1985 Yearbook

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La ~alle

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f3oes to the Movies.




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"Coming Attractions" fter passing the screen test, they ~ entered into an opening night packed house. They started out as freshmen, known in the business as ex· tras. They went through a gruelling year and began to develop their study skills. These extras had the benefit of an under· standing theater manager in the person of Mr. Diehl, who let the freshmen know when they were not acting correctly in front of the cameras. They also, however, ran up against pressures not faced by the upper· classmen. They had to get to know the new school, the new routine, and the new peo· pie. It is hoped that the freshmen will be able to assume a variety of roles in the years to come. The future holds nothing but promise for these "coming attrac· tions." Everyone is waiting with anticipa· tion to see if they turn out to be "Blockbust· ers."



"Now Playing" A_ fter having lived through the pre· ~ views of freshman year, the ac· tors seemed to have become ac· customed to performing. No longer rookies, the sophomores walked around the set with confidence. Their tragic flaw, though, was that some of them thought they could get by without a script. Most of them, however, ad·libbed and survived. But for those who froze in front of the camera from an afflic· tion called "sophomoritis," it became a ma· jor setback in their career. Producer Broth· er Andrew let only those that showed prom· ise and effort advance on their way to stardom on the silver screen of La Salle. For the sophs who are "now playing" their roles as Explorers to the fullest, it is safe to say that they will never be classified as "flops."





Guidance is Suggested" s the curtain parted on the third ~ year of La Salle studies, prepara路 tion began for life beyond high school. The actor now chose some of his roles and in that way had a direct bearing on his script. It was also in the Junior year that some of the rewards of acting were at路 tained. There were varsity letters earned and proms attended. However, this year was not all fun and games. Towards the end of the year, the La Salle student had to start thinking about college and the dreaded Screen Actors Test (SAT). The Juniors had to seek help from teachers and counselors in order to make the right decisions for the future. And let us not forget, "parental guid路 ance is suggested."




Presentation" he final leg of preparation began. The La Salle actor needed to put in only two more semesters of work to earn his academy award (diploma). Pressure was still applied, though. The actor was now assuming the lead role in most of his activities. He was also being watched closely by casting directors from some of the more prominent film companies. Some Seniors had a difficult time deciding which to choose but they always had the full support of the production staff. Throughout his four years, the student had experienced the full range of idiosyn路 cratic teachers' phrases, from "Happy Birthday #22 boy!" of Freshman year to "the veritable cornucopia of knowledge and useful information" of Senior year. The "feature presentation" is over; its sequel is not far away.




Presentation" he final leg of preparation began. The La Salle actor needed to put in only two more semesters of work to earn his academy award (diploma). Pres路 sure was still applied, though. The actor was now assuming the lead role in most of his activities. He was also being watched closely by casting directors from some of the more prominent film companies. Some Seniors had a difficult time deciding which to choose but they always had the full support of the production staff. Throughout his four years, the student had experienced the full range of idiosyncratic teachers' phrases, from "Happy Birthday #22 boy!" of Freshman year to "the veritable cornucopia of knowledge and useful information" of Senior year. The "feature presentation" is over; its sequel is not far away.






1)1:l)ICA TIO~ ~ o dedication has ever been written ~

for a more dedicated man than David T. Diehl. He has served the La 1lle community for twenty-three years. 1ese years have been fulfilling ones for r. Diehl, for he has watched as La Salle 1s grown and has changed with time. He 1s watched with a caring and commitent to excellence which has affected us 1d thousands of students before us. In ct, "watched" is not even the right word use. He has instead enthusiastically par:ipated in shaping La Salle and its memirs - students and faculty. His participam with La Salle had been much more an administrator. Throughout his years !re, he has also served as a teacher, a >ach, and a counselor. At various stages of his career, Mr. Diehl is taught Social Studies, Algebra, and ;ychology. He was the head of the Social :udies department before Mr. Colistra !Id the position, and still teaches a psy1ology course at Pierce Junior College on c!eknights. It is in this vein that Mr. Marty anczak, a long time friend of Mr. Diehl, 1ys, "Dave is a teacher first and foreost." His role in whatever task he is perrming is always that of a teacher. Even ith the unpopular job of disciplinarian, Mr. 1ehl adopts a teacher-like attitude in inructing the young men of La Salle. He

imparts his wisdom and challenges them to advance into mature and responsible lives. As a coach, Mr. Diehl was the assistant of both John "Tex" Flannery and the legendary Charles "Obie" O'Brien. He was once also the head coach of the golf team at La Salle. While some might find this surprising, those who have known Mr. Diehl for a long time aren't startled in the least. "He was an excellent athlete." said Marty Stanczak, "He played varsity football at Temple and possesses a keen sense of athletics and how they work." Counseling was also one of Mr. Diehl's many job assignments. In 1967, he accepted the position of junior guidance counselor. He was one of the first counselors ever at La Salle because it was in '67 that counselors were first brought in here. Mr. Diehl illustrated his versatility by accepting this new and untried role. Once becoming Vice-Principal, the first lay-person ever to assume this position, Mr. Diehl was able to associate with all the students of La Salle since student activities and discipline fell under his jurisdiction. Brother Andrew Bartley says of Mr. Diehl, "I look upon him as a minister rather than an administrator. He has a vocation to Catholic teaching and reflects basic Christian values in his life and in his actions." Another long-time faculty member, Mr.

Bernard McCabe, described Dave Diehl as a very "balanced" individual - one who knows what to do and when to do it. Mr. McCabe insisted, however, that this dedication be fair, like Mr. Diehl himself, and not neglect to mention some of the less-publicized information regarding Mr. Diehl. "He cheats at poker." said Mr. McCabe, adding, "And you better print it or I won't say anything else good about him!" Obviously respected by the faculty, Mr. Diehl is equally respected by the students. Of all of the student body, seniors are undoubtedly the toughest group to gain respect from, but Mr. Diehl has earned our respect. Even when he keeps us after school at his "club," we realize he's simply fostering responsibility. At times we might not agree with him, but in our hearts we know he's on our side. He understands youth and the problems of youth and despite a somewhat tough facade, he's never unwilling to lend an ear or offer some advice. He's the first to catch you without socks, but he is also the first to praise you when you've done a good job. In his consistency throughout the years, he has proven his dedication to this school which just wouldn't be La Salle without him.



4.l)MI During school hours, finding Brother Andrew Barltey can seem somewhat like a mission impossible. Our hard working and truly caring Principal always surfaces to provide those certain inspiring words that make us feel a little more at home here at La Salle. Although he may seem slightly rigid to a student who decides to completely revise his roster in mid-September, Brother James Rieck is actually a nice guy. Without his tireless efforts as Vice-Principal of Academic Affairs, things at LaSalle would not run as smoothly and efficiently, and the students might not obtain the complete picture of a good education.


same time, he makes things very livable at LaSalle.

Mr. Charles J. Hilpl holds an extemely important position at La Salle as the Business Manager. Even though a given student may not speak a single word to him through the duration of four years, Mr. Hilpl has definitely come to know and love the signatures of the check-writing parents of that

student. The LaSalle Administration would not have time to take care of all of their important business without the great job done by LaSalle's secretaries, Mrs. Hellen Gal路 lagher, Mrs. Mary Kay Mullen, Mrs. Pa路 tricia Schaun and Mrs. Peggy Braca.

Though Mr. David Diehl at times can be compared to the hangman, he, as VicePrincipal of Student Affairs, does a good job of keeping the students in check. At the

Brother Andrew Bartley, F.S.C: Principal.

Brother James Rieck, F.S.C.: Vice-Principal for Academic Affairs.


Mr. David Diehl: Vice-Principal for Student Affairs.

Mr. Charles Hilpl: Business

Mrs. Patricia



Mrs. Peggy Braca

Mrs. Helen Gallagher

Mrs. Mary Kay Mullen

The beauty that is La Salle.


Who is that bearded man in the English office? Why, it's Mr. Michael O'Toole, the department chairman. Mr. O'Toole brings his unique and charismatic style to all of his classes. This style is also evident in the Gazebo, La Salle's quarterly literary maga· zine, which he moderates. Teacher, actor, philosopher, and athlete are just a few of the words that describe Mr. Edward McCabe. Whether he's instruct· ing Seniors on Plantantistic Philosophy, ex· plaining Homer's Odyssey to Freshmen, or running through hills with the cross·coun· try team, Mr. McCabe gives it his all. His portrayals of Agamemnon and Oedipus have been known to keep students on the edge of their seats. The other half of the'' McCabe Duo,'' Mr. Bernard McCabe, is celebrating his twen· ty·third year as an educator at La Salle. One

of the school's veteran teachers, Mr. McCabe knows the workings of this school completely (as well as the essays of our older brothers). He continues to display his experience and good judgement - except when he lets Charlie Karstens sit in on one of his classes. When Mrs. Clare Brown is not busy expounding on the assets of the O.E.D. or putting together a five-point vocabulary quiz, she may be found guarding the aca· demic wing from those scoundrels who try to venture there after eating. Well, what· ever she is doing, she always has the re· spect and cooperation of the student body. Like Karl Malden with the American Ex· press card, Mr. Edward Molush never

Mr. Michael O'Toole: Chairman of the English Department; English Seminar; Gazebo Moderator


AP English, English IV, Creative Writing,

leaves home without his mini-dictionary. This, along with his knowledge of English, ensures a thorough understanding of gram· mar and spelling. "The Movie Man", Mr. Dennis Barone, is known for his stirring speeches on the art of cinematography. Since this book has a "movie" theme, it would be interesting to get his critique on it. OK, Mr. Barone, how are our camera angles and cross-cuttings? New sophomores are glad to see a famil· iar face when they walk into their English class for the first time and find their former guidance counselor Brother David Rogers sitting behind the desk. He is able to work well with the students and the students can work well with him. Under Brother Dave, the students can get a clearer view of where their lives are going as well as Holden Caul· field's.

Mrs. Clare Brown: English I, English Ill.

Mr. Bernard McCabe: English II, English IV.

~r. Edward McCabe: English I, English IV; Assistant :ross Country Coach.

Mr. Edward Molush: English I, English Ill; Baseball Coach.

Mr. Dennis Barone: English II, English Ill.

Brother David Rogers, F.S.C.: English 11;Freshmen Counselor; Track Moderator; Basketball Moderator.


The extensive foreign language department at La Salle is often noted for bringing the colorful customs and interesting arts of other cultures here. The chairman of this department is just as colorful and interesting. Mr. David Manion organizes the many different cultures represented under one heading while still retaining each one's uniqueness. He is like a one-man United Nations director. Brother Michael Kramer: Spanish I.

Brother William Riley manages even to make the subjunctive mood fun. Brother is so dedicated to his classes that he made up his own A.P. Spanish workbook that, even with a typo or two, is a great help in learning. By the way, what is a "ganga", Dinda? Brother James Steck has proven that he is truly multi-lingual; he has taught both the French and Spanish languages during school hours and has spent his after-school hours deciphering that obscure English dialect, Debater-ese. Who's that Spanish-speaking fast-talking man that wheels and deals to get hundreds of eighth-graders interested in coming to La Salle? It's none other than Mr. James Devine. This man succeeds in injecting his style into the teaching of the Spanish culture - or is it the Spanish culture that injects its style into him?

Mr. George Hohenleitner demor strates his masetry of the German languag, by handling all of its levels here at La Salle His students, whatever level they're in, ca1 always count on a complete understandin 1 of all facets of the German culture. Mrs. Linda Donahue offers her unpara leled teaching abilities and her kind-hearte, personality to the students of La Salle, an we anxiously accept. Through her, we rea ize the effectiveness of a smile and the in portance of the preterite. Mr. James Serpiello's vibrant "aura and exciting teaching methods bring ot the Spanish in all of us. You catch yourse saying "Hola!" as you pass him in the hall even if you have no idea what it means. Everyone knows Mr. William Geige He is the teacher who visits Freshmc classes in February distributing Latin pr poganda and praising the wonders that th Ancient Roman language can do for yo1 SA T's and your vocabulary in generc

Brother Michael Kramer's extensi, course load keeps him busy. When rn teaching his two classes he can be four singing Carmen Mirenda hits in the La guage office.

Mr. James Devine: Spanish I, Spanish IV; Director of Public Relations/ Admissions.

Mr. James Serpiello: Spanish llx, Spanish Ill, Span路

Mr. David Manion: Chairman of the Foreign Language Department: French 111, French lllx, French IV, J

ish lllx.



Mrs. Linda Donahue: Spanish I, Spanish II, Spanish llx; Assistant Drama Modera路 tor.

J'llr.George Hohenleitner:

German I, German II, German Ill, German IV.

Brother William Riley, F.S.C.: Spanish I, Spanish Ill, Spanish lllx, AP Spanish; Tennis Coach; Band Moderator.

J'llr.William Geiger: Latin I, Latin II, AP Latin, Classical Elements, Ecology;

Brother James Steck, F.S.C.: French I, French II, French llx; Forum Moderator,

Moderator of Blue E, Gold, Moderator of Wisterian, Moderator of Photo Club.

Ice Hockey Moderator.


The honor of heading La Salle's Science Department goes to that knowledgeable chemist, Mr. Michael Bruno. A dedicated an innovative teacher, Mr. Bruno is best known for teaching a whole generation of future pharmacists how to make their very own aspirin. Since he made us promise not to tell any Opie Taylor jokes, we will have to focus on Mr. Gerald Evans' teaching abilities. His youthful vigor can make even the reproductive systems of starfish seem exciting.

Mrs. Julia Maher has acquired a great deal of patience teaching primarily underclassmen these last two years and it's a good thing, too. She needed them when ac路 companying the "civilized" Seniors of the Ecology class on some field trips. Since he is a former administrator, it may be assumed that Brother Talbot Ramsbottom can take control of any situation. With 25 years of dedication as a Christian Brother, however, he will enhance La Salle by taking any part in it. The award for "The La Salle Humanitar路 ian Teacher of the Year" goes to Miss Lorraine Rimert because of her Christian

warmth and the ability to relate so well to her students. After a year of her Physics labs, a student knows not to "fudge" the data or "beef" about the results ... and that's a fact! One of the more thorough and inquisitive teachers here at La Salle is Mr. Robert Russell. He gets no greater satisfaction than when he solves a problem that his AP Physics students couldn't do (gasp!) the night before. He shows a strange preference for cold weather over warm, dark classrooms over sunlit ones, and his answer over the one in the book. The science teacher with the best hair style has to be Mr. Anthony Viggiano. One of the many athletically inclined faculty members, Mr. Vig has done an admirable job as the school's athletic trainer. After a semester in his Biology class, a student will know the workings of the human body like - well - the back of his hand.

Mrs. Irene Pawlish is the latest addition to La Salle's Science Department. You can hardly tell, however, that this is her first year here since she's made such a smooth transition from St. Francis Xavier to La Salle. We have confidence that she and La Salle will continue to be complimentary to each other.

Mr. Anthony Viggiano: Physical Science, AP Bio ogy; Athletic Trainer.

Mr. Michael Bruno: Chairman of the Science Department; Chemistry, AP Chemistry, Honors Chemistry.





Freshman Biology; Moderator of Swimming



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Mr. Gerald Evans: Biology, Biology II, Physical Science.

Miss Lorraine Rimert: Physics, Honor Physics, Elec·

tricity I, Electricity 11;Head of Audio/Visual Depart· ment.

Mrs. Irene Pawlish: Computer Literacy, Programming I, Geometry.

Mrs. Julia Maher: Physical Science, Chemistry, Honors Chemistry; Co-moderator of CSC.

Mr. Robert Russell: Programming II, Programming Ill, Programming IV, AP Programming, AP Physics; Director of Computer Center; Moderator of Ski Club.


Vl:Llf310 Mrs. Muriel Mehr's motherly persona is widely felt all throughout La Salle. She is always the first to congratulate us on a job well done and is always there for advice. She has certainly earned the respect that goes with her position as chairperson of the religion department. When people look back at La Salle years from now, they will recognize Mr. Stephen Krol as being the teacher who brought' 'mu路 sic to the masses." His tireless work with the Seraphim and the Christian Action Pro路 ject has not gone unrewarded. It has given many students the opportunity to express themselves in new ways. As Freshmen, it seems that the first friend we have in school is Brother Aloysius Lumley. He makes us feel part of the La Salle community by his pleasant and entertaining disposition. By befriending freshmen, "Hollywood Al" helps them overcome initial fears.

Mr. Alfred Pun tel takes over the awesome responsibility as head of the Community Service Corps. He is certainly a busy person, being inundated with this new job and four religion courses, but we all know he can stand up to this task. Mr. Patrick Devine has the pleasure of teaching only seniors for his marriage course. He is widely known for his fine coaching job with the cross country and track teams and he brings that exuberance with him into the classroom. Here, he will spin a wide variety of enjoyable tales which are somehow connected with the class. He sure makes a somtimes mundane subject come alive. After a layoff of a few years, Mr. Carl Clayton has returned to the school where he once held the position of vice principal. We all welcome the experience he brings with him and, even more importantly, the knowledge and understanding he has of La Salle and its students.

With the departure of Brother Brendan,

Mr. Patrick Devine: Marriage, Junior Counselc Cross Country Coach, Track Coach.

Mrs. Muriel Mehr: Chairwoman of Religion Department: Religion I, Peace & Justice, Death; Co-moderator

Mr. Alfred Puntel: Morality, Roots, Mystery of Go

of CSC.

Future Church; CSC Moderator.


r. Stephen Krol: Religion I, Religion II, Prayer, Christian Action, Spanish I; raphim Moderator.

Jlllr.Carl Clayton: Religion 11;Underclass Retreats.

Brother Aloysius

Lumley, F.S.C.: Religion I; Golf Coach.

Father Anthony Janton: Chaplain



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Mr. Joseph Colistra, department chair· man, adds life to the deadest of classes. In his own inimitable style, he makes a lasting impression on each of his students. His reliabilty is undaunted. He always manages to go and teach; even if that means he and Mr. Miller will have to cut short a conversation. Mr. Gerald Miller, one of the greatest men who ever lived, deserves more than ridicule for his habit of tossing students out of the halls. He's much more than a ruthless hall moderator. He's a man of destiny and a man of principles. He knows where he's at, and where he's headed. (This is demonstrated in his well-planned and efficient classes.) The '85 Blue and Gold salutes this marvel of a man. "Now do I get an A in Post-War?"

How could we speak of .Mr. John Grace and fail to mention his classic classroom style. An outstretched arm, glasses in hand, that fateful line unleashed, "Let's look at it another way." The king of expostulation makes a LaSalle student examine

every historical possibility. Mr. Joseph Parisi has spent four years in the LaSalle community; his wit and ability are appreciated by all. Aside from the excellent job he does with World Cultures, he manages to lend a hand with some of the activities around school. For example, he's assisted Mr. Miller with the Student Council on a number of occasions this year. .Mr. Thomas Turner has made a fine transition into teaching A.P. American History. His talents are still utilized in his freshmen and sophomore classes and they will surely benefit from his ability. Brother Thomas Speakman's personal and friendly demeanor are a comfort to freshmen. He's a great listener, and will always lend an ear to a distressed student. A personal listener isn't an easy role to play, but Brother Tom does an admirable job of


Mr. Joseph Colistra: Chairman of Social Studies Department: American History I, Economics I, Economics II, Hitler, AP American History, Communism; Assistant Football Coach.


Mr. John Grace: American History, AP Americ History, AP European History; Football Moderat, Drama Moderator.

Mr. Joseph Parisi: World Cultures, Psycholo, Moderator of Soccer, Assistant Basketball Coach, , sistant Baseball Coach.

Mr. Thomas Turner: American History I, American History II, AP American Histo路 ry; Soccer Coach.

Brother Thomas Speakman, F.S.C.: World Cultures, Religion I, Religion 11;Intra路 murals Director.

Mr. Gerald Miller: American History I, American History II, Postwar America; Moderator of Student Council; Junior Varsity Baseball Coach.


It's a good thing that Mr. James Roche is Chairman of the Math Department. 0th· erwise, he might get in trouble for breaking so much chalk. However, Mr. Roche's abili· ty to make the most abstruse elements of Calculus seem simplistic more than justi· fies the loss of a box of chalk a day. Again, guys, I can't stress enough the importance of Mr. Joseph Radvansky to La Salle's Math Department. Broadway Joe reminds us that there are other things in life besides mathematics . . . like Freshman football. Whatever you do, don't ask Mr. Michael Ponisciak what the odds are of finding bet· ter math teachers than here at La Salle. This master statistician will fill three black· boards with calculations and then give you his answer - "there are no better math teachers."

Mr. James Roche: Chairman of the Math Department; Algebra I, Algebra II, Calculus AB, Calculus BC

Even if you've never had Mr. John Frizalone, you're familiar with his voice - it's the one incessantly booming through the second floor corridor. Rumor has it that Friz intends to outline his extraordinarily sue· cessful teaching methods in an upcoming book, Teaching Through Loudness. What man has the patience to moderate the feisty Mathletes, the courage to wear tacky fishing hats, and the foresight to ex· pand into computer science? Mr. James Bradley's second year at La Salle has been Mrs. Mary Jo Smith: Geometry; Forum Coach.

Brother Kevin McManus, F.S.C.: Algebra I, Algebra 11.


Miss Maureen Dugan: Algebra I, Algebra II, Algebra llx.

,r. John Frizalone: Consumer Math, Geometry with Trig., Math Analysis I, Math Analysis II, Trigonometry, alculus.

Mr. Michael Ponisciak: Algebra I, Statistics, Math Analysis I, Math Analysis II; Co·moderator of CSC.

one success after another, and we expect his excellent performance to continue next year.

Ir. James Bradley: Algebra II, Geometry, Analytic Geometry X, Programming I, Programming II; Mathletes ,oderator.

Some people are born to frosh; others have frosh thrust upon them. Miss Mau· reen Dugan has shown that even fresh· men and sophomores can be taught if the right methods are used (Her favorites are the rack and the thumbscrews). Mrs. Mary Jo Smith has assumed a less rigorous schedule after the birth of Baby # 1. Actually she only teaches one Geometry class per day and puts up with obnoxious debaters after school. Sad to say, we'll be losing Mrs. Smith this year, as Baby # 2 interrupts our plans.

Bro. Kevin McManus is one of the stabi· lizing forces in La Salle's Math Department. His proven ability continues to impress the students of La Salle. He joined the Math Department after one too many explosions in the lab. However, he hasn't totally di· vorced himself from the science depart· ment because he still regularly sports his lab jacket. Bro. Kevin's dry wit even makes Algebra more enjoyable .


lr. Joseph Radvansky: Algebra II, Geometry, Math Analysis I, Math Analysis II, Analytic Geometry; Fresh· 1an Football Coach.


6Ull)4 Without Brother John D' Alfonso many Seniors would be stuck in La Salle HS for eternity. The Seniors respect and trust Brother John to make sure all college material gets into the right hands through rain, sleet, or hail - even if (gulp!) it gets to him rather late. Juniors have enough on their minds in addition to forming future goals, so it's often hard to remember about laying plans for college and life. Mr. Patrick Devine keeps a constant surveillance over the Juniors - reminding them and guiding them towards life after La Salle.

