.

Mr. John Grace graduated from LaSalle in 1973.

lda Donahue began teaching 1983.

lUreen Dugan began teach~ in 1983.

Mr. James Bradley began teaching here in 1983.

nes Devine began teaching here in 1973.

Brother Andrew Bartley first came here in 1977.

Mr. Frank Mullin began teaching here in 1968.

Mr. Michael Bruno graduated from here in 1961.


Father David Givey graduated from here in 1962.

Mr. Edward Molush graduated from here i

Mr. David Diehl graduated from here in 1955.

Mr. Michael O'Toole graduated from here in 1968.

Mrs. Mary Mountain first came here ir

Mr. Martin Stanczak graduated from here in 1960.

Mrs. Muriel Mehr first taught here in 1970.

Mr. Joseph Parisi first came here in 1

Mr. Charles Hilpl first came here in 1966.

Brother James Steck first taught here in 1981.


Brother Aloysius Lumley first taught here

Father Tony Janton graduated here in 1969.

er Edward Cannon graduated here in 1937.

Brother Fred Stelmach graduated here in 1946.

Brother Frank Danielski graduated from here in 1967.

;. Florence Ward first came here in 1973.

Brother William Quaintance graduated here in 1950.

Mr. Gerald Miller first taught here in 1979.

Mrs. Jennie Barratt first came here in 1967.

Mr. Joseph Ciccimaro graduated from here in 1957.

er Eugene Morgan first came here in 1979.

211 ...... _


Mr. Joseph Radvanski first came here in 1981 .

in 1979.

Mr. William Geiger Graduated from here in 1972.

Mr. Pat Devine began teaching here in 1971.


Mr. Michael Ponisiak began teaching here in 1981.


Mr. Edward McCabe first came here in 1971.

Mr. Robert Russell first came 1970.

Mr. George Hohenleitner first came here in 1968.

Brother Brendan Garwood first here in 1981.

Mrs. Diane Mc Govern first came here in 1982.

Mrs. Julia Maher began tea here in 1983.

Mr. Tom Turner began teaching here in 1981.

,er Linus Finn began teaching in 1976.

. Lorra ine Rimert began teaching here in 1972.


Mr. Walter Farrell first came here in 1961.

erald Evans began teaching n 1983.

Brother Kev in Mc Manus began teaching here in 1972.

er Kevin Dalmasse began, ng here in 1983.

Brother Miller Bosch began teaching here in 1976.

Brother William Riley began teaching here in 1976.

Brother Talbot Ramsbottom first came here in 1976.


1984 Blue and Gold La Salle College High School

Editor-in-Chief: Randy O'Neill

Photo Editor: Jim Cicchiello

Moderator: Mr. Bill Geiger

Layout Staff

Senior Quotists

Mike Harvan (Editor) Tim Thistle Steve Rietzke ; Walt Billia Jim Donahue Kevin Garrity Rob Schaefer John Caffey

Mike Harvey (Editor) C. T. Heckman John Rosa-Bian Rich VanFossen Rob Savarese Dave Casale

Photographers Joe Pensabene Pat Timony John Halfpenny Matt Bradley Rick Calhoun

Vince Cuce Jeff Beck Mike Weaver Karl Werner Bro. James Steck Bill Reinhardt

Roger Colehower Lee Schmalbach Lance Krelovich Matt Arderer Mr. Bill Geiger

Business StaH Writers: Mike Harvy (Editor) Lance Krelovich Vince Cuce Rich Sherman Mark Washko Jim Cicchiello Jim Tobin Mike Sweeney Gene D' Alessandro Jeff Beck

Carmen Petruzzelli Rick Calhoun Bill Hoban John Halfpenny Andy Ragusa Dave Casale Jim Poole Bill McKernan Graydon Karlson

Joe Cilio (Business Editor) Nino DiPietro John Stanczak David Buonomo

StaH Artist Paul Sweeney John Capaldi Chris Collins Dexter Vilar

Typists Matt Best (Editor) Paul Waters Jeff Beck Will McCormack Brian Sullivan Joe Irwin Jim Donahue Graydon Karlson . Nick Amoratis Mike Taddei Bill Regli