Mrs. Doris Daly checks and re-checks career information and sophomores' interest tests in order to help these young men prepare their courses in the future. Her pleasant personality makes you feel right at ease, taking many pressures off your mind. Brother David Rogers has one of the more work men them

difficult guidance positions. He must with and really get to know the Freshhe encounters and must reassure in a most confusing time in their lives.

Mrs. Anne Funchion relieves some of the pressures of Brother John by neatly arranging all of his (and the Seniors') important items. She successfully keeps things in the Guidance office flowing.

IIUUl Mr. Patrick

Devine: Junior Guidance.


John D'Alfonso,

F.S.C.: Guidance Dire

tor; NHS Moderator; Wrestling.

Mrs. Anne Funchion

Brother David Rogers, F.S.C.: Freshman Guidance.


Mrs. Doris Daly: Sophomore Guidance.

Mrs. Marie Baer: Assistant Sophomore Guidance.

Brother Linus Finn, F.S.C.: Typing

Brother William Quaintance,

F.S.C.: Study Tech路

niques; Men of La Salle Moderator.

Brother Edward Cannon, F.S.C.: Proctor.

Brother Miller Bosch, F.S.C.: Driver Training; Proc路 tor.

Mr. Frank Mullin: Bookstore Manager.



Brother Fred Stelmach,

F.S.C.: Director of Development; Moderator of Mother's


Mrs. Diane McGovern: Art, I, Art II, Art Ill, Mechanical Drawing; Moderator of Ar Club.

Mrs. Florence Ward: Alumni Director.




Mr. Joseph Ciccimaro: and Omega Bands.


of Music Department;

Alpha, Stage, Jazz

A Tt-fLl:TIC搂

Brother Hilary McGovern, F.S.C.: Phyiscal Education.

\\r. Martin


Director of Athletics;



Mr. John Flannery:

Mr. Walter Farrell: Physical Ed.

Football Coach.

Mr. John Les Burke: Basketball Coach.


Mrs. Mary Mountain:


Mrs. Alice Anne Bossow: Library Assistant.


Mrs. Susan Sayer: Library Assistant.

La Salle's excellent library.

Brother Eugene Morgan, F.S.C.

Mr. Guy Cimini.

Mrs. Mary Diaz


Mrs. Jennie Barratt, R.N.: School Nurse

Cafeteria Staff: M. McFadden, J. Pitone, M. McClintock, E. Barnett, R. Dipinto, N. Livingood, S. Connaghan, B. Butler, H. Popiel, H. Roman.



14 Robert Akbari

Michael A. Delia

Robert Halfpenny

Kevin Lange











Sean Kane

Kevin Hinderliter


Shawn Chun

"My new book: All I Know About Pitching."



William Marroletti


Timothy McGoldric




Paul Murray

John Perillo


Timothy T. Gadd

All present.

Kevin T. Milhous



Teacher: Mrs. Muriel Mehr

Good Homeroom.

Gregory Rolek




Nicholas A. Teti

John Valenti

David Weikel

J. Reb

Wonjae Yang

{evin Allen

ilip Digiacomo

Dean Baker

Robert Betchyk

Mathew J. Brogan



Gregory Dupee


John Cicchiello

Steve Coruzzi

Thomas Flavin

Robert Gaidjunas




Mr. Parisi auditions for Conan III William Keenan

Glenn Holmes

drew Korman



Richard Mathew

Robert J, Miller


Teacher: Brother

Good Homeroom.

William Newhouse

John Petko

Tom Speakman All present

ames Russell

ome W. Stewart

Thomas Reichard

Michael Sheehan





Edward Wentz



John Coscia



Phillip DiMaria

Sal Baldassano



William Fogg

Craig Ebner

Derek Brown

Thomas Cantono

Michael Clancy

David Gallagher

Ronald Greenley

Thomas Haslam


Michael Lebiedzim

Robert Kozloski


Now let me expand on that point just a bit.


Joe McMahon






Mr. Stephen

Good Homeroom,

All Present.


Michael Tidd


Gerald Vile

George Petrellis

Sean Reilly


Michael Simpson


William Strobeck




Steven Zhelesni


Patrick Bartucci


Paul Edling


Patrick Foley


•atrick McMonagle

Robert Riethmiller


Michael Beveridge

Vincent Bruner

Frank Gallo

Daniel Gaurnaccia







Vincent Kennedy

John Hasson

Moris Ledwith



Shane O'Donnell




William Tighe




Darren Samsel







"How was Pool class, Frank?"



Mr. Edward McCabe

Missing: Robert Craig


Lee Angelicho



William Dortonne


Walter Bass

John Egan



Steven Buonomo


Dominic Capponi

David Gunn

Thomas Colema

Albert Heaton

William Kershm

Derek Jamison

W Kruckenberger

Thomas Lee

"Mike, look at that! It works!"

Michael McAllist,

Michael Maguire

David McNamara



Michael Plagens

Gregory Rietzke







Bro. David Rogers

Absent: Patrick Gibbons

Michael Tomchewsky


Karl Voss

William Williams

Edward Swanso

Erich Berke







David Brendza


Brian Connery

D' Angelo

Elliot Fus

John Graham

Paul Kane

Eric Kleinfelder



John Dunn

Mark Haley

Allan Lovgren

"One of these days, Al ice"

{irk Marcolina

Patrick McFadden

oseph Penrose



Andrew Miles



Gregory Schillinger



Not Present:

'rank Vaccaro







Peter Tantala

Mrs. Clare Brown Gerod Argeros

Dennis Yanan

Michael Ziff


John Alcorn



Robert Capaldi


Patrick Costello


Daniel Finn

John Jlllaiden

Edward Reilly






Sean JlllcCallister


Richard Brenm


William Eberhi

"Filet mignon it certainly isn't!"





Jlllichael Scanlan

Paul Hinderliter



Edward Jllloore


Taras Sowirka

William Shaeffer


Jllloderator: Jlllr. James

Not Present:





Gregory Ore

Robert Sullivan



Thomas Gilmore





David Wolpert



Larry Poli

Andrew Tripo,



1tian De John

Paul Dimaria

ph Guagliardo

Michael Houck

ck McGonagle


Peter Bonfanti



Micbael Egnotovich



Harry Fisher


Daniel LeFevre

Vincent Schaeffer

"Enter into the world of The Twilight Zone."


Not Present:

John Trotman

Frank Gagliano

Micael Malatesta



:opher Susanin


John Cowan

Gavin Muir

William Mealey

Richard Poulson



Mr. James

Andrew Glick

Patrick Mccann




Michael Shannon

David Spratt

Wesley Waninger

Duke Wolpert


William Brown


Break Dancing durjng Art Class.

Patrick Dougherty

Thomas Dunleavy

Douglas Ervin

Peter Bartels

Michael Botto

Kevin Christian

Mark Collins

Timothy Fitzgerald






William Carey

David Coxin

Michael Dean

Emil Gondos

Kevin Guerin

313 Charles



Brian Patrone


Robert Martin



Kevin Ledger



Jobn Rodia


David Sadowski





Michael Tyrell

Henry Schirmer

John Miles

Francis SMullE

Bobby Sharma



Timothy Woo~


Bro. Talbot Ramsbottom

Good Homeroom,



All Present


John Beagle

Brian Boyle

:hael Caruso

Thomas Cleary

ichael Coyle

Phillip Demara

Paul Dougherty

el Goodwin

Kevin Iaqunto

Michael Korman


,rt Perkinson











Not Present:



Arthur Etchells

David Forde

Chuan Lin

Gerad Lucidi

Michael Minghenelli



,uis Talamo


"Brother, the Pirates will never win the division."

Patrick Dunn


Lee Schmalbach




Romom Garcia




Paul Shea



Mr. Thomas Turner

Michael Guerrelli

Gregory Watson






Thomas Depman




Robert Dougherty


Michael Gavin

John Izzard

Michael Kelly

Daniel Mc Farlane

Sean Mcelligott


Michael Sawicky




Samuel Casale

Peter Dupont












Dennis Link

Reading will mold your education

Malcolm Macklin

Albert Miralles





Francis Nolan




Andrew Peszka

Gregory Tiernan

Mr. William Geiger

Good Homeroom.


Gordan Conwell

David Halfpenney


Andrew Wiley

Robert Clinton

All Present.





613 Geoffery Bransome

rr\ark Coccimiglio







Kenn Corrigan



Patrick Mc Ginn

David Rothwell

Air guitar class


Francis Crane

Douglas Gregor

Edward Hibbert

Thomas McGann

Scott Mchale

Brian Saxon

Mark Sciutto


Ms. Maureen


Good Homeroom:

Keith Vernon






Edmund Mirarchi

David Smith

Richard Cameron

John Casey

Daniel Durkin

Robert Farrace

William Lahr

Kevin O'Donnell

David Suder

Andrew Little

Peter Phelan




All Present

Bruce Williamson





Gerald Cosgrove

William Gerlach

Ronald Lauck

Chris Blatney

Brian Bray

Robert Campion

John Casper

William Coer

Thomas Cush

Steven Damico

Michael Difebbo

Frank Dwyer

Mark Ferraro



Samuel Hillanbrand

Edward Lemanowicz

Albert Funk

John Kichula

Thomas Lobley

Thomas MaguirE

David McMahon

Mark Mitchell

Thomas Scott

Gregory Solle,

La Salle's newly purchased lighthouse ...



Gerald Ohara

John McGeer

John Pilosi

Drew Reichert





Good Homeroom,

Brian Sullivan


Eric Toppy

Gregory Scandone

Mr. G. Hohenleitner All Present





1C Michael Anderer

!rence Cummings

John Fitzpatrick



Dana Device





Michael Casey

William Clinton

Sean Dougherty

Elmer Hansen

... on La Salle's newly purchased beach.

Charles Hofmann

Mark Kootz



Timothy Johnson




John Livingood

Edgan O'Donnell

Kevin Pavlick



Marc Madison

Scott Porreca

Moderator: Not Present:



Brian Sullivan

Pat Mazzarelli



Todd Rittenhouse

Michael Miehle

Paul Schaefer

Mr. Alfred Puntel Seth Walsh






Vincent Barth

Richard Devincent

John Cunnin

Daniel Elcock

John Forll

Frank Gregor

Alright, who laughed at my tie???

Andrew Kraft

John Londergan

Francis Maguire

Charles McAnally

Richard Penuliar

Harry Portland

Chip McKeaney


Homeroom Moderator: Absent:

Richard Webster



Kenneth L,

Thomas Kent


Kevin Miller



John Morrissey

Richard Sullivan

Mr. Patrick Devine

Michael Hanson Cletus Romano Mark Timmerman

Robert Zamichieli

Charles O'E

onald Bean

Peter Bossow

1athan Caffey

Scott Chadwick

:phen Connell


,mes Devine

Timothy Ernst

Robert Franks

Robert Griffith

Emmett Harkins

Ira Kerns

Peter Kretzu

Philip Lembach

George Loos

Niall Mccall

Carl Motz

Timothy Petrilli

Jeff Purtell

I am holding this slaunch路wise!


Peter Rotelle



Not Present:

Thomas Houlahan



Eugene Spirito

William Juba

Paul Minecci

Robert Sullivan

Mr. Edward Molush

Sean Ohalloran


Brian Timoney

Robert Weikel


John Bottinger

Jeff Beck

Robert Gick

Ken Hackman

Mark Loschiavo

Andrew Marszalek


lhor Chernyk



Sean McCook




Matt Kane

Peter Dierkes

Timothy Kilian

Matt Fagioli

Bill Lesoravage

Matt McClees

George Pickul

Michael Stelacio

'Michael Sh.;;.key

Thomas Tafe

"New Delhi is in India, not the food court."



Not Present:

Karl Werner


Mrs. Linda Donahue

Thomas Connell John Kuhn Nicholas Rudnytzky

Robert Toft

eph Belcher

John Brown

Michael Cantwell

Oleh Chernyk

John Connor

Thomas Darragh

Michael Dillon

Bill Fahy

Andrew Giletti

Philip Hagerty

Todd Hellman

Chris Jacobsen

Steve Carlson

Eric Kleinschmidt

hris Kulp

Dale Litner

Walter Lutz

David Martella'

Timothy Murphy




Thomas O'Malley

John Meko




John Monaghan

Mark Sabo

Drew Stockmal


Robert Whalon

Tammaro Auditioned


for Chostbusters'



Mrs. Julia Maher

Missing: Dexter Vilar Clineson Redcross


Gerald Birch


Edward Kelly


J Ledwith

Paul Lisiewski

Peter Lyons

Keith Melinson






Chris Giuffrida



Edward DeAng,

Henry K Hencl


William Matthe

"Yes, master, I'm in your power."

Mark Noonan

Michael L Sarno

William Reinhardt




Richard Copley

Thomas A Capper





Richard Fegley


A Jesko



John Siliquini


Ronald Streeper

Mr. Gerald Miller

John Cuhn Patrick G McGovern






Francis Bruno

Harry Fisher

'ard Koebert

:hur Mattia

ph O'Conner


Brian J Grady


Richard Liszewski


John McGowen




Eugene Halos



Craig Pomplas

John Scarpello

Michael Simon




David Cianci



Neil Jessen

Brians Dougans



R Macklin

Edmund Moore


Robert Rich

Victor Suchodolski

should I have a cheesesteak or the platter?"

Tibor Terek

Mr. Michael Bruno

Missing: Thomas Costello

Alan Walsh

Gerald Desmond

7C James





Tt-1 ,


hat's the running joke in the bandroom this year? "Here comes Bro. Bill. What are we doing this time?" Yes, we've done a lot this year. Two Beef & Beers, over two dozen concerts for various feeder schools, two theatre productions, many school functions, including the feature of our Brass choir and stage bands at the Baltimore-area conference of the Christian Brothers last November. In addition, the Pep Band has been a faithful (if not rowdy) group at the football games, and even a renegade soccer game. And our competition recognition for its various sections and members, as well as a whole band. Outside the group, eight of our musicians earned individual recognition by participating in the All-Catholic, All District, All-State Regional Bands. "But how do they do it?", you ask. True: We are in popular demand and seem to do a great deal, and we do. It's all possible because of our dedicated and talented teachers. Our Brass players are educated and inspired by Mr. Rocco Benny and Mr. Jeff Lego.



No wonder! There's a sock stuffed in here.


And here's a little ditty from Twisted Sister.

Someday this will all be mini

AT LA SALLI: The Reed players benefit from the in· struction of Mr. Joe Vittore and Mr. Gene Ciccimaro. And our rhythm section is guid· ed by the talents of Mr. Ray Dealy, Mr. Dominic Fiore, and Mr. Pat Mercuri. And our competing Jazz Ensemble is under the direction of Mr. R. David Orehowski. Of course, nothing would happen without the skillful coordination handled by our su· preme leader and head of the Music Depart· ment, Mr. Joe (Mr. C) Ciccimaro and left men, the officers of the Music Department Matt Kulak (Pres.), Pete Gotimer (V.P.) and Karl Hentschel (V.P.). But that's not the end. It's just the Begin· ning for the New music department. The addition of two extra underclass bands and the expanded A.P. music band are just the start of a soon to be unbeatable in talent and sound Jazz Ensemble. In the near fu· ture, a band will be seen that composes, arranges, writes, and performs its own mu· sic. A super group that will be even more popular than the one we had last year. What do you mean, "two guitars are enough?"

Mr. C's lullaby.


"ls it live or is it Memorex?"

"Wow! These things are great for shooting spit路balli

The band practices to stay perfect.

"Anybody want anything from the cafeteria?"


The view from the top.

"The sheet music, Karl, look at the sheet music!"


The band is just one of Pete's successful activities.

"I hope Mr. C won't mind me studying math during practice."

BAND MEMBERS: J. Meko, K. Hentschel, M. Kulak, S. Porecca.

The Grand Finale



a Salle's Art Club is led by the dedicated and talented Mrs. Diane Mc路 Govern. Under her direction, the Art Club contributes a great decorative service to La Salle which it could not otherwise have the priviledge of enjoying. The Club started this year by completing the mural of sports and activities outside the cafeteria. It also aided in the decoration of the stage for La Salle's theatre's produc路 tions. Future projects are as yet unveiled, but it is certain that the Art Club will live up to its reputation and brighten the school with another of its creative and magnificent works done by its truly talented members.

Mrs. McGovern busy at work.

Inspiration can strike anywhere.

Art Club project inspired by "Planet of the Apes Week".


Art Club provides interesting aspect of school.

Mrs. Mc Govern displays Art Club's talents.

Vt-iOTO CLUl3: l)~V~LOVl~6

T AL~,...T


nee again, those merciless La Salle photographers, armed with camera ind film, set out to hunt down and capture his year's most exciting and memorable noments. Yes, it's the La Salle Photo Club, ed by that master of photographic tech· 1ique and style (not to mention a darn nice Juy), Mr. William "Ziggy" Geiger, other· vise known as "The Big G." Mr. Geiger did ,uch a great job organizing the club last rear, that he's back for more, and planning '.Ven bigger and better things, including ,everal field trips and another photo con· est, complete with prizes and school·wide ecognition of photographic talent. Mem· >ers of the club this year will have the op· >ortunity to learn many photographic and larkroom techniques, and will have ample >pportunity to hone skills of basic photog· aphy and picture composition. Plus, many >f the pictures seen in the yearbook and lv'isterian will have been taken by members >f the club. Thanks to Mr. G's able leader· ,hip, the photo club is now an integral part >f the La Salle Community. The master and his apprentice.


"The formula is now complete! Ha! Ha!''

Photo Club enjoys its work.


La Salle CSC members: Too numerous to mention

111....J ever have

so few, done so much, for so many as in the 1984·85 Com· munity Service Corps. Not only have they taught inner·city youth how to swim, they've tutored, they've fed the hungry, they've clothed the naked, and they've brought joy to elderly and orphaned people across the state. In fact, not only are these people helped by the CSC, the stu· dents themselves gained enormously from their experiences. They have grown Phys· ically, Intellectually, Emotionally, Reli· giously, and Socially. By working with oth· er schools, such as the Mount, McDevitt, Cecilian, and St. Basil's, La Salle's CSC has become an integral part of the Archidioce· san program. The entire La Salle community should be proud of the accomplishments made by the CSC this year. This activity has put into action the Christian principles which per· meate St. LaSalle. These valiant young men have taught reading and math skills to young students at St. Raymonds. Oper· ation Swim has soared to new heights of interest this year, evidenced by the fact that a bus was required to transport the increasing number of La Salle students each week. For the second consecutive year, La Salle has been the largest partici· pating high school sending volunteers to Operation Santa Claus in the Germantown· Kensington area. Bread Basketball has brought together the entire La Salle com· ~

Depman and his board of advisors.


Joe Black plans a coup d' etat.

CSC can be fun!

munity as a driving force to provide food for needy families. Also the CSC has provided clothes for the homeless of Philadelphia. But possibly the greatest contribution made by La Salle's CSC has been in the realm of Christian Clowning. This daring new venture could have been called their forte. Originating at La Salle, they are still the stronghold of Christian Clowing in the Archidiocesan Community Service Coprs. Alias, "the Exploring Eagles", this rag·tag troupe of clowns have been seen donning their costumes throughout the greater Philadelphia area. They have written, pro· duced, directed, choreographed, and per· formed - to the delight of all - an original Christian Clowning play. Adding the new dimension of joy to their program this year, the CSC has been char· acterized as well rounded, fully developed, devoted, high-spirited, enthusiastic, party· animals of unquestionable integrity. The CSC has reached never before attained heights of participation and in fact ran an average of 5 programs a week. We hope that this tradition will continue and grow. I slept and I dreamt that life was all joy; I awoke and saw that life was but service; I served and understood that service is joy. TAGORE

CSC Halloween costumes: five clowns and an accountant.

CSC initiation.


The Board of Trustees: (front row, I. tor.) C. Hilpl, Bro. John Patzwall, Bro. Andrew Bartley, Brother Richard Kestler (Provincial of the Brothers), Mr. John Metzger, M1 Edward Patrone, Bro. Emery Mollenhauer. (back row, I. tor.) Bro. Rene Sterner, Mr. James Blount, Mr. William Vincent, Mr. William Meehan, Mr. Elmer Hanson, Mr. Dal Lintner, Mr. David Diehl, Bro. David Pendergast, Bro. James Rieck. Missing from photo: Bro. Luke Maher and Mr. Thomas Gola.


a Salle High School's Board of Trustees consists of eight Christian Brothers and ten laymen. The mem· bers of the Board are chosen by their dem· onstration of talents, abilities and leader· ship qualities. They represent many fields of study, including Education, Law, and Business. This year's members are Brother John Patzwall, F.S.C., Brother Emery Mol· lenhaur, F.S.C., Brother Rene Sterner, F.S.C., Mr. Elmer Hansen, Brother David Pendergast, F.S.C., Mr. Thomas Gola, Mr. Charles Hilpl, Mr. William Vincent, Mr. Da· vid Diehl, Mr. James Blount, Mr. Dale Litner, Brother Luke Baher, F.S.C., Mr. John Metzger, Brother James Rieck, F.S.C., Mr. William Meehan, Mr. Edward


Patrone, Brother Andrew Bartley, F.S.C., and Brother Richard Kestler, F.S.C., Chair· man of the Board. This group of distin· guished members is legally responsible for the academic and financial matters of La Salle. The members of the Board of Trustees ar combined in several committees which meet at various times throughout the school year and the summer months. These committees are formed to address specialized topics and problems of the La Salle community. The Board of Trustees has overall au· thority over La Salle and the Board dis·

cusses any complaints and criticisms the are leveled against La Salle. Under the d rection of the Board of Trustees, this year i mainly a consolidation year financially fc the school. The Board also intend to ac dress needs concerning the grounds, builc ings and enviroment of the La Salle corr munity this year. Acquisition of new proJ erty is planned, as well as the sale c unused property by the school. The Boar of Trustees authorized the purchase of th Donahue Estate earlier this year. In antic pation of the evaluation by the Middl States Association in the fall of '86, th Board of Trustees is overseeing the prer aration and refurbishing necessary for th evaluation.


he Admissions/ Public Relations Department has once again completed an arduous, yet highly sucessful year. Under its sixth-year director, 1r. James Devine, the department visited ighty to ninety grade schools. There, poential students watched a slide presentaion on La Salle's curriculum, academics nd social life. They listened to Mr. De· 'ine's summary of the admissions process nd had the opportunity to have any quesions answered. Beyond this challenging task, the Public telations Department is responsible for coordinating the open house, planning the ,rincipal's dinner in November, organizing he open admissions process, assembling

No, we can't go to Spain to recruit eighth graders."

the school calendar, and publishing The Blue and Gold Line, the La Salle newsletter. The Blue and Gold is distributed to stu· dent's families, grade schools, and teach· ers. The newsletter serves as one of the school's primary sources of communicat· ing current accomplishments, events, and changes in the La Salle community. Mr. Devine is assisted by the Student Council, members of the National Honor Society, Mrs. Mary Kay Mullin, and Mr. James Serpiello. The Department, com· posed of such high quality personel, has equitted the school and itself well. Thanks Mr. Devine and all who were involved in the department for a job well done.

Throngs gather for the Open House.

The 84·85 PR staff: Mr. Devine (head), Mrs. Mary Kay Mullen, and Mr. Serpiello.


LA SALLI= Tlil=A Tl?I= T Al\l=S t=L161iT


nee again, the La Salle Drama De路 partment is to be commended for its efforts. This year's fall production, Dracula, Baby, was said to be one of the best in recent years. Though virtually unheard of, Dracula, Baby was brought to life (or in this case un-death) by the talented members of its cast. Teachers and students thoroughly enjoyed themselves when they attended the performances. Under the direction of Mr. Peter Doyle, a three-show veteran of La Salle theatre, the cast worked long and hard to achieve their goal of a well-polished, entertaining produc路 tion. Accompanied by the production skills of Mr. Ciccimaro, as well as those of Mr. John Grace and Mrs. Linda Donahue, the show became comparable in success with such past shows as Fiorello!, Macbeth, and 'Lil Abner. This production of Dracula, Baby brought satisfaction to the audience as well as the cast and crew. Because a small cast was required for this production, those who were involved became very comfortable with one another. The small size of the cast gave the actors, individually, a chance to express them路 selves on stage. It was evident that the cast members had as much fun as the audience had. Their successful interaction was espe路 cially apparent in the chorus numbers: "Wonderful Day," "It's a Bloody Graveyard," "Transylvania After Dark," and of course, the infamous "Monster Mash." The feelings of comaradarie were seen and were truly reflected in the way that the cast came together and interacted with each other, the crew, the band, and the audience. After having two Fall Drama successes, it could be assumed that the Fall Drama Production at La Salle will remain a tradition of excellence for years to come.

This way to the show.

"Pete, you gotta come to the rehearsals!"

"Hurry, we must be finished by sunrise."


Practice makes perfect.

"Who ya gonna call?"

Pete waits for make-up.

"I hope I'm not being a pain in the neck."

Herold steals the spotlight.

Only the best make it through final cut.

Jeff Beck ................................. Dracula Matt Herold ...................... Van Helsing Phil DiGiacomo ...................... Renfield Matt Wentz ....................... Dr. Seward Pete Dougherty .......... Frankie/Chorus Bob Toft ........................ Harry /Chorus Paul Murray .................. Ghost/Chorus Kelly McShain .............................. Lucy Rhoda Harrison .......................... Nurse Matt Buchannan ....................... Arthur Molly Mitchell ........................... Sylvia Mary McLeod .............. Zombie/Chorus Heather Egan ............ Vampira/Chorus Harriet Elfring ............ Mummy /Chorus


Mixers Vrove liuae 搂uccess. he popularity of LaSalle's mixers has always been great. This year, however, people came in droves like never before. Before a second mixer could take place, the mixer system had to be revised to accommodate such overcrowding. With all this taken into account, the mixers at LaSalle are, and have always been, enjoyable for all who attend. They provide a chance for underclassmen to meet and interact with girls from many surrounding high schools. The live band and the abundance of people offer those who attend an opportunity to enjoy another aspect of "High School Life." The student council utilizes the revenues from mixers to support the council itself and to help various other causes. The mixers at LaSalle are widely known and praised. All who come, enjoy them路 selves. Mixers are important to student social life, and will keep underclassmen busy on weekends for years to come.


Burlesque comes to La Salle

"Big brother is watching."

"Dinda, Darcy -


Disco's Dead!"

A veritable sea of women.

One of the more famous couples that LaSalle mixers have brought togethE

Ll:AI)ยง Ttil: WA "1

ophomore Senators: G. Muir, J. Logan, J. Gabriel, T. Gilmore, C. Susanin, T. cGann, G. Scandone

Freshman Senators:

S. Elnetzke, G. Holmes, W. Tordone, W. Yang

The leaders of tomorrow?!?

The Caliendo Administration

and Chuck.

Another long meeting.

King Caliendo


84-85 Student

Council Officers: M. Caliendo (Pres.), B. Stout (V.P.), M. Dinda (V.P.).

Manny, Moe, and Jack

A one in a million trio.

Three modest guys.



the deal on all of these officers'


A§ALLI: t-lO§T§ l)l§Tl?ICT


Co-Chairpersons of the Conference and their moderators.


The LaSalle and Mount students who made the Conference work.

Washko welcomes everyone to the Council's big day.

t was with great pride that LaSalle hosted the Southeastern Penna. Student Council Regional Conference on March 25. The Conference was one of the biggest projects ever undertaken by a LaSalle Student Council. Students from Bucks, Montgomery, Phila., Chester, and Delaware counties flocked to LaSalle for a day of learn· ing. The day consisted of a guest speaker, workshops, and discussions designed to inform and challenge students. The keynote speaker, Mr. Mark Scharenbroich, humorously incorporated the conference theme of "It's All Up To You!" into a interesting routine - a routine which left the audience begging for more. Mr. Scharenbroich could have easily been mistaken for a comedian but his message triumphed over his means. Emphasizing strong self acceptance and leadership quali· ties Mr. Scharenbroich left a lasting impression on the delegates. The second half of the day consisted of workshops and discussions orga· nized by Jeanette Chan and Mark Washko, the conference chairper· sons. Workshop leaders from across the state were able to come and make presentations. (As usual, Lester Flatt and Earl Scruggs left audiences on their feet.) The biggest surprise of the day, however, came when Mr. Miller accepted the position of Executive Director of the Phila. Suburban Student Council Association. Mr. Miller had always played an active role in the group and LaSalle is happy for him. Despite pre-conference jitters, the day was a tremendous success!

Advisors also enjoyed the learning experience.



liO~Ol:2 SOCII: I~





Mark A. Oberholzer ... President Joseph T. Black ... Vice-President David L. Buonomo ... Secretary Michael J. Brace ... Treasurer MEMBERS

Brian K. Barry Arthur J. Burke Mark V. Caliendo Terrence J. Campbell Jeffrey A. Clarke Daniel G. Cleary Francis W. Davey John P. Depman Mark C. Dinda Timothy G. Fighera Christopher A. Gannon David L. Gingrich Thomas C. Gizzi John S. Grady Thomas J. Heasley Karl A. Hentschel Michael B. Hoban Michael H. Hynes

Matthew J. Kulak Brian F. McCaffrey Kevin X. McGann Daniel M. McNeff Charles J. Minnich David M. O'Brien Andrew J. Ragusa Stephen T. Rietzke Richard L. Sherman Stephen J. Stabilito John H. Stanczak Kenneth W. Stout Mark J. Syms Glenn A. Walter Clifford P. Ward Paul M. Waters Michael F. Woodring Francis W. Worthington

hough the night was cold an blustry, there was a special feelin of joy inside as the special National Hone Society Induction Mass welcomed new j1 nior and senior members to the society. RE atives, friends and faculty convened in th auditorium to rejoice and honor th achievements of the inductees. Certain! there was cause to rejoice because thes members were recommended by the teachers on the basis of outstanding su, cesses in four areas: character, leadershi! scholarship, and service. These four qua] ties are the hallmarks of a National Hone Society member. The continuing quality and organizatio of the NHS is maintained through the e forts of Brother John D'Alfonso. He is th key to the smooth-running NHS, coordina ing all of its services to the school. BrothE John is responsible for NHS involvement i Back To School Night, Open House, th entrance examination, the college fair, an many other school functions. The most in portant aspect of the NHS is its tutorin program, extending assistance to dozens c La Salle students. All the works of the NHS are conducte with a distinct sense of style - not jw because Brother John insists on "lookin professional" with dress socks and a belt but rather out of a sense of pride and ded cation to the ideals of the National Hone Society.

NHS officers: D. Buonomo (Sec.), M. Oberholz, (Pres.), J. Black (V. Pres.), M. Brace (Treas.)


Brother John D' Alfonso


Couples get close at the dance.

The social event of the season.

his year, as opposed to years past, the annual Winter Dance was a tre· mendous success. A little over two hundred and forty couples crammed into the audito· rium for the gala affair. The incredibly pop· ular band, Jahil, provided the music for the evening. The band played a nice mix of their own songs and popular cover tunes. Much of the Winter Dance's success can be attributed to the members of the Student Council who worked diligently for weeks in advance to prepare for the big event. The Council decorated, sold tickets, and pro· vided workers and chaperones for the dance. They decorated in typical Winter Dance fashion, blue and gold table cloths accented by the traditional LaSallian cand· lelabras. The Council's work was appreciat· ed by all those who attended. Not all of the praise should go to the Student Council, however. The students, in general, made a conscious effort to support the dance. This was obviously demonstrat· ed by the dramatic increase in ticket sales over previous years. There was a good feel· ing throughout the student body regarding the dance. They wanted to be there! They wanted to enjoy themselves and show off their pride in LaSalle!

The couples hit the floor.

hose who couldn't get dates, "worked" that evening.

"Smiles, every one! Smiles!"

Dinda arrives with his date.



he Wisterian celebrated its 50th An路 niversary this year. Under second year moderator, Mr. Bill Geiger, seven issues were published during the year. Many changes were made in the paper. A new bannerhead in Old English heralded the title, and the sports section. Added to the paper was the popular Almost News column, filled with school related tidbits. Also added was an advice column called Sounding Board. "Wisports", generally considered the most popular section, added a column entitled "An Inside Look." Though somewhat controversial, it tried to bring the reader closer to the team hilighted in the article. Continued from last year were Council Comments (a student council update article), and the humorous cartoons. Senior Editor-in-Chief Rich Sherman said: "Most of the cartoons were done by sophomore Mike Coyle. Mike has tremendous talent. And just think, he'll be here two more years." Rich was helped by his senior staff of Mark Dombkoski (Layout), Dave Buonomo, Dave Gingrich (Assistant Layout),

Senior columnists,

Rietske and Faison.

Wheels turning?

Junior writers (L. to R.) Merritt, Livingood, Solechi, Purtell, Butler, Kelly, Pomplas, Marzalek, Timoney, Lee, Cantwell.

Feature-Editor Washko, and Sports-Editor Minich.



Millard, and Cartoonist Coyle.


Freshmen writers.

News·Editor Schaefer.

Layout Staff.

Seniors clown around.

Sophomore writers (L. to R.) Gregor, Smith, Susanin, McElliott, Kelly, Reichert, McColigaw, McGinn, Hillan· brand, Casale.

Senior writers: Depman, O'Kane, Ragusa, Gunn, Doran.

Bob Schaefer (News), Mark Washko (fea· tures), Chuck Minnich (Sports), and John Millard (Circulation). Rich said: "We had such a creative staff. It is their catchy titles and creative captions that really made the paper better." The paper was bigger than ever: bigger in numbers issued and in the number of pages. The most popular papers were the Christmas and April Fools issues. The lat· ter issue, of course, was one strictly humor: it was something one had to see to appreci· ate. Mr. Geiger said: "We tried to stick to a journalistic style this year. We did away with humor, and saved it for the April Fools issue." Rich Sherman continued: "We got some complaints that the paper was too serious or too conservative. We saved the good stuff until April. I think it was worth the wait." Next year the paper looks strong again. Many of this year's staff will return and try to top this year's accomplishments. How· ever, they'll have quite a task ahead consid· ering this year's success.



his year, the Men of La Salle celebrated their 40th anniversary. Over these forty years, their goal has remained the same - to provide financial aid to the students whose tuition-paying parents or guardians cannot meet that need. The Financial Assistance Fund, since its inception, has provided over $90,000.00 in assistance - $9,000 for the 1983-1984 school year alone. The highlight of the Men of LaSalle's program was the annual Father-Son Banquet held in November. This fall, the 35th annual banquet broke the attendance record with 720 people who participated in one of the finest programs ever. Father Bruce Ritter,

founder of Covenant House in New York, captivated the audience with stories about the sanctuary he runs for teenagers. December saw the Men of LaSalle hosting a Drug and Alcohol abuse program. Featuring Mr. Albert Cataldo of McNeil Pharmaceuticals, this event was held as part of LaSalle's commitment to the Five School Alliance, a group started to raise parent awareness of abuse problems. Other Men of LaSalle activities included a Father-Son Sport night and the annual Board Liturgy and Social. Their year was wrapped up by the "La Sale" auction which they co-sponsor with none other than the Mother's Club.

The Men of LaSalle sponsor Father-Son Banquet.

The distinguished Men of LaSalle moderator: Bro. William Quantance.


leaders of our Parents' Clubs.


Another successful joint effort.

he LaSalle Mothers' Club was ori· ginally founded to provide funds to assist the Christian Brothers in their work of Catholic education and to pro· vide mutual cooperation and sociability among its members, the faculty, and the administration. The 1984·85 year proved another success for the mothers in attain· ing their goal. Under the direction of the officers, Mrs. Kenneth Stout, President; Mrs. Joseph C. Canavan, Vice-President; Mrs. Edward Kolsun, Treasurer; Mrs. Thomas Pileggi and Mrs. Gerald Desmond, Corresponding Secretaries; Mrs. Emil De· John, Recording Secretary; Bro. Fred Stel· mach, moderator; and the executive board of forty members, the club was able to raise a gift of over $30,000 to benefit our LaSalle community. With all the male brains and brawn walk· ing the halls of our school, the Mothers apt· ly provide the "heart" for LaSalle. The

many long hours and hard work spent plan· ning events show the loving dedication with which the mothers assume their special role. Enthusiasm reigns supreme as they fill the year with an overflow of school & religious activities. Everyone at LaSalle waits to see what the Mothers are doing next. From the dazzle of the silver at the Freshman Mothers' Tea to the scrubbed old china at the Garage Sale; from the White Wonderland of the Christmas Party to the chic of the Lun· cheon & Fashion show; from the serenity of the Ash Wednesday retreat to the raucous of the LaSalle auction - the mothers never fail to come up with a new twist. The spirit that is traditional at LaSalle radiates from the Mothers' Club. Their en· deavors yield generous revenues and car· ing togetherness that benefit the entire school community. We can all be grateful for the "woman's touch" at LaSalle.

Gathering items for La "Sale".

Mothers prepare another gayla affair.

Next best thing to Charle's Angels.



n November 14th the 35th Annual Father-Son Banquet was held at Williamson's Restaurant in Horsham. The Men of La Salle sponsored the pretigious event which again proved to be very successful. The Banquet enabled the fathers and sons of La Salle to gather together and enjoy an evening of fine food, drink, and con路 versation. Door prizes were awarded to lucky students and the highlight of the evening occurred when Fr. Ritter spoke about his Convenant House in New York City. In his frank and down-to-earth way, Fr. Bruce Ritter captured the hearts of all who attended with an inspiring address, appealing to the senses about right and wrong. It applied to the theme of the evening which was family unity, particularly between fa路 ther and son. All in all the 1984 Father-Son Banquet was a great success which left a strong impact on those present. It was once again enjoyable and memorable, thanks to the hard work of Bro. William Quantance, Dr. Stout, and the rest of the Men of La Salle.


Men of La Salle president, Dr. Stout, starts off the evening.

"Here's a song close to my heart ...


"Act like you're having fun, they're taking another picture."


" ...

"Tonite, we have a really big shoo!"

Brothers Just Want to Have Fun!"

"Hmph! This is another fine banquet you've gotten us into."

"Can you believe it? Me again!"

"And next year's tuition is ...


The party's over.

"Darn! These Brother's always stick me with the bill."

Brother William Quaintance helped to organize another successful banquet.

"My dad sure tells some corny jokes."


M4 Tt-lLl:Tl:S 41)1) UV Wl~S


he 1984·85 Mathletes proved to be a competitive team with plenty of young talent. In fact, the star of the team was a sophomore, Peter Bonfanti. Other outstanding performances were contribut· ed by Sophomore Bill Carey and Juniors Chris Putro, Tibor Terek, and Si Patel. Con· sistent Seniors included Mike Brace, Mike Woodring, Tom Heasley, Mark Obeholzer, Paul Waters, Dave Gingrich, and Brian McCaffrey. This year also marked the first year in which officers were elected. After nomina· tions and an election, the results were as follows: Paul Waters as President, Peter Bonfanti and Mike Woodring as Vice Presi· dents, and Dave Gingrich as Secretary. Un· der the leadership of the above and Coach, Mr. Bradley, the Mathletes competed in several leagues which included meets on weekdays and on one Saturday of each month at a different host school in the Phila· delphia area. Other competitions included a test sponsored by Villanova and a contest held at Lehigh University. Although it is not a La Salle tradition to hold a Pep Rally before each meet and Mathlete jackets are not the hottest items in school, the Mathletes have gained more and more publicity through the notices in the Daily Bulletin highlighting their recent achievements. The Mathletes' progress can also be observed in the Library where a bulletin board is set aside to post recent scores. The real satisfaction for a Mathlete, however, is not the publicity, but the excite· ment of competition and the unique chal· lenges presented by problems which are taken from all areas of Math.

Mr. Bradley fields last·minute questions.

Befuddled mathlete takes a guess at "3

T. Terek, M. Brace, M. Woodring, W. Carey, J. Chun, B. McCaffrey, P. Bonfanti, T. Heasley, E. O'Donnell, P. Waters, D. Gingrich, M. Oberholzer, D. Cianci, C. Putro, R. Trub


+ 3."




a Salle for its third year in a row, participated in "The American Com· ,uter Science League." This computer lub, led by Mr. Russell, competed on the ollege level. Of the students who compet· d, the top five scorers placed in five tally· 1g of powers. La Salle usually faired pretty ,ell. With the growing interest in computers 1 the world, the computer club is one of the venues for the La Salle student to pursue n interest in computer science. The com· ,uter club enables students to learn more bout computer science and compete on he college level. Though not a large percentage of the La ,alle students partake in the functions of he computer club, for those involved, the omputer club is enjoyable and, with firm oots as a La Salle club, will continue to ,rovide computer filled fun for those inter· sted.

Drew changes into his secret identity -

"C"mon Drew, Jet me use



"Who's the mouse in back?"



o the surprise of no one, the La Salle Forum once again displayed their dominance of speech and debate this year. By the end of the year, room 314 should contain almost twice as much metal in the trophy case. Wherever the Forum went, they were sure to be the favorite to win. And the favorite did win at home, at Holy Ghost and at Pittsburgh (although a scoring error before the awards ceremony sent our first place gold box to some school in Ohio). The Forum's success on the local and national level could not be possible without outstanding individual efforts. President Jeff Clarke set the example for his subjects by winning big in Extemp. Underclass bud· dies Bryce Holton and Bernie Kling took any Extemp awards that Jeff didn't and Freshman Mike Tidd proved himself to be a peerless novice Extemper. The tag team champions in Original Oratory from last year, Mike "Woody" Woodring and Mark "Obie" Oberholzer, again wrestled all com· petition into submission. Tim Fighera and Bill Regli proved to be a formidable duo in Interpretation events and Radio Program· ming. "Incense" Tim and "Carnation" Bill also had to be pleased with outstanding per· formances of their apprentices, Robert Far· race and Chris Roedel!. But winning speech events is only half the battle; the Forum just wouldn't be the Forum without its debate squad. Seniors Art "Basically" Burke and Mark "There's a spot on your shirt" Syms were at the head of an obnoxious, but victorious debate team. Art and Mark proved that nice guys don't finish first - they do. Mike Hanson and Pete Lyons had a very eventful year. They learned that when they stopped fight· ing each other and directed their aggression towards their opponents, they became un· beatable debaters. Brother Kevin Dalmasse is to be complimented for again organizing a superior debate team, finding the best Lebanese reataurant in Pittsburgh, and pur· suading Pete "Don Juan" Lyons not to transfer to Truman. Also, I would be remiss if I failed to ex· press thanks to Brother James Steck. His limitless dedication to the Forum and tol· eration of some of the biggest egos in school should not pass by without recogni· tion. By the way, anyone interested in buying a sub should see Brother James as soon as possible.

JV DEBATE: M. Tidd, T. Sawirka, D. Link, R. Waldspurger, T. Terek

JV Speech (L to R) B. McCaffrey, C. Roedel!, C. Arena, M. Tidd, R. Waldspurger, P. DiGiacomo, J. McMahon, J Klinger

Varisty Debate (L to R) M. Hanson, N. Jessen, A. Remsey, M. Syms, A. Burke


U~l)l:134 T Al3L ~ l:XCl:LLl:,._T

"And here's the star of our show ...

Mark brings back another weekend's winnings.

Laissez路faire moderator.

"Brother James, I didn't intend to lose!"

"I really was never good at making speeches, but ...



Woody faced stiff competition

at Calvert Hall.


VARSITY SPEECH AND DEBATE (I. tor.): (Front row) W. Regli, D. Link, B. Holton, M. Woodring, B. Kling; (Middle row) T. Sowirka, F. Maguire, M. Hanson, R. Farrace, T. Fighera, B. McCaffrey; (Back row) M. Oberholzer, J. Millard, K. Lehr, K. Haarmeyer, M. Syms, J. Clarke.

"We have a lot of memorization



to do."

to my records, I'm next in line for forum president.

A new forensics' event: Synchronized


'Tl! give you the Raiders and six points."

"Four score and seven years ago ...


"Are you sure you wrote that yourself?"

"Do you recognize the one that mugged you, ma'am?"

Expand on that, Mike.

Debaters' Burnout.

"It's that simple -

we need a larger trophy storage area."

"Let's see, am I for or against a higher drinking age?"


~ azebo, La Salle's very own Literary


Magazine, is back again this year with a few changes. Students were sur· prised to find copies of a streamlined fall edition on their desks, when they were used to getting copies of a thick Gazebo at the end of the year. When they opened their copies they were even more surprised: the contents were a great deal different from previous years. Not only was it more aeste· ticly pleasing, but the articles included political essays, protest poems, a work by the now famous American author Dr. Dennis Barone, as well as the usual top-notch stories and personal essays which have been the Gazebo's trademark for years. This was the arrival of the Gazebo's quarterly format. Early this year, Mr. Michael O'Toole decreed that the journal would change from a once a year collection to a regular sampling of the best creative work of La Salle students. Mr. O'Toole's dedication showed through as, true to his word, the first Gazebo appeared on time. Those of La Salle who actually bothered to read this first effort at a periodical compilation were not disappointed; and Mr. O'Toole hopes that future issues will help to raise the cultural level of the La Salle students, a cause which is near and dear to his heart. We can only wish him luck. For her part, Mrs. Diane McGovern's role as Art Director on the Gazebo staff was a

necessary and dedicated member of the team. In her efforts to make artists of La Salle students, she has had remarkable success. Not only has she found a number of very talented people in the school's population, but she has been able to train them, in an enviorment which is unfavorable to artistic achievement, to be artistic. Her talents have made the Gazebo more beautiful, and the Gazebo readers are most grateful. The Student Editor, who is also a regular contributer, is senior Terry Campbell. When asked about his role in the Gabebo, he modestly declined to answer; however from the work he has done, the quality of the production, and the quality of his al· ready published essay, it is obvious that his influence has been a positive factor. His essay in the fall edition was certainly widely discussed, even bringing commentary from other high schools. The staff of the Gazebo, like farmers who have grown an abundance of wheat from unfertile, dry, and rocky soil, have brought forth from La Salle a first rate literary magazine, which has no equal in Philadelphia High Schools. We wait expectantly for future issues, which we hope will be up to the standards which the Gazebo has set for itself. If the level of the latest edition is maintained, we can all look forward to many a year of fine and entertaining reading. Editor·in·chief,

The two driving creative forces behind the Gazebo: Mrs. Diane McGovern and Mr. Michael O'Toole.


senior Terry Campbell.