Joe Elliott Steve Blatney Chris Van Zandt Steve Rietzke John Halfpenny Frank Gavin Lance Krelovich Mark Zebrowski Steve Donahue Jim Rayborn

And Very Special Thanks To ... · . . Mr. Charles Hilpl and Mrs. Peggy Braca for all their undying support, understanding, and help in financial mat (especially in emergencies). · . . Bro . Andrew, Bro . Frank, and Mr. Dave Diehl for help, advice, and support (especially at deadline time) . · .. Mr. Jim Devine and Mr. Mike Maicher for professional quality photographs and much advice and help . · .. Mr. Robert Davine and his wife Rita for "taking care" of everything, helping us at deadline time, and for keel "Grayhound" in business, and to Chuck Reed and all at Herff Jones . · . . Abe, Gemma, June, Lee Ann, and Kim at Davor Photo for their understanding and patience. · .. Mrs. Diane McGovern for her advice and help with matters artistic, Brother Linus for advice, Mr. George Hohenleitne advice and help . · . . Mom and Dad and my family for the opportunity to work on the yearbook, and understanding when I worked late . ~ about the grades.





"These are the good old days the next generation w hear so much about." - Artie Shaw

INDEX Acknowledgments ................ page 214 Art Club .... ......... ............. .... ........... .. .46 Band ................................................. 66 BasebalL ........................ .. .. ..... ......... 136 Basketball .......... .... ....... ..... .......... ... 118 Blue and Gold ................................... 78 Board of Trustees ..... ............ ... ... ...... 42 Bowling Team ................................. 126 Candids (A Look Back) .... ........... ... 146 College Day ....... ............................... 59 Community Service Corps ........ .. ... .. .60 Computer Club ........ .. ....................... 63 Crew, Fall ........................................ 116 Crew, Spring ................................... 140 Cross-Country ................................. 11 0 Dedication ................ ...... .... ..... ... ...... 17 Drama ... ....... ..................................... 56 Father and Son Banquet ... ........... ... .76 Football .. ..... ...................... ... ..... .. .... 106


Forum ....... .. ..... ......................... ........ 72 Freshmen ........ .......................... ...... .. 82 Gazebo ........... .......................... .. .... 217 Golf ...... ... ................ ...... ........... ....... 138 Ice Hockey ............ ... ...... ........... ...... 124 Indoor Track ................................... 122 Intramurals .... ..... ...... ................ .. ....... 54 Introduction ........................................ 2 Juniors .................. ........ ..... .. .. ....... ... .97 Mathletes ............ .. ..... ........ .... .... ...... 77 In Memoriam ........ ...... ....... .... .... ..... 203 Mixers ................... .... ...... ... ............... 65 Mother's Club ........... ...... .. ............... .62 Musical ............................................. 68 National Honor Society ............ ..... ... 58 Patron Page ........ .......... ............. ..... 215 Photo Club ............. ..... ....... ........ ...... .47 Principal's Address .. ........... ......... .... 150 Public Relations ... .............................. 43

Senior Quotes ........ .... ........... .... .... . Senior Retreats ...... ............ .. ... ...... . Seniors ........... ..... .. .............. ... ....... . Seraphim ... ........................ ..... ..... .. . Soccer ...... ........ ......... .. ..... ....... .... .. . Sophomores .... .......... ....... ..... ........ . Spirit Club ....... ........... ................ ... . Student Council .......................... .. . Swimming ............................... ...... . . Table of Contents ....... .... ...... .... ... . Teacher Flashbacks .. ...... ... ......... .. . Tennis ..................... ...... ....... ......... . Track and Field ..... ..... ........... .. .... . . Turkey Bowl ...... .... .................... .... . Underclassmen Retreat .. ...... ..... ... . Winter Dance ............................... . Wisterian ....... ............ ... .. .. ........ .. ... . Wrestling ...... ........... .... ....... ........... .

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