Gazebo through the years.


1)4. "'1 ~

ow that summer is upon us and we where we're headed next September, last fall's college day may seem insignificant. This was not the case in October. College day, and the 33 colleges that attended, pro路 vided important information for the seniors. For some the three fifteen minute inter路 views with the colleges of their choice provided a sense of relief. "Your record makes you competitive among our applicants," was one commonly heard response after a glance at a transcript. For others college day brought forth the realization that they may not be able to go anywhere they feel like it. "Don't waste an application fee on the University of Delaware," was another frequently made remark. Of course, college day was not 100% serious. Scouting out female college reps and gonging the end-of-the-period bell was enough to keep some seniors entertained. A word of advice for next year's seniors on college day. One, don't ask Botson College about its engineering program. Two, keep your transcript away from the cup of coffee on the University of Pennsylvania table, and three, know what you want to do with the next eight years of your life before you sit down to an interview.

f""'IIIIIIII all know

"Who me? M.I.T.?!?"

"Don't leave! My grades aren't that bad!"

"No, I don't actually teach there myself."

Representatives Dame.

came from as far away as Notre



round the La Salle campus senior are often viewed with a skeptical eye by teachers and students alike. "Why use valuable class time?," "It interrupts my homework," and "Why go all of the way to New York," are frequently repeated comments. But after spending two days at the Cardinal Spellman Retreat House most seniors agree that it is a rewarding excursion from the daily routine. The retreat itself is without a doubt one of the most casual they will ever go on. In between gazing across the Hudson at the dazzling Palisades, playing football and basketball, searching for wild dogs, and learning great party games, the seniors found some time for practicing their religion. The trip can also be considered a cultural experience. One learns to appreciate his everyday environment after riding up the Jersey Turnpike and through the Bronx. The seniors also become acquainted with the delectable mass produced cafeteria food that they'll be eating on a daily basis this


The Cardinal Spellman Retreat House.


The seniors did have one major complaint. The retreat house is a mere six miles from downtown Manhattan, the epi-center of Western Civilization as we know it. But with wild dogs patrolling the retreat house few seniors made the journey. Needless to say, The David Letterman Show went on without them. The retreat is over no sooner than it begins. Two days after leaving, the seniors have to return to school and again listen to the complaints of those who don't understand.

Seniors make break for David Letterman Show.


The relaxed atmosphere

provided for beneficial retreats.

"Well I'd rather go out and play basketball again."

121:COLLl:CTIO~ A~I) 121:r=Lt:CTIO~


he underclass retreats proved to be exceptionally enlightening for the hree classes who went on them. Fresh· nen, Sophomores, and Juniors alike dis· :ussed some of the common religious prob· =ms they face in daily life. Students related heir individual problems to the group, and hrough group interaction some conclu· ions were reached. Students learned how o appreciate their parents and understand heir reasons for discipline, and better un· lerstand the true meaning of Christian val· 1es and Christian responsibility. The retreats were organized and were run >yMr. Carl Clayton. Mr. Clayton made the etreatants aware of the fact that the mood or the day was serious, and if they partici· >ated in the small group discussion and >ffered their viewpoints willingly, they vould definitely gain something from the :xperience. Almost all the retreatants took iis message to heart and enjoyed the day or what it was - A Christian Growth Ex· >erience. Mr. Clayton wasn't totally alone in his 1uest for Christian maturity, however. He vas aided by some of the finest men La· ,alle has ever produced; these men are :nown as Seniors. Seniors who exemplified he Christian values Mr. Clayton was trying o enkinder were chosen to lead the small 1roup discussions. Four seniors were pre· ent as each homeroom spent a day at the lrother's residence. The seniors got the >allrolling, and induced shyer members to ,ffer an opinion. Once the seniors had start· :d things moving the groups began to get nore interesting. Periodically tying togeth· ·r the loose ends and attempting to reach ome conclusions, the Seniors provided nd invaluable service to the retreats. All in all the underclass retreats were moothly run and beneficial to those who ttended.

Underclassman "sees the light."

Senior Bob Schaefer gives guidance based on his experiences.

"I don't remember signing anything about becoming a Brother."

"Do you mind? We're trying to reach our inner-selves."


"Keefe? Keefe? Your cue!"

Chuck, discovered at last.

"I should be developing pictures for Yearbook."

Nicely Nicely Johnson .................................. Jeff Bee Benny Southstreet ................................ John MacLeo Rusty Charlie ........................................... Paul Murra Sarah Brown ..................................... Barbara Murph Arvide Abernathy ............................... Matt Buchana Agatha .................................................. Diana Halima Harry the Horse .................................. Pete Doughert Lt. Brannigan ............................................ Chris Keef Nathan Detroit ........................................ Rich WebstE Miss Adelaide ....................................... Mary MacLeo, Sky Masterson .......................................... Matt Hero 1, Joey Biltmore .............................................. Walt Lut Mimi. .................................................. Jessica Lestwic Gen. Cartwright ....................................... Amy DenkE Liver Lips Louie .................................. Andrew Peszk Society Max ............................................. Jeff Thoma Big Jule ....................................... Charles T. Eisler J1 Drunk ............................................................. Bob Tof Brandy-bottle Bates ........................ Jim Weisenhutte CHORUS Kelly McShain Harriet Elfring Dorothy Elfring Molly Mitchell

"Ya, Ya, who's running this show?"


Heather Ega1 Bill Lah Walt Bas Rob Toka



nee again the LaSalle High School Music Theatre saw a success with the 1985 production of "Guys And Dolls". This production was seen at LaSalle back in 1974 when the groundwork was laid for the now thriving theatre department at LaSalle. The hard work of director Peter Doyle, and vocal director Cindy Doyle, and producer Joe Ciccimaro was again at the head of this successful show. Rehearsals were long and hard, starting back in the beginning of January and last· ing until opening night. The actors and ac· tresses logged in many hours of rehearsals, dancing, singing, and acting until the level of professionalism could be seen by the co· directors. Many a night the performers could be heard practicing behind closed doors: either those of the auditorium or the band room. Returning for another year of profession· al choreography was Jean Williams. It was interesting to note that Jean was also the choreographer for the first LaSalle produc· tion of "Guys And Dolls". The expertise and long hours of hard work could be seen in the many flawless dance numbers per· formed throughout the show. The sounds of the professional style band could also be heard practicing on Sun· day mornings. Under the direction of Mr. Ciccimaro the rag·tag group of musicians was brought together to fully accentuate the musical portion of the show. Their al· ways professional attitude made it easily possible for the actors and actresses to feel comfortable when a song would be sung. As always the work of the production staff goes without much praise. Thom Cal· lahan, Production Manager, and Karl Werner, Stage Manager, brought the show to life with their technical and business skills, with a little help from Technical Di· rector Chris Whelan and assistant Producer John Grace. Without the efforts of these people the show would not have come to life, for what is a stage without sets and lights; and what is a show without an audience? So it is with glad hands that we com· mend the members of the theatre depart· ment, cast and crew alike.

The script.

Two big hams.

"If you guys forget one more ...



ITl4.T~ ew other LaSalle activities are able to attract as much student partici· pation as the intramural program does. LaSalle, by nature, is a very competi· tive school. Its students are always trying to outdo one another. Because the intramu· ral program is so extensive and well run, many of these students look to do battle through one or all of several sporting events offered by the intramural program. Though student participation is what keeps intramurals thriving at LaSalle, with· out the dedicated work of Brother Tom Speakman the program would fall flat on its face. This year Brother Tom had the help of Mike Hynes, who could often be found offi· ciating basketball games and other activi· ties. Some of the main proponents of the in· tramural program are the homeroom mod· erators. An intramural championship shirt has indeed become a status symbol among the faculty. Leading this pack of enthusi· asts is Mr. Miller, who has been rallying his teams onto victory for years. The intramural progam has served sever· al purposes. It is an outlet for students to participate in activities in which they might not have the time, talent, or desire to par· ticipate in on the scholastic level. It pro· vides students with competition in activi· ties which aren't offered at a varsity level such as chess and ping·pong. Third, in some sports it allows varsity coaches to evaluate prospects. Finally, in the case of bread-basketball, it serves the community. It is obvious that intramurals are indeed an integral part of the LaSalle community.

The blimp never misses a shot.


The action is intense.

"At the end of four weeks ...

"It's pandemonium!"


DiCiano bowls over Dudzek.

Throngs gather to watch the finals.

The line of scrimmage.

Intramural tug路of路war.

Intramural coordinator

Mike Hynes.



rom the sunny spring day over a year ago when a small group of ju· niors decided on a theme and edi· tors, it was realized that the 1985 Blue and Gold would be one of promise. With the selection of Mark Dinda as editor-in chief the yearbook could be nothing but cheerful, upbeat, and innovative. The primary feel· ing among all of the editors was that we wanted our yearbook to be different but at the same time professional. This led to the original "La Salle Goes to the Movies" theme. It combined a light good-natured idea with an appropriate analogy of a high school career. Never before has s theme been so incorporated into a book. From the cover, divider pages, and activities, down through Brother Andrew's letter and our subscription campaign, the theme was and is omnipresent. The enthusiasm of the spring turned to hard work and dedication in the fall and winter. Few people realize what goes into such an all-encompassing book. A single page requires copy to be written and typed and pictures to be shot, developed, printed, and laid out. Due to the enthusiasm of Dinda, dedicated editor Frank Reilly, and experienced lay-out editor Andy Ragusa, the staff somehow managed to churn out 224 such pages. The above three, however, could not have done it alone. Steve Rietzke, Pete Dou· gherty, Walt Billia, and John Stanczak rounded out a competent editorial staff. There were also countless photographers, writers, artists, typists, etc. too numerous to mention here. And let us not forget our fearless moderator Mr. William Geiger. Working on his fifth book, WAGS has seen enough before to remain calm, cool, and collected even in the most desperate situa· tions. He was always around to provide a helping hand or a word of encouragement, not to mention an occasional pizza/trivia party. In the long run not one member of the staff regretted his decision to get involved. The satisfaction of producing a book that will last a lifetime and the memories of the work and fun that went into it will be cher· ished for years to come.

Reilly and Woodring work towards final deadline.

Geiger always said: "Hang in there!".



Ivy-league editors: P. Dougherty (Photo), J. Stanczak (Business), A. Ragusa (Layout), S. Rietzke (Copy), M. Dinda (Editor-in-Chief), F. Reilly (Editor).

Editors evicted by irate math teachers.

They look to him for guidance.

Yearbook editors don't grow on trees.


Staff moves into branch office.

Still hanging around.

Typing editor, Walt Billia, confers with fellow editors.

Dedicated moderator, Mr. Bill Geiger.

Quest for Fire


Editors climb to new heights.

Dissension in the ranks!

Dinda discovers the fabled Fountain of Yearbook.

Geiger supervises as Yearbook filming begins.



Ski Club

Dungeons and Dragons Club

Mr. Diehl welcomes new additions to LaSalle.

LaSalle shows off its spirit.


Junior Ring Mass


worry, more on the way."



A Drivers' Ed. graduate.

Brothers' House before renovations.

l Nice armpit.

Steve sees Mounties.


kids crash Mixer ...

"Now, Chris Gannon with sports."

. .. and LaSalle kid just crashes.





ride and dedication - two words which typify the 1984 La Salle foot· ball team. Preparation for the upcoming season began as early as the 1983 season ended. Most of the players participated in morning and summer workouts. These wor· kouts consisted of weight lifting and gener· al physical conditioning. The main thrust was not only to develop a physically fit team but also to enhance a feeling of cama· raderie among the players. The players dedicated themselves to the team and La Salle. A feeling of pride was always in the air at any workout, practice, or game. Emo· tions were always high, players gave their all, and there was a constant burning desire to win. Each player participated on the team in the name of La Salle Spirit. This Spirit was exemplified by discipline and perserver· ance which never faltered through defeats, setbacks, and injuries. Led by Senior Tom Gizzi, the '84 squad united to continue the La Salle tradition of excellence. Four members of the 1984 team went on to attain All Catholic status. Tom Gizzi was a first team All Catholic, while Seniors Ke· vin Morrison and Ron Matthew, and Junior Jim Blount were selected as Second-team All Catholic representatives. Though the 1984 team was blessed with individual success, it failed to produce wins and completed the season with a l ·5· 1 league record. The 1984 team was also the last team to be coached by Mr. John "Tex" Flannery. Mr. Flannery, a dedicated coach to La Salle High School, experienced both high points and low points during his long career at La Salle and decided to retire after the '84 season. Win or lose, the 1984 La Salle Varsity football Squad was a team - one that ex· emplified the spirit of La Salle.

Varsity Football: (left to right) (back row) D. McNeff, J. Blout, B. Kelly, K. Morrison, R. Matthew, C. Eisler, Tietjens; (3rd row) M. Kuchenmeister, J. Fitzpatrick, T. Kolsun, J. Bordman, D. Litner, G. Spirito, J. Mc Gavan, I Wiekel; (2nd row) P. Golmer, L. Dailey, D. Wolpert, M. Anderer, S. Benette, D. Ward, M. Simon, F. Worthingto (front row) N. McCall, A. Macklin, M. Caliendo, T. Gizzi, M. Dean, B. Stout, C. Gram, E. Harkins.

The unsung heroes of La Salle's Football Program.

Cheerleaders show off their spirit.


The fans make the team.

Ron Matthew: one of the premier linemen in the league.

"Hey, where'd everybody go?"

Down in the pits.

"Hey Chris, did you get in the game yet?"

Everybody loves LaSalle football.


Explorers ready for the assault.

Protection is the key.

Frosh give it their all.


Old heroes never die, they just fade away.

Pre路game warm路up.

JV Football: (I. to r.) (back row) D. Finn, B. McGowan, P. Phelan, J. Scheller, D Cassalia, C. Bullick, B. McGovern; Back Row J. Casey, B. Shallow, T. Cush, K Patton, K. Vernon, L. Talamo, B. Williamson; (2nd row) R. Campion, S. Cassale, S Hillenbrand, B. Blas, D. Wolpert, S. Diehl, C. Zajac, M. Kelly; (Front row) J. Schmidt M. Macklin, P. DiMaria, M. Montrose, P. Dougherty, C. Calhoun, R. Logan.

Mr. Everything

attempts a field goal. Another nail路biter.

LaSalle in hot pursuit.

Breaking the line.

Tex gives last minute instructions.

Cardinal Dougherty coaching staff eavesdrops on Tex's strategy session.




Tli~ MA~ IS


Tl-fl: Ll:61:~I)


Tex Flannery: Dedication to LaSalle There is a saying, "all great intitutions finally come to an end," .nd for LaSalle and John "Tex" 1lannery, the ''institution'' of a egacy here at LaSalle has finally nded, after some 32 years, with the esignation of "The Texan" as the 1ead football coach. Tex Flannery, 1imselfa graduate of LaSalle back in 940, has spent the last 32 years of 1islife coaching football at LaSalle. Tex, now 62, has coached football or forty out of the last forty-one :easons, beginning back in 1944 with I four year stint as the 21 year old, 1ead coach at John Bartram. It was tt this time that Tex Flannery kicked ,ff a life that was to be dedicated not mly to the coaching of fine young ootball players, but to the coaching ,f fine young gentlemen, as well. ~fter his four year stand at Bartram, 'ex made ·stops as an assistant: 'emple (1948), Malvern Prep (194910), Roman Catholic (1952) and .aSalle (1953-55). Tex's first coaching position, at ohn Bartram, was due to World Var II. He was just graduating .aSalle College and was refused .dmittance to the military due to a louble hernia. Although he felt bad bout not being able to fight in the var (his brother, Tom, was even a •owat the time), Tex settled in and

became a "permanent sub" as coach for Bartram for 3 1/2 years. After a two 0 year assistant coaching job at LaSalle (195355), Tex assumed the head position. Since then, 1956 until this past season, 1984, Tex has compiled an overall record of 147-115-13 at LaSalle, with three Catholic League Championships {'57, '58, '60), and two City Titles ('57, '60). Flannery's overall record as a head coach, including four years at Bartram (1944-47), is 164-132-13. Tex Flannery has been a true member of the LaSalle Family since the time he himself started school here in 1936, often giving more of himself than anyone could ask. He is and always will be an institution here at LaSalle. To put into proper perspective Tex's deep roots here at LaSalle, consider: for the past 17 years Mr. Colistro, Tex's assistant coach, has known no one else as the head coach of LaSalle; Mr. Stanszak was a freshman the year Tex started; Mr. Diehl played for Tex, and then returned to help coach with him. On commenting about his resignation, Tex has said that he believes it's time for a change, time to live more with his wife, Rosemary, and his family, time to pay more attention to running his Cherry Street Bar in Center City and to

attend to his regular job as a manufacturer's representative. Due to the fact that LaSalle has had only one winning season (6-4 in 1983) and one .500 season (5-5 in '81) since 1976, Tex has received more than his share of fan abuse. Although he says he doesn't care what the fans yell and scream at the games, this past season, which saw the Explorers go 1-6-2 for Tex's second worst season ever, he suffered many verbal abusings from the crowds. Tex also explains that it wasn't the rough criticism from the fans, or the unusually low record of last season that prompted him to resign, Tex simple felt after forty years of coaching in some capacity, either as an assistant or as a head coach, that it was simply time for a change. In summary, Tex was a compassionate man who loved to coach football. He found it most rewarding to watch "his kids," the kids that he coached, grow up and become doctors and lawyers. He was a very humble man with a heart, well, as big as Texas itself. Sometimes people viewed Flannery as a gruff and sometimes inconsiderate man, for angrily lecturing his players or assistants, but this was simply not the measure of the man. Removed from the coaching setting, Tex had only nice things to say about people.

Tex is definitely a legend in his ov time and will surely remain a lega, here at LaSalle. TEX FLANNERY'S RECORD Thirty-three years, 164-132record, three Catholic Leag1 championships (1957, '58, '60), tv City Championships ('57, '60).

JOHN BARTRAM W-L4-4· 4-4· 6-3· 3-6· 17-17

Year 1944 1945 1946 1947 4 years LASALLE 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 29 years

6-29-08-28-29-08-38-25-25-33-66-24-34-55-42-76-46-25-3-' 0-9- 1 2-69-2-1 4-6-1 3-7-1 4-53-7-1 5-5-1 3-66-4-( 1-6-: 147-115-1~


a Salle soccer started this season with cautious expectations. The team definitely felt that the playoffs were within reach. Because it was relatively young (7 seniors, 6 juniors, 5 sophomores), there existed a major problem. This problem, usually the trademark of a young team, was inconsistency. This inconsistency was obvious early in the season, when La Salle earned a spirited victory over Father Judge but turned around to tie a lowly Egan. It happened again when La Salle achieved a stand off against a very talented North Catholic, but then proceeded to tie an unskillful Kenrick. This inconsistency be路 came extremely frustrating in parts of the season but not one coach or player gave up. Instead, everybody worked even harder. The hard work paid off with a gratifying draw with Dougherty, and the destroying of Egan, Kenrick and McDevitt in the second half of the season. At the beginning of the soccer season, coaches Tom Turner and Seamus McWil路 Iiams associated each game with climbing a ladder. The ladder consisted of ten rungs and the objective was to reach the tenth


On the attack

1984 Varsity Soccer. Top Row: Seamus McWilliams, asst. coach, Mr. Steven Krol, moderator, Ed Deangelis, Mike Hoban, capt., Todd Hellman, Gavin Muir, Brian Barr Jeff Steuer, Mike Sawicky, John Wilkins, Fran Bruno, Mgr., Tom Turner, coach; Bottom row: Chris Branscome, Joe Belcher, Glenn Stockmal, Drew Tripodi, Dre Stockmal Matt Schools, John DePaul, capt., Greg Scandone, Jim Hoban, statistician. Missing: Tim Lefevre, Mike Flannery, capt.


rung. The team never arrived at the top but rather spent the season climbing, falling and climbing back up again. As the final game ended, La Salle's record showed a mediocre 5-7-4 but the players gave many admirable performances throughout the year. With a great amount of young talented players returning, there is no doubt that La Salle's future is bright. There is already a feeling that next year, the inconsistency will turn to consistency and frustration to gratification. This year players set a precedent, one that will have to be reckoned with next year.

Joe shows off for the football players.

Into the eye of the camera.

On the open field.




n a warm, early September morning, the elite, but somewhat out of shape oarsmen of La Salle's Crew team made their first trek to Boathouse Row. After an entire summer without rowing, everyone was looking forward to getting back on the water as well as into shape. With an exceptional turn-out, coaches Ken Shaw, Mark Valente, and Joe Sweeney, were able to put together three Eight man boats, and two fours. Although all of La Salle's boats did well this Fall, it was the Varsity 8 that rowed exceptionally well. Lou Donofrio, Tim McNamara and Steve Sassaman, the three vet· eran Varsity 8 rowers, helped to push the determined rowing power houses; Steve Blatney, Mike Fillipone, Bill Clinton, Chris Elser, and Bob Hines into the fastest, best· conditioned, and strongest Varsity boat La Salle has had in recent histroy. La Salle's regattas started off with a bang at the Head of the Connecticut which is a three and a half mile race. The Varsity 8 won medals for placing second out of fifteen possible placements. Both Varsity Fours and the Second Eight also fared well. La Salle's crew had been rowing its best until the Varsity 8 placed thirteenth out of twenty-three in the prestigious Head of the Charles in Boston. It was with this great disappointment in mind that the Varsity as well as the other boats, broke their backs preparing for the upcoming Head of the Schuylkill. All of the work definitely paid off, for the Varsity placed third out of the thirty-eight boats in contention, beating such prestigious schools as Princeton and Georgetown. Every boat in the fall program

The Gilligan's Island Regatta.

Work is shared equally among shell members.

Assistant Coach Spencer Tracy shows how it's done.


Lou and coxswain have intimate discussion.

1)121:LUl)I: TO til:~LI:~?

When can we get out of this place?

On the Shuylkill

Varsity 8 flees Philadelphia.

is expected to deliver crushing, medal-winning victories in the upcoming Frostbite and Bill Braxton Regattas. When the Fall season ends, the rowers and caches do not become dormant. Preparation for the Spring season begins. Instead, grueling practices are held at school over these long winter months. These practices consist of running, weightlifting, calisthenics, and the devastating Ergometer workouts. It is very important to be in top condition at the start of the Spring season for there is much more competition then, compared to the less intense Fall season. With the purchase of the brand new $12,000 metallic-gold "Honeycomb" Vespoli Eight, which is twenty to thirty pounds lighter than any other boat on the river, the Varsity is given even more incentive to be the first acrosss the finish line. After a very impressive season this Fall, there is no doubt that coaches Shaw, Valente and Sweeney will lead La Salle Crew on to many more victories this Spring. For the first time in its history, La Salle could possibly be looking at a "Henley-bound" Varsity Crew!

Hey LOU, Lets mug for the camera!



his year, the LaSalle Basketball Team started working out for the coming season in early September. After we worked through the heat of Sep· tember and October, November 1st rolled around and tryouts were underway. After a moderate tryout period, first cuts were made. We worked out until all of the fall sports were finished, final cuts were made. The team was comprised of seven seniors, four juniors and one sophomore. The sen· iors were Craig Conlin, Dan Diehl, Tom Gizzi, John Grady, Kevin Morrison, Rish Sherman and Greg Wilhelm. The juniors were Mike Casey, Emmet Harkins, Bill Le· soravage and Matt Moyer, with sophomore Dan Durkin. The pre season proved to be rough as the Explorers finished with a two·and·five re· cord; but Coach Burke and his assistants Mr. Marty Jackson, Mr. Joe Parisi and new· comer Mr. Mike Saroca didn't put much emphasis on the preseason. All we were trying to do was gear up for the regular season. We opened the regular season at Egan and won easily, and then proceeded to de· feat North Catholic ending December with a two and nothing record. Then it was off to the Seagull Classic in Atlantic City where LaSalle spent a relaxing part of its Christ· mas Vacation until they were defeated in the second round by Simon Gratz, after win· ning an impressive first round game against highly rated St. Agnes of New York. When LaSalle returned there were some adjust· ments in the starting roster with Dan Dur· kin and Bill Lesoravage in the starting spot. Continuing our trek to the playoffs we faced only three setbacks, losing to Judge, McDevitt away, and Wood in the final game. For the seniors, the high-light of their careers came when Craig Conlin scored his 1,000th point versus Cardinal Dougherty at home on Feb. 3rd, and senior night on Feb. 22nd (vs Kenrick). We finished the season at 13·3, tied with Father Judge for first place. We headed to the playoffs with exiting games to come. The first game at Tern· pie U. proved to be yet another thriller. The year brought out many stars. Craig Conlin surpassed Chip Greenberg for total points in the final game against Wood. 1985 was a fun and exiting year for all of us as we are looking toward the rest of the playoffs and possible postseason tourna· ment.

The fans go wild at the finals.

Conlin about to sink one of over a thousand.


TO Tti~ t=l~ALยง

Mr. Stanczak congratulates

Tom for a job well done.

Best of friends.

Craig follows up his shot -

All the Cardinals can do is watch.


Don't worry! There's plenty of time left.



Gizzi's classic power drive

What defense are we in, Matt?

Look at that intensity

Bill plays keep away




La Salle

Pre-game warm-up.

75 65 58 54 59 64 78 52 78 55 66 48 66 72 58 69 72 52 56


57 58 54 51 55 72 54 49 55 47 52 49 50 64 56 72

Bishop Egan North Catholic Cardinal Dougherty Bishop McDevitt Archbishop Ryan Father Judge Bishop Kenrick Archbishop Wood Bishop Egan North Catholic Cardinal Dougherty Bishop McDevitt Archbishop Ryan Father Judge Bishop Kenrick Archbishop Wood Play-offs Archbishop Wood Father Judge Saint John Neumann

57 46 58

Crowd cheers as Conlin makes foul shot at finals.

"We don't miss lay-ups, we don't miss foul shots, and we don't throw the ball away."



lay-up misses backboard.


Bill breaks the press.

LaSalle rips down a rebound.

Almost ...

Lesoravage at the line.


. .. and one!

LaSalle stuffs another one home.

A little higher ...

Head to head competition.

LaSalle pounds the boards.

What form!

Dougherty practices for game against LaSalle.


Vanzandt makes his move.

McElligott makes easy prey of his opponent.


The pace picks up.

"What? Another one of McElligott! Where's Deacer?"

JUST W Al?Ml~6


l?U~S WILi)

Brown breaks away.

Looks like another win for Chris.

ear in and year out the La Salle indoor track team proves to be very strong and is successful in various events around the Delaware Valley. This year's team is no exception. Led by seniors Eric Diciano, Randy Brown, Chuck Biddle, Kurt Vonderschmalz and Bernie Saxon, along with juniors Sea路 mus McElligott, Rob Weikel, Sean McCook, Ron Bean, John Brown and John Livin路 good, this years team is rich in depth and experience. Pat Mc Fadden, a freshman, is also a key runner who will play a large role in LaSalle's future teams, as will sopho路 more C. Van Zandt. La Salle has had good showings at Lehigh, Haverford, and St. Joes in addition to the Catholic League Championships. The success of the La Salle track team this year is, of course, largely due to head coach Pat Devine, but also to the assistant coach Bro. David Rogers. Not only do the two coaches continually manage to remain winning, they also keep good rapport with the runners, acting as friends as well as coaches. Because of the fine attitude of the coaching staff the indoor track team is al路 ways able to do well, signifying the heart and soul of La Salle.

"There's Deacer, relaxing after big win."


The pool.

The creature from the Black Lagoon.

"Oooh, there's something in there."




Tt-fl: CA Tt-fOLIC Ll:46UI:

Coach Molush was a natural in his day.

Pensabene always looks sharp.

Mike Schmidt watch out!

Hasson throws another no路hitter.


All-star first baseman Dave Buonomo.

Talk about quick deliveries.

Hasson uncorks a long one.

Watch out Bro. Hillary!

The line-up.



miss you'll

break my camera!"

Big Jim waits on his catcher.


A good, hefty swing, and I'll send this bag 20 yards.

A~OTtil:1.2 CtiAMVIO~StilJ)

The omnipresent Bro. Al.

The dreaded fairway wood.

The last stop for all golfers .

he La Salle Varsity Golf team has become a superpower in the Phila· .delphia Catholic League. From in· ·amural competition at Walnut Lane to ractice at Whitemarsh Country Club, :oach Brother Aloysius Lumley (a.k.a. Hol· rwood Al) has built teams that win. Last ear's team was no different from the pre· ious five, winning La Salle's sixth con· ecutive PCL title. It was the highlight to a uperb season that saw five Explorer olfers gain All-Catholic honors. The 1985 squad will probably be Brother ,l's toughest challenge in the past few ears. Leading the team will be returning ,II-Catholic siblings Frank and Doug Gre· or along with '84 lettermen Frank Worth· 1gton and Steve Darcy. Key players in· olved in last season's success have gradu· ted, though, leaving many spots still open. rother will likely count on the plentiful ~serve of underclass linksters to fill the aps. Hopefully, this spring the La Salle tradi· on of excellence in golf will continue with seventh championship. Only two returning All-Catholic La Salle golfers this year. Posing with Bro. Al (far left) and Bro. Andrew (far right) are Tom Shallow (grad, '84), Doug Gregor, Kevin Christine (grad. '84), Rob Savarese (grad. '84) and Frank Gregor.


sin years past, the La Salle tennis team opened its season with a championship to defend and a winning streak to continue. The championship was the team's second straight. They have won all 27 matches over that span. The team lived up to its imposing challenge. Although they faced stiff competition from such rivals as Ryan and Bonner, they performed admirably. This season third-year coach Brother Bill Riley had the benefit of knowing just what kind of talent was at his disposal before the season started. Nobody graduated from last year's squad and there was little pressure applied to first year players. The team was led by Juniors Drew Stockmal and Dave Martella, both of whom have had undefeated seasons in the past. Sophomores Greg Ore and Tom Gilmore, and Senior Andy Ragusa, all of whom exceeded expectations with fine seasons last year, were again major contributors. Glenn Stockmal, the team's only four year letterman, again used his expertise in doubles play. Also, reserves Greg Solley and Matt Fagioli were called upon to contribute in some key matches. Through its formidable blend of balance and experience, the team had a successful season and has left those who watched and participated with nothing but optimistic expectations for the future.

The La Salle Tennis Team.

Dave shows off his top spin forehand.

lro. Bill recruited far and wide last ummer.


Tom controls the backcourt.

co,-.T1,-.u~s Tl?Al)ITIO,... Ot= ~XC~LL~,-.c~

Ragusa serves something besides pizza.

Glenn's patented behind the路back drop shot.

Tennis player raises a raquet.

And he jogs too!

Glenn serves at matchpoint.


The Spring Track squad.

Varsity senior runners are: C. Biddle, R. Brown. E. Di Ciano

Varsity runners are (L. to R.): J. Young, R. Brown, C. Vanzandt, J. Livingood, G. Lembach, J. Bettinger. • Capper. C. Biddle, S. McElligot, S. O'Halloran.

Frosh runners are (L. to R.): J. Schaefer, P. Mcfadden, Team finally goes to work.


S. Murphy, J. Burger, S. Kim, P. Kane.

The team warms up.

Sprinters -

Weikel practices his form.

Who says practice isn't fun.


JV runners are (L. to R.): B. Saxon, P. Costello, M. Stalicio, P. J. McGonagle, J. Schaefer, S. Coladonato, A. Amachi.

The newcomers try to keep the pace.





he goal for LaSalle wrestling this season was to make the playoffs, and then go on to see what they might do from there. As the season wound down and La Salle overcame North Catho· lie in a stunning come from behind victory to capture third place, its playoff hopes be· came reality. In the playoffs La Salle wrestled well but could not overtake its seasonal rivals, Bishop Egan and Archbishop Wood. The team had to settle for third place, but can be proud of a fine 1984-1985 Season. The main reasons for La Salle's success are the dedication and hard work that go into the long practices and matches which take place throughout the season. This year's varsity consists of seniors Tom Kolsun, Ron Matthew, Bob Biggans, Tim Mc· Coy, and Chris Romano, as well as juniors Matt McLeas, Keith Melinson, Jim Tanna· hill, Brian Timoney, and sophmores Chris Redd and Gavin Muir. Of these, several will have achieved All Catholic status by the time final balloting is completed. Though the team could not win without fine wrestlers, much of the credit for its success must go to the excellant coaching of Head Coach, Dave Seigel and Asst. Coach, Pat Henderson. The two coaches combine to give the team the leadership and direction which enables its members to compete at the level they have proven capable of this season. Many of La Salle's wrestlers will gra· duate after this season, some even having won scholarships for their achievements. This won't however leave the team inept for next season. With a strong group of returning juniors and other underclassmen with varsity experience, the 1985-86 team should also be very successful, possibly even as successful as this year's team. Wrestling is an exiting and competitive up-and-coming sport at La Salle; but the wrestlers and coaches cannot keep up its newly found success without an increase in student support. This support can be in the form of actual participation or simply in coming out and watching a few of the matches. With a little help from the student body La Salle could even add another sport to its list of champions in the very near future.


loses a contact


LaSalle takes control.


TO t-fl6t-f l:Xl)l:CT A TIO~S

Going for the pin.

Coaches evaluate team's performance.

Tim Lefevre greets his opponent.

"Hey bud, can you keep a secret?"

Senior Bob Biggans stalks his prey.

Almost there ...


t= CUL I ~ 61:TS LUCI\-,' O~


his year's publicity of the Turkey Bowl started with an imposing letter written by a certain anonymous Arab teach· er. He attempted to instill fear in the Seniors with certain threats and empty words of hostility. Finally, when the game was scheduled, and the Seniors were ready to play, only three teachers showed up to play. Mr. Parisi and his two counterparts, Mr. Viggiano and Mr. Evans were the only three teachers with the guts enough to show up when the Seniors were ready to play. After several tactical postponments by the teachers, creating a severe lack of inter· est in the Seniors, the teachers appeared in great numbers ready to play. The Seniors, shocked, expecting the usual disappoint· ment were overwhelmed by the deceitful enemy. The final score of the game was unimportant. The lesson that future classes should learn is not to trust the conniving bunch of faculty who can only win on trick· ery rather than sheer athletic ability.

· "OK, now let's see your Gerry Ford impersonation."

Teachers foiled once more by Hasson.

Clear sailing.


Teachers confer on fourth and one.


Teachers run for (gulp!) another touchdown.

Mr. Evans provides intimidating

Mr. Evans slightly overthrows


(50 yds.) Mr. Friz.


Joe tries to connect with scoreboard.

Revenge is taken out on Turner.

Battlefield exploits.




( (

I \... -





and shadows provide contrasts important to art and life. Aware that the expert cinematographer can enhance dramatic effect by creative lighting, one can appreciate the function of contrasts in the "film" history of the remarkably photogenic Class of 1985. Here, the bright hues predominate. Scholarships, championships, friendships and laughter offset the failures, losses, disappointments and tea~s; yet all contribute to the excellence of a production deserving placement among the classics in Explorer film archives.


angles and focus can also achieve special effects that add impact to filmed action. From any angle, the young men who starred in Life at La Salle for four years, revealed talents worthy of rave reviews. As the camera's eye sweeps, with blurred focus, from the bewildPred and naive freshman to the sharper irnaae pf the leat'r路ed and sophisticated senior, it captures the essence of a miracle that has recurred here for almost 125 years--the growth of youth.


is an essential element of cinema and of the high school experience. On sets ranging from classroom to chapel, or lab to library, the vibrant presence of youth on the move guarantees suspense and excitement. Responding to direction themselves, members of the Class of 1985 then provided the leadership and service needed to move the activities of their school--acadernic, social, and religious--closer to the goal of excellence. Thanks to them, the Blue and Gold did come alive in '85! Lights! Camera! Action! We who have been part of the supporting cast are delighted to view this book of "stills" that will remind us, in memory's reruns, of special persons who enlivened this community during their growing years with us. Their gifts and their generosity in offering them have edified all of us, convincing us that what they have achieved here is merely a preview of corning attractions. May our graduates find the years ahead brightened by deserved rewards and an increasing awareness that it is truly"in Christ they live, and move, and have their being."


Drew J. Asson


1062 Henrietta Ave. Huntingdon, Pa 19006 379路2053 St. Hilary of Potiers American Computer Science League 2, 3, 4; Forum 4; Computer Club I; Scholastic "L" 1, 2, 3 20 3943 Gatehouse Lane (P.O. Box 469) Skippack, Pa 19474 584路1683 St. Stan's lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Student Council 2, 3, 4; Social Committee (Chairman); Spirit Club 3, 4; Regional Stu路 dent Council Conference 4 (Committee Chairman)

Chris Badali

Chris Badali

Brian Barry 1445 Cortez Rd. Norristown, Pa 19403 275路3689 St. Helena Soccer 1, 2, 3, 4; Track I, 2; lntramurals Scholastic "L" I, 2, 3, 4

Bob Batuyios


1, 2, 3, 4;


1663 Salem Circle Center Square, Pa 19422 277-6327 Track and Field 3, 4

Brian Barry

Bob Batuyios

Drew Asson


Walter Billia

Stephen Blatney

William Biddle


Robert Biggans


Sean Bennett

5D 1516 E. Barringer St. Phila., Pa 19150 549-4964 St. Therese lntramurals I, 2, 3, 4; Football 1, 2, 3 (L), 4 (L); Track 1 (L)

William Emanuel Biddle III

6D 2732 N. 11th. Street Phila., Pa 19133 225-5134 Indoor Track 1, 2, 3, 4; Outdoor Track 1, 2, 3, 4; Cross Country 3; Football I; Yearbook 4; Racquetball Club 4; lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4


11 Joseph Black

Robert Paul Biggans 7D 402 Kent Rd. Bala路Cynwyd, Pa 19004 664-1704 St. Matthias lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Wrestling 1 (L), 2, 3 (L), 4 (L) Walter C. Billia

1D 175 Saddle Dr. Furlong, PA 18925 345-0503 Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Yearbook 3, 4 (Editor); Diakonis 1; Bowling Team 3, 4; Wisterian 3, 4; Bowling Club 3, 4; Public Relations 4; Chess Club 3, 4; lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; CSC 4; Produc路 tion Staff 3; Eagle Scout 2; Scholastic "L" I, 2

Joseph Black

2D 3612 Weightman St. Phila., Pa 19129 849-1107 St. Bridget lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Seraphim 2, 3, 4; NHS 3, 4; CSC 2, 3, 4; Wisterian 1, 2; Scholastic "L" 1, 2, 3

Sean Bennett

Steve Blatney 3D 2993 Yorkshire Rd. Doylestown, Pa 18901 345-6170 Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Crew 1, 2, 3 (L), 4 (L); lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Yearbook 3, 4; Prom Committee 4; Raquetball Club 4 Michael C. Boland

4D 415 Waverly Rd. Wyncote, Pa 19095 887-5674 Immaculate Conception Football 1, 2, 3 (L), 4 (L); Outdoor Track and Field 1, 3; lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Spirit Club 4

Michael C. Bolland


Michael P. Boland


Rd # 4 Burnt House Hill Rd. Doylestown, PA. 18901 348-9432 Our Lady of Mt. Carmel lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Baseball 4

Michael J. Brace

60 300 Delmont Ave. Warminster PA. 18974 672-4833 St. Joseph N.H.S. 3, 4 (treasurer); Varsity Baseball 2, 3, 4 (man· ager); Mathletes 2, 3, 4; lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Scholas· tic "L" I, 2, 3, 4

Joseph J. Bradley

Christopher Breslin


609 E. Dupont St. Phila., PA. 19128 482·2290 Holy Family Track 2; lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Scholastic "L" 2

Christopher Branscome


3008 Gowan Lane Lafayette Hill, PA. 19444 825·3027 Soccer 1, 2 (L), 3 (L), 4 (L); Wrestling 1; Crew 1, 2, 3, 4; Student Council 4; Spirit Club 3, 4; lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Scholastic "L" 2

Jim Brennan

20 632 Gorgas Lane Phila., PA. 19128 482·9315 Holy Family Drama 2, 4 ... Seraphim 3 ... Art Club 4; lntramurals 2, 4

Michael P. Bolland Christopher P. Breslin 1111 Melrose Ave. Melrose Park, PA. 19126 635·2013 Holy Angels Football 1, 2; Band 1, 2, 3, 4; lntramurals Production Staff 1, 2, 3, 4

Randolph Brown Jr.


1, 2, 3, 4;


1415 E. Barringer St. Phila., PA. 19150 424-8360 Cross Country 3, 4; Track & Field 2, 3, 4

Chris Branscome


Joseph Bradley

Randolph Brown

James Brennan

Michael Brace


David Buonomo 50 430 Sugar Mill Rd. Huntingdon Valley. PA 19006 947-5077 St. Albert the Great Parish Baseball 2, 3 (L), 4 (L); National Honor Society 3, 4 (Secretary); Yearbook 2, 3, 4; Wisterian 4 (Editor); Rae· quetball Club 4; lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Bowling Club I; Scholastic "L" 2. Vince Burger 60 1129 Goodman Dr. Ambler, PA 19002 542·7142 St. Alphonsus Parish Football I; Crew 3, 4; Stage Crew l; lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Track 2; Forensics 1, 2; Racquetball Club 4; C. S. C. Golf 4; Scholastic "L" 4. Vincent Burger Art Burke 70 1025 Highland Ave. Abington, PA 19001 885-6588 Our Lady Help of Christ Parish Debating 1, 2, 3, 4; lntramurals l, 2, 3, 4; Community Service Corp 3, 4; National Honor Society 3, 4; Scho· lastic "L" l, 2, 3. Leon Byrne 436 Bridgetown Pike RD # 1 Langhorne, PA 19047 757-5182 St. Bede Parish lntramurals I, 2, 3, 4.


Mark Caliendo 20 1081 Lavera Rd. Warminster, PA 18974 672-3258 Nativity of Our Lord Parish Football 1, 2 (L), 3 (L), 4 (L); Student Council 3, 4 (Pres.); Yearbook 4; Wisterian 4; National Honor Sod· ety 3, 4; Track & Field 1, 2 (L); Theatre 3, 4; lntramur· als 1, 2 (Rep.), 3, 4; Powerlifting Team 2, 3, 4; Scholas· tic "L" 1, 2, 3, 4.

Arthur Burke

30 Thomas (Thom) P. Callahan 567 Domino Lane Phila., PA 19128 482-5018 Immaculate Heart of Mary Parish Computer Club 1; Stage Crew 2; Production Staff 3, 4 (Production Manager); lntramurals I, 2, 3, 4; C. S. C. 3, 4; Student Council 2.

Doug Campbell 48 Centre Ave. Norristown PA 19403 539-1148 St. Francis of Assisi Parish lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Scholastic "L" 1.


Leon Byrne


Douglas Campbell

Thomas Callahan

David Buonomo

Mark Caliendo


James Campbell

50 27 W. Mill Rd. Flourtown, Pa 1903 l 233·0631 St. Genevieve Football 1, 2; Wrestling 1, 2; Hockey 4 (L); lntramurals I, 2, 3, 4; Oiakonis J; Production Staff 3 Terence Campbell

60 1445 Grahary Rd. Blue Bell, Pa 19422 646·3231 Epiphany of Our Lord CSC 3, 4; NHS 3, 4; lntramurals I, 2, 3, 4; Gazebo 4; Student Council 3; Forum 1, 2, 3; Scholastic "L" 1, 2, 3 70 1062 2nd. Street Glassboro, Pa 19321 822·2053 St. Williams Football 1, 2; Photo Club I, 2; Baseball 1; Computer 1, 2, 3, 4; American Computer Science League 1, 2, 3, 4; Ski Club 3, 4; Student Council 1, 2; Scholastic "L" 1 Bill Cantono

Norman Carpenter

Terrence Campbell


6201 Larnsworth Street Phila, Pa 19149 533·8572 St. Timothy lntramurals l, 2, 3, 4; Yearbook 4; Scholastic "L" 1 Harry Caruso


2017 Carolton Way Flourtown, Pa 19031 836·7456 St. Genevieve lntramurals 2, 3, 4; Crew 2 (L), 4 (L) 30 450 Hawthorne St. Warminster, Pa 19873 672·8230 Nativity Cross Country I; lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Track I; Band 1, 2, 3 Joseph Cassidy

40 200 Wyncote Rd. Jenkintown, Pa 19046 884·4335 Immaculate Conception Football 1; lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Spirit Club 4; Base· ball 2, 3 (L), 4 (L) Joe Cattie

Joseph Cassidy


James Campbell

Norman Carpenter

Harry Caruso

William Cantono


Craig Conlin

5D 606 Station Ave. Glenside, PA 19038 885·4858 Holy Martyrs Basketball 1, 2, 3, 4; Baseball 1, 2, 3; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Student Council 2; Football 1; Scholastic "L" 1, 2, 3, 4

William Cosello 6D 253 Township Road North Wales, Pa 19454 699·7689 St. Rose Soccer 1; Wrestling 2, 3, 4; lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Spirit Club 4; Student Council I, 2 Stephen 1111. Darcy ID 907 Atwood Rd. Erdenheim, Pa 19118 836·4585 St. Geneveive Golf 2, 3 (L), 4 (L); Student Council 3, 4; Spirit Club 4; lntramurals I, 2, 3, 4

Craig Conlin

Frank Davey

2D 1148 Grant Ave. Blue Bell, Pa 19422 277·2422 St. Helena's Soccer 1, 2, 3; Wisterian 4; Yearbook 3, 4; Student Council 4; Spirit Club 4; Crew 2, 3; NHS 3, 4; lntramur· als 1. 2, 3, 4; Scholastic "L" I, 2, 3, 4


Marty Dean

126 Woodlyn Ave. Glenside, Pa 190673 887·0673 St. Luke Football I, 2, 3 (L), 4 (L); Baseball 1, 2, 3 (L), 4 (L); lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Spirit Club 4; Student Council 4

John DePaul John De Paul 931 Franklin Lane Maple Glen, Pa 19002 646·5314 /646·0224 St. Alphonsus Soccer 1, 2, 3, 4; Scholastic "L"


1, 2, 3

John Depman

5D 605 Highland Ave. Jenkintown, Pa 19046 885·3576 Immaculate Conception Cross Country 1, 2; CSC I , 2, 3, 4 (Pres.); Band 1, 2; Wisterian 3, 4; Spirit Club 4; Crew 1, 2; Scholastic "L"

1. 2

John Depman





Francis Davey

William Corsello

Martin Dean


Joe Derham 6D 465 Dreshertown Rd. Ft. Washington, Pa 19034 643·1914 St. Alphonsus Bowling 1, 2, 3, 4; Ski Club 3, 4; Intramural 1, 2, 3, 4; Computer Science League 2, 3, 4 Vincent M. DeSimone 7D' 7413 Roosevelt Blvd. Phila, Pa 19152 624-6295 St. Matthew Forum 1, 2; lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4

Joseph Derham

Eric DiCiano 1D 858 Ronnie Lane Phila, Pa 19128 482·9189 1.H.M. Track 1, 3, 4; Cross Country 3, 4; Golf3; lntramurals 1, 2, 3,4 Daniel F. Diehl 2D 412 Revere Rd. Lafayette Hill, Pa 19444 825·1066 St. Philip Neri Basketball 1, 2, 3 (L), 4 (L); lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Retreat Leader 4; Track and Field 1, 2 (L), 3 (L), 4 (L); Religious Activities 1, 2, 3, 4; Intramural Representa· tive 3, 4 William Dierkes 3D 925 Denston Dr. Ambler, Pa 19002 646·7532 St. Alphonsus Swim team 1; CSC 2, 3, 4; lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 Mark Dinda 4D 8431 Harner St. Phila, Pa 19128 482·0865 Immaculate Heart of Mary Intramural Representative 1, Diakonis 1; lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Wrestling 2; NHS 3, 4: Student Council 2, 3, 4 (V.P.); Wisterian 3, 4; Spirit Club 4; Yearbook 3, 4 (Editor); Scholastic "L" 1, 2, 3, 4

Vincent Desimone

James Dobrydnia 5D 481 Shues Lane Phila, Pa 19128 483·5614 St. Josaphat's lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Stage Crew 2, 3, 4; CSC 3, 4; Photo Club 1; Bowling Club 2

William Dierkes


Daniel Diehl

Mark Dinda

Eric Dicianno

James Dobrydnia


Mark Dombkoski 1523 Rhoades Dr. Huntingdon Valley, PA 19006 947·5015 Our Lady of Good Counsel Parish lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Wisterian 3, 4


Lou Donofrio 7D 115 Annasmead Road Maple Glen, PA 19002 643·5997 St. Alphonsus Parish Football 2; Crew 1, 2 (L), 3 (L), 4 (L) (Captain); Spirit Club 3, 4; lntramurals I, 2, 3, 4; Yearbook 4

Chris Dudzek

Christopher T. Doran ID 104 W. Chew St. Phila., PA 19120 424-3554 St. Helena Parish lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Forum 1; Yearbook 3, 4; Student Council 1, 4; Wisterian 3, 4; Scholastic "L" 3, 4 Peter Dougherty 2D 590 Spring Lane Phila., PA 19128 482·3743 Immaculate Heart of Mary Parish Drama 4; Stage Crew I, 2, 3 (2 and 3 Manager); Musi· cal 3, 4; Retreat Leader 4; Seraphim 2, 3, 4; C. S. C. 3, 4; lntramurals I (Rep.), 2, 3, 4; Yearbook 4 (Photo Editor); Student Council 1; Student Council Confer· ence 4; Raquetball Club 4 Mike Doyle 3D 226 Locust Road Fort Washington, PA 19034 646-5377 St. Anthony's Parish Diakonus 1; Spirit Club 3, 4; Swimming 2, 3, 4; Intra· murals 1, 2, 3, 4; Yearbook 4

Mike Doyle

Christopher R. Dudzek 40 6407 N. Fairhill St. Phila., PA 548-3416 St. Helena Parish lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Play 2, 3; Intramural Bowling 2; Spirit Club 4; Cross Country 1 Charles T. Eisler, Jr. 5D 4907 Roosevelt Blvd. Phila., PA 19124 743-4819 St. Martin of Tours Parish Football l, 2, 3 (L), 4 (L); Student Council 4; Prom Committee 3; lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Power Lifting 2, 3

Mark Dombkoski


Louis Donofrio

Pete Dougherty

Charles Eisler




Christopher Elser 6D 231 Overlook Rd. Ambler, PA 19002 646-6759 St. Anthony's Parish Band 1, 2, 3, 4; lntramurals 2, 3; Crew 3, 4; Track 2 Gary Fackler 7D 718 Garden Rd. Glenside, PA 19038 886-6543 St. Luke's Parish Art Club 2, 3, 4; Drama Club 3; Yearbook 4; Wisterian 1, 2, 3, 4; Computer Club I Stanley R. Faison JD 6201 Stevenson Ter. Phila., PA 19141 924·5091 St. Helena Parish Wisterian 1, 2, 4; Photo Club 1; Yearbook 1, 2; Intra· murals I, 2, 3, 4

Stanley Faison

James Farris 2D 1329 Carol Rd. Meadowbrook, PA 19046 572·0223 St. Hilary Parish Crew 2, 3 (L), 4 (L); lntramurals l, 2, 3, 4; Diakonis 1, 2; Golf I; Stage Crew 4; Wisterian 4; Yearbook 4; Spirit Club 3, 4; Homeroom Rep. 2; Intramural Rep. 2; Ra· quetball Club 4 Tim Fighera 3D 1287 Huntingdon Rd. Abington, PA 19001 885·1833 Our Lady Help of Christians Parish C. S. C. 1, 2, 3, 4; National Honor Society 3, 4; Forum I, 2, 3, 4; lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Scholastic "L" l, 2, 3 4D Michael A. Filippone 1663 Ritter Rd. Center Sq. PA 19422 277·7637 St. Helena Parish lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Ice Hockey l, 2; Football 2; Stage Crew 2; Crew 3, 4; Fall Crew 4; Spirit Club 1, 2,

James Farris

3, 4

William Finnegan 5D 3 Woods Lane Ambler, PA 19002 641·1963 St. Alphonsus Parish lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Crew 2; Spirit Club 2, 4; Student Council Rep. 1, 3; Diakonis l; Raquetball Club 4; Ski Club 3, 4

Michael Filippone


William Finnegan

Gary Fackler



Tim Fighera


Dave Gingrich 6D 5 Embassy Circle Norristown, PA 19403 584·5181 Visitation B. V. M. Parish Baseball 2, 3 (L), 4 (L); Bowling 1; Yearbook 4; Wister· ian 4; Mathletes 3, 4; Raquetball Club 4; Scholastic "L" 1, 2, 3, 4

7D Thomas Gizzi 490 Tomlinson Rd. Phila., PA 19116 673·3215 St. Albert's Parish Basketball 1, 2, 3, 4; lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Football I, 2, 3, 4; Baseball 1, 2, 3, 4; Diakonis 1; National Honor Society 3, 4; Scholastic "L" 1, 2, 3

James A. Godin JD 1512 Plymouth Blvd. Norristown, PA 19401 272·6271 St. Paul's Parish Swimming 1; Student Council l, 3; lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Play 2; Religious Activities 1; Spirit Club 4

Thomas Gizzi

Peter Gollmer 2D 417 Hartel Ave. Phila., PA 19111 722·3968 722·3968 St. Cecilia Parish Football 1, 2, 3, 4 (L); Band 1 (L), 2 (L), 3, 4 (Vice Pres.); Dramatics 2, 3, 4; lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Yearbook 4; Spirit Club 1, 2, 4; Track & Field 2; Prom Committee 4; Power Lifting 2, 3, 4 3D John S. Grady 6524 N. 6th St. Phila., PA 19126 549-6511 St. Helena Parish Basketball 1, 2, 3 (L), 4 (L); lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Religious Activities 1; National Honor Society 3, 4· Retreat Leader 4; Scholastic "L" 1, 2, 3, 4

John Grady

4D James J. Gunn 1473 Whitwood Dr. Centre Square, PA 19401 272·7779 St. Helena Parish lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Newspaper 4; Yearbook 4

Keith R. Haarmeyer 5D 950 Union Meeting Rd. Blue Bell, PA 19422 628·9948 St. Helena Parish Band 1, 2; Wisterian; Ski Club 2, 3, 4; Computer Sci· ence League 2, 3; Raquetball Club 4; Forum 4; Scho· lastic "L" 1

James Godin


David Gingrich

Keith Haarmeyer

James Gunn

Peter Gollmer


Joe Hackman 6D 62 S. Traymore Ave. Ivyland, PA 18974 355-6931 Our Lady of Good Counsel Crew 1, 2, 3, 4; lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Ski Club 3, 4 David Hannum 1420 Ivy Lane North Wales, PA 19454 368-0794 St. Stanislaus Band 1, 2; lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4


James P. Hartey 6227 Revere Street Philadelphia, PA 19149 537路1828 St. Timothy lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Yearbook 4


David Hannum

Jim Hasson 2D 1617 Kings Mill Road Gwynedd Valley, PA 19437 699-8963 St. Rose of Lima Football 1, 3 (L), 4 (L); Baseball 1, 2, 3 (L), 4 (L); Forensics 2; C.S.C. 3, 4; lntramurals 3, 4; Spirit Club 4; Student Council 4; Yearbook 4; Retreat Leader 4; Newspaper 1 Thomas J. Heasley 3D 8607 Colony Drive Philadelphia, PA 19152 671-8028 St. Jerome National Honor Society 3, 4; Yearbook 4; Football I, 2; lntramurals I, 2, 3, 4; Mathletes 4; Scholastic "L" 1, 2, 3, 4

Josepb Hackman

Robert C. Heinz 4D 2253 Menlo Avenue Glenside, PA 19038 572路9899 St. Luke Crew 2, 3 (L), 4 (L); lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Football 2; Yearbook 4; Scholastic "L" 1

5D Tim Helmick 455 Plymouth Rd. Glenside, PA 19038 887路3231 St. Luke Baseball 2; Basketball 1, 2; Yearbook 4; Bowling 1 (L), 2 (L), 3 (L), 4 (L); Religious Activities 1, 2, 3, 4; Intra路 murals 1, 2, 3, 4; Intramural Coordinater 4; Retreat Leader 4

Robert Heinz


James Hartey

James Hasson

Tom Heasley

Timothy Helmick


Karl A. Hentschel 6D 2045 Pheasant Hill Rd. Lansdale, PA 19446 362-0160 Corpus Cristi Parish lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; National Honor Society 3, 4; Band I, 2, 3, 4; All-Catholic Band 1, 2, 3, 4; All-District Band 2, 3, 4; Regional All·State Band 2, 4; Pep Band 2, 3, 4; Scholastic "L" 1, 2, 3, 4 Dave Herbert 7D 2009 Church Rd. Flourtown, PA 19031 233·4966 Holy Martyrs Parish Soccer 1; Track & Field 1,,2; Swimming 3, 4; lntramur· als J, 2, 3, 4 James F. Hoban 138 W. Durham St. Phila., PA 19119 247· 1167 Holy Cross Parish Soccer 1, 2, 3, 4; Crew 2

Christopher Janssen


Michael Hoban 2D 7642 Burholme Ave. Phila., PA 19111 742·2802 St. Cecilia Parish Soccer I, 2, 3 (L), 4 (L) (Captain); Yearbook 4; National Honor Society 3, 4; Religious Activities 1, 2; lntramur· als 1, 2, 3, 4; Spirit Club 4; Scholastic "L" I, 2, 3 Michael Hynes 3D 607 Rodman Ave. Jenkintown, PA 19046 572·8230 Immaculate Conception Parish Diakonis 1; Basketball I; lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 (Co· ordinator); Baseball 2, 3, 4; N. H. S. 3, 4; Scholastic "L" 2,3

Nick lntintolo

Nicholas lntintolo 4D 1404 Cromwell Rd. Wyndmoor, PA 19118 836-4558 Seven Dolors Parish Soccer 3; Baseball 3 (L), 4 (L); lntramurals I, 2, 3, 4 Chris Janssen 5D 333 Cambridge Rd. Norristown, PA 279·0354 Epiphany of Our Lord Parish Stage Band I, 2, 3, 4; Pep 3, 4 (L); lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Scholastic "L" 1

Karl Hentschel


Michael Hynes

James Hoban

David Herbert

Michael Hoban


Charles J. Karstens, Jr.


15136 Kovats Dr. Phila, Pa 19136 844路2171 St. Christophers Bowling l; Drama 3, 4; lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 C.P. Keefe


737 Norristown Rd. Horsham, Pa 19044 646路7429 Drama 2, 3, 4; lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Student Council 3, 4; Scholastic "L" 3 Robert Kellogg


406 Millcreek Rd. Chalfont, Pa 18914 822-2626 Ski Club 3, 4; American Computer Science League 3, 4; lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 Brennan Kelly


212 Lynwood Ave. Rockledge, Pa 19111 379-5126 St. Cecilia lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Yearbook 4; Spirit Club 4; Wis路 terian 4; Football l, 2, 3 (L), 4 (L); Student Council 1; Weight Lifting 2, 3, 4; Scholastic "L" 1, 3 David Kelly


Christopher Keefe

2019 McKinley St. Phila, Pa 19149 Pl3-6374 St. Timothys lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Diaconus 1 Thomas P. Kenney

40 1512 Grasshopper Lane Gwynedd Valley, Pa 19437 646-5774 St. Rose of Lima lntramurals l, 2, 3, 4; CSC 4; Seraphim 2, 3; Band 3, 4 Dennis Kerns


7851 Michener Ave. Phila, Pa 19150 549-8725 St. Raymond of Penefort lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Football 1, 2; Band 2, 3, 4

David Kelly


Robert Kellogg

Charles Karstens

Brennan Kelly

Thomas Kenney

Dennis Kerns


6D John Kissane 31 Church Rd. Norritown, Pa 19401 277·5931 Epiphany Basketball ! ; Baseball 2, 3; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Spirit Club 4 7D John Kodsi 1322 Rydal Rd. Rydal, Pa 19046 576·5296 St. James Crew 1, 2, 3, 4 (L); lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Spirit Club 4

Mike Kuchenmeister

1D Thomas Kolsun 4 Edgehill Rd. Huntingdon Valley, Pa 19006 659-4878 Our Lady Help of Christians Football 1, 2, 3 (L), 4 (L); Wrestling 1, 2 (L), 3 (L), 4 (L); lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Track 1 Mike Kuchenmeister 356 Maple Ave. North Hills, Pa 19038 572·1529 Queen of Peace Football 1, 2, 3, 4; Scholastic "L" 3, 4


3D Matthew J. Kulak 16 Harvard Rd. Norristown, Pa 19401 279-4693 Epiphany of Our Lord Soccer 1, 2; Band 1, 2, 3, 4 (Pres.); lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Scholastic "L" 1, 2, 3, 4

John LaRocca 2455 Exton Rd. Hatboro, Pa 19040 674·1856 St. John Bosco Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; CSC 3


Joe Leiss 879 Lombardy Dr. Landsdale, Pa 19446 368·2370 St. Stanilaus Stage Crew 2, lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4


Thomas Kolsun

Matthew Kulak



John Kodsi




John Kissane

John LaRocca


Kirby Mallon

Edward Lopez

Austin Lynch




James Lombard

Chris Leister


51 Hendricks St. Ambler, Pa 19002 643·7855 St. Anthony lntramurals I, 2, 3, 4; Track 2; Crew 3, 4.

Jim Lombard

70 660 Belfry Dr. Center Square, Pa. 19422 279·0778 St. Helena lntramurals I, 2, 3, 4; Spirit Club 4; Yearbook 4; Photo Club

Jim Lonergan


4507 Whitaker Ave. Philadelphia, Pa. 19120 324·7859 St. Ambrose lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Soccer 3, 4.

James Lonergan

F. Edward Lopez 20 8046 Crittenden St. Philadelphia, Pa. 19118 Our Mother of Consolation lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Yearbook 4; Ski Club 3, 4; Track I; Computer Club I. Austin E. Lynch

30 3602 Yorkshire Rd. Doylestown, Pa 18901 345.9545 Our Lady of Mount Carmel lntramurals 2, 3, 4; Cross Country 1, 2; Track 2; Sera· phin 3, 4.

Kirby Mallon


213 Yeakel Ave. Erdenheim, Pa. 19118 233·5497 Seven Dolors lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Cross Country I; Raquetball 4; lee Hockey 1, 2 (L), 3 (L), 4 (L).

Andrew Makoid


2978 Arch Rd. Norristown, Pa. 18401 272·4846 Epiphany lntramurals 3, 4.

Andrew Makoid


Ronald B. Matthew, Jr. 7D 1199 McKelvey Lane Center Square, Pa 19422 272路2261 St. Helana's Football 1, 2, 3, 4; Wrestling 1, 2, 3, 4; lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4

Frank Matticola 1D 228 Fillmore St. Phila, Pa 19111 379路4277 St. Cecelia lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Spirit Club 3, 4; Track 1; Cross Country 2; Football 3 Steve Masucci 1018 Hemlock Dr. Blue Bell, Pa 19422 643-0453 St. Helena Football 1, 2; lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4


Robert McAleese 3D 811 Glenview St. Phila, Pa 19111 745-0828 Presentation B.V.M. Cross Country 1; Track 1, 2; lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Racquetball Club 4; Diaconus I; Prom Committee 4; Stage Crew 4; Drama 2; Spirit Club 2, 4 Brian McAndrews 2350 Greensward Rd. Warrington, Pa 18976 343-2875 St. Roberts Soccer 1, 3; lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4

Robert McAleese


Brian McCaffrey 5D 308 Wood Spring Rd. Gwynedd Valley, Pa 19437 646路2128 St. Stanislaus Bowling Club 1; Mathletes 3, 4; Forum 4; NHS 3, 4; lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Scholastic "L" 1, 2, 3 Tim McCoy 6D 15 Pebble View Lane Doylestown, Pa 18901 345-7245 Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Track and Field 1; Wrestling 2, 3, 4; Intra murals 1, 2, 3, 4

Frank Metticola


Ronald Matthew

Timothy McCoy

Brian Mccaffrey

Steve Masucci

Brian McAndrews


Michael Mehlmann

Brendan McGlynn


Timothy McNamara

Martin McKenzie

Michael Eugene Mehlmann

5D 529 Robbins Avenue Philadelphia, Pa St. William 725-9566 Crew 1, 2, 3; Spirit Club 2; Band 1; lntramurals 1, 2, 3,


Kevin McGann

... Daniel McNeff

7D 925 Bell Lane Maple, Glen, Pa. St. Alphonsus 643-7738 Swimming 1, 2, 3, 4; lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Yearbook 4; Scholastic "L" 2, 3

Brendan McGlynn


1029 Southampton Rd. Philadelphia, Pa. St. Charles OR3路2641 Soccer 1; Hockey 2; lntramurals l, 2, 3, 4; Scholastic "L" 2

Chuck Mcilhinney 2D 31 Meadow Lane Doylestown, Pa. Our Lady of Mount Carmel 348路5410 Crew I, 2 (L), 3 {L), 4 (L); Spirit Club 4; Racquetball Club 4; lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Ski Club 3, 4 Marty McKenzie

Kevin McGann

2D 8346 Cadwalader Ave. Elkins Park, Pa. St. James 635-0898 lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Ski Club 3, 4; Yearbook 4; Com路 puter Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Computer Science League 4; Racquetball Club 4; Stage Crew 3, 4 (Lighting Man路 ager)

Timothy William McNamara

3D 535 Bell Lane Maple Glen, Pa. St. Alphonsus 646-2757 Diakonis l, 2; Football 1; Indoor Track 1, 2; Crew l, 2 (L), 3 (L), 4 {L) (Captain); Cross Country 2; Jntramurals I, 2, 3, 4; Spirit Club 3, 4; Band I, 2; Wisterian 3

Dan McNeff 4D 814 J Ave. Ardsley, Pa. Queen of Peace 576-6866 Football 1, 2, 3, 4; lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; National Honor Society 3, 4; Scholastic "L" 1, 2, 3

Charles Mcilhinney


Michael Miller

Frank Meis

John Millard

Frank Monahan


Jack Morasco

6D Frank Meis 4035 S. Warner Rd. Lafayette Hill, Pa 19444 828·5764 St. Philip Neri Student Council 1, 2, 3; Baseball 4; Golf 4; lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 7D Chris Miles 5944 Torresdale Ave. Phila, Pa 19135 537·9164 St. Bartholomew Football I; lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Scholastic "L" I, 2,

3, 4

JD John B. Millard, Jr. 710 Baeder Rd. Jenkintown, Pa 19046 576-0364 Immaculate Conception Forum 2, 3, 4; Cross Country I, 2; CSC 2, 3, 4; Wister· ian I, 2, 3, 4; lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Track 1

Christopher Miles

2D Michael T. Miller 485 Belfry Dr. Center Square, Pa 19422 279-6680 St. Helena Soccer 1; lntramurals I, 2, 3, 4; Track 3; Spirit Club 4; Yearbook 4; Crew 4; Ski Club 4; Racquetball Club 4

3D Chuck Minnich 731 Wyndale, Rd. Jenkintown, Pa 19046 572·8913 Immaculate Conception Football I, 2, 3; Track I; Wisterian 1, 2, 3, 4; CSC 1, 2, 3, 4; NHS 3, 4; lntramurals I, 2, 3, 4; Yearbook 4; Scholastic "L" 1, 2, 3 4D Frank Monahan 1814 Roan Dr. Warrington, Pa 18976 343·2728 St. Robert Baseball 1, 2 (L), 3 (L), 4 (L); Basketball I, 2; lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4

5D Jack Morasco 203 Penn Oak Rd. Fourtown, Pa 19031 836·4415 St. Genevieve Hockey 1 (L), 2, 3 (L), 4 (L & Asst. Capt.); lntramurals I, 2,3, 4

Charles Minnich


Frank Morrell


624 Renz St. Phila., PA 19128 482·9245 Immaculate Heart of Mary Parish Concert Band 1, 2, 3; Pep Band 1 (L), 2 (L), 3 (L), 4 (L); Stage Band 3, 4; Competition Band 3, 4; lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Scholastic "L" 1 Kevin Morrison


7413 Kieffer St. Phila., PA 19128 482·1682 Immaculate Heart of Mary Parish Football 1, 2, 3, 4; Homeroom Rep. I; Basketball 1, 2, 3, 4; Baseball I, 2; lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 Paul Nahrgang


David O'Brien

1541 Township Line Rd. Norristown, PA 19401 275·4345 St. Helena's Parish Wrestling 1 Mark Neff


3278 Afton Rd. Dresher, PA 572·1523 Queen of Peace Parish Football 2, 4; Golf 4; Ski Club 1, 2, 3, 4; lntramurals 1, 2. 3, 4 Mark A. Oberholzer


6337 E. Valley Green Rd. Flourtown, PA 19031 233·3754 St. Genevieve's Parish Forum l, 2, 3, 4; National Honor Society 3, 4; Math· letes 1, 2, 3, 4; lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Community Service Corps 3, 4; Student Council 3, 4; Scholastic "L" 1, 2, 3 Dave O'Brien


1105 Kenyon Dr. Fort Washington, PA 19034 542·8781 St. Alphonsus Parish Swimming 1, 2 (L), 3 (L), 4 (L); Football 1; lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Scholastic "L" 1, 2, 3, 4 Gerard F. O'Kane

Kevin Morrison


319 Powder Hom Rd. Ft. Washington, PA 19034 835-0520 St. Genevieve's Parish Religious Activities 1, 2; Intramural Rep. 3; lntramur· als 1, 2, 3; Track & Field I; Swimming 1, 2, 3 (L), 4; Cross Country 2; Wisterian 4; Scholastic "L" 3

Frank Morrell


Paul Nahrgang

Mark Neff

Gerry O'Kane

Mark Oberholzer


Greg T. Olbrich 316 Boyer Rd. Cheltenham, PA 19012 379-3458 Presentation Parish lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4


Edward Pettit Jeff Ottaviano 7D 1582 Campus Drive Maple Glen, PA 19002 643路1968 St. Alphonsus Parish Swimming 1, 2, 3, 4; lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Track 1, 4; Spirit Club 3, 4; Yearbook 4; Scholastic "L" 1, 2 Douglas Passanante ID 8 Mill Creek Rd. Holland, PA 18966 355路7176 St. Beeds Parish Diving 1, 2, 3, 4; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Scholastic "L" 1, 2, 3 2D Keith Pensabene 2121 Woodlawn Ave. Glenside, PA 19038 886-5791 St. Luke Parish Football l; Baseball 2, 3, 4; lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Spirit Club 4; Scholastic "L" 1, 3

Steve Petrokubi 136 Red Rambler Drive Lafayette Hill, PA 19444 828-1051 St. Philip Neri Parish lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Computer Science League 4


Edward G. Pettit 6501 N. 3rd St. Phila., PA 19126 549路8660 St. Helena Parish lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4


Daniel Pickard 2570 Hallowell Rd. Huntingdon Valley, PA 947-4069 St. Albert Parish lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Student Council 1, 2


Jeff Ottaviano

Douglas Passanante


Daniel Pickard

Stephen Petrokubi

Keith Pensabene

Greg Olbrich


Jim Price


2718 Hazel Ave. North Hills, Pa 19038 884路4768 Queen of Peace lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Golf 4; Scholastic "L" 1, 2 7D 1320 Cory Dr. Ft. Washington, Pa 19034 64&3847 St. Alphonsus Crew 2, 3, 4; Diakonis 1; Spirit Club 2, 3, 4; lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4 Francis Rafter

Andrew J. Raqusa 1D 812 E. Fornance St. Norristown, Pa 19401 279-6852 Holy Savior Yearbook 2, 3, 4 (Editor); Wisterian 3, 4; Tennis 2 (L), 3 (L), 4 (L); NHS 3, 4; Racquet ball Club 4; Mathletes 4; lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Scholastic "L" 1, 2, 3, 4 William C. Regli Ill


815 Pardee Lane Wyncote, Pa 19095 TU6路2362 Immaculate Conception Forum 3(L), 4; CSC 2, 3, 4; lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Yearbook 2, 3, 4; Photo Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Computer Club 1, 2, 3, 4; ASCL 3, 4; Track 1

Frank Reilly

Frank Reilly 30 671 Mayfair St. Phlla., Pa 19120 288-0129 St. Ambrose Yearbook 3, 4 (Editor); Wisterian 3, 4; lntramurals 2, 3; Scholastic "L" 3, 4 Steve Rietzke

4D 1167 Goodman Dr. Ft. Washington, Pa 19034 643路4573 St. Alphonsus Yearbook 3, 4 (Editor); Baseball 2, 3 (L), 4 (L); Wisterian 3, 4; Student Council 4; lntramurals I, 2, 3, 4; NHS 3, 4; Scholastic "L" 2, 3 Larry Roman


425 Norfolk Rd. Flourtown, Pa 19031 233路5833 St. Genevieve Hockey 3; lntramurals I, 2, 3, 4

Andy Ragusa


' I I

Lawrence Roman

James Price

William Regli

Francis Rafter

Steve Rietzke


Bernard Saxon

Bob Schaefer




Steven Sassaman

Christopher A. Romano 60 838 Cathedral Rd. Phila., Pa 19128 482·5483 Immaculate Heart of Mary Track and Field l; Football 2; Wrestling 2, 3, 4 Steve Sassaman 70 8808 Danbury St. Phila., Pa 19152 H04·7886 St. Jeromes Crew 1, 2, 3, 4 (Tri·Capt.); lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Foot· ball 1; Wisterian 2; Spirit Club 2, 3, 4; Diaconos 1 Patrick Schull

Bernie Saxon JD Lafayette Hill, Pa 19444 825-3391 St. Philip Neri Cross Country 1, 2, 3, 4; Indoor Track 1, 2, 3 (L), 4 (L); Outdoor Track 1, 2, 3 (L), 4 (L); Diakonis 1; lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Scholastic "L" 1, 3 Robert Schaefer 20 1541 Temple Dr. Maple Glen, Pa 19002 646·1464 St. Alphnsus Student Council 1, 2, 3, 4; lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Year· book 3, 4; Wisterian 4 (Editor); Spirit Club 4; Diakonis I; Retreat Leader 4; Racquetball Club 4

Kerem Sezer

Frank Schreader 4142 Robbins Ave. Phila., Pa 19135 331-0856 St. Timothy Band 1, 2; lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4


Pat Schull 40 3150 Millhurst Lane Doylestown, Pa 18901 Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Football ] ; Track 1, 2, 3, 4; Intra murals 1, 2, 3, 4; Cross Country 2, 3, 4 Kerem Sezer 1033 W. Germantown Pike Norristown, Pa 19403 584·0318 Swimming 3, 4; lntramurals 3, 4


Francis Schreader


Rich Sherman 60 1700 Butler Pk. Conshohocken, PA 19428 825-6579 St. Matthew lntramurals l, 2, 3, 4; NHS 3, 4; Baseball 1, 2, 3 (L), 4 (L);Wisterian 1, 2, 3, 4 (Editor·in.Chief); Yearbook 1, 2, 3, 4; Basketball 3 (L), 4 (L); Scholastic "L" 1, 2, 3, 4 Pete Sigmund 70 137 Hendricks St. Ambler, PA 19002 643·2197 St. Anthony lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Spirit Club 3; Crew 2, 3, 4; CSC 1 John Skibiak 223 Overlook Rd. Ambler, PA 19002 646·7058 St. Anthony lntramurals l, 2, 3, 4; Football 1

Rich Sherman


Steve Stabilito 3D 1324 Partridge Rd. Roslyn, PA 19001 657·0879 St. John of the Cross Track I, 2; Cross Country 2; lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Intramural Coordinator 3, 4 John H. Stanczak 4D 8656 Belfry Dr. Phila., PA 19128 483·0407 St. Philip Neri Basketball 1, 2, 3 (L), 4 (L); Yearbook 3, 4; CSC 4; Football 1; NHS 3, 4; Student Council 1, 2; Track 2; lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Scholastic "L" 2, 3, 4 Richard W. Steinmetz SD 1241 Alcott St. Phila., PA 19149 831·8918 St. Martin of Tours lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Wrestling 1; Football 2, 3 (L)

Peter Sigmund

Glenn Stockmal 6D 945 Musket Drive Lansdale, PA 19446 584·4164 Corpus Cristi Soccer 1, 2, 3 (L), 4 (L); Tennis 1 (L), 2 (L), 3 (L), 4 (L); lntramurals I, 2, 3, 4

Glenn Stockmal


Richard Steinmetz



John Skibiak

John Stanczak



Kenneth W. Stout III 70 852 Thomas Rd. Lafayette Hill, Pa 19444 233·3999 St. Genevieve's Football l, 2, 3(L), 4(L); NHS 3, 4: Drama 3; Track 1, 2; Student Council 1, 2, 3, 4 (V.P.) lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Diakonos I; Power Lifting 2, 3; Scholastic "L" 1, 2, 3, 4 Darrin F. Suder ID 633 Tyson Ave. Phila, Pa 19111 342·4252 Presentation B.V.M. lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Spirit Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Baseball 2

Roy Thompson

John Suter 20 77 Buck Rd. Warrington, Pa 18976 343·2125 Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Crew 1, 2, 3, 4; lntramurals 1, 2. 3, 4: Art Club 2, 3, 4; Stagecrew 2, 3, 4: Student Council I; Fall Crew 1, 4; Spirit Club 1, 2, 4 Dan Sweeney 30 219 Hendricks St. Ambler, Pa 19002 643·1053 St. Anthony's Crew I; Prom Committee 1; Art Club 2, 3, 4; lntramur· als l, 2, 3, 4 Fred Sweeney 420 Wigurd Ave. Phila, Pa 19128 483-89516 I.H.M. Seraphim 2, 3, 4; lntramurals I, 2, 3, 4; CSC

40 Frederick Sweeney

Mark Syms 50 340 Ginger Rd. Huntingdon Vally, Pa 19006 947·2360 St. Albert the Great Forum I, 2, 3, 4; lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; NHS 3, 4 Roy C. Thompson, Jr. 60 7838 Gilbert St. Phila, Pa 549·1266 lntramurals 2, 3, 4; Band 3, 4; Basketball 3, 4; Track and Field 3, 4

Darrin Suder


Mark Syms

Daniel Sweeney

Bill Stout

John Suter


Glenn Walter

Robert Takar

Mark Washko


Mark Warner

Rob Tokar 7D l 53 Pine Hill Road Feasterville, PA 19047 357·4506 St. Andrew Art Club 3, 4; Yearbook 4; Ski Club 3, 4; lntramurals I, 2, 3, 4 Kurt Vonderschmalz JD l l 65 Meadowbook Road Southhampton, PA 18966 355·5842 Our Lady of Good Council lntramurals l, 2, 3, 4; Dia con is 1; Indoor and Outdoor Track l, 2, 3, 4 (Co·Captain); Cross Country l, 2, 3, 4 (Co-Captain); Scholastic "L" 2. 3

Kurt Vonderschmalz

Robert Walser 2D 6412 Rising Sun Ave. Philadelphia, PA 19111 725·7450 St. William lntramurals l. 2, 3, 4; Ski Club 3, 4; Computer Science League 4; Scholastic "L" 3 Glenn Walter 3D 473 Tennis Ave. Ambler, PA 19002 643·5647 St. Ralph Swimming 1, 2, 3, 4 (L); Yearbook 4; lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Spirit Club l, 2, 3; NHS 3, 4; Scholastic "L" 2, 3

I\ Clifford Ward

Clifford P. Ward 2295 Mulberry Lane Lafayette Hill, PA 19444 828·5166 St. Philip Neri ew 1, 2, 3 (L), 4; Diakonis I; lntramurals Scholastic "L" 3 Mark Warner 358 Overlook Drive Warminster, PA 18974 675·0561 Our Lady of Good Council lntramurals I, 2, 3, 4


I, 2, 3, 4;


Mark Washko 6D 1527 Fulton Drive Maple Glen, PA 19002 646·4987 St. Alphonsus Basketball 1, 2; Track 3, 4; Wisterian 2, 3, 4 (Editor); Yearbook 3, 4; CSC 1, 2, 3, 4 (Senator); Under Class Retreat Leader 4; La Salle Theater 2, 3, 4; Ski Club 4; Spirit Club 3, 4; lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Racquetball Club 4; Chairman for S.E. Pa. Regional Student Coun· cil Conference 4; Scholastic "L", 4

Robert Walser


Greg Wilhelm

John Wilkins


Bruce Wilson

Paul Waters

Paul Waters


1420 Firethorne Lane Wyndmoor, Pa 19118 836-4830 Seven Dolors Mathletes 1, 2, 3, 4; Yearbook 3, 4; lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Scholastic "L" I, 2, 3, 4

Matthew Wentz

JD 1051 69th. Ave. Phila., Pa 19126 549-6192 Holy Angels Theater 2, 3, 4; Track 1; Football 2 (Mgr), 3 (L), 4 (L)

Leo White


10800 Ellicott Rd. Phila, Pa 19154 632-6323 Our Lady of Calvary Soccer 1; lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; CSC 1, 2; Art Club 2; Ski Club 3, 4; Spirit Club 4

Gregory Wilhelm Mike Woodring

Leo White


RD # 5 Bergstrom Rd. Doylestown, Pa 18901 766-0647 Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Basketball 1, 2, 3 (L), 4 (L); Retreat Leader 4; Baseball 1; lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4

John Wilkins


123 McCarty Dr. Furlong, Pa 18925 345-7533 Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Soccer 1, 2, 3 (L); 4 (L); lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Scholas路 tic "L" 2

Bruce Wilson


1301 Cedar Hill Rd. Ambler, Pa 19002 628-9651 St. Alphonsus Soccer 1; Diving 1; Swimming 2, 3, 4

Michael Woodring


4593 "G" Street Phila, Pa 19120 744路5094 Holy Innocents Forensics 1, 2, 3, 4; Mathletes 3, 4; Yearbook 3, 4; lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Scholastic "L" 1, 2, 3

Matt Wentz


Francis W. Worthington


569 Applewood Drive Ft. Washington, PA 19034 646·4110 Queen of Peace Parish Football 1. 2 (L), 3 (L), 4 (L); Golf 2 (L), 3 (L), 4 (L); Track 1; lntrarnurals I, 2. 3. 4; Boxing 3; Diakonos 1; Scho· lastic "L" 1, 2. 3, 4.

David Woytak


1807 Chandler Street Phila., PA 19111 745·8351 Resurrection Parish lntrarnurals I. 2, 3, 4; Yearbook 4; Stage crew 4.

Michael Wright

Frank Worthington


7406 Hill Road Phila., PA 19128 IV2·4584 St. JosePh's Parish Cross·country 1; lntrarnurals I, 2, 3, 4; Crew 2, 3, 4; District Conference Chairman 4.

Gary R. Zegley


760 Lewis Lane Box 151 Blue Bell, PA 19422 641·1371 Epiphany of Our Lord Parish Crew I, 2, 3, 4; lntrarnurals 1, 2, 3, 4.

David Woytak

Michael Wright


Gary Zegley

Joseph P. Coakley,


He's all Yours now, Dear Lord, :::>urJoe, of rich potential, Your need for him, we must believe, Was of such great essential

We question not your choice of hearts, For none of us deny, That You have called the very best To stand now at Your side.

Respect for his intelligence, We had with blinded vision; And now you need it more than we A powerful decision.

"hat You took him now - away from us 1is family and friends 路o do far more important tasks, "hat just You comprehend.

A boy of love and joy and charm, But most of all, compassion His love of life and simple things Brought fruitful satisfaction.

Take care of him, Dear Lord, we pray, As memories we cherish, Fulfill his dreams and hopes and loves, For they can never perish.

His active mind and winning smile Won our hearts, hands down. To have him here for sixteen years was in itself profound.


OUOT Al3L~ OUOT~S Drew Asson: "Oh bloody hell!" ... No way ... gnarly man ...

cover the red ...

Chris Badali: "Yo Badal!" ... Tusk ... "I'll have to check my social calendar." ... "I had a feeling she would say that." ... "She's young, she'll bounce back." ...

Birdman .. .

Brian Barry: The Barr ... precursor to man ...

All·Catholic the clapper

soccer ...

Rob Batuyios: plastic hair ... Mr. Miller's best friend . . . nice Camara ...

Racer X

Sean Bennett: Seen Bennett ... "gym open?" .. . "got a quarter?" ... he's on ... "top of the hill?" .. . Disco ... William Biddle: Kooool ... Chucky love ... Eddie Murphy ...

no intelligent life here" ... tractor pulls at the Spec· trum, Spectrum, Spectrum ...

"hey, get loose ... ""Where's Buster?" ... The De of the Queen inside the cool school .. .

Mark Caliendo: King Caliendo ... wanna buy some gold? ... Tommo's agent ... Kappa Sig's Scabs ... WW4 .. .

John DePaul: Proud to be Italian ... "I don't thi

Thomas Callahan: Bunky's side kick ... cruises in

with Gizzi ... Fr. John ... little brother is taller .. .

Gary's Porsche ...

Thhhom ...

Doug Campbell: "Time to make the donuts"

... buys No-Doz from O'Toole ... loves the smell of leath· er and the feel of boots, or vice·versa .. .

Jim Campbell: Cams ... Ferguson ... "That's awe· some" ...

likes to eat soup ...

Terry Campbell: "Yes, that's right" ... Jeff is his best friend ... "Doncha know" ... King Minos ... Insect ... Supreme Fudd Hater .. .

Bob Biggans: Biggs ... sod ... slacker ... "Help me·

Bill Cantono: "I like to ski on ice" ... Mr. Politics ...

e·e!" ...

"Tremendous" ... superior soda in movie theatres .. .

"I've got a tough match"


Walt Billia: "Let's go out for lunch"

... does he bleach his hair or dye his eyebrows? ... "no problem" ... "Doubt it!" ... Doylestown ... "sounds muy bien to me" ... BIN .. .

Joe Black: taught Steve how to play guitar ... "Hey, how ya doin'?" ...

Trilogy ...

Stephen Blatney: one of Ken's men ... Blat ... 50 colleges visited, 100 to go ... nice elbow ... Blatnex

Michael C. Boland: Where's the party, Mike? Ski trip ... ''I'm not that fat!" ... Didn't you used to hate Liz?

Michael P. Boland: Europe ... towelgirl ... "skiing" ... Calgary '88 ... "My kind of town is Chicago" .. .

Mike Brace: "Can I get extra credit in English?" .. . uses the same wardrobe as Woodring ... Brace your· self ... Baseball manager? ...

Joe Bradley: Point me to the nearest Acme ... "How's life in the cellar, Joe?" ...

Chris Branscome:

How many fieldgoals did you kick? ... the bug ... the Cricket Club ... A.M. crew

. . . Owes Bro. James Steck money ...

Chris Breslin: the Bres ... permanent neck brace ... Breslin's Speed Shop ... "I got a bargain for ya" Randy Brown: what was that Randy, speak up ... "You otta take that act on the road" ...

Abuse! ...


Norman Carpenter: U2 ... Stormin' ... Yardley ... Harry Caruso: Hardguy ... cruiser .. . Joe Cassidy: any relation to Butch, Sean, or Dave? ... Cass ... suburban transplant ... basketball during lunch .. .

Joe Cattie: Caddy wampus ... "Where'd you get the red marks on your neck, Joe?" ... Competes for girls with his dad ...

Rich Cellucci: "Want some soda, Rich?" ... O'Toole's buddy ... friends tonight."

Mr. "I'm going out with my other

ming or X·Country?"

Mr. Soccer ...

John Depman: Mr. CSC ... slinky II ... works c likes to shake hands .

Joe Derham: The Salt Collector ... "Jump Back". "Joke -

Aaaaaah!" ... "It was funny when ... " .

let's watch a Joan Collins' movie .. .

Vince Desimone: Vinny ... killer ... spends a lot time with Mr. Diehl ... gets laryngitis frequently . Eric Dicianno: Captain Pasta ... the man with t pink car ... "Where'd he come from?" ... Deacer. Pina·Farina ... 80 beers .. .

Dan Diehl: d x d equals d' ... never confused ... "I the way, how did you get into LaSalle" ... "Got to to Sugarloaf to get the car" ... Patty's Puppy ..

Bill Dierkes: "This is your Capt. speaking. We'll flying at an altitude of ... " ... "No no no no!" ... h the fastest time to Roy Roger's .. . Mark Dinda: Kid Giggy ... Tuna ... "I was victi1 ized!" ... broccoli·man ... NOT ... Cookies a1 Cream shakes ... "This office is a pig·sty!" ... "St, blowing off Giggy!" ... Ganga Dinda ...

Jim Dobrydnia: Scooby ... "I didn't like it when was done to me, so I don't want to do it to anybo, else" ... B.M.O.C. ... "Maiden's coming dude."

Mark Dombkoski: Domb ... cookies ... Great tin

Mark Chadwick: "What's it gonna be Mark, Swim· ...

Sprinkler Dance! ...

Jeff Clarke: "It's so cooool! I have 27 tests today!"

at the G.A.D .... "Huh?" wants to see you ...


"Oh, God" ...


Lou Donofrio: Trisha ... "What are you doing t~

... Terry is his best friend ... Patton was his mentor . .. Domino sugar overdose .. .

weekend, Lou?" ... "What's your GPA" ... "Your gay times three." ... Pulls for fun .. .

Dan Cleary: Spaz ... almost All·Catholic ... "Can I

Chris Doran: "You look marvelous"

have a ride?" ... G.U ....

"What's wrong with bowling?"


has a clone brother .. .

Mike Colmenar: Julius Caesar ... Fu Man Chu ... "When's our ecology trip?" ... ... voluminous ...

... Mail Frat ... ''I'll get the salami" ... Spain ... Doran Doran .

Pete Dougherty:

Jim Coleman: "Where's Joe?" ... Gremlin ... Plaid manic ...

Jim Brennan: Jim who? ... "let me borrow a pencil"


so" ...

shephard ... He's a lumber ja, and he's O.K .... "who has the ring now?" ... Cyclo ... " ... but I love you" .. .

Mike Doyle: Dike Moyle ... Pink Chucks ... shag!

"ooh cool mustang"

Craig Conlin: Mell ... Craiger ... Yooo, dude, uncool . . . Yo, wassup?

Chris Dudzek: "Dud" ... tastycake ... Bacon bi for breakfast ... Who is it this week, Dud? ... had sack with milk cartons ...

Bill Corsello:

nice van; The love MA·CHEEN ... "what? she has no eyes??" ... Darryl ... "I'm going out with the wife." ... Skywalker ...

Chuck Eisler: Charles T. Eisler, Jr. ... Sgt. Slaugh! . .. earthquake ... Luca Brazzi ... All salt diet . "Got my cob, my Linc." ... WW3 ... Chris Elser: One of Ken's men ... Adolf ... thinks I

Vince Burger: Mr. Squidly ... "Yooooo Man." ...

Steve Darcy: ... Budweiser ... spends a lot of time in the sandtraps ... the Darce ... "I want the back seat in the scamp." .. .

Art Burke: "Groovy" ... "This is like, so ridiculous"

Frank Davey: "I'm so confused" ... "But Mr. Friz,

President of America ...

... "hey Art, get out of the sixties" ... "To an extent" . . . Moose ...

it's not just a job, it's an adventure." ... so smooth with the ladies ... "Where's my Physics book?" .. .

Stanley Faison: "Fuzzy" ... shops at Bloomies .

Leon Byrne: screwy Leon ... "Beam me up Scotty,

Marty Dean: never learned to tie his boot laces .. .

Dave Buonomo: Pedro ... "Bro. John's going to kick me out of the N.H.S." ... "Hey, Bo, come up for air" ... "I don't know how I got it, I haven't kissed any· body" ...


can play the bass ...

Gary Fackler: What more can we say ...

Futu Loves Ronald Reagan.

Velcro ... "you know its chic·er" ... "Oh, you ju don't know" ... "you need discipline" ... Scanley.

oves his Muse ...

keep Regli awake in Physics ... to a Mustang ...

im Farris: hermit ... Ronald McDonald ... im Fighera: "da popes" ... Figgy ... typing ack's car (10 pg. report) ... the hollow man ...


like Filippone:

Flip ... "Sure I can take a turn at 90 see no, think no ...

1ph" ...

,ill Finnegan:

stretch ... Who can walk in Finne· an's wake? ... the harder they fall the taller they 1ake ...

like Flannery:

nice car ... Tex ... "I'll meet ya" ... Your toyin'" ... who was the soccer captain this ear? ... Mom, Dad ... Flan

d Fozo: Crazy Eddie ... sharky ... Fozy Bear ... ves under a bridge ... Yardley .. . ohn Frampton:

thinks he can row ... "What's Top·

er up too?" ...

like Galante:

prefers a motorcycle

Tim Helmick: Bowlers Anonymous . . . "Yo Tim, excuse yourself."



get that caterpillar off your lip .. . pseudo facial hair ... He's the man with the horn .. .

Dave Herbert: tried to be an Iranian ... authority on likes to pray a lot ...

Jim Hoban: Hobie ... hoops ... Human beat box ... wishes he were black ...

Mr. Glide ...

nice guy ...

Mike Hynes: Hynsie ... Toucan Sam ... Recently divorced ... "I love 7th Guidance-Comedy." "Mike, stop feeling your chest." ... Nick Intintolo:

Band is his life ...




:hris Gannon: Mr. Homeroom teacher ... "Basical· ," ... Hugh Jr. ... Talks a lot but never says any· 1ing ... pretends to be a member of the Forum ... innis is his life ...

:evin Garrity: Skid, Crash, "Sorry Dave" ... pseudo iend of Dave O'Brien ...

aul Gibbons: " ... what is called ... " ... "Do you ave your keys?" ... askin Robbins .. .

"Are we eating out today?" ...

>ave Gingrich:

Ging ... Gingy ... "I don't care herm" ... Get a clue! ... baby Lisa ... "We'll have inch" ... biggest hop from 1st to 3rd .. .

om Gizzi: Gizmo ... Tom Gizzi H.S ....

"so Tom, Monchichi .. .

ho came to visit you at Duke?" ...

Starsky . . . "Can't go, gotta see Judy" ... Taco Bell ... "Krol, where's my radio?" .. . out the window ... Zipper Kid ... strikeout king .. .

Chris Janssen: Service was bad wasn't it ... "like my Car?" ... "She's the best baby" ... 'Tm account· ing on you too get me threw this course" Charlie Karstens: Tattoo ... Talbot's Bio Buddy ... walks under cafeteria turnstiles ... Largest collection of dripless coffee cups ... Whovian ... Chris Keefe: plastic hair ... 100% wool sweaters ... "C.P." ... works in the only Preppie gas station in Maple Glen ... still has the plastic on his back seats ... "Queefe" ... El locutor ...

Rob Kellogg: "I'll have the platter, please!" ... "the G.P." ...

"Oh ...

I don't know"

Brennan Kelly: Beaker ... Rogelio ... Cale B.C. ...

im Godin: "Where do you live Ian?" ... bad·boys .. .

Dave Kelly: U2 ... Popeye ... Red Rider ... Yardley

)Ok nook ... "The party's over" iwish" ... cotton mouth ...

Tom Kenney: talks too much in English ... good with


"She is not

ete Gollmer: Band and Football? How do you man· Je that Pete? ...

"Hey Pete, got the lab?"

ohn Grady: A. J ....

washes Les Burke's car ... .Vhat's Camp Neidig?" ... J. G.

im Gunn: "Shaaat·up" ·other ...

... Gunner ... wants to be a model ...

eith Haarmeyer: ~ht ...

Keef ...

has a clone

"His lights went out" ... always Mr. Politics II ... "Go away" ...

oe Hackman:

Hacker ... video taped every episode the Brady Bunch ...

ave Hannum: Sludge ... has he ever showed up in Joi class? ...

:m Hartey: Yardely ... Hartley ... Bartly ... Fritos . Party Hartey .. .

m Hasson: Buffy ... KOBbler ... the Toe ... every· 1e's mom loves him ... baby face ... Tex's buddy . "When's the wedding" ... Song .. .

om Heasley: Purple Hease ... "Yo Tom where you ,in'" ... never think he was from the Northeast ... im made for an interesting marriage class ... Ask im for stories about Mike ...

ob Heinz: 57 Varieties ... Jack's friend ... tries to

Studs ...


my mouth"


flaming shot ...

Ed Lopez: "But he was in my lane" ... be serious ... "good side of Chestnut Hill" ... "no joke" ... skiing ... oh good ... "unbelievable" .. .

Austin Lynch: Dutch Boy Paints ... carries his back· pack backwards


Andy Makoid: "(uh) Kennedy" ... "I love Physics"

Mike Hoban: not related to Jim ... Bro. Bill's buddy ...

Paduga ... Lumbie ... out with the Mustang, in with the Porsche ...

Jim Lonergan:

Karl Hentschel:

hair styles ...

Jim Lombard: the devil ... life as a working man ...

his fingers

... ponies ... "Nick, want a ride" ... The Green Mon· ster . . . "Can I have your Math homework" .. . cheese/crackers ... "A in Math!!! - in your face" .. .

Kirby Mallon: Slurpy ... fubar ... "Yo Dud, like, you were way up there." ... closets."

Steve Masucci: Were livin' now!" ... Soooch ... "Yo man, you gotta burn?" ... Shlubie ... Likes extreme violence ... Ron Matthew: Ron Baldstein ... Hulkmania run wild . .. Double decker P·B and J ... O'Grady's chips ... a doughnut ... Nutty buddy ... "do you have to spill the water?" ... Dirtball ... Frank Matticola:

"Where's your book Frank?" .. . Wants to be in the NFL ... "Did you see Boland?" .. .

Rob McAlese: "How ya doing clammy" ... Nice par· ty at Francine's ... "Sam treated you well" ... "Visa or Master Charge?" Brian McAndrews: has full length mirror in locker ... has lifetime subscription to GQ ... buys clothes at Artie's ... Fashion plate .. . Brian McCaffrey: Potsie ... not McCafferty ... late bloomer for Forum ... "Oh baby" ... "Villanova shoulda' beat Georgetown!" Tim McCoy: the Real McCoy ... wrestler ... BONES ...

Dennis Kerns: Jump ... David Lee Kerns ... "Is that Sting?" ...

"Cops, does this place have

"Go on a diet." ...

Kevin McGann: Wants to be a model ... Mark Spitz . .. Smoke stack

John Kissane: Freak out ... Hurricane ... Kisson ...


McGlynn: "Is that a real exhaust?"

"The Scamp" ... a little foamy ... drives with his elbows ... "Keep the change NA TE" ... Jonny K ...

Chuck Mcilhinney:

John Kodsi: nice balsa·wood catapault ... A.M. crew

. .. "Whatever

... made an appointment his nose ...

Marty McKenzie: "I haven't had a good fire in two weeks" ... Smarty ... What's the date ... turn the beeper off ...

with his father because of


Tom Kolsun: M.F.P. M.L. ... Millenium Falcon ... Ron's brother ... Old Milwaukee. Mike Kuchenmeister: his own eyes ...

"kuch" JC Bady ...




Crew ... Lightweight happened to the Jr. 4?"

Tim McNamara:




4 Champs

easy -


ishes hard" ...

Dan McNeff: "Dad, only a few people are coming

Matt Kulak: nice guy ... Karmen Ghia ... idolizes

over." ...

6th period hoops .. .

Mr. Rad ...

Mike Mehlmann: ... soooie ... manana ... Fury ...

John LaRocca: "Put some money on it" ... "But we

Whalen's pub ...

were on retreat" ... 5 bucks ... Rock ... did I hit?" ... Ho! .. .

Frank Meis: The Grabber ... Lives at Bell's Mills ...

"Who's car

Joe Leiss: "yo Joe talk with your mouth, not your hands" ...

Yardley .. .

"and then the dude tackled Meis before he got into the room" ... Spiderman!!! "Who are you?"

Chris Miles: Yardley ...

Hondo ...

Yo ...


Chris Leister: "I wish I had a gun""


week ...

John Millard: "Heh, heh, heh, heh" ... nice mustang

be a maween ...

... " Nice senior Sgt. Slaughter ...



the Analyst ...

Bill Regli: "Zzzz ... " ... nice calculator ... "Qua!"

budding movie producer ...

Mike Miller: "nice Jr. Prom date" ... where'd you get your jacket ... knows all the chicks at Gwynnedd ... tried out for every sport

Chuck Minnich: Likes Italian women ... I really don't remember New Year's Eve ... Tex Buster ... Nice Committee ... A-Tendencies ... "Dad, can you help me with my filing system" ... "What, no car this week Chuck" ... Carter Mobile Frank Monahan: "Bev says ...

" ... Wilhelm's brother ... Astro ... basketball star? ... "Wanna go to High Point?" .. .

Jack Morasco: Whack . . . Peter Puck is his best friend ... "Goin' for a ride" ... goin' down the hole ... Frank Morrell: voice cracks at age 17 ... daddy long legs ... likes Chicken McNuggets ... Ferzla ... Caca


Frank Reilly: Reil ... Yo, Reil ... Many Nicknames ... Scansion Champ ... Who? ... 25% of AP Latin Class ... Geiger's best friend ... Devoted Editor ... Jack of All Trades; Master Of All ... The Far Side Steve Rietzke: hamburger helper ... Carter's ... A - tendencies ... "Involvement, be serious" ... Tex buster ... Mrs. Funchion's pal .. .

Glenn Walter: "Disregard this Generation becau



chaka khan ... Debbie loves you


Bernie Saxon: "Heh, heh, heh!" ... the lime green

Frankie! ...

Mr. Niceguy ...


drove to O'Hara .. .


Dandy outfit Bob! .. .

Frank Schreader: investigation ... Yardley ... I love soooie ...

Pat Schull: Eaban Squbb ... sun sollistic thurfaces ... that "was" a nice SE ... Going to practice today Pat? ... Bobbin' and weavin' ... Kerem Sezer: Who? ...

last name is really Abdul Jabar ... just bought a fez on his way to Mecca ...

Gerry O'Kane: "Let's go clubbing" ... salad bar ...

Rich Sherman: Guido's right hand man ... wants to

"Do you have your Spanish money yet?" ... Ger, she's a goddess."

be editor for Sports Illustrated ... B·ball, B·ball, B·ball?


Greg Olbrich: goes to Europe for senior week ...

Pete Sigmund: woot! ... "Ziggy" ... Skip ... ldenti·


ty crisis? ...

see the Flyers game?" ...

Pretty ...

Jeff Ottaviano:

"That's gay." ... "Get off your knees because there ain't no God in heaven." ...

Doug Passanante: your head much? ...

Ozzy ... smash windows with Caash!! ... tractor pull ...

Keith Pensabene:

"we were jammin"' ... Bene .. . ladies' man ... sit·ups ... it's baseball, drink 'Lite' .. .

Steve Petrokubi: "Yo dude, listen to this" ... some people can't hold their popcorn ...

Ed Pettit: always wears black . . . Mr. Chaw ... house-wrecker ... Tex ... rock smasher ... good ol' Olney boy ... loves Spectrum wrestling ... cowboy Ed ... left his horse double-parked ...

Dan Pickard: "What, a math analysis test?" ... Let's go to Europe ... 0.C. car killer ... Mr. morality ... "O.K., the trips a little longer than I thought" ... invisi· ble basketball ...

Jim Price: Zorro the Blade ... the rock ... God I miss Henryetta ... Marty's pet ... How was the Gong Show Pricey? .. .

Fran Rafter: "How much did the car cost?" ... "Is he really your cousin?" ... shut up, you talk too much Fran ... White Mustang .. . Layout ...



Just Busywork"


John Skibiak: Skibi ... "Foooood!!!" hands ...

"I got a joke for you" ...

Steve Stabilito: Judy Wiesensl ...

Heeeh?!? ... the Cloud


... like them Skibs ...

Thuper ...

Holly ...

John Stanczak: 'Tm working on it" ... ''I'll have the Gold Patrons by Monday." ... Says "you know" too much in Post-War ... Mini Marty ... Marty's son ...

Rich Steinmetz:

fast car .. .

Andy Ragusa: Goose ... Chuck E. Cheez ...

"Ya think so?" ...

Stein cousin ... friend is a model ...

Bigfoot ...



nice perm

haircut ...

Steve Sassaman:

Mark Neff: "Neffer"

Loved Atlanta ...

Schlange ...

Uhmmm ... "Sounds good to me" ...

the election ...

Spaz ...

Kurt Vonderschmalz: Rob Walser:

Future Latin scholar ... gnat ... Nargasm ... I have to work now" ...

Dave O'Brien: Hole ... the Albino's friend ... Tara

Leroy ...

Rob Tokar: Say "thanks" to the usher! ... It's betl than coming on the porch ... Wants to grow up . Well known at Roy Roger's ... "How's the SOL Rob?" ...

"Have you seen my sister?" .. .

Bob Schaefer: Criff ... Bill ... Rob ... almost won

am" ...

Roy Rogers .. Yo Roy ...

Chris Romano: Domino ... Eddie Munster ... get a

Paul l'lahrgang: Ziggy Jr. ... Play it again, Sam ...

Mark Oberholzer: Obie ... Flagman ... "I am, who


Bernie's best friend ...

machine ... "Ah, let me see those notes" ... shadow ... never missed practice .. .


Roy Thompson: "Got your Accounting homework

Larry Roman: the Bean Stalk ... the Deer Hunter ...

Kevin Morrison: Riv ...

... "Hey Mark, have fun in Ger·

thy rules" ... "What ever" ... always has to disagr

Peter Gabriel freak .. .


O.K ..

you shoved it down our throats" .. F.O.D .... Ho·hc best friend ... spike ... what ever happened to tt quiet kid we knew as a freshman ... Don't drink, do, smoke, what do you do? .. .

Cliff Ward: Chem Comedy ... nice tan ... Why c you quit crew? ... A.M. crew ... Biff ... "Don't I ha homework to do?" ... Mark Warner: Rex begonia ... 7·11 champ ... ma the shark ...

"Aw, man!" ...

Ferarri brother .. .

Mark Washko: flowers from Illinois ... go on cruis much? ... Dracula ... prop man ... lives at 7· 11 ... always wanted to read the gay news" ... "not t involved" ... Just out of curiosity ...

Paul Waters: all water under the bridge ... MathlE of the century ... H2 0 ... "Jude" or "Joke" ... Matt Wentz: nice smock ... eco team ... pitmob ...

Matt-man ...

Peace ...

empty barrel .. .

Leo White: "Yo Leo" ... nice hair ... brother hac nice Camaro ...

eco·team ...

"What?, no!" .. .

Greg Wilhelm: Dill ... Scraps ... nice chick ... far er ...

out of the wood work ...

hoops .. .

John Wilkins: the third ... soccer star ... cow·t ping ... "Lafayette, here I come" ... ... Doylestown ... curls ...

"Can of cor

Bruce Wilson: holds expensive parties, very expE sive parties ...

"nice car Bruce" ...

Mike Woodring: Woody ... "You're cuter withe your glasses," says Cindy ... "Yeahh, that's goo . .. John Grace's son ... "Don't do that again, buckc

Glenn Stockmal: "Yo Glen, shut up" ... Benny ... Bill Stout: "I can't, I got some homework" ... sleeps best on 309 ... $75 physics lab ... Monica's boyfriend . . . Huey Lewis ... fish ... nice girls car ... WW2 ...

Frank Worthington: set Guiness record for loyal

Darrin Suder: beer and pretzels ... Yardely ... "Der·

Dave Woytak: "Black is ... " ... "Still friends wi

wood" ...

Rob Petrowictz?" . . . "Hey Chuck, could I have ride?" ... Nutri·Shake ... mein herr ...

metalhead ...

Copito de Nieve .. .

John Suter: Bones ... crew ... "I can't go out this

. .. sleeps with his basketball ... stuffs his chest wi socks ... 'trum ...

weekend, I have to work" ... Doreen ... very loyal ... not Darrin ... "Ya damn Kid!" ... Chester ...

Mike Wright: "Computer dating, it really works" .

Dan Sweeney:

Gary Zegley: Stang ... always last on the list .

"I'd like some ... . . . love that red hair ...

" ... nice scooter

Fred Sweeney: up?" ...

no relation to Dan ... "Yo what's likes to give people the peace sign .. .

Mark Syms: "There's a spot on your shirt" ... "Apa·

"Eeeh" ... Zegs ...


.. .


CJ21:l)ITS EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Mark C. Dinda EDITOR Francis J. Reilly


Steve Rietzke

MODERATOR Mr. William A. Geiger

LAYOUT EDITOR Andrew J. Ragusa



Pete Dougherty

Walt Billia



John Stanczak


WRITERS Jeff Beck Joe Black Chris Branscome Terry Campbell Dan Cleary Steve Darcy John Depman Lou Donofrio Jim Hasson Karl Hentchel Jim Hoban Mike Hoban Chris Keefe Mark Oberholzer Jeff Ottaviano Craig Pomplas Rich Sherman Bill Stout John Suter Chris Vanzandt Alan Walsh Paul Waters Mike Woodring Dave Woytak



Jeff Beck Chuck Biddle lhor Chernyk Oleh Chernyk

Jeff Beck Steve Blatney Mike Colmenar Jim Devine Paul Gibbons Jim Harley Marty McKenzie Mike Woodring Joe Young

Mr. Pat Devine Jim Devine Bob Heinz Paul Minecci Bill Reindhart Bro. Jim Steck Karl Werner

LAYOUT Mike Anderer John Chun Joe Fafara Bob Franks Doug Gregor Tom Heasley Todd Hellmann Joe Irwin Charles Karstens

BUSINESS Dave Buonomo Terry Campbell Stan Faison Dave Gingrich Jim Gunn Chuck Minnich Paul Nahrgang Mark Oberholzer Dave Smith


Mike Kelly Matt Lochetto Jeff Ottaviano Greg Scandone Glen Walter Paul Waters Rob Weikel Mike Woodring Dave Woytak

Stan Faison Frank Reilly

Special Thanks to: Mr. Charles Hilpl and Mrs. Peggy Braca for understanding

the inadequacies of our Business Editor.

Brother Andrew for finally getting his letter in, and to Mr. Diehl and Bro. Jim Rieck, for their help. Mr. Mike Maicher for darkroom assistance, and Mr. Jim Devine for pictures. Bob (Marion Campbell) Davine for his yearbook knowhow and his wife Rita for her culinary delights. Abe, Gemma, and June at Davor Photo for the fine quality of their work. The Math Department for tolerating thin walls. Rizzo's Pizza, Pizza City, Pizza Hut ... Mr. and Mrs. Dinda for providing a Yearbook flop house. Anyone who has purchased this book and anyone else we forgot to mention.

Yearbook soundtrack available on RCA records and tapes.


f30LI) VA. Tl20~S Mr. and Mrs. William C. Kuhn The Anderer Family Mr. and Mrs. William J. Lahr Mr. and Mrs. James Archibald Mr. and Mrs. Ronald J. Lauck Mr. and Mrs. Vincent F. Barth Dr. and Mrs. Walter F. Lee Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Beveridge Mr. and Mrs. Edward Lemanowicz Mr. and Mrs. Rody Billia Mr. and Mrs. John Londergan Mr. and Mrs. James E. Blount Mr. and Mrs. George Loos Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Bray Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Alan Lovgren Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Bullick Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Lucidi Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Buonomo Mr. and Mrs. Walter A. Lutz Mr. and Mrs. Louis Burgoyne Mrs. Elaine Mackowiak Mr. and Mrs. John L. Burke Mr. and Mrs. James A. Madden Mr. and Mrs. Joseph T. Byrne Mr. and Mrs. Pierre J. Marcolina Mr. and Mrs. William J. Campion Mr. and Mrs. James G. McElligott Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Canavan Mr. and Mrs. William McFadden Dr. and Mrs. George J. Capaldi Mr. and Mrs. Arthur McGonagle Mr. and Mrs. Michael Casey Mr. and Mrs. James R. Melinson Mr. and Mrs. George C. Casper Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Miehle Mr. and Mrs. Gerald J. Coghlan Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Minecci Mr. and Mrs. Francis J. Crane Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Morrissey Mr. and Mrs. Charles T. Croney Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. O'Hanlon Mr. and Mrs. John J. Cunningham Mr. and Mrs. Edward M. Patrone Mr. Lawrence W. Daly Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Pileggi Mr. and Mrs. Philip A. DeMara Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Poehlmann Dr. and Henry G. De Vincent Mr. and Mrs. Lewis R. Porreca Mr. and Mrs. James Devine Mr. and Mrs. Harry Portland Mr. and Mrs. Walter M. Dinda Mr. and Mrs. Andrew C. Ragusa Mr. and Mrs. Pierce Dopkin Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin D. Redd Mr. and Mrs. James E. Dougherty Dr. and Mrs. George Reichard Mr. and Mrs. Donald Duffy Mr. and Mrs. Davis E. Reichert Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Dunleavy Mr. Francis Reilly Mr. and Mrs. Arthur W. Etchells Mr. and Mrs. Jon T. Rietzke Mr. and Mrs. William Fahy Mr. and Mrs. William Romano Mr. and Mrs. Harry Fisher Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Romano Mr. and Mrs. William Fogg Mr. and Mrs. James R. Russell Dr. and Mrs. David L. Forde Mr. and Mrs. Henry E. Rzemieniewski The Geiger Family Mr. and Mrs. Carmen V. Sarno Mr. and Mrs. Jerold A. Glick Mr. and Mrs. Eugene M. Sawicky Mr. and Mrs. Harry F. Green Mr. and Mrs. Bernard A. Saxon Dr. and Mrs. Frank A. Gregor Mr. and Mrs. Vincent G. Schaeffer Mr. and Mrs. Robert Griffith Dr. and Mrs. Joseph Guagliardo Mr. and Mrs. Leslie E. Schmalbach Mr. and Mrs. Charles Seravalli Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth J. Hackman Mr. and Mrs. John J. Siliquini Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Haldis Mr. and Mrs. William J. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Halfpenny Mr. and Mrs. Albert J. Solecki Mr. and Mrs. Elmer F. Hansen Mr. and Mrs. Martin W. Stanczak Mr. and Mrs. Steven R. Hanson Mr. and Mrs. Henry J. Hellmann Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Sullivan Mr. and Mrs. William E. Herron Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Sullivan Dr. and Mrs. John A. Susanin Mr. and Mrs. Aloysius Hillanbrand Mr. and Mrs. Harry J. Tafe Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Hofmann Mr. and Mrs. Walter S. Thomas Mrs. Dorothy Erwin Dr. and Mrs. Joseph T. Thompson Mr. and Mrs. William Juba Mr. and Mrs. Walter F. Tiernan Mr. and Mrs. William F. Kershner Mr. and Mrs. Mark Timmerman Mr. and Mrs. Stephen J. Kiszely Mr. and Mrs. John M. Uhland Mr. and Mrs. John Kleinfelder Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Wilson Mr. and Mrs. Richard Koebert Mr. and Mrs. William F. Kruckenberger Mr. and Mrs. William S. Wonsiewski Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Woodring


